Raskolnikov’s Dream Come True
Edward Curtin
Something is happening here,
But you don’t know what it is,
Do you, Mr. Jones?Bob Dylan, Ballad of A Thin Man
It’s hard… Life today seems like a dream, doesn’t it? Surreal to the point where everything seems haunted and betwixt and between, or this against that, or that and this against us.
Or a Luis Buñuel film. The logic of the irrational. Surrealistic. A film made to draw us into an ongoing nightmare. Hitchcock with no resolution. Total weirdness, as Hunter Thompson said was coming before he blew his brains out. A life movie made to hypnotize in this darkening world where reality is created on screens, as Buñuel said of watching movies:
This kind of cinematographic hypnosis is no doubt due to the darkness of the theatre and to the rapidly changing scenes, lights, and camera movements, which weaken the spectator’s critical intelligence and exercise over him a kind of fascination.
Here we are in Weirdsville, USA where most people, whether of the left, right, or center, are hypnotized by the flickering screens.
That’s what movies do.
That’s what long planned psychological operations do.
That’s what digital technology allows corrupt rulers and the national security state with its Silicon Valley partners in crime to do.
We now live in a screen world where written words and logic are beside the point. Facts don’t matter. Personal physical experience doesn’t matter. Clear thinking doesn’t matter. Hysterical reactions are what matter. Manipulated emotions are what matter. Saying “Fuck You” is now de rigueur, as if that were the answer to an argument.
It’s all a movie now with the latest theatrical performance having been the January 6, 2021 stage show filmed at the U.S. Capitol. A performance so obvious that it isn’t obvious for those hypnotized by propaganda, even when the movie clearly shows that the producers arranged for the “domestic terrorists” to be ushered into the Capitol. They let the “Nazis” in on Dr. Goebbels orders. Thank God Almighty they were beaten back before they seized power in their Halloween costumes.
Now who could have given that order to the Capitol and D.C. police, Secret Service, National Guard, and the vast array of militarized Homeland Security forces that knew well in advance of the January 6 demonstration?
Who gave the stand-down orders on September 11, 2001, events that were clearly anticipated and afterwards were described by so many as if they were a movie? Surreal. Dreamlike.
As with the events of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent anthrax attacks, the recently staged show at the Capitol that the mainstream media laughingly call an attempted coup d’état will result in a new “Patriot Act” aimed at the new terrorists – domestic ones – i.e. anyone who dissents from the authoritarian crackdown long planned and underway; anyone who questions the vast new censorship and the assault on the First Amendment; anyone who questions the official narrative of Covid-19 and the lockdowns; anyone who suggests that there are linkages between these events, etc.
Who, after all, introduced the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act in 1995 that became the template for the Patriot Act in 2001 that was passed into law after September 11, 2001? None other than former Senator Joseph Biden. Remember Joe? He has a new plan.
Of course, the massive Patriot Act had been written well before that fateful September day and was ready to be implemented by a Senate vote of 98-1, the sole holdout being Democratic Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin. In the House of Representatives the vote was 357-66.
For those familiar (or unfamiliar) with history and fabricated false flags, they might want also to meditate on the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964 that gave Lyndon Johnson his seal of approval to escalate the war against Vietnam that killed so many millions. The vote for that fake crisis was 416-0 in the House and 88-2 in the Senate.
In the words of Mark Twain:
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.
Harry Houdini, the magical performer who was able to escape from any trap, any nightmarish enclosure, any lockdown, once said,
It’s still an open question, however, as to what extent exposure really hurts a performer.
The question has been answered. It doesn’t hurt at all, for phoney events still mesmerize millions who are eager to suspend their disbelief for the sake of a sad strand of hope that their chosen leaders – whether Biden or Trump – are levelling with them and are not playing them for fools. To accept that Trump and Biden are scripted actors in a highly sophisticated reality TV movie is a bit of “reality” too hard to bear. Exposing them and their minions doesn’t hurt at all. There’s no business but show business.
Houdini knew well the tricks used to deceive a gullible audience hypnotized by theatrics. “A magician is only an actor,” he said, “an actor pretending to be a magician.” This is a perfect description of the charlatans who serve as presidents of the United States.
Life today seems like a dream, doesn’t it?
“Will wonders ever cease,” said Houdini, as he closed his shows.
When I was a child I had a repetitive dream that I was trapped in a maze. Trying to escape, all I could hear as I tried desperately to find an exit was a droning sound. Droning without end. The only way I could escape the maze was to wake up – literally. But this dream would repeat for many years to the point where I realized my dreams were connected to my actual family and life in the U.S.A.
Then, when I was later in the Marines and felt imprisoned and was attempting to get out as a conscientious objector, the dream changed to being trapped in the Marines, or the prison I was expecting if they didn’t let me go. Even when I got out of the Marines and was not in prison, the dreams that I was continued.
It took me years to learn how to escape.
I mention such dreams since they seem to encapsulate the feelings so many people have today. A sense of being trapped in a senseless social nightmare. Prisoners. Lost in a horror movie like Kafka’s novel The Castle in which the protagonist K futilely seeks to gain access to the rulers who control the world from their castle but can never reach his goal.
But these are dreams and The Castle is fiction.
On a conscious level, however, many people continue to rationalize their grasp of what is going on in the United States as if what they take to be reality is not fiction. Trump supporters – despite what are seen by them as his betrayals when he said on January 7 that…
The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy….My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. This moment calls for healing and reconciliation
…still cling to the belief that he is the man they believe in and was going to “clean the swamp” but was sabotaged by the “deep state.” Biden supporters, driven by their obsessive hatred for Trump and the ongoing delusions that the Democratic Party, like the Republican, is not thoroughly corrupt, look forward to the Biden presidency and the new normal when he can “build back better.” For both groups’ true faith never dies. It’s very touching.
As I have written before, if the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger share of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.
It might seem as if I am wrong and that because the Democrats and their accomplices have spent years attempting to oust Trump through Russia-gate, impeachment, etc. that what seems true is true and Trump is simply a crazy aberration who somehow slipped through the net of establishment control to rule for four years. A Neo-Nazi billionaire who emerged from a TV screen and a golden tower high above the streets of New York.
This seems self-evident to the Democrats and the supporters of Joseph Biden, and even to many Republicans.
For Trump’s supporters, he seems to be a true Godsend, a real patriot who emerged out of political nowhere to restore America to its former greatness and deliver economic justice to the forgotten middle-Americans whose livelihoods have been devastated by neo-liberal economic policies and the outsourcing of jobs.
Two diametrically opposed perspectives.
But if that is so, why, despite Trump and Biden’s superficial differences – and Obama’s, Hillary Clinton’s and George W. Bush’s for that matter – have the super-rich gotten richer and richer over the decades and the war on terror continued as the military budget has increased each year and the armament industries and the Wall Street crooks continued to rake in the money at the expense of everyone else? These are a few facts that can’t be disputed. There are many more. So what’s changed under Trump? We are talking about nuances, small changes. A clown with a big mouth versus traditional, “dignified” con men.
Trump’s followers were betrayed the day he was sworn in, as Biden’s will be shortly unless they support a crackdown on civil rights, the squelching of the First Amendment, and laws against dissent under the aegis of a war against domestic terrorism.
I’m afraid that is so. Censorship of dissent that is happening now will increase dramatically under the Biden administration.
Now we have the “insurrection,” also known as an attempted “coup d’état,” with barbarians breaching the gates of the sacred abode of the politicians of both parties who have supported bloody U.S. coups throughout the world for the past seventy plus years. Here is another example of history beginning as tragedy and ending as farce.
But who is laughing?
