7 Things That Used to Be “Crazy Conspiracy Theories”….Until 2020 Happened
Daisy Luther

Remember back in the old days of, say, 2019, when anyone who talked about microchip implants, Americans being forced to show travel papers, and re-education camps was thought to be a crazy conspiracy theorist? And then 2020 rolled around and voila! It turns out those conspiracy theories weren’t so “crazy” after all.
And I’m not just talking about the government releasing info about UFOs.
We’re living in a time when someone will attempt to beat the crap out of you, burn your house down, or even kill you if you voted for the “wrong” presidential candidate. We’re being subjected to curfews, our movement is restricted, and our businesses have been forcibly shut down. One day, people will look back on this as the year that everything changed – or depending on how Americans respond to the mandates – the year we finally said enough.
Here are seven things that were considered crazy conspiracy theories…until now, when they’re becoming far too real.
1. Universal Basic Income
Did you ever really think we’d live in a country where the government would tell private business owners when and how they could operate? Where workers would be told, “You can no longer go to work for your own good?”
Well, welcome to 2020.
22 million jobs were lost and only 42% of those were recovered by last August, when the country began to reopen. Millions of lost jobs were permanent losses, as businesses across the country fold under the weight of the restrictions that either don’t allow them to operate or the money problems of their former customers.
“It’s clear that the pandemic is doing some fundamental damage to the job market,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics. “A lot of the jobs lost aren’t coming back any time soon. The idea that the economy is going to snap back to where it was before the pandemic is clearly not going to happen.”
…More than 10 million Americans are currently categorized as temporarily out of work. But historically, nearly 30% of people who tell the Labor Department that they are temporarily unemployed never get their job back, said Heidi Shierholz, senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank.
“Even though we don’t know if the historical record will hold in this case, it’s an extremely valid concern that not all of those people are going to get called back,” she said.
People who are counting on businesses reopening their doors may be surprised to find that a temporary loss has become permanent one, said Zandi. [source]
Of the businesses that have closed, many will never reopen. Most harshly affected were small businesses.
About 60% of businesses that have closed during the coronavirus pandemic will never reopen, and restaurants have suffered the most, according to new data from Yelp. [source]
So we have not only people who became unemployed, but we also have business owners who’ve lost everything. As we go into the second round of lockdowns across the United States, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that some of the small businesses that have thus far managed to stay afloat will succumb to the economic effects of these mandates…taking with them even more jobs and plunging even more people into poverty.
Poverty is a vicious cycle and one seemingly small thing can suck those who are struggling into a vortex of fees and penalties from which emerging seems impossible. I’ve written about my own experiences with poverty here. The concern is that even fewer people will recover financially after this round of government mandates, leaving even more Americans broke, hungry, and homeless.
But don’t worry – the government is here to help and I mean that in the President Reagan threatening kind of way. They provided a “stimulus” check to everyone in America, gave such huge unemployment money to people that they made more staying home than they did going to work, and went so much deeper into debt that the number is simply unfathomable.
In effect, they paid people not to work. And it isn’t the fault of those people in most cases – the government forced their places of employment to close unless it was considered “essential.”
And that sounds a whole lot like Universal Basic Income. Or as I like to call it, modern feudalism.
Quite a few people are ready to give up their freedom so that someone else can take care of them.
They don’t think they’re giving up freedom. They’re convinced that they are embracing a smart, fair system that eliminates poverty. The greed, entitlement, and lack of ambition that seems inherent in many people today will have them slipping on the yoke of servitude willingly.
They feel like they deserve a living just for drawing breath. As Gawker’s headline reads, “A Universal Basic Income Is the Utopia We Deserve.”
The idea of a universal basic income for all citizens has been catching on all over the world. Is it too crazy to believe in? We spoke to the author of a new book on the ins, outs, and utopian dreams of making basic income a reality.
The basic income movement got a significant boost this week when the charity GiveDirectly announced that it will be pursuing a ten-year, $30 million pilot project giving a select group of Kenyan villagers a basic income and studying its effects. As an anti-poverty solution, universal basic income appeals to impoverished people in Africa, relatively well-off Scandinavians, and Americans automated out of their jobs alike.
Sure, money for nothing sounds great on the surface.
But what would the real result of a Universal Basic Income be?
Feudalism. Serfdom. Enslavement.
UBI would fast-track us back to the feudalism of the Middle Ages. Sure, we’d be living in slick, modern micro-efficiencies instead of shacks. We’d have some kind of modern job instead of raising sheep for the lord of the manor.
But, in the end, we wouldn’t actually own anything because private property would be abolished for all but the ruling class. We’d no longer have the ability to get ahead in life. Our courses would be set for us and veering off of those courses would be harshly discouraged.
People will be completely dependent on the government and ruling class for every necessity: food, shelter, water, clothing. What better way to assert control than to make compliance necessary for survival? [source]
With this second round of lockdowns how many more jobs will go permanently down the tubes? What are all those people going to do for food? For rent? The government is going to give them money. And we can’t even argue, really, because everyone knows someone who has lost a job they had for decades and who can’t find other work.
They might call it something else, but Universal Basic Income is coming. And it’s coming soon.
2. Travel Papers
Don’t be ridiculous. We’ll never have to show our “papers” to travel freely in the United States.
Not until a COVID pandemic with all its subsidiary restrictions occurred. Back in March, days after I warned about the first lockdown, I wrote:
For everyone who thought the article about the Lockdown of America was a “hysterical overstatement” and that they could still do whatever they wanted because it wasn’t really being enforced, what are you thinking now that “travel papers” are being handed out? To me, this sounds like the lockdowns I wrote of yesterday were just the first incremental step toward a society that nobody hopes to see.
Yesterday, readers sent me photos of “travel papers” provided to them by employers so they could get to and from work. These are employees who work in industries like healthcare, pharmacies, and foodservice, as well as those who work in the production, transport, and sales of essential supplies.
One reader wrote, “We were told to show these if we got stopped on the way to or from work and that if the authorities gave us any trouble, to not argue and just go back home.”
Papers that people sent were from Pennsylvania, New York, Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Kansas, New Jersey, West Virginia, Virginia, Oregon, Florida, Louisiana, and Ohio. Industries mentioned in the papers were trucking, grocery stores, medical clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, city transit workers, railroads, food production plants, pharmacies, gas stations, stores like Target and Walmart, and automotive repair facilities.
Most people were given their papers on Friday or Saturday and told they’d need them to get to and from work starting the week ahead.
You can see some of the papers that people sent me here.
3. Mandatory GPS tracking of humans
“Don’t be silly. Nobody is actually tracking you with your phone. You’re not Jason Bourne.”
Whoops. 2020 proved that was a lie when they rolled out contact tracing apps to make sure you didn’t breathe the same air as somebody who got a positive COVID test.
Not only do sick or potentially sick people need to worry about being phoned or questioned by contact tracers, but there’s also a whole new world of dystopian technology being rapidly developed.
Apple and Google formed a partnership to develop a phone app with the potential to monitor one-third of the world’s population. The Australian government has developed an app called COVIDSafe to “protect you, your family and friends and save the lives of other Australians. The more Australians connect to the COVIDSafe app, the quicker we can find the virus.”
In fact, all sorts of potentially invasive new technology tools are springing up to “fight COVID.” Some use AI to detect signs of COVID and the Department of Defense is deploying thermal imaging to detect signs of COVID.
These things won’t just go away when the pandemic is over. If they’re in use for a year or two years – however long this virus is with us – chances are, they’re here to stay.
So…if you have a smartphone, rest assured, at some point you’re probably going to have an app like this forcibly installed during one of those relentless updates. Of course, they’ll say that the app is just the framework and you have to enable it for it to work. Oh, wait, they already said that. After installing “the framework.”
4. Cashless societies
Somehow, the United States ran out of change. There were no coins to be had…anywhere…for a while. Bloomberg reported in August:
As if a deep recession and a never-ending pandemic wasn’t enough, the U.S. now faces another crisis: a coin shortage. Thanks to the lockdowns, fewer coins are in circulation, leaving businesses unable to make change when customers hand over paper money.
This had a lot of people concerned, especially since Venezuela used COVID to push citizens toward a cashless society. Here in the United States, the “change shortage” was so extensive is caused many stores to give you your change on a store loyalty card or invite you to donate that change to some cause.
A true cashless society would allow significant control over our day to day lives. See this article for some of the totalitarian ways it would affect us.
5. Microchips
Darpa got involved early on, touting it as a way to “save” us all from COVID. Robert Wheeler wrote:
But governments aren’t having to market the chip as a method to track, trace, and control their populations. Instead, they are marketing the chip as a way to track and detect COVID and other coronaviruses. Clearly, this is a much easier sell to a public literally terrorized by their governments and mainstream media outlets for the last six months.
Raul Diego details the creation and coming rollout of the new biochip in his article, “A DARPA-Funded Implantable Microchip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021,” where he writes,
The most significant scientific discovery since gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade and its destructive potential to humanity is so enormous that the biggest war machine on the planet immediately deployed its vast resources to possess and control it, financing its research and development through agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and HHS’ BARDA.
The revolutionary breakthrough came to a Canadian scientist named Derek Rossi in 2010 purely by accident. The now-retired Harvard professor claimed in an interview with the National Post that he found a way to “reprogram” the molecules that carry the genetic instructions for cell development in the human body, not to mention all biological lifeforms.
These molecules are called ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ or mRNA and the newfound ability to rewrite those instructions to produce any kind of cell within a biological organism has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, even if no one has really noticed yet. As Rossi, himself, puts it: “The real important discovery here was you could now use mRNA, and if you got it into the cells, then you could get the mRNA to express any protein in the cells, and this was the big thing.”
The microchip talk died down but the fact it as even a discussion and topic of COVID research should be troubling. Anyway, after the initial microchip hubbub, the push got redirected toward our next conspiracy theory.
6. Mandatory vaccines
Remember back when nobody thought that adults would ever be forced to take vaccines except for “crazy conspiracy theorists?” Well, that day is coming sooner than many people expect.
A much-heralded COVID vaccine could be rolled out in a matter of days. Pfizer and BioNTech have both concluded Phase 3 of rushing their jabs to market. There are still many, many questions.
The return to many of our old familiar ways will take time, and how much time remains unclear. The answers await more research into the vaccines, how they can be distributed and how many people are willing to get them.
“A vaccine won’t be available immediately for everybody,” says Arthur Reingold, a professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley…
…“It probably will take four to six months,” he says. “What that says to me is that people will have to keep wearing masks at least until spring. We won’t be in a magically different situation by February or March. I don’t see how that can possibly happen.”
Equally important are the unknowns about the vaccines themselves. Scientists still don’t know how long vaccine-induced protection will last, for example, or whether inoculations can block actual infection, or only prevent the onset of disease. If the latter turns out to be the case, meaning the vaccines keep us from getting sick, but not infected, we still could be infectious to others. Until we know, don’t toss those masks into the trash…
…Andrew Badley, an immunovirologist who chairs Mayo Clinic’s covid-19 task force, says the return of any normal activities depends on numerous factors, including how many people get vaccinated.
“The only possibility that life will return to normal by summer is if the majority of the population receives the vaccines by then and the early efficacy data is borne out in ongoing studies,” he says. He adds, however: “I think it is unlikely we will be able to vaccinate the majority of the population by then.”
And how will they make sure that “the majority” of the population gets the vaccines? It’ll start out easy – there are tons of people who will gladly roll up their sleeves to get a vaccination that was rushed to market with no testing on the long-term effects. And then, the rest of us will be coerced by being unable to go to work, to a concert, to school, or into a public building without proof we’ve been vaccinated.
