The Mainstream Bubble
Ralf Arnold, translation by S. Robinson

At the beginning of the already memorable year 2020, a term forced its way into public and private consciousness, which should increasingly determine and overshadow all of our lives: The “novel corona virus”, also called SARS-CoV-2. The name was officially announced by the WHO on February 11th. After that everything happened in quick succession.
At first I saw the pictures of Chinese people with masks only in the Tagesschau (the flagship evening news program by ARD, one of the two main public broadcasters in Germany; S.R.), which was not an unusual sight, but soon corona also reached our newsroom.
On the day when the first suspected corona case surfaced in our region, I was urged by our news chief to use it as a “lead story”, i.e. as the first report in the next news program.
At that time I was already extremely skeptical and found it excessive to use a mere suspected case as the lead story. However, I couldn’t escape the general excitement around me and put the message on “one”. But a bad feeling remained and that should intensify massively over the next few weeks.
A dynamic set in that seemed unstoppable.
More and more suspected cases, then confirmed corona cases, at some point the first death in Germany, some time later the first in our region. And more and more I noticed that not only colleagues, but also people in my private environment let themselves be infected by a vague fear and even panic.
Not that I dismissed the deaths, the so-called “corona deaths”, but didn’t we have many deaths in every flu epidemic, especially among the elderly? I checked our archives and found that we had only a handful of reports in three months during the 2018 flu epidemic. More than 25,000 people are said to have died of the flu at that time.
The now famous Johns Hopkins University dashboard was quickly featured on all television and online news. The so-called “new infections” were simply accumulated on this. It became clear to me that the graph with the constantly rising curve contained more psychological effects rather than factual information. In this way the curve could never sink again, in the best case it would stay horizontal. But that didn’t seem to bother anyone.
Part of the basic training of a journalist is that he never reports figures without meaningful reference. He must always provide comparisons, references and proportionalities so that the viewer / listener / reader can contextualise the information. I stuck to it for many years, and it seemed a matter of course for other journalists too. However, I saw this basic principle practically vanish into thin air in the first weeks of the pandemic. Absolute numbers, always only absolute numbers, without any meaningful reference.
To this day, people like to say that the USA is the country most severely affected by corona, with mere reference to the absolute numbers of infections and deaths, regardless of the size of the population, to which the numbers are rarely put in relation.
An ominous alliance
Our newsroom also adopted all these counting methods with a sleepwalking naturalness. Everything that was communicated by the health authorities, the district administration and the regional government was adopted and reported without questioning and without doubt. Almost all critical distance disappeared, and the authorities became supposed allies in the fight against the virus.
I have to point out, however, that I have never been called or written to directly by politicians to influence me in any way. There were only the usual press releases from the ministries and offices, which are of course written from their point of view. Nor have I been pressured by superiors, at least not directly. The whole thing is far more subtle, as will be shown.
March was the start of the first restrictions: major events were banned and soon after the first lockdown was imposed. Almost all journalists of the “mainstream”, so the so-called “leading media”, including my editorial team, seemed to immediately develop an ‘inhibition to bite’ towards politicians and the authorities. Why this uncritical reluctance among journalists?
I can only explain it to myself that particularly the pictures from Bergamo and New York also put the experienced editors and reporters into an emotional state of shock, even if they might not admit it. But they, too, are only people who are afraid of illness and death, or who worry about elderly or sick relatives; this was repeatedly an issue in conversations with colleagues. They rallied around the government, the RKI (Robert-Koch-Institute; the German equivalent of the CDC; S.R.) and the health authorities, as if one really had to stick together now to combat this dire, external threat.
You couldn’t throw a club between the legs of those in charge, who were having a difficult time already, by fundamentally questioning their measures – that was how the attitude seemed to me.
In our conversations, too, it was said more and more frequently that “the government is really doing a good job”. Most were firmly convinced that the lockdown and the restrictions of our fundamental rights were necessary and certainly only temporary. I heard only a few skeptical voices.
And then there were the TV interviews with politicians. Esteemed journalists, who in conversation with politician XY eagerly nodded and verbally agreed when they presented their assessment of the situation and made their demands. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears!
What was the motto of the legendary television journalist Hanns-Joachim Friedrichs?
You can recognize a good journalist by the fact that he does not make common cause with anything, not even with a good cause; that he is everywhere, but doesn’t belong anywhere.”
There was nothing left of this guiding principle, and very little in the way of tough and critical inquiries. But even that didn’t seem to bother anyone, yes to not even attract attention.
A decay of reporting language
In the news of all the leading media, including ours, important, little words like “alleged”, “supposed”, “apparently” suddenly died out. For example, the Tagesschau said that Twitter wanted to delete “false information about corona” in the future. There is clearly no “alleged” or “supposed” as an addition, because it is assumed that Twitter can judge without any doubt what is false and what is correct information in terms of the corona virus (or in general). Which of course is absurd.
Sometimes I made my colleagues in the newsroom aware of such things and sometimes even earned a nod of approval, but often just a helpless shrug.
In this day and age, news need to be short, easy to understand, and interesting. We have been trained to do this for many years. This has a lot of advantages, namely the ease of understanding on the part of the consumer. But there are also significant disadvantages, namely that the news are written more and more simplistic. Deeper connections and backgrounds or complicated differentiations are increasingly disappearing. The trick is to shorten and leave out.
From early summer, one could increasingly observe the phenomenon that the corona virus and the measures against it were equated in the media. For example, it was said: “Because of the corona pandemic, the municipalities are collecting significantly less taxes” or: “The WHO fears that the corona pandemic will plunge one and a half million more people into poverty.”
This is wrong, because not the pandemic, but the lockdowns have this effect, regardless of whether they are justified and appropriate. By ignoring this distinction, however, the anti-corona measures of the governments are being turned into something inevitable and without alternative and are no longer called into question.
The cause and therefore the scapegoat is always the virus, not politics.
This practice also crept into our newsroom. Advice from me was kindly noted, but nobody really took it to heart. I had the freedom to formulate this differently, but again nobody seemed to notice the small but subtle difference.
It is also often said that Covid-19 patients in the intensive care units “have to be ventilated”. Have to? They are being ventilated, that’s the fact. The attending doctor has to decide whether this is really medically necessary, and this question is quite controversial. There are a number of well-known experts who warn against intubating too quickly. So here too, as a journalist, you should remain neutral.
The dreadful number of “new infections”
In spring 2020 I began to increasingly question the counting method of the RKI and thus also of the government. I pointed out to my superiors that all numbers such as the “new infections” reported daily or the “R-value” were basically worthless if we did not relate them back to the number of tests performed. They took note of this, but thought no further verification or inquiries were necessary, because the trend of rapidly increasing numbers could not be misunderstood, regardless of how much was tested, it said.
The number of so-called “new infections” rose from week 11 to week 12 from 8,000 to 24,000. At the end of March, the RKI announced (after multiple inquiries by the online magazine Multipolar) that the number of PCR tests had almost tripled from 130,000 to 350,000 during the same period. The relative increase in new infections was thus far less than the absolute. There had been no “exponential increase”.
When the number of “new infections” continued to fall in early summer, the politicians still constantly conjured up the risk of the “second wave” if one were to ease the efforts – that is to say, the restrictions contrary to fundamental rights. In fact, most of my colleagues also agreed with these fears, while to me – who was no less of a medical and epidemiological layperson – it was pretty clear that there would be no second wave in summer, but an even bigger in autumn / winter because that is when the number of respiratory diseases routinely increase sharply. It was easy to foresee.
The whole issue of the PCR tests and the alleged “new infections” has to this day not been questioned by the leading media. Although over time there have been more and more studies and statements by virological and epidemiological experts harshly criticising the PCR test and its particular use, hardly any of it has penetrated our mainstream bubble. The CT values that were probably far too high in the tests, which give ample room to possible manipulation, were not an issue at all.
I suspect a lot of my colleagues haven’t even heard of it.
In general, the terms continue to be mixed up in this context. Even after ten months of corona, many colleagues still do not seem to know the difference between the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the lung disease Covid-19. “Infected” (that is, those who have tested positive) are often equated with “sick”, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not.
The term “recovered” is also adopted uncritically by the authorities, although it implies that those affected were actually all sick, which is highly doubtful: On the one hand because there is most likely a proportion of false-positive test results that should not be underestimated, and, on the other hand, because many “infected” people do not develop any symptoms at all and it is therefore very dubious to call them sick.
Selective perception and herd instinct
In the meantime, all kinds of regulations have been introduced in our broadcasting corporation: mask requirements, physical distancing between desks, many colleagues have moved to home office, disinfectants everywhere and so on. This and the regular, ominous-sounding situation assessments by the management, of course, still exert a psychological influence and pressure on every employee. A subtle fear is built up here too, whether intentionally or unintentionally. There is literally an invisible threat in the air that is difficult to shield yourself from.
In addition, television screens are running in the newsroom and in other offices, on which reports about corona are broadcast almost continuously.
Everywhere reporters, pictures from intensive care units, running texts with the latest, ever higher numbers – it is almost impossible to avoid this influence. In addition, there are the newspapers and agency reports that also constantly report on corona, here a study, there another apocalyptic warning from a politician, and again and again sad individual stories which are particularly highlighted.
Although we continue to have daily conferences, now mostly by telephone, right from the start – at least during the conferences in which I participated – the current narrative of the national and regional government was never fundamentally questioned, namely that we have an extremely dangerous pandemic that can only be controlled, or at least slowed down, by tough government measures. Why is that?
Everyone probably knows the effect of “selective perception”. For example, if you or your wife are pregnant, you will most likely see more and more pregnant women on the street. Or if you fall in love with someone who drives a certain make of car, then you suddenly discover that make of car, in the same color, permanently on the streets. This effect also occurs in journalism.
Years ago, for example, there was a serious incident in Germany with several attack dogs biting a three-year-old girl to death. At that time there was great shock, a political discussion about the consequences was set in motion, a “character test” for dogs and stricter rules for dog owners were demanded, the media reported about it for days and weeks. And at the same time, suddenly more and more cases of dog attacks were reported. Sudden reports of even very minor incidents came from the police.
One would have thought that all dogs in Germany, like Hitchcock’s birds, would have agreed to meet for a general attack.
What happened? The general perception had become sensitised and extremely focused, on all levels. A dachshund bit someone in the calf in the park, they immediately reported this to the police and reported the owner, the police immediately passed the report on to the press, which turned it into a news report, although it was ultimately a triviality.
Due to the alarmed attitude and the narrowed perception of all those involved, however, the triviality that would normally have fallen under the table was given an oversized significance. And the readers, listeners or viewers noticed and thought: “Not again! This is piling up now.”
The same effect can of course also be observed in crime reporting. The media user can get the impression, for example, that the situation in the country is getting worse and more dangerous and that you can hardly dare go out in the streets. It might very well be that the pure statistics show that the total number of violent crimes continues to decline. That contradicts the subjective impression, but strangely enough, hardly anyone calms down. The pictures and reports of individual fates weigh far more than the sober numbers.
You can guess what I’m getting at.
In my opinion, in the corona crisis we are basically experiencing the same effect in a global, completely exaggerated and downright paranoid dimension. And that affects just about everyone: the common man, the police officer, the journalist, the politician and even the doctor and the scientist. Nobody is per se free from it. Unless he breaks free and dares to think for himself and think outside the box.
But there is a widespread journalistic herd instinct. Most journalists look at the daily newspapers that are delivered to the editorial office every day. And of course these are all newspapers that are mainstream: Welt, FAZ, Frankfurter Rundschau, Süddeutsche [the leading national papers; S.R.] and the regional newspapers.
In the evening, one watches “heute” [the evening news program of ZDF, the second of the two main public broadcasters in Germany; S.R.] and the “Tagesschau”, followed by the relevant talk shows, from Anne Will to Maischberger [two of the leading talk shows; S.R.] Mainstream almost always dominates there too. Real critics of the corona narrative are, with rare exceptions, categorically not invited.
Still, most of the journalists I know are of the opinion that the discussions there are quite controversial. But they do not notice – for lack of comparison – that these controversies are only fig-leaf discussions. It is only discussed when and to what extent the measures should be relaxed, but the corona narrative itself remains untouched.
