Why this campaign of terror?

Never outside war time have populations been subjected to such outrageous assault and battery by government propaganda machines

Gillian Dymond

Image by Artist Hiep Le Duc

In the morning, the world is as the world should be.  The sun rises, as predicted for this part of England in early December, at around twenty past eight.  Shortly after this, I get up, go through the usual morning routines, have a quick breakfast, wash up, and am at my computer by ten o’clock.  The hours pass unexceptionably until lunchtime.  And then I can no longer put off the trip to the shops.

Going to the shops is something I do as little as possible nowadays.  Once I might have walked in and out of the nearby town centre several times in a day, without thinking twice: but that was when I could move from home to street seamlessly, with no jarring transition between here and there. 

Now it’s different.  Now, beyond the protective confines of our home lies a parallel universe, a place of outlandish rituals and dogmas, where grotesquely masked figures pass each other warily on the street or, in the supermarket, lurk out-of-touch behind symbolic plastic screens.   Instead of muzak, as I follow the prescribed route between the aisles, disembodied voices warn of death and disease, order me to protect myself and others by maintaining distance and keeping my plague-ridden exhalations to myself.

“We’re in this together!” they proclaim.  

In less than a year some malign necromancy has transformed the fearless social beings who once thronged shops and cafés in the run-up to each Christmas into an infestation of dangerous, outsized germs: or, if scrupulous examination of the facts has left you confident that “the novel coronavirus” is no more threatening to moderately healthy people than the nastier brands of flu, into the crazed adherents of some apocalyptic cult. 

Since I have spent the past nine months scrupulously examining the facts, the eyes now peering out at me over the inadequate face-covering of that woman beating a hasty retreat behind the cans of tuna as I approach are, it seems to me, those of a poor, unhinged lunatic.   But then, I am an unbeliever.  I do not wear the mask of allegiance.  Marked out by the lanyard around my neck, I do my shopping as quickly as possible, and hurry back to the embattled sanity of domestic life.

Yes, even here embattled: for as the onslaught of propaganda continues without remission, only complete divorce from the outside world can afford protection.  Fortunately, since the arrival of the computer I am beyond the reach of programmed television, but in order to wake to the accompaniment of pleasant but undemanding music, I used to put up with the intermittent smattering of adverts on Classic FM.   Now that government has become the media’s most lucrative source of income, however, this is no longer tolerable.  Who wants to be roused abruptly from sleep by inane incantations of “Hands! Face! Place!”, sometimes repeated twice within five minutes ? 

“It’s just an actor!” my husband pleads with me, as I hurl execrations, and worse, at the radio.  But whether it comes from actors or health ministers, the brain-washing stinks.  “Don’t you just long for a nice commercial about sofas?” a friend asks mournfully, as we discuss the incremental take-over of advertising slots by the government’s ‘nudge unit‘.   Even bona fide adverts from the likes of Boots and the big supermarkets are made nauseous by mealy-mouthed assurances of “safe” shopping.  The only kind of safe shopping I long for is shopping safe from constant reminders of The Virus: shopping unmasked and convivially mingling; the chance to browse unimpeded in bookshops, and linger socially-undistanced over cups of coffee in a crowded café.

Why this campaign of terror, you have to ask?  Why, in the midst of a genuine pandemic, would anyone need to be reminded unceasingly that death is dogging their footsteps?  That at any moment The Virus, wafted abroad by some super-spreader passed fleetingly in the street, might  be insinuating itself into one’s body – or, worse, that we ourselves, infected but unaffected, might be silently contaminating a loved-one? 

The short answer is, they wouldn’t. In a genuine pandemic, this constant mental battering would be superfluous.   If the Black Death were raging outside my door, government would know full well that they didn’t have to fork out millions to convince me to stay inside;  more likely, they would have to pay me to leave the house. 

Yet this government has bought the mass media lock, stock and barrel, at vast expense, with the sole purpose, it seems, of hammering home a message of impending doom.  Instead of calming our fears with facts and rational arguments, they have seen fit to flood the airwaves with slogans calculated to maintain panic; with disingenuous appeals to the emotions; with out-of-context death counts, wilful obfuscation of the difference between cases and infections, a criminally dodgy PCR test and graphs and computer models (rubbish in, rubbish out) carefully selected to emphasise the worst possible eventualities.

And not content to cow us into submission with a constant diet of skewed and incomplete information, they have unleashed the army’s 77 Brigade to troll social media exchanges and snuff out any lingering dissent  –  or, as the government prefer to call it, “misinformation“.  The aim can only be to induce maximum public terror in the face of a virus which, without all this deceptive ballyhoo, would hardly have been noticed by the population at large.

Why are they doing this ?  Surely, by now, they must be aware that increasing numbers of highly esteemed and experienced scientists contest policies which are killing vastly more people than they are saving, and which will go on killing well into the future! 

True, non-scientists could get lost in all the reams of conflicting information churned out since we were first put on terror alert back in February and March, but one question is both fundamental and easily answered:  are excess mortality figures for this year significantly above average?  Only a huge and sustained divergence from the norm would indicate the presence of a new disease deadly enough to justify the extraordinary measures the government have taken.  

The Euromomo charts for the UK show no such anomaly. In Northern Ireland there has never been any substantial increase in deaths overall.  In Wales, too, mortality has hardly diverged from the normal range.  Scotland had a well-above-average peak in the spring, but since then has remained almost entirely within the bounds of normality.  Even populous England, despite a death rate which soared sharply to a great height in March before falling equally sharply back by the middle of June, has spent most of the year chugging along below the “substantial increase” line, with the usual increase as winter approaches.  A further chart at Covid-19 in Proportion? shows that

Levels of mortality in 2019/2020 are very similar to those suffered in 1999/2000

Definitely not the Black Death, then, nor even the 1918 influenza. In fact, one of the world’s premier epidemiologists, John Ioannidis, has long been assuring us that the infection fatality rate of Covid-19 is comparable with that of a bad flu. His early estimate, in March, of a case fatality rate in the general population of between 0.05% and 1.0%, as indicated by the outbreak on the cruise ship Diamond Princess  –  a conclusion for which the eminent professor was, hilariously, censored by the non-scientists at YouTube.  

Yet now we are being told that only mass vaccination against this fairly run-of-the-mill virus will allow us to return to any semblance of normal life.   By special dispensation, millions of doses of insufficiently tested vaccine are already in the pipeline, with a guarantee of no come-back for Big Pharma or for doctors turning a blind eye to the precept “First to do no harm”, should those treated be hit with damaging repercussions on their health or, indeed, on life itself.  

We are told that we should all accept the suspect panacea regardless, in order to beat “this dreadful virus”: it’s quite safe  –   honest, you’ve got my word for it, says Matt Hancock. Yet, side-effects apart, there is no assurance that the Pfizer vaccine, received with jubilation on 8th December by its first grateful recipient, will be effective in preventing either the disease or its transmission: and even if it does turn out to offer initial protection, this may last for as little as three months, so presumably regular repeat injections will be required.

What?  Repeat injections!  Are the young and healthy facing a lifetime of booster shots against a disease that is dangerous almost exclusively to the old and sick ?  And if this isn’t crazy enough, we are being told that, even while being turned into human pin-cushions, we will probably need to go on wearing masks and holding our friends and family at arm’s length well into the future: a future, it is hinted, of health passports and routine mass surveillance, if we wish to travel on public transport or generally engage in life beyond our doorstep. 

This, it seems, will be the New Normal  –  but not to worry!  After all, you’re already masking up automatically when you leave the house, aren’t you, and following the one-way footsteps on the pavement as a matter of course?  And if it becomes too much of a nuisance to carry your proof of vaccination around with you, well, we should soon be able to offer you the trouble-free alternative of an implanted microchip, to cover all eventualities: health; finance; your social credit score  …

Sometimes I think it would be better to be one of the masked zombies.  Trusting, obedient, they live in a world which, though threatening, they understand and accept.  It is real to them.  They know, unquestioningly, that a dreadful plague has been visited upon us, a plague which threatens to wipe out the species: and they know that if they wear their masks faithfully, wash their hands a thousand times a day and steer clear of other human beings, they will be doing their bit to save the nation, and, eventually, be granted the supreme unction of a vaccine; after which, they believe, everything will go back to normal  –  perhaps with a few more bicycle lanes and wind farms, and somewhat fewer jobs  –  but hey!  –  what will that matter, when the nice, compassionate government is promising us all a Universal Basic Income?

For the rest of us, it’s not so simple.  The rest of us must live in a world where our own perceptions are remorselessly challenged by the prevailing lie.  Guided by rational thought processes and the evidence, we know that we are at no more risk from Covid-19 this year than we were in previous years from one of the more aggressive strains of influenza, but as soon as we venture into the outside world, everything contradicts our inner reality: and though we may not participate actively in the maskerade, we are condemned to a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance, compelled to acquiesce silently in the grand illusion being played out all around us, under the direction of the government. 

