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Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Nov 26, 2020 10:00 AM

Comments are now open again on all posts

Nov 26, 2020 11:11 AM

The reply notification feature has gone. Is that how it should be?

Nov 26, 2020 12:32 PM

No search facility on the site?

Nov 26, 2020 2:40 PM
Reply to  ColinT

You now need a email to comment unlike before

Nov 26, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  mae

“need an email to comment”

fake news

Nov 27, 2020 12:12 AM

I see nothing has been done to fix your “spam checker” or you simply blacklist IP address of posters who are not 100% on your political/philosophical views. Just like the rest of the internet, you want an echo chamber… you can go fuck yourselves, I’m done trying to contribute here.

Nov 27, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  ALM

Buh-bye, then!

Nov 28, 2020 7:17 AM
Reply to  ALM

Don’t hold back – tell us what you really feel…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 28, 2020 9:11 AM
Reply to  ALM

With respect ALM, chill out and take a deep breath. Numerous times I’ve had my comments put in the spam checker. I know a number of other commenters have as well.
Yes, I agree with you, it’s frustrating as hell, but they do get published eventually. I also strongly disagree with you that this site is an echo chamber. There’s actually quite a wide range of different political beliefs and views expressed here.
Out of curiosity, how long have you been coming here to OffG?

jim carter
jim carter
Mar 31, 2021 10:19 PM

I fail to find a submission button.

The pasted writing has been recently posted as a comment on several discussion boards. They may be eliminated. I doubt that many people will understand, or accept, it. 

Is it of interest?

Jim Carter

Covid-19 is only the beginning. It is being used to acclimate the public to accept deprivation, poverty and bankruptcy by confusion over a bogus dilemma. $1.9 trillion government spending, and much more (i.e., bankruptcy), is touted as the remedy to the economic chaos of Covid.

An academic study [91 pages] of poverty being imposed upon historic societies by leading the nation into bankruptcy for the benefit of financial entities has been made. Ref. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1717949 .

The United States is being led down this same path. Interest rates on Treasury securities are being driven to negative values which will not be acceptable to the market. The balance sheet of the Fed has already ballooned from securities that they cannot sell. [Question: What is the due date of those securities ?] When the debt [i.e., deficit spending and roll-over] is not marketable, the nation is bankrupt and the market value of $27 trillion National debt drops to pennies.

[Those who see the crash of bond value transfer assets to equity. The added value escalates equity markets and shows up as inflation. Financiers have greater value in equity markets than bond markets.]

Eventually Primary Dealers, tasked with collecting maturing Treasury securities, buy bonds at vastly discounted prices but demand face value from the government. Credit that is customarily added to government accounts during deficit spending by the FRBNY will undoubtedly not be available. The FRBNY has exclusive authority to redeem T-securities with government funds. [ref. 31 USC 375.3. The accounts, which handle $1T govt money annually, have NEVER been audited]. FRBNY is also theorized to be controlled by select Primary Dealers on Wall Street. [ Ref. http://stateofthenation.co/?p=20475 , Federal Reserve for Dummies.] The same WS entities control the U.S. Treasury. Control of all government decisions will be usurped by Wall Street interests as was done in Greece [Troika], Argentine, and other nations as detailed in the academic study.

This writing is not copyrighted. Feel free to distribute.

Dec 1, 2020 6:57 PM

I needed to re-subscribe for the daily email alerts, but otherwise all good.

Ryba Zfrytkami
Ryba Zfrytkami
Nov 29, 2020 11:35 AM

Well done, much smoother and faster now.
I’m all for free speech, but you should find a way to deal with the foul-mouthed and trolls who destroy the reputation of this site which was once full of engaging opinions and discussions. There should be no room here for swearing at other commenters. You don’t even deal with comments that are totally off-topic from the subject of the article.
I’d suggest an updated and clear terms and conditions of commenting and then stick to it. It would be much easier if your comments module required registration.
Best wishes,

Ryba Zfrytkami
Ryba Zfrytkami
Nov 29, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  Ryba Zfrytkami

And why not use the default Jetpack comments module, this one is awkward.

Nov 27, 2020 9:24 PM

The Ghost of Hugo Chavez Rocks US Republic
BBGUARDNN Presser/Headline!
Eric COOMER, Antifa PosterBoy, plays God with voter turnabout.

Nov 27, 2020 8:58 AM

WSW complaining about the arts in Britain being hurt by government philistinism during Covid. Well, theatres, cinemas and even outdoor performances have been prevented by lockdowns and other related practices, but this is what the WSW wanted and indeed thinks they do not go far enough.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 27, 2020 11:38 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Yes it would be nice if the WSW, along with the rest of the mainstream Left (I think I’ll start referring to them as the “COVID Left”) actually made some positive statement of their intent. But my guess is that they’ll continue to scream about the increasing avalanche of corpses, moan about how nobody is reporting it (?!), moan about how nobody is doing anything about it (?!) And then turn to “other news ” as if there is no lockdown situation at all.

Nov 30, 2020 4:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

…the WSW, along with the rest of the mainstream Left…

The last of the two remaining splits of the ICFI that publishes WSWS is part of the “the mainstream Left”?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 30, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

They exemplify the mainstream Left I have been reading. Granted they are little known amongst the vast majority of the public. So they probably don’t matter much. But I also wonder how much influence the rest of the “Covid Left” have. The general public may come to the same conclusion I reached i.e. that, you may as well just stick with the BBC or indeed The Book of Revelations.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 28, 2020 9:21 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

I was also thinking of these bastards when I watched the latest video of The Corbett Report ‘what no one is saying about lockdowns’ and also when I read the prologue at the start… “you are complicit in murder”. Defenders of the working class? Ha ha ha, more like defenders of the establishment narrative. You may’ve noticed, S Cooper refers to them as the CIA Party. I think he has a point!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Nov 26, 2020 8:40 PM


1. “Mario Ohoven, President of the Federation of Small and Medium-sized Businesses (BVMW), has died at the age of 74. As the BVMW announced on Sunday in Berlin, Ohoven died in a traffic accident at the weekend.

A statement from the association said: “We bow in respectful gratitude to his incomparable life’s work. In two decades, Mario Ohoven has shaped BVMW into the leading association of small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany with 340 branches and 60 own foreign offices.”

Ohoven lost control of his Bentley on the A44 for an undisclosed reason and had collided with the foundation of a sign bridge. The car then slammed into an embankment and came to a halt. Despite medical attention, the 74-year-old died at the scene of the accident.”

(criticized Lockdown on Thursday, October 22nd, died in a “car accident” on Saturday, October 27th)
2. “Thomas Oppermann, Vice President of the Bundestag and vocal critic of the corona measures, died on 26 October, at 66 years of age. He collapsed during some TV work for unknown causes.”

3.The head of the Hamburg Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga), Franz J. Klein, is dead. The 72-year-old died “suddenly and unexpectedly” last Saturday, said the Dehoga country manager Ulrike von Albedyll on Monday.

“We are stunned, deeply touched and infinitely sad.” Klein has been President of the Hamburg Dehoga since 2015.

Two weeks ago he was confirmed by the delegates at the general assembly for another term of office, said von Albedyll.”

Under Klein, DEHOGA threatened to file a lawsuit against the German government over the November lockdown. Klein’s death comes not long after the announcement regarding the possible lawsuit. Klein died on Saturday, November 21st, 2020.


Nov 26, 2020 7:05 PM

All working perfectly.

Nov 26, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  richard

your name is not working for me

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 6:49 PM

Are you worried about “The Great Reset”? Pah! Conspiracy mumbo jumbo!


Familiar reassurance, starting with those silly “conspiracy theories”:

“populist fears of shadowy globalist plots for world domination… like cackling Bond villains….latest fog of confusion to escape from the boiling recesses of the internet…”

But no! Just stop it!:

“And no, there is no plot …There isn’t even a plan…”

We get a nod to Scwab’s “non-plan” followed by

“It isn’t going to happen, of course.”

Phew! That’s a relief! After all

“Mr. Schwab is a notorious moonshine salesman…”


“Talk like this is silly and irritating, but it’s not frightening…”

Well we all know it’s a bit of a laugh! Now we get the disclaimer:

“None of this is to say that the problems identified by Mr. Schwab, Mr. Trudeau and others are not problems. Some of these, like climate change and social inequality, predate the current crisis…But broader proposals for change… one at a time – not rushed through at one go….”

Move along now! Nothing to see here!

Nov 26, 2020 3:48 PM

We all knew that the ‘War on Terror‘, which was introduced following the mass murders on 9/11, was an American affaire. So when we can see that the Covid operation uses the same script writers, the same mental torture & blackmail, why don’t people see that this ‘War on Viruses’, as declared by Macron at the very start of the operation, is also an American affaire? ‘The war on Drugs’, the ‘War on Climate’, the ‘War on Alcohol’ from the 30s, were all American idiocies and all framed as semi-religious crusades. Owing much to their psychopathic-financial-religious-puritanical ideology based around, the preeminent American philosopher, Disney’s depiction of the war between ‘good and evil’.

Just look how the US has benefited from Covid: At home it has frozen in time, the inevitable collapse of the Dollar, which began to unfold in the inter-banking, bank runs, which kicked off just weeks prior to the lockdowns, and which were heavily dampened down by massive Fed interventions. It has enabled the further engineering of a larger underclass, prepared to work for nothing, and live on the breadline, with no education, no skills, no medical care, and no pensions, expecting to work hard just on the hope and the dream of becoming rich, the American dream substituting for real living standards.
Overseas, its corporations like Amazon is taking over European retail sectors especially, Google and Apple are attempting to track our medical situation, location and personal contact details in real time and have been handed the power to order us to be detained at home under house arrest at risk of a 10k fine.

The lockdown disrupted economic & social interaction, giving Zoom, another arm of the CIA like all US tech, the ability to eavesdrop on every business meeting, every editor briefing and every governmental internal conference call.

It has destroyed local theatre and concerts, forcing the young to regard the dross that is Netflix, Amazon and Apple as our culture. That is real cultural appropriation.
Education is being shifted on-line ready for google and US deep state to take control via ‘very reasonably’ priced university packagers, opening up sub-standard education and indoctrination for all.

Not only has the whole fraud undermined our democracies and created mistrust and contempt for our political leaders, it will empower the far-right, who are the usual CIA/US clients around the world, in the countries stupid enough to destroy their own economies creating mass unemployment and social stress.

All our economies will now be more indebted to the IMF a tool of the US to extract resources and assets form the 3rd world, and forced to accept more deregulation, more social security cuts from our creditors, an experience the 3rd world is very familiar with, as socialism was driven out of their economies to enable low tax on US corporation who extracted their wealth.

Nov 26, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Henry

This is not about America, it is a world takeover by stateless globalists.
The American people are suffering as much as the rest of us.

All our economies will now be more indebted to the…”

You obviously have no clue where this scam is heading or you are a fraud yourself…
There will be no “economies” under the total takeover that is planned.
You will work for the State on a subsistence wage which will be regulated according to your credit rating.
No doubt you think the tripe you have written will give you some brownie points up front…

Nov 26, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  richard

You are pushing a children’s fantasy story with no evidence. I am talking about geopolitics. economics and history.

Nov 26, 2020 3:47 PM

I see the US is lining up a war with Iran to follow the Covid unravelling and to further delay the inevitable Dollar collapse by hoping to create a war-time ‘flight to (dollar) safety’, but it will be their final act as an Empire.
I think the US will be surprised how few friends they really have as the rest of the world starts to realign itself to the new China, Indian and Russian future.
They may have some victories in a war with Iran but it will leave them severely broken as a nation, and it will bring on the dollar collapse, not stall it, and Hubris will win and bring on their end.

Nov 28, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Henry

The US needs no other friend but Israel which acts with impunity. Embezzling, Assassinations, Political Blackmail, with no fear of reprisals from ANYONE. Certain of the fact that NO-ONE dare criticise them for fear of death threats and hit squads. So blatant are they that they admit to killing the ‘latest’ Iraq scientist, in order to create a war? Hopefully if there is one the missiles will be aimed at Israel and no-one else?
They have infiltrated and taken over the Governments of US, Britain, Germany and France. How else have they been able to muzzle any discussion about the HC., or managed to maintain the constant stream of ‘funding’ for the ‘victims’ and the families in perpetuity.
Where I might ask is the compensation for the American Indian, or the Aboriginal, or the Africans stolen as slaves?

Nov 26, 2020 3:39 PM

As I listened to Van Morrison’s Redwood Tree in the car on the way home from this afternoon’s trip to the supermarket, I had a moment of what I can only describe as joy.

Van’s uplifting lyrics (and the general vibe of the song) had me punching the roof of my car in appreciation (my poor little car…). Something then snapped me out of this state, and I remembered the fact that we are in very deep shit.

