The Julian Assange Pardon Drive
binoy Kampmark

The odds are stacked against Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks publisher who faces the grimmest of prospects come January 4.
On that day, the unsympathetic judicial head of District Judge Vanessa Baraitser will reveal her decision on the Old Bailey proceedings that took place between September and October this year.
Despite Assange’s team being able to marshal an impressive, even astonishing array of sources and witnesses demolishing the prosecution’s case for extradition to the United States, power can be blindly vengeful.
Such blindness is much in evidence in a co-authored contribution to The Daily Signal from this month. The authors are insipidly predictable: national security and technology types with comic strip names (Charles “Cully” Stimson; Klon Kitchen) and rule of law advocates who seemingly campaign against their own brief (John G. Malcolm).
Having not bothered to read the evidence submitted at the extradition trial, the authors are obedient to a fictitious record. This includes allegations that WikiLeaks harmed US diplomatic relations; the stubborn libel that Assange’s actions, far from exposing US atrocities, led to a loss of life; and the disruption of essential “intelligence sources and methods”. (Accountability can be expensive.)
The authors fail to appreciate the dangers of the Assange case to the First Amendment, free speech and the publication of national security information. They merely claim to be free speech defenders, only to neatly hive Assange’s activities off from its protections. Free speech is a fine thing as long as it is innocuous and inconsequential.
Suppression of speech, in a free society, is wrong. But Assange is not a free-speech hero.”
By internationalising the reach of the Espionage Act, the indictment against Assange threatens the global documentation and reporting of classified information in the public interest. To put it in elementary terms for the legions of ignorant security hacks, granting the request will legitimise the targeting of US citizens.
Bruce D. Brown, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, summarises the implications:
If the UK grants the request to deliver Assange, UK prosecutors could make similar arguments in an effort to extradite a journalist in the US for violations of its Official Secrets Act, which explicitly criminalizes the publication of leaked military or intelligence information.”
Of central importance in the Assange pardon drive is the cultivation of vanity and, it follows, the appeal to posterity. “We write to request that you put a defining stamp to your presidential legacy by pardoning Julian Assange or stopping his tradition,” urge the signatories of yet another letter to Trump on the subject.
The heavy artillery is impressive, including five Nobel Prize laureates: Northern Irish peace activist Mairead Maguire, human rights activist Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Iranian political activist and lawyer Shirin Ebadi, feminist campaigner Rigoberta Menchú Tum and Austrian novelist Peter Handke.
Appropriately, the signatories impress upon Trump that the case “threatens the constitutional protections that Americans hold dear” and suggest that history will be kind should he show sound judgment in the case. “By offering a pardon, to put a stop to the prosecution of Assange, your presidency will be remembered for having saved First Amendment protections for all Americans.”
The approach taken by the UN Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is more expansive and detailed.
In his appeal to Trump on December 22, Nils Melzer outlines the high price Assange has paid “for the courage to publish true information about government misconduct throughout the world.” The deteriorating health condition of the publisher is noted, including the risks posed to him by the COVID-19 pandemic at Belmarsh prison in London.
The relevant pointers are there: that Assange is not an enemy of the American people; his work and that of WikiLeaks “fights secrecy and corruption throughout the world and, therefore, acts in the public interest of the American people and of humanity as a whole.” He had not hacked or pilfered the information he published, having “obtained it from authentic documents and sources in the same way as any other serious and independent investigative journalists conduct their work.”
Melzer then seeks to appeal to Trump the man, pleading for Assange’s release as the president had:
vowed … to pursue an agenda of fighting government corruption and misconduct; and because allowing the prosecution of Mr Assange to continue would mean that, under your legacy, telling the truth about such corruption and misconduct has become a crime.”
Finally, the personal touch is being fashioned for the president, spearheaded by Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris. Her appearance on Fox News with host Tucker Carlson was primed for Trump’s hearty consumption, laden with hooks of catchy lingo. This made perfectly good sense; there is still some time to go before the world’s first Fox News president vacates the White House.
“Once he [Assange] gets to the US,” feared Moris, “he will be in the hands of the Deep State. That’s why I pleaded with the President to show the mercy the Deep State will not show Julian if he is extradited.”
Carlson was certainly convinced, taking a position at odds with various national security wonks that pullulate the US airwaves:
Whatever you think of Julian Assange and what he did, he is effectively a journalist. He took information and he put it in a place the public could read it.”
The Australian was spending time in prison for releasing documents “he did not steal,” merely providing a platform for their dissemination, showing that “the US government was illegally spying on me, and everybody else in this country.”
The seeds for a stinging provocation against the US imperium have been sown. Whether they take firm root and grow in the self-absorbed mind of the commander-in-chief is another matter.
Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]
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F**k America.
British Judge Vanessa Baraitser has ruled against US extradition. However, she has spoken on behalf of Big Brother and used Assange( again) as threat to anyone else who has any fancy ideas of demanding truth from all lying politicians and of uncovering their criminality and general corruption.
Baraitser’s ruling supported virtually every US prosecutorial argument that was made during the extradition trial, no matter how absurd and Orwellian. This includes quoting from a long-discredited CNN report alleging without evidence that Assange made the embassy a “command post” for election interference, saying the right to free speech does not give anyone “unfettered discretion” to disclose any document they wish. She added that US intelligence might have had legitimate reasons to spy on Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy, and claiming Assange’s rights would be protected by the US legal system if he were extradited. This screaming voice of paranoia is a loud and clear admission of guilt.
Politicians, when pressed on their obsessive surveillance of ordinary people, had the predictable and weak, smug, stock reply ” if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear”.
Well, to coin a phrase : ”backatcha”.
No, Baraitser ultimately ruled against extradition because Assange would be too high a suicide risk in America’s draconian prison system. And we know the way ”suicide” is used euphemistically. Ask Jeffrey Epstein…
Assange is still not free, and he is not out of the woods. The US government has said it will appeal the decision, and Baraitser has the legal authority to keep Assange locked in Belmarsh Prison until that appeals process has been carried through all the way to its end.
Baraitser would probably be in Joe Biden’s political team if she was in America.
This reminds me of why Jack Ruby had to be allowed to become invisible and ghost his way through ‘high security’ to be allowed a shot at Lee Harvey Oswald then later ‘die’ in prison himself.
It was Orwellian decision. British Kangaroo court reached heights of hypocrisy and moral decay. British Judge admitted and adopted all however blatantly and impudently concocted false premises of extradition request accepting journalism and publishing as criminal activity punishable by prison or death only to hypocritically rejecting request on supposed “humanitarian” grounds because US penitentiary and legal system is barbaric, the fact well known before trial that was repeatedly used by Assange defense as one of main arguments for his release from prison and rejecting request for extradition already in 2019. The fact of US barbarism should have not only immediately caused automatic rejection of extradition but also be the cause to repeal US-UK extradition treaty also for reason that is it extremely asymmetrical as recent case of CIA wife killing young English man proved.
not to mention fact that it was British thuggish court system decisions that were dominant factor in deteriorating Assange health.
This decision is disgusting and all responsible should be sued for torturing Assange.
Very sad in a way that the excuse for not extradicting him is some kind of fake official ‘sympathy’ for his almost certain plight if it went ahead.
The truth is that extradicting him would violate practically all the international law that exists – not that that would worry his persecutors much, but perhaps they want some sort of honorable legacy when they get old and die…
As I said two years ago. He wasn’t extradited or prosecuted. The CIA don’t send their own guys to jail.
He’s been in jail for most of the last 12 years, and never been charged with any crime. I am not aware of anything he did wrong. If you have, please tell me. I agree with you that he has very likely worked with or for various intelligence agencies, but that in itself is not a crime. To my amazement, the moderator on Craig Murray’s blog allowed me to post again. I’ve been banned there for years.
That’s right. He’s been living in the Ecuadorian embassy tortured by his wife to make babies with her while MI6 was protecting him from extradition to Sweden on sexual assault charges.
Despite publishing all his work in intelligence owned newspapers (Guardian, NYT) he now looks like an anti establishment hero.
Job done.
What he did wrong was to publish a lot of useless information in The Guardian then co-operate with the CIA to carry out the unspeakable horror of the Arab Spring. Even the mainstream media have accused American intelligence of doing it.
“Amnesty International hails WikiLeaks and Guardian as Arab spring ‘catalysts’
‘The rights group singles out WikiLeaks and the newspapers that pored over its previously confidential government files, among them the Guardian, as a catalyst in a series of uprisings against repressive regimes, notably the overthrow of Tunisia’s long-serving president, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.
