What Joe Biden’s Electoral College “Victory” Really Means
Kit Knightly

So, the electoral college cast their votes, and they handed Joe Biden the Presidency. The decision was never in any serious doubt.
We’ve been over the evidence the election was rigged, we’ve discussed at length the potential corruption of postal ballots (historically the least safe way to vote, and most liable to fraud). There’s no need to go over it again.
Given all that, it was inevitable the Electoral College would vote Biden in, and the lawsuits would be turned out of court unheard. You don’t go to the trouble of fixing a nationwide election and without knowing you have the judges and bureaucrats on-side first. When you’re staging a coup, the vast majority of the work is behind the scenes – securing the loyalty of soldiers and officials and media mouthpieces. You don’t actually act until the last minute, one frenzied moment of violent change, then a steady period securing of your position.
Donald Trump’s cause has been largely hopeless since well before polling day. He will be forced aside, one way or another. Likely peacefully, thanks to some backroom deal. What his many millions of supporters do after that is anyone’s guess…there is definitely a potential for chaos.
At this point the question isn’t “was the election fixed?”, the question is “why was the election fixed?”
The issue here isn’t whether or not America’s democracy is corrupt, anyone paying attention can see that it is (and has been for decades). The issue is why are they making it so obvious, and what is so important about Biden being President?
Is it about the Iran nuclear deal, Wearing masks? Funding the WHO, or staying put in Somalia? Unlikely. These are policy changes you can bring about through passive resistance, bureaucratic red-tape, or simply straight up saying you did them when you didn’t. You don’t need to stage a coup to keep 700 soldiers in Somalia.
So what would be worth all the trouble?
Perhaps for a possible answer to this question we should look back at the last US election so openly and obviously subject to creative vote distribution: Bush vs Gore in 2000.
The 2000 election was almost certainly fixed. It was clearly very important that George W. Bush became President, and with him came his coterie of neocon warmongers and puppetmasters.
Less than a year into his Presidency, 9/11 happened. Less than two months after that, the US invaded Afghanistan. The war on Terror had begun, and Iraq, Syria, and Libya would all be caught up in the blaze.
It wasn’t just about starting a few wars, either.
It was about a “single catastrophic and catalyzing event” triggering monumental changes in the way the world works. It was about Gitmo and Drone Strikes and Enhanced Interrogation Techniques. It was about normalising execution without trial, constant surveillance and keeping people scared.
It was about the Patriot Act “temporarily” halting people’s fundamental freedoms…forever. A huge policy shift that cemented Imperial power abroad, enforced draconian discipline at home and totally changed the political landscape of the entire planet.
I would expect something similar for Joe Biden’s contrived presidency. But what form will it take? Will it be due to the Covid19 “pandemic”, or can we expect another “catalysing event”? It could be the Great Reset, or the Green New Deal. Or both.
While Biden will likely endorse, and even reinforce, US troops all over Africa and the Middle East, his flagship policy is likely to be domestic rather international, and political rather than military. Some brutal authoritarian consolidation of control in a flimsy “progressive” disguise.
Whatever it turns out to be, it will be sea-change in the way the world works. The Deep State don’t stick their necks out this far for anything less.
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The election wasn’t rigged, you duck-lipped imbeciles, any more than the election in 2016 was “rigged against Trump”. LOL. He WON that election despite NOT carrying the popular vote, and he was allowed to squander 4 years through waste, corruption and incompetence with virtual impunity. Now that the people have had enough of that, this disgusting website decides it would be a good idea to carry water for a narrow section of right-wing authoritarians and to spread their pathetic lies even though Trump-appointed judges, Fox News and the Republican Party as a whole have conceded the election results. What you pigs are really saying is that it’s illegitimate to vote Democrat. You’re literally in favor of destroying democracy. Ugh, this is too miserably disgusting. Miserable conspiracy whores.
It appears you know little about the complicated US voting system.
It doesn’t matter who wins the popular vote. It is an indicator, not a decision. Others have won the Presidency without winning the popular vote. If you have been paying any attention to the events unfolding in the US, you would understand that the majority of the complaints are about the legality of ballots, and changes by the Executive Branch to laws determined by the Legislative Branch, which is a usurpation of the Legislative Branch’s authority. That, in some cases, the Judicial Branch ratified or permitted the usurpation does not negate the Constitutional illegality. The Wisconsin Supreme Court, in a triumph of mental gymnastics, declared Emergency Order #12 (waiver of ‘indefinitely confined’ rule) invalid, but refused to invalidate the ballots sent in under the illegal Order. That the ballots probably benefited a Democrat is conjecture, at this point in time.
Election integrity was an issue in the US long before the Nixon – Kennedy fiasco in 1960. They didn’t call Johnson “Landslide Lyndon” in the 1940s for nothing. Computerization has only made the fraud easier and more prevalent. It has been used to the benefit of both wings of the Uniparty. https://ratical.org/ratville/BHoCEFiA.html
The “election” of Joe Biden, who did virtually no campaigning, whose dementia was clearly obvious to any paying attention (though it appears he has a body double who has done a great job of impersonating him of late), seems to me to be an obvious thumb nose move by the evil elite rulers behind the scenes letting us know that we the people really have no say in who their puppets in office will be. Between the political corruption controlling the balloting process, the corrupted voting machines, the corrupt mail-in ballots, the corrupt media, and yes, the corrupt judicial officials and processes, the clear message is that the election process is meaningless. And, yes it has been for some time, but the openness is appalling.
I’ve long been saying and thinking what this short article says. Thank you, Kit Knightly, for seconding my suspicions.
The sheer hysteria and madness of the establishment’s anti-Trump efforts from the very moment of his election victory in 2016 had always seemed suspicious to me. And I suspected that it had indeed something to do with 9/11, “full spectrum dominance,” and the way the world has been since that event. Trump’s stated opposition to the Wars of Terror added to this.
Trump was a Manhattan builder, Giuliani was mayor of New York when that event happened. Trump is on the record saying “it’s not what you think” about the 9/11 attacks. Rudy oversaw the immediate removal of endless tons of forensic evidence in the wake of the attacks. Clearly it wasn’t Rudy’s decision and came from higher up. What does he know?
That Giuliani was privy to the cover-up was in full view during the Republican primary debates in 2008, when questions pertaining to 9/11 were still somewhat accepted in political and journalistic discussion. When someone asked Giuliani about Building 7, he repeated the lie that it came down on its own, and he even said “gradually” (which was clearly not the case) and accompanied his answer with a nervous laugh. My thought at the time was: This man knows he’s lying.
Is the establishment afraid that these men could spill the beans?
It also seemed significant to me that one of the people arguing for Giuliani’s election fraud cases was retired Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Schaffer of military intelligence, who was something of a whistleblower during the congressional investigations of the 9/11 events and revealed some interesting things about the military and intelligence exercises prior to and ongoing during the 9/11 events, particularly the “Able Danger” exercise. Implicit in all of Schaffer’s 9/11 testimony was that there was internal foul play.
Keeping the lid on 9/11 and the chaos that followed might well be the explanation for the virulent insanity of the efforts to get rid of Trump, even to the point of tearing the country apart. That might be why the puppetmasters needed a real puppet in the White House.
Pentagon Stopping Biden Briefs/
Furious Soros Looses A Round At EU/
Assange Case Urgency/
Vaxxed Nurse Faints On TV/
Top Intel Confirms Election Fraud.FBI Harasses Witness/
NO To Freeing Sex Convicts.Murderers For Covid/
Supreme Justice Roberts Blackmailed?
Anyone who thinks that President Trump will step aside in the light of the mountain of evidence, yet to be heard in a court, of the biggest election coup in US history is wishful thinking.
The trap has been set.
This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order, available at Whitehouse.gov, is entitled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.”
The election has been conducted under a state of national emergency.
The panic in DC is understandable, jail awaits those involved, for treason the firing squad.
Trust the plan.
Believing as I do that government is the root of all evil, I’m quite ready to accept that some group of influential pro-government people are manipulating the puppet strings.
Bit I don’t see the proof, or their identities or motives.
This article maked sense, but also shares those omissions. Can you repair them?
Given the depth of the corruption, the only way to restore the Republic is to use the military. This has been understood for some time.
Lt Gen McInerney: Those who stole the election committed high treason… punishable by hanging!
Freedom One-on-One with Jeff Dornik
Dec 16, 2020
Retired Lt Gen Thomas McInerney has been exposing the coup being implemented by the Globalist Democrats in stealing the 2020 Election since before the election even occurred. In fact, he broke the story about Hammer and Scorecard on Freedom First Network’s show Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike. The Deep State has been exposed for being deeper than probably even President Donald Trump realized before he took office.
When it comes to this election, it is clear for anyone who logically looks at the evidence being presented that this election was stolen. Joe Biden is not the president-elect. McInerney explained exactly how the steal occurred, which was a combination of several different contributing factors. It started with COVID-19 earlier this year, which led to the mail-in ballots. It continued with the use of Dominion to “count” the ballots, as well as using Hammer and Scorecard to manipulate the results. According to Lt Gen McInerney, the same people involved in the Russia Hoax are the ones calling the shots on this stolen election.
There are multiple different things that McInerney is calling on President Trump to implement in order to save our country and ensure that Joe Biden and the Democrats don’t pull of this steal: declaring Martial Law, implementing the Insurrection Act, using Military Tribunals and suspending Habeas Corpus. These are drastic measures, but the fact that this election is being stolen calls for an extreme response. He makes the case that these are legal avenues for President Trump to pursue, established by our Founding Fathers to ensure that we have a recourse against a coup like we are going through today.
It’s clear that the Democrats are willing to do anything that they have to do to get rid of President Trump and gain power of America. This is High Treason, and the penalty for treason is hanging, McInerney reminds us. We find ourselves in the midst of an insurrection, and we’ve got to nip it in the bud. It’s now or never. If we don’t expose the Deep State right now, they’ll control our government and we’ll never have another legal avenue to have a Republican president in our lifetime. It’s now or never… do or die time for our country!
See also:
Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: Trump must invoke 2018 Executive Order over foreign influence
Freedom First Network
(Michael Shueur & Colonel Mike)
Streamed live on Dec 15, 2020
evoke marshal law.?
how do you explain??
No mass arrests, no indictments, Hilary still free, an entire staff of Ashkenazi Jews, whole family married into prominent rabbi families and connections. His only real “social justice” campaign is against antisemitism…he’s a hero and puppet of Israel. All his money and bailouts were from the very system that he’s allegedly fighting, he had a Kabbalah teacher and obviously practices its sorcery and knows he’s keeping a large part of the population in ignorance and anger. He was the perfect man for the divide and conquer agenda. Don’t get me started on his mocking predictive programming like the Serta mattress commercial talking to digital sheep.
