Discuss: Brexit Deal Announced
Contrived melodrama as diplomats “talk through the night” to secure a deal

In a flagrant piece of political theatre, the governments of Britain and the EU have announced they have come to terms on a Brexit deal.
Though the deal has been agreed upon, it is not yet official. It still has to be voted through parliament when they are recalled on the 30th of December.
What, if anything, is really likely to change, should that happen, is as yet unclear.
However, there’s no denying the obviously cynical timing of the announcement, designed to give everyone something to talk about over Christmas dinner, and reigniting the flames of Brexit-Remain division at a time when society should be unifying against the “pandemic” narrative and all the evils contained therein.
But, even while it feels awfully like taking the bait and being caught in a trap…discuss it we must.
- Will the UK parliament vote the deal through?
- What will change as result of the Brexit deal?
- Will it be revoked by the next government?
- Will Britain ever rejoin the EU?
- What impact will this have on Scottish independence movement?
- In the wake of the New Normal and the Great Reset…does any of this even matter?
Discuss it all below, and we’ll see you all after Christmas.
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Just look at BoJo. The man ( if we can call him that) is literally crooked, on the physical level, and has the beady eyes and desperate look of a second-rate spiv. This is the muppet that proclaimed a “triumph over disease” on camera, to celebrate signing that sweet deal with Bill Gates a few months ago.
What I also see in this guy is a character who is shitting himself and at the same time is bemused with the shit he is getting away with. Laughing all the way to the bank, mate.
He also reminds me of the gent who flashed his gold card at us derisively from the top floor of one of the financial shark buildings at a demonstration in the City a while ago. A deep insecurity crudely propped up by a spoilt brat arrogance … and he is far from unique!
The ‘Hypocrites of the Year’ award must go to the #FBPE crowd who worked tirelessly for years to ridicule Leave voters. ‘Leaving the EU will damage the UK’s economy’ they said
The same #FBPE crowd who’ve shrieked endlessly for tougher and tougher lockdowns whilst businesses, large and small collapse around them
It wasn’t the lockdowns caused the economic mayhem and coming poverty, it was those British exceptionalists, those far right populist Brexshiteers. This is what it was for, that’s long range planning for you.
The English Parliament is has been owned for well over 100 years. >
Excerpted from: The Kalergi Plan – ENGLISH NEWS
“The first major effort to promote the Pan-European idea to destroy the European races followed after the ‘Pan-Europa’ Congress of Vienna in 1926. By September of 1929 the Honorary President of the Pan-European Congress at the time (Aristide Briand) was giving speeches at the League of Nations openly advocating for the creation of “a federation of European Nations” after lobbying from the allies of Coudenhove-Kalergi, who were termed the ‘Coudenhove-Kalergis’ (PEU History PDF, “Pan-Europa – The parent idea of a united Europe”, PEU publishing, retrieved 31/03/2019, pp.1).”
The “New World Order” is simply a repackaging of old world order elitist dreams. The banking and market crashes of 1929 were promoted by the same idealists and money changers listed in other historical eposes’. It is instructive to read the entire document…
Brexit was always a theatrical ploy designed to entertain British civilians. Boris knows it.
The self-destruction of the western empire is fully underway. The western billionaires are running the Covid scam in order to squeeze that last bit of long-term profitability out of the failing western nations where their greed has already resulted in the death of honest investment and negative interest rates. It is their last desperate attempt to squeeze what they can out of the government teat.
Fear of the crowd is also introducing authoritarianism, they don’t want the crowd hanging their families from the lamp posts, so they will imprison the crowd and, should the need arise, run away to their bolt holes in distant countries.
The scammers, publicly led by Gates, Schwab etc, will take as much as they can until the US and UK are completely destroyed. Of course, the minions who do their bidding will still believe they are destroying the modern world to build a better world, but their beliefs are dreams as there is no evidence in history of such a turn around ever occuring, but they don’t care, it is what they want that counts, another reason why they will never build anything better.
The western introduction of hate speach, anti-semitism and other minority-interest laws, all of which identify the disunity of the west, are effectively laws to avoid infighting during the inevitable decay. As hope for recovery or a better future fades, the control over the rotting corpse becomes the priority. The UK and USA no longer have goals or objectives that can motivate the populace to a better future, so they need to avoid the populace fighting amongst itself.
