Naomi Klein: Gatekeeper Extraordinaire
Veteran journalist lines up alongside the mainstream, attacking “conspiracy theorists” and “covid denialism”.
Cat McGuire & Colleen McGuire

With a title like The Great Reset Conspiracy Smoothie, it appears Naomi Klein is trying too hard to recapture her prowess at defining a meme. Her buzz-concept, “Shock Doctrine,” is spot-on and rightfully successful. But her “Screen New Deal” about Silicon Valley technocrats fizzled.
And now she puts forth “Conspiracy Smoothie,” declaring the multitudinous “conspiracies” out there are just one big bizarro mashup, an “inchoate meta-scream.” The word “smoothie” defeats her purpose, though, because smoothies are healthy, yet she wants to brand alternative thinkers as sinister and unhealthy. Ha! This feckless meme won’t catch on with anybody.
To her credit, Klein offers a very good history and analysis of The Great Reset, as long as she stays within the precincts of critiquing Empire, such as:
…[T]he Great Reset is not a serious effort to actually solve the crises it describes. On the contrary, it is an attempt to create a plausible impression that the huge winners in this system are on the verge of voluntarily setting greed aside to get serious about solving the raging crises that are radically destabilizing our world.
But once she gets near taboo topics, Naomi goes batshit mainstream. Unlike alt “researchers” (her raised-eyebrow quotes), these subjects are “inchoate” for her because, like NIST who doesn’t know there were explosives on 9/11, she hasn’t gone looking. She even admits, “I’ve been doing my best to ignore it [“conspiracies”] for months.”
Rather than go off-reservation and investigate for herself, like a typical conspiracy denier, everything under the hood is automatically deemed “off-the-wall.” Alison McDowall will surely skewer Klein again as seen during this prickly exchange they had about The Great Reset. (See video at 13:25 to 17:00)
Klein’s most damning accusation is her reference to “truly dangerous anti-vaccination fantasies and outright coronavirus denialism.” Is Klein really this naive about the objectives and tactics of the Medical Industrial Complex?
Her anti-vaxx slur is a defamation against vaccine-activists, most of whom actually advocate for safe and effective vaccines — the existence of which, however, are questionable. Vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to make a safe product because they were granted legal immunity in 1986 by Congress.
Proof there exists a serious safety deficit in vaccines is the current running tab of $4.2 billion awarded to victims and their families in “Vaccine Court” from vaccine deaths and injuries.
Klein’s political bifurcation of conspiracy theories telegraphs an utter misreading of allies and issues:
And yet search for the term “global reset” and you will be bombarded with breathless “exposés” of a secret globalist cabal, headed by Schwab and Bill Gates, that is using the state of shock created by the coronavirus (which is probably itself a “hoax”) to turn the world into a high-tech dictatorship that will take away your freedom forever: a green/socialist/Venezuela/Soros/forced vaccine dictatorship if the Reset exposé is coming from the far right, and a Big Pharma/GMO/biometric implants/5G/robot dog/forced vaccine dictatorship if the exposé hails from the far left.
After channeling Cass Sunstein in the above paragraph, she asks readers if they are confused. No, Naomi, you are the one who is confused. You are the one who cannot recognize that most of these issues are not only scientifically legitimate, but many are important to and shared by global activists and professionals across the political spectrum. You are the one who is out of touch for not recognizing how and why these issues unite many diverse communities. Unlike the binary tribalism you attribute to the above players, their unity is transpartisan.
In Klein’s inventory of 2020 shock doctrines, it’s all the fault of the right side of the aisle. There is not an ounce of finger-pointing, for example, that the extreme failures of the lockdowns are almost wholly the result of diktats by petty Democratic tyrants (not to mention their over-the-top hypocrisy).
Shockingly, she fails to comment on the source of the epic silencing of anyone who questions Official Narratives. To wit, Big Tech and Big Media censors are fully aligned with Democratic agendas. As for the Left’s political-identity swamp, there is nary a mention of Mao’s Cultural Revolution USA-style that has ravaged our country.
The World According to Naomi is full of plutocrats, but they’re all right-wing. She goes on and on about workers rights and all the populist issues that Democrats traditionally stood for. Didn’t she get the memo that there’s been a tectonic shift? Doesn’t she realize that the entire force of the 1% has arrayed itself with the Democrats, a party that has now disgracefully abandoned what had been their deplorables base for decades.
If Bernie progressives, we-the-people patriots, the Yellow Vests, indigenous peoples, and all the rest of the world’s 99% would just join hands, we could create a powerful transpartisan movement to abort The Great Reset’s dystopian agenda. But this can’t happen by staying within the Democrats’ Big Tent as Klein does, which likewise ultimately aligns her with the Establishment no matter how much she critiques them from her influential, mainstream-left perch.
Invoking an ever-reliable inference to Trump Derangement Syndrome, she writes:
Is it all a plan, another kind of elaborate conspiracy? Nothing so elegant. As Steve Bannon kindly told us, the informational strategy of the Trump era has always been to “flood the zone with shit.” Four years later, we can see what this looks like in practice. It looks like far-left and far-right conspiracists sitting down over a tray of information-shit sandwiches to talk about how the Great Reset is Gates’s plan to use the DNA from our Covid-19 tests to turn the United States into Venezuela.
“It makes no sense,” she concludes. Yep, Naomi, if you don’t investigate beyond ad hominem analysis and if you seemingly strive for a token social-responsibility seat at the Davos table, your current worldview will only ever perceive genuine opposition to The Great Reset as an indigestible smoothie.
Cat McGuire and Colleen McGuire are twin sisters who are activists and writers. Cat lives in New York City where she works with Break The Spell, a public outreach group raising awareness about the Covid plandemic and the Great Reset. Colleen practiced law in New York City for 16 years and now lives in Greece.
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To Naomi Klein, the shock doctrine is only applicable to the right.
Leftist radical feminist, Naomi Wolf, talks much more sense on this subject.
Great article anyone who thinks that a club full of billionaires telling us what “they” think is good for us and that they will Impose their ideas(chains) on us whether we like it or not needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves ” why am i asleep “
What a sellout
Well, Naomi Klein gets it right again. off-Guardian really has gone batshit crazy. And don’t bother with the ‘show us your proof’ guff – do you think photos taken from space should convince a flat-earther? You might, but they wouldn’t, and as far as I can see, flat-earther stye conspiracy theories are all you get now on this site, from convinced flat-earther theorists. Just don’t fall off the edge, guys.
Pathetic ad hominem attacks on this site – which does NOT mention flat earth. Troll on
Klein was already selling out back in 2012 when she approved of the war against Libya and Colonel Gaddafi’s lynching and murder at the hand of NATO’s “freedom fighters.”
She’s always struck me as an opportunist who used the trend against globalization to create a niche for herself and flog her books. When environmentalism went mainstream she immediately jumped on the bandwagon and became a “leading environmentalist.”
There are many people like her…upper-middle-class do-gooders who teach at universities and write books about their pet issues while propping up the establishment they pretend to despise.
Using Covid-19 as a catalyst to push the Great Reset is the exactly what she was talking about in her ‘Shock Doctrine’ book and the fact that she never acknowledges this is all anyone really needs to know about her sincerity.
Well said! It’s like how Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent is so brilliant, and yet he and his admirers are clueless of the degree that his book describes the mainstream-left media to a T.
Well said!
She’s under the influence: her brain just did a Viral Brain fart. It’s the Wuhan Viral Brain Spekter. Ja.
knew she wasn’t legit from the beginning, as early as ‘The Beauty Myth’ from a woman who wholly conformed to the mainstream idea of ‘beauty’,
You’re thinking of Naomi Wolfe, who does a better job of standing up for non-mainstream causes.
Is it good for the juice? That’s the only question tax cattle ever need to ruminate. Klein is a shill and always has been…. another loony, lefty, lying libtard…Who coulda gue$$ed?
Naomi Wolf’s Career of Blunders Continues in ‘Outrages’
Naomi Klein and Naomi Wolf. Two different women.
It’s all very simple: like many other anti “conspiracy theories” Naomi Klein provides no evidence, either to prove her claims or to suggest an alternative explanation of what is going on.
Regarding Bill Gates, he recently told in an interview that, at the peak of this time at Microsoft, he memorized the employees’ car registration plates to trak them at work. What a loving soul!