If you were writing this script as part of long-term planning, and average people were getting disgusted from decades of being screwed and were sick of politicians and their lying ways, wouldn’t you stop the reruns and create a new show?
Come on, this is Hollywood where creative showmen can dazzle our minds with plots so twisted that when you leave the theater you keep wondering what it was all about and arguing with your friends about the ending. So create a throwback film where the good guy versus the bad guy was seemingly very clear, and while the system ground on, people would be at each other’s throats over the obvious differences, even while they were fabricated or were minor. This being the simple and successful age-old strategy of divide and conquer.
I realize that it is very hard for many to entertain the thought that Trump and Biden are not arch-enemies but are players in a spectacle created to confound at the deepest psychological levels. I am not arguing that the Democrats didn’t want Hillary Clinton to win in 2016. I am saying they knew Trump was a better opponent, not only because they could probably defeat him and garner more of the spoils, but because if he possibly won he was easily controlled because he was compromised. By whom? Not the Democrats, but the “Deep State” forces that control Hillary Clinton and all the presidents. A compromised and corrupt lot.
The Democrats and Republicans were not in charge in 2016 or in 2020. Their bosses were. The Umbrella people. Biden will carry out their orders, and while everyone will conveniently forget what actually happened during Trump’s tenure, as I previously mentioned, they will only remember how the Democrats “tried” to oust this man in the black hat, while Biden will carry on Trump’s legacy with minor changes and a lot of PR. He will seem like a breath of fresh air as he continues and expands the toxic policies of all presidents. So it goes.
Throughout these recent days that the corporate mainstream media have devoted to this Trump/Biden saga, Julian Assange, a truth teller if ever there were one, remains tortured and locked up in an English high-security prison cell. His plight has been a minor note at best for the corporate media that is focused on the American “coup d’état.” The spectacle rolls on as an innocent journalist who exposed the vast murderous crimes of the American government is left to slowly die in a horrible prison cell. A man who, if free, could report the truth of this current charade and expose the bloody underside of this magic show.
Long ago in Russia, another dissident, Fyodor Dostoevsky, was also sentenced on trumped up charges to prison and exile in Siberia for being “freethinking” and a socialist enemy of the state. When he was finally released, he wrote a novel that was published in 1866. It was Crime and Punishment, a masterpiece about a man named Rodian Romanovich Raskolnikov who, like Dostoevsky, is sentenced to exile and imprisonment in Siberia. In Raskolnikov’s case, it was for killing an old woman pawnbroker to see if he was “above the common ruck.” The story explores Raskolnikov’s dual consciousness and the right to murder; prideful intellect versus compassion; rationalism versus spiritual values; freedom versus determinism; the individual versus the state.
Like Nietzsche twenty years later, Dostoevsky sent out a warning long ago about the terrifying consequences that would follow in the wake of certain forms of thinking that would result in nihilism. To be “above the common ruck” and murder at will; to play with people as though they were what Raskolnikov calls the woman he murders – “louses”; to create divided minds in a game of social schizophrenia through antitheses that conceal the magician’s devious truths.
At the end of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov, while still in Siberian prison exile, feels that he, like Lazarus, has been raised from the dead. He realizes that there is a solution to his split mind and that he has found it as he transitions “from one world into another…his initiation into a new, unknown life.”
But such a resolution, that I will not divulge, is preceded by a very strange dream, one that rings a bell today when life seems like a dream with something happening here, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?
When he [Raskolnikov] was better, he remembered the dreams he had had while he was feverish and delirious. He dreamt that the whole world was condemned to a terrible strange new plague that had come to Europe from the depths of Asia. Everyone was to be destroyed except a few chosen ones. Some sort of new microbe was attacking people’s bodies, but these microbes were endowed with intelligence and will. Men attacked by them became instantly furious and mad. But never had men considered themselves so intellectual and so completely in possession of the truth as these sufferers, never had they considered their decisions, their scientific conclusions, their moral convictions so infallible. Whole villages, whole towns and peoples were driven mad by the infection. Everyone was excited and did not understand one another. Each thought that he alone had the truth and was wretched looking at the others, beat himself on the breast, wept, and wrung his hands. They did not know how to judge and could not agree what to consider evil and what good; they did not know who to blame, who to justify….The alarm bells kept ringing all day long in the towns; men rushed together, but why they were summoned and who was summoning them no one knew….
The plague spread and moved further and further. Only a few men could be saved in the whole world. They were a pure chosen people, destined to found a new race and a new life, to renew and purify the earth, but no one had seen these men, no one had heard their words and their voices.”
Have you?
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
Endquote: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment – EPILOGUE II. Emphasis added.
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There’s an important problem with continuing to talk about “truth”: One big reason why infinite manipulation succeeds is that, about the world external to one’s own mind, there is no such thing as truth, or more accurately, (guaranteed) knowledge — there is only belief.
So we should consciously recognize that the debate shouldn’t be characterized as seeking and finding truth and falsehood, but instead (1) how best to develop communicable and eventually shared beliefs that turn out to be the most congruent to the elusive outside world. Because all humans are imperfect, the “most congruent” is always provisional. And so (2) that all humans have the right to their provisional beliefs.
Democracy is one imperfect method for this development (and one that also involves value resolution, not just groping towards truth); while scientific method is another and much more highly successful one, especially in the last few hundred years. They were developed when power still could not be infinitely concentrated as it can today through (information and other) technologies.
However …
Now we have a big problem moving the debate forward: Through improved technologies, power concentration has reached a tipping point. For those in power the value of partly following, and not fully leading, public discourse to both efficiently govern and effectively conduct science is gone.
So for the plebes, both democracy and science are coming to an end. Science will of course continue to have value, and so will continue to be conducted properly — but it will be directed and done in private, no matter what the political environment outside.
A great separation (of populations) is underway. Those with the short end of the stick — just like those around the world subject to US imperialist wars — will suffer out of sight, out of mind. No one will hear their screams. Hopefully younger members of the elect will eventually come to their senses, and develop a new humane world.
“scientific method is another and much more highly successful one”
Could you enlighten me on this method as it relates to humans.I’m not sure what you mean.
Scientific method emerged as a SOP in the last few hundred years, and has had smashing success by any measure.
That is to say nothing about the way procedures in its name are *performed*, especially today and even by the highly credentialed, or to what *ends*.
It doesn’t matter what it is applied to.
Thanks Norm but in my readings and day to day existence “scientific method” is just common sense that has been practised since the cave man analysed his “method” of how to capture and kill his food, how to share the food and how to deal with any conflicts of interest in his family.
I know that science often “steals” basic reasoning and calls it their own under a new term. So be it…..as in that highly competitive world of academia any chance to have a paper published etc is mere means of survival. Can we just call it “Common Sense” ?
If you want to overcome the world, overcome yourself…
The Possessed prevail.
‘Obsebene’ by SmithKleinBeechBums
Fine journalism, Ed. Made my hair stand up at the end, thur’…
Obviously, (wait for it)…what we need is another 911Russianwatergate Commission.
They shoot horses, sometimes with compassion,
Other times Not.
Eat your heart out Nostradamus, or go hug a hornse ⭐️
‘Trump’s supporters were betrayed the day he was sworn in, as Biden’s will be shortly…’
Timely, beautiful, & pointed insight from Mr. Curtin!
Mr. Jones ( me, too ) beginning to grasp the gist of what is happening !
-JJ ( Detroit, near Canadian border )
This is the track-suited Bruce Lee flying kick (sunglasses on) of Twitter truth-trolling and I intend to use it.
