WATCH: 2+2=5

2+2=5 is an award-winning Iranian short film written and directed by Babak Anvari. First released in 2011, but arguably never more relevant than today, it is a beautiful concise and powerful rebuke of totalitarianism.

Free speech and free expression have perhaps never been so threatened by groupthink as they are today. Watch and share widely.

Featured image: Anubis9 on deviantart.


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Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jan 16, 2021 1:35 PM
Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jan 16, 2021 10:13 AM

2 + 2 = 4 ?
But Is this the correct answer ?
The answer is not as absolute as it appears
If you have 2 rabbits both male and you add 2 rabbits both female .
How long will it be before you have more than 4 rabbits. How long before 2 + 2 = 5.
If you mix 2 portions of white paint with 2 portions of black paint this should result in 4 portions of grey paint that is exactly half way between the black and white. But this is only theoretical.

If you break a stick in 2 you will have 2 halves. But in reality you will have 2 parts neither being a half.
If you take 3 from 2 the result is -1
If you have 2 apples how do you take away 3 apples. In the real world this is not possible.

If the video showed the teacher insisting 2 + 2 = 4 and the boy saying 2 + 2 = 5 and the boy being shot for saying it would this be better

Jan 16, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

One might suggest you are over thinking a very simple abstract question and sending yourself round the bend !

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jan 17, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  CryptoKazar

If you drop 2 lit matches into 2 ounces of gunpowder you will be left with zero ounces of material. So 2 + 2 does not always equal 4 as stated. The suggestion that there can be only one correct answer must be questioned

Jan 19, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

But that isn’t 2+2 is it thats 2 + -2 because 2 matches is not 2 ounces of gunpowder they are 2 completely different things, which clearly cancel each other out ! How you would actually express adding two matches to 2 “ounces” of gunpowder and the resultant chemical reaction, would not be 2+2 it would be a far more complex chemical formula, made even more complex if you wanted to consider the exact chemical make up and composition of each individual match the location of the gunpowder, weather conditions ect ect ect ect.

Besides the fact your choice of measurement Ounces is completely arbitrary, you could choose to use grams which would make 56.699 grams or kilograms or pounds or Tonnes or an as yet undefined unit of measurement.
You’re overthinking the question and adding all sorts of variables into the sum, in the form of words, rendering it no longer 2+2 The question is clearly in the abstract sense and in that sense 2+2 is ALWAYS 4 !

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 17, 2021 9:13 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Of course! You may even say that 1 + 1 =3.31 if you wish to say that 2 rabbits, male and female, make 3 rabbits after 31 days; or that 2 + 3 = 23 if you wish to express that the digits 2 and 3 stuck together in that order give number 23. There’s no limit to the ways we can create what in mathematics are called “Defined Functions”. Also, in prose and poetry, these kind of statements are not rare but poets don’t claim to write mathematics.

But in a mathematical context, these kind of statements exist always within a discussion in which the symbols used (symbol “+” and the digits from 0 to 9 in this case) have been already agreed upon to strictly mean specific things and none others throughout the same discussion. Hence, if you start a discussion you claim to be mathematical with “2 + 2 = 5”, without any previous definitions, then the universal meanings of the symbols “2”, “+” , “=”, “5” are implicitly assumed and anyone who has knowledge of basic arithmetic, from the South pole to the North pole and from the the Gobi desert to the Andes mountains will instantly know that the statement is false.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 17, 2021 10:11 PM

The reason the symbols of Arithmetic for the basic operations of “+”, “-“, “x”, and “:” and the digits from 0 to 9 have universal meanings by default, is for us humans in the so called civilized world be able to buy and sell with both sides of the transaction agreeing to the amount to be paid and received. This is of course the basest application of mathematics.

On a side note, some communities so called primitive, living in a stateless and moneyless settings haven’t acquired our notion of number, let alone addition, substraction, multiplication and division.

Jan 21, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

I shall be careful in my reply and i shall not smile nor grin (even if you cant see . I promise i am not demeaning or dismissive ).

A serious request
2 + 2 = 5, but you miss the point
…. there is no sum

To the others :
please dont vote him down, these are the 1st steps …..

Jan 16, 2021 1:31 AM

Alternative Math | Short Film

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 17, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  Dhisna

This video also appeared under another title, something to do with “the progressive mind”. A mind that doesn’t want to recognize any immutable principle, and to which the same thing could overtime acquire different and even contradictory meanings or become meaningless.

Unable to find worth in being its naked self, the only important thing to that mind is to feel itself part of this feverish race into a future which is always one step ahead, for the sake of a “progress” which is never examined. It finds pleasure and only meaning in that continual movement to nowhere. Stillness, contentment is what it dreads most.

Jan 15, 2021 4:26 PM

I am so used to the professional classes being part of the Establishment that I was considerably surprised when my dentist last week went into a heated rant with his assistant over the utter lack of significant, or relevant, content in the radio news he hears every day while he’s working.
I had my mouth too full of modern technology to be able to say my piece, but I did manage to give him an enthusiastic thumbs-up sign…

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jan 15, 2021 2:30 PM

The political range today isn’t left vs right but individual rights vs corporate mainstream.

The mainstream educated left identify with corporate funded experts. So they side with big business. It’s a class thing.

Jan 15, 2021 3:44 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

I very much agree with what you say, but I think of the terminology in a rather different way:

The ‘mainstream-educated left’ are actually what I would call the right.
The corporate mainstream are fascists.
The real left has gone.

What most modern people consider to be the ‘left’ is actually neo-liberal, because their memories just don’t go back to a time when the left was a necessary and significant force in our society.
Nowadays, so many of us appear to think that being a ‘success’ means being a CEO, just as so many Americans apparently used to believe that success meant having a son who is a baseball star.

Real meaning and a balanced view of human existence are getting to be very hard to find.
Who today would consider their family to be a success if one of their own was a Beethoven, or a Mozart?
“Oh, those poor people!”, would probably be their neighbours’ reaction.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 15, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Still stuck in your left-right rut it seems.

And dreaming about wishful thinking, vague concepts like a so-called “real left” (undefined) or “real meaning” (a philosophical quagmire if ever) from an outdated, always simplistic, left-right, left-right we go marching framework leaves me shrugging my shoulders in despair.

But at least you will get some upvotes, And I probably the opposite.

Jan 15, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

And Stockholm Syndrome. Prisoners identify with their captors after a certain period. Class war, socio-economic warfare and asymmetrical warfare has been waged on people for decades. Most are too psychologically manipulated and too uninformed to make accurate assessments of the vast amount of information and disinformation.

Many in the middle class falsely believe they are part of the corporate class, or the educated class. This makes them feel superior to the working class and those who have historically supported conservative, religious or traditional views.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 15, 2021 1:22 PM

This is a kind of US version of the film –
Alternative Math

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Jan 15, 2021 7:01 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani


thank you….this was great!!!!

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Jan 15, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

I am sorry that I got your name wrong. It is Petra NOT Peter. My mistake.

Jan 15, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

20, 002,000 should have been the amount they give her. 2000 + 2000 = 20, 002,000
I have to say she is short changing herself. By the way 0 divided by 0 = 1.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 18, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  Bill

Supposing 0 : 0 = 1, then if we let 0 = x – x, which is true, it follows that (x – x) : 0 = 1, then we would have by using properties fractions: (x : 0) – (x : 0) = 1. If you look that last equation, it says that a number, (x : 0), minus itself gives 1 which is false because any number minus itself gives zero.

The truth is that division by zero is not defined, including 0 : 0.

Sorry, couldn’t resist answering this, maths is what I do for a living. 😁

Jan 16, 2021 1:38 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

sorry I didn’t see you had already posted, I also posted it above.

Jan 15, 2021 12:09 PM

It reminds me of this: “Be who you want!” “Tole-
rance” therefore means to distrust our senses?

Jan 15, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Rudi

It would only become criminal if someone demanded
that I have to share such fantastic self-assessments.
What Orwell predicted may soon come to pass.

Jan 15, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Rudi

We shouldn’t even be asking questions like that.
It’s gratuitous provocation and attention-craving.
A waste of everybody’s time.

Of all the modern aphorisms which people apparently prefer to live by – instead of by their own experience – the one I like best is:
“Get a life.”

If you think, despite having a beard, a willy, hair all over your body, blonde hair and blue eyes, that you are a 7-year-old Chinese girl, I couldn’t care less.

The question is, can you actually do anything?

Jan 15, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Rudi

An interesting experiment.

Seems that “generation zero responsibility” are very accepting of all races, religions, genders, etc. So why not accepting of critical thinkers? Are these the only people to be labeled anti this and that. Soon to be labeled domestic terrorists.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 16, 2021 4:31 PM
Reply to  Rudi

An excellent example of inner-institutional brainwashing. These persons have been fed the same gender-neutral, anti-racist, sensitivity-trained, balderdash since preschool. They are taught to become intellectually challenged by plain common sense. They are bored, passive, asexual, and thus, brain dead.

Jan 20, 2021 8:51 PM
Reply to  Rudi

Thank you for this stunning link. My jaw was locked open for 2 days.
Young people are being conditioned with various and nefarious doctrines –
identity politics, postmodernism, cultural relativism, radical “feminism”
(misandrism), intersectionality, culture of victimhood etc. etc.
The point ?
Create a population of neutered cultural agoraphobes afraid to express the
slightest “microagression”. Their minds will be a true “blank slate”
(unlike the fictitious and absurd natal one promulgated by the acolytes of the
above dogmas) upon which any script may be scrawled by (guess who).

Jan 15, 2021 7:17 AM

Sweet little Iranian film: comment image

The elderly couple are quoting Hafez of Shiraz. Hafez is known for his typically Persian sense of humour as well as his poetry; for instance, his diet advice:
“Up to a certain amount it carries you; beyond that you carry it”.

The same Persian sense of gentle humour made the Ayatollah’s return some intruding U$ Marines after dressing them in civvy suits and presenting each one of them with a bag of sweets.

Jan 15, 2021 4:57 AM

numbed by numbers – if only he would have drawn a thumb.

Jan 15, 2021 12:29 AM

Do you think people are going to start losing their shit soon over lockdown? Feels like when things begin to unravel it will do so rapidly. Feeling quite despondent at the moment. Lots of people having a hard time but still a lot of people buying into the narrative. In the history of the world we’ve never faced something like this on such a massive scale. Feels like we are at a very dangerous point.

Jan 15, 2021 1:12 AM
Reply to  Sofia

The daily diet of fear porn from politicians and the media will keep the masses penned in for another few months.

Once it comes to spring and the weather gets warmer and deaths reduce they will find it harder to control the masses.

The issue is there’s no elected political party that’s challenging the lockdowns and the official virus narrative.

It’s pointless trying to protest as we now live in a police state where protests are outlawed and anyone questioning the narrative is being labelled by the media as a granny killer, a right wing conspiracy theorist, flat earther, anti vax etc.

Unfortunately we’re literally at their mercy.

Hang on to your hat.

Patrick Corbett
Patrick Corbett
Jan 15, 2021 6:40 AM
Reply to  Paul

Deaths will not be reducing in the spring they will be accelerating but not from Covid. From the vaccines that are programmed to unleash cytokine storms. But yeah they’ll call it Covid X1; and the same patsies will drink it in until they start croaking.