YOU WALK TOWARD the arena, ready for a big game, tickets in hand. But what you see is a long line wrapping around the corner of the building and a bottleneck at the entrance as people search their pockets and purses for a small piece of paper. To be cleared to enter, you’ll also need that document—proof that you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccination.
This is the future as some experts see it: a world in which you’ll need to show you’ve been inoculated against the novel coronavirus to attend a sports game, get a manicure, go to work, or hop on a train.
“We’re not going to get to the point where the vaccine police break down your door to vaccinate you,” says Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist at New York University’s School of Medicine. But he and several other health policy experts envision vaccine mandates could be instituted and enforced by local governments or employers—similar to the current vaccine requirements for school-age children, military personnel, and hospital workers…
…The mandates can be directed toward customers, as well. Just as business owners can bar shoeless and shirtless clients from entering their restaurants, salons, arenas, and stores, they can legally keep people out for any number of reasons, “as long as they’re not running afoul of any antidiscrimination laws,” says Dorit Rubinstein Reiss, a professor of health and vaccine law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, some experts think states will require targeted industries to enforce vaccine mandates for their employees, especially those we’ve come to know as “essential workers.”
“Grocery store workers get exposed to a lot of people, but also have the chance to infect a lot of people because of the nature of their work and the fact that virtually everybody needs to buy food,” says Carmel Shachar, executive director of the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School. Hospitality industry workers—those who work in restaurants, bars, and coffee shops, for example—could also see similar mandates.
“It’s in an employer’s interest to make sure that their workplace is protected and that you can’t infect your colleagues,” Shachar says. “Having a widely accessible vaccine gets a lot of employers out of having to control their clients’ behavior.” And with a vaccinated workforce, “you don’t need to worry if the people you’re serving at the restaurant have COVID-19.”
Even the general public could be incentivized to get vaccinated. “Oddly enough, the best way to impose a mandate is to reward people with more freedom if they follow that mandate,” Caplan says. For example, with proof of inoculation, you would be able to attend a sporting event “as a reward for doing the right thing,” he says. “And I can imagine people saying, If you want to go to my restaurant, my bowling alley, or my tattoo parlor, then I want to see a vaccine certificate, too.”
Booster shots could also be required, depending on the efficacy of future vaccines.
Doesn’t it just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside how all these experts are planning to force an unwilling populace to accept an untested vaccine? It’s all for our own good, you know.
7. Re-education camps
Remember how we all used to joke about being put into FEMA camps? Well…
Finally, for those of us who believed these conspiracy theories were conspiracy facts all along – oh – and for Trump voters – there’s the discussion about how to re-educate us so we can rejoin society.
In a Twitter thread run amok, we saw the dark side of some “well-educated” Democrats who were sincerely trying to figure out how to redeem those of us who did not vote for Joe Biden.
No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?
We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South.
— David Atkins (@DavidOAtkins) November 18, 2020
I know conservatives are upset by some of the responses here. And yeah, many are out of line.
But what do you expect people to do in self-preservation? The Right has been running 4 years on “fuck your feelings, my conspiracy theories are valid opinions, and we have more guns.”
— David Atkins (@DavidOAtkins) November 19, 2020
Thank you for starting this conversation. Ignoring the propaganda and disinformation problem would be a grave mistake. We should already have a plan to combat it. Simply replacing the President does nothing. We need actual deprogramming efforts, & we should consult cult experts.
— Laura Miers (@LauraMiers) November 18, 2020
Of course, he doesn’t really mean re-education camps. Of course not.
And no, of course I’m not advocating “re-education camps” or anything like that. The point is that conservative infotainment is disinformation propaganda indistuinguishable from cult programming, and social media algorithms enable it.
— David Atkins (@DavidOAtkins) November 19, 2020
And Laura found she bit off a bit more than she intended to chew. So of course she blamed non-Americans. (Probably those darned Russians, right?)
If anyone is interested in how these attacks work, see the below tweets. Suggesting public health measures or combatting propaganda brings trolls by the hundreds. It’s not organic, it’s organized. Information warfare. It has a chilling effect on speech, which is the point. https://t.co/1rEwPsz8zB
— Laura Miers (@LauraMiers) November 19, 2020
I’m not really sure how we go about combatting propaganda, disinformation, & hate when those who speak out on social media are targeted with tsunamis of hate, death & rape threats. I’ve never encountered it at this magnitude. It started after the election.
— Laura Miers (@LauraMiers) November 19, 2020
Welcome to my inbox for the past 8 years, Laura. Every time I have posted a pro-gun, pro-self-defense article, I’ve been barraged with “creative” rape threats with a vast variety of implements and violent threats by the “peaceful” left. People have wished my children dead in a school shooting. So cry me a river, Laura, if your “thoughtful discussion” of putting me and people like me into anti-cult deprogramming in a gulag put you in an unpleasant position.
Trust me, you get used to it. Heck, you might even begin to understand why I’m a gun owner.
What other conspiracy theories have been proven true this year?
Is it just me or has 2020 been like reading every “crazy conspiracy” rabbit hole on the internet while dropping acid? Except you can’t come down from the trip because it’s all actually happening. As the insanity continues, make sure you have this book to help you get prepared.
What other former “wacky” theories have become fact this year? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Originally published on The Organic Prepper
Daisy Luther is a blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and is the best-selling author of 4 books. She lives in the mountains of Virginia with her two daughters and an ever-growing menagerie. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
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Venezuela started to go cashless well before the covid scare, the reason being that people would have needed wheelbarrows to cart the money around, Zimbabwe style. But anyway there was almost no cash to be had from the banks, you had to line up for hours to take out worthless bolivars and they couldn’t even afford to print more. The dollar is used in the streets, currently 1 million new Bv to the dollar (that’s 2 years after revaluation of 100,000 new Bv for one old one, a total 100-billion-for-one inflation in a couple of years.)
Oh, sorry, 1 million to the dollar was a couple of days ago: today it’s 1.1 million.
But yeah, blame covid.
The last time North America ran out of coins was in the mid-’60s when inflation began to take hold. Gresham’s Law caused all the silver coinage to be hoarded, and there was little change to be had in stores, both in Canada and the States.
Lyndon Johnson blamed the increased number of vending machines for the sudden huge demand for coins. That they were being hoarded for melt was the Conspiracy Theory. Soon after transitioning into debased coinage with only a small amount of silver, base metal coins were introduced in both countries, the historic solution.
Pennies, dimes (10 cents for those unfamiliar with US coinage) and quarters are still safe, but base metal value of nickels (5 cents) are right on parity so may go to melt soon.
In Canada, pennies were eliminated years ago and rounding to the nearest 5 cents is done.
Inflation marches on.
And despite all this millions will still vote for labour or the torys no matter what
The article failed to mention one “conspiracy theory” which will soon become fact – the Great Debt Reset.
It ties in with the Universal Basic Income. People will be offered a UBI and full debt forgiveness in exchange for signing away their property and their right to own property. Included in the package is signing up for the series of vaccines they’re planning after the first round. Failure to do so entails living under strict lockdown, basically house arrest, indefinitely. Once a high percentage of the population is vaccinated, those who continue to refuse will be declared a public health risk and relocated to gulags indefinitely for re-education and other Chinese style torments. Their property will be seized of course. They will only be released if they comply with the Debt Reset conditions. Those who cooperate will be issued what will be called “Canada’s HealthPass”.
The above information was released last fall in the form of a leak by a senior Canadian government official. The leaked doc stated that all countries will be following the same plan which was dictated by the WEF. At first nobody believed it, as it seemed far fetched. Now its predictions are coming true, right down to the month stated in the document. The above events are slated to occur by the end of Q2 next year. At the same time, the emergence of a new, more virulent covid mutation will be staged (the real pathogen will be side effects from the vaccines) and an even stricter lockdown imposed, in order to bully citizens into cooperating with the Debt Reset program.
Canada already has several gulags in operation with additional sites being built in every province except Nunavut. People have found the tender ad on the government website to build “isolation facilities”. It was since taken down. And Ontario’s health guru admitted yesterday that when the vaccines are released here, people who refuse their shot will be denied access to almost every service including “public” health care.
Haven’t you realised – the moment a conspiracy can no longer be denied, the word “conspiracy” magically disappears!
The real Resistance, should it come to civil war, will be those who served in good faith the military-pharma-tech combine, only for the corporate psychopaths to subvert all that was decent and worth fighting for.
Monkey Werx: Ballot Harvesting, Destruction of Evidence, Mass Felonies
Nothing organic about Daisy Luthor or her commentary. She’s just ambulance chasing.
She probably got a lot of hit$ redirecting to mask sellers, late last year, exacerbating the shortage for health care workers at that time. There as no way the market was ready for mass public panic buying of health PPE, and, masks don’t work for normal environments.
Masks only work in institutional care settings as part of a more comprehensive and disciplined hygiene routine. Even then, pre-COVID-1984 mask studies were inconclusive about mask use for URI viruses; they had no statistical effect or may have made things worse.
Luthor’s prepper-sploitation contributed to the early hysteria around COVID-1984 and made it impossible for silenced voices of reason to pin out.
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
irrationality, emotional rule …bereft of question or control – addiction to gratification – stimulated by occupation – supine subjugation….the means of that which conspired to replace rational thought, with the cognitive muzzling of easily guided crazies.
This is a photo of Ugur Sahin, the billionaire entrepreneur who, together with his wife, has been credited with developing the new Covid vaccine for his German company BioNTech in coordination with Pfizer. He is a physician oncologist of Turkish origin who came to Europe as a four year old.
They will probably be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize at some stage.
Nobel foundation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street since 1968, after damping gold holdings for Stock speculation. And for that service Wall Street oligarchy bought themselves fake Nobel price in Economics given to stooges who peddle profitable economic lies. Nobel did not recognize economy as sound science and awarded no prize.
With COVID they want to do the same to Nobel prize in medicine promote profitable lies even more blatantly then in the past.
Nobel prizes are sold and bought by money interests including Nobel peace prize and literature in last three decades given to political hacks aligned with global controlled narratives. Obama and Dylan are two most recent proof of Nobel prize corruption.
They seem such happy souls…
I’m reminded of the late Ceaușescus!
Before they died, or after?
The guy looks like Barack Obama. And probably just as fake.
Before having their lives turned into a heart warming Hollywood biopic. Indeed – we are just at the start of the new Coronawood industry!
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.com Prez Invokes EO ‘18 Military Cyberwar Action/
WSJ: China is #1 Threat To USA/
Beijing Holds Sway Over Wall Street/
Biden Admin Promises Great Reset SOON/
Disease Expert Slams Covid Response/
RUMORS: Deep State Arrests /
EU Mourns Bombmaker/
Parler Migration Upsets Left
The first story in this line up is related to this post, and helps give an underlying reasoning for some of the specific language in Trump’s addresses. He is invoking specific powers to deal with the threats to the US. While rumors are flying about Deep State arrests, at this point the rumors about Gina Haspel Director of the CIA have been confirmed by multiple sources – it is very likely she has been arrested, questioned in a military setting and has given a taped confession. It is also likely this will be part of the Supreme Court case on the election fraud to come.
Coincidence theory
CHEMTRAIlS ……………geoengineering
China this week revealed plans to drastically expand an experimental weather modification program to cover an area of over 5.5 million square kilometers.
Why Geoengineering?We should study the costs and consequences of solar radiation management.
December 21, 2009
Scientists already know how to cool the planet quickly. The secret is geoengineering: specifically, using very fine particles in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight (see “The Geoengineering Gambit”). The direct cost of shading the planet this way could be less than a few hundredths the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. If reflecting sunlight is fast and cheap, why struggle with all the problems of collective action to achieve emission reductions? Why not wait until we have a climate problem and then simply fix it?
More pollution, more destruction. These engineers (scientists?) have little connection with Nature and think they can control Her!