I would encourage anyone really interested in The Assange thing to read the full court documents. It is an extremely large document. I admit I have skimmed read it, but some of it (well from my point of view) is completely hilarious…
I can’t find it now. It was released in an unusal format…so I paraphrase from memory..It goes something like this…from the prosecution’s or defence’s records from intercepted or recorded logs.
Assange – Yes, Join The CIA. Apply for a job with them..Get into the system…but be careful – Actually Go for The Interview…these are the kind of questions they will ask you…so practice your IQ Tests, first with your Mum…but then you need to have a friend – Practice The Interview, until you are confident – they will offer you the job…You really want to work for The CIA or Mossad, or MI5 or MI6. They have got to believe you.
Julian Assange didn’t inflitrate them – he just got back the reports from the Teenagers and published them.
I think he is a Good Man.
I don’t see that much wrong with that.
Assange is about 20 years younger than me, and I wish him well.
He is an Australian. I am English.
He was just wants to tell the Truth
Maybe he will a few years after, he gets released from jail on Wednesday
And tries to live a normal life with his wife and kids
No one is going to give him a hard time, when he takes his kids to school and brings them back. No one will recognise him. Soon he will be completely forgotten.
The photographers would not embarrass themselves.
Give Julian Assange and His Wife and Kids some Peace and Freedom
He’s already been through hell.
Let them live a Normal Life and have Grandkids like me.
If it had gone the other way, and I for one thought it would, would you have said, “Oh, he’s definitely not a CIA asset!”?
They have been trying to extradite him and may lodge an appeal – it is a British court that found against extradition, not an American one.
So funny. MI6 and the CIA hate each other. LOL !!
Watch out, Eric.
You’re next.
Unless he is with a unit that has 77 on its official crest, in which case it is not the state he has to worry about.
Amazingly, he’s not being extradited on mental health grounds. Some good news, for once.
The first bit of good news this year, and actually the first bit of good news in a while.
Sooo, he will not be extradtioned, well, Il be dammed, and hopefully He will be let loose.
But, yup, the buts are in rows, this Judge, jesus I am glad I dont have uber scums like her in my neighbor hood, hideous creep, because the only reason, witch this hag mentioned was about health/suicide, and nothing else, the rest of the drivel she served is just that, drivel, and the uber hag went along with everything else witch the scums of this earth wanted to attach to JA, all of it, and this should remind people that all thoe this was an victory for JA, the fact, de jure is something entirly else, do read this uh…. propaganda pamphlet, it is so revieling when it come to the Brits and their buddys the Wankees that I find the reasoning really intresting.
She did not release JA because of anything else than health, to even think this is some sort of yard stick regarding an protection of wistleblowers, truthtellers, journalists etc, etc, is bordering stupidity, and when we talk about the verdict, some intresting aspects poops up, what is an crime, exposing the war crimes, or doing the war crimes, in this case, the Hag from Hell defended the scums of this earth, their reasons etc and basically giving any other similare case the blue print of what to say, and do, aka lie, because the Hag from Hell isnt the slightest intressed in exposing crimes, do notice its an Britf…. and they have centurys of expirience when it comes to crimes against humanity, along with the Imperial banana republic, and the Hag didnt tuch that at all, it all boiled down to this spesific case and the persons general conditions, and nothing else.
This is an briliant exposure of hypocrasy, whining about others, incl China, and so on, but when it comes to them selfs, yup, do as we say, not as we do, and the minute rest of whatever even remotely conected to credibility and accountability just evaporated in broad daylight, puff and it was gone, in that sense, thanks for doing it, now we dont have to say it anymore.
Its again, the difference between telling the truth, exposing the crimes and most if not all of the docs witch was given to Wikileak was in hindsight, the majority of this was conversations, in various forms and between various orgs/people, but they all where about war crimes, and it dont matter what, or how, the facts is that this docs was showing how deep and for how long this crimes have been planned and thereby executed, that, is also an part of the coverup of the imperial banana republics wars, witch we all know are based upon lies, etc, just remind people about the Chilcut Report, about the war on Iraq, with among others, the Blair rich Prodject, the personification of pure evil and this devil is stil loose on our earth.
But all in all, for JA and His family and friends, this is at least an step forward, and hopefully He is freed immediatly.
Congratulations to Julian, his legal team, and supporters who didn’t give up..
May he find a safe space to recover and rebuild..
Very generous of Mexico to offer asylum, but offer Security? Julian would be a prize hostage by the drug cartels, who appear to be in charge.. One can’t help recalling how secure Leon Trotsky was; just before the ice-axe entered his skull..
Mexico: so far from God, so near the U.S.
Trotsky was never secure in Mexico, he needed a bodyguard detail all the time and a failed, almost comic opera attack that shot up his residence occurred before the successful assault carried out by one man.
When our friends at the WSW aren’t ranting about the need for more lockdowns, they have a bee in their bonnet (inherited from the WRP of Gerry Healy) that Trotsky was betrayed by Joseph Hansen, a leading Trotskyist present in his HQ at the time of the successful attack
. The WRP was obsessed with the idea of spies and infiltrators although it probably never managed to remove them – it did use such claims as material for suppressing any internal opposition or debate.
No Extradtion.
Interesting development. Assange won’t be extradited due to apparent suicide risk.
UK kangaroo courts, nothing new if you know about the justice system in Germany during ww2
I am afraid He we go to the imperial banana republic Moronika, because of the corruption of the British court, I cant imagine anything else, scoundrels always protects eatch others, and in this, with the decades of incestious relationship, between the Brits and the UssA, yup, to think anything else is to be naive.
Trump used JA when it fitten the purpouse, and just some time ago, denied he even knew whom JA was, yeah, isnt that telling, where was the crimes then when JA was good to have,because most of the people backing Trump knew that wars was iligale, the fact that scums like the Pompeous Ass clown is drooling something dont chage anything, and the even more telling is the downfal of ICC, whom have shown us that they are just what we have said for years, an joke, an club of pathetic rotten souls.
The thing is, I see that some AmeriTards are here, is that we all know, at least most of us knows, the wars are based upon lies, forgerys and just downright invading on pretexes invented at they went along, like Libya, Iraq, Afganistan, etc, and this wars alone is more than sufficient for me to say that the entire Moronikan Gov is war ciminals, from this day backwatd at least 250 years.
Anything else, Ameritards is an insult to our intellegence and you scums knows it and so do we, JA is suffereing because of that, when the west is covering their asses for the crimes of war, millions have been killed, more millions displaced, refugees etc to total destructions of nations, and in all of this, during all this wars, have the truth provailed, because one thing is an corps of rotten corrupted polticians lied and faked everything, but they had an MSM backing the propagandas.
I dont place mutch in one single event, like the chopper used to slaughter people when I know that this happens all the time, to drones, etc, the list is long.
Again, the comments whom focuses on that, is because they dont want to debate everything else.
its an pitty, that truth this days is become irrelevant, and all of this people are heroes, putting their own asses on the line, few have the moral corrage to go the full mounty, and they should be pardoned, everything else is an loos of freedom,.
thumbs up on this one! opportunism prevails
Earlier I posted a comment about Ross Ulbricht, which also stated Assange.
It received 2 ups & 14 downs, meaning it is the version of events, the Agency is working really hard to conceal.
Anyone interested to learn the truth should look it up.
JA doesn’t need a pardon.
It’s Uncle Sam who belongs in the Exercise Yard.
I read with dismay the news that Murray has apparently been nominated by Julian’s father John Shipton to represent the family in court tomorrow (Monday).
Murray has been bragging about it on twitter. A worse choice I cannot imagine – given his proven track record as a courtroom troublemaker.
Does anyone here think that Baraitser will want to listen to Murray’s self aggrandising rants tomorrow?
I certainly don’t.
I predict that this nomination could be the nail in Julian’s coffin – barring a reprieve from Trump.
Murray of course will make the most of this, doubtless ranting to his fans about the injustice.
An injustice which he did nothing useful to prevent.
Get over yourself John. Murray will be there as an observer.
Apparently it wasn’t.
Defend Julian Assange
Justice For Assange
There’s my side again, repeating enemies told by the enemy. There is NO pandemic.
Of course that should be “repeating lies.”
The irony of Julian’s getting charged with leaking documents is that they faked at least some of them to infiltrate Wikileaks. So outrageous? Anyone think they wouldn’t do that?
Chelsea Manning leaked documents to Wikileaks including the Collateral Murder video allegedly showing two Iraqi Reuters journalists being shot from Apache helicopters, however, analysis of various artefacts including the video shows the kinds of discrepancies that indicate that Chelsea Manning is an intelligence asset and the video is faked. Furthermore, they rub it in our faces by the poor quality of the fakery.
