Occupation By COVID: Palestine As a Viral Export, 2020

Michael Lesher

Palestinian workers, Bethlehem checkpoint, West Bank (PHOTO: Ahmad Al-Bazz, ACTIVESTILLS)

As the year 2020 expires in an embattled welter of politicized suffering, I feel I need to address my fellow advocates for Palestinian rights, too many of whom seem not to notice – or actively deny – that, under cover of coronavirus hysteria, the unhealed wounds of Palestine are steadily infecting us all.

Yes, I know all of you face calumny enough from the Israel lobby without being smeared by pro-lockdown propagandists – many of whom, alas, cling to the name “progressive” even as they abjectly submit to the most massive civil rights violations of our lifetimes.

And I know the task I am setting for you is a hard one. After all, few Americans have paid much attention to Palestine in the past; how likely is it that today, punch-drunk from the creeping despotism unleashed as COVID-19 “health” regulation, a large public will turn from its troubles long enough to realize that the blows our country is tasting for the first time – curfews, closures, mass confinements, official lying, economic warfare – have been the lot of occupied Palestine for decades?

But there is no escaping the obligation to tell the truth: and that means, first of all, that we have to acknowledge the truth. And while advocates for Palestine are well aware of what the American government has done to that land – with its money and military hardware, the systematic violence of its client state, Israel, and the cruel deceit that is called U.S. “diplomacy” – too many remain strangely blind to the poisoning of our own nation with the same evils that have blighted the lives of millions in the West Bank and Gaza.

Yes, the venue is shifting – from foreign training ground to domestic soil – but we are only deluding ourselves if we refuse to see the connection between the two. The historian Alfred McCoy warned as far back as 2009 that what the U.S. was developing in the Middle East would inevitably come home to haunt us:

the War on Terror has proven remarkably effective,” he wrote, “in building a technological template that could be just a few tweaks away from creating a domestic surveillance state – with omnipresent cameras, deep data-mining, nano-second biometric identification, and drone aircraft patrolling ‘the homeland.’

By 2013, McCoy had concluded, sadly, that…

that prediction has become our present reality.

And it was only the start.

Israel’s example already figured in the militarization of American police forces: think Ferguson, think Chicago. But that was child’s play compared with this year’s reconstruction of West Bank-style administrative repression throughout much of the United States.

Israel rationalizes its imprisonment of Palestine as a “defense” against “terror”; here, state authorities prefer the pretext of combating an infectious disease. But the systems of control are ultimately the same.

Do I exaggerate? Who, then – before last March – ever heard U.S. politicians talk eagerly about “lockdowns”? Or bans on political demonstrations? Or the thought-policing of social media? And who would have thought that such instruments of mass repression could be introduced, not through legislation, but by means of “emergency” decrees from a handful of state executives whose edicts purport to be above the law?

These things are new to the United States; but none of them would have surprised Palestinians, whose entire lives – from where they can go to what they are allowed to post on Facebook – have been governed by arbitrary decrees for decades.

And more repression is on the way. Already there’s talk of U.S. citizens being “encouraged” to carry “contact-tracing” technology; even the first hints of travel restrictions, controlled through universal registration with a government-run monitoring agency, have begun to percolate in the “liberal” press. A year ago all of this would have been unthinkable. But Palestinians have lived under such a regime since the 1990s.

Nor should the Mideast-coronavirus connection really surprise anyone – least of all, those of us who have made it our business to follow the wrongs of Palestine. After all, we’ve been warned.

The exportation of Israel’s occupation to the West was predicted with uncanny accuracy by Jeff Halper in his book War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians, and Global Pacification. In 2016, Halper told In These Times that the success of capitalist states in controlling unruly populations would depend on what he called “globalizing Palestine.”

He said, back then:

“Israel-Pales­tine is the micro­cosm of the larg­er world. What Israel’s doing to the Pales­tini­ans…reflects the kind of war that cap­i­tal­ism is hav­ing to fight now…. The wars that are being fought in Syr­ia, or the wars being fought against poor peo­ple in the States aren’t wars that F-35s or nuclear sub­marines are any use for…. [W]hen they’re actu­al­ly going to fight wars among the peo­ple, Israel becomes the go-to place. They [the Israelis] have the weapon­ry, the tac­tics, the sur­veil­lance sys­tems and the secu­ri­ty sys­tems that are more rel­e­vant for the types of cap­i­tal­ist wars of repres­sion that are being fought today than the big sys­tems that the Pen­ta­gon has.

It’s a shame that Halper’s insight hasn’t been given more attention in public discourse – even on the left – during the critical nine months since last March’s declaration of a global “pandemic.”
But then, maybe it was inevitable that Palestine would be marginalized in exact proportion to its growing importance to the West as a blueprint for domestic oppression.

Certainly its plight was never more belittled than last spring, while more than forty U.S. governors were effectively Palestinianizing their populations with mass confinements, business closures, school shutdowns and restraints on public protest. If that was a rehearsal for something like Israel’s West Bank occupation on American soil – and it certainly looked like one – you’d never have known it from listening to the few politicians around the world who even bothered to talk about Palestinians.

Donald Trump – the outgoing President who wasn’t sure whether the Western Wall was in Palestine – first declared international law irrelevant to Israelis, then claimed to have a “solution” that would resolve the “conflict” once and for all.

What he proposed was predictably outrageous, of course. But was it really any worse than the apathy that greeted the “plan” throughout Western Europe? Was it more reprehensible than the behavior of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who – while still feeding at the Israeli trough – pretended for months to be leading a rebellion against an “annexation” of West Bank territory that, for all the noise the word’s novelty generated, was actually launched a long time ago and continues to this day?

At least it’s clear now (if it wasn’t all along) that the whole to-do over “annexation” was a conjuror’s trick. Israel and its allies use the word when it’s politically convenient and forget about it when it isn’t; the verbal fashion of the moment has no effect on the pace of Israeli land theft.

As for Abbas, he’s already making nice with President-elect Joe Biden despite the latter’s ostentatious Zionism – and why not? The actual measure of Israel’s purloining of West Bank territory is the amount of its illegal colonization by Israeli Jews. And that colonization, which began almost immediately after Israel seized the territories in June 1967, has never been more rampant than it is now.

This year alone, Israel approved a record-high 12,000 new “housing units” for its squatters in occupied Palestine, who already control nearly all of the most valuable land and whose pastimes include regular violent attacks against the rightful owners – not to mention the frequent destruction of their homes and olive groves. By early 2019 the number of illegal settlers in the Occupied Territories, which by then had mushroomed to over 650,000, was growing even faster than the overall Israeli population.

And what was Mahmoud Abbas doing all that time? Nothing. What was the European Union doing to halt Israel’s land theft? Nothing. What did the Democratic Party “resistance” to Donald Trump, apart from some ritual harrumphing over “annexation” proposals, have to say about the monstrous expansion of illegal West Bank colonies? Nothing.

Against that background, was Trump’s insult to international law even worth mentioning?

To tell the truth, it’s hard to think of any Palestine-related mainstream headline over the last year that didn’t crackle with absurdity. A warmed-over reprise of Israel’s long-standing demand for Palestinian capitulation was unblushingly called “the Deal of the Century.” A cynical bargain between the crime family that runs the United Arab Emirates and a blood-stained, racist Israeli Prime Minister with one foot already in a prison cell was heralded as “the dawn of a new Middle East” – by Washington’s Con-Artist-in-Chief, a man who could make Becky Sharp look innocent by contrast.

And where was Palestine – the actual land and people – amid all the sputtering? Not one square inch of occupied territory has been reclaimed from Israel’s occupation in over fifty years of Palestinian suffering and international indifference. Not one prisoner has been freed from the concentration camp called Gaza since the heroic sacrifices of its people that began in March 2018. No wonder Israel is doing so well at exporting its occupation: its techniques represent an unqualified success story.

In fact, the most accurate pointer to where matters stand comes from a little-noticed news item about the one real consequence of the Palestinian Authority’s “refusal to cooperate” with Israel’s annexation threats. According to 972 Magazine, tens of thousands of Palestinian children born since May do not officially exist – as far as Israel is concerned – since the P.A. has not communicated their names to the Israelis. Nor can the P.A. confer legal status on its own. It follows that these children have no official identity and, therefore, no rights; they can never, for instance, leave the Occupied Territories even if their parents are permitted to. Whether they will be allowed to own their homes one day, or even to work, will apparently be at the whim of the Israelis.

Let that image sink in a moment: people who do not legally exist, in a country that is not a country, administered by a “government” that is not a government. If there’s a better summary of what “Palestine” means today, I can’t think of it.

And if you think Palestine’s fate has no relevance for what awaits the American public, think again.

Under President-elect Biden’s latest coronavirus plan, just for instance,…

the CDC will be in charge of announcing recommendations for when it is safe to open or close restaurants, schools and businesses.

This means that an unelected and unaccountable panel of bureaucrats – working in a political environment where the dominance of Big Pharma is a matter of record – will have unprecedented control over American education and economic life. And for how long? Biden is careful not to say.

As for Palestine, the incoming administration’s top foreign policy adviser, Tony Blinken, announced last June that a Biden government…

would not tie military assistance to Israel to things like annexation or other decisions by the Israeli government with which we might disagree.

So the whims of Israel’s apartheid government will trump American law (no surprise there), and corporate plutocrats will have increasing power over whether and when Americans can go to school, work, or gather in public places. Nablus, here we come!

What can anti-occupation activists do about all this?


It seems to me, we can take seriously what we have said for years: Israel’s conduct in Palestine is not an isolated problem spurred by unique historical or religious circumstances; it is an international crime that threatens us all. In fact, Israel values its occupation of Palestine precisely because its methods and technology are so readily marketable. The longer we tolerate the repression of Palestinians, the sooner we will see that system replicated in countries around the world – including our own.


We need to apply the same skepticism with which we have long viewed Israeli propaganda to the extravagant web of fear-mongering, distortions and dissent-shaming now being spun to aid the importation of Israeli-style repression onto American soil. Coronavirus hysteria is really no different from the emotional exploitation of “terrorism”: a genuine but limited danger is shamelessly manipulated to cow the public into accepting measures that are far worse than the evil they are supposed to cure. As far back as early May, I was warning in print that the unconstitutional “emergency” orders of more than forty state governors in response to COVID19 involved unprecedented attacks on civil liberties.

