The Lord Protector Abolishes Christmas

Ian Fantom

For the first time since the restoration of the Monarchy in England in 1660 Christmas has been abolished in many parts of the country. The original abolition of Christmas came just 417 years and three days earlier when a previous Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell, came to power following the English Civil War.

“After the execution of the King”, states Wikipedia…

a republic was declared, known as the ‘Commonwealth of England’. The ‘Rump Parliament’ exercised both executive and legislative powers, with a smaller Council of State also having some executive functions. Cromwell remained a member of the ‘Rump’ and was appointed a member of the council.

Today, many regard the present Parliament as a ‘rump parliament’, or, to put it in the words of journalist Peter Hitchens, ‘a dead parrot parliament’. Attendance at the House of Commons has been severely restricted because of the claims of a deadly pandemic, despite a government announcement saying, “As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK” .

Lately there have been concerns that Boris Johnson has acquired dictatorial powers, making laws by decree, and possibly even marginalising the Queen.

His Council of State is known as SAGE, though with his latest announcement, it seems that that has been replaced by their ‘New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats’ (NERVTAG). One member of NERVTAG, Professor Neil Ferguson, had previously resigned from SAGE, after he was seen to break the government rules, which had arisen through the alarmist statistics of exponential growth of the pandemic, based on his own department’s statistics.

Speaking at a televised press conference in Clowning Street, Lord Protector Boris Johnson stated on 19 December that the Chrismas break in the COVID-19 restrictions would now be limited to just Christmas day in many parts of the country, and would be abolished altogether in others. However, a large part of Southern England, which had only three days previously had been put into Tier 3, would now be placed in a new Tier 4. He stated:

Residents in those areas must stay at home, apart from limited exemptions set out in law. Non-essential retail, indoor gyms and leisure facilities, and personal care services must close. People must work from home if they can, but may travel to work if this is not possible, for example in the construction and manufacturing sectors. People should not enter or leave tier 4 areas, and tier 4 residents must not stay overnight away from home. Individuals can only meet one person from another household in an outdoor public space.

Unlike the November national restrictions, communal worship can continue to take place in tier 4 areas.

These measures will take effect from tomorrow morning.

He didn’t explain how people will be able to attend places of communal worship if they must stay at home.

On the question of Christmas, he stated:

Given the early evidence we have on this new variant of the virus, and the potential risk it poses, it is with a heavy heart that I must tell you we cannot continue with Christmas as planned.

In England, those living in tier 4 areas should not mix with anyone outside their own household at Christmas, though support bubbles will remain in place for those at particular risk of loneliness or isolation.

Across the rest of the country, the Christmas rules allowing up to three households to meet will now be limited to Christmas Day only, rather than the five days as previously set out.

He explained that the reason for the changes was a “new variant of the virus”, which they  learned about earlier in the week. He stated:

As your Prime Minister, I sincerely believe there is no alternative open to me. Without action, the evidence suggests infections would soar, hospitals would become overwhelmed and many thousands more would lose their lives.

However, the only reference to the evidence was that they had none:

There is no evidence the variant causes more severe illness or higher mortality, but it does appear to be passed on significantly more easily. …

There is still much we don’t know. While we are fairly certain the variant is transmitted more quickly, there is no evidence to suggest that it is more lethal or causes more severe illness. Equally there is no evidence to suggest the vaccine will be any less effective against the new variant.

Following the press conference the government put out a press release, in which they list the areas which will come under Tier 4 as:

Kent, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Surrey (excluding Waverley), Gosport, Havant, Portsmouth, Rother and Hastings; London (all 32 boroughs and the City of London); and the East of England (Bedford, Central Bedford, Milton Keynes, Luton, Peterborough, Hertfordshire, Essex excluding Colchester, Uttlesford and Tendring).

Then, remarkably, they state:

In Tier 4 the ‘Stay At Home’ message will be put in law.

There was no explanation of how this would be put in law before coming into effect the following morning, as stated at the press conference. Was it put to Parliament overnight? Or has it been enacted by decree? It would appear to be the latter.

But how were we supposed to know what the law was, when we woke up the next morning?

A professor of Soviet and East European Comparative Law at the London School of Economics once explained to me that in the West we know what the law is before we break it, whereas in the Soviet Union they know what the law is only after they break it. So where is the legal text for that law? I suppose the rules are now different in the New Normal of the new Commonwealth of England under the new Lord Protector.

We all want to be protected from the deadly virus, even if it’s not considered to be a high consequence infectious disease in the UK. “When the science changes, we must change our response”, stated the Lord Protector. Indeed, the science being changed by YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, vested interests in the mass media, and of course Big Pharma.

Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage, who now leads the Reform Party, tweeted: “Congratulations Prime Minister and your experts, you have caused the first evacuation of London since 1939” in response to a tweet by Politics for All, showing a video of “Londoners fleeing from St Pancras this evening following the Tier 4 announcement”.

Comments are also coming in from mainstream churnalists.

BREAKING: Boris Johnson cancels Christmas. He’s therefore, by his own yardstick, inhuman

…tweeted Piers Morgan.

Cabinet members have been briefed that the PM expected to announce a Tier 4, tighter covid restrictions for London and SE at 4pm this afternoon – and will cut back on the planned relaxation of the rules over Christmas

…tweeted BBC churnalist Laura Kuensberg.

That sounds about right: ‘briefed’, not ‘consulted’, as would have been the case when we had Cabinet government.

I think, though, that many will suspect that the real reason for abolishing Christmas in a vast area of England may have something to do with the difficulties that current censorship is having in suppressing the increasingly large body of pandemic sceptics.

What else could the Lord Protector do to keep us safe?


Update 21 December:

Boris Johnson addressed the nation live this evening, regarding the recent travel restrictions imposed by France, as well as confirming “over 500,000 people in the UK have now received their first dose” of the vaccine.

He assured the public that the virus is “steadily being defeated by an international response that is bringing the hope of vaccines to the the entire world and, in that, the UK will continue to play its full part”.

He also essentially reaffirmed the above statements, as well as reemphasising that the transmissibility of the ‘new strain’ has ‘substantially’ increased, but with ‘no evidence’ that the disease is different in any other way  — ed.

Ian Fantom MSc is an Information Scientist with a background in Physics. Since retiring he has investigated the collapse of the Esperanto movement in the UK, and become engaged in the 9/11 Truth movement. Following disruptions in that movement he co-founded the ‘Keep Talking’ group in 2010.


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Categories: Christmas, coronavirus, latest
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Dec 31, 2020 2:07 PM

“There Is No Evidence To Suggest” is one of the favourite mantras of Scientism.

For example, they have repeatedly chanted that There Is No Evidence To Suggest that many herbal medcines which had been used by human beings for centuries (if not millennia) before the practitioners and the knowledge being largely brutally exterminated by the Church, are effective or safe. Hence they were promptly banned or controlled, and companies selling herbs and herbal perparations are not allowed to say anything about any medicinal properties on the packaging.

More recently they repeatedly chanted that There Is No Evidence To Suggest that HCQ was any good, but eventually, and after the orange clown had been dealt with, the AMA had to quietly retract it.


It seems to me that There Is No Evidence To Suggest that we are not being laughed at.

comment image

Dec 25, 2020 10:37 AM

A professor of Soviet and East European Comparative Law at the London School of Economics once explained to me that in the West we know what the law is before we break it

Actually this is complete bollocks. We don’t even know how many laws there are, let alone what they all say. There are too many for one person to know them all.
If you know a lawyer socially, ask him or her how many laws apply to a person living in the UK. Not exactly, but to the nearest hundred. He/she will have no idea, but will try to bluster with something like “well many of them apply to businesses not individuals”. But businesses are run by people and most businesses (about 6 million in Britain) are small, none of which (except law firms) employ full-time lawyers. But your lawyer friend won’t know how many laws apply to individuals anyway.
The same is true in most countries.

Dec 24, 2020 3:27 AM

What if it’s all- culturally- been run by the intelligence agencies, from the get-go,
per Dave McGowan (sp), and others? That’s seeming like as an accurate, if unpleasant
fit to me. Listening to the Stones et al takes on a new meaning, maybe.

Of course it’s to the Fews’ benefit, for us to see them as master controllers..
getting off these horrible, invasive screens is a good first step, I think (working on it!).

Dec 24, 2020 1:03 AM

a mock english man
a prancing chancer
an internationalist zionist
a satanick liar
like his beloved churchill
moms khazar
bankers agent

role destruction
selling england by the pounds
and pennies

filling his pockets
doing rothschild bidding

at least Benjamin Disraeli had a conscience
a soul
this fucker boris like thatcher liar blair before
is the living dead

no deal exit was voted for
boris gets us an eternal deal

a new york born donmeh turk
back room fish deals
what a stinker

Dec 23, 2020 8:14 PM

why would anyone want email notifications from a totally controlled site like yours?

Dec 23, 2020 11:13 PM
Reply to  daman2

Can you please provide the names of some for-now-uncontrolled websites? Thank you.

Dec 23, 2020 8:13 PM

On March 25th, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (old-age homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19. The decision drew fire as soon as it was announced from medical experts, nursing home operators, and the families of residents. However, it was forced through anyway. Similar orders were given in a few other states. See here.

When the Justice Department requested data (26 August) from governors Andrew Cuomo of New York, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, on their orders requiring nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients, Cuomo and Whitmer dismissing it as a political charade saying that “At least 14 states – including Kentucky, Utah and Arizona – have issued similar nursing guidance all based on federal guidelines….” See here.

Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives.

From https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/24/us/nursing-homes-coronavirus.html

You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem, dangerous everywhere but far more prevalent in a half-dozen or so of the country’s more heavily and densely populated states. What’s more, many of these states enacted coronavirus response policies that likely put nursing home residents at higher risk for infection. See here.

Policies to deliberately spread the virus? Who benefits?