Analysis of some of the evidence:
Chelsea’s Wikipedia bio
“On January 5, 2010, Manning downloaded the 400,000 documents that became known as the Iraq War logs. On January 8, she downloaded 91,000 documents from the Afghanistan database, known later as part of the Afghan War logs. She saved the material on CD-RW and smuggled it through security by labeling the CD-RW media “Lady Gaga”. She then copied it onto her personal computer. The next day, she wrote a message in a readme.txt file, which she told the court was initially intended for The Washington Post.”
Does anyone believe the method given for Chelsea’s sequestering of the “Afghan War logs”?
Chelsea interview with ABC’s Nightline anchor, Juju Chang (11 mins)
Juju’s first words to Chelsea: So many people call you a traitor; many people call you a hero. Who is Chelsea Manning?
[Pretty much equal weight to traitor and hero. Odd on MSM, no?]
Chelsea (all aglow): I’m just me. It’s as simple as that.
[So not a whistleblower, not disgusted with what she’s seen. She’s just her.]
Chelsea: Counterinsurgency is not a simple thing. … It’s not as simple as good guys versus bad guys. It’s a mess.
[Not the condemnatory words you’d expect from someone who’s prepared to go to prison for them, are they? And what’s so complicated here? What reason is there to think that opening fire is in any way justified? She provides no explanation.]
Juju’s v/o: Manning says she read news articles about how Reuters had tried in vain to request this video for two years so she decided to bring it up the chain of command.
Juju: What did he or she say back?
Chelsea: “It’s just another incident. The only reason it sticks out and is prominent is because it was two journalists. There are thousands and thousands of videos like that.
[Thousands and thousands!?! It’s hard to determine if Chelsea is reporting what the higher up said or if it’s her own words. If, at that stage, the footage was only accessible internally why would the higher up be saying “the only reason it sticks out … is because it was two journalists”? If there are “thousand and thousands” of videos like that why, internally, would this footage seem particularly prominent? And why wasn’t Chelsea privy to these “thousands and thousands” of videos. Why has she only seen this one? Could we infer this is the power elite telling us, “Hey, we do this sort of heinous stuff whenever we like – suck it up. What are you – yes you – what are you going to do about it?” And isn’t Chelsea concerned that this is just one video of thousands? Shouldn’t she make some noise about all the others she didn’t leak to Wikileaks. Did she not try to track any others down? We’ve just got the one even though she managed to leak 700,000 documents?]
Chelsea: I stopped seeing just statistics and information and I started seeing people.
[Rather pat, no?]
Juju’s v/o: Turns out some of the low-level army battlefield reports were found in Osama Bin Laden’s compound after his death.
[No one believes that do they?]
Collateral Murder
Callsign discrepancies
We are told that two Apache helicopters are involved but even taking into consideration possible ground control (and it is difficult to determine what callsigns would apply there as we are told that the ground crew of Ethan McCord, alleged rescuer of children, wasn’t in communication with the Apaches) the Collateral Murder transcript yields a large number of callsigns – 13:
Bushmaster Five, Bushmaster Forty, Bushmaster Four, Bushmaster Seven, Bushmaster Six, Bushmaster Six-Romeo, Bushmaster Three-Six, Bushmaster Two-Six, Copperhead One-Six, Crazy Horse One-Eight (one Apache), Hotel Two-Seven, Hotel Two-Six (the other Apache), Victor Charlie Alpha
However, Wikipedia tells us:,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike
However, Wikipedia tells us the two Apache callsigns are Crazy Horse One-Eight and Crazy Horse One-Nine. A number of items are referenced with footnotes in the Wikipedia article but the callsigns are not and we might wonder why.
Can anyone explain this large number of callsigns and why the discrepancy between the transcript and Wikipedia?
Anomalies including discrepancies between audio and video
2:48 – There’s more that keep walking by and one of them has a weapon [cannot see people or weapon]
2:53 – Arab-sounding voice says “two-oh-eight” [not in transcript – where does this come from?]
2:55 – See all those people standing down there [can’t see anyone]
3:19 – That’s a weapon. [seemingly directed at “Namir” with camera. This is supposed to make us believe that in very unprofessional lack of recognition of camera, the soldier is looking for an excuse to kill, however, obviously if it’s stitched-together audio snippets the soldier saying “That’s a weapon” could easily be referring to a person genuinely carrying a weapon. I have to say that the soldier sounds to me as if he’s perfectly serious and is not misidentifying a camera as a weapon as an excuse to kill.]
3:30 – Fucking prick [from both an audio and semantic point of view this sounds very much inserted]
3:35 – Have individuals with weapons [I cannot see any weapons at this point]
3:39 – He’s got a weapon too [who is being referred to?]
3:42 – Have five to six individuals with AK-47s [5-6 with weapons? – looks like only 2 with weapons]
There is more analysis here:
If anyone thinks that the artefacts analysed do not suggest infiltration please say why.
It’s totally disgraceful the British government is collaborating in this criminality, It was a conspiracy from the off. Fuck America!
And folk the UK for cowering under Washington’s thumb…
Of course, 5 million of us could show up on Baraitser’s doorstep on the morning of Jan. 4th – without masks…
Which would achieve what, exactly?
a lot more than the bullshit you wrote above.
Put yourself in her place. That will tell you.
5 million people constitute a very big lump of Common Law for any corrupt official to deal with.
Of course that’s never going to happen, but yesterday’s news perhaps shows that she has at least some trepidations about breaking all known international law…
I apologize for any hurt feelings you might experience if you are a close relative of hers.
I’m puzzled by the call for Trump to “pardon” Assange; it may be semantic confusion, but so far I’ve only seen it raised in occasional comments in various venues, and I haven’t come across any authoritative explanation for why “pardon” is indeed appropriate.
I’m all for Assange being freed from heinous and reprehensible captivity, but as far as I know a “pardon” presumes an actual conviction. So far, the DOJ kangaroo-court authorities have only fabricated bogus charges and “requested” Assange’s extradition from the UK. And as far as I know, the utterly specious basis for Assange’s torturous indefinite detention is to ensure Assange’s compliance with the extradition proceedings.
Someone pointed out that Gerald Ford “pre-pardoned” Nixon although Nixon wasn’t even charged with any crime, much less convicted of one. But I suspect this pre-pardon– which was as much a crime as anything Nixon did during the Watergate investigation– is sui generis.
The power elite wanted Nixon to escape unpunished, typically rationalized by the usual “the disgrace alone is punishment enough” canard. And although my memory is dim, I don’t recall any substantial resistance or blowback to Ford’s bogus pardon, whether from conservative law and order “purists” or the Left. I admittedly didn’t follow politics or civic affairs closely at the time (I was in my early twenties), but my memory is that after the outrageous pardon was declared, pretty much everybody backed off; as far as I know, the legality and validity of Ford’s pre-pardon was never tested in the courts.
Someone raised this very point at Craig Murray’s site today, prompting the following reply. Since my reply was promptly censored at that site, I may as well recycle it here; I proudly include the reproof from Murray’s censor:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
[ MOD: Kindly refrain from launching off into pro-Trump, evidence-free conspiracy peddling ]
Yes, exactly.
Also: although there are a few procedural nails that still need to be hammered into Trump’s executive coffin before The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present is formally declared to be President of the United States, the anti-Trump “Resistance” has promoted a “fait accompli” strategy beginning with the dodgy election.
In the professional wrestling model that is the basis for modern Amerikan electoral politics, Trump is The Heel who’s been successfully tripped up by the Heroic Old Codger.
In this scenario, the fact that Trump has failed to promptly concede defeat, ‘umbly pack up his gear, and catapult himself onto the rubbish heap of history posthaste simply affirms to his enemies and detractors that, in the manner of Heels, he is a Sore Loser and a Bad Sport.
That is, if I understand the British idiom correctly, politically and administratively speaking Trump has been “sent to Coventry”. During this interlude, Trump’s own party and his treacherous, time-serving ministers simply ignore or tacitly refuse his requests. So even if he made an extraordinary attempt to quash the fraudulent Department of “Justice” proceedings against Assange; the DOJ would at most “take his request under consideration” until he is officially deposed from the Oval Office Throne.
Imperious though Trump may be, he’s getting an object lesson in the paradox of royal and imperial rule: at crucial moments, sovereign monarchs are often rendered utterly impotent.
Oh, and Happy New Year to all, if it ain’t out o’ keepin’ with the situation.