“Conspiracy theory” is just a noise which, taken at face value, is borderline meaningless. In politics groups conspire all the time and this is taken for granted throughout the mainstream media who give us such theories constantly – the official account of 9/11, Russian cyber interference, Skripal, Labour anti-Semitism etc. When you realise that you also realise that the designation “conspiracy theory” just means “stuff we don’t like”.
And considered in this way – as a Pavlovian noise – it is an astonishingly successful mechanism. All anyone has to do to discredit an argument is say the magic words “conspiracy theory” and it all just goes away. If you then persist in the argument you can practically hear the eyes rolling around you and you realise that no-one is listening.
Bang on! The term “conspiracy theory” has been monumentally successfully in discrediting anything that the mainstream want to turn our eyes from. And the mind controlled sheep, like some of my friends, implement this approach in the field of daily discourse.
Truly horrifying she cannot see a “Shock Doctrine” happening before her very eyes. Horrifying because she’s not stupid and she sure as hell ought to know better by now that “right” and “left” in this country are merely a construct to keep us all divided and killing each other while people like her are busy selling books. I still own a copy of “The Shock Doctrine” and perhaps Naomi should go back and read it, but hey, why in hell would she do that when there’s a new book to be written, one which will keep her in the mainstream of those oh so virtuous “liberals” who know that everyone knows it is only the “right” who are fascist, never mind that mask and vaccine mandate, that’s just for our own good…
I sometimes cannot help but wonder what these assholes will say once they too are chipped and tracked, but if there is still anyone around who can say anything, I’m sure it will be “how could we know,” or better yet, “why didn’t you scream it from the rooftops and tell us” while a few of their number, too many really, will continue to think and say, “it was all for your own good, don’t you see that?”
“chipped and tracked”
“That’s right, KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. More like DEAD AND BURIED or DEAD AND BURNED. If the CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICISTS do not see any “profit” in an untermenschen or useless eater, “IT IS TOAST.”

completely agree. I read a couple of her books including the shock doctrine and what is happening now is the biggest shock doctrine in history. But like so many lefties, who only have faux concern for the working class, they are more interested in champagne with the elites so they have been reduced to virtue signalling without having any virtue. Virtue would be taking on a position even if it’s unpopular amongst the left leaning elite – though the elite are neither left nor right. It’s cowardice, an intellectual cognitive dissonance.
Well said.
From Forbes
Dec 11, 2020,03:00pm
The Young World Leaders Summit Launches This Weekend With Talks By Simon Sinek, Kristen Bell, Naomi Klein, Cheryl Dorsey, President Juan Manuel Santos, And More
I’m a huge fan of Summit, having attended their conferences in cruise ships and here in my hometown of LA. So I was intrigued to hear about Summit Impact – and how they were gathering a community of optimistic leaders across industries, with a commitment to creating a better world.
I caught up with Shira Abramowitz, Executive Director at Summit Impact to find out more about their Summit Young World Leaders event which is this weekend, featuring talks open to the public by Simon Sinek, Kristen Bell, Naomi Klein, and more.
Afdhel Aziz: Hi Shira, welcome! Tell us a little about what Summit Impact is.
Shira Abramowitz: Summit Impact is a new nonprofit platform to collaborate for social good.
We gather social entrepreneurs, industry leaders, academic experts, and creative storytellers to solve the most pressing challenges facing humanity.
We believe this work can only be done through effective collaboration that centers grassroots experts. That’s why all of our programs are built around Summit Fellows – by activating our network and building ecosystems of innovation around exceptional social change leaders, we can reshape how social impact succeeds at scale.
We’re officially launching our new programs in 2021, but we’re excited to give you a sneak peek here.
In the new year we’ll be launching a new series of Summit Impact Labs– two-year programs that gather interdisciplinary leaders for year-round collaboration across fields, party lines, and platforms.
It is vital to have counter narratives to the fantastical mainstream monotone drone. But how many of these are going to reach a wide public? The mainstream media, by which I mean TV and radio, are still by a long way the most potent media i.e. the ones with the greatest reach. TV in particular is so ubiquitous and easily accepted that it seems that many – if not most – see TV as almost more real than their lived lives.
In my workplace there has been some “radical” views – really daring statements about whether e.g. masks are really effective and even some ridicule about the ludicrous and indeed psychotic Christmas advice. But no matter how much I encourage this, I am always eventually met with, “Hey but it’s no joke” and “Think of all these stupid people over Christmas actually daring to visit each other and even getting close to each other. There’s going to be another massive wave/spike/holocaust in the new year” etc.
And then I get this sinking feeling that it is all futile. TV sets the agenda and there seems no point in even daring to suggest that it’s bollocks. And the bottom line is that fear trumps all. To paraphrase Goebbels:
“All you have to do is tell them they are being infected, and denounce the sceptics for lack of humanity and exposing the public to danger.”
And if you reject the wretched vaccine which, I believe, is still something you can legally do, you will be met with horror at being so “irresponsible” and there is the ultimate in emotionally blackmailing coercion: “You may not care about yourself but you’ll be passing the dreaded virus on to poor defenseless grannies and babies”.
Yep, the Covid disciples will not be persuaded otherwise. With advances in medicines and social wellbeing we appear to have reached the stage where we have been afforded the luxury of worrying about our health with a subsequent rise in health freakery and hypochondria, both essential ingredients for promoting and developing the present narrative of the “deadly ” Covid disease .
But never accept such statements about the vaccine. Anyone saying such a thing needs to be told in no uncertain terms that even the vaccine manufacturers have stated they don’t know if vaccination prevents or even lessens transmission i.e. getting vaccinated does not mean you are protecting anyone else.,yet%20unknown%20period%20of%20time.
From the WHO:
“Vaccine acceptance is the next hurdle”
Naturally the entire article is based on the seemingly unproblematic assumption that COVID is indeed an unprecedented “existential” threat. You would assume that any doubt at all never once rose.
“What might seem to be reluctance, resistance or even opposition, might actually be a response to the burdens or inconvenience of getting vaccinated.”
Or a rejection of the entire virus narrative. But that is matter to be avoided as much as possible although it does arise later.
“…if the default in schools is to vaccinate all students, with the provision of allowing those who object to opt out, then vaccination rates will likely be higher than if the default is to provide vaccination only to those who opt in.”
I.e. present the vaccination as “the norm” and therefore something that the target has to opt out of thus presenting a troublesome barrier that may, it is implied, result in ostracism.
“Second, we need to harness social influences, including from trusted community figures.”
And there will be no lack of them.
“Some may be hesitant toward vaccination due to beliefs that they have a low risk of infection…”
Note that the focus is on the participant since the potency of the virus is never in doubt.
Now we must skirt the unmentionable:
“This pandemic has been accompanied by an overabundance of information and misinformation, an ‘infodemic’ on a global scale. People are inevitably exposed to misinformation, rumours and false conspiracy theories, which may erode their confidence in vaccination.”
“Infodemic”. Always take note of neologisms. It’s an indication of manipulation. Also note that “false conspiracy theories”. Interesting softening of the conspiracy phobic manoeuvre since it implies that some of those theories are true.
“Developing trusted sources, fact-checking and responding to misinformation through dedicated dashboards are some of the strategies suggested to manage infodemics.”
“Dedicated dashboards” is interesting. But we already knew this was a huge operation.
“Vaccine acceptance and uptake may also be undermined by COVID-19 vaccines being not fully effective, meaning that people will have to continue to engage in preventive behaviour (e.g. mask wearing and physical distancing) even if and after they have been vaccinated.”
Well that was clearly on the cards. I predict that the vaccine will make no difference “initially” and that this “initially” will become infinitely expandable.
“It is important to build trust in COVID-19 vaccines before people form an opinion against them.”
Bit of anxiety there. It’s a big business venture with a large degree of financial risk. So we end up with the stress on “building confidence” and “building trust”
Thus we are at a curious point. A point of subtle or soft coercion. But what happens next? Under the guise of a DEADLY pandemic, the option is there to impose a much less friendly approach.
A US document has emerged on how to generate panic
Glen Nowak, Ph.D., acting director of media relations for the American health authority CDC in 2010 and director of communications for the National Vaccination Program (NIP), prepared instructions on how to create public panic,
to convince people to get the flu shot. It looks like a model for coronavirus panic communication.
The psychological operation includes the plan to use the media as a “weapon” and in particular to present scenes of hospitals and descriptions of painful medical stories in order to scare the public. Health warnings should be similar to warnings of possible terrorist attacks with great emphasis and focus on generating fear.
