WATCH: What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns
If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder.
For a list of sources, a full transcript and an audio-only version, click here.
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This video has been taken down. Does anyone know if it has been uploaded onto a non-censoring platform?
Thanks for the alert. I updated to a Bitchute link
Anyone know where JC filmed this? I take it he isn’t currently residing in the US…
yes, he’s involuntarily exiled in Japan; often mentions the fact.
The problem is that people who really do not have the capacity to make the right choices suddenly have the right to an opinion, in large part exacerbated by social media.
I have talked to many people in my own social group whom I consider quite intelligent, but who actually believe the Corona narrative. While having tried to explain to them why their arguments are unfounded, I also realise that they do not have the capacity or education to make informed choices around viral spread. For example; I explain the difference between dying WITH Covid and OF Covid with innumerable sources, but within 48-72 hours those same people come back touting some new ridiculous numbers that basically show you that you’ve been speaking to the deaf (and certainly the dumb).
For some reason I think that with social media it has become OK for people who, not only lack a degree, but also cannot be bothered to read up before commenting on how to best perform brain surgery or build skyscrapers.
How do you tell people, and especially your friends, that they really need to back off and not have opinions on everything? It is OK to say “this is not my area of expertise and I will therefore choose to defer to people who might know better”.
Also, why are politicians making the call in all the nations? Who are Macron, BoJo, Jacinda Ardern, and all the others to make calls on things they really don’t have the capacity to make calls on? Does office give you licence to be an expert on everything?
Shall we call in BoJo to supervise brain surgery, Macron to develop nuclear fusion, and Jacinda Ardern to resolve the debt crisis? Why not; they seem to by default understand everything about viral crises that they have no experience whatsoever in, so why not other things as well?
Sweden did put a virologist in place to decide; which is why their chosen route was so different, but even that was not perfect because it was still somewhat one sided. The leader of each nation wanted to show themselves “forceful”, which is why we are where we are, when they should instead have stepped aside and let their country’s foremost virologist, foremost statistician, and foremost economist; comprise an advisory group to suggest policy. Instead we ended up with a muppet show.
Who in their right mind thinks Jacinda Ardern, a 39-year old at the start of Covid; a Mormon (yup look it up) with a bachelors degree in politics and public relations who has never done ANYTHING outside of politics, has the capacity and is the right person to make the right call for a suspected viral pandemic. She has made so many factual errors with respect to virology already that it is embarrassing. Why are we allowing ourselves to be misrepresented? And why does everyone have to have an opinion on things they’ve never learned, and do not have the intention of studying any further?
It is not a weakness to admit that you do not command every expert subject there is. I don’t know how the computer I’m working on derives its energy, but I don’t presume to know how to optimise the nuclear reactor that powers it, or to wire the network that transmits that power to my laptop; but I don’t think that anyone will think I’m an idiot because I admit I fall intellectually short in this particular field.
anybody affected by some issue, whatever may it be, is an expert on how the issue affects them. this is valuable information, particularly if the same issue affects many. then the information becomes even more valuable, stronger, truer.
Just heard on the grapevine, there beginning Pfizer rollout tomorrow in care homes
A pretty good analysis of how the media work.
I do think Westerners have a weaker sense that the media might be lying to them or at least have an agenda than is the case elsewhere in the world.
I remember a Czech newspaper proclaiming that weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq at just about the same time most of the Western media were beginning to acknowledge that they were not there. But the Czech hack knew his proprietor was pro-US and pro-NATO and shaped the news to fit.
The BBC now has a “Disinformation Correspondent.”
A certain lady called Marianna.
“Will harsher measures be required, Minister, against conspiracy theorists who question the use of vaccines?”
Luckily we can rely on our Marianna, together with those splendid chaps at 77 Brigade, Integrity Initiative, Propornot and all the rest, to keep us safe.
RTE using children to sell the Pfizer vaccine. Notice how the non-compliant teddy is treated.
This is a horrific sight to behold… surely this sort of thing is illegal right…?
It’s a small child playing Vets. Wise up.
In case a TED notice from 19/10/2020 went unnoticed.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) needs an AI tool to process the expected high number of side effects caused by the Covid-19 vaccination.
Did the beep report on it, anyone ?
Hopefully the doctors will get the fast track vaccine first. Apart from them, nobody is in a position to sound the alarm. Concerned parents will surely be called conspiracy theorists again. Unlike Doctors..
The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRsā reaction text are missed.ā
Dumbshit interpretation of MHRA motivation and intent. Why not bother to get a clue before junk posting?
So what is the motivation and intent? In your opinion. For me the explanation in section IV is perfectly clear.
āThe only remaining question is whether protest is a āreasonable excuseā to be outside of the home and I think since regulation 10 allows gatherings to be organised it would be strange if attending a protest wasnāt an unlisted reasonable excuse.ā
Curious contradictory fence sitting? The lockdown rules, which are predicated on the assumption that the virus is absolutely deadly and people will die if they donāt stay indoors, will nevertheless make an exception for a protest that questions that entire assumption! Perhaps the PTB are getting a bit too nervous to force the issue?
Great vid from waykiwayki
Funny girl that is… not dum either
looks and talks like I feel
I love that bit about giving up our freedom in the hope of getting it back in the future. š
“Know what I’d like ta see? I’d like ta see people come down with symptoms of common sense”. Damn funny!!! Thanks!
That now links to a video titled “Thanksgiving Song – Mary Chapin Carpenter”
I’m guessing it wasn’t that originally?
No idea if he’s a popular choice within these pages, but James Delingpole’s interview with Patrick Wood from a few days ago has some interesting history on the technocracy. I listened to it as a podcast but it is on that popular video website that I’ll not mention by name, too.
many thanks for that posting…… i have been looking for this explanation for months now…… strangely i met the Club of Rome in 1974 while studying at uni and have watched for them and their various affiliations since…… their model was like Fergusons…..totally hopeless but they used it in much the same manner as Ferguson trying to frighten people.
Hello Sid: It’s important to post informative interviews with current titles and links > perhaps a brief explanation of content or discussion. Thanks for the heads up.
November 24, 2020
I don’t use BitChute, sorry. I have an app on my phone called NewPipe that allows me to watch YouTube anonymously (and ad free), but you cannot create links from it. It’s Android only but worth tracking down. I’ve degoogled my phone. Did it once they started adding in bits I wasn’t happy about, like the rumoured baked in track and trace elements.
Thanks! Whenever possible (which is not always…) we really should be posting video links at bitchute, brandnewtube, or other sites that are not subject to the outrageous censorship perpetrated by Goolag and others.
Which reminds me: twice in the last day or two, in this very comments section (in response to Moneycircus Nov 28, 2020 3:15 PM
Virus Expert Says COVID Will āNot Go Awayā and Could Be Around for āRest of Our Livesā)
I have posted a bitchute link to a recent video with Ivor Cummins on the CV-1984 hysteria. Both times, it was caught by the spamfilter and never again saw the light of day. I am perplexed by this disappearance. Your own bitchute link appears above, so it can’t be that. Is Ivor Cummins censored for some reason here at off-g? If anyone (a mod, especially) can shed some light on this, I would be grateful. Mods can also feel free to contact me by email to offer an explanation.
Interesting comments, let’s test somethings… coz’ Doc Hodkinson certainly appears wholly qualified to comment publicly.
Yep, cannot copy paste report… hmmm, try again.
Not looking good on interconnectivity fronts. As you observed.
Let’s lend Doctor Roger Hodkinson a friendly ear, for his integrity in Biotech. Presently. Given his medical history, judge for yourselves on his calling.
(What a pain to manually copy, on a tablet!)
Keeps one occupied and slowed down,
Never the less, i suspect you and Paul have highlighted
A serious problem.
Ta’ for that.
The outraged gentleman at the far end of your link to said, precisely:
“…I was the chairmam of the Royal College of Physicians Examination Committee in Pathology in Ottowa…”
which Associated Press’s rebuttal department reported as
“…the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada clarified that although Hodkinson was certified as a general pathologist in 1976, he was never a chairman.”
The Royal College comment in full was:
“On November 19, 2020 the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College) was made aware of statements regarding COVID-19 by a Royal College Fellow, Dr. Roger Hodkinson. Although Dr. Hodkinson has never made the claim, in some online references, Dr. Hodkinson is being incorrectly identified as a chair/past-chair of the Royal College.
“We would like to clarify that Dr. Hodkinson is not nor has ever held the position of chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
“We can confirm that Dr. Roger Hodkinson was certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada as a general pathologist in 1976.”
