The Myth of Overpopulation
We’re constantly told there are too many of us…but is this true?
Kit Knightly
In his latest, “Mouse Utopia and the Blackest Pill”, James Corbett takes aim at perhaps the most insidious propaganda narrative of all, and one that is very close to my heart: Overpopulation.
This has been a personal bugbear of mine since I grew old enough to detect subtext, but long before I could articulate exactly why: The pervasive and destructive idea that there are too many people.
A propaganda construct that seeks to create contempt for masses of ordinary people, whilst excusing hubristic and inhumane practices by institutions and elites.
These destructive belief systems have come to the fore during this “pandemic”, made obvious by the fevered gleeful enthusiasm with which so many took up the narrative. One UN representative claimed the coronavirus was Earth “sending us a message”.
Back in April, the South China Morning Post ran an article headlined:
Why Covid-19 is a human overpopulation problem – perhaps humans are the virus?
We’ve been told for nearly two centuries that the planet is overpopulated, it has never been true. The idea there are too many people (or soon will be) has been around since the world’s population was less than 1/10th of what it is now.
The crisis – Paul Ehrlich’s infamous “Population Bomb” – is yet to materialise, but since when did failed predictions deter apocalyptic doomsaying?
It’s not hard to see the appeal of the idea.
On an institutional level, overpopulation is a grand excuse. When Thomas Malthus predicted the overpopulation crisis in the early 19th century, and claimed that mass want was inevitable, he handed the ruling class a “get out of jail free” card.
As inequality spikes and living standards diminish anyone who campaigns for change, or protests outside the seats of power, can be told “it’s not our fault there is suffering! It’s not our fault there is poverty! It’s your fault, you’re reproducing too fast! There are simply too many people!”.
In that sense, it is a lie which protects the ruling class from the anger of those they control. But it serves another purpose too. On a personal level, “enlightened” members of the elite have always been keen to write-off huge swaths of the population as surplus to requirements.
The idea of overpopulation allows academics, royals and bankers – men and women who hold themselves above the common folk based on their brains, blood and gold – to preach mass-murder whilst hiding their misanthropic god-complexes behind concern for the “common man”, our “future children”, or “the environment”.
From this wellspring flows eugenics and “useless eaters” and all those evil ideas spread by technocrats and billionaires, who would never in a thousand years considers themselves part of this supposed surplus. People who convince the world they are “good” by camouflaging their insidious means behind supposedly beneficent ends.
It’s possible – and easy – to refute these ideas intellectually.
The complete output of all the farmland we currently use is enough to feed every person on this planet, plus another 3 billion people. There are vast, vast amounts of untapped resources available to us – including people themselves.
Each new person born could be the genius who invents a way to increase crop yields or better harness geothermal energy or some other amazing step forward in societal evolution.
Even supposing we were nearing any kind of purely hypothetical population ceiling, there would be no need to do anything about it. Nature is self-limiting. We’re taught that at 12 years old, with diagrams and big green arrows.
When there are lots of rabbits, you get lots of foxes. The foxes eat the rabbits, the rabbits decrease. Fewer rabbits feed fewer foxes. Fewer foxes means the rabbits grow more numerous. And so the cycle repeats.
This cycle has maintained life on this planet for millions of years before humans, and will do so for millions of years afterward. To seek to corral or control nature has been historically shown to be both impossible and unnecessary.
So yes, it’s important to oppose the pervasive myth on a purely intellectual level.
But it’s equally important – perhaps more important – to oppose it on philosophical, even spiritual level. To hold fast against the idea that human life, any life, can be reduced to a matter of cold arithmetic. That bankers or royals or scientists have any kind of right to decide exactly which people are necessary, and which are simply taking up space.
Simply put: we need to outright, in full voice, reject the idea that some people don’t matter. Or that people as a whole are an unnatural plague which needs to be cured.
James Corbett puts it well near the end of the above video:
You are not a cancer on this planet, you are not a useless eater. We do not need drastic strictures of control over the human population, both literal and metaphorical, in order to make the world better…
But the best-expressed rejection of the Malthusian belief system is from a very appropriate source, given the time of year.
In Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge famously says that if the poor are like to die they had “better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” To which The Ghost of Christmas Present offers this stinging rebuke:
Man, if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man’s child.
And that, I think, is a fine place to leave you.
For links, sources and an audio-only version of the embedded video click here. Our very own Catte Black wrote a great article detailing the philosophical underpinnings of A Christmas Carol here.
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Over the summer, On a number of occasions I went walking in the Yorkshire Dales. A couple of times I met other people and we would discuss the CV-19 debacle. On at least two occasions strangers said to me that they believed “there were too many people” or “the world is over populated”, at which remark I would look around the landscape where we were stood and remark “there doesn’t seem to be many people here, there’s just you and me and dozens of sheep?” I asked them if they really did believe the world was overpopulated, they would reply sincerely “Yes”. I said I thought it a myth put about by the “elite”, but if they really believed the world had too many people, what did they propose to do about it and why had they not followed this belief to its logical conclusion and ‘done away’ with themselves? They always seem to think that the problem is that there’s too many of “those other people” and not them!
Anyway it seems that the depopulation agenda has been surreptitiously running for many years and “they” are aiming to make You and your children infertile, make you ill and infirm before your time, dumb you down and distract you from noticing any of this in the meantime.
Kevin Galalae on YouTube has a good number of lectures/videos which expound this in great detail; I heartily recommend them to you to learn the ways in which this is being done.
A Stunning Admission on the So-Called Population Crisis[We are, in fact, facing a De-Population Crisis (too FEW people)]
112,801 views•Feb 10, 2020
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TruthStream Media
Backing up what Father Jack says just below, here (link at bottom of this post) is James Kunstler explaining succinctly just how the limits to growth – including very much human population growth – are already acting on us, and are – right now! – forcing everything about the past few centuries of steady, middle-of-the-exponential-curve economo-agro-population growth to shift over into its physically-inevitable shrinkage phase. A shrinkage likely to continue for about the same length of time as the original grossly-abnormal and entirely unsustainable growth splurge.
This isn’t hovering in the near future, Kit. It’s already started, since the global peaking of SLEG – sweet, light, easy-get – oil production in the middle of the first decade of this century. (Fracked oil/gas isn’t SLEG; it’s a weedy impostor; and anyway, its brief, horrendously non-sustainable flash-in-the-pan is now over.)
Literally everything we do in the physical world depends on essential energy to drive it: That’s a simply non-negotiable sine qua non of basic physics. Jim understands very clearly the fatal, absolutely-critical dependence of modern hitech industrial society on, not just lots of cheap, cheap energy (cheap to produce in both the capital and the EROEI sense), but an **ever-growing* production and use of that energy. A growth, btw, that is now over – for good.
Notice too how Jim points up something that I had omitted to point out in my earlier posts below: that as well as ALL the ‘renewables’, nuclear power too has always been, from its outset, and still is absolutely, right now, dependent on energy subsidies from some form of fossil-hydrocarbon-sourced energy, to build, maintain and run it’s demanding and tricky operating systems. Without that subsidy, no workable nuclear power systems are possible. Nukes, like modern hitech iterations of ‘renewables’ don’t self-bootstrap.
And to all those now fantasising here about ‘new sources’ of energy, relying on arcane daydreams about still-undiscovered energies, and fantasised trilithium-ish technologies to exploit them, which we also still don’t have, and which we have no credible prospect of finding our way into – even if they exist – I ask this:
Please explain, **in precise technical detail**, how these undiscovered characteristics of the physical world actually work, and how we get to understand them and – most crucially – how we get some technology invented to tap into them **in good time**.
And whilst you’re at it, please explain also how we find the essential up-front energy supplies to build-out worldwide these alleged new sources, so that they replace completely our current energy infrastructure arrangements in time to prevent everything we have at the moment from collapsing into rat-shit.
When you’ve been fascinated for as long as I have by all these rumours of arcane new energy sources, and when you’ve been delving into them as long as I have, you’ll understand that there’s no salvation there. If they exist at all, which is itself still entirely questionable, we’ve no idea how to tap them.
In fact, the Tainterian collapse into rat-shit of our – alleged – civilisation has already begun. We’re observing one of its early twists this year. But it’s been progressing for a good while before now. And you can stake your life on it – as in fact we are all doing right now – that this grand global ebb-tide is going to take population down with it. All the intricate ways with which we support our current gross overshoot of human numbers will continue to degrade, as they are doing at present, and eventually – quite soon now – they’ll begin to fall apart in critical ways. (The 2020 economic massacre, anyone? Think we’re going to be getting back to the status quo ante after this irreversible complexity-reduction episode? Really? And this – the 2020 covysteria self-mutilation insanity – is just one instance of what’s in store.)
It’s been observed very accurately that modern industagri food-getting methods rely entirely on masses of cheap, abundant energy. Another absolute sine qua non. Currently, our overpopulation is largely eating oil, indirectly. And now the oil-tide has begun its irreversible, non-negotiable ebb. And population isn’t going to ebb with it? Especially as all the other critically-oil-dependent infrastructural arrangements essential to maintain our current life-style are also now subject to non-negotiable contraction? But our numbers can continue to grow? Or even be held at present levels? Really? ROFLMAO!!
Look on a world map. See the Isle of Man? No? Well it’s on there…well every person in the world could stand on that dot of land.
Ever flown from Northern Europe to Northern China…you can fly for hours without seeing any sign of human activity (at night you’ll see the occasional flame from what I guess is a gas rig).
Overpopulation my arse.
If you cant see it with your own two eyes from the window of a plane at 30,000 feet then it doesnt exist. I like your philosophy.
How many people would it take to flap their hands hard enough to haul Hadrian acoss the sky going 500 mph at 30,000 air conditioned feet even with only just economy class perks?
Which Japanese family sedan does not provide greater creature comfort to its lower-middle/upper-working class passengers as they zip up and down Watling Street on their every-Sunday 2-hour 70-mile round trip to have lunch with Granny than Hadrian could ever dream of, and how many people would it take to push it that fast and keep the fire going on winter days?
Question is, do you have to consume Sunday lunch type food get to be a load on the environment equal that of a person?
When are you going to run an expose of autism?
Well so much for the idea that Off Guardian would be a source of reason and critical thinking.
“There are vast, vast amounts of untapped resources available to us” – one of the most nonsensical statements I’ve read this year. Where exactly? Asteroids? bottom of the ocean? In the author’s imagination? Remember that if the resource requires more energy and capital to exploit than the economy can afford then it’s not really a resource.
The false argument that we need more population to provide more geniuses who will presumably solve the world’s problems ignores that more population also provides more sociopaths to create more problems, not to mention that geniuses have no particular record of creating a healthier happier world. Usually geniuses are co-opted by the powers that be to serve
The facts are quite clear throughout history in all environments: any species that increases its physical demands on it’s environment beyond the carrying capacity will degrade that environment which will inevitably result in a population collapse.
The idea that human ingenuity can always compensate for human impacts on a finite world is so obviously ludicrous it’s shocking to see someone actually put it in print in 2020. This foolish proposition is solidly refuted by any examination of biology, ecology, environmental science or human history. Currently we can see numerous states in collapse primarily because they have too many people demanding too much from their ecosystem.