A rare occurrence, to find myself double tapped
bitch slapped with honest-to-god clear as day
Is discernment one of your graces, Mr. Ben?
Thank you. =)
Here’s what I think is going to happen next with the vax. At present, many are taking the vax “voluntarily”. What this really means is that they are reluctant but feel they have to take it. I, and at least one other, have refused.
I think that somewhere down the line (and not too far) there will be a big scandal about some health care worker who refused the vax, contracted covid and passed it on to a dozen or so charges. Big headlines about “Selfish Worker Refuses Vax And Now Puts Everyone’s Life In Danger”. To make it a hat trick, the worker in question could even be viewed as a “paranoid conspiracy QAnon nut” etc. This leading to compulsory vaccinations for certain lines of work which will eventually lead to compulsory vaccinations for all lines of work etc. After whch, “Unemployed Man Passes Covid On To Post Man” and then compulsory vaxxes for all.
That forecast is very frightening.
Don’t give the Daily Mail ideas George.
The New Normal // Documentary (Oracle Films, Jan 14, 2021)
“The spectacle rolls on as an innocent journalist who exposed the vast murderous crimes of the American government is left to slowly die in a horrible prison cell. A man who, if free, could report the truth of this current charade and expose the bloody underside of this magic show”.
Tomorrow the deadline given to the US, to appeal Judge Baraitser’s denial of extradition of Julian Assange, passes. No word yet of any appeal. Could it be possible we’ll have our hero back sooner than we think?
It’s possible. OTOH, Assange’s captors might invent some new convoluted legalspeak to justify continued detention.
Or, say, announce that a member of the US prosecution team has “tested positive for COVID”, so the deadline is being extended to cover the quarantine and/or recovery period.
I hope so.
Wonderful to see that there are still people such as Edwin Curtin out there. I thought like this about 5 years ago but have moved further on and I dont think I could have put it as eloquently as Mt Curtin.
And what will happen, pray tell, to the billions of billions of people in the world not ‘protected’ by the sacred We the People Covenant?
All of whom know that, historically, once the reflective navel gazing has concluded, this poisonous snake will rise up and strike out to punish all those who dared to witness its moment of ‘weakness.’
This moment, much like the beloved Gulf of Tonkin Incident, will be regarded not as a mistake, but a means to an end.
Marian Marsh photographed by Elmer Fryer (1931)
Nice to have a couple-of-seconds break from this madness.
The movement was that of a creeping thief, its quest – the erosion of the innocent, to replace the timeless fibre connection with an imposter of the unnatural, promote it’s erasing addictions, supply craving with a fat on fear of loss protection racket toward blind-alley answers backed by rosy-coloured questions. But then, those immune who inject a serum of truth into this cabal of filth are said to be the Interlopers ?…a Danger to the Lie – And right they would be – that we are, as from plough to pit, field to factory ,track to trench – humanity has been entrapted by a self-raised few who set their carnal eye upon us, divided and bewitched, enriching their seeds desire as we were exhausted of ours. And so, at this new dawn, by Jupiter – Damn Them – be it of our design, embraced in Our belief.
An exceptionally well-written article. I believe the answer to the question at the end is “no, and I never will, because the existence of such perfect men is the biggest fiction.”
On the other hand, I have heard it said that an extraordinary world teacher every 2,000 years or so is not really such a far-fetched proposition…
For example, I have never found the slightest fault with Jesus, as He is described in The Bible, and so, since a Second Coming is prophesied, perhaps such a perfect person does exist…?
In that case, my question is, “Would we even recognize such a person if they stood before us?”
Part of the long, drawn-out process of indoctrinating us over the decades has been to dull our receptivity to exceptional human beings.
Their gifts, like those of Mozart and Beethoven, go unnoticed by all but the few.
Many people who go to classical concerts don’t even know what they are hearing, but they just like to be seen going to those concerts.
Others have their spiritual gurus, yet continue to live selfish lives dominated by superficial concerns.
Still others kneel to the supremacy of the ‘great god of technology’, and have no time in their lives even to think about what might lie beneath the surface of the purely mineral world which they consider to comprise absolutely everything in the cosmos.
For me, cause for some optimism lies in the fact that we have all recognized that excellence in human endeavour comes in widely varying degrees, from extremely meagre to unbelievably brilliant, and two very important things automatically follow from that observation:
a) If the spectrum of human perfection is already as wide as it is, there is logically nothing to stop some of us from being even less perfect than the worst of us has ever been, or even more perfect than the best of us has been hitherto.
In other words, an already broad spectrum could be broadened even more, to include even greater perfection, or even more dire ignorance and evil.
I think we are currently witnessing the dire kind being pushed to its feasible limits, but it stands to reason that a corresponding extension of the positive kind might be in our midst somewhere…
b) That fact accounts for the constant (and mostly successful) attempts of the media and their owners to dumb us all down to the lowest levels of what we are capable of grasping, and to give up even contemplating the heights we might attain.
They do that quite deliberately, because a very broad spectrum is a hard thing to confine and control.
In that sense, I think it is wrong to deplore our ‘sheep’, because they are really only the naive victims of a relentless, deliberate agenda to make truly human beings into controllable animals.
It is really just because some people are more vulnerable than others that this agenda is often successful.
As far as we can, at least for those of us who may be ‘more enlightened’, we should try to ‘rescue’ as many as possible – not by preaching at them, or restricting their freedom, but by simply ensuring that there always exists something worthwhile for them with which they can occupy and fulfill their lives – if they choose.
(Of course I mean no elitist nonsense by that term, ‘more enlightened’ – I’m only pointing to the wide spectrum mentioned above, with which we are all familiar. If our unenlightened brothers and sisters are human at all – and they are – they will recognize such choices, since otherwise they would be covered with white, fluffy material which would be made into clothing while we eat the rest of them…)
This has turned into something of a ramble. Apologies to those who might get indigestion from trying to follow all of it…
Nutshell version: I think human perfection remains as a possibility, but what it actually looks like would probably take us all by surprise…
Not a ramble at all. To me: a good advice of why it is important to give the good example.
also a spirited comment, one that doesn’t (try to) make you feel down, like so many other comments here.
now I am rambling…
I believe it is true, feel free to prove me wrong, that no tangible proof of Jesus’s existence, or any god’s for that matter, has ever been found.
No one gives a damn what you think, or what I think, or tomorrow or the day after what Edward Curtin thinks. But there are tales, myths, maybe true stories that ring through aeons, ballads of the lonesome road.
But the advice to be nice to little herded animals wardropper dropped is pretty timely
Nietzsche said we should bear the mediocre with good heart
Your essays, Edwin Curtin, are always a pleasure to read, an exercise in good writing, logical and well-argued, and this is no exception.
The dream from “Crime and Punishment” I could not remember, not having read it for some good while. I remember the landlady murder and how Raskolnikov just seem to carry on as normal without any seeming guilt. That was what I found most disturbing.
How prophetic, your extract? In my repetitive childhood nightmare a big bear is chasing me with an axe. When I got older I tried to self-analyse this and came to the conclusion it was a merging of the story of the Three Bears, having taken the liberty of sitting in the daddy-bear’s chair and eaten his porridge, with the nursery rhyme about Oranges and Lemons.
“Here is a candle to light you to bed,
Here is a chopper to chop off your head.”
Despite Trump and Biden working for the same bosses – your Umbrella People – I still harbour a faint hope that the arrests in Italy are true, that the forthcoming arrests of Hunter Biden and “Nasty” Pelosi, both of whose laptops appear to have ended up in the hands of the CIA, will also materialise. But perhaps I am hoping against hope to paraphrase the title of Nadezhda Mandelstam’s memoir.