He also stated the news is fake! the news is fake! — and would continue to use those same networks to deliver his messages haha such a friggin’ joke!
posted by rick
Hello Lost in a dark wood: Marshal Law will solve the problem of those uppity civilians, once and for all… Marshal Law works particularly well in places like China, North Korea, Palestine, Yemen, etc…
The specter of military “justice” has imprisoned mankind for the last 6000 years. Play it again Sam will solve nothing whatsoever…
Note the third reason for invoking the Insurrection Act (i.e. § 253)
The Act empowers the U.S. president to call into service the U.S. Armed Forces and the National Guard:
1. when requested by a state’s legislature, or governor if the legislature cannot be convened, to address an insurrection against that state (§ 251),
2. to address an insurrection, in any state, which makes it impracticable to enforce the law (§ 252), or
3. to address an insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination or conspiracy, in any state, which results in the deprivation of Constitutionally-secured rights, and where the state is unable, fails, or refuses to protect said rights (§ 253).
The Insurrection Act will be used against the corrupt executive level.
Hello Lost in a dark world: I appreciate your reply, and hear what you’re saying. Yet there are other legal considerations at stake. Insurrection deals mainly with matters of armed conflict or civil revolt, and once martial law is established, the retirement of States militias or Federal military conscripts would be “difficult” to achieve…
The electoral collage (established in 1804) is the point at which true democracy and freedom of choice failed. Neither the courts nor civil populations have addressed the situation. The 12th Amendment clause makes a mockery of all civil democratic processes. >
Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution – Wikipedia
The examples of martial law from the 1950s and 60s involved specific policies and actions, but I think the deep state is so corrupt and embedded that the executive layer is going to be removed; and it would be implemented as with any corporate organisation. Imagine Brian Kemp turning up to the Georgia State Capitol one morning and his security pass doesn’t work. His personal belongings have been loaded into a van and he’s asked where would he like them delivered; other than the Governor’s Mansion, of course!
If it were down to me, I’d do a “Roger Stone” on him and send a SWAT team round to the mansion at 5am; put tanks on the lawn at Langley; and erect a scaffold all down the National Mall. But that’s probably not what Flynn & co have in mind.
Michael Flynn: “Martial law has been instituted 64 times.”
Targeted by the deep state: Flynn tells all
Newsmax TV
Dec 18, 2020
General Michael Flynn comments on his situation, case and pardon, as well as the security of elections in the United States, what he feels about the results and contested cases resulting from November 3rd, and beyond. – via Greg Kelly Reports.
bring in Marshal Law to help deliver the vaccine
what a helpers
This is diversion. Nothing will come of it. The journalist deflected from substance (Republicans are cowards etc) to flattery (why did Obama hate you). And it worked. Flynn is again being outmanouevred. Newsmax is another controlled opposition channel, to scoop up and divert the attention of people who have left Fox.
Newsmax are in the same bucket of swill as Fox and Breitbart, but Flynn used Newsmax to get HIS statement across. In what way to you think Flynn is being outmanoeuvred?
Dec 21, 2020
Attorney Sidney Powell was back at the White House again on Monday afternoon. This is Powell’s 3rd visit to the White House in the last 4 days. . . .
The left-wing media went crazy over the weekend after it was revealed (leaked) that Sidney Powell and General Flynn were in the Oval Office discussing Trump’s strategy on turning the election around after the Democrats committed massive voter fraud in a few key battleground states. Sidney Powell reportedly met with Trump in Oval Office Friday evening where the President discussed naming Powell as special counsel to investigate massive Democrat voter fraud that took place in the 2020 election. General Flynn also joined Sidney Powell on Friday and deploying the military was reportedly raised in the meeting but nixed.
It should be noted that Steve Bannon believes it isn’t necessary to invoke the Insurrection Act; at least not for closing the re-election of Trump.
Dec 18, 2020
See @ 14mins and later:
While YouTube announces broad censorship mandates for any channel discussing the election, Steve Bannon discusses the latest on the coronavirus pandemic and the latest updates on the state of the election. Calling in are Maggie VandenBerghe, Jack Maxey, Ken Blackwell.
Steve Bannon: “We don’t need the Insurrection Act, yet!”
@12:40 & ~43:00
Bannons WarRoom Ep 598: Toxic Masculinity (w/ VandenBerghe, Epshteyn, Mir, Mills)
Dec 19, 2020
While YouTube announces broad censorship mandates for any channel discussing the election, Steve Bannon discusses the latest on the coronavirus pandemic and the latest updates on the state of the election. Calling in are Maggie VandenBerghe, Frank Mir, Boris Epshteyn, Corey Mills.
All right and substantiated… however DJT is the weak point in the chain. He has not followed through when push comes to shove before and I don‘t see that coming… what I see it a perpetual hyper activation of his followers that keep goading them into thinking the big purge is going to happen now, this time, right around the corner… so that when it doesn‘t come, they will go to the streets all hyped up and crying for revenge. However, unfortunately, this is exactly what the globalists are driving for… they will be playing exactly into the hands of the elite they are trying to fight. I can say right now, that won‘t work that way. See also many of articles to this on alt-market dot com
The means to stop election fraud were introduced to the Roman populace 2700 years ago. There were other practiced forms of Direct Democracy as well.
No one is able to study history on their puny cell phone screens. Works as designed…
Excerpted from: Plebeian Council – Wikipedia
Legislative Actions
“Legislative Actions by the Concilium Plebis can be categorized into four principal categories based on their purpose. These categories are: (1) Equality, (2) Broadening of Participation, (3) Protection and (4) Mutually Binding Consultation.
Specifically, legislative Actions that fall under the ‘Equality’ category are actions which move to create equality between different groups of people. ‘Broadening of Participation’ is indicative of actions which aim to increase the political participation of groups which had previously been denied. The category of ‘Protection’ includes legislative actions seeking to place limits on arbitrary action of the state, as well as seeking rights (personal rights, rights to property). Finally, legislative actions under the category of ‘Mutually Binding Consultation’ are those which aim to solidify and increase the power and authority of the Council of the Plebs.[30] These categories are based on Tilly’s Dimensions of Democratization.”
Complete text: Plebeian Council – Wikipedia
An interesting video on the US election fraud. Implicates China & others…
Some of this is relevant:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z4DcQ53yfM
This is playing out as Trump team has planned for. EO 2018 can be invoked and with it a take down of big tech and the media. Trump can also still win when legislatures select on 6th Jan
In addition to the Treason tribunals, Trump needs to start trials for Crimes Against Humanity.
With the election over, duplicitous AMA can say HCQ is safe without risking helping President Trump
How many people died from COVID-19 or related ailments because the American Medical Association wanted to hurt President Trump’s reelection chances?
by Lorie Wimble
Dec 15, 2020
The American Medical Association has amended their recommendations regarding Hydroxychloroquine, reversing their previous warning that a drug in common use for seven decades was somehow now dangerous. This comes after the 2020 election, of course. If they admitted the truth about HCQ before the election, it would have benefitted President Trump who has been recommending it for months. . . . According to Len Bilén:
The American Medical Association (AMA), in a surprising move, has officially rescinded a previous statement against the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, giving physicians the okay to return to utilizing the medication at their discretion.
Previously, the AMA had issued a statement in March that was highly critical of HCQ in regards to its use as a proposed treatment by some physicians in the early stages of COVID-19. In addition to discouraging doctors from ordering the medication in bulk for “off-label” use – HCQ is typically used to treat diseases such as malaria – they also claimed that there was no proof that it was effective in treating COVID, and that its use could be harmful in some instances.
However, on page 18 of a recent AMA memo, issued on October 30, (resolution 509, page 3) the organization officially reversed its stance on HCQ, stating that its potential for good currently may supersede the threat of any potentially harmful side effects.
Date: October 30, 2020
Subject: Handbook Addendum – Supplemental Business and Information
We are pleased to provide the attached report and resolutions that were received after the Delegates’ Handbook resolution deadline:
• 509 – Hydroxychloroquine and Combination Therapies – Off-Label Use
Every US presidential election since 1912 has been “fixed.” How do you think Jimmy Carter came out of nowhere to win nomination and then the election in 1976? You’re gonna tell me that his membership in the Trilateral Commission (he was a charter member, they were selected by Zbig Brzezinski on behalf of David Rockefeller) had nothing to do with it? 🙂
Actually, there has never been a national election for the President or the VP.. Each state appoints members to a state electoral college, state electoral college castes its votes that prorata determines the winner. so no one, in the States, has a chance to vote for the President or the Vice President unless the voting person is also a voting member of that states electoral college. The constitution itself makes it impossible for the governed deplorable to caste a vote that counts for either the President or the VP Read Article II, and amendment 12 of the Constitution of the USA to learn all about it.
George Washington was a land grant beneficiary and owner of a vast land grant estate by virtue of a land grant made by the Queen of England, that land grant gave the Washington’s ownership and until after the defeat of the British governorship over Virginia and 1/2 of West Virginia in 1778.
It is interesting to look at the near absolute power of the office of the president (Article II) vs the minimal power allocated to the members of the Congress (Article I). The constitution gave the office of the president a monopoly in doing business abroad including declaring and conducting war to protect the private, pirate like activities of commercial enterprises doing business in foreign lands. Congress (Art I) has the power to approve and appropriate funds, but not to act, Article II persons have the power to act, but not to approve treaties and other acts or appropriate funds.
Clearly the intention of separation of powers was to limit the people’s oversight and access to the activities the USA was engaged in.
I’m with you on the Covid stuff and Great Reset but jumping on board the Trump bandwagon is just reverse TDS. If one side in a conflict is scum does that automatically make the other side respectable and worth supporting?
Or maybe, like MoA, you write this nonsense to cash in on on the clicks it brings.
It was an article about fraud.
We can put all the shiny red lipstick in the wide world on Trump and he will still be loved by the cameras for the pure pig, the perfect pig, that he truly, Trumpingly, is and has always been. (If it walks like a pig, talks like a pig, and dumps like a pig etc etc.)
I have cited this sacred factoid before, but will again for its emblematic value of all that he is (truly not so much ): he is down in the books, a matter of public record, that he has often called Roy Cohn his “mentor”.
Maybe those who are more versed on things on the E. side of The Pond don’t get the instant visual that most decent and democratic souls do here, but glossy lipsticked pigs look like beauty queens of lasting value and inner merit compared to that Nazi scumbag. He would make Sophie Scholl turn in her grave with nightmares of Judge Roland Freisler’s evil twin.
AND closer to home, on the W. side, he also directly cost our family one of our dearest members, in his ’50s witch-hunting HUAC pogroms, “Red Scares” stierscheiße. (Though many of those facts are still suppressed. My mother gave me enough to make the case, carefully keeping it from me til her 80s. She clearly didn’t want me to go off, why else.)
And that’s just for starters. But plenty enough just on its own to make a case closed v. Trump.