On 17 March 2020 the English National Health Service announced the decision to urgently discharge patients, including those who were infected or who may have been infected with Covid-19, from hospitals into care homes and the community…. Between 2 March and 12 June 2020, 18,562 residents of care homes in England died with Covid-19, representing almost 40% of all deaths involving Covid-19 in England during this period.

The same method of spreading the virus is known to have been adopted in Italy, Spain, Belgium and the United States.

Worldwide, tens of thousands of patients, many with Covid-19, were rushed from hospitals to rest homes, ostensibly to free up hospital beds for the incoming millions of sick and dying, but in reality, to spread the disease to a vulnerable segment of the population.

From: http://www.preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1174

Dec 23, 2020 6:34 PM

Part 3

Referring to the “basic reproduction number” (R0) sounds very “scientific” but in reality means very little because it is a fictitious value! Politicians talk about it as if it was something that can actually be measured, when it is nothing more than the “expected number of cases directly generated by one case in a population where all individuals are susceptible to infection”.

As already mentioned above this is a false assumption therefore relying on the R-value as an indicator for the real spread of the virus is pseudo-science.

I do not have the actual figures for Britain but here in Austria the “worst pandemic in a hundred years” (our clueless health-minister) has produced the following “tragedy” (Stats: December)

·      More than 95% of those “infected” do not need medical treatment

·      Less than 3% of “cases” end up in hospital (currently 2.871 patients > 0,03% of pop)

·      0,6% of “cases” end up in the ICU (currently 475 people of a population of 8,9 Million)

·      We have 64.000 hospital beds  (COVID-19 patients occupy 4,48%) and

·      2.600 ICU-beds (COVID patients: 19%)

yet  the fear-mongering about “overwhelming” capacities goes on

·      0,99% of the population are currently “active cases”


These figures are the basis for yet another “lockdown” after Christmas (lasting 4 weeks)

Final thought: For God’s sake – DO NOT take the vaccine ..nobody knows what the transgenic, viral mRNA (packed into a lipid-nanoparticle) will do to your 10 billion cells … let alone how or if the immune-system can differentiate between genuinely infected cells (by the SARS-CoV-2 virus) and the cells which are forced to produce viral antigens by the mRNA … this could lead to severe cases of auto-immune disease…


Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 24, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  Cassandra

There is no sars cov2 virus or immune system. Such concept of predatory viruses is neo darwinian war propaganda of attack and defense. Everything is chemistry and physics. When the body is filled with waste bacteria and parasites will grow and break down that waste. It can be seen with a normal microscope or even in some cases with the naked eye. If the waste is not being cleared out of the lymphatic system then it backs up into the cells causing cold and flu like symptoms. The lymph is not an immune system but a waste disposal system. Eating fruits and salads is the way to cleanse out this waste as it corrects the acidic conditions that cause the bacteria and parasites to proliferate, feeds and hydrates the cells and helps flush out the waste.

Dec 25, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

if there’s no such thing as an immune system, then what prevents the “bacteria and parasites” from killing you?

and what if you don’t eat “fruits and salads”, but still recover from your cold or flu in a few days, anyway? what caused it in the first place, and why did it just as suddenly disappear, without anything else changing?

these “no germs” people are such idiots.

Dec 25, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

No one is saying there are no germs. What some doctors and scientists are proving is that “germ theory” is incorrect and being used for profit and power by an industry that never had human health as it’s #1 concern to begin with. There is no concrete proof that viruses cause disease. Do t you think that is a wee bit important, especially concerning recent affairs? In other words, we need to start paying attention to external toxins more rather than pumping more of them into our bodies. I’m sure there are many people here that could recommend a stack of books for you to read and mentally digest before you go spouting g your mouth off like another uneducated normie.

Dec 25, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Livingsb

I note that you couldn’t be bothered to answer two extremely straightforward questions.

the fact that there is some disease-causing agent, conventionally referred to as “germs”, which can be transmitted from one person to another through close contact, is known to everybody on earth, through direct personal experience.

that’s about as well-established a scientific fact as that the earth is a sphere, and people who deny it are closely analogous to flat-earthers. it’s pretty hard to argue your way around that.

Dec 25, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

And yet (just to play Devil’s Advocate for a moment) there are innumerable instances where close contact does not result in the spread of “germs.”

When examined closely, this apparent anomaly becomes crystal clear: those who did not succumb to the “germs” were those who were healthy.

Added to that (again, playing Devil’s Advocate) is the well known phenomenon of mass psychogenic illness – when those around a sick person imagine themselves to also be sick. It is, I believe, universally known how much the mind affects the body.

Dec 25, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

cut your finger with a knife. rub some garden dirt into it. see what happens.

Dec 25, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

I noticed you didn’t grasp what I was saying… very predictable. Anyway, point being that the old straightforward oops I “caught” a cold bullshit must be properly researched with big money behind it. It will never be done while the old, full of holes approach to microbes is serving Big Pharma well. You need to do some reading on the subject. Part of the problem… it takes a lack of laziness on the individual’s part to refute the narrative that has been drilled into us by the medical INDUSTRY for centuries.

Dec 25, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  Livingsb

like I said, closely analogous to flat earthers. denying what can be straightforwardly verified by personal observation, without reference to “Big Pharma” or the “medical INDUSTRY”.

your willful ignorance also extends to scientific history. in the nineteenth century, the germ theory of disease WAS the dissident opinion, which the medical establishment attempted to suppress, without bothering to offer any rational refutation. Semmelweis was locked up in a psychiatric prison for advocating it. pretty harsh treatment, for expounding a theory which had been “drilled into us by the medical INDUSTRY for centuries”, according to you.

Dec 25, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

experiment: find somebody suffering from a severe cold. retrieve one of their used tissues. rub your little finger in their snot, and then stick it up your nose and rub it around in there. see what happens to you the next day.

on a subsequent occasion, carefully wash your hands with soap, and then stick the same finger up your nose and rub it around in the same manner. see if the results of the first test are repeated.

of course, nobody will actually carry out this experiment, because EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS what the outcome will be. conclusion: you’re all full of shit.

experiment #2: find somebody suffering from cholera. collect some of their shit, and …

Dec 25, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

Lol…good luck to you.

Dec 25, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  livingsb

not willing to try two simple experiments, then. it’s almost like you don’t believe your own theory, according to which there would be no observable effect.

Dec 31, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

the fact that there is some disease-causing agent, conventionally referred to as “germs”, which can be transmitted from one person to another through close contact, is known to everybody on earth, through direct personal experience.

That is not a fact and is not “known to everybody on earth”.

Dec 26, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

Watch The Highwire, Del Bigtree’s interview with Zach Bush. It is up right now. Quite informative and challenging.


Dec 29, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

I’ve been looking for the immune system to study it and I haven’t found any. Can you direct me to any papers on it?

Btw, the last article about the immune system talked about the works of the lymphatic system, circulation, muscles, etc. Which means the whole bodily system, organs, etc. There was no immune system like the circulatory system described.

Dec 31, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

The bacteria and parasites are not normally able to kill you because they are not attacking healthy cells and are in any case kept in check by biological processes (blood cells etc) and chemistry, which have been said to form an “immune system” – the immune system is a concept that has been explained in a certain way.

Healthy human beings contain countless micro-organisms, many of which are essential to health.

Most disease ( and certainly the flu) is actually caused from within the body, not external mircroscopic monster attackers. Even if there is “something in the air” most people do not actually fall ill. Gut parasites being an exception rather than a rule.

Virology is largely a scam science, hocus pocus to invent invisble threats that only the men in white coats with high tech gear can even see … not that they can really even see what they call “viruses” very well.

Dec 23, 2020 6:27 PM

Part 2

If this is taken into account in the modelling, scientists found that heterogeneous populations require considerably less infections to reach herd-immunity (the threshold declines from over 60% to less than 20%!). The “containment” strategy does only one thing: it delays the endpoint of herd-immunity (which is a natural biological process, not a “strategy”)


Also several research papers have shown that there is cross-immunity from other coronaviruses (which are part of the “flu-like” infections every winter) and also long-lasting T-Cell immunity. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2598-9_reference.pdf

Back to Lord Sumpton:

“The problem with these people is that they are transfixed by containing transmission of the virus […] he writes. But the most important realization is this:

“Infections do not matter unless they lead to serious illness or death”.

Exactly!  So the central scary message, suggesting “increased transmissibility,” is completely misleading. And again we see that the “modellers” are driving the policy simply by claiming that” the new variant could increase R by 0.4 or greater”.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 23, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  Cassandra

I think we can blame Santa for this new deadly variant. He is the superspreader of all time. Good thing they have cancelled Christmas. He must be stopped!

Dec 24, 2020 5:34 AM
Reply to  Cassandra

The restrictions were not just for containment. They were an attempt at mass deaths through withheld medical care, as well as a wrecked economy. For several reasons including less medical malpractice and a resort to tradition/common sense, deaths did not increase. The schemers were reduced to the most pathetic faking of stats.

Dec 23, 2020 6:24 PM

Lord Sumpton (God bless him) wrote a scathing comment about the Christmas “measures” (published on Nov 21 by the Daily Mail under this headline:

Our lives belong to us, not the state. It’s morally wrong for government control freaks to tell us what we can do at Christmas

One of the most important points he made:

·      ·      The worst aspect has been the misuse  of statistical modelling to project extravagant figures for future deaths, based on ASSUMPTIONS which are unexplained, unverifiable and generally prove to be WRONG.” 

This is a very important point. Politicians are still relying heavily on these absurd “models” although they contain basic assumptions which are false. e.g. that there is no immunity at all so everybody is (equally) susceptible to infection; hence the population is “modelled” as a homogenous mass in terms of susceptibility and exposure (infections and contacts with other people are modelled as “random”), which is of course incompatible with reality.