You will notice that Hodkinson’s claims to authority are definite with regard to the exact nature and limits of his chairmanship, both functionally and geographically, but the AP rebuttal has managed to slip in a confusion that would appear to cast nasturtiums on those claims to authority in that it does not accord precisely with either what Hodkinson said or the Royal College posted. I have rendered some of the essential points in bold.
Personally, I don’t accept all Hodkinson’s ‘medical‘ (as distinct from social) conclusions about COVID-19 as being significant, any more than I accept ‘A Warrior’s’ description of Hodkinson as a ‘virology specialist’ but that’s–like Hodkinson’s ‘medical’ pronouncements–a ‘free’ opinion rather than a sacred ‘fact’.
As there are far too few facts around here (even absent flaxgirl, at least in the decreasing amount of mindless parroting that I these days plough through in the hope things will pick up with some restoration of Off-Guardian’s previous form, however partial) perhaps some reader would like to show their metal by challenging at least one minor aspect of AP’s Hodkinson debunk and report what they say.
Do ‘committee chairs’ of specialist examinations, national or regional, exist within the Royal College? Toll free 1-800-668-3740
If they do, why did AP’s ‘fact checkers’ slip in a spurious character slur when addressing one Hodkinson’s main claims to authority?
Thanks Robbo, for the update, especially because you highlight AP & Fact Fuckers, given that i personally have eaten serious beef and contested the very nature of same since the 1980’s. Reuters, AP, AFP, need i continue? Having worked as a professional media research & analyst, quantifying the big picture for what was the CEO of the largest corporation in the world @that moment… shuffle the cards, be it Bhopal and Union Carbide or Dow,
Lol! Really appreciate your serious consideration, seriously. However, you may feasibly have overlooked the object of, and direction, of my mental exercise, before a tough work schedule, on the Balkan. I mean tough, like most kids cannot Physically manage, year on year… you have my ear &
Attention. Let’s test systems that we are BOTH capable of comprehending, better than ANY member of staff @OffG… for sure …lmao.
Good ole’ Ethel!
It is very recurrent and childish to name those who are attacking us Nazis when those who are attacking us are those who defeated the Nazis. We already know that the Nazis have horns and tails and are very bad. Worst. Total childishness. Deviation from the truth. It benefits the true enemy.
The government has painted a horse named Flu pink, stuck a plastic horn (made in China) on its head and told us it’s a lethally dangerous unicorn called Covid and 99% of people believe them.
Everyone I know is horrified when I tell them I’m not frightened of unicorns and don’t wear a face nappy when I go shopping. It’s so annoying that you can’t have a proper discussion with the nappy wearers because I’m not allowed to disclose I’m a non believer and have to pretend I’m “exempt”. I’d love to be able to just say ” Never mind why I’m not wearing a nappy, why are you wearing one?”
All these same mugs will all be diligently queuing up for their vaccine in a few months like sheep waiting to be dipped and thinking it’s all going back to normal once they’ve had it. Err, don’t bank on it…
āA Whole Australian State Shut Down Because of a Takeout Pizza That Didnāt Exist:
An allegedly misleading story raised fears a virulent strain of Covid-19 was spreading via surfaces such as pizza boxes.ā
āSYDNEYāSoon after authorities in South Australia state were told a man had contracted Covid-19 after buying a takeout pizza from a restaurant with an infected employee, they ordered more than 1.7 million people to stay at home.ā
Fake stories about fake contagion from fake testing of a fake virus on imaginary pizza boxes from a Pizzeria.
We are living in Idiocracy; The Virus Edition.
If you believe that we are living in times of fake media, why do you spend so much time on OffG trying to discredit the very few people from our cause who have any access to the MSM, and are able to do something about it, you fucking troll??
You’ve completely missed the point, Tony.
You’ve missed mine Kika. The SOP of security services trolls in our alt media is to ingratiate themselves into an online community by making lots of ‘right on’ posts. But they pepper a lot of their posts with claims that such-and-such-a leading light of our online communities is a CIA/MI5/MI6/Mossad asset. ‘Researcher’ has pretty-much run through every one of our leading lights with these nonsense claims, and did the same with their previous moniker ‘Objective’. It’s a strategy known as ‘divide and conquer’. I always flag these people up when I find them.
I agree with Kika. I just don’t get a feel of distraction from the issue in the video
But I agree that some posters do try to utilize “divide and conquer”, and i have first hand knowledge that MSM like to put sensationalized articles into small town news to try and stir the pot.
Tony: Too bad you’re full of shit. Get a fake brain enema before you post such august nonsense…
Fuck off wanker. I go on the marches. I’ve helped to win over my MP to our side through extended debates and discussions via email. I’ve won over countless friends and colleagues through the same via face to face discussions. What do you do, wanker, other than post pseudo-intellectual shit on a message board?
And, unlike expert trolls like ‘Researcher’, you will never see me questioning the personal credibility/integrity of people who have managed to get themselves into positions of influence where they can make a difference.
Fucking wanker, you. And I’m watching you now.
Because his ‘research’ extends no further than a lazy flick through like-minded posters on ‘social ‘ media, who wouldn’t know the difference between his arse and their elbows?
Evidence that ‘lokdown’ policy not driven by panic and incompetence but by cunning plan:
My take on the global response to the pandemic:
SARS-CoV-2 is a nasty little virus, but the extent of its nastiness has been deliberately exaggerated by politicians and media.
There must be a reason for this, so what can it be?
Certainly not ‘caring’ or ‘compassion’ on behalf of governments, because the compassionate approach to a genuine threat would be to calm and reassure the public, rather that to frighten them. Any parent, I’m sure would agree.
The phrase ‘Follow the Money’ is pertinent here. The only rational explanation for such global hyperbole and hysteria is the financial motive. The pharmaceutical and financial industries – and their influential backers/investors who often reside in governments – are set to make a huge amount of money from the ‘opportunity’ that Covid-19 has presented them; money from the development of tracking/tracing technology but mostly from the global roll out of expensive vaccines. The only threat to this scheme is the passage of time. Hence the rushed vaccine development.
The bill, as always, will be met by the taxpayer, and here is the rub: the most lasting effect of the global response to this pandemic will be a vast redistribution of wealth from ordinary people into the pockets of rich shareholders.
I will finish by stating that I am not an anti-vaxxer, never have been. But I am anti-RUSHED-vaccine, and have a gut feeling that all this is just plain WRONG.
It’s not just about the money.
Doc Coleman has recommended Doc Barron.
Here he explains what it’s all about.
COVID – Who is pulling the Strings? (
I think that pandemics are the next exciting market opportunity. Just as in selling people their identities through fashion, now they can be sold their health and immunity systems. But just as with fashion, you have to start by convincing them they look bad and so need your help, so you now have to convince them they don’t have natural immunity from a virus that’s massively exaggerated.
Yes, George, a wonderful marketing opportunity for the investors – see ‘impact investing’ – which is what they are calling it. I call it profiting from slavery.
You get small benefits if you obey the rules of the investing company. Everything you do is data-mined by internal or wearable technology, e.g. ‘fit bits’. This is a ‘social credit’ scheme, just like China’s, but it is being marketed as ethical investment, helping the poor, etc….
speaking of natural immunity i am thinking that one should be asking to have a test for natural immunity before being forced to have any vaccine….. i suspect people they are claiming asymptotic have natural immunity and quite a few of us will have…. so what the hell is the point of a vaccine for anyone who does have?
And if the wonder jab gives you ‘immunity’, why will we still need masks, anti-social distanting, and restrictions on the non-jab lot?
Viruses/Epidemics/Pandemics do occur every now and then. Any reasonably functioning country would have plans for those kinds of emergencies.
Who is responsible for preparedness? The answer is straight forward (you’d think!): pandemic experts with health professionals are the ones to be given the responsibility for preparedness for epi/pandemics. You’d expect hospitals to perform pandemic drills as they do fire drills. Yes, security services need to play a role to ensure adequate safety and security. But ALAS it is the Economists/Psychopaths/Spies/Politicians/Media and Eugenicists who are now responsible for managing the current health crisis, and Heath providers have to simply follow orders.
How did they (most governments in the Western sphere) prepare the system prior to this crisis? They transformed a first world healthcare into a system appropriate only in a shithole country, full of money making opportunities for big corporations at the expense of ordinary people’s health and well-being. Part of the preparedness would be to protect the vulnerable. What did we see in this current crisis? By inflicting more misery on the vulnerable. It is the vulnerable to be dispensed with. It is the vulnerable who gets a low priority to receive health care.
