The “Russian hacking” NATO psyop has finally been solved


To professional analysts, it has long been clear that the “Russiagate” saga – including the “Russian hacking” claims, the Trump-Russia collusion claims, as well as the “Skripal poisoning incident” and the more recent “Navalny poisoning incident” – has been a US and NATO psychological operation aimed at containing a resurgent Russia and a somewhat unpredictable US President.

Several aspects of the “Russian hacking” psychological operation had already been uncovered by independent researchers like Stephen McIntyre, “Adam Carter” and “The Forensicator”.

In early November, however, British researcher David J. Blake essentially solved the “Russian hacking” psyop, down to the operational level, as described in his new book “Loaded for Guccifer 2.0”.

US/NATO-controlled IT used for “Russian” hacking and phishing operations (DJB)

Blake shows how the “Russian hacking” psyop was initiated by the US and NATO in 2014 in response to Russia’s reaction to the US regime change in Ukraine, when Russia retook control of the Crimean Peninsula and supported the de-facto secession of Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine.

The US/NATO psyop was inspired by the actual amateur hackers “CyberBerkut” in Ukraine and “Guccifer” in Romania. Blake shows how in 2014, NATO created a “Cyber Defence Trust Fund” and used this entity to initiate false-flag “hacking operations” against the US and other NATO members that would then be falsely “attributed” to alleged Russian “state-sponsored hacking groups”.

Regarding the most prominent such case, the alleged “hacking” of the US Democratic Party (DNC) and the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, Blake shows how the emails and documents in question were in fact exfiltrated by the FBI and FBI cybersecurity contractor CrowdStrike, whose founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a Senior Fellow at the US-NATO think tank Atlantic Council.[1]

Blake shows how the mysterious persona of Guccifer 2.0, who claimed the hack, was played by none other than Alperovitch himself, while the technical infrastructure, including the notorious website dcleaks.com, was provided by US and NATO intermediaries in NATO member Romania.

Later, former FBI director Robert Mueller would pretend to “investigate” the cyber operation, attributing it to alleged “Russian hacking groups” named “Cozy Bear” and “Fancy Bear” based on information provided by FBI and DNC contractor CrowdStrike and its CTO Dmitri Alperovitch.[2]

Blake also shows how other alleged “Russian hacks”, including the “hacking” of the German parlia­ment in 2015, relied on the very same NATO-controlled technical infrastructure. Blake was able to show this based on archived information about previous owners of IP addresses, name servers, and SSL security certificates – all pointing to the US military, NATO, and the Ukrainian government.[3]

Archived IP and SSL data tying covert operations to NATO and the Ukrainian government (DJB)

In the case of the staged hack of the US Democratic Party, Blake shows how FBI cybersecurity contractor CrowdStrike added false “Russian fingerprints” by embedding the documents into previously published CyberBerkut documents and inserting additional false signatures. However, CrowdStrike made a few technical mistakes that ultimately revealed their US time zone.

Blake highlights the important fact that in all of these false-flag “Russian hacks”, originating from NATO-controlled infrastructure, either no data or only trivial data was released to the public. Some questions continue to remain open, however, such as the role of murdered DNC employee Seth Rich and the actual source of Wikileaks, whose founder Julian Assange is still in British custody.

In the wake of the 2014 US regime change in Ukraine, the family of then Vice President Joe Biden exfiltrated millions of dollars from Ukraine, protected against corruption investigations by Joe Biden himself, as leaked phone recordings confirmed.

As of 2021, the professionals behind the Ukraine regime change and the “Russiagate” pysop will once again be in full control of the US government.

Most US and European media have promoted the “Russiagate” and “Russian hacking” psyops and will continue to do so. This is because most US and European media, both liberal and conservative, are themselves embedded in networks linked to NATO and the US Council on Foreign Relations. It is only some independent media that have been seriously investigating these topics.

Are there real Russian state-sponsored hacks against Western targets? Yes. Blake argues that, for instance, the hacking operation against the British Institute for Statecraft and its “Integrity Initiative” – itself deeply involved in the “Russiagate” psyop – was likely a professional Russian operation. The problem is that such real operations are much harder to “attribute” than fake ones.


David J. Blake‘s book can be purchased in paperback, and is available as an adapted digital version.


[1] Another well-known Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council is Eliot Higgins, founder of the Bellingcat group, which appears to serve as a civilian front organization of British military intelligence and was involved in psychological operations both in Ukraine and the Syria war.

[2] Blake was even able to show, based on archived IP address and SSL certificate data, that the FBI prepared its “Russia Special” operation on an “off-the-books”, inofficial web-based email system that was created by or for Robert Mueller during his time as FBI director (2001-2013).

[3] The alleged “Russian hacking” of the Swiss Ministry of Defense and Swiss arms manufacturer RUAG, in January 2016, may also have been a NATO false-flag operation.


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Jan 8, 2021 11:17 PM

I haven’t read this guy’s book yet, but I looked at the sample image in this article. Specifically, this one: nato-hacks-ip-ssl-david-blake.png In it, he claims that the IP address of a website that publishes information about “enemies” of Ukraine, is actually connected to NATO. To “prove” this, he does a reverse DNS lookup on the website’s ip address,, noting that it points to http://psb4ukr.nato.int. For those who don’t know, nato.int is the official domain of NATO’s website. That implies that this website is being run by NATO. Except, that’s totally false. Try to imagine if I claimed that off-guardian was “run by the Kremlin”. And to prove this, I did a reverse-DNS like this guy, and saw that it pointed to something like http://off-guardian.kremlin.ru Would this mean that this website is run by the Kremlin? Not quite. It means that the creators of psb4ukr.org are trolling people: anyone can set their reverse DNS to resolve to ANY website they want, by spoofing it. It’s literally a giant troll. off-guardian could do this with kremlin.ru to troll its critics, who claim its a “Russian propaganda” website. That’s how dumb this whole story is. We’re led to believe that NATO literally created a subdomain under its official domain, and then used that to create a pro-Ukrainian government website. Right. Not only that, but we can confirm that these guys were trolling. According to Google, this conspiracy theory was discussed in Russian forums back in 2015, who themselves debunked it. Read the very last comment in that page: Registrant Organization website mirror is registered : NATO CCDCOE http://whois.domaintools.com/psb4ukr.ninjaCCDOE is a Cooperative Cyber ​​Defense Center of Excellence in Estonia. Although most likely this is a kind of “joke”. It is not clear only why registrars do not close such left domains quickly. The website maintainers made it look… Read more »

Alex Jones
Alex Jones
Jan 6, 2021 3:57 AM

This site is a psy-op too!

Jan 6, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  Alex Jones

Bill Hicks?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 6, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  Alex Jones

Whatever. But what the Hell. The CORPORATE FASCIST EUGENICIST PSYCHO bastards can not murder every one of us, try as they may. Got Debs?
comment image


Jan 6, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Class obsession. Divide and rule.

Jan 6, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  Alex Jones

It’s all in your head.

