You Never Know
David Perez

The other day I called my homie, Big Danny, and asked what he thought was gonna make all this COVID madness go away.
“A comet hitting the earth, and the human race starting all over again,” he said.
“Besides that.”
“A meteor.”
Danny and I have often spoken about Earth’s history of cosmic catastrophes, tales of lost worlds and end times shared by virtually every culture on the planet, how history works in cycles, as the Hopis, among others, have expounded. How the knowledge of the First Nations is as scientific as anything that has come afterward.
A little background before I plow ahead.
Big Danny, a boxing trainer and voracious reader, is my go-to expert on all matters social, historical, economic, and political, and anything in-between. The two of us came of age in the 60s and 70s, raised in the streets of the South Bronx, in New York City, when the ghetto-in-progress ignited on the world stage as an epicenter of mass poverty and relentless arson, where heroin flowed like an oil spill.
Yet it was also an era of deep change, of cultural pride, revolutionary thinking and action, amidst a community that had many shining moments, including the nourishing of Salsa music, and the birth of Hip-Hop.
Danny and I have grown to believe that there are multi-levels of smart: academic, political, spiritual, and intuitive. But especially street smart, that special type of knowing that combines intelligence with survival skills and a heightened sense of detecting bullshit.
Since day one, we’ve both agreed that the official COVID narrative is reeking with bullshit. And if that meant being called a “conspiracy theorist,” we accepted that as a badge of honor.
So there we were, talking about what it would take to end the “crazy-ass shit” going down. After acknowledging (yet another) possible apocalypse, we talked about the Matrix, aka the Mass Media, the corporate-owned entity that manufactures consent, and how there’s already plenty of resistance to the COVID virtual reality. It’s not about what we’re seeing and hearing, but about what we’re NOT hearing and seeing.
This led us to the familiar theme of “you never know.” How you never know what could trigger the type of resistance that changes everything; the power and potential of the seemingly insignificant.
History abounds with small acts that sparked something greater.
There’s Rosa Parks, who boarded a Montgomery, Alabama bus on December 1, 1955 and refused to obey the driver’s order to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus so a white person could sit there.
Parks was arrested for civil disobedience, and her act of defiance, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott that followed, are recognized as pivotal moments in the civil rights movement.
The Occupy Movement began with a September 2011 demonstration in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City’s Wall Street financial district. Initiated by the Canadian social and environmental group/magazine Adbusters, the Occupy Wall Street protest gave rise to a huge, global movement.
There are countless other examples of the “You never know,” and its close cousin: “Who would’ve thought!” And I’m sure readers can cite many of them.
What might permanently shatter the COVID spell? Maybe it’s already happening, a combination of mass demonstrations with a steady stream of the one’s and two’s who have said enough already: a family’s defiant walk in a park, or an unmasked elderly couple waltzing in a public space, or an individual computer programmer developing an “algorithm for liberation” that challenges the censorship of counter-narratives, and undermines the titans of Big Tech.
Maybe it’ll be the power of the Don’t Do. Don’t pay any fines. Don’t accrue any debts. Don’t take the vaccine.
Maybe the mainstream COVID narrative will die a death of a thousand pinpricks.
Hey, I get the “don’t hold your breath” or “people are too far gone” for the resistance to be meaningful and lasting. Most of the time, I feel exactly the same way, waves of despair, anger, deep pessimism, and waiting for that comet or meteor to wash everything clean.
Still, you never know.
David Perez is a writer, journalist, activist, and actor living in Taos, New Mexico.
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There hold is precarious. They have only 2 methods of control. Psychologic with lies, propaganda, and threats of violence,Censorship. Violence
The lack of aggressive pushback from the people does not signify acceptance, just a willingness to put up with minor inconveniences in their daily lives. If they start locking people up for minor “infractions” you will see the family and friends of those people changing their tunes and the groundswell will grow.
The why is mixed in with the how.
5 part series. Drop down to access the other 4.
You can’t make a silk purse form a sow’s ear and LBJ’s (no so) Great Society of never ending dependent orcs by any other name are gonna prove it. When the lights go out (it won’t be long) they’ll be having their (lol) Democrat Leftist friends for lunch by day three.
Spring approaches and everything will be decided. If the herd doesn’t break through its fencing come spring then the herd is doomed. The rest of us with some inkling of consciousness and our BS meters in tact need to goad the herd as we have for the past 12 months and hope against hope that mother nature does the rest. At this stage we all know it is pointless trying to reason with the disgusting woolly mutts but if the mutts start to see that fellow critters are getting sick and dying from their injected diseases masquerading as vaxx…then perhaps the woolly little beasts might begin to get agitated and actually break out of their slaughter pens. But make no mistake, the evil Satanic filth and their political whores are playing for all the marbles this time round. It is indeed their last chance to do so. There will be rivers of blood and not only sheeple blood.
“Just as Gates installed an operating system in our computers, now the vision is to install an operating system in our bodies and use “viruses” to mandate an initial installation followed by regular updates. Now I appreciate why Gates and his colleagues want to call these technologies “vaccines.” If they can persuade the body politic that injectable credit cards or injectable surveillance trackers or injectable brain-machine interface nanotechnologies are “vaccines,” then they can enjoy the protection of a century or more of legal decisions and laws that support their efforts to mandate what they want to do.” Catherine Austin Fitts
Thank you.
And no one even comes close to mentioning why all this is happening. Have you all seen the chemtrails sprayed everyday globally for the past thirty years? They are hiding Planet X. It caused the sinking of Atlantis and the flood of Noahs day. This time it is going to end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to kill 90% of Americans and it is all planned by the criminal bastard governments. It will happen the day of the next false flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran. That same day Russia, China and The whole SCO are going to nuke and invade America.
I’m glad you’re aware of the chemtrails. I’m not sure about Planet x. The best site explaining the weather warfare and biosphere collapse I know is with Dane Wigington.
Umm, have you gone off your meds……………..?
You never know, and who would have thought! One thing is certain ,the future is NOT.
Far far too many have jettisoned their dignity and conscience and meekly got on their knees and begged for their own enslavement. You’re right, because of this snivelling, blind obedience, the psychopaths behind the scamdemic will push even harder.
Don’t WORRY! Our great elected OFFICIALS are always doing what is best for us!
So just OBEY, be FEARFUL and above all…
they are only authorities to fellow abusers and pschopaths.
Even rats learn how to get out of a death trap. Lose faith…you lose all.
What a new Rosa Parks would have to face, and what the Yellow Jerkins face routinely; police violence in the EU$A:
Would a new Dr.King achieve anything through organized non-violence? You never know.
I fear the media have spent all those years since Dr. King died in refining their techniques for ignoring, isolating, marginalizing and disappearing such people.
Knowing the difference between right and wrong is no longer of any importance to the mainstream.
“Since day one, we’ve both agreed that the official COVID narrative is reeking with bullshit. And if that meant being called a “conspiracy theorist,” we accepted that as a badge of honor.”
I like the way you and Danny think. If things keep progressing as they have over 2020, I’m thinking I might run into one or both of you at reeducation camp.
Well it was a bright day on Friday and there were a lot of people (including yours truly) walking or cycling around the park, more than usual, including whole families. I am happy to report that up to 90% were not wearing face-masks.
I’ve just ordered Bruce Fife’s book: Plandemic, mostly to lend out to family members. Selective email mailouts of Plandemic-critical articles has so far met with silence. At my wit’s end.
Is there *anyone* who has been brought around from that programming? I, and the others I know of were onto it right from the start (or decades already). I know two who I would not say are now wise to it, but they have stopped actively being offended by plandemic-critical speech. That’s the best I’ve got. 🙁
I don’t know anyone who has changed their outlook, Marie.
It’s all down to the introduction and the initial moves. Once that has been established and you’re fully booked into a point of view, it’s all basically set out from then on. Granted that also applies to the sceptics – and, being an OffG reader, I was alerted (or, if you’re on the believer side, “brainwashed”) into becoming a sceptic. All I can say to that is that OffG’s premonition about the MSM going into hyperventilating fear mode turned out to be true.
Consequently, it’s difficult for me to imagine the world as viewed from the vantage point of those wound up by and hanging on the MSM. I have frequently pointed out the strange process whereby the propaganda seems to me to be getting more and more desperate and stupid. And I would have thought even the believers are starting to wonder.
But then I think we have a third category. There are those who don’t believe it but just go along with it because they think they’ll have to do so in order to “get with the new normal”. Their attitude is, “Yeah OK covid schmovid. Blah blah infection control. Just tell us what we have to pretend to believe in to get into the new scheme of things.”
Yes, George, I think that’s right. A friend told me “It doesn’t bother me to put the mask on to run into the store”
Some folk are just not that bothered by the C-dance, whether they believe the narrative or not.
A huge number are like that. They just want life as is to go on, no matter how high the price for doing so keep getting jacked up.
Read Wilhem Reich’s writing on the emotional plague. Reich called these types neurotics. I’m trying to find some compassion in my heart for them, but I’d prefer they’d act on what they know.
If anything, I’ve seen more start to participate in the kabuki dance.
I work for what was a small company of 35, that was sold to a larger company last July. New company has come with all the fun of a large corporate entity – lots of meetings, emails of handbooks and org charts and the best – the HR proclamations.