I listened to the song again, hoping to recapture some of that previous feeling. Which I (somehow) did! This time, it was the door of the car that took the brunt of my flailing fists. And, in a moment of serendipity, as I came around a bend near my house, just as the song faded out, I saw the sun in between the recently parted clouds over the strait which separates where I live from the island on the other side of it, bathing everything in its light.

That’s when it hit me (anew) that the freaks who are behind this attempt to take total control of our lives don’t want us to have any happiness, any moments of joy. They want us to have nothing of that kind.

Well, I say that we fight these anti-human monsters every step of the way. We’re here to live, not to let these petty little wannabe tyrants tell us what we can and can’t do.

Bollocks to ’em!

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

If I recall correctly, “Redwood Tree” comes right before the astonishing “Almost Independence Day” on the Saint Dominic’s Preview album. One of Van’s best.

And it isn’t just that optimistic and wonderful music that seems to me to be fading away in this strange crepuscular reptilian ooze but the old light heated and satirical comedy bent. There is a ruling ideology that loathes laughter and ribaldry and all irreverence. It’s an ideology that must have strict militaristic order, hierarchy and nothing but deference from the “lower orders”. It is precisely this very much reptilian demon that is on the rise.

Nov 26, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Your memory serves you well. :o)

I recently bought another copy of that excellent album. Dunno what happened to the copy I had of it on tape (tape!). It got lost in the mists of time, I suppose. I was very happy to find that it sounds even better than I remembered it being.

And yes, those who are looking to impose their twisted vision on us are trying to extinguish fun, creativity and irreverence. Especially irreverence. Well, the humourless pricks can stick their joyless new order where the sun don’t shine, quite frankly. ;o)

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

That was the Van album which had him sitting on the steps of a cathedral with a huge gash in his jeans which were fortunately stretched in a non-revealing manner. Ah Van! We’ll not see your likes again! cf. here


I’m guessing that’s why he has that look on his face. Feeling the cold?

(And I just realised your original comment has “Bollocks to ’em!” Well Van agrees!)

Nov 26, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Hahaha! I must admit that I’d never previously studied Van’s groin area in much detail. I blame the reduced dimensions (so to speak) of CD and tape covers for this, er, gap in my learning…

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 26, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Yes, Gwyn. Theses power-hungry little nerds are weak and frightened – especially frightened of pleasure and joy! They also fear our laughing at them. They want us all cowering in fear and submission. Break through their illusions of control, and keep laughing loudly everyone!!!

Nov 26, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Power-hungry little nerds. Nice description. They love to throw their weight around, but they’re afraid of life! The sad twats.

Yes, May Hem – let us keep pointing at them and laughing in their faces. They don’t like it up ’em! ;o)

Nov 26, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Well said. As much as possible we must completely ignore them and continue life with as much normalcy as possible.

And resist anything they want.

This situation has only persisted because people have cowered away in fear.

If everyone just said no this nonsense would be over tomorrow.

Nov 26, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Paul

If everyone just said no this nonsense would be over tomorrow.

Exactly! They wouldn’t stand a chance. What are they going to do, arrest everyone? Chuck us all in jail? We’ve got the numbers, and they haven’t.

If only people would realise the power of solidarity. Those who are running things know its power, and that’s why they attack it at every opportunity by dividing us and ruling us.

Nov 26, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

If those who wear masks burned them tomorrow, and every business just opened then they can’t arrest everyone.

They would be publicly shamed.

It’s beyond incredible people are just putting up with this. I really don’t understand it.

They think if they just comply it will all go away but they don’t realise they have no intention of letting things go back to normal.

Whilst everyone is arguing over masks, analysing manipulated fake data, arguing about what’s causing these ‘cases’ etc the criminals running this show are rolling around the floor laughing.

Are we really meant to believe that no medical officer in the world advising governments don’t realise they are completely misusing the PCR tests?

It takes little research to realise the numbers they churn out belong in cuckoo land.

Nov 26, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  Paul

The ‘research’ that most people do begins and ends with watching the BBC (or ITV, or whatever). They’re completely brainwashed by the snazzy, pricey screen that takes centre stage in their living rooms. The latest model! So that they can watch the propaganda in the highest-possible definition!

And then, of course, there’s the smartphone. Which is even more of a propagandist’s wet dream than the TV. 24/7 access to these people’s minds. The Internet was designed to control people, and it’s doing what it was meant to do very effectively.

Younger people are particularly vulnerable. Particularly in light of the fact that education has been so ruthlessly targeted. A lack of awareness of history combined with constant misinformation about what’s happening right now is not a happy combination.

Nov 26, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Unfortunately most people have been programmed to believe the mainstream of everything.

Nov 26, 2020 11:26 PM
Reply to  Paul

What pisses me off is how easy it is for the Powers That Be; put it out via the mainstream media, and the gullible masses will believe it. Strictly Come Dancing is something you need to watch! You must read Harry Potter! The news tells you the truth!

There’s a reason why TV scheduling is known as ”programming”…

Nov 26, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Gwyn the trouble is they have never known any other way.

Everyone knows politicians and media tell lies but a lot of people refuse to believe they’d tell a lie this big.

The truth is already out and when the people who still believe this crap realise they’ve been sold a bridge the psychological damage will be enormous. Some people will never recover from this.

But as long as they can point the finger and say look there’s death and the media protect the narrative they hope to have enough people on side to pull off the political agenda.

Nov 26, 2020 11:56 PM
Reply to  Paul

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how gullible the masses are. Okay, they’ve got a feeling that politicians are lying to them, but they still vote for them. Likewise with the media; they know they’re being lied to, but they still read (and believe, and regurgitate) that nonsense, day after day.

Someone made a comment on these threads the other day in which they said that they could almost see the elites’ point; the masses are so stupid, they deserve to be taken advantage of.

I’m finding it harder and harder to disagree with what that person said.

Nov 27, 2020 1:15 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

I read that comment and I thought at first it was harsh.

Upon reflection it’s actually quite accurate. Yes the government and their behavioural psychologists have used propaganda to control their minds but if you just take even a moment of reflection the lie they’re selling is pure nonsense.

The world has become a charade. Do these people not realise that the very people who make these rules don’t even follow the rules themselves?

In country after country there are numerous examples. Are these rule breakers being irresponsible. No they break the rules because they know the whole thing is nonsense.

I see business after business with many of these people who by all accounts are well educated intelligent members of society just sit by and comply with this tyranny. Do they not realise the government are deliberately putting them out of business.

And now all the propaganda surrounds these magical vaccines that have all appeared at the same time. Again when you break it down we are told they don’t know if the vaccine protects against the virus and might just protect against symptoms but the side effects will be flu like symptoms.

I mean there’s gullible and there’s stupid.

Nov 27, 2020 1:51 AM
Reply to  Paul

Unfortunately, there comes a point where you just have to admit that your fellow human beings are a bit dim. It isn’t a pleasant realisation, but there we are; the truth is often unpalatable.

Now, more than ever, we must face up to the truth. In my opinion, we can no longer afford to indulge other people’s ingenuousness. If we hurt their feelings a little bit, well…so be it.

(We should always remind ourselves that we’re trying to help others. The media are trying to paint us as having psychopathic tendencies, when our main motivation is actually to help other people! Nothing makes sense, in these insane times).

Nov 27, 2020 2:00 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Very true Gwyn.

According to the media and politicians anyone who questions the narrative or the magical vaccine is a flat earther, a tinfoil hat nut job and a right wing conspiracy theorist.

And just notice that these people never want to hear our concerns or attempt to answer our questions.

They always choose slander or censorship.

That says everything about them.

Nov 27, 2020 2:16 AM
Reply to  Paul

Right at the onset of the ‘coronavirus’ nonsense, I told a friend of mine I’d known since we were in school together (30 years ago) how I felt about the whole thing. He responded by sarcastically asking me whether I believed the Earth was flat, did I agree with David Icke about the lizard-people, blah, blah, blah.

When I challenged him, he said he didn’t want to discuss it any further. A cowardly response.

This guy had always been one of the most independent-minded people I’d known. I’m still trying to work out why he’s suddenly bought the propaganda.

People are behaving in very unpredictable and uncharacteristic ways.

Nov 27, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

People are probably afraid to face the music and admit that the world, as they perceived it, including freedom, democracy, etc. is a mirage, a fact coming out into the open as we speak.

Nov 27, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Oui, Jacques. T’as raison. The realisation that the world is not as they perceived it to be is too daunting for them. They can’t get their heads around it.

And I’ve often wondered whether having children plays a big role in some people’s refusal to face the truth; they’re (rightfully) scared that when they’re dead and gone, their children will be living in an Orwellian nightmare from which there’s no escape.

But there’s no excuse! There are plenty of people who’ve got children who are facing up to what’s going on, and are doing their best to inform others.

Marvin Gardens
Marvin Gardens
Nov 27, 2020 12:04 AM
Reply to  Paul

“Are we really meant to believe that no medical officer in the world advising governments don’t realise they are completely misusing the PCR tests?”

Many of them don’t, because virology and germ theory is a scam that is older than them and they were indoctrinated when they were young. Once you believe that these deadly “viruses” are pathogens that not only jump form person to person, but also multiply within their “hosts” then what is happening now is the logical outcome.

Succesful academic careers require co-operation with capital and they are already used making the data fit the theory that will bring the money in. An early retirement in a secluded mansion is too good a carrot to not chase. They believe they will get away with it and be able to live out their lives comfortably.

As for the masses: It becomes easier to understand if you look at what has been happening to the world in the last decade: the internet and social media has already laid the ground for lockdown and social distancing… People were already doing these things for years. Instead of the uncontrollable world of real human interaction, the technology has suckered them into a withdrawal into “safe spaces”, bubbles and echo chambers on screen. Here they can just block anyone who says uncomfortable things and create a shiny , fake online persona that does not reveal any of their warts.

The psychological effect of selfies is like looking at yourself in the mirror, but amplified- extreme narcissism and ego-centrism and insecurity.

When I saw young people on a beautiful beach on a sunny day, sitting there looking at their screens, I knew time was running out for this culture of fakery.

After work, or on market day, people in the 1st world did not meet at the local cafe or the market square- they went straight back home to look at their screens and check if their imaginary friends still “like” them.

The people running this show have been studying the masses for a long time and know how to play them. “The covid” is the next step after the “war on terror”- a protection racket that creates threats in order to sell security.

All covidians, and even many on the anti-lockdown camp, cannot imagine a world without internet and smart phones- but it is those things that have made this possible, and the true purpose of these technologies (and computers in general) has been revealed.

The case for being a “luddite” has never been stronger. Digital technologies are dehumanising and culture destroying- it is not a case of “it depends on how you use it” – these effects come with these technologies and the only way to avoid the effects is not to use the tech. A gun is made to kill, there is nothing else it can do.

Why am i here then? Because, like many others, I am lonely and using a substitute for real human interaction.


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 27, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  Marvin Gardens

Marvin Gardens: “Digital technologies are dehumanising and culture destroying- it is not a case of “it depends on how you use it” – these effects come with these technologies and the only way to avoid the effects is not to use the tech.”

Right on. I was formerly a self-taught analog electronics engineer in the recording industry. Pulsed digital signals have grossly negative physiological effects. These are known quantities. There are thousands of studies, and decades of verifiable proof…

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Nov 27, 2020 10:44 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

“That’s when it hit me (anew) that the freaks who are behind this attempt to take total control of our lives don’t want us to have any happiness, any moments of joy.”

That’s at the core of it! The bastards have Power but they can’t feel. Not as we feel. Which is why they’re so good at lying and killing. But we have Heaven within us and we often have to re-learn to access it and access it we can. We access Heaven within when we Create, and Love and do Good Work and Good Deeds (without expecting or needing a reward) and especially when we acknowledge, with metaphysical gratitude, that we exist… as you did listening to VM as the sun appeared between those parted clouds. What TFIC have within them is obvious. It smolders and stinks and kills them and it makes them want to kill us.

Nov 27, 2020 12:09 PM

Mutual aid is an instinct, isn’t it? It’s just there in people. No ”reward” expected. It’s what makes me believe that we don’t need governments managing our lives. We can do it all ourselves, without interference! I wish the meddlesome sods would just bugger off and leave us alone.

And yes, they’ve somehow lost touch with their innate humanity. Too much breeding among themselves, perhaps? Maybe their own perceived ”superiority” is actually their downfall. Hoist by their own petard!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Nov 28, 2020 8:34 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

“And yes, they’ve somehow lost touch with their innate humanity.”

