EHRC “Youth Climate Case” could see courts forcing policy on nation-states
Landmark legal case would seek to make EU nations "do what scientists say is necessary".
Kit Knightly

The European Court of Human Rights is prepping to hear a civil case brought against the governments of 33 European nations by six teenage “climate activists”.
The six youth activists are allegedly crowd-funding the campaign, but also have the backing of the Global Legal Action Network NGO. Though the six teenagers are all Portuguese, the case is being brought against thirty-three different nations simultaneously – all 27 EU members, the UK, Russia, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine and Switzerland.
To defend themselves the 33 countries will be asked to explain how their “lack of action” on climate change doesn’t equate to a violation of the human rights of their citizens. If they lose, the countries in question will be legally forced to “take greater action” on climate, or face penalties for missing lower carbon emissions goals etc.
One of the kids, 12-year-old André Oliveira, is quoted in The Guardian as saying [our emphasis]:
It gives me lots of hope to know that the judges in the European court of human rights recognise the urgency of our case. But what I’d like the most would be for European governments to immediately do what the scientists say is necessary to protect our future. Until they do this, we will keep on fighting with more determination than ever.”
The story itself is nonsense of course. Twelve-year-olds do not talk like that. Plus the case originated over 3 years ago, when young André was only nine.
Nine-year-old boys do not see footage of forest fires on the news and decide to sue the European Union. Even if the thought did occur to them, they wouldn’t have the resources, knowledge or wherewithal to actually do anything about it. Not without some pretty all-encompassing adult supervision.
This whole story has the Greta-like whiff of adults using children to mask their agenda. It’s unsavoury, but that’s not really the worst part. The worst part is what this case is aiming to achieve.
Consider the precedents being set here. As the Guardian rightly points out, the ECHR is a standard-setting body, even if the final judgment in this particular case is largely ignored, or considered simply symbolic, it will still sit on the books as a precedent in several ways.
Firstly, there’s the precedent of over-ruling democracy. The governments of these 33 nations were all elected, they (notionally) answer to their electorate, not the EHRC. It’s one thing to prosecute a nation or head of state for actually committing a crime, but bringing a civil case to dictate policy is quite another.
Secondly, there’s the question of state sovereignty. All of the plaintiffs are Portuguese, yet the case is seeking to alter the policy of 32 other nation-states as well. Neither these six Portuguese children, their British lawyers or the Strasbourg-based courts have the right to tell Hungary or Norway or Turkey how to run their country, certainly not when it involves going against the democratic will of the people.
Finally, there’s the tell-tale quote from young André – bolded above.
what I’d like the most would be for European governments to immediately do what the scientists say is necessary”
Granted these are just the words of a child, but he almost certainly was reading something an adult had written. And it’s definitely the aim of the exercise. A government which has policy dictated by what scientists say is necessary.
NOT what is democratically mandated. NOT what is legally permitted. Not even what is morally correct.
What the scientists say is necessary.
Anybody paying attention to the way the world is being run in the wake of the Covid19 “pandemic” should find those words at least a little chilling.
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IPCC stands for Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, so no, the game is to make (Western) nations do what Western politicians are pushing for: even more power for them. Willing scientists are just tools depending on governmental grants.
Notice the climate fight always plays out in the intangible. Its all invisible gas and carbon credit algorithms. The truel crisis is in the immediate real world. Im just some idiot but wouldn’t burning billions of acres of forest make the whole world just a little hotter? Climate change seems to be created by the very same people who are using it for a power grab. But could there be other reasons? Whats going on with Antarctica? Is this also an opportune cover to melt the polar ice caps?
Ah well, this must be all good…
With no resistance whatsoever being offered by those it will directly affect and totally ruin, (i.e. every citizen of Western society), they will easily win their case and all their loony laws and society destroying mandates will be gleefully and no doubt rigidly imposed, all thanks to these brave but misinformed, hopelessly indoctrinated kids who know NOTHING about anything; being allowed to control everyone and everything we do. Simply worshipping and obeying their puppet masters: St Greta The Doom Pixie, Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Mr & Mrs Gates, et al.
WAKE UP! And FIGHT you cowards.
The Greta Reset is here, I see…
Climategate. Covidgate. And all other Gates…
In 1998, Canada, A well known columnist for the Financial Post section of Toronto-based National Post, Terence Corcoran ,shared some startling , defeatist but conformist remarks about climate change. He was quoting from an interview given to The Calgary Herald by former Environment Minister, Christine Stewart.
Stewart went on record with :
Corcoran commented :
Ms. Stewart gave another reason for adopting the religion of global warming. :
We’re sneaking toward one world governance- see ?
We conclude, from Ms Stewart’s wisdom, that whether global warming actually exists is irrelevant. It is, in the hands of government and environmental activists, a convenient front for the introduction of programs and economic policies that Canadians – and most citizens of the world – would not otherwise accept.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticising Canada. It must be one of the most peaceful countries on the planet and the people so inoffensive. But we have recently seen their president jumping like a performing seal wanting to be the first in line to follow the covid script and whatever Fauci and Gates want. He was chomping at the bit to lock the citizens up and order the yet-to-be-named vaccines
The most important point to keep at the forefront of your mind whenever you rad anything related to climate change and similar is that whatever the various opinions of it’s advocates are, and no matter how many repeat it, there’s one common thread that runs through them all; that the problem is man. And what do we do with problems ?
Let’s have some quotes. You can add your own poster later 😉
– Paul Watson (founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society), May 04, 2007
– David M. Graber, Los Angeles Times, 22 October 1989 (in Rodes and Odell, op. cit., p. 149)
– The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
– Paul W. Taylor, Respect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics, Princeton University Press, 1986
Can you see why the timing of the climate change collides with the climax of the covid closedown and the arrival of herd vaccination now ?
There are more names, more quotes and they go back a long way. But there’s enough here to join the dots between the Covid 19 agenda, and de-population.
The Eugenicists are hiding behind both. They took 100 years to re-define the sciences and to promote the quantifiable results that they can produce as opposed to the faith and hope – or any other abstract notions. They’ll be regarded as myths and legends soon. Because they don’t show up under a microscope. Ironic really. After all, neither does Covid 19.
I truly believe that mandatory vacations is the only way forward
and anyone disagreeing should be isolated to Gruinard Island with no masks
I had rather thought of Gruinard as a pound-shop Guantnanamo, for the local perps to while away their days.
I was rather hoping they hadn’t quite cleaned the island as thoroughly as they let on…lets see how that spit soaked rag protects against something like…oooooh….anthrax
…Sounds great – Sign me up!… – I’ll take my mandatory vacation on Tahiti, if I may, and while we’re at it, can we make mine *permanent*?… 😉
I would support them if they brought a similar action against high credit card interest rates, that are destroying people’s lives right now.
What the fuck is this?:
“On Wednesday around 32 million people will be placed into Tier 2, which means pubs and restaurants in their area must only sell alcohol with a “substantial meal”. They will also be forced to stop serving at 10pm and close by 11pm.”
What is the justification for that? Does drinking alcohol alone induce covid? They’re just making it up as they go along now.
Its apparently a psychological method to make people lose even more their minds and be subservient to keep telling them utter nonsense and also to say one thing, and then its contrary. I think there was an article on OffG about it.
On the other hand it could just be evidence that the ministers are full of shit
I’m picking “All of the above.”
They’re doing what they think they can get away with, it’s as simple as that.
Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick suggested :
Minister George Eustice said :
These are the morons telling us how to live. Maybe they should have consulted their butlers before spouting such shite.
So you have a Cornish Pasty in one hand- not a substantial meal. Even though it’s full of meat and veg and as big as your face.
You have a Scotch Egg in your hand. basically a boiled egg rolled in a layer of sausage meat then in breadcrumbs- that’s a substantial meal.
”Under the old tiered system, guidance stated that “a table meal is a meal eaten by a person seated at a table, or at a counter or other structure which serves the purposes of a table”.
Now they tell me. Now i understand why Wetherspoons banned me for swinging from the lights eating my roast dinner.
*Everyone Knows* by now Convid is *Sentient*, ‘coz the Drain-Stream Media told us all so…
…- It sees you staggering out of the boozer at kicking-out time, three sheets to the wind, and *Instantly* sizes you up as an easy mark, like the cunning, devious street mugger it is…
…- Whadaya mean ‘now’, George?…
…Plus: Guiness *already is* a ‘substantial meal’ in itself, so I’ll just be sticking with that going forward, thankyou much nice Mr/Mrs .Gov peeples… 😉
Ahhhh the black soup….if you are lucky you may be able to find guiness foreign extra stout 7.5abv …..thats superfood….fuck your kwinoah
…-Too right, sir!… – Guinness Foreign Extra Stout… – Or as I like to call it:- *Proper* Guinness (since Guinness ‘Original’ is a sad joke)… *Rich* in iron, protein and vitamins… – Got turned onto that whilst living in St Paul’s, Bristol… – *Yummy*…
They sell it in happy meal size in Singapore …pint bottles
It’s another pathetic pseudo debate to keep everyone distracted while their lives are being trashed. Imagine your workplace has just been assigned to that famous dustbin of history and you switch on the telly and all they’re discussing is the requisite intake of carbohydrates that must accompany every beer you have so you can’t even get pissed.
