Locusts; or A Tale of Monstrous Foolishness
Catte Black

One day in a land far away and a time long gone a Priest came to where the Many were tending their crops and livestock and said…
“There are locusts coming and we must prepare!”
“But locusts come every year and all the years gone by”, the Many replied, “It is always so, why must we prepare?”
“These are not the locusts of all the years gone by,” the Priest said, “these are new and terrible locusts that I call by a New Name. We must prepare.”
“What do these new and terrible locusts with the New Name do?” the Many asked in great fear.
“Why,” said the Priest, “they consume a portion of our crops and then move on.”
The Many trembled in dread.
“But this is what locusts always do”, one man of the Many said, “why must we prepare this year when we never have before?”
The Priest regarded the one man of the Many.
“Did you not hear me?” he said. “These are not the old locusts of years gone by, these are new and terrible locusts and they have a New Name. We MUST PREPARE.”
“But what do the new and terrible locusts with the New Name do that is worse than the old locusts of years gone by?” the one man said.
“Why, are you a fool?” the priest cried. “Did I not tell you they consume our crops and then move on. We MUST PREPARE!”
“Yes, we must prepare!” cried the many in unison, though they did not know what this required.
“I do not understand”, the one man of the Many persisted, “do these new and terrible locusts look different from the old locusts of years gone by?”
“I have not said that,” the Priest replied.
“Do they consume more of our crops than did the old locusts of years gone by?”
“I have made no such claim,” the Priest replied.
“Then if the new and terrible locusts do not look different from the old locusts of years gone by and do not consume any more of our crops than the old locusts of years gone by, how are they new and terrible?”
At this the Priest grew wrathful with a priestly wrath.
“Who are you little man to put others at risk with these questions? Have I not told you these are new and terrible locusts and HAVE A NEW NAME?”

And the Many turned to the one man and said “Yes, fool, do not put others at risk with these questions. The Priest has told you – the new and terrible locusts HAVE A NEW NAME! Be silent in your foolishness and let the Priest tell us how we should prepare.”
And then they turned as one to the Priest and knelt before him and begged: “Oh wise one, tell us how we must prepare against the new and terrible locusts.”
So the Priest stood before them and said…
“I have spoken with great minds and with the gods, and they have told me the only way to prepare against the new and terrible locusts is to wear these hats of Monstrous Foolishness…”
…and he held a hat aloft of such exceeding monstrous foolishness that the Many were dismayed…
“Oh great one, how will the wearing of these hats of Monstrous Foolishness save us from the new and terrible locusts?” they cried.
“The great minds and the gods have studied the question and that is sufficient”, the Priest replied. “All those who have care for others will wear these hats and together we will save ourselves from the new and terrible locusts.”
The Many looked at one another and saw the wisdom of the Priest’s words, and willingly placed the hats of Monstrous Foolishness upon their heads and went back to tending their crops and their livestock, happy that they had been saved.
~ * ~
The next day the Priest came back to where the Many were tending their crops and livestock and wearing their hats of Monstrous Foolishness and said…
“Alas, I have spoken further with great minds and with the gods and they tell me the wearing of the hats of Monstrous Foolishness is not enough to save us from the new and terrible locusts. More is needed”.
The Many turned to the Priest in great alarm and cried, “oh wise one, tell us what we must do! to save us from the new and terrible locusts”
“It is this”, the Priest said, “to save us from the new and terrible locusts you must burn your crops to the ground before they can be eaten!”
“Thank you oh wise one!” the Many cried.
“Wait”, the one man of the Many said, “how will burning our crops to the ground before they can be eaten save them from the new and terrible locusts?”
“Foolish one,” the Priest answered, ” do you not understand the new and terrible locusts will pass us by if our crops are all gone?”
“But”, said the man, “you said to me that the new and terrible locusts will eat no more than the old locusts of years gone by.”
“That is true”, said the Priest.
“So, if we let the new and terrible locusts eat their fill and move on we will still have most of our crops as in years gone by, but if we burn them to the ground we will have none”.
The Priest sighed and the Many sighed also, following his example.
“Do you care nothing for those whose crops will be eaten if we do nothing?” the Priest asked in indignation.
“Do you care NOTHING for the crops that will be eaten?” echoed the Many, in great indignation for the callousness of the man.
And they went into their fields and burned all their crops to the ground so that a portion would not be eaten by the new and terrible locusts.
“But what will we do for bread,” asked the man, “now all our crops are burned to the ground?”
The Many looked troubled at this, for truly that question had not occurred to them. They turned to the Priest for answer.
“Sacrifices must be made, in times of need”, the Priest said.
“Yes”, the Many agreed, finding he spoke the very words they had in their own minds, “sacrifices must be made – and at least we are now safe from the new and terrible locusts!”
“I see the Priest has not burned HIS crops to the ground,” said the one man of the Many, “why is this?”
The Many turned to him at this and said “be silent, fool, enough of your nonsense, the Priest has spoken with great minds and with the gods and he knows best how to save us from the new and terrible locusts. All praise to our Priest and his wisdom.”
~ * ~
Next day the Priest came back to where the people were wearing their hats of Monstrous Foolishness standing in their burned fields and tending their livestock and said…
“Alas, I have spoken further with the gods and great minds and they tell me wearing the hats of Monstrous Foolishness and burning the crops to the ground is not enough to save us from the new and terrible locusts! We must also slaughter all our livestock and let their blood water the earth”.
“How will slaughtering livestock and letting their blood water the earth save us from locusts?” the one man of the Many asked.
The Many were indeed somewhat troubled by this new question and they turned to the Priest for answer.
“Do you not hear me say these are new and terrible locusts?”, the Priest said in his kindly voice. “Do you not understand that new ways must be found to save us from them?”
The Many looked relieved at this and found, once again, the Priest had spoken the very thoughts in their own minds. And so they willingly slaughtered their livestock and let the blood water the earth and rejoiced that they were now finally saved from the new and terrible locusts.
~ * ~

The Priest came a fourth time to where the people were sitting in their burned fields newly watered with the blood of their livestock, wearing their hats of Monstrous Foolishness, and he saw some were dead or dying.