And to what end ?

If it were ever possible to put the enormities which have taken place since last March down to mere blundering, it certainly is not now.  The argument that the government has simply blundered, and is now trying to save face by digging itself in deeper does not wash.   Nor does the line about saving the NHS.  The NHS has regularly survived winter flu seasons which saw beds lined up in corridors and staff rushed off their feet.

Besides, the Nightingale hospitals were quickly whisked into existence: and if the amount of money poured by the government into fear porn and the purchase of dud PCR tests and hastily concocted vaccines had been diverted into more beds, plus better pay for nurses and other non-administrative staff,  the lesson might at last have been learned, and future winters made less chaotic.

It was obvious from the start to anyone with a basic education who bothered to check the facts that closing down the economy would be more damaging to life and limb than any virus.  Why was this not also obvious to a prime minister with a PPE degree from Oxford, who is surrounded by whole cohorts of colleagues and advisers armed with equally prestigious qualifications?  

Even granting an initial surge of panic when faced with hysterical predictions from the Imperial College fortune-telling team, it would have been possible to withdraw in fairly good order after the first lockdown, when many scientists were already saying that the danger had been exaggerated, that the virus was now endemic, and widespread natural immunity was in sight. 

Why didn’t our government seize the opportunity, in June, to give themselves a pat on the back, announce that the lockdown had worked, and ease us all back into rationality via an interval of sensible voluntary precautions, as practised in Sweden

Given a modification of the propaganda, the country would have believed them.  When adroitly handled by the Behavioural Insights Team the country, it appears, will believe anything. 

Why, then, insist on sticking to the advice of SAGE, and continuing to give credence to the serially failed speculations of Neil Ferguson, rather than attending to the more balanced suggestions offered by Carl Heneghan and Sunetra Gupta?

Instead, the government chose to fan the flames of fear with an intensification of propaganda and orders to mask up, extending the reign of unjustified terror into the autumn, when the annual onset of respiratory diseases began to fill up hospital beds, and allowed the death counts and lockdowns to resume.  One by one, those small businesses which survived the first onslaught are giving up the ghost, and it seems that our rulers will not rest content until every last man, woman and child in Britain has been thrown into the linked arms of corporate and state dependency.

What price conspiracy “theories” now ?  What we are dealing with are facts.   

As countries throughout the world commit consensual suicide to a rousing chorus of “Build Back Better!”, what makes more sense?  To shake the head in puzzlement, that so many nations, with one accord, should not only have made exactly the same mistakes earlier this year, but are now insisting, in unison, on entrenching the evils that have been unleashed ? 

Or to contemplate the possibility that a network of powerful supranational agencies – banks, corporations, NGOs  –   have for some time been collaborating to direct the course of world events through placemen and beneficiaries in local and national governments and their attendant bureaucracies, and that “the novel coronavirus” is being used to achieve the final push into an era of artfully camouflaged “global governance”: an era where policies devised by centralised, unelected committees are handed down to elected heads of state in the shells of what were once independent nations, and passed on by them to regional mayors and administrators for implementation and enforcement.

I caught the Asian flu in 1957.  So did my mother: the only time I ever knew her to take a couple of days off work.  The infection swept through the country, and tens of thousands died.  In 1968 the Hong Kong flu passed me by, but once again the death toll was in the tens of thousands. 

On neither occasion was it considered necessary to destroy millions of lives and livelihoods by closing the country down, nor was any attempt made to terrorise its inhabitants.  Covid-19 is no more lethal than either of those previous infections  –  less so, unless you actually believe that all those currently described as dying “with Covid”, or dying within 28 days of testing positive, actually died from Covid.  Never before have such destructive policies been inflicted on the nation in a futile attempt to wipe out a virus.  Never before, outside war time, has the population of the UK been subjected to such outrageous assault and battery by a government propaganda machine.

Draw what conclusion you will.  I’m off to feed the ducks.  They don’t do anti-social distancing, and they don’t wear masks.

Gillian Dymond, Whitley Bay.


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David Weatherby
David Weatherby
Jan 11, 2021 11:01 PM

What a wonderful surprise to come across this! Have missed your voice since 1960 but how refreshing to hear it again. Please write LOTS more!

Dec 30, 2020 4:47 PM

This is orchestrated from above, from the darkness hiding in the shadows – as Charles Walker bravely put it. Watch Johnson and Hancock as they read the script to us waiting masses, and see the look on their faces as they stumble over the words. It’s the first time they’ve read them! See also the Austrialian minister captured on video saying: “I don’t know why they give me all these papers, I don’t use them. I just read out what they write for me!”
The great reset – the world economic forum – klaus schwab. No capitals for a reason.
Search the internet for their megalomaniacal grand scheme, couched in airy fairy “fairness” language, but the mask slips often. They are psychopaths, intent on destroying the world.
ks:”Now we have to think how to structure, how to design, the post corona era. And here, of course, the word reset comes to my mind because one thing is clear, we cannot come back to the old normal. The first (change) is to make the world more resilient because we definitely will have to face other surprises, black swans, as they are called, maybe different kinds of viruses.”
A Special Edition of Path Forward with Bill and Melinda… — disq.us (6:50)
bg: “We have to prepare for the next one. That will get attention this time“. (Smirks)
Bill Gates: We Could See Early Results From Coronavirus… — disq.us (3:35)
bg: “Most of the work we’re going to do to be ready for pandemic 2. I call this pandemic 1
God knows why, as the puppet masters have hidden in the shadows for decades, probably centuries. They have had successions of willing but unwitting slaves like us, willing to toil from cradle to grave, and make them very rich. That isn’t enough for them now. They want to demean us, to reduce population numbers, and ultimately to make us aware that we are slaves. Don’t ask why as that usually, eventually, ends in rebellion.
People are waking up. Laura’s article, Rob Slane’s, being some of many. Some see just one part of the beast and think it’s something else, something not as concerted and evil. That’s okay, as long as we slowly cut those visible parts off, then the head will eventually die too. But you have to believe there is a problem first.
A lot are still swallowing the invisible enemy story. Death numbers wheeled out for the first time in our history. The numbers seem shocking. Until a little bit of research, using the ONS figures, shows that those are comparable numbers with every other year. 620,000 deaths per year, approximately. Roughly 1,700 per day. They haven’t chosen to frighten us en masse with those numbers before.
When the death figures go down, they then invent new numbers to frighten us with. The r number is the most ridiculous. It’s okay if it’s 0.9 but if it goes up by 0.1 then be afraid, be very afraid. It’s like the Elmore Leonard story where someone robs a bank with a note saying they have a gun. The words on the page get the job done, without the actual weapon being needed.
When the deaths go down they have to frighten us with “case” numbers then. What they mean are postive PCR tests, which are ramped up so high they will always find some trace of some virus which they will call a covid “case”. As the doctors I’ve listened to know, a case is someone who is ill. These positive tests are usually of people with no symptoms at all, queueing up outside leisure centres out of fear and curiosity. Not ill at all. But now another number to terrify us with.
You have to use those numbers against them. Yesterday’s Big Brother Corporation (BBC) numbers – https://www.bbc.com/news/uk…. Deaths 71,109, cases 2,329,730. Big numbers. But what do they tell us? 71,109 sad deaths, yes. Most of those deaths, of people who were over 80, most with other conditions, most already dying of other terminal illnesses.
It also gives us 2,258,621 survivors of covid. A 97% survival rate. But that discounts all the population who got covid and weren’t tested, and whose immune systems dealt with it and they survived. 66 million. So the actual current death rate, today, is 71,109/66,000000 x 100 – 0.1%. Pretty small, and that’s supposing all the deaths were of covid alone, that covid killed people who were otherwise fit and healthy and wouldn’t have died for years. We know that’s not true.
People are, mostly, not stupid. We are easy to frighten, yes, and we want to believe our government has our best interests at heart. People are questioning that now.

Giampiero Chiaselotti
Giampiero Chiaselotti
Dec 26, 2020 4:08 AM

Great 💪💪💪💪💪💪

William Colwell
William Colwell
Dec 22, 2020 12:15 AM

Good to see independent thinkers that REALLY search for truth & balance in the info given & opinions out. Here in Texas, we have some Covidiots, but defiance is in our DNA & especially defiance to mindless drones & their puppet masters making claims that they cannot fully & demonstrably support! We all went along with the initial hooplah of 3-4 weeks of shutdowns, yet when they started the tired-old “moving the goalposts” we said “ENOUGH”! Like most folks around the world, we also saw the videos of mostly empty hospitals, heard/read the reports of the “deaths from Covid 19” that were totally bogus, like people dying from Covid that really died in motorcycle crashes. When our governor floated the idea of another “shutdown”, he backed off real quick when massive public outcry said “NO”! I applaud the writer of this article & want her/you to know that you don’t stand alone! Take reasonable precautions, YES, but life goes on & only with personal Liberty is it worth living! Here’s a link to an article you might also find interesting. God bless.
“Now I care far more how humanity lives than how long. Progress, for me, means increasing goodness and happiness of individual lives. For the species, as for each man, mere longevity seems to me a contemptible ideal.” C S Lewis

Dec 21, 2020 1:31 PM

I have been waiting for someone, anyone, to ask WHY.
Here in the US, where my great grandfather Moriarity immigrated from Ireland to work on the Erie Canal, I have also looked at the results so far.

