An Invitation to Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies
Edward Curtin

In lieu of writing reviews of their own books – with the exception of Walt Whitman, who did that with Leaves of Grass – writers often write introductions or prefaces.
The purpose of such introductions is to give the prospective readers a sense of what to expect in the pages that follow, as if the author knew exactly what he was writing when he was writing it, as if he weren’t waylaid by words along the way, or could possibly know what a reader may experience when reading them.
In a way, I too have done that, even while knowing that all writing, if it is any good, is a leap into the relative dark, both for the writer and the reader. We can’t know beforehand how either will affect us. What changes us in life and in books is always surprising.
Who knows?
The following is the Introduction to my new book, Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies. I offer it here as an invitation to consider joining me in the book so we may seek together. Sort of like Whitman’s invitation:
Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,/ To jump off in the midst of the sea, and rise again and nod to me and shout, and /laughingly dash with your hair.
In putting together this selection of essays, I was reminded of what Albert Camus once wrote:
A man’s work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.”
While I do not claim that all these essays are art, they are my efforts to say in the most eloquent way I can what really has mattered to me in recent years, not just politically but personally, since they are entwined. Upon reflection, I see that what matters to me now is what mattered to me when I was young. Although the issues have changed in certain ways as they must, I have not—unless, or because, my wanderings through life with all its changes have paradoxically meant, in Nietzsche’s words, that I have been becoming who I am.
This seems true to me, and the essaying of the words that follow are part of that becoming. Ortega y Gassett once said that “whether he be an original or a plagiarist, man is the novelist of himself.” I agree.
While a book of essays is not a novel, if read in its entirety, it does tell a story that reveals the times and the man who tells them; it expresses two stories simultaneously. And each story, if told well, always has a double dimension, the old and the new. Every life and every event is disclosed in an historical context, now and then and all the time in between.
While hoping I am an original, I know that I have learned and borrowed from many others. My greater hope is that what I say here is said in a way no other could, that it bears my original stamp. That it is novel. For I am convinced that we cannot grasp the unique nature of our current era simply by repeating straightforward political analyses.
That approach is necessary but not enough. For it leaves out the hidden heart of a world that seems to be spinning madly toward some kind of denouement. It omits all the little thoughts, secrets, fears, and desires of so many people who wish to speak but can’t find the words to express their thoughts.
From a young age, I have been obsessed with truth, death, and freedom. As I recall, those words have been synonymous for God for many thinkers. So I suppose you could say that I have always been intoxicated with God or for God, or maybe God has been intoxicated with me. I don’t know, nor do I care to: knowledge is overrated. I know what I feel.
My concerns have been those of many writers throughout the ages — poets, rebels, journalists, philosophers, passionate writers of every stripe, desperados for truth and a peaceful world of love and kindness. Those I have admired the most, believers or unbelievers — it is often hard to tell the difference, nor does it matter—were those who dismissed categories, distinctions, or labels, but who wrote freely because for them to write freely was to live freely and not to be caged by anyone’s restrictions as to what they should be saying or how they were saying it.
For them truth was their God, and through the weaving of words down a page they were always seeking to disclose what was hidden from common sight. They used language to open up cracks in the consensus reality that the great poet and writer Kenneth Rexroth called the “social lie”:
Since all society is organized in the interest of exploiting classes and since if men knew this they would cease to work and society would fall apart, it has always been necessary, at least since the urban revolutions, for societies to be governed ideologically by a system of fraud.”
Indeed, we live in the era of massive fraud where the trans-national wealthy elites, led by the American war and propaganda machine, continue to try to convince the gullible that they are saviors of humanity even as they lie and cheat and murder by the millions.
So what follows are my efforts to unearth the fraud, while celebrating the beauty of life and telling little stories here and there that I hope exemplify its comedy and tragedy. I am always experimenting every time I sit down to write. Not consciously, since I let inspiration guide me. Often, as I think is evident in many pieces, thoughts come to me when walking, and from those initial thoughts comes the path I follow, not knowing exactly where I am headed. Some of these essays are highly intellectual and structured; some, straightforwardly political; others are meanderings that seek to express essential truths I sense in the telling.
The process feels physical to me. It has a feel and smell. A rhythm. Like a song. Like a dawdling walk in the woods or by a flowing river. If I call them all essays, it is to indicate that they are my attempts, my experiments, my experience (Latin: exigere: trial, attempt, try) to disclose to myself and anyone who might read them what is going on in the world that I find important and worth investigating. To use my artistic and sociological imagination to connect the dots between the personal and the social and in so doing to say something worth sharing with others.
Whatever my ostensible starting point — a major event, a book, an experience — you can usually be sure that by the time you have read to the end of the piece, I will have branched off down by-ways that lead to other trails that eventually reconnect to the main path. Or so I hope. While I usually see how the roads all lead back to one, sometimes I only intuit it and the reader is left to do the reconnoitering alone.
I think this is good. For while these essays are set in ink within the covers of a book, verbal tenses and ink can be misleading. They suggest that the author’s quest is over, that what motivated the initial words is past, that the case is closed and the reader and writer are dead-heads satisfied with their knowingness. For me, that is far from true. The paradox of having written these essays is that I have tried to do so in language that evokes in the reader the exhilaration I felt in writing them, and that such aliveness will be carried into the world as rebellion against war and injustice.
