David Chandler on ‘Seven’
The ‘science wing’ of the 9/11 Truth Movement comes out in full praise of ae911truth’s new release

Widely-respected voice of the 9/11 Truth Movement, strong critic of the official accounts of the 9/11 collapses, David Chandler talks about ‘Seven’, the new documentary released by ae911truth.org, dealing with the recent findings of Dr. Leroy Hulsey of the University of Alaska Fairbanks relating to the likely cause of WTC7’s mysterious and unprecedented collapse.
In my presentation about WTC7 at the Toronto Hearings in 2011 I began with a story about the shortest proof of the Pythagorean Theorem by a 12th century Indian mathematician, Bhaskara. He simply drew a diagram and said, “Behold!”
I pointed out that with regard to WTC7 a detailed analysis was not needed to see the truth that the building underwent demolition. The clearest proof is to point at the building collapsing and say, “Behold!” I went on to show that the building entered actual freefall. I described this work as simply “proving that you are not crazy.”
Leroy Hulsey’s work takes this to another level. Not only can we see by the externally observable motion of the building that it was demolished, Hulsey and his team show that even with a detailed structural analysis of the building components there was no mechanism by which fire and gravity alone could produce the effects we can see on videotape.
Furthermore, Hulsey and his team document numerous places in the NIST analysis where they committed scientific fraud by misrepresenting the actual structure of the building in their computer model. Without these alterations, even the NIST model would not have initiated building collapse.
The Hulsey report was brought about by the incessant demands of the segment of the engineering profession that has been in denial of reality. As such, the real audience of “Seven,” and the Hulsey report itself, is the engineering community. Seven does a good job in communicating the issues as simply as possible, so the scientifically literate layman can follow the argument.
The bottom line is that the best argument for the demolition of WTC7 is a video showing the event, with the simple comment, “Behold!” For those who waver, showing the measurement of freefall will usually cause reluctant eyes to open. For those who have reinforced their biases with layers of “sciency” rationalization, Hulsey’s work blows those rationalizations out of the water. Good job, Leroy!
Everyone needs to watch Seven to see how strong our case really is.
You can rent and buy Seven on multiple platforms, here. View the Trailer below.
Watch David’s full presentation at the Toronto Hearings, referred to above.
David S. Chandler has a BS in physics from Harvey Mudd College and an MS in mathematics from California Polytechnic University. He has taught physics, mathematics, and astronomy at the high school and college levels since 1972. He is now retired and living in Denver, Colorado.
Since about 2007 he has been active as a researcher with what he calls the “science wing” of the 9/11 Truth Movement. He is currently the Coordinator of Scientists for 9/11 Truth, and worked for several years with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
David maintains a website in collaboration with several other scientific researchers at http://911speakout.org.
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One of the significant things in this movie is the end, where the contributors talk in dark tones about how ‘I fear for America’, and how disturbing it all is… disturbing apparently when people don’t agree with their conclusions about a building collapse. They have a report that contradicts another report. So let’s see,is our report correct? Of course it’s correct!!! Don’t you see , it’s OUR report!! Surely no one is going to suggest that OUR report is not correct? Ok, now that we’ve settled that, this means the other report must be fraudulent, a cover up , where engineers (unlike us, the brave patriotic engineers) are engaged in fraud and cover up of mass murder, implicating and signing themselves up to a mass murder plot, because they are paid to …. oh the infamy, the mendacity! I mean what other alternative could there be? And this report they produce didn’t even try to explain anything and just regarded it as some kind of technical exercise – with a non-technical so called explanation. In other words don’t look at all the evidence when you reach conclusions.
Yeah, I mean, when have governments and government institutions ever lied before, right? Crazy conspiracy theorists…..
‘Prior to the collapse of WTC7 no steel frame building had ever collapsed due to fire.’
If it had happen before would that make it ‘ok’ ?
A: But if it had happened before then that would be the first time it had happened, so there would have to be a previous example before that .(Go to A )
I finally finished the Chandler video. It was interesting. I could not possibly benefit fully from the technical stuff but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t learn something. It would have been nice to see what David was pointing to on the screen.
David Chandler is “widely respected” in the truth community? The “no really, an airliner really did hit the Pentagon” so-called expert? Bwah, ha, ha.
AE911truth’s narrow focus has always been a limited hangout. Israel mustn’t be blamed now, nothing can be allowed to interfere with wars and murder for Israel.
In terms of the PSYOP ( invention of ‘new reality’ as defined by swamp toad Karl ROVE), the creatioNISTs of Shyam’Pinocchio’Sunder, caveated their way out of observable truth, by simply not factoring it into their model.
“The observed fire activity gleaned from the photographs and videos, was not a model input…”(NCSTAR 1-9 378)
NIST Faked an algorithmic Magic Bolt.. Presented it as science to an acquiescent engineering and lay community via MOCKINGBIRD media and Cass Sunstein;
And stamped us all as idiot.
Thank you David Chandler and thank you Leroy Hulsey for your Honesty.
Collapse, controlled demolition, energy weapon, planes, etc. are propaganda and magic show. The Towers turned to dust in seconds. Only ~50% of the building materials remained – as dust, some twisted steel beams and an underground lake of steel that remained molten for months. There was onsite radioactivity (various isotopes). Tens of thousands suffered from cancer.
“There was onsite radioactivity (various isotopes). Tens of thousands suffered from cancer.”
Caused by the direct energy weapon which in turn caused a cold fusion process/reaction to kick off (radiation).
Check out the nuclear hypothesis put forward by Heinz Pommer and Dr François Roby in their book The Ground Zero Model. It explains ALL of the phenomena observed that day. I’d love to see it peer reviewed.
Quote: “I pointed out that with regard to WTC7 a detailed analysis was not needed to see the truth that the building underwent demolition. The clearest proof is to point at the building collapsing and say, “Behold!” I went on to show that the building entered actual freefall. I described this work as simply “proving that you are not crazy.”
At last an end to all that complicated analysis stuff with computer models and FEA and complex calculations of stresses and fire analysis. It’s just ‘Behold’. It might make people wonder what Leroy Hulsey and NIST spent years doing when all he had to say was ‘Behold’. AE911 truth could have saved themselves a lot of money.
It’s pretty sad to see ‘science’ invoked to prop up this nonsense.
Thank you! WTC7 is the Achilles heel of the entire official 9/11 story.
thank you
I woke someone up once by explaining the immaculate passport which was found on 911
and this passport story seems to be common in quite a lot of
staged state sponsoredterrorist attacks.case closed
Like the passports in 9-11, the Paris “attacks” and Barcelona “attack”.
Or the drills that always occur on the day of these alleged “attacks”.