For those who have not seen it, the film “Citzen Cohn” by Nicholas von Hoffman sums it all up pretty well, all that self-serving coven of witch hunters calling anybody in the arts and elsewhere a commie for any reason at all, not caring about whom they consigned to the grave or other Oblivion.
That Trump? The same guy? That capo pig?
Really, most of the angst over the election is pretty much wasted, as both candidates are pretty Deep State. But nobody is more deep stated than Trump, and tsunamis of “counter-intuitive” propaganda will not make it otherwise. I’ll tell you what, Biden has already shown he’ll bring relief to people not listed as oligarchs, ten to one over Trump. Whatever his flaws, how he votes eludes much propaganda and tells me more of what I want to know. They brought Trump in to stack the SCOTUS, and he did just that, in blazing, flaming Cohn fashion.
So ridiculous. Roy Cohn was the deep state incarnate, and all the Nazi worst, embodied in his ruthless careerism.
Just ask Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who, like Sophie Scholl (or Lukashenko for that matter), were offered a deal by either the FBI stats polizei or Nazi Gestapo, here and there, respectively, to cut a deal and go quietly, but preferred death to changing the vital message.
THAT Roy Cohn? That Trump? His “mentor”?
I can’t see what OffG is pitching in this piece, or the changing tenor of CJ Hopkins’ pieces about Trump.
Really, that’s pretty bad.
And there are still a few of us who know better. Even with all that red lipstick.
No mass arrests, no indictments, Hilary still free, an entire staff of Ashkenazi Jews, whole family married into prominent rabbi families and connections. His only real “social justice” campaign is against antisemitism…he’s a hero and puppet of Israel. All his money and bailouts were from the very system that he’s allegedly fighting, he had a Kabbalah teacher and obviously practices its sorcery and knows he’s keeping a large part of the population in ignorance and anger. He was the perfect man for the divide and conquer agenda. Don’t get me started on his mocking predictive programming like the Serta mattress commercial talking to digital sheep posted by .Rick
Biden is president. There’s nothing useful anyone can do, except move on. I believe each president has a certain level of independence. The problem is the ruling mafias which controls our democracy. Nothing really changes except the agenda moves forward.
While researching a book I am contemplating writing, I came across these quotes from Aldous Huxley who apparently was closely associated to CIA’s MKUltra beginnings in the 50’s:
“.. Within the next generation I believe that the world’s leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs or prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience. In other words, I feel that the nightmare of Nineteen Eighty-Four is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World.” -From a letter to George Orwell, date 21 October 1949; from Letters of Aldous Huxley, ed. Grover Smith; Harper & Row, 1969
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
Mr Huxley, of course, pre-dated the ubiquitous cell phone; so it was only natural for him to presume a pharmacological basis for mind control.
No one with any critical capacity can watch the legions – and I do mean legions – of people walking along holding their cell phones while attempting to go about their normal activities – without concluding something other than mere images, voices and texts is riveting their attention to a mere child’s toy.
I watched a neighborhood woman walking her dog – a hyperactive German shepherd. She was talking to someone on her cell phone. At one point she fell down; but continued talking the whole time she was down and struggling to get back up. I submit that anecdote as an instance of dedication become obsession.
Something sinister is going on – more sinister than anything in Aldus Huxley’s pharmacy.
I’m not telling you anything you don’t know, but one reason mobile telephones induce that compulsive perpetual-usage is that users like that dog-walker alternate between discussing topics, for lack of a better word, with spontaneous play-by-play reports on things that are happening to them while they’re chatting.
So she probably “interrupted” talk about something else with running commentary on her struggles with the dog. This happens with legacy “landlines” too, but I think mobile phones much more strongly induce this kind of stream-of-consciousness chattering that intertwines normal conversation with commentary on the changing circumstances or environment of the call.
Huxley was warning about these things, not promoting them. Instead of coming across quotes on (probably christian ) conspiracy theory articles, try reading his books.
Timothy Leary is a far more likely culprit for your MKUltra connections. He was among the first proponents of transhumanism.
The US government/military abandoned its attempts to use psychedelics as weapons because they were not getting the consistent results they wanted… by a long shot. Huxley’s use and recommendation of mescaline is not some evil plot to destroy society unless you are the kind of person who views indigenous folks (many of who have used mescaline for centuries) as depraved, uncivilised and insane people.
As for pharmaceutical population control , there are many millions of antidepressants / anti-anxiety drugs prescribed in the US every year. Xanax (alprazolam) etc. They work for a while.
Got this text from a friend who is a Trump supporter:
From Trump’s Lawyer
Today, the electoral college votes will be sealed and sent by special carrier to Washington where they will remain sealed until January 6th when the House and Senate will come into a joint session to open the votes. The media is going to make you believe that it’s all over and Joe Biden is now officially president…
On January 6th, Nancy Pelosi will sit down with the rest of the House members as she has no special power or authority over the hearing… Vice President Mike Pence will have all the authority as president of the Senate for that day and will accept or reject motions to decide the next steps by the assembly.
Remember… Mike Pence is in full authority that day as written in the Constitution. The ballots will be certified today but that means nothing…
The votes will be opened and at that point one House member could, and most likely will, raise their hand to object to the Vice President on the state of elector’s votes. That objection could cover fraud or any other reason, and with the seconding of that objection everything changes. Everything!!
The House and Senate will divide for two hours (at least) to debate, then vote. The vote will be per Senator with the Vice President being the deciding vote if needed in the Senate, while the vote in the House will be only be ONE vote per delegation, per state, not per House member!!! The Republicans have 30 delegation votes compared to the Democrats 20 delegation votes.
If this scenario runs true, President Trump gets re-elected.
The Democrats, the media, social networks and globalists around the world will come unhinged and chaos will erupt. Bigly.
President Trump is trying to do the right thing and go through the courts first, expose all the fraud, but we all knew that none of the courts, even the Supreme Court wanted to touch this issue with a 10-ft pole!
This is why our forefathers were so brilliant because they knew something like this could happen someday. So, don’t listen to the media and all their deception and lies. All you have to do is read the Constitution and you know that the law, policies and procedures in the end are on our side.
Thank you Sherri Findley Webb
If you are wrong we are all well & truly screwed !
nice one, cheers!
Thank you for this, I truly hope it comes to pass, it’s time for the fraud, deception the globalists and the lying mainstream media to get just desserts and despite the likely chaos to follow, it will be short pain by comparison to a Biden presidency.
You really do not know about Wilbur Ross?
I think you’ll find that any attempt to gum up the formality on January 6th. will be met with stiff opposition from within the ranks of the House and Senate members. There wll be no change to the tally because for an objection to be sustained both the House and the Senate have to sustain that objections seperately — its just not going to happen.
There is no point in beating the drum about fraud if there’s no evidence to back it up. The Trump campaign was reminded of this with a judgment a couple of weeks back which explicitly stated that having suspicions isn’t good enough, you’ve go to prove your case with evidence.
The latest tack the Trump campaign has tried is to drop the fraud allegations and go for ‘irregulat / unconstitutional voting procedures’. This got roundly slapped down by the courts, the ine being “you’ve had literally years to raise these issues but you only done so once the election was held and the results were not to your liking”.
SHAM DEMOCRACY USA is and has been one big fraud. But do not expect the criminals and racketeers perpetrating it to admit to that.
Any American armed with a few facts can read this for the total hogwash it is. Interesting that people here would mostly see through all the Covidiana hoax culture of propaganda and not this. Not that some patient study won’t reveal it.
Same with the Assange-centric articles here. They can see so clearly through so much deep state that other outlets ignore, but not these others? Maybe that audience is younger.
As Yul Brynner said in “The King and I” — “Is a puzzlement.”
Why don’t you, as an American supposedly armed with a few facts about your Constitution, spell out the “hogwash” to the rest of who can’t see through it all rather than just be supercilious about it all? Enlighten us poor folk.
I fancied rather more my visual of Trump going full frontal Salvador Allende, with an Uzi strapped on his neck bandolero style, grim mouthed on the steps of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and giving us his Reality TV take on “Treasure of the Sierra Madre” with a “We don’t need no stinkin’ electoral colleges.”
Works for me, and more his swag.
Whatever happens will be staged. And whatever happens to the people, will make no difference who is president. It’s a giant psyop against the people. Voting gives them the false illusion of agency.
There’s a very big fly in Ms Webb’s ointment: the Republican Party. In general, they hate President Trump every bit as much as the Democrats. And if Trump loses and Biden is situated in the Oval Office for a spell, chances are Mitch McConnell will end up the single most powerful person in Congress.
Not much incentive there for a Republican Senate to support Mr Trump.
You might want to remove your friends’ signature from the end of that note.
That’s not my friends signature. Forwarding here how it was forwarded to me.
Censors at Off Guardian deleted my reply – Tells me what I need to know !
Your undying faith in your glorious leader is a thing to behold…
Unfortunately, the “forefathers” were freemasons and on the 7th of January nothing will happen to keep Trump in office. One muppet will replace another for another round of pillaging and mass murder abroad in a desperate attempt to maintain the dominance of the dollar.
The constitution is not worth anything also because you do not have the military on your side.
North American Union.
Trump’s internecine battle between segments of the security state began as soon as he was announced the winner of the 2016 presidential election. Hillary’s loss traumatized not only establishment Democrats but factions within the CIA and FBI–shocked that the well-known rigged electronic voting machines swung in Trump’s favor flipping a mere 10,000 votes.
The question is why was it so important in 2016 to ensure Hillary’s loss and the Orangeman’s win?
After all, the ghouls controlling Wall Street, the energy industry, multinational insurance companies, and the MIC certainly have something to say about who sits in the Oval Office……….
Trump, although inelegant and relentlessly mocked by the Liberal media was in actuality extremely useful in fattening all of their purses via tax cuts, deregulation, and further exploiting US oil. In fact, military actions under Trump maintained US hegemony without initiating new wars. It should be noted, that Trump specialized in “economic warfare” better known as sanctions. Oh by the way, we can’t forget the ton of money secured by weasel political commentators writing hundreds of books ridiculing Trump. The printing presses worked non-stop. Strangely before Trump, it was impossible to get a book published without being a celebrity, however, with Trump in the White House every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Jane was able to get their book published pronto. It only goes to show you how much control the security state has over all mainstream media.
Trump’s presidency was the perfect distraction for passing the most reactionary legislation, appointing hundreds of right-wing lifetime judgeships, and guaranteeing polarization would occur between the Republicans and Democrats ensuring the working-class would get screwed-over bigtime when the “COVID terror campaign” took off.
The one good thing about Trump which pissed-off the promoters of the “COVID reign of terror” was his supercilious attitude. He couldn’t follow the COVID narrative with a straight face and he hated wearing a mask. Ironically, those are the qualities I personally liked most about Trump. His stumbling and fumbling threw a wrench into the creeps sadistic well-conceived plans. However, Trump capitulated quickly to Big Pharma with his “warp speed RNA vaccine campaign.” That capitulation demonstrates that in the end the buffoon always gave the ruling class everything they wanted.