“Alas,”, he said, “because of the incursions of the new and terrible locusts, we now have no bread and no meat and no milk, and even the wearing of the hats of Monstrous Foolishness, the burning of the crops and the slaying of the livestock has not been enough to save us, for see how many are dying.”
At this there was great fear and despair among the Many.
“Oh woe,” they cried, “truly these new and terrible locusts are a deadly scourge for look how many people are now dying despite all that we have done!”
And they turned to the Priest and begged “tell us oh wise one what must be done to save us from the new and terrible locusts that are killing us despite all we have done!”
“Truly”, said the Priest in great sadness, “this land is so scorched and devoured by the new and terrible locusts that nothing remains to be done but to leave our old lives behind and begin again in a new state of equity. You must come to my compound where I will protect you. I have a little food in my own storehouses, which you may have a portion of if you work for the common good by cleaning my house and tending my crops and livestock”.
“Thank you oh wise one!” the Many cried, and prepared to follow the Priest to the safety of his compound.
“Wait”, cried the one man of the Many, “it was not the new and terrible locusts that took away our food, it was us at your command, and now you want to make us your slaves?”
The Priest shook his head in pity, and the Many followed his example.
“What must be done with such persistent ignorance?” he demanded.
“Terrible persistent ignorance”, agreed the Many in unison.
And the Priest said:
“Do you not understand, that if we had NOT worn the hats of Monstrous Foolishness and burned down our crops and killed our livestock the new and terrible locusts would have made things far, far worse than they are now?”
“How?” asked the one man of the Many.
The priest chuckled and the Many followed his example.
“Why, simple fool, because the new and terrible locusts are new and terrible and have a NEW NAME!”
“A new name!” the Many echoed looking in disbelief at the one man who did not understand what this meant.
And then they turned and filed into the Priest’s compound in their hats of Monstrous Foolishness, to work for the common good by tending the Priest’s crops and livestock and cleaning the Priest’s house and singing songs of hope for their new beginning that the Priest’s scribes had written for them to sing.
Meanwhile, the one man left alone in the barren and bloody fields set out alone to find another path and sing his own songs.
~ * ~
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What a brilliantly perfect allegory for what those planning and executing the “great reset,” beginning with the covid hoax have in store for us all. Create and implement a great fear, get the population to abandon common sense submit to a host of silly restrictions on their behavior despite the obvious fakery of it all. Hats off to this so perceptive and imaginative author. If only more people could grasp the true nature of the oligarchy that seeks to render us all slaves.
This is one of the most ridiculous things that I’ve ever read! It has no connection to reality or facts. It’s just…..stupid. You’re trying to equate wearing masks to reduce the spread of germs to wearing stupid hats? Really?! To closing businesses and schools with environments conducive to the spread of germs being comparable to burning your crops and slaughtering your livestock?
No, she is not equating this with something as simple as wearing masks. You missed the whole point. No surprise there. She’s equating the “New SARS virus” with the “New and Terrible Locusts with a “NEW NAME”. How can you not see that? You are one of the Many for sure.
The shills have arrived.
I’m not quite sure if you escaped from the lunatic asylum, or whether you really are a ‘useful idiot’… evidently, stupidity is your forte.
Quote from Jacques Attali’s book:
Jacques Attali is an adviser to Francois Mitterrand (former President of France) and wrote this in 1981.
“The future will be to find a way to reduce the population. We will start with the elderly, because once a person is over 60-65 years old, he lives longer than he produces, and this makes society expensive.
Then the weak and then the useless, who do not contribute anything to society, because it is becoming more and more stupid.
Euthanasia refers to these groups; euthanasia must be an essential tool for our future societies, in all cases.
Of course, we will not be able to execute people or organize camps. We will get rid of them by letting them believe that it is for their good.
Too large and largely unnecessary population is economically too expensive. Socially, it is much better for the human machine to stop abruptly than when it is gradually confused.
We will not be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine that!
We will find or cause something; a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the elderly or the elderly, it doesn’t matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb.
The dumb will believe and want to be treated. We will make sure that the treatment is planned, a treatment that will be the solution.
So they will make the selection of idiots themselves: they will go to slaughter on their own. ′ ′ ′ ′
This fragment is collected in his book “A Brief History of the Future” published in France in 2006.
Are you serious. You can’t see the metaphor of all that we have been lied to regards Covid No. 3,345 the tyranny and lies bestowed up on us and the people’s compliance to take orders because “it’s for greater good of all us” even though its another version of something we have had since day dot. Who is benefiting from all the manipulation of data, statistics and lies ?
Please reread it, it is a perfect metaphor for what has happened to us. The greatest crime ever committed to humanity.
This makes no sense.
The parable was good stuff.
However there has been far too little discussion of the only real prophet I know of – George Orwell. His magnum opus 1984 predicted all this. I understand the Wayback machine intends to dig into history and bring it up to date. This was the protagonist Winston Smith’s full time job.
A Quote
Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen.
Very well written!
How can the sheeple not see this?
They are 60% Young souls and another 30% mature souls on the cusp who are about to learn some serious life lessons!
There are many others, Ray Bradbury for instance. Brave New World and We are also fantastic. Remember, humans are much easier controlled through placation than fear, fear just smoothens the edges when you provide for a complicit society.
Monstrous Foolishness ?
Or is it coldblooded genocide ?
Both…I sadly discern
Excellent ! Thank you.
I think it’s very lovely and I enjoy very big. Thanks of the written article. I’s good read!…
It would be nice if I could believe they intended to leave the non-believers alone, but some of the Many are calling for a burning of the heretics…
Is this story about pope Francis and Trump?
Trump has a song.”The best is yet to come”.
Bezos is just the tip of the iceberg.
A story about Gates and Fauci
People still haven’t realized Trump screwed them and left them with the bill. I apologize for them.
Great allegory, Catte.
Great story and I have read this as a bedtime story once already. The story might have opened with the WHY – Why did the Priest force the peasants to lose everything over the NEW locusts?
“The Lords of the regions called the Priests to their court and said they needed to take over all the peasants’ land. However they could not just take the land and remove them, the peasants had to give up their hold on their plots voluntarily. So the Priests came up with a Plan.”
