WHO (secretly) changed their definition of “Herd Immunity”
Global health body dishonestly alters meaning, claims you need a vaccine to achieve it
Kit Knightly

The World Health Organization has changed the definition of “herd immunity” on the Covid section of their website, inserting the claim that it is a “concept used in vaccination”, and requires a vaccine to be achieved.
Both of these statements are total falsehoods, which is demonstrated by the WHO’s own website back in June, and every dictionary definition of “herd immunity” you can find.
To quote the WHO’s own original definition:
Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or a natural immunity developed through previous infection.
This definition was posted on the WHO’s website on June 9th of this year, and conforms with the general usage of the term for generations.
Then, on October 15th, we woke up to find the words on the side of the barn had changed. The definition has been altered to this:
‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.
No explanation is offered for the change, in fact note of the change is made on the website at all.
Indeed all the previous versions of the website have been totally wiped from the wayback machine. A telling thing to do, in and of itself.
We’re only aware of the change because screencaps of the original exist:

The new definition, aside from being inaccurate and off-handedly disposing of decades of epidemiological research, is also contradictory. It includes the phrase:
Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.”
Which is newspeak doublethink nonsense. The entire point of vaccination IS “exposing” people to the virus.
This revised, inaccurate and contradictory definition of “herd immunity” was first expressed in a speech by WHO Director General Thedros Adhanom on October 12th. Within three days that speech had been added, word for word, to the website. And within a month of the change, the UK had approved the first commercial vaccine for Sars-Cov-2 infection.
We’re truly in an Orwellian timeline, where the powers that be can simply change the meaning of words and phrases to suit their purpose.
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This is even worse: https://youtu.be/SOIs42o5AI8?t=30585
Skip to the most urgent 5 min:
Full 54 min video:
Scientific literature:
It’s really weird. it’s weird.
To me the most disturbing part of this is that they were able to scrub the Wayback Machine.
That was literally meant to be the absolute opposite of Orwell’s ‘Memory Hole’. The entire point of it was that regardless of what one may do today, it was possible to go back in time and see what used to be there.
If that is EVER compromised AT ALL – and it just has been – then it is now the literal definition of the Memory Hole.
That is disgusting beyond words. For shame, for crying SHAME!
“The entire point of vaccination IS “exposing” people to the virus.”
Nonsense. Most COVID vaccines do not expose recipients to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and those that do, most notably Sinopharm’s and Sinovac’s, employ inactivated virus.
Utter garbage. An inactivated virus in a vaccine is still an exposure to the virus – albeit it one that is unlikely to be infectious.
Mre importantly, the mRNA jabs are NOT vaccines at all. They are
The term has been fraudulently hijacked to deceive people who don’t realise that these mRNA jabs have never ever been used on humans because they have never been fully licensed.
That’s because they have always failed the requirements to obtain the licence – particularly because all the animals in the trial stages had severe adverse responses or died.
So, an emergency authorisation had to be issued instead which enables the animal trials to be bypassed.
Author Kit Knightly seems to not know what “archive” means, nor how websites work.
What is your point? I genuinely hope you are not defending corrupt WHO that is a tool of corporate globalist interest.
I still marvel that with all the 10’s of thousands of deaths due to Covid19, that the Virus has yet to be isolated, the Gold standard.
In not isolating the Virus (Gold Standard) is it because they can’t or does revealing the Virus genetic code in full, reveal a history that some would like to remain in the shadows?
Anyways, this virus that has turned the World upside down shares its ability to remain hidden in full view like ‘Keyser Soze’ or the ‘Scarlett Pimpernell’
sink me……
From February 2020,
“Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19″https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7045880/
Please go down to the “method” section. . They take the secretion from the putative patient and mix it with god knows what. Thats not called Isolation! They have to isolate the virus from the patient first.
This is from Gov.UK. A spreadsheet on Notifiable Diseases. You’ll have to include Covid in the selection.
Can someone explain why the figure around 18,000 for covid notifiable diseases for the last 52 weeks, is different from the number of Covid deaths with/from?
Evil panicking.
The dawn of a new reality has arrived. The exposure of monumental corruption is about to start. The scamdemic will prove a blessing in awakening so many.
With only a bit of investigation I found two factual errors in this article. I wonder if there are more but someone else can look. Is the author just not doing due diligence or purposely misleading?
First, the reason there was “scrubbing” before oct 15 is because the URL changed so there was no history. Here is an example from prior to oct 15:
Second, at the original URL the old definition is still there after oct 15:
Sounds more like WHO and author incompetence. I wonder if the author will print a retraction about the errors.
You’re right in that you found it on the wayback machine, but the main point is that the definition was changed on the WHO website and that is still true in whatever language.
The new definition does not contradict the old one.
It quite plainly does.
The first definition states that herd immunity can arise “through previous infection”. The only way to get a previous infection is by being exposed to the virus. And an infection is separate to an inoculation.
Yet the second definition states that herd immunity is reached by “protecting people from the virus not exposing them to it”. Those two statements would seem to contradict one another.
And any epidemiologist would tell you that the first definition is correct. And the second one is plainly false. One might find it immoral to expose people to virus in order to reach heard immunity however that does not change the mechanics of heard immunity. And even morally it is very shaky. Exposing young fit and healthy people to a virus that has almost no chance of killing them, in order to protect the weak, ill or elderly who have a higher chance of dying from it actually seems quite moral to me.
Both those links take you to a Q&A about Serology, not to the definitions of Herd Immunity.
Someone in our Parliament, needs to answer the issues raised with this, appararently available in India.
I’m sorry to say it folks but the real virus, the real cause of lockdowns, the real threat to our freedoms, is the internet. Sites like this one only serve to keep us docile. When we get angry, when we are skeptical, we go to places like this site and vent in the comments section with other apparently angry and knowledgeable skeptics. We then feel better, as if we’ve done something useful and practical. In the past this would’ve happened in the real world and effected real world change, now, we don’t know who or what we’re really talking to, we’re all basically shouting at the wind. Ahhh, there, my conscience is clear, I’ve done my bit for the day.
I would have thought the real threat to our freedoms was the police, and those who give them their orders. For example that woman who filmed an empty hospital in Gloucester and was then arrested was not arrested by the Internet, she was arrested by the police. The police were no doubt surveilling the Internet and she was perhaps too bold in posting under her real name, but the fact is that without the Internet and her filming nobody would know that in the middle of a supposed health Apocalypse at least one hospital is surprisingly quiet.
I made noises on Philip Roddis’s site about refusing the vaccine as a sign of disobedience. He always mocked sceptics for being “keyboard warriors” I.e. not having any positive proposals for actual actions (as opposed to that revolutionary Left I suppose. His friend Dave Hansell was engaged in raising funds for Corbyn. Way to go!)
But I reckon refusing the wretched vaccine would indeed be something that would make a difference if enough did it. The problem is, as someone who subscribes to the deadly virus script, neither Philip nor anyone else on the Left would consider it. The vax is, after all, an indication of true progressiveness according to this Left .
Filming empty wards is another REAL THING TO DO. But again, it depends on rejecting the virus script.
And there is the biggest problem. If the Left accepts the virus narrative, which they do, I can’t see how they can propose any action at all.
Aye… You have it right.