The big question is why was half-dead Biden and his sidekick Kamala selected by the Internationalist capitalists and the security state. Biden is an oldschool crooked creep who can be trusted by the “powers that be” and Kamala is an empty vessel Hillary puppet. The second question is why was it so important for Biden-Harris to assume office, and for Trump to lose in one of the most overtly rigged elections of all time.
Simply put, according to the above mentioned “powers” Trump is incapable of carrying out the planned order-of-business related to COVID and beyond. His past performance demonstrates he’s hapless at convincing or selling the upcoming agenda. Trump’s usefulness has ended. Although the craziness surrounding the fraudulent election is giving further cover to Biden who is quickly appointing an administration chock-full of security state stooges and bloodthirsty neoconservative warmongers. Even the creep Buttigeg secured a position heading the Department of Transportation.
That being said, what is the “planned agenda?” It’s about establishing a worldwide AI surveillance state under the guise of biosecurity. Every aspect of life will be digitalized while robots replace man-powered labor. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses will be absorbed by monopolies laying the groundwork for a neo-feudal technocracy. This is what the International capitalists consider “sustainability.” Millions becoming dependent on UBI payments totally alienated from any direct relationship to the power structure. An “atomized population” relegated to “nothingness” dependent on the state who will use heightened surveillance to ensure compliance.
It’s all been tested by Google and others in China where a population of 1.8 billion supplied an excellent size sample for perfecting deep-learning AI surveillance. They have cameras up the wazoo, and even managed to train the populace to “like” being surveilled. It makes them feel safe. Isn’t that how all totalitarian governments operate they promise to keep their citizenry “safe.” However, what they’re actually doing is protecting their own ruling class arse.
So there you have it, the ethnically racially politically correct Biden-Harris administration will unconvincingly lay the groundwork for the most hideous repressive agenda, but all done in a way which gains so much public acceptance millions will cheer on their own demise.
Extremely well written and you’ve described most of our current situation in a short and very precise way. Build Back Better or as Baphomet has tattooed on his arms: Solve et Coagula which means something like break-up-divide and bring back together. I like Trump a lot because his presidency threw a huge bag of wrenches in the globalist machinery and his mocking of the covid debacle was very re-assuring. And again you are right by the fact that he sold himself out to a large degree with his warp speed to get human cell function altering vaccines pushed out to 100s of millions of unsuspecting gullibles who think this is a magic silver bullet but in reality is just the start of the hybridisation of humanity.
Trump is (a sort of) showman. That’s all. He did nothing that wasn’t being done anyway. As they say in Texas, all hat and no cowboy. Just a distraction.
It’s a sacred date, Beethoven’s 250th, and which has the distinction of being shut down, concertwise, which I ask Ludwig to wear like a badge, which it is.
All things are passing, but Beethoven is forever.
Distracted by this hubbub here, I will now return to music worship.
KUSC radio is playing Beethoven all day, here on my radio, and at their website.
Exactly my point. 🙂
Plus, Mr Biden has this added advantage: being nearly brain dead, given the American people’s quaint notion that the President runs the country, the planned Reset will simply be shrugged off with a blase “Come on now, how much damage can he do?”
Alternatively: I’ve written about a good-hearted, well-meaning old friend, M., who is intelligent but no intellectual. We’re both 65, not spring chickens. M. is a sort of mushy progressive; she’s appropriately cynical about politics, but she’s still mired in progressive-liberal lesser-evilism. So she succumbed to knee-jerk Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), and clings to the legacy belief that the Democrats are often disappointing but benevolent, while Republicans are altogether malignant and villainous.
Just one quick example of her TDS-centric perspective: when she popped up (telephoned) early in the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic to see how I was doing, she informed me that Obama “stopped Ebola from becoming a pandemic in the US” by appointing experts and developing an effective public-health response– but then Trump vindictively “literally” threw a copy of Obama’s successful pandemic-prevention policies into the Oval Office wastebasket. There’s a video! she claimed.
All that setup just to mention that when I gently suggested to her that Biden might not be capable of such (alleged) Obama-level success, M. responded by optimistically declaring, “Oh, I know that Biden is ‘losing it’, but his administration will do better than Trump in ‘ending the pandemic’ because Biden is surrounded by people determined to help him succeed”.
F**k America.
“Please, keep your sex life out of this.”
Too Late. Biden already taking care of that. When America’s golden-egg-laying-goose is completely dead the whole planet will be in big trouble. China and Russia will be adopting the new slogan, “You Better Build Back Better OUR WAY, or your ass is dead.”
Looks like the fake cyber pandemic has started already:
“YouTube, Gmail, Google Meet, and Google Docs crash for users across the world.”
If you have anything of worth on these CIA run and owned platforms such as google docs, gmail etc, best start downloading your essential information to an external drive that you keep off the internet. Stop your computers and devices from installing automatic updates. Use Wired over Wireless. Print out your sensitive info, passwords onto paper. Swap MS for Linux. Etc.
Keep in mind, the BIS can use their ice nine rules to halt all global transactions. To potentially wipe bank accounts clean. To create retail bank failures after raiding bank coffers. To create bail-ins. To prohibit transactions at the grocery store. Gas station. Money market accounts can be suspended and frozen. The central bankers control and run the entire system including all stock exchanges and they own most retail banks, globally.
This outage was nothing to do with a Global Conspiracy and everything to do with router misconfiguration. It does show the wisdom of not keeping anything of value ‘in the cloud’ (which is just another way of saying “on someone else’s computer”).
Really? You believe in the faux two party system, faux elections and other constructs like viruses that aren’t even real. Illusory constructs. You live in a world of disinformation, where you get your ideas and beliefs from watching television and reading mainstream media for mass markets. All that does is create a vortex of cognitive dissonance where you are unable to determine truth from fiction.
“Researchers at Avast Wednesday reported that some 3 million people may have been infected with malware hidden in at least 28 third-party Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge extensions associated with some of the world’s most popular platforms.
According to the researchers, the malware has the functionality to redirect user’s traffic to ads or phishing sites and to steal people’s personal data, such as birth dates, email addresses, and active devices.”
This story is being used to propagate the cyber pandemic. The cyber pandemic isn’t any more real than the virus pandemic. Tech companies and government manufacture a “crisis“ and that “crisis” facilitates policies and procedures that the government and tech companies have already developed and plan to implement. This is how the world works. Deal with reality.
Again OG delivers a accurate assessment; thank you Kit.
The only ray of hope in the coming years is that the Democratic party was held together by a common hatred of Trump. Without this hatred, the party will fall apart once the defeated President will no longer be in the White House. Confidence in government is already badly eroded and will deteriorate. Some type of war will erupt; either civil withing our borders or with a foreign power in order to solidify the established system and keep the people in line.
“THE REPUBLICRATS the CORPORATE FASCIST political racket so corrupt it needs two aliases. The WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCISTS and their putrid political racket need to go, NOW!”
Lock ’em all up!
The System is the Deep State. The solution is direct democracy voting of policy and budget, created, managed, overseen and policed by the Boss, the 99%. Remove the authority of the middleperson politicians who make all the decisions and command staff of our governments from City to Fed and replace them with us. We can vote each policy and design each budget, tax and recirculate disposable income of the 1% into a vibrant Public Commons serving the social needs of humanity. Implement a minimum income 1x baseline up to a 5x max top income. Let local people design their own school systems. Democratize the workplace with the option to be worker owned collectives.
The 1% must separated from their excess wealth and power, living down on level ground with the rest of us. Yes We Can!
Excellent article again. The last few articles seem to be right on the button, asking the right questions, aiming in the right direction.
So, what do the motherfuckers want?
WWIII? The end of money? Kill off zillions of people? Make them infertile? Foist a totalitarian dystopia on the world? All of it and then some?
They can probably have all of it, the populace being well prepped in every respect, and most obedient to the point of allowing themselves slaughtered without a speck of resistance. They’re essentially doing it already – we’re witnessing an economic suicide.
I can’t see how the present makeup of the financial world can survive this. They’re tossing money left and right like there was no tomorrow, and it’s probably safe to conclude that there will be no tomorrow (at least as far as money is concerned). Will private ownership survive it? Good question. There has been a leak from Liberal Party of Canada that all debts are to be erased and property is to go to some fund (there are probably other references to that) and people will get UBI. The good boys and girls that is. The bad ones will get shit and will go to an internment camp for refusing vaccination. They’ll be vaccinated anyways, and have everything confiscated for daring disobey.
Whatever is in the pipeline, it ain’t looking good.
Now we know what all the FEMA CAMPS were for…
😪I’ve heard the same as what Jacques has said. It ain’t looking good to be honest. I think it’ll take a miracle to get out of this.
There is only one miracle needed or possible: for the people of this world to “Just Say No” to the ruling class. And it all ends the very next day.
Nothing else can save us.
Yep… you’re correct Howard. Was watching lots of people walk past me today all wearing facemasks, and I kept thinking – all you have to do is take them off, and stop complying with this shit. And I’ve also told lots of my customers to remove their masks. Sigh.
At least I met another covid sceptic today who knows exactly what the agenda is about. One positive.
Erm… Sidney Powell BOMBSHELL interview !!
December 15, 2020
Sidney Powell BOMBSHELL interview !! – YouTube
I spent 5 years posting on Alternet about 15 years ago, which is an indication of where my political allegiance was then, before from my perspective things started to change, and have now flipped. Left and Right effectively did a polar shift.
I have no idea what is going to happen next, but Sidney Powell is a formidable Lady.
She might actually tip the ballance.
The fact that the US Election was completely corrupted to a ridiculous extent, was completely obvious to me, whilst the votes were still being counted.
I have never seen anything so outrageous. It was far more obvious than the Scottish Referendum, which in my view was also totally corrupted.
Whether the final result will make any difference to the current COVID insanity, I very much doubt, but I do like to see a fair result, regardless of my allegiances.
A world based on lies is doomed to catastrophic failure.
All human interactions are based on trust.
A world based on theft will self destruct.
Hello Tony: Thank you for your well considered reply. I also spent quite a bit of time reading posts on AlterNet. Then I began to notice the spin masters at work – purloining their pockets at the expense of well meaning contributors… I don’t go there any more…
Sidney Powell is only exposing the fact that electronic voting mechanisms, are and were; designed to be manipulated. They have been since introduction.
Like many other systemic failures, the Scottish Referendum was a case in point.
You are quite correct: “A world based on theft will self destruct.”
Not over by a long shot. Nuh.
DNI Radcliffe furnishes his report to President Trump and to the Senate starting the 18th December. His report will tear the wheels off the Biden/Harris/Obama/Brennan coup attempt.
