Genetic Engineering, Agriculture and Brexit: Treachery in Our Midst
Colin Todhunter

The UK government has launched its public consultation on the deregulation of gene editing in England. To kick things off, somewhat predictably Environment Secretary George Eustice recently spun a staunch pro-industry line at the Oxford Farming Conference by stating:
Gene editing has the ability to harness the genetic resources that Mother Nature has provided in order to tackle the challenges of our age. This includes breeding crops that perform better, reducing costs to farmers and impacts on the environment and helping us all adapt to the challenges of climate change.”
In the wake of Brexit, he attacked the EU’s stance on genetic engineering in agriculture by saying:
Its potential was blocked by a European Court of Justice ruling in 2018, which is flawed and stifling to scientific progress. Now that we have left the EU, we are free to make coherent policy decisions based on science and evidence. That begins with this consultation.”
Eustice’s statements form part of a long-term pro-genetic engineering-deregulation propaganda campaign. It follows on from Boris Johnson’s first speech to parliament as prime minister in 2019 in which he proclaimed:
Let’s start now to liberate the UK’s extraordinary bioscience sector from anti-genetic modification rules and let’s develop the blight-resistant crops that will feed the world.”
The type of ‘liberation’ Johnson advocates forms part of the usual neoliberal evangelism which this time revolves around the adoption of unassessed genetically engineered crops and food, while overseeing the gutting of food safety and environmental standards, especially in light of a potential post-Brexit trade deal with the US.
It is no secret that various Conservative-led administrations have wanted to break free from the EU regulatory framework on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for some time. In 2014, Genewatch exposed collusion between the government and global agribusiness giants to force GMOs into Britain above the heads of a highly sceptical public.
In response to Eustice’s comments, GMWatch stated on its website that deregulation would result in no or few safety checks and probably no labelling for gene-edited products. This is despite dozens of top scientists having warned that they could be dangerous for human health and the environment in a 2017 Statement on New Genetic Modification Techniques.
Commenting on the government’s recent press release sent out to journalists to publicise the consultation process, the Beyond GM campaign group said:
…the mendacious propaganda material on the benefits of genome editing… which was sent to journalists throughout the country… will be widely taken up as fact, preventing any intelligent public debate during the consultation period.”
The press release is in GMWatch’s view “a pack of lies from beginning to end” based on unsubstantiated ‘jam tomorrow’ claims that gene editing has the potential to protect the nation’s environment, pollinators and wildlife. These claims ignore the reality that the first gene-edited crop to be commercialised (Cibus’s SU canola) is gene-edited to survive being sprayed with toxic herbicides. GMWatch argues that there is no gene-edited crop available anywhere in the world that offers environmental benefits.
It is telling that all the claimed advantages of gene-edited crops of the future are already available in the form of agroecological farming methods and high-performing conventionally bred crops. Agroecology offers system-wide solutions that tackle the now well-documented system-wide health, nutrition, social and environmental problems inherent in the model of industrial agriculture supported by corporations behind the genetic engineering project.
However, the UK government shows no interest in these solutions.
GMWatch notes that the government press release claims that gene editing is not genetic modification. The industry has put much effort into spinning this next generation of genetically engineered crops in this way. It wants at all costs to avoid the bad press and negative public perception that has surrounded the first generation of transgenic GMOs by avoiding the GMO tag.
However, gene editing most certainly falls within the definitions of GMOs from technical, scientific and legal (in the EU) standpoints. In fact, the EU and existing UK definition of a GMO does not depend on whether it contains foreign DNA. EU law defines a GMO as an organism in which “the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination”. Regardless of what the government says, gene-edited organisms fall under this definition.
Moreover, the government is wrong to claim that gene-edited organisms do not contain foreign DNA. This can happen intentionally (in the case of certain types of gene-edited organism) and unintentionally, as a result of the inherent inaccuracy and imprecision of gene-editing procedures. To support this claim, a compilation of peer reviewed evidence has been posted on the GMWatch website in the article ‘Science supports need to subject gene-edited plants to strict safety assessments’.
As for the government’s claim that gene-edited organisms only contain “changes that could be made more slowly using traditional breeding methods”, GMWatch says:
We look forward to their proof that the unintended outcomes of gene editing could happen in traditional breeding. They include large deletions, insertions and rearrangements of DNA, as well as unintended incorporation of foreign DNA and entire genes.”
Long-time campaigner Jim McNulty of the Genetic Engineering Network is scathing in his assessment of how the UK government is currently acting. He says:
“When we look at this administration, filled to the roof with fraud, corruption and cronyism, we now have Boris Johnson trying to make or break the rules on new gene-editing techniques.”
He adds that the Brexiteers in government wasted no time in setting their pro-GMO agenda:
“Within a week of leaving the EU, the UK moved quickly to challenge and compete with our former European partners. The US is refusing to regulate the new genetic engineering techniques, just like they did with the first wave of transgenic GMOs. We in Europe, in the mid-90s, were faced with untested, unstable and unregulated GMOs in soy and maize going into two thirds of EU food products.”
It was a mammoth task to bring politicians, supermarkets and all government bodies on board to regulate the original wave of GMOs.
McNulty explains:
We succeeded because in the UK, Germany and France campaigners and activists demanded action. The media, retailers and politicians buckled under the massive pressure of public opinion that we created to bring that about.”
The US also felt the pressure:
Because the EU and its markets were the prize and there was so much anti-GM sentiment, GMOs were driven out and EU lawmakers have never changed their position. Science and public opinion won.”
McNulty argues that we now see treachery in our midst: a former member state has seen fit to bury 25 years of evolving laws and regulations founded on a science-based approach and the precautionary principle.
The consultation will close on Wednesday, 17 March at 23:59 and can be accessed here.
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Engineering is a complex and very interesting subject, while genetic engineering is a complex world in its own right. If you are fond of engineering, then visit this site. There is a lot of cool information there. Cool news, interesting links and useful content.
“Bill Gates is the biggest owner of US farmland, having amassed 240,000 acres. His influence in the world food systems is astounding. What can we expect he will do with this inconceivable amount of control over the world’s food supply?”
This article is germane to the dangers of weaponized “gain of function” research, which ultimately led to the patented Corona 19 virus…
Excerpted from: CRISPR the new wonder tool for genetic modification
Article first published 12/01/16
To conclude
“There are numerous reasons to proceed with caution with CRISPR/Cas9 applications. It is a powerful, efficient, and cheap gene-editing tool beset with risks for health and the environment. Particularly worrying is its use in gene-drive, a currently irreversible and uncontrollable process once released into the environment.”
Complete article: CRISPR Too Fast for Comfort (
And more: >
Excerpted from: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Published: 09 November 2015
Biosafety and biosecurity.
“Reported studies were initiated after the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee approved the experimental protocol (Project Title: Generating infectious clones of bat SARS-like CoVs; Lab Safety Plan ID: 20145741; Schedule G ID: 12279). These studies were initiated before the US Government Deliberative Process Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS and SARS Viruses ( This paper has been reviewed by the funding agency, the NIH. Continuation of these studies was requested, and this has been approved by the NIH.”
The shotgun marriage of the evil Monsanto and the diabolic Bayer where chemical filth meets aborted nature filth makes perfect sense for the sociopathic elite that have unleashed this Frankenstein nightmare on humanity. Ouchwitz was a gazz in comparison to what is being brewed by these bitchez in the all new covaid$ dystopia.
The point is fast approaching where the sane will have no other option but to “take out” the deranged.
Hello Malatok: The option to take out the deranged is the actual problem. Whilst it’s true that Industrial filth has poisoned all of Nature, it’s not the elite who have been the delivery agents of the elite. All this filth and pollution has been delivered by military bag boys and commercial employees.
Who are the actual sociopaths in an environment willfully overwhelmed by the deranged?
The EU food safety agency has just passed yellow mealworms produced by French company Micronutris as safe for human consumption.
The picture that the article is trying to paint that the EU is some haven of safeguarding regulation comes a bit of a cropper when faced with such blatant steps towards the Great Reset (and that’s not even considering the EU’s refusal to act against glyphostae).
Big Tech cuts comms, Big Food cuts supply lines — Ice Age Farmer still on YouTube for now.
“I don’t want a nation of thinkers,
I want a nation of workers.”
– John D Rockefeller –
(July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937)
The Grate Reset:
“I don’t want nations of workers,
I want nations of dead people.”