I’ve got dozens of those “Kindly refrain“s from Clark Killick, mostly concerned with the coronavirus false flag we are living through. It is because of the likes of him that the number of objectors to the nonsense is not much greater. Like the liars at mainstream media he does not believe in debate. There is just one side. I am surprised Craig lets him get away with it.
Thanks for this validation. The censorious rebuke is particularly superciliously asinine, since I circumspectly confined myself to simply taking note of the “dodgy election” without amplifying the dirty details.
And what I referred to as the “fait accompli” strategy hardly rises to the level of “evidence-free conspiracy peddling”. Even a cursory sampling of US mainstream/corporate post-election “journalism”, e.g. that social-media outlets regularly cite “The Associated Press has declared Joe Biden the official President-Elect” as authoritative and dispositive, reflects this mindset.
But methinks me doth protest too much. 😉 You may know that in this case, Craig probably approves of the censorship; unfortunately, Craig himself has expressed ill-informed, fatuous disapprobation at Trump’s unwillingness to concede like a gentleman and go gently into that good post-political life.
Craig didn’t say “like a gentleman”, but he might as well have; apparently he’s under the impression that the election was manifestly legitimate, and that if Trump were honorable he’d have graciously deferred to the will of the people and cleared off promptly and with dignity.
Craig is a working class man who climbed to the top of one of the greasiest poles in the world, the British Foreign Office to become an ambassador. You can’t be much more establishment than that.
If ever there was a dirty election the one on 4 November 2020 was it. I still think Trump, who did not sign up to DAVOS, is the only hope the world has for some kind of normality. Coming from the left here in the UK makes me question myself. Since the coronavirus nonsense hit the fan I have been smacked in the eye with a few uncomfortable realities.
Slowly the world is waking up. Whether it will be wide awake in time I don’t know. The prospects if Biden is allowed to steal it are as ominous as when Bush stole the election.
Trump is the only hope?
Well, I rather like him, and I can go with him to the extent that he has ruffled a great many Establishment feathers which desperately needed to be ruffled, but we are forgetting here that all the highly intelligent and decent persons who could campaign for president today are automatically screened out of the process at a very early stage:
You are not supremely wealthy? Forget it.
That’s why there’s no hope for the USA.
Nor should we forget that Trump was nobody’s idea of a representative of “some kind of normality” in his original campaign…
We are definitely forgetting what ‘normal’ is much faster than I would have thought possible…
Interesting. But if Trump cared about integrity in the US electoral system, then he wouldn’t have waited until it claimed him as a victim to squawk about it.
He benefited from its oddities in 2016, when he had an electoral college majority but not a majority in the popular vote. He was penalised by same in 2020.
Trump was not a candidate to institute major reforms in the USA, and he didn’t.
Major reforms to a gang? But, relatively speaking, yes you’re right. Trump was in it, like they all are, for what he could get personally (fame and fortune).
I haven’t visited Craig’s site in so long I’ve forgotten him – until this. Why am I absent? Censorship.
Clark is a personal friend of Murray’s.
I gave up on Murray’s blog 2/3 years ago. It should be renamed “Clark Murray”: Moderator, 9/11 truth denier, Covid Quisling.
I suspect old Craig is just the cuddly front face – much like Colonel Saunders or Ronald McDonald.
What do you mean in this article when you say ‘ ‘ He had not hacked or pilfered the information he published”. Surely the argument people use when they defend taking information which they plan to publish is that it is not illegal to ‘ hack ‘ or ‘ pilfer’ it because the information is exposing abuse of power ?
Facts are fact. There was no hack by Julian or Wikileaks.
The curious thing about the wikileaks story is no one ever mentions the disappearance of Arjen Kamphius .
Julian Assange was forced to seek sanctuary so long ago now it seems like decades. He is the symbol of the dissenting voice; the challenger ; the free thinker; the free man ; the martyr.
He’s dedicated his adult life to unveiling the truths that were being hidden from us and the lies that we’d inadvertently bought into. He sent shock waves through politicians of every rank , and panic through every corridor of power. It was obvious that he would come to fit the bill perfectly for yet another addition to the Obama ‘hit list’ . It didn’t matter what crimes he could be charged with, they’d make up any just to get there hands on him and put him in a cell were accidents might just happen.
Four years ago he unintentionally explained ahead of time how and where Donald Trump was going to fail. And how those who follow after him will too( see link at the bottom- 2 minute speech)
He was never going to be allowed room to manoeuvre in the build up to, and execution of, a global event as audacious and dangerous as the Covid Op. He’d have had us prepped for it. Significantly, he has been allowed some public spotlight in 2020 owing to his trial.
Sold as the ultimate conspiracy theorist at a time when that was the exact message crucial to those he exposed, he is a timely reminder of why the fight he fought needs to continue. It doesn’t have to be a riot on every street; it doesn’t have to be urban terrorism. But nor does it have to be peaceful banner – parading protests. Somewhere in between there is a middle ground.
If the eugenicists that like to think of themselves as progressive social technicians and environmentalist philanthropists – or any other pseudo-intellectual title – insist that there is this looming cataclysm brought about by the negligence and ignorance of the class they like to consider ‘maggots’ or ‘imbeciles,’ then why not explain it and show us some proof. After all, it’s the strongest layer of concrete that’s holding up their house.
By proof i mean data that hasn’t been collected or analysed by only one side, be transparent. Let’s all see.
They took the Malthusian nonsense of a another century to imply that our rabbit-like rutting is peppering the planet with too many people of the ‘wrong class’ and that the Earth’s resources will naturally run out and we’d suffer malnutrition and bring about illness and death. They stated long ago that sterilisation is a must; that those ‘of a certain class’ shouldn’t be allowed to breed beyond two generations; they said legislation ( like in Planned Parenthood, Gates long term family interest)should pass a law restricting families to having a certain( low) amount of children.
If all of that was to happen, then the population of the world would shrink exponentially, generation by generation. It would recede naturally. If we were shown these things in terms of empirical proof and not in the shape of computer -generated projections, I’m sure many would bow to the logic of it and accept that a change could be beneficial. But this isn’t happening.
We are being told, and have been for 70 plus years, that population control is a must and it will be achieved. We were told also that it would be achieved by using vaccines. We weren’t consulted about it, we weren’t invited to talk it through. There is no arena for a Q and A session.
The end result is that we are being given an ultimatum of accepting a Dystopian personal oppression if we don’t keep quiet and put our arms out for those vaccines, even though those behind their production have admitted that they fix and prevent nothing, and that they can cause damage or death. We have no arena to debate the dangers or the oppression of this ultimatum and voice the above concerns as our ‘ case for the defence’. All they were -and are -concerned about, is having their accountability cancelled prior to the mass / herd assault . They have no intention of capturing this paradoxically shy virus on camera either. They can tell us all about it’s capabilities and how it mutates and what it likes, but no electron microscope can see it. Ask them why – and you’re a dangerous conspiracy theorist.
There is a force. I don’t believe in God or the Devil. I believe in a force that can be harnessed and manipulated by the positive or negative energy of the collective mind. All history as been one long arm -wrestle. This is what the teachers meant by the battle between God and the Devil and our gift of freedom of choice. We can see this on the micro level too. It can be Churchill v Hitler; Jesus v Tiberius; Israel v Palestine; Obama v Assange.
It’s difficult to charge up positively when you are enveloped by evil. And a false, or imitation, charge is impotent. Worse ,the frustration shared by the doubters of the official narrative, and who recognise the agenda behind the facade ,are contributing a negative charge to that already created by the Tyranny driving it.
We live in the time that will see the end of this arm wrestle. Right now, the positive is an inch away from being smacked to the table. It’s going to need one hell of a collective effort to hold it still while we decide which way to push back. The ‘middle ground’ I mentioned above isn’t an option by the looks of it. In a situation like this, the captors call the shots. not the captives. We have nothing they need other than the space we are currently occupying on their planet.
The wars have begun to slow down. The gun’s have fallen silent. In that silence a new enemy has been identified t- you and me. And, in that silence, new types of ‘guns’ are being loaded with a new kind of bullet.
We need to focus, we need to think and we need to be careful. But we need to do it quick.
listen and see.
( 2 minutes of importance from 2016 : )
Really good comment Jura. For now, I’m just trying to get thru one day at a time, without complying with the covid pysops.
It’s also hard Not to feel frustrated or angry when all around you, you see the very large majority who are fully obedient to the directives and diktats of the new normal fascism and who even snitch on their neighbours.
“It’s difficult to charge up positively when you are enveloped by evil”. Correct.
