This Martin Luther King Day Let us End His 2nd Assassination
Matthew Ehret

Martin Luther King Jr. day has been celebrated every January 18 since it was a made a national holiday through the tireless efforts of Martin’s widow Coretta in 1983.
While many people take the opportunity to treat Martin’s life as a pre-packaged hallmark card of cliché speeches, far too few take the time to fully appreciate not only the depth of his understanding of the multifaceted evils plaguing society but also his brilliant plans, methods and vision for creative problem solving which touched on far more than the single issue of “civil rights” for which he is celebrated.
In fact, on deeper inspection, we should not be surprised to discover that Martin had come to bridge the gulf between racial justice, economic justice, imperial wars abroad and also global economic imperialism and worked hard to create a functional battle plan to solve all of those problems.
It should not be surprising that this great leader was killed (followed soon thereafter by his ally Robert Kennedy), and the world took a very dark and unnatural trajectory. It should also not be surprising that many years after his death, efforts were put into motion by those unsatisfied with the death of his body – who wished nothing less than the assassination of his memory and legacy.
The 2nd Assassination of MLK
A new assassination is being attempted half a century after the life of Martin Luther King was cut short by a bullet on the balcony of the Loraine Motel on April 4, 1968. A story has gone viral across the international media in recent months which promises to shed light on the dark perversity of Martin Luther King Jr.
The scandal was featured in the June 2019 edition of Standpoint magazine by internationally renowned Martin Luther King “authority” David Garrow and aimed at destroying the myth of King as a moral leader of America by showcasing the ugliness of King’s true self as an orgy-loving abuser who had over 40 affairs and laughed as a friend raped a parishioner.
Garrow states that his expose:
“poses so fundamental a challenge to his historical stature as to require the most complete and extensive historical review possible.”
The fact that so many news outlets are jumping on the bandwagon should cause one to wonder why is this happening at this moment in history? Could this strange hysteria over a mediocre slander piece have anything to do with the fact that the polarized cages of left and right are finally breaking down?
Could it be that the light shed upon the injustices and reality of the Deep State’s infiltration of the US government over decades may awaken something within the collective psyche of Americans which many had thought was long dead?
The timing is especially strange since the supposed “ground breaking evidence” which the heroic Garrow is bringing to light was actually first made public in November 2017, and on closer inspection, it wouldn’t qualify by any lawyer’s standard as “evidence”.
The “Scandal” Being Exposed
In November 2017, a batch of 19,000 formerly classified government documents, and wiretap transcripts relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy were made public as per the JFK Records Collection Act of 1992. Although nothing very dramatic was found among that otherwise highly redacted bundle, a strange 20 page FBI report on Martin Luther King Jr did cause some to take notice.
In this report published weeks before his murder, an anonymous FBI agent records his assessment that MLK was a paid and loyal member of the Communist Party who had his speeches approved by Communist controllers. Not only that, but the report paints King as a sexual deviant of the highest order.
In the last two pages, the report explains how King engaged in a “two day drunken sex orgy in Washington D.C., Many of those present engaged in sexual acts, natural as well as un-natural, for the entertainment of onlookers. When one of the females shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and other males present discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect”.
The conspicuous quality of this FBI report, is that it is so reminiscent of Christopher Steele’s 30 page “dodgy dossier” which justified FBI surveillance on President Trump in the lead up to the 2016 elections. Without ever taking a moment to prove any of its claims, the Steele dossier asserted dozens of instances of Trump’s sexual perversity and his adherence to the nefarious agenda of the Kremlin.
Similarly ignoring all actual evidence, the 1968 FBI report advances an image of King as a degenerate using only hearsay, conjecture, and third hand reports. For example, the FBI, not known for their honesty, are convinced that King fathered a child with a mistress in Los Angeles purely because they were informed by “a very responsible Los Angeles individual in a position to know”. The audio tapes, if they exist at all, have never actually been heard by anyone and we are told will supposedly be made public in 2027.
Garrow’s Sleight of Hand
Before going further, it is worth taking a moment to ask who is this David Garrow who has found the courage to reveal the “true Martin Luther King”?
Garrow is celebrated by the Mainstream Press as an international authority on Martin Luther King due largely to his Pulitzer Prize-winning 1986 book “Bearing the Cross” which has somehow given him the authority to be the last word on the narrative of King’s life for the next 33 years.
Since that book Garrow has worked as a professor of history at various universities has found himself writing for proven CIA-sponsored mainstream rags such as the Washington Post, NY Times, Financial Times, New Republic and has more recently been stationed in England as a senior research Fellow at Cambridge University from 2005-2011.
Today Garrow has become the official biographer of Barack Obama, and also an authority on the fraud of Russia-Gate attracting hordes of Trump supporters to his analysis.
Garrow has also made himself an enemy of the King family by leading slander campaigns against Coretta Scott King and her children who have managed the King Family Estate by labelling them as corrupt conspiracy theorists due to the family’s crazy belief that the government had anything to do with King’s assassination.
The Forgotten 1999 Civil Court Case
Garrow was first deployed to attack the family in the wake of the Memphis Civil Court trial in December 1999 wherein a four week-long hearing of 70 witnesses ended with a Jury unanimously concluding not only that James Earl Ray (who had died in prison the year earlier) was innocent of the murder of Dr. King, but that the FBI and highest echelons of government conspired in the assassination.
During a press conference Coretta Scott King said:
There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court’s unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It is a great victory for truth itself. It is important to know that this was a SWIFT verdict, delivered after about an hour of jury deliberation.”
Coretta’s son Dexter (who is now the president of the King Center) spoke after his mother saying:
We can say that because of the evidence and information obtained in Memphis we believe that this case is over. This is a period in the chapter. We constantly hear reports, which trouble me, that this verdict creates more questions than answers. That is totally false. Anyone who sat in on almost four weeks of testimony, with over seventy witnesses, credible witnesses I might add, from several judges to other very credible witnesses, would know that the truth is here.”
While a fuller expose documenting the FBI/Anglo-Canadian intelligence behind the King assassination will be documented elsewhere, it is sufficient to note for now that during this period of constant O.J. Simpson trial coverage across all press agencies, hardly a word on these hearings was covered by the media.
David Garrow stepped into the mud early on to slander the family and the court case as a whole saying of the family
The King youngsters are part of a larger population of American people who need to believe that the assassination of a King or a Kennedy must be the work of mightier forces… Individuals need to see something of a harmony amongst impact and cause. That if something has a large evil effect, it ought to be the result of a huge evil cause.”
By denying the existence of causality, or conspiracy in regards to historical processes, this “world renowned historian” essentially admitted that he is either extremely dumb or a part of the conspiracy himself.
Exhibiting the height of hypocrisy, Garrow said of King’s children in 2009:
I fear we are at the point where the behaviour of the children is doing lasting, indelible damage to King’s reputation”.
Philip Madison Jones, a Hollywood producer and best friend of Dexter King has stated that Garrow’s anti-King family malice is due to the fact that King’s late wife Coretta Scott King refused to put Garrow in charge of a project involving King’s papers. Apparently, Garrow wished to do to King what Edgar Poe’s “official” biography Rufus Griswold did in 1850[1].
Obama as a “Superior Role Model”
It was while working in Cambridge in 2008 that Garrow became obsessed with Barack Obama and with the idea of writing an untouchable biography that would render all other biographies obsolete for all time. This work was so magnificent and all-encompassing that it would require 9 years to write and would finally put an end to all speculation about Obama’s birth and shady life before politics. The effect of this work was a 1500 page fluff piece called Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.
Describing his motive for writing his book Garrow said:
“My very purposeful intent with this book has been to produce a book of record that folks will still be using and relying upon 25, 35 years from now. All throughout 2008, I was disappointed by the quality and depth of journalism about his earlier life. I thought the mainstream media was being insufficiently curious about him and on the other hand, we simultaneously had all of these whacky oppositional actions out there regarding where was he born was he really a Muslim? And so I came to this really with a professional belief that someone with my background and experience should really tackle this.”
When asked in an interview how he managed to have so many long meetings with Obama in the White House (who apparently took the time out of his busy schedule to read the entire opus), Garrow stated that it was arranged by his personal friend Bob Bauer who just so happened to be Obama’s personal attorney.
Amongst other crimes, Bauer had been known for providing the “legal justification” for Obama’s unconstitutional bombing of Libya in 2011. Both Bauer and Garrow are currently playing two sides of the anti-Trump operation with Bauer acting as a loud voice for impeachment and advocate of the Russia-Gate narrative and Garrow playing an anti-Russia-Gate liberal socialist who now appears on Fox News regularly as he is a rare case of a liberal intellectual attacking Russia-Gate. While promoting the neo-liberal order embodied by Barack Obama on the one hand, Garrow has somehow managed to walk the fine line of convincing both left and right ideologues that he is trustworthy because his lofty intellect transcends partisanship.
Garrow has gained the respect of weak-minded liberals and conservatives alike by criticising the abuses of the FBI while actually hiding the larger historical truths which Garrow’s masters wish to bury. In the case of the King story, Garrow appears critical of the FBI’s surveillance of King but then explains at length why their reasoning was completely logical and evidence based.
In a lengthy article, Garrow attempts to make the case that King’s close advisor Stanley Levison was a former financier for the Communist Party of America (CPUSA). How did the FBI know that? They merely asked two former CPUSA members/FBI informant siblings Jack and Morris Childs who said so. Garrow wrote of this irrefutable evidence in a 2002 article in the Atlantic: “The Childs brothers’ direct, personal contact with Levison from the mid-1940s to 1956 was sufficient to leave no doubt whatsovever that their reports about his role was accurate and truthful”.
Levison’s connection to King provided Hoover with the “legal grounds” to begin wiretapping King in 1955.
While the evidence used by Hoover to justify wiretaps were nearly always untrue, what has come to light in recent years is that much of the CPUSA, as well as the black nationalist movements, were under total control of the FBI – with vast numbers of the membership of both organizations on the roster as paid informants.
After King’s assassination, the Childs brothers, still under FBI direction, rose to the highest echelons of the communist party and were selected to arrange for money transfers from the Kremlin to the CPUSA.
In 1956, Hoover created COINTELPRO with the explicit purpose of infiltrating and subverting civil rights movements; utilizing informants, false narratives and low-intensity psychological warfare. Hoover himself said of the operation
The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist, hate type organizations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership and supporters.”
Fearing the rise of moral leadership as a destruction of the “rules of the game” which the FBI wished to control from above Hoover said that they must “prevent the rise of a ‘messiah’ who could unify and electrify the militant black nationalist movement”.
Bobby and John Fight Back
While Garrow writes extensively that Bobby Kennedy acting as Attorney General was to blame for King’s illegal surveillance, the reality is quite the reverse. Both Kennedy brothers detested the FBI’s dictatorship in America and both understood the international power structures of British Intelligence shaping the CIA/FBI behaviour from above.