Klaus Martin Schwab
(Spawned March 30, 1938)
moved to a reply
My husband just gets more entrenched in the lie, the more I present the evidence to the contrary.
I don’t know what to do now. We’ve got wee bairns.
That must be awkward with the kids.
It’s like the narrative believers are in a cult.
I mean ffs, nobody should believe anything. Question everything.
But no, people believe all the claptrap vomited out by the MSM all day long.
If the TV shows them a red circle and calls it a blue square, they will see a blue square.
A problem I think is a lot of anti-narrative evidence could be argued away by the cult members (whether correctly or not). You need to present an argument which can not be logically dismissed. You could then try to get your husband to see how his mind is being completely illogical and refusing to even try to contemplate evidence which he can not reasonably dismiss or ignore.
Ivor Cummins has plenty of good videos on youtube. Not sure if you’ve seen them. They are very well argued
People who watch tv news are probably unreachable. If I had a husband who watched tv or cable news I would ban it in my house. No meals. No sex, no laundry, no nothing until the tv news is permanently off.
Give it a rest for a few days and don’t speak about the subject at all. Then try a different tactic.
Maybe you could ask him to convince you of something he read previously or saw, that absolutely convinced him this whole thing is real and dangerous. Ask him to provide you with a list of points that he believes are irrefutable evidence of the pandemic.
From a legal perspective, the tests are the weakest point. As are the all-cause mortality numbers from 2020 compared to previous years.
Maybe you could ask him later, if he becomes more receptive after not watching the news for a week or more and not mentioning the subject of “the virus” with him for a while, if, hypothetically, a legal team could prove in a court of law the tests were inaccurate, could he at least consider that’s how the numbers of cases and deaths, globally are being generated? Through faulty tests?
If you can make inroads, one point at a time you might have a chance of making him change his mind or at least see why you hold a different perspective. Probably depends on his personality, his trust of authority figures and his level of societal or peer conformity.
i actually have the same problems with thsoes who watch alt news
they think there slick and awake because they dont watch tv or mainstream media .
They talk deep state and how a certain president is helping us
there is levels of brainwashing’s
Trump’s at the border wall. Not sure that’s a good move.
What I heard of it before it said “This video is not available” even though it was Fox News was more articulate than anything Biden has come up with without his prompter. The initial content is a different matter. I have never agreed with walls, not the Berlin wall and not the wall Israel has built to keep Palestinians out.
John you fallen for Simon charlatan parkes
It was apparently Fox News that was doing the broadcast. They’ve already shut down Trump, and Parler and Gab. What next, where do we go if they shut down all dissent? Fema camps?
Slightly off-topic but herewith some interesting data. Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows the UK saw nearly 14,000 deaths in the week of 11 December.
This was 13% above the expected levels for this time of year, down from 15% the week before. People will just look at the headline figure and run screaming off into the night. Ahhhhh, we’re all going to die.
Of these deaths, 3,062 involved Covid-19, also slightly lower than the preceding week. Not even caused but involved Covid-19.
Next item.
Population of UK as of 2109 was 66,796,800 – deaths for that year 616,010.00
Population of UK as of 2020 was 68,079.291. Not yet available.
But it doesn’t take a genius to point out that the death rate will be higher the higher the population growth. But it won’t be presented that way. The inevitable increase in the death rate will be attributed to the virus. But ceteris paribus if the general population increases then it follows that the death rate will rise. Or maybe my logic is a bit wrong.
The increased deaths are due to the NHS withdrawal of medical treatment for non Covid related illnesses such as Cancer and Coronary Heart disease.
Despite all the draconian scheming, excess deaths largely ended after a spike up to around mid-June.
No, your logic is not wrong. In the UK the death rate was increasing at a rate of about 3% per year. This year’s figures should be another 3% higher than 2019 if the trend continued.
From June, 2019
“Mortality rates are still rising in the UK – and everyone is ignoring how many more people are dying.”
Go back five years and chart the stats.
If you die within 60 days of a positive PCR test, covid did it. If you die within 3 days of taking the vaccine, there’s no connection to the vaccine. Obviously.
To what do you attribute the rise in date rates?
Oh thank fuck! Some brain activity on the Left:
“To briefly summarise the main points of this document:
1. The SARS-COV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic in the UK was real and killed around 43,000 between March and June 2020.
2. The concept of “lockdown” as an unprecedented pandemic response originated from China’s over-reaction to the virus, which was endorsed by the World Heath Organisation (WHO) and subsequently copied by most Western governments.
3. Boris Johnson and the Conservative Government are being dictated by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), a technocratic group funded by big corporate interests (tech, finance, pharma) who have effectively carried out a soft-coup.
4. SAGE have used mass fear and psychologically subversive “nudge” messaging to convince the population that the virus is deadly and can only be contained using lockdown, masks and social distancing. This fear has led to mass hysteria within the general population.
5. Whilst lockdown measures may slow the spread of the virus or “cases”, multiple studies show no evidence that lockdown, or the severity of lockdown policy, reduces deaths. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence as to the huge negative consequences lockdown has on the population and in particular the working class and most vulnerable in society.
6. The pandemic is fundamentally over, with the virus now endemic in a less acute form compared with the pandemic in spring 2020. The so-called “second wave” of covid is driven by a combination of an endemic virus and bad science: treating asymptomatic people who test positive as “covid cases”, misdiagnosis via inaccurate PCR tests generating false positive results, misdiagnosis through treating all respiratory conditions and “covid-like” symptoms as covid, and mass manipulation of the statistics being presented to the public, for example where “covid deaths” are actually deaths for any underlying reason but where the deceased tested positive on a PCR test within the last 28 days.
7. The NHS is under pressure this winter, as it has been every previous winter for around a decade. This is due to decades of government cuts, under-staffing and privatisation. Staff shortages are more acute because of the policy for staff to isolate for a period of time after testing positive on a PCR test.
8. Whilst the pandemic was a natural occurrence, a number of big corporations and sectors (tech, finance, pharma) all have a common interest in maintaining the false notion that the pandemic is still ongoing, and thus the false conclusion that lockdown policy must continue. For example, Big Pharma have a clear interest in promoting their new mRNA based vaccines as the solution to the pandemic. These vaccines have not adequately been proven safe or effective, and many concerns remain in the medical community.
9. The lockdown measures, loss of civil rights, the de facto shutdown of civil society and the authoritarian enforcement of these measures by the state as the “new normal” constitutes a new development in the form of the capitalist state, away from liberalism and towards what we call covid-fascism.
10. The pandemic and lockdown measures, whether deliberate or not, have played a “useful” role for the state in masking economic crisis. Unemployment, wage reductions and cuts in social spending can all be blamed on “the virus” whilst big corporations in the key sectors make record profits.
11. As we leave winter and enter spring in 2021, “covid deaths” will tail off as a result of passing through the season of respiratory viruses, not due to the effect of lockdown. Still, measures will be temporarily relaxed as a result of this. However, as long as the same diagnostic tools continue to be used to detect covid, another “covid wave” will appear after Summer, and so the same lockdown measures will be used once again. In theory this dynamic could be kept up indefinitely, becoming a way of life, along with semi-permanent mask wearing and social distancing.”
” ‘Left Lock-Down Sceptic‘ catchy. But still no where near as catchy a cliched slogan as ‘the tragically hip.‘ Need one ask how long some Langley-Land focus group worked on that one?”
Yeah you’re probably right. As Researcher says below, and as I also noticed too late,
“The SARS-COV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic in the UK was real and killed around 43,000 between March and June 2020.“
I just got too excited by the prospect of an actual Left that could see through the shit. And I prematurely climaxed.
That first step was a doozy!
“The SARS-COV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic in the UK was real and killed around 43,000 between March and June 2020.“
Is that comedy? Because it’s laughable.
This statement nullifies the other statements from “left lockdown skeptics”.
if PCR is useless, deaths and cases classification is rigged how did they count COVID deaths and cases from March to June 2020?
Starting point must be always unfulfilled Koch postulates and hence no SC2 as causal agent of COVID phenology has been established and hence no COVID pandemic has been established.
A quick google search returns plenty of seemingly legitimate articles purporting to explain how Koch’s Postulates do not always apply to viruses and how newer versions of the postulates have been dreamed up.
Is the way they claim to have isolated this sars-cov-2 virus any different to how they isolate/catalogue/sequence etc other viruses?