Now things are actually looking worse – and with still less justification. A makeshift political system intended to respond to a massive bioterror attack – and even then, only temporarily – has been implausibly stretched to rationalize the long-term suspension of representative government, in four-fifths of our states, to counter one moderately serious respiratory virus. Meanwhile, the press has bombarded us with “expert” assurances that we have too much freedom for our own good, and that wanting to “get back to normal” – that is, to democracy and constitutional rule – is a product of “bias,” if not of some psychological malady. There’s no mistaking the official message: either we surrender the Bill of Rights or we all die.

But the official tally of each week’s deaths, state by state, hardly supports these apocalyptic pronouncements. New Jersey (where I live) provides a convenient example. Since the beginning of July and right up through the first week of November – the last for which statistics are available as I write this – the number of deaths from all causes in New Jersey has been virtually identical to the figure for the same period in 2019; the totals vary by barely a third of one percent. In other words, since the midpoint of the year, COVID19 has had no significant effect on the mortality rate in New Jersey.

True, the massive application of an unreliable testing procedure has managed to generate what New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy called an “uptick in cases”; but if you’re still looking for the Emperor’s new clothes amid these tales of a “deadly pandemic,” you can save yourself the effort – even the “experts” admit that the new “cases” seem to have materialized out of thin air.

So, when Murphy once again (on October 24) unilaterally extended a “state of emergency” that, by law, was originally supposed to end on April 9 – insisting that the “dangers presented” by the coronavirus required him to hold onto quasi-dictatorial power in order “to save lives” – he was taking pretty much the same tack as Israeli propaganda that claimed the Jewish State had to poison children in Gaza to protect itself from exploding helium balloons.

(Meanwhile, across the Hudson, New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo is slated to receive an International Emmy Award for “his once-daily televised briefings on the coronavirus pandemic”; like Murphy, Cuomo excels at convincing jaded audiences that he has averted a catastrophe with edicts that more likely exacerbated it.

If there were an Oscar for Best Dramatic Performance by a Nation-State, Israel would win hands down every year,

…Norman Finkelstein has written. It looks as though Israel is finally getting some competition.)

So the question is not whether Israel’s occupation is being transported – in fact, has already been transported – far beyond the borders of Palestine. That much should be obvious. For advocates for Palestinian rights, there are really only two issues:

First, are we prepared to recognize the repressive measures we have long identified with occupied Palestine wherever they appear and under whatever pretext? Second, are we determined to resist them once they arise?

My own experience indicates that, so far, most pro-Palestinian pundits have not passed either test. I’ve been condemned by some, and cold-shouldered by others, for even mentioning the connection between lockdown policies and Israel’s long-standing outrages in the Occupied Territories.

When I submitted a version of this column to a left-wing site that has run many of my pieces in the past, the publisher responded that it was…

simply not something I can present.

Since I know him to be a reasonable and thoughtful person, I conclude that the publisher’s “not something I can present” means that his donors – to say nothing of other contributors – aren’t ready to see coronavirus policy as the police-state pretext it really is.

Yes, they’ll complain about the imprisonment of Palestine – and they’re right to do that. But refusing to notice similar abuses in their own country puts them in the absurd position of trying to keep a finger in a dike while a whole city floods around them.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. If the wrongs of Palestine mean to us what we’ve always said they do, we can be – and should be – in the vanguard of resistance to what is surely the most alarming phase of the occupation to date: its spread across Europe and the United States, even as it intensifies in Palestine itself.

At the turn of the 20th century, Mark Twain noted bitterly how the oppression of other peoples led an empire’s citizens to submit to tyranny within their own borders:

trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her [the “Great Republic”], by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home.

Surely those who object to the trampling of Palestinians should be the first to raise our voices against the dissemination of similar crimes throughout the world – especially when those crimes reach our own doorsteps.

If not, what have we been campaigning for all these years?

Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – will be published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.


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Dec 10, 2020 2:29 AM
Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 8, 2020 11:56 PM

How utterly appalling that children are being born with no official identity and no rights. Wow! Excellent article in many ways except … … why do those above the line seem to have an allergy to the fundamental truth? Why do they always argue at the second-level of half-truth/half-lie? Why not at the fundamental level as surely the fundamental level is so much more powerful and we can see that the power elite herd us into arguing at the half-lie/half-truth level – why allow them to do that? We’re not obliged to argue at the second-level of half-truth/half-lie. We can actually say the truth loud and clear: There is no “novel” virus, there is no disease caused by a “novel” virus and there is no pandemic in any shape or form. The evidence for this Emperor’s New Clothes “event” is overwhelming. Moreover, they don’t even try to make their pandemic story convincing: https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/blog/coronavirus-hoax-jan-2020 Why isn’t this alleged COVID pandemic routinely called the psyop that it is? In psyops they do things for real that they want for real and fake the rest for at least two very good reasons: 1. Reality gets in the way of the story. (A virus will not obediently hop from Wuhan to Bergamo to the Princess Ruby.) 2. They love to dupe us. You can tell by the utter nonsense they stick in their psyoppery they get a good old chortle out of it. The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense… Read more »

Dec 8, 2020 3:31 PM

Yeah, finaly one really good piece about Palestina, and thru the years I have always maintained the Palestinians right, in every way, and fought against an massive propaganda against them, from debunking to flatout lies about history, and have had their fight as one of my few yard sticks when it comes to credibility, and sadly that havent changed. And the comparising to them to our present is correct, and some of us have warned about this for years and its going to be much, much worse, and do watch the video linke about an movie trailer. The Songbird, that, is whats coming and everything you see in this trailer is the future, and most of the fudament, regarding legality, justification and so on to the fear propaganda about eatch others as potential terrorists and so on is in place, what lacks in the riots, but wait until netx summer when millions even in Europa and the Imperial banana republic is without money and the food riots starts. Its the NWO wet dream coming true. Regarding the present, the hyprocasy is statospheric, and if you think about it, its the same MSM whom have refused to shed an light on the truth but have given the ISISrael propaganda campagne free range on everything and on top of it, critisisng Israel is regarded as Anti-semetism, and you in nations as Germany go to jail just because you write about Palestina. Fascinating isnt it, in this times of marches for freedome of speaches, yeah, I think I leave it there and just gove you some links. Palestina pre-1948 This is an video montage to an song sung by H. Lotti. All my life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHUrhJDjYS4 And Abby Maritns Empire files about how Palestina became colonized. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT5L4YU_Fl4 Thats it, I know you will be… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 8, 2020 3:10 PM

This is a brilliant interview by former AIM (American Indian Movement) leader Russell Means. His thoughts are recorded about a year before his passing. His mind is clear and at peace. He asks modern citizens some of the most salient questions I have yet to hear. I do not hear anyone yielding the truth of an answer.

Russell Means: Welcome to the American Reservation Prison Camp (Full Length)
January 15, 2011
Russell Means: Welcome to the American Reservation Prison Camp (Full Length) – YouTube

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 8, 2020 4:57 PM

Thanks for posting. A truly inspirational interview.

Dec 8, 2020 5:09 PM

Interesting. Thanks. Did you see this?

“The United States government said it has settled a long-running lawsuit against the Department of the Interior for mismanagement of trust fund accounts held by hundreds of thousands of Native Americans.

The settlement ends a 13-year legal battle to resolve a dispute that dates back to the late-1800s. The legal settlement will cost the US government 3.4 billion US dollars.

The agreement ends the case brought by Native American tribes charging that the Interior Department had swindled hundreds of thousands of Indians out of royalties for leasing their lands to mining, timber and energy interests.“

They better get the money before the government reneges.

Because look what they just pulled in regards to the Supreme Court decision in Oklahoma:


The federal government will use environmental laws and eminent domain to seize Native American land and push through Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, which consists of moving the entire populace of the United States out of rural areas into mega cities, within mega regions.

Dec 8, 2020 12:45 PM

“what have we been campaigning for all these years?“ You’ve been campaigning for truth, freedom and justice for the Palestinian people. They’ve (the left that refuse to see the parallels between Palestine and our imminent biosecurity state and democide) been pretending to campaign for the plight of the Palestinians because their goal as controlled opposition and gatekeepers was to keep “liberals” occupied with the needless, endless wars and conflicts while purposefully not connecting the dots between the manufactured terror, the manufactured pandemics, and the manufactured banking and financial crises. Unit 8200 has developed the technology that is going to enslave humanity using a permanent biosecurity state, and global digital ID, through the central banking system and the 1,000 corporations partnering with the IMF and the WEF. Everything is connected. As long as all major issues, crises and problems were always presented in a randomized manner with sound bites on brainwave altering tv using security state PR campaigns, the connection between foreign policy, wars, industry, science and medicine, the education system, the economy, energy and the monetary system has been hidden from view. As long as the central bank and security state message was being channeled through corrupted “science” people couldn’t see the connection between climate alarmism and the oil and chemical industry that has been polluting and poisoning us for the last century. Are the same industries and governments who are responsible for “global warming” and for manufacturing bioterrorism through media scare campaigns going to rescue the planet by controlling carbon emissions, including our own breath through masks? The masking of the West is a global “I can’t breathe” campaign to sicken us, remove our individuality and hamper our communication. It’s an initiation ritual being played out on the gullible and ignorant. Do not comply to lockdowns, mandates, vaccinations or… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 8, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“We’re all Palestinians now.” Too true… See my posted link to: Russell Means: Welcome to the American Reservation Prison Camp

Dec 8, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Talking of connections : The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned Glaxo who owns Pfizer( the o e producing the vaccine) which is managed by Black Rock finances, who manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company ( Soros Foundation) which serves the French AXA. Coincidentally, he owns the German company Winterhur which built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan which was bought by Allianz which has Vanguard as a shareholder which is a shareholder of Blackrock which controls the central banks and manages ONE THIRD of the global investment capital which is a major shareholder of MICROSOFT whose owner is BILL GATES who is a Shylock PFIZER ( which sells the miracle VACCINE) and is currently the first sponsor of WHO. Professor Antony C Sutton wrote about these cross shareholdings of the Transnational Financiers long ago.

