The Covid-19 Data is a ‘Travesty’
How the UK and US Covid Death Data is Inflated
by Insight History
Although people have tragically died from Covid-19, the way the Covid-19 death data is recorded in many countries around the world has produced, and continues to produce, an inflated death toll. This inflated death toll has then been, and continues to be, used by fascist-style bureaucracies, in conjunction with scientific priesthoods, to terrify the general public into obedience.
Correlation Does Not Equal Causation
One of the most basic laws of statistics is that correlation does not equal causation. Although this may sound complicated, it’s not. It simply means that just because there is a correlation between two variables, or to put this another way, a close relationship between two things in the world, this does not mean that one thing is causing the other thing to happen.
A third factor may be causing the correlation that is observed for instance. As an example, there is usually a correlation in many countries between cold weather and people buying more goods in shops, or online, but this increase in buying is not caused by cold weather. Instead, it is caused by the Christmas period, when people spend more money, and it just happens to be the case that the weather is usually cold in December in many parts of the world that celebrate Christmas. So, even though there is a correlation between cold weather and increased buying patterns, cold weather does not cause increased buying patterns, but the Christmas period causes people to buy more goods.
Furthermore, the correlation that is observed between two things in the world may just be a product of random chance. This has led people to point to some funny correlations, such as the fact that there was a correlation between margarine consumption and divorce rates in the Maine between 2000 and 2009. There was also a correlation between per capita cheese consumption and the number of people who died by becoming tangled in their bedsheets, or the number of people who drowned by falling into a pool and films Nicholas Cage appeared in.
Once again, correlation does not equal causation.
Inflated Death Data
If we turn our attention back to the Covid death data, just because someone has tested positive for Covid-19 and died sometime after (even if we put aside for a second that some tests are known to give false positives), that does not mean that Covid-19 caused that person to die. Yet, the main figure certain countries around the world are using to express Covid-19 deaths is simply recorded, or coded, as essentially any death involving a positive Covid-19 test within 28 days of death.
Because correlation does not equal causation, simply recording Covid-19 deaths as any deaths involving a positive Covid-19 test within a given period of time is an extremely poor way to measure how many people have died. For instance, in the UK, the main figure being used for Covid-19 deaths is coded, as stated on the official Coronavirus website, as the…
number of deaths of people who had had a positive test result for COVID-19 and died within 28 days of the first positive test.
This completely ignores the problem of causality, and thus, produces a much larger death toll than there actually is.
For instance, if someone has had an underlying heart condition for 10 years, and has a heart complication and dies, their death was most likely mainly caused by the heart condition that has plagued them for a decade. However, if that person had tested positive for Covid-19 for the first time within 28 days of them dying, that person could be included as a Covid-19 death in the UK, if all is required to be categorized as a Covid-19 death is simply a positive test result.
For those who understand that the way you code deaths dramatically changes the number of deaths you get, the UK authorities kindly illustrate this for us. There is a second number recorded by UK authorities which codes deaths as…
people whose death certificate mentioned COVID-19 as one of the causes.
By coding deaths this way, there are thousands more Covid-19 deaths compared to when deaths are coded as…
people who had had a positive test result for COVID-19 and died within 28 days of the first positive test.
Despite the UK authorities having two ways to code Covid-19 deaths however, none of them are particularly accurate in my opinion. This is because the positive test figure does not deal with the issue of causality, and the death certificate figure only mentions Covid as needing to be “one of the causes” of death, rather than “the primary cause,” in addition to the death certificate figure not explicitly demanding the need for a positive Covid-19 test result.
US Death Data
If we turn our attention to the United States, we find similar issues with the Covid-19 data. One of the main figures the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reporting as the total number of provisional Covid deaths in the United States – which stands at 241,906 deaths at the time I am recording this audio – is presented as…
all deaths involving Covid-19.
If we dig a little deeper, this number is based on “deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1.” If we continue to dig, we can better understand how this number is calculated. The CDC’s website states that:
“The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) uses incoming data from death certificates to produce provisional COVID-19 death counts. These include deaths occurring within the 50 states and the District of Columbia… COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.”
There are many potential problems with coding Covid deaths this way. One problem is again this issue of Covid-19 being listed as “a cause of death,” as opposed to the primary cause of death. If we look at the technical notes, the CDC’s website provides more details:
“Coronavirus disease deaths are identified using the ICD–10 code U07.1. Deaths are coded to U07.1 when coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 are reported as a cause that contributed to death on the death certificate. These can include laboratory confirmed cases, as well as cases without laboratory confirmation. If the certifier suspects COVID-19 or determines it was likely (e.g., the circumstances were compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), they can report COVID-19 as “probable” or “presumed” on the death certificate (5, 6). COVID-19 is listed as the underlying cause on the death certificate in 92% of deaths (see Table 1).”
Even though this 92% of cases where Covid was listed as the underlying cause of death is more compelling, 8% of 241,906 is still a relatively large number, over 19,300 deaths. Furthermore, if we dig deeper still to understand how robust this data is, we find out from an April report by the NCHS, titled: Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19), which is still linked on the CDC’s website where it provides details on its data, that it is acceptable to “report COVID–19 on a death certificate without” the need for the patient to test positive for Covid-19:
“An accurate count of the number of deaths due to COVID–19 infection, which depends in part on proper death certification, is critical to ongoing public health surveillance and response. When a death is due to COVID–19, it is likely the UCOD and thus, it should be reported on the lowest line used in Part I of the death certificate. Ideally, testing for COVID–19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty” (p.2-p.3).
Even though I understand that this report was published in April, surely for a death to be recorded as being due to Covid-19, the patient actually has to test positive for Covid-19. In my opinion, there needs to be a more robust categorization of what constitutes a Covid-19 death, as the previous, and seemingly current ways of recording Covid-19 deaths are somewhat vague and imprecise, arguably producing an inflated death count.
From my perspective, the main figure countries should use to categorize Covid-19 deaths has to include (1) the need for the patient to test positive for Covid; and (2) the need for a medical professional to examine the patient and conclude that Covid-19 was the primary, or underlying, cause of death. This should be the main figure that officials and the media then quote, because the average person who hears what the latest death count is on a 2-minute news segment presumes that this figure actually expresses how many people have died of Covid-19 – not with Covid-19, not with suspected Covid-19, but actually of Covid-19.
Countries could have a secondary number of Covid-19 deaths where Covid is recorded as one of many factors in death, but the main death toll has to establish that the individual had Covid-19, and that Covid-19 was the primary, or underlying, cause of death.
From my interpretation, the way many countries have and continue to categorize Covid-19 deaths produces an inflated death count, giving a distorted impression of the scale of Covid-19. Many would argue that the authorities in various countries around the world are well aware of this issue, and are using statistics to generate fear.
Covid Data is a ‘Travesty’
To be clear, I am not a statistician, scientist, or medical doctor, although I did take a few classes in statistics and research methods as part of my degree in Politics at university. But don’t just take my word for it that the Covid-19 data is a mess in various ways. Jamie Jenkins, the former Head of Health Analysis at the Office for National Statistics, has called the Covid-19 data, in the context of Britain, a ‘travesty’ in various ways.
Additionally, it is important to note that the manipulation of statistics has been a key feature of tyrannical regimes down through history. In the Soviet Union for instance, the Stalinist government constantly suppressed or delayed the release of statistics that contradicted their agendas, and only released data that supported their initiatives.
Imprecise Tests
Today, history looks to be repeating itself once again. Governments around the world are selectively using statistics in a way that inflates the scale of the Covid pandemic. For instance, over the past month or two, there has been a clear shift in the emphasis that the government and the media are placing on the number of positive Covid-19 cases. Yet with this shift in emphasise, both parties have largely failed to contextualise why this was always going to be the case once mass testing began.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that even if the Covid-19 tests being used are 100% accurate, the more tests you conduct, the more positive cases you are going to find. If we take the UK for example, the number of virus tests being conducted has been increasing month-by-month since May of this year.
On the 1st of May for instance, just under one million virus tests had been conducted in the UK. On the 1st of December, over 40 million virus tests had been conducted. In November alone, approximately 9 million virus tests were conducted in UK. Therefore, it is no surprise that there were more positive cases in November than there were in May. The number of positive cases only becomes even 1% relevant if there has been a consistent number of tests being conducted over many months, as this gives officials a base to compare too.
Furthermore, what percentage of tests are producing false positives? How sensitive are these tests? What is the margin of error in these cases, as some tests are reportedly picking up fragments of dead viruses from infections months ago that are no longer a potential issue? There are questions over the validity of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test for instance, a popular test used.
Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test has said that “quantitative, PCR is an oxymoron.” As John Lauritsen, who quoted Mullis in a 1996 article on the use of PCR tests for HIV patients, wrote:
PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.
In the context of using the PCR for determining a Covid-19 infection, a spokesperson for Public Health England recently told Reuters that…
detecting viral material by PCR does not indicate that the virus is fully intact and infectious i.e. able to cause infection in other people.
Thus, it is important to ask whether many of these positive Covid test results are merely from some tests picking up fragments of dead viruses that no longer pose a risk of infection? Furthermore, it is important to establish what type of people are testing positive for Covid-19? In most cases, it is completely irrelevant if a young, healthy person, who is not obese, and who does not have any underlying health conditions, tests positive for Covid-19. This is because statistically, as I understand it as someone who is not a medical doctor, it is extremely unlikely that a young, healthy person will have a bad reaction to Covid-19, and they may not even know they were ever infected.
Pfizer Given Legal Protection for Covid Vaccine
Additionally, I would like to bring to your attention a recent story I read in relation to the Covid-19 vaccine. A report in the Independent newspaper states that the UK government has given Pfizer legal indemnity for its vaccine rollout, which protects the pharmaceutical giant from being sued by people who experience any potential issues with the new vaccine. NHS staff who will be administering the vaccine, are also protected.
Furthermore, it was reported that the Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed that the government would add the new coronavirus vaccine to the list of vaccinations covered by the Vaccine Damages Payments Act. As the Independent notes, this gives “a one-off £120,000 payment to people who are permanently disabled” or injured as a “result of a listed vaccination.” Needless to say, this is a worrying sign – I will link the full article in the description.
If we turn our attention back to the question of statistics, there are clearly major issues with the way the Covid-19 death tolls and positive cases are being calculated and measured. However, the notion that governments around the world that are behaving in a fascist-style manner are using statistics to seemingly control the population is nothing unsurprising to those who understand history. As George Orwell wrote in his book 1984, where he used historical truths and his own insights to predict how a global dictatorial regime of the future would operate, explained:
“Even the written instructions which Winston received, and which he invariably got rid of as soon as he had dealt with them, never stated or implied that an act of forgery was to be committed: always the reference was to slips, errors, misprints, or misquotations which it was necessary to put right in the interests of accuracy.
But actually, he thought as he re-adjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connection with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connection that is contained in a direct lie. Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version. A great deal of time you were expected to make them up out of your head”(Orwell, 2008: 43).
Curious Drop in Flu Deaths
There are many more issues with the Covid-19 data, including the fact that flu deaths in parts of October reportedly decreased in Britain and the United States compared to weekly and monthly five-year averages, which in part may be because these deaths have been included as Covid-19 deaths.
In the interest of time however, the main point to emphasize here is simply that there are lies, damn lies, and then there’s statistics.
Nathan Green (6 Jan. 2012) Correlation is not causation, The Guardian
James Fletcher (25 May, 2014) Spurious correlations: Margarine linked to divorce? BBC News Spurious correlations: Margarine linked to divorce? – BBC News
Tyler Vigen Spurious Correlations Spurious Correlations (
Rachel Schraer (5 Sep. 2020) Coronavirus: Tests ‘could be picking up dead virus,’ BBC News
Coronavirus in the UK Deaths | Coronavirus in the UK (
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (
Technical Notes, Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Technical Notes: Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (
National Center for Health Statistics. Guidance for certifying deaths due to COVID–19. Hyattsville, MD. 2020. Vital Statistics Reference Guidance Number 03, April, 2020 (
Jamie Jenkins (9 Jan. 2017) Understanding ONS statistics on patient deaths, Office of National Statistics [this is cited as confirmation of his position at the ONS] Understanding ONS statistics on patient deaths. | National Statistical
Jamie Jenkins interview with talkradio (6 Nov. 2020) Covid data ‘mistakes’ are ‘one of the biggest travesties’ of the pandemic Covid data ‘mistakes’ are ‘one of the biggest travesties’ of the pandemic – YouTube
BBC News (12 Aug. 2020) Coronavirus: England death count review reduces UK toll by 5,000 Coronavirus: England death count review reduces UK toll by 5,000 – BBC News
Bergson, A. (1953). Reliability and Usability of Soviet Statistics: A Summary Appraisal. The American Statistician, 7(3), 13-16.
Covid-19 Testing in the UK Daily summary | Coronavirus in the UK (
Rachel Schraer (5 Sep. 2020) Coronavirus: Tests ‘could be picking up dead virus,’ BBC News Coronavirus: Tests ‘could be picking up dead virus’ – BBC News
John Lauritsen, New York Native 9 Dec. 1996 HAS PROVINCETOWN BECOME PROTEASE TOWN? HIV & AIDS – Has Provincetown Become Protease Town? (
Reuters Staff (13 Nov. 2020) Fact check: Inventor of method used to test for COVID-19 didn’t say it can’t be used in virus detection (Reuters) Fact check: Inventor of method used to test for COVID-19 didn’t say it can’t be used in virus detection | Reuters
SOUMYA KARLAMANGLA (11 MARCH, 2020) What’s the risk of COVID-19 for a healthy young person? LA Times What’s the coronavirus risk for a healthy young person? – Los Angeles Times (
Shaun Lintern (02 Dec, 2020) Coronavirus vaccine: Pfizer given protection from legal action by UK government Coronavirus vaccine: Pfizer given protection from legal action by UK government | The Independent
George Orwell (2008) 1984 (London: Penguin) p.43.