Remedial History That Wasn’t In Your School Textbooks, Thereby Directing Our Attention To Conspiracy Facts:
“Trust but VERIFY” – President Ronald Reagan’s watch phrase when dealing with the USSR…
(1) The West conspired to not VERIFY the ‘collapse’ of the USSR, even though the survival of the West depended on verification should the ‘collapse’ be a ruse, which proves (1) there was no ‘collapse’ of the USSR, because if there had been a ‘collapse’ the West would have immediately VERIFIED the ‘collapse’; and (2) the West’s institutions were co-opted by Marxists, explaining the West’s enabling of the fake ‘collapse’ of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.
(2) Throughout the 1980s the West conspired to regurgitate Soviet Bloc under counting of communist party membership numbers in order to facilitate the canard of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments, explaining the West’s enabling of the fake ‘collapse’ of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.
(3) Before any religious sectarian strife in Yugoslavia (1991 – 2001) first there would have been massive reprisals against the reviled Communists who implemented draconian discriminatory policies to wipe out religion in Yugoslavia. LCY anti-religious discriminatory policies were so effective that within fifty years those who were without a religion increased by an astronomical 3,100%! The fact that no reprisals took place against LCY members proves that the ‘religious strife’ and ‘breakup’ of Yugoslavia was manufactured and controlled by the Communists.
(4) The World War I Allies never did immediately send a naval expedition to Petrograd to easily topple Lenin & Bolshevik’s November 7, 1917 coup, thereby promptly returning Russia to the war, Russia’s involvement in the war being a critical variable for the Allies’ victory strategy against the Central Powers, proving (a) that the Allies knew they were going to win the war; (b) that the war was set up to (i) weaken the West’s influence in the world; (ii) weaken the West’s people’s confidence in their institutions and what those institutions stood for; and (c) one objective of the war was to settle into power the first above board Marxist state, with more to follow. In fact, there already was an anti-Marxist force in Russia at the time that if ordered would have conquered all of Bolshevik Russia during this period when the Bolsheviks were very weak. The unit was the 60,000 strong Czechoslovak Legion (soon to be 100,000 strong) but instead of sending the legion 700 miles north to Petrograd, the Allies sent it on a 6,000 mile odyssey across Russia to Vladivostok for evacuation to Europe(!), once again proving the Allies knew they were going to win the war…that the war was a Marxist operation.*
(5) “On the initiative of the KGB, an army of Soviet vigilantes five million strong, the so-called ‘druzhiny’, was recruited from among the Komsomol activists. Their units were led by retired Chekists. They have been patrolling and policing the streets of all the Soviet cities. Their primary task has been to prepare the Soviet people to ‘behave’ during the forthcoming ‘liberalisation’.” – KGB defector Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, ‘The Perestroika Deception‘, March 1989, pp. 14-15.
(6) Leningrad Oblast (Province) is still named Leningrad Oblast! Engels City is still named Engels City! Engels Air Force Base is still named Engels Air Force Base! Russian military personnel still refer to each other as “Comrade”! Kaliningrad Oblast is still named Kaliningrad Oblast! The State Emblem of the Soviet Union is atop the Duma building, and illuminated at night for clear viewing! Soviet Red Stars are still attached to the bows of Russian naval ships! The Hammer & Sickle logo is still on Aeroflot commercial aircraft! Not one statue to Lenin has been destroyed in Russia, where out of the 3,000 still standing throughout Russia, only a handful have been carefully taken down (in locations where tourists frequent) and hidden away in parks and museums, the remainder of these monstrosities to Russian nationalism/Russian Orthodox Church rubbing historical salt into still open wounds of Russian nationalists! The Russian ‘electorate’ are only ‘electing’ for president Soviet era communist party member Quislings, who persecuted the 85% of the religious population held captive by the Communist Party during the ‘Soviet era’!
At my blog, read the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
* Even more telling is neutral Denmark’s laying mines off its coastal waters in international waterways in August, 1914 [thereby violating the 1857 treaty opening the Danish Straits to all shipping, where, “No ship of any kind may, under any pretext whatsoever, be subjected to detention or obstruction at the passage of the Sound or the Belts”] at the prompting of Germany (Germany too lays mines in the Danish Straits) and Great Britain does nothing! Not a word from the Allies (and the usual deafening silence from the Marxist co-opted press), in fact, even though access to the Baltic Sea is critical for the Allies to roll up Germany quickly by (a) closing the Baltic Sea to all German surface/subsurface vessels; (b) denying German access to trade with Sweden; (c) bringing the Royal Navy and the Imperial Russian Navy together; (d) forcing Germany to relocate critically needed infantry divisions and heavy armaments away from the Western Front for the new Baltic Front; (e) allowing British and Russian troop landings across the Baltic coasts, preventing German forces from moving eastwards towards Russia; thereby (f) knocking Germany out of the war before one shot is fired.
This is always highly instructive:
Up-vote this if you’re a non-Marxist…
I don’t normally down vote but for you I’ll make an exception. Indeed I’ll make quite a few.
“I don’t normally down vote but for you I’ll make an exception. Indeed I’ll make quite a few.”
We have a self-identified Marxist on the thread naturally not shocked to learn that the West conspired to not VERIFY the ‘collapse’ of the Soviet Bloc, then conspired throughput the 1980s to regurgitate Soviet Bloc under counting of communist party membership numbers in order to provide the narrative of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments, the real numbers located in Party Congress literature, where in the case of the USSR, between the 1986 Party Congress and 1990 Party Congress, communist party membership increased by 28%. In the case of Yugoslavia, between 1982 – 1991, communist party membership increased by 40%.
The 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, held from 25 February to 6 March 1986, was attended by 4,993 delegates, each delegate representing 3,670 party members, giving a total number for communist party membership of 18,324,310. The 28th Congress, held in 1990, had 4,700 delegates,* each delegate representing 5,000 party members, which = 23.5 million communist party members:
“The Soviet Communist Party is hemorrhaging members and cash by the millions. In the past year, 4-million of its 19-million members have quit or stopped paying their dues on time.
With the cogs of their political machine starting to jam, the Communists’ iron control over all aspects of Soviet life is slipping. Half a million people protested Communist power in a demonstration outside the Kremlin on Sunday, many of them waving derogatory signs that once would have brought them 10-year prison terms.
Last year, the party lost 2.7-million of its 19-million members, Marti Chemodanov of the party’s Central Committee staff told the Associated Press.
Only 125,000 dared to quit the party in 1989.”**
“The Enhanced Role Of The Party As The Guiding Force Behind The Strategy
The ‘perestroika’ strategy demands a widening of the scope of the Party’s political activity and an increase in its effectiveness. The Party has introduced and is practising a greater degree of inner-Party democracy, which is vital to the successful conduct of the strategy. Official and unofficial Soviet statements have referred to resignations from the Party, to an overall loss in its membership and even to the possibility of its long-term disintegration. The New York Times of 4 November 1990, quoting the Central Committee paper Glasnost’, gives a decline in membership of from over 19 million to 17.7 million. A more reliable figure can be derived from the representation at the Party’s 1990 Congress. This was attended by 4,700 delegates each representing 5,000 Party members – indicating a total membership of 23.5 million, a figure consistent with the increase in the strength of the Central Committee from over 300 to 412 members.”***
In 1986 Soviet Party members were 18.3 million, in 1990 23.5 million, not 19 million. Membership increased, not decreased.
In Yugoslavia, membership increased 40.75% between 1982 and 1991. The West knowingly regurgitated disinformation from the Soviet Bloc, thereby proving the Marxist co-option of the West.
The West conspired to regurgitate false Soviet Bloc under counting of Soviet Bloc communist party membership in order to provide a narrative of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments.
* Google: Yeltsin Quits Communist Party by Michael Dobbs
** Google: Last year, the party lost 2.7-million of its 19-million members, Marti Chemodanov of the party’s
*** Google: Perestroika deception anatoliy golitsyn pdf
Who’s “we”?
“Who’s “we”?”
Another non-shocked non-reply reply, identifying a Marxist placing both feet into mouth!
Sit down, and shut up.
Marxism died with Marx.
The modern world has no room for it.
Please try to keep up, by including at least one book in your research – any book.
People today are selfish, they are proud of being selfish, and they also find Marx extremely out-of-date and tame.
Hadn’t you noticed?
Excuse me – but it was you who didn’t reply to me when I asked you a straightforward question.
It is also wholesale regurgitation of his comment on another thread yesterday.
I gave you a downvote as well. And I don’t identify as a Marxist. I don’t really like labels anyway, but with respect Dean, did you actually read what you wrote before posting it?
“I gave you a downvote as well. And I don’t identify as a Marxist. I don’t really like labels anyway, but with respect Dean, did you actually read what you wrote before posting it?”
Another Marxist on the thread self-identifies, naturally not shocked with the shocking contents of my original post.
Once again, are there any non-Marxists on the thread?
I’m an extreme right wing thug occasionally, covid denier anti,vaxxer got a chip on both shoulders and a peculiar burning hatred for all politicians and memebers of the brach covidian cult
does that count
Engels bells engels bells engels all the way…merry christmas
Who cares? Stick to the topic or piss off.
I actually couldn’t read it. It starts with a double negative and a paragraph long sentence that positively dares you to keep reading.
(Referring to his last comment, not the first which at least has this bit: “quod erat demonstrandum”. Don’t know what it means but it looks good.)
Those who think long comments mean more attention are deluded.
I still can’t figure out what he was trying to say, but it came across as really bizarre and quite…. ‘out there’ (I’m being charitable!) Maybe he’s another alter ego of Louis Proyect?🤣
Or Dungroanin?
Or…. Gasp! William H Bonney! Or Jacky! Or Vierotchka! God, we’ve had some real doozy’s here in the last year. Where do they come from?
Caught a few seconds of TV news again.
“And in this little frozen box lies the last hope of mankind! 20 billion people have died since I started that last sentence …but all is not lost when we open this little magic box and the sheer force of vaccinated love will pour forth to embrace us in its warm glow of redemption!”
NOOOOOOOO… 😠😠😠. Run George Run! This is why my TV is off almost all the time, I don’t listen to the radio, and I won’t look at newspapers.
The propaganda that vaccines will save you, your loved ones, and grannies all over the world is about to be cranked up to Goebbelsesque levels.
May all grannies who are at death’s door pass over quickly, peacefuly, and painlessly. The rest do not require the sacrifice of my or your freedom of movement, enjoyment of life, ability to earn and spend, and sanity.
Spot on Reset. The bastards have done such a psychological number on humanity…
I note in today’s Graun that the current body count for deaths is now referred to as being ‘covid-related deaths’ Please note related which of course means that the deaths could well be ascribed to related any number of co-morbities: cancer, diabetes, pneumonia, bog-standard flu, old age, obesity, TB, Parkinson’s disease – the list is extensive. Figures for 2018 in UK record deaths at six hundred and sixteen thousand. Pretty normal but on an ascending trajectory since 2002.
About that coin shortage, John Titus’s video is a must watch:
“The media’s explanations for the coin shortage are so ludicrous that even TV watchers are starting to ask questions, late in the game though they are, and muzzled to boot. The truth is that the kink in the distribution chain is being caused by the Federal Reserve, as is clear from congressional testimony–though notably the Fed Chair himself brought nothing but nonsense, archaic jargon and obfuscation to that hearing.
In any case, the Fed’s wholesale takeover of the U.S. continues apace, evidently intent on leaving no penny unturned.”
TIME magazine names 15-year-old Indian-American Gitanjali Rao as first-ever ‘Kid of the Year
black (ish) greeta with science background
Seems like Malala v 2.0.
wonder if they’ll do a ”children of men” on him ?