A lot more than just one hospital W.
People have filmed almost empty hospitals here in Australia as well as other countries.
Remember Lincoln riding round on his bike in New York? And all the other whistleblowers like Louise Hampton for example. Without the Internet we would be completely in the dark about what was actually going on.
You can’t ‘film an empty hospital’. You can certainly film parts of a hospital that appear to be empty (and might well be empty at the point of filming) but that doesn’t mean that the hospital is empty. It’s also important to question the motivation of those doing the filming – both those in whose interests it might be useful to have ‘full hospital’ images, and those in whose interests ’empty hospital’ images are useful. If you’re against the lockdown, then accepting the veracity of the ’empty hospital’ image might simply be a form of confirmation bias.
Has there ever been film of a full hospital?
tis also a fact that the msm believe it can film ‘full hospitals’ possibly because it suits its purpose
Don’t you want to be informed with the real facts instead of being ignorant? I guess ignorance is bliss!! Tag along with the sheep.
Gosh you’re right! If only the internet wasn’t there and we could just shout at the TV instead!
Arguably internet social media fanned the flames and the internet enables globalism.
I think Mac has a point.
Spoken like a true CCP member.
If only closed minds came with closed mouths.
Yours is open?
You raise some valid points here.
Dr Malcom Kendrick.
What is there left to say.
My last month’s online job to earn extra dollars every month just by doing work for maximum 2 to 3 hrs a day. I have. joined this job about 3 months ago and in my first month i have made $12k+ easily without any special online experience. Everybody on this earth can get this job today and start making cash online by just follow details on this website………http://www.dollarskings.com
2020 is coming to an end and I still haven’t worn a face mask on any occasion. Once a security guard at a shopping center offered me one but I told him that they don’t work and strolled on.
2021 motto: Face mask: no, smile: yes!
Wondering still, how many comments on this site- though not *only* this site- are authentic, i.e.,
the opinions of a particular person and not those of a larger, more powerful entity; maybe one-
in-twenty, at best?
strange (and likely short-lived) times
Please expand.
A real person
I’m glad you’re a real person; and don’t think any expansion on what I’ve said above is necessary.
Another real person here. I notice that you are so much of a “real person” that you don’t give us your full name.
Any reason s/he should–oh yes, you snuck in a normative there–especially if s/he uses it consistently as hir only pseudonym here. What skin off your nose except maybe a slivver of ‘attitude’?
That is completely impossible to say.
I think this us an amazing piece. Well argued and well documented. The basic claim is that Covid19 has not been isolated. Pretty much tells youcwhst you need to know about their phony vaccine:
Some of the links are well worth a read too.
WHO (secretly) changed their definition of Herd Killing!
That’s called culling.
The Digital Health World Congress is planned to take place in London on 30 & 31 March 2020. The list of agenda items gives you an idea of the direction we are heading ….. here are just a few examples:
Personal health records and their role/utility in the pandemic
Future of Digital Health with AI
Update from the front lines of remote patient monitoring
Emerging Trends and Opportunities in Digital Health Market
Future of Healthcare with Nanotechnology, Sensors and Machine Learning
Wearables: disrupting health in 2021
Military Digital Health Technology – its application to civilian life
Digital Health Market – Emerging new verticals and opportunities
Design & Develop Smart Clothing
Econsult: How technology and a digital front door is supporting the NHS through the Covid-19 challenges
Here is the link: https://digitalhealthcareworldcongress.com/agenda/
IBM and the Holocaust etc..
Come on, turn it up bitches!
We turning it up.
lol stuck on you.
Love the faux-ghetto talk- thanks!
I see this is coming up again on my Android feed:
“How should you talk to friends and relatives who believe conspiracy theories?”
And I note it’s by one Marianna Spring who is described as a “Specialist disinformation reporter”. Well you can’t be a “disinformation reporter” unless you have actual non dis-information i.e. real info. And you will notice here that Marianna doesn’t subscribe to the Socratic dialectic approach which starts off with the humility of assuming that nobody knows anything to begin with and therefore has to find out by interaction with others. Oh no Marianna has definite irrefutable knowledge – presumably for once and for all. It would be impertinent to query this divinely ordained intelligence. And therefore, I wouldn’t dream of asking where she gets her info from.
But a keeper of the flame such as herself is in a hazardous position. See here:
She tells us:
“My job reporting on QAnon and coronavirus disinformation has led to daily death threats — but we can’t give up”
“We”? Is this an admission that she is part of some league of truth tellers come to impart her gospel to the great unwashed? Or is it an attempt to rope us all into some spurious sense of “truth community” (though clearly a non-Socratic one)?
What follows is a most unenlightening voyage through the Lovecraftian undergrowth of conspiratorial evil featuring death threats and stuff about Satanic paedophiles and such. It’s oppressive stuff and I start to skip. And then I note the hopeful word “humanising”. I read:
“Humanising the impact of viral disinformation is more powerful than just branding it and the people who spread it as “bonkers”. This can also make things worse, and it’s why I’d never call the people who are trolling me anything like that.”
Well I’m glad you never used the word “bonkers” there!
“Interviewing Brian, a man from Florida whose wife died from…”
Hang on. This sounds familiar. Ah yes here it is:
They do trot this one out a lot. Brian’s wife Erin died from the vaguely worded “heart problems linked to the virus”. But enough of such cynicism. Let’s assume this really is a covid death. Why do they keep dragging out the same one? Well it’s a morality tale. “I laughed at it all until ….” But even then, are there not other such tales of repentance? Why do we pay our licence fee for such a feeble effort?
We then get the Shemirani evil mum case again. Same objection as above. (Though this one does provide a curious reference to “Britain’s conspiracy community”. Where? Can I join up?)
The evil mum’s son “spoke movingly of how this had destroyed his relationship with her, and of his fears about what her lies could mean for public health if they spread”. That mafioso type threat about “public health” is par for the course. But “spoke movingly” sums up the paucity of pieces like this. There is no content. It’s all hyperbolic insistence – a bit like those vague sinister murmurings about Corbyn’s “anti-Semitic” Labour Party. And just as in that case, the reporter cannot afford to raise any actual issues because it would reveal right away that this entire line of journalism is bogus.
But just as I want to sign off, I note this:
“another damning indictment”
Another automatic pilot cliché. Perhaps Marianna isn’t real at all? Perhaps she is a piece of software?
She could be an app, or a meme, or even a macro. Definitely digital and probably virtual (not virtuous) as well.
How should you talk to friends who believe conspiracy theories about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
How should you talk to friends who want the BBC defunded?
Long, thorough, well-composed, not a typo to be found- and all from a humble “care worker”!
“You” have an “android feed”?
Mmm. I feed myself; nutritiously, for the most part, and -importantly- of my own choosing (at least for now).
android feed puh
What’s really going on? Well dear friends over 100years ago Dr Rudolph Steiner wrote the following warning on vaccines:
In the future we will eliminate the soul with medicine.Under the pretext of a ‘ healthy point of view ‘, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today people are vaccinated against this or that disease, so in the future children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life.
He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.
With such a vaccine you can easily make the ethetic body loose in the physical body.
Once the ethetic body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of Man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will.
So the vaccine becomes a kind of Ahrimanic (Satanic) force, man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual.