Melanie Gray (24 Oct. 2020) Drop in flu deaths may indicate that most at risk died from COVID-19, New York Post Drop in flu deaths may indicate that most at risk died from COVID-19 (
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Hot mike fun, as one of Ontario’s ‘Top Doctors’ talking to the other ‘Top Doctor’ before the news conference says, while shuffling her papers:
“I just say whatever they write down for me”.
The site (and their commenters) tend to be somewhat strident, but Rebel actually do investigative journalism, and the hot mike can’t be denied. Or can it? If the story even makes it to the MSM (whose ‘reporters’ were present), it would probably be explained that the remarks were out of context. I don’t know if Rebel actually attended the news conference because they are very often forcibly removed by police or just not allowed to enter government NC, most especially the federal level ones. Maybe they sneaked in undercover, or perhaps some concerned citizen captured this and passed it on.
Every time I see the appellation ‘Top Doctor’ in the headlines, it’s a leading indicator that nonsense follows. These clowns are the ones who are suggesting (i.e. warning) that Freedom Passes may (i.e. will) need to be implemented unless you are vaccinated.
Of course, in various jurisdictions, already vaccination means nothing anyway ‘until mid-next-year’, as the Ministers of Silly Rules decree masking, antisocial distancing, and lockdown decrees remain in force.
Anyway, in the first couple of minutes:
Dear Off Guradian,
Please ignore the first four lines of my following post. They were an unnecessary repetition.My apologies .
Highly regarded economist and author Robert Brenner, in the May/June/20 issue of the New Left Review, published an astonishing article titled Plunder and Pandemic.
It discusses an aspect of the Covid-19 crisis seldom talked about. Brenner notes that on March 23/20—while we were hearing rumors of people dropping in the streets of Wuhan and corpses
Here’s some data of a different kind:
Highly regarded economist and author Robert Brenner, in an article in the May/June /20 issue of the New Left Review published an astonishing article titled “Plunder and Pandemic”.
It discusses an aspect of this crisis seldom talked about. Brenner notes that on March23/20–while we were hearing rumors of people dropping in the streets of Wuhan and corpses
piling up in Bergamo—the U.S Federal Reserve announced the CARES ACT (Corona Aid Relief and Economic Security).
For the first time since the 1930’s, the Fed announced , in response to the pandemic, it would lend directly to private corporations instead of through government sponsored lending agencies. The sum total of this financial “gift-giving” is a mind-bending $7.7 Trillion!
Some of the details in the CARES Act:
• $500 B for companies with 10,000 employees and annual revenues of $2.5B per year.
• $46 B for airlines
• Boeing received $17 B under the guise of “national security”—which I presume is military contracting.
• The Fed also announced an open -ended qualitative easing program for any equity holders from $454 B to $4.54 T — for “loans, loan guarantees, and other investments.” (There was a bi-partisan agreement that the oversight for this open-ended loan program would remain with the Fed instead of Congress.)
• There would be $174 B in tax credits for the rich.
Meanwhile there would also be:
• $300 B for cash payments to individuals and families.
• $260 B for extra unemployment insurance.
• $43 B for student loans.
According to Brenner this package amounts to “the equivalent of two and a half times the annual U.S corporate profits and 20% of annual GDP.” Which he claims has “no strings attached”. While it is tempting to blame Trump, who supported the deal, it is worth noting it received bi-partisan approval in Congress in a vote of 388 to 5!
Things not in the Act:
• Nothing for small businesses.
• Nothing for State’s budge, devastated by the downturn in the real economy
• Nothing for food stamps.
• Nothing for renters (Rent payment deferrals end in January 2021.)
Given that the pandemic hit the U.S.A.harder than anywhere else, and given its deplorable state of health care which exacerbated its Covid-19 death toll, one would have thought that some attention would be paid—particularly by Democrats—to the subject of Universal Single Payer Healthcare coverage. But there was not.
Instead, House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi focused on the supplementary HEROES ACT which provided an additional $3 B for “health care”—which went to support private for profit heath insurance companies! The COBRA ACT actually continued pay-check provisions for lobby-firms that oppose Universal Single Payer Health Care!
In theory the CARES ACT was supposed to tie direct loans to business with requirements to maintain jobs and to invest in the real economy But with the Fed offering up to ten times as much in open market loans in the form of qualitative easing , most companies went for the “no strings” option.
For example, immediately after the Fed’s announcement Boeing’s share offering—which had been at distressed levels only weeks before—rose by $ 25 B, and was over subscribed.
Brenner adds,
“Before the Fed’s 23 March declaration, it was unclear whether certain major corporations with weak balance sheets and/or cloudy prospects—among them: Boeing, Southwest, Hyatt Hotels—would be able to get loans on the bond market. But as soon as the Fed had announced its intentions, many of them immediately gained access to financing. Recent ‘fallen angels’ like Ford and Kraft Heinz, both of which had had bonds trading at distressed levels only weeks before, swiftly completed successful offerings. Boeing’s 30 April offering raised $25 Billion and was vastly over subscribed. Its success enabled Boeing to avoid having to to accept the loan offer by the CARES ACT corporate bail-out, which, as noted, would have come with fairly stringent conditions on retaining employees, as well as limitations on share buybacks and issuing dividends. Boeing did not fail to exploit its new advantage, immediately announcing that it would cut 16,000 jobs. GE aviation , another company that had been eligible for a loan under the CARES ACT corporate bail-out, was able to take the same route, floating a $6Billion loan on the open market and firing 13,000 employees shortly thereafter.”
Brenner notes that by being the lender of last resort the Fed was ensuring that corporations could “socialize their losses and privatize their potential gains.”
Even some firms in very robust financial condition—Oracle, Disney,Exxon, Apple, Coca-Cola, McDonalds—got in the feeding frenzy. According to Brenner,”Amazon locked in on some of the lowest borrowing costs ever secured in the U.S. corporate -bond market, raising $10B on a three-year bond at a rate of 0.4 per cent ,less than two-tenths of a percentage point above the rate investors charged to charged the U.S. government when it recently issued debt of a similar maturity.”
He concludes, “The upshot has been that the Fed, merely by virtue of its promises, was responsible for putting $7.1 of wealth in the hands of equity investors, at a time when the real economy would otherwise have brought about the opposite result.In roughly the same period, between 18 March and 4 June 2020, the wealth of U.S Billionaires increased by $565 B, reaching the level of $3.5 T. In total, up 19percent in the interval… Bezos helped lead the way, with his wealth up by $34.6 B, a stunning 31%, while Zuckerberg gained an extra $25B.”
By placing money in their hands without conditions, Brenner notes, allowed CEOs to”prey on their own firms”by buying back stocks,paying out dividends, increasing executive pay, and even liquidating part or all of their holding.”
I fear this pattern is being repeated around the world —albeit on a lesser scale perhaps.
There’s a lot about “conspiracy theories” associated with Covid-19. I leave to you to decide what you want to call all of the above information. I sure wish it was being discussed by the media and society as a whole. But sadly it is not.
Follow the money!
Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever (S3 E2)
The official version of Quantitative Easing, in which the central bank creates reserves and does no more than swap them for assets without any money getting into the economy at large, has entrenched itself as the gospel truth pretty much by default, following 12 straight years without serious challenge. While there are legions of people who SUSPECT that QE is an insiders’ game designed to lard select asset valuations, suspicions and proof are two very different animals.
It’s high time the undefeated-to-date official version of QE faced a decent challenger. Mr. Frazier, meet Mr. Foreman.
In this video, the official version of QE is taken apart at the joint. And while we need a few more minutes alone with the champ than did America’s indoor grilling pioneer back in 1973, the outcome is the same: down goes Frazier.
The difference of course is that while Joe Frazier was a courageous competitor who took all comers, the Federal Reserve and its cronies… well, what kind of “competitors” need a continent-sized cheat like QE to prop themselves up when they’ve already misappropriated their country’s constitutional money-printing power?
My mate Billy G gets a mention…. Still waiting for him to tell us about is palling around with Epstein and Maxwell.
Good post. In my opinion the whole pandemic has just been a thinly veiled trojan horse for the biggest plundering of wealth in history, and everything else is merely a nice added bonus for our fascist over lords. The vaccines, the PPE contracts and all the other hooha are just a further kickback that helps prop up the narrative in one way or another. The real horse bolted months ago as your post demonstrates.
Even left leaning sceptics such as ourselves are a useful distraction; too busy arguing about whether ‘the vaccine modifies your DNA’ and whatever else to form a coherent counter arguement. It allows those still entrenched in the propaganda to dismiss us with x, y or z straw man arguement.
Its always about the money. Always.
Anyone here have a good go-to fact sheet for “all things Covid.”
SARS-CoV-2 and covid/covid-19 have never been proven to exist. There is to-date, no evidence held anywhere in the world that either of these things exist. They do NOT exist in ‘reality’. They can only be referenced in a sub-reality/fantasy world. The same is true of unicorns. Discussions around the differing dietary requirements of the South American unicorn versus the North European unicorn can only take place in a sub-reality/fantasy world. Neither have been shown to exist. There are no ‘real’ differences. With regards to the unproven SARS-CoV-2/covid-19, it is NOT possible to devise a test to prove it’s presence or it’s infectiousness without first isolating the suspected pathogen and proving it to be the causative agent of any given disease. As this has not been achieved, there cannot be a valid test. PCR is NOT a test. It is a process for creating multiple copies of genetic sequences (usually for study purposes and not for diagnostics). It’s inclusion within the covid narrative is wholly for the purposes of deception by way of fraud. The assay being implemented in the fraudulent ‘testing’ is attempting to prove the presence of a variety of genetic sequences, none of which can be said to belong to a thing which has yet to be proven to exist. No PCR assay could be created to test for the presence of unicorns (American or European). Discussions concerning ANY aspect of covid can only be conducted within a sub-reality/fantasy world. They CANNOT take place in reality. When reading articles discussing this issue, try substituting the ‘covid’ related terms for ‘unicorn’, ‘unicorns’, ‘unicorn related deaths’, etc (whichever fits most appropriately within the context) and the word ‘test’ for ‘fraud’. It will all start to sound really silly, as it should, because the whole thing has no bearing in reality. It belongs under the heading ‘fiction’.
For a fact sheet on unicorns, firstly, leave reality by the nearest exit. From then on, anything goes!
I remember seeing this in April. But I don’t think it should be forgotten or left to gather dust as the netisphere is flooded with 1984 memes alone.
If we want to talk about genocide and covert agenda and discuss things like counterfeit statistics to support an all out attack upon humanity, then we need to go all the way to wherever the buck stops. And that’s been done many times already. But not enough is said about what the real data of the past represents. The forgotten, hidden casualties.
We know the stats, the data, and projections are all lies. The question should then be-why are they being presented to us as a pretext for what the elite are trying to make us think is a war on biological terror. It’s ( thankfully ), only a drill – as in a theoretical virus to go with the rehearsal of how reliable their data collation methods would be in a real biological war. But, more disturbingly, we see now that it isn’t East v West or Communism V Democracy. .
We know now by the collectivism continually displayed by the leaders and their united front, and their attempts at persuasion as they try to induce that same mentality into us, that it’s between them and us .Its the arrival of the NWO. You know- that NWO all of us conspiraloons have predicted for decades.
Robert Kennedy Jr :
This is the man telling the world it needs his vaccines. This is the man whose family has supported Planned Parenthood and sterilisation programmes for almost a century. This is the man who supplies the lifeblood to the WHO to do his bidding and lie about his agenda.
As we see , he made good on his promise.
Now he has something untested for you and me.
Two things are rising at the same rate at the same time ; the numbers of ( fake) cases, and the doubts of ordinary people. Note how that happens. The more that is exposed about the dubious nature of the production of the vaccines, and the track record of the man (and his whole operation) responsible for it, the higher ‘new and sudden spikes’ occur. It’s the kind of punishment stern parents assume will stop naughty children being naughty.
It’s stunningly ironic that there is only one 100% successful method of creating total immunity against personal damage, and that’s the one injected into the law and into the contracts of all the medical practitioners , pharmaceutical companies and producers of these damaging vaccines, who are knowingly aiding and abetting a crime against humanity.
Kary Mullis Nobel Prize Inventor of Abused PCR(not a test) Slams Antony Fauci
Mullis is being critical of Fauci in this video because of the way he misused his PCR test when AIDS testing. Mullis died only weeks before Cov appeared …. Very convenient for Fauci.
Rockafellers. Rothschilds. Globalists. Illuminati. Zionists. Governments. The UN. The WEF. Davos. Big business and media etc etc etc….
What single thing ties them all together? If you can’t see by now you are mentally ill. Sorry. I’ve had it with wilfully blind sheep. You are no better than the mask wearers if you won’t confront the truth.
Ya’ll taking aim at the above is like directing your ire on individual army units, and not the generals directing their movements on the Risk board.
Every institution and NGO is involved. Did you see the list of WEF partners and associates? What are we supposed to do by naming a religion? How can we limit it to one religion when the Vatican and their bank is involved?
The Vatican is simply another institution which the ruling group has control over.
You are supposed to identify the root problem first. Without doing so, you’ll never overcome it Fully.
