UPDATED: “Trump Supporters” (Allegedly) Storm the Capitol
As always at times of political strife, we have a collective duty to remain calm and ask “cui bono?”

- Social media companies censoring Donald Trump.
- Democrats request Pence remove Trump from office.
- Video appears to show police ushering protesters into Capitol.
- Trump’s social media blocked, certification appears to resume and curfew in Washington DC until 0600 hours, or be ‘subject to arrest’
- Republicans “using chaos as pretext to drop electoral challenge”.
- Cabinet discussing invoking 25th Amendment to remove “mentally unstable” Trump from office.
The session of Congress in which Joe Biden was set to be confirmed as the next US President has been put on recess after the Capitol building was allegedly “stormed” by supporters of Donald Trump.
How one of the most secure buildings on the planet was suddenly vulnerable to “storming” froma couple of hundred Trump supporters remains a mystery. There have been only very limited reports of violence, despite the legendarily itchy trigger fingers of America’s militarized police forces.
This apparent contradiction has not gone unnoticed, even by mainstream voices:

As always with breaking stories designed to create a narrative, story is picking up and discarding threads. There have been as-yet-unsubstantiated reports of “pipe bombs”, but no explosions. Another article accused the “rioters” of “deploying chemicals”.
In “progressive” political circles, this absurd series of events is being used as a catalyst to trigger the potential forceful removal of Donald Trump from office, via the 25h Amendment:
I am drawing up Articles of Impeachment.
Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives & removed from office by the United States Senate.
We can’t allow him to remain in office, it’s a matter of preserving our Republic and we need to fulfill our oath.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) January 6, 2021
Or even expelling any Republican member of congress that questioned the result of the Presidential election:
I believe the Republican members of Congress who have incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election must face consequences. They have broken their sacred Oath of Office.
I will be introducing a resolution calling for their expulsion. pic.twitter.com/JMTlQ4IfnR
— Congresswoman Cori Bush (@RepCori) January 6, 2021
The so-called “President-elect” Joe Biden has been quick to label the protests “chaos which borders on sedition”.

The response is escalating quickly. The mayor of Washington DC has been quick to put a curfew order in place, and there is talk of the national guard being brought in.
So, was the whole purpose of the blatantly rigged and fraudulent US election to kick off riots, and eventually a ‘civil war’ to justify a coup by some faction and martial law?
This is the standard “color revolution” playbook anyhow. Is it currently being used in the US by proponents of the New Normal?
Do we really believe some ad hoc rioters just closed Congress?
This has all the hallmarks of a planned rollout…
UPDATE: Donald Trump posted a brief video to social media, repeating his claims of electoral fraud, but telling the protestors to “go home”:
Facebook has taken the video down. While twitter – at first – totally prevented people from commenting on it or sharing, adding the alarmingly Orwellian warning:
This claim of election fraud is disputed, and this Tweet can’t be replied to, retweeted, or liked due to a risk of violence
…but then totally removed both the video and this tweet, which called on protestors to go home “in love and peace”:

Is this about ending the “risk of violence”? Or is it about purging all evidence of Trump telling the protestors to desist, so he can be blamed?
UPDATE: Democratic Congresswoman McBath has asked that VP Mike Pence remove Trump from office:
Tonight, I am asking Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and begin the process of removing President Trump from office.
— Rep. Lucy McBath (@RepLucyMcBath) January 7, 2021
UPDATE: Did the police enable the “riot”? Video emerges which appears to show police opening barriers and ushering protesters through:
Trump Supporters No Where Near These People, Look Choreographed Police Pull Back And The Leader Waves Them In On Cue Just Before Trump Was Due To Arrive
— SwampNugget (@swamp_nugget) January 6, 2021
UPDATE: Certification is reported to have resumed. Trump’s Instagram, Facebook and Twitter have been locked. Various condemnation of Trump for ‘inciting’ violence in the Capitol, including this tweet from Obama:
Here’s my statement on today’s violence at the Capitol. pic.twitter.com/jLCKo2D1Ya
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) January 7, 2021
Various calls for impeachment. City-wide curfew in place in Washington DC from 1800 to 0600 hours.
UPDATE: Global Research is reporting that the few remaining dissenting Republicans in the Senate will use the “Capitol Hill chaos” as a pretext to drop any further challenge to the alleged election of Joe Biden as President.
Meanwhile, many mainstream sources are reporting that Trump’s cabinet is discussing enacting the 25th Amendement to remove Trump from office, alleging he is “mentally unstable”.
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I posted this video on a different OffGuardian page a few days ago, because people are simply not getting the message…
The technological Deep State staged events of 2020 and January 6, 2021 were designed to a purpose. That purpose is to confuse and conflict the public at a soul level. The anticipated proclamations of martial law should startle and offend, yet the public has been so manipulated they will conform to whatever nonsense their televisions and media whores have presented.
The linked video below is only an introduction to the depth of media and “educational” manipulations that the populace refuses to correct. If you suffer from ADHD or have a limited attention span, start the film at about 40 minutes into the presentation.
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Media Manipulation
August 13, 2016
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Media Manipulation ▶️️ – YouTube
Marxists storm the Capitol building, desecrating the institution at the urging of their Marxist sociopath leader and they’re described as ‘conservatives’! Since when did American conservatives detest the Capitol? And since when did conservatives dress as Antifa would? And since when did conservatives give the Marxist salute…
The female on the ground, with back facing camera, is giving the proper Marxist salute, with arm at 90 degrees, and fist facing front. The male standing on the car is giving the simplified version of the salute, but fist still faces front…
The Marxist salute was invented in 1936 civil war Spain by Spanish Marxists fighting the Nationalists, a counter to the Nationalist salute…

… where the arm is at a 90 degree angle, ensuring the fist is facing forward, as the palm in the nationalist salute faced front…
A simplified variant of the Marxist salute is to raise the arm vertically, but ensuring the fist is still facing front.
Moments before the Marxist profanation of the Capitol building, Sen. Josh Hawley came outside and signaled to the Marxist mob to commence the assault by giving the Marxist salute…
The mainstream media and ‘false opposition’ ‘conservative’ media have conspired to not direct the public’s attention to Trump marrying into a Soviet Bloc Marxist family, whose father-in-law – Viktor Knavs – is a Yugoslav communist party member Quisling, and currently living in the White House under the protection of the Secret Service, otherwise Viktor and wife would be murdered by Yugoslav expatriates, which is why they had to flee Yugoslavia.
Google: express UK trump father communist
Instead of derailing Trump’s presidential bid by inundating the airwaves and cable lines with Trump marrying into a Soviet Bloc Marxist family, the mainstream media naturally supported their man by spiking the shocking news.
At my blog, read the articles…
‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’
‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’
Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’
The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.
My blog…
Hmmm. Possibly with the raised fist, but if i was just raising my fist in a signal of triumph i might do it exactly the same as the man on the car and Josh Hawley. Their arms are raised at more thN 90 degrees. Try it yourself and see what your natural action is.
What I do notice is how most of the protesters are facing forward, not toward the building. They’re just there, not “storming” anything.
Whoopy, yet another fantasy spinning data source and forum.
Yes, the Capitol police let the gates open to allow for Antifa members to walk right in because those Capitol police were told to do so by the members of the Democratic party, RINOs, and many within the DOJ/FBI and CIA.
It wasn’t Antifa you buffoon. They’ve already arrested QAnon and Trump supporters who were caught in the video. Own your mess
The only Insurrection is on the part of the members of the United States Communist party, that includes all members of the Democratic party, RINOs, 99% of all federal magistrates, their mouthpiece deceit disseminating data source Bobblehead commentators and fantasy writers, Antifa/BLM and directly the members of the Soros family.
Watching TV news is a violation of the natural order. Our primary function in life is to manufacture shite – NOT to eat that which is manufactured by others. God will not look favorably upon the American public.
Can’t remember the last time America had a president who WASN’T mentally unstable…
The time for impeachment was way back, when Bush Jr.’s criminal administration caused the deaths of countless world citizens by lying. That’s when the truth started leaking out of that hole-riddled ship called “Washminster”…
Clearly you are speaking of “Dementia” Joe because Trump has done far more to improve the lives of the average citizen than any POTUS in history, if you are not then clearly you are suffering from extreme withdrawl symptoms of the Globalist supplied Dimethyltryptamine that reached your brain from inhaling it in its vaporized form.
Every time the Gobalists need anarchy to rule supreme they cut off the supply of those who are usually in a complete comatose state so they get out in society create said havoc and of course vote for the loyal marionette politicians who are the high ranking officials in the evil Globalist goal of a OWO.
For the last time, America is NOT a Banana Republic.
It ain’t got no bananas.
So it is then (double negative).
Yes! We have no bananas!
(We have no bananas, today.)
I’m often called a ‘dumb ole redneck’ because I’m from Mississippi. But what all those Yankees and jews won’t tell you is that I was warning EVERYONE about Trump as far back as Aug 2015, when I first predicted his sElection ‘win’.