Brexit is just another inevitable calamity on the road to poverty. It destroys any remnants of the UK’s global power or goodwill credit, it labels the UK as an also ran. Not only can’t the UK unite in a common Brexit purpose, but it also can’t implement Brexit to produce a better outcome for the UK. Are the vaccines going to be the final profitable business to come out of the UK? A business built around a hoax resulting from billionaires squabbling over the last bits of flesh on the carcass.
multi racialism was always a tool of the corporatists and their lackeys as noted above kalergi himself saw the utility in removing through rebreeding the troublesome freedom loving europeans..
the latest hate speech nonsense isn’t the kleptocrats trying to hold the nation together, but merely an exercise in anarcho tyranny a draconian tool to be used in the silencing of all dissent as their little ponzi scheme collapses.
we are in the final act of this tragedy.
plan accordingly.
Of course Britain can re-join, in theory. That would be on standard terms which is not done by Britain so in practice there is no re-joining.
Britain does not like to join, be in a group, Britain must rule or stay outside. EU does not need that kind of customer.
Yes, the British rats have deserted your ship.
Because it is sinking.
All ships will sink as the billionaires go on a rampage. It will only get worse once they have impoverished the plebs then start fighting each other.
Both Britain and the EU are sinking
Johnson! Take your hands out of your pockets, boy!
We don’t half get sloppy Prime Ministers these days…
No, let’s get back to basics – Tony BLAIR to The #ICC.
Also The City of London is to hand OVER all of THE STOLEN RESTOLEN & RERESTOLEN #TPLF LOOT to be found at The City of London today into ERITREA’s starving hands by way of REPARATIONS.
It would be good if the City handed back what it has stolen from everybody. They could start with England and go on from there.
Really, there is no money to pay debts.
Even the City is living on Monopoly money.
Yes but they pretend it’s real. I’ve been of the opinion for some time that everyone and every institution has been encouraged to get into unpayable debt so they will be eventually made to give up everything to pay it. That will be land, property and people, just like the happy morons in the WEF vids.
The brexshit panto is just a distraction like the nu-virus. A government could create the toy money and pay off the pretend debt in a flash. Trouble is,we have a pretend de facto government with an irresponsible,hands in pockets, messy haired schoolboy in charge- Billy Bunter v the Headmistress of Brussels Academy. A deliberate, potent symbol.
The Government Corporation must be dissolved and a common law government of the land constituted. We could have a real constitutional monarchy! The precedent is there and all the machinery. All we need is a monarch that is not a corporation serving the Crown corporation of the Inner City of London. And a Parliament that is not in thrall to the same.
We have a brilliant system of law that only needs to be free of its corporate LEGAL,(as opposed to lawful) fetters. It’s all in place, we only need to get rid of the corrupt controlling crown corporation. Failing that, only slavery awaits.
The Brexit deal and the leader of the Leave campaign now tied forever in the public’s mind to the worst national crisis in living memory. Maybe that was the EU’s gameplan in the timing of this agreement?
mask less
on the bus today
i looked out
i looked out
the begrimed misted window
on cankered
old london town.
saw an old woman hands clasped
sitting on a bench in church frontage.
to the right of her was a sign on church wall
pronouncing the words black lives matter.
the day was cold she must have been frozen
sitting on bench in church yard frontage
hands clasped tight
the doors of the church locked firm
covid signed satan sealed
so tight
not a mouse
ghost soul or spirit could
get in
or out.
the woman sat looking at the ground
blue cold hands clenched.
outside the church doors closed tight
no light within
grey without
on this of christ mass
holiday day
And you, son of man, neither fear them nor fear their words, though thistles and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear their words nor be dismayed at their presence, for they are a rebellious house.
In this video this idiot claims the US military are on ‘red alert’ for a coup, NOT to assist the coup, calms David Pakman, but to put down civil unrest that may arise, if Trump does try something.
David Sweetheart, if the US military are trying to put down protests because of a coup attempt by the President, then that is the coup. So what the military are really telling you is, they are getting ready to stage a coup.
Trump Martial Law Talk Has Military on RED ALERT
There’s no coup, staged from Florida?
No US person can go to Britain. There are borders, sometime closed one way, sometimes the other, best both ways. The soldiers would risk to be stuck somewhere because the Covid stuff changes frequently.
The EU breathes a sigh of relief. This capricious customer from the Thames is finally putting on the boots, the hat, the coat, and the gloves to go out that door.
When all, UK and EU countries, have ratified the deal, then the door will be shut, the ill winds will cease, and the dancing will begin on both sides. Good riddance! Don’t show your face again here.