Nadezhda’s husband, the poet, Osip Mandelstam, like Dostoyevsky, also ended up being sent to SIberia having previously been exiled in Cherdyn. He died in a transit camp in 1937/8? And all for writing a poem which criticised Stalin. It matters not what your politics are if they are out to silence you, they will. Neither in a communist state nor under some imperial majesty, neither in a republic nor a principality, is any writer safe.
My favourite poet from the Silver Age is Georgy Ivanov who wrote as an emigrant in France:
“there can be no getting up again,
neither under the Sickle, nor under the Eagle.”
I suspect there are hard days ahead.
Apologies Edward for getting your name wrong. 🙂
It seems to me that the CIA would be the safest place for those laptops. And for any secrets they may hold.
Perhaps, Judith, but I guess all the CIA agents, like any other group of people are not all the same.
I agree, John. But how long do you think one survives in the CIA if you’re not the same?
Or let’s put it milder, you probably wouldn’t get chosen to guard the laptops unless you are “the same”.
Call me cynical.
(But thanks for your feedback.)
That’s what I was thinking
Edward Curtin is the best writer on here. You can tell he puts everything in his each piece, that he probably needs a few days in bed to recover after. Honestly, he’s the best.
He puts his heart and soul into the task at hand.
Umbrella people, Umbrella Corporation…
A pox on our house indeed.
Pretty much spot on.
Let’s also add that Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed, the fake vaccine being a linchpin of the technocratic takeover supported by both fake left and fake right, as it alters our genes and does God knows what else. It surely does not prevent disease or stop its transmission. But, of course Covid is also fake as it has never been isolated and was concocted in a lab, the PCR test looking for human DNA. The pandemic was designed to create medical tyranny, as well as a feudal state.
A quibble or two: You left out the bankers from the Umbrella People; (2) Assange never implicated Israel/the neocons and (to a lesser extent) Saudi Arabia in 911; this taints his credibility.
ITV News
671K subscribers
Everyone over the age of 18 will be offered the first dose of the Covid vaccine by September, the government hopes.
To coin a phrase in Scotland’s 2014 independence referendum…No Thanks.
”Everyone over the age of 18 will be offered the first dose of the Covid vaccine by September the government hopes.”
Yes, and they know what they can to with it.
Sometimes, when you least expect it, it hits you from almost every angle. First the news was good, cause for potential celebration. Then the news was reversed – a switch from celebration to despair – back to normal.
I believe such psychosomatic switches at least to my human being, made my body far more susceptible to the most horrendous infections I have ever experienced, including the most horrendous pain.
I didn’t know what to expect. Due to the propaganda, and my own beliefs, I was extremely reluctant to go to hospital. If I had delayed it another day, it may well have been too late.
I thank The NHS again for this time saving my life. The last time I went to hospital was 59 years ago. I was 8 years old.
It will take a few weeks yet, but I am getting better.
My illness has no connection whatsoever to do with COVID.
The only advice I can give, is if its really bad, get to A&E as fast as you can. Do not delay.
On the other hand, we might have in mind the pregnant women of the 19th Century who preferred to give birth at home due to the conditions in hospitals at that time, which were transmitting lethal puerperal fever and killing many otherwise healthy women.
Basically, reluctance to wash hands between patients was the cause.
The comparison we could make with today’s circumstances is the failure adequately to treat people who have serious diseases, while giving first priority to the barely-measurable presence of fragments of a theoretical pathogen…
The reluctance here is that of experts in infectious diseases being unwilling to study a serious scholarly work on Kary Mullis’s PCR process, which he said himself is not, nor was ever intended to be, a test, and which could find, according to how it was manipulated, either nothing at all, or that everybody had a certain disease…
The funny thing is the hospital had absolutely no medical records of me. She said you must have a doctor? My wife gave them the details. They got my middle name. I explained, whilst on a heart monitor and having large quantities of blood drained from me to about 10 different tubes to be tested locally in about 2 hours, that I hadn’t seen my doctor nor taken any of his drugs for 17 years.
So I gave him all my details. I was worried I was about to die.
They gave me the full treatment, after the tests were confirmed.
The front line of The NHS is Highly Professional.
Best in The World.
I feel a lot better now.
Thank You
Was the A&E over run with patients?
I got seen straight away. My son took me there in my car. My wife came too. There were about 10 people there – on the side of A&E – where we walked in (walking wounded). Loads of empty chairs.
I don’t know about the other side of A&E (in the same building), where the ambulances take people, like my wif who got run over by a car 4 years ago, and broke her leg in two places (A&E) were Brilliant with her too.
I didn’t however get the impression, that there were loads of ambulances turning up every 2 minutes, but wasn’t feeling particularly well at the time.
I’m a lot better now. I think most people are afraid to go to A&E because of the propaganda. I was. I delayed it by 2 days, which could have proved fatal.
The NHS took good care of me.
Wondered where you had gone tony….hope you are better soon
Tony, sorry to hear this, but pleased to know you are on the mend. I too have everything to be thankful for from the NHS. But that was pre-Covid by 8 years.
Video compilation of politicians
a very well written article but I do believe that Trump cares for the american people and from what I understand has done much to improve their lives. I find it difficult to believe he is disappearing from the political scene especially as I have no doubt he really won a landslide victory. He is a strong and determined man.
It’s hard to believe a man like Trump would allow himself to be defeated by people like Biden and Harris.
Trump is aware of the Art of War and its teachings. The title of his book, The Art of the Deal is an homage.
There are crazy rumors on 4chan that the good guys may deliver a miracle.
My heart is hoping for it, my head says that it probably will not happen.
I believe good will prevail over evil. Perhaps the break through will come via the military a strong section is fully aware of the rot that set in after the assassination of John Kennedy.
It was said of Roy Cohn, an early mentor of Trump, that he would have been a great lawyer if he had ever cracked a law book. He was often more interested in reading people than books. and seemed to have a short attention span. Trump strikes me as pretty similar.
Some interesting facts are left out of this evaluation of the situation. For instance the claim is that both Trump and Biden are supported by the “umbrella” people. What is left out is that every billionaoire on the planet is backing Biden over Trump. Another interesting fact is that Trump delivered a speech at the Davos gathering of criminal billionaires led by Prince Phillip saying that he opposed the Globalists and their “great reset” agenda. Most of the attendees have since made scathing comments about how Trump has to go to preserve world order. Biden on the other hand promises to embrace the “great reset” and it is now more than just a “Trump supporter conspiracy theory” as John Kerry confirms Biden’s desire to implement every aspect of the “great reset”.
John Kerry reveals Biden’s devotion to radical ‘Great Reset’ movement: https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/528482-john-kerry-reveals-bidens-devotion-to-radical-great-reset-movement
Yes you can find Biden babbling on about how wonderful it all is…he is going to build back better like the rest….what I want to know is how these people think they know what is best for all the rest of us..,.who gave them the right to decide? oh I forgot they own the big wealth and want some more including the power to play with human lives like we are less than animals.
much of what I see of this great reset is covering everywhere with windmills, having automated warehouses dispensing awful food and rubbish goodie and having electric cars that are auto drive…there will not be many of them because remember we are to own nothing while of course they own everything,,,but never mind Kraus has decided we will be happy…guess we will get an electric shock if we dare be unhappy..
Flu? Does that even exist?
90% for herd immunity. No idea how long protection lasts. So this will be going on all year round. Along with ‘social distancing’, of course.
That could be our future. Once all livelihoods have been destroyed and with everything else prohibited, we could look forward to lives spent vaccinating each other 🙂
“The CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICIST brown shirt charlatans down at Counterpuff also appear to be speeding up their push for Doc Billy E’s Euthanasia Death Shot toxic cull brew, to save Humanity from the Scamdemic .”