I then wrote, sang and constructed this video to explain why he is but a part of the continued false two party paradigm Kabuki.
Enjoy (and dance with Trump at the end of the video).
“It’s show time.”
If only Trump hadn’t ordered, or OK’d the murder of Solemeini, and sucked up to Netanyahu, I might have some sympathy for his situation. Sitting down with Putin and Kim, trying to get troops back, naively thinking corporates would bring jobs back from China or Mexico, he rattled deep state’s cage.
I mean that’s been the thing about Trump all along, and has just screamed psy-op from the beginning.
All the worst and most corrupt individuals and groups unfairly and in blatantly corrupt matter have been attacking Trump like he’s an actual rebel to the system. This most recent election was obviously fraudulent (or made to look that way), Russiagate was obviously a hoax, the press that engages in Ttump Derangement are some of the most propaganda filled and dishonest media in history.
All things that would suggest is a hero tearing down the system from the inside. And yet… he’s clearly not. He’s got a demeanor and personality that breaks from the norm, but the way he’s actually governed is right in line with the Clinton-Bush-Obama continuum. His administration is filled with typical swamp creatures, his executive orders are more of the same, he’s enabled the propaganda machine throghout his term and while he may criticize the media and the rest of government he does so in a way that completely ignores the compelling and obvious evidence and instead focus on the weak and unsubstantiated stuff. Just one example is Biden and Ukraine – there is overwhelming evidence of intense corruption and profiteering with everything Biden did in Ukraine. But Trump never really focused on any of it and instead put up all these red herrings and distractions (the Hunter Biden business for example).
He’s got an army of American dissidents supporting something that won’t lead to anything, diverting their attention away from the things they would usually care about.
It really does seem like a big show. Things have always been moving in this direction, but it’s a perfect example of how the partisan polarization can be ratcheted up while the actual parties these bases are loyal to are more alike than they’ve ever been.
I agree.
indeed, in fact it is perception management, the whole game of populist charades they have been playing for the last four years, brexit, trump, le pen, orban etc etc ad nauseam, is merely an exercise to advance their tyranny, somewhat like the toxcine being rolled out currently.
to advance an agenda one needs to create terms, somewhat like the political punch and judy show.. offering solutions to problems they stage manage to satisfy plutocratic aims.
for example: trump nazi, we must censor all media and fake reality to protect you from far right extremists.. instigate draconian laws, limit free speech,cancel cult, disillusion the tormented proles..break them,
vaccine roll out: it doesn’t matter what is in it, it’s purpose is to enable some form of biometric passport and reduce freedoms… no work, no travel, no sport games, concerts etc… the unvaccinated become easy targets for withdrawal of privileges etc.
of course the toxcine may also sterilise, kill etc as well.
what passes for ‘truth’ and ‘reality’ is neither.
also an interesting point, trump believed the capitol stormers looked poor and were low class… he found that to be distasteful… perhaps the ‘mask’ slipped.
and pardoned assange and mumia
…Riddle me *This*, peeps: – Do all ‘rioters’ neatly file through the lobbies of municipal buildings, carefully staying within the rope barriers?…
Doesn’t it kinda depend on what the Director tells them to do, though… ?
There is a clip where a bunch of “stormers” clear out of a hallway, but of one of the “stormers” (in surgical mask and casual backward ball cap) stays behind, in the center of the shot. He pulls out his iPhone and just coolly gazes at it.
Then you see DC cops in swat gear enter from stage right and point rifles at him, barking at him to clear out. He seriously raises his palm to them, not taking his eyes off the iPhone, and waves them off in a nonchalant “yeah, yeah” gesture.
It couldn’t be more obvious these clowns were getting real-time instruction through their phones, and felt completely and utterly secure that their presence and actions were officially sanctioned.
You’d have to argue ‘set-up’….lured in…played by experts..
But don’t the ‘authorities’ even realize that everything is recorded on iPhones these days and that actual proof exists of what really happened?
(Answers own question:) If they can ban their own president from Tweeting, they can ban any video that might see the light of day…
it was a tour official the guys had a few drinks in the club bar.
things got out of hand
they all got soros paid
cash in hand
cash in this day of ages
the perps on the tour did not deviate
from the tour
everything was scripted perfect
including the found passports
and copies of mein kampf
west world do many such tours and holiday
Theseuses obediently following their ball of twine,
Heroes in their own minds, alas bit players in another’s rhyme,
At center of twisting Capitol’s lab’rinth,
Minotaur sits, holds court upon Senate plinth,
Ariadne, they thought to save, poor sacrifice goat
Sadly erred they – her fate soon sealed by bullet to throat…
POSSIBLY USEFUL: My solution for the “video roulette” problem we’re suffering here (in which the video you post is soon swapped with others) is to post the link to your preferred video TWICE, one after the other; the original link will remain on display above the second posting of the link, which will embed and then display as the false vids in the video-roulette game. I also post the original TITLE of the video above the double-posted links, for clarity.
Krtek a tranzistor
A proc zrovna Krtek a tranzistor a ne Krtek a auticko?
Actually, my FAVORITE is “Mole and The Mother”. Amazing.
Krtecek a.k.a. The Mole has been sold to the Chinese ….
SIGH……as already said countless times.
All you need to do in order to see the video you embedded is CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE.
Please DO NOT post videos twice. It effectively doubles the loading time for the page if everyone does that.
A) Chill, B) Where is this information posted, Admin1?
PS I wasn’t the one who donated the catty downvote
So, I’m assuming that the lack of a response (polite, rational or otherwise) to my reasonable question ( ie: where was this info previously posted, hereabouts, to justify your raging allcaps delivery of “THE VIDEO IS NOT SWAPPED OUT!!!!
THE PROBLEM IS YOUR BROWSER CACHE”)… indicates that the best way to get “information” around here is to wait for the unhinged version?
short-form Youtube URLs don’t embed; you can use that:
Well, see, apparently “THE VIDEO IS NOT SWAPPED OUT!!!!
THE PROBLEM IS YOUR BROWSER CACHE”… so, this is a thing it was my responsibility to know… telepathically. Or by reading all the comments under every post for the past few months until stumbling upon that tip? I guess I have no excuse, because rather than get email notifications of replies to my actual comments anymore… I got 300+ notifications of utterly unrelated comments in two days (also my fault, I’m sure) and I bet the tip was somewhere in there. SIGH.
I’m at work, half reading these comments and half watching ITV news (with the sound muted).
I’d never realised how funny the news is with the sound turned down. Those ‘protests’ and ‘clashes’ are so absurdly fake!
Propaganda filler by psychopathic criminals that do not want to talk about how massively they have been robbing the populous.
…I like to do that myself from time to time – it is indeed a simple and powerful hack for cutting through the crap and identifying blatant, crisis-acted pantomimery on location, or rhetorical *emoting* by anchors/talking heads in the studio… – In the latter case, they always look like they’re having a psychotic break and/or an aneurysm… 🙂
I remember reading about Richard Nixon talking to a classroom full of deaf children. They all broke out laughing, because they could instantly see that he was a liar.
As for people ”emoting” on the news, well, a psychotic breakdown and/or an aneurysm would neatly explain Matt Hancock’s little moment on TV (when he was moved to the point of being incapable of producing any tears).
I’ve just cringed anew at what that imbecile did – one of the most embarrassing and pathetic things I’ve ever seen.
he was laughing,
as another poster noted watch it without sound… manflu halfcock instigated damage control as he chuckled at big willy shakespeare getting a fake prick..
‘dupers delight’…..
Even the dimmest of dim bulbs (such as Twat Halfcock) can muster up the presence of mind to instigate damage control, I suppose.
Hey but with the sound turned down you’re missing the hilarious script. I’ve never heard so much cheese since those 70s disaster movies. I’m now just waiting to hear someone say, “It’s a slim chance but it might just work!”
Haha! I’m hoping they can also find room for a grizzled veteran of one of the public-health agencies who’ll be trying to save the day against all the odds. He will, of course, be a heavy drinker with a complicated personal life, and he’ll be ”getting too old for this shit.”
“…but I’m gonna give it one last shot!..”
And on your last day before retirement, too, Mike! ;o)
…”Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue…”
That really cracked me up, Sarge. ;o)
“Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up smoking…”
The protestors looked like the usual rentamob to me. Mad Viking, fat bloke with a beard etc. In fact the latter looks like one of sixties blues band Canned Heat. That led me to remember film and t.v. shows of the time, there was often a scene of “hippies” and ” low life weirdos” protesting some cause. They all looked as phony as that bunch at the capitol. Straight out of central casting and wardrobe. How about the Village People!….a bit later? It’s all a show folks, you can’t even believe your eyes now.
most of those politicos are in their dotage, the last time they interacted with the proles was ’69..
so it all seemed kosher.
So much for the illusion that Antifa was getting preferential treatment from the police. The police had a love in with protesters.