“The World Health Organisation has warned that a worse pandemic than COVID could be around the corner and that what we’ve seen so far in 2020 is “not necessarily the big one”.”
Interesting. It was Philip Roddis who first introduced me to the concept of “the big one”. He introduced it in a blasé way, and I had the feeling I had intruded on a conversation whose presuppositions were unknown to me. The “big one” would appear to be precisely some kind of inevitable viral apocalypse, a presentiment of which seems to have been imprinted on the DNA of the latter-day inheritors of Marx – who Marx himself would scarcely have recognised.
“With global lockdowns, international stripping of freedoms, and the decimation of small businesses and the economy on the whole, it is difficult to imagine how it could get any worse. Yet the WHO is predicting that could very well be the case.”
When the WHO – or anyone in a position of similar power – mentions the word “predict”, it means “plan” which therefore implies that “very well could be the case” is redundant. It will be precisely the case.
Dr Mike Ryan, head of the WHO “emergencies program” (the title itself is a giveaway) also talks about “the big one” and gives another clue as to the theatrical nature of his talk when he drags in the inevitable “wake up call”.
“Ryan also stated that despite the vaccine, the virus is set to become endemic, and will never go away.”
In other words, a perfect business deal for a protection racket.
Another WHO salesman, Dr Soumya Swaminathan expands on the lucrative futility of it all: “the roll out of vaccines does not mean social distancing or mask wearing can go away”. He also displays an uncanny gift for prophecy: it seems that “the restrictive lockdown measures won’t let up until “the end of 2021” when “population immunity” is achieved”. Well, either these computer simulations have uncanny powers of pinpoint prophecy – or this is all based on some unrevealed business plan.
And it certainly follows that if some kind of covid plus monster is coming, it will require a lockdown plus response.
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
Thanks for another great post George.
yeah hes super awesome with the bad news
What is it about George Mc that bothers you so much? Is it because he always call it correctly, and the 77th have tasked you with the job of trying to silence the honest, accurate posters on sites like this?
You are sussed mate.
The refrain that has haunted me my whole life. I don’t mind being “super awesome” with the bad news. It’s the only news I know!
Perhaps they’ll want us to wear bigger masks, stay six meters apart, stay home with all deliveries from Amazon, PCR tests every hour, multiple infections …… whooppee!
Lock up the lockdowners George then there will hopefully be something new worth writing about! Until then round and round we go in that perpetual revolving door!!
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
Exactly what michael hessletine said during the last recession he was referring to this time!
Internet dictionaries still match the original definition. I doubt they can change them all.
Data, data, data………………..
The PHE data that goesagainst the narrative – Hunting down symptomatic COVID-19
“This sit down interview with Sucharit Bhakdi about the current situation we find ourselves in. He is the most cited microbiologist in German academic history, an authority if there ever was one. Shocked by the events of this year, he is speaking out about the scientific fallacies and human rights abuses at work now.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is.a German American lawyer with experience going after large companies like Deutsche Bank. He is a member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. He discusses the current situation and his efforts to bring justice to the situation. This interview was done as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation. The full film, when released, will be available at https://www.PlanetLockdownFilm.com
Sucharit Bhakdi restores my faith in humanity. He is a hero
As I I served to friends some time ago……There are obviously two kinds of herd immunity, one is good and the other is bad.
1 Natural herd immunity by nationwide exposure to a virus BAD
2 Herd immunity acquired from nationwide provision of a vaccine.
Curious …that?
They are trying hard to convince us that your no.1 never existed.
Does Bill Gates talk crap or is he just a lame bullshitter?
(Ignoring him being an uneducated dropout and a psychopath moneygrubber.)
(Cutting him extra slack for getting his break through mommy’s connections…meh: the Deep State, IBM, DARPA, and the Federal Reserve).
So, only 377 Healthy People Under 60 Died of Covid (NHS) & Biden Advisor Urges “Genomic Surveillance” — The Last American Vagabond
Did someone [journalist, blogger] write to WHO asking why the definition was changed?
And even the WSWS gets it:
“Billions of people around the world confront the escalating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the destruction of millions of jobs, impoverishment, including in some cases the threat of starvation, and the destruction of a viable future for a whole generation of youth. Yet the ruling financial oligarchy is benefiting to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.”
“The year is ending amid the greatest economic contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s. But Wall Street, leading the way for stock markets around the world, is finishing the year at a record high.”
“…a new class of billionaires is emerging, their fortunes propelled by the rise in the stocks of companies associated with the development of vaccines and their utilisation.”
Then this:
“When governments and central banks launched their multi-trillion-dollar bailout operations, they claimed the extraordinary measures were necessary to save the economy. This fraud has been exposed. The sole concern of the ruling oligarchy was not the health and economic well-being of the mass of the population, but that of the financial markets.”
Echoes of the 2008 bank crash when they made off with all that public money. Cue well deserved wrath then. But now …something similar but under the umbrella of a pandemic. So, the well-deserved wrath might be a bit more muted this time. Or perhaps even non-existent. After all – apocalyptic virus and so on. Good cover.
The WSWS are traitors to humanity
And yet the WSW screamed for more lockdowns. Interestingly the lockdowns the state has carried out have chipped away substantially at existing freedoms. Rallies and protests have been banned because of the dread contagion and police arrogance ever more obvious. Occasionally resulting in people being shot dead by cops for being out after curfew, as in Albania, or beaten for not wearing a mask, as in Turkey. Of this the WSW has said little.
Even when the WSW say “the health and economic well-being of the mass of the population” was never the rulers’ concern (true), would Lockdown Forever, which seems to be the WSW desire, have been a genuine expression of health concern?
Early on at the beginning of this virus farce, OffG had likened the position of the Left to that of the central character, played by Jonathan Pryce, at the end of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil where he has been chained to a torture chair and then sees the cavalry streaming in to save him but it turns out to be an hallucination and we end up with Pryce still stuck in his chair and humming the song “Brazil” to an empty chamber. This seems accurate to me. “Wait and see” has been the mantra all the way down the line for the Left. Sometimes they mutter something about who will “pick up the tab for all this”. As if we didn’t know.
Philip Roddis made a recent comment on his blog about possible spook interference on the WSWS. So maybe there’s hope yet!
Interesting that you mention again the utterly gotten-to Roddis.
Local, local , local .. no salvation on these [evil, gotten-to] screens.
I notice that Philip made some recent remarks on his site about possible intelligence interference in various Left channels. A promising development. However, the general trend is that, if this notion pops up on Left sites at all, it seems to be applied mainly to the past. It seems to be OK to consider the dreaded topic of “conspiracy theory” in history but NOT IN THE PRESENT. Such a possibility would taint that pure systemic analysis and rob them of the opportunity of looking down their noses at the “tin foil hats”.
Some of the left actually remind me more of Michael Palin’s “friendly” torturer in the same film, although he resembles even more the health “experts” brought into the limelight by all this.
I have had a look at Steel City Scribblings, his blog. His comments on the WSW are mostly positive but tend to be in March or April. I haven’t seen a recent comment although perhaps I have overlooked it.
He described the WSW reporting on the virus as “exemplery”. From which I assume such reporting appealed to the need to believe in COVID as heralding the end-times. Philip was always courteous to me although we came to blows after he first brought up the subject of sceptics by calling them “libertarians”. We sort of made up but I think he was wary of me (and my “sardonic” manner) after that.
