The Will to Believe: Americans and their Divine Masters

Edward Curtin

“Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful.  Hence one must choose a master, God being out of style.”
Albert Camus, The Fall

Propagandists are smart people. They begin their devious machinations with the premise that people need to believe in something rather than remaining suspended in doubt or forced to accept the existential courage of despair that leaves them temporarily lost and without answers or masters, suffering from free-floating anxiety.

Propagandists are like Mr. Death. They know people are afraid of death and aloneness and so use that fear to manipulate them into believing their cover stories for comfort.

Propagandists are like the Candy Man, handing out fictive life savers to the shipwrecked desperadoes willing to grasp on to anything even if it has a big hole in its center.

Propagandists take this need for belief and use it to create different scenarios that they develop into full-scale social theater pieces that will give the public various options to believe, all of which are meant to satisfy the public’s yearning for something rather than nothing but which conceal the truth.

Facts don’t matter with these offerings since they are completely illusory narratives.

These staged plays usually contain their opposites; one can choose what has already been chosen for one, even seemingly contradictory scripts with opposing roles. Seemingly is the relevant word, for the opposites are not opposites but counterparts, flip sides of the same coin. But each choice is a choice of belief that satisfies the need to believe no matter how unbelievable. It’s the coin that’s counterfeit.

For the propagandists, facts are fictions used to entice the audience into double-binds so entrancing that there is no exit.  Or so they hope.

The French sociologist Jacques Ellul put it this way in his classic book Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes:

For no citizen will believe he is unable to have opinions.  Public opinion surveys always reveal that people have opinions even on the most complicated questions, except for a small minority (usually the most informed and those who have reflected most). 

The majority prefers expressing stupidities to not expressing any opinion: this gives them the feeling of participation. For they need simple thoughts, elementary explanations, a ‘key’ that will permit them to take a position, and even ready-made opinions.

As most people have the desire and at the same time the incapacity to participate [except to vote for and support pre-selected candidates], they are ready to accept a propaganda that will permit them to participate, and which hides their incapacity beneath explanations, judgments, and news, enabling them to satisfy their desire without eliminating their incompetence….He realizes that he depends on decisions over which he has no control, and that realization drives him to despair. 

Man cannot stay in this situation too long.  He needs an ideological veil to cover the harsh reality, some consolation, a raison d’être, a sense of values.  And only propaganda offers him a remedy for a basically intolerable situation.

Thus the need to choose a master, a prefabricated demigod. It is why the American presidents are presented and accepted by their followers as minor divinities. Yes, it is a civil religion, and yes, people will vehemently deny that they revere these figureheads. 

But those denials ring false, as recent history and the pageantry associated with the installation of these demigods will attest.

Take the last three presidents, for example.

Barack Obama was considered, by his followers and many others, like a prayer come true, a black messiah come to redeem the country from its racist past and evil war-making deeds of his Muslim-hating, war-mongering predecessor George W. Bush. 

That Obama then waged war on seven Muslim countries didn’t matter to his congregation. Not in the slightest. They revered him as strongly as they had denounced  Bush, the black-hatted white demon to their white-hatted black god,  for the western movie template underlies these political theater pieces. Obama was a dream come true and the dream factory went into overdrive. As the priestess Madonna prophesied with Like A Prayer in 1989:

Just like a dream
You are not what you seem
Just like a prayer, no choice
Your voice can take me there

Then the orange-halo-headed Trump was paraded in. To his followers he was the savior who would re-redeem the country from the devilish divinity Obama, the false prophet. He would drain the swamp. Desperate middle-Americans revered this NYC real-estate tycoon and reality TV star who for years was nothing but a running joke among those who actually knew who he was.  It didn’t matter to his congregation.  Not in the slightest.

That he gave to the rich and screwed the middle-class and the poor, increased the military budget, waged secretive wars via drones and private mercenaries didn’t matter a bit. He was a religious figure.

To Hillary Clinton’s and Obama’s acolytes, he was Satan himself, and for four years the anti-pageant play was presented by the corporate mainstream media to exorbitant box office receipts and ratings. God and Satan fought in the ring for the ultimate fighting championship.

Now Joseph Biden – just as Ronald Reagan, another acting president, had the coffee brewing for “Morning in America” – is greeted by the same media filmmakers as the latest savior, an aging but still virile demi-god who will usher in “a new day” in America. 

The pageantry surrounding his recent virtual inaugural, like all inaugurals, was a religious ceremony choreographed within an ironic circle of 20,000-armed palace guards and barbed wire fencing protecting the erection of the new king, one who, like Oedipus in Sophocles’ tragedy, is presented as the savior who will defeat the viral plague attacking the new Thebes. 

Unlike Oedipus, however, one can be assured that Biden will not seek to discover the murderer of Laius (JFK), the former king, whose assassination resulted in the plague devastating the country. Oedipus’s search for the truth didn’t end well, and Biden’s long insider career bodes well for no truth-seeking.

And like his predecessors’ inaugural ceremonies, this one featured cultural idols such as Hunger Games Lady Gaga, Madonna 2.0, promoting herself as befits idols, and  Bruce Springsteen offering his evenings “small prayer for our country” – Land of Hopes and Dreams:

Grab your ticket and your suitcase
Thunder’s rollin’ down this track
Well, you don’t know where you’re goin’ now
But you know you won’t be back….

I said this train…
Dreams will not be thwarted
This train…
Faith will be rewarded

No, we won’t be back, unless you think Biden’s slogan – “Build Back Better” – which is also the slogan of the world’s rulings elites, means what it says. Perhaps then your faith will be rewarded.

I’ll go with George Carlin when he said that to believe in the American Dream you have to be asleep.

My faith is that the corporate mass media hypnotists who work for the owners of the country will continue to pump out their religious spectacles and that the various congregations will support their masters as always. The will to believe runs very deep and hand-in-glove with the propaganda. Life’s hard and it’s tough to be without a master.

“Men don’t become slaves out of mere calculating self-interest,” writes Ernest Becker in The Denial of Death, “the slavishness is in the soul, as Gorky complained.”

Propagandists’ ability to mesmerize the faithful has increase exponentially as the technological life has increased and been promoted as de rigueur.  This on-line life is propagated as a new religion whose embrace is said to be inevitable and whose faith one must accept as the missionaries for its miraculous nature spread the word far and wide.

Propagandists are smart people.

They hate freedom.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Feb 22, 2021 7:37 PM

Total misunderstanding of the Trumpian phenomenon.

The point was, as Michael Moore pointed out, was to give a big F.U. to the ruling elites. To be obstructive and disruptive. For as log as possible.

That defiance was most unwelcome and Moore’s observation has been heavily censored.

Anti-Trump social justice warriors are just DS stooges who prefer their old, safe, whine routines, never really wanting to end an imperialized world and terrified of any boat-rocking that would end the progressive charade sooner rather than later.

Jan 27, 2021 11:33 PM

This is exquisite. “Progress” really is an insidious religion. But truly emptied of any wisdom…just pure twisted version of the Hegelian dialectic..

Jan 27, 2021 10:39 AM

Blah blah blah blah blah. I could say something profound or something profoundly stupid, it doesn’t matter, it’s all pointless when said only online.

Jan 26, 2021 6:55 PM

The so called journalists of this age is a mirror of what you describe including yourself. With a yellow streak down their back, so as to give refuge should any one of these Groups come for you.you make a caricature of BUSH and TRUMP, but your careful not to make a Caricature of The BLACK PRESIDENT.There is safety in pleasing all, or rebuking all.They can’t Betray their true intentions.
No one can please oneself better than, except that person who can please himself.That’s journalism today.

Jan 26, 2021 3:29 PM

One has to ask:
Why, when he was still President, did Trump not simply use an Executive Order to shut down Twitter, before Twitter shut him down?
Of course that would not have been a popular move, but he could have said it was just temporary, in view of the fact that Twitter/FaceBook and others appeared to be attempting a coup on American democracy…

Jan 26, 2021 2:50 PM

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Jan 26, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  Ben

No it didn’t.
We can’t forget that the consequences of Bush’s actions so long ago are still very much with the people of the Middle East.
For them the ‘war on terror’ never ended.
It’s a War OF Terror.

dr death
dr death
Jan 26, 2021 2:27 PM

jaques ellul and that towering intellect bernard levy… cultural sherpas… minds that glisten like diamante.

the very heart of the republic.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 26, 2021 6:08 AM

Continuity in Government (COG)

In the 1980s the Republicans came back to power with Ronald Reagan. The new president conjured up the threatening picture of the Soviet Union as an “evil empire” and increased military spending. The Cold War gained new momentum. At this time the White House also developed a secret emergency plan, put in action however only at September 11th, 2001 for the first time. Initially it should guarantee that the government could continue its operations even after a Soviet nuclear strike. The plan was called COG (Continuity of Government) and called for a very special emergency measure: when disaster struck, three teams should be sent to different places in the country, replacing the government. Each team would have an own “president” as well as other people standing in for the different departments and government agencies. If one team would be killed, the next one could be activated. So the planners hoped to keep control over the military and the most important parts of the administration, after an atomic bomb or another disaster had wiped out the government in Washington.

Castle Rock

The American President is a 1995 American romantic comedy-drama film directed and produced by Rob Reiner . . . . An extensive White House set, of both the East and West Wings, was built on the Castle Rock Entertainment lot in Culver City. The set’s Oval Office was later reused for the films Nixon and Independence Day.

Just throwing a couple of ideas out there!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 26, 2021 6:34 AM

The Master’s Tools https://www.activistgraduateschool.org/on-the-masters-tools It is tragically ironic that a saying originally intended to be a revolutionary tool has come to play a reactionary shutdown role. But if we give Audre Lorde back her voice, we will find that she does not wish us to cower in fear of the master. Instead, she wanted us to stand up, to break the false consensus that limits our options and to act boldly. Thus Audre Lorde wrote, “… survival is not an academic skill. It is learning how to stand alone, unpopular and sometimes reviled, and how to make common cause with those others identified as outside the structures in order to define and seek a world in which we can all flourish. It is learning how to take our differences and make them strengths. For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change. And this fact is only threatening to those women who still define the master’s house as their only source of support.” — Hoist with his own petard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoist_with_his_own_petard “Hoist with his own petard” is a phrase from a speech in William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet that has become proverbial. The phrase’s meaning is literally that a bomb-maker is blown up (“hoist” off the ground) by his own bomb (a “petard” is a small explosive device), and indicates an ironic reversal, or poetic justice. The phrase occurs in a central speech in the play in which Hamlet has discovered a plot on his life by Claudius and resolves to respond to it by letting the plotter be “Hoist with his own petard”. Although the now-proverbial phrase is the best known part of the speech, it and… Read more »

Jan 26, 2021 1:17 AM

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Jan 25, 2021 10:36 PM

Dependence on Government Makes You Free

comment image

Jan 25, 2021 8:29 PM

Your ‘faith that the corporate mass media hypnotists who work for the owners of the country will continue to pump out their religious spectacles’ presumes that Trump was as much their creation as Biden, in no way independent from ‘the owners’ and so no threat at all to their power and privilege. If this were true, it would mean that Congress and virtually the entire US state apparatus never needed to spend 4 years blocking the MAGA agenda, vilifying Trump as corrupt or as Putin’s puppet, and trying every trick in the book to remove him illegally. It would mean no need to mount a hugely complex and very risky election fraud to prevent his obvious landslide victory. And your claim provides zero reason for why the corporate media and big tech should unite in censoring or excluding all key voices supporting Trump but never his leftist haters nor the Democrats. They then banned the US president himself from all social media, accusing him hysterically of mounting an insurrection on the Capitol Hill, and even getting Trump’s bank accounts to start closing. I could go on. Sorry, in no way does the theory that Trump is part of the swamp or US state rather than its deadliest foe ring true in any way whatsoever. Try a different opinion: that all those on the left who always said they hate the corrupt US state for its warmongering, money-making and imperialism, for its faux democracy and its underhand tactics, have still to realise that, by hating Orange Man Bad so hysterically, they helped ensure that the swamp would drain him, and seize full control of the USA. Sincere leftists are the very useful tools of corporate fascism.

dr death
dr death
Jan 26, 2021 2:53 PM

the aim was to inflame the magatards/populists and create the stage/environment for a domestic terrorist/white supremacist/nazi etc etc enemy, thus enabling them to enact further draconian policies to target those they always intended to… normal middle and working class white americans, who along with their european cousins have been targeted for destruction by the financial kleptocrats and their lickspittle henchmen.