…- See el Gallinazo’s comment, down-thread…
Of course. Let’s replace the mentally unstable Trump with the more mentally unstable Biden.
It is not about putting Biden in power. It was always going to be Harris. Her campaign imploded at the starting gate so she was pulled out of the primaries before the Iowa Caucus, only to be inserted after Biden was handed the nomination. Sanders was actually in the lead, but he would not be controlled and would not abdicate to Harris. So the fix was put in. Biden will not last his first year. His “doctors and family” will advise him to step aside. Harris has been put up by the same people who put Obama up and pulled his strings.
The Technocrats will be in charge of America. The United States will be in another war by spring of 2022.
Thank you. It’s not about Biden Trump or Harris. Is it?
when at war with the world, you are never out of a war…
they have been at war with ‘you’ since you were born, you aren’t connected you see, but you will be soon, though not in a good way.
Removal, or suspension, of the President’s Twitter and Facebook accounts show exactly what is coming. And It won’t be pretty. It is what all fascists do – remove the voice of the opposition. It is what the mainstream has done from the start.
The global elite cannot care less if it develops into a civil war. Population reduction is one of their aims. However, if you know that your candidate legitimately won the election, and you see sleazy Biden in his place it is not going to make you happy.
I went shopping today to the supermarket, something I’m trying to do less and less. I paid cash, something I’m trying to do more and more. It was disturbing to see so many (not all) wearing masks.
Sadly too many of them are sheeple, eagerly collaborating with their own oppressors.
Is it self-hate, sadomasochism or some ‘kinda’ of Stockholm Syndrome?
So many of them are sheeple alas & seem to enjoy being complicit in their own oppression. Is it virtue signalling, self-hate, sadomasochism or a variant of the Stockholm Syndrome.
Glenn Greenwald has an excellent piece out today:
“It is stunning to watch now as every War on Terror rhetorical tactic to justify civil liberties erosions is now being invoked in the name of combatting Trumpism, including the aggressive exploitation of the emotions triggered by yesterday’s events at the Capitol to accelerate their implementation and demonize dissent over the quickly formed consensus. The same framework used to assault civil liberties in the name of foreign terrorism is now being seamlessly applied — often by those who spent the last two decades objecting to it — to the threat posed by “domestic white supremacist terrorists,” the term preferred by liberal elites, especially after yesterday, for Trump supporters generally. In so many ways, yesterday was the liberals’ 9/11, as even the most sensible commentators among them are resorting to the most unhinged rhetoric available.
“Within hours of the Capitol being cleared, we heard truly radical proposals from numerous members of Congress. Senators and House members who objected to Electoral College certification, or questioned its legitimacy, should be formally accused of sedition and removed from expelled from the House if not prosecuted, argued Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), with other House members expressing support. Even those unarmed protesters who peacefully entered the Capitol should, many argued, be hunted by the FBI as domestic terrorists.
“Calls proliferated for the banning of the social media accounts of instigators and protest participants. Journalists and politicians cheered the decision by Facebook and Twitter to temporarily bar the President from using their service, and then cheered again when Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Tuesday that the ban on Trump extended through Biden’s inauguration. Some journalists, such as CNN’s Oliver Darcy, complained that Facebook had not gone far enough, that more mass censorship was needed of right-wing voices. The once-radical 2006 Gingrich argument — that some opinions are too dangerous to allow to be expressed because they are pro-terrorist and insurrectionary — is now thriving, close to a consensus.
“These calls for censorship, online and official, are grounded in the long-discredited, oft-rejected and dangerous view that a person should be held legally accountable not only for their own illegal actions but also for the consequences of their protected speech: meaning the actions others take when they hear inflammatory rhetoric. That was the distorted mentality used by the State of Mississippi in the 1970s to try to hold NAACP leaders liable for the violent acts of their followers against boycott violators after hearing rousing pro-boycott speeches from NAACP leaders, only for the Supreme Court in 1982 to unanimously reject such efforts on the ground that “while the State legitimately may impose damages for the consequences of violent conduct, it may not award compensation for the consequences of nonviolent, protected activity,” adding that even “advocacy of the use of force or violence does not remove speech from the protection of the first amendment.”
“The complete reversal in mentality from just a few months ago is dizzying. Those who spent the summer demanding the police be defunded are furious that the police response at the Capitol was insufficiently robust, violent and aggressive. Those who urged the abolition of prisons are demanding Trump supporters be imprisoned for years. Those who, under the banner of “anti-fascism,” demanded the firing of a top New York Times editor for publishing an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) advocating the deployment of the U.S. military to quell riots — a view deemed not just wrong but unspeakable in decent society — are today furious that the National Guard was not deployed at the Capitol to quash pro-Trump supporters.
“One need not dismiss the lamentable actions of yesterday to simultaneously reject efforts to apply terms that are plainly inapplicable: attempted coup, insurrection, sedition. There was zero chance that the few hundred people who breached the Capitol could overthrow the U.S. Government — the most powerful, armed and militarized entity in the world — nor did they try.
There is a huge difference between, on the one hand, thousands of people shooting their way into the Capitol after a long-planned, coordinated plot with the goal of seizing permanent power, and, on the other, an impulsive and grievance-driven crowd more or less waltzing into the Capitol as the result of strength in numbers and then leaving a few hours later. That the only person shot was a protester killed by an armed agent of the state by itself makes clear how irresponsible these terms are. There are more adjectives besides “fascist treason” and “harmless protest,” enormous space between those two poles. One need not be forced to choose between the two.”
“Like all inflated threats, this one has a kernel of truth. As is true of every faction, there are right-wing activists filled with rage and who are willing to do violence. Some of them are dangerous (just as some Muslims in the post-9/11 era, and some Antifa nihilists, were and are genuinely violent and dangerous). But as was true of the Cold War and the War on Terror and so many other crisis-spurred reactions, the other side of the ledger — the draconian state powers clearly being planned and urged and prepared in the name of stopping them — carry its own extremely formidable dangers.
Refusing to consider those dangers for fear of standing accused of downplaying the threat is the most common tactic authoritarian advocates of state power use. Less than twenty-four hours after the Capitol breach, one sees this tactic being wielded with great flamboyance and potency, and it is sure to continue long after January 20.”
I have made a principle of buying almost all of our meat (bar bacon) from our local butcher, on the basis that:
I always pay in cash.
If we want life to ‘return to normal’, we have to ensure that those people who provide ‘normality’ for us as a service are able to make a decent living doing so.
So support your local butchers everyone, support your local baker (especially if they bake on the premises), support your local fruit/veg seller on market stalls (if they can operate) and Support your local fish and chip shop (ours will do home deliveries if you spend more than a very reasonable minimum).
the cops hero
nothin else to say
just like nurses and docs
look the cops did all they could
you can see footage of the ring leaders outside earlier
actin up
we are all shocked how this breach accured
the one with the beard the actor said he had a colostomy bag that needed emptying and asked if he could use nancy pelosi’s alien space monster restroom
soon after all hel broke scripted loose
they where carrying trump flags and left passports on the floor many where heard shouting out the word syria
things moved so slow we may never find out what really happened that day
how so many extras and bit part actors made a desperate blind bid for power
just like hitler did in 1937 or 38 or 39 ohh whatever.
So – being alerted to the …umm interesting work done by Medialens in exposing that devilish Peter Hitchens who refuses to accept the undeniable truth that half the British population are dead with covid and the other half are also dead with covid, I thought I’d have a look in on their site. Well…..
Front page – only mention of the deadly lurgae was a tweet down the side from one Peter Stefanovic who says “In hospitals conditions are unimaginable. We have ambulances queuing up…….” well you get the drift.
So I thought I’d click on “Alerts” thinking that sounds a bit kinda on the ball and … well what do we have?
Stuff about climate protests, the rubbishing of an Owen Jones book, a reminiscence of Robert Fisk, how corporate media buried the Assange trial etc.
The only thing that mentioned covid was an article entitled “Conspiracy Theories Malign And Benign – Face Masks And Israeli Training Of US Police” which starts with an unintentionally ironic opening:
This leads to a bit of Peter Hitchens bashing in which OffG also get a mention as potential slayers of the old dears. But, after a role call of all the utterly dependable experts saying that covid is indeed the End of Days, this caught my eye:
“in a fast-moving field, where some kind of overview is needed promptly”? Well this is precisely the hub of the con. The assumption that we are all going to die shortly is the very thing we are querying. BUT we don’t have time to query it …. because we’re all going to die shortly!
That was a lovely comment, George. Thanks.
Aren’t Media Lens pro lockdown and pro vaccine?
I have zero use for Media Lens.
Yes, thanks for that, I will cancel their “alerts” to my email as soon as possible. You have to marvel at their acting abilities though!
John Pilger was another: he was opining on RT about the high probability of the poor not having the same access to the vaccine as the privileged. Shocking!
do you have a link for that?