And you’re spot on that those who question the scamdemic are looked upon at nut jobs or tin foil hat loons. I know a lot of people struggle with this. I believe that’s why more people haven’t spoken out.
Over 1.5 years ago, I got involved with the Socialist Equality Party (WSWS) in their admirable and principled support of Julian Assange. I handed out leaflets, attended protests, helped build up support for Julian. Despite being very wary and suspicious of their Trotskyism.
Since they came out with their grotesque covid fear porn, I’ve severed all ties with them. Even blocked the phone numbers of SEP members I gave my number too.
As much of the Left last year revealed themselves to be controlled opposition and fully complicit in Covid1984. Or just useful idiots. Cheering on the immense suffering of so many human beings like Tim Anderson and George Galloway for example.
And now Julian learns his fate on January 4th. I’m not holding my breath he’ll be released to be honest.
Thanks Gezzah…
I remember putting the pieces together a long time ago. In the modern world, i wondered why there seemed to have been a gradual but definite decline in the intellect of ordinary people. I don’t mean in terms of common sense( though that’s all but gone too) but the kind that passes as an education via state schools.
Then I started to see the lies printed in the standard books and passed on by teachers within the system; a perpetuation of ignorance and the replacement of truth with lies. It was as though the largest slice of the population needed to be kept in the dark. Just leave their minds empty and we can fill it with trivia and BS later.
On retracing the footsteps of the Eugenic movement i saw the pattern emerge. The champions of it such as Margaret Sanger ( founder of the sterilisation / abortion lab that calls itself Planned Parenthood) were like rabid dogs when discussing the ‘ uneducated’ and the ‘imbeciles’ of the lower end of the social scale. This was ‘ proof’ that they weren’t fit to litter the planet and needed to go or be prevented from breeding. Bill Gates Sr was soon on the steering committee. Now he’s on the steering committee of Gates Foundation. You know the rest.
The purpose of hiding knowledge and denying an education to the majority is to ‘prove’ that they were right all along; they’re ( the useless eaters) ‘imbeciles’. So there has to be a genetic reason. They hoped that ‘genetic’ sneaking into ‘eugenics’ would give it gravitas and that it would be accepted as a science. It didn’t and it isn’t.
The Holocaust gave the same snakes a reason to decry the evils of ‘selective breeding’ as seen in all those Nazi holiday camps. So we believed it was declared evil and that would be the end of it. Then they let the Nazi scientists move to the same country that Sanger and Gates lived near to Kissinger and Rockerfeller and continue in the shadows.
Those among us with open eyes know that truth is the new -and real -terror. And that makes the Julian Assanges and Ed Snowdens of the world enemies of the state. If an enemy of the state is treated like this for trying to help and represent us- that makes us the enemies of the state too.
Operation Covid 2020.
Agenda (21)21 to follow.
Assange will need to have eyes in his back and in his ears. Or stay very, very quiet and take a needle too.
He is not a journalist. He’s a cheap little hacker who was exposed in Sweden. Forcing MI6 to find him a place to hide in London.
All of Wikileaks’ ‘revelations’ were published in outrageously obvious intelligence fronts, The Guardian and New York Times. If you believe either of those would publish material damaging to the interests of the USA you are insane.
alright, let’s say that’s true. what punishment should he have?
None. I don’t wish any harm to him. He was busted for hacking in Australia and set free to work for DARPA (American intelligence) .
‘Julian told me his graduate work had been funded by a US government grant, specifically NSA and DARPA money, which was supposed to be used for fundamental security research’.
It’s surprisingly easy to spot which two media outlets you once glanced at…
You probably do wish harm to him, if you’re honest with yourself.
I don’t wish to harm him because he is being blackmailed. He was busted for hacking into Nortel. No doubt the CIA have a long list of other offences they could use against him.
New Yorker
‘A computer-security team working for Nortel in Canada drafted an incident report alleging that the hacking had caused damage that would cost more than a hundred thousand dollars to repair.
Assange, facing a potential sentence of ten years in prison, found the state’s reaction confounding. Assange’s only penalty was to pay the Australian state a small sum in damages.
You do wish him harm.
“Assange is a smelly, low life hacker operating as a CIA / MI6 / Mossad puppet.”
No I don’t. He’s been blackmailed by the CIA since day one.
I feel like an insect in a toilet bowl, still alive but…
I’m am far from turning my back on Julian and Chelsea. Far, as in other side of the universe and just outside of it.
Is that reply really intended for me?
I was addressing Eric…
I don’t remember exactly, but it was a general comment and I do usually agree with you and I agree with you in this mini discussion, if that helps. The toilet bowl? That would be this entire OG discussion which keeps attracting turds, which I think you’ll agree with. My greatest fear, in that regard, is that the turds will come to outnnumber the insects (us). One commenter just told me to fuck off. I’ll be ignoring him from this point on but my response to that was that I’m not going anywhere. In fact, When it gets to the point where there’s 99% troublemakers and 1% human beings here, I will move on. Why would I subject myself to a torrent of abuse for no reason?
I once had a room in a rooming house where everyone hated me. They’d enter my room when I wasn’t home, because ‘they’ included the guy running the place. He saw letters and papers on my desk and then, later, he sneered at me and said ‘So and so wants to punch you in the face. You’re leaving. You just want to save the world’. We never talked, so he got his idea about me saving the world from invading my privacy. My response to him was “I’m not going anywhere.” But I was extremely miserable and realized, “Wait a minute. Why do I want to stay here?” And I moved. That’s life at this time.
Eric McCoo
You make a fair point, but where do you think Assange is now?
If he is at home with his wife and kids, drinking a bottle of Craig Murray’s finest whisky (and I hope he is), then he is a completely brilliant actor too.
Whilst I know his upbringing was highly unusual, as if in some weird Australian cult and he was on the move most of the time – one school to the other…and he was most definitely very closely associated (or at least in the same place at the same time) as some intelligence services – Egypt? I forget all the details, don’t you think that it is entirely possible that at this moment in time, he is still banged up in Belmarsh prison, in South East London, (with the support of the inmates)..and that the “USA” under whatever political label, really do want to extradite him to the equivalent of Guantanamo Bay, and throw away The Key?
He certainly p1ssed off some Americans, but I could never quite understand, if he really wanted to leave The Ecudaorian Embassy in London, then why didn’t he do so and simply p1ss off in the middle of the night. I’m about 20 years older than him, and even I could climb out of (or in) his stage, when he opened the doors, in the middle of summer, wearing full leathers, as if he had just arrived on a motorbike, cos something had happened and the camera crews had been waiting for him to speak for about 8 hours. He could have been flown in from almost anywhere, and stuck on the back of a fast motorbike…to do his speech.
I think there is a slight chance, the might withdraw all charges at his court case on Monday, and let him go.
I know of no evidence against him. He certainly was not guilty of anything in Sweden. I read the tweets of the two girls. They never accused him of anything, except a broken condom, and were boasting about shagging him.
It quite put me off Sweden, though not of Swedish Girls.
On the rare occasions when I got lucky and invited into a girls bed in her own home…come on…It would be highly unlikely, though not impossible that I would have a condom. I don’t like them. It doesn’t feel the same, but if instructed in such situations (I am thinking back a long time now)…
Let Assange go free..but not on the telly as a media celebrity.
He should disappear back into having a private life with his wife and kids, wherever he wants to.
He has done more than enough, even if he is on the other side.
Have a bit of compassion. He will always be a marked man, and some American lunatic will want to kill him.
Regardless of his or your political views
His courage is amazing
Can you imagine being Julian Assange?
Its even worse than being Luke Harding (who no one has heard of) or even George Monbiot for that matter.
Let him go free and arrest Tony Blair.
Seems a fair deal to me.
I think he is an unwilling but very grubby intelligence asset. He is not only a fake conspiracist he is also a public figure for MI6 / CIA / Mossad propaganda.
‘“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.
What on earth did Assange fanboys think when the man who was described as being tortured in the Ecuadorian embassy emerged with two children ?
He broke Swedish sexual assault laws by having sex with a woman while refusing to wear a condom. He really is a scumball.
He co-wrote a book with (by a long way the most obvious intelligence asset in commercial journalism), Luke Harding and his pal David Leigh.
I don’t think he will be extradited. He will be set free to do more horrifying damage like the CIA/Wikileaks engineered Arab Spring.
So let’s see you do what you think Assange should have done, and how he should have done it.
Then we can talk.
I don’t want to talk to you. You don’t seem to have anything relevant to contribute.
I don’t insist that you talk to me either.