9-11, 7-7, Boston Marathon, Oklahoma City Bombing, Baltic Ferry Estonia 1994, 2011 Norway Oslo Attacks, Sandy Hook FEMA exercise, Aurora Colorado Theater Shooting, Virginia Tech Shooting, 2013 Taft Union High School Shooting.
Christchurch mosque attack.
You just misled someone with nonsense.
Another stunning thing to “Behold”: America at war with the planet’s 5th poorest country for 20 years.
And losing.
By design. Just as in the medical scam, treatment is far more profitable than curing, in the wars of foreign aggression, losing over decades is far more profitable for the MIC than victory.
coup or pantomime?
Most likely pantomime, not unlike the ‘CIA-Soros Production of BLM/Antifa Kabuki Theater’. If it were honest they would not be within miles of it.
Sort of a mix of Guy Debord Situationist Comedy with ZZ Top and Twisted Sister thrown in for bad measure. Frightening.
theatre for the braindead
January 6 ‘ Lord of Misrule’ at the ‘Feast of Fools’, the last day of Saturnalia at Epiphany
nothing new
and repeat
Clown show.
Choreographed Protesters orderly following Capitol Hill visitors lines even wiped their feet before entering House and Senate chambers making sure not to disturb nothing so usual spectacle of anointing a new stooge of oligarchy May proceed shortly after a photo op with a Getty Images hired photographers and live transmitting via FB MSM correspondents that happens to be there.
All fake, badly choreographed and directed with no shred of credibility even if some trigger happy secret service FBI squad goons may have shot somebody or not, just to make it seem more realistic.
if their goal was to stop or disrupt the debate or to stop rotten political charade of lies and deceit they did really nothing to achieve that, likely as planned.
i have never seen such phony protest in my life and I attended and fought in hundreds as first thing those who enter buildings always do is opening all other doors to let thousands in and at least trigger fire alarm if not start small fire for their own protections from security apparatus killers they would encounter.
While not perfectly AF/BLM at least followed some of that script and burned something looted something a little to make it look more realistic.
Corruption is embedded feature of American electoral system for over 230 years where every election have been stolen by oligarchy from the people and where they could be no shred of democracy existing where routinely 75% or more US citizen opposed or did not support installed POTUS and where opinions of 95% of population are ignored or directly contradict US congress actually enacted policies.
although a little shitting in pants by congressmen and senators Is never bad existence of this abhorrent imperial regime cannot be threatened without mass revolution rejecting entire structure of power and local self governance, including hopelessly manipulated elections all at once.
“It is not wise to throw boomerangs in hallways made of mirrors”
– Paul Vonharnish –
intended to rationalize martial law
100% pantomime.
Couldn’t even watch it.
It’s getting more and more desperate. Just watched a Netflix movie, it ended, switched onto the news and:
“I’m afraid you cannot get through to our vaccine help line!”
“Not the message anyone wants to hear as thousands are waiting with bated breath for the life-saving vaccine while yet more cases and cases and cases and cases and cases and cases and cases and cases and cases and cases and cases and ……………………………………………………………………………………………..”
Apparently these twerps are.
What an innovative and profitable way the corporate fascist eugenicists have come up with to insure public health and safety, euthanizing and mass murdering the untermenschen and useless eaters.

You can tell the Counterpunch article is going to be worthless from the title:
The word that gives it away is “we”. Any genuine Leftist knows that the biggest issue is always class i.e. that Western society is divided against itself since it is comprised of two groups who are opposed to each other. Anyone who comes in with this “we” is selling you the idea of “our society” as a unified whole with just a few disagreements here and there but if we could only pull together then ….. etc. In short, the user of “we” is like the union boss who dines with the big boys, doesn’t give a fuck about the plebs he is supposed to represent but knows it’s his job to make those plebs think they are being respected in the scheme of things – which is always their scheme of things.
And that’s why they use such lines as,
“All our minds”?! I mean – really?! It’s like saying,
“Suppose one can go on about Chumpsky’s lack of personal character or integrity, as well as having no ethical standards (pushing the CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC BIG LIE and Billy Eugenics’ EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT as he does). But why bother? One does not get tenure at MIT without being a corporate fascist toady hack and shill. Good riddance to bad garbage.”

I had no idea that Gates was a twice decorated war hero and a good artist.
Always thought non-sheeple knew about Holohaux.
You’re asleep. It was a Holohaux.
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Another thought on the masks – apologies if anyone’s said it. I don’t think that the deep stuff about how masks de-humanise people and increase separation is the most fundamental purpose of them. I think they are there simply to “encourage” i.e. force people to physically join in. You can’t enter a chemist unless you wear a mask. So you’re forced to put on the mask. You have thereby joined in. And even if you think the whole thing is shit, by physically participating, you automatically feel more involved.
And the more you do it, the more involved you feel. At which point another motive takes over i.e. you start to build up a resistance to doubt since doubt would raise the unpleasant possibilty that you have been played for a fool. Of course, if you thought it was shit to begin with then this would be unlikely to happen. But those who did give it all some credence will find their credulty increasing the more they participate. And the aforementioned increasing resistance to the idea they are being taken in would be more likely to result in an agressive rejection of any sceptical voice.
It’s all very cunning.
Its deliberately coercive – that’s the point and why the govt employ SPI-B. Its a form of mind control.
But the fact of its coerciveness is its biggest weakness. If it was true then they wouldn’t need to be coercive, threatening fines and so on. The coercive element allows the imposition of a police state. One of the goals.
That’s why its important not to ‘join in’. Once people wake up to the end game which could take years similarly to 911 it will be way to late. What your criteria for wearing a mask in a chemist is I have no idea but I have been in chemists in the height of this and not worn one. That wasn’t entirely event free but that is the price for freedom.
Lets not go meekly into the night.
You’ve got to remember the reason for a visit to a chemist is because you require medication. It’s all very well sticking to your principles, but when you re ill, all you want to do is get in and back home for some relief, avoiding confrontation. Perhaps the chemist is not the best environment for making a point, valid or otherwise.
This is where the really have us over a barrel.
If you need medical help – say you have to go to the ER – chances are you are going to have to not only wear a mask but be covid tested.
I had a what I thought was a throat infection weeks ago. I was told I could not have a simple scope procedure unless I was covid tested and brought in results.
I would not do it. I asked “what if the results are positive, will you deny me medical treatment?” “No, of course not. We will send you to the hospital where they have resources to deal with potitive patients.”
Although it turned out not to be an infection I had already decided that I would tell them “send me to the hospital where they can treat me as if I was a positive patient. That way we all win.”
Cunning indeed . Have just received my letter and booklet from NHS Scotland assuring one and all how essential vaccination is and laying out their step by step scheme for “saving lives”. The letter talks about prioritising the vulnerable, carers and those over 80 to “begin with“.