*Indeed* George… (And granted that what I’m about to say is so much ‘preaching to the choir’ for most of us here on OffG.) *All* of this is diversionary gaslighting and bamboozling misdirection for the purpose of facilitating the necessary stage-magician sleight-of-hand required for ushering in ‘Teh Reset’…
…Nevertheless, from where I’m sitting, They’re going to have a *Bloody Hard* job selling this to the *100’s Of Millions* of newly-minted small-medium business bankruptees and their jobless former employees, once the dust settles from the *Single Biggest* man-made and *Deliberate* feat of wholesale economic demolition in all of human history…
…- *They* did *All* of this. *On Purpose*. Not some facocta made-up ‘flu’ (See Genevieve Briand’s study outta JHU), and of those worst affected by this disaster a decent plurality, *At Least*, will know that for a fact… – They will *Know*…
…- I’ll *Cheerfully* bet my bile-duct on it…
This is something that gives a telling insight into Chinas social credit system….notice the word he uses several times in in the first 5 minutes…..
Btw under our glorious leader of the straw head for the munificence of humanity and greater good…im an E+
oh how surprising, the ehcr rubber stamping oligarchical diktats, served up with a soufle of soporific toddlers.
it’s all so grass roots and organic.
Another case of “garbage in garbage out”.
There is absolutely no proof that carbon hungry people have caused the climate to change. Of course, there are theories and “bottom of one’s heart” feelings. Same old stuff. Some scientists like to think there is a cause and effect. They can’t prove any of it. So they make it up.
Garbage in. Garbage out.
There is no doubt we need to rethink how we handle energy. Scaring the daylights out of children and ignorant adults is not not how we should go about it. (That includes a frail old man who happens to be the next leader of the Free World.) The sky is not falling.
Garbage in. Garbage out.
“There is no doubt we need to rethink how we handle energy. “
Yeah there already are alternatives, such as nuclear, but the oligarchy who want to totally control us and everything we do using this ‘climate crisis’ ruse as an excuse to enslave humanity, don’t like that option… Because it works!
They much prefer unreliable and utterly useless, not to mention astronomically expensive, industry destroying, society wrecking ‘renewables’. That long ago obsoleted ‘technology’ (i.e. windmills invented in the 12th century), will ensure we have very little available electricity, no industries (and ultimately no trade) and therefore, no FREEDOM and for many: no LIFE.
Live Michigan Election Fraud Hearing/
Fraud Witness In Hospital/
DC “Aristocracy” Feverish To Party Again/
US AG Bizarre Claim- “No Evidence”/
Book: Hammer Is The Key To The Coup/
8 Major Suppressed News Items/
ICAN Anti Vax Sues Facebook/
Pro Vax Propaganda Toy/
I’m trying to see a positive or two here. The only positive that comes to mind related to this and the pretend virus is that it’s stole the headlines that every leeching pseudo-‘activist’ who was sitting at a screen 24/7 scrutinising what everyone was saying to see if he could express outrage and empathy and make him or herself some new pretend friends. You know the types. woke; SJW, and those vile little Trustafarians– Extinction Rebellion. If i ever had the bad luck to meet one of the latter I’d happily make him extinct. ‘Young Andre’ ( probably ‘old George’) sounds like a great and fun kid. Dickheads.
A sort of positive( albeit a bit of a stretch) is that this raising it’s irritating and ugly head suggests the beginning of a dovetail of sorts. As the pretend virus subsides thanks to the pretend maths and lying data coughing up smaller numbers to make the vaccines look good, the climate change / global warming / save the caterpillars lot can start preparing us for another slant on the coming end of times ; climate change. More bullshit. But at least we can’t be locked in our own homes for it ( yet).
Is anyone going to do the ’33’ thing ?Or the 27 ( 2+7=9 sacrifice number)thing. You know the one- the sacred ritual numbers of the Freemasons who are behind the plans to kill religion, spirituality and God using evolution as it’s rationale ? And that we are descended from the Ape whereas Darwin was descended from Freemasons ? Ok. Incidentally, if Thunberg raises her robotic little head during this farce, listen out for a bang.
I recently had my attention drawn to a way of viewing the whole thing.
Firstly, it was suggested, and i have to agree, that man- (Western) considers himself quite separate from the natural world yet superior to it. The same way it considers itself superior to all species. The Bible can be blamed for giving us fancy ideas there, telling us we :
While The East, or the native American victims of Uncle Sam’s Psychosis, thought of themselves as being within nature; part of it, we in the West think of it as a backdrop that contains resources to be used for our benefit. This apparent disconnection’ enables us to abuse without conscience.
We can pepper the atmosphere with whatever we choose to. So what if we are now wrapped tightly in a straitjacket of EM waves and the planet is still coughing after the Bombs dropped on Japan. We can blame the massed ranks for it. Aerosols, petrol, diesel, blah blah. As long as it leads to the conclusion that Malthus was right all along ; we would eventually breed far too much and leave ourselves starving because the Earth’s ability to give us sustenance has a limit and we haven’t. We can breed as much as we like while we can.
It’s part of an elaborate line of bullshit to justify enforced vaccines, enforced sterilisation and the passing of laws to limit the amount of children we are allowed to have ( according to how important our bank accounts say we are).
The same elite are behind the hype. I don’t care if they’re trying to use ‘the men and women of tomorrow- our future’ angle to preach their crap. It doesn’t wash. I don’t care how good these little education -dodgers are at memorising lines. Can they debate with anyone without a script ? No. If Klaus Schawb or Henry Kissinger delivered their message in their Germanic monotone lifeless voices we’d feel like we were being warned and threatened.
If the east feel an empathy with nature, the contrast is absence of empathy. In the west we can feel empathy for other people. Even ones who we don’t know personally. The minority who can’t are quite often sociopaths and psychopaths. Such people can hurt, inflict damage and kill with impunity. And when we go up the ladder to the untouchable elite, they can and do en masse. They can use soldiers, bombs, or poison. They can gladly reduce cities to dust and now they have the human race in their sights.
The Psychopath will exploit anyone to get what he can from them without conscience. Satisfying their desires is all.
If we apply this thinking to the environment and not just people we have an emerging ecopsychopath. That’s what caught my attention. It’s as easy to use and exploit the planet to satisfy our needs .Easier in fact as the planet is passive.
What would happen if these sensitive warriors took to the stage to debate how evil and poisonous Monsanto is or how the agriculture is being swallowed alive by it and the monsters who created it ? .Or how Monsanto was murdering nature ? Nothing, It wouldn’t be allowed and we know it. But we can talk about ice caps…
The people were warned about the so-called ‘population bomb’ and scares claiming that global starvation was imminent many years before these ‘activists’ parents were even born. It came to nothing. It enjoyed a fanatical resurgence when Barack Obama was the Liar In Chief. He tried harder than any of his predecessors to push for mass culling and the eugenics dream.
Why are these two dovetailing ? This is the contact point of Covid 19 ( the idea of a virus) and climate change ( the idea that we’re making the world end).
CNN, the TV station of the CIA used to have a presenter who either had too much to say or was s being paid too much to say what he said. Maybe he had secretly been a great scientist in secret .Bear in mind he was proud of his reputation for ‘‘saying outrageous stuff”. That would be what us more level headed would call bullshit.
IN 2009 before he retired( to a rubber room), he decided he was important enough to pollute the airwaves with his personal philosophy. One he coincidentally shared with the elite, the CIA and the Eugenics Movement. On over population he said:
(Word for word on mainstream propaganda.)
That’s quite a script he’d been handed to persuade the viewers. Bringing a whole new meaning to prime time.
This was the priming.
In the meantime and in the background, Gates was planning the fateful Pandemic rehearsal plans to be discussed a year later 2010.The one suggesting a pandemic as a pretext to war on the human race via loaded syringes. The same year Obama passed the Monsanto bill.
”One study shows- this is interesting- that if from now on, starting today, every woman had only one child – the world’s population would actually decline from six and a half billion now to five and a half billion by 2050.”
Quite well informed for a mere news anchor..
It may seem that there are so many big movers and shakers and so many strategies that punctuate the 21st century already. But when you remind yourself that there is only one small ‘nerve centre’ spraying the instructions far and wide it makes sense. What they all have at the core is depopulation / sterilisation / culling.
Pretty much confirms it. One script for one goal. One government for one planet to govern one population. One destiny. One ending.
Unless we stop that.
You missed the Australian Aboriginals. If ever there was a race at one with nature it was they. Look what colonialism did to them.
These billionaires are probably the descendants of these planet rapists, yet they’re trying to offset the blame onto all of us and make us the ones who pay for their ancestors’ misdeeds. It wasn’t all white people who subjugated or enslaved the black ones, it was RICH white people…
„Finally, there’s the tell-tale quote from young André – bolded above.
1979 the ice age was taught in school as global warming is today.
In Germany a well known meteorologist the very same one who scared kids like my uncle with a coming ice age nowadays is into „selling“ man-made global warming.
My uncle with a scientific degree confronted him some time ago about his science on a popular radio show phone in as the meteorologist happens to be the expert on climate change. Kids and adults hark his voice as they did back in the 1970s. The same tune.
Scientist can´t be right all the time. But rest assured you can trust us now, „there is little doubt-)
„Commander Spock“ and the ice age. „There is little doubt that someday the ice will return“-))
The ice age is coming the suns zooming in meltdown expected the wheat is growing thin the engines stop running but ihave no fear ’cause London is drowning and i live by tyhe river
hmmmmm…very strange occurences this night…the two videos i posted have shifted… was the opening scene from Utopia season 2 episode 6 and the other was a video of london calling by the clash…either 77 brigade really are tracking me or we have a moderation thing with a sense of humour
FYI, apparently there is some persistent and incurable defect in the platform software that puts video links in “musical chairs” or “shuffle” mode– i.e., randomly swaps them around so they display in someone else’s comment.
