A tale of three old men symptomatic of the world today
Three senior gentlemen have been in the news this month, each in their way speaking for the tragi-farce that is the New Normal.
On Tuesday Feb 2 Centenarian and WW2 veteran ‘Captain Tom’ breathed his last to widespread public grief and mourning. Tom, we are told in the MSM, recently raised £39 million for the NHS by walking round his garden on a Zimmer frame. Janet Street-Porter also thought he had recently received the Sars-CoV-2 vaccine. But then after he died everyone realized this was a mistake.
Captain Tom is, of course, a hero.
On Wednesday Feb 4 Piers Corbyn was arrested in Southwark for distributing ‘malicious material’ to local residents. This is said material.
You will note it compares covid vaccines with something evil (the words are a recent Evening Standard headline). This makes it malicious and possibly anti-Semitic. So the cops had no choice but to arrest Mr Corbyn for the ninth time.
Mr Corbyn is not a hero. He is a public nuisance.
Lastly, Dr Vernon Coleman, a steadfast rock over many months of this pandemic, released his latest video called Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals. In which he breaks down and weeps at the enormity of the evil currently being perpetrated on the human race.
Dr Coleman is not a hero. He is an ‘antivaxxer’ and therefore an un-person. Which is why his video has been scrubbed from social media almost entirely. You can watch it here at your own risk…
Or download here, if you are depraved enough to want to distribute or share it.
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Dr. Coleman is a badass, I love that guy! I am so horrible I watch every video; re-education will be very long for me. ;D
The psycho-trolls are out in force again.
Don’t these criminal loons realise that one day they will be put on trial?
Jesus Christ, reading the comments on this short article has really put the cherry on the top of the enormous ten-tier wedding cake of utter contempt for my fellow “citizens” that has slowly built up in me over this past year. There really are people – and people who take the trouble to seek out the OffGuardian site at that – who so completely lack any organ for satire or sarcasm that they really thought this article was calling Corbyn an anti-Semite and Coleman an un-person? You could clearly shove a copy of “A Modest Proposal” up these people’s arses as far as their oesophagus and they still wouldn’t get the joke.
Well let me, at least, offer OffGuardian my thanks for an excellent little contribution to a pushback that, I fear, is unlikely ever really to come. The piece got as close as even a conscientious (but prudent) journalist is ever likely to come to throwing an insult at the addled, greedy, selfish, compliant old sock-puppet for genocide “Captain Tom” (as you can see, I’m not a prudent journalist; come at me, coppers; we’re all going to jail sooner or later anyway). And it linked me to a video of Vernon Coleman’s that I hadn’t watched to the end yet. I’m glad I did this time. After Hancock’s emetic and ludicrous display before the cancelled Christmas, I thought I’d never want to watch the motions of someone crying on camera again. And – maybe only thanks to Hancock – there was a tiny nagging suspicion at the back of my mind as I watched Coleman that these too were only – or partly – “motions” gone through. Emotion is not a simple thing, especially when it is so closely associated with the pursuit of a (laudable and vital) political end. Possibly, there was a certain “complicity of the will”, as the Church Fathers used to say, in this breaking down and bursting into tears that one would like to think of as, “ideally”, something that isn’t real unless it’s entirely will-less. But for all these doubts and mental reservations, I wept with Coleman myself (I’m 61, so another old man in a chair). My God, do the very few of us who are still human have any hope at all of winning this fight, or even of sustaining it for very much longer, against such monstrous odds, and indeed against such monsters? It is as if there were “war in Heaven” and we were its ignorant shadows “clashing by night” here below…
Understanding irony has gone out of fashion it seems …
I have thought about Coleman and come to the conclusion that he cried because the sheer madness is too much to handle in any other way.
He is not ‘ crying ‘; he is an MI5 paid, ACTOR .
‘ yeah yeah let’s all break down and cry : ” because we can do nothing about it .”
IS IS ACTUAL MESSAGE. Everything else he talks about is padding and stage paint for ” THAT MESSAGE ” and that message ONLY .
Can you not see beyond the 2 dimensional world of ‘ either /or’ / 2 ‘opposites’ we are constantly falling for ?
At the age of 62 , you should be much wiser than that !
Suffice perhaps to ask you : Please quote ANY law by which you claim Corbyn / anyone claims to have been arrested re: ” Breaking Gov. Rules ( sic ). ”….
Or for that matter quote any actual offences, by which Corbyn claims to have been ‘ arrested ‘.
And / or for that matter ANY documents of proof ever offered by these double bluffers, as: Charge sheet ; court outcome ; sentence ; criminal record ….
They do not exist , because there is NO so called ‘coronavirus ‘ …
( NOT an official name for said ‘ COVID -19’ or the name for the SAID causing ‘ virus’ OFFICIALLY dubbed : ”SARS-Cov-2 ” ! ) ……..
You can read my post below , if you want to know the actual content of said ‘ legislation ‘ .
Alex, because I say these ‘heroes ‘ / any heroes for that matter are frauds : It does NOT ‘follow ‘ that I am ‘ therefore’ pro or anti ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL ! comprendez ?
You, like most, are going through life blinkered by this ‘ pat opposition ‘ nonsense . Don’t
you see that there is a whole world of ACTUALITY that you are completely missing .
Corbyn et al are far more instrumental in coercing the public into incriminating ourselves ON BEHALF OF GOVs / and IN THE ABSENCE OF GOV.s CRIMINALIZING US !!!!
PLEASE try to consider these things which have been made, you may notice. ‘off limits ‘ even more so,by the said ‘ opposition ‘ ( MI5 double bluff agents ), than Gov. s which, as a matter of fact : TELL US PRECISELY and OPENLY ,ALL ABOUT THE FRAUD THEY ARE PERPETRATING , in published express terms in writing.
No one needs to ‘prove ‘ anything : we just need top ignore these clown and start calling for Criminal Fraud Liability to be prosecuted on all ( Gov.s ; Gov. Quangos; Police ; Corporations ; Individuals ) who are perpetrating and aiding and abetting :
obstruction ; common assault and grievous bodily harm by claimed authority of NOT EXTANT ‘ law’ .
To be honest, I’m not really following you. What exactly are you trying to say?
My own position – I don’t know if it’s Corbyn’s or Coleman’s but I imagine that theirs is pretty close – is that, yes, there is most likely “no COVID 19” in the sense that there is no new virus circulating that stands in any reasonable proportion to the completely historically unprecedented measures being taken supposedly to “deal with it”. There may be a new variety of flu bug going around and it may have bumped up the mortality statistics among the over-70s by a couple of percentage points (on the other hand, the slight excess in deaths could well also be a result of lockdowns). But in essence, what we are seeing here is just a massive worldwide shifting of figures from one column into another so as to cause panic. Some of this may itself be a result of panic – i.e. the fear-porn has developed its own inertia and doctors and coroners are lying without really being aware of it – but it is surely in part a matter of a coldly, patiently implemented agenda: the “Great Reset” and so on.
I don’t think Corbyn or Coleman are denying any of this so I really can’t see any reason to call them “double agents”. They may not be familiar with, or on board with, every narrative explaining just who is behind the scam and tracing it back to the Rothschilds, or the Freemasons, or the Temple of bleeding Solomon or whatever. But they clearly know it’s a scam perpetrated by cruel, cold, powerful people and are reacting to it as any decent, brave person would.
You lost me completely, I have to say, with all that stuff about “the laws not being real”. I think we all – including Corbyn – know that the Corona laws are “not real” at least in the sense that they don’t come up even close to traditional British standards of law. They are diktats faxed over from Imperial College to Downing Street and then waved through Parliament in 15 minutes by a bunch of crooks who are all in the same dirty game together.
But that doesn’t mean they’re not “real” in the sense that they are something that anyone pushing back against this scam is having to deal with and likely will have to deal with for years to come. “Law” at this point has become just a word for “military measures the other side is taking” in what is rapidly developing into an outright, naked war. I can’t see, then, how Corbyn could be said to be “colluding” by getting arrested under a “fake” law any more than he would if he were arrested under a “real” one. Law is power now, and power is law. And Corbyn, in his way, is fighting the power, as is Coleman, as is David Icke, as (I imagine) are quite a few anarchists and lefty types I certainly don’t agree with in basic principle but am certainly willing to support on this
Alex . As has been proven over the past, at least 70 years in Clinical Trials ,there is no such thing as ‘contagious ‘ symptoms / ‘ disease.
NO clinical Trial has EVER succeeded in transferring the symptoms experienced by by one person or animal …to another .
Not by living in close proximity, or by direct : inhalation, ingestion or injection of body fluids from one subject to another .
Those are the FACTS : ONLY When you ask the ask the correct questions, will you ever get sensible answers !
I know it’s difficult to get your head around, when ‘catching ‘ colds etc. is so deeply ingrained into the very language we allegedly ‘ think ‘ in.