Next paragraph it states other groups such as carers, but also “those over 50”.
Next we have this “we will contact you, to invite you to come forward to be vaccinated”.
Next it’s this. “we want to get vaccines to everyone “
Finishes with. “This is great news as we head into 2021”
So the “cunning” plan is to determine how significant the refusals and non compliance will be. Then we can expect “social pressures ” to be applied re the SAGE recommendations.
It is not a vaccine they are pushing. They call it that of course (cause it is easier to divide us all into two camps– the COVIDidiots and the Anti-vaxxers (sic) . It is a pathogenic agent. The difference is a vaccine will stimulate your immune system. This jab does not. It creates a path for disease. It bypasses your immune system. Read some Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Delores Cahill
Or watch the Jan. 5 round-table gathering on lineinthesand hosted by Sacha Stone called FOCUS ON FAUCI.
In particular listen to David Martin describe what the vaccine really is. He refuses to call it a vaccine and strongly suggests that we all stop referring to is as such.
It is a synthetic medical device injected into our bodies becoming a pathogen creator.
Robert Kennedy, Jr, Judy Mikovitz, Rocco Galanti and David Martin.
Well Tony Blair says that it should be possible to get at least half the country vaccinated by the end of March (or maybe it was earlier) [“…if I was in charge..” I think he implies].
Well that settles it; I was never intending to get the damn thing anyway, but anything that has his stamp of approval, I am definitely staying away from.
Not really it is standard psyop/propaganda stuff– oooohhhh look at the uniforms, look at the the symbols, medals etc.🙄. Like school uniforms 😊
Went to our local chemist the other day without a mask ( they know I’m asthmatic but that’s not the reason I don’t wear one.) It was comical to see a big macho geezer, full of tattoos, virtually knocking over a display trying to get out of my way.
They can only allow four in the place,at any one time and it was so weird seeing half a dozen masked customers happily queuing outside in the freezing cold, no doubt contracting pneumonia in the process.freezing
I’m often the only unmasked one in a supermarket and it’s very unnerving. The temptation to put on the mask you have in your pocket (just in case you come across a bolshie worker and you don’t want to go through all that crap) can be powerful. If only to avoid angry looks and confrontation. So, you haven’t ‘joined in’, you’ve got through a shopping trip without incident. That’s different.
Same experience here. I am not a mask wearer per se. ( Have donned one for a few wakes and a couple of personal home visits if required.)
Beginning this past summer I became the only person I ever see without a mask. Outdoors, indoors, shopping, running, walking, driving.
I have to drive through, and spend significant time in 4 different towns daily and astoundingly, I am always the only one without a mask.
I have had a few incidents and stopped shopping at certain stores but by and large it’s been OK. I’m always asked “do you need a mask?”
9 months in and I am still astonished.
Very good.
That’s freaking awesome!
That lady is beautiful.
Please note that the ‘heroes’ of Talkradio, who google are telling us are freedom fighters and free speech speech advocates and liberty lovers, by censoring them this week.
Note only are they anti-EU pro-Brexit, anti-immigrant race baiters, pro-Alt-Right Nigel Farage and pro-neoliberal think-tanks like the LEA, are also Russia-gaters.
Hartley Brewer stated yesterday that ‘we all know Trump, was involved with Russia’. Trust nobody, even when they are telling you SOME truth.

It’s incredible how little has changed in a hundred years; certainly when it comes to fundamental values. Indeed, we’ve been moved backwards since the rise of Neoliberalism.
‘The Only Democratic Party.
The Socialist party is the only party of the people, the only party opposed to the rule of the plutocracy, the only truly democratic party in the world.
It is the only party in which women have equal rights with men, the only party which denies membership to a man who refuses to recognize woman as his political equal, the only party that is pledged to strike the fetters of economic and political slavery from womanhood and pave the way for a race of free women.
The Socialist party is the only party that stands a living protest against the monstrous crime of child labor. It is the only party whose triumph will sound once and forever the knell of child slavery.
There is no hope under the present decaying system. The worker who votes the Republican or Democratic ticket does worse than throw his vote away. He is a deserter of his class and his own worst enemy, though he may be in blissful ignorance of the fact that he is false to himself and his fellow-workers and that sooner or later he must reap what he has sown.’ -Eugene Debs
The reason why I stopped following the regular media doesn’t really need an explanation. But for completeness then: the one-sidedness, the lying, the cartoonishness (of right vs wrong), the sillyness and the panic-mongering about everything culminating in Covid19 made the regular media for me an unreadable medium.
It took me some time to find out that the alt media is doing exactly the same thing as the regular media does, with the one-sidedness, the lying, the cartoonishness (of right vs wrong), the sillyness and the panic-mongering about everything culminating in Covid19. The only difference with the regular media is that part of the alt media critique relates to the sillyness of the regular media (thinking that everything that is said by highly selected experts is the truth and nothing but the truth), while part of the critique of the regular media to the alt media relates to the sillyness of their belief system that some not well identified entity is going to end civilized life on earth.
Reading that is like watching Andy Kaufman in a wrestling match: it is predictive and it’s boring. So why is the media doing it? – Well, because apparently many find these wrestling matches of Andy Kaufman highly entertaining. That is one reason. Another reason is that you can write a lot more about sillyness, etc than about factual truths. There are endless ways to answer why 2+2=not 3 instead of saying that 2+2=4. Which is great for lazy journalism. There is always some nonsense you can talk about. But it is not so nice to read about that for a reader like me who likes to read about factual truths (and does the interpretation for himself)
So how did I solve this little problem?
A. By turning off all media
B. By trying to understand why people act so foolish
C. By trying to talk some sense into people
D. By not giving into the feeling of despair
One day this thing will pass, but when is uncertain. It ain’t much fun, but I will manage. The truth will come out, but when is also unknown. Until that time I just try to keep my rationality and humanity. I am fine with that. It surely is interesting from a human point of view to see what is presently going on. History books and novels have shown time and again that people are easily bamboozled and that a mass hysteria is not difficult to induce (for that matter I recommend celine’s journey towards the end of the night).
A final note on the Pfizer vaccin, an advise so to say: the 2 months efficacy for preventing covid is definitely present. So are the known side effects (more severe than average Covid infection). The long term effects are completely unknown. If people want to vaccinate themselves, they have my blessing. In terms of research one might see some spectacular results in the next years (from the dissapearance of common cold to severe side effects of the vaccin that may be present for generations to come I those who vaccinated themselves). My personal opinion on this matter at this stage: I prefer to have Covid over a jab of which the side effects are real and possibly a lot more harmful than any common cold or even ‘severe Covid’
I am not planning to comment here a lot. Only when things are unclear to me I will return to this blog. For now things on Covid and vaccination are crystal clear to me, like that 2+2=4 is crystal clear. So I will spend my precious time differently than commenting.