We now have a million less women in the work force because they are taking care of the LD and MR children formerly participating in the social structure of bus ride, coats off, breakfast, drawing, hand washing, lunch, nap, story time, structured play, bathroom, coats on, bus ride home; 15% of NYC students receive special education.
Our neighborhood businesses have been crushed to promote on-line buying.
Our antiquated housing fails to provide safe electricity for the computer students who are going to be the only students educated.
The electrical car future has been delayed to demonstrate the multiple dangers of the 10% efficient gasoline combustion engine that requires a significant ‘climate tax’ to allow the masked public to breath safely.
We have closeted ourselves as Europe expects to provide now-legal marijuana, China is at the gate with a city-designed box electric car, our military is wandering aimlessly looking for ocean frontage to showcase our aging WWII ships, while our myriad homeless roam the concrete as to be invisible.

Why do we have this crisis?

Because we have gone down the yellow brick road of capitalism, passed the no-return of ‘personhood’ for corporations, exempted businesses from taxes supporting the community,
specialized in fraudulent claims of GDP success when the truth being divorces and second marriages and second families underlie the actual GDP of services, not goods.

Congress is an unrecognizable monster of greed and corruption, resembling nothing at all of the Congress our forefathers advocated being state elected officials traveling to Washington for the nation’s business then back home and to work where the people see and hear and acknowledge their value.

Dec 21, 2020 4:12 AM

Nice to see a like mind. I’m very weary of being called names by Karens (usually other “men”) in Home Depot for not wearing a useless symbol of compliance. The mask seems very like the mark of the Beast lately. Prepping us, I wager.

Barnacle Bill
Barnacle Bill
Dec 21, 2020 6:35 AM
Reply to  Bullfrog

I have a better insanity. As I drive into work and pass security, have my temperature scanned with an infrared sensor aimed between my eyes, I am required to have my mask on. In my car, alone! I am droned, incessantly at frequent intervals, that I must wear my mask at at all times. Failure to do so results in a $100 fine for first offense! Three “offenses” result in banishment from the property, tantamount to firing!

Paul Velte
Paul Velte
Dec 21, 2020 3:58 AM

Amazing how ducks don’t need vaccines either.

W. Smith
W. Smith
Dec 20, 2020 6:17 PM

I feel like I took some acid back in March, and haven’t come down yet….

Nonya Bissness
Nonya Bissness
Dec 21, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  W. Smith

Some people have been trippin for a lot longer than that.

Dec 20, 2020 2:25 PM

I’ve noticed that the nice, comfortable adverts about sofas, holidays abroad and parquet for your floors have NOT stopped…
Frankly, I’d like to see us go back to 1956, before adverts were even shown on British TV, back to that time when people paid attention to the news, and if it wasn’t factual, or supported by common sense, people noticed…

The owners of our media knew what they were doing when they persuaded countless housewives that “hands that do dishes can be soft as your face, if you buy our product”…

With all due respect to those who are born with low IQs, the act of willingly submitting to having your intelligence lowered is one of the worst crimes of which mankind is capable.

Dec 19, 2020 6:58 PM

Thank you Gillian, that is an exemplary account of the situation we are in, well done for setting it out so comprehensively. Laura Perrins and James Delingpole have a combined ‘rant’ about the same subject on The conservative woman website: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-latest-james-and-laura-show/
and your entry on Off-guardian was recommended by James.

We are not alone. In fact, we number very many. People are gathering more knowledge by the day.

Dec 19, 2020 9:05 AM

Thanks Gilian, this is EXACTLY how I feel: like outside is a parallel universe, populated mostly by “others”, a place where I have become an outlier. I live in France adjacent to both the Swiss and German borders and most days am in all 3 countries, where the rules have changed more times than I can remember during the year (esp crossing borders). During the first lock-down they closed access to the Rhine behind my house where I walk my dogs, under threat of €140 fine. I went anyway but the area was regularly patrolled by the Brigade Vert, or forest police. On more than one occasion I had to hide in the bushes trying to keep my dogs quiet while the patrol passed, and it reminded me of Winston Smith’s forays into the countryside. Of course, we also needed a form to leave the house, stating date and time of leaving, name, address and for which reason we were leaving the house. If leaving for exercise you were not permitted more than one hour or to be more than 1km from your home. I didn’t bother with the form during the 2nd lockdown and also didn’t hide any more. Inevitably I was stopped by the gendarmes who barked “Attestation” at me (reminiscent of the Nazis ordering people to show their “papers”) but in my best Australian English I told them I didn’t know what they were talking about, and after a few minutes they took a drag on the Gauloise and drove off. The mask is EVERYWHERE, but like you, I don’t wear it anywhere. The only exception I make is the local supermarket E.Leclerc where I purchase food for my family, and in this place every single person has a mask on. But even there….once I’m past the disinfectant-dispensing security goons at the front, I take the mask off. Of course it’s only a matter of time until I get a tap on the shoulder, and I’m always curious whether it will be security, staff or most interesting of all, another shopper. And sure enough, after ~10 minutes I get a tap. I take a deep breath, exhale, turn around and find it’s another shopper, a middle-aged woman. She says “excuse me monsieur, I noticed you’re not wearing a mask”. I replied “yes, that’s right madame, I don’t wear a mask because I’m not sick”. She then completely surprised me by saying “I just wanted to say thank-you. I don’t have the courage to not wear the mask, but seeing you…..gives me strength and hope for the future”. Totally made my day. The speed with which this propaganda campaign has captured the vast majority, and as other observers have noted, that some seem even to enjoy it, is mind-bending. If a year ago you had described what we are living through now as a vision of the future it would have been ridiculed as fiction or fantasy. But living through it we are…..the question is, for how long? Thanks for you piece, and to read the comments, nice to know I’m not alone.

Dec 19, 2020 9:31 AM
Reply to  Jonas

ps. and you are absolutely right with your Black Death observation! If there was a real pandemic we would all be holed up in our homes because it would be the obvious and sensible thing to do. Here’s a link to a TDV video, at 26:25 there’s a lovely Irish woman (aaah…that accent is irresistable) with the same thought: https://dollarvigilante.tv/videos/watch/03f5d321-f7b8-4caf-ab8f-b40cae0abdf6

Barry green
Barry green
Dec 19, 2020 11:29 PM
Reply to  Jonas

I feel so alone and felt comfort in reading your views which entirely mirror mine. I was going to retire this year to spend more time in France but ended up having just 7 days in Pas De Canada before having to evacuate under the threat of quarantine. Such a shame to see the French roll over so obediently. What has happened to them. Do they believe this propaganda.

Dec 20, 2020 11:02 AM
Reply to  Barry green

Hi Barry, thanks. It’s easy to feel alone in this situation, continually surrounded by “others” who have swallowed the lie, hook line and sinker. Only yesterday when I was in the boulangerie sans mask, I was shot the most filthy of looks by a masked middled aged man (around my age I guess) presumably because I wasn’t wearing one, and it’s not the first time that happened. And in most cases there’s no convincing or persuading these people. Mark Twain’s quote “It’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled” has never been so apt.

I often find myself contemplating why there are so many of them and what happened to them that they can’t see through the lies and propaganda. My theory is a combination of government schooling and conditioning i.e. their bedrock belief that the government is there to protect them, government knows best and would never lie etc, and of course cognitive dissonance. To even counter the thought, let alone really believe, that the government (and all the other associated organisations) are lying to and manipulating them would cause such psychological disturbance that it can’t even be considered. Just obey, right!

As for the French (and to a large extent the Swiss and the Germans), I would say the majority believe there is a pandemic and furthermore accept and follow the devastating policy without much question or challenge. It’s utterly confounding and depressing, but I find some solace in the fact that I’m not like them. There are of course exceptions and we are by far not the only dissenters. A notable recent example were the people peaceably protesting the proposed Infection Protection Act – a thoroughly nasty piece of legislation recently passed in Berlin. The protestors were indiscriminately hosed down with water cannon and gassed in the streets, like sewer rats. But much of that footage you won’t find online as it, you know, violates community standards..

