What Time Is It in Lockdown?
Ed Curtin
Here where I dwell in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice has just occurred. The darkest day of the year in a dark year. A few days ago was also the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, which is interesting to those who like the musical Hair and believe their fates lie in the stars and not in themselves. Shakespeare’s Cassius had it right: such astrological determinism is for underlings.
Free people agree with Beethoven:
I will take fate by the throat; it will never bend me completely to its will.
Oppressors have always wanted people to believe their lives are fated, that they live in a prison and there is no escape. It is the key to successful slavery. Many institutionalized religions have promoted such a belief, contradicting their founders’ messages of freedom. So have secular ideologies. There is nothing you can do, so rollover with Beethoven; it’s hopeless. “Do what you’re told,” as the great wise leader Anthony Fauci has said.
But a much wiser Kris Kristofferson sang:
Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.
Didn’t Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor say to Jesus in his cell in the gloomy vaulted prison:
We will show them that they are weak, that they are only pitiful children, but that childlike happiness is the sweetest of all. They will become timid and look to us and huddle close to us in fear, as chicks to the hen. They will marvel at us and will be awe-stricken before us, and will be proud at us being so powerful and clever, that we have been able to subdue such a turbulent flock of thousands of millions.
They will do as they are told and reject the freedom Jesus brought, “for nothing has been more insupportable for a man and a human society than freedom,” drones the Inquisitor. They will do as they are told. And the prisoner was silent.
As the year comes to an end and another begins, the contemplation of time, its passing, the days gone by and days to come, the new year, resolutions, and how to “keep safe” occupy many minds as governments across the world continue to impose lockdowns on their people that are creating suffering on a vast, unimaginable scale.
“Every ruling minority,” wrote the late great John Berger, “needs to numb and, if possible, to kill the time-sense of those whom it exploits. This is the authoritarian secret of all methods of imprisonment.”
There is time for you and time for me is the mantra of all authoritarians. We set the clocks to slow or fast. You follow. Alternating rhythm to keep you guessing. When things are kind of slow, we’ll give you 5G speed as we reset your future to the online life. Everything will be so fast that you won’t know whether you are coming or going or just running in place.
Slow is for prisoners around the world. Here in the United States, the world leader in incarceration, there are more than 2 million people caged in such hell holes. Doing time. Very slow time.
For those on the outside, a year ago, permanent busyness and speed were the norm. Everyone was so frantic and rushing in the madding crowd of a consumer and cell phone frenzy, driven by an unseen nanosecond digital dictator. Now the lockdown has brought a taste of boredom, slow time, and anxious waiting for the day the authoritarians will give the word that the new normal has arrived and the children can fling the doors open and run out to play. But they will have to learn the new rules of the game. Same game, but Built Back Better. Better for the bosses.
Forget that criminal born in a manger. Getting there is a long and hard journey. We are in lockdown. Just do as you are told.
Or imagine that child as a grown man in a prison cell in Seville 15 centuries later.
Or in Bethlehem today, in the West Bank as Palestinian territory is inexorably disappeared by the Israeli government and Palestinians’ places to dwell on this earth grow smaller and smaller as their houses are bulldozed and land stolen.
Imagine the fates of all those locked down shut-in abandoned ones, those who are doing time to the slow ticking of the clocks. Or those who have no time to escape the supersonic hum of drone-launched missiles. Those whose time is up because the authorities deem it so. Those who just won’t do what they are told.
In lockdown, there is plenty of time to imagine.
Thomas Merton, the inspirational anti-war Trappist monk, in “The Time of the End Is the Time of No Room” in Raids on the Unspeakable, said this about that child in a manger, soon to be radical anti-war criminal executed by the state:
Into this world, this demented inn, in which there is absolutely no room for him at all, Christ comes uninvited. But because he cannot be at home in it, because he is out of place in it, and yet he must be in it, his place is with those others for whom there is no room. His place is with those who do not belong, who are rejected by power because they are regarded as weak, those who are discredited, who are denied the status of persons, tortured, exterminated. With those for whom there is no room, Christ is present in this world. He is mysteriously present in those for whom there seems to be nothing but the world at its worst.
Their numbers are growing by the day.
Pundits are fond of saying that time is all we have. This is untrue. We don’t have time; time has us. We are born into it and in a techno-clock world those clocks start ticking and we turn with the seasons until our turning stops and our time is up. It comes with being born, being mortal. Human. We don’t need astrology to tell us this. We don’t want authoritarians controlling our experience of this greatest of mysteries.
If you listen closely, you can hear waves of empty words tumbling through the world, whistling windy words saying nothing. Whining words, nodding heads, vacuous sayings. Media saturated fatuous words. About “time” more clichés have been coined and more quotable quotes recorded than nearly any other word. Quotes about what no one knows.
Time stands still, time flies, time is up, time is on your side, time is short, time is long, who knows where the time goes, time out, time starts, stop the clocks, start the clocks, we’re running out of time, clock in, clock out, time served, serving time, lacking time, losing time, having time, gaining time, the end of time.
Yet everyone knows what time is even though they can’t tell you. It comes with the territory of existing. Like silence, like love, like peace, like truth – simple gifts that authoritarians invert to suit their evil designs. Twisted people twisting words.
And yet:
It is no different now.
The yearning still gnaws.
The night dark, utterly silent,
Sky stretched endlessly back
Into an infinity beyond reach.
And the fears, the tears
Are they any different?
It is no different now.
Joy sometimes, hope too, divisions
Seemingly unbridgeable, vast chasms
Opening between those closest.
Little changes, though two thousand years
Dissolve into oblivion behind us.
It is no different now.
Plus ça change,
Plus c’est la même chose.
Always the same.
Yet a word is heard dimly
Laboring out of the deafening black
Silence, almost but not inaudible.
And the angel says, “Go out,”
And the angel said, “Go out,”
Always the angel, always the voice
Bearing us up along the way
(If you do not turn to the inner light,
Where will you turn?), always calling:
“Journey far through strange country,
Follow the light you barely see
But which is the light of your life.
Follow it across the desert of your heart
Where wild beasts seek to devour you.
There is no time, there is no time
To hesitate. Now is the star’s hour,
Now you are called on a fool’s journey
Into a pig’s pen and a child’s strange
And glorious presence.” Thus speaks the angel
Again and again, no matter how dark
The darkest day, nothing changes.
It is no different now.
Now as always is the star’s hour.
Now as then a star is born to men
To lead us on. A light that darkness
Cannot overcome, despite us.
Love is not a sometimes thing,
Though we abuse it like the earth.
It is all we have to hold us up,
And it always will.
A star is always born.
Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely. He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is http://edwardcurtin.com/. He is the author of the new book Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies
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Thank you for comforting words. I needed that 🙂
The Magic J*w Who Will Save His People is part of the slavery program- turn the other cheek indeed.
“Christmas” is of course yet another Abrahamic co-optation and distortion of indigenous spiruality (aka “paganism”) – in this case of the celebrations of Winter Solstice. In the same way, sacred sites (special places on the earth ) and temples of the past were razed to the ground and replaced with churches- built like castles, with the priests’ chamber at the very back just like the king’s throne- to prevent the possibility of back-stabs. Rule by Fear of God/ King.
Early Christians were uneducated slaves. Christian preachers always approach the weak and vulnerable, who are the only ones broken enough to join the zombie cult. The Y*hweh virus wants your soul, body and mind, to convince itself it is alive.
Have a good sleep.
Some interesting points. That ‘turning of the other cheek’ has, for example, stood the test of time. A zombie death cult to be proud of!
Arrogant comments, you ought not criticize a religion you know very little about. The early Christians could speak and read multiple languages – Paul’s letter testify to that. They spoke Aramaic and write in Greek, and at times Hebrew, and in Rome, Latin. Slaves did not have the freedom to worship and speak in synagogues and to travel by ship around the Aegean. Early Christians spoke all over the Greek and Roman world. How do you think so many letters and variations of the gospels were recently discovered form other writers than St. Paul?
The mysteries of faith behind the external representation are deeper than your blunt ahistorical analysis could ever know. The gospel words always had meaning that the crude would never recognize. “Turn the other cheek” was not a submissive gesture, it was a passive rebuke that required the aggressor to use their OTHER hand, the “clean” right hand, to hit them again. It created a breakdown in the social context.
My ancestors were European and as indigenous people they built cathedrals over centuries. These are the sacred sites for people whose families go back centuries, even in England. Your comments are anti-historical in that they privilege some absent vague temples and disregard the 2000 of sacred settlement, that far outstrip the times of many other sites you think are perhaps “more scared” because you do not even allow for the idea that religions can be creative or evolve.
. If you cared about ancient spiritual sites you might advocate against the multi-lane highway the British government wants to build running under Stonehenge.
These are the kinds of ideas that keep humankind in spiritual slavery
Hello Pan Not Dead: Most Christians and recovering Christians have never read “The Other Bible”, “The Origin of Satan”, “The Gnostic Gospels”, “Transformations of Myth Through Time”, “The White Goddess”, or any anthropological texts describing the spiritual traditions of “Old Europe”. ( see: The Marija Gimbutas Collection) https://www.opusarchives.org/marija-gimbutas-collection/
Belief “systems” in the modern west have been propagandized to death by the death cults of Jewry. Most Pagan traditions praised the life giving forces of Nature as observed in the feminine and the fertility of Nature…
It’s interesting to note that the words panic and pandemic are based on the term “Pan”… Pan was originally believed to have been an important pastoral deity. The old deities have been demonized and bastardized by illiterate death cultists, who pose as gate keepers of human souls…
The Magic Jew Who Will Save His People is part of the slavery program- turn the other cheek indeed.
“Christmas” is of course yet another Abrahamic co-optation and distortion of indigenous spiruality (aka “paganism”) – in this case of the celebrations of Winter Solstice. In the same way, sacred sites (special places on the earth ) and temples of the past were razed to the ground and replaced with churches- built like castles, with the priests’ chamber at the very back just like the king’s throne- to prevent the possibility of back-stabs. Rule by Fear of God/ King.
Early Christians were uneducated slaves. Christian preachers always approach the weak and vulnerable, who are the only ones broken enough to join the zombie cult. The Yahweh virus wants your soul, body and mind, to convince itself it is alive.
Have a good sleep.
Can we allow them to set the narrative?
Can we allow them to define us?
Are we just a loose collection of individuals or a counter-movement?
Movements need names and ideals…
and a unifying anthem… LOL
My choice would be a song composed by a popular band many years ago but strangely prescient when you listen to the lyrics.
Music is such a powerful weapon.. it triggers emoticons that no propaganda could ever reach. That’s why they hate it! That’s why we have the likes of Simon Cowell and his collection of happy clappers.
It’s Tears for Fears – Sowing The Seeds of Love
Just in case the link should magically change
emotions not emoticons… brain fartage
It is time to quit ‘working’ for pig farmer.
What do you use time for?
A masked off dissociation steals time from the Timeless which becomes a locked down and masked world of judgement.
Are you doing time?
or having the time of your life?