For now, All the best!
Isn’t it very strange how we are being told that the right-wing neoliberal, often fear-mongers around immigration, pro-Brexit, anti-European, anti-left wing, TalkRadio, who are undoubtedly telling the truth about Covid, are being heralded as heroes of our civil liberties, and are victims of censorship, following the actions of the equally neo-liberal google yesterday, which is essentially a CIA operation, who shut down their YouTube site.
How are we to read this? Are the champions of Neo-Nazi’s like Nigel Farage, our new heroes? I don’t think so. I am very suspicious when arms of the CIA, like Google start telling me who my heroes should be by censoring them.
This thing is never going to pass.
The authorities will never voluntarily relinquish the hold they gained over us all in 2020.
Some of them have obviously even dedicated their lives to it.
Oscar Wilde on journalism and media
“It was a fatal day when the public discovered that the pen is mightier than the paving-stone, and can be made as offensive as the brickbat. They at once sought for the journalist, found him, developed him, and made him their industrious and well-paid servant. It is greatly to be regretted, for both their sakes. Behind the barricade there may be much that is noble and heroic. But what is there behind the leading-article but prejudice, stupidity, cant, and twaddle? And when these four are joined together they make a terrible force, and constitute the new authority.”
– Oscar Wills Wilde – (October 16, 1854 – November 30, 1900)
Wow! Nice to see you back Willem. I’ve missed your posts, and I’m sure others have too. You seemed to disappear some time back when I too was taking a break from Off-G (though I was always intending to come back). When I did come back, you were no where to be seen, and no one seemed to know if you’d stopped posting for any particular reason.
Anyway, thanks for your very informative posts in the pasts, and any that you care to make in future.
Best wishes,
celine’s ‘journey towards the end of the night’. Just so. I was settling into that very book when this covid malarkey broke over us last Feb!
Great book.
Congrats you found out the alt media is just as bad
dont be shocked when i also explain 95+% of it shill central known military personnel as so called truth justice warriors
they even post some of the content on here
but as long as the shills provided tiny bit of truth with 95% lies it ok
here is your truth hipster alt right brexXit truther and set up a disgruntled party whore
I do not agree with Tony Blair on much but he has led the debate on vaccinations well.
Put him in charge of the vaccine programme and let’s have a government of all the talents to end this unmitigated disaster.
Well a government of all the talents, would most certainly exclude Farage, whose sole talent is selling snake oil
A statement like that ought, by all rights, to end Farage’s career.
We just don’t insist upon intelligence or integrity in our political figures any more.
And I mean INSIST upon – not ‘vote for’, whatever that means in the 21st Century…
“Blink three times if you need rescued (sic) Nigel”
Wonderful comment.
On the plus side, there is a certain whiff of desperation to it all. Clearly, things are going wrong for the elites when Farage has to break cover and openly support Blair. Farage doesn’t agree with Blair on much… oh, except on the ‘important’ things like 9-11, the Iraq War, and helping Boris Johnson and the Tories get elected.
Farage is desperate for attention I think. He’s now advertising some financial gimcrackery on Youtube. It’ll be double-glazing next.
He always was a spiv.
admin could you kindly delete this as a duplicate comment being held up by spam
thank you
All very well. But this:
The trouble is that, as far as I have seen, very little of this push back has gotten through to the MSM who clearly have no interest in promoting it. Indeed, if anything, the move against the covid sceptics with the smearing as “conspiracy theorists” and those “with blood on their hands” is only being stepped up.
The MSM only seems to be winding up the fear factor as tightly as possible.
It’s interesting to compare this lockdown with the previous one. That was supposed to be just a short one and certainly only meant to happen once (flatten the curve and all that. Can anyone even remember what the curve was?) That one was also perhaps seen by some in an almost jocular way – as a little bit of a nice break where you could drive down the empty streets and kid on you were in some post-apocalyptic scenario. (I imagine that would be David Attenborough’s most delicious wank fantasy!) It was also summer, and the birdies were singing, lambs frolicking etc.
But this lockdown – ah now things are beginning to chill a bit. And not in the sense of relaxation. The ice is here – and not just in the literal sense. The telly is gleefully announcing all those old folks lining up for that shot. And that’s meant to be cause for celebration. But perhaps there’s a bit of unease – even among the TV gaping unquestioning covid gaspers. People lining up for a little chemical alteration? What does that suggest?
Perhaps the penny (or at least some penny) is starting to drop? What is really going to happen here? How long for? Is everything going to close down? Is that NHS we are all desperate to save really benefiting from any of this? What about that dear old biddy you left with a promise it would all be over soon, and you’d soon be sharing the sofa again? What about those kiddiewinkles who are getting just a little bit behind in their studies now? A little bit too far behind? So that all the teenagers may have to become pre-teenagers again and all the pre-teens may have to go back to nursery?
But even that is a frippery! What about the next meal? As in the closing scene of Three Days of the Condor, what do people do when they’re running out, when there’s no heat in their homes and they’re cold, when their engines stop, when people who have never known hunger start going hungry?
And the answer to that in the movie was that these people will not want to ask questions. They will just want the rulers to “get it for ’em!” (and under any conditions)
Fantastic movie.
And how about the closing scene? Robert Redford(good guy) and Cliff Robertson (bad guy).
Times Square NYC.
Redford telling Robertson he has sent all the info exposing murders and secrecy to the New York Times.
You as the audience “YES!!!! Good guy wins out in the end!!”
Robertson coolly responds
“What makes you think they’ll print it?”
The face on Redford.
Your jaw drops.
(I may be have gotten exact lines wrong, but that is the gist)
AND SPEAKING OF “all the news that’s fit to print – if it’s OK with the people who really run things in this world”
Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s niece, who is a NYC doctor, last week wrote an Op-Ed piece for the New York TImes, exoriating her uncle (Robert) “who she loves” because of his “anti-vax” stance.
I read the article and found it more of a personal, unnecessary attack on her uncle rather than an explanation of why she believes vaccines (especially for covid19) are safe and necessary. The piece was also inaccurate in places.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. wrote a short rebuttal and submitted it to the Times.
The New York Times refused to print it.
I’ve suggested it before but the Jan. 5 FOCUS ON FAUCI is an interesting round table discussion on covid, vaccines, conflicts of interest, criminality and censorship.
Robert Kennedy, Jr., David Martin, Judy Mikovitz, Rocco Galanti. Sacha Stone moderates.
Indeed – it’s sad to think of the decline of the quality and intelligence of movies. From Three Days of the Condor to today’s interminable series of cartoon action heroes dressed in their pyjamas!
And the lamb and the lamb shall come together.