I have arranged the essays in no particular order, except to begin and end with a few that tell you something about me. I think it is always good to have some deeper sense of who the author is whose words you are reading, beyond the brief notices on the back of books.
These essays cover a wide variety of topics: propaganda, wars, government assassinations, work, nature, time, the CIA, silence, poetry, digital dementia, etc. They range far and wide, as I try to connect the scattered dots to draw a coherent picture of our world today. Since I write with no particular goal in mind except truth as I see it, perhaps readers would be best served by randomly choosing a piece and seeing where it might lead them.
As with living, I suspect that reading is best done somewhat randomly in the hope that one experiences a sense of liberation in the process. I have scattered some satirical pieces throughout to add a bit of levity to serious matters and hope the reader will not mistake their “authors” for the real me. But if so, that would add to the humor, something we need to survive.
Three authors whom I hold in high esteem and whose names I mention numerous times in this book are John Berger, Albert Camus, and James W. Douglass.
Berger is often described as a Marxist art critic, but such an appellation is misleading, for he was much more than that. While always situating his analyses in historical and cultural contexts, and never forgetting the class structure that underlies the cruel capitalistic order, he was acutely aware that consumerism and therefore global capitalism, as well as philosophical materialism, rested upon a “materialist fantasy” that denied the spiritual power of evil and the spiritual power of good to respond.
As a counter-weight, Berger always made sure to cling close to human reality and include what he called “enclaves of the beyond” in his writing. These were often the marginalized hiding places of hope where the spiritual faith in human love and solidarity was nourished and sustained despite the world’s evil.
Albert Camus was very similar in many ways. An avowed atheist with a spiritual core, he was an artistic anarchist with a passionate spiritual hunger and an austere and moral Don Juan. He could not be pigeonholed. This drove many crazy.
His allegiance was to truth, not ideologies. He tried to fight injustice while extolling life’s beauty and the human search for happiness. He grasped the essence of the ever-recurring plague that evildoers inflict upon the world. He was preoccupied with death, freedom, and an absent God, but never gave up hope and insisted that rebellion was the only honorable course. Yet the fight against the plague must go on; that was Camus’ message.
If not, you will be destroyed by your own complicity in evil.
James W. Douglass, although a writer of a more overt spiritual sensibility, continues to write brilliantly about “the unspeakable” that has been used to cover-up the US government’s assassinations of its greatest anti-war leaders: JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, and RFK. The unspeakable is a term coined by the Trappist monk Thomas Merton in the mid-1960s. He meant it to point to a systemic evil that permeates American society that defies speech:
It is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said; the void that gets into the language of public and official declarations at the very moment when they are pronounced, and makes them ring dead with the hollowness of the abyss. It is the void out of which Eichmann drew the punctilious exactitude of his obedience…”
It is, in other words, the plague that is us when we live in the nest of the unspeakable as obedient servants of the American Empire. Douglass makes the plague manifest in order to give us hope, and in speaking the unspeakable, he shows us both the radical evil and the redemptive courage that we are all capable of.
I mention these three brilliant writers here to say how grateful I am for their work. There are many others, of course, whom you will encounter in the course of reading these essays. For even when we write alone, even when we think we walk alone, we are always following in others’ footsteps.
As Camus says in one of his short stories, it is hard to distinguish between solitary and solidary.
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“While psychopaths appear to use the same language as normal individuals, they have their own inner logic. They calculate the world around them in terms of self-gain. They are society’s vampires. They may be intoxicated rather than repulsed by the idea of targeting humans and picking them off, because it makes them feel powerful. Their agendas have no analogues in the normal world. That means developing a careful mode of communication.”
An artist is an artist and a critic is a critic.
As Goethe said, an artist does not criticise his own work.
I have never met a hunter of deer in the USA who didn’t butcher his deer and put it in the freezer.
The primary predator of deer in North America have been wolves. As the Canadian naturalist, Farley Mowat, pointed out in his book, Never Cry Wolf, as well as the movie which was surprisingly good and I recommend for the reading impaired, the wolf protects the healh of the caribou. Predation by rifle hunters is not as ecologically sound as having wolves “murder” deer and caribou for the simple reason that rifle hunters do not distinguish between the strong and the weak which wolves do for reasons of “convenience.” However, human hunters in the absence of wolves do one important service to the herd. They keep the population in check preventing the herds from over reproducing and weakening them all through starvation. (I have no intention to extend this position to the Malthusian eugenicists, other than considering that they might well be hunted as well. Particularly the leader of the pack.
Perhaps Sharon might conduct a poll to see whether the majority of deer would prefer to be “murdered” by wolves or human hunters.
That analogy might apply to Deer in their natural environment, but what about in an environment where they are an introduced pest and causing damage to the ecosystem?
I happen to live in rural Northern Minnesota. Wolf populations have been systematically hunted and killed off for decades. Thus wolf predation of deer has been reduced to near zero. Moose populations have declined by over 70% in the last 15 years. Black bear have been poached and/or hunted to near extinction. Beaver have basically disappeared due to the fur trade slaughters of the late 1700’s. The only trout fish being caught in lakes, are those who are spawned in trout farms and stocked in lakes that were formerly mixed natural fish habitats. Most rivers and streams are polluted due to erosion and silt from industrial logging operations. Traditional spawning beds are no longer productive. It goes on and on.
