Dissenting Voices: Finding Courage to Speak Against Your Assailant

Christine E. Black

A man in a white lab coat with advanced degrees in medicine sexually abused hundreds of young girl gymnasts in his office, sometimes while their parents stood nearby. Michigan State University professor and USA gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar penetrated girls, most younger than 16, some younger than 13, with an ungloved hand, saying he was examining them internally, doing check-ups necessary for them to perform as young athletes. This doctor continued his abuse of hundreds of girls over many years.

For years, girls told other coaches, the police, university administrators, psychologists. They repeatedly told USA gymnastics officials. And yet, Nassar was not stopped until his arrest in 2016. The girls obeyed. Hundreds of parents kept taking their daughters to see him. Girls must have complained. Some probably vomited quietly in the bathroom later or cried by themselves. They kept competing in gymnastics events.

How was this doctor able to do what he did over these many years?

Well-meaning parents, coaches, teachers, attending nurses; hundreds of adults surrounded this man while he violated young girl athletes in plain view. He was able to do this because he was an “expert”, a “scientist”, someone whom others were certain knew… more than they did… what was best.

He wore a white lab coat and had diplomas on his office walls. He had a high salary, a long career, a staff, and institutions behind him.


In this time of lockdowns, church and business restrictions and closures, immeasurable harms, pervasive losses, and debilitating fear in response to a virus with a survival rate of higher than 99 percent for most people, we have continued to hear the slogan, trust “the Science” or follow (or obey) “the Science” and “the Scientists.” Obey government controls and “the Science” a bit longer, and it will get better.

Further, those who question “the Science” and do not conform – or even merely think differently – are named and targeted as dangerous.

The virus is real, sicknesses and deaths are real, of course, while also real are the harms, deaths, and traumas from measures thought to mitigate it.

Further, some have made huge sums of money during this time while others have lost everything – and some will make huge sums from vaccines.

When “Science” is funded by corporations and special interest groups, we may learn by asking, “Who writes the checks, and who gets paid?”

I thought science had always been about questioning, and yet lately, questioners are degraded as ignorant, superstitious, or heretical. Those touting the slogan, “Follow the Science” or “Obey the Science” have begun to sound more like Biblical literalists, not at all like what I have understood science to be. We have been told that we must obey the literal last word of “The Science”. But whose science? Funded and led by whom and to what purpose?

Published “science” on this virus has changed monthly, even weekly, over many months. Masks are ineffective; wear masks. Wipe surfaces; no need to wipe surfaces as it is airborne and does not live on surfaces. Asymptomatic spread is common; asymptomatic spread is rare.

In addition, many scientists have noted that the tests for the infection are often unreliable.

Confusions and contradictions have been dizzying. Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Azithromycin have been used around the world to prevent and effectively treat this virus in early stages and yet, scientists who share information on these drugs are maligned, threatened, and sometimes fired. How is this science?

Now, almost nine months into lockdowns, governments threaten to fine or jail people gathering for holidays, and questioners are still being called ignorant, psychopathic, uneducated, uncaring, and are also accused of getting people killed. How is this science? Science involves constant scrutiny and questioning, positing hypotheses, then continually examining and testing them in order to disprove them.

Further, a universe of hypotheses opens for our consideration. Responsible science was never, “This is the Science, period, now shut up.”

In the Stanley Milgram experiment in the 1960s, a man in a white lab coat quietly told volunteers to administer increasing levels of electric shocks to a person on the other side of a partition, when the person gave a wrong answer to a question. The experiment was staged, and the shocks not real, but participants did not know this. Some administered near lethal shock levels. Subjects thought the experiment was in learning, but experimenters were actually studying conformity and obedience to an authority figure. When people became uncomfortable and did not want to continue administering shocks, the man in the white lab coat simply stated, “The experiment requires that you continue.”

Lately, we may substitute the word, “science” for “experiment” as in, “The science requires that you continue.”

Participants continued pressing a button to shock another person even while the person screamed in pain. The screams were not real, but participants did not know this. How did experimenters get people to comply and administer almost lethal shocks to another human being? They complied because the white-lab-coated man was an expert. A scientist. A pretend one, but participants did not know that. They thought surely the scientist must know more than them.

History of science is filled with examples of scientists, especially medical doctors, who were horribly, even fatally, wrong.

Bloodletting, leeches, cauterizations of the uterus are a few of the treatments described in For Her Own Good: 150 Years of Experts Advice to Women by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English (Anchor Books/ Doubleday, 1978). In the late 18th century, doctors, touting science, moved to replace women healers, who had emphasized relationships and wholistic approaches. Doctors advocated more active, quantifiable, “heroic” measures. They focused on doing something.

Unfortunately for the health of the young republic, the heroic approach contained an inherent drift toward homicide,” write Ehrenreich and English. “Since the point was to prove that the treatment was more powerful than the disease, it followed that the more dangerous a drug or procedure, the more powerful a remedy it was presumed by most doctors to be. For example, blisters (induced by mustard plaster, etc.) were a common treatment for many diseases. In an 1847 paper, a physician observed that extensive blistering had a disastrous effect on children, sometimes causing convulsions, gangrene, and even death. He concluded from this that blisters ‘ought to hold a high rank’. in the treatment of diseases of childhood.’(Ehrenreich and English, p. 46)

Bloodletting was another regular remedy of the time, in addition to other “cleansings,” including inducing vomiting and using laxatives and enemas.

Bloodletting was used by physicians well into the 20th century for many ailments; including accidents, malaria, childhood fevers, pregnancy discomfort, and anemia.

Many physicians in the early 19th century bled until the patient fainted or pulsed ceased, whichever came first,”

…according to Ehrenreich and English, who examined historical documents and biographies of the time (Ibid. p. 46).

Bloodletting was common during the yellow fever epidemic of 1873. Laxative purges, accomplished by the administration of calomel, a mercury salt, were considered an all-purpose remedy for everything from teething pain and diarrhea to chronic diseases.

Long term use caused the gums, the teeth, and eventually the tongue and the entire jaw to erode and fall off”
(Ibid. p. 47)

According to historians, physicians knew of these side effects but performed these procedures anyway.

During the cholera epidemic in St. Louis, physicians ran around with calomel loose in their pockets and simply doled it out by the teaspoonful (Ibid. p. 47)

In For Her Own Good, historian Ann Douglas Wood describes treatments used in the mid-nineteenth century for almost any female complaint – manual investigation, leeching, injections, and cauterization (without anaesthetic except a bit of opium or alcohol).

William Potts Dewees, an American medical professor, and Dr. Hughes Bennett, a famous English gynaecologist, widely read in the U.S.,…

both advocated placing leeches right on the vulva or neck of the uterus, although Bennett cautioned the doctor to count them as they dropped off when satiated and some may be lost.(Ibid. p. 123)

These men were scientists and doctors; people listened to them and did as they directed.

Questionable, even barbaric, practices have been carried out in the name of science. Eugenics programs advocated and performed forced sterilizations in the U.S. well into the 20th century and some in the 21st century.

Lobotomies and electroconvulsive shocks for the mentally ill were supported by the science. Scientists were certain they were doing the right thing.

Those who listened to them and submitted to their authority believed them.

Certainties may cause us to wonder. During the run up to the U.S. war in Iraq, across almost every major media outlet, we heard over and over words like “indisputable,” “irrefutable” about the “evidence,” supporting the necessity of war. We heard that war was “inevitable,” was “inexorable,” that the science was unquestionable. Former General Colin Powell appeared all over networks with scientific-looking charts behind him while he held a vial of some substance, to demonstrate the science. People who questioned that war’s absolute and immediate necessity were mocked, bullied, vilified, fired, threatened, sometimes even with death.


We learn and change and do differently. Outliers, outsiders, and challengers often lead us to new and important discoveries. And yet, lately our culture seems to suggest that those questioning “the Science” or the “scientists” should be condemned or not allowed to speak at all – even when many scientists disagree. Lately, we have been told, and many believe, that speaking up or stepping out of line may get us killed – or may get someone we love killed. This strikes me as a dangerous psychological trick.

Stepping away from dominant groups or voicing alternatives to dominant narratives can be very difficult. It can sometimes feel, or actually be, life-threatening. And yet, once you have had to speak up, perhaps alone, against a dominant group, or a domineering person, who threatens your life or the life of a loved one if you speak, you are forever changed. You may never be able to comply automatically and without question with the white-lab-coated scientist, telling you to press the button or the doctor, telling you to lie back on the table, or the scientist telling you to take the pill.

An assault survivor may be told by their assailant, “If you speak up, or step out of line, I’ll kill you – or your family.”

This statement is just a few characters away from, “If you speak up or step out of line, it’ll kill you” (the virus). Or alternatively that you (or it) will kill someone you love.

Those who have gathered courage to stand and speak against an assailant; a dominant group; an authority figure, may have a lot to teach us.

My friend, Lucy, killed herself twenty-five years ago. Her father, a Christian missionary and leader in the church and in the community, sexually abused her. The church did not believe her when she told. They turned their backs. Her mother did not believe her. Lucy spoke the truth of her experience even though she thought she may die. She stood against a church and its leaders and her own family. Sadly, Lucy did not survive. But I have — and can remember her and share her story.

Boys in State College, Pennsylvania were raped by Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky from 1994 – 2009 while many suspected or knew but looked away and did nothing. Those boys had to speak up against Sandusky, his wife, a whole football program, an entire town and culture that revered the sport, and a university built around the famous program. They had to tell their mothers, mothers who had believed Sandusky, a man who had started a non-profit organization to help and guide young boys.

Many sexual abuse survivors have had to stand against the Catholic Church. You are forever changed after standing up against powerful groups, institutions, or individuals – whether it be the church, the military, the town, the national scouting program, the department, “the Science”. I admire those who have had to do so, often initially alone. It can feel in the beginning like you may die, whether or not someone actually threatened you with death. And yet, people trust their hearts and instincts and speak up anyway, usually at great cost.

Many, including brave children, have stood and spoken when their conscience, their instincts, their safety, or their faith would not allow them to do otherwise. Once you have had to do this, it becomes much harder to believe, without question, that “everybody” knows better than you do, the authority figure knows better than you do, that the narrative must be swallowed whole.

You have been irrevocably changed. You have faced death or the prospect of death.

You have faced the threat…

“Speak up or act up and I’ll (it’ll)
kill you”

…and you have survived.

Christine E. Black’s work has been published in Antietam Review, 13th Moon, American Journal of Poetry, New Millennium Writings, Nimrod International, Red Rock Review, The Virginia Journal of Education, Friends Journal, The Veteran, Sojourners MagazineIris Magazine, English Journal, Amethyst Review, and other publications. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and the Pablo Neruda Prize.


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Nov 3, 2023 8:50 PM

Consider this on Richard Gardner, the inventor of the debunked “syndrome” parental alienation that was used against protective mothers. Court officials allowed themselves to be brainwashed by followers of Gardner’s self-published materials. We should all be wary of cult tactics and brainwashing. Perhaps we are learning more after the last few years of harm, especially to children and young people during the covid hysteria.


Groups that study cults can be helpful. See also information on Warren Farrell. Keep thinking critically and humanely.