I posted sceptical stuff on his site but never managed to instigate any conversation with the “Marxist faithful” there.
And I then noticed Philip just backing off from the whole virus issue and when I tried to guide him back and he said he was looking at “other stuff” I just left him to it.
I can’t help feeling there are a million Marxist sites who, when not boosting the COVID dead figures, just ignore it completely and I have the feeling they have no idea what they are confronting here.
I have been struck by how few Marxists notice the dramatic increase in police powers and arbitrariness accompanying the Covid hysteria. I have been arrested at protests quite a few times in my life, but few on the left seem to have such experiences, at least in Western Europe. Yet if they were really wanting to storm the Winter Palace etc. they would have more such harsh experiences with police. But it could be that in reality they have no such aims, they are harmless to the state and perhaps even useful to it and so are left alone.
Until personally affected, they will continue to sleep.
Two ingredients of the Left spiel re: covid made me suspicious I.e. to suspect that a certain “guidance” was being given from regions not sympathetic to Marxism.
The first is the constant refrain of “the big one” by which is meant an expected viral catastrophe. And I note that the WHO themselves have been plugging this too, so this expectation has been “programmed” into quite a few minds not all of them Marxist. Of course, the appeal of a viral showdown does have a Left appeal as it may portend that revolution which the affluent Western proles have been too complacent to wage. (And as we see, that is a very big “may”) But any such preconception blurs assessment – especially when the assessor is driven by wishful thinking.
The second ingredient (and this is the really lethal one) is that tedious belligerent tarring of COVID sceptics as “Right Wing” and “capitalist ideologues”. This is relentlessly trotted out by e.g. Nafeez Ahmed.
I have come to suspect that both the viral anticipation and the smearing of sceptics are parts of a psychological campaign planned long in advance. The Left have been infiltrated (and perhaps even pre-empted) by intelligence agents. The Right too, since THEIR scepticism has been highly visible throughout the Right Wing press, with which it is now associated. And so both spook directed sides play their part.
Here’s something to cheer you up:
“2020 has been the most remarkable year for the global financial markets. After the Covid-19 pandemic triggered the worst crash in a generation, unprecedented stimulus measures and vaccine breakthroughs have sent stocks roaring back to record highs. In a year in which at least 1.7 million people died from coronavirus and unemployment soared in a global recession, world stock markets are ending 2020 up 13% – despite the latest surge in cases forcing further lockdowns this winter.”
“David Miller, investment director at Quilter Cheviot, says. “…governments had stopped the global economy – something that had never been done before. Would that lead to an economic depression that would make the 1930s look tame?”
I think we all know the answer to that. But who nowadays cares about the “man on the street”?
“…what felt like economic Armageddon in March was actually the buying opportunity of a lifetime …”
“Holger Schmieding, chief economist at the German bank Berenberg, says… “Despite a plunge in output by up to 30% within two months and a bout of serious financial turmoil in early March, the world did not descend into a genuine financial crisis”
“As the Covid crisis escalated, the financial sector was in better shape than before the 2008 crisis.”
“… more than 20.5 million Americans lost their jobs in April alone, sending the US unemployment rate soaring to 14.7%, its highest level since the second world war. But the markets were recovering much faster than the real economy, thanks to those huge stimulus programmes.”
I mean who cares about the real economy?
“Tech companies were the clear early winners – as the pandemic pressed the fast-forward button on the move towards digitisation, video-conferencing and online shopping.”
“The speed of the recovery caught everyone off guard,” explains Stephen Innes, chief global markets strategist at Axi. “The pandemic has compressed what we thought was going to happen over the next five years into three or six months.”
“2020 also brought a fresh wave of retail investors to the market. The FAANG technology titans of Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google-owner Alphabet helped the Nasdaq to jump more than 40% this year. Tesla enjoyed the most astonishing run, up almost 700% in 2020.”
“Those stock market gains boosted the wealthiest the most, intensifying the economic inequality created by a pandemic that hit lower-paid workers in areas such as hospitality particularly hard.”
“Innes says 2020 was the toughest of his 30-year career. “I’ve never seen anything like it, both the pace of the compression, and then the rebound. Things happened 20, 30 times faster than ever seen before, and I’ve never seen such a strong, concerted, reaction from central bankers either.””
Things are indeed happening fast. Nothing like a good sharp invigorating shock to the system!
Whats yer point?
That COVID has resulted in an absolute killing for the powers that be – something even the Left realise even though they insist that COVID spells the end of capitalism!?
The powers that be are governments not corporations.
OK then:
COVID has resulted in an absolute killing for the totally non-powerful corporations who are benefitting from the all-powerful governments who are not beholden at all (even although their actions are strangely beneficial) to the corporations.
a few items of interest, related, I’ve covered at my place
Swiss Nursing Home Resident Dies After Covid-19 “Vaccine”- Israeli Man Dies Within Hours of Covid Vaccination
Dear Guinea Pigs…Don’t Worry About A “Vaccine” With A Higher Rate of Deadly Anaphylaxis That Doesn’t Stop Transmission.
I previously noted that here:
we have this:
“…due to the increased infectiousness of the new variant, a higher proportion of people need to be vaccinated in order to achieve population immunity. In the medium term there will be pockets of the population in which the infection continues to circulate, with periodic outbreaks inevitable. Vaccination can complement but not supplant other interventions.”
So I’m guessing that “population immunity” is to be used with reference to the vaccine, thus implying that the vaccine is a really cuddly humane kinda thing as opposed to non-vaccine immunity which will continue to be referred to as (“murderous”) “herd immunity”.
They will say you need to be injected because otherwise “population immunity” will break down and you will be to blame for an “outbreak”. Then they will say the “vaccine” requires boosters to work and “population immunity” will break down if you don’t get the booster every year. Ofcourse it is totally bogus. The more virulant strain is simply the effects of the lockdowns and mask wearing destroying peoples health which they then spin round to make it the fault of the unvaccinated “spreading the virus”. They truely are unbelievably evil sociopaths. People can’t fathom that such evil could exist and that these articles are terrorist training manuals designed to get them to attack their own family and friends with ‘vaccines’. Those most severely injured with the ‘vaccine’ would then get moved into the “unvaccinated group” to be used in studies as evidence of how much healthier the vaccinated are. This is the goal of population immunity, to make sure everyone is injured so no comparison can be made with a healthy population and the new normal is the sick and dieing population.
It is not only a perfect way of controlling people. It’s the only way it could have happened. Scare them to death of a virus and you can control every move they make. And anyone expressing any doubt at all will be mercilessly denounced as evil by whipping out any amount of tragedy porn.
A decent overview by
…Catherine Austin Fitts:
How did they all forget about Vitamin D?
The author hasn’t sussed out that the only thing they use vitamin D research for is to recognise introducing policies to reduce peoples levels will increase their profits. e.g getting them to cover the only part of their body exposed to light in the winter with a mask and getting them to stay indoors. This is the result of believing in the decoy i.e there being such a thing as a pathogenic virus which they can then use as an explanation whilst really implementing measures specifically designed to sabotage peoples health. These entities are literally going thru every piece of genuine health research and using it against people. Another example is how emotions can cause physical and bio chemical problems in the body. They looked at this and have the media implementing that knowledge to cause health problems with specific language and sounds and images and every bit of knowledge they can throw at them in their tv reports. There is no sense in thinking such malicious entities are going to listen or change.