I am on the sceptical side, but I am looking for solid evidence to back up my arguments
The Portguese govt determined that high-cycle PCR was invalid and therefore its results were an illegal cause for quarantine. They did this on the basis that they COULD NOT CULTURE THE VIRUS from high-cycle swabs, but COULD from low-cycle swabs. If you can culture it, I guess it exists. AFAIK Kochs postulates are for bacteria, not viruses– cuz viruses live exclusively inside cells.
If the virus existed it could be filtered, isolated, purified, characterized and analyzed, repeatedly using a number of methods such as NMR, MALDI-TOF Mass Spec, Cryo-EM, crystallography etc.
There’s no virus.
Their idea of isolation is to take a patient sample, test it with PCR and call that isolation.
Virologists prove it’s “the virus“ by adding that patient sample to viral transport medium, along with bovine serum, an antibiotic and a fungicide which they add to monkey kidney cells. Whatever “grew” from that toxic soup is a virus. So they claim. That’s their proof of viral replication. Testing the “growth” with the faulty PCR test, yet again.
Yay! Virologists grew something that tested positive using PCR.
BS level Mengele style cell biology experiments. With no controls.
There’s no actual isolation.
The scamdemic’s “dynamic” as you put it George, will be kept up indefinitely by the criminal fraudsters in charge by whatever means possible with or without the same diagnostic tools. Removing them from power will be a good start – the sooner the better!
See brandnewtube “New!! Common Law. The Law of The Land” a most interesting presentation for those who wish to know more about their rights etc under common law as opposed to the statue law of the current corrupt system that allows GMO’s in our food etc.
Here’s the link. David Icke talks with John Smith of the
Explains how governments use the trick of birth certificates, capitalization, Maritime contract law to enslave humans within an unlawful system where only one party is privy to the terms of the contract.
Joining the common law court is our way out of these unlawful government edicts.
Digital prison welcomes its first inmates
Gene editing is not GMOs or a medical device is a vaccine(COVID vaccine), it’s all to confuse the gullible. Had they named this so called vaccine with its real name/function, a medical device with prophylactic purpose, they could not have propagated the mass vaccinations all over the world. I know, it sounds harmless the way I mention it’s real name, but it’s NOT HARMLESS AT ALL. By now most of us witnessed short term side effects of “jabs” and we will gradually see its long term ones. If the government claims that the number of deaths increased recently( due to COVID as they claim) then perhaps they should look into the number of deceased WITH vaccination. In fact a group of scientists/mathematicians are looking into this matter at this moment.
Do you have a link to more info on this at all?
I strongly suspect that that particular statistic will not be available – not easily, anyway.
This is just one such example clip of so many reports. VAERS bear in mind, has by documents obtained priorly, (see THE HIGHWIRE recent CoronaVaxxInjuries clip, been known to only hold 1% of actual vaccine injuries. So, that 3900 is more like 386k people that have already had some kind of reaction. Theyellow card system currently has NO DATA, despite MHRA promising to get an A.I tool to track the EXPECTED vaccine reactions. Moncef Saloui admits far higher anaphylaxis rates, we can see a 10x higher rate than FLU JABS, which already are 57% of all compensation claims. and we have deaths stacking up everywhere, or maimings, etc etc. THIS MADNESS MUST STOP. ,
It’s not prophylactic. They only claim it reduces symptoms. When they say it has X% “efficacy” you have to read the small print in order to find this out.
“Gene editing has the ability to harness the genetic resources that Mother Nature has provided in order to tackle the challenges of our age. This includes breeding crops that perform better, reducing costs to farmers and impacts on the environment and helping us all adapt to the challenges of climate change.”
It is always fascinating to read or listen to these people that know nothing about the subject and obviously have their talking points written by the GMO industry .
It is actually very insulting to those of us that at least have a slight understanding of the subject .An obfuscation of the subject could not have been made be better.
To put Mother Earth and genetic engineering in the same sentence is an insult to Mother Earth upon which we were born from and unto which we shall all return .
Reducing costs to farmers ? Farmers today spend more money on inputs than they have ever done before and don’t get me going on this climate change bullshit which has been built on CO2 emissions and warmer temperatures…..if you live in the UK , how is the weather these days ? warm and balmy ? Scheech .
laughter is important – sense of humor – optimism
and Dont let the buggers bring you down
GMOs are designed to cause illness, sterility and death. The GMOs and pesticides in food and our environment are damaging to our health and longevity, as are the mRNA synthetic injectable pathogens.
Certain phytochemicals can repair DNA at the molecular level. That, along with other processes such as antioxidant activity and immune-modulating processes prevents cancers, neurological diseases, metabolic dysfunction, chronic inflammation and epigenetic illnesses.
GMOs contain 80% less of the beneficial phytochemicals than organic produce. Pesticides used with GMOs destroy gut bacteria and promote cancer and tumor growth.
The agribusiness sector creates disease, because it’s sister corporations are chemical companies that manufacture the drugs and pharmaceuticals that treat disease, and the insurance sector. The parent corporations are central banks. The overseers of the entire system are governments. It’s racketeering. They tax you illegally and use the taxes to pay their wages, pensions, then set up the regulations, agencies and private partners in order to physically harm you and your children using multiple methods simultaneously. It’s entirely intentional, not accidental.
The world is built on a model of racketeering, fraud and graft where everything is interconnected and all industries work side by side with each other and governments to increase profits through hidden legal mechanisms. It’s centrally managed through numerous global NGOs and the central banks. Klaus Schwab and the WEF gang call it a “circular economy”.
That color coded, circular WEF pin you’ve been seeing Boris Johnson, Macron and Gates wearing, along with the phrases “build back better“, the “Great Reset” and “dark winter” are signals of allegiance that they stand with the WEF, central banks and corporations against their own citizen’s health, rights, interests and welfare.
Do not believe for one second that politicians are not aware of the global plan to depopulate or that they are unwillingly duped or blackmailed. They know there’s no virus. They are playing a part. The same goes for Trump. Anyone claiming Trump is unaware of the magnitude of these plans and all the players is being deceptive because they are trying to attract the attention of his followers to gain their trust and their future business.
No world leader was not briefed on the entire plan, pre-pandemic and their role in global governance, the propaganda machine and manufactured tyranny. These plans are decades in the making.
The fact that opposition leaders and even back benchers have been silent on the obvious conspiracies and agendas should be proof enough for everyone that they all collude together against the people, and they always have done.
It’s time to take action. Don’t wait for the Kapos to knock on your door with a test, a needle or handcuffs.
Disobey all government edicts. Disconnect from mainstream media, spying platforms and wifi technology. Disable and delete health apps. Disable location services. Get off windows. Close Google and Gmail accounts. Go low tech. Withdraw your money from retail banks and support local credit unions. Divest from publicly listed corporations and boycott them. Grow your own food and herbs. Keep spreading the truth with links and leaflets in person.
Well said on all points.
Unfortunately the only prospect for mass awakening is when/if people start to run out of money and hope,
Yes. But the lack of uptake on the vaccine is signaling that at least 60%-80% of the population are not entirely brainwashed. The cyber-pandemic and faux hacking narrative conceals the agenda to censor widely and restrict information access, revealing government and media propaganda is already failing.
If more people are prepared and aware, we can help those who aren’t, when mass awakening occurs.
One important point I haven’t covered is that at the core of the depopulation, faux pandemic, lockdowns, induced economic catastrophe, faux climate emergency and intentional famine is the plan to seize all land, private property and assets from individuals, using the global currency reset and UBI, in return for debt forgiveness. Predicated on mandatory vaccination.
The use of contagion as a concept is essential in the imminent, unlawful seizure of people, property and assets.
Absolutely correct.
I would add ; get to know your neighbours and local community; find and befriend the aware people; cooperate, swap, barter, give away surplus (what you no longer need).
My local small community already has a monthly ‘surplus’ market – no cash or barter. You take what you no longer need, put these items out on tables, and take what you need from the tables. That’s it. Wonderful atmosphere and people, with like-minded souls to meet. Probably only possible in a small community where folks more or less know each other. Wouldn’t work in a city.
W.H.O. would hate this and probably try to close such markets down.
