WATCH: “The New Normal”

New documentary exploring the origin and purpose behind the covid narrative

Happen.network has released a new documentary entitled The New Normal.

Investigating the origin of the titular phrase – never far from the lips of authority figures across the globe since early 2020 – The New Normal, featuring content from Oracle Films, explores the true purposes behind lockdowns and the inflated pandemic hysteria surrounding Sars-coV-2, and uncovers the origins of a very real and darkly foreboding agenda which might be at the heart of it all. The Great Reset.

We don’t know much about Happen.network as their site appears to be down at the moment, however we encourage you to take a look at this interesting and well-made feature. Well-edited, with effective narration and a high production standard, The New Normal takes the viewer on a well-mapped journey, and makes you stop and think with each new piece of footage it unveils.

You may remember Off-Guardian featured a previous release from Oracle Films, whose content is featured in The New Normal, called Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine), insights from 33 medical personnel on the covid jab, expressing their deep concerns and reservations. Still very relevant and worth sharing around.

We’ll update this piece with more info on the creators when their site is back up.


UPDATE: the vimeo link has been removed. Link updated – Ed.


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Robert Laine
Robert Laine
Jan 23, 2021 9:00 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Many thanks for this article. I found the info on UBI in the doco particularly relevant given that this is seen by most as a panacea.

Jan 23, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  Robert Laine

I notice that those who are endorsing UBI are the ones who won’t need to use it

Stephen Bennett
Stephen Bennett
Apr 9, 2021 10:56 PM

Presently, I’m reading the manuscript of ‘COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey ‘by Peter Breggin MD in which he goes into substantial detail about Anthony Fauci’s colossal crimes against humanity, including his close collaboration with the Communist Party of China. Such an important and excellent exposé it is with thousands of hours of research and meticulous footnoting and documentation throughout. Pre-orders are now being taken.

Coronavirus Resource Center
_By Peter R. Breggin, MD & Ginger Breggin_
Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey
A book by Peter R. Breggin, MD & Ginger Breggin
Dr. Peter R. Breggin’s Covid-19 Totalitarianism Legal Report
The Quick Overview of Dr. Breggin’s Covid-19 Totalitarianism Legal Report
The Introduction and Conclusion Only. Eight pages

Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax In History by Dr. Vernon Coleman, I’ve also made available to read online in flip page book format here https://is.gd/mhxWCr

Feb 10, 2021 1:57 PM
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Feb 1, 2021 1:02 AM

No thanks

Stephen Bennett
Stephen Bennett
Jan 29, 2021 10:16 PM

This Covid-19 planned scamdemic is totalitarian, top-down, dictatorial direction by demonically driven ultra-wealthy globalist sociopaths to government leaders at all levels for the primary purpose of establishing a one-world government, one-world monetary system, and one-world antichrist religion. Corporate mainstream media owned, corrupted, and controlled by these same hell-bent, power-crazed psychopathic entities beguile, bamboozle, and propagandize the planet’s population with their insidious agenda. By and large, politicians are pawns subservient with their dictated, and dictatorial scripts thrust on them, puppet-people being played and pounded against the public. Many who baulk are bribed to compromise and comply, bought for corruption, blackmailed, threatened. More than a few are given over to the psychopathological condition of megalomania with which they were initially allured into the public life that is politics. The current crisis globally exacerbates both matters in major measure.

This sinister, satanic scheme of mass manipulation and enslavement by counterfeit, masquerade, chaos, and fear-mongering is prophesied in the Bible. In this eerie era in which we presently live, such is swiftly coming to pass. Surrender to the superscendent splendor of Jesus Christ; live for Him as the Way, the Truth, and the Life and as your First Love. Time on earth is temporal and transitory! Know that you do not have to die in your sins.

The Basis for a Class Action Lawsuit Against the Perpetrators of the Corona Scandal
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, an eminent international lawyer, states that the corona crime scandal has unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

Debbie Smith
Debbie Smith
Feb 7, 2021 6:26 PM

You are so right! For anyone who hasn’t should watch the cabal series on YouTube if it’s still available

Mar 24, 2021 7:09 PM

You guys walk around with cell phones you willingly bought that are listening, filming, and collecting data on you that is accessible to any government branch that wants it at any time, all while deciding what you hear and see through algorithms… and you think the govt. and elites need to use a pandemic to control you? They much prefer to be quiet about it and let you sign up for your own control. You are making noise in the wrong places.

Stephen Bennett
Stephen Bennett
Apr 9, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  Gee

Personally, I don’t and never did carry a cell phone, but more on point, that to which you refer, is but part and parcel with the much larger pre-planned purpose of this scare supported scamdemic, that is the conjured corona commotion and charade, of politicized medicine and tyrannical government lockdown measures, being appropriated for sociopathic, socialist globalist takeover and enslavement. Don’t miss the big picture.

Apr 9, 2021 1:22 PM

I agreed with everything you wrote, until you started with your religious drivel. Please, stick to proper reasoning and not fairy tales.

Stephen Bennett
Stephen Bennett
Apr 9, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  Chris

Atheism is deepest of all delusion a flimsy fairy tale for those ignorantly afraid of the living Light. But it’s every individual’s choice whether to pass through this lifetime, with or without, conscious connection to and communion with the Creator. Sumballo

Jan 29, 2021 1:48 PM
Jan 29, 2021 5:05 AM

As usual a few have decided for the big majority. I don’t like this and a way they do not want people to choose is; Avoid any robots and all smart products like your new cell phone. Shop at your local shops with cash and engage in spirituality. I’m sure that the way they choose for you will eventually self destroy but before this we risc to find us living in a global prison

Jan 25, 2021 8:23 PM

cause of death in many cases are covid 19 related not the not covid 19 stand alone check pandemic 1957 no shutdowns then

Jan 25, 2021 6:49 PM

Stop complaining!! Youve never had it so bad!!

Jan 25, 2021 5:36 PM

WHO Finally Admits COVID-19 PCR Test Has a ‘Problem’
The WHO’s new guidance, which includes lower PCR thresholds, almost guarantees COVID “case” numbers will automatically drop dramatically around the world.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

In an “inauguration” of its own while Joe Biden was being sworn into office, the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated new rules regarding the PCR assays used for testing for COVID-19.

Even though they’ve been widely used across the U.S. and around the world to determine who has a positive case of COVID, PCR assays are not designed to be used as diagnostic tools, as they can’t distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.

Besides that, previously, the WHO had recommended 45 “amplification” cycles of the test to determine whether someone was positive for COVID or not.

The thing is, the more cycles that a test goes through, the more likely that a false positive will come up — anything over 30 cycles actually magnifies the samples so much that even insignificant sequences of viral DNA end up being magnified to the point that the test reads positive even if your viral load is extremely low or the virus is inactive and poses no threat to you or anyone else.

Why COVID-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste
What that means in plain language is that the more cycles a test goes through, the more false positives that are reported.

Now, with the WHO’s lower PCR thresholds, it’s practically guaranteed that COVID “case” numbers will automatically drop dramatically around the world.

(Addenda) 25 cycle threshold [CT]: 33 million amplifications, 30 cycles: 1 Billion, 40 cycles: 1 Trillion, 45 cycles: 35 Trillion amplifications of the original sample.
Many countries use even less than 25 cycles. 25 provides meaningful results worth pursuing treatment, for those presenting symptoms.

Jan 24, 2021 11:15 AM

Everyone the world over should be (restrained if necessary) and forced to watch this, in much the same way we have been forced to endure a controlled narrative via mainstream media at the hands of our corporate controlled Governments.

Jan 24, 2021 9:35 AM

In Oz, the worm is turning……….https://youtu.be/kGBEaYEtiys

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 23, 2021 11:02 PM

So… We, modern moron slaves, have spent almost the entire year of 2020 doing USELESS stuff (from street protests to signing online petitions), and YET we still can’t UNDERSTAND that those are in FACT USELESS actions and a waste of resources…

At this point reality is very SIMPLE: It’s either KILL or be culled.

Until several Jedburgh’s actions aren’t executed nothing will change except the things the SRF & Billionaires via jesters want to CHANGE!

Start ACTING DIRECTLY against the interests and property of the millionaires and Billionaires, or else NOTHING WILL FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE!

Jan 23, 2021 10:14 PM

The Khazarian Mafia own everything. You really think all this would be possible if the owners weren’t in lockstep. Wake up sheople.

Feb 2, 2021 1:51 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Iron Curtain Over America a must read and yes you are right. They are of the synagogue of satan and not true jews.

Jan 23, 2021 11:31 AM

A thousand coffins are needed to represent the things our political class have stolen from us

We can no longer:

Meet friends
Visit family
Go on dates
Have casual sex
Look for romantic love
Travel freely
Breathe fresh air
Visit a pub
Get a hair cut
Have a dentist check up
Go to a concert
Go swimming
Visit a comedy club
Attend a music festival
Have a medical check up
Smile at people
Travel for fun
Sit on a park bench
Play dominos with friends
Speak our mind on social media
Hold a party
Use social networks for support
Be human

‘MILAN, ITALY: “Conte, F**k off! Let us open up! We want to work!” Anti-restrictions protest. The coffin symbolizes the death of the patience of the Milanese.’


Jan 23, 2021 11:09 AM


comment image

Jan 23, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  Ben

As a US professional sports icon, perhaps it’s sadly fitting that Aaron left the ballpark after taking one for the team.

Jan 23, 2021 9:30 AM

Isn’t it funny how the mask wearers in these adverts look so perfectly beautiful as if the mask is the latest chic accessory.

Jan 22, 2021 10:19 PM

BBC Friday 22nd.

Sir Patrick Vallance is saying ”there is evidence” that the ”new variant’‘ is killing more people than all the previous ones. He never said in what way or what the evidence actually is.

This was followed by ”great news” about the vaccinnes. Five million have had at least Vaccine 1 so far.
This little newsflash was then finished by a lady of 30ish saying how her mum( 61) had ”died of covid” last week despite her taking all the precautions( mask wearing, social distancing etc).

I believe this piece was designed by the same geniuses who designed the ‘compliment sandwich’ method of training small children in school.

Nobody mentioned the great coincidence.

1- The New variant is making the mortality rates soar.

2- The new variant has arrived at the same time as the vaccines.

3- The mortality spike is in line with the vaccines received spike.