The feeling of irrelevance is entirely mutual.
But, like you, I comment when I feel like it.
Normally, I would gladly provide a mass of relevant documentation to back up my views as far as the general readership here is concerned, but it is quite clear that your mind was made up when you first read that Washington Post ‘fact check’…
Remember, this is a site where the relevant material (government crime and corruption, not bedroom porn) has already been stated, demonstrated and emphasized countless times.
Since you bothered to come here, it is, of course your choice entirely whether you decide to pay attention or not.
Did you know wikileaks has a record of 14 years publications without a single retraction unlike any media organisation worldwide. Did you know the plane load of FBi agents tried the Sweden honeypot in iceland and were thrown out by one of the MPs in disgrace? Did you know that guardian was weaponised against wikileaks by the deep state. Did you know the talking points you site are 100% CIA / FBI derived. No? Didn’t think so.
I’m sure you meat to write ‘Did you know the talking points you cite are 100% CIA / FBI derived’.
“Overlooking some major issues there. Public Accountability. Crimes Against Humanity. The Free Exchange of Ideas. Freedom of the Press. The Prohibition Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment.”
“An Injury to One Is An Injury to All.”
Esxposed in Sweden as what?
As someone who has no respect for woman and who broke Swedish sexual assault laws by having sex with a woman while refusing to wear a condom.
The Telegraph
‘‘Paranoid, vain and jealous’ – the secret life of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
An excoriating profile by Julian Assange’s ghostwriter, Andrew O’Hagan, has lifted the lid on the strange world of the founder of WikiLeaks’
There we go…
As soon as condoms and semen are brought into the equation, everybody becomes a witch-hunting Puritan…
Perhaps you’d like to add a blue dress…?
Oh, just go back to sleep.
Business is, of course, business, and that always goes on as usual.
But you restrict the conversation to ‘the interests of the USA’ (today, that very word, “interests”, simply means money), when what we are really talking about here is the alleged moral high-ground of the USA’s reputation – a reputation which has, thanks to Assange, and many others like him, been shown to be built upon endless lies.
A good reputation is always earned over a long period of time, yet corruption can destroy it overnight – and it has done.
Assange is a smelly, low life hacker operating as a CIA / MI6 / Mossad puppet.
You are a weak kneed little fanboy who makes no sense.
Ideally, there should be a mass action to block and hopefully shut down the CIA, the minute that assnhe’s plane touches down in the US.
I suspect there is a D-notice in place covering deaths or side affects of the vaccines. They will claim it is in the national interests, so look out for odd behaviour in the UK media in relation to side effects.
Representatives of The Guardian have been on the D-Notice committee, since a least the time Katharine Viner got Alan Rusbridger’s job, who I am pretty sure I have seen down my local pub within the last couple of years. I have to admit Katharine Viner looks nice too.
But The Guardian, The Daily Mail, The BBC, Channel 4 etc – well they are all the same now. There is zero investigative journalism left there now.
The few good journalists remaining couldn’t stand the stink.
What is the point in being a journalist, if you have got some exceedingly rich (usually American arsehole) dictating what you write…You would be far better off, going down the pub on the evening shift, and getting him to write the bloody thing under your name. After a few pints, you come back – have you finished yet??? Your correct his American spelling of eg color into colour and try and make some sense of what the terrorist was trying to write..and press Send.
What he wrote has got your name on it now, but you probably got a nice Christmas Bonus. No escape now. You are on The Team © Satan.
I’m going to miss Trump. Trump feeding the College Football Champions Clemson Tigers with $000s of McDonalds and fast food due to the “shutdown” was without any shadow of a doubt my favourite ever political story. Seconded only by Pastygate and Ed Milliband’s hilarious PR stunt at Greggs. I think Ed Miliband is actually a decent person who would have made a good PM, infinitely preferable to the odious pie-troughing fiend currently residing in Number 10.
The $5,500 Fast Food Feast President Trump Served the Clemson Tigers
Off topic but Croydon’s hospital is pretty much empty
Brilliant video. Thank you for that. I could feel the guy’s adrenaline building up, as he was videoing an enormous almost totally empty hospital in the middle of a “Pandemic” he did well to contain his anger.
Well done that man.
Hey Koba. Great video. Sent it to some friends and showed it to my family this morning, it’s now been purged. Told my family that too. Even a little truth is too much, apparently.
isnt this type of reporting what the so called alt media on you tube bit chuirt etc should be doing, you no who they are they always cal them selves independent yet clearly funded by you no who
The elephant in this room. The Spam filter? For what…….I have never ever seen any commercial spam on this site. Lots of far-right propaganda, but never spam. If there were some, I wouldn’t care, neither would you, neither would they. They are really using the ‘spam filter’ as a cover to censor PEOPLE, who they don’t like, who contradict their narrative. The ‘spam filter’ is just as big a lie as any Covid advice. Ask them to rationally justify it……because they can’t. It is not only the Guardian that has their little lies.
It’s the NEW CENSORSHIP TOOL indeed… On my virtual space I’ve ZERO censorship. Even if the algo sends a fellow slave comment for the trash of “spam” I just go there and published it.
Each one is RESPONSIBLE for his/her Thoughts.
Do you fight with “Bluetooth” to draw unto
Your ear, something you care not to hear
Embraid your skull with beams and spheres
Of a technology that works on fear
When simple wire will do, and cut them out.
Funneling to ear from mouth, that
Which only we dare speak about
And share as generations that we ought.
I yike this! Rhyme against the clock. And I ran out. Forsooth, tick tock.
So I re-writ:
Fight you with “Bluetooth” drawing near
To ear, that which you will not hear
Embraid your skull with beams and spheres
Of a technology that works on fear
When simple wire will do, and cut them out
as mouth close hearth, not whisper to
those we dare not comprise nor
lead astray and show the door.
to continue embarrassing oneself in glorious public nakedness one more rewreet:
You wrest with “Bluetooth” drawing near
that which you’d prefer not hear
Embraid your skull with beams and spheres
Of techno-praxis built on fear
Yet misconstrued, virtual nets do cast
bars filigree as vapour masks
so talk the free and compromised
‘hind fabrik gauze and prison bars.
Heh… It should be strikingly clear that lies can only be uttered by the hirelings of “popular” media… Government officials win the Nobel Peace Prize and are showered in confetti for ordering drone strikes and escalations of war. All perfectly normal activities.
Julian Assange will never be pardoned because he worked for the “wrong” side. The military/industrial shit show must go on…
ass ange terry may boris piff fell
winston hitler and adolf churchill
all child projects abused mind controlled
you may think boris and julian are opposite forces
yet both spent time on kibbutzim spent gay times at rothschilds houses.
if marx was from a long line of rabbi and a relative of so called pure capitalist red shield
if hitler spent tavistock time near russel sq and at his brothers house in liverpool
if frau merkill of germany is relative of terry may and played together often kinder into youth
was ist das
if the moose that they say runs germany is hitlers daughter
daddy died in the deep south americas what is that
the ravings of a lunatick who must have words deleted
as like virus words are dangerous
what we see what we here is an allusion a control grid
based on lies deceit deception
assange and snow blow had zero into on israel on the 9 and 11 the 7 and the 7
had plenty on gadaffi saddam assad and all the other arab springs
bob fisked cockburn family even pilger gnome chumpski saymore sayanim hershey bar kid
all can be defined by positions on the 9 and 11 or the covid psy operation
figure out who you cannot talk about find out what words get split second word deletions
then you may be getting closer to the heart of the beast system matter
all of them are witches
scripted control
energy harvesting farms
collecting negative neutrino
‘Netanyahu: WikiLeaks Revelations Were Good for Israel
For years he has warned of the dangers the Iranian nuclear program poses to the entire region. These warnings had been vindicated, Netanyahu said.
What about Israel’s nuclear programme?
That’s a REAL secret, nothing for Wikileaks would reveal.
It’s all sadly prosaid. No sooner had Rockefeller become wealthy beyond dreams, than he dedicated himself to destroying the HEALTH and MINDS of the people.
With no education himself, he set upon the medical profession and then schooling. These were his first targets.
Envy, resentment and self hate are the motivations of those lacking self awareness and with no capacity for reflection.
That is what is lacking. Whether it be of the spiritual or religious in nature or simply the inability to imagine that you may have strengths and weaknesses.
Bah, humbug! as Dickens rightly perceived. Such people confuse wealth with righteousness and feel the need for self justification.
A PATHOLOGY it is, then. We are dealing with emotional cripples. Not those desreving compassion who shelter in their homes but a psychopathic variant that seeks to diminish everybody else.