Denial Quinn
Denial Quinn
Jan 9, 2021 6:44 PM
Reply to  Alex Jones

The internet is a psy-op.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 5, 2021 7:41 PM

To understand Russian hacking one only needs to look at a company like Kaspersky Labs. This company, originally Russian but now global, has been the one to watch for leading edge research into sohpisticated malware. Throughout the 2000s they were a consistent thorn inthe NSA’s side because they’d always be among the first to discover and neutralize malware, some of it being extremely sophisticated or, as we’d say these day, ‘indicative of a state-sponsored campaign’. In recent years its been the target of attacks by the US government and has actually been banned from any government systems since 2017 but its widely used everywhere people value competence over ideology.

Given this level of sophistication as a core competence — and noting that Kaspersky itself is not directly associated with the Russian government — it would be surprising if the Russian government would initiate an attack that was easily detectable. (Individual Russians might but Rusias got plenty of criminals just like everyone else.) A far more likely scenario is that the trove of stolen NSA developed malware tools, tools dumped on the Internet a few years back, have once again been recycled to generate new malware which was opportunistically added to a piece of widely distributed software by careless software archive management.

Some support for this theory comes from the only victim I currently know of, a smaller company of architects who had their systems compromised by ransomware loaded through this Trojan. Their recovery was straightforward but it did cost a weekend and $15K to sort out. I’ve no doubt that the Russian government would like extra revenue but I’m pretty sure that distributing ransomware isn’t one of their strategis for getting it.

Jan 5, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

This was an inside job. It’s distraction that’s all.

NSA etc wander in and out of systems at will. Software/hardware vulnerabilities are built in at source.

Like the Enigma trick of old

I mean how many posters are sporting Intel processors? INTEL

Jan 6, 2021 6:25 AM
Reply to  Carnyx

Buy a PC with “Intel Inside”.

Fielding emma
Fielding emma
Jan 5, 2021 6:39 PM

Strange how we are being told that the right-wing neoliberal, often hate mongers against immigrants, pro-Brexit, anti-European, anti-left wing, TalkRadio, who are telling the truth about Covid, are being heralded as heroes of our civil liberties and victims of censorship, following the actions of the equally neo-liberal google, which is essentially a CIA operation, who shut down their YouTube site. How are we to read this? Are the champions of Neo-Nazi’s, Nigel Farage, our new heroes? I don’t think so.

Jan 5, 2021 6:26 PM

The current US administration doesn’t follow the NATO psy-ops, at least not in public: “Pompeo says China is a greater threat to the globe than Russia was during the Cold War”. (Trump has also pressured NATO chiefs to redefine the organisation’s mission by focusing on what he sees as the greater threat, Islamism).

Also, some analysts see anti-Russia hysteria in the media and the EU as CCP-linked and funded, because it provides excellent camouflage for the real threat: communist China. Many US Congressmen are accused of being compromised by the CCP (including Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and his Chinese wife, and key Democrat Dianne Feinstein, with her Chinese ‘driver’ for over 20 years), with copious evidence. However, none stand accused of being ‘Putin’s puppets’. Here’s an excellent scoop on how the CCP coopts US politicians:


Jan 5, 2021 9:22 PM

”NATO chiefs”

What the hell are ”NATO chiefs”? are you nuts? NATO does what the US tells it to do, sometimes with dissent from the other member states. NATO chiefs and father christmas do not exist. I think you just swallowed a CIA UNtruth drug. Nothing you say is true.

Fred Harris
Fred Harris
Jan 6, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  Radding

Correct and were funded by the US(CIA&FBI) in any event. Europe were just too happy to have them in Europe as long as the US was paying.

Jan 5, 2021 5:12 PM

Collection of news articles and scientific articles on Canadian website


George Mc
George Mc
Jan 5, 2021 4:32 PM

The media has turned into a monolithic juggernaut for the last 9 months, effectively concentrating its activities into one massive advertising campaign for the vax. The introductory pitch was the incessant fearmongering which has never stopped. The monotony of it should have alerted anyone with a genuinely critical mind. Unfortunately, the majority have never snapped out of that TV programming which we have all been subjected to. We have grown up with this TV and have become “media creatures”. It’s not even a case of us acclimatising to this media. That would suggest we started off as something else and were then re-programmed. No – our initial programming, our very nurturing as human beings has been in accordance with this media which we see as completely natural and indeed as part of us. This of course happened to me. However, when I first had my own flat, I lost the habit of watching TV every night and it was like coming out of a trance that seemed to have lasted my entire life up till that point. And after that, whenever I did watch TV, I started to notice how self-referential, self-congratulating and, above all, how simplistic it was. None of which mattered up until COVID where it all coalesced into the aforementioned monolithic juggernaut. The deadly pandemic paradigm is “The Truth” and this presents a new version of TINA (There Is No Alternative) which is far more potent than the old version that hammered neoliberalism at you. This version presents a “life-or-death matter”, a matter of making “absolutely necessary choices” to “protect”, not merely yourself but, more to the point, everyone! This is the true TINA and acts more vengefully than any bloodthirsty Aztec god. And for those who never snapped out of the TV habit (i.e. the vast… Read more »

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 5, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The injection has no possibility what so ever of reducing cases of pneumonia and neither do breathing inhibitors, antisocial distancing or terrorists threatening people who want to live. This is because it is a lymphatic condition caused by eating unhealthy and can only be fixed by eating healthy. Talking about how there is no guarantee gives the impression that there is some possibility of benefit when there is none.

charles kint
charles kint
Jan 6, 2021 12:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

unfortunately, your are dead right , especially the closing line
Myself I said goodby to msm long time ago; they just don’t know any better(I hope at least)

jan Shepard
jan Shepard
Jan 5, 2021 3:20 PM

I feel so stupid even having to say this, but it looks like the stupidity and gullibility of the public is about to be tested to its limits, as they tell us there really are fairies at the bottom of the garden. It looks like they are preparing us for the mother of all global Syops, and it is being lined up to follow the Covid operation in 180 days.

The pentagon were asked to release details of UFO visitation as part of the stimulus bill…Why? No reason.

But there is one certainty and that is, like the ‘Covid virus’, these aliens will be neo-liberal and ardent supporters of American hegemony, US Corporations and dollar supremacy. Get ready for it, it is coming.

‘’Tucker investigates the 180-day countdown to UFO disclosures’’

Jan 5, 2021 6:49 PM
Reply to  jan Shepard

The UFO thing is so ’50s. But everything ultimately becomes recycled.
What’s next? Strontium 90 and everybody’s going to die? (for those who remember such things).

Jan 5, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  jan Shepard

Corporations are global entities that exist to seek profits, not to pursue or maintain ‘US hegemony’. Apple, Disney and Gilead bow to money, not to some patriotic mission. However, pretending to be pro-American can serve profiteering. That’s why the military-industrial complex always cheerleads US wars of intervention and useful, war-mongering presidents like Bush and Obama, because of the enormous potential for profits. (Similarly, big pharma peddles risky vaccines to exploit frightened governments and taxpayers, not to save lives). The corporations and their many beholden politicians in DC and elsewhere ignore the gigantic human costs, like dead civilian families, anti-American hatred, or the many 1000s of dead and traumatised Americans boys and men who thought they were serving their nation. By starting no new wars, by ending old ones, by declaring the US to have abandoned its hated role as ‘global policeman’, and by threatening to ‘drain the swamp’, Donald Trump became enemy #1 of the corrupt US state apparatus. That’s why corporate America and the ruling classes so desperately want him gone, and fund those who hate and incite hate against the greatest of anti-politicians.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 5, 2021 8:13 PM
Reply to  jan Shepard

It’s an old practice used and abused through history: when the internal social situation is on the verge of the explosion, when people are no longer able to take any more injustice, government officials point a finger to the “frontières”, to the borders at the common enemy mustering their strength and ready to invade.