Prophecy: they clearly think ahead The new updated abdominal-
The nutjobs plan their exercises years in advance then execute as a “LIVE” exercise. They are going to continue to ride this endless wave of poison jabs for all their
How legit is this? Is this long released?
October 2017….full pdf download available via link
it legit 70 pages check it out.
War of attrition
The following is conventional logic. As we know from the sexual and mental deviant Bill Gates’ meeting with Ali Kemal/Bojo PM …. politicians are simply taking orders.
Big Tech needs to be dealt with separately. One day a waiter is going to slice Bill Gates’ throat.
In the meantime: stop paying taxes. You have no obligation to obey an illegitimate government. WTF ‘obey’? It’s our government paid by us to serve us.
Any executive that bypasses, short circuits or truncates Legislative or Parliamentary approval in any way is illegitimate.
Its edicts and decrees are illegal.
Shall we even discuss the wholly fraudulent Election 2020 in the country formerly known as the United States of America?
All bets are off. Stop paying taxes and obeying laws now.
If people as a bloc refuse to send tax returns there is nothing the pansy pussy police and military macaques can do. They are vastly outnumbered. Why do you think they have equipped the pansy pussy police with military gear? They know what they are going to try to do. And they know they are outnumbered.
That is part of their plans, and zero tax for thew rich and no services for the poorest, you are on their page, which doesn’t surprise me as you push their far right politics every day.
The 77th Brigade are also going to get their temples punctured. You changed your names. It used to be a name followed by a number. The current fashion is one word and often a preposition (which amuses me).
I’d prefer that the waiter gives Bill Gates the vaccine injection he only pretends to take.
True, there’s no torture quite like watching the clock count down.
These people are traitors who committed treason against their own state, their own people. All civil servants, police and military who collaborate fall into that category. They have no defense so they’d better start inventing one.
Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the Google twins, Epstein, Maxwell, Gates, Sschlob are just deviants. There comes a point where you have deviated so far that you are a threat to the species.
If you put your faith in “Da Science” how do you reconcile Darwin’s Theory of Evolution with Trans, Intersectionality, and pronouns and biology as a social construct… just asking?
The civil service, police and military sign up to this nonsense and their promotion prospects depend on them spouting it.
Would any police, soldiers, functionaries take this opportunity to go sane? Or are you going to remain diss-cognitive idiots in return for a pension that is no longer guaranteed?
“I’d prefer that the waiter gives Bill Gates the vaccine injection he only pretends to take”
And then the waiter rips out his throat. I’m just too old to hang around waiting for Gates to die the slow painful death from an intentionally genocidal vaccine.
Holy crap, that’s like the 19th time in a row! no voting fraud was mentioned it a unanimous decision and if you dont agree you anti s
“While the public health response to the spread of the coronavirus has shown the complete incapacity of the capitalist system to safeguard the lives and health of the people, the effort to develop a vaccine—where the drive for profit was focused—has borne fruit relatively quickly.”
A rather curious inconsistency you might think. But no matter. Let’s move on.
This is followed by lots of praise for the plucky Chinese scientists and more salutations to the marvels of modern science.
“Previous efforts to test new vaccines when the SARS, MERS, and Zika outbreaks occurred were thwarted as the threat receded too quickly for large human clinical trials to be conducted.”
How disappointing. The plague retreated too early for profitable adventures to be made. Fortunately COVID hit. Lovely!
“Around the same time that Stéphane Bancel had recognized the potential opportunity the Wuhan outbreak offered, Dr. Sahin had become convinced the novel coronavirus epidemic exploding across Hubei province would materialize into a global health crisis. He told the Times, “There are not too many companies on the planet which have the capacity and the competence to do it so fast as we can do it. So, it felt not like an opportunity, but a duty to do it, because I realized we could be among the first coming up with a vaccine.””
Not an opportunity but a duty!
Lots of exciting medical terminology then,
“…in a review of 8,000 subjects, no serious safety issues were encountered; 3.8 percent had reported severe fatigue and 2 percent headaches. The transient adverse effects for Moderna’s vaccine include the report of 9.7 percent fatigue, 8.9 percent muscle pain, 5.2 percent joint pain, and 4.5 percent headaches.
Arnold Monto, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, explained, “this is higher reactogenicity than is ordinarily seen with most flu vaccines, even the high dose ones.” Vaccine experts are concerned this will have considerable impact on how these therapeutics are received by the population.”
Superstitious peasants!
“However, the task of manufacturing, delivering, and immunizing the entire planet with the same speed with which these lifesaving treatments have been developed is, literally, unprecedented.”
Funny that. Marvellous opportunity- sorry, duty!
“Significantly, the Information Technology infrastructure is lacking to track who has received which vaccine and how side effects and reactions are reported.”
Obviously more surveillance is needed.
“Science has been able to penetrate into nature’s most compelling secrets…”
“…but the capitalist mode of production—along with the outmoded system of nation-states—constitute the main barriers to saving millions of lives.”
Assuming of course that these lives are in danger.
“The executives and shareholders of the Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech and other vaccine manufacturers will undoubtedly grow rich—and from the standpoint of the profit system, that is the only concern—but a return to normal conditions of life for the great mass of humanity remains in considerable doubt.
In effect, drug companies are using public funds to ensure the profitability of their development and manufacturing, the US military has been assigned the task of wholesale distribution,…”
All of which you think may alert the WSW to something a bit fishy going on. But no,
“And then there is the critical question of global distribution, particularly in poor nations …”
They just want to extend the protection racket.
Lies, spins, mischaracterizations, exaggeration, fear mongering and innuendos in almost every WSWS Covid related article. WSWS Covid journalism was reduced to copy and paste of selected, suitable to fear mongering narrative, statements from MSM and government, corporate press releases verbatim accepted as revealed truths with only criticism limited to pushing for more totalitarian measures, more absurdity and more faith in fraudulent corporate science. All rational, balanced thought, regarding vested interests involved in COVID sham, barred.
Those pseudo Marxists joined chorus of irrational scaremongers and simply banned any semblances of solid unemotional grounded in empirical facts Marxist Analysis that fundamentally considers all capitalist corporations/institutions including Public Health authorities, Big Pharma or Silicon Valley as tools of class war.
Trotsky is turning in his grave.
A lot of curious inconsistencies. For example you get the boilerplate calls to the proletariat to seize power alongside a frantic espousal of lockdowns which the (bourgeois) state enforces through its police, who often do so with emphatic zeal, judging from many accounts from all around the world.
If Sars-Cov-2 was in any way man-made or cultivated or tested prior to its release at the beginning of 2020- then a ‘vaccine’ without doubt was developed at the same time.
The injectable has been prepared. The Operation Warp Speed and Moon Shot heroics are cover. Likewise the carousel of variants by (six?) different companies. This is just a profiteering, like the put options on airline stock sold before 9/11.
The secret ingredient (sterilization, depopulation elixir or scanable dye or another ID2020 substance) may be added to whichever of the Magick Six Injectables goes on mass-release.
“Likewise the carousel of variants by (six?) different companies”.
Perhaps mixing these different vaccines to create your own cocktail will become fashionable. “I’ll have a Moderna with a twist of AstraZeneca”. People can apparently be persuaded they look good in a mask so who knows what they’ll swallow?
slip it into the cranberry sauce at Christmas for a Yule tide holiday silver frenzy..
I’ve just heard it’s nine companies…..each one will be tailored for desired outcomes…hence age cohorts
The US research on modifying the SARS virus to damage lung cells got published in 2015. I saw a comment that there were no claims, then or later, of any protective measures for this or other pathogens. These are hubristic types taking orders from the military brass.
This seems more than likely to me, also.
If they had it all planned, the vaccine was part of the plan.
So much smoke and mirrors.
My hair is diminishing, but what’s left still needs trimming. The state lockdown was initiated two days before my already overdue scheduled appointment in March, so of course the appointment was canceled. When the salon reopened in June, I got an appointment right away but was somewhat apprehensive about what I could or couldn’t say about the scamdemic “in public”.
The salon was almost empty because of the still-onerous rules limiting capacity, but I was glad to see Sarah, my long-time haircutter. I was delighted when my cautious soundings revealed that she is a fellow Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic skeptic.
I told her that except for my brother, my conventional, conformist close relatives seemed to take the scamdemic at face value. She replied that her family was the opposite. “We all knew it was some kind of scam, especially after they extended the lockdown!” She also said that if COVID were truly a new virus, we could be sure that it was developed way in advance, and kept secret by that Bill Gates creep.
I left the salon both neatly trimmed and validated! 😉
Perfect again: James Corbett and James Evans Pilato:
Maga is the 5th degree in the Church of Satan.
That’s the difference between thoses who understand the language and theories
Yet on youtube you got idiots thinking there researchers usually paid establishment puppets paid to keep you at a certain level of stupidity, yet you think your clever and awake
Big difference
Make America Great Again – M A G A
Moderna – Moderate RNA
Hidden in the words, in plain sight for those who can see.
“Just one in 10 NHS staff willing to have swine flu vaccine putting patients at risk
Patients could be put at risk because as few as 10 per cent of NHS staff may volunteer to have the swine flu vaccine, managers warn.
Doctors and nurses are shunning the jab because they believe the virus is mild and there is only a slim chance they will get the disease.”
How dare they make such an irresponsible decision! Slim chance? NO! YOU WILL ALL DIE UNLESS YOU SUBMIT!
“But NHS bosses say their reluctance could lead to needless deaths during the expected second wave of the disease as staff pass the virus on to frail patients and those with compromised immune systems.
The has FORCED the Department of Health to ORDER all NHS organisations to ENSURE frontline staff get immunised against the disease.”
Force, Order and Ensure!
According to the Telegraph, Facebook said it will “remove conspiracy theories about Covid-19 vaccines that we know today are false, such as that specific populations are being forced to test the vaccine against their will.”
So no-one will be forced to take the vax? Or will they work a little trick on the word “test”?
And don’t you love that “we know today are false”? Did you check them out?
in a neoliberal environment, this would be universal basic non-income where dignity will be used to mop the floor.
Look how they twist it and make out they was right and doing us a favour and we was will mental back them
2020 December united Nations Officially Recognizes Cannabis as Medicine in Historic Vote
The United Nations has finally recognized the medicinal value of cannabis, voting Wednesday to remove the plant from a list of dangerous drugs and clearing the way for the widespread research and medical use of marijuana and medications based on the plant.
Experts are hailing the decision as a major step toward normalizing cannabis in medicine. For thousands of years, the plant has been used across the globe therapeutically – dating back as far as ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, and when it was in Chinese medicine in the 15th century B.C.
In recent years there has also been a growing consensus regarding the potential of cannabis in treating symptoms of various disorder and diseases including but not limited to cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis.
The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs voted by 27 to 25 to
remove the cannabis from Schedule IV of the U.N.’s 1961 Single
Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
The vote came after experts at the World Health Organization recommended that the plant be removed from the list, where cannabis was listed alongside deadly and highly addictive opioids like heroin.
While the plant remains a banned drug for non-medical and recreational use under UN law, advocates have hailed the vote as likely to boost efforts to legalize the plant and validate medical research of the plant.
“This is welcome news for the millions of people who use cannabis for therapeutic purposes, and reflects the reality of the growing market for cannabis-based medicinal products,” said a press release from a group of drug reform advocates.
Dirk Heitepriem, a vice president at Canadian cannabis company Canopy Growth,
the vote was a “big step forward,” adding: “We hope this will empower more countries to create frameworks which allow patients in need to get access to treatment.”
The move has also resulted in a boost for stocks that supply cannabis for medicinal purposes, as is the case with companies like Canopy.
In recent years, demand for medical marijuana products has exploded as consumers clamor for products containing cannabis derivatives like cannabidiol CBD a nonintoxicating compound. Market analysts estimate that in the United States alone, the CBD industry could be worth $16 billion by 2025.