Human civilization is in a serious state of ecological overshoot. We have employed our ingenuity for a short period of time to postpone the day of reckoning by our good fortune to have discovered fossil fuels which have allowed us to turbo-charge our agriculture, but we have passed peak fossil fuels and must work harder and harder to keep the system operating.
The laws of physics (AKA Mother Nature) do not allow overshoot to continue indefinitely. Mother Nature bats last and she always wins. Human population will be reduced to the carrying capacity of the resulting civilization. That process will not be pleasant and most likely most of us will die. Sorry, that is the way it always goes and no measure of hopium or mindless self-aggrandizement will alter that fact.
For those putting their trust in special dispensation, acknowledging the dominion of nature and physical laws is bitter. Moreover, propaganda manipulates the masses in opposing directions, depending on the immediate political goal.
It’s no myth Kit, it’s a simple choice based upon science, mathematics, history, common sense…
Can a finite tiny dot in the galaxy sustain 3 billion advanced but destructive primates versus 7+ billion primates living at the level of the Stone Age?
I must say. This threw me a little bit. The Malthusian principle is one of the cornerstones of Environmentalism. Every system has a carrying capacity. This article suggests that we are not close to reaching it and that agricultural yields are no where near capacity. I am here to suggest that they are past capacity.
I started to reply to a supportive comment of another reader that stated that all of the World’s population could fit in the state of Texas shoulder to shoulder. Interesting thought, but, think of North America this way. At it’s peak, before the colonization by Europeans, the population of Eastern North America is estimated to have been ten million. Maize was being grown in the rich alluvium along the major rivers. That maize dependent population fell to about one million before the Europeans arrived. Why? They had apparently surpassed the carrying capacity of the region. This all happened before industrialized agriculture, modern medicine and the influence of Catholicism.
The first European farmers focused on clearing and farming woodland openings abandoned by Native Americans who were practicing slash and burn farming. They had also discovered how difficult it was to plow prairie. Alluvium was also easy to farm. They avoided it, for obvious reasons. Flooding.
With the invention of the steel plow in 1837 things changed.
Prairie soil was rich and deep and plentiful. Massive crop yields attracted farmers from all over Europe.
With the mass influx of farmers and rapid world population growth, the steel plow allowed the exploitation of the prime farm land throughout the world. Then came industrialization, modern medicine and Catholicism. What a combination.
Problem is, most of the soil is gone. Just gone. Down to the deltas it eroded because of bad farming practices. What used to be the greatest farmland in the world (The breadbasket) is no longer. Now all totally chemical dependent.
And the devastation to native plant and animal populations is beyond belief.
Ditching and tiling have lowered the water tables ten or more feet in some areas. River banks that were once just a few feet about the surface of the waters are now tens of feet about the waters surface. Crazy.
Natural areas used to hold most of the rain that fell. Very little ran off. That was a natural area function. No more. Everywhere in the World the goal is to get rid of water fast.
“Five Hundred Year Floods” are not caused by climate change. They are cause by engineering by people. You fuck an area up by increasing drainage rates, that’s what happens. The more the population grows, the worse it gets.
Not rocket science.
Too many fucking experts. Everything is a conspiracy.
Do some fucking research before pointing fingers and assuming everything is a conspiracy.
In the early 1970s we were ready to roll four billion people. Today we are nearing eight billion.
Our farm lands and drainage systems are already fucked up because of too many people. This is not climate change. This is about carrying capacity.
Foxes and rabbits. Fuck.
👏🏻 Define the problem, there is no Stylised problem. Green Fascism is awash with necessary beliefs. James Corbett is spot on his video on Ehrlich is very good too
Does Europe and the UK use voting machines? The voting fraud could easily be worldwide, we already know it is in Latin America as well.
Must See Sidney Powell Update- Election “Insurance”
For Decades, Both Sides Benefitted/
Big Break – WI Supreme Rules Ballots Cannot Count
You write:
“Each new person born could be the genius who invents a way to increase crop yields or better harness geothermal energy [] or some other amazing step forward…”
There’s a risk of trivializing the notion of genius, in particular by overlooking the fact that such a person is, by definition, an outlier and — as a result — a misfit, at least to some extent.
They are paradoxical in that they’re essential to “the rest of us”, yet virtually alien to “the rest of us”. They’re essential because humanity endures by dint of discovery and invention, the stock-in-trade of geniuses. They’re alien because they cannot fully communicate with the vast majority of their fellow humans. Thus, they’re typically seen as irritable / unpredictable / unmanageable characters, who “don’t suffer fools gladly”.
So, to the first part, a highly qualified yes.
To the second part, a rather resounding NO.
A genius by the name of Don Smith showed quite conclusively that the greatest untapped resource, when it comes to energy and power, is electromagnetism. (He also showed how easy it is to tap this inexhaustible source, as well as to then turn the energy into power to drive all manner of devices). Certain people in Japan paid attention, way back in the 1990’s.
“The rest of us”, overworked and underpaid as we are, have continued to allow the malicious oligarchy to keep us stuck at the grossly antiquated paradigm of energy equals heat / heat equals energy. Energy is finite. It must be paid for, and all the rest of it Yet ANOTHER entirely FALSE narrative.
Mr Corbett, who has done and continues to do a lot of valuable work, appears to have ignored a heads-up that was provided to him several years ago on this matter. Which is unfortunate, given that he is in a distinctly advantageous position to help identify the high-ranking executive of a “large (Japanese) shipbuilding company” photographed at Mr Smith’s home more than 20 years ago. Those interested in educating themselves on the matter can do a DuckDuckGo search for “about energenius favorites”
Another discoverer along the same lines:
Electricity n anti-gravity
“It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable and to propagandise and teach the American people to hate and fear.”
— John R. Stockwell former CIA Officer
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
— William Casey, CIA Director (from the first staff meeting in 1981)
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold to the masses over the generations, The Truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”
— Dresden James
“…Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”
What If?
The growth in population is simply an organic counter balance of the power struggle in nature.
Like, “Bill Gates”, “Windsor”, “Rothschild” or whoever, regardless of the Identification label, is merely a resulted incident or a consequence of planetary motion. Meaning your waking up in the morning is due to planetary motion, your going to bed at night is again due to planetary motion. (Although that being the easiest of explanations of the much greater argument, all other planetary settings in our solar system are relevant to the existence of all life on this earth, including the ones identified by the above labels).
So from seasonal changes to reproduction (creation of all life) can be attributed to being results or consequences of planetary motion.
Intuition being a fact of life, the growing numbers beyond their grasp of control seems to have been a concern of the 1% for ever. Is this because nature knows? Like the rabbit knows the fox, maybe the 1% also knows the greater numbers are their demise. But as all life are results of planetary motion, what is the cause of the attempt to topple the natural balance?
Is it it’s own destruction?
Would we have killed Erik Satie? Never heard this?
Of course it is morally wrong even to consider killing anyone – either individually, or in vast numbers.
It just can’t happen.
The masses don’t have the depth of soul to distinguish great art from superficial crap, and if they ever got a taste of that sort of power, we’d be putting all our finest artists in the same position as Shostakovitch and Rachmaninoff after the Russian Revolution. Both very unhappy men:
Shostakovitch found a way of fooling the authorities by writing superficially exciting music, but it was music which had a profound, and sometimes very bitter, subtext.
If the authorities had possessed the musical insight to know what he was up to, they would undoubtedly have wanted him dead.
Rachmaninoff’s music was banned altogether after he dared to criticize the State for its treatment of art and artists, and he had to leave Russia in order to make a living as a pianist and composer in the USA. He became a world star in both fields, but he never got over his desperate homesickness. He, too, would not have been missed by the authorities, if he had met with a fatal accident.
But no decent civilization can consider such things.
That’s why we even know what a decent civilization is – such as, for example, the one which is slipping through our fingers right now…
On that minute
I was just hit with this mix of K replenish and serenity… My eye got focussed, of higher definition and colour dept as an indication, and my presence was allowing me to see the beauty of the universe around me. Each protagonist in the metro I was grabbing on sight was just a marvel of aesthetics and actually, profound history… What has happened to the world that morning? Night? …, to Montreal, to the travellers of this hour, on this direction… I know it wasn’t pay day… Did something occur to the city water supply of the last few days.., they were just… magnificent. Ages, colours, genders… Factions and levels… All of them were a treat for the soul. I stood in respect, in admiration for what was presented to me.. I wished they could have been HD recorded without them knowing… I couldn’t imagine anyone on the screen that could have looked so profoundly lost in thoughts, concentrated, and brilliantly natural… No expression of despair, hope, sadness, anguish, fear, incertitude, courage, boredom… the whole pallet if you will, could have been expressed with such divine truth, boldness, majesty… Everywhere I looked, I saw the same quality of image… Not that I was in a trance of accepting the suffering and ugliness of the world in a fatherly empathy and loving tolerance. They were even beautiful in their muscle tone, skin moisture, bone structure, colour vividness… I felt mesmerized, satisfied, peaceful… Grateful i was granted the ultimate chance.. by accident it seemed, to witness them, to be allowed amongst, without them casting me out… And most of all, it seems I loved them, anyway there was nothing there not to like…
Sorry but infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible …
Not what he said… did u understand the fox/rabbit cartoon?
Wha? I most certainly kan haz my cake and eat it too. The article sayz zo! I will not accept that anything less than an ever expanding techno orgy and population growths. No matter what euclidian geometry and newtonian physics may have to say about limits.
“the elite have always been keen to write-off huge swaths of the population as surplus to requirements.” No question the heart of this issue is a spiritual one as the author says in closing. If you think of humankind as Darwin does, than it is easy to develop the mindset that some people are a drag on society. But if you have the mind of Christ, you try to see people as God sees them. The whole of life including population, climate change and all the other fears lefties continually harp on is way above all our pay grades. God expects us to be good stewards of His creation, but He holds the final say on all things.
Wow that added zero value.
Double that
Conflating food availability to justify species over-population is a terrible argument when the real issue is Earth does not have enough natural resources to support the techno desires of 8 billion on a planet without poverty and without the rich. Capitalism creates over-population to produce labor and consumers in over supply to feed it’s infinite demand for growth. Sustainability would be a conscious balance managed by humans as they learn their limits on a finite planet. Indigenous peoples through out history have lived within their ecological limits because they were either wise enough to manage resources and population or nature did this for them as it does for all species that outgrow and destroy the balance within their ecosystem.
The rich are indeed at fault for an exhausted planet, an impoverished humanity and a purposely miss-educated 99% to keep them as obedient children instead of self-ruling adults. When humans technologically exceeded Earth’s ability to limit us, the problems began. Of course you can say the idiocy of the 1% has caused all the problems and yes that’s true. But it is also true that they consciously created overpopulation to feed profit and growth. Common sense says survival of the fittest (which contrary to modern economists means species reproduction adequate to survive) no longer depends upon reproduction but upon technology and consciously managed ecosystem behavior.
Does anyone have really have a problem with a maximum 2-3 kids that would stabilize population and even bring on incremental attrition. Just imagine all the resources we would have with half the population, twice the resources and capitalism throttled by humanity’s democratically determined self-managed limits to growth? No more price inflation, housing shortage, scarcity and over demand to keep capitalism and the 1% in authoritarian control.
My preference would be for a planet where all humanity into the future could expect to live a respectful decent life that benefits from 6,000 years of technology, living in balance with all the other species on Earth that have equal rights to life. In a world of self-governing adults, what would be banned are the rich and their authoritarian stupidity, and poverty and it’s social disenfranchisement.