From the Daily Record:
“Dumfries and Galloway sees more than 100 new coronavirus in a single day”
“Interim director of public health, Valerie White, said: “In the days to come, a percentage of people among these newly diagnosed Covid cases will grow ill and the number of people needing hospitalisation is likely to increase – potentially impacting on our ability to provide help to those people who need it for any number of other non-COVID reasons – whether that’s heart attacks, strokes, car accidents, etc.”
The script is the same. The “newly diagnosed” are the products of those PCR tests which are automatically presumed to be accurate. Naturally we can expect that, on being told they are effectively cursed, these unfortunate “positives” will be happy to oblige with …well I’m guessing it doesn’t need much. Cough, temperature etc. Wards will be cleared feverishly, patients requiring surgery and other “unfashionable” treatments will have to go without. Meanwhile the vax rolls out with an enhanced advertising campaign behind it.
The test is the virus. It’s being easily spread through human stupidity
No one’s asking what a ‘case’ is
UK gov official proof PCR tests are false – read before its taken down ! (top of page six)
That’s all that’s there. Did you save the page or take a screenshot?
What exactly constitutes “UK gov official proof PCR tests are false” in this document?
There are lots of incorrect claims and innuendos in this document.
For example, A deceptive statement that low ct means larger load of genetic material detected while technically correct, makes reader believe that only SC2 virus can provide such genetic material for low ct PCR tests and not simply permanently present extra cellular genetic debris in well know process of viral shedding or other non COVID pathogens like influenza. Also not mentioned is that any virus if alive and capable of reproducing requires certain load to be able to reproduce and that level is maximum ct=25-30 while 99% of all PCR test Positives ever obtained were at 35+ level most commonly 40+.(NY State lab)
But that aside falsity of official interpretation of PCR test positives as COVID infections are clearly stated page 3 of this document.
A single Ct value in the absence of clinical context cannot be relied upon for decision making about a person’s infectivity.
And therefore no commercial setting (No doctor diagnosis) PCR testing can provide no reliable information about infectivity or infection status of people and hence cannot be used in evaluating pandemic and making correct administrative decisions based on such flawed misinterpreted PCR results.
FDA concurs and adds clause of inherent non specificity i.e. warning about unrelated to SC2 virus other genetic material load Detected by PCR :
From FDA approval letter for Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., RTqPCR test.
Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.
Manufacturers explicitly address issue of non specificity and other viruses interference with PCR tests making wrong interpretation of ct as having anything to do with specifically SC2 load.
Manufacturer Creative Diagnostics website.
SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit (CD019RT)
Regulatory status: For research use only, NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTICS PROCEDURES
Datasheet COA SDS
Specificity: non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.,.
Fatal Flaws including non specificity in Drosten designed PCR tests are scientifically described here
Written like a bot. Not saying ‘Kalen’ is a bot, of course; not at all.
Aside from the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, the United Nations, the banks, tech companies and other vested interests, WW3 is being waged by Big Pharma and its shareholders
The enemy is BIG pHARMA

3 new ‘cases’ announced in Melbourne today. Things are about to be ramped up again here, and the vermin masquerading as journalists will be all set to play their part again. I still stand by my prediction that Melbourne will be back in lockdown by the end of March.
Unconfirmed news from Billy Te Kahika in New Zealand that there are ominous developments there. I saw a Facebook post just before I commented here.
If people still can’t see what’s going on in front of their eyes, given everything this year, with so many revelations about the scamdemic, I just don’t know what to say anymore. Words fail me.
How depressing. This evil has only been enabled because of human stupidity
Are the people of Melbourne actually stupid? Is there no one in Victoria asking what a case is?
Well, we knew it wouldn’t last and it was only a matter of time before they started the crap again. It shows the level of brainwashing here Cal, and the vast vast majority here obviously believe a ‘case’ equates to ‘covid’.
All thanks to the presstitutes😠
> This evil has only been enabled because of human stupidity
Yeah, bullshit: There has been an elite effort toward stupefaction of the 90% going on for forty-plus years, and probably longer; minimally detailed in Lasch’s ‘Culture of Narcissism’. Don’t try to blame it on the proles, who’ve just wanted to live a quiet life..
I alluded to it before but an Australian commentator on Unz, one of the pro-Lockdown ones (many commentators on that rather strange site are not), praised the total Australian approach to lockdown despite relatively few cases and deaths and said the country was now back to normal. He spoke too soon.
Last time I looked (briefly) at Unz was maybe 4 months ago. It’s definitely not one of my ‘go too’ sites.
3 supposed cases in Melbourne yesterday, so guess what? Today Testing Stations had so many show up wanting to get tested, they had to turn people away. True.
What can you say? I knew this was going to happen, but my prediction that Melbourne would be back in lockdown by the end of March may have been too optimistic.
Regards that Aussie Commentator, there are a lot here cheering for this fascism. They’re literally tying the rope around their own necks. Hope your weekend goes well Waldorf✌️
Unz is weird but in the strange year of 2020 I looked at it quite a bit and posted the occasional comment. I used to look at Counterpunch more but you can’t comment there. As I have intimated elsewhere, left sites have been at best disappointing on Covid. Hope you too have a nice weekend.
“left sites have been at best disappointing on Covid.”
Is that the understatement of the millennium. I would say they have been an utter disgrace.
And i too have been surfing strange (for me) sites. Lockdown Sceptics is generally right wing. I even linked to the Daily Mail once. I can easily imagine the Left “obituaries” about me e.g. “he revealed his true reactionary leanings” etc. But what I think if them now is unprintable.
I tend towards understatement, and also often use “perhaps” or “probably” when I am in fact pretty damn sure.
I began to suspect widespread state control on the left when on Libya and later Syria, large parts of it beat the regime change bandwagon. Even some that resisted this have been pro-state over Covid, doing a WSW/Starmer – the restrictions are not strong enough etc.
I’ve been trawling through the sceptical sites and noting how everyone can poke any number of holes in the virus story. And then I get the depressing feeling that none of this matters. The media lost all credibility long ago to anyone paying attention – or even anyone awake. It didn’t matter. The story will continue to roll on regardless and will adopt any angle necessary to influence a sufficient number of people for as long as it takes to get the desired result.
And one of the aims is to wreck the NHS. So we will continue to get the overstretched hospital scenario and any number of photos of people with buckets over their heads etc. At this point they could probably insert Walking Dead scripts and it would send the toilet roll fetishists into apoplectic ecstasy.
Some of the initial theoretical studies on societal uprising/lockdown by US Army referred to zombies.
Nurse develops Bell’s Palsy after Covid injectable
You must have missed the commenter here who authoritatively– that is, bumptiously and superciliously– “debunked” previous citations of this sad video: see, it’s decidedly an “unscientific”, anecdotal complaint; there’s no evidence at all of the alleged cause-and-effect relationship between the jab and the palsy.
And if that’s not enough, people get Bell’s Palsy all the time for any number of reasons– and in any case, it’s quite treatable.