Drumpf was always a judas goat.. his job was to pacify the growing discontent with the kleptocrats and conflate common sense populism with extremism etc etc..

‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’
attributed to mark, huckleberry racialist, twain.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 27, 2021 1:05 AM
Reply to  dr death

Hello dr death: Correct on every point.

Jan 25, 2021 5:01 PM

For all likeminded readers of this article, consider this video as a supplement to the above opinion. 


Jan 26, 2021 2:15 AM
Reply to  scamDemic

Interesting video, especially in its information about Gates and Fauci. Theory on the virus makes sense.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Jan 25, 2021 2:37 PM

I’ve had my doubts in other stuff this guy has written, but I think he outs himself pretty clearly as a deep state propagandist here. ‘Propagandists are smart people … (who) begin their devious machinations with the premise that people need to believe in something rather than remaining suspended in doubt or forced to accept the existential courage of despair that leaves them temporarily lost and without answers or masters, suffering from free-floating anxiety … they know people are afraid of death and aloneness and so use that fear to manipulate them into believing their cover stories for comfort.’ -garbage – for those paying attention, they will recognize this kind of drivel, it’s the same pseudo-psycho crap the CIA et al use to try to delegitimize those crazy ‘conspiracy theorists’. It sells well to the obedient proles who like to think themselves superior to others who don’t share their brainwashing and try to suss out the real meanings behind the leaders’ lies about what is going on here, but is obviously without substance. ‘people’ don’t ‘need’ to believe in anything, actual functioning, compos mentis adult human beings deal with things as they arise, examining and assessing the explanations or stories various people suggest, and arriving at their own conclusions (conclusions usually at variance with the lies they are told to believe). Children, or poorly educated and/or downtrodden masses, with the general mentality of children, may ‘need’ something to believe, or someone to believe in, to look after them, but not actual adults. And his TDS ranting idiocy against Trump further exposes him as a deep state troll. Can’t be bothered wasting any more time here – but you better do some checking around OffG or others who pay attention to this who you feature here – you are being seriously… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 25, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

You think we’re being trolled by Edward Curtin? We’ve features 109 of his pieces since 2016! Any reason you’ve recently come to this conclusion about him? 🙂 A2

Jan 25, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Edward Curtin upset dave little world view of hero trump

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Jan 26, 2021 5:27 AM
Reply to  image

or did dave upset ‘image’s little hero worship of mr curtin (do you suppose anyone is laughing at you from behind the curtain??)

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Jan 26, 2021 5:25 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

???? did you read the comment? Exhibit A – he’s pushing deep state crap about how people are insecure and fearful and thus believe any crap a clever propagandist throws at them, and etc, and it’s been the deep state pushing Trump hatred for years – no need to go over it all again here. But it’s another feature of any clever person who wants to manipulate others – they get firmly into their trust, and then start pushing them in directions they wouldn’t be going if they thought them through a bit better. And etc – I just pointed at the elephant, if you don’t want to go there, that’s up to you.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 26, 2021 6:17 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

You’re obviously entitled to your opinion, and thanks for your comments. However, we don’t agree on this one. A2

Jan 26, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

You pointed to the theoretical elephant.
But it isn’t actually there.
Everything you say about what could be true is quite reasonable.
But that doesn’t make it true.

When Curtin points to how insecure and fearful people are, he is stating a fact which we can verify with our own eyes.
Whether or not that happens to coincide with ‘deep state crap’ is quite irrelevant.
A personal like, or dislike, of the author is also neither here nor there. Of no importance at all.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Jan 26, 2021 5:12 PM
Reply to  wardropper

that’s the thing about elephants in the room, some people are enough in touch with reality to see em, others prefer whatever little pretend lives they live elephant-free and refuse. That doesn’t make the elephant go away. Curtin pushing deep state ‘conspiracy-theory debunking’ memes is a pretty clear elephant to those who haven’t fallen under his spell, but I guess elephants-aka-‘thoughts not to be acknowledged!!’ to those who would rather not think badly of their latest guru. Thought you were a bit more aware of the power of the people we fight, ward. Disappointing. But I’ve gotten pretty used to being disappointed the last few years. Doesn’t change the reality though.

Jan 26, 2021 5:51 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

You are confusing pointing to something with pushing it.
You are pushing elephants today, as well as yourself.
Perhaps tomorrow it will be monkeys…

Whereas Curtin is just mentioning something.
If he was pushing it, we would notice that, since by far the majority of OffG readers are aware of, and resistant to, subliminal pushing, as well as being attuned to actual elephants in rooms.

Jan 27, 2021 3:05 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Trump, like Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama were all willing puppets with similar policies. “Swamp creature” is a cruel phrase ingended to trigger disgust and revulsion in a human audience, and which cruelly demonizes actual inhabitants of swamps. The “Fear of Nature” trope is prominently on display in Covid propaganda, illustrated with pictures of colorful spiky balls and notions of teeming microscopic worms.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Jan 31, 2021 3:00 AM
Reply to  DimlyGlimpsed

The Mabamba swamp in Uganda is an enchanting place with blue water lilies, the dinosaur like shoebill stork, malachite kingfishers, African jacanas and a lot more. I detest the Drumpfian propaganda phrase “draining the swamp”. Drumpf played his part in polarising the US and hamstringing resistance to the corona hoax. The Biden “victory” was a way of telling the average Yank that they were powerless and in legitimising the muzzles and poison “vaccines” and other horrors in store for us.

dr death
dr death
Jan 26, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

to be fair it is a little insipid and poorly executed, with a sort of fanboy wide eyed fawning tilted toward the men who mouldeth minds.

he may not be an alphabet man but perhaps yet has aspirations and is reaching out to your military intelligence readership…

Jan 26, 2021 3:52 PM
Reply to  dr death

Military Intelligence Readership reporting Sir.
No Sir.
Mr Curtin is not reaching out to us, nor do we have any serious presence at OffGuardian, although we do keep an eye on it.
Thank you Sir.

Jan 25, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Cheerleaders can be sincere. The best liars are those who sincerely believe their lies.

Jan 26, 2021 10:01 AM

like you

Jan 26, 2021 3:53 PM

Then there are the consummate actors, who can look as sincere as hell, because the lies are not their own.

Jan 25, 2021 10:56 AM

Whichever man or woman is seen to be at the helm of governments or supranational organizations, is placed there specifically to prevent us from seeing the organized and sinister system of debt enslavement.

The cult of personality is used to disguise that truth and steer us towards surrendering our individual autonomy and collective power, to the system.

I will never understand the need for people to believe in the external, whether it’s political systems, mass media, scientism, religions, academia, economic ideologies, ecological movements or corporate realms for their ideas on how to think and exist.

There are no answers within these systems of constraint. They are empty intellectual traps for ideological and physical bondage, based on deceit, rules and adherence. Mimicry is how we learn but questioning, imagining and experimenting is how we evolve.

There is no limit to our ingenuity.

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”
Michel de Montaigne

Jan 25, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Sarah Jones linked to a gaslighting video the other day that was excellent and this one below, from the same channel is even better:

Awakening From The Abuse Matrix

Jan J
Jan J
Jan 25, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Simply fantastic!

Jan 26, 2021 4:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There’s a lot of sense in this video.
One thing I felt was overlooked, however, was the possibility that it is not because of our addiction to the past that our whole world can suddenly appear to be crumbling before our eyes, as in the example given of waking up from an abusive relationship.
What about the possibility, whether we have woken up or not, that those who are manipulating us are seriously, really, actually destroying our world before our eyes?
I’m afraid that is what I suspect is going on now, which would make this video something of a gatekeeper for our criminal manipulators, despite its valid, interesting and doubtless well-meaning content.
It is also possible that the video is the best possible advice for those who are victims in abusive personal relationships, yet not at all the best possible advice for those who are victims of the current covidiocy onslaught…
I do believe that human evolution is subject to waves of irresistible change from time to time, but does that mean we must accept ALL the evil that befalls us as an act of Divine Will?
Are there not also types of evil which we can resist successfully, and which we have already resisted successfully?
That, at least, is where my mind tends to take me at the moment.
Otherwise, of course irresistible change is irresistible change.

Jan 26, 2021 5:26 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Using the example of how abusers, operate is a good analogy. Whether that be on a global scale or within inter-personal relationships.

We may not be able to change other people’s perceptions only our own attitudes through introspection so that when things become so overwhelming for others that they can no longer use cognitive dissonance and finally start to recognize the truth of the situation we are all in, we can help them with understanding and compassion, because in the meantime we will have have worked on our own trauma that is being inflicted on us through the mass mind control system and through the asymmetric warfare governments use to keep people permanently on the defensive.

The world was not Utopia before the covid operation. They’ve been marching us to tyranny and global governance over the last 50-100 years through psychological warfare, debt slavery and meaningless voting while erecting the very institutional structures around us – UN,WHO,IMF, World Bank, BIS, WEF, CFR, EU, NATO, Trilateral Commission, Rand, Think Tanks, Round Tables, letter agencies, militaries, corporate mockingbird media and government agencies etc.

These are the tools and power structures of the system that keep us chained to unreality and force us to rely on corrupt institutions, corrupt government and corporations that partner together and are owned and controlled by a select few.

The world was already an illusion and not one where we had an authentic relationship with ourselves or others if we are living in constructs that are fraudulent and based on deception, create misery and suffering through artificial scarcity and division, and only serve the interests of the minority instead of the majority.

Mass refusal and global civil disobedience as the best path forward is what I got from the video.

Jan 26, 2021 6:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I agree with everything you say, but you’re really preaching to the converted.

My point was just that waking up to the covid abuse to which we are all now being subjected doesn’t entail an experience which is as if our world was crumbling, since I believe our world really is, literally, crumbling.

The abusers in any personal relationship and our current covid abusers of course have the same controlling mindset, but the experience of waking up to the abuse is not the same for the victims in each case.

In the case of the abusive personal relationship, waking up to the abuse is only the feeling that your world is crumbling as you seek a viable reality for your future life. But it isn’t really crumbling. All the good things in your world are still there, although you might have to rediscover them.

With covid, all the good things in our world are being taken away.

Certainly we have in many ways been spoiled for generations, and it would undoubtedly be good for some of our world to be destroyed for good, but I suppose the question must then arise, “Who is going to decide what stays and what gets eliminated?”

I can’t answer that one.

Jan 26, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“Who is going to decide what stays and what gets eliminated?”

We can at least begin to determine that individually first, therefore collectively, instead of letting iniquitous power structures and psychopaths decide our fate. That happens when people take more personal responsibility for all the decisions they make instead of swimming with the current or sleepwalking through life.

I like Miles Mathis’ boycott everything spiel. And agorism. Decentralization.

Janie Doebuck
Janie Doebuck
Jan 30, 2021 5:23 AM
Reply to  Researcher

the fact is that, unfortunately, not everyone awakens to the reality of abuse

also the trope that change starts with oneself is only true that in that change is the result of the dialectic, the ongoing converation between the self and others, between the personal/internal and the external world, the individual and the

altho what she says is interesting, like so many other psychological analyses, the only or the major solution she offers is resorting to the psycho-hyperindividualism of ‘working on the isolated self in the light of the past’…. she seems to have no concept of the critical role of companeras/os and groups in the process of understanding collective trauma and healing…(there are actually groups that have healing dynamics which has been my personal experience numerous times in my life)

The name of the cult? ‘The New Normal’ …..spot on

Jan 25, 2021 8:59 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Would that everyone thought like this, Researcher!