That has the effect of a) distracting the attention from the current issues towards a seemingly more serious issue; b) unifying the population around the protective State, and c) if there be war, the “undesirable elements” of society are removed by sending them in to “defend the nation”.

In 1871, in the streets of Paris, armed people were shouting Republic! Republic! And it was so overwhelming to the newly formed government that it was decided, via Marie-Antoinette, to secretly invite Prussia to invade France at the cost of losing french territory that was in dispute. Indeed, to the minds of government officials, what is losing part of France compared to the prospect of a radical change in the economic structures?

Jan 5, 2021 9:31 PM

Excellent comment, drawing on real history, although I thought it was a rumour spread to incite the revolutionaries and discredit the king, but I take your word for it being true. You are right, Venezuela today is perhaps the best example where the elites are encouraging the US to come in and occupy their country, so they might benefit from the looting of the resources and be put in positions of power under US vassal-hood. God I hope that is not what we are seeing in Europe but I fear you may be right.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 6, 2021 1:53 AM
Reply to  Radding

Don’t take my word for it please; I learned this from listening to historian Henri Guillemin, which I haven’t the slightest reason to doubt. Guillemin repeatedly emphasizes this historical fact that whenever there are problems serious enough to threaten the established order at home, public attention is forcibly drawn abroad, at a supposed “common enemy”.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 5, 2021 9:52 PM

Sorry, I meant Empress Eugenie, spouse of Napoleon III, not Marie-Antoinette.

Jan 6, 2021 3:48 PM

Great, thanks for correction.

Jan 5, 2021 3:19 PM

It’s all very simple. Eric Arthur Blair wrote it down for us. It goes something like’if you want to know the future, imagine a boot stamping on a face forever’😎

Jan 5, 2021 4:47 PM
Reply to  Shep

For a lot of years I read that book as a warning for what could happen and believed there was good and decent integrity to the man#, screaming out to us all; “BEWARE!”. In recent times, the last two decades, I’ve come to the conclusion that it was more or less an instruction manual disguised as a piece of fiction. A preparation, a softening up for our future as a given and to be accepted willingly*.

Then there’s another well known penned dystopia where the characters are all downing cocaine, mdma or speed (soma) and fucking each other as if in some 1970s love festival, was the contribution by his tutor, which only adds to the suspicion and eroded any respect I held for these people, well the little I held to begin with.
An incessant world (UK), indeed for these people who regard themselves as the Alphas. I just don’t dig being characterised as a Delta or Epsilon, like the +10 millions of others on these islands.
#the fucker was a Burmese police officer; the jack boot on the face forever?
*echoes of that Scottish 33° Masonic Lodge thingy from the late 19th century along with the other cabals with their plans, manifestos or ideologies that pollute and aim to control our lives.

Jan 5, 2021 7:08 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

Orwell detested any form of totalitarian control, having seen what it could do during his time fighting for the left in the Spanish civil war. His copious, much studied writings are also full of warnings of how absolute power corrupts, and what could happen if western democracies succumbed to authoritarianism.

Denial Quinn
Denial Quinn
Jan 9, 2021 6:58 PM

Orwell did not fight for the left. He sided with the Anarchists and described how the Communists betrayed the revolution in his little book A Tribute to Catalunya. Orwell was for real but requires reading comprehension. The people lamely telling us he was writing instructions for the NWO seem to lack that essential skill.

The same scenario happened earlier in Russia which is why anarchists ended up in he gulags.

Jan 5, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Shep

I put it slightly differently.
Imagine a past that supports your presentation that then stamps its imprint over the denied presence that WOULD be revealed if the past were released of its power to create the Present.

So in this novel year I invite allowing and aligning in true Presence expand to a future free of the old stamping template.

The ‘Secret Intelligence’ is masking over its own agenda by assigning it to anyone and anything ELSE – so as to necessitate ‘defences’ that are really about denying Disclosure.

Disclosure is another term for revelation or apocalypse. The revealing of truth is the illuminating of the conceits by which truth seemed to have become an insanity in which escape is impossible.

jan Shepard
jan Shepard
Jan 5, 2021 3:06 PM

It is Ironic that they, the neoliberals are destroy our economy and civil liberties with the Covid project, but they are also the only ones being allowed to ‘defend’ our civil liberties on the right and far-right wing media political platforms, who share neo-liberal economic goals. It is Farage who wants to privatise your heath service for his American friends, and hand the BBC over to ComCast, yet I must listen to him attack the Covid measures that further his own economic aims.

It is like the Brownshirts opposing the rise of hitler, the CIA shepherd the Covid neoliberal economic roll-out, but they also rally our ‘champions’ ‘opposing’ the neo-liberal roll out via Covid.

What a nice position for them to be in. If we cheer the implementation of the Covid measures we are taking part in the roll-out of US Corporate occupation, but if we oppose the Covid measures, then we are taking part in the alt-rights political goals and are rallying with the far-right, who also want to roll-out US corporate occupation of our country. It is a Win Win for the corporate asset stripping of our country.

Jan 5, 2021 7:24 PM
Reply to  jan Shepard

How is Farage responsible for destroying our economy and civil liberties? He’s not a decision-maker like Doris and his expert advisors, all disciples of Bill Gates. You also complain that only those on ‘the far right’ defend our civil liberties. Indeed. So if you really fear for our liberties as much as you clearly fear ‘the right’, why not slag off Starmer and Labour for not defending our freedoms from this insane government? So far, their brave resistance to oppression has been to say ‘more lockdown, and faster!’ By contrast, Farage is now anti-lockdown.

Jan 5, 2021 9:36 PM

You in the CIA school want me to attack the left, that is one of the aims of the whole covid show. So why would I do that? the left either do not exist or are powerless. You try to pretend they are powerful, but they are not. The fake left are powerful but they are neoliberal like the far-right.

Jan 6, 2021 6:36 AM
Reply to  Radding

They have distorted the terms, liberal, conservative, republican, etc. from their classic definitions.

One term that hasn’t changed is fascist, uni-polar Corporate-State power.

Neolib, left, neocon, right all are fascist.

Judith Waites
Judith Waites
Jan 5, 2021 2:16 PM

During the Russia-gate operation and when I was still posting in the Guardian, I was the only person to point out the very obvious fact that the FBI helped Trump get elected by declaring Hilary ‘under investigation’ during the final voting days of the 2016 election.