It is possible to assign ‘time’ to vibrational cycles of quartz crystals or the cycles of an analogue Cosmos – but time is Consciousness. And Consciousness is the capacity of knowing. What would you know?
To know Self Relation is the gift of sharing in Creation.
You are known in giving and receiving.
To love your brother as yourself is to remember God.
No time is needed for this Instant to Be, but time is invoked and created to distance from the pathological mind of fear, pain and guilt of loss by which love and life turned to treachery, fear become the guide, and guilt invoked to protect lockdown against Infinity feared.
The mind in fear seeks limitation, sacrifice and denial as the cost of maintaining or persisting a separate self-sense against Communication itself. Thus everything else is subordinated to the survival of a separate self sense. Truth is sacrificed to war. Love is sacrificed to a golem seeking autonomy. Power is sacrificed to death set over life. Life given to illusion.
None of this is at all obvious to a mind set in grievance, and driven to judge and attack in the same measure as it was made. An unwillingness to see, insists on seeing something ‘else’, though life is everywhere and all about.
The mind we had made normal, is deconstructing to reveal what lies beneath. ‘Normal’ is a matter of living choices creating new paths – or – of defaults reset to every tighter limitation, sacrifice and loss of conscious participation.
But to be dispossessed of consciousness of pain is not to be happy.
Feedback is the fruit by which to know.
Pain is not what or where it seems.
Wanting to be something and someone or somewhere else is to want against our own will.
This can split the mind to assign pain and conflict to a ‘something else’ and to invest in being a ‘something else’ as a ‘solution that characteristically sets the problem into a form that cannot be resolved – but that the problem goes forth and multiplies itself.
The world that you give is what you give to your relational being.
Giving judgement, teaches it, and learns it.
But what if we are utterly wrong about our self?
And therefore about the world that rises to meet, reinforce and support such a self?
Thinking is never idle. The thought that we invoke attract and repeat through the day, makes the day we give the living world. The here and now world of our experience.
The closest to Timelessness that our mind can approach.
For in direct experience, what we took to be self is transparent, but not destroyed.
Functional alignment is unblocked life.
Their is fear in control and limitation. To merely fight against limitation is to make fear real. The more we try to escape, the more entangled. Any attempt to escape an unreal situation gives reality to the original mis-indentification.
If we are entangled in a fight with our own shadow – projected out onto each other, we are set in futility. A contagion of thoughts runs the mind that wants them.
The Thomas Merton quote is the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a long time.
My one wish for New Year is that more and more people come to realise the bloody obvious: that the astonishing events of the last 9 months HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY VIRUS!
George , remember the old definition of a virus = poisonous liquid or venom, well, that’s for all intents and purposes “the virus” which is the witches brew known as the vaccine. Bojo made Freudian slip on Mailonline confusing virus with vaccine. Maybe it’s probably the only thing he’s got right in this scamdemic!!
I wore an obedience muzzle for nine whole months, and now the Zombie Apocalypse has been CANCELLED?
YES!! My favourite zombie film…
Gezzah, I saw this clip of a Sky news reporter in Oz and thought of you. Just thought it might give you a smile. Best wishes TT
Thanks TT👍 Just reading some posts from Facebook friends in the UK about the lockdowns there. This madness is everywhere.
One thing about Christmas/New Year in the West is by tradition is brings family and friends together. In addition, a few beverages and people open up to discussion. So i’m mildly optimistic that come 2021 more will be awakened to the scam.
That said, “c” that has taken a break during the holiday, at least where I live. Will no doubt be back in force in the new year.
Predictions from others welcome here. My prediction is they will blame new “mutant ninja” strains on all the disobedient citizens that did not do as they were told. In an attempt to create more finger pointing and self policing amongst the population. Lock downs in more areas that have not been affected to date will continue.
However, if we do a good job of planting “logical seeds” and NOT pointing people to “info wars” the awakening should continue.
Rense.com has just put up a video on a Nashvile Registered Nurse who developed Bell’s Palsy within 30 days after the Covid vaccination. Now the entire left side of her face is paralysed. Needless to say she urges people not to have the vaccine. “They do not care about us…..do not take this vaccination” end quote.
Still trying to find out if the young nurse who gave an interview after receiving an injection and collapsed during it is till alive. Anyone ?
Apologies a message was sent in error. The nurse Tiffany Dover is reported to be alive not dead after the Covid vaccine fainting episode. But that doesn’t mean she is free from longer term adverse effects of the vaccine.
Watched that through. All the same, I felt that the lighting could have been better optimised.
I have come to view the trusted voices on here as my friends – even if it’s just your thoughts, totally detached from the person and the wider world. This forum – and twitter – is my mental equivalent to a warming mug of hot chocolate, gentle music, a view of the mountains or the sea or the hills or the stars, and a big checked fleece blanket. Without it I would genuinely be in utter despair….
Nice evocative imagery there D, and I fully agree with your sentiment. Without this site, and the myriad of high quality, hard hitting articles; especially on the scamdemic, and the many excellent comments on the threads, I would have gone stark raving bonkers a while ago.
Especially given literally every person I know in real life is a Covid Cult member, and supports the authoritarian new normal…. to keep us safe. Sigh.
While out selling the mag, I have met at least one covid sceptic nearly every day, which is a big mental boost – and getting a hug, in person, in public, with masked passers-by looking quite startled is both positive and surreal at the same time, if that makes sense?
I’m also on a few covid sceptic Facebook groups and go on other sites like The Corbett Report, Wrench In The Gears, Vernon Coleman, Tott News, to name others. I assume you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, so enjoy your day🙏
Great article. Pity that this site is descending into allowing the “Worst of the Internet” to comment and spoil it with assinine views and trolling, instead of the intelligent debates that we had here once upon a time.
Well you could always go back to your cave in the Alps.
You’ve just got to roll with it, its the down side of free speech. You either get moderated by sensible people and end up with the modern CiF (basically useless although its now showing a few signs of life) or you leave it open and it gets trolled big time. If you go back that far this was the fate of USENET.
The thing that’s really depressing aboutall this is that there’s a feeling of ’tilting at windmills’ to it all.Its as if there’s a row of specially constructed targets that exist entirely to keep the hive a’buzzin’. I’m not concerned about 1984 because that was eitther 40 or 80 years ago, depending on how you count it — its been here for some time, it just doesn’t look the same. What’s real and more serious is the idea floated in an article just today that noted that in the 32 years of “The Simpsons” the family has gone from ‘somewhat dysfunctional, just clinging to the middle class’ to ‘aspirational, unattainable to many, if not most’.I also read another article, this one discussing the ‘Digital RMB’ which is interesting technically but may be the first shot in WW3 (the one that nobody heard).
…and people worry about face masks!
(BTW = I’ve noticed that everything I pose these days gets exactly 7 down votes with only the occasional ‘you’re full of it’ comment (invariably not addressing anything in the substance of the posts) so I reckon we’ve either got a handful of people with too much time or their hands or they’re running a script designed for the purpose. Whatever.)
No, they just get me to downvote you seven times. We’re not as advanced as you assume. I’m actually writing to you on a typewriter which I fax to bellingcat, and we both share an evil cackle over CB radio as he texts it to the white helmets who type it here. It’s remarkably convoluted being controlled opposition nowadays. (I am joking, of course, and making little sense in the process XD Too much Christmas mead) A2
Keep that CB radio, for sure.
“Recently, a figure to whom millions of Americans look for guidance — Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, an adviser to both the Trump administration and the incoming Biden administration — has begun incrementally raising his herd-immunity estimate.
In the pandemic’s early days, Dr. Fauci tended to cite the same 60 to 70 percent estimate that most experts did. About a month ago, he began saying “70, 75 percent” in television interviews. And last week, in an interview with CNBC News, he said “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.”
In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.”
Hidden in the NYT on Christmas Eve, 2020, by Donald G. McNeil Jr: How Much Herd Immunity Is Enough?
After one year, nurses continue to flap their arms like seals
YouLube still promotes dancing doctors while censoring those doctors who speak out against Covid. Promotes nurses who dance and censors nurses who reveal that hospitals are not full.
TikTok Dancing Nurses Mock Us While Fauci Lies
This guy is great, but I wanted to see the video. It’s like a very long history of fun and music and dancing (from all human cultures) has been completely inverted, by the most evil forces this planet has ever experienced, and they are rubbing their satanic, mathusian sh1t in our faces as they deliberately kill us with glee.
“Promotes nurses who dance and censors nurses who reveal that hospitals are not full.”
In fairness, the dancing nurses reveal that hospitals aren’t full too. Every time one of these is posted on a news site, I leave a comment “this is exactly what we do in my office when we’re overworked” – it’s usually moderated.
maybe the dances done at certain times on certain dates and how they dance is a ritual…….!
As it happens, when it’s quiet at work there always seems there is something useful to occupy the staff. Formation dancing? I’ll suggest that first thing in the new year. Aerobically good, I suppose, at least.
you love posting known shills MC
#tiim pool not his real name has links to department of defence
Theses divvy types go and buy weed from known operative dea enforcement and then cry when they get caught and do time, even worse they introduce them to everyone as cool and qwaky!!
This ties it all together.
“They regard us as a different species.”
“Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.”
Admin: I’m in the clutches of the spawn of spam, if you’d free me, plz )
Meanwhile: I worked in a network newsroom where everyone had an identikit CNN-inspired negative opinion of Gen. Michael Flynn. Now he’s been cleared (or rather liberated: he was already cleared yet still imprisoned on political grounds from which he was freed by pardon) the man talks perfect sense.
Flynn is a model of astute sanity, with powerful delivery. I can see why the country’s enemies wanted him out of the picture.
Exclusive: Gen. Michael Flynn—Will the American Republic Survive?
Always bearing in mind the wondrous elasticity of the COVID Oracle counter, we have here an exciting drama showcase.
‘Covid-19: Concern at ‘unprecedented’ infection level in England’
‘England’s “very high” Covid infection level is a “growing concern” as the NHS struggles to cope with rising patient numbers, a health official has said.’
‘Patient numbers’? Now that is a rich area for discussion. Are we talking here about the previously noted ‘over enthusiastic’ people who feverishly phoned in with a bit of a cough? Are these patients actually on the beds or just taking up waiting room space while constantly checking their armpits for exploding postules?
‘Hospitals in Wales, Scotland and the south of England have reported a rising pressure on their services as the number of Covid patients rises.’
Again that alluring reference to the mysteriously defined ‘covid patients’.
‘The president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine said she saw “wall to wall Covid” when she worked at one London hospital on Christmas Day.’
COVID wallpaper no less! Ooh can I have some?
‘Katherine Henderson told the BBC … “The chances are that we will cope, but we cope at a cost – the cost is not doing what we had hoped, which is being able to keep non-Covid activities going.’
I e. Being able to keep GENUINE medical cases going.
‘A Public Health Wales official said hospitals were under enormous and unprecedented pressure.’
Plan to overload the NHS with bullshit going well then!
After which we get the obligatory fairground of charts. Lookin’ good, boys. Keep up the show!
I suppose it makes the fake health care system that much more obviously fake. These idiots are so indoctrinated into their fake health care system they can hardly tell there is anything wrong because their “health care” is only slightly more disasterous than normal.
