Even While It Was Happening, It Wasn’t Happening

Was there really such a year as 2020?

Michael Lesher

You know how it goes: if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, et cetera…?

Suppose an entire society goes to smithereens, while our media elites stubbornly refuse to notice. What then?

Suppose the reporters and the pundits and the “experts” ignore the coup that has trampled our basic freedoms since last March.

Suppose they all assure us that defending democracy is “anti-science,” and preach to us that civil rights (except for Black Lives Matter protests) are nothing but a “death cult.”

Suppose, after an “election” conducted mainly in the press, on the basis of a torrent of worthless propaganda, a notorious corporate whore is about to be installed in the White House as carnival-barker-in-chief for scantily-tested vaccines – drugs being peddled by a gang of profiteers who wouldn’t even make the stuff until they were promised complete legal immunity for whatever they do to their victims.

Well? Does the murder of our liberties even make a sound?

Was there really such a year as 2020?

In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in 2005, the playwright Harold Pinter had this to say about every atrocity concealed by the Western press:

It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasnt happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest.

And so much never happened this past year!

Four-fifths of the United States of America suspended democracy and declared the Bill of Rights obsolete. The United Kingdom unleashed a new sort of “police” – faces masked, truncheons in their paws – to maul peaceful protesters for the crime of breathing. In parts of Australia, it became a criminal offense to tell other people the time and place of a political demonstration. Germany outlawed political protest.

But none of that happened. It wasn’t reported in the mainstream press. It was of no interest.

In just over nine months, economies in once-wealthy countries were reduced to ruin. Social media reeled under systematic thought-policing. Following a wave of “executive orders” that shuttered small businesses across the United States, an unprecedented number of Americans began to steal food to survive. In the U.K., UNICEF is distributing food to hungry children for the first time in more than 70 years. Around the world, people in need still can’t get medical treatment. Cultural institutions have been shattered. The performing arts have been banned. Singing was deemed a public health risk.

It didn’t matter.

This year, for the first time in history, more than 40 governors in the U.S. awarded themselves quasi-dictatorial powers – on the strength of laws hastily designed less than 20 years ago for massive bioterrorism attacks, pressed into service to counter a medical “emergency” that was never an emergency. By the end of 2020, most of the American population was still living under dictatorial rule.

That was of no interest.

Huge numbers of people, in Europe as in America, were placed (without a court order) under virtual house arrest. This was called a protective measure – and it was reported as such, though the practice violated civil-rights rulings going back nearly a century. Tens of millions of people saw their livelihoods snatched from them by officials they never even had the opportunity to confront.

Yes, a handful of states that did not imprison their populations or wreck their economies claimed to have medical results as good as – if not better than – neighboring states that did both. Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson went so far as to assert all this on May 5 in the editorial pages of the Washington Post, a main purveyor of coronavirus propaganda. But those claims were never investigated in the mainstream press. They didn’t matter.

Now the mega-corporations that supported the “lockdowns” are sucking the life out of the small-business economy that was once the mainstay of the free world. For restaurants, the picture is so bleak that chef and author Edward Lee calls it “the end of the independent restaurant era,” and warns that…

we will lose the culture of all of our American cities…. [W]e will become a nation of corporate chain restaurants that will look and taste the same in every city.

Culture is under attack from other directions as well. London’s theatres, heirs to one of the proudest dramatic traditions in the world, are closed for the first time in modern history – and whether they will ever open again depends upon the whims of politicians. Musicians and other artists have been devastated by “social distancing” rules that never made any sense and have never been obeyed by the powerful.

That doesn’t matter, either.

In respectable society, it can’t even be talked about.

The U.K. Labour Party’s Angela Rayner – last seen threatening to expel “thousands and thousands” of members who don’t think their country should be governed by Israel – is now grousing that…

[o]ur children should not have to rely on humanitarian charities that are used to operating in war zones and in response to natural disasters.

You’d never guess that the self-righteous Rayner actually supported the economy-wrecking madness that caused this deepening poverty – in fact, back in May, she wanted even stricter police-state tactics than those the government imposed.

Governments lied to us throughout the year about the nature of the medical threat we faced, about what they planned to do about it, and about what it was going to cost us.

Formerly-esteemed scientists tried to tell us that the hype made no sense. “We’re falling into a trap of sensationalism,” Stanford University’s John Ioannidis said as early as March 23. “We have gone into a complete panic state.” The interview containing those comments was soon banned by Youtube, even though Ioannidis is universally recognized as “one of the world’s foremost epidemiologists.”

Prominent scientists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration suffered a similar fate, smeared as fringe elements promoting “craven lunacy” and a “brutal” attempt to “let people die” – in other words, as Nazis.

But that wasn’t name-calling. And it wasn’t censorship, either – even though Reddit’s moderators promptly banned the Declaration. Such facts mustn’t be mentioned. Breathe the word “censorship” and you’re a right-wing fanatic.

Speaking of fanaticism, though: an 18-year-old American college student is behind bars at this moment in the Cayman Islands. Her crime? Watching – by herself – as her boyfriend competed in his last jet-skiing race of the year, after she had received not one but two negative tests for COVID19. It seems other people attending the race snitched on the woman, resulting in a four-month prison sentence for cutting short a fourteen-day “quarantine” – one that was issued without a court order, of course.

Once upon a time, we would have called those snitches “collaborators,” if not “heartless fanatics.” Now their actions are praised by newspapers and prosecutors alike: after all, they were protecting the public “health” by putting a young woman in prison.

New vaccines for COVID19 are another way of protecting the public health, of course – they have nothing whatsoever to do with the billions of dollars pharmaceuticals companies are likely to make from selling them.

Never mind that the Food and Drug Administration had to short-circuit its own rules in order to authorize their use. Never mind that the manufacturers had to be promised that “for the next four years, [they] cannot be sued for money damages in court over injuries related to the administration or use” of their new vaccines – a blanket legal immunity that is “very rare,” according to a prominent labor attorney. (Oh, and you can’t sue the FDA either.)

None of that matters. None of that is of interest.

That’s why CNN’s “political analyst,” Joe Lockhart, could recently insist that the government ought to prevent Tucker Carlson from stating inconvenient facts about those vaccines on his Fox News program. The First Amendment doesn’t matter any more, you see. Joe Lockhart says so. He’s a representative of a press outlet calling for government censorship of another press outlet – for expressing an opinion he doesn’t agree with.

And? Has anyone in the “free press” complained about Lockhart’s breathtaking treachery – attacking the Constitution’s press protections while handing over a colleague to the Thought Police? Not as far as I know.

Because, you see, none of it happened.

Just like the rest of the coronavirus coup. Even while it was happening, it wasn’t happening.

It didn’t matter that all the recent hysteria about COVID19 “cases” was based on the results of a manifestly unreliable testing procedure. It didn’t matter that inexpensive and effective treatment for the disease may already be available, with no serious side effects, from drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. When the highly-credentialed Dr. Pierre Kory tried to interest Congress in the use of these medications – from which no one stands to benefit except those suffering the worst cases of COVID19 – he was the target of an astonishing smear by the ranking Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

That was typical of official reaction, though: after a group of physicians announced the promising results of the same drugs on December 4…

no major U.S. media outlets reported [their] pleas for help from the federal government to act… Nor did any representative from the CDC, the NIH or the World Health organization contact them,

…according to one of the rare alternative news sources that bothered to report the story.

So the unproven vaccines will roll out everywhere; Big Pharma will get even richer; poor people will be allowed to die. As manufactured claims of rising “case” numbers stoke renewed hysteria, government after government will subject its citizens to further mass house arrests, even though the experience of Belarus – which did not impose “lockdowns” – strongly suggests that the mass-incarceration strategy does more harm than good.

To those in power, all this is of no interest. It didn’t matter. It never happened.

And to the rest of us?

That will depend, I suppose, on the steadfastness of people who care more about the truth than about conformity.

Those for whom words still have meaning, and facts still matter.

Those who are not ashamed to touch, nor afraid to stand up.

Those who will not swallow lies nor ingest a fraud.

Those to whom the word “freedom” isn’t an insult.

Those are the ones who have truly survived the ghastly year 2020 – and on whom our future depends.

Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His book Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014) was the first to focus on sex abuse cover-ups among Orthodox Jews; his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. He is also the author of a memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – published by Lincoln Square Books.


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Dr Know It All
Dr Know It All
Jan 27, 2021 2:18 PM
Jan 8, 2021 5:16 PM

I’ll stand up and be counted – no masks, no vaccines, no blind compliance with nonsensical and demeaning mandates. I don’t know how long I can hold out, but I won’t be giving in without a fight. I’ve got young children and I won’t be complicit in destroying their future.

Judging by the good people working at OffGuardian (thank you for keeping real journalism alive) and many of the people who frequent this site, I won’t be the only one. My warmest regards to all of you, and I hope some of us get the chance to meet face to face in the future!

Jan 5, 2021 11:36 AM


1920 – Japan
2020 – Hull University, United Kingdom
.comment imagecomment image

Jan 4, 2021 10:19 PM

Well exactly that – covid 1984.

Jan 4, 2021 11:59 AM

‘When you put that mask on, you’re helping them’

‘They’re counting on compliance. The Nazis counted on compliance too’

‘24% of adolescents and young adults wanna kill themselves. You’re helping with that’

– Pam Popper


‘And they have to bring in the new system without anybody quite realising exactly what it is’

‘In other words what I’m saying is, Mr Global views the human race like livestock’

‘When I look at all the Big Pharma executives; why are they are building a system where their own children or grandchildren will be slaves?’

– Catherine Austin Fitts


‘They will need to have the people under control’

‘It is the deliberate induction of a crash; this crash is deliberately brought about’

‘We are witnessing an internationally orchestrated, fascistic finance coup’

– Ernst Wolff


Jan 4, 2021 7:32 PM
Reply to  Cal

To be fair, some of the critics of the response to Covid refer to the great mass of people as “sheeple”, one character on another site who thinks it all a big conspiracy can’t seem to restrain himself from writing about the “cattle”. This individual has often been on Press TV and I think also RT and is hardly going to win people over with his charisma.

Jan 8, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

To be fair, it’s hard to disagree with him, though I see your point.

Jan 3, 2021 9:14 AM

Off topic a bit, although it falls within the general range of medja BS.
I never took the claims of Obama’s birth certificate being fake seriously – I guess I did not identify with the tea party Republicans who make a noise about it and never looked at the claims.
A short video here, suggests to me that, indeed there always was a case to answer. The same pattern every time : sudden appointments of personel with unacknowledged connections, sudden freak accidental ‘deaths’, documents disappeared from the archives, media blackout, truth seekers smeared, questions only answered with accusations of bad faith arguments….
It’s a playbook.

Jan 2, 2021 3:44 PM

Goods news!

The shitheads stopped the lifts in trying to prevent people from going out, skiing, whatever, but PEOPLE DON’T GIVE A SHIT …. !

Hopefully, the same attitude will translate itself into other issues, such as the vaccines, masks, etc.

If people stop acquiescing, Schwab, Gates, and whoever else can go fuck themselves. They don’t have enough cops to arrest everybody …


walter hewitt
walter hewitt
Jan 2, 2021 3:28 PM



Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China
I’d be very grateful for feedback on this article’s authenticity and findings.

Jan 2, 2021 12:01 PM

Has anybody who visits this site actually caught the virus? Well, I have, 3 weeks ago. I’m 75, had 2 heart attacks over the past 8 years but otherwise in good health. My immune system works well (I haven’t had the flu in 45 years and I can’t remember the last time I had a corona virus attack, sorry, a cold). Am I freak? Maybe, but I eat healthily, take my VitD3/K2 every day (northern hemisphere), don’t eat junk food, have a low carbohydrate/organic fat diet. So why aren’t I dead? The timeline: Monday, went out, took a bus to Clapham High St, did shopping, came home (this is in all likelyhood, when I caught it, probably on the bus); Thursday, woke up, no sense of taste or smell but otherwise, no symptoms; Friday, took the TEST, which by the way, I NEVER got the result for; Saturday/Sunday, didn’t feel well but otherwise, again, no symptoms; Monday, took a shower and felt really bad, almost keeled over, thought I was having a heart attack; Tuesday, decided to go to A&E re the heart. It wasn’t my heart, it was the Virus and I had bacterial pneumonia in 1 lung. Was in A&E for around 4 hours then went home (that took me 6 hours as no transport, finally broke the ‘law’ and took a cab); Took penicillin for 5 days and by 27 December I was over it and formally cleared by the medics. After effects? Yes, no energy, get tired easily, walking up 3 flights of stairs (lift broken) wiped me out. I put this down to, a) the Penicillin and b) my immune system working overtime, so body using a lot of energy but getting progressively back to ‘normal’. Observations: Theoretically, I’m in the very vulnerable, tiny percentage… Read more »

Jan 2, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

Here we go again! How can somebody “catch” something – in this case an alleged virus claimed to be pathogenic that has never been proven to physically exist??
What about your body’s reaction to a multitude of causal factors other than an alleged virus? For example, toxic materials produced as metabolic waste inside your body and toxins coming in from outside such as those in our food and water and pollutants in the air and environment. If these substances accumulate in the connective tissue of organs etc the body will eventually mount a defence involving increased excretion via mucous etc and inflammation and also fever depending on the conditions in the body.

This is just an oversimplification of the issue but it should give you an idea as to why you came down with some of your symptoms. Stressors and Seasonal weather changes play a part too, changes in solar energy, temperature, humidity and other factors.

Jan 2, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  -CO

What if the moon is made of blue cheese? You’re talking absolute nonsense, pure speculation. You’re saying I never got sick except on your terms. What rubbish.

Jan 2, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

If you take the trouble to check out all the information on previous threads on this website you will obtain enough scientific knowledge that will conclusively prove that your condition was not due to “the virus” as you say. What I have told you is not based on pure speculation or rubbish if you want scientific references I can provide them for all the good it will do. Apart from that, I wish you well and that you make a speedy recovery.

Jan 2, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  -CO

I don’t know why I bother

Jan 3, 2021 2:56 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

You just came here to patronise us a bit. Don’t get caught in the door on the way out.

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Jan 4, 2021 9:52 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

I suggest you may have experienced a routine bodily detox and your immune system went into healing mode which made you feel very sick.
We don’t catch viruses.
This is the Big Lie…

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 2, 2021 5:22 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

Well…you yourself did say you never got the test results back, so…

your conclusion that it was “the Virus” (your capitalization) is admitted speculation, even assuming the validity of the overall premises of the Narrative.

Jan 2, 2021 5:58 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Not from Test & Trace, I got my result from the hospital.

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
Jan 3, 2021 12:49 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

Perhaps you just had the flu?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 9, 2021 2:34 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

And what exactly did the result say?

Jan 2, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Glad somebody sees through the “blue cheese” test for an equally ” blue cheese ” virus. Maybe Covid -19 is caused by “blue cheese” too but that would be pure speculation but in the current world of virology all things are possible!!!! ‘

Jan 2, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  -CO

I’m 75, had 2 heart attacks over the past 8 years but otherwise in good health.

Jan 2, 2021 4:18 PM
Reply to  Asylum

Glad to here that you are otherwise in a good state of health now after the two heart attacks. You might be interested to know that some of the things they still teach in medical school about the heart are not strictly correct. Contrary to what nearly everyone is taught the Heart is Not a Pump.

For example, in 1932, Bremer of Havard filmed the blood in the very early stages of embryonic development that was circulating in a self
– propelled mode in spiral streams BEFORE THE HEART WAS FUNCTIONING! This is well documented in a paper by R Marinelli et al entitled The Heart is not Pump,a Refutation of the Pressure Propulsion Premise of Heart Function. Enjoy!

Jan 2, 2021 5:37 PM
Reply to  -CO

i quoted Barovsky
replied to him or her or 77th

Jan 2, 2021 6:00 PM
Reply to  Asylum

Probably sloppy 77th judging by the response but I could be guilty of “pure speculation” as Barovsky suggests ‘!!

Jan 3, 2021 1:59 PM
Reply to  -CO

The heart interrupts blood flow just like a ramp pump. Ram pumps can run forever with no external energy input. There are a few scientific papers on this subject from the 1930s.

Jan 3, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  rando

Yes I came across that ramp idea a while back. If you get a chance to have a look at the Marinelli paper let me know what you think re the energy momentum driving the blood flow.

Jan 3, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  -CO

Look up Gerald Pollacks’ 4th phase of water or EZ water.
‘Social’ water self-structures adjacent to hydrophilic surfaces. This can be shown to be a negatively charged region of ‘EZ water’ (has gel like properties) that is bounded by a positively charged boundary relative to the bulk water (or blood).