Later I also pointed out that ‘Russia-gate’ was being used as a shield to protect Trump from real criminal accusations, many of which the members of the ‘political opposition’ would also be engaged in. For that I was relentlessly attacked by the house trolls, in fact I knew how right I was because of the intensity of the attacks. It was clear to anyone that Trump’s past was a pandora’s box of corruption and it was absurd to say he had substantial Russian links, above his usual sales to Russian billionaires engaged in money laundering via Trump properties. If the CIA had discovered that Trump was betraying American interests, he would be dead within the hour, there would be no investigation.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 5, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Judith Waites

I thought the entire email server thing was grossly mishandled since it relied on the public perception of email as being ‘a bit like regular postal mail’ when its nothing of the sort. No attempt was made by HRC’s campaign to explain the use and abuse of mail service — public or private — so it opened the door to all sorts of specualtion used to attack her. Comey’s announcement just put the boot in, IMHO — it was ill considered and — in the light of four years of Trump’s complete contempt for communication security — rather quaint.

Jan 5, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

At the time it did not seem ill considered, at all, it seemed deliberate, as part of a rigged election, and the FBI and CIA were fully repaid for their selection, in money and power over us by Trump.

Jan 5, 2021 7:48 PM
Reply to  Judith Waites

The FBI also stands accused of helping Hillary escape prosecution over her infamous missing e-mails. James Comey, the FBI chief fired by Trump, is a Democrat supporter and donor, and virulently anti-Trump (just like most of his top staff, the DC establishment, and other intelligence agencies). Some critics even say Obama used him against the detested Hillary. FBI agents are also notoriously woke and have taken the knee in public to honour BLM, rather than investigate a group accused of being led by violent Marxists, being engaged in burning and looting countless US cities almost with impunity, and of openly declaring their aim of removing Trump (who has benefited black Americans hugely, unlike BLM, yet to fund a single poor black kid’s education). Basically, to argue that the FBI (or the CIA etc) serves Trump, to suggest that the US state or swamp supports Trump rather than wanting him vaporised, reduces any of his supporters to bitter laughter.

Jan 5, 2021 9:41 PM

you are using smoke and mirrors to hid the fact that the FBI, with perfect timing, helped Trump. On the day I knew what it was as did millions of others.

Jan 19, 2021 4:30 AM
Reply to  Radding

Judith and Radding – have you considerd the possibility that Comey was simply blackmailed by, lets say perhaps, an israeli backed Epstein child prostitution/blackmail operation, in order to help into power a man who clearly owed the Israelis (and paid back in spades when in power). It seems to me that this is how the Israeli state holds so much power over the US political system.

Jan 5, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Judith Waites

Actually, declaring Hillary under investigation, and then claiming she wasn’t just a couple of days before the election was more of a ‘Hail Mary’ move, designed to remove any taint of wrongdoing and restore the confidence of voters who may have wavered in their support in the final days.I tend to think that 4 years of investigations by a hate squad with unlimited power, media rabid with lies and hate, and subversives in every branch of government would have exposed any or many Trump misdemeanors and elevated them to crimes against humanity unprecedented in history. Instead the main actor, Mueller, after 2 years or so came up with the rather novel litotes, at least as it pertains to criminal investigations: ‘We Can’t prove he’s not guilty’, a new characterisation of investigation without result, unlike Lavrentiy Beria, who claimed ‘Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime’, and who always obtained the desired result, but he was a professional and those were special times when a firing squad tended to terminate further discussion or protest by those who perceived themselves as not deserving of punishment, especially after having received honours for selflessly performing their duties for years or decades (a fate ultimately shared by Beria). Characterisation of Russia-gate as a shield seems especially odd, when seemingly every minute of every day of the Administration was absorbed in responding to absurd claims, and any (usually valid) counterclaims by the attacked were simply binned. Absolving others of similar claims of ‘crimes’ should such crimes exist is simple: simply black out any reference to those who shall not be identified in the MSM, and don’t prosecute or even investigate the suspected guilty parties. This was recently demonstrated in the laptop scandal news blackout by (anti)social media and MSM, and the apparent disinterest… Read more »

Jan 5, 2021 9:49 PM
Reply to  Roberto

The FBI declared her a criminal during the bulk of the voting period. It was deliberate. By saying this I expose the simple fact that the deep state preferred Trump over Clinton, given what followed, that seems obvious. Trump was an experiment in a different type of US policy, It failed, but they tried. To reverse US decline. That should come as no surprise to anyone.

”Russia-gate as a shield seems especially odd,”

I believe Trump would have been out of office in a day, if they had investigated any of his financial history. he was a crook of the highest order. So it was preferable to ‘suffer’ the baseless charges of Russian collusion, which would have been a pleasure for him to answer.

Jan 6, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Radding

Sophistry is the art of defending the indefensible, denying the obvious, and refuting the evidence to arrive at a conclusion the sophist began with as a premise.

Jan 6, 2021 5:53 AM
Reply to  Judith Waites

So this was all a psyop for over 4 years to ‘protect’ Trump as president? The evidence doesn’t support that and unless you are still suggesting this is some 6 D chess level game you are reaching.

Jan 6, 2021 4:11 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

No evidence supports it really ? Except that is exactly what it archived, in exactly the way I described. Russia-gate was just a ‘red herring’, not so complex, not 6D chess.

Judith Waites
Judith Waites
Jan 5, 2021 2:07 PM

The Cooperation of the democrats throughout, to bolster the Psyop demonstrated what a fraud ‘Russia gate’ was. Surely you don’t really think the Democrats are a real opposition surely not? ….The democrats were more than happy to keep Trumps extreme neoliberal policies flowing, which their donors supported, whilst Russia-gate give them Cover not to attack Trump for his many many many crimes prior to coming to power, as well as crimes whilst in power.

Jan 5, 2021 2:01 PM


Talk radio youtube channel taking down as it questioned the lockdown.

Google more powerful than the government it seems

Jan 5, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

No Western politician can stand up and say that we live in a democracy or that we have free speech. They would be laughed at

YouTube and Twitter are enemies of free speech
comment image

Judith Waites
Judith Waites
Jan 5, 2021 2:24 PM
Reply to  Cal

It is disgusting the way the neo-liberals at ‘Talkradio’ used the opposition to the great neoliberal project: Covid, which is shutting down small business to advance US corporate interests, to push further the other jewells in their neoliberal crown like Brexit, racism towards immigrants and to push their great neoliberal champions like Farage.

Trust nobody I am very suspicious when it is Google (CIA) who are defining who my ‘heroes’ are. Especially when Talkradio shares many of the same alt right neoliberal political goals as Google.

Jan 5, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  Judith Waites

Are you also suspicious when corporate media define your villains for you? It might be the case that Farage and Trump aren’t actually morons or demons, just not leftists. Also, ‘corporate interests’ and ‘US interests’ are not the same, not yet, despite the corporate capture of so many politicians and judges. Corporations exist to serve themselves, not American workers and voters. Hence their support for illegal immigration as cheaper labour. Unfortunately for us plebs, uber-rich, corporate, woke America will again have a very useful puppet President, Joe Biden, rather than stroppy anti-politician and uncontrollable patriot Donald Trump. You may have noted how the corporates hate Trump, don’t fund him, and welcomed (and funded) the Biden ‘victory’, which more than half of America believes was fraudulent. Only a fully impartial and public hearing of the evidence will ever resolve the huge and growing crisis of US democracy.

Jan 6, 2021 4:12 PM

I don’t need to be told what Farage and Trump are.

Jan 5, 2021 2:35 PM
Reply to  Cal

Yes I got suspended also yesterday.