The mysteries of psychopathy. Homo sapiens evolved out of the food chain (no longer having to worry about being hairless cheetah-snacks) just about the time that the political utility of being a psychopath (a mutation preserved by in-breeding, a la the “royal” bloodlines?) began to manifest. If you were ruthlessly lacking in empathy, effortlessly capable of lying and had no qualms regarding opportunistic murder, you were ready to “lead” any tribe that had become politically sophisticated enough to be governed by any factor more refined than brute force. And therein lies the fundamental problem occupying 90% of our time/thoughts, whether we could put a finger on it or not, for most of our lives. Psychopathy is the real root of all of our political, and parapolitical, problems. The cure would probably be pharmaceutical but… alas… checkmate: the psychopaths have been running Big Pharma/ Big Research from the beginning.

Nov 28, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Ditto! I have had a love affair with Van Morrison and Eric Clapton since I was a girl 1963.
Now I know that my instincts were right.. not only are they EXCELLENT musicians but their souls are aligned as well. God bless them both.
Eric Clapton and Van Morrison slammed for anti COVID lockdown song | Daily Mail Online

Nov 29, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  Maggie

Yes. God bless them both. Likewise, Ian Brown. Little Seed, Big Tree makes it fairly clear which side he’s on. :o)

Nov 28, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Its been known for years ,the freaks don’t want us to have any happiness. Reference every music culture that has ever evolved. the freaks nay say it as the next downfall of civilization. the moral of the story is be afraid, be very afraid and don’t whatever you do, dance !

Nov 26, 2020 3:06 PM

I speculate about what the real government covid targets are:

The biggest Christmas gift for Amazon is the UK’s entire retail sector. The north of England are not buying enough on Amazon, we’ll lock them down till 40% of small shops are finally bankrupt, increasing Amazons market share to over 51%, The south-east has too many independent pubs and restaurants which need closing down. ‘Do we have a buyer for 2,000 bankrupt Kent pubs yet?……. Hancock get on it…..

Are the theatres Bankrupt yet? …….When they are, we can open up, and the Corporate bonanza can start, the fire-sale of the century, as the UK is sold off for pennies in the pound to infinity printed dollars.

Retail chains, hotels, pubs, restaurants, small cloths outlets all replaced by the ubiquitous chains, the biggest acceleration of the neoliberal corporate roll-out since Margaret thatchers butchery of the 80s. …….20 years of asset stripping compressed into only a few months.

Are all viruses neoliberal ?

Nov 26, 2020 2:38 PM

UK Column News – 25th November 2020

The main focus of this broadcast is the UK Gov ramping up its war on information.

Technical and non-technical practitioners conspire to inform, share and collaborate.
Controlling one’s own information space while acquiring and destroying the opponents’ information flow.
Caroline Woodbridge-Lewin is head of the information warfare group at the Defense Academy. Gen Nick Carter has said home is no longer safe in a world of perpetual hybrid warfare.

Brian Gerrish: The Defense Academy is not the military but a collaboration with globalist companies, it is a soup, a mix that is half-influenced by the commercial sector.

UKC’s work exposing the political charity Common Purpose showed how it gets inside organization to disrupt them. Now these disruptors claim to be protecting us from the wrong kind of disruptors.

Laura Dodsworth reported on Nov 19th a coordinated campaign of more than 300 Tweets, many of which seemed genuine, some bots, calling for online censorship. At the same time Damian Collins MP, former chair of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sports select committee, demanded that governments take direct control to force tech companies to censor “harmful and violent content”.

The wording of Tweets was almost identical: “More and more people are scared of getting vaccinated after reading anti-vac fake new online. We finally need a law to rein in the social media giants.”

Prof Carl Heneghan is a renowned specialist in virology. When he Tweeted his latest article @carlhenegen, Twitter branded it “False information”.
Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for facemask wearers

EU EASTERN PARTNERSHIP (UK foreign office disinformation unit)
Andy Price head of Counter Disinformation and Media Development, UK FCO
conspiring with:
European Endowment for Democracy; Brussels Disinformation Lab; Atlantic Council; Stratcom (United States Strategic Command); Ukrainian-British Consultation on Countering Cyber Threats.

In particular Price hosted Session 3, the only session of the webinar not broadcast on the web, in which he addressed disinformation: Options available to Governments, Civil Society and the Private Sector
Key participant: Counter Disinformation and Media Development, UK FCO, that was set up to counter supposed Russian disinformation.

Chris Donnelly of Integrity Initiative, also run by UK FCO, shows this body is directed not outward at “enemies” but inwards at UK citizens and its activity included smearing former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Compliant journalists included Edward Lucas ad Carol Cadwalladr
Former BBC journalist Ben Bradshaw MP, a former chair of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sports select committee, and former UK Ambassador to Moscow Sir Andrew Wood were also involved.

Theresa May as PM said regulation would support the corporatist media as it loses the battle against social media and the alt media. Matt Hancock announced the Cairncross Review (2018): a sustainable future for journalism, saying: “I tremble at the thought of a media regulated by the state in a time of malevolent forces in politics….”

He never defined these malevolent forces. “Get this wrong and I fear for the future of our liberal democracy.”

The media is entirely dependent on government money (subsidy) especially since the coronavirus scamdemic. Central government money has been accompanied by centralized messaging.

WELL FD ANDREW PARKER FORMER DG OF Mi5 (oops, hate speech) spoke of “criminal thuggery” representing a “hybrid threats”… a glorious spectrum of eternal war and bottomless government funding for corporate security, intel and mercenary companies.

UK Council for Internet Safety members:
Including Apple, BBC, Sky, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Childnet, the NSPCC, Parent Zone, Commission for Countering Extremism, GCHQ, Information Commissioner’s Office, Internet Matters, Internet Watch Foundation, the Independent Advisory Group on Hate Crime, ISPs, the National Crime Agency, the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Ofcom, Scottish Government, Tech UK, the Scottish an Welsh governments, UK CIS evidence group.

Rapid Response Unit (2019)
The Cabinet Office fake news unit that monitors online breaking news and social media discussion and “reclaiming fact based debate”.

UKC Brian Gerrish: They are trying to prevent public debate because it exposes that they are lying.

Gen Sir Nick Carter said of the Rapid Response Unit: the 77th Brigade helps to quash rumors but also to counter disinformation. Three to four thousands “of our people have been involved”, with about 20,000 available at high readiness.

UKC Mike Robinson: we get an idea how many people are involved. Lt Col Tobias Ellwood MP of 77th Brigade is one of those 20,000.

Brian Gerrish: Ellwood is “countering disinformation” as part of 77th Brigade but as an MP he is telling us what the policy should be on vaccinations.

National Security Council and Cabinet Office
NSC looks after Mi5, SIS Mi6, GCHQ and Joint Biosecurity Centre
CO looks after Rapid Response Unit, National Security Communications Team, 77th Brigade, 13th Signals, and the Digital, Culture, Media and Sports select committee and fake new unit.

Brian Gerrish: this is the mechanism that it putting out propaganda. The average MP has no idea that this government-within-a-governmetn exists. Leaks suggest 14,000 people work within this inner government.

The show came before the details of Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak had completed his review: Government borrowing has ballooned from about GBP 60 BN in the year to March 2020 to more than 260 BN on an annual basis and counting.

Consensus science is denial of science writes Iain Davis

THUGS IN POLICE CLOTHING – video from Nov 23 UKC show https://youtu.be/nlNQoKUSyYY?t=2839

Liverpool protests revealed man in police uniform wearing different-colored, orange epaulets, with no identifying numbers punching a peaceful protester, laying on the ground, in the head. The thug did not behave like a police officer, says the observer — not even a violent police officer. The observer making these comments was a former policeman.

Brian Gerrish: a retired former police officer is recognizing that something is very wrong in the police.

Sir Charles Walker MP intervened to try to stop police arresting a 78 year-old woman outside the Westminster parliament. “She was an elderly lady robbed of her dignity for having the courage to protest. This is unBritsh, it is unconstitutional and the PM needs to halt this behavior now. Madam Speaker will you bring the PM before this house today.”

Deputy Speaker: “I also know that we have ministers here who will ensure that his comments are fed back. I shall suspend the sitting now.”

Brian Gerrish: That response from the speaker was pathetic. She is afraid to show emotion, she surpasses humanity.

Lord Walney to counter violent extremists who are “seeking to exploit the fear and uncertainty of this period”.

UKC Mike Robinson: I have not seen far left or right exploiting fear at all. But I have seen government discussing how to use the “media to increase the sense of personal threat” which it says is “highly acceptable” and “practicable”.

Brian Gerrish: the trail leads to the UK government and its 2010 behavioral insights document Minsdpace in which David Cameron’s government was boasting about how it could manipulate the public mind. It was a joint British-French policy in collaboration with the Sarkozy government.

Nov 26, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Brian Gerrish: a retired former police officer is recognizing that something is very wrong in the police

No kidding.

We saw this back in 2009. Most officers now come with an attitude problem even when dealing with minor issues. Then they cry foul, saying it’s the Government who are alienating them. Really?

Nov 26, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Except of course, there are plenty of mask studies that show harm, including neurological damage, increased upper respiratory infections, injuries and death.

Pull your kids out of school if they are making them wear masks.

I cannot understand any parent who would willingly subject their own child to harm, just because they are afraid to make waves.

We need to make enough waves to create a tsunami.

This is why the controllers are having such an easy time destroying the economy, in order to bring about global tyranny and depopulate.

Because almost nobody is bothering to fight back against this obviously psychopathic and evil agenda.

Nov 26, 2020 2:36 PM

Christmas is going to be the point at which everyone starts to exchange experiences and people will talk to each other and the whole covid show will start to come tumbling down. They are trying to stop us talking to each other and keep us in isolation, because when we meet, we are all going flip-out, telling anyone who will listen, that lockdowns are idiocy, a fraud and that we have had enough, and all our uncle bobs are going to start thinking.

They know their time is running out, so they need to sabotage mass social meetings over Christmas to give them more time to destroy small business, hand google our communications and hand Amazon our retail sector. Every day of lockdown is billions in trade going to US corporations.

In the UK they have turned the rail service off, but people will still meet up. I know whenever I meet anyone now I just let-rip with my opinions on Covid and ‘the truth will out’.

Nov 26, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Henry

Yes! Excellent point.
Hopefully that is happening in the US today on thanksgiving as many ignore the idiocy and behave as if they have (back) the fundamental freedom of movement and expression.
May God help them to NOT hand it back after dinner..

Nov 26, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  Henry

Even before Covid .. Thanks to social engineering and mobile devices, a huge chasm has been established to prevent young people from knowing anything about politics, and anything about what the future might look like.

Adults usually don’t talk to kids/teenagers at all, except bragging about cars and what the coolest gadget to buy.

Nov 26, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  newpage

Depends on your family.

Nov 26, 2020 2:35 PM

UK Column News – 25th November 2020

AfD chairman Dr Alexander Gauland on demonizing the people
“When governments threaten the people with intelligence agencies instead of talking to them the rifts with the people become greater.. what have things come to in this country.”

Members of the Bundestag can be thrown to the ground by the police – opening people’s eyes and ears but of course the BBC and corporatist media continue to present the AfD as extremists and the German government as moderate.

Fashionable defenders of the status quo say it is an insult to the victims of the Nazis to equate government Covid measures with Nazism.

UKC’s Brian Gerrish challenges Non Player Character and Twit “Simplicius” to witness the young Germans who gave their lives to stand up to an authoritarian German government.

comment image

Letter looks like an Inland Revenue demand – covered with bar codes and numbers.
It warns people to get the flu vaccine
It warns people not to miss appointments which cost the NHS GBP 160 — which is a lie and a scare tactic. Most people cannot get an appointment for love or money.

Brian Gerrish: This is applied behavioral psychology and nudge unit language suggesting there is lots of demand, and you should get in line for the flu vaccination.

What has this to do with Covid? The NHS says the flu vaccination will help to avoid catching and spreading the flu virus before the peak of this years’ flu season. This is blatantly mixing up Covid and flu. And there is no mention of the risks of the jab , a warning that is standard NHS policy.

Signed by Dr Nikita Kanani Medical, Director for Primary Care. She may find herself to be personally legally liable.

This lady is said to be 40 years-old. If you remove her study time, it makes you wonder what is her real level of skill. She has held “a range of position within healthcare to support the development of innovative models of care, highly engaged clinical, patient and public leadership, and is passionate about supporting.. service provision and population wellbeing.” She supports and promotes “BAME issues via the NHS and my Twitter account in order to convince the masses that this is the way to get back to a degree of normalcy”.

Relative priorities show the failure to save the elderly population, the failure to do routine operations and cancer care… is less important than BAME, BAME, BAME.

The Financial Times says ” “Governance is no longer equal to government. Government is but one player in the new framework.”