But what you MUST ask, BEFORE all else is built upon a false PREMISE, is,
”Where is the proof of the PREMISE ? ”
Vis : The PREMISE being : ”That symptoms can be transmitted from person to person / animal to animal .
This would be the simplest ever thing to prove b Clinical Trial, would it not ?
Yet, none has ever been able to do so !!!!
Alex, before you start repeating ‘the catching ‘ symptoms agenda , you need to ask for the proof that ANYthing at all, can be so ‘ caught.
IE : The simplest thing in the world to prove to be so, were it to be so ….CANNOT be so . QED :
.Proof by 100% ( over 70 years of trying ! ) That The Theory of Contagious Symptoms is FALSE .
Can you explain how measles is transmitted or contracted? I had measles as a child. I was never vaccinated against it. And I got it after my mom put me in the same bedroom as one of my siblings who had it. Same with mumps…
Comment Deleted.
Sorry, I cannot disagree entirely with Penny, so have to swallow my words..
What’s behind your assertion Coleman is an actor or MI5/6?
Purely this :
None of these so called ‘opposition figures’ EVER mention the fact that no clinical trial has ever succeeded in transmitting any set of symptoms from person to person or from animal to animal …….obviously because this fact would be too powerful in shutting down all ‘equivocability’ within The SET Agenda., for good and all ….and they clearly ARE NOT advocates of THAT!
Secondly they NEVER mention THE FACT, that there ARE NO ‘laws ‘ relating to any public behaviour whatsoever ! in fact they are extremely busy re: inforcing the false opposite, clowning around in streets ‘being arrested’ in every MSM ! going.
Clearly, non-existence of any ‘law’ being the second most powerful force to shut down all ‘equivocabilty’ Re; all things ‘virus’ / ‘medical’ excuse to control public behaviour, IE ”forced medication EN MASSE ! ” is also NOT on the agenda for these FAKES .
On my own moral compass, those who proclaim their dishonesty openly are blameless : It’s those who claim otherwise who are the pits.
This post is a disgusting execution of people who are obviously far more experienced and wise at commenting on important matters and, at life in general it would seem.
Positing a piece suggesitng someone is an “un-person” because of their informed opinion of something, is just trash worthy of being cast into the bowels of bull s h i t.
You folk are a disgrace to yourselves and the world of online enquiry. An “Execution piece” is what this really is. Shame on you, you will come to regret it, so carry on with your pseudo-credible crap.
This post is a disgusting execution of people who are obviously far more experienced and wise at commenting on important matters and, at life in general it would seem.
Positing a piece suggesitng someone is an “un-person” because of their informed opinion of something, is just trash worthy of being cast into the bowels of bullsh*t.
You folk are a disgrace to yourselves and the world of online enquiry. An “Execution piece” it what this really is. Shame on you, you will come to regret it, so carry on with your pseudo-credible crap.
”Yes ! Let’s swap one set of ‘heroes’ for another set… of in fact the same agenda, the same MI5 employed, but dressed up in ‘Opposition’ Emperors New Clothes. ”…..
Proof of this is many and varied in evidence but the fundamental, is in the undeniable, fully verifiable fact by all Gov. documentation ITSELF, that their role IS to facilitate the real enablement of this totally illegal use of alleged ‘viruses’ which ONLY exist for any purpose whatsoever, in the world of HSE ( IE Health and Safety AT WORK ! Reg.s ) to make the public criminalize themselves on behalf of Gov.s, by enacting a lurid game of ‘Simon Says ‘ on every street in the world.
The stories of ‘arrests and fines ‘, not least being perpetrated by theses ‘heroes’ ! ARE the enabling power of this absurdity .
Anyone who wishes to say that there are any written laws whatsoever, which can be applied to the general public and indeed private life ! needs to QUOTE them !
‘ Classifications’ of alleged ‘biological materials / viruses ‘, and all matters related apply worldwide and thus, universally, have no legal status in ANY country whatsoever.
The reason is that all LAW MUST be SEEN TO BE MADE on REASON ABLE grounds and be Evidence Based .
Because biological materials have never been proven to exist as cause of any symptoms in an clinical trial whatsoever ( Only Evidence Based Medicine can be used in a court of law ) , Every single Country carries a legal caveat at the forefront of official ‘ classification ‘ doc.s …..VIS :
”These classifications ( can only be applied ) apply to those who DELIBERATELY WORK WITH biological materials.”
First matter of fact in terms of the UK said ‘Legislation ‘.
( Gov. UK website. If you like ( anyone can ) download a certificate of exemption from Gov. UK website or you can buy a badge on Amazon ”.)
Prove it for yourself : Asklyour GP / anyone for medical exemption : they will say : ‘ there is no such thing / they can’t give you one / download an exemption certificate / buy a badge on Amazon. ‘
Coronavirus is NOT an official name for either the said disease ( C-19 ) or the virus said to be its cause,ie :” SARS-Cov-2. ”.Are we supposed to believe that the Gov.s legal team , employed to write in legalese, so that law is unchallengable, use ‘ nicknames ‘ , like kindergarten children on legal documents !
A quick perusal of the Act itself ( something said ‘opposition’ NEVER DO ! )Reveals that not only is there ZERO content applying to the public,but :
It is solely concerned with Immunity from Criminal Liability ( using the euphemism ” Indemnity ” which people associate only with ‘ insurance liability clauses ‘ ! )
But by context this is Criminal Immunity for ALL involved in the Admin. of this fraud , from L.As to hospitals to Care homes and other Corporate Enforcers and Practitioners , professional or otherwise …..
And for EVERY aspect of their activity for purpose, in : ” Testing ; Diagnosis and treatments .” …Along with all adverse effects NECESSARILY, therefrom.
This all about APPARENT ” FPNs, fines, accumulative punishments etc etc.
BUT : look at No.2. ONLY in this contents list ….and you realize all else is scare tactics with no knickers ( Nickers ) .
Vis : No 2. ‘WHERE LOCAL AUTHORITIES ” MAKE DIRECTIONS ”. ……all else becomes enforceable ONLY consequentially ‘ : These Reg.s in themselves are irrelevant.
” L.A.s must have regard to seriousness of threat and proportionality of response , in any Directions Made .
Where they are made, proper public notification must be given, along with the information on the right to challenge them in A Magistrates’ Court and the time limit for the challenge to be registered .”
Now ! The fact is that these directions have NOT been made ! They would be utterly absurd as well as wholly illegal were they to have been so !
Eg : ”It is a criminally liable offence to not wear a mask without self exemption by printing a note from GOV.UK or buying a badge from Amazon. ” ……Oh yes that would be one !
or how about : ” It is a criminally liable offence to be outside unnecessarily, for example at a beach or in a park, or otherwise travelling without ‘ a reasonable excuse ‘! …at such times as the media announce. ‘ lockdowns.’. ”
Instead of listening to these FRAUDS in the MI5 generated paid ‘ opposition ‘ WE need to write FOI requests to our own L.A.s for copies of any existent of the following :
Directions Made under the Health Protection Regulations 2020 ;
The Decision Report by which these directions were considered by laid down criteria and made .
The Notification given to the public, along with the means of adequate Notification and copies of any Challenges made.
WE will only ever persuade the majority who are NOT ‘the already converted’ who are the fodder of the likes of Icke . and other the above mentioned clowns, actively discrediting
any attempts to communicate with the believers, by asking them to look at EG : the FACT there is no MEDICAL EXEMPTION : and WHY would that be so, given the alleged danger / threat ????
And for us non-believers we need to realize that we are far from being ‘ awake ‘ : When we are not even aware that there are no laws OURSELVES ! And that we are being exploited using ignorance into following the agenda of ”DOING NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING” !!!! Being perpetuated by a bunch of CLOWNS .
Health Protection Regulations 2020 was repealed in June 2020. What’s your point? It’s a scam from top to bottom but you can’t force people to believe what you say either, especially by slagging off others. Corbyn is self serving and nothing more. You could label anyone controlled opposition and probably have a case. I like your anger though.
”Health protection CORONAVIRUS ETC. ! ” ( not whatever went BEFORE THEM ! ) They are NOT ‘repealed ‘ :
But they are also meaningless , because their entire content DEPENDS on L.A.s ‘Making The Directions ‘ , before said ‘FPNs’ etc can be enforced !
NO L.A.s have made any such directions, not least because the would be illegal !
And not least because as I said above : Said ‘Viruses’ EXPRESSLY by LAW cannot be applied to anyone EXCEPT ” Those who Deliberately work with biological materials.”
This is because symptoms have been proven by Evidence Based Medicine ( and therefore by Evidence Based Law …NOT to be transmissible from one subject to another. Despite 70 years of Clinical Trials, trying to succeed in doing so.