[Rockafellers. Rothschilds. Globalists. Illuminati. Zionists. Governments. The UN. The WEF. Davos. Big business and media etc etc etc….]
Hhmm, I wonder what constitutes all of these.
[What single thing ties them all together? If you can’t see by now you are mentally ill.]
Yes, I see it! Humans. They are all essentially constituted by humans. Obviously humans of ALL kinds and shapes and colours and religious persuasions and what not, but the one thing that combines them all is that they are distinctly humans of the species Homo Sapiens.
You seem to have identified the problem!
Well done.
Feel free to take that one step further and possibly share some of your fixes or solutions with the local commentariat.
I regret to say that by that time I may in all likelihood have already moved on to other interesting things.
You are blind.
Very bad analogy. ALL the ire MUST be directed at individual army units and individual soldiers. The generals simply give the marching orders. Without those willing to follow those orders, the generals have no more power or authority than the Pentagon grounds keepers.
You are having a laugh. An army unit wouldnt fight wars itself. It takes orders from the generals. Ergo the generals are the root.
The generals direct the troops.
The string pullers direct the institutions.
Ie both are not autonomous entities. They are simply tools
The analogy stands.
Let’s see… they’re all run by white wealthy men? (Yes I’m including Merkel). Maybe we should make all white men wear something so we can quickly see who they are, like a gold star. Or we could send them all to a “work” camp.
I was hoping Jason would bring WW together with AHM and CM one of these days, and now here it comes:
IWWH Ep 12: Whitney Webb, Alison Hawver McDowell & Cory Morningstar.
Jason Bosch of “If We Were Honest” facilitates a conversation between three of the most critical researchers on 4IR and the Great Reset.
Scheduled for Dec 18, 2020, 9 a.m. pst
PCR is an amplification tool, it can’t detect/identify. Period.
“For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.”
Cycle threshold (CT) is not only arbitrary, it’s meaningless, and an abuse of Kary Mullis’ amplification tool.
Thereby identifying the Marxist co-option of the globe’s institutions using the [fake] COVID-19 pantasy to destroy the globe’s religious-based civilizations.*
CT is an arbitrary and meaningless number of amplifications above an equally arbitrary and meaningless lower number of amplifications referred to as “background level”.
The PCR amplifies nucleotide sequences exponentially up to approximately 40 amplifications,** therefore any differences between the CT level and background level are meaningless. A CT of 21x merely means there were 21 amplifications. A CT of 30 has 30 amplifications. A CT of 21x simply means the nucleotide sequence was amplified 21 times, not that there is “strong positive reactions indicative of abundant target nucleic acid”…
At my blog, read the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
* Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx (1843)
“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”
“The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.”
“It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world.”
Now you know what Marxists are referring to when they utter the phrase, “The Struggle”…
“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”
** Thereafter amplification growth is less than exponential.
Germany´s Science Chancellor Angela Merkel:
“You can abolish many things, but not gravity, not the speed of light and other facts.” New record figures for Corona deaths and infections prompt Chancellor Angela Merkel to make an emotional speech in the Bundestag. In doing so, she also addressed the sceptics of the pandemic.
It´s not in the vid, but´it´s been all over the news, Merkel said at an online event with students in Berlin that dealing with “Corona deniers“ was not a normal political debate. Instead, she suggested that „these people might have psychological problems“ , she went on to say, “This will perhaps also be a task for psychologists, “after all it´s an attack on our whole way of life”.
However, according to the The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) the current figures for respiratory diseases are below those of the previous season, and
with Germany now returned to hard lockdown and Christmas markets verboten all over the country, including Nuremberg-),
how is this Christmas market, in Norway with the killer pandemic not
a Corona hotspot ?
These people in Norway strolling about except for the occasional ones with masks will all die. They muzzled Germans will live on at least a thousand years in the NWO-)
What will they come up with next?! (False Flag) Coronaterroristen slashing the masks off of shoppers with boxcutters???
And if it wasn’t crystal clear before, it should be now: when the controlled demolition of the global economy finally reaches its WTC Collapse moment, it is the Corona deniers who will be held responsible for it!
everyone knows the WTC was blown to bits by Lee Harvey Oswald ..they even found a rifle and a bullet
Oh that’s a good one!
I still want a bonfire of the masks for christmas. You might have to wear a mask though. The fumes are nasty.
Xmas parties are heating up in Germany.
Germany’s overall mortality rate in 2020 is set to be one of it’s lowest- I repeat lowest- in the last ten years.
What’s interesting in these rates when age groups are looked at it is in the “vulnerable” age groups where the rates are quite low and where there is an uptick (quite mild) it is in the 40-49 age group which indicates other social factors as the likely cause of this excess mortality. This points to lockdowns as the likeliest culprit which means the policies that Merkel have instituted are deadly not some imagined virus.
Germany´s Science Chancellor Angela Merkel….
Did she cut her mustache ?
How did Merkel become a billionaire ? How many accolades and ‘awards’ has she received and from whom ?
When those two questions are answered, all will become clear regarding this horrendous, mendacious f***g harpy.
Do you have any evidence for her being a billionaire?
Hey guys,
I’m in Sri Lanka, The Corona has been causing a lot more than death and illness here.
Like, yesterday I was in District court (of Gampaha, Sri Lanka case no. 1161/18-Testamentry) for a case which involves clear fraud, to which we had submitted evidence. But yesterday we were told, the court staff were unable to locate the case file, meaning it has gone walking. But thank heavens it has not gone walking due to corruption, we are told that it was due to something to do with Corona.
As we only found this out yesterday, we have given the court staff the benefit of the doubt, for now.
Although we can’t yet understand the connection between court’s record room filing procedure and Corona, that is exactly what we are told. it has been due to Corona and issues related, that made the court’s record room filing procedure mangled (we don’t know how that is possible), which then resulted in the displacement of the above stated case file.
Can you Imagine?
We are following up this matter. if anyone is doing any work on this type of issue, feel free to use this genuine case. if you want more info. Drop an email [email protected]
i wonder if these vaccines can save that papaya that tested positive?
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
its about health dont you know
I think it already died. RIP Papaya. We are forever in your debt.
On second thoughts… the frankenshots have been known to reanimate corpses. I’m just not sure I want zombie papayas walking around. The masktards are bad enough.
Possibly but the goat would die
..just dropping by
Still believe its about your health 🙂
mmh yeah ?
Travesty is it ?
Look . We have to laugh …the other is unthinkable
but please do Prepare !
I honestly which you all the best
Stop complying with nonsense !
Instead stop listening at all for a few days ..
Its all nonsense
Have some fun !
Turn it to 11 🙂
Merry f@&^*#ng Christmas ya’ll
Cooler day in Melbourne today, so of course, the majority of people are walking around outside wearing facemasks.
I’ve told numerous people to take their masks off, and have a guess what the reaction has been? Several have gone on about ‘they keep us safe’. Sounds like a soundbite straight from the news.
Just had a customer who works at the Victorian Health Department, who claimed that “facemasks have kept us all safe, and we had to wear them to get the case numbers down”. Really?
She cheerily added from behind her mask: “it’s only for a little while longer”. I was about to quote some studies at her about wearing masks, but realised… What’s the point? She’s too far gone.
I’m standing here watching people walk past, and just feel pretty angry and sad at the same time. The World is insane.
It’s a mask wearing frenzy, Gezzah! They wear the silly things down the beach for crying out loud. Even my dog Millie looks sideways.
I’ve seen people out jogging wearing fecken masks Shin. And the sad thing is, today, like other days, when I look into these people’s eyes, I just see fear. Have a good arvo…
You also Gezzah! take care mate.
I’m in Sussex UK and I saw a policeman alone in a police car driving along wearing his mask. Yet when they patrol on foot and arrest protesters, they completely ignore distancing.
I would lay money quite a few of the cops know it’s all bullshit. I would lay even more money that all the major politicians like Johnson, Starmer, Macron, Ardern, Andrews, etc, all know exactly what this is about.
And it sure as heck ain’t about a ‘pandemic’.
I spoke to the SA CHO on ABC radio on Monday as she lied and babbled about QR codes. I asked why we need them to be spying on all our movements over 562 people with fake PCR positives and no one even sick and the stupid woman had the gall to claim it was only 562 thanks to contact tracing so now that nothing has happened we need QR. She finally had to concede it’s not compulsory, I went into 5 shops yesterday. Didn’t sign anything, got what I wanted and walked out. Meanwhile the poor hairdresser is forced to wear a face nappy
Hi Marilyn… nice to hear from you. Couple of weeks ago, I had a customer who works at AstraZeneca claim they had developed the vaccine so fast because…. “Covid19 is an offshoot of Sars, and we already have a vaccine for that”!! And she also claimed Covid19 had been isolated. Which is bullshit. And then today, this lady from the Victorian Health Department going on about facemasks and claiming that was how case numbers had dropped to zero. By wearing masks!
Do these people actually believe this, or are they just regurgitating what they’ve been told in meetings?
I won’t be signing or scanning anything. I won’t even write a false name on a page. If I’m asked to scan anything, will politely refuse.
Nearly all cafes here now are maskless, both staff and customers. A number of shops are maskless and I’ve walked into Post Offices without one on, while the staff are still masked up, as is staff at The Body Shop.
Disappointed today to see a majority of people walking around outside wearing facemasks, probably coz the weather was cooler here today, so it was more bearable. Sigh.
My son was on the beach (England) in late August. A young girl was out with her parents – all masked. The girl started running then slowed down until finally collapsing face down in the sand – most likely due to the mask. My son rushed over, took the girls face out the sand and removed the mask so she could breathe. The parents caught up and, from a “safe distance” were screaming at him to “put the mask back on!”, because “she might die!” They wouldn’t come near the girl, so my son picked the girl up in his arms and walked toward the parents to take her off him. They backed off, got very abusive so he put the poor girl back on the sand and walked away. What madness is this?
Absolutely outrageous. Those ‘parents’ (oxymoron) should be done for child abuse. While I’m out selling the mag, I feel like I’m trapped in a real set of A Clockwork Orange or Soylent Green with a hefty dose of The Mad Hatters Tea Party or something.
Just the level of absolute insanity. And the refusal to even consider slightly ‘controversial’ points of view is scary.
Trying to get people just to take off their masks is quite an effort, and most that do, as they walk off, they put them back on again. Sigh.
Does that remind you of anything?
That would have been a really unsettling experience for your son as well. Had no reply notifications at OffG for over 7 days now, so only found this by accident. Hope the rest of your week goes okay.
Are you clicking on the crossed out bell icon next to “post comment”?
The madness of crowds.
The madness of gullible idiots, you mean.
How can you state that any one has died from something that has literally not been proven to exist? Have you come across proof of isolation/purification?
It’s the elephant in the room
Case for the following made by two independent journalists, Torsten Engelbrecht (author of Alternative Media Award-winning book, Virus Mania, with foreward by pioneering virologist, Professor Étienne de Harven) and Konstantin Demeter, in Off-Guardian article COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless.
This article should be compulsory reading for anyone producing material related to the alleged pandemic.
Extremely salient point:
“Fact-checking” website, PolitiFact, produced an execrable alleged debunking of this excellent article but were left like gaping fish with no ability to respond to the authors’ rebuttal.
Point summary of article
— No distinctive specific symptoms for COVID-19
— Admitted lack of gold standard test for COVID-19 (Australian infectious diseases expert, Sanjaya Senanayake)
— PCR test used inappropriate for viral testing (its purpose was manufacturing not testing). Clear example: Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.
— No clear evidence of origin of RNA used in test
— Authors of scientific papers claiming isolation of virus admit that purification of virus not actually done and seasoned virologist admits lack of awareness of any paper showing purification of virus (also see Australian Department of Health responds to FOI request for records of isolation of virus with admission of no records).
— No evidence of what is said to be the virus, SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19
— Test results are irrational (many individuals producing different results on multiple tests) which would only be expected when the testing method used is against scientific testing protocol
— The test contains “q” in its name, RT-qPCR, which should stand for quantitative, however, it is admitted the test is qualitative meaning it cannot test viral load which means they cannot test how many viral particles are carried in the body. For people to be considered infected a viral load needs to be determined.
— High Cycle Quantification (Cq) values undermine validity of test and some PCR tests have high Cq values (Drosten test has 45). The inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, has this to say: “If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”
— Before starting with PCR, in the case of presumed RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the RNA must be converted to complementary DNA (cDNA) with the enzyme Reverse Transcriptase—hence the “RT” at the beginning of “PCR” or “qPCR,” but this transformation process is “widely recognized as inefficient and variable,”
The above issues clearly show that there is no evidence at all to believe in either the virus, SARS-CoV-2 or the alleged illness COVID-19. The clear inference to be made is that all illness and death ascribed to COVID-19 is, in reality, has another cause.
We also see strange omissions of reference to isolation of virus from alleged source, for example, from a “German traveller” in paper, Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS and SARS in a non-human primate model (1) (note similar glaring omission of reference to isolation of virus from alleged source, a “fatal SARS case”, in a “brief communication” published by Nature on the 2003 SARS, Koch’s postulates fulfilled for SARS virus (2)).
:- no standard no. of aplification cycles; this no. is usually secret
:- for the positives, refusal to verify after (say) 4-7 days using anti-body test
:- for those quarantined after “close contact”, refusal release them after 4-7 days based on anti-body test
:- refusal to make any allowance for “asymptomatics” despite “the science” stating that they are not infectious.
The emperor is embarrasingly naked and stark raving mad. Has been for a looooong time. And yet his subjects still look on with adulation and follow his every command without question.