Degrowth, direct democracy participatory self-governing, limits to poverty and wealth and a vibrant socialized Public Commons is the future we need without the rat 1%.
Sandy, there is no population growth. Hasn’t been since at least the past 10 years, probably more. Don’t be a sponge uncritically sopping up what’s on the TV screen.
You KNOW the media lies to you, but apparently choose to believe whatever offers you a moral plum:
“I am a superior person cuz I am capable of having solidarity with beings outside my own species, and even the earth itself.”
or is it
“I am a sponge which, when offered a fictitious moral plum, am in solidarity with the billionaires’ corporatocracy, and will help to bring about full tyranny.”
Sandy, the wish to be moral carries with it the responsibility to inform yourself of the truth, even about population and even when it entails giving up a facile moral plum. It’s obvious you’re smart; do your work.
Penelope, you lose credibility for getting your first statement wrong.
There IS population growth still at 80 million per year. A huge number of overconsumers.
Population growth never stopped.
I suggest you do some reading and inform yourself of the truth
Or just let mother nature do what she always done… That being said, any Oligarch should have a target on their back
Mankind is a dead end of evolution. After having lived on this planet for over 70 years – luckily and undeservedly so far untouched by the evils that befall millions of others – I can see not much of a future for mankind.
Instead of having learned to act cooperatively to the benefit of all we have permitted the emergence of a class of individuals – which began likely with the first settlements, the taking in possession of private land and the success of agriculture – that had and ever more so presently accumulated wealth that truly is beyond the imagination and thus power that allows this class to create laws that further the concentration of wealth and power.
This class has understood to use existing racial, ethnic and social tensions tensions to incite wars that the last century alone killed under horrible circumstances over 100 million persons and led to the displacement of over 100 million.
The amount of suffering we inflicted on each other by falling for the propaganda of those that control finance, industry and politics should tell us that we truly are incapable of organizing societies that are peaceful, or even if they are peaceful are constantly threatened by more powerful neighbours.
I don’t buy this shit about “but there is good in humans”. Yes, there is some good in humans, but overall we have miserably failed with this “goodness” to build societies that are equitable and operate for the benefit of the whole population and that can live in peace with all neighbours.
I do not see an extended future for Homo sapien sapiens.
70 years hun ? So compared to the millions of years of humanity, you’re not even a spark
millions of years? depends which ancestors you want to include in “humanity”…and the organized killing dates back not that long, somewhere it started with the creation of city states in the 5th millennium.
So a comparable “spark” in the history of H. sapiens sapiens (about 200 000years +/-) but filled with misery and agony, torture.
As to your use of the propagandistic term “hun” for someone of german extraction is an indication of your state of mindlessness. Thanks.
A next species is needed the next few hundred years; Nature’s physical ways are much too slow for Mind’s powerful errors. Individual Spirituality can transform us.
“.. falling for the propaganda..”
With representative democracy and capitalism morphing into fascism, there is little scope for alternative or escape. As we see in the current Great Reset by Injection.
Foxes and rabbits do not have opposable thumbs that can mine ores that become machines and industry. Foxes and rabbits are at the whim of a food supply that they have no control over. Humans however, are rapaciously turning forest land into crop land. There is no foundation in logic to the concept that we can just forever expand. Like our construct, the finite nature of nature is immutable.
Keep em coming! Just because you can’t deal with reality, does not mean reality will not deal with you.
Before the impact of oil and gas a million Norwegians emigrated to USA. Did they do this for fun or because their homeland couldn’t feed them? If it was because of hunger I would say it’s a clear case of overpopulation …
If that’s an example of rigorous thought & logical argument, we’re sunk.
Huh? No physical limits in your world, eh?
Research the history of Norway, especially politics.
Some of them did it for the same reason the California Gold Rush happened.
They wanted a more opulent lifestyle.
I can still remember pre-oil Norway, and it was certainly not regarded as a poverty-stricken country full of starving people.
“Nature is self-limiting”, is, of course, exactly what the wicked few dread the most.
They hate the fact that Nature has any identity at all, because they cannot control her – and they sense that Nature always wins.
Nor can they face the fact that they, themselves, might be highest on Nature’s list of people to be ‘limited’, in-bred and over-indulged mutants that so many of them are.
One can almost see the sad smile on Nature’s countenance as she gets to Hancock, Fauci and Ferguson on that long list, and slowly shakes her head…
We too can see where the most rabidly acquisitive and domineering are headed – and trying to take us along.
Nothing fails like success. Though specialisation brings progress, too much of it leads living things into the blind alleys of extinction. In the past, independent civilisations succeeded those that failed. Now, there is only one global civilisation to speak of. – Bertrand Russell, adapted
Heh… It’s not that there are too many people. It’s that there too many of “them”… “Them” insinuates a problem that needs to go away – right away – instead of offering a viable solution to the quoted problem. It’s supposed to be quick and easy, so let’s listen to the experts…
Henry Kissinger’s reference to “worthless eaters” was aimed at the elderly in society. Why rush??? Let’s invent ways to make their lives even more useless…
Yikes. I got some evil in me too but it requires a catalyst. You just born evil?
Me thinks you did not understand the post.
“Me thinks” is the worst. Makes me angry anytime I see it. Can’t get past it. Such a waste of bandwith.
“Lets invent ways to make their lives more useless.” I think that is an evil statement.
He’s presenting the views of the controllers. The controllers think “Let’s invent ways to make their lives more useless.” Then the controllers make it so, with faux pandemics, illegal, fraudulent lockdowns and other restrictions.
Couldn’t be more obvious. You misunderstood the comment.
Holy chowder! Yes I did misunderstand. My apologies to Paul and everyone else. @Researcher: you made me see my error. Thank you. Not happy I got the message all mixed up, guess I revealed an agenda. Oof, my bad.
No arguments, water is still lacking.
Look up Google maps, fields everywhere.
Humans are not adapted to their environment cause they are not fully terrestrial.
Most of the earth is covered with water. Desalination through reverse osmosis and further refining the remaining brine into salt and fresh water using distillation, all powered by tides is the obvious solution. That will be the future.
There is water pollution of aquifers and ground water tables from fracking and drilling. There is pollution of rivers, lakes and streams from pesticide runoff and toxic waste. Then there’s the intentional poisoning of populations through fluoridation. These are separate issues that the controllers have intentionally created to gain a monopoly on freshwater quality and availability.
Fresh water in many places is poisoned to a dangerous extent. We heard more bad news on the subject from USA due to internal politics, but the situation elsewhere is just as bad. This is the result to expect when “development” and the approval of industries overlooks or conceals effluents or waste. Much of water treatment is dangerous, superficial or now obsolete (e.g. for micro-particles).
Distillation should be the default. Doing this using direct solar heat at the coasts of the hottest regions should be cheap. As the technique improves, it can spread to colder areas, though it is likely to impractical in winter. Above all, this should be simplfied to a household device.
The driving force of modern industrial civilization has been material gain for the individual. As private vices supposedly yield public benefits, this is considered legitimate and even praiseworthy. A society based on this principle will persist, with suffering and injustice, as long as it is possible to pretend that the destructive forces created are limited, that the world has infinite resources and that it is also an infinite garbage can. – Noam Chomsky 1992
Corporate consumerism requires that we suffer psychological, physical and environmental disease, and if necessary die, for profit. – David Edwards 1996
Water is not lacking. Just secret.
“Primary water” is newly produced by chemical processes within the earth & has never been part of the surface hydrological cycle. Created when conditions are right to allow oxygen to combine with hydrogen, this water is continually being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the earth and finds its way toward the surface where there are fissures or faults. Japanese researchers reported in Science in March 2002 that the earth’s lower mantle may store about five times more water than its surface oceans.
Pal Pauer of the Primary Water Institute, one of the world’s leading experts in tapping primary water, says a well sufficient to service an entire community could be dug and generating great volumes of water in a mere two or three days, at a cost of about $100,000. The entire state of California could be serviced for about $800 million. Ellen Brown.
“The Fertile Crescent, which stretches from Israel to the Persian Gulf and includes the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq, is supplied at its easternmost point by a cave in an iron-red limestone cliff. This flow becomes the Jordan River. At its westernmost point are springs. One flows from the foot of a buttress on Mt. Hermon and another pours from the cliffs in waterfalls. A spring in Oregon flows at 690 million gallons a day, a spring in Missouri flows at 800 million gallons a day, and a series of springs along the Snake River in Idaho flow at 3.5 billion gallons a day.”
According to the pyrolite mantle model of
Ringwood (1975) an amount of water of between 4 to 21
times the mass of the present ocean (1.4 •1021 kg) could be
contained in the entire system. Applying a crystallographic
model for hydrous wadsleyite which may contain up to
3.3% H2O by weight, Smyth (1994) predicted that the Earth
mantle reservoir could contain more than four times the
-much more-
Wow thanks for this info. I was totally ignorant to this. Esp the global research article- this link works better for me btw:
Bravo Kit! Another huge credit to you good folk at OffG, well said in EVERY respect. The human family is just that, our extended family. Pity the misanthropic wretches, locked in their ivory towers, for theirs is a woefully stunted view on life and love. I’d rather gaze at the stars from the gutter, though it would take some doing to avoid resenting them for precipitating this, in the event that the psychos’ are successful.
Why do you think the greedy corrupt councils give the permit to the other greedy bastards know as home developers to build on every inch of land available in your city?
I tell you why… welcome the new residents …i mean the lab rats!
Whether it’s a myth or not, “they” will pursue their evil intent on reducing the current crop.
It is clear to me that :
1. Covid is no more than dressed-up seasonal flu
2. Based on the above there is no need for a new vaccine but one has been developed
3. The new RNA vaccine is not safe and this type has shown to cause serious issues in animal testing (rabbits, ferrets etc)
4. The current vaccine dose (1st & 2nd jabs) is an hors d’oevre. It will ready the immune system for dose #2. It is this dose that will induce the cytokine storm and kill off the “useless eaters”
Take at your peril.
I have a great job with a large company. But I already have two options in case my company demands the vaccine. Which I fear they will require. I love my job and don’t want to leave.
As I always say: it’s not about the people-numbers, it’s about the resource-consumption. So who’s consuming most, us Serfs (and as little as we generally have, Third World Serfs have far less and recycle what they have with impressive efficiency)… or greasy-fingered psychopathic Robber Baron-emulating technocratic Lords? Billion Gates consumes more, via his many compounds and estates (and no doubt secret million-acre Xanadus), every year, than 100,000 of us Actual Humans.
Not to mention the resource-consumption of the industries built on selling us shit we never asked for and don’t need (give each of us a flip-phone from c. 2007, and one PC running a non-destructive OS, and build each to last 30 years: done). The Planned Obsolescence that is traditional in the psychopathic American manufacturing processes now dominating the planet is a huge factor in the waste that strains the limits of resource-consumption, and I would be quite happy to pay a little more to buy not-cheap things without cheap plastic components designed to fail and send the purchase to the dump-mountain a week after the warranty runs out.