When JFK fired Allan Dulles, he made many manoeuvers to bring the FBI under control to little avail. The night that John was killed, Bobby Kennedy was with his close friend Congressman Cornelius Gallagher who later reported that Bobby stated that “the old man (Hoover)” was behind it. Gallagher went on record in a 2013 interview saying “if there was a conspiracy then only Hoover and his special group could have fkilled the President”.
In that same interview Gallagher discussed his belief in the Permindex assassination bureau which Attorney General Jim Garrison had uncovered during his investigation of JFK’s assassination[2].
While Bobby is painted as an anti-MLK enforcer for the FBI by Garrow, the reality is that Bobby personally intervened to get King out of a six month sentence in a maximum security penitentiary, for having an invalid driver’s license, in 1960. As he was deciding to run for President in 1968, MLK was simultaneously contemplating running as a candidate which would have brought these two collaborators into a potentially powerful political alliance.
Ironically, FBI Director James Comey (who was later fired for attempting his “Hoover moment” with incoming President Trump), slandered Bobby in a Guardian 2015 interview saying “I keep Bobby’s authorization of King’s FBI surveillance on my desk to remind me of the agency’s past misdeeds”.
Unfortunately, the beautiful possibility of a 1968 Bobby Kennedy/Martin Luther King alliance was not permitted to come into being and an era of insanity was unleashed. While such operations as MK Ultra and COINTELPRO came to formal ends in the 1970s, their operations continued on as the Deep State embedded itself ever more deeply into the heart of America’s soul.
Where do We go from Here?
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the FBI became recognized as just one branch of the Deep State/5 Eyes international intelligence apparatus which had been making every effort to undermine America and bring the republic back under firm control of the British Empire as outlined by Cecil Rhodes in his 1877 will.
Just as the FBI often controlled the most reactionary and violent elements of anti-establishment movements during COINTELPRO, recent reports have proven that the vast majority of those “prevented” terrorist attempts which have occurred in America since 1993 have actually first been instigated by the FBI demonstrating conclusively that the bureau never reformed.
We stand at a moment which is shaped by a great hope for a new set of relationships based on the potential alliance between western cultures increasingly purged of the Deep State and Eastern nations led by Russia, China and the Belt and Road Initiative, let us remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr in his August 1967 speech titled “Where do We go from Here?”:
I want to say to you as I move to my conclusion, as we talk about “where do we go from here?” that we must honestly face the fact that the movement must address itself to the question of restructuring the whole of American society…
Now, don’t think you have me in a bind today. I’m not talking about communism. What I’m talking about is far beyond communism. …Communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social. And the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism, but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both. Now, when I say questioning the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together. These are the triple evils that are interrelated…
And I must confess, my friends, that the road ahead will not always be smooth. There will still be rocky places of frustration and meandering points of bewilderment. There will be inevitable setbacks here and there. And there will be those moments when the buoyancy of hope will be transformed into the fatigue of despair. Our dreams will sometimes be shattered and our ethereal hopes blasted. We may again, with tear-drenched eyes, have to stand before the bier of some courageous civil rights worker whose life will be snuffed out by the dastardly acts of bloodthirsty mobs. But difficult and painful as it is, we must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future….
When our days become dreary with low-hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a thousand midnights, let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
In his closing remarks to the 1999 jury trial that found King to be a victim of a vast conspiracy, Martin’s son Dexter King left a challenge to all who would come into contact with this news:
The question now is, “What will you do with that?” We as a family have done our part. We have carried this mantle for as long as we can carry it. We know what happened. It is on public record. The transcripts will be available; we will make them available on the Web at some point. Any serious researcher who wants to know what happened can find out.”
[1] The idea that Poe was a deviant, alcoholic and opium addict was entirely generated by the pen of Poe’s enemy Rufus Griswold who managed to purchase the entire body of Poe’s personal writings from the poet’s financially strained aunt and then proceeded to “lose everything” while publishing a biography that became the authoritative book on Poe for the next 170 years.
[2] Much of Garrison’s work was used in the crafting of Oliver Stone’s JFK whose buzz on Capitol Hill created the momentum for the passage of the JFK Records Declassification Act of 1992.
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and has authored 3 volumes of ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation. This article was recently adapted into a short video found here.
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Dr. William Pepper, was a friend of MLK and also the King family’s lawyer. Pepper acted for them in court as the plaintiff’s lawyer in a 1999 civil lawsuit brought by the King family against one Loyd Jowers and unnamed co-conspirators in the wrongful death of Martin Luther King.
The jury in the civil trial agreed with King family and Pepper that the evidence presented in court showed that King was murdered as a result of a conspiracy that included Jowers and US Government agencies. Furthermore, the chosen patsy, James Earl Ray, could not have been the triggerman who fired at MLK from the boarding house window across the street from the motel.
Dr Pepper has written several books on the King assassination. The latest one being The Plot to Kill King.
The continuing Communism smear tactic continues unabated in America and the West in general. It is an affliction which has developed into a very serious addiction which if we imagine America to be a person then that individual would surely be incarcerated in a mental asylum. It should come as no small surprises that the American nation accounts for over 75% of the world’s psychopathic killers and on the world stage much of their behaviour has elements of that sickness with the added bonus of exploitation and control. Their populations like many others in the West are living in a sea of ignorance which in turn is an ideal breeding ground for luminaries such as Bush, Obama, Clinton and Trump to do the bidding of a malign and deviant cabal to justify their Insane American “exceptionalism” belief. As Venessa Beeley said on UK Column today, “The insane are about to hand over to the lunatics”
About the only things Ameriklans are exceptional at is racism, imperialism, willful ignorance, stupidity and insecurity.
The only question up for debate is what percentage of Americans are actually Ameriklans?
I’d put it at no less than 50%.
The following is something you rarely see; a high profile white man telling on
his racethe white race. I think it’s safe to say that Cohen, who’s married to a black woman, considers his race to be the human race.Former Defense Secy. Cohen: Capitol Hill Riots Part Of Whitelash In America
Let freedom ring. Blessings to all who have worked for freedom past and present. Here is a Corbett interview with Cahill. Cahill has some interesting discussion of PCR sequencing that sequence for positive covid are actually sequences of influenza a and b and not sarscov-2. Cahill’s SMILE IS INFECTIOUS.
This video is wonderful. Whilst I was brought up as a Roman Catholic in England, (I gave it up) I had no family connection with Ireland. About 20 years ago, my wife and I and our 10 year old daughter, packed our rucksacks, and left London (in sweltering sunshine) in shorts and T-Shirts to for a 3 day tourist break at a hotel in Central Dublin.
We arrived in less than an hour. It was pouring with rain, and we were drowned before we got to the bus.
We received the warmest welcome we could ever have (even better than Amsterdam)
We tried to pay the bus driver for our tickets…He says, no, and stopped the bus at the office to get us a family ticket. (less than half the price)
So we discovered Dublin – went on all the tourist trips, including the jail..and we walked, went to the pubs and saw the do they do that….
It completely changed my historical view of Ireland as taught to me in an English Roman Catholic School
I accept it is wrong to generalise, and we could have had a completely different experience at a different time.
My wife and I have travelled to many places all over the world during our lives (now 60’s).
We found The Irish by far the most welcoming.
We now have family in Ireland, and hope to visit soon.
The keep asking us.
Maybe sail there. It’s not that far, but it’s a cultural world away from England.
We lurrve Dolores!! A true ray of hope! And so simple. No violence required. Oh…except we kick ’em repeatedly where it really hurts. That’s correct. Right in their wallets!
How appropriate that the ‘inauguration’ of a new mafia boss is held with absolutely no public participation at all. Surrounded by an entire legion of troops protecting them from the people, who they have made their enemy.
At the US inauguration they are all wearing the masks, symbolic of the scam they are playing on the world.
And the wretchedness of the woke “opposition” is shown up by their squealing about how Israel is withholding vaccine from the Palestinians. This echoing similar phony “concern porn” re: complaints that the rich in general were going to be given a faster delivery of the vax. And this is our new designated social protest field?
The presuppositions:
Conclusion: Be a real groovy rebel motherfucker by insisting the vax goes to the poor and downtrodden first!
Helsinki Committee to declare Pfizer performing unauthorized human experiment in Israel Committee in charge of supervising human trials expected to state vaccine campaign is clinical study and needed pre-approval.
How appropriate that the ‘inauguration’ of a new mafia boss is held with absolutely no public participation at all. Surrounded by an entire legion of troops protecting them form the people, who they have made their enemy.
Thinking again about that “oppositional” movement Left Lockdown Sceptics:
This has been the most basic containment manoeuvre: to present a supposedly oppositional group which accepts the questionable terms of the official position. As Phil Greaves said,
Trump’s speech, which is being ruthlessly ridiculed and attacked by the conglomerate MSM in the USA and around the world, In my view was a massive truth bomb. And they know it, which is why they are attacking it. Not because trump was a success in the way his fans believe: God, guns and free speech, that was just a side show, but because behind the scenes the US has been up to a lot of dirty looting, which remains hidden from most in the US and overseas.
The 6 Corporate media conglomerates who have gained massively from the trump regime. Time Warner etc…. walked away with massive tax cuts, astronomical amounts of stimulus money, and their banks which serve their endless debt were kept afloat with trillions & trillions of dollars of Fed money. Not to mention the thousands of regulations, protecting workers, removed from Corporations and the limiting of the public’s privacy, allowing for the harvesting of the populations information without consent by the state and Corporations.
So for all that alone, we should be asking what are MSM unhappy about, they sure as hell don’t care about the populations well being, the people’s interests are as invisible to them as they are to the rest of the financial, military and surveillance elites. Of course their outrage is a show to cover up for the work carried out during the trump regime that culminated in the Covid scamming of the world.
Trump has been their biggest success and I say that without including the massive financial looting of the world and domestic economy, that operation Covid has been.
The Covid measures, executed by CIA agents like Macron and Johnson will possibly see the largest shift of market share to US corporations, internet services, entertainment services, whilst destroying millions of domestic business around the world, in history. Under Trump, there was a serious concerted effort to ‘Make America Great again’, or at least its oligarch and elites.
You could almost hear the frustrating on trump’s voice as he, in my mind rightly claims success, because he knows he is not allowed to claim credit for what was done, on his watch, because it will spook the victims for the next round of looting and leave the USA’s agents like Johnson and Marcon exposed to real scrutiny.
He reveals the truth when he said ‘America was helping the world, but now the world is helping America’. He is referring to the looting. Also he refers to the success of the ‘miracle vaccine’. Of course we all know miracles don’t exist and in plain view he tells us it is a lie. The elites like to joke around with us. Trump has been a tremendous experiment, a great success but not for any of the reasons, you might think.
‘“Joe Biden – he’s a woke guy, he appointed an amazingly strong woman of colour who is also pro-choice as his running mate, he mentioned the trans community in his victory speech, he stood up for the Black Lives Matter protesters, he spoke out about the policing of that movement, and he’s never shied away from standing up for his values,” Nandy said.’