Next move will be to tighten the screws on the lockdown rules ‘for the sake of the greater good’.

In the meantime, Vallance and his ilk are struggling to keep up with the constant rise in share prices ‘ spike’ of the manufacturers of the vaccines they told all of us can’t work anyway.


There seems to be yet another shifting of the goalposts. The criteria for being included under the Covid classification umbrella has never stopped being broadened from day 1.Just when you thought it could stretch any further they stretched it further,

Apparently now, one of the symptoms is that you have no symptoms. If you address that using only logic- 7 billion people have it. Weird. It’s as though somebody somewhere had a dream that the whole population of the planet needed to have a vaccine.

Jan 22, 2021 10:34 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Classic propaganda tactics.

If you look at the use of words- may, could, might be, some evidence (there either is or there isn’t).

Over the last week the MSM have been focusing on interviews with ‘covid’ survivors in hospitals.

They sit there smiling with their oxygen masks by their sides.

Does this sound likely for anyone just recovered from severe pneumonia?

Why are the press allowed in hospitals and relatives not?

These survivors are not sure how they got it. They all claim to be following guidelines and wearing masks.

So the lockdowns and masks aren’t working then?

They finish the interview by repeating the government stay at home message.

Classic propaganda tactics.

Jan 22, 2021 11:25 PM
Reply to  Paul

Spot on. It’s showtime. Give the movie junkies and realty show tribes what they can enjoy. After all, the target audience is right there in the shallow end.

Note how the main news summaries never clash with those bullshit shows like Love Island, I’m a celebrity and the singing and dancing things..

Jan 23, 2021 1:55 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The new variant message is sowing the seeds for when they announce the requirement for new vaccines. It’s predictive programming. They say you don’t need one for THIS new strain, but we can’t rule it out for future strains. It would look stupid to say the current vaccines don’t work at this stage while they are still being rolled out, but like the waves roll in off the sea, the new waves of bullshit roll in with clockwork like frequnecy.

Jan 23, 2021 5:43 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Great that can be added to the G Orwell dictionary.. a healthy person is a danger to society!

Jan 28, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  Marcello

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Health is Sickness.

Jan 23, 2021 9:55 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Setting aside that the “vaccine” doesn’t confer immunity, simply reduces the severity of symptoms, why are none of the journalists questioning the 12 week spacing between doses ?
It is not enough for anyone outside of the manufacturers to decide to change the protocol.
The manufactures have only tested 2 doses, 3 weeks apart. There is NO data for a 12-week spacing. Those who accept it are the Phase 3 (or is it 2 ?) guinea pigs.
But no-one puts these blubbering fuckers on the spot.
Yesterday’s briefing was embarrassing for all the may, might, could, should, likely, possibly rhetoric.
After a year, they still seemingly don’t have a clue. Or they do but they daren’t expose their clear obfuscation and downright lies.

Jan 23, 2021 1:12 PM
Reply to  David

”why are none of the journalists questioning the 12 week spacing between doses ? ”

He who pays the piper calls the tune, as the saying goes. And it’s never been as relevant as it is now. The ‘he’ as we know is Gates through his cover( his ‘foundation’). He doesn’t just call the tune, he hands them the music and lyrics. He throws the money- they sing and dance.

Journalists work for the MSM platforms. They have bosses who also have bosses then at the top of yet another pyramid sits Pharaoh Gates.

The only time his narrative and the plans of his co-conspirators like Fauci and Kissinger are questioned and challenged we see the same thing. A rapid gagging; a removing of the voice. They can call David Icke all they want to but what’s their reason for shutting down qualified medics ?Are they conspiracy theorists too ? What are the credentials of Gates to lead the world in a battle against viruses. He’s a software mogul.

If they work for any MSM platform, they work for the MSM paymasters too. If they slip and go off script they lose a career and won’t find a job in the same area again. For the sacrifice of their own credibility and integrity they will be ‘compensated’ via their pay cheques and little ‘bonuses’. Call it hush money. Call it blood money. Both fit .

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 22, 2021 9:53 PM


Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 22, 2021 9:49 PM

Digital Vaccines: Behavior Modification To Fuel Cybernetic Transformation
Back by popular demand…our second live interview with Alison McDowell and Sayer Ji

Saturday, Ja. 23rd, 11 am EST



*The government of Japan envisions a future where humans will “live” as avatars by 2050.
*Their Moonshot R&D program advances the idea of Society 5.0 where people are disconnected from physical bodies and minds in time and space. How do they plan to get there? How does fin-tech plan to reduce “life” to a virtualized replica? How will the billionaires make money along the way?
*We’ll be talking about digital twinning in relation to gamified behavior regulation, wearables, and bio-nano-technology.
*A big piece of the puzzle is control of the food system, something the farmers in India are keenly aware of. Bill Gates, food-tech, Big Pharma, and the video game industry are working together in unexpected ways.
*We’ll use Fooya, a new “digital vaccine” developed in partnership with Carnegie Mellon as a lens to examine these developments.

Jan 23, 2021 5:26 AM

As a bizarre evolution of its once-great culture, Japan takes the cake. A partial explanation is the desperation of the lives of the majority – just as in the glorious American Empire.

Jan 22, 2021 8:55 PM

once economies collapse and people are desperate such as their families starving it will be easier to get them to go along with their plans with the promise of free everything including food.so what would you do when your children are starving and crying? now is the time to act because there will be no other time.

Jan 22, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  Ellen

Every trades union in the world needs to understand this, before they too are destroyed

Jan 28, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  Ben


The unions have long been controlled by the very dark forces that are driving the Plandemic. As are movie and rock and sports “stars”.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jan 22, 2021 8:00 PM

I just stumbled over a movie on HBO that reminds me of our political nightmare. The dystopian, futuristic, comedy called Idiocracy. One of the worst movies ever made but the people of this futuristic comedy are so similar to today’s Democrats. Gullible idiots. Literally.

Sparky McBiff
Sparky McBiff
Jan 24, 2021 8:24 PM

“One of the worst movies ever made”?
You can’t be serious. It’s a HUGE cult classic and it makes a hell of a commentary about what is going on in the world!

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jan 25, 2021 7:37 PM
Reply to  Sparky McBiff

Sorry, trying to avoid judgement. I secretly liked it……. Now it is out.

Jan 22, 2021 7:01 PM


.comment imagecomment image

Jan 22, 2021 6:49 PM

And we thought we had reached the bottom two years ago…

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jan 22, 2021 5:00 PM

The new normal video presents part of the narrative they are pushing of what they hope will sound like a utopia rather than a dystopia. The narrative is a lie and does not represent the new normal that they wish to create. An important part of the lie is the idea that there has been or will be soon a huge advance in artificial intelligence. That this new artificial intelligence will be able replace every day jobs and organise everything in a complex society smoothly. This is a giant lie. Many Billions have been invested in driverless cars but they do not work when mixed with human driven cars or in large numbers in a normal road network. They may talk about quantum computers and singularity but it is all pie in the sky. These are like the experiments with fusion . The Zeta reactor in the UK in 1957. Fusion is still promising but not delivering.
You will not be seeing an A/I plumber any time soon. They no this is all hogwash ,
In 1968 I watched 2001 a space odyssey . It is good to dream and when you are young you think these things will happen. But it is all an illusion.

Jan 22, 2021 4:30 PM

I think the idea is ‘managed’ economic collapse. The government is waiting for the lockdown kill the economy, then it’s ‘whoops, the the country is bankrupt’ and at that point they announce railways, the NHS, and schools are no longer affordable. Perhaps even pensions will go the same way.
The coronavirus scam serves both as a distraction and a conditioning tool so that the public are used to not being able to access public services before these services are shut for good. My guess is the virus itself will cease to be the primary talking point, in the same way Brexit is becoming secondary to the debate in the UK.
But then as we know, the ‘best-laid plans’ don’t always work out and it may be the government is losing control and/or isn’t calling the shots.

Jan 22, 2021 6:39 PM
Reply to  Thom

The trades unions are the biggest Quislings in this

Jan 22, 2021 4:13 PM

Now they’re giving reverse psychology a try: “The vaccine fetches €800 on the black market!” (Actual front-page news in Czech papers today.) How lucky we are then, eh, to get it for free… :-((

Jan 22, 2021 2:53 PM


Greeley nursing home residents protest pandemic lockdown: “I’d rather die of COVID than loneliness”


Jan 22, 2021 2:42 PM

Bad news folks, we’ll have to abolish money if we are serious about getting rid of the elite. Money is the tool for enslavement, always has been and always will be. Go to my website and watch my video clips

Jan 22, 2021 3:38 PM

Unfortunately you’re correct. And that’s why it’ll never happen.

You can’t be a slave if you can provide everything for yourself and barter with your neighbors.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 22, 2021 4:44 PM

[Money is the tool for enslavement…]

Almost everything can be a tool for enslavement. And it would be utterly stupid to abolish all and everything that can be (or is) used as a tool for enslavement.

Money can also be used for good.

I suggest you rather focus on the people abusing the tools, than on the tools themselves.

Sir Comphrey Borage
Sir Comphrey Borage
Jan 22, 2021 4:53 PM

We need food as well and they contrtol that.

Jan 24, 2021 1:15 AM

Bill Gates is now the number one owner if farm land in the US.
Let that sink in

Jan 22, 2021 10:23 PM

Will they abolish spam

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 22, 2021 1:36 PM

The latest whacky wheeze in the UK by the madmen who lead oppress us, is to pay everyone who tests positive for Convid-19 £500.

What could possibly go wrong?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 22, 2021 3:51 PM

What next? £500 for anyone who self-declares themselves to have the disease. That would really boost the numbers.

Jan 22, 2021 6:41 PM

Step 1 : Imprison everyone in their home and fine them a large sum if they try to escape.

Step 2: Put the prisoners on furlough measures as their bills and stress climb.

Step : Offer some ‘relief’ by waving a hundred fivers in their face. A ‘cash injection’ so to speak…

If they’re willing to put this much aside to pay the plebs, imagine how much the doctors are demanding for lying about cases and causes of death.

I wonder if they’ll try a ‘cash-for-vaccines’ move in a few weeks. It seems they have billions put aside to spend on things like vaccines and blackmail. Just nothing to improve the NHS.

Jan 22, 2021 8:14 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It is becoming a farce

Jan 22, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  tish

It’s been a farce from the start.