UK Column News – 25th November 2020

Nov 26, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I wonder if today’s British or German government would call Hans and Sophie Scholl “far right”. What would Antifa and the Nazi pick-pocket George Soros have to say?

Their Wikipedia entries are remarkably short. Usually an indicator of what the establishment doesn’t need you to know. Sophie and with her brother.

“It was not until the 1998 law to abolish Nazi judgments of injustice in the administration of criminal justice that the sentences against Hans Scholl and other members of the White Rose became void in Germany.”

Nov 26, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Society is united against an existential threat. The people face an invisible plague that spreads unseen like an asymptomatic infection. There is a scientific consensus on how to deal with it. Anyone who dissents is a threat to the safety of all.

What makes Sophie Scholl feel that she is entitled to speak against the government, against the consensus? She is putting our children and elderly at risk! And who is she?

White privilege, I hear them cry! She is the daughter of a mayor. Born in the town hall! She has every advantage: enjoy it and be silent. Instead she spreads leaflets and lies.

Where is equity for all! How dare she demand the right to enjoy her own life, as if she is special, undocumented and unmasked.

Sophie Scholl went to the Guillotine, aged 21.

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Nov 26, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Despite de-Nazification, a lot of lawyers, judges and court officials who had served the Third Reich carried on, certainly in West Germany, and this was a factor in Third Reich judgments not being voided.
For example there was an attempt to prosecute a German navy sailor postwar. During the war an anti-Fascist German woman had tried to influence him to oppose the Third Reich. He denounced her and she was arrested and executed. The attempt to prosecute him failed, however – the court actually thought the executed woman was the criminal. The judge in particular had apparently been a lawyer under the Third Reich and preserved typical Nazi attitudes.

Nov 26, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

The US and UK took care to ensure there was not “too much” de-nazification. They said they had no choice, because all the men of a certain calibre were tainted, and there was no way the new Germany could be put in the hands of people without the requisite calibre.

Nov 26, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Can we hear what UK Column News have to say on immigration? So people can understand what they really are about.

Like all nasty alt-right groups they ultimately work in the interests of large corporations, assisting them in through their hatred of socialism and though their love of ‘small government’, or deregulation, which is why the CIA love them so much. Farage let the cat out of the bag with his backing for a privatised NHS, very embarrassing.

Nov 26, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  Henry

All that matters in the face of tyranny is analysis and action. UKC stand or fall by that measure.

Do you bring news of another broadcaster or group? I’d be pleased to follow it.

Nov 26, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Only far-right voices, like yours are allowed to oppose Covid measures, on-line or in the media, which is why you guys are as much a part of the Covid scam as the current regime implementing the measures.

You are the controlled opposition, you are there to pick up and channel us into the far-right when we oppose the far-right who are in power implementing the Covid measures. There is a symmetry to it.

Nov 26, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  Henry

I have paid with my career for not toeing the line and near damned my livelihood, so you can stuff your words.

Besides, everyone is free to oppose Covid measures. I want to hear from Greens, from environmentalists, from every spectrum of left. Crickets.

I hear only people who call themselves Constitutionalists. It is you that call them far right. Tom Paine would not agree, nor would a hundred revolutionaries.

Nov 26, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I don’t know your beliefs or what you sacrificed and why. I am mainly attacking the site you post most days, which publishes some relevant stuff sometimes, but so did Adolf hitler, it was he who built the amazing autobahns and gave everyone a role, he gave the people jobs, optimism, self belief but he also gave them a target for all their hate and anger, the Jews, as well as plunging the country into total destruction.

To me it looks like the far-right are being given the truth about Covid to use for their political ends, perhaps to replace their last tool of manipulation, racism. The truth can attract people to bad causes and bad groups too.

Nov 26, 2020 7:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I don’t know your beliefs or what you sacrificed and why. I am mainly attacking the site you post most days, which publishes some relevant stuff sometimes, but so did Adolf hitler, it was he who built the amazing autobahns and gave everyone a role, he gave the people jobs, optimism, self belief but he also gave them a target for all their hate and anger, the Jews, as well as plunging the country into total destruction.
To me it looks like the far-right are being given the truth about Covid to use for their political ends, perhaps to replace their last tool of manipulation, racism. The truth can attract people to bad causes and bad groups too.

Nov 26, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  Henry

Not for the first time in history the radical right has had better political antennae than the left. My guess is that when people stop getting paid and there is no more stimulus money there are going to be bigger protests over lockdowns etc than what has happened so far, and political forces that do not campaign on a platform of lockdown forever could win followers. It’s going to be a cold winter but perhaps a hot one as well, in a political sense.

Nov 26, 2020 1:18 PM

Lovely! Well done!

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 12:45 PM

The Left are fond of their “dialectic”. Well here’s one: the covid story was at its most credible in the beginning (the “shock and awe!” phase as I think of it). The initial lockdown was powered by fear of this “lethal new pandemic” and we had frothingly panic stricken customers raiding supermarkets etc. 

After all that, and the ensuing months, there has been, as even the authorities themselves have admitted, a decline in covid deaths – so much so that they had to make the switch to covid cases. And all the verbiage that validated the initial lockdown (“flatten the curve” etc.) has voiced objectives that have been obtained.


You’d think the whole shebang would be over. It would make sense wouldn’t it? But no – the less there is to panic about, the greater the panic. I predict that in another month’s time, someone will sneeze, the noise will be amplified till it sounds like Hiroshima and the WSWS will write an article that is one long inchoate scream. Though by that time, there will be no comments since all the commenters will have committed suicide through the sheer disappointment of not contracting the virus.

Nov 26, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Clearly “the left” likes what it sees.
I accept the entreaties of those who reject the blanket description of the Great Reset as socialist or communist — however it’s clearly the left primarily that embraces it.

Authoritarians gravitate to any flavour of totalitarianism, in my view. Mussolini was as comfortable being socialist as fascist. That is why I have time for those who insist the Great Reset is not necessarily a socialist phenomenon. Recent psychological research supports that view:

Emotional psychology drives the current desire for authoritarian government among some people in the younger (sub-45 y/o) generations. Described in this earlier post about this research: New study explores the psychological predictors of extreme political attitudes – PsyPost, Nov 4, 2020

The research found the same roots driving PC Authoritarianism and White Identitarian attitudes. A shared trait exists between the two, “specifically, moral absolutism, as measured by black-and-white thinking”.

I wonder if the rollercoaster of generational genocide in WW1 followed by a short-lived 1920s boom, created a similar emotional psychology in a generation that subsequently embraced totalitarianism in the 1930s. Could we be witnessing a repeat?

Nov 26, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Well said.
Despite my allergy to labels, I will, nevertheless express my opinion that communism, as it was originally conceived, was usurped by the classic USSR and Chinese versions of bygone times, and so, when modern people refer to socialism, communism and ‘the left’ as if they were all the same thing, they immediately reveal that they do not know what they are talking about.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Perhaps ironically, your remarks recall those of the Frankfurt School e.g. Theodore Adorno and his fixation on “the authoritarian personality”. I don’t feel I can endorse any view on psychology that doesn’t include consideration of the surrounding environment. Re: the situation in Nazi Germany, which is the big favourite for talk about the “evil” of the masses, one matter that is constantly being forgotten is the appalling economic conditions of the time. When people have no idea where their next meal is coming from – or even if they’ll ever have one again – then their “psychology” will be altered accordingly. 

As for The Left, well, it is obvious from all the remarks I have made that I consider myself on their side. However, recent events have forced some uncomfortable speculations on me: namely the suspicion that there is a very potent “deep state” input to many (perhaps even all) of the major “Left” organisations. In fact it goes even further than that. We are talking here about ideological management on a very basic level – something akin to that “Mighty Wurlitzer” notion i.e. that the CIA was like a puppet master presiding over Western culture and entertainment and guiding it all for maximum, psychological control of the population.

(I don’t consider these remarks to be at odds with my “poo-pooing” of psychology above. As far as the West is concerned, we live in an affluent society where our outlook is built on a level of security not previously known.)
“The Left” – or at least, what passes for the public face of this “Left” – have indeed embraced the covid tale. The two psychological props, posing as arguments, are: covid as weakness of capitalism, and, following from that, scepticism as a defense of capitalism and therefore a “Right wing” issue. (Although even then, there is a difference between capitalism and the Right.)

These aforementioned props to induce a Left support for the lockdowns seem to be extraordinarily effective. There are people who I have, or perhaps I should say had, a great deal of respect for, who have been emphatically hoodwinked by these illegitimate arguments.

And the foundation of these bogus arguments is the notion that covid poses a devastating threat to capitalism. Covid thus arrives as a kind of revolution on the cheap i.e. the masses have been sitting on their arses and refusing to budge whilst neoliberalism shafts them every which way …but then covid arrives and (presumably) prods them into action. (Although precisely how they are supposed to lead the charge whilst hiding in the ICU is difficult to conceive.) 

Nevertheless, this tale of retribution is irresistible to most on the Left cf. Jonathan Cook:

“You can almost smell the fear-laden sweat oozing from the pores of television broadcasts and social media posts as it finally dawns on our political and media establishments what the coronavirus actually means.”

I reckon that “what the coronavirus actually means” isn’t what most of the Left urgently want it to mean. (As Nietzsche once said, the attractiveness of a belief, far from indicating proof, should serve as a warning against the belief.)

But since the Left are seeing that bright Red Dawn which, by their own logic, must be attained by their own efforts, they must reject all notion of a “Great Reset” as something orchestrated by the rulers. And, sure enough, one on the Left I spoke to does reject this “Great Reset”.

And that is precisely where this Left fall down. If the rulers were really knocked out by this virus, they would have never pushed lockdown themselves which they clearly are doing via the MSM which is their mouthpiece. And as the lockdown proceeds and the justification of it becomes more threadbare, the criteria has to keep shifting e.g. from death count to case count. And as I have said, these oily manoeuvres are common to both the MSM and the WSW.

As for “the Right”, they have a certain immunity to the artificial restraints imposed on the Left e.g. they have not been so easily manipulated by conspiracy phobia. I now have no objection to reading “Rightist” material. There is no reason why you cannot find truth there too. And the Left/Right division is perhaps the single most effective psychological device for keeping people subservient.

Nov 26, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“I reckon that “what the coronavirus actually means” isn’t what most of the Left urgently want it to mean. (As Nietzsche once said, the attractiveness of a belief, far from indicating proof, should serve as a warning against the belief.)”

Solid analysis. How they can perceive Covid as a weakness of capitalism when there is so much evidence that Event Covid is the product of collusion between Big Tech (today’s robber barons) and the entrenched bureaucracy?

In writing that, I can see The Left would feel affinity for bureaucracy yet they fail to comprehend that bureaucracy is no longer the grimy collared civil servant crunching numbers for the public good.

When reporting in Russia I witnessed the point where the mafia abandoned girls, casinos and drugs for government contracts worth 100 times as much. In the West I have marveled as one institution after another has fallen to corruption as a permanent state of affairs — my father, who was a civil servant, said it began with Thatcher’s pay rises for the top brass and was supercharged by privatisation when any competent civil servant could earn two salaries – one from the public sector and one on secondment to the private sector.

Bureaucracy is extremely lucrative for the upper middle-class who can earn multi-hundred-pound salaries and set up companies to sell services to the state. This is the Blairite world of The Guardian. It is about “us” not “them”.

Organized crime and private equity (the same thing, pre and post laundry) have muscled in. Bureaucracy has more to do with mafia than trades unions. The Left establishment lollops on, tongue lolling, hoping for a slurp at the trough.

Nov 26, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They’re so happy now that they have all those new powers they’ll never give them back.

Nov 26, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Carrie

It’s already too late, in fact, since they already have all the power any totalitarian regime could wish for.
There is simply no opposition, except perhaps on a one-to-one basis…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 26, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“The Left” “The Right” “The Center”

The terminology of the CORPORATE FASCIST SLAVE MASTERS intended to keep the SLAVES/PROLES at each others throats.

The political hucksters and bourgeois labor faker fabian fascist eugenicist frauds at DSA, SA, COUNTER PUFF, THE CIA PARTY (formerly known as the SEP) etc, are also a shameless attempt by the CORPORATE FASCISTS to discredit honest Socialism. Pay them no heed.


Nov 26, 2020 12:39 PM

As I drove along a rural road, this morning, I saw a mask-wearing woman walking her dog. She was about two miles away from the nearest village. On a long stretch of road. She could see for several hundred yards in both directions (in case there were any potential threats to her life, I mean, other pedestrians).

What this person was doing is an example of the kind of strange (and previously unthinkable) behaviour exhibited by people who believe what they hear on the BBC.

I wonder how these people are going to cope when the shit really hits the fan.