Just had a look at the comments today and have noticed anusually high 77 Brigade (and other Ministry of Truth associates) activity… Oh dear, you must have mentioned the VACCINES again.
Both Piers Corbyn and Vernon Coleman are heroes of our times, just like Franz Jägerstätter was a hero of his time. A beautiful film about Jägerstätter, A Hidden Life, written and directed by Terrence Malick premiered in May 2019 at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival (trailer below).
All three are heroes, showing the human spirit never really dies even when you become old.
Really , you think a person faking ; being arrested under non-existent said ‘laws’is a hero !
If you want to think that , FIRST you need to ask what are the precise word for word criminally liable charges in writing for ALL said ”arrests / fines ” ;
Show me a copy of the summons / indictment ;
Show me a copy of the court outcome.
There are NO laws B. D. and these people’s JOB is to convince you that there are. Thus rendering the public DISABLED . ( you can at my earlier comment on the subject here, for more detail. But we must never accept second-hand ‘ information ‘ , unless we can verify it for ourselves
Those (anonymously) down-voting my comments are supposedly refuting what I say : In which case, since I have only made fully verifiable points of fact, I ask that you state the laws upon which those who are spreading stories of arrests and fines, are based ? Chapter and verse Please !
In the absence of providing those proofs, I am entitled to say you are undoubtedly part of the fraudsters along with Corbyn, Coleman et al ..
I get your angle Penny, but your mode of imparting information is a little over-emphasized for people not to get triggered by how you’re articulating things. If someone considers another person a hero – or positive model, then let them have it, why put them down in the process? Just further explain yourself. People need to have role models, it’s not a bad thing, it’s natural and it teaches by example, to remain truthful.
Just a thought. But yeah, I get you…and don’t disagree with what you’re saying – It sounds cruel to discount the efforts of people like Piers. He grew in a very different cultural climate to now, and you should have some respect on some level for people like him. He could be a ‘useless eater’ but he’s not…he gets off his backside and tirelessly tries to bring about greater awareness of Agenda 2030 etc.
Make no mistake Anthony ; it role models and heroes , the world of PERSONality which is the evil ‘cult of the ego , which is our ONLY enemy .
Why else do you think ‘celebrity and all things PERSONal’ are such MASS MEDIA VALUE SYSTEMS, being shoved down our throats ?
We must stop following the cult of personality ( idolatry ) and make ONLY HIGHEST PRINICIPLES our ‘GOD’ .
Public Expectation rules the world : not force, ‘Gov.s, guns etc.
Vis : We must EXPECT to Elect POLICY : not persons/’ parties ‘ ( sic ) ;
To EXPECT to APPOINT SACKABLE facilitators of the POLICY elected ;
On the terms and conditions SET by the PUBLIC , their EMPLOYER .
( NOT the vice versa ! )
It is only by the commanding of ourselves by highest principle ALONE ,
that we can ever achieve honesty and integrity .
What we are taught to have instead is ‘ the adopted ‘highest principles of SOMEONE ELSE ! along with THEIR approval of US ( whether it be Church, state, family etc ) as our so called ‘self respect ‘.
You could not, Anthony, be more wrong.
And in fact you have demonstrated how YOU see people ( as good or bad PEOPLE ! ) and projected YOUR value system onto ME !
I love living beings equally. I SEE ONLY wonderful people : BUT Doing evil …..and yes I unequivacably DETEST what they DO, regardless of ‘ who ‘ they are .
Hello Chums
Life is good ..when you prepare
Please don’t forget
it isn’t! it never has and wont be about your health !
I really like Vernon and it s upsetting to see him so sad
But no matter how right all these people and pages and blogs and videos are
They all miss the simple fact : This is not about health!
once you realise this simple truth all makes much more sense
Please prepare
Dark times ahead
We can moan about it all we like but it won’t stop any of what’s planned
Simply put, the ‘dumb’ will be cleared of the planet in the next decade and nothing you nor me nor offg can do about it.
The truth as i see it and iam not alone . But will this pass the mandatory admin check ?
Truth is always subjective….and the last step is the hardest . realise this !
All we can do is stay connected. Stay grounded. Don’t watch TV !
And please stay strong ! for the once you love .
Prepare !
Stay Healthy ( very important ) Get fit , and ohhh yes ! prepare…
I knew it wasn’t about health last March. It’s about controlling us. We are living in evil times.
we don’t know what is going on in their psycho heads. perhaps they plan to commit suicide after killing everyone else. what we know is they are mentally ill criminals and dangerous.
The ‘ opposition heroes ‘ are our paid disablers . Look at my earlier comment if you want see the proof of that statement …. and think what to do instead of being a passive recipient of empty posturing ..
Unfortunately, they are casualties of this Silent War whether you agree with them or not – there will be many more unless some drastic measures are taken to end it.
This war is being waged by the public on behalf of Governments . To end it, all we to do is to stop the lurid game of ‘Simon Says ‘ being acted out on the streets.That game alone, is the enabler and the enforcer .
To stop it we need to realize that there are no laws in existence relating to the public realm , neither are there any anywhere in the world.
The likes of Corbyn et al are here to distract us from these KEY matters of power and enforcement. EG : Corbyn with his fake ‘arrests’ etc.and Cole with his defence ‘of the abstract as a reason able subject ! ‘ .
Please read my earlier comment for a hopefully better explanation .
it is possible even likely that they are perhaps all high level masons, such an accusation was leveled at son of godman david icke and seems to carry water…
even if not they are of no use if they reaffirm the orthodox covid narrative i.e ‘it’s existence’… I tend to concur with your view that most of what the governors are engaged in is technically ‘not lawful’ hence their need to wheel out the likes of sumption et al to validate the government by redirecting the publics eye of scrutiny to other arcane threads of discussion..
unfortunately though, they do have the threat of force, the preferred tool of all tyrannies. though certain prosecutions has been successfully challenged and beaten.
‘They do NOT have ” force ” . The fact is, as I’ve demonstrated by proof of Gov. doc.s themselves in other comments on this page .
WE are en ” forcing” non-existent ‘ laws ‘ upon the public ON GOV.s behalf .
And BECAUSE , not least : the only APPARENT ‘ opposition by hero ‘ IS constantly telling us and acting out, these NOT EXTANT laws, for us to believe in….
…In this insanely ingrained world of ‘ believe in the men ‘ : ‘ believe in whatever the men tell you ‘ .
God almighty ! Can you not see the evil in that absolute washing of hands of all self-responsibility and accountability, by projectng it onto ‘another ‘ ; What hypocrisy !!! !
The common law is the law of the land -the law of We the people and it trumps the current system of statute law run by criminals who wish to keep humanity ENSLAVED. That’s why the CL needs to be restored to its rightful place so that justice and freedom can also be restored for the people through establishing a new viable common law COURT system to eventually replace the statutory system and bring the perpetrators of the fraudulent pandemic to justice. If there is another peaceful alternative I’d be glad to hear of it.
I can tell what’s better -CO
PUBLIC EXPECTATION , it IS what rules the world : not ‘law ‘.
Law is no more than POLICY . WE can EXPECT to ELECT POLICY/ LAW .
or we can EXPECT to elect persons to administer ” extraneous laws ” , whether thet be CALLED ” Common law or any other name ” they ARE EXTRANEOUS Laws if THE PUBLIC has not ELECTED them .
And If THE PUBLIC is not their administrator .
Hence : We need to spread The PUBLIC EXPECTATION :
To EXPECT to elect POLICY : not persons / ‘parties ‘ ( same thing ) ;
To EXPECT to nominate and APPOINT SACKABLE facilitators of The Policy
Elected ;
On the terms and conditions SET by the PUBLIC, their Employer .
ONLY BY THIS EXPECTATION being popularly understood, can we re_instate common law as our authority OVERNIGHT/ at the next election , but it doesn’t require ‘ them ‘ to allow THEIR elections , for this principle to destroy their system by default ;
Bring every aspect of our basic living and fundamental needs,by power of scrutiny and administration by elected policy, under local, community control.
‘ Law ‘ is not ‘some set of written in stone, by some bloke or blokes set of rules for everyone else ‘, but a living process of FREE PUBLIC intercommunication between EQUALS, and then deciding by election, ‘the always open for review’ POLICY we agree to live by .
I emailed the Mail on Sunday doctor after reading her column…..
I’m reading your column in today’s MoS. I see that you’re requesting readers send in their stories of “jab miracles”. How about some balance whereby you ask readers to send in their stories about the “jab adverse reactions” or perhaps where their loved one has died immediately following receipt of the vaccine ?
Or is that an inconvenient truth ?
In addition you take to task those care home staff who refuse to accept a vaccine. Perhaps they are exercising their right to informed consent. After all, the vaccine being offered has not been fully trialled (the current rollout is the next trial stage !!), it has only been “approved for emergency use” and not yet licensed. Coupled with reports (not in the MSM which is strange don’t you think ?) of significant deaths in a Basingstoke care homes and on Gibraltar, both immediately following vaccine rollout.