All of this is not to say that there is no disease or death, but the perception of this is downright neurotically excessive. There are many reports on the Internet from the last few years that describe completely overcrowded hospitals, intensive care units at the limit and overburdened crematoria. With appropriate media support, one could have caused great panic in the population back then.
Another effect is that the media now also present their journalistic content online. There it is easier and faster for everyone to access than would be the case with hardcopy newspapers and broadcasts on radio or television. This means that this content can be easily copied and adopted.
As long as it is not personal, lengthy reporting or comments, but “only” news reports, it is easy to copy-paste these into your own reports, at least parts of them. Again and again you can find almost identical formulations and messages from different providers. Even if one does not copy-paste, one is tempted to orient oneself at the selection of topics by colleagues from other leading media.
A perfidious framing
I cannot say for sure whether the corona virus can be proven with the PCR tests, where it ultimately comes from, how dangerous it really is and what the right measures are to be taken against it. But this not what this is about. I do not deny that there is a bad illness, that people die from it and that you have to take it seriously.
And that brings us to the next emotive word, the so-called “corona denier” (Corona-Leugner). A term that has been gaining ground since the summer and is now regularly used by the mainstream media to label critics of the government’s anti-corona measures. The comparison with the “God denier” and the “Holocaust denier” is obvious.
While the term “God denier” has long been history, at least in our society, the term “Holocaust denier” is still relevant and it is no coincidence that the “corona denier” is involuntarily associated with it. There is now broad consensus that one cannot deny God at all, but only not believe in him. The “Holocaust denier” is the only generally recognized exception in which journalists use the word “deny”. Otherwise it is a taboo, at least it should be. Quite simply because it contains “lie” (lügen) in the stem of the word and thus implies a lie.
Responsible journalists know that defendants never deny the allegations in court, they contest them. This should be the case even after a final judgment, because courts can also be wrong and lawsuits can be reopened.
The term “corona denier” is now infamous in three ways. Firstly because of the linguistic similarity to the socially ostracized “Holocaust denier”, secondly because the corona critics are generally claimed to deny the existence of the virus (which is not the case with the vast majority of them) and finally because they are also accused of conscious lying. This is not just bad style, it is perfidious and ensures that the rifts in society are deepened even further.
An equally dubious term used as defamatory framing is that of the “conspiracy theorist”. It basically says everything and nothing. It can be someone who believes in chem trails or that the Americans’ moon landing was only staged, but it can also be someone who exposes a Watergate scandal or who claims (as happened) that Iraq did not hoard any weapons of mass destruction, and who is later confirmed in his assumptions.
Basically every investigative journalist has to be partly a conspiracy theorist, because of course the rulers of this world do not want to have all their activities published and therefore keep them secret. In this respect, it is somewhat grotesque that the media adopt the rulers’ fighting term and use it thoughtlessly.
Alleged conspiracy theorists are also made fun of internally. Many colleagues are joking that they are crazies, who believe that Bill Gates wants to open a vaccination station with Hitler on the back of the moon. Or similar childish nonsense.
A negative highlight was the reporting of the “leading media” about the large demonstrations in Stuttgart, Leipzig and especially Berlin in the summer. It started with the number of participants. Actually, it is common for journalists to name both the number of demonstrators as announced by the police and the number of demonstrators as announced by the organisers (which is naturally always higher) at rallies.
On August 1st 2020 in Berlin, however, these details diverged so widely that one had to become suspicious. The “leading media” solved the problem by only naming the small number from the police and ignoring the high numbers that the organisers and participants mentioned. How high the number actually was is still unclear today, but here too the media acted against journalistic practices.
Were a few right-wing radicals and Reich citizens among the demonstrators? Were there many or were they even dominating the action? Numerous video streams showed that a large, if not overwhelming, proportion of the demonstrators apparently came from the middle of society. On average a little older, educated and from a middle-class background. There are also surveys and studies that confirm this.
Of course, you can argue about it, but in our editorial team, too, the matter was clear: the focus of the reporting was clearly on the right-wing radicals and Reichsbürger.
One reason for this can be found in the increasingly important part of online media. In contrast to newspapers, television and radio, it is possible to analyse exactly how many hits an individual post has, or how many “likes” on the Facebook pages, which are now also operated by all leading media.
As a result, the spectacular, and the supposedly scandalous, comes more and more to the fore because it promises more attention and thus more clicks. Various media critics say that almost everything in our society is increasingly being scandalised, no matter how casual. If so, then it is surely largely due to the “leading media” (including their tabloids).
A sealed bubble
Why is the “mainstream media” a closed bubble? Because they always get their information from the same, pre-sorted sources – and that is largely the news agencies that belong to the same bubble. They are like the gatekeepers of published opinion. That has always been the case, of course, but in the corona crisis it has become clearer than ever.
The major agencies mainly report on what supports the official corona narrative and what is propagated and implemented by the vast majority of governments around the world.
For example, almost only studies from around the world are reported which highlight the danger of the virus and the effectiveness of tough government measures. A Chinese study of around ten million people in Wuhan, which found that non-symptomatic transmission of the virus (almost all government measures are based on this assumption) was as good as irrelevant, did not feature in the agencies. It could only be found in the alternative online media.
By contrast, a study by the US-American CDC, which had contrary results, was reported. Numerous studies that showed that government lockdowns have virtually no impact on the infection rate have also been ignored by the agencies so far.
For me personally in my work this means that I cannot use any studies or information that I have found by myself on the Internet, because I would almost certainly be accused of using an uncertain source. But if DPA, AP, AFP or Reuters reported the study, I would be more or less on the safe side and could report it. If there were inquiries, I would refer to the agency. This could still lead to discussions as to whether the study is credible and whether it is worth reporting, but that would be part of a normal journalistic decision-making process.
Yes, it does happen again and again that critical experts or politicians are interviewed in the leading media or that the RKI and the federal government are criticized. But mostly it’s just fig leaves and they don’t really get to the heart of the matter.
There are statements from leading editors-in-chief of the public services that say that people like Wolfgang Wodarg or Sucharit Bhakdi [two high-profile critics with an accomplished medical / research background; S.R.] are generally not to be invited to talk shows on the subject. The bubble should stay as tightly sealed as possible.
An attempt at an explanation
Again and again I wonder why almost all of my colleagues so willingly and uncritically adopt this narrative from the government and from a few scientists (selected by the government) and disseminate it further. As already mentioned, concern for your own health or that of relatives certainly plays a role. But there is more.
In the last few years, something called “attitude journalism” has emerged. It is an intellectual and moralising arrogance that I think is spreading more and more. You simply belong to the “good guys”, to those who are on the “right side”. One believes that one has to instruct the mistaken citizen.
It is no longer a question of neutrality, but of representing the “right cause”, and surprisingly often this coincides with the interests of the government. The sentence by Hanns-Joachim Friedrichs mentioned above has even been completely reinterpreted in the meantime, in the sense of “attitude journalism”.
But this is increasingly alienating journalists from a good part of their clientele.
In the 1990s, the red carpet was rolled out to us reporters, editors, and presenters when we showed up anywhere in the country. Today we almost have to be happy when people don’t shout “Lying press!” [Lügenpresse; a term adopted by the Nazis in the Third Reich for the Jewish, communist, and foreign press; S.R.]. Of course, this term is wrong and should be rejected because of its history, but we journalists play a large part in the increasing alienation.
To be fair, the aforementioned “attitude journalism” only applies to some of the journalists, but mostly to their prominent representatives. Many of my colleagues seem to be overwhelmed by the complexity of the subject. Not intellectually, but rather because there is no time to dig into these things alongside the daily routine work. Close to impossible if you still have to do homeschooling with the children in the evening. Others simply lack interest in the subject.
In any case, one reason is the fear of attracting negative attention through overly critical statements. The self-reinforcing momentum of the mainstream bubble ensures that hardly anyone wants to swim against the current. Although a good number of the editors are on permanent contracts, there is great concern about the consequences. As I can observe in myself.
A fundamental problem with the mainstream bubble is that it either ignores or suppresses what is outside the bubble or perceives and interprets it from within that bubble. And so most mainstream journalists know the statements and positions of critical thinkers like Wodarg and Bhakdi (to name just two of many) only from reports in the mainstream media, which are of course biased accordingly. Hardly anyone takes the trouble to actually draw from the numerous alternative sources.
An afterword
This report is of course only a subjective assessment. Most of my fellow journalists would see it completely differently. However, I am not so concerned here with assessing the danger of the corona virus or the appropriateness of government measures. My concern is that in the corona crisis, in my opinion, journalistic standards and principles have been increasingly thrown overboard, as I have tried to at least indicate.
This in turn ensures that the media have become virtually meaningless as a democratic corrective, which in turn plays into the hands of political aspirations to power.
George Orwell is reported to have said that journalism is when you publish something that someone does not want published. Everything else is propaganda. Measured against this claim, it has to be said that the mainstream media in the corona crisis to 99 percent only deliver propaganda.
I myself have the naive hope of still being able to make a difference, in whatever way, because freedom of the press is in and of itself an extremely important asset in a democratically free society. I still believe in that.
The author has been an editor and newscaster for public broadcasting for many years and writes here under a pseudonym. He reports from the inner workings of a newsroom during the corona crisis. The article was originally published by the German online magazine Multipolar. Culture-specific explanations have been added by the translator. You can read the original in German here.
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“This in turn ensures that the media have become virtually meaningless as a democratic corrective, which in turn plays into the hands of political aspirations to power.”
I’m SO relieved to be reading this. I’ve been waiting for the thoughtful independent thinking fringe to speak up.
Not just naive but pretentious. RESIGN NOW TO MAINTAIN A SHRED OF INTEGRITY, then publish what you know independently. In Germany you have a chance of earning a living through some more honest means.
more re: journos in a bubble?
See who really runs the media…
A little light relief
SopranoFauci is driving out of New Jersey to the city with his friend and consigliere, Silvio Dante. They are headed for a “sit-down” with one of the New YorkFamiliesCommittees.Both men are dour-faced and their hair is strangely similar and…strange. It is as though the hair gel plastered on over the decades has solidified, and the result is like shiny marble. They are like two Thunderbirds puppets without the uniforms.
Tony doesn’t realise it, but Silvio is well pissed off with him. After while Tony notices that they are going the wrong way.
“Silvio, what the —- are you doing? Where are you taking me?”
“Relax Tony. I gotta a nice little surprise for you”, and winks.
Tony visibly relaxes. The wink reminds him that he’d asked Silvio to try to get the phone number of that cute little vaccination nurse and good old Silvio had come up trumps, as usual.
“Ah, right. So we’re going to somewhere nice and private Silvio old buddy”.
“Got it one Tone. Somewhere nice, secluded and private for a private bit of business”. More winks.
Tony was trying to remember whether she was a blonde or brunette.
Just then, Silvio veered off the highway, and took a narrow winding path that seemed to get narrower. They came out into what looked like an orchard with some outhouses.
“Were stopping here are we Silv? I can hardly wait”.
Silvio motioned towards one of the outhouses that seemed in better condition than the others, and Tony figured it had been done out as a private love nest for Silvio and his friends.
But instead of going inside, Silvio led him round the back into a kind of a yard.
“It’s a surprise Tone”.
“That’s great. I like surprises!”
Suddenly Silvio got an armlock on Tony and wheeled him round, forced him into a kneeling position, ripped his jacket off, ripped both shirt sleeves off. He was carrying a fierce looking weapon which he must have slipped out of the trunk while Tony wasn’t looking.
“What the —- is that Silvio?”
“What this little baby? It’s the Gates Megavaccine auto-dispenser. It contains 1000 shots, and can dispense them automatically, and it has a special fast mode”
“Er, is it safe?”
“I dunno Tone. Bill gave me this demo model to try out”.
“B b but I only need one vaccination Silvio, and I don’t even want that”.
“Well Tony boy you’re going to get it, and 999 others”.
“Why Silvio, why? You know that that will kill me!”
“Look Tony, it’s not just me. The boys are all totally pissed with you, with the way you’ve been —-ing things up all year. You’ve —-ing killed business all over NJ and the City. No one is coming into the Club. None of the places we get protection money from is even open.
WTF have you been trying to do with us? Anyway, we’ve had enough. We took a vote, and you’ve gotta go Tone”.