Nov 26, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I sometimes wonder about that too.
My fear is that those people will always accept everything the regulations (as so helpfully interpreted by our scrupulous media) decree – no matter who the halfwit that concocted them…
The coming official salute will be accepted, as will the modern equivalent of, “Where are your papers?”
Then people will start to whisper about a disappeared neighbour, who was said to reject mask wearing a few weeks ago…
Then they will stop whispering about it, because whispering could be interpreted as anti-regime in our ‘new normal’ society.

It’s the beginning of what is shaping up nicely to be The Great Murder, as I call it.

Just two days ago, where I live, there was a TV interview with a prominent politician/law enforcement man who has acquired a reputation for drawing parallels with ‘The Holocaust’ (which he does not do – he draws parallels, as did CJ the other day, with the totalitarianism of the past), and you could see how, from the outset, the interviewer had an amused smirk on his face, to show how he did not regard this as a serious interview.
The man in question is intimately connected with law making here, and is very shrewd, despite being in the so-called ‘Independence’ Party (“Conservative”, in any other language…), yet his unorthodox stance is portrayed as funny eccentricity.
That, I’m afraid, is probably the mildest fate which could befall a person who takes the decision, as I have, to be ‘unorthodox’ in future…

Nov 26, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Sunetra Gupta was a guest on Jeremy Vine’s Radio 2 show yesterday. She very calmly explained the recognised and accepted principle of allowing viruses to take their natural course and thereby building up community immunity, whilst at the same time respecting that some elderly/vulnerable people might wish to take precautions for a couple of months. Jeremy Vine actually asked her how she thought it would be possible to make (sic) all vulnerable people self-isolate! She was, naturally, astounded at his take on what she was suggesting. When someone phoned in to say aggressively that they knew someone with cystic fibrosis so “was she suggesting that they should be forbidden from living a normal life?” she asked the very obvious question of what people thought had been happening for the past eight months.

Other post-interview email comments that came in were to ask “what the BBC thought it was doing giving airtime to such a dangerous woman”. Depressing listening, not helped by Jeremy Vine’s complete ignorance.

Nov 26, 2020 3:36 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Come on, I’m sure this will turn out ok!

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Nov 26, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

This is already the case in France. You need a paper stating; where you live and what you are doing out. It is disgusting that the french have allowed it, the people are real cowards, I suspect up until the point when they flip, then, they’ll go crazy as a mob destroying all in their path, that is what their revolution & 1968 tells us anyway.

Nov 26, 2020 8:21 PM
Reply to  Henry

There’s no time like the present!

Nov 26, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

Looks a bit like Mark and Daryl at the WWII re-enactment…

Nov 26, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

“Oh God, I’m even boring when I’m a Nazi”, classic Mark!

Nov 26, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

Ha. :o)

Nov 26, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The media. The FUCKING media. They’ve got so much to answer for. Damn all those who’ve played along with this. Such as the smug, immature prick of an interviewer that you mention.

I’ve taken the decision to be ‘unorthodox’, too. Not much to think about for those who can see through the lies, really. :o)

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 28, 2020 11:11 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

They won’t cope at all Gwyn. A lot of people have lived in large cities their whole lives, almost all their food comes from a supermarket and if they need something fixed, they pay someone else to fix it.
Most people have lost important survival skills. Imagine when they can’t access money. Think Cyprus about 10 years ago.
Even tho facemasks are no longer required to be worn outside in Melbourne, the large majority still wear them. I even see people walking along my street, not one person on the street, and they have a mask on.
Today, nearly all my customers came up wearing masks on, and I told at least 6 of them: take your facemask off, you only have to wear it inside a shop, you don’t need it outside.
Well, guess what? they removed them! We chatted for a bit, and when they left, I watched them. As they walked away, all of them except one person put their facemasks back on. Really fecken depressing, aye.
You’re right tho… a tidal wave of shit is heading our way. It can’t be that far off now.

Nov 29, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I commented recently on how I’d had a conversation with a woman at the checkout when I was in the supermarket. I told her not to believe a word that comes out of the BBC. She was in agreement with me. The next thing she told me was that the latest lockdown (which had been lifted that same day) hadn’t gone on long enough.

I’d spoken to her before. She’d shown me the tattoo she’s got on her forearm, which reads: Ancora Imparo. Words which are attributed to Michelangelo when he was on his 70s or 80s. Words which mean: I’m still learning.

Next time I see her, I might give her the number for a tattoo-removal company…

Nov 26, 2020 12:28 PM

The WEF pushing their ‘circular economy’ again:


It’s great! It’ll defeat Covid and save the Earth!

Strange they omit the part about not owning anything….

Nov 26, 2020 11:57 AM

The chief clown has put (only) Cornwall on tier one due to a complete absence of the coov in that county.
So the one million unmasked granny killing visitors this summer somehow were able to cure the coov.

Nov 26, 2020 11:39 AM

Woke up this morning, feeling fine……..and now there’s something on my mind

Opened a letter from the NHS inviting me in for a Flu Jab.

I was under the impression Covid was king? What, I’m expected to take the Flu vaccine and then the Covid Vaccine?

I think I’ll stick with Vitamin C, D and Zinc thank you.

Nov 26, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  TFS

You are still under the delusion that “your precious bodily fluids” are yours and not the property of the retarded totalitarian state.
Shame on you…shame on you….

Paul M
Paul M
Nov 26, 2020 2:35 PM
Reply to  Martillo

Yes – they’re taking the piss out of all of us…

Nov 26, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Martillo

(Edited because of wrong recipient)

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 26, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Martillo

“He ran out of all his precious bodily fluids, so now he is taking yours.”


Nov 26, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  TFS


County Girl
County Girl
Nov 26, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  TFS

Amazing – they still want us to have the Flu jab, but no one is catching or dying from flu this Autumn.

Nov 26, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  County Girl

The flu has not been seen on the planet since April 2020, as proven by this chart from the WHO:

Nov 26, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  October

I am pretty sure I came down with it in February 2020. Was I one of the last people to suffer from this ancient scourge?
Or is Covid a flu rebrand?

Nov 26, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  TFS

Yes, I have had a barrage of letters and texts identifying me as being in a very high vulnerability bracket. However, my next door neighbour, who is a nurse at a super sized city hospital with decades of experience, made some interesting points to me about this flu vaccine. Firstly, he said that the prevalence of dementia amongst the elderly had increased substantially. Secondly, he stated that the Flu vaccine of recent decades contained mercury and aluminium. So I did some research and some curious facts emerged. The Flu vaccine does indeed contain mercury, some flu vaccines have 25,000 more mercury in it than in tap water, and it does indeed contain aluminium which can cause dementia plus Alzheimer’s. This led to another fact dementia is one of the biggest if not the biggest cause of death in the U.K. To paraphrase Ronald and Nancy Reagan, just say no !!

Nov 27, 2020 6:32 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Something injected into the blood directly is far worse than tap water – that the digestive system may filter.

Nov 26, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  TFS

You will be required to attend an emergency clinic in a designated tent for your area next Wednesday, at 12:15 pm, where a promising new combined ‘flu/covid’ vaccine will be administered.

You have been chosen for this experimental initiative as a loyal member of your local community, and your cooperation is appreciated, although we do stress that cooperation is, in fact, a requirement.
Again, while we prefer willing participation, there will be no exceptions to the vaccination process.

See the list below for the location of your designated tent.

Thank you.

Nov 26, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  October

The warnings that ethnic minorities were especially vulnerable to covid, were very effective in getting compliance from the black community, a community who normally demonstrate their contempt for a system that has abused and lied about them for so long. That along with the bullying & demonising of students ensured two of the traditional sources of decent were stymied.

Nov 26, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  Henry

It is beyond sickening. And so obvious.

Nov 26, 2020 4:08 PM
Reply to  Henry

You may find that ‘ethnic minorities were especially vulnerable to covid‘, holds true.

I’m sure those groups to some extent, may share a Vitamin D deficiency, especially during the winter months.

I suspect this is also true of inmates and is a concern I have on why i’ve not seen anything from Julian Assanges supporters trying to force the Government to make sure Julian and other inmates are given Vitamin C, D and Zinc as standard.

Nov 26, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  TFS

You may be right, but I don’t remember information from the government about vitamin D, they were more interested in compliance

Nov 26, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  October

This article clearly shows how mega resources – from long before March – have gone into breaking down your “hesitancy” over an unending forced vax mandate.
For some reason they really really REALLY want a permanent vector into our bodies..
Every kind of influence Is being applied. From disguising the targeting of minority populations as “essential access for frontline workers,” – special attention and access for whichever group has the highest numbers of the group they’re really targeting,
..to getting local leaders or coaches in your community to sell their terrifying product.
Beware when your neighbourhood yoga teacher or your kids karate coach pulls up to class in a brand new SUV with a change of heart and a brand new point of view..

Nov 26, 2020 10:10 AM

The CFR not missing an opportunity to push for more surveillance:


The “Tulsi Gabbard will save us” brigade need a reminder that she belongs to this body.

On a macro level it means the world state; on a micro level it means wearing health-monitoring kit that’ll know you have a temperature before you do and will eventually be implanted.

Nov 26, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Which could be hacked to show a false warning. Just like the pseudo-test for the pseudo-disease. Then, off you go to the Citizens’ Health Centre for evaluation, treatment, guinea-pig duty or a medical accident.

Nov 26, 2020 10:32 AM
Reply to  Edwige

It is so difficult to discern the forces at play on the USA political scene, the CIA paint a very complex picture, often mimicking the diversity of a true democracy, when there is essentially none.

They control both the main players and the main ‘opposition’. I have not seen a genuine player on the US political stage for decades, who is not compromised.
Ron Paul whose politics I hate, is the nearest we get to a misguided, but honest player, I think they respect him too much to kill him and he is basically on the side of the neoliberal American Empire anyway.

When I think back to players in the UK like Tony Benn, Lord Heseltine or even Jeremy Paxman we had a few ‘real people’. They are not allowed anymore. Despite them working hard to give us fake ‘honest players’ like Farage.

Nov 26, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  Henry

I think that’s the key – they are just not allowed anymore.

Nov 26, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Judith

Jesse Ventura too. He has described his interview with the CIA when he was elected. Very interesting. I think Ross Perot was honest in his opposition too. Even though he was an elite he didn’t want to go down this path. So he fought them as best he could. They threatened with family which caused him to drop out until the CIA and his campaign team could agree upon a platform.

Nov 26, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Henry

Dennis Kucinich. They got rid of him

Nov 26, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  goldhoarder

I started out on burgundy
But soon hit the harder stuff
Everybody said they’d stand behind me
When the game got rough
But the joke was on me
There was nobody even there to bluff
I’m going back to New York City
I do believe I’ve had enough

— Bob Dylan, “Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues” (1965)

I agree that Kucinich was left to twist slowly in the wind by the Democratic Party, even after he lost his congressional seat and “went back to Cleveland, Ohio” to unsuccessfully run for governor.

But I don’t see him as an outright victim of the corrupt and decadent duopoly Party of Judas. I see Kucinich as at best a tragic figure, and an object lesson on the failure and futility of “working within the system” of partisan politics.

Personally, I think that Kucinich is far more honest and principled than an older parallel figure, Bernie Sanders. Thus, Kucinich willingly acted the role of a progressive and nominally left-wing “maverick” within the Democratic Party instead of attempting Sanders’ self-serving, disingenuous pretense of being a principled “independent”– i.e., a crypto-Democrat.

But they both functioned as “Judas goats” to attract and capture impressionable, mostly young progressive idealists into the Democratic Party. Kucinich also obligingly renounced progressive, contrarian positions when they conflicted with the party line, e.g. abandoning his antiwar stance to support the odious John Kerry in the 2004 presidential campaign, and supporting the abominable “Obamacare” health-corporation bailout in 2009 despite repeatedly “vowing” to oppose any healthcare legislation that didn’t include a public option.

In a better world, Kucinich would be a fine politician. But if one chooses to keep making deals with the devil, even though occasionally conflicted and conscience-stricken, it’s hard to feel sympathy when the devil has the last laugh.

Nov 27, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  Ort

The Democrats helped restructure his district to make sure he would lose and publically backed Kaptur. He is still well loved in Cleveland for not backing down in the Muny Light scandal where the banks had set the debt trap and demanded he sell city assets, put Clevland into austerity measures, or face bankruptcy, default, and lack of credit access. Pretty much the start of what became a global campaign to place finance capital into a throne of power everywhere on Earth. Kucinich understood that better than anybody in congress. Well…certainly Ron Paul did too and was probably why they had a friensly relationship. Paul always advised default as a response to endless debt and austerity. He understood the debt trap game too

Nov 26, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Henry

He’s in on it too. If they want Ron Paul gone they would have gotten rid of him years ago. It’s not just the CIA controlling the political landscape. They are just one agency out of seventeen. They are one lever of control. The money behind the political landscape is the real power.