It’s because so very few do, that we’re in this mess…

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 25, 2021 6:16 AM

Bruce Springsteen who used to sing songs about common men and women, celebrating shit like Bidet et al?!

Jan 25, 2021 8:44 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Leftists traditionally sought to liberate the working class from evil capitalists. But the communist and socialist nightmare regimes and wars of the 20thC made a mockery of their ideology and promises, as did the more recent abandonment of working class people by US Democrats and UK Labour. Woke leftists today prefer to abuse the oppressed workers as dumb sheep and evil white racist Trumptards. How smart; that’s precisely what the big tech Oligarchs, bankers and globalists all want them to think, as they end democracy and thus any chance of peaceful power to the people.

Jan 25, 2021 5:27 AM

The Nazis had a film about the victory of faith by the famous Leni Riefenstahl called Sieg des Glaubens. Pretty much sums up Americans today

Jan 25, 2021 8:54 PM
Reply to  Koba

Many millions of Germans, Russians, Chinese, Vietnamese and others initially had great faith in the very popular dictators who ended their democracies. So did millions of uncritical people in the West, especially academics. Some still refuse to condemn murderous communism. The point is that delusion has no passport. BTW, more than half of American voters believe the election was fraudulent. On what grounds can we dismiss them or say their suspicions are just a victory of faith?

captain spam
captain spam
Jan 26, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  Koba


Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Jan 26, 2021 5:38 AM
Reply to  Koba

they’re completely opposite, Hitler had taken Germany from a sad sack helpless condition in the world depression like all other western countries to the central European powerhouse in barely 4 years, while everyone in the west was wringing their hands and crying how helpless they were, it was indeed a triumph of faith in their leader Hitler – Trump was starting along the same path, restoring power and pride to American people, but this time the forces of oppression were too strong, and they got rid of him

Jan 25, 2021 1:08 AM

I’ve enjoyed this author’s previous article however for this one, with all due respect I’m not prepared to accept his “propaganda”. According to Wiki-something “Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts in order to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language in order to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented” That being the case then are not all articles on this blog or others mainly propaganda, trying to influence and further the authors agenda/message? As with any writings people need to critically assess such, to question the premise and verify the alleged facts provided. It’s like reading a graduate student’s thesis in which (s)he does not provide an antithesis.

This thought provoking article mentions “That he (Trump) gave to the rich and screwed the middle-class and the poor, increased the military budget, waged secretive wars via drones and private mercenaries didn’t matter a bit”. A statement which seems to go against the pre-Covid public record. During Trump’s tenure, average salaries increased markedly plus black unemployment went significantly down, plus, plus, plus. The public record, assuming it is correct and I have no evidence to doubt such, refutes your argument. I’d like you to provide evidence that supports your argument. I have an open mind which needs more facts before deciding.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Jan 25, 2021 7:54 AM
Reply to  Epicurious

Good comment Epicurious and thats what comments are for , to debate,argue or express an opinion on a subject. It is not propoganda of which the simplest example is advertising. Its a Latin derivative which means the “spreading of information” as the word propogate is used when sowing seeds.

However the greatest power to propogate is given to media, institutions and government of course. It’s based on many tried and true methods which are best seen in advertising. I wont bore you with the methods but they all have the purpose to implicate a set of beliefs with very little ability by the individual to counteract such propoganda.

Blogs such as this are definitely not propoganda ….at least in my opinion which of course you are most welcome to dispute.

“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will. “ Goebbel

Jan 25, 2021 6:41 PM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

But note how people “caught in the act” of exercising free will quickly revert to “the President told me to do this.”

Jan 26, 2021 2:45 AM
Reply to  buffalo

I have not seen that happening. Not credible.

Jan 25, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  Epicurious

The idea that wiki something is a reliable source as a definition of propaganda is in of itself propaganda.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Jan 26, 2021 9:41 AM
Reply to  Epicurious

the Trump derangement syndrome people don’t do ‘evidence’ just hate, their ‘thinking’ is far to muddled for anything like clearly presented evidence – and if you ask for it, why that means you’re a Trump supporter and now they’re coming after you too

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Jan 25, 2021 12:00 AM

 Well Edwin you certainly are skilful at “hitting the nail on the head” as they say and your eloquent monologues are well worth reading.

Having never worked in government one can surmise that even the little man or woman who issues drivers license must have a feeling of POWER. I capitalise that word for a purpose. Good old Freddy Nietzsche nailed it also in his wonderful “Will to Power”.

Look at the police worldwide whose uniforms now just imitate some “black” force that appears when an old lady protests in London. They are there don’t you know to protect the public. Would you give a 22 year old a sub machine gun, a black uniform and a helmet?

The only reason they issue uniforms to people is to give them a sense of power. White in hospitals means they are the “good guys”. Remember the British soldiers who were forced to wear red to disguise their blood when they were stabbed or shot?

It’s all simply about power. Consider the real unadulterated power that the media has! Consider the enormous power the little people in government departments yield in passport offices, building permits, taxation offices. Take away the power and what happens ??

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Lincoln

Jan 24, 2021 10:51 PM

The reality is that people are not born human– they must become human through inner work and experience. This is what human culture was supposed to be about.

Homo pseudo-sapiens is largely a hairless ape with some peculiar mutations- and most apes are pack animals where the guy with the biggest stick rules. People who do not do the inner work usually cannot escape this biological conditioning and will require a leader to tell them what to do and what to think.

America is an entirely artificial society created by freemasons and jesuits, using slaves and the dregs of Europe (settlers) for manpower….so it was never going to be pretty.


Jan 25, 2021 5:39 AM
Reply to  discobomb

A phrase runs through my head a lot lately. It is a quote attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson with regard to slavery “The voluptuousness of the total control of another human being…..”

Jan 26, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  discobomb

A lot of truth in that.

People of course are born as babies, then grow into childhood, adolescence and adulthood, and along with those stages come changes in consciousness.
The full person isn’t really even present until adulthood, and even then people show that they are mentally, morally and spiritually on very different levels from each other.

Becoming human is exactly what you say it is. It is inner work and experience, but not everybody, frankly, can be bothered with that.
We seem to be stuck with them.

So, enter Bill Gates…
Ah, but he isn’t human.
Oh, damn.

Jan 24, 2021 10:22 PM

U$ presidents are idolized, and demonized, depending on which target audience one belongs to within the left-right controlled oppositions of Demokracy, Inc.’s partisan political theater. Obomber, for instance, was a savior of sorts for some, an anti-Amerikkkan socialist for others, and neither for many who couldn’t care less for such charades. And besides the elementary good-cop/bad-cop routines of the catch-22 positions to which the “bewildered herd” (Walter Lippman) is consigned, there’s the more ‘nuanced’ commentary constantly riding the coattails of figureheads of state, all within acceptable boundaries of course, reserved for the talking heads and other managerial class gatekeepers tasked with the “manufacture of consent” (ibid). The purposes of propaganda are multiple and complex, beyond the simple indoctrination of true believers, involving not just programmed obedience but divide-and-rule strategy to move confused and conflicted masses in directions obscured by the false consciousness of ideology. Likewise the psychology of manipulation, which exploits more than existentialist themes of dread and death, like desires for pleasure instrumental in promoting “commodity fetishism” (Marx) and a capitalist way of living conducive to consumerism’s answer to problems of overproduction. Such considerations hardly scratch the surface of the density and darkness of ‘human nature’ and its malleability. What’s too often forgotten still, however, in any more elaborate critique of what we may be made to think (or think we think) is what we are made to do. To recall Marx again, it’s not consciousness so much which determines our existence but our existence as social beings which determines our consciousness. That we mistake ourselves primarily for thinking things, as Cartesian mechanics put it, perpetuates the illusion of what is largely an effect being the principal cause of who we are, to the point of reducing our being to our thinking (cogito, ergo sum, etc.). Propaganda is constructed… Read more »

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Jan 25, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  niko

Well written Niko. Perhaps the answer is “I don’t care ” ??

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 24, 2021 9:55 PM

Propagandists are like guns for hire. They just provide a service for a fee, they don’t ask questions about exactly what they’re doing and why. They certainly aren’t bothered by notions such ‘freedom’ because as key enablers of whatever regime they’re working for they are automatically in a privleged position. I have been engaged in conversation with a couple of Jehova’s Wittnesses recently. Like a lot of religeous people they mean well but from an objective perspective they’re peddling exactly the same pablum that you get from political types. It has probably never occured to them that their notions of the ‘coming Kingdom’ that’s (always) just around the corner sound a lot like the rhetoric surrounding MAGA. In fact, now we have ‘cast out’ the Messiah (causing a lot of trauma and soul searching among the faithful as the predicted events surrounding the inaugration failed to materialize) they’re now literally talking in terms of a Second Coming. There really isn’t a whole lot of daylight between a typical religious cult and a personality cult like Trump — both overlook the obvious, both are based on false premeses and both have a devout following that can rationalize any failure or any shortcoming by the Messiah. I think that I can speak for many Americans in saying that what I sincerely wish for is not some saviour but just that politics can become boring again. The purpose of government is to promote the welfare of the people and provide for collective security, a necessary function but not one that should be front and center all the time. Unfortunately we’ve allowed government to be ‘captured’ for individual gain — always a risk but in today’s ethics free envronment now a serious danger — so now there’s an expectation that our support should somehow… Read more »

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 24, 2021 8:11 PM

“Build back better” is the Great Reset’s repeated slogan.

Jan 24, 2021 9:49 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

BBB. Triple B. What bollocks.

Despite the state of the world, I cannot really tell what it is that has collapsed and needs to be rebuilt. The economy was crumbling before vid. And the BBB drones are clearly not talking about our freedoms being restored. Build back better? Come on, things are not good but the current situation is hardly like Germany after WWII. Hang on, perhaps the BBB drones are thinking about what is going to happen. 🤔

Jan 24, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Its origins become clearer when written lower case ‘bbb’ imho. Greater similarity to the biblical number

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 25, 2021 5:18 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Bigger, Better Bucks (for them, not us) is the slogan of the Great Setup.

Jan 24, 2021 8:09 PM

Biden is the most lacklustre and most corrupt president in US history. His Cabinet is 100% kosher. Expect an onslaught on the 1st and 2nd Amendments, “MAGA terrorists” in general, with plenty of false flags and gay ops to grease the skids.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 25, 2021 6:45 PM
Reply to  paul

Lackluster I can give you, but ‘the most corrupt president in US history’? Surely you’re joking?

captain spam
captain spam
Jan 26, 2021 1:25 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The Biden crime family outmatches even the Clinton clan. And unlike Simon P. Cameron, Creepy Joe WOULD steal a red hot stove, (or get his smackhead son to do it for him.)

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Jan 24, 2021 8:03 PM

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
Edward Bernays

Jan 24, 2021 7:14 PM

Trumpo siphoned off half of his election donations. He only spent half of the $1.26 billion raised. $600 million plus was siphoned off by Trump/ Kushner from the shell company they set up. He never fought to win seriously in the election. It was all a sham. He may have looted as much as $1 billion from his PACs.

Jan 26, 2021 1:15 AM
Reply to  paul

Nice story, any evidence?

Jan 26, 2021 5:23 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

It’s all a matter of record. Trumpo didn’t campaign seriously and there was very little TV advertising. He was vastly outspent by the opposition. Trumpo has never spent any of his own money, just what he squeezed out of the gullible sheep who followed him.

The whole Stop The Steal Circus was just a final gay op to squeeze a few final shekels out of the sheep to pay off his property debts falling due. He has trousered about a cool billion to bail himself out.

He is walking away with enough money to soak up most of the blood and keep his empire of debt running a bit longer.

Jan 26, 2021 3:15 AM
Reply to  paul

He did fight to win seriously, and he did win. The other side cheated.

Jan 26, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

It is not at all clear that he fought to win. It is said that he and his wife were appalled when the result came in.
It doesn’t matter.
This was never presidential material from his first day on our TV screens.
Presidential material no longer has the money to campaign for the job.