Trump also holds all the top cards with the Military and every piece of unsound wood has been stripped from its leadership especially recently in anticipation of the coming jaw dropping moments. Mike Flynn is back and the sights rest upon Iran. Plenty of action coming up so don’t nod off into la la land thinking the game is up because it is all about to launch into overdrive.
Trump will have to go quite mediavel on the coup attempt cockroaches. Things are likely to get very demonstrative and gruesome.
The swamp, now beaming with an idiots joy, is about to find out it has met its match and then some.
Nice thought.
But, as the article states, “You don’t go to the trouble of fixing a nationwide election without knowing you have the judges and bureaucrats on-side first.”
Crucially, of course the blessed media should have been added to that on-side list.
They will see to it that nothing opposing the Biden machine will get any airtime.
Even if Trump does ‘hold all the top cards’, nobody will get to know about it.
In fact the very thing that probably got Republican GWB into the White House in 2000 has stopped a Republican getting there now.
But keep talking – maybe I can be convinced.
However, the way it looks to me right now, I’d say that principally chaos, destruction and death are on the agenda. Surely people haven’t forgotten the names and colours of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse…?
I find it hard to believe we have arrived there quite yet, but this is surely an admirably convincing dress rehearsal.
Chuck Hegel was elected Senator(R) in 1996 thanks to crooked voting machines from a company (ES&S) whose Board he served on.
Perfect example of what put GWB in (ES&S) Very bi-partisan corruption.
Hegel later served under Obama
Ban electronic voting!
As an addition to a comment by Moneycircus in recent thread (link), I note that Robert Stuart – whose work I greatly admire and support, posted a tweet from a Twitter account named Red Flame stating that :
‘No communist supports lockdowns. The lockdown left usurping our symbols and terminology have revealed themselves as socdems, i.e., bourgeois collaborators. The immediate task of communists is to expel them from our movement and reclaim our position as the revolutionary vanguard. ‘
I wondered if this is really true ?
So I looked up the positions of the UK far Left on the Covid ‘pandemic’:
The Morning Star is I think the biggest circulation outlet for what is referred to as ‘the far Left’ in the UK. I think it is fair to say that its editorial position has been pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine with caveats that the government has not enacted these policies with due attention to the interests of working people. I certainly cannot see any critique of the Covid narrative itself, nor mention of the Great Reset agenda. I also think it fair to describe the editor, Ben Chacko, as a ‘communist’.
The Website for the Communist Party of Britain is quite clear in stating its support for lockdowns as a policy for addressing the Covid situation. Again, no mention that I can see of the WEF et al. In relation to this crisis.
Leftcom.org (and Aurora) is the mouthpiece of the International Communist Tendency. It hypes the epidemic as much as any liberal newspaper, only differing by seeing it as an opening for revolution.
The Socialist Labour Party web page has a frontpiece by Arthur Scargill. It is fairly unequivocal about its warnings on Covid and support for China style interventions (medieval style lockdowns and universal testing).
The Communist Party of Great Britain (different from above) has quite a comprehensive set of news pages. It is hard to find mention of Covid at all, and it only seems mentioned in agreement with the fundamental narrative.
The World Socialist Website has been well mentioned on these pages and need not be further elaborated on.
I stopped at that point. There reads to me to be quite a uniform agreement amongst Communists and the far Left in the UK about the veracity of the Covid narrative, support for lockdowns and vaccines, and no mention of the Great Reset or any kind of agenda emerging from the plutocratic ruling class as capitalism collapses into a new system.
Whoever ‘RedFlame’ is, I think they are being dishonest in what they tweeted, and Robert should look more carefully before retweeting.
Not really communist, but ditto Jacobin Magazine, Socialist Worker and Tribune Magazine.
I think it is just Phil Greaves.
Here in Australia, all the ‘socialist groups’ are fully on board with the scamdemic narrative such as Socialist Alternative, Socialist Alliance, the aforementioned WSWS. Even liberal publications like New Matilda pump out the fear porn.
They’re all on board. Literally all of the traitorous pricks. I how many pieces of silver they were paid? It only seems like some individuals like Phil Greaves, John Steppling, etc, who are not, and who see thru the scam.
“Would it not be a shame if every name listed above was in fact a CORPORATE FASCIST state security operation? It is not like such things have not happened before. Infiltration, co-option and “fake fronts” are well within the operating parameters of state security services. They are also useful diversionary entrapment tools for the well meaning but naive.”
“We lied, we cheated, we stole.”
THE SCAMEDMIC is not only THE BIG LIE it is CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. No honest socialist or socialist organization would support it.
“No honest socialist or socialist organisation would support it”
Exactly. Nail, hammer, head.
I think I told you I was involved with the SEP last year and start of this year in helping them campaign about Julian Assange.
I ditched them and severed all ties after they started pumping out their hysterical crap about the scamdemic.
I could barely believe what they were doing.
Now I just have total contempt, and if I run into any of them on the street somewhere, I will have some very harsh things to say. Laced with a few F words.
“Years ago someone cautioned me about Green and his office staff, so I kept away. Although their critique on many other things is not bad, their SCAMDEMIC thing is way over the top. It is frightening. It approaches NAZI land territory. I am glad I heeded that advice.”
Useful survey.
To the above I would add the Socialist Workers Party. Their line is a less hysterical version of the WSW’s. You could say they are the decaffeinated version of the WSW.
“Yes indeed, the CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) Langley-Land operation– headed by Dave Green, a Crains’ Detroit serial entrepeneur of the year— is pushing the CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC BIG LIE, like Jim Jones pushing the cyanide laced Kool-Aid at Jonestown. Go figure.”
RE: No communist supports lockdowns.
Well, that is the way it should be! But I agree, I also see no deviation from The Script.
Another day another scream into the censorship Abyss – I am not for turning ‘Dr’ Kiddos.
I wonder how much longer it will take to finally recognise the propaganda for what is – a spurious pushing of all the big red buttons
– to achieve the one thing the bastards can’t do themselves.
Boots on the ground and casualties and mass murder of civilians, to Win the Loot and keep it. As they have got used to doing through the centuries and keep collecting the ‘tribute’ they demand whilst remaining exceptional.
With a host of slave masters and house Minions happily slobbering up the crumbs from on high. As they do the bidding of their once and always Owners.
As the hand wringing, ever so humble, worm tonguery, violet Elizabeth act is laid out by the various meeja monkeys – the war will be against the EU . It will be to put boots into
Russia and Central Asia and South America.
It will aim to build a Volk Memory and exceptionalism around the. 5+1 Eyed supra Gollum Anglo Imperialism borders which are unsustainable and crumbling daily as only a rotten from the head and heart declining Empire can.
The Media gestapo are made ready to spy into your very souls.
As the great protective shield put up by the EU around privacy the GDPR, is shattered come 1st Jan. FarceButt joins Gorggle in putting your private details in their servers in the Midwest and Artic regions to let their AI Guardians stop you punching UP at your oppressors and stamp over your fellow humans for misguided glory, gain and self defence.
People are to believe self defence starts by attacking a thousand miles from home where no threat exists and having your ‘hero’ sons being traumatised or dead.
On Guardian have been outing their various GateKeeps into putting out the same Patriotic messages;
As Brig General potty mouth McKenzie of the UpyourBum – has put out the clarion call of xenophobia and strawman beating; Julie Burchill is raised from obscurity, once again to bring her fans to the game, ably advertised by a faux outrage made up story about her islamophobia.
Yup, Kit it is full spectrum daylight robbery scam that reached from the pre war Prescott to the postwar CIA of Bush Snr and NWO of Clinton/Bush Jr/Obama , fully reflected by Thatcherism/NuLabInc Blairism here in the U.K. – the Murdoch and Co MSM ably supported by the DS/Billionaire funded Alt-Right/Left media, Red/Brown bridging nexus.
Who do they think they are kidding Mr Knightly?
“..it WILL BE a sea-change in the way the world works. “ !
A tad bit presumptuous of the outcome dontchafink Kit?
Let’s see the wormtongued Starmer Miss open goals now.
what a lovely chap, so thoughtful
Pfizer’s CEO hasn’t gotten his Covid vaccine yet, saying he doesn’t want to cut in line
“After you”
“No, after you”
“No seriously, you go first”
“No, you! I insist!”
While the sheep bleat “baa” “baaa”
McTool becomes a playwright. Next stop Shaftenbury a commie Ave: “The Night I Found a Red under my StepDaddy’s Bed”.
it is not only him, he covered for his highly paid buddies too
he (CEO Albert Bourla) emphasized that “none of the executives and board members will cut the line.“
‘We’ve been over the evidence the election was rigged’
The evidence souns alot like Colin Powell’s dodgy dossier, thwy had the means, the motive and tbe cover up, all that was missing was nice pictures of the vote counting machine in a trailer. Where was the smoking gun? As others note, its political kubuki
‘ Likely peacefully, thanks to some backroom deal’
In other words, pardons for Trump and his family whilst he is busy selling off drilling rights and handing out death sentences like candy.
It’s because Trump couldn’t see a profit in fighting Israel’s wars for them, namely Syria and Iran.
It’s that simple.
They’re all bought n paid for by the donors, but Biden is bought and paid for by anyone who wants to pay up.
Besides he can’t control anybody or anything, I doubt the can even control his bladder.
Just sit him behind a desk, call him “Mr President” and bring him some nice day cheques occasionally, and then go back to the serious business of feathering your own and your family and their associates nests.
This kind of analysis makes no sense to me. There is a general truism which circulates : that the Left/ Right paradigm is a flase one, and that in reality the same powers control ‘both sides of the aisle.’ But then we get the notion that Trump was ‘forced aside’ that his ’cause was hopeless’. So which is it ? Was the Trump side really trying to win, and was he really trying to challenge the legitimacy of the vote count?
I say, “no”. It was all part of the theatre. Trump drove right through his supporters on the way to play golf. The speech was toothless blather and the legal challenges were mainly grifts. Bill Barr was nowhere in support.
Operation Trump was all about coralling the nationalist sentiment in the USA and neutering it. Just as Obama came to office in 2008 when there was a significant groundswell of leftwing opposition to the Neocon wars and the racketeering of Wall Street, his term in office destroyed those movements.
The alt-right suffered a directly comparable fate under Trump, and both presidencies were equally contrived.
Why have we seen a theatrical contest before and after polling day? Because it serves to further disempower the nationalist element within American politics. Indeed everywhere.
Ask Mr. Mizrachi.
If you ever manage to find an alternative outlet cutting to the point and acknowledging the whole thing is a stage play, rather than pandering to the phony left/right dilemma, send up a flare. It seems they all want us hacking through the weeds, miles off the path. Better donation margins I guess, fools and their money, and all.