Just yesterday, my son was supposed to have a friend over but his parents said no because their son knew someone who knew someone who might have had Corona. I asked my wife to call them, tell them to stop living in fear and send their boy over, that there was nothing to worry about etc. They had a discussion and eventually the boy came. There are other kids in our village who are not allowed out at all, because you know, Corona. It’s desperate. I push my kids out of the house as often as possible and don’t let them wear the mask. However, watching them fall victim to whatever relentless propaganda they’re being drip-fed at school (and they see reinforced in the community at large), and to some extent unable to do anything about it is infuriating. If they come to the supermarket with me they want to wear the mask (to conform), and actually don’t even want to come with me because they’re embarrassed that I don’t wear one…and I even had my smallest one say “Daddy, please wear a mask”, I was reminded of Orwell’s child spies in 1984 who monitor and snitch on their parents to the government, I was nearly in tears.

Dec 17, 2020 11:24 PM

This has been a pre-emptive strike by the EU/US establishment controlled by the big pharma against the Trump adminisstration:

  • If Trump (an outsider) stays for 4 more years, the HIV/Ebola/SARS1 scandals would eventually break. All criminals will be charged (Fauci, UN, WHO…)
  • There has been no excessive deaths outside Hubei province in China: the SARS2 virus has been circulating all over the world as early as September, 2019. 200 million Chinese travelled during the spring festival in/outside China before the January 23 Wuhan lockdown. Death counts outside Wuhan? Taiwan (7), Shanghai (7), Hong Kong (112).
  • The excessive deaths in the EU countries (and Wuhan) is likely the outcome of bad autumn flu vaccination campaign among the 65+. Poorer countries could not afford it.
Dec 17, 2020 1:07 PM

Tiers, lies and propaganda. We are definitely being engineered towards a global government intent on controlling every aspect of our lives, the unnecessary use of fear and nudging by governments across the globe for a virus no more deadly than flu certainly seems to be going way over the top. Governments ignore scientists, doctors, epidemiologists and virologists and persist with their life destroying policies, many believe the hype and the fear and are grateful for the government and its actions. Some believe that government is merely trying to save face from a monumental mismanagement of the initial ‘crisis’ but how can that be when nation after nation is in perfect lockstep with each other, each spouting the ‘Build Back Better’ slogan?
You have to have spaghetti for brains to not see that there is a much bigger agenda and the only way to get people to go along with it is to make them as desperate and as scared as possible, I hear colleagues at work everyday talking and getting upset that they will have to wait for their turn to take the ‘magic bullet’ that is the vaccine in the belief that it will instantly resurrect any normality. Those people will have a shock coming when they take their jab and realise that nothing has changed, none of them question the ridiculous policies by government that allow you to mix with hundreds of people at work or in the supermarket but you can’t have more than two to three households round for a gathering. Or that the bread and circuses of professional sports and entertainment goes on unabated but you can’t go to your local theatre to watch an amateur dramatic production or a concert, somehow logic has left the majority of the people we know and taken the last train out of here.
When governments use fear, propaganda and group think to enforce rules that are draconian enough to be compared to East Germany after the war, then you know that we are entering a new phase of global governance and it is Communistic and Marxist in it’s approach, to rule with an iron fist and to convince people that safety is more important than living a life with any meaning or happiness.
“I do not fear death but instead a cage, to stay behind bars until use and old age accept them.”

Dec 16, 2020 11:13 PM

How refreshing to read these insightful articles on this site and feel that others are seeing the same and that I am not going totally nuts in a parallel universe! Personally, I believe the root cause is spiritual wickedness emanating from a wicked spiritual being who has gotten hold of human agents and that nothing less than a genuine turning to God, (which involves turning from all you know and believe to be wrong in His sight, make confession and restitution where possible, and asking for His forgiveness in the name of Jesus who carried the the punishment and penalty for the sin of humankind by his death). As when someone makes a Will, this only goes into effect after death, so with the death of Jesus. The Will of God is to restore us to himself and rescue us, but it could only become inheritable by the death of someone in our place, because God being just the penalty for sin is death and without the shedding of blood there could be no forgiveness of sin and no restoration. Being restored in this way not only affords us the protection of the Creator, so we are no longer at the mercy of malevolent spiritual beings under the direction of the devil, but it also affords us spiritual authority over evil when we submit to the authority of God in our lives. This country has a history of serious genocide (the killing of ten million unborn children, often without anaesthetic); I have heard NO-ONE address that issue. There are legalities in the spiritual realm: when you open the door to Spirits of Death and Murder, through unlawful practices in God’s eyes, then you remove yourself from the protection of Almighty God and give a legal opening for these same evil spirits to harrass and attack. This door can ONLY be closed through choosing life over death, renouncing this practice, and asking for forgiveness, otherwise we will be at the mercy of the law of sowing and reaping. What we sow, that we also reap – another spiritual law. If the government really wishes to tackle the so-called pandemic, then this issue is key and crucial. They have not responded to a call for NATIONAL PRAYER AND REPENTANCE. There are historical precedents for that: cases of plague whereupon a call for repentance from and confession of sin has gone out. When this has happened, then the plague was stopped, sometimes quite miraculously. There is a devil behind all this destruction and death using all the delaying tactics under the sun to destroy humans and delay his own judgement which will surely come. I have a hope that the Son of God (the Lord Jesus) will return at the darkest time, deal with wickedness in high places and restore justice and peace. Until then I hide myself in Him. God is still sovereign, has not abdicated and is not advertising a job vacancy. The devil is trying to ursurp all power for himself through his human and spiritual agents but will ultimately NOT succeed. The inbetween I cannot say but your best bet is to hide yourself in the Lord Jesus who has power over this devil. Of the devil He said that he is a liar, a deceiver, a robber and a thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Ultimately he will be overcome. There is hope. And Jesus is the rescuer from this Matrix of Horror. He will bring heaven on earth. That is why he is so key and so crucial to mankind. Read the Bible – it will give you the answers you need.

Dec 21, 2020 5:25 AM
Reply to  Chris

So well said!!! Thank you.

Nonya Bissness
Nonya Bissness
Dec 21, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  Chris

Marvelous content. All you need are paragraphs! Very glad you submitted those truths, though, Chris.

Jackson Wylie
Jackson Wylie
Dec 16, 2020 3:35 PM

Why is no one fighting this? The courts have failed, Parliament has failed, and protests have failed.  

I’m getting sick of reading people on website comments, writing stuff like ‘hold the government to account’ or ‘don’t let them get away with it’. 

How can we ‘hold the government to account’ or prevent them from ‘getting away with it’, when every single lawful, democratic avenue to express disagreement with the government has been completely ignored? 

Dec 16, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  Jackson Wylie

According to the WHO, ~2000 people commit suicide each day around the world.

While they may lack perseverance, they certainly don’t lack courage. So, imagine how fast things would change for the better if just 1% of them would do the world a favor and start taking at least one “enemy of humanity” with them on their way out. The higher the profile, the better, obviously.

Just as wars aren’t waged solely by the ruling class, neither is this pandemic. As we can see, it’s taking (tens of) thousands of “enemies of humanity” around the world to pull this scam off, so this is a target rich environment.

I can think of at least one profession at the center of this scam that, almost without exception, have shown themselves to be such cowardly sell-outs, they’d probably start resigning en masse as soon as they realized what was happening.

I’ve always been against the death penalty and “judge, jury, executioner” except for obvious enemies of humanity. I just didn’t realize how many there are, even though I’m rightly cynical about the human race as a whole.

For the record, I define an enemy of humanity as anyone who’s willful and/or malicious actions ruins** or ends the life of at least 100 people.

**ruins = permanent injury, financial devastation, false and/or excessive incarceration etc.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Dec 16, 2020 2:36 PM

Goodness, I love all you people here!
Nice bit of writing, as well, Ms. Dymond

john w
john w
Dec 16, 2020 12:11 AM

I think the government may have fallen into the trap of believing their own propaganda.

Dec 21, 2020 4:03 AM
Reply to  john w

No, they know these are lies. This is not a “mistake.”

Dec 15, 2020 10:04 PM

red patch with gold star…..I wonder

Dec 16, 2020 7:35 AM
Reply to  tish

Vietnamese flag. The artist is Vietnamese and it is probably a poster or a mural.

Dec 15, 2020 7:59 PM

I enjoyed reading this essay enormously. Your points and observations are expressed beautifully. Thank you.

Dec 15, 2020 2:27 PM

Coming soon to England; a run on the pound, bank closures, empty shelves and snow blizzards…..

Dec 15, 2020 1:02 PM

“And not content to cow us into submission with a constant diet of skewed and incomplete information, they have unleashed the army’s 77 Brigade to troll social media exchanges and snuff out any lingering dissent – or, as the government prefer to call it, “misinformation“.” Out of curiousity, How, Gillian, do you feel about up and down voting?