Who will have the last laugh cannot be said now, but my money is on the EU who can now finally move forward without those London shackles.
So long – it’s been good to know you.
We came.
We saw.
We made a mess.
Now we leave you with it.
Have fun.
Departing AG Bill Barr and Dominion Are Secret Santas/
Unwrapping More Voter Fraud Proof/
The Vatican’s Occult Nativity/
Rare Christmas Star
A hopeful view from Gail Tverberg (Our Finite World) where she refers to plans for the ‘great reset’ as ‘wishful thinking’.
Why – mainly because of the low price of oil meaning that most unexploited oil will remain in the ground. Without the energy provided by oil and all fossil fuels, we will see the end of our present industrial civilisation.
“Low prices tend to keep fossil fuels in the ground. They also tend to discourage high-priced alternatives. Unfortunately, all the wishful thinking of the World Economic Forum and others advocating a Green New Deal does not change the reality of the situation.”
As we suffer the effects of a world without oil, it will bring many deaths and hardships, but at least they will not be from any digital dictatorship.
Does Gail consider the possibility of the plutocrats simply killing most of us off ?
Plenty of cheap-ish oil then for their techno party.
Tverberg is great at straight forward unwinding of our self deceptions, but less so at seeing the psychopathy of those running the system.
Satan Klaus is coming for our kids, it would seem.
You may be right crank, and you can ask Gail directly on her website. She usually replies to comments.
It is surprisingly hard to kill off people en masse. They have a nasty habit of surviving.
They just want you to think they can kill you, because they can control you easier that way. If they killed the plebs, who would they leech off and who would do all the dirty work for them?
go read “Myths Lies and Oil Wars by F.William Engdahl” and have a re-think of all you believe.
I thought it was going to be crap. But that is The best Christmas Day, we have had since before our Grandchildren were born. Our Grandkids have such a Brilliant sense of humour.
I just tossed anoother one on The Barbie, as if I was in Australia.
“Smokeless” Coal actually for the kid’s marshmallows, as if we are around the campfire.
It’s suddenly got rather cold.
I was often alone on New Year Eve. I stayed in to watch Bob Harris and The Old Grey Whistle Test.- Best of The Year
I don’t think I have ever been alone at Christmas, so I send my prayers and love for everyone who is, especially old people like me, who have recently lost their husband or wife, which includes some of my old friends, I am still in contact with.
If you don’t like what I write just delete it, and my IP address.
Then what I wrote will not appear here ever again, unless I cheat, and I don’t do that.
It’s not that hard..
Happy New Year,
“John Lennon interviewed by Bob Harris (1975)”
Put simply. If Boris bigs it up . . . the devil will be in the detail.
Just more kabuki theater for EU banksters to laugh over… Brexit is being pushed to make the comedy more palatable. The first 65 minutes of this conversation pretty much connect the dots. The rest is only repetitious. >
Great Reset, Inclusive Capitalism, The Vatican & Klaus Schwab – Richard Grove / Jay Dyer
[ — ] to which one could add the string pullers behind Freemasonry, the Sabbatean Frankists, the financial descendants of the Medicis, Templar banking interests in Switzerland and the corporate crowns of Britain and the Netherlands…
They may seem diverse but they’ve had several centuries to get to know each other and they don’t constitute a lot of people…. just enough families to rule the world.
Every time they say they are holding talks to solve fishing disputes, i think they are negotiating Data interception through major hubs/cables.
The fish thing was a psyop the whole pantomime of dropping the kipper on the floor aimed at the dumbest of people.
Do theses milkshakes buy fish locally?? of course not. they buy it from GM farms slapped in a lead tin sold in aldl / lidl /fiasco or anywhere which is cheap
poisonfeed to the clueless..Revealed: the millionaires hoarding UK fishing rights
Alexander Buchan and family are ranked 804 in the 2018 Sunday Times Rich List, with an estimated net worth of £147m. The family’s Peterhead-based Lunar Fishing Company owns or controls 8.9% of the UK’s quota holdings (739,153 FQAs), making it the biggest quota holder in the UK.
Jan Colam and family are ranked 882 on the Rich List (estimated worth: £130m). The Colam family-owned company Interfish is the second largest quota holder, with 7.8% of the UK total (643,927 FQAs)
Robert Tait and family are ranked 980 on the Rich List (estimated worth: £115m). The family’s Klondyke Fishing Company is the UK’s third-largest quota holder, with 6.1% of the UK total (506,953 FQAs).