Becky Roberson
Becky Roberson
Jan 24, 2021 10:53 PM
Reply to  tish

Are the 400k+ dead a farce? Just curious.

Jan 25, 2021 2:56 AM
Reply to  Becky Roberson


Jan 28, 2021 10:41 AM
Reply to  Becky Roberson

no, a con. no-one dies of upper bronchial complaints, or pneumonia or flu anymore.

Jan 22, 2021 9:00 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Well, you could be right there,

First track and trace failed

Operation test was rolled out ……..no one went or far smaller numbers than had been thought……so it was abandonded I believe Fauci said test showing too many false positives, so vaccine should be taken up.

Vaccination seems to be going all wrong as well first doses, second doses, don’t have a second dose of this vaccine if you have had first dose of another one. There is one you can’t have if you have allergy to penicillin.

Quite a lot of elderly people who were sitting ducks in nursing homes have died….yep they were probably ready to fall off the perch anyway.

The thought did cross my mind ‘were they actually guinea pigs’

They did pay people to stay at home at some point, but that depended on them taking a PCR test.

Cash incentive for taking up vaccine would not surprise me at all.

Jan 23, 2021 5:33 AM
Reply to  tish

Jabbing anyone without a review/interview on allergies is attempred murder.

Jan 28, 2021 9:53 PM
Reply to  tish


It is not a vaccine. It is gene “therapy” .
I suspect the recipients are dying like flies but the deaths are not reported.
55 in Gibraltar before they stopped counting. 33 in Norway before they stopped counting.

Feb 2, 2021 2:17 AM
Reply to  Peter

Its made to ” appear this way, as you cant connect any death or severe consequences of the jab to the “flu”
. So it will be due to complications from the … ” flu”….. This thing to any logical thinking person does not make any sense. It hasnt for quite some time. I have read reams of published scientific papers on viruses, immunology, vaccines, virology etc… as much as my puny brain can wrap around itself. And I am gobsmacked at the utter nonsense spewed out by politicians and their ” scientific experts. There are no dissenters!!! no dissenters allowed!!!!!
Dr Yeadon and Dr Bhakdi experts in their respective fields have called it as they see it, an absolute farce of the first order! Humanity is at a crossroads, and whether we agree or disagree on other things , We cannot be misguided and divided against one another anymore by these phycopaths!
We have to take a STAND against them
or Forever Hold our peace.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jan 22, 2021 8:04 PM

97% chance of getting easy money……. And the catch is……it’s confiscated as part of the great reset.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 22, 2021 1:30 PM

Talk about prescriptive programming, huh?

This film has awfully good production values. Now I wonder why that is. And I do have my little doubts because at the end they tell us it’s all about freedom and rights when what it’s really about is the truth … the truth of no virus and that simple truth obviates the mountains of propaganda smothering us.

Jan 22, 2021 6:03 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Saw the video do it tour of duty around the internet channel;s and watched 3 mins last week. all i needed to no.
Just like 25 march fantastic brand speaking new hollywood productions type videos out saying its a virus from china and then bannan Jones health ranger Tarsion PJW and Bullshit brian Gewiish the usual shills all saying the same.

Jan 28, 2021 10:46 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

no virus? What did the eugenicists spend 7.5 (plus) million bucks on ‘gain of function’ for, then?

Martin Grogan
Martin Grogan
Jan 22, 2021 12:22 PM

Anyone with an ounce of sense can see this coming but unless there is to be some huge movement of peaceful civil disobedience I cannot see how it can be resisted.

Jan 23, 2021 1:20 PM
Reply to  Martin Grogan

Peaceful protests play into their hands. It gives them yet another reason to quote unrealistic large numbers in ‘new cases’ and it’s because we broke our curfew they call lockdown. So it’s our fault for ;being naughty’ and we get punished by the fatherland.

There’s been attempts to mobilise online- they close it down. The attempts to open peoples eyes- closed down ; peaceful protests are used as propaganda against us.

Only one method hasn’t been tried. The not-so-peaceful method.

Jan 28, 2021 10:48 AM
Reply to  Martin Grogan

and you think that eugenicists owning ‘all of society, and all societal control’ can be eradicated by ‘peaceful civil disobedience’? Dream on.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 22, 2021 10:38 AM

Hoovering is when a nacassist tries to get someone back. Perhaps humanity has rejected the manipulator and covid is a hoovering attempt. People just need to stick to the boundaries and maintain no contact. It is very dangerous to get sucked back in as the abuser will punish you for leaving. Any contact whatsoever is very dangerous.

I .Rose
I .Rose
Jan 22, 2021 10:19 AM

Yes, this is the tale in ‘our’ s.c. first/developed world. I’m looking forward for the inclusion of what’s going on in the rest of the s.c. 2nd & 3rd worlds of wars & plunder, for surely they’re not exempt, and how they intertwine in the meta plan.
P.S. I don’t particularly trust limited hangout/gate keeper Yuval Harari.

Jan 22, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  I .Rose

Yes, the World Bank / WEF types who I know personally seem to promote Harari like the best thing since sliced bread.

Jan 22, 2021 4:23 PM
Reply to  I .Rose

Particularly when you hear him say things like “China and the USA leading the [AI] race” with no reference to Israel, where he is from. He is an intellectual mouthpiece for this criminal class because, just like them, he is a materialist, a guardian and custodian of history (and understanding) of mankind as they want us to know it, and because, just like them, he wants to believe the future will be along the lines set by them and that is that. Another character of this criminal class. Take note.

Jan 28, 2021 9:57 PM
Reply to  I .Rose

Michael Harari

I wonder if he is related to crack Mossad assassin Michael Harari. Suspected by some to be the umbrella man in Dealey Plaza.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 22, 2021 6:04 AM

I think this production is just superb.

Very effective encapsulation of the issues.

I could pick nits, but instead I’ll point out the most important, disturbing and provocative part: the presentations by Yuval Noah Harari at Davos. I think he hits on every single node of the mind-hack represented by the scamdemic.

I also think his cautionary tone is deliberately phony. He knows damn well what he is “warning” of, a “Stalin” with these powers, has already come to pass, and the blackmail operation he warns of is already in full swing by his own country of origin. His thin veneer of caution cannot conceal his triumphal attitude.

Jan 22, 2021 4:48 AM

10/10 documentary thanks for the info

Jan 22, 2021 7:05 AM
Reply to  Mucho

This you can play to the dupes and there is a small chance it might just make them realise what they are helping to usher in. That’s all that matters now, waking up minds which are still dormant. Even if you work on just one person per day, it has an effect….it starts a chain reaction. That, disobedience and the lawsuits. You can’t beat these assholes by protesting, they’ll smash you up and lock you up. But people opening up their businesses waving their middle fingers at these scumbags and their evil scheme being exposed in court, and an evergrowing critical mass of victims of their propaganda changing their minds, one by one. That is the route to victory.

Jan 22, 2021 4:02 AM

Bojo with his boss

comment image

Jan 22, 2021 11:27 AM
Reply to  Mucho

and they still voted for him even more shocking is U>K shillum also knew this yet still told its not so intelligent fan base to vote for the Tories

Jan 22, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  Mucho

who’s that with Mister Burns

Jan 22, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Mucho

No I think that is matt lucas in a blond wig Lol

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 22, 2021 3:15 AM

Magnificent! Thank you for making this available. Everyone should see it!

Jan 22, 2021 1:25 AM

comment image

Jan 22, 2021 12:20 PM
Reply to  artgrafiken

. comment image

Feb 2, 2021 2:40 AM
Reply to  Ben

Heil to the Yeah!!!!

Jan 22, 2021 1:15 AM


Must watch video. BBC TV – man demolishes ‘Covid’ narrative


Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 22, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  Ben

do not watch bbc ever. it is just hoovering so they can continue abusing you. disinfo claiming there was deaths caused by “the virus” when no deaths have occured whatsoever due to “the virus” which is a complete fraud.

Jan 22, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Agreed, which is why I posted. This man challenges the BBC’s Covid narrative. Aside from its arts output, the BBC is a toxic organisation

Jan 22, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  Ben

A cancer in our society.

Jan 22, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  Ben

When the Tory Party and their elite perverts and liars are exposed and dragged into the spotlight, the BBC are expected to dissuade the public from asking questions or expressing doubts about the animals. It’s main function is one of propaganda and the construction of dishonest narratives to keep the people asleep. In such times a Director General is tested.

When McAlpine was exposed after years of exposure on Alt sites and in pre-internet underground mags he was invited by his accusers to sue. He resisted. He hid. His fellow Tories formed a shield around him and his fellow animals. When his accusers died, McAlpine, after years of reticence, predictably decided to come out fighting like the coward he was.

He hijacked some of the Madeleine McCann case publicity to use as a cause to stop all trolling online and threatening to sue anyone who accused him of anything. To make himself even more golden he sued the BBC who were their propaganda department and who were happy to pay substantial six figure sums for the cause. It was a sickening opera.

At the time, George Entwistle was at the helm of the good ship Beeb. After that little lot reached the BBC Newsnight programme and despite no names being mentioned, it cost him his post. A new yes man was needed. One who knew how to bury the bodies and throw everyone off the scent. Enter Tim Davie. It was only as in an ‘acting’ capacity of course. But it propelled him upwards pretty sharpish. Tony Hall got the gig full time a year later while Tim went worldwide for the BBC.

Hall stuck it for seven lucrative years tackling such issues as equality and the license fee. But early into the Covid game he decided to quit his overpaid and privileged position. A new yes man was needed. One who knew how to bury the bodies and throw us off the scent. Enter Tim Davie. See a pattern yet ?

During the seven years of Hall’s tenure, Davie had become the BBC’s highest earner ( £640 per annum) and received a CBE from the German Queen Elizabeth II for his ‘services to international trade‘ in 2018.

By June 2020 he was the BBC Covid director.

By October he had drawn up important guidelines for what employees at the BBC can do and say and , more importantly, what they have to shut up about( little things like the truth).He later edited this but said if any of them wanted to attend rallies like BLM or trans rights, they could if they were ‘celebratory’ only.

He then combed his toothbrush moustache, slipped into his jackboots, locked his office door, and put some X rated Bill gates on the internet .

Jan 22, 2021 8:43 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

True. But is there a mainstream television service / platform in the western world that hasn’t done the same ?There’s a huge amount to choose from.You’ll find that the accusations fit all.