This strident dismissal reminded me of pro-nuclear energy advocates who downplayed the effects of the Fukushima catastrophe. One of their talking points was to insist that there was no scientific basis for the claim that rogue radiation causes thyroid cancer– and besides, thyroid cancer is “easily treatable” so it’s not much of a negative consequence anyway.
Maybe the commenter in question left you the downvote, although they seemed more like the type who would launch into the full “debunking” at every opportunity. 😉
The position of the COVID sceptic is far worse than that of the believer. The latter still has that happy trust in the media and thinks that those governors, no matter how humorously incompetent, still mean well.
The sceptic however does not merely see the media as untrustworthy but malevolently manipulative and sees the entire viral epic as indefinitely prolongable, to be succeeded by any number of further contrived catastrophes. And the worst part is that the media coverage does not merely divert attention but directs it in precisely the opposite direction of the truth and that the ones presenting themselves as saviours are in fact the ones everyone should be most afraid of.
The image that constantly recurs to me is that of a huge protection racket where the ones supposedly guarding you are the ones attacking you. And the more you trust them, the worse off you are.
So, “George Mc”, no hope then; are we all doomed- and if so, why all your harangues? Thanks in advance for your response.
Being a Covid believer would be tempting. It is probably less psychologically stressing to assume that the powers that be mean the best, wish us well, are legitimately responding to a health crisis etc. “God’s in his heaven, all’s right with the world.” But it isn’t.
I just spoke to a true believer… who said this horrible disease will end one day like the plague did… It is so depressing, even though I know she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer… Just letting off steam 🙂
Yes, she sounds exactly like a True Believer relative who “canceled” traditional hosting of family holiday gatherings and left town instead. During Zoom “get-togethers”, she expresses fervent optimism that the vaccines will indeed at long last deliver us from the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) evil within a few months.
MVD is my term; she doesn’t call it that, of course. She’s sincere and well-meaning, so her confident prediction that, thanks to the vaccines, all of the MVD restrictions will be lifted by spring or early summer “and we can all have a big party!” is actually heartrending.
Almost everyone (every true believer, that is) I know seems to be pinning their hopes on the vaccine (or vaccines), as, I suppose, they are being encouraged to by the MSM.
I fail to understand why, since the MSM appear to be saying that it would not stop them catching it or passing it on to granny, and now the WHO have even said that they would still have to be in quarantine if they travel. So apparently, it only protects them from the dreadful ‘slow drowning’ death the MSM have been frightening them with. 2020 was the year when rational thinking died. I even known somebody else who claims to have caught it twice already, but who can’t wait to be ‘immunised’.
And a man’s foes are those of his own household.
The Bible meets the BBC.
Seems the lockdowns, not “covid” were the cause of these relationship fractures according to the content of that piece of propaganda. The headline is misleading because covid is supposedly the disease, the alleged virus is supposedly SARS2 and the lockdowns are UN-WHO-IMF policies that have nothing to do with safety or health but are in place to facilitate compliance, fear, and hasten a global economic catastrophe that will enable the final wealth transfer of land, property and assets to the state in return for UBI and forced medical experimentation with vaccines and tests. It’s interesting how the “author” ignores the biggest strain on relationships; money. The numerous ways lockdowns are impoverishing people and creating unnecessary trauma is assiduously ignored by the press.
The con continues.
Here in Australia, the mainstream journalists regularly produce articles about how people are enjoying lockdown. They’ve discovered new indoor hobbies, exercise routines, on-line ‘friends’, cooked or sewn something frivolous, etc. etc. Almost nothing is written about the suffering and negative experiences. Lockdown is presented as a sort of jolly little picnic.
A quote “Breaker” Morant used shortly before being shot by a British firing squad in the Boer War.
Words are very powerful things. I have noticed this year that there is a real coldness , lack of compassion, underlying violence in some of the choice of words being used. “Herd immunity”, “Social distancing”, “lockdown”, “a shot in the arm” are just some that spring to mind. This feels like we are being desensitised. This “coldness” is even creeping in to my field of work. This year I started to hear the term “human capital” being used.
I think that David Icke is metaphorically correct. Reptiles are reshaping the world and humanity.
Herd immunity is a technical term coined by agricultural vetinarians around the beginning of last century and co-opted by medical epidemiologists in the 1930s. Scientists are generally interested in the interpretation of terms longitudinally linked to the concepts they are studying and inventing euphemisms to accomodate ill-informed emotionalism introduces unnecessary confusion.
I first heard the equally pseudo-offensive term “human resources” about 50 years ago when I was reviewing written applications for what I was thinking of as a ‘personnel officer’ in the ‘personnel’ department’ and the term ‘human capital’ (in its modern ‘business’ sense) when one of the applicants used it in a subsequent interview. Adam Smith used the basic concept of ‘human capital’, though not presented in quite the same way, a couple of centuries before that, as well as Marx and others after him. Its modern usage seems to have originated in the decade after World War II. Like scientists and technologists, economists and accountants usually have a hard-edged job to do. In a capitalist society, such disciplines have no intrinsic regard for humans, or their values per se, or their individual sensibilities.
“Lockdown” seems to have originated in the armed, police and social punishment forces. Force is force.
“Social distancing” is a variation on “physical distancing” which has existed as a communicable disease control measure since ancient times, c.f. lepers being driven out of biblical settlements. The WHO prefers ‘physical distancing’ as their concern is with the physical distance pathogens are likely to travel from infected to uninfected people in various situations.
If you don’t like some of these terms you and your proxies need to stop dropping bombs on or otherwise dehumanizing your collective noun fellows at varying degrees of social distance. Where do you imagine your iPhone, throwaway picnic cutlery, cosmetics or exotic foreign foods and holidays come from? If you don’t like others, don’t ask a ‘professional’ to fix your broken spine or pursue your partner for the fallout from a broken relationship. And so on.
It matters not a jot where the terms come from but how and why they are used right now. Sitting with your head buried in a dictionary to make supercillious remarks which miss the whole point is a task for a self-satisfied schoolboy.
When the Internet or your computer or your phone or whatever goes wrong it is very often because the engineers, programmers and administrators of today don’t bother to align what they understand, if they understand, by this or that term now with what the engineers, programmers and administrators of the ‘legacy’ gear that those of today rely on to work properly. Common access to earlier practices, achievements, failures and errors over generations is the basis of any culture that can even hope to handle the exigencies and changes of the future.
Have you used a GPS, or relied on an airline pilot who did? Then you have put yourself in the hands of theoreticians of a century ago, and the fact that later theoreticians and technologists of today have sweated blood to understand, improve on and reject, reinterpret, expand, adapt or implement what they discovered or posited in the language they meant it. Which means learning the words they used to mean it. And as with science/technology, so on across most of the other domains which characterize our (any) complex culture.
No dictionaries involved, not even a spell checker, all straight out of memory, like 99% of what I post here, except for occasional checking of URLs, which don’t work if they’re not case-exact. That’s why “lockdown” got such brief treatment: only had a few prior references in mind and couldn’t be bothered looking up something more definitive.
Not even slightly self-satisfied, just disappointed that yours was the last generation that could have just maybe stopped the obliteration of y/our issue’s future and far too many like you and your stupefyingly-because-willfully ignorant buddies here have been and still are fucking up bigtime through sheer self-indulgence. Regarding which I feel no compunction to be either polite or silent.