Dec 16, 2020 9:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes but why the “left”?
Every single taxpayer contributing to amerikas war industry and $10m/day to israel for killing brown people is responsible in proportion to what they cause. This is karma and every involved individual will suffer regardless if their head is in the sand or not, which way they lean or not at all.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 8, 2020 8:56 AM

Excellent article Michael. I’m still baffled and, frankly disgusted, that so much of the alleged Left is not just complicit in, but cheering on the new normal fascism. Why?
How did so many apparently intelligent anti establishment people not only believe what the MSM and Govts were churning out, but come to actively support the most draconian measures, especially when these measures impacted the most on societies vulnerable, and on the working class. I’m confused here.
And as you point out, we are all getting a taste of what it’s like to be Palestinian.
The brutal lockdowns, the curfews, the mass censorship and the cracking down on any anti lockdown dissent. With brute force. It’s happening to us now.
Some of my Facebook friends are strongly opposed to the brutality and murderous policies of Apartheid Israel, as well as being covid sceptics and opposed to the lockdowns. But they are definitely in the small minority.

Alpine Hermit
Alpine Hermit
Dec 8, 2020 9:41 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

How did so many apparently intelligent anti establishment people not only believe what the MSM and Govts were churning out

Because the left and centre opposition groups were totally infiltrated by the Establishment over a fe decades. Over time they subtedly but firmly changed their messaging and ultimately their policies to become the Pro Establishment Official Opposition parties, occasionally getting their short spell in power too.

People / voters identify with a herd / group, so they stick with their herd even if it’s lying to them and they end up suffering extreme levels of cognitive dissonance.

Using the British example, the originally socialist Labour Party was hijacked by them using Tory B.Liar in 1995. It’s now “laughably” led by a Knight of the Realm Sir Starmer. The Establishment are sticking their authority right into people’s faces! A bloody knight!

Same goes for the Liberal Democrats now led by another Knight Of The Realm, Sir Davey. A democratic, liberal Knight of the Empire ?! And on it goes, because people allow it happen…

Dec 8, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

”…so much of the alleged Left is not just complicit in, but cheering on the new normal fascism. Why?”

Because they are not LEFT. they are fake left. they are neocons.

Dec 8, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“…so much of the alleged Left is not just complicit in, but cheering on the new normal fascism.”

Because we have been played. You mask everyone up, end freedom of assembly, censor all means of making contact with others, then label all dissenting voices as conspiracists and far-right. Thus the minority that has almost always protested such authoritarianism and resultant wars and infringements on civil liberties is intentionally split.

The majority of this minority, as you say, are gullible and accept and embrace all restrictions. Their view of “progressivism” can accommodate loss of civil liberties.

Part of this minority (WSWS, Counterpunch, etc.) for reasons I will never understand, finds (whether consciously or not) that the “advantages” of the COVID response outweigh the “disadvantages.”

This leaves us, the rest of the minority, out on a limb, labelled, ridiculously, as far-right. We are afraid of hitching ourselves up to a far-right group, unsure if it may actually be what the media are telling us it is. We know that the “conspiracy theorist” ploy is ridiculous, but something deep within us fears the far-right label, the possible hidden agenda, so we don’t join with them.

The result: All opposition is disarmed.
Well played.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 8, 2020 9:28 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Appreciate your reply N. And like you, I’ve felt out on a limb for much of this year… Dazed and Confused so to speak.
About the only offline friend I have left regards himself as socialist, reads The Guardian and Democracy Now, and is fully on board with the scamdemic narrative, the mask wearing, keeping the community ‘safe’ and regards sites like The Corbett Report as ‘Alt Right’.
I’ve distanced myself from him, yet look at a lot of my online Facebook friends, and the large majority clearly support the Capitalist system, and some seem pretty nationalistic in their outlook.
Like you said… out on a limb.

Dec 8, 2020 8:26 AM

I have noticed what is pointed out in this article myself, many of those who write about & support Palestine have totally bought into the deadly virus narrative without question, you would think those people of all people would have more reason than most to question official/MSM narratives but unfortunately most are just going along with the totalitarianism, very sad.

Dec 8, 2020 8:12 AM

The war on terror goes on. Do and say as you are told or be stamped as a terrorist, no matter who or where you are.

Dec 8, 2020 8:05 AM

For years the people of this country and the US ‘allowed’ their govts to act with impunity in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. They accepted what went on there because they chose to believe the lie of ‘bringing democracy’ to those places. That they were noble in their actions. Now that the same forces are actually coming for them in their homelands they are in denial. That I believe is one of the reasons for the mask wearers. They have to believe that what the govt says is true and that if they merely comply this will all be over. They have to believe because otherwise their whole world view was based on a lie. The stakes are too high for them now to resist. The poorer end of the market in this country suffered at the hands of Blair and his cronies with his ‘project’ that began 20 years ago. The destruction of their communities and the demonisation of their beliefs and way of life was started earlier but was expedited under Blair’s regime. Their prospects were curtailed and their way of life changed and their communities decimated. In the US it was happening for years with the outsourcing to China of manufacturing and the loss of jobs and status. That is why Trump was voted into power. To make America ‘great again’ i.e. to repatriate those jobs. The middle classes of this country could only sneer at the little England racists and homophobes and any other false phobia they could attribute to the working class peoples they despised for their patriotism and love of life. Those same people so despised had fought and laid down their lives for this country in two world wars. Now those middle class communities are under attack they can’t wake up to… Read more »

Alpine Hermit
Alpine Hermit
Dec 8, 2020 11:12 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Excellent post.

Dec 8, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Thanks, Seansaighdeor and Alpine Hermit, for fleshing out the reasons “the majority of the minority” I referred to without explanation act/don’t act as they do. What you’ve written described almost everyone I know

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Dec 8, 2020 7:08 AM

I’ve been saying for years that we are all Palestinians now, so I can’t help but agree with the author on his larger point. But it’s kind of sad to see that even he is not beyond TDS:

Israel’s example already figured in the militarization of American police forces: think Ferguson, think Chicago. But that was child’s play compared with this year’s reconstruction of West Bank-style administrative repression throughout much of the United States.

Administrative repression? You mean when Trump dispatched riot police to prevent Antifa from burning down a Federal court house? Pretty much all of the damage and killing last summer was done by Antifa and no one else. And hardly ever did the corrupt local police intervene to stop it. Indeed, virtually the only time these corrupt local governments got involved at all was to arrest people who were attempting to defend themselves from the rioters!

And I hope the author isn’t falling for that ridiculous meme that equates the Palestinian freedom struggle with globalist financed dupe-groups like BLM. After all, I don’t see Soros bankrolling Hamas or the PFLP!

Dean Michael Jackson
Dean Michael Jackson
Dec 8, 2020 5:58 AM

” I feel I need to address my fellow advocates for Palestinian rights”

Marxist agitation in the quest for the “abolition of religion”

The eleventh edition of the Encylopaedia Britannica was published in 29 volumes in 1910 and 1911. They were published by Cambridge University and by the Encyclopaedia Britannica Company. (Except where noted by ‘(EBC)’, the Internet Archive page scans linked below are from the Cambridge University Press imprint. The Gutenberg transcriptions may be from either imprint.)


Palestine – Volume 20, P. 626


Druze – Volume 8, P. 603


Alawites – Ansarieh (Nusayri)- Volume 26, P.307


If the distinct ‘Palestinian People’ existed pre-World War I, then the Encylopaedia Britannica would list them, so let’s take a look at the 1910 Encylopaedia Britannica.

The Druze are mentioned under their own heading, Volume 8 (p. 603). The Alawites (Nosairis) are mentioned under the heading Syria, Volume 26 (p.307). The ‘Palestinian People’ are neither to be found listed under their heading nor the heading for Palestine, Volume 20 (p. 604), and not listed under the heading for Syria, Volume 26 (p. 307).

At my blog, read the articles…

‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’


The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

My blog…


Alpine Hermit
Alpine Hermit
Dec 8, 2020 11:18 AM

Yet another example of moderators allow blatant spamming?
I came to this site on recommendation and whilst there are a few excellent comments there’s way too much promotion of personal blogs and spamming.

Dec 8, 2020 12:12 PM
Reply to  Alpine Hermit

Only valuable comments are marked as ‘spam’. Spammers are given free reign here. Why?

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Dec 8, 2020 3:52 AM

https://worldchangebrief.webnode.com Lawsuit: Covid Vaccine Sterilizes Women/
AG Barr Leaving?/
CCP Takes Hong Kong Protesters To Camps/
US Will Take HK Refugees.Sanctions Officials/
Exotic Weapon Killed Iran Scientist/
China Is Gene Editing Supersoldiers/
Mongol Sun Dog/

Alpine Hermit
Alpine Hermit
Dec 8, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

Why do the moderators allow blatant spamming?

Dec 8, 2020 3:25 AM

Why the West bank & Gaza when Xinjiang is the ultimate case?

Oh, I forgot: IDF bad, PLA good: from the frying pan in the fire.

Dec 8, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Because the reality of daily life for Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza is like Nazi Rule in Occupied Poland.
People in Xinjiang on the other hand, have nothing to worry about and can lead a perfectly normal life outside the parallel universe of the Hasbara Lie Factory.
The Chosen Folk are trying to incite the stupid goyim to start a war with China as well as Iran.
Hence all the Alice In Lamp Shade Land smears about Uighurs, the promotion of all the fairy stories peddled by Falun Gong nut jobs and other nut jobs like Zenz, the supposed “organ harvesting” that is a speciality of Occupied Palestine, the beastly Hong Kong police who are stopping rioters burning things down and setting fire to people at random.
This will probably work again – the stupid goyim will swallow anything – 9/11, Skripal, Covid, Russiagate, Iraq, Syria, Libya, anything will do to stir up those stupid goy insects.

Dec 8, 2020 2:49 AM

One only has to look at the amount of visits to Israel by police staff from western countries. most notably (but not limited to) the UK and US, to train in over militarised methods of crowd control. The take-home mindset is that citizens are seen and treated as an enemy to be crushed.

Dec 8, 2020 2:34 AM

This is a greatly appreciated article. For those who care about Palestinian rights and other causes usually associated with the left, it’s always reassuring to find an author who can make these connections. I can’t understand why so few leftists do, however. I’m referring to honest leftists, not gatekeepers and the like.