What Time Is It In Lockdown?, asks Edward Curtin.
A great title. Time, as imposed on the worker, is George Woodcock’s The Tyranny of the Clock (1944). Its hands are the perfect representation of order and direction and yet the clock face also resembles the dotted circumference of a coin that can be clipped to diminish value, to elide, stretch and steal the labour of others.
The clock should be the impartial arbiter yet it is in Switzerland, the home of squirreled, secreted, unearned and sometimes stolen or laundered wealth, that the obsession with timeliness reaches its apogee. The hands switch places like a card sharp, up becomes down; black, white; and the swivel-faced tool of fraud and deception.
Our society uses time in a variety of ways to pattern behaviour, to warp our perceptions as much as Dali melted his clock in The Persistence of Memory (1931). Gabriel García Márquez illustrated similar with One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) in which the repetition of names and allusions to events acquire a hypnotic impetus of their own, constantly updating and overwriting memory.
Timing has the power to imbue events with meaning, as synchronicity, to propel the mind into action or to freeze it, convulsed or confused. Time as panic, shattered, haphazard: no longer steadying the pace but jarring the peace.
This is the variant of time that attempts to appropriate, to replace or make permanent a new normal like French Revolutionary Time: “not my time, this is my time”. Or the spine-tingling tocsin of a new Pearl Harbor that will bring opportunity to the master of ceremonies in the shadows beside the stage. We should pay attention to the resonance of such time, not embrace it but beware.
No sooner Christmas than another elision of realities, a compression of consciousness, the reduction of possibilities: the tolling of a bell; the words “evacuate now”; again the ring of that sustained funeral note; again the relentless, triggering, androidic voice.
As a writer and imaginer, the symbolism jumped out at me, as it surely must for many readers and listeners. This is the twisted creativity of a struggling novelist à la Howard Hunt; the bent mind of a failed scriptwriter — an idea springing half formed from the psychology of a sociopath that knows how to jangle the nerves but cannot perceive the counterpoint of joy that would make the movie whole. He is confined to writing the dark scenes as the tool of state terror. At least he gets the kick of seeing his drama worked upon real lives.
CONTINUED AT: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/12/time-terror-and-plain-bad-narratives.html
Sums up this whole scam quite nicely.
Pfizer CEO vaccine rollout for thee but not for me!
Oh and the little matter of a $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing fine.
Thanks to BestEvidence
Remember folks trust the science!
Class edit and recombination using similar repetetive techniques as the current psychological brainwashing.
I like the photo in the article below, as its the kind of photo I would do by mistake at a music festival on the beach, though I guess most of this was done with software on a computer. I have read some of Political Ponerology, and do not doubt it is true. For a gentler introduction try
“The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us” – by Martha Stout
Hey tony0pmoc,
Good link, to simplify we could say there are two types of people.
Those who believe in the TV fairy to deliver their programming and those who don’t.
Personally and to my cost I’ve found that the more you push someone towards their wake up moment, the more resistant and entrenched they become.
I guess they must arrive under their own steam. Otherwise the moment is not their’s
An excerpt form: Asymptomatic Spread Revisited
Jeffrey A. Tucker
November 22, 2020
“We keep hearing about how we should follow the science. The claim is tired by now. We know what’s really happening. The lockdown lobby ignores whatever contradicts their narrative, preferring unverified anecdotes over an actual scientific study of 10 million residents in what was the world’s first major hotspot for the disease we are trying to manage. You would expect this study to be massive international news. So far as I can tell, it is being ignored.”
The context of the article has been posted on numerous web pages since publication. It refers to a study conducted in Wuhan, China, of 10 million people. See study here: >
Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China | Nature Communications
The reasons given for social distancing, lock downs, and surgical masking, are spurious at best. What time is it in Lockdown? Time to face the truth…
Link to original Jeffery Tucker article: > Asymptomatic Spread Revisited – AIER
There’s no virus. Therefore all studies related to “the virus” are fraudulent at best, intentionally fraudulent to commit global genocide at worst.
Researchers and US government officials knew shortly after the 1918 flu that there was no human transmission and no contagion from the “flu”.
Hello Researcher: Erm… Well then: What environmental condition or “disease” caused the deaths of many WWI soldiers and allegedly infected 500 million people??? It’s like speculating that polio or malaria are just psychosomatic conditions… Sorry.
Hi Paul
The etiology and epidemiology of the so-called Spanish Flu is rather complex and has little to do with a virus in accordance with the current definition. Unfortunately, I cannot go into much detail here suffice to say that it involves both external and internal conditions that prevail within the human organism during the solar cycle together with changes in the earth’s atmosphere and geomagnetic field. People become affected in certain areas simultaneously and others do not due to the different local and individual conditions that prevail.
Hi Paul, we have no idea of the real numbers because as you already know numbers are exaggerated for political and economic gain, succeeding the event and tallies seem to vary from 25-500 million. It’s impossible to know what the true number was.
As for the explanation, there was one major cause, being the increased electrification of the earth at that time and two concurrent exacerbating factors; mass vaccination and aspirin overdoses.
Hello Researcher: Yes. I’m very familiar with Arthur Firstenberg, and read his newsletter regularly. I happen to be electromagnetically sensitive. Kind of ironic, as I once worked extensively in the audio electronics field…
I’ve spent over 30 years warning – or attempting to warn – people about the health dangers of radio broadcast and digital wave induction of cellular tissues. Their eyes glaze over and denial sets in almost immediately…
Thanks for posting.
Reiterations of 70+ years of electromagnetic health research:
James Perloff interview with Cece Doucette – relating health effects of Wi-Fi and 5g radiation:
James Perloff Interviews Wireless Educator Cece Doucette about the Health Risks of Wi-Fi, the Coming 5G, and What People Can Do to Protect Themselves and Their Communities | James Perloff
Which program did you find this information? Truth is, no citizen knows the truth from anytime in history. We get information that is handed to us. Alternative sources are censored and/or rewritten.
100 years from now there will be books/documentary programs informing the masses of how bad it was during “c”. Truth is what do you actually see now? Not what you read or watch. What do you actually see? Do you see death in the streets? Panic? Since “c” has manged to cross species, do you see dead wildlife everywhere?
Not me. I see people giving lip service to a bunch of criminals who look to fine or lock up anyone who does not tow the line. The most dangerous people I see at this moment are police who follow orders without question.
It’s all (apparently) about the pre-symptomatic spread!:
mesocyclone | December 20, 2020 at 3:46 pm |
Paul, am I missing something here, or is the distinction made above between pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic completely irrelevant, given the fact that the 10,000,000 cases in the study would include both pre- and a- cases, along with the following conclusion?
I would speculate that pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic refer to the same disease state “non-condition”. The Jeffery Tucker quote is where the tire meets the road…
The Judith Curry article is not helpful to anyone’s cause. It all turns into word salad after a while. Your question is appreciated..
Pace e Bene
At the session of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina held yesterday online, a decision was made which says that the mandatory wearing of protective masks and the restriction of movement of BiH citizens that was adopted due to the coronavirus pandemic constitutes a violation of human rights.
As stated, the decisions of the crisis staff on the prohibition of movement and mandatory wearing of protective masks represent interference with the basic human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of BiH and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
In the specific case, the crisis staff of the entity ministries of health made decisions, but there was no active participation in the adoption and review of the ordered measures by the highest bodies of legislative and executive power, the Constitutional Court explains.
Courageous decision. Respect to those who fight to protect human rights.
Meanwhile in the fascist UK almost a year of my life has been stolen.
I wonder if we can seek asylum in Bosnia and Herzegovinia?
I’ve often wondered where I could go as well Tim. A citizen of one Five Eyes country – New Zealand, while residing in another Five Eyes country – Australia.
Limited funds preclude me from going to the northern hemisphere, but once they bring the vaccines in, if you don’t get jabbed, you won’t be able to travel internationally. Qantas has already flagged that.
Well folks it looks like US citizens are preparing for ACTION come January, and it’s not just relating to election fraud!
AWR Hawkins of Breibart News reported that Americans bought c. 21 million firearms in 2020. This is thought to be put down to a shift from recreational use to defence, and is an addition to firearms already in circulation.
Latest: Ammunition manufacturers CCI, Federal, Speer Remington and J. Vanderbrink have announced that they are having difficulty in keeping up with demand as gun owners are now buying bigger amounts to ensure a supply when they need it. According to a recent “Keefe Report” nearly any caliber that’ll go bang in whatever quantity is up for grabs is snapped up almost immediately.
What I wonder is how the Pentagon are intending to manufacture the civil war the media have been hyping for the last 12 months or more. So far, all their efforts have failed. BLM was a bust. Masks vs no masks didn’t work because almost everyone decided they are fine wearing an oxygen deprivation device. Are they going to force vaccinate the entire population since more than half don’t want it, at the end of the barrel of an M4?
By the way, I found out that only the NHS has access to the Pfizer vaccine in the U.K., which prevents doctors sending vial contents to independent labs for testing. The distribution channels in the US are just as closely guarded with only government and military personnel having direct access.
When you say “force vaccinate “do you mean with the use of direct physical force or by the withdrawal of reinforcers like the relative freedom of movement and the ability to buy or sell etc?
They have always been rather reluctant to have their vaccine products independently analysed which is not surprising considering the undeclared contaminants that the two Italian scientists found in the 44 different vaccines they analysed.
It amazes me that people will still take any prescription medication often with numerous adverse toxic effects because their doctor is always considered to know best. It reminds me of the Milgram experiments all over again!
As you may know the vast majority of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are toxic and their main function is to suppress symptoms and create more disease through chronic side-effects not cure it. There is no huge profits to be made from curing disease – if that were true they’d soon be out of business!!
Inducements to coerce vaccination and in Canada (and probably other countries) direct threat using quarantine camps and indefinite physical detainment, planned for next year:
That study of the 44 vaccines is horrifying. I figured out a while ago the diseases caused by vaccines weren’t accidental, they were intentional. It was central to their “circular economic“ model.
And yes, PhRMA would be out of business if people figured out it’s all marketing, poor toxicity models, manipulated clinical trials, massaged stats and bribes. Structure based drug design is an abject failure never curing, preventing disease or addressing causation. Vaccination is eugenics medical experimentation with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
Indeed – continue to constantly trumpet that the virus is a load of shite. The trouble is that you are doing this within a theatre that has been set up to totally neutralise everything you say.
Here’s how it works:
The mainstream media (by which I mostly mean TV since that holds the centre of the nation’s attention) trumpet the latest utterly horrifying tale of devastation.
The ‘alternate’ media (those sites designated mostly as ‘Left’) complain loudly that the horror tale from the mainstream grossly underestimates the utterly catastrophic situation. The sections of this media transmitting to the truly dumbass ones will try to say that the viral terror is being covered up completely (?!)
The above ‘poles’ between utter horror to soul blasting apocalyptic horror set up the limits of the designated realm of Truth. Anything outside this patch is dismissed as ‘Right Wing’, ‘Far Right’, ‘Corporate funded’ (oh the irony!), etc.