Nowak writes: “Good (ie effective) communication is a necessary condition, but usually only partially sufficient to achieve the desired behavior. Facts, numbers and statistics are not synonymous with good communication (nor is more information equal to good communication).
The flu affects 2 million Americans every year. The complications of this process kill up to 200,000 people a year – the flu kills more than breast cancer, road traffic accidents and AIDS combined. (Editor’s note: By December 4, 2020, approximately 276,000 people in the United States are said to have died in connection with Corona.)
In order to get people to get vaccinated against the flu, Nowak suggests that medical experts and health authorities publicly (e.g. through the media) express great concern, refer massively to the dire consequences of the flu, and urgently recommend vaccinations flu shots.
Nowak suggests that flu season should be represented in terms that motivate behavior, e.g. as very heavy, heavier than last year or previous year, even fatal.
Ongoing reports (e.g. from health authorities and the media) that influenza causes serious illness and / or affects many people help, according to Nowak, to promote the perception that influenza can be serious for large numbers of people. . The reports must be accompanied by visible and tangible examples of the severity of the disease (eg photos of children, families of those affected who report) and of people who have been vaccinated (the former for motivation, the latter for reinforcement). Influenza reports should always be linked with an indication of the importance of vaccinations.
In view of the fact that communication research assumes that it is necessary to reach people 10-12 times with a message in order for it to be understood, Nowak advises to convey the message in a less nuanced way, therefore, rather overemphasize the dangers, instead of conveying a differentiated and possibly confused, ambivalent image.
Why does it take you liberals so long to identify these wolves in sheep’s clothing? Come to the traditional Catholic faith (emphasis on traditional) and you won’t have to spend your life running through a maze and hitting these dead ends. You would have identified Klein, her clique and their methods of deception long ago. I know you are people of good will, and I think many of you sense the truth in your peripheral vision but you won’t walk towards it, because traditional Catholicism is very demanding and requires tremendous strength unlike the liberal lifestyle. Sorry if I sound condescending but it all gets so tiresome. All I ask is that you ponder over my comment rather than ignore it. The future of humanity depends on you making this change.
Hi John i remixed it for you and made it truthful
Why does it take you conservative so long to identify these wolves in sheep’s clothing? Come to the traditional Catholic faith (emphasis on traditional) and you won’t have to spend your life running through a maze and hitting these dead ends. You would have identified Klein, her clique and their methods of deception long ago. I know you are people of good will, and I think many of you sense the truth in your peripheral vision but you won’t walk towards it, because traditional Catholicism is very demanding and requires tremendous strength unlike the fake conservative lifestyle. Sorry if I sound condescending but it all gets so tiresome. All I ask is that you ponder over my comment rather than ignore it. The future of humanity depends on you making this change.
remind you that Catholic
fake faithendored the lockdown closed it churches in public areas poor places and keep them OPEN in private like the nicer posher parts of the city anc country side they even closed churches during this process’s because well to save money of course and what a convenient time to close and sell of the land of building as Jesus really does endorse this!!!! just like the pope allowing baby fetus in vaccine to be taken by-his sheepWe also would have accepted, “Get thee behind me, John Chrys!” 😉
…you’ll be invited to believe ridiculous metaphysical bullshit, designed to bedazzle Medieval Serfs, while pledging allegiance to a hierarchy of wealthy pedos.
Nah, I’ll pass.
I think that the real culprit is that Ms Klein does not want to lose that HUGE salary she receives from the Intercept by going outside of the mainstream narrative. Money talks. What a disappointment. I was once a big fan of her’s. Even bought some of her books, including”The Shock Doctrine”
Agreed. Same here.
Yes, she is a disgrace. One really does have to wonder how she could write an excellent leftist book against globalist capitalism, then turn around and suddenly embrace globalism after the mockingbird media decides that antiglobalism is exclusively “right wing.”
Conspiracy deniers are either extremely under-informed or in on the conspiracy. They are even worse than immunity deniers (a relatively new form of idiot that came to live with the corona plandemic)
The biggest irony is that COVID believers have the nerve to label sceptics as “fanatics” – which is an oxymoron anyway.
OK let me try it this way. The entire MSM and the “alternative” media have been screaming the deadly virus story into everyone’s face for 9 months now. But if you express any doubt, it is YOU who are the “fanatic”. Think I’m joking? I’ve seen it.
I don’t watch CNN, gave up the MSM entirely in 2016. But once in a while someone will post a clip from it of someone being interviewed or what have you. Most out here may already know, but CNN runs what seems to me a constant “ticker” if you will, on the right side of the screen, with a running count of cases and deaths. Now to me, if that doesn’t scream propaganda I don’t know what in hell does. “How can this be a plandemic when it’s on CNN like that? Why, they wouldn’t lie about something that is being used to re-order every single aspect of our lives, would they?” And the American sheep nod along, watching that ticker and ready to call the cops on their neighbor should they violate the current “protocol.”
Timewasters the lot of them .
This is good up to a point:
This is the aforementioned point:
After offering two explanations- one the cock up, the other, the conspiracy, the author says of the latter,
“Conspiracy is the opposite of cock-up. Whereas cock-up ascribes everything to the comic or tragic fates, and dissolves everything in keystone coppery, conspiracy focuses out attention on not only a cause but an intended cause with an intended consequence. It overfocuses, of course, since in human activity there is little correlation of cause and consequence, and almost no correlation between intention and consequence. Conspiracy is as rhetorical, and as exaggerated an explanation, as cock-up.”
In human activity there is little correlation of cause/ intention and consequence?
So if I shoot someone with the intention to kill him, the fact that he dies has nothing to do with my intentions and actions?
What a crock! Yet another denial of conspiracy!
But then again it makes sense. To call conspiracy is to implicate governments and imply such indecorous subjects as intelligence agencies. And I see that the author is one James Alexander listed as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Political Science at Bilkent University in Turkey. But it wouldn’t matter who he was. Anyone writing for a “respectable” publication and who had a career within the “respected” establishment would not dare to explicitly claim a conspiracy no matter how clearly his writing tended in that direction.
Consider Nafeez Ahmed whose entire oeuvre screams the existence of conspiratorial groups but who always backs off at the crucial point of just coming out and saying it.
Professor Alexander covers himself with a nonsensical bit of jiggery pokery over intention, cause and effect.
Those who do come out and say it end up being ostracized and practically hounded out the country cf. G G Preparata. And if it didn’t happen to Gore Vidal, it was only because, due to his age and long established reputation, he was tolerated as an eccentric buffoon who’d gone a bit loopy.
Anyone less established would certainly be allowed to continue writing but only as part of the “lunatic fringe”.
But this professor is demonstrating his inability to form a decent argument by claiming that “in human activity there is little correlation of cause and consequence.” That is absurd. If he had claimed that there is only “sometimes” a correlation then that would have been a reasonable argument.
Nafeez Ahmed almost looks like paid controlled opposition. Wouldn’t be surprised.
I’d bet my last dollar Nafeez Ahmed is controlled opposition. I may be a bit naive at times, but at least the scamdemic has revealed a long list of treacherous rats who have been masquerading as ‘alternative anti establishment’ and god forbid, even ‘Left’ and they’ve now revealed their true colours.
I’ve blocked any articles from Medium and Crikey and marked them as spam.
Speaking of the scamdemic, really good Australian site called Tott News you may want to check out.
Thanks, Gezzah. Will do that.
This is why I have a *Big* problem with Hanlon’s Razor and those who wield it in debate like it’s some sort of magic sword… – *Conscious Intent*…
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity/incompetence”
…The truth is that sword cuts both ways… – *In Particular*, if one *Knows* from jaundiced, well-worn prior form that one is dealing with the truly evil and depraved, why on earth should one be compelled to attribute to stupidity or incompetence that which is *Far More* adequately explained by malice?…
…- Moreover do these sorts of debaters never stop to consider that for the cunning and reasonably intelligent amongst the genuinely wicked, it is no great shakes to masquerade their malice *As* incompetence?…
Plus the fact they have been doing it for so long and have been hiding behind the same excuses again for so long that to continue to attribute it all to incompetence now amounts to a wilful stupidity so determined that it feels like collusion.
It feels like collusion because it is collusion. They are not honest analysts of the world in which we live.
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. — Upton Sinclair
after being kicked out of 108 states over 2500 years one would think that repeating the same processes that caused it 108 times before would qualify as stupid, BUT that process is built into the cults DNA and its members endlessly conspire in that direction.
Hanlons Razor only applies to shit done by normal people.