I may be wrong but I would say that Pilger at least has had the decency NOT to commit to the COVID shite.
Let’s be fair George, they can’t be all bad then! 🙂
Gotthard Entity Cavorts At US Capitol
None of the creeps like Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Graham, Pence, and all the other scum who work at that building, and the institution itself, are deserving of any respect whatsoever.
As a symbolic action, it was as valid as the Storming of the Bastille.
It was heartening to watch that scum scuttling away in panic from the peasants with pitchforks.
Well said Paul, you express my exact feeling on the matter.
Do you understand what happened and what is being discussed here? You can’t be that daft.
Going by the BBC news tonight, Trump is now playing his unintentional part in forming the hate figure in the new pseudo-Left paradigm for the incoming age of covidnomics. Trump’s continuing fan base in America is attributed to the rise of neo-Nazi white supremacists – at which point we will get the liberal Left’s demon figure of the knuckle trailing Southern peasant Bible basher and anti-Semite who is fixated on “conspiracy theories” about covid. The angel to this demon is the concerned liberal leftie who “fully faces up” to the challenge of covid heralding the death of neoliberalism etc.
Expect any amount of verbiage on e.g. protests for transgender rights which will, as in BLM, not require the wearing of masks or social distancing, while any hint at lockdown protest will be met with extreme denunciation of rabid Right Wing crowds “with blood on their hands”. The spectre of Trump will be held up as a “dark memory” of America’s “near slide” into full blown fascism etc.
Meanwhile, anyone who doubts the terror of covid will continually be hit by pics of expiring nonagenarians next to their tear stained celeb grand kids who complain that the nearly deceased could have lived another couple of decades if it weren’t for covid etc.
Is it not strange that the corporate media seem completely uninterested in the people dying after being injected with the Pfizer vaccine?
It most certainly is strange.
Well you see, when people die (allegedly) because of the virus, if you say they were old anyway and thousands die every day, you get screamed at for being a heartless fiend.
But when when people die of the vaccine, you are told they were old anyway and thousands die every day.
Proof enough that heartless fiends are a reality…
so, either way, grandma dies.
Well the reality is she’s going to die someday and it’s going to be sooner rather than later. My mum is 90 and I dearly love her but the final curtain is approaching. She is totally hypnotised by the COVID shite and wants the vax and I’m going to try and persuade her not to. I already know of one old dear who died after the vax and I’ve little doubt it killed her.
But here’s the thing: when old people die inevitably, the MSM would like you to believe it was always COVID. And pardon my extreme cynicism, but I think the old were specifically targeted by the virus shit for the simple reason that the death rate for that age group is bound to be high anyway.
Not really, since the big pharma/biotech companies such as Pfizer have extensive PR departments who are experts in media manipulation, psy-ops etc. Anyway they have an almost incestuous relationship, since the huge media groups, giant pharma/biotech companies are all part of the same Davos set pushing the false doctrine of covidism. Any dissenting opinions i.e. anti-vax or those criticising the futility of the daft pseudoscientific measures, such as lockdowns are suppressed with a ruthlessness worthy of Pravda in the old Soviet Union.
You and others might be interested in saving/noting this link to a website keeping an ongoing record of deaths or side effects occurring after the coronavirus vaccination worldwide.
The link is entitled ‘map’ and that is the first image shown but, if you scroll down, specific case details are given.
This was helpfully posted by someone BTL on the Lockdown Sceptics website.
They died for you, Steve; they died for you.
Not in the least surprising. Any more than it is not surprising that Keir Starmer has expressed zero doubts about the levels of ‘clinical trials’ prior to ‘mass vaccination’ taking place.
Anyone would think that he wanted slapdash and hurried medicines to be used on those who don’t need a vaccine in the first place.
TRUMP supporters have been comprehensively shagged. By experts in the arts of propaganda and deception. now , the real ‘right’ steps forth from the shadow, opening the censorship hole. Wearing a mask. Covid, the trojan horse allowing the steal.
Now the fat cocks crow .
…- I hear all the fat cocks are being gassed at the mo’…
Yet to be fartchoked by SNOPES.
UK Column News – 6th January 2021
UK recalls parliament but laws already on the books. Lockdown measures came in force before MPs convened. There is no clarity on how many MPs are meeting, how or where.
BBC presents the issue as if MPs are requesting more of a say – instead of recognizing that Parliament is supposed to be the body that makes laws.
Britain broken into regions — Increased talk of regional not national authority
High tier areas limit travel to 15 kilometers
Sub-national politicians making national policy
Governors of 16 federal states coordinate barter deals with big pharma
Due to pressures of Covid, the NHS pauses release of stats. There are no figures on NHS occupancy, doctors have to sign NDAs and police arrest people who film empty hospitals
Bankers from Lloyds, Lazard, former Banking Regulator
Former heads of Sainsbury’s, cleaning firms, Imperial College
Daily Mail says 1:50 people have Covid in UK and BoJo says 1.3 million have been vaccinated
Testing hubs being launched for people without symptoms
UK Health Sec Matted Handcock previously said vaccine is only fully effective after second dose.
Now European countries follow UK in pausing second dose.
Macron under pressure to accelerate “vaccination” drive – only 500 people vaccinated.
Motivation still unclear — In UK the sudden changes in policy may be part of psychological manipulation.
Peter Doshi, associate editor at The BMJ, demands data from Pfizer and Moderna who refuse to release full data on tests. Raw trial data has not been shared with third parties.
In 2017-18 UK scoped out Lebanese justice system, took steps to support military courts.
Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF, est 2015) — GBP 2 billion slush fund
Outsourced to agencies working with UK Gov in target regions
Siren is the main body working in Jordan and Lebanon, looking at research monitoring, police advice, change management, public safety, national security, human rights, hostile environment training etc
Siren founded by Jonathan McIvor, possibly as early as 2008. Rest of team joined in 2017. All originate from County Antrim.
Siren works with Integrity (former funnel to White Helmets and Nusra Front).
“Change Champions” include the interior minister Raya El Hassan and ISF commander General Ahmed Al-Hajjar who are considered pliable by the British Embassy Beirut.
Vanessa Beeley: UK Gov is infiltrating Lebanese gov and security network to erect bulwark against Hezbollah.
Mike Robinson: UK Gov likes to go into countries, identify and adopt the opposition, then use them as change agents.
Well funded with daily rates in GBP of
Project Director 862
Project Manager 757
Junior Consultant 633
Admin assistant 385
Budget information from FCO for Siren (Aug 2019-March 2022) totals almost GBP 15 million.
Peter Ford, British ambassador to Bahrain from 1999 to 2003 and Syria from 2003 to 2006, told Beeley that the scale, ambition and cost of the programme for Lebanon “makes my jaw drop”. The aim is to infiltrate, control and subvert the police as a counterpoint not just to Hezbollah but to other democratic forces in Lebanon.
Alex Thomson: The technique is to identify young people on their first promotion into national government, flattering them with introduced to intelligence contacts. NGOs would then take them to Northern Ireland for a week… from where they would return as converts.
Anonymous leak is probably being driven by conservative-minded French influence in Lebanon that is pushing back against the UK and Israeli attempts to take over Lebanese deep state policy. The aim being to dislodge the French and Russian diplomats in the region.
It is possible that a state hacked the FCO and the French just about have the motive. A human intelligence may have been the lead and the French may have taken it from there.
UK Column News – 6th January 2021
(LInks and sources in the notes below YouTube video.)
Think I’d rather live in China.. No lockdowns, no social distancing, no masks, no vaccines.
Just wait out a couple more years, while we ‘catch up’.
Why don’t they have vaccines?
That’s an interesting question now that you mention it.
I’ve read about Russia’s vaccine but not China. Did I overlook something?
Alex Thomson : The technique is to identify young people on their first promotion into national government, flattering them with introduced to intelligence contacts
YOU would no Alex as your a GCHQ officer ALEX THOMSON GCHQ officer. UK Column and the British Constitution Group
Brian Gerish Naval intelligence officer
what happened sleepy heads??????????
Mindcontrol is massive
I think you meant know but you are reacting to appearances without research.
I could call that mind control.
UK Column from my sense share a particular Christian view – I don’t know which but they have been calling out things that few others do.
EG: GcMAF and the extradition and illegal incarceration of Linda Thyers and David Noakes.
And institutional child abuse under protection from the establishment.
Every voice has its blind spots and it contributions.
Mind control is always locally enforced – ie it uses the contents of YOUR mind to operate an alien or other will.
If you do it to yourself, you play – “They made me do it!” or “See what you made me do!”, and if others use you, you get to play out your script as they trigger it.
Is it massive?
It is all that you give it.
If you set your view in the asylum, you see mad people everywhere – don’t forget the mirror. But the willingness to extend humanity is the capacity to recognise it.
So while there are some things in UK Column that can seem pedestrian, repetitive or missing parts of the picture – I hold your view – to which you are entitled – to be a piece of crap.