Is it an unwillingness to accept that we could be subjected to the same measures that most Westerners, leftists included, believed would only ever be used in other parts of the world? Maybe all the attention given by leftists to how imperialism is responsible for Western privilege and ‘advancement’ was never truly believed. Rather, perhaps there was always an unspoken belief on the left in Western superiority, however much it was denied. Or perhaps most leftists simply let the gatekeepers do their thinking for them.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 4:17 AM
Reply to  kevin

“Time already to get off the Right-Center-Left terminology of the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST SLAVEMASTERS. It is intended to keep the PROLES/SLAVES at each others throats. As far as we should be concerned, anyone who pushes THE SCAMDEMIC, BILLY EUGENICS EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOTS, the end of face to face public school education/instruction or CORPORATE STATE controlled digital/virtual currency is a NAZI!”
comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 4:25 AM
Reply to  S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

It is called ‘psychological projection’ and has been the tool of choice for decades – if not longer. Accuse your opponents of what you are doing. Very simple and very effective among low brow people.

Dec 8, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  kevin

The left-dominated institutions are behind the manipulation of the public, the nudges, behavioural insights, psychological profiling, reframing of the hierarchy of needs. It comes out of academia and social sciences — traditionally a domain of the left.

After all, the police are now inclusive, take the knee and respect diversity /s — and, genuine or not, that progress has been achieved by NGOs and education agencies who run the politically correct training sessions. They also come out of academia, psychology and the social sciences. They are invested, in the jargon. They are stakeholders. The left has been co-opted and individuals made lots of money from providing all that PC training.

Ultimately it is just a cover — for the training of police by Israeli forces. The Corporatist State does not really want enforcement to be touchy-feely, it wants brutality and fear.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

 “left-dominated. How many times does it have to be repeated? The term is PORT… PORT! It is almost as if you have never been aboard a ship.”

PS. A more accurate term is CORPORATE FASCIST

WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) needs and deserves honest SOCIALISM (political and economic equality and democracy) in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs not CORPORATE FASCISM.”


Dec 8, 2020 1:30 AM

We went sailing in the summer avey vous some diving gear. we have a problem.
Pouvez-vous répéter cela en anglais s’il vous plaît. Merci beaucoup.


Dec 8, 2020 12:52 AM

So Bob Dylan Robert Allen Zimmerman (Hebrew: שבתאי זיסל בן אברהם‎ Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham)[1][5][6] in St. Mary’s Hospital on May 24, 1941, in Duluth, Minnesota,[7][8] and raised in Hibbing, Minnesota, on the Mesabi Range west of Lake Superior. Dylan’s paternal grandparents, Anna Kirghiz and Zigman Zimmerman, emigrated from Odessa in the Russian Empire (now Ukraine) to the United States following the pogroms of 1905.[9] His maternal grandparents, Florence and Ben Stone, were Lithuanian Jews who arrived in the United States in 1902.[9] In his autobiography, Chronicles: Volume One, Dylan wrote that his paternal grandmother’s family originated from the Kağızman district of Kars Province in northeastern Turkey.[10]

I couldn’t give a shit about his history, but he wrote some Brilliant Songs..and gave most of them away.

I think he is still alive, and I have heard his latest song, but I have never been lucky enough to see him play live yet

“Bob Dylan – Murder Most Foul (Official Audio)”

We are lucky to be alive.

(I thought John Lennon was better)


John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 8, 2020 12:38 AM

Correction: 250 million strikers in India, as reported above.

In my throes of wrapping a big head around it, that’s:

*More strikers than the entire electorate of US “voters”. By bunches.

*Four TIMES, almost, as many as the alleged number of Covid “cases” worldwide. (That’s 68 million supposed.)

*Around 5% of humanity.

On strike. One out of five living persons walking the earth went on strike in India the 26th November.


John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 8, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

The above post was in reference to my post a bit downthread at 11:28pm

Ryba Zfrytkami
Ryba Zfrytkami
Dec 7, 2020 11:37 PM

Admin, is there a fault with the commenting system? I read various comment threads here earlier this evening regarding Palestine and most have vanished, and all we’ve got are COVID comments. Is it a screwed up WordPress database due to your recent move? Or is someone fecking about deliberately?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 7, 2020 11:28 PM

“Coronavirus policy as seen as the police-state pretext” comes to India, which had fewer than 2000 recorded deaths going into summer, now has “cases” to spare as the “tests” pile up stats and Modi pretexts numbering 100k plus.

But it has just now sparked the biggest strike in human history, 200 million protesting Covid Party Rules:


Big numbers, a discernible legacy from M. K. Gandhi, as a Yuletide offering to Modi (whose predecessor party RSS organized and carried out the ’48 assassination).

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 8, 2020 1:36 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Farmers in India have been poisoned by Glyphosate and similar products for years, and almost all cotton is now GMO. Thousands of farmers have become ill from repeated contact with these toxic substances, and hundreds commit suicide every year from the social humiliation being unable to provide for their families.

Monsanto/Bayer has been in bed with installed government operatives for years, and the poisonous economic environment has been bubbling away for decades. Too bad these protesters don’t have about 200 million machine gun rounds and hand grenades…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 11, 2020 6:37 AM

Big Toxic is not the only global caste in bed with Modi. Team Trump is as well. Mmmmm. Trump Towers Mumbai? That will soothe the stings of rejection.

Don’t worry, the jackal provocateurs from Modi’s “government” soon will bring the ammo. It’s a direct descendant of Godse’s RSS Club.

These Unionist strikers, descendants of Gandhi’s Salt March, surely know that drill. And that score.

Dec 7, 2020 11:06 PM

Donald John Trump and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, not only look at each other and discuss it

They ask the Question who do you think is going to kill the most people?

Whilst they are attending a lecture (no masks) and Presentation done live with and wives and girlfriends allowed..by

William Henry Gates III

They look at each other.

There is no way we can compete with him
comment image?v=1532563713&w=1400&h=950

Sad but true.


Dec 7, 2020 10:40 PM

Just a thought.

Notice how many posters on this thread have diverted the conversation away from Palestine and Palestinians…

Ryba Zfrytkami
Ryba Zfrytkami
Dec 7, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

I think this site was hijacked by 77B or similar some time ago, purposefully steering the conversations off-topic.

Some subscribers have expressed their view that this site might even be a honeypot operation.

I’d personally give more credence to the former than the latter…but you can never truly know 100%

Dec 7, 2020 10:32 PM

We are all Palestinians now – well sure fine, but I don’t give in this easily

I have given up Facebook, and never did twitter, but I think we may be making progress. I have some extremely old photographs, of well – rather a lot of my friends, since even I was really young..

Just send them a few photos of us when we were really young 20 years ago….and what we did then..

We have got to Get This Christmas Show on The Road…

wtf is wrong with you – dying to get vaccinated??

The last time anyone stuck a needle in my arm, was 17 years ago, when I was 50. They were trying to work out why I was still alive…##

Well maybe it was because, I had love, and I didn’t take any of your fucking drugs, except for 2 months was it…You Doctors were making me ill..

I flushed all your prescription drugs down the toilet when I was 50

I didn’t go back.

I am 67 now, and feeling fine

The Grandkids are Back.

Real Joy


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Dec 7, 2020 9:52 PM

An interesting if somewhat incinderary article. Quite respectable politicians have been hammered for far less because these days (according to the “Internetational Holocaust Remeberance Association”) this kind of talk is anti-semitism. (See https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definitions-charters/working-definition-antisemitism ) The kind of regimentation imposed on the Palestinians is well known if little understood in the West**. Rather than using inflammatory terms like ‘ghetto’ I think the best way to describe what’s going on there is that its a contemporary version of what was meted out to the Native Americans by settlers in the Americas during the 19th century. (Its a spiral — you encroach on their nation, they push back, you send in the calvary and so on. The only real differenceas far as I can see is that Palestinians won’t be opening casinos their ‘reservations’ — possibly a banned term as well.) I don’t think its productive to intertwince I/P with modern Covid precautions and the like. Of course ‘whatever works’ will be adopted by other societies but its merely opportunism, its not some supra-national plot to regiment us. One reason we can deduce this is that despite Israel’s best efforts the Palestinians still exist (although it could be said that they’re kept around as a sort of semi-permenant bugbear to keep Israelis from exercising too much of a conscience). I’d like to see a permanent solution — not a ‘final one’, note — because the situation is not just untenable, its like a permanently simmering pressure vessel that’s waiting to blow at any pretext. (**I had relatives living in and working in the area many years ago. If anyone’s bothered by the “MSM” somehow failing to report things for obscure reasons then failing to inform us of the realities of day to day life in this area is probably near the top of… Read more »

Frankly Speaking
Frankly Speaking
Dec 7, 2020 9:14 PM

Petravska Flaxgirlsky:
“Palestine and Gaza don’t actually exist. It’s all a conspiracy to be able to blame Israel for all the world’s false flags like 911, Brexit and COVID”

Dec 7, 2020 8:43 PM

QUI TACET CONSENTIE. VIDETUR I have mentioned when all this mid evil style medical dictums had risen its fascitic head. My expression was we are all Palestinians. Not to insult or even equate their long suffering of the semitic people known as Palestinians since their destruction in 1948. I myself being of Sephardic heritage am ashamed . But the shear similarities is srtikingly scary. The massive survellance the curfews the shear elimination of any semblance of western liberal style civil society. The shear ignorance from the so called progressive or left side is palpable. They r the first to chear the new Fuhrer(Cuomo, Newsom,Garcetti,Conte Hancoc k and the list goes on and on. THE LEFT IS DEAD THEY HAVE REPLACED HITLERS BROWN SHIRTS. Fact figures truth reality all erased by a simple algorythm on ones android or i Phone. Idocracy thrives into this subliminal fascistic reality THE NEW NORMAL has been alive and well for the Palestinuans since 1948. Anglo Zionism has been dictating western thought and expression well since the last century its only gone into hyper drive this century . Reminds me of the famous words in a old Pink Floyd tune “Is anybody out there” Me thinks not go look around muzzled society and full compliance . Resistance is futile as others tell me. VA FANCULLO I say to that . Resistance is a must if we love our families if cherish all the hard work our ancestors have done and further more if we love ourselves. Bigest psy-op and crime against humanity b e it the theft of Palestine from the turn of last century when the anglo-zionist flooded Palestine with eastern europeans to the 1948 stealth taking of the lands to todays we stand and experience that we are all Palestinians. VIVA LA LIBERTA VIVA… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 8, 2020 9:10 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

Thanks Falcemartello. Fully agree with your comment, particularly on Zionism being a supremacist ideology.
It pisses me off that after so many years, the majority of people are completely oblivious to the suffering of the Palestinians, and the gross injustice inflicted upon them.
I usually get my information on what is happening there at Mondoweiss or Electronic Intifada or a site called B’Tselem.
The western media whitewash Israel’s many crimes, while the filth politicians in countries like Australia, United States and the UK chant in unison ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’ whenever Israel launches another murderous attack on Gaza.
You will NEVER hear them say: ‘Palestinians have the right to defend themselves’.