Who is to blame? The fat naked fool or the fool that follows?
I found this interesting analysis of The Emperor’s New Clothes and a comment on it by someone from the Philippines quite moving.
Comment (edited)
I did not appreciate very much nor use the story in any of my conversation, writing or speech … [and] I did not bother to check the real meaning of the expression or idiom.
But when the Corona virus got its way on the waves and scares us, and I hear leaders say that it has no symptoms… or there are cases when the victim of corona virus shows no symptom but you can get killed nevertheless… and when I detected that Philippine officials appear to be adding figures to the total number of infected and died even if there are reasons to believe that they died for other causes such as heart attack, pneumonia… when I began to feel that it is possible to abuse your authority and just tell people the victims are increasing…even though it doesn’t, but the authority can get away with it for the simple reason that corona virus is said to show no symptoms in many if not most cases… when I detected the risk of these men in authority to abuse the trust of people who then naively believe everything the authority says… I began to see it as resembling the story “The emperor’s new clothes” who became the first victim of authority (the tailors were authority as far as sewing was concerned; kings and common man listens to them and believes them and obeys them whatever they say about clothes) and so the king became their first victim. The other officials became their next victim. Then the whole people.
Its application for today’s time is this: Those who have managed themselves to become the persons of authority either by diploma or title or by honest means, such as experience and achievements, may and can do great damage if they abuse their authority, abuse the trust of the people, and tell something that is a lie.
I just asked that question inthe room I standing. Also, which viruses have been isolated, when and how?
“Although people have tragically died from Covid-19”
If the author put “MAY” into the body of that sentence, then the sentence would be more accurate.
Less Jerusalem and more Athens.
There is zero evidence that anyone’s died from COVID-19 because there is zero evidence firstly of alleged “novel” virus nor of any infectious agent causing the alleged COVID-19 by the alleged “novel” virus or any other infectious agent.
All the evidence massively supports that death and illness ascribed to COVID-19 is simply from all usual causes. If there’s no significant difference in mortality figures right there you have massive lack of evidence for this alleged pandemic … and then there’s so very much more that speaks against it.
Top Ontario doctors’ hot mic moment spreading fast
Publishing date:
Dec 15, 2020
It was an accidental blunder that’s going viral faster than the virus itself.
There may now be a needle to treat the coronavirus. But there’s no vaccine that can cure the dangers of a hot mic.
Or mask the embarrassment.
Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s chief medical officer of health and Dr. Barbara Yaffe, associate chief medical officer of health, have joined the list of countless others in and around media microphones who know that when something goes public that wasn’t meant to, it spreads on social media far and wide.
Hence a video moving around on Twitter (believed to be from Monday) of the two doctors bantering just before their news conference was to begin.
What they didn’t realize is the microphones were already turned on and their private conversation was anything but.
“I don’t know why I bring all these papers, I never look at them,” teased Yaffe.
At that point, Williams talks about what is believed to be the COVID-19 numbers and asks did she “really say that?”
Yaffe chuckles and then says, “I just say whatever they write down for me.”
They both laugh and it sounds like Williams agrees.
What, they didn’t teach about microphone protocol in medical school?
Another lesson they’ve learned is there’s no isolation room to hide from a cat-out-of-the bag moment. This was no longer a top-secret conversation and there was no doctor-patient confidentially happening on this one.
The Ministry of Health said it is looking into the matter but most fair-minded people understand what this was — two very good, overworked and under-stress doctors at the centre of the pandemic battle blowing off a little steam and having a laugh. No 14-day quarantine necessary.
But it was a laugh that was spread to millions.
The bad news is there is no cure or prescription for the pain and discomfort that comes with open microphone wounds. The good news is there is prevention to avoid contracting this ailment that involves covering your mouth and, of course, sanitizing your words.
Or better yet, just turn the microphone off.
Apologies for the double post: #*@!*@&* spamfilter!!
most fair-minded people understand what this was — two very good, overworked and under-stress doctors
Most unquestioning people, alas, will unthinkingly accept this outrageously absurd statement at face value, just as they accept all the scripted utterances, the masks, the lockdowns, the vaccines, the coming replacement of their “cash in the bank” with Central Bank Digital Currency credits (access to which will require proof of vaccination), and on and on and on.
Lord Sumption on the illegality of the lockdown and government by decree.
Also fundraising for a law suit against the government
On 24 May 1983 there was a TV exchange between Diana Gould, English teacher, and Margaret Thatcher. Gould asked Thatcher why she had sunk the Belgrano when the ship had been sailing away from the Falklands exclusion zone. The “Iron Lady” crumbled and stammered. I recall watching that at the time with an eerie feeling. I thought I was watching history in the making: the end of Thatcher! “Wait till tomorrow!” I thought, “Wait till the papers print this! Wait till the opposition get their teeth in!”
Next day: nothing. Nothing at all. It was as if the exchange had never happened. About a week after that, the woefully flaccid Neil Kinnock made an infamous “sick joke” Someone said Thatcher had “showed guts.” Mr Kinnock replied: “It’s a pity others had to leave theirs on the ground at Goose Green to prove it.” Well everyone noticed that and it was all over the papers.
This odd little episode gave me a painful insight into the true nature of British politics – and indeed of Western politics in general. And this insight isn’t affected by the fact that the whole Belgrano issue is more complex than Gould made out. Basically, there was a “higher” or “deeper” power behind the political spectrum. There is no way that Thatcher would have made any appearance on TV without all the major politicians watching – Kinnock certainty. They would all have seen the Gould exchange. And they would have been told to leave it well alone.
And I only mention this to say that I feel that something like this – only on a far larger scale – is now happening with relation to covid. Only this time, it isn’t just the Labour/Tory and Democrat/ Republican parties who have been given the instructions. I think it is the “fringe” parties as well e.g. the WSW. Like the Leonard Cohen song has it, everybody knows. The rigmarole spouted all over about the virus is just a pantomime but it is one that all the “players” are committed to supporting. And I think that, as well as the Left leaders, a lot of the Left supporters know this too. Or at least suspect. And there is a deep cynicism abroad.
The true opposition comes from those who have a measure of naiveté like Dr Mike Yeadon i.e. they just look at the facts and say what they find, assuming that this is what everyone wants. Naiveté is always dangerous. And for both sides.
It’s pure gold watching her get flustered like that.
I watched that interview and remember it well. It was one of the very few times in her infamous career that the staged pantomime fell apart. She was an artificial Transnational Financiers construct from beginning to end, just like Reagan and so many many other so called political leaders. They are used by them like a lightning rod to insulate themselves.
There was one other time – a leftish woman Labour MP, Dawn Primarolo, asked in the Commons if Thatcher agreed that the solution to poverty among women was to marry a rich husband, as Thatcher herself had done. Thatcher was flustered by that. I wondered if Primarolo would really go places after that witty sally but she didn’t. She did end up in the House of Lords but also became a Blair loyalist.
Apparently more of a Brownite than a Blairite, if Wikipedia is to be believed:
[The “Iron Lady” crumbled and stammered.]
Hhmm… I am not from Europe, and my single physical experience of England is a delayed landing at Heathrow and an urgently arranged connecting flight out from Gatwick within 24 hours – with picturesque (to a foreigner like me from drier climes) snow during the ride to Gatwick!
So, having never seen this “TV exchange” before, I was fortunately able to watch it now courtesy of the link supplied by commenter Arsebiscuits.
I regret to say, but I failed to see any actual “crumbling” taking place. In trying to accord your recollection as much credibility as possible, one might (at quite a stretch) possibly describe Thatcher pausing to find the appropriate word (at least once) as “stammering.” But really, even that is a big stretch.
In fact, I observed almost the opposite: a rather insistent (and later on possibly irritated) Thatcher.
I then glanced at the first few screens of open comments below the line at the linked video. Not one comment there supported your “crumbled and stammered” recollection. Actually, it was mostly the opposite.
PS. I understand that Thatcher isn’t highly regarded by many commenters here, and glancing at the favourable reception your comment received, I may be sticking my head into a hornet’s nest. Sorry, but I can only state what I actually saw.
A claim: everything that’s organized “dissent” is from the Dark Side.
Check the fit
Sometimes, sometimes not. But I think it promotes cynicism and may suit the status quo if everyone just assumes all opposition is phony. It might have suited a Roman agenda to make people think the Judean People’s Front and the People’s Front of Judea were both secretly run by the Romans. Perhaps the people who made damn sure they never united but spent all their time fighting each other were run by the Romans. I doubt whether the fragmentation you get in, say, Trotskyism is entirely a natural phenomenon of Trotskyism and not perhaps a game plan by agents infiltrated within.
Thanks for this article. I bookmark and copy/paste everything to build my case against Covid fascism, should I be required to get the shot in the future…
What baffles me is that, as the snippet below shows, there are some honest revelations about the true Covid situation put out by apparently mainstream organisation but which never see the light of day in the mainstream media – see this:
The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
Evidence Service to support the COVID-19 response
Report: Interpreting excess mortality in England: week ending 9 October 2020October 23, 2020
Summary:Excess deaths remain low in England, with 112 observed in the most recent week reported – one percent higher than expected. Across the regions, excess deaths do not show a consistent picture.
In terms of death by an underlying cause, ischaemic heart disease and stroke continue to show excess deaths, and diabetes mellitus has seen excess deaths in all 29 weeks of the PHE reporting window. In contrast, Dementia and Alzheimers have seen deaths lower than expected for 19 consecutive weeks with 139 (12%) fewer deaths than expected this week.
There are also notably fewer deaths for chronic lower respiratory conditions, other respiratory conditions and acute respiratory infections.
What I’ve seen in my local news is that some piece of information which pokes another hole in the official narrative will be published, say by the health dept, the CDC, WHO, or whoever. My local news will not mention it at all for a week or two, and then late in the evening they will post a long article with the new info briefly mentioned and then glossed over. I will sometimes repost the relevant line from the article in the comments of the very article and then people (who are either paid trolls or just clearly haven’t read the article) try to “fact check” or discredit me. It’s bizarre.
Of course ‘the authorities’ won’t even look at your “case against Covid fascism” as four of their strongmen roll up your sleeve and jab you…
Not tomorrow, but give it a year or two…
From the Unz Review
8600 words; about 86000 in references…
Compelling evidence that points toward a U$A influence behind the global spread of CoVid1984.
One of the more wasteful and tiresome aspects of the conversations about this Covid 19 phenomenon has been the arguments for and against the so called data and the supposed projections that it suggests Proof wins those arguments. But neither can produce it.
Instead, we have to accept that the measure of this pandemics lethality using circumstantial or anecdotal evidence. Again, to use an analogy of a criminal trial, neither have enough substance to win a case.
The most unusual aspect of all this has been that the dominance of the major figures leading the fight against the virus that is- according to the numbers and narratives- spreading across the world like a fog and leaving tens of thousands dead in it’s wake. The major figure is Bill Gates. This man has never attended medical school. His speciality has been software, computer programming and code writing. When it comes to computer viruses, he’s the world leader in how to create them and how to cure them. But this pandemic, we’re told, isn’t effecting computers. It’s effecting the human race .Why not have epidemiologists leading the ‘fight’ ?
Early on in this pandemic we learned that Imperial College London made outlandish, alarming predictions designed to induce mass panic and fear into the UK population alone. The man behind it, Neal Ferguson, had told similar lies for similar reasons before without being fired. This man (and college )has long been on the generous payroll of Bill Gates.
His ‘model’ if you try to find it, doesn’t exist. That suggests it isn’t real. When pressed, he said it ”isn’t registered” and is ”13 years old”. That’s OK Neal, it’s only supposedly the worst plague since Spanish Flu. It’s not important.
That little set of lies was used to justify the lockdown, mask wearing and social distancing. Suddenly all those ridiculous Zombie TV series made sense.
Gates, as we know, represents Bill Gates Sr , a former head of Planned Parenthood which has long advocated population control and elimination but now is at the wheel of the steering committee of Gated Jr’s ‘foundation’.
The article is well referenced but missed a trick.
That’s one of the themes explored within the pages of a book published in 1954, the year Gates was born. It’s called How To Lie With Statistics, and was written by Darrel Huff. Huff was never a statistician. He was a freelance journalist who also wrote various how to pieces. It has become the best -selling statistic books in history.
A con artist’s dream basically.
Bill Gates, on his GatesNotes site includes a recommended reading list. Apart from one he gushes about that is about ‘ social control‘, this con artist’s stats book features.
”I picked this one up after seeing it on a Wall Street Journal list of good books for investors,” enthuses Mr Gates. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but Gates prides himself as being no more than a ‘philanthropist’ now. He’s done so for 20 years as he had tens of billions in the kitty. So, out of pure altruism , he ‘donates’ billions to causes he believes in that are all involved in saving the world and it’s people. Investors, on the other hand, speculate. They invest with a view of getting a good return. That’s not altruism, that’s business.
‘‘In fact, I’d say it’s more relevant than ever. One chapter shows you how visuals can be used to exaggerate trends and give distorted comparisons. It’s a timely reminder, given how often infographics show up in your Facebook and Twitter feeds these days,” he continues, pretending to be vigilant toward those government – backed liars ( nice try Bill).
So Ferguson’s role becomes clear. He lied with statistics to give Bill Gates, what he needed to advance his (and his handler’s) cause further.
In 2015 Gates told us to ‘prepare’ or die from a pandemic. He implied too much money had been spent on defence against war and not enough on defence against microbes. He never mentioned how much had been spent on funding Pharma companies and virus research.