The attack on our humanity is targeting everyone alive – even those within what we think of as establishment. You have to look past the judgement and phishing of image and form and discern for yourself.
If you have never aligned in service or loyalty to anything outside your self image then you have no understanding from which to recognise others who have – regardless whether you share their allegiances.
The mind control that I see hollows out and renders imbecilic – and is a sort of Soul erasure to groupthink that denies critical awareness of anything but defence of the narrative agenda – which is destructive but masking as saving us from a greater Fear.
for Binra
Sounds like you gone to AA NA and never left the rooms then found online forums to try and be write poetry responses.
Can tell your type let me guess a guru gave you your yoga name Binra your just so spiritual how did we deserved you on this site
having synergy 12 crystals and wearing hemp and planet organic crdit card thinking your enlighten or cracking it and lighting nag champa josh sticks listening to bomar or swarmi from india distorts rather than equate. so fake. because it fashionable at the moment to write or talk act like then
no your type.
many people sold and made GC Maf better quality the david and cheaper David what ever is fashionably on the internet noakes jumped on it made for more money saying the cheaper version was not as good as his he then went on the truth industry complex circuit and scream out I can cure and then cried when they got busted and then plead guilty. his fault not service to other rather to make quick buck. go back on line 12 years and see who he is. okey which you havent
the pedo thing- u.k gollum well actually the huxton thing was huge hoax
the holly thing was a huge money spin 150.000£
but why not mention david icke friend zen if your so in to pedo exposure it seem to forget exposure when it near in your own camp
he champions himself as a child abuse researcher and exposer of pedophilia BUT his friend associate
Zen Gardner built up a committed online following, presenting himself as a guru of love and light, whilst keeping his past job a secret.
Eventually it came to light and totally black out that Zen ran and was part of a cult which less say pedo is a understatement he was main contributor on david icke website (lets not discuss that) but point at others especially moslem grooming gang s which appears to his neo con christian audience pushing the agenda.
there information sources: they release ‘important’ intel conveniently come up around peak or building up astro dates )usually thats indication of m14 input.
this spkies your field gets into your subconscious using the lights sound bits they do cheapo sorcery selling fake truth but fear really – manifestation ritual;
They provide cheap entertainment as news and truth it prepackaged crap
if you want to get metaphysical they perform rituals on behalf establishment
maybe too deep for you as your soooooo into the light.
Alex Thomson makes no secret of his past working for GCHQ. Comes up all the time when I’ve watched them.
Brian Gerish makes no secret of being ex-Navy intelligence.
I’d like to think there are some people out there that can see the proverbial has hit the fan and are doing something about it, regardless of their past. It actually gives them valuable insight.
As Binra says most of the speakers inc. Brian and Alex approach topics with a Christian view sometimes from my experience. I can’t see that winning over many fans in this day and age but they do so regardless of people loosing their sh1t by them daring to mention God.
Just can’t see that as being a very clever way of leading the herd astray.
It’s not exactly something they readily push or promote either.
You new ? logic here is some do you think the Establishment wil let them talk on air about what there jobs intale every fucking night on you tube.?? are you sleepy head> basic London bank makes member of staff sighed non disclosure agreements wake up
a colleague had to sign a NDA to work for a Charity admin department –
Naval intelligence and GCHQ allow you tubers Okey (only if they are providing a agenda do you get it)
sleepy head!!!
There is loads and amazing Christian scholar online if thats you thing who arent establishment whores !
Michael a hoffman / bill Donahue @ hiddenmeanings they prioritize solution’s and also educate on how the cult really works not sells you fear porn and sells-you out to what ever boogieman there establishment handlers want manifested into the reality.
most importantly when it did happen bs19 what did they do??
create another boogie man. ow yer they endorse bojo Conservative like they endorsed load of others and then flick the script but many to brainwashed to see it.
they sell jazzed up newspaper articles
UK Column are like weaker version of Alex Jones they bring in what is basic understanding repackaged as intelligence latest intel via they endorsement of the same people who have you in enslaved.
Then they tell you their bad!! so vote for whoever sponsors them and its now someone else fault who is bad and doing this to you.
on and on and on.
Feckin hell mate wind your neck in before you pop a vein. That was definitely the expected response.
No I’m not new here, what’s that got to do with anything anyway you rambling mongle?
Try and calm down, take a breath and look at the bigger picture. Do you think I only get information from them you blert. I was simply saying they are a decent platform to get general information and they also offer their opinion, take it or leave it.
Their work on Syria, Lebanon, the lack of any real Brexit due to the military links we will continue to have with the EU are examples of what they cover that you’ll struggle to find in the mainstream. How is that regurgitation?
Hoffman, cant argue. Don’t agree with everything he says but good researcher.
Donahue sounds like a DMT addled crackpot to me, always has. Too much of his stuff is new agey , too much like what Chardin was pushing and fundamentally Jesuitical with all the meditation and silence stuff. Not for me, something feels off.
I prefer to discern value even when alloyed or limited, than to ‘shit all over everyone’ as if running the asylum.
Credit where credit is due doesn’t mean a blank cheque or idolatry.
I value UK Column enough to listen to what they have to say.
If they stared behaving like asylum, I would find something else to give my attention.
I value OG and Corbett and many others. But my own responsibility is an integration of all that I take in as worthy of considering or refining.
Thanks for this, every now and then I find a gem, you’ve provided me with at least one tonight, ta.
why have you removed my post?
It read: With all due respect can you please provide compelling and irrefutable evidence that the elections were “ blatantly rigged and fraudulent”
Or you are just parroting a narrative of your choice- which is your right
Harvard economist Peter Navarro released his own 36-page report tallying election fraud, called “The Immaculate Deception.”
I’ve seen your original post. Big shame it got deleted. It does smack a big dent in the “open discussion” policy and facts should be sacred story advocated on this website. It’s too bad. I suppose you have not yet received an answer as two why?
Rusere Shoniwa second part:
The “science” behind the lockdowns was and continues to be bogus.
And this is particularly interesting for the light it shines on previous manipulation:
“Putting on my apologist’s cap, I would have said that it was impossible for government officials watching images of military trucks transporting coffins from Bergamo in northern Italy not to respond with lockdown. But then I learnt that 70% of the undertakers in the region were obliged to isolate under quarantine rules, so they asked the military for a one-off transportation of 60 coffins. Surely the journalists compiling that report would have had to have known that? And I genuinely (not sarcastically) wonder how difficult it would have been for propaganda busters like Media Lens to uncover this sort of media manipulation and expose it.”
This was exactly like the contrived photos from New York where mass graves were being dug – which turned out to be a common occurrence for unknown bodies, but which had been speeded up due to new rules drafted specifically for the virus. And the good old compliant WSWS shovelled this fear propaganda out.
And the cost of all this? Mind numbing. £110bn on testing alone.
About 8 million people died of smoking related issues in 2017. We still sell cigarettes.
1.7 million have supposedly died with Covid and not necessarily from it so far, just shy of a year. I’d dare say about 80% (being conservative) are at least over the age of 80 and at least 80% (again I feel I’m being conservative) had co morbidities. On their death beds so to speak yet we have ceased living because of it. We have been forced to filter our living breath with masks and told to stop being human as it is now deemed selfish. It’s okay to have a smoke but not breathe fresh air.
I don’t choose to defend smoking – but point out that the ‘defeat’ of the tobacco lobby* opened the means to a more insidious ploy – for the medical intervention of State as the removal of rights and freedoms came in via ‘smoking’ – and worked a fear a guily media campaign that funded and supported the findings that drobe a narrative such that where once fags were the currency of sharing they became a symbol of craven social outcasts, who had no lobby of public support at all when the regulatory structure ratcheted up to ban it. The arguments for passive smoking are pushed such as to almost lock down smokers.
The fusion of a socially nurtured emotional narrative with a top down ‘making you safe’ worked as far as I know without a whimper.
The pathological ability to direct a negative focus on one thing to the exclusion or subordination of all else is the demonisation from which to claim virtue as Protector. The evidence that is found is what is wanted to be found and much research was already framed – as with climate science or virology – to address an already framed arena in which turning up the wrong (sic) results woould be counter to social acceptance and ongoing funding or career prospects.
The healthy body is also a detoxifier.
The toxin here may be considered a trade off with a stimulant, pleasure or ritual – as with driving and fumes, alcholol, or screen based pathways of communication or play.
Guilt and fear are effectively toxic in biochemical effects.
Junk food is lacking nutrients and contains chemical poisons or grossly imbalanced demands on the body – ie high sugar content.
So the tobacco element was made special, demonised and ‘defeated’ as a way to provide the leveraging not just to deny human rights under state regulations, but to a state endorsed safe moral high ground to call on for bolstering any argument – as is persistently done by the climate scam of the ‘defeat’ of the evil energy cartels and the ‘Capitalism’ they symbolise by Billionaire clubs wielding Al Gore ithms that mine and harvest our psychology so as to use it against us.