Plus the Government’s wish to ride roughshod over the manufacturer’s schedule of 2 shots, spaced 3 weeks apart……the initial trial parameters.
Can you not understand people’s reluctance ?
We have to start answering back but I doubt I’ll get a response. The truth hurts.
What you say can’t be faulted, David , it is of course al perfectly right . But what I’d like you / everyone else to think about before following the agendas,( and by that I mean adopting their ‘ tactics ‘ as necessarily effective) of these so called ‘opposition ‘ figures .
I’ve written a fairly full explanation for what I think we should be concentrating on earlier , which I hope you might consider , but this why I am especially wary of focusing on injections ( not even meant to be ‘vaccines ‘ ! )
Suppose for one minute these stories of ‘adverse reactions’ are fake news ; suppose for one moment that what is being injected AT PRESENT is mere brine !
Well ! this makes far more sense to me in the cause of the REAL poison injections being made compulsory LATER .
And the more noise and hysteria generated among the opposition NOW, the more will we have been discredited for their later purposes !
But as well as that possibly fatal enough error. People see injections as their passport to freedom : so there is very little point in focusing on that, when all we are really doing is gratifying ourselves with hopes that people will have the adverse reactions necessary to put them off the entire agenda, which it won’t ,. in any case !
Because that can only ever happen when people cease to believe in the existence of viruses, as well as the ‘ poison and butchery as cure’ fraud PER SE .
No ! What we need to focus on is getting OUR OWN people back on the streets just exercising our right to normal life, without this non-existent fear of fines arrest etc. which these leaders of alleged ‘opposition ‘ are aiding and abetting as existential :
There NO LAWS relating to the public … only then will the others say ‘ Why , if such a threat exists, aren’t there any laws ! ‘
and ‘ why, are Gov.s /police / fake opposition only PRETENDING there ARE ?
THESE are the things and ONLY these things are the matters capable of getting the public in general ON BOARD ….many of whom have already lost their income from fear of fake non-existent laws and therefore fake disease .
Hi Penny, thank you for your response. Your musings are interesting but I feel there are too many coincidences not to believe in adverse reactions and I personally cannot accept your brine theory.
And as for fake laws, have you seen the Coronavirus Act ? There are far more Draconian measures in there that are yet to be rolled out !!
Maybe what she’s suggesting is that, in this great deception, any strategy that furthers the goals of the self-appointed ‘masters’ is possible, including combinant technology, placebos (which is what Covid-19 is after all too) and as Moderna openly refer to their new programming platform as an operating system, you kind of realise there’s a longer play being made here.
The first shot will prime the situation, killing many on its way, as its simply full of provocative foreign substances, the second will potentially interact with the first, or further build on ‘changes’ made by the first vaccine.
When mRNA tech allows you to program DNA and hence human biology, you can do it slowly…remember Windows 95 was rubbish compared to Win 10.
So, there you have it, the Human GitHub, though the participants are not aware they’re even part of the code, programme or development thereof.
Bill must be pissing himself with knowledge of how this is all gonna go down, and how they’re going to spin it in the eyes of the blinded.
Exactly so, David . Thankyou .
Thanks David , I’m not proposing any theory though, neither am i saying that adverse reactions don’t presently exist .
All I AM saying is that these stories of adverse reactions ( and they are IN THE MSM ! which is suspicious in itself ) …..
COULD BE , stories precisely to trick people into saying ‘ look people are dying etc ‘ from injections ‘ …,
But LATER these very stories wiol be proven false …..
( BECAUSE they are only using saline FOR NOW ) … Precisely so that genuine warnings will be seen to be ‘ conspiracy theory ‘ hysteria … YES ?
Plus, it is really not in the interests of mass ‘vaccine ‘ promotion to have people dying FOR REAL ! en masse , shortly after ‘ vax ‘ …BEFORE everyone is shot …..IS IT ….!
All I’m really saying, and this is my real point, that our best chance of influencing the ‘believers ‘ is NOT the ins and outs of ‘ virus /vax ‘ ,which people hold very dear indeed !
But instead, ‘ we can easily prove that there ARE NO LAWS relating to any public behaviour, AS WE ARE TOLD THERE ARE ….
Now, by that certainty, aren’t these believers going to clamour for laws TO be MADE ? IE They will be first outraged and then will certainly question why they’ve been told they are in imminent danger of death, but lied to that there are any laws of ‘ protection’ whatsoever !
IE _ speculation is speculation , why indulge in that : When we have real tangible reasoning at our disposal .
Ok, answers my comment above (sorry, reading from top) – there you have it. And I love you for saying that!
Freedom must be lived, not blogged, commented on, re-edited, tweeted or otherwise…
See ya out there…
I’ll be encouraging local shops to open again asap, arm people with the power of truth and integrity and support them on their way, then that’ll be a virus like no other before it – the heart opening up again inside every one of us. This thing will all end when we walk out of our doors and all hold hands….(wouldn’t that be a nice, happy ending?)
That’s the stuff we need to hear ! Inspiring and doable . Thankyou Anthony .
Dr Coleman and Mr Piers Corbyn are valiant, pre-eminently decent men who have called the Covid lie, and are sustaining us with genuine information that helps keep our heads above water in this crazed sea of flagrant political, MSM and NHS-administration lies. Thank you, gentlemen. You are invaluable to us.
(The writer of the above article may have meant to be ironic. It’s just that it has not come off as intended.)
I feel the third man Captain Tom was used and abused by MSM and he even died because of covid-19 for them.
He died because, jab or no jab, he was 100 years old and had pneumonia to boot.
But he was alive and well before the jab. No way is the jab exonerated, nor the people who administered it.
It appears to me thatnhe died of vaccine, not of covid.
(Speak for yourself.)
I never speak for anyone but myself. 🙂
Quite the opposite : Corbyn’s fake arrests are enabling the fear of non-extent laws ; Coleman is perpetuating the ‘ empty pathos’ agenda :
‘We are the helpless victims of power’ : ( not the ones with all the power ! ) Let’s discuss the ins and outs of the ABSTRACT ( sic ) ‘ of viruses ‘ / ‘vaccination ‘ and ‘ while away the hours, fiddling while Rome burns, till they come and get us and our children for forcible injections .’
We need to stand together in our own communities armed with the proof that there are no laws re: the fraud; be SEEN to be Going about our everyday lawful business , sans lurid games of Simon Says and not getting ‘arrested ‘ for it .
The arrests are not fake (i.e. he really was trespassed upon, imprisoned falsely, dragged through the usual media circus). They’re just not enforceable, hence why he’s not paying a penny. He’s not helpess, that’s your interpretation – his version of exercising power looks like that, just because it doesn’t pertain to your standards of vision, doesn’t mean you need to be so hard on everyone else.
This is a multi-levelled, multi-dimensional increase in awakening, you can’t shout too loudly at those at the bottom of the ‘rungs’ – you have no idea what they’ve experienced or where they come from to get where they are now.
But yes, again, I agree with where you went with all of that – lawful awakening harks back to divinity and sovereignty, a battle many of us have been fighting long before covid or any coronavirus.
Ok . On what quotable law were these ‘arrests made’ ? Have you seen ANY charge sheets /court summons / court outcomes / fine doc,s , criminal record ? ……These are of course rhetorical questions, Anthony .
The answers are necessarily : ‘ I don’t know’ and ‘No ‘ respectively !
You can only refute that, by providing them btw. Neither you nor anyone else ‘down voting and disputing’ my evidence to the contrary CAN or indeed ever DO !
From 1984
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.
Bollocks to that in no way do I envision that to be the future in any way at all
Yeh right, talk about mainfestation
Dr Coleman is, I take it, talking about the mRNA vaccines in this video. What I want to know is, seeing as we’re not going to be allowed to have much of a life without getting the jab,would it be a safer bet to go for Novovax, a protein-based vaccine which works in a more traditional way?
I have to play Russian Roulette. I found a revolver that holds eight rounds instead of the usual six. Given that I feel I must play, shouldn’t I use this revolver? Seems to me there is a better chance of not blowing my head off.
The vaccines have been tested on tens of thousands of people in published studies which you can find with a quick google search. They have been tested on more people than most drugs are tested on, and no one in any of the studies died or were severely unwell due to the vaccine. I reckon the vaccines are pretty safe. Not sure where Dr Coleman is getting his info from!
Very good. One characteristic of the citizens in the USSR (and other such places) was their cynical and ironic sense of humor, always cloaked by not revealing any hostility of the regime, just good fun so you don’t get reported by the neighbours, and a defensive move against the madness of the regime and the preservation of your own sanity.