It is much the same throughout North America. The media continues to advertise vacation properties to idiots who will never experience anything resembling a natural world. No one gives a shit…
The cryptocracy care. After raping, pillaging and polluting most of the world they intend to commit mass genocide, then reclaim most of the land in the US from the people and corral everyone into the mega regions and SMART cities. That is the ultimate aim of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. They will return most of the US to off limit wilderness areas.
A drive through north East states like Pennsylvania and the deer Holocaust on the roads is obvious to anyone that the population has skyrocketed.
I see a lot of foxes in my area and the occasional coyote. No wolves or cougars.
There’s thousands of black bears in states like NJ, CT and NY where bears used to be protected and then the populations got out of control. A black bear used to raid my garbage bins when I lived in the tri-state area.
Hello again: The authors and operatives of Agenda 21&30 use alleged environmental concerns as click bait for Non-Governmental Organizations who may profit by joining their financial interests with the agenda…
As usual, the actual agenda is a technocratically inspired confiscation of public and private lands to be looted and ransacked by the usual parties.
Earth’s ecosystems have been collapsing due to urbanization and industrial suicide for well over 200 years. Any concepts of sustainable or habitable “wilderness” are simply not based on measurable reality. True recovery of Natural habitat is beyond any practical time scale. The “elite” know this.
Fact: We are losing over 200 species per day to extinction. Denial is not a river in Egypt…
The keywords in the global fraud are saviors of humanity.
You will not be able to remove this narrative unless you expose where it’s coming from, and that is Abrahamic religion. (JudaeoChristianity & Islam)
People in the West and elsewhere are collectively turning their unconscious programming into reality, and that is a narrative that has been drummed into the billions of people for 2000 years.
The narrative is : Original Sin (in the case of the Covid cult: everyone is sick unless proven otherwise), Satan ( the virus and other pathogens constantly attempting to infect us), the all-knowing, all-powerful God (science), God’s representatives ( government, doctors), Sacrifice (lockdown, shutdown of health services) and Purification (vaccines, antibiotics, hand washing, bleaching everything because white = good, dark = evil). Note that the Nazis and similar totalitarian cults had similar neuroses.
It doesn’t matter how many people say they are “not religious”. Deep down the 99% are unable to refute these principles, and to say openly that Jesus was a scam and his teachings nonsense and distorted plagiarisms, because, if they are wrong about God/ his magical Hebrew son, and He exists after all, that might get them punished in the “afterlife”.. or their church-going auntie might get upset.
They think along the lines of ” I don’t believe in the angry and judgmental father God but I should respect that just in case I am wrong and I get sent to Hell later, or in case I offend somebody”
The primary purpose of PC culture is not to protect women and gays from discrimination, it is to prevent the complete philosophical destruction of the dogmas and metaphysical terrorism of Abrahamic religion.
Scientism is nothing but the same narrative with a different skin.
And who are you?
The corruption of a thing is not the thing itself.
Fear will make a narrative identity of anything as a means to weaponise and marketise a sense of possession and control.
I’m not out of agreement with the idea that unconscious archetypes are reiterating down through the generations – for much longer than Christianity in all or any of its expressions.
There is a pattern I note in that those who are quick and loud in accusations cast their sins in the other to point where to throw the stone.
You are of course free to believe what you will, but you are not free to escape the fruits or consequences of what you believe – regardless what you THINK you believe.
However knowing your purpose is to not allow subconscious reaction to run unmindfully as one who knows not what they do.You can be as vigilant for your peace as you have learned to be against it.
Programming does not change Reality so much as our experience or perception-response to it. Bringing into consciousness to merely blame and attack is not to allow a truly conscious presence into awareness at all!
Thus we unknowingly defend conflict against peace in which our capacity to conflict with truth would have no support whatsoever. And so an illusion of truth fights with illusions set against it. Hence the warning; to make no image of Reality. And to give image and form no worship as Reality. For truth is not IN the thing in itself – but through your extension of recognition and appreciation for existence.
Pet hates and pet loves attract protection for what we think to get from them, but the love that identifies you perfectly is a giving without strings attached. Go forth and multiply doesn’t dictate what you shall think.
As for Covid fear;
And WHO told you you were naked?’ said the Lord.
The territory is an Intimacy into which no one can intrude, and what serves you in your reintegration to your being is whatever resonates to your active desire and purpose.
If you want to make unconscious = sin, then you have your reward.
But I understand that denied and uncorrected error takes on fear beneath its masking, and the persistence in defending the fear and the mask with further lies, becomes the sin of giving self-illusion priority over truth. In which even the concept of a correctable error is covered with unforgivable or irrevocable guilt. The human conditioning.
Binra: If you want to “know” the truth, get yourself the oldest unedited copy of the Talmud you can find. Read it several times. The Talmud is the functional template for the last 2600 years of hypocrisy, bigotry, property theft and racial wars.
Truth is not IN the world, nor IN anything in the world.
As you seek, so shall you find.