I don’t mind if you feel no compunction to be either polite or silent as long as you do it with less flatulence. Your most edifying lecture on how out terminology and systems have developed again is irrelevant. Anyone sensitive to propaganda and the cunning use of language and images can see what responses are clearly being provoked. Whatever the origin of a term like “herd immunity”, I never encountered it until COVID and it is a term clearly meant to be disparaging. “Conspiracy theory” now implies craziness. “Herd immunity” already had an unpleasant connotation as Richard Murphy capitalised on. And the WSWS is constantly linking this term with the word “murderous”.
Language is used, as it were, on the hoof. As the propagandists always understood.
You ‘don’t mind”, provided…? So hit the next button when one of my posts shows up on your screen, you arrogant, prescriptive prick. Succinct enough?
Not better. More getting down to your kindergarten diploma level, in- your-face, one-on-one-personal abusiveness as a
fascistic substitute for informative ‘discussion’ (or even just productive conversation). Socially destructive crap. Both pleased and sorry it worked. Pleased that it further identifes you as a nasty fuckwit or a paid or voluntary (or both) intellectual and cultural thug; sorry that it probably entrenches your nasty little atavism.
Happy New Year Robbo!
Don’t do formal festivals but I’d appreciate a link to the Steel City article by Philip Roddis, which you reported a few weeks ago, that hints at a connection between the WSWS and the CIA. Or some idea of where to look: its title, near enough, or approximate date, whatever…
The link is this:
It’s an article that was reprinted in OffG and it referred to Operation Condor as part of the CIA’s support for murderous regimes in South America.
In the comments. Bevin talks says,
Note the reference to an “actual conspiracy”. Dangerous ground. And bevin has to defuse it by that bit about low political consciousness amongst members. (I suppose everyone’s “political consciousness” is now razor sharp?)
To which Phil answers:
Colin Harris refers to a Moon of Alabama piece about “the CIA’s propaganda machine, dubbed the Mighty Wurlitzer” and Phil says he skimmed it and makes noises about getting back to it – but I reckon he probably won’t.
Dave Hansell is nowhere to be seen here, since he will have nothing to do with “conspiracy poo”.
The general tenor seems to be that it’s OK to admit to conspiracies in the past or to a very limited degree in the present (where they can easily be defused by “political consciousness”). But basically there’s nothing to see here so we’ll just move on.
Oops. Replied to wrong post and this editor seems not to allow simple deletion.
They use the term social distancing because their motive is to destroy communities and social relationships. The term physical distancing was one I came up with to show what they would have said if they hadn’t of been plotting to cause social distancing which remains the term used because that is their goal. There are many things that were done in ancient times. It really isn’t any sort of evidence to support doing it now. Isolating a few leppers based on a superstition is very different to isolating the entire worlds polulation based on a made up virus you think will reduce plastic drink straw sales. If you want to reduce plastic drink straw sales there are ways to go about it that do not involve social distancing and committing human rights violations and genocide.
You, the Irish government and WHO, at least:
Very few things under the sun are new, including many, many, many fond imaginings of startling personal originality or definitive ideas on the complexity of life s the answer to any of its persistent problems.
Gruesome photograph of torture on The Guard’s front page. If this elderly person has a variant of the flu, ending his or her life with a bucket over “its” head is beyond cruelty.
The impact on the reader is intentionally heightened by the headline: NHS could face ‘horrendous choices’ over who gets coronavirus care
The programming here is ‘you or them.’
You don’t want to die with your head in a bucket… so let us decide who to kill.
It’s laid bare in the Daily Mail’s headline: Doctors in Covid hotspots will face ‘horrendous choices over those who live and die’ within DAYS
Jesus, they are really ratcheting up the terror jerk-off to idiotic levels now.
‘Paoloni also warned that hospitals may have to stop providing non-Covid care, even including cancer surgery, despite NHS England’s promises to try to protect such treatment during the second wave. A hospital may have to ask itself ‘can we do the cancer surgery today or not, as we only have limited beds and no spare intensive care capacity for emergencies if we use the last bed for a major cancer operation?’,” she said.’
This is what it is really about: the deliberate destruction of the NHS. All “other” treatment I.e. all REAL treatment is precluded as the wards are saturated with deliberately whipped up hypochondriacs.
It seems that despite treating people for completely the wrong condition there is no more deaths than usual. The NHS must have been killing people en mass for decades with a plethora of harmful treatments no less harmful than the covid ones. Dr Morse says that ‘covid’ is not possible to die from. It is easily detoxed in a few days on fruit so all these deaths must be caused by the NHS’s i.e. the WHO’s treatment methods designed to show how “deadly” the “virus” is and how “effective” the “vaccine” they are promoting ‘is’.
I’ve long held the view that by far the majority of recorded ‘covid19’ deaths are down to inappropriate treatment, and/or medical negligence, and/or intentional euthanasia (DNRs, or doctors playing God and passing arbitrary judgement that someone’s life is of no value worth saving). It’s convenient, and just as well for NHS staff, that deaths in hospital do not require post mortems.
And most of the other deaths are largely down to mis-labelling of ‘other cause’ deaths.
Partly what you say of course, but party because, as most of us knew all along, if they could spin out “Covid-19” long enough, we’d end up in the normal cold and flu season, which is where we are, and which is what we are seeing, for those people who actually are becoming ill. And some of them, because of a combination of things – poor treatment – poor diet – underlying conditions – will develop more serious condictions, primarily pneumonia, and that’s what kills them, not “Covid-19” (or even “flu”).
When SARS-CoV-2 arrived in New Zealand, while they were still enjoying summer weather, before their ‘flu season began, it at first spread rapidly with the same epidemiological footprint that it was displaying in the the Northern Hemisphere winter. When they finally recognised that (after criticism for tardiness by some) they implemented an immediate regime of 100% traditional *demic containment measures: border quarantine; flexible “lockdown” and physical distancing; handwashing; limited, well-defined mask wearing; intensive tracking-based testing; case isolation, etc.
As a result they had a winter free of any restrictions except a purely voluntary phone-based tracing system to facilitate a quick restart of highly targeted, appropriately relaxed partial restrictions, should that be necessary (which it was, once, for just over a month in most of the country and about two months in the most populous city that was the epicentre), and they are now well into a summer of, again and so far, effectively no individual- or community-impacting restrictions, save for those still affected by the ongoing, two-week, border quarantine.
Perhaps you would like to explain that equally insouciantly (without recourse to the fact that the British at home couldn’t manage a country town whelk stall even on a slow, cold, wet, midweek night)?
Knowing how the WSWS like to jack up the already jacked up necrophilia of the mainstream, I was disappointed not to find the bucket head photo there. Otherwise it’s so tediously predictable. Blah blah thousands dead blah blah true figure substantially higher blah blah due to Boris’s “murderous herd immunity” blah fucketty blah
I could be wrong but it looks like a non-invasive ventilator, where non-invasive means no intubation with its oft-accompanying general anaesthesia and/or coma-induction. Saves thousands of premature babies, accident victims (from chest crushing accidents to acute chemical or smoke inhalation effects, etc), asell as and others with respiratory problems every year. Generally assists/augments what natural breathing a patient can do for themselves rather than replaces it, so most non-claustrophobic patients view them very positively but it seems that you just saw a photograph that chimed in with the rest of the mostly baseless paranoid garbage choking off your cranium and vomited up a bunch of uninformed, emotive shit all over the emotive shit-parroting broadcasting support group you know to hang out round here, without bothering to get-off your self-indulgent arse and check, a real dis-/mis-information superspreader. No?