Jan 15, 2021 4:20 PM

Or perhaps a close and much-loved relative in the family of one of the ringleaders will perish from a vaccine-related side-effect, and this ridiculous circus will leave town very suddenly.
I like to remember that the Salem witch hunts stopped rather abruptly when the local magistrate’s wife got onto the list of accused…

Jan 15, 2021 9:24 AM
Reply to  Paul

Thanks Everyone for your replies and advice. I was feeling particularly low last night. But I count myself lucky I have a close group of friends irl and none of them buy into the narrative and we try to break the rules as much as possible. Sites like this have kept me sane. I have decided to take a break from arguing on social media for a bit and am trying to walk at least 4 or 5 hours a day in the countryside to improve my mental health.

But I still get an awful feeling that something big and nasty is going to happen maybe that’s my paranoia but in a way I guess it is already happening they are slowly killing people. But they are also killing culture as we are all forced to focus on “THE VIRUS” – music, art, theatre all diminishing- only the death cult is allowed to exist. We are truly in an all encompassing fascist moment and it’s scary.

I’m a bit more optimistic than Ooink though. I get the feeling that there is a lot more passive opposition to what is happening from people who feel they cannot speak up but ignore the rules as much as possible. I would break it down like this perhaps – 20% actively support the government usually because they benefit directly in some way from lockdown or are part of the sanctimonious “left” – some of these may not believe the narrative at all especially the profiteers. 30% believe the narrative and follow rules. But I think as many as 45% are passive dissenters at the moment- those that don’t believe the narrative and quietly break the rules and then 5% active opposition mainly through online sites forums etc but also physically active irl organising demos leaflets etc. So our target is the 45% of the passive opposition.

Anyway thanks for listening it’s going to be a hard slog take care everyone xx

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 15, 2021 10:49 AM
Reply to  Sofia

You’re right, it’s going to be really tough, but I try and detach from it as much as possible, except when I’m commenting here. You’re also lucky to have friends who haven’t been sucked into the covid propaganda matrix. Lean on them when you need to.
Good luck to you…. one day at a time.

Jan 16, 2021 2:06 PM
Reply to  Sofia

I know exactly how you feel, Sofia. I live in South Africa, and our so-called gov is far more draconian than UK gov in the types of regulations we have here. Masks are mandatory, even if you have a doctor’s exemption letter they DO NOT care – no mask, no entry.

The level of fearmongering among people I’ve always assumed to be intelligent has been stupendous. They are the ones driving the hysteria in testing etc, and the corrupt gov is just lapping it up. I dread to think what will happen when the vaccines arrive…

Our beaches and parks have been closed for over a month, so there are limited places to get out to be alone. Schools will not open until mid-Feb now, kids are going crazy as it is mid-summer, so they need to be outside.

I’m just grateful our children are grown up now, but they both live in the UK so I worry about them all the time, and whether I’ll ever see them again.

Jan 15, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Paul

I’ve probably said this before, but I fear the plan is to keep the masses penned in not for months, but forever – or at least until they’ve forgotten what ‘normal’ means…

Jan 15, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  Paul

That’s what we are lead to believe, but how do we know this is so? We believe we are the minority only because they tell us we are.

What if we were the majority and they are simply telling us we are the minority. Im not suggesting everyone is wide awake, but I believe most are now in a place were they know for sure something is not right.

I see the media in a frenzy trying to stamp out the flames. We are now in the phase of threatening behavior on their behalf to control it.

How’s the saying go? First they ignore, then they ridicule, then they resort to violence.

Jan 16, 2021 6:32 AM
Reply to  mik

…and then we win!

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 15, 2021 2:01 AM
Reply to  Sofia

they are completely insane. get over it and find healthy people to work with. if its not covid there is plenty of other examples of their madness and abuse so don’t stick around in dysfunctional relationships giving them another chance to abuse you.

Jan 15, 2021 2:54 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Far too many buying into the narrative from what I can see. I’d say it’s 9 to 1. 90% seem to be totally on board. And it wouldn’t surprise me if it was more like 99.5%. That’s how it seems to me. Most people are hardwired into the system. They can’t afford to take their mask off or deviate from mandates. They’ll lose their job. Get kicked out, shouted down. All corporations are onboard. Everywhere you go…basically any shop, any place…all onboard. The State thumbs up or thumbs down everything, always has. You think any corporation is going to go against the State? Look around…it’s corporations all the way down. We’ve been swimming in this putrid filth our whole lives. We depend on the State. This is the perfect crime…we are all biohazards. The rest is sophistry and winning the war of perception. The individual doesn’t have media, science, health, finance, the food industry, education in their back pocket. The State does.

And then consider that “States”…nations ARE corporations. These geographical areas are plantations.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 15, 2021 4:36 AM
Reply to  Sofia

I can relate Sofia… I’m out nearly every day working, and all I see are masked faces every direction I look. And I also know the large majority are fully brainwashed.
There are days I struggle mentally as well, and I have to take time out every so often just to recharge my batteries…. self care in mental health parlance. But above all, I avoid all MSM.
I just cannot look at the liars anymore because they sicken me.
Stick with like minded people who see what’s really going on, and detach from those who are too far gone, and who are covid cult members.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 15, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Indeed. I had a horrible dream last night all about a misunderstanding on a phone conversation that bloomed into full paranoia and I know exactly what it was about. I was recently involved in one of those horrible virtual zoom meetings full of awkward silences and stilted humour, the whole thing seeming like a mockery of socialising.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 15, 2021 12:11 AM

Vaccines and drugs make you healthier. Repeat after me: Vaccines ….

Fish on sea
Fish on sea
Jan 14, 2021 11:20 PM

The most interesting video I’ve seen on the whole storming of the Capital. He is right, the coup is not over. Moore is good at predicting this stuff.

‘Michael Moore: The Terrorist Attack Is NOT Over. | Rumble with Michael Moore podcast’

Jan 15, 2021 4:19 AM
Reply to  Fish on sea

Lol. Go watch CNN.

Jan 15, 2021 9:24 AM
Reply to  Fish on sea

Wow – he even wears his cap inside at home!!!

Jan 15, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Fish on sea

He has changed.
Also noticeable is that his words don’t flow as easily as they used to.
We’re down to sentimental drivel here.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 16, 2021 4:16 PM
Reply to  Fish on sea

Hello Fish on the sea: Michael Moore is a CIA asset, period. He mentions “they” throughout the presentation, yet conveniently misidentifies who “they” are.
The actual “they” are hired crisis actors, CIA trained agent provocateurs, BLM and Antifa event infiltrators, and other assets of corporate sponsored terrorism. Michael Moore knows this, because he’s part of the theatrical event.

I’ve watched Michael Moore’s spin mastering since the days of Fahrenheit 9/11. He’s a corporate snake, and he’s well fed…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 17, 2021 2:57 AM

Michael Moore, George Monbiot, Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Naomi Klein, Nafeez Ahmed, etc etc. There’s a long list of treacherous snakes pretending to be progressive and ‘anti establishment’.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jan 18, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Before all this shit hit the fan, I “friended” a performer who was in one of my favorite absurdist comedy troupes, Firesign Theater. When I was young I considered Firesign Theater to be comprised of four radicals who undermined the status quo with surreal attacks on “The Squares” and the “normal” way of Life, but, “close up,” on Facebook, I realized this guy was really just another entertainment insider, a broadcasting professional since the early ’60s, and Firesign Theater was only just another harmless distraction all along, far from undermining The State but serving it. He swallows and supports the brainwashing: of course he does, The State has rewarded him with a comfortable standard of living for being Obedient As Fuck since forever. Another little shred of my former naivety blown way in the shit + fan wind…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 18, 2021 12:03 PM

It’s so surreal at times Steven. Those, who in theory, should be stridently opposed to this fascist bullshit, are the very people not only the most compliant, but also actively supporting it; and with some, especially on the alleged ‘Left’ the lockdowns are not tough enough!!
That’s been one of the biggest shocks for me this past year, that supposed anti establishment Left have fully embraced the establishment narrative.
I think I told you about that former ‘socialist’ friend I had, who is on board with everything, including facemasks.
How are things going in Berlin? Are there any more protests coming up soon? I’m taking a few days off work and recharging my batteries.
Seeing so many walking around in Melbourne wearing facemasks outside, and proclaiming the vaccine should be mandatory, and going on about how the new mutant strain is even more deadlier, just wears you down at times.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jan 18, 2021 6:11 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“How are things going in Berlin? Are there any more protests coming up soon?”


As ever, c. 70% of the people we see on the street are unmasked, and people seem to be getting more brazen about flouting masking rules on public transport (lots of noses sticking out over the masks). The proportion between the coweringly obedient believers, the flamboyantly disbelieving Aware and those who casually go along with it all (young and/or apathetic) seems pretty fixed, but the balance may shift if the lockdown pushes further/ harder. This is a city that breaks out into riots as a yearly spectacle (some years more seriously than others), after all… I don’t think it’s farfetched to think some serious shit will kick off if TFIC overplay their hand. Which could be, now that I think about it, why TFIC suddenly got so “liberal” about the open use of weed (which you can’t walk two blocks without passing through a blue cloud of) relatively recently: you can buy weed-products in the Post Office now. Keeping the lotus eaters cool, eh? Weed and (Netflix) circuses may be the only things holding this potentially-explosive farce together…

Jan 14, 2021 11:04 PM

Protest at Capitols at the DC or state level is ripe for false flag traps.

Perhaps a protest that anyone could participate in is appropriate. Say, a rolling thunder-like banging of pots and pans nationwide at a designated hour, over several days for it build to a crescendo. I propose 7 PM local time.

Participants might move individualy, or in groups to a location remote from their home.

Yes, we are reduced to third world helplessnes.

Fish on sea
Fish on sea
Jan 14, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  LeaveMeAlone

What are you calling for…… more Tax cuts for billionaires? or bigger bailouts for Corporations from Trump?

Jan 15, 2021 4:20 AM
Reply to  Fish on sea

Not to be ruled by tech oligarchs and the war mongering Biden

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 14, 2021 11:59 PM
Reply to  LeaveMeAlone

“The surest indicator that those CIA-Soros BLM./Antifa street Kabuki theater ‘productions’ were entrapment farces could be seen in Seattle. Billy Eugenics’ Xanadu 2 was less than hour away from all the hullabaloo there. Yet there it stands today still, unscathed in all its ‘malevolent glory.’ Would honest radicals give up the chance to have it burnt to the ground? Alexander Berkman may not have been much of a shot but at least he came within a few feet of his target.”


Jan 14, 2021 10:48 PM

‘BIG news: Citing post-vaccination deaths, Norway now says “very frail” people should NOT receive the #Covid vaccine.’


‘This is shocking! US pushing EXPERIMENTAL Vax on black people as priority calling it ‘racial justice’. Truly despicable!’


Jan 14, 2021 9:59 PM

” 2 + 2 = 5 ”

”Correct. You have to trust this data. OK it hides the false positives and false negatives, and it’s pretty non-specific when considering how these numbers behave under other conditions such as being caught up in a variant such as long division. But we’re happy with Neal Ferguson’s sums on this. Bill Gates didn’t get wealthy by employing fools after all”

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 15, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

If there was even a smidgen of justice on this planet, Neal Ferguson would be rotting in a jail cell for the rest of his miserable life. As would filth like Tony Blair and even Gates himself, not to mention those hidden behind the curtain pulling the scamdemic puppet strings.
But, as we know, there is no real justice.