When true desire moves you, you don’t look for justifying all this crap but to release it.
Truth shows you that you are free.
The world tells you that in order to be free you must…
I am not unaware of ancient tribal Deity supporting war, dominion as vengeance rooted in self-specialness. I can see it as a driver of our modern wars and deceits and I can see it in myself.
Like begets like and you become (as a conditioned normalised adaptation) what you give your attention to.
The true nature of love is not the manipulative social masking of image, form and behaviour, but what you give your energy and attention to, according to what meanings you are giving and receiving.
If you can put what you take to be ‘knowing the truth’ as your own integrative understanding – you would own what you say rather than appeal to external authority. The idea we can add things to our self is the attempt to possess what we are not truly owning.
I don’t see a fixed template so much as a traumatic Acculturation as conditioning of adaptive strategy as a split of fragmented mind.
And so I don’t assign cause to symptoms, but the the underlying patterns of conflict – and conflict evasion.
I am currently dipping into Robert Graves and R Patai’s ‘Hebrew Myths’, I see a process of ‘sanitation’ from a pre-historical period I associate with species trauma (periodic catastrophe) – which became reframed and embellished as myth and fable when the experience was no longer evident, and yet remains easily identifiable as mythological archetypes which is why the Classics were part of an aristocratic education – and its derivatives. The development of monotheism as a reflection and basis for an implicit order rather than war in the Heavens under shifting or competing Powers, gave rise to ways of thinking and seeing the world that we now presume to be the only ‘reality’.
You may notice that no one will be separated from a chosen identity which it gives them what they think they want or need. Identities in this sense are private agenda seeking reinforcement. Truth simply is. I make no claim except to stand under what is always first – even if my mind can seem to get ahead of itself.
Lies are narratives predicated on fear, and truths become clear when we develop the courage to trust our intuition.
The virus myth exists only in the minds of deceivers and their acolyte believers.
Truth is immortal and constant. It neither wavers or hides. Truth doesn’t require protection from dissent, rarified academic memberships or unrepeatable scientific papers. Most of all, truth is self evident and needs no censorship.
Eventually, the truth will win and so will those of us who stood in solidarity together in support of truth and justice.
”Veganism is a lifestyle choice just like eating meat, and it’s a choice currently promoted by the same forces bringing us lockdowns and the Great Reset.”
Are Trump and Boris Johnson vegans?
Trump isn’t vegan, but he fits the rest of the pattern. OCD and ‘germophobic’, non-smoker, non-drinker, never touches anything or anyone. Bodily purity ALWAYS goes along with ideological purity and witch hunting. True of the early ascetic monks, true of the Grahamites who stirred up Lincoln’s war, true of today’s skeletal ascetic Public “Health” specialists.
Oh ffs – the PTB have no interest in being vegan. They will continue eating grass fed steak and organic chicken. They just want the plebs to be vegan.
No, they want us to eat bugs and live in pods.
A reminder of where we’re at: the direct clash of nation states vs globalism, one embracing the nation as the imperfect guarantor of individual rights, the other scorning, sniping and unleashing a lot of noise and violence but patently not revealing its ultimate aim.
This is fact-check-proof. Can anyone quote a globalist on the end game?
Crypto Beadles
By ”globalism” do you mean international trade?
I’ve reported on global trade for 30 years. It has been misrepresented by the establishment at every step. Use the word ‘globalism’ on this forum and half a dozen weevils pop their heads.
I covered NAFTA AND GATT… neither was to do with trade. Just as the European Union has not been about trade since it was the European Steel and Coal Community. For 30 years there has been an agenda that is nothing to do with facilitating trade.
Free trade, let me explain, does not require the creation of supra-states. It does not require the abolition of borders. It does not require the removal of tariffs which are, like interest rates and inflation, simply a cost. Either the trade makes financial sense or it doesn’t. For the same reason, it does not require a single currency. Nor does free trade require the end of the Treaty of Westphalia and a new “third way” WTF.
The only thing you can say to Clinton and Blair these days is WTF.
What’s the logic of off shoring? Go where it’s cheaper. Why do you need a single currency, then? (Which in the EU actually made many countries overpriced and uncompetitive). Just go where it’s cheaper.
Clearly the objective is not free trade.
And the interaction of the people of the world, via trade, copulation or culture, has absolutely nothing to do with Big Tech, transhumanism, Jeffrey Epstein and his chum Bill Gates, Elon Musk or the clearly schizoid George ‘Gyorgy Schwartz’ Soros.
I don’t hate them. I care nothing for them. They are irrelevant to the happiness and prosperity of the world’s peoples.
Now, as I posted: This is fact-check-proof. Can anyone quote a globalist on the end game?
It get more evident with hindsight.
It’s now clear that the “anti-globalist” protestors of the 1990s and early 2000s were agents provocateur. They were the Extinction Rebellion of their day. They were not nationalists defending borders and rarely did trades unionists get any TV airtime to defend jobs — Instead the TV focused on the bottle-throwing show like Antifa… which made no effort to articulate its cause.
It was a distraction. Clearly these fake rebels represented somebody, but it was not themselves.
I was a reporter at the time. It created the “sense of” violent people opposing worthy globalism. Their job was to swamp and queer the message coming from workers and unions.