There was no mask wearing in our office until last December. I was on a job site , out if our small office from after Thanksgiving until I returned after New Years.
I return to everyone wearing masks … WTF? When I asked if it was now policy, I was met with embarrassing mumblings from the “compliant”, but no absolute “Yes”. I stay in my office, but when I need coffee, water or nature calls, I proceed maskless and look at my masked co-workers with a sad expression. I think they know what I’m thinking, but they still submit. I really find this bizarre and I attribute it to cowardice.
I tell my wife I feel like I’m in the latest remake of “The Invasion or the Body Snatchers”, very weird.
Yes, I don’t see any let up at all where I live (New England). I am, and have been for months, the only person outside or inside stores that does not wear a mask. As I’ve stated here before, I drive through my own town and 2 or three others on a daily basis. Everyone wearing them.
And now have heard a number of friends who have had the shot.
Yes it is possible. It feels almost hopeless but if it’s someone you see on a regular basis you might have to approach them from where they’re at and repeatedly. If they respect you it helps. You can’t hand everyone the Rockefeller Agenda and expect them to assimilate this right away. Remember a time when you were told something shocking either personal or about the world and how you had to wall it off for a bit but eventually it seeped into your consciousness and you had to bravely face up to it. It’s even harder for the general public now because the propaganda is so unrelenting. When I stand on a street corner with my Free Julian Assange sign alone as traffic races by – I remind myself and my family that if one person is prompted to ask themselves “Who is Julian Assange and why is he not free?” and this person goes on the internet to investigate it is a start. We often cannot know the effects of our words and actions but this does not mean they are futile.
The most hopeful message I’ve read in almost a year. You never know….
The UK Government & media campaign to vilify anybody who shows even the faintest signs of dissent has reached dizzying heights . It is now possible to get a knock on your door from a visiting interrogator tasked with ‘getting your mind right’ about vaccines.
And Covidians continue to be putty in the hands of state behavioural psychologists . No signs of any change as far as I can see.
Rank hypocrisy is nowadays seen as a virtue so now we are treated to a truly laughable display of faux outrage about Alexei Navalny’s freedom of speech by the very same people who have denied Julian Assange freedom of speech for a decade.
To call it Clown world would be unfair to clowns.
Bring on the meteorite. … the bigger the better.
Hi, have you a link to this info please? Is it me, or is it getting harder to see just what *is* happening? I search for some info and its inevitably buried in a hundred irrelevant Items of junk.
Whilst looking, I found the Sep 2020 petition
“Prevent any restrictions on those who refuse a Covid-19 vaccination”. The page includes the gov response which is basically a great big vacc sales pitch.
Hey Zig,
Great comment. I’ve been telling everyone I’ve been beamed to Clown world, but I’m starting to come around to your way thinking … perhaps it is being unfair to clowns.
Gawwdd…. the suburb I’m in today, close to 90% of people walking around wearing that thing over their face. I’m trying a new tack: as passers-by walk past I’m loudly saying: ‘turn off your TV, don’t read the newspapers, and there’s No pandemic, there Never was a pandemic’.
So far, I’ve only had glares or they stare straight ahead and they start going red.
No one’s said a word yet.
Good on you Gezzah. I am doing my bit by writing weekly Letters to my American readers: They place my position exactly in line with yours. I despair of the programming which the elite have managed to perpetrate. We are now in the hands of the mad scientists – they have taken over our government in the name of the Great Reset:
I missed this… Thanks Peter, and appreciate the link. Its mentally hard being out there almost every day seeing the vast majority of people succumbing to the new normal brainwashing. Thank god there are still awake, sane people left!
As Veri Tas above mentioned, and same here: just silence in return. It is unbelievable to me. How on earth are we so few? I have been telling myself that our sparse numbers are another illusion, but seriously?
Thank god for the commenters here and the covid sceptics on Facebook otherwise I’d go mental. I did meet another covid sceptic today as I do most days I’m out selling, but yeah, we’re definitely in the minority.
It is very sad to see how quickly people submit.
I believe it is driven by cowardice. I’m no hero, but I’m simply not afraid of the ‘Rona. On the other hand, if you wear a mask, isn’t it nice that your submission and cowardice can be given cover by other submissive cowards as you and they give each other cover? Moreover, they can simultaneously tell each other how brave they are for following the rules.
To me, there are a lot of folks living in denial for whatever reason.
And the ritual of the mask and hand sanitisers and social distancing are constant reminders of the deadly ‘pandemic’. And the propaganda that ‘staying apart keeps us together’.
When I’m sitting on trains, I’m almost the only person without a facemask on, and in the last few days the voice over the PA system on the train goes:
“this is a friendly reminder that you must wear a fitted facemask over your mouth and nose while travelling on public transport For Your Safety And The Safety Of Others”.
They’ve added that bit about the safety of others a few days back. Hope your week goes well Floyd…
Yes, it seems more of a microscopity where I live. Until yesterday I’d not seen anyone with a whole face in a shop. A lady with “leper” on a sign hanging from her neck at the exit was talking to a shop assistant. I smiled when I passed and then loaded the car. It didn’t seem right, so I went back to check what was going on. She was telling the now two assistants about the plan to cull humanity and her rights under magna carta. Oh no! I couldn’t just leave her, but didn’t want to get involved with that nonsense. I managed to draw her outside and get her loading her car and left. I wish now that I’d got a contact number but it’s not done, is it? I’m going to have to adjust to the new circumstances now that we’re under occupation.
In my most optimistic moments I feel that this Obedience is mask deep for many. I’m a landscaper going all around and talk to many re circus in many different lines of work. I am convinced that just as other totalitarian regimes there are a small number that is amplified by many factors (obv big tek social media big part of this). Regular people not “educated beyond their ability”, especially those producing real value with their labor, understand what is happening for the most part. Macro systems of any kind are highly suspicious to those not directly benefiting from the spoils of war. And of course There’s hundreds of billions spent keeping people in fear.
Good insights! People not being “educated beyond their ability” has been in the works for decades. And there are bigger plans afoot. Check out for the low-down on the global prison and the service sector job openings available in the zombie apocalypse. Hint: they’re selecting for affect NOT intellect.
I do realise (and I am none of these it seems I am permanently banned now from Off_G maybe cos I don’t don’t write too well, and whilst anyone interested can work out my addrees, and where I live – and probably my real full name the number of the house I live in, exactly where I am and live even my age and time of birth – who my first, second, third and fourth wannabbe Girlfreinds over 50 years ago were if they had the slightest interest.
Well Fyck You, I have recently not been that well, and I did go to hospital, and they did all my heart, liver, blood tests for everything…and I admit I was in a bad way…but I passed all the tests, even though I was leaking yellow fluid all over the place..both in A&E, and even under the antibiotic drip waiting to go home
The doctor who was brilliant looked at me, and he looked at my wife, and I kind of had an affinity with him. He knew I would agree with his decision…He saw my wife..
Take your husband home – he will be fine.
Not A1 yet, but still here, thanks to my lovely wife nursing me back to health and our Grandchildren now laughing at me, in my new pyjamas..and my Son says you remind me of The Snowman
I am getting better. I admit I have been pretty rough, and my leg feels like it is Crocodile Skin – earlier hit by Napalm in a Warzone without any pain killers, except when it hit two days later – paracetemol.
Not been to a warzone yet, but it sure as hell feels like I have, except I have got my lovely wife with me….gradually nursing me better and cleaning up all the mess.
I have toelerated the pain, without any morphine or opiates
I just screamed in silence whilst hugging the love of my life – my wife.
I am O.K. now…well better than I was not that anyone else could G A F
“Free – All Right Now”
Glad to see you back Tony.
I like your off topic stories that are actually on topic
Doctors can give life saving therapies and they mean well (on average at least)
They are also gullible and groomed to not think and follow orders (of the protocol). That is not necessarily a bad thing. Only becomes a bad thing if the protocol doesn’t make sense
Stay off the opioids, they are addictive drugs that don’t work, except for rare cases
sounds like you have severe stockholm syndrome. if there is any well meaning medical doctors then they are enablers helping facilitate audacious crimes. if they really were well meaning they would put a very large distance between themselves and the medical cult. having had a medical degree does not add credibility but makes someone a seriously dubious source with a vast amount of indoctrination to overcome.
Abe fede. Faith have a lot of it, patients, circumspection, and docius in fondum last but not least reason logic and didactic thought process and above all critical thought process.
Bit by bit this will all be resolved in the affirmative and against the Kabal.
Perfect example the Slavs trolled the west with being the first one to release it. More to the point mRNA injections are not vaccines per se they are adjunct therapies which tend to enhance Anti body response a nufin else plus it is new technology up to now has been proven to have little to any efficacy once administered. Most rat studies all failed upto now hence the third phase of the new meds are being done now on we the humans like those 24 Norwegian Octogenarians that dropped dead once they got injected. There are copious pier R/V papers all basically stating that mRNA technique has little to be desired.Hence ask ur self the simple question Why did all Anglo-sphere countries and NATO countries take on the liabilities with regards to Big Pharmas initiation of mRNA medications. Smells to subterranean hell and beyond.