Jan 15, 2021 5:34 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Laws and justice were installed to keep humanity in order.

These creatures might appear human. But nothing else about them suggests they are.

Jan 16, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

However, said Ferguson has been allowed back into the fold following guilt trip over a covid ‘cuddle’ So, 2+2 = 400 again…..all is well with the world!

Jan 16, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  tish

Exactly. the covid cuddle’s a version of their secret handshake..

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jan 19, 2021 5:29 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“What’s the point of making the rules if you have to follow them?”


Jan 14, 2021 9:30 PM

nail on head for what’s going on now.

Jan 14, 2021 9:16 PM

Why mass civil disobedience in Italy is being organised. Restaurants will unify to defy orders to close.

A distraught Italian mother, unable to feed her child, pleads for lockdown to end:


Jan 15, 2021 3:01 AM
Reply to  Ben

I guess…I mean I dunno…but in some ways it’s almost like States/ Govs are pushing people to revolt/ get uppity…they are waiting for unrest so they can exercise full force. Once things go crazy a certain group can be blamed for it all…lots of people rounded up…major crackdowns and smackdowns. Once the people lose their junk and the shit hits the fan it’s just open license for police state madness…papers please…internment…thought crime incarceration. etc

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 15, 2021 3:56 AM
Reply to  Ooink

“Seems like someone is defeated even before they started.”

Jan 15, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  Ooink

I guess…I mean I dunno…but in some ways it’s almost like States/ Govs are pushing people to revolt/ get uppity…they are waiting for unrest so they can exercise full force.”

In order to install a New World Order, you must first destroy the existing order.

Jan 14, 2021 8:14 PM

Here’s a website regarding mask exemptions in Canada:

And assistance with unlawful fines in Canada:

Jan 14, 2021 8:15 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And this is the police oath of office taken by police in Canada, explained:

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 15, 2021 6:40 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Can you answer this: Why is it (from what I’ve read here on offG) that in the UK, it seems like all businesses still respect/honour medical exemptions, while in Canada it’s up to each business or public service if they want to allow medically exempt people sans mask onto their premises or not.

The majority of chain stores and the library still allow me in without a mask upon flashing of my transit exemption card (worth its weight in gold at this point!), but smaller businesses are hit and miss: some will let me in, others not at all. I can state that in virtually every business I enter and roam unmasked at this point, I am the only one thus unmuzzled.

What is the difference between the laws (or rights) in the UK and those in Canada that allow shopkeepers to deny entry to the unmasked in Canada, but not in the UK?

Jan 15, 2021 3:41 PM

I’m not sure. It’s against the Canadian Charter to discriminate. You could advise them they are breaking the law by discriminating on the basis of your religious or personal beliefs or your medical condition. They are not allowed discriminate against those with a disability or different dress such as those displayed for religious beliefs and the reverse is the same, insofar as if one believes that covering one’s mouth counters one’s personal or religious beliefs, it is discriminatory and illegal to bar admittance or refuse service.

As far as I can tell, there is not a difference in the legal edicts per se, there is a difference in the way the regulations and statutes have been disseminated. That is, provinces have not been advising enough businesses that they are allowed and legally obliged to admit the UN-masked.

I use deceptive practices. I pull a bandana up to get in and immediately pull it down upon entering. I don’t want to stand at the front of a queue, arguing with an uneducated, security drone, mask-Nazi about the law or regulations.

Once inside, if someone approaches, I tell them I have a medical exemption. Legally, I am not obliged to explain further.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 15, 2021 5:32 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I forgot to mention that the tactic they are resorting to now when you tell them that you have a medical exemption is to ask you to show a doctor’s note. If you do not, however, already have an established relationship with a physician or psychiatrist, getting one will not be easy (and will very likely require that you wear a mask for your appointment!).

Anyone in the UK reading this have any insight into why it might be that Canadian businesses can demand that you show a doctor’s note, while this does not seem to be the case across the pond? Can one enter Whole Foods in the UK without a mask??

Jan 15, 2021 5:40 PM

What province are you in?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 14, 2021 7:26 PM

From the time when Noam Chomsky still had something to say, he noted that the usual assumptions about newspapers were the opposite of the truth. Most assumed that the newspaper was the product to be sold and the readers were the customers who bought it. The truth is that the advertisers were the customers and the readers were the product being sold i.e. that the advertisers bought newspaper space to influence the readers. In other words, the “news” is just like the nice sweets the child catcher displays to lure the innocent into his van.

I would say this view is not only true but even too modest. It’s not just the papers (which probably have less circulation now than ever anyway) but all the media channels.

To put it more broadly, the true function of the media is to act as a conduit for the parasitical class to feed off the population by stultifying all development thus guaranteeing an army of drones who will ensure a constant profit and who also will occasionally dispose of themselves as cannon fodder.

It’s not that the “news” or, to put it more comprehensively, the entertainment – as the child catcher’s sweets – was entirely worthless. Yes, there have been, and even continue to be, programmes which, as entertainment, work very well and do so because the ones who made them really did believe in them, enjoyed making them and managed to impart some of that joy to the watchers. But the fundamental part of the media was always about control e.g. any actual news had to be consistent with the parasites’ wishes. And even the entertainment had to be closely monitored for unsuitably empowering influence. “Keep ‘em dumb!” was ever the motto.

But the most fundamental thing to bear in mind is this: The media is not your friend. And all appearance of affability has now practically vanished with the new “war mongering”. Once again, the masses are called upon to sign up as cannon fodder. Only this time, the war, as represented, is entirely illusory. This is a war in which you, the proles, are now coerced into sacrificing yourselves by sheer self-mutilation alone.  

As has been noted, this pandemic recalls the Pimpernel: They seek it here, they seek it there, they seek it everywhere. But where is it really? It has been implanted inside you. And all it asks is for you to listen to its siren voice.  

Deliberately Spread
Deliberately Spread
Jan 14, 2021 8:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“They seek it here, they seek it there, they seek it everywhere. But where is it really?”

It is in the care homes (mainly).


A must read.

The Department of Health and Social Care…. adopted a policy,… that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (as they) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance.

(As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.


Jan 14, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I wish my parents knew this. They have been glued to newspapers and 6 o’clock TV news all their lives.

Jan 15, 2021 7:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The propaganda industry – news, info, entertainment, etc. – consists of political and commercial propaganda. There is little else. The commerial variety includes adverts.

Jan 14, 2021 6:59 PM

I looks to me like ‘the terror’ as I described it in the Guardian today, before I was deleted, seems now to be timed with the vaccine.

You will only be free from the UK lockdown after you take the vaccine. France is behind the UK in vaccine delivery, so have not locked down completely tonight, only a little ‘terror’ of a 6 o’clock curfew, but in two weeks they shut the lid totally, and go for total horror like the UK.

And the french will be terrorised onto taking the life long vaccine. This is now the target. Remember they failed with the stupid tracking app. We need to make them fail with the vaccine. So get viceroys get beat up again.

Jan 14, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  God

So they beat up on their ‘viceroy’s again.

Jan 14, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  God

God = Bob, Shirper, Sheriff, Henry, Jonny Ripe, Dog, Philip Wilks, Phil McAvertie, Philip Jones, Philip, Phil, gas, Jenny, Joshy, Doudler, Welton Sue, Dort, Dors, Jullia Deuphine, Jack-Jill etc.

“You will only be free from the UK lockdown after you take the vaccine.”

No. That is a lie by governments to manipulate people into taking the vaccine.

Once deaths start rising from the vaccine and severe lockdown measures, restrictions and lockdowns will continue and a new variant will be announced.

Then more pressure will be brought to bear on those who haven’t taken the vaccine. Threats will be issued, “spreaders” or “asymptomatic” people who refuse the vaccine will be blamed for the spread of the non-existent virus, and detained.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 15, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  Researcher

God = Bob, Shirper, Sheriff, Henry, Jonny Ripe, Dog, Philip Wilks, Phil McAvertie, Philip Jones, Philip, Phil, gas, Jenny, Joshy, Doudler, Welton Sue, Dort, Dors, Jullia Deuphine, Jack-Jill etc.

Human 1.0, or AI?

Jan 15, 2021 3:56 PM

Definitely Human. Probably ADL. Got angry when I countered one of his other identities several months ago. He’s pushing the “CIA did it” and “America bad“ narrative.

Steers people away from the global governance and UN-WHO-WEF-IMF-World Bank-BIS directives to governments.

Jan 14, 2021 10:47 PM
Reply to  God

I don’t understand the large amount of problems/ health issues/ deaths reported with the vax. If it’s really what they want for all people…why so many adverse effects reported? They control the media…they could sweep all adverse effects under the carpet with ease. So why are they reported and highlighted? I don’t get it.

Jan 14, 2021 11:24 PM
Reply to  Ooink

They can and do sweep as much as they can under the carpet. But when a tiny amount of them have millions to control it isn’t easy. If there are 2 thousand people reported as ill, injured or dead from the vaccines you can bet your bottom dollar that the iceberg’s sunk out of sight they just didn’t have time to hide the tip.

Jan 15, 2021 1:55 AM
Reply to  Ooink

They are not. It is almost impossible to find these reports. They are sporadic. In the US the only reports are from Facebook posts of relatives who have someone die or become ill. We have no idea of the real number of adverse events or deaths because no government is admitting the total death numbers from the vaccine. The real number is far higher. You seem to be unaware that deaths occur from vaccines all the time. It’s never in the news because the hype from governments and manufacturers are that they are safe, which is an outright lie.

Jan 15, 2021 3:15 AM
Reply to  Ooink

I agree with Jura and researcher. I wonder how many vaccine deaths are not reported as well because of trust in the medical system. I have heard or read over and over “oh the doctors and staff gave the greatest care in treating…” and I have thought; why then is your friend or family member dead, if they had such great care? Inherent trust in a corrupt and incompetent medical system. Here is another nursing home report I haven’t seen (may have missed) on these pages. I think, as Jura said, it is just the tip of the iceberg. https://www.bitchute.com/video/hCbhc1uGenuC/

Jan 15, 2021 3:24 AM
Reply to  fame

second sentence should read: I wonder how many vaccine deaths are not reported by friends and family members because of trust in the medical system.

Jan 14, 2021 11:07 PM
Reply to  God

But this is the thing that most of the believers don’t understand.

There’s no claim from the vaccine manufacturers that the vaccine prevents you getting it or transmitting it and this figure of being 95% effective is basically pulled out of thin air as it’s based on flimsy studies already highlighted by Off Guardian.

But the likes of Sky News and BBC are claiming the vaccine provides immunity when it does no such thing.

Even if you believe there is a virus the mRNA vaccine is alleged to be programming the immune system to recognise the genetic code of the spike protein of the virus.

But despite never producing a gold standard isolate they’re claiming the virus has mutated 40,000 times and changed its genetic sequences.
So if this was the case then the vaccine being rolled out would be rendered useless.
When quizzed about will the vaccine work against all these variants the official line is there’s no reason it shouldn’t.
This isn’t science. It’s crap.