Ross Perot tried to talk sense about NAFTA, which he called “the greate sucking sound”, referring to the impending loss of jobs. Was he right or was he right?. Perot must have gotten a message you can’t refuse because he scampered fast. Interesting contrast with Trump.
”What’s the logic of off shoring? Go where it’s cheaper. Why do you need a single currency, then? (Which in the EU actually made many countries overpriced and uncompetitive). Just go where it’s cheaper.”
The countries which were in hoc to a currency which was overvalued and uncompetitive were located in the Southern EU periphery. Moreover, they couldn’t get out of this straightjacket since by using the same currency they could not devalue as northern bloc. This meant that they ran trade deficits in perpetuity, whilst the northern bloc ran trade surpluses. The northern EU bloc, however, had benefited from the euro which was basically overvalued vis-as-vis its lower costs and productivity advantages than the southern periphery.
A currency for all will only produces winners and losers.
[This meant that they ran trade deficits in perpetuity…]
No country can do that forever. Not even the US, which is however having a long run while its currency is viewed as the global default currency.
[I’ve reported on global trade for 30 years….]
I would personally have appreciated it if you had answered the directly spelled out question by the commenter you were responding to, namely: By ”globalism” do you mean international trade?
A simple “yes” or “no” would answer that question.
After that, you could still segue into your interesting views, for instance about an objective not being free trade (a view I share with you to a significant extent, by the way).
But I kind of felt that you didn’t answer the explicit question.
Yeah, what to do, nothing or everything.
Nice rewiue, and in all cases as I my self expirience the reality we indulg our selfs in this days, banging our heads into an wall of ignorance and “bliss”.
I had one majore uh… fault when I was an child, to kind, and an total lack of abitions, there was absolutely nothing regarding that, and maybe I can blame my parents, but they where an result of been treated like shit by their own, and didnt wanted to do that with us children, so we ended up more or less to find our own paths, and I did, but it was winding road into nothing until I hit the wall in my 30s, and realised I had nothing, and then, its was more or less to late, but I never had to compromise when it came to the truth, never, but I also know what it means to loose, you do loose sometimes and as you winn, and one truth I told our child is, the unvers ownes you nothing, you own it everything, and an hint, if you do pay attention to life and reality, sometimes, in an short window of time/events you may if you grab it and is awaken enough to realise that this is an fleating window of opertunity, you can change everything and also prosper, and so on, my pjilosophy in an nutshell. Witch is an result of reading history etc, since I educated my self, forget the school, since I am dyslectic I was an certifyed moron, period, this is pre-word era, and I was horrible.
Infact I was writing better in English because it have lesser double constonats that in Norse, hehe.
But I read an hell of an lot of books.
And I stopped 20 years ago, simply because I was addicted to anything that had the headline, controversial, if it didnt, I wasnt intrested, and so on, and since, it have been an destert of an wast nothing, like the Asuies Nulabore plain, just empty space.
Internet changed everything, of course, but even here and now its dying, rotting from within, in an sense I amnot surpriced, what is the surprice is how it begane to decompose.
And have decomposed for soon an entire decade, I know of more aspects of decay but I have narrowed everything down to the latest spectacle aka the CONvid saga, and I guess this is my last one, or we will be forced to walk into an narrow road witch will be packed to the brim with eh…. PC-infested nutcase and somebody whom is offended, it needs only one.
If I ever could chouse to start all over again, I would become an farmer, and I have no problems with hunting, all thoe I could talk about how, etc, sice to much idiots are out there with weapons, like the anual article about an expirienced hunter managed to wack two cows, when he, probably in an hangover thought this cows where deers, but the factory farming incl diary is horrible, and so on, to why I dont eat, raindeer meat, taste piss and I know why, to people blowing the interstials of an deer into the meat, because they cant shoot or do that from an to long distance, etc, and I do fishing instead but I never fish more than what I know I would eat right away and when thats said, I have an smoking machine, witch can smoke chiken to, if you dont have that, cold or hot smoker, you sould get one, all fish is usable, white fish is even better than red, and so on, just an tip.
But since we are eh…. serious I will give you something I found over at Unz, farming, and I like Russian humor, dark and morbid is also good, Finns like the same kind of humor and I find Russians to be good when it comes to irnoy to.
Russian cyberpunk farm.
hehe, this one is priceless, and really good.
A must see, belive me, I am stil laughing.
Spaciba and nastrovije.
German doctors investigation.
This morning I experienced first-hand the severe communication problems of our new matrix society. I work in care and normally attend a day centre for delivering activities. All of this has been shelved due to the new bubonic and I have been redeployed to residential care. I was informed of a change in working conditions this morning which led to a whole nest of confusion which left me feeling anxious and resentful.
I had to blow off steam by phoning a few colleagues – something which I would not have had to do had I been in the centre and just chatting away. But these face-to face conversations are no longer possible. As a result, group power has obviously diminished. In fact, I would say it has been negated.
Now wouldn’t you think our mainstream Left would be aware of this inevitable effect of lockdown – and an effect so clearly beneficial to the ruling class? But no – it is precisely our mainstream Left who are demanding more severe lockdown!