Had they had the internet they would have been able to search Pravda for the latest truth bulletin, always a source of mirth and entertainment. Today we have Gxxxxx, the Guardian, and for the colonies, the New York Times and others of similar persuasion for inverse reality.
In other news, the UK proposes opening pubs, but they may serve no alcohol, the measure already the source of memes and merriment, USSR style.
Colonies!? How dare you! We’re a proud, feudal serfdom fully independent except for we’re a little dependent on China, Zurich, Cayman Islands, Vatican City, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Dubai, Riyadh, London… (oopsie). 😉
Nice Try Bob Not sure where you are getting your information from either , though I suspect the SAGE groups or 77 Brigade, Some tests were only carried out on 45 people – its got more chance of sterilising you than preventing Covid only a fool would advocate it as safe.
There is no evidence that vaccines cause sterilisation.
If you are referring to the Covid jab there has been insufficient time to determine your claim.
You could literally say this about any new thing ever. Are we really sure that the new IPhone doesn’t cause infertility? How about the latest fad diet?
There hasn’t been a widely used vaccine in the past which has caused infertility, so why would this one be any different?
Why? Because mRNA vaccines target the human DNA.
The onus of proof is on the assertor to satisfy. Those who introduce an experimental vaccine need to reasonably prove it is safe. Granted not 100% but there’s a burden on them. To put the onus on people questioning it is stupid and ignorant beyond belief. Try to engage any remaining brain matter you have – it might one day save your life.
The number tested on is irrelevant. Not nearly enough time has passed to make an assessment.
As Dr Romeo F. Quijano said:
But of course “We can’t afford to wait! Because – good God man, there are millions dying every second from this terrible unforeseen …….” etc
Due to the way vaccines work (triggering an acute immune response) it is highly unlikely that they will have any long term side effects. The only thing vaccines cause is immunity.
they aren’t vaccines they are dna disruptors, a platform that utilizes rna transport mechanisms… a cursory glance over the available information should clarify.
it isn’t cow puss and mercury in a syringe like the old school toxines.. in their own words it is refered to as a ‘platform’. probably in deference to the woody allen of windows bill gatz, who is the king of shoddily coded ‘antivrus’ software.
the dim ones like you should avoid being educated above you IQ.
What the? How does? Who is? What? Why do? LOL. SMH.
I noticed you said “ethical” in the middle there. It’s a good thing Fauci’s wife apparently declared this universal euthanasia attempt to be 110% ethical.
Vaccines have been tested for a few weeks. Public is being trialed for the safety follow-up which would normally a couple of years for all adverse events to be realised. If the so called vaccines were safe the health agencies would approve them and not give emergency licence.
Do you really believe this is about your health. How far are you prepared to allow them to dictate how you live your life. Do you think they own you.
This doctor took the ‘vaccine’ saying she felt a sense of responsibility to “protect” others and encouraging others to do the same.
Sadly she is not alone and some miscarried at a much later stage and immediately after a covid-19 vaccine.
No one should be taking the vaccine whilst pregnant. The vaccines have been proven to be safe in those over the age of 16, but it has never been tested on pregnant people or children.
Knowing Bill Gates views on population control, I wouldn’t have anything to do with his vaccines or genetic modifiers.
Bill Gates had very little if anything to do with the manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccines. Even if he has funded some vaccine programmes, he will not have been allowed to interfere with how its made or its safety.
There is no evidence that the vaccines cause any long term side-effects.
how could there be? yet
Yeah, I would call death a long term effect, but maybe not side effect, so you’re right, Bob. Do they pay you by the post or per character? I notice you’re pleasantly succinct. You could probably squeeze more quid into your paycheck if you add a few Lord Byron-isms. 😉
Oh it’s their fault – what abscess did you you ooze out of?
It’s the fault of the person giving them the vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy for the simple fact that they haven’t been tested on them, and the person administering it should have known this, unless they were part of a trial.
However, miscarriages occur in 1 in 8 pregnancies anyway, so it’s more likely that she had a miscarriage from natural causes than she did from the vaccine.
thereby demonstrating your total oversight of causality.
VAERS in the US reporting 9 post vaccine (natural) abortions or foetal deaths. Obviously at this stage we have no way of knowing if any of these would have occurred irrespective of vaccination.
you’d think doctors would know science / more but sadly not
Actually science, or the following of, doesn’t seem to be working both with regard to climate change or Covid. 😁
they are a cult. they are the last people who would know.
One of the ‘vaccines’ is preventing the placenta to attach to the womb wall. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy hormone’s sustain a pregnancy after 12 weeks the placenta then maintains the pregnancy.
There is no evidence for this claim.
The vaccines haven’t been tested on pregnant women. She should not have taken the vaccine whilst pregnant with the current evidence.
However, miscarriages are very common. They happen in about 1 in 8 pregnancies. Therefore it’s highly likely that she had a natural miscarriage as opposed to a miscarriage induced by the vaccine. Unless you can prove that there’s a higher rate of miscarriage in women who take the vaccine then you cannot prove that the vaccine causes miscarriage.
Fact of the matter is, as I think Kit Knightly’s recent article, said “Is the vaccine safe”? We simply don’t know.
In that background, why would anyone with a brain cell take an experimental vaccine? And when pregnant.
Certainly miscarriages occur anyway but why is the onus of proof on the person who points out the possibility of a connection? Perhaps in months and years to come we will be discussing this and other stuff alot more. I sincerely hope not. But, at best we are talking of an experimental substance injected into our veins. At worst something quite lethal.
I don’t know if the vaccine is safe in pregnancy as it has never been tested, so no one can say whether or not the vaccine increases chance of miscarriage.
We do know that the vaccine is safe in everyone non-pregnant over the age of 16, as it has been tested in peer reviewed studies with over 50,000 people. Furthermore, it has now been given to tens of millions of people worldwide with no concerns over safety.
Do we?
What evidence do you have that the vaccine is safe, medium and long term?
Due to the way the vaccine works (induces an acute immune response), it is highly unlikely that it will cause long term side effects. The vaccine doesn’t stick around in your body, only your own immune cells.
It’s been about 9 months since the Oxford Vaccine trials began, and there have been no serious adverse effects in any of the volunteers since then. We do know that COVID-19 causes long term illness in some people though. Risk benefit analysis, I’d rather have the vaccine than COVID-19.
But why put something unknown in your body?
From a psychological viewpoint I’d be really fascinated In your answer.
Who is ‘we’, Bob? Who ‘knows’ that covid causes long-term illness? Who are you with, Bob? Publicis, 5W, CSG, Bob Gold, Imperial College, Oxford, Guardian, BBC? C’mon Bob, we all want to know.
From October to mid December care home deaths in England and Wales, classed as “covid related”,hit a peak of 636 a week. Since one week after vaccine rollout this has increased just shy of 400%,at 2400 “covid related ” deaths per week. Could this be adverse reactions leading to death in the very frail? It certainly isn’t figures suggesting a 95% efficacy. Which is the point. It’s only now we are getting a true picture
I cannot understand why a pregnant woman would take the vaccine particularly after being told not to.
The victims fault. You are clearly damaged human detritus.
bob’s a 77 sock… they always use the same MO.. a peculiar yet feminine invective somewhat like arguing with someone who has borderline personality disorder.
I shared Dr. Coleman’s video, and one of the people I sent it to bit my head off, saying, “I found out in 5 seconds it was garbage,” and referencing a Reuters “fact check” article. I just said to her: shouldn’t you have taken more than 5 seconds to check this out? I think people like her would just fall apart if they thought for a moment that the government and the billionaires were not working in their best interests.
Reuters has vested intersts in ‘big pharma’.
“Your gut is filled with bacteria”
To quote Andrew Kaufman, the digestive track is a tube that passes through your body, it’s not “inside”. The body takes from the digestive track whatever it sees fit. Bacteria that live inside the gut are not “inside” the body. In fact, if the gut is damaged, as in the case of a ruptured appendix, the shit from your gut has a good chance of killing you as it spills inside your body.
As much as we probably all agree that COVID-19 is giant hoax and perhaps that there is quite bit, if not all, wrong with the theory of viruses, it might behoove everybody not to get too carried away for their own good and reject medical science in its entirety.
So, I’m gonna continue to clean my wounds, soap and water are usually good enough, for the allusion that infection is caused by pollution, toxins in the soil sounds like grasping at straws.
In more general a sense, I have the impression that some people are replacing one dogma with another, unwilling to consider an opposing viewpoint or discuss it in a rational manner. Not good, not good. It’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
So, the gut is not inside the body. Next time I get undressed I’ll ask my wife if she can see it.
It’s inside in the sense that it passes through it, but stuff from the gut cannot enter the body. The body chooses what stuff it allows to enter the bloodstream, flesh, organs, etc.
Try to be less idiotic next time.