I found it ironic that one of the ways to evade the ‘covid complications risk is to be a smoker. It was found by mountain climbers in the old days that one cigarette would allay altitude sickness for about 3 hours as nicotine aids the oxygenation of the blood. No I do not smoke or intend to, but I hold that information about nicotine in mind. One can simply pop a supplement if needed and unlike Vit D doesn’t take a couple of weeks to become actively available for those T cells to do their thing.
The binary good v evil mind created evil by judgements that limit and divide or specially select to inherently reject and deny the discards – and then bolsters its selection in defence set against the perceived evil of unwanted and unrecognised feedback.
‘Resist ye not evil’ makes no sense to the masking in virtue signalling. But nor does persisting in or aligning in it to a love of Life. And does not prohibit self defence as the right to be. The crux is in not falling into the hate that seeks to live upon the death and denial of the hated, or we become the thing we thought to defend against. We can teach ourselves this sorry fact over and over, over and over…as the attempt to escape a hate or fear falsely flagged or assigned to a symptom – as if to ‘escape us’ from loss of face in a realm of masking personae made real by the measuring stick of blame, under narratives of its redistribution.
Full post on
(*I focus this term on on pesticide soaked and chemically treated ultra processed ‘tobacco’).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) also aids in the oxygenation of the blood, and is much more natural (to the human body) than nicotine.
Interestingly, niacin, aka vitamin B3, also known as nicotinic acid, also has beneficial effects on the circulation. As the name suggests, it is chemically related to nicotine, but is, like ascorbic acid, much more natural to the human body as it is present in some foodstuffs, but is also useful as a supplement.
See: “Niacin: The Real Story”, by Abram Hoffer, Andrew Saul, and Harold Foster.
I’ve been watching Alison McDowell and Catherine Austin Fitts recently and it has occurred to me that I have been played. I know that sounds obvious, but I mean played over and above the very visible events taking place.
It goes something like this (in simplified terms):
First we have the covid scare. The narrative isn’t perfect but it sweeps up the majority of the population. As far as those people are concerned, it is an existential threat. The imperfections in the narrative are known in advance. Not everybody buys into the scare as there are enough flaws in the argument to generate heated debate between believers and non-believers.
Then, we have the vaccine scare. Again, the narrative isn’t perfect, but the threat of making the vaccine mandatory presents an existential threat to those who don’t perceive the same from covid.
Essentially, you have two existential threats – one for the corona’s witnesses; one for the critical thinkers.
Having watched the two aforementioned women at length, wherein they detail the actual existential threat, I realise how much time I’ve ‘wasted’ getting bogged down in the weeds of covid/vaccine debate with both allies and opponents alike (George – I consider you an ally) while Klaus’s vision bears down on me largely unremarked.
The virus is simply a mechanism whereby medical martial law can be imposed globally, but presented in such a way as to provide fodder for the critics. Likewise, the vaccine will do whatever it does, but is dodgy enough to cause alarm amongst those not in thrall to covid.
I can’t help but wonder if the flaws in both the covid and vaccine narratives were deliberate to provide talking points aka distractions. Perhaps I’m giving them too much credit.
I realise I’m probably late to this party – not in failing to recognise that the Great Reset is coming, but in recognising the true nature of the weapons of mass distraction that are covid and vaccine.
I remember an advert, from a few years ago, of a young couple sitting in a wheat field (eating cheese or something) whilst, unseen by them, a combine harvester bears down on them from behind.
The current paradigm deals in non sequiturs and logical fallacy, it cannot be counteracted with common sense.. that is why intelligent men are unable to move forward and wake the herd..
presumably this is the post truth world the davos crowd reference.. though as all things in an asymmetrical world it has revealed as much as it has hidden.
With all due respect- can you please provide compelling and irrefutable evidence that the elections were ‘blatantly rigged and fraudulent’ ?
Or you are just parroting the narrative of your choice – which is your right
You could try here :-
Another article at OffG this week pointed to the simple process of pointing at an event, and saying, “Behold!”
For my money, it’s a total waste of time and energy to try and present compelling and irrefutable evidence to a colour-blind person that the colour blue actually exists, or even that such a thing as an open mind exists…
There’s no beating experience when it comes to the truth, and proof isn’t necessarily the crucial issue. Even Jesus, not known for being taciturn when it came to important moral matters, answered Pilate’s question, “What is truth?” with silence.
It’s an old dilemma, but “Let those with eyes to see, and ears to hear…” still carries the greatest weight with me.
Life’s too short to prove everything to everybody, especially when unbiased willingness to scrutinize the proof properly is lacking.
On a related note, Plato actually did an astonishing job of proving that it was better to be a good person than a bad one – and not from the standpoint of material gain either – but today’s bad people don’t want to read Plato, still less try to understand him with a modicum of goodwill.
Just to TY for this comment which I needed today. here in Mexico countryside I met 2 women from UK yesterday who pressed me into lunch at a hacienda. I’ve learned to keep it shut but I wasn’t going to diaper it and when they were going on and on about the tests, I mentioned that the inventor said…. and the cycles….. (wont repeat it all here, you all know the score).
One of the women turned and walked away from me. It was frosty the rest of the afternoon and I kept asking myself why????
Why wouldn’t they ponder the issue, or if they didn’t agree (to a plain recorded fact) at least give me a rebuttal?
So alone. I’ll go back to Plato.
Ask the same of the covid narrative of the government and media and I will consider your right to an answer.
But no evidences can change the mind of those who refuse to see them.
The horned man who stormed the Capitol, I ´ve read somewhere he´s an actor, and
most sought-after American in the world right now in an interview from 2020 in Arizona with ORF, Austrian TV
whatever he is, he’ll be an online superstar and likely celebrity in 6 months. He’s desperate for fame and to avoid working for money. Maybe he should try politics.
The fact that the Senate floor of the most powerful nation on earth was stormed by the British army in 1812 and then in 2021 by a shirtless guy in a toy Viking hat and face paint will absolutely be remembered as one of the most significant events of the century.
J @smalwigwamlight
Yeah this is easily the least scary insurrection in the history of insurrections
because of Q of course. nothing like being in a psyop being psyop’d
this is all designed to make eminent researchers authors of alternative history metaphysics’s etc to look fucking foolish and get more censored
This is genuinely fascinating and thank you for posting.
One wonders if he’s not actually a genuine “useful idiot,” who truly believes he is being guided and protected by “White Hats” inside the “Military-Intelligence Community” that “Q” represents, when really he is just being run by the Booz Allen Hamilton frat boys…
Yup. The latter. There’s a picture of him, NOT dressed like a Viking, with Guiliani and Kerik.
Remember when Hong Kong rioters stormed their legislature/ Government buildings?
Remember when Maidan neo nazis stormed public buildings?
People’s democracy in action.
…Remember when moar ‘neo-nazis’ (sheesh, these creeps are just *Everywhere*!) ‘stormed’ the Bundestag during the lockdown protest back in the summer?…
…- Need astroturf rentagoons? – Dial: 1-800-NAZIS – Our *Operators* are standing by…
Ow never saw this coming
D.C. National Guard to be mobilized for 30 days, including for Biden inauguration
Since I can’t put even a modest sized jpeg in the comment section, I refer you to this link.
Scroll down to the first photo and notice the freak forefront left. Now notice the tattoo on his left hand. Blow it up. It is a hammer and sickle. We all know how avid Trump supporters like to tattoo their bodies with the Bolshevik favorite logo./s
There is a video of the Capitol cop, or at least a man dressed in their uniform, apparently murdering that young woman without cause with his pistol. Have no idea whether it was real or staged. Either way, it officially makes the shitshow “violent.”
The quality of their false flag psyops have really gone down hill. The cop who led the “protesters” to a designated area in the building, as shown in the video in the article, is not IMO a candidate for the best supporting actor Emmy.
That said, Trump knew of this psyops in advance and approved of it with his big mouth tweets. Like a has been boxer, he has no problem taking a dive. Though I did not vote for Trump on 2016 or this year, and am not a big fan of Dementia Joe either, Trump outdid himself this time as a Luciferian Rothschild agent and controlled opposition.
Thank you for your insightful comments about these current events. It is strange to me how few people seem to be able to see through the “controlled opposition” that covers up who is really in charge of our world these days. It operates on BOTH “left” and “right” which should be clear, if people could just get beyond their ego-oriented views of “the truth”!
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes.” ~ Justice Felix Frankfurter, US Supreme Court
…- Nice catch el Gallinazo, I saw that in this other ZH piece too… Guy *apparently* rolls with Philly Antifa and, Yup!, that’s a hammer-and-sickle tat on the back of his hand… Also, according to the same piece, ‘shamanic practitioner’ Jake Angeli (Buffalo Hide Guy) was photographed at both an Arizona BLM rally back in June, and a ‘Climate Activist’ event in 2019… But is it legit? (I ask ‘cos the author of the ZH piece is one of ZH’s resident *Concern Trolls* par excellence, Michael Snyder):…
…In Color Revolution playbook lingo, I believe they call people like Ashli Babbitt a ‘Sacred Martyr’, and *Every* Color Revolution kabuki production requires at least one…
…- Also from ZH today – Legit or not?:…
Some “previous” from June 2020.