I thought “woke” was a pejorative. I had no idea those who unashamedly display this attitude would actually use the word as if proud of it!
And it’s always excruciating when someone is congratulated for being daring in standing up for movements (trans, BLM) that have already been consecrated by the media.
She’s black! (well, sort of.)
And she’s got a vagina!! Vote for the vagina!!! Vote for the black vagina!!!
“Italian philosopher Roberto Esposito observes that, “Politics has become medicalized. Giving doctors the task of political decision-making radically transforms the political arena, making deviance a pathological condition.” The historic passivity with which this new medicalized anti-politics regime has been accepted raises troubling life and death questions that go far beyond public health policy.”
This would suggest that the covid manoeuvre has resulted in a regime of political control that even Orwell didn’t envision. Politics absorbed by science. Politics now a matter of bodily hygiene under a life-or-death ultimatum. The implied universal directive: “You will do what we say or else everyone dies!”
And such a ferocious negation of human society itself is something that would have been inconceivable a year ago. Go back a year and imagine trying to explain this unprecedented transformation to anyone back then. Surely, they would say, “That could never happen! Nobody would allow it! If the rulers were to try and impose such a thing then all the political movements would revolt! The Right and most certainly the Left!” And you would have to say, “No! No opposition! All groups are either urging the inhuman regime on or completely ignoring it!”
Irony alert. I checked the Roberto Esposito interview referred to above. You can see it here:
Esposito also buys into the “deadly pandemic” narrative cf. his comments on herd immunity and his assumption that it would have indeed been “murderous”. All the more ironic since he is Italian i.e. part of that nation chosen as a springboard for the covid strategy to introduce the exciting new movie franchise into the West. There was never any indication that the “horrifying figures” that started to flow in were anything significant bearing in mind the ages involved and the co-morbidities.
Yes, the politics of the medical. Frightening.
And also, yes! to what I have been saying for months. “If I sat at your kitchen table last Christmas (’19) and told you that come Spring there will be a world wide lockdown, everyone in masks, businesses closed, schools, libraries, churches closed and it will go on all year – what would you do? You’d laugh me right out of the house”
Cause I’m such a conspiracy theorist.
Is there some kind of ridiculous comparison between MLK and the orange subhuman muppet here?
Patriotism and intelligent thought have never been observed to co-exist. Thanks for the comic relief in these grim times.
AS ALWAYS ,YOU ARE THE Angry RACIST SUB HUMAN. Muppet.A HIPPOCRITE like all the Rest celebrating Everything MLK was fighting against.
“Patriotism and intelligent thought have never been observed to co-exist”
Should they? If we have one, we don’t need the other.
Empirical evidence shows, pit bulls go well with Patriotism.
The Secret Services issued a warning to the National Guards deployed for the US inauguration, not to share online the location and pictures of the White House.
Politics in the US is putting comedians out of business.
Humour aside, let’s not forget that these weasels are desperate enough to kill on a global scale, trying to cover up the mass killing they’ve already been doing…
Apologies to all real weasels. I’m just using a common figure of speech.
“The economic, social and political destruction being wrought by official responses to the Covid pandemic, and the unhinged attempts to mount the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” alongside the privatization of nature being pursued by front groups such as the Natural Capital Coalition are doomed to failure.
Keeping this kind of paternalist authoritarianism even marginally alive has required a global fear campaign built around the virus and the reduction of political life to virtual media spectacles. It is an agenda without the slightest semblance of popular support.”
“The January 7, 2021, riots in Washington, DC were a destructive, unhinged clown show with no discernible objective.
The coming tsunami of citizen driven rebellion worldwide against the anti-democratic, anti-humanist agenda of globalist elites will look very different. It is already beginning in nascent form in Europe, Asia and the Americas, an implacable rejection of economic and social tyranny driven by greed and the desire to prop up a failed global economic model under the guise of protecting public health.”
Video re Biden inauguration
“They gave you Trump, and now they’re giving you the architect of the system that gave you Trump”
Great quote!
It has become a major prop of the covid con to interpret the effects of the lockdown as the effects of covid. Thus, when a woman has a nervous breakdown, turns up naked in her cellar and, ever so conveniently, tests positive then all the aberrant behaviour is of course attributed to covid. Indeed, the way it was reported in the Daily Mail is significant:
“With no signs of cough, fever, breathlessness or tummy upset, she ticked none of the boxes for Covid. Yet she tested positive.”
She “ticked none of the boxes” and yet she tested positive. Implication: we have a handy new list of symptoms to look out for. And – these are all symptoms which can logically be attributed to the lockdown with its suspension of all regular daily activity, separation of everyone from everyone else, constant fear mongering on all the media, blatant admission that nothing will ever be the same and implication that this is it forever! Who in their right mind would not assume that all this had something to do with the woman’s breakdown?
But no! It must be the virus! And this cretinous conclusion is something that no responsible medical person would ever arrive at without considering the more obvious causes. So, my conclusion is that the entire medical profession as presented in the media is either a total sham or has been gagged with only carefully selected noises allowed to come out.
The fascistic Daily Mail is guilty of creating a human catastrophe
If 4,500,000 die from cancelled medical treatment – they won’t have died from ‘Covid’ – they will have died from lockdown

[The fascistic Daily Mail is guilty of creating a human catastrophe…]
Oh, so it was single-handedly created by the fascistic Daily Mail?
PS. No fan of the Daily Mail (I am not even a UK citizen), but also decidedly not a fan of over-the-top generalisations.
so funny.. anyone had Nigel defraud latest scam pop up on you tube.?
There is a you tube ad with him in it and its terrible ( it a white posh Nigerian scam )
cant help laughing wonder how gullible many will invest
now the chump train has run out there back to selling anything to the dummy’s until they get there orders ay!
Back to being a investment
bankerI think he’s just desperate for attention.
The bad guys had plotted to have Biden assassinated at the inauguration and subsequently blame Trump and his supporters.
It was to be their last ditch attempt to seize power.
If Biden gets shot it was the Deep State not the current administration.
The bad guys and good guys are the same guys.
All you need to say is there is one “coronavirus” caused hiccup and the lesser of 2 evils propaganda continues helping precipitate the evil. “oh but if it wasn’t for the lockdown there would be absolute carnage. Isn’t it wonderful how many lives are being saved by masks and lockdowns and social distancing? it is the greatest thing ever. ”
the germ theory works like that. it inverts everything and the moment you accept the slightest bit of it and claim there was a corona virus patient you are driving the holocaust. they are psychopaths and take full advantage of antivaxxers. perhaps there is many more non covid deaths being caused? perhaps they are lieing about how many patients there is? Why would they only have 1 covid patient if they are claiming there is need for lockdown. To keep people calm while they are incinerating millons? Who is going to check? Did you miss the part where they said nobody was allowed to visit and they shut down the grapevine? I don’t know if they are massacaring people but I certainly wouldn’t trust any figures put out by criminals conducting lockdowns and find such low numbers could be a deliberate divertion to keep people from investigating what they are doing. needless to say there should be no hospitals operating under their control or with closed doors.
Ah, but you’re forgetting the new Scundthorpe strain and the Berwick-on-Tweed strain which have yet to make the headlines…
A woman once travelled to New Brunswick from UK, you know.
I can’t remember the exact year, but it’s best to be safe, isn’t it?
I’m waiting for the new Wars of The Roses, when Yorkshire and Lancashire challenge each other that their strain is the most virulent.
The hysteria continues:
“Hiccups, tinnitus and stammering are bizarre signs of Covid too, say doctors – as it becomes clear the virus can affect the body from head to toe
· Tales of rare but serious psychiatric effects have led the UK to set up CoroNerve
· It has hundreds of examples of UK victims who suffered psychological reactions
· Even hiccups could be sign that virus has got into body, according to a report
· Other scientific reports talk of sudden hair loss, ringing in ears and double vision
A constant cough, high temperature, thumping headache and a sudden loss of smell or taste are all common symptoms of Covid-19. But what is now clear (?!) is that the virus can actually affect the body from head to toe.
Many people complain of confusion and an inability to concentrate, while chilblain-like lesions, dubbed ‘Covid toe’, are a frequent manifestation, according to medical reports.”
Well we all trust “medical reports”.
“And some cases are truly bizarre. Take, for example, a 33-year-old woman from the French city of Strasbourg who was rushed to hospital last year after being found naked in the basement of a building, complaining of hearing voices when there was nobody with her.
She had no history of mental illness and her vital signs – such as heart rate and blood pressure – were fine. But her speech was incoherent and she was convinced the hospital was a castle.
With no signs of cough, fever, breathlessness or tummy upset, she ticked none of the boxes for Covid. Yet she tested positive.”
Well I’m convinced.
“In a report on the case, doctors said the virus had invaded her central nervous system and caused ‘multiple neurological and psychiatric consequences’. She was stabilised with anti-psychotic medicine and later discharged.”
Well naturally, the little voodoo box proclaimed covid therefore all diagnosis had to proceed from that assumption.
The increased hysteria represents their increased desperation as more and more see through the scam
Hilarious!! Thanks for posting.
Well, it does seem odd that the following bodies were already set up in advance:
NervTag – New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group
CoroNerve – The CoroNerve Studies Group on the neurological and neuropsychiatric effects of COVID-19
This did not just pop up as the Daily Mail suggests… have these effects been noted for some time… are they due to Covid or to the injectables? It certainly coincides with the latter. I’m sure it’ll be blamed on a “mutation of the virus”.
Members of CoroNerve include:
Association of British Neurologists
Encephalitis Society
British Neuropsychiatry Association
British Pediatric Neurology Association
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Neuro Anaesthesia & Critical Care Society
Brain Infections Global
Intensive Care Society
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
Or it may just be St Vitus’ Dance…
Horace Silver – St Vitus’ Dance involuntary syncopation. The get down like you may never get up again, feel the rhythm from your ears to your toes, Covid blues!
If I’m going to get those effects I’d rather skip the injectable and get a similar reaction from the old Wormwood Absinthe that got Van Gogh. The symbology is getting ridiculous.
Revelation 8:10-11: “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”
According to some total bullshit I saw this morning on breakfast TV, symptoms also include ‘sore eyes’.
I hasten to add that I only saw this nonsense because I was at work, where the idiot’s lantern is always lit.
We are in dire need of some drastic anti-stupidity laws, if we are to survive this onslaught…
Ah, this “symptom” is diabolically clever.
See, the authorities may decide to lift their hobnailed, vaccine-greased boot off of the public neck just enough to reopen, say, pubs, restaurants, and gyms. Naturally, many of the returning patrons will exclaim, “You’re a sight for sore eyes!” as they enter the reopened establishments.
Then, the track-and-trace inspectors will record these exclamations, and the authorities will declare a new COVID “spike” or “surge” and re-impose the draconian restrictions with renewed righteous zeal.