Welcome to the Covid ‘germ game’…
This is like the false flags we know and love. Like the London underground bombing that interrupted a drill about a simulated underground bombing. Like the simulated attack on the WTC that was interrupted by a real attack on the WTC. This is the microbiological version of terrorist attacks. Suddenly the man whose money is funding the war against it and the so-called cure is looking like a seer. And the other recipients of his fiscal generosity the WHO and WEF could then come out talking about our ‘new war on microbes’
We are familiar with the various ways of inflating the data now. Doctors lying about symptoms, about positives and about deaths. All receiving assurances ahead of doing so, that they would be protected, not punished, by the law. The producers of the vaccines have received the same assurances prior to it hitting the shelves. It all echoes the 2009 Monsanto Bill ( Bill Gates bought 500,000 shares) receiving the same assurances via Obama’s signature- no future law suits will hurt the from that day on.
We are told about false positives. Were they removed from the final analysis ? Now there’s false negatives – pardon ? And , of course, those who are asymptomatic. All of which represent huge areas on the graphs as ‘positives’. Yet, despite the combined efforts of all the medical personnel and statistical analysists ,the numbers suggest still less than 1% globally are at risk. So, just over 99% need a vaccine and- if we’re to believe the latest chapter- a further booster shortly after. This, despite the produces of it themselves admitting it doesn’t kill the virus or cure the patient, and doesn’t protect you from infection later. Money well spent there then.
Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. Tim O’Shea highlight the deliberate fusing of the terms ‘positive’, ‘infection’ and ‘case’. According to Merritt :
Dr. Tim O’Shea reveals that:
Remember, this is at its heart a psychological operation. It’s intended to induce total fear and dependence, leading to a willingness to hand over our freedom in exchange for a promise of protection. From nothing. The ‘protectors’ are the psychopaths and if you pay them with your personal sovereignty, it’s no more than the equivalent of protection money. Personal sovereignty is priceless.
“deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1…These can include laboratory confirmed cases, as well as cases without laboratory confirmation.”
Included under ‘U07.2 – virus not identified’ is assigned to a clinical or epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 where laboratory confirmation is inconclusive or not available..
Following the “clinical criteria” link above yields this:
And “epidemiologic linkage” goes here:
So correct me if I’m wrong, but I take this to mean that any older person who has diarrhea and nausea (or any of the other two common symptoms above) before death could be added to the count, test or no test. They don’t even bother to hide the insubstantial nature of it all.
“presenting in an emergency department for hospital admission. The provider will use the testing platform that best fits the clinical situation, testing availability, and diagnostic capability”
Reading through the vaguery…
I presume, that the clinical critera is a guide to identify a possible condition ?
This article is misrepresenting the facts. It diverts us from taking action. From spreading truth.
No novel virus has been identified. Therefore Covid19 is not a legitimate or real disease and is clinically undiagnosable.
The tests are fraudulent and will be proven so in court. Therefore, all cases of Covid19 are false. Therefore, all deaths from Covid19 are non existent. It’s simple logic. All of this has already been established.
So why are we being diverted to debate case numbers, tests, a non existent virus, treatments and vaccines instead of fighting the illegal mandates and laws?
Governments are perpetuating a fraud. But why? Why do all the governments want to restrict freedoms of their citizens and force them to take a vaccine? Why are we being corralled into a new economic model that restricts our ability to own property or assets, buy or sell what we like or travel and move without being mass surveilled and biometrically tagged?
There is no answer except that governments agreed to Agenda 21 (local) and Agenda 2030 (national) years ago. Central to those agendas that work in tandem is depopulation and sustainability which supplies a framework towards permanent theft of property and land, where a small cabal of eugenicists, who already own most of wealth of the world, now also own all the resources of the world including us, as genetically modified organisms through vaccination and forced medical procedures, to be disposed of as the owners and controllers see fit.
These policies are obviously unpopular and unwanted. They’re being pushed through using fraudulent measures based on the creation of faux pandemics, staged terror events and endless wars. Governments are well aware that all these fraudulent measures, policies and legislation will lead to the deaths and suffering of billions.
How could governments achieve a global consensus of economic and civil rights restrictions, without being united in their campaigns to intentionally hurt their own citizens? Only with the cooperation of corrupted academic institutions, industry and the constant propaganda, division and fear mongering through mass media saturation is this able to be achieved so easily on a global scale.
Your governments aren’t legitimate. None of them. These fake constructs of left and right or green where all parties work together behind the scenes aren’t real or valid. They are illusory constructs created through mass deception. Governments are corporations and legal structures. They are fronts for the banking cartel, and for industry, militaries, security apparatus and organized crime. They use populations to issue money, debt and taxes, to then farm populations for their labor, earning capacity and consumption. That economic model couldn’t last and is transitioning to a liquidation of assets. Each person is legally classified as an asset of their government when issued birth certificates.
Governments already imprison their populations through debt slavery in a rigged and unjust system. Now they want to restrict your movement, freedoms, independence, bodily rights, income, assets, your ability to assemble, procreate, seize your property and silence your voice.
We need to fight back with every means at our disposal. Courts, common law. Protests. Spreading the truth to our family and friends through printed leaflets and emails with an abundance of links. Disconnect from msm and major tech platforms. Move off google, yahoo, Microsoft. Boycott amazon and all the corporations involved with the WEF and IMF. Liquidate portfolios of those stocks. Withdraw your money from major banks and use local credit unions. Grow your own food. Form local collectives and cooperatives. Form local associations and groups that are separate from established associations and government entities.
Serve our local, state and national officials with notices of personal liability from all of the restrictions that have been implemented since the fraud of March 11, 2020. Go to your local health departments and give them the printed studies on the negative effects of masks and vaccine injuries.
Do not get tested. Do not wear masks. Do not get the vaccine. Do not cooperate with lockdowns. Do not close businesses. Check the local mandates against your national, constitutional laws and charters. Do not comply. Do not acquiesce.
Civil and human rights (therefore religious beliefs and practices) supersede guidelines, mandates and emergency laws.
Right on bro…
Thanks. And it’s sis…
So well said. Tks.
Thank you 🙏 for this comprehensive summary
I was compelled to write out every word in pen and ink on actual paper
It feels to me like a watershed moment
About an hour ago I returned home from a visit to the dentist for a checkup Upon entering the office I was ordered by the half suffocated grandmother behind the desk to pull my mask up over my nose, read a stupid 3 page cough and sniffle manifesto taped to the plexiglass shield between us, approach and make communion with an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser (which I faked) and when I turned around, a dental assistant shot me between the eyes with an infra red thermometer without asking permission to do so I was then escorted to the dental chair where I was given a paper cup with hydrogen peroxide which I had to put in my mouth & swish around for not less than 30 seconds while the shooter stood by watching me with dead eyes
No hello No smile No humanity
This is our world now
Unless we wake up
Why did you go? My dentist, after begging me (three emails asking me to come in –before the standard 6 mos) to come in for a checkup/cleaning tried to get me to wear a mask to wear 20 ft.from her front door to the chair. I refused citing the Toronto City bylaw mask exemption. She literally ran across the waiting room with a mask in her hand, told me I had to put it on– I said no I don’t– I am leaving. No hi, no nothing.
What is sad and shows her mental health decline, is that when I was there in May with no mask and she had her full visor PPE on there was no demands for me to wear one. She knew my views before I came and I told her I won’t come in if I have to wear one. No issues then.
This time there was no indication her policy had changed. I sent her an email telling her how very unprofessional her behaviour was. She is clearly out of her head. So very sad.
BUT I already have another dentist who knows my views and I will be seeing them in 2021.
If each person did just three of the things you suggested it would be a HUGE impact– thanks for your suggestions
Well said. Btw read through some stuff you sent graciously to me. Thank you. I have been disseminating it to everyone i come into social contact with. I had a head cold 3 weeks ago…my employer tried to force me to have the pcr. Told him where to shove it and if he forced me to have a medical procedure against my will i would sue him. Needleas to say lol. You keep on keeping on.
There is no need to slam the article because it didn’t bring up the issues you yourself so eloquently contribute with. I think it’s a good article/video since it addresses the root cause of the COVID-19 lie – the fraudulent data. And nothing more.
I don’t agree with the premise, the opening statement, or the way they have presented their data.
If correlation isn’t causation then how does that first sentence stand? They have contradicted themselves by the second paragraph.
Let’s move beyond the lies that Covid19 deaths are real. They aren’t real until autopsies are performed proving SARSCov2 exists and caused a single death.
The business of falsifying death certificates and tests to get case stats and death stats is a serious issue of fraud that must be addressed.
The statistics could easily have been presented without the opening statement or by the author drawing unproven conclusions.
I agree no one has died from covid-19….it is not a valid cause of death, it does not exist
Covid 19 is just a code given to deaths within 28 days of a positive PCR test.
What is a+ve PCR test ? What does a PCR test, test for ? anyone know?…….certainly does not test for the prescence of a non-existant virus…..a positive can be a negative -ve for what. A -ve does not mean you are -ve in fact two -ve do not mean you are -ve, you can be asymptomatic -ve and still spread the virus. I would like to hear John Cleese address that one !
The PCR test is testing for the genetic sequence of what’s claimed to be fragments of RNA from this claimed new virus.
As has been stated before the PCR test designed by Drosten is non specific, the target genes have never been validated at molecular level and upon peer review has been rendered useless as a diagnostic test for a virus claimed to be Sars Cov 2.
The test is worthless.
This should help you out.
I was being rhetorical Paul….but thanksfor your effort
Yes but is made a placeholder for unowned or unresolved and denied psychic emotional conflict.
That’s the element that mere rational analysis misses.
That is the element that rationalising has been invoked to miss – else we would be in the experience of reintegrating our conflicts rather than reframing them within the novel themes of Pandora or indeed panacea.
So then say that on the death certificate and when announcing the stats.
I agree with you that the article assumes too much what is concocted by propaganda with no evidence.
However, Criticizing absurdity, inconsistency, lack of integrity of official “data” that contradict itself, in a way of temporarily assuming one lie as truth so other so called truths blows up as lies is a fair game to let those who still think they are rational in supporting COVID sham, see fallacy of their position.
Unfortunately too often what could have been initially simply undeserved but factual confidence in professionalism of medical Authorities turn into cultish believe in dogmas reinforced not only by propaganda death porn and fear mongering but by formerly credible political opposition turncoats who insult cautious and skeptical with claims of their ignorance and stupidity which achieves noting but killing grandmas.
Hence anyone who want to point out logical fallacies and absurdities in official data simply should put up prior disclaimer that existence of SARS-
-Cov2 as a new virus has not been not established , that existence of new disease called COVID was not established and that causal relation between SARS-Cov2 virus infection and COVID clinical disease has not been established.
However we skeptics have a problem as we cannot directly prove non existence of something as it simply comes from failure to prove such existence. But that is sole responsibility of those who make claim of COVID existence as new deadly disease.
Important note: We should not shut down dialogue between skeptics and cult Covidians, unfortunately most Covidians do not want to debate anyone as they are emotionally and materially invested in COVID sham and they will defend their legacy with emotionally ad hominem driven accusation of lack of sensitivity even humanity and endangering deliberately human lives by .. simply asking questions and trying to understand what the hell is going on.
I think a better way to present these type of statistical analyses is to either use the word “alleged” or as you say, use a disclaimer.
Once the bait is taken, the challenge to its payload is framed within the core function.
I don’t see many who were not hooked as a result of medical conditioning.
So thanks for restating a clear witness to the narrative deceit.
Many have to retrace by clearing the level they experience as their belief and interpreted experience. To perhaps the question upstream.
There is always another upstream perspective.
The human realm is in a sense a construct of definitions generating narrative themes as structures of unfolded experience. The meanings we seek are the meanings we see, but the term meaning has become a competing or conflicting framework of leverage rather than a sharing of significance or fulfilment. The substitution and adulteration, degradation and mutation of ‘meanings’ is a mind virus or replicating reinforcement of a hijacked or usurping mind. Of course if that is the underlying will or intent it is not really a hijack, but a device by which to experience in emulation.
Separation from Totality is only available in concept.
A way of putting this is the idea that the Prodigal or indeed Prometheus ran off with a copy – under full belief it was stolen or mis-taken in fact.
The capacity to entrap belief by the emotional reaction to the fear it is true or otherwise will occur, is a pattern for a ‘self-evasion’ – or dissociation.
Wha is not apparent to anyone in a dissociated state is, that an overlay operates upon presence as the stamp of a past. For the mind is in a loop of seeking to free or resolve a past believed present or imminent, and by doing so, recreates and reinforces the underlying belief as their personal experience.
The ‘meanings’ of covid’s shaped explosion are active within the larger mind.
I also look at their Communication is similar war to reading a dream for significances, messages, insights that open presence – which is ‘upstream’ or embracing to any narrative creations.
The psyop is forever resetting itself, ….
post continues on
@ Researcher
PUNTO UNO: It still has to be proven that their is a novel corona virus. THat is to this day exact comment. Coronaviruses exist and have been around for God knows how long but novel form DUBITO> I doubt.
PUNTO DUE: Sept 2019 the repo market was the canary in the mine for the global economy.The Fed starting prnitng 25 billion a day commercial banks stopped lending to each other. A liquidity crisis had just un raveled.After one week it became clear that demand was outstripping the supply hence the fed then started injecting 100 billion a day this extended onto to OCT. Now this is the real reason for anything related to today.