Definitely not. Although you unwitting reveal the truth here:
“it seems that you just saw a photograph that chimed in with the rest of the mostly baseless paranoid garbage”
Well isn’t it odd how well this photo “chimed in” with that “mostly baseless paranoid garbage” – said garbage not being the “conspiracy theory” but the covid story itself.
Say what?
I do indeed “reveal the truth” here, but that is that trigger-word stupified COVID-19 deniers can stick their fingers in the ears and shout baseless paranoid bullshit la-la-la longer than anyone with more than half a functioning brain can be bothered to stick around to have an intelligent conversation with them.
Nevertheless, please accept the above-linked photo of a typical non-invasive CPAP (and later, more sophisticated variants of basic CPAP) “hood interface” as a favour in return for your recent HNY. Sorry it’s so delayed. I don’t do artificial festivities but coping with all those self-professed nearest and dearest who claim to is still unnecessarily time-consuming, even in its currently limited form.
I’ll leave winkling out any of the several slightly different manufacturer-dependent takes on it to you. Although I had a slight advantage in that I recognised what I was looking at when I saw it in the typical bollocks post I responded to (probably due to only minor differences in prior experience), had I not at that point known what it probably was (and what it was “definitely not”) then determing that would have (and has) involved just couple of minutes of very simple, basic research. As you seem to be running with a very bad, socially destructive crowd in this COVID-19 regard I’d respectfully suggest you need some at practice said basic research before posting too much more, if only to avoid looking like one of Ian Hislop’s bananas.
I’d enclose a crayon so you could cross out the superfluous verbosity of these good wishes but I lost mine years ago and I keep forgetting to replace it.
First, my “Definitely not” referred not to your first sentence which had receded long ago into the typical verbal chaos of your usual but to your final “No?” after said typical verbal chaos.
Second, I’m intrigued by this:
From that I take it you’re not exactly a family guy – or even someone tolerant of people in general. That would explain a lot.
Thirdly, “different manufacturer-dependent takes”? I assume you’re referring to the scary bucket on head? Well who cares? Maybe it came from a Halloween store? I am concerned with the psychological effect of all this – which is what the media is all about.
WHO the f ck are these people to be telling us anything at all?
How can I post an image?
I find the software blocks images based on the origin — some kind of copyright protection. So some links to jpegs embed the image in the post. Others have to be done as a hyperlink.
Why not get down and do some actual work to support your theory (which I cannot supply because I have so far found any related question I have formulated too trivial to be bothered).
You will find an easy elementary tool for such an exercise here, along with some info on alternatives, etc.
My guess is that it’s the other way round: that this commenting software is coded to recogise only some sources (or sizes/formats/whatever) so renders the others as a link or that the source server code/configuration is disallowing some forms of embedding or some source images or both.
Use an ’embed’ tag?
Go to postimage.org
Copy and share using the second option down (share direct link)
They have not wiped the original from the Wayback machine. I found it, dated June 9, 2020:
“Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. This means that even people who haven’t been infected, or in whom an infection hasn’t triggered an immune response, they are protected because people around them who are immune can act as buffers between them and an infected person. The threshold for establishing herd immunity for COVID-19 is not yet clear. “
Of course they haven’t. I couldn’t even bothered to look deep enough to return an actual URL. Well done you. The nasturtiums with which Kit has chosen to festoon the Wayback Machine are only a fraction of the arrogant, lazy-minded, unresearched, ill-informed, parroted, evidence-free, rabble engendering and rousing, emotive bullshit that has always lurked around the fringes of this site since I started lurking then posting here and that, since the consequences of a serious *demic have impacted on that sort of mindset, has moved in to devour the magpie conspiracy centre
Doctors must be brought into account for COVID mayhem.it is last moment to denounce that COVID sham and demand criminal prosecution of moral descendants of Doctor Mengele. Gloves off.
COVID brought to fore all the dirt that plaqued Western medicine for last century at least as issues of utter deterioration or collapse of medicine in the US and globally are well known and what is more shocking is suppose continuous opposition of medical profession against true universal healthcare even a mild form of decent insurance like 100% coverage “Medicare For All”, (as they historically immorally opposed Medicare or FDR universal health insurance) which would have been a lifeline for the decaying medical profession being killed for profit skimmed by Wall Street corporates.
The Wall Street corporate insurance and medical industry must be dismantled, hospitals medical profession and medical standards controlled by local communities allowing for return of medical doctors to their appropriate role of servants of fundamental community interest of health devoid of executive powers among sick and healthy people.
Sadly out of greed and mentality of instant gratification doctors and other medical professionals are substantially to blame as majority by convictions or coercion do not support MfA programs which would strengthen medical community standing of their profession and weaken Wall Street insurance industry that have them now by their ball and other body parts as corporate slaves.
In reality in the US and unfortunately in some other countries,
“successful” physicians’ true professional objective and purpose of
their education, even if they deny it, has become to effectively
seriously to moderately injure their heavily insured patients to the
degree that would still allow them to cover exuberant fees and
enormous drug costs, through private insurance or government or
desperate family selling off all they got.
Unnecessary, inherently harmful and painful experimentation and testing involving hired doctors, which amounts to torture, highly addictive, with unverified or phony efficacies, drug regiments are common examples of the abuse of young and elderly unaware uninformed of the purpose of procedures and safety records and often done against published research results condemning such tests, therapies or drugs/vaccines as extremely injurious as we’ve seen in case of coronaviruses vaccine research.
It’s that simple. Most doctors, if they intend to financially survive,
want us to be sick so their could suck up blood from us and our
family and share it in inequitable manner with big corporate Pharma and
medical industry. And after we are dead they want our body sold for
COVID sham murderous streak only proves it on global scale of corporate blood money.
E. Richard Brown — Rockefeller Medicine Men — Medicine & Capitalism in America
“opposition of medical profession against true universal healthcare”
This applies at executive and investment levels. It is more accurate to describe the guilty party as the medical industry, including all associated business. All those luxury condos, yatchs, private islands, etc. cost big money.
Of course those who set inhumane policies (medicine for profit) are the main evil villains but their army of obedient opportunists is not far behind in their responsibility. someone had to do evil deed corporate elites concocted.
There is no excuse just to say I was doing my job best I could, when medical industry corporate executives set murderous policies one is effectively used as tool for implementing them.
German medical doctors learned that even applying broadly adopted legal medical standards of their day breaking no laws no rules of good practices including adopted medical ethics did not spare them from responsibility and prison.
Universal human rights transcend all professional ethics.
Well maybe when people will have nothing to put on the table and nothing else to lose maybe, Maybe this scam will be stopped
Until then i have no hope!
Now escalation of COVID scam serves to cover up its initial criminality and murderous record and it will not stop for simple reason of avoiding criminal responsibility.