Did you see what they say about the author of that piece?
Eve Ottenberg is a novelist and journalist. Her latest book is Birdbrain.
Take out the O in their name.
So transparent
Lots of cash for Pharma companies and tech companies (immunity passports). Can hear the cash resisters
No way I’m volunteering myself as a human pincushion for Pharma and Bill Gates
“The Great Ripoff proceeding at record speed, ending in the Great Cull (the Great Kill Off). Humanity will not be the same.
Those who do are taking an untested vaccine for a virus that is very rare, with no guarantee that it will protect them, no guarantee there will not be short- or long-term health problems (including death), a vaccine that will not bring an end to the idiotic restrictions, a vaccine which our dictators want everyone to take. Why would anyone?
Because it ‘feels’ safe and because ‘everyone else’ is doing it (the news says). that is what propaganda can do to a person.
I agree Willem but I’m not sure everyone is taking the vaccine. They are talking more these days about vaccines available. Hopefully people are not trusting the bullshit. Or want to see what happens to others.
John, No guarantee it will protect them? It is STATED that it will merely make the symptoms less and that they will remain CONTAGIOUS. One tests positive for covid post-vax! But we must try harder not to be shocked, and to think of a platform behind which others will join us– and, of course, of how to communicate it in a world of crooked media.
It isn’t even claimed to protect them, not against infection, anyway.
I think people aren’t reading the small print, as it were.
You’ve got to laugh. There’s all these pundits saying it’s going to be with us forever. It’s BEEN with us forever, so probably…….. Also it’s just struck me- looking back at history and the class systems, so is social distancing.
Now let’s really lower the tone – They’ve thought of everything. A ‘smart toilet’ can photograph your bum, analyse your pee and poop, and send this data to a (somewhat smelly) cloud. Public as well as private toilets can be used to spy on your bum.
“The product can be fitted to an ordinary toilet using tools that include motion sensors and a camera that captures a person’s analprint as you sit to use the toilet. The idea to use an analprint for identification was sparked by painter Salvador Dali, who reportedly discovered “the anus has 35 or 37 creases, which are as unique as fingerprints.”
In a smart toilet, sensors and other cameras will capture waste material, detect the force and amount of urine streams and analyze what’s inside your stool. With the analprint, each smart toilet will also include a fingerprint scanner located on the lever to help ensure the data is linked to the right individual.
The scientists included features to measure urine factors, such as protein levels and white blood cell count. A person’s stool is evaluated using the Bristol Stool Scale and records the total amount of time it takes a person to fully eliminate. The scientists’ goal is to gather enough data to spot severe health problems that would be evident in your excrement, such as colon cancer.”
Although the company promises your information will remain private (?) and is only shared with your personal physician, it’s highly likely that health insurance and life insurance companies would find this information enticing as they determine whether to offer coverage and how much to charge. Law enforcement may also be interested in the test results.
These are only some of the potential challenges that may arise when you allow your health information to be uploaded to the cloud and accessed to determine whether information should be sent to your physician.”
The billionaire class view us as livestock
and about to be viewing us from another perspective
Made me smile!
As an autodidact, I am constrained to feel grateful to learn that an “analprint” is even a thing.
I suppose it stands to reason– or perhaps that should be sits to reason.
Every anus will have its own Instagram account. How exciting!
It’s an improvement on Xeroxing bottoms at drunken office parties….I suppose.
You can’t make this shit up.
And when they inject a microchip into your buttock, you’ll be a smart arse.
ha ha – good one!
|I smell shite Lol
US Deep State seeding the ground for the next false flag op:
Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation | ZeroHedge
It looks like a brewing civil war to me. What part of their beliefs are false?
Have the civil war already!!! The whole world is waiting!!
Miles @ http://mileswmathis.com argues both Abe Lincoln & William McKinley were fake assassinated, in order to make way to unpopular actors selected by the PT shouldn’t B to enter the top seat via the vice presidency. Kamala Harris is clearly the unpopular actress they have selected for the top seat, pushed on the same path.
So definitely, we are going to witness the fake assassination/death of Joe Biden the near future.
Maybe just his double– the guy w the bigger earlobes.
These horrors are being presented/marketed as ‘good for us’….
For example. Are you feeling lonely? You can have your very own ‘companion robot’ to fulfil all your needs for intimacy.
“With enough user data, future AI could eventually create a fully-customised partner for you in virtual reality — one that checks all your “boxes”. Controversially, the next step would be to experience an avatar as a physical entity.
It could inhabit a life-like android and become a combined interactive companion and sex partner. Such advanced androids don’t exist yet, but they could one day.
Proponents of companion robots argue this technology helps meet a legitimate need for more intimacy across society — especially for the elderly, widowed and people with disabilities.”
And you can forget about intuition, communication and relationship skills, as technology will find your perfect partner.
“Loveflutter’s AI takes the guesswork out of moving the relationship along, such as by suggesting a restaurant both parties could visit. And Badoo uses facial recognition to suggest a partner that may look like a celebrity crush.
Dating platforms are using AI to analyse all the finer details. From the results, they can identify a greater number of potential matches for a user.They could also potentially examine a person’s public posts on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get a sense of their attitudes and interests.”
If (when) these virtual relationships don’t work out, who will you complain to?
They will sell you a new brand that works ‘even better’ than the old version. Ad infinitum
Point is: none of it ‘works’
If your Social Credits run low your virtual partner will get bitchy and not sleep with you…
Wondering if the virtual partner could infect you with a virtual virus?
Only if the virtual test proves positive.
Sounds a bit like a blow-up sex doll toy, with some mechanical parts and a microchip or two. Rather boring after a while, I should think.
I recommend watching (I’m re-watching) the series “Black Mirror” on Netflix for a real chill down your spine when it comes to technology, AI, etc. Especially when it’s obvious that technology is easily a couple decades (or more) ahead of where we think it is.
Curtin’s best Off-G article.
“We now live in a screen world where written words and logic are beside the point. Facts don’t matter. Personal physical experience doesn’t matter. Clear thinking doesn’t matter. Hysterical reactions are what matter. Manipulated emotions are what matter. Saying “Fuck You” is now de rigueur, as if that were the answer to an argument.
It’s all a movie now with the latest theatrical performance having been the January 6, 2021 stage show filmed at the U.S. Capitol. A performance so obvious that it isn’t obvious for those hypnotized by propaganda, even when the movie clearly shows that the producers arranged for the “domestic terrorists” to be ushered into the Capitol. They let the “Nazis” in on Dr. Goebbels orders. Thank God Almighty they were beaten back before they seized power in their Halloween costumes.”
And this, for amazingly lots of people who frequent this forum.
“On a conscious level, however, many people continue to rationalize their grasp of what is going on in the United States as if what they take to be reality is not fiction. Trump supporters – despite what are seen by them as his betrayals when he said on January 7 that…”The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy….My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. This moment calls for healing and reconciliation”
…still cling to the belief that he is the man they believe in and was going to “clean the swamp” but was sabotaged by the “deep state.” Biden supporters, driven by their obsessive hatred for Trump and the ongoing delusions that the Democratic Party, like the Republican, is not thoroughly corrupt, look forward to the Biden presidency and the new normal when he can “build back better.” For both groups’ true faith never dies. It’s very touching.”
I may be wrong. It may not have been the BVC (British Vaccination Corporation) that delivered the news about a covid patient being admitted every 30 seconds.
According to metro.co.uk (and various others) the line is, “‘Staggeringly, every 30 seconds across England another patient is being admitted to hospital with coronavirus.’