Jan 24, 2021 7:07 PM

Trump terrified the Elite and the swamp including the Globalis totalatariansin Genva and City of London. They used all the means at their disposal to try and destroy him.
Ghe sustained relentless attack on him from day one and it is still ongoing. It clearly shows their fear of him.
They lied, created false evidence, attemped impeacment which failed.
Then the final act was stealing the vote. Manipulation of the system. Even their nutcase they have put in power admitted it when he admitted his team has created “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” He didn’t lie for once in his life.
They Dems and socialist lefts used every trick in the book against the legal system and even captured the Supreme Court. They then threatend the members of the republican party to desert him at the last moment or face their skeletons in the cupboards.

He will return, he is not finished. Mark my words.

Jan 24, 2021 8:04 PM
Reply to  Sunface

If they had to go to all that trouble for do long against a man who had no previous experience in politics, they aren’t that ‘elite’ are they.

Jan 24, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  Sunface

Trump will Return! Is that not religious belief in returning of the messiah, that in four years will be even more senile or dead than senile and dead Biden is today. Unbelievable. Americans are monkey trained to believe lying promises of politicians and are accepting lying explanations of their continued failure continuously placated with more lying about future promises instead of being harsh judges, demanding from politicians immediate accountability, efficiency and effectiveness of their political actions in delivering on their promises or they are out of political scene forever. No coming or returning to Jesus moments for failed corrupted politicians is what democracy is all about. In fact correct treatment of politicians like disposable bathroom tissue, as they rightly deserve, is a foundations of bourgeois liberal democratic political framework. The American mentality of Worshiping politicians from Washington to JFK, to Obama, to Trump is by itself a fundamental subversion of democracy. The facts, deeds, policies economic development for benefit of people not promises what must be a sole criterium of voter attitude to all political figures not emotional attachment, as we do not attach emotions to soiled stinky bathroom tissue. Imagine a fact that presented as new, greenhorn idealistic “Socialist” politician suposedly fighting for people, AOC turned into shrew corrupted political operator when after her total failure of implementing her electoral pledges GND, MfA etc., she was campaigning in 2020 on a slogan that “because I failed once I should be allowed to try again to fail again in next and next and next term as US representative, while herself advanced from shitty bartender job to belong to top 1% incomes in the US fighting for “socialism” for poor from comfortable place. She and many other politicians impudently demand to be rewarded for they utter corruption and failure to live… Read more »

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jan 24, 2021 9:52 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Yes and no. You had me then you lost me. Obama and Trump are nowhere close to being alike. Remember Obama cut his political teeth in one of the most corrupt counties in one of the most corrupt states in the Union. He and his wife also lived and still live in the most racist part of Chicago. It always works both ways. Believe me. There was and is a lot of it. Lock you doors and don’t stare, we were told. Geeze.

Jan 25, 2021 2:06 AM

I am talking about policies that are continuing and alike at least from Clinton to Trump not about what kind of people those stooges of oligarchy are; good or bad. SS men were extraordinary fathers loved children and families and still followed policies of killing children other than their own what US is doing worldwide and at home.

Politicians must not be revered heroes but humble servants of people regardless of character good or evil. That is why American politics was infantilized, elections turned into meaningless to constituents political concerns popularity, likability contest. That must end or no real change is possible.

Jan 26, 2021 6:40 PM

Trump and Obama serve the same master.
In that sense they are VERY alike.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 24, 2021 10:49 PM
Reply to  Sunface

Trump did not pardon Assange and Edward Snowden, did he? Trump gave fast track approval to Big Pharma’s digital “vaccines,” didn’t he? Trump never allowed the release of the JFK papers which was scheduled in October ’17, did he? Trump signed the declaration of emergency which enabled the states to call lockdowns, didn’t he? You seriously need to wake up, sir, and you probably need something stronger than coffee.

Jan 24, 2021 10:57 PM
Reply to  Sunface

Your words are marked.
He better be wearing a red cape and have beams coming out of His head.

Jan 25, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Sunface

The fact they fought so hard to get Mr Trump out of the White House doesn’t mean they feared him. Rather, it more likely means they feared what might happen if the people ever saw how completely irrelevant the President is.

Better to create a Messiah and a Martyr and a Boogeyman than a non-entity.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 25, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  Sunface

I would have thought it obvious by now that Trump is The Swamp. If the financial mob are out to get him after tolerating him for a few years then its because his blundering and ego are threatening their profits.

The mythology about ‘stealing the vote’ is going to be aired by, among other things, the lawsuits filed by Dominion Voting Systems and by a Senate committee looking into well founded allegations that Trump tried to pressure both the Justice Department and State officials in Georgia into changing the vote. It might be possible to craft a conspiracy here (socialists capturing the Supreme Court???) but I think by far the most likely scenario is that Trump and his operatives have been peddling a pack of lies.

Jan 26, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  Sunface

Yes. He is finished.
Why didn’t he shut down Twitter before Twitter shut him down?
Chomsky was right. Trump is a bumpkin – admittedly a useful one to some people, but a bumpkin nevertheless.
The USA could never be proud of such a representative.
He gives the rabble what they want, and ignores what the informed, the educated, the intelligent and the wise hope for.

Jan 24, 2021 5:28 PM

With Schumer bleating about Erections, “Trump Incited The Erection!!!”after the attack on the Capitol Puppet House, what is actually going on? What should we expect in the near future?

Conditions have worsened immeasurably for the vast majority of Americans in the 4 years of Trumpo’s Reign. Austerity, QE for Wall Street, Covid, Urban Mayhem.

On the plus side, the MSM is hated, loathed, despised and ridiculed as never before.

Interestingly, America/ Israel, Trump/ Netanyahu, form a mirror image of one another. Ungovernable, deadlock.

Jan 24, 2021 4:31 PM

I woundered for an while how to sum up all this witch have happened this past year and what then to expect. I found this video, I thank this person whom linked it, and to the person whom made it. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/watch-the-ten-stages-of-our-genocide-henna-maria_ENSVD7oFu3VTNo2.html Henna Maria, the 10 stages of our genocide. Some additional coments, the present insane level of propaganda will escalate, its alreay talk about an 3 wave, and how we are going to die in massive numbers, etc and then the “heroic” fight done by the vaccine Comp to fight this waves after waves, witch of course requires new vaccines, and in my home country, Norway they have gone total retard, and now not once have they talked about PCR etc, there is nothing alowed to disturb the perspetion witch is the the same as everywhere else, but continues to escalate the hype, every day the MSM is packed with scare porn and now, we are facing total lockdown, even Sweden have bowed down to this insane propaganda, I used to travel to Sweden for shopping but thats now closed. Then we have to economic aspects, I refer to the video, right now, there are some countrys whom is capable to make their own desitions, but for how long, when the economy is set to plunge, it will have consequencess, and when the year passes, the pressure will mount, thats where the IMFs comes inn, the WB, ECB, FeD, BIS, and with it, conditions, and then the trap is set, and I belive we will see that this year already, regarding the Great Reset, to enslave us all and nations binded to the pole. Because of the total destruction of smal ind to bisenissess, and so on, that will also escalate and leave millions unemployed and that, will alsoe come… Read more »

Jan 24, 2021 3:36 PM

”Propagandists’ ability to mesmerize the faithful has increase exponentially as the technological life has increased and been promoted as de rigueur.”

You missed the real point.

Propagandists may well mesmerise the faithful. But the real genius was creating the faithful to mesmerise in the first place.

Jan 25, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Well said

Jan 24, 2021 3:21 PM

False opposites and genuine difference are not mutually exusive. It is the elasticity and nature of the differences that matter. The pantomime script will be rewritten according to the audience, yet the paradigm elastic must not break because it holds the audience togehter. Take a look at the script of your own national pamtomine. What issues are to be found there? Then note the topics that are absent, or at best whispered and muffled. Some, if not all, of those concerns will be beyond the pantomine paradigm.

It is the role of the script writters to maintain enough slack in the pantomine to incorporate different sides. This is not as easy as many assume. There is always a danger that the pantomine does not engage the audience. They note the absenses that matter to them. Then two things could happen: they stop attending the show or they try to get on the stage. As appealing as the latter sounds, there is the risk that they find themselves incorporated into the show, providing oving some extra elasticity or, forgive the pun, allowing some buttons to become undone.

Jan 24, 2021 2:48 PM

[W]ithout God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful.

Personal experience says Camus is certainly right about that!

However, the problem is — no matter how much, in my most trying times, I absolutely beg for God to exist — it is still a sledgehammer on my head that the weight of evidence says BOTH (1) there is no (anthropomorphic) God (a la Abraham) AND (2) no human — or any other thing — is a God. Resolve that, Camus!

So, certainly not Trump (eyes roll, mouth laughs), nor Bernie (eyes roll again, mouth pukes)!

Jan 24, 2021 2:52 PM
Reply to  Norm

My “religion” (and long experience) tells me that all power is — by definition — evil. All humans who take it upon themselves to exert unnatural and inhuman abilities over others. So much for living in this world.

Jan 24, 2021 3:37 PM
Reply to  Norm

Love is a power.

Jan 24, 2021 4:35 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Thank heaven, it is indeed.
Of course it’s hard to use love in a selfish way, since as soon as you do that it isn’t love any more…
Which is why ‘the powerful’ tend to have no comprehension of what love even is. It is the opposite of what they worship.

Jan 24, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  Norm

I’d go even further, having in mind that “the love of money is the root of all evil”, and not the money itself.
Even Jesus basically accepted that Caesar would have his money inasfar as he might be entitled to it. (“Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s…”

Similarly, the desire for power is the evil here.
The automatic power that comes from knowing what you are talking about, or having an exceptional talent, isn’t evil in itself, and it’s only when you start using such abilities to undermine somebody else, or imagine you are some kind of ‘elite’, that you’re headed in an evil direction.

Jan 24, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  Norm

The falsity of the Abrahamic god does not mean there is no divinity that actually cares for you. If you dedicate your life to discovering for yourself if this is true you will be free to live with some sanity, and to die in peace. The god(dess) is manifest in nature, which is the planet we live on, and it/he/she is beautiful and intelligent beyond our capacity to understand.

Jan 24, 2021 2:35 PM

Frankly, I don’t think anybody really believes any of this any more. Uppermost in most people’s minds is a sense of powerlessness in the face of the whole of Washington and its stinking exceptionalism. They are not really fooled by the next ‘messiah’ who presumes to capture their hopes and dreams. They just can’t see any alternative. To me, the answer lies mainly in how we can work upon ourselves in such a way as not to become what we hate – not to sink to the level of our enemy, the MSM. We know ourselves better than others know us, and we have plenty of opportunity to do something with that knowledge. Which is why the ubiquitous mechanization of our lives is a real threat to us. The enemy knows that the only place where he has no power is in each individual’s self-consciousness, but that doesn’t stop him trying to undermine and destroy that crucial and precious gift that all human beings worthy of the name possess. If we all do what we can in that field, I believe we have the power to leave the enemy behind, choking in the dust, where he belongs. That goal could be summed up as “individuals who freely cooperate with each other”, instead of the obvious goal of the MSM, which is the reverse: “The group which undermines individual freedom”. The MSM hate self-consciousness – even to the point of having built up over the decades a fiction that the “self-conscious” person is socially maladjusted in some way, because they don’t fit into ‘the group’. But, if we think about it, self-consciousness is actually the next step on the evolutionary ladder – whether the MSM likes it or not – and, if we take that step and become active within our… Read more »

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 25, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Just bear in mind that Fox is also the Mainstream Media — in fact until recently they were dominating the ratings.

Its possible to live in a world dominated by media and culture that work against our intersts by just being aware of what’s being sold and why the sale is being made. There’s plenty of evidence that many people do this already, the trick is to not be hung up by the omnipresent chatter but just treat it as background noise.