C Haley
C Haley
Dec 18, 2020 8:50 PM
Reply to  Arby

But it isn’t working! They are doing their damnedest, but most of us are well aware that these people are trolls, paid or unpaid, and it makes us really happy to provide them with information they appear not to have any notion of. Many are just downright rude, but all you need to do it provide them with up to date governmental information, and they just appear to go ‘P00F’ -not quite in a cloud of smoke, but they ARE gone! Those who hang on give me great fun as I always end up running rings around them. Stupidity appears to be their norm!

Dec 19, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  C Haley

Sounds right. Still, If I was running a website, I wouldn’t use up and down votes. That’s me.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 15, 2020 10:05 AM

Face Masks, Including N95 Masks: A“Gold Standard” of Protection? Or…

72 page PDF; free download (To add to your collection of documents/books on masks by Judy M. & Kent H., Vernon Coleman, and others.)

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 15, 2020 9:43 AM

The most unbearable thing is the lying. I came in late last night from a backshift (having been redeployed to do residential care) and my wife (who believes all the crap) was sitting there watching TV. On the screen were two dour suited figures standing at those ridiculous podiums announcing a “new variant” and I just burst out laughing. My wife looked at me as if I was crazy and asked why I was laughing. Instead of replying I just changed the subject knowing how futile it is to explain.

And so it goes. Surrounded by a media that lies and lies and does so with the most condescending quiet authoritative voice and hearing the most obvious psychological manipulation (“This is a truly horrific virus which is cutting a dreadful swathe everywhere. Look at this scary graph and this even scarier computer simulation of dark faecal vapour spreading over your head! Don’t go out or talk to anyone! But keep your chin up!” etc.) And to hear everyone around you regurgitate this outrageous rubbish and to know that it’s pointless to even raise doubt.   

Dec 15, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

First I want to make it clear that I don’t expect the reset agenda to be successful. In fact, I think it’s going to fail miserably. The globalists have reached too far too fast and exposed themselves, and millions upon millions of people around the world and in America are not buying the pandemic narrative.

Thank you, Mr. Smith.

Despite the herd of mutton that surrounds you…there are indeed millions of aware and decent people around the planet that get it. You are not alone, we are the empowered 5%, stronger than the psychopaths and sociopaths, the disgusting, Satanic filth like NAZI nutter Schwab, STASI “Erika” Merkill, Bozo, Creepy Joe’s Kamel, the banksters, presstitutes, most all political mutts, that the sheeple call their “leaders”, along with the rest of the foul Rothschild enablers.
The herd can be turned and will be turned again…that is the beauty of the balance built in to nature. Evolution has created a mass of ignorant human livestock with a purpose. 10% of the naked apes can more or less reason and act upon that reasoning for good or bad…the rest will be turned like sheep and always have been. Look at the history of pedovores running the catholic church and yet the peasants flock to these evil bastards on a Sunday to “commune” with God….god help us. Ask yourself the question; would you prefer to live in a world with 90 wolves and ten sheep, or a world with 90 sheep and 10 wolves? As for the evil Klaus “Schwab”, the geriatric bastard progeny of NAZI Germany… his NAZI spawners also hallucinated about their 1000 year Reich dystopia and if I recall…they and their anglozionazi backers may have slaughtered millions, but in the end we are still pissing on their NAZI graves.
Take the poll and please spread far and wide.

Dec 16, 2020 5:17 AM
Reply to  Malatok

I make round buttons the size of campaign buttons. They say things like END LOCKDOWN or IT’S A LIE or covid = flu.

I also pass out 2-sided flyers & I post them on trees. They give a few easily-remembered names of links as well as info.

Encourage other people by wearing these buttons, or passing our a few flyers to the most intelligent looking people.

When the PA system in a store starts talking about “keeping eveyone safe by maintaining social distancing”, I say loudly, “Stop the damn lying propaganda.” Mostly people smile.

Declare yourself by wearing a paper button or an entire file card with a message.
It encourages others.

Dec 17, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Where I live (Kent), you would get beaten up if you wore those buttons.

C Haley
C Haley
Dec 18, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Charles

So, Charles, where do you live in Kent? I live in Kent, and doubt very much that what you have written is true! People of Kent have more commonsense in their little finger than most of those in the rest of the south east!

Dec 21, 2020 4:14 AM
Reply to  Malatok

I’m with you on every point but the Catholic Faith. The Faith is not it’s corrupted leaders. That’s like saying law enforcement is evil because there are bad police. The Church has been infiltrated by its enemies for hundreds of years, as well as by corrupt men who just wanted her wealth and prestige. The essence of the Church is the teachings and the sacraments, and God has left a handful of faithful clergy to shepherd the sincere believers. He will cleanse the Church of these evil pedovores–yes, I know quite well they are there–when He delivers the rest of the world from such evil elites.

C Haley
C Haley
Dec 18, 2020 9:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We have to wonder then, why it is that the hcid gov uk page which downgraded see-9teen on 19 March 2020 to basically mild, have not amended their page to show it has (allegedly gone and altered itself) changed and is more … dangerous h’m?

Andy Mercer
Andy Mercer
Dec 15, 2020 9:36 AM

The strangest part for me is that rather too many people seem to take pleasure in it.

C Haley
C Haley
Dec 18, 2020 9:44 PM
Reply to  Andy Mercer

Don’t they just As if it is the latest Fad! Oh, it is! A bit like ‘Magic’ that became a ‘byword’ for every thing!

Dec 15, 2020 8:58 AM

I may have missed it, but was there a ‘spike’ in infections after the ‘SuperSaturday’ when the pubs opened again back in June(?) July(?) in UK?
I’m here in Chiangmai Thailand, deaths ~60, just had a few people from Burma testing +ve,
but bars etc still open. But (local) tourists from down South panicked / were panicked,
so tourism such as it was(!), gone again…
And more have and will die from poverty, suicide, etc as the economy goes South…

Dec 15, 2020 5:39 AM

Hi guys,

Been reading the articles here and found them to be well-written and honest. Further found the comment section to be a treasure trove of healthy discussion and smart rhetoric.

I came across this site, http://www.concen.org today. It is a p2p site where valuable information can be found. Some things include obscure information hidden from the public, uplifting information and documentaries, censored videos and books, etc..

I felt you might appreciate it and discover information helpful to you. Just sharing!

Dec 21, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Moose

Hi Moose, thanks for the link to concern. Having trouble accessing and there doesn’t seem to be a registration process, just name and password. Any help would be appreciated.

Dec 24, 2020 8:42 AM
Reply to  Peter

Hi Peter, there are no sign ups at the moment. You could just check out the torrents(a file distribution packet that links users who have/want the same file) and see what’s available from there, if p2p torrenting is familiar to you. A simple guide is

  1. Get qbittorent client (not utorrent)
  2. Find the torrents button at the top right.
  3. Observe the title, Uploaded, size, seeds and peers. The title and size is self-explanatory, the seeds represent the number of people that have the total file, and can therefore share it with you. More means faster downloads/more availability at different times. The peers means those who also want/have the file, but not all of the file.
  4. Once you see a torrent/file you like, click it at the title area.
  5. I will break down one torrent, Corbett Report – Future of Vaccines, to help outline some tips
  6. Uploaded recently, with 39 seeds and 4 peers. A healthy good network means popularity and very quick download.
  7. Torrent notes in the description area, Notice the description, and links to other content. The tags further help illustrate the file information.
  8. Next to the title at the top of the page, notice the options View,Content,flag,…Click content to notice what files are being downloaded. Videos/audios/texts are fine. If you see application, be careful if you don’t know what you are doing.
  9. When ready, go back to view and click on the link “The-Corbett-Report-The-Future-Of-Vaccines-720p-H264-AAC.torrent”, it will be below the size/seeds/peers area near the top.
  10. The torrent should open in your qbittorrent application now, and you can observe it downloading. Once 100% you can let it be there, if you like, as it shares the file with others who may want it. This is called seeding, and it helps others. Keep it there for as long as you like. Though take note if a lot is being uploaded, if you have data caps.
  11. That’s it! Enjoy the content.

Other notes –
I find the descriptions and links of the site to be useful. You may as well. At times, the file need not be downloaded, it is uploaded in alternate video hosting sites. The site is on concen for discoverability, amongst other things. I find this to be beneficial in the long run.

You can search for torrents as well, or click on the categories buttons, such as upload date/seed/peers, to sort them as well.

Excuse me if you are familiar to this territory, I like being thorough. If you have any other questions, I’m happy to help.

Dec 15, 2020 1:22 AM

well said, thank you for speaking out for all of us who feel exactly the same. The following question says it all;

In a genuine pandemic, this constant mental battering would be superfluous.  If the Black Death were raging outside my door, government would know full well that they didn’t have to fork out millions to convince me to stay inside; more likely, they would have to pay me to leave the house’. 

Susan MacKenzie
Susan MacKenzie
Dec 14, 2020 11:58 PM

An excellent description of the nightmare I am living through.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 14, 2020 11:35 PM

Does anyone understand how the spam filter works? How is it that I post a short paragraph, with no links or embedded media, and the filter catches it, but a few minutes later I post another short paragraph, and it appears immediately on the site? Does it operate aleatorically?