Greta should see this clip and answer question whose science to trust and what science is settled. What if they in 1960s settled the science stop research and go home satisfied with building igloos for every NYC resident, burning more fossil fuels to stay warm in supposedly coming Ice age.
Commercial and political exploitation of children gullibility and vulnerability to manipulation by adults is appalling. Regardless of who is doing it Hitler Stalin or so called western oligarchy peddling their own interests.
one can’t argue with real children emotions induced by genuine their ignorance. And we should not.
I keep thinking about high school history teachers, even though debated, they like to bring up the Children’s Crusade to paint medieval people as crazy.
Myth or not, the end of the world is nigh is nothing new under the sun as it is with
Greta´s corporate children crusade. All totalitarian ideologies have their own brand of indoctrinated youth.
An old friend of ours never really got over the fact that as a Hitler youth he had- almost- reported his good parents to the authorities for disloyalty to his beloved Führer.
He had loved his parents yet he was determined to have them deported to a Lager, where he knew that „traitors to the cause“ would be „punished“. Only devine intervention, as he used to call it, had saved his parents lives and in his later years our friend became a Zeitzeuge, as it is called in my country up into his eighties with spending voluntary time in schools and with teaching pupils the history of the dark times when he was their age.
The ‘greenest’ thing we could all do is to abandon animal based agriculture.
Dont worry its in hand please be patient…the UK have opened the first non animal protein plant (bug farm) and Purina have a pet food on the market containing bug protein…so after your cat has licked your face there wont be that fishy tang anymore it’ll be the tang of crickets and mealworms
be like being married all over again..
If I recall correctly the whole notion of “human rights” was invented as a Cold War tool to beat on the USSR and other members of the Eastern Bloc. Its rather ironic that post Cold War its turning around to bite its creators.
There’s nothing wrong with the notion that people shouild live in a healthy environment — its all part of the “life, liberty and persuit of happiness” thing — but its fundamentally wrong to just pound the table and demand some kind of magical fix. Environmental policies are intertwined with economic and social policies so you’re not going to get much change out of the current economic system unless that change can be contrived to create profit opportunities for the players. (That is, instead of a fundamental fix we’ll all be called upon to pay more for less so that the existing players’ income streams are either not impacted or provided with a suitable replacement.) The idea of a fundamental change to employment, social and cultural patterns is so revolutionary that its unlikely to happen by consent.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are,
‘I’m from the
governmentscientists and I’m here to help.’Going green will change nothing, as there is nothing green about electricity. One only has to start with the storage of said energy. The mining and refining of Lithium is not without environmental impact. Neither is the production of a battery from the element. Nor is any process by which you might try and recover lithium from a product at the end of its life-cycle, or one tossed aside out of whimsy for the newer model.
In the end, we will find 50 years from now, that our soils and ground water will be polluted worse than the skies from fossil fuels. Humans will be a short lived experiment. No where near enough of us are willing to seek out reality and then live in it.
Have a google of Bayan Obo…many modern wind turbines contain upwards of 3 tonnes of rare earth magnets in them
…Tesla batteries especially are *Absolutely* not green… – In fact an *Aweful Lot* of the time they’re *Positively* red-hot…
The CIA speaks: Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election – AP
Barr’s just trying to sound like an Attorney General instead of his normal role as Trump Toady. The writing is on the wall and its writ large — there’s nothing further to be gained from an association with Trump (so I anticipate that the exodus will make ‘rats leaving the sinkng ship’ look orderly).
No chance the U.S is about to reveal her elections are rigged. What with all that freedom fighting they do around the world in the name of democracy.
Any Trump supporter who thinks he’ll prevail are delusional. Biden won by cheating but he won.
Well I thought I’d found some acknowledgement of a Left outside the Covid Left. See here:
“Debunking Cory Morningstar and Other Conspiracy Theorists and Alt-Leftists”
“Alt-Leftists”? Could this be the alternative to the COVID Left?
“It’s difficult to define what the “alt-left” is and who belongs to it because, unlike the alt-right, no one outright claims to belong to it or support it (as far as I know).”
That’s maybe because you just made it up.
“However, the term alt-left is necessary to use in modern political discourse for certain people in order to make it clear how twisted, harmful and divorced from reality their ideas and beliefs are.”
Ah so the “Alt-Left” are VERY BAD PEOPLE!
“The alt-left is an example of the horseshoe theory in action. The horseshoe theory is the idea that the far-left and the far-right are two sides of the same coin. Like the alt-right, the alt-left lives on conspiracy theories and denial of easily-verified facts.”
Yeah the old horse shoe rap. Let’s hear it for the “sensible centrists”!
Blah blah White Helmets are stout upright souls, Assad is an evil bastard.
And I see that John Steppling, one of the few other Leftists who don’t fall for the Corona crap, is also dragged in for a trashing.
Ah so now it becomes clear. The “Alt-Left” is in fact the actual Left.
Mind you, Counterpunch are singled out as “Far Left” so there’s not much point in hanging around this juvenile drivel any more. Just to say that at least this site admits there is a Left outside the COVID gobblers.
And then I found the depressing truth. This was written WAAAY before COVID. You wouldn’t have this now. Far too risky.
So is C. Morningstar a “bad” person now? I heard her on 21 C Wire the other week and I thought she was great.. now I’m confused.. have I committed a thought crime?
I”m sorry but you have shown yourself up to be a vicious Right wing, white supremacist, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi!
21C Wire? Aren’t they friends with the UK Column? And surely they are alt right? It’s all so confusing! Must be why the extreme centre is so appealing.
Take a look at the comments, CM must have activated her (small) army of trolls!
“Alt-left” is a term that tinfoil face diaper Langley-Land hack types use to describe anyone who uses critical thinking and calls the CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC for what it is, a combination industrial size grand theft of HUMANITY intermixed with some SOCIETAL ENGINEERING. An example of an “alt-left” person for those corrupt POS’ would be the late George Carlin.
wise man..always was..i can feel him up there now looking down and shaking his head..
“The Hammerskin-Counterpuff Corporate Fascist Propaganda Times”

The official organ of the Reichsführer Billy Eugenics Fan Club
Duzzn’t it come down to who sang the best version of Just Like A Woman?
As a discredited degenerate, I don’t believe Bob Dylan in the first half of the song. He reads as a child from a card. Maybe it’s misogynistic snark.
From the intermezzo he takes off…
Seemingly the song’s weakest lines he endows with great power:
It was raining from the first
And I was dying there of thirst
So I came in here
And your long-time curse hurts
But what’s worse
Is this pain in here
Building up to the killer lines, the song’s heart:
Please don’t let on that you knew me when
I was hungry and it was your world
Which, BTW, makes clear he is talking about Joan Baez.
Listen closely and you know it’s from Dylan’s heart because his greatest emotion is reserved for his own pain.
And yet, and yet.
Joe Cocker sang “just like a woman” with such deep understanding from the beginning of the song
that he convinces you he wrote it.
Heart arrhythmia warning… As a discredited degenerate (comma, I) means I am referring to myself, not Bob Dylan )
There is a second layer to the song.
Cocker sings with devotion but comes across so concerned to care for his “little girl” that he is a walking target for manipulation.
Dylan’s version is on alert to the wiles and ways, almost obnoxiously so but perhaps from experience.
Just, like, a Woman who made Bob Dylan famous
(listen and you’ll wonder if it wasn’t a woman who wrote these songs)
Joan Baez, It Ain’t Me Babe
Joan Baez, Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right
Can’t listen to this right now but looking forward. Love her.
The best song on his best album.
But who is the Tambourine Man?
The lyrics of Back to Black were downright poor, but Amy Winehouse made the song ethereal.
EU budget offers aid to desperate countries as Trojan horse for woke politics
Soros* tells EU to clamp down on Hungary and Poland
Hungary PM Viktor Orban responds
Biden and Clooney weigh in
Regime change on menu
*Alexander Soros taking over from father Gyorgy Schwarz (George Soros)
The Duran debates ‘rule of law’
Soros has zero power over the 27 states of the EU, what the fuck are you talking about, the EU has a problem with Poland and Hungary because they are abolishing their democracies. You Alt-righ fantasist troll.
Soros has bragged about how he has over 220 EU Parliament members in his back pocket, bought and paid for like so many street corner whores. Poland and Hungary are demonised like all other states who try to retain their sovereignty from globalist gangsters.
calm down stretch
you do know that little skandi girl is a little boy soon a little man
greta right rite
Soros has no power over the 27 states of the EU, what the fuck are you talking about? the EU has a problem with Poland and Hungary because they are abolishing their democracies. You Alt-righ fantasist troll.
There’s an interesting Washington Post article about this very problem.
What’s not been mentioned in the context of Poland and Hungary is that their current authoritarian governemnts are not particular new in character, they’re just returning to their pre-WW2 roots. Obviously a lot of people won’t know much about this, their knowledge of history is shaped by WW2 and its aftermath so they see the changes over the last 30 years as progress rather than cultural and social retrogression.
is that you gyorgy shwartzee….?
Dear off guardian of the galaxy I may ad, thank you so much for caring so much for us europeans, even though you are no longer with us.
I thank you for giving your attentions to those pesky kids from Lisbon,,which dare ask for clean air and energy, in a time in which the pore petrol industry is struggling so hard to sell its once precious black gold.
Thank you for being so altruistic and thinking of us pore Europeans struggling to put our masks on before thinking of your own people, which at the same time, are being beaten down by your police officers as your politicians are imposing you lock downs, limit your protests in a way never thought before, as they prepare to impose on your own countryman, mandatory vaccination, quantum tattoos, and immunity passports.