Sounds farfetched, I know– but think of all of the other Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic hijinks that would’ve sounded preposterously farfetched just a year ago. 😉
At no point did your scenario strike me as being far-fetched. ;o)
(Hello, Ort, by the way. It’s nice to hear from you).
Reminds me of a priceless Private Eye cover from several years ago when somebody in the royal family gave birth to a child who was umpteenth in line to the Throne:
The covid equivalent would seem to run,
No doubt the “doctors” were not named.
Thanks for the post. Now I understand those traffic accident deaths are being caused by covid affecting peoples motor skills. Jeez and I was just beginning to think this covid thing was a scam.
I saw a very old lady fallen in the street today, she was very frail. As they helped, nobody took her mask off, which probable caused here to collapse in the first place. It is a genocide.
“thumping headache “? That’s a new one. It’s also a symptom of a night on the piss.
Last week, for the first time since the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) scamdemic was launched last year, I had to go to a local medical lab facility to get a routine annual PSA blood test. I knew there would be some sort of MVD checkpoint; when I got a haircut on Christmas Eve, for the first time (for me) the salon did a temperature check when I arrived.
I can’t say whether the healthcare staffers manning these receptionist checkpoints have been trained to be “reassuring”, i.e. cheerful and lighthearted, but if so it’s a shrewd tactic. I was asked to stop and stand on the temp-check circle. Apart from the check– I “passed”– the cheerful woman fired off a few questions about whether I’d had recent symptoms, “COVID test” results, etc.
I can’t really remember the exact questions, but happily they were framed in a way that telegraphed what the “right” answer ought to be. Frankly, I could’ve been vomiting blood and expectorating multicolored globs of goo on my way in and still would’ve blithely answered “No” “No” “No”. I was actually relieved when I was “greenlighted”, i.e. waved on to proceed to the lab proper; I dreaded the prospect of being “asked” to take a “COVID test”.
I got my blood test. As I passed by the checkpoint on the way out, a newly-arrived elderly woman in the test circle was meekly asking the receptionist “What do you mean by ‘symptoms’?” I kept walking toward the exit, but in the cavernous empty lobby the staffer’s memorable response echoed: “Well… fever, chills, aches, diarrhea– anything, really!” When she said “anything, really!” she laughed.
I’m in no way criticizing or finding fault with this conscientious “screener”. I was actually gratified that she “broke character” with that revealing little laugh at the end; I may be projecting, but it seemed to subliminally signal “I know these are bullshit questions, and you know they’re bullshit questions– but we have to go through this formality just to please the bosses. Ain’t life grand?”
All the way home, that blithe “anything, really!” rang in my ear. It summed up the farcical nature of the scamdemic “remedies” perfectly.
The scam really does work. I was speaking to a workman who was complaining about the continuing lockdowns because the first one had not been severe enough. And it seems that people now were “not taking it seriously enough” i.e. just going out without their masks (even if they were wearing them in the shops). And all you had to do was look at the numbers which were going down but are now going up again.
It obviously never occurs to this mindset to ask what the numbers are, how the numbers are arrived at etc. And if you go into that (numbers based not on deaths or even symptoms but test results which are to say the least questionable) you are denounced as a “conspiracy nut”. It’s amazing. Thinking about it rationally, asking intelligent question is to be a “conspiracy nut”. This is the new superstition, the new peasant religion. The test numbers are like holy writ. Questioners are blasphemers.
remind me what did hanciock siad on LBC establishment whore radio.which got repeated by the usually suspects
in essence not the governments policy ow no it the people fault and not long after fines where introduced and all sorts
they also repeated this line about students going out which was bullshit
not forgetting carers in old people home not wearing PPE that why old people died and so on and so forth.
‘And if you go into that (numbers based not on deaths or even symptoms but test results which are to say the least questionable) you are denounced as a “conspiracy nut”.’
i don’t share that sentiment at all. Although it is difficult to convince people that the covid is madness (as they alway try to find confirmation of there belief system in the wrong places aka MSM), they do listen to statements like that the no of covid deaths are no different than flu deaths over a same season. That info is supported by governmental publications, just tell them you can find that info on governmental websites.
when they go into the question of why for instance the media would be lying etc, you should stop short. Say that you didn’t say that the media is lying, only that you say that the no of covid deaths are no different than flu deaths over a same season.
I think one of the problems that commenters here have with the average Joe and Jane, is that they want to explain to much to them. Let Joe and Jane do their own thinking, after you’ve helped them by giving them some factual information.
that is what I do, anyway
Makes sense.
Actually, death numbers are going up in the UK the past 3 weeks (i.e. since the week ending 25th December): excess deaths over the five year average are 35-45% on a rising trend the past three weeks.
Whether that is Covid19, a generalised decline in health (if so, why were the increases sudden), the vaccine ‘causing deaths’ (unlikely, but prove it ain’t so, please) who knows.
But there is now an emerging ‘second spike of deaths’, albeit not at the rapidity of increase that we saw in April 2020.
Weekly excess COVID death count are absurd among others because of purposefully skewed methodology and catch all definitions of Covid clinical cases and Covid deaths which if applied to flu would have made flu virus a killer at least 10 times more deadly than officially COVID is and hence all those numbers are meaningless in assessment of epidemiological threat and hence useless in determining suitability of specific non medical mitigation orders.
The only excess death count that means something is a total seasonal excess death count especially that COVID killing profile parallels natural mortality curve which means people are dying not by specific narrowly deployed agent or virus but naturally at the end of their expected longevity with deaths differently clustered week by week, locality by locality in some weeks and localities more in some less deaths. The best estimates of human natural longevity (no accidents) from birth usually cannot narrow individual date of death to less than three years with 90% confidence which means the one in ten will die earlier or later than predicted.
Such correct calculations of seasonal excess deaths must also be adjusted for increase of population and changing number of people in specific age groups.
if these factors are taken under consideration there is no reported excess deaths so far in UK or US. What we dealing with are normal (last and current) seasons of flu-like respiratory diseases caused, as decades before, by hundreds of different viruses and bacteria or by other continuing not new factors.
doctors did not bother to identify in diagnosed flu patients or common cold patients what specific DNA/RNA bacteria or virus actually infected patient as irrelevant to observed similar phenology of actual respiratory diseases.
And that should have been approach regarding SC2 virus, old standard approach where first there is disease diagnosed and then if necessary confirmation of diagnosis via bacteriological virological tests is made.
American and British conservatives will never admit socialists were right about billionaires being the enemy of the people.
I read Aier now because they have a lot of anti-lockdown content – really good analysis. They are also a libertarian think tank. So they have these shit pieces where they declare that modern life is still amazingly improved and that free markets are the solution to everything. Socialism is the problem and if only people understood how markets worked like they do, then the shutdown would not have happened. I also subjected myself to the tortures of a gushing piece that proclaims the brilliance of unregulated greed and concludes that tech companies are not monopolies. They simply deliver the better product and are better at dog-eat-dog, hurrah!
So that’s to say: sadly, anti-lockdown conservatives are eating from the troth of libertarians and their stupidity is matched by their delusions of “logic”
[So they have these shit pieces where they declare that modern life is still amazingly improved…]
Well maybe they are publishing that because it is true in the senses they consider?
I remember the car my dad had when I was pre-school decades ago. I also know the car I currently own now – many decades later.
The improvement in product features and quality is almost incredible.
That is an almost undeniable truth hitting you and me in our faces every day. So I struggle to think that you seem to want to deny it.
On the other hand, if we talk about weird human POLITICAL ideas of decades ago versus today, I would agree there is essentially no improvement – but I doubt THAT is the point the fellas you refer to are making.
[tech companies … simply deliver the better product]
Well duh, of course that is true. That is exactly why so many of our fellow citizens chose them. The tech companies delivered the products they – our fellow citizens – wanted (and obviously regarded as “better”).
So, it seems again the fellas you were reading is totally spot-on, yet you seem to want to deny another truth staring you in the face?
Of course you and I may disagree with the billions of our fellow citizens about whether the tech companies products are “better.” But unless you believe that we now have the right to rule as philosopher kings because your and my idea of what is “better” is “better,” I must conclude that your analysis is unconvincing.
Cars, which gave much necessitated new air to Capitalism in the 20th century, have not only improved themselves, but have also become almost obligatory in many people’s lives. That’s ‘progress’, strictly understood as a commodity of Capital. Illich:
“Past a certain threshold of energy consumption, the transportation industry dictates the configuration of social space. Motorways expand, driving wedges between neighbors and removing fields beyond the distance a farmer can walk. Ambulances take clinics beyond the few miles a sick child can be carried. The doctor will no longer come to the house, because vehicles have made the hospital into the right place to be sick. Once heavy trucks reach a village high in the Andes, part of the local market disappears. Later, when the high school arrives at the plaza along with the paved highway, more and more of the young people move to the city, until not one family is left which does not long for a reunion with someone hundreds of miles away, down on the coast.
The product of the transportation industry is the habitual passenger. He has been boosted out of the world in which people still move on their own, and he has lost the sense that he stands at the center of his world.”
[American and British conservatives will never admit socialists were right about billionaires being the enemy of the people.]
Well, I guess then the “conservatives” are right.
Elementary empirical observation and logical thinking makes it clear that:
1) Not all billionaires are the enemies of the people.
2) It is not just some billionaires that are the enemies of the people, there are many others.
Thank you for making me thankful again that I went to the trouble of studying logic.
Thank you as well for making me thankful that I went to the trouble of studying superficial rhetoric – it is rewarding to see how easily it can be spotted, except of course by its targets who obligingly upvote you because you constructed it to fit their antecedent bias.
He should have probably better said that Billions (aka Kapital), is the enemy of the people.
Regarding individual virtue, there’s no moral without politics, there’s no politics without moral.
What a great, we’ll researched article. Could you imagine ever reading such an article in the mainstream media today? Articles like this prove how degenerate the mainstream media and mainstream western culture in general have become. Bravo!
Is it any surprise that Garrow is holed up in Cambridge? whose standards are slipping past their ankles along with their reputation. More of Gates money anyone?
Perhaps Garrow has another hit job in Blighty?
Obomber, whilst in office, managed to expand the debt of america equivalent to that created over the last 200 years. He also bombed a load of stuff. His specialty was weddings.
He won’t be last cocaine president as long as the cia exist.
The civil case proves that the murder of MLK was a conspiracy and gov’t depts were involved. Maybe the same gang that murdered JFK? One day we will know and the sooner the better. This murder, JFK, RFK, Oklahoma, Sept 11th, all unfinished business.
The clues for why america is today are strewn across all these murder scenes like bloody footprints. Detectives follow their gut, the public should do the same and maybe the madness will stop.
Slightly off topic but how about this little item from today’s Graun.
‘Woke guy’ Joe Biden is an inspiration for Labour, says Lisa Nandy
Shadow foreign secretary says party will seek to improve standing of UK damaged by Boris Johnson.