It is of utmost importance for every person to get acquainted with what makes the authorities legitimate or illegitimate. For to deal with any organisation (here, the government), it is a basic important step to assess the legitimacy of those giving us orders day-in, day-out. Only a government that protects the health and well-being of all citizens is legitimate.
Hold on there. This “crisis ” is a deliberately manufactured scheme which appears to be something resembling resembling fascism. They operate under their “legitimate ” banner of keeping you “safe”.
They’re keeping us safe from earning a living, having a good time, going on holiday and seeing your family. All being done in the name of an illness which seems to be nothing more than rebranded influenza. How strange, that flu seems to have all but disappeared.
They’re keeping us safe from interfering with their plans….
Minor observation: I thought Japan never locked down. Every video like this has spectacularly dense Tokyo looking like itās been hit by a neutron bomb. Every two or three minutes a passerby or cyclist wearing a mask glancing at the strange Gaigin filming the video.
I do know that Corbett always begins his Corbett Report saying “coming to you from the sunny climes of western Japan.” Tokyo is on the east coast. Beyond that, he would have to speak to the “On The Beach” quality you note. Perhaps just a sleepy afternoon.
āJames Corbett is a Film Director and Producer based in Okayama, Japan.ā
Source –
Ah, gotcha.
I think your point still stands.
Lockdown or no, Japan has been transformed by this hoax too.
Corbett frequently says things like, “People always wore masks here in Japan anyway,” but that’s a gross distortion. Masks were acceptable, but not the norm, until this scam. Was in Tokyo and Kyoto barely 18 months before this episode, and never saw a masker.
Clues in this video suggest that JC is in Okayama.
Okayama is 720,841 and a population density of 910 persons per kmĀ²
Let’s Taka A Look At The Previous ‘Pantasy’ That Never Was Thanks To This Researcher…
The Zika Virus Scare: An Anatomy Of How Diseases Are Manufactured For Political Objectives
In 2014, under a non-reporting requirement regime, Brazilian physicians reported a fraction of microcephaly cases for that year; 147 cases to be exact. Under the new reporting regime that took over for 2015, the number of cases naturally increased massively, the numbers representing what would be expected under a reporting regime. Then using the artificially low 2014 numbers as the baseline, Brazil and the global political/medical community (though not all within the medical community) declared an epidemic of microcephaly in Brazil based on the higher, though expected, numbers under the new reporting requirement regime.
“It’s a global scandal. Brazil has created a worldwide panic.” – Alexandre Dias Porto Chiavegatto Filho, professor of epidemiology at the University of Sao Paulo.
“In 2014, only about 150 cases [of microcephaly] were reported in Brazil1 in a year ā a surprisingly small amount for a large country with nearly 3 million births a year. The United States, with about 4 million births a year, has an estimated 2,500 cases of microcephaly a year, said Margaret Honein, a CDC epidemiologist.”
The small number of microcephaly cases reported in Brazil before 2015 is being used to set the stage for a blatantly orchestrated ‘epidemic’ not only in Brazil but around the globe. Pre-2015, cases of microcephaly in Brazil were massively undercounted, as inadvertently confirmed by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) statistics.
Firstly, it’s the global community, not just Brazil, that’s playing fast and loose with the fake Zika virus epidemic, and secondly, there never was a reason to believe that Brazil was suffering an epidemic of microcephaly in the first place, since it was well known that pre-2015 Brazilian doctors only reported a small fraction of such cases to the central government; pre-2015 there existed no reporting requirement for microcephaly in Brazil. The sudden emergence in 2015 of an ‘epidemic’ of microcephaly in Brazil actually represents numbers that would be expected given a comprehensive reporting requirement.
So why the scare, you ask? To create public pressure to scale back restrictive abortion laws in central and south America, and undo state restrictions on abortion in the United States, as inadvertently admitted to by Georgetown University professors and Planned Parenthood and Newsweek.
This news item illustrates the extent of the lies the Marxist co-opted media regurgitates each and every week, if not every day. How numerous are fraudulent news items when compared against truthful news items? My blog has proven that until one has verified the news for oneself, one must assume all news to be lies. Of course most persons have actual lives to live, where the demands of family and employment preclude close examination of the news. For those too pressed for independent research, this blog fills the gap.
Notice too the ‘alternative’ media’s spin on the news item. Every imaginable conspiracy theory is offered, leaving unmentioned the easily discernible conspiracy facts. This false opposition tactic is what Marxists call the āScissors Strategyā in which the blades represent the two falsely opposed sides that converge on the confused victims, neutralizing true opposition to socialism, thereby allowing the advancement of socialism to the bewilderment of the true opposition.
The Abortion Agenda’s Purpose
Thanks to the blatant lies the CDC has advanced regarding the Zika virus and microcephaly, we now have further empirical proof for the Marxist co-option of the West (globe actually, the West leaving behind Marxist regimes in their former colonies), where abortion is used to destroy the Christian underpinnings of Western Civilization. As Marx said in the Critique of Hegelās Philosophy of Right(1843)…
“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”
The West cannot remain Christian for long when abortion is tolerated, since Christian dogma teaches us that human life is but a continuation of a previous non-corporeal existence…
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…”
To destroy what’s in the womb is a must for Marxists, since with abortion on demand no one can long continue to believe in a God who knew us before we were born into the physical realm.
The Zika scare in Brazil is as bad as the cv 1984 one.
When I was there 4years ago, they had vaccination points in all major bus stations.
Vaccination for to travel to some areas of Brazil was also mandatory for those choosing to go there by bus.
Areas in which vaccination was recommended or obligatory for to take buses or boats, included all precious stones mining areas as well as the Amazon.
Any how I was amazed by the fact that every major cityās central RodoviĆ”ria (bus station) was already then equipped with modern health stations providing monitoring, medication and vaccines to travelers 24/7
though the craziest thing to me is that even while the television stations constantly blasted people with horror stories and numbers of the infected people, they never talked about the origin of that so called infecting mosquito, nor of its patent holders and its responsibility for having it brought there from the US.
Of course Lula talked and complained about it, and well, we all know what happened to him.
Interesting piece here on Gov psychology and how its being dinted in occasion:
PCR is an amplification tool, it canāt detect/identify. Period.
Cycle threshold (CT) is not only arbitrary, itās meaningless, and an abuse of Kary Mullisā amplification tool.
CT is merely an arbitrary number of amplifications above an equally arbitrary lower number of amplifications referred to as ābackground levelāā¦
The PCR amplifies nucleotide sequences exponentiallyā¦
ā¦up to approximately 40 amplifications,[1] therefore any differences between the CT level and background level are meaningless. A CT of 21x merely means there were 21 amplifications. A CT of 30 has 30 amplifications. A CT of 21x simply means the nucleotide sequence was amplified 21 times, not that there is āstrong positive reactions indicative of abundant target nucleic acidāā¦
At my blog, read the articlesā¦
āHouse of Cards: The Collapse of the āCollapseā of the USSRā
āPlaying Hide And Seek In Yugoslaviaā
Then read the article, āThe Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberationā
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blogā¦
[1] Thereafter amplification growth is less than exponential.
Virus Expert Says COVID Will ‘Not Go Away’ and Could Be Around for ‘Rest of Our Lives’
Newsweek smacks its fat lips. Dr. Ian Lipkin, director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health, told Spanish newspaper El Pais:
Future generations will have to be vaccinated and those who have received the treatment will still need additional booster doses. “It is going to be a recurring problem. I don’t think life will ever be completely normal again,” Dr. Lipkin added.
do you know how i can contact mr Lipkin fuck-face?
i do not use FakeBook and stuff like that
Here. [email protected]
But don’t expect a response.
Thank you!
You’re welcome.
BTW. Facebook has been rebranded [F***face] and Twitter is now know as [Shitter] Just so you know š
I say, “Twitter? That’s TWAT – the only kind of twat that’s not worthy of getting involved in!”
“What Mengele meant is the rest of his wretched Nazi ‘life’. Time to shorten it.”

“Euthanasia Death Shots for Everybody. Eugenics Forever.”
Even to suggest they’ve overplayed their hand seems inadequate. Are they trying to bore us to death now?
And is this not a revealing slip?:
āDespite a pessimistic forecast on a return to pre-COVID lifestyles, …ā
A return to pre-COVID lifestyles is a bad thing?