The body uses this energy source which is magnified by light – particularly NIR wavelengths.
In a simple lab set up a piece of hydrophilic tubing induced a flow through it that was continuous.

There is a vast realm of electrical facets underlying what we thought we knew or had ‘explained away’. EZ water – in cells capillaries and in weather systems (and in a sense in the self-organising patterning of plasma filaments that connect galaxies) – but water is a medium of translation not just of energy, but of information.

There is a sense in which the heart is not a pump and the blood is not just a hydraulic system. And truth is not just as our object models locks us down to mask in.

Jan 3, 2021 8:07 PM
Reply to  Binra

Thanks Binra. Pollack says “water may be a central player in life processes” I would add that it is the physical medium or Vehicle of the etheric body (after Dr Rudoph Steiner). You are raising important questions here also regarding how water is able to store information! Look what happened to Jacques Benveniste!

Jan 3, 2021 10:31 PM
Reply to  -CO

Yes you can look at Tom Cowan’s latest with Veda Austin for even more ‘out there’ results than Emoto. She hasn’t done it all under strict lab conditions but make your own view.
Benveniste as with others was suppressed but waits the right timing for acceptance. If not aware of Cowan already you will likely appreciate as he is also Steiner inspired.

In some ways we are at a nadir of spiritual ignorance and I see more ‘Light coming in’ as the disintegration of a masking reality and its ‘contraction to a control model that in my view cannot but fail.

Steiner’s prescient quote on a vaccine against spiritual awareness is relevant. But underneath all appearances and reactions is what we truly want and act from. In some way we are participating in the whole Script or experience and yet have choice as to where we stand and the purpose we align in.

I see a lot of the control agenda reveals more about the devices by which the mind is supported in its experience, but there is a lot going on that is opening or rediscovering greater perspectives – and part of the roles of the conflict-mind is to bind free attention in the fear-driven reflex.

Dr Know It All
Dr Know It All
Jan 27, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  -CO

Electromagnetic waves of energy.

Jan 2, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

You didn’t catch THE virus. The (alleged) virus has never been proved to exist.

You were sick, as – I’m guessing wildly – you were quite a few times before.

Glad to hear that you’re fine.

This is NOT about a VIRUS or DISEASE.

Jan 2, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Remember Jacques even if the alleged virus could be proven to exist they could never prove that it alone is THE cause of Covid-19. They could only do that by eliminating all other causal factors which are involved and that’s precisely what they do!!

They therefore stick with Louis Pasteur’s fallacious germ theory based on mono- causal reductionism and pretend that any inconvenient or intervening causes don’t exist! According to them it’s nearly always a single strain of virus that causes a single infectious disease and that applies to diseases allegedly caused by bacteria too!

Jan 2, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  -CO

I hear ya …

Jan 2, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

If you never received the result for the test, how do you know it was Covid?
I think there is something called Covid, and it is an illness and sometimes deadly, I just don’t think it is the Apocalypse justifying medical martial law and lockdown forever that they keep hammering us with.

Jan 2, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Even if the test for Covid which cannot test for Covid because it was never meant to do so, came up positive it would be completely meaningless. In fact nobody really knows precisely what the test results actually mean. That applies to the AIDS tests too. It’s therefore not surprising why people are befuddled by these bogus tests.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 2, 2021 4:57 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

have a low carbohydrate/organic fat diet

There is your problem. Could also be increased microwave exposure with neighbours home watching netflix and chatting on their cell phones due to lockdown. If it is the microwaves then you probably should move if there is no way to stop them using it.

Jan 2, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Is every nutcase on the planet hard-wired to this site! What a shame, there was a time when reasoned debate took place here but no more. I think this will definitely be the last time I comment here.

Jan 3, 2021 10:48 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

Everyone who posts on this site is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs including You. Nevertheless those opinions and beliefs can be challenged otherwise there is no “debate” as you put it.

What I cannot understand is that you have not defended your own position regarding the subject by any form of argument apart from referring to those who challenge your position as “nutcases”.
Apart from that, there is no reason to stop posting just because things don’t quite go your way over this particular issue.

Jan 3, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

77th Brigade blues…

Jan 3, 2021 5:45 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

The world is dividing into those who extend humanity and those who claim exclusive rights to exclude others.
But it is only a partitioning of your mind Barovsky – and the nutcase is the part of you that you are unready of unwilling to own or accept as part of the totality of who you are – which is infinitely more than your control bubble, and the point of rest for the overburdening of a heart trapped under siege of terror.

Jan 21, 2021 10:58 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

I’m just scrolling through the responses to your first comment and am appalled at the lack of humanity or humility!! It seems there are fanatical True Believers on both sides of the debate. I didn’t read your initial post as anything other than a helpful contribution to the debate. It’s actually encouraging to hear that someone in the older age bracket has recovered so well and speedily x

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 9, 2021 2:40 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

I often agree with you Sarah, but not on this one. I don’t think your good doctor really knows about low carb, done properly (it’s not high protein, for example).

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
Jan 3, 2021 5:35 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

Thank you for sharing your experience. There are aspects I don’t fully understand. You had some symptoms of what you thought was covid-19, but it very quickly developed from a virus infection to bacterial pneumonia. Usually there are aggravating conditions for that to occur You don’t wear a mask do you?

Jan 3, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

I have not been ill with anything this year.
Someone in my household did ‘get Covid’ this Christmas. It has been a strange couple of weeks. They tested PCR through work obligations (care worker). Positive came through same day they fell ill. I was sceptical- thinking that they probably had a cold and a false positive.
They showed a succcession of symptoms, just as I read about people experiencing nine months back : fever, then headache, then nausea, then fatigue, then recovery, then sudden complete loss of taste, then a rash….a new thing each day.
I think it is fair to make the point that ‘loss of taste’ is too vague a symptom to be distinguishing, as indeed are all the symptoms of Covid – and that that, combined with politically driven testing regime has led to misattribution.
However, seeing someone up close has convinced me that Covid is a distinct disease, with an unusual progression of symptoms.
She made a full recovery after about ten days, was not particularly ill, no pneumonia. Her care work client in her 90s also fell ill, and is also recovered.

Jan 3, 2021 11:07 AM
Reply to  crank

Loss of taste as well as loss of smell can result from zinc deficiency in addition to other symptoms.

Jan 3, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  -CO

I don’t doubt it can have other causes. She experienced a sudden complete loss of taste sensation – literally from one hour to the next. I struggle to understand this in terms of a nutrient deficiency, and it is not like anything I have (or she had) experienced with colds or influenza.

Jan 16, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  crank

Could the loss of taste have been caused by the PCR test perhaps, where they seemingly push this probe up your nose into your throat and twist around, certainly with force from what my adult son was describing..?

Jan 3, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  crank

I can certainly understand your concern here but I have only mentioned one possible cause among others that can lead to dysageusia as it is called.
It can also be linked with flu-like symptoms, neurological symptoms, sinus problems and others.
However, there is no scientific evidence that I am currently aware of that can Prove that it was caused by the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus or any of its alleged mutations that are claimed to be the cause of Covid-19. both
Diseases always have multiple causal factors involved and cannot simply be reduced to single causes such as an alleged pathogenic viruse or bacterium. Failure to identify those factors has partly led to the mess we are in now both politically and scientifically.

Jan 3, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  -CO

I wouldn’t claim the expertise to contest any of what you say there.
I only wrote the original comment to say, that up until I had seen it close to, I reserved the right to be sceptical about Covid 19 as a condition, per se. There have been so many lies told.
Whatever the cause of my friend’s illness, or that of other people ill this year with similar ‘consecutive’ symptoms (a virus, or some other as yet unidentified cause) I believe that at least some people have had a hitherto unusual sickness.
That is all I would want to say. It is nothing more than anecdote from me anyway.

Jan 3, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  crank

If bacterial and viral response is to a challenge of environmental deficiency and toxicity perhaps in an already compromised function and under psycho-physical stress, then toxic exposures can be beneath what our ‘trained normal’ interprets to be contagious disease – for a number of reasons that many here are aware of. The idea of biological communication between cells in an organism and among organisms as well as extending to the Planetary Biome, is valid and has many pathways or perhaps forms of expression within an energetic field. Not the some of the RNA ‘vax’ uses electrodes to nullify the cell’s electrical field integrity in order to hack in to what would otherwise maintain integrity. The key I see is that living biology – or Biome has integrity – such as to receive ‘viruses’ rather than be ‘hijacked’ but in demonising natural healing process, we become the demonic intervention set against our own cellular and self-integrity. All the characteristic assigned to viruses apply to ‘virology’ as pathological interventions that are as needy of sickness for their funding and control, as the Military Industrial complex is on war. And again the same patter applies; fear creates the very thing is purports to protect from and we become the thing that we hate – but under a blind spot of dissociative certainty that only increases sacrificial investment in its model as evidences rise to reveal truth too terrible to disclose for something deeming itself too big to fail. Some of that is true. There is a psychotic result from disclosure that is potentially very dangerous. But unless a way is actively made to move through fear – which means owning fear, then fear is mapping out and directing what remains thinkable in an increasing death spiral of limitation and loss for the sake… Read more »

Jan 3, 2021 8:41 PM
Reply to  crank

Thanks for your reply.

Jan 3, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  -CO

As a consequence of this experience, I have wondered if the ‘isolation’ issue, might have more to do with the provenance of the virus, than with a complete absence of a virus (i.e. a whole cloth hoax). You will know that there is a lot of circumstantial evidence supporting a bioweapon hypothesis. Heck, operatives might be releasing any number of variants in any number of places. It is at least plausible, if they are serious about resetting the world…

Jan 3, 2021 4:54 PM
Reply to  crank

They rarely use bioweapons because they are less effective than other means such as directed energy weapons or certain chemical weapons. There are however a few exceptions.
Search for “Scalar Wars” – if you read that it might provide some answers for you as to whys and wherefores.

Jan 3, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  crank

Injecting variants? – and perhaps finding other ways through our defences such as airborne nanoparticulates and or energy exposures and a synergy of factors where none on their own would point back to the culprit in a court of law – such as glyphosate and other anti-biota exposures.

The seeking for ways to regulate populations in a range of characteristics that includes cognitive functions, fitness, health reproduction and life span is also the genetic controls by which to breed purposed tools. This overlaps with merging biology with technology and the transhuman agenda.

The biotic imbalance may be the context of the ‘alien thinking’ that drives what seems a Luciferian or destructive hate for life. We call it psycho-pathy and I associate this with trauma. I have read that children are traumatised as part of developing ‘obedient tools’ and I also hold that torture – however it is ‘justified’ has extremely dehumanising effects on those who consent to engage in systematically overriding the will of other living beings.

I don’t know that any ‘new’ virus is involved but that the psyop is the weapon that does not need any fact to operate. Only belief set by reacting to it as if fact.

Jan 3, 2021 8:51 PM
Reply to  Binra

See Dr Katherine Horton’s website..

Jan 4, 2021 1:40 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

You had pneumonia in one lung, then later on you say it wasn’t pneumonia

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 9, 2021 2:28 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

May I ask what were your symptoms, other than feeling like keeling over in the shower?

How did they identify your bacterial pneumonia? I’d expect you to have at least some obvious symptoms from that, like coughing up phlegm, but you haven’t mentioned anything like that.

Anyway, I’m full of admiration for your vitamin D3/K2, low-carb, no-junk food regime, and no doubt it has kept you relatively healthy all these years.

May I respectfully suggest you add vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to your regime?

I personally wouldn’t take antibiotics, but if I were forced to, I’d be even more inclined to take vitamin C, and lots of it, to support the immune system, because antibiotics tend to inhibit it, since they tend to kill the microorganisms in our gut, which are part of the immune system (some say the most important part). And take probiotics, like live yogurt or kefir. And increase my vitamin D3/K2 intake.

I’m not that much younger than you, and haven’t taken a prescription medicine for probably over 35 years, and am rarely ill (touchwood! of course) and am reasonably fit and active, though I do get the occasional cold. They tend to come on if I slacken my control over my diet or my supplement intake (which tends to happen around Christmas time! 🙂 ).

Jan 2, 2021 11:34 AM

If Wiktionary is correct the Earth is at perihelion today, that is, its closest to the Sun. Despite it being cold, which it is, as you would expect of early January in the northern hemisphere.

Jan 2, 2021 4:25 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

We are also in the Solar minima of the cycle.

Jan 3, 2021 12:06 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Fact Check: False.
January in Florida is just fine, 80 above in real degrees, and it’s in the Northern Hemisphere.

Jan 3, 2021 2:46 PM
Reply to  Roberto

So perihelion is an invention by the Rothschilds?
I was in Cuba once in January and it was hot. I returned to England and it was not.

Jan 2, 2021 10:50 AM

This may have been posted elsewhere but it is a pretty good summary of what “they” got wrong.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 2, 2021 2:58 AM

THIS is what they are working toward:

Moonshot International Symposium Working Group 1 Dec. 2019

Expanding human potential toward a society in which everyone can pursue their dreams



Of the 25 related examples of moonshot goals presented at the visionary council, WG1 study started to consider 2), 3) and 6), centered on 1) Create and deploy “Cyborg technology” to augment human capability by 2050.

2) Fully ubiquitous and inclusive mobility by 2040

3) Create and deploy advanced avatars enabling most daily life can be done through avatar by 2040

6) Universal medical access at the global scale by 2040

In reviewing the situation, the MS Goal candidate will be accepted by many people as a goal to be achieved by the year 2050. Discussions have been undertaken from various perspectives, such as clarifying the image and the spin-off expected in the process of R&D.

Based on the above discussions, WG1 has set up the following MS Goal candidate: “By 2050, realization of a society in which human beings can be free from their limitations of body, brain, space and time with harmonious empowerment”.

WG1 proposes C-Avatar Capitalism for Diversity and Inclusion as well as C-Avatar Life as two concrete targets to promote this realization.

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Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 2, 2021 5:38 PM

I love the “…for Diversity & Inclusion” meaningless appendage to the programs.

Compulsory pre-adolescent sex-slavery…FOR DIVERSITY INCLUSION AND GREAT JUSTICE!!!!

Jan 3, 2021 6:37 PM

Yes – ‘pursuing dreams’ sounds about right.
or perhaps inescapable nightmares if you don’t take your universal meds.

Machine thinking given priority (power).
Seeks to recreate life in its own image.
That is the job description of machine thinking.
Self-image as a modelling of virtual consciousness imposed upon Creation.
Creation is not truly mocked.
Prometheus ran of with a copy and set his own torment by believing separation trauma was punishment for guilt. The whole thing is a package unto itself – but having WANTED the mask to be real, it wont come off. It’s no use blaming your Parent in undying defiance.

The covid thing is a case in point. If you look closely you will find it is a complex of reactions built on lies. Perhaps the comptrollers deem them noble lies or necessary lies, that operate within a mind and world of lies made ‘normal’.

As Adam Curtis pointed out, when pursuing dreams runs out of steam and then the nightmare kicks in as if it had never really been away – but only covered over with an invoked defence of machine thinking or conditioned response modelling.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 2, 2021 2:23 AM

ATT: Jason or Alison: Any chance of a nano-focused discussion with Alison and Elana Freeland? That would be great! (Still looking forward to the”Power Trio” IWWH episode, btw!)

Alison McDowell

We must stand today to preserve the rights of our loved ones and even not yet born souls to remain unapologetically and fully human in all our wonders and imperfections. This is the work. Bring it 2021.


To build Society 5.0, cyborg avatar capitalism – a straight up eugenics program – these sociopaths need the babies, the toddlers, the youth. Oldsters like me – we are the stumbling blocks. That is why we have to act NOW and protect children and the unborn from criminal nanotech.

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Jan 2, 2021 10:52 AM

“Militarised debt finance pharma-fascist necromancer”. I like it…

Jan 2, 2021 12:26 AM

Good one, and true, and of course, it didnt happen. I was around when the Tea ( taxed enough already) party was created, and I backed them completely, until they where highjacked by the corpoRats bitches or bastards if you prefere that. I have explained the MMT before, linked to what you need to know about why we are here to day, the 23 trillion dollah stolen and witch evaporated completly in the Wankees nation, nobody knows where it went, and then we have new trillions, and most of it went to Wall Street, austeritys to buybacks, hehe, but hey, socialism for the ritch is Okay, right, but dont mention the fact salarys have plunged for decades, while housing have gone thru the roof. The MBS/CDS whom crashed in 2008 and we stil have it, but I guess some of you stil dont know what that is and the fallout of it. What shal we then call it, capitalism, facism, socialism, communism, huh, tell us, instead of just throwing out one liners and drool something about rightwingers, witch I usualy despice as much as I cant stand the fake left. I have an list of uh…. contradictions that I could go on for an long, long time, but some of this never happened, because our MSM never debates it nor even link to this eh…. political events. Wars, while people drool about AGW, nobody talks about the insane level of polution coming from the wars, from DU to dust into the atsmophere and human suffering to polution in general because of destroyed infrastucture. Yup, I must be an leftis, right. God I hate shitheads, and one link in this long rown of idiotic babbeling was intresting, thanks for that one from Simon Dutton, nice to see some are awake enough… Read more »

Jan 2, 2021 10:02 AM
Reply to  mikael

Does anyone believe that accounting auditors do their job?