ROYAL CRIPPLES, rich dotards, their twisted flunkies and perverted factotums.
PUT THEM IN THEIR PLACE, there is no doubt that is the answer. Those who seek to medicate a world deserve to be placed in a straightjacket and offered a taste of their own medicine.
They have power for only one reason. They found out — or the rich share such knowledge among themselves — that the masses of humanity desire to be directed.
SHOULD YOU GO ALONG WITH THAT you are no better than the most bovine clod hopper because you have been bought. Purchased with the offer of a handful more grain and a more polite handle of address.
I salute you sir !
In a 2002 BBC Poll of the general public on the 100 Greatest Britons, Thomas More came in 37th place. At least William Tyndale finished higher at 26th. So did Thomas Paine at 34th. Mind you, to put it into perspective, the entertainer, Michael Crawford, was in 17th place.
Trivial Pursuit
who was 1
montague norman
victor rothschild
ted heath
cyril smith or unkle jimmy lord sav vile
or the new york born drunkard mass murdering bankers friend church yahoo
I recall one of those absurd millenium polls to determine the greatest musicians of the last 1,000 years in which Robbie Williams beat Mozart.
There was another such poll to find the greatest book and the top five had Tolkien, Douglas Adams, JK Rowling, Philip Pullman ….and Jane Austen! Four out of the five were sci-fi/fantasy and two were pitched at children.
Thus showing the utter twaddle which polls encourage.
It’s the same in all the sciences, as in the arts, and in politics.
Today, Joe “You’ll Do” Biden apparently beats Trump, and the lie is driven by exactly what…?
Well, the media, of course.
Chamath Palihapitiya, Sri Lankan-born Canadian-American venture capitalist, engineer and the founder and CEO of Social Capital: “150 people run the world.”
What’s happened to Jean-Bernard Fourtillian? He needs freeing too
Along with Mordecai Vanunu.
Let’s get it done with just one of them first.
Not even that has happened yet, and we need to know that it can happen.
Then we open the flood-gates.
The people behind Covid are the same people who were behind Brexit, The War on carbon, the War on drugs, and The War on terror, namely the CIA. Albeit Brexit was more of a training exercise, on the low slops, for young NSA/CIA interns, hopeful to prove their skills for bigger roles in the international trade devision of the CIA.
All junior 2020 prizes have been awarded, in the International trade categories, for the most racist poster, and best pantomime dame & political figure, for the script writers and animation team behind The Nigel Farage concept, The young creators stated during their acceptance speech that they ‘’were trying to blend the genius of Lord Haw Haw with the loveably playful character of Joseph Goebbels’’. Runners up for the Teressa May, dilemma and the Churchillian ‘on the beaches’ character Boris Johnson were considered inadequate and unconvincing in their portrayal of political figures.
This years big prizes within the Covid team, are expected to go to those ingenious men and women who managed the term ‘herd immunity’, for their amazing abilities to convincingly flip it from a discredited concept, to vital illustration of proof of vaccine effectiveness, in a matter of days.
Overall the biggest prize of one weeks unlimited access to the CIA’s live bedroom webcam of Tom Cruse, goes to the team that maintained the credibility of the PCR ‘test’ for nearly a year, their relentless censorship and murder of key whistleblowers was vital in maintaining the illusion of credibility and formed the backbone of the whole Psyop.
Posthumous prizes have gone to Jeffery Epstein for maintaining a key CIA honeypot operation for many decades in the service to his country with best supporting role going to MI5’s Gladis Maxwell. (Link below).
‘Ghislaine Maxwell Made This Video Before Getting Arrested’
You think the EU exists to protect human rights? Lol
Do I ?
Do I ? I see you are upset that Steve Bannon’s Brexit is being discussed honestly.
Cheap conflation
I’m upset that the EU’s Maastricht Treaty has austerity built into it (which has caused suicides in Ireland and Greece) and that the EU’s Article 106 a legislation prevents renationalisation and promotes privatisation (see Norwegian railway workers striking against EU imposed rail privatisation via EEA membership)
I probably know 100 times more about the EU than yourself
I don’t think you know much about anything.
That’s hysterical. Sad but hysterical.
Hundreds of Israelis get infected with Covid-19 after receiving Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine – reports
If Covid-19 is as lethal as a cold or flu (coronavirus) then it’s not much to worry about.
That natural immunity may be cancelled out and a future amplified reaction to coronaviruses set in motion as well as potential sterilisation and allergic reaction, may be more to worry about
i gargoyled natural immunity and fatcchecker told me via a doctor factchecker there is no such thing as natural immunity
you can only get immune via vaccination and medication which saved the world in 2020/2021 during the worlds worse epidemic
I bet many BILLIONS of moron slaves believe in that “doctor factchecker” asshole!
I still wonder what vaccines used the uman animals that lived on this Planet 35,000 years ago, that allowed them to survive so that we can today be writing stupid comments on a virtual site?!
Kermack, William Ogilvy, and A. G. McKendrick. 1927. “A Contribution to the Mathematical Theory of Epidemics.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A 115 (772): 700–721.
‘Herd immunity’ if that is what is meant by ‘natural immunity’ is a methematical fact, not a strategy. The more diverse the population , in terms of suseptibility, the lower the threshold (proportion of population with innate/acquired immunity) for cessation of transmission through the population. The model does fail for rapidly fatal diseases. Those diseases die out through the elimination of an adjacent population.
What bollocks.
Try telling the government that.
The whole idea was to stop testing after the vaccine was released, of course the vaccine dosen’t work, we have never had an effective vaccine for a cold virus.
Infect a healty animal with bits and pieces of genetic codes and other toxic ingredients so that they get sick… If they die, even better.
it like a smart meter it tells you what energy your using and could save you money on your bill just like energy saver light bulbs it effective
this new vaccine will tell you when you need a top up
this is pure psychosis at it worse
And four died afterward if I’m not mistaken.
Note the ‘jab’ that the leader got given_ for some reason it had to be filmed for the msm- didn’t harm him. So the sheeple all did as expected. But their vaccines were real, as was the rapid onset of the illness soon after.
So- if you see another state leader pretending to have the virus or be receiving the jab- or some vacuous arse -kissing celebrity or ‘star’- you know the script.
It’s funny how they don’t use gloves for touching the tip of the needle!
He will get the safe(r) conventional Sputnik vaccine. The plebs have the mRNA drugs tested on them.
I’d say that looks like a young girl’s arm…
Where did you get that photo?
well done wardropper at last someone see;s it
this lady will explain more
It’s Getting Harder to Spot a Deep Fake Video
Yes, for sure photoshop
I just hope that that’s a real injection of poison. But, as I don’t believe in torture, I would like it to kill that Nazi immediately. No suffering. Just remove him from the land of the living.
That slave with the ‘Assange’ tag belongs to the same herd as the rest of us. The herd that for the SRF & Billionaires…

is simply disposable.
What does Assange say about 911?
Never dial it in an emergency, it if you are black and you want to stay alive?
“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” What about the Bilderberg conference? “That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes.”
Could the fight to defend Assange and the rights of journalists still be meaningful and right even if Assange is a CIA asset.?……… Yes.
He’s a CIA asset…no less.
Man, he’s sure is taking one for the team, aint he, like a True American Patriot.
‘Free Julian Assange’ whilst the world is placed in tighter and tighter lockdown and we are psychologically terrorised and threatened with a future of surveillance and vaccines, which may cause harm to some
There is a strange irony in the situation. We all need freeing
Hallelujah !
Do remind me didn’t a new law a federal offence about streaming came into effect recently?? (usa last week)
What do you think that means in the incoming new world about trying to get online information.
Eventually anyone who doesn’t agree with the official narrative is a Julian Assange and will be treated just as
Maybe Trump is waiting until after January 4th.
Maybe he’ll stick fingers up to the USA/UK Swamp
And maybe the pardons for those children murdering psychopathic war criminals was a joke. Are you laughing?
Interesting response.
Does my statement in anyways endorse Trumps pardoning of those war criminals?
Well does it, you moron?
Yes I’m laughing… AT YOU!
when he said drain the swamp what makes you think he was taking about his elites mates
after 4 years surely you must feel by now he actually taking about the usa general goy public
Guatemala were damned to decades of torture, murder and tyranny by a CIA backed fascist dictatorship following a CIA coup overthrowing a democratically elected government, just to help an American Corporation, the United fruit Company. Look who our leaders are helping in this genocide as the non-Covid death total mounts up.
Amazon,: Close down all ‘none essential’ shops. Destruction of small local retail sectors.