The mere fact that western governments are admitting to the fact that PCR tests are not supposed to be used as a diagnostic tool but they have been basing all their medical fascistic statutes on flawed tests is basically admitting to fraud malfeasance and conspiracy from public figures the likes of Schwaub the cob and Gates the walking dead publicly showing their hand from day one of this massive psy-op.
Hence time is on the rite side of history and with we the people who called this out from day one.
Patience is a virtue
Time is on our side
Three Bullshit will always walk and truth will see the lite of day and nite.
Thank you, it is sweet to hear about you and Big Danny confiding and being each other’s source of sane voices. I also appreciate your closing litany of the emotions we experience as people trying to resist mass psychosis. Be well.
I’m absolutely tripping my tits off at the moment. I think the only hope is setting up communes dotted everywhere like the freedom cells idea like a network mutual support etc while the old world crumbles and dies around us – this is urgent but I’m too old and tired to do this Work any takers?
And I’m not being ironic or sarchy or anything clever but am feeling this is it this is the big one at some point we’ll all be thrown to the wolves and have to figure it out I guess would be good to have a plan though
Ps I’ve got some grade a acid to kick off the commune but don’t think we’d get much work done
This guy has a pretty good take on things
However the reason the commune idea won’t work is that our governments will crush it once it poses any kind of challenge to what they are trying to do so fair enough set up the freedom cells and communes and what not but in the end there will be a battle and confrontation and we better be prepared for that
Anyway that’s the end of my acid trip it was quite a ride mainly in my own head
Ever see the film “Winstanley”?
No but I studied the diggers and winstanley at college
‘Don’t know’ mind is open enough for life to feel and move.
‘Think we know works’ active ignorance.
Discernment feels with beginner’s mind.
Always ready to begin now with where we are.
We we think we are has the stamp of a past seeking a future like itself.
Narrative continuity sets filters and rules; terms and conditions.
Thinking, like computer modelling, is only as fitting as relates truly to what is truly moving.
We have become backwards.
As if life must fit the rules and systems and narratives.
If this is so, and I see it is so, the way we have become normalised to thinking is of giving ‘cause’ to the effects and symptoms of conflict and disease, grievance or fear, as if causal agents in and of themselves.
But we don’t have to understand so much to recognise that our aligning in truth of life as we each feel and recognise it, needs us present and awake to where our centre is peace and where we can so easily lose it or throw it away to what is not helpful and gets in our own way and leaves us open to self-conflict, that undermines and is dispiriting and depressing.
The inner life is of the non physical as psychic emotional ‘territory’ that is always part of our experience, but often masked out of direct awareness.
The demand to keep a lid on our feeling being is its own kind of lockdown, distancing and masking over – because there is unfinished or unresolved issues within our life and mind that may be covered over but have not really gone away.
This post continues at:
This is about putting the seeds under your tongue and how the seeds can take up information from the saliva to produce designer food especially to heal the specific illness that the man or women might have. Gardening can help us understand how harmful the technocratic path can be. The ‘vaccine’ cult and ‘gmo’ developers can not compete with the wonderous capabilities of the seeds to produce food especially for you! Don’t wait, Buy now!
Dunno about all that but I’m digging up my front lawn to grow more vegetables.
The indigenous people that I knew in Mexico sang songs while they plated seeds without soaking them. Sometimes I hold seeds in my mouth then spit them out to plant.
No need to read or watch. Learning is best with others. Just put them in the ground and take care of them when they are small, give them room and freedom. Protect and nurture their roots.
European leader reacts to CCP lockdown reality…
Western governments are imposing restrictions, face masks and lockdowns of their own volition. China’s not making them do it
We have had a world government for many decades. The Scamdemic would not have been possible without it.
For resistance, honourable and totally non violent. A further step form the awakening.
Imagine if everyone knew the difference between common law and maritime, contract law and how central banks are literally robbing the people blind and creating tyranny, war and misery through their corporate subsidiaries, governments.
The world would look like a very different place.
Those of us who do are busy buying defi and alt coins and a bit of bitcoin on the dips..
I saw this very sad tweet today (identifying information removed):
“7 days ago my 90yr old Grandma tested positive in her care home for #COVID19 after receiving her first dose of the vaccine on NYE. Today she became one of the 1,322 who died.”
So, she tested positive after receiving the vaccine, which seems to be part of a pattern, and then, what, 5 weeks later? she died. The poster does not say what she died of, but I presume is implying that it was of covid-19.
The twitter replies below are frankly confused and confusing, but most, I think, are preaching from the book of orthodoxy, although at least one, I think, is pointing to the vaccine as the thing that killed her, which may not have been what the OP was trying to imply at all.
Well, I might as well give the link, and let you all see what you think:
But the big question is WHY is a 90 year old in care home being vaccinated?
Why would an individual accept this “treatment” ?
Why would family members consider this acceptable ?
Why are the health professionals going along with this?
What has happened to our culture/societies to consider these actions as acceptable or necessary?
You’d be surprised. I know two people who were very very glad that their mothers, in nursing homes, were vaccinated. I said nothing.
I happened to see clips on msm news at my families house last night. LINES of people waiting for the vaccine. I just….. I don’t know.
I would like someone – anyone – Fauci, Gates, Biden, anyone – to explain to me why it was and is OK for Tom Brady to throw a football but it was not OK for a high school quarterback hoping for a college scholarship to have had the same opportunity this season. That goes for any sport.
Someone WHO or CDC official please explain to me – without covid jargon – what exactly is the difference. How does sarscov2 spread on a high school field, but not at a stadium.
Someone tell me how and why professional sports teams have been able to play this whole season – making huge salaries – indoors, outdoors, without masks, but high school, college and incredibly important town, city and state youth teams have not been able to play, and even if some sports are allowed they must be played in mask
The fact that we are holding the annual Superbowl (which in and of itself has become ludicrous) is the biggest and loudest signal, to me, that this pandemic is one complete and utter fraud.
Dancing nurses and the NFL Superbowl.
Even though “PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!!!!!”
If they’re not allowing kids to play sports any more, that can only mean one thing: they won’t be needing as many soldiers.
I’m sorry (and I know this flies in the face of every known social norm), but sports have no other purpose than to prepare kids to be soldiers – they never have and never will.
That would be competitive, male sport. Here in Australia, this sort of sport is a religion. Its coverage in our mainstream media is equal to that of covid propaganda.
Haven’t you noticed they want boys to be girls nowadays?
The purpose of a vaccine is to give people either a mild version of a disease or somthing that mimics that disease so that their body can develop the antibodies necessary to repel an infection. Since Covid tests rely on detecting these antibodies its to be expected that she’d test positive for the presence of antibodies after she was sucessfully vaccinated. Its possible that a sophisticated enough test could tell the difference but as been discussed on Off-G those PCR tests used for Covid are a bit hit and miss at best. Its also been discussed on Off-G at length about the statistics also being a bit unreliable because for everyone who died because Covid turned their lungs into something resembling a loofah there are many others who died ‘just because’. Knowing this doesn’t make the personal hurt any less but if its any consolation I think that the time between vaccination and her death means that its more old age and less specifically Covid. (It happens, it sucks — you get people who are regulars at say, a bridge game (pre-Covid, this) who are suddenly missing one week — “What happened to so-and-so?” ….. “Oh, they died”. Just like that.)
these people seem amazed that 90 yr old die….the majority die well before 90 covid or not….seems people have got some weird notions about how long people live of late…if the said people are in aged care they are by definition becoming frail and life time is running thin….
In relation to your bullshit detection, I think it’s a matter of shitting or getting shit on. People who get their start in a little to no means environment tend to get shit on more than others and beginning at an earlier age. Either you get used to it or question it. Then the shit can get really deep depending on how you react. Life is 10/90. Ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you deal with it. Learn to hold your watch up when the shits starts getting deep while making an escape plan…….
You never know. I think we do really don’t we.
MSM labelling the public as ‘imbeciles’. The public failing to prove them wrong.
No ‘new normal‘ needed really. The ‘normal normal’ failed to prevent this crap anyway.
The elite are happy enough being unchallenged in their bulldozing of the human race.
Lets us bow in reverence of the most intimidating ( apparently ) worm that ever evolved
If knowing is being then knowing shows you you are free.
To grow an understanding of the world may release us from many of its illusions and deceits, but keeps it running as a sense of private possession and control.
So yes normal is conditioned response of conditioned perceptions.
the human condition is set under fear of pain, of loss, of death in struggle and in masking evasion.
You are telling a story, that is reflecting how you are currently seeing – and it has a shared appeal to a sense of being aggrieved and denied hatefully in terms of who you currently accept yourself to be. If you read your own words with the desire for truth, you will read something more than what you wrote at the time.
Thinking we know is active ignorance, and is very easy to see this in others but less easy to accept of ourselves.
Appearances can be deceptive, and imaginary modelling of trends and judged parameters – wrong by orders of magnitude. When we see what we want to see but are not wholly honest in what we want and hold hidden agenda beneath a mask of seeming to only know what we want to be accepted as.
Farmers remember to keep the Gates locked… a coffin.