Anyone who still entertains any doubts about the trajectory of the Labour Party should take note. Biden, one of the most criminal corrupt politicians in the US, is now, according to the Labour party’s spokesperson, as someone to be emulated.
I think that just about settles the issue about political realingment in the UK at least. Our political system is under the control of foreign powers, the US and Israel.
What children does he plan to fondle as his first order of business?
The Corbyn fiasco was the last gasp for even the illusion that Labour was oppositional. There is no reason at all for paying any attention to Labour now. They will now submit completely to the new woke feudalism. The embarrassingly compliant Biden sets the tone for the flaccid new pseudo Left.
She’s my MP, and generally hated by people around here, certainly by my cohorts. Unfortinately, as the saying goes, you could stick a red rosette on a monkey up here and it would get voted in.
She’s everything I detest about New Labour and the mainstream left (actually neoliberal authoritarians).
I voted for Corbyn at the last election, not her.
imagine my shock that people stil in a form of psychosis thinking and believing in politics in 2021
This is a great, concise piece of analysis
‘America Just Replaced One Monster With Another’
Short video:
If you happen to accidentally switch to MSM fake news factories you are bombarded by virtue signaling orgasms about how America is great because in US ruling power is peacefully transitioned after elections. The supposedly almost unique in the world feature of American democracy.
Nothing can be further from the truth. Every word in the above Statement is a lie, some words lie twice.
United States of America never, ever had any peaceful transition of power in its 240 years of history as the same calcified Anglo American imperial regime of war and exploitation that rules the land continues its rule undisturbed from elections to elections. Scripted Theatrical Performance of changing cast of the same tragicomedic play in the American political theater is only peaceful because there is no real transition of power at all.
American power politics is perhaps most brutal, most bloody and most primitive in entire world. Ideas never mattered, profit, absolute power and control by oligarchic elite was all that mattered.
US constitution was most vulgar expression of astronomical hypocrisy among those former British aristocrats (founding fathers) who betrayed American revolution to set up a undemocratic regime that specifically denied any form of socioeconomic and political equality to,anyone outside of right elites.
The only one recorded real transition of political power in US (from southern land owners block to northern industrial oligarchy) happened to be most violent transition of power in the world as it turned into catastrophic American Civil War.
America is not different than other nations, she is not exceptional, not chosen by God to persists indefinitely because of the alleged indispensable Christian values it alleged instills and defends. Imperial America was built on totalitarian culture in seemingly open society, on hypocrisy and lies wrapped around with state religion of reactionary Americanism.
it is time for first in American history real transition of power from oligarchic elite of usurpers who want us dead to the sovereign American people from where power originates and where power ultimately belongs.
In last days of their lives before assassinations both MLK and Malcolm X seemed to understand what needs to be done namely real transition of power in America.
Yes, but US propaganda doesn’t convince the rest of the world. The rest of the world looks at what the US does, not what it says.
The best thing non-US citizens can do to US citizens is tell them hard-hitting truths about their country. Don’t personalise it, don’t say they are to blame (the vast majority aren’t), but do tell them that unless they educate themselves, relations between the US and the rest of the world will go exponentially downwards….
There are enough spitting mad US citizens right now that education is a definite possibility….
As a US expat, I am surprised at how many people I meet who think the US as a beacon of freedom. They ask me who I wanted for president Trump or Biden. They looked shocked when I tell them they are all criminals and need to be locked up. I think I woke up when I was 5 years old and realized already then how deranged and evil the government was. Its not just US citizens that need to be educate but people everywhere.
[In last days of their lives before assassinations both MLK and Malcolm X seemed to understand what needs to be done namely real transition of power in America.]
I never got that impression about Malcolm X.
Malcolm X after touring MENA countries understood that race does not exist and that it was concoction of institutions of slavery and exploitation based on race theory that led to eugenics specifically in new world invaded by European powers.
While in other empires worldwide ethnicity or other human individual or groups anthropological differences not color of skin were used to justify the same forms of enslavement.
whatever reasons were used to separate enslaved from the rest of humanity to pretend it is moral to enslave other human being.
And hence he concluded in front of 20,000 black people that racism including identity politics of white supremacy in US is a creation of American governmental institutions in order to perpetuate exploitation of blacks treated as commodity.
Therefore, any real change requires not fighting for black peoples alone, but overthrowing entire US regime and abolishing all exploitation of all people and all identity politics that fuels it.
That’s crazy thing about the mainstream “left” embracing ID politics in the way it has. Left and rightwing identity politics are two stinking turds from the same authoritarian arse and for us to progress as a species they both need flushing into oblivion.
The renewed attack on Martin Luther King Jr. began at the height of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, though predictably it came from the white political establishment.
Noam Chomsky’s interview for the Michael Brooks show, covered here, is is deceptive. As usual, with Chomsky, you have to listen carefully: he is not saying what you think he’s saying.
Chomsky is appearing to say something progressive while in fact saying something reactionary. This is why he is wildly popular with people who want to look liberal to their friends but are actually entrenched, small-c conservatives.
Chomsky begins: the popularity of “Black Lives Matter and the protests is well beyond what it was, say, for Martin Luther King at the peak of his popularity…” As evidence Chomsky cites the NYT article on the supposed 400th anniversary of slavery, that appeared in Sep 2019.
1) Mr Manufacturing Consent is quoting the NYT liberal media as an example of “many years of intensive activism”. Seriously? An article in an establishment newspaper constitutes activism? And there is no rationale for picking Sep 2019 as anniversary of slavery – but it was a very convenient peg for the upcoming protests manufactured by the Corporatist Media.
2) Then he damns MLK with faint praise. He hides the fact that MLK’s greatest speech was not “I Have a Dream.” It was the one he gave WHEN HE ALREADY KNEW THE STATE WAS GOING TO KILL HIM the night before his murder. The one that closes with:
As for popularity, MLK was demonized by the media for his vehement opposition to the war in Vietnam. The media even turned the black churches against MLK: they barred their doors to him. Because he opposed the war waged by the Military Industrial Complex for which Chomsky has worked all his life.
It is the Manufactured Consent Media that promotes BLM and dismisses MLK. Chomsky must take us for fools. Chomsky is suggesting that a few bricks and Molotov cocktails represent change? Once the venting of steam is over, the system will remain unchanged.
MLK’s whole point was: Apply the Constitution, Equally to all. You don’t need ‘Black Lives Matter’ if you’ve got:
BLM is conditional: black lives matter more or less than what? It reduces a Universal Right to one dependent on relative worth. If the information about Trayvon Martin or George Floyd is shown to be flawed, then in some people’s eyes, the justice of his cause goes away.
BLM is politically-manipulated, funded by organizations that specialize in virtue signaling.
MLK anticipated this: “Let us develop a kind of dangerous unselfishness…. not to be compassionate by proxy.”
MLK also anticipated the ineffectiveness of pantomime protests. In his final speech he called for an economic boycott, pointing out that collectively Black Americans are “richer than all the nations in the world, with the exception of nine”. “We don’t need any bricks and bottles, we don’t need any Molotov cocktails, we just need to go around to these stores, and to these massive industries in our country, and say.. our agenda calls for withdrawing economic support from you.”
Political strategists can lead us by the nose. Or we can raise our eyes with MLK and make concrete the idea:
We do need, more than ever in these times, A MARTIN LUTHER KING AMENDMENT, to remind us that words mean nothing if they are simply paper. A commitment to put the grand words of the Constitution into effect. Not ‘I Have A Dream’ but the speech he gave the night before his murder, in which he looked even higher, towards the limitless possibilities of humanity:
Even today, BLM is an easier sell than MLK.
Society cannot yet acknowledge what MLK told us on the even of his execution: that if they are willing to kill me, what will they do with you?
Thus NPR can write Despite Swirl Of Conspiracy Theories, Investigators Say The MLK Case Is Closed (April 2018) – and not even mention the 1999 civil trial: “After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on December 8, 1999 after about an hour of deliberations that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.”
So we cheer BLM as a media-packaged, authentic-looking craft beer, totally mass produced and comfortingly uniform in taste. At the same time, in our sub-conscious, we still don’t want to face up to that grass roots Black preacher who appealed to us on the very eve of his death to realize how high the stakes are.
In this speech he returned again and again to the threats against his life, even the one that morning that had delayed his flight from Atlanta. Ralph Abernathy had never seen this combination of melancholy, exhaustion and emotion. His final words in closing he took from the Battle Hymn of the Republic, written in 1861 by Julia Ward Howe: “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”
He had quoted the hymn often. His widow, Coretta, later wondered if he’d been too overcome by emotion to add the last line: “His truth is marching on.”
(First published at Moneycircus in June, 2020)
“Mr Manufacturing Consent is quoting the NYT liberal media as an example of “many years of intensive activism”.”
This is the handle for the new woke feudalism. Decades of protest has finally forced the establishment to adopt a Left stance. Which is why they “were forced into lockdowns by an angry public who forced the rulers to put people before profits” etc.
The only thing the protest groups achieved was to provide a guide on the new image required by the establishment. Indeed, most of those protest groups were almost certainly fake anyway. Thus the true pointers came from genuine protest groups far back in the past when they had at least some clout.
The impending crash has forced this total about-face for the system. The new narrative is that the revolution is here. But the true dissidents will be tarred with the reactionary brush.
The establishment has been funding the fake left for a very long time through its grantmaking foundations.
However, unlike BLM, Malcolm X and MLK would never have accepted money from the uber-establishment Ford Foundation.
BLM was a response to the disproportionate abuse black people face ie. police brutality, compared with white people
But there is no doubt the movement has been hijacked for divide and rule purposes. We are being taught to hate
I agree the grievance is real. MLK was simply looking at a solution, not a Band Aid.
Given the role of police in upholding the state, however — and the fact that police are set up by the elite for their own protection — and the probability that the police (FBI) killed MLK — what is BLM intended to achieve (need I remind that BLM is financed by a member of that self-same oligarchic eIite?).
Defund. Fine. And replace with what?
Defund the FBI perhaps? After all, they are the political police. You might have asked James Baldwin what he thought of the FBI. Or Paul Robeson.
Does BLM discuss CoIntelPro or Operation Chaos — FBI and CIA respectively?
Or is it all about the down home police force? And if so restricted and limited a perspective, why?
BLM’s leaders claim to be “trained Marxists.” Sorry but that sounds like a joke at the expense of their followers. What, pray tell, is a “trained Marxist”… .did they get the part-time vocational diploma as opposed to the PhD?
Any Marxist, formally trained or self-taught, would analyze and nail the real power structure.
[BLM was a response to the disproportionate abuse black people face ie. police brutality, compared with white people.]
It is hardly disproportionate.
[Because he opposed the war waged by the Military Industrial Complex for which Chomsky has worked all his life.]
He did? When he was covering up the events in Cambodia he was doing so as “working for the Military Industrial Complex?”