“Go? Where would I go”.
“You’ve gotta GO Tony – capeesh?”
“Look, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Look, I promise I’ll stop it all now. Just let me go”.
“Nah, sorry Tone. It’s gone too far, and I’ve promised the guys. Just remember, it’s not personal, it’s business. And look, you —-ed up over SARS1, you —-ed up over MERS, you really —-ed over AIDS for chrissakes. And this time…this time…”
Silvio was so pissed off that he could not stop himself firing in the shots on full automatic speed, 1000 of them in 15 seconds.
Tony collapsed, lifeless. But Silvio wasn’t looking at him, he was looking in amazement at the vaxx gun.
“My god, this is a serious piece of kit. For once Billy Gates didn’t —- up!”
Being the tidy-minded consigliere that he was, Silvio put the vax gun back safely in a concealed special compartment in the trunk of the car, which he had brought up, and then reverently placed his boss’s body also in the trunk, which he closed and locked.
He drove to a remote part of the parking lot at La Guardia airport, locked it, and threw the keys down a gulley. He knew that the car, which was hot and couldn’t be traced to him, would remain undisturbed for weeks, if not months, as it was just one among thousands.
Whistling, he strolled over to another part of the parking lot, where he found the vaccination nurse waiting for him in her car, and they drove of to his real love nest.
With apologies to David Chase.
Well, I mentioned (in the context of “journalism”, somewhere in this comment section iirc)…
I am going to offset your whimsy with this overwhelmingly intellectual display of scientismic authoretardianism.
It’s a surprise:
And a convenient accompanying .pdf for both posterity and your perusal as reference at any given quantum physics convention.
Some of us had read tons of articles, compared dozens of web pages with “official data”, and had done not only intelectual analisis, but also spiritual work this last year . And some of us , like me, are getting to a conclusion: cvid event was a hoax, and definitely is no more dangerous than a flu.
So everything is just lies, propaganda and social engeneering. Last year, last decade, hundreds of thousands of people died from metabolic diseases, cancer, ebola, wars, poverty and so. Nobody cared. Not even the ones(gvernments,”filantropers”, and other “health” and global institutions).
Science has been hijacked by some. World has turned into a rudicolous circus. Pathetic humans with fear of death and so, fear of living walk the streets. Everything is just on Tv aan media. If you walk the streets and hospitals there is a different reality. So there is a big “egregor”,new religion and cult built by propaganda and fear, mostly in the TV. For those who dont live with the Tv on, life is different.
It is time to decide. Time for bravery. Time for everyone of us to decide wich world we wanna live in. Nothing can do it for you. You could still think someday all tjid will end, and u are right. It will end when all of us decide so. Nothing more, nothing less.
“The triumph of evil is just possible when good men do nothing”.
What do you suppose we do? I’ve tried…I am in a bad state, I feel hopeless as if there isn’t even the potential for worth in life.
Which brings me to another point, a very uh…controversial (but bizarre, currently) topic. Excuse the cynicism, it is for consideration more than anything.
Euthanasia. I mean, why isn’t euthanasia like globally legalized in this particular “climate”…does anyone find that peculiar? Do you not think many people would willingly opt for it, considering? I most likely would.
You are not allowed to leave – your body does not belong to you. Which is why suicide is illegal. God demanded it and the State demands it. You are not allowed to either live or die because you are supposed to be born a slave.
Just to show that there are some print newspapers left that have an independent spirit, the following was included in the regular column “Tales from the Coffee Shop” in yesterday’s Cyprus Mail, the print English-language daily in Cyprus. This column mainly focuses on corruption in high places, and comes with a huge dose of satire and irony and usually refers to Cyprus as “Kyproulla”, so make of it what you will.
Maybe send them a bill for each sms? Say 10,000 euro.
For those that don’t know, in Greece and Cyprus you are supposed to either send an SMS to a government machine stating reason for leaving the house, or fill in a goverment-authored form (which you have to print out yourself) BEFORE leaving the house, ticking a box from a short list of approved reasons for going outside and filling in your name, address, ID number, time and date. You are supposed to carry that piece of paper with you and show to police if questioned.
The population in Greece is already reeling from the IMF’s and World Bank’s most recent pillaging and so the mere threat of a 300 euro fine is enough to keep most of them compliant. The fine is not a spot fine but gets added to your annual tax… This is democracy now in the birthplace of democracy… But then again the Greeks are used to slavery and being ruled from abroad, since they were part of the Ottoman empire for 4 centuries before being “liberated” by the British Empire who were undoubedly acting out of the goodness of their hearts and helping out fellow Christians, and surely no debt was incurred by their generous help.
It helps that the modern Greeks are mostly a hodge podge of slavic, turk and j–ish cultural influences and have very little to do with ancient Greece.
It certainly could be how some of the low level journalists get recruited into the covid atrocity but what of more high level participants? Could it be that they are ensnared in a child abuse ring and this is what gets them to participate in such a gigantic crime?
Btw, this is a random comment of a lingering unacknowledged truth… but, I mean, how obvious is it that Fidel Castro’s son is the Canadian Prime Minister?
What the hell? And I’m speaking to YOU, “Journalism”.
Here’s an example of something approaching journalism:
Of course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s dad
Great report.
I worked in news for 20+ years in Canada, US and Middle East. So I had been reading reports from China long before the ‘pandemic’ was ‘declared’ and It was an interesting story for the first few months, as you say.
But when it suddenly went ballistic, I made an effort to calm my family and friends with what I thought was logical facts and arguments.
But as time went on it became impossible to engage in any sort of anti-virus discussions.
So I adopted another tactic; I began ‘reporting’ via text or whatever, new ‘trends’ I noticed that seemed to have been created in order to keep the fear alive.
So UK might announce a new lockup and then Germany and France and…
A new deadly ‘strain’ would pop up out of nowhere, just as the ‘numbers’ were deceasing, first in one country and then another and another.
This worked/works well because it allows me to paint a picture of manipulation on the part of… well, everyone, while still keeping the peace.
The only drawback is that every two weeks or so I notice what I think might finally be a orchestrated ‘development’ that will be used as an excuse to formally put an end to this self-inflicted mess, but instead we hear a report that the end of the lockup will be postponed because this vaccination is only 60% effective or various and random countries are banning flights and imposing quarantines staring in two weeks or we have to remain strong until after Easter or…
Thank you for bringing this peice. It provides useful and interesting insights into how and why the mainstream media ends up peddling the received narrative.
Has anybody been following the “Charlie” (Lord) Falconer story? He’s an old friend of Blair (I think they were law students together; he decided to stay in the law and become a rich b—–d, while Blair went into politics, postponing becoming a rich b—–d for a few years).
Needless to say, he ended up in Blair’s government, as an unelected Lord (good stuff this democracy isn’t it?) Was initially in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet, until resigning as part of the Chicken Coup, and, needless to say, is back in the Shadow Cabinet under “Sir” Keir.
So, we know exactly whose side he’s on: a rich b—–d who works only for the good of other rich b——ds.
Well, he’s been in the news for having said, at a dinner for other rich b—–d lawyers, that “Covid is the gift that goes on giving”. He meant it in the context of the law, i.e. thanks to the laws changing and getting more complicated, it provides more income for rich b—–d lawyers. So that’s all right then – he was not of course suggesting that Covid was actually a good thing…
I can’t say I’ve been exactly following this. It’s obviously one of those silly froth stories, designed to distract us from something serious, but I do wonder at the timing. Apparently this happened last June, so why has it been leaked now? I’d glanced at it briefly in a newspaper, then heard it again on the car radio. David funny vowels Milliband was apologising for the old b—–d and saying that “it was a poor choice of words”, which I believe the rich b—–d himself has also said.
Poor choice of words, yes, but words he meant every word of, but should not have expressed so honestly. Because it certainly is the gift that goes on giving:
If anyone has any clues as to what they might be trying to distract us from by leaking this story just now, or any other reasons for the timing, I’d be interested to learn.
MSM will fall. Not just because of covid but crimes against children. They know it.
As will all the perpetrators who went along with the covid scam. Crimes against humanity.
Light at at end of the tunnel. Truth has a way of coming to the surface.
Germ theory = the “main strea media” are sick. please stop lieing to the innocent people. no solution .
Terrain theory = the people are sick. they keep going back to the the same lieing media for more lies year after year. solution, stop reading junk.
the germ theory is much more harmful than it might appear since it is a logical fallacy mirrored everywhere.
Yes, yes, germ theory versus terrain theory is a worthy topic. Those of us commenting here understand the difference. Many if not most of us here are open to in-depth discussion about it.
But it is not something to discuss with people who are so brainwashed that they are wearing masks outdoors when not required to, strictly obeying “rules” of social distancing devised by a high school student, and willingly – sometimes contentedly – giving up social activities of all sorts, even work. The only way to fight this (if there is a way) is on a simple level. Maybe, just maybe, defense of freedom of expression may have an effect.
But I do not want to be harangued every day that if I read an article that assumes a virus I am hopelessly mired in incorrect thinking.
Please give this a chance:
On an anecdotal level, and bearing in mind the wearing of masks outdoors is mandatory here in Cyprus with no exceptions or exemptions backed up with a €300 fine, yesterday was a fine sunny day (spring seems to be coming early this year) and so I set out on a long walk (having gained permission by SMS to leave home!) and I noticed quite a few people out and about in my suburban neighbourhood and virtually nobody was muzzled. Today I was in the city centre of Limassol and was happy to observe a significant minority totally unmuzzled and a considerable number of people wearing masks but with them under their chins. Too early to speak of a clear trend, but obviously if a certain critical mass is reached the mask rule will become unenforcable.
Regarding bubbles of another kind, I have my first regret beginning to crystallise – I wish I had written into my diary each week what the restrictions here (West Wales) have been. I have lost track of how many weeks and months it has been now. We are currently, still, in “level 4” on an ongoing basis with I think a review once every 3 weeks where nothing much seems to change. Before that we were in some status that had a different name, but the “rules” were much the same. Back when we were put under something they called “lockdown”, I’m sure it wasn’t as strict/harsh as what we have now.
Village life here could be wonderful, but that opportunity is wasted. Since a couple of people got reported for stuff there is an air of distrust.
It goes on and on. I just re-read the page “visiting people in private homes” and nothing has changed. We are supposed to “grin and bear it” as my tv news loving Mother said on the phone. She doesn’t believe in the power of repeated information and tone of voice to influence the old, or hind-animal-brain. She doesn’t believe in anything. But it goes without question that the reporters on tv are reporting accurately – that’s why they are called reporters, right? Duh. It goes without saying that the corrupt, money grabbing, murderers who comprise this sham government would put aside any selfish ventures at this time and make choices based on what is best for us moving forward, of course because this is a serious pandemic.
How can I not despair when almost everyone around me has not even dared crack the lid on what might actually be happening, let alone speak about it? It’s basic, obvious, sensible to me. Why not everyone?
So I’ll go and chop the day’s firewood in a minute and get on with the day. We haven’t been here long and it’s our first winter with a real fire, so I am still getting comfortable with the axe. But I have to admit that I started a new experiment this week and pictured some of the faces (that I know about) responsible for furthering and growing this nightmare and aimed it down the axe and my light-hesitant axeing has gone up to a whole new level, those logs are flying right apart. No knot can now stand against me.
Hugs to all and remember we are not really alone, it has been designed to have us feel that way.
Pob lwc del!
Diolch annwylyd 🙂
Your name is not Eugene, I take it.
I heard of Eugene for the first time through reading comments here. Just another ignorant idiot. But at least I know when something feels wrong.
Psycho media is mainstream only for psychos. switch it off and keep it off. Block, block, block.
I still always listen to a bit of the BBC’s Today programme every morning. You need to know what narrative is being pushed.
Sadly, on BBC news you are getting Mr Gates’ agenda…..Yep, he has money in there as well
“the lung disease Covid-19”
The disease is many things: in fact, almost anything. The frequency of common symptoms differs widely between countries.
Strong parallels with HIV-AIDS in this respect.