2nd part
DC PLOD got down on his knee and proceeded to untie john’s shoe laces. then one by one, DC PLOD gently gripped his ankle to lift john’s leg to remove each shoe. then whilst still on one knee, DC PLOD straightened up, and reached for the less dangerous track bottoms that were on the DESK SERGEANT’S desk. he grabbed them and dropped them on the floor beside him. DC PLOD looked up at john. john looked down on him. DC PLOD then gripped john’s bottoms at each side of the waistline and proceeded to pull them down; in a shimmy-like fashion, until they reached the floor where DC PLOD again gently gripped each of john’s ankles to remove the track bottoms. the same occurred in the re-dressing of john. only in reverse.
“RIGHT, DOWN TO THE CELLS THEN” said PC GAOLER. “i will not assist or resist” said john. PC GAOLER gently gripped john’s arm and led him down to CELL 4, brought him a small plastic cup of water and left. john lay down on the thin-mattress bench, knowing he was being monitored by CCTV; which also filmed the toilet area. after an hour or so, DC PLOD led john to the interview interrogation room where they met up with PC PLOD.
“THIS INTERVIEW WILL BE RECORDED IN AUDIO AND VIDEO AND YOU WILL BE GIVEN A COPY BY LAW” said DC PLOD. the interrogation began with PC PLOD asking the questions while DC PLOD took notes.
after the very first question was asked, john gave the confident reply he knew would grant him the high ground. “look” said john, as he sensed a feeling that he was not alone. “i am a man of god, and no one; not you, or anybody else comes between me and my creator unless I have caused harm or loss to another flesh and blood man or woman. okay?” their heads literally dropped. with that simple statement, the game was virtually over, bar the shouting. and there would be plenty of that. but in a calm and gentlemanly way.
every question after that statement, john answered with the same reply. “no comment”. for around three hours they questioned john. during that time, he gave the same answer to their questions every time. “no comment”.
john was led back to his cell while the CONSTABLES had a tea break. john was now starting to feel sick due to being purposely denied his medication and being offered no food. after what seemed 15 or 20 minutes, john was led back to continue the interrogation. this time, DC PLOD was asking the questions. PC PLOD watched, and took no notes.
john continued to answer in the same way,”no comment”. except for once when he thought to ask DC PLOD, “who is making this claim?” “THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST SMART PEOPLE” replied DC PLOD. “iv’e heard of them. they are a DEAD ENTITY” said john. “i cannot speak to the DEAD. do you know anyone who can speak to a corps(e)?”.
for about another three hours or so of all questions being answered with “no comment”, john informed them he was beginning to feel very sick. “ABOUT ANOTHER FIFTEEN MINUTES” said DC PLOD. when the interrogation was over, john asked, “am I being detained?” “NO”. said DC PLOD. ( if he had said ‘YES’, john would have asked to be taken before a judge immediately and continued with the same routine. They are available 24/7) “YOU WILL BE GOING HOME VERY SHORTLY”.
and so it was after this time, that john was led back to CELL 4. as soon as he got there, john ignored the four small foil-wrapped plain biscuits and coffee that had been placed on the bench. It was the last thing on his mind and he was then violently sick twice; and utterly exhausted.
the POLICE made another effort to get him to accept his CORPORATION NAME(S) by trying to trick him into CONTRACT. But as tired as he was, john stayed focussed.
How It Works.
1. JOHN DOE – THE CORPORATION/COMPANY NAME – TESCO, Morrisons, WOOLWORTHS, Boots, ETC. Also used in writing*.
2. John Doe – The Contracting name. Used in Commerce & writing*.
It is crucial that you fully understand that both names in bold above are NOT YOUR names. please understand the true meaning of both before you play. Otherwise, you will lose the game.
they both belong to THE GOVERNMENT. you have a receipt using either one of them from the Government, via A Copy of your Birth Certificate. usually in the top left hand corner, you will have a stock number. example: KC213456.
3. john doe – your real name, your only name. it is your god-given name. only this all lower case (true english) name is your name. when challenged by so-called AUTHORITY, always “act” under this name. it is yours. given to you through your parents and by god (grantor of dominion). they cannot ‘do business’ with your god-given name, so they want you to submit to their names.
john doe lives only under god’s law. “cause no harm or loss”; and nothing else.
A Short True (children’s) Story.
written in the english language – response in CORPORATE language.
the POLICE called at the ‘flesh & blood’ man and woman’s home of john and jane doe on a sunny thursday afternoon at 2.40pm. both had caused no harm or loss.
there was a squad of six CONSTABLES and two women CONSTABLES with a SEARCH & ARREST WARRANT for john.
while the search is taking place, the chief of the operation DC PLOD, begins the dialogue:
DC PLOD – “JOHN (John) ?” (sounds like john doesn’t it?)
john – “are you addressing me?”
john – “my name is man, but you can call me john. is this a civil or criminal matter?”
john – “who is the injured party?”
john – “I will neither assist or resist”.
after an hour or so, john had to go to the police station. so he got up from the sofa and stood still. “RIGHT, COME ON THEN” said DC PLOD with his sidekick PC PLOD who was already halfway out of the door. “i will neither assist or resist” said john. but as soon as DC PLOD grabbed his arm, john started to move. he was led to the car where the door was already open…
“i will neither assist or resist” said john, but as soon as DC PLOD placed his hand on his back, he moved to get into the car. he was not resisting. he was not assisting. they arrived at the police station and drove into in the car park. DC PLOD said,“RIGHT, GET OUT OF THE CAR”. john again replied; “i will neither assist or resist”. by this time DC PLOD was beginning to grasp god’s law and after leading john out, he instantly grabbed john’s arm in a polite way and led him to the police station’s entrance. across the car park, through the large blue gates and into the high-wired, fenced-in, back yard.
DC PLOD stopped to key in the code to enter the building. john stopped. DC PLOD went around to john’s back and gently pushed him through the door, then john stopped as DC PLOD went to close the door behind him. in fact, every time DC PLOD stopped, john stopped, and wouldn’t move anywhere, unless he was physically led by a CONSTABLE.
DC PLOD let go of john’s arm at the end of the corridor. john stopped. to the right was the DESK SERGEANT’S window, and to the left was a six foot wooden bench, where two other CONSTABLES were seated. DC PLOD led john to sit next to them. “THIS IS JOHN, (John) OR MAN (Man) AS HE LIKES TO CALL HIMSELF. HE’S BEEN NO TROUBLE, BUT HE’S NOT BEEN ANY HELP EITHER”. john sat, looked straight ahead and said nothing.
after a few minutes, john was led to the desk by DC PLOD, where he leaned against the wall by the DESK SERGEANT’S window with his arms by his side. “YOUR NAME?” asked the DESK SERGEANT. “are you addressing me?” said john.
DC PLOD decided it was time to take john down to the cells. “RIGHT, YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE YOUR SHOES AND YOUR TRACK BOTTOMS OFF. YOU COULD HANG YOURSELF WITH THE LACES AND YOU COULD STRANGLE YOURSELF WITH THE BELT CORD”. john stayed still. leaning against the the wall. DC PLOD watched and waited. then he heard john calmly utter the phrase he most least wanted to hear…“ I will neither assist or resist”, said john.
I wholeheartedly agree. You’ll never know what’s around the corner. Despite all the programming, all the brainwashing and dumbing down media, and in spite of what the behaviourists say, there is always that little factor X that can never be controlled.
It is precisely that little factor X which makes us humans and not robots.
Factor ‘X’ will win the day.
It better, otherwise we are all totally F**KED.
I highly appreciate people whose experience include growing up in The Bronx of the ’60s and ’70s, as i grew up in nearby Inwood, the upper tip of Manhattan, across the Harlem River from (and connected by a bridge to) University Heights in The Bronx, one of the neighborhoods which fell victim to the deliberate burning of the borough in quest of insurance $. And i like the theme. But this example rankles me.
“The Occupy Movement began with a September 2011 demonstration in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City’s Wall Street financial district. Initiated by the Canadian social and environmental group/magazine Adbusters, the Occupy Wall Street protest gave rise to a huge, global movement.”
Occupy burned out in months, i saw that happen on the inside with Occupy Oakland (Ca), taken over by opportunists, including Democrats. Adbusters now supports the lockdown narrative, as do a bunch of the people i knew via Occupy, even one i became personal friends with who was totally on board re 9/11 Truth, who in fact is now an enthusiastic enforcer of lockdown measures at a place where she works.
I have myself put this down to a cleverly-engineered global media campaign of brainwashing and mass persuasion/hypnosis, BUT IT NEVERTHELESS REMAINS INCOMPREHENSIBLE TO ME (how to explain their complete unwillingness to even entertain the possibility that they are being deceived, or to look at the facts/data that dispove their assumptions??? They are not idiots, or at least they weren’t before this operation began…).
(I also know such people, JS, and there are even well-known cases such as John McMurtry that are utterly mistifying. At least Mark Crispin Miller hasn’t been taken in, or gone along with the program for financial security!
I’m in the same boat as you and Jeffrey as quite a few of us are here. We know of supposed socialist or liberal friends and acquaintances who were supporters of Occupy etc, who are now covidian cult members. And they, too, won’t take on board any evidence that contradicts this scamdemic.
I suspect that it actually harks back to the old adage [that]: it easier to fool people … than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Which leads to another that suggests that “pride comes before a fall” …
I dare say that we might have all – at some stage of our lives, been overcome by pig-headed obduracy . However, the stakes/endgame of what is going on now is too serious and it is very, very difficult to understand how friends/relatives/colleagues, etc. etc. could possibly be so easily taken in by the current covid deception. After all the chutzpah of the deception stands out like canine gonads.