Jan 26, 2021 7:04 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I think you’re wrong there, Martin. Earlier experts in brainwashing were well aware of the subliminal power of ‘background noise’, of whatever nature, and even designed such noise specially so that it would do a specific job. At the very least, any constant noise in the background dulls the senses’ ability to perceive the finer things going on in our environment, and loud noise especially is known by those concerned with spiritual matters to obliterate openness to what we might call ‘higher influences’ – not to mention actual ear damage… Nor should we ignore the fact that any noise which is ‘omnipresent’ is eventually ignored – a sort of self-defence mechanism – to the point that it might as well be silence, and the dulled brain becomes gradually unaware that the noise is even there. We then become generally vulnerable to all sorts of attacks of a more subtle nature. People of course do their best to resist this onslaught, but as a classical musician, I find it a terrible burden that such resistance takes up so much of my energy, as well as very sad that such resistance is even necessary. I’m sure many of us here know the feeling of going out into the country and experiencing something so different that at first we think, “Now that’s what I call real silence”, but what has really happened is that we have experienced shock due to being, perhaps for the first time in many months, free of the constant chatter. Even more dramatic is the fact that in this ‘profound silence’ which we are so relieved to experience, we start hearing, as if with new ears, that it isn’t silence at all, but full of the fine sounds and noises which were previously blasted out of existence by the… Read more »

Jan 24, 2021 1:47 PM

Propaganda yes, but there are real issues to be addressed and real battles to be fought whatever the pantomime around us is. Like with Obama, the political capital that Biden has will be fully spent by the time the next coronation comes around, and he or his replacement will be hated. The Deep state want socialism to be totally discredited by this fake-left party, continuing the work of 60 years of discrediting and systematically training the American people to detest their own champions and representatives. By the time Biden is finished, the people will be screaming out for the far-right, the party of God, Guns, small government, ‘liberty’, nationalism and naked Corporate exploitation & deregulation. The crown Jewell’s of the left: equality, social justice, and freedom of expression, accumulated over a hundred years of struggle will be transferred, with some slight tweets, over to become the ‘virtues’ of the Corporatist elites and the Corporate Fascist state, as there did in some small way under Trump. We see it already today where the corporatist fascists claiming freedom of speech as one of their most cherished values, despite their history of censorship and except when it effects corporate profits, the military budgets or surveillance interests of course, or leads to unions representation, then censorship is an issue of national importance. Like the slim-bag, Farage, during Brexit, oh how kind and caring the far-right will be, during these coming 4 years, how high minded principled and modest. The free market corporatists, low tax, low intervention deregulation, corporate businessman which have wrecked and destroyed the USA will be the ‘victim’ of discrimination, the ‘victims’ of marxist suppression as their profits rocket under a Biden regime. Biden can discreet the left and enhance the attractiveness of the far right just in time for the next… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 24, 2021 1:21 PM

Thanks Edward. I haven’t voted for at least 24 years, I don’t watch any TV news, and I haven’t bought a newspaper for 16 years. And about the best thing I ever read by Chomsky (and Edward Herman) was Manufacturing Consent. A long time before I woke up to what Chomsky actually was. And yes, I’ve also read the article ‘Left Gatekeepers’.
What has really been rammed home for me this past year has been the absolute moral and ethical bankruptcy of the so called ‘media organisations’ in relation to their relentless fear porn coverage of the scamdemic. Criminal is almost too polite a word.
Yet so many have willingly swallowed this propaganda without question. And a lot of these same people; literally enveloped in paranoia, have become little Hitler’s to the point of screaming at complete strangers in shops or snitching on neighbours.
Oh, and I don’t watch any vacuous junk out of Hollywood either. However speaking of films, I’ve just ordered a copy of V for Vendetta. Long overdue I watched it. I have a feeling I’ll have a strong sense of deja vu whilst doing so. And who knows, I may even learn a thing or two…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jan 24, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I would think that the brilliant German film, The Lives of Others, would be even more appropriate than V for Vendetta for what our Owners hope to have in store for us.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 24, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Yes, I’ve watched The Lives of Others twice, and it’s one of the most powerful, and chilling films I’ve seen in the last 20 years El.

Jan 24, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The success of these ghouls can only be attributed to the way in which they have systematically built up – over a long time – an isolated society of their own, which has no contact with normal people.
That is bound to lead to their undoing, but there could be an appalling amount of suffering for all of us before that happens.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 25, 2021 5:29 AM
Reply to  wardropper

At some stage they will be in conflict with one another, each one fighting to have more than the others. When? Don’t know. Perhaps their conflicts have already begun? Their extreme form of capitalism feeds upon and consumes itself.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2021 12:47 PM

As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been any rule about wearing masks outside and yet I noticed the majority doing so. Is this something that follows on from almost every political figure wearing a mask outside when they appear on camera?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Scratch that. The Beeb are already ratcheting up fear about outside contamination.

“One study found that two men in China talking face-to-face for at least 15 minutes was enough to spread the virus.”

The conclusion is to avoid face-to-face encounters and also areas where the air is likely to be still I e. Areas where people are most likely to talk to each other.

Jan 24, 2021 1:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“there hasn’t been any rule about wearing masks outside and yet I noticed the majority doing so”.

Not the majority here (south of England) but certainly a sizeable minority, about 30% I reckon.

Jan 24, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Edwige

And in any case, as Robert Kennedy Jr. urges, there is no legal or constitutional basis for ‘the authorities’ to insist upon such a rule – quite the opposite, in fact.

Anybody with the means to do so should take those false ‘authorities’ to the courts and give as much air-time as possible to the invalid basis of this preposterous attempt to drag us back to the days of Bad King John.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 24, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The number seems to be growing. I think I’ve noticed a distinct change, even in just the last few days. I assumed it must be a ramp up in the fear porn of the MSM (which I mostly managed to avoid).

Jan 25, 2021 7:01 PM

Maybe folks have finally realized how quick this virus takes advantage of selfish stupidity?

Jan 24, 2021 1:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There’s the Hitachi software that combines facial recognition with social distancing and alerts/identifies people who are close enough to talk.
There was a U.S. governor (forget who) that suggested banning singing or shouting.
Combined, you have unprecedented repression: the ability to effectively ban communication among the masses and arrest those who do.
Don’t try it at home: the Internet of Things will pick up your conversation.
Will you even be able to raise your finger to your lips and write something on paper?

Jan 24, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

There is a ban on singing in effect in the Czech Republic.

Jan 24, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Sounds like you need a singing revolution. During Soviet times the singing of cultural and patriotic songs was banned in Estonia. https://singingrevolution.com/about-the-film

Jan 24, 2021 8:43 PM
Reply to  fame

Playing musical instruments was banned in Trinidad to prevent rebellion.

So, Trini people invented the steel pan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G81UdXQONyA

Might be a good idea to follow in their footsteps. I can’t imagine that a bit of sweet calypso wouldn’t bring the masked zombies back to life!

Jan 25, 2021 8:44 AM
Reply to  Jacques

I loved dancing along with the calypso band that showed up more than often to the many political demonstrations and marches in the small town where I used to live. I hope those folks are still at it, maybe a few are, but from what I have heard its still zombie land. Thanks for reminding me of the steel pan history.

Jan 25, 2021 2:11 PM
Reply to  Jacques

We could even invent a new instrument of our own, along with new music.
It’s time something original happened with serious music in any case.
So much of it is execrable trash, designed to repel and cause despair.

Jan 25, 2021 5:32 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Absolutely! The fact that the world has been regurgitating/recycling art roughly for the past four decades is one of the causes of the shit we’re in now. Culture is basically dead.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 24, 2021 9:27 PM
Reply to  Jacques

People can’t even sing in church in the UK. (And only 30 people are allowed in for services, “socially distanced”, and suitably disinfected, of course.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 24, 2021 10:07 PM
Reply to  Jacques

For God’s sakes… How much more ridiculous is this going to get? Imagine if you dare cough in public! What? €100 fine for endangering others in the same street…

Jan 25, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Also, any heavy breathing close to another, as when carrying a load or jogging.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jan 24, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Regarding the internet of things picking up your conversations, I have a few comments. First, though my comments to off-G alone would brand me as a thought criminal to our Owners, I view it as unlikely that they will pick up conversations from my house other than downloading infrequent Skype calls and even more infrequent cell phone calls. Just some thoughts on how to minimize this. Let me say first that though I have an undergraduate minor in physics from decades ago, I am far from an electronics expert or how the back doors are coded for our self-spying/mobile devices and laptops. I have a Coronet microwave meter which I bought 6 years ago for USD 150 and am satisfied with. It is no longer available, A second draw back is that it is only rated for mw up to 8 GHz, which would presumably make the upper ranges of 5G undetected. However, I understand that currently the 5G bursts are a composite of a variety of frequencies, so these higher burst may well be detected indirectly. The two basic ways that the internet of things can spy on you, if you are not such an idiot as to purchase a device that does it blatantly such as Alexa, is through mw transmissions of your data or via your electrical wiring system. The later would presumably require that it is connected to a digital as opposed to an analog meter, which then transmits its collected data periodically with bursts of mw to street collectors, and from there onward to the billing department of the electric company as well as MI5 for Brits. Another technique is to pick up your conversations from the vibration of your window panes to a mw receiving device located line of sight nearby, but this is… Read more »

Jan 25, 2021 10:25 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The ethernet only helps inside your house. Can the Internet service provider not track/monitor you?

Jan 25, 2021 2:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Well I’m continuing to raise my third finger, violently, to my television set at news time – and sometimes even make the well-known reverse “V” sign which is the equivalent gesture in my native England.
I wonder if Big Bugger has noticed yet…

Jan 24, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Any virus has one mission- should it choose to accept it. That is to find a host as quickly as possible or die. They are programmed not to hang around the streets like biological f**g hoodies.

This is a simple scientific fact yet nobody ‘scientific’ has acknowledged it on any MSM platform or from a propaganda podium. If they did, the masks would all be in the bin five minutes later and the props outside would all be gone and we’d forget the fear we’re supposed to be imagining.

Jan 24, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

There is no real scientific basis for this “mission” that the so-called “viruses” have! It’s theory!

Jan 25, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  discobomb

Yes, everything’s a theory. There’s no such thing as a germ, a virus, a cold, flu, HIV, Aids, Ebola, Sars. and so on- all because covid 19 is a scam. This was written in the holy books of the leprechaun race in days of yore.

Jan 25, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Let us see proof of any virus first, e.g. a living one in action. I will then show photos of rocks disappearing and reappearing on Mars.

Jan 25, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yep, spot on Jura, once outside a being a virus cannot survive, bacteria can survive a couple of days….but a virus in it’s lipid vector must get right in to a suitable host like Bill Gates or perish…….the masks stop nothing the size of a virus and masks were only called back in play when Boris had to give the public a ‘comfort blanket’ because he wanted to get the ecomony going again….but the public had, had the bejesaus frightened out of them.

However, the continuing the ‘wearing of a mask’ has helped to make people dehumanised, insular and afraid. So, it is actually working on a whole different level and it’s working…sure as eggs is eggs

Jan 25, 2021 10:57 PM
Reply to  tish

Exactly Tish.

Semiotics are important once you have a captive audience of sheep. The image of the masked marauders of the shopping centres and the zombie trance walk of the lost and bemused will be burned into our consciousness. The dances of self isolation and distancing will reinforce the ritualistic praise to the Luciferian sorcerers.

In the meantime we have the obedient sheep happy to gamble with the physical and mental well being of themselves and their children because they’ve decided to trust the politicians they normally swear are all full of shit.

On the other side of the argument stand the ‘alternative google doctors’ that have noticed the transparency of the fake narrative holding the covid game in place so have decided every pandemic, illness, cold and flu were all conspiracy theories now. All we ever needed and need is a vitamin tablet and to avoid a damp environment and our lives will be extended by 100 years.

I don’t know who’s f***g worse.

Jan 24, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  George Mc

When I see people wearing masks outside, as they walk down the street, what I see instead of a mask is a big neon sign that says “I’m Unhealthy. God Help Me.” (Even God cannot do the impossible.)