7 dead in a Spanish aged care facility. The great advantage in having a bankster controlled global media monopoly is that you can stop counting and reporting. They stopped counting when the count reached 33 in Norway, 55 in Gibraltar. I would advise anyone with investments in aged care facilities to divest.
Truth. They also stopped counting the locusts with the old name when they started counting the ones with a new name. They could’ve solved the problem by simply renaming the new locusts “Influenza” and the “Common cold”.
One day, I hope, old folks will be asked by their adult children, “Why did everybody let a Marxist revolutionary (Tedros) destroy global capitalism and not say anything?”.
It is more complicated than that. “Right wingers” like Bojo, Drumpf, Scumo and Modi are driving the plandemic as vigorously as Scuomo and Newscum. As is corporate religion, the alleged mortal enemy of Marxism. The sad fact is that capitalism and “communism” are just opposite sides of the bankster coin.
Trump ran effective interference. COVID-1984 resistance would have been swept aside early, otherwise. Every significant economy is politically and socially compromised but in the critical first year ran without the full enforcement muscle of the U.S. to seal the deal.
Given the extent of the mass surrender to globalist financiers, its clear that the Deep State for whatever reason has significant mass support as well as elite support.
Presumably short-sighted carrots lured left-ists (as opposed any genuine left) in society hoping for more social status, power and ‘free’ money, as well as rights-ists buying the dip for more free money, with no thought given to losing social leverage.
Opposition to COVID-1984 is better organized and dug in thanks to Trump and the Trumpian movement.
Something like this?
Or the people wouldn’t have had an excuse not to fight it. He set up the Biden ale oop. Insurrection act? How quickly did they use it? Come on man. 1 big club.
Hopefully my reply will eventually appear.
Why? Guvmint screwels. Unionized Guvmint screwels indoctrinated 2 or 3 generations of American kids to believe that socialism/communism are better than capitalism. Now they vote. The kids with minds of mush did not bother to look around and see that our capitalism has produced more than all the other socialist/communist nations of the world combined. Our small capitalist USA with 5% of the world population has produced more Nobel prize winners, more Olympic gold medals, more patents, than all the rest of the world’s nations combined.
It is also likely that the virus hoax was a planned plot to take down the USA, capitalism, Trump, etc likely involving communist China, the WHO, the EU, the billionaire powers that run the world (we know who they are), the UN, climate scientists, leftists, etc. These people are all convinced that climate change is going to destroy the earth, so there is NO LIMIT to what they would do to stop the world economy so less CO2 is spewed into the atmosphere. Thus, their goal was not just to take down the USA, but also the entire world economy; but foremost was the USA because we refused to sign onto the Paris Agreement. So we now have communists in control of the USA. The USA, the light of freedom for the entire world was extinguished at noon on January 20, 2021.
USA: Born July 4, 1776; Died January 20, 2021. RIP.
A tad cynical Catte.
And your objection to that is?
There was nothing in Catte’s story other than straight-forward reporting of facts, in a fanciful (fresh) fashion.
I loved it! As creative and well executed as:
A friend of mine who will be having a surgery soon in the UK now by law has to quarantine for 14 days before. He received a letter from the hospital to start quarantine on a certain date. Then 6 days later to come to hospital for some tests for a few hours, and then to return home again to finish his quarantine! So either the medical profession is totally dumb, or criminal, i.e. knowingly maltreating people and making fools of them: what kind of quarantine is this when in the middle you are told to take public transports and break the quarantine?
I’m having an op 2 weeks today. I have to “be extra careful” for 10 days prior but must go to the hospital on the Tuesday prior to ensure I am free of “Covid” and MRSA.
What assurance do I get that THEY maintain the same level of decontamination ?
In other words, the peasants preferred being duped by a stranger than trusting one of their own
Preferred to not listen to their instincts, common sense or those amongst them that had that and critical thinking.
In Ancient Greek terms, they ignored the Goddess Athena and listened to a Demon.
Then in a Greek tragedy, they deserved everything that ensued including their ” NEW ” slavery to that Demon
So what does that tell us about this little ignorant fear bound community?
In some future History lecture hall the question would be asked, why did such a community become so self destructive?
Actually, the peasants were already mentally and spiritually ruined. There were two catastrophes recently. The second one was covid 1984. The first one, which the second depended on for it’s existence, was the dumbing down of the people. Making tv your God is a bad idea.
Recognising Ones deepest “kNowing” and that deepest “knowing of others , namely “THE truth” is like connecting with the greatest friend you could ever wish to have! Now is the hour, for it is said “it is THE truth that sets you you free” and NOW IS THE HOUR”! Also “He who hesitates is lost,!!, step on the escalator that takes you higher to somewhere safe! There is another saying “come up to where the trouble isn’t,,
If people actually paid attention to the truth, they’d notice that truth chains them to reality…
Truth has very little to do with being free…
What a load of twaddle, before you make meaningless statements like that, you will first have to define reality and free, both relative statements…with which ,better minds than yours have wrestled.
however truth in its purest sense is indeed universal.
I’m referring to the completely worn and amorphous quote: “The truth will set you free.” A comment which is twaddle in the first degree, regardless of who delivers the quote.
Truth binds the believer to a speculation that is never free… Get over it.
We all make mistakes sometimes. This is one by you Paul.
Re-iterate. Multiple choice.
“Man will never be free until the last king / puppet “politician / bankster / oligarch / deep state useful asset is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
— Denis Diderot
Or maybe until he gains the discernment to avoid easy solutions, attractive maxims and stops blaming others for his misfortunes
“Man will never be free until the last king / oligarch / puppet is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
— Denis Diderot
awesome quote
That’s actually about how it will happen, according to the Christian Bible (‘not’ as explained by false Christians). Organized religion (all denominations) will soon be completely erased by the very secular authorities (“kings”) that she (a harlot) has been having relations with and believes is her illicit partner. Then those kings will dealt with (along with all who chose to side with them). Look for the WHO to initiate some sort of anti-religion action. That is when you know things are going to move fast and they will not end in any fashion that people like Klaus Schwab will like. The Christian Bible talks about the time period of that. It’s referred to as “one hour.” So it will be soon, short and furious and then this perverted and cruel world will be over. And boy is it perverted and cruel! Our ‘benefactors’ in power are suffocating, poisoning, strangling and raping us to death. (That’s close to the title of my next blog post.)