Interestingly as well the official line is the new PCR test to test for the variants is just to drop of the S gene and it picks up the variants.
Bullshit it does.
You can’t sequence any virus from a PCR swab.

I know more people who are starting to question this vaccine as they’re now being drip fed they’ll still have to wear masks and do antisocial distancing and lockdowns being introduced.

The authorities and big pharma have really messed this up big time.

The vaccine narrative is to be frank just unbelievable.

And the vaccine passport would be useless if everyone who takes the vaccine is actually not protected.

Jan 15, 2021 1:53 AM
Reply to  Paul

There’s no virus so what are they supposed to be protected from! The PCR test?

Jan 18, 2021 2:01 AM
Reply to  Researcher

No one has actually worked out what a PCR test is testing for !

Jan 15, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  Paul

This is what I can’t figure out. It’s clear the vaccine doesn’t give immunity, and the trials were aiming at lessening symptoms, not preventing transmission. So, how can they promote the vaccine passport, right??! How are people missing that it makes no sense whatever? https://mynorthwest.com/2291876/covid-vaccine-expectations/

Jan 15, 2021 4:05 PM
Reply to  Cori

Good point. The aim is trap people into the passport-digital ID-social credit-digital currency-biomonitoring system of medical compliance. Those people may be free to travel for a short time, but the reality is if they are being injected with synthetic pathogens, travel isn’t in their future because they will become too ill in the long term to travel.

This is a trick to harm people and gain mass compliance for forced medical procedures, quarantines and detainment for non existent threats.

Jan 15, 2021 5:14 PM
Reply to  Cori

I think we’re dealing with monumental psychopaths who’ve told so many lies they’ve tripped themselves up.

If the official death totals are to be believed there’s now a clear correlation with a rise in deaths following the vaccine roll out.

You would think they’d be desperate for the deaths to come down to try and promote the vaccine.

Jan 16, 2021 5:27 PM
Reply to  Cori

I think this gets back to the 2+2 equals 5.
The months and months of constant fearmongering of daily death toll and lockdowns have driven people to distraction and dementia. The simple math is now beyond comprehension. 2+2 really does make 5 eventually.
The realization that there is not even any promise of immunity from C-OVID with the vaccine doesn’t even register.
Its the people who wont believe the C-OVID narrative or wont take the vaccine they blame for their continued incarceration.

Jan 16, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Kathy

I intended to add . They see their vaccine travel pass port as the reward.

Jan 16, 2021 7:48 PM
Reply to  Kathy

How many times I have heard from one friend, “if those people would just mask my life wouldn’t be on hold!” Jesus, it is all I can do not to scream back at her that those damned masks do NOT protect anyone in reality, even IF there is a virus! Sometimes I try to chip away at that crap with her, and she’ll seem to agree with me on some of it, but the blame game is stronger with her and I know none of it really sinks in. She has not yet gone on a vaccine tirade, but I know that’s coming, and soon. As for that vaccine, I will say and do say to people that it won’t stop me from spreading it, so what IS the point? Isn’t that the whole “point” of the face muzzle, to protect others? But logic just doesn’t come into play when one is discussing the mighty covid.

Jan 14, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  God
Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jan 14, 2021 6:54 PM

O’Brien ”How many fingers am I holding up Winston?’

Jan 14, 2021 6:53 PM

Bombshell: John Solomon on the drive-by impeachment of Donald Trump. (video)

No wonder the impeachment was done so quickly
Evidence is emerging about the that Capitol invasion:

  • Metro Police and FBI knew attack was coming
  • they knew several of the individuals involved
  • knew of conversations about “killing cops”
  • U.S. Attorney is bringing a conspiracy case — which means it was planned
  • if attack was planned, Trump could not have caused it
  • planners may have given maps of the Capitol to the perpetrators

The icing on the cake:
Solomon says key Capitol officials including the Sergeants at Arms of both houses and the Capitol Police Chief were interviewed about collusion with the invaders (all three have resigned):

Solomon issued FOIA request for details of Congress officials questioned.
Police refused to name names because it’s “personally embarrassing” and “invades privacy”.

“These are public officials. Their job was security. What they did is a matter of public interest. Something tells me what’s in those documents has some bearing on what happened on the Hill. And the question I have is what did Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell know.”

John Solomon, founder and editor of Just The News

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 14, 2021 6:40 PM

On the news, a magnified face via zoom tells the harrowing tale of the miserable fate befalling the poorest under the utterly unavoidable excruciating conditions imposed by the pandemic. Also, the tragedy unfolding with the traumatising of young minds under the – once again utterly unavoidable excruciating conditions imposed by the pandemic.

And a frightening suspicion emerges: the builders of this lovingly crafted arena of despair are telling us precisely what they are deliberately doing whilst hiding behind the diversion of the pandemic as contrived deus ex machina.

So now these demonic crafters can place their cards on the table and maliciously detail their long-awaited revenge on us, the unprofitable masses, who dared to think we were important and deserving of dignity and nourishment. It was never our world. It was theirs.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 14, 2021 6:33 PM

Seriously! We all know 2 + 2 = 3. Till further notice.

Jan 14, 2021 6:43 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

2+2=whatever you want it to be

Jan 14, 2021 6:55 PM
Reply to  Willem

And covid is for real because (3*143-76a)/12*pi square multiplied with c/2q is a mighty lot.

And don’t you dare to compare these numbers with seasonal flu, because Covid=not similar to flu!

Jan 14, 2021 7:08 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Or: Sometime 2+2 is that and sometimes it is something else.
Let’s take the Skripals. That is Julia and Sergey Skripal. We were manipulated to believe that Putin tried to poison them. Western governments and their MSM scream it at us every day – for months!
But if the British government murders – or at last “disappeared” – Julia and Sergey Skripal this will not even be mentioned at all. Also the British police and the English state attorneys, whose duty it is to investigate and bring before court crimes of murder and crimes of kidnapping suddenly don’t care about the Skripals as soon as their national government is the cruel perpetrator. Also human rights suddenly don’t exist any more.

Jan 14, 2021 10:11 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Back in my school days, we had fun with this formula:
a^2-a^2=a^2-a^2 =>
a(a-a)=(a+a)(a-a) =>
a=(a+a) ^ a-a≠0 =>
1=2 ^ a≠a

Jan 14, 2021 6:32 PM
Jan 14, 2021 6:21 PM

European Convention on Human Rights

Right to liberty and security
1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in the following cases and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law:
e) the lawful detention of persons for the prevention of the spreading of infectious diseases, of persons of unsound mind, alcoholics or drug addicts or vagrants;

Right to respect for private and family life
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family
life, his home and his correspondence.

Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

Freedom of assembly and association
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.


If you have NO ‘infectious diseases’ how can you be detained? Why has nobody taken a case against the fuckers! Where are the fucking human rights lawyers

Jan 14, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  God

Read carefully they never use COVID rules/laws to arrest or prosecute people (despite MSM propaganda) but mostly local ordinances ,in US city codes, permits as they know COVID medical emergency rules are illegal and unconstitutional if applied to healthy people. And hence state coercion, incentives and disincentives are a method employed to enforce COVID terror.

Jan 14, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  God

None of the existing laws you cite have any relevance under emergency powers. Courts are somewhat of a trick anyway since they are entirely comprised of employees of registered corporations.

For instance the ICC was created by the same cartel who created the UN, the WHO and the WEF.

Governments are incorporated entities enforcing contract law through unlawful, legal fictions or straw men, created in your name through the issuance of birth certificates.

The fraudulent test was created as a statistical and legal tool for human kidnapping and forced disposal of uncooperative, unwanted and excess people. This is not about compliance it’s about depopulation.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 14, 2021 8:45 PM
Reply to  God

I would like to see above references to “his” replaced with “his/hers”. Women are also human.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 14, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  May Hem

“Their” always comes in handy.

Jan 14, 2021 11:28 PM
Reply to  May Hem

I think his covers his hers. It just flows more when you don’t allow the fear of upsetting snowflakes with an innocent word you might type or forget to type.

This is why so many f**g people miss important points. They’re so busy scouring text for a word that can be twisted into something to be outraged about that they don’t absorb what’s being said to them.

Jan 16, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I don’t mind I am ambidextrous any way

Jan 16, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  tish

In both hands ?

Jan 18, 2021 1:13 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

yes, at the same time

Jan 15, 2021 8:03 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Don’t question God please.

Jan 16, 2021 9:52 PM
Reply to  Michael

I agree Michael it is not good to Question God at the moment he is having a terrible time. He was even sorry he had a party on his birthday !

Jan 14, 2021 9:00 PM
Reply to  God

Also, stepping back into this old sock puppet identity ‘cause your Bob-Sherper sock was exposed, is not going to work.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 15, 2021 12:09 AM
Reply to  God

Hello God: Heh, heh… Nice to see you finally showed up…

The reason human rights lawyers are ineffective in the courts, is due to the fact that humans have never had actual rights. Replace all parlance of the word “right”, and replace it with the term Responsibility. Puts a whole different twist on it, wouldn’t you say?

This introduces an interesting approach to stopping “emergency” dictates and government sponsored corporate fascism. >

The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper
Spiro Skouras
December 27, 2020
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper – Activist Post

Also available on BitChute:

Jan 14, 2021 6:11 PM

Covid is a multi tool. It’s never going away because it first of all gives an alternative reason for the physical effects of 4g, 5g, 11g….
It mainly serves depopulation and behavior control

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 14, 2021 8:47 PM
Reply to  Rayray

and profit-making for the planners and their chums.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 14, 2021 6:07 PM

Like a lot of ‘1984’ it needs context. This is why I tell people to read the book — the various movie versions are entertaining but they miss a lot of the core concepts that are embodied in the text. In this case the idea behind this expression ‘2 + 2 = 5’ is not to introduce some novel form of arithmetic but rather to reinforce to Winston that the Party’s realty — what Dick Cheney opely described as our ‘aternative reality’ some years ago — is what you should believe regardless of your experience or even logic.

If I recall correctly, once Winston freely admits this equation is correct then he is released to live out his days, a broken man hunched over a chessboard with his Victory Gin. He even comes across Julia but there’s no spark of a relationship left, they’re just two irrelevant people passing in the street.

(In a bizarre modern twist I’ve found that ‘1984’ is now invoked to describe attempts by ‘the world as we know it’ to intrude on an alternative reality. That is, if you don’t subscribe to “Stop the Steal”or any one of a number of Covid related conspiracies then you’re obviously an agent of Big Brother.)

Jan 14, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

it was Big Brother that stole the US election, rather obviously. unless you find it plausible that Sleepy Joe Biden is the most popular candidate in the entire history of the United States, with his magnetic personality and inspiring program attracting 80 million votes, 14 million more than either Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton received. if anybody has a problem with this story, it must be because of their inadequate exercise of Reality Control.


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 14, 2021 8:49 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

Sleepy Joe’s main attribute is that he is “not Trump”. Its difficult to explain this to people inside the bubble but I know personlly many life long Republicans who despise Trump. The numbers explains why Trump lost but on balance Republicans did rather well at the polls. I doubt if the result would be the same if the election was held today — Trump and his team’s conduct post election is a bit of a turn off for many voters and I reckon it contributed significantly to the loss of those two Senate seats.