Thank you so much, in fact I m so thankful to you that I am now going to offer you one of my latest invention (pending patent) for a fraction of its value.
With it you will finally be able to manufacture consent for your anti global-warming/zionist religion like never before.
I must warn you that already an undisclosed army which identifies it self by a slogan (By way of deception thou shalt do war) as requested the purchase of my invention, so like many other data and things, you are going to have to share it with them.
Here you go
for you the future,
The trolls2.1, will be a new breed of gigantic trolls, genetically engineered to sit, immobilized by their own weight on their extra, hell, double extralardge chair, super comfortable and accommodated with a special double plug which futures its own very super double valve, homologated with two outputs, one for methane, going to a personal tank, other for liquid, soft and gushy matter, which gets redirected to a machine which will allow the user/supplier, to electronically choose between billions of artificial flavors.
Served by straw, blocks or in 3d printed designed shapes, will allow the worker to enjoy from the comfort of his/hers/… age throne, giving the troll2.1, the constant pleasure of the comfort of its chair, from which He/she/…. will have no need, to ever, get up.
For its pleasure, the troll2.1 will be dressed with state of the art Virtual reality gargles which will in tern, allow the troll2.1 to, choose the shape of the food he/she/…. will be eating, while at the same time, the machine which re packages his/hers/…. food, will electronically deliver its special, uniquely customized, perfect sent.
Simple and cheep and reusable chemicals, providing a world of flavors and sent, saving its most precious, time and money, all to the benefit of both, the off guardian, the troll2.1, and the environment, providing a truly sustainable solution in the war against hunger and global warming.
The New troll2.1, will be truly echo friendly and personally gas collector, therefore, economically valuable, as he/she/…. will be gasviable and able, for to collect and sell its own carbon emission certificates and rewords.
In addition, special super modern quasi natural additives will be added to the specialty designed self alimented food apparatus, for to guaranty maximum gas output, insuring constant heat to its cubical, and centralized storage for future applications.
Of course, he/she/…….,(trolł2.1) will be specially reworded with freshly “senomyx coated” candy bars, for every text reply by the imbeciles which fall for its copied and paste, messages, spam and tricks.
he/she/…… will be always comfortably and proudly sitting, on its specially designed control center, sanding spam and eating his own specially flavored …..yummy gushi.
He/she/……, of course, for safety and hygiene,, will also be fitted with microchip and better control, voluntarily or not, “religiously” circumcised.
Saving more money and space, at the end of its life/term, the methane saved during its dedicated work, will be ecologically used for its cremation
From me and from the rest of Europe, have a happy quarantine and a very happy lock down.
Say it again…?
sorry, what , huh?
ECB president Christine LaHarde has a different message for big banks and investors — and we don’t get to hear it.
Q’hell suhr-phrise. Remember Hellary Clunton’s talks to Wall St where she spoke of the necessity of having “both a public and a private position” on politically contentious issues.
No surprise, except that it’s public. Top ECB Official Privately Called Investors, Banks After Key Policy Decisions, reports the WSJ, Frimaire 33, 2020
As the Journal puts it, it “made dozens of private calls to banks and investors after policy meetings this year, an unusual attempt to buttress the central bank’s sometimes-puzzling public communications.”
In plain English, LaHardon said one thing to the masses, in deliberately obfuscatory financial flim-flamboise, and then collaborated privately with the banks.
None dare call it conspiracy.
(Yes, Flex/Jim/Jack I know it’s really the Empire)
You should know, the empire fund you.
No wonder. AMLO after his electoral win just before he was to address Mexican nation on TV met privately with bankers and oligarchs and told them to disregard everything he was about to say on TV as he would never hurt banking/oligarchic interests.
those who control money control everything money can buy. Real policies of ruling elite are executed through global banking system and enforced.
by Deep State.
our chains is money printed, controlled by banking mafia.
I thought I’d have a look in on Vaska Tumir’s Facebook page to see if she had anything new to say on the COVID matter and I found a link to an article detailing Sweden’s plunge into COVID statistical hell after NOT going for the requisite maximum virus resistance.
So I thought I’d try and assess this skyrocketing horror. Jeez you wouldn’t believe the difficulty of getting straight figures and while I was getting more and more exasperated, I suddenly noted something odd in the rhetoric.
“Sweden COVID update, 27 November 2020: The #Nordic countries are handling #COVID19 better than the rest of #Europe, except for neoliberal #Sweden, the worst of the group. Look to #Norway and #Finland and for better examples. Source:”
(This from one Tim Anderson)
“Neoliberal” Sweden? Presumably all the other countries are no longer neoliberal. And this sounds suspiciously like the other rhetoric which I have been reading from the MSM. Hurrah! We have thrown off the shackles of neoliberalism! The revolution has happened! And we the proles didn’t have to do anything at all! We forced their hand!
How? Shh never mind!
Apart from”cases”, there are no excess deaths in Sweden:®ion=World
Bring it on! The sooner this nonsense becomes law, the sooner the authorities will get a real education about science: that it requires endless scepticism about existing knowledge in order to produce better knowledge AKA progress. Only the scientifically-illiterate think you can be scientific by ‘following the science’. The only future for ignorant ruling classes who think the opposite will be endless cockup and then egg in the face. Also, empowering international courts to overrule elected governments will inevitably boost nationalist and independence movements.
Hope its not a scotch egg or thats gonna sting a little
It’s TECHNOCRACY at work, AKA the emerging Scientific Dictatorship Patrick Wood has been warning about for years, albeit a front for more sinister forces. One thing can be assured, nobody will take any notice of your chilling inference.
Humanity is under attack yet seem oblivious to the fact as
Brexiters reading this are thinking. oh thank god we are out of the EU. Little do they know what surprises the US ‘trade deal’ has in store for them. What! Zero guaranteed holidays? No parental leave, no sick pay, the Fed chair fixing the UK’s interest rates, what are food stamps? and thousands of additional hormones and chemicals in the food! ‘We didn’t sign up for this’, they will cry and then be arrested. The one thing the US doesn’t like and that is dissent in its vassal states. You’ll get all the bad stuff of being American, with none of the good stuff like Constitutional rights and cheap energy.
And no Article 50, You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.
If the United States stands, then there will be at least somewhere to escape to. Paraphrasing Yuri Bezmenov, I had somewhere to defect to. If the U.S. falls, where will you go? (something I quoted to my father many years ago but now something of a meme)
Americans need to start be worrying about where they they are going to flee, if they can get over that wall of course. Do you know what will happen when the Dollar implodes? Your leaders do, that is why they shut down the country when it started.
The US at least has considerable resources of land and material so its never going to become uninhabiable. All that will happen is that we’ll get poorer and poorer but relatively few will notice.
Its actually happening right in front of our eyes but like boiling the frog you have to really look to notice it.
“Weak neighbors to the north and south and oceans of fish on either side”.
People have already started going to Mexico to start individual communities….the exodus has started.
Don’t worry, the US under Biden is about to become a vassal of communist China.
Well nobody in Washington can run the US, so why not let another country try…?
Because Israel won’t let that happen 🙂
I doubt it — I don’t think China cares that much one way or the other. They’d like us as a partner, a market and so on but as we’ve deliberately distanced ourselves from them they have repositioned themselves appropriately.
Remember that trade with the US might be significant in dollar terms but its actually only a relatively small part of the Chinese economy.
China has the US bent over a barrel and has its trousers down…all China needs to do to collapse it completely and metaphorically fist it whilst wearing a boxing glove is call in all the US$ loans
vassal of communist China.LOL
As ira\el won the elections again in every state it wil be normal USA pretend policy’s just like it was under trump.
That’s right. Everything we have is down to the generosity of the EU. Before we joined in 1972, everybody had to work 300 hours a week as unpaid serfs. Nobody had ever heard of sick pay before then. Most boys were still climbing up chimneys as chimney sweeps. Most women were still working down the mines because they were cheaper than pit ponies.
Forget trade deals its the common defence policy that makes me soil my Y fronts…just imagine foreign troops shooting violent dissenters against tiers and antivazzers against well…anything the government want to stick in people….Next we’ll have a rash of blue helmets to go with the white
“Constitutional rights”?!??!!… – *Bwaaaaahhhh-Haaaahhh-Haaahh-Haah-Hah!!!111!11!!!1…*
😀 😀 😀
Thanks Kit Knightly, and yes I do find it more than a little chilling when I think of how experts like Professor Neil Ferguson, Professor Christopher Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance have dictated government policy for the past 12 months.
By the way, I’ve sent you something I consider to be very important.
The people on the lists in the link need their names remebering for eternity on some form of collaborators database….and where the blazes are anonymous when you need them….its time for the doxxing to begin
A useful list magumba. These are the experts likely to be interviewed by the main news channels to make sure the narrative is maintained.
“Do what the scientists say is necessary!” And said “scientists” always say what their oligarchic and globo-corp paymasters tell them to. So … this is where we are.
We need to remember that the easiest fraud to unravel and discredit, the alleged Apollo moon landings, are still regarded by most scientists, around the world, as real. That should tell us a lot about the state of their minds and the quality of their education. Peer pressure to conform & propaganda are far more powerful then their chosen vocation of science. This the CIA have played on with huge success through, 9/11, the global warming scam and the Covid operation.
Is it possible that most scientists are not deluded on this? Your equating the CIA with both the American people and all known global evil might be a tad off the mark.