May 12, 2023 1:12 AM

I am just coming across this now. Victims’ stories should be heeded, taken seriously as they trust their instincts and tell. It is very hard to tell. It is much more common for victims to remain silent. The past few years have shown us that often people will not even see what is right in front of them, will not even trust the truth of their own perceptions. This has happened with the Sandusky abuse of boys when people saw and did nothing; the abuse of girls on the USA gymnastics team, as well as in countless other ways throughout history. It happened with the Covid fiasco as children’s suffering was ignored. We can also see opportunists who manipulate others into believing their scams, such as Warren Farrell in the U.S., who has written on so-called “father’s rights” and the importance of fathers. Most mothers recognize the importance of fathers and leaders, who support mothers, have moral authority, and are not abusive or neglectful and who put children’ needs before their own. However, Farrell has minimized and defended pedophilia and vilified mothers for their attempts to protect children from abusive fathers, including sexual abuse. See his Penthouse magazine interview comments, available online. The so-called “father’s rights” groups, who have manipulated the media and courts in some places, was started by men who were accused of sexually abusing children, allegations which were often shown to be true. See information on Richard Gardner, who committed suicide. Many people, including strong and honorable men, have worked to expose these manipulations and the harms to children and to women and mothers. See http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/pas/RAG.html Also see The Liz Library online from a FL lawyer and researcher has a lot of information on harms to children. These are just a few examples of how people have… Read more »

David Latham
David Latham
Nov 13, 2021 12:54 AM

In regards to the young children, teenagers (USA Gymnast/Football Camp Participants), and others who come forth with allegations of sexual abuse and other serious charges of threats and misconduct, I feel that it is very important that their voices be heard and not subdued, snuffed out and ignored. Not every allegation leveled at an individual in a position of authority is true or accurate. These types of incidents are often very tricky and a slippery slope but they have to be navigated by credible investigators. We have a rich history of victims being ignored. At the same time many of those falsely accused have suffered greatly as well. Both sides of the coin need to be carefully examined. I certainly don’t have all the answers and don’t claim too. However, I am all in for victims being heard, allegations being investigated, innocent individuals honored being restored, and suspects being brought to justice. Once again, this is a slippery slope indeed. However, allowing a single individual in a position of authority traumatize young people for decades (literally) is not acceptable.

Dec 11, 2020 4:23 AM

True, many people fail to speak up where there is a pretext of “science”. But they fail to even in the absence of such a pretext. No, it is more than failing to speak up: They do not assert their own thought. Especially to counter authority. But even in its absence.

Example: In the 50s it began to be said on TV that saturated fat and animal products were unhealthful; that instead one must eat less animal products and consume instead bottles of vegetable oil. Consider the logic of this: One should drastically reduce saturated fat, a major element of mankind’s diet for millennia in favor of a product which had not existed previously. Otherwise one could not be healthy. Does that make the least sense?

In fact, the cholesterol and saturated fat hypotheses have been proven many times to be false. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/07/11/saturated-fat-myth.aspx?cid_source=dnl& start listening @ 9. Paul Saladino & Nina Her bk explodes Ancel Keyes, cholesterol

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY2v6AnEyuU  Eades Paleopathology

It wasn’t really a scientific presentation that had persuaded most people, or which persuades them today, to continue the vegetable oil and high carbohydrate diet which makes so many fat and unhealthy. Rather, it seems to be the failure to regard one’s own mind as competent. There’s not much point in thinking if you have no confidence that your rational faculty is trustworthy. All of my life I’ve tried to figure out why so many people DO NOT THINK– and that’s the closest I’ve been able to understand it– they have no confidence in their thought. The result is total intellectual apathy, passivity. If you don’t judge ideas then you just sponge them up as is.

I sometimes wonder if there’s a physical basis for it.

Dec 12, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Maybe it’s the desire to belong and not be rejected by the group. The physical basis for it may be that humans evolved dependent upon the group for survival — knowing which plants to eat and which were poisonous; telling each other where the predators were. Now with so much information out there, we have to be much more discriminating. The discernment requires higher level thinking than just believing automatically what someone else says. Money is involved. For example, companies made money from the sales of vegetable oils in the example above — or from the sales of all kinds of products which harmed people’s health. They still do. I think it is very important for teachers and parents to continue to teach children and young people to question and think critically and creatively. There is an overload of information and noise but wisdom is lacking often. Sadly, lately, people (sadly teachers and writers and intellectuals) are being bullied and punished for thinking independently and speaking up, for complicating the debate. Complicating the debate can be essential and productive — especially now with the harms and deaths from suicide, despair, loneliness, poverty, and addiction in this oppressive time.

Dec 10, 2020 3:41 PM

BMJ: December 4th 2020:
Medical treatment was used as cover for sexual abuse of children, inquiry concludeshttps://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4745.full

alexander reynolds
alexander reynolds
Dec 10, 2020 12:55 AM

I see you OffGuardian lefties will absolutely NEVER leave off offering a platform, at this absolutely decisive moment in the history of humanity, to stupid, confused people who are likely to confuse others and make them stupid when humanity needs as many wits about it as it can muster. The idea of drawing an analogy between the people resisting the globalist crackdown currently being carried out under the cloak of the COVID hoax and the people who colluded in barely less cruel and dishonest farces like the Larry Nassar show-trial is simply grotesque. Draw, rather an analogy between the people running the “pandemic” hoax and the odious, sadistic, blatantly and shamelessly un-impartial Nassar judge, the hundred-and-fifty people who let themselves be paraded in front of Nassar to spew hate and abuse at him in “impact statements” that did not incur any of the obligations that would have been incurred by actual legal testimony, the self-congratulatory mutual “award”-giving that was engaged in by everyone involved in this gruesome public hanging, drawing and quartering. The road to our current state of smug, smiling, virtue-signalling tyranny was smoothed and prepared by these people, not by the supposed “authority figure” in whose cawing, preening public humiliation and crucifixion they found themselves sanctified by the incense of the “#MeToo moment”. If you doubt it, I’d urge you to try to track them all down – the “crusading” judge Rosemarie Aquilina, the 150 reciters of “impact statements” – and see what attitude they actually are taking toward the tyrannical power and authority which currently has us in its grip. I would be very surprised if you could find even one among these women who hasn’t swapped her 2018 role of vindictive sex-war harpy for the role, in 2020, of finger-wagging demander of unconditional obedience to the… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 10, 2020 3:10 AM

Oh, I thought we were right wing, according to many comments here! You really can’t win sometimes. At least you can’t put us in a box XD. Why don’t you stop seeding division, as THAT is truly the end. And when you say “stay off our side”, who is ‘our’? A2

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 10, 2020 9:00 AM

Most irrelevant rant of the year so far.

alexander reynolds
alexander reynolds
Dec 10, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

>Most irrelevant rant of the year so far
Have you tried selling that to The Guardian, The New York Times, or the BBC as a headline for an article refusing to report on election fraud in the US?
I think I make a comprehensible and actually extremely relevant point. The attitude of mind exhibited by the judge – and by the vast horde of “morally supportive” volunteer calumniators – in the Larry Nassar trial – is dangerously similar to that which is currently being exhibited by Patrick Vallance, Jonathan van Tam and all of the thousands of others of self-perceived Chevaliers of the Right and the Good who are currently railroading us into totalitarian tyranny. It is grotesque, therefore, and politically counter-productive to the point of being suicidal to try to hold up a mob of #metoo misandrist totalitarians as models and inspirations for us in our current fight against totalitarianism.
A person who doesn’t see this and who just sniffs “irrelevant” or “don’t be divisive, comrade” when it is pointed out is, yes, someone I DON’T want to stand shoulder to shoulder with in this current fight for our lives – because it’s painfully obvious that you’ll bolt and join the enemy as soon as this enemy gets the bright idea of appealing to your “feminism”, “egalitarianism”, or some other still-malignant residue of those happy days you spent chattering away on the Guardian Comments.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 10, 2020 6:34 PM

Oh don’t worry. I can’t imagine you standing “shoulder to shoulder” with anyone.

Dec 12, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Indeed. Both a super-verbose rant, and an irrelevant one – made even more irrelevant by its ignorance of the concept, “paragraph”.
Looks like wallpaper designed by a schizophrenic inmate, although I have to admit I’ve seen worse…

Dec 12, 2020 2:35 PM

Feminism didn’t get us here.
Feminism is just another symptom of what got us here:

Organized nihilism, with the aim of empowering the very few to rule over the very many.
It used to be called ‘devil worship’, but, even now, I can’t actually think of a better term to describe it.

Dec 9, 2020 5:30 PM

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Studying history is certainly beneficial, as is studying anything, but history doesn’t exactly repeat itself. One doesn’t cross the same river twice.

There are certain patterns that repeat themselves, but it’s not exactly easy to discern them, and blindly assuming that history will repeat itself can lead a person to completely wrong assumptions and conclusions.

I think that Karl Popper did some empirical experiments to prove that the past has no effect on history.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 9, 2020 6:38 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I think that Karl Popper did some empirical experiments to prove that the past has no effect on history.

I thought the past was history?

Dec 10, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 10, 2020 11:53 AM
Reply to  Jacques

There are certain patterns that repeat themselves, but it’s not exactly easy to discern them …

I’m afraid I disagree there, Jacques. Psyops, for example, have a very distinctive MO. From studying other psyops, particularly 9/11, as soon as COVID “hit” I knew exactly where to look and what to look for to confirm my suspicions it was a psyop … and they were! I was also able to make certain predictions about how it would unfold … that proved correct too.


Dec 11, 2020 5:42 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Extraordinarily interesting link, Petra. Thank you. It’s true that the MO of these events is quite repetitious. I’ve been watching them since Ruby Ridge, and they’re generally easily debunked. Those who will not see it even when pictures are supplied are apparently blinded by the “conspiracy” label.

Dec 9, 2020 3:55 PM

I believe Larry Nassar is a psychopath, who was protected by fellow psychopaths in his profession, in the media and in the legal community (I argue that psychopathy is a green beard trait — they must protect each other from the normy world).


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 9, 2020 12:34 PM

Excellent article exposing the absurdity of slavishly kowtowing to those in authority whether it’s in regard to their claims on “science” or other areas. But, of course, the slavish believers of the current “science” will dismiss the history presented as if that was then – it wouldn’t happen now. Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. One thing I’m grateful to my parents for inculcating in me is to treat authority with great circumspection and to always question and think for oneself as much as possible. Carl Sagan “Arguments from authority carry little weight – authorities have made mistakes in the past. They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science there are no authorities; at most, there are experts.” This snippet from the article, PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, exposes it too. https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/27/covid19-pcr-tests-are-scientifically-meaningless/ “Test, test, test—that is the credo at the moment, and it is the only way to really understand how much the coronavirus is spreading.” This indicates that the belief in the validity of the PCR tests is so strong that it equals a religion that tolerates virtually no contradiction. But it is well known that religions are about faith and not about scientific facts. And as Walter Lippmann, the two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and perhaps the most influential journalist of the 20th century said: “Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.” Lobotomies and electroconvulsive shocks for the mentally ill were supported by the science. Scientists were certain they were doing the right thing. Just one thing: ECT is still being used and for some people it is actually quite successful. In fact, if I recall correctly a friend of mine told me her cousin was in hospital recently in a very, very bad… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 10, 2020 9:06 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra, I know you like to ask if some news stories are entirely faked. What do you make of this one?:


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 10, 2020 9:14 AM
Reply to  George Mc

looks fake as shit to me

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 10, 2020 10:39 AM

To me too. First off, “Patricia” looks like a guy. Or maybe “transgender”. Or something. And why the facemask in the photo where “she” is holding up “her” foot? Pure virtue signalling?