Jan 22, 2021 11:33 AM
Reply to  Ben

I recall seeing this when it was originally broadcast in May 2020. I think that was when the BBC realised their mistake in allowing someone on QT who was talking sense. Naturally he (Luke Johnson) was scorned by fellow panellists and audience, as a ‘granny killer’.

Martin Grogan
Martin Grogan
Jan 22, 2021 3:11 PM
Reply to  Ben

Link taken down?

Jan 22, 2021 12:42 AM

In the interest of keeping us all on the right and proper course I offer this following slice of information .It wouldn’t be right to let the wrong information be our ‘new normal’ now would it.

I think it’s important to look at the for and against of anything we read, see or hear. Especially as we are hostages to the whims of a psychotic elite right now who own the media and control the narratives to suit themselves.

It’s easy to be captured by a shock headline or claim and react without looking around and behind it. The danger of this is that it is instantly shared on endless silly online platforms and forums. It gathers momentum which leads to a consensus. The mythological ‘court of public opinion’ then become a noisy chorus getting everywhere. Their ‘thinking’ being that it doesn’t matter if it sounds wrong, if enough people believe it it’s true. They then go on to argue their baseless case and call all those who oppose ”sheeple”. It’s irony in it’s prettiest dress.

The talks /whisper crawling onto forums now include the claim that the HCQ / Zinc treatment advocated by qualified doctors much to the chagrin of Doctor Fauci and his medicine woman Bill Gates and their shareholders and control freaks. It is being suggested as fact that the treatment ‘’causes torsades de pointes”

It sounds French and fancy. But even in Latin it would need some support before it gathers more traction than it deserves.

The world first heard about HCQ though this bullshit virus. Trump was all for it in the fight to beat it. He let that drop early and what happened ? Fauci happened. Fauci, Gates’ partner in crime, went public in his hissy fit urging anyone who heard it to ignore it. he never mentioned any dangers or any illnesses it could cause. Fauci is the head of the NIH and didn’t seem to be aware. Nor was Gates( though in his case it’s expected, he’s never been to medical school).

Soon the support grew and many medics went public claiming patients were cured of covid in a day by using HCQ and Zinc in a cocktail. They were referred to by the Gates and Fauci – sponsored platforms , and the MSM generally, as ‘dangerous’ and ‘conspiracy theorists’. They didn’t care because they were curing people. But that was a threat to the aims of the Pharma companies who were planning on pretending that the virus is unbeatable without tens of billions worth of vaccines. It also scuppered the plans of the elite who had shares in such things as they had another cause; to lock the population up and control them while they set about bankrupting the world in the background ( an inevitable consequence of a biological war, we’ll be told later). 

So what did they do ? They silenced every voice of what they considered dissent and had them removed from all media platforms just in case truth caught on.

But nobody explained to the world that HCQ was a threat to life. Nobody explained that a common side effect was heart failure.

Fauci or Gates, or one of the many pseudo-scientific advisers passing the elite’s instructions to braindead politicians , never once told the world that HCQ can kill you by heart attack. Had they done so, we’d have all accepted that it wasn’t the way to go after all. Those advocating it’s efficacy wouldn’t have needed to be removed; they’d have been ridiculed by us all. So why would they miss such a a legitimate opportunity ?

There was a rather embarrassing attempt to expose the flaws in the HCQ and Zinc efficacy efficacy narrative. As usual it was an ‘investigation’ carried out from yet another Gates- funded Ministry Of Lies. Like the one that employs Neal Ferguson to pretend to research nothing and produce utter nonsense (Why are so many researchers full of it ? Is it really just the money ?) His findings / conclusions were that it was totally useless. 

The hope was that his credentials, as well as where he worked, would persuade people of his legitimacy. But thousands jumped on him right away. He had tested HCQ alone- not HCQ and Zinc. HCQ’s function is to ‘unclench’ the cell in which Covid allegedly replicates. Zinc’s function is to enter the now-opened cell and destroy it. So he was never goinf to find success. It’s like putting a key into a door and claiming it’s inefficient even though you failed to turn it. It was pure Gates / Fauci propaganda. And it fell on it’s back cheeks at the first hurdle.

So what about this latest effort- the ‘it causes torsades de pointes’ nonsense.

It can increase the risk of heart failure if the patient has a heart condition. It can increase the chances by 10%. That is not even close to ‘it can cause heart trouble. I’m pretty sure any doctor who has a patient with a history of heart disease would take that into account whatever they were treating their patient for.

This ‘research’ was carried out by the National Center for Biotechnologt Information ( NCBI).

It’s HQ is in Bethesda , Maryland.

Fauci has headed up The NIH and NIAID- both hve their HQ in Bethesda, Maryland.
Incidentally, according to the paper they produced, no mention is made of using HCQ as one of the recommended ‘cocktails’ ( with Zinc or similar) which would mean that treatment would only need to be brief. Using HCQ alone( which isn’t effective anyway) would require a longer course and more sustained exposure to any negative side effects.


On a different paper we see an inevitable convergence of two familiar agencies. Think Gates; think Fauci.

Here, we review the impact of the Grand Challenges for Global Health (GCGH) initiative that was started by the BMGF in 2003 and that managed to influence the NIH’s funding priorities.

The BMGF is the largest charitable foundation in the USA. It came into existence in 2000 when the William H. Gates Foundation, founded in 1994, merged with the Gates Learning Foundation, founded in 1997. As of March 2007, the BMGF’s endowment was estimated to be US$33 billion, of which it awards approximately US$1.6 billion in grants (BMGF, 2006). The endowment and number of grants will continue to increase steadily after US investor Warren Buffet announced in June 2006 that he would contribute another US$30 billion over the next decades (BMGF, 2006).

The initiative aims to alleviate the so-called 90–10 gap in biomedical research; each year, US$70 billion are spent on research worldwide, but only 10% of this money is used for research on diseases that affect 90% of the world’s population.

Enough said ( I’d say).


Jan 22, 2021 2:20 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Shape is everything Key in lock, form fits function, antibody blocks virus

Now this twistin’ of your points…remember that woman with the anchor tattoo who went to the wash house? Well, she knew that twisting her washing got rid of excess water. She was actually demonstrating something quite cool.

The treatment of choice for malaria is quinine because quinine twists cells infected with the plasmodium carried by the Anopheles mosquito (dicovered by Sir Ronald Ross a first, for the first school of tropical medicine in Liverpool )

So, now I will gander about…quinine was discovered as a treatment for malaria by a Jesuit priest….it is often refered to as Jesuit Bark….you soaked the bark in a similar way to the way bark of the willow tree was soaked to extract Aspirin. The tree the Jesuit bark comes from is the Chincoa tree or something like that.

Now, I know you are dying to know just how does that mosquito do two terrible things in one action. Well, you are walking around a jungle somewhere but you aren’t a celebrity……when a mosquito lands on you, it then sticks it’s ‘needle like’ prosbicus into you, it’s function is to gorge itself on your blood. However, if the Anopheles is carring the plasmodium(a parasite) the parasite travels down said prosbiscus and tries to get into your red blood cells, you have been inflected with malaria ( Latin bad air) but Mary in the washouse in Margaret Street knew all about that and just like the water in her washing. Quinine twisted points of red blood cells to wring out what was unwanted.

Jan 22, 2021 2:23 AM
Reply to  tish

Yes inflected

Jan 22, 2021 5:42 AM
Reply to  tish

mRNA in the vaccine will get into yout cells in a similar way.

Some African countries – that keep out WHO and UNICEF – are using a herbal drink made from anti-malarial herb artemisia. This is the same stuff in the “tonic” you add to gin.

Jan 22, 2021 5:19 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, that was a brilliant sucess in Madagascar….they used extract of sweet worm wood and other herbs to combat covid-19 it was a very interesting fact that the drink was an anti-malarial as wellas CHQ. The tonic you add to your gin contains quinine and quinine is used as an antimalarial, In a minority of people quinine can cause irregularities in heart beat.

Jan 22, 2021 9:30 PM
Reply to  tish

I just read the paper WHO offers$20 million for president to poison the drink
well, me flabber has never been so ghasted. No wonder the drink disappeared……………America is a place I am so glad I don’t live in. The American voices on videos are begining to get on my nerves.

Jan 23, 2021 4:55 AM
Reply to  tish

All the leading remedies that doctors have found effective, including HCQ, invermectin, bromelain, dexamethasone, fenofibrate, niclosamide and budesonide, as well as the many substances/practices to thwart the disease, are cheap and repurposed. In most countries, invermectin is restricted to treating animals, probably because a mega-business has bribed or blackmailed enough officials. The vaccine is the weapon of the most diabolic people.

Feb 2, 2021 3:13 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Readily available in many other forms that humans can repurpose for themselves… and very cheaply.. otc as well just need to downsize dose weight as lb for lb it is basically the same. And many are and have been using it as such.

Jan 25, 2021 4:30 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Artemisia Vulgaris. It grows very easily even from cuttings. Its leaves taste resinous when it’s fresh, though, but I don’t know about its roots. The roots are more potent, it’s said. It also has “antiviral” property, which, since I now don’t believe in any pathogenic virus, I think is more likely detoxification property. Wondering why I think so? Check herbs with antiviral properties, and you’ll see that they are also good for detox. Even chlorophyll is an antivirus. And it’s also known as a good chelating agent. So, my thoughts is that “viruses” are exosomes used to clean things up, and since the “antiviral” herbs help cleaning up the body, the exosomes or viruses are no longer produced. Still needs to find the data on this, though.

Jan 22, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  tish

Took the words right out of my mouth tish 😎👍

( pssst .what did it have to do with torsades de pointes’  )

Jan 22, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Oh darn I will have to put me science head on……..

Torsades de pointes is associated with a prolonged QT interval in the heart beat it causes ventricular tachycardia……

A small number of people who take quinine for malaria develop ventricular tachycardia …..

Quinine is effective against malaria because it brings about torsades de pointes of parasitic infected red blood cells.

ie it wrings them out just like Mary in the wash house wrings out her washing…..Mary mimics torsades de pointes.

Will that do ?

Jan 22, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  tish

Now that’s more like it, Tish. You just talked your way out of a detention and didn’t even need to give me an apple 👍 ☺

I just wanted to highlight the carelessness of stating that HCQ causes heart disease. As the paper suggests, it can have a detrimental effect on 10% at tops if they have an underlying condition- ie torsades de pointes.