Clapping WAS crapping!
NOTE: The moment you discover “conspiracy theory” used without scare quotes in an article, you know the artice isn’t worth reading.
Why do you share pro-lockdown narrative articles?
I don’t call that ‘sharing pro-lockdown articles’, but public-mindedly reminding us of their existence by ridiculing them.
We can’t show the same contempt for the public as the MSM show when they treat us all as if simply hearing a statement meant that we would automatically believe it.
“Know thine enemy” is good advice.
Of course most of us here are beyond the stage of needing to read the Graun in order to know what our enemy wants us to think, but it does us no harm to brush up now and then.
Personally, I try to let many months go by before I look in on the Graun, HuffPo, WaPo and BBC. More often than that drives me to despair, and I don’t like, or recommend, despair 🙂
I find so little sites to trust. I end up following twitter feeds from Cory Morningstar, Phil Greaves, John Steppling and they delve into the grimy world of covid bullshit they uncover and sometimes I find something so stupid I hold it up for ridicule as wardropper understood below.
In this case, clapping for the NHS always seemed to me to be a disgustingly cynical little stunt whose hapless stooges were indeed clapping on the doom of the NHS. So in true Orwellian fashion the clapping and the crapping have swapped places. The current “crapping” i.e. uncovering the fraud, would be far more beneficial to the NHS than whacking your hands together in utter futility.
Facilitating remote attendance at tribunal hearings is default position ‘whether backed by regulations or not’, says Lord Chief Justice
As third national lockdown starts in England, Lord Burnett confirms that no one will be required to attend a tribunal unless it is necessary in the interests of justice Facilitating remote attendance at tribunal hearings is the default position ‘whether backed by regulations or not’, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales Lord Burnett has said. Following the announcement yesterday of a third national lockdown in England to contain the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Lord Chief Justice has issued a message highlighting that the courts and tribunals must continue to function, and that HM Courts and Tribunals Service will put in place precautionary measures in accordance with Public Health England and Public Health Wales guidelines to minimise risk. However,
Lord Burnett adds – ‘The significant increase in the incidence of COVID-19 coupled with the increase in rates of transmission makes it all the more important that footfall in our courts is kept to a minimum. No participant in legal proceedings should be required by a judge or magistrate to attend court unless it is necessary in the interests of justice. Facilitating remote attendance of all or some of those involved in hearings is the default position in all jurisdictions, whether backed by regulations or not.’ The Message from the Lord Chief Justice is available from judiciary.uk
watch this get spun as welfare & human right lawyers & union s etc etc endorsed this
The spread of coronaviruses which have been circulating for decades, centuries as the common cold and flu
Says who? The fraudulent virologists? They have never even isolated and purified a single Coronavirus. The taxonomy and genomes for all the alleged viruses are generated through computational sims.
They can’t even show contagion or transmission in a single experiment or study.
Anyone relatively new to 9/11 should check out Daniel Hopsicker’s research, especially into the Venice Beach flyiing schools’ part of the official narrative.
That Hopsicker isn’t a national treasure with a Pulitzer Prize and his book not in every library (mine refused to stock it or even order it) was a crucial moment for me in realising the system we live in is not as it is presented.
Just because the “main hijacker” was an alcoholic night clubbing smackhead living with a stripper with pink hair in a flat rented from the FBI doesn’t mean that he wasn’t a devout Moslem.
You can’t just jump to conclusions like that.
I can almost hear them say, who did 9/11: “we’re in the business of engineering reality. Your studies only further demonstrate how much we are in control of everything.”
When presidents use their propaganda channels to tell engineers to ignore their years of training, experience, even the guarantees of the original designer of the complex, that really is a heads-up. The monkey in a suit wanted scientists and engineers to put down the pencil and throw shit instead.
The same propaganda techniques have been employed with the covid as was used before and after the Sept 11th atrocity. The technique is always the same and includes a before, during, and after phase of misinfo, repeat buzzwords, panic mongering and retribution/action talk.
The public are easily fooled, engineers and credible scientists not so much. Yet they have been expected to give ground to charlatans and junk scientists, spurred on by corrupt politicians who pour oodles of public money into the troughs of their ‘professions’.
Trying to make ‘conspiracy theorists’ from engineers, professors, technicians, eye witnesses, many who have since died, is a cheap trick many would have had a problem with.
These crude propaganda techniques have been in use for decades against those who expose the written lies of history, the warmongering, the MMGW, and now the covid with its never ending ‘new strains’ and never ending remedies.
Soon to be the new improved virus, its got electrolytes!
Ha Ha well said. It will give you wiings, and they drank the koolaid.
Similar to ” you will own nothing and everyone will be very happy ”
WEC-Klaus Schwab
“proving that you are not crazy.”
This is important, and if Dave is reading any of these comments, I would thank him for his courage in this work. It helped me at a time when I wondered if I was going crazy.
Article in Lockdown Sceptics which references the Telegraph:
From the Telegraph:
LS comments:
Now consider this:
Here’s a possibility that would explain the above: the virus/vaccine narrative is not the central issue at all here. The central issue is the lockdown. And the true aim is to keep the lockdown going as long as possible.
With respect I thought that was obvious. But you wouldn’t know that by just looking at LS.
Everyday they allow the MSM to set the narrative in the editorials and although there is some very good information and counter factual arguments it is almost impossible to get the editors to see beyond the ‘incompetence’ angle.
There is that old saying ‘its the hope that kills you’ and that is what LS does. There was even a well shared article by a Dr. McGrolgan basically blaming sceptics for not being able to ‘win the argument’.
Well I thought that was the whole point. Its not about the ‘winning’ using facts and data its about imposing a technocratic police state while the PTB go about adjusting the mechanisms regarding the new financial system they have designed.
Tbh LS is a great example of controlled opposition – not the only one I can think of though.
Yes, I think you are right. LS is very much controlled opposition. I note they link to an article claiming two deaths from the vaccine. But this article comes from the Epoch Times, copies of which were left around our workplace which claimed covid was part of some Chinese communist party plot to take over the world. Wiki says the ET is “a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement, based in Midtown Manhattan” which “promotes far-right politicians in Europe” etc. Yes I know it’s Wiki but it’s probably true and corresponds to that pincer movement I keep referring to which tries to associate all covid (or lockdown) scepticism with the Right. The hack Left gatekeepers would have no trouble sniffing that one out – and I believe that’s precisely why these Right publications are being linked to. This is a very big and well worked out mind control job.
I note that LS is also anti-NHS which fits into what I think is the deliberate destruction of the NHS as part of the aim of the COVID manoeuvre.
And it’s a sign of the utter paucity – indeed betrayal – of the Left media that I have to turn to – well, anyone at all who may give an indication of truth no matter how “dodgy” they seem to be – such dodginess being part of the psy-op as a smear-by-association move.