Oregon OSHA is set to make workplace COVID restrictions, including enforced mask-wearing, permanent:
They are having a series of public hearings for this in late February and early March. You can register for these here:
These permanent rules also require ’employers to cooperate with public health authorities that ask to arrange for vaccination in the workplace.’
I am an essential worker who is forced to wear a mask all day, even though I am not interacting with the public and have only brief and distanced interactions with my coworkers. This is creating a workplace environment that is rife with fear, panic, anxiety, and division — in other words, an environment that’s not at all conducive to public health. These measures are an attack on bodily autonomy and the working class, and must be a real nightmare for labor organizers. Interesting that our heroic billionaires have accumulated even more billions in the wake of the state’s now relentless assault on workers.
This is horrific. Labor organizers don’t seem to care. What has surprised me is the lack of lawsuits against the fraud and tyranny. Just goes to show that the ACLU was controlled opposition, and the courts and the ABA are corporations owned by the cartel, just like the AMA.
Took a blood test while wearing an N95 mask. Blood CO2 level was slightly above the maximum normal range. I wonder if there are any adverse effects from long-term high CO2 levels caused by wearing masks?
Hope they don’t force you to get the vaccination if you don’t want it. If the vaccine is effective, then if you get it, you should not care if others don’t get it, right? Otherwise the vaccine is pretty much useless.
Speaking of idiocy from Oregon, how about teaching kindergartners about Climate Change and having a big bureaucracy in the public schools to push it on them from kindergarten thru 12 grade?
Of course there are MUCH worse things they are being indoctrinated with in US public schools. How about teaching them HOW to read, write, do math, history, etc instead of teaching the WHAT to think? It’s criminal child abuse.
Leftism has destroyed our nation. Sad.
Totally agree with your last paragraph Reverse Nost.
That is the one good thing to come out of ‘home schooling’.
We have concentrated on the things that matter.
Our children are more advanced now in reading, writing, maths, history, geography, science, nature, and critical thinking, plus we have added chess and yoga to the ‘programme’. We have shelved all the political shiite, and there is NO mention of covid. Their time is filled with learning life skills, fun and games as recommended by the Montessori method of schooling.
Not looking forward to ‘going back’ and being brainwashed.
No matter what the “priests” said and say:
I didn’t have the Scam-09 vaccine, I haven’t had one flue vaccine and I’m not as in absolutely not having the Scam-19 vaccine!
In the midst of our flourishing New Age of Enlightenment, australian PRIESTS are hard at work in the background to spearhead a revolution in progressive thinking and actions: they want the MANY to have the right to DISCRIMINATE on RELIGIOUS GROUND, where for example, a doctor or pharmacist will be legally entitled to refuse to provide treatment if they don’t like what they perceive as the patient’s belief. Similarly, a landlord may not want you to live on their property if your belief system is not on their white list.
AND at the same time, these sh-t-filled dinosaurs are sending warships to impose our DEMOCRATIC VALUES on China!!
The future is bright with F-cking Morons like this in power.
I’ve been wondering that since communists took over the USA on January 20, when is China going to take over many Western Pacific nations including Australia? The Aussie government took away the peoples second amendment defense tools; will not be much to stop a hostile take-over.
Commies haven’t taken over anything in the USA.
Use your brain.
No military plane or AF1 for Biden.
No proper military presidential 21 gun salute for Biden like Trump got at inauguration and Trump got the full 21 gun salute at farewell.
Fake white house.
No saluting from military personnel.
NG turning backs to Biden
Pentagon telling Biden’s team to PO.
Bezos and many other ceo’s stepping down.
Bezos will go bankrupt and MIA soon.
Too many MSM watchers here and not enough who use logic and reason.
Biden has no power. All you see him do is sign fake EO that have no standing.Have you seen him do anything else.
Apparently you missed the recent article about the new SecDef calling a service-wide “stand-down” to ferret out “political extremists” (IOW, finish the purge of all non-woketards that Obama started). No different from the USSR military, which had a “zampolit” (political officer) in every unit to enforce Party orthodoxy.
Excellent allegory. Just look at what’s happening in Western Australia this week, one person working at a quarantine centre tested positive for covid, so the entire south west of the state, with an area much larger than Great Britain, with a population of 2,000,000 are forced into hard lockdown, (house arrest) with only four reasons to leave the house, shopping for essentials (only large chain stores allowed to open), medical appointments, 1 hour of exercise in you immediate area only, providing care for a disabled/elderly relative. Masks are mandatory every where outside your front door, with very few exemptions, (under 12 yo, or swimming, the government want the privilege of water boarding us), non compliance is $1,000 fine. Temperatures are around 37C that’s around 100F, so you can imagine how comfy that is walking around the streets with a mask on. All pubs, cafe’s and small shops closed, everyone is working from home that can. All kids playgrounds have been sealed off and closed, at this time of year with the intense sunlight every day the temperature of most play equipment can leave you with first degree burns, I doubt there are many viruses that would last more than a few seconds in that environment. In four days and tens of thousands of tests not a single extra case. On top of that, mandatory registration (track and trace) was introduced this week, applying to all shops, venues, churches, brothels, etc, actually everywhere outside of a private house. With a $50,000 /12 months jail for non compliance. This tyrannical masterpiece doesn’t even mention covid in its name it’s just the SafeWA app, so it’s obviously intended to be a permanent way of life now for West Aussies, and don’t think the excuse of not having a smart phone will get you out of it, there is a pen and log book at every entrance. I wonder how hard it is to get residency in Tanzania.
the last lockdown lasted for 111 days and the date you went into lockdown was astro aligned so of course they choose imbloc for the 1 case and mercury retrograde period not forgetting ground hound day
and repeat
you’re not just a disinfo troll, you’re also an illiterate moron.