‘the body chooses what stuff it allows it allows to enter the blood stream, flesh, organs etc
Please tell me how the body does this’
Comrade tish, I have no frigging idea about the actual mechanism how the body breaks down what you stuff into your cakehole and what then proceeds into your stomach and intestines, where some stuff passes into the bloodstream, and other stuff is rejected and comes out the other side as excrement. But the mere fact that people do take a shit unmistakably certifies that the body chooses what stuff it allows to enter the bloodstream – and subsequently the rest of the INSIDE of the body – and what stuff is rejected.
Come to think about it, your body probably doesn’t work like that and allows everything you devour to be absorbed. That’s probably where the expression “full of shit”, which aptly applies to you, comes from. Ditto shithead.
Hope this answers your question.
Selective absorption, osmosis, concentration gradient, lock and key mechanism, active diffusion, bacterial,selective uptake from different cells, ion transporters.
Clever gut! But tell me, please: How to people get to suffer food posioning?
that’s hilarious, no idea of anything posing as an expert LOL!!!!!!!!
If Kaufman really did say what you claim he said then for some reason he’s taking the piss! Where did he actually state that, it’s a must see!
Where is it Jacques? I’ve had a look at some of his stuff but I could only find reference to the microbiome. Are you sure he said that in the way you have described It as it doesn’t even sound like Kaufman at all.
Reply meant for Jacques from -CO
Seek and ye shall find. I don’t remember where I heard it, it was in one of his videos.
I don’t know why you’re going apeshit about it. One would assume that it’s common knowledge that the body only absorbs some stuff from what what you shovel down your throat and what proceeds further down the digestive tract. The stuff the body chooses to reject comes out the other end in the form of excrement. I mean you take a shit once in while, don’t you? Ever wondered why?
Oh? Then why do people manage to die of food allergies?
By your own admission you know little of biology……you are right
You’re right, if I take a nasty fall and break a bone and it’s sticking out as to make my shirt look bad, I might go see a doctor. Maybe. It’s the 95% of bad doctors make them all seem bad and that is not fair. Point well-taken.
‘In January 2020 the Daily Mail reported that UK fund-raising hero Captain Tom had received a Covid-19 vaccine. Captain Tom died just weeks later on 2nd February, so the Daily Mail rewrites history, removing his name, and the mainstream media deny he was ever vaccinated.
And this is why TPTB hate the Internet Archive.’
“I couldn’t be more thrilled that The Queen, Prince Phillip, Captain Tom and Joan Bakewell have now all had their jabs”
source Aangirfan
As soon as I read the slur “anti Semitic” that marks the end of my interest in the article. Away with you and your nonsense.
I think you missed the satire, Antipropo. In fact, if you’d read one sentence more you’d have realised this. Possibly something you may want to try in future, to save unnecessary and pointless outrage? Why did you skip to the bottom to comment, rather than read an extra sentence? Didn’t you read any other comments? Really, what a waste of everybody’s time this has been. A2
The irony was missed on some it would appear.
Yes. But you must admit that this was not the best-honed of ironic tracts. The writer might easily have been the typical COV-liar we are used to in the MSM.
Welllll… you’re entitled to your opinion, however perhaps your point is more of a reflection on the ridiculous cartoon that the world has become.
That is the point I made. So I have no idea what opinion of mine you so gerenrously licensed.
Sorry: ‘generously’.
That’s because the irony was so poorly executed. That’s a knock on the writer, not the many people who missed his lame attempt at humour.
Oh come on. Whereas your opinion is valid I think the point being made is really quite clear.
It’s not as if the article was that long or hard to read. Sadly this is the challenge we face, the majority(even some here) still having the attention span of a gnat. Hence why we are in this mess.
Jonathan Swift found himself in hot water when he tried to satirise the quality of English politicians’ proferred solutions — to the dual problems of Irish food shortage and over-population — with this quip: ‘Eat babies.’
Ah, satire is a delicate tool! 🙂
C’mon! Elaborate further. By turning on the censorship button, quest for meaning ceases.
A journey down memory lane.
The name David Crowe will be familiar to most here. He was one of the early critics of the scamdemic, primed as he probably was, by his long experience of looking into the equally scammy HIV-AIDS saga.
David did a ton of interviews, both on his TheInfectiousMyth.com podcast series, and on his earlier HowPositiveAreYou.com series, on which he was a co-host.
He interviewed Peter Duesberg twice, once in 2016 and before that in 2010.
For those who have the time and interest, here are links to those interviews. The audio on the first is not great, plus the fact that Duesberg, although perfectly fluent in English, speaks quickly with a fairly strong accent:
In the first interview, Duesberg recounts how the HIV-AIDS research grew out of research into supposed cancer-causing viruses. The latter was unsuccessful (Duesberg aptly asks: if cancers were caused by viruses, why are they not contagious?). Realising the fruitlessness of the cancer-causing-virus research, smart people moved over to the new and promising field of AIDs, convinced in advance, of course, that it was caused by a virus.
(And, unsurprisingly, the first AIDS drug, AZT was really a cancer chemotherapy drug, only intended for short-term use, and not for life….).
Duesberg wrote quite a famous book: “Inventing the AIDS Virus”. You can find it on Z-lib.org .
His website is at: http://duesberg.com
There is an eery similarity in many aspects of the HIV-AIDS to aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 story. And Fauci’s fingerprints are all over both of them.
“Captain Tom is, of course…..”
wore death medals with pride – titled from a terrace walk front his daughters house – an “expert” offspring with a bespoke framework for the marching auTomaton ?
hi whats the maytrixgroup got to do with it ? is it something you do?
pls advise
Hello image,
Hannah Ingram-moore….is his Daughter and Director.
isnt that coincidence thank you
keep keeping on
I don’t think I personally would have risked handing out fliers like those of Piers, but by no stretch of the imagination could they be regarded as antisemitic. To try to claim so is to distort reality in the extreme, but then, no more so than the accusations against his brother for the related “offences”, largely by the right-wing of the Labour party, for reasons best known to itself (and to speculate on those reasons automatically makes you a conspiracy theorist, so I won’t (not openly)).
It would not surprise me if Sir Keir hadn’t had a quiet word in the ear of the Home Secretary to make sure that Piers is arrested whenever he puts his head over the parapet, and if possible, a smeared suggestion of AS is made against him. Because of their shared surnames, this will inevitably serve to put Jeremy also in a bad light, and damp down any remaining enthusiasm for its former leader among Labour Party foot soldiers.
By thus means will Napoleon continually try to ensure that Snowball’s reputation among the animals becomes lower and lower, so that he is rendered less and less of a threat to the obviously failing leadership of Napoleon.
Now we are all Palestinians.
The flyers trivialised the Holocaust. By comparing the current situation to the Holocaust you are making it seem like the Holocaust wasn’t that bad. Whilst not an attack on Jewish people, it is deeply offensive to compare COVID restrictions to the Holocaust
He doesn’t appear do that though. The flier compared the phrasing of a recent headline to “Arbeit macht frei”. Yeah it was controversial but I fail to see how it was trivialising the Holocaust. Quite the opposite I’d say. A2
Right, so Piers Corbyn is basically saying that by taking vaccines you will experience the same suffering as was experienced those in Auschwitz.
I’m going to have to disagree with him on that one.
Corbyn drew the usual pearl-clutching sententious flak for daring to mention the ill-starred, or ill-swastikaed, phrase “Arbeit Macht Frei” in a perfectly lucid, rational, respectful manner.
I noticed a curious paradox a long time ago: even as a kid gaining haphazard knowledge and understanding of the Nazi Holocaust via popular culture and parochial school education, I was presented with the primary Holocaust-remembrance mantra “Never Forget!“. The Jewish people, especially the survivors of the Nazis’ heinous depredations, righteously and zealously prosyletized the necessity to remember the horrific events both to honor the victims and to prevent or deter the prospect of recurrences; the extensive public commemorations are an expression of this profound dedication.
To be clear, here I am being respectfully descriptive of this premise, not criticizing or questioning it. I don’t have my Norman Finkelstein hat on. 😉
The paradox arises from an irreconcilable and equally powerful sociopolitical movement that effectively forbids and punishes any pertinent reference to historical aspects of the period– a movement that arrogates control and exclusive ownership of this historical territory.
So if someone makes a comparison between current events and the awful past, and straightforwardly cites the evidence in a manner which does credit to the “Never Forget!” ethos, they invite bumptious censure from the self-appointed “owner” contingent.
In short, there’s enormous piety built up around “Never Forget!”, but an equal and opposing impulse to censor and deplore any unsanctioned* party who dares to express a good-faith “never forget” analysis, argument, or mere reference by explicitly, er, remembering unpleasant factual details.
This censoriousness is even more pernicious when the Holocaust-era Nazi regime references are made in works of art, from satirical writing to the visual arts. The “blowback” assumes that the spontaneous use of such material is inherently outrageous, offensive, and obscene.