Thank god for the courts, what would we do without them, perhaps we should ask the Hungarians and the Polish, who also have a dim view of them.
But why trust the courts instead of elected politicians? You can never vote out judges, remember. Or maybe you see them as infallible?
You cant vote this government out either….they changed that gem in the coronavirus act 2020
These “youths” need to instruct their parents to read the enacted “laws” to protect the tale on the donkey’s ass:
Excerpted from: International Organizations Immunities Act – Wikipedia
“The 79th United States Congress passed the International Organization Immunities Act on December 29, 1945; the Act can be found under Title 22, chapter 7, sub-chapter XVIII.
The International Organization Immunities Act entitles international organizations and their employees to certain exemptions, immunities, and privileges that other organizations and their employees are not granted. In addition, the entitled benefits organizations and their employees receive are similar to the benefits that foreign governments are granted.
For example, international organizations and employees of the organizations are exempted from certain taxes. In addition, property and assets belonging to international organizations or their employees cannot be searched or confiscated. A lawsuit or any other type of legal action cannot be brought upon these organizations or their employees. The privileges, exemptions, and immunities that the employees and officers receive are extended to their immediate family members as well.
The International Organization Immunities Act was passed to strengthen the international organizations that the U.S. collaborates with, including those that are located in foreign countries. The Senate Committee believed that passing this Act would allow international organizations to perform more effectively and accomplish their goals.[3] The Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Labor Organization, and the United Nations are examples of designated public international organizations covered by the Act when it was passed.[4]”
Complete text: International Organizations Immunities Act – Wikipedia
All is Fel in love and war…
Interesting. Thanks for that Paul. It’s even better than diplomatic immunity. There’s no taxation for member orgs, their employees or families. Is that a complete list on Wikipedia? It appears to be a sample.
Other countries such as the U.K., Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Bermuda and more appear to have an almost identical act granting privileges and immunity to International Orgs.
Hello Researcher: After researching links to legal status of various protected “organizations” I couldn’t help but notice how the Organizational Immunities Act has affected legislative policies and court actions since inception. It’s become a cluster fuck. Here are just two “protected” elements to deeply ponder. >
Organization of American States
Organization of American States – Wikipedia
European Central Bank
European Central Bank – Wikipedia
The astronomical cost of shifting to non-carbon based energy sources would literally send humanity back to the Stone Age, with consequent population decline; annihilation of the species, per the Satanic purpose for destroying the globe’s economies. Let’s make this abundantly clear by noting the shocking cost for just one critical component of the United State’s energy needs:
The United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve is currently at 635.2 million barrels of oil. 635 million barrels of oil equals 1,079,123,092,000 megawatts. 1,079,123,092,000/100 = 10,791,230,920; 10,791,230,920 X $3.6 billion* = $3,884,831,310,000,000,000,000,000,000 (octillion).
The United States’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2017 was $19,390,000,000,000 (trillion). Battery storage to replace the strategic petroleum reserve would cost more than 100,000 GDPs!
Climate change mechanics conspires to do away with the physics of the atmosphere, where action and reaction is abandoned. When a new gas molecule is introduced into the dense troposphere, dislocation takes place, where if the new molecule is denser than the atmosphere (contains less heat energy), such as carbon dioxide, the gas molecule sinks displacing upwards the warmer nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Conversely, if the new gas molecule has more heat energy than the nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere (such as methane), the new molecule rises, displacing relatively cooler nitrogen and oxygen molecules downwards, which displaces upwards relatively more heat retaining nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Thermodynamics in action in the atmosphere that keeps the Earth cool when increased radiation isn’t the new variable introduced.
The identity of the mass murderers that have co-opted the globe’s institutions identify themselves as Marxists, most being unaware that they are, in fact, manipulated by a top level leadership cadre composed of humanity’s arch enemy’s combatants, Satanists.
Troubled by a personal moral breakdown once freed from parental constraints (a libertine), the man the world knows as a racist and callous and domineering psychopath was formerly a devout and lovely young follower of Christ. Then Marx’s personality changed for the worse, seeking not atheism, but revenge against God and His children on Earth:
“Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited,
I know it full well,
My soul, once true
to God, Is chosen for hell.”
“With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face
of the world,
And see the collapse
of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will
not stifle my ardour.
Then will I wander
godlike and victorious
Through the ruins
of the world
And, giving my
words an active force,
I will feel equal
to the Creator.”
Marx wrote those poems AFTER he transferred university from Bonn to Berlin, telling us (1) Marx always remained a theist, feigning atheism; and (2) that we were lied to when told that once Marx entered university that’s when he became an atheist. As for the rank and file Marxists, they’re marionettes, whose strings are pulled by the Marxist leadership class who are actually Satanists; Satanists have been active within our institutions for millennia, as Jesus warned us.
* $3.6 billion is the cost for a 100 megawatts battery. In 2006, during peak power in the summer, Washington, DC used approximately 6,888 MW of power: 6,888/100 MW = 68 MW; 68MW X $3.6 billion = $244.8 billion for Washington, DC to switch from petroleum to renewable energy sources. Washington, DC’s annual budget is $12.8 billion.
I don’t think the global tyranny we are facing is political. I think the cryptocracy (international financiers) have used components of left and right political ideologies in a cynical way by creating public-private partnerships to confuse the public as to what they need to oppose. Hence, the divided landscape we see now.
It’s basically a synthesis of the worst aspects of communism and fascism, to induce disagreements over semantics and beliefs, instead of understanding that this supranational governance has been controlling the planet, since WWII and earlier. Currently, their command over technology and control of the media has grown to such an extent, the cryptocracy are lifting the veil on some of the organizational aspects of this global coup such as intergovernmental bodies, NGOs and institutions involved, like the IMF, World Bank, WEF, WHO, UN and their industry partners and associates, including the academic institutions that control the narrative on the Covid19 Operation and the climate Agenda.
We are dealing with a structural network of organizations and committees that have used top down authoritarianism, the monetary system, intergovernmental orgs, industry, fraudulent science, scare campaigns and corrupted academia to create a matrix of central command control using AI.
I think we need to resist any and all new measures and laws and organize locally against their disinformation campaigns so that people from all political or apolitical persuasions can unite against the tyranny.
“It’s basically a synthesis of the worst aspects of communism and fascism..”
Fascism is a Marxist front. Originally Fascists were members of the COMINTERN, and Mussolini was a well known Marxist editor/theoretician before he was ordered by the COMINTERN to form the National Fascist Party. This is what Marxists refer to as forming ‘false oppositions’:
As for Adolf Hitler’s Marxist pedigree,* one-third of Hitler’s SA and Gestapo personnel were ‘former’ Marxists whom Hitler ordered were to be immediately accepted into the ranks of the SS without any vetting:
“Adolf Hitler himself was the first to admit that National Socialism and Communism had much in common. ‘There is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it,’ he once said in a revealing conversation, ‘There is, above all, revolutionary feeling…I have always made allowances for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social Democrat and the trade-union boss will never be a National Socialist, but the Communist always will.’ Hitler, in this case at least, was true to his word. After he seized power, he saw to it that thousands of Communists were enrolled in the NSDAP. They were particularly effective in the Gestapo and in the SA, where they formed perhaps a third of the total membership. Indeed, there were so many of them that they were given a special name. They were known popularly as the “Beefsteak Nazi” – Brown on the outside, Red on the inside.” — Robert G. L. Waite, Vanguard of Nazism: The Free Corps Movement in Postwar Germany 1918-1923
During the course of World War II Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, Chief of the Abwehr (German military intelligence), and General Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of the German General Staff’s intelligence unit for the Soviet Union and East European countries, Foreign Armies East (FHO), independently discovered that a group supervised by Deputy Führer Martin Bormann,6 second in command of Germany, was transmitting unsupervised coded radio messages to Moscow:
“Our suspicions were largely confirmed when, independently of one another, we found out that Bormann and his group were operating an unsupervised radio transmitter network and using it to send coded messages to Moscow. When OKW monitors reported this, Canaris demanded an investigation; but word came back that Hitler himself had emphatically forbidden any intervention: he had been informed in advance by Bormann of these Funkspiele, or fake radio messages, he said, and he had approved them.” — Reinhard Gehlen, The Service: The Memoires of General Reinhard Gehlen
The only way to ensure that fake radio messages were being sent to Moscow, and not the latest Wehrmacht movements in the Eastern theater of operations, is to have such radio messages supervised by intelligence officers vetted for counterintelligence operations. It’s one thing for Hitler to approve fake radio messages, but there’s no excuse to not have the fake radio messages supervised by experienced counterintelligence officers. To refuse to implement this critical standard operating supervisory procedure cries out treason, since even Bormann himself should have wanted to ensure none of his subordinates were transmitting sensitive information to Moscow. The fact that Hitler refused such elementary precautions informs us that Hitler & Company were Marxist agents, sabotaging the German war effort from Berlin. In fact, it was the winter of 1941-42 that Gehlen and fellow generals had assessed that the Soviet campaign was a hopeless enterprise “…not because it could not be militarily or politically won, but because of Hitler’s continued interference, which resulted in such elementary blunders that defeat was inevitable.”8
Hitler allowed Marxists to infiltrate the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and its militarized entities, yet he refused to ensure that Bormann’s subordinates weren’t transmitting Wehrmacht movements to Moscow!
Greater than 94% of the energy contained within nitrogen and oxygen are unaccounted for by the ‘climate change’ narrative, informing us of the massive scientific fraud taking place, the purpose of the fraud to further weaken the West’s economies.