An article written in response to the current lively myth that there will soon be a mass genocide perhaps? but Having said that, over population can be very subjective. If I see plastic strewn beeches every time I disembark from my luxury yacht in the Caribbean, then there are too many people on my planet.
Likewise, if I leave my Google office and drive through thousands of tents of the homeless, on my way home, then there are far too many useless people on the planet also.
It is emotional issue, rationality has nothing to do with it. After all it was Lord Haw Haw Farage, Google and youtube who convinced a large minority of the British population that they were being swamped by immigrants and they needed to leave the EU to be free from being ‘overrun’, however illogical that was.
Class Apartheid parading as concern for the health of the planet in other words. A cheap and nasty rationale to push through the sterilisation of the peasants and the slaying of those they miss.
How very medieval is that.
Emotionally Blackmailing Gobshite and, arguably, Child Abuse… – Check and check…
…- *Jolly Well Done Indeed*, NHS, – And a *Very Merry* Fuck You Too!…
video been removed by the uploaded WELL DONE
the comment section was saucy
People are now so up their own yin yang with hate and conspiracy nonsense, fuelled by historical, economic and political illiteracy, that they wouldn’t know the truth if it landed on their heads. No, Soros does not rule the world with Bill gates at his side, you moronic twats. Please god, stop writing stuff down, we can see what idiots you are.
the problem with going through life with your head up your ass, is that eventually you begin to mistake the view for objective reality.
Calm down dear. Hate and conspiracy are not littering these comments. Factual information, logic and truth are evident. Your vapid comment reflects a brain which has yet to understand these topics .
Great response to what surely must be a troll. Who does not know who are some of the wealthiest people on the planet? Since when did money not talk anymore?
When people like Klein do things like this it is a good thing. It confirms without question that she is a shill and not to be trusted.
as if her complacent acceptance of the official 9/11 faery tale (surely the biggest “shock” in recent history), along with all the rest of the fake left, hadn’t decisively settled that question.
Rules for Christmas 2021 (What? You reckon it’s going to be over then? Pfffft!)
1 Keep all gatherings to no more than five minutes. Be sure to maximise the quality time!
2 Keep windows open all the time. You may catch your death of pneumonia but at least it won’t be COVID.
3 No touching
4 No sharing. If you insist on the grossly irresponsible tradition if exchanging gifts then do so wearing masks and gloves .
5 Do not open any presents until 30 days have passed and do it in an empty field. Be sure to have a bucket of disinfectant ready in case the present bursts into a cloud of COVID.
6 No music. It causes people to get excited and excitement is a source of COVID.
7 No images of Santa. We just don’t like him.
Can we dance naked around the mulberry bush and chant the name of Santa Klaus Schwab ?
Naked? Er… No. Well, maybe down in Australia where you don’t freeze your you know whatsits off…
I don’t see a problem, as long as the dancers maintain proper social distancing– but since wearing masks conflicts with “naked”, they will simply have to hold their collective breath while they chant.
Now and again a gnat sized glimmer of something or other can be grabbed hold of by the brave fighters of COVID-denial (like Naomi Klein) to give their struggle against reality a boost.
Case in point: at the begging of this madness, a number of articles appeared pegging this particular incarnation of the SARS corona virus as having been weaponized, as evidenced by the unnatural combination of elements within the virus. However, it has since been shown that the virus has yet to be isolated. Well, if it hasn’t been isolated, how could its constituent elements have been identified?
There, Ms Klein and all the other warriors for fantasy: there’s a gnat sized bone for you to gnaw on.
Regarding Naomi Klein’s Luciferian fall from grace – excellent article. I wonder if she really believes this crap, or she just has a good nose for which slice of toast is buttered most lavishly. Sort of reminds me Mr. LSD, Timothy Leary, admitting in his final years that he was a CIA operative. Or the noted, still living “feminist,” Gloria Steinem, admitting the same. Nothing new under the sun.
On another topic, I am wondering what the commentariat here makes of this Dark Winter preprograming. Do the “authorities” and talking heads in Europe use this phrase as frequently as the freaks in the USA (including Dementia Joe?) But my question is what is the exact psyops that they are preprogramming? What does the smirking faces of Billy Boy Gates and ho refer to as we ain’t seen nothing yet? The top 3 on my list are:
3) Famine around the planet including the USA, Canada, and the EU. This is pretty much a no brainer, as inevitable at this point.. The “second wave'” dogshit lockdowns have finished off the global economy including food supply lines. China is quietly sucking up commodities of all sorts including soy beans and crude oil and storing them in massive amounts. Brazil has sold so much of their soy crop to China that now they are trying to import it for domestic consumption. (Not that I am a big fan of soy.)
2) Dark Winter was the title of a giant military/think tank drill in the USA which took place a couple of months before 9/11. It was very similar in content to Event 201 except it was followed by the 9/11 false flag, while this drill centered around a terrorist small pox pandemic. Could it mean our Overlords releasing a really lethal bioweapon on the population in place of the fake virus? I would speculate that it would be caused by jacking up the wattage of the 5G emitters and blaming the results on a covid-1984 mutation.
1) The take down of the North American electrical grid for long periods. This is my top contender. This would most literally result in a very “dark winter.” People in the developed world are certainly not prepared to be thrown into a 19th century world without abundant electricity. Casualties would be in the tens of millions within two months in the USA alone, not to mention the meltdown of the nuclear plants once the generators ran out of fuel. If the giant transformers at the power stations were wrecked, it would last for years. Even during the best of times they are back ordered 2 years. Would be blamed on a false flag cyber attack on the grid which has never been isolated from the internet (by intention). Patsy would be Iran, Russia, or China or all three in concert. Or maybe a CIA backed novel terraist group. Greta would certainly approve. An alternate cause would be an EMP. But other than a nuclear blast in the ionosphere. (The only other cause for this would be a solar Carrington Event.) This would result in a massive nuclear exchange, as it is unlikely that even our Dark Overlords are yet capable of controlling the size and direction of X class flares form old Sol.
I welcome feedback and clever speculation on this topic.
Logically it’s reasonable to assume that the Western governments would opt for the cheapest option. ‘Dark Winter” could refer to the most obvious matter I.e. simply the pretty glaring fact that after 9 months of concentrated terror causing a mass breakdown in much of the societal network, it’s going to be a grim – bordering on horrific – Christmas for the populace. And that means yet one more step towards the annihilation of the post WW2 Western society which is clearly no longer feasible to the rulers I.e. that it can no longer be sustained within their paradigm of maximised benefit to themselves. In short, they need to suck more wealth from the masses. Which may end up eliminating most of said masses.
Christmas is an ideal time for a truly draconian psy-op. The time associated most with peace, togetherness, family, joy and contentment now turned into a kind of Auschwitz at home.
Thus all the rulers may be planning at present is that, having set up the conditions for a public meltdown, they just sit back and let the folk chew out each other.
And it’s all working too. Having just pointed out the absurdity of the COVID Christmas advice, a work colleague said, “Hey but it’s no joke. It’s really scary!”
It certainly is but not in the way SHE meant.
And this too is merely the beginning.
Hello el Gallinazo: Notice how no one is responding to your mention of a a major grid failure? >>> You said:
“1) The take down of the North American electrical grid for long periods. This is my top contender. This would most literally result in a very “dark winter.” People in the developed world are certainly not prepared to be thrown into a 19th century world without abundant electricity. Casualties would be in the tens of millions within two months in the USA alone, not to mention the meltdown of the nuclear plants once the generators ran out of fuel.”
A “Smart” grid failure could be easily be initiated by sabotage, and numerous persons in the military and security arena have testified before congress regarding this possibility. Congress, in their vacuous quest for more graft and manipulation, simply pocketed the proceeds received from PAC committees, public utility conglomerates, and wealthy silicon valley donors.
The “Smart” grid is not only hackable, it is grossly inefficient. Most electrical engineers know the piece of shit is just another gravy train…
i am not going to upset you so bets if i re frame from welcome feedback ;0)
When I see this happen, and Naomi Kline is not the first, I understand that they have come to a place when they know that they can make more money by speaking for the dominant tribe, so they change direction and no longer represent us.
Michael Moore did this in 2016 after the primary to support HRC. He made a dramatic change suddenly after a brief pause in. “Where to Invade Next” in 2015, then strong support with daily emails for Hillary in 2016. In Moore’s case, I felt that the Clinton Foundation offered him a stipend.
I’d like to have someone say I am wrong about this.