And so the moment you even squeak against the viral zombie show you will be denounced as a Right Wing neo-Nazi etc.
The actual content of your objection is totally irrelevant.
The only hope comes from two groups:
Like fecken Caitlin Johnstone for example? Even Chris Hedges and John Pilger are at it.
And various sites and a plethora of articles I’ve suggested to a ‘socialist’ friend – actually ex friend now, coz I just can’t be fucked with their sheer cowardice and cognitive dissonance and support for this fascist crap anymore; because they swallow the bullshit from The Guardian and Amy Goodman to see that this monstrous crime against humanity is in fact a massive scam and a pysops.
And those sites and material I suggested to them were dismissed as “Alt Right echo chambers”. And I don’t mean that ex Facebook friend I mentioned last night either.
So therefore, I’m obviously a far right, tin foil hat wearing libertarian loon like you George. Can you sense my exasperation?
The Left, especially the Liberal Left, are nothing but modern day Kapo’s.
I was actually only going to say to you ‘nailed it with both these comments’…. and I got a bit sidetracked.
Pilger’s at it? Another one bites the dust! The corona scam has shown a lot people up for who they really are. Lots of people we previously admired have let us down.
But we have to take it on the chin. Discovering the truth can be a painful process. We must go where the evidence leads us, however disappointing it might be to learn that certain people are not what they claim to be.
They already showed us who they are with 9/11. Their positon on Covid is merely confirmation.
Here’s Pilger:
Philip Roddis inked to this article and I didn’t realise it was Pilger. I thought it was Jonathan Cook who has attacked what he calls the ‘cynical Left’ (read ‘the actual Left’). The Pilger article only refers to covid twice although it’s interesting how he does it:
‘John Pilger describes the invisible weapon of past and current wars, and the threat of nuclear war, under cover of the Covid pandemic. This is propaganda, aided by censorship by omission.’
‘Covid has provided cover for this pandemic of propaganda. In July, Morrison took his cue from Trump and announced that Australia, which has no enemies, would spend A$270 billion on provoking one, including missiles that could reach China.’
Well – if he describes covid as something used for ‘cover’ then perhaps all is not lost?
As for Caitlin, to be honest I never really bothered with her. There was an article she wrote which consisted of a list of fallacies of the mainstream. Had the list restrained itself to 10 or 12 items it might have been worth reading but it seemed to take up a phone book’s worth of space. I think this is one of the pieces that Philip linked to as a ‘great read’ and it occurs to me that, while he goes on about sceptics as ‘keyboard warriors’, he and those he reads are more deserving of that sneer.
Generally I became aware of a particular brand of Leftist discourse that was very comfortable and consisted of sage nodding of heads and making juvenile jokes about various political leaders etc. and I really couldn’t be arsed with that little club anymore. I think we are facing a situation which this club cannot grasp at all because it is too much of a harsh intrusion into their little academic world whose days are severely numbered.
Appreciate both your replies here George.. I started reading that John Pilger article on an Australian liberal Left site called New Matilda, which has, like nearly everyone else, swallowed the covid propaganda. I’ve given up on looking at Philip Roddis as well. In fact there’s a whole list of people who have made it very clear where they stand on this Orwellian Covid1984 crap, and all I’ll say is…. Fuck em. Don’t even get me started on Tim Anderson.
the most conspicuous thing about that Pilger article is the complete absence of any overt endorsement of the COVID-1984 hoax, which is quite unusual for someone with his public visibility.
even from this — “the greatest health emergency in modern times, with more than 4 million surgical procedures delayed by the National Health Service” — a careful reading will infer that the emergency is the complete collapse of medical care for all conditions other than the imaginary virus, which is absolutely true, and probably one of the intended objectives of the hoax.
Pilger seems to be carefully avoiding supporting the hoax, while declining to explicitly denounce it, which is the same position he has maintained relative to the 9/11 hoax, unlike deep-state shills such as Chomsky. if this is what he feels he must do in order to be able to continue his useful work and avoid being de-platformed and un-personed, I think we ought to accept that, and not blame him for it.
You’re correct that for many years Pilger did not explicitly endorse the official 9/11 narrative, however at some point within the last 10 years he did explicitly do so in an article. I remember it clearly because of my disappointment, but I doubt I’ll be able to find it now.
(I intend this post to go after the one I have made about being a ‘keyboard warrior’ and which is still in spam check mode.)
And before anyone accuses me of hypocrisy on the ‘keyboard warrior’ front by asking me what I recommend the Left do, here is my list of suggestions:
First, simply stop! i.e. stop echoing and amplifying the mainstream fear mongering.
Second, stop demonising sceptics by calling them ‘libertarian’, ‘Right Wing’ etc.
Third, stop the ridiculous and insulting claim that the lockdowns, restrictions etc. were ‘forced on the governments and corporations by the people’.
Fourth, call out obvious spooks like Nafeez Ahmed by highlighting his connections to various powerful corporate forces.
Fifth, run some critical articles on the pandemic – and all I mean by that are articles that don’t start with the dogmatic assertion that the pandemic is as it is presented to be.
Sixth, acknowledge the fact that the mainstream media itself is highlighting the virus.
Seventh, give much more space to those who have benefited i.e. made a killing from the virus.
Eighth, advise everyone against taking the vaccine on the basis that the reason for the vaccine is vastly suspect.
Don’t hold your breath!
(Incidentally, point 8 about refusing the vaccine is something I was trying to hint to Philp Roddis the last time I posted on his site. He told me has was too busy looking at ‘other stuff’!)
I suspect many of the left including aust labor opposition are happy to go along with this as they see it as the way to get their carbon agenda…they actually believe in the great reset and are blinded about the real damage to the voters they are suppose to represent…
it is very odd in Australia, we have one labor premier andrews who has gone covid nuts and then my own in qld who seems to have half a clue about economic damage…maybe because her dad was an old trade union guy …and we have not had much of the madness of Victoria….
very odd how that can pan out…almost like they knew where to play and not too…or who could be thrown under the bus so to speak…
Hi Edith. I’m also living in the state of Queen’s land. They are probably saving us for lockdowns and associated evils when the weather starts to cool down. There will be a sudden ‘hotspot’, complete with ‘superspreaders’ and virus ‘mutations’.
By now, a familiar script. Can hardly wait!
I’m fully expecting that as well May, and I believe Victoria will be back in lockdown by end of March – early April.
They’ll just keep swapping Hemispheres, whichever one is going into Autumn, therefore Flu season, to use as cover for…. Gasp! Cases!
And they’ll wheel out the weasel Brett Sutton again, so the lobotomised ‘journalists’ here in Melbourne can wax lyrical about his “dreamy eyes” and “boyish charm”.
I’m preparing as much as possible, and shoving money away coz I now know what to expect. I’m dreading if the mag management demand that vendors get tested, or even vaccinated (coz we’re dealing direct with the public).
Hope your weekend was good…
Thanks a lot Gezzah, and I hope you, too, can safely stay ‘free range’, as we are now (not a part of the herd with immunity mob).
There’s an old saying: ‘make hay while the sun shines’ coz pretty soon, the dark clouds will return. Just watched one of the latest clips from Vernon Coleman ‘what will happen next’… his predictions for next year. Cheers May.
FWIW, I also noticed Pilger’s “interesting” references to COVID. Without rooting around to cite chapter and verse, I’ve seen a similar approach from such diverse sources as Diana Johnstone (not Caitlin!) and even RT pundits like Peter Lavelle, who forever reminds us that he is a “conservative”, and some of his panel-show guests.
It’s not exactly “fence-sitting”, but it’s similar. The parties refer to the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic ambiguously and “neutrally”, often in the context of how the political powers and prinicipalities or the overclass have utilized the “pandemic” for ulterior nefarious purposes. But they pointedly avoid expressing an opinion or judgment about the nature of the ostensible “pandemic”.
This equivocal stance is markedly different from what I’ve called the “Left Behind” journalists, bloggers, and pundits, e.g. WSWS, Moon of Alabama, etc. who stridently endorse the official MVD scamdemic narrative, or explicitly reject contrarian notions and analysis that it’s a Phantom Menace, i.e. a manufactured public-health crisis.
Rightly or wrongly, I find this careful, cautious balancing act disingenuous and off-putting. It’s not a coincidence that there was a similar reaction to the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001.
My guess is that those who occupy this middle ground rationalize it along the lines of, “I need to continue to offer my customary reporting and analysis, and I don’t want to get sucked into the contentious quicksand of controversy surrounding X; therefore, I opt to minimize direct statements, analysis, etc. of X, and offer only guarded, indirect references to it that are relevant to my discourse.”
Or, more militantly, “I refuse to be dragged down into endless pointless, irreconcilable ‘conspiracy theory’ arguments, so I’m not sticking my head above the parapet!” I find this stance to be too noncommittal by half.
Yes, you’re right. The very title of the Pilger piece, ‘THE MOST LETHAL VIRUS IS NOT COVID. IT IS WAR’ is a giveaway i.e. a pretty obvious deflection from the virus itself. Yes, the basic device at work here is that of the dissident writer who knows that if he is too dissident then he will be relegated to ‘the fringe’ and that will be it.
I keep thinking about that time when Diana Gould confronted Thatcher on TV over the sinking of the Belgrano, seeming to offer the opposition a gold opportunity to finally stick it to Thatcher only for nothing to happen at all. The entire political spectrum had been told to leave it alone.
Something similar but to a much greater extent is happening here – applying not only to the customary political parties but all the way across to the ‘alternative’ groups as well. It doesn’t require massive numbers of operators to be ‘in on it’ – just the well-placed ones, who themselves won’t need to be told the whole story. And then everyone else follows. For after all, this is a ‘deadly virus, lives are on the line’ etc. And if that doesn’t convince then there is the clearly pre-programmed political slant with the Leftist partisan blackmail – covid as the end of capitalism etc.
Then there is also the fact that Pilger is getting on a bit now. 81 apparently. I think a life constantly fighting mostly against the current takes its toll and you are eager to clutch at the most minuscule straws. I think something similar is the case with John McMurtry. (Well what do you know? He is 81 too.)
There is another angle here as well. I think that we are seeing such a fundamental change with this covid manoeuvre that it is inconceivable to the vast majority – even the majority of ‘radical thinkers’. They are used to working within a paradigm of post WW2 security which is now being transformed in ways they cannot understand. The same applies of course to me as well. But not having worked within the professional (paid up) class of academic and journalistic intellectuals, I can make conjectures that they want to avoid. I know that sounds as if I am boasting. But it’s simple logic. The ones with no relevant job to lose can be bolder.
Nailed it Ort. Agree with everything you said here, and yes, it is disingenuous and fence sitting. Yes, it’s playing it safe, But given the massive fraud being committed against us, and the immense amount of suffering this scam has caused, I find that approach indefensible.
Others have maintained their integrity by speaking out, even at the risk of losing their jobs (and a number in the Health field already have) because they have recognised, to be silent is to be complicit.
I’ve completely lost any respect I once had for John Pilger. We are witnessing the biggest single, globally orchestrated attack on human rights in human history and John Pilger gets into bed with the establishment.