China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda CampaignInside the CCP’s use of social media bots and other disinformation tactics to promote its own response to the coronavirus pandemic and attack its critics
Tablet mag is a Zionazi-Capitalist propaganda sheet. This typical China-bashing puff-piece is already six months old and even when new it was only regurgitating weary Cold-War1 anti-communist crap. The truth, which AZC Presstitutes cannot bear to face, is that China was well aware of the viral activity going on in Dr.Fauci’s U$ Biowarfare Lab in Wuhan. President Xi acted promptly and decisively to stop the spread of any virus — and just as importantly, to quell alarm and dispondency through rumours.
The aim of biowarfare is not only to spread sickness among a targeted population, but also to spread alarm, despondency and wild panic for their nearest and dearest. Prompt and decisive action by the CCP meant that China avoided the paralytic totalitarian Lockdown that continues to oppresses the Capitalist West — with no end in sight.
I’m not sure I get where you’re coming from, there is so much contradiction in that comment that it is actually difficult to respond to. Which might be why you’ve not had replies.
It is like the suggestion of complicity and admission thereof (from CCP), along with negligent ignorance…for something that isn’t real…though you cite many policy failures on the other side too…and then somehow…suggest China isn’t to blame (along with others, of course) and that their policies, actions is “the way”?
Of course. There is no separating them from the bullshit. It is the same complicit controlled garbage and the veneer is practically inverted. I despise chinese state.
Btw, if you genuinely believe that China “did good”…well, I can only appease your sentiments with a fond reminder.
I honestly cannot help but read this article without sensing the rich aroma emanating from the bowels of a wreathing sardonic journalist:
In a Topsy-Turvy Pandemic World, China Offers Its Version of FreedomSurveillance and censorship bolster Beijing’s uncompromising grip on power. But in the country’s cities and streets, people have resumed normal lives.
“Citizens of China don’t have freedom of speech, freedom of worship or freedom from fear — three of the four freedoms articulated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt — but they have the freedom to move around and lead a normal day-to-day life. In a pandemic year, many of the world’s people would envy this most basic form of freedom.”
Do you suggest to be a voluntary hostage?
And a sentiment I have… DOT com/watch?v=nlr1EHc1ZLs
Amazingly, noone’s mentioned EMF yet, which imo is rather a prevailing problem.
For an example of the bootlicking and propaganda regarding that, I recently read an article on for a wireless cellphone charger (which is useless, like 500w+ wall power to charge like a 5w phone, slowly…and I’m pretty sure it can’t be good for you).
Anyway, one guy commented “I wonder what the health implications are, especially long term” or something like that, so a couple of guys replied “None, it’s non-ionizing”. Of course, that assumption of it not having health implication is entirely incorrect.
So…I started replying with an overview study regarding that, started explaining, etc. Very soon I was of course attacked, though with me posting post after post of explanation of processes, study references, etc. No dice, typical shill types keep up the willful ignorance, attacks, etc with ZERO refutations.
And the problem is, while that isn’t strictly related to journalism (well, in the sense that it was being “discussed” in the comments it might be considered journalism), there’s practically ZERO journalism in media regarding EMF. And, imo, people heavily underestimate the effects. As they did in 1918 and continue to do up to today.
Here’s the article in the unlikelihood that someone might want to see what I mean with the bootlicking/propagandist denial regarding that (practically EVERY site has agents):
The comments are very messy in that article, with near random chronological order (Disqus is garbage).
But in case you just straight up are a bit more interested in a direct resource regarding that: is pretty extensive (it has for instance a compiled pdf of 2500+ navy medical studies regarding EMF).
Here’s a very telling reminder of an article early last year. Looking at it in retrospect it is even more damning (imo).
“China was reportedly the first country to have more than 100 000 5G towers, with Wuhan being the first to contract the new coronavirus. It has been claimed that Wuhan was the first city to introduce blanketed 5G, with Iran, cruise ships and Italy being among other places where 5G was introduced.”
“This happened in 1918 with the Spanish flu, which occurred with the worldwide introduction of radio traffic.
Cowan says when they asked renowned anthropologist Rudolf Steiner about the millions of victims of the Spanish flu in 1918, he replied: “Viruses have nothing to do with it. Viruses are reactions of the poisoned cell that, in defence against the poison itself, secretes the viruses to allow the cell to survive.
“Viruses are therefore waste products of the human cells and therefore do nothing themselves.”
Considering the numerous ways in which people are poisoned by antibiotics, radiation, insecticides, radioactivity, medicines, junk food, polluted water and air, and other harmful substances, Cohen says their resistance and their cells are destroyed. The cells themselves secrete the viruses as a defence response.”
““The ionizing is like X-rays and gamma rays – these are the ones which are dangerous to health, which can produce cancer. But 5G is deployed in non-ionizing frequencies.”
The 5G claims were also debunked by FullFact, a UK fact checker.
“As we’ve written about before, there is no evidence that 5G is harmful to humans. 5G is the next generation of wireless network technology, following on from 4G.
“Like 4G, 3G and 2G before it, 5G mobile data is transmitted over radio waves – a small part of the whole electromagnetic spectrum (which includes microwaves, visible light and X-rays).””
No evidence, eh? And luckily that “fact checker” is there to help me ignore thousands of studies as well as my understanding of physics and biology. If it weren’t for them I might’ve even tried to invoke some mathematics.,63713,0,2.html
“Twenty four studies (26 846 cases, 50 013 controls) were included into the meta-analysis. A significantly higher risk of an intracranial tumor (all types) was noted for the period of mobile phone use over 10 years (odds ratio (OR) = 1.324, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.028–1.704), and for the ipsilateral location (OR = 1.249, 95% CI: 1.022–1.526). The results support the hypothesis that long-term use of mobile phone increases risk of intracranial tumors, especially in the case of ipsilateral exposure. Further studies are needed to confirm this relationship.”
Considering the HEAVY censorship regarding 5g (and gsm, and 3g/wifi, etc) and health and that NONE of the attempted refutations in that article hold…it’s kinda…yeah…
Extensive details on the health effects of non-ionizing radiation. Soviet reserach, CIA translation. Declassified info. Millimeter waves are covered from page 57
Send this to them and see how they respond
Hi Frank, the 1918 Spanish “Flu” was so-named because of the flu-like symptoms displayed by many. These symptoms manifested themselves in people for many reasons some may well have been seasonal influenza/pneumonia but the vast majority were the direct result of elements surrounding the 1914-18 war.
Soldiers returning from war with poor health from contaminated water supplies, mustard gas, malnutrition, trenchfoot etc
Factory workers involved in munitions and the dust from such explosives, the welding processes and the gases given off.
This occurred the world over, not just the UK/Europe.
All the above, and more, combined to make millions sick and millions die. It wasn’t a single disease.
I completely agree. There were massive vaccination campaigns too, poor medical practices, etc.
It is the same sort of scenario as with black death, massive amounts of toxicity, poverty, whatever.
Tom Cowan has, in his videos, and his book (with Sally Fallon) “The Contagion Myth”.
Oh I know, I was talking about the comments of the article, sorry if that was unclear.
Hello Frank GL: Excellent post! Though I am self taught, I happen to have a fairly strong background in electronics engineering and radio broadcast theory. A good friend introduced me to a Russian Institute of Science article published in 1978. The study detailed multiple negative health consequences of radar and UHF broadcast on those utilizing the technology. This heads up was in 1981… I’ve been attempting to wake people out of their radio induced stupors ever since.
I concluded long ago that most people would rather die of cancer and leukemia than face the scientific facts… Buy a cell phone for your kids!!! Poison your pets!!! Make sure to upgrade to 5G, Now!!! Play game Apps and download music!!! Let’s hurry toward death!!!
I’m practically entirely uneducated, but I have a background in geometry, constraint minimization and physics in general.
Aside from the professional poker background, that is. Naturally, 47 is my favourite hand…if you’re familiar.
People in general are impressionable children still on the hi-tech kool-aid. They believe the future is Star Trek and are excited by wireless anything… The other day I was at a garage getting my car fixed and there was an obese guy there really excited about how accurate the anti-theft GPS tracking system of his car is. I wonder how many people he knows who ever had a car stolen.
“Part of the basic training of a journalist is that he never reports figures without meaningful reference.
However, I saw this basic principle practically vanish into thin air in the first weeks of the pandemic. Absolute numbers, always only absolute numbers, without any meaningful reference.”
Ahem, according to my memory it vanished a bit before that …
Should we start with Augustus?
“Scientists have found out that….” insert here whatever you like to be beleived by the faithful.
I know I’ve been posting a lot (as I rarely have anyone to speak with and currently I’m really not in a good state) and I hope at least some of my comments have been worth reading, but I do apologize for saturating the comments section a bit much…
Especially now that I’m going to add another post (anecdotal).
In 2019, I used to walk in the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa, every day, and every night (not all day). I would for instance walk to go buy myself a few beers, and with me, I would always take some food. At night, I would walk to find the hobos sleeping on the streets and give them some food.
Now, due to covid policy, that sort of thing is rather more difficult. There are curfews, distancing, potential fines, etc. Because of my resulting state (not good), financial situation that’s exacerbated.
None of those hobos get or have gotten anything from govt, just saying. And people support what?
The point I’m making is, the majority of that sort of activity has been shunned, marginalized, it’s practically verboten.
So I refuse to support the fellow “citizens” who support the covid narrative. I will never associate with them, I consider them subhuman. You know, if I had to consider all the CRAP they’ve done and projected.
I basically agree with you, though I don’t like the term ‘subhuman’.
It is merely a reflection of the things they’ve projected. But I can certainly understand that you’d rather not use that term.
The long-term purpose of the creation of the Nazis by the Anglo- Zio- Americans was to create a bogeyman to project all the evil onto, so that people would end up censoring themselves later. “You don’t want to be like the Nazis do you?” Play along!
How did they become hobos. Apart from those on the wrong side of the law, the rest have fallen through the cracks. Even the most “advanced” cpuntries, the story is always the same: the govt. expects you to care for yourself as it is not socialist and cannot spare enough money. But they have enough for the “essential” mega-projects, and the members of the plutocracy inside government only keep getting wealthier.
It is South Africa, they are mostly older africans and/or “coloureds”, but I even still see children on the street. There is rampant poverty and injustice.
Shit, when I was walking around at night in 2019, I would sit with the hobos, smoke a joint with them, give them some food, etc. Many of them drug addicted (typically heroin and meth), from various traumas. Some of them would often sit there shooting up heroin while I was speaking with them. The police would literally be across the street. It mattered not.
In South Africa, btw, the coloureds are generally more marginalized and mistreated than others. Because of both the “other” sides having their racial, ignorant, supremacist polarized arrogances from the vestiges of their bastardized and corrupted “cultures”.
I despise the inept kakistocratic, kleptocratic, inhumane worthlessness of these institutions and govts. And it breeds what I call sociopsychopatheticism.
You must’ve be expat Frank. I’m happy to report that nothing has been stolen in my dorp for months. The police are quite nasty about curfew here en die locasie and it’s so quiet they don’t bother to to patrol our a side of town anymore. Why don’t you go to Cape Town and work with the Green Guerillas if you feeling lost. Or google John Nzira in Gauteng and get involved with local food production there. There’s more to life than smoking joints in the alley with addicts and subjecting us to your existential dilettantism and insufferable attempts to explain South Africa to anyone at all
“You must’ve be expat Frank.”
Nee. Thanks for the condescension, you must be british.
Why apologize for something you are repeatedly doing?
Because sometimes I feel it is warranted, while acknowledging that some might find it annoying.
“Dr Sam Bailey talks to Dr Claus Köhnlein (Co-Author, ‘Virus Mania’ ) about everything Covid-19. Diving deep into the reasons for excess mortality, Covid-19 PCR testing, parallels with the HIV epidemic, why coronavirus vaccines are being promoted and much more.”
“mRNA is messenger RNA,” Acker explained. “It’s the nucleic acid that’s a copy that’s made of your DNA, and then it’s sent out to the ribosomes in the cells and protein is produced using that messenger copy.”
“So, what the vaccine reports do is take messenger RNA that codes for the spike protein of coronavirus and insert that into your cells so that your human cells will then make the spike protein from the coronavirus.”
So, you figure that out.
The “virus” (“bad guys” engineered by the “good guys”) is obviously used as the front so that you (the proxy in the war) can adopt their “help”.