Maybe this is all a headfuck? From the moment the MSM started to moan about “fake news”, their own fake news quotient, always considerable, skyrocketed. The MSM is now like a contruct out of a PK Dick story.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 10, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Did a number of searches to find “Patricia” on gofundme using the whole string of allegedly revised text and “Patricia” “feet” “painful skin condition” and nothing shows up! Why only use her first name if presumably her full name is used on the gofundme site? Isn’t it simply shocking how they feed us absolute nonsense and yet people still swallow it good and hard!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 10, 2020 6:38 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

yet people still swallow it good and hard!

I suspect it’s worse than that. Perhaps as in Orwell – with the 4 or 5 finger thing, nobody is meant to be fooled. They are purposely making it obvious to tell you that even if nobody is fooled, eveyone still has to put up with it. And perhaps some out of those not fooled will join in with what they know to be crap just to be “on the winning side”!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 10, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George, I think you must be right about some of those not fooled joining in to be on the winning side. It just boggles the mind how many people must in on these staged events because if you’re in on one then you will presumably recognise others. People say a couple of thousand people or so would be in on 9/11 … I don’t think so. I think way, way more because even those not directly in on 9/11 will recognise it for what it was from being in on other events and while not “in on it” exactly certainly recognise it without having to consult the science of controlled demolition. On my Other Events page I have listed over 30 events – and I know they only represent a tiny fraction – quite a few events beyond these that I know of I haven’t bothered to list not to mention other kinds of psyops which aren’t staged events. Many staged events really don’t make the headlines in a big way and they can easily slip past. I constantly see incidents which display all the hallmarks of staged events in the way they’re reported … and that’s even though I assiduously avoid the news and only glance at the news sections of newspapers. https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/other-events.html When you say “nobody is meant to be fooled” I think it’s a case that the power elite know from vast experience that the number of people who will wilfully make themselves fooled will be great enough that the number who aren’t is not sufficient to have an effect. Apparently, they believe that if they give us all the clues of their crimes – make them “hidden in plain sight” so to speak – then it’s up to us to call them out and if we… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 11, 2020 12:48 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I decided to check out if this video from another George was still up (sadly he died of cancer earlier this year). George’s youtube moniker was Woodrow Wobbles and he made great videos highlighting the ludicrousness of what they show and tell us with simply genius choices of music. Absolutely genius.

This video shows one of the many ways they mocked us with the Parkland School Shooting using the Stones’ Walking the Dog.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 10, 2020 10:42 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George, I don’t ask, I state confidently … and, of course, how could you not with this one. Did you have a chortle at the image of the blistered foot next to masked Patricia and then at “A big blister had appeared, much too large to be caused by footwear. It was so big that she had to use one of her daughter’s nappies to dress it.”

I hate those evil bastards but they do make me laugh.

Makes absolutely no sense. How could you put:
“Patricia… was a volunteer in a COVID-19 vaccine study recently and had a severe adverse reaction” without realising the significance?

Dec 9, 2020 12:29 PM

I was interested to hear on the BBC radio news this a.m. that people who suffer from ‘severe allergies’ are being advised not to have the vaccine. (I wonder if we have to prove that we suffer from severe allergies 🙂 ) Apparently this advice has been issued owing to two of the medical staff vaccinated yesterday suffering from allergic reactions. There was no description of these reactions or severity but the fact it has warranted such hastily issued advice suggests they must have given serious cause for concern.

Dec 9, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

And on the other hand, it makes side-effects of the vaccine seem to be rather due to the receiver’s malfunctioning organism. Nothing to do with loco $cientists fixing what they do not trully understand…

On a personal or anecdotical or practical note, it will at least serve as an easy excuse for many (such as me) to avoid being inmunised.

Dec 9, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  invitado

Or for me to try to convince my family of believers not to vaccinate my 91 year-old allergic grandmother. Fat chance though…

Dec 9, 2020 11:24 AM

Watching the TV this morning at the residential home where I worked produced two very strong urges in me: it made want to gag, and it made me feel like putting my boot through the screen.

The way they’re trying to normalise the absurd behaviour that’s expected of people makes me despise the presenters and ”celebrities” involved – they all sit about 10 yards away from each other in the studio (just to ram home the point about ”social distancing”). They did a little piece about an elderly woman meeting her daughter; they were separated by a plastic screen. No physical contact allowed.

And there was a sickening item about a guy called Matt Lucas (aka George Dawes). He’d done a version of a song of his which featured other ”celebrities” joining in with him (via video link, of course). This cutesy, supposedly amusing bullshit featured the customary propaganda about washing your hands and maintaining a physical distance from other people.

Anyone who’s involved in putting this on the air is complicit in this scam (and, therefore, in the avoidable deaths of people who die because of the lockdowns).

Dec 9, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

It’s no wonder that people’s minds are filled with such rubbish if they watch tv.

Turn off the tv or at least the ‘news’ and you automatically feel better 😀

Dec 9, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  Paul

Several years ago, I had what I thought was a mishap when I accidentally cut through my TV’s aerial cable while doing a spot of weeding. I haven’t watched the telly at home since.

I can’t avoid it at work, though. The bloody thing’s always on. I’m the only person there who’ll actually switch it off when there are no residents in the lounge.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 9, 2020 10:24 AM

Matt Hancock has just pretending to cry on GMB because the first vaccines have been administered but it just ended up becoming a psychopathic pathetic attempt that went into a smile!

Pharmaceutical whistleblower and activist Brandy Vaughan has been found dead.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 9, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Apparently, Brandy said if she were found dead it would mean foul play. Wow!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 11, 2020 4:51 AM
Reply to  Maggie

I have to say, Maggie, I find it a little suspicious when someone who says it will be foul play if they’re found dead is found dead … suggests the possibility of controlled opposition. However, if Brandy is controlled opposition, hats off big time. She is incredibly convincing. I can’t even bear to look at the moment so I’ll wait a little while. I did a quick google and noticed a gofundme which is also a suspicion-raiser but I’ll just give it some time before I dare to look – so over controlled opposition I really am.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 9, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

I believe the laughing is deliberate, Sarah, it’s one of their little signs. They always give us the signs when they’re duping us. So his step-grandfather had COVID and now 81-year-old William Shakespeare is one of the first getting the jab. How DO they get away with it?

Dec 9, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Hi Petra

At the risk of being accused by others of reading too much into the vaccination events of yesterday, but knowing your deep interest in ‘psy-ops’, I understand that there is quite a lot being circulated on social media about the possibility that ‘Margaret Keenan’ may be a crisis actor. I have to say, I find it hard to believe that she is 90 years old, and the post-vac quotes emanating from her seem very scripted and unnatural in the circumstances, but ending by imploring everyone to have the vaccination if offered to them.. Note that she changed her mask between the procedure and being wheeled out under an NHS guard of honour (where do they find the time with all those Covid patients to look after??).
It is also notable at about the 26th second on this video, and others have pointed this out, that she gives a brief but intense stare at the camera whilst unnaturally giving what could be construed to be a hand sign of ‘the illuminati’.

William Shakespeare is someone else who I am uncertain about. I have been unable to find out any article referring to his home, family or career history. There has been no reference that I have seen as to why he was shown in a hospital gown – if he was a hospital patient, would he have been selected in the first tranche? And if he was a hospital patient, surely the media would have mentioned that.

It is also noticeable that neither Margaret Keenan nor William Shakespeare showed any physical reaction (e.g. flinch) when they were vaccinated. Arguably that could be because they were conscious that all eyes were on them so had their minds set on other things, but it makes you wonder.


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 10, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks, Judy. Yes, I agree she doesn’t look 90. I thought I’d check imdb to see if she had any past acting roles. She doesn’t but she’s on imdb nevertheless with 12 credits! … as the very first COVID vaccination receiver!

Isn’t it interesting how they have “non-actors” appearing on imdb. It’s as if everyone’s an actor these days … and so many who appear in the media are, aren’t they? Journalists, politicians, victims, witnesses, perpetrators, police, rioters, protesters, medical staff, firefighters … all actors. There’s more “non-actor” actors than those who identify as actors!

So you might say I’m reading things into it here but … I notice at about 48 seconds in Margaret, in response to the question, “How does it feel to be the first …?” says “… I don’t know what to say. [Apparently, it’s] the first, really.” I can’t be sure she says the words in square brackets but that’s what it sounds like to me. Firstly, saying words unintelligibly is one of the signs and secondly switching pronouns strangely is another. If she’s asked the question “How do you feel being the first …?” the natural answer would be “Apparently, I’m the first” not “… it’s the first,” right?

Yes, very obvious illuminati hand sign. Wow!

Yes, no flinching. Who knows if a needle went in at all. Could have just been syringe action.

The guard of honour reminds me of the all the medical staff and their honouring of the Queen as she does her rounds of the phony child victims of the Manchester bombing. Seriously, those children!

I’m also reminded of the 90-year-old grandmother’s “miracle recovery” from COVID by potato soup! Another 90-year-old crisis actor! Doncha love it?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 9, 2020 10:06 AM

So let’s do a little assessment here:

We are now into the second day of a vaccination programme involving a hastily administered vaccine that hasn’t had nearly enough time to be tested for safety. We have been told that care and health workers are to be given priority  in this programme. All the coverage I have seen on this programme is based on the bland presupposition that everyone will accept that this programme is necessary. Thus the sticky question of whether or not anyone will be given a choice or what the nature of that choice might be, never arises.

Dr Mike Yeadon has written extensively on the, to be charitable, questionable status of this pandemic.

Well – you’d think this might be considered a matter of some importance. I have looked at various “Left” sites (Skwawkbox, Craig Murray, WSW) Little mention of the vax. Actually the only one who did was the last named Trotsky heroes. And in their article, there is only one line you need to know:

“The first 800,000 doses only cover 400,000 people.”

That little word “only” tells all.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 9, 2020 9:54 AM

Here comes the anti-anti-vax propaganda: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-55179300 “Patricia is suffering from an unexplained skin condition – but a misunderstanding about what might have caused it set off a chain of events that turned her foot into fodder for anti-vaccine activists. The picture showed purple and red sores, swollen and oozing with pus….Within a day, those same feet had been mentioned thousands of times on Instagram and Facebook. The picture went viral on Twitter as well. “See they are trying to deliberately hurt us with the vaccine,” one tweet read. The feet belong to Patricia – a woman in her 30s living in Texas. And it’s true – she was a participant in a trial for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine that started to be administered on Tuesday. But this is also true: Patricia never received the actual vaccine. Medical records show that she received a placebo, a small injection of salt water. (Researchers do this as a matter of routine, to compare groups that receive a drug or a vaccine with those who receive the placebo.)” See? Her swollen foot had nothing to do with the vaccine. One subtext here is that the vaccine is safe. But of course this isn’t the real subtext: “Her illness had nothing to do with injections. But that didn’t stop activists twisting her story to advance their own agendas. And on top of the physical pain caused by her condition, Patricia received a wave of online abuse.” Evil anti-vaxxers! Bastards! Then a telling diversion which will be picked up later: “Under America’s mostly private health care system, Patricia was already struggling with medical costs due to a back condition. Now she had to take time off from her job as an archival assistant due to her foot sores.” Then we move in for the kill: “The story spread… Read more »

Dec 9, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They’re all getting just a little bit carried away aren’t they…. Which is to be expected.

Let’s see how things look in a few weeks, once the reports of the side-effects start to appear.

Can’t wait to see the looks on these first-wavers (mugs) faces when they learn things won’t be going back to normal after all.

Dec 9, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

Oh and if you are taken in by the pantomime performance of that sack of shit Matt Handcock (f*cking Kapo)… Well then you’re beyond help and it’s probably a good thing that your ‘vaccinated’ well done!