[On March 16 Trump directed the nation to stay home for 15 days(!), his Marxist economic sabotage directive still in play. Immediately following Trump’s directive, governors/mayors declared illegal Executive Orders to lockdown the nation, thereby proving Marxist coordination between Federal/State/Local governments.
No new investments will be taking place because investments require recouping the investments, and with the spectre of the fake COVID-19 returning, or equally fake new pandemics, future lockdowns are in the future, therefore no investments are on the horizon. In short, the United States has been turned into a Banana Republic overnight.]
Nitrogen and oxygen constitute, by volume, 99.03% of the atmosphere’s gasses, while the trace gases account for 0.97%, or just under 1% of the atmosphere’s gasses. If we include water vapor (H2O) in the atmosphere, which accounts for, on average, 2% of the atmosphere’s gases by volume, we therefore subtract this 2% from the atmosphere’s gasses, where nitrogen and oxygen will constitute 97.0494%, and the trace gasses will constitute 0.9506%.
Nitrogen and oxygen don’t absorb much infrared radiation (IR) emitted from the ground, and assuming they absorb 100% of thermal energy from the surface, constituting approximately 5% of Earth’s energy budget, we’re left with a massive energy deficit for nitrogen and oxygen, confirming that those two molecules derive their energy from thermal ground/ocean emissions instead, but since the ‘climate change’ narrative identifies such emissions as not thermal but IR, we have proof that the energy being emitted isn’t IR but thermal because nitrogen and oxygen absorb a miniscule amount of IR.
We’re told that Nitrogen and oxygen obtain 5.1% of their heat energy from thermal energy emanating from the surface…

…and another .078% of their heat energy from outgoing infrared radiation, leaving an energy deficit of approximately 94.8%.
Since nitrogen and oxygen constitute by volume 97.0494% of the atmosphere’s gasses (when water vapor is included in the calculations making for a more precise calculation), they must therefore retain that volume amount of heat energy, but 18.4 Wm2 only constitutes 5.1% of the Earth’s Energy Budget of 358.2 Wm2. Nitrogen and oxygen’s absorption of infrared radiation would only infinitesimally affect this missing heat energy.
The missing energy levels for nitrogen and oxygen direct our attention to another aspect of the scientific fraud taking place: Misidentified outgoing energy types. IR is assigned an energy magnitude of 358.2 Wm2, and thermals 18.4 Wm2. The opposite is closer to the truth, where IR is assigned 18.4 Wm2, and thermals 358.2 Wm2.
Hence why:
Climate change mechanics conspires to do away with the physics of the atmosphere, where action and reaction is abandoned. When a new gas molecule is introduced into the dense troposphere, dislocation takes place, where if the new molecule is denser than the atmosphere (contains less heat energy), such as carbon dioxide, the gas molecule sinks displacing upwards the warmer nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Conversely, if the new gas molecule has more heat energy than the nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere (such as methane), the new molecule rises, displacing relatively cooler nitrogen and oxygen molecules downwards, which displaces upwards relatively more heat retaining nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Thermodynamics in action in the atmosphere that keeps the Earth cool when increased radiation isn’t the new variable introduced.
At my blog, bead the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
”to weaken the West’s economies”.
The USA is not signed-up to the Paris accord.
So your commnet should read: to weaken the non-USA economies.
Er, Admins?…
”to weaken the West’s economies”.
The USA is not signed-up to the Paris accord.
So your comment should read: to weaken the non-USA economies.
your multiple personalities are disassociating.
Er, Admins?…
Dean Michael Jackson: Factor in the amount of direct thermal contributions as related to Mining, manufacturing, transport, usage expenditures, and final disposal of industrial excess in a consumer economy.
After you’ve considered those figures, add in the thermal absorption of millions of miles of asphalt and concrete roads, cities made of glass, concrete, steel, and other solar absorptive materials.
After you’ve totaled those figures, add in total contributions of Stratospheric sulfate aerosols and other forms of geoengineering. >
After you’ve totaled those figures, add in the direct thermal consequences of saturating the atmosphere with tens of terawatts of radio frequency emissions, 24/7, year after year.
The list goes on and on…
“Dean Michael Jackson: Factor in…”
Those factors you mention have nothing to do with the missing thermal energy from nitrogen and oxygen, which would still be missing if there were no homo sapiens on the plant. The factors you mention are why the Earth is warming, though that warming is being tempered by cooling carbon dioxide and methane, per the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
“After you’ve totaled those figures, add in total contributions of Stratospheric sulfate aerosols”
As denser, ‘cooler’, molecules than the nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere, sulfates cool the atmosphere by (1) dislocating upwards more thermal energy – lighter – containing nitrogen and oxygen molecules, and (2) reflecting back into space electromagnetic radiation.
Besides the industries and infrastructure you listed, there is also
:- power generation
:- more absorption into agricultural soil as compared to biomes
:- more absorption into seawater or rocks, as ice and snow melt at high latitudes
:- more methane from warming high-latitude seas, farmed peat soil and fracking.
Hello mgeo: You’re right on target. Thanks. Methane release from arctic tundra is a huge additive factor, as methane acts as a glass shield and traps heat in the atmosphere. Earth is headed toward a runaway Venus effect. > Can Venus Teach Us to Take Climate Change Seriously? | Space
People avoid sober discussions regarding additive contributions, and instead, have been bamboozled into calling each other unpleasant names… They act like Earth is just a kindergarten romper room. Civilians leave it to “authorities” to study and regulate disasters caused by their own complicity. On and on…
In the short term perhaps, the court will be applying the rules the member states agreed to, even the US will change it’s constitution when required in response to bipartisan demands.
So wake me up when your Autonomous Republic of the EU forces it’s most powerful and important member states to do something they really don’t want to do.
A nifty history: Sto Vounó — The Globalism of Climate: How Faux Environmental Concern Hides Desire to Rule the World
You people talk like US hegemony does not exist, which is very spurious. ….so take me to your leader.
It’s life, Jim(Jack), but not as we know it
The difference between us ‘Moneycircus’ is you get a 401K for spinning lies to foreigners, but I get to sleep at night with a clean conscience.
I wish you were right. I live hand to mouth in the cheapest place I can find, investments exhausted, ex-wife wealthy but far, far away.
I console myself that I’m already prepared for what’s to come and those of us with little to lose perhaps gain a little freedom, as Janis sang. That (and the aforementioned distance) is my solace.
Why do you use different names?
The tone of your comments does not indicate a clean conscience.
More like a manic obsessive-compulsive ranting disorder.
You imply that some people think this, or that, when in fact they don’t, then you take pot shots at them for thinking what they don’t think.
It’s a pain to watch, and it isn’t nice.
Take me to your dealer…its getting thin on the ground here
It is sometimes easier to read a hidden political agenda by seeing what is being censored, rather than what is being written, on there subject. It has been the same with covid where, ‘Hurd immunity’, ‘seasonal’, and ‘flu-like’ have all been banned in the MSM from the very early days.
I remember having a comment deleted in the Guardian, during the extinction rebellion marches, that simply stated that: ‘the issues of Extinction, Pollution and Carbon cause global warming, are three very different subjects’.
Of course they want to attach the fraudulent caboose of the science around the War on Carbon to the very much more worthy issues of extinction and pollution. Two subjects that ‘US science’ has had very little interest in, until it was attached to the much more lucrative and destructive weapon of the ‘War on Carbon’.
It is often easier to read a hidden political agenda by seeing what is being censored rather than what is being written. It has been the same with covid where, ‘Hurd immunity’, ‘seasonal’, and ‘flu-like’ have all been banned in the MSM from the very early days.
I remember having a comment deleted in the Guardian, during the extinction rebellion marches, that simply stated that: ‘the issues of Extinction, Pollution and Carbon cause global warming, are three very different subjects’.
Of course they want to attach the fraudulent caboose of the science around the War on Carbon to the very much more worthy issues of extinction and pollution. Two subjects that ‘US science’ has had very little interest in, until it was attached to the much more lucrative and destructive weapon of the ‘War on Carbon’.
In a 1992 essay entitled From Stockholm to Rio: A Journey Down a Generation, published by the UN Conference on Environment and Development, Strong wrote:
International environmental standards are a good thing, and national rules are a drag on that, which I think is what this statement says? Just like, dare I say it, the further development of vaccines is a good thing.
The bogus ‘War on Carbon is a fraud, but international cooperation on the environment is essential, lets not throw the baby out with the bath water here. And lets not call international cooperation bad, people taking together is generally good.
International environmental standards are never a good thing when imposed by fanatical despots. Maurice Strong was a crook who found refuge in Communist China
Two years earlier, Strong gave an interview wherein he described a “fiction book” he was fantasizing about writing which he described in the following manner:
Wow…’re repeating some obscure novel like it was real. Get a grip. This lack of consistency, logic and economic/geopolitical understanding is driving you further and further from the truth.
A nice explanation of what is wrong with this sort of agitating and where it’s leading.
Thank you.
Whilst dodging to the post office, making sure not to come within forty feet of those pesky somersaulting covid bugs, I noticed a large number of people on the streets wearing masks. I am not aware that the garrison state around us has demanded outdoor mask wearing yet so I assume that these folk are perhaps just keeping the mask on between shops for convenience. But I suspect some of them are becoming so used to wearing these breath stranglers that they no longer even notice they are wearing them. And perhaps were they to remove them, they would experience a sudden discomfort? Perhaps these masks are becoming involuntary habitual accoutrements? And the nose and mouth will come to seem as taboo to reveal as the genitalia?