Their “help” includes things like demonizing functional parts of your body as the “virus”. Yes, they did call you covid. That’s why they use say, aborted fetal tissue, so that you can adopt that particular trojan. That’s why one of the primers is exactly human chromosome 8.
The “vaccine” itself is FAR closer to any “virus” than you can possibly think of, as it is designed to hijack and divert protein production so that the body unnecessarily produces toxic/broken/”viral” material.
I’m copy/pasting this in case anyone finds it relevant that the covid spike protein happens to have so much protein homology with very essential human proteins.
“This is EXTREMELY important topic, can drive some crazy, in particular when they believe in viruses, as seen in high resolution crystallography images of those, their entire live! Here a result of a small study, pasted from AP:
Each house consists of some building blocks. You take it into pieces and can build many other houses, or not.
The COVID-19 Spike protein (YP_009724390.1), PRESENT IN the nano-particles laced Moderna, NOVAvax synthetic vaccines, is an entry door for the ‘dangerous virus’ to invade and kill.. So we are told. When you compare
covid-19 Spike protein amino acid sequence to PATENTED proteins, you will find that ~50% of it was ALREADY present in the 2017 patented Moderna vaccine AAYI60028.1 (patent US 10064934 ) and ~75% of it was ALREADY present in the 2015 NOVAVAX patented vaccine! The part of the vaccine NVX-CoV2373 content from 2015 had all 4 amino acids (out of 5 necessary and sufficient) to bind to ACE2 receptor… That’s just the begin. What else do we have in Covid-spike produced RIGHT NOW in millions of doses for the clueless poeple? Your other article had somewehre the GcMAF picture(!!) so I did a customized search for similarities between covid spike and N-acelylgalactosidase (nagalse, which was shown by the LATE Dr. Bradstreet that its presence correlates with autism spectrum in boys, the only source of it was the MMR vaccine!) shows 20% identity over 60% sequence coverage. What does it mean? Here is small piece of the result, Query is covid-spike, Sbcjt is nagalase:
Similarities like for example:
Query 226 PTHGVG 231
Sbjct 499 PTNGVG 504
Query 311 FKVQGTEGL 319
Sbjct 318 FRVQPTESI 326
Query 380 DNTFVE 385
Sbjct 1118 DNTFVS 1123
Query 90 KNIDAVF 96
Sbjct 195 KNIDGYF 201
and many, many more similar chunks between the toxic nagalase from MMR vaccines and covid spike, NOW in MODERNA, Novavax, and who knows what else vaccines…
One can find similarities of that sort in MANY comparisons between COVID-19 spike and proteins, you name it: hemoglobin, VMAT-2, reproductive hormone receptors, other viruses like pox, herpes, cholera, ebola, etc.,etc. ALL THESE PIECES within that one covid spike, JUST NOW PRODUCED FOR ALL THE VACCINES, and that all while one knows, that:
If a protein has ONLY ONE ‘DRY’ 3-amino acids long chain (Asp-Arg-Tyr) motif, it is known to belongs to the s.c. class of GPCR proteins, extremely important proteins for which Stanford researchers received Nobel Prize in 2012… So do viruses really exist? Here you got 3 amino acids sequence so important, and there you have SIX overlapping amino acids and no significance???
The point is, if covid spike is similar to SO MANY totally different proteins, then where it actually comes from?
Sure, I took it from the SYNTHETIC NIH library, which has every other virus out there.
Now the FEMA camps can be build, from the marble Rockefeller house of elementary cards.”
Results of course, including things like autoimmune issues, and death.
Remember 25-50% of the 75k people in the (bs, biased) Moderna/Pfizer trials had adverse reactions, 15% of that serious.
Mainstream German publication today:
In terms of simple, sort of zero effort actions, obviously boycotting practically everything is an option.
I mean, I’ll never and have never used twitter, facebook, amazon, pinterest, instagram, etc. Obviously I don’t bother with any of the common “News” outlets.
I’ve never used a smartphone for more than a week (years ago, and it decided to attack a wall at high velocity for some unknown reason). Shit I can’t justify even considering buying any tech hardware.
The only use I have for google is youtube (and really, it’s easily replaceable) and that’s 99% for obscure music videos.
Nestle, PepsiCo, Coca Cola, Unilever, etc, ALL PHARMA. I boycott all that too.
So in terms of that sort of stuff, not sure how much less I can do.
Journalists are in a bubble? I’m glad to see mention of Udo Ulfkotte, also there is this:
From John Swinton,
to a gathering of fellow journalists :-
“There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an “Independent Press”! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
John Swinton (1829–1901) was a Scottish-American journalist, newspaper publisher, and orator.
I don’t suspect gatekeeping in this otherwise excellent description of our problem, but I do hope we are beginning to notice – like a garish blinking red light – the casual use of the phrase, “PCR Test” wherever we look these days…
“…statements by virological and epidemiological experts harshly criticising the PCR test and its particular use…”
I am quite happy to go on protesting until the phrase perishes from the English language altogether.
It is NOT a test, and it is criminally wrong to use it as a test.
Its Nobel-Award-winning inventor, Kary Mullis, said so himself.
Exactly, it is an extrapolatory research tool. When it is referred to in the context of covid, at best “test” should be referenced, otherwise BULLSHIT.
Regardless of your view of Jon Rappoport he said something that you simply can’t ignore.
The fact that all these “authorities” don’t adhere to their own rules and regulations is because they KNOW there is no danger, they know it is fake.
So essentially I’m paraphrasing Jon (as a reminder).
If someone harps on about doing this and that, why it’s so necessary for safety, then hypocritically fails to adhere to his/her own suggestions that implicitly means THERE IS NO DANGER, THERE ARE NO VALID REASONS TO WEAR MASKS, NO VALID REASONS FOR LOCKDOWNS.
Everybody is wearing masks and the virus still spreads.the empirical evidence that masks dont work is overwhelming.
That might have something to do with the fundamental medical establishment fraud regarding viruses.
Someone also told me Fauci studied spanish flu and found that a high amount of deaths were caused by bacterial infections from masks.
Also, numerous military studies (with more distancing, isolation, etc than the lockdown policies) found absolutely no benefits, and (obviously) actually worse results, with respect to viral prevalence.
EMF people. EMF. If you’re a scientific study the science of HCQ ivermectin calcium blockers etc and … EMF
There are reasons why I have been mentioning these things and suggesting people avoid them, if you look at my EMF post at the top, in the link to the extremetech article I specifically mention that (the calcium channel stuff) in the comments.
Er… testing still spreads, and respiratory disease happens seasonally
Touché Binra. At least on the train I’m on this morning, there is one other person on my carriage without a facemask on. But the morbid fear of people over a ‘pandemic’ only on the TV or in the newspapers is a sad sight to behold. I’m trying to be like Mahatma Gandhi or Rosa Parks.
Have a good week…
The masks are not just ineffective. They endanger us in themselves. They also mask the giant issue of air pollution that kills about 6.7 million/year. This consists of an almost equal no. of victims indoors and outdoors.
Yup, I used to live in the town, which according to Greenpeace in 2018 (iirc), had the most polluted air in the world, coal mine central (middelburg, south africa).
And, luckily I developed asthma and other issues from vaccines, medications and herbicides/pesticides (corn fields) as a toddler, before we moved there, shit I had to spend time in those oxygen chambers, I was constantly involved with the medical establishment.
From there, we moved to one of the most radioactive (and also very toxic industrial) areas in the world, where we literally have radioactive lakes under the city.
From what I can temember mgeo, at the start of covid farce we were told face masks offer no protection and by and large they don’t. Virus/virons stream through the pores in a mask. If you were trying to do something effective to halt a virus spreading the plastic face shield would offer more protection.
However, when Boris the brave wanted to kick start the economy again… was found that people had become scared of going out, scared of going on public transport…………so Boris or Dominic by proxy gave every scared person a comfort blanket, something that they could feel and see in the belief they would be protected….wear a mask…everyone has to socially distance and then it became mandatory to wear a mask inside a shop ! Shop staff became incarnations of the SS over night….No-one shall enter this shop without a mask on and I hold the liquid alcogel to squirt you with……… My goodness the mind boggles.
If any one remembers ‘The Standford University’ study……look it’s alive and working power drives people mad when they have power over other people
My friend, Dr.John Hardie wrote this article back in 2016 for a Canadian dentist’s journal, The Oral Health Group. It was published and had been on their website until June 2020, when it was suddenly removed and this is what was instead stated by the Journal’s editors : “…If you are looking for “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review” by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate.”
For those of you who are interested in the inefficacy of masking to protect oneself from airborne pathogens, here is the archived link to the article itself:
Yet the only thing ”spreading” is PCR tests still being used as little gods to control us.
No idea what they are being to diagnose, but they are costing the covernmement millions. Donald Trump even called Fauci out concering the number of false +ve results coming out and Fauci himself said ‘ just get the vaccine instead.’…….pardon ?
How’s El Presidente Joe Biden look on Air Force 1, or was that 2 or 3?
How many weeks before he’s conveniently replaced?
Just the usual decent interval of mourning…
Indeed conformism and mainstream. Given my broken leg in a foreign country and given in my country, I live alone and under current measures there is great difficulty repatriating me before I can walk, I have been forced to ask for help from people I hardly know.
Its on the one hand been heartwarming how my Cambridge college contemporaries (I had not kept in touch with anyone, and even then, I wasnt close to most) all have rallied round (despite the absence of any real friendship, and after all these years). I did ask “protesters” I have been collaborating with, but only one replied and unfortunately he lives too far away and there is no way I can even get to his place right now as I cant take a train. None of the other “protesters” have even replied with the minimal politeness…
So here am I in the huge big lovely house of one of my Cambridge contemporaries. She and her family are being awfully generous. This morning I understood more why, and also why I had stayed away from the Cambridge crowd.
I am having to be hugely diplomatic. Evidently they’re all in the narrative (except they’re not afraid of covid) and have already been or will be vaccinated.
This morning they tried to talk politics. Their daughter tried to imply that working class people were bad people… The mother is more moderate, said there should be a discussion between classes, and one should try to understand their difficulties.
And slowly it dawned on me, because their respect for me knows no bounds: basically for them, we are the meritocracy, we have earned our external success through our own efforts, I am among the more successful among them, and hence I must be helped: its a social class looking after someone they consider their own. They think if I havent been in touch its simply because Im so busy, that Im exactly like them otherwise…
They are extremely generous, extremely kind, but I realise they wouldnt be for someone they consider “not from our set”. So what to conclude? None except the one mentioned above among those trying to remake the world, some of whom I thought I had much in common with, who were, as long as it concerned remaking the world, so enthusiastic, writing to me as though we were friends, introducing me to others engaged in combating whats going on as their friend, have even replied to say something supportive about my real life issue, of being unable to walk. I do realise not everyone is in a position to help, but not even a kind little word, Ive been astonished.
So who are the more humane? Dont ask me today, I sincerely do not know. Things arent black and white, thats all I can say. Had my Cambridge contemporaries not rallied round, which they certainly had every right not to as I did not keep in touch since graduation, I sincerely do not know what would have happened to me since under the present measures my insurance cannot arrange an appropriate repatriation…
One thing though: this crowd considers academic and intellectual success higher than monetary one… Except they think that all external success shows you are really worthy,
and have no idea that basically nowadays the mediocracy goes to the top. Would I venture to say they are the mediocracy? I would feel bad doing so given their extreme kindness with me… Nothing is simple. Humans are very complex. I wish those “protesters” had been the ones who had rallied round. I dont even know if I wish to continue collaborating with them. Its very confusing…
Thank you for your comment. Extremely thought-provoking. I do hope things work out for you health-wise. In defence of those you have been collaborating with in recent times – in the small chance I can possibly help you reach peace: The merit/mediocracy are under almost zero strain right now, well-off, probably salaried therefore receiving furlough from the government, supported and nourished by the shared lie which, although it is seeking to eradicate or severely reduce their quality of life in the long term, at this moment is insulating them. Whereas, those fighting the narrative are under immense psychic and psychological strain and are having to dig extremely deep in order to make any stand whatsoever. I myself simply drew a blank when someone needed my help over Christmas, trying to convince her father to join them on the day who, despite his promises, had reneged. I had links and knowledge and my head, but I just could not access it. I palmed her off by giving her the link to this site. It wasn’t really my choice. I had hit a wall and I couldn’t think. Now, this doesn’t excuse anyone, but freezing into silence just may be a sign of just that. Whereas a few words of support and commiseration seem easy in theory, they can seem like horrible, insulting insincerities when you’ve hit that wall. A2
Thank you so much Sam. Indeed the mainstream is under no psychological strain and hence you are perfectly right, from that point of view they are possibly more likely to offer help. The whole lunchtime was spent talking about their dog. I just about could sustain it. Then they mentioned “superspreaders” and I went even quieter and quickly changed the conversation!