Treachery in our midst indeed. But of course it goes far beyond GMO, which is a relatively minor issue as far as most of the public is concerned. What we have at a present is a Johnson government that is quite prepared to destroy its own country and society, under orders of the American empire’s deep state and client corporations. Now we begin to understand those strange contortions Theresa May, in collaboration with the media, went through over Brexit, trying to pretend a near 50-50 vote meant the hardest Brexit possible was the mandate – it was a wrecking strategy all along.
It won’t work ultimately. We are already seeing the limits of the Tory government’s power as they and their client media beg the public to obey the rules. For they know that if a critical mass of the British people don’t obey and don’t believe, it’s curtains for both the British elite and the future of their CIA controllers in the UK.
Sooner we get to that critical mass the better – for all our sakes. I think a lot more people are rejecting what is going on than the what the mainstream media is reporting. We see those poor sods on BBC news queuing up get their toxic jabs with glee and delight behind their idiotic face diapers. If the fools only knew what they were signing up to.
And that is why the government issued orders to their policing sector has been so draconian .They fear the people ,they fear that the people will stop following their orders .
It is so “do I say not what I do “, and that is starting to wake up people as it becomes so obvious.
The province of Ontario, Canada, has two types of homes for the aged:
Long-term Care Homes, which are administered by the Ministry of Long-term Care, and
Retirement Homes, which are administered by the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.
Retirement Homes are not required to provide the same level of care as Long-term Care Homes, however, many Retirement Homes are, in essence, Long-term Care Homes. Long-term Care Homes are largely government funded, whereas Retirement Homes are not. Long-term Care Homes are 54% privately run, and 46% government run. Retirement Homes are 100% privately run.
There are about 627 (licensed) Long-term Care Homes in Ontario.
There are about 770 (licensed) Retirement Homes in Ontario.
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 272 (43.4%) of the 627 Long-term Care Homes, till Apr 7.[9]
There were Covid-19 outbreaks in 38 (4.9%) of the 770 Retirement Homes, till Apr 7.[10]
So, the Long-term Care Home outbreaks are 43.4/4.9 = 8.86 times more prevalent than Retirement Home outbreaks.
Because an outbreak is, by definition, the introduction of Covid-19 into an old-age home, the most important factor influencing an outbreak is the number of people that the residents meet from outside the home. Long-term Care Home residents would generally meet more staff (from outside the home), whereas Retirement Home residents would meet more outsiders while they were away from the home, as they are free to wonder wherever they choose. Which of the two groups would meet more outsiders? One suspects that Retirement Home residents would come into contact with more outsiders than Long-term Care Home residents.
Given this, one would expect that Retirement Homes would have had a few more outbreaks than Long-term Care Homes. However, at least initially, Long-term Care Homes had nearly nine times the number of outbreaks. This is proof that Covid-19 was deliberately spread to Ontario’s Long-term Care Homes, but not to the Retirement Homes.
It appears that the list of targeted places included Long-term Care Homes, but not Retirement Homes. An administrative oversight by the spreaders?
Covid19 isn’t spread. Contagion is a myth. DNR orders went out to all government run institutions and then residents were tested using a non diagnostic tool called PCR. The tests create all the cases and the falsification of death certificates. There was no transmission of disease. The installation of wifi boosters, flu shots and neglect in these institutions causes death. If you add loneliness and trauma through the illegal and unnecessary lockdowns, the entirety of those measures accounts for all the mortality increase spikes western governments sought in the initial lockdown to justify further illegal lockdowns and to convince people that a virus spread. Every part of this operation is planned.
In Ontario, as of June 1, there were:
1,652 (89.2%) deaths in Long-term Care Homes.[11]
199 (10.7%) deaths in Retirement Homes.[12]
So, there were about nine times as many deaths in Long-term Care Homes.
About nine times as many outbreaks has led to about nine times as many deaths.
This indicates that the severity of the outbreaks in both classes of home were similar, which is not what we have been told. Although, this is roughly what one should have expected as Long-term Care Homes, and Retirement Homes, are quite similar.[15]
As of 1 June, 1,851/2,293 = 81% of all Covid-19 deaths in Ontario occurred in Long-term Care Homes.[13]
As of 1 June, 92% of all Covid-19 deaths in Nova Scotia, and 88% of all Covid-19 deaths in Quebec, occurred in Long-term Care Homes.
By June 1, the Long-term Care Homes in the Canadian provinces/territories, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut had no cases of Covid-19 at all, and those in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan had 12 cases between them (including 4 deaths).[14]
It’s tests. There’s no covid19 where there’s no tests.
That’s what I’ve been saying. However, although disease is not contagious, it seems that viruses can be transmitted from human to human. I remember about 3 years ago in our office there was a bad cough/respiratory type “virus” going around and I ended up getting it. So I’m having some difficulty understanding that a virus cannot be transmitted. However on the other hand, apparently there have been numerous freedom of information requests to government health departments asking to for proof of existence of the SARS-CoV2 virus and they have been unable to provide the proof.
Hi David
Whether or not someone comes down with a certain illness or disease it always depends on two main factors (a) the conditions that prevail in the external environment and (b) those which exist in the body itself. If people share adverse environmental conditions that are inimical to health then sooner or later they may become ill together e.g. as in the so-called “sick building syndrome”. However, this is only a general example, there are many more.
Insofar as alleged pathogenic viruses and bacteria are concerned no scientist has demonstrated experimentally that disease is transmissible with pure cultures of either viruses or bacteria.
Viruses can’t be transmitted from human to human. It’s never been demonstrated in any experiment or study.
The parts of virions which virologists claim comprise whole infectious viruses, are not cohesive invading zombie entities, but normal cell constituents, such as proteins, enzymes, lipids, RNA, DNA and exosomes.
Viruses are not endogenous entities being transmitted through breath or aerosols.
The seasonal illnesses experienced that make people believe in the concept of contagion are epidemiological coincidences. Meaning that just because multiple people in a household or community, may experience detoxification processes that manifest similar symptoms, seasonally, that’s not proof of contagion.
If you’re interested you could check out the work of Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Stefan Lanka.
Glad you posted that Nexus article that demonstrates viruses are not contagious. That is also well documented in “Report of the Secretary of re Navy, Miscellaneous Reports 1919,” regarding the so-called ” Spanish Flu “. It lists all the names of the Navy men who volunteered for the experiments in Boston and in San Francisco. The report also referred to the bravery of these men qoute: ” they were warned specifically, and they had every reason to believe, as did those who conducted the research work that they were risking their lives. ” The experiments at Boston and San Francisco respectively conclusively proves that Influenza was not transmissible from sick to well and was not contagious.
The plug has been pulled on Trump now to justify it being pulled on thousands of other sites around the world, so they can create a Guardian type situation, where nothing can be said that is disagreeing with our ‘democratic’ leaders in an allowed fashion. Complaints against the lockdown must be that it is not hard enough or soon enough, not that it is murdering thousands of innocent people.
That is the abolition of democracy which cannot exist without free opposition, sometimes very passionate opposition. The problem is that Twitter and Google are the CIA, so an attack on their power is an attack on the core of the deep state itself.
So we know about Van the man, but what other musicians are speaking out about the scamdemic, the destruction of freedom and the imposition of outright fascism right before our eyes? The DJs and dance music community (quite dim as a rule) have pretty much all proven themselves to be willing suckers of Satan’s cock (bar Danny Rampling and likely a few others I am not aware of). They are, from what I can gather, pretty much unanimously on board with the corona fascism, ditto the presstitutes/media who feed off them. They can be seen proudly sporting masks like good little doggies and even hawking their own branded ones…..keeping it real lol. But I expect more than that from folk who shoot heroin and bang groupies for a living 😉 So who and where are they? I know that Ian Brown has called it out and written a few tunes. Same goes for Noel who has shown his hand, but I can’t say I’m aware of anyone else who calls a spade a spade. They’ve already killed Michael Jackson and Prince who were full on truthers so you can count them out, but what of legends of bad attitude like Slash and Ice T and Iggy Pop……oh actully he’s busy shilling for car insurance companies nowadays but hey, shit needs paying for haha!
I do know that lots of British artists are crying into muesli right now while getting their morning dose of CIF due to the fact that the Nasty Party have actively denied them the right to tour the EU without visa restrictions. The option was on the table but they threw it out, the bastards. Awwww, poor things. The chickens are coming home to roost here as far as I’m concerned, generally musicians and bands have done the square root of FA to call out the scum, more than happy to serve the agenda of the war criminal class and turn a blind eye to the fact that our world has been hijacked by the forces of evil, instead adopting the Guardian view and sneering and looking down in disgust at conspiracy theorists and free thinkers. They have helped to cultivate the widespread existence of ignorance and vacuous mobile phone devotees who now dominate the world. Now the proverbial military boot is crashing their balls and they only have themselves to blame.