Jan 24, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  Howard

What kind of God can’t do the impossible.

Jan 24, 2021 4:43 PM

There’s even a quote from Goethe:

“Him I love who yearns for the impossible”

Jan 25, 2021 1:15 AM


Jan 25, 2021 11:01 PM

exactly. all the Gods seem to be on holiday when wars, starvation, terrorism and pandemics hit the streets. No wonder Scientism is laughing

Jan 24, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Glad to hear someone note that. I visited my nearest city last week and once last spring. There were lockdowns in place on both occasions. The most notable difference was that a majority of pedestrians now wore masks. Fear and normalising power.

mara m
mara m
Jan 24, 2021 12:33 PM

Psychological research shows that as adults we have a need to believe that our politicians and ‘leaders’ are benign and would not act against our best interests despite evidence to the contrary. Perhaps this is a carry-over from childhood where to not trust parents would mean existential annihilation. The anthropologist Rene Girard also throws light on another human dilemma which he describes as mimetic desire, that is, ‘desiring according to the desire of the other’. Our wants early in life don’t independently originate within us or are necessarily pulled from us by objects, but we want things based on our perception of what others want, the ‘other’ being significant people in our life. Our ‘selves’ are much more a product of our early relationships than we want to credit!  So here are two enormous vulnerabilities of the human condition that we all must struggle with. Mimetic rivalry can lead to conflict and power struggles, especially if the object of desire cannot be meaningfully shared. This truth is seen most clearly in International politics where diverse nations increasingly begin to resemble each other. But it is also seen in the belief in the ‘American Dream’ as Ed Curtin describes. Misplaced trust results in our being manipulated, fooled or worse. It is clear that the propaganda and behavioural change processes we are subject to from those with power to control the flow of information are cleverly informed by ‘behavioural insights’ professionals. I have found it impossible to change the minds of those who are deeply fused with the mainstream narrative and who as obedient citizens line up for their vaccine with pride that they are in the ‘selected as vulnerable group’ to go first. Unless we can learn to step back, to de-couple from our thoughts, feelings, impulses and desires, to de-fuse,… Read more »

Jan 24, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  mara m

What sort of selfless respondents did they conduct the research among?

I wish they had included myself, IMHO I’d tip the scales significantly in the other direction as regards “need to believe politicians and leaders”. I’ve never encountered or heard of a politician worthy of being followed, believed, or anything. Ditto anyone else, i.e. “leader”. Following a leader makes sense only insofar as it’s in a pragmatic situation, such as a group performing a certain task where it’s more practicable to designate a leader to facilitate the completion of whatever is done, such as an orchestra where more than one conductor simply doesn’t work. Otherwise, I can’t fathom a situation where I’d be following some leader! I will listen to people and if I find what they have to say interesting, I’ll investigate, and I’ll adjust my views (I’ve done that in response to what I’ve read on this forum), but to “follow” somebody? Ts ts … Don’t people have their own selves …?

As to early life and hangups acquired thereduring (hmm … is this a word?), people need to grow up and separate the grain from the chaff. Whatever is detrimental to one’s life needs to be rejected. Everybody needs to work on that – instead of fucking around with their mobile phone for instance. I’ve recently listed to a Radio France broadcast where one useless whiner complained of not being let go by their parents, being treated as a child throughout their lives. As if it were the parent’s fault! It ain’t. People need to separate from their parents and infantile predicaments.

Jan 24, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  Jacques

These are great thoughts. If you don’t mind, I’d like to add to them. First and foremost, we are not dogs – close to it, but not quite. Case in point: my dog Chico. I’d never gotten a dog from the pound before. After four years, he’s still slave to what he “learned” his first two years – and, I suspect, always will be. People need not be likewise entrapped by early training and experience.

Whatever traits carry over from early childhood, no matter how ingrained in our psyche, can consciously be jettisoned. They’re still there; but the act of disavowing them lessens their impact on us.

Leaders and all other influencers need not direct our thoughts or actions. Perfect example: James Corbett, whose work in general I greatly respect and take to heart. But I cannot accept his cavalier dismissal of climate change (same with Vernon Coleman and most “conservative” pundits); nor his belief that the Earth is still teeming with natural resources. I agree wholeheartedly that the ruling elites are only using the climate crisis for personal gain; but that does not make climate crisis itself purely a media invention.

Conversely, Dane Wigington, who presents much physical evidence of climate crises (some of which I detect around me), has concluded that the COVID and other manufactured crises represent the ruling elites’ awareness that the present paradigm cannot continue and are trying to keep humanity from seeing that just yet. I simply cannot give the elites even this much credit for foresight; not when it’s more likely they have an agenda for humanity. To me, they expend energy only on what they want – not what they fear.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 25, 2021 2:47 AM
Reply to  Howard

But I cannot accept his cavalier dismissal of climate change”

That’s just because you’re still held in the thrall of a belief planted into you before you became a Corbetteer.

It’s the same primacy effect at work in your dog. One continues to believe what one already believes. Dislodging those deeply-felt beliefs is a Herculean task, and often impossible. It might have been Twain who said, “It’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled.”

Jan 25, 2021 3:11 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

This is all undeniably accurate. However, it also applies to those who have accepted – with absolutely no more evidence – that there is no climate crisis. Their trump card has always been the Solar Minimum – “minimum” being the operative word, for it has been shown to have very little effect on Earth.

Yet, given the rapidly accumulating methane and nitrous oxide, it is entirely plausible to posit a greatly warming planet.

I accept neither position without sufficient evidence. The only evidence I detect among climate deniers is “It’s not happening.”

There is a great problem regarding the world’s weather and climate; namely, that few of us are in a position to investigate for ourselves. We therefore must rely on those who claim to have evidence.

I take almost nothing the IPCC climate scientists say very seriously because they consistently omit climate engineering from their equation.

I can look up and see the spraying – which is the primary feature of climate engineering: that is evidence. I can see things like leaves dying, turning brown and simply hanging on trees until blown off by the wind: that is evidence. I can notice fewer birds and insects each year: that is evidence.

Each of these could represent something else entirely and be purely coincidental to each other; or they could collectively point to a disruption of natural and normal climate conditions.

Chairman Miao
Chairman Miao
Jan 27, 2021 8:06 AM
Reply to  Howard

Just a quick look at the whole Rockefeller invention of Climate Change and just even look at the life and times of someone at the head of all that bullshit, for example the oilman Maurice Strong, and you have all the answers you need to uncover momumental deception behind Global Warming/Cooling. Sure, the same oligarchs destroy and make toxic lots of our environment (and force us to by the way they package the goods we must buy etc) and that is a different and urgent problem, but “Climate Change” is the Big Con – you know from the Covid Cult how easily ‘scientists’ are bought and paid for and extremely shallow (and in my experience, really quite thick, despite degrees and PHDs and professorships) and are the foot soldeirs for a new totalitarianism (‘technocracy’) – most are completely clueless outside of their extremely limited specialisms anyway, so the belief in ‘science’ and ‘scientists’ is ludicrous. Do you even really believe that the temperature of the Earth is properly measureable in a meaningful way? Have you seen or looked into how they actually do this? It is so laughable and fake, they must be wetting themselves.

mara m
mara m
Jan 25, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I’m sorry I can’t reference the PhD thesis of an Australian Psychologist who found that many people have a deep need to trust their government. It rings true for me because I regularly meet people with that same faith in doctors, in the medical establishment etc. It’s also true that polls are finding people losing faith and confidence in their politicians, but even that implies that faith was once there. Why else would people keep on voting every election cycle?  Maybe it speaks to a desire to believe that people can be trusted to do what is right, and that the world runs on moral principles which most people assent to, and that the universe is fundamentally good (which I myself believe).
As to growing up, we take our past experiences with us into the future, and they are a part of us. I have never seen healing or maturation occur by rejection. We have to befriend those parts we don’t like and see them transform through acceptance and understanding.

Chairman Miao
Chairman Miao
Jan 27, 2021 7:46 AM
Reply to  mara m

Girard opened my eyes about so much about anthropology, literature, religion and psychology. He would not be shocked I think to see the extent and the ‘contagion’ of false beliefs that is leading to a Hobbesian ngithmare of war of all against all, to be resolved only by cultic sacrifice and ritual slaughter, a scapegoating mechanism that can no longer satisfy the desire for blood which calls for it since it was already achieved to perfection by the murder of Christ (who in His mercy, used his own death to hold up the mirror to us all, once and for all time, to show us how utterly bankrupt we all are by the very detailed mechanism of transference and violence we succumb to and how we try to hide it from ourselves and others). The mechanism of this covid cult is pure satanism, a parasitical ideology that lives off misplaced obedience and fear of open intellectual inquiry.

Jan 24, 2021 12:24 PM

Shareholders of the world unite
. comment image

Jan 24, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  Ben

Just as well to do it now. You’ll probably make a profit.
After another six months, nobody will be interested in your ‘entire position’.

Jan 25, 2021 10:33 AM
Reply to  Ben

Announcing his intention to sell shares? He must be a philanthrophist like St. Gates.

Jan 26, 2021 7:17 PM
Reply to  Ben

Why did he support Pfizer by buying shares in the first place? This isn’t even the first time they’ve experimented on children.

Jan 24, 2021 11:48 AM

Trump gigantomanic aimed at the dumbest the cult of save ya & DISCLOSURE
he pardon Bannon who stole money from the types who wanted a wall.
he pardon gangsters and blackwater mercenaries he was loved by the state own alternative media which many post on this site thinking there slick hip and alternative he
hired Elliot Abrams, John Bolton, and Mike Pompeo to his
administration. It doesn’t get more neocon yet others said he was draining the swamp he said that!!! he lockd you up saying he would lock her up
he appealed to 5 types
so the fanbase is good mix of the easily brainwashed lot and he is
star attraction to keep people on him whilst they do what they did 

the RepublicanGOP party


Q nonsense  The Patriot Tran-Q-liser – as it tricks the patriots to sit on their hands because the plan is working behind the scenes and arrests are coming, (which never happen)  

The trump fanbases which included the patriots and slightybat shit ringwinger ( richard spencer jim dowson types etc they loved him)

Failed Conspiracy theorists who believed in polytricks think he is some savior.

PR is magick they used chaOs magick meme magick they worked the clueless well even now still many are under the trump enchantment

BUT Dont you worry another Savior will be here to save ya and we wonder
who the reptilian party will put up as the new god you can
follow like crack head needing it fix

TRUST THE PLANcomment image

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jan 24, 2021 11:17 AM

Off-Topic, although it does relate to another form of propaganda: an image of what the Guardian loves to call “Global Heating”:

(Oxfordshire, England, 24th Jan 2021)

Remember how snow was going to disappear from our lives? Children would never experience it? Although one section of the MSM would appear to want us to forget that prediction:


George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2021 11:51 AM

Cory Morningstar has written a good piece (which I can’t find at the moment) in which she lays out the stages leading up to the COVID move e.g. the “Greta saves the planet” show coming hot on the heels of the “We’re all going to burn to death” show. CM notes how previous endeavours were insufficient to “properly motivate” the public I.e. condition the public into accepting what the rulers wanted to impose. COVID has done the trick …so far.

It is necessary to understand that the media always works to sway the public in the desired direction. The media never gives us “news” I.e. info to comprehend the world.

Jan 24, 2021 1:05 PM

A major part of the agenda behind Climate-Covid-Great Reset is molding the world to fit the dictates of green ideology:

  • depopulation as land grab for mining and forests for biomass furnaces (all the trees in the US would be consumed in just one year’s reliance on biomass energy).
  • military adventurism in pursuit of rare earths essential to smart technology.
  • slashing lifestyles and energy consumption by the masses to enable the above.