“Staggeringly”, eh? The crucial bit is “with coronavirus” i.e. tested positive i.e. flipped a coin.
But the BVC are not to be outdone. They say,
The Nazis would be envious!
The government control the BBC, stop blaming the BBC itself, it is fall of good, but trapped, people.. There is nothing wrong in a state broadcaster, in fact it is essential in a democracy, where the state is normal & fair.
All you are doing is serving US corporations aims of buying up the BBC from our crooked politicians, like they did the Post Office. The BBC is possessed by political demons, so the victim should not be killed because of that.
Attack the director general, the organ grinder, and the government not the ‘monkey’.
Covid-19 must be eating into my brain, because it took me minutes, rather than seconds, to realise whom you meant by the BVC (British Vaccination Corporation). To borrow from Colonel Stok, in “Funeral in Berlin”, “Admit, I scared you, English”. Yes George Mc, you did scare this wee Sassenach for a minute. 🙂
But anyway, since you have eased us off topic slightly, I am emboldened to go a little further in the same direction and post a link to Dr Tom Cowan’s Bitchute channel, which recently came above my radar, some of the contents of which may give comfort and confidence to fellow sceptics, rebels, and, dare I hope, activists:
The only alternative I can offer to BVC for the moment:
BBC – Bastards Bigging Up Covid-19
The experience of compression may seem to be that of impending death, but this is the process of refining experience to seed essence.
A conflicted mind cannot stand.
the narrative binding spell of a doublethink
is a self-contradiction ‘normalised’.
“All are Called but few choose to listen”
A Course in Miracles
While appearances might mask the contents of the above work to prejudice, it offers perhaps the most in depth appreciation of an insane mind-trap FROM a perspective that is not IN it.
I’d also connected the Dylan song to these times 😉
never understand to the cop
or the law
unless you intend to stand under
you are not a person
you are flesh and blood
not corporate fiction
not mr
not at one with your strawman
if private for profit corporation wish you harm
or do harm
some entity is liable
you may not know it yet but you are injured
you are a living breathing man or woman
do not create joinder contract
you are not a fiction
why be a slave
if your closed shut church is making 10s of thousands from 5g phased array on roof
or your coop or tesco
power exists
put them on notice
has hazard assessment been done no
liability notice
Good link
there all right.
On 17 March 2020 the English National Health Service announced the decision to urgently discharge patients, including those who were infected or who may have been infected with Covid-19, from hospitals into care homes and the community…. Between 2 March and 12 June 2020, 18,562 residents of care homes in England died with Covid-19, representing almost 40% of all deaths involving Covid-19 in England during this period.
The same method of spreading the virus is also known to have been adopted in Italy, Spain, Belgium and the United States.
Worldwide, tens of thousands of patients, many with Covid-19, were rushed from hospitals to rest homes, ostensibly to free up hospital beds for the incoming millions of sick and dying, but in reality, to spread the disease to a vulnerable segment of the population.
What was that noise there? It must be Orwell exploding in his grave. I just caught a bit on Sky News where some guy is being interviewed and he’s saying, “We must build back truth and faith in the system after people have been constantly lied to over and over again about covid and everything else. All these lies have come from Trump who has been lying so much that no-one can tell what’s true or even believe that there is such a thing as truth!”
All lies have come from Trump?
What a mercy it is that soon along will come Saint Joe (a direct descendent of Saint Patrick, you know), with his simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of fair play
(to quote another Saint, Saint Jonathan Aitkin, who found his Lord Jesus Christ while in prison, and is now an ordained minister of the Established Church of England….funny that…this product of Eton, Oxford, Westminster, & Elmley Prison Kent, is now part of the Established Church, and (despite being legally ineligible), was granted a House of Commons pass by that paragon of the establishment, John Bercow; establishment to the core. Explains a lot about England and why it’s such a mess.
Confined To Conformity
Confined to conformity
Stuck in your ways
Living so uniformly
Trapped in your maze
by Mark R. Elsis
March 19, 1980
Resonate Love
144 Poems
by Mark R. Elsis
Time to re-read the pertinent and prescient “Dialectic of Enlightenment” by Max Horkheimer & Theodor W. Adorno (1947), freely downloadable from archiv.org.
“The whole world is passed through the filter of the culture industry. The familiar experience of the moviegoer, who perceives the street outside as a continuation of the film he has just left, because the film seeks strictly to reproduce the world of everyday perception, has become the guideline of production. The more densely and completely its techniques duplicate empirical objects, the more easily it creates the illusion that the world
outside is a seamless extension of the one which has been revealed in the cinema.”
He (apparently) said that ‘Walt Disney is the most dangerous man in the world.’
A 5 min summary of his work
Not to nitpick, but Joe Biden didn’t think up anything, or have a “plan,” back then, and he definitely doesn’t have one now (even if he were capable of it). This is a key distinction we need to focus on: the actors are not the problem. Focus on the directors, the scriptwriters and the owners of the theater; focus on the secret police distributed in seats, here and there, among the members of the audience…
That. But also the reminder from Michael Parenti (and many others have noticed this in some form or another) that: ‘ The dirty truth is that many people find fascism to be not particularly horrible.’
Is that because they fail to imagine how it might be a problem for them? Like those who say they have nothing against wholesale surveillance because “they have nothing to hide”?
Yes, they often offer the excuse that they have “nothing to hide from the Government” because they “aren’t criminals”… but never have an adequate response when I come back with “But what if The Government is criminal..?”
That idea can be hard to entertain. Till recently, my own default position would have been that the govt is protecting the interests of the people, at least in life-and-death matters. Failure of imagination again.
Too fucking horribly true. Especially a clever Fascism sugar-coated with “inclusivity” and a phony veneer of Save-The-World-Mania.…
I agree totally but that’s the ultimate trick, they have us arguing over who the directors really are. Then, beyond the directors we can follow the money to the producers yet they can always fund a new and more suited director or writer for that matter. Through history the producers themselves always appear to shift and power changes hands, but where does it all lead?
We have no idea who the ultimate puppet masters are and who ultimately owns the theatre as you say.
Nazis? Communists? Fascists? Gates? Schwab? Musk? Davos? Rothschild? Bilderbergers? CFR? Club of Rome? The Council of 300? Tavistock? The Masons? Jesuits? The Knights Malta, St John etc? The Rosicrucians? The OTO? The Black Nobility? The Illuminati? Zionists? Or the “Big Chief” himself, to quote Dylan. And on and on.
We probably all have some of the truth but they will never allow anyone to get too near to the answer I’m sure. That’s their most incredible play.
For me it’s not about who is in control anymore, I’ve been down far too many rabbit holes myself tbh.
Surely we need to focus on is there anything that can be done?
I agree with absolutely everything you say: TFIC (The Fuckers in Charge) are very good at this, having had centuries to refine their techniques. Our best defense is to focus on waking up the fence-sitters among us and getting us, as a large group, to say NO to what TFIC doing. Without the military/ police, TFIC are nothing. And the military/ police are made up of Serfs like us, primarily. These Serfs have to understand what’s being done to ALL of us and wake up and say NO.
Latest news from the fascist north of the Border. Our lovely Nicola has decided that no-one will even be allowed inside takeaways. The guy who brought me my Chinese was rightfully pissed off, pointing out that everyone can mull around Tescos but apparently not his own spot.
Took a real feartie there. OffG Database Error message for about an hour. I thought you were gone.
I note you have a special emergency option on your Twitter page about signing up to something called Telegram – which offers no info on how to sign up to Telegram. Does anyone know?