In which case it seems that Irish comic Dave Allen was being prophetic when talking about “nose knickers” (around the 4 minute mark):
Living in a city where mask wearing is 99.9%, in and outside, I can testify that talking to people in public, without either wearing a mask, which is rare, has taken on a quasi-erotic aspect.
A whole new branch of porn beckons. Actually – it’s already here. Just watch the old regular TV stuff. “Mummy – I can see that man’s nose! Oh mummy – I don’t like this!”
When 1980s Romania started razing villages, concentrating people in dreary housing projects and telling them how many calories per day they’re allowed to consume, the political leaders always cited “science”.
Science is not revealed knowledge. It is man-made and therefore woefully limited. In fact, much of it is bogus, just like these 12-year-old eco-warriors.
Science has been weaponised. It will not be released from the armoury until the Anglo saxon empire is finished, and ‘nudge’ & technologies of social engineering & propaganda have soured and fallen into disrepute, having trashed every discipline they have contaminated.
why would the doctor or nurse lie?
what is in it for imperial or neil nial ferguson?
why not just believe
these are good people
who care about you.
come come murder by injection by eustace mullins.
confessions of a Medical Heretic by mendelsohn
and chas higgins monstrous pus infected work the horrors of vaccinations exposed
have all been debunked as the works of the insane
vaccines today are more like vitamins candy icecream and lolipops
my life all ready
don’t you know that?
Just substitute the word “technocrats” for scientists and we are in the right arena.
Remember “settled science?” It’s an oxymoron spouted by morons and/or villains. Science is a kinetic method and when it is settled it has died.
We has just had a taste of what the global warming zealots have in store for us, through the lockdowns, the remote working, the prison cell digital existence, the tracking, the rationing, the restriction on travel, the removal of valued cultural events, the measured control of every aspect of our lives, so they can drip feed us our carbon ration, all so absurd, so anti human, that it requires the total banning of all political opposition and criticism.
Even the most routine or apparnetly benign things can and are being weaponised. Here’s the WEF about a balanced diet:
Surely this has to be a good thing? Who wants an unbalanced diet? Leaving aside how they resolutely avoid mentioning meat, the barb is in here:
“At the moment, UK dietary guidelines rely on people using their own discretion to achieve an overall balance of different foods in their diet”.
They then set up some fake little test to prove people can be easily confused and so the door is open to balanced diet by ‘nudge’ and eventually by fiat. Your shopping will be weighed by A.I, and good boys and girls will get social credit units while those who buy too much of the bad stuff will lose social credit. Health insurance and medical care availability will ultimately be effected too. These profiles of our shopping habits almost certainly already exist.
This sort of thing would be bad enough if the system rewarded/puinished genuinely good or bad food – but the chances of that are minimal. These are the people who’ve been putting crap in our diets for decades – why are they going to stop now?
“At the moment… ” indeed.
Maurice Strong … the 1st wave of ecoauthortarian dogma.We are now many years on.
In a 1992 essay entitled From Stockholm to Rio: A Journey Down a Generation, published by the UN Conference on Environment and Development, Strong wrote:
The full meaning is revealed if you add that Maurice Strong was a Rockefeller foundling and functionary. Every action of a tax-exempt Rockefeller foundation is in support of its parent’s profit: so they would say “it is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states…“
It is a measure of the infantilism of western society that these precocious manipulated brats are treated at all seriously.
We have politicians and the Right On, politically correct Globo Homo Pope hanging on every word of Little Greta like the Oracle at delphi.
So we have learned judges pandering to some schooled 12 year old who should be playing with her dolls.
And anyone who objects to this garbage is excoriated for attacking the little darlings.
This weaponisation of children is nothing new.
Little Baana and dusty boy in Syria, that little bint Malala in Afghanistan, or whatever her name is, being used to promote terrorism and war.
Or you could go back to the 1450s and Joan Of Arc.
And the kritarchy suits both activist judges with an inflated idea of their own importance and slippery politicians who like to avoid responsibility for controversial issues.
So in America, for example, controversial issues like abortion or gay marriage or whatever are settled not in the legislature by elected politicians, but by activist judges. So a politician reliant on conservative support can say, – look. I really, really, really would like to do something about abortion, or gay marriage, or drag queen story hour and compulsory trannie lessons for 5 year olds, but what can I do? It’s all down to the judges.
And “the scientists” and “the experts” are often presented as saintly folk of unimpeachable integrity.
More often, they are no more than guns for hire. Anyone who has seen them operate in court realises they will say whatever their paymasters want them to.
There are scientists of integrity who refuse to bow the knee to the Global Warming Brigade and their periodic pronouncements that we only have 12 years, or 11 years, or 4 years, or 37 minutes, or whatever it is this week, to save the planet. Thousands of them. And they do so at some risk to themselves. Loss of their jobs, loss of tenure, cutting off funding, physical intimidation, harassment.
Legislating through the courts through the back door is a convenient way of evading any democratic accountability.
It sounds like you want to inflict harm and pain on gays, transexuals and minorities, the most powerless groups in society? It sounds like you see them as an enemy, who you think should not be protected.
Understand the word ‘equal’, it means the right to be as wrong, as outrageous and as criminal as everyone else, that is all these group want and luckily the constitution and legal system, designed to ensure that, still functions and is throwing up rulings that force you to accept a trans persons right to be, just like you, and read a story to kids.
[It sounds like you want to inflict harm and pain on gays, transexuals and minorities, the most powerless groups in society?]
It sounds like you did not even begin to engage intellectually with what the previous commenter actually said.
When political groups are aiming for a tyranny, the courts get in the way, as they have in Poland and Hungary, it is far easier and less obvious to abolish/demote the courts than to blatantly abolish the written Constitution or to write horrendous hateful laws, that victimise the weak and the vulnerable, whom tyrannies need to abuse to accrue more power.
I suppose we are meant to cheer his far-right sentiment and hatred of the courts because the Courts are not really protecting the rights of the weak & vulnerable, according to him, they are really making transsexuality and pedophilia compulsory in all schools….. that is the argument he makes because he is a neo-Nazi and wants to scare people. Without the courts laws are open to very broad interpretation and can be transformed into anything the government wants.
So in summary he is using the assumed hatred of vulnerable groups, gays & trans to create fear in the population, to justify abolition/restraint of ther courts and in turn that populations human rights. Classic route to tyranny dressed up as concern for a regular joes family values.
I don’t want to inflict harm on anyone.
But what I want far more than that is for young children not to be abused.
I don’t want gay activist teachers forcing gay and trannie garbage on 5 year old Moslem kids in the Midlands, with their parents being told it’s none of their business.
I don’t want firemen in London disciplined and fined because they didn’t want to join a big gay parade.
I don’t want a housing officer in Manchester sacked from his job for telling a friend outside of work that he was not in favour of gay marriage.
I don’t want people prosecuted and persecuted and threatened with losing their livelihood for not wanting to bake a gay wedding cake.
“Toleration” is always just the thin edge of the wedge.
People are required to enthusiastically endorse and celebrate their degenerate lifestyle, and join in.
When they fail or refuse to do so, they are severely punished.
That is the problem I have with “toleration” – it never ends there. Nothing is ever enough.
In the end, they demand that we hand over our children as more fresh chicken for the gay meat rack.
And I would happily inflict an awful lot of pain and harm on anyone doing that.
You have so much hate to share, especially against those who you think are weak, you coward, thats right it is everyone else’s fault your life is shit, not yours.
That is precisely what the EU is designed for – escaping democracy.
Courts interpret laws and binding agreements, which are written by member states. If the court rules in a way that makes the states unhappy, then they can rewrite the law. The EU is not autonomous, it has no power of its own, it follows ideals & rules established by its member states.
A lot of EU law is locked in with the unanimity rule. Locks and ratchets, that’s how you take power away from the people.
In the short term perhaps, the court will be applying the rules the member states agreed to, even the US will change it’s constitution when required in response to bipartisan demands.
So wake me up when your Autonomous Republic of the EU forces it’s most powerful and important member states to do something they really don’t want to do.
Wakey wakey.
It is currently trying to “fine” Poland and Hungary billions of euros for their lack of enthusiasm for the non stop murder of unborn children and compulsory non stop gay anal sex for everybody, especially children.
Did they have a referendum on abortion in Poland? don’t think so.
Yes, just like they had a referendum in this country when that nauseating little turd Steel lied it through Parliament.
Go along to Julian Assange’s trial and see what a great job the courts are doing of protecting his rights.
Since I stand against fossil fuel, and petrochemical pollution, I also support this case against the industry of cancer which continue to repress green technology and persist in selling us a future of cancer, sickness and diseases.
I understand that global worming as become a tool used by the very same industry which does all it can to strangle small business and pore nations by implementing limitation laws without helping the small companies and factories into upgrading their systems, but the fact is not a myth.
Here in the south Finland, after yet an other hottest summer on the record preceded by the first ever recorded winter without snow, we are for the first time EVER in recorded history, not yet have had a single day in which the temperature have reached tho 0 celsius, and we are already practically in December.
i understand also that people which come from countries known for their all year around shitty weather, are actually enjoying the warm wave.
Never the less, those countries are the few: and while for instance, people in England are enjoying the warmth, people of southern countries are dying by the thousands because of it.
Here one more example.
Last summer 50 celsius in Rio de Janeiro.
Similar temperatures also in mediterranean countries.
Yesterday, because I mentioned the word global warming and carbon based/carcinogenic fossil fuel I was assaulted and insulted on this very site by trolls which not only attacked me for expressing my opinion, but also attacked someone which shared my point of view by asking him how many would have to die before “in the words of the troll” he would understand that global warming was a hoax.