Canine gonads…. You have a way with words H! The endgame of where this is all heading is just horrifying, and yet I sometimes struggle to comprehend how the people behind the scamdemic can be so absolutely evil and profoundly anti human.
I saw a video recently where the presenter hypothesised that these psychopaths literally see themselves as a separate race of people – that they see themselves as vastly superior than your average human being.
But the consequences of this, if they succeed, are also horrific. A world digital currency, depopulation and even transhumanism just to name 3 things. No escape and not even a whisper of freedom for those who are left.
Perhaps the .01 percent ARE of a different race. The Anunnaki descendants come to mind.
Could it be cowardice? Too scared of swimming upstream, against the crowd? Afraid of the consequences from those “in power”?
And she was so into 9/11 truth! I sent her Kevin Ryan’s piece about the parallels between the two ops, she just refused to comment. I think she’s growing “older” (in her 30s, with a young child), feels materially insecure.
It’s absolutely baffling to me J. Are they that blind? Had a couple of socialist type friends, but one in particular, was sending him links to articles from Offguardian including ‘Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset’ originally written by the anarchist blog Winter Oak, and an article by Iain Davis plus videos from The Corbett Report and other videos from other sites.
No response. No discussion, no comments on them except for one:
“those Alt Right sites are like echo Chambers”. That was all.
Yet he listens to Amy Goodman and will read George Monbiot without blinking. He almost certainly would have seen that article The Guardian put out ‘How to Spot a Conspiracy Theorist’ or whatever the title was.
The other person, a female, would be in the left faction of the Labour Party, but staunchly supported wearing facemasks and the lockdowns because “its about everyone’s safety”. When I tried to point out some of the studies about facemasks, she literally hyperventilated on the spot.
Really baffles and frustrates me Jeffrey. Hope your weekend goes well…
You too, Gezzah!
This is the result of skillful niche marketing to the left, the “public safety” message coupled with the idea that anyone who questions the dominant narrative is a right wing conspiracy theory consumer. Got the same crap after 9/11, Amy Goodman and Monidiot also embraced the official narrative on that matter.
It’s lonely as hell too. I’ve tried with two friends who will see the corruption and lies in everything else but this scam. I don’t try as much anymore and will probably stop very soon. What’s the point? Funny thing is one of them told me long ago when I was raging about the corruption I need to “shout it from the rooftops, not just text friends about it.” I never did bother to ask, just which rooftop would that be? And would it matter if no one was listening? And really, if I cannot convince a friend who supposedly trusts me, then what in hell IS the point of shouting from a rooftop?
I know it’s a lonely slog Lizzy, but I would much rather be alone, living on my feet and being guided by my conscience and personal ethics, than on my knees meekly submitting to this fascist crap.
I joined a few Facebook groups here in Australia opposed to the new normal measures… one is called Freedom Day, another is called Stop The New Normal. I know in the UK there was a group called Save Our Rights UK.
It helps mentally by connecting with people on those groups despite my detesting Facebook, and coming on Offguardian as well.
What’s most bizarre is how people from completely different walks of life, different background, different education all fall for this crap. I could see understand how, for instance, so-called leftists project into this their aspirations at a neo-bolshevik revolutions, as stupid as that would be considering that it’s perpetrated by arch-oligarchs. A friend of mine, a smart, educated fella, was excited about how the government is employing Keynesian measures. All sorts of other people have swallowed it. What’s the underlying element, eh? I don’t watch TV, haven’t watched it for decades. Is it perhaps some shit they show on TV, something that literally hypnotizes people?
Television is your answer. Like a bulldozer, TV levels everything … downwards. It’s brain surgery without a scalpel and its effects are as as rigorous as the laws of gravity. Haven’t watched it for 4 or 5 years now. Started using a (outdated) smartphone about a year ago after what happened, you know, otherwise I couldn’t work. I don’t like much technology because it always changes, and by changing, it changes us, and the bastards always find ways to blackmail us into buying their latest contraptions and that’s tyranny.
Whenever I see the masked zombies I have the same reaction: “What the heck is going on with these people?” only to realize that the only difference is that they watch TV and I don’t. Rest assured if they are told to walk on their knees because the friction of the knee with the ground would cure whatever they tell them they suffer from, they’d do it. These people lost the sense of human dignity, they lost the sense of what it means to be a human being. I think something big must happen to wake them up as the article suggests, or just those of us who didn’t fall for it start preaching by the example and be stubborn, insistent and persistent about it.
This is a psy-op at a global scale and the reason those relatively few haven’t fallen under its spell it’s because they had already learned the hard way that life is a horror show and their belief system had already been shaken up by previous experiences so they were ripe for this one. The rest, the average Joe, just run into it like a bull to the slaughter. The odd thing is that a few who fell for the scam are the typical successful kind of people: good steady job, happy family, expensive car, connexions into the high society, etc, the sort of personality one would instinctively admire and even envy and it doesn’t quite follow to spot them the next day under a triple, quadruple mask. So what does it mean to be intelligent? Is what we usually take as signs of intelligence overrated, or is it simply that being human is underrated?
Outward success is not a marker of intelligence. It is a marker of playing the game. Conforming. Doing the work of the puppet masters.
I learned this around age 30. Funny but I would be seen as many as some kind of loser. Yet I am happy, content, free (ish) and sane. Precisely because I do not conform.
Good post.
You’re right of course. Should have put that within quotes “intelligence”.
The lockdown has been niche marketed to different groups using different sales pitches.
Interesting that McMurtry also saw through the 9/11 deception, as did my friend. I think part of it is that she now has a young daughter, and probably feels under stress, has to provide material support to a dependent, hence feels she needs to keep her job. The lockdown narrative has been skillfully marketed, niche marketing at its hideous best, with different groups being convinced through different appeals.
“John McMurtry received his doctorate from University College, London in the United Kingdom after completing his BA and MA at the University of Toronto, Canada where he also joined the Zeta Psi fraternity.”
Lol … trademark cryptocracy
McMurtry has been a huge disappointment, a shocking one to be honest, but the universities he attended do not necessarily make him a controlled asset of some kind. If I told you the university I studied at, you would probably assume the same about me. For sure, there is a certain type of person these schools tend to produce, but there are exceptions and some of us reject our indoctrination after surviving these places.
True! I am also an official class traitor, willing to take all the benefits of my rarefied academic training and place it in service to others who haven’t been able to rig the system to get partial funding their corporate de-programming (which it can be, if one does it right).
I remember when I turned away from my bright future (which to me didn’t look so bright if I had to hang out with those back-stabbing middle managers for much longer). One helpful friend tried talking me out of it: “Those jobs wear one down,” he told me. As if the object of life was to …I don’t know… somehow come out ahead in the battle of being worn down. That’s what the “go alongs to get alongs” are trying to preserve right now; in tangible terms, they need to cover their mortgages and college tuition for future cannon fodder. But I’ve still got my self-esteem, my values, and really interesting stories.
His university background didn’t prevent him from totally rejecting the official narrative re 9/11. Something else is at work.
First of all I don’t know who he is, because I had never seen his name until today. All I did was a brief search. But here’s two possible explanations.
He’s a conformist and accepts all scientific and medical dogma without independent investigation.
Or rejecting 9-11 gave him credibility and now that The Order has come out and declared their intentions there’s no need to have a nuanced position or continue to be controlled opposition, so gatekeepers don’t care. They are publicly declaring their acceptance to the controllers and agreeing to the agenda.
That being said, I don’t even care. Everyone working within the system itself, can go straight to hell. I think they’re all rotten to the core.
I take the ’Deschooling Society‘ approach and reject all these academic institutions as fronts for the Rhodes and Milner network.
Occupy was fake. There were some genuine people involved but the movement itself was sponsored by the bankers and their agents through adbusters and the faux celebrities that appeared there to help. Just like BLM etc. Just look at their list of demands if you want proof. The intelligence community believes if they hjack and initiate all opposition movements they can control them; de-escalate public rage, make them irrelevant or morph them into political or commercial projects. Use memberships lists to spy and collect data. Target certain individuals.
So we’re left with “What’s the antidote to secrecy/lying/infiltration/sabotage for an open society?”
Time to up our game — and badly.
Yes. The antidote I believe, is knowledge. Armed with enough knowledge we can outmaneuver them provided enough of us band together. And that’s because most of what they (banksters and their lackeys in courts, governments and corporations) are doing is based on legal tricks, fraud and organized crime through the monetary system and grand deception through false education and illusions. The wizard of Oz on a much larger scale.
That was not my experience of Occupy, there were many genuine people involved, i’d even say most . I saw it get subverted, a guy who joined the education committee who pushed his way to the top of it by playing to some people’s hazy ideas and being pushy. Most participants, while genuine, were inarticulate and inexperienced,
Occupy lot some i no fell hook,line sinker for the Q and trump enhancement
they are very gullible
From a fellow Bronx guy from the same era, I think David is right, and even when things seem impossible to change, you “never know” what might light a spark of hope in dark times. Thanks for the reminder, David.
I follow your great articles here, from the UK.
Just a question, off topic, but your post sparked off a thought in a different direction.