Questioning the accuracy of the results “Kracken” style didn’t work because Trump signaled well in advance what the GoP’s post election strategy was to be. This allowed interested parties to take precautions to ensure that the results were bullet proof. From my reading of the situation Trump’s team was caught off guard — they expected a closer race with the Democrats disputing the results, a similar situation to 2000, and were ill-prepared for what unfolded which explained the amateurish attempts to challenge the results in the courts. As these got rebuffed Trump then resorted to bullying state officials which had the exact opposite effect he wanted — assuming Raffenberger had accidentally ‘found’ 12,000 votes then by the time that phone call was over he’d have probably ‘lost’ them again because, frankly, by that time everyone was fed up with Trump and his constant bluff and bluster. The events last week just sealed his fate — Trump could have retreated with honor to fight another day but he’s going to be lucky to win a local race for dog catcher now (and that’s assuming he stays out of jail).

Incidentally — the most egregious example of “2 + 2 = 5” in recent history was in the run up to the second Iraq war. Nobody I know had the slightest doubt that there were no “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in that country, nothing that would pose a threat to us, and yet this line was pushed by the government, repeated by the media and anyone influential disagreeing with it (Blix, Rather) was taken out.

Jan 14, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

” If I recall correctly, once Winston freely admits this equation is correct then he is released to live out his days, a broken man hunched over a chessboard with his Victory Gin. He even comes across Julia but there’s no spark of a relationship left, they’re just two irrelevant people passing in the street.”

Winston’s drive and purpose throughout his battle against state conformity was his love for Julia. Once, to his horror, he realised that the ‘telescreen‘ that everyone was forced to watch in the self isolation of their room was actually watching and listening to him, he realised what was lying in wait for him.

He was taken to Room 101. This is the room that contains your worst nightmares ; your deepest fears. Winston’s was Rats.

His head was enclosed within a cage while his limbs were restrained by straps. Rats were released into the cage and walked all around his face and head . Hungry rats.

The mental agony( a key to enslavement) becomes too much and he screams and pleads for release. He tells them to kill Julia and let him go. Winston finally breaks.

The system broke him. He had held a clear view of right and wrong and of what is moral and immoral. But, in the end, his humanity was as flawed as all humanity. It just took a lot to find his and break him. But break him they did.

Orwell was on the money in every area. He left us the warnings. But quoting him isn’t working.

I believe Orwell’s protagonist was based on the future he knew he wasn’t going to live to see( he was racing against the clock to finish the book before TB took him). He had his son with him throughout. His son would have been around the same age as Winston Smith by 1984.

What we need to learn from the story of 1984 and of Orwell is that we need to become an army of Orwells, not of Winstons.

Jan 16, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Very good point

John Goss
John Goss
Jan 14, 2021 6:05 PM

The film reminded me of a traumatic day in my life when as a seven-year old I volunteered to spell “teeth”. I was invited out to the front to write it on the blackboard.

In my neatest handwriting, which wasn’t very neat, I wrote “teef”. A few laughed. Then everybody else who could not spell it laughed. You never forget a lesson like that.

Now in this dystopian world we put on our masks, stay two metres apart, lockdown, wash our hands obsessively and obey all the rules Newspeak sets for us. We have no idea how many times we might have brushed our teef over the years, and don’t care, but if we get told it’s 55,480 we accept it.

And when I write “we” I really mean “they”! I learnt my lesson many years ago.

Good film!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 15, 2021 6:48 AM
Reply to  John Goss

I’m saying “teef” from now on. Thank you for the anecdote!

Jan 14, 2021 6:05 PM

CNN’s Don Lemon: If You Voted For Trump, You’re With The Klan, The Nazis, & The Rioters.
Book-by-the-Cover Test: Compare the visage of Don Lemon and Matt Hancock.

“There’s something happening here
But what it is ain’t exactly clear…

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and take you away.”

Jan 14, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

”When CNN Praised Storming of Legislative Chamber”


I know you are far-right, but I think political ‘passionate demonstration’ is needed now and again, in the fight for justice. It just is. Perhaps not the CIA launched type in Hong Kong but in the USA, yes…..The US is never going to be at pease with itself until this boil is lanced. The political system there has so failed the population it is no longer fit for purpose and revolution is the only way out and revolutions are never tidy.
However costly & destructive that will be, the US political system needs to be pulled down.

No health care for the population in over 60 years, when the rest of the world has it…..the exploitation has just gone too-far now. if the politicians don’t bend soon, and they won’t, then people will cheer into power a hitler or kick off a civill war.

Jan 14, 2021 5:19 PM

This film is a sign of the unfortunate times we live in.

Yes it’s simplistic. Very simplistic. It doesn’t try to over explain the finer points of anything.

It’s a tiny allegory. It’s the internet version of political discussion and literary criticism. The Boy is Orwell’s Winston Smith. The School is the state. The teacher is the agent of Big Brother. The prefects are the thought police.

Winston stands against the state and refuses to become part of it’s apparatus and determines to cling on to his personal sovereignty. In front of his fellow citizens he has his brains shot out as an example of why that’s not wise ; of why conformity is your only choice in reality. The teacher refers to Winston’s corpse as that ( ”get that out of here”). He is reduced to mere meat and litter and disposed of as such. The clock has finally ‘struck 13‘.

Once there was an age when the deeper, darker themes of 1984 were discussed and explored. It’s themes, it’s plot and sub plots and it’s characters.

But we live in an age when the average Joe believes he deserves a degree in Philosophy if he can recite 5 out of 8 mystical quotes he saw on a tumblr poster. It’s a time when a tweet is seen as sufficiently deep or involved enough to qualify as a worthwhile discussion.

Hopefully this is the way to teach the sheeple who question nothing. Translating the deeper, complex machinations that are twisting them out of shape and leading them to the concentration camps, into bite sized easy-to-digest nibbles.

I hope it works. After all, every picture tells a story. It’s how great teachers have operated for a thousand years or more. Everyone who can see can read when we use that technique. And if it’s simple enough, it sticks.

Jan 14, 2021 5:43 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“average Joe believes he deserves a degree in Philosophy if he can recite 5 out of 8 mystical quotes he saw on a tumblr poster.”

This is the dirty underbelly of what passes for the muddle class (muggle class — were the Potterists self-describing?) (See JK Rowling’s Mitford obsession, vague personal history and reported lack of acquaintance with her own work at PotterCon – i.e. a hidden hand?).

In many countries parapsychology has replaced the daytime TV chat show. Britain has a GS Chancellor of the Exchequer deep into Thelema.

On my reading list is Aleister Crowley: The Beast in Berlin: Art, Sex, and Magick in the Weimar Republic, where we may confirm or deny or at least get a pointer to the linkage of Thelema to the rise of the Nazis in a manipulated, international context.

Bear in mind that in the U.S. at the same time Jack Parsons was gyrating with L Ron Hubbard in a Thelemic happening to conjure up his Strange Angel and the spurt to the moon.

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Jan 14, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Have you read The Magician by W Somerset Maugham? It’s about Crowley and well worth one’s time.


Jan 14, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

Filmed in the 1920s by Rex Ingram. Ingram inducted Michael Powell, the greatest British director after Hitchcock and possibly David Lean, into the industry.

Some of Powell’s films are full of occultism like ‘The Red Shoes’ (the blood they have to walk through for success?) and ‘Peeping Tom’ which portrays trauma-based min control and childhood sexualisation producing a serial killing psychopath. He also made a number of films glorifying the Britsh military and intelligence services (like ‘Battle of the River Plate’, a hugely dubious wartime narrative).

Jan 14, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yep, I see America as Nazi Germany but all grown up and wearing a new dress( paperclipped together in strategic areas).

I tend to assess and judge by the actions of somebody or something or a nation rather than the words they spit.

One stand out in this dark area is the opinion, life, work and reputation of one freak- Michael Aquino.

On the label it says Aquino was a ‘ military intelligence officer specializing in psychological warfare”. In English that means he was paid a lot of money to deceive and was connected to all the right people and organisations. That’s pretty US and traditional so far.

Then you get to the meat ‘n’ potatoes. he also founded The Temple Of Set while being this CIA officer. He describes his religious belief as Setianism.

He ands freak show) refer to this crap as esoteric. He s closely connected to some disturbing MK work on young boys. He was closely associated too with one Larry( Laurence) King, the televangelist who preached the Lord’s gospel then went out to rape children.

You’d expect the US high rollers to distance themselves from this twisted little dog or have him put down. But he wasn’t JFK or Martin Luther King Jr. Instead he got to do the chat show circuit dressed as a dickhead.

I believe he can still be witnessed talking nonsense on youtube..

None of this should shock I suppose. After all the same American Intelligence( not a deliberate oxymoron I promise) funded Albert Stubblebine ( yes it’s a real name) to create ‘super soldiers’ who were magic.

He also tried to train them to make goats blow up through the power of their mind.When he attempted to train his soldiers to ‘become invisible to walk through walls’ he demonstrated how to do it. Or tried to. Much to the shock of everyone who didn’t have a brain, all he did was walk into the f***g wall. That might explain a lot actually.

This is all from the US. The country leading the chase via Gates and Fauci to kill a virus that has no identifiable form but keeps changing shape. They’ll be saying they landed on the moon next.

America, a little ol’ place in downtown Hollywood.

Roll up, roll up, coming to a screen near you( whether you want it or not ) ‘ we’re killing ourselves and the planet and it’s all your fault” Starring Greta ” i should be left alone” Thunberg, courtesy of her handlers at the CIA and CNN.

Jan 14, 2021 5:18 PM


Jan 15, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  Joerg

John Shipton is Julian’s father

Jan 14, 2021 5:11 PM

An important documentary for dealing with police in the coming months and years.


The above documentary explains the difference between the law of the land which is common law, and statutes and regulations which are created under maritime law through corporate government entities, using contract law. Implied consent is achieved through a legal and unlawful government deception by using our birth certificates to create a legal fiction, or “straw man”, using our birth and family names, without people’s knowledge or consent.

We are not lawfully obliged to follow statutes and regulations. Know your rights.

A discussion between David Icke and John Smith of CommonLawCourt.com.


Things are going to get a lot worse soon, and we will have to be armed with as much knowledge as possible to defeat the tyranny and coming genocide.

Jan 14, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

yes, I’m sure that armed with that theory, one may stop the bullets of the police state in mid-air.

Jan 14, 2021 8:06 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

You should just hide under your bed in case the bullets start flying or the germs are wafting through the air.

I’m not afraid of bullets, imaginary viruses or thugs in uniform who can’t even recite their own oath. If enough people resist, there’s nothing the government can do.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 14, 2021 11:54 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

More fantasy crap and brain pablum for morons. Hollywood has worked with the CIA for decades, and the end result is two generations of offspring who don’t know East from West.

Jan 14, 2021 5:10 PM

Rabobank: Why Is George Orwell’s 1984 The #2 Best-Selling Book On Amazon
Because people are idiots. Nineteen Eighty-Four entered the public domain in 2020.

There is no reason for anyone not to have read it. If you meet one, give them a clip, in true 1940’s style


Jan 14, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

But at least they’re not reading James Patterson.

Jan 14, 2021 4:41 PM

And the beat goes on…

CEO of Moderna, Stephane Bancel, says the coronavirus will be around “forever” – despite talk of the vaccine being an answer. Instead he says its highly likely that COVID-19 will become an endemic disease.