Power outages as a tactic seem a stretch too far at present, as such outages would obviously crush the tech corporations which so far have benefited so handsomely from the lockdowns. Now, maybe that’s a long-term objective – to leave the public without either local stores or online – but so far it seems a little far-fetched.
There is a conjunction between 2 significant planets right on equinox …only a short breath away…then we blunder into 2021 where they make a difficult aspect to Uranus in the sector of economy…who has Mars holding his hand ….I have been attempting a guess at this for months ….the internet, power grid or just straight economic shock…saturn took many aeroplanes out of the sky when he ventured to this point in March…and now we see censure-ship of the net with the effective start of adventure back again….
it has felt all the way that they made the covid adventure to delay something…the fact that so many countries lock stepped in announcements, measures etc…when little of any made any sense whatsoever…a friend said watch the bond market there will be 10 yr ones there from the last adventure…the money world is a mess and it would seem new year will be the start of the fix….Uranus and saturn argue for almost 2 yrs so the fix is difficult and I am betting few of us like it….the big boys have been paid off,,,so they are home free…
so much of this is like war of the world stretched out over months rather than 3 days…and at this point we are at day 2 with the eclipse in 2 days…day 3 awaits in lead up to June 21.
Hi Edith. I think you refer to Saturn Jupiter conjunct in Aquarius? A slip up, I think….it is solstice, not equinox. Regards, and hold onto our hats when that one kicks off.
There are thousands of Naomi Klein’s. Do any of these persons ever get their hands dirty, break out in a sweat, or actually work for a living? Probably not. Real work is likely beneath their pay scale. That’s how they can wax so glib about “resetting” – everyone else…
Is The Globalist “Reset” Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their HandDecember 11, 2020
By Brandon Smith
“Almost every aspect of the globalists and their behavior indicates they are a club or cult of narcopaths. Their obsessive need to control as well as to corrupt and destroy in order to get what they want is not an extension of mere greed, it is a deep-seated aspect of who they are as beings. It is a defining mechanism at the core of their character. They are real world monsters, like vampires attempting to blend into an unsuspecting population.”
Complete article: Is The Globalist “Reset” Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand – The Falling Darkness
…My man Brandon *Knocks It Outta The Park*, Again!…
…- The more I read into this ‘Teh Grunt Reshart’ malarkey, In *All* of it’s magical, wishful-thinking, moonbat, go-big-or-go-home majesty, the more convinced I am that it’s a band-aid on a chainsaw wound… – And I say that *Even* putting myself in the Davostani’s shoes, with my Full-On-Machiavelli hat on…
…- Here’s Anthony Mueller from Mises Institute’s take:…
“In a publication for the World Economic Forum, the Danish ecoactivist Ida Auken, who had served as her country’s minister of the environment from 2011 to 2014 and still is a member of the Danish Parliament (the Folketing), has elaborated a scenario of a world without privacy or property. In “Welcome to 2030,” she envisions a world where “I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.”
In this idyllic new world of hers, people have free access to transportation, accommodation, food, “and all the things we need in our daily lives.” As these things will become free of charge, “it ended up not making sense for us to own much.” There would be no private ownership in houses nor would anyone pay rent, “because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it.” A person’s living room, for example, will be used for business meetings when one is absent.”
‘tis the season to be jolly:
“Covid: How to keep the virus at bay this Christmas
Christmas is coming but how can you celebrate without giving the unwelcome gift of coronavirus? Cosy rooms packed with people, chatting, laughing, singing, and sharing food and drink for hours are traditional in the festive season. Unfortunately, they are also ideal for fuelling the pandemic, with scientists suggesting infections could easily double over the holiday period.
So here are the key questions to ask about any festivities.
How many people are invited?
No-one will be popular for saying this, but the evidence is clear – the larger the group, the greater the risk. If it was summer and we could meet outside, where the virus gets dispersed in fresh air, it would be less of a problem. But it’s winter, so everyone’s inside. And the more people who are involved, the greater the likelihood that someone may be a carrier of the virus – maybe without realising as they have no symptoms. A study by Sage, the government’s science advisory panel, concludes that if you double the number of people getting together, the odds of infection increase fourfold.
Are you sharing food and drink?
Passing around dishes and bottles, encouraging everyone to tuck in, is one of the most natural instincts at Christmas. But the coronavirus can survive on surfaces, possibly for several hours, so plates and cutlery can become contaminated. The same applies to board games where everyone’s touching the dice and the cards, so Sage recommends playing quiz-style games instead. It suggests keeping hand sanitiser by the front door and urging everyone arriving to use it. And for overnight stays, children should share rooms with their parents, to minimise contact between households. Above all, don’t hug granny. “Elbow bumps or air greetings” are a safer alternative.
Can you keep the noise down?
Amid the excitement of reunions, it’s perfectly normal for voices to be raised. Add a little alcohol, and maybe have a TV or music on as well, and things can get even noisier. But if someone is infected, the louder they speak, the more virus they release. A lot of research shows that when voices are projected, people emit more tiny droplets of the kind that can carry the coronavirus. So the advice is to avoid singing and dancing. At the very least, try keep those activities quiet or consider wearing masks.”
And now the “cute bit”:
“Maybe the safest option is to hum Silent Night.”
There’s much more here: keep your windows open and minimise your social time “to try to maximise quality time together”.
Quality time?
The BBC has been captured by the far-right like the rest of the British media, sadly.
The BBC has not been captured by the far anything.
It is, and always was, a mouthpiece for the parasites who own us. Right wingers think the BBC has a left bias; Left wingers think the BBC has a right bias.
Who is correct?
They both are.
The BBC, whilst apparently going through a superficial ‘woke’ crisis* at the moment cares nothing for left or right. It operates on the haves / have nots principle. Their parasite masters have; the rest of us have not.
They will attack anybody who poses a threat to their status quo, whether that is Corbyn or Boris (albeit not at the moment – because he is sticking to his script like a good boy).
*I use apparent and superficial, because the current propensity toward ‘wokeness’ that is breaking out everywhere is simply another element of their strategic aim of fracturing society, imo.
Let’s just skip the role call of damnation (although it is assuming unprecedented levels of hysteria: “A wave of mass death is spreading throughout the world… coronavirus pandemic is once again devastating Europe and Latin America… “for the next 60 to 90 days we’re going to have more deaths per day than we had at 9/11 or we had at Pearl Harbor” etc.) and cut to the exciting bit:
Organising common action and forming committees while social distancing, staying indoors, keeping a mask on etc. Good luck with that!
Don’t forget George there’s more than one way for people to organize themselves in this technocratic society. I take it that your argument applies to those who follow the rules but there is now a growing number of those who don’t because they have seen through the smoke and mirrors.
Fair enough but organising means seeing through the smoke and mirrors. And the WSW are totally entranced by said smoke and mirrors
That’s precisely why we all need to help as best we can George and help the uninitiated see through the smoke and mirrors. Knowledge is power is it not? That’s why the powers that be desire to keep the people ignorant of their true conditions of existence.
Once people become aware of how they have been really conned from birth and all that has followed from it then things may radically change.
However, this will not happen by simply arguing the toss and venting anger and frustration on this site.
The knowledge of the common law must spread so that it can be systematically reestablished so that those criminals who are conning We the people can be brought to justice .
A law common to all. The common law is quite an elusive concept.
All states, or Estates like the UNITED KINGDOM are a political construct. The Government [govern of the mind] is a legal fiction, it is fictional in nature. You could not pick the Government up, what would you hold onto? Men and women are real not fictional and cannot interact [form contracts] with a fictional Government.
The Government want to be able to apply the rules of society upon us, these rules are known collectively as Acts and Statutes. The Government award us a legal fiction of our own when we are born, it is called a Title…. Master, Mr, Mrs.
This Title represents an Estate that is set up for us at birth through Trust Law. The Title Estate is a bit like a token on a Monopoly Board, without it you cannot play the game of Monopoly, or in our case the Game of Life called Commerce.
You know when the Government contacts your Estate, you receive a letter addressed to your legal fictional Estate usually by the identifying prefix of Mr. or Mrs. in front of your name. Another way to identify when the Government is trying to contact your Estate is when part or all of your name is written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
This has nothing to do with common law, this is just a way of applying government legislation to your fictional Estate. You think that the letter is addressed to you because a version of your name is on the letter. But the letter is for the Estate not you.
Knowing how the present rules based, social contract works, is the first step to understanding what might replace it. Now you know the basics of what happens in the Estate of the UNITED KINGDOM. [United Kings Dominion]
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the above legal fictional rules based way of administering a country, through the use of fictional estates. It is only our lack of knowledge that prevents us from fully utilizing the advantages that this system has to offer us.