Did NYC Police torch their own vehicle?
Jun 4, 2020
Raw footage by Lincoln Karim
The US Supreme Court could have looked at the evidence presented to them, instead they said no evidence presented. Simple question was evidence presented, or did the Court just ignored this fact?
Even if they had simply looked at the evidence and then decided it was irrelevant. The Court would have at least done its duty. {to be unbiased] We now have people who do not regard Biden as the US President in the same way as people never accepted Trump as the US President.
But the real issue is that Professional Politicians of whatever colour do not want amateurs to do their jobs. They need the Balance of Professionals being in the pay of the true rulers of the country not loose cannon amateurs.
The Supreme Court’s rulings were based on a lack of standing (i.e. that there was no legal status to bring the case) and not the merits of the case for electoral fraud in itself.
In other words, they were procedural rulings. They do rather beg the question who does have the standing to challenge electoral fraud in the US or if it is an offence that is completely unenforceable.
Basically all the various court proceedings have been stonewalled. The evidence hasn’t been tested/examined , deliberately.
I understand there are still legal processes in play.
Supporters cling to the hope Trump’s plan is going to succeed at the 11th hour , it looks like a vain hope although the next few days may be telling.
The DC antics where staged.
This whole period has a scripted in Hollywood feel to it, but they don’t seem to do happy endings anymore.
…Meanwhile *All* Dominion (s)election machines have long since been introduced to Hillary’s old friend Mr BleachBit, and any hard-copy audit logs deep-sixed by now.
It looks all like a vulgar “staging”, IMHO… “Cui bono..?” 😛
(BTW, kind regards and Happy New Year for all the good people that visit this amazing site, and the creators and sustainers of it, of course..!)
Jimmy Dore: Capitol Stormed by Protestors! Trump’s Twitter Suspended! .In the clip, several scenes are shown outside the Capitol and from inside the building. Including how police open barrier gates (4:40) and are pushed out of the way inside the building completely unprepared (12:30). Jimmy Dore says that since this storming was announced, the police could not have been unprepared for it. Either the police chief of the Capitol must be fired or the storming was „deliberate“
Jimmy Dore: „It appeared weird that they( the police forces) let them in like that“-Are you kidding me? They weren´t ready for this? The President himself had been tweeting it out.Or did they want this to happen?-We saw -the other cops open the gates. What is going on?-“
Of course it’s a set-up. Everything is one gigantic lie and we’re supposed to swallow it. I despair. The refusal to examine the evidence of fraud is a dead giveaway.
This is a very interesting documentary on the subject https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealing-america_3617562.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=promotion&utm_campaign=EET1216&utm_term=1for4M-ElectionDocumentary&utm_content=video
I look forward to mass arrests of the so-called ‘swamp-creatures’.
The so-called storming of the Capitol in Washington, is reminiscent of the false flag storming of the Reichstag
including the strange passivity of the police.
At first it seemed like a copy of the Reichstag incidents from August 2020. However it quickly became much more serious. Meanwhile, the scenes of the storming and deaths are more reminiscent of the Maidan and other regime changes. Such events are otherwise cheered by the same Western MSM and politicians who are now cringworthy outraged.
The same politicians MSM bullhorns cheered Obama´s assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs fu.. Victoria Nuland who handed out baked cookies for Euromaidan protesters in a typical color revolution modus operandi.
Dore is a valued voice but locked in his world view. When events are moving this fast you have to think on your feet. For example, his view that because the police union endorsed Trump they’re at his beck and call defies what we’ve seen this year.
Unless I’m missing Dore’s sarcasm, it was BLM and Antifa that got a pass. There were no Trumpers protesting in the streets, until after Nov 3. So what’s he comparing with?
Several of those who breached the Capitol are identified Antifa.
I’d lay a bet that the airforce veteran was shot because she was a Trumper who accidentally entered on the tail of an Antifa crowd. Her testimony would have blown the false flag right open.
Is there anyone who has taken on the absurdity of the vanishing flu, over the past few months, which is clearly just the renaming of flu to covid?
John E Hoover (pseudonym of course) has been covering it since April 2019… see CrowdSourceTheTruth.
ZH woke up to it last week
Yup Jester – I have and I’m sure lots of others have too. We only have to look up the figures of flu deaths for 2020 and then compare them to the figures for 2019. Also deaths from pneumonia, TB and bronchitis. It’s a dead giveaway. Sickening.
Here are Canada’s official flu stats until mid-December. Figure 3b shows virtually zero positive flu tests so far this flu season despite much higher flu testing than ever before (figure 3a). From the Government of Canada website:
I think much more attention should be paid to the flu’s remarkable disappearance.
Well if the Chinese and the Russians didn’t steal the flu, it must have been the aliens. https://www.the-sun.com/news/2052433/pentagon-spy-agencies-reveal-ufo-secrets-six-months/
Been saying this for a while, and, as many of us knew, this was all too predictable. With the mass adoption of the phony PCR test, they were able to prolong the Covid-19 fable right into the northern hemisphere winter, when, as sure as winter follows autumn, and autumn follows summer, the cold and flu season would start up, and people really would start getting sick (but not with “Covid-19”).
Fake rebellion in the UK Gov’t too. Anti-lockdown, freedom campaigner Steve Baker MP abstained
The only MPs to vote against lockdown
it is almost like the Covid operation has been created to provide cover for the dollars collapse and for the USA to transitions into a dictatorship.
Ya think?
This is from an OCR conversion. I cannot vouch for authenticity.
January 5, 2021
The Honorable Jeffery Rosen The Honorable Ryan D. McCarthy Acting United States Attomcy General Secretary of the Army 9. Pennsylvania Ave, NW 101 Army Pentagon Washington, DC 20530 Washington, DC 20310 Thc Honorable Chris Miller Acting Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washing.. DC 20301
Dear Acting Attorney General Rosen, Secretary McCarthy. and Acting Secretary Miller: As the law enforcement agency chargcd with protecting residents and visitors throughout the District of Columbia, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is prcparcd for this week’s First Amendment activities. MPD has coorthnated with its federal partners. namely thc US Park Police, US Capitol Police and US Secret Service—all of whom regularly have uniformed personnel protecting federal assets in the District of Columbia. This week, MPD has additional logistical support of unarmed members of the DC National Guard, who will work under the direction of, and in coordination with, MPD.
The District of Columbia Government has not requ.ted personnel from any othcr federal law enforcement agencies. To avoid confusion. we ask that any request for additional assistance be coordinated using thc same proccss and procedures.
We are mindful that in 2020, MPD was expected to perform the dcmanding taslcs of policing large crow. while working around unidentifiable personnel deployed in the District of Columbia without proper coordination. Unidentifiable personnel—in many cases, armed—caused confusion among residents and visitors and could become a national security threat with no way for MPD and federal law enforcement to dcciphcr armed groups.
To bc clear. District of Colttmbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any adthtional deployment without immediate notification to, and consultation with, MPD if such plans are underway. The protection of persons and property is our utmost concern and responsibility. MPD is well trained and prepared to lead the law enforcement, coordination and response to allow for the peaceful demonstration of First Amendment rights in the District of Columbia.
N N 4, or
Cc: Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
‘It’s all staged’
The police have gone along with an illegal rebellion against democracy and their actions will be a symptom of a greater anti-democratic movement inside the deep state and military.
The greatest democracy in the world. The leaders of the free world. And other titles America has proudly and modestly given to itself…
What a f****g mess.
I can see it now. The year 2096. The cloned robot folk with their nano chipped veins and pre-programmed brains, walking through Washington looking up at the towering statues of great Presidents that set the whole game in motion. There’s George Washington, Abraham Lincoln , Roosevelt(s), J F K….
‘‘Who’s that guy- the one with the hair”
”Oh he’s the one who spent most of his four years online using Twitter. He refused to leave when beaten and was then banned from Facebook.”
”Who’s that one- the old guy who looks sort of vacant and lost”
‘‘ That’s the guy who replaced him. He was put in place by a previous administration to carry on the work Obama had failed to complete”
” Yeah He’s the one who promoted eugenics and signed the bill to protect those producing poisons for our food and water..he endorsed Planned Parenthood too, and backed those who wanted the old humans replaced by us ”
A world that is half sci-fi Dystopian movie and half X-box repetitious monotony.
It is quite obvious that Trump wasn’t beaten in the last election. The massive fraud was more than obvious, and Trump actually won the electoral vote by a wide margin. This is not to commend this asshole in any way, but just to point out that the legitimate voters of the country preferred him to Dementia Joe, who rarely left his basement to campaign, and when he did, rarely attracted more than a few dozen people. In this respect, Trump supporters are justified in their anger and the election was, in fact, stolen from the voters’ choice. I personally would have had more respect for the acumen of these voters though if they had written in an emperor penguin. Just two sociopathic grifters playing lead in this year’s kabuki theater of the shining city on the hill.