Andrew Marr and family are ranked 567 on the Rich List (estimated worth: £209m). The family’s Hull-based Andrew Marr International owns or controls 5.1% of UK quota holdings (419,937 FQAs), making it the UK’s 5th largest quota holder. It also has minority stakes in companies and vessel partnerships that hold a further 5.4% of UK quota (445,981 FQAS).
Sir Ian Wood and family are ranked 77 on the Rich List, with an estimated worth of £1.7bn (a fortune built largely on oil and gas services). Sir Ian’s fishing business, JW Holdings, holds 1% of the UK’s fishing quota (83,463 FQAs) and has minority investments in businesses/partnerships that hold a further 2.3% (192,169 FQAs).
“does any of this even matter?”
That [Covid + great reset] could be a catalyst which helped bringing forward the agreement.
“Will Britain ever rejoin the EU?”
Wouldn’t Britain invade Europe, together with the US, if Europe decides to adopt anti-American foreign policy?
Britain never could invade, because France has real nuclear weapons, not cardboard tubes.
Britain will be too busy trying to feed and control its enraged and desperate citizens.
projected population for uk in 2025 is 14,000,000
carrying capacity for the uk is 14,000,000
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Is co-opting the French government really difficult?
Just want to wish everyone here a very merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you too!
And, in the spirit of Mrs. Cratchit, perhaps we ought to drink a toast to the solitary grinch of a misanthropic downvoter stalking these hallowed halls. 😉
Merry Christmas everyone!
Looking for a bit of help here…
I’m trying to do the crossword, but I can’t enter the second letter of 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 down into the document. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I found a solution: select and copy the penultimate row, then select the second row and paste the copied row.
…i worked for HM Government in the field of IT system build and problem resolution…employing the good old Trivium, the first step is to define the problem…this is achieved by considering ALL available data….i conclude that your points of conversation are all symptoms of one problem….the belief in the one-world religion….money..!
…i remain open to any data that i have missed and happy to re-appraise my consideration……merry what ever it is that floats your boat, this day….!!!
The British are masters of divisions and creating simmering conflicts that cause misery and wars.
Any reason, they are expected to change? Years of Brexit negotiations prove they are always ready for a political game with all the nastiness that entails.
BOZO waited until the last minute so it would be impossible to read, analyze, and have an informed debate among the population before it goes to a vote on the 30th. As Nancy Pelosi once said to her “colleagues,” You have to pass it to see what’s in it.” All scripted kabuki by our Overlords and their retarded minions.
Why the pet name for the disgusting vile contemptible piece of floating shit?
Hear, hear!
The UK was always intended to be a drag and a poison on the EU, acting as an agent of the Anglo-Sphere, but having failed to derail the EU through encouraging expansion, to stretch it to its limits and having done it best to import its own destructive neoliberalism, the US gave up and ordered the UK, to kamikaze like, crash out of the EU, regardless of the damage to the UK economy. So the UK has played its trump card, and the EU will now prosper without us, more robust more determined and more coherent.
The EU now needs to jettison Hungary and Poland if they continue to follow US control. The EU is playing a bigger game that involves China, India and Russia and the future, the UK has tied itself to the dying lead weight of the USA, which is sinking fast.
The EU is playing a bigger game that involves China, India and Russia and the future, the UK has tied itself to the dying lead weight of the USA, which is sinking fast.
Under the leadership of der neue Fuehrer Angelika the Merkel and her military advisor “I have a Kramp”-Karrenbauer the EU does shit all but tries to – especially after the saviour Biden has arrived from the heavens to proclaim a kinder Neo Liberalism with a human face – cuddle up more to the US elites and strenuously does anything possible to alienate Russia and China as well but at present maybe not so much.
Better to alienate one ex partner one at a time.
The EU is nothing but another neo lib shell game pretending to have everything to do with democracy but hiding its agenda of privatizing from all to the few and sending the rest to live under constant austerity programs, likely with a twinkling in it’s commission eyes thinking about the Nazi Schwab Great Reset.
”neue Fuehrer Angelika”
”Nazi Schwab Great Reset.”
There was a time when the EU was considered to be a social-democratic buffer zone between Russian Communism and American Capitalism/Imperialism. That was the time when Labour party stalwarts like Tony Benn, Bryan Gould, Barbara Castle, Richard Crossman, et. were opposed to what they saw as an American NATO block. No more. Europe now is under a de facto military American occupation and a foreign policy is decided by NATO. As for the current Labour party it is essentially a ‘woke’ outfit led by a self-proclaimed, zionist Keir Starmer together with the rest of the party who a members of ‘Labour Friends of Israel.