Be careful what you wish for the common law is not as cut and dried as you might think.
Like the standardised world wide Financial System, administered through the Federal Reserve Banking System, it is and always has been, since 1913, the ownership of these systems that is the problem.
If both systems were operated for the benefit of mankind then both of these Estate based systems of government and finance, administered under trust law would be the best way forward.
Hello Laurence Howell: Your comment is interesting. However; your understanding of “Trusts” is lacking an understanding of how trusts are always designed to screw the grantee. SEE: cestui que trust verses Cestui Que Vie trust accounts and Vatican Canon Law – Bing video
Civil liberties granted under Common Law are quite removed from corporate statute and trusts operating under the guise of “free enterprise”. Legally, the world operates under corporate dictatorship and Maritime Rule… Unfortunately…
Organizing action commitees at Amazon and logistic workers…..good luck with that when there is a desperate reserve army of 5 million British umemployed (official figure are sheer horsehit) and millions of desperate migrants from Romania, Oortgal, Bulfaria Poland. Teaches, though might get another 3 months off on full pay.
Reply to Nixon Scraypes
The YouTube video by Chistopher James entitled “A planned Trespass Against the Mind of Man” is an excellent presentation on the common law, banks, legal fictions, birth certificates, government trespass and much more that everyone deserves to know. Let’s hope people sit through it as it is of crucial importance. Thanks.
Having watched the video, A planned Trespass against the Mind of Man, I can say that much of the information presented is truthful but not presented in a way which would be useful in a courtroom setting. It would be a bit like fitting a jigsaw together with a hammer to make the pieces fit a picture that you want to see as opposed to the real picture on the lid of the box.
Mixed messages are a good way to hide the truth. David Ickes latest offering on the Common Law a case in point.
I have posted the basics to your previous post. The information that I post forms part of a much larger information which shows how the Estates mesh with us as a people and fit together under trust law combining the legal and financial systems of government.
The Common Law is not the common law, there is a difference. The Common Law is Judge made Law under the direction of the BAR [British Accredited Registry] and is an Estate of the Crown City of London Estate, an independent estate of the Estate of the United Kingdom, and basically an onshore/offshore tax island haven and is part of the three City Estates that rule the world.
The Crown City Estates of London, Vatican and Washington.
Do you know of a good source of information regarding making use of the common law? Further reading? Pertinent to the subjects in the video? Thanks
The BBC have reassured us that “Covid Marshalls” don’t have any real powers:
And they have reassured us about the vaccine:
And that is because “creating confidence” (i.e.compliance) is deemed necessary. And it would make the operation smoother. But, as I have noted, they didn’t come all this way to offer a choice. And the relentless pushing of the “deadly” virus story gives them a cover to, as it were, get tough.
So basically, what they are saying at the moment is, “We’re asking you nicely….”
…Blunkett’s Bobbies 2.0…
…- How long before they’re granted the power to make ASBO referrals for vaccine non-compliance?…
I seen them around they look like the usual type who wished they got into the army but where to dumb.
but it adds to the whole mind games as such, a serious deadly contagious virus yet they have to have people(marshals) walking around telling people to be careful.
Yes indeed, and many will be REFUSING THEM NICELY too, then what?
The Great Reset Conspiracy Smoothie ? When I read that it seemed completely appropriate description of Klein , but using the English definition of smoothy ie oily schmoozing, self aggrandising shyster.
I keep thinking about how ludicrously, how embarrassingly easy this psyop has been for the people who planned it. But I then remind myself that it was many years in the making; they’ve worked assiduously at it.
IQ scores have been falling every year since the ’70s. The Powers That Be attack the notion of solidarity at every opportunity (including through the divide-and-rule tactics of that accursed thing, identity politics). And they’ve got around-the-clock access to implant their propaganda in people’s minds via the technology which is now so ubiquitous.
People who gawp at the BBC and jab mindlessly at their phones for hours every day, believing any old nonsense that they see and hear, are defenceless before this assault on their senses.
What’s happened this year is like anyone or anything which is ostensibly an ”overnight success” – there’s invariably a long process of effort and perseverance behind it. These dark bastards are masters of long-term planning.
I find myself oscillating between despair at people’s sheer gullibility and the belief (the hope, really) that our numerical superiority will enable us to resist the psychopaths’ plans.
every 4 years they pull of a scam called voting each day they perform bullshit stroys in the news which get repeated by the so called alternative media.
They supple free papers on the train bus’s and shops they have 100.000 ;s of political blogs and people selling there ideology thinking that it there own.
This was a piss easy psyop
they could pull another 2 or 3 off and it would still keep the control on the mind going.
If bs19 doesn’t snap them out of the hypnosis grip not sure what else would
Your last paragraph sums up where I’m at Gwyn. Some days I feel pretty depressed and dumbfounded at what I see out on the streets. Still a lot of people walking around wearing facemasks when they’re no longer mandatory outside in Melbourne.
I’m now politely telling people to take them off, and yes, a lot do ignore me, but some, it’s like you wake them up from a trance, and they do remove them.
Nearly every day, am meeting covid sceptics who know the whole ‘pandemic’ is bullshit, and they know exactly why.
They know about The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Meeting these people face to face, and even hugging them is such a huge mental boost.
I know, for now, the odds are definitely not in our favour, however I haven’t given up yet. I still cling onto hope…
I really can’t get my head around the fact that people wear masks outside. As for people who wear them when they’re alone in their cars, well, that’s just another level of stupidity.
Glad to hear about your encounters with those like-minded people, though, Gezzah. Keep the faith, my man! :o)
I recently learned how some old, if distant, acquaintances and their progeny celebrated Thanksgiving; the acquaintances are all good-hearted, well-educated, and 65+ years old. They are all enthralled by the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) scamdemic– trapped inside the scamdemic hologram, as it were.
Apparently they first considered having a Thanksgiving dinner at home “with the windows wide open” for some reason. But they ended up ordering pizza and eating it in a local park; fortunately, the weather was mild. I’m told they genuinely feel that, all things considered, it was a “good Thanksgiving”.
There is a photo of them at the park; five or six people in masks. It might’ve been taken as a joke or a lark, but if there are any self-conscious or self-deprecating expressions they can’t be perceived through the masks.
But apart from the pathos and the ancillary issues, as I thought about that photo I wondered exactly how they wore those masks during this expedition. Did they just use them in transit, and don them for the photo op, or did they keep them on during the meal and constantly lower and raise them between bites?
My “informant” didn’t know. And although I’d just as soon not know, since I find it all acutely cringeworthy as it is, there is no sensible, rational basis for this mix of mask-wearing and aggressively seeking fresh air.
This is such a weirdly polarizing event that I’m sure none of the people around them would attempt a friendly “Emperor’s New Clothes” inquiry, whether “What exactly is the sense of all this?” or the harsher, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
It’s eerie!
Comparatiely, the fads of “planking”, virtual Pokemon and ice bucket “challenge” were sane.
‘Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to sit here in this park with our muzzles on’.
Most people know that politicians and the media lie. But they refuse to believe they’d lie this big for so long.
And I do think a lot of these psychopaths behind this have told so many lies they now believe their own lies.
Others just comply because they don’t want to be judged badly by others.
I work in hospitality and this weekend a lot of the customers are laughing at the rules such as only drinking alcohol with meals and wearing masks if they leave their tables.
They know it’s bullshit but just haven’t worked out why this is happening. They just think the politicians are stupid and don’t know what they’re doing. But of course they do know what they’re doing.
Give them time. Most people know something isn’t right but just haven’t worked it out yet.
There are many people who refuse to believe that ‘their’ government actively wants to harm them. That’s how strong the indoctrination is.
I’m a tiny bit sick of these people trying to tell me what’s what.
If I had a rocketship I’d be more than happy to leave the Dupes to it, at this point; it’s exactly like trying to argue with a Jehovah’s Witness (something I was always good at but the stakes were so much lower, then…)
Indeed! These people are impervious to fripperies such as facts and logic.
I had no idea THIS was heppening:
So the goon squad is already here!
Rolled out for poorer areas because the rich can do their food shopping online with their golden credit cards. I can’t see this going down well.
Relax, George! They’re just there to advise and support us!
Aren’t we lucky to have that advice and support? Without these fine citizens watching over us, we’d all be standing at distances that are perfectly natural and forgetting to put our muzzles on!