Like ‘the bogeyman’, leprechauns and little green men from space. They’ll be around forever and enough people will believe in that nonsense. Nobody can prove they exist and the complete lack of evidence that they do doesn’t stop their popularity or the hold they have over the more gullible. Unfortunately this spectre was invented by a collective many years ago and they’re in charge of all the governments across it’s planet. And it wasn’t for the use in fun bed time stories or to sell books. It’s to sell the reality of the imminent demise of almost everyone in the world unless we do as they( not the spectre) say.
Many people are asking them to prove it’s real; many are asking how they can create a vaccine. They suspect that the answers to both would be ‘no’ and ‘we can’t’. Which would open up the door for the big question :
”So why are you doing this and why can’t we just get on with our lives”
And we know that don’t we. As do the scum of the MSM. Those who would ask the questions have been gagged. Whereas the gathered press are actors who know the script.
It takes time to dismantle and deconstruct political systems and religions that have stood for thousands of years and it takes just as long to come up with a believable way of explaining that money is no longer real. Then they have to explain the new no-money, no-religion, no freedom life we’ll be left with and why those vaccines were forced on so many while the rest were covertly poisoned. So it won’t be a matter of months.
By then, we’ll be stoned and won’t care. The masses and it’s dissent anaesthetised by a series of pre- emptive bio-chemical and nano- scientific interventions.
I was surprised, but not offended, when during a recent interview Dr. Judy Mikovits flatly referred to Lipkin as a “whore”. But Judy is always polite, even to her detractors.
Lipkin told Newsweek:
Does anyone else fear we are getting to that point in the West where arguments in favour of dictatorship are about to become mainstream?
Yes, of course they are hypocrites and sociopaths of the worst kind and certainly not restricted to Democrats. But this charge of hypocrisy misses the more important point. They are also uber narcissists. Nothing is more important to them in the entire universe than that they should continue their benighted lives. If they felt that breaking their own rules was endangering themselves, they wouldnāt to it. These shitheads know that it is all fake. And for you Brits, let us not forget Niall Ferguson, the father of the draconian lockdown and Gates gofer, who while purportedly “infected with the virus” and in isolation, twice had his married mistress, a mother of young children, cross London for a sexual escapade. Hypocrisy is a venal sin. What they are doing is a mortal sin. May they rot in hell forever.
The lockdowns happened under a Republican president. If Obama was in power Zero Hedge would be getting hysterical about the āObama Lockdownā, how about the Trump lockdown? Why post such crap?
Trump had no say in the matter. You are looking at things myopic.
Hey Henry, what planet are you from?
1) I am an agorist (as is Corbett), neither a republican nor a democrat; neither left nor right.
2) I did not vote in the 2016 selection or the one earlier in this month. Or any in the current century for that matter.
3) I am not a Trumptard. Dislike his personality, but more importantly I think he is controlled opposition. Pompous and the Maniacal Mustache say it all.
4) I said in my comment that these shitheads were not restricted to democrat governors, though it’s pretty obvious that the worst of the lockdowns were under them.
5) Trump left it to the states to determine what sort of totalitarian response would be made in each of them. He should have initiated federal law suites against these anti-Constitutional infractions immediately.
6) As to Obama, why don’t you fly to Libya and self your poor ass in one of their newly minted slave markets that Obama and the Beast created for you?
Just watched a clip of a bus full of protestors being occupied by the police in London today, passengers being held hostage and given the choice of handing over details and going back home, or being arrested and taken to the station. This is getting very worrying now.
In Bristol the Army is running this vaccine centre at Ashton Gate footbal ground, for an as yet unlicenced vaccine
“Just the Gestapo enforcing the CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC and the GREAT CULL. Nothing to see here, move along now.”

āEuthanasia Death Shots for Everybody. Eugenics Forever.ā
Right Cooper. Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?
It Bids Pretty Fair.
“The play seems out for an almost infinite run.
Donāt mind a little thing like the actors fighting.
The only I worry about is the sun.
Weāll be all right if nothing goes wrong with the lighting.”
In Toronto, literally dozens of police were dispatched to shut down a small pizzeria and handcuff the owner.
it wasnāt a pizzeria, rather a BBQ restaurant
Yup making examples and calling the Media prior too
“Would the Gestapo have raided if it was a Dunkin Donuts?”
“I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”
~ Jay Gould (attributed)
London protests. Police seem to be ever more heavy handed:
The optimist side of me (which is a rather small percentage) can look at these public thug tactics as a sign of weakness and desperation on the part of our demonically possessed overlords. A sign of strength would be that media mind control alone should do the job. Seems to have worked on my snowflake wife š
This video explains (in brief) the basis of 200 years of world wide economic manipulation. The original titled video has been taken down by Google, thus this shortened version ends quite abruptlyā¦ Never the less, the video introduces us to a small yet powerful oligarchy that needs to go far, far awayā¦ James Corbett has presented a similar understanding of history many times, yet somehow believes the essential problem will go away if we ignore it long enough.
The āResetā isnāt a reset for those controlling the resetā¦
How America is a Corporation Still Owned by King of England ‘LAYMENS TERMS’
July 22, 2012
How America is a Corporation Still Owned By King Of England’LAYMENS TERMS’ – YouTube
Just in case you thought the virus was just a psyop and a load of BS built on lies that the government call data, here’s the final proof.
Boris Johnson, one of the greatest and most well informed thinkers of our time has employed Nadhim Zahawi ( nice old traditional name there) as – wait for it- Minister For Vaccines. So that should convince any doubters now. This is a true story ( unfortunately). I hope the create a Minister For watching Football for Free On TV.
What do we know about the new virus ? I’m sorry- i mean new important Tory yes man. Well, he’s been the second highest paid MP in the party so it’s hard to imagine he’s taking a pay cut just to play ‘lets pretend’. The official narrative will say he won’t be getting a raise. And it will be true. Gates doesn’t have his ‘philanthropy’ placed in your salary, he has it slipped to you by more secure means.
He was the minister for Stratford-Upon-Avon, home of the bard himself, William Shakespeare, the most brilliant creator of fiction in history.
He founded Yougov with a certain – wait for it- Stephen Shakespeare( you really couldn’t make this shit up). That Shakespeare was once the official spokesperson of one Geoffrey Archer, a former deputy Tory leader and high flyer who made his name writing fiction ( Cain and Abel etc) and then being found guilty of soliciting whores, trying to bribe them and lying on oath before being sent to prison.
The new boy also backed Brexit along with Bojo and Cummings. In 2013-14 he claimed Ā£170,000 expenses.
When not enjoying showing his horses and show jumping with the wife he bought, he’s a ‘character’ in the House Of Parliament. He once wanted extra attention during an education grant debate so wore a musical tie which played as he spoke. How hilarious.
The lunatics have left the asylum.They decided to give up and leave it to the real headcases. Nice work, Boris. Now answer your phone- it’s Gates.
I believe he claimed parliamentary expenses for heating the stables for his horses.
And no doubt got away with it as it was from the very same stable that supplies the Tories with the constant supply of manure they need in order to keep the mask wearers ‘up to date’.
This is interesting:
āGreek general strike against attacks on right to demonstrate and devastating coronavirus policyā
So the strikes are against two things. First, against attacks on the right to demonstrate. Fair enough. But also against the ādevastating coronavirus policyā? A little ambivalent there?
āThe mood in the international working class is strained to the breaking point. As millions of people were demonstrating against the government across India on Thursday, tens of thousands of public sector workers and employees in Greece also went on a nationwide 24-hour general strike. They were protesting against the devastating coronavirus policies and demanded better protective measures, the confiscation of private hospitals, mass hiring of health workers and salary increases.ā
After which, a bit of scary statistics and some general bolshy type talk. This bit seems funny:
āStrikers from all over the country gathered in front of hospitals, observing the coronavirus safety measures.ā
āSafety measuresā? Imagine the storming of the Bastille while carefully maintaining social distancing!
Whatās this?
āIn the summer, thousands demonstrated against the massive restrictions on the right to demonstrate.ā
Sounds promising …however I canāt help feeling that a protest for the right to demonstrate whilst observing social distancing sounds a bit oxymoronic.
Now this next bit is weird:
āIn mid-November, hospital workers again organised protest actions as part of a āNational Action Day for Health.ā Students at the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki occupied the rectorās office to draw attention to the dangerous conditions in their student residences. They demanded mass tests, better cleaning and safety measures against COVID-19. The Health Ministry ignored the demands and sent in the police instead to suppress the protests.ā
I did a search on āNational Action Day for Healthā Only one hit. The WSW! Searching around more generally for protests at this University didnāt confirm the claims made by the WSW. I see no references to actions in mid-November.