And every step of the way I can feel nauseating little spook gatekeeping hacks like Nafeez Ahmed snapping at my heels to say, “Oh you can’t trust them nor them nor them” etc. as he guides you back into the warm embrace of the official Left mantra (which merges with the general MSM mantra): “DIE! DIE! DIE! VAX! VAX! VAX!” that entrances former greats like John McMurtry and Jonathan Cook.
At first I was quite impressed by LS, until I realised it was run by Toby young, and had reminded myself who he is. I never really trusted it after that.
TY “admitting” that he “got it wrong” on the 2nd wave. Well, there was no 2nd wave, just a wave of testing. And what we have now is the cold and flu season, not Covid-19, since the PCR test for the latter is non-specific for Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2, or indeed any other “virus”. I don’t think TY is saying anything about that though.
Agreed. I suspect Lockdown Sceptics is controlled opposition too. Quite sickening considering the suffering from lockdowns it reports on.
And to hear Toby Young call out Delingpole as a ‘covid denier’.
Is there a difference bebetween a self censoring ‘captured opposition, and an active remit to set up and run a fake opposition?
Most people seek to protect their investments. So they want to make the bad things go away without having to radically change. This mindset is the ‘establishment’ as a momentum.
The intent and plan to manipulate and shape humanity will use such people, but is actively undermining the establishment from within – and destroying life as a means to bring it into control.
If your mind is being used against you, then you want to make sure you are truly grounded in who you are.
I think that judging other people is pretentious. Their behaviours can be criticised or questioned but that is different to personal judgement.
Different people may be helpful at different levels in different ways at different times.
“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”
― Malcolm X
Happy Nu – Year Man o To, no quibbles, thus :- Sorry to be pedantic, ole’ friend, but mum said … “… i don’t give a damn what your teachers have told you, i also teach & it is always, ALWAYS different FROM fools, in my book… got it?” R.i.P
Ann, Sept. 1976, what a scorched earth ensued, seriously barren times for a kid…
Keeping things whole, i must confess, gets harder, daily: she died young, so, i love to wind my rival sibling up the wrong way, hairs n’all, if he says ” Different to… ” whatever, i say innit’, innit’ just, in a questioning tone, lol, just for hugechokin’chuckles! Just coz’ he loathes innit’, INNIT’?
Best wishes & Jiv-i-strav
Make the most, having real fun.
P.s. imagine, you could calculate today, in two minutes, what would take Goofle/Alphabet inc. A mere two and half million years to calculate,
Privately, AlphaGo-Gone, see? Deep State, busy… very urgent matters.
Especially in China. Especially in Science… way ahead, innit’,
Let alone spirit in the villagers and their Philosophy.
The Tipping Point, balancing in Wuhan, “China flu, innit”
The devil is always in the detail: glad to know ‘use’ still looking.
Just for certainty, my brother speaks great Chinese, and any rivalry was long extinguished, … way better than my pathetic attempts, but at least i can count in Chinese…
Yup, yeeeehaaaaaa, say um lo (loool)
Imagine CryptoCalculations, 2.5.MILLION TIMES FASTER,
With Photon Internet & wholly unencryptable… ! !!
That’s Power, to the Factor…
priming. getting people used to this way of life and it not hard
they mention xmas not happening in October
14 day lock down to flatten the curve in April .
if they can bore people with brexitt for 4 years then this is a walk in the park
tories have been in pretend power for decade country is in shit and look how quick a basic 50£ PR slapdash and boris was now hero and the tories are doing a fab job ay!! only a year ago.
clearly the dummies forget about when he was London mayor and the dummies forget they killed 150.000 200.000 due to there policies universal credit has to be stopped 3 times and several high court loss’s for the government as it was discriminative and you was worse of.
why do you think all this never gets mentions ?
because most are brainwashed and never think they will do it to them.
Try to keep up.
There is no virus. There is no contagion. This is an economic and social restructuring of society to push the unpopular policies of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 which include depopulation and sterilization as their central and core tenet.
All the outlets or people claiming there is a virus are part of the psy-op.
That WT7 was a controlled demolition is not a clue as to who did it.
Yes I’m sure that the fact that building held the Secret Intelligence Services, the CIA and the Securities and Exchange commission investigating the $2Tn fraud investigation into the defence budget was probably all a coincidence.
So who out of that lot was responsible or complicit or held the control position in what we all think was a compartmentalised plot ?
In large part the Truth movement has done little to really dig into this, preferring to allude to concepts rather than individuals or clearly defined motives. There was of course Kevin Ryan’s book, ‘Another 19’, but even that does not really propose any more than an amorphous ‘private intelligence network’ linking together the various individuals he researched. There is little more than conjecture about the existence of such a network or its operation.
Then there is the work of Bollyn. What he proposes has a set of precedents and a clear mechanism for how the integrity of a plot could be maintained. His theory accomodates the only arrests on the day itself, a huge spy ring at the centre of the events, the cyber elements, and key players like Silverstein. It proposes a very clear motive, that has been borne out by events in the past 20 years.
Was American Empire the real beneficiary of 911 and the subsequent wars? Was it supposed to be ?
Or was it something else ?
I think the same taboos seen elsewhere pervade the Truth movement, and preclude certain questions or evidence.
I think Bollyn and Ryan Dawson have both done an excellent job in illustrating who that obvious benefited the most. But the web is complex and convoluted so that question can be answered and asked on multiple levels.
Clearly like covid the ground work was done years earlier defined by PNAC who contextualised it all into a document. Netanyahu is on record as to saying how good it was for Israel and how they benefited from 911. So that would be an obvious place to start looking for answers.
Across multiple agencies and in particular in the NGO’s the dual national / Khazarian presence is always found and they have been major drivers in the plan to remove nationalism as a viable political expression.
But I do think its more subtle than to simply lay all things at the feet of a single ethnic group. What happened on 911 was evil as its what happening now. That may not always be the intention but the result is often the same. The source of that however transcends simple individuals or ethnic groupings and that is what I believe we should ultimately concentrate on.
The architects of 9/11 must have been the same globalist ruling class who are orchestrating the Covid psyop.It’s a network associated with the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, and World Economic Forum. PNAC was merely an auxiliary group.
All of the individuals placed in charge of the 9/11 Commission coverup, including Kissinger first, had clear ties to these organizations. This network is the only one with enough control over all institutions, especially the media, to have pulled it off AND gotten away with it.
9/11 was used to justify a mass surveillance apparatus and now Covid is being used to justify mass control as phases in the implementation of global totalitarianism.
The one’s with the “5 dancing Shlomos”
There is nothing sinister in the disappearance of all the gold bullion from the basement either.