Of course i am, thats why i mention stuff which hardly anyone on the site ever mentions like astrology gematria numerology symbolism astrotheology, naturopathic hygiene and science etc etc
i can start watching u.k shillum and nigel fraud and alex jones and all them lot you watch and be as intelligent and literate as you.
astrology gematria numerology symbolism astrotheology
— because that’s what we really need, more of that khazarian occult bullshit. that will solve everything, it’s totally not disinformation intended to confuse people about the nature of objective reality, even more than they already are.
unfortunately, jewish mysticism is very important to the clowns running the funny farm, bnai brith, masonry it’s all mystery religion or khazar occult bullshit..
the new babylonians, just the same as the old ones, only with I twat tek and monoclonal prick stix.
I wouldn’t say anything is obvious about what their intentions are. Assuming things can be a huge mistake. Thats why I find the whole great rest discussion annoying when we don’t know if they plan for anyone to be alive. What I do know is that they repeatedly misdirect people with lies so I would assume talk of a great reset is the same when the actual plan could be something else like a ground invasion.
At least we know it has nothing to do with the common cold!
Better get a Second Amendment in place. When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is freedom.
Is everyone happy that they voted? They voted for cruel, greedy, powertripping, glory-seeking gangsters, with very, very few exceptions.
Corporate Religion
Corporate Religion has backed the hoax to the hilt. They are no more than the ecclesiastic arm of the central banking cartel.
Exactly! The only difference between corporate priests and the Priest depicted in this little parable, is the corporate priests wear Gucci suits and expensive dresses… Same profit -sea…
I’m sure the Flying Spaghetti Monster will look after all non-beleivers.
Or they can pray harder to the Science to save them.
Another manipulation designed to hoodwink the sheeple and keep the numbers elevated as long as possible…..the 7 day rolling average.
Imagine, as an example, a 7 day period with the following numbers of reducing deaths : 1500, 1400, 1300, 1200, 1100, 1000, 900.
On the last day, the “news” should be a daily death toll of 900. But the 7 day rolling average will have it as 1200.
Clever huh !
The rolling average is a much better indicator, just ignore the first 6 days! If there are spikes (as there is every tuesday) the rolling average smoothes those out . In case you haven’t noticed there is consistent 7 day cycle with the daily numbers so a rolling average is the correct way to interpret the data. this little Utube explains a lot about why vit D works for life healing…..the interconnection between health of gut bugs and immune system…….thus one would have to be nuts to go near anything that is going to play with that…..i.e. the idiot injection….
the people pushing injection obviously have either no idea about peoples real health or are deliberately messing up peoples health……..
Way back last year,there was a brief article on the BBC News website saying that GP’s were going to give out free Vit.D on the NHS….the reason being that they believed it help protect against any virus,covid included…..heard nothing since.
Hello EDITH: All you have to do is look at the general health of these injection pushers. Flabby. Bags under their eyes. Inflamed and blotchy skin from digestive toxins. I hope they die very soon…
Dr. Vernon Coleman: People who inject ‘covid vaccine’ are war criminals.
NEW “Covid Vaccine” has already killed millions and causes VAIDS. – 1ST SHOT CHANGES YOUR DNA & KILLS THE ELDERLY – 2ND SHOT KILLS 50% WHO GET IT
Thanks for the link, and for introducing me to BrandNewTube.
Bearing in mind that this covid holocaust started with the “shocking” news that old people die. I was wondering if it was possible for the media to generate hysteria over anything at all. Could that flood of panic be produced by the panting announcement that water gets you wet? Hospitals overburdened with people screaming that they have damp clothes. The partitioning off of all toilets and bathrooms. The demand that all drinks be issued in tiny capsules only to be consumed under the most rigorous restriction to ensure no fluid leaks outside the mouth. Ambulances on standby just in case of spillage etc.
This is very well written. I’m not sure your average Covidian would get it though. They’re not the sharpest tools in the box now are they?
This is not a statement to be made lightly but …
I’ve never felt more disgusted with the media than now. I joked about the canonization of Captain Tom. And it’s started now and it’s vastly worse than I could have imagined. The festering sanctimony, the glutinous phony maudlin sermon is now bellowing across the airwaves. And it only goes to show that when the media all snap together in lockstep behind one big story chosen to be the only one permitted, nothing is too low, too stupid, too shameless, too craven, too ludicrously overblown.
I must try and dodge all media for the next …..
Oh God! What’s the point?
Is there an inoculation against this virus?
How sad it is that MSM are going to turn this man’s death into a media circus…….I wish some member of his family would publish an image of this man when he won those medals.
My father would have been 100 now I have a photograph of him at the age of 23…his mission to take troops via a landing craft to the beaches on D-Day. He was an engineer in the Royal Navy.
Tom was always spoken to the way in which you speak to a young child. I hate that more than anything else. He was taken advantage of by MSM and used for their sick own ends to further the ‘jingoism’ surrounding covid-19. I hope they allow him to be laid to rest with the dignity he deserves for all of his achievments.
Well said.
It was hoped for if the MSM are honest( and they never are).
When they found Tom it was as they were floundering about trying to make every outside broadcast sound all ‘gloom and doom’. They all had to be in slow motion, in the dark, with that ‘ all hope is lost’ tone. It was becoming more pathetic by the day. Then someone found Tom.
Someone had old Tom ( 100 ) do ( 100) laps of his garden ‘for charity’. The only clause- you must wear ‘war medals’ so the public equate heroism, fake pandemic, and war with one view .
Old Tom didn’t really care. He was raising cash and ‘awareness’ so it’s a good cause. The media had their poster child( a rather elderly) one.
Let’s face it, you don’t expect someone to reach 100 years old. So, if you do catch them, there’s an above average chance the pandemic will still be blanket bombing us so his death can be a timely reminder ;
‘‘look at old Tom; he fought for your freedom; he fought for the war against covid; and you won’t even have a vaccination”.
Old Tom was a hero. A genuine hero who was sent, like millions of his brothers, to fight a war on behalf of lying politicians and greedy bankers. He lived as a pensioner in the country he fought for and saw the deprivation and neglect of his age group whose bravery and heroism stopped being of value once the war had been won. But old Tom survived that war too.