Thereās a bit of blather about how even a general strike wonāt do much good(?) and then,
āOn the domestic front, too, Syriza and the unions agree in essence with the governmentās course and play a key role in pushing through the deadly herd immunity policy against enormous resistance.ā
Enormous resistance? Where and what kind?
āAlthough the pandemic situation in Greece is currently on a knife-edge, the government wants to gradually lift the lockdown on December 7.ā
āChildren are to be brought back to classrooms in the middle of winter, despite exploding coronavirus numbers, so that their parents are available for the job market.ā
āAt the same time, the government has hardly spent any money to make distance learning technically and financially feasible for all students.ā
Well all true Marxists would love to implement distance learning!
Once again, my tolerance level has evaporated. The rest consists of more quotations from āThe Walking Deadā followed by the usual rallying cry to …oh, I dunno, strap masks to your genitalia or something.
Lol …
As a pianist taking part in a planned series of concerts earlier this year to Celebrate poor Beethoven’s 250th birthday by playing all 32 of his piano sonatas, I had a chance, along with the others pianists, to rehearse in the hall before the covid lockdowns wrecked everything.
I must admit it crossed my mind to wonder what kind of arse had been sitting on the piano stool before it was my turn, and whether there was a risk involved…
But I was just playing devil’s advocate in my own mind.
I fully realize that a healthy arse is an arse with a functional immune system.
“Just the CIA Party doing its Langley-Land thing, regurgitating THE BIG LIE PROPAGANDA of the SCAMDEMIC (the plague of doom) for its CORPORATE FASCIST bosses. So what is next for Crains Detroit’s serial entrepreneur of the year? A joint online venture with Louis Proyect (or some other deranged Labor Faker), to be called ‘The Unrequited Fabian Fascist’ or ‘Eugenics World Today.‘
“Using specious claims of religious liberty to trump scientifically based measures for protecting public health by limiting large, lengthy indoor gatherings, the United States Supreme Court ruled 5ā4 shortly before midnight Wednesday that local authorities cannot prevent mass religious services in areas where COVID-19 transmissions are spiking.”
“The CIA Party Langley-Land Operation is using THE BIG LIE of the CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC to GO FULL HITLER. It is advocating the complete abolition of the US Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties (among other things). For Shame!
Time to defund ALL Langley-Land operations in their entirety. They are criminal. They are oppressive. They are anti-peace. They are the antithesis to the principles and spirit of honest Socialism.
Is there a central clearinghouse for lingo? In our local paper yesterday the main COVID article (as opposed to the many lesser ones) used the term “knife’s edge,” also “explode” and the ever reliable “surge.” The term “knife’s edge” seems to be used when “cases” (yes, we know what those are) are not rising but, heaven forbid, may be about to fall. This during flu season.
I try to avoid the stupid jargon of recent years. Not just the Covid-related stuff but the alt-right and BLM stuff as well, like “red pill”, “woke” and so on. Basically, any barbarous treatment of the English language.
Greek government measures, allegedly against Covid, have been draconian. The spring lockdown was spookily fascist, in a country which has a notable left-right divide and a history of martial law and civil war. The government took credit for the low death toll unitl this autumn from the Covid, but Greece is hot and sunny for the most part from early April until October and I feel climate plays a significant role in this. The country was somewhat opened up in the summer for tourism, although most places required a mask to enter, but given that the corona deaths and even cases were small it would have been suicidal not to. Also the Greek economy depends on tourism. The WSW moaned about that lockdown ending.
The WSW want to run with the fox and hunt with the hounds and the article is full of weasel words. They are upset that the government plans to sort of end the current lockdown on the 7th of December but it was originally supposed to end tomorrow. The semi-concealed WSW urge towards the forever lockdown remains. But there are reasons the government dislikes protests and wants to ban them which have nothing to do with Covid and the WSW would expose themselves if they openly sided with the government, so they resort to obfuscation.
A few anarchists, who are somewhat numerous in Greece, broke into the rector’s office, held him sort of hostage for a short period and spray painted his walls with slogans. He was not physically harmed. A huge reward for their apprehension was offered by the authorities.
I should add that the anarchist action was in Athens, not Thessaloniki.
The WSW is the most blatant example of the Left frankly vacating the stage. They intrude to back up the lockdown even more vocally than the MSM while pretending that ONLY the Left want it! That in itself shows a psychotic view of the situation. Indeed we have a constant Orwellian state of reversal here: the PTB apparently DON’T want the lockdown and don’t even want to hear about COVID(?!) Meanwhile it was the proles who forced lockdown(??!!)
And when this miserable Left aren’t cheerleading the lockdown from now till the end of time, they are just blabbing on about the usual stuff (rotten Ā elections, evil politicians opposed by other evil politicians etc.) As if it’s just business as usual.
And I’ve checked a few other Left sites and, honestly, you’d think nothing unusual was happening at all! Whatās going on? Are they really so blind? Or are they āon board” with the reset because they think we’ll have our socialist society? Perhaps they even think themselves that the virus story is shit but a necessary deception to get to this utopia?
One Left person I spoke to, on being confronted with skepticism about the virus, said, āLet’s just wait and see”. Wait for what? For them to own up? It’s been almost 20 years since 9/11 and almost 60 years since JFK. I don’t recall the US govt throwing up their hands and saying, āOK we admit it! It was a con!”
I think the limited reactions by the left in Greece (more than you get from the left in the UK) are because the government is right-wing. If Syriza and Tsipras were still in “power” even the limited scepticism from the left in Greece would not be present.
I’ve said it before, but the fact that far right elements get involved in protests against lockdown is that they can see a tactical opportunity – and quite rightly – people are suffering and none of this is normal. Then the left, or too many of them, think “Oh, there’s fascists, let’s protest against them and in favour of Covid restrictions!” (This absurdity is particularly common in Germany.) Kind of the left supporting its own ruling class by the back door.
I am convinced that this matter of the Right protesting against the lockdown isn’t just opportunism. I think it’s a deliberate move to link the lockdown specifically with the Left I.e. to make lockdown a Leftist cause.
To put it in a facetious way, lockdown has been made to look “groovy”. The protests meanwhile are supposed to be fuelled by capitalist thirst for getting the profit machine back up and running etc. Again-Orwellian reversal.
Unfortunately the Left are falling for it. I note for example that most of the input on the Lockdown Sceptics site comes from the Right wing so that it can easily be rejected as reactionary.
And it’s clear from the above that I am thinking of this Left/Right divergence re: covid/lockdown as something that has been āstage managedā. Ā By who? By the Deep State. This is clearly a vast operation with epoch making consequences. And the slighting of the issue from some on the Left is disgusting.
But the fact that this is being organised from the top is a clear indication that this is in no way some kind of genuine socialist revolution. It really does make all the difference in the world to realise that the virus is most emphatically NOT a weakness of capitalism. The rulers are organising this. And what they are creating is certainly a departure from the usual capitalist model as practiced up till COVID. It may indeed have a socialistic aspect as it will involve more explicit state involvement.
Perhaps those on the Left intelligent enough and honest enough will see this and may be holding out some hope for their own vision. But the biggest problem there is that, once again, it is the rulers who are the architects of change here.
I don’t know in what distorted world the lockdowns can possibly be seen as chic, but unfortunately it is possible to talk of a “lockdown left”, although the WSW to name one example are trying to seem in favour of protest and lockdown simultaneously. I imagine trying to straddle the fence will cause them some groin strain.
Macron the French president was appalled and very shocked by the images of Police beating a black music producer, “sparking fresh accusations of systemic racism in the French police force”. That’s on one hand.
On the other hand, right now, the French government wants to BAN sharing of photos or videos of police officers on duty. (On duty = beating the hell out of someone they don’t like)
On the other other hand, you wouldn’t expect that in France, things are now hitting the bottom physically and intellectually, would you?! I mean, these things we used to attribute to regimes we detest like in North Korea or Assad’s Syria.
He is shocked, shocked that French police might beat people up without cause. But you cannot photograph the process.
The so called great reset and agenda 2030 sum to conspiracy to commit robbery, murder and genocide and therefore must be dealt with with extreme urgency in the toughness way and with the harshest punishments in order to set an example to be remembered in history,
Conspirators should be stripped of all their accumulated and inherited wealth, their business, companies, properties and assets confiscated and nationalized.