Google/Apple: Tracking apps, place invasive tracking on all smart phones. Surrender of publics private data.
Master-card/Visa/Paypal: Drive cashless society. Feed parasite corporations.
Zoom/Skipe: Lockdown all offices social meetings. Surrender private
business/government data to US competitors.
Netflix/AppleTV/AmazonTV: Close down all theatres/cinemas. Neoliberal propaganda base.
Uber eats: Shut down all restaurants, bankrupt small restaurants with international chains.
Pfizer: vaccine
And in the same fashion that Venezuela is no longer ‘allowed’ to have a democratically elected government that uses the wealth generated by the largest oil reserves in the world.
The UK is also no longer ‘allowed’ to have governments that use our national wealth for the betterment of the British people. That has been ended by a collusion between the USA’s CIA and our quisling class of neoliberal, super wealthy. Thedeath of the left in the UK was by order of the USA.
Suggested reading. Deconstructing Wikileaks by Daniel Estulin.
Assange defends the official position on 9/11. Wikileaks has revealed no documentation concerning the Covaids scam. Wikileaks has revealed no information that would embarrass Big Pharma. It makes you think doesn’t it?
Agreed. The biggest single coordinated attack on humanity in human history – the Corona Scandal – and Wikileaks is silent
Still, I hope that Assange is released
Funny how those who defend free speech also defend censorship. I’m thinking of the anti-lockdown site ‘Lockdown Sceptics’ who’ve locked down on anonymous comments. One must sign in to comment now. The irony
Do you know of information relevant to your stance on the subject as having been sent to Wikileaks?
You can ascertain that from a post?
Bog Standard, Russian, or Brigade77 troll?
Go you.
Do you think I’m privy to the traffic exchanged between the outside world and Wikileaks?
Your stance can only assume that there is indeed a deadly virus and no skulduggery at all. In which case Wikileaks needs to stay safe
What you’re are suggesting is Wikileaks has a trove of information about Covid, which it’s failing to release?
And you say this, with jack all evidence.
Wow, you can imply a lot of things about my stance through imaginary facts you seem to furnish out of thin air. It must be really interesting in that mind of yours.
I don’t know about you, but Wikileaks concentrating on getting one of their own out, seems the order of the day. Sorry it doesn’t fit in with what you think they should be doing, and the dirt you think they are concealing.
Why do you need wikileaks to dish the dirt on the scamdemic? All the dirt you need is already out there in plain view for anybody willing to look for it and look beyond the establishment/corporate media horseshit. The stuff that wikileaks publish generally isn’t already out there in the public domain.
We don’t need wikileaks in order to know about the plandemic. That’s not the point.
The trouble managing any site with comments seems to be, that if you don’t get commenters to sign in, then you spend hours deleting bot entries.
Really? Interesting. I bookmarked the site but not because I think that it’s solid. I like to peek in now and then because it’s the sort of site that might toss off an article or two now and then that’s worth looking at.
If that’s all true, then Yes. I’m also horrified to see activists worry about Julian and his possible exposure to Sars CoV 2. They are not activists who I can support.
WTF Kit (Off Guardian)? Make up your mind, one day you give the movie SEVEN (wtc7) and the next you cry for Mossange. Real barricades only have two sides, you can’t be on both sides.
WTF de einzige……..
So Assange is on the other side of the fence as regards 9/11 AND OffG cannot support the Journalist Assange?
What short of child like intelligence do you have to have to try to rationalise what you’ve said?
I suspect you like to call people Assad/Putin apologists as well. Am I right?
You are wrong. Mossange is not a journalist, he is an empire’s resource. It was used to take over bank for Rothschilds and support the Arab Spring and Color Revolutions. Slandered Putin, Assad and Iran.
I want Off-Guardian to be on more ‘sides’, not less.
You can certainly be for or even against it.
Not me
Trust the Scien-ticians
Latest move in Covid Injectables strategy driven by officials and politicians.
If this was the most effective medical approach – surely it would have emerged during testing.
Or having conducted a live experiment, are officials & politicians less fearful of people keeling over that they’ve decided to up the dose?
From the Telegraph:
“Scientists across the world were locked in fierce debate on Friday over the wisdom or otherwise of the UK switching to a single dose strategy for Covid-19 vaccines.
White coats were flapping on social media after the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) published its rationale for the move on Thursday night.
“The advice … is aimed at maximising protection in the population”, said the JVCI.
“Given the high level of protection afforded by the first dose, models suggest that initially vaccinating a greater number of people with a single dose will prevent more deaths and hospitalisations than vaccinating a smaller number of people with two doses”.
The move to prioritise first jabs of the vaccines was initially proposed by former prime minister Tony Blair. There is little doubt it is an innovation, though some prefer the word gamble.”
More and more evidence is showing that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines cause a huge surge in adverse reactions on the administration of a second dose. This could be why the UK are trying to use up more in first doses without being truthful about potential harm. Though the idea that anyone would sign up as guinea pig for either is beyond me.
this out today in u.k released last night in usa
UK plans to delay the second doses of its COVID-19 vaccines A new vaccination plan in the UK will see the gap between doses being increased from 21 days to 12 weeks in order to prioritise more vulnerable individuals.
If a second dose is not available for any reason, patients may receive a different vaccine Britain Opts for Mix-and-Match Vaccinations
arent we lucky
Hopefully Trump won’t pardon that prick. Extradite him and throw his rear in jails for 100 years. It’s because of him publishing the hacked Clinton emails in 2016 that we wound up with Trump as president, whose 4 years will reverberate for 50 years or more.
There’s always one – as to the notion that Assange is a prick I can only observe that it takes one to know one.
Dear President Trump
If you a reader of the Off-Guardian website and happen to be reading this, hard lines (by the way) on the recent vote where the Republicans failed to back you just as you are about to leave Office. Here’s a way to redress their ingratitude to you and really piss off the unread in American society, you could extend a Pardon to Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden during your last days of power and it would do wonders to curb Judge Baraitser’s avid adherence to the worst excesses of a government in Britain that you never really had a care for. Thank you for your consideration and have a nice new year free from prosecution.
Trump will have a good life, so I have no sympathy for him. But Americans might demand independent inspectors to oversee their elections in future. America needs free and fair elections. Not the corrupt banana republic circus they’re offered now
Does anyone truly believe that Donald Trump is calling the shots on who gets pardoned and who doesn’t????
That’s like saying Presidents of the United States actually make the decisions and carry them out.
I think the last President of the United States of America that tried doing that got his head blown off.
It seems to me that Donald Trump served his purpose. I have never seen such swampishness in this country in my entire 66 year old life. The past four years have been sickening. And I don’t mean Trump per se. I mean the level to which the citizens and the media of this country sunk in their vilification of not only the man, but the Office of the Presidency.
We were primed for the Tyranny of 2020. The virtue signaling pseudo “left wing” we’re all in this together kente wearing knee taking hogwash has been sufficiently toiled. Mask up against the orange man.
Now Mr Biden can ride in on his white donkey.
They all do what they are told. The art of the deal.
Just my opinion.
Hmm, suggest you look at the track record of the Democrats ie destruction of the manufacturing base of the US, “ Free “ trade agreements, deteriorating infrastructure of the US, stagnant wages, increasing inequality in the US, creating more wars etc. Who said “ we came we saw he died” and said laughingly on MSM TV ? ( symptoms of sociopath?)
Well as a child……that’s one way of looking at it.
Another way to look at it, was for them to give your ‘the bird’ to you and the status quo whilst you try shovel shit down their throats in forwarding Hillary as the best you could muster.
You’ve certainly outdone youself with Joe Biden, and the vote rigging was a master stroke. Who knew it wouldn’t be the Russians/Iranians/Chinese but good old fashion Spartusa Patriots.
For ‘The Greater Good’ runs deep within these eejuts…
Whilst I don’t have a lot of time for Assange I think it utter ridiculous to blame him for the stupidity of the electorate . the same goes for here in shiyhole UK
I don’t think personal opinion of Assange is quite the point here. The precedent being set is the point. The prosecution and punishment of any journalist exposing wrong doing and state lies vs the power and ability of state to control the narrative and punish those who expose the wrongdoings, is what is at stake here. Independent investigative journalism is crucial if we want to hold power to account. It is this that is being eroded. Everyone regardless of their personal views should have a problem with this.
Well yeah, US or UK, crystal clear these days, Courts are for the exercise of Power – not Justice.
I was friends with Julian in Highschool, we still chat via AOL online, he says everything is going according to plan. WWG1WGA