Jan 1, 2021 11:58 PM

For anyone interested, my blog is up and running again…


I was on the case with all the covid crap long before the likes of Off Guardian.

Oh, and a Happy New Year to one and all!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 2, 2021 3:51 AM
Reply to  RobG

I was on the case with all the covid crap long before the likes of Off Guardian. You have a gift, my friend, for indentifying the surest way into an offGuardista’s heart! The following offG piece (dated Feb. 10th), however, suggests that you were by no means on the case “long before the likes of Off Guardian”: https://off-guardian.org/2020/02/10/coronavirus-finding-the-ambiguous-reality-behind-the-fear-porn-headlines/ The only CV-1984-related pieces I can find at your site are the following, from Feb. 28th and Mar. 16th: Beware the Ides of MarchPosted onMonday 16 March 2020I’m also not going to add to the tidal wave of fear porn that’s going around at the moment. (Followed by comments about a rock musician.)Coronavirus ConspiracyPosted onFriday 28 February 2020The psychopaths who rule us must be shitting themselves when they see the plebs so discontented. It’s pitchfork time, folks! but not if the psychopaths can help it: cue the Frankenstein flu, which apparently started in Wuhan last December and has now spread all over the world. Many people think that the coronavirus is a fake pandemic, and I’m inclined to agree with that view. All you have to look at is the total coronavirus hysteria being pumped out by the presstitutes, and look at the lock-down of huge numbers of people and enforced quarantine. There’s never been anything like this before with previous flu scares, and particularly since coronavirus has only killed a tiny fraction of people when compared to normal seasonal flu, and as with seasonal flu, coronavirus only badly effects the old and those with vulnerable medical conditions. It’s not only the presstitutes who are in hype overdrive, it’s also the big social media companies. I’ve never done a search on YouTube for ‘coronavirus’, or looked at many videos about it, yet on the YouTube landing page this is what gets pushed… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 2, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  RobG

I’m glad to see your blog back. The titles of the last two say it all:


Beware the Ides of March


9 Months That Changed The World


Jan 1, 2021 4:53 PM

Another good one by Paul Joseph Watson:

NHS Requires Recently Retired Doctors to Have “Diversity Training” Before They’re Allowed to Administer Vaccines

Clown world strikes again…


S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 1, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

“If the MENGELES were smart they would be making their last will and final testaments (if they haven’t done so already) and their funeral arrangements. No one, but no one, is going to give me a jab of ‘Doc’ Billy’s toxic viral cull juice (EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT)… and live to tell about it.”

Jan 1, 2021 5:29 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

Paul Joseph Watson, like Farage, will want to privatise the NHS & the BBC and will use this crisis to to do it. They are bigger allies of the current far- right tory party than they pretend to be.

Jan 1, 2021 5:36 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

Paul Joseph Watson special branch links to 5 eyes
you can always tell clowns they refuse to except when they been watching one

Jan 1, 2021 6:10 PM
Reply to  Asylum

Waton is MI5’s arm of ther CIA’s Alex Jones show.

Roddy Duncan
Roddy Duncan
Jan 1, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  WintersSell

Please do explain more, your point. I so look forward to deconstructing any point you make, especially as MI5 is the domestic tyranny, and not the internationally collusive MI6.

I wait with baited breath

Jan 2, 2021 12:53 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

I hope they create a vaccine for the absolute INSANITY that is running rampant in the world. I’ll be the first in line.

Jan 2, 2021 10:04 AM
Reply to  Judith

The insanity is at the top of the pyramid.

Jan 3, 2021 7:16 PM
Reply to  Judith

It was created in parallel with your decision to share the choice for insanity.
For only the decision to share it gave it the power it seems to have.
A whole world arose from a fundamental error.
You wont find any answer in the world that isn’t a repackaging of the error. but you can find and be found in a world NOT made by what you take to be ‘thinking’.
Be still and know.
You may discern an addiction for insane thinking – but discernment is of truth and uncovers truth as you are willing to accept.

What you probably meant was – you want your old life and world back.
Everything you have truly lived is part of you, so don’t presume that you are only a victim of circumstance.
Seek and find any instant of sanity by extending willingness and appreciation for what is true. This open the release of what was never true, and the conflicts and burdens that came with it.
You have to actively WANT what is already true to offset an already active choice or conditioning in wanting truth to fit the judgements that operate as mutually agreed definitions by which to hide truth and make our own.

Jan 1, 2021 4:45 PM

In reply to ‘Jacques’ who wanted a definition of the far right: (feel free to improve my definition).

The far-right is normally led by charismatic leaders, has a love of military tradition & jingoism that feeds on illusions of national greatness. It thrives on the victimisation of weak minorities, instills fear in the population, encourages xenophobia and the persecution of non-whites and non-Aryan religions, with the Intent of gaining political power off the back of a disaffected and an ill-educated scared working class.
It is essentially anti-democratic, anti-intellectual, anti-socialist and works covertly or overtly in collision with large Corporate, Banking, Military interests to form a Corporate Fascist state.

Jan 1, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

That definition aptly fits the ‘far-left’ as well. Anyone who actually believes there is an demarcation between the two is a dupe.

Jan 1, 2021 6:12 PM
Reply to  Ray

Only if your head is a vacuum.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 6:31 PM
Reply to  WintersSell

Unlike yours?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 7:04 PM
Reply to  Ray

No and no.

Jan 1, 2021 6:29 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

The far right has also worked with catholic and orthodox priesthoods in some cases.

Jan 1, 2021 6:39 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

This is not a definition. This is a vague description that invokes a bunch of other concepts that would have to be clarified.

Look up the meaning of definition and try again.

Jan 1, 2021 8:49 PM
Reply to  Jacques

You were invited to add to the definition, but you huff and you puff but say nothing. Pretending to be clever is keeping you very busy isn’t it.

Jan 2, 2021 12:56 AM
Reply to  Welks

OK, well, perhaps there is a clear definition between far right and far left.

But in the end they both play golf together.

The yell and bicker but MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO.

Just sayin’.

Jan 1, 2021 8:23 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

Correction ,I believe “collusion ” vs ” collision “

Jan 1, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

Far left or far right, the extreme termini of a Bell Curve – it’s like interacting with an ideology robot,
reminiscent of the old Chatty Cathy doll; pull the string, but you know what comes out anyway, so after a few pulls, why bother.
I think this one is broken though; the far-right would not be in ‘collision’ with the running dogs of imperialist fascism.

Jan 2, 2021 1:12 AM
Reply to  Pheoline

Tell us, Pheoline, how much non-trivial interaction you’ve had with a representative subset of the “far right”, as well as working classes — you know, where you get to know well, say, a few dozen and learn eventually what they actually think and why, and also why many censor themselves, and what full range of opinions exist. Your definition is not only childishly two-dimensional, it reeks of so many ugly prejudices that it is, comically, a mirror image of the mindset you ignorantly assume. (By the way, I’m a leftist.)

To improve your definition, I recommend you start with with five years in their trenches, and then pull out a blank sheet of paper.

Jan 2, 2021 2:01 AM
Reply to  Pheoline

It doesn’t matter if the bus is red or if it’s blue. They’ll both run you over. That’s our fate and their purpose.

Jan 3, 2021 11:51 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You are correct but forgot to add that we are ALREADY being run over in this quiet war that is being perpetrated against us by means of the functionaries of the left, right and centre. They all piss in the same pot do they not and will continue until they are STOPPED?

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
Jan 4, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

Thank you, sums up how people have traditionally seen ‘far-right’ quite well. I’ll quote you.

Problem is that it tends to be used for anyone who doesn’t support the globalist agenda. Orban is ‘far-right’ because he doesn’t believe in open borders. New Zealand’s post-war Labour Party would now be considered ‘far-right’ for the same reason. I voted Labour for 40 years but I’m ‘far-right’ because I don’t believe that this year’s seasonal viruses are a justification for imposing totalitarianism.

And of course ‘anti-democratic, anti-intellectual’ and ‘works covertly or overtly in collision with large Corporate, Banking, Military interests to form a Corporate Fascist state‘ describes ‘the left’. There was an awful inevitability about self-styled ‘left-wingers’ like Owen Jones and Jeremy Corbyn who pushed the imperialist line of evil Assad on Syria, then becoming globalist mouth-pieces on eg covid.

As for charismatic leaders, you can debate which is the most extreme, the Trump or the Corbyn cult. There’s supposed to be a Jacinda cult but mostly a media creation.

Jan 1, 2021 4:42 PM

Remember when there was going to be vaccines… not just mRNA DNA modifiers?
Different kinds of vaccines? Candidates? Rival approaches? See which is best?

Suddenly everything was mRNA.

I wondered what happened to those conventional antibody vaccines. Why did they disappear. How did it become a project to inject the entire population with mRNA?

Well they’ve just been found. Given to plebeians by accident.

42 People In West Virginia Mistakenly Given Regeneron Antibodies Instead Of Vaccines

“The 42 individuals received the antibody product at a vaccination clinic hosted by staff at the Boone County Health Department,” a statement from the West Virginia National Guard said.

Great comment on ZH from poster Lee Harvey:


Politicians are getting the protective antibodies in their injections, while the public gets the experimental vaccine.

That’s why the mixup occurred.

The vials for the privileged class got mixed in with the bums’…

So did 42 ubermenschen accidentally get injected with the toxic soup meant for the useless eaters…?

Jan 1, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’ve often wondered how the administering of the placebo vaccines to the rich, politicians, civil servants, celebrities etc. will be organised

There’s no way Tony Blair et al will be injected with a rushed, experimental, indemnified vaccine predicted to cause allergic reactions. How do they separate the vaccines?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  Cal

It only takes a little planning. How does Amazon manage to send people the right item?

Jan 2, 2021 12:58 AM
Reply to  Cal

Oh ye of little faith, did you nnot see Mike Pence get his and not flinch?

Tony Fauci all masked up and jabbed?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 1, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

That’s a political thing. mRNA is the technology used by Pfizer and Moderna and as American companies are the only vaccines currently certified for use in the US. The US is at the center of the universe so what’s going on outside our borders is only interesting if its quaint or can be contrived to be a threat. It follows from this that our media will only mention vaccine developments in other countires in passing because those developments are obviously inferior and in the case of Russia and China are likely to be uselss concoctions, inventions of totalitarian propaganda forced on a cowed and submissive population.

(Yes, its really that bad over here at the moment. For example in recent print media China’s ‘go to the moon and get some material’ probe got a paragraph or two inside the paper while speculation about a likely attack by Iran (on what?) was front page news.)

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

So did 42 ubermenschen accidentally get injected with the toxic soup meant for the useless eaters…?

Let’s keep our fingers crossed on that one.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 1, 2021 7:43 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Be careful wandering into this Hall of Mirrors. The story smacks of a plant.
Event 201, in fact, had a whole sub-plot about “conspiracy theorists” making accusations that “the Elite are getting the real vaccine, while the masses are getting a placebo.” [EDIT: actually, I think it was the earlier “Crimson Contagion” exercise held by Robert Kadlec and the US Military-Intelligence Combine that featured this plot point.]

Notice that it all goes to reinforce the core Narrative in two ways: 1.) that the “disease” is real and correlates to real, immunity-producing anti-bodies; and 2.) that “vaccine” is essentially synonymous with “antidote.”

It all seems conveniently designed to get the steeple to bleat, “Oh I’m not going to fall for your tricks! I don’t want this vaccine–I want THAT vaccine!” It appeals to what I call “suggestible skepticism.”

Jan 2, 2021 7:53 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

It’s also possible that the politicians have been sold a different narrative. They claim that the virus has indeed been isolated and that they have a safe antibody vaccination as a result. This is being withheld from the public for obvious reasons.
The leadership class receives the “real” inoculation whilst the population poison themselves, or even worse in the sincere belief that they are acting for the greater good of society.

Jan 2, 2021 8:03 AM
Reply to  Chris

Obviously this too is just another layer of the plan.
The politicians, thinking they are ahead of the game have actually fallen for Lucifers trick.
Their jab really contains the chip that modulates brainwaves and ensures full compliance for the completion of the End Game.

Jan 2, 2021 10:15 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

One Chinese vaccine seems conventional. As there is so much lying in this big-stakes game, I won’t name it.

Propaganda is equating “Emergency use authorisation” to “approved” oe “scientific”.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jan 3, 2021 3:52 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Two ideas i would like to add:
1) The vaccine was already manufactured, just waiting for the opportunity; or
2) They are all placebos!

Jan 1, 2021 3:55 PM

Good essay. For another take on 2020, consider Jacob Siegel’s “2020: The year the elites failed upwards.

One theme that has been going around in my head this year is that we see 2020 as a crescendo not only of “technocrats gone wild!” but also of what you might call Fiatworld. No not the Italian auto brand, but central bank generated fiat money (if it is money) which allows elites to become ever richer, their hirelings ever more comfortable (and powerful) but, at the same time, never accountable by either nature or society. Run a monopolist yet profitless business for years on nothing more than good PR and hipster bullshit, no problem. Wage war in some godforsaken part of south Asia for decades with nothing to show for it except endless graft and corruption, and destroyed lives at home and abroad, no problem. Elect a carnival barker president of the US (or Prime Minister of the UK) and the pretend it all had to do with Putin for four years, no problem. The elites and their bootlickers in the media and academic and nonprofit worlds will cheer it on, ’cause fiat money is endlessly pouring in to their coffers, so what’s not to like? Welcome to Fiatworld! Great for those on the inside, pretty crappy for everyone else. But who cares about the proles anyway? Happy 2021! Same as it ever was.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 2, 2021 12:46 AM
Reply to  Ted

…I’m seeing the whole thing as a real ‘Fall of Rome’/Late-Roccoco-France ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’ type thing…

…’Teh Grunt Reshart’ is psychotic-delusional elite magical/wishful thinking, pure and simple… – In *very* elementary terms, they ran out of road down which to continue kicking the proverbial can…

…- Trust me: – *Entire Corpuses* of psychiatry texts will be written about all of this in the years to come, going forward… – *Assuming* anyone’s left around to write ’em, that is…

Jan 2, 2021 1:01 AM
Reply to  Ted

Brilliant, Ted. (unless it was Siegel that wrote it?) In any case – perfect synopsis.

john Redwood
john Redwood
Jan 1, 2021 3:54 PM

Your attempts to continually blame ‘the left’ for the lockdowns is dishonest, disgusting and invalidates everything you print. And demonstrates that you are a part of the problem, not part of the solution.

The far-right ARE in power in the UK, under Johnson leading an extreme neoliberal branch of the tory party, and in the US under Trump, who is one of the most deregulating, Corporatist stooges in American history.

Both have made it possible to implement every aspect of the neoliberal lockdown, and have opposed NONE of it. which is intent on destroying small business for their rich Corporate chums.

They are both protecting the CIA’s scientists and circumventing democracy by allowing illegal laws to be made, they are both an integral part of the whole Covid scam, however much they, and you, try to distance them from it, and however much you try to blame the totally powerless none existent left, which the CIA have helpfully created a pantomime version of on Twitter for you.

A left wing which you imagine is behind the scenes pulling the strings by sheer force of will. Absurd! You will be telling me next that the left want Amazon to grow their monopoly or Netflix to replace our entire culture.

I can see you are a branch of this scam, because you are here trying to make the far right the heroes, and the freedom fighters. really, I don’t think so.
The fascist you champion, are part of this scam, it is all their dreams come true, as they form the core of US deep state. (Reprint of blocked comment).

Jan 1, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  john Redwood

Care to elucidate what exactly is left and what is right?

Sam Truffel
Sam Truffel
Jan 1, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Jacques

If I had a dollar for every time a Neo-Nazi asked my to define the far-right, I would be a very rich man now. You’d think they would know, themselves.

Jan 1, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

see above.

Roddy Duncan
Roddy Duncan
Jan 1, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

So you seriously think this has anything to do with direction?

Up or down, front or back, or left or right?

Maybe our world is 3 dimensional?

Jan 1, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  Sam Truffel

Cognitive dissonance prevents you from seeing that you’re talking to people who not only have made serious effort to dissect the various ideological concepts associated with the nondescript left/right dichotomy, but also have personal experience from living under regimes considered left/right.