Trump and Biden are marionettes. The ones pulling the strings like to hedge their bets, keep all their options on the table, and accomplish many goals with their operations. They themselves seeded the obvious fraud. My assumption is the election fraud narrative was put forth in the event they *wanted* the post-election chaos they did their “simulations” on. For whatever reason, they decided to scrub that little bit of theater, so the court battles over the vote count fizzled out.
You would of thought kit and his cronies would of added there brain cells together and worked out the whole thing is rigged, a stage, a play, a energy harvest but no!!! they are still flagging the IT’s real concept with the added china dressing to there very brainwashed readership who still believe in the crap. wakey wakey !!!
but it keeps the donation stream coming in.
“It’s all a farce, OffG Editor reports”
After a while I don’t think that’s going to cut it. Maybe for a few articles but after that, where do you go? People would get bored very quickly.
If you report on politics you are reporting on the theater it is contained with. If you report on how its all an elaborate setup, you miss out on the story. People want to know what’s going on in the world, not to have some prophetic message handed down to them from above that seeks to give them a cathartic healing experience. You get that from therapy, healing, recovery and understanding reality for yourself and piecing things together, not from the news.
People know the political landscape is not all it seems. It still doesn’t take away the fact that the political landscape defines their lives regardless of whether they reduce it down to what it actually might be – utter bullshit. Saying its utter bullshit doesn’t stop the train from moving. That’s just black and white thinking and living in a romantic world where the natural harmony of things is restored. Again, you can find that in your own life. This is the news. This is detailing how global events are unfolding. It’s not a group therapy session, or a psychedelic trip whereby we all understand the fabric of reality underneath.
If you’re looking for that, you’re in the wrong place. For that you will need to go far out than reading the news. Sure, you could say the reality we live in is an illusion, not just politics. These are social constructs, institutions, elaborate systems. Still, they exist. Just saying they are an illusion doesn’t stop them from defining how entire populations are managed.
Don’t blame Kit or OffG for that, he/they are not here to disconnect you from the matrix. They are here to report on global events from an alternative view, not to form a deep spiritual ceremony whereby we all see through the illusions of reality. If you want that, go create it yourself, go find it yourself, go off the grid, live self reliant, form a community that aims to reduce influence from state power etc. You’ll still find regardless of what you do, politics and the presidency still exist and whether you like to accept it or not, events like Kit is referring to, will affect your life.
I think it’s better to understand what you are referring to is what encompasses living in society. If you don’t like it, change it. But don’t go attacking an editor just because he’s doing his job and reporting on things that are happening within society. This isn’t a romantic novel, this is the reality of the world right now. Suck it up, or if you don’t like it – change the station. But either way, what is happening is happening. Its upto YOU how you interpret that.
This is the news. This is how it is interpreted here. Don’t like it? Bye then. Know your role. Understand what roles others have assumed. Don’t try and manipulate things to try and make yourself feel better and give yourself an ego boost. Alienating yourself from what is going on just so you can live in your own personal bliss won’t help.
This is the news. This is how it is interpreted here.
ok i will only write what you think feel is except able and only applauded the articles and rate them 5 star or over dear
adminmactruck or i will be banned or censored or put in spam foreverfreedom of speech but watch what you say ay!
facts are sacred
narcissistic control freak
The notion that Trump needed to be forced aside was part of the farce. “His ideas are too dangerous.” “Look what isolationism did for Japan in the last century.” “We need to retake our place as the world’s police” “We need to have global partnerships (exploitative trade deals)”
The U.S. has run out of helpless countries to destroy. They will provoke but will br whipped in any confrontation involving real military power….unlike the wars since 1999. So, it is time to implode.
it turned on it self and more importantly it turned on its people
but they been blinded by trump enchantment for 4 years to figure that what empires do – kill others and eventually kills it people. goes under ground and relaunches again.
trust the plan ay! the vaccine is a placebo Q says
The elites are going down and in truimp second term ‘ hilley is getting arrested’ you watch.zzzzz
big disclosure is happening yer yer yer yer lockdown is so the elites can get arrest yer yer yer and one last thing trump is Savior – he is helping us.
and trump is saving the children by vaccinating them and feeding them that healthy usa diet.
Maga, the fifth degree of the Church of Satan
there so brainwashed they never even checked the words there chanting
As well as the Trump MAGA/mage symbolism, presumably the Qanon believers also think when Trump said I wish her well, it was some code, and that he is out to get the satanist baby killers.
also, Kusher owned a property 666 fifth avenue and moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
Its not Trump who backed operation warp speed, underwriting big pharma by $10bn, gave Rumsfeld old co Gilead a nice $2bn kick back, no, he championed hydroxychloroquine
Nothing to see, move on, the script says its gropy Joe and the neo cons
An elite event of this size is going to be multi-faceted and unlikely to have one single event as its goal. However everything will plug into the technocrat neo-feudal one-world plan.
For example, a foreign intervention in the name of “preventing ecocide” is a precedent they’re eager to establish. I well expect such a precendent to be created before the midpoint of this decade.
9/11 tends to make us think of potential enemies without but I wonder if this time the enemy isn’t more the enemy within. The situation feels more than primed for some sort of staged shooting event followed by a concentrated attack on US gun ownership rights. This would also patch the whole where Biden’s domestic agenda should be and cover up that he supposedly won the election while not having one.
Trump’s future will be of some interest. I guess they’ll be monitoring closely if his base turn on him or if they think they can flog more mileage out of him. Will he run in 2024? He could do a Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 and run as an independent splitting the anti-Harris vote and ensuring a second glorious term (for someone who was polling 2% in the Democrat primaries).
Of course some full-on insanity like the fake EMP attack or unveiling Project Blue Beam can’t be completely ruled out. On the former they want to take the internet down for a time and my understanding is they can’t do that without taking down the whole electricity system. When the internet returns expect the right of anonymous posting to have gone and some internet passport system to be in place. This sort of thing sounds like the outer reaches of craziness but how crazy would 9/11 have sounded in December 1999?
An interesting analysis. Quite likely the suspicious circumstances of the election are intentional to stoke division among the American people – divide and rule. Also, it serves to weaken the Biden presidency from the start and possibly leave him in hoc to ‘deep state’ blackmail (ie ‘if you don’t cooperate, we’ll blow the whistle on the election’ etc). Also, maybe it is a simple case of the mask slipping?
With a strictly non-professional interest in popular psychology I’ve been interested in the phenomenon of projection in politics.
Never did I imagine that the obsession with Russia, from the Russiagate hoax to the dreary pronouncements of Mi6, are actually a cover for their close ties to China.
Commentator and former GCHQ insider Alex Thomson has pointed out that GCHQ let Huawei to install communications equipment for an arm of British state security.
Crowdsourced investigators are finding that Huawei was aided in looting the intellectual property of Canada’s Nortel — by politicians and state security insiders.
Remember that the most powerful commercial and institutional forces of the west were active in China long before the communists. I suspect the real relationship with China is the absolute reverse of what the Corporatist Media leads us to believe.
The FBI’s decision, after the election, to reveal a two-year-old investigation into the Biden family is, according to this logic, a distraction. The fact that the Corporatist Media reports it — when it previously censored any reference to the China Bidens — points the same way: read between the lines.
Barrack Obama never moved out of Washington D.C.
Kamala Harris avoided scrutiny because she was never the candidate.
For the second time in three elections, we are facing a ‘president from nowhere’ with an unexamined past and an unspoken agenda.
Add a handful more ingredients and you have a hot pot, a coldron, a recipe whose contents are not on the label though easily discovered.
Proposals for a Great Reset, open calls for supra-national government, the shift to monopoly and oligarchical collectivism, the promotion of Amazon, Google and Facebook as barely-cloaked agents of the state, as communist-style universalniy magazin, the largely-privatized nature of the surveillance state, allowing it to embed itself deeply in China’s social credit system… and the compromise and penetration of individuals at all levels by agents of the Chinese state.
CONTINUED AT: It’s the China, Stupid
I can seriously see a break up of the Union. From a non-US perspective that is a definitely positive denouement.
Texas his putting forward actions to allow its residents the right to vote on seceding from the US of A, becoming an independent Lone Star State (as is Nation State). I would not be surprised if lots of midwestern Trumpers started saying ‘why not leave the East Coast and Californian nutcases to swill in their own sewage?’ and approach the Texans about a new Nation State comprising of the trading states of the Mississippi, Missouri and possibly lower Ohio valley.
One good thing this would do is reduce the capacity of the US to commit genocides overseas, as they would be far more worried about their new noisy neighbours (one suspects the Mississippians would let the fascist NE military-industrial complex go to war alone, as the only people they would fight would be their genocidal neighbours to west and east).
In this regard, I suggest that all non-US citizens give active support to any actions which break up the undemocratic oligarchy called the US of A and build fruitful relations with any current US citizens who abide by three pledges:
I’m all for that, but what are the chances? Wouldn’t they also need ports to the south east like Louisiana or Florida? They would need waters to trade through.
Texas has ports
Hello Rhys Jaggar: States succession is more than a good idea. The “federalization” of the American Republic was an act of treason in and of itself. “Honest Abe” has been given homage and praised by the the usual suspects for his role of dissolving the Confederacy under the guise of an “emancipation” that never will exist… Where’d that Original 13th Amendment go? Uh???
Few “civilians” in America know why the 13th Amendment was overwritten… The truth is that all subsequent articles of the Constitution are all null and void as a result of this obvious act of treason. This would of course include the 16th amendment
It would be next to impossible to infringe on free trade and interstate commerce within a community of independent States. Therein lay the rub…
I can’t see secession happening (unfortunately.)
It’s just hot air, distraction, diversion, like Trumpo’s court cases, like his Big Beautiful Wall, like his Swamp draining, like his Bringing The Troops Home. BS.
One overriding reason not to leave the “East Coast and California to swill” is that they represent the bulk of both the economy and federal income. So my attitude to thuis mindset is “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out”.
Our economy’s size and our population mean that we have to deal with problems, we can’t just export them to another state. Its really easy to live in a state with no healthcare or social safety net when you can either rely on Uncle Sam’s handouts (bases and the like) or you can just export the surplus population to somewhere else. How about standing on your own two feet for a change?
Voting Machines Appear Pre-Rigged to Change Votes
Forensic investigators call it the oldest trick in the book. Faced with examination of a laptop, a crooked official switches it on without first isolating it from the Internet and, oopsie, the laptop receives a signal to wipe the hard drive, just as you can do to your lost smartphone.
It was a close call. Michigan county clerks said their Dominion Voting Machines used in the November 3rd general elections had to be ‘wiped’ and prepared for a new local election in January. That would destroy the last chance of finding evidence of how the vote count changed after tabulation was suspended and restarted between election night and the following morning.