I’ve been watching some hilarious stuff from 70s (something called the roasts)
You must have watched these. Frank Sinatra and Peter Falk one I watched but there were many. Personally that comedy is the best I’ve seen, I guess sledgehammer wit.
Just wondered how you rate it and how the take downs (often self depreciating) of Italians, Jews and blacks should be viewed nowadays, if it were to come back.
Don’t worry, I won’t ask for your autograph for the wife!
A spark in dark times invariably materializes.
This should prove no exception.
I saw The Bronx go through fundamental changes, including the damn destructive Cross Bronx Expressway, went to high school at Bronx Sci, ’62-5, though we (my family) lived across the Harlem River, and not in the borough itself, went there often to parks, shopping,… as my ‘hood (Washington Heights/Inwood) was more connected with The Bronx, being a lot like the West Bronx (hills, particular populations). By 1970, even my ‘hood was rapidly degrading, just as i moved across the country. I did see myself change on the Vietnam War, drastically, as did the country, so things can change.
The damaging repercussions of mask wearing has been dismissed summarily and often.
The masked populace seen in our screens and in the streets, builds constant awareness of the presence of the mythical viral entity. There’s no visual escape. These visual cues remind us to stay cautious, since anyone’s breath could harness potential danger.
Subtle facial gestures that are processed subconsciously when interacting with others are now obscured. We are surrounded by a sea of expressionless, subhuman, faceless entities.
Masked speech is muffled and muted. All communication is hampered. The simplest interactions now become strained. The chance for a conversation with a stranger or acquaintance is lessened. Avoiding interaction with others is one of the aims of the mask and the intended result.
Nobody feels free to discuss the negative effects of the lockdown measures, or skepticism since the mask visually signifies acquiesce and agreement of the fraud. The pressure to conform to mask wearing in public places, so one doesn’t “stand out” becomes overwhelming.
The masks prevent singing, talking, laughing, smiling and kissing, which all contribute to our immunity, mental health and physical well-being. A surgical or fabric mask lessens oxygen intake to sub OSHA 19.5 levels, to as low as 15 and 16, while increasing carbon dioxide inhalation through rebreathing.
Prolonged masking leads to lowered immunity, an increase in bacterial and respiratory infections, neurological damage, depression, fatigue, headaches, and increased cortisol production.
Masks can accumulate sweat, makeup, pollen, and toxic particles from pollution. The toxic material used in masks can cause inhalation of carcinogenic and fibrous particles. Wearing a mask can cause allergies, discomfort and acne.
The psychological effects of masking can trigger claustrophobia and trauma, particularly in those who suffer from PTSD or anxiety related disorders.
Culturally and historically, masks and face coverings have negative connotations. In movies and media masks are used as a means to conceal one’s face or identity in horror and crime genres. These pre-programmed subliminal messages can subconsciously cause physiological and psychological reactions such as the fight or flight response and increased anxiety.
In psychology, the phrase “masking” refers to a process where someone disguises their true personality to conceal their thoughts and emotions.
Masks as a ritualistic indoctrination device, have been used by occultists and secret societies in rites of passage ceremonies. The use of masks in these rituals is associated with the belief to call in spirits, to cleanse or purify and then assimilate. Some mask rituals entail the discipline or demeaning of women, children and criminals.
Mass masking is dehumanizing, leads to groupthink and extreme behavior. Masks symbolize control. Wearing a mask is a toxic repression of our soul and humanity.
Well said
Just sold the mag at a suburb where at times 90% of people were walking around outside wearing facemasks. And they’re not even mandatory outside in Melbourne. It got to the point I was saying out loud ‘for fucks sakes it’s like Zombie Apocalypse’ then started saying out loud ‘turn off your TV, don’t read the newspapers and there’s no pandemic, there Never was a pandemic’.
Only one person challenged me, he laughed and goes ‘I don’t think so, are you one of them virus deniers’. He walked around the corner before I could think of a reply. Most tho just stared straight ahead, the backs of their neck started going red as they walked away.
Oh, the reason for my reply: both your comments here… Absolutely nailed it. Spot on truth. Thanks👍
For completeness: Masks are dangerous for people (a) with weak lungs (b) performing physical tasks. They continue to kill even young people who overdo it.
I prefer Miles Mathis‘ take on Rosa Parks.
Mathis did great work in proving that Stephen Hawking died in the 1980’s and was replaced by a series of imposters that acted as ventriloquist dolls for the NWO. Nobody lives with Lou Gehrig’s disease for five decades. The idea that he could make eloquent if machine accented speeches by twitching a cheek muscle is absurd beyond belief. His “life” after death with all his high tech appendages was an advertisement for Transhumanism. Did his impostors ever meet Elon Musk or Klaus Schwab ?
Less Impressed
I am less impressed by Mathis’ other work.
Obviously he’s not right about everything, but then who is? I think he gets closer to the truth than most. He understands the genealogy of the cabal and the psy-ops and fakery of the media. I also agree with his take on Marx.
trans clones Animus
i posted a video blow check it out
I’m over 70 and refuse to wear a mask for the “flu”. Don’t believe the counts on COVID due to the fact that no one has died of any thing else. I will not get a vaccine, as I really dont believe it’s needed. I take zinc. I keep wondering what’s next? Wear goggles because you could get it through your eyes? I can’t believe that there are so many who just follow along!
70 revolutions of the Earth around the Sun … Somehow I never liked birthdays.
What does it matter how supposedly “old” one is, eh? Age is a weird concept.
Agreed. I’m over 70 too, in great health and I still feel very young.
Indeed it doesn’t matter to oneself how ‘old’ one is, but to the society one lives in, it seems to mean such a lot.
Something or other will, of course, get me in the end, but, “sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof”… so it seems to me obvious that there’s no point in worrying about it.
I like Sir Thomas Beecham’s little quip when asked to what he attributed his sprightly old age (he was an enjoyer of life, if ever there was one):
“An absolute minimum of physical exercise” was his explanation, but then he was the conductor of an orchestra…
I have a feeling that all that sprightliness of his was an inner quality, entirely unfettered by physical considerations.
Bravo Julie!!!! Be careful of the zinc though, too much is not good.
Should be balanced with copper, and not taken at the same time.
many good foods have zinc naturally
pumpkin seeds can be delicious and cheap
corn of all types, high in zinc
many seafoods
many types of beans
pine nuts , peanuts etc
most dairy, especially yoghurt
eggs and whole grains, whole grain foods etc
Many , if you have a small plot of land or a balcony plot, you can grow yourself.
No need for the vitamin store, make food your medicine.
I can’t be bothered digging up a link, but the odious, abominable Anthony “Doctor Doom” Fauci indeed suggested that wearing goggles would be beneficial, and improve protection against the alleged Megadeath Virus of Doom, as I call it. He didn’t appear to be joking.
Goggles were compulsory in hospitals in China.
> “Maybe it’ll be the power of the Don’t Do. Don’t pay any fines. Don’taccrue any debts. Don’t take the vaccine.”
The art of life is not to do what we would like to to, but not to do what we do not like to do.
The ghastly virus cult is just a ghost. It doesn’t exist.
Go to the Weather West blog’s forum section. You’ll be amazed how many are totally in the cult, college “educated” folks.
Replace the word educated with indoctrinated and then it is all makes sense.
Little bit of “You never know” from the ski slopes.
The pigs shut down the ski tow in a mountain resort (they’re idiotically required to stay closed), so a trail groomer was used to pull skiers up the hill …
The population should receive these sources for both preventative treatment and early treatment, then the hospitals would empty.
Reducing Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Severity
• Treatment Protocols
• Prevention Protocols
• Submit a Protocol
• Facilities
• Studies
• Patient Guide
Early Treatment Protocols
• Post authorBy c19prot
• Post dateJanuary 1, 2021
1. Early Ambulatory Multidrug Therapy, McCullough et al:
2. The I-MASK+ Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19:
3. Zelenko Early Treatment Protocol:
4. The Fleming Directed CoVid-19 Treatment Protocol (FMTVDM):
5. ICON Protocol – (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen):
6. MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol
7. Budesonide-focused Treatment Protocol: from
8. Prophylaxis and Treatment for COVID-19 in Nursing Homes
9. The following is the protocol Drs. Fareed and Tyson have jointly developed as most effective for their COVID-19 patients:
You’ll stop wearing those masks when you stop wearing those masks…..
“It is incredible how as soon as a people become subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and willingly that one is led to say that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement.” La Boetie
Great quote. We are witnessing voluntary enslavement from the masses. They refuse to say “no” to anything demanded of them. All it would take is enough people refusing to go along with the tyrannical measures, and this would all be over very quickly.
Digging a little deeper, I can see the roots of this in the ever-lengthening list of things which have been considered politically incorrect over the last thirty or forty years.
The list includes practically everything now, and Jordan Peterson’s crusade against mandatory vocabulary when speaking about gender-indeterminate people is just one of the many protests now necessary against the demanders of such piffle in all spheres of life.
We have been trained not to say “no” to any demands by those who focus their entire lives upon demanding things, so that we increasingly feel uncomfortable saying “no” even when the demands become outrageous.
That discomfort suits ‘the authorities’ just fine, and it is clearly naive to think that such a scenario could be mere coincidence.
The escalating demands for “political correctness” do appear to be part of the totalitarian drive over the last few decades.