The “models” are flawed and not validated against reality …

(Read more here: https://plan99.net/~mike/epidemiology.pdf )

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 23, 2020 10:07 AM

If you can stand it without an overpowering urge to puke just read the BTL comments in the Graun. Talk about which-hunt. Self-righteous doesn’t begin to describe it. Principles of woke-lib must be obeyed. All very reminiscent of the Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible which I saw many years ago. Miller wrote the play as a result of the anti-Communist hysteria in the US at that time.

Now we have the woke hysteria – unbelievers will be made to obey and atone for their wickedness.

Dec 23, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Oh my goodness, Donald Duck – I was thinking the very thing last evening. Watching an old re-run of a Brit detective show, the episode had to do with witches. I thought of the Salem Witch hunt and The Crucible.

Just like what’s going on today! I wondered if we will look back on this period with the same horror we look back at what we did to those women.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 23, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I think they have quite a large team of people posting comments all over the web. They could log in with multiple accounts aswell and generate loads of comments. They could use tools to help automate it and prepare comments that could be used on different articles and sites without being particularly obvious. Then other people including the ‘journalists’ read them and start repeating the same stuff which then goes into the articles giving an impression of some huge concensus that isn’t actually real. They have been doing this for years on ‘vaccine’ articles in my opinion. There is a kind of footprint to it like they get given a memo of what to write that day and the same arguments turn up all over the place. They have a huge operation on sites like quora where you can see when they post an answer it has 100s of upvotes a few seconds after. Those things like upvotes, downvotes etc. can be fully automated. They could just check a box of which ones to do what to and can target ones to send a bunch of complaints about to get it censored, the person banned etc.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 23, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

They pretty much give the strategy of flooding the space in the name of one of their blog mills called seed media group. This is science blogs with sites like skeptical raptor, science based medicine, David Gorski etc. seeding lots of writers that then get jobs on other sites. If you look up a writer you can often trace them back to seed media. This is a 2009 article about them and the operation has grown a lot since then.

It is self-styled as the largest conversation about science on the web. Boasting 69 blogs, along with 114,506 posts and 1,742,506 comments that are ever increasing, there is no question “Science”Blogs are highly trafficked and frequently updated. Their slogan brags, “Where the world discusses science,” and crowed a record of 2.2 million unique visitors in the month of May alone. There is now a German “Science”Blogs as well as a “Science”Blogs Brazil written in Portuguese. Their owner, Seed Media Group, likens itself to Rolling Stone during the magazine’s “early years” which according to Seed was “when music was less a subject than a lens for viewing culture.”


Dec 23, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

The Guardian BTL comments are one big trolling operation – not be taken seriously. The Guardian support all the US operations, from the Iraq War to the demolition of Corbyn last year, to the coronavirus scam. They hide their support for fascism behind identity politics and other fake-left window dressing.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Dec 24, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Thanks for the link! Do you know of any pieces along similar lines that explore the effort by Pharma to convert the “high-functioning” ASD (/Asperger’s) population to a pro-vax (or at least, “anti-anti-vax”) position via online discussion forums and such? They seem to be thoroughly brainwashed, and disgustedly accuse AoA and other such groups of being “anti-vax for profit.” Of course, in their disordered minds, anti-mask/anti-lockdown/anti-CV-1984-vaccine all equal “anti-vax,” and therefore worthy of nothing but ridicule at best, and murderous contempt/hostility at worst.

Dec 31, 2020 2:47 PM

The “high functioning” types own the internet and digital media and are totally onboard the transhumanism agenda because the “smartness” of tech is the most pleasant thing they know.

Reddit is one of their hives. A self- censoring echo chamber with many true believers in “AI”, etc.

Dec 23, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Those people are totally lost. The other day, I saw one of them describe the Guardian as a left-wing publication.

The deluded fools think they’re so enlightened, but they don’t even know some very fundamental stuff. They’re so easily led by the nose, but they accuse us of being brainwashed. Ridiculous.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 23, 2020 9:56 AM

Today I had to call in a plumber, we had no hot water. And I had no hesitation in doing so. I did not wish to have a wash or bath in the middle of winter in cold water thank you very much. Oh, and the plumber was not wearing a ridiculous mask, and neither was I.

Dec 23, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Shame. Cold baths and showers are very good for you.

Dec 23, 2020 6:12 AM

We can also interpret this as the announcement of an increase
in enforcement and censorship IMO.

Also I wish to recommend two other quality outlets for information:

Dec 31, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  Mishko

no thanks

Dec 23, 2020 5:57 AM

About the lord protector and the announcement of the new strain:
I disconnected from the CV19 narrative when healthy people
were made out to be a-symptomatic spreaders.

Believing this is what they say it is is next to impossible.
Then again he, The Lard Protector, has been spotted visiting Porton Down.
Cypres Hill:”Insane with the next strain..!”

Dec 24, 2020 12:34 AM
Reply to  Mishko

But the notion of “asymptomatic Super-Spreaders!” would be / will be so useful to those who [illegitimately] rule us!

Imagine the possibilities: “s/he had to be indefinitely detained because..”

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 23, 2020 1:54 AM

Safe and effective bug style mask idea.

comment image

Dec 22, 2020 11:21 PM

A mutation of the virus that is 70% more transmittable we are told.

A trial to determine this would be incredibly difficult to carry out and would have to involve two sizeable cohorts each to be given different strains then monitored in real time to determine elapsed time from exposure to infection etc etc.

Or is this done in a Petri dish ?

If not where are all these willing volunteers sourced from ?

How come we hear nothing about the location of these complex trials ?

Without the furlough bribery this criminal crock ‘o shit would collapse in a day.

Dec 24, 2020 2:18 AM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

<blockquote>Or is this done in a Petri dish ?</blockquote>

No. Every sentient being knows they just pull this shit out of their arse.

Really depressing that they think they can get away with this – and they can!

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Dec 27, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

I smelled not such a mammal as a sodding great rat when I heard Porton Down were involved in this alleged new virus announced by Wancock. Which then led to massive international blowback for the UK and WHO saying it wasn’t ‘new’ they had known about it since September and there was no evidence to suggest it transmitted any faster at all. Cue, magic new virus from South Africa – which has now been debunked by the South African President. They keep making it up as they go along. Porton Down are manufacturing something there.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 1, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Hi Jo… Hope your Christmas was good and you are doing okay? I was actually looking for an older comment from another commenter and saw this.
Are you in Tier 3 lockdown? Despite it being summer here, 3 new ‘cases’ in Melbourne yesterday, so today, thousands flooded the Testing Stations.
And it turns out that the State Of Emergency in Victoria expired on Jan 3rd. Incredible coincidence that! Bad luck for those hoping the State Of Emergency would lapse. Hope your day goes well👍

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 22, 2020 11:20 PM

These entities don’t give a shit about peoples health. They come out with pure ‘speculation’ with ulterior motives in telling people to wear ‘masks’ but say the decades of research on vitamin D is not good enough whilst there is huge amounts of people with low levels in the UK: Vitamin D shortage is a problem across the board for all health issues, not just colds and flus. The elderly, people with darker skin and those with health issues keeping them indoors are at greatest risk. This is why the north of England was getting more ‘cases’ earlier in the autumn. They have less sun up north. The ‘virus’ isn’t classist, ageist, ableist, racist or anti-health but the people skapegoating ‘it’ for the effects of low vitamin D are.

This video covers a study from an Australian university looking at a huge database of Uk data. From the comments:

Top Vitamin D and COVID-19 recent updates:

Excellent on-going analysis of Vitamin D and COVID-19 publications 7X less likely to die of COVID-19 if taking Vitamin D loading dose – Dec 11, 2020 COVID-19 patients with low vitamin D had far fewer natural killer cells – Dec 2020 COVID-19 Vitamin D: Overview of Evidence by Dr. Seheult (Video and transcript) – Dec 10, 2020 75 articles indicate that Vitamin D should fight COVID-19 – Evidence Review Dec 10, 2020 COVID-19 Vitamin D: Overview by Dr. in Sri Lanka (Video and transcript) – Dec 8, 2020 Vitamin D recommended to fight COVID-19 by 2 groups – Dec 7, 2020 Vitamin D helps athletes while reducing their COVID-19 risk – Dec 4, 2020 5X more likely to test positive for COVID-19 if low vitamin D in previous 5 years (900,000 people) – Dec 4, 2020 5.8 X more likely to die of COVID-19 if low vitamin D – Systematic Review Dec 3, 2020 Evidence of Vitamin D fighting COVID-19 etc. – take 4,000 IU if less than 20 ng (UK) – Dec 1, 2020 UV provides the best explanation of COVID-19 variation in Italy (74 pcnt) – Nov 2020 COVID-19 Scoping Review of Vitamin D finds lots of evidence, protocol to be used is unclear – Nov 26, 2020 3.8 X higher risk of COVID-19 death if low vitamin D – Belgium Nov 25, 2020 Covid-19 protocol includes Vitamin D and aspirin – Nov 27, 2020 Hyperglycemic 2X more likely to have severe COVID-19 – Nov 2020 DIABETES COVID-19 protocol proposed in India includes Vitamin D – Nov 12, 2020 A Medical School COVID-19 protocol includes Vitamin D for all phases – Marik Nov 2020 Vitamin D has eliminated ICU COVID-19 in hospital in Dubai since June – Sept 26, 2020 1.4X less risk of COVID-19 if had taken some Vitamin D (a US yes-no survey) – Nov 30, 2020 COVID-19 and Vitamin D: Health Authorities do not understand risk-reward – Nov 2020 c19study.com/d has excellent synopsis of Vitamin D and COVID studies Image click to see 3 weeks in Nov 2020 COVID-19 – Putative Roles of Vitamin D – Nov 2020 Fight COVID-19 without drugs or vaccines, Vitamin D is the single most-studied way – Nov 2020 Clinical trials are proving that Vitamin D fights COVID-19 in hospitals by VitaminDWiki Vitamin D should fight COVID-19 (but Irish Consortium recommends only 1,000 IU) – Nov 21, 2020 Hospital COVID-19 observation: 7X more likely to live if more than 20 ng of vitamin D– Nov 19, 2020 Severe COVID-19 not fought by vitamin D when given too late – RCT Nov 18, 2020 Higher vitamin D associated with fewer cases and deaths in India Nov 2020 Image COVID-19 defeated 3x faster by 420,000 IU Vitamin D nanoemulsion – RCT Nov 12, 2020 2X fewer COVID-19 deaths observed if infrequent vitamin D (2X more deaths if daily dose) – ClinicalTrial Oct 20, 2020 French National Academy recommended 100,000 IU of Vitamin D to elderly to fight COVID-19 – May 2020 Chinese COVID-19 study – 80 pct of severe cases had low Vitamin D, all asymptomatic cases had OK Vit D – Oct 13, 2020 Vitamin D and COVID-19 – observational studies found it helps, never hurts – Campbell Oct 31, 2020 Low Vitamin D associated 1.8X increased risk of COVID-19 death in hosptial – meta-analysis Nov 4, 2020 COVID-19 lung death 4X more likely in Iran if less than 25 ng of vitamin D – Oct 30, 2020 COVID-19 patients who happened to be taking Vitamin D did much better – Oct 27,2020 9X COVID-19 survival in nursing home if had 80,000 IU dose of vitamin D in previous month – Oct 2020 32X more likely to have severe-critical COVID-19 in Turkish hospital if Vitamin D deficient – Oct 5, 2020