Warm bodies did the trick. Campaigners for election honesty are said to have mounted a physical guard around the location of the voting machines. That allowed the forensic investigator of elections, Russell Ramsland, co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, to gain access to at least part of the digital ones and zeros, and a clue to what happened on and after November 3rd.
On Nov 9th, 2020, I drew attention to the expertise of this particular forensic investigator in the post, U.S. Elections Are Bent And No-one Cares. It seems someone did and a Michigan judge allowed the results of a forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines and software in one Michigan county to be released on December 14th.
What it revealed is damning: according to Ramsland’s report for Michigan, Dominion Voting Systems “is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”
In the scanning and recording of votes, the machine recorded an error rate of 68 percent. To put this in perspective, the usual error rate is 1 percent or less.
The machines were set so that huge numbers of votes were sent to the penalty bin during scanning. Under the Dominion system these ‘error votes’ have to be adjudicated by a human, we don’t know exactly whom: maybe a vote tabulating officer on the spot; perhaps remotely. With 68.05% of votes set aside for adjudication, however, they could simply be credited to one candidate en masse.
This scale of vote switching is consistent with events observed in late voting when large quantities of mail-in ballots were awarded exclusively to Joe Biden, erasing President Trump’s lead and throwing the election.
CONTINUED AT: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/12/voting-machines-appear-pre-rigged-to.html
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.com Updates:
Covid Bioterror/
Election Fight
Blackmail. People talk about him being compromised as the reason why he can’t be president, but it’s actually the opposite. It is the quality of being compromised that is ushering this shell of a person into “office.”
…The *Perfect* Davostani candidate… – A veritable ‘Man For All Nations’, whilst representing *None*…
Actually having a skeleton or two in the closet may have helped some of these people to high office – it meant they could be controlled from the shadows. In Britain the eminently blackmailable Cyril Smith was an MP for a long time and nothing happened to him. Probably because he was doing somebody a favour. No doubt there were/are others.
Matthew Hancock for a start: he is bang to rights over Grenfell Tower cladding, so he is now entirely controllable. His star has risen for the Gatesocracy ever since….
Boris Johnson too. Remember that odd row with his girlfriend which MI5.. sorry, neighbours… recorded?
Jeffrey Archer’s First Among Equals has one of its characters, a new Labour MP, having sex with a hooker, who finds out he is an MP and she tries to blackmail him. He confides his problem to someone in the security services (or another MP who has ties to them – it is a long while since I read the book). They sort the problem out. I don’t recall the problem coming up again in the book but the fact is that in solving it for the MP they know about his little indiscretion and the MP knows they know.
A biography of Tony Benn I read mentioned the security services going through his litter bins looking for stuff they could use when he was a minister in the 1974-9 Labour government and that they even attempted to link Benn to bestiality, although supposedly they did not run with that one. Reading that last bit forced me into a double take. That lurid factoid made it into an otherwise dry biography. Benn was something of a hate figure for the right but there were aspects of “controlled opposition” to him as well, in my view. He was pretty much the left wing of the establishment. He never became Labour leader but had he done so he might well have encountered what Corbyn later confronted. Perhaps the bestiality stuff was a shot across his bows?
In *Plain English*:…
“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.–That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.”
…I’m talking about Globalista Davostanis here, *Not* freaking King George…
Just why *Does* the following text have any *Meaning* at all?… (…- If *Indeed*, it does?…)
“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.–That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted
to a candid world.”
Dirty fucking Gangsters! The word politician needs amending. What a shit hole of a World we are all currently living in.
Sorry for the language.
“The word politician needs amending.”
…- Howabout: “Empty skin-sack, shill…”
…Bit of a mouthful, I know…
“The word politician needs amending.”
…- Howabout: – Empty Skin-sack Shills?…
…Bit of a mouthful, I know…
…Yep… – OffG done gone an’ *glitched* again… – KPlease, kindly *ignore* all my double-posts down-thread, peeps… 😉
Will do Sgt. Maybe a bit of R&R is needed?
No R&R necessary on my end, I *assure* you… – I’m currently already off on my 5-mile morning run!… *Har-Har*!!…
…And no need to apologize for the harsh language, Shin… – It’s *entirely* appropriate for these times… 😉
There is a time when unparliamentary language is entirely appropriate.
You do realise that you are thrown out of the House of Commons if you ask ‘Mr Speaker, when will the Right Honorable Gentleman admit to this House that he is a Dirty Fucking Liar?’
It is not allowed to imply that any MP has acted dishonorably, even when the evidence for it is overwhelming.
How is it honorable to:
Well, how is that honorable?
The House of Commons is a joke when the Speaker refuses to countenance the criminality of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, the Cabinet Secretary, any number of corrupt paid advisors, not to mention the EUocracy commandeered by Mark Sedwill, Oliver Robbins and the BBC.
It’s a good thing the Speaker is not the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury, for if he were, then he would be throwing out anyone preaching the Ten Commandments and highlighting how certain Government Ministers were repeatedly and convincingly committing adultery….and then asking whether that were now considered to be honorable behaviour….
Is the Pope a Catholic? Er no not really, he’s a woke Jesuit.
The Archbishop of Canterbury? He’s a woke former Oilman.
When was the last time either of two frauds, or indeed their recent predecessors, mentioned the fundamental Christian message of the Ten Commandments?
I suspect Spurs have won the First Division sooner.
Both of them are too busy promoting compulsory non stop gay anal sex, compulsory non stop abortions and as many child trannies as possible to worry about trivial things like religion.
Indeed. Have a look at the “Nativity” Scene at the Vatican. Its on the Daily Mail website.
It looks like a nativity done by Tim Burton or David Lynch.
Good to see His Holiness is so eager to embrace the Satanist Community in his Big Tent, along with the Rainbow People and the Abortionists.
Who needs angels and shepherds and wise men when you can have occult monsters and devil figures instead?
Just surprised Pope Frankie doesn’t go full on devil worship with a spot of human sacrifice at the Vatican.
But give him time.
While small business owners suffer immensely, the events happening as you explained in Number 5, makes my blood boil.
Rather than focusing on the election and trying to prove one thing or another from the results it might be more useful to focus on the party platforms and what each (major) party campaigned on. (Don’t forget, that there were three other parties represented on the ballot, though.)
This cycle the Republicans didn’t bother with a platform — the RNC explicitly avoided one by effectivly saying “We want whatever he (i.e. Trump) wants”. Republican campaign literature and advertisements was focused totally on the theme that we had to save the country from the extremists, the Democrats. They offered nothing but fear which actually worked quite well as a message but it wasn’t enough to convince a lot of conservative leaning voters that Trump was anything other than a crass, ignorant and corrupt buffoon. (….and I know plenty of them — lifelong Reputlicans who can’t stand Trump)
The Democrats are offering a milder form of Republicanism. As the GoP departed rightwards over the edge it left the Democrats with a huge tent covering everything from ‘mildly socialist’ to ‘proto-Nixon’. The party made a conservative choice with Biden primarilyo as a pragmatic move since he was the one candidate you could never stick with the ‘closet communist’ label. So in a sense the general election was over on March 3rd., the day that Biden started cleaning up the primaries. All that remained was voter organization and defensive preparations because of they thwarted the various efforts to rig the vote up front by manipulating the voter base, especially the minority voter base, then there was going to be a lot of challenges to the actual voting process. (Everyone knew this six months ago because Trump’s been telegraphing it all year, if not longer.)(I first came across it in 2016 but it never suraced beyond his base because Trump won.)
Now that the election’s over — and it really is over — we have to take stock as a nation to try and figure out where we are and where we’re going. We’ve lost a lot of ground as a nation over the last four years due to rampant incomptence and opportunism and the abuse of soft power. We can’t even carry the torch for democracy at the moment because what we’ve witnessed is an attempt at a soft coup, an attempt that was only pushed back because the puerpetrators were both inept and crass (Trump and his surrogates are not the sort of people that are likely to get a sympathetic ear in court, they’re too crass, too rude and too slap[dash. A more measued approach and a quieter tone of voice, though, and the result could have been very different.)
The Trump True Believers will carry on for a bit but I thinkyou’ll find that the circus will move on. Trump himself will be enmeshed in legal problems — not a political “lock him up” game but problems with tax and corporate finance that have been left in abeyance while he was President. Biden and Harris (who should not be overlooked — she’s the one you need to keep an eye on) will look and sound normal, not the Marxist/Leninists that they’ve been portrayed and even Fox will move on. Maybe the Deep State has won but I prefer to think of us having a ‘too close for comfort’ brush with facism, an experience I’m not anxious to repeat.
“…it might be more useful to focus on the party platforms* and what each (major) party campaigned on.”
*Feckin’ Gobshite*!!…
(* including the guy who couldn’t climb out of his own basement, y’mean, and couldn’t muster more than a dozen rally attendees at a time… – *That Guy*, y’mean?!!?!… 😀 )
You mean the guy who cleaned up on March 3rd even without campaigning? (For the overseas contingent, that was the date when a number of states held their primaries.)
Biden didn’t start cleaning up the primaries. Iowa the first state to hold a primary or caucus didn’t release a winner’s name. Why because Bernie Sanders likely won. This was set up. Bernie got a pay off (again) and went away.
Sad in a way because, although I am conservative, I heard many young people say Bernie didn’t ‘walk his talk,’ as they put it. And they don’t understand why. (New cynics?)
It is a smart point made above that ‘they’ got Kamala our before she was scrutinized, as in -among other things- she isn’t a natural born American and isn’t qualified to be president.
Kamela Harris is a ‘natural born American’, there is no doubt about it. She’s a bit off-color but then lots of Californians have mixed race backgrounds (what of it?).
The reason why Biden became the candidate is that we needed someone who was bulletproof to run against Trump. The standard line of attack is that all Democrats from Nancy Pelosi on are “extremis liberals” or some such. Biden is a known quantity, a somewhat conservative type who is well known for not being at all anything. Trying to hit him with these labels — and from the phone pitches I’ve had there’s been plenty of attempts — is like punching fog. So between the empty platform, just “Follow the Fuhrer” and an inability to ad hominem Biden the Trump campaign came up empty. It still got a whole bunch of votes, though, so I expect we’re going to see more of the same in the future.
Look at the picture of Biden in this article. Bezos, Rockefeller, Soros, The Rothschilds, Zuckerturd, google Larry Silver and tell me that guy is human….What is wrong with these “people”? It is so glaringly obvious. “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.” I am running out of comments for these articles. Same shit, different angle. I am ready to do something. What to do? 95% of the people are fucking robots and will look at you like you are masturbating in public(which is a fair piece more wholesome than wearing the mask) if you dare utter a non-CNN sponsored observation. Meditate more, I suppose. Never hurts….”love and compassion to all sentient beings…” Something has to give. Surely, this is not what it was all about. If so, best to stand for the truth and go out early…it’s going to be even more hellish in the very near future.