John Goss
John Goss
Dec 7, 2020 8:37 PM

One of the best articles I’ve read in a long time.

“It’s a shame that Halper’s insight hasn’t been given more attention in public discourse – even on the left – during the critical nine months since last March’s declaration of a global “pandemic.””

I would change “even on the left” to “especially on the left”.

Since it started 5 years ago I have cycled on every “Big Ride for Palestine” charity bike ride. My colleagues on the committee, many trades unionists, have advised on things like wearing masks, not cycling in groups of more than six and similar compliance with the narrative. It has been very hard for me as a dissenter – there being so few of us. The majority cannot see what is coming. I have pleaded with them to consider alternatives, sent them enlightened articles – and I will be sending this too.

They are good people. But on this issue they have bought the propaganda sold by the same hierarchy that sold the War on Iraq. For me, this year, fighting the narrative has been more important than opposing the apartheid state of Israel’s subjugation of Palestine. The reason being – if we do not win this battle, and battle it is, we will lose all our rights of freedom. That includes the basic freedom to take part in the Big Ride for Palestine.

Thank you, Michael Lesher, for such an eloquent exposition of the truth with which I align.

Michael Lesher
Michael Lesher
Dec 7, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  John Goss

“Change ‘even on the left’ to ‘especially on the left.'” Point well taken.

I wrote what I did because Jeff Halper is unquestionably aligned with the left and is treated with respect in left-leaning publications. (I quoted from his interview with In These Times.) So I find it particularly dismaying that his observations about Palestine as a proving ground for the repression we’re seeing unfold across the West — observations he supports with strong evidence — are so stubbornly ignored by people who really should know better.

But you’re right, I’m afraid. Nearly all the leftish Palestine advocates I know are now gung-ho on toeing the line for Big Brother.

And I feel, as you do, that right now fighting this insidious, spreading evil has to be my top priority. I’m certainly not abandoning Palestine. But if we let the powers that be topple the whole structure of liberal democracy, there won’t be anything left of any other campaign, including the cause of Palestinian liberation.

I’m not afraid of being blamed for siding with people “of the right” who also stand for freedom and the rule of law. First of all, experience has made me skeptical about inferring any deep virtue, political or otherwise, from anyone’s stated agenda, no matter how outwardly attractive — one of many reasons I prefer not to identify myself by any convenient political label. But more importantly, this sort of attack on liberty cuts below partisan differences. Anyone prepared to resist the destruction of fundamental freedoms is a natural and valued ally in this crisis; those who aren’t are not worth appeasing. I’ll be happy to go back to disagreeing with some of these allies once we can be sure there will be a political economy worth disagreeing about.

Dec 8, 2020 12:48 AM
Reply to  Michael Lesher

‘Anyone prepared to resist the destruction of fundamental freedoms is a natural and valued ally in this crisis’

On the money.

John Goss
John Goss
Dec 8, 2020 5:16 AM
Reply to  Michael Lesher

Indeed. All my life I thought I was on the left and espoused the same philosophies. Now in my old age I am starting to question, especially since I find commonsense in Trump’s opposition to DAVOS and its adherents even though I disagree with him on many subjects, including his support for Israel.

I understand too why you are politically non partisan. I am struggling with my conscience being a member of a party whose leadership with whom I am at total odds.I continue to support Palestinian rights but the urgency to oppose the current yerunda has overshadowed my enthusiasm.

John Goss
John Goss
Dec 8, 2020 5:20 AM
Reply to  John Goss

By the way I emailed the organiser of the Big Ride attaching your article. Hopefully he will send it to the mailing-list, which is what I asked. If not, I despair.

Human Rights Act GONE
Human Rights Act GONE
Dec 7, 2020 7:00 PM

Biometric “tagging” to prove a person has recieved Covid Vaccinations now being officially planned for UK Citizens in 2021 as the psyops and predictive programming have been ramped up: Government Ministers have today expressed their concern that NHS Covid Vaccination cards will be forged, and that a ‘black market’ for them will develop if they become defacto “Freedom Passes”. Some have suggested they could even be sold on eBay. To counter this, Ministers are currently looking at biometric cards similar to chip-and-pin ID cards which can be read passively by enabled scanners. There is no suggestion at this time of any form of microchip tagging of an individual, however modern technology does allow for a person to carry an invisible-to-the-naked-eye biometric stamp which could be passively read by any HD camera under invisible and harmless IR lights. Ministers have also confirmed today that they are to review all Human Rights Laws as they could be “out of date” in todays world. Did you get the above? Basically the UK Government are going for marking the population and rewriting the Human Rights Laws to mandate this. I wont post links as my comment will be held if I do, so please search for “Human Rights Laws to be reviewed” or “Appeals Court Judge to review UK Human Rights Laws” to find the sources. A simple Google search along the lines of “forged vaccine cards” and similar will eventually lead you to some sources (and if you follow the bread crumbs to Ministers suggesting the population gets tagged). It should not be any stretch of the imagination to see the UK Government is planning to push through “marking” or “tagging” like animals the population of the UK and are moving to remove the legal protections by “reviewing” the Human Rights Act. A… Read more »

Dec 8, 2020 7:34 AM

There have been, and will continue to be, iterations of every type of authorisation/pass. It is a part of fascist plunder. Each time, they will announce some loophole or threat.

Dec 7, 2020 6:48 PM

There is no disease but a complication. The binding of sars cov (coronavirus) with ACE2 in the lung. ACE may be a bi product of drugs used particularly on elderly for other conditions. Can all be resolved by simple pineapple. A bit spikey for MSM and upper echelons. http://www.frombehindenemylines.org.uk/2020/12/forget-dangerous-infertility-causing-vaccines-covid-19-is-prevented-by-the-humble-pineapple-say-researchers/

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  Theguvnor

Corona causing infertility is predictive programming. It is the vaccine that will cause infirtility; it is designed to do so.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 7, 2020 6:11 PM

“And the fight against this devastating virus continues… moving from level 2 to 3 as … the long awaited vaccine… massive hairy arsehole …light at the end of …swinging bollocks … never see the end no matter how much spurtingly obvious bullshit … terrible cost… bored to fucking death …………………..

Dec 7, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I love the fact that this is the first vaccine in history that maintains the fear and restrictions of a disease it is meant to cure. We’ll have the ‘cure; but can we keep the fear as well please? certainly sir! …..The lies would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking seriously harmful.

Dec 8, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  Jector

It is the medical version of the endless war on terror. An endless war against the health of the populations.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 7, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I suppose the one good thing about the broken record MSM is that at least it’s not being run by the WSW. If it had been, it would be one long ear splitting blood stained frothing scream.

And speaking of our Trots, I’m disappointed that today there’s no massed Hallelujah for the new vaccine. Stay tuned tomorrow as they count down the choir.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) Langley-Land operation does have an unusual unhealthy (almost zealous) ‘fascination’ for the CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC BIG LIE PROPAGANDA, to push it so. Almost prompts one to question the extent of David Green’s, ‘Crains Detroit’s Serial Entrepreneur’s of the Year, stock holdings in Large Pharmaceutical Corporations or online Educational Companies.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 8, 2020 1:55 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Do you maintain an archive of your CV-1984 poetry, George? A collection of the best pieces, gathered together in a slim volume, would make a gift I’d be much more delighted to bestow on my loved ones this XM-1984 than anything like this:

comment image

Dec 7, 2020 5:25 PM

Sadly, modern history is littered with these brutal ‘experiments’. E.g. having spent many years in Asia and having made several trips to Cambodia, I am 100% convinced that the 1970s genocide was a fully UN-premeditated, sponsored and orchestrated exercise. The peoples of Southeast Asia have always shared an amiable Polynesian disposition; a firmly pragmatic,’this world’ outlook; and an open-minded, accommodating mentality. For hundreds of years, their only aspiration was to make an honest living and to provide for their families. Even large-scale immigration from South China in the late 19th and early 20th centuries changed very little about this system built on resilience and respect for others.

Hence the very notion that one fine morning in 1975, this nation woke up and decided to destroy its entire material culture and murder millions of its citizens makes no sense whatsoever. Local people don’t think like that and never did, not even in their most violent dreams. This whole chapter in history screams ‘globalists’ and ‘planned democide’. And just like the brutalization of the West Bank and Gaza has yielded ‘next practices’ to be applied to the rest of the world, the day is probably not far off when the UN decides it is ready to apply the takeaways from its Cambodia game on an equally global scale.

Dec 7, 2020 6:00 PM
Reply to  Dayne

‘’UN-premeditated, sponsored and orchestrated exercise’’

The UN is a room where heads of government meet, the UN does not have any autonomy. it is not a separate entity, there is no such thing as a ‘UN sponsored’ anything in the way you mean it, there are only events supported by its member states. In the same way the EU has no autonomy and is not a separate entity from its 27 member states.
If you want to name the country’s in the UN who orchestrated something then that would be more helpful.

Dec 8, 2020 7:46 AM
Reply to  Dayne

Agree, except that the part on UN is deflection. The decisions and profits were made elsewhere. It was also a clever way to cover up the spill-over devastation from the invasion of Viet Nam. The role of UN was only to go along.