Unfortunately, his last foe was a seemingly harmless, helpful , smiling ‘ rescuer’. Old Tom trusted him. So he rolled up his sleeve…
R I P Tom.. You won’t be forgotten. Neither will what killed you.
Plus they gave him a holiday in Barbados at Christmas when we were all worrying about whether we would get to see our loved ones or not. Going from 17 degrees to 35 degrees can’t have done a lot for his health.
And of course he could not have been expected to die at 100????
Turn off the TV! (unless it’s football…) Do not read a newspaper! If someone starts going on about what they saw on the ‘news’ tell them you don’t listen to lies and propaganda. Simples….
I hear you,I hear you.Don’t get me wrong,ANY death is a sorrowful thing and I have much respect for Captain Tom….but…it’s just tooo sickly,this falling over to pay homage and now we have a call to clap on our doorsteps for him…..
Great to read something by Catte again.
On theopolitics, I was sent a link to Russell Brand’s videos on the Great Reset. His solo talks seem to average around 250-500 thousand views, this one (his second on the GR) is close to a million.
Russell seems a bit confused about the distinction between concepts of ‘conspiracy’, ‘conspiracy theory’ and general anti-capitalist critiques. He quotes Naomi Klein extensively and takes the line of “just because the Reset is real, doesn’t make the pandemic a matter for questioning” and compares it to climate change in that respect.
What do people make of him ?
I see a mixture of incisive humour and late to the party vapidity.
He’s a millionaire with a lot to lose by questioning the ‘pandemic’ narrative. But anyone who doesn’t is a sell-out IMO, as the Great Reset and the ‘Pandemic’ are inextricably interwoven
Nailed it. He’s perfected that old t-shirt, tattooed, disheveled working class look, though. Just another Hollywood fake ass neo-liberal.
anuver baron
anuver sacha
enough already
yah i agree simon he has a lot to lose sorry ben elton
a lot to lose yah
i think we should all support the brand zion
He is not confused
it did the russel psyop several years back that iconic picture of David icke and noel, Gallagher and brand walking with noel giving 50£ to a homeless guy He always got icke on his many different shows like brand x Russel brand podcasts which used to pull nearly a million a show or more etc
after that Russell did the shit pub tour of half truth movement duty he appeared on Alex Jones then the usual lot he turned down u.k shullium and Richie Allen so funny
any way he Pied Piper u.k movement to vote for labour as Russel never even voted but on that occasion siad every one should.and he launched trews world order world tour on the back of it and it sold out he was hero a person who spoke for the people horseshit
The people behind Bannan took some of his concepts and made it bigger the trump psyop virtually the same template
brand is ok he keeps it at a certain level in between he lets some mayor intel out like kundalini yoga and the names and the tattoos tell a huge story i recon he knows he will get the chop if he tells to much he is the wolve in sheep clothing loved & liked by the smaller person.
He million times better than anything the alt light have put out.
Yeah, I think we can safely put Brand to one side and concentrate on the sincerity and integrity of many more incisive commentators. He’s always been a narcissistic cult anyway imo
Are you all mad?? Everyone’s going on “We’ve got to do something about Covid scam and Reset” and do bog all!
This guy has a huge audience of people that could easily be Covid believers and he’s set out to get them to see sense.
Forget his past and his image, he appeals to the demographic the campaigners can’t reach and is more likely to get a hearing on MSM than any on here. You should be congratulating him rather than picking holes in his comments.
Totally agree. Brand is presenting the Covid BS in a non conspiratorial manner. For example he presented the “Great Reset” not as a conspiracy but a FACT consisting of many rich and powerful individuals trying to make themselves richer and more powerful.
Every tiny little hole in the dam will weaken it and grow bigger as the water flows through.
“concentrate on the sincerity and integrity of many more incisive commentators”
Like whom? Name one?
Not Piers Morgan ffs.
brand a brand
bruver or is it sister of joe anuver brand
next we will be gettin jenny eclair and ben elton
come on toy town lets start the revilotion init
you can believe
his girlfriends a roth deleted
freaks tryin to look like the son of god but this tool is with satan
5 lost souls thin he cool ohh dear
“Just another whore at the capitalist gangbang”
Controlled dishonest fake deceptive twat
Russell Brand: A rebel without a clue…
Interested to read all those replies.
I stopped paying attention to Brand when he did the Fabian Flipflop on Milliband, and then shit on 911 truthers.
I posted the vid (above) merely because it is getting a lot of views, not because I am a consumer of his politics. I am though sure some of his viewers will put together the GR with nacsent scepticism about Covid. That doesn’t really excuse the shiftiness of Brand’s line and his pretend ignorance.
Well, if he went out of his way to attack 9/11 truthers then he is controlled opposition. With awareness of the Great Reset spreading, maybe it’s his job to discourage his viewers from making the obvious link with the Covid psyop. Quoting controlled asset Naomi Klein approvingly is one more excellent reason to doubt his sincerity.
He is a fake establishment stooge, a pied piper for the vaguely aware … a goldsmith lover.
round and round then back in the compound..
Clearly you haven’t watched all the Russel Brand videos? And are stuck with the image he created years ago?
In point of fact the guy is a genius, there is nothing more to say.
Every video has truth running through them. He has taken a look at his life and changed beyond recognition.
(108) The Great Reset – Conspiracy or Fact? – YouTube
If conspiracies are sometimes facts, which they most certainly are, then that makes a nonsense of Russell’s video title. That he sets up such a false dichotomy tells us something from the outset.
He seems keen to distance himself and discourage others from considering the possibility that the Covid pandemic might be exaggerated, fraudulent or of malevolent intent.
There is no clarity of reasoning from him why he takes this line. He just dismisses the concept as ‘a right wing conspiracy [theory]’, as if this is some kind of answer to the hundreds of points of evidence that have emerged over the past year which point to just that being the case.
It seems like a limited hang out.
Superbly written. Well done.
Even for those who believe the virus hysteria the governments own data supports the fact that positive tests rose in autumn with arrival of seasonal head colds. Mortality remained the same.
The rise in positive tests and mortality in December/January coincided with the flu season which has been renamed this winter.
As we move towards spring the positive tests and mortality will decrease in line with seasonal averages.