While businessmen in the legal cannabis market are gleeful over the move, some advocates remain critical of the fact that the vote does little to address the collateral damage wrought by decades of a war on drugs that has been punctuated by colonialism and racism, and has disproportionately impacted Black and Indigenous communities across the globe.
“The original decision [in 1961] to prohibit cannabis lacked scientific basis and was rooted in colonial prejudice and racism,” said Anna Fordham , the executive director of the International Drug Policy Consortium.
Continuing, she said that the United Nations’ original stance on cannabis “disregarded the rights and traditions of communities that have been growing and using cannabis for medicinal, therapeutic, religious and cultural purposes for centuries, and has led to millions being criminalized and incarcerated across the globe.”
Lockdown Sceptics is a sceptical site?
From the article “That Was Quick” by Jonathan Barr,
“This is a medical breakthrough and, on the face of it, good news. Nonetheless, many Briton’s are not yet convinced that the vaccine is safe. “
Hard hitting stuff!
“Sceptics must be careful to avoid excessive application of the precautionary principle here. Of course, it hasn’t been definitively proved that the vaccine is safe. But then again, it can’t be proved, categorically, that it would be safe to end all Government-mandated restrictions tomorrow and we don’t regard that as a good reason not to do so. It’s about a balance of risk and we should apply that same calculus here:.”
Is this a real critique?
I think you have to be a bit discerning on that site. The ‘sceptics’ are the commenters rather than the editors. I would hardly call Toby Young a radical.
There are some good commenters and its a great resource for stuff but in the last few days the editorials have been bigging up the vaccine (as above) dismissing ‘conspiracy theorists’ as the bigging up of William Wraggs comments regarding a govt conspiracy and generally being careful to not say anything to inadvertently radical.
“bigging up the vaccine” is putting it mildly. It is currently being whored around like The Holy Grail. Verily shall we fall on our faces as we are called to repent and open ourselves up for The Gift Of The Divinity!
Lockdown Sceptics is obviously a gatekeeper to keep emergent questioners on the reservation and out of the rabbit hole. Much like Hitchens. How anyone can square Hitchens’ residence at The Daily Mail with truthtelling AND genuine resistance is hysterically funny. But I guess we all pass that milestone en route to OffG and FromBehindEnemylines.
It’s that pincer movement I keep talking about. Covid scepticism is OK coming from figures seen as on the Right who have also been tarred as “conspiracy theorists” with all the negative connotations that term conjures up. But it is the Left party line to “get with the” vax programme.
So you’re caught between an inevitable irrepressible guffaw at the covid crap but when you turn to the Left and expect them to back you up, you find a bunch of covid worshippers. And then you find the covid scepticism you’ve been looking for …and it comes from the Right.
So when you give voice to you own scepticism, those Holy Lefties just sneer at you – or, more than likely, just ignore you, thinking you are a “Rightist” conspiracy nut who is not worth their attention. I’ve even heard the sermon from one “revolutionary”, speaking about how the virus has unmasked some “pseudo-Leftists” who are now cuddling up with the “extreme Right”. The psychological manoeuvre is so blatant it’s embarrassing.
Ah that good ol’ dialectic!
Yup, Doctor Who and the Dialectics!
Not only COVIDskeptics website that as I see it was pushing anti lockdown ideas but not on bases of COVID fraud but only criticizing devastating disproportionate response, drifts into embrace of official COVID mantra. The same happen to https://swprs.org/facts-about-covid-19/ website.
in March extraordinary blog, cutting through MSM and governments hysteria with hard facts and diverse opinions urging calm before hard epidemiological data is available, only to succumb to COVID propaganda changing opinions under guise of reviewing of bulk of obviously skewed by big Pharma money COVID scientific papers relying on fraudulent technologies like PCR buying such ideas as fear mongering about threat reinfection or broadening of COVID symptoms into total vagueness or supposed long term health effects supposedly of COVID ignoring common preexisting conditions in 99% of severe patients.
The same trap of relying on fraudulent diagnostics, and hence mischaracterization of disease and hence exaggeration of COVID hospitalization numbers, as well blatantly wrong over classification of COVID deaths by factor of ten invalidates any subsequent seemingly rational analysis, claimed by websites like Oxford Center for Evidence Based Science and SWPRS, of what amounts to garbage data.
Now SWPRS is seemingly defunct.
For us rational people minimum starting point of clearing COVID sham is diagnosing ‘COVID” by specific, present in patients damage to lung tissue not PCR test. Rejecting cases unless clinical diagnosed by doctor as standard definition of respiratory disease requires.
it is exactly what Chinese did since mid March when they rejected PCR as clinical diagnostic tool, treating and diagnosing COVID as another type of pneumonia (nominally called SC2 type pneumonia, to distinguish it other types of pneumonia related lung tissue damage)
That alone immediately reduced Chinese COVID nominal infections, hospitalizations and deaths to near zero.
Only after real, minuscule, scale of this COVID sham is revealed true and objective investigation of scientific, corporate and government culprits may begin.
Excellent and informative comment, thanks!
Also essential: a doctor must personally diagnose the disease, i.e. decide that the patient is ill enough to be a “case”.
A year after this affair started, besides the gibberish of “positives”, the propagandists are very reluctant to reveal periodic (non-cumulative) figures for (a) # only quarantined (b) # warded (c) # dead with no other major illnesses/accident.
The medical and propaganda industries have (a) staged the claims of overwhelmed hospitals (b) suppressed cheap foods, herbs and medicines that ward off and cure the illness (c) suppressed the thousands of medical experts in many countriues who condemn the lies and tyranny.
Excellent Daisy, cheers. Here’s another conspiracy theory for you: the Liberal ‘woke’ Left are the new Fascists cheering on the new normal tyranny.
Oh, wait, that’s not a conspiracy theory.
Had fireworks today while selling the mag. I mentioned to customers about the vaccines being rolled out in the UK, and how could they have the vaccines ready so quickly when they take years to develop.
A well dressed woman walked past as I was talking to my customers. She returned a couple minutes later and bought the mag. She goes: “I heard some of what you were saying about vaccines. I work for AstraZeneca”.
😲😠 was my reaction.
I pointedly asked her where was the scientific proof the virus existed, I mentioned about all the Freedom of Information requests regards the virus and Govts not being able to provide proof of it, and I asked her how they could possibly have a safe vaccine ready so fast.
She claimed the virus had been isolated, but wouldn’t give details, and actually said that “because covid 19 was an offshoot of Sars, that’s how we could develop a vaccine so quickly”. Exact words.
I got really angry, and she went “we’ll have to agree to disagree then” and left. I was probably about to get myself sacked anyway, but found myself wishing I had’ve kept calm, and asked about the full legal indemnity and the Oxford trials also.
I did met 2 more covid sceptics today as well, which was good.
Wait till she’s facing the big phallic needle and see what she says.
She’ll probably be moaning with pleasure… Yes! Yes! Ohhh Yes!
Noted she lives in one of the wealthiest suburbs in Melbourne where average house prices are mind boggling. There’s a clue right there George.
Or maybe she is clueless and really believes what her company says?
Go for it Gezzah! If we don’t speak out, we’ll all go under. From now on I’m not wearing a mask unless I’m forced to by a shop owner, but in that case will argue the case, as I did in Bunnings the other day. I spoke to the shop manager, who agreed wearing masks was unpleasant, and unnecessary, and the employees didn’t like it, but it was company and government directives, but he could only advise me to wear one.
The same problem now arises with the QR code tracking, which ALL businesses in NSW are forced to install and get customers to register with their portable tracking devices, so that ASIO can work out just who talks to who… So that even though the virus is almost extinct in OZ, the teams of contact tracers are busy working out peoples’ contacts so that if there is an infection they will be able to immediately trace them all. The QR code is like the passport, and it’s so easy that people will use it just to get by, without any idea what happens to their data.
As for the vaccine, I wouldn’t be fussed on getting the Russian one or the Chinese one, which are conventional types and very unlikely to hurt you. I’d sooner have had the virus, but there’s little chance of that now, and we can’t escape from Australia until we have the vaccine. My main concern is that the mRNA vaccines have suddenly been approved on the basis of zero long-term use, and we have no idea what this method of fiddling with the cell machinery could have. The Oxford vaccine might be safe enough, but its hiccup has seen it tossed aside. how can we possibly trust governments that have lied through their teeth to bring us to this point, and manipulated us with fear?
Lastly there is one oddity about Victoria that is worth noting. It’s been free of virus positive tests for 35 days now, during which time they have conducted around 400,000 tests. It is simply NOT POSSIBLE to do this many tests without ONE SINGLE false positive. This has happened at the same time that sewage testing has found virus present and caused whole suburbs to be called for testing “anyone who has symptoms”. But no cases have been found! DYOC!
Hi David, I should’ve just yelled at her… This is so serious now, and the ramifications almost unthinkable, that we can’t afford to be polite or considerate anymore.
Even down here in Melbourne, I’m seeing shops with QR codes by the entrance and a sign saying ‘please scan the QR code before entering this store’.
How do you get around this?
The magazine management sent us a text last week saying that ‘even tho you are working outside, due to Govt guidelines, all vendors are still required to wear a facemask while selling the magazine” and there was stuff about keeping customers and ourselves safe, etc, etc.
I’m just ignoring that ‘directive’ and not wearing a facemask at all. I’m so tired of this bullshit. If management find out, sobeit.
So all those tests they’ve conducted, and nothing, nada, zero ‘cases’. How odd. Or maybe not.
Fellow commenter here, Paul, has suggested that Andrews was just pulling numbers out of thin air.
I’m inclined to agree with that scenario, given all the contradictions and the serious issues with the PCR tests to begin with. And if we’ve had 35 days with no ‘cases’…. why do we still have to wear facemasks?
I believe it’s nothing to do with safety, but with psychologically conditioning of the ‘new normal’ and of control, and of a visual reminder to keep fearful.
Even down here in Melbourne, I’m seeing shops with QR codes by the entrance and a sign saying “please scan the QR code before entering this store”. How do you get around this?
scanning the QR code found in this article:
directs you to this webpage:
there doesn’t seem to be anything that would stop you from filling it out with complete bullshit, just the same as you would do for a paper contact-tracing form.
it sure would be tragic if somebody were to continuously spam these online forms with fabricated identities, and completely swamp the actual customers in bogus data, making their contact-tracing meaningless and impossible.
yes, it makes one shudder, just to think of it.
I used to love eating out at cafes prior to the scamdemic, but now, won’t do it period. I won’t even fill in a fake name on principle. I get a takeaway coffee and maybe a sandwich or a muffin and go and sit in a nearby Park.
It’s going to make it very difficult if nearly all shops start doing this – like in NSW. Have a good weekend M👍
If you tell them you don’t own a mobile phone, you can write (false) details on a paper form. I hope this is true.
I won’t even fill in a fake name on principle.
it seems to me that if one fills in an obviously fake name, like “Hugh Mungus”, or “Obama bin Ladin”, for example, then no principles are violated.
if the restaurant wants to turn away business on that account, then let them. the government may require them to collect a name, but it surely can’t require that they decide whether it is a plausible name. if they want to be assholes about it, then the joke’s on them.
I see your point, and it’s not like I’m actually boycotting these places.
They’re still getting my money. A takeaway coffee and takeaway food. I just won’t eat in anymore. Its a personal principle unique to me!
Right… I need to catch up on some Corbett Report videos, and I haven’t watched Vernon Coleman for weeks. Enjoy your day M.
Peaceful non-compliance.
Play dumb if you are cornered and pretend to scan the code on the way out.
If they insist on watching you scan the code, fill the form with garbage information like John Connor or High Johnson.
If they insist on seeing your ID for verification, leave the area and find another place to shop.