You anaylsis may well be spot on but you’re looking to the wrong people for a savior.if you think that populists like Trump will save you. History teaches us that these people tend to be tools of the very forces that they claim to be defending you against.
FWIW — A lot of what I read these days could have been taken from anarchists or nihilists of the 19th century. These people fell through the cracks — alienated middle class, for the most part, who didn’t identify with socialst movements (although often using similar language). They wre easy prey for the security services (who, more often than not, were helping them formlate their plots — “It all makes work for the working man to do”)..
“You anaylsis”
…Um what?…
“History teaches us that these people tend to be tools of the very forces that they claim to be defending you against.”
…_ Yes, ‘coz they’re all backed by Banksters… – c.f.: Hitler Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, PolPot, Pinochet, Sisi, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc….
“These people fell through the cracks”
… Like Trotsky, eh?…
“They wre easy prey for the security services”
…Not sure what ‘wre’ means but I take it you mean something like this:…
…or this…
…or this, for example…
…or this…
…- Yeah that’s right you spooky, sorry 77 *Fuck*… – we *see you*, in *All* your glory…
…- now get te fuck…
Indeed such stories, like those involving the treachery of other nations against their own citizens (USA, Israel), only further lend credence to the ‘inside job’ hypothesis of the 9/11 attacks, which is already buttressed by mountains of forensic, eyewitness, circumstantial, video and audio evidence.
Just as they shine a light on the astroturf “insurgency” in the US of the past year…
I think we are being played big time here, so so many Red Herrings and classic confusion propaganda (decades of planning have gone into this Deception , albeit the pricks who are trying to carry it through are non plausible) – All our cries of “Foul Play ” fall on deaf ears – I am really on the fence about Trump I am a patriot and want to believe he is a straight up Guy, but I have Nagging feelings that he may just walk away and we are all screwed if he truly is the “Last Boy Scout ” I will NOT comply with this Covid Tyranny. MASKS are for Losers
Ha! I’m not looking at anyone to be my savior.
You could try praying for good to defeat evil – I can’t see what else will work at this stage..
Namaste- I feel your anguish and I have never found it more difficult than this moment to Meditate, the Buddha said some things we just have to accept, the secret to it all is Non -Attachment , however I am not so bothered about my own destiny as that of my Daughter her husband and my Grand Children. I also find it almost impossible to sit back and let someone Piss up my Back and try and Tell me its Raining, its the calibre of these paper tigers who are trying to take over our lives and enslave us all that really pisses me off – you can see through this Bullshit like a pane of Glass unless you are Terminally Stupid !. Peace and Love to all
It puzzles me that people think there is much difference between Trump and Biden. There isn’t. Trump presided over the complete destruction of the US economy and he has boasted that pushing through the mRNA vaccine is his greatest achievement. Wtf? It’s self-evident that he has played his part in this psyop. His role is simple. Keep the gun owners onboard long enough before they realise they have been completely conned. Once they do wake up to what has been going on (Q is CIA operation) Klaus Schwab will be their next Monarch. It’s quite funny in a way. After all they used to mock the Brits for not having a written Constitution but it has proven to be just as worthless as ours in the long run.
You are correct. I’d still rather have Trump in the WH for some reason…
I was going to diss you, but fatalistic as you are, I’ll concede, you might have a point…. – Now what do we do about it? – You… Me… Them… Everybody… *Everybody*??!?!…
The difference to me is a difference in rhetoric. Trump is the president and he has made anti-war and anti-vax statements in plain language. He’s also helped many people to see the MSM fakery for what it is. On the other hand Biden has basically said “fuck you” to the public and hasn’t acknowledged any of our actual grievances. It is tremendously satisfying to me to hear Trump make anti-war statements during interviews, or to read his anti-vax statements (although I admit he has now gone full pro-vax). He has said and done two different things, but he has at least spoken the unspeakable, and I think that’s worth a little something. Is he the savior? No. But he’s not Biden either.
The most compelling argument that sets what I see as correct morally acceptable position regarding US elections is that vast majority of nearly 200 millions of eligible voters in 2020 did not support either candidate and hence there can be no possibility of democratic rule in US.
And hence in similar way every US election was stolen..stolen from American working people by electoral charade featuring political puppets of continuing over 230 years Anglo American Imperial regime.
it is hard to argue about fixing leaky electoral faucet in deluge of criminality in highest echelons of power.
(In Response to Kalen…) – Off-Gers help me please… – I got halfway through this novel back in 2006 where this government called an election and *NO-ONE* turned up to vote… – *Hilarity Ensues*… Anyone know the name of the book, coz it’s *Perfect* for our times…
(Responding to Kalen, nevertheless…) – Help me out Off-Gers, *Please*…. – I remember getting halfway through a novel, back in 2006, about a country where the government hold an election and *NOBODY VOTES*…. – *Shenanigans Ensue*… – Anyone any Idea what it’s called? – *Damned* if I can remember…
Beijing Washington Prepares
“The blame it on China thing is a distraction to keep the PROLE SLAVES at each others throats and make any EUGENICS and mass EUTHANIZATION and CULLING of the untermenschen and useless eaters program by the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH SLAVE MASTERS easier.”
What’s China got to do with it? While we’ve been playing MAGA and generally doing our best to alienate as many friends as possible they’ve been quietly going about their business. Our loss is their gain — and they didn’t even have to work at it.
The real threat that China poses to (the) us is to make us irrelevant.
Biden was China’s candidate. They helped him steal the election and now it is payback time.
“If one wants to name culprits for the dissing of the American public and shafting of Orange Hair Bozo by that walking dead pedophile the late Groper Joe for the head master of ceremonies position for SHAM DEMOCRACY USA perhaps one may want look toward Langley-Land.”
“The Cocaine Importers of America (CIA) besides being the largest crime syndicates on Earth and one of the largest purveyor of violence, terror and torture is also one of the greatest enemy of popular democratic governance globally.”

Viva El Presidente!
El President*a*, you mean?… 😉
could be a transwotsit
I should think the more important part of Joe Biden becoming President is how soon he will be a past President and not a current President.
With Hunter Biden’s various scandals almost about to explode into the open and Joe Biden’s own health under question, it must be a matter of when Biden will either have to resign or be forced out of the Presidency and Kamala Harris steps into the job.
Kamala Harris may have been the Deep State’s preferred candidate all along given that she ticks a few favoured categories (black American, Indian-American, female) of the #SocialJusticeWarrior woke crowd and is close to the Clintons. But it is likely most Democrat voters would never have supported her becoming an outright candidate to face Trump in the debates where he most likely would have slaughtered her (figuratively of course, though I’ll bet some would have wished literally), given that her original Presidential campaign collapsed publicly under fellow Presidential woman-of-colour nominee Tulsi Gabbard’s tongue-lashing. So Harris had to be snuck into someone’s Presidential campaign somehow, whether that someone was Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg or whatever.
Amen! I heartily concur with your comment.
When the 2016 Democratic campaigners first trotted out onto the track, Bernie Sanders’ “Comeback Kid” reprise reminded me of the legend of “El Cid”: per Wikipedia, “After his demise, but still during the siege of Valencia, legend holds that Jimena ordered that the corpse of El Cid be fitted with his armor and set atop his horse Babieca, to bolster the morale of his troops. In several variations of the story, the dead Rodrigo [El Cid] and his knights win a thundering charge against Valencia’s besiegers, resulting in a war-is-lost-but-battle-is-won catharsis for generations of Christian Spaniards to follow.”
After Bernie performed his trademark swan dive, I was astonished that the Democrats selected Biden, a declining placeholder who was even more of an “El Cid” than Sanders. The execrable time-server Harris is a fashionable, chic empty suit. It’s like a reboot of “Driving Miss Daisy” with a gender-reversal twist.
Watching The Ghost of Joe Biden (barely) Present is like watching an upended hourglass. The grains of his borrowed time will fall at a speed determined by his health, i.e. ability to maintain a semblance of competence and gravitas, and his usefulness to the powers who put him there by hook or by crook.
I also think it’s quite plausible that the Democratic high command and their overclass sponsors and supervisors are already following a “transitional” plan. Certainly, one way to accomplish Biden’s graceful exit if he’s deemed to have outlived his usefulness is for the Dems, not the Republicans, to cunningly and tacitly stoke the ongoing reports of La Famiglia Biden’s scandals to ultimately force Biden to “step aside”.
Hunter’s just a rather lame attempt to do ‘guilt by association’. Its not as if Hunter has been given a plum job in the Biden administration like a recent administration’s close relatives.
However, you’re right that Biden is a caretaker. His role has been likened to that of Gerald Ford who’s only purpose was to stabilize the country after the trauma of Watergate. Its too early to tell who will succeed him but Kamela Harris has been largely overlooked by the national commentariat as ‘just the vice-president elect’. She’s actually an extremely capable and shrewd politician. Its also worth noting that until this election her gender and ethnic background were never mentioned — she was never “Kamela Harris, woman of Carribbean / Indian heritage” but “Kamela Harris, Senator from California”. The next year will tell us if she has what it takes to make President.
Senator Harris has another facet which is worth remembering. She’s a prosecutor by trade. Not a flashy showoff sort, but rather someone that works quietly behind the scenes until one day a hulking greak indictment lands in your lap. Trump and his crew would be wise to fear her.
“Trump and his crew would be wise to fear her.”
…- Yeah, so would black people, palming a joint, anywhere, apparently…
…- We’ve got a pseud ‘progressive’ of similar sort over here in these parts, as it goes, – name’s Ser Keir…
Will she prosecute Munchin for One West Bank’s illegal foreclosures? Ah, no. Not then, and not now, not ever will she go against another “insider” if she wants to remain one herself. And she’s at the pinnacle of insider status now, no? And quietly behind the scenes she’ll be sure to prosecute poor parents whose kids are truant from school, leaving them with fines, fees, and legal bills while filling up the private prisons with any “legal” means she can find to prosecute mostly poor people. Ah yes, she’s highly capable alright. The only hulking great indictments Kamala is likely to pursue are those against covid deniers, “Russian spies” and whatever other reason for imprisonment she can come up with. Highly capable sociopath who’ll do the bidding of Wall Street and the MIC brilliantly! USA, USA, USA!!!!
If the electors will vote for Biden, it will be a VP JOHN KERRY, who will rule behind and through Kamala Harris:
Not only should you think it, you did think it, and having been thunk, I agree with whatever it is, now and in future, even from the wino bar..
Cheers from Yunnan
I think he already announced it: a ‘100 day’ national lockdown and masking policy. Totally unconstitutional, of course. But who cares about that mouldering old document anymore?
Millions and millions should just ignore him. Get out there without masks on and continue your business. The police can’t stop millions of you. They can stop hundreds of you, maybe thousands. But not millions….
If no-one obeys Biden, he will be the lamest of lame ducks before 100 days is out.