The excess deaths will be the collateral damage of lockdowns, the cancelled surgeries and the result of the fear narrative being driven by the politicians and the media.
Countries and regions that have had full blown totalitarian lockdowns and those who didn’t have fared exactly the same.
Anti social distancing, masks, closing schools, closing hospitality etc has made no difference.
Any fool can see this.
But of course the political overlords and their corrupt medical advisers will herald the success of their failed policies and the arrival of the vaccine.
Licensed to Kill: Psychiatry, Big Pharma and the State-Sanctioned Drug Cartel
This is quite a story about psychiatry. Maybe they came up with the “covid treatments”. I’d say so like statins is probably a psychiatric drug to take care of the elderly.
“I joined to find help. I have been on benzodiazepine and at least an anti-depressant for the past 23 years. They have tried over 25 different psych drugs on me in different combinations. I finally woke up to the health damage this has caused and found out that I cannot just stop them. I’ve been tapering so slowly. Trying diets and herbal remedies and am only feeling worse than ever. No doctor will help. I’m hoping to find help here.
My son also needs help more than I do. My eyes have really been opened to the evils of psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry…especially this past summer when a hospital literally attempted to murder my son via forced overdose of a neuroleptic and benzodiazepine injections. Thank God I saw him before he died. He was left to die in isolation for 14 hours. By God’s Grace, I was able to see him before he died. Nobody was helping him.
This is what my husband and I witnessed:
Upon entering the room, we see: my son seated, completely rigid, beet red skin, every muscle tightly flexed, back arched, head thrown back, profusely sweating, eyes rolling back in his head, white foam pouring out of his mouth. Every time he struggled to breathe, I heard gurgling sounds. He struggled so hard to get air. I held his hand and said I was there. He desperately tried to talk with white foam and agonizing groans came out of his mouth- every muscle tensed- struggling. This is when I noticed his jaw was clenched tightly shut. He could not talk. Med tech with towel, constantly wiping up white foam pouring out of his mouth. Then, as I looked at him, his right eye began to spontaneously bleed in two places, filling his eye with blood. I asked what is going on. I was told by the nurse to leave. I refused to leave and insisted he get medical help because he could not even breathe. Finally they ended up rushing him to ICU only because I insisted they help him. ICU Documentation: “patient arrived with respiratory failure, kidney injury with rhabdomyolysis (Severe muscle damage), Leukocytosis, dehydration, abnormal EKG’s, Clozapine withdraws (that was forced on him) and more. Labs all completely out of whack and vital organ failure. They had to work on him for 48 minutes to get him to breathe well and to keep him alive. They put him on a bi-pap machine to push out fluids and heavily sedated him with Precedex and Ativan IV drips. He was near death. The psych floor was just letting him suffer for at least 14-16 hours- waiting for him to just die.”
It somehow doesn’t see right to give that story an up vote, but I have. I understand why you are anti-medication. I hope you find peace for your self Sarah
This is genius, but The Many aren’t going to read it here.
Are we allowed to copy the text and paste it into an email to send to the Covid Believers we know? They’re more likely to get drawn into the story with the text in front of them instead of a link.
sure, just add an author credit
and a link, presumably.
I’m not sure why you have two categories for effectively the same thing; it just makes it harder to find relevant articles:
Done, thanks. Also added a kink to this page at the bottom.
It’s the year 2030. There have been 28 thousand variants and 12 billion lockdowns. There are no jobs and no health service. Jeff Bezos owns the world. Someone on the Left says, “Hey …um… you don’t suppose this might be a con?” He is immediately shot down by the rest of the Left.
Can I get a ticket on the Mars flight?
don’t hold your breath.
The Moon has no carbon based lifeforms. Nor any life nor carbon. The perfect model of the green world our new globalist masters will turn this planet into.
they’re still shilling for the 9/11 hoax, after nineteen years of Terror War and associated phenomena. understanding objective reality is apparently not one of their strengths.
I see Captain Tom has died. Since last March and the relabelling of all deaths as tragic unnatural occurrences – and the older the person who dies, the more tragic, we can look forward to a veritable tsunami of anguish. And woe betide anyone who suggests that just because he was 100, this lessens the trauma. No, I reckon he will shortly be canonised as patron saint of the great struggle against covid. Statues erected. Movies made.
This frail human being did not flinch before the deadly pestilence that kept us all horrified. The heroism on display is truly humbling. No need to worry at all about getting fucked up the arse with the collapse of all health services. Who needs these when you spend all your life under the bed? Stay safe.
No, I reckon he will shortly be canonised as patron saint of the great struggle against covid.
You took the words out of my keyboard. I can just see the campaign in the Daily Heil / Fail now, and the headlines after it happens:
“Victory for Mail readers as Pope canonises Captain Sir Tom: Saint Tom blesses you all from Heaven!”
Miracle recoveries from “Covid” will no doubt be used as supporting evidence for his candidacy to the sainthood.
That first line should be quoted, but Off-G wouldn’t let me edit it, even though I tried to only seconds after posting it. *Admins*, why would that be?
Not to worry about Admin, we still got your drift.
It is though, so sad that Captain Tom has been cut down in the prime, but as it seems likely that he is already sitting at God’s right hand, St Captain Tom will be rather appropriate.
The papers say that amazingly, Captain Tom had raised £32 million for the NHS, though you have to wonder down which blackhole that lot disappeared. Come to think of it, the NHS is itself a blackhole and seemingly the more it gets, the less it does. How’s that for progress.
The papers also say, again almost unbelievably, that Captain Tom had been ill for several weeks with pneumonia, just how rare is that. He was they tell us very ill, so it seems that a Covid-19 injection wasn’t required to help speed him on his way.
Great trooper he certainly was and a life well lived.
no idea
Did he catch VAIDS from the godess Vaccinia? Coronas widow.
amazin story i cried spielberg should shoot this not the animals the story
veganism makes you look young look at him amazin
i do hope the germans are still paying him compensation
I wonder if he was given the Covid vaccination. 9 months without any problems, and then dies just when the vac programme is rolled out. conincidence?