Does the code scanning import all data from your mobile phone? I bet it does. And them kept for future use by a private company.
of course not; it’s just a weblink, as shown above.
The QR code for a shop/enterprise is an image/string incorporating its location. The app on your phone sends that and your phone number to its base.
US and other police use a device to read data from a phone at checkpoints.
Data-mining is now a big industry. Data is sold and used for spying purposes. They will collect as much as possible at every opportunity.
Here’s another conspiracy theory for you: in 2020 the patriots and preppers are told that the lockdown is good!!! martial law is good.
so Trump and the deep state can get the elites and lock them up!!! they even said the virus is deadly and be very careful it’s a china bioweapon as they hate our way of life.
natural ranger mike adams (who also trains military personnel) alex jones bannon the usual lot who scream freedom and democracy to there clueless fanbase
Operation warpspeed is so they can arrest the elites!!! when vaccine is mention by trump it is coded talk!!!
Maga american can become a decent country again
Trust the plan
There’s a blog on Minds (I think) where the author Jim Cheshire talks about publishing the first of the Random Skies books in 1999 (2020s, pandemic, new world order.) He makes good points in the blog. People called the book ‘conspiracy theory’ and told him it would never happen because the people wouldn’t stand for it. He replied that increased media propaganda, and dumbing down of society would make people credulous to things that were currently unthinkable. 20 odd years later and here it is, exactly on cue, and those people now have nothing to say. Check the blurb on Amazon. It’s so uncomfortable that, in my view, the series might get taken down, possibly because it’s required reading. Like other ‘conspiracies’ exposed in the books, the fact that somebody could have even thought of today’s events all those years ago, is like a shadow of the mentality that can make things like bioterror actually happen.
Talk about predictive. Kinda tricky to find, one needs to game the search engine a little and then it only goes to Amazon. Nary a word about the series on wikipedia, go figure.
It is hard to find. No Twatter, no Fakebook. It’s on the literature sites though (where I found it) and the website is starting to get good. Some of it is jaw-dropping, and the community is growing, so maybe the series gets too big to shadow ban.
Revelation 13 doesn’t seem so far fetched now, does it.
Ooh even Fauci is getting a bit too bolshy:
The pet is straining a bit here. Time for a bit of harsh re-training!
Now where have I seen this kind of thing before? Ah yes, anyone who even hints at critiquing the Zionists must be made to grovel and grovel and it’s never enough.
So lots of assurances that no cliches, sorry, corners have been cut and the requisite statistical Grand Guignol just to reassure investors.
“Trust me, you get used to it. Heck, you might even begin to understand why I’m a gun owner.”
Daisy, what if you had pulled the gun at those three men and they had guns themselves, one each?
she didn’t pull out the gun, so even if they were armed themselves, they would have understood that the least dangerous option was simply to leave, which they did.
does that answer your question?
conversely, what would have happened if nobody had a gun?
I believe in being able to defend yourself but I also doubt that this means your safe. The situation above could easily have ended quite differently including scenarios with Daisy wounded or dead.
Being able to defend yourself never makes you safe. But it makes you a whole safer than if you couldn’t.
I used to be very pro-gun control and anti firearms for private possession. This was back when I still had some trust in the state as a bumbling but ultimately benevolent giant that occasionally made mistakes (you know, like wars and stuff), but ultimately a well meaning construct.
Now, after the simulated black death 2.0 charade and all the horrible things that have come to light the last decades, I am pro-gun: the more guns the people have, the better! AK47s for everyone is my new motto. It’s vastly harder to subdue an armed population than an unarmed one should the shit hit the fan.
“It’s vastly harder to subdue an armed population than an unarmed one should the shit hit the fan.”
Quite a different matter than arming oneself for general protection …
somebody just took an earth mover and not only levelled the playing field but toally removed it
That site is blocked.
“Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity.“
Try the wiki
You may be able to find some links in the references….and i dont know what country you are in but i have no trouble using basic search engine on a laptop accessing enblocpress….try opera browser and its built in vpn or perhaps you have your own.
Alternatively search engine of your choice for ”FGC9” (fuck gun control 9mm )….i knew about the liberator and Cody Wilson but i got a surprise yesterday when i found out how far things had advanced….hell im 56 and struggle to put my trousers on the right way some days…but even i could do it given the printer and associated bits n bobs !
“Being able to defend yourself never makes you safe. But it makes you a whole safer than if you couldn’t.”
As long as your means are equal or bigger, yes.
[“Being able to defend yourself never makes you safe. But it makes you a whole safer than if you couldn’t.”
As long as your means are equal or bigger, yes.]
No, not “as long as.”
Even if it is not equal or bigger, you are still shortening the odds.
The statistics of countries with stricter gun control suggest otherwise. The state and to a lesser extent criminals will always have the upper hand when it comes to weapons – better weapons, better training etc – whether there is a right for private citizens to own weapons or not.
The sense I get is that an armed society is indeed a more polite one and that criminals think twice about infronging on the rights of their fellow citizens. This coming from the USA rather than the Island of Blunt Steak Knives…. For the size of the population and the sheer number of guns, The States have a surprisingly low body count. A majority are suicides, most deaths are from hand guns and occur in 4 major large cities (gang-bangers). Bicycle take more lives than rifles.
Criminal here do not have rhe upper hand unless they are on their own turf. The state has an advantage in terms of hardware, but keep in mind it does not OWN all the people that it uses to apply force. There is a sizable population of combat veterans from the Forever Wars that spans generations, has trigger time, and does not care much for the State. Yes the masses are generally fat, sick, brainwashed and complacent, but when things get really bad the people with survivor mentality will likely move en masse. Due to the blanket dominance of the MSM it;s near impossible to tell what the great unwashed are thinking and maybe that’s a good thing….
You still seem to ignore the fact that had she not been armed,her and her child life was at the whim of 3 men. I am not pro gun,but in this situation she had a fighting chance of defending herself.
“You still seem to ignore the fact that had she not been armed,her and her child life was at the whim of 3 men. I am not pro gun,but in this situation she had a fighting chance of defending herself.”
I’m not ignoring anything, I’m just pointing out that having a gun only give you an upper hand if the other party haven’t.
If both parties have guns it helps if you come across a trigger happy nutter or if your gun is “bigger”. The perfect situation: Every mans personal nuclear bomb; few would want to provoke you to “pull the trigger” …
And you ignore that I don’t say she has the upper hand. I said she has a fighting chance. Unarmed against 3 unarmed men,zero chance.
[I’m not ignoring anything, I’m just pointing out that having a gun only give you an upper hand if the other party haven’t.]
And you are ignoring that your case about not having the “upper hand” is not the key issue, which is actually about lessening the disparity the innocent has vis a vis the threat – which usually has a major “upper hand.”
When you have finished arguing….could any of you tell me how to rid the UK of the tyranny thats installed itself short of using ultraviolence and firearms or perhaps give examples of tyranny in history where it was removed by non violence ???
The guy on the right looks evil.
At 50, every man has the face he deserves.
George Orwell
Jon Snow has a cameo role (as himself) in a two-part programme called Utopia, which came out a few years ago. In the role, he’s one of the well-known people who are enlisted to make an advert which tries to persuade people to take a vaccine. A vaccine that makes 95% of people infertile.
That is only one of the many parallels with what’s happening now that are contained in that very gruesome piece of predictive programming.
you may not be able to view it if you are in the UK if so use opera browser and the inbuilt vpn
Ha. I watched that episode (again) last night. Poor little Geoff finds out that he isn’t as important as he thinks he is. …
I recently binge watched the American remake which was watchable but a bit less nuanced and then found out a second series has been cancelled…wonder why ?…..I then rewatched both series 1 & 2 of the original and it was like putting on a comfy pair of slippers and the line ”Ve Haf salebrities” still makes me chuckle no matter how many times i see it
The original version left the door open for a third series. Wilson ”New Mr Rabbit” Wilson and the canisters…
(I agree that the original is superior to the remake).
I am really surprised its still available ….very VERY close to the knuckle now….glad i downloaded it when i had chance ….and i nearly cried when i found out they had cancelled series 3…..the best tv i have seen in the last 10 years!
I watched it all again as soon as I’d finished the second series. I don’t recall having done that very often with other programmes.
It’s top-quality telly!
It’s so unbelievable that the leading academic institutions propagate lies and fraud on behalf of the bankers and industrialists who are the same people dropping bomb on babies and polluting the earth, air, land and sea with poisons, plastics and radiation.
The guy on the right, Dr. Bell, knew exactly what he was saying about “sterilization.” A scientist would never use that term to describe removing a type of virus from a living body. The interviewer was shocked by the remark and tried to interrupt this miscreant obviously to get a further clarification as to what he meant by “sterilize.” Bell understood this exactly and had no intention of allowing the interviewer to request a clarification. The interviewer, a part of the Kabuki, understood exactly what Bell was doing and instead of following up with his clarification question when Bell had paused his remarks, terminated the interview.
Refer to the law of reversal. When he says “cult,” it’s projection reflecting off the mirror and coming right back at him.
“These vaccines are unlikely to “completely sterilize” a population. Professor Sir John Bell, SAGE!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMAkFKprzRQ&feature=emb_title
not completely? well, I guess that’s OK, then.
Watch “”These vaccines are unlikely to “completely sterilize” a population. Professor Sir John Bell, SAGE!” on YouTube https://twitter.com/Piers_Corbyn/status/1334476251025829889
The fact checkers are out in force saying that, of course, Sir John was meant ‘sterilize the virus’.
Sir John knows very well what words mean. Just as Bill Gates did not use the phrase “final solution” by accident.
I haven’t read this in depth but it seems to be worth a look:
Ex-Head of Pfizer Research Dr Michael Yeadon: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization
“Just as Bill Gates did not use the phrase “final solution” by accident”.
Or have the book ‘How to lie with statistics’ on display in several interviews by accident.
Caitlin Johnston cooking recipe for novel American revolution!
“What I do advocate, in as many different ways as I can come up with, is a decentralized guerrilla psywar against the institutions which enable the powerful to manipulate the way ordinary people think, act and vote.”
I suggest she first should use guerrilla psywar on governments, Big Pharma and Public Health institutions that made her blind to obvious COVID deceptions and crimes and forced her to think and act irrationally and by that senselessly self-emasculating her own legacy of skeptical, rational and independent thought.
What was it Caitlin? Money? Brainwashing? Coercion?
Caitlin, remember unexamined life is not worth living.
Thank you Kalen. I mentioned Caitlin Johnstone in a comment here yesterday, and had another commenter accuse me of attempting to malign her.
I think Ms Johnstone did a really good job of that herself by her disgraceful silence on the scamdemic and on the draconian lockdowns and only very belatedly tweeting a few times about people getting arrested by cops in Melbourne, one of whom she used the label ‘rightist wingnut’ This after numerous people had called her out on her silence.
In my opinion, I now believe she’s controlled opposition.
She’s very likely controlled opposition, but if not then she is seriously lacking in critical thought and insight. Either way, she is of no use to the genuine left (or any) opposition.
Breaking News: LA under occupation of cult Covidians, fake medical marshal law introduced, effective immediately all civil and human rights suspended until further notice including freedom of movement under criminal and administrative penalties, including, fine and/or imprisonment, as well as cutting off life sustaining water, gas and electricity for households of COVID criminals. Reign of terror escalates.
from ABC
“Subject only to the exceptions outlined in this Order, all persons living within the City of Los Angeles are hereby ordered to remain in their homes,” the mayor’s order states.
The new order also says travel whether by foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, car or public transit is prohibited..
Violating the order is a misdemeanor, subject to fines and imprisonment, the mayor says. He is asking the Los Angeles Police Department and City Attorney’s Office to enforce it. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power can also shut off utility service for violations.