But one guy who stands out head and shoulders above the rest in terms of being the most hypocritical lover of the Devil’s machinery is Billy Bragg. OMFG! This is the guy who used to run around advertising himself as Mr Anti Fascism. The NF-loving plucker’s twitter page is a masterclass in how captured and deranged this world is and how those who should know better have totally failed us. In this case seeing is believing, so here are some examples of how far south the human race has descended.
Here he is bigging up Piers Morgan :
Here he is bigging up “Arnie” (Schwarzenegger)
And it goes on and on and on. Go to his page for lots of moaning about not wearing masks, criticising protestors, it’s unbelievable. I noticed what a stooge/hypocrite he was when he appeared on Colin Murray’s radio show quite a few months ago after it had become crystal clear that the BBC was pushing a blatant scam on behalf of the war criminals. After Iraq I don’t know how he can go anywhere near those people, if he was sincere, that is. Disgraceful man. Pure Guardian.
Musicians in the mid 70s wised up to the ’60s dinosaurs. They couldn’t put their finger on it but something wasn’t right. The Sixties musicians were too comfortable, got success too easily, and above all were loved by the establishment, State and Corporatist Media.
So from ’75 you got truly rebellious music for 10 years. I don’t use the world punk because the CIA was quick off the mark with the Police (who swamped Radio Luxembourg, hint to the supposed pirates there) and then the cuddly, non-political punk of the USA.
Music was still dangerous, however, because reggae was booming at the same time and it was harder for the CIA to crack being “roots rock”. Bands like the Ruts and The Clash built alliances with reggae… through London label People Unite and hands across the Atlantic that challenged the establishment narrative of black vs white.
Eventually they saw off the insurrection of reggae: Numerous artists died, notably Peter Tosh, before Marley died within 6 months of Lennon. Easily blamed on gangs and drugs, this ignores what insiders know: the CIA has long run the gang scene in Jamaica as a way to control politics.
Do you see the narrative of black vs white today… they’re still keeping it going, aren’t they. Thus the unIntelligent agencies make sure that music remains largely segregated. The music press is very important to cultural programming. See how many rock journalists get a superannuated career with The Guardian.
By the 1980s fake groups were headlining. By fake I mean the anodyne, non-political groups that superficially sounded like rebel music but were cozy with the establishment – like The Police and U2… or that veered off into witchery that is no threat to the powers (in fact, right up their street) like much of the supposed hard rock.
The singular point of musicians is that the great ones have the potential for greater influence than politicians. That is why the organs monitor them so diligently and cut down the tall poppies.
As we’ve learned from Twitter’s censorship it’s now what you say… the agencies fear the effect of your words on others.
Totally agree about the Police. Sting was forever sounding off in the 80s about the evils of Thatcher and is now nowhere to be heard from when far worse crimes are taking place. Just like all those ‘edgy’ comedians and rock stars shilling for Blair in the 90s.They’ve all gone missing because they weren’t anti-establishment in the first place.
Yes they shape and mould what the public gets to hear very carefully. They destroyed the rave scene for example by restricting MDMA and flooding the market with ketamine and heroin. There are no real music programmes on TV any more, just Jools and the bland band mafia maintaining the illusion that music is represented. I’m sure there are plenty of underground rap artists piecing together the realities of our current experience in genius ways, but it’s all kept off radar by said entitiies in the secret services. Music has been used and abused by these monsters for decades to serve their agenda, as you so eloquently point out.
There’s lots of info out there on how gangsta rap was projected and manipulated by the industry wirepullers with the sole intention of casting the black community in a negative light, shunning the more intelligent, deeper and political side of the genre and giving the white middle classes images to promote segregation and generate fear. Divide and rule 101 basically. That’s not to simply dismiss gangsta rap, there’s plenty of genius washing around in that pool, it’s a deep subject beyond my remit, but I think it’s generally accepted that there was an agenda being carried out behind the scenes. These vile people have mistreated and demonised black and brown people for centuries now, still are. That pain doesn’t just die, and with accounts like this, it’s no wonder why
Beautiful live version
Billy is loving the fascism what with all the experimental, Nuremberg law defying vaccinations, stricy border controls, the whole shebang……
He forget the important one
Breathtaking hypocrite Piers Morgan who tells people they have blood on their hands if they don’t stay at home admits spending Christmas in Antigua
“Now if only someone can come up with way to transfer the blood ‘on our bloody hands’ to that warthog’s fat throat.”
“OMG! To find out that Gov Gropenator is not really the Terminator, but a girlie boy. How devastating. If it isn’t the steroids or her diddling the help, what could it possibly be? Life will never be the same. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio.”
I always despised Billy Bragg. No surprise there. Thanks for outing these scum. Most musicians are dumb AF, allegiant to their labels, corporate sponsors, focused on their image and sales.
Their ethos stems from narcissism and the drug culture, their lyrics exploit teenage angst. Counter culture is superficial and designed to cause familial schisms.
Faux rebellion, demonstrated through visual cues such as tattoos, colored hair, piercings or clothing is asinine preening, substituting for the absence of authenticity, power, or individuality in thought or deed. New age catch-phrases replace new ideas and real creativity.
Music and entertainment has always been hijacked by the intelligence community, eugenicists and their minions in the media and behavioral sciences fields to exploit and brainwash adolescents and pre-teens.
Off Topic but Important –
Where is Trump?
Multiple Twitter accounts have today been deleted for posting that President Trump is now formally under arrest and in custody pending trial for Insurrection. We do not know if this is true as the posts are removed as soon as they are posted and the accounts closed.
Also, suspected disinfo agent and self proclaimed “Insider” Simon Parkes from England (aka the “man who personally knows QAnnon”), has today been outed as a formal disinfo agent (one who is also filling his pockets with “donations” from desperate for news Patriots too). Parkes has spent the last few days keeping Patriots in both the US and UK on high doses of “Hopium” to subdue them and misslead them with “Q” related disinfo.
Alex Jones has recently put out a warning that all new “Q” related stuff is just disinfo and part of the Psyop – in other works Q stuff and especially Parkes should be ignored.
Also, Trumps assests are now being seized, his accounts closed, and his loans called in – this has also been partly confirmed with Deuches Bank closing a $5Million Trump account today.
Calls are now going out ffrom the Military for Trump to show he is still Commander in Chief and has not been removed – much less placed under arrest and held in custody.
Apparently it is Pompeo who is “King Maker” – who he chooses to back (Trump or Biden, or even another party) will determine what happens on the 20th.
All this is / was / will be again on Twitter – so you need to keep checking, and also check the US Secretary of States (Pompeos) updates.
Agreed, Parkes seems to be a fraud. The body language gives it away, even before his repeated claims that, “I knew in advance but I couldn’t tell you.”
My stomach churned halfway through his first broadcast.
He has provided no evidence. I don’t think he is a freelance chancer, however. His appearance breathes new wind into the flagging sails of Q. Like Gen McInerney he’s a pop-up stall making sure the public gets what the public wants.
“You made your bed, you better lie in it
You choose your leaders and place your trust
As their lies puts you down and their promises rust
You’ll see kidney machines replaced by rockets and guns
And the public wants what the public gets
But I don’t get what this society wants
I’m going underground.”
Parkes ?
It’s hard to take a man seriously when he seems to get pleasure from having a cat behind him in a chair .
4 years later when it is safe to say so and he has subversively been endorsing Q and like many now the trump train has run out they all experts in psyop when they been in one pushing one
Simon Parkes its not like the information isnt out there about parkes it the fault of the viewers for fooling for such charlatans AGAIN! and again again.
Trump’s gone to Texas to tour the border wall with Mexico.
Your post is basically disinfo. Trump picked Pompeo. Twice. No accounts have been closed. This is all false information meant to incite fear and division.
QAnon isn’t real. It’s Q Group, NSA.
Not certain about Parkes and what information he is privy to. Yesterday he talked about blackouts in Pakistan. Italy and Germany and warned we could likely expect some here in the UK hitting the water supplies.
As to Trump, he is apparently to make a statement in an hour or so.