The latter is a dangerous piece of misinformation when it’s presented as a categorical fact and doesn’t mention the low percentage.

Tell Mary I’ll see her after class.

Jan 22, 2021 6:11 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Most, if not all medicines, have a side effect. In fact, if you read the paperwork that come with them, you’d likely never take them !!
A side effect is, in essence, yet another symptom added to the one already being treated by the medication.
There’s no money in healthy folk.

Jan 22, 2021 4:22 PM
Reply to  David

Very true. Medicine for the masses is a business. But when a dr in a hospital has a patient with a respiratory problem all medical history and list of medications will be taken into consideration first. If that patients has a heart problem and has had, or is having, treatment for it, a treatment that has detrimental effects on a heart will be dismissed as it increases the risk to life more than the problem the patient is suffering. With that in mind, if the patient hasn’t got a heart problem and hasn’t had before, the heart will be examined to see if the patient is having one now. Only then would a medication be considered.

To suggest that HCQ is a treatment for HCQ is wrong and dishonest. It’s recommended only as the base of a cocktail with something else ( Zinc most commonly). It’s a waste of time on it’s own.

To suggest that it ’causes’ heart problems is wrong. It has a 10% chance of antagonising an existing heart problem,

Hence my pointing at the information sneaking around the internet about it as dangerous.

Jan 22, 2021 6:16 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yes, a patients prior health conditions would always be taken into consideration when prescribing a new drug….

…sometimes there is ‘the balance of probabilites’ is the risk acceptable or not.

In HCQ it is the quinine that will ‘open’ by twisting an infected cell causing a pocket for zinc to get inside the cell.

Feb 2, 2021 3:14 AM
Reply to  tish


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 22, 2021 1:18 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Hydroxychloroquine is dangerous at high doses and, unfortunately, it has been administered at extremely high doses especially, seemingly, to the elderly killing them off. It seems that overprescription of HCQ can explain excess mortality figures seen in the first half of 2020 before they stopped prescribing it or at least prescribing it at such high doses. As there’s no evidence of the alleged COVID-19 in the first place I wonder what it has been prescribed for.

This is an excellent video by the NZ doctor, Sam Bailey, whom I’ve only just discovered explaining excess mortality figures.

Jan 22, 2021 5:07 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

My point was that doctors would take medical history into account before deciding on any direction to go. Things like how frail / elderly a patient is would be a priority. A history of hear problems would be at the top. If a patient was elderly and frail or had a bad heart or both, it’s unlikely that they’d be given aggressive treatment of any kind as it could kill them. It’s common for this situation to be explained to the families and loved ones of such patients.

Suggesting HCQ is being used to ‘kill them off’ isn’t correct. It needs evidence. If you remember the early days of this game tens of thousands were killed by being mistakenly placed on ventilators rather than being given blood transfusions.
If HCQ or the over prescription of it was causing death, then Fauci had those doctors championing it’s cause right where he wanted them. he could have simply reported that HCQ is killing patients not curing them. That one sentence would have done the trick. And those doctors trying to find a voice wold have been exposed as nutcases. Why do you think this wasn’t what happened.

HCQ is a good medication for anyone suffering from Malaria. That it had success in treating whatever the Covid thing was early on suggests that A- part of the virus composition was malaria and B- if it was a ”sars – like” virus that contained malaria it had been artificially constructed, rather than evolving naturally. A ‘Frankenvirus’.

Gates has always gone on about the evils of Malaria and how it has the power to wipe whole cities out. It excites him and also makes him richer in the development of drugs.

Gates / Fauci said in 2017 this thing was coming before 2020, They said it in 2017. Nobody can make such predictions and be right on the money like that without prior knowledge. You can’t have prior knowledge of a virus we have never seen before.

The same year the NIH( headed by Fauci) were granted permission to re-introduce gain-of-function research and to fund it too. So those dots are pretty much connecting themselves really.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jan 23, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I suppose you might say that Sam Bailey doesn’t state with certainty that high doses of HCQ killed elderly patients in drug trials but more that it seems reasonable that it might have happened, and if so, could partially explain the spikes in mortality that occurred at the time of the trials in the first half of 2020 thus providing a cause other than COVID for the spikes. This is a summary of the video.

The Info panel in the video shows most of the links I’ve put in my summary below except I didn’t find a link in Sam’s list for the megadoses of HCQ used in the treatment trials she refers to so found one myself. The video is 12 minutes long but if you don’t watch it in its entirety it is very much worth watching at the two bookmarked points I link to below.

Video explanation (worth watching):

The European countries Spain, France, Italy, Belgium and the UK (although not Wales considered individually, for example) experienced large spikes while at least half of the other European countries did not experience abnormal spikes. Portugal, Spain’s neighbour, for example, experienced a bigger spike in mortality for the same period in April in 2017. What could explain this difference, especially across borders?

What can at least partly explain spikes in specific European countries is the experimental use of hydroxychloroquine at extremely high dosages, for example, in the Solidarity trial the dosage was an incredible 2400 mg on the first day of treatment for those testing positive for COVID. The overdose amount is calculated as 24mg/kg which would be less than 2000mg for many people. These huge doses were administered mostly to the frail and elderly with no dosage consideration for their body weight and impaired physiology. Most countries stopped these doses by the end of May which coincided with the falling mortality rates. This wasn’t necessarily the only factor but must be taken into consideration.

There is also evidence based on investigations by the group UK Column that excess mortality was due to mismanagement of the elderly and the lockdowns themselves.

In South Africa, the group, PANDA, Pandemic Data and Analytics’ (PANDA), warn that continued lockdown will cause more loss of life than COVID-19 itself.

Deaths might be due to measures against alleged COVID-19 rather than from the alleged COVID-19

Another factor to take into consideration for excess mortality is the age at which deaths occur. Using the Years of Life Lost metric, (eg, a person who dies at 30 would be considered to have lost 50 years of life while someone who dies at 79.5 would be considered to have lost only 6 months of life) casts a very different complexion on the mortality figures.

Dr Klaus Püschel, head of the Institute for Forensic Medicine at Hamburg University, has said that the so-called COVID-19 fatalities he examined all had such serious pre-existing conditions: “Even if this sounds harsh, they would all have died in the course of this year.”

Other analysis by John PA Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine/Health Research & Policy/Biomedical Data Science/Statistics, Stanford Univ. suggests that while currently a year of life lost is considered the figure for those where COVID is assigned as cause of death the figure might even reduce.

COVID-19 cases are considered to be people who test positive regardless of clinical diagnosis and in some instances COVID-19 is being ascribed even without testing, eg, Dr Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician and Republican state senator, said he received a 7-page document coaching him to fill out death certificates with a COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus.

Jan 23, 2021 7:08 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I have little doubt that many deaths were caused by mismanagement of the elderly at all, especially in the UK. I’ve witnessed it in (in)action.
Early on in this game, we were hearing different countries making blanket decisions like placing DNR signs on the beds of anyone over 65. I think it was Italy, Then they lowered that to 60. It didn’t matter why they’d been admitted. It’s indirect euthanasia. Or, to be more blunt, legitimised manslaughter.

The eugenicists, before they re-christened their madness to Social Technology, have always had one goal ; depopulation. Many methods have been tried, many strategies hidden .And both have been modified to accommodate advances in technology and biological research.
There nest used to be in Berlin during the first half of the century. They had camps all over the place in Germany and Poland. They targeted Jews, Communists, mentally and physically ill, those who didn’t toe the party line, homosexuals, the elderly and unemployed. These were all unworthy. They were ‘others’. They justified it by suggesting social inferiors and the underclass were of weak genes while the prosperous and successful were of strong. They suggested selective breeding( negative) by elimination was for the ‘greater good’ of the race. 

The bogeyman was the poster child of madness- Hitler. he gave the world, via the media exposure and documentary makers, a reason to join our leaders in their disgust for eugenics and racial hygiene and we supported their decision to immediately create the UN as preparation for the NWO. And, of course, the ADL.

Then, as we danced in the streets when the wicked witch was declared dead, the US slipped the real maniacs into their new home, whitewashed their histories to avoid prosecutions, gave them new jobs and homes and invited them to do their thing from Uncle Sam’s place. But the slick suits and yank accents made us think we were the good guys. That we’d never do what the demons did.

What we’re seeing now is more of the same. The elderly aren’t putting anything into the pot so they can go. Loved ones will half expect it. The homeless are good targets too. Then there’ll be those in mental homes and prisoners in jail. The blacks are already covered. Gates took over Africa 20 plus years ago to use live hosts to trial his medicine. he uses the third world as an example of why overpopulation is dangerous therefore needs to be stopped. You’ll never hear the word ‘eugenics’ uttered by him, Fauci, Kissinger or the rest. They daren’t.

As for the HCQ debate. My concern was that sweeping unfounded statements are dangerous. That was the whole point of my post.

Doctors said the cocktail of that and Zinc were saving many patients. Trump said it was. Fauci shouted Trump down for forgetting the script. later Fauci said it was dangerous. He’s the expert. he lslo said the respirators were a good bet and they wiped people out within hours. He compromised and edited his earlier statement and said HCQ was safe and a possible solution in some cases.

If he and Gates wanted to shoot down HCQ they wold have said ”it causes a serious heart problem’ and that would have done the trick. That they didn’t suggests it doesn’t.

Using HCQ alone can be problematic to those who have a heart problem already, and even then it’s 10% maximum according to the research carried out by another gates sponsored body.

People seldom read such things. But they read a line on a tweet and count the likes and think it’s science. It isn’t. It’s tweets. And it can confuse people who are already being turned inside out by a government feeding them poison and lies.

In the meantime suicides are going onto the ‘covid’ spike( the lockdown /loss of job/home was through Covid rules ergo covid caused it).In the US a man killed on his motorbike went down as Covid. And doctors have been allowed to call anything covid for cash. All figures, all data, and all conclusions allegedly reached by the advisers are therefore science fiction. Like the ‘pandemic’.