On the inability to say “no,” I’m reminded of Andre Gregory’s prophetic words from that brilliant segment in My Dinner with Andre back in 1981: “…and somebody who is asleep will not say no”
“That’s… inconceivable!”
And that’s what I find so fecken frustrating. They have willingly got on their knees and placed the chains around their own necks.
Whether they know the ‘pandemic’ is a scam or not, but I see High School kids here in Melbourne with a lot more guts and principles than most adults here.
Facemasks are mandatory on public transport here, yet whole groups of kids sit on trains unmasked while adults on the same trains dutifully and meekly mask up.
I’ve said it before, but there is a high level of conformity and groupthink here in Australia, and a real unwillingness to rock the boat.
In fact, I would say its just straight out cowardice.
I don’t think it’s cowardice really.
It’s more ignorance and laziness.
People are too lazy to find out what is really going on, so they are of course ignorant.
Then with ignorance comes more laziness. Laziness in the face of the kerfuffle they would have to go through in arguing even a common-sense case against ignorant public officials who have no idea what a constitution is anyway.
They find it all just too much hassle, as we can see even from the videos of people who DO have some knowledge of the facts, yet get quite flustered at having to explain them to idiots.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there when you mention “a real unwillingness to rock the boat”.
The boat is full of holes and sinking, but all most people want to do is concentrate on not rocking it…
Why not fill the holes in it instead, and jettison unnecessary Faucets, Gateses, Borises, Matts and Bidets?
I’m in Essendon and I believe it’s cowardice. I have NEVER worn a submission badge, and I never will. I was literally forced out of KT Mart on Elizabeth Street last week because I was not wearing a mask. To be clear, I was physically pushed out of the store when I refused to comply.
I went straight to the police and they told me, “We’re not investigating. Their shop, their rules”. I asked if it would be the same if I was black and the shop owner didn’t like the colour of my skin. The police, to my utter astonishment, confirmed that, “Yes, it’s their shop and their rules”.
Can somebody tell me how this COVID operation is not mind-control? How it’s not a spell? Twelve months ago those police would have gone directly to KT Mart and sorted things out quick-smart if I’d been physically removed from the store because I was black. Apparently things have changed. Apparently, if it’s my property, I can quite literally do almost WHATEVER I like; unless Chairman Dan (who is controlled by the criminal elite, of course) says I can’t, then other people (moronic neighbours and pigs) can tell me what to do. Let’s be clear, Daniel Andrews, like many of his counterparts around the world, is committing treason (can ANYBODY else in Melbourne see this?)
For anyone in Melbourne who’s up for laugh, go to KT Mart without a mask on and cite your medical exemption. They WILL get physical, they WILL NOT behave in a reasonable manner, they WILL NOT recognise S.51XXIII(A) of the Australian Constitution. Sieg Heil, everyone.
I’m out towards Sunshine, but I sometimes shop in Moonee Ponds.
Oh, I know it’s cowardice. That’s why I said it. This last week with school back, have seen whole groups of Christian Brothers College students, senior and younger students all sitting on the train without a facemask on.
I notice a number of St Kevin’s College students go maskless as well. Whether it’s youthful rebelliousness or they know its a scamdemic, I don’t know.
But they show far more guts and basic principles than all the adults; all fully masked up – above the nose. I’m usually the only adult who is not wearing one.
I don’t wear one on either buses or trains and don’t wear one while selling the magazine, even tho management have told us we must wear one at all times while selling. I ignore that, tho one day will probably be dobbed in by some Karen.
Look, I know Facebook is shite, but I’m in a few covid sceptics – anti lockdown Facebook groups:
Freedom Day
Unite99% Worldwide
The Conscious Truth Network
Stopping The New Normal
Freedom Day is probably the largest one. I’m very aware there are trolls and, um, others, on those sites for nefarious reasons.
If people still think this is about a ‘virus’ they are completely delusional. They would rather ‘play the game’. Sad as.
It’s not going to come from this country. We are a nation of cap-doffers and royalty lovers.The tory (unalienable right to govern forever) filth will always come out on top.
How do you not pay fines if it’s taken out of your salary?
until you understand the word
when said to you by cop or legal type
until you under stand to understand is to stand under
until you can get your head around the word
the word consent
until you can say i do not consent
i do not understand
is this a criminal matter
joinder contract consent is the key
once contracted you must pay the bill
commercial transactions tis all
the slave must pay if he consent.
is this a criminal matter officer
is it
no am i free to go
no i will not give my legal fiction name
i do not consent i can never understand stand under.
fines can only be paid once you have joinder
that is why cop always say do you understand what i am saying
saying yes is guilt
now pay slave
2 upticks please
Don’t stand under ticks.
Some good poems you write
i overstand you
as i am principle in these matters
you sir are a slave an agent
i would prefer not to
say it but lower than
a scrivener with little to say
you sir
i would prefer not to
carry on sir
yes i believe you do understand
Your words are confused
i don’t stand under
i don’t understand
stop tryin to standover me
cause you get got ticks
uppity ones too
and I got none
to say
I am honoured that you have replied with a poem, Gordan! Thanks.
uniform commercial code
sir borage
anyone tries to take money from your wages without consent is in breach of contract
uniform commercial code canon law
ucc compliance
taking money without consent is breach of trust
and against the law
it can only happen if you be stupid and consent
boris and his dim chums guidance is weak
not legal or law
the laws of the ucc must be upheld as they trump everything in the realm of the person
Thank you for these memories from your cultivated special strengths, seeing through this all organically from your own searing experiences and quests for depth.
“History abounds with small acts that sparked something greater.”
True. But that was then, this is now. The, media responded.
“Now” begins, in my mind, with the Gulf War 1990-91, which had morphed war, from journalism for democratic information (Vietnam), completely into a theatrical production. It continued with the media suppression of the millions in the streets protesting the Iraq War 2003, the corralling of 2004 Democratic Party protesters to “free speech zones”, to the complete inversion and suppression of the war and financial crimes via Wikileaks, and much more in the last two decades … until the shamelessly naked and gross fabrications of fact that have occurred throughout the past year. 2020 could not have happened in 1970; I remember 1970. We have changed.
Occupy may have taken place recently, but as you know that, too, was smothered “gradually at first, then all at once”, the latter in a series of Tiananmen Sq style destruction across US cities. The only thing missing was bodies … they needed only to crush the minds.
We need to up our game — and badly.
Right on! Occupy was also co-opted, i saw Democratic Party ops move in from the inside and subvert it, to where there’s a FB group called “Occupy Democrats.” Totally pro-lockdown.
This sort of thing is so predictable, you’d think somebody would have found some effective counter-measures by now…
EVERY worthwhile initiative is going to have certain ‘authorities’ trying to infiltrate it and then stomp it to death, because the definition of ‘worthwhile’ is based on the assumption that life is, basically, a good thing.
The ‘authorities’, on the other hand, wish us to experience life as anything but good, because otherwise we would be optimistic, lively, creative and fruitful – and very hard to control.
Except that Tiananmen was just propaganda.
mgeo you base your assumption on propaganda from MSM ie the Washington Post. A very good friend of mine on a world wide trip, was there and he nearly lost his life for being caught taking photographs. He was chased and shot at whilst escaping into the crowd. Others took bullets meant for him.
I feel like I’m in WW3 and the planes flying overhead, dropping bombs, are being flown by Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna
There is no Winston Churchill or Vera Lynn and the politicians, the police, the media and half the public are clapping for the planes

cant you see the psyop it was March last week then April 7th a few days back before xmas they extended it to 17 July & the work furlough scheme is until end of March
all that is happening is hopium psyop and confusion
local selection is May unless that get extended?
I can see them coming up with a postcode lottery exit plan if the May selection goes ahead apart from that it is hopium
The damage caused by prolonged wearing of face masks will be blamed on ‘Covid’. And so the lie will continue
It’s the perfect medical scam: ‘mitigating’ measures, along with the fake PCR test, create the dead bodies that keep on fuelling the scam. Lockdown kills people directly through a myriad of illnesses going untreated, and indirectly through peoples’ immune systems being weakened due to lack of exposure to everyday viruses and bacteria. Masks can kill hardcore wearers if not used properly due to such things as bacterial airway and lung infection.
The lie persists by means of the energy and attention given it.
For who is busy with lies is not sharing in truth.
Yes – a version of truth is asserted to expose, reveal and despise the lies, but if it doesn’t reveal you free it is a version of truth.
The function of illusion is to pass off as real.
When it is seen as illusion, why would we use it as a basis to make our identity from?
No blame here, but that the illusion of waking up is like the illusion of signalling virtue. Very temporary.
Unless there is a change of plan by TPB, Neil Clark is probably right. His ‘insider’ told him during the second lockdown that the third one would start on January 4th.
Iceland beat you all.
It was talking about a third one while everybody else was dreading the arrival of the second…
That said, it isn’t so bad in Iceland – yet…
Life still resembles life.
I know the feeling
WE are Winston Churchill this time, Ben.
It’s like “Terminator II”.
We have to be resourceful on an individual basis.
Churchill wouldn’t have a clue what to do with the things we face today.
He’d give up and start a cigar business.
I wonder if those firebombed in Dresden and Hamburg thought of Churchill as a hero.
Of course they didn’t.
I don’t either.