More truth wrapped in CIA lies: see video below. Learn to decipher the BS. I like the fact she comes to the conspiracy from a finical angle, as do I but some of her conclusions suck.
The CIA release more truth about the collapse of the dollar and transition to a new currency. In a story peppered in red herrings and lies. There is no ‘trans humanism’, there is not AI take over, there are no US secrete space weapons and the route to power is a strong manufacturing base and economy as the Chinese know very well, not a couple of satellites with lasers strapped on them as she implies. So many lies but so much truth also. I advise anyone to squeeze out the truth from her story in this video, like I like to do with Alex Jones.
The funnies part is she doesn’t know who is behind ‘it all’, despite ‘them’ having the biggest military in history and 800 military bases all over the world. So perhaps it is the USA. love…..NO?
Then at the end she says, ‘it is obvious who is behind it all’. But I’ve got a horrible feeling she is not pointing at the US deep state and its military industrial complex, she is doing a Mel Gibson and ‘we know who he blames’.
Second video on site:
As long as the Left, the Right, Liberals, academia (and anyone else) refuses to be interested enough to try and understand what’s actually going on re ‘Covid’ and lockdowns there will be a scarcity of accurate analysis.
Instead we’re offered truth peppered with lies. The aforementioned groups cannot complain about Catherine Austin Fitts if they’re not willing to put the work in and produce their own analysis themselves. Where are their videos? Everything else is wall-to-wall propaganda justifying ‘the pandemic’.
You’ve alluded to CAF before. Can you provide proof of her cia ties? Proof that her theories about the space budget, currency and trans humanism are red herrings? Can you be more specific about why her conclusions suck?
The Covid Cult is fascism
UK Government mandates face masks in supermarkets, save for medical exemptions
The Catch-22 situation:
The NHS won’t provide letters of proof of medical exemption for face masks to patients
So it’s impossible to prove medical exemption
“Enforcing the illegal Corporate Fascist Scamdemic is a definite no, no. It may be time to start knocking out intrusive street spy cameras to make the point. Make the World gestapo free.”
There are so few police in the UK, they can’t enforce anything. They can witness a million crimes but only have a few lazy police to enforce the law, that is why they are staging these TV arrests and enforcement.
From Sept 2019.
There are plenty of cops . They are deployed as required.
Individuals cannot be expected to take on the police as they are easily picked off and made an example of.
Even big demos are easily controlled by well drilled police.
Only large scale spontaneous urban rioting will break the police/govt control.
Until there is a critical mass , a groundswell of desperation in society the authorities have the whip hand.
The relentless attempts to break down society into smaller fragments are to prevent the mass uprising from building any momentum.
According to, you don’t need to provide proof of medical exemption. Badges can be worn if you want, but are not mandated.
I’ve not visited a supermarket since they all decided they would start challenging, but I would be surprised if they turned you away if you explained calmly that you are exempt. Perhaps they will though. The whole exemption angle seems to be getting brushed under the carpet in mainstream discussion.
Oh well, a fun confrontation for me to look forward to in the near future.
“Organize! Organize! Organize! Let us see how the tin-foil face diaper flu zombies and flu Nazis enforce the illegal CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC when faced, in a store/shop, with a group of 100-200 determined people who will not be cowed or face diapered. Long overdue to make THE SCAMDEMIC GESTAPO sweat, cry and (if necessary) bleed. They and Billy Eugenics need to go.”

“We will not be jabbed!”

That is a brilliant poster and should be on every billboard and bus stop shelter.
The truth is in the UK there are so few police out on patrol, why would you ever wear one outside? They really can’t enforce anything they are demanding. It is all self-compliance.
So mass non-compliance is the best route out of this. The problem is the masses are a bit thick, including many doctors and scientist.
I couldn’t agree more. What the hell has gone wrong with the British they have completely lost their mojo? No wonder the BBC no longer play “Rule Britannia” it has absolutely no relevance to the present day docile, compliant and lethargic country. How the once mighty have fallen.
Those who have been paying attention will have noticed the complete transformation of the postwar societies particularly over the last 25 years.
The education system especially has been systematically degraded to reduce any ability for the individual to critically assess information around them without prompting/direction from peer group/trusted influencer sources.
This is all rooted in the UN plans for a world curriculum as propagated by the likes of Robert Muller etc.
OK up until you stated to blame the UN……… please.
It’s more nuanced than that. But this is not an organisation of Boy Scouts just out to help the world. It covers a vast nexus of leverage, influence and persuasion coupled with ideological intent on a global scale , and as ever answerable to it’s paymasters.
The ideology of the likes of Muller is at the root of the climate scam and the educational indoctrination programs and the remaking of National identities.
It is a talking shop of nations, grow for gods sake.
A talking shop? There was I thinking it was the public relations arm of the World Bank. I suppose it could be a
…. Shop selling dreams and charging the earth.
“Rule Britannia”? “Once mighty”? Ha.
All colonial powers are subject to the laws of karma. The ghosts of the millions murdered over centuries (and counting) will haunt these societies until they are destroyed from within. Not only has “Britannia” and friends failed to own up to their historical crimes, they are perpetuaally stuck in their snobbery and pathological drive to lord it over and one-up the rest of the species.
The amount of nationalists and conservative christians commenting on off-guardian (blithely unaware that it is those dogmas that put us on the one-way road to covid fascism more than any “communism”) is tragi-comical and puts this site squarely in the “ignore” bin for the majority of people who stumble across it.
as the u$a collapses now
Without a fully functioning Parliament, how the fuck is stuff like this progressing?
We cannot even get our lazy Politicians to get off their arses to ask questiosn around:
A fair proportion of our representatvies need cancelling at the next election.
They need to ask a lot more question about how we can be locked down further, sooner and harder.
They need cancelling Now. Not at the next election…
Do you think there will ever be another election? London can’t even rid itself of Sadiq Khan. Local elections look likely to be cancelled yet again. That Cuckoo ain’t leaving the nest anytime soon.
Additional points:
:- What else is in the vaccines, and how they claim to know.
:- Basis for ignoring HCQ, invermectine, etc.
:- Mask ineffective for viruses -WHO 2019
:- Hand-washing ineffective for flu -WHO 2019
:- Contact tracing not recommended in any circumstance for flu -WHO 2019
:- Distancing, screening, border control of unproven benefit for flu -Cochrane Review 2011.
It’s only a pretend parliament run by the City for the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Britain and all the countries involved in WW1 were put in receivership in the thirties. They were all just corporations anyway. Check out Unidroit. All the loose ends are being pulled together, Corporatism or Fascism as it was called runs the world it’s obvious. Whoever supplies the money calls the shots,end of.
‘All you need to know about the #PCRtests.
Share widely and inform the rest.
Your life is destroyed because of unreliable test.’
The CormanDrosden Review has been updated,now with a newer ‘can of whoopass’:
apologies for the off topic- but thought it should be known
The WHO never declared Covid a pandemic
WHO Never Declared Covid a “Pandemic”- Uncover Your Eyes
“We have therefore made the assessment that Covid19 can be characterized as pandemic”
When something is “characterized as”, it means this thing has the features or qualities of something else, but, it is not necessarily the same.
And example of this would be usual typical yearly flu season, which could be characterized as a pandemic, but never is. You see how weasel wording works?
Or how it is a ‘buxom blonde’ could be characterized as a Marilyn Monroe, but, there is only one Marilyn Monroe.
There may be many knock offs, but, there is only one real original thing.
Didn’t WHO say this is the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus.
Which is another way of saying everybody gets the common cold.
I agree, ‘characterized as’ is a marketing phrase: An industrial wine made from concentrated grape juice, “characterized by the fragrant mountain herb- and berry flavours of sun-dappled hillsides.”
Another marketing technique is fake authenticity. Without claiming our industrial beverage to be natural, we may construct a legend:
Marketing triumph is secured by leaking the real story, which the guerilla marketers filter to the fact checkers, so they may claim there was never any deception.
Hi Moneycircus: I don’t know if anyone from the WHO said that?
Characterized is, a marketing phrase. A weasel word. A means to obfuscate.
I like your fake authenticity story- it’s very apt. Entirely appropriate 🙂
Got it from WHO here.
Thanks for your comments… the fake authenticity thing is one of the biggest themes in marketing since they decided that shoppers in a virtual world crave authenticity.