We gain a measure of independence from Brussels on the one hand only to give ourselves over to being eventually controlled by a One World Government on the other.
Over to American Empire you mean, there is no ‘One World Government’.
Merry Brexmas!
(Or not, as the case may be).
Bibi’s idea of a merry Christmas:
Does it need saying there’s zero coverage in The Fraudian?
satans pirates demonick
oded yinon never sleeps
i thought retard brought peace to the middle east!
As I write this it’s Christmas Eve and the world seems utterly unaware of the catastrophe that tonight could bring if nothing is done.
That catastrophe comes in the shape of a fat old geezer with a big white beard and a red suit.
I am talking, of course, about Santa Claus.
You see, tonight Santa will fly around the world visiting billions of homes (no, don’t argue with me, this is what the science tells us and you can’t argue with science).
The problem with this, and that disaster in waiting, is that the science tells (and once again, you can’t argue with science) us that Santa is riddled with ‘rona. In fact he is officially and scientifically a coronavirus superspreader!
This terrifying fact has been exclusively revealed to me by Neil Ferguson of the UK’s Imperial College – the same brilliant scientist who first correctly predicted (using his powerful Sinclair Spectrum 48K super-computer) that 478 billion people would die of coronavirus over the course of the weekend.
This, as my mate Neil explained to me, is the science as to why Santa is a Superspreader:
For the sake of the children Santa must be stopped!!
Just think, tonight he’ll be sneaking down billions of chimneys, a red-suited, rotund Bringer of Death, delivering ‘rona riddled presents directly into the hands of our kids!
I appeal to governments around the world to save humanity from the threat of Santa – this is an existential crisis and we must respond!
So, people, if we are to save the world, take to the streets (virtually, obviously…) and demand that your Dear Leaders take action! We must use the world’s sophisticated military technologies to defeat the menace of Santa! We must track him as he and his mangy reindeer fly through the skies and the first house he lands at – boom! – we launch a massive nuclear strike against the evil fat Santa swine!
And that’s it – problem solved, Santa dead and incinerated, world saved – plus the entire area around Santa will be consumed in the flames of nuclear conflagration which is great as it will ensure that the deadly Santa Strain of the ‘rona dies with the chuckling, bearded git.
Obvs that hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children will also die in the nuclear strike but, as we know, death is only a problem when people die of the ‘rona, any other form of death is not relevant – for example…don’t you just get sick to the back teeth of all those whingeing idiots with cancer complaining that their hospital appointments have been cancelled…I mean who THE HELL do they think they are!!!
And another xmas horror story…
Didn’t you hear? Dr Fauci visited Santa at the North Pole and gave him the vaccine. That’s what he is telling the kids anyhow.
Some interesting stuff on BannedVideo.co.uk regarding Dr Death and his friends and the covid19 hoax.
Best wishes.
We’ll be ok as Santa got vaccinated.
But what about his elves and reindeers?
And do the reindeers have herd immunity?
I was starting to doubt what you were saying until I saw that NASA track Santa so it must be true . . . . .
Who knew? (Besides Satan Klaus)
AND one of my kids woke up ILL!!!
Holy . . . . . !
how did you find time to type all this?
They’ll be able to chalk up all the nuclear deaths as ‘rona deaths. Standard procedure.
Brexit: know your plaice and stay in your social barbel. Merry Noel und gluckliches neues Jahre to OffG and all
Brexit doesn’t really matter in my opinion and when one considers that the same soulless policies are enacted almost everywhere.
That being said, I wish all fellow readers a Merry Christmas.
And also however dark the current time might seem, I hope you do not forget that we are not alone, from what I can see more people than you think are not buying the dangerous virus nonsense or the propaganda about the benevolent Great Reset.
Are we really expected to believe after four years and being miles apart then ever, everything fell right into place at the last hour , why was underlay doing the negotiations as opposed to Barnier they really must think we’re stupid, it won’t make any difference to the fat slob as he’ll be gone in a few months and then do the circuit rambling around the globe making millions ruffling his hay stack head and talking abso0lut garbage
Sadly, no. Five years ago, I was a bit more optimistic about our ability in the West to change the course of history through democratic participation. Now I realize that the fix was in no matter which way we voted.
A study was done on political developments in the US, an it was found political evolution tracked elite opinion (read: money) precisely.