You don’t have the faintest idea what the fuck you’re talking about.

Tail between your legs and buzz off. I have no patience for dimwits who try to stir up inane fights.

Jan 1, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Yes, we keep hearing about how right you are, and like all shills you have invented all the relevant experience to prove your nonsense, and you keep telling us how clever you are, but unfortunately you never demonstrate it.

I have tapped every surface and discovered that the object is hollow. Not only hollow but pushing alt-right memes about the left and right ideologies not existing, or not being relevant like they were your own thoughts, how sad is that.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 2, 2021 12:34 AM
Reply to  Welks

So I guess the late, great Bill Hicks was ‘alt-right’ after all…

(“BTW: – Keep drinking beer you fucking morons!…”)

Jan 2, 2021 1:28 PM
Reply to  Welks

You have no idea what my thoughts are or where I come from. You’re an idiot who projects his hatred of the outer world onto everybody who gets in your way.

Your problem isn’t ideological. Your problem is psychological. You’re utterly fucked up in the head.

Learn not being a total moron and we can talk about ideologies. Until then, fare well.

Jan 2, 2021 5:44 AM
Reply to  Sam Truffel

wasn’t Hitler elected as a national socialist?

Welcome imbh
Welcome imbh
Jan 2, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  zdb


Jan 1, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  Jacques

See above.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  Jacques

You tell us.

Jan 1, 2021 8:47 PM
Reply to  Jacques

It is a subjective statement but I will give it a stab at what I would consider left or right if I may interject in the discussion .
Left IMHO would be a socialist tendency whereas it relates to health and welfare.i.e. housing subsidized for those that are unemployable / unemployed , health care for all at taxpayer expense , a means of pension upon retirement from the workforce .
Right IMHO would be conservative tendency whereas health care is private and only available to those that can pay .Same goes for housing and retirement funds.In short fend for yourself and depend on charity from those that have a conscience .
I could elaborate but then again ,I repeat ,it is a very subjective view.
Cheers and all the best for the new year.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 2:21 PM
Reply to  Guy

[Left …housing subsidized for…]

Indeed. So answer the question raised by changing one word.

“…housing subsidized by…”

Because you see, a subsidy by definition implies at least one entity doing the subsidising.

And no, the answer is not “government.” Government gets its resources from somewhere else. SO “government” is not doing the real subsidising.

Follow the trail and think about the answer.

Jan 1, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  john Redwood

Where is the Left marching on anti-lockdown rallies?

It is conspicuous by its absence

‘Socialist’ George Galloway has repeatedly labelled those who are calling for an end to lockdowns and restrictions ‘flat earth fu*ks’

Likewise the unions too. Unite Union sells branded face masks. The human right to breathe fresh air means nothing to unions and the Left when there’s an opportunity to virtue-signal

Jan 1, 2021 4:48 PM
Reply to  Cal

Where is the left, or un-co-opted left, might be a better question, Because they no longer exist in the US or the UK.

Jan 2, 2021 1:10 AM
Reply to  Pheoline

Exactly. Un-co-opted being the operative word.

I’m with the “they’re all the same” party so I can’t officially debate this left/right definition subject but as a leftish leaning Democrat for most of my life, then a leftish leaning independent, I will say that this year I became more disappointed and more disgusted with the Democratic Party than ever in my life.

I don’t blame either party for this plandemic fiasco because I think they are all following the script, but my God, it’s disheartening to see the Democrats turn into wishy washy identity blazing utterly ridiculous clowns.

Jan 2, 2021 5:49 AM
Reply to  Judith

yuri bezmenov and bill casey’s plans all along

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 2:24 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

[Where is the left, or un-co-opted left, might be a better question, Because they no longer exist in the US or the UK.]

Until you define what you call the left, and why you are supposedly the authority on defining what the left is, I call “no true scotsman.”

Jan 1, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  Cal

Ok remind me alex jone and his lot been there matching bullshit they was hiding behind ther tel screens screaming china did it and trump will help us
Deadly virus and we are all doom better buy supplement and hide
Infact when BLM were marching they scream for the police state to do something
thats your prison planet now endorsing the state and screaming establishment is helping us
and selling masks that your anti establishment whore

comment image

Jan 1, 2021 10:40 PM
Reply to  Asylum

I’m all for seeing this fat loud mouthed shill wear a mask. But only if it silenced the shite that spews from it on a daily basis.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 2, 2021 12:25 AM
Reply to  Asylum

…Alex Jones always reminds me of an interview with Chris Carter I read back in the day, while X-Files was airing and *Mega-Popular*…

…- His response to the question about where he got the idea for the show was something about him reading a newspaper article about how 3% of the US populace believed in alien abductions, and how, doing the math, he knew he was onto a ratings-winner…

Jan 2, 2021 10:22 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

 Chris Carter stole the ideas from val valerian books

Jan 1, 2021 6:20 PM
Reply to  Cal

Galloway’s “socialist” cover has worn thin in recent years – he cosied up to Nigel Farage, for example, which attracted some hostile comment on the left. Perhaps that was temporary. The other points – yes, unfortunately.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 2, 2021 12:19 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

…George Galloway pretending to be a cat on Celebrity Big Brother back in the day… – That is *All*.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 6:44 PM
Reply to  Cal

George Galloway is just another sell out, while Unite is proudly standing socially distanced shoulder to shoulder with Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Boris Johnson. Yuk!

Jan 2, 2021 7:27 AM

Narcissist is an overworked designation but fits the bill in the case of Galloway.
Since he lost his parliamentary seat, back in 2015 I believe, he does not know what to do with himself and his alarums and excursions have no particular logic, left or right.

Jan 1, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  john Redwood

Many left publications and organisations including unions demanded lockdown and generally supported the plan whole heartedly. They seem to see it as an opportunity for a kind of general strike that they imagine will bring the end of capitalism.

Jan 2, 2021 1:11 AM
Reply to  HoneyPotter

I could cry about the unions.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  Judith

[I could cry about the unions.]

Not a big fan of rent-seekers myself.

Jan 2, 2021 10:37 AM
Reply to  HoneyPotter

your prime example of internet bullshit

my colleague work wanted to stay open like many and they was told by the council to close and this lockdown also they also closed but wanted to stay open.
your talking fabulous bullshit when Many left publications and organisations including unions demanded lockdown not true
talking to there union people they said the government Said close as in your get a huge fukcing fine if you stay open or worse

ironically we have TEAMS of covid marshals walking about making sure your closed

I live in Kosherservative area
all the cooperates are allowed to stay open and fuck the small business’s
which is always the mentality of that mind set

john Redwood
john Redwood
Jan 1, 2021 3:53 PM

Your intent in this article is turn the US neoliberal crime of Covid, aimed at destroying small business & grow US corporate power, into a crime committed by the ‘left’, so you can demonize them further. Demonstrating again that the demonizing of the left goes hand in hand with the Covid operation, and is a vital part of the scam, as are you. (Reprint of blocked comment).

Jan 1, 2021 7:54 PM
Reply to  john Redwood

It really is past time to get rid of the “left vs right” paradigm. Yes, I get that the right wing is as to blame as the left, but really, IS there a true left in the US? I sure don’t see one anymore. When the “left” tells you to vote for Joe Biden, who will “restore the soul of the nation” it sounds a whole hell of a lot like MAGA to me. Two wings of the same bird of prey. What passes for “left” here right now is so damned worried about masks and proper gender/racial etiquette and diversity” while they completely ignore the further destruction of what is left of our civil rights, telling us those don’t matter because what they tell us to do is “for our own good.” Many don’t seem to give one shit at all about the massive unemployment that’s hidden behind a media that refuses to tell that little part of the story, and if one dares even mention that you’re immediately labeled a sociopathic right winger or a Capitalist apologist. Of course Capitalism is most of the problem, but it isn’t as if that can just be shut down, locked down if you will, in one fell swoop while taking NO ACCOUNT of how we are all dependent right at this moment on such a system. It’s like magical thinking, much like the magical thinking of the “right” when one considers it – just do that one thing that will make everything all better, never mind the complex systems we live under, never mind the reality staring you in the face, or actually rather well hidden because, again, our media refuses to discuss the destruction we ALL face under that fantasy. And now there’s a vaccine, one rushed “to market” because… Read more »

Jan 1, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

clever little angle Lizzyh7
just to remind you the worlds biggest lockdown came under conservative watch

Jan 1, 2021 11:56 PM
Reply to  Asylum

Actually Lizzyh7 is right on the mark here.

Jan 2, 2021 5:53 AM
Reply to  SubTropical

you might want to consider that the worlds biggest lockdown is a combination of democratic run states in the US.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 2:41 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

[Of course Capitalism is most of the problem…]

Really? So I read your comment further to see you explicate your assertion. Sadly it was mostly supposed “left” this and alleged “right” that, but no explanation on how capitalism is “most of the problem.”

[We live under Corporate control, period.]

Well yes, that I largely agree with, although that is not “capitalism.”

Regretfully I am none the wiser after reading your comment. You used abstract terms (like “capitalism” and “corporate control”) to make absolute assertions, without identifying which of their (supposed) relevant aspects were actually enabling or causing what you assert. For instance, what is the “corporate control” exactly? Does it consist of certain institutions, and certain role players? Maybe you can expound on that in a future comment.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  john Redwood

[Your intent in this article is turn the US neoliberal crime of Covid, aimed at destroying small business & grow US corporate power, into a crime committed by the ‘left’, so you can demonize them further.]

That’s weird. I did not pick up the insinuations you claim from my read of the article.

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Jan 1, 2021 3:39 PM

According to this, the UK’s MHRA have admitted that the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine was created from a computer generated genomic sequence and not one isolated from an infected person, either in Wuhan or anywhere else in the world since.


Jan 1, 2021 4:19 PM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

They understand they fill in the gaps in a strand with computer models. I’m not sure, but that may be standard practice.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  Drax

No it’s not remotely standard vaccine practice. The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is the first of its type to be unleashed upon the public. Preventing Covid-19 or reducing its transmission are not in the vaccine’s job description.

Jan 2, 2021 5:54 AM

standard practice now and for as long as they are indemnified

Welcome imbh
Welcome imbh
Jan 2, 2021 1:13 PM

your answer is unrelated to my statement which is worrying.

Jan 2, 2021 5:55 AM
Reply to  Drax

computer modeling is what got us lockdowns to begin with. computer modeling is also what THEORETICAL physicists “prove” concepts like black holes with.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 6:59 PM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

The vaccine will do what it is supposed to do. What’s Covid-19 to do with it?

Jan 2, 2021 10:31 AM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

Why mention Pfizer? All the vaccine makers are working from the same “scientific” model of the “virus”. Or rather, a fragment of it called the spike protein.

Jan 1, 2021 3:31 PM

Excellent review of the global coup of 2020, which will forever be remembered as year zero unless enough people wake up soon AND resist this totalitarian takeover in a million different ways, beginning with non-compliance.

Jan 1, 2021 4:51 PM
Reply to  kevin

But as always points away form the real culprits,

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  kevin

Once vaccinated, the masses will lose what little bit of sense they still have.

Jan 1, 2021 3:22 PM

Excellent essay.

Jan 1, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Grafter

But as always points away from the real culprits.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 7:09 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

It’s mainly a descriptive piece, but why don’t you tell us who the real culprits are.

Jan 1, 2021 3:17 PM

People who cannot see the sky above are not at all likely to notice contradictions in public pronouncements and policy. It isn’t just a year that didn’t happen; it is a whole planet that doesn’t exist.

Anyone looking up can tell, if not right away then pretty quickly, that something is terribly wrong with the sky. It’s called geoengineering; and it achieves many goals the ruling class finds useful.

For most people, their only glimpse of the sky comes from its reflection on their cell phone’s face. And does that reflection prompt them to finally look up? No, it prompts them to curse the sky for interfering with their entertainment.

Accordingly, seeing the Dr Fauci’s and Bill Gates’s for who they really are, let along their agendas for what they are, is perhaps asking a bit too much of the cell phone crowd.

Jan 1, 2021 3:13 PM

“adopt survival tactics”

No shit. People who want to retain their bodily integrity (avoid the jab) and some freedom had better think fast. It’s time to stop complaining and analyzing that it’s happening and pick the right hill to run to.

Jan 1, 2021 3:44 PM
Reply to  Jacques

In my opinion, the fate of humanity will be determined by vaccination this year. If enough people refuse, there is still hope. It would demonstrate that there exists at least some willingness to resist tyranny from a meaningful percentage of the population. Otherwise, it’s game over.

Jan 1, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  kevin


I guess there is a chance that people will refuse to comply and that all the stuff that has been going will make them realize that there is something patently wrong with the world. And that they’ll either make the PTBs to step back or even spark some movement toward a new view of the world, new ideology for the future.

To be honest, I can envisage the former, in which case the PTBs will probably try to pull some shit a little ways down the road, but I don’t see how some major turn for the better would be taking place anytime soon. There is no discussion about anything, there are no alternatives floating around. The world is imprisoned in the shackles of anachronistic dichotomies, such as left and right, etc.

Jan 1, 2021 4:18 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I agree with this. When I said refusal would signify some hope for humanity, I only meant in terms of preventing a complete totalitarian dystopia in the short term. Given the level of compliance, obedience, willful ignorance, and frankly, stupidity, from the vast majority of the global population, that is all I can reasonably hope for at this point. And even that may be a false hope.

Jan 1, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  kevin

I hear ya …

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 1, 2021 9:10 PM
Reply to  kevin

I agree with both your comments here Kevin… I’m clinging onto a sliver of hope, but after just 3 ‘cases’ in Melbourne on New Year’s Eve, yesterday the testing stations were so busy they had to turn people away.
Oh, and it turns out that the State Of Emergency in Victoria was due to expire on January 3rd. What timing!
I mean, sheer coincidence.

Jan 1, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The alternatives can only involve a life without the technology we have at our disposal now (only possible with war and global capitalism), and most people are too addicted/dependent on the tech to go there.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 2:56 PM
Reply to  Jacques

[The world is imprisoned in the shackles of anachronistic dichotomies, such as left and right, etc.]

Agreed that the dichotomy you mention has become a key way of viewing the world for many people.

I tend more to this:

“The deepest problems of modern life flow from the attempt of the individual to maintain the independence and individuality of his existence against the sovereign powers of society, against the weight of the historical heritage and the external culture and technique of life.” – Georg Simmel.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 7:19 PM
Reply to  kevin

You have it very right. The great rush now is to vaccinate everyone of us, before the vaccine’s real purpose remains plausibly deniable.

Vaccine refuseniks will have be rounded up and sent to the termination camps, as it would be far too obvious if they are still standing, when the vaccinated start dropping like swatted flies.

Jan 1, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  kevin

My interchange with an older, immune-compromised friend eager to get the vaccine/any vaccine (pick a card, any card) so she can visit relatives in Europe is telling. She says she agrees with the info I’ve sent her – Bhakdi et al. – and respects my position but will get her injection as soon as one is available anyway. She says it is simply her personal decision and she wouldn’t presume to make one for me.

The problem is, she is making a decision for me. You are right that “if enough people refuse, there is still hope.” But if enough people accept, the power of the resisters is gone and we will be forced to accept either a mandatory vaccine or one that might as well be mandatory because of all the restrictions that will be placed on us. Live and let live it ain’t. Her position, supposedly democratic, is disingenuous.

Jan 1, 2021 11:07 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Rethinking the word “democratic” above. I was assuming its benign aspect. Her position is majoritarian democratic, or induced majoritarian democratic, since the opinion is force-fed from above (think of foie-gras geese). Or you could call it Ayn Rand democratic – the theory that every person pursuing his/her (ostensible) self-interest without regard to others ends in democracy.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 3:00 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

[…the theory that every person pursuing his/her (ostensible) self-interest without regard to others ends in democracy.]

Hhmm, that is a new angle for me. I do not really read replies, so if you ever see the opportunity to expand on that in a future comment, I may just stumble across it!


Jan 2, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

You are right that her decision will weaken the resisters and threaten our human rights. If we lived in democratic societies, her decision to receive the vaccination would not pose a threat to us. We would all be free to choose for ourselves and there would not be any consequences for that choice in terms of restrictions, etc. That her decision does represent a threat to our basic liberties is a reflection of the tyranny we are now living under.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  kevin

[That her decision does represent a threat to our basic liberties is a reflection of the tyranny we are now living under.]

Yes. It is as if you have put your finger on a “big thing.”

I suspect some further elucidation would be interesting.