Thousands of Angelenos received a text message with a link to the city’s new emergency order that contains the line “… all persons living within the City of Los Angeles are hereby ordered to remain in their homes.”
The escalation of fascist state run by cult Covidians continues. It is time to heed American declaration of Independence of 1776 and sharpen our pitchforks to overthrow this government of doomsday COVID cult of fear and death.
the movie trailer already came out:
I actually found that quite disturbing to watch….and im a huge fan of ‘dystopian’ cinema …but that….scares me witless !
activities such as golf, tennis and pickleball are permitted, according to the order
Of course.
But you can’t travel to the golf course or tennis court. So unless you happen to have one on your property you are SOL.
Perhaps less fortunate fanatic golfers, tennis, and pickleball players are already tunneling from their basements to the nearest courses and courts.
activities such as golf, tennis and pickleball are permitted, according to the order
Of course.
Sorry for the double, folks! The first one disappeared without even a spam alert, so I posted again, and now both are here. WTF, off-g?
9 / 11
Bill Cooper ( 6 months before)
This is why he was shot dead on his front lawn.
The event that shows more than any other how the CIA, a global network with German roots based in America, can do what they choose. Nobody can touch them. They’re the World Government’s hit men.
JFK warned that he would shut them down as they were a danger to world peace, let alone US security. So he was shot to pieces.
9/11 is proof of why JFK had to go and why Bill Cooper had to.
The event was the acid test for the people of the world. Or at least of their gullibility versus critical thinking. If enough accepted the official narrative despite any evidence then the elite knew that the 21st century was the turning point. That enough out there were dumbed down to the point of being dangerous to themselves and to the rest of us.
The same people behind it all are behind 2020’s digital 9 /11, a virus composed of data, that they believe we should hide from until these animals legislate the enforcing of poison into our bloodstream.
Like Aaron Russo, Bill Cooper tried his best. It cost him his life.
This ten minutes sums up a lot of things quite tidily . Check each.
The sheer stupidity of believing the official narrative of 9 /11 ; the relationship between the media and the CIA; that scripts were already prepped for the event; and that Cooper told us 9 /11 was already planned and they already had the patsy. He said it live on air- not after the event.
From JFK to Cooper to 9 /11.From Vietnam to Iraq. There was a spell of 50 plus years for billions to act. A minority tried. And even now, it’s only a minority trying.
The elite never change unless it’s to become more evil. Unfortunately the highest percentage of their victims never change either, unless it’s to become more compliant and dumb.
Can Off-Guardian please follow up with this Guardian nonsense or at least provide somewhere to comment on and counter this propaganda.
Donald Trump releases video statement repeating baseless vote fraud claims.
baseless – really.
https : // www . youtube . com / watch?v=WP0ixjE7JIU
Michigan Fraudhttps://everylegalvote.com/state/26
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.com LIVE: Georgia Election Fraud Hearing/
Dominion Took Major Chinese Money/
Security Concerns Remove Staff at US Baghdad Embassy/
Domestic Terrorism: Washington Railroad Attacks/
Antifa Vows Vengence Dec3-10/
Video: 4 Volcanoes Erupt Dec 2
Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP
Welwyn Hatfield MP and Secretary of State for Transport
From 4am on Sat 5th Dec certain performing arts professionalsTV production staff journalists and recently signed elite sports persons will also be exempt, subject to specific criteria being met – guidance will be available on http://gov.uk soon
New Business Traveller exemption: From 4am on Sat 5th Dec high-value business travellerswill no longer need to self-isolate when returning to ENGLAND from a country NOT in a travel corridor, allowing more travel to support the economy and jobs. Conditions apply.
deadly virus disease doesn’t effect elites
that’s because they are the disease.
“ certain performing arts professionals, TV production staff journalists and recently signed elite sports persons will also be exempt,”
That’s all those who will endorse this fascist dictatorship and act accordingly to promote the continuing criminal behaviour of this “government “.
We will soon see some of them fronting TV ad campaigns to persuade people to take the vaccine.
It’s being prepped already.
The NHS ‘heroes’ in all that ads have almost all the post drama students fresh f rom acting school dressed as nurses and para medics and all shot walking in super slow motion. When they use super slow motion you know it’s for effect; it gives the viewer longer to gaze in awe and admire. It makes them look more heroic / cool too. Then the serious, hushed, melodramatic narrator instructs us about the seriousness of everything ( ”this invisible virus eats babies” etc). The overall effect hoped for is that we all inwardly clap with our bin lids again. They can **** off.
Smack ’em over the head with a bin lid, maybe.
Oh dear, it seems that someone’s been living in a bubble.
>Did you ever really think we’d live in a country where the government would tell private business owners when and how they could operate?
Its called a ‘war economy’; what we’re experiencing is a bit of a non-event compared to the real thing. (Yes, our government does have the power…….)
>Travel papers
Another name for “Real ID”. You really can’t go anywhere in the US without an ID of some sort. The Real ID endorsement just makes a state ID into a Federal ID.
>tracking of humans….
Just humans? Did you read about the test of license plate reading from a high altitude drone that happened over San Diego recently?
>cashless societies
The US has been a bit late to this party. I went effectively cashless back when I was living in the UK in the early 80s. We’re just getting to this point now in the US. I haven’t spent any cash since…..I can’t remember.
See Real ID above. We ‘chip’ our pets, we’ve been doing it for years, so its only a matter of time before some bright spark thought of doing this to people.
>Mandatory Vaccination
Its actually not a new thing at all for travel. Back in the good old days to had to have you shots — and have them recorded in your passport — before going overseas.Obviously you don’t need to vaccinate yourself but expect your options to be limited.
>Re-education camps
These are both expensive and unnecessary. (Bad optics.) You can achieve roughly the same effect by just adjusting the culture. One of the peculiarities of our present wannabe dystopia is that those who feel they’re outside or somehow rebelling against the system are actually the ones that tend to be most led around by the nose by it. (Just saying…..) Anyway, you may have figured out by now that the purpose of schooling in general isn’t just readin’, writin’ and ‘rithmetic, its to churn out good citizens. We’ve been a bit remiss in letting courses in civcs and US history fade a bit but you’ve probably heard the term ‘citizenship’ more than a few times while at school.
Speaking as someone that’s not unfamiliar with acid I’d suggest the rabbit hole on acid isn’t quite what you’re looking for to decribe today’s world. “Bad sci-fi novel with 1984 undertones” is more like it, its certainly something more suited to Victory Gin than psychedelics. Despite this you really don’t need to get too exotic to make sense of it — the world we live in changes quite rapidly at the moment but the basic nature of people hasn’t changed much, if at all. Neither has the forces shaping society. As for conspiracies in general you can’t beat “Them” by Jon Ronson as a great primer to this world — its an oldish book but it will both make you laugh and send chills up your spine.
I do have friends that can help with the acid thing…ok its one of the pre ban molecule shift designer versions and lasts for 12 hours…but shout if you need one…..it’ll do you far more good than the vaxxine
The moment they start to push their poison injections on the public will be the moment of decision. This will be presented in their usual smug and casually authoritative way but surely there must be vast numbers in the population who, even if they have conformed to the regulations so far, will back away from this literal invasion of their innermost private space. And then the MSM will of course ignore that or present it as a minority of gullible nuts who – here it comes! – pose the biggest threat to everyone.
Orwellian reversal with a vengeance!
Nice to see this area addressed finally. Of course, most of us- if not all- who attend the site regularly, will not have been shocked by this content. It confirms what we’ve been finding for a long time and what we are still finding.
Such pieces of information tend to be scattered around and fragmented. They also turn up on social networks and get poisoned by the trolls and shills and regurgitated with BS planted inside. It’s all part of the quiet war ; us and them.
I was seeing old headlines and images as i walked through that. I saw the smiling face of the likeable film producer Aaron Russo in his final years trying all he could when he knew he was terminal to alert us all to the agenda of the Rockerfellers and their (RFID chips). He introduced many to the pertinent fable of the boiling frog. He remained on track until he had to go in 2007.
Many others also came to mind. Maybe I’ll get back to them. But,in the meantime, my suggestion is that we get the sheep to read and understand this. After all, it’s only 7 items and they’re related so even they can absorb and store them before their brain clicks off.
It may be a waste of time- let’s face it- most efforts are wasted on them unless it’s coming from a fake tanned ultra violet toothed reality ‘star’. But we need a chunk of these idiots onside. It’s already been too late for years. At least we can make a fist of things with a bigger number.
Like it or not, we have a duty to do this. The alternative is equal to a silent, timid surrender to these psychopaths. Our children, and theirs, deserve better. As do our fathers and grandfathers who lost their lives fighting to prevent a new world order run by maniacs who always had this goal in mind as the soldiers fell in their millions.
“They will create the virus themselves and they will sell the antidotes afterwards, pretending to take their time to find the solution when they already have it.” Muammar Gaddafi, speech to UN, September 23, 2009
h/t/ @IceAgeFarmer (Twitter)
Great find that. I looked it up on YT
About the 1hr and 27 min mark onwards
I remember that well. The youtube with subtitles. I remember thinking to myself, ‘i wonder if i can get odds on him being history within 2 years’..
He as well as Saddam Hussein knew the score. They knew the agenda and they knew where the nest was. They let it go public so they wouldn’t be assassinated in vain. They warned us on their way out.
Find who wanted them dead; find who they were talking about to get targeted.
The CIA is a fine example of power being far more useful than intelligence.
Khaddaffi, maybe. But Saddam? Wasn’t he the Illuminati asset who invaded Iran in 1980?
An illuminati asset doesn’t commit an act that will ultimately result in his country being invaded and raped of it’s assets and have it’s banks bastardised and end his days on the run hunted like a wild dog. Who benefited from the narrative that Saddam Hussein was behind the invasion ?
“…I’ve been barraged with “creative” rape threats with a vast variety of implements and violent threats by the “peaceful” left.” You lost me there. We aren’t all ‘that’ Left. You could have noted it. That Left is Right. And before you babble that this is evil communism; No, This is evil capitalism or fascism. They are the polar opposites.
‘Violence, coercion, forced labor—to Fourier, those were all the hallmarks of the stages of history that Harmony would inevitably supersede, and none of them entered into his worldview. One of the results of Fourier’s steadfastly utopian vision, of course, is that socialism in Fourier’s aftermath had no effective plans for establishing the new economic and social order, and no effective means to make sure that people behaved the way that socialist theory said they ought to behave once the new order was in place. Those were the two big questions that kept socialist theoreticians and activists busy all through the nineteenth century—how do you get people to embrace the glorious socialist future, and then make them behave accordingly?
Some of the answers to that question turned out to be quite viable in certain restricted contexts, though they involved ditching most of the goals that socialism inherited from Fourier. There’s social democracy, which replaces socialism as such with a bureaucratic state that uses regulatory power to try to make people do what Fourier thought they should do; it’s got its problems, but social democracy has been viable in Europe and some other corners of the world for more than a century and many people seem to like it. There’s democratic syndicalism, which organizes the wage class via worker-owned cooperatives and labor unions, and uses those to press for changes that approximate what Fourier had in mind; that’s got its problems, too, but it’s also been viable for well over a century and remains a significant force in a lot of countries today.
The great contribution of Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin to the history of socialism is that they proved that there was a far more effective option. That option, of course, was brutal organized violence on the grand scale. If people don’t want to participate in the glorious socialist future, you shoot them; if they don’t behave the way Marxist theory says they ought to behave, you ship them to prison camps and work them to death: hey, problem solved! Those are workable answers. They’re not good answers, and they’re not the kind of answers that Fourier or Marx had in mind, but unlike nearly all the other answers that have been floated by socialists, they functioned—at least until the many other failings of socialist economics reduced the Soviet Union and its client states to basket-case status..’