Forgive me for not buying that.
Journalists and Book Publishers unite to call for Banning Books and forming a new Secret Polce.
From the WSJ, Jan 18, 2021:
Blacklists Are the Rage in Publishing — Why the house I run will bring out Josh Hawley’s new book, by Thomas Spense
“On Jan. 6, Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri invoked his legal right to object to Congress’s certification of electoral votes. Reasonable people can disagree whether his act was noble or cynical, courageous or rash, but no one can reasonably argue that he intended to incite that afternoon’s invasion of the Capitol by a lawless mob. He immediately and forcefully condemned the attack. But the next day Simon & Schuster canceled his forthcoming book, “The Tyranny of Big Tech,” citing the senator’s “role in what became a dangerous threat.”
I started getting calls from reporters in effect daring me not to join the blacklisters and from publishers, editors and agents who wondered when and how the mob would come for them.”
And from the The Daily Beast, Jan 18, 2021:
Can U.S. Spy Agencies Stop White Terror? — Other countries have domestic spy agencies to fight extremists at home. Does America need one, too?
“Democrats in Congress are teeing up another round of investigations and commissions to get to the bottom of the January 6 insurrection, which will almost certainly revisit the thorny question of whether the U.S. needs an independent counter-subversion agency to infiltrate and neutralize armed domestic extremists, who are now threatening more attacks on or around the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”
“Thorny question.”
And the most lethal thing about the manufactured new anti-racist racism is that, with “white supremacists” targeted, those who complain about prejudice against whites will actually have a point – which will of course ignite the racist flames further etc.
As Bridget Phetasy asked, is it good that we’re having white people focus on their white privilege? “I feel like we’ve been doing quite well with them NOT doing that. Do you really want white men to be defensive about being white? That is a marble that may not roll in the direction you want. It’s terrifying and it is reactionary.”
That’s the same argument MLK made: “not [to] be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Thus the state’s apologists go exactly and precisely after MLK’s character!
Such an obvious ruse. If we can paint him as a degenerate, then we demolish his words. As I never tire of pointing out, the denizens of the intelligence services are not distinguished by their creativity.
By ignoring his most powerful speech, the much more combative “mountaintop,” the state’s apologists paint him as a dreamer.
Now it’s easy to get the angry youth to dismiss him. Hey, ho! Follow Soros! I’m sure a billionaire oligarch has your interests at heart.
Most of the youth remain ignorant of the practical struggle MLK outlined of strikes and boycotts as a strategy to seize their rights.
White People are evil.
White People are racist. Though race doesnt exist. White People need to shut the f**k up. Because White Silence Is Violence. But don’t worry.. Creepy Joe and Kabbala Haaretz and their kosher handlers are working hard to replace them. We’ll soon have Open Borders and amnesty for 35 million illegal immigrants. It’ll be great.
You’re wrong to make this about race, its simply playing into the hands of the powerful. No platform can be seen as impartial by tolerating racist rants. You must know this, so why play up to it? People should be judged according to their actions, and not according to their race. British people have colonially dominated positions of power in non-Western countries for centuries, however it had nothing to do with their race and all to do with where the money and power resided at that time, just as it was during the Egyptian/Mongolian/Ottoman/Tibetan/Japanese or Portuguese empires, no doubt. It is also important to note that fitting out a puppet cabinet, for instance, with a historically stigmatised racial minority might be an excellent tactic to deflect criticism and negatively characterise your opponents. Those in power are not stupid and can manipulate very well. Therefore, we avoid racism. It is fruitless. Thanks for understanding. A2
I didnt make it about race. The White Privilege Brigade beat me to it.
Time to Heal — it’s been clear where that’s heading for a while now.
Virtual, Carbon-Free Book Burning for Non-PC BooksThe Twitter mob didn’t want to read Ms. Shrier’s book; it objected to the content and wanted Target to keep others who might want to read the book from accessing it. — WSJ, Nov 2020
The enemy within the U$A, yet another anniversary (to add to the assassination of MLK) is recorded by Pepe Escobar. Welcome to the Blue Zone:
“That ends a full “New World Order” geopolitical cycle: the empire started bombing Iraq 30 years ago. Desert Storm was launched in January 17, 1991.
The Blue Zone is now “protected” by a massive 26,000 plus troop surge – way more than Afghanistan and Iraq combined. The Forever Wars – which you may now relieve through my archives – have come back full circle.
Just like an ordinary Iraqi was not allowed inside the Green Zone, no ordinary American is allowed inside the Blue Zone.
Just like the Green Zone, those inside the Blue Zone represent none other than themselves.”
I left the left you really are a idiot no matter how many new names you have it the same dumb comments
[I left the left you really are a idiot no matter how many new names you have it the same dumb comments.]
How insightful and wise you are about the other commenter.
As for me, I have saved the link and will now go and read the linked article and try to engage with the actual arguments made.
You should try it.
Has society become a much more hateful institution in the past 20 years or has it always been this way but now because of technology the hate is much more prolifically displayed.
We have hateful politicians, hateful supporters, hateful banks, hateful media, hateful airlines with hateful management, hateful institutions.
The energy required to generate hate is so much more debilitating than to lead a peaceful existence.
Consider the ones who hate , they must be either sociopaths where their genetic DNA engenders this outcome or environmentally grow to ensconce hate as their major daily driver.
Do they not realise that they are singularly unimportant in the scheme of life and when they pass on they become dust again and all their energy has been wasted for nought.
Generations come and go and tides turn, some for the worse some for the better. Innate is human beings seems to be their own self destruction and with some the destruction of others. The new generations always thrive for change and a new cadre to blame for their own shortcomings until youth passes away and they realise that their existence is immaterial to the trees and earth that surrounds them. True ??
“When the end comes I know, I’m just a gigolo … life goes on without me!” Julius Brammer. 1924.
…They *Do Indeed* realise it, Harry, and it is the *Very Reason* why they hate:… – They simply cannot *Ever* abide the *Fact* they were created mortal and (apparently) finite, *Not* as the gods they *Believe* they have the entitled right to be, in violent reaction to this fundamental fact…
…- All else that flows from them flows from this *Essential* schism in their hearts, minds and souls, and the *Native* self-loathing that it engenders within them… – All that follows is thus mere projection…
You maybe correct Sgt. However do you think time and experience alleviate some of their hate. Surely the energy must decline with age . I agree with your analysis of self loathing which is a major problem with not only with sociopaths but also psychopaths.
Is it genetic or ??
…Hi Harry, thanks for your thought-provoking reply… – I’m generally up nights and briefly stopped by here yesterday to read the article… Your comment jumped out at me so I made my reply and then promptly hit the hay, so forgive my tardy reply to you now…
…- Just to qualify my answer so you know where I’m coming from, and for reasons I won’t elaborate here just now, I have had *Way* more than my fair share of personal dealings with psychopaths… Also, whilst I am no professional and make no claims to expertise, I have a fairly decent working knowledge of practical psychology, so:…
…In my experience, psychopathy does not diminish with age… – If anything they get bolder and wilier, becoming more cunning and skillful at their ‘gamesmanship’ (and *Boy* do they *Love* their games)…
…Possibly, some, perhaps many, elder psychopaths get more spiteful with age as well, though I couldn’t say this with absolute certainty as I’ve met plenty of younger ones who were *Thoroughly* nasty pieces of work… – However, as I said in my reply to your original comment, my sense is that they essentialy nurse a grievance, an affront, within themselves and so they harbour a grudge… – Against god, the universe, life itself, or just everybody else, who knows? – but a lifetime is a *Long Time Indeed* to bear such a grudge…
…- This was what *Really* got me thinking, and it is the proverbial $64,000 question… – There is considerable evidence from research studies done in neuroscience for divergent brain morphology and functioning in psychopaths compared to yer average normie (ie: their heads are wired-up differently)… – How much of this is congenitally innate (ie: just born that way), or even developmentally how much is nature and how much nurture, I don’t know…
…I’m not too clear on the genetics research into this… Although I know that some has been done, I’m unfamiliar with the results… – However, I wouldn’t necessarily read too much into claims of a ‘Psychopath Gene’, in any case (apparently there’s a ‘Schizophrenia Gene’, and an ‘Autism Gene’) since genetics is *Way* more complex than there simply being a single gene for each trait…
…I have heard it said that psychopaths are simply born as they are, and I have also heard it said that extreme childhood abuse, particularly sexual abuse or relentless physical brutality will create one… – Nature or nurture, I couldn’t say for certain either way… A goodly number of those I’ve met appeared to have come from reasonably stable homes, with loving, even spoiled childhoods which may have predisposed them to a certain sense of entitlement… Others again clearly had dysfunctional and even obviously abusive families… – Notably, a substantial few of those I met were adopted…
…Beyond biological genetics, there is the possibility of a psycho-spiritual dimension, and therefore genesis, of psychopathy… – I believe *Adamantly* in the existence of souls, off the back of experiential evidence which unfortunately I cannot empirically prove to you… Also, I am *Somewhat Agnostically* open to the idea of reincarnation, and with it the possibility that prior incarnations leave an indelible imprint upon us… – If this is indeed the case, then *Fuck Alone* knows what the past lives of todays psychopaths must have been like… Nevertheless, my sense is that even if this is so, and much as with each of us, psychopaths only become more practiced in the habits of what they are as they continue to live out their lives… – It is not so much *What* happens *To Them*, it is more that they will use anything and everything, *Good Or Bad* to support their internal narrative of grievance and justify their spiteful grudge towards the world at large…
…- Should’ve added: – “…or fostered…”
Excellent summary Sgt and thanks for your response. There’s a book written in 1957 by a man called Colin Wilson. Its called “The Outsiders” that tries to explore this particular issue although I still have an open mind on the subject because to clear the inherent indoctrination that exists in all of us is very difficult. Trying to “think outside the square” is definitely good brain exercise. I think we survive because of “Outsiders” however there are obviously intrinsic limits to actions and motivations. (I guess that what religion is for?)
Take it easy.
[We have hateful politicians, hateful supporters, hateful banks, hateful media, hateful airlines with hateful management, hateful institutions.]
And don’t forget: hateful commenters.
Here is an example I read just above:
“I left the left you really are a idiot no matter how many new names you have it the same dumb comments.”
Well, how is that for a cheap, derogatory, hate-inducing ad hominem.
Sadly yes however just scroll away from those.
Malcom X was the real deal.
He disputed the legitimacy of the government itself, and advocated disengagement from it and the establishment of a separate society, free of the State’s innate injustices and depravities.
MLK was merely a pied piper to make sure that blacks remained oriented toward the fold of the government, the system and the establishment. His speeches tend toward crass metaphors of entitlement, welfare and begging redress for grievances from the oppressors themselves. His “bad check” motif is particularly distasteful. Rather than attacking the game, he wanted people to complain about getting a raw deal in the game, so as to be dealt a fresh new hand and keep playing.