Dec 15, 2020 4:15 AM

Clear your browser cache before you write and submit a comment.

If you don’t know how just restarting your browser instead should solve the problem.

On this site, I’ve noticed that if I leave a page open for a long time and then submit a comment it goes into moderation.

Dec 14, 2020 10:28 PM

MSM hysteria surges. Lies continue aimed blatantly to coerce people into consenting for illegal medical experimentation, self mutilation with a bioagent having, by FDA and manufacturers disclaimer only EUA tentative investigational license not full prophylactic vaccine license, no proven efficacy, preventing no infection, preventing no virus spreading, with safety utterly untested on people and animals, with potentially short and long term harmful or crippling side effects.

Ugly lies from CNBC fake news factory.

  • The coronavirus has killed more than 300,000 people across the country as U.S. officials ship out the first of nearly 3 million doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine to distribution centers in all 50 states. [288,000 of those actually died of comorbidities not COVID according to CDC]
  • The U.S. has reported at least 16 million total coronavirus cases, the most in the world, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.[official flu infection numbers are about 50 millions In US for the season so officially flu is more infectious than “COVID”]
  • As the U.S. grapples with devastating death tolls and surges in hospitalizations, a historic inoculation effort is also underway.[coerced inoculations are onky historc because of their mass criminality, COVID labeled, diagnosed or known comorbidities free, death toll is actually near 18,000 far from devastating in fact it is normal with no excess mortality, detected surges of hospitalization are related to peaking of seasonal flu in December and January but they re not nearly close to full physical capacity. Many are near empty. ICU units are in some hospitals and regions near 90% of normal capacity while they are mandated to operate up to 150% of normal capacity or more in the current imposed state of medical emergency.]

Mass Herding sheeple into COVID slaughterhouse begins.

Dec 15, 2020 12:18 AM
Reply to  Kalen

I am seriously challenged to get a freaking image to show here. The idea is to show what is the real reason for the deaths – in this case the West coast. Which image hosting should I use?

Dec 15, 2020 4:19 AM
Reply to  Nottheonly1
Sandra Cardeiro
Sandra Cardeiro
Dec 15, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Correct! I am a US citizen, the number have not and are still NOT adding up. The flu has apparently “dissapeared” this year. Many, many cases (not reported from msm, mind you) of falsifying death certificates to reflect COVID. Hospitals that sat empty in the spring and summer are no more full now than any other year/ flu season… since that little flu bugger seems to have escaped somehow🤔
It is incredulous and ridiculous to me how many people are eating this fear porn as fact and now… dear lord, since the vaccine has been released, the SHAMING of people who are wise enough to refuse it (for as long as they can) has already begun😥😥

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 14, 2020 10:27 PM

So we’re going with the “new variant”:


“sharp, exponential rises in coronavirus infections across London, Kent, parts of Essex and Hertfordshire.” i.e. sharp exponential rises of Coke drinkers.

“We do not know the extent to which this is because of the new variant”

No it’s just the old PCR scam.

Prof Alan McNally proves his comedic skills: “Let’s not be hysterical. It doesn’t mean it’s more transmissible or more infectious or dangerous”.

Yes let’s not be hysterical!

“It is something to keep an eye on.”

I’m sure we won’t be allowed to take our eyes off it!

Now he takes a bit of a risk:

” this is normal virus evolution and we expect new variants to come and go and emerge over time.”

Normal virus evolution? Careful now!

Dr Jeremy Farrar (wasn’t that a spoof name from a Steve Martin film?) says it “was potentially serious”. Well I should hope so! Don’t let us down!

“The surveillance and research must continue and we must take the necessary steps to stay ahead of the virus.”

Yup it’s a new movie franchise sure enough!

“so far we’ve been given the “scare” but not the “answer”.”

And …um …who was it who gave us the scare?

This is beautiful!:

“So at the moment there are scary headlines everywhere, but still no scientific detail to know how significant this is.”

Oh Jeeezus! You can even give the whole game away in the smug knowledge we’ll take it anyway!

“it is premature to make any claims about the potential impacts of virus mutation.”
Premature because you don’t want to give the end away! Oh sorry – did I say “end”?

Comfrey Borage
Comfrey Borage
Dec 14, 2020 10:27 PM

I think it’s been a long, long time since any nation was independent. And why is a nation such a great thing anyway? It’s just a political fiction, with hierarchies, a tiny rich elite at the top, and a mass of poorer people and probably slaves.

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Dec 14, 2020 10:16 PM

„The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society
It is time for everyone to come out of this negative trance, this collective hysteria, because famine, poverty, massive unemployment will kill, mow down many more people than SARS-CoV-2!

By Dr. Pascal Sacré
Global Research, December 13, 2020
Introduction: using a technique to lock down society

All current propaganda on the COVID-19 pandemic is based on an assumption that is considered obvious, true and no longer questioned:

Positive RT-PCR test means being sick with COVID. This assumption is misleading.

Very few people, including doctors, understand how a PCR test works.

RT-PCR means Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction.-“


Dec 14, 2020 9:43 PM

As the writer suggests, every winter the NHS has a bed crisis, until it seems this year. While I’m at home, tv and radio aren’t an issue, however, my working life has been made an absolute misery by the local radio double whammy of Xmas and covid. The constant playing of the same ‘festive’ songs drives me to distraction, confirming that we must collectively enjoy this annual, unimaginative repeat show.
As if this wasn’t bad enough, every news bulletin is almost entirely full of a ‘crisis’ that if it weren’t for masks and propaganda, we wouldn’t really be aware of. The problem starts at the testing where home kits have produced positive results from dishwater, coca cola and much more. Many have been told they tested positive without ever being tested and despite this, the vast majority continue down the road of destruction, seemingly only slightly irritated.
Do they not realise that someone has to pay for the extended furlough and useless PPE, if indeed it was supplied in the first place? Have they not noticed the corrupt system that has given away £ billions to classily dressed and well spoken ‘Del and Rodney’s’?
At least some of the scams had a certain sophistication about them. 9/11 and 7/7 were well planned false flags. This ‘pandemic’ can be quickly discredited merely by looking at the ONS website.

Dec 15, 2020 3:48 PM

It will be paid for by nobody owning anything and being happy, thus reducing demand.

Dec 14, 2020 9:17 PM

Australia.Yeah ?

Dec 14, 2020 9:18 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

The new world yeah ?

Dec 14, 2020 8:45 PM

Good evening Gillian , wonderful article and accurate description of the local town. article has been shared with a number of fellow coasters ….all twixt Whitley bay and North Shields. I despair myself with the constant “nudging” by radio adverts… try tinterweb DAB…started using Swiss classic radio…no adverts.
Mike (also from Whitley bay)

Dec 14, 2020 8:42 PM

My kid has got two of these things (his are males and he says today I have bought one of these) so I did a bit of research from he said he had bought. It took me about an hour to go through all the options for about the same price. I asked him what have you bought?

He showed me, whilst getting his kids ready for bed. £150

I said I would have bought one of them too. We independently chose the same model. It should be here tomorrow. We can test it in our Green Wheelie bin. I think our’s might be British. My lad is more eco than that little girl Greta.

He does it for real, and I get invited sometimes. I have no idea who the people are on this video, but he seems impressed. He’s got 2 lovely girls – his wife and his daughter…living a different life.

Don’t knock it, if you haven’t tried it. There is a big wide world out there, though its nice to be home for winter.

“Testing our Cheap Electric Outboard for the First Time! | ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵”



Dec 14, 2020 8:20 PM

When I got up this morning and went on the paper we should not speak of the headline was they biggest spy had died.Who gives a flying monkeys nutsack.summink big on way.fuck them x

Dec 14, 2020 8:27 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

When I got up this morning and went on the paper”

I had a Labrador like you when i was a kid 🙂

Dec 14, 2020 9:08 PM
Reply to  JuraCaling

Like a superhero you reply.You are massive.

Dec 16, 2020 1:26 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi


Dec 14, 2020 7:53 PM

Can someone explain the science behind forcing museums to shut, while allowing shopping centres to remain open in Tier 3 lockdowns, please?

I’m sure there’s some rational evidence to support this decision.

NEW VARIANT” of buLLshit prehaps

Dec 14, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  mae

possibly you may learn something in a museum, be in awe in front of some masterpiece, of the mind that created it. Go back home read about him/her, and somehow this could lead you to learn about subversive ideas: great minds rarely hold on to status quo.
Anyhow it may be the beginning of a journey to think by yourself.
While consumerism will keep you subservient.