Jan 3, 2021 12:20 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Guys, I don’t live in the UK, so I don’t quite know how bad it is there, but don’t give up hope. The vaccination programs around the world are not going well. In France 300 vaccinated in the first 4 days, in the USA “an alarming number of health care workers are refusing the jab”. In Bulgaria where I live no more that 15% of the people are ready to take the vaccine. I believe that the situation is the same many places around the world. Here is one great article that you should read. According to the author Brandon Smith, the plan of the elites is falling apart. Try to unite and resist – the bubble will burst soon.


Jan 1, 2021 3:09 PM

In the future, politicians can no longer stand up, with a straight face, and talk about protecting the economy

Likewise, as Prof Sucharit Bhakdi warned in the beginning – government responses to Covid-19 have amounted to collective suicide

Cortisol is a killer. Levels of it boosted, thanks to Government, SAGE and the mainstream media:


Jan 1, 2021 3:06 PM

There is no future. The disease is stupidity on a level never before seen among people all across earth, which is more difficult to mitigate than any biological weapon. Cognitively, the masses are incurable. When family, friends and neighbors become enemies, kiss Hope goodbye.

Jan 1, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  ExposeThem511

Germany 1932, must have felt just the same.

Jan 1, 2021 3:11 PM
Reply to  ExposeThem511

Not entirely true.
Christ said quite clearly that following Him could cost having to leave family, friends and neighbours. Yet He didn’t seem to imply that Hope is thereby abandoned.

I know, that’s rather heavy philosophic content for New Year’s Day, but I just wanted to point out that everything isn’t totally black. The Sun will rise tomorrow morning, as usual, and it’s good for our health to notice that.

Jan 1, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Indeed. But would add, with relatives and friends, be patient. They will see for themselves this nightmare unfolding shortly. And confident ultimately they will reject it.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Yes the real show is only now getting going with the arrival of the terminator vaccines. The next few months will likely be very disturbing.

Jan 2, 2021 12:16 AM

They will push a bit further, note the reaction, then adjust the next push accordingly, but, bit by bit, the little pushes will eventually mount up to a total coup.
I believe they smell blood – ours.
However, as usual, they forget just how unbelievably many of us there are if we should ever wake up en masse

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:16 PM
Reply to  ExposeThem511

Get some help, connect and see it isn’t all black

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 7:30 PM
Reply to  Carol Jones

At the moment the situation is very black. The arrival of the extinction level mRNA and DNA vaccines will be the defining moment for the human race.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jan 1, 2021 11:32 PM
Reply to  ExposeThem511

When you read about the stupid behaviour of the masses in 1914 – including suffragettes who switched their terror against the gov to handing out white feathers to men they thought were shirking, all the eager warriors ready to stand up for honour, ten million walking into machine gun fire fifty feet away – for what?
Did anyone ask why? Question the blatant lies? No bc they had been programmed for years by media propaganda directed by bankers. Why didnt they just say NO?
As now, mass delusion, mass neurosis.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  ExposeThem511

[The disease is stupidity on a level never before…]

I am not buying that “one cause” as proffered.

Many of my family and friends sympathetic to the official COVID narrative are well educated and certainly not stupid. Emotions and “sense of righteousness” and “sense of belonging” all contribute in there own ways.

Jan 1, 2021 2:51 PM

“Those to whom the word “freedom” isn’t an insult.”

It appears that “freedom” per se will have to be redefined. Likewise, a view of the world, an ideology will have to be formulated for the future – a concept opposite the fusion of man with technology, all connected to Big Brother on the path whereof the C-bullshit is setting humanity. Right now, we don’t have that. There are various interesting concepts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_philosophy) but they are embraced by too few. Most people perceive “freedom” as the kind of “freedom” that existed in the pre-C-bullshit era. Going back to that ain’t gonna do it because that “freedom” has got us where we are in the first place, not to mention that it was a mirage, slavery shoved down people’s throats as “freedom”.

We are probably entering an Age of Darkness. Zillions of people have no fucking idea into what they’re being duped, and it will take some time before they realized how they’re being fucked over and before widespread opposition sprouts against the dystopia that’s coming our way. They’ll spew as much propaganda as possible to prevent that, and they might even vaccinate people into some android state, rendering them impotent, totally obedient. Who knows. It’s up to people to rise up and fight for their rights, freedoms. And if they don’t or, worse still, if they find being subjugated the preferred option, what does anything matter. Humankind will get what they deserve.

Jan 1, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Funny how ‘freedom’ and ‘free speech’ is now the preserve of the forces on the far-right. Claiming it as their own. Don’t you understand that that is also a Psyop ?

Jan 1, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Flanders

The left and right dichotomy is an idiotic, non-existing concept, for which reason I don’t subscribe to it. Whether far, close, or whatever other distance from whichever point.

I do realize, however, that if one asks cui bono, the most obvious answer would probably be preventing people from joining forces and using their collective power to oppose the usurpation of wealth, control, etc. by the few m-effers who want to control the world.

Is that what you were trying to say?

Jan 1, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  Jacques

‘’The left and right dichotomy is an idiotic, non-existing concept, for which reason I don’t subscribe to it’’

Of course you don’t, the far-right have got a lot of political baggage you don’t want to acknowledge, but you want to propagate their fear, confusion, lies, agenda and methods, anyway.

Jan 1, 2021 3:37 PM
Reply to  Foxton

Obviously you’re in the market for an enemy. Could you kindly find yourself somebody else? Thanks in advance.

Objectively, there is no right or left. Subjectively, it probably means something to you, which is your prerogative. It’s also my prerogative to ignore that.

Anyways, homework for you: Provide a meaningful definition of right or left.

Jan 1, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  Jacques

You clearly have ZERO knowledge of political history, or as I said before you are in the political denial, beloved of the far-right to cleanse their political guilt. Your hatred of (my) free speech shines though. You need to be clever to be as pompous as you are trying to be. 

Jan 1, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Drax

Fuck you, too.

Happy New Year

Fred Harris
Fred Harris
Jan 1, 2021 4:16 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Good for you,
Thats exactly what they were looking for a fight. They launched the firat accusation calling you far-right.
Complete nutters to say the least.

Jan 1, 2021 4:54 PM
Reply to  Fred Harris

Jacques needed a ‘fluffer’ because he couldn’t get it up.

Jan 1, 2021 8:11 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

There’s a fine lefty insult, one that obviously took a lot of thought too. A fine example of the “left” on display. As one who used to consider myself “left” it is truly sad to see the level of idiocy my old side will stoop to. Don’t you know the “right” loves that old trope about not being able to get it up?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Pheoline

Oh dear another thick squaddie, this time called Corporal Pheoline.

Jan 1, 2021 4:18 PM
Reply to  Jacques


Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 8:31 PM
Reply to  Drax

You are trolling and are likely one of those brain-dead squaddies from 77th Brigade.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 10, 2021 2:13 PM

Absolutely. There are now a lot of these people on here, with new, short nicknames, whose only job on Off-G seems to be to stir up silly little arguments about definitions, wasting time and energy. Well, their real purposes is to disrupt serious discussion of the issues, and disrupt the opposition to the mainstream agenda of suppression and oppression.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Foxton

The left vs right is specious and goes nowhere. It is being pursued on here by those who want to deflect attention away from the mega rich psychopaths who are responsible for the Covid hoax.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 2, 2021 12:05 AM
Reply to  Foxton

…77-tards such as yourself, and your confederates elsewhere on this thread attempting to derail it with pseudo-left/right copypasta irrelevencies, are about as genuinely left-wing as Augusto Pinochet…

…- Why don’t you guys quit LARPing and take some Improv classes… – It wouldn’t hurt you to go off-script every once in a while…

(…ps: – Given the *substantial* number of British Citizens, including myself, who comment here on OffG, you are *de jure* culpable of war crimes in contravention of the Geneva convention…

…- Also, as a further point of law, since you are, in fact, only *nominally* acting on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government and are, in fact, serving the agenda of their *ultimate* paymasters – A transnational collective who traditionally meet every January in Davos, Switzerland – you are, furthermore, fifth-columnist agents of a foreign power, with objectives contrary and inimical to the genuine national interests and security of the United Kingdom, so… – Good luck with ‘splainin’ that away in the eventual Nuremberg 2.0 courtroom, hoss… 😉 )

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  Foxton

[Of course you don’t, the far-right have got a lot of political baggage you don’t want to acknowledge…]

Wow, your ability to read the other commenter’s mind is amazing.

[…but you want to propagate their fear, confusion, lies, agenda and methods, anyway.]

And again! I see that you offer your psychology skills for free on the Web.

Now do me, please! What am I? Am I the Josef from Russia or the Adolf from Germany? Or maybe a far-right reactionary? What about a far-left revolutionary?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 7:35 PM
Reply to  Flanders

Your reply is notable only, for its utter and complete irrelevancy.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  Flanders

[Funny how ‘freedom’ and ‘free speech’ is now the preserve of the forces on the far-right. Claiming it as their own. Don’t you understand that that is also a Psyop ?]

Doesn’t everyone understand that your comment is also a Psyop?

See, easy-peasy does it.

Sam Truffel
Sam Truffel
Jan 1, 2021 4:16 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Funny how ‘Ubuntu’ (‘open source’ OS) set out with good intensions too, but was also co-opted by a Corporatist agenda.

Jan 2, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  Sam Truffel

That seems to be the eventual fate of every trusted brand and NGO.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Sam Truffel

[Funny how ‘Ubuntu’ (‘open source’ OS) set out with good intensions too, but was also co-opted by a Corporatist agenda.]

“Organisations inevitably become captured by a self-serving elite at odds with those organisations’ own founding principles.”

PS. That quote was by a rather conservative bloke. I do not have to agree with his political views, but I have to say it was one of the better summaries of the iron law of oligarchy I have stumbled across.

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Please get some help

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  Carol Jones

[Please get some help]

#You too.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Jacques


I was born in the country where that idea first gained ground.

The concept is poorly defined. It has rather become a virtue-signalling catch-all. A way of saying “I am one of the ‘good’ people,” and affixing almost whatever you are currently peddling as good for the “community” to the term.

The “community” is not always a friendly thing.

And frankly, traditionally there was precious little freedom under the Zulu nation. If, metaphorically, the “nation” decided you will take a vaccine and you do not agree with that, you were in a potentially life-ending predicament vis-a-vis the nation.

PS. I have seen the concept advanced somewhat superficially in the comments before, and in my impression, without even beginning to consider the totality of what is (or was) the Zulu nation and how it manifested socially, culturally, economically, militarily and politically.

PPS. The approach is in no way unique to the Zulu nation or their near and remote neighbours. I regard it as just another version of the standard tribal identitarianism common to hunter-gatherer and up to fairly late agrarian societies. There is therefore a humongous onus on anyone suggesting the concept may scale up to a world of large nation-states, especially one with global interconnectivity as we have today.

Candis Owen
Candis Owen
Jan 1, 2021 2:30 PM

Your intended aim in this article is turn the US far-right neoliberal crime of Covid, aimed at destroying small business, into a crime committed by the ‘left’, so you can demonise them further. Demonising the left is a vital part of the Covid scam.

This makes you are fake opposition, using the truth exposing Covid in a CIA led campaign to demonize the clueless, powerless left.

Your articles here are too often pieces of CIA ‘engineering’ products, with very distinct targets. In this case to smear the left, with the intent of disguising neoliberal Corporate destruction being done under the cover of Covid.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 8:37 PM
Reply to  Candis Owen

No none of that is in the article. You need to brush up on your reading skills, ask your sergeant about going on a course.

Jan 1, 2021 11:03 PM

yes, these are clearly paid trolls. that was probably a cut n paste job with a few bits changed around. The left moan about the right-wing press but as others have said, correctly in my opinion, the old left-right psyop has died a death. Since the left decided to abandon its original base, it also abandoned its purpose. Maybe the Labour Party always existed for the purpose of misdirecting meaningful opposition. Anyway, I’m not on the left/right/alt-left/alt-right tennnn SHUN! 2D plane these people are stuck in. The axis of freedom vs tyranny is never publicized because it will show that they’re all authoritarians who are stuck in this mode of thinking. It’s very primitive so I can see why psyop squaddies posting this inane drivel will be caught up in it. They have no idea about reality. Just orders. They DO know, however, that this site is becoming one of the most important refuges for freethinkers left on the net. That we are largely ex-guardian readers who hate the shit out of it now is too complex for the poor dears to process. Anyway, Happy New Year all. I hope to comment further.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 2:16 PM

When you step outside the virus narrative then all is transformed. You realise that, stripped of all the emergency justification, what we have seen is the unmistakable emergence of a police state featuring fascistic impositions barely conceivable 9 months ago. The customary life of the West has been abolished and everyone is reduced to waiting for instruction from the media.

And one sadistic item on the radio today was a chirpy DJ assuming the saccharine “concerned” voice to make the very observation I just made but phrased as if it was all unforeseen. It came across as a reminder of what had been done to us just to make sure we understood but pitched as compassionate reminiscence. And this very DJ even had the nerve to taunt with an “optimistic” hint that perhaps things wouldn’t be SO bad in the coming year. And this was following news of increased restrictions which will regrettably have to be imposed due to the “deadly new strain”.

And I feel that these media hacks are so shameless they would even bring to mind that oddly prophetic mantra about “the new normal” from way back in spring, I.e. one of the most blatant giveaways as to the fraudulent nature of this virus, and still adopt that tone of innocent wonderment at how prescient some (never to be named) people can be.

Candis Owen
Candis Owen
Jan 1, 2021 2:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Many ‘media hacks’ are just like the rest of the population, desperate to believe that the government narrative is true. They are not evil just years away from addressing what it means, if everything the government says is a lie.

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Candis Owen

Doesn’t matter, they have the responsibility to do their jobs as megaphones for the “news”. The rest of us don’t. If they cant do that in a neutral way or have a problem with what they are broadcasting to the public, then take a leave, change jobs etc.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 8:39 PM
Reply to  Candis Owen

Some truth in that, but many know what’s going on and are complicit in the Covid hoax.

Jan 1, 2021 3:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I think it was BBC radio presenter Zoe Ball who said, to finish off her radio programme – ‘we can all get back to normal once we’ve had the vaccine’

I still can’t get my head around that

Jan 1, 2021 3:35 PM
Reply to  Cal

Frightening isn’t it?

That Zoe Ball is dishing out medical advice which could potentially harm millions. We are fighting something with evil at its heart. But I think we’ll win somehow.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 8:41 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Just say no.

Jan 2, 2021 11:03 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Note that they get good-looking media darlings to front this – rather like Rachel Riley leading the “anti-Semitism” charge against Corbyn.
The most vocal anti-lockdown proponent in contrast to get any significant media time is the quite uncharismatic Peter Hitchens.

Jan 4, 2021 3:03 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Hitchens is a shill.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 10, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Well, she is apparently paid £1.36M per year for playing records on the radio, and talking crap. When you are paid that much, I suppose a bit of propaganda to add to the other crap comes fairly easily.


George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 3:56 PM
Reply to  Cal

‘we can all get back to normal once we’ve had the vaccine’

This has already been admitted to be a lie. They have said there will still be lockdowns, distancing, masks etc. even for those who took the vaccine!

That’s why I previously said this vaccine must have the worst sales pitch of all time. And then there is the new variant which turns out to be a kinda Catch 22 matter i.e. I think they brought in the new variant to scare you into taking the vaccine but the vaccine was developed before the variant. I even pointed this out to a covid believer and my jaw dropped when he automatically went into “Ah but that’ll be OK because….” balh blah. He made up his own justification and then tried to pass it off as an official one.

Jan 1, 2021 5:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There can’t be a variant from a computer generated virus,

Think about it, George.

Jan 1, 2021 6:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We are told the new mRNA vaccine fights the spike protein of the ‘virus’ but this spike protein is constantly mutating but yet this vaccine will still work on it but it only reduces symptoms.

Makes absolutely no sense.

Jan 1, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  Cal

Any time any one says that – ‘we can all get back to normal once we’ve had the vaccine’, it is an obvious propaganda lie.
There will be new vaccines for new viruses, so there will be no return to normal.
It is also alarming when those unqualified charlatans spout off medical advice.
Red flags and shields should be going up any time you hear that.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 1, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  Cal

“Now if she had done a Howard Beale and had finished off her corporate fascist propaganda spiel with ‘we can all get back to normal once I’ve blown my head off on screen’ … and then proceeded to do so. We could live with that.”