Anyone who thinks differently is obviously just a silly conspiracy theorist.
Perhaps a fragmentation of intelligence and inside corporate ‘partnerships’ makes the answer something we haven’t a framework for?
Conflict evasion or running from Disclosure, drives a conflict agenda running narrative diversion.
It’s a very big clue, Johnny. It had to be people with veteran demolition skills, and access to ALL the gear (not jihadi amateurs). It had to be people who could get secure, privileged access to the building (despite its hyper-sensitive contents) over an extended period of time, to rig the demolition charges and controls. And it had to be people who could rig a demolition control centre in an adjacent, line-of-sight building somewhere close to the WTC, to have hands-on management of the demolitions themselves, as was used also in the demolition of the twin towers, when the top block of one of them had to be exploded in it’s entirety very suddenly, as it began to turn over, and threatened to roll off the building and fall outside the footprint. Remember that? Very quick thinking on the part of some skilled veteran professional who was actually watching from his control centre, and managing the ignition sequences in real time. With radio-controlled detonators, I’d hazard, since the rolling top block would most likely have already severed any wire controls, as it turned.
All that is a complex and detailed undertaking, requiring quite a bit of skilled-preparation time in the buildings by teams of – highly-selected – professionals. Now – who do you think might have all that clout, Johnny? Name two candidate thug-famiglie! There are only two realworld-feasible ones; one in Washington DC, and one in Tel Aviv, with Larry Silverstein as a key stiff in the liaison operation; a constant phone-conversation buddy with Netanyahoo, btw.
Chris Bollyn has produced a body of top-quality investigative journalism over the past twenty years which demonstrates that both famiglie worked on the 11/9 false flag, in cahoots. That’s why Netanyahoo was unable to contain his jubilation in his interview with the beeb, on the day: “It’s very good! Er – well, no, it’s not very good, but…” Classic Yahoo crassness! He and his zio-mates had been working on this scam for years, to railroad the US into the zionists’ much-desired Middle East wars – as Chris documents fulsomely: see https://www.bollyn.com/
There is parallels between covid and 911. The integrity of peoples health has been pre damaged with toxic foods, medications, pollution, microwave radiation and a fantasy “virus” used as a distraction as people have been attacked and conditioned with black magic programming to believe they are going to get sick, lockdowns, masks, injections, harmful “treatments” etc. Amandha Vollmer discusses the Covid scam and how the cult have rushed and are making mistakes. This desperation is the end for the germ theory which is hitting the ground and a bright future emerging where they will never even be able to begin such an attack again.
Where are all the evidence based skeptics now? I hate self described skeptics they’re are the least skeptical people in the world the only things they question are religion and anything that goes against the grain of the MSM.
Absurdity has gone up one more level in the Sewage Media where ABC australia ‘connected the dots’ and created the fantasy link between Al-Quaeda and China! They conjured that the Islamist terrorists are following the teaching of the Chinese leader Mao ZeDong
They have TOTALLY omitted who created and trained Al-Quaeda and how even the name came about. It was the ClA who gave them this name which means ‘the list’ of the fighters they were training in Afghanistan.
So, the Whole World knows these fighters were/are trained by the United States. And here is a gutter media ABC in Australia concocting a link between Islamist terrorism and Mao Zedong, making it look as if China is responsible for 9/11.
This repugnant journalism from ABC Australia stinks like stagnant sewage. How lower gutter journalism can get?
(posted this week, article title: Twenty years ago 9/11 changed everything for the West and now China’s rise and COVID-19 are part of the story)
Australia. 100% subverted
100% had by Mossad
Hard to say without seeing the ABC piece in question, but claiming that Al Qaeda are following the teachings of Chairman Mao would hardly even qualify as clutching at straws. More like waving faintly at straws from afar.
That said, if it was on the telly, it must be true.
I didn’t believe that something like this could be written except in dark sarcasm.
I had to pinch myself and refreshed the article page several times to make sure this is in fact from an enlightened Western national broadcaster.
Australia national ABC media has fallen to the level of the UK’s BBC – and that’s as low as you can go! Sadly, many educated Aussies still regard it highly and believe every word.
Unfortunately 45% of Aussies think the ABC is gospel, another 45% thinks it’s communism and the other 10% have a brain
Stop watching MSM and tell them so beforehand. I haven’t watch MSM for over ten years and i have not missed a thing.
Its Worldwide.
National Media is part of the chorus of the “Elite” Corporate Orchestra playing on their behalf.
That have never been their to tell both sides. They are funded by the tax-payer but remain State Owned Enterprises. Of course they will trumpet and parrot the state decrees, the town criers they are. The fact remains, elites are chipping away at our liberties, forming us into a submissive society where we follow everything the government says.
“Very soon after being elected, governments simply stop being responsive to the people, but become very responsive to the elites”- conservative women
i know not what to really say but wonder what they were smoking when they wrote that…..as an australian one can only feel ashamed at the quality of journalism but it has been slipping for sometime now……i used to be a fan of ABC but have not watched much for a couple of years now….once they put Ita in charge it was bound to become no more than a nonsense affair.
“have not watched much for a couple of years now”
You’re missing on in-depth analyses of dog behaviour from top pet psychologists.
In the past couple of months, I’ve learnt so much about pets from the ABC website; in fact, much more than what I learnt about dogs in my entire life.
So much for the Press used to be called ‘the protector of our democracy’ ..
paul josepeh watson fucking shill interviewed his daughter and reatrds watch PJW and think he is hip and cool and knowledgeable
bin laden daughter is a maga supporter okey
imagine being that brainwashed
He wants us to start a war with China because they are being mean to rioters in Hong Kong, not letting them burn down buildings and set fire to random passers by.
This is obviously intolerable.
Watch Australian news mate it’s deeply terrifying the way there version of sky news act towards China its is almost genocidal (and we all know they’d love to just come out and say “bomb those Chinkies”) and there own version of the BBC is just like the BBC in so many ways. They are deeply anti communist too but many idiots think ABC and BBC are communist plots.
They march on with their fragile narrative hoping noone will notice. MSM seems to want to plump the blame for Sept 11th on the suadi regime when the fingerprints of the apartheid isreali regime are all over it. The same is true for London 7/7 for which Muad’Dib spent 100 days in gaol for exposing the facts before facing a court which freed him of all charges.
maddock tv kosha
all i have on this
anyone still wasting time on the fraud of 9/11 etc etc
Please worry about 2021
it will be so much worse !
9/11 to Covid-19: we are getting into the Advanced Chapters of the same book!
You have anything to tell those who are today still exhibiting a keen interest in princess Diana’s wedding dress?
Once Sept 11th is exposed for what it was, so will London 7/7, and just about every other lie told to us by our gov’ts for over a century. Most probably longer.