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 23, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Scotland did a vitamin D campaign in recent years and this was used by the vaccine cult to ‘prove’ the efficacy of HPV vaccine. England did not see such results but problems caused by the injection so they did a study in Scotland to take advantage of the vitamin D campaign coinciding with the introduction of the injection:

In April 2019, Palmer et al [1] published a retrospective population study crediting vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV) with reduction in HPV prevalence in Scotland, and the authors attributed a reduction in HPV prevalence among unvaccinated women with “herd protection.” However the authors did not mention Scotland’s population-wide public health campaigns to address endemic vitamin D deficiency. The Scottish Government recognized the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in its population and began recommending vitamin D supplementation not later than 2006. Vitamin D deficiency results in impaired mucosal and immune defenses and correlates in a dose-dependent manner with increased cervicovaginal HPV infection [2]. By 2009, coincident with the start of the HPV vaccination campaign in 2008, numerous vitamin D supplementation (and sun exposure) campaigns were being implemented throughout Scotland to combat the documented population-wide problem of vitamin D deficiency.


Dec 24, 2020 4:48 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

What might any of the *undifferentiated, italicized sh!t* you posted above mean? love the moniker, BTW.. Clarity and concision often work well, even on the evilnet.

Dec 24, 2020 5:02 AM
Reply to  Carey

Adding a general rule: if it’s long, and on the internet, and *especially* if it’s well composed: it’s likely a lie emanating from the Ruling Class. See if that idea fits for yourself..

Hiya george, and “madamski” too..

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Dec 22, 2020 10:37 PM

This years Christmas chart topper – lets all purchase loads of downloads and watch the bastards try to censor it

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Dec 23, 2020 12:59 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Grace, right you are! This is the Christmas chart topper. Just because a tyrant tells us to cancel Christmas doesn’t mean we have to. We are free people. Regardless of what the tyrant-s say.

Dec 22, 2020 10:05 PM

They’ve just torched a Hydroxychloroquine factory in Taiwan.


Dec 22, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Mucho

One down, eh?

Dec 22, 2020 8:25 PM

boris like his beloved churchill was born in new york.

boris has turkic connections
he is donmeh
as donmeh follower of jacob frank and zvi

god and jesus are the enemy

the churches of england are locked tight

satan and his little helpers are running amok

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Dec 22, 2020 9:23 PM
Reply to  norman

Boris is a khazar .

by the way so are most of the other main , but unseen, players in all this . The others are luciferians.
Too far fetched ? check out the connections with the UN and occult beliefs etc also the astrological and numerological timing of and location of events/conferences/ speeches .
Robert Muller and Costa Rica . Brandon Smith has a good introductory piece on Muller.

This is all far more sinister than is visible , and these people though clearly mad are deadly serious.

Dec 22, 2020 10:54 PM

Probably the most accurate info on Boris’s origins

Dec 22, 2020 11:32 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Very interesting that people will often call out his turkish ancestry and his Kemal Muslim roots but never focus on his lineage through his mother.

I think there has been a definite willingness to avoid that by focusing on his Kemal ancestry as a distraction perhaps from where his true loyalty lies.

Maybe this is why he admires Churchill so much. They both share a very similar pedigree and Churchill was saved from bankruptcy by Jewish financial interests although the cost of that has never been made public as far as I know.

With Johnson we are yet to see.

Dec 23, 2020 9:19 AM
Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Dec 23, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Unfortunately people like Muller missed a bullet early on , before they could spread their pernicious ideologies.

Dec 22, 2020 8:19 PM

I love the fact that we are talking of a “new variant” of a virus which hasn’t even been properly isolated and identified and which has probably been changing all this time

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Dec 22, 2020 8:39 PM
Reply to  Norberto

Before you can say there is a virus or a variant of one you have to find evidence of it. You can’t assume there is one but it hasn’t been “properly isolated and identified”. This is some serious pseudoscience:

It is not changing all the time. There is no “it”. All there is is different people have different dna and there is different conditions eg. weather and effects of wearing ‘masks’. Health advice would be eat fruits and salads, do some sunbathing, breathing exercise, mediations, relax. These entities don’t give health advice but pure terrorism.

Dec 22, 2020 10:26 PM
Reply to  Norberto

Come on! Everybody’s talking about it..and it’s on TV. Tomorrow we’ll be hearing from folks whose grandad’s elderly, dottled cousin died of it. On the street, that was.

Dec 22, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  Watt

I was just thinking that surely there are already “fact-checkers” swarming en masse onto social media sites and comments threads, superciliously insisting that there are no end of authoritative scientific research papers absolutely proving that there is indeed a New! Improved! Megadeath Virus of Doom abroad.

Dec 22, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  Ort

And it’s only just begun!

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Dec 22, 2020 7:56 PM

A few unconnected thoughts…

They wanted to bring back the utterly discredited and ridiculed Neil Ferguson and his stupid models (why?), and could not do it on SAGE, from which he had had to quit, so now they have invented the snappily titled NERVTAG.

Everyone was so excited at the weekend about their new COVID variant and Tier 4, all the government, and especially the charlatan scientists and the media, but none of them had for a single moment thought about what the neighbouring countries would do about it. They were all genuinely astonished and perplexed when the neighbours slammed the door shut. They cannot see five minutes ahead of them.

Once you let charlatans like Neil Ferguson drive public policy, they will never release you. Not in a million years. He will have to be denounced, like Khrushchev denouncing Stalin.

Viruses do what viruses do, they float through the air unimpeded. It is the most disgraceful anthropocentric hubris to imagine that we can control them, or, as Johnson does, claim that the virus is “steadily being defeated”. This is self evidently horseshit.

The Aztecs had a magnificently anthropocentric assessment of the natural world, in which they believed that the sun needed the blood of human sacrifice in order to rise each morning. So they sacrificed somebody every afternoon to ensure that the Sun rose in the east the following morning. Untold thousands were slain in this slow-motion slaughter. But to the Aztecs, all the evidence confirmed their preconceptions: they terminated a four-year-old with all due ceremony, and up the sun duly came the next morning. A perfect system. Now the crazy virologists and mad modellers like Freguson are behaving just like the Aztecs. Everything that they believe and proclaim is duly confirmed by the natural world. Everything to the contrary is dismissed as “you were not doing enough of what we told you to do”. This is fucking voodoo science.

I have other thoughts, but I bow to the principle of TLDR.

Dec 23, 2020 12:51 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

I have other thoughts, but I bow to the principle of TLDR.

Shame i wanted to read more!

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Dec 23, 2020 9:53 AM
Reply to  Emily Durron

I’ve been telling people for months that all of these measures that have been put in place in order to “stop covid” are self-justified by the same faulty post hoc ergo propter hoc logic as any other faith driven act. The saddest part of it for me has been to see people, including my own father, who taught me the meaning and relevance of the phrase post hoc ergo propter hoc, fall for this spurious, circular reasoning (along with a host of other logical fallacies) and resort back to it every time they are presented with sound reasoning and solid, incontrovertible facts that contradict their beliefs. It is exactly like debating with a religious zealot.

Dec 23, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

maybe the principles of logical argument would be more widely disseminated, if they weren’t conventionally expressed in the long-dead language of long-dead slaveowners. it’s not hard to see why normal people would be repelled by that.

Dec 31, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

Viruses do what viruses do, they float through the air unimpeded.

You know what else floats in the air unimpeded: Dumbo.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2020 7:32 PM


Curious title:

Covid: Seven ways to get through (and enjoy) Christmas on your own

Covid? Is Covid your partner? And don’t you just love that “and enjoy”?

It’s OK to be angry

Oh can I? Can I please?

If you’re really cross about your ruined plans, that’s OK…..

Really cross? Steady on now! Mind you don’t go too far with the language there!

 “We are in extraordinary circumstances and I think people have every right to be angry and disappointed and sad,” says Helen Russell, journalist and author of the book How to be Sad.

Somebody wrote a book called How To Be Sad? As if anyone needs instructions?

Then we meet Martha Mills, “who spends Christmas on her own every year. She used to hate Christmas, but now can’t wait to have the day to herself.”

Ooh – what with? A stack of pornos and a roll of toilet paper?

“You can now rewrite the rules and plan something different.” Martha says she treats it as a “decadent” day of self-indulgence and self-care. So do what you like.

Yup porn it is then.