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:20 PM
Reply to  Cal

She is a parrot

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jan 1, 2021 8:40 PM
Reply to  Cal

She used to be a stupid cow and age hasn’t improved her.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 1, 2021 11:30 PM
Reply to  Cal

…Zoe Ball: – *2nd Generation* Beeb, ’nuff said…

Jan 2, 2021 12:03 AM
Reply to  Cal

If it was her dad saying that then fair enough

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 10, 2021 2:17 PM
Reply to  Cal

It’s clearly what many people believe though…what people have been encouraged to believe. Fairly predictable, and I’m sure was predicted on Off-G many moons ago.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 1, 2021 11:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

…When the levee finally breaks, there’ll be a lamppost reserved for *each and every* quisling, Lord Haw-Haw fuck like this DJ…

Candis Owen
Candis Owen
Jan 1, 2021 2:16 PM

Spam filter? For what…….I have never ever seen any spam on this site. If there were, I wouldn’t care, neither would you. They are really using the ‘spam filter’ to censor PEOPLE, who they don’t like, who contradict their false narrative. The ‘spam filter’ is just as much a lie as Covid stats. Ask them to justify it……because they can’t.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 1, 2021 2:13 PM

While the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires were ACTING and CHANGING Their Civilization… the herd kept on grazing!
comment image

Candis Owen
Candis Owen
Jan 1, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Covid is a financial looting, and a freeze on the dollar collapse, the surveillance and civil rights abuse is just a bone thrown to the surveillance-state who staged the whole operation.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 1, 2021 3:05 PM
Reply to  Candis Owen

OPERATION COVIDIUS is the first one that actually gave the SRF & Billionaires the proper TOOLS so that They can NOW engage in fulfilling Their 2030 GOALS!

Jan 1, 2021 3:12 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

They used these same tools in the War on terror and the War on Carbon. The US has been doing this for years. Fear is their main tool.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 1, 2021 5:20 PM
Reply to  Flanders

The main problem with those old operations is that the Herd didn’t reacted like They wanted to.

For example, with OPERATION “GLOBAL WARMING” (today rebranded “CLIMATE CHANGE”) They were never capable of causing a shift in the vast majority of the global herd movements/behaviours.

OPERATION COVIDIUS tools were tested and the tests are a HUGE success. The next 9 years will be used to perfect the results of reduction of travels, start to end the existence of physical money, cull as many as possible (most will be SILENT DEATHS), pretty soon PNEUMONIA will keep killing the same amount of uman animals that it killed prior to 2020, but no one will care once again about PNEUMONIA deaths and deploy more “SMART”phones apps design to command & control the cattle remotely.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 4:02 PM
Reply to  Flanders

[They used these same tools in the War on terror and the War on Carbon. The US has been doing this for years.]

Yes, it is a pure US thing.


Peter Allen
Peter Allen
Jan 1, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  Candis Owen

In a nutshell

Sally Fox
Sally Fox
Jan 1, 2021 2:10 PM

Your aim in this article is turn the US far-right neoliberal crime of Covid, aimed at destroying small business, into an act perpetrated by the ‘left’, so you can demonize them further. Demonizing the left is a vital part of the Covid scam.

You are fake opposition, using the truth of Covid in a CIA led campaign to demonize the clueless, powerless left. You articles are pieces of CIA ‘engineering’, with very districts targets. In this case to smear the left, with the intent of disguising neoliberal Coropoate destruction.

Jan 1, 2021 2:02 PM

Your attempts to continually blame ‘the left’ for the lockdowns is dishonest, disgusting and invalidates everything you print. And demonstrates that you are a part of the problem, not part of the solution. The far-right ARE in power in the UK, under Johnson leading an extreme neo-liberal branch of the tory party, and in the US under Trump, who is one of the most deregulating, Corporatist stooges in American history. Both have made it possible to implement every aspect of the neoliberal lockdown, and have opposed NONE of it. which is intent on destroying small business for their rich Corporate chums. They are both protecting the CIA’s scientists and circumventing democracy by allowing illegal laws to be made, they are both an integral part of the whole Covid scam, however much they, and you, try to distance them from it, and however much you try to blame the totally powerless none existent left, which the CIA have helpfully created a pantomime version of on Twitter for you. A left wing which you imagine is behind the scenes pulling the strings by sheer force of will. Absurd! You will be telling me next that the left want Amazon to grow their monopoly or Netflix to replace our entire culture. I can see you are a branch of this scam, because you are here trying to make the far right the heroes, and the freedom fighters. really, I don’t think so. The fascist you champion, are part of this scam, it is all their dreams come true, as they form the core of US deep state. You make all your articles worthless with your anti-left propaganda and reveal your true origins, as the fake opposition, using truth about the Covid scam, to push a far-right agenda and discredit ‘the left’ al a… Read more »

Jan 1, 2021 1:24 PM

I too had been convinced that those that are/are engaged against this dystopia are those “on whom our future depends”. Unfortunately my personal experience of the last few months has forced me to question this simple division between us/them. Because I have met some of the most terrible people among the ranks of those against, even among those leading the charge, so terrible I did not know there could be such terrible people among ordinary humans when there is nothing to be gained by being this terrible. Whereas I have found gentleness, sympathy, and an absence of dogmatism among many pro-narrative peoples, basically a humanness. I found dogma among many against the narrative, who are trying to fit in whats happening to justify their dogma, refusing as adamantly as some pro-narratives to even consider and assimilate any fact that doesnt fit in.
I found peoples who appear to hate humankind, or most of it, or to look down upon it (even their fellow fighters), I found profoundly frustrated peoples for whom fighting this dystopia is a way of venting their frustrations. I have found peoples who despite their vehemence, which usually amounts to goading others to take risks and do something, while they dont and remain safe, and in their lives are cooperating with the dystopia, each time finding a good reason to justify themselves.
Now, Im not implying all or most of the anti-narrative are like that. Some are truly exceptional. Just to say, its not totally black on one side, white on the other.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  hope

Have you considered that those awfully nice pro-narrative people are so splendidly agreeable because they still bask in the kindly golden warmth of that avuncular media and can so serenely trust in the good will of all those concerned TV talking heads who are the very ones to warn against nasty evil sceptics.

Meanwhile to be one of this latter designated satanic group is to experience the most severe disorientation possible and to realise that the situation we are in is more deadly than any mere actual virus could provide. And that it is the unquestioning belief in the virus that is the single most lethal part of the propaganda and justifies any amount of inhumanity from these happy media bathers.

Jan 1, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Go and tell that to my fellow patients who were in the surgical ward of a big hospital during the pre-lockdown and lockdown period that they are in bed with Satanic people. by the way, Im not Christian and have never liked the division between good and evil. I am still immobilized, but no longer there: go and tell the lady who was in the bed next to mine and who said some of the kindest words anyone has ever said to me when I was admitted with what I am now told is the worst possible injury, who within minutes through her simple human sympathy and intuition had felt what I was deeply like. But yes she blamed, but without animosity, the non-mask wearers for the current lockdown, but neither did she ever wear a mask, and she must have noticed I refused each time I was trailed out for yet another test. Go and tell these patients, of whom one died in front of my eyes for what I would say was the wrong treatment (she was put on one of those infamous respirators against her will), most of whom were in deep pain, but the mobile ones helping those of us who couldnt move, because the nursing staff was not attending to us, both because they were understaffed (so many have resigned out of fear), and because none of us wanted to wear masks (even the pro-maskers: no one in the terrible pangs of pain, and needing regularly oxygen because of the exhaustion from the slightest movement can sustain any impediment to breathing). Go and tell one of the doctors without whom no injury can be cured who is firmly at his post, all alone, despite his belief in corona. Go and tell them they are not… Read more »

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:23 PM
Reply to  hope

Belief in the narrative? or fear state brought on by propaganda

Jan 1, 2021 9:34 PM
Reply to  Carol Jones

No the patients were not afraid of the imaginary covid. believe me when you are yourself not well and in pretty bad shape, you dont worry about covid. Given they’re only taking in urgent cases, so we were all sent to be hospitalized from emergency, no one was there for a planned operation, everyone was in dire straits. But even then, from the way they talked there was I think no fear even before but belief that it was killing large numbers of people. There was fear among the nurses, in fact some of us wanted to make a case of being left unattended to the point of our health deteriorating (like refusing to even take us to the toilet, which if your lower limbs are not in good shape, you cant do alone) because we patients did mot wish to wear a mask, and uk law allows you to be exempt. Most nurses, especially the women, were totally inhumane: they forced a lady on oxygen to wear a mask and she later said she had nearly suffocated. Anyhow the weekend staff was the worst, as then there is no one to tell them off, though I did call a doctor who told them off, but rational arguments had little sway with the nurses, so they didnt listen to her. At some point it felt like being in a camp or prison where the patients utterly dependent on the nurses, tried to propitiate them out of fear of being left unattended. The male nurses were on the whole fine and in fact knew there was no covid as they tried not to wear the mask, and they told me if they were caught without the mask, it was immediate dismissal. They tried helping me out, like coming to tell me,… Read more »

Jan 1, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  hope

“At which point I was told by the nurses that I wanted to kill everyone there as well as their families.“

That statement contradicts your claim that there’s care and kindness from the covid cult.

There’s nothing there except lies and hysteria. When they’re not being hysterical they’re not standing up to the lies, but instead conforming, without resistance in order to not make waves. It’s so unreservedly cowardly and dishonest. In their tacit acceptance of the illegal and absurd diktats from an illegitimate organization like the WHO, they are supporting fraud and perpetuating the trauma and crimes which emanate from the lockdowns.

They have betrayed their patients and their duties and obligations as healthcare workers. Nurses and doctors alike.

Jan 2, 2021 11:20 AM
Reply to  hope

Good of you to raise the grey areas.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 1, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  hope

“…when I was admitted with what I am now told is the worst possible injury…”

…- Decapitation?

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 2, 2021 12:12 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Sgt, your comments today have made my day (and hopefully will continue to “make my year”)!

Thank you

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 2, 2021 1:01 AM

…- Thx Reset – Wishing you a *Good* one in ’21, both munificient and beneficient…

…- Keep on truckin’, sir!…

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 2, 2021 2:15 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

I return the well-wishes your way, dear Oddball. Keep the laughs (as well as the more trenchant observations…) coming in 2021!

Jan 1, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  hope

Where’s your article? Do you have a link?

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Jan 2, 2021 4:13 AM
Reply to  hope

Dear hope, thus far, we have accepted death as normal. Probably because there has been no way out from death. Most likely this will remain true; however, what is changing is that in the future (according to the plan), death will be “cured.” The mind controlled who point to people dying as proof of some sort of emergency pandemic have not noticed that the change is simply that. Noticing. Before we didn’t and now we do with confusion caused in terms: how we name things to spin stories for particular purposes.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 1, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  hope

refusing as adamantly as some pro-narratives to even consider and assimilate any fact that doesnt fit in.

What facts didn’t fit in?

Jan 1, 2021 3:11 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

There are a lot of loose ends in what has gone down this year. A lot of issues, details are unclear. Likewise, different people are at different stages of realizing what’s going on; explanations for certain things vary. There are people willing to consider alternative or even viewpoints, and agree on some issues and disagree on others. Most aren’t since a huge effort has been made in past decades to polarize people, to atomize society, to make it impossible for people to join forces, to agree on basic premises. People have been well prepped.

Be it as it may, the stuff people tend to argue doesn’t really matter; it’s mostly smokescreen.

The bigger picture is the dystopian technocratic totalitarianism that’s coming. Who care whether PCR tests are worth shit. They openly admit it, yet people don’t care.

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:25 PM
Reply to  Jacques

You may be correct, but don’t assume they have a CLUE how to practically roll out anything. What is the end game of the technocratic state? Do all the players have the same goals–just money, torture, less people, power ? Dont assume it is a linear homogenic process.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 4:14 PM
Reply to  Carol Jones

[What is the end game of the technocratic state?]

It is not a living, breathing, purposive entity. It has no “end game.”

[Do all the players have the same goals…]

That is more like it. Individuals have purposes and likely a so-called “end game.”

Jan 1, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  hope

You’re sure you are willing to consider facts that don’t fit your views …?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 4:02 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I’m not sure if “hope” is a troll or just a bad writer. Apart from the banal hyperbolic division into angels and demons, we get the word “terrible” given four times in the one sentence.

Jan 1, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not a troll, a person genuinely invested in trying to sort out what’s going on.

Jan 1, 2021 6:31 PM
Reply to  Jacques

thanks Jacques! And thanks for your New year greetings. I truly hope you
and your family manage to find some peace despite the circumstances…

Jan 1, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

im the worst writer you have come across and thats precisely why Routledge accepted to publish my book, they needed a flop you see, to lose money.
Sorry, it was a mistake to write for the offg audience. But I learn my lessons quickly. So adieu to you all, and may you all find peace whatever 2021 may have in store. Dont you see you are proving my point with personal attacks?!
No wonder we havent had much effect yet…
Let me return to those who are truly interested in changing the situation.

Jan 1, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Yes Jacques I am: you dont know me well. If Ive kept my credibility with those in the mainstream who have known me for years, it is precisely because of this. They know of my intellectual honesty: on issues I dont lie knowingly and goodness knows if I havent changed my viewpoints 180 degrees sometimes. Thats the only reason they are wanting to read my book. I try to maintain an intellectual rigour. Im not omniscient, and make mistakes like everyone else so now I realise I didnt get everything right in the book or my own opinions have evolved. As someone said, dont hold against me what I sayed yesterday! But the copy that was going to print in March was totally wrong in most of the chapter on the life sciences. I immediately contacted Routledge to request them the right to revise based on my readings due to current events. They gave me 10 days. They were the 10 most feverish days of my life, working without sleeping. Strangely, I could only go on with the Igor Moyetsev ballet music playing loud in the background 24hrs a day (my neighbours must have thought I had become insane!), which made me even more feverish. At the same time my phone was tapped, got a message from my backup email server that there had been attempts to hack my account… Started with the beginning: trying to make sense of Pasteur’s chemistry experiments, then his biological ones, and those of claude bernard, slowly going through the decades, until present times. To make it short, the version that appeared is much much better than the previous one and gave me in fact the thread of the book, connecting many disparate paragraphs. Anyhow took 11 days and sent them a copy: reasonable academic… Read more »

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 10, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  hope

What is the book called?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 10, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  hope

What is the book called?

(sorry for the duplicate post – I forgot to click on the “bell” icon first time)

Jan 1, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  hope

Your comment is a welcome respite from the usual banality of the OffG commentary, but it’s of little value without actually giving specific examples, telling stories. Stories, in turn, may require much more space, and time&effort, & may lead to escalation of conflicts.

Jan 1, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  Dors

Thanks Dors. Indeed Ive given stories now… Its really that in view of my tibia fracture, now that the plaster is off, the pain is worse and parts of my foot, ankle and leg are either always swelled, or swelling and then ok… So whereas with my plaster I was spending time on a chair working, Im now told to keep my leg elevated above my chest, exept when doing exercises and trying to walk… This frankly isnt very convenient as it forces me to lie on my back nearly all day!
Anyhow no worries, I welcome this accident and the pain, as it has made me meet
extraordinary peoples and to feel for the pain of others: I mean its no longer for me a question of being the detached analyst or scientist. Its hard to express, you feel totally at one with suffering humanity, and you feel its suffering inside you, and you feel like telling everyone if I can make it through, you all can. Im no one special, not someone particularly strong.
Thats why this year I want to move on from the scientific and intellectual discussions, to the purely human. Ive been reading a lot of Frankl, and of spiritual philosophies from round the world.

Jan 1, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  hope

Arthur Koestler was a Communist activist and then a leading anti-Communist writer (he was involved with the Congress for Cultural Freedom and was unbothered when it turned out some of its financing was from the CIA). In his book The God That Failed he wrote that people who make a smooth transition to a distorted society become distorted themselves although he accepted that quite a lot of rebels have neurotic motivations. I have read two biographies of him and Koestler was a fascinating individual but also a jerk or perhaps even worse, at all phases of his life.
Happy, contented people don’t join radical groups. Even if they did, they have sometimes been through the mill because they joined such groups and if they make it to power, are likely to have more than a few grudges. Felix Dzerzhinsky, for example, had teeth knocked out during a Tsarist police interrogation and lasting damage to his lower jaw left him with a permanent grimace, visible in many photos of him. That he wasn’t going to be a very nice person stemmed from that, and other causes.

Jan 1, 2021 6:54 PM
Reply to  hope

So how did you come across all those anti-narrative people? online or actually met them?

Rex Head
Rex Head
Jan 1, 2021 1:24 PM

It has been a neoliberal US Corporate, far-right policy for decades to destroy small business, Covid is just a continuation, a condensing, of that policy into a few months.
It is appropriate that Trump is president during the destruction of small business, it is something, screwing the little/weak guy, he has spent his whole career doing.