And it’s the same in the UK and everywhere. The cryptocracy allow a certain amount of controlled opposition to keep the people confused and hopeful.

The system itself is set up to obfuscate how the cryptocracy (central bankers) use controlled opposition within faux democracies to corral voters into groups, quieten them and thus stop them from understanding that they’ve never had democracy of any kind, only various players who will divert them into multiple opposing political, racial, social, religious, cultural and economic groups.

Divide and conquer.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 10:10 AM

The mainstream Left are now springing into action as the new “Commie” sales pitch for the new capitalist scam.

Nov 26, 2020 10:07 AM

”Doctors Warn Side Effects From COVID-19 Vaccine “Won’t Be A Walk In The Park”


Glad to see Macron confirmed he will not be attempting to make the vaccine mandatory. We’ll see. It looks like we are heading for another shit-show like the App. failure, where people will not take this very risky vaccine.

Nov 26, 2020 10:22 AM
Reply to  Henry

How generous of “our leaders” to let us do the cost/benefit analysis on our own. But they could make life impossible without it, making a mandate unnecessary.

On the bad cop side, the idea of forced isolation is being seeded in the public mind, with media enablers justifying that with talk about “force majeure”.

Nov 26, 2020 10:45 AM
Reply to  October

There is very little virus left to justify many more serious actions, they are running out of grace, they can not ramp it up now unless they go full facist and they won’t do that. The lockdowns are ending because the people are losing interest in them, the government responds by reducing restrictions, government are powerless in the face of the public mood. They are now trying to salvage some powers from the whole operation, like they did from 9/11.

Nov 26, 2020 12:47 PM
Reply to  Henry

I’m not so sure they will not try to go more authoritarian. In fact, I fear that will be their only option.
As for serious actions, is forced isolation of “cases” not an unprecedented measure?

Nov 26, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  Henry

You’ll note that, as the UK comes out of the latest Lockdown on 2 December, it re-enters the Tier system. There are only 2/3 areas in Tier 1.
The Tier system is reviewed 2 weeks later just before the Christmas holidays.
Hancock hopes that all Tier 2 & 3 areas can drop a Tier but notice how NO area can be Tier-free. In other words, all areas will still be subject to some restriction or other !!
The cynic in me also notes that, between Lockdown end and Christmas, there is plenty of time for “cases” to rise again with the need for the State to step in and “help” us do something about it.

Nov 26, 2020 11:02 PM
Reply to  David

Lockdown is being replaced with lockdown. They can give them all sorts of PR names like tiers and firebreaks etc but they are lockdowns.

Nov 26, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  Henry

WTF. They are grabbing more power, opting for tighter restrictions globally and pushing forward with the plan.

There never was a virus. There was only the effects of lockdown, changing death certificates and testing for DNA with non diagnostic tests, that create the appearance of a virus by creating meaningless and fake statistics.

They don’t care whether you realize it or not.

Nov 26, 2020 11:04 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Unfortunately your right. Almost everyone knows these tests are garbage and not once have they acknowledged it.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 9:35 AM

And they persist in their ferocious determination to snuff out any lessening of the bubonic narrative: 


“Why are millions of Americans traveling for Thanksgiving as the pandemic rages?” 

How dare they! Don’t’ they realise that even getting into your car means being overpowered by billions of covid bugs!


George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 9:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The comments below the article are possibly even more depressing still. Among the usual mutual cocksucking, there is this:
“The ignorance that continues towards this virus is astonishing. What are the estimated numbers now? Over 300,000 and counting? A horrific scenario of people dying in the streets is not that far off as hospitals can no longer provide even the basic treatment(s) and people (especially useless politicians) will pontificate that this is a “Chinese hoax” to get Americans to conform to some sort of mind control so they can take over Hollywood, raise American children in Communist factories, and embrace nonsensical Biblical prophecies. Anything, anything but to recognize the lethality of this virus.”

Can you believe that? I’ve seen a video that that WSWS linked to and which supposedly showed the appalling conditions in the hospitals. It was a nice little tour round an empty ward with stacked up machines and then one single patient – who was wheeled out twice! Monty Python couldn’t have made a sillier video!

And a couple of other comments, taken together, tell an interesting tale:  


“Why are millions of Americans traveling for Thanksgiving as the pandemic rages?” Because there are hordes of Americans–mostly Right Wingers–who believe that COVID-19 is either a hoax or at least an exaggerated issue designed to push a sinister “Globalist”/New World Order conspiracy involving Bill Gates, WHO, and Anthony Fauci. Not surprisingly, these are often the same people that believe that the election was stolen from Donald Trump and that the Black Lives Matter protests are Molotov-cocktail throwing anarchists/terrorists.
This is the unhinged character of the Paranoid Style of American politics.”


“Comrade, it is worse than that. Wait till a vaccine is released and watch the United States lag far behind the rest of the world in accepting it. The parasites in the pharmaceutical industry will seek maximum profits from the situation added to the tin foil hat crowd condemning it, resulting in a needless prolongation of the pandemic here.”

Note that typical “neither one nor the other” attitude there. “we need a vaccine!” followed by “those bastards are going to screw us over their vaccine”. But the underlying message is “Vaccine! Vaccine! Give us a vaccine!”

Are these people actually being hired by Bill Gates to sell this wretched vaccine?

Nov 26, 2020 10:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘Note that typical “neither one nor the other” attitude there. “we need a vaccine!” followed by “those bastards are going to screw us over their vaccine”. But the underlying message is “Vaccine! Vaccine! Give us a vaccine!”’

It is a kind of cognitive dissonance. They want lockdowns and of course the authorities ban protests using the pretext of Covid. The WSWS want protests or pretend they want them at least, but they want to lock down as well and this impulse is stronger. I think the delay of a week before commenting on the November 17 repression in Greece was because of the difficulty in reconciling “Arise ye proletariat” with “Let me hide under a bed because there’s a virus about!”. Ultimately the positions cannot be reconciled, of course.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Their position is totally inconsistent and indeed necessarily so. Their spiel is formally identical to that of the MSM and the only distinction is that the WSWS are even more hyperbolic. Their view of the masses is therefore purest hypocrisy. The WSWS are for the lockdowns i.e. the very same lockdowns that the govt and the MSM are pushing. There is thus no difference in policy between the WSWS and the mainstream.  

I think I should start to refer to the WSWS as the WSW since it is indeed the MSM “inverted” i.e. it appears different but isn’t. So it’s the MSM/WSW. 

And this means that the masses are in fact opposed to this MSM/WSW creature. The only protest that this creature can envisage i.e. allow is a protest for the lockdowns i.e. a “protest” for what the rulers already want anyway. The only true protest would be against the lockdowns. And that kind of protest will be ceaselessly demonised as “Far Right/Fascist/anti-Semitic ….” etc.

Nov 26, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Due to a he quality of the writing, i’d say yes… they are hired and are professionals… this is not main stream people

Nov 26, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

I don’t think the quality of the writings on their site stands up to much scrutiny. They tend to be slimy and evasive when it comes to any problems with their line, and if you raise an objection they go in for ad hominem attacks, perhaps to cover up an inability to actually defend their line.
Their boilerplate is a somewhat selective description of some event, a denunciation of some bogeyman, often government, Labour Party leaders or trade union officials or their equivalents in other countries, and of course “Stalinists”. They finish up with a call to build the Socialist Equality Party etc. which of course has all the solutions. Until Covid they were not particularly shrill but they have really gone overboard this year.
Early on I criticised their enthusiasm for lockdowns and said I thought this was at least partly about social control. The snotty response I got was that social control is what they do anyway and I must have been asleep when they have chipped away at rights in the past. Untrue. But for example the authorities in Greece did not try to ban something like the November 17 march until this year, and having to ask the cops for permission via smartphone before going out to shop is a good example of the medical martial law that the WSW implicitly endorses now. If rights were chipped away at in the past, wholesale demolition is going on now and these fools are part of it.

Nov 27, 2020 4:56 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

you just described the MSM professionals… not the populace…

Nov 27, 2020 5:55 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

I was giving my view of the WSW although it may apply to a wider layer than them.

Nov 26, 2020 10:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Sometimes sophisticated analysis is not adequate. F%@king cowards with a dash of puritanism thrown in is more like it. “How can people go and see friends and relatives while I am soiling myself in terror of the Black Death of 2020? And they are enjoying themselves too! Outrageous!”

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 9:28 AM

And the true denial continues:  


“For most Americans, this will be the worst Thanksgiving they can remember. A quarter-million people in America are dead from the pandemic. Tens of millions have lost their jobs, and countless others are hungry or on the verge of being evicted from their homes. For months, workers throughout the country have played a daily game of Russian roulette every time they punched into a shift at a factory, warehouse or store.

But the view from Manhattan’s billionaires’ row is much more pleasant. On Tuesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a record of 30,000, up nearly 70 percent since March. This, in turn, has fueled the wealth of the ultra-rich. A recent report from the Institute for Policy Studies gives a sense of the enormous upward redistribution of wealth that has occurred since the outbreak of the pandemic…”

Yes! And?! You want more clues?! For fuck’s sake – what are you stupid bastards doing? What are you thinking? THEY above you are doing this! THEY are getting away with this! AND YOU ARE HELPING THEM!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 26, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t worry George… Democracy Now and that truth telling truthdigger, Amy Goodman (cough cough) are giving the WSWS are really good run for their money in putting out the the Worst Pandemic in human history line. About the only friend I have left gets his news from The Guardian, Democracy Now and ABC, so my attempts to get him to wake up and open his eyes have failed rather miserably. Thinking of just going… sayonara, adios, au revoir actually. I don’t really want to know anyone anymore who thinks lockdowns are about saving lives and that the police should be handing out facemasks.

Nov 26, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I get your frustration, Gezzah. I just don’t have the energy to educate. It has taken me years of reading and listening and watching to learn the run-up to what we are experiencing today. If I did not know what I know (and believe) I’d be having a pleasant Thanksgiving with family, masked up and distancing.

There is no way to get people to understand, much less accept, the agenda behind this tyranny. It has been planned perfectly. Even if you got people to accept the Great Re-set – there is still that ever present, every critical kernel of “BUT PEOPLE ARE DYING!” that is impenetrable.

And I understand that. Because people have died. Of what, I’m don’t know – but it’s what people see and believe. And when you have all major establishments – particularly hospitals and doctors pushing that narrative, then to me, all hope is lost.

Nov 26, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Judith


A glimmer of comfort…small and insignificant in the scheme of things but enough to lift my spirits today –

I was out today distributing copies of ‘The Light’ (national, free) newspaper here in North Wales.


I intentionally homed in on a nearby down-market high street where many independent businesses are struggling, if not already closed for good. Last week I had delivered to a number of businesses there including a couple of Turkish barber’s shops where they were only too happy to take multiple copies for their customers.

Today I had about thirty copies left. There was a large group of work colleagues outside a pub. Initially they thought I was going to confront them about not wearing masks so I assured them that was the furthest thing from my mind. A couple of them became very animated about their suspicions that there was something other than a pandemic driving the narrative. So they happily took copies for themselves.

I popped a copy through locked doors of two or three cafeterias and then went into a family cafeteria which was open for business. The very pleasant young lady (cafe owner) behind the counter was extremely cynical about the ‘pandemic’ and was aware of some of the flaws in the mainstream narrative as were her two elderly customers sitting at the tables. We chatted for about 20 minutes about the tests, the real statistics on hospital admissions and the vaccine propaganda. She said she knew someone who had gone into hospital with a serious heart condition and had died and was classified as a Covid19 death even though he had no symptoms of it but had tested +ve after two days in hospital.

Interestingly, the businesses I have been to where there is the most cynicism and receptiveness to any words of dissent against the Government have been immigrant owned. I have come to the conclusion they are the best option for circulating any material challenging the narrative. They have a loyal customer base of all nationalities so I think they are a sound means of getting and spreading support. As a case in point, the lady who owned the cafe is Romanian and she asked me to give her all the papers I still had. She immediately put them on prominent view on the counter, saying that her breakfast and lunch customers would love to read it. She asked me to be sure to bring any other publications to her. A heartening experience. I shall give her my custom in future, even though it’s a little out of my way and I rarely visit cafes. But I shall make an exception for them.

Nov 26, 2020 11:15 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Great to hear some good news

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 27, 2020 11:35 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Excellent news Judy, good stuff👍
While out selling the mag (still going extremely well, btw) have come across covid sceptics almost every day, and to talk face to face with people that know its a scam is vastly better than eating a whole block of chocolate! Seriously tho, it’s a great mental tonic.
Have noticed tho, it’s the more working class suburbs where the scepticism seems the highest. In the wealthier areas, you still see a lot of fear in people’s eyes, and they’re quite reluctant to come too close, even with a facemask on. I try and have some empathy, but…

Nov 27, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks, Judy! Well done you!