1/ Coronavirus already is endemic (but it’s not a disease).
2/ Repeatedly injecting people with mRNA variants is clearly an experiment not vaccine.
3/ Moderna has no track record and is one of Fauci’s pet scams.
4/ Stephane Bancel is a conman, a fraud, and a criminal under the Nuremberg code.

NPR: Why Are Moderna Executives Selling Stock While Developing [Shit?]

Liberty International Blog: Dr. Francis Boyle: ‘Bioweapon’ mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Ruling Against Nazi Cruelty

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 14, 2021 4:40 PM

One convenient aspect to the covid coverage is its seemingly infinitely extendable “infection” to all parts of the news. Just glancing over the BBC headlines (which is all I can stomach) I see the following covid related stories:

  • “UK-bound arrivals from South America and Portugal to be banned from Friday over concerns about the Brazilian coronavirus variant”
  • “Covid has ‘calamitous impact’ on surgery wait times”
  • “Are we really staying at home?”
  • “Find out the rules where you live”
  • “When might you get a vaccine?”
  • “Key NHS services ‘in crisis’ after Covid surge”
  • “England’s cancer, critical care, A&E and routine treatments all hit as hospitals accommodate virus patients.”
  • “Row over half term free school meals plan”
  • “Couple with Covid have ‘final meeting’ in hospital”
  • “Covid vaccine centre closed amid heavy snowfall”
  • “Infections levelling off in some areas – scientist”

Apart from the overall covid programme, this huge con is also a boon to the news industry who can now adopt an automatic pilot mode with so many promising angles for endless padding:

  • Celeb stories: there will be no end of these fame junkies deprived of their normal avenues for exposure, who will therefore be eager to supply whatever sensational heart warning tales of viral confrontation they can spin.
  • Personal vignettes from the everyday punters exploring every conceivable angle – the tragedies, the tales of overcoming all etc.
  • Vengeful attacks the “incompetent” MPs. This an old one given a new lease of life with a new focus.
  • Tales of past pandemics recounted and given a recasting whereby they look like nothing compared to covid.
  • And then there is the vaccine angle which provides a whole rich array of avenues similar to the above – perhaps with a competitive angle as to which country “gets it right” for the moment of course since there will clearly be no permissible end to the mighty saga.

And, apart from the gravy train of virtually self-generating news stories here, there is the capacity for diverting everyone away from actual news (which will be decided by the Big Knobs above on the basis of “Nothing to see here, move along now!”)

Jan 14, 2021 11:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s everywhere. I was always a fan of rugby and cricket and sport in general…but I just don’t think I can take the references to this con anymore. Sport, and everything associated with it…commentary etc…all these people HAVE to speak the party line or they’re out of work. So all you get it this creepy party line. Players elbow shaking, speaking of these ‘covid times’, making believe that player/ group ‘bubbles’ are valid and work. People need to drop all this shit. This absolute garbage. But they won’t.

Jan 14, 2021 4:35 PM


Guy interviewed on the street and asked about his thoughts on lockdown in Spring 2020 – he predicts current events and analyses the situation 100% accurately

. comment image

Jan 14, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  Ben

A cliché but he knocked it out the park.

That’s Chris Sky, Creator of nonprofit org backtowork http://backtowork.bz and MAD mothers against distancing http://getmad.online


Jan 14, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  Ben

“The hashtag is #IoApro or #IOpen in English.”

This is a big deal


Organised mass disobedience is about more than restaurants. It’s about preventing the globalists’ plans to enslave humanity

Good luck to the restaurateurs involved. I just hope it’s not organised by the State or ruined by factions. No doubt Italian police will pick off restaurants, one by one

And why the resistance is crucial. Here a video of a distraught Italian mother, unable to feed her child, pleading for lockdown to end:


alex reynolds
alex reynolds
Jan 14, 2021 4:34 PM

So brave, so stunning, so bravely stunning and so stunningly brave. No wonder it got a BAFTA award (other recent winners: “Scenes From the Struggle for Abortion Rights for Mentally Ill Men With No Wombs” and “George Soros: A Hero For Our Times”). And here was me thinking that Arabs were dirty primitive stone-worshippers, without the inkling of an expectation that a complex profound moral parable like this could ever issue from one of the shabby, camel-turd-littered dumps that they live in.
Poor dear OffGuardianers, when you publish a piece of trite, maudlin, platitudinous trash like this in the absurd expectation that it will “give us some insight into our present situation”, you just confirm that you really would have done better to write a letter of apology to whatever neo-fascist runs the Guardian Comments page and carried on like you’d been doing for years before that.
Do you really believe that, at a time when your readers are getting headlocked by coppers on Clapham Common and dragged across the forecourts of supermarkets by security guards because we refuse to pay obeisance to some absurd “pandemic” that any twelve-year-old child with a laptop can assure himself by two minutes’ googling does not exist, we need some unshaven camel-jockey to tell us “always think for yourself”?
And yeah, I know that Iranians aren’t Arabs. I only said it to make the point to you that the level of ignorance you are assuming in your readers by presenting this facile crap to them as “never more relevant than today” is faaaar beyond that sad level of ignorance.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 14, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  alex reynolds

I know well that sense of strangled panic. Your frustration is welcome here. This is about coming together. So get it all out and make some suggestions. Peace. A2

Jan 14, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  alex reynolds

I’ve not watched it. I come here for the comments

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 14, 2021 4:17 PM

“Once there ruled in the distant city of Wirani a king who was both mighty and wise. And he was feared for his might and loved for his wisdom. Now, in the heart of that city was a well, whose water was cool and crystalline, from which all the inhabitants drank, even the king and his courtiers; for there was no other well.

One night when all were asleep, a witch entered the city, and poured seven drops of strange liquid into the well, and said, “From this hour he who drinks this water shall become mad.” Next morning all the inhabitants save the king and his lord chamberlain, drank from the well and became mad, even as the witch had foretold. And during that day the people in the narrow streets and in the market places did naught but whisper to one another, “The king is mad. Our king and his lord chamberlain have lost their reason. Surely we cannot be ruled by a mad king. We must dethrone him.”

That evening the king ordered a golden goblet to be filled from the well. And when it was brought to him he drank deeply, and gave it to his lord chamberlain to drink. And there was great rejoicing in that distant city of Wirani, because its king and its lord chamberlain had regained their reason.”

– Khalil Gibran –

(January 6, 1883 – April 10, 1931)

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 14, 2021 9:01 PM

Thank you! Isn’t it remarkable that everything worthy of understanding has already been said and written through tales and histories?

On second thought, it isn’t surprising: we are the same human beings as those who lived in the long gone and dusty centuries; our needs are the same and the problems and anxieties we suffer today are but a reincarnation.

The struggle is the same and nothing is new under the sun.

Jan 14, 2021 10:29 PM

Ah, I get it! The king and lord chamberlain are Biden and Harris, no? 😉

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 14, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  Ort

Hello Ort: All leaders throughout history, are but a reflection of the civil madness that brought them into power. The only difference in the modern world, is that peaceful and civil conversations by the village well, have been replaced by the strident dictates of television and film media. The theater is on fire, yet people remain hypnotized and passive before the spectacle…

Jan 14, 2021 4:03 PM

Neil Clark – Is Britain Turning Into East Germany?


Jan 14, 2021 3:35 PM

One thing should not escape our attention. Long before the 2+2=5, there was something terribly wrong going on – something which has gone on and continues throughout the world: the abominable treatment of children.

School should not be, but so often is, a kind of prison, where children are rigorously and vigorously forced to obey arbitrary rules set by adults who, themselves, were victimized by the same abusive system.

If we want a better world, we must be prepared to abandon the systematic mistreatment of our children.

Jan 14, 2021 3:09 PM

The Wave – 1981 (HD Better Quality)

Based on a true story — The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones in 1967.

Unity was central to the Third Wave’s ethos, and the group made banners bearing their logo, which read “Strength through Involvement” and “Strength Through Discipline.” The students were also prohibited from gathering in groups larger than two (though a school newspaper from the time says it was three).
The students were told that if they went along with the experiment, they’d get an “A.” If they tried to overthrow Jones in any way, they’d get an “F.” If they refused to participate, they’d be banished to the library.
Perhaps most importantly, Jones told them that participation in the Third Wave was all-encompassing: the rules applied in class and at school, but also outside of school, and even at home.

By just the fourth day, Jones felt he was losing control over the experiment. It had attracted the attention of other students and the movement had grown — there was even an active resistance to it. Jones decided it had to end.


Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 14, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Die Welle”, German film from 2008 base on the same experiment:

Jan 14, 2021 3:43 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Thank you. There is a documentary, too, for which I can only find the trailer: Lesson Plan (2011)

Interesting to note from the article linked above that:

  • prohibited from gathering in groups larger than two or three
  • polarization: get an ‘A’ for compliance or an ‘F’ for challenging
  • quarantine: refusal meant banishment to the library
  • universality: rules applied at home, even when out of sight

Kinda like Covid.

Really want to see the documentary: you have fellow teachers and some students accusing Jones of promoting fascism. He says he was exposing it. The giveaway is a former student who admits they “felt trapped”. Clearly that was not by Jones but by the influence of the mass upon them.

I say Jones was courageous. If you dare to expose the behaviour of the masses, you risk them projecting upon you and destroying you.

Sanjoy Mahajan
Sanjoy Mahajan
Jan 17, 2021 6:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thank you for the pointer to “Lesson Plan”: It can be found at Journeyman Pictures (https://www.journeyman.tv/film/6665/lesson-plan), where I have just bought and downloaded it from. I’ll put it on when it’s next my turn to choose the movie for family movie night. 
My last choice was “The Wave” itself, which was excellent although too short. The parallels with the COVID fraud are many (as I relearn whenever I try to talk to mask fanatics).
I had last seen that film in 1989, as a student in Philip Zimbardo’s “Psychology of Mind Control” course. I did not know then that his course would be more relevant to understanding the world of today than the myriad mathematics and physics courses that I took for my degree. Alas.

Jan 14, 2021 1:54 PM

Hi all.
Can someone help with this…..
The other day I was discussing with a friend the lockdown/border restrictions/mask policies in Australia. My point was that it was all a ridiculous overreaction to a virus that had killed so few but she countered that it was precisely BECAUSE of the same policies that these numbers were so low. This argument has thrown me before and am hoping that some readers can supply me with their version of a reply to this assertion.
Thanks in advance

Jan 14, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  SubTropical

Jan 14, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  SubTropical

Ask your friend to explain to you precisely why 850 of the 1000 deaths in Australia happened in Victoria amongst the elderly (mainly in nursing homes) during one of the most strictest lockdowns in the world.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 14, 2021 2:11 PM
Reply to  SubTropical

“Tell your friend you got your authentic Doc Billy Eugenics Euthanasia Death Shot and, being the extraordinary being that you are, survived it. Besides the tin foil face diaper on their face should protect them from all nasty air born viroids and pathogens. You, unlike them, are now immune and free of such things.”

Bella Donna
Bella Donna
Jan 14, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

He’s right about us needing germs to strengthen our immune systems!

Tyrone Baird
Tyrone Baird
Jan 14, 2021 11:56 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Not allowed to share this on facefuck or shitter. No comedy allowed !