Plan, plan, plan

I have. With porn and toilet paper.

Do what makes you happy

See above.

“Do what will make you feel good in terms of sensory things. I like to make sure I have a nice Christmas scented candle in. It is just being kind to yourself and being gentle with yourself,” Martha says.

Ooh Martha! A big candle, eh? You saucy lass!

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Dec 22, 2020 9:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Just when you thought moral bankruptcy couldn’t get any lower.

Dec 23, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I never considered it at all but you sold me on porn
What is Kleenex’s share price right now?

Dec 22, 2020 7:25 PM

I’m fully on board with the majority of posters here inre BS19. Great reading from several of the regular posters here.
I have though only recently stopped wearing my bandana (not one of those terrible blue surgical style masks) in the supermarket. I did have to pluck up courage the first time round as the place is full of (can’t see them) lip syncing sheep. Also went this evening without to do the Christmas shop, the place was rammed, I must have stuck out like the proverbial. It felt so good that I had to share this with everyone.
Like a lot of you have said previous, its about just saying no.
Stay unsafe everyone.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  tcho100

Glad you’ve come out in time for Christmas, keep up the good work.

Dec 22, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  tcho100

I love the looks I get in the supermarket. They’re either disgusted or fearful of the free-breathing disease spreader. Occasionally you’ll get someone who’s looking at you in a slightly jealous fashion, like they really want to break free of the herd, but haven’t plucked up the courage yet.

I reckon about 40% of the staff in my local Tesco don’t wear masks, which seems to be way out of kilter statistically compared to the amount of customers not wearing one, so I am more than happy to go without as a big eff you to their policy makers, who have obviously told staff to only wear one if you are happy to. The local Morrison’s has about the same amount of exceptions working for them, too. All the till staff were maskless when I last went in there, but they were obviously well protected in their hermetically sealed perspex boxes.

Dec 22, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  tcho100

My partner and I, both maskless, entered a small crowded health food store during lunchtime. Everyone with masks and tense. While the check-out women was very friendly, the best part was a woman who was entering the store, upon seeing us put her mask back into her pocket, the guy following her did the same. Resistance spreads.

Dec 23, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  fame

Good to hear. (or read)

Dec 23, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  tcho100

posted previously, my recent experiments in obedience-muzzle-disobedience:


living in a jurisdiction where masks recently became mandatory in all indoor public places, I decided to test how that works in practice by visiting two supermarkets, while making no attempt whatsoever to signal compliance with this regulation. that is, I had no mask, around my neck, below my chin, below my nose, or anywhere. open disregard of this supposed public health emergency regulation.

the first supermarket I visited had the usual notices at the front door, but no personnel assigned to monitor compliance, so I walked right in. I quickly obtained some bananas, my ostensible pretext for being there, and then wandered around for another fifteen minutes. I made no attempt to hide my reckless disregard for public safety, and was seen by numerous customers and staff. nobody said a word to me. I then headed for the checkout, and choose to use the automatic checkout machine, as being the least confrontational option. there was some malfunction, as there usually is with those things, and a female staffer had to come and reset it. she said absolutely nothing regarding my dangerous criminality, although she was of course mask-compliant herself. having successfully obtained my bananas, I then left without incident.

the next supermarket was one that I’ve been avoiding for several months, because they implemented their own mask requirement long before the government mandated it. they have a security guard permanently posted outside to enforce this, who I’ve taken to insulting as I pass by — “you’ve got your obedience muzzle — good job!” — thumbs up.

in this instance, I was prepared to flash my non-official mask-exemption card at this functionary, and see what happened. (the government policy supposedly makes allowances for people who claim they cannot wear a mask, for medical or psychological reasons.) however, this guardian of public safety had apparently succumbed to boredom, and was so preoccupied playing with his smartphone that he didn’t even notice that I was completely unmasked. so I proceeded into the store. I spent over twenty minutes inside, acquiring various items that I’ve lacked since I started avoiding the place, months ago. again, I made no attempt to hide my pathological contempt for public safety, and was seen by numerous customers and staff. nobody said a word to me. eventually, I went to the checkout line; this store does not have the automatic checkout machines that the other one does. the female cashier was perfectly polite to me, although she was
herself masked and protected behind a plexiglass shield. I paid in cash, and left.

I’m actually slightly disappointed that I didn’t even encounter any of the legendary Karens that Youtube had led me to expect. maybe my utter failure to engage in even symbolic compliance displays convinced them that I was a dangerous anarchist terrorist, and they feared for their lives, should they confront me.

conclusion: although your mileage may vary, depending on where you are, it appears that for a lot of people, this fascist hoax may be starting to wear pretty thin. absolutely everybody else in these two medium-sized supermarkets, customers and staff, was masked as directed, and yet nobody made any comment whatsoever about my obvious noncompliance. it may be that recent media reports about store staff being attacked after ordering customers to wear masks, have resulted in corporate policies wherein the regular staff are told to not confront mask-resisters, and leave it to the security personnel. however, at least some of the security are too preoccupied with their smartphones to notice, or perhaps even care.

hopefully I’ve provided a positive example for at least a few of the dozens of people who witnessed my shocking violation of public decency. try it for yourself, and see what happens.

Dec 22, 2020 6:47 PM

They really are just making this shit up as they go along now. It’s like some sick S&M game, where the M’s aren’t willing participants and have never been informed of the safe word.

Dec 23, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Sid

the safe word/phrase is actually, “no, I won’t comply with your fascist hoax.”

try it — it really works!

Dec 23, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

Oh, I have been rebelling since the very beginning. I have a friend who lives close by and we have been visiting each other’s houses throughout. We walk our dogs together, we went shopping, maskless, for beer when the pubs were shut and drank outside instead, we had barbecues down the woods, we gave made up names and numbers when the pubs did open briefly. You name a rule and I’ve probably broken it!

Dec 22, 2020 5:14 PM

If the ‘new variant’ bollocks doesn’t work to their satisfaction, there’ll be a celebrity death, just to up the ante.

If I were one of the cast of EastEnders or a game-show host/reality-TV presenter, I’d be feeling a bit nervous, right now. Checking the brakes on my car, etc.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Who would people like to see die the most, after Johnson and Hancock, of course.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Dec 22, 2020 7:51 PM

Ferguson has to be right up there. No violence involved, of course. Just keep on giving him the vaccine….again and again…after all, it’s perfectly safe, isn’t it?

Dec 23, 2020 1:01 PM

maybe that fat b***h that he broke quarantine for, can sit on top of him until he suffocates.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Dec 22, 2020 10:32 PM

Fuckerburg and Kill Gates

Dec 22, 2020 10:50 PM

I’m in the US, but I would think that Sir Patrick Vallance also deserves dishonorable mention.

Laurence Howell
Laurence Howell
Dec 22, 2020 11:57 PM

The Windsors.

Dec 23, 2020 12:33 AM

Excellent answer, Laurence. I fully concur.

Dec 23, 2020 7:43 AM

I was going to say Attenborough because of his new claim to fame as a climate change lecturer, but he’s not far off dead already.

Dec 24, 2020 12:24 AM
Reply to  Sid

Dealers choice! Keep an eye on him.

Dec 23, 2020 1:06 PM

my vote goes to the fake “left” assholes that are shilling for this fascist hoax, while hysterically shrieking that it is actually the people resisting the COVID-1984 police state who are the real fascists.

get vaccinated and die, you moronic fucking scumbags.

exiled off mainstreet
exiled off mainstreet
Dec 23, 2020 8:29 PM

Witless and Unbalanced

Dec 22, 2020 8:31 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

they killed large
of little and large fame
on the alter of the germ theory pasteur lie.
they killed large
of little and large
ex bbc not so funny man
large joins the 6 million gazillion covidians
who have died killed in nhs custody
this new dark ages plague
2020 trueman show

Dec 22, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  norman

Speaking of large* (and not-so-funnymen), I predict that Michael McIntyre will be their next sacrifice.

*I don’t mean physically, of course. Just that he’s Saturday-night prime-time.

(And anyway, has anyone seen definitive proof that Sir Edward Large actually died? Or is he currently living it up in Cuba with other stars such as Princess Di and Tupac Shakur?).

Dec 23, 2020 12:04 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Mc intyre dies every Saturday night
He’d be the perfect covid zombie

Dec 23, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  Nick

Ha. That really cracked me up. ;o)

(When I was at work on Saturday, I was unfortunate enough to catch a couple of minutes of the atrocity on which he appears. Fuck me, it’s bad).

Dec 23, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

gary glitter spends much time in cuba
he lives
mcalpine is in italy
leon britain and janner and jeffery epstein isis al bagdaddy in israel
david bowie
admiral birds little america
what a weird world

Dec 23, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  norman

Paul’s Gadding about in Cuba, is he? Well, well – what a weird world, indeed.

(Protection from on high, I suppose).

Dec 22, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  norman

I like your poems man.

Dec 24, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Norman does seem to have

been around, yes?




with a distinctive stylee.

Dec 22, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Covid actor found in liberal ideas.

Dec 24, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Avoiding the test would be a start! Otherwise…. 28 days is all you might have!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 22, 2020 5:08 PM

Many of us posted notices here in March that after cancellation of the entire Easter Season, that whatever the ups and downs of their flow charts, that Christmas would be next in their crosshairs.

So we were right about all that. That seems the most ominous assault, among all the others, on civil liberties: the neatly timed cancellations of public worship.

“Not random enough to be coincidence.”

The Grinch is mighty pleased.

Dec 22, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

It is quite brilliant that we see through them.We have seen this unfold as we expected and we all have ideas about where it is going.They know we onto them.Its like we are controlling it because we always , one of us , know whats next.Keep up the good fight and have patience.We see through them.Paz.

Dec 22, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

And doesnt that photo above of Boris look like David Cameron.Who is it ?