My understanding from press reports is that he was admitted to Bedford hospital during the last days of January suffering from pneumonia and his hospitalisation was to assist him in breathing. The family have confirmed he was not admitted to a covid ward but press reports now say he contracted coronavirus – where was unclear. His family were present at his bedside (quite rightly) during his final moments despite Bedford hospital policy not to admit visitors due to coronavirus restrictions for the rest of the community. He and his family recently returned from a holiday in the Caribbean (flights courtesy of BA) when he probably breathed recycled air during the flights – on reflection, probably not a wise undertaking by his family for a man of his age.
For a man of his age, it was probably the best thing he could do.
Do face masks act as nebulisers?
They do exactly what it says on the box Ben, nothing.
“The Pandemic of Panic1 day ago Howard Steen
An excellent German language documentary film released in Jan 2021 which describes in detail how propaganda has been used by governments throughout the western world to deliberately panic and confuse their citizens for the purpose of advancing totalitarian agendas never before experienced on such a global scale.
English language subtitles have been added to the original film as a public service information project to assist peoples understanding of what has been happening during the unprecedented Corona crisis times from Mach 2020 onwards”
(Saw this in a tweet by Ivor Cummins:
Thanks- excellent
An excellent choice and to give some background info on this documentary film produced and narrated by Gunnar Kaiser:
Kaiser is a renowned Cologne based publicist and the victim of de-platform attacks and together with the former longtime columnist Milosz Matuschek of the Zürich NZZ he has produced this film. Matuschek lives in Zurich and he was fired from the NZZ because of his Op-ed , Was wenn am Ende «die Covidioten » Recht haben? (What if in the end “the covidiots” are right?) about the big anti-lockdown demo in Berlin last year.
Both publicists initiated the Appeal for Free Debating Rooms, which opposes Cancel Culture and advocates for free debates.
Open Letter: Let’s free our thinking from the stranglehold (, engl. version)
Matuschek: „All those who continue to support the official Covid narrative now find themselves in the situation that they themselves need this pandemic to survive. It’s about time it broke into 1000 pieces.“
Date: August 18, 2020Author: Gunnar Kaiser
„It is striking and sobering at the same time to see how, in the course of the last year, through fear rhetoric, manipulation, disinformation, lies by omission, erroneous reporting, one-sidedness, uncritical docility, blind trust in authorities, cowardly nodding off, as well as through the devastating silence of intellectuals in the face of unprecedented restrictions on freedom and the suspension of civil rights by means of governing by decree, their silence in the face of the moralistic narrowing of public discourse, the most blatant double standards, and the defamation and muzzling of counter-opinions – how in the last six months a climate has been created in which anything less than acceptance of a “New Normality” already places someone under suspicion of being a Wehrkraftzersetzer.
The immune system of our society, a free and independent press and critical intellectuals who do not take sides, has proven to be extremely weakened. The pandemic has shown us that there are not only precarious but also high-paying bullshit jobs, and that these are currently being performed by our media intellectuals. These have proven themselves not only incapable of defending people’s freedom and self-determination in times of crisis, but even willing to instrumentalize the crisis for their own ideological agenda.
Anyone who warns of a creeping development toward technocracy, bureaucratism and de-substantialized democracy is put in a corner with extremists or risks job and career – an absolute indictment of any society that wants to call itself free and open; and the silence of intellectuals in the face of these scandalous practices and these questionable processes makes them complicit
With the help of this narrative, which can no longer be questioned, policies will be created in the near future that are supposed to produce a great transformation, a Great Reset, a “new normality” that lacks any democratic legitimacy. In a mixture of cowardice, intellectual inertia, arrogant arrogance, opportunism and ideological blindness, intellectuals are once again in history making themselves the stooges of a social restructuring that is as utopian as it is dangerous and whose goal is nothing less than a centralist, dirigiste, planned economy, illiberal and de-democratized world order.
This reconstruction is supported by the intellectuals – apart from their usual hubris and the lack of any “consequential knowledge” (Th. Sowell) – because they like to see themselves as “progressive” and at the same time are obsessed by an almost capitalistic delusion of feasibility – but only related to the powers of a (world) state as strong as possible. What can be done in the crisis must be done (otherwise: KIPPUNKTE!). These progressive intellectuals love to shout “Forward!”, because it sounds fine. – always here with the “Beautiful” New World Order.“
Translated with (free version)
♡ Beautiful analogy. Reminds me of the opposite of “Stone Soup.” Harnessing groupthink for a purpose.
How about Jackson’s “The Lottery”?
Thank you
This is absolutely brilliant, but scarily so very very real.
Not a great idea to take the old boy on a plane abroad. Ah well, he had a good innings and certainly wasn’t cowed by the fear-porn
The rituals they perform on the masses unknowingly
captain tom like major tom ground control helped the nhs psyop and clapping like seals each Thursday night ritual to thor what entity they used the mass’s to appease
for the dummies who participated they had no clue this guy wearing all the medal of honor/horror and pentagram and seals
dies at a century on imbloc hermes god other name is mercury and we are in the retrograde period not forgetting ground hound day and he is a ground ho
g day walking around his fucking garden the whole thing is another day in psyop rituals they perform on the masses daily unknowingly
and he mayor tom captain tom ground control dies of the crown high in the air
sacrificial sacrifice clap clap clap give him another badge of honor for his un knowingly performance
on my ceiling dome
i have imagine of twin peaks sorry tim peaks
uk astro not
captain tom is playing ping pong with stephen hawkins
in truman show town near little america
he ya go some astro intel
here ya go some of the dates they use
is there a shortage of punctuation at your office?
This parable is a treasure; so spot on. I wish I were as optimistic as its author in that the one man was allowed to simply go his own way and sing a new song. History, on the other hand, hasn’t been so kind to those who question “authority”. I held my breath, anticipating that the priest would burn our hero at the stake while the crowd cheered on.
“The Emperor’s New Clothes is better” . . .
The 2020 death numbers for Sweden are out and here’s a thinking human comparing these numbers with previous years:
“You will see that April 2020, supposedly the worst month for the world in hundred years outside wartime, in fact had lower deaths than about twenty other months in Sweden in just the last thirty years.”
Good spot.