Telegram is a supposedly secure communications app (voice or text) you can use on a smartphone.
Go to the Telegram homepage and the sign up is simple. Once in there you can engage with friends etc. one to one, or you can ask to join a group. This is often immediate. For starters you could do worse than to put Standup x in the search box, and voila..! here are numerous reports from the front line plus glimpses of behind the scenes activism regarding our current dilemma. Informative
Brilliant. I had completely forgotten that element of Crime & P. and it seems distinctly eerie in present tyranny.
Another so very truthful article by Edward Curtin .So correct in his assessment of the condition of humanity today .
Well well well:
“The ‘liberal-left’ narrative that the UK Tory government wanted to pursue Covid-19 ‘herd immunity’ instead of a lockdown has been shattered by official filings which appears to show the opposite was the case. The phrase ‘smoking gun’ is oft-overused, but it is surely appropriate in relation to the report in the Daily Telegraph newspaper that the UK government struck a deal worth £119m with an American advertising company, OMD Group, urging people to ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ a full three weeks before Boris Johnson ordered a lockdown.”
And it’s sobering to think of the triumphalist Left narrative which is that,
“… Bojo, the hapless ‘clown’ and his Keystone Cops Cabinet were pushed into lockdown. Pushed by public opinion. Pushed by the ‘experts’. Pushed by the Premier League. Pushed by the ‘Left’. Pushed by Piers Morgan. Pushed by ‘Professor Doom’ Neil Ferguson and his ludicrous ‘modelling’.”
Behind the scenes:
“But if they had already arranged a £119m lockdown advertising campaign, which referenced emergency economic measures in its communication strategy, it would mean the decision to lockdown had already been taken many weeks earlier. At the same time, the government was giving every impression that they weren’t going to lockdown.
… The big question for the government was: how can we lock the country down, without stirring the liberal-left still further and provoking mass public opposition. What if the answer then was: pretend that we don’t want a lockdown? Then the binary, groupthink ‘culture warriors’ would be sure to press for one! …”
So the act continued. Dom Cummings seemingly argued against strict measures. The inevitable logic followed: “If ‘Deadly Dom’ wants herd immunity then surely we need to do the opposite and lockdown, was the Pavlovian response of many on the left.”
Johnson made some remarks and “was actually hinting about more restrictions to come, but all the liberal-left could hear was the opposite”.
“By getting his opponents to push for a lockdown, by making them believe he opposed one, Johnson guaranteed that when a lockdown was finally announced, there’d be a much wider acceptance of it. Throughout the year the pattern has continued. The great enablers of the government’s Covid authoritarianism have been those on the left, for instance Richard Burgon MP, whose line of attack has not been to oppose Tory restrictions but to say that the restrictions either don’t go far enough or were being eased too soon.”
The OMD deal is our strongest clue yet that the ‘reluctant lockdowners’ had it planned for quite some time.”
It seems that “Bojo the Clown” has been happily applying his own makeup.
Replay of Woodrow Wilson the clown and his “He kept us out of the War” election platform of 1916. The same git who reigned when the Fed was created.
When/how will we ever get out from under the evil thumb of these psychos?
Exactly That same git exists as a monuMental signature of NATO ‘conditions’ of brainwash and strategic manoeuvres in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. A century of ignorance in statue form, celebrated just a couple of years ago… after a statue of John McCain in Sofia, Bulgarians love Woodrow, gangster class, innit’, Woodrow punks Plovdiv,
Every damn day… sublime to ridiculous.
It is good to have confirmation of what always seemed to be the case – that Johnson’s stated reluctance before every lockdown was feigned. However, I believe the Fake Left knew exactly what they were doing in calling for lockdowns and thereby collaborating with Johnson and his government (and indeed their string-pullers). Remember how New Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the SNP also helped Johnson get elected by sabotaging Corbyn’s leadership and election campaign in 2019.
Indeed – and not forgetting surreptitious nudging from the Fake “Far” Left too as in the WSWS who I now see as Spook Central.
They work together. The left and the right work TOGETHER, against the people. The Labour Party and Tories conspire against the people. Always and forever.
Political parties are a scam to enable a mass system of compliance and division.
You may be onto something!
Neil Clark has been spot on throughout this fiasco.
It’s certain the lockdown decision was taken in late January or early February at the latest, long before the perceived crisis in Italy and long before the first positive test in the UK.
There’s lots of questions that need answered but of course no one in the mainstream press will ever ask.
Latest blast from the vax channel – formerly know as the BBC – “Covid patient admitted to hospital every 30 seconds!”

The Church is Satanic
Can you please lay inside the coffins before you get your jab please!
Will they use the same music for a funeral if anyone dies from the vaccine?
I love how the NHS poster is intentionally designed to be unsettling and unnatural rather than reassuring.
The NHS has become an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Health’
This photo is the ultimate proof: pseudo-“homo sapiens” is doomed and hopeless.
J F C!
My idea is that we dream for one reason primarily: to keep our eyes moving during sleep so the eye muscles do not stiffen up. Anything else connected to dreams is merely icing on the cake.
So too do the “rulers” have to keep moving stage props around so their machinations do not get gummed up. The kid who called the emperor naked might otherwise declare “There’s someone back there moving all these things around – see them?”
For what it’s worth, my semi-recurring dream, some years after having worked at Baltimore’s Social Security Complex, was either being trapped inside the building after hours, unable to find the exit; or being outside in the parking lot unable to find my car. Believe me, Social Security was not someplace you ever wanted to get trapped in.
More “NEWS” the Umbrella people don’t want anyone to see or question. >
BREAKING: Left-Wing Activist Charged For Agitating Crowd At Capitol; NARRATIVE DESTROYED!
January 15, 2021
BREAKING: Left-Wing Activist Charged For Agitating Crowd At Capitol; NARRATIVE DESTROYED! – The Falling Darkness
As if no one knew…
Harold Pinter: Regarding Deep State actions:
It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn ‘t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest.
The script is being written, set a date for the fourth wave, I say mid-March.
Maybe but they’re running out of road with ‘covid’. My guess is the new crisis will be some kind of economic/financial one tying in with all the spending ‘to save lives’ – in fact, that’s probably been the real crisis all along.
Yep it has already changed if one is watching….has become the internet crisis…exercising of the power of the techno’s…The different planetary energy is coming in and by June it will Definately be far more about the economic state of affairs…
I caught a tiny bit of a Biden carryon, I do try to avoid…lots of we are going to spend trillions to recover from the trump mess of the virus…you see it was all his fault…..the build back better theme is on its way…..seems the US is going to build a manufacturing industry, lots of infrastructure and be into the latest technology….build a greater america…now where have I heard all that before?.
meanwhile right here Mother Nature is playing up and we have a threat far worse than covid…..a far too friendly little cyclone cruising just off shore….that sure focuses the mind on other things than mad pollies…smile
I dunno. “Covid” has proved that it has a long shelf life. Somewhat to my surprise, I have to admit. I honestly thought sanity would break out during late Sprint and Summer, and for a while, I thought I was right, but now I know that I was completely wrong.
It actually started to get worse in the Spring and Summer here in New England. That’s when EVERYONE began to wear masks, indoors and out. Perfect time for all the restaurants to start serving in former parking spaces and fire lanes.
To Admin,
Why are you censoring my comments? what guidelines did my last post break? awaiting a spam test?
Free speech because facts matter
The site just got taken down for half an hour and you complain about censoring?
When did you post?
Posted 1.55
The only dissenting view is the acid test, is the Military Plan known as Q real or not.
The opinions voiced so eloquently on this blog about the virus and geo-politics generally become polarised when Q is mentioned.