Jan 14, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  SubTropical

False. The numbers are generated through fraudulent, non specific, unreliable tests.

Not lockdowns, restrictions, or masks.

So the differences in each nation’s figures aren’t from actual infections of any virus, current or past, but an outcome of the number of tests administered, the primers uses in the tests – some countries use different genetic sequences – and the cycle threshold (number) of the tests which determines their positive or negative outcome. The higher the cycle threshold in a country, the more positive tests.

These numbers can be directly controlled by the government through health department directives to hospitals and testing centers. Governments are also controlling the labs so they can control the outcome of the statistics generated depending on the political need.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 14, 2021 2:22 PM
Reply to  SubTropical

One thought is to compare the figures in countries that took strict measures with those like Sweden, Belarus or Brazil that didn’t. This is still problematic for me because, as much as I would love to believe that Covid exists, I need to know that the virus has been isolated to do this.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 14, 2021 4:31 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

The virus has been isolated by the CDC, put through four rounds of replication in tissue culture cells, then sequenced and shown to be the same as originally sequenced to be.

Jan 14, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

No. That is false.


It’s fraudulent in every aspect. From the non isolation and non purification to the use of the fraudulent PCR test numerous times, the use of VERO cells, the toxic soup created, the total lack of controls, the inability to show any growth in any human cell line and the faux sequencing.

Jan 14, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Absolutely right.

SC2 virus was not isolated as Koch postulates not fulfilled, no cause of “COVID” firmly established after one year of COVID hysteria.

The paper of discovery of alleged new betacoronavirus (referenced 5000+ times) misleadingly suggested SC2 as a likely cause of allegedly new disease was published in February 2020 in NEJM entitled “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019”


A quote from Chinese NEJM report:

“Positive results.. obtained with use of a real-time RT-PCR assay for RNA targeting to a consensus RdRp region of pan β-CoV (although the cycle threshold value was higher than 34 for detected samples). “

“Virus isolation [K: not exactly as in fact centrifuge for cleansing was used to remove some large cellular debris and then flushed with saline water, that is not full filtering and isolation procedure which is used fulfilling Koch postulates where all other existing in a sample pathogens must be identified and one by one removed] from the clinical specimens was performed with human airway epithelial cells and Vero E6 and Huh-7 cell lines.”

Was RT-PCR that reliable?

from NYT

“From Ct [of] 32 onwards, it becomes very difficult to culture the virus or to extract a complete sequence, which shows the completely artificial nature of this positivity of the test, with such high Ct levels, above 30.”

Apparently PCR used was not reliable as six months and millions of tests later ct 25-30 was found to be maximum threshold for live virus detection.

All of that alleged SC2 virus cause of COVID not only was questioned and repudiated by other research but was clearly refuted by Chinese authors themselves in the same February 20, 2020 paper talking about implication not proof that only satisfied Koch postulates can provide.

“Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak.”(ibis).

Moreover, Massive discrepancies between PCR test and clinical diagnosis of COVID were found in England.


FDA concurs and adds clause of inherent non specificity i.e. warning about unrelated to SC2 virus other genetic material load Detected by PCR :

From FDA approval letter for Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., RTqPCR test.

“Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.”

Manufacturers explicitly address issue of non specificity and other viruses interference with PCR tests allowing wrong interpretation of ct as having anything to do specifically with SC2 load and not with other commonly present in people viral load such as common cold 200 viral strains.

Manufacturer Creative Diagnostics website.
SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit (CD019RT)

Regulatory status: For research use only, NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTICS PROCEDURES
Datasheet COA SDS
Specificity: non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.,.

Fatal Flaws including non specificity in Drosten designed WHO adopted PCR tests are scientifically described here

as far as lockdown is concerned it is self fulfilled prophecy as we will never know empirically (in specific location with specific demographic structure and infrastructure that affects mortality and vulnerablility) what would have happened if there were no lockdowns as this false argument is often used by cult Covidians peddling propaganda that without lockdown it would have been much worse having no shred of evidence to prove it as such option was denied.

Lockdown-free Response to other pandemics including seasonal flu pandemics even today per WHO directives should a guidance what happened without lockdowns in specific locations especially with flu vaccine effectiveness of average 25% only not ridiculous 95% claimed by by Pharma About COVID “vaccines” which should end lockdowns immediately.

It is classical manipulation using obvious lack of data related to denied alternatives as a proof legitimizing imposed choice governments arbitrarily, apriori made.

Jan 14, 2021 11:36 PM
Reply to  Kalen

These are arguments of now fervent peddlers of lockdowns against lockdowns of the past calling them scientifically baseless and useless according to empirical data.

From den of JHU cult Covidians :

  1. A team of Johns Hopkins scholars say quarantines don’t work but are pursued for political reasons. (September 2019)

In the report, they explain how quarantine is more political than related to public health: “During an emergency, it should be expected that implementation of some NPIs, such as travel restrictions and quarantine, might be pursued for social or political purposes by political leaders, rather than pursued because of public health evidence.” Later on, they explain the ineffectiveness of quarantine: “In the context of a high-impact respiratory pathogen, quarantine may be the least likely NPI to be effective in controlling the spread due to high transmissibility.”

and more.

In March 2020, Michael Osterholm – now Biden’s Covid-19 advisor – also argued that lockdowns are not a “cure” for the pandemic, listing multiple costs from a lockdown. Yet, Osterholm’s New York Times article in August reveals a contrasting viewpoint, stating that “we gave up on our lockdown efforts to control virus transmission well before the virus was under control” by opening “too quickly.” Osterholm and (Neel) Kashkari promote a mandatory shelter-in-place “for everyone but the truly essential workers.”

Also in March 2020, these findings from the listed works and many others culminated in an open letter to vice-president Mike Pence signed by 800 medical specialists from numerous universities throughout the country which pointed out: “Mandatory quarantine, regional lockdowns, and travel bans[…] are difficult to implement, can undermine public trust, have large societal costs and, importantly, disproportionately affect the most vulnerable segments in our communities.”

Jan 14, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  SubTropical

I think it’s time that we accept that lockdowns do work to control infection rates. Evidence being that cases rose massively after we were allowed to mix households at Christmas, and are now plateauing 1 and a half weeks after lockdown has been announced.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 14, 2021 2:45 PM
Reply to  Bob

It’s not about massive testing and the good old false positives you say?

Jan 14, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

We’ve done mass testing for about 6 months now, so we can accurately predict how many cases there are at one time. There are clearly more cases now than there were a few months ago. You can also look at percentage of tests which come back positive; this has also gone up.

If false positives were as common as you say, how come it’s the case that as positive cases rise, so do deaths?

Jan 14, 2021 4:43 PM
Reply to  Bob

really is there is no argument against the fear generated by people being infected by a neptune, Saturn transit….and no real way of understanding the induced terror they feel when they are and you are not…,and no argument is going to stop it…

I watched people being terrified yesterday because their phone aps wouldn’t work at a cafe…the net was down…people as a group are quite nuts when these transits are about…there is no rational argument to be had…it will pass, sadly after much damage has been done….

Jan 14, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  Edith

That’s when the sheeple react to oppression Edith. When the tyrants drop their mobile phone signals or internet. That’s a cause they’ll actually fight like dogs for. Idiots.

Jan 16, 2021 10:10 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling


Jan 14, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  Bob

The Covid19 mortality % rate in relation to population for these countries is….

UK = 0.11%

FRANCE = 0.10%

USA = 0.11%

GERMANY = 0.04%

Impossible to tell if this is From or With Covid19.

Jan 14, 2021 11:38 PM
Reply to  Grafter

either way it leaves over 99.99% safe..so our question to the nihilists is simple- where’s the urgency,

Jan 15, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Always specify “official infection mortality rate”.

Jan 16, 2021 6:05 AM
Reply to  Grafter

There can be no COVID mortality if COVID numbers are based on fundamentally flawed non specific PCR test that per FDA cannot determine infection status and hence observed temporarily increased excess all causes mortality (also subject of manipulation including artificially increased multiple time death reporting as it is not based on autopsies) are due to other factors including extreme social stress due to proliferated by MSM fear porn, misdiagnosis, malpractice, wrong therapies and drug regimes and medical mistakes that regularity take one million of Americans lives a year and most of all deadly rules and regulations imposed as a response to manufactured pandemic.

Jan 14, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  Bob

What’s a case?

Someone healthy? Because healthy people are testing positive. Sick people are being denied treatment and dying to protect healthy ‘cases’

You defend this?

Jan 14, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  Ben

You’re right, not everyone with COVID-19 gets very sick, but many people do. Therefore hospitals become overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients to the point that there is no capacity to treat people with other conditions. People aren’t being denied treatment because of lockdowns, they’re being denied treatment because there aren’t enough doctors to treat the hoardes of people coming in with COVID-19 and the people with other illnesses.
This, along with people dying from COVID-19 complications, is what is causing a huge death toll.

Jan 14, 2021 4:25 PM
Reply to  Bob

This is complete bullshit and you are either ignorant or a plant, provocateur.

To some extent, it is correct that people are being denied treatment because doctors are too busy with COVID horseshit, but it’s not because COVID is dangerous; it’s because of all the stupid protocols that have been put in place, including closures of hospital wards, and so on. All of that is artificial, made up, not based in reality.

Stop the fucking testing and “cases” disappear. Only the normal seasonal respiratory diseases will remain. Plus, it would take some time before people recover from the massive scaremongering. Also, surgical wards might get somewhat overcrowded due to all the motherfuckers behind COVID getting treatment for kicked asses, smashed in faces, that sort of thing …

“Huge death toll” (sic) ..? Get a life … look at the goddamn graphs.

Jan 14, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  Jacques

This is not true.
Intensive care units (ICUs) are full in most hospitals in England despite most hospitals increasing their ICU capacity. Winters in the NHS are normally bad, but this is so much worse.
If you stop the testing, you still have lots of patients coming in with severe shortness of breath with their X-Rays showing a bilateral pneumonia (a finding which is otherwise extremely rare). This is real, and this is terrifying.

A question I have for you: who do you think is behind COVID?

Jan 14, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Bob

who do you think is behind COVID?

the organisers of Event 201

Billy – inject you with my love – Gates

Fauci and Birx

Big Pharma

WEF – Klaus – you are not essential – Schwab

Elements of Chinese Gov

Other elite eugenisists who think it’s time to cull the herd

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 14, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  Bob

its all the wifi and cell phone radiation. people have been exposed for years now and with lockdowns the levels go thru the roof with people concentrated in residential areas using this tech all day.


Jan 14, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

COVID-19 deniers can’t agree on what is causing the pandemic. The comment above you names a number of people and organisations with barely any links to each other, while you plug the completely unevidenced claim that WIFI and cell phone radiation somehow causes people to develop pneumonia.

Matt UK
Matt UK
Jan 14, 2021 11:29 PM
Reply to  Bob

ICUs are full every winter. With people with flu or pneumonia and with other underlying health problems.

Jan 14, 2021 6:44 PM
Reply to  Bob

I smell 77th Brigade.

Jan 14, 2021 11:41 PM
Reply to  Bob

I have a jar full of fresh covid -free air here Bob. I collected it fresh an hour ago and sealed it. For 1,000 English Pounds or 8 thousand American dollars it;s yours.