PUNTO TRE: The oligarchical class from hear on in started their great design which we have known for years agenda 2021 agenda 2030. Also Event 201 were all part and parcel of the events that are occurring today. The likes of CFR the Antlantic Council Chattham House Rand Corp and many related other Oligarchical research groups have all written about this going far back as the last century lat alone this century. Its all out there to read.
Meanwhile I get gaslighted by the establishment class the scintific class and the academic class which have been paid and bought like the whores they have all shown themselves to be.
PUNTO QUattro- This was an obvious coup d’etat from the beginning. The data the references the contradicting information and the simple fact that an open debate was never allowed. Open debates have been a dying trend of the 21st century hiding under the guise “trust the science”. The science that is cherry picked and bought and paid for by the fascist overlords. Example there was a study in Italy where there was a direct correlation of rising elderly deaths and the introduction of quadravalent influenza vaccines. Now as most people know as the article alludes to correlation and cuasation is not always the case . Yes but when an indpendant study started looking for causation and dwelling into the rabbit hole it was directing it to causation. The study was burried and even difficult to find anywhwere. It was done in the Provincia di Novara and Bergamo in 2018 this is the epicenter of the March’s death extravaganza from the scam virus. It has one of the poorest air qualities in all of the Italian peninsula.
PUNTO CINQUE:Now the grand daddy of them all asymptomatic cases treated as infections. The simple fact that the second wave of deaths did not materialize they had to now revert to cases using PCR testing that was not designed to do what they r using it for. As alluded to this b4 in my blog one increases the number of tests one will basically destroy their whole narrative hence IFR rates r what they r no increased numbers have yet to materialize in this coming winter. Cases does not mean infection text book medical definition states catigorically that an infection will have symptoms with it. That is what we call in the profession symptomatology which leads to a possible definitive diagnosis with further study blood test so fourth and so on.
PUNTO CINQUE: It seems that their r many whores out there amongst the political,economic social,scientific class that r selling us short and deliberately avoiding any debate or counter narrative. Gianbattista Vioco’s first postulate. He who controls the narrative controls the paradigm
Vico’s second postulate “Their will always be an elite class and society is a reflection on how benevolent the elite class is.
Post Scriptum; Keep the faith the truth shall always rise to the occasion. They will not get away with it . History does repeat itself . They tried WW1 they tried with Mussolini /Hitler and WW2 .
Yes we cannot forget silent Wall Street crisis while looking at COVID sham.
In fact canary on the mine was July 28, 2019 brief FX liquidity crisis and beginning of money market crisis that spilled to Repo market in September when FED dramatically changed outlook from reducing balance sheet to expanding balance sheet while economy was suppose to be sizzling with unemployment of 3.5%.
Simply everyone on Wall Street loaded with enormous debt was holding on US cash to be able to service it refusing to finance purchases of foreign currencies and then US currency as Repo Market froze at 10% interest on overnight Repo loans as US treasury bonds and even US bills were rejected as collateral for Repos.
That by itself threaten not as much Wall Street banks but regional banking system. By December current debt liabilities mostly from derivatives securities bets were so big that FED established permanent Repo facility accepting almost any collateral from current inventory of primary dealers, TBTF banks and some other dealers and that included almost any securities including commercial papers and junk bonds long before COVID madness when FED was bailing out everybody crony in every market including typically illiquid purely speculative markets were awash in liquidity.
House of debt cards was falling over six months with no word from corporate media hailing Trumponomics before convenient COVID hysteria was spread that covered up what amounts today to $11 trillion of FED bailout in cash, stock boost via POMO and guarantees of value of collateral used in structured derivatives.
Wall street was once again made whole for free while bill will be coming to us and to our grand grandchildren unless this abhorrent regime is overthrown by people.
The Infectious Myth:
“What I learned from studying SARS, the previous big coronavirus scare, after the 2003 epidemic, was that nobody had proved a coronavirus existed, let alone was pathogenic.“
This is the first time hearing this , before asking for sources I went through a few dozen of google pages to find any relevant information and I couldn’t find any , would any of you mind providing links or pointing me in the right direction? I’m specifically talking about the statement on CV-19 not existing/being a novel virus therefore it isn’t a legit cause of death.
Google censor everything and their drop down box is the ultimate mind control tool. Use duck duck go if you want to search the internet. Google only provides CIA “approved” content.
Only poisoned monkey kidney cells grew the virus:
Have any Koch’s or Rivers’ Postulates been met for SARSCov2 or SARSCov1? No.
The computer generated virus:
A Closer Look At U.S. Deaths Due To COVID-19:
The Infectious Myth:
“What I learned from studying SARS, the previous big coronavirus scare, after the 2003 epidemic, was that nobody had proved a coronavirus existed, let alone was pathogenic.“
Before the issue of responses, test and pathogen comes the issue of what exactly the disease (ailment) is. Medical “science” is silent on the issue that this mythical disease requires no clinical diagnosis and has no specific characteristics.
That’s an important point. The existence of Covid19 as the virus “mutates“ can cover any deaths from vaccines. Flu or Covid19 Vaccines. It’s the perfect scapegoat.
Your father died a week after getting the vaccine? “It was the virus, obviously.”
You’re sterile after getting the vaccine? “Must be the virus.”
You have cancer? “Not 5g or smart meter radiation. It’s the Virus, stupid.“
You don’t want the vaccine? “You must have a neurological issue from the VIRUS. Off to quarantine camp for you.”
Governments are bankrupt? “Because, virus.”
The global economy and markets implode? “VIRUS!!!”
The virus is now the answer to all the ills of the world. A medical, political tool to cover for any and all policy. Any anomaly.
This is the most relevant post i have read. Once the vaccine is introduced everything will flip. .covid won’t get the blame. It’ll be anti vaxxers,mutations etc ad infinitum
We can argue about statistics, exact numbers of deaths and so on until we’re blue in the face but it doesn’t alter the basic fact that Covid is real, always has been real and always will be real. Its a contagious disease that has inconsistent effects on people which has led to all sorts of rumors and theories that its just a hoax. It isn’t, its just — as we’re now finding out — that how if affects different people depends on their genetic makeup (see curent New Scientist article). We still don’t know enough to be able to predict accurately who will be affected and not being made seriously ill doesn’t mean you can’t pass the contagion on so we’re stuck with an awarkward and inconvenient raft of precautions of varying effectiveness and some new vaccines to prevent infection.
All this understanding reflects the efforts of a wide and disparate global community — statisticians, geneticists, AI developers — all sorts of people. To assume that they’re all working to pepetuate some kind of global conspiracy is laughable. Because when in our history has a global anything been efficient or effective, much less controllable by a shadowy group of behind the scenes puppeteers? Conspiracy theories are as old as history itself and they rarely, if ever, live up to their promise. (Note that this doesn’t disprove the existence of global conspiracies, just throws doubt on their effectiveness.) Meanwhile we have to deal with the noise; we’ve just had years of it in the US terminating with the never ending saga of the Presidential Election (where all sorts of weird and wonderful theories are put up against the simple explanation that “Lots of people can’t stand President Trump”).
An example of a simple explanation is the idea that influenza cases are down ‘for some reason’. This was first noted last April in Australia where the steep drop in cases year on year were put down to the anti-Covid precautions. These precautions work for other airborne viruses.
Then why are flu cases also way down in Sweden and Belarus?
One of many great articles on the bogus nature of c19 by Gary D. Barnett.
Martin – they do not really know what the causal factors are involved in influenza let alone Covid-19 even if we grant some semblance of reality to their claim.
Up to now I know of no scientists that have stuck their necks out and have produced any convincing evidence and proof that the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus actually physically exists and is the one and only cause of the alleged “disease”. That is highly suspicious if nothing else is it not?
Researcher is right, and if they can’t come up with the required proof that this alleged virus exists and actually does what they claim it does, then fraud has been committed by those who are promoting the deception and they should be prosecuted by the people under common law in a Common Law court. There are no ifs and buts about it.
The major red flag is the official story of this virus originating in Wuhan in November 2019.
Chinese scientists claimed they isolated it.
On the 1st January 2020 the Chinese supplied material to Drosten in Germany so he could design the now infamous PCR test.
Official records show that the Chinese supplied Drosten with theoretical sequences of RNA as they had no live or inactive Sars Cov 2 virus.
So in 4.5 weeks since the new virus was allegedly discovered and isolated the Chinese had no virus. Just bits of random RNA.
I think a lot of people have a lot of explaining to do.
The Chinese scientists must be great at selling bridges. Journalist Jon Rappoport has been spreading this report around for weeks. Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. • The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. • The performance of this test has not been established for screening of blood or blood products for the presence of 2019-nCoV. • This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens. Top of page 40,
++++Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available+++ for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2)
Page 43 So the CDC invented something and the willing stooges at the FDA approved them knowing they are a con, and the CT is 40
The major red flag for me Paul came in 2009 when I asked a bunch of micro biologists for concrete scientific proof of the smallpox virus. Needless to say they couldn’t deliver the goods and they cannot do so now with this alleged pathogenic virus. One only has to do an internet search to be informed that Influenza, for example, is caused by a virus and nothing else which is complete and utter tripe as are all mono causal explanations concerning alleged pathogenic viruses.
2009. Interesting. Was it the swine flu hysteria that made you skeptical of the smallpox claims?
Did you ever read the account by the doctor who smeared small pox pus all over his face and hands from one of his patients. Then shook hands with dozens of people who then had contact with hundreds of others, just to prove smallpox wasn’t contagious? There’s so many doctors and scientists in history who were skeptical about the existence of viruses and contagion yet this information has been mostly hidden from view.
Were you expecting them to hand you a vial?
The facial marks of Elizabeth I and Stalin came from somewhere.
Quick, wake up! There’s something happening here man.
Darn right there is Jesper and it’s a real wake up call for us all to arrive at different viable strategies to implement and stop these soulless people involved in the scam from screwing us into the ground before it’s too late.
8600 words; about 86000 in references…
8600 words; about 86000 in references…
Compelling evidence that points toward a U$A influence behind the global spread of CoVid1984.
The weaponising of biology is already set as the virus theory – which not only captures marketshare but is a leveraging of mindshare.
It it wasn’t compelling it would have no leverage.
The convergence of the above is in the trojan of vaccination as the means to bypass psychological and biological checks and balances (defences), to hack the terrain in ways that can then adjust the parameters of the function from without – in concert with other parameters of both external inputs and exposures, and psychic parameters of incentivised narrative investments and dependency.
The covering of tracks or plausible deniability and legal escape, is the nature of manipulative use of communication. It is all fronted out or concealed so as not be be traced back or to be able to act against by the time the trail is uncovered – while all manner of new manipulations have long since left the investigator in a maze of diversion from the current active deceit.
The weaponising of the psyche or mind is its splitting to a compartmentalised constellation that All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, are compelled to put together again.
The idea that wholeness is the result of breaking apart, defining to control and enforcement of such narratives of control, is the Sisyphean Reset or Tower of Babel. But wholeness is not a social construct – …
Continues on
Where’s it isolation then if it’s real? Should be very easy now if that’s the case.
You must know something more than every Scientist on the planet if you think it’s been proven a real virus
Please send me all the information you have about the virus, how it was isolated, its gene code and pictures. I won’t hold my breath waiting. Oh and let me know how it measures up to Kochs postulates and what gold standard you are using to measure it against.
The reality of ‘covid’ is the core propaganda for what it then does as an accepted identification or narrative structure. One way to limit a mind capture is to bracket a term as ‘to be revealed’ or as a set of currently conflicted probabilities not to be identified or acted from as conclusive. This allows to mind to remain open. Any emotional reaction needs to be also within the brackets or else will bracket the mind to invest from emotional reaction instead of a truly felt or resonant awareness of conscious acceptance. This doesn’t deny feelings, but denies them automatic access to acting out. Nor deny thoughts as if to even look at the unthinkable is contagious or actively threatening our life.
That the bait has been taken results in invested reactions, that are harvested and shaped to the purpose of the agenda that ‘covid’ is a symptom of.
There is no talking to a covid believer except to the framing of the world it gives them.
The lockdown is as the split of mind.
Dissociation re-frames the reality-experience of the believer.
If you knew you believed it, it would no longer function as an ‘escaped’ identity.
But the tyrannous nature of the belief is evident by its fruits.
The most fundamental primer on this that may not seem to mean anything, is A Course in Miracles. For it is not addressed to the changing of the world, or to the handle of control upon our world, but to the one who is in the habit and adaptation of such but stirred, moved or opening of awareness to the willingness and desire to question a masked and normalised insanity.
No one questions the reality of their own experience while its identity is lived as ‘real’.
The key is not to destroy an unreality or even engage with a lie, but to recognise it has all the ‘reality’ or life and meaning that you give to it. What you give attention to is the meaning you both seek and give acceptance to.
Notice that the capacity of a mind to become subject to its own thought, is the same core pattern as of being hacked, phished, hijacked, reframed, infected, enslaved, hypnotised, usurped.
You think your thinking validated you. But it runs a self reinforcement of whatever you are currently willing to accept and run.
There is freedom to explore and experience the unfolding of your own thought, but what is peculiar to a sense of private or segregative thinking runs from the thoughts of division as rules that cannot be questioned without bringing the underlying conflict to question. And so the conflict constantly shifts in form to maintain itself in active and reactive expressions of an inertial fulcrum set seemingly separate from the flow of being – as like to an eddy in a river.
The patterning of life is in the nature of energy in motion as the patterning of life in expression – which is not contra to its underlying matrix of bio, chemical, and physical support but all of the same existence.
The capacity of any system or cell to maintain its integrity is the balancing of an inner and outer aspect of reality from which the fulcrum or centre holds function within the whole as an integrality of all that is.