I think that the techies have come up with another ‘solution’ to the problems faced by historical idealists : automated enforcement by the machine. Non compliance simply means deletion. The Resetters are not interested in nationalism or any of the ideology of fascism. They want a rationalised, de-populated, automated world for their eco elites and a remnant of identity-less serfs to support them in whatever machines cannot yet accomplish.
I’m on your side, but I think we have to make allowances for people like this, and the terminology that they’re familiar with. it isn’t their fault that the only “left” they’ve ever encountered is the deranged, transgenderized, killary-voting, gun-controlling, identity-politics fascists.
after reassuring these people that we are much more sympathetic to them and their real-world concerns, than we are to the utterly delusional and rabid PC “left” and their ruling-class sponsors (all goodthinkers know that George Soros is just an anti-semitic myth), we can explain to them that there used to be an organized left which actually opposed the billionaire class and their whole program, and that there are in fact significant numbers of survivors of the collapse of that social movement.
it must be becoming apparent to “right-wing” populists, that neoliberal capitalism has nothing further to offer them but slavery, even if they believe that slavery should be called “socialism”. we can have productive discussions with these people, if both sides can temporarily decline to be offended by the other side’s terminology, until the large areas of mutual agreement become apparent.
after watching the PC “left” hysterically shill for the COVID-1984 hoax, I myself have nothing left to say to them, except “go get vaccinated and die, you moronic fascist scumbags.” I think that about covers it; can you think of anything else?
we need to find some new friends to start talking to. I’m willing to make allowances for their dumb vocabulary, until I have a chance to educate them a little bit. they actually need us, because their political theory is certainly not adequate to defeat the coming neo-feudal police state and its billionaire overlords.
As I never get tired of announcing, I borrowed a phrase from the fundamentalist Christian lexicon, and refer to the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic-promoting would-be “progressives” and “leftists” as the Left Behind.
I think “fake left” is much more self-explanatory, and likely to be at least partially understood by a wide range of audiences.
we urgently need the “right-wing” populist movement, the working-class and self-employed people who voted for Trump, because they weren’t offered any better option, to become accustomed to the idea that there is a fake left and a real left, and that while the fake left is certainly their enemy, the real left is not necessarily so.
Very reasonable plea.
Just a few months ago, I would have been engaged in furious but ultimately harmless and mostly fruitless debates/arguments/insult trading with the more conservative minded types but that now belongs to a different age. Sure, some of what Daisy Luther wrote had me raising my eyebrows but last year I would have thrown it out without getting to the end.
Surely all of us can save our ‘comfortable’ disputes regarding the finer points of socialism or capitalism or whatever our particular bugbear is for another time.
If you’re a creature of the right, then you are not my natural friend, any more than I am yours, but please lets recognise that we have a common enemy. This authoritarian nightmare that is swinging down upon us is not a creation of either of us. It will happily crush us all without prejudice.
It’s common for both sides to start engaging in hyperbolic comparisons of someone you disagree with to a Stalin or a Hitler (or substitute with any other hate figure of your choice), but this tyrannical authority we face now, and its truly global reach is far more dangerous than either of those, or even Arthur Balfour. We are not simply dissecting history though, we are watching it unfold around us.
People of either side, let’s go back to slinging mud at each other when we have no more pressing concerns. For now – friends?
almost nobody even knows what “left” and “right” mean, anymore, since the public discourse has become so polluted with ruling-class disinformation, emanating not least from the identity-politics “left”.
at this particular juncture in history, you can either be on the side of the people who are wearing masks, or the people who are not. for me at least, it’s an easy choice to make.
“For now – friends?” We are asking. What is ‘their’ response?
“This authoritarian nightmare that is swinging down upon us is not a creation of either of us. It will happily crush us all without prejudice.”
I absolutely agree. Authoritarian regimes have placed themselves all over the political spectrum but as it always was: What you say you are is way to often not what you are.
I might feel a bit differently about it all, but I actually greatly appreciated the moral support. Thanks. I find it hard to talk nice to people who are happily disappearing me.
consider the possibility that we might eventually become friends with people who have the good sense to hate the fake left just as much as we do.
I no longer get notices, via email, about Off Guardian replies. Is it just me? Anyone?
Not just you. I inquired twice on the comment section, and twice with admin and have received no answer.
And I dare say, it’s a bit frustrating.
It’s OK if it’s gone, admin, but a word from you folk to confirm or inform would be appreciated.
(although I’m told that if you click the bell button beside “post comment” it might help. Thing is, we never had to do that before. I’m going to try it. Let us know if you got this, Arby)
I was just thinking about using the e-mail contact link to ask about this very issue. I may do it anyway.
I have an inconvenient habit of reacting to administrative opacity or ambiguity by ginning up “sermons” in my head that start to percolate and demand expression.
But in an uncharacteristic burst of heroic self-control, I won’t rehearse my objections to: 1) administrative opacity on operational changes, or 2) the possible unilateral elimination of a feature that is useful in tracking comments and maintaining a sense of conversational continuity.
Since I’ve also stopped getting notifications about comments being released from spam-check, I doubt that the bell icon is working.
I don’t know about you, but when I click the button, it displays a greyed-out bell with a slash through it. I may be wrong, but I interpret this as notification being the default position, and clicking the button is only necessary to disable notifications for that post.
It may be that the e-mail notifications were using too much server space, but without them (or other tracking features to return to a given comment) regular commenters are stuck with the labor-intensive option of physically scrolling and re-scrolling through threads.
Bah! Humbug! (And this is my “brief” non-sermon!) With my luck, I’ll post this and promptly discover a comment or admin post that clarifies the matter. Meanwhile, I hope you see this, and rest assured that I’ll continue to “hunt” for your comments.
Or put simply..we have a mutual enemy so let’s put differences aside to fight them. Great post THX-1154. The real left and real right actually both have a sense of morality. The fake left,in particular,are anarchy and chaos,allowing the room for the elite psychos to go to work unnoticed and unchecked. They are the common enemy.
You might want to go away and see what anarchy is all about before slurring it. Yes I know the media has portrayed it as a bunch of people in some v for vendetta cosplay, smashing shop windows but then you wouldn’t fall for the media’s lies and distortions… would you?
I mean anarchy and chaos amongst the civilian population,creating divisions. Simple really. I thought that was clear,if not I apologise. Antifa are not that.. they are doing the elites work for them. False anarchy.Even handing over anti lockdown protesters to police in Germany!!! I see no left or right,just an evil group of psychos primed to cull us. We need to be together.I am talking bringing ananarchy and chaos to the elite system….
Well said, Geoff. Far too many people fail to understand the true meaning of the word ”anarchy.”
Indeed Gwyn, – far too many. It’s no surprise though – as far back as I can recall, the words anarchy and chaos were conflated and I can’t help but feel that it wasn’t accidental.
It’s worth comparing with how ‘conspiracy theory’ has been treated. That term was made an object of ridicule, so toxic that people would rush to say “I’m not a conspiracy theorist” in the same way they would rush to say “I’m not a racist”
Anarchy though is curious. It was more along the lines of trying to rob the word of any meaning. It was used synonymously with chaos, it was used to describe shows like ‘The Young Ones’ which was always labelled as ‘anarchic’ and it became forever enmeshed with punk, thanks to the curious prominence of the Sex Pistols which then paved the way for the term to mutate into something along the lines of ‘youths causing disruption’, which is probably the enduring ‘meaning’
Like Orwell described with NewSpeak, once people no longer have a word for something, it restricts their ability to think about it, and the broader mass, with no idea what anarchy truly is, cannot examine it and come to the conclusion it looks much healthier than the system we have.
The treatment of the word anarchy, more even than ‘conspiracy theory’, is a sign of how dangerous the concept is to those who currently hold our chains.
Yeah, the campaign to discredit the word has been a long (and successful) one. Anarchy = chaos, for the unthinking. So predictable.
I once read the following definition of real communism/socialism (I know anarchism’s very different from communism and socialism, but the description struck a chord with me): A highly altruistic and advanced progression of the pre-elites hunter-gatherer world.
Anarchy is the natural state of mankind. We wouldn’t be here without it. It means living freely, in free association with others. And mutual aid is an instinct, too, isn’t it? Just as much as freedom is.
Societal order can only come from within the individual. It can’t be imposed (as a cursory glance around will show; there are more laws than ever, but plenty of people disregard them. Especially the biggest criminals of all – the banksters who are running things, along with their minions in government).
True anarchy is setting yourself up with no governance and being free to be oneself. This is not,again,what antifa is. I don’t call them anarchists. Hence why it is disorder amongst the citizenry. I mean to disregard government etc,anarchy to be free to get on with our lifes free of coercion from this covid scam. But by definition anarchy could be construed as chaos,as every man is free to life as they see fit,ungoverned.
No, it is a misperception, again leading back to chaos. Anarchy is not a world without order. It’s not every man for himself, It’s not chaos. Chaos is actually preached by the most extreme free marketeers, not by anarchists.
There are many many flavours of anarchy, too much to describe here (not that I’m qualified), but at root, what they all have in common is that organisation is by consensus and that the power is held by the people and not by an anointed leader. True democracy is only available through an anarchistic process. Not the ridiculous system we call democracy where every few years we get to choose what colour necktie our oppressor wears.
Seriously, it is worth researching. It’s NOT what you’ve been told it is by the media.
one way ‘Anarchy’ was mis-defined and exploited (likely intentional to brain wash the masses) was the series Sons of Anarchy. The on screen violence that is portrayed throughout each episode/season, is traumatizing (to say the least).
“The real left and real right actually both have a sense of morality.” I don’t agree. I only acknowledge that some self-identified Conservatives are decent, if confused, at best, and perverse at worst. (Jon Rappoport, someone who I’ve turned to for information regularly in covid 1984, urged us all to vote for Trump. When promoters of the great reset and covid 1984 are cancelling life, Why would anyone urge us to vote for someone who has willingly brought murder and terror to others? And it doesn’t matter whether he bombs and terrorizes and/or aids other countries in bombing and terrorizing only those others – in Syria, Yemen, Gaza. Trump entertained neocon fantasies of committing murder, and getting away with it because he’s popular, before being elected.) I don’t consider genuine leftwing and rightwing to be moral equivalents any more than I equate good with bad. With regard to good and bad, the only acceptable choice to make is ‘good’. Real (extreme?) rightwingers are fascists who believe in inequality, deceit and violence. If you’re using the label ‘real’ differently here, then I apologize.
As for ‘extreme’ leftwing, it’s a problematic label. I don’t consider myself to be an extremist and yet, How can being extremely good be a bad thing? To my mind, ‘extremism’ implies rigidity and an unwillingness to learn and unlearn, something that we all need to do in order to truly learn. This is my criticism of Conservatism. I find it unthinking. A Conservative can be a decent person wanting to conserve good traditions and values but if the focus is on ‘conserving’ rather than ‘what’ is being conserved, and the traditions and values need changing…
In conclusion, I don’t self-identify as an extreme leftist but merely as a genuine leftist, with some qualification. (I’m pro human rights but I don’t support casual abortion. That doesn’t mean that I believe we have to take away a woman’s right to decide. As someone who is, unlike most leftists, a believer in God, I understand that no one can destroy a soul except God. The aborted ‘person’ is not lost. Therefore, I am not going to go postal saving endangered children in pregnant women’s wombs.)
“After watching the PC Left hysterically shill for the Covid 1984 Hoax, I have nothing left to say to them, except, “go get vaccinated and die you moronic fascist scumbags”.
I couldn’t have said it better myself. They make me want to vomit. Yet they’ll all get out in the streets virtue signalling for Black Lives Matter. Or sign up for Extinction Rebellion and think they’re saving the Planet. Such is there lobotomised mindset.
There is no left or right anymore…that is for people who are still asleep…..its quite simple now…THEM or US