Political evolution did not track popular voting at all.
For me, this study confirmed that ballots are comment cards for the plebes.
Happy Christmas!
The Brexit referendum was notable for its incoherence. No-one on any side could explain their position. Journalists and MPs hadn’t a clue what they were talking about.
And the bureaucrats kept a Mandarin silence.
Stay or go, you get globalism:
Trans-Pacific trade partnership… negotiated in secret… imposed under a different name.
European Commission… appointed not elected, ruling by decree.
Which flavour of unelected, globalist rule would you prefer?
It was a question worth asking.
It would have been a debate worth having — if We The People had been invited to the table.
We were not.
The EU-UK Framework For Future Partnership
So, no, Britain is not a rival centre of power.
Globalists do not do competition. Which part of that do you not understand?
Due to Trump’s about-turn, many countries escaped TPPA. Did they learn? No. They have now fallen for RCEP led by China, rather than negotiating every deal according to national and industria benefit.
Candidates for the remaining Commission portfolios have to go through a tough parliamentary vetting process too.
The Council, in agreement with the Commission President-elect, adopts a list of candidate commissioners, one for each member state. These Commissioners-designate appear before parliamentary committees in their prospective fields of responsibility. Each committee then meets to draw up its evaluation of the candidate’s expertise and performance, which is sent to the President of the Parliament. A negative evaluation has prompted candidates in the past to withdraw from the process. The full Commission, including the Commission President and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, then needs to be approved in a single vote of consent by Parliament.
Mostly agree. But the EU and the UK has been gobbled up by the US under the cover of NATO.
So who gets your “Sucker of Satan’s Cock” award for 2020?
I vote for Tobias Ellwood MP. Easily one of the most abhorrent, arrogant, slimy, evil, disgusting human beings to walk the planet, he found his spiritual home in Westminster. His Satanic wet dreams kept coming true right to the end of 2020, as the Army has now been brought in to shove sticks up lorry drivers’ noses in order to allow them to flee HMP Great Britain. After he succeeded in getting Army personnel in to the schools of Liverpool to terrorise the children there with more swabbing and gleefully calling for a “State of Emergency” after some people went to the beach on a sunny day in Bournemouth, this vile individual is the ugly face of modern Britain and everything that has been so wrong about this year.
So please, get your sick bags out and puke for Tobias Ellwood MP. Here he is on fine form following the “major incident” stating that he “really would urge the creation of a ‘National Situation Centre’ that can monitor events across the country”. Calling for more laws etc, promoting the vaccine, he IS the disease.
So the arrogant lying little puke isn’t concerned about his approaching neck extension operation? What a fool.

I agree – a bullet through his head is too good for this arrogant lying piece of sewerage, a Traitor to Veterans -then to the whole of the UK
Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood apologises after attending ‘Christmas party’ for 27 guests.
These hypocrites just cannot help themselves. They don’t even have the way-with-all to carry through with the lies they tell. Arrogance? stupidity? probably both.
I’m convinced they get a masochistic thrill from being caught and delivering a public apology.
“We need to learn from this…” Indeed we do Mr Elwood, when we observe several thousand people congregating on a beach, ignoring social-distancing rules and daring to not wear masks and NOT ONE OF THEM drops dead then maybe “we need to learn” that the whole pandemic narrative is a complete and utter hoax perpetrated upon the people of this world by elitist scum.
He was also involved in the Westminster Bridge ‘false flag/hoax’ event in 2017. As an actual ‘participant’ in the hoax. I forget exactly but I think he ‘rescued’ somebody
He s the black sheep of the family.
HOLIDAY FLAMES: Iran Fires At US Embassy/
Greenwald On Dangerous US Russia Rhetoric/
Wildfire Targets CA Marine Base/
Taiwan HCQ Factory Explodes/
Pelosi’s Personal 8M Xmas Ham/
#PenceCard Outcry/
Jan 6 DC Protest Caravan Forming/
Freeze Sperm Before Vax
Plus Bonus Video: 2017 Trump vs Deep State
Off topic.
Off topic
In face of global attack on civil society under moniker of Great Reset is Brexit even relevant in the big picture. May be. May be many our petty concerns which Brexit inflamed now disappeared or became footnotes to history.
I think most Brits and EU countries citizens have their own different opinions what Brexit is or what it should have been in fact some having no clue why founder state and proponent of EU, UK suddenly quit or let Brexit vote to win.