‘An Invitation to Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies’
Those that created the lies are morality obliged to provide the ‘truth’, as I am sure they are actively doing.
morally obliged*
Mortality obliged…
I would read it:)
Off Topic kind of. For those people like myself who absolutely love sharing the world with deer, this creepy headline appeared today:
“Ahead Of Gun-Deer Season, Wisconsinites Make Plans To Keep Hunting Parties COVID-19-Safe”
They mustn’t get sick while murdering deer. That’s so American. It comes from the same mindset where with all the wars America starts, all the countries being bombed for no good reason by Americans, all the innocent people being slaughtered, crippled, displaced and having their lives ruined by Americans, their main issue of focus is healthcare for themselves.
this entity is a troll account – ed
Murdering deer? What a precious smug little suburbanite you are. A lot of people in rural America hunt to live. And there is a lot more dignity and respect for life in shooting a wild deer for food than in buying a factory-made, intensively farmed, toxin-drenched vegan ready meal from your supermarket.
Murdering deer, yes that’s exactly what it is. Eating meat is a life style choice and no one has the right to kill an animal to satisfy a disire to eat meat. I don’t know anyone who has died because they are vegan, and no vegans do not live on toxin drenched vegan ready meals, at least not the ones I know.
Eating meat is only a lifestyle choice for wealthy people. For poor rural Americans it can be the only way to put food – or protein – on the table.
Veganism is a lifestyle choice just like eating meat, and it’s a choice currently promoted by the same forces bringing us lockdowns and the Great Reset. That’s because veganism benefits Big Food. Most western vegans rely on processed food – because the only way to get vegetable protein to be bio-available to the human gut (which is an omnivore gut not vegetarian) is to process it, break it down and reconstitute it. This destroys much if the natural nutrition, which is then replace by supplements. It is also drenched in chemicals due to the processing, and of course due to the Big Pharma pesticides and herbicides the veggies have been marinaded in.
I get the objection to factory farming. But hunting for food?
Deer are prey animals. They live with the risk of becoming food for predators. Being killed by a bullet or an arrow is no worse – much quicker – than being killed by a cougar or a pack of wolves. The same life-denial we see in the covid hysteria fuels the neurasthenic outrage about the normal biology of life and death.
We need a better word than ‘solidary’ for what Camus was saying. I would frankly call that a bad translation from Middle French.
It isn’t really English at all, and in my long life of being pretty well informed, I have never before seen, or heard it.
I am sure Camus never intended to be obscure in his writings, however hard it may be to understand his personality.
I quote from an online dictionary:
“Solidary is rarely used. When you see it in text, there’s a good chance it’s a misspelling of a more common word, such as solitary (which means alone or done without others, making it nearly an opposite of solidary) or the related noun solidarity (meaning a state of unity or community due to common responsibilities or interests).”
Well it had to happen! A single person has died!
“Workers are reporting that a temporary part-time (TPT) worker died Saturday morning after contracting COVID-19 at Fiat Chrysler’s Warren Truck Assembly Plant (WTAP). Workers circulated messages and posts through social media and are demanding information about their coworker’s death. However, management and the United Auto Workers have remained silent and the media has not yet reported the death.”
The media has certainly not reported the death. At least I can find no other mention of it. All I could find is this:
Lack of social distancing! I mean – let’s just pause there. What does this mean? That people who are out and about must always at every time maintain that old 6 feet separation? It’s absurd. Or is everyone supposed to stay inside their houses everywhere until …what? Bill comes in with his snake oil miracle cure?
Covidiocy is with us.
High time to eradicate it.
the spainish flu was really a usa army flu
the so called flu was the result of pus vaccine dished out worldwide.
a 1930s book is full it pus and distemper that is
horrors of vaccines exposed by chas charles higgins
the gern theory lie
the conman bankers friend pasteur
the phantom virus needs the slow cull vaccine to do it’s ugly work
deliver disease over the long or short term
vaccine as cull vector
Yes, “COUNTRY OF LIES”! True at least for all Nato/EU countries.
Here an example:
Sidney Powell is the attorney of Gen Michael Flynn. Her name got known to the public when, some weeks ago, she asked President Trump NOT to pardon her client. This because Michael Flynn wanted to fight his totally unjust conviction through in the upper courts.
And now this: In the case that Trump will not be the next president, Trump will certainly pardon Flynn in the last days of his presidency. This because the judicial system in the US is as corrupted as in my country and a lot of other countries. And it is not sure that Fly gets acquitted under a Biden-regime. So it is important that Sidney Powell, attorney of Michael Flynn, does not also work for the president, who may pardon her client.
Thus there was a declaration of Giuliani: Mr. Giuliani said in a statement that Ms. Powell “is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.” And also there a statement of Sidney Powell herself: “STATEMENT FROM SIDNEY POWELL TO WE THE PEOPLE” – .
But now give into your search-machine “Giuliani Powell”. And you’ll see they lie this into “Giuliani drops Sidney Powell as Trump’s ‘strike force” “Trump campaign distances itself from lawyer in terse release” “Trump … throws … under the bus” , “Trump campaign cuts ties with attorney Sidney Powell after bizarre …“… and so on.
By the way: Flynn is the first person ever to have been convicted because of the “Logan Act” – an act from 1799!