Imagine how much water (now wasted cooling mainframes) you could free up, for reasonable human use, by shutting down the wholly unnecessary, paranoia-created Utah Data Center? And all such facilities around the world! Imagine turning the million-square kilometers of underground NATO command centers (and apocalypse bunkers) into warehouses for storing seeds, or for storing refrigerated food for immediate redistribution to the world’s hungry? Imagine planting forests on golf courses! Cleaning up this wasted-resources problem could be immense fun and deeply satisfying, like the Big Picture analogue of freeing up space on your hard drive.
The Earth is overpopulated with thousands of greasy-fingered psychopathic Robber Baron-emulating technocratic Lords and their Parasitic Fixers and their ugly ways and sick ideas. But there is room enough for all of them on a renovated (drone-patrolled) Alcatraz, where they could even have miniature golf to keep them busy until, one by one, they generously contribute to the easing of the problem.
While I don’t want to lock them up, your post is pretty funny. Good job.
Ha ha! I’m very careful about what I write…
(if you get my drift…)
I want to send them to Mars at the first available opportunity.
Along with their brilliant nanochips which will ensure that they never get hungry, never get ill, and never die…
lol. My wish is to win the lottery so I can be sent into deep space. Find a civilization and win their I can do it again. 🙂
Who care about the serfs, just build cool stuffs
Hello Steven Augustine: Great suggestions! I’m a little touchy about putting them on Alcatraz. Alcatraz is stolen Native American land, and way too close to San Francisco. I think the island of Atlantis would be more appropriate…
Good call. I’ve been fantasizing about sending the Cabal to a deserted island where they are all equipped with basic survival tools, fishing nets etc. Let’s see how long they last amongst each other, when they are forced to fend for themselves.
We could televize it, and call it Survivor – Cabal Edition, the Ultimate Solution.
Could not have put it better myself, by a long chalk.
Although wtf about golf on Alcatraz?
There is still available a perfectly suitable island here in UK. They’ll be otherwise occupied as they struggle with the harsh realities of food and shelter, not to mention health! We can view their struggles, as you suggest, via drone cameras et al, on affordable pay-per-view!
Sorry Kit you’ve completely lost me here, and probably a lot of other people with a reasonably scientific outlook. a) we can only sustain our current population because of huge inputs of energy to make fertiliser, and because of a relatively predictable climate. Once these things disappear it will be inevitable more people go hungry than the billion odd we already have. b) the leaders and corporations never talk about overpopulation any more than they talk about the impossibility of endless economic growth, and in a country like Australia they put the two together, forecasting disaster if we can’t keep importing more people. and c) large population goes with large consumption of resources and generation of waste/CO2 to the point where we have destabilised the whole planetary system of currents and temperature gradients. Or will you be arguing that climate change is a hoax too, or that it won’t be a problem when the Arctic warms and the Gulf Stream grinds to a halt?
You’re just opening the door for all the anti-conspiracy theorists to condemn and reject the whole content of OffGuardian – if they don’t already, just as the “left” won[‘t listen to us on the scamdemic because some Covid sceptics are also climate change deniers.
I’m sorry to hear that James Corbett thinks the same.
There is more food currently circulating the World than ever before. At the same time there is more food waste circulating the World than ever before. Food is not the problem, how it is distributed, not only locally, but around the globe is a major concern.
To think we need to reduce population levels to achieve something as basic as re-distribution is nothing more than a cope out.
Shallow thinking!
Sorry David, that was meant as a stand alone post.
A billion or more apologies mate!
Ach, They pump you with nonsense until you regurgitate it intact!
C02 is plant-air. The more plant-air that plants get, the more 02 we get back. We all learned that in school… but the Fossilized (wink) Fuel Industry, which very cleverly seeks to preempt any grassroots Green Energy Movements that might get strong enough to do the unthinkable and demand Solar, while abolishing Fossil, have been feeding us fucking bullshit for decades. Yes: fear C02, you Serfs! And let’s establish a new Wall Street based on Carbon Trading! We’ll continue to mine and burn gas/ coal but make it seem okay (mysteriously) via Carbon Trading! Because that’s how gullible the Serfs really are!
Meanwhile, that enormous thermonuclear reactor at the Solar System’s hub? It drives the climate cycles on Earth and the climate cycles of all its other satellites: that’s just how big and radiant it is. One day perhaps the penny will drop and “we” will realize that that mega-over-abundance of Solar Energy is there for the using. And filthy Fossil (with its genuinely Ecocidal by-products; C02 being the only ecologically useful emission in the mix) will die a quick and just death.
And may “science” one day become Science again!
I would caution against CO2 enthusiasm. For there is a caveat. Yes, it’s “plant air”; but absent enough plant life to breathe it all in, it becomes problematic. And, as everyone should know by now, plants – specifically, trees – are rapidly disappearing to make way for such things as oil palms as well as to be used as fuel for the new wonderful Green New Deal (I’m assuming you’ve seen the documentary “Planet of the Humans”?).
So it might be too soon (or too late, depending on one’s perspective) to be singing the praises of CO2 just now.
Steven, before bloviating daftly about ‘abundant solar energy’ may I suggest you take an extensive read through Gail Tverberg’s blog ‘Our Finite World’. Gail – an actuary by profession – is a veteran clued-up commentator on energy; the actual, realworld, uncorrupted nitty-gritty science of it: the things that are practicably possible, rather than just physically-unrealisable sci-fi dreamstuff. And she will enlighten you on the actually doable, actually realworld *facts* – as observed in practical in-use trials – about ‘renewables’. In particular how none of them can be built, maintained or run without constant fossil-hydrocarbon-energy subsidy; and how the modest and erratic electricity outputs which is the best that they can offer play havoc with a country’s electricity-generating infrastructure when their input reaches a certain threshold level – as Germany has discovered to its considerable cost.
Sure, we should use ‘renewables’, in the niche where they fit and are genuinely useful. But they are literally never going to replace fossil-energy use at anything remotely near the level we’re unsustainably-splurging it right now – for a shortish while longer. And it’s the current, already peaked and diminishing energy splurge which powers the current wholly unsustainable industagri food systems that created and now keep alive our current population overshoot.
The best of all renewables, of course, is photosynthesising biomass – so long as we’re strictly disciplined in never over-harvesting it.
Gail will also enlighten you – and all the others here who have bought into Kit’s error – on the critical topic of EROEI (qv). And on lots of other vital, acutely-relevant energy issues which together make it clear that we can’t expect to go on growing our numbers without crashing into disaster – and on back down from there into a big spontaneous population reduction, back to a viable balance level. A wild and unpredictable-in-detail roller-coaster ride, at the beginning of which we now stand.
We really have no option about this. The eco-geophysical systems of this planet don’t give a fig for what we little human farties believe. We can believe any nonsense we like (as we do). The processes which run the planet’s life will go on doing what they do anyway quite imperturbably, without the slightest reference to our beliefs. That includes resolving population overshoot episodes such as our current one, by very long-established reduction mechanisms; from which hom-sap – hallucinated would-be-Vulcan technowhizzery notwithstanding – has no exemption.
“Fossil fuels” perfectly adequate for another century. Don’t need “renewables.” Just another billionaire argument to impoverish us. There’s no global warming; there’s a 30 year cycle, among other cycles, of cooler then warmer. We’re currently in a cooling cycle, have been since about 2005.
However there are other, longer cycles and powerful arguments are made that we may be in for another mini ice age like the Maunder Minimum.
Would you like a bullion bet on that “perfectly adequate for another century” laff, Penny? I’ll put up a gold sovereign, and give you 2 to 1 odds, so you only need to find a half-sovereign. Stakes to be left with a trusted escrow holder. (Think of the likely physical bullion spot price by then, with all the global upheavals scheduled for the interim! Tempting, innit?)
The bet is that the – already past-peak – world production of SLEG-crude – sweet, light, easy-get crude, the always most-desired stuff – will be palpably lower than it is now within ten years, and global shortages will be starting to show unmistakably. Since I’ll probably be dead by then, I’ll arrange with the escrow agent for my grand-daughter to collect my winnings. 😉
You have to remember that the agenda is tyranny upon a reduced population. Towards that end TPTB are propagandizing us to believe that there is out-of-control population growth; population is FALLING; see my other posts. There is no water shortage; see my post on primary water.
Peak Oil is another bit of propaganda by TPTB. Facts:
Israel: Leviathan field 16 trillion cubic feet of gas—making it the world’s biggest deep-water gas find in a decade. Tamar field 8.3 trillion. map.
USGS total Eastern Mediterranian alone 345 T cu ft gas & 3.4 B barrels oil.
N. Africa Rub Al Khali Basin 426 trillion cu ft gas
Russia West Siberian Basin alone: 643 tcf of gas Maps & facts. Engdahl. The discovery in late 2010 of the huge natural gas bonanza off Israel’s Mediterranean shores triggered other neighboring countries to look more closely at their own waters. The results revealed that the entire eastern Mediterranean is swimming in huge untapped oil and gas reserves. Preliminary exploration has confirmed similarly impressive reserves of gas and oil in the waters off Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and potentially, Syria. Greece: Major geological surveys were made. Preliminary estimates now are that total offshore oil in Greek waters exceeds 22 billion barrels in the Ionian Sea off western Greece and some 4 billion barrels in the northern Aegean Sea. [1] Greek analyst, Aristotle Vassilakis, “surveys already done that have measured the amount of natural gas estimate it to reach some nine trillion dollars.”Southern Aegean Sea and Cretan Sea are yet to be explored, so the numbers could be significantly higher. Map of conflicting claims, esp Turkey.
Haiti: Haiti & Hispaniola sit atop convergence of 3 tectonic plates. A promising location for hydrocarbons being pushed up from below, according to abiotic theory, which is covered here. 1976 explorations showed oil, but the big oil companies succeeded in blocking exploration. US twice deposed Aristide. They’ve mapped the whole Carribean for petrochemicals. Engdahl. Haiti & Cuba. Cuba deepwater: 10/2008 Western oil consortium finds Supergiant 20 B barrels– the 12th Supergiant field since 1996. One month later Russia signs Cuban agreement to develop it.
Colin Campbell, geologist spokesman for peak oil claims there’s been no Supergiant since 1976 & all the finds were tiny. He’s a fibber.
Cyprus: Aegean Sea: December 2011 Noble announced a successful well offshore Cyprus in a field estimated to hold at least 7 T cubic feet gas. Cyprus and Israel governments have mutually agreed on delimitation of their respective economic zones, leaving Turkey in the cold. Engdahl. Mediterranean Sea between Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Syria and Lebanon suggest that the region could become literally a “new Persian Gulf”
In the 70s US had more than 200 major media companies. Today we have SIX. Why? In order to control what you believe.
“Peak Oil is another bit of propaganda by TPTB.”
Norway’s oil production has halved since it’s peak in 2001 and this is not a special case.
Do some proper research for %¤# sake!
… and read up on cheap vs expensive oil while you’re at it!
Hear, hear!
Amen to that last sentence!
The mainstream so-called science that we have is an interested science; it interprets observable facts with those interests clearly in view. Its general procedure would be to cherry-pick certain factors relevant to the phenomenon under study and analyse them, ignoring other relevant factors. When interpretations are made, and it’s the moment human understanding intervenes to make sense of the numbers, instead of making up for the partial character of the analysis by evaluating the place and importance of that particular phenomenon in the greater picture so that interpretations are more in tune with that position and that importance, these are made as if the cherry-picked factors are the only ones relevant and as if the phenomenon under study is severed from the rest.