Once people get their heads around that, we will have a better world.
We are still waiting for answers concerning November 22nd.
Agreed. WW3 (Covid) is the biggest threat to humanity right now. Unparalleled. Catherine Austin Fitts’ interview on YouTube – ‘Planet Lockdown’ is terrifying.
Well if you say so. I find her speaking a lot of sense.
The fucking fucker is fucking fucked and so it is collapsing as a controlled demolition.
Become the seeds for new life in whatever way you are and be.
Make some constructive suggestions rather than being smug, please, otherwise it very much comes across as masking rising panic. Is feeding the fear monster what you came here to do? Please stop, thanks. A2.
You can worry if you want.
And can spend you time as you choose.
And can make 2021 better or worse – according to the purpose you give consent to run your mind.
The revealing of the psyop will continue to unfold.
Stand in the truth and fear not.
FYI for those in NJ
Canadian Police arrest man for supporting local business. Man takes his own life
The elephant in this room is ‘The Spam filter’…… ‘Spam filter’ for what? …….I have never ever seen any commercial spam on this site. Lots of far-right propaganda but never spam. If there were some, I wouldn’t care, neither would you, neither would they.
They are really using the ‘spam filter’ as a cover to censor PEOPLE, who they don’t like, who contradict their narrative. The ‘spam filter’ is just as much a lie as Covid is. Like Covid masks it makes live conversations impossible. Ask them to rationally justify it……because they can’t. It is not only the Guardian that has their little secrets. Even the Daily mail doesn’t censor like you do.
No it isn’t.
No they aren’t.
No they don’t.
If you tell the truth logically and clearly, and without abusing anybody,
your comment will appear, as anyone might expect.
It is frankly you who doesn’t appear to like their ‘narrative’, but, assuming you wished to remain on-topic when you typed the above, it is of course the article which is the whole point, and the narrative there is the author’s alone.
Now just tell us which part of your viewpoint you consider to have been censored, and we’ll all listen, I promise.
For what it’s worth, this comment, too, is awaiting spam check as I write…
You can comment freely here, unlike Lockdown Sceptics which demands that you login first. They say a Tor account can protect anonymity (it can’t)
The Guardian will remove your comment if it doesn’t approve. Hence Off-Guardian
tor would protect anonymity a lot better if more people used it. Sadly, despite it being very easy to set up, uptake is not high
Can I get tor on an iPhone?
I’ve honestly no idea but I wouldn’t trust it personally.
Only way I trust it is using it on a computer running a TAILS linux distro from a USB. Sounds worse than it is. If a technologically challenged fool like me can manage it, anyone can.
You should read the reviews for Tor on the Google Play Store. It’s ironic that Lockdown Sceptics champion ‘free speech’ yet make it harder to speak. I wouldn’t donate to Lockdown Sceptics
The spam folder is emptied regularly and currently contains NINETY (90) spammed comments from today – all of them actual spam.
That’s why you don’t see any spam here, because it’s all caught and dumped. If we turned off Akismet and let things rip these comment threads would soon be unusable. Hundreds of spam comments would choke the threads.
Unfortunately we do also get some false positives, which we do our best to rescue. But this is the lesser of two evils.
So many roads lead to Bill Gates
They supply the silk, gowns and gunpowder for empire, thats all Gates is, a subcontractor, he has no power.
I don’t agree.
But Melinda does.
I firmly believe that all big western social media sites, goggle, twatter, themtube, et al, are run by stooges, put there to do a job. Same with some top earners in the world who use their insider created wealth to interfere with democracies around the world. Strip away their cloak of genius and one is left with a nervous operative who is just following orders.
Most of these ‘companies’ couldn’t have expanded so quickly without massive gov’t help. I believe some of these companies started off with good intentions but soon lost the plot when spooks waving money and sticks started turning up at their door.
“Yes indeed three office buildings in NYC come down, under rather questionable circumstances, so invade and occupy the poppy fields of Afghanistan for twenty years or so, to insure proper building maintenance and safety code standards. Yeah that makes plenty of sense. That’s the ticket for peace among nations and goodwill towards all men/women. Good thing for humanity that Vladimir Putin is not a raving psychotic or psychopath, or there would mushroom clouds bursting out all over the place. ”

Odd is it not that THE SCAMDEMIC has not stopped illegal occupations and wars. The CORPORATE FASCIST WAR RACKETEER LANGLEY-LAND PSYCHOPATHS need to go, the sooner the better.
Simon Dolan’s busy blaming China for everything. As if Western governments haven’t destroyed economies and imposed face masks, restrictions or lockdowns of their own volition. Patrick Vallance’s pharma shares must have been forced upon him by China
I wish more people would watch the Catherine Austin Fitts interview – ‘Planet Lockdown’. Would be great if Off-Guardian could review it as they did with Reiner Fuellmich’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ video
“Dolan sounds like a low life pump and dump Ponzi scammer who in the old days would have been operating out of the back of a wagon hawking bad hooch and poison snake oil. A real parasite. The last one to talk about honest governance. Let the NECK EXTENSION OPERATIONS commence.”

“Unless stopped what this is leading to is a massive genocidal culling not seen in all of human history.”
Who is the author of that quotation?
If it’s you, the quotation marks are inappropriate and misleading, however true the content might be…
As a wise man once said,
“I don’t think S. Cooper is terribly sophisticated with punctuation or composition.”
“If only the CORPORATE FASCIST WAR RACKETEERS and Langley-Land war criminal toadies were to put their efforts into helping humanity instead of harming it, the World might be a better place.”
Well, I still don’t think all your opinions merit the distinction of quotation marks traditionally reserved for literary giants.
“reserved for literary giants.”
Not always wardropper.
But a quote should be ascribed or at least it origin offered up when asked.
Conventions and rules that serve a purpose are worth upholding.
Sticklers unite!
I wish they’d discuss Reiner’s case in depth, the details of which have been published and actually quotes Off Guardian.
My only fear is that the level of intelligent rationality shown in the video is way above what our ‘sciency’ politicians are capable of grasping, and they will just dismiss it with a “Pffft !”
“Pffft !” has been shown to work successfully in a disheartening number of cases…
The dominant narrative is nothing to do with truth – but with perceived self interest – excepting in those who love truth as the basis of their self interest. But regardless whether Reiner succeeds, the witness it offers hold truth to be true, and that offers a basis for a sane world.
And never forget anyone blaming China for this is an idiot and a puppet (both the same just one has either some noticeable strings attached or a hand up its arse)
Similar thoughts on blaming others: https://jordanschachtel.substack.com/p/taking-ownership-the-western-world
Try emailing them (Off-G) with a direct request? (in case none of the admins happens to read your suggestion above).