Nov 26, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yeah. At some point it feels like a waste of time and energy.

Nov 26, 2020 11:13 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

How’s things in Victoria now Gezzah? I’m thinking it would be difficult for dastardly Dan to keep this shit show going in the summer months?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 26, 2020 11:27 PM
Reply to  Paul

Most restrictions have been removed, but you still must wear facemasks inside shops, on public transport or if you’re in a queue. Hey…. You can go maskless outside now!! Awesome!
And you know what? The vast majority of people walking in streets outside are…. wearing facemasks. Maybe 90%. Still. Completely brainwashed. Oh, and It’s 33 degrees here today.
Big Issue vendors are still expected to wear facemasks while selling to the public because management are adhering to Govt guidelines. Utterly ridiculous. I won’t be wearing a bloody mask in this heat.
Gotta go as am selling mag right now. Have a good weekend Paul. The latest Corbett Report video is very powerful. Was thinking of filth like Daniel Andrews while watching it.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 27, 2020 12:24 AM
Reply to  Paul

P.S…. Saying 90% still wearing facemasks when facemasks are no longer required to be worn outside was too high…Out in the suburbs Its more like 75-80% still wearing them tho that’s still bloody depressing when even the Chief Health Officer (Jane Halton’s brother in law) said to take them off.
But I’ve noticed in the city CBD, nearly everyone still wears them.

Nov 27, 2020 1:19 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I must check out the Corbett report. Thanks.

I guess with the masks you just can’t cure stupid.

I’m really intrigued as in to how Victoria has no ‘cases’.

What we know for certain is PCR tests throw up false positives galore.

It’s impossible for Andrews to be doing testing and have no positive PCR tests.

The only logical conclusion the numbers he was quoting were just picked out of thin air.

Kurt Konrad
Kurt Konrad
Nov 26, 2020 8:22 AM

Over here, the charts show a sharp spike in deaths (https://www.czso.cz/documents/10180/138290018/obypzcr112420_g2.xlsx/78b890d4-2d5e-4117-b70e-9592a2bc8700?version=1.1) in recent weeks.

Yesterday, even the conduit of BS a.k.a. MSM published a story saying that a significant part of excess deaths are due to causes other than the alleged COVID, suggesting that people neglect other medical conditions to the point of dying of them. Despite the sheer craziness of what’s going on (they’ll now open shoe stores, but shoes will have to be quarantined for 24 hours once somebody tried them on … !!! … how fucking nuts can things get?), ever since the previous health minister was ousted (a hardliner caught – surprise, surprise – dining in a restaurant despite the fact that they’ve been ordered closed), I have the impression that the government is now trying to mitigate the measures. The level of scaremongering has come down one notch, like from 100 to 99 … 😀 …

Anyway, judging by this (https://www.euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps/), it would seem that the same thing is happening elsewhere as well. Older, vulnerable people are either afraid to seek treatment or are giving up …

Nov 26, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  Kurt Konrad

I can see them gradually – very gradually – taking it down, because no society can function forever in a state of perpetual terror, and more and more people are going through the motions but not as scared of it as before. They won’t dramatically turn the hysteria down because their heads might roll.

Nov 26, 2020 1:18 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

I’m not quite sure that is going to happen anytime soon.

I am sitting with a very sore throat – highly unusual for me – only on one side and painful to swallow. One week now. Went to Urgent Care last weekend. After taking all my info asst said “I’m going to give you a covid test now”.

I said “No. No, I don’t want a covid test”. She looked at me dumbfounded and left the room.

Physicians asst came in (I don’t think they bother with actual MD’s at Urgent Care’s anymore). Looked at throat and ear and saw no infection, but didn’t have equipment to look deep in throat.

Monday I called my otolarygologists office (major international hospital) to see about an appt.

“If the doctor has to look down your throat you will have a covid test”.

When I explained I did not want that, she kindly put the doctor on. We had a good chat, he prescribed antibiotics which I am taking and which, so far, have done nothing.

I made an appt anyway, for next Tuesday. If I want him to scope my throat I will have to arrive with a NEGATIVE covid test.

I said to the office asst “What happens if you get a positive test and you are in pain?? You don’t get treated???? What is going on?!”

“We will send you to the main hospital where they have the resources to treat positive patients”

So, here I sit until Tuesday. What I am going to propose to the doctor is that I just go to the hospital and have them treat me like I AM positive. That way everybody wins.

And no one sees the insanity of this. A SCOPE DOWN A THROAT! I have had one before. The doctor is nowhere near your throat. He puts it down your throat and looks at the screen on the wall to see what’s going on down there!

He’s masked and protected!!!

Sorry for this long rant. It has owned me for a week. Is this what it will be like when we say NO to a vaccine????

I hate this world I live in and I wish people my age would have a HUGE demonstration and say “WE DON”T APPROVE!!! OPEN THE WORLD AND CARRY ON!!”

Nov 26, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Judith

Sorry to hear about your trouble.

It’s probably the worst time in history now to come down with something, get injured.

My advice is to try to stay positive. That’s the prerequisite for getting better. If you’re under stress, no doctor, no nothing will cure you.

When I was a boy, my mother told me, in response to some pain I had, “don’t worry, most pains will go away on their own.” I thought about it and asked, “what about those that don’t?” Without missing a beat, she retorted, “don’t worry, they’ll probably go away too.” Best piece of information I’ve ever got. Been following that wisdom for over 56 years now, works wonders. Also, there is a mental technique where you tell yourself that things are getting better at any given moment. Even if they deteriorate, you must believe that they’re getting better, a way of positive thinking.

Hope you’ll feel better soon.

Nov 26, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Positive thinking works, but I would have to add that it must be based on something.
Even if one has to get very creative in order to find that something, it must be there.

I have always managed to do that, but of course self-deception probably does more harm than good, if you know you’re deceiving yourself.
The truth doesn’t just go away.

Every case is, of course, different, but I’m pretty sure that if I had been in Judith’s shoes, I would have remembered that having throat pain down one side (as well as in one nostril to start with) was something I had experienced before with ‘flu, so I would have taken myself to bed with hot, fruity, sweet drinks and a kitchen roll, and spoiled myself for the usual few days or a week (sometimes in agonizing misery) until I got better.

I also find it noteworthy in my own case that the last time I had such a ‘flu, my wife did not get it, nor did I get ‘flu from her the last time she had it…

I honestly think we live in times where, once again, it is becoming dangerous to go to hospital, although I have always regarded going to hospital as something to do only in the most extreme situations – such as when I once got a kidney stone. That was the only time I have ever felt my health to be in serious danger.

Otherwise, ‘flu has always come and gone on a fairly regular basis in my life.
I have an immune system, and it has worked, without Bill and Melinda’s help, for many decades.

Even long before this pandemonic, it was sometimes mentioned how often older people who went into hospital for routine treatment seemed to develop pneumonia.
The cause of this was put down to the prevalence, in the hospitals themselves, of various lung pathogens – some of which were highly resistant to normal antibiotics.

That tells us something, although today’s ‘authorities’ would happily label me as a dangerous troublemaker, putting the lives of others at risk, or some other such twaddle…

Nov 26, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Your comment just made me realize that NEVER in my longish life of yearly flus and colds had I EVER infected someone else in my household. Not my mother who cared for me as a child, not my sibling with whom I shared a room…
And no one with a cold or flu in my home has ever infected me. You’d think at least once in the lifetime of a shared living space the whole family would have come down with the same bug.. but it never happened once. In fact never once was a 2nd person infected.

Nov 26, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Great advice! Thank you.

Nov 27, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Thanks, Kurt. (Would have responded sooner but I did not get this reply in my emailbox. Will have to check with admin about this)

Absolutely. Love your Mum’s advice. So true.

Especially nowadays

Nov 26, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  Judith

Get some organic oregano oil from the drugstore. Take two drops subliminally a day. Oregano oil is antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral (there’s no viruses but it work against what faux scientists call viruses) anti-parasitical and anti-inflammatory.

Essential oil of Oregano contains carvacrol and other polyphenolic compounds that eliminate pathogens.

Drink organic GREEN tea (3 times daily) with raw organic honey. It contains EGCG and the honey contains Quercetin. Drink chamomile tea at night. It contains apigenin. Flavonoids regulate the immune system.

Take Vitamin D and C.

Don’t eat any processed food or sugar whatsoever. Nothing out of a box, jar etc that isn’t a whole food. Nothing baked or beige. Cut down on dairy for one week.

Or don’t. Up to you if you want to continue down the path of allopathic medicine and iatrogenic murder that is the third leading cause of death in the US.

Nov 26, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Another powerful natural antibiotic:
Turmeric and honey.
1:3 ratio
Organic of course
Take a spoonful 2-3x per day

Nov 26, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

I once read that 32 cloves of garlic has the same power as one pill of antibiotic …

But the best remedy of all is a long sleep. Staying warm, sweating it out, sleeping.

Hope everyone is well … Funny, somehow I’ve been feeling much more attached to fellow human beings – the real ones, not the plastic ones with facemasks on … 😀 …. we’re becoming an endangered species … gotta take care of each other ….

Nov 26, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

People are addicted to fake magic pills because they don’t understand the binding mechanism of small molecules to receptors and they are transfixed by white coats. Most doctors are literally clueless. They get their information straight from pharmaceutical conventions and brochures.

Turmeric contains curcuminoids, flavonoids and essential oils and I know it’s a useful ingredient, however I am a little wary of Turmeric because of this:

But Oregano oil is something that works almost instantaneously on throats. I use it to stop asthma within minutes and it starts to clear up a sore throat within hours.

NIH removed certain oil of oregano and carvacrol studies against “Coronaviruses” from the PubMed database weeks after Covid19 became publicized. It was highly suspicious.

And if flus were contagious then everybody in your household would have had them. But they aren’t. So good call on recognizing the lack of contagion. But people in the same household can be simultaneously exposed to the same environmental toxins such as increased radiation or an exposure to chemicals, molds, fungus, bacteria or other pathogens or residues on foods or a polluted water supply.

Nov 27, 2020 6:57 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Tumeric/curcumin is one of the most reaearched and acclaimed herbs/compounds. A nightmare for Big Pharma. So, I am not surprised that someone arranged to taint a batch with lead.

Nov 28, 2020 1:19 AM
Reply to  mgeo

No. They found numerous manufacturers that had been doing it for years to increase the color at the processing level.


Nov 26, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m keeping my fingers crossed and wishing that the drugstores in Judith’s neighborhood don’t also require a so-called “COVID test” for admission to the premises, or even to receive deliveries at home.

Nov 26, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  Ort

On this site, Judith will find the information to gain entry anywhere without a mask and legally challenge any store that won’t admit her.


Nov 27, 2020 6:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

(a) High-dose C (b) high-dose D for a few days, or extra sunlight (c) extra zinc for a few days (d) go to sleep by 10 pm., or at the latest 11 (for HGH).

Nov 27, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Hey everyone –

Thanks for all the suggestions!! I never received these replies in my email as I usually do.

Hanging in there. Luckily not sick at all. Just this discomfort.

The worst thing has been this covid test looming and what it all means in this world today.

I do not wear a mask and do have a laminated exempt card so I’m usually OK going about daily life.

No way they let you in hospital or medical facilities without mask so I wear one under duress.

But having to take a covid test? Wow. Why not a TB test? Haven’t we had outbreaks of that?

Well, there I go trying to make sense of it all.

Silly me.

Nov 26, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  Kurt Konrad

“..suggesting that people neglect other medical conditions to the point of dying of them..”

It’s like big-business management and their MSM supporters holding forth on “work-life balance”. The theme is that employees are choosing to over-do work, to the detriment of other goals and responsibilities – not galley slaves working under sociopaths who report to billionaries.

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 26, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I’m making an effort to get my teeth fixed as much as possible – gum disease means losing more teeth and I need adjustments to my dental plates. I’m in my 70’s and will not have the jab. So I need to think ahead for when I won’t be allowed any medical or dental services.

Hope it doesn’t come to this, but folks here, think ahead and get anything regarding your health ‘fixed’ if you possibly can.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Nov 26, 2020 7:17 AM

Enjoying Lockdown 2, Electric Boogaloo? Well, if the following video is correct, it’s about to get a lot worse: power-grid outages and blackouts (probably blamed on Russia or Iran) and food shortages: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cp190eDFltU/

Now you know where the code-name ‘Dark Winter’ came from!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 26, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Hello Seamus Padraig: This video was posted the other day. Thanks. It suggests the obvious fact that all current events have been announced and planned ahead of time.
The civilian public has been so manipulated by television media and films, they don’t remember squat.