Dec 7, 2020 5:09 PM

UK Column News – 7th December 2020 40% OF DOCTORS, 60% OF NURSES WILL NOT TAKE THE VACCINE (NEW JERSEY) Gov bows to pressure from health staff in Britain. NHS staff no longer at front of queue for Covid vaccine after rethink — The Guardina, Dec 3, 2020 COVID VAX CARD — DON’T WORRY, IT’S CARDBOARD MEDIA REVEALS PROOF OF VACCINATION DOCUMENT Brian Gerrish: this piece of cardboard is preparing people for ID cards. Alex Thomson: On the continent everyone has a barcode number. It is only Britain that the struggle goes on to disguise the fact that there is an ID system. SWITZERLAND HAS NOT APPROVED VACCINES SWISS SAY NOT ENOUGH DATA ON SAFETY from Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna Does not accept fact that Big Pharma in the UK effectively approved its own vaccines. Alex Thomson: Continentals are more independent and determined to research products for themselves, especially Switzerland, being outside the EU. In Britain, there is a tendency for people to be scared to come out and oppose the mRNA vaccine. In France, up to a third oppose the Covid vaccine, along with Belgium and French-speaking Africa. Survey is from Wellcome Trust, so it probably understates the opposition. Mike Robinson: Switzerland has placed millions of orders for the vaccines so Big Pharma will get paid anyway. VACCINE DELIVERY DIVIDES NATION ELDERLY HAVE BEEN SEPARATED FROM THEIR FAMILIES: TO BE CULLED Gov divides population into arbitrary groups. List says anyone over 50 is to be treated as vulnerable — young won’t be vaccinated til later. Thus generations are set against each other. Care Home managers told to list staff members, prepare letters, keep records of vaccinations and provide reports: there is no mention of consent. This is threatening to deprive staff of their jobs if they don’t comply. ‘BASTARD’… Read more »

Dec 7, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Total propaganda from a neo nazi group and it goes totally unchecked. No ‘heath warning’ on this post I see..

Dec 7, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  Jector

How can I be interested in what you don’t agree with. What’s your analysis?

Dec 7, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Jector, Panda, Potin, Wilton, etc.,


“America did It.”

Dec 7, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hitler built straight roads and fed the poor, but it was a bad move to support his cult.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2020 7:35 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

CIA troll or has drank the Covid Kool Aid.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Dec 8, 2020 1:40 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Do you know Brian Gerrish? Because he has lost the plot over the years.He does not get stuff quite right.

Dec 7, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  Jector

Yeah I real get blinded with all the nazi memorabilia and constant hatred of Jews on the UK COLUMN. Not one topic is referenced is it? Hasn’t a modicum of truth has it?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 7, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus


“Yes the Murphy-Virus, a particularly virulent and nasty strain of the Goldman-Sachs group of pathogens, still rages out of control and unabated here in NJ. But the people of New Jersey would rather take their chances with the viroid than get a jab of ‘Doc’ Billy’s Eugenics’ Euthanasia Death Shot. Go figure.”





Dec 7, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

On Philadelphia-based KYW Newsradio, today’s headline is that NJ Gauleiter Murphy says 74% of residents are refusing to cooperate with the state’s contact tracers.

He’s distressed and dismayed. The brief report only reported his distress, and splutterings about how this dismal circumstance needs to be turned around. It’s not a witch-hunt! he protested.

Murphy wondered what it will take to overcome this contact-tracer hesitancy. He bleated that perhaps uncooperative residents should think of all the people who’d died from the Megadeath Virus of Doom.

I’m sure he or his subordinates will come up with some more hardline, coercive measures to improve compliance. But it was refreshing to finally see some indication of mass “resistance”, even on this minimal level– and to find this ruthless sociopath at least temporarily taken aback and at a loss.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 7, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  Ort

A cure for the Murphy-Virus pathogen must be found… and soon. It is killing the state. If only there were a present day Jonas Salk out there who could find a way to deal with the Murphy-Virus’ self regenerative powers, turn them into ‘self degenerative’ powers (not unlike what it is doing to the state)… if only.


George Mc
George Mc
Dec 7, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I love the Graud article,

“NHS staff no longer at front of queue for Covid vaccine after rethink

Change to priority list for next few weeks likely to worry and disappoint health workers”

Gosh we’re soooooo disappointed not to be getting a big poisoned syringe rammed up our arses!

But then the only permissible angle cannot admit to any other reaction. The public must be desperate to get their bodies invaded by the holy elixir.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 8, 2020 9:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Check out a site called News Post Junkie, run by a guy called Gilbert Mercier. His latest article starts with the paragraph:
“News Junkie Post has a policy of zero tolerance for conspiracy theories. With a story as big and global as the covid19 pandemic, alternative theories from conspiracy theorists were bound to happen”.
Mercier goes on to namedrop Qanon, Flat Earth, Aryan supremacy and a few other things to make it seem covid sceptics are tin foil hat loons. I believe he’s a Marxist. Sigh.
I looked at a liberal leftish Australian site called New Matilda, and their latest story on Covid, published today, the first line says: “The Covid19 global pandemic has killed 1.5 million people”… Sigh.
Is there anyone on the Left anywhere who hasn’t become frothing covid cult zombies? Have they all been paid off?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Is there anyone on the Left anywhere who hasn’t become frothing covid cult zombies?


Have they all been paid off?


George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

This Gilbert Mercier doesn’t seem to know where he is. You have the tedious – and by this time borderline meaningless designation “conspiracy theory”. But then he comes up with this:


“Just like the post 9/11 world infringed on human rights and privacy with various invasive policies, the post COVID-19 world has adopted its own arbitrary rules. They have in common that they fuel a fear of everyone and everything and engender agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorders, Stockholm syndrome, and depression. The panoply of mandatory social distancing measures and mask wearing decrees have made people hostile, fearful, and paranoid. Authorities worldwide have been on a joy killing mission. Populations have been successfully infantilized and traumatized by forbidding the most essential human behaviors: the joy to see a smile or the surprise of a flaring nostril; the smell of a ripe fruit at a market; the fortitude of what seems to be a time gone when you could dance with a stranger and perhaps steal a kiss.”

I did a check and the word “conspiracy” appears nowhere on that page.

But then we get this:


where he makes it clear that covid really is The Big Bad! Which just so happens to be handy to the ruling class.

And therein lies the wonderful 1-2 punch of the mainstream Left. They fully admit that the ruling class is using the Mighty Menace to its advantage. But they also continue to insist that the Mighty Menace really is a Mighty Menace!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 7, 2020 6:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Re: 40% of doctors, 60% of nurses will not take the vaccine

That’s yet another demonstration that stupidity is inversely correlated to level of education.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 7, 2020 9:26 PM

delete “inversely” from above; ie:

That’s yet another demonstration that stupidity is correlated to level of education

Dec 8, 2020 7:56 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

So, the fear-mongering on “asymptomatics” continues, though we heard from the horse’s mouth that they are not infectious.

Dec 7, 2020 5:08 PM


My understanding of what this says, is that if you have the new vaccine, you will probably be O.K., until at some point in the future, you encounter the wild virus again. Due to agents deliberately included in the vaccine, you are then likely to get extremely ill and may well die.

I have thought since March, that this is a planned Genocide event.

The richest people in the world, want to massively reduce the world population quickly, which involves killing you, me and our children and grandchildren.


Dec 7, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  tony0pmoc

Why do they want to reduce the population?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Jector

Eugenics. It was very popular among the rulings classes including prominent oligarchs and big business of the US like Henry Ford and IBM until the horrors of the Nazi’s were discovered by the masses after WWII. The eugenicists then rebranded themselves as environmentalists. (Reference the Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich.) Bill Gates is quite open about it – he has publicaly stated that vaccines can be used to reduce human population.

Dec 7, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I asked why do they want to reduce the population. I didn’t ask for a list of fairy stories.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2020 7:06 PM
Reply to  Jector

Those are well documented “stories”, far from “fantasies.” As to your question, you could have well asked: why do elites seek world domination? The parasite class are sociopaths that is why. Somehow I don’t think this will satisfy you.

Dec 7, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

No….I am asking why do ‘they’ want to reduce the populatiuon.

Dec 7, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  Jector

”Jector” – you’re either extremely thick (and I mean dangerously stupid), or you’re being deliberately obtuse in order to disrupt the conversation.

Hmm…which could it be, which could it be…

Dec 8, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

It has to be ‘both’. Very simple. Alone the question as to “why” reveals a deep sitting delusion regarding the goals of the 500 million.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 7, 2020 8:11 PM
Reply to  Jector

“Suggest one asks them. Not that they will give an honest answer.”

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2020 8:35 PM
Reply to  Jector

You’d have to ask them. They claim that human population is driving AGW. However, the populations they have targeted to reduce tend to be poor ones. But the size of “carbon footprint” is over-determined by class, i.e. wealth. In other words, the billionaire class, (those who decide what and how resources are to be extracted, manufactured and disposed of) that is, those most responsible for polluting the environment blame those least responsible. Blaming the poor for the societal problems created by capitalist ruling elites is not new. Thomas Malthus’ writing on population from the 18th century sought to do the same thing. His ideas were disproved in his own time by David Ricardo. But his ideas keep coming back, not because they have any scientific merit, but because they serve the interests big capital.

Those most susceptible to capitalist propaganda, Liberals, have tended to embrace this idea. Many environmental groups also push “overpopulation” as an existential threat to human survival. (Of course, if you do your homework, the big environmental groups are all funded by oligarch foundations that made their vast wealth exploiting poor people and polluting the environment.) The real threat to humanity is from the parasites at the top, the billionaire class and their technocratic hangers on.

Dec 8, 2020 1:03 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Excellent. And it all fits together – if one would only care to dig for the truth. Dig deep that is.
This is simplified to save some words:

For the time an increasing global population guaranteed increasing profits – there was no ‘overpopulation’ but larger markets for cheap, planned obsolescence garbage.

The more people on Earth – the more profits to be had.

However, now the hyperrich owner class changed its mind a while ago. Wealth does not require more consumers any longer. Wealth is simply created by printing/digitally adding more ‘money’.

Whence the hyperrich started to realize that an increasing population also comes with increasing consumption for which there are no more profits generated – the masses have become a liability. This is a finite planet, with finite resources.

The hyperrich can no longer allow the peasant consumer masses to burn through resources the hyperrich demand for themselves.

It has evolved into: All for us (rich) – nothing for you (poor). The reason why a book was written in the late seventies, predicting that the next ‘world war’ will be rich versus poor.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Dec 8, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Exactly. What an irony! The descendants of the same families that devised the economic system that consistently polluted the environment in a large scale for centuries, and encouraged us to adopt it (after our ancestors had to sell they land during the Enclosures) making the most off it during all that time, are now telling us it’s our fault and we must adopt another system!