Balance is a function within imbalance. The two are of one underlying nature but can become set in a feedback patterns of resonant resistance,
A self-reinforcing loop can block terrain awareness to the reframe of balancing within the whole, to a control model of past conditioning running within the parameters of a limiting and depleting realm of support – which again reinforces the structure of control over the innate balancing of relational being. The structure becomes a death process rather than a patterning out of a living will, by conforming the will to a self destructive or self-sacrificing dictate of survival at all costs on its own terms.
That the psychic realm of our own responsibility for will is unique is a signature of Creation, but the notion that it is is set special, over and apart from all else is the discarding and subjugation of all else to a private or peculiar ‘thinking’ that gains a ‘world’ but loses whole.
If you find any resonance to your own listening within or questioning of what seems without, this post continues on:
Having looked at the BBC page and the mounting articles about tightening up the regulations over Christmas, I am starting to feel that this is about to get nasty at a far more accelerated rate than I previously thought.
I heard a radio report where I caught the words, “people who put us at risk” and it seems clear there is preparation being made for a provocation of violence on a vast scale.
This will be a major point in the terror campaign – the “Operation Dark Winter” we have been hearing about.
And re: the endlessly repeated necrophiliac statistical accounts, there has been no cessation at all even after all the criticism from those doctors who did not join in the interminable zombie fest.
Now what does that remind me of? Why yes! All those decades of “No Alternative” neoliberalism. Remember when all those howls and protests and critiques and roars of wrath were met with any amount of sage nodding….and then the neoliberal programme rolled on anyway? It’s the same here. The script grinds on. It will grind on for as long as it takes for the job to get done. And what is the job? Well there’s one thing you can be sure of. It has fuck all to do with any virus.
And while I’m at it, I have noticed that he stony intransigence of the rulers is IDENTICAL to the stony intransigence of the Left.
Dear George, please stop trying to get us at each others throats.
Now is the time to work together against a mutual enemy – the globulars..
Hi George
I think that we have now reached the point where it is appropriate to say “you are either for the people and a system based on common law which supports our inalienable rights, freedoms and justice, or against the people by going along with this current system that produces ever more repressive legislation restricting our rights freedoms and our ability to obtain any real form of justice”.
What say you?
Not only that,the language of merkel et al. Covid denials are mental disorder. So they have the right to forcibly vaccinate us. I know at moment they can’t, but it seems no vaccine =mental disorder is the angle they’ll push.
First of all since there was no significant seasonal increase in all causes deaths there was no new pandemic. Flu (ILI) did not disapered but was reclassified using Drosten purposefully non specific design of PCR test. Many of Deaths of most primary causes stroke, heart attacks etc., have been reclassified as COVID to add to it. All deaths balanced out to near zero as censored JHU student paper showed. The basic condition of classifying COVID by specific damage to lungs has been removed in fact need for COVID real diagnosis based on doctors examination and lab test to examine specific tissue damage was removed from requirements to classify COVID patients, infections, hospitalizations or deaths.
it is all sham unfortunately it was in making for decades when young doctors were conditioned to equal sophisticated microbiological tests with actual disease under guise early prevention of diseases, that “prevention” often never happened while people were subjected to mutilations like in case of prostate and breast cancers.
Entire medicine must be reorganized corporate money-making and mostly harmful BS and dogmas must be rejected while in US alone a million people dying from preventable diseases due to abandonment , lack of access to healthcare.
Hate to be a stickler but there is no “pandemic” please look at the definition. Lets just call it what it is — the flu in 2020. Thanks!
So Joe Biden celebrated his arranged marriage in the Nov. 3 election by warning yet again about the “long dark winter”.
Can’t stop waving anihilation in face of the Muggles. Classy.
This analysis omits the most outrageous move by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. For the last several months, all deaths/hospitalizations attributed to pneumonia, influenza AND Covid are tallied under the same total of “PIC.” So the numbers in the US are climbing steadily as we move into winter because flu and pneumonia deaths are now called “Covid.” This is deliberate misinformation, and it makes getting any kind of actual data nearly impossible.
Covid was all about creating an overwhelming fear of illness in general. The designation “covid” stands as a kind of code noise to instill instant panic over a general dread of mortality. CJ Hopkins summed it up near the beginning of this psychic warping when he called it “The War on Death”.
Back in March, when the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was launched, my sister sent me a photo taken in her local supermarket’s cleaning-supplies aisle. The aisle itself– i.e., the floor and stripped-bare shelves– was all that was left to photograph.
I replied with something like, “Great! Now we will become a nation of germophobes!” Strictly speaking, I should’ve written “virophobes”. Then again, with a Phantom Menace that’s arguably a distinction without a difference.
I thought, or hoped, that I was being cynically facetious rather than prophetic. BTW, at the time I also didn’t expect my sister to become a terrorized True Believer who’s been “staying away from people” all year.
We’re in that uneasy “truce” state of not discussing our diverse and conflicting opinion of the scamdemic. But during a recent Zoom chat with our brother– we’re all 65+ years of age– she poignantly expressed optimism at the prospect of the vaccines finally ending the “pandemic”. She hopes that sooner than later, the MVD will be conquered, the masks and “public-health measures” will be discontinued, and we can have the belated “Christmas” she canceled.
It is hard to believe that people think that they will stop moving the goalposts down the road, when they are not being forced to do so. They will keep moving in the same direction. They will be no “return to normal” – whatever that is, unless we fully resist.
Scotland has become prime territory for gullibility. Countless people all scared shxxless. No hopers sitting in front of the BBC programmed to death. A once great social nation gone to pot. Drug & alchohol abuse crap food, fags & we worry about Corona.
Its time to bow out. My only fear is for our kids in A world of hell.
‘My only fear is for our kids’ Indeed. I’ve had a life of freedom (the usual restrictions notwithstanding) and I surely find it difficult to contemplate much furtherance of my life in the direction which currently beckons. The remainder of my life would be best spent in trying to defend my kids. This can only mean, of course, resisting.
Excellent interview of Joel Kotkin, author of The Coming of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Global Middle Class, with Steve Bannon.
Yes, that Steve Bannon. I can already hear stampy-foot with synchronized cuss words: “I do an eclectic, post-modernist line in F-bombs and I won’t have you mention that Trumper in my righteous presence. Don’t you realize you could literally murder someone without a trigger warning? How… dare… you.”
Well, Kotkin is a man of the left and his analysis is worth hearing and you can find it at 01:02:00 (one hour, two minutes).
War Room: Pandemic Ep 580, Joel Kotkin interview
Is there no warning about Steve Bannon? and his neo-Nazi ‘Movement’?
“My Olga perceived a micro aggression on the last rally in Petrograd. I’m not sure she’ll be coming to Vladimir’s putsch this weekend. Would it be okay if the mums got together first to work it out?”
There is a useful interview with a leftist academic. You have to learn not to choke over your borscht. Bozhe moi, how did the Bolsheviks get through life with all those sectarian divisions? Let alone the mutual assassinations. Today they’d be hiding in their safe spaces. There wouldn’t have been a revolution. Not even play date.
After the 5+ minute intro including ‘sleep products’ it’s good to see the cross-pollination of ideas. Bannon can direct a good interview, and in this case, attract a worthy subject.
Stevie boy is a full-blown Irish Catholic Zionist.
But everyone says they’re a Zio these days so what does it really mean?
All alt media in the US and Canada is run by zios.
Alt politicos here in Spain are run by zios.
Looks like we’re all being taken for a ride.
Before ever hearing him speak, I was trained to be disgusted by Steve Bannon. Since hearing him in several interviews/panels, I’ve heard some interesting and valuable statements from him.
If you are European he is not your friend. If you are American he is not your friend.
I don’t agree with him on most or even half of what he’s doing, but as they discuss in the video, there are some points of agreement for nearly everyone who is against the global cabal.
In that case the only medicine i can prescribe is made of cupro nickel and lead and i recommend it be delivered to the temple at aprox 1700 mph
He has no further use
Thanks for the video, listening to it now.
people so fucking dumb they paid him to build the wall!! which bannon is getting done for fraud and trump was suppose to build the wall! ow he did to keep you in!
I’m more of a glass half full man.
Thanks to covid, deaths from pneumonia, and the flu have been eradicated.
With a massive testing program using PCR testing with sufficiently high cycle rate we could see deaths from all other causes virtually eliminated.
Indeed this policy could even be used on enemy combatants and collateral damage mortality.
If a posthumous PCR test was applied to the corpse and proved positive, that death could then be attributed to covid thus eliminating the possibility of frivolous compensation claims or poor public relations.
Indeed this policy of using scientific testing retrospectively could also reduce the deaths from road accidents and accidents in the home. With those mortalities migrating to the ‘death with covid’ statistics this would consolidate most deaths into one easily identifiable cause.
”……..into submitting to medical experimentation with untested and unsafe, uninsurable biologics.”
What nonsense, that is what the CIA want us to believe, but actually it is far more mundane than that, it is to conceal, & delay US dollar collapse.
It is absolutely clear that dying with Covid does not equal dying of Covid.
The only true reflection of the scale of the problem is to compare all-cause deaths with the average all-cause deaths over the last x (usually 5) years. Numbers significantly higher than the average are called excess deaths.
PHE publishes a weekly flu and covid surveillance report in which they analyse excess deaths, and so far during the autumn lockdown, excess deaths have only occurred in the 85+ age group. i.e. more people than usual aged higher than the national average life expectancy are dying. Death rates in other age groups are not significantly higher than average.
But you can die from being anti-Covid measures as well as from Covid measures.
now i’m confused
Yes, I distinctly read in the Guran – our favourite rag – that there had been a spike in the number of Covid-Related deaths. Covid-Related please note. Which means the death might be attributed to any underlying malady. And what is interesting is that the overwhelming number of deaths has been among the older 70+ age-groups. Yes old people do have an ufortunate habit of dying at a higher rate than those below the ‘at risk’ groups. But that’s life isn’t it?
It seems we can exist with two totally different versions of reality running parallel in our society.
The Covid cult and the anti-Covid cult. We are both being nurtured by the machine and both existing along side each other, to what end?
As the noose of Covid measures tightens around the neck of the population, is the anti-Covid cult, captured by the far-right, intended to be our masters safety-valve.
If they can’t hold down humanity with the ‘Covid measures’ then they will over-throw the system completely, and hold us down with fascism, in an anti-Covid, anti-establishment, anti-democratic revolution? ………….I think both cults serve a purpose.
One needs to learn the “gift” of ignoring others and go out and pro-actively inform oneself.
The worst thing is to try to “fake it”, because that eventually waters down one’s resolve.
In other words: if something is unequivocally WRONG, do not behave as if you meekly agree.
I live in BC, Canada – 10 months in, I have worn a mask in total of ~2 hours. When I do, I do not wear it “properly”.
I agree. It’s like “don’t feed the trolls”. Don’t give them the behaviour they want. Don’t be a pig about it, but just get on with it.
I am in Toronto and I too have minimal mask wearing. None in stores, only on a plane – to Vancouver 😊
“To be clear, I am not a statistician, scientist, or medical doctor”
Urm, yeah, we can tell.
Definitely NOT my uncle.
Has anyone died from covid-19? There is no test to detect it.The virus unidentified, not able to be transcribed who has died of it ? No antibodies no memory cells who has died because of it ? It has mutated how is this known it has never been transcribed ? How can a vaccine be made with no information of what it is supposed confer immunity against ? And now we have a novel 3rd strain. A 3rd strain of what ? This is now a farce. I think we need to turn our eyes and ears to what this ‘non-virus’ is a mask for.
Conditioned fear to an unseen enemy……face coverings to dehumanise….lockdown to isolate……but it goes on holiday for 5 days over Christmas…that’s clever. It must be a Christian virus one may think.
The end game has nothing to do with Christ…….and everything to do will perverted power and control….by the few over the many…..what is to be worshiped? Gates or anyone else..Oh no there is a much darker agenda here….it has many names, but the first name it was given, Eugenics does what it says on the box weed out the poor.
It has no scientific basis. It has no proven correlation to anything….it is not even pseudoscience or scientism it is based on a book of photographs taken by a man who had too much money and too much time on his hands so he dreamt eugenics up Why? because he could. And that is exactly what Francis Galton did.
No it doesn’t exist. It’s a massive psyop that they have actually been simulating yearly now since 2001 ,the original dark winter. They got Trump in to lull the right-wingers and keep them quiet while they rolled out Operation Warp Speed, the ultimate goal. It’s pure satanism. What we once considered evil is now good, what we once considered good is now evil. I used to quietly scoff at religious people. I don’t anymore.
Oh yes, we clearly see a duality similar to BNW being played out now. Religion depends very much on which docterine you keep faith with. There is a whole spectrum…..I would never underestimate the power of any.
Thing is with religion, faith and hope is that it renders the believer passive or still. Just stay still, believe and wait. Don’t disturb the status quo( that is never in place anyway) . Basically do nothing. That may well bring them comfort, but it brings the elite demons power. It’s already too easy for them- why make it easier.
These demons are flesh. And the damage they do and destruction they create are concrete and tangible Just because they base and justify it on ideologies doesn’t make them metaphysical. This is the good ship Planet Earth being hurled toward the iceberg. And we’ll be the passengers.
Exactly Tish…
The fact that Darwin and Galton had some profound flaws while claiming to be of the ‘well born’ and ‘genetically superior’ breed is evidence enough that eugenics or racial hygiene or social engineering or any other bullshit euphemism they use is merely a cynical and baseless way to promote class superiority and demote those less well off to mere maggots. They consider us as the weeds spoiling their Eden. And it’s long overdue that we were scythed in the name of human husbandry….