Third time in the last 12 months.

Might give it a rest now 😜

Peter Right
Peter Right
Jan 5, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  Cal

It is disgusting the way the neo-liberals at ‘Talkradio’ used the opposition to the great neoliberal project: Covid, which is shutting down small business to advance US corporate interests, to push further the other jewels in their neoliberal crown, like Brexit, racism towards immigrants, and to push their great neoliberal champions like Farage, and the neoliberal institute for economic affairs views, which they push on a daily basis.

Trust nobody, I am very suspicious when it is Google (CIA) who are defining who my ‘heroes’ are. Especially when Talkradio shares many of the same alt-right-neoliberal political goals, dreams as Google.

Jan 5, 2021 8:12 PM
Reply to  Peter Right

Oops, same post, different names. Are you both Peter and Judith?

Jan 6, 2021 4:12 PM

all blocked.

jan Shepard
jan Shepard
Jan 5, 2021 3:22 PM
Reply to  Cal

It is disgusting the way neo-liberals at ‘Talkradio’ used the opposition to the great neoliberal project: Covid, which is shutting down small business to advance US corporate interests, to push the other jewels in their neoliberal crown, like Brexit, racism towards immigrants, and to push their great neoliberal champions like Farage, and the Institute for Economic Affairs, which they push on a daily basis.
Trust nobody, I am very suspicious when it is Google (CIA) who are defining who my ‘heroes’ should be. Especially when Talkradio shares many of the same alt-right-neoliberal political goals, dreams as Google.

Jan 5, 2021 2:35 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Why does talk radio not have its own servers/apache website? !
Noone needs to use these evil bstds…

Jan 5, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  Davem

marketing for dummie haven’t you heard this story 100’s times before???
 OMG i better hunt the internet to seek there truth and must watch there important message Basic PR 
Talk radio is establishment to the core. jazzed up establishment radio repackaged
they got banned on you tube OK there message is so so so dangerous clueless public will be lead to believe
this will increase traffic when thy use the tried and tested boring they been censored but-you can still find them on the web.

Jan 5, 2021 8:16 PM
Reply to  Asylum

But the establishment is pro-lockdown and hates Talk Radio, which is not, and which is not government-controlled media either. So are you on the side of authority?

Judith Waites
Judith Waites
Jan 5, 2021 1:57 PM

US voter: Where’s Russia?

In my view your first statement is absurd. The ‘’Russian gate’’ accusations against trump were not used to contain Trump, they were used as a shield and protect this quasi-mafia mob boss from criminal charges during his presidency, with an extremely criminal past, from criminal accusations. It provided the democrats, and the entire political class with a floor show, a pantomime which provided them with cover for not attacking him, for his known criminal past activities.

If he was their opponent he would have been murdered the day he announced to his chauffeur he would run for president, even before any public announcement. Trump was and is NOT an enemy of the deep state he is one of their projects and the sooner you guys grow up and understand how this machine is really working, the better for all of us.

It is proven over and over again that the US don’t need complex Psyops to attack Russia or China, they are happy to act without any proof or backstory against them, but they do need a complex cover up for putting into ‘power’ a highly criminal but usefully charismatic president in their Potemkin democracy, that must be convincing to the American public. The accusations that could be make against Russia were just an incidental ‘perk’ and kept all the toothless ‘criminal’ accusations surrounding his corrupt presidency off-shore.

Jan 5, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  Judith Waites

So do you approve of innocent Joe Biden? It’s true that he’s on good terms with the nice, uncorrupt CCP, whose leader is accused of allowing growing genocide against Uigyur Muslims and Tibetans. Evil Trump imposed sanctions for this activity (Eg no importing face masks made by Uigyur slaves), but I’m sure Biden won’t offend Emperor Xi like that, especially when the CCP allegedly has the evidence of his son Hunter Biden’s illicit activities while ‘fundraising’ on his father’s China trips. That laptop…

Jan 5, 2021 1:04 PM

Inhumane lockdowns are pushing people to suicide. Is this what the Government wants?

I hope this guy is OK


Jan 5, 2021 1:01 PM

Bravo! It would be so funny if Bellingcat were to come with solid material
on Blair & Bush warcrimes. Not gonna happen I know, but it would be
really something if they suddenly developed a spine.

Jan 5, 2021 12:57 PM

Suggestion: Go over to the Corbett Report and watch his 2014 video called “The Ebola Effect” He taped it in August 2014.

Your jaw will drop at his theory and prediction about where that faux psuedo pandemic would lead.

You’d think it was 2020.

He is not on youtube so just go search Corbett Report. He has reposted this 2014 video.

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.

Jan 5, 2021 2:00 PM
Reply to  Judith
Jan 5, 2021 6:54 PM
Reply to  Cal

thanks for posting.

Jan 5, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  Cal

Thank you. Surprised it’s there. He does not post on YouTube himself.

Fielding emma
Fielding emma
Jan 5, 2021 6:23 PM
Reply to  Judith

He should know he works for the CIA.

Jan 5, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Fielding emma

Do you have proof. I’d be very interested in reading. Like to keep an open mind and all that.

Jan 5, 2021 9:53 PM
Reply to  Judith

Every word he doesn’t say, serves their agenda.

Jan 6, 2021 1:59 AM
Reply to  Radding

Wow. I’ve listened to a lot of words.

Would you care to provide any examples?

And what agenda do you refer to?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 5, 2021 12:36 PM

Here is my prediction about how the care sector will go:

Those working in care, more than any other line, have to wear masks etc. If they refuse they will not be permitted to carry out their jobs. The vax is not mandatory but I reckon it’s only a matter of time.

Following on from the above, if you want to tell them to shove their mask etc up their arse, you will be shown the door.

If everybody tells them to shove their mask etc up their arse then everyone will be shown the door and the entire care service will collapse.

If you think this collapse will shame the rulers into giving in and backing away from the restrictions, you are way wrong. They really don’t give a shit and indeed are happy to see the care sector collapse. (Perhaps they even want it that way?) And under the “deadly pandemic” paradigm, everything the rulers do is justified.

And the sickest part is that the media will blame the bolshy care workers for the collapse. Expected headline: “Evil Selfish Care Workers Put Millions At Risk By Abandoning Their Charges To COVID!”

Jan 5, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sounds more plausible than anything the government of the day have hypothesised. I still cannot believe that we have reached this point of acquiescence. WTF is wrong with people … HTF can we accept being controlled by greedy barstards, so easily?

Jan 5, 2021 1:52 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

The media have convinced us that it is all for our own good.
People don’t read books any more, and great literary works from the distant past are no longer standard material for University curricula.
The result is that people are only intimately familiar with what their TVs and mobile phones tell them.

Then there are the bribery and threats: “You only get to keep your job if you ‘fit in’.”
Goering and Goebbels knew all about those almost a hundred years ago.
Macchiavelli knew all about them even longer ago than that.

And then there is the denial – the comfortable place in your skull where none of this is really happening…

Jan 5, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  wardropper

So, where do we start then, in order to untangle this seemingly complex web?

You’ve nailed the situation, the motivation and the plan.
So what now?

Come on.

Let’s hear some solutions.