Your Fauci story deserves a Peabody award. Vin-RNA. Available at Walmart, Amazon and select retailers.
You get it!
And I love it.
Wish more people would.
Also thanks for the link.
“liberate the UK’s extraordinary bioscience sector from anti-genetic modification rules and let’s develop the .. crops that will feed the world.”
Who is promising this? The leader of the United kingdom? Surely, he means he is determined to spread things that are similar to Super Gonorrhea across the world!
Since when the British cares about the world if not for plundering, genocide and sowing chaos and divisions?
As happened recently, does destroying the largest water supply in Libya or selling the Saudis all the tools to massacre more Yemenis count as caring about other people?
Surely, the British means feeding the world Rat Poison.
”…British means feeding the world Rat Poison.”
That’s called exporting British cuisine.
Hello Serf: Well said. Like all governments, the British government doesn’t give a damn about anything but the width of their own asses. They do nothing but sit around pontificating to one another about how many civilians they can shove around with their little tin soldiers and riot police. They are all assholes – including the soldiers and police who protect them.
“Pandemic pressures” (i.e. lockdown) are making the poor poorer shock:
Solutions? End lockdown? Redistribute wealth from those who’ve grown even more obscenely rich from lockdown? No, increase universal credit which just happens to be a stepping stone to UBI.
BTW both WHO and Andrew Cuomo said overnight that lockdowns don’t appear to be working and need re-thinking. The Fraudian doesn’t report either – instead it has army helicopters rescuing Covid victims from the IoW as its fear porn headline.
“Guess who is one of Gov Death’s board of advisers (his ‘brain trust’)? That’s right, ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics himself. Furthermore, Gov Death and his criminal bankster associates also hope to make a killing on the assets of all those failed businesses, buying them up cents on the dollar. What a creep. Aren’t Corporate Fascism, Eugenics, Scamdemics and Euthanasia Death Shots grand?”
Again, OffG, they give us something that is based upon assumptions, their explanations sounds, thats the trick, sounds credible, but compared to what, bare destert, and the science behind it is about making things benefical to few hughe companys, just like the Scamdemic bullshit, so they, not we, can make an living, and their science, is like the Scamdemic based upon feeding us reasons witch if you read the storys, see their stats, and disect their reasons dont exsist at all.
Then we drop down to why do we need GMO, realy, why, when the solution, farming can be much simpler, I use that term not to say its not based upon facts and shit like that, but science, in an way where we have to relearn everything we have lost, examples are plenty, like replanting forest, whats needed is an reevaluation of what do nature it self provide anyone whom do farming to their crops and how to handle the land in an way witch is far more profitable and sustainable, mark this two words, witch usualy are like Punch and Judy, but this two can be combined in an way witch is by now to that videly known, but the truth is, since we depend our knowledge on an science and an MSM whom is rotten to its core, prints and talks about things witch is based upon corruption aka Pay 2 Play, and everything else is not printed, you have to seach for it your self.
I will not go thru issues this time, like monoculture, the deaths to polinatores, etc to soil managements, but will give you an link to an presentation of how to cultivate land, I watched it and I can assure you, you will learn an thing or two, at least and the system of soil management isnt confined to one place in particulare, but can be utelized everywhere on this planet.
An Gabe Brown presentation, Living web Farms video..of 2h 30 min that will change your life.
This is an tour de force of how to give the GMO pimpers Tha finger.
Hello mikael: I’ve read your many posts, and often agree with what you are attempting to point out. Most readers will pass by your posts, as your word usage is sometimes difficult to follow.
I can only guess that English is not your first language. Spell check is well worth utilizing. I’m not ridiculing you. Just suggesting to be more aware of the limits of language. Thanks for posting.
Farmers, particularly multigenerational, know what they’re doing if left alone by experts. In their own interest and survival. Every patch of land is different in soil,aspect and microclimate. If you live on it you get to know it. Some technocrat with a million brilliant theories is as much use as a fork in water. They’re just used by governments as plausible deniability to destroy populations..
Ever get the feeling we’re all living in utter free for all?
I suppose what we’ve got to remember about these clowns running the country into the ground is that privilege does not mean intelligence. Privilege usually means entitlement, laziness and ignorance.
It would seem that any huckster, charlatan and fraud can ‘whisper’ in to the ears of the Eton Mess and be taken at face value more importantly and astonishingly taken seriously.
A very sad reflection on a very sad country…
I get the feeling somebody wants us to get that feeling…
That’s my feeling too, they know exactly what they’re doing.
OK I’m not going to even bother providing links but the WSWS continues to hyperventilate over Trump’s “fascist coup”. It seems they are annoyed that the Australian “pseudo Left” (pot/kettle) are not facing up to the true magnitude of this pollical upheaval – which “has graphically demonstrated that as in the 1930s, capitalism is hurtling towards authoritarianism and fascism”. Even Caitlin Johnstone has talked about the trivialisation of the term “coup”.
And naturally there is also apoplexy over the latest viral “surge” (surely time for another term? “thrust”? “palpitation”? “ejaculation”?) I couldn’t get past the first line: “The UK’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty issued a chilling statement …”
Oh puleez!
I generally don’t refer to articles from CounterPunch, for reasons that most here are aware of. Never the less; here’s one from a few years ago that seems germane to the subject. >
Agrochemicals and Institutional Corruption:
Pleading with the Slave Master Will Not Set You Free
MAY 4, 2018
While umans persist in being what we are, there will be no better anything…
That is just the simple reflection of what we are.
There’s a lot to that.
Here’s my take:
Every single one of us can profoundly change what we are, but, human freedom being what it is, we can never change anybody else profoundly – only on the surface, and even then only if we’re big enough bullies.
No doubt about that…
OPERATION COVIDIUS is the most recent example how to force other animals doing what they wouldn’t do on any situation!
Hundreds of millions of farmers in India decided to stop pleading. If only the rest of their country will support them.
Since the target of this article is US/UK GMO and given the recent purchase of Monsanto by Bayer, I’d just like to add this earlier comment.
When I first heard about Bayer intending to buy Monsanto a while back, I wrote a few comments in the Guardian business section, stating that as soon as the deal was done the US ‘justice’ system will open the flood gates to legal claims against Monsanto and demand massive compensation, in the billions.
After the deal was done, my prediction came true and I found myself watching repeated adverts on YouTube calling any American who had used Monsanto’s Roundup and also had cancer to call in and join a class action against Monsanto.
This is the same drumming up of ‘victims’ we saw in the BP oil spill. When calls went out to all businesses in the Mexican gulf area to immediately make a claim. All claims were immediately approved by American judges of course regardless of validity.
The campaign against Monsanto culminated (since overturned) in an award of $2 billion to one cancer sufferer, whose illness was attributed to Monsanto’s Roundup, in a jury trial, where the threshold of proof is extremely low.
Bayer offers almost a bottomless pit of money for the US ‘Justice’ system to loot and they will ultimately attempt to get control of the company, like they succeeded in doing with BP.
The US ‘justice’ system extracted $65 billion from BP, deposed the British head and put an America CEO in charge, for the failure of BP’s US subcontractor, Halliburton.
They have also extorted $30 billions from VW for the ‘emissions scandal’, which I have no doubt the US regulators passed as acceptable for years, until they decided to increase US revenues, After all the US is not famous for its environment concerns, and the US Justice system have not attempted to clean the water of Flint, Michigan. In the banking sector, the US extracted 27 billion pounds from RBS (gov. owned) for crimes associated with the US mortgage fraud over the past 8 years, and will no doubt extract similar amounts from Bayer in the future.
The US is a criminal enterprise that uses a conspiracy of Corporate, Judicial and CIA to extort trillions from overseas companies. There have now been so many examples it is a very obvious routine, yet you’ll hear not a word about it in the press.
As Putin once said to Macron; ‘I don’t know why you pay the fines’, referring to BNP’s multi billion dollar fine to the US ‘justice’ system fort breaking US sanctions. Of course there is no reason to pay money to a ‘protection racket’ but if you don’t, then there will be consequences, which the victim must be prepared to stomach.
They may burn down your precious national monuments, murder people in a concert hall and call it terrorism, or slap a 20% tariff on all your exports. Mafia, psychopaths are outside the law and outside any notion of conscience.
In my view, whoever arranged the take over of Monsanto in Bayer, needs to be arrested for treason against Germany. Monsanto has been a poison challis for decades and only an idiot or a threatened man would take on all that liability, and they haven’t even started the compensation for GMO’s yet.