Jan 16, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

No viral particles just waiting to jump on a host then……did you use the electron microscope……will you do a deal for half a jar

Jan 17, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  tish

You know my terms by now Tish 😉

Jan 14, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  Bob

…you can do better.

Jan 14, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  Bob

Lockdowns don’t work. They suppress whatever the issue is and kick the can further down the road. This allows the fraudulent numbers game to be extended until they decide on the next pile of steaming BS. And, in the UK, they’re lining them up :
SA Strain – 30 people known to be in UK (so isolate them !!)
Brazil Strain – have they stopped people coming from there ? No !
PHE now counting deaths within 60 days of a positive PCR test
Matt “The Robot” Handycock stating that he can’t possibly say when we’ll be out of Lockdown. “That’s an incredibly important question”
So answer it, you dumb fuck !

Jan 14, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  David

I think I disagree with you on the severity of COVID-19, but I’m glad that we both agree that Matt Handcock is a prick!

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 14, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Bob

They are killing people. They have some dodgy treatment protocol for the supposed new virus. these are the people who ridicule natural health as lacking evidence when it has centuries of evidence behind it yet they have come up with these treatments with no evidence to support their use and done so it would appear in advance with no interest in other options that would not murder people. Dr Morse says he has never seen anyone die from pneumonia. The only reason they are dieing is because they are getting drugged to death, terrorised, intubated, force fed and sedated. They are the ones saying these are cases of “covid” so it can’t be heart disease or anything else but the drugs and intubation. They are in the same league as the nazis gassing people. Nobody dies from the flu. It is a natural detox process that improves health.

Obie wun kanobie
Obie wun kanobie
Jan 16, 2021 11:13 PM
Reply to  David

Nailed it, David

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 14, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  Bob

“You have been talking to the Easter Bunny again haven’t you?”

Jan 14, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  Bob

And you have peer reviewed research papers – other than your opinion – to justify your claim?

Jan 14, 2021 5:45 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

Here’s one peer reviewed research paper I found after a quick google: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7268966/

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 14, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  Bob

crime syndicate approved pseudoscience. It is very well known and understood that respiratory illnesses dry up in the spring time which is exactly when these crooks decided to implement their lockdowns knowing full well that the spike caused by the terror campaign would subside into the spring and then increasing “testing” (i.e. targetting victims with a device that doesn’t actually prove “infection” with “sars-cov2” much less a “case” of illness) could be used to generate more “cases” in the summer despite actual respiratory illness having dryed up. In case it needs pointing out you would have needed scientific evidence before hand not just implement it into a known period where it would give the desired results. We know full well vitamin D levels in NZ were still high at that time of year. As it stands you are criminals in the same league as the nazis putting people in gas chambers.

Jan 14, 2021 11:03 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

You show a complete misunderstanding of the incredible scientific methods used to detect COVID-19; technologies which have made massive leaps in the ability for doctors to detect cases of infectious diseases you brush off as “a device that doesn’t actually prove infection”.
I find your comparison of people trying to stop people dying from a pandemic to nazis putting people in gas chambers deeply offensive.

Jan 15, 2021 12:18 AM
Reply to  Bob

That article is very poor, as it runs a regression to find a correlation between cases and lockdown stringency, but as no good data or even an agreed definition on what a case is with not even testing standardised, with different countries using different procedures such as on cycle thresholds. Taiwan for example tends to run lower levels of cycle thresholds. In the UK, the US and many other countries cycles of 35-40 are used, when you are running that high a cycle threshold the virus detected cannot reproduce itself in host tissue, as Fauchi admitted. The other problem is the lack of randomised representative testing over time, giving the % infectious over time, if you had a reliable standardised test, as selection bias means you have no real idea what the % infectious are, or what R is without good data from randomised testing. Initially only the sick were tested and now very different people are being tested with very different procedures so no safe inferences can be drawn. The only country that has got close is Iceland, but even here early on people were self selecting for testing, even when asymptomatic so was not fully random.

Given the problems with non standardised testing, particularly between countries, comparison of infection rates is worthless comparison using worthless data. This is why using lagged Covid 19 deaths per capita and comparing them to lockdown stringency is more reliable, although far from ideal given the the lose non standardised definitions of a Covid 19 death between countries and the manipulation of the data. The BMJ also has a similar poor paper of a regression between cases (whatever they are) and lockdown stringency. The Oxford Government response tracker provides time series data on lockdown stringency as a percentage for a regression against per capita deaths for each country, it is also better to control for other variables as more credible studies, such as a peer reviewed study in the Lancet have done .


Chaudhry, R., Dranitsaris, G., Mubashir, T., Bartoszko, J. and Riazi, S., 2020. A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes. EClinicalMedicine, 25, p.100464.


This Lancet study above does regressions between lockdown stringency, pre existing medical conditions and both infection rates and per capita deaths. Increasing caseloads were correlated with medical co morbidities, GDP, delayed border closures, and inequality. But it also states “Rapid border closures, full lockdowns, and wide-spread testing were not associated with COVID-19 mortality per million people.” My inference from this (not in the paper), is that some measures will slow the spread, reducing the caseload, by slowing the spread, but this will not alter cumulative per capita Covid 19 deaths as Covid will still spread until herd immunity is reached, this is why some limited measures reduce the rate of infection but not the number of deaths.

This is also suggested by a much earlier University of East Anglia study that only limited social distancing measures were effective in reducing the death rate, such as banning mass gatherings, some educational establishments (although did not suggest at which age range) due to Teacher to Teacher transmission, and high contact hospitality. Stay at home orders (that produced slightly higher Covid 19 deaths), closing non essential business and masks were all ineffective in reducing the per capita death rate. Masks also were not shown to be effective, although they were unsure of this finding, needing further investigation.

Hunter, P.R., Colon-Gonzalez, F., Brainard, J.S. and Rushton, S., 2020. Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 in Europe: a quasi-experimental study. medRxiv. (preprint)

Even these limited more effective measures I would suggest are unlikely to be effective when a highly infectuous repository virus is endemic in the population. The herd immunity threshold seems to be between 15 and 20%, due to innate immunity from previous similar infections. After all only 17% of the passengers on the Diamond Princess ended up testing positive for Covid 19, despite the enclosed environment and the average age of the passengers being 70. Another Study suggests only 20% of those living with someone having Covid 19 end up getting a Covid 19 infection, far below the absurd assumptions of those susceptible, and the case infection rate in Neil Ferguson’s model.

Ferguson, N., Laydon, D., Nedjati-Gilani, G., Imai, N., Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., Bhatia, S., Boonyasiri, A., Cucunubá, Z., Cuomo-Dannenburg, G. and Dighe, A., 2020. Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand. Imperial College London, 10, p.77482.

This paper supplying the ‘evidence’ for lockdowns is not even peer reviewed, and gives random outputs with the same data, so is not reproducible, assumes no cross immunity (without evidence) that everyone is susceptible, so 70% have to have antibodies for herd immunity, and an infection fatality rate of 0.9%. Bingo would be a better application of Neil Ferguson’s rather limited abilities.

Jan 14, 2021 4:45 PM
Reply to  Bob

Bob reporting from Mars! Over!

Jan 14, 2021 11:35 PM
Reply to  Bob

has it entered what’s left of your brain that maybe those controlling the game let us mix, let us gather in peaceful protests then invent high numbers to support the lie that mixing causes disease ?

They announce a spike straight after a protest. They announce tougher ‘restrictions’ after that.

They announce ‘sudden huge and dangerous increase in infections ‘ within 24 hours of announcing more vaccines are available.

This is easy stuff

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 14, 2021 2:37 PM
Reply to  SubTropical

Most of the anti vaxx movement is controlled opposition. They make all sorts of arguments that play into the hands of the vaxx cult. In this example the argument is “the virus isn’t very dangerous”. This obviously is easily countered with oh yes thats because the lockdowns masks and social distancing are working so well. A big win for the vaxx cult courtesy of antivaxxers establishing what a success the measures have been at reducing the death numbers. What people actually die from is eating unhealthy, low vitamin D levels, medical treatments and generally being misinformed by germ theorists who push the notion that there is a virus to blame when there isn’t any such thing.you are dealing with psychopaths that plan all these arguments so they back fire and drag people further into the snare.

Jan 14, 2021 3:23 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Yes. One of the biggest mistakes the controlled opposition make – whether they mean to do intentional harm or not – is stating the tests can pick up parts of dead viruses. Or another Coronavirus.

This is so misleading. There’s no valid test for the presence of a virus, since viruses have not been proven to exist and have not been shown as the cause of any illness of disease.

Jan 14, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think we need to change the name.

People associate VIRUS with deadly disease (poison) and computer hacking.

Testing picks up fragments of background material, dead nucleotides, exosomes etc etc.

Dropping the scary name and using evidence based description instead would go a long way to reversing the damage done by Pasteur and others.

Vampires inspire terror… but mosquitos are relatively easy to deal with once you understand what they’re up to.

Emergency broadcast system required to give round the clock explanation to global population. A few heads will explode but we really don’t have any other option now.

Jan 14, 2021 8:30 PM
Reply to  Tsubion

I agree. We have to spread the truth to replace fear.

Exosomes, proteins, enzymes, nucleotides, lipids, cell debris, bacteria. These are normal and natural parts of our homeostasis.

As long as people believe there’s some dreaded illness they can “catch” from their neighbor whether mild or serious, they aren’t going to realize the level of deception by the government and they won’t ever be able to comprehend the truth of where this is all headed.

Also, changing the wording of “virus”, to “test“, would go a long way. A positive test result is unrelated to contagion, illness or infection.

Jan 14, 2021 3:32 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

What people actually die from is eating unhealthy, low vitamin D levels, medical treatments and generally being misinformed by germ theorists who push the notion that there is a virus to blame when there isn’t any such thing.

notice that this theory is entirely compatible with the factual existence of viruses; it’s just that they are mainly a threat to people with weak immunity because of poor nutrition, obesity, overwork, stress, lack of sleep, toxic drugs, etc.

Jan 14, 2021 5:43 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

That doesn’t mean viruses exist. At all. Increasing Vitamin D levels leads to a decrease in respiratory illness. So the cause is more likely to be nutritional deficiency – low D levels. Stress, lack of sleep, toxic drugs could also be contributing and/or exacerbating factors. Or a combination thereof.

In order to claim viruses are causing illness, scientists need to first prove they exist. They have not done so. Then they must show that these isolated, invisible zombie entities cause illness in anyone exposed. Otherwise they are not the cause of illnesses, they are simply a common factor in healthy and ill people. Correlation is not causation.

It’s simply not enough to have virologists receive billions in funding from pharma and govt., to use unscientific and pseudo scientific methods that ignore first principles.

Transmission from human to human has never been proven for any virus.

Jan 14, 2021 7:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Very well stated!

Take the billions away and virologists would have to earn an honest living for a change.

Jan 14, 2021 7:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

it’s rather obvious that some disease-causing agent is transmitted from person to person, a fact known to everybody in the world through personal experience with the common cold.

if you wish to call the agent of contagion “evil spirits”, “invisible cooties”, or “negative energy”, that does not alter the fact of this universally-observed phenomenon.

Jan 14, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  THX-1154

You could have a point. The collective symptoms reported globally sound very like The Vapours.