Feb 2, 2021 3:07 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

A very well known cardiologist from Baylor spoke before a Senate committe on
” therapeutics for covid- 19″
and he cited the fake studies that the
prestigious Lancet had to retract and others that were fake as well.on HCQ being dangerous.. too late the damage was already done.. In the U.S. you may be able to find a private practicioner who may take the risk to prescribe
hcq, zinc and antibiotics OR
better yet ivermectin which is proving to be even better… but not for long. Many are told upon a positive test go home and call 911 if you have trouble breathing…
A personal friend’s brother a respiratory therapist witnessed a emergency physician
release a 20 year old girl who arrived at the hospital with pnuemonia, the therapist gave her a lung treatment . He then strongly urged the ER physician to not release the young lady , but to keep her in hospital to get further medical treatment as in his professional opinion letting her leave would endanger her life. He was promptly told by attending physician
“She is young, she will bounce back!”
He ( the respiratory therapist and the expert in this case) was furious , and warned the doctor he was putting her life at risk. Well.. three days later she came in by ambulance and died from severe pnuemonia…
Now. it seems like this is the sad story for not only this girl but Hundreds of thousands of people who IF ONLY THEY HAD A THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT available at onset of symptoms like Hcq, zinc antibiotic OR Ivermectin, zinc , antiibiotic
and sent home with a very cheap prescription they might be with us today.
The so called” experts” say these may cause unintended problems( very rare) so we cant take ANY chances! we must protect people from these untested protocols!
What they are in essence telling us is that they do not want too many of us to survive this plandemic at any cost!

Feb 2, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  kittypity

Seems that the bar was lowered in the medical profession years ago. The level of care reflects the standard of teaching. Not many enter as a vocation now- it’s a money train.

Lately it’s become a criminal enterprise.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Jan 21, 2021 10:59 PM

It’s pretty grim. I would say the garden based civilization is more attractive and will win thru. Who would want to run a business funding these crooks or spend money with one and without any businesses there won’t be any universal income. This idea is a disaster. It would be a hellish slow decay into death. No, people will remember their pristine origins and recreate a living environment.

Jan 21, 2021 10:24 PM


‘NHS Covid data is not produced by NHS, it’s produced by for-profit companies interested in maintaining high #Covid case numbers, continual testing, constant #vaccination, home deliveries, etc. These companies include: #Amazon, #Palantir, #PayPal, #Serco, #G4S, etc’


John Doe
John Doe
Jan 21, 2021 10:06 PM

Tried to mirror this documentary as i heard it kept getting taken down. Within 10 minutes of uploading, i got a warning on my channel and the video was removed. Not sure how your version is up right now. I’d recommend uploading to Rumble and using the IFRAME embed link. But i get why you’d want it on YouTube as those are the users that need to start doing their own research and come to their own conclusions.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 22, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  John Doe

I wonder if the answer is to put a “harmless” video on Youtube, with some suitable title, which contains a link or links to the real video on other platforms?

The difficult trick is to find the suitable title, and perhaps the suitably innocent video.

Jan 21, 2021 9:46 PM

It’s gone already. I was looking forward to watching it.

David Keegan
David Keegan
Jan 21, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  Liam
Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jan 21, 2021 9:10 PM

Sign me up. I am in. Any militia. Does not matter. I am stirred. Fuck You NSA.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 21, 2021 9:08 PM

comment image

Jan 22, 2021 4:49 PM

I’ve read orwells 1984 at no time ever does he mention anything about vaccines what version we’re you reading the updated one

Jan 22, 2021 6:45 PM
Reply to  John

( i think it’s a variation on a theme. The core message being oppression and totalitarianism through force)

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jan 22, 2021 8:31 PM
Reply to  John

The quote is from “G. Orwell”‘s COVID-1984 (unpublished manuscript, 2020).

You may find that the quote is similar to an oft-quoted line from George Orwell’s 1984:

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 21, 2021 9:08 PM

I’ve been sharing this video on Facebook, and yes, it’s well made, and explains the rationale behind the ‘new normal’.
I’m still convinced that the scamdemic along with the vaccines are the vehicles to bring in the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We’ve all heard of the term Trojan Horse.
A few days ago, the Premier of New South Wales strongly hinted that those who refused to get jabbed “may be barred from pubs and other venues”. Other politicians around the World have said similar, and airlines have stated that if you don’t get vaccinated, you will not be allowed on international flights.
We need to disobey this fascist bullshit in whatever way we can. I’m typing this as I sit on a train without wearing a facemask. Every other person on my carriage is wearing one. Most people here in Melbourne seem hopelessly brainwashed.
But we, us, can say No.

Jan 21, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

There is a fine, i think it is $200, for not wearing a mask on the train. And if you’re not white enough, you may get extra pampering if you try to argue with the ‘authorities’.

Jan 21, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  Serf

Take the fines to the courts, do not pay!
helpful lawyers may be found on the Corona Committee’s contacts page:


Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 22, 2021 4:16 AM
Reply to  MASKS OFF

You’ll have to wear a mask, to get into the courthouse, to challenge your citation.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 21, 2021 11:19 PM
Reply to  Serf

You’re right Serf, it is $200, however recently the Victorian State Govt dropped all fines related to the new normal measures, including not wearing facemasks.
They knew these fines wouldn’t stand up in court as a lot of people decided to challenge them.

Jan 21, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You’re a hero..

I won’t have the vaccine either

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jan 21, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“I’m still convinced that the scamdemic along with the vaccines are the vehicles to bring in the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Oh absolutely, Gezzah. Alison McDowell lays it all out for us. Which is why I’m baffled that the OffGuardian doesn’t see fit to call more attention to her work.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 21, 2021 11:02 PM

I think a lot of us here know about Wrench In The Gears blog. I’ve namedropped that site quite a lot as have other commenters, but you make a really good point about Offguardian linking up with her.
Her work would fit perfectly on here, especially as it’s obvious what the pyschopaths are trying to bring in: a technofascist dystopic hell, which Alison has detailed and analysed.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 22, 2021 4:20 AM

Her written work is atrociously half-baked.

As I’ve said many times, her content is peerless. However, the expression does not meet the reasonable editorial standards of a classy site like OffG. (No irony.) Her blog entries are borderline stream-of-consciousness, with extremely crude integration of graphics and embedded documents.

I think one of OffG’s exceedingly literate contributors would do well to incorporate McDowell’s revelations into more polished pieces, though, for sure.

Jan 22, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

This is, unfortunately, a consideration we must take seriously.
There is no lack of excited people venting their enthusiasm for everything under the sun in print, or on video, but editorial standards are still essential.
Otherwise we have to sift through 20,000 different versions of the same story, all excitedly vented by very enthusiastic people, some of whom are barely literate, and we end up more confused than we were before.

Reiner Fuellmich is a great example of how to say your well-informed piece with calm professionalism and not to overwhelm anybody who asks you questions with a non-stop torrent of “enthusiasm”.

I have also become fed up to the teeth with videos of an over-excited young woman (ANY over-excited young woman) talking breathlessly into a hopping and shaking iPhone, as if the WW2 French Resistance had just been formed and we would automatically follow her to the ends of the earth because she is so… well… so… ‘enthusiastic’ and… er… pretty…

That’s what I mean by editorial standards.
Substance, content and presentation have to be on a higher level than merely well-acted advertisements – or not even that.
They have to convince on deeper levels too.

Jan 22, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Agree. Mrs Alison could use a good communicator able to pour all her research and findings in a more coherent, clear and concise manner. We would all benefit. Hopefully some of the fine communicators (staff or readers) on this site could offer help?

Jan 22, 2021 2:39 PM

I still don’t think there’s any need to lay the responsibility for covering the entire global spectrum of good information at OffG’s door.
Every one of us here is free to call more attention to anybody’s contribution as they see fit, and as you have just done.
A link or two always helps as well.

Jan 22, 2021 12:14 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I”m with you gezzah. Though it is brutal here in Massachusetts now because of the cold weather and the msm ramping up cases and deaths and whatever.

The only respite I have right now is that because of the cold I wear a scarf or cowl around my neck. I just pull it over my mouth when I go in a store. It slips but at least it looks like an attempt.

Though a woman let in to me at the supermarket last week because my cowl was not pulled up over my nose. I was already at the check out. She stood feet away from me and just let it rip – the usual “selfish, entitled etc”. I just ignored. Then she started talking to someone and started her rant again. No one paid attention.

And, hey, she has the right of free speech. So rant on.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 22, 2021 12:40 AM
Reply to  Judith

No ones let rip at me yet Judith, tho quite often I get people glaring at me, so I look them straight in the eyes and hold my look. They all look away and go back to staring at their phones.
If someone does say anything, I’m going to have to try and bite my tongue and ignore them… and forget I have a quarter of Irish blood in me!
Hope you’re holding up okay, and your weekend goes well…

Jan 22, 2021 12:46 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I’ve got 4 quarters of Irish Blood in me, gezzah, and it’s Boston Irish, so she’s very lucky I did hold my tongue.

I had replied to people over the past 10 months when they had an attitude, or tried to kick me out of a store, but I have found it much better for my innards to just simply ignore. Peggy Hall at the Healthy American suggested this and I thought I’d give it a try.

If I do have to speak to a store staff I just show my exemption card. I also carry a copy of the proclamation of our Governor stating the policies for maskse, etc. I high-lighted the area that states if someone has a reason for not wearing a mask, they should not wear one.

I wish I could have adopted the ignore maneuver much earlier in life. God, it would have saved me a lot of trouble.

Jan 21, 2021 8:35 PM

ORACLE is owned and controlled by Larry Ellison, (origin Goldman) a tech billionaire with direct ties to the cryptocracy, military and intelligence agencies.

ORACLE partners with the WEF as one of their stakeholders and the IMF with their new global digital currency. ORACLE is firmly entrenched in the same security state milieu as Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon and Mitre.

This film is more like an advertisement for Klaus Schwab’s 4th Reich than a serious critique.

It fails to dispute the validity of the PCR tests, and it doesn’t question the depopulation agenda and the players involved in that agenda including Boris Johnson who in 2007 called for population reduction.

There was a particular part in the video that I vehemently dispute.

The mRNA does NOT “inject synthetic molecules that transport instructions to the cell on how to create antibodies to fight the virus”.

It instructs the cell to create the spike protein which is an ANTIGEN. In other words, a PATHOGEN that binds to human cells including ACE2 supposedly, according to the Coronavirus propagandists that are employed as scientists.

If one is elderly or one’s immune system is weak and compromised, the immune system will be unable to counter the new spike protein production and exhaustion of T-cells will result. That process is part of an immune response cascade called cytokine storm syndrome (CSS) or cytokine release syndrome. CSS leads to organ failure and death unless interrupted.