So how do you know who is backed by the US deep state? This article is actually adding to the campaign to extort vast amounts of European wealth by the USA, so thanks for helping to make us, in Europe, that little bit poorer and helping the US, a criminal state, loot our most successful Corporations.
Monsanto is a monster because US regulators let them be a monster, like Boeing became murderers because US regulators let them become murderers by climbing into bed with them. It is so easy to jump on the bandwagon of anti-Corporate campaigning but ultimately Corporations will do what states allow them to do, so our energy should always be directed at the regulators not the Corporations.
The result of Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto will be higher priced drugs, less tax revenues, less sponsorship of the arts and less research by Bayer in Europe, as its hard won profits flow to the US probably to fund similar criminal looting operations.
The $27 billion handed over by RBS, a government owned bank, was the equivalent of 8 years of austerity. So if you want to know why the British suffered so much and so long under austerity, just ask where all our tax money went.
Just for fun watch Putin humiliate Macron on US fines on French Banks & European security.
”Putin Owns Macron In Under One Minute”
Jullia… c’mon!!! You almost wrote a comment larger than the article…
”larger than the article…”
And better.
Thanks for the Macron-Putin interchange. The sub-plot of which both men are fully aware, the business and political audience, too, is that no western European country is closer to Russia than France.
Historically, because Russia draws much of its modern inspiration from the French Revolution, from state structure to laws, but also because the French have an admirable Gallic self-interest which says, business is business.
Second to France is the German business class, less committed than the French but much bigger, of course.
And then you have the British and the Poles who “punch above their weight” in the policy-making sector of the EU-Atlantic Alliance… put another way that means sticking their nose into something that doesn’t concern them economically… but it is what it is.
The Americans do almost no trade with Russia. Less than 3% of their total, which is why politicians are so eager to use sanctions — though they do hurt the interest of Catepillar and GM and the oil companies.
People forget that the EU is an enemy of the USA, and the sanctions against Russia, Iran & Iraq are intended as much to damage the EU as the ‘target’ countries.
In Macron’s France, Putin owns you.
In Macron’s France, the USA owns you. He is an anti-French neoliberal puppet, like Thatcher & Blaire were anti-British Neoliberal puppets working in US interests.
Multinational Corporate Interests are tearing the US apart as well.
How come the US didn’t sue HSBC and a few others? Because they’re part of the Alpha group and they’re untouchable. Too big to jail- the Mafiacracy John Titus blog. Corporations are much more powerful than countries, they own them. The Bank of International Settlements rules OK?
They will deploy a GMO food with the RNA of the spike protein of mythical RNA “SARS-CoV-2” (B.1.1.7) embedded in the code of the FOOD and sell that food at really low prices just to have FUN!
War of attrition:
“Kit Malthouse said people have a “duty” to make this lockdown “the last one”.
“We are urging the small minority of people who aren’t taking this seriously to do so now, … “These current measures should in theory, if we all stick by them, be enough to drive the numbers down so that we can start to move through the gears of tiers from mid-February,” he added.”
“Mr Malthouse said ministers were “on tenterhooks” watching the daily figures for Covid deaths, new cases and hospital admissions, as rules continue to be kept under review. He said the government’s ramped-up efforts to give vulnerable people the coronavirus vaccine should help the UK to “get back to some sort of normality later this year“.”
“The BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg said there was currently no expectation that Westminster will impose more extensive restrictions.”
And sure enough:
First the horror prologue:
“The disease is still spreading. There are more people in hospital with Covid-19 in the UK than at any other point in the pandemic.”
And then,
“Prof Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, hit the airwaves on Monday morning to tell us it’s “everyone’s problem”.”
“But there is no getting away from it: at this moment, the coronavirus situation seems pretty dire. And there is real concern in government that the public, this time round, is just not paying attention to the rules as closely as they did back in the spring.”
Clearly this is going to go on and on and on. Clearly it is meant to. And that is why the govt will not impose rules that are too draconian. They wish the rules to remain as “guidelines” or “stern suggestions” which will inevitably be broken. This will not only provide a rational for further lockdowns but provide a marvellous opportunity for creating increasingly tense divisions likely leading to violent confrontations.
PS: I am not saying the govt ought to impose more draconian laws. Only that if they did, they would no longer have the excuses and opportunities to exploit the situation.
I agree. At this point, the best option is to call the government’s bluff.
Better for children to lose one month of schooling, for the people to lose one month of access to the NHS, than to have the relentless diminution of once-essential services.
Ali Kemal and all the other fakes – fake medical doctors, fake professors and commercial wide boys and institutional prostitutes – would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to a non-negotiable, accountable decision with measurable results.
Great idea but they’d never do it.
Hello George Mc: Erm… “Kit Malthouse said people have a “duty” to make this lockdown “the last one”.
Persons such as Kit Malthhouse and those who support the thin disguise of corporate tyranny, are the ones who should be locked down for the last time…
If government officials had any balls at all, they’d call out the troops and confiscate ALL corporate assets, and hang all corporate executives for treason and sedition against the State. It’s all bullshit.
Kit Malthus?
Great this Brexit eh it just keeps on giving to these elected fascists who are doing whatever they want with full compliance of the population, and everything was the fault of the EU you couldn’t make it up.
The US uses food dependency, like they use oil & dollar dependency to control the many regions of the empire.
I don’t know if the EU uses its GMO ban as a cover for blocking US agricultural imports, from a very food self-sufficient Europe, or if they genuinely believe that GMO’s, especially the US varieties are bad. I think it is a combination of a bit of Geopolitics, protectionism and a larger chunk of food health/safety.
Now they are going to save us by starving everyone
That’s Their* MAIN GOAL! Reduce the size of the global herd of moron slaves in order to SECURE THEIR SAFETY and LIFESTYLES…
*The Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires
A must read.
The Department of Health and Social Care…. adopted a policy,… that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (as they) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance.
(As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.
That’s just the usual bla, bla, bla…
And while we entertain ourselves with BLABLABLA, They are CHANGING Their Civilization as They see fit.
It’d be slightly easier to take this situation if some cunning sleight of hand had been involved. But it wasn’t; they just swapped flu numbers for ”Covid-19” ones. It was that simple.
And the brainwashed masses fell for it! The feckin’ eejits. Mind you, they’ve fallen for a lot of preposterous things in the past. To give but one example among many, they swallowed the ludicrous notion that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite.
Repeat something often enough, no matter how absurd, and they will believe it. To quote a certain Mr Goebbels:
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
Or maybe the idea the masses fall for these lies is itself propaganda? I certainly never met anyone who thought Jeremy Corbyn was anti-semitic and equally most people I know are skeptical on some level about the coronavirus narrative. Lying about the public opinion is all part of the scam, IMO.
I agree that it can be very useful to have everyone believe that all the others are idiots. Making up hard-to-believe stories and saying that everybody believes them to be true is very much in the script IMO. Keeps up confusion and division.
The scam revolves around the tests
Cal… I’ve made this short resume back in April 2020, showing the SCAM & FRAUD…
I now know for a fact that Ignorance is prevalent around the Planet!
The EU didn’t stop that
Yes indeed… We have the superior numbers of modern moron slaves.
We do, but most of them wouldn’t know their arse from their elbow and daren’t upset the apple cart as rotten as it is, instead choosing to cower in silence.
“we have the numbers”
The favourite mantra of armchair revolutionaries. Doubly ridiculous now when anyone can very quickly verify that “we” do not in fact have the numbers.
The thinking in this and other websites pointing fingers at the elites is dangerously misleading.
What we have is actually mob rule. The masks are mandated by your neighbours. Most of the UK WANT a Tory government and shady “crown” behind it because they want the gadgets and the 5G and the rest of the techno utopia flashing lights.
The masses subconsciously WANT the lockdown and the drugs and the death because they know their time is up, like domestic animal being led to the slaughter. It is not that the elites will kill them, they (along with the elites) will die out from an increasingly fearful and toxic simulation of “life”, hiding behind a screen.
DEATH IS THE REAL GREAT RESET… and life on the planet will outlast Homo pseudo-sapiens.
Replace the word”crops” with “humans” in everything that is said and you get the real plan behind this.
But TPTB love nature! After all, we must burn down everything we’ve ever known for “sustainability” and the Greta Reset.