Jan 5, 2021 8:10 PM
Reply to  Chris

Disinvest from a faux freedom and engage a true re-education.
It goes the other way and from a different place that manipulative coercions and deceits.
The ‘complex’ depends (in your mind) on your hosting services and finds access as a ‘solution to a faux problem, or a fear running as a belief and given all the power and protection of self-belief.

Jan 5, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Chris

All UK parties support lockdown and are destroying the economy on which we all depend. Of course, all those on government salaries have never lost a single pay check, but still think the working and small business classes have to lose all theirs for the foreseeable future. I bet those state scumbags wouldn’t preach lockdown if they weren’t so secure and privileged. Meanwhile, Brits under 60 are much more likely to kill themselves because of lockdown and ruin than die of covid (less than 400 fatalities). It has never been clearer that government is the unsustainable parasite of the people. What to do? Obviously never vote for any establishment party ever again. Go and spit at all politicians who support lockdown, especially those who should be opposing government policy, like Starmer. Help shame them in every way possible. Pub owners could expand their ban on serving MPs to the national level. Those with restaurants or other businesses should join them in fighting the very dumb, very privileged, very dangerous ruling classes.

Jan 5, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  wardropper

About keeping your job: NHS staff have reportedly been ordered not to discuss what’s happening in their hospitals, and fear being sacked if they do so.


Jan 5, 2021 2:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s the gift the elite wanted-
Byebye NHS…
Almost privatised now anyway

Jan 5, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Davem

Hello, sacred cow NHS, now worse than many private health systems around the world, now more secure from all criticism and reform than ever before. Clap.

Jan 5, 2021 3:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

If Care Workers enjoyed union representation, then the union should be pushing to protect the rights of their members to breathe fresh air and to refuse the vax. Basic human rights.

Not a single trades union has done its job of standing up for what’s right.

Even Unite Union is endorsing the face mask mandates. It sells branded face masks with the ‘Unite’ logo. I cannot comprehend how a union can care so little for something as fundamental as the human right to breathe fresh air.

Jan 5, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Cal

I was a rep for Unite. Useless self censoring, overpaid, jumped up idiots. I more or less told them so before taking voluntary redundancy. They don’t care about their members. The teaching unions are even worse as children on the receiving end of their abuse.

Jan 5, 2021 5:09 PM
Reply to  Loverat

That’s a shame. If unions aren’t there for the people, then there’s nothing

Jan 5, 2021 8:12 PM
Reply to  Cal

But to know that there is nothing is an honesty from which to live whereas to live as if protected and served – when actually being used – is the illusion of safety – which has popped by the way.

Jan 5, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

or provided a exempt

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 5, 2021 12:18 PM

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55488724 Upping the vax muscle: “Covid: Can we really jab our way out of lockdown?” “With the country in lockdown and a new faster-spreading variant of coronavirus rampant, it’s clear the UK is in a race to vaccinate.” It’s a RACE! Get up off your arses you lazy bastards! Oh hang on, what’s this? “Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants all the over-70s, the most clinically vulnerable and front-line health and care workers to be offered a jab by mid-February, to allow the restrictions to be eased. That requires about 13 million people to be given the opportunity to be vaccinated – but so far only one million have been.” “to be offered”? “given the opportunity”? Ooh risky! Better get off that track. “There is enough a vaccine in the country, BBC News has learned, but getting it into people’s arms could be hampered by: • a global shortage of glass vials to package up the vaccines • long waits for safety checks • the process of ensuring there are enough vaccinators” It could also be hampered by the would-be recipients telling you to fuck off. But let’s not mention that! The rest of the post is based on the assumption that the vax is the divine world saving elixir and we’re all GAGGING FOR IT! But after mentioning priority groups, this: “…assuming most people in these priority groups have come forward, the impact would not be immediate.” “have come forward”? Blasphemous thought: Are they permitted to hang back? And after this tale of arduous medical heroism, leading us to a hopeful outcome in March (presumably THIS March), “So if all goes to plan, the pathway to significantly easing restrictions comes into view.” Note the “get out clause”: “Significantly easing” restrictions. A vaporous formulation if ever there was one. So there… Read more »

Jan 5, 2021 8:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A shot in the dark?
or shooting up Darkness?

Jan 5, 2021 12:07 PM

Trades unions, human rights lawyers, civil liberties organisations, the Left, the Right, libertarians, anyone who cares about freedom needs to wake up

comment imagecomment image

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 5, 2021 2:15 PM
Reply to  Cal

Hello Cal: Excellent find! The “Expected Project Approval” date is the date that should be circled. What “emergency” caused the World Bank to cobble this “Response” program together within such a short time frame? Answer: The World Bank planned the extortion scam WAY ahead of time.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 5, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  Cal

Create the crisis >> Ceate the solution >> Finance the solution >> Put people (not governments) in debt >> People can’t pay back >> Impose your conditions >> Repeat.

Nothing new under the sun, is there?

Peter Right
Peter Right
Jan 5, 2021 2:43 PM
Reply to  Cal

They are not World bank demands, they are American demands, being made on behalf of the dollars hegemony. The World bank does not have autonomy.

Jan 5, 2021 9:08 PM
Reply to  Peter Right

Evidence? Also, there is no ‘American demand’, because ‘America’ is just a name for a nation of individuals, it is not an individual actor who can demand anything. Maybe you meant the demands of the globalist elite, many of whom reside in the US. The uber-rich don’t give a shit about ordinary working Americans or any other nationality (unless they are posing as noble philanthropists). BTW, smearing ‘America’ as a demonic bogeyman or ‘the Great Satan’ incites hate.

Jan 6, 2021 4:47 PM

It’s also very unfair on Satan.

Jan 5, 2021 11:35 AM

Talking of fake stories with deep state roots, Kamala Harris has been caught out telling a story stolen from MLK as if it was her own (“Fweedom”!).

Is there anything in Harris’s back story that can be believed? I wouldn’t necessarily believe the MLK story was genuine either. There’s plenty dubious about him from his father’s story about how they got the name to King’s plagiarism of his dissertation.

Jan 5, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

i recall trump donated to her when trump was a democrats not long ago voters are so dumb the donation he gave her was when her profile was really bad.
slap dash pr few years later clueless will forget
basic PR could have hitler converted to Judaism he would be a hero all forgotten

The important question is why you endorse them vote for them even stick up for them knowing full well how corrupt they are?

So it says a lot about you(the voter) and the consent you give them

Jan 5, 2021 10:46 AM

I don’t think people have quite grasped that we are deep in the throes of WWIII and I’m sorry to have to report that both the US and UK have already fallen and are already under occupation.

Johnson, Trump and Biden are merely quislings

WWI – Introduced mechanization and industrial capacity to warfare
WWII – Introduced strategic planning and power projection
WWIII – Introduced new concepts in economic, psychological and cyber warfare

Each conflict vastly different from the previous.

Who is the enemy? Same as it always has been… Rich against poor.. powerful against the powerless.

Jan 5, 2021 10:57 AM
Reply to  Carnyx

The COVID narrative is just a mask for this.

Anyone who has ever been incarcerated will understand and recognise Lockdown, Self Isolation, Social Distancing etc these terms and others are straight out of the prison lexicon.