Do you suppose the photo accompanying the linked article is of actual “marshals”? If so, it suggests that soon we may be treated to a Very Special Reunion of the Spice Girls as Celebrity COVID Marshals!
They’ve acquired an extra member for their fine band! Vaxxy Spice?
Where’s Cancel Culture when you need it?
Half a million for communities in the North but the most congested square mile in the UK – the City of London gets 13K.
Tells you what you need to know in regards to what this is really about.
When did you last visit the City of London? It’s a ghost town [sic] I wonder what is planned for all those new skyscrapers in Bishopsgate.
When I see a photo like this, and there is very little to go on, apart from the obvious if I was 50 years younger, I try and work out where it was taken. It’s kind of a mental challenge, when I am bored. I can’t read the street name, but I think I recognise the style of the street sign. It could be almost any old town in the UK.
I reckon its Canterbury, but could well be wrong.
Watch this er interaction with some “Covid Weasels”… gets going about 10 minutes in. I thought it was hilarious.
…It’s *All* Smoke and Mirrors, folks…
…- Rare footage of the Lesser-Spotted Covid Denialist, caught in the wild:…
(Follow link-thru to twitter, or hopefully *this* direct vid link’ll post-up alright:…)
This is hilarious until you stop and think of all the people living in nursing facilities who have not seen their families in 9 months and just want to die.
(no reflection on your posting, Sg oddball)
Yep, Yep!… – ‘Hilarious’ in a *Black Mirror* stylee, Judith…
…- The DOJ muppet *thought* he was lurking in the wings, safely off-stage and thus out of sight… – But the mask *slipped*…
Neglect leaves them to will passive euthanasia upon themselves.
~ Kissinger, H. Circa 1930s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 2000, 2020..
“‘If they would rather die,’ said Scrooge, ‘they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.'”
One can swap out “Scrooge” with “Fauci”, “Gates”, etc.
Alternative-health maven Pam Popper has been doing multiple short weekly videos since the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) scamdemic began last spring.
Pam settled into a routine of presenting “Consequences” videos on Fridays; these usually involve Pam reading or relating harrowing eldercare horror stories submitted by viewers.
I won’t attempt to repeat some scenarios– and indeed, after watching so many of these Friday videos the horror stories all begin to run together. But the plight of nursing facility residents who are morbidly distressed and distraught from being separated from their loved ones are only the tip of the diabolical iceberg.
There are endless permutations involving elderly or chronically infirm residents deteriorating, and requiring medical or surgical intervention. Every transfer from a nursing facility to a hospital or “rehab” facility is fraught with MVD restrictions– quarantines, endless spurious PCR tests, harsh and absolute sequestering of the resident/patient.
There are also the torturous alternatives to simple in-person contact in the form of technological substitutes for direct personal contact. Even this is a horrorshow subplot in which the victims are either unable to properly use items like smartphones or tablets, or are not allowed to use them.
The general theme is that, given the draconian and convoluted MVD-voodoo protocols, the elderly and infirm victim rapidly declines, and usually dies, either from neglect or “standards and practices of care” that are functionally lethal.
I’d love to finish with an upbeat ending, but nothing comes to mind. 🙁
so many writers of dystopian fiction/crime fiction dealing with corruption buy into this too 🙁
One possible use for covid marshalls would be to visit all libraries and book shops in the country (or indeed most of the world) and transfer all the dystopian stories from the ‘fiction’ to the ‘non-fiction’ section.
No the whole notion of making a “vaccine” to “prevent” “the flu/ covid-19” is pseudoscience and detrimental to health. The manufacturers sort legal immunity because the whole business is inherently harmful and the “safe vaccine” a pipe dream.
The ‘flu’ is not catchable. This is a cleansing reaction from the body. It is alkalising and clearing out waste material that needs to go inorder to be healthy. Making a “vaccine” to suppress detox would be akin to making one to suppress sleep. It would suppress healing and lead to serious health problems. There is people with “chronic disease” precisely because of the ‘flu vaccine’ marketing and consequent suppression of cleansing. Getting ‘the flu’ is something to celebrate and embrace as it means the body is healing.
Thanks for that video! Very enjoyable (and thought-provoking).
I shall be repeating this mantra for the rest of the day: Mucus is my friend…mucus is my friend… ;o)
Doctor FrankenKLEIN and Miss Hype
A little ditty for Naomi.
Of course her identity has nothing to do with it. It never does though we see the same one so frequently.
I’ve already posted this link but there’s a line that tells you everything. It’s practically an admission of fraud:
“Even if we had had the lockdown earlier, as some scientists had argued, we would have already been talking about the next one.”
You read that and you realise they are saying:
“Yes – it wouldn’t have mattered even if we did what was supposed to avoid the horror. The horror would have happened anyway and – WE WOULD STILL BE TALKING ABOUT THE NEXT ONE!”
Which also means:
“We’re making this up and we’re letting you know we’re making it up. And there’s nothing you can do about it anyway!”
Also note the wording:
“Even if we had had the lockdown earlier, as some scientists had argued, we would have already been talking about the next one.”
Not “…we would still have been in this mess” or “…we would still have these dreadful figures” and not even “we would have been talking” but “we would have already been talking” i.e. “we have already made up our minds”
Their benefactors (Billy-Boy Gates and his fragrant wife, the lovely Mel) had already made the BBC’s mind up for them.
…Their tacit admission is even more egregious in light of *this* recent little tidbit – Not even *Trying* to hide it anymore:…
ONS: Obvious Nonsense and Sophistry
…- Also, see the ZH article/twitter vid I posted up-thread…
“Blaming the masses for not looking through the deceit is a fallacy”
Blaming the masses? What masses? How many people form a “mass” (sic)? Two, 10, 1,000, million? Sorry, I don’t see people as masses. I see people as individuals.
Are people naturally given to group think? Maybe, I don’t know everybody’s motivation to be sheeple. Tricked, trained, subjugated to be so? Huge efforts are certainly made to that end.
Whatever the case might be, I will not consider people, regardless of their number, as masses and I won’t accept the notion that failing to educate oneself, to think for oneself, to employ critical thinking, to be a free, independent entity, and so on is anybody else’s fault but the individual’s in question. Individuals can find themselves in this or that predicament, have a severely disadvantaged starting line, you name it. Everyone deserves to be lent a helping hand to catch up, get back on their feet. But everybody has to do the work for themselves. Arguing that one is entitled to be fucked up because somebody else is fucked up too is preposterous BS.
Curious how she gave so much cred to MK ultra with her book. Yet she can’t cop to obvious facts that get her called conspiracy theorist even more?
I think that was her intention: to parachute right into the middle of the Internet debate of 2007, look a bit edgy, out-truth the truthers…. but ultimately to sell the Rockefeller narrative.
More than a decade later, Naomi Klein sits right within the establishment and academia, framing the boundaries of acceptable thought for the next genertion of students.
Tried and true method. Consider, for example, the extremely influential crypto-politician Joe Rogan, who attracted attention years ago by seeming very (almost dangerously) Truthy… and has long-since walked back every “edgy” belief or opinion he once promoted. He’s nothing but a cheerleader on the level of a Jon Stewart, now, but targeting a different demographic. Much easier to see through if you aren’t a sex-starved 20-something Gamer. Jimmy Dore, Caitline Johnstone… it’s always the same trick.
If Bernie progressives, we-the-people patriots, the Yellow Vests, indigenous peoples, and all the rest of the world’s 99% would just join hands, we could create a powerful transpartisan movement to abort The Great Reset’s dystopian agenda.
This is what Vigano has been saying since at least May 2020
June 7, 2020
Holy Trinity Sunday
Mr. President,
In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.
See also:
Appeal – May 7, 2020
Appeal For The Church And The World to Catholics and all people of good will
Sign the appeal
Veritas liberabit vos.
Jn 8:32
In this time of great crisis, we Pastors of the Catholic Church, by virtue of our mandate, consider it our sacred duty to make an Appeal to our Brothers in the Episcopate, to the Clergy, to Religious, to the holy People of God and to all men and women of good will. This Appeal has also been undersigned by intellectuals, doctors, lawyers, journalists and professionals who agree with its content, and may be undersigned by those who wish to make it their own.
The facts have shown that, under the pretext of the Covid-19 epidemic, the inalienable rights of citizens have in many cases been violated and their fundamental freedoms, including the exercise of freedom of worship, expression and movement, have been disproportionately and unjustifiably restricted. Public health must not, and cannot, become an alibi for infringing on the rights of millions of people around the world, let alone for depriving the civil authority of its duty to act wisely for the common good. This is particularly true as growing doubts emerge from several quarters about the actual contagiousness, danger and resistance of the virus. Many authoritative voices in the world of science and medicine confirm that the media’s alarmism about Covid-19 appears to be absolutely unjustified.
Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.
Groucho Marx
Fake progressive hiding evil Talmudist. Eye always on the prize, Greater Israel. Wants Israels neighbors to be bombed back to stoneage and Talmudist supremacists to rule the world.
Nigel Farage can Fuck Off Too..he has always been Establishment..He is Closer to The City of London than The Queen is. She has to ask Permission to visit.
He is The First UK Politician to Say -well I am going to be injected – everyone is, including you on TV or you if you want to Travel
I know Boris is a cunt too, but he hasn’t said that…
I am not going to be injected.
Stick your needle up your arse…
And Yes I have been to The Barbican we took our kids to the Pantomime shows in The City of London, when The IRA were lobbing bombs at you.and us.
We weren’t Terrorisied Then, and we are not Terrorised now..
Due to all this Terrorist EU Bollocks, The UK is Stuffed with Food.
And No You Can’t Have Our Fish
Just Fuck Off
We will make do.with what we have got
We ain’t going to starve to death..
I dunno about you.
I am trying to be polite.
We are out of The EU.
Notice how everyone wants to come here to England.
We must have done something to be the most attractive country in The World
Who risks their life travelling in a liitle boat from the Beaches of England to France???
Come on You Frogs, and I do have a few French Friends still.
You can’t compete.
They want to come here not France.
..Ol’ Nige’ got minted working at Drexel Burnham Lambert back in the day, iirc… – Right around the same time junk bond kingpin Michael Milken was doin’ the do there, also… – So, *Yep*!…
Russian Cooperation Saves British Vaccine
MOA turned into one mean sales rep for AstraZeneca and Sputnik V smearing competition of Pfizer and Moderna not because their vaccines are untested and potentially dangerous in short and long term due skipped required for full FDA authorization, animal studies in which vaccine efficacy and effectiveness can be directly measured against infection with real virus, (unethical for human trials) but because.. they are more expensive and for profit.
Readers are fed up
.B’s screeds advocating for untested, experimental vaccination technology coupled with knee jerk support of a diktat mandating lockdowns is appalling at best.
..What I once considered the progressive / left has many of it’s best reduced to hysterical, petrified onlookers ( totally swept up by an unrelenting massive media blitz that has us at the brink of Armageddon ) buying into the lie hook line and sinker.
..This unprecedented big pharma / fascist coup is happening in front of your eyes and you see fit to debate and advocate on behalf of the absolutely venal pharmaceutical corporations and it’s factotums.
..You should be very proud of yourself B as you are obviously not one of the millions whose lives have been devastated financially and who would gladly ” risk ” exposure to the virus than wither on the vine as their ( US ) government has abandoned them.
History will show either you to be an abject fool or myself as part of as of yet small , nonconforming minority unwilling to pay fealty to their masters and gladly accept their enslavement
Posted by: Tucson 69 | Dec 12 2020 1:53 utc | 31
History have already spoken that COVID is a deadly sham not fixable by inoculation with bioagents wrongly called vaccines.
B was always dishonest. Because you see thru the covid lies you can appreciate that now. Can I persuade to also examine the global warming hoax? It is more difficult to see thru. An excellent starting point is this Senate investigative report which documents how billionaire NGOs and foundations subsidize and control the Green organizations at the top.
It’s disappointing that the report is labelled a “leftist expose” as the perpetrators are arch-capitalists– or I suppose fascists, since they control govts. In fact, they are the same people who are behind the covid exaggeration.
Thank you. When MOA emanated information that would only be accessible to ‘intelligence’ ‘services’ – filling the comment section with mental spam, I left and never went back. It is a limited hangout and the morons that celebrate their exceptionally delusional theories are a tight nit club. To them, the ABC idiot is a god. Every single one of his ‘anal-lyses’ has been debunked by now. It is so easy, if one does not suffer from memory loss. Good riddance to that militaristic hangout.
“…[T]he Great Reset is not a serious effort to actually solve the crises it describes. On the contrary, it is an attempt to create a plausible impression that the huge winners in this system are on the verge of voluntarily setting greed aside to get serious about solving the raging crises that are radically destabilizing our world.”
Yes, the raging crises they have created – authoritarianism!
I loved watching Allison McDowell challenge Naomi Klein in that Rudgers seminar and seeing Naomi get so flustered. After watching that (a couple of months ago) I scrolled down to discover lots of information about Naomi that was disturbing including that she was originally sponsored/supported by the Rockefeller Foundation to do her work around the Shock Doctrine, etc. ……interesting connection. Perhaps there is a lot more there.
“Klein’s alliance with the Rockefeller Foundation goes way back. Nov 28, 2011: “Mission Related Investing, Making Sense of Philanthropy’s Role in the Occupy Wall Street Movement.” Featured on the five person panel was both Naomi Klein and Rockefeller’s Tom Kruse.“
And the Aspen Institute, which is a Rockefeller allied “humanist” (eugenics) NGO
Thank you for the links.
surprised are you.? 95% of the internet is owned and brought and paid for there so easy to spot.
Thank you for the information about her Rockefeller sponsorship. It explains a great deal. I found this in a quick search:
“Full disclosure: Rockefeller Brothers Fund has supported the work of Naomi Klein.”
Funnily enough, I took the author of this article out for lunch in La Paz, Bolivia 16 years ago where he worked for a local labour rights organization. A couple years ago I was disappointed to see him working for a Rockefeller organization.
Just another fake self serving lying bitch POS sticking her ugly fat Levantine snout in the corporate globalist trough.
Like the Faux Left Guardian.
Like Counterpunch.
Like Amy Goodman.
Like Sanders.
Like Chomsky.
Controlled Opposition.
Dont forget theses
Faith Goldberg,Laura Loomer,Lauren Simonsen(Southern) Alex jabbahut Jones paul smeggal watson ,Ezra Levant(RebelMedia)Jerome Corsi, Milo who calls trump daddy ,Ben Shapiro Mike ,Cernovich , Avi Yemini nigel fruage timmy 4 name Brian jewuish, U.k gullum, stefan miolynex, unslaved ,red ice, short but dim tim pool special branch hospkinks, collett,britian 1st. trump, bannan, ShillRudkowski we are change. dice, sargon,dumb shit amazing pollysyer, David cullen. Robert Mercer Breitbart , James O Keefe and Project Veritable. Geert Wilders, Vice magazine, , The Daily Caller, Press for truth.
,And Thats w/o Research. WHAT Do These ppl have in Common? – CONTROLLED OPPOSITION – Have a Guess WHiCH Country & Political iDiology They ALL Have in Common
The list is long and undistinguished.
Watson spends most of his time nowadays shilling for war with China because the Hong Kong police are being so beastly to CIA rioters not letting them burn down public buildings and set fire to random passers by.
This is obviously intolerable.
We must support non stop rioting, non stop gay anal sex and non stop abortions in countries that don’t want them.
Because that’s who we are.
Katie halper too
I had completely given up The Catholic and All Religion 10 years before when I was 15. I knew what it was like to go to hell, and then I met this girl, and had to play it cool. she introduced me to her friend from she took us to a Spiritualist Chuch – actually it was more like a theatre…and I thought it was a complete load of bollocks the first time I went, until she asked for questions
And I stood up – and there were about 100 people there…and my peception of her – The Girl on Stage – that she completely read my mind, not exactly, but extremely close
– and I thought how the hell did you do that..she could have maybe guessed a litlle by my appearence and the two girls I was with who I hardly knew…but it was not an expereince I was expecting, but I thought it was good – and so the girls took me again…
This time it was a bloke and I smiled and i disconnected and he got absolutely everything wrong.
I didn’t go back to a Spiritualist Church again, but occasionally meet my wifes friend well typically at Christmas once a year.
Is that allowed now? I never fancied her,(well a bit), but we do get on well. She always sends me the most beautiful birthday cards (we were all like kids -but we all still love each other over 40 years later – and most of us still look the same)
even now – well the girls do. ( I don’t know about the rest, but most of us started off as Christians)
and maybe had a Spiritual Experience or Two
We were all very shy.
I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I am glad I am here fit and well to experience it, and it still works (I don’t take any drugs)
I Don’t wear a Mask, except when I am snorkelling or diving.
I have given up Flying