Imagine if instead MLK had taken that mass discontent and directed it toward a principled rejection of the System entirely, instead of begging for a coddled place within it.
Perhaps he started making noise in that direction with the anti-war theme, but it wasn’t philosophically developed. The overriding sentiment was still to change and perfect the System, so as to put it into the service of the traditionally neglected, and to massage and mitigate its programs that most grievously harmed the black community. Never to renounce the System on principle. It was always a call for half-measures and tinkering “reform.” Like the old saying about cleaning up the whorehouse, but leaving the business intact.
Of course, They killed him for the anti-war stuff anyway!
Dr King was never an outsider; Malcolm X was. That makes a big difference in their respective perspectives. It’s so much easier looking in from the outside to see that it’s the system itself that’s the problem; and that no amount of reform will reshape it.
Besides which, in the ’60s there was a sense that the system could be cleansed of that which made it oppressive – a false sense, of course: the system by its very nature cannot not be oppressive.
Had Dr King told his followers “That which you have known all your life must be destroyed because it is evil by nature and can never be fixed” – how many of his followers would have remained to hear anything further?
Bear in mind that, unlike Malcolm X, Dr King’s followers included many whites and many from the middle class, who were very much a part of the system.
Once again, that breach between what should be done and what can be done.
I appreciate our thoughtful comment, so don’t think I’m attacking you, but are you suggesting that Malcolm X advocated that everything “must be destroyed”?
Because I don’t think so at all, and I don’t think that’s fair to him morally or intellectually. Malcolm X just wanted, for himself and his racial kin, to be left alone.
MLK, on the other hand, wanted, for himself and his racial kin, to have a seat at the table. (When, really, what’s on the table was and is a gruesome feast of non-halal demon pork.)
Separation and renunciation are not synonymous with destruction.
If, on the other hand, you really mean that the members of his audience would have to accept the prospect of giving up or throwing away “that which they had known all their lives,” well if their lots in life were really as bad as we are led to believe, what’s the big loss? What’s the big sacrifice? Why would the audience be so reluctant to entertain it?
[Malcolm X just wanted, for himself and his racial kin, to be left alone.]
Erm no.
[MLK, on the other hand, wanted, for himself and his racial kin, to have a seat at the table.]
Yes, as equal human beings with you, me, and all other human beings. I am for that.
[(When, really, what’s on the table was and is a gruesome feast of non-halal demon pork.)]
No, that was NOT what MLK envisaged or expected. He certainly didn’t want “a gruesome feast of non-halal demon pork” for his constituency nor for you or me.
In short, I do not buy your argument. You are loading it with (probably your own) presuppositions.
With all due respect, when you say that the fault is the system (and I agree – I’m an anarchist basically) rather than the various pieces the system places among those within it…then are you not almost by default saying that system should be destroyed?
If the system is thoroughly wrong for humanity, and can never be brought around to truly work for and benefit most of humanity – then the system should go. That is the only logical conclusion to be drawn.
“MLK was merely a pied piper to make sure that blacks [ie, Afro-Americans] remained oriented toward the fold of the government, the system and the establishment.”
So were two other illustrious martyrs who likewise preached submission to the Rule of Law: Socrates of Athens, and Yeshuah of Nazareth.
It’s called Freedom within the Law. Without freedom of conscience we get organized tyranny. Without law we get Darwinian selection
[It’s called Freedom within the Law. Without freedom of conscience we get organized tyranny. Without law we get Darwinian selection.]
Well I wouldn’t call only the “without law” side “Darwinian selection,” since there is a lot of “Darwinian selection” also happening in the power hierarchy within the “we have law” side. But I think you have raised a crucial point.
While I highly suspect I may not agree with on where you place your personal emphasis on the trade-off, I agree that this specific trade-off you highlighted is a critical one.
Sadly I observe that you are being debated largely by downvoting. I suspect some commenters are too scared to engage the issue honestly and head-on, since they may have to re-evaluate their own long-held ideological certainties.
People do not like to do that…
In theory. But in practice the law is used to subjugate the masses and create human debt slavery. There’s no point in having a legal system unless it’s fair and applied equally. Not used to evade, enslave and dominate through force.
Much is made of the fact that MLK opposed the use of bricks and bottles: “we don’t need any Molotov cocktails.” Yet he was far more radical than BLM or any proponents of autonomous zones. He proposed the to hit the wealthy where it hurt: “and to these massive industries in our country, and say.. our agenda calls for withdrawing economic support from you.”
Your average person was already more independent and free-thinking in King’s time than they are today. They read more, they were better educated, there were more independent black businesses, doctors and lawyers in proportion to the population than there are today. The U.S. was the world’s manufacturer and those skills resided with the people.
Keep that context in mind when Martin Luther King, in his last speech, called for:
⭑ an economic boycott in support of Black rights
⭑ support for trade unions and striking sanitation workers (the reason for his speech)
⭑ Black people to take their rights not just to ‘have a dream’
⭑ American people to stand by the words of the Constitution
⭑ and stepping up opposition to the Vietnam war
“Now the other thing we’ll have to do is this: Always anchor our external direct action with the power of economic withdrawal. Now, we are poor people, individually, we are poor when you compare us with white society in America. We are poor. Never stop and forget that collectively, that means all of us together, collectively we are richer than all the nations in the world, with the exception of nine.
“Did you ever think about that? After you leave the United States, Soviet Russia, Great Britain, West Germany, France, and I could name the others, the Negro collectively is richer than most nations of the world. We have an annual income of more than thirty billion dollars a year, which is more than all of the exports of the United States, and more than the national budget of Canada. Did you know that? That’s power right there, if we know how to pool it.”
Just listen to the language in which King spoke to his followers! Now combine the latent power of those people with the actions King urged them to take. The potential disruption was far greater than today’s transient outburst of anger in a people homogenized by and locked into their digital devices.
The phrase, damning with faint praise, comes to mind.
And “the Negro collectively”? What is that even supposed to mean? That if you add up the purchasing power of the entire continent of Africa, plus the westernized African diaspora, you approach the “national budget of Canada”? That’s not inspiring in any direction, and in any event would seem to assume that Malcolm X’s plan of African repatriation was a fait accompli.
Sorry, but you’re only supporting my impression that King’s speeches were vague, dimestore-preacher’s homilies, designed to give an inchoate sense of uplift in his listeners, without offering much of substance.
[MLK was merely a pied piper…]
Oh that simply must be true just because you say so!
Let me see where you make your “best” argument for that assertion.
[Rather than attacking the game, he wanted people to complain about getting a raw deal in the game, so as to be dealt a fresh new hand and keep playing.]
Oh neat rhetoric. Advocating equality is now to “keep playing.”
Nope, I do not buy your hypothesis. Sorry, better luck next time.
MLK’s words don’t move me. They seem hollow and clichéd whereas Malcolm X was authentic and potentially dangerous to the status quo. The system is the entire problem and anyone pushing for a handout or concessions is concealing the most important truths.
Some of the key points in Miles Mathis’ take on King was that he had spook ghostwriters, the pictures taken at his “assassination” were obviously staged. His education doesn’t square well with his background and part of his thesis was probably plagiarized. He had genetic links to some of the main families and players that are known cryptocracy. And he attended “communist“ school. King seems like a cardboard cutout Intel agent.
Would the psychopaths who run the US really make him so famous, publicly martyr him, culminating in a public holiday to celebrate, unless he was one of their own?
Our world has been culturally and politically shaped through propaganda and promoted icons. His murder, whether real or staged was a public lesson to minorities and Americans, not to stand up and speak out, but to shut up and sit back down.
I would just like to say to those ‘public protectors’ monitoring this forum… When are you going to arrest and lock up that dirty nonce Andrew Windsor?
I mean you are locking and prosecuting other nonces under his mummy’s name yet he is still at large. What gives?
His real name is Andrew Battenberg.
Not all the family adopted the name Windsor, some became Mountbatten.
Whatever. MountBatten was a fake name, just as much as Windsor.
Mountbatten and Battenberg sound so much less German than Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg or Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
These criminals with crowns that stole from the commons and leech off the public should be stripped of their titles, lands, income and property along with the gang of thieves at the City of London Corp.
On April 4th 1968 Martin Luther King’s flame was snuffed out by a sniper’s bullet.
As police and intelligence officers took pains to maintain the official narrative they had prepared( to frame a patsy who was going to be painted as a lunatic racist ), other officers far and near prepared for the backlash. After years of being treated like sub -humans by the white man who had thought of him as only good to be a slave, this could be a catalyst for a race war they had provoked themselves.
MLK had never wanted conflict or bloodshed. Even in the face of abuse and tyranny, he wanted peaceful protest and nothing more than to see a time when all men would be treated like, and behave as human beings. He wanted civil rights. That’s all.
The decade had seen different approaches to a similar problem in the US. Malcolm X voiced anger on behalf of both the black man and the Muslim. He was going to achieve his ends ‘by any means possible’ which only agitated the potential for a civil explosion. He had broken away from The Nation Of Islam and it’s leader Elijah Muhammad. Both courted publicity and celebrity. MLK only sought an ear.
IN 1910, Jack Johnson had become the first black heavyweight champion of the world, much to the anger of white supremacists. When he beat the great white hope Jim Jeffries in a title defence, race riots broke out nationwide. Houses were burnt to the ground, black men were randomly attacked, some with weapons and 20 were killed. In over half a century nothing had really changed.
John F Kennedy became close friends with MLK. He embraced the cause for which he fought and had a natural empathy. He wanted a civil rights bill drawn up and passed through congress. Both figures united in the name of simple human decency and equality.
J F K was the perfect man for the job as he was rising through his career and becoming a figure that commanded respect for his humanity and his determination to end conflicts where possible and focus on that kind of future. If he supported the cause then he could go a long way in opening the eyes of the blinded white people.
Unfortunately, he too was to have his flame snuffed out by another kind of ‘lone nut’ Patsy. The decade of Love and Peace wasn’t the decade of love and peace.
The night MLK fell, JFK’s brother RFK had been grieving for 5 years over the loss of his brother. He had never spoken of that day publicly but he had decided to take up his causes and run for president. He too embraced MLK and the vision he had shared with his late brother. Senator Kennedy made his way to Indianapolis.
Elsewhere the powder kegs had began to blow. furious black people mourned the man of peace by making war. Rocks and bottles were thrown in Jackson, Mississippi; Tampa police had to move in with bayonets fixed to disperse an angry crowd. A furniture store in Houston was torched.
People had warned RFK to stay away until the storms were over, partly for his own safety, given the fate of his late brother. In Washington, 14th Street had been burned.
The Indiana capitol was tragedy waiting to happen.
Kennedy, campaigning for the Democratic nomination for the presidency, was scheduled to address a huge crowd at an intersection in the inner city. Most of the crowd was black, but a smattering were white. Some knew what had happened in Memphis. Many still did not.