Jan 2, 2021 12:16 AM
Reply to  Rex Head

kill or die

Jan 1, 2021 1:19 PM

Prayer for all corrupt politicians, Government officials and advisors + the either witting or unwitting servants of the dark forces that seek total control of the planet:

En antiquus inimicus et homicida vehementer erectus est.

Virus nequitiae suae, tamquam flumen immundissimum, draconian maleficus transfundit in homines deprivatos mente et corruptus corde; spiritum mendacii impietatis et blasphemiae; halitumque mortiferum luxuriae, vitiorum omnium et inquitatum.

Exorcizamos te, omnis immunde spiritus, omnis satanic potestas, omnis infernalis adversari, omnis legion, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini nostri Jesu +Christi.

Vade satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis.

Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos Domine. Ut Imperium tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Jan 1, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  -CO

What’s this?

Jan 1, 2021 2:38 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

It is what I have said it is.

Jan 1, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Google Translate Latin to English (sort of}: The ancient enemy of the abyss is up.

Poison of his malice, like an unclean lizard pours into men who are deprived of mind and corrupt heart put a lying spirit of wickedness, and blasphemy; and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.

Exorcizamos thee, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every infernal adversary, every legion, every congregation and diabolical sect, in the name of our Lord Jesus + and the power of the Christ of the Lord.

Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man’s salvation.

From the snares, deliver us. That the government may serve you in liberty, we ask you to hear us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jan 1, 2021 3:19 PM
Reply to  NickM

Thank you Nick for that public service.
Mumbo-jumbo doesn’t give me much hope for the future.

Jan 1, 2021 5:58 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

It’s an exorcism prayer in Latin. Directed at the perpetrators of the global fraud and the evil that emanates from their directives.

Jan 1, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks for pointing that out R. I put it up to try and determine how many would eventually recognize what it was and what forces are really at work behind the smoke and mirrors.

Sadly, today the majority are too materialistic to see that spirit and matter are two sides of the same coin, but they have unfortunately identified with matter and have adopted mainly service -to-self materialistic pursuits that take precedence over service-to-others.

Insofar, as spiritual development is concerned – spirit (consciousness) has almost become a dirty word. If the opposing forces get their way it will become an anathema and is heading in that direction right NOW.

Consciousness or Spirit is the highest grade of energy that has substance, that we inherit and possess. If it had no substance it could do nothing and achieve nothing. Since it is an energy-substance it cannot be created or destroyed only transformed.

Insofar as malevolent forces are concerned they are at work in and through those who are working to promote the globalist and totalitarian agenda of the dark brotherhood and will never stop unless they are STOPPED. But from what I’ve observed so far you can guess the rest.

Jan 1, 2021 10:56 PM
Reply to  -CO

Your Latin is impressive, I’ve long forgotten what I learned at school.

Yes. The dark forces are affecting our thoughts which in turn affects our vibrational frequencies and our health and collective consciousness. And the increase in EMF activity that I’ve experienced since October is overwhelming at times.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 5:02 PM
Reply to  -CO

Sorry my friend. I assume you are a nice person with a good heart. As for me, I have explored almost everything from Kabbalah to Wicca to Zoroastrianism to Confucianism to Zen to martial arts where we trained to “fight” by channelling Qi (which I apparently was able to do). Exposing me to unsubstantiated new age transcendental spiritualism just brings out the sceptic in me.

So without further ado:

[Consciousness or Spirit is the highest grade of energy that has substance, that we inherit and possess.]

Really? And we know that how? Just because you say so?

[Since it is an energy-substance it cannot be created or destroyed only transformed.]


You just postulated some “energy-substance” called “spirit” as blithely as a Paul on the road to Damascus or a Mohammad in a cave or a Plotinus teaching about “the One.”

So why is what you are saying “true,” and what they said then implicitly “not true?”

And how do I know I am “spiritual?” It seems only when I am actually “spiritual.” And how do I know I am not “spiritual?” Similarly when I am not “spiritual!”

Well, that sound like a neat circle of “reasoning.” Maybe you can sell that idea to some people.

[Insofar as malevolent forces are concerned they are at work…]

Oh well. The “malevolent forces.” They are back! Must I assume that is not the regular Casper the friendly ghost, or dread the thought, even Spooky!

Hhmm. Possibly we are dealing here with the new! improved! 21st century incarnation of the Zoroastrian Angra Mainyu or the later Manichean dualist “evil” and “good.”

The more things change…

Jan 1, 2021 7:06 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

It is an exorcism. The site has attracted a lot of Yahweh’s faithful ones. They must be re-reading the Book of Revelation furiously and preparing for the return of the Magic J.

Jan 1, 2021 7:57 PM
Reply to  HoneyPotter

Honey, in case you haven’t noticed “the magic” is already here and is now upon us disguised as a form of “science” known as virology .

When science is misused for ignoble ends as is happening now with this Virus/Covid fiasco it becones de facto Black Magic! It is therefore still practiced today and is just old wine in a new bottle so to speak. Nothing really new except the bottle and a new label.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  -CO

[Honey … When science is misused for ignoble ends as is happening now with this Virus/Covid fiasco it becones de facto Black Magic!]

Oh please, honey. “Black Magic.” Really.

Please say “hi!” to Baron Samedi if you may see him again. He has been sulking since I exposed him as a fraud living only in some people’s imagination.

Jan 1, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  -CO

We have moved on since the time of the ancient Romans.
Please try to keep up.
This is an English-speaking site, and decent translations exist for all the above.
After all, one likes to know what one is saying ‘Amen’ to.

Jan 1, 2021 4:18 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Here’s another translation all done for you free from the Latin mumbo jumbo as you call it relating to our corrupt politicians, Government advisors, etc:-

Behold, the ancient enemy and murderer raises his Head!

On men depraved in mind and corrupt in heart the wicked dragon pours out like a most foul river,the poisons of his villainy, a spirit of lying, impiety and blasphemy, and the deadly breath of lust and of all iniquities and vices.

We cast you out, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every onslaught of the infernal adversary, every legion, every diabolical group and sect, in the name and by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ

Begone Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man’s salvation. That thy government may serve Thee in peace and liberty, we beseech thee to hear us.We beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Hope this suffices and meets with your approval.

Jan 2, 2021 12:25 AM
Reply to  -CO

It’s all right, I got a Latin education and I know several other languages pretty well.
I was making the point that it isn’t really reasonable to splatter a sizeable dollop of Latin on an English-oriented site and expect to get away with it entirely unscathed…
But thanks for the kindness of providing another translation. All I could have wished for in addition was that it had been provided to start with.

Jan 2, 2021 10:04 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Thanks. But surprisingly you have made no comments on the prayer itself e.g. whether ít has any validity or otherwise wrt the current situation that we find ourselves in from an occult perspective. By occult I simply mean hidden from our consensus view of our lived reality.

Jan 1, 2021 7:09 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“Amen” = name of Egyptian God King, still being payed tribute to by slaves worldwide.

Jan 2, 2021 12:26 AM
Reply to  HoneyPotter

Not where I come from…

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 1:10 PM

It is clear, even on the first day of what will clearly be a violently confrontational year, that we will have to adopt survival tactics. The increasingly frothing COVID coverage will clearly continue to accelerate without respite and so I recommend that, instead of digging into the asinine details of the zombie script, you just step back to ascertain what this is aiming at I.e. what they are using the hysteria to achieve next.

And on hearing the radio broadcast again, what they want to achieve is painfully transparent. It went something like this:

“The new variant of COVID is much more transmissable and the police will have to step up restrictions.”

There’s nothing like making it obvious!

And it continues:

“Some people thought that partying was more important than protecting lives. Those who observed the rules said they were protecting the NHS.”

As for the surface content of the news, all you can hope for is that it becomes so overwrought that more and more people will start to think, “Hang on a minute…”

Which brings me to my next prediction: despite the psuedo Left’s continuing attempt to defuse all protest by telling people to continue to hide under their beds there will be gathering protest movements which will be relentlessly demonized in the media and threatened by the police, not to mention by the “good citizens” informally recruited to act as shock troops in the repression.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 1, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They have been trying to make people sick for 10 months. Everything they have done is designed to get people into the hospitals but it is only their hostages who are getting sick. Most people are healthier than ever having listened to real health advice that is driving pharma out of business leading to these desperate attempts to make people sick. We must increase our efforts to improve health with for example healthy eating and the breathing.

Jan 2, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

The effort to make the public sick includes changing, vague, shifting, contradictory or impractical forms of propaganda or restrictions. They harm you through stress (cortisol).

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 10, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Driving pharma out of business? I’d like to think so, but with vaccines coming on stream, and testing still going like the clappers, masks being worn by more and more, and no doubt all the other PPE material, I’d say big pharma is doing better than ever.

Jan 1, 2021 3:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Re “good citizens”: This was one unpleasant realization that hit me in 2020: Seeing people I once respected go into overdrive as face mask etc. warriors made me reflect on how I got to know them in the first place. Which was a can of worms… Could it be that the Ohio high school teacher lady I met through a Fulbright programme in Eastern Europe in 1990 has always been involved in ‘special projects’? Is someone actually paying her and her family to spew this relentless covid and BLM propaganda? She seemed like such a bright and caring person. Oh well.

Jan 2, 2021 11:56 AM
Reply to  George Mc

You write good reports describing the current situation that we are in George, but sadly I do not see any positive suggestions as to what you think ought to be done about it.

This is Not a situation of “let’s wait and see” – war has been declared upon us whether you accept the fact or not. When the SHTF with full force it will be way too late to do anything of any significance as all forms of opposition will be put down.

At this juncture there is a window of opportunity to find a peaceful and lawful resolution via re- establishing a court system run by We the people based on common law to eventually replace the present corrupt system. Peace officers can then be appointed to enforce the court’s rulings. What say you?

Jan 1, 2021 12:56 PM

Big pharma has received well over 10 billion dollars in grant money from the US federal government to develop vaccines. Whether they succeed or not is irrelevant. The EU has contributed a similar amount.

Jan 1, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  goldhoarder

When was research not funded by governments?

Jan 1, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  goldhoarder

And the UK has finally left the EU… It only took four years

Jan 1, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  Cal

The UK public has also paid for the vaccines, you can be sure of that.

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:29 PM
Reply to  goldhoarder

So has Canada– all to get some of it back during re-election funding time

Jan 1, 2021 12:55 PM

That was an excellent read- thanks for writing it Michael.
It summarized the year of mass delusion and intrusion very well
Which saddens me on one hand, but, also encourages me because those that seek truth will persevere and will win the day. Because their lives depend on it.
Never underestimate the ability to fight, by those who have been threatened.
The vaccine refusal rates are high… this tale hasn’t been swallowed as willingly as the media wants us to believe it has

Jan 1, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  Penny

Also every refusal has a larger effect than one might think at first.
Two weeks ago I went to an 8-man party where everybody, including my wife, was wearing masks.
I said I was against them and that others should feel free, as far as I was concerned, to remove theirs, if they wished.
Within five minutes, everybody had removed their masks.

Now, last night, my wife and I were invited to the same house, with mostly the same people. Not one mask was seen the whole evening, and the old normal was back.

Hopefully a lot of small refusals could end up strangling this covocrap for good, and all the unused masks will end up on Fauci’s doorstep.

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:31 PM
Reply to  wardropper

We do the same here. People must understand that SO much is going on behind doors that is normal. Think of Nazi Germany/occupied lands, think of the bars, restaurants that stay open during active wars– find what you love locally and support it!

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 10, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I can’t remember where you are, but where I live, I unfortunately see more and more people wearing masks in the street, something which I’m glad to say has hardly been the case at any time before in this whole CONvid-19 game. For the first time, I’d say, it’s now the majority of people in the street in my town are now masked up.

They might partly be wearing them to keep their faces warm (I know someone who does that), but there are better ways of doing that (scarves, snoods/neck gaiters, thick furry jackets, etc).

We’re in the cold and flu season, but they’re calling it Covid-19 and New Variant Covid-19, and ramping up the panic, and sadly, people who didn’t fall for it before are falling for it now. They’ve been worn down.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 1, 2021 12:40 PM

This is my “Thought” on those WWW profiles:

Keep Calm and Slave on. The BEST function of DEMOCRACY is to give SLAVES the FREEDOM to CONSUME

Clearly now the OWNERS of the MAIN SYSTEM (the SRF) have the PROPER TOOLS to keep the herd of modern moron slaves CONSUMING but without the need for them to walk around, travel and so on.

With THEIR tools ‘WWW’ and “SMART”phones reaching high levels of efficiency and with the help of Their Friends (the Billionaires) that control the major corporations, they can from this point forward DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, the WE will just OBEY and won’t even react or fight back.

After an entire year FORCED CHANGED without a single baa baa from the sheeples, They now know that They have a CLEAR ROAD to reach Their 2030 GOALS!

Do enjoy the show fellow moron slaves.

Jan 2, 2021 12:29 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

But you are reacting now as part of the We the people Voz are you not? And telling it as it is, the problem is almost everyone here is doing the same thing and it’s almost become a competition to see who writes best without any viable strategies to deal with the problems in hand.

I have tried to put forward a strategy involving establishing a common law Court system to eventually replace the present corrupt system of injustice so that the fraudsters of the scamdemic can be brought to boot.

However, that seems to have fallen on deaf ears and there has been no further discussion only more further griping and negative criticism of the current situation ad nauseum. No doubt there will be difficulty in having to face up to this truth. The suggestion is the same – join the common law Court and restore justice for the people before what little freedoms we have left are snatched away to disappear altogether and become relics of the past.

If you have babies and young children it pains me to think what you will say when they grow up and ask you what you did in the struggle to help prevent the totalitarian regime which is now rapidly unfolding before your eyes – in which they will be condemned to live. The problem is real and will not go away unless We the people organize and act in a peaceful manner in accordance with the establishment of a common law Court system and the principles of common law – the true law of the land as opposed to the present corrupt statutory system.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  -CO

[I have tried to put forward a strategy involving establishing a common law Court system to eventually replace the present corrupt system of injustice so that the fraudsters of the scamdemic can be brought to boot.]

Authority intertwines.

Good luck. I am not holding my breath.

Jan 1, 2021 12:31 PM

To me the most underreported story – especially in connection with this Covid19-hoax is …. CHINA – CHINA – CHINA! I have always despised this Russia-bashing and this China-bashing in western MSM. But my view of China has changed totally by now. Point 1) Some weeks ago in a video I saw a representative of the Peoples Republic of China not only attending Klaus Schwab’s “World Economic Forum” but even holding a speech there. This was on the last meeting of the WEF. Possibly I saw that in one of James Corbett’s videos. And I wondered what this communist(!) representative has to search for on a meeting of this neoliberal WEF, which represents global oligarchs, who want to “privatise” the institution “state” and take it away from the citizens and hand it over to the super-rich. Point 2) Today I came across this great article: “CHINA’S GLOBAL LOCKDOWN PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN” – https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/china-covid-lockdown-propaganda China is not only totally onboard with this Covid19-hoax and with this “Great Reset”. It is pushing this anti-human agenda of the “Great Reset” more than anyone else! Also read: “HOW THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT FABRICATES SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS …” *https://gking.harvard.edu/files/gking/files/50c.pdf?m=1463587807 . Point 3) The western states are corrupt to the bones! Here about the Chinese undermining the USA:: “ERIC SWALWELL CHINESE SPY EXPOSES DEMOCRATS FOREIGN MEDDLING HYPOCRISY” – *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38LnuK3Aktc Point 4) Merkel led EU just fixed a globalist trade treaty with China! Never forget that Germany has for hundreds of years always been a country of corruption (only “Prussia” was an exception – but that country has been annihilated and even ethnically cleansed at the end of WWII) . Point 5) And now about “lies”. If you are a logical person and if you were only listening to MSM you still could find out about what really happened… Read more »

Jan 1, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Yeah the rest of the world is saintly china evil

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 5:42 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

[Yeah the rest of the world is saintly china evil]

Nowhere did I read that argument in the comment you replied to,

The day Arsebiscuits trots out a strawman, one has to wonder.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 1, 2021 2:17 PM
Reply to  Joerg

China is very well in bed with the SRF & Billionaires… They were at the last TRAINING meeting – EVENT 201 – and the task to TEST and DEPLOY the tool “lockdown” was assigned to them, since CHINA has the better sub-system and herd to deploy such tool!

The Main S H I T Media ONLY TALKED about China while they were TESTING the tool. The news only had a single purpose: START reprogramming the O.S. of the modern slaves in western countries do ACCEPT that tool.


Jan 1, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

It’s actually been a few decades since China completely gave up pretending not to want to adopt the corrupt western way of doing business.
Given their huge population, they have also made a damn good job of it.