Under an altogether different social and economic system, where no such interests exist, Science would recover the place it once had.
[Or will you be arguing that climate change is a hoax too…]
David, nice rhetoric to subtly paint the other person in a corner.
I can not speak for Kit, but I myself do not deny that climate changes. However, actual empirical data indicates that the change is nothing extraordinary. None of the “polar bears dying,” the hurricanes, the fires, the “sea levels rising,” and on and on and on are extraordinary.
Your approach of implicitly accusing someone of possibly “arguing … a hoax” when they are evidently arguing from the above empirical data borders on the dishonest. It should be quite clear from the article where Kit is actually arguing from.
Climate change is NOT a hoax. However, the overblown, fear-mongering about it IS a hoax. There is a critical distinction between these two assertions, and I suggest you argue in complete honesty when the people you are arguing with make the second case.
[You’re just opening the door for all the anti-conspiracy theorists to condemn and reject the whole content of OffGuardian – if they don’t already, just as the “left” won[‘t listen to us on the scamdemic because some Covid sceptics are also climate change deniers.]
Oh, so because “they” may accuse “us” of being “climate change deniers,” we should stop speaking and publishing truth as we encounter it?
David, if “we” do that, then “we” have already lost the battle for truth in both the COVID and climate change “fear porn” narrative.
You are welcome to compromise truth if that is your standard. I beg to be different.
PS. There is an obvious potential “solution” to the energy “problem,” namely nuclear energy. I suggest that the human species has already wasted too many precious decades through previous emotional “fear porn” overreaction, which has assuredly delayed many advances in nuclear technology.
I hereby nominate Fukushima as “Wave Of The Future.” You see, it’s like this: advances ALWAYS take a back seat to Profits. Therefore, we will ALWAYS have a Fukushima in our future.
Hello David Macilwain: As you can see, denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. The prescribed anti-climate change dialog abounds. Climate change denialists are truly, thick as a brick…
Most persons coming to this site reside in sheltered urban environments, and are thus out of touch with anything resembling reality. The known and measured reductions in polar ice caps, and disappearances of all glacial ice deposits, are irrelevant to their delusions of urban splendor…
When London, Venice, New York, and most of the world’s sea ports reside 30 meters under water, they’ll blame it on someone else…
Please try to have an open mind. Start with some of the climate publications at Principa Scientifica:
“Actual Experiment Proves As CO2 Rises, Surface Temps Drop”
There has been a massive fraud since the 70’s on the nature of climate alarmism that stemmed from Maurice Strong and the Club of Rome of which all the climate “players” such as Gore, Hansen and others were members.
Do you really believe the same cabal who are behind coviscam, eugenics, the fraud of monetary systems, taxation systems, governments, endless wars, iatrogenic murder and vaccines are telling the truth about carbon emissions causing rising temperatures? They aren’t.
The conflation of rising temperatures with CO2, and the obvious abuse of land and resources, unchecked pollution, overfishing, plastic production, tabletop mining, deforestation, the abuse of indigenous populations and deforestation are all unrelated to climate.
Covid19 is the Great Reset = Agenda 21 + Agenda 230 = Population Reduction + Global Land, Property and Asset seizure by the IMF on behalf of the Vatican, the Crown, Royalty, Rockefeller, Rothschild and the rest of the Cabal.
There has indeed been a “massive fraud…on the nature of climate alarmism.” That fraud is the complete denial of massive climate engineering going on for perhaps as much as seven decades.
Climate engineering is a game changer. Filling the sky with millions of tons of nano-particles (aluminum, polymers et al) has affected natural climate patterns in a way CO2 could only dream of. This is because these particles create a kind of shield which works two ways: while supposedly reducing sunlight it also traps heat from escaping – thus warming the planet far more than cooling it. This is why night time temperatures have risen much faster than day time temperatures.
Climate engineering serves one purpose – which on planet Earth overrides all else: a military purpose. In seeking to control the world, the military industrial complex is on the way to destroying it.
“disappearance of all glacial ice deposits”? A glacier is a glacier. The largest is the Lambert in Antartica 1 million sq mi.
Next largest the Siachen on India/Pakistan border 270 sq mi.
Next largest the Biafo in Pakistan’s Karakorem Mts is 42 mi long (67 km), and it meets the Hispar glacier 30 mi long (49 km).
I think it’s quite impossible for any appreciable ice melt to occur w/o raising sea level. As this hasn’t occurred, I think global warming is a wish rather than a reality. TPTB have played upon public consciousness quite skillfully to make people identify with the notion that they must protect the earth from CO2.
The US Senate Report “Chain of Environmental Command” documents the subsidies and control of the green organizations by the same corporatocracy that has created the covid exaggeration.
The thing about polar glaciers (as recent data has shown) is that they generally begin melting from below, not above, as the surrounding (warming) oceans undermine them.
As to sea rise, consider how vast the oceans are. Then consider how much ice melt it would take to raise their levels even an inch.
I don’t agree with all that Kit lays out here, but that doesn’t stop me from coming here. OG is far from inhospitable, but it would teeter if it weren’t for it’s comments section. I come here for the socialization as much as the content. And sometimes the content does nothing at all for me, for which reason I ignore it. I’m not stuck for content. I’ve got a zillion bookmarks to many sites of individual blogs and various organizations.
The thing virtually everybody – right, left, center – blinds themselves to is geoengineering – specifically, climate engineering. For decades, aluminum and other nano-particles have been sprayed around the world – ostensibly, to help cool the planet; but more realistically, to help ionize the atmosphere to make it more amenable to “Full Spectrum Dominance” by the US military.
To an extent, therefore, CO2 is something of a red herring in that it’s being used to justify something which would otherwise garner significant push back. Geoengineering is helping create many of these feedback loops (which the alt-right generally deny the existence of); and also helping release methane (explosions, as in Siberia). Plus, the ongoing re-engineering of the climate for military and commercial benefit is destroying the ozone layer.
The resulting UV-C rays raining down on the planet are slowly destroying the ability of soils to grow food (by killing the microbes, without which nothing will grow). And the aluminum et al settling to the ground is causing forest fires to burn much hotter and longer, besides being breathed in by living entities.
However, as the replies to your comment indicate, climate change is taboo at otherwise rational and open web sites. I’m going to link to a weekly talk by Dane Wigington. It’s almost an hour long. If you listen to it, you will probably be the only one. There’s much to express reservation with; but much to seriously consider.
Howard, I agree w you there’s geoengineering going on. A rigorous source: Peter A. Kirby’s book “Chemtrails Exposed: the New Manhattan Project” He has a James Corbett interview too.
I advise against listening to Mr. Wigington– esp re UV-C rays. This would be easily verified by many people.
PS Easy to verify that chemtrails aren’t jet contrails. They don’t coincide w freight or passenger jet times. They’re military, fitted w tanks & scheduled as needed to maintain so many days of haze. Following a hard rain, you see normal sky & a couple days later the jets come w their contrails. Within hours the “contrails” spread out into the usual haze.
Well said, David. Weirdly, you properly-informed repudiation of Kit’s blind-spot error has harvested a lot more down-votes than mine. Not fair! 🙂
Keep sluggin’ buddy!
One third of Earth’s land is desert, Las Vegas was literally built in the middle of a desert. Oil is piped around the world through some of the most inhospitable environments on the planet, same can be done with water. Sea water can be refined into drinking water. Yes expensive, but where there’s a will there’s a way. Even if agreeing with the dubious statement that current inhabited areas of Earth are overpopulated, it a pretty obvious conclusion that overpopulation is indeed a myth/scam when looking at then planet overall. But of course that’s an ideological view in the current situation, the psycopaths in charge would rather create more death and destruction.
Actually, I don’t agree with you. There’s nothing good or sane about Las Vegas. Do you think that powerful, rich water barons care about your thirst? They have gone over to the dark side, but the Council of Canadians’s Maude Barlow has done amazing work on water and was once a special representative to the UN in relation to water. Her books on water are very informative. Neoliberal capitalism + the success of powerful special interests (water barons) means that rather than being a right in the full spirit of democracy (which obliges governments to protect your access to water and ensure that what is given with one hand isn’t taken away with the other, via privatized delivery), water is sometimes a right but access becomes an issue when government steps out of the way. What water barons want is for water to be a commodity that people need but will have to buy – if they can. (Where things stand today in that regard, I’m not sure. I am sure that corporations, especially transnationals, never quit until they get their way.)
“Only the Uruguayan constitutional amendment guarantees both the right to water and the need to deliver it it publicly and is therefore, a model for other countries. Suez [a water baron] was forced to leave the country as a direct result of this amendment.” -page 174 of “Blue Covenant – The Coming Water Crisis” by Maude Barlow
“First, desalination plants are highly energy-intensive and put huge additional burden on local power grids. In Twenty-Thirst Century, Australian environmental writer John Archer’s scathing book on his country’s water crisis, it will only be capable of producing one hundred megaliters of water a day – but will require enough energy to produce 255,000 tons (about 232 million kilograms) of greenhouse gases every year. Worldwide, large-scale desalination technology would radically increase greenhouse gas emissions that, in turn, exacerbate the water shortage crisis the plants were built to alleviate.
“Second, all desalination plants generate a lethal by-product – a poisonous combination of concentrated brine mixed with the chemicals and heavy metals used in the production of freshwater to prevent salt erosion and clean and maintain the reverse osmosis membranes. For every liter of desalted water, a liter of poison is pumped back into the sea. Archer notes that the proposed Sydney plant would create more than thirty-six billion liters of waste every year. Aerial photos of the big Saudi Arabian plants show a massive black brine slick fanning out into the ocean, resembling the purple ink discharged from a giant squid… As well, the discharge contains the decomposed remains of aquatic life – such as plankton, eggs, larva and fish – that are killed during the intake process; these remains reduce the oxygen content of the water near the discharge pipes, creating additional stress on marine life.
“Third, the water fed into the desalination system may contain dangerous contaminates [sic] that are not filtered out by the reverse-osmosis process. These may include biological contaminants such as viruses and bacteria; chemical contaminants such as endocrine disrupters, pharmaceuticals and personal-care products; and algal toxins such as paralytic shellfish poisoning. These contaminants are found everywhere.” – pages 27 & 28 of “Blue Covenant”
I don’t accept the concept of viruses and the worries about causes of global warming are debatable, but clearly, there are serious issues both physical and social.
The Blue Covenant should be called the Blue Lie. Blue being the signature color of Freemasons.
Maude Barlow is a Rockefeller stooge along with Klein and McKibben:
I’ll bookmark that article. Barlow’s name come up but nothing is really said about her. Obviously, there’s an issue. I’m just not surprised. The section where her name comes up is in connection with tar sands protests which Morningstar acknowledges “is certainly orders of magnitude more important than anything that McKibben has demonstrated in the past.” But Cory’s revelation about the Rockefeller Foundation’s involvement is important. It’s sad, infuriating and unsuprising as well.
Where are the ardent HUMAN Rights Defenders when overpopulation is discussed?