Kennedy was advised repeatedly to turn back but refused. As he arrived the crowds were waiting. Some had heard the news, some hadn’t. Some were armed; others weren’t.
Many of the crowd screamed. others held their faces.
This was not a script written by him or anyone, he stood and faced the crowd and went with his instincts.
He quoted the Greek poet Aeschylus to suggest that if they could just get through grief, they would yet find reward on the other side:
He ended by saying :
As we know, RFK, like JFK and MLK had his flame snuffed out by a sniper’s bullet too shortly after.
Today, we have armies of social justice ‘warriors’ who love nothing more than expressing rage or causing conflict if they believe an act or a sentence has offended a sect. It has the craving of publicity and need for peer approval laced through it.
These motives are an insult to the memory and work of those who fought to end conflict and win equality and fairness.
Race isn’t a colour. Black and White are colours. We are one race. To emphasise one colour over another is to open up the wounds suffered by many of those black victims of 50 plus years ago.
To say one colour matters and deny that all colours matter, is to reinforce apartheid. It spits on the graves of Mandela and King. It besmirches the memory of the Kennedy brothers. All because the need to feed an ego and receive approval has overridden a need for education, understanding and empathy.
Flames that are snuffed out by the bullets of an evil force should be relit. That way we will always have a guide as the world grows darker.
Thanks, jura.
Beautiful and rousing.
Today, “the most popular president in US history,” with 80 million phantom votes, no less!!! will be sworn in as the new emperor.
Behind multiple walls of troops. But how reliable are these Praetorians?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
And how many of the new emperor’s subjects will be allowed anywhere near the proceedings?
History may provide us with a guide as what to expect.
Between 235 to 285 AD there were 49 emperors.
Only one of them died a natural death.
Most were murdered by their own relatives or bodyguards.
Several committed suicide.
One was struck by lightning.
Plenty of diversity, though, with gay, black, and pervert emperors.
Very modern.
Very commendable.
If Martin was really such a hero he never would have had such a platform.
You obviously weren’t there in ’67 and ’68 (till his murder), when the media were constantly attacking him.
Why do you think he was murdered on that platform.
Does OG reach out to Matthew or does Matthew, and Edward Curtin, reach out to OG?
I know that people have an irresistable urge to find some human hero or heroes and never look back, but I just am not keen on being a worshipper of someone who supported, unconditionally, Nazi Israel.
If, by ‘hero’, you are referring to MLK, you would have had a hard time in 1968 finding anybody who did not support Israel unconditionally, because they just didn’t know what some of us know today.
Nor was MLK’s general education of the highest calibre, and his primary focus was always his own personal take on religion.
WW2 had only been over for a little more than two decades, everybody felt sorry for the Jews, and most people thought that Jews, Zion and Israel were the same thing – all of which they should feel sorry for.
It was a different time, with different priorities and different awareness.
Apologies if I misunderstood your reference to “hero, or heroes”.
@Arby: “I just am not keen on being a worshipper of someone who supported, unconditionally, Nazi Israel.”
As I remember Rev.King, he was essentially a Christian preaching peace on earth to men of good will. In those days most Christians were in favour of Israel because the Nazi regime had revealed the horrors of racism. Paradoxically, the only TV voice that I heard against the violent founding of Israel came from a pious Jew. Half a century after the event, time has strengthened the Zionazi element in Zionism; but it is absurd to accuse MLK of Zionazism.
Wardropper and NickM: You raise valid points. It could be that I’m being too harsh here. I’d have to do some research to know for sure. But I think I may be more wrong here than right. Thanks.
I can’t deny, Arby, that I would like to see a hero today.
Probably such a hero’s most striking characteristic would be an ability to stand within a mile of a typical politician without throwing up.
The Second Coming
By William Butler Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Casey was a fool…. Now Helms… there was darkness personified.
The inverted cross
The poem above a favourite of his….
Whilst reading about this David Garrow hack and thinking about it from the point of view of MLK, I thought of that quote from the composer Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji:
To the everlasting glory of those few men blessed and sanctified in the curses and execrations of those many whose praise is eternal damnation.
Gullible folk like the author swallow whole the canonisation of characters like Kennedy and King, louche and deeply flawed individuals who shared many failings, including a Messiah complex and a Brian Rix type inability to stop their trousers falling down.
Kennedy would grab any woman who came within range.
He is conservatively estimated to have impregnated over 3,000 women in the course of a somewhat tawdry career, cleaning ladies, gangsters molls, anything would do.
King couldnt quite match Kennedys epic performance, but he did give him a run for his money. He could have filled the News Of The World with his antics for a month of Sundays. Not bad for a man of the cloth. Jimmy Swaggart would have been envious. Both made Slick Willie Clinton, Trumpo, and maybe even Epstein himself look like rank amateurs. Though they were both high as a kite for much of the time and probably couldnt remember much about their many adventures.
King was entirely a bought and paid for creature of the Chosen Folk, a Black Golem to destroy the existing power structure in their own interests. He could be discarded once he had served his purpose.
Did q hook you up to watch it’s enemies jerk off yet? Or are you above that?
Above needing a hookup I mean, obviously lol.
Obviously captain spam is bucking for General Spam, or even Field Marshal Spam, if that rank exists!
„A person who was demoralized is unable to access true information, the facts tell nothing to him.”
Nowadays the brainwashing doesn´t come from the Soviet Union; now it comes from the elite´s club in Davos, frome China, anyone?
Funny. Do we refer to the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) as a front for CSIS? Our public broadcaster, like public broadcasters everywhere, are both State stenographers and channels for State propaganda, as, given that virtually all States are police States (fascist), that propaganda is intended to protect and strength the transnational capitalist class (since fascism is capitalism).
people will only wake up at 2.48 million on the Scoville-skale-)))
I’ve always thought a Malcolm X Day would’ve been more interesting.
malcolm x was hated
we where told he was criminal bad
who told us
the children of caanaan
the inverted
purveyors of deception
bonds men debt and death
collectors for
25,000 troop in Washington tonight, has the coup just finished ?
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987
“The Corporate Fascist Psychos are sparing no expense in laying down the imperial propaganda bull crap for their new master of ceremonies. Brain dead pedophile Groper Joe is no more, oh Heil Perv Palpatine!”
When someone is so lauded by the mainstream we should get suspicious given the extent of their other lies.
Here are two questionings of King for those willing to go there:
He was NOT lauded the 2 years before his death, he was constantly attacked over his anti-war activities and efforts o help workers and the poor organized.
I think it’s simply another example of the MSM hopping onto a bandwagon which they perceive to be fashionable and profitable for their current purposes.
When someone(s) is so lauded by the mainstream that they get their heads blown off in broad daylight we should get suspicious given the extent of the lies that covered it up.
Nowadays it’s practically de rigueur to sagely and knowingly, even bumptiously, dismiss and discredit every well-regarded historical figure who seemed to even nominally oppose or merely discomfit the predatory overclass Establishment of the day.
In that spirit, I regretfully and solemnly assure you that JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X were surely either controlled opposition agents, state-security operatives, crisis actors, or optical illusions. Distressing and hard to accept, I know– but we gotta go where the evidence takes us!
After all, we can’t make progress or revolution– or whatever we’re supposed to be making– until some of us are disabused of our sentimental, romantic, juvenile, and fatuous hero-worship.
First time I’ve disagreed with you Ort, but disagree I do.
Well, it was pure caustic sarcasm, so I’m not sure whether you’re disagreeing because it wasn’t clear that I was being sarcastic. I abhor sarcasm tags, as you may know.
I was channeling the mindset alluded to in the opening sentence.
Oh my God, Ort. I had to read it twice because I DID think “it’s sarcasm”. But because you began the second paragraph with “in that spirit, regretfully….” I thought you must be serious
“Not that there’s anything wrong with that!!”
I have to tell you that when I read that second paragraph my stomach sank. “Wha…?”
On my drive home tonight I’m thinking “Wow, how on earth could all four be controlled???” Then I’m reviewing all their histories. BOTH Kennedy’s?……
I guess I should have known with “optical illusions”.
So, there it is, Ort. My taking your comment seriously is a good indication of the state of my mind after these past 10 months.
Thank you for setting the record straight.
Sigh of relief.
I’m truly sorry I gave you a jolt. I did lay it on (too) thick, because I harbor a cumulative irritation at the recurring phenomenon of even a mild or qualified approval of some public person or institution, historical or present-day, eliciting an assertive, didactic, and damning rebuttal.
It’s typically not a hostile or mean-spirited response, but the theme is always the same: You need to understand that X was or is no damn good because of Y. It gives me the fantods, and sometimes even the pip.
All’s well that ends well, eh? 😉
“All’s well that ends well”, Ort? Really?
“All’s well that ends well” slept with more directors than you can shake a stick at. Tons. Male and female directors, too.
You probably aren’t aware (most aren’t but I did some digging) that “All’s well that end’s well” worked for both MI5 AND 6 while triple-agenting for CIA, MOSSAD and the STASI. Quite the menage et trois there. But that’s show biz.
“Alls’ well that ends well” was a fraudulent racist sexist homophobic twat.
I’m sorry to ruin any illusions.
And of course, I’m joking.
I just posted that link above. Didn’t see your comment. Agree with Mathis that he was obviously an agent. The genealogy focus detracts from some of his more salient points.
Stay safe
A must read.
The Department of Health and Social Care…. adopted a policy,… that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (as they) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance.
(As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.
In Ontario, as of June 1, there were:
1,652 (89.2%) deaths in Long-term Care Homes.[11]
199 (10.7%) deaths in Retirement Homes.[12]
So, there were about nine times as many deaths in Long-term Care Homes.
<b>About nine times as many outbreaks has led to about nine times as many deaths.</b>
This indicates that the severity of the outbreaks in both classes of home were similar, which is not what we have been told. Although, this is roughly what one should have expected as Long-term Care Homes, and Retirement Homes, are quite similar.[15]
As of 1 June, 1,851/2,293 = 81% of all Covid-19 deaths in Ontario occurred in Long-term Care Homes.[13]
As of 1 June, 92% of all Covid-19 deaths in Nova Scotia, and 88% of all Covid-19 deaths in Quebec, occurred in Long-term Care Homes.
By June 1, the Long-term Care Homes in the Canadian provinces/territories, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut had no cases of Covid-19 at all, and those in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan had 12 cases between them (including 4 deaths).[14]
Would you take a flu vaccine from a government that yearly tries to push voluntary euthanasia on the old?
Like everyone else, King should be judged on his behaviour and the content of his character, not the colour of his skin. For that we need true knowledge of his life. But beyond this difficulty, how I wish all those who discriminate against others because of differences in race, religion, sexual orientation, or political opinion, could see their own bigotry and intolerance. For example, are all those posters who condemn Americans per se or who hate anyone in MAGA hats aware of how they are betraying King’s great message? Are they any better than those who hated King simply because they knew he was black, a Republican, and pro-guns?