Correct Cal. Nearly all of the ‘Left’ have, as George Mc has eloquently pointed out on these threads, and that’s been one of the biggest headspins for me this year. All those supposedly ‘anti establishment’ figures….
repost, because I think this is an important point, and I don’t see where Pilger is getting into bed with the establishment, unless he’s written something considerably more inflammatory than this article.
this is actually worse, but was written in the early months of the hoax, when it was considerably less clear what was actually going on:
the most conspicuous thing about that Pilger article [“war”] is the complete absence of any overt endorsement of the COVID-1984 hoax, which is quite unusual for someone with his public visibility.
even from this — “the greatest health emergency in modern times, with more than 4 million surgical procedures delayed by the National Health Service” — a careful reading will infer that the emergency is the complete collapse of medical care for all conditions other than the imaginary virus, which is absolutely true, and probably one of the intended objectives of the hoax.
Pilger seems to be carefully avoiding supporting the hoax, while declining to explicitly denounce it, which is the same position he has maintained relative to the 9/11 hoax, unlike deep-state shills such as Chomsky. if this is what he feels he must do in order to be able to continue his useful work and avoid being de-platformed and un-personed, I think we ought to accept that, and not blame him for it.
Heh. I love the German language translation for the term “Kapo”: Funktionshäftling
translating back the other way, you get “functional prisoner”.
one would have thought that “kapo” was already a German term, and not in need of translation.
Ya, I know. I was mostly joking about the “shäftling” part of the term.
German tends to go in for euphemisms, especially in that period. An informer, often undercover and infiltrated among suspect groups, was a Verbindungs-Mann (often abbreviated to V-Mann), which is literally “connection man”.
Well said, Gezzah.
As well as a thumbs up I wish you a happy Christmas and a merry new year.
And never let the bastards grind you down.
Thanks Rob… hope things are going relatively okay in your corner of France.
Get in a good supply of food and tobacco while you can, coz I think next year is going to be quite a lot tougher than this one. Good luck to you✌️
Johnstone I suspected from the beginning (remember the “wacky alternative!” costume she used to wear?) but I’m sorry to read that Pilger has fallen, too. So much of the “Resisting Left” is really only good up to a certain limit and should be helpfully labelled as such (“Warning: I do not go as far as 9/11” or “Warning: I do not go as far as Apollo Hoax” or “Warning: I do not go as far as Covid Shit” and so on). Actually, I can’t remember what Pilger’s stance on 9/11 was but I wouldn’t be shocked to learn he had a “Warning: I only go as far as The Kennedy Assassinations” sticker all along.
Ort had a really insightful comment on this thread about Pilger and Diana Johnstone just above this reply which myself and George Mc replied too, and please forgive my Luddite qualities, but I don’t know how to do the paste thingy whatsit like you’ve done with my comment. Sigh.
A long list of supposed ‘anti establishment’ people, including writers and a plethora of sites have turned out to be not so ‘anti establishment’ after all.
Hope things are not too mad and loony in Berlin? At least there seems quite a lot of resistance there compared to here in Australia, or other countries.
Quite a few Berliners have rejected the fuck out of this absolute nonsense and aside from the places (public transpo, grocery stores) where masks are mandated, with threats of a fine, easily 80% of the people we see, everyday, walking the sidewalks, are unmasked. A taxi came to pick up my Wife the other day and we chatted as we loaded her gear in the back and after, without thinking about it, I shook his hand and he did not flinch (nor were any of us masked). Again: I very strongly suspect that the bastards in charge, of gaslighting us via Media, are working overtime to trick us into thinking far more people buy this than really do.
Take heart comrade and keep pushing!
PS “but I don’t know how to do the paste thingy”
A) Doesn’t really matter, Gezzah, you get your message across with no lack of force but, alternately, if you’d like to know how:
B) I just mark the desired sentence (left-click your mouse while dragging along the sentence or passage you’d like to copy), then (while it’s marked) do a CTRL key plus C key (to copy), then CTRL key plus V key (to paste), then use the OffGuard’s own little toolkit (directly under the text field while you’re composing a message) to mark the result with the “citation” effect (7th icon from left)! Only diff is stylistic.
calling it mainstream media basically plays into classifying other media as loony fringe media.
Agreed. Corporate media is more accurate. And direct. Mainstream is silly especially when you look at their actual numbers.
Or corpse media.
Good point!
or is it the other way round
I was moderately encouraged today when I heard the BBC radio 4 “PM” programme giving Lord Sumption a longish and apparently fair hearing. He concentrated on the legalistic and democratic aspects of the whole affair, rather than the medical / health aspects.
Around 1340 on Monday 28th December 2020, if anyone wants to listen on BBC Sounds. I’d recommend it.
The Left diversionary pincer moves which I alluded to many times is quite devastating. I can’t recall who said it, but the most effective way of stopping a message getting through is to prejudice the listeners in advance. It doesn’t matter how much good sense is raised about the virus being a heap of shite. For as long as this comes from “Right Wing sources” (incisively pointed out by that super-sleuth Nafeez Ahmed and so many other dreary divisive hacks), the Left will ignore it.
whatever political pursuasion they are, they are beyond help. don’t get dragged down trying to “wake them up”. there is plenty of people who are awake who could do with a hand.
Dammit! You tricked me into reading a poem. I HATE reading poems…..I really liked your poem.
The author clearly has never studied astrology or he would not write such unsubstantiated rubbish that those who subscribe to astrology ‘believe their fate is written in the stars and not in themselves’.
Astrology on the contrary asserts that the stars are not deterministic, but rather indicate background tendencies which can of course be amplified or nullified by the actions of human beings.
It is rather like Christianity saying ‘God helps those who help themselves’.
It is rather like saying that if there are late frosts, summer droughts you are going to starve of crop failure. No, you are not, if you are well prepared. But such weather events do slant the likely outcomes of crop growth on a slightly negative trajectory, all other things being equal.
The concept of ‘all other things are only equal if you do nothing to affect them’ seems to pass over the heads of most.
There is not slave-like helplessness vs science-led self-determination.
There is a continuum with those two things at the ends…..
The new godbothering by Off-G is a classic fall back on more button pushing – like patriotism and bs sovereignty was to push the BrexShit through by hook or crook by the end of this year.
The appeal to higher unseen forces is what is done as volcanoes erupt, tsunamis wash away homes and citizens are ritually sacrificed to appease the great sky fairies – as long as the priests and the Hods rulers on Earth are left free of consequence or even recognition.
Any one pointing at the nakedness of the narrative is shushed and shunned, as everyone of my comments have been here for weeks. Even you Rhys have joined their ranks by failing to notice the rank hypocrisy as voices are silenced here – not by the big brothers FB/twatter but by this controlled site that are just stasi like stomping on dissent – so scared they are of our few little voices, they have dragged us away in the night whilst you lot cowered in your beds without even twitching your drawn Ed Curtains!
Many thanks for how you outline it…so many things are knowable with astrology though I am running across astrologers who then go believing covid will get them even if death is not indicated…thus they have suspended commonsense too…smile
A very depressing piece. If I were to make one criticism of it then its the one that it assumes that the situation people find themselves in is new. Its not — sure the specifics of Covid and the various lockdowns is novel, but the overal flavor of what’s going on and why is just a version of the same old / same old.
Here’s a nice piece from the Guardian proper:-
Its a point I’ve been trying to make repeatedly, and noting like as welll. Going after Covid, or masks or vaccines or whatever is missing the point.
A little entertainment:-
Its an oldie — 50+ years — but its still fairly relevant.
my favourite quote:
“…and crawling on the planet’s face, an insect called The Human Race.
Lost in space, lost in time …. And meaning”
Ten points if you know the source.
Come on, that’s too easy. It’s the Criminologist’s final take on humanity. My favorite part of that whole movie is when Brad is introducing himself and his fiance to Columbia and Magenta while they are undressing him.
Richard O’Brien… The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Yes? Do I get 10 points Ed? Okay, I’ll be honest, I may have cheated😏
Thanks for the memory!
Kissinger’s daytimer?
„Free people agree with Beethoven:
Beethoven had a quite a punch. In his youth he smacked an insolent aristrocate in the face who had insulted Mozart and himself as a „lackey“ of the upperclass.
‘Louis van Beethoven’ In 1779, Eight-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven, called “Louis”, is already known as a musical prodigy. He learns to go his own way – much to the dismay of the people around him. Some years later,he meets Mozart during times of political upheaval.
This is what you might call “gettin’ real”- scumbags:
The Great Reset: BlackRock Is Fueling A $120 Trillion Transformation On Wall St.
This fairy tale is turning up in a few places….usually with the you need to get in quick at the bottom rah raH….so obviously yet another scam is underway to collect what is left of any spare cash and of course drive the straw deeper into the public purse…if there is anything left thereof…
interesting that most of these wonderful new things like Uber this and that are creaming for big US enterprises while really turning ordinary folk into the slaves that do the work for small bikkies for them…and who need to do so just to survive…welcome to their created world.
Christian Drosten, Germany´s godfather of PCR tests and Covid-19 expert in a Zoom conference among “like-minded people”Dr. Drosten speaks freely what he thinks – with amazing statements:„we are loosing public trust“-„The disease does not exist“ „It´s not there“—there are no dead people, and —people who are not into numbers-they just stop believing, you see some numbers and some charts and you think, what the hell is going on there”
Full meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvEU4XT323c
TWiV 659: Sloppy coronavirus immunity with Christian DrostenSep 2, 2020
A couple of goolagtoob comments:
MartinDxt 1 week ago
well remember this is from 2nd of september 15.000 active cases yes not a lot i agree… fast forward to today 19th of december 380.000 active cases and 2.6 times of total deaths of back then… and deaths rising… and rising… because of you spreading … think about that.
Michael Hüttig 3 days ago
@MartinDxt No problems with fatal cases at all. It is just like EVERY year in the near past. With the exceptional winter 17/18, when it was really a bit worse. No excess dying rate, whatsoever. That is just a fact, now by 24th of december.
Update with Reiner Fuellmich, who with the German Corona Committee is taking Christian Drosten to court for his role in the creation of the intentionally fraudulent PCR test
Quote from Reiner: “We’ve also had judges calling us…..getting in touch with us and asking how they can help. They’re not intending to bend the law or break the law but they want to apply the law in order to stop this”.
Super must watch video! Thanks for posting!
Can I be the first to request we don’t allow any more poetry by Ed Curtin? Thanks.
I normally appreciate his writing greatly. This one’s a bit rambly
Men who want to take the fastest record speed experimental mRNA vaccine should read the last sentence on this article:
„To protect fertility, some men may want to consider freezing their sperm prior to vaccination.“
This info should be spread around. It will make many males think twice about having the jab. What about women’s eggs? Should they also freeze a couple just in case?
Keep it in the fridge. Don’t forget to tell the wife.
Apparently, it may affect women’s fertility more:
Paradoxically, the very thought of taking “the fastest record speed experimental mRNA vaccine” ever produced makes my sperm freeze in situ.