Here is the quote of the week (could be the quote of the century!!!):
“The West Doesn’t Know The Difference Between Human Rights And A Fork”
Since 1970 population doubled from 3.8 to 7.8 billion and soon we ll be 10 billion. Our little blue planet cant have it, but this article just talks about feeding people, and solving the energy problem with geothermal energy. True there s in theory enough food if you produce it on massive industrial scale, and we should go for green energy. But the problem with this article it says nothing about waste and environmental decline, our resources are limited, and there s no planet B. Not enough if you want to give everybody an equal fair share. We re literally drowning in our own shit, not to see that is wishful thinking.
Do you have the machine gun at the ready? or are you proposing something far more sinister.
There’s no need to fear anything more sinister.
I am old enough to remember the world’s population being only 6 bn, and if one lifetime can witness such a huge extra burden on the world’s resources, we ought at least to look at what that might signify.
Quite apart from carbon dioxide gradually displacing the available oxygen, there are two other catastrophic considerations to be taken into account:
a) Trees, which generate our essential life-giving oxygen, are famously under threat. It is not for nothing that they have been described as the ‘lungs’ of our planet. That is an accurate description in every sense.
b) The pollutants from our runaway manufacturing corporations include far worse things than carbon dioxide…
None of those things is controversial or unscientific, and I am neither a climate-change denier, nor a hysterical Thunberg accolyte.
All I am doing is trying to keep our focus on the fact that it is not necessary to indulge in extremism either way in order to see a truthful picture of what is going on. But it’s not a pretty picture if you look at it closely.
There is no question of CO2 displacing O2. They are 2 major separate problems.
Sea-grass and plankton, both under threat, are even more important than trees. They generate ~70% of the oxygen that replenishes the atmosphere, in roughly equal proportions.
Who told you we are 7.8bilion?
The Msm?
Bernie cares about Bernie. Another typical dickhead encountered on this site.
Great comment shithead, big kiss, enjoy your day
First off, Bernie, you need to learn to use the word “literally” correctly, or perhaps you need to learn to speak only for yourself, because, otherwise, you are literally typing nonsense.
See my comment:
Good comment Einstein
[Since 1970 population doubled from 3.8 to 7.8 billion and soon we ll be 10 billion. Our little blue planet cant have it…]
Actually, our little blue planet can have it.
PS. The population curve has already changed. It is ALREADY “correcting.”
Strange that I was taught at school around 1960 that there were 5 or 6 billion people on the planet. Certainly not 3.8. Even Malthusian predictions were mentioned, although I was only nine or ten years old at the time…
I wonder if something happens to statistics when the UN gets hold of them…?
I have no real problem with what you’ve said. But most folks don’t come at it from my standpoint. I see things very differently than Kit, who clearly cares and is right about elites’ great concern for us and their great respect for God’s creation. I have my own ideas about whether there’s a population problem and what the solution will be. But I don’t think they’d be welcome and I don’t feel any great need to offer them at this point.
The article seems to support natural control (by nature, as in the example of foxes and rabbits); is that any different from Malthus? It evades extreme inequality in all things including power and consumption – within countries and across the planet.
Having one child less has by far the greatest benefit in countering planetary destruction -research by Seth Wynes & Kimberly Nicholas 2017.
[Having one child less has by far the greatest benefit in countering planetary destruction…]
The trend to that and more is already happening by itself through individual voluntary decisions made by humans across all continents (some earlier on the curve, some later, but all are basically on the curve).
There is zero need to wail or clamour for unnecessary interventions by our much-loved dictators.
Damn. I have two children.
Guess I’ll have to get rid of one of them…
If you wanted 3 but refrained, you pass.
UK Column News – 11th December 2020
Pfizer states: “Efficacy in preventing confirmed Covid occurring at least 7 days after the second dose was 95% with 8 Covid cases in the vaccine group and 162 cases in the placebo group”
UKC: So out of 36,000 people, 18,000 in each group, there were 8 cases (one positive PCR test and one symptom which is not a clinical diagnosis). In total the number of those affected by Covid was negligible.
You’ll have to watch the video at 43 minutes but Pfizer takes two ratios, the 8 as a proportion of those who took the “vaccine” and got “Covid”; and of the 162 who took the placebo (unknown) and got “Covid”.
95% efficacy was calculated by Pfizer as relative risk, dividing the vaccine result by the control result to get 95%. The relative risk of how many got infected on each side of the trial.
If you calculate absolute risk reduction, you don’t divide the two results. You subtract them. The real absolute risk reduction is 0.8%.
UKC: The regulator is being run by the corporations it’s meant to regulate.
In the U.S., the FDA reveals its Dec 10, 2020 presentation about Pfizer BioNTech was sponsored, by the manufacturers.
UKC: The usual 10-year trials have not happened – and Pfizer is not going to follow the people in the control group because after six months, even those who took the placebo are going to be vaccinated.
Patrick Henningsen: they are comparing the width of two razor blades and calling it a pandemic requiring the roll-out of global vaccination. The pharma companies have found a soft touch in politicians who are desperate to take credit for ‘defeating Covid’.
Mike Robinson: The vaccine does not offer immunity against anything. It only suppresses symptoms.
As RFK Jr said, by suppressing symptoms the “vaccine” could create asymptomatic spreaders.
Statement from CSL: “The Phase 1 data also showed the generation of antibodies directed towards fragments of a protein (gp41), which is a component used to stabilise the vaccine. Trial participants were fully informed of the possibility of a partial immune response to this component, but it was unexpected that the levels induced would interfere with certain HIV tests.”
QUOTES BARBARA, 82: “I’d rather get the vaccine than risk getting Covid.”
In fact the median age of someone dying of Covid is higher than the average age of death.
Judges do think the massive curtailment of civil rights is worthy of consideration:
“the application does not raise an arguable question of law.”
Prof Neil Mortensen of Royal College of Surgeons claims Covid to blame for NHS troubles.
UKC: It is true the the NHS was under pressure but that’s due to poor management and political meddling and was the case long before Covid.
NHS admissions cannot be overwhelmed as they are a fraction of those seen in spring – and the NHS was not overwhelmed in spring. UK Gov Covid dashboard.
UKC: This is propaganda is coming from SAGE and is contradicted by named individuals speaking out from within the NHS.
Good collection af articles 👍. RFK and others might want to revise their opinions on asymptomatic spread though. It’s comprehensively debunked here by Dr Yeadon:
It’s nothing more than another lie in the Covid Project Fear campaign.
Not sure what you mean by RFK (Jr) and others having to revise their opinions, Tony. He and others at Children’s Health Defense, nor folks he has interviewed (Catherine Austin Fitts, Sherri Tenpenny, David Martin, etc have ever endorsed the theory of asymtomatic transmission.
Unless I”m missing something.
It was a reply to this comment in Moneycircus’ post:
“As RFK Jr said, by suppressing symptoms the “vaccine” could create asymptomatic spreaders.”
UK Column News – 11th December 2020
Now that it’s de-fanged and turned into a globalist ploy, Brexit is safe to mention.
The EU-UK Framework For Future Partnership
Patrick Henningsen: Brexit was sold as the restoration of sovereignty in response to the impulse of middle England. In reality, Britain could be selling its own sovereignty down the river as TTIP/TPP is imposed by fiat. Britain becomes the hub of the globalist framework. This positions Britain centrally for the agenda of The Great Reset and The Green New Deal.
On new regulations the UK is required to follow the EU whenever it raises the bar; if it fails to comply, EU will limit Britain’s access.
On fisheries EU insists the UK “must understand legitimacy of EU fishing fleet’s centuries of access to UK waters”.
On environment, Britain is leading the EU on Green New Deal and Building Back Better.
“More of an Australian deal with the EU rather than a Canadian-style deal”
UKC: Australia actually has no formal deal with EU. It’s governed by World Trade Organisation rules rather than a bilateral deal such as Canada or Norway.
Compared to David Cameron’s premiership, the TTIP (TPP) was his priority, then came the Brexit referendum, and Theresa May and Johnson switched to #GlobalBritain. President Donald Trump then said no to TPP, but Britain never let it go: TPP was reinvigorated and has effectively been signed.
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, which incorporates most of the provisions of the TPP, entered into force on 30 December 2018.
The integrated operating concept – Britain positions itself the glue that binds international defence: the UK, the EU and the U.S. which wants to enter the European Defence Union according to Mike Pompeo.
David Osland Tweets: “It turns out that Jeremy Corbyn’s position on Brexit – accepting the referendum result but seeking customs union and single market access was the only realistic way forward. His gloating opponents should pause for reflection.”
Time declares Joe Biden and Kamala Harris joint person of the year.
The liberal intelligence intelligentsia likes to give awards as a way to bestow legitimacy: showering them upon terminator of the elderly, the ventilator vanquisher, New York Governor Mario Cuomo, for example.
DoD apparently unwilling to provide logistical support against ISIS/AQ
Russia and China are the threat, the military says.
Watch this split between the military and CIA widen as China’s man & woman prepare to enter the White House.
UK Column News – 11th December 2020
u,.k codswallop endorsed brexxit for 4 year they sold it seduce there clueless listeners in why you must vote leave!! the reasons why??? which was literally from the handbook of the Establishment
Looks like Prince Regent in ‘Black Adder’ III.
There are the many who are uneducated.
There are the many who are gifted with a talent for lying shamelessly for a living.
And there are the many utterly in-bred whose brains just don’t work.
For some reason, “the successful applicant will fit into the third category”.
If I were politically ambitious, I would have gone for the second category, but I think the constitution of the selection committee has been somehow left out of the equation…
It’s probably an algorithm anyway…
I try and rationalise this love and try and put it into brackets and labels
. but so far as I am concerned, if you spend a year, and then you spend another year….I never knew what was going to happen next. I was still in love with them, and I know, I told them. I had met this girl.and had fallen in love. My ex phoned me up. My now wife answered the phoned.
They get on extremely well even 40 years later…they have both put up with me..and go running to the girls toilets together with the tickets as if they are teenagers but now in their 60’s.
I hope to keep this up.
My ex is dead cute too (love’s Hawkwind she looks the same too and recommended the Facecream she was using for my wife when I asked her what can I buy my wife for a birthday present)..she was being nice as if I was asking my sister
Not meaning to be rude but I’d be much more convinced of your happy marriage and permanent state of euphoric joy if you DIDN’T keep talking about it, and in places not designed for the purpose.
I’m starting to peg you as either a fantasising old bachelor driven newly insane by lockdown, or one of those unhappily married guys who go into denial and overcompensate by talking to everyone all the time about how much in love they are.
Or maybe you’re newly divorced. Or a sixty-yr old virgin.
In my observation people who are really happy and in love just get on with it and don’t feel the need to remind themselves (and the readers of alt news journals) every few hours.
Whatever the reason – stop. You’ve been asked nicely numerous times. I will simply bin everything you post from now on if you don’t quit spamming.
Create a blog of your own. Post about your wife’s face cream on there.
Stick with that discipline for Tony, admin! 🙂
prehaps he could get job as admin and you could train him in the arts!
Thank you!
( although 60 yr old virgins lives matter too)
Thank you!
Happy Marriage is an oxymoron.
The ruling class is a few and humankind who they control is too many. It figures.
They own big pharma and profit from experimental gene-based vaccinations with a sterilizing effect. The rich are in favor of saving the planet. They don’t like masses of homeless on their doorstep.They love control over others and they like the beaches deserted and their lush green golf courses surrounded by undisturbed nature.
Their enthusiasm for coronavirus is a Maltusian Weltanschauung behind a see through mask.