The “owners” insist that, although it’s vitally important that we “never forget” for high-minded reasons, it’s equally important that we do reverence to the memory by never invoking it, even truthfully and respectfully, in social and political discourse. That’s a head-scratcher.
* I threw in “unsanctioned” because there is a limited group of authorities and dignitaries, e.g. clergy and scholars, who have license to publicly address this fraught subject.
As I have pointed out in other comments under this conversation, the scale and reality of the European Jewish holocaust is shrouded coincidences and contradictions.
I’ll be straight with you, @unfortuna, you must suspect by now, quite rightly, that this is not a platform to discuss holocaust revisionism. Even if it’s discussed in a completely objective and unbiased way, it’s the surest way to a) be immediately written off as antisemitic and b) potentially be arrested in certain countries.
Whether this creates an unsettling sensation for the unbiased historian or not, this is unfortunately reality. It is OT. It is too inflammatory not to risk utterly hijacking any thread and giving immediate free ammunition to our detractors. I believe there are forums out there where you can discuss these things in more detail. I respectfully ask that we don’t butt heads on this issue here, as it’s really counterproductive. Thanks very much, A2
I disagree, the leaflets were hard hitting but put the point across. We are being told these life saving ‘vaccines’ will set us free from the Covid regs when in fact they won’t.
You mean like the Izzies trivialise the Palestinians?
Many years ago I remember watching a video on Youtube that was featuring a person with a deep Irish accent displaying newspaper articles from 1900 to 1939 that showed the number 6,000,000 in connection to Jewish pogroms. That video was proving the scale of the European Jewish holocaust to be false and for that reason is was scrubbed of Youtube.
Apparently Piers Corbyn’s ex wife was a jewess, so calling him anti semetic does make them look stupid.
the corbyns have what wikishit calls ‘jewish ancestry’,presumably so does dr vern.
‘… fliers like those of Piers, but by no stretch of the imagination could they be regarded as antisemitic. To try to claim so is to distort reality… ‘
True. But that particular slur always sticks, no matter how much it distorts reality. We saw this in the case of Piers’s brother Jeremy.
I’m inclined to think Corbyn is a stooge. Handing this out is the icing on the cake. Dr Coleman is okay though. He talks sense.
Piers Corbyn is a man of courage.
Piers Corbyn has done NOTHING, that I’m aware of, to merit any adjective other than courageous.
Corbyn is a none stop demonstrator.That is what he does.It is about competing with his brother.Sad.
Ah, so Piers is the tortoise to Jeremy’s hare!
Piers has been arrested more than nine times.
None of the fines he has been given will last more than five minutes in a proper court of law.
But where can you find one of those in this day and age?
‘proper’ – ahhh, as the guy said, there’s the rub ….
Learn what is happening to you, learn what the forces at play really are. The CIA and the far-right would have you believe it is jews and some stupid international conspiracy. It is not, it is history unraveling another empire.
‘Fall of Civilizations tells the story of what happens when societies collapse. ‘
The thing is, it’s so hard to know when you’ve truly reached the point where you could say, “Okay, everything’s screwed and there’s nothing more we can do – might as just sit back and watch the Apocalypse happen.”…
I think we all know what happens when societies collapse – we’re witnessing it right now, but the urgent question is, can we stop it?
For me, a genuine ‘reset’ for mankind (not a reset from which a few unscrupulous individuals would like to profit) would entail a feeling that all is lost, after which the question would arise, “Now what?”
However, I find it hard to believe we have really reached that point.
The people who are currently controlling the world are so morally retarded that I can’t see any future at all for mankind in their manipulations, so my gut instinct is that a meaningful reset would entail, as Dr. Coleman envisages, putting them all away.
But where is the tribunal to judge them, since they are the very same people who establish tribunals…?
“However, I find it hard to believe we have really reached that point.” I absolutely think and feel that we have reached the end of this cruel, perverted system of things. That’s a good thing. Klaus Schwab, et al, think it’s a good thing too, but they think that they’ll get to create a new system. They will, and it will last for a very, very, very short period of time. It’s what comes after their terror is done that will be good.
‘But where is the tribunal to judge them, since they are the very same people who establish tribunals…?’
I should love to consult Lord Sumption on this. I suspect that the plaintiff in a case such as the one Dr Coleman envisages is entitled to demand a hearing before a jury, even in the higher courts.
THOTH’s PROPHECY read from the Hermetic Texts by Graham Hancock
A very idiomatic and approachable translation of this prophesy, although in the Bible “The Book of Revelation” says pretty much the same thing.
We must listen to such texts today. We need help.
Then there’s Heqt.
It is far too late. The forests and the fish stocks that sustained our pre agricultural ancestors have disappeared. In any case there are far too many of us. Irresistible natural forces have driven us to the brink of extinction. Accept it philosophically.
never to late
Dr Vernon is stating with passion what I have been wrting to my MPs about. I shall remind him to watch this (He won’t of coruse, but I will insist on it!)
Yesterday I wrote to my MP, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance, Simon Stevens & June Raine.
Received automated responses from most.
What more can you do to raise your concerns to these eugenicists ?
I think it important to remember Francis Galtons interpretation of Eugenics….. that was’well born’ by which he implied wealth.
In all things it is about the rich/poor divide……it always has been and it always will be.
My son and I share music and I do the basics of guiding him away from complete confection to some degree of artistry. Interestingly he demands to know all the words. We used to make up the words we couldn’t grasp.
That’s an especial problem with old blues recording. Yet I try to show how popular music is manipulated — and how far back you have to go to find examplars of talent.
R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978)
R.L. Burnside’s timeless version of Poor Black Mattie
One man fills the room more than an entire band.
We shall yet rediscover the blues. And maybe it won’t be a bad thing.
Acoustic Blues Guitar – Lightnin’ Hopkins – That Woman Named Mary
I got the COVID blues…
I can assure you that talent, whatever that’s supposed to be, has nothing to do with artistry. Dedication and woodshedding do …
Art is an act of expressing a feeling, idea, emotion, sentiment in an innovative way with flawless technical execution.
Without wanting to detract anything from R.L.Burnside’s artistry or snub simple art forms, the guy has a lot of charisma, but that’s about it. Cool little song, but that’s about it.
Consider this. The guy who’s playing it is a gypsy, self-taught like the other man. Only spent a bit more time in the woodshed.
Well, as one of the Lomax field recordings I don’t think it is claimed he was the most technically efficient blues artist. Like a Son House or whatever.
Speaking about Lomax, what interests the ethnomusicologist in me is why Moneycircus, an obviously very sophisticated man, a member of highly sophisticated (sub)culture, is attracted to a work of art that is anything but.
Too much sophistication maybe? Sick of it? Needs to offset it by simplicity?
In his book The Advancing Guitarist, Mick Goodrick recounts how he played some simple triads for a student who was heavily indulging in altered chords, slash chords, sophisticated harmony, and the guy went, “Wow, what the fuck was that…?” Similar phenomenon, I guess.
The blues is not about being “sophisticated”, you philistine. 😀
Really, hmm …
Tell John Coltrane … 😀 …. or Charlie Parker …
Why don’t you should comment on something you got at least some faint knowledge of ….
Pretentious bullshit …. but that’s about it.
What is he pretending …?
Pearls before swine, dear boy.
interesting, my husband didn´t ask me what he is singing about. He just turned up the volume!
That’s the spirit! That’s why they make guitar amps where the volume goes up to 12!
Just to demonstrate what a complete hoax global warming is, some comedy from 1989:
by Peter James Spielmann.
Pronounced Spell or Spiel? Aptly named, anyway. He also writes for the Times of Is-rael and went to Columbia, so he’s a fellow alumni of Obama.
It’s unbelievable that the whole world fell for the rehashed Chicken Little: Sky is Falling story.
1989 was only a decade after the New Great Ice Age panic (which had been revived for the third time since the early 1900s, each time with warming and ‘heat waves’ intervening. Anyway, the new ice age was the reason they began storing all the seeds of all the existing plants so if there were any humans left, and if the world ever thawed, they could begin the great restart. That program still exists, more proof that bureaucracies and agencies never die. Another proposed program in the midst of the new ice age modeling mania of the ’70s was to cover the Arctic in coal dust to attract heat and melt the glaciers. The current Bill Gates proposal is to float little reflective bits in the atmosphere to block the sun’s rays and cool down the earth to prevent global warming, AKA climate change. That should work.
Also, the Chicken Little story was renamed as the Precautionary Principle about a generation ago; it has a technical, serious, scientific ring to it. Remember Science? It’s now ‘Science’, or maybe it always was. Barbers letting blood, leeches, and all that.
I worked in a newspaper when I was very young, and any free time was spent in the ‘morgue’, reading old newspapers, well over a hundred years old, advancing day by day.