If the cells that have absorbed the mRNA instructions are now replicating and permanently creating the spike protein, that could cause permanent dysfunction and result in permanent DNA modification.

That topic was not touched upon in the film.

The cells targeted by the mRNA could be anywhere in our body. In areas that are hard for the lymphatic system to clear such as the testes, brain, certain organs or spinal fluid. If these targeted cells continue producing the spike protein, the potential strain this will have on the immune and lymphatic system is undetermined. It could lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation. In other words, cancer.

Jan 21, 2021 11:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think you are confused about Oracle Films vs Oracle IT corporation that is evil as any SV oligarchy..

Here is a link to oracle films


Jan 21, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  Kalen

This is not to endorse the film itself which as you wrote, for young Looks like advertisements for exciting brave new world which 99% of all young, to which WEF propaganda is aimed at, will experience as horrific nightmare.

Jan 22, 2021 11:49 AM
Reply to  Kalen

@ Researcher

“If the cells that have absorbed the mRNA instructions are now replicating and permanently creating the spike protein, that could cause permanent dysfunction and result in permanent DNA modification.”


Explain to us how mRNA changes DNA,… because it doesn’t.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 22, 2021 6:15 PM
Reply to  MIDDLE

[Explain to us how mRNA changes DNA,… because it doesn’t.]

Thank you. I would like that answered as well.

Yes, I am unimpressed with how the vaccines have been fast-tracked. But scientifically I have not yet seen any solid explanation about how the much fear-mongered alteration of the genome (DNA for us humans) is postulated to happen.

But if one asks such a pure scientific or logical question, quite a few respond with the instinctive downvote.

Jan 22, 2021 10:15 PM
Reply to  From Far Away

Unimpressed is wrong word. Appalled would have been much better.

Vaccines are pushed on millions of people with no prior animal studies for basic safety in violation of Nuremberg Code. People are lied to in broad campaign of programmed disinformation that those vaccines are safe while they are being experimented upon exactly to establish safety, efficacy and effectiveness of those bioagents wrongly called vaccines as they contain to attenuated virus.

There could be no informed consent to experimental vaccination if governments, public health authorities and media lie.That the principle of Nuremberg laws on which UN principles of medical experimentation are based.

As far as question of possible mRNA inclusion into DNA is concerned, transcriptase process works both ways as it was shown during AIDS vaccines research, DNA->RNA (normal production of human proteins in ribosomes) and RNA->DNA and hence mRNA can theoretically be incorporated into DNA if mRNA enters cell nucleus. That is foundation of genetic engineering although most of genetic engineering methods place non-protein producing RNA strands directly into nucleus not into cell body as mRNA does.

some of potential condition for RNA to DNA injection is extremely biochemical cellular stress or disrupted cell division process..

how this possibility relates to mRNA bioagents should have been subject to serious in debt research and analysis before releasing never used in humans before, untested to a level of common medical standards new bioagents.

Jan 23, 2021 5:46 AM
Reply to  Kalen

I forgot to add that single stranded mRNA can clone itself into double stranded DNA and than enter nucleus possibly joining human DNA. While such potentially dangerous process from point of view of long term safety concerns as it may lead to creating cancerous cells, was not studied (moderna and Pfizer were not interested in it). Thesis that these mRNA vaccines can change human DNA has not been proven or disproven it is rejected on dogmatic presumptions.

Jan 22, 2021 12:04 AM
Reply to  Kalen

So who are they owned by and why do they use the same name as one of the largest corporations in the world?

Would you start a film company called Microsoft films? Or Facebook Films? Or IBM films?

Surely the corporation ORACLE would object to its name being associated with this company that just appeared out of nowhere if there’s no link?

Constant Warning
Constant Warning
Jan 22, 2021 1:02 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Paranoid Media ?

Jan 22, 2021 5:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Extremely Paranoid Researcher…

Jan 22, 2021 4:47 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I believe companies have professional indemnity insurance against such occurrences. Suppose I opened a fast food outlet that specialised in chicken dipped into a blend of 12 secret poisons and then deep fried. I could call it KFC and fool a lot of people into walking in to spend money. But with insurance against things like that, old Colonel Sanders can shut me down and sue me.

From Far Away
From Far Away
Jan 22, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  Researcher

[Surely the corporation ORACLE would object to its name being associated with this company that just appeared out of nowhere if there’s no link?]

Maybe you need to research company laws across various territories, including how new company or institution names are applied for, disputed, approved etc.

PS. I agree with some other commenters replies to your comment – it does come across as somewhat paranoid, rather than an objective research approach.

Jan 22, 2021 7:54 PM
Reply to  From Far Away

If it hadn’t been a pile of shit full of misinformation with the ORACLE name plastered on it, then I wouldn’t have mentioned it.

But I am glad I was wrong about the ORACLE Corp connection because now I know

Oracle Films,
Happen.Network and
WFA are Junk orgs deliberately spreading disinfo.

Jan 22, 2021 1:33 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

From their website it looks like OracleFilms support opposition to official COVID propaganda, in support of anti lockdown World Freedom Alliance with Professor Dolores Cahill as a chair or co-chair.

Jan 22, 2021 2:24 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Why would anyone choose the name ORACLE when they know the connotations and connections? When the current CEO of ORACLE, Safra Catz was on Trump’s transition team?

Either ORACLE funded the film, or some unknown people are deliberately trading off the name value recognition of one of the largest tech corporations in the world. In any case it’s bizarre and could result in trademark infringement.

Even if there’s no connection whatsoever between ORACLE and any of its many subsidiaries, who are the people behind a film company that decide to totally misrepresent how the mRNA injectable functions? They got the most crucial piece of info wrong. Which was the bulk of my comment. I was astounded at the mistake.

Jan 22, 2021 12:43 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Ok. Thanks.

Jan 22, 2021 5:11 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Oracle Films Footage was FEATURED In the New Normal Doc. Happen.Network were the Documentary Makers for this film and simply used content from Oracle Films.

No connection to the Oracle you’re referring to at all. And since I work with Oracle very closely, founded the WFA and run CoviLeaks website I can say that with certainty

Jan 22, 2021 12:40 PM
Reply to  Ruby

So who is responsible for this advertisement, that barely critiques the Great Reset and gets the information on the synthetic injectable completely wrong? Is that you?

Where did the information on the “vaccine” come from and why is it there? Was this an intention to deceive?

And who is behind ORACLE films? Why does their website hold no information ?

Jan 22, 2021 4:50 PM
Reply to  Researcher


Jan 21, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2


One of their first clients was the CIA. Formed in 1977.

“Founded in August 1977 by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, Ed Oates and Bruce Scott, Oracle was initially named after “Project Oracle” a project for one of their clients, the C.I.A, and the company that developed Oracle was dubbed “Systems Development Labs”, or SDL. Although they may not have realized it at the time, these four men would change the history of database management forever.“

Jan 21, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  Researcher

you done a better job than some of the articles they posted lately well done you

Jan 22, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I read about Larry Ellison’s Oracle recently, I think at Children’s Health Defence “Defender “Magazine.

Oracle will be doing all the tracking of health records, vaccines, etc.

Check out Children’s Health Defense

Jan 22, 2021 1:06 AM
Reply to  Judith

Google announced proudly to the world last October(2019) that they had ‘finally’ collected and stored the world’s health records and information and had it all stored.

Then they were ready for the ‘shock’ pandemic to turn up.

But they’re ‘only a search engine’ of course.

A multi billion search engine that spies on every move you make and every key you strike. But they’re allowed to. Like they’re allowed to keep all their cash and not pay any income tax.

Nothing to do with a government at all…or it’s intel..

Jan 22, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yes, just an innocent search engine tring to earn an honest buck.

Jan 22, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  mgeo

It’s the spirit of Big Brother. Once the hilariously named ‘reset’ to the equally hilarious named ‘ new normal’ is complete, it will have it’s body, eyes and tentacles. It will have a German accent and be dressed in a star spangled banner waving the Union Flag at the Star of David.

Jan 22, 2021 5:07 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2




I am sorry but ‘researcher’ hasn’t done his research…

Jan 22, 2021 12:45 PM
Reply to  Ruby

I am not a man and you are hawking a film that gets more than one piece of information wrong.

Jan 22, 2021 4:14 PM
Reply to  Ruby

It looks and feels like a piece of propaganda or controlled opposition disinformation sponsored by the billionaire class.

All deaths were a result of the lockdowns, DNR, suicides, neglect and iatrogenic murder.

There is no synthetic pathogen necessary for a virus that has never been isolated and purified nor proven to exist or be the cause of any disease or illness.

That film is rubbish on its own, with or without any connection to ORACLE the CIA tech corporation.

When are you going to correct the error in the “vaccine“ voiceover animation?

Jan 21, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Health Passport for those who don’t like mobile phone tracking/tracing!

“Health and tech giants including Microsoft and Oracle are creating vaccination passports so that people can prove they’ve had a shot before boarding planes or entering stores …

Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, Cerner, Epic Systems, and the Mayo Clinic are part of the Vaccination Credential Initiative”


Jan 21, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The potential to cause cancer (or any disease) will be seen by the vaxxers as an acceptable risk if “we” are to stop this “pandemic”and is nothing new. It hasn’t worked before, won’t work now to change much. Proving vaccines cause cancer would be almost a miracle under the current scientific status quo.

I believe the agenda is not depopulation in general. Depopulation is targeted on the remaining indigenous/ primitive populations of the planet and is an ongoing project since the early days of western “civilisation”.
The rest of us who have already been suckered into modernity are to be turned into human resources and mined for what we’ re worth, not outright killed or sterilised. The human farmers need a continous supply of meat for the grinder.

Jan 22, 2021 2:43 AM
Reply to  MASKS OFF

Nobody wants to believe depopulation is real but what do people think wars, abortion, iatrogenic murder, pesticides and harmful chemical pollutants are, along with economic warfare, famine, unnecessary lockdowns, gutting health services, increasing homelessness, creating mass poverty, trauma, depression, loneliness, fear and then coercing everyone in the world to agree to become part of a global medical experiment for an untested, unsafe, synthetic injectable pathogen that targets a protein in humans responsible for placenta development?

Is that all just a coincidence? You must be one of those coincidence theorists.

Rhetorical questions, obviously. No need to reply.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 22, 2021 4:42 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I think you’re missing MasksOff’s point.