„Back in April, the South China Morning Post ran an article headlined:
The same, das Gleiche, is not the identical same, as transhuman is the same Übermensch and Untermensch is the same surplus population.
Schwab’s ruling class Great Reset Manifesto and his 4th Industrial Revolution promotes transhumanism, the merging of man and machine driven by this global financial elite that influences politics, MSM, science and health institutions, WHO, through financial contributions via foundations and international organizations:
The Young Global Leader“ program funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation cultivates political agents who propagate the NWO dystopia to the sheeple as world salvation:
Given the time of year. Let me leave you with Dicken´s A Christmas Carol´s famous last line: Tiny Tim said,God bless us, every one!
Very warm day in Melbourne.
Not mandatory, but face masks are worn by basically everyone including kids.
They wear em down the beach, in parks, cars and probably during sex.
Young kids will be permanently scarred for life. It’s breathtaking.
I thought stupidity would have already peaked by this time, but i’m wrong.
Maybe its just beginning.
Scary shit!
The teflon, ethylene oxide and fibres (natural or plastic) may scar their lungs for life.
Yep! and zero liability. That being Government and manufacturer. We live in a dirty world mgeo.
We really have to stop taking that zero liability for granted.
It’s an abomination and it must be reversed.
Whoever proposed it first needs to be in jail for risking the health of the world’s population. Followed by everybody who listened to him and copied him.
(Or her… Perhaps it was Hillary?)
A daily amazement I also encounter.
Toddlers in masks.
It’s just unbelievable.
That’s parents extending the stupidity. It’s living proof of the dumbed down. Pass any school and witness that parents have found yet another pointless load of crap to be ‘competitive’ over..
Every day a very senior man rides his bicycle on the dirt road in front of our house. Always wearing a mask – just like the majority heading for the 100 yard away beach. At 30°C.
Worthy an honorable entry into the Darwin Award. However, no surfers wearing face diapers, yet.
Have they got around to testing the seawater yet?
Fortunately, still not the case, for the most part, in the UK. Plenty of other insanity, but not that,… yet.
–Dr. Sin Hang Lee, founder of Milford Molecular Diagnostics in Connecticut, has filed an Administrative Stay of Action on HHS and the FDA, to prevent their granting Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer vaccine.
He notes:
“If the assignment of cases and non-cases during the course of the trial is not accurate, the vaccine will not have been properly tested. If the vaccine is not properly tested, important public policy decisions regarding its use will be based on misleading evidence.” [That is, even the inadequate vaccine trials are without foundation if the PCR testing used within them can be proven invalid]
— A Portuguese Court was the first to declare the PCR test an invalid basis for quarantining and lockdown, noting
“if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.”
The basis for this is that positive PCR swabs from high-cycle tests COULD NOT GROW CULTURES, whereas those from positive low-cycle tests did.
–A group of 22 scientists seeks to force a retraction of the “peer-reviewed” article which introduced the Corman-Drosten PCR test. Signers to their letter include Pieter Borger, PhD molecular genetics, Germany and Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer Chief Scientist, UK
“We, an international consortium of life-science scientists, write this letter in response to the article ‘Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR’ published in Eurosurveillance (January 23rd, 2020)”
“[It] describes an RT-PCR method to detect the novel Corona virus (also known as SARS-CoV2). After careful consideration, our international consortium of Life Science scientists found the Corman-Drosten paper is severely flawed with respect to its biomolecular and methodological design. A detailed scientific argumentation can be found in our review “External peer review of the RT-PCR test to detect SARS-CoV2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results”, which we herewith submit for publication in Eurosurveillance.
“Further, the submission date and acceptance date of this paper are January 21st and January 22nd, respectively. Considering the severe errors in design and methodology of the RT-PCR test published by “Eurosurveillance”, this raises the concern whether the paper was subjected to peer-review at all.
“A previous request from our side (Dr. P. Borger; email 26/10/2020) to the editors of “Eurosurveillance” to provide the peer review report of the Corman-Drosten paper has not been complied with. We have enclosed your email reply (dated 18/11/2020) indicating that you do not wish to disclose important information to solve this conundrum.
“We are confident that you will take our scientific objections seriously and recognize that there is no alternative but to accept our request to retract the Corman-Drosten paper.”
Borger paper showing the 10 major PCR flaws:
–William Engdahl notes that the WHO recommended the PCR test for use as the worldwide test even before it was published and while worldwide deaths totalled SIX — SIX!
“If the stakes were not so deadly for mankind it would all be material for a comedy of the absurd. The world health Czar, WHO chief Tedros is no medical doctor whose WHO is financed massively by a college dropout billionaire computer manager, Gates, who also advises the Merkel government on COVID-19 measures.” — Engdahl
Excellent summary.
It cannot be emphasised enough that the peer review of this PCR test has rendered this test useless and cannot be used as a diagnostic test to test for a Sars Cov 2 virus that no one has ever seen in it’s isolated form.
Due to severe design errors, At best it’s merely detecting the genetic material of fragments of RNA that are non specific to this claimed virus but it’s prone to huge error.
To claim a positive PCR test means anything is non scientific, ridiculous and is criminal.
These medical terrorists advising politicians are fully aware of this.
They must face criminal charges.
I see a number of comments about air, pollution and CO2. Let’s discuss global warming, AGW in particular. Greenhouse gases provide 56 degrees F warmth to the Earth. Without GG, we would all be people pops. And if CO2 was so bad, why isn’t OSHA in every single greenhouse grow operation demanding the workers wear bunny suits? They pump in C02, to the tune of 5x ambient! Earth is a better place with higher CO2.
0.04% of the atmosphere today.
During the Jurassic Period (200 mya), average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today.
The highest concentrations of CO2 during all of the Paleozoic Era occurred during the Cambrian Period, nearly 7000 ppm — about 18 times higher than today.
The Carboniferous Period and the Ordovician Period were the only geological periods during the Paleozoic Era when global temperatures were as low as they are today. To the consternation of global warming proponents, the Late Ordovician Period was also an Ice Age while at the same time CO2 concentrations then were nearly 12 times higher than today– 4400 ppm.
According to greenhouse theory, Earth should have been exceedingly hot. Instead, global temperatures were no warmer than today. Clearly, other factors besides atmospheric carbon influence earth temperatures and global warming.
One argument about atmospheric CO2 – on which all photosynthesising life, and therefore most other life, depends – is that it has been FALLING steadily, over a longish geological period, and in the past few hundred thousand years it had got dangerously near to the lower limit where photosynthesis shuts down for lack of one of its vital feedstocks, when –
Surprise, surprise! Along comes the enhanced naked ape with clever brain, controlling clever hands and clever concepts, which susses, first, how to make fire constantly with wood; and then – tadaaaa! – how to dig up Mam Gaia’s long-previously sequestered fossil-hydrocarbon crustal stores, and release the sequestered CO2 there entombed, by burning the coal, oil and gas. Saved from global plant-death in the nick of time!! (Was it a deliberate move by Mam…?)
I don’t know how valid this line of paleontological reasoning is, but it does seem feasible. NASA claims that its near-Earth orbital scans show the Earth to be re-greening measurably in recent years, probably because of this rise in atmospheric CO2.
Those greenhouse-food growers don’t flood their glasshouses with expensively-produced compressed CO2 for no good reason: more CO2 in the contained atmosphere = more plant growth = more profit earned. Do we think that they’re cleverer than, and ahead of, Mam Gaia? Or…
Sure, the climate is changing, cyclically, as it always has for many millions of years. The Earth’s somewhat complex orbit, and the Sun’s cyclical variations of energy output compel that. Are we helping the changes along this time? Maybe, seems possible. I’ve lived long enough to know two things from direct personal observation: Britain is a lot more crowded than in my childhood, both with more people and with a huge explosion of our toys such as cars. And also, the weather is palpably, consistently warmer than it was in the 1940s. I remember it personally from that time. It was colder. These are facts. But what the causal chains are, and where it goes from here, is simply not knowable with any – justified – certainty.
Those who claim we cause Climate Warming should first explain this:
At the north Norwegian Svalbard islands peak warmth occurred ~10 ka BP, with temperatures 7 °C warmer than today.
The “Global” Seed Vault at Svalbard suffered damage:
Wrong location! The Antarctic is much more stable cold.
Interesting Study.
“Early Holocene Temperature Oscillations Exceed Amplitude of Observed and Projected Warming in Svalbard Lakes“
Vast temperature fluctuations over the millennia are normal. They are solar cycle (radiation), stratosphere and magnetosphere related as this study mentions although, only briefly. They have nothing to do with carbon emissions. This study also showed that temperatures from thousands of years ago are well within the scope of temperature fluctuations in the 21st century.
IE. Climate alarmism is unnecessary.
“Higher shipments from India, the world’s biggest rice exporter, could cap global prices, reduce the country’s bulging inventories and limit Indian state stockpiler purchases from farmers. “
nowt special about me, i was just so incredibly shy. but i worked hard, still i could never ask her, cos i just knew she would blow me away. she was so completely and utterly beautiful. i just new she would say no, and i was so much in love with, and i really did not want to commit suicide…so that me was still so lonely depressed at school.
i knew, i would never be able to make best friends with a girl…i mean wtf are you supposed to say?
she says i am going to stonehenge free festival with my friends
i burst into tears – aren’t i invited????
i thought she might be my girlfriend
So we borrowed her younger sister’s playtent and one gas burner
and went to Stonehenge
and I asked her – will you marry me
she said O.K.
so we did..we were doing well despite..but that happens to every family…
But I never Expected or Could Even Think About The Possibility of COVID – World Wide Genocide…and it is Fucking Real
wtf do we do to try and protect ourselves from these monsters?
(my wife is still dead cute by the way – I look at the old photos and think how the???)
She’s lovely and very worried about her 87 years Mum, and so am I, but due to ridiculouse regualtions instituded by the Fascist State we now live in over COVID, which has so far resulted in less overal deaths than normal – almost no deaths from Flu now..everyone now dies of COVID now, even if they get run over by a bus.
if these arseholes don’t stop terrorising my wife and family….well I’m just saying…she doesn’t take any nonsense from evil bastards like you.
We have travelled all over most of the world together, and have never had much a problem, except when she lost her airline ticket back to the UK, after being asked to show it once every minute for the previous hour whilst walking round the duty free..and comes back with nowt as we about to get on the plane..
i said make yourself look small – hide behind me..and we got through the final barrier until we got on the plane – and we kind of winged that – it was quite obvious she was my wife, and we were with our kids., though she really had lost her ticket
She is still here with me.
Well that settles it. You are out of control. Settle down young man, stop telling everyone your business.
‘Young’ man? Babbling old fart – like me.
I hope ISIS don’t read this
A very good explanation of the environmental movement’s embrace of Malthusian over-populationism, by Ian Angus (author of Too Many People?)
Does anyone with intelligence seriously believe there is some kind of population clock which keeps a record of population to an accuracy of a single digit ? No of course not so why do they pretend to know this information ? and furthermore to what degree are they actually Lying ? is the worlds population really 7.8 billion ? We know they are obsessed with over population, that they pretend man is destroying the planet with deadly CO2 (the building blocks of life no less) they promote abortion, sex changes for children, non reproductive relationships, its clear that whatever the true worlds population figure is, its a lot less than 7.8 billion, as underestimating the worlds population would be incompatible with all their other Lies !