Until recently they lacked the mass of weaponry that could be deployed by stealth to take on 7 billion so they had to try it in instalments through wars, invasions and viruses like HIV and AIDS or Ebola. We all looked at the evil germ; never who made it or what for. But we have recently begun to wake up to it and identify the causes, the effects and the creators.
The final conflict we’ve ben primed to expect has always been a nuclear war. It made good movies and documentaries and taught us to expect the worst as a realistic future. Most were made in America so obviously the evil doers would be Russians, Muslim or Chinese.
But here we are. Its the final conflict between Us and them. Not east and west and not using bombs.
Just as we began to wake up and identify the demons they developed the method of crushing their enemy. This is why the covid 19 has to be believed in. Only an unseen terror could justify our imprisonment ( for our own protection).It’s a theoretical invasion supported by non existent data and no physical evidence.
I touched on this in my initial post about 7 hours ago. It’s stranded in a tin of fkng spam..
I think the US have deliberately exaggerated their numbers by paying a substantial lump sum to any private hospital that categorises a patients illness as Covid.
I do not know, but it would be interesting to see how this is working out on the ground. I can imagine, insurers, patients and doctors all in agreement that lump sums from the government for medical cost is a very good idea, whatever the illness, and are complicit in getting their hands on that money, whatever the illness.
How it is ”working out on the ground” can be seen and heard several times a day every day. They read the fake statistics out. Bottom line : It’s working out very nicely thank you for all involved in the crime.
Luckily, as more and more people lose faith in this so called pandemic and its ‘bad actors’ it draws near a point of culmination which hopefully should signal the death of a process that has been creeping through Western Governments via their corporatised Intelligence agencies since around 1976 and the creation of Team B in the United States (CIA). The process is of course the manufacturing, distortion, politicisation and feeding of selected data to favoured decision makers and media outlets that support a particular outcome or interest. This process is also known as stove piping.
If you think only western intelligence agencies are involved in this global fraud and perpetuating false illusions, false flags, and faux pandemics, you are naive.
The first SARSCov fraud came from China. So did the second one. There is no virus. It doesn’t exist. There is a global and concerted effort to defraud the entire world population and to coerce them into submitting to medical experimentation with untested and unsafe, uninsurable biologics.
The left did a pretty good job over the past 120 years, that is why you are here complaining, because all their good works are being reversed and destroyed.
The left and the right don’t exist except as a construct to divert people from learning the truth: That both sides work together behind the scenes.
The process of awarding a few crumbs to the masses then using the next administration to remove civil rights, or creating economic shocks or distress through manufactured crises while inundating people with propaganda, is all based a monetary system where debt enslavement and mass deception, is key to keeping control.
This covid fraud is no different from all the frauds perpetrated on mankind throughout the ages. It’s based on fear and control. And it doesn’t end with money and profit because the controllers can print money and have already cornered the market on profiteering in every conceivable area.
You are here to derail people from learning the truth. Changing your name, avatar and identity every time you post is proof of your agenda.
Thats what the CIA keep talling me. And it’s total crap.
What good works were they Cher? They never changed Admiralty law that has kept us enslaved from birth under that system did they for starters?
Totally agree with you. I was using the Western element as reference for context.
As for the Left and their ‘good works’… Phfftt What left? Who are the left?
Corporatists masquerading as the left… just like that POS Blair!
Exactly. Sorry, I misunderstood your original comment. I’m bored with the two party deception. People pretending that there’s a better leader just out of reach. As if “leaders” weren’t part of the problem. The focus on leadership is a deliberate decoy tactic instead of enabling us to examine all the ways that governments are wholly unaccountable to citizens and use deception, coercion, physical and economic intimidation to extract wealth, to exploit and harm their citizenry.
Therefore, they are illegitimate, and serve the owners of these corporations called “governments”, not the people.
As such, they must be decentralized, delegitimized and their powers severely curtailed. Those at the helm of these governments, and all those that have profiteered through these illegitimate institutions must be brought to justice. Including Tony Blair, his cohorts and predecessors. None of whom, are innocent. PS. I didn’t down vote you. That was someone else.
No worries.. we’re all big boys and girls. I’m having a bit of a brain fart today.
As for the down vote… I’ve picked up fan. seems to have appeared after my recent post regarding the hero’s in our armed forces who bomb and starve men, women, children and infants to death for a f*cking salary and those who hide this from public view for their corporate masters… looking at YOU 77th Brigade tossers.
Depending on how far you want to go down the rabbit hole…
you could also add some tidbits about brain-targeted DNA in the COVID “vaccines”…
and then add a sprinkle of lipid nanoparticles to the witch’s brew tohelp cross the blood brain barrier…
then you’ll be ready to crank up the vibes on your five geee to about 34GHz to achieve resonance with the newly implanted fractal antennas…
so you can transmit feelies direct into the brains of the vaccinated!
Wonderful what our engineers are capable of achieving with a bit of determination and govt grants.
Whenever I ask the people who believe in the Scamdemic can you cite a single medical researcher, institution anywhere on the face of the Earth to demonstrate that this “ virus “ has been isolated, they either obfuscate, ignore the question or produce false evidence. Which then leads on to the next question, how can they test for a virus which they cannot isolate with a PCR test which produces so many false readings. It reminds me of the novel by Frank Kafka, The Trial !!
Some people may have died primarily because of an influenza-like-illness in which the theoretical pathogenic virus Sars2 may have played a contributory role.
And that’s being really fucking generous.
“Although people have tragically died from Covid-19”
Interesting start of the first phrase to the first sentence. Reminds me of Kary Mullis’ quest for a proper first footnote to a grant he was trying to write. For those new to this issue, Mullis’s grant proposal started out with a similar first sentence, The HIV virus causes AIDS. His quest for a proper footnote led him eventually to the French scientist who won the Ignobel Prize for the HIV research. His reply was all hogwash and he ran away from Mullis and lost himself in the crowd. So I say to Insight History, put a superscript number one to that statement and give me the link. And not a fake one where the claim is in the abstract, and the rebutal to the abstract is in the body. SARS-CoV-2 has never been properly isolated and proven to exist by the “gold standards” of molecular biology. Since the governments of the planet have spent trillions on “stimulus,” one must assume they had the funds to do this and had a good reason not to.
“they (PCR tests) can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV”
In this quote, Mr. Lauritsen is conflating the antibody test with the rt-PCR test. The PCR test can only “see” and amplify DNA. Viral RNA must be converted to DNA by an enzyme extract to detect it. Have no idea who this person is, but he should not be quoted regarding molecular biology.
The author spends a lot of time decoding statistics and showing how they were rigged. However, I would like to go to the heart of the matter.
1) The “virus” has never been isolated and purified by the gold standard.
2) Thus we can conclude that it is almost surely a fiction.
3) The rt-PCR test is not a valid way to detect viral infection.
4) But even if it were, the PCR would need proper genetic sequence probes. These probes could only be constructed based on the genetic sequencing of the “virus,” which has never been done by the gold standard.
5) Thus all positives are false positives, and analysis of their bogus statistics give some gravitas to this load of ballocks.
6) The only statistic that has meaning regarding the scamdemic is deaths from all causes compared with previous years. The CDC numbers in this area prove that there is no pandemic. Ironically this analysis comes from Sauron’s favorite university, Johns Hopkins.
So one might ask, why am I attacking an article which is “basically on our side.” The answer is simple. If one accepts any of the false fundamentals of the scamdemic, it gives our Overlords a lot more wiggle room.
I would like to close this comment with a question. We all are familiar with the tale of the emperor and his new clothes. My question is the following:
Before that little boy opened his big mouth, was the crowd hallucinating the emperor’s new clothes or were they simply too timid to say anything?
Great comment.
Covid to the Big Pharma/Pseudo Scientists/Medical Mafia is a computer generated concoction designed to invent new ways to enhance their industry.
Covid to the technocrats and multi-billionaire philanthrocapitalists is a business plan to guarantee massive profits for the foreseeable future.
Covid for the governing authoritarian class is a manner to ensure social control and habituate the masses to obedience and coercion. This amidst the certain decline in living standards and the accompanying unrest.
Covid for the general public is a collective hallucination.
What you write is all true, but it’s even worse than that 🙁
Most epidemics are. Think of things going viral on the internet– same thing, same energy.
They were too stoopid to say anything.
If I have learned anything this year, it’s that most people are not interested in the truth. They will not lift a finger to remove any doubt surrounding a topic that has great influence on their life and their future. They don’t care. They just repeat what the tv tells them to repeat. And they look around to make sure everyone else is complying with the new rules.
That’s it. Accept it. That’s what we’re dealing with.
Sit rep in spain…
The kids are being tortured in schools – six hours a day wearing a mask including during PE – hand sanitiser ritual and social distancing full compliance.
Teachers are a disgrace going along with it all.
I don’t see any parents putting a stop to this. I don’t see many police refusing to follow illegal orders. Doctors are hardly seeing any patients face to face. Hospitals don’t want emergencies unless they are covid cases.
This is in december!
After ten months of this insanity.
90% of people believe the official story.
The only way this ends is if the official story changes.
I’m not certain that the changing of the official story will end it. I believe that the term “Covidian cult” is appropriate and that the cultists – the majority – indoctrinated non-stop, find drama, meaning, and heroics in their response to the COVID devil that terrifies them. So in order to return to normal, they would require deprogramming, as has (sometimes) successfully been done with cult members. But who would deprogram them? Simply changing the story will not relieve them of their fear of death and infection.
You may be right! I have also looked at the situation from the perspective of cult deprogramming and that is indeed an uphill struggle if not an imposible task altogether i.e. a lost cause.
I also agree with the below commenter that their is an element of fetishisation going on! Sneeky occultists have tapped into a deep yearning among the sheep to self flaggelate, asphixiate, display their shame. There’s plenty of material on this subject if anyone cares to delve.
Any event that breaks the current spell would have to have much greater impact than the previous one. Something so jarring and terrifying that it shocks the covidiots out of their current programming.
But yes, many would still be clinging tightly to the current cult practices. Possibly for their remaining days. Long after the dust settles.
You never know… the next narrative may actually require an upgrade in PPE. Full hazmat and full face respirator at all times. I don’t want to give them any ideas but I wouldn’t put it past them.
“They were too stoopid to say anything.”
My answer to my own final question is that they were hallucinating his new apparel in all their grandiloquence. As the old saying goes, believing is seeing.
Its not over–no real conclusions yet. Things can happen, things can change that will snap people out of their fear state. Please understand that a fear state in people creates either zombies or the “fleeers”
Well… I base my suspicions on the current buzz around cyberattacks. Of course real attacks are not necessary in the same way that a real viral contagion is not necessary. One only has to flip the switch and cut the power then blame the chaos on some nefarious rogue state etc etc.
But the damage from such a false flag attack can be as great or greater than the current lockdown fiasco.
It’s all theatre folks! But the damage is real.
As a long time fan of The Walking Dead I have already prepared myself mentally for what I call… Machete Tiime!
We not that far off a total collapse scenario. Truck driver strike is enough to get the ball rolling.
My only glimmer of optimsim is that enough people wake up and turn things around before SHTF.
No, it ends when the hyperinflation and orgy of violence starts….
The sound of a million blades sharpenning intensifies…
They didn’t know what Clothes where anymore.
“…tragically…”; as in predictable; aka scripted
I agree with you fully, but just for the sake of understanding this more, China claimed that they have isolated the virus. Could china, or any other country for this matter, create such a virus, weapon labs, isolate it and not release the findings to others ?.
They were too afraid to say anything, I would say. Although the amount of cognitive dissonance around in modern societies…
I would suspect in Roman times people who saw Caligula or Commodus doing their mad stuff realised exactly what it was. It was just dangerous to say so…
You find me a small businessman or women who didn’t vote for the Tories for the past 50 years and I’ll find you a unicorn. So there is a certain satisfaction in seeing the foot solders of the Thatcherite revolution, small and medium size businessmen & women, being rudely introduced to Universal Credit and the state benefit system en masse, as their life’s work crumble.
It is a system they voted for it, they cheered on, especially for the punitive brutality it inflicted on the ‘lazy’ and the ‘feckless’, all the time thinking themselves far too hard-working and far too virtuous to ever ‘beg for charity’.
Little did they know that they were next on the hit list of the demon ideologues they cheered and championed, the low tax, small government, neoliberal mafia class.
I now await the chorus of bleating, crying and moaning, about the unjust system they are now victims off, because they couldn’t survive a simple lockdown, due to their incompetent, bankrupt, laziness, greed and wasteful use of resources, as they discover the hell and desperation of state benefits, they had condemned their countrymen to for decades. The moral of this story is: don’t be a greedy vindictive c*nt.
That’s a little sour and untimely since it’s the progressives who are about to be dismantled by the Warfare-to-Welfare party that has just dropped the ‘welfare’ part.
Everything for you is about attacking those, ‘progressives’ who try to act to improve the lot of the working class and poor. You neo-nazis are just corporate tools, trustees in the corporate prison camp.
Progressives have no interest in helping improve the lot of the working class or poor. Progressives are basically new Labour and were more responsible than the tories in destroying the working classes promoting neo-liberalism.
The left did a pretty good job over the past 100 years, that is why you are here complaining, because all their good work is being reversed.
The left did a pretty good job over the past 130 years, that is why you are here complaining, because all their good works are being reversed and destroyed.