Dec 12, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

I agree. After all, people would never protest at millions of sheep being vaccinated, whether or not they were under threat from scrapie, or whatever.
Self-aware humans with the faculty of critical thought are not at all the same thing.

Unfortunately, I think the agenda is complicated enough to want to lobotomize to death not only those few who can think, but also vast numbers of those who can not.
‘Throwing the baby out with the bath water’ is, after all, an old concept.

Dec 12, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

They’re probably relying on the average human memory lasting about a day, and soon the masses will no longer remember what ‘normal’ used to be.

An example:

Sept ember the eleven th is still indelibly imprinted on my own memory, but the media have forgotten all about it.

That says something.

Dec 9, 2020 9:22 AM

“The virus is real, sicknesses and deaths are real, of course, while also real are the harms, deaths, and traumas from measures thought to mitigate it.”

Ok, but then ‘real’ is not the same as ‘true’. (I actually follow that that semantic rule; real is anything you can speak about; you cannot say anything which is true, unless it is to deny a lie. That doesn’t of course mean that there is no such thing as truth. It’s just incompatible with Reality -with the act of saying it. For a very simple reason: Reality is not a closed set of elements, and therefor each element is never perfectly and definitely constituted.)

The article itself provides many arguments in the sense that the virus (with all its characterizing notes), is not true. Why insist in its reality unless it is to acknowledge the brutality of the things that are being done in its name? As real as the God of the Holy Inquisition.

History of science is filled with examples of scientists, especially medical doctors, who were horribly, even fatally, wrong.”

The paradigm is wrong, a simplification at best, and is bound to be seen by our more or less far descendants as we now see the theory of humours.

Dec 9, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  invitado

I meant the infectious disease paradigm, of course.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 9, 2020 9:20 AM

And the award for hypocrisy goes to:


In assuring everyone that there will probably be some side effects from the vaccine but it’s OK:

Don’t fall for fake news

The danger is people falsely assume health problems that happen by coincidence are caused by the vaccine. It is easy to predict there will be scare stories in the coming months – whether in the press or on social media, have origins that are misguided or plain malicious. But the truth is that people get sick all the time. Every five minutes in the UK one person has a heart attack and one person has a stroke. More than 600,000 people die each year.”

So suddenly we are so blasé about death figures? Well as long as it’s not COVID!

Dec 9, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Fake news” – How odd of the BBC to use a phrase first popularised by Donald Trump, who is loathed by the BBC.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 9, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s just so nauseating, isn’t it?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 9, 2020 8:56 AM

Interesting article on Lockdown Sceptics:

Masks to Continue into 2022 – Vallance

The Government’s Chief Scientist, Sir Patrick Vallance, has said that people should still expect to be wearing masks next winter. The Telegraph has the details.

   “The public may have to wear masks for another year, despite a “watershed moment” beginning Britain’s national vaccination programme, Sir Patrick Vallance has said. As hospitals across the country began administering jabs to the most vulnerable, …”

(Irony isn’t their strong point.)

“…the chief scientific adviser suggested that restrictions may remain in place long after its full rollout. …”

As Will Jones of LS comments:

What he doesn’t explain is why, once the vulnerable who wish to be are vaccinated, it is so important to prevent transmission of a virus that will hardly kill anyone or make them unwell. Begs the question: At what point will the scientific and medical advisers recognise that it is more important to let people get on with their lives and jobs?

But we all know the answer to that question.

Dec 9, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And yet still there are people who just don’t get it.

Dec 9, 2020 8:54 AM

The WSW on the “normalization of death”.
Dearie me. Everybody dies sooner or later, and an inability to accept this is one of the blights of the modern age.

Dec 9, 2020 10:39 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Death tends to be very common and almost banal in war. You would think proponents of class war would take it for granted (it would be a naive revolutionary indeed who assumed the ruling class would just give up without a fight).

Dec 9, 2020 11:14 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

However, if the revolutionary aspirations are just so much shadow-boxing, intended to deceive, then yes, the WSW can try to live forever.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 9, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

The man for the WSW is Michael Mina, professor of epidemiology at Harvard:


“Dr. Michael Mina, a professor at Harvard’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health, told National Public Radio, “We are likely to see massive explosions of cases and outbreaks that could potentially make what we’ve seen so far look like it hasn’t been much.””

More on Mina:


Michael Mina “has watched, with disgust and disbelief, as the United States has struggled for months to obtain enough tests to fight the coronavirus.” He says, “We have no way to centralize things in this country short of declaring martial law.” And he “argues, the country should build testing into the American way of life”. He also “simply asks that the country adopt a wartime economy”.

The test to be used is, of course the PCR test and we hear that “it is one of the miracles of medicine”. Also, “(t)ested time and time again, the PCR technique performs stunningly well”



From Mike Yeadon:

“…the only data suggesting a ‘second wave’ is upon us are PCR results. Everything is dependent on this. … If there is any doubt about the reliability of the PCR test, all of this falls away at a single stroke. I have to tell you that there is more than common-or-garden doubt about the PCR mass testing that purports to identify the virus. We have very strong evidence that the PCR mass testing as currently conducted is completely worthless.”

And this is the basis for WSW’s terror campaign.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 9, 2020 8:28 AM

Thing is, who do you speak out TO?

Journalists are useless: unless you fit their political imperatives, you could have been bombed to smithereens and they wouldn’t care.

MPs and Congressfolk are just bought by their donors. They will only take up your case if the donors don’t warn them off.

The Doctors Trades Union is the strongest going. Make the NUM look like a bunch of libertarian individualists, that lot do. Thing is, they are avaricious and greedy and use the words of the middle class Establishment. No placards and demonstrations for that lot. They use the poison pen of media leaks to smear opponents and all that….

I’ve not met a single person in London who will stand up to absolute evil within the London Establishment and most of them are tied in with some way or another. Had to be to get where they are now….

Most violence is carried out emotionally. Physical violence is much rarer.

But emotional violence can leave lifelong scars and the worst thing is that most people just call you a weakling for it.

They don’t like it when you give them a dose of it back though. Start calling you a troll, a gaslighter or whatever.

If they were less self-righteous and more intolerant of those in their midst doing it for a quarter of a century, I might be more impressed.

But they aren’t and they aren’t, so I remain deeply unimpressed about the point of speaking out…..even though I have spent the past 20 years doing it more and more…

Dec 9, 2020 7:30 AM

This article is about the only way insanity is ever brought to an end. You stop participating.


Dec 12, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

That article is quite a bombshell – in every sense of the word…
Fascinating, incredible and essential reading.

Dec 9, 2020 4:43 AM

” the core of Empire, in the UK and US” ..

.. and Australia who seems very keen to start Opium War part III. Warships are already encircling the Chinese coast as they always had in the past ready to attack villagers in Canton and other provinces.

Dec 9, 2020 2:33 AM

A bit late to the game, but important article to read.
I highly suggest to also read some of the links provided in the article.


and here is the link re: Ct value as seen in Del Bigtree’s video


Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Dec 9, 2020 2:01 AM


This is probably the real one folks, out of all the legal battles. This is state against state and not een dealing as much with the fraud aspect per se, but more about changing the rules ahead of the election illegally to allow votes after election day. It has a precedent and could be open and shut. We are looking for more states to join, but time is short.

Dec 9, 2020 1:05 AM

The break through was Shyam ‘Pinocchio’ Sunder’s creatioNIST agnotology; presenting the 911’fire induced collapse’ model in his building assessment report fantasy of that terrible day. (WTC and the magic bolt).

Selling that pixie_dust as science removed all barriers to any subsequent false flag, smashing credulity and allowing the greater PSYOPS into the collective (sub) conscious..it was plainly successful and it’s control method (MOCKINGBIRD) established perception management patterns leading up to covrt_19 , a truely global ‘truth atrocity’.

Dec 8, 2020 10:58 PM

New lies from ABC California total lockdown because.. ICU capacity supposedly nearly exhausted: • Northern California, ICU capacity at 25%: Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity • Bay Area, ICU capacity at 24.5%: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma • Greater Sacramento, ICU capacity at 18.8%: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba • San Joaquin Valley, ICU capacity at 5.6%: Calaveras, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Benito, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne • Southern California, ICU capacity at 10.1%: Imperial, Inyo, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura Really? No one mentioned that only 0 to 20% at most of total hospital capacity or ICU capacity is dedicated officially to COVID cases and that in federal medical emergency plans it is assumed that hospitals are routinely prepared to work up to 125% to 150% of Normal capacity in medical emergency situation.most of ICU contribution are postponed elective surgeries and elderly flu patients with suppressed immune system due to COVID hysteria and anxiety and malnutrition due to disruptive to economy medical baseless COVID measures. Sor for example Southern California 10.1% of left ICU capacity report means that there is at least 34.9% of beds in LA area empty ready to for patients. by Governors decree California was lockdown at 15% of left normal ICU capacity statewide meaning declaring medical emergency when 40% to 65% of beds are empty which corresponded to hospitals utilization levels of COVID March/April madness. such need for increased capacity of hospitals is nothing extraordinary it happens regularly in different locations every average flu season. There is no coronavirus pandemic in California. Governor locked… Read more »

Dec 9, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Thank you for this.
It is the same in Canada.
Maybe the idiots will wake up at the year marker…

Dec 12, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

The idiots already have their 2021 agenda in place.
The waking up will not happen voluntarily.

I like to think of it as the naughty schoolboy of bygone times, who simply refused to learn his times tables because he didn’t see the point, but when the punishments became worse than the kick he got out of being the bane of the teachers’ lives, he proved capable of learning them without any trouble at all.

Our problem is that we no longer have a system of punishment for deliberate ignorance. We just give our sheep more pills, either to liven them up or to tranquillize them, but none of it is supposed to be their fault…

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 10:04 PM

Reasons why the vaccine will become mandatory:

1 They didn’t come all this way to offer a choice.

2 Offering a choice completely invalidates the entire deadly virus narrative.

3 If they start to offer a choice even to one, then everyone else may very likely also want to opt out.

4 The increasingly obvious discrepancy between the lessening threat and the mounting media hysteria indicates a cascading desperation towards that ultimatum.

Dec 9, 2020 5:25 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And THAT is the reason that they would not introduce an antigen home testing kit which is more accurate than PCR. People would immediately opt out of vaccine in favour of an easy home test (which of course will prove the lie about PCR testing and they couldn’t have that either).

Dec 9, 2020 5:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, apart from the large-scale plunder, many steps that concern the masses may hang on enforcing this, e.g.
– Routine “testing”, “vaccination”, “treatment”
– Improved propaganda and censorship, e.g. (a) compulsory attention and response to propaganda (b) individual orders (c) more distrust among people
– Routine surveillance, tracing, biometrics, checkpoints, curfews, passes, detention, overt brutality; many types of movement, assembly and other activity become privileges
– Digital money
– Less protest against (a) less jobs, more exploitation, destitution (b) more harm/fraud in products/services (c) dismantling democracy, e.g. suspended elections.

Dec 8, 2020 9:35 PM

“How is this science?” Arguments and facts that stand in the way of vaccinating
everybody and their grandmother are prohibited and demonised.
Is it that simple? Show me otherwise.

Dec 12, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Mishko

Yes. That simple.

We need an answer which is equally simple.

Dec 8, 2020 7:50 PM

Get some education on these vaccines while you still can !