Furthermore, their genocidal crimes are so intense that those found guilty of pushing such oligarchic and dystopian criminal agendas will have to be held account for all their conspiratorial actions as well as for their hateful and dictatorial propaganda, and made pay fines which should result on their complete lost of both social and monetary credit, as well as their complete exclusion from educational, medical, and political offices, as they must be condemned to live the rest of their lives as pore people, living on not more than the minimum wage.
We know what should happen.
I think most people are just waiting for an opportunity to take the first step.
The pressure is building up and the sealed up pressure pot is about to explode.
No metter what the genocidal psychopath have calculated or think, opening up shops for Christmas will not be enough to come the people down and release the insane amount of pressure they have built up.
Mean while in the land of the deals
And I wonder, what is the punishment for complicity in genocide in the US.
Agreed. But otoh, do you think they could be agitating us into rebellion for the excuse to impose martial law? It’s one reason for these freaking ridiculous mandates – when I read about Uk tier this and tier that and now it’s going to change every 2 weeks, it’s just taking the piss.
Hello Sol: You stated: “Conspirators should be stripped of all their accumulated and inherited wealth, their business, companies, properties and assets confiscated and nationalized.” True.
If civilians wish to hold persons (not corporations) accountable, individuals within these “businesses” need to be imprisoned for life or hung by a gallows. Fines and lawsuits will not change history one smidgen…
Dear Paul, I do not believe in capital punishment, killing them would be giving them a to easy way out from the horror they have caused.
Humanity is not that monster which we are made believe it should be and by killing those sickos, we would be not only fueling that very same insanity which as brought us to this point in time, but also bringing it with us into the future we are now meant to build.
Sol, Unfortunately that is a problem with liberal belief on the capital punishment. Capital punishment is a deterrent even if it is abhorrent to some. Solution is at hand DON’T. The problem is that liberals have just left door open to appease their conscious in case they are tempted to commit the same crime… sort of precautionary principle.
Not sure if anymore money should be expended on the culprits. They may have some more idiots prepared to save the bastards lives hiding in the wings. Better to get rid of the scum than to continue throw anymore hard earned money after them. They should have taken cognisance of that there is a price to pay, that is the deterrent. take responsibility for ones actions is the term.
Are you going to feed them? It’s going to be hard to feed yourself soon. Austerity to the bone.
Hello Sol: Treason, mass genocide, indiscriminate poisoning and destruction of children, sanctioned land theft of public and private lands should be considered as Capitol crimes. I think the reason they’ve designated executions as “Capitol” Punishment, is to protect their themselves from such prosecution. Capitol punishment isn’t a punishment at all. It’s a method of holding persons duly accountable. The future needs to be cleansed of persons who were allowed to reproduce their ilk…
A bit more double-talk from the WSW. Students committing suicide as a result of government policies in Britain. But reading it, it is clear that it is the implementation of lockdown at universities – “social isolation and economic stress”. Yes, WSW – that is what lockdowns mean.
That article is misleadingly worded:
āMany young adults in the UK have been driven to breaking point during the surge in COVID-19 cases due to the murderous āherd immunityā policy pursued by Boris Johnsonās Conservative government. Millions of young people are suffering from acute stress, anxiety, and depression.ā
When I first read that I assumed that what drove the young to breaking point was the herd immunity policy. And I have he suspicion that this ambiguous garbled phraseology is part of a devious ploy to project all the trauma onto the virus and not the lockdown. And this is verified by:
āMedical experts predicted that social isolation and economic stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic would have a damaging impact on mental health.ā
No, you slimy little manipulators, the isolation and stress are not CAUSED by the virus but by the restrictions.
āStress levels among students intensified when it was announced in September that they were expected to return to campuses and would face fines if they did not.ā
I never heard about fines for WANTING the lockdown. Nor can I imagine stress for returning to campus.
āFinn Kitson, aged 19, was found dead at the Fallowfield campus of the University of Manchester on October 8, following a surge of coronavirus cases at the university and throughout the city. Police said they were not treating the death as suspicious and the university maintained that it was not coronavirus related. Finnās father, Michael Kitson, an academic, disputes this and highlighted the toll of being locked down on studentsā mental health as a key factor in his sonās death. Michael said in response to a news article claiming Finnās death was not COVID-19 related, āThis is not true. If you lockdown young people because of Covid-19 with little support, then you should expect that they suffer extreme anxiety.ā
Well yes we all know the death was Covid RELATED. But his father makes it clear it was the lockdown that caused the stress.
The rest of this article talks about drug dealing and depression ā matters again due to the lockdown.
The WSW has been revealed as he most vile hypocritical cheerleader for continued unnecessary psychological and economic sadism.
ā What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdownsā
Certainly couldnāt read ALL about it at a controlled and highly censored site SUCH AS THE GUARDIANS.
Dr Malcolm Kendricks, Covid/Lockdowns……..
Thanks for that. A great conversation conducted with logic and gallows humour.
The WEF openly stating one of their psychological warfare strategies:
The plebs are to get the illusion of a say in how goals are achieved – but those goals themselves are incontestable. Spotting these “social entrepreneurs” is going to fun:
“Social entrepreneurs are a bit like scientists in the sense that they are curious and dare to ask the difficult questions challenging the status quo. They are persistent, never give up or take no for an answer, and are extremely creative”.
Incessant hectoring, zero respect for every way you’ve been used to doing things and of course MSM platforms and easy-rides will be part of the tell. BTW notice the image of “scientists” they’ve smuggled in there which bears no relation to the conduct of most “scientists” since March.
Climate change parliaments are another WEF strategy they’ve long been advocating. What did the UK Parliament happen to debate yesterday?…
Weather men should debate government change.
Has anyone had to readjust their email in order to receive replies to comments?
I used to receive replies to my comments but have not since the change at Offg this week.
Asked admin but haven’t heard.
I haven’t been receiving any automated reply notifications as before (I’ve had to scroll through threads to see if there are any replies to me), but I haven’t yet looked into it to see if I simply need to re-register for the notifications.
Mine appear in “junk mail”
Thanks all.
ADMIN – anything?
Mine have been randomly appearing in between Junk and Regular mail boxes since I’m on this site… way before the transition
Thanks, Theobalt. No, nothing in my spam mail. I’ve just reregistered to receive ‘daily updates’ but I’m not sure if that relates to reply notifications (I can’t remember how I set that up originally and can’t find where else to arrange reply notifications).
FWIW, I also have stopped getting e-mail notifications– both replies and the ones telling me that my spam-filter trapped comment was released from incarceration.
I was also wondering if there’s something I need to do on my end to restore the notifications. I hope someone will credibly explain the change and provide the remedy, if any.
You know how when one looks at something familiar, one simply doesn’t see items that are staring them in the face?
Well, this one just noticed the little “bell” button next to “POST COMMENT”. When I moused over it, it displayed the message “Notify of new replies to this comment”. I dimly recall that it’s always been there, but I’m not sure.
It seems as if the default setting is to allow notifications, so we ought to be getting them as we did formerly. ‘Tis a puzzlement!
Thanks, I’ll try that!
I’m still getting notifications by email for any replies, however since the change, the notification has a big red question mark attached!
An interesting take on a particular point made by Lord Sumption.
This sounds very actual and real,
Please post again the video together with the link to the laws in question.
RT pushed the swine flu/bird flu panics in 2009/10 very hard. Glad it’s woken up.
I cannot speak for the accuracy of this website.
Not sure why this has been down-voted. It appears to be a comprehensive and informative list of trials and studies on different Covid19 therapeutics and is consistent in its overall summaries with information I have read elsewhere. If readers click on each entry a short summary appears.
I’ve read comments by this guy Henry, and I think he makes some pretty good points.
For starters – which is basically what I wrote below – as much as what Corbett says makes sense, the man shouldn’t be regarded as an oracle or prophet of some sorts. The suggestion that people resist by opening their businesses is outright stupid. The businesses will be promptly closed, the operator given a hefty, liquidating fine if not charged with something like threatening public health or attempted murder. That will only work if it’s an orchestrated effort, done simultaneously by a large number of businesses.
Likewise, the question should be asked and links looked for why this shit happened at a time leading up to presidential elections in the US.
Asset stripping is another good point – it suffice to look at who’s benefiting from what’s happening.
The remark that this has been foisted on the world as a measure purportedly preventing Trump from staging an alleged coup in the US also kinda makes sense.