We are occupied

Once you realise it things start to make more sense

Jan 5, 2021 11:22 AM
Reply to  Carnyx

They don’t need bombers flying overhead to scare and coerce the population… They have the TV and the media to do that.

Jan 5, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  Carnyx

Of course the difference is that people actually like being scared by the media, and they can no longer tell the difference between a horror film and the news…

I used to like horror films myself when I was younger – they were a sort of escape from the hard work of ordinary life. But now it seems more appropriate to view those naive and impressionable years as having been a serious preparation for some of the awful realities to come.

It is easy to see how ‘Dracula’ and ‘The Exorcist’ were metaphors for drugs and other addictions of all kinds, while today the doors are wide open for the dependency of the whole world upon pure evil. The evidence is, frankly, everywhere.

Voldemort remains in the shadows, while we try to undermine his puppets.
I’m out of answers, apart from the ‘Just say no’ kind. But perhaps that will be enough…

Jan 5, 2021 9:18 PM
Reply to  wardropper

‘The Shining’ memorably showed the possible consequences of prolonged lockdown.

Jan 6, 2021 11:01 AM

LOL very true!

Jan 5, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

And also trusted ‘advice’ from Gates, Soros, Schwab and big pharma.

Jan 5, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

Every trades union, civil liberties organisation, human rights lawyer, Democrat, Republican, defender of free speech. The Left, the Right, libertarians. Anyone who cares about freedom needs to watch this video

I hope on Twitter that Robin Monotti Graziadei, Neil Clark, Emma Kenny, Simon Dolan, Reiner Fuellmich and all those against lockdowns watch it too

Catherine Austin Fitts interviewed for ‘Planet Lockdown’ –


Jan 5, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

That’s exactly what I have been trying to tell people over the past year. Glad somebody agrees but most have still not cottoned on to the fact WWIII is already underway. At present it is still a quiet war using silent weapons but judging by some of the comments on CD Media in the US things are about to become noisy! Here’s a few examples of the current mood: Bob says: “I’m done fcuking around. If the Biden regime is installed… I’m going to draw up lists and I’m going to start taking players off the board”. Scott Jarvis: “I agree with you Bob. With the house arrest we’ve been under,the stress of isolation, health deterioration from masks. There are MANY who feel the same way. We true Americans have had All we are going to take. I feel that this will be wide spread action”. Sick of traitors: ” I am not going to have a year like last year. I will not comply to a Biden presidency or a fauci pharmaceutical deep state. I will die trying to get whatever dignity I have left and will take someone with me. If this country let’s this fraud take place we will see many others like us with nothing to lose and freedom to gain”. Alex Marcus: ” With you all. I was a marine in Vietnam, and I’m full up to the eyebrows. I’ve viscerally hated Democrats since the traitors in Congress voted to abandon South Vietnam in favour of,as Jesse Jackson called it,”The peace div-uh-dee-und”, to massively increase welfare in this country. This country spit on the deaths of 58,000 young American men and turned it’s back on the deaths of hundreds and thousands of Vietnamese who believed that scumbag. Lyndon Johnson when he told them “America will… Read more »

Jan 5, 2021 4:36 PM
Reply to  -CO


No.. you are not alone… never think that. People are beginning to cotton on.

Once you’ve made that connection you start to see things as they truly are and it’s impossible to unsee, but decisions made by the Governments of occupation start to make more sense.

For example why do the Police act the way they do? Simple… They are a force of occupation and that’s why they can kill with impunity and get away with it same as in any other occupied land. The majority of them don’t even know it.

The shooting war has been raging but it’s going on off the books and hidden from sight.

Jan 5, 2021 9:33 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

The police are not ‘a force of occupation’ and do not kill with impunity, at least not in western democracies. But maybe we can agree that, in places like the UK, they now serve and help delusional, increasingly authoritarian governments to keep control more than they serve their fellow citizens by protecting them from crime.

Jan 5, 2021 9:28 PM
Reply to  -CO

The ‘we are at war’ idea would make more sense if the protagonists could be more clearly identified. The knee-jerk anti-Americanism of some posters just doesn’t help. I’d say its politicians vs people, except politicians in some places still serve their citizens much better than in others, which complicates things. Look at Taiwan, pop 23m on a small island. Instead of banning HCQ and pretending to know better than practicing health professionals, as in the UK, the Taiwanese authorised its routine use from the earliest days of the pandemic. Result? 9 fatalities. Detail: countries using HCQ don’t have political elites beholden to Bill Gates and big pharma, as the UK does.

Jan 6, 2021 4:50 PM

F**k America.

Jan 5, 2021 9:16 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

But the rich openly applauded and funded Biden not Trump, publicly loathed Trump and wanted him gone, and say loudly that accusations of election fraud by the Democrats are lies. So much partisanship does nor support your blanket accusation of ‘quislings’. But Trump’s promise and efforts to drain the DC swamp, and his status as the great outsider or anti-politician, explains the revolt of the elite against US democracy very well.

Jan 5, 2021 10:32 AM

Bellendcat, CrowdStrike they all drink from the same poisoned well.

Jan 5, 2021 11:03 AM
Reply to  Carnyx

All things bright and beautiful, the Council funds them all…

Atlantic Council has many personable people on the staff… several charming ex-ambassadors but they are all working for (mostly-western) companies seeking to get their hands on the mineral resources of Eurasia.

It’s transparently a front for business, seeking to bend NATO policy to the same end.

For example, the Ukraine-based energy exploration holding company Burisma finances the Atlantic Council as well as the Bidens. Joe sits or sat on the AC-funded Alliance of Democracies’ Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity. DON’T LAUGH!

One big happy family that, as we have seen, has become so confident that it can bring off a Color Revolution back home in the United States.

Firing over-zealous prosecutors, queering the pitch in elections, the occasional overthrow or coup, all managed through an interwoven network of tax-exempt foundations and “non-profits”… often using taxpayer money in the guise of AIDS initiatives or anti-corruption campaigns

Corey’s Digs estimates the cash flow for AIDS alone at $90 Billion. Much is routed through the Clinton-Gates foundations and Billions from the Presidential AIDS fund PEPFAR even found its way to George Soros in Ukraine.

and the money really ends up putting compliant politicians in place who allow western corporations to grab assets and resources in former communist countries.

That is why Russia must remain the spectre… the gift that keeps giving. Russia is the justification for NATO’s presence, without which the Atlantic Council and such bodies could not pursue their commercial, for-profit, personally-enriching goals.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jan 5, 2021 8:59 AM

More evidence of the espionage and ‘security’ industry. If there was ever a bloodsucking parasite on the body politic this is it. They are simply in it for the money and kudos. They are the political version of COVI-19.

Jan 5, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

A government which locks down and could destroy the very economy which created and sustains it has lost the plot. Who will forget that millions of state employees have never missed a single pay check throughout the pandemic? Now that’s what I call a parasite; We are so clearly NOT ‘in this together’.

Jan 5, 2021 8:34 AM

Any nodding acquaintance with Gladio leads one to the unavoidable conclusion that NATO has always been aimed at its own populations and not “the Russian bear” which is merely the other side in the fake dialectic of the Cold War.