I’d suggest a time to sit and to take stock. Consider it as being in one of the lower category( for now) prisons. You can’t be free but you aren’t literally locked inside 4 walls in a small cell. How would you spend that time.
I’d use it to flick through a mental photograph album I’ve added to since i was born. We all do that and have one.
I’d look at the photographs of myself and the other kids i used to run wild with; all the scrapes and trouble; all the adventures and, most of all, all the laughter.
I’d look at the meagre bottles of lemonade and sandwiches we’d been packed up with to go and enjoy the summer days in. see the ripped knees in all my jeans, the ripped cuts on all our hands and the bruises we’d worked so hard to collect.
I’d look at the local drunks and characters as they staggered from the local pubs in a state of abandon all believing they could out- sing Sinatra and ” could have played for Everton once ”.
Then I’d look at the more recent additions.
I’d look at the once-thriving bars with a handful of customers sat near a flattening beer while they look look eagerly at the little illuminated magic handset that’s just delivered another pointless inane sentence from someone sat at home bored.
I’d look at pictures of the deserted streets that used to be beating with life. I’d look at the pictures of kids in huddles hardly aware that they’re even in one as they too stare into their phones. No laughing, no running, no talking, no smiles.
It’s closing time in lockdown. Last orders is already long gone.
We were seduced by the magic of Science and it’s fiction sold as the truth. We mentally herded with thousands and spread our virtual wings across a virtual reality. We became another face in a crowd of millions. But invisible. All we needed to do was kiss this plane goodbye. All we had to do is isolate ourselves from reality and real people to ‘belong’ to a global family. This is how we were divided then conquered; by believing we were now part of the largest possible family. In all things together…
Now we are owned by the internet; by cell phone technology ; by the drug we thought we’d try – but can now no longer avoid; one from which we can’t escape.
What time is it in Lockdown ?
It’s 1984.
Adolf Hitler is quoted as saying :
This was in reference to him never giving up as Germany did in the First World War. He wanted to point out to his enemy that he was not going to surrender under any circumstances, by using an analogy that theoretically could not happen.
By the time the Second World War arrived, Hitler was the most ferocious and dangerous nihilist on the planet and in charge of Germany.
He envisaged a world cleansed of the unworthy; the poor, the communist; the Jew; the physically or mentally handicapped; the black; the Muslim. For him- and those he represented, the clock had struck thirteen.
Life as we had known it would never be the same. Logic and sanity had been completely inverted. What we had always believed we could trust, take for granted even, had gone. Humanity had produced a monster and the monster grew many, many heads. This twisted messiah figure had become a cult which had evolved into a religion.
Where were the Gods ? Where was the reward for the faith of the pacifists ? Where were the men with power who could have ended this with the stroke of a mighty pen ?
Hitler disappeared. So too did his inner circle. All men are born to die, after all. But he lives on in the body of his doctrine. Just as his close companions do. The religion survived and has continued thrive quietly in the background while we watched the second rate movie they wrote, produced and continue to direct to this day.
What time is it in Lockdown ?
1984 – George Orwell
I’ve just got back from my local shopping centre to get my dinner for tonight, and a packet of smokes (my crutch).
70% of people walking around outside, all wearing facemasks, when there’s been no ‘cases’ in Melbourne for about 40 days? Well, there may have been one or two, but I no longer look at the ‘news’ so I don’t really know, but I won’t demean myself anymore by reading their lies.
I just felt anger, I felt like making sarcastic comments at all those walking past, all oblivious to what is going on. The Hipsters in particular seemed almost proud as they strode about in their masks, virtuously virtue signalling their support for fascism and the new normal authoritarianism.
A sense of almost despair and helplessness Jura at what I was seeing, and then I came home, and started reading the comments. And then I read this.
I started thinking about a different time, a different life…. Long before the Internet became all pervasive. Long before the arrival of smartphones. A time when people talked to their neighbours and strangers at bus stops. Long before everyone addictively stared at their phones. Shutting out those right next to them. The digital prison.
You’re right, this year has just been the starter, next year will be even tougher.
My eyes are open, as yours are, as are the eyes of other commenters at OffG.
Thank you for your thought provoking comments here✌️
I just felt anger, I felt like making sarcastic comments at all those walking past, all oblivious to what is going on. The Hipsters in particular seemed almost proud as they strode about in their masks, virtuously virtue signalling their support for fascism and the new normal authoritarianism.
“you’ve got your obedience muzzle — good job! Hitler would be proud!” — thumbs up.
Thanks for the suggestions M, but believe me, I can make sarcasm into (almost) an art form, but instead I just stood there glaring. Thanks for the clip
Gezza – only about 70% with masks??? Wow, you live in an enlightened town!! (there’s my sarcasm)
100% minus whatever percent I would qualify as, around here. Outside, inside, alone, with others.
I stood in line in the freezing cold yesterday with my niece outside a well-known yoga clothing shop so she could return a gift. They were letting about 10 people in the store at a time.
I think I got a few stares because although I had a winter scarf around my neck and chin it was obvious I was not wearing a mask.
You know what’s really depressing – kids getting masks for Christmas.
I spent my first Christmas at home because my sister/BIL, the customary holiday hosts, decided to spend Christmas in their seashore condo instead of their Pennsylvania residence; for logistical reasons, more or less, I was not included in the excursion.
Since I’ve become more detached and solitary in recent years, I wasn’t exactly devastated at the prospect of spending the holiday alone. As with Thanksgiving, which was similarly “canceled”, it spared me the difficulty of being the sole Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) skeptic in a small group of True Believers.
That disclosure is background to saying that I admit that I couldn’t summon up any enthusiasm for sending out presents via online shopping. I’ve done it in past years, especially for a niece who lives out of state and now has young children. But this year it felt like– and was– much more like a dreary “merchandise exchange” than gift-giving.
And that, in turn, is background to mentioning that when I glumly paged through paper “snail mail” catalogs and websites, every time I saw “festive” masks and other MVD-related PPE for all ages, it diminished my already feeble determination to make the best of it.
I did score a Christmas Eve appointment at the Haircuttery, and seeing my most excellent long-time haircutter Sarah was the only Christmasy personal contact I had; I teased her about being my Christmas angel. But even that visit was disturbing: I could see that the salon was virtually empty as I approached; I don’t remember visiting on Christmas Eve previously, but usually around the holidays the place is jammed. I assume that the draconian occupancy limits explained both the absence of customers and the staff’s skeleton crew.
As I walked through the door, I saw that the plastic chairs were now gone from the waiting area. They had actually torn out the fittings that held the flimsy plastic seats to the floor, so that only a stray bracket and some holes in the wall remained. I was actually a bit jolted by this.
Then Sarah introduced me to another new wrinkle: as I stepped to the reception counter, she took my temperature with one of those thermometer guns. I had to steel myself from flinching. I “passed”, but I was too bummed out to ask Sarah what would’ve happened if I’d tested, er, positive for a fever. I’m sure it would’ve disrupted things. Also, I wondered (but didn’t ask) whether the thermometer gun was connected to their computer system; theoretically, at least, my temperature reading could easily be registered along with the appointment data that includes personal contact information– line staff probably wouldn’t even know if this were the case.
On a more trivial note, just as Sarah began cutting my hair someone came in asking for a gift card. One haircutter was in back having lunch or a break, and the only other one on duty didn’t know how to process gift cards. So Sarah had to stop cutting my hair to attend to the gift card; just as she finished, another customer came in asking for three gift cards! Sarah then ran back and rousted the woman on lunch/break to handle it, so I finally got my haircut.
Also, there was a huge price jump– roughly from $20 to $30. Sarah apologized for this when I checked out, but I assured her that she’s well worth the increased price.
Still, all in all the changes felt ominous. I don’t know when they gutted the waiting area, or for that matter what they’ll do with customers when freezing or inclement weather sets in. But it felt very much like evidence that things are going in the wrong direction.
My poor terrified sister is highly optimistic that the vaccines will speedily conquer the MVD, and that by spring or early summer everything will be back to normal “and we can have a big party”. Ironically, she gets her hair cut at another Haircuttery in her neighborhood. During a family Zoom chat yesterday I didn’t remember to ask her if she’d been to her Haircuttery lately, and didn’t mention my own visit. I must admit that if she had a similar experience to mine, I have no idea whether it would dampen her optimistic hope that the end is in sight.
Yes, Ort, I felt much the same way about it all. For the past few years Christmas has not held the same “magic”.
I have a bunch of nieces and nephs and that is what makes Christmas special for all of my family. And the cousins just love getting together – some live in different states. So even if there are adult members that are not getting along, we do it for the kids!
Don’t know if I’d mentioned it in another post but part of the family got together unmasked and undistanced as we always do. The other part is very strict about all the protocol so did not attend. Unfortunately this affected some of the kids who could not attend and that was disappointing. And a last minute zoom get together did not work out. So I”m pretty sure there are bad feelings about the unwashed.
It’s sad. I hope time will heal, but really, who knows.
And yes, the “rah rah vaccine” is just amazing, isn’t it???
The woman who cut my hair a few weeks ago said the same thing! “….when we all get the vaccine”.
I am not of the camp that believes everyone is going to die or grow three legs if they get vaccinated, but good Lord…
So, Ort, what’s up for New Years Eve?!
If you noticed, Gez, the 18 months prior to the release of the bullshit virus saw the online obsession with vile little social justice warriors looking for something to be outraged about so they could be seen by those on the same low plane and be congratulated for their wisdom, empathy and awareness. But only by those equally as moronic and tiresome.
They’d find a cause, join a cause or create a cause. Together they made the need for everyone to self -censor a daily chore. They lacked the insight to realise they were working for the tyrants trying to devalue free speech. They collectively made up the conformist sheep army . They made it trendy and cool to be outraged by whatever they could find. So this virus was a Godsend. It’s given them endless opportunities to pass on lies and disinformation blindly( as usual) like good sheep do. Screw them. I only want one to come and enlighten me to my face out there, I’ll hammer some education in through their skull.
Keep looking back to before. To the then and the now. That’s all you need to do to understand where this goes and how fast it’s going there. That’s the reason to be ready for a scrap.
Talking won’t go anywhere. All we have now are places and opportunities to vent to each other. Knowing this thing is a lie was useful ; knowing that the true purpose of it is the same of that of the original Trojan Horse is useful too. But what do we do with the information and the knowledge ? We’re only telling each other what we already know. And the white furry grazers in the middle wont see or hear.
We know the point of the war ; we know we’re the enemy; we know the methods and weapons we face. What we don’t know is how to disarm the enemy or out gun them. That is the only cause now. That’s what we need to find. ✊✊
Venting helps… Tho I know, it doesn’t lead anywhere. It’s like preaching to the converted. But it also helps me cope with everything I see and hear, and with seeing so many blindly comply, without question. Thank you for being here🙏✌️
Beautiful writing that took me back to my childhood, running free in the streets of Las Vegas and later exploring the Erie Canal in upstate New York with my siblings after we moved. A different time that most American kids today can only imagine.
The author wrote:
Time stands still, time flies, time is up, time is on your side, time is short, time is long, who knows where the time goes, time out, time starts, stop the clocks, start the clocks, we’re running out of time, clock in, clock out, time served, serving time, lacking time, losing time, having time, gaining time, the end of time.