It’s a bit like, “Okay, if those are the rules you want to play by, we’ll happily take part – just have in mind that we vastly outnumber you, and our work ethic is much stronger than yours”.

This fact does not make me happy at all, but at least it makes sense.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 5:49 PM
Reply to  wardropper

[…our (Chinese) work ethic is much stronger than yours…]

Possibly. Though Weber had at least a touch of something with the “Protestant work ethic” in some parts of the West. Though much watered down nowadays.

On the other hand, the Chinese may have a “stronger” built-in acceptance of totalitarian tendencies, See the “five relations” of Confucianism.

[This fact does not make me happy at all, but at least it makes sense.]

Agreed. None of the above makes me happy at all either!

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 1, 2021 7:18 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

George Gao was at Event 201, where the “play” was announced (in the sense of American Football). Gao was quarterback. The playbook was the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 “Scenarios” (including Lock Step).

As soon as Gao returned to China, he would throw the pass: the cartoonish staged horror-comedy sickness-skit films, a limited, theatrical “lockdown” program for the Hubei province, and a couple papers he co-authored concerning “asymptomatic transmission” and the like.

The US Media would receive the pass, and run with it to the Endgame Endzone.

China/US/UK…it’s all one inseparable elite class, running a scripted game on the hapless Herd.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 1, 2021 7:43 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

One of the few options we, the slaves, have to try and stop this MOVEMENT is by SILENT DEATHS the minions, from experts to low level servants!

Anything else (articles, comments, votes, petitions, street protests, strikes) WON’T cause a single setback on the still ongoing OPERATION COVIDIUS, and even less on the OPERATIONS to come.

Jan 2, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

China has given the world the idea of Social Credit.

Jan 1, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  Joerg

To me the most underreported story – … is …. China

I’m not sure if it is the most underreported. Everywhere people are blaming China. The Western elites would love to shift all the blame on China. The Chinese globalists, in turn, and theand Western globalists would love a conflict of China vs. the West to further press down the common man.

Innocent vs. scapegoated is a false dichotomy. One can be both to different degrees..

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  Dors

The conflict is already happening– its globalists (wherever they live) vs.the rest.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  Carol Jones

[The conflict is already happening– its globalists (wherever they live) vs.the rest.]

Yeah. But most of the rest are with the globalists. Propaganda works.

Jan 1, 2021 3:59 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I’ve come to the strong suspicion that the highest elite of the US, China, Russia the EU and even Iran among others are all playing inside baseball on this covid hoax.

This covid scam certainly does benefit any totalitarian regime by justifying more government control.

Regarding Iran it was after the strategically timed murder of General Soleimani and the luke warm response of the Iranian government. And then the Iranian government’s all in approach on this covid scam that I began to suspect that the Mullah status quo was in bed with the Israelis. It’s very possible that Soleimani was actually murdered because he posed a threat to the corrupt Iranian status quo.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

[This covid scam certainly does benefit any totalitarian regime by justifying more government control.]

I agree. But allow me to take the point further:

Polictics: “Social relations of authority and power in collective decision-making.”

So, all politicians play the “want and use and expand authority and power” game.

To reiterate: It is first and foremost a power game. Played by politicians. For power.

That game is certainly not unique to totalitarian regimes. Democracies are filled with it too. Only thing is, most people do not want to believe it, because it has been sold to them as “their democracy.”

Jan 1, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Joerg

There’s only one team, and always has been. Stalin, Hitler, Mao — ultimately their actions benefited the same clique of global capitalists.

Look at Putin and the Saudi king agreeing to flood the world with cheap oil in 2014. It has wreaked havoc with their domestic economies ever since. But never mind — for their buddy in the White House they will do anything. Similarly, Russia’s treasury holding on to US T-bills has cost them more money every year than is the country’s entire education budget.

Jan 2, 2021 12:50 PM
Reply to  Dayne

Russia has got rid of its T-bills.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 2, 2021 6:07 PM
Reply to  Dayne

[There’s only one team, and always has been. Stalin, Hitler, Mao — ultimately their actions benefited the same clique of global capitalists.]

Ooh, ooh, it’s them! The “global capitalists!” Even Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Putin, Saudi Arabia.

Wow, these “global capitalists” are good.

Jan 10, 2021 10:43 AM
Reply to  Dayne

@Dayne, Where did U get your info and do you have links to validate.?? TU

Jan 1, 2021 4:46 PM
Reply to  Joerg

All of the corporate offshoring to China over the last few decades indicated at least some degree of cooperation between Western oligarchs and the Chinese government. It was too well coordinated to merely be the result of corporations seeking cheap labour.

Jan 1, 2021 9:40 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Lots of great points.

A few others as well:

– we were shown dead bodies in the street in China and reports of healthy young people dying instantly. When this ‘virus’ came to the west the average age of death was above life expectancy and deaths were accompanied by period of illness

– has anyone considered the reason China got rid of the virus is because it was never there in the first place

– the main assay recommended by the WHO to test for this virus is the E gene. As it’s present in all Asian viruses it’s impossible everyone in Wuhan were tested after and only found 300 a symptomatics. Also even with a very small FPR 300 positive PCR tests is again impossible.

– Remember in the first week of January the WHO and CDC visited Wuhan and found no evidence of human to human transmission

– the reason air travel wasn’t closed in January is because if they did that there would be no way for the fake virus to make it into any other country.

It’s been a psyop from the start.

Jan 2, 2021 12:31 AM
Reply to  Paul

“…the reason air travel wasn’t closed in January is because if they did that there would be no way for the fake virus to make it into any other country.”

Travel to and from China is not exclusively by air, however…

Jan 2, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  Paul

Also, the close cooperation among at least USA, Canada and China academics on related viruses. This included USA outsourcing research that was theoretically banned domestically.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 1, 2021 9:42 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Four words: – Belt and Road Initiative…

…- One Belt to thrash us all, down the One Road to (Global) Serfdom…

(- A Davostani Global Enterprises, Inc. production…)

Jan 2, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Raising “wet market” as a slur is typical ignorance. In many places, it is the way to keep sanitation, packaging and building costs down. You only need to ensure that the regulators (municipal supervisors) are not corrupted.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 12:23 PM

And once again I note that dialectic whereby the more time passes, the less there is to really fear but the more psychotically hyperbolic the fear wanking becomes. It ought to be hilarious but it’s soul crushingly depressing not to say SO FUCKING BORING!!!!

And the worst part is that I know people who are taking this seriously. More to the point: this excrement will be used to push through mandatory vaccines, close down more and more areas of employment, justify police state measures etc.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 12:11 PM

Just heard the BBC radio news and, sure enough, the new strain of the virus is exponentially greater than anything we’ve ever seen before. The multiplicating R vector is germinating with the bio terrestrial filters to create a convoluted spiral within the inner bifurcation. This means that sight alone may be enough to transmit the disease.

We had a hysterical report from a hyperventilating nurse that all the hospitals of the Western hemisphere are so compacted with corpses that even a fly couldn’t get in.

The newly formed YCRTUHWRNB Unit (You Can Really Trust Us Honest We’re Really Not Bullshitters) is saying that this current situation is nothing compared to what will come. The whole of Britain, which has already died, will be revived with the vax but they will all die again.

And so on and on and on and on and on…

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 1, 2021 12:10 PM

Fear not, the backlash is on its way. It won’t be just the cash cows who will be involved, but the whole of society. This backlash is already beginning in pockets around Blighty and is the reason why police robots have to go in heavy handed and in numbers.
Quite soon it should dawn on police chiefs, and other career climbers trying to strip citizens of their rights and freedoms, that they are out numbered. They get along on the goodwill of the public but once that goodwill is squandered, it will be a different story.

DISOBEY, and boycott every website which denies free speech and also boycott every company involved in pushing deadly NWO propaganda onto their customers.

This is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning – Winston Churchill (when he was sober and not taking bribes from the jewish lobby).

Jan 1, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Haven’t you noticed the pattern yet. Protest followed by ‘new spike and need to go up a tier’ ; ‘ anger on streets’ – followed by ‘ new mutation and need to self isolate’..

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 1, 2021 4:09 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

So one just sits around and waits for their turn to be attacked by the state?
The poll tax didn’t do too well because the people were out on the streets and taking the fight to Downing St, with the promise of more to come.

This won’t be an organised affair and so won’t be ended by arresting a few organisers. The police force may well lose all control of whole areas, undoing all their hard work in the past to obtain confidence and respect from the locals.
A confidence & respect they are now pissing up the wall by behaving like gov’t robots and ignoring all common sense, which most British people still have, and also ignoring the rule of law itself. Preferring to rely on enforcing gov’t diktats which are not law.

Your analogy can work both ways. The more police at protests will eventually be met with more people. This scam has affected so many that it will make the march during toady blaars gulf war folly look like a picnic.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 1, 2021 10:11 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

“This won’t be an organised affair and so won’t be ended by arresting a few organisers.”

…- Yep, Yep! – See: Les Gilets Jaunes in France, Nov ’18 – Jan ’20 (Hmmm… – *Coincidental* date, that…)

Jan 1, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

”So one just sits around and waits for their turn to be attacked by the state?” The ‘attack’ began 12 months ago in the guise of a pandemic. ”The poll tax didn’t do too well because the people were out on the streets and taking the fight to Downing St, with the promise of more to come.” The poll tax was a tax imposed in the UK, not the globe. And you’re right, the fight was taken to Downing St. What happened ? Yes, they dropped the Poll Tax. They called it Council Tax and nothing changed. ”Preferring to rely on enforcing gov’t diktats which are not law.” The police have been government robots for decades. They love the uniform and power and are as well armed as the Nazi stormtroopers were. They don’t need a second invitation to get stuck in with tasers, , sprays, guns or whatever it takes. They’ll be given the power. A long, long time ago in Liverpool, dockers in Liverpool marched because they wanted a small wage rise to feed their families. Churchill had troops on standby to float down the Mersey with grenades and guns. That’s the same Churchill remembered as a ‘hero’. The gobshite. ”The more police at protests will eventually be met with more people” I didn’t make an analogy i was being literal. Each protest or sign of a rising has been followed by new rules. It was September when Trafalgar Square was filled. It was October when we got the second wave. Imagine this for a peaceful ‘fight’. Everyone in the UK finds that they can’t access the internet via their phones and PCs. Two days pass- no change. Imagine millions of addicts deprived of their fix by the people behind this game. That would be like giving them… Read more »

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yes thats how bully tactics, propaganda work. Be flexible and just keep questioning the narrative– they cant compute because they have their “script”.
Throws them off.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 1, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

…- Yep, which in warfighting terms means they are now merely *reacting*, and thus have *lost the initiative* (see: Sun Tzu, von Clausewitz, etc.)…

…- True story: – I happened to speak to a career-veteran Met copper, waiting in line for coffee before Xmas. He told me they have nothing *remotely approaching* the manpower and resources to enforce a fraction of the stuff they’re being told to, and that they’re handing out £10,000 fines (which amount he has never seen imposed before in his *Entire* career), purely as a deterent to break up crowds, with *No Expectation* of them *Ever* being paid…

…He also *Voluntarily* opined *Without Prompting* that he and his colleagues are *Not Even Convinced* of the legal standing/underpinning of the enforcement actions they are being told to undertake, and hence are turning a blind eye to *Virtually All* ‘violations’…

…- Let *That* soak for a minute…

Jan 1, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

To decide your future please choose:

Option A: for the continued Covid CIA Psyop & Lockdowns.
Option B: for the CIA backed fascist coup.

Selection A is made by staying home in fear.
Selection B is made by taking to the streets and burning down your democracy.

please make your choice now!

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 1, 2021 8:23 PM
Reply to  Flanders

Is what we are experiencing democracy?
Gates and ferguson have so much planned for those who just sit around that they cannot discuss it without sniggering.
Conflict or resistance at least is inevitable as gov’t pushes on with its flawed science and control overreach. The people were already pissed before the covid scam gave them something else to thing about.
Now most will be out of a job or a small business. This isn’t going to end well.

Jan 1, 2021 4:04 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

‘Winston Churchill (when he was sober and not taking bribes from the jewish lobby).’


Got a link?

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Jan 1, 2021 6:36 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Not only that, it will occur to the security and govt workers that soon they will not be needed– not in the role they perform now. I said to a customs official here in Canada on returning from Mexico “bet you didn’t sign up for this job ( handing out health forms ) ” he rolled his eyes and said no I didnt. People everywhere understand.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 1, 2021 8:37 PM
Reply to  Carol Jones

When people realise that they are being robbed of their livelihoods because of a cartel of rich shysters who want to make even more money, they will want answers. When they don’t get answers, they will want blood.
I guess those people who have been made to jump through hoops all day in order to stay employed only to have their job taken from them anyway will be twice as mad.

John Goss
John Goss
Jan 1, 2021 12:00 PM

“The United Kingdom unleashed a new sort of “police” – faces masked, truncheons in their paws – to maul peaceful protesters for the crime of breathing.”

It sure did. Last night Birmingham police had nothing to do but break up traditional New Year’s Eve parties.

mara m
mara m
Jan 1, 2021 11:45 AM

I share this link to an utterly amazing and awe-inspiring podcast which will lift your spirits and maybe even surprise with joy – an antidote to the heaviness of the last year.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Jan 1, 2021 10:45 AM

Your words become suspect when from the outset you speak of “defending democracy” without qualifying that you understand it as having been used as a tool for mind control.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 9:48 AM


The vaccine salvation show hits some teething trouble:

“The first three weeks of coronavirus vaccination in the US have proven to be a debacle. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), less than one-fifth of the 11.4 million vaccine doses distributed have been administered.”

However, this does have an upside:

“At the current rate of about one million doses administered per week, it will take another 329 weeks, or more than six years, to administer the vaccine to everyone in the country. In addition, since the vaccines currently approved for use require two doses to be most effective, the time to properly vaccinate everyone in the country may be closer to double the above estimate.”

So, plenty of extended roller coaster fun in store. And the WSWS can look forward to 12 more years of cadaver wanking while telling everyone to stay under their beds.

Jan 1, 2021 9:58 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Why do you share their toxic crap?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 10:03 AM
Reply to  Cal

To echo Bob Dylan, ’cause I got nothing else to do, man!

Jan 1, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  Cal

Even crap can contain useful bacteria.

Jan 1, 2021 11:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I picked up on this too. In fact as you have linked to a published news source, The Daily Mail ran a similar piece a few days ago. Which wasn’t really a revelation; to vaccinate whole populations within 6-8 months was always fantasy.

This year needs another event to keep us all in place as 2+ years is impossible to sustain the current bullshit, nevermind what’s outlined by the fake socialists. Does this mean that stage 2 is activated, the more deadly strain? It’s Billy Gate’s thinking, out loud.

The timelines for this social engineering project will make it difficult to introduce “health passports”; so this pantomime needs new fear and anxiety pumped into it. A second more deadly strain will certainly be part of the strategy but there’s undoubtedly dozens more steps that will be implemented this year that I just haven’t considered yet. Are we to see tier 7/8/9 and what would they entail?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 1, 2021 11:54 AM
Reply to  peter

Well it’s a balancing act. Clearly they need oodles more fear. But there’s a thin line between terror and laughter. Or at least there ought to be. But one of the depressing things is that they can not only shovel the shit out but can even manufacture the public response I.e. they can create an impression of that response.

It’s easy enough. You don’t even need a script. There are plenty of criminally impressionable useful idiots who will oblige by screaming and running around. They might even come up with stuff you wouldn’t have thought about. Although you have to insert a disclaimer e.g. “Bobby isn’t quite right about alien chest busters but he’s not far off!”

Yes I daresay we’ll have multiplied tiers, new variants, possibly even a whole new virus. One Left blogger said something about how COVID “may not be the big one.” This is a reference to the messianic bug that will end capitalism. So if he thought COVID might not be the one, I reckon he’ll be up for any number of viral novelties and I’m sure the rulers will oblige.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 1, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  peter

“Are we to see tier 7/8/9 and what would they entail?”

…- Even better yet, howabout a multi-dimensional Tier system to cater for new variants 1, 2, 3, … n?… – Disease X?… – Variable and differential ‘case’ and ‘death’ rates?… – Variable vaccination statuses, with differential brands and generations of vaccine: – Vaxed/Not Vaxed with Pfizer gens’ 1, 2, 3, … n. Vaxed/Not Vaxed with Moderna gens’ 1, 2, 3, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, etc., etc., etc.?…

…- How do you *feel* about the restrictions in your local Tier[18, ab, 37, pq, 61] zone? – Are they tighter or looser than those in the Tier[6, xy, 41, uv, 19] zone next-door, or the Tier[99, rm, 26, gt, 33] zones up north?… 😉