Dec 22, 2020 7:48 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Ah-ha! It does look like Hameron! Something about it had been bugging me (apart from the fact that it was a photo of the de Piffle monstrosity, of course).

Mind you, they’re probably cousins, or something. And their privilege has made utter pricks of the pair of them.

Dec 23, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

He also sounds a lot like Cameron in his speeches, sometimes

Dec 23, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  YeahBut

Yeah, well, they’re from the same putrid source; the prime-minister factory! (Or Eton, as it’s also known).

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:33 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Let’s see these serial killing bastards swing.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Dec 22, 2020 4:24 PM

Speaking about the abuse of the Lord Protector, I take good note that Off-Guardian, under the pretext of a “verification against spamming” deleted my comment.
Interesting and informative. Thanks and bye.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:33 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

Yes goodbye.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 22, 2020 2:55 PM

I send this message to people I know who are marginally familiar with what science is regularly: “It is not science without using some form of the Scientific Method. Anecdotal statements made by scientists and/or medical professionals outside of a medical emergency facility while being interviewed live by Jake Tapper is not science.” The stats are still the same. 99.7% of us who get it will live without treatment. The other .03% will live with proper and timely treatment. I do it over and over and over. 3X plus rule. People are actually getting it. I have a family member who is at extreme risk and tied to the TV because she is immobile, for the most part. Propaganda machine is still running. She needs reminding. Regularly. Person to person reminding works. Let’s hope it starts to trickle up. I send the same message to my representative politicians by email. Problem with them is, they all holed up somewhere hiding behind their form letters about masking and social distancing. Maybe an airdrop of brochures over the capitols of our states and Washington D.C. is needed……..multiple air drops…..that is. Daily. Big Font that reads. 99.7% Maybe they will start to wonder what the number means.

Dec 22, 2020 3:09 PM

“Get it”, “at extreme risk”. Get what? At risk for what? There is no such thing as “sars-cov-2”, and there never was. Please do more research. You’re inadvertently supporting their official narrative.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Dec 22, 2020 5:59 PM

I’ve tried explaining that – there being no virus – but people can’t seem to wrap their head around it. Wayne’s approach might work better.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Most people now come ready lobotomised.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:39 PM

Yes the science tells that the existence of Sars-cov-2 is totally unproven and it looks like it will stay that way. We are being scammed into taking the intentionally genocidal vaccines. Just say no.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:35 PM

77th Brigade marking you down? Keep up the good work.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 22, 2020 2:30 PM

Maybe it’ll come out like the “ghost” scene in Charles Dickens “Christmas Carol”. In the new version, it’s Boris Johnson who’ll be visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley. I hope ol’ Jacob thinks enough to bring a hanging rope this time…

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Dec 22, 2020 7:54 PM

Oh I don’t know, if the links were big enough, hanging The Lord Protector by Marley’s chain might be just the thing – short drop, slow dislocation and strangulation. Now THAT would be JUSTICE!

Dec 22, 2020 1:25 PM

A recent video by Vincent Racaniello, Ph.D. Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Columbia university of New York in which he explains he is not scared by recent virus mutation news from the UK and why. Influnza viruses mutate a lot, while polio or measles barely do at all.

Fred Harris
Fred Harris
Dec 22, 2020 1:12 PM

It is quite simple. Doris has succumbed to pressure of the UN and its cohorts from Davos and the WEF. It is obvious by simply looking at the choreographed conspiracy. How else can one explain the synchronised response of world Governments.  He is captured simply put.
We see the same response everywhere within a day or a few hours of the proclamation – the latest is the new variant or mutation, everywhere suddenly?
It gets worse and worse as more and more terrifying predictions are made all without substantive evidence, again on model projections.
Why do people accept this?
H. L. Mencken – “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Dec 22, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Fred Harris

Good thinking.Paz.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  Fred Harris

77th Brigade making you down. Good post.

Dec 24, 2020 12:40 AM
Reply to  Fred Harris

Well put. Did he, however succumb, or is he a leading place-man. In it from the off? The man is a moving rictus of faux sincerity, to put it politely.

Dec 22, 2020 1:08 PM

https://youtu.be/YQSGZKWBSmA All ready famine has started in sub Sahara Africa with an additional 22,000 children dying per month and a projection of a 14 % increase in child labour from the lock downs on those that exist on less than $ 2.00 per day.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 22, 2020 2:22 PM
Reply to  Ray

Quick! Call the United Nations!!! Let them know there are people STARVING!!!!! Let them know kids are being treated as SLAVES!!! As if it’s ever made one ounce of difference…

Dec 22, 2020 5:01 PM

Call Bob Geldof, you mean! :o)

(It’s Christmas time, after all…).

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Dec 22, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Do They even Know It’s Christmas?

Dec 22, 2020 8:08 PM

♫Vaax the wo-orld (let them know it’s Covid time…)♫

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Dec 22, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Ray has done something important – draw attention to very real deaths caused by the unreal pandemic.

Throw Ray’s anecdote into the faces of all virtue signalling mask nazis. Explain they are abetting famine and death of African children (“black lives matter”) by obeying the lockdown.

this is something that can’t be squirmed out of if you come armed with an Big Arsenal of facts. No longer can compliance feel virtuous and noble.

Dec 23, 2020 12:26 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Yep. I was being facetious, but the mask-Nazis deserve to have the consequences of their ignorance and cowardice thrown in their faces at every opportunity.

Anyone who supports lockdowns is complicit in the deaths of the people who die as a result of them.

Dec 23, 2020 1:15 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

it surely can’t hurt to insult them to their (masked) faces — “you’ve got your obedience muzzle on — good job!” — thumbs up.

Dec 23, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

Yeah, they deserve a bit of piss-taking. As Ian Brown put it in his recent song: Put yer muzzle on, get back in yer basket. Still makes me smile, that one.

Dec 23, 2020 1:23 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Indeed, without the lockdowns, the disease would have been a non-event in sub-Saharan Africa and it might not even have been reported in local media. Apart from their very low median age, still in the teens in many countries, they appear to have 20 times the cross-immunity that people in the USA have https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971220323109

Because low-income countries have no money for furlough payments, what they tend to do instead of continued lockdown is to keep the schools closed, just to keep up appearances. In countries that normally get most of their hospital blood supply from collections at schools, as many in Africa do, this will be causing large numbers of avoidable deaths.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Dec 22, 2020 1:06 PM

Coughs,colds n flu in December ?
It’s a new variety of a very old Corona virus.
‘Dangerous’ not because it’s makes I’ll, but because it’s more easily transmitted and kids can get it.
It’s a common cold give the SAGE fear marketing technique .
If this Govt didn’t lie to me, I wouldn’t have to distrust them.

Dec 22, 2020 1:01 PM

Just like here in the USSA, this is about destroying traditional centers of economic and cultural power in the west. NYC and London are the two primary targets. NYC is already on its knees, and even if every restriction was removed today would still take a generation to recover.
As Jeff Berwick has said, this is the controlled demolition of the American empire, of which the UK was a key component.
The religious worship restrictions (even just making it logistically impossible), and the attack on Christmas, are symbolic to the satanic parasite class we are all ruled by.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Dec 22, 2020 12:51 PM

Has anyone come across any scientific evidence for the existence of the “new variant”?
i.e. How exactly did they determine that there was a “new variant” and in what way (biochemically/genetically, etc) is it different to the original “SARS-COV-2”?

(I know that to talk of “scientific evidence” in the context of what has been happening is laughable, but I thought I should ask the question, in order to try to find out what has been claimed. I only know what’s been stated in MSM “headline news”, and of course, that’s just repeated ad nauseam without any questioning).

Dec 22, 2020 1:27 PM

They won’t produce any, and the media puppets won’t ask for it. There can’t be a “variant” of a virus that never existed.

Dec 22, 2020 1:37 PM


Fear levels were dropping.

Time to up the fear factor again and justify the impending new lockdown which will last until spring.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:55 PM

Clear concise and correct.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Dec 22, 2020 8:00 PM

Yes, quite; I absolutely agree with you. I just wondered if they’d gone through the motions of claiming some sort of scientific identification of this “new variant”.
Even if only quoting some non-peer reviewed paper (or back of an E-cigarett packet), or half-remembered conversation with a “scientist”.

David Crowe, RIP, we need you now more than ever.
(I mean “The Infectious Myth” David Crowe, not the other ones).

Dec 22, 2020 2:58 PM

They haven’t produced any concrete evidence of the first strain either, but hey, who needs evidence when we’re all having so much fun. I thought the same. I watched a BBC news broadcast where I noticed that no sources were provided to back up the claim o f a new strain. Then I reminded myself that I was watching the Rothschild Broadcasting Corporation, and truth is the last thing they care about

Dec 22, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Hello Mucho.As each day passes the earth gets flatter dont it.They got it in antarctica now.Exciting innit.Paz.

Dec 22, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Yes hi Marfanoi. I’ve invented a flat Earth experiment that people can do at home. You need an egg box and a semi-inflated beach ball. It’s a crude test but it has at least some scientific merit.
In step one you make some indentations in your semi-inflated beach ball, to represent the ocean floors, the troughs where all the water sits. Then you throw the ball through the air just after you pour some water on it and observe the results. This is the ball Earth.
Then you repeat the experiment, except this time you pour the water in your empty egg box. The troughs represent the ocean floor and the bits sticking out represent the continents. This is the flat Earth.
Experiment over. Make notes and observations 😉

Dec 22, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  Mucho

PS Earth is 71% water

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Only the surface.

Dec 22, 2020 8:15 PM


Dec 23, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Try taking 24 hours to spin it one rotation
Then see what amount “flies off”.

Dec 23, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  Nick

Try getting water to stick to a ball under any conditions

Dec 23, 2020 12:57 AM
Reply to  Nick

Trillions of tonnes of water, held to a giant ball by a force which somehow also allows birds to fly

Dec 23, 2020 1:24 PM
Reply to  Mucho

maybe it will allow you to fly, if you jump off a tall building and flap your arms hard enough.

surely it’s an experiment worth trying. make notes and observations.