And now time is up for the Beast system. Times will slowly change. The times they are soon changing for the better. The regressive timeline cannot prevail. It’s about damn time.
“Dr Fauci says ‘worst is yet to come’ from coronavirus as December becomes deadliest month of pandemic”
Laying on the criminal narrative in the USA. Mortality Covid % rate is a frightening 0.09% in the USA. Not good enough for Fauci. Must try harder.
He seems to be losing credibility quickly every time he speaks. Everybody now knows somebody high risk who “survived Covid.” My grandmother-in-law is 93, in long term care, obese with diabetes. Now that she’s gotten it, the whole family has been a lot more skeptical. These are people who used to hang on Fauci’s every word.
On the other side of the in-laws family, there was a great aunt in her 90s who was dying of untreated breast cancer in a home for several years. She counted as a covid death in April, and much of that side of the family was made extremely skeptical by her inclusion in the counts.
A recent local news article showed a clip of Fauci saying something about how Santa couldn’t get covid, and the majority of the comments were just “screw you” toward the guy.
Thing is these people think they are smart, they really do…
To be a good liar one must have a good memory, this is were it goes tits up for these monkeys. They put out copious amount of BS so it’s impossible to keep up. If they did not own the media to cover it up, it would not be possible to keep up the muppet show.
Belarus President: IMF Offers Big Bribe For Lockdown Tyranny/
S. Africa Top Justice: Vax Links To Satanic Agenda/
Jan 3 Soleimani Kill Day Looms/
Elite Racial Meltdown At NYC’s Dalton/
Nville Bomb Downed 911.Planes.Net.Cells.more/
Biden’s Donor Owners
Uğur Şahin the CEO of German biotech firm BioNTech was asked on state TV on 23/12/2020 : „Wouldn’t that be a strong signal to all those who are, after all, still hesitating now, who are not yet ready to be vaccinated, if you had yourself vaccinated, along the lines of, look here, I, the developer, am ready to vaccinate myself, so you could all see how much I trust my development?“
Prof. Şahin answered along the lines of: though he would love to he will not vaccinate himself or his employees as he needs his workforce to produce 1.3 billion doses of vaccine!
Wait a minute,
what about the nurses in the hospitals that were vaccinated yesterday along with the elderly nursing home residents, are they not needed?
Must see!
English version?
Uğur Şahin the CEO of German biotech firm BioNTech was asked on state TV on 23/12/2020 : „Wouldn’t that be a strong signal to all those who are, after all, still hesitating now, who are not yet ready to be vaccinated, if you had yourself vaccinated, along the lines of, look here, I, the developer, am ready to vaccinate myself, so you could all see how much I trust my development?“
Uğur Şahin: “Ja, wir, also, ich möchte mich, natürlich äh, liebend gerne auch, äh, impfen lassen, wir müssen nur sehen, dass wir die rechtlichen Grundlagen dabei befolgen, wir werden in den nächsten zwölf Monaten über 1,3 Milliarden Impfstoffdosen herstellen müssen, es ist wichtig, dass da keine Mitarbeiter ausfallen, und dementsprechend denken wir darüber nach, dass wir eine Möglichkeit finden, die rechtlich uns auch erlaubt, unsere Mitarbeiter zu schützen, aber das ist momentan noch in der Abklärung.“
“Yes, we, well, I would, of course, uh, love to be vaccinated as well, uh, we just have to see that we follow the legalities of that, we’re going to have to produce over 1.3 billion doses of vaccine in the next twelve months, it’s important that there’s no employee absenteeism, and accordingly, we’re thinking about finding a way that legally also allows us to protect our employees, but that’s still under clarification at the moment.”
Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
The drivel is a clear case of the boss will not eat his own dog food.
“ Es ist wichtig, dass da keine Mitarbeiter ausfallen.”
Hold on a minute, if this vaccine is safe why would it lead to any absence?
use the subtitles
I just put English subtitles on it:
To decide your future please choose:
Option A: for the continued Covid CIA Psyop & Lockdowns.
Option B: for the CIA backed fascist coup.
Selection A is made by staying home in fear.
Selection B is made by taking to the streets and burning down your democracy.
please make your choice now!
To determine your future please choose:
Option A: for the continued Covid CIA Psyop & Lockdowns.
Option B: for the CIA backed fascist coup.
Selection A is made by staying home.
Selection B is made by taking to the streets,
please make your choice now.
marxist coup
sure, it’s a well-known fact that all billionaires are marxists.
They use Bolshevik methods to ensure their wealth. That makes them commies
Not really. Ruling classes often go with what is effective. For example Western media and even academics made much of Chinese “brainwashing” in the Korean War but the CIA studied it closely and later disclosures suggest Western agencies were fascinated by various means of ensuring compliance, such as experiments with drugs.
Of course you are right that billionaire oligarchs are hardly Marxists, but it doesn’t help when you have self-proclaimed Marxists supporting the Covid narrative.
It doesn’t help but it perhaps says more about how infiltrated the left is rather than anything intrinsic about its ideology. Roman Malinovsky was a Tsarist police agent – does that mean the Bolsheviks were not hostile to Tsarism?
A story…you may know it.
On a small and beautiful Island paradise…the Island folk were sat on the beach enjoying each others company when in the distance, approached a large and flamboyant super yacht…they watched as three men made there way to land in the ships tender, up to the beach, and then ashore..The Islanders were most welcoming, and when the men asked if they could explore a little, showed no complaint, and offerred them stay for food, which they cheerfully accepted.
The Sun moved… and the men from the ship reappeared, the table was set, and they all placed themselves to eat. “Your Island is truly stunning” said one of the men, “so peaceful, and the people we met… so friendly, the little houses all so different, and each with an abundance of land. In fact, it seems there’s space enough for more, which gave us an idea…a small project that could be of great benefit to you”. “Please, tell us more” said one of the Islanders. ” I’ll let my friend continue”. The second visitor spoke, ” It’s very simple really, we clear a little land, and build some houses much like yours, a pool area, perhaps a bar or two, with a restaurant overlooking the cove, some simple pleasure craft even…we we’re also thinking it possible to clear a nearby area for a runway, just enough for a small aeroplane from the mainland to roll up on, it’d be hardly noticable”. “This sounds very interesting” , said another Islander, “but please tell us, why we should do this, what is it for ? “. The 3rd visitor spoke “imagine what people would pay to come here, the exclusivity of it…you’d be rich, all of you, expand your properties, own more, we can bring in the latest technology, satellite systems, we’ll even build a small power plant, the possibilities are endless, whatever you like, just name it…think of the Money, how does it sound, imagine, you could do whatever you like”… The islanders looked at each other, and their smiles turned to laughter, with much talk that the visiting men couldn’t understand. When all was quiet but for the crackle of the firewood,…an Islander spoke.Thank you for telling us of your idea, it has been very interesting for us to hear it, it also gave us much joy….because as You have told, and as You have seen, we have everything we could possibly ever need, are thankful for what we already have. and our fill is enough not to want for any more – are doing as we like…and have that that You did not offer – Perhaps You are searching for it, Happiness. Here you have found it, and it is Free.
To me…the story has a perfect finale, but there are those, to whom that simple and straightforward outcome is unfit, would see the Island as a saleable, profitable income generating asset…because to them, everything and everyone, has it’s price, they figure only in numbers that have no end, counted at any cost – How then, could they ever see the superior value and beauty of less…they who worship golden crowns, suits and titled things, and bolster their strength with a dependent and covetous framework of equal disposition – promoting the lost distance, to fear ethereal experience or intangible connections of a higher nature, as if it were an enemy.
The story did not end the way it should have: the islanders should have killed the three and burned their yacht – much as Fletcher Christian did on Pitcairn Island. Otherwise…yeah, we all know what comes next.
Kind of like the US Army General telling the people of the Marshall Islands they could be part of a wonderful experiment that would greatly benefit humanity (as seen in two documentaries: “The Dome” and John Pilger’s “The Coming War With China”). We know how that played out.
Howard & Zen
yes…there are many adaptations , the tales repeat – the warnings are bypassed…why ?, perhaps because the offered answer fills the empty space that the takers blind neglect have allowed to darken….the system raises the unsighted, knowing, that the destitute of vision will welcome their parental offerings….if not, then it employs some devious tactic to force the movement to comply.
Good story, reminds me of the Mexican Fisherman one. It’s all rooted in our ego, fear of being a ‘nobody’.
I like that allot, i’v never read it before.
But since we all have an internet connection, a roof over our heads and disposable income. Are we not from the same clan as the three who looked to dupe the natives?
Perhaps we all come full circle in the end to the same conclusion that we just need to be happy and have just enough. Shiny things are overrated.
But then the World Economic Forum is stating we will “own nothing and be happy” in the future. So be careful what you wish for. We don’t live on a desert island, we live in a capitalist society were the natives have been long stamped out.
Did anyone get a copy of Paul Embery’s book for Christmas ? Is it worth reading ?
I would say that his Twitter feed is worth reading at the moment as he states the death toll of under 60s (377), such that the identitarian Left are loosing their shit, and it is quite amusing.
Sheer Post blatantly censors all comments removes edits or responds with direct ad hominem attacks on commenters or referenced materials.
This is my comment to Chris Hedges article addressing issues of editorial censorship.
To Editor/Moderator of SP comment section of Hedges article: The Great Delusion.
No wonder Hedges gets only 50 comments not his usual 1000-2000 comments at TD just nine months ago .
And in big part it is extremely intrusive moderating and editing, so only SP political line is supported especially about COVID while plausible alternatives are attacked ad hominem selectively addressing specific points only ignoring majority of other points or specific questions formulated by tens of thousands of doctors specialists in infections diseases worldwide, calling them sold out to whom exactly because not to big Pharma that has the money for it.
And always rejection of editorial skepticism comes from position of supposedly ultimate authority of MSM Media or state institutions using arguments of primitive simplicities like: these scientists are good honest informed, others no good, those have vested interests others are pure driven by truth only and make no mistakes or if they do not worth investigating as inconsequential to official narratives. No matter that Fauci is riddled with conflicts of interest makes money on vaccines and lied in public profusely to.. “save us” fro ourselves as we are incapable to know what’s god or bad for our families. Still he is a guru of the left as long as he continues fear mongering.
Such ultimate authority quoted today sadly coming from institutions previously decried by Hedges and the left as corporate or Imperial, peddling lies promoting vested interests. socially destructive policies enabling environmental devastation for profit.
Like NYT Hedges himself left to hold on to journalistic truth about war. He was labeled as dangerous, forced to resign as he allegedly stifled Iraq war effort endangering lives of our troops or other nonsense NYT righteously proclaimed making readership protected from ideas Hedges promoted based of hard proofs rejected by NYT as Iraqi supposed propaganda disinformation.
Hedges chose truth.Under tremendous fear mongering pressure did not choose to err on a side of threat of “possible” nuclear annihilation by Saddam nuclear bomb, but on a side of people interest and against hoax of Saddam bomb, against utmost experts assuring us of its existence.