And Flynn, when he talked to a Russian national, was member of the team of the already “president-elect” Donald Trump. So Flynn worked for a “government-in-transition”. And the Logan Act simply does not apply to that case.
But Biden is – even now – not a “president-elect”, but just a plain citizen. And he certainly breached the Logan Act massi9vly! But in Biden’s case the CIA and DoJ… do nothing!
sorry, bad tiping:: “Flynn”, of cause – not “Fly”
Joerg, Flynn was not convicted of the Logan Act. Nobody has been convicted under that law. Flynn was convicted of lying to government officials (FBI).
Sorry, but “lying to government officials” is initself not a crime. Flynn could not have been convicted of that.
To Flynn and the evil investigations against hin on grounds of the Logan Act see: “Logan Act is the last refuge for the American prosecutorial scoundrel” –
By the way, there is a good comment on Sidney Poweel by The Duran: “Sidney Powell’s strategy to save the Republic & the Tucker Carlson distraction”
Yes, lying to officials IS a crime.
Nixon was wrecked not by the break-in, but by the lying about it.
What are you talking abou? Nixon was never prosecuted of any crime!
And what do you mean with “wrecked”?
To this day Nixon’s reputation is “wrecked” because of the break-in – not because of “lying”.
Also Nixon was never accused to “lie to government officials” (phrase of Melvin Logan).
What do you mean? .
Broadcast From Happy Mainstream Left World
Just had a perusal of such a site and one majestically condescending NON-conspiracy theorist gave us a typical bit of “wit”:
“Good job we’ve got a Government and a private sector that couldn’t organise a co-ordinated farting session.”
Good job indeed! How hugely comforting. The old Viz/Spitting Image humour where we get to recline in our bourgeois salon and sneer at those “incompetents”.
Has no-one else noticed the supremely cynical transferral of “There Is No Alternative” from neoliberalism to the covid lockdown/vaccination rap? Once again we are being given an offer we can’t refuse. Indeed – it’s worse than that. There isn’t even the appearance of choice. 40 years of public anger at neoliberalism was totally ignored every step of the way. And now covid obliterates all alternatives.
As Mark E Smith observed:
I’d like to add to Douglass’s description of the “void that contradicts everything that is spoken”, the observation that this contradiction, under our current system, based as it is on endless accumulation and maximisation of profits, was bound to become more and more belligerent and so more and more obvious until surely the vast majority are now perfectly aware of the abysmal disjunct between what is said and what is really happening. They must know by now that the virus narrative is the most insultingly obvious cover story for a power grab that has nothing whatsoever to do with people’s health. And that, for as long as you play along with this drearily irrelevant shit, you will be powerless to resist any pig-in-a-poke proposal made by smiling psychopaths bearing poison.
For all the truth contained in their speeches, our media people and politicians and, most shamefully, many of our medical practitioners, may as well be reciting “Hickory Dickory Dock” as they prepare vast tubs of lubricant and demand that we bend over.
While I agree almost most of the time with your writing, I cannot agree that
It is my ongoing experience, speaking with the ill “educated,” well “educated,” and highly “educated,” that the vast majority buy into the whole story. Yes, they can fault the system in general yet accept every specific lie told. It’s a chasm of gullibility that seemingly can’t be bridged.
To be sure, I find the same with the ones I talk to. And perhaps therein lies the power of the scam. Everyone can be a skeptic on line and, as it were, undercover. But in face to face life , there is a kind of witch hunting fear I.e. everyone is scared of being stigmatized. The power of the COVID bullshit is that anyone who speaks against it can be accused – and the media certainly WILL accuse them – of being a danger to others.
You are either in denial or in rebellion…….
Most people are not just in denial, but are actively cheering on the new normal fascism and very happy to snitch on covid sceptics and anyone potentially killing grannies.
Is this the beginning of an mRNA vaccine revolution? – The Grauniad
“In fact, making DNA from RNA – so called reverse transcription – is something that only a certain kind of virus, like HIV, can do… The reassuring thing is that they have been tested for safety in tens of thousands of study subjects already. Within a short time, that will become millions, and – assuming no unexpected problems appear – the sense of reassurance will grow.”
“the sense of” – a phrase British journalists use when they are not sure.
The only similar effort that went into use was a vaccine for Hepatitis B, back before the AIDS epidemic. Just sayin…
I can see a HIV Mark II being the new pandemic in the new year.
‘But it’s a new strain of the virus!’
You will need more VACCINES!
hiv no no sir
money grabbing snuff kill cull
read or watch tc fry on hiv
“new pandemic in the new year”
By the look of things, it looks certain, we are going to have more vaccines in the future.
It is going to be a large investment in logistics to distribute the vaccine, namely the requirement for a huge number of special freezers. Industrialists and capitalists think of ‘Return on Investment’, which means re-using those freezers is highly desirable.
How could they utilise these freezers after the first vaccine is delivered?
“The sense of” – the phrase British journalists use when they reveal that what they care about is how things are preceived, not how they truly are.
The article contains this line: “It’s so beautifully simple it almost seems like science fiction”. See what they did there?
Nicely nailed. “a/the sense of” is precisely the phrase BBC journalists use when they are forming the public perception of an event.