Nothing much changes; just the technology to enforce the contemporary manias.
That’s the terrifying thing. They have eroded familial and social bonds and now set that in stone with Operation Lockstep. Added to that the improvement of ‘scientific’ methods of population management with the abililty to carry out mass gene therapy experimentation on populations with a view to introduce nanotechnologies that hook everyone up to a social credit cloud and you have the roadmap for techocratic totalitarianism. Truly TERRIFYING!
Terorr is their staple food. They are acting with the consent of the people and this is an intelligence test- those not wise enough to see through the blatant lies may well edit themselves out of existence with the mRNA vaccines and their next versions. I say good riddance.
Seeing parents put a mask on their 6 year old child and hearing them say “the fine is 300 euros” was the final straw for me. They are willing to permanently damage their child over 300 euros… too weak minded, heartless and soul-less to be worthy of survival.
Half the population, the usual half, who listen to politicians and previously unknown people in white coats deemed ‘top doctors’ but really just bureaucrats pushing the Party line, is buying into it.
There really is not much hope for half the human race, but there never has been.
Apocalyptic scientism has replaced apocalyptic religion- essentially the same program. The joke’s on both as “Apocalypsis” means “uncovering”, which secretly refers to an uncovering of the lies and the end of the illusionary world the liars have created.
Lol. Still waiting for the For Sale signs to go up on billionaire coastal compounds all over the world – they would certainly sell out well before the onset of catastrophically rising seas…..
“You have more bacteria in your organism than your own cells!”
Isn’t this bullshit?
The way I understand it is people don’t have bacteria in their bodies. The bacteria are on the surface of the body. That includes the digestive system and other bodily orifices, passageways, whatever. That’s just a bunch of tubing going through the body from which the body filters out what it wants.
When bacteria are allowed to enter the body, they can cause infection, i.e. start chomping on flesh …
chomping on flesh causes scurvy.
Oh I see. A shit dump into bio fora?
No – this is anything BUT bullshit.
Your gut is filled with bacteria – some bad, most good, and this forms the basis of your immune system. When this goes out of kilter, for example after a course of antibiotics,(which kill bacteria, all over the body, bad but unfortunately, also good bacteria) you need to re-establish the balance. This is why you are advised to take probiotics after a course of antibiotics or else you run the risk of getting thrush if the antibiotics have killed off too many beneficial bacteria.
Ignoring the healthy balance of bacteria in your gut means that your immune system is unable to perform efficiently.
I agree with you of course that gut bacteria are essential and may form the most important part of our immune system.
But what I think Jacques was saying was he considered bacteria in the gut to be on the surface, as it is essentially a path outwards for our waste products.
Although certain nutrients can be absorbed from the gut, so it is not ridiculous to think that some of the gut bacteria might also be absorbed back into other parts of the body. However, if this were harmful to the body, then I don’t think it would be allowed to happen, not in a healthy body anyway. After all, evolution has had long enough to get this sort of thing right.
I’m not sure if it would be a problem for gut bacteria to find their way into the blood vessels. The following is just the result of a fairly random google, but I think it tends to support what Jacques said:
No question though that gut bacteria are important, and in a positive way.
Hello Liz Brynin: There are literally thousands of studies that support your statements regarding “gut” bacteria. So thanks for posting.
Urban populations are constantly assaulted with chlorinated, brominated, and fluoridated sewer water. Add to this, glyphosate and POEA compounds found in manufactured phoods. Most civilians are suffering from fungal overloads and a completely out of balance digestive system. As usual, medical staff and “doctors” fail to mention these facts to their patients…
I would advise people do a high quality mixed probiotic every few months, as well as an occasional round of Saccharomyces boulardii (a yeast derivative) to restore over all intestinal health.
Advised to take probiotics? As I have immuno problems I’ve had many courses of anti biotics over the years and only finished the latest one yesterday. Not once, not ever, has any doctor advised taking antibiotics afterwards. This is a new one for me ( thanks) but only adds to the fact that the advice dished out by the docs is pretty slim anyway. No matter what the ailment may be you’re never told what to expect, the best way to cope with it, or even how to spell it.
The DNA of the microbes inside us is far greater than our own. They are essential to metabolism: anabolism, catabolism and excretion. They feed largely on indigestible fibre. They even produce neuro-transmitters and vitamins. One professor showed that even “parasitic” worms or their eggs cure certain intestinal diseases. The medical industry is playing this down because they have not managed to turn it into “intellectual property”.
As far as I know, bacteria are not actually “inside” us. They are in the digestive tract, but that’s only a system that passes through the body, a tube with various other mechanisms, from which the body chooses to extract nutrients. There are no microbes inside the body itself, like in flesh, organs, the bloodstream.
No, it’s true. A large proportion of the estimated 34 Trillion bacteria reside in animals, including of course, ‘humans’. Inside, outside, and all over.
Same story for the 380 Trillion viruses, all except for a few naughty ones efficiently stopped in their tracks by the immune system.
No viruses exist. Viruses are a complete construct. Viruses are misclassified proteins, enzymes, exosomes.
Viruses do exist what does it take ? In righfull indignation we speak of covid-19 as not being a virus, it isn’t….it’s a constuct at a best guess. Please make the distinction between accepted viral illness and constructs. The time it takes to make a vaccine to ensure it is safe has nothing to do with the ‘vaccines’ that are being pedalled and yes it can be defined as a war crime that people are readilly accepting something that is untested and therefore dangerous. Any, scientist worth their salt would cry with Dr. Kaufman.
Please, don’t let us see the resurge of measles, rubella, diptheria, pertusis and others viral diseases…… because we target every virus as non existant. It is dangerous to ‘tar all viruses’ with the same brush
Hello Jacques: The human body is rife with multiple bacteria, along with a number of latent virus and fungal species. Uptake of nutrients is impossible without the bio-breakdown of proteins and fats. These “other” biological life forms are symbiotic and synergistic. We could not exist without them.
Paul, but bacteria are only in the digestive tract, on skin, and in orifices or cavities, not inside the body itself, like in organs, flesh, blood. If they penetrate the body, infection can occur.
Not entirely correct. Most bacteria are on the surface of course, but recent research is finding them even in the brain, which was previously thought the most sterile place of all. Not as infections but as permanent residents.
I presume your joking, there all hero’s, Tom for his obvious contribution, Piers for having the balls to go against the lamestream and highlight the bs climate scam, and Dr Colman for having the balls to stick to integrity facts and reason. Oh, and incidentally, I’m a refusenik. George Orwell eat your heart out. 🙂
Hero? Really? ‘Captain Tom’ has been a central propagandist whether he knew it or not for introducing fascism into the United Kingdom.
I’m sorry, but he is NOT a hero.
He was jumped on and abused by MSM he even had to die from covid-19. So, just as he fought for his Country in WWII he died for it in 2021
Wish we had some shops like this around here for the MSM to get outraged about:
On a different topic (although they all ultimately connect): while Congress is so outraged about Marjorie Taylor Greene she’s been booted off every committee, they don’t seem so bothered about Eric Swalhell for whom sleeping with Chinese spies is no disqualification to serving on the Intelligence and Homeland Security committees!
Using WWII pictures of those FUN sites is the proper way to depict what the SRF & Billionaires are once again doing…
They are just using new labels to manipulate FEAR!
Old label “Concentration Camp” (fearful) — New label “Green Zone” (not fearful)
Old label “Pneumonia” (not fearful) — New label “COVID-19” (fearful)
Works like a charm…
I think “pneumonia” was always fearful for the poor old buggers who caught it in old age, but in the old days, no one much used to care about them, but nowadays, everyone pretends to care about granny, at least someone else’s granny.
Every year millions (especially old ones) die due to pneumonia… No one cared about those deaths, and indeed except for the old buggers developing it (many of them while in hospital!) no one was fearful of pneumonia.
Doctors didn’t care. Nurses didn’t care. Politicians didn’t care. Experts didn’t care. In the end I can even say that even the self didn’t care.
If one look at the history of FAKE PANDEMICS They’ve tried to deploy just this XXI century alone – ALL cause a special “pneumonia” – even though they can’t spot the “special” one on a mix of PNEUMONIA CT’s!
In 2020 They went for FAKE PANDEMIC once again using PNEUMONIA. As usual a new LABEL is needed. 2020 label was “COVID-19”. Mainly due to the mass distribution and use of WWW and “smart”phones They have achieve huge success (these two tools are the only thing different from the previous attempts).
So, here we are today witnessing this ABSOLUTE SHIT SHOW.
They hastened those pneumonia and flu deaths with those harmful flu and other vaccines.
Exactly! They throw these old people in fucking care homes and I don’t see legions of millennials volunteering to sing and dance for the immiserated fuckers ‘The Greatest Generation’.
It is EVIL, not misplaced benevolence.
All virtue signalling DEVILS!