Dec 23, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

Is that the cognitive dissonance kicking in? Aww, poor brainwashed soul

Dec 25, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  Mucho

cognitive dissonance? you’re the one who declines to carry out a simple experiment, based on your own theory.

Dec 22, 2020 3:46 PM

It’s been around since September along with the other 12 000 different strains. So if it is indeed 70% more contagious (but there’s so much we don’t know!) it has already wreaked its damage. What’s even more outrageous is Pfizer today saying ‘they don’t know if the vaccine will work on this strain’… a strain that has been in circulation since September and doesn’t seem to have caused any increase in deaths. I’m not sure how people can’t see through this BS.

Dec 23, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  SHg

I’m not sure how people can’t see through this BS.

when you’ve had your head up your ass for most of your life, you start to mistake the view for objective reality.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:55 PM

There is no proper proof that any variant of Sars-cov-2 has ever existed. Covid-19 is a scam aimed at allowing ourselves to be injected with intentionally lethal vaccines. Just say no.

Dec 23, 2020 1:29 PM

or better yet, donate your dose of the vaccine to someone who properly deserves it, for their lifetime of dedicated obedience and conformity.

Dec 24, 2020 1:47 AM
Reply to  THX-1154

Keep this to yourself, but I already have a couple of contenders lined up for my share!

Dec 23, 2020 12:09 AM

I have looked for this and asked friends who pcr for a living
News to them. Sounds like a cover for vaccine damage from the Pfizer shot to me.

Dec 22, 2020 11:53 AM

If the strain is 70% more contagious.

  1. Why annouce it after parliament had sat?
  2. Why if so contagious did boris give 3 days for the lockdown to come into effect, and watch the South leave on mass before the deadline?
Dec 22, 2020 12:32 PM
Reply to  TFS

According to Sage this ‘new variant’ has been in Kent since September.

It’s spread very slowly but spreads very quickly and now effects kids.

There is absolutely no data given to support any assertions.

Ferguson’s computer model strikes again.

They all knew about it for months but only announced it last week.

It’s a complete hoax. Just a big pile of steaming bullshit.

Dec 22, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  Paul

Spreads very slowly but spreads very quickly! Hilarious! That’s exactly what they’re trying to say… it’s SO contagious but it took us 3 months to realise how contagious it was.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  SHg

But on Thursday the 70% figure materialised as a ghostly apparition.

Dec 23, 2020 2:49 AM
Reply to  SHg

I mean is this really the best they can come up with.

The fake PCR ‘cases’ didn’t rise until they officially announced it.

Absolutely remarkable coincidence.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  Paul

Agreed more utter bollocks for the public to wade through,

Dec 23, 2020 2:50 AM

But yet still fools will believe it.

Dec 23, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Paul

imagine how psychologically devasting it would be for someone who has complacently swallowed all the bullshit so far, to suddenly wake up and realize that’s why it tasted funny, and what kind of a feeble-minded, snivelling asshole they must actually be, to have wilfully done so.

Dec 24, 2020 1:51 AM

They’ll be fine. Anyway it’s gonna turn out to be proper alien in the end. From far beyond you’re outer Uranus, I hear.

Dec 25, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  Watt

I think you didn’t tell that joke properly. and you didn’t even mention the part about wiping out Kling-ons.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  TFS

They wouldn’t some Tory backbencher asking to see the “evidence”.

Dec 22, 2020 11:49 AM

The current agenda is for cultural degradation and debauchery (divorced from reproduction) so of course the Puritans must be dug up regularly and given a good kicking.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Dec 22, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  Edwige

And why not? The Puritans themselves were forerunners of the same cultural degradation, abolishing Christmas and forbidding plays in the land of Shakespeare. Oh sure: they fancied themselves ‘reformers’ and ‘revolutionaries’. But then, so did the Jacobins and Bolsheviks.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 22, 2020 8:02 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Save the kicking for Boris and his bunch of liars.

Dec 22, 2020 11:36 AM

the pfizer surpriser:


Worrying if she really did die! As they say never volunteer.

Dec 22, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  ovonovo

Interesting. I just looked at some online pictures released by the hospital to ‘prove’ that she is still alive. I have to say they don’t really resemble her. In the original footage of her collapse her hair is parted distinctly to one side, she has fair skin and wears no or little eye makeup. In the latest photos ‘she’ has hair parted down the middle, appears more tanned and has very heavy eye make up…oh, and she is of course conveniently wearing a mask as she is in a group photo. Must be the effect of the vaccine! A bit like the after effects of Novichok!

Apparently, she declined giving any personal interviews ”out of a desire for privacy’. I would have thought it would be better to do that and get the rumours over and done with, especially as she had no problem with interviews after receiving the jab.


Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Dec 22, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  ovonovo

Well I can prove beyond doubt she will die .

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 22, 2020 11:34 AM

By doing this, Boris Johnson has committed to a lifetime of lying, since any truth requires him not only to resign from all employment forever, but also face a lifetime in prison for wilfully destroying the UK economy for no good reason.

Boris Johnson knows that the total death statistics for England and Wales went DOWN on 4th December 2020 after 3 weeks at 2000 above the 5-year average (around a 20% spike).

He has zero evidence for true Tier 4 requirements and knows that his career has to end when the data emerges.

Remember well that Boris Johnson considered 1 million entirely innocent Iraqis worthy of genocide without even doing any due diligence.

I remain interested to understand why anyone considers Boris Johnson and his several families worthy of greater mercy, given the current dire economic circumstances will very soon require a citizens uprising……

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Dec 22, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I do however think he should be a strong candidate for an early dose of the vaccine.

Dec 23, 2020 1:40 PM

as should they all. the real “vaccine”, not the salt water that they’re currently ostentatiously volunteering for.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2020 11:31 AM

I am now realising another plank of the propaganda game. I have said that I refused the vaccine when it was “offered” to me. I phoned my mother to tell her this and she said right away that I should take it and that she was planning to take it when it came round to her.

I then got into a long conversation about what was going on and I told her about all the propaganda and I talked about the PCR tests etc. But I soon realised that she wasn’t listening. As before I felt that I was competing against all the TV propaganda that was being blasted at her when I wasn’t there.

I reminded her about the thalidomide she turned down when pregnant and was shocked when she told me she actually did take some. At this point I felt the conversation was slipping away from me.

She phoned back and I could see I’d sown some doubt in her mind. But I suddenly realised something else. These covid pushers had always emphasised getting the vaccine to the “most vulnerable” first i.e. the old ones who may be more likely to take it without a struggle. If the old dears take it, then the younger members of their families will feel bound to follow (“Well if she’s brave enough to take it then I ought to as well” etc.) Sneaky.

Dec 22, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t know if it works like that – available statistics suggest the elderly are most endangered, with average age of those who die being about 80, and the Greek government is probably not alone in complaining that young people think it does not concern them. But why should it? Young people might be more likely to think, “Gran’s taking it but she is of an age that Covid is possibly dangerous. Nothing to do with my personal situation.”

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

So what are these “available statistics”? The only statistics supposedly telling us about COVID are the PCR tests which are, to say the least problematic.

And I would say that if Gran decides to take the vax then that will make mum and dad feel emotionally pressured to take too and so it trickles down through the family.

Dec 22, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Where there’s the possibility of genetic alteration, such as infertility, affecting the vaccinated and their progeny, that threat doesn’t affect elderly females who are, of course, no longer fertile. The younger family members should probably take this into account when viewing Granny as a good example for getting the vaccine. Just sayin’.

Dec 24, 2020 2:11 AM
Reply to  dus7

Well indeed.

Dec 22, 2020 9:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Their game at the moment is to accumulate a critical mass of duped idiots to take the vaccine. Once they get to say 30% vaccinated, this mass of morons can then be used as a weapon to start introducing policy in favour of the moronic souls who believe in the Westminster genociders, violating the freedom of those who don’t

Dec 22, 2020 10:47 AM

GEFAFWISP. They should’ve found a way of making this the acronym for their new advisory group. I could’ve taken that far more seriously than NERVTAG (which sounds a bit too much like NERVGAS).

Dec 22, 2020 11:01 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Nerve Day… and Bill has already promised us a biochem attack
Bill Gates warns tens of millions could be killed by bio-terrorism – The Guardian, 2017

Dec 22, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Poor little rich boy Billy! The mutant who talks with glee of jamming needles into little kids’ arms. And who accidentally-on-purpose let slip the words Final Solution on TV.

But there’s no need whatsoever to cynically read too much into the innocent mistake of this son-of-a-eugenicist eugenicist, of course. It was simply one of those hilarious Nazi-style woopsies that happen all the time!

Dec 22, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

There you go. It will henceforth be known as:

New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threat to Government-Appointed ‘Scientists’

Dec 22, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Popo

Thank you! I humbly offer an alternative name for that fine group of people: the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threat Working Alliance of Tenured Scholars (headed by the ‘esteemed’ Prof. Ferguson, of course).

Dec 22, 2020 10:38 AM

CIA lifer Bill Barr, the outgoing Attorney General, says he detected no CIA involvement with the Pee Pee Dossier and the Russiagate Hoax.

Barr is desperate to limit the fallout from Britain interference in elections in a friendly country — and spying on an incoming U.S. president.

Entertainment value for UK readers is heightened by the fact the CIA’s London station chief was Gina “golden shower” Haspel, currently Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. It was in Britain that Mi6 lifer Christopher Steele was fantasizing about prostitutes performing for Donald Trump. Supposed contact with Russian intelligence figures was made by Cambridge academic and Mi6 asset Stefan Halper (likely another fantasy).