On building solutions, James Corbett interviews Dolores Cahill about the founding of Freedom Airway:
Interesting. I like the idea of malfeasance lawsuits.
Damn, I couldn’t go back to Canada now …
You never know. Exactly. No mask, no lockdown, no more bs, inform yourself, resist. And put a sign on your property like maybe “Had enough yet?”
I just may make a bumper sticker. That’s perfect!
The best sign I’ve seen throughout this b.s. is “Your Obedience Is Prolonging This Nightmare”.
London lost a 1/10th of its population because of lockdown:
Other cities have been reported to have experienced something similar. Of course ultimately the aim is to pack most of the population into cities so this looks like a scam with real estate concentrated in even fewer hands and ‘modernised’ ready for the “smart cities of the future”.
Watch the 1976 CBS 60 Minutes about this. Mike Wallace. If it’s still on the internet.
Had same configuration as 1919 pandemic H1N1 but was nowhere near as deadly…..think there was even speculation it had been engineered. However, it did leave some children in a catatonic state, just as 1918-1919 pandemic had done
Type into your browser and see what you get?
Sleazy Joe the so called President of the USA hasn’t been able to fix this since inauguration.
Who’s really in control?
What does that imply
Biden is a fake and will be arrested if he already hasn’t been.
Wow. I did it. Unbelievable!
Wow! I did it. Unbelievable!
Also amazing. OffG accepts my comment when I use my Gmail address but not when I use may Yandex address? What gives?
Yandex is as controlled as Google.
Except both your replies appear above so it seems not.
The domain was registered in 2002.It’s no big deal of course.Anyone can set up a domain with an Apache behind it which does a redirect to the home page of the White House. I suggest it’s a bit of a wheeze.
Maybe so but how on earth does the WH still let it stand? I find it really weird all things considered. “In plain sight” as friend of mine put it when I showed her. Not even bothering to hide it.
Imagine all the one could come up with. Very bad publicity for the so called prez. Great publicity for antifa.
Either Biden is stupid or he can’t fix it. Both?
“Bit of a wheeze” you say?
Is it good publicity or bad? Great publicity for antifa.
The fake prez can’t send the fbi over like he does to all people who call themselves patriots or say I love America? Lmao.
Just like Biden had to get an Uber plane to fly him to his own inauguration?
Ask yourself these questions, why did Trump get a 21 gun salute from the military with 3 cannons and 1 spare in case of misfire and Biden got 2 and 1? Trumps 21 gun salute was at intervals of 3 seconds and Biden’s 10 seconds? Trump’s was for a president and Biden’s was for a funeral or foreign dignitary?
Trump had his at the White house on Presidents Park and Biden at Arlington cemetery?
Biden did not lay the reef which is the president’s task instead it was already placed for him.
This is not a misstep from the military as they do everything by the book.
Trump also got a 21 gun salute on his farewell. The salute also was timed on his arrival which signifies trust and respect from the military.
A 21 gun salute is the highest military show of respect.
Trumps 21 gun salute
Biden’s 21 gun salute
The struggle is just beginning.
Please, please watch this video.
no way will i use your script as it requires java script so the cloud fairy can watch.
Visit @DrSimoneGold and scroll down to Dr. Simone Gold, “The Covid-19 Vaccine, Explained”.
More hoovering. “Oh but there is some good medical doctors”. No there isn’t. The only good medical doctor is the ex medical doctor. She is a racist defending the germ theory. We know darker skinned people need more sun exposure for vitamin D. HCQ is poison.
Let’s Divorce The Societal Narcissist – A 5D Meets 3D Discussion With Dr. Amandha Vollmer
“HCQ is poison”? That must be the biggest utter, utter sucker remark I’ve yet seen during this whole ludicrous covid scam.
HCQ an antimalarial treatment, it can cause ventriculat tachycardia in a small minority of people this was jumped upon and used to discredit it’s benefits.
In Madagascar there was a drink, again an antimalarial, made from extract of sweet wormwood and other herbs. The president of Madagascar offered it free of charge to any Country that wanted it.
He was paid by WHO to poision it !
Misinformation. He stated that his staff were offered a big bribe to poison it.
Well, all prescription medications are toxic to some degree, and all have side effects.
In the particular case of HCQ, it seems that some people are more intolerant of it than others, but all people can probably be killed by it if it’s given in too high a dose.
I’ve posted this before, and was usually attacked for questioning the sacred cow of HCQ, and no doubt will be again, but I’ll take that risk:
David Crowe, one of the early and vocal critics of the covid scam did one or more interviews with Remington Nevin on this subject:
(Only the first of those 3 interviews was during the covid era)
I have always questioned the idea of giving something potentially toxic, when there are completely non-toxic alternatives (such as high dose vitamin C (given intravenously in extremis) ).
Multiple doctors successfully administered HCQ as part of a regimen, as far back as around 2020-02. In a desperate effort to dismiss it as useless or dangerous, a study reported by 2 major journals administered it alone in a high dose. This is likely to have killed some patients. In any case, the journals renounced (“withdrew”) the paper after the vast sources of data were exposed as fake.
Gees! I managed with a lot of willpower, to watch this video. Dr Amandha droned in and out of subjects and I had to write down the major points. Eventually I gleaned that GP’s are quacks who are guessing at things and using us as guinea pigs? And that she is anti experimental vaccines?
One thing I will say for Dr Amandha is that she should give up public speaking and move into Hypnotherapy, because I could barely keep myself awake.
WHERE did the ex Doctor Simone Gold in the Previous video say that HCQ is poison???
And how did you surmise that she was a ‘racist?’
Chip on the shoulder perhaps?
Alternatively, visit @DrSimoneGold and scroll down to Dr. Simone Gold, “The Covid-19 Vaccine, Explained”.
Excellent. Thank you. Also Note:
CDC sleight of hand . . .
Using long-established guidelines, the accumulated death toll from COVID-19 would have been just 25,429 deaths on that same date, or less than 1 death per 10,000 Americans (see chart below). The entire fraud, which violates U.S. law, is described in detail in the October 12, 2020 issue of Science, Public Health Policy & The Law, and has gone unreported by the nation’s news media.
Thank you for bringing this video to our attention. It should be ‘mandatory’ for every one throughout the world to watch this. I have the greatest respect for Dr Simone Gold and her colleagues who have put their jobs on the line to bring us the truth.
If we do nothing else we should listen to this video and digest everything in it. Then go and share it with everyone we know, either via email or verbally.
Well done EBDAA and again, thank you.
21st century medicine as taught in the “leading” medical schools and various “scientific” institutions consists of pills, needles and fear.
The “Great Reset” is not a theory. It is an open plan to alter virtually all aspects of the economic system. None are trying to hide this.
Agenda 201 is also not a theory. This was an event and we know who attended. They ordered food.
There most certainly is a conspiracy in the legally binding sense of the term. Everything is out in the open.
Powerful financial interests are working in fraudulent ways to consolidate their wealth and power through the various Ponzi schemes of Foundations and Trusts and through various mechanisms of the Biosecurity State apparatus.
Politicians, media parasites and various health officials are fully engaged in this criminal conspiracy and are working hand in glove with these multi-billionaires to enact and further these criminal Ponzi schemes and to coerce and terrorize large swaths of the populace to participate in absorbing experimental injections into their bodies (without consent as the propaganda apparatus has purposefully misled the public as to what these “vaccines” actually are) which will permanently damage their health.
This is not too difficult to understand. At this stage in the game anyone who is still believing this is about some “virus” is stuck in a deranged fairy tale and is an anchor on humanity.
And here’s the proof, It is well worth opening and reading the whole document to be really informed. I have just posted snippets….:
Famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein wrote in 1977:
Nick Davies wrote in the Independent in 2008:
The government Is still paying reporters to spread disinformation. And the corporate media are acting like a virtual “escort services for the moneyed elites, selling access – for a price – to powerful government officials, instead of actually investigating and reporting on what those officials are doing.
the Founding Father knew that governments (like the British monarchy) will always crack down on those who point out that the emperor has no clothes.
But the freedom of the press is under massive attack in America today …
For example, the powers-that-be argue that only highly paid corporate media shills who will act as stenographers for the fat-cats, should have the constitutional protections guaranteeing freedom of the press.
Of course, you intended “millstone” (not anchor) on humanity and, I’m sure, ‘deliberate hindrance to man or beast’ !!
Concurred absolutely.
re. your original remark…
“This is not too difficult to understand. At this stage in the game anyone who is still believing this is about some “virus” is stuck in a deranged fairy tale and is an anchor on humanity.”
I’m just hearing yet again about “the figures” – in this case a slight fall – and I realised how EMPTY this all is. These figures are not the sick. They are just the case figures. Is this the world’s first “virtual virus” I.e. a sickness without anyone actually being sick?
I would like to add to this: Flu and Pnemonia deaths have dropped off the charts and the overall mortality for the year (2020) was slightly below average…..what conclusions might we draw from this?
That masks work? 😉
The flu is down because we’re masking and social distancing.
The Covid is up because we’re not masking and social distancing.
Name change. They’ve got previous. Look up Polio & AFP
Covid – if it exists – is no worse than the flu, so why the destruction of humanity as we know it? Don’t bother answering, I think we know already.
erm covid 19 cures flu and pneumonia….