Yes. They have a number of mRNA vaccines for every imaginary virus and every disease including cancer.
This is where we are headed. A world with forced vaccinations until they’ve killed off enough of us. And who knows what’s in the vaccines anyway. It’s not as if you can trust any of these corporations or governments to tell the truth about the contents of the vial. In the swine flu non pandemic of 1976 they swapped out the vaccine they tested for a completely different one. That’s an outright medical crime and fraud. People should have gone to prison. Yet nothing happened!
And why does this mRNA vaccine need to be kept at such a low temperature? It probably contains biological material and is inherently unstable.
Also, can they safely thaw it in a practical way before injecting, or will they claim the low temperature is harmless?
I still think this is just the set-up stage: undermining democracy, getting people used to all sorts of insane and abrupt orders, setting up the pipeline for compulsory medicines, etc. For the cull, they will need potions that are less likely to raise direct suspicion, ie. those that kill at random over a few years.
They will thaw and reconstitute beforehand. This is just the beginning phase. The entire operation is going to take five years, according to the end date of 2025 for the lockdowns. It started on Dec 31st 2020.
The 2025-2030 phase is probably Project Blue Beam.
This might be an answer to where we are headed with the vaccines.
If they are trying to kill us, which they obviously are. They are trying to Commit World Wide Genocide. I have no protection against this, and I very rarely had one. I did not go on a night out excpeting I stood any chance.
She says to me, well only if I can trust you completely
She didn’t have one either
I tried My Best
I was brought up a Roman Catholic
Condoms were not allowed.
Go forth and multiply my son
yeh O.K.
It still works
Oliver Stone is not great praise if dealing in truth. Let’s talk Epstein. The Epstein/Prince Andrew revelations jump-started this plandemic and put the automation of humanity into overdrive.
Let’s talk the function of kompromat in politics.
The clowns responsible for our current situation have had their breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper… They now expect us to pick up the bill… It’s up to you as to whether you accept the charge.
Life is mainly about making friends and being brought up in a house of Love with loads of children around.
My Mum did it for me – and she was 38
She gave up her job to look after me.
My wife did exactly the same. She gave up her job to look after our babies.
Nothing much changes
She still spends half the week looking after our Son’s Babies Whilst These Globalists are trying to Kill us Off By Their Brainwashing and Pills
Don’t watch it, and don’t take
Just Carry on Fucking as Normal.
Life is mainly about making friends and being brought up in a house of Love with loads of children around.
We are Trying to Maintain our Numbers.
We are trying to Reproduce
We are Trying to Make Even More Children like us.
well I suspect our son is.,,but I don’t ask him such questions.
I love every word you write, regardless if it holds any relation to the topic at hand or not.
On the other hand, we have enough riddles to try and understand with what ‘the authorities’ are doing to us right now, without getting distracted and sidetracked by Tony’s fictional autobiographical versions of events…
Who are these ‘authorities’? Their insignificance in the historic reckoning of time is breathtaking. Everyone thinks they know what they’re doing until they realize they don’t.
still on topic
“ It is the void out of which Eichmann drew the punctilious exactitude of his obedience…”
IBM ‘dealt directly with Holocaust organisers’
Author says US firm had control of Polish subsidiary
The paperback provides the first evidence that the company’s dealings with the Nazis were controlled from its New York headquarters throughout the second world war. Mr Black quotes Leon Krzemieniecki, the last surviving person involved in the Polish administration of the rail transportation to Auschwitz and Treblinka, as saying that he “knew they were not German machines…
The labels were in English…
There is nothing more calculated than an American genocide machine.
They’ve had plenty of practice
“According to the CIA, Adolf Hitler was a British intelligence agent tasked with cultivating fear and terror in Europe to justify the creation of Israel.”
Makes sense, considering the Royal family have always been closet Nazis. And the British did refine the concentration camp idea in the Boer wars. And the Rothschilds have been funding wars out of the City of London Corporation for centuries.
How Bank of England ‘helped Nazis sell gold stolen from Czechs’
Bank of England records detailing its involvement in the transfer and sale of gold stolen by Nazis… in May 1939, two months after the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia.
Professor Neville Wylie, a historian at the University of Nottingham, said that the attitude shown by the BoE.. was… “wanting”.
I think the word the prof is looking for is complicit.
More on IBM’s Hollerith machines here:
One minute he’s a raging homosexual the next he loved women defecating on him and his only true love was his half niece?
What sort of horse shit is that article?
It’s a combination of various Intel from different sources including some declassified CIA files.
Then there’s the claim he was alive after the war, so the Americans and British may have lied about his death.
It is, indeed, “a combination of various intel from different sources including some declassified CIA files”…
The Daily Mail and the CIA can always, of course, be trusted to give us the true version of events. It’s for our own good, you see…
My point is that all the wars are staged. Hitler obviously had help from the allies and was backed by the same bankers that are carrying on the several wars that are happening right now and are also staged.
The world is built on lies and the wars in particular are some of the biggest lies of all.
British Intelligence spirited him out of Berlin in 1945.
He got away safely to Antarctica, where he set up the Fourth Reich and carried on the Nazi Flying Saucer Programme.
Remarkably, he is still alive and fully in control today.