The “protesters” I had in mind I dont think have financial worries, and evidently Id contribute, as I offered to do to my hosts since we’re not friends, though they never asked, it certainly would help Im sure.
Also I did not want to ramble on. But the person who has looked after me since the surgery as only family could do decided not to take any work contract to do so, has refused to accept any financial compensation (he certainly is not rich having lost all his savings) any money, just about knows how to read and write. Has even refused to let me pay daily expenses. He keeps uttering the wisest sayings: “when someone is in need, you have to help, that is what it means being human”. And he fully realizes what is going on.
Unfortunately his own health took a bad turn and will be operated this month (its really in this emergency situation I contacted this group of Cambridge contemporaries at the very last minute, without in fact expecting anything and certainly not an immediate offer to come and stay for as long as necessary, and it least a month), and hence if all goes well next month we can arrange somehow something, where he takes over again. Again if I say this it is to point out that one against the narrative has helped, and God knows he is in financial need.
I agree the psychological strain is huge, sometimes unbearable and you feel you’re going mad. And indeed that can make people not being able to take in others’ problems. However, you read among the French resistance or Indian freedom fighters of their mutual help, or even among soldiers
fighting the Third Reich army, of how they picked up fallen comrades and took them to safety.
If we who are fighting cant help one other, then how are we to really unite to fight the dystopia? Everyone is fighting separately in their own “bubble”, each repeating what the other is saying.
I have observed closely people in the last months, as you come a wide variety in my situation. What I feel, again I may be wrong, the difference is not one of opinion, is not one of wealth or even strain, is not one of education in a strict sense, whether formal education, or self-education, but one I would call of culture. Its hard to define what I mean. I mean that millennia old human culture, human dignity that some have been lucky to receive at the hands of some ancestor (a parent, grand-parent,etc) or even an outsider from their earliest days. This transmission can happen in both slums and palaces. It doesnt depend on your social background or financial ease.
When I say the Cambridge crowd, I dont evidently mean all of Cambridge, and I surely am not including the ambitious among them.
The ones I wrote to have non-ambition in common, they dont aggrandize themselves. Possibly they and my carer have in common also this culture…
My carer certainly has an extraordinary mother (she’s over 81, and fought with an entire hospital, refused to wear a mask and the covid test, and taught an amazing lesson to the head doctor in a way few of us would have the intelligence to think of, which I think he will never forget: it has made him humble and ashamed, and recognize there is no pandemic, but that he is forced to go along with it because he’d otherwise lose his job)…
Who are good people and who are not?
The officers of SS; Hitler’s military guards were selected from most dedicated people with highest moral standards; sacrifice, compassion, committed to law and order often trained in art and culture, people who would not steal a cent, would not hurt wife or a woman or child or a fly if it was illegal, unselfishly help those in need. All of them were presented as chosen people acting legally, morally for common good, to defend of a nation and in solidarity with all Germans.
That did not stop them from being one of most murderous thugs in history while they were good fathers or mothers.
Remember strict class solidarity and unwavering support and understanding no questions asked whatever class it is, Lower or upper doesn’t mean humanity and human morality.
if someone helped me in dire situation this mere fact tells me nothing about what kind of man he was, that can be only learned by knowing what kind of people he refused to help.
“Humanity is all inclusive or there is no humanity” is what my mother who was kidnapped at the age of 11 as slave farm labor to Germany taught me.
Kalen, I was vaguely thinking on those lines last night. Im not thinking of the Nazi party cadres who had a death cult (like those in charge of us: I was reading an interesting book by Erich Fromm about sadism coming from a hatred of life, and how this leads to the most dangerous form of inhumanity), but of the general German population (who may not have had any death cult) during the Nazi period. They surely helped one other and anyone they considered sufficiently “Aryan”.
And indeed my hosts are the kind of people because of whom the current dystopia is possible.
Rather, I wish we who understand were more active in real life mutual help. I wanted to set up a website where people could demand and offer help, or even place adverts if they want to rent their flat, take in a lodger, or if anyone is looking for place to rent. Where also people could offer classes (real life ones) or other activities, or even to care for people needing temporary care. Basically for people who are not afraid of other humans (its an impossibility to rent at the moment as people fear corona, to be a lodger even more impossible, one person said Id have to wear a mask all the time inside, and as for any other activities…), and around whom you could be without feeling you have to clam up, and could just be your normal self.
I think that is my real disappointment: I have no option but to accept the generous offer of these former Cambridge contemporaries. I feel bad about it from my side, as one does not wish to be indebted to people you consider to participate in the dystopia and whose attitude about everything is contrary to your own principles. Its a huge pressure daily. I try to stay in my room most of the time. Luckily they’re all busy in their now online “jobs”. Sure I would have much preferred to be with someone like-minded at the moment.
By the way, is any one out there sufficiently internet savvy to kindly guide me (Im a total ignoramus on technical questions) to creating my own website. There are so many web hosting companies vying with one other, that a novice does not even know which one to choose!
ahhh…the GOOD GERMAN!
Also Sam, I feel uncomfortable on a number of levels. I gradually found out my hosts are not as innocent as they look, and are actually involved in spreading the narrative, and much much more aware of everything relating to this from a government perspective than I had thought. I overheard what one of saying online during a work session.
So I truly have to be extremely prudent.
But something else occurred to me today: you’re supposed to save a human being unknowingly going to drown. I should warn them about the vaccines, but cant as I would be in dire straits if they knew my position. And also, I dont know perhaps somewhere inside me Im becoming as inhuman. Im having to stop myself thinking: let them go get vaccinated and then have serious health issues and die within a few years at most. That will bring down the number of the slaves of the system.
Shows how those who think they are “masters” of the world dont even care for those who are making this possible for them. They know the problems with vaccines given Gates according to his former doctor refused to have his children vaccinated. For if you were rational, you’d make sure your servants survived well. In effect, if anyone survives will be those that realise the problems and at the same time manage not to get vaccinated and so on.
So if you take this to its logical conclusion, at some point in time, there will mainly be those among the masterminds who know they should not get vaccinated and those among the populations who are against them and have managed to survive…
“I should warn them about the vaccines, but cant as I would be in dire straits if they knew my position.”
Have you considered feigning surprise regarding the most egregious examples? As in, making sure you get the point of “doubt” across.
Edit…oh I started replying right after reading that…and then I saw they actually KNOW it is degenerate. WTH?!
Edit2…oh I misread…so my suggestion is still an option.
Well you see I am staying at their house and they are being incredible generous having me stay on a day’s notice, and until I find another solution, I have nowhere else to go with a broken leg: my doctors dont think me fit to travel yet except by car, so cant go back to my own country.
Where I am, they were the only ones willing to have me, and they’re around, so can look after me, and they had a fully equipped ground floor with only two small steps to get into the house which the wheelchair can take… So I dont know what their reaction would be if I began expressing doubts about the vaccines. They’re not good friends: we were in college together, that was in the 80s, but she wasnt among those I mixed with. Then we briefly saw each other at some alumni meeting someone literally dragged me to in 2019 (I am not into alumni stuff, and never went).
So then at best it would be untenable to be with them, at worst they could ask me to leave.
And what do I do then?!
Well, I do understand that is a rather uncomfortable situation, which is why I simply suggested feigning surprise (with the assumption that you would be able to pull it off convincingly), that is of course a somewhat optimistic perspective in the circumstance…
Some other alternatives could be to suggest it with a sort of obscure tangential inference.
Or, perhaps try projected delegation, something like getting someone to send you some information and sort of try make small-talk and “accidentally” mentioning it…
“Can you believe this? These colleagues are pestering me with strange claims about vaccine safety. It was my understanding that issue is settled…but let’s take a look at how misguided these people are, I’m sure I can quickly find and correct their errors”
And then you don’t, aside from say, irrelevant sort of inconsistencies.
But I’m just speculating.
Also, you don’t have to actually admit to doubts about vaccines. You can probably gauge an appropriate (in the context) reply based on their reactions.
Flush clothes down the toilet, mess with the plumbing, sabotage their computers?!
Politely thank them and get out of there ASAP, or stay for as long as possible and gradually mess with their heads?
Or, after departing, send them links to official sources that undermine the official narrative without telling them what you think other than: “this seems strange”…
I have a similar issue with some people I know, and my sister (completely indoctrinated geneticist)
Hey my sister is a public servant in retirement and called me a holocaust denier when I rightly said it was nothing.
I hear you, my faith in humans is simply gone.
Why do you have an issue with your sister who is a geneticist ? I don’t understand that
Probably the same reason I have an issue with you. I’m a dick?
Annette, I´m reminded of Jane Austin and Robert Zimmerman reading your excellent comment and I do hope things will improve for you.
The conditio humana, people are crazy and times are strange is the general state of things, don´t you think so?
At a university in the Netherlands, we had a guy in our group who was very nice come to think of it who improved on everyone who addressed him as British that he was English and that he wanted to abolish the English, or is it British? anachronistic class system once and for all. He liked pub quizzes and one evening we clueless continentals were supposed to guess his class. His anti-establisment attitude aside the giveaway was his posh voice and I ventured forth, middleclass, right Bob?
He was rather taken aback. Hmm, upper middle class and it´s Robert to be precise.
My friend and I had a hard time keeping a straight face she has a working class background and is proud of it and once had enjoyed a pint or two with the king in the time when he had earned his nickname Prins Pilsje (Prince Pint) .
Annette, I hate to say it but your comment reminds me of the currant article written in the La Times about the Trump supporters who snow plowed their neighbors driveway, only to be criticized by her.
I think Kathy you have not read my comments in detail or have failed to understand what I am saying to have written this.
‘the not from our set’ implies more than ‘one set’ ‘academic and intellect coupled with money’ Only one thing can be assumed …there are still people who consider some ‘well born’ and those who are not well born are ‘lesser born’
I dont think its birth they’re worried about, its merit: its like all those of us from Cambridge are the meritocracy, and deserve what we have. They do go on about that. I was rather surprised by the way her daughter talked about the working classes, especially when she went on and said they could only be bad people.
The mother (my Cambridge contemporary) is slightly better: we have to understand their difficulties and grievances she tried explaining.
They dont admire money: in fact at dinner today I ventured to say that the super-rich had made 1.9 trillion, while the general world population had lost 1.7 trillion during these lockdowns. There we were on the same wave length and were very upset (I said that after they had begun criticizing hedge funds).
Its meritocracy: but let us say they cant distinguish between Neil Ferguson and say Sucharit Bhagdi, except they wouldnt have heard of the latter.
All they look at are the degrees you have, where from, what you’ve then gone to achieve (in terms of praises from society, i.e. who publishes you, did you get a professorship, etc.).
“All they look at are the degrees you have, where from, what you’ve then gone to achieve (in terms of praises from society, i.e. who publishes you, did you get a professorship, etc.).”
That is all too common. Personally I have absolutely ZERO I can show regarding institutional achievement, societal praises, etc.
And aside from that, here I am dismantling some propagandist garbage from cambridge phds regarding psychological/psychiatric classifications based on terrible reasoning, principles, math and such…which I have an example of.
It was my mums funeral yesterday.
The saddest thing was not my mums passing away (she had a 5 year battle with dementia and kidney failure) but the sight of my family, all masked up, their terrified wee eyes darting about.
I refused to wear one, as did my best pal who sat next to me.
I chose to give a brief summary of my mums life. The minister, by the way, was excellent and very sympathetic.
“My mother faced much adversity in her life, but never allowed the fear of death to intimidate her, instead she flourished in the joy of the love of life, and all of its fruits.”
The resulting silence from my family was deafening.
Sorry to hear Chris…
It’s people like yourself that keep me alive.
There are many of us Chris.
The article above shows why our voices are not heard, but we are not going away.