Thanks to Luke Harding at The Guardian, we know that: British spies were first to spot Trump team’s links with Russia. GCHQ is said to have alerted US agencies after becoming aware of contacts in 2015

The UK has form… looks like it goes back years…

The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the 1980 Presidential Election — Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept.

Ep. 1419 Is This An Enormous Coverup? – The Dan Bongino Show

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 22, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The UK has form going back way beyond children’s homes in Belfast in the 1970s, way beyond Elm Guest House and way beyond covering up Cyril Smith.

It goes back centuries, not decades.

Dec 23, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

It’s what happens when you let powerful rich ingrates sired by generations of inbreeding assert their undeserved, unchecked influence. Why does humanity’s sick core control it’s people?

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Dec 23, 2020 10:18 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Notice how every time it gets close to the royal family some major “disaster” event comes along to divert everyone’s attention?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 22, 2020 9:50 AM

SAGE man, Andrew Hayward: “We’re just entering a really critical phase of this pandemic, and it makes absolute sense… to act decisively I would say across the country, as many other countries have done, despite them not as far as we know being affected by this strain.”

Yes we seem to have been “entering a really critical phase” ever since this whole charade started. It’s always “a really critical phase”. And it always will be.

Meanwhile, other SAGE man, Robert West echoes the WSWS: “We need to reset our strategy and move rapidly to a zero Covid strategy

“Zero Covid strategy” naturally doesn’t mean zero covid deaths but zero covid. Implication: as long as there is a single case of covid, the world must be shut down.  

Dec 22, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  George Mc

This is a computer generated plague, with many simultaneously overlapping goals held by a very few. It exists as a simulacra of real life, as many have said no social media/MSM, no pandemic, no computer generated PCR, no ‘pandemic’. 
I’m no sociologist I’m a landscaper but I’d venture vast majority of people (some days I think as high as 80%) know the true score. I mix with a wide range of classes/races in my travels. So I have come to doubt that the consensus is anything but the same as so many aspects of the circus nothing but complete fabrication. 
The oppression and its markers are ubiquitous. But is that just a function of this insane gamble, that all resources will be thrown at this operation? How much of it in the general population is simply compliance going along to get along, clinging to desperate belief of back to normal if we behave? How do people resist in their everyday lives under this very low and diabolical blow by the TFIC? We won’t read about it in a newspaper, how they resist, or don’t believe. None of it, it’s in the streets. 
I try to get a word in wherever I can with whoever I can. I travel widely across a fairly representative area of the US. In the many many conversations of corona circus inconsistencies, illogic, cpu-generated mEdIcAl DaTa, pCerr, amongst my fellow working class humanity these ‘deplorables’ and ‘skeptical ghetto scum’ often cut my speech overpopulated with (irrelevant?) facts short with ‘it’s just the new world order’ or ‘it’s depopulation’. In contrast, the ‘anarchists’ and other professorial classes (the most educated) have proven to be what I always suspected they were. 
Polls such as cbs news recent that said 86% of afr Americans and 64% of Latinos won’t vax (BLM!)—-is it a coincidence that these most marginalized of US groups are ‘not buying it?’ 
In a computer simulation such as this the seeming consensus is not what it appears and we can’t allow it to also colonize our perception of our fellows too much. 
It is despair TFIC are trying to engineer and only the loudest/most fearful with access to the loudest platforms are being heard. 
It happens with shitty Hollywood blockbusters all the time; the highest budget movies so often fail to register with regular people. The fact that with trillions spent towards these overlapping NWO goals, that there is still massive skepticism ON THE GROUND (although not IN THE CLOUD), along with this XMAS/PRO-VAXX announcement indicates to me the story of how humanity threw off shackles of the state is far from over. 
PS I recommend Alf Hornborgs book The Power of the Machine to all on off-g most of y’all would love it

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 22, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hayward should be required to provide hard data to prove his assertions, or be sacked from SAGE with no prospects of ever returning.

I am sick of lying prostitutes taking money for treason.

Dec 23, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Pure data manipulation Rhys. You will see it for what it is even with data,as you understand what you are looking at. Unfortunately we are battling those amongst us that are cattle…and are stampeding towards us

Dec 23, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The train has left the station of evidence based science a long time ago
it seems. To our peril.
We have entered the domain of trusted science as opposed to science
relying on the scientific method.

Dec 22, 2020 9:41 AM

I understand that the first doses of the “vaccine” has produced severe bad reactions amongst 3% of those injected, so far. That would cause 1,950,000 people at the very least to become ill immediately. The longer term effects can only be guessed at. I think we can be fairly sure the second dose will be worse. We can reasonably expect 3,000,000 immediate bad reactions and an unknown number of deaths longer term. The coming, planned, food shortages will likely cause malnutrition and increased susceptabilty to illness. Also the continued push towards more and more childhood vaccinations and flu jabs continue to cripple children and kill off the elderly.
Or we could wake up, throw off the blinkers and face, at worst, a mild flu outbreak.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 22, 2020 11:49 AM
Reply to  Jess

Any Government that pays £100bn to knowingly injury 3% of its population to counteract a disease which kills 0.1% or less of the population is unfit to work, let alone govern.

Basic sanity long since disappeared from Parliament, Whitehall, the BBC, the newspapers and the EU.

Dec 22, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Excellent point.

Dec 23, 2020 6:20 AM
Reply to  Jess

Ah but ofcourse. Spinning negative publicity by announcing a new emergency.
Ye aulde “There Is No Alternative!”

Dec 22, 2020 8:06 AM

The lies seem to be losing traction, though. I was out in Tier 4 shopping much of yesterday and there seemed to be no panic at all. Staff and customers were acting as if nothing had happened.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 22, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  Thom

Quite right. I am not considering anything to do with Tier 4, I am going about my daily business. Unimpeded.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Dec 22, 2020 5:28 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I have an idea, Thom and Rhys. This might be something worth trying. I’m thinking of trying it.

If you see someone out and about who seems friendly and unworried, have your iPhone out, or even a printed page, and smile, make eye contact, and say something like, “Huh! Have you heard? A court in Portugal ruled the Covid tests unreliable and quarantines unlawful!” And show them this page:


Plant the seed that the science is fake. Obviously you can only do it if they’re already not fearful, panicked and brainwashed.

Dec 23, 2020 12:31 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

I work with the public every day…and have used exactly your suggested tactic. It works…but then 4 of every 5 people I talk to refuse the vaccine,understand with their own gut instinct that it’s not what they are told.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Dec 22, 2020 5:30 PM
Reply to  Thom

In fact it might work better if you just casually start chatting with a member of the staff rather than a customer. Because the staff member is supposed to attentive to customers. Just casually work it into the convo.

Dec 22, 2020 7:24 AM

Good article. This topic needs to be explored further. Cromwell’s excesses parallel those of today. Whether his regime was more repressive than the Tudors is open to debate: he was as arguably more influential.

The alliance with bankers is a key parallel. The Puritans’ accent on the Old Testament — and the fact that many Huguenots were Conversos — led them to reverse the Explulsion after 360 years, leading to the rapid growth of banking, shipping and the slave trade from the mid-1650s putting great pressure on the City of London.

Some even see the Great fire of September 1666 as a consequence. Something similar is happening as part of Event Covid. The existing economy is being burned to the ground, paving the way for a similar expansion of banker influence and power. The resent conference in London did not hide the bankers’ ambition: Green Horizon Summit: The Pivotal Role of Finance, which declared, “It’s time to reset the relationship between finance and the real economy.”

While they imposed the angry God of the Old Testament, the Puritans and Cromwell’s army took measures that that look familiar. The parentheses and highlights in the following passage are mine.

“Cromwell and the largely Puritanical Parliament then began consolidating their power through the standing army they had formed. In many ways, the army became the means by which Parliament enforced its [Puritan] values upon the populace.

Parliament often used soldiers to enter homes and ensure that the Sabbath was treated with reverence. Soldiers were also empowered to seize any feasts being prepared for the Christmas holidays. The army sometimes surrounded churches to ensure the parishioners remained for the entire service.

Additionally, leisurely pastimes were heavily limited and regulated, though they were not eliminated entirely. The city’s theaters that were not approved by Parliament were torn down and Sunday sports were banned. Many inns and pubs were also shut or placed under heavy restriction and even swearing could result in a fine and continued swearing with prison time. However, it was during the midst of this period, some music and opera were able to be born.”

Having written about post-Soviet legal reforms, I can attest that Soviet law was often left deliberately grey… Effectively anyone could fall foul of it and the weight fell on the individual to prove he or she had no subversive intent.

However the issue in Britain now is that decrees issued are not even laws. Further, the interpretation and implementation of laws is left to the police (and soon to the military).

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 22, 2020 11:51 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The role of finance in the economy should be one of serving more important people. Bankers are very, very unimportant people.They don’t feed anyone, house anyone, clothe anyone, keep anyone healthy. They just lend money for interest.

Dec 23, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“They just lend FAKE money for interest.” Its as fake as the virus. Like the virus, the money doesn’t actually exist.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Dec 22, 2020 6:03 AM

Surely a more contagious strain means we can achieve herd immunity quicker and therefore do not need to vaccinate.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 22, 2020 11:52 AM
Reply to  Freeborn John

More contagious means nothing. What matters is if it is more virulent, more lethal.

Until that is proven, no-one should worry in the slightest.

The smartest viruses are hugely contagious and hugely NON-VIRULENT.

Dec 22, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Freeborn John

Without another round of trials, it makes a joke of the claims for the vaccine. This is nothing new for vaccines in general.

Dec 23, 2020 2:58 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Good point.

It’s just utterly ridiculous to claim the vaccine will still work if they don’t do the trials again.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 22, 2020 5:30 AM

Re: Today, many regard the present Parliament as a ‘rump parliament’, or, to put it in the words of journalist Peter Hitchens, ‘a dead parrot parliament’.

My suggestion: “Basementocracy”; i.e. government from the basement. Since they’re now too afraid to venture out into the world of real people.