I suppose Prince Charles, Soros, Gates and their ilk can afford not working in a factory, or having to buy food with all the land they must own.

They really think we are fools!

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Dec 8, 2020 1:56 AM
Reply to  Jector

This quote from John Taylor Gatto may begin to answer your question. The interview is on YT; it’s called “John Gatto Prussian Education” and delves into the intellectual motivations behind movements like eugenics:

“… Once Charles Darwin wrote his second famous book, not “Origin of Species” but “The Descent of Man”, which was published in England a little bit before it was in the United States in 1871… Darwin refined his theory of evolution – I hope you all know that Darwin was not an academic professor – . What Darwin thought got circulated in drawing rooms all over the world before any academics heard of it. Darwin’s second famous book “Descent of Man” introduced into the community of the powerful in Europe and the United States as profound an idea as I have ever been able to track in human history. It was simply this: Not everyone is evolving; a very small fraction of the human race is evolving; everybody else is an evolutionary dead-end…”

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 7, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

See my reply to Jector, just above. The usual knee-jerk eugenicists=environmentalists (substanceless) slur from Tom. Ehrlich, like Malthus, made the common human error of wanting reality to operate at human-comfortable timescales, instead of taking its own preferred pace with these thing. It won’t. It will unfold at the pace it chooses. But it will unfold, according to the harsh imperatives of ecological reality. Ehrlich and Malthus just jumped the gun a bit.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 8, 2020 11:43 PM
Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 8, 2020 11:59 PM

1) “[Malthus] applies his principle of the geometric growth of population as an eternal law of nature to all places and all times, suggesting therefore that the earth was already overpopulated when one man existed.”

2) He attributes the condition of the poor to a natural deficiency, not to the actions of human beings.

3) Only a small proportion of the earth is cultivated and not very productively at that. Malthusianism rejects scientific and social advance.

4) Malthus’ “overpopulation” was in fact unemployment, a necessary adjunct to capitalism. Unemployment explains the existence of poverty, not lack of food.

Is it too late now
Is it too late now
Dec 7, 2020 8:55 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen


Dont feed the Trolls, they will only get bigger if you do.

I prefer to ignore them, but if they become pests, simply point them out so that others realise what they actually are and can choose to ignore them.

Dec 9, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Paul Ehrlich oy vey not a cohencidence they do after all believe that God made the world for them and them alone, and everyone else was put here to be slaves for them, hence their obsession with communism, they do however understand they are outnumbered and having too many slaves makes their position as the 1% ruling race/class very tenuous !

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 7, 2020 8:22 PM
Reply to  Jector

Why? Because – whatever the denialists may say, with their knee-jerk smear-snarls of ‘eugenicist-monster!’ against anyone who sees this commonsense reality plainly – the world really is in the midst of a classic population-overshoot incident, amongst humans on this occasion, though it’s a frequently-seen event amongst other species. These always end the same way: Unless the species has the wit to see what’s happening, and – applying its knowledge of ecology – takes early corrective steps **voluntarily** to head off the overshoot episode (and clearly, hom-sap has the wit to do this, but not the will), then the usual Gaian correctives will apply themselves automatically and inexorably: The entirely unsustainable ramping up of available resource-use by the ballooning population continues, and indeed accelerates towards the end, until there’s no more left to sustain the balloon, which then pops, and dumps the surplus population into a grim culling experience. Entirely green and natural, if that’s any comfort. Been going on periodically for many millions of years, whenever any of Mam Gaia’s children set off on a population ramp… It’s looking ever more likely that the already-past global peaking of SLEG (sweet, light, easy-get) crude oil production, in the first decade of this century (yes it did happen then! Fracking didn’t alter that underlying trend by more than one very temporary bump on the ‘bumpy plateau; and fracking is now just about dead and finished) this peak moment in ’05 began our current downward* trajectory towards the oncoming nightmare of energy famines in the near future. And without abundant, cheap SLEG crude, modern hitech industrial-civ just can’t survive. There are, when you look with stone-cold realism, literally no substitute energy sources which can fully replace fossil-hydrocarbon energy, not anywhere on the horizon. ‘Renewables’ (which ALL require constant and essential fossil-fuel energy subsidies… Read more »

Dec 8, 2020 8:10 AM

A problem with this argument: the petroleum price has slumped, though it has recovered somewhat from a recent crash.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 9, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Right. Peak Oil came and went. Nothing happened. Richard Heinberg sold some books, gave some doomsday lectures -made some money. I am surprised anybody thinks about him anymore.

Dec 7, 2020 5:02 PM

Even the Daily mail doesn’t feel the need to censor comments

Dec 7, 2020 4:32 PM

Working under pressure is no excuse for lack of humanity
‘Carers’ are programmed to push back against families
From 46:00 minutes

Dec 7, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Under the state these Fascist’s at UK fifth column have in mind, this horror will be as nought compared to the horrors they will unleash on society. Your neo-nazi political organisations have form when it comes to crimes against human rights.

Dec 7, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Panda

Tick tock. You’re early. Review of today’s show just coming up. And 77th Brigade gets a name check.

Dec 7, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Who are you trying to kid, most of the 77th Brigade share your politics and are posting everything you post. Your Neo-nazis politics is shared by most of the UK’s military, security agencies and the CIA’s social media who promote you.

Look at any CIA’s coup around the world over the past 70 years, you neo-Nazis are the backbone of these ‘popular uprisings’ whether it be in the Ukraine, golden dawn in Greece, Hungary or Poland, you are Steve Bannon’s and the CIA’s little puppies, who help overturn democratically elected governments for US Corporate interests. That is what you are, whether you know it or not.

Dec 7, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  Jector

You’ve just described neo-liberals.
I’m left enough to have fallen foul of unIntelligence vetting in network TV and I know what divides an establishment crony journalist from someone like myself.

While I’m ‘left’, I’m not a progressive because a) progessives don’t progress (they don’t evaluate their opinions, they expect others to change) and b) the progressives supported Mussolini and tend to get themselves into a spot of bother with eugenics.

Today’s progressives ironically ally with the military and intel, and in the U.S. with the DoJ, FBI and CIA, who have been reframed to think of themselves as “super diverse” while retaining the small-minded, bootboy fascism that we expect of officialdom.

Dec 7, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The far-right, the alt right and the neo-Nazis are now the foot solders of the American neo liberals, they overturn the democracies and the neo-liberals move in, that is the classic CIA coup.

I think I agree with your second point, if I understand it correctly. The military always feel at home in the authoritarianism of the far-right, it is their natural home.

Dec 7, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  Jector

False. There is no right and left they are constructs by the controllers who use the Hegelian Dialectic by creating binary “seemingly” oppositional forces to synthesize their solution.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If we are generous, it seems to me this person doesn’t know what neoliberalism is. As you well know has been very much a bipartisan operation.

Dec 7, 2020 7:58 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There is both right-wing politics and left-wing politics, veruy useful labels . But there are neo-Nazis who want to pretend there are neither, because they don’t like where it puts them on the political spectrum historically, and they don’t like to be reminded of their previous political ‘leaders’ & atrocities, do you?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Jector

Researcher is way beyond you.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2020 7:15 PM
Reply to  Jector

This guy is a troll.

Dec 7, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Must be he’s not a neo-nazi.

Is it too late now
Is it too late now
Dec 7, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus


Its not just the 77th at it – apparently some muppets at GCHQ are at it too.

I have even heard that the ‘Behavior Analyists’ or whatevwr they call themselves at the NCA / MI5 monitor the comments and experimet with posters.

The problem with these ‘educated fools’, ‘useful idiots’, and ‘unthinking order followers’ is that they are no where near as intelligent as they think they are – nor as well protected from the coming chaos as they may believe.

I would imagine that this site is one of the most ‘studied’ in the UK due to the intelligent and well informed readership.

Maybe some of the useful idiots and unthinking order followers will actually learn something about the true nature of thier paymasters through ‘monitoring’ conversations on here. Perhaps they may recognise that although thier bills are being paid they are selling out the country by enabling the scum who currently hold and pull the levers of power.

Well, we can but hope.

Dec 7, 2020 2:41 PM

It strikes me that Israel is something of a red herring here. The covid scam has the feel of the kind of economic warfare the US has waged on its rivals and enemies for many decades. This time it seems directed at its allies/vassals, under cover of a public health scare – whether out of desperation or hubris.

Dec 7, 2020 2:49 PM
Reply to  Thom

I know, people who say ‘Palestine.’

Geoff S
Geoff S
Dec 7, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Thom

Well if it’s US war, it’s a war they’re also waging on their own population, not just overseas. I think to describe this as US led, is to fail to understand the borderless entities that are orchestrating this. Sure, many lines lead back to the US, but also many lead back to Europe, particularly UK, Germany and Switzerland.

Not likely a coincidence that its the major chokepoints of Western financial interests.

Dec 7, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

”…..but also many lead back to Europe, particularly UK, Germany and Switzerland.”

Really ….which? ……You need to understand that all CIA coups are done with the corporation of the local elites, who will gain most, this is true in Venezuela as much as it is in Germany, France and the UK.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Dec 7, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  Panda

OK, so the CIA co-opt locals. As do any and all intelligence agencies. I’m not sure of what relevance it is to this subject?

Understanding that the intelligence agencies are operating independently of any governmental oversight, save for some cosmetic touches, doesn’t mean that they have no paymaster. All their intelligence, all their assets, all their grip on ‘local elites’, would all be for naught if their finances were removed. And who do you think could achieve that? Who could sink them overnight if they felt compelled?

Dec 7, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

I’m not speculating about anything new here, just look at what is happening in Venezuela, the rich of the country, with the help of the CIA are proposing a new president, who nobody in the country wants, but the money, sanctions, blackmail and US propaganda are behind him.
Macaron is that man in France, with better PR but ultimately he is a US puppet, just like Juan Guaidó is. The elites of France and the US share a common love of screwing the small man, and making loads of money at his expense.

The CIA solved your second point by self funding. Following Watergate, all CIA operations were stopped, so they simply went overseas, and sought funding from a complicit middle east. The drugs trade funds a lot more than we know, as the Iran Contra afraid exposed, and there are many self funded pod casts doing the CIA’s work today on youtube.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Dec 7, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  Jector

They may self fund, but where do they keep all their funds? It may be metaphorically tucked under a mattress or it may not, but it isn’t literally. Someone has a say in whether they can access this. Whether they ‘earn’ the money through illegal activity or get given it out of taxpayer funds or however they obtain it, still misses the point.