What we know about Gladio is merely the tip of the iceberg unveiled because of the peculiar circumstances of the Italian state at the time. It also offers proof of the role of freemasonry (here the P2 lodge) in acting, at the very least, as a glue in uniting the establishment together.

Jan 5, 2021 9:24 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The following is familiar territory to many here but should be kept in mind while we observe Event Covid and the vested interests at play. 1/ Gladio gave us a rare glimpse of how the spectre of “red terror” was largely created and managed by the elite after WW2 to drive the electorate into the arms of the military and rebranded fascists. 2/ This in turn revealed, in the rear view mirror, the OSS-CIA’s deal with the Italian mafia. Mussolini had wrested control from the mafia in a bloody civil war but the U.S., using the pretext of domestic security at home, made a deal with the mafia: you run the wartime docks and ports smoothly and we’ll give you back control of Italy after the war. Thus the communist partisans who had ousted Mussolini were in turn eliminated by the mafia. The U.S. reinstalled the mafia. (This itself explains the connection between the intelligence services and the illegal narcotics business. Really it is just reflects the fact that the elites have always controlled the narcotics business and the intelligence services, as boot boys for the elite, are necessarily knee deep in drugs). 3/ But that just opens the Pandora’s Box of the elites’ funding of communists in the first place, as researched down to the bank transfers and bills of sale by Antony C Sutton. He showed how the installation of the Bolsheviks was financed and sustained by Wall St and industrial America. As were the fascists. 4/ This is already way beyond the ability of the populace to grasp. Yet it goes deeper. The clash of nations and the great wars are manipulated by financial interests loosely labeled as banking, as can be inferred from Carroll Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment. These interests span the generations and play a long… Read more »

Jan 5, 2021 10:08 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

To those who stumble across this as new information, I recommend the documentaries of Allan James Francovich.

These include Operation Gladio (1992) which ran on BBC’s Timewatch and The Maltese Double Cross – Lockerbie (1994) about Pan Am Flight 103.

See also a documentary on Frank Terpil, “former” CIA operative who supposedly went rogue, working with Edwin P. Wilson to supply weapons and teach bomb making to Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and Idi Amin of Uganda.

The Terpil documentary is Confessions of a Dangerous Man (1982), directed and produced by Antony Thomas.

This has new relevance as the outgoing act of CIA lifer and Attorney General Bill Barr was to announce new charges in the 1988 Lockerbie Bombing, desperate to keep pinning it on Libya.

Excellent addendum to the Francovich documentary is Lockerbie: Case Closed (2012) by Al Jazeera which looks into the bribery and corruption of key witness Tony Gauci.

Another layer is revealed by Lester Coleman in the book Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut to Lockerbie – Inside the DIA co-written with Donald Goddard. Also by searching the name of FBI Assistant Director Oliver “Buck” Revell.

All of which goes to show you lift one veil only to find another.

The military would have us believe we have entered an era of hybrid war, a battle fought as much in cyber space as with bombs and bullets. On their record, I remain unconvinced. Methinks they doth protest too much…

Jan 5, 2021 1:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks for these, moneycircus.

So little time, so many truths.

Jan 5, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Atty Dan Sheehan talks about the Mafia chieftain who was in prison in Upstate New York, who made the deal for the mafia to help the US in Italy.

It may have let him out of prison, not sure on that point, but it secured the mafia’s hold on the drug trade – a good deal of it taking place through Cuba to Miami.

“This is already way beyond the ability of the populace to grasp” That, to me, is precisely why people are masked, distanced and waiting in line for the injection.

People are not aware of the octopus. Danny Casolaro slit his wrists 12 times before finishing his book. ( THAT story is breathtaking in it’s scope.)

Jan 5, 2021 1:07 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The dutch solution as regards to Gladio: does not merit investigation,
so no findings and no worries.

(rumour has it that the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enschede_fireworks_disaster
happened the way it did because of military ordinance)

Jan 5, 2021 7:29 AM

Excellent article. Makes a lot of sense. Shows what genuine digital sleuths can achieve as opposed to NATO’s would-be digital Sherlocks.

It’s always disappointing to have to be reminded of Eliot “underpants” Higgins because his very existence recalls Henry Higgins in Pygmalion/ My Fair Lady, who makes a bet that he can teach Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle to “talk proper.”

Our h’Eliot also presumes to represent things as other than they are.

Thanks to David Blake and other sterling researchers, an entire, additional constellation of networks heaves into view, overlaying what we already have gathered from the FOIA researchers and independent-minded political reporters such as John Solomon.

Rather than duplicating or supplanting the others’ research, they complement each other so that the sum is greater than the parts — a classic example of how multi-competence journalism should work.

Unfortunately I doubt that our journalism schools are going to use this as a teaching example because Google, Knight Foundation, B&MGF and the oligarch-funded ‘fact checkers’ have got there first with their brand of public relations and propaganda disguised as journalism.

The former head of City University Journalism School in London [disclosure, I am an alumnus] has rolled up as head of media for the World Economic Forum. What does that tell you?

Journalism truly exists now only as a dissident, independent pursuit.

Jan 5, 2021 1:16 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Exactly, moneycircus.

And I suppose with good reason. Would anyone want to pursue the field of true investigative journalism when you’ve got Gary Webb, Danny Casoloro, Michael Hastings, Gary Caradori (and his son) as your peers? And many others I would wager

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Jan 5, 2021 4:21 AM


Wars, Raids, Spies and Traitors/
Lizard Squad Blackmailers/
Biden Ukraine Compound Raid Rumor/
Decertification Begins

This looks like a fascinating connect the dots article – NATO doesn’t surprise me one bit as Trump is defunding them. thank you.

Jan 5, 2021 2:04 AM

Wasn’t Guccifer 2.0 actually the young Romanian man who learned about computers at internet cafes, only later to hack the Pentagon? Whether the same or another, this event happened.. It is too easily ignored that the world is full of wizards who can hack grannies’ drawers as a pre-breakfast exercise..
The illusion that this knowledge exists only in mysterious underground bunkers is absurd !

Never trust anyone associated with Ukraine or crazy Joe Biden, (but you can trust me)..

Jan 5, 2021 10:01 AM
Reply to  Gin

You’re thinking of the original Guccifer, who was indeed a Romanian hacker:


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 5, 2021 1:36 AM

Trump in Georgia soon, half an hour…

But Washington D.C. rally in….

T-minus 1 day…

Jan 5, 2021 12:26 AM

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Jan 5, 2021 1:03 AM
Reply to  Cal

Good for him. More people should show the government where they can put their guidance

Jan 5, 2021 1:13 AM
Reply to  andic

That would be ok if he wasn’t using his media platform for demonising people for doing just that.

Jan 5, 2021 2:56 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

I accept the correction, I live in China so I am blissfully unaware of the general flow of his or anyone else’s twitterings.
In fairness I never said he wasn’t an opportunistic hypocritical prat who makes his trademark “outrageous-but-what-we-were-all-thinking-so good-on-him” comments only when he is certain of the direction in which the wind blows.

Jan 5, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  andic

Mainland China? Is the social credit system as oppressive as reported? Is there poverty in China?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 5, 2021 12:01 AM

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“To Hell with War and to Hell with the PSYCHOPATHS!