Bottom line, as bad as it is, one can’t trust no one. Whatever anybody says must be questioned and carefully examined. Stuff that can be verified, corroborated can be accepted, stuff that doesn’t makes sense or is unverifiable put on the back burner or rejected.
I think the “opening their businesses” line is a typically American matter i.e. in America, business owners are seen as the regular folks. Whereas in the UK – and elsewhere – the regular folk are more likely to be identified as employees.
I don’t know. There are a lot of self-employed people or independent contractors in Europe or anywhere else as well. They’re just as regular folk as employees.
My girlfriend owns a bar. She doesn’t care one iota for this shit, but if she opened, some asshole would rat her out, and the cops would be there in a matter of minutes. She’d face a fine of as much as 150,000 dollars (!) and who knows what else. Most importantly, people might not even show up. A lot of them are too scared – they’d face a fine too plus some still believe that they’ll catch something.
It would be a different story if everybody opened, or at least a substantial number of businesses. Then the domino effect might kick in.
The good news is that some businesses are starting to openly defy the idiotic restrictions. We’ll see what comes out of it. I’m a bit wary that it’s being reported by the very MSM that have been the most scaremongering throughout this crap. Anyway, one of the pubs seems to have found a legal loophole – I’m gonna go there as soon as I can.
Bottom line, I wouldn’t encourage anyone to openly defy the restrictions (as per Corbett in the video). Without popular support, it can be suicidal. We need to start thinking along WWII Resistance tactics.
I wasn’t commenting on whether “self-employed people or independent contractors” ought to be regarded as “just as regular folk as employees”. I was talking about differences in public perception between the US and UK. The US has always been more “business fixated”.
Jacques — even if a large numbers of businesses in any particular area defied the illegal orders/mandates, the local govt scum would still make an example by victimizing one or two. You could then sue them for being singled out in a discriminatory manner, but who’s going to take the case and see it through a court system that’s also corrupt and on board with the scam?
The whole situation is so ugly and worsening hour-by-hour, solely because there are too few (like me) who realized it was all a ludicrous con fairly soon after the media hysteria and tyrannical regs kicked in.
On businesses, Corbett is obviously thinking of cases like the Liverpool gym opener in October and the Dallas hairdresser earlier in lockdown who both successfully faced down intimidation from the law. If businesses are going bust anyway, what have they got to lose? Of course it’s better if they organise collective non-compliance – do you think Corbett is against this? He’s talking about where this may not be possible.
On Corbett more generally, should he be regarded as a prophet? Of course not. Could he be a gatekeeper? Absolutely. He avoids certain issues – like the elite’s occult beliefs, what’s going on in space and social engineering through popular entertainment. Is it suspicious Corbett seems to maintain his Youtube platform while others get struck down? Sure. Take his information while you can, check it against other sources and top it up with other sources that address his blind spots.
On “Henry”, the poster is an obvious shill, one of a long line who keep appearing here to herd people away from looking at so-called globalists and back to a traditional geo-political understanding that blames nation-states and their agencies for events since March. Thery’re easy to spot because they saturate the thread, use the same tone and never admit any valid points but their own. The arguments they use are the ones they want controlled leftist opposition like George Galloway to be using. Unfortunately for them, the manifest fact that 90% of the world’s nations followed the same playbook (immediate proclamations of “the new normal”, lockdown, promoting indebtedness, accelerating the green agenda) obviously nonsensical (as is their apparent belief that this site is somehow “soft” on the US deep state). When politicians as diverse as Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau and the Chinese CCP are using ‘The Great Reset’ term then clearly it is a thing and there must be some global co-ordination going on (as the conduct of space agencies has long shown as well incidentally). When there are some serious governmental actions that don’t fit in with ‘The Great Reset’ then I’ll be questioning it but at the moment I don’t see any such actions anywhere (except in a handful of states where crazy populists have been installed to discredit the alternative). Does this mean the WEF are ultimately running the show? Probably not. Schwab came out of Bilderberg so that’s one additional layer and there are probably others beyond that deep in the shadows. However to claim that the extremely wealthy who’ve told us again and again that they want global governance wouldn’t have set up some sort of global network is a rank absurdity.
“If businesses are going bust anyway, what have they got to lose”
Well, quite a bit. If you’re given a fine in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, you’ll not only lose your business, but you’ll also lose everything else, such as your home and whatever else you might have.
I don’t care much for Corbett, Henry, or anybody else. What matters is what people say, ideas insofar as they make sense. I don’t glorify or demonize anybody, even though one might be tempted to do so.
Another thing that Henry mentioned, which does make sense, is planning for pandemics. He is right about that too. Often, people invoke for example the Rockefeller Foundation scenario for a pandemic as proof that COVID was planned, and it might well be so, but I’ve read it (there are four scenarios), and they are a pretty logical description of possible developments, outcomes.
Anyway, everybody needs to be wary of confirmation bias.
Indeed everybody does need to be wary of confirmation bias.
It takes a pretty polished mind to chart a clear course through all this chaos.
āApril 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper Urges Testing and Tracing Entire US Populationā
āThe Flexner Report: How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicineā
How all of the above fits into the planned faux Pandemic, the planned and hyped push for constant fraudulent testing, the nanoparticles in vaccines (whether delivered through injection, covert testing, nasal sprays or micro needle patch arrays) and the global 5g Rollout and lockdown:
āA proposal to develop a new way to remotely control brain cells from Sarah Stanley, a Research Associate in Rockefeller Universityās Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, headed by Jeffrey M. Friedman, is among the first to receive funding from U.S. President Barack Obamaās BRAIN initiative. The project will make use of a technique called radiogenetics that combines the use of radio waves or magnetic fields with nanoparticles to turn neurons on or off.ā
You might want to have a look at Rockefeller outfit The Trilateral Commission. This guy has been investigating them for decades:
Like you say,the Liverpool gym man seems to have been successful. I’ve been searching around for methods of circumventing commercial law. I’ve found a website that seems to have a great understanding of the situation- thebridgelifeinthemix. The bloke has been investigating this stuff for years and is very down to earth and practical. There’s no point in talking anymore. It’s the blitzkrieg and the enemy is pushing all before them.
William M. Briggs: Stats I Did For the Sidney Powell Suits: 150 Thousand Missing Votes
“A professional poll called people on these lists (many thousands!) and asked two questions: (1) Did you request an absentee ballot? and, if so, (2) Did you return that ballot? (All these calls were recorded.) From that he’s calculated:
Error #1: being recorded as sent an absentee ballot without requesting one.
Error #2: sending back an absentee ballot and having it recorded as not returned
Around 154 thousand votes or so (plus or minus) have perhaps gone missing across several states. In Pennsylvania alone maybe 30 thousand or so Republican ballots are not accounted for.”
The associated video has been deleted by YouTube but Briggs is one of “lots of people working on exposing the fraud, coming at it from all angles. Iāve talked and done things with several groups.”
This Week in Culture #21 – Fleccas Talks
Just read a description of the scientists and politicians leading the British response to the pandemic.
‘Psychopaths masquerading as morons’.
And what are we, sheep in the field about to to be herded to the abattoir. How smart is that?
It is normal to fall in love. in fact it is the most brilliant feeling in the world, when she smiles at you…and she says Ok…I will go to the gig with you.
You do not know what it is like to not have a girlfiend.
And then you have got a Girlfriend, and you take her home to meet your Mum.
Thank You
I’m Still in Love
Hope to come back to Earth after I am dead.
If I have any choice at The Pearly Gates from St Peter
Heaven, Hell or Purgatory…
Is it OK to ask a question comprising and additional to these options…
Can I come back here to Earth, just as I was when a Baby, ad meet the same people and eventually my wife, and kids and grandkids.
I strongly suspect that God couldn’t give a fuck, but Roman Catholic Priest I had known since young, instantly fell in Love with My Girlfriend. All My Family Did – and they discussed (I was the youngest)
Well, Mum, I don’t think you are going to make a Catholic Priest out of him. His Girlfriend is Dripping.
She says O.K., I will make a Double Bed up for them – and she did. I must have sent her some photos.
It was tough being brought up in a Very Strict Roman Catholic Family…but my new Girlfriend Was Blonde, Lancashire, Working Class and Catholic Too, Shy and completely lovely with it.
You have no idea, what it was like getting her out of the car, and walk up the path to knock on the Front Door of My Mum’s
When I met her, she invited me to meet her Mum instantly, well on our first date, when I got her home
My Girlfriend and My Mum became Best Friends..