Why today everything NYT writes about pandemic numbers and deaths copied from JHU bio-security Center (often contradicting WHO and CDC statements) run not by doctors but CIA surveillance affiliates involved with bio terrorism, is taken as truth despite own NYT admission in August that PCR tests are over-sensitive return positives for people who are not actively infected Incapable of spreading infection but just shedding previous infection debris that brought them no symptoms.
Why those numbers are not investigated, to establish real scale and scope of pandemic, by those who blame it on failure of public health system? Is it not behavior of membership of crisis cult Hedges is writing about in the article, unable to challenge cult’s dogma of big bad pandemic? Unable to investigate official narratives as it would spoil their politics of extreme opportunism, advantageous blame game and utilitarianism of elite made economic collapse.
Among all people Hedges should have been more sensitive to this totalitarian drift in media sphere he acutely felt in 2003, he and SP succumbed to in 2020 along with MSM to different degrees while FB and twitter engaged in open censorship Long before pandemic, a blatant censorship often criticized by Hedges.
Now a comment stating empirical fact that many more people die of preventable diseases yearly because of total failure of healthcare for profit than of COVID and flu combined will be censored by left and right publications as well as corporate center under guise of spreading misinformation.
Why In 2020 again suddenly being “wrong “ became “dangerous” as it was in 2003 and compels self appointed truth guardians of Social Media even here at SP to “save“ all of us from knowing “wrong ideas” instead of letting us to make our own judgment as adult fully capable sovereign people. As Hedges wrote many times there can be no greater good that justifies mass infantilizing of population into enslaved by propaganda dependents of state or corporate oligarchy.
12 years I commented Hedges columns, as often criticizing as supporting him, you make impossible to continue in the same courageous spirit of rational inquiry, skepticism, digging for truth Hedges used to embrace.
As this comment will unlikely be published on SP I will put it on variety of venues to inform about fallacy of supposedly SP righteous suppression of free speech, Hedges Used to fight for decades.
The corona virus might not have sickened anybody; but it sure did reveal a hell of a lot about many of the Left’s icons, didn’t it? So the virus wasn’t all bad after all.
Boris Johnson is Real (My wife has seen him), and I am sure Carrie Symonds is a real person too, but I am not sure about their “kid”. I can completely understand the issue of privacy, and telling all the photographers what you think, even if you are Prime Minister on Your Bike peddling home from Westminster..( Boris, Jeremy and Ken and I do not have problem with that)
Did all these relationships happen naturally or were they being “nudged” into following a script, by the psychology unit “Come on Carrie – you can do it” – You will have the full protection squad supporting you – they will think YOU are the new Princess Di”
So I googled Wilfred Johnson – and I got this…Try it youself. There are very few photos of Wilfred Johnson – there is about 10, but she ain’t breast feeding right, and the kid is the wrong age..and that looks like David Cameron. (I always liked his wife – she reminded me of a friend except they were really Left Wing – and hated The Tories whilst i couldn’t give a sh1t what you believed in)
“Wilfrid was an English bishop and saint. Born a Northumbrian noble, he entered religious life as a teenager and studied at Lindisfarne, at Canterbury, in Gaul, and at Rome; he returned to Northumbria in about 660, and became the abbot of a newly founded monastery at Ripon”
Anthony ….
I posted this earlier in a reply down below.
Download the video and email to everyone! (1 MB mp4):
My god, is that real?
I’m sure her palsy is real, but you cannot link her palsy to the vaccine. She says she took it 30 days ago. If she had been hit by a car within 30 days of the vaccine, would you say that this was because of the vaccine?
Bell’s Palsy can happen to anyone at anytime; it is common, temporary and treatable. There is no evidence that the Pfizer vaccine causes increased risk of Bell’s palsy.
This is obviously an emotional and frightening video to watch. In the Pfizer vaccine trials, it’s true that 4 volunteers developed Bell’s Palsy after taking the vaccine, however this is roughly the same amount of people who would be expected to develop Bell’s Palsy in any group that size (38,000 people). Bell’s Palsy is common, it is temporary, and it is treatable; it can happen to anyone at any time and has not been linked to the Pfizer vaccine.
This person is saying that she took the vaccine 30 days ago. If she had been hit by a car within 30 days of taking the vaccine, would she put this down to side effects from the vaccine? Should we attribute any illness people experience in the next 30 years to side effects from the vaccine? Only if someone can prove that people taking the vaccine had a higher rate of those illnesses than those who did not take the vaccine.
I’ve noticed the CV faithful are always so fascinated by the ‘loss of smell/taste’ and the MSM pushes that narrative. I’m 60 years old, and have had at the very least over 50 flus, colds, sinus infections, strep throats in my lifetime and have lost sense of smell/taste at LEAST 75% during those times. This is nothing NOVEL, it’s actually quite NORMAL when sick w/ the aforementioned ailments!!!
That’s the whole point. The list of symptoms is the same as any winter respiratory ailment, and then a bunch of random symptoms just to fuel some scare stories in the media. And the cherry on top is that having NO symptoms is the main symptom. It’s genius actually.
The fact that 95% of the population accepts this nonsense is the troubling part.
Perhaps the symptoms making this possible are memory loss, difficulty concentrating and brain damage caused by all the smart phones and wifi over recent years and increased dramatically in residential areas during lockdown.
The US CDC symptom lists for Flu and COVID have essentially the same symptoms with the only difference being the symptoms are arranged in different order with some slight differences in wording.
I wonder at how so many people would choose to live with panic and fear, when it is obviously a scam. Indoctrination by Modern (lack of) Education and Social Media would be a good guess.
Your screen name just makes me smile!
It’s also quite normal (if slightly distressing) to gradually and permanently lose your senses of smell and taste as one gets older. Possibly exacerbated by seasonal colds and flu’s.
Not to everyone but to significant numbers of people.
The french being the French, I suspect if Macron tries to make vaccines compulsory, to please his American bosses, he may end up hanging from a lamp post.
‘’Vaccine skepticism remains high in France, with a poll published Sunday by Le Journal du Dimanche finding a majority of people – 56 percent – do not intend to get vaccinated.
Of the 44 percent of people who are in favour of the vaccine, only 13 percent said they were “certain” to receive it.’’
By ‘American bosses’, did you mean Gates? I believe Macron also bows to fellow master globalists Soros and Schwab, Hungarian and German respectively. But I really don’t think the globalists care much about nations and nationalities, other than to control their governments and democracies as much as possible
Keep your fantasies to yourself my CIA propagandist friend. NO, I mean the USA state, military industrial corporate complex, that has a very substantial record of helping and looting for its Corporate monopolies. Go read some history or watch the news and stop making shit up.
HAHA bit obvious troll be obvious when using the same copy/paste comment, an hour apart, but under the two usernames, eh Hippo Gonk / Gas – especially when no one else has commented so your copy/paste comments are right on top of each other. I bet you liked your own comment too. That’s a fail for you. LOLZ
The censorship works here by delaying the comments. ‘for an hour’ I hope that helps you understand.
Keep your fantasies to yourself disingenuous propagandist friend. NO, I mean the USA state, that has a very substantial record of helping and looting for its Corporate monopolies. Go read some history or watch the news and stop making shit up about boogiemen to distract from Empire
I can copy/paste too
HAHA bit obvious troll be obvious when using the same copy/paste comment, an hour apart, but under the two usernames, eh Hippo Gonk / Gas – especially when no one else has commented so your copy/paste comments are right on top of each other. I bet you liked your own comment too. That’s a fail for you. LOLZ
censorship works here by delaying the comments. I hope that helps you understand.
Lol yeah right. ‘American’, ‘Hungarian’ and ‘German’. Lol.
Almost all our friends are the same age as my wife and me, and almost all are parents, and many Grandparents and a few Great Grandparents, and from what I can see, the vast majority have had a Great Christmas Day, with their Families around The Christmas Table (including a few Veggies)
So COVID didn’t make That much difference, except normally on Boxing Day, we invite all our Single friends round to finish off The Turkey, and then have a Big Party afterwards – and it goes on till about 7:00am.
So Boxing Day was a bit of a write off – cos they all believe This COVID nonsense, yet hardly any of us know anyone who has died under the age of 90..
What Pandemic??? – Most of us are still alive.
I am still not convinced that COVID exists ecept as another normal variant of a cold/flu…and because almost the entire world mixes together, we all experience each other’s virus’ and our natural immune systems, build up antibodies and resistance against them.
I have always liked Irish Girls..there is something very charming about them…and they don’t take no vaccine sh1t, for a virus, that has not even been identified, and isolated yet. How can you make a vaccine against it, if you don’t know it exists?
‘Covid-19: London Ambulance Service receives as many 999 calls as first wave’
The article is based on ‘an internal message to all staff’ sent by LAS chief executive Garrett Emmerson from which we learn,
‘London Ambulance Service (LAS) received as many emergency calls on 26 December as it did at the height of the first wave of Covid-19, the BBC has learned. Nearly 8,000 calls were received, a 40% increase on a typical “busy” day. Patient demand was “now arguably greater” than during the first wave, an internal message to all staff said.’
But what is this ‘patient demand’? The article is leading you to believe it is the demand for treatment by genuine covid sufferers. Not so:
‘LAS said it was “working urgently” to reduce delays. It urged people only to dial 999 with genuine life-threatening emergencies and to use 111 if possible.’
But then we read, “The demand is occurring because of the rapid spread of the new variant of the Covid-19 virus…”
Disingenuous or what? The demand is not caused by the rapid spread of the virus but by reporting on the rapid spread of the virus.
In short, it is a self-fulfilling warning. Whip them up, watch them go, and then report on the damage they do as if it was just happening ‘naturally’.
Would urge all OffG commenters to start using Twitter to voice their opinions to a wider audience.
Isn’t the whole point that we would be suspended or deleted? We are only allowed to voice in an alt-right ‘environment’.
Oh, and where would that be? Do tell!
You trolls are so transparent.
‘Alt-right’ platforms, if you can reliably identify or find them, don’t exclude or censor critics like the tech giants all do. Compare freedom of speech limits and the politics of all those cancelled by Twitter, Youtube and Facebook (all owned and run by openly leftist, globalist billionaires) to those of Parler for confirmation. It’s crystal clear who fears and tries to silence our freedom of expression, thus preventing the chance of better truths and a united resistance to the ruling elites.
Not true. There are many ways to put your point across. I have 80+ followers after joining a few months ago. Am opposed to alt-right environments.
Twitter removed this video of a nurse with facial paralysis following CV-1984 vaccination.
It’s a short 1 MB video you can easily share widely via email (since no social media platforms can be trusted not to remove this stuff).
Download here:
I kept getting suspended
Try harder.
I have thought the same thing on several occasions. However, every time I get on twitter, instagram, reddit, etc. with such intentions, I become distraught within a matter of days. People on there are loud and I suspect many/most are bad actors. I get overwhelmed, find myself checking them in the middle of the night. I think there is something insidious about the platform itself. I prefer to talk to people in real life (or I visit here for support when I’m supposed to be working from home). I think face to face you feel a sense of solidarity and love that is not possible online.