The “energy saving” reasons given for upgrading the world’s electrical grids are complete balderdash. The “smart” grid is highly vulnerable to hacking and wide spread blackouts. The sheeple will continue to graze until the lights go out in Georgia…

May Hem
May Hem
Nov 26, 2020 9:43 PM

Dr Vernon Coleman, of the UK, has something valuable to say about a possible power blackout over Christmas.

I love his articles and his humour …. “The only people who still believe that covid-19 is a new plague are the sort of people who send birthday and Christmas cards to television soap opera characters.”

http://www.vernoncoleman.com/main.htm (see the ‘health’ section)

Nov 26, 2020 6:48 AM

After a delay of a week, the WSWS mentions the crackdown on the November 17 protest in Greece. Possibly it took them that long to think of a way to spin it. The article is a masterpiece of cynicism.
They rightly accuse the authorities of using Covid as a pretext, but when their own outfit is screaming for more lockdowns, they do not have a leg to stand on.
In another article they actually praise the harsh Greek lockdown of the spring, although it was personally one of the most fascist things I have ever experienced. They claim it greatly reduced deaths, but I think Covid is more or less the flu and like flu it is far more widespread in cold weather. Southern Greece can start to become quite hot and sunny as early as the first week of April and this kept the deaths down.
The significant uptick in deaths in Greece now is I suspect mainly because it is now cold, and even there Thessaloniki in northern Greece, whose winter climate is colder, has a more significant outbreak than Athens.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 26, 2020 7:25 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

From the latest video at The Corbett Report – just 9 minutes and 8 seconds long, but very powerful – ‘What No One is saying about the lockdowns’:
“If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart.
You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder”
James Corbett.
The demented at the WSWS and all the other faux left groups have been screeching for harsher lockdowns and draconian measures much of this year.
After watching that video, and many other things I’ve seen this year, I have nothing but total contempt for these shills for fascism.
As James Corbett also said – tell it to the face of parents of teenagers who have killed themselves this year due to the lockdowns.

Nov 26, 2020 8:13 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It seems that non msm media has tougher tones on covid lately. Guess they’ve seen that this thing won’t stop until the people rise up and stop it. Let’s hope more and more people wake up and see the reality we’re all facing, since it seems to be time to move. Some people like Corbett have already started.

And guess what… In this little town people seem to know nothing about it. So I’m all alone. Lol.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 26, 2020 8:34 AM
Reply to  jkb

True… we do need a helluva lot more people to wake up, and since being back at work, I’ve met covid sceptics almost daily, which is a big positive.
However, too many are still either brainwashed; or they know it’s a scamdemic but go along with the measures anyway because they don’t want to rock the boat, and are worried about losing friends if they came out as sceptics.

Nov 26, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

That is our greatest problem, right there, Gezzah.

Nov 26, 2020 8:51 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

On the subject of good short videos, this 10 minutes on the Great Reset is excellent:


“It’s the worst aspects of these systems [fascism, communism, democracy] kinda wrapped up in a giant garbage bundle and shoved down your throat”. The people who keep harrumphing “it’s fascism!” or “it’s communism!” or “it’s neo-liberalism!” need to grasp this and stop wasting time with phoney dialectics.

There’s a great insight into how they tell us what they’re doing while simultaneously denying it. It isn’t a belief in kharma or free will, it’s the psychological warfare technique of abusers.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 26, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Your timing is perfect. Was fighting the temptation to turn on my TV. Thanks👍

Nov 26, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

ALWAYS fight the temptation to switch on the idiot’s lantern, Gezzah. Mine hasn’t functioned for a few years, by now. I haven’t missed it for a second.

(And anyway, I get more than enough of that shite at work. The bloody thing’s always on. I sometimes have to fight the urge to put my boot through its screen…). ;o)

Nov 26, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

That video came out a day or two after one of the best interview videos I have seen on Corbett.

It is an interview with Del Bigtree of Highwire. Wow, I was surprised and pleased.

Del is usually very excited and loud (just his way) but he was really, pleasantly, subdued with James Corbett and let James talk with no interruptions.

It is a great, and succinct, discussion about the Great Re-Set. No hyperbole.

Check it out.

The Corbett Report.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 26, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  Judith

Thanks Judith, will check out that interview, and appreciate your other comment as well. You’re right…. we can only wake ourselves up.

Nov 26, 2020 8:22 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

There appears to be something strange about the autumn deaths in Greece. This (https://www.ethnos.gr/ellada/133762_koronoios-oi-nomoi-me-ypsilotero-pososto-thymaton-kai-oi-17-poy-den-thrinoyn-nekroys) claims that more than 80% of them could not be geographically determined, if I understand correctly. Can anyone solve this mystery?

Nov 26, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  October

Sorry, I got that wrong. Rather, more than 80% of the non-geographically determined deaths occurred in the autumn (hope I’m right this time :-))

Nov 26, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  October

I can read Greek although I can’t speak it well (I am learning it – being a bookworm I quite often learn to read languages before I can speak them). But I stuck the article through Google Translate as well. What I get from it is that Covid is hitting northern Greece much more. Serres is up near Bulgaria, Ioannina is close to Albania. Southern Greece is less hit and is warmer. Even in late November I am often able to sun myself on a balcony in Athens, although I wear a coat. They are worried about Athens because of its crowded conditions etc but for example snow is virtually unknown in Athens and much more common in Thessaloniki. (Athens hills far from the city itself but visible might get a sprinkling but I have never seen snowfall in the city itself.) My feeling is it will never hit Athens as much as other parts of Greece, lockdowns or not (and the lockdown, also more ignored than the spring one even though there are more deaths, is not proving effective). My sense that Covid is mainly a cold weather thing has been strengthened, and I think it will subside in the spring. I don’t think masks, lockdowns etc. will make a difference.

Nov 26, 2020 10:35 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

But what are these non-localised deaths? Why is their number so large?? Why did it spike in the autumn? Why does Greece have this atypical deaths profile, with next to nothing in the spring, but hundreds in November?

Nov 26, 2020 11:02 AM
Reply to  October

The spring lockdown happened as the weather was about to turn warmer, so relatively few deaths. Covid hit at the end of the flu season. Already in April you can see people in Athens walking around in T-shirts and shorts. However, it started turning cold in November, although more in the north than Athens, and that is the reason for the uptick. If Covid had hit in November 2019 in Greece, I think it would have been similar. I detect a strong correlation here between having to wear a coat outdoors or at least a pullover, and more flu and, in this case Covid. Most people have been wearing masks for months in Greece, but with little effect that I can see. Also, there is a lack of “herd immunity” in Greece – the lockdown in the spring, if it had any effect, prevented any such thing from happening. The strictness of the spring lockdown was widely praised in the MSM and the World Socialist Website liked it but if immunity is a factor Greeks seem to have little of it.

Nov 26, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  October

Excess deaths there do not seem that high. In the attached interactive graph, I have picked Greece. Add any other European country to compare.

Nov 26, 2020 11:06 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Indeed, they were absolutely normal till the autumn. If I’m not mistaken, that chart does not go beyond August. Look at the chart for Covid deaths in Greece from 1 March 2020 to now. It’s most extraordinary. Greece takes off in October, and has now beaten the EU average per million pop.What is going on?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 26, 2020 9:17 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

I said below about that Lockdown Sceptics website. It is truly heartening. Each new page has several articles followed by a “roundup” section in which we have perhaps 20 links to relevant media articles – and the comments quickly surge to Breitbart proportions. Well perhaps I am flirting with hypocrisy here, because I was always suspicious of the Breitbart matter. But I think it’s nevertheless logical that huge numbers of the public are sceptical and feel they have no voice.
Compare this with the Left sites who are becoming increasingly irrelevant. The WSWS is a monstrous perversion of an oppositional site. But at least they are paying attention to covid. Other Left sites are just moseying along with their usual affable impotent chewing at the periphery whilst seeming to block out covid completely.

I made a comment about a Left site being mean to me – it was a jocular comment but nevertheless, I feel that, since I have made my covid position clear, they treat me very warily.

It’s as if we are in Russia in 1917 but instead of looking for a revolution, these Lefties just want to roll over and go back to laughing at silly politicians.

Consequently. I don’t know if it’s even worthwhile to raise the curious situation with the mainstream Left over on the Lockdown Sceptics site. Who cares what these Left sites think now?

(And I note that the LS site has a new article: “Lockdown 3.0 Set to Continue to Summer 2021” which references a piece by Guido Fawkes i.e. a name infamous on the “Left circuit” who will therefore find it easy to ignore it as “Right wing” fodder. The bifurcation of covid continues.)

Nov 26, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Events in the past few months have unmasked many on the Left 🙂 There are those who are busy ignoring the fact that something unusual is going on, while others are more concerned about the far right and conspiracy theorists than they are about the wholesale destruction of livelihoods and lives.

Nov 26, 2020 6:46 AM


Japan has no MMR and no Gardasil and HPV vaxxes. Looks like they’re not about to roll up their sleeves anytime soon.

Safety conscious society. One of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 26, 2020 9:28 AM
Reply to  busterdeals

“The process of the speed did not compromise at all safety, nor did it compromise scientific integrity,” Fauci said during a briefing at the White House last Thursday. “It was a reflection of the extraordinary scientific advances in these types of vaccines, which allowed us to do things in months that actually took years before. So I really want to settle that concern that people have about that.”’

Anthony Fauci quote means he is completely unfit to be involved in anything to do with pharmaceutical drug licensing.

By only taking a year, the drugs only have 1 year or less of data on patients receiving the trial vaccines.

All they can say is that there are no IMMEDIATE OR SHORT-TERM major side-affects of an adverse nature.

They have no knowledge whatever on the effects over 5 years.

This does not mean the vaccines are dangerous, but it should absolutely mean that any decision to not take a vaccine for the next 4 years should carry zero adverse societal consequences.

Fauci is utterly expendable, his financial interests in vaccines utterly compromise his integrity and no-one should take his voice as one of an independent regulator solely interested in the welfare of humanity.

He needs to be removed from any public office and told that he can work for a vaccine company but he can no longer work for the Government in any way shape or form.

Nov 26, 2020 11:51 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I agree entirely, Rhys. At the very least (and putting aside studies on rats and mice etc) we cannot know what impact the vaccine might have on the reproduction capacity of people intending to have children, or the developmental impact on unborn or, as yet, unconceived children. Fundamental medical and ethical questions, unless of course you are trying to rush through a vaccine without due safety considerations.

Nov 26, 2020 11:02 AM
Reply to  busterdeals

They have now added at least 2 more vaccines to MMR, making it even more of a gamble.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 26, 2020 6:45 AM

“Look, it is just little ole Mask Nazi Hogan channeling his INNER ADOLF.”


“He’s on a mission from Billy Eugenics
comment image

Nov 26, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Wrong target. Gates is only the ‘official’ patsy.

Nov 26, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  Thom


Nov 26, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Oh he’ll be a patsy if this last attempt for the survival of Agenda 2030 fails.

Nov 26, 2020 12:34 PM

In marine terms, Gates is a ‘sacrificial anode’!

Nov 26, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  Watt

Total a-node, that guy.

Nov 26, 2020 5:06 PM

I doubt it since he’s related to the Rockefellers. They won’t get rid of Gates. He’s a central planner.

He’s still in charge of ‘The Giving Pledge’ and just because he excused himself from Microsoft publicly, he is still running the show from behind closed doors.

Microsoft is controlling the azure cloud, private security in the US, which will take over from local police. And now Microsoft has partnered with Visa for the digital currency control. Plus there’s all the smaller tech and gaming corporations that Microsoft swallows up that controls the culture and behavior of a vast majority of the population, especially the youth.


Nov 26, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

He is sub-contractor to American empire. He has no power.

Nov 26, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  Henry

I would agree with all of these comments.

I tend to believe it of the other titans of industry, also.

As Catharine Austin Fitts asks “who’s billions are they donating?”

Nov 26, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  Judith

They aren’t “donating billions”. It’s an investment. They get it back. Gates has doubled his fortune since pretending to donate billions. And Bill Gates is part of a cabal where he is a figurehead for the vaccine and some of the tech agenda but he is immensely powerful. All organizations are made up of groups of individuals. In the cryptocracy, where central bankers, billionaires and industrialists rule, individuals are restricted by a framework, but their wealth is still legally their own. They are all still individuals in a very exclusive club. Members of secret societies where they swear a blood oath just like the mafia.

It’s not one monolithic, nebulous organization functioning independently of individuals. It has a pyramid structure and a hierarchy. It’s highly organized and disciplined.