Dec 8, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  LeRuscino

These are major points of this great video. Statement of Facts: Because SARS-Cov2 virus has not been unequivocally proven [Koch/Rivers postulates not fulfilled] as a causal agent in clinical COVID disease there can be no legitimate vaccine for COVID.  It is a fact regardless of whether it is involving manipulated SARS-Cov2 virus (classical vaccine) , or others (adenovirus viral vector) or genetically engineered bioagents (mRNA) that amount to forced genetic engineering of healthy population under pretense of nonexistent medical emergency. Those bioagents wrongly called vaccines are not proven safe, effective or even efficacious at all as there is no determined by excess all causes infections, hospitalizations or morality pandemic and hence no vaccines are needed. Whatever they want to inject into our body it ain’t vaccine they say it is, and hence we are being misled to believe that we are helping saving lives, instead of being part of cruel and illegal medical experimentation Internationally prohibited by Nuremberg Code with potentially horrific consequences, as decades of scientific research on common cold coronavirus vaccines proved. On the top of that mRNA vaccines’ potentially horrific genetic consequences are being blatantly ignored with no scientific data to back up such claims of safety and efficacy Those lies are rendering people unable to make informed consent and hence those who order and administer injection of such bioagents are committing violation of international law and universal human right to refuse to be a subject of medical experimentations. And they may as well be guilty as accessory to a crime. No one should take any coronavirus vaccines sick or healthy as it is inefficacious and unsafe, period. If mass vaccinations will bring catastrophic consequences as Dr Wodarg and hundreds of doctors worldwide warn, not only Government officials or big Pharma executives but all medical professionals from… Read more »

Dec 9, 2020 5:40 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Thanks for the summary, as I don’t want to spend time on videos.

Dec 12, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I recommend spending some time on videos.
They are the backbone of summaries.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 9, 2020 4:09 AM
Reply to  LeRuscino

This is great! Thanks for the link!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 7:33 PM

The statistics that came up on the screen when I typed in “yeadon covid” (in a vain attempt to get an alternative view) are: 

Total cases: 1.49M          
Recovered: 0                  
Deaths: 53,747
United Kingdom 
Total cases: 1.75M
Recovered: –
Deaths:  62,033
Total cases: 67.8M 
Recovered: 43.7M  
Deaths: 1.55M

Note the mysterious dash at UK “Recovered” as if they felt it would be a bit too suspicious to put another “0” in. Also note that the “Worldwide” score actually has the audacity to state outright that some actually did recover.

As I noted earlier, the excuse given for having no recovered or not commenting will probably be that they can’t be sure that the ones who appeared to have recovered really have. Thus it’s too early to tell. (Though apparently not too early to spray a vaccine around!) 

The impression given – with regard to the UK – is that no-one recovers!

Dec 9, 2020 11:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

In Greece, they have not updated the “recovered” figure for some time, it has been 9,000+ for several weeks. Is it because they want to scare the bejesus out of people?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 7:13 PM

For some reason I no longer seem to be getting OffG notifications when someone responds to me. Anyone know why?

Dec 8, 2020 8:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Look in spam folder

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Theguvnor

Yes there they are! Oh fuck – there’s fucking Robbo! With more snooty bullshit expressed with the barest coherence.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 8, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Note: I’ve noticed I’m not receiving notifications as well. Found a number of replies that I didn’t know about. Same as George.

Dec 8, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t know why. Enquiring minds have inquired, reportedly to no avail.

Before the server change, I got them regularly even though I didn’t think to use the “subscribe” feature at the top of the thread. Last week I started using the feature, often repeatedly; I get the confirmation that I’ve successfully subscribed, but still didn’t get notifications. 

Then yesterday, I think, I was delighted to see several new Off-G e-mails in my In-Box. But they turned out to be all notifications of new follow-up comments to threads I’ve subscribed to, although I’d selected the “new replies to my comments” option. And after that unexpected batch, no more Off-G notifications have been sent. BTW, I found a few replies to my comments, which confirms that the notifications aren’t working.

The notifications are obviously popular, especially since the “default” options of either repeatedly scrolling through the entire thread or attempting “find” page searches are labor-intensive and a general drag on keeping up with both articles and comments threads.

I hope that this is a temporary technical glitch that’s being worked on, but the admins’ icy opacity on this issue is not encouraging. 🙁

Dec 9, 2020 12:46 PM
Reply to  Ort

It’s true – they are in the spam box. Jesus H. I have inquired to admin ad nauseum but got no reply. Thank you theguvner.

Apologies to all who replied to my comments. I usually reply to replies.

Well, now I know to check the spam.

I wonder if I “move” spam to inbox if that will then direct all offg replies to inbox.

Will give it a try.

Dec 9, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  Judith

My Thunderbird e-mail program doesn’t have a spam folder. It has a trash folder– which for better or worse is set to delete trash automatically when I close a session.

There are also controls for “junk mail”, but I never bothered to adjust them. Also, if my Off-G replies were somehow diverted to the trash folder, since they’re “unread” the folder name (Trash) should be in bold to indicate that it contains unread messages. I’m sure I would’ve noticed.

And if they’re somehow getting “misplaced” on my end, how come that one batch popped up in my “Off-G” folder? That’s a rhetorical question; I’m not trying to drag you into this techy quagmire.

I’ll double-check to see if I can somehow “whitelist” Off-G notifications.

Meanwhile, I’m glad the feature is working on a one-way basis, so at least you’ll see my replies. Sigh. 🙁

Dec 9, 2020 8:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Me too….

sad but true
sad but true
Dec 8, 2020 6:49 PM

The Satanists are laughing at us (as Hancock did on live TV this morning). Today an old White Man called ‘William Shakespear’ was injected with an unknown substance by a young Black Woman during a Satanic ritual perhaps 1in a 1000 could even see, much less undrstand. The ritual marked the end of the ‘old’ world created by the white man, and the beginning of the new ‘science, technolgy, and medicine’ lead new world where black / trans (and transhumans) will be dominant. Even at a basic level most people found the name of the old man strange – almost as if there was a ‘play’ or a ‘performance on a stage’ (actually a ‘ritual’) being performed. Of course the Satanists had to confirm this to ‘those who know about these things’ as they like to show thier power- it was actually quite sickening and blasphemous in parts. Interestingly, yet another ‘666’ reference was given – perhaps mocking those who fortell the DNA damaging / altering RNA gene based ‘vaccine’ as being a precursor to the Mark of the Beast – let me quickly show one such example – ‘W’illiam ‘S’hakespear aged 81 = ‘W’ which is 23 and ‘S’ which is 19, in (simple/basic) Satanic numeroly this is 23+19=42. 4+2=6, The above gives us the first ‘6’. Then we go, 2+3+1+9=15. 15=1+5=6. The above gives us the second ‘6’. Then we go, 81(age)+W(23)+S(19)=123. 1+2+3= ‘6’. The above gives us the third ‘6’. so William Shakespear aged 81 = 666 in basic satanic numerology. I have done this again using advanced techniques and I keep getting 666, so clearly both the name and age are no coincidence. In the Bible, 666 is ‘the number of a man’ (as mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible). Is William Shakespear… Read more »

East European Alien
East European Alien
Dec 8, 2020 10:47 PM
Reply to  sad but true

It’s just the matter of time for them.
A thought that holds me together recently is that for those on the opposite side ” the best is yet to come”.
Sending you my love.

Dec 9, 2020 1:36 AM
Reply to  sad but true

Not sure about numerology, but the analogy with Satanic Rituals sounds quite plausible. and yes, “The Satanists are laughing at us!!!”

Standard Issue Opinions
Standard Issue Opinions
Dec 9, 2020 2:38 AM
Reply to  sad but true

What a load of old bollocks! Satan preserve me, you do get some right specimens on this site.

Dec 9, 2020 2:50 AM
Reply to  sad but true

they are both crisis actors ..its a completely staged scene

There is no woman of that name registered in Coventry, anywhere, and the last Margaret Keenan died in 2008

Dec 9, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  magumba

Wow! Manipulating the IDs of the dead to rig a “pandemic”, just as to rig an election.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 9, 2020 7:57 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I’m not surprised about anything anymore. Just trying to get thru each day without going stark raving bonkers.

Dec 9, 2020 10:53 AM
Reply to  mgeo

rig an election.is as dumb as war on terror

Laurence Howell
Laurence Howell
Dec 9, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  sad but true

They are ruled by numerology. Most people do not get it because they could never understand why anyone would want to do numerology.

Zachary K Hubbard has many instructional decodes videos that are still on Youtube.

Dec 9, 2020 11:22 AM

Are you sure it is not you who is ruled by numerology?

Dec 9, 2020 10:44 AM
Reply to  sad but true

comment image

Dec 8, 2020 5:39 PM

Pfiser used it’s own funds to con money out of the US medical aid system. These are confirmed crooks and people trust them?

”Drug Maker Pfizer Agrees to Pay $23.85 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Liability for Paying Kickbacks”


Dec 8, 2020 4:38 PM

Face Masks: The latest from a German Study

Face masks considerably reduce COVID-19 cases in Germany:


Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 8, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  TFS

Garbage in. Garbage out.

This study is based on the assumption that the testing is accurate. It is not.

Garbage in. Garbage out.

Dec 8, 2020 11:52 PM

Exactly. All data around covid is completely untrustworthy and must be discarded as it’s based on the results of PCR tests which have been independently peer reviewed and found to be useless as a diagnostic for a Sars-Cov-2 virus.

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Dec 8, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  TFS

It is interesting that the graphs in the paper use a 90% confidence interval. The standard approach is the use a 95% confidence interval. Why the departure from standard behaviour? Maybe because the 95% CI shows there is no difference between mask cases and non-mask cases. I don’t see an explicit justification for the deviation in the paper.

Dec 8, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  TFS
Dec 8, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  TFS

“A German Study”
Thank you.

My own study, based on the informed views of people with the ability to think independently and critically without bias, gives a completely different result.

It is humiliating to have to do this sometimes, but I recommend Googling “independent covid studies”.

Here’s a recent example, although it falls into the common trap of confusing “infected with the virus” with “tested using a PCR process which was never designed as a ‘test’ in any case, and found to have traces of long-dead viruses from other similar diseases which the process amplifies exponentially in order to find them in the first place”:


Dec 9, 2020 5:57 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Google takes its (paid) responsibility seriously, to protect you from unapproved info. The Borg wants no “independent studies”.

Dec 12, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yet you can still find them, if you dig a bit.

Dec 8, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  TFS

Fuck off

Dec 9, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Dante

Do better. You’re trying to show why the study has holes, otherwise you just sound as ignorant/arrogant as the Covidians think of you.

Dec 8, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  TFS

There are a multitude of problems with this “study”. The graphs don’t extend the y axis down to 0 (a hallmark sign of statistical fraud). The confidence interval for some strange reason is only 90%. This is looking at the city of Jena, whereas the charts of the country as a whole and most countries in Europe show no effect whatsoever from masks. They are using these charts to blow up the scale to find any little random statistical fluctuation to make it look significant when it’s not.

Dec 9, 2020 5:49 AM
Reply to  TFS

A number of studies up to 2019 either could determine no benefits (were equivocal) or found no benefit. WHO acknowledged this before its about-turn. The public has since found out the hard way that masks pose a threat unless the wearer exercises caution.

Dec 9, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  TFS

Isn’t it funny.

You provide a link to a study(?) and all hell breaks loose.

Just a breakdown to all the problems would have sufficed and then when the same study is presented as evidence supporting their effectiveness on Twitter a simple link to a long list of bullets points detailing the issues.

Dec 8, 2020 4:37 PM

Corbyn, by accepting the existence of massive antisemitism in the Labour party, and by forcing the unjust definition of antisemitism on the Labour party, he weakened his own standing with many, and he surrendered ground, which he could never recover.