As I see or the best view or sit for this theatrical spectacle was from US among people having invested nothing in outcome of Brexit materially and emotionally. and from such perspective Brexit pre vote Cameron negotiations and vote was a negotiating move to entrench power of conservatives and stalled coming EU reforms by proposing workout of two EU speeds ultimately rejected by EU solution that would effectively preclude Strict EU federalization for decades.
Most Brits would say Brexit happened because of Brussels regulatory intrusion and uncontrollable influx of refugees from MENA to EU and into U.K. already strained job market by massive influx of legal immigrants from Poland, Portugal etc., taking away opportunities from Brits, taxing social security and NHS already under attack by corporates under phony austerity regime started in 2007 or before and that includes abolishing of free college.
While such immigrant issue resonated within majority of UK pro and against Brexit population who work for living it was in fact the last reason for Brexit .
The first reason was German hard push for federalization, banking union and common banking and financial markets regulations, EU sovereign bonds (not to confuse with Eurobonds) , common EU budget comprised of national budgets all created, approved, modified or rejected by dictate of unelected European Commission and what more important including defense budgets on a path to one common EU defense budget, common EU military outside NATO etc. that required so call one speed EU including full adoption of euro as currency, (not done fully because of Brexit) expansion of Eurozone and banking control of ECB, abolishing of national central banks.
Brexit slowed down but not stopped the process of EU federalization and that includes abolishing of EU constitutional monarchies. All such moves would have changed post WWII Pax Americana and hence had to be arrested and derailed. Since 2014 open bullying of EU by US, driving wedge between EU members (new and old) served that purpose and assured relevancy of NATO and US as dominant global power EU supposedly cannot do without facing reality of global geopolitics.
In other words so called EU reforms opposed by U.K. government, British landed
aristocracy and most of all by London banking mafia living of pure fraud, meant winding down the rest of formal sovereignty among EU states merged into one Imperial federal state. Such “harmonization” beyond just laws but including policies administered directly from Brussels is being extended to corporatization social welfare, healthcare, public health, and acceptable social norms enforcing campaigns to name few.
In future British MP’s won’t be able to make EU excuses for not doing their jobs. We no longer have to fight two gov’t bodies over GMO, public services etc. The future of the UK will depend on the people, who will need to take a closer look at what is being done in their name and with their money.
Best wishes.
That’s why so many of them were remoaners. They were only middle management and were happy that way
At the end the deal appears to be quite fishy.
friend of lord jimmy saville ted heath an evil nasty piece of work
a blackmailed tool a freak a lover of children
rail roaded the country in because he was owned
an old magazine called scallywag outed many of these sickos
now actor boris
you could see guilt in heaths eyes for what he had done was forced to do
the fear of being disclosed
boris is having fun
with his story telling word wrangling
the jacob frank loving fat tosser needs to burn in hell with tory blair
for the lies deceit and past crimes
The party system – mob rule!
A return to democracy is long overdue.
It was a very stupid episode, in British history, why we did it, god only knows. I always thought it was a US policy to break up the EU and to asset strip the UK. Covid has begun the asset stripping and that will continue until all business in the UK is US owned. Don’t expect sudden shocks, the death of the UK economy will be slow and painful. It is a net loss of power, trade, wealth and employment, suicide by a billion cuts.
The EU has walked away with a lot of booty including a large chunk of our financial sector, and why not, it was like taking candy from a crying baby.
In time you may need to alter that opinion. The asset stripping of British companies and public services by the US has been going on with or without being a member of the EU because the US also does the same there too. The British people haven’t voted for Brexit to then hand our asses to the US.
The EU is simply one stage towards a one world government. We the people have a hard job controlling our gov’t as it is without morphing that gov’t into one massive bureaucracy which no one stands a chance against.
The Brexit will also mean that British politicians will no longer have the EU to blame for any disastrous policies to which this gov’t seems destined. We no longer have to concern ourselves with the enormous corruption in Brussels but can concentrate on stamping out the fraud and corruption going on in Blighty.
Best wishes.
Oh, but that’s what they did. They failed to distinguish the lesser of two evils, just like those who didn’t vote for Corbyn.
And of course it was only a minority that actually voted for Brexit, or the Tories. The majority remained (a)pathetic consumers. They were practically waiting for muzzles and lockdowns.
“…designed to give everyone something to talk about over Christmas dinner…”
I’ve watched the Brexit farce desultorily and halfheartedly from the cheap seats way over in the US, so I can’t comment intelligently on the merits of this dodgy eleventh-hour deal.