Dec 14, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  mae

Yes christmas shopping is more important than culture. Neoliberalism rules! Also the Rockefellers said: “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback”

Dec 16, 2020 1:30 AM
Reply to  mae

Perhaps the tomb of Nefertiti has unleashed the final curse onto mankind now she has been disturbed from her eternal slumber. Or people are too busy experiencing their culture from Google and fakebook posters 😉

my parents said know
my parents said know
Dec 16, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  mae

The real stuff is going to the bunkers. They need time to replace it with the copies.

Voxy Pop
Voxy Pop
Dec 14, 2020 7:17 PM

https://worldchangebrief.webnode.comElection Insurance For DECADES/ Both Sides Benefited – Must See Sidney Powell Update/ Big Break- WI Supreme Rules Ballots Invalid

Voxy Pop
Voxy Pop
Dec 14, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  Voxy Pop

Sorry bad link above and can’t erase so double post. Does Europe and the UK use voting machines? The voting fraud could easily be worldwide, we already know it is in Latin America as well.

Must See Sidney Powell Update- Election “Insurance”
For Decades, Both Sides Benefitted/
Big Break – WI Supreme Rules Ballots Cannot Count

Yvonne Trewick
Yvonne Trewick
Dec 14, 2020 7:16 PM

How lovely to read such a sane article. As a non mask wearer and lockdown sceptic I too have felt like I was living in some mad nightmare since March. The disgusting sight of the compliant masked zombies is so depressing and worrying I’m not sure what will stop our corrupt politicians from taking us into the great reset😔

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 14, 2020 7:03 PM

Oh dear I just heard there’s a new variant of the virus taking to the night sky on vast scaly wings, fangs bared and eager for blood. Reassuring noises from the official viral expert – as of yet. But stay tuned. Popcorn served in the break.

Dec 14, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

 ”vast scaly wings, fangs bared and eager for blood”

Sounds like Margaret Thatcher’s doing her Bat Out Of Hell comeback..

This virus changes it’s ID that many times it’s a wonder anyone has the time to contract anything from it…

So, now it’s a ‘new variant’ what about all those vaccines waiting to be put in us ? They already admitted it couldn’t cure or prevent Covid 19. So what about Covid 19 in it’s new hat and scarf with it’s fake moustache and sunglasses..

Dec 15, 2020 9:41 AM
Reply to  George Mc

So how do we collectively stop it. !?!?……. More dricel in the off g replies ….more left right debates……more expecta tuon of a superhero arricing to make it all safe again ? ?…….. The obly way it is going ro stop is Violence……are tou ready

Dec 14, 2020 6:59 PM

Great writing. Thanks

Dec 14, 2020 6:46 PM

In astonishing real news news, Canada’s National Post posts brief infovideo on YouTube, citing actual Covid numbers for Canada, age distribution, 94% of deaths were over-65s with comorbitity, young at virtually zero risk, etc etc.
We’ll see how long that stays up.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 14, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  Roberto

There is no corona virus disease deaths anywhere. Such particles are peoples own dna healing not any sort of “disease”. The body sends them to places that have damage to help fix things. It is the medical treatments killing people as if they are claiming these particles are to blame it is obviously not a natural death. They implicated themselves in trying to market a “vaccine”. The reason they claim “the virus” mutates is because different people have different dna and different healing processes occuring.

Dec 15, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

The ability of cells to morph, making them versatile, is called pleiomorphism. Try finding a plain English explanation for with a regular internet search. You won’t. I heard Andew Kaufman explain it though. He’s brilliant. I don’t exactly which talk or interview that was however. (I don’t think this is the same thing, but it pleiomorphism reminds me of something Michael Denton talked about in a video I saw. Red blood cells are too big to get everywhere that they’re needed – if they stay in their flattened concave shape. So they just chang shape and voila! That had me thinking, Then why would they have that flattened concave shape at all? Although I don’t know (which doesn’t mean that there’s no reason), Would that flat, concave shape not help the blood cells to fly around in the body better? That shape is like a sail. Take the sails away from a sailboat and it’s still a boat but it doesn’t get so far. (I know. Attach a motor. But you see my point.)

Since the covid 19 pandemic hoax, I’ve learned a lot about viruses… and doctors. Doctors will not tell you about actual existing cures and remedies if those aren’t pills or some conventional health care procedure. Half of them probably don’t even know about them. Why would they? The system corrals them lest they not only abandon it but harm it by setting an example and by talking to others about their discovery of ‘alternative’ medicine. I commented to my kidney doctor’s assistant that you’d think that they would have a medicine that would scour the plaque from your body. She said ‘You never know. Maybe they’re working on something’. Uh huh. Actually, God beat them to it. It’s called Pomegranate. For my kidneys? There’s hyrangea root and Chanca Piedra and other plants, but all that my GP EVER talked to me about in connection with my kidneys and blood pressure and anything were pills, with one exception. When I was constipated he recommded Senna (which worked fine). There’s tons of remedies for tons of ailments, but Rockefeller devotees don’t know about them or won’t talk about them.

Are those people going to tell me the truth about viruses?

Dec 14, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  Roberto

Gates has that weird little Chinese thing representing him in Canada, Theresa Tam. She’s an old friend of his and co conspirator on the WHO- the organisation set up to try and murder a few billion. Canada were the first to sign up for 9 at the time unknown vaccines. It wants to be America’s poodle.

Dec 14, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  JuraCaling

A lot of these ‘top doctor’ advisors at different levels of many governments seem to have a similar appearance. Even if they don’t they’re all giving the same advice with …
One Voice, in contrast to actual scientists, doctors, and epidemiologists who get banned, and have being trying to educate the masses since early this year.
On a different note, when the first inordinate responses to this event started about last February, my first thought was that it was to distract/cover up a financial event. The repo market had seized up since September ’19, banks wouldn’t lend to each other, and the Fed had to step in and inject up to 100 billion dollars a day for 6 months until we suddenly heard no more about it, because people were dropping like flies in the streets of Wuhan. Obviously they didn’t have much training because those falls look pretty dodgy.
Whatever it is, it ain’t whatever it’s supposed to be, and somehow has evolved into the Great Leap Forward, erm, sorry, The Great Reset, as imagined by the Son of Trotsky.
You will own nothing, and be happy. Or else.
Meanwhile, Il Duce is contemplating shutting down New York completely, presumably to get rid of any rich people that remain, because who needs taxes or business?

Dec 16, 2020 1:43 AM
Reply to  Roberto

The reason they speak with fork tongue but with one voice is because they use one script composed by one author representing one ( world) governance.
The timing of the release of the virus can be explained easily.

The brains behind it as usual can be traced to the US. I don’t care if they used China to buy the ingredients. Gates, Gallo and Fauci don’t even look Chinese. Shit bags.

No, the fact that Fauci and Gates began to up the ante in 2017 is significant.
In 2015 Gates completed his TED talk promoting genocide for a captive audience of robotic American backside kissers. he warned that we need to spend more on ‘preparedness’ for pandemics( he should know).

In 2017 we had just seen trump take the wheel in their nest. They used this to signify the arrival of a pandemic he ( and we) would not be ready for and it would arrive before his first term ended. It was due to end in 2020. Also in 2017 both instigated the lobbying of congress to first pass the right to re-introduce gain-of-function research( allowing man to ”help” viruses evolve more quickly with their intervention) and to also have it funded.

It had to arrive by 2020. If it hadn’t, the TED talk would have been worthless, Gates would be seen as a chancer trying to make more cash from research and Fauci would have been sharing the blame. So they got it moving in Dec 2019.

Obama was a rabid eugenicist who loved the idea of population control and even signed the ‘ Monsanto Bill’ as advised by the self-confessed eugenicist Science Csar John Holdren. He had gone on record and in print saying ending the lives of the unworthy and preventing them from breeding was the aim to pursue for America and the world.

Biden’s in now, And you will see the Barrack Obama shadow party all around him now we have Obama’s dream all around us. Where’s he been for four years ? Waiting in the wings to pull Joe’s strings is where.. That’s why they couldn’t allow Trump to win- even if he got more votes.

Dec 20, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Biden’s not in yet, and I don’t expect him to get in.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 18, 2020 7:15 PM
Reply to  Roberto

You also need to have the flu shot, if you want to really increase your chances of being a Covid death, whatever that actually is.

Laurent L
Laurent L
Jan 18, 2021 11:00 AM
Reply to  Roberto

Thanks Gillian for this glimmer of sanity before censorship kicks in.

You don’t need to be a conspiracist; it’s done in broad daylight! The genius of this plan is that you take ordinary statistics that nobody understood or bothered with before and use them to inspire fear and compliance as the vast majority of people have no reference framework to compare the numbers to. 1% of a country’s population dying seems massive to most (say, 600,000 deaths+ annually) and yet that is exactly what has happened every year this century. For Quebec, here are the official stats showing 92% of “Covid deaths” are over 70 and almost 75% over 80 (I use the term loosely as even the BBC quoted a 1200-odd UK deathtoll yesterday as “deaths occurring with 28 days of a positive test 🤔 ).