So I do agree with you in part, but in this instance, we are looking at a flu-like virus, that everyone is so insanely convince exists, there is no way you will convince them otherwise.

Also I had a strain of flu/cold or whatever it was, very similar to Covid, in February so I am not so prepared to rule out the existence of something like Covid existing.

Dec 8, 2020 4:31 PM

CIA’s founder, foul as shit,
His wife’s revenge was: die in it.
His chums espied him gummed to bum,
And wiped him clean, spy number one.

But Allen saw that scorched portcullis
Said: chaps, my destiny’s upon us
Afeared the OSS, clenched ass and shouted
Let us begone before we’re outed.

So when a spy besidles up
And pleads a drink and chats you up
Just think the stink of dying Allen
Recall he got what they’ve got coming.

Dec 9, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

From your pen to God’s ears.

Dec 8, 2020 4:21 PM

Listen to Lord Haw Haw, Farage the ‘peoples champion’ halfway though this interview, acting as the concentration camp trustee or Kapo, tell us that ‘you will be taking this vaccine, whether you like it or not’, he offers no objection, no protest, because his American backers would not like that. That is your scum far-right for you.

Dec 8, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  Jestop

Nigel Farage: Boris Johnson will ‘sell out’ the UK in post-Brexit trade deal

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Dec 8, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  Jestop

Boris is not batting for our side. Refer to http://www.nwo4ep.com, opening page picture/ytube Boris speech at UN 2019 to understand where his loyalties lie.

Dec 9, 2020 10:56 AM
Reply to  Jestop



people so thick they fool for people like this and guess what?? they even paid to join

From Far Away
From Far Away
Dec 8, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Jestop

[…tell us that ‘you will be taking this vaccine, whether you like it or not’, he offers no objection, no protest, because his American backers would not like that.]

I decided to watch the video for myself.

Frankly, yours is the most lying, deceitful, false remark I’ve read all day.

Farage was simply highlighting the reality of the power of the governments and “progressive” politicians and the COVID-fearing left and the corporate virtue-signallers, which will leave most people with no real choice but to take the vaccine as they may be blocked from flying, entering many buildings, obtaining employment, and the like.

Nowhere did Farage in any way imply that he supported such an atrocious situation, nor give any credence to such infantile fantasies such as its “because his American backers would not like that.

I do not want a vaccine. But at least I am honest enough to know it is the above mentioned bunch of people that is probably going to force the vaccine on me, including the zaniest leftists, and certainly not Farage.

Oh my word. Please grow up.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Dec 9, 2020 12:30 AM
Reply to  From Far Away

Farage could be a future PM. He knows it, the country knows it, and the political party’s know it.

Dec 9, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

he is a Establishment tool, to waste your time and energy

Dec 9, 2020 11:02 AM
Reply to  From Far Away

he set up a disgruntled party for the idiots 6 months after the bs19 hoax
was so predictable

He is a state operative funded by the establishment pretending to be anti establishment

You got to be really thick to fall for this 3 times in a row it is aimed at thoses types

Dec 9, 2020 2:55 AM
Reply to  Jestop

Dear me…there is no scum far right anymore the same as there are no scum far left…..its got easier for us now…quite simply..THEM and US

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 4:03 PM

Well I just checked the WSW page for the UK today and nary a mention of the vaccine. Hmm? Hedging bets? 

Then I noticed this:


“UK government pandemic policies lead to several suicides among students”

Yes – so far so good.

“Many young adults in the UK have been driven to breaking point during the surge in COVID-19 cases due to the murderous “herd immunity” policy pursued by Boris Johnson’s Conservative government. Millions of young people are suffering from acute stress, anxiety, and depression.”

See what they did there? The expression “due to” has an ambivalent application. It really means that the surge is (supposedly) due to the “herd immunity” policy. But the reader is left to infer that it is the distressing psychological condition of the young people that is due to the “herd immunity” policy.   

“Medical experts predicted that social isolation and economic stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic would have a damaging impact on mental health.”

No – it wasn’t the pandemic that caused the stress but the restrictions that did so.

Then this:

“Stress levels among students intensified when it was announced in September that they were expected to return to campuses and would face fines if they did not. The World Socialist Web Site warned that forcing pupils and students back into schools and campuses would have devastating consequences.”

The WSW provides no links for this so I did several searches – all of which led me …back to the WSW! I have heard about people threatening to be fined for not self-isolating. I have never heard of fines for self-isolating! 

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 9, 2020 4:16 AM
Reply to  George Mc

More evidence that David North et al is a CIA asset.

Dec 8, 2020 4:00 PM

                    All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,

The second individual vaccinated in the UK on Tuesday was an 81-year-old man named

“William Shakespeare”.

perfidious albion

Is not this a lamentable thing, that of the skin of an innocent lamb should be made parchment
with a needles prick

that parchment, being scribbled on sayeth
nil by mouth
do not resusitate

that this poisonous pustular prick
should undo a man

an in so undoing
mock all humanity

satanic acts of the criminally damned

Dec 9, 2020 3:57 AM
Reply to  norman

“William Shakespeare”

This is definitely the people running the op having a laugh on us.

Dec 8, 2020 3:49 PM

This is naturally going largely under the radar of serious commentators, because of its unbelievability, but it looks like the CIA are priming us for another huge psyop.
Covid has taught us, and more immortally the CIA, that you should never underestimate the gullibility and passivity of the worlds population they are stunningly stupid as a collective.

And in the context of already accepting loss of freedom and economic destruction for a relatively common flu-like virus, it is not an impossible jump of the imagination to force people to believe in something equally absurd, and fantastical.
With ‘official’ UFO sightings increasing, military films and accounts from ‘trusted sources’, it looks like the Aliens are coming….and who is telling us about these amazingly, super fast and mysterious UFO’s, you ask? The USA’s military industrial complex of course.
I can’t even begin to speculate what form these ‘aliens’ will take, and how they will be presented to maximise the benefit to their proponents, but one thing is sure, and that is that they will help the USA elites, economically, strategically and militarily, and extend US hegemony and secure the dollar for the future.

I know that because these are the Empires current goals, and every operation from Brexit, the War on Carbon and Covid are all tailored to achieve these goals. So be ready for some seriously exciting porky-pies coming your way soon, and CNN’s official ‘Alien invasion’ reports. ….….Have the CIA really got the balls to even try to pull this absurdity off? If you had asked my 10 months ago if we would all be wearing masks, afraid to talk to each other, because of the flu, I would have thought you crazy, My guess is, they have.

Dec 8, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Jeckle

”….more importantly the CIA”

Dec 8, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Jeckle

Sure, why not? The masses will believe literally anything if it’s on TV.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Dec 8, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  Jeckle

Aliens are the ace up their sleeves …the compelling reason for a global government that can deal univocally with extraterrestrials. An Israeli general just confessed that agreements between aliens and “humans” have been already signed (true).
Probably first semester 2023 …

Dec 8, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  Jeckle

Maybe under the cover of cyber disruption as proffered elsewhere?

Dec 8, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Jeckle

Imagine the Aliens landing, getting out of their galactic cruiser and via Babelfish declaring:

“Greetings! It looks like you got some issues here. Allow us to enlighten you. We cooked up the whole virus thing to wake you up – as you were busy consuming away your planet. For this reason we are offering our gratuitous assistence in the removal of those elements that have pushed you towards your cliff and more often over it. We got some more battleships in orbit now and will begin the destruction of orbital military hardware immediately. So, relax and watch us remedy what you were incapable of achieving over the last 2000 years of your time. Your welcome!”

Dec 9, 2020 3:00 AM
Reply to  Jeckle

Mysterious explosions across new york state (and other palces) from the atmosphere…strange snow thunder around Edinburgh…..almost the same latitude innit ?…..explosions U.S side reported 23 miles up and blamed on asteroid droppings….23 miles up is perfect EMP height……wonder if they were having a range day ?

Dec 9, 2020 3:53 AM
Reply to  Jeckle

I thought dropping the grid and/or blanket cyberattacks to wipe out the financial systems were the next major psyop.

Asking for a friend!

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 9, 2020 4:20 AM
Reply to  Jeckle

The Hill has about a half dozen pieces up on YouTube regarding UFO’s – crazy.
Here’s one:

Dec 9, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  Jeckle

Yes even Radio 4 is churning out the UFO garbage, so it looks like it’s coming. James Corbett did a very good presentation on this subject. It ties in with all the NASA garbage, trips to the moon, trips to mars and all the other brainwashing material they pump out in the giant NASA fraud

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 3:32 PM

Cute bit:


All’s well that ends well: Shakespeare gets Covid vaccine

Margaret Keenan has made history by becoming the first person in the world to get a Covid-19 vaccine outside of a clinical trial, but if there’s one name you’ll associate with this day, it may not be hers.

Enter, pursued by puns, William Shakespeare.

Not the writer, poet and playwright, but his 81-year-old namesake. This Mr Shakespeare was the second person to be given a jab – and, guess what, he also comes from Warwickshire.

But note this delicious line:

“Much ado about nothing?” It doesn’t matter – “all’s well that ends well”.

The first part sums up covid perfectly. The last part doesn’t.

Dec 8, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Shake Spear, not very subtle. But life, when it drips, leeches not into us, but away.

The Brutish, like all governments employ mendacious fools.
Time, then, to stand and to declare that what we see, we know.
That you sold us wars to end war,
You sold us trips to the stars,
You spat in our face with your Moon Shot,
And we swallow your lies no longer.

Save your manipulated up-votes and your down-votes
For the grass-chewing chumps of social media
And gag them down your fetid throat.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 9, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

No surprise that the subject of one of the oldest conspiracies in the Western world–”William Shakespeare,” sole author of the plays and sonnets–is now woven into the CV-1984 conspiracy!

The Shakespeare Authorship Question is an ongoing debate that is based on the question, “Who wrote the plays attributed to Shakespeare?” (The underlying assumption, of course, is that someone other than William Shaksper of Stratford wrote the Shakespeare plays.) Those who hold that William Shaksper of Stratford wrote the Shakespeare plays also are likely to hold the “head-in-sand position” that there is no debate. Their position is that he wrote the plays and that is that. Case closed. However, for people willing to look at the facts, there is a debate; and the reason why a debate rages on over Shakespeare, and no other writer of the period, is because no real evidence exists that William Shaksper of Stratford wrote the “Shakespeare plays” (and much evidence that he did not).


Dec 10, 2020 1:38 AM

Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford wrote the Shake-Spear plays. William Shakespeare could not have written them, because he was not well travelled. never left Britain, so would have known nothing in depth of other lands, other than what he learned in ‘school’. A school that he left age 14/15.
Shakespeare was most probably a Producer who Oxford paid to produce the plays he wrote and keep his authorship anonymous for fear of enraging Elizabeth and losing her patronage, which paid for his visits overseas.

Dec 8, 2020 3:23 PM

Vitally important information regarding the covid vaccine.. I won’t be taking this shot.

It seems that the potential after taking this vaccine for a more severe disease should you come in contact with this virus is known. But unacknowledged

Covid Vaccine Guinea Pigs… Unprecedented, Novel, Vaccine Technology. Eliciting an ADE & Increasing YOUR Risk of More Severe Disease

“The prior evidence that vaccine‐elicited, antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE) of disease is likely to occur to some degree with COVID‐19 vaccines is vertically consistent from controlled SARS studies in primates to clinical observations in SARS and COVID‐19. Thus, a finite, non‐theoretical risk is evident in the medical literature that vaccine candidates composed of the SARS‐CoV‐2 viral spike and eliciting anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 antibodies, be they neutralising or not, place vaccinees at higher risk for more severe COVID‐19 disease when they encounter circulating viruses”

So not only are we dealing with an entirely unknown type of genetically modified vaccine, containing some nano particles? Those who actually take this vaccine risk having a worse sickness, with undoubtedly a higher death rate then those who do not take the vaccine.