Both my parents died a long time ago, and I am glad they were spared the spectacle which now confronts us. My mother was a nurse and a person with a very forthright attitude to the world. I can well imagine what she would have thought of the current situation, since she could think for herself.
My condolences for your loss. I’m very glad to hear of your mother’s healthy attitude to death.
I once found a religious pamphlet entitled “There is only life”, and it went into considerable depth about what our existence actually means. Mozart also had some amazingly optimistic words to say about death.
As I said, there are many of us, and we keep each other alive.
Your company here is truly and wholly appreciated.
I wouldn’t post if it didn’t mean anything to me.
We’ll win the war. Have no fear because we’re on the right side.
Sorry about your mother.
Nice words; it’s important to remind people that there is life, not only death, death, death. The life must be lived, enjoyed, not spent in fear of dying, which will happen anyways.
My mother is still alive, over 80 but going strong. Kinda oblivious to the mayhem around her. Then again, she had to make do at the age of 2 1/2 when grandpa and grandma were arrested by the Nazis for fighting in the Resistance and the Gestapo was after her because she is Jewish. Some nice people kept her in hiding until the end of the war. I’m sure that a lot of people have ancestors with courage – it’s time to remember their legacy NOW!
It is good to hear that your mother is still going strong at her age. Your words resonate with me because of my family background. A great-uncle of mine fought in the Resistance and my Dutch Gran managed on her own in her teens to provide food and shelter for Jewish neighbors, always with collaborators hard on her heels. For her a Nazi across the border was the same thing. As a small child, I heard her talk about NSB when she was young, and how they almost ratted on her. I was lost in translation and found it strange that teddy bears (phonetic NSB-ren) could harm a person. I don’t think I could live up to both their bravery, but I know I don’t have to. All it takes for us is to quickly get more in numbers. To do this, we have to get middle-of-the-road people on board. We are many, we must unite. The door of the Great Reset trap is almost closed, as Catherine Austin Fitts, a courageous woman, puts it.
My grandma survived concentration camp and fed me stories about Resistance, sabotaging Nazi bombs in some underground factory where they were forced to work, surviving the bubonic plague, all sorts of stuff. I spent my whole early childhood on her knees listening to this shit … ha ha …
Grandma was tough like a rock, and so is my mum. In a different way, but she always manages, always finds a way out. My experience in life is that women are way tougher than men.
I’ve often wondered whether people today would be capable of the kind of bravery as the lady who took my mum as her own and kept her in hiding throughout the war. We might be finding out soon …
Right, we have to get people who tend to be conventional on board, convince them that this is the real deal.
High 5!
Chris, I`m so sorry to hear this and that you had to go through it at times like these with mask regulations and family divisions. I honestly don’t think I could have braved it like you did. I know your mother must have been a great person. Your words are verbatim the same I said at my mother’s funeral years ago and I had it written on her obituary. Her Russian nurse said I had chosen the right words for my Mama had „loved life even when its hard“. Every Russian knows these eternal lines by heart she said, because they were written by Lev Tolstoy, I didn’t know.
Chris I am so very sorry. Please accept all my condoleances. I lost my mother in 2018, and I know that I would not have survived without the immense compassion showed by so many I know and also strangers. The very same people now have completely changed and I certainly would not have survived had I lost her this year, or even in 2019. When we first got locked down in 2020, I was still grieving very much, and hence being locked up alone suddenly, nearly made me go mad.
Chris Im glad you have a good friend by your side.
What can I say but that I know what it is to lose someone close, and I know that under present conditions it must be horrid: loss and death are part of life, grieving and its different stages are part of life, but the present circumstances are turning it into a torture by making the natural process of grieving inhuman. The reason I nearly went mad when we got locked up was that it was about then I think I had begun to reconnect with the world, and this reconnection phase could not properly occur because of the locked downs and because afterwards the measures started taking their toll on people, dehumanizing them, so there was no one to connect with…
Injury and deaths of the kind you get from ventilators are reported as covid deaths.
Bad medication, too.
Hell, these days, what isn’t reported as a ‘covid death’!
The actual CDC figures for all deaths in the USA show an increase of 47,000 over last year, yet they claim an extra 430k+
And best of all: no more flu!
In Germany, people dying after being inoculated with a covid vaccine are eing breported as having died from previous illnesses. If they die having tested positive, they die of or with Covid. Go figure.
Can the herd behaviour of journalists be conciousley manipulated using scientific insights into group behaviour?
If modern journalism relies on the news agencies for input then to control the agencies is to control the information the masses resieve.
Modern media outlets don’t have spare manhours available to investigate things. Opinion pieces are a cheaper way of filling space. In the late eighties I recall all UK newspapers switching, at the same time, to a much greater proportion of opinion pieces.
It strikes me that the people who work in the media bubble have been manipulated into manipulating the people in the larger public information bubble.
I wonder how much of this is the result of concious and secret planning.
Frankly, I don’t want to hear phrases like “herd behaviour of journalists” at all.
There should be no such thing in existence. It isn’t journalism.
Good one, and we are not that surprised when it comes to the MSM, in Norway its even worse, much worse, their total hegmony is all encompasing and they cencure or simply never reports on any kind of critics what so ever, nothing slips thru their control of the present agenda, absolutely nothing, and on top of it, like the “new reality tzar” they have their own uh….. “fact” sites witch where they debunk of course whatever critics there is, and despite the hillarious writings and arguments in this eh…. “fact” sites, the comon sheep swalows everything, because its on the MSM and in Norway our MSM never lies, always objective, even when they had aritcles about Palestinians been anti-semitic and their hate against the Jews, since they are fighting or write against the occupation.
Norwegian MSM is bonkers.
There is another thing I like to say when it comes to history, this never ending drivel about Hitler and Germany is so worn out it hurts intellectualy and physicaly, because to me its another way of keeping up the propaganda witch the same forces have keept for centurys alive and kicking. Eugenics, well, all the western world/nations belived that, because it was “science” those days, and then the usual drivel about the Nazis, and nobody talks about over 100 000 Jews fought in the Wehermacht forces, incl Blacks, and the narrative about Lugenpress, and read about the Haavaa Agreement and then you know why Hitler was photographed along with some high level Muftis, etc, is also somehow twisted, the communists where are serious threat then as they have shown to day in their victory regarding their color revolution in the Imperial banana republi, just read the latest Times articles where they brag about that and explains how they did it, because of their actions in and around Europa in the same time frame as Hitler came into the politics (between ww1 and ww2) just look at Hungary and so on, I leave it there because of the truth about eugenics is that this stil is alive and kicking as we speak, the terminolgy have slaightly altered to be about useless eaters, to deplorables, but the thinking reminas the same, demonising and using “science” to explain our delutions, do you understand that at all, whom do you think eugenic pimpers like the Gates of Hell wants to live after their eh…. Grand reset, etc, somebody/things have to give inn, and the massive slaughter of Africans to Indians with fake “science” camuflages with labels as “medicine” as before so to day, nothing have changed.
Why talk about Germany when they all did it, and take Norway, whom ended its racial hygeen program as late as in the early 80s, after decades of pure terror against smal groups and physological disadvantaged people, experiments (CIA and Gaustad hostpital among others), to child adubctions, and I came to Norway in the late 70s when the Finnish language just became leagal to speak, the 100% fake North Sami, the so called raindeer people, fought against this lifting of the ban on Finnish and to day have universitys as we speak, whom is fabricating history and covers up the truth, the sole reason for me to wake up, to know when I see demographic fakerings and lies and how they do it, etc.
And you wounder why Norway is among the nations whom profits highly from the wars while in the MSM they claim they are neutral, witch they never have been, they are rotten to the core and I am dead certain BLM will get the Nobels piss price.
If anyone of you realy want to talk history, I am more than willing to join, but dont expect me to bow to your perverted and faked reality, I will never do that.
I dont drop onto my knees, since when you do that, all you persive from that level is that everybody is an asshole.
Thats an physical fact and you only get shit.
I wrote decades ago, about vaccines, wars, ethic cleansing, etc, long before most of you did it, and I said it then and I do it now, I have some few red lines where I know that whatever you think, I know they are lies.
The demonisations of certain people, like the Germans and Palestinians, is some of the few points I engage in right now, simply because to me, as one whom holds truth in highest regard, above everything else, I cant just sit idly by and not responce, because I know what I talk about, do you, take the Jews, the Khazars, witch I also wrote about an decade before they them selfs admitted it, the reason we have Azkhenazis etc to Shepardics.
But this days, its become fewer and fewer places left on this earth where the tolerance of this is axcepted, becuase again if we realy debate indoctrination, this lines of mine realy exposed just that, thats why I do it and it took me years just to gather enough currage to do just so, it wasnt easy belive me, to day I am not afraid of this temas, because to day I know much more than what I did just decades ago when everything we got and have comes from an source whom is per.def loosing all over, and resorts to cencure, like YouT and Goolag/others, witch have ramped the cencure to unpressedented heights just in the last two years.
Dont talk about cencure if you your self cant handle others oppinions or dont acknowledge the fact we have been lied to about everything all the time and that isnt an fluke, its an fact.
And I dont link anymore to the extent I did before, but since I am an old librarian crawler I write in such an manore that you can use some of it as an sort of index seach line, if you understand that, so when you do, you will get much more than just an link, also from both sides, I always underline that an wel educated person should read all/both sides of an story, if not, you miss a lot and that from an intellectual side, an hughe disadvantage and I instantly recognises just that, witch we to day call one sidedness.
Imo, there are A LOT of idiots who think that the “allies” won ww2. There are even people who think the supposed “axis” was their enemy.
Have Germans and Brits forgot that they are practically the same people, that they, as family, fought against each other due to their various “shepherding” leaders?
A rudimentary look at the resulting institutions (such as in agriculture, medicine, psychology, sociological, scientific institutions in america) suggests the axis conveniently bowed (while of course being completely complicit with the “allies” in the war against citizens) for an appearance of victory.
When in fact, all their institutions were infilitrated by some kind of bastard satanic bolshevism.
“Naturally, the common people don’t want war … but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”
-Hermann Goering
And, it’s suggested even that quote is fraudulent.
From where did the Nazis get their ideas on eugenics? It had already developed and become commonplace elsewhere.
Two docos I watched last year proved the USA Eugenics society hand book was used with gusto by Hitler, and lest we forget the UK and most of the world loved him.
MSM “journalists” are labelled as journalists in the same way that porn “stars” are labelled as “actors” (eg on IMDB), fact is all those working in said positions are nothing but whores. All of them. The last vestiges of investigative MSM journalism died at least twenty years ago. There wasn’t even very much of it left back then. Check out Udo Ulfkotte, also check Op Mockingbird…
They’re presstitutes. Simple as that. Arthur Daley has way more integrity than these morally bankrupt creatures.
Interesting that the Guardian has articles today about “when lockdowns are over…” etc.
whilst quickly adjusting their over inflated Covid ‘statistics ‘.
Seems to be some energetic back-pedalling going on!
This was meant to coincide with the massive vaccine rollout that wasn’t.
Good luck in attributing the sudden disappearance of the death bug with your nasty jabs.
We can see the theatre wall.
Oh, and hopefully prison isn’t all that bad.
Plenty of time to reflect on your actions.
Little tip.
If you happen to drop the soap, then don’t bend over to pick it up.
They’ll have an eternity to reflect on that as ghosts in limbo.
It’s one of the rules they forgot. Even the GLP guys know (since long ago), they got really angry when I reminded them.
GLP can be awesome. 98.% bullshit but some real gems to be unearthed.
There is that video analysis of the “raid on the Capitol”.
If you want a concise description of how MSM content is faked then I would recommend the video that explains in 21 minutes all that was wrong with the storming of the Capitol.
I won’t post links, but I’m sure that some platforms still host the content.
There exists also pretty conclusive proof that the Biden criminal organisation has been faking live television broadcasts, having prerecorded multiple scenes at the Castle Rock production studios.
These are co-owned by Amazon.
Jeff Bezos stepped down from his position as CEO last week.
If you start to connect the dots then you’ll learn not to fear.
Trust the plan.
“GLP can be awesome. 98.% bullshit but some real gems to be unearthed.”
Only for the one or two anons.