We took her on holday with us numerous times both before and after we had kids..
She knew we were in love. Still are. It’s just coming back, and again being part of a family…and just kind of being there, for anyone who needs help, and trying your best to be both nice and helpful and sometimes just a shoulder to cry on.
Sometimes we all feel weak, and vulnerable, but just a text message to an old friend, when replied can make all the difference, especially when she is going through hell too. Just Be My Friend.
“Status Quo-4500 Times”
Tony, mate. (Some of) your ramblings are lovely, I get where your heart is. But most of them are personal to you and bear no relation to the topic in question. I understand this may be a form of social interaction that is sadly lacking in your life (though I seriously doubt it given the content of your messages) but, seriously me old mucker, you need to find another outlet/forum on which to divest your inner feelings. The number of downticks is embarrassing and making you look a fool and, although I donāt know you, I feel you deserve better.
Toddle off, thereās a good chap
“The number of downticks is embarrassing and making you look a fool”
What nonsense, the mob, a mass of fools, trying to shut up our low brow poetry man. These mobs either throw mud at our poetry man, or they upvote the best mud throwers.
Ummm.. No, there’s a time for foolish sentimentality, but I would propose that this is not it.
The world is (or should be) much more concerned with our universal loss of liberties, and the crimes perpetrated upon us, than with juvenile and moony / loony ramblings.
One of the worst things that happened to the internet was the system of likes and dislikes. Why does anybody give a fuck what some stranger on the internet thinks about something they’ve written? Don’t take it personally folks!
Absolutely not, let me give you an upvote for that
I really needed that validation mate, thanks a lot. The bad internet people hurt my feelings when they don’t like what I say.
I agree with you too, but I think the issue here is basically the time-wasting involved with tony-non-compos…
I’d prefer pretty wallpaper – taken in at a glance – to silly verbal incontinence, but of course that’s just me.
yeah but you said it… it’s the bad people, so technically… you should rejoice
Speaking personally, I feel sorry for our poetry man, but it is not appropriate for everybody to be everywhere.
Take the example of a symphony concert, where Beethoven has asked the orchestra to play a certain section incredibly quietly for maximum emotional effect:
Right on cue, George Bloggs, a tone-deaf accountant who turned up because of a friend’s unused ticket, despite not having the slightest interest in, or understanding of classical music, decides he needs to clear his throat violently – and … one of the most beautiful moments in mankind’s artistic creation is utterly wrecked. Thank you, George.
Or little three-year-old Jimmy, whose idiotic mother took him to the concert because she thinks all children should be given access to all music, all the time, suddenly shouts, “Mum, I just have to do poopy plops right now – I’m bursting!” – again, wrecking for music lovers the entire point of the live performance for which they paid an admission fee… Thank you, Jimmy’s mother.
If, as is obviously the case, the facts really should be sacred here, then we can’t have them trodden on by what may be a well-meaning, but incurable narcissist, whose burblings, at the very least, distract us from the focus of the article in question, and often sidetrack the conversation into sentimental twaddle about Tony Compo’s ego.
This isn’t a ‘low-brow’. It is an attention craver, whether it knows it or not.
“Toddle off, thereās a good chap”, is a fairly mild rebuke in the circumstances.
proud of you son
Another (failed) attempt to make a mockery of this site, tonyoperationmockery!
I don’t see it like that… I used to, but I think it’s more of a spiritual thing now… When he’s not there for a couple of days, I kind of miss the old bugger… and it allows for a breather, and show us the intolerant people around… including your humble servant at times… But I hope the violence is symptomatic of the stress related plandemic, and not just a Twitter/FB phenomenon of bashing
Please go away .
You know I’m now called Tony Upnotch… I always felt we had a connection, but don’t be jealous… I’m the one really
My biggest concern with this whole disgusting mess is that the prominent people who have dared to perpetrate, or collaborate in such a horror no longer have any conceivable way of backing down and admitting that they have taken part in the most monstrous abuse of authority ever known to mankind.
The shock wave which would go through our civilization would topple every building with more than two floors.
That is why I still fear that this awful thing will continue unopposed by the media until it has sunk us all.
Concerning the suggested remedy of simply disobeying… Well, as Jura has said below, “there’s brave, and there’s stupid”… It depends where you live, and whether your conceivable arrest, or even ‘disappearance’ would change even the tiniest thing about the current agenda – or ‘narrative’.
Everybody with an informed mind knows that we must stop this pandemonic, but nobody knows how, because the vermin carrying it are everywhere, and, in any case, most of the population clearly find vermin perfectly acceptable – even sort of reassuring…
This just happened in Oregon. Nice to think our state is supporting our small businesses.
Pretty interesting lawsuits going to the courts now. Scumbag Drosten is in a pickle on two fronts.
The lawsuit in Germany on PCR test fraud (Fullmich et al) looks to be picking up steam. That one cites Drosten as one of the main perpetrators of the fraud- there is also one in Italy and looks like one in Netherlands is coming up also going after the PCR fraud.
In the second suit against Drosten they are going after him for academic fraud. Seems he may have committed fraud just to get his PhD- which I had heard about- but now it appears the University (Frankfurt?) itself is admitting to not having proper documentation for his dissertation.
Also Wolfgang Wodarg German MD & former Chair of Parliamentary Assembly of European Council: led 2009 investigation into WHO and big pharma exposing H1N1 āpandemic that wasnātā has now filed legal action in Germany against social media āfact checkersā to expose flawed PCR test.
There is also the heartening throwing out of ‘removal of folks to ‘health shelters’ ‘ and compulsory administrations of ‘ vaccines ‘ by Denmark. Plus, the identifying of all PCR tests as fraudulent and not fit for purpose for measuring covid, by Portugal.
Do you have details of the PCR challenge in the Netherlands?
Hi Paul,
Still looking for it- had it yesterday. Do you speak Dutch?
Listen here to Koopmans who should be in jail BTW:
Here is Drosten- it is in English- this guy is a professional liar:
Have you seen the original- Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR- which is what 70% of the PCR tests are based on?
Which says the following:
In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.
And there’s the Bernician in England we can support him.
Whilst The UK Cops do do Kettling, It is hardly ever that violent at the demos in London. The Police have Mum’s and Sisters too. They go to Gigs too.
The Police don’t hate us. Of course some of them are complete violent psychos, and their fellow policeman try and stop the beating up old women, and kicking them in the stomach.
Whilst there may be quite a few arrests, and attendance at hospitals in London, I am preety sure the Death Rate between The Protestors and The Police in London and All The UK, is pretty close to zero.
You are far more likel to die of COVID
Get out and do some exercise. Sitting doing nothing twiddling your thumbs is far more likey to kill you, than getting off your arse and going to a demo.
Its not about Politics. It’s about having The Freedom to say what you want to say, even if it is offensive to Young People – The Brainwashed WOKE.It’s not our fault most of them have never done it. Our genertion did, and I occasionaly extremely rarely had a condom. I never thought I was going to get that lucky
I suspect an extremely high Percentage of The Millenialls prefer their vibrators, and have never experienced anything else, so Thank God, they are not likely to Reproduce. You need to have Sex to do that.
“Explaining… THE BIRDS & THE BEES.”
Another (failed) attempt to make a mockery of this site, tonyoperationmockery!
“The police don’t hate us” – at least some of them actually do, based on some of my personal experiences at demos. Specialised riot control police are not selected for their gentle touch and understanding attitudes. Anyway, many cops are inculcated with the idea that they are separate from and a cut above the citizenry, and this sometimes makes its way into films.
Cops actually think Tarantino is prejudiced against them, but I would say he is realistic about them.
I have encountered a statistic that since 1969, well over a thousand people have died in police custody or in circumstances with police involvement in England and Wales and I am not aware of a single one going to jail over it. Sometimes they lose their jobs but that is about it. I am aware of an incident in Scotland where there was a violent domestic argument between a man and his wife. The cops came by car, arrested the man who was drunk but took him to the outskirts of Edinburgh or Glasgow, more or less the countryside, and turned him loose. It was in the depths of winter. He was found dead later, of exposure. I think the police involved were fired but no jail time.
well over a thousand in 51 years?!?!? that’s gotta be the lowest death relation in any kind of involvement including matrimony. And their job is dealing with the most violent venues.
It might even be on the low side, but considering most UK cops do not carry pistols, and Britain tends to be presented as a home of freedom and democracy I find the statistic disturbing – even more so that nothing happens to the cops involved in nearly every case.
I wasn’t there, but my heart and soul were