I saw an image of some 90 year old granny getting hers in the UK, just today.
Please share this information with those you know and love. You may just save their life.

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Dec 8, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  Penny

There is no pandemic to justify the mass medical experiment. We have a well-known pseudo-epidemic the result of inadequate testing, with small regional outbreaks. If indiscriminate testing stopped, the great majority of ‘cases’ would disappear without trace, removing the need for the vaccine.

Dec 8, 2020 10:06 PM
Reply to  Penny

In March of this year I wrote here that the virus was ‘designed’ (added functions) to interact with air pollution. Most covid deaths occurred and are still occurring in areas with life threatening pollution with pariculate matter smaller than one micron.

Virus and vaccination will be the nitro – air pollution, whether ‘natural’ or artificial, will be the glycerin. In your lungs.

Why is nobody talking about 4.2 million deaths due to respiratory failure in 2019? How many will have died in 2020? If ‘covid’ started in the U.S. camouflaged as ‘vaping deaths’ in early 2019, then the whole narrative about ‘covid’ falls apart.

Humanity is fumigated like cockroaches. People will die like cockroaches whence they are vaccinated with the ‘nitro’. Watch how it goes.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 3:21 PM

It may sound paradoxical but although the “virus lingo” has accelerated, I don’t think the content of this speech is of any further importance. The words have coalesced into another kind of language whose purpose is to relay a kind of trance state for the purpose of facilitating a new order i.e. everyone now implicitly understands that it is a restructuring that is taking place and the virus talk is simply the surface accompaniment.

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 8, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

excellent insight. Thank you.

Dec 8, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The “new order” being population reduction asap.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 8, 2020 2:50 PM

I generally appreciate the quality of articles presented by OffGuardian, but I believe this one sucks wind. Sorry.
Problem: The article blurs the validity of scientific investigation with the non-sciences of personal hypnosis and human subjectivity. Science is not a behavior. It is the objective study of provable physical phenomena. The validity of scientific investigation should not be treated as a religious belief…
When “experimentation” includes the manipulation of raw data through some bogus and unrelated statistical formula, it should no longer be considered science. When profit is the prevailing motive, all science disappears… The “corona” virus debate is driven by such motive.

Dec 8, 2020 3:19 PM

‘Spam filter’ for you in future young man.

Dec 8, 2020 4:07 PM

Groupthink and what is NOT science (but clams that it is) this is what the article is actually about. So, you have the point quite clearly. However, anyone who writes “sucks wind” is clearly lacking in verbal skills. Thanks for sharing.

Dec 8, 2020 2:48 PM


Dec 8, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

I suspect the initial shots will contain nothing harmful, the vaccines don’t need to work, the virus has almost gone.

How long will they suppress the reports of deaths when they do start using the real ‘vaccine’ later? Many many months is my guess, and we will be lead a dance through many many lies about other causes before we work out it is them who are murdering people, including stories about a resurgence in the ‘virus’
Every dead old person and sick person is worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, in tax cuts, to their mates.

Dec 8, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  Jerry

They have no reliable diagnostic test for the virus, yet they claim to have a “reliable” vaccine?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 8, 2020 10:30 PM
Reply to  Jerry

My thinking exactly. The first round of shots, for which a sizeable number of volunteers will line up, will be harmless in order to convince those suffering from ‘vaccine hesitancy’ to take it.

Andy B
Andy B
Dec 9, 2020 12:06 AM
Reply to  Jerry

My thoughts exactly ! Nothing harmfull at first will be in those injections but once the public have been lulled into a sense of false security, the cull will begin !

Dec 8, 2020 2:23 PM

To laugh or to cry- whether tis nobler…..

This guy is a pure psychopath:

Matt Hancock pretending to cry based on diagrams he saw in a book:


Dec 8, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

There is a something to lurch at, perchance to throttle. This drama, those tiers, that septic lockdown, has alienated the people from the political class. This has not happened since early modern history… since the 17th century, in fact, when the coals sparkled still in the grate between the inglenooks under a royal coat of arms and people raised a malt toddy or a glass of port to toast the monarch.

By the 18th century the middle class had seized much of government. The fiction of royal power was preserved by erecting a proscenium arch between performer politicians and civic audience. At the same time Britain finally got newspapers (a century later than the continent).

The perception of politicians as performers by then was entrenched, reaching its peak with the founding fathers of the United States and in Britain with the Pitts and later Disraeli and Gladstone. Politicians who were hugely competent but who realized that half of their job was actor, to reflect the populace back on itself, thus reassuring the middle class that they ruled, while cloaking the role of hidden power.

Now we perceive neither unattainable monarchs nor magnificent tribunes of the people… not even the theatre of nightly tremor from the box in the corner as CBS, NBC or the BBC announced, This… Is… The… News…

When I was a child I would make television sets out of cereal boxes: cut a TV-shaped hole, place tracing paper over it… and parade popsicle-stick puppets behind the screen.

Today I would not bother with popsicle puppets. I would merely hold the TV screen up to a sheep field and observe them grazing. Mhaat, mhaat.

© Moneycircus

Dec 8, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

He is crying because he just lost his Amazon Christmas bonus for allowing small shops to open over the holidays.

Dec 8, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

He is psychotic, really! You got that right!

Dec 8, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  Penny

In today’s political psychology, Matt Hancock reflects the populace back on itself — and they respond positively.

That’s why he has the job if not the jab. Yet. Ironically, Matt Hancock is being used to implement and justify the cull. He will go down with his admirers and victims.

There are countless books on Stalinky USSR and the Revolutsiy Franky-franky to show how this will end. It won’t be good for Matt. The people will demand their satisfaction. And the powers will grant that satisfaction.

Dec 8, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

These odious creatures will do whatever it takes to push the idea that Covid bad, vaccine good.
In the next few weeks the fear factor will be ramped up, proof of vaccination to gain entry/fly, London into Tier 3, keep pissing off the people even more…….all until they mistakenly believe that the monkey-gunk arm shot is the ONLY way to return to any sort of normality and are begging to get sterilised.
Today, I gave them my DNA (got swabbed) as I want to fly & get some sun. As I endured the ritual, I actually felt broken. I was annoyed at myself for collaborating unwillingly in their charade but needs must.
I will continue to fervently resist the vaccine.

Dec 8, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  DavidF

Did you spit into something or were you swabbed?

Dec 8, 2020 2:06 PM

They know it will harm & kill, they’re even preparing for it, but still going ahead. These mRNA vaccines have never been given to humans, full safety tests have not been done. They’re experimenting on us, with a potentially lethal vaccine.


Immunologist and toxicologist, Prof. Stefan Hockertz, gives evidence to the German Corona Committee, which includes lawyer Reiner Fuellmich.

2 minute video here:


Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation 

Here’s Page 17- let me know if you want the full link:

FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines : DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes

 Guillain-Barré syndrome- Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis- Transverse myelitis -Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/ meningoencephalitis/meningitis/ encepholapathy -Convulsions/seizures- Stroke- Narcolepsy and cataplexy- Anaphylaxis- Acute myocardial infarction- Myocarditis/pericarditis- Autoimmune disease- Deaths- Pregnancy and birth outcomes- Other acute demyelinating diseases- Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions- Thrombocytopenia- Disseminated intravascular coagulation- Venous thromboembolism- Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain- Kawasaki disease- Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children- Vaccine enhanced disease

Dec 8, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Hi Maxwell

Here is the video of the full discussion on the Pfizer vaccine between Fuellmich and Hockertz. Explosive stuff.


Dec 9, 2020 1:40 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Excellent and concise description of vaccine reality underneath impudent propaganda.

Crime has already been committed, testing potentially dangerous bioagents on entire Population of the world without any safety models for new vaccines like mRNA vaccines or updated safety models like adenovirus vector or classical viral vaccines proven by long terms animal and human studies.

Swiss rejected applications for COVID vaccines simply because of the fact fact that no Sufficient, vital, and required by approval process data about safety, efficacy and effectiveness of the “vaccine” was provided in their applications for approval.

What is going on is nothing but illegal medical experimentation of people via means of state coercion to illegally obtain consent, which in a face of Nuremberg code cannot be legally given under state sponsored pressure campaign and threats of severe social consequences of exercising our right to refuse to give consent.

Even if you consent “willingly” to COVID vaccination, doctor, nurse clinic administrators and all those who ordered, enticed, pressured, blackmailed, threaten you with consequences for you and your family if you do not to get vaccinated are still committing statutory crime of medical experimentation without informed consent as your expressed consent is by default invalid under condition of state extortion and coercion.

Dec 8, 2020 2:05 PM

Government officials who enacted the deregulation drive are rapists of the highest order. The life of millions of people have changed to the worse forever.

This is simply an abusive relationship between the authorities and the serfs. The biggest lie they keep repeating is they are maintaining a democratic system.

They are amassing/accumulating so much power over Serfdom that it is basically impossible to get rid of them now.

Dec 8, 2020 1:49 PM

Bloodletting was used by physicians well into the 20th century for many ailments; including accidents, malaria, childhood fevers, pregnancy discomfort, and anemia.

Bloodletting, by the application of leeches, has been making a comeback in mainstream medicine for decades; since 15 or so years ago with–for specific post-surgical treatments–the approval of the US FDA. It’s re-acceptance was based on the work of surgeons who were dissenters against the mainstream rejection of the technique for any and all treatments at that time.

Similarly, those physicians who for centuries have noted the value of maggots in cleaning wounds and have performed procedures exploiting it clandestinely for fear of exposure and defrocking as dangerous dissidents are now justified by the use of maggots in just such situations in an increasing number of surgeries world wide. Also finally approved by the US FDA about 15 years ago (with some caveats about the variety used and the necessity to ensure they are devoid of pathogens).

Similarly electro-convulsive therapy (‘shock treatment’) and a slew of other treatments long since abandoned as outmoded, primitive, punative procedures.

It is not socially responsible to ‘support’ an over-all valid position (which the article advances) with ill-researched appeals to the febrile, paranoid emotionalism and anecdotal ‘conspiracy’ attitude that commonly passes for rational opinion in publications like this.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Well as long as the article advances an “over-all valid position”, it’s OK.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 8, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Furthermore, since the whole point of the article concerns an illegitimate order that has seized control and has set itself up as a regulator of a spurious “new normal” then all opposition to it will be presented as “ill-researched appeals to the febrile, paranoid emotionalism and anecdotal ‘conspiracy’ attitude that commonly passes for rational opinion in publications like this”.

Dec 8, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

You are so dishonest. It’s not the bloodletting in the leech therapy it’s the bio active compounds in the leech saliva. Leeches secrete anticoagulant and vasodilatory agents.

The same effects could be achieved otherwise, by using bromelain or other anticoagulant enzymes.

Moreover, infections and complications have arisen by using leeches due to dirty tank water and microbial pathogens.

Dec 8, 2020 1:37 PM

“The virus is real…” There is no justification for making that statement.

Dec 8, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Arby

It is a far better to accept the narrative that the virus exists and oppose the official narrative from that point of view, than lose the confidence of the public by claiming it does not exist at all.