If you think you control the money in your bank account, it’s only because the bank hasn’t denied you… yet

Dec 7, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  Thom

Hallelujah! It is finally dawning on you people what is really going on.Look how people vote you down, which means some dark players here are invested in the lies. You will be relentlessly attacked by agents of the neoliberal roll-out for saying such a thing. So keep saying it!

Dec 7, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  Thom

Hallelujah! So it is finally dawning on you people what is really going on.If you want more proof, just look how people vote you down, which means some dark players here are invested in the lies. You will be relentlessly attacked by subcontractors of the neoliberal roll-out for saying such a thing. So keep saying it!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 8, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  Panda

MODS, please! This is really getting out of hand. If you both are not able (with the time and resources available to you) to effectively monitor the comments section, dealing promptly with the everrapidly-increasing number of paid operatives cluttering up the space, then please do consider appointing some trusted long-term, discerning (and non-remunerated) posters as auxiliary mods, with the power to promptly and effectively deal with all the irrelevant, distracting, nonsense posts. The way it’s going, this comments section will not be worth reading within weeks, if not days (which is, of course, one of the main goals of the offending parties…). Surely, you have been aware of the likelihood of this for some time, and have a plan?

Dec 7, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Thom

Hallelujah! thank god, …..it is finally dawning on you people what is really going on.If you want more proof, just look how people vote you down, which means some dark players here are invested in the lies. You will be relentlessly attacked by subcontractors of the neoliberal roll-out for saying such a thing. So keep saying it!

Geoff S
Geoff S
Dec 7, 2020 2:21 PM

This is the most eye opening article I’ve seen on OffG for a long time. I’ll freely admit, it’s shaken me a little. I’ve been opposed (as has every person with a shred of humanity in them) to Israel’s disgusting behaviour in Palestine, but I only really ever saw it as them brutalising their neighbours for land and power, and I thought that the western governments supported it because of a powerful lobby bribing and coercing those with real power to turn a blind eye. It never fully made sense to me, why Israel was proceeding as slowly as it has been, when I am sure they could have finished their project by now and destroyed the remaining Palestinian presence. It also never made sense to me how little safeguard there was against the incredible and unbelievable lobbying power of Israel. If it hadn’t been there in front of my eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it possible. Now, it looks very different to me and makes more sense. They don’t want to get rid of Palestine. Get rid of it as a viable state, yes, but to maintain a shadow of a nation now looks like the goal. It’s not just the brutal genocide I thought it was all this time. It’s an experiment. A long term western experiment on how to utterly cripple a population and maintain control, with the end goal being a roll out onto the rest of us. This would explain Israel’s protection far better than mere lobbying. This would explain why Israel is so slow at completing the final disappearance of Palestine, which, let’s be honest, they could do in short order if they were motivated. (and the state of Israel is not shy in pursuing their wishes) Palestine is just an experiment. A study.… Read more »

Dec 7, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

I agree with you. I also see this as: Why getting rid of your worst enemy when fighting this enemy has been your purpose all these years? + keeps foreign military investments flowing in your pockets.

About the roll out, there’s an impressive number of Israeli intelligence linked firms that are involve throughout the COVID management, vaccine ops, etc. in many countries.

Dec 7, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

They’re all experiments. It’s the Hegelian Dialectic in all aspects of geopolitical conflicts and economic policies being played out continuously.

South African Apartheid was an experiment. China. Russia. Iran. Palestine. The US and petro dollar hegemony. Imperialism. Communism. Capitalism. Socialism. Religion. Theology. Nihilism. Modernism. Post Modernism. Stock Markets. Financial Instruments. The International Drug Trade. Human Trafficking. Civil wars. Pandemics. Germ Theory. All of them experiments, to manage, predict and control human behavior and most importantly, human perception.

COINTELPRO never ended. Project Monarch never ended. Operation Paperclip was planned long before Hitler invaded Poland. The Manhattan Project, MKUltra, and a dozen other operations and projects have morphed into SMART devices, 5g satellites and mass surveillance using biometric data and mass mind control.

Nation states and the orchestrated and planned wars, internal and external conflicts, financial crashes and crises are social, cultural and economic experiments by the controllers, who use the data and machine learning algorithms to refine their propaganda campaigns, consolidate their power and formulate coordinated policies where the NGOs, governments and industry work together against the citizens.

Dec 7, 2020 8:19 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

Apart from that the deep divisions in Israeli ‘society’ would destroy the bastard state without the common enemy which must be continually provoked by ongoing atrocities in order to maintain the ‘terrorist threat’. A lot of recent world history is predicated on this process. “Palestine is still the issue”.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Dec 7, 2020 8:36 PM
Reply to  AlanG

Enemies can be found anywhere. They can be conjured out of thin air. The literal demonisation of Palestinians is also to quell any humanisation of them so the atrocities can continue without significant internal backlash.

If Palestine were completely subsumed into Israel, they would have no trouble in realigning Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan or whoever as the ‘threat’ to bind them together. Or even a microscopic virus…

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 7, 2020 8:51 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

You think the zionistanis could eliminate the Palestinians instantly if they wanted to, Geoff? Not so sure about that. The nazis tried it with the European jews, yet despite all their German efficiency and dedication, they only managed six million – or whatever the number really was; I’ve no real certainty at all about that; I only know the weaponised propaganda that’s been shoved continuously into our minds about it since 1945. But whatever the victim-count was, the nazis failed. Just as their colonial-settler heirs in Palestine will fail with the native population.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Dec 7, 2020 9:43 PM

The two situations are chalk and cheese, as are the motivations behind the actors involved. I don’t really want to discuss events prior up to 1945, because reasons.

The only three things which could prevent them from wiping Palestine from existence if they so chose would be global, regional or internal opinion. Global opposition will be contained as it has been until now. Regional opinion would be outward bellicosity and inward relief. Internal opinion – this is more complex, but while there are Israelis opposed to what is being done to Palestine, it’s hard to overstate the rabid and irrational belief in the need to eradicate Palestinians.

If they chose to remove Palestine, they could do it very quickly. They keep it as it is, like a cat toying with a dying mouse to torture it.

Dec 8, 2020 1:02 AM
Reply to  Geoff S

Geoff – sadly, a significant ‘quirk’ of the zionist-mentality is the enjoyment of prolonging suffering. This truly twisted feature of zionism is the most appealing aspect of this ideology to its practitioners and supporters.

Dec 8, 2020 8:19 AM
Reply to  Geoff S

“This would explain Israel’s protection far better..”

The historical subversion of the major Western religion explains it well.

Dec 8, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Geoff S

Thank you Geoff S for your most excellent summary of this chilling article.
So many truths and realities unveiled yet they were in plain sight all along.

I totally agree that if the Palestinian question were “finally solved” the world would shrug.
But that will not happen as who then will the psychopaths toy with? …
We pray that will not happen.

The Nation of Zion is Global Capitalism’s means, its R&D sector, of profiting from the naturally abundant resources of pain death blood & misery.

Also look here to Whitney Webb’s site about what they did with all that blackmail:


In case anyone think that their reach is limited to Palestine.

Dec 7, 2020 1:09 PM

I would even say that most government measures have economic aims. The masks are helping Amazon by driving people out of shops on line, the ‘NHS’ tracking is helping Google commercial data collection, the ban on cash is helping MasterCard & Visa, the destruction of small business is helping large US chains and corporations take more market share. The exodus from offices to on-line is helping Zoom grow a monopoly position. The closure of our theatres is helping Netflix, Apple and Amazon TV. The closure of schools will drive all education on-line and no doubt the USA will be supplying the ‘best educational material’. The closure of our hospitals will drive our public healthcare into a ditch, on route to privatisation. This is a neoliberal operation.

Dec 7, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  wilster

It is a soulless, stupid operation, designed only for staggering short-term gain at the cost of our whole species.
The term, ‘neoliberal’ hardly does it justice…
It is satanic.

Dec 7, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Totally agree……I don’t assume their measures make sense, they are totally distractive. You’d think the world would realise by now that the American flavour of Corporate monopoly capitalism doesn’t work, just by looking at the state of the USA today.

A country which with enlightened leadership could be, without question, the most beautiful, rich and fair country on the planet, given its natural resources, availability of land and sense of justice in the population. But they throw that all away and wreck everything of value, as you say, for short term profit.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 7, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  wilster

Online “education” is not workable, not only because of the “socialization” factor.

A computer is a tool “not a way of life.” When the power goes out lets see how useful it is. A society is more than just the sum of its tools (technology).

Dec 7, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

indeed, I have made this point before, to be free of American empire, just pull out the wifi cable, they are then powerless in Europe and the UK.

Dec 7, 2020 12:29 PM

The evil collection of thugs nested in apartheid, occupied Palestine’s welfare warfare rump state without borders, will be torn to bits the day the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper petro dollah is flushed and without USSAN tax cattle tribute the zionazi abomination will disappear. The big problem then for the so-called Western “democracies” will be how to house these scavaging interlopers among their Muslim filled ghettos. Then the fun really begins.

The festering cancer in apartheid, occupied Palestine has caused humanity more pain and misery in the 20th century than any other dysfunctional criminal state. It is in effect the root cause of the entire Al CIAduh muslim terrorist phenomenon.

Cure the zionist pestilence in Palestine and the ME would be cured.
A historical tour de force, The Invention of the Jewish People offers a groundbreaking account of Jewish and Israeli history. Exploding the myth that there was a forced Jewish exile in the first century at the hands of the Romans, Israeli historian Shlomo Sand argues that most modern Jews descend from converts, whose native lands were scattered across the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
ORIGINAL EDITION. Koestler advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people originating in and populating an empire north of and between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Koestler’s hypothesis is that the Khazars – who converted to Judaism in the 8th century – migrated westwards into current Eastern Europe (primarily Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Hungary and Germany) in the 12th and 13th centuries when the Khazar Empire was collapsing.



Dec 7, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  Malatok

There’s even a village of Ashkenaz. It ain’t in Israel. You’ll search high and low in Germany. Because it’s in Turkey near its border with Iran.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Malatok


Joseph Ernest Renan (1823-1892)