But the above-quoted phrase from the brief article caught my eye. Surely this can’t be the intention of the deal’s architects. Aren’t they the same ones who have banned Christmas dinners, and severely discourage the hitherto-common practice of Megadeath Virus of Doom-transmitting dinner conversation?
Perhaps it ought to be revised to, say, “designed to give everyone something to talk about during Christmas Zooms“.
Ort, as always, spot on.
I, too, am an armchair watcher over here in the States. God knows what is going to happen now that the Megadeath Virus of Doom has taken helm.
Do you Brits even need Brexit anymore? Aren’t we all going to be one happy glop of Christmas pudding, happy to be asset free and renting?
God, makes you yearn for those days of plain old divisive shite.
By the way, Ort, I predict you as one of the finalists in the OG First Annual Crossword Puzzle.
I was hopeless after 30 seconds.
My attitude now is we are being screwed from every direction, deal or no deal….they are playng with us like a cat with a mouse. The way this entire world is run is a sham. What to do about it all is whats most important now. I doubt any of us alone can do anytjing to change the direction we are heading. I just want to surround myself with people who see through whats going on and care enough to be vocal, stand by their morals and stand by others in their community who are on the same side. We need to start looking after each other and find our own way of getting on with our lives. I do see a time coming when those of us that do this will be on the fridges and become outcasts, but heh better to live with morals and a good heart than to compromise or succumb to what this evil lot have in store for us.
You will own nothing and be happy slave
I agree. People like us will be freezered out of society.
As Catherine Austin Fitts says “there are some things worse than death”.
People power is the ONLY way. Mass gathering, demonstrations, strikes, blockades, non compliance, whatever it takes. The time for writing in disgust is now over. We have to make them listen.
Yup! And should be soonest! Screws being tightened in UK.
Well said and I think you speak for 95% of the people who read these comments.
How will this affect the premiership ?
Britain free from EU! Uh-oh, now locked in with Boris.
Yes, it’s just the Brits and their genocidal amoral owners now, living in Orwell’s Farm
I changed the email in field accompanying the comment field and all of my comments disappeared. Interesting. I do not want to use aol as my primary email address anymore. The global sub thing doesn’t work properly, so the only option left was changing my email address in the comment field.
I’m not grasping what your problem is – can you explain a little more clearly?
I don’t know why you don’t understand what I wrote. I don’t want to use aol, which I have been using as my email service provider. Slowly but surely, I will be changing from aol to yandex everywhere that I visit regularly and at all places where I do any personal or other business. When I first thought to change the email address in a comment, rather than via the global subscribe feature, all of the comments (not many but more than one) I had just done disappeared. Then I did the comment to which you responded, again using my new email address and that did work.
As Researcher pointed out to me, the global subscribe feature includes the option to receive notices for your comments only or all comments by everyone, or something like that. I found that even with the limited option selected, I was getting everything. Researcher noted that if I left that, the global subscribe feature, alone and just used the commenting fields/boxes in my individual comments for notifications, the options I selected would be activated without any trouble.
Judging from the fact that the comment, above, to which you responded was made by myself using my new email address, whatever glitch caused my comments to disappear no longer applies. I seem to be free now to use my new email address.
Hopefully that is so and thanks for your concern. It is appreciated.
*And now I see those first comments. I must look mad. But they did disappear. Either that or I’ve really got issues.
That’s my kind of Santa!
It just fizzles out but doesnt really happen yet.And it wont.Unless war.paz
Discuss.Turkey breast sandwich with brown sauce the day after.
Who cares? Really? Brexit? The only thing that bothered me was if it cost a few quid or more to cross a border. Also, Britain should really re-enforce the Navy. The British fishing towns have been reduced to nothing, it’s clear. Also, Gibraltar should remain sovereign to its people, which might be asking too much, cos Britain ain’t.
I dont think anybodys arsed at the mo.paz.
Why did they scrap their boats when evil Thatcher offered them money to do so if they were worried about the industry, sovereignty again fuck me I wonder how we managed to get a referendum if we weren’t sovereign, or Wales making most of it’s own laws along with Scotland, mind you we make our own laws don’t we by shutting down parliament .
Most had no choice as they weren’t getting the fish they once did but still had to finance the boat and crew.
Best wishes.
“Now for a little night mood music”
Always the same.I like your style.paz.
Jacob Rees Mogg Makes Billions From No Deal Brexit
Jacob.good or badman batman robin.