The worlds population during WWII was 2.5 billion, if you add all the fertility rate figures and subtract all the mortality rate figures, the world population is closer to 4 billion, and that with the so called baby boomers propaganda, the ridiculous idea every woman on the planet had 5 children each in the 1950’s something they still haven’t thought up a plausible excuse for, the reality is the worlds population is probably closer to 3.5 billion.
All of this Eugenics repackaged propaganda began in 1968 with the club of Rome and the book the population bomb by Jewish author Paul Ehrich, certain groups think the planet was made for them and them alone, and they want less of us never less of themselves !
You say “if you add all the fertility rate figure”. The fertility rate is quite different from the birth rate. Perhaps you could research this and revise your figures?
Well unless one or both the fertility and birth rate figures are false, there wont be much difference between the two, one is certainly not going to be double the other. The birthrate requires less complex maths and gives you a more accurate figure but only assuming the birthrate is correct and not falsified for agenda, the only way to check that, is to do the more complex maths on the fertility rate figures to derive the birthrate and check they haven’t been falsifying it, (making sure the numbers match up)
The fraudsters are pretty lazy, so the two figures don’t match, which is surprising considering how into numerology and pinching peoples money they are, but I suppose good bookkeeping is undesirable as far as fraudsters are concerned, you don’t really need to know the true figures when you’re making them up
Its been a while since I made the calculations and I’m having trouble finding the file, it was a rough calculation but rough calculations tend to give roughly the right answer. regardless its certainly more accurate than their alarmist hockey stick graphs they like to scribble !
Diamond! – “The fraudsters are pretty lazy, so the two figures don’t match, which is surprising considering how into numerology and pinching peoples money they are…”
Yes, rapid depopulation is actually happening in Eastern Europe, a trend which is being followed in Western Europe where fertility rates have fallen below the critical 2.1 level per female. Moreover there are vast stretches of land which are basically empty in Siberia, Mongolia, Central Asia, Australia and Canada. When I was a kid families would have anything between three and five births, that has now dropped below the replacement figure. And population numbers may be growing but this is a moving process, for everyone born is going to eventually die. So what’s the problem?
Australia is about 2/3 desert; most of the population live on the coastal fringe where rainfall is more predictable not in the dry interior.
Yes similar story with Japan and China which are often cited as over populated, complete with scenes of jam packed cities, Japan and China are very mountainous and difficult to build on inland, so most of the population is crammed into large cities situated on the river deltas where sediment has settled over millennia creating large flat area’s suitable for building on. All part of the Eugenicists illusion of over population.
On this occasion, Kit, I do not agree with you. Population has grown with the over supply of food – food quality falls with mass production, as does soil and sub-soil richness, which all life on land depends upon.
Industrial agriculture is dependent on cheap oil to produce the machines and chemicals which wreak such dreadul havoc upon our environment and wildlife. Our soils become even more deficient and our food (unless grown organically in small areas) even less nourishing. Fish farming inflicts more pollution upon our seas and marine life.
Factory farming, with its horrific torture of animals, is also dependent on cheap oil and humans without compassion who can inflict this suffering on animals – these are the ones who also inflict suffering on human animals – the humans without compassion.
Overpopulation occurs mainly in countries where women are seen as inferior and who often have no choice but to become baby machines. Poverty and overpopulation go together – except for Australia which has a high birth rate due to government ‘baby bonus’ handouts and high immigration.
Overpopulation when combined with over-consumption (as it usually is) is the greatest disaster we are facing in my opinion.
There is an easy solution – government-funded, free and voluntary family planning clinics. These have a high record of success, most recently in Bangladesh and Thailand. The Trump administration cut overseas aid to these clinics and now not many exist. Family planning clinics also succeed in creating more independent women – and the billionaires boys club do not like this at all.
Overpopulation and its friend poverty create starvation – e.g. somalia, yemen, ethiopia.
I support smaller populations through the increase in such family planning clinics where women and men can choose the size of their families and where governments encourage and fund smaller families.
We do not need a vaccine cull to reduce overpopulation, but we do need to reduce our human numbers.
‘a natural cycle’: fox eats rabbits = less rabbits, thus less foxes. less foxes = more rabbits, thus more foxes… round and round it goes. Life feeds on Life….the solution ? Soylent green.
Nope. You’re all wet on population growth. Here’s some facts from Wm Engdahl:
“There’s only one problem with their grand strategy of convincing us of an over-population danger. The world is facing, not a population bomb, but a population implosion, a collapse of the human species.
“Some statistics are in order. It is well established, given average life-spans, death rates, that an average 2.1 live births per woman are required to maintain population equilibrium. A recent study looks at live birth rates around the world. The results are shocking perhaps to some.
“In Germany, the birthrate has sunk to just 1.36, worse even than low-fertility Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). Western Europe as a whole will most likely shrink from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. And barring dramatic reversal of the foolish One (sometimes Two) Child Policy, China’s population will be reduced in half.
Even the USA where a large immigrant Hispanic population immigration has kept birth rates higher, is now facing reduction. A Pew Research Center report found that immigrant births fell from 102 per 1,000 women in 2007 to 87.8 per 1,000 in 2012, to bring the overall US birthrate to a mere 64 per 1,000 women—not enough to sustain current population. Europe, in short, is dying off, China and Russia, and the United States as well.
Yes, some might argue, but the over-population bomb is in the developing world, in Africa, India, Latin America…
“Not so.
“The poor, highly fertile countries of the developing world, in part thanks to the Rockefellers and their loveless friends, are no longer reproducing as before. From 1960 to 2009, Mexico’s fertility rate plunged from 7.3 live births per woman to 2.4. India’s dropped from 6 to 2.5, and Brazil’s fell from 6.15 to 1.9.
More here
The reasons for falling fertility include rising relative affluecne, education, propaganda and fake vaccines. It may also include poisoning. Reproductive flaws in either partner hamper many couples. They cannot produce even one child, except perhaps after major mdical intervention.
In Bangladesh, a major factor was reducing rural women’s dependence on men, especially “elders” and religious authorities, e.g. through
:- “micro-credit” loans
:- schooling for girls and women.
Damn’ right, May. But as I suggested in an earlier post below, these sound, actually-effective and – above all – humane and honourable solutions to the overshoot are not going to be implemented widely and promptly enough. Because, feckless species that we are, we can’t be arsed to do the job right, so Mam Gaia is going to do it for us, with her far more pragmatic methods, as she always does, invariably.
If you are not techie, or hardly techie at all, but extremely good at looking after children and grand children, and yo kind of leak your identity and your post code, cos you are trying to buy a pretty dress second hand on ebay -then you are wide open to scammers, even though you have got your pretty dress.
My wife has been telling me over the past couple of days, about this robbery supposedly in our road, that she read on Facebook (and the description was not very nice) I know that people do very occasionally get robbed in our road – or their vans are busted in and they take their kit (mostly working people in our road) some old with kids and grandkids…
But I can find no evidence, of what she keeps telling me, of what they did, that she read on Facebook..
I asked well, what is the number of their house in our road?
Cos I am member of our COVID Street Group, and almost everyone in our road has joined it. I rarely participate, even if my mobile phone goes off sometimes several times a day..I spent 30 minutes reading hundreds of text messages, yesterday (and I know these people are real, cos I live next door to them, and they are missing my cat – is she all right -they knock on our door to ask about our cat) She has moved back in now, it has got a bit cold even for cats.
Absolutely no one in our road has said absolutely anything on our COVID Street Group, to confirm what my wife read on Facebook is true about some one burgled in our road.
However, my wife is usually right.
It might just be a UK Government Scam to Further Terrorise, the people who live in our road, and also the people who live in your road.
To comply, and do what we are told.
I try and calm her down, and say, well they already know where we live.
We have already had them knocking at our door again.
I thought they had come to clean the gutters, till I saw the badge
I didn’t invite them in…but she did..
And they were The Heavy Squad 4 of them.
We said he’s not here.
He has been working with them since.
Our Son has nothing to hide.
He does run an ISP, and is the most honest person I have ever met.
He is very clever too. Its really nice to have him and his young kids around…
It’s hard to explain this except maybe through a song
He hasn’t stolen anything.
My wife and I love him to bits, as do his kids…
They are screaming “Daddy” when he gets home from work.
and that is good enough for me, to pull me out of my slight depression (of the COVID insanity of what is going on) and make me happy, if you are the slightest bit vulnerable, which I am
You don’t get old for nowt.
It takes hard work, and a lot of love, and not giving in.
You stand up strong even when you feel like shit.
To protect your Family
…On the subject of Malthusian ideologically-inspired Genocide and elite chosenite contempt for the rest of us po’ human dreck, I *highly recommend* checking out the docu-series ‘While The Rest Of Us Die’, currently airing on Vice TV…
…- Mostly deals with Cold War era SIOP/Continuity Of Government planning in the event of going toe-to-toe with ‘Teh Rooskies’… – *Lots* of *Lurvely* Let-Em-Eat-Cake, Duck-And-Cover Nuke-Porn to warm the cockles of your Covid-benighted hearts and cheer you all through our long Dark Winter of the soul…
…- UK Plebes *of a certain age* might also recall Maggie Thatcher’s *Terribly Helpful And Informative* pamphlet ‘Protect And Survive’, wherein we learn that all that is required to reliably survive *Thermonuclear Holocaust* is simply to unscrew *Three Doors* from one’s humble domicile and prop ’em up against an internal wall, with sufficient tea and bickies and loo-roll stashed away for a fortnight… – *Hip-Hip-Huzzah*!, And *God Save The Queen*!!…
Adapted by some of us to “Protest and Survive”.
Applies equally to the “Covid” saga.
An interesting point, which is currently making the rounds of the esoteric community. On 12/21/20 there will be a “Great Conjunction” between Jupiter and Saturn (within 1 degree). This is interesting because it may not be a purely random decision to create the COVID pandemic in 2020.
The last time Jupiter and Saturn conjoined this closely was 1623 – which was around the time of the second “Great Plague.” Gates & Co can set the stage and just sit back and wait for the inevitable comparison with The Year Of The Great Plague – thus strengthening the Great Reset agenda.
Just a thought by a convicted spammer.
Very significant transit – Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) will be at a stressful 90 degree angle to Uranus (change). I expect to see active rebellions begin on a global scale, as we try to balance the forces of change and non-change. And on 10th Feb next year, six planets line up in Aquarius. Yes – changes a-plenty coming up!
I don’t understand this but here is a quote from Ingrid, an astrologer and intuitive : On December 19th, Jupiter and Saturn will conjunct at zero degrees Aquarius. Interestingly, Mercury and the Sun will conjunct the Galactic Center at the same time. Venus will be 5 Sagittarius, very close to the ASC-DESC of the U.S. horoscope. I suppose, half the world will be happy and half will not. In any event, I take this as the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius. The next day, the Moon will conjunct Neptune.
Normally I’d reject your comments as nonsense. But some years ago I heard a guy talking about financial markets and astrology. He claimed that 2021 was going to be a total wipeout. Didn’t mention Jupiter or Saturn, I recall he specifically said he didn’t know why but he was 100% sure 2021 was going to be a disaster. This guy managed a multi billion dollar hedge fund. I think it was before Trump I heard the broadcast. Guess we will see.