One example today in the WSJ: EV Surge Sends Cobalt Prices Soaring.
A ZH poster highlights the WEF’s own call for an honest assessment of electric vehicles: Batteries can be part of the fight against climate change – if we do these five things

  • WEF notes that electric vehicles can generate more carbon emissions over their lifecycle – from procurement of raw materials to manufacturing, use and recycling – than petrol or diesel cars.
  • producing an electric vehicle contributes, on average, twice as much to global warming potential and uses double the amount of energy than producing a combustion engine car. This is mainly because of its battery.
  • it takes nine years for an electric car to be greener than a diesel car, assuming an annual average mileage of 13,500 km

Which is why you won’t have a car under the WEF’s approach. All that “good stuff” that Elon Musk touts is simply not for you.

Some honesty is needed — in contrast to the diet of 100% propaganda with which children are pumped at school, and which Corporatist Media feeds the population, with barely an objective question or rounded view.

So much of the green agenda is presented in the form of propaganda. We have to ask why.

Jan 24, 2021 11:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

If they depopulated, why would they need to produce lots of biomass to burn, and who would buy all that “smart” tech?

Jan 25, 2021 10:48 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Of the points you listed, the 3rd (9 years for an electric car to be greener than a diesel one) seems to contradict the 1st. (electric vehicles can generate more carbon emissions over their lifecycle than petrol/diesel cars). Please explain.

Jan 24, 2021 3:26 PM

There’s plenty of snow. The climate engineers create snow from cloud moisture through a process of “chemical ice nucleation.” The snow is literally toxic. It is not real snow.

Climate engineering has been going on for 70 plus years; and has been perfected. There are numerous patents for spraying the atmosphere (ostensibly to cool down the planet – but which only warm the planet by blocking nighttime cooling); as well as for this chemical ice nucleation process.

I would suggest that, before completely rejecting the crisis which climate engineering has created, one should check out the website geoengineeringwatch.org. There is a wealth of information – none of which, you may rest assured, will be touted by the MSM, which only gives out whatever information serves the interests of the ruling elites, who could give a rat’s ass about the climate or the environment.

Jan 24, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

I listen to Dane every week on geoengineeringwatch.org. As dark as he is, I find myself going to that site for comfort – comfort that I am not truly as alone in what I now see as it feels, like finding this site is also a comfort. I’ve been listening to him for about 5 years now, after seeing the planes leaving their trails behind and thinking they were merely military planes conducting training. As if a military plane would leave a trail like that for anyone to track its path from the ground… But it is easier to believe something as naive as that until one sees the pictures and reads his extensive site and realizes just how idiotic that thought was.

I am in Washington state and we’re going to have more “snow” tonight and through most of next week. Other than the chemical snow it really has been a fairly warm winter here, but the engineers give us just enough cold to make people think it is all normal, a bit warm, but normal. We had a big snow dump right around New Years Eve and some of it is still here, even after sustained 40 degree days for 3 weeks now? You’d think people would see that and wonder but nope. When I see my neighbors kids play in that crap I really want to tell them not to, but how to do that without sounding like the loon they might brand me as is always a tough question. And now the MSM talks about geoengineering as if it is a “new” technology and they merely want to try it out. Of course, when they can no longer hide things they always start going on about them in their lying way, no surprise there.

Jan 25, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

It’s good to hear from someone else who listens to Dane Wigington’s weekly Global Alert News. My primary concern is that I believe he gives the ruling class (the “power structure”) too much credit. I’m not convinced they realize what’s actually happening and concoct things like this COVID panic to mask it “until the last possible moment.” Nor do I think this “Great Reset” is a last ditch effort to save their gravy train. Instead, I think the kind of agenda put forth by Off Guardian and James Corbett better represents the ruling class’ true motives.

Consumerism is dead, which means the rulers don’t need consumers any more. As Dane correctly points out, we are an increasing liability to them; I’m just not sure it’s for the reason he states.

One further thing: one day, while walking the dog, I watched a plane go back and forth (up and down from my perspective), spewing out what the MSM (and fact checkers) would dismiss as merely contrails during a plane’s flight path. But what flight path takes a plane back and forth over the same small stretch of sky? And the nearest airport to me is Baltimore Washington International – some 50 miles away. The explanation simply doesn’t add up.

Jan 24, 2021 11:08 AM

slavery – marketed as a a carefully prepared and protected space in which to be free.

Jan 24, 2021 11:08 AM

Furious email exchange just now with extended relatives who are self-righteous, middle-class, lockdown zealots but who’ve chosen to stay with friends in different parts of the country – breaking numerous lockdown rules in one fair swoop

They assuage their fake guilt by ‘self isolating’ for a few weeks between their rule breaking

Even though I am against lockdowns and restrictions, I personally have made an effort to adhere to all the rules. My life has been destroyed by lockdown

These lockdown zealots are monumental hypocritical Quislings who make me sick to my f***ing stomach

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 24, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Ben

They are the ones who will drag us all over the cliff Ben. The snivelling cowardice of all those cheering on this fascist outrage, and actively supporting it, disgusts me.
And quite a few I know, including former friends, actually have young children.
Regards your reply to me yesterday, you’re right, I need to state to those people Where this is heading, viz the technofascist police state that is fast approaching.
The ‘luxury’ of sitting on the fence is over.

Jan 24, 2021 12:49 PM
Reply to  Ben

comment image

Jan 24, 2021 4:54 PM
Reply to  image

I hope that isn’t Icarus flying too close to the Sun…

Jan 24, 2021 1:51 PM
Reply to  Ben

Your extended family , like mine , are collaborators who would crumble to dust if their income suddenly vanished and never returned.

How would they deal with opening the door to an empty fridge day after day after day ?

How would they deal with a stack of unpaid bills getting higher and higher and higher ?

How would they deal with the ‘heat or food’ , but not both , dilemma ?

The man pictured below is photographed blatantly breaking quarantine rules as he leaves a Mayfair bar. He has govt. sanctioned privileges and immunities that prevents his prosecution because he is ‘special’.

This same man has urged our ‘regime de vichy’ to increase ‘intelligence’ funding to make people like you and me shut the f*ck up.

You and I have “blood on our hands”

He hasn’t.

comment image&f=1&nofb=1

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 24, 2021 5:51 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

“The war criminal Blairigula also loves the smell of Napalm in the morning. The odor of it running through his foul snout helps prepare him for what lies ahead [for him].”


Jan 25, 2021 11:07 AM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

As hope runs out, ordinary people including minors will increasingly break the law to get jailed or hospitalised. For the middle classes, this will be a rediscovery of what outcastes have been undergoing. That situation will not last too long, as the enforcers will soon be overwhelmed.

Jan 24, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  Ben

You adhere to the lockdown rules that have destroyed your life and you complain about your relatives that bend them so they keep some sanity?

Change strategy, brother!

Jan 24, 2021 3:50 PM
Reply to  Ben

Are you angry at lockdown zealots who are probably just misguided unthinking types or at hypocrites who pretend to be zealots and then break the rules if they’re bored. They’re two different kinds of fool.

Jan 24, 2021 10:06 AM

Edward Curtin does a disservice to propagandists: he credits them with being smart 🙂 but more specifically he assigns them the role of creating our leaders, “Thus the need to choose a master, a prefabricated demigod.” This is not the propagandists’ contribution. The leaders are chosen to fit archetypes. I can’t remember who wrote it, but someone compared a generation of actors from the 1940s or 50s with those of our era. He demonstrated convincingly that each actor could be paired off with an archetypal character of the other generation. It’s as if you went into a fruitier and requested two examples of each fruit, one fresh, the other dried and mummified.  Propagandists would like to be thought of as progenitors of our political class but their skills lie elsewhere. They come along later to help burnish the legend. What they value above all — and what they are valued for — is the skill to implant a world view and then to switch it on a dime. Propagandists are generally people with some talent for persuading others but who can’t get a better job at what they truly desire: creating whole worlds for the movies, the television or novels in which they can rival the Creator himself. So they use their skills to warp, sway and manipulate on behalf of their paymaster.  To defend my opening assertion, look at the crossover between novelists and intelligence services or, more specifically, a counterintelligence section that is concerned mostly with concocting narratives since gathering accurate information is so much harder (Christopher Steele, don’t call us. We’ll call you). There are struggling writers (Howard Hunt is a classic example) and those who achieved success (such as Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl) but more accurately we can say, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness,… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I think the basic formula with propaganda has remained consistent: scare people. Event COVID has given us this in the most crude manner. And the shit they’re shovelling out is so crass that I’m starting to think you could get software to write it. I suppose it’s the propaganda perfectly congruent with an affluent society: obsession with personal health down to the tiniest cough and shiver, backed up by a mentality that has effectively de-natured death. The very idea of a populace appalled that old people die is an indication of a pathologically sheltered species.

Jan 24, 2021 11:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It IS done with software.

Jan 25, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Evading and criminalising euthanasia for those in extreme suffering is a part of promoting terror. In times before modern medicine – and even now in “less developed societies” – every villager knew the herbal remedy; in some places, a meeting of the whole village formalised the decision.

Chairman Miao
Chairman Miao
Jan 27, 2021 8:44 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Suffering is part of life – we can have no meaningful exostence without it, including extreme suffering as we approach death. To violently terminate suffering os the same as denying death and the whole meaning of life – it is part of the problem. We must do all we can to alleviate suffering but taking a life is always murder.

Jan 27, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Chairman Miao

Agreed, but this:
:- The medical dogma prevalent is that even morphine etc. for a person in severe pain may be addictive, whereas all kinds of addictive but proprietary pills are handed out for ordinary pains.
:- Many financing the patientare caught in the trap of capitalist medicine or struggling to care for the patient singl-handedly for years.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2021 9:47 AM

Stalling is the keynote of the media now and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Thus we are told that even those vaxxed should not have the audacity to assume they can go back to anything like an actual life.

And Mark Twain has been proven correct once again (“There are 3 types of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics”). I have just heard about how the “COVID dead” now outnumber the ones lost in WW2. (Presumably meaning the Brits lost but expect Holocaust comparisons soon).

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2021 9:18 AM

A couple of excellent tweets from Phil Greaves:

“Only the screendamaged could think that lockdowns are good for workers “cos capitalists can’t survive without commodity production.” Duh, billions of workers won’t survive without us producing our means of subsistence long before any billionaire loses profits, you utter morons.”

“Hiding in your mom’s basement in a bath of sanitizer wrapped in ten facenappies in mortal fear of an inflated flu is now the height of hipster wokedom, courageous even…”

Jan 24, 2021 9:41 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Let me sum up

you are exposed to
Twitter, BBC, sky news, metro, the Atlantic, the Guardian, wsws, and much more, all because you work in a care facility where you can’t turn off the screen.

oh, and what you are always underestimating in your comments is the ‘social acceptable answer’, where people say something because they think it is the acceptable answer, but in reality think different. The tweets you regurgitated are offensive to them too.

it surprises me that a person who works in a care facility seems to know nothing about social acceptable answers.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 24, 2021 10:10 AM
Reply to  Willem

You better let me know what the “socially acceptable” answer is then, Willem. It is clear that OffG has its politically correct over viewers and I wouldn’t want to upset the poor souls.

Jan 25, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  Willem

Those tweets are false, divisive and asinine, which displays the intellectual and emotional level of the person who thinks they are worth repeating.

But that’s not surprising considering the commenter thinks face masks are not dehumanizing.

Moral superiority is what is being sold but introspection is probably what’s needed more.

I wish your anecdotal comment on the other thread hadn’t been deleted.