And so, instead of uniting the people under the ideal of a clean and happy world, articles like this one, just like the trolls serving the industry of cancer, keeps on the narrative of the non existence of the pollution which covers our land, seas, rivers, lakes and of course food.
And here is my question
Stop calling people ‘trolls’ just because they disagree with you and you might get some respect, otherwise, don’t expect any for your ‘trolling’ for the destruction of our lives and economies.
Many people agree that all is not well with the way in which we treat the environment that sustains us.
But of all the different concerns, there are two which enjoy the support of those in charge, namely the climate, and biodiversity. When you look at the solutions they want applied to combat climate change, you can see how spurious their concern for the problem is. As for biodiversity protection, it is a great pretext for grabbing land in poor countries, in what looks very much like a disguised return of colonial masters.
On the other hand, the poisoning and sterilising of air, water and soil do not seem to be a problem. Biocides and GMOs are fine, subsistence farming is not. The cancer industry can look forward to a happy future.
So here is my question
In capitalism, every problem is a money-making opportunity. But first, you must make the problem is dire one, before lauching your new project or dogma.
[And here is my question
And here is my answer: Because you have not made a satisfactory scientific argument for your case.
[I was assaulted and insulted on this very site by trolls which not only attacked me for expressing my opinion…]
If my memory serves correct, many disagreed with you. Some more emphatically, some with clearly reasoned and articulated observations.
You responded by calling them trolls.
And today you continue with your troll labelling technique.
And here is my question: Why do you do that?
Anyone who’s been paying attention to what’s been going on for years knows full well that man-made climate change is a hoax and simply a vehicle to force societal change.
The internal combustion engine has been one of the most extraordinary and beneficial inventions of all time. No one wants to pollute the world and fossil fuels are surely too valuable to just burn out of a tail pipe. But the R&D system is rigged against real viable alternatives simply to pursue the globalist agenda of maximum control of the population .
Hair-shirt wearing eco fanatics should wise up , we/they are not the problem and the implicit loathing of ones fellow man serves only to help the global corps Davos crowd to divide and rule.and confine. People need to change tack to see who the real enemies are.
Last winter did have snow in Southern Finland. And the prognosis for this December is very cold.
First of all, the fake covid-1984 and the fake climate change are all part of the same eugenics dance card. The latter started out as anthropogenic (fancy scientese for man-made) global warming, then simply global warming, then climate change. The purpose of these name changes have been to hide the original claims of causation. If any paleo scientist are to be believe, the climate of the earth has been changing, and radically at that, for billions of years. They say there was an ice sheet over most of Canada 3 km thick as little as 20,000 years ago. But their obscured point is that CO2 is the cause behind this havoc. And as a carbon based life form I resent this demonization. As a retired chemist who has done some work in atmospheric chemistry in relationship to freon, I call bullshit. The point of all this crap is despite their constant name changes, the evidence is not there to show that CO2 is responsible, or even that the overall temperature of the earth has increased in the last 15 years. Individual hotspots can be cherry picked. The cretaceous has multiple times the CO2 that we have today, and the place was a garden despite the nasty giant reptiles. Today’s nasty reptiles sunning themselves at Davos are quite a bit more diminutive. Eliminate the use of fossil fuels in the next 10 to 20 years and we will see the fulfillment of the Georgia Guide Stones which recommends that the human population be reduced to 500 million. Let’s see, that means 15 of 16 of us ugly carbon based life forms are required to step off this mortal coil.
If the climate is in fact warming (and the best evidence is otherwise), perhaps it is being caused by millions of tons of nano aluminum, strontium, and barium being “mysteriously” dumped into the stratosphere since the 1990’s. The nice term for it is geoengineering and governments have admitted to it after a fashion. Pissants like me call it chemtrails. Only morons say they are contrails which is just the water of jet engine combustion freezing for a moment after hitting the cold air. As an ancient of days, I can still remember really blue skies, not this ugly whitish blue stuff.
What difference does it make who is doing the forcing? I don’t see Boris Johnson’s government of upper class cronies as any better than the ECHR – actually, it’s much worse. And no, with Britain’s bent electoral system we can’t vote his ilk out. We can only stand by as Johnson trashes British retail and society on behalf of the billionaire Americans that keep him in power.
There is a hearty debate going on about Common Law vs the Napoleonic, philosophical, unaccountable, top-down judicial system represented by the ECHR.
I’ve had a great discussion with my 10-year-old about the origins of Common Law in the commons, in which everything was legal or “fair game”, except where it was expressly forbidden. As opposed to the autocracies in which King or Tsar owned everything that moved, in which citizens had no rights except for those granted by the autocrat.
We talked especially about “fair game” — meaning that a commoner had the right to catch or gather food for his or her own needs (until, of course, the Enclosures, of which The Great Reset is a repeat).
“Boris Johnson’s government of upper class cronies” — don’t forget middle class fascists like Dominic Cummings — are working outside any legal system. They are making up the law as they go along and implementing it by executive decree.
The ECHR’s philosophical approach could (just) find this acceptable. Common Law is categorical: Johnson’s government is illegitimate.
The Global Warming cause made a lot of very mediocre people feel very important, clever and ‘right’, because it offered them, certainty and unchallengeable virtue, ironically in an area of science where we wont be able to achieve any scientific certainty for a very long time. It hijacked the disillusioned left, in a time of neoliberal success, giving them a feeling of superiority, medieval Catholic in its self-righteousness and fervour, producing uncaring, uncritical, brutal, zealots, positioning themselves as enemies of mankind and recasting the left as enemies of the working class.
In my view, it is a hideous manipulation of the facts, again in the service of the USA’s neoliberal-Corporate-monopoly-rollout. Confirmed by the fact that the USA itself opted out of the ‘War on Carbon’ and its more damaging regulations & economic burdens. Only retaining those that demand the transfer of vast amounts of public money into the hands of large private corporations, in the name of ‘Green infrastructure’.
So the USA continues to send its carbon zealots to evangelise around the world for a policy of economic self-harm, similar, in almost all respects, to the economic self-harm inflicted on us by the Covid response today, where the proposed cure is many magnitudes more damaging than the alleged ‘disease’.
I agree. The greens are indistiguishable from religious parties – only their religion is “saving the planet”. The fable even has all the usual religious trappings – we will face apocalypse if we don’t act NOW, we need to be good ascetics, change our ways, and forsake our worldly posessions, they are fanatical and ready to use violence to achieve their aims, etc etc.
They are the modern day religious fanatics, walking around with their intolerable “better than thou” virtue signaling pompous behavior. It’s really insufferable.
The religious INSTINCT in humans is so strong. Sure, maybe we tossed out Jesus & co, but we found something else to worship. The key to the “wise masters” staying in power is probably their ability to channel and manipulate the religious instinct in man to believe in outright absurdities. If people were truly rational, which they most decidedly are not, most of this stuff they are pulling off just wouldn’t fly.
The Global Warming cause made a lot of very mediocre people feel very important, clever and ‘right’, because it offered them, certainty and unchallengeable virtue, ironically in an area of science where we wont be able to achieve any scientific certainty for a very long time. It hijacked the disillusioned left, in a time of neoliberal success, giving them a feeling of superiority, medieval Catholic in its self-righteousness and fervour, producing uncaring, uncritical, brutal, zealots, positioning themselves as enemies of mankind and recasting the left as enemies of the working class.
In my view, it is a hideous manipulation of the facts, again in the service of the USA’s neoliberal-Corporate-monopoly-rollout. Confirmed by the fact that the USA itself opted out of the ‘War on Carbon’ and its more damaging regulations & economic burdens. Only retaining those that demand the transfer of vast amounts of public money into the hands of large private corporations, in the name of ‘Green infrastructure’.
So the USA continues to sends its carbon zealots to evangelise around the world for a policy of economic self-harm, similar, in almost all respects, to the economic self-destruction inflicted on us by the Covid response today, where the proposed cure is many magnitudes more damaging than the ‘disease’.
The absolutely laughable contention here is that the elected representatives of voters are slaves to scientists who absolutely never answer to voters.
Using children to impose tyranny whilst abolishing democracy has never been what children are about. It is what billionaire psychopaths are about.
This has George Soros written all over it.
Or rasputin
Using children to emotionally blackmail others has long been a trick used by religious hucksters. So it makes sense.
Enough already with the jewish scapegoats.
Totally esoteric diversion:
There is a wonderful old weird author called William Hope Hodgson who wrote an epic book called The Night Land. It described a far future world when the sun had died and the human race was sheltering in a vast pyramid besieged by supernatural forces outside. Amongst these forces were the Four Watchers positioned at equal distances round the pyramid. These were four hulking monstrosities that seemed to grow out of the darkness and who did absolutely nothing but just sat there …watching, as if waiting for some ever approaching doom.
That, to me, is the Left.
Time to give them a taste of their own medicine and file lawsuits against the EU, or any other entity for that matter, how any of the crazy shit that’s taking place doesn’t violate our human rights.
Governments at all levels are becoming more and more detached from people, to a ridiculous extent. The only way they can hold it together is totalitarianism. Tight control. But even that won’t work. Sooner or later, people will either find a way around or will refuse to cooperate, participate. They won’t work, they won’t create. Not only progress, but upkeep too will cease. The world will regress and ultimately implode. Not even the fucking robots will be able to save it. This is what happened in the Second World. Unfortunately, it will probably be quite a while before it happens now, we’re at the very beginning of the process. They can keep going on what we have no for quite some time. Not to mention the vast number of useful idiots who will take ages to see through this.