Well said
In that case it would have as easy to prove as it was obvious he’d won.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe the election was as bent as a Bush family member. I believe the UK’s was too. But it’s just old news now. Has anyone with the capacity for objectivity really bought the electoral or democratic process for the las half a dozen elections in any country ?
It has nothing to do with votes. They’re props in the production ; the extras cast a vote and go home and watch the NWO propaganda machine create a ‘race’ on ‘live TV’ about as convincing and as honest as a penny arcade horse racing game.
The bottom line is that there is only one government. It picks the teams to head it’s various departments. It’s like a kind of political superstore; there’s tens of departments all doing different things and selling different goods. But they’re all part of the one store.
In America, the Bush family dynasty was installed to move as far away from democracy as possible. It pushed and pushed the same bullshit theme ;
”the world is under constant threat, give us your rights and freedoms and we’ll protect you. And we will bring in the NWO.”
A virtual parroting of the whole Rockerfeller family who hijacked the country 100 years ago for the bankers and pharma companies.
The nearest we’ve seen to the Bush roaches since is Obama, the smiling snake who would slice his own Grandma’s throat for a can of oil, a gold coin., or the odd shekel.
This is the man who thought flooding the streets with guns, pretending to kill a Bin Laden Ghost (then lose all of the evidence), sign a bill to indefinitely protect Monsanto from legal actions and promoted the compulsory sterilisation on the American people, then the world. In other words, a rabid eugenicist.
What we are living through right now is the result of decades of pushing from the Bushes and Obamas of the world. All of them gladly accepting the Rockerfeller and Gates dollar directly or indirectly.
But Obama’s had his allotted damage time. He wasn’t finished. So, the clueless, confused puppet on everybody’s strings is in- his former vice president Biden.
Now that’s some coincidence isn’t it..
Jura, you, sir, are on fire.
“[The future will be] half sci-fi Dystopian movie and half X-box repetitious monotony”
Just. Perfect.
more likely africans fighting in ruins..
all nonsense, from the hoax of an “election” to the “patriotic” Donald Trump, to the storming of the House. This is all theater EXACTLY of the likes our dear Zionist Communist propagandists in Hollywood know how to produce. Trump, like Biden, like Clinton, like Reagan, are actors, treasonous human garbage installed to bring about the destruction of America. This is a Zionist Communist movement which is behind most of the evil that has befallen America, endless wars, the killing of JFK, MLK, RFK, The USS Liberty, 9/11, and so many more. They have infiltrated al education systems, the Church, certainly the media, government and most major corporations. And even with all this being more than obvious, most Americans are totally ignorant of how these facts could be relevant to America’s precipitous decline. There should be no democrats, no republicans, as both parties have shown themselves to be totally corrupt, yet people still vote and donate and argue for “their side”. People still watch the anti Christian European driven coming out of Netflix. People still watch the news for goodness sake. The point is, they have us because Americans simply don’t want to deal with the evil that obviously controls us, and the Zionists know this, so they give us little dramas that give people lies to cling to: Q, Trump is a patriot playing 5-D Chess, (the same nonsense was said of Obama as he screwed us over), election fraud (an obvious false flag designed to set up this fake conflict-you can’t have a conflict when both sides work for the same globalist filth).
”This is a Zionist Communist movement”
I think the ‘Zionist Communist’ just destroyed the left (communists) in the UK, over accusations of antisemitism, so do you think perhaps the ‘Zionist’ have split from the ‘Communist’?
Or perhaps are you talking out of your arse?
…If anything Trump was playing 5-D Tic-Tac-Toe and *likely* the one taking *second turn*…
correct usa is run out of the ADL tech-media-monster for its master wall street via the alphabets, it now proscribes the presidents AIPAC selects.
all theatre for the rubes of course, ask cynthia mckinney
Obama can go to hell! Breaking News. He orchestrated this whole thing! https://vocaroo.com/1e976QE4oDoy?fbclid=IwAR26MI-rvKXLIGasDMBdniL63Qa4VeIQsskfPv1e1Px6Qu8UNta0fRDnh6k
simon parkes LOL you may of won the crossword but you music taste and some of your posts are shill central
I think this latest claim is valid. Something will come of it.
This is brilliant from one Rusere Shoniwa:
Well precisely. He goes on to critique Media Lens with its “failure to express any degree of scepticism before lockdown and the speed with which they condemned those who expressed due scepticism” – something that totally contradicts their entire declared objective of checking “the media’s version of events against credible facts and opinion provided by journalists, academics and specialist researchers.”
And one astonishing overreaction was their response to Peter Hitchens. Hitchens merely asked: “Is shutting down Britain REALLY the right answer?” To which we get this:
Note that reference to “anecdote” before launching into their own emotionally blackmailing anecdotes. (Along the lines of “I’m holding a covid riddled baby amongst a sea of covid carnage!”)
More from Shoniwa:
“The public health bodies’ significant downgrading of the threat on 19 March, together with many eminent experts cautioning against lockdowns, is crucial to understanding that responses like those of Media Lens and Paul Mason cannot be easily characterised as an error of judgement based on lack of knowledge about the threat. I no longer believe the Left sincerely believes in individual freedom given the speed and aggression with which it uncritically embraced wholesale imprisonment, the efficacy of which was plainly questionable and the harms all too apparent.”
No, it is clear we are not talking about error of judgement at all here. This “Left” response has been co-ordinated all across the visible media spectrum.
The left were never great lovers of individual liberty in any ideological sense. At the core of the lefts beliefs is the forced compliance and suppression of certain libertarian drives, like greed, in the name of the common good. The right-wing are correct in attributing that to the left. They also have an authoritarian bent which comes from their desire to remould society, again for the common good.
So there is a tendency for them to sympathise with ‘great good endeavours’, but you would expect their love of freedom and democratic freedom, to kick in at some point, which has not happened.
Perhaps you can attribute this to the bribes being waved in front of them, of greater class sizes in schools, or the chance of Universal Income for all, which has been dangled before them by the right-wing media.
This has perhaps persuaded some of the lefts foot solders. Although I think it more lightly that it has nothing to do with that at all. The better described faux-left or neoliberal-left is now just a bought and paid for, fake-opposition, an extension of MI5 and the ruling class, who must implement the neoliberal roll-out as ruthlessly as they can. Covid is part of a neoliberal roll-out so they must comply.
“Democracy is a collective hoax, which binds every lonely peasant
to the final altar of divine idiocy”
– Paul Vonharnish –
The “protests” in the District of Columbia, Washington were staged, and only served to disrupt the election “debate” proceedings. A “debate” designed as a corporate sponsored pissing contest… > Who’s on first? (Abbott and Costello)
Abbott & Costello Who’s On FirstAbbott & Costello Who’s On First – YouTube
What’s coming next? Cyber attack ?
My money’s on ‘solar flare’ to down the power, we’re doing natural disasters these days, right?
Questions About The Chaos At The Capitol That Desperately Need To Be Answered — Michael Snyder at The Most Important News
Oh yes……of course.
The author, Michael Snyder, went and tossed this line into his article: “As I keep warning, the radical left will never be satisfied until they accomplish all of their goals.” He’s a trouble-maker. He smears me. He disappears me. It’s guilt by association. There’s no real and fake Left. We are all radicals, as in terrorists. It makes me doubt his interesting and detailed reportage. But even if it’s factually correct, he’s a tool.
The one and only absolutely reliable source of news and information left on the planet is the mainstream media.
We know with absolute certainty that whatever happened or is happening or will happen is 100% opposite from whatever the MSM reports. Now THAT’S reliability!
— Zdenek Urbanek, dissident Czech novelist
I don’t know this man, but having grown up in the same country as him, I can vouch for what he’s saying.
Growing up under a totalitarian regime was great education. It did teach you to read between the lines and unmistakably pick out horseshit. Among other things.
I’m not sure how much better it was in the West. Decades ago, that is. Right now, it’s complete shit. Much worse, actually. The media, politicians, etc. not only lie through their teeth, but they have also been very actively sowing discord among people, polarizing, atomizing society. Fucking people’s head up in every imaginable way.
It was obvious that the First World will follow its nemesis on its way down the drain, but, frankly, I didn’t expect this virus horseshit.
That’s true! Whatever I hear/read on MSM I immediately think BS, even if it’s just the weather report, because they are all in lockstep.
Two things: 1) I mistakenly gave you a down vote – sorry. 2) Ironically, the weather can NEVER be trusted because the weatherman NEVER allows for climate engineering.
Thanks for nothing.
I realize everyone already knows the MSM lies. But I sometimes fear most people ascribe the “broken clock” dynamic to the MSM and concede they may be right “twice a day.” I don’t buy that at all.