For many, the plan is far worse than depopulation. It’s eternal, inescapable subjugation and enslavement to creatures who are evil and depraved beyond lay comprehension.

I tend to agree with him. Although the population numbers will be “managed” according to the principles of human husbandry, the plan is not to wipe humans out entirely. It’s to breed humans, but only the compliant, obedient ones.

The Great Reset is a population bottleneck. Depression/loneliness/rage/despair will eliminate many members, as you say, in a process of unnatural selection. Yes, many bloodlines will dwindle and die. However, that’s not the goal of the program, per se.

The goal is the resultant gene pool post-Reset. Those who survive the bottleneck–those who cross the threshold into Humanity 2.0–will be the ones who are suited to a life of compliance and obeisance. Worship for their tormenters. They will then be selectively bred, using algorithmically-tailored “internet-dating” programs.

Sterilization is another tool in the Machine’s toolbox, but that will only be used against the lucky ones! The others will see their designer-customized progeny sold off to the emirs, sheiks, tycoons, and potentates of the world. The Klaus Schlawbs and Bill Gateses of the world will have humanoids bred and engineered to be suited to their precise purposes and specifications.

Think an entire generation of humanoids, each one living the Story of O.

Jan 22, 2021 4:45 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Mask Off is the Jack-Jill entity. Its entire purpose here is to spin disinfo 24-7.

He has previously claimed the synthetic pathogen is sugar water. Twice. Under two different names.

Jan 22, 2021 4:55 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

The human trafficking trade is global and has existed for centuries. It’s managed through various criminal networks, supervised and controlled by intel agencies. They already have all the playthings they desire.

The technology to breed people or to mess with our genetic makeup successfully does not exist and may never exist, despite the Sci-Fi fantasy claims by the proponents of transhumanism. All the CRISPR experiments so far, have been abject failures. They cannot even cure cancer. Sheldon Adelson just died and he had all the money, connections and resources at his fingertips.

Over 50’s are the target demographic for elimination. The cabal want the land and the property of the middle class, especially in the developed nations.

Destroying the economy, eliminating people and their ability to earn a living, receive social security or cash out their pensions gets the psychopaths and billionaires everything they want including the new biometric data-mined, slave underclass and all the resources on earth.

Jan 22, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You say that human trafficking is global and managed through various intel agencies and criminal networks. That’s quite a claim.
But without a source with any evidence that’s all it can be.

You say the technology to breed people or mess with our DNA doesn’t exist and that it’s misinformation by proponents of transhumanism. Another sweeping statement carrying nothing as a source.

If such things are happening covertly they are usually categorized as ‘classified’ or ‘top secret’. In other words they are kept hidden along with those who are behind it. So just because you can’t see it you say it doesn’t exist. Yet the things you claim are facts you expect us to believe even though we can’t see it. Show us.

You say the over 50’s are the target for elimination. Source ?Research ?

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 22, 2021 11:47 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“They already have all the playthings they desire.”

Oh my sweet summer childe, if it were only so. I daresay you mightily underestimate men’s appetites.

“The technology to breed people …does not exist and may never exist”

Sure it does. People have bred dogs to express and amplify desired traits for…centuries? Millenia?

Now, the Tech Oligarchs and their handy algorithms can easily do it to humans. Bear in mind that “organic” modes of mate-finding are essentially prohibited now. No longer do young people have parties, classmates, or pubs in which to mingle. Now, and even more in the future, mating pairs will only be formed by “internet-dating” sites. (Of course, all users will have o certify vaxx compliance and virus-negative status!) People are already exquisitely profiled on every measurable dimension. The “dating-app” algorithm needs only to “nudge” users to the “correct” candidates. This can be done with automatic filters on one end, and shadow-banning on the other. Essentially, the program need only display those potential mates with the characteristics that the overlords wish to express. Any “incompatible” suitors will simply be excluded from search results. As if they don’t exist. Selective breeding is child’s play to the Machine.

Now, as to genetic engineering, that’s in its infancy. But once people are getting regular cocktails of modifiers, with microscopic monitoring by the medical-surveillance AI to study the effects of the injections on people of various genetic predispositions, the science will be perfected soon enough.

Jan 23, 2021 5:58 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Rewriting labour laws, union busting, human traficking and outsourcing are alternative facets of exploitation.

Trafficking and slavery alone generates about $150 billion/year in profit; 54% of the victims suffer sexual exploitation, 38% are forced into labour and the rest are exploited in other ways such as harvesting their organs. -ILO c. 2014

Jan 22, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Sing it sister!

Jan 21, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The potential to cause cancer (or any disease) will be seen by the vaccine cult as an acceptable risk if “we” are to stop this “pandemic”and is nothing new. It hasn’t worked before, won’t work now to change much. Proving a link to cancer would be almost a miracle under the current scientific status quo.
I believe the agenda is not depopulation in general. Depopulation is targeted on the remaining indigenous/ primitive populations of the planet and is an ongoing project since the early days of western “civilisation”.
The rest of us who have already been sucked into modernity are to be turned into human resources and mined for what we’ re worth, not outright killed or sterilised. The human farmers need a continous supply of meat for the grinder.

Jan 22, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  MASKS OFF

There is no pandemic. The figures don’t bear out. Even with governments best efforts at murdering people and leaving the elderly to die when they knew there was no pandemic, and issuing DNR orders, the excess mortality rate remains within the realm of normal.

The figures to get the stats come entirely from blanket and repeated testing of populations, who are not ill, or those who are admitted to hospital for something unrelated to a viral illness, using a tool that is not fit for purpose.

Now that robotics exist the controllers don’t need nearly as many people, in fact they can quite easily dispose of the population over the next ten years they call the “useless class“. A disgusting reference that is reminiscent of the Nazis’ “useless eaters” and was not criticized in the movie but left there as of its true. That was sickening.

Feb 2, 2021 3:55 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Righto!, a recenty published paper from John Hopkins recearcher on total Death stats in U.S. showed that they were a little lower for the year 2020 as compared to previous year .
She showed that regardless of classifying the type of death , the record of total deaths were lower than previous year. She mentioned a caveat that to be fair it was only November so we still need to see what happens the next few months. Her paper was promptly pulled a few days later. And the university apologized that the paper was insensitive to all those who had suffered the death of loved ones.

Jan 22, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  MASKS OFF

Do you really think being told that there’s a risk of cancer won’t bother those after a vaccine ? And is there any evidence at all of what these faux vaccinations contain ? There’s no virus so it can’t contain anti bodies. That doesn’t mean it must contain a carcinogenic. That sounds paranoid without any research evidence.

Jan 23, 2021 1:26 PM

par for the course here lately

Jan 22, 2021 5:05 AM
Reply to  Researcher



A U.K. based company, I think there is more than one Oracle Films (in fact I know there is as I’ve done my research).

So please don’t incorrectly try to discredit Oracle Films especially when you call yourself a ‘researcher’… with all due respect.

Jan 22, 2021 12:54 PM
Reply to  Ruby

That film is literally doing its own job of discrediting of itself and all involved by getting so much wrong and leaving out the most important points such as the potential for long term harm and infertility.

I literally could not believe what I was watching. And by the way, there’s no scientific proof at all that vaccines actually work the way the first part of that animated sequence claims.

People who have studied the harm from “vaccines” know they don’t work at all, because the idea that immunoglobulins recognize particular pathogens is incorrect and part of the marketing hype of vaccines, not a scientific fact.

In fact, since disease outbreaks happen in vaccinated populations and not unvaccinated populations, vaccines do not cure or prevent any disease.

Let alone a fictional entity such as SARSCov2.

What I research is disease, inflammation and phytomedicine. It’s all I research.

Writing a comment about this piece of propaganda and tying it to the ORACLE corporation wasn’t “research”. It was done because the content was not explained and the “film“ if you can call it that is like Klaus Schwab’s wet dream for controlled opposition. Pretending that there’s a virus. Or that people who are out of jobs, committing suicide and can’t afford to eat are ever going to be retrained.

Jan 25, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think it has been found that there is a lymphatic system in the brain. Sorry I forget if it was an article or video.

John Goss
John Goss
Jan 21, 2021 8:32 PM

Last night I got a mobile call but did not get to it on time. Shortly after the home telephone rang. It was to tell me I could come and get my vaccine at Sparkhill infant school. They had acquired my phone numbers from Yardley Wood practice.

Last year the practice informed me by phone, they inform me every year, a flu jab was available. I told them, I tell them every year, I do not want it. I also asked that they put on my medical record that I do not want any vaccination whatsoever unless I ask for a vaccination. It clearly did not go on my record.

Last night after stating I did not want a COVID-19 I asked again if it could go on my medical record that I do not want any vaccination whatsoever unless I ask for a vaccination. Because I was concentrating on why my instructions on vaccination were being ignored by the time I ended the conversation I realised there was a question I should have asked.

No worries, two minutes later, the home phone went again. My vaccination was ready. I told the man that someone had only just phoned and mentioned my instructions regarding vaccines. He was sorry. I asked which vaccine it was. Oxford Astra Zeneca. Anyway it is the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine I won’t be having. Nor any other.

Coincidentally at the time he phoned I was busy dumping screenshots for my blog on the adverse effects of vaccines on those who had taken them. Today I put them together in a blog post. It is probably the most alarming post I have compiled. People should really avoid these killing needles like the plague – if anyone can imagine what a plague looks like.

Jan 21, 2021 10:30 PM
Reply to  John Goss

I think I’m dreaming sometimes. Likewise about the fascistic inauguration

If I’m pressured to take the vaccines in the future, then I’ll state my choice of treatment, should I get Covid, is Ivermectin

John Goss
John Goss
Jan 21, 2021 11:11 PM
Reply to  Ben

Good choice. If you can’t get hydroxychloroquine. Paracetamol would be better than a vaccine!

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 22, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Megadose vitamin C better than all of them.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 22, 2021 10:31 AM
Reply to  John Goss

John – in our area of the UK (NW London), the AZ vaccine is solely being given to those in care homes and those who are housebound. All those, including the over 80s (my mother included in that list) who are capable of coming to a ‘vaccine hub’ will receive the Pfizer vaccine. Front-line medical staff (including my sister) are also getting the Pfizer vaccine.

Jan 22, 2021 10:50 AM
Reply to  John Goss

This scenario you describe as happening to you is what conspiracy realists always feared would happen in April 2020. It is getting disturbing.