Dec 8, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Jerry

The fiction of contagious viruses can be easily disproven using a contagion experiment or study like they did after the 1918 flu, where healthy patients and animals were unable to be infected using breath, spit, mucous or sputum.

They can’t even prove contagion. Their contagion MODELS are based on calculating projected infection rates from phony tests from a genome they generated using a software program.

Dec 12, 2020 7:44 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Indeed. But to know that, you have to care enough to know. You have to pay attention and learn (actively, not passively).

Dec 8, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  Jerry

If people accept lies then they will accept anything. It’s important to separate what is known from what is unknown and truth from myth.

Science (and virology) is not so complicated that it can only be understood by a select few who have monetary ties to vaccines and the medical industrial complex.

Dec 8, 2020 8:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think it was Nigel Farage who said – you don’t want to get too far ahead of public opinion.
In forums such as this it’s ok but in public the media will destroy you -as they did Enoch Powell.
Here, we can go for the jugular but in the wider sphere I think it’s ok to say things like – the official statistics don’t show any more deaths than normal -and leave it at that.

Dec 9, 2020 8:50 PM
Reply to  richard

I’m not going to lie about the science behind viruses just because people aren’t ready or willing to understand that most of modern medicine is built on a number of false paradigms where an entire industry can and was created by repeating the same lies over and over.

Why bring the lie up if you aren’t sure?

The author is making two claims for which there is no supporting evidence. If one isn’t sure then leave the question of SARSCov2 existence and the cause of any of the purported deaths out of the discussion. But don’t perpetuate a lie just because the majority of people aren’t ready to abolish their false beliefs that have been spoon fed to them since childhood of disease and contagion.

False memories can be implanted and false beliefs even more easily, using repetition.

Dec 12, 2020 7:49 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Why you don’t have a zillion upvotes for that, I don’t know. But it’s things like this that prove to me that up and down voting are a bad idea. Anyone can log in, never comment and then go crazy with up and down votes, making impressions on minds that they want to make for nefarious purposes. There’s entire government departments whose ‘job’ is to do stuff like that.

Dec 12, 2020 7:46 AM
Reply to  richard
Dec 8, 2020 1:29 PM

The virus is not real and any sickness and deaths are totally unrelated to “the virus“. That’s been proven by the all cause mortality stats in every country being virtually identical to last year’s all cause mortality stats.

The virus has not been isolated or purified, and it has been unable to grow in or infect any human cell line. The genome was generated using a software program and the vaccines and RT-PCR tests were developed and manufactured pre-pandemic.

For all the people who believe in viruses and the efficacy and safety of vaccines, the following article sheds some light on the type of researchers behind the virus and vaccine industry.

Monstrous experiments were performed on mentally disabled children at Willowbrook State School by a psychopath who was subsequently celebrated and venerated by vaccination proponents in the development of a Hepatitis B vaccine. He too, had a white lab coat and credentials.


Dec 8, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It is a far better to accept the narative that the virus exists and oppose the official narrative from that point of view, than lose the confidence of the public by claiming it does not exist at all. You risk shitting in the punch bowl of respectable opposition to the Covid narrative, by taking ‘too extreme’ a position, however true it may be.

Tacking on unbelievable stories to real factual narratives or conspiracies is a classic CIA tactic and something David Icke is very skilled at doing. You may as well tell the public the earth is flat when you tell them the virus does not exist, it marks you/us out as a loonies. But maybe that is your intension.

Dec 8, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The virus has not been isolated or purified, and it has been unable to grow in or infect any human cell line. This is plain wrong and it makes us sound like flat earthers 🙁 . To try to “prove” it, people quote documents from earlier in the year saying that certain tests were developed without official isolates, using the known RNA sequences instead, but all that means is at the time, there hadn’t been time to put together standardised COVID samples for use in calibrating tests.

Dec 8, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

The virus has NOT been isolated and purified, nor grown in any human cell line.

The papers that have been published that claim any isolation and purification do not describe any valid scientific method nor do they prove a novel virus or even a Coronavirus exists.

Moreover, multiple FOIA requests to multiple governments have proved that no isolation or purification evidence exists for SARSCov1 or SARSCov2.

Your use of multiple names and identities, using multiple email addresses to shield yourself from being identified as a member of the 77th Brigade isn’t working any better than the virus myth.

Dec 8, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks for the ad-homs. You haven’t posted any references but I’m going to guess you are talking about things like this: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/health-canada-has-no-record-of-covid-19-virus-isolation/ where people send off a load of FOI requests to public health organisations and get back the result that there are no records held by the relevant pen-pushers describing the matter requested. That’s a very long way from saying that the information doesn’t exist anywhere. FOI is a bizarre and very inefficient way to do a literature search.

There’s discussion of the growth of the virus in various cell lines, including human cell lines, here:

Dec 8, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

That’s a junk paper from
April 2020.

Since that time this site has published an article proving that no novel virus was isolated or purified by any of the groups (all allied with the NIH and DARPA) that claimed isolation.

There’s been FOI requests from all over the world, even from numerous commenters on this site to the U.K. government and multiple governments. No virus isolates are available anywhere and the CDC has admitted they also, have no virus isolates.



Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 8, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yup. The RNA genomes they look for are not unique to Sars-CoV-2 either. The PCR testing protocol (by Drosten) has been shown to have “10 fatal flaws” and was rushed thru approval to be adopted worldwide by the WHO. It too is a fraud. A John Hopkins economist showed based on CDC data that there was no statistically significant excess mortality over last year. The “excess” deaths due to Covid are just deaths subtracted from deaths due heart disease, cancer, that is, the big killers of the immuno-comprimised every year. A “tapestry of lies” to quote Harold Pinter.

Dec 9, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

There are countries with excess mortality but we have to conclude these deaths were caused by the lockdowns and the decision by some governments to withdraw critical care services in April & May.

Countries such as Ireland, Germany, Denmark, Finland amongst others have no excess mortality at all whilst UK, Italy, Spain, France have excess mortality.

If a deadly virus is circulating the world its ridiculous to claim it only effects some countries and not others.

Even Sweden with no lockdown is forecast to finish the year with no excess mortality.

All data about covid deaths and cases are completely meaningless as they are all based on the PCR test which as you say is fatally flawed.

Dec 8, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

It’s a bit like “proving” that Charles Dickens’ “Oliver Twist” doesn’t exist by sending off 100 FOI requests asking for the text of the novel.

Dec 12, 2020 7:53 AM
Reply to  YeahBut

I wouldn’t care about not posting references to someone who appears to be in the discussion solely to attack. Are we going to convince you? You may actually agree with us, but don’t care. We don’t know, but you signal to us that you are a trouble-maker, possibly a paid trouble-maker. Seriously, Telling us that we don’t know what we know is, you know, stupid.

Dec 9, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  Researcher

The independent peer review on the PCR test designed by Drosten to detect this alleged virus has unequivocally proved it is useless as a diagnostic test to detect a virus called Sars Cov 2. China supplied Drosten with the original material before it was verified. China had no live or inactive Sars Cov 2 virus and instead supplied Drosten with theoretical RNA sequences. When this new virus story broke this time last year China claimed they isolated it. This is a proven lie. Drosten assumed without any evidence that the genetic make up of this virus was 75% similar to Sars 1. The rest of the genome is made up of RNA that’s not unique to Sars Cov 2. There are 3 target genes that the PCR tests for. Drosten claims only 1 of these genes is exclusive to Sars Cov 2 but that’s not proven. But this gene is not even being tested for. The test isn’t testing for a virus. It’s merely detecting the sequences of RNA fragments and the cycles are so high the results can’t be verified without a CT value and a diagnosis from a medical professional. No SOP was ever produced. Labs are free to do whatever they want and it’s not clear if labs are using one or two target genes although the WHO recommended in April that labs only had to detect 1 gene for it to be a positive test. As discussed many times before 35 cycles is 97% unreliable and 45 cycles is meaningless. Drosten recommends 45 cycles. Depending on what gene they’re testing for and how many cycles they run it’s definitive proof labs can make their numbers go up, down or disappear if they want too. If anyone wants to claim this virus exists they’re welcome too but… Read more »

Dec 9, 2020 7:16 AM
Reply to  Paul

:- the “spike” shown in purported electron microscope photos is not unique
:- the phenomena seen in the photos may not be viruses
:- the existence of any virus remains unproven – Kary Mullis.

Dec 12, 2020 7:58 AM
Reply to  mgeo

“the existence of any virus remains unproven” That’s an interesting and ambiguous statement. They’ve seen… something. That’s what we can all agree on. After that, it depends on who you ask. Those who make a living (improperly) hoaxing people with the ‘concept’ of viruses will tell you that what they see are viruses and that they are foreign to our bodies and dangerous. Those who care about ‘how’ they survive and who possess principles, and have been educated and are interested in these things, will tell you that what they see are exosomes and that they come from our own bodies and they are not harmful.

Dec 9, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  Paul

This seems to me to be the best explanation of what is going on.

Both Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explain in detail about Drosten and the test.

Tenpenny really goes into detail about the Cycle Threshold. Once you’ve listened to her (and others) along this line it makes perfect sense.

All the positive “cases”. And it is remarkable, isn’t it – you’d think that “cases” means “deaths” the way the media reports it.

Dec 9, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  Judith

The way they are testing is ludicrous.

To be able to assess what’s going on throughout the world we’d need to know from each lab in each country the cycle threshold, how many genes are they testing, if testing for more than one gene how many positive genes are a positive test.

But the major discovery from the peer review is that in order to accurately test for this said virus they would really need to be testing for a gene at top, middle and bottom of the claimed virus so the test would actually be testing for the whole virus.

This isn’t being done. They are testing for fragments of the virus but PCR cannot distinguish between viral and non viral RNA and the RNA is not exclusive to Sars Cov 2 as this the E gene is detected in 4 other circulating coronaviruses, the RDRP gene has not been validated at molecular level and can also be detected in other viruses.

It’s one big unscientific mess.

Dec 10, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  Judith

Yesterday, all decent Megadeath Virus of Doom-fearing residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania were floored by the devastating news that our own Gauleiter Wolf has “tested positive for COVID”.

So far, he has self-quarantined and is working from home, but reports that he feels fine and has no COVID symptoms.

Damn. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed, because I fervently hope that this “case” turns out to be the relentlessly-reported lethal Megadeath Virus of Doom sweeping the globe!

Dec 12, 2020 7:51 AM
Reply to  YeahBut

Researcher is absolutely right about this.

Dec 8, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Monstrous experiments are regularly carried out on a regular basis worldvwide. Many years ago one of my neighbours was a World War II veteran who had served in the Pacific. One day in the mid 1950s many of his company were put onto a ship and transported to Kiribati where the British government was testing its hydrogen bomb programme. They were lined up on deck and told to look in the direction of the latest test, close their eyes until they perceived a flash, then open their eyes and look at the progress of the explosion. This was to find out what effect a nuclear explosion would have on those just outside the area of total destruction. Such effects had already been known for a decade, since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Africa is often selected for such ‘experiments’, medical and otherwise, with the target populations most frequently being black. Targetting women, children, the poor and eldery probably scores extra points if the long term, multi-millennia track record of human nature is anything to go by.

What’s to ‘research’ in that?

Dec 8, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Understanding the type of eugenicist psychopaths involved in the virus industry, (medicine, science, defense) and learning the truth about the people behind the development of vaccines, provides added context in the face of global democide and sterilization through mass vaccination.

And your constant changing of identities and names on this site to counter truth, is a transparent ploy.