I have studied Geo-Politics for many years and until Q and Trump came along was of the opinion that all of our lives were controlled by the Freemasons and other secret societies,
like the Illuminati. which would lead to a 1984 scenario.
Q gave hope to a peaceful transition, hope that did not exist before and gave credibility to the information that there are powerful groups that exist only to take the world into a dystopian future.
It was a discouraging prospect for anyone paying close attention to the chessboard of world affairs. The realisation that the security services of the Western Powers, were just one side of a two faced coin that has wrought havoc through drugs and war throughout the World since the Opium Wars is hard to come to terms with.
The Bush/Clinton/Obama/CIA/MI6 promotion of the War on Drugs was fuelled by those same groups, raking in untold profits to fund even more mayhem around the world with no end in site. The ownership of the world wide Financial System another source of incredible wealth to fund the wars and corruption which has become endemic in society.
Q has offered a way out of this established quantum mess.
Q critics do not analyse the reasons behind the Corruption and Human Trafficking or President Trumps executive orders to combat these Crimes against Humanity.
Similarly, neither do they analyse what a state of National Emergency means.
Continuity of Government provide for unusual authorities to be used in conjunction with PEADS, Presidential Emergency Action Documents, little known Presidential powers for use in an emergency.
To think that President Trump, who has shown that he is a part of the Q team, would abrogate his responsibility to his Oath of Office for a clapped out corrupt politician who represents everything that we find abhorrent in a man is taking credulity too far.
An existential threat now exists to the Constitution and the American Political System and POTUS has all the necessary tools at his disposal to rectify and nullify this threat.
President Trump will use these powers and the storm is about to hit.
Agreed: “An existential threat now exists to the Constitution and the American Political System.” There is no doubt.
For what it’s worth my view on Q splits into two: I suspect the underlying messaging is a psyop, for reasons here. But I do not dismiss the people who follow Q because a/ it is a rallying point for genuine concerns and b/ it is demonized as a way of discrediting all those concerns.
Both a/ and b/ are verified by any Corporatist Media outlet. Their demonizing and censorship and their singular lack of coverage.
What should people do? Pursue your concerns at a local level: identify pedophile or corrupt politicians, coordinate information and swarm them out of office.
Distant, online campaigns like Q will never work. Trusting in sealed indictments by one lonely President is ridiculous. Humiliating and shaming criminals locally is more direct. And satisfying. And what they deserve.
Politics is being pushed off the social media platforms. It is going local. See who gets the last laugh.
I think Catherine Austin Fitts had the perfect term for Q – “hope porn”.
I read Q a few times based on a friends repeated exclamations that the indictments were coming. This went on for 4 years. Nothing.
I tend to think it was just part of the theatre of the absurd which is what American politics is.
It would be humorous if it was not so tragic.
Yes, and Dumbo is a flying elephant.
As this article so eloquently states, Trump is as much an actor as anyone else in this whole charade.
The true control of power is offering the illusion of choice to the masses.
Your candidate will come in and change everything. . . . .
Trump had 4 years to drain the swamp and only managed to buzz about on his hot-airboat.
Its all theatre.
Sleepy Head, I just wrote a comment saying the same thing – before I read your comment.
See in Ireland the cognitive dissonance is at peak level now.
We have the mother and babies home scandal being ramped up as shocking as it was.
We have people salivating for the new Vaccines here at palpable levels YET here in the dominant story is illegal Vaccine trials by Glaxosmithkleine,13 in fact.
How stupid people can’t join the dots.
They are willingly taking part of the biggest Vaccine experiments in mankind yet the they have time for OUTRAGE for what happened the poor kids in the homes.
Them kids could eventually get compensation
The idiots who are taking these Vaccines won’t..
A similar thing happened in the US with disabled children in state run homes being experimented on illegally with Hep B vaccines.
From the RT article:
“It is believed the trials took place between 1930 and 1973, and all involved either the Wellcome Foundation or Glaxo Laboratories, which later became GlaxoSmithKline.
However, the probe concluded that there was “no evidence of injury to the children involved as a result of the vaccines,” prompting survivors of the homes to question the thoroughness of the inquiry.”
The same people involved in the “probe” are backed and controlled by the forces of evil we are facing now behind this global virus scam.
Wellcome Trust is connected to Pirbright and all its funders including U.K. government, DARPA and the Gates Foundation. GSK are the largest vaccine manufacturer in the world. They are all controlled and run by the same cabal behind the central banks, “governments”, global tyranny, the 4th IR (Reich) and the Great Reset.
When are people going to join the dots?
Because they don’t even have the capability to even conjure up a questionable thought process.
Wellcome Trust HQ in London is replete with ancient Egyptian symbolism, much beloved by Freemasons. But of course it is just decor.
Dostoevsky was simply employing plague as the ultimate symbol of “othering”. Through disease or geneticism (a form of racism), it is the diminution of the rights of others to the point where they have none. To begin with, no right to go outside without a badge. Later, not even the right to exist.
Reducing our fellow citizens to vectors of plague is currently used as a justification for techno-medical despotism.
An insight on this: The Moral Austerity Trap — How reducing politics to the moral simplicity of “saving lives” leads us to elite oppression, by Geoff Shullenberger
Masks also serve to “other”. Supposedly imposed to keep us and others safe they are really being used as instrument of domination and torture.
Why do you think politicians and police are so often seen maskless? For the same reason that prisoners in Guantanamo work masks while the soldiers around them did not.
“prisoners in Guantanamo work masks while the soldiers around them did not.”
Give the troops a break. It is hard work bringing freedom and democracy to people. And you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Troops follow orders. My point is the mask (for prisoners, not soldiers) is about control not health..
Absolutely, a bit of collateral damage is regrettable but inevitable. Freedom isn’t free , after all, fuck yeah!
It is necessary to snoop, who controls, controlled and will control the mass media? The times have adapted to this “melody” and not the other way around. Someone has said: “We are ready, it is time.
Yes, I think this came from two sources: On the one hand Climate Change was not delivering and was becoming increasingly shrill: there is a very real issue (though much is pollution by big corporations blamed on the climate). However it is a gradual issue and not apocalyptic except in the minds of brainwashed children (Greta Thunberg). Politicians were only paying lip service.
See: Bjorn Lomborg Declares “False Alarm” on Climate Hysteria
At the same time the tax-exempt foundations were losing traction: By the start of 2019 the Rockefeller-Rothschild thinktanks like Chatham House were lamenting the lack of unity among globalists in the face of the nationalist, populist pushback. We know how the powers create their new Pearl Harbors.
Pandemics were largely a scam by big pharma to make money in the first decade of the 2000s. I suspect the foundations began to develop “plague” as a backup for “climate”. We know Rockefeller developed the Lockstep document in 2010. They decided a couple of years ago to put it into effect.
They decided much earlier. SARS in 2003 was their first foray into the China story and the manufacturing of a fake novel “Coronavirus”. Swine Flu in 2009 was a larger trial run.
The Brain Initiative, that Obama and Rockefeller org instigated in 2013 ties into the nanotech, 5g and the “vaccines“.
By 2015 the technology was in place from CRISPR for this generation of injectable synthetic pathogens and the first contracts and NDA’s for the licensing and technology patent agreements between Moderna and the NIAID were signed in 2015.
This is why I am focused on disabling their main mechanism for deception which is the contagion aspect of this fraud. Without the contagion myth, it all falls apart.
This is very interesting info and timeline. Thanks.
While reading this article I had that image of all those credits scrolling at the end of most movies, naming the ones oiling the whole thing.
And the dream of Raskolnikov… strangely premonitory.