I despise that site, it is so clearly psyop shit, I stopped going there before they started requiring registration and whatnot (probably 7 years ago).
For the little bits of good you unearth there, I reckon there’s 10x more damage associated (not suggesting that you might be susceptible to that damage) due to the mental/psychological implications in general. Psyop central.
I sometimes look at the Dilbert cartoon strip. I can be a bit predictable, but there are occassional instances of real humor to make it worthwhile. Today I notice that all the masks have gone, even on cartoons a long way back in time. Truly Orwellian/Stalinesque.
I wonder if it is a deliberate play on the story that ‘Biden’s ascension has cured covid’?
Of course that was the plan. Play the PCR Ct like a yoyo.
The covid media are holocaust deniers.
From a daily mail article.
My rough estimate says around 3300 since jan 1 can be (at least partly) attributed to new vaccines, but any way I look at it, policy.
If it’s not old age it’s vaccine deaths either direct or indirect. All off the “diseases” from cancer to heart disease, diabetes and influenza are a result of vaccines. Such is the scale of destruction caused by the vaxx cults holocaust. It is the pill bates gateway drug targetted at children.
Lol, whenever some references the “aquafresh” colours I know it’s not worth bothering. (There’s a lot of psychologifcal manipulation/relevance, regarding that, btw).
Seriously though, have people forgotten that only robots function with binary, polarizing logic and methodology? I’ve said it before, but they can have those reject quantified 0 and 1 components. I’ll go with everything else, thanks.
Both the red and blue pill concepts are bullshit, they’re both components of the same purple (the prime psychologically manipulative colour used in marketing) pill, and I’m not taking any of that.
Oh, and a bit of an explanation regarding that. The reason is, purple being on the high end of the optical spectrum. It essentially “hints” in a psychological sense at something greater, so to say. That’s also why it’s so associated with “authority” and “mystery”.
Most often, I see it associated with things that try to project higher than intrinsic worth.
That gave me a chuckle and a vision popped into my head of ‘things’ and the purple explanation that try to project higher than intrinsic worth = Hilary Clinton and her love in with the colour purple !
That made me think of her vagina remarks.
I mean, taking a page from Genesis (as in the Bible, which clearly demonizes and paints women as inferior)
With respect to “Project higher than intrinsic worth” regarding Hillary, considering what she “aspired” to, the love of purple might be akin to her freudian fantasies of also one day having an erection.
Tiny penis or huge clitoris? Who knows.
Purple was historically the colour of royalty, power and wealth because the dye, created and traded by the Phonecians from the Murex sea snail, was incredibly expensive.
Yeah I remember that, I just mentioned it because of the relevance and psychological usage in modernity (marketing).
I’ve noticed strange things, consistencies, trends relating to the usage of that colour over the years.
It’s odd that we baby boomers who were not vaxxed with and for everything are healthier than our gen x kids.
I certainly don’t consider that “odd”. It is telling, though.
We were also allowed to play in the dirt.
When I was about five years old, a slightly older kid, Billy, lived across the driveway from me. This was a wide concrete driveway separating blocks of row houses, not a suburban single-home asphalt driveway.
Billy shared an exciting discovery: there were innumerable flattened black blobs on that driveway. If one dug into them– a popsicle stick was a good tool for this purpose– pink stuff appeared. The black blobs revealed themselves to be discarded bubble gum!
With care, some of the pink underside could be harvested. Neither of us even considered the perils or implication of mining this trove of free bubble gum.
I vaguely recall an authority figure, perhaps an elder sibling, coming upon us as we diligently worked, and terminating our enterprise with extreme prejudice while we were still at the “harvesting” stage. I truly can’t remember if we ever actually put this “upcycled” gum to the test.
But at the time, I thought that my mentor, Billy, was brilliant!
She mentioned alcohol as being a distraction.
I drink all day every day, btw. And it’s not a distraction, it’s what I’m good at.
When she said money is neutral I tuned out.
whoa, look at that pandemic!!
I’ve said this once or twice, but it’s the sort of statement or sentiment I don’t see enough of, because I dunno why.
If you support vaccines (any of them), we cannot be friends or associate. I base this belief on a very well researched understanding of the lies and damage relating to vaccines, and I find people who support vaccines either ignorant, misguided or malicious.
I don’t necessarily hold it against you if you support vaccines from a position of ignorance (if not willful), but excepting those, I have zero respect for the rest.
I have been attacked, accused, demonized,censored, banned and marginalized (like many others) for pointing out numerous facts regarding vaccination damage and considerations.
While I do not harbour any feelings of causing harm to vaccine supporters, that practice is, unless entirely based on consent simply malevolent and degenerate.
“While I do not harbour any feelings of causing harm to vaccine supporters, that practice is, unless entirely based on consent simply malevolent and degenerate.”
And as a reminder about that, infants don’t consent, animals don’t consent. And remember the forced vaccinations and experiments?
And all vaccines have been lied about and all of them are degenerating.
For example, it was established by Dr. Bradfield (who of course died) that nagalase (in for example MMR vaccine) is associated with autism, though not only. Japan banned the MMR vaccine, for good reason.
More generally, aluminum toxicity levels in vaccines, have been and are lied about. They based the idea of supposed aluminum safety on ORAL intake, which also has (in the context of ORAL intake) an error factor of about 8x. Now how about you go inject yourself with the next pack of fries you would’ve eaten and compare the toxicity vs oral intake.
It is known, established and they refuse to address it.
the so called adjuvant is the active ingredient or one of them. it is just a cover story for intended harm with aluminium, mercury etc. “Studies show the metal adjuvants in vaccines may not even do what they’re promoted to do, and higher levels relate to increasing adverse reactions”. pg 181.
They specifically and intentionally conflate the oral vs injection absorption problems.
They for instance suggest it is quickly removed by the body. Which is only the case in gradual, low amounts of oral intake, when the system is not overloaded by that toxicity. It is nowhere near comparable to the load from injections.
With injections, the aluminum very comfortably overloads that capacity to deal with it and as a result gets incorrectly deposited into key areas of the body, where it can sit there for a lifetime.
That of course refutes their very prominent false claim of it being quickly expelled from the body.
Additionally, one of their methodological “reasons” for using adjuvants is for PERSISTENT antigen exposure. That is, persistent, diverted, unnecessary, toxic crap. So they contradict themselves in that regard, too.
I’ve contacted the children’s hospital of philadelphia about that, as an example. Of course, in their replies they tried to peddle even WORSE, but the same bootlicking degenerate garbage.
“I have a few problems with that Q&A
One of the reasons detected levels of aluminum levels might seem low is because when it exceeds load capacity (as is possible and imo, evident with vaccines) other than there being, of course significant inflammation involved, which is rather problematic in and of itself, there is the problem that it accumulates in various tissues and does not necessarily clear. That is often the very function of an adjuvant, other than enhancing supposed disease response, being persistent for repeated antigen exposure. There’s also correlating data regarding the supposed clearance, suggesting it is rather persistent.
The bizarre attempts at conflating dietary and injection intake and retention makes a lot of that reading kind of pointless and misleading. Comparing dietary intake to vaccine intake is practically meaningless and imo seems like an attempt to deflect from the context, which is injected aluminum and kinetics from vaccines, known to have significant issues and related safety specifications that are outright incorrect. Firstly by a factor of around 8 (due to incorrectly having based it on an incorrect absorption level), but also, by orders of magnitude more, due to it being based on oral intake.
There is a huge difference between for instance, 4.4mg aluminum injected through a small number of events (the administration of vaccines) in a time period of 6 months, with associated toxic load (not accounting for other inflammatory toxins in vaccines), each of those events adding a significant amount of aluminum with high absorption and incorrect/interfering deposition, vs gradual, small amounts of oral aluminum intake with orders of magnitude lower toxic, metabolic load and absorption or deposition associated. It is very easily confirmed by looking at various studies regarding aluminum toxicity.

Frank L********
On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 6:44 PM Moser, Charlotte A <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Frank,
Thank you for contacting us. We address the differences in absorption following oral versus injected aluminum in these places, both of which are linked on the page you mentioned:
· Video
You can also read more about Shaw’s efforts in the writings of some well-known science bloggers:
· Science-Based Medicine
· Skeptical Raptor
They have also written about the group, Physicians for Informed Consent:
· Science-Based Medicine
· Skeptical Raptor
Hope that helps,
Charlotte A. Moser
Assistant Director, Vaccine Education Center
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia”
It’s pathetic.
I bet the guy/gal behind “Skeptical Raptor” actually looks like one.
The vitriol, ad hominem and smearing pouring off the dirty mouths of the “science” cult when talking but anti-vaccination campaigners is reminiscent of the Old Testament and has a nauseating effect.
The author will certainly know when the Gleichschaltung began in our country. I noticed around the time Trump became president, in Germany, it was no longer about arguments, but mainly about p. c.culture. Many message boards were closed, and until a year ago, more than a few dissidents of the status quo became “defectors” on Swiss comment sections like the Neue Züricher Zeitung, NZZ, praising the Swiss and their freedom of expression and that must have made waves and the NZZ was vilified throughout the German MSM as a right-wing publication whereupon its editors closed the forum, now accessible only to registered members, and fired its longtime columnist Milosz Matuschek for his opinion piece on the querdenker demo in Berlin, last year. He had dared to ask his readers if the Covidiots were instead in official politics and MSM and was answered in the affirmative by them with great approval in the comments section. An older friend of mine who was himself an avid reader of the NZZ said this is like in the GDR, there are only 2 opinions and one is punished, but hey for that there are now 59 genders.
There is currently a media campaign going on in the MSM by German actors/ actresses who are coming out queer and a larger one with many artists, many of them in the gig economy, and suffering under lockdown like the rest of us who are paradoxically in favor of a crazy total lockout called Zero Covid. The goal is No Covid which already has Merkel´s support.Yesterday my chatty neighbor who was waiting in line at the bakery like me said did I hear the news about Zero Covid and why they don’t go all the way, Zero Sugar, Zero Auto, NO death. Finito.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a straight shooter, so he’s not p.c. anymore in Germany if he ever was and other than that he likes cats-)
He is interviewed on The Freedom Channel by Soren Korsgaard
“How True Is the Covid Narrative?”
Not only the author should take a listen. It´s to the point, and bleak as it is what´s the world without humor…
Zero Covid can actually be easily achieved. Just stop the testing.
“Testing” should be forceful planned classification with zero relevance.
Yes, but the handlers of the Zero Covid useful idiots want ordo ab chao and they will not stop the bogus Covid testing until the destruction of the economy and the middle class as a precondition for Schwab´s great reset is achieved.
But the test is the vaccine.
Paul Craig Roberts seems to have completely changed his views on Covid. He fully embraced the Covid narrative and lockdowns for the first few months.
I think the more establishment your connected ID, the more likely to try and duck, hoping it passes over. But this ‘passover’ hasn’t passed yet. Though the quacks are ‘in control’.
I believe he was the originator of Reagan’s “Supply Side Economics”, so I don’t trust him.
Agreed. I don’t respect him, either.
Show people the parallels between the insanely corrupt reagan and the clinton administrations. Particularly regarding social welfare and regulation regarding derivatives and leveraging. Many would be surprised to find the enormous amount of similarities.
Groupthink’s just doing its job.
Working remote or from the office?
We went back to Headquarters:
Stanford Prison Experiment.
Authority continues to gaze in the broken mirror for further self-investigation.
Formerly to describe mass and energy as the same physical entity, it is now in the interest of the owners that E = mc2 express how mind and control can be changed into each other.
Equity = MindControl2
Open Fascist Corporates experimental Vax coercion.
from ABC:
CINCINNATI — Kroger has joined a growing list of large US grocery store chains offering incentives for workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The company announced that its associates would get a one-time $100 payment if they show proof that they’ve received the full manufacturer-recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Workers that can’t get the vaccine for health or religious reasons can get the payment if they take an educational health and safety course, the company said in a news release.
Dr. Mengele “volunteers” for medical experimentation also got something for consent to become human guinea pigs: more better food even alcohol from cantina or camp’s whorehouse voucher, warmer cloths (sweaters from human hair), better bed and warmer barrack with less lice and cockroaches , no murderous work in quarry or midnight beating raids by SS guards.. for a while, and in the end lucky got mercy