Anyone who has read The Shock Doctrine can’t help but draw some serious parallels with what has been done before; it’s virtually a blueprint (Donald Rumsfeld will be rubbing his hands with glee). And once you compare the methods used in other countries and the systematic refusal to countenance any proven preventative and/or early treatment that would massively reduce severe cases, even going as far as to ban HCQ and azithromycin (France) and imprison GPs who treat patients (Australia), you can’t help but conclude that there is a master plan in action.

Dec 14, 2020 6:42 PM

Here is a brief video of Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR process:


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 14, 2020 6:30 PM

The campaign of terror continues because the ueberbillionaires like Bill Gates are allowed to have endless influence on policy without personally paying for the carnage they cause.

Gates has been quoted as saying that ‘restaurants and bars should shut for 4-6 months’.

Fine, Billy Gates. You’re worth $100bn. You fund those livelihoods trashed by your psychopathic edict.

You don’t need the money. It’s only Covid purity that matters.

If Gates refuses to pay, the time has come to cut him out of all policy making whatever, ban him from being an investor in anything and to enforce house arrest on him for the next 24 months.

His private jet will be impounded because the parasitic billionaire uses too much carbon whilst being holier than thou about Green Mantras. The same if he bought a superyacht.

The same must be done to all the BBC journalists who have been egging this farce on for 9 months. Cut their salaries to £12,000 a year, the minimum wage. All of them. Tell them they cannot work for anyone else. Put them under house arrest if they challenge it in any way.

Dec 14, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Don’t worry he has a super yacht …it comes to spew garbage on the barrier reef every so often…I have actually seen the thing with my own eyes….these super yachts are floating mega mansions.

Dec 14, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Why he’s invited to talk on tv about medicine?
Why these bastards pay him so much attention?
He’s a fucking idiot… but he has the money.And people are greedy!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 14, 2020 5:55 PM

The Dr Yeadon article “The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic” contains sufficient reason to suspect a vast operation aimed at restructuring society under cover of a phoney plague. To be sure even Yeadon himself seems to hesitate before this inescapable conclusion. But there is no other way to account for the misapplied computer simulation, illegitimate coining of a terminology that is clearly designed to maximise fear (“waves”), application of unreliable PCR tests and then the redirection of these tests from competent NHS labs to unaccountable private ones.

Naturally the determined obtuseness of the Left would attribute all the above (that is, if they ever troubled to even investigate and acknowledge it) to incompetence and the “murderous irresponsibility” of the capitalist system. They would thereby make the grievous error of assuming that the authorities are genuinely trying to contain the situation. They would make the even more grievous – and indeed fatal – error of assuming that the virus truly is a society threatening matter. And that error, which completely negates any oppositional potency the Left has, was programmed into them by their gleeful expectation of “The Big One” I.e. the “inevitable” viral retribution just waiting to lay capitalism to waste.

Thus they have utterly misinterpreted the situation and in a spectacularly self-castrating way.

But what of the general public? The ones I have spoken to do not encourage me but then they are fellow workers who have been lucky enough to keep on working. The job takes up much of their time and also provides a social outlet which keeps them in a relatively healthy frame of mind. People who are busy and socially active tend not to query too much.

But then there are the others who have acres of time to brood over their apparent redundancy. Surely they will eventually start asking troublesome questions?

Dec 14, 2020 5:38 PM

The censorship on this site stinks.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 14, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Gott

“The censorship on this site stinks.”

“If it is censorship that one seeks try Counter Puff.”


Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 14, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Gott

What, the total lack of it, do you mean. Agreed! As a censorship hub, it’s a non-starter.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 14, 2020 8:55 PM
Reply to  Gott

But they let you post lies and rubbish viz above.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Dec 14, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  Gott

Damn’ right! The level of censorship on this site is abysmal; absolute zero; as a censoring outfit it’s a non-starter.

Dec 14, 2020 11:17 PM

Tony’s stream of consciousness rants are not censored at all.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Dec 15, 2020 3:47 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Unfortunately… even tho Admin have said numerous times now they would bin them or put him on Pre Mods.
You know he’s doing it deliberately, don’t you.

Dec 14, 2020 5:34 PM

In Greece reported cases and deaths are starting to dip. 62 deaths and 639 cases today. This is the second day in a row that it has been under 1,000 cases. For a while there it was averaging 100 deaths a day.
There has been a lockdown for over a month, although not as total as in the spring, and maybe this is finally starting to have an effect. More probably the dread contagion or flu or whatever it is has killed those it is able to kill and is running out of vulnerable people. As elsewhere the average age of the dead is high – earlier 80, now 79, they say. Life expectancy in Greece is probably a bit lower than in Western Europe.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 14, 2020 8:59 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Lockdowns cost lives. Read and remember.

Dec 14, 2020 11:11 PM

I am certain they do.

Dec 14, 2020 9:32 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

it should be noted that
a. the two official health state institutions give two completely different numbers of covid dead:eody counts 3472, while idika counts 1682 (both as of 11th of december). a discrepancy of 1970 dead people. they seem to be in a quantum state of existence. dead regarding to one state propagnada, or alive (or dead from other reason, such as old age,cancer etc), according to the other. a greek version of schroedinger’s cat.
b. in the new lockdown almost everybody works, but the measures are stricter than ever (night curfew which didnt exist in the first lockdown), the cops are out of control and the government behaves like a dictatorship. all public protests are officially banned, every protest in the last two months apart from an anti-covid demo from anarchists (1000 people surrounded by police), ended up in 10ths or 100ths or arrests, heavy fines, legal prosecution and lots of police brutality.
c. the fines for either not wearing mask or not following the obscure rites of going out from your home, are 300 euros. recently a blood donor had a fine returning from the hospital, despite the direct phone call from the doctors to the police chief, and a youg guy in volos had a fine of 3000 euro and 14 days prison sentence because he was giving a haircut to his friend outside of their house.
d. while there is the usual propaganda of a collapsing health system that needs protection, almost every year it used to be the same in public hospitals. people waiting semi naked in the corridors for days to be admitted for an operation and almost no old people to ICUs etc

Dec 14, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  eris

I know people affected by b.
What is the website of idika?I have only seen the “other” statistics. State authoritarianism in Greece – yes, I have seen it in action.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Dec 14, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Life expectancy in Greece is probably a bit lower than in Western Europe.

I would not have expected that to be the case, and it isn’t. It’s higher than in the UK.

The current life expectancy for Greece in 2020 is 82.31 years, a 0.2% increase from 2019. The life expectancy for Greece in 2019 was 82.14 years, a 0.2% increase from 2018.


The current life expectancy for U.K. in 2020 is 81.40 years, a 0.15% increase from 2019. The life expectancy for U.K. in 2019 was 81.27 years, a 0.15% increase from 2018. The life expectancy for U.K. in 2018 was 81.15 years, a 0.07% increase from 2017.

Source: http://www.macrotrends.net

UK’s is about the worst in Western Europe, with the exception of Denmark (80.7 in 2020).
Ireland does better, so it’s not just sunshine-induced vitamin D (as I might have thought, TBH).

Dec 15, 2020 1:32 AM

You surprise me as Greeks are poorer than West Europeans and the austerity has taken quite a toll here. They do get more vitamin D of course. Their hospitals are dreadful and I am inclined to take that statistic with a pinch of salt especially if it depends on Greek government reporting.

Dec 15, 2020 6:28 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

a big percentage of greek population has a direct link to an olive grove. and to freshly organically cultivated vegetables and fruits. the quality of food, is still much much better than in the uk. people are still cooking istead of microwaving plastic food, there are fresh food markets everywhere etc + there is ofcourse sun,sea and wild nature and mountains.
idika.gr you can see the (growing) discrepancy here:
greek hospitals are not exactly dreadful – they are overcrowded and impoverished, but still the best place to have an operation, as they have the best and more experienced doctors. and they accept -till the covid hysteria- everyone regardless of their insurance.

Dec 15, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  eris

Idika states that the other figures, with higher numbers of Covid deaths are the result of being funded by neo-liberalism, whereas Idika is not. I ran it through Yandex Translate to save time although I can read Greek to an extent. It seemed to hint the other figures are padded without quite saying so.

Dec 15, 2020 9:54 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Even with the padded figures there seems to be a downturn in cases and deaths, for whatever reason.

Dec 15, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

you got something wrong. both idika and eody are state institutions, the one (idika) is more directly connected with the doctors of εσυ, the greek nhs,while eody is more administrative.most probably your translation program was very bad.

Dec 14, 2020 5:33 PM

Its started putting people denouncing this system in psychiatric wards: yesterday Prof. Fourtillan who appeared in the French documentary Hold Up and
who had brought a lawsuit against the Institut Pasteur, and was supposed to appear in court, was yesterday forcibly locked up in a psychiatric hospital.