Jan 24, 2021 9:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Not just courageous but also probably stunning and brave™️

Jan 24, 2021 8:38 AM

I am happy to say that the examples of lady Gaga and (the by now over aged) material ‘girl’ Madonna that Ed uses here are unknown to me. Guess I have been doing something good by socially distancing myself from the media. But talking about ‘vogue’ and ‘strike a pose’ (similar to Ed, I do know my Madonna) people (like Chomsky) say, that the child gets abused by the propaganda system that starts in kindergarten, and that if only we could change the education system, we could change people becoming less gullible and obedient and that they then would use their mental capabilities for sincere and deep questions. Is it true? I am afraid that most people, including children, don’t want to ask questions to learn something about the world and themselves, but that they ask questions because they want to copy behavior, they always copy behavior, because they want to be similar to other people. Children want to be just like ‘grown-ups’, remember? And when they finally grow-up, then that person doesn’t use his capabilities to question things for himself or about the world, but wants a boss who is doing the questioning for him. You can see such behavior everywhere. And this is why propagandists have such an easy time of fooling people and letting them do things that are against their interest. They make a template, say it’s useful and true, let some famous people or politicians repeat that template, and it all starts to move in the direction that the propagandist likes it to go. Fortunately there are always exceptions to this rule, and they are the ones who are the salt of the earth, and they can change the direction that something moves to. But don’t expect that they will be broadcasted by the propagandists,… Read more »

Jan 24, 2021 8:46 AM
Reply to  Willem

And then there is also the way of learning from suffering. It is not my preferred way, and I feel sorry for people who can only learn from suffering, but it seems that this is the way how the universe is build. People can only learn from suffering. If not, why are we still in this covid madness, and are there people (and there are many people) who for instance happily join the line for covid ‘vaccination’?

Jan 24, 2021 3:52 PM
Reply to  Willem

I prefer to learn from the suffering of others. It hurts less.But it’s possible to learn by questioning or just paying attention too.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 24, 2021 8:28 AM

Actually, people’s belief that they have no control over various decisions comes from their erroneous belief that the only two voting choices they have are the Democrats and the Republicans, the schizoid deity controlled by the same puppet masters. The first choice they have is to organise a party independent of big donations. To choose candidates who are not multimillionaires, rather hard-working, honorable, decent people of reasonable means. They start by doing this in local and state elections, because that is much easier to monitor, organise and control. They set a target of recruiting 20 million members, all paying $1000 or less a year in contributions over a 4 year cycle. Once they achieve that, they can demand representation in media debates for a Presidential candidate and can sue the networks into oblivion right the way up to the Supreme Court if they refuse to agree. When they sue the networks, they are not interested in them backing down, they are interested in bankrupting them, putting them off air permanently, out of business. Why? Because the MSM was not interested in democracy and decency, only in being paid whores. They create a series of priorities which target the majority 97%, not the top 0.01%. They make it clear that the price of doing business in the USA is NOT offshoring profits. You want to live in a tax haven, set up your business there. You won’t earn $200bn in Belize without doing business in the USA…..and you won’t do business in the USA without paying corporation tax here. It doesn’t have to be punitive, it has to be a FAIR SHARE. They make it clear that tax avoiders can never speak to elected representatives and any third parties trying to speak on their behalf will be disbarred for life from… Read more »

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 24, 2021 10:49 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

If America’s problem is having only two parties, then what’s Europe’s problem? Germany, for example, has about five major parties, but except for the somewhat erratic AfD, they’re still all the same on every important issue.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 24, 2021 1:40 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Hello Rhys Jaggar: There are a number of excellent suggestions in your post, but none of them will become a reality any time soon. (Sorry to say)
The problem with creating “organizations” to solve alleged Problems, IS the primary problem. People need to realize that a situation is only a situation until they create a problem out of it…

Organizations don’t give a damn about individual situations, solutions, or individual responsibilities. Organizations only address the function of continuing the agenda of keeping the organization viable. Despite all the feel good rhetoric, that becomes the only consideration, every. single. time.

The organization will hire legal mouthpieces to protect legal status, and employ a gaggle of press agents and advertisers, which blather on and on about the last six months of “progress”. Next fiscal year, they’ll begin another fund drive designed to pilfer more money out of people’s wallets. The beat goes on and on. Year after year. Decade after decade.

The solution to nearly every monetary and social infringement of human freedom, can be attributed to the backwaters and boardrooms of corporate oligarchy. My suggestion is simple: BAN ALL CORPORATE syndication from legal existence and make it PERMANENT on an international basis. That would be an excellent start toward a real “Great Reset”…

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jan 24, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

If Russia chooses to screw the first honest American offer in 40 years, they will have shown themselves up to the world. It would be a great shame if they did….

The U$A has done absolutely NOTHING to change their credibility, in fact Lavrov indicated that the U$A is “agreement incapable” 4 years ago. So all of a sudden, IF ‘Murica becomes “woke”, virtue signals self-absolution of sins and it becomes incumbent on Russia to assume the next ‘Murican change of spots is bona fide?

Other than that, great ideas, but that will have to come after the Civil War 2.0.

Jan 25, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Unless every compromised government official can be executed immediately, the fundamental problem (fascism) remains. The USans should be free to determine the means of lynching according to their traditions: scalping, hanging from a tree, burning the person alive at a stake, etc.

Jan 24, 2021 7:54 AM

I suspect they’re not as smart as they or Edward Curtin thinks they are. If they were that smart they wouldn’t still be trying to convince large numbers of people that the CIA didn’t murder their own President and that the moon landings actually happened, would they?. Their latest wheeze is to get fake alternative media pundits to pretend Trump was part of the establishment all along simply smacks of desperation.

Jan 24, 2021 9:49 AM
Reply to  Thom

I agree with the first part but trumpet was an insider who spoke like an insider but in public. Don’t pretend he was some advocate of the people. This article even states trump gave to the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.

Jan 24, 2021 7:26 AM

“They hate freedom.”

I don’t know if propagandists hate freedom, but it would behoove people to take a look within and ask themselves whether they want freedom, are able to formulate what it means, and are willing to do something to achieve it.

I don’t see a whole lot of people around who’d be free. Most people live the life of a slave. They’re enslaved to their own indoctrination, the conventional perception of reality implanted in their heads. The lives people live revolve around what they’ve been brainwashed with, starting with religion, education, career, family – they do all of that shit by following a script written by their slaver.

Few realize that and even fewer have the balls to break free. People are institutionalized (Shawshank Redemption) afraid of the uncertainty of freedom, they prefer the security of the prison. As long as oppression doesn’t go too far, but even then, people are willing to put up with quite a bit of tyranny.

Those who break free are hated by the sheeple, demonized, ostracized, excommunicated.

Despite being touted left and right, freedom is not what spins the wheels of this rather fucked up world. Is an alternative world possible? Are people inherently sheep or is there lion in them too? Dunno.

Jan J
Jan J
Jan 24, 2021 7:42 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Powerful and true commentary on supposed «free» men

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 24, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  Jacques

New lyric: “Freedom is just another word for the first thing left to lose.”

Jan 24, 2021 7:11 AM

I live in the vain hope that Trump Derangement Syndrome, which affects both sides of the obsolete political aisle, will not morph into a never-ending, general POTUS Derangement Syndrome. The weaponization of the 60/24/7 social media news cycle has produced a hysterical personality cult surrounding the leader of the crumbling empire, drowning out necessary scrutiny of actual policies themselves. And by feeling the need to deconstruct the MSM propaganda, whether pro or anti whoever happens to be POTUS, large sections of the alternative media are just as guilty of feeding the presidential personality cult by allowing themselves to remain locked into the MSM’s narrow focus on presidential integrity or lack thereof. It becomes a tar baby that taints everyone.

It’s really not that necessary to go rake through Sleepy Joe Patriot Act’s words with fine toothed comb on a daily basis (even if he actually managed to formulate those words himself). Not because he’s more saintly than Trump and deserves to be treated with kid gloves. But because the function of POTUS is by and large symbolic, and actual policy is decided elsewhere (Wall St., the M-I.C., CFR, etc.). I remember a time, not that long ago, before the advent of social media in fact, when a critical mass of people with a few brain cells to rub together still recognized this.

With a bit of effort we can break the spell, if only to the extent it holds sway over our own lives.

Jan 24, 2021 6:51 AM

O/T Goolag’s YouTube has deleted the video featuring PCR test inventor Kary Mullis, so it is no longer linked to the Off-G article that discussed Mullis’ caveats on the use of his test. Spiro Skouras — We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How: https://www.bitchute.com/video/d7eF5vDATxBq/ There are further clips of Mullis in the following video, from the site of SilView media. HIV – Covid19 – The Coincidence Theory (Upcoming Documentary Trailer) Covid is about to be supplanted by a new cyber scare if you believe the urgent pleadings of Klaus Schwab. This year we will segue from Covid to a new hacking/digital scenario. Our saviours will tell us that they saved us with their Lockdowns, while they ransacked and looted the economy. We will be told to trust them and hold their hand as they lead us into the next stage. A digital ID-monetary system will be the physical aspect of that “trust”. There’s a solid discussion of this on TLAV with Ryan Christian and Whitney Webb. If you’re short of time… I recommend listening from 20 minutes. The recent SolarWinds “hack” involving CrowdStrike and the Nashville explosion involving companies connected to the Dominion Voting Systems election fraud are just a taster, according to their analysis. The players in stage 2 of The Great Reset include: Intel agencies partnering with organized crime syndicates Russia as “look, squirrel” straw man for Israeli tech (Russia-Israeli tech tycoons are often one and the same) See also, Polly: Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/7dwUvMCNXH5U/ Transnational corporate networks extend to U.S. tech & defense Cyber attack will be “worse than Covid” — promises Klaus Schwab By targeting banks this ushers in new digital “store credit” Big tech & defense-surveillance capitalists lock down the monetary system. Just as Event 201 in 2019… Read more »

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 24, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

For now at least, the Kary Mullis clip is still available on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7BEyMO5Un2Cc/

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 24, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Thanks for this, I have updated the piece with your link. A2

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 24, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No problem!

Jan 25, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This faux cyber pandemic is how they precipitate the enforcement of a global ID, mass censorship, digital payment, and the vaccination (depopulation) program.

In order to really sell this, an economic crash of monumental proportions will probably be the key.

They forced everyone to stay home and use up all their savings, now the second stage of the complete impoverishment of the middle and working class is on the horizon. If that’s done through a faux bank hacking where people’s accounts are wiped clean, and the market crashes, then that’s ideal for them.

Governments can declare bankruptcy and then the central banks can step in and pick up public assets and offer people UBI upon condition of relinquishing private ownership of land, assets and property.

Since the global currency reset is real, and the website for that was registered by the Drug Enforcement Agency mid 2020, I would expect this year to be one of complete economic devastation, particularly for those of us stuck in the 5eyes countries.

Jan 25, 2021 11:44 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

What happens to the digital money, IDs, etc. after a vast hack, EMP attack or solar CME?

Jan 25, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  mgeo

There is no hacking or EMP attack. They can turn off power grids and pretend there was an EMP attack. It’s always THEM. Pretending these attacks are real in order to precipitate the global ID, Digital payment system.

They create the Crisis in order to instigate the ready solution.

Terror attacks and hacking is the government. Viruses aren’t real. Vaccines create injury and disease to profit pharma at both ends. Climate change is geoengineering and massaging temperature stats. The war on cancer is a way to make billions on chemo drugs that kill, and the war on drugs is fake, because the government is in cahoots with organized crime and the banks who launder the money. And all the wars are staged to kill populations. All of it is racketeering.

Jan 26, 2021 7:13 AM
Reply to  Researcher

“global ID, Digital payment system”
My question stands. What happens after genuine destruction of the hardware or data, even if it is due to a bungle or excess complexity?

Jan 26, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  mgeo

There is no destruction of the hardware. It’s all faked. They only “claim” there is hacking or an EMP attack. They are not destroying anything. They may take down the power to us and only us for three days (since that number is in the Bible). There is no complexity because there is no cyber-pandemic. They just want to steal AGAIN and they create fake crises in order to commit theft.

They announce there is a hack. It’s not real. It’s just them transferring wealth. All mayhem is staged except for what we physically experience. Inability to use a credit card. No gas at the pump. Supermarket shelves empty. That’s real. But everything else the government claims is a lie. Governments lie. All the time.

Seems to me they are recreating the End Times Scenario. Plague. Famine. Armageddon.

Jan 27, 2021 5:27 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Read up on what a solar coronary mass ejection will do to all electric and electronic infrastructure and devices, and to civilisation.

Jan 27, 2021 5:37 AM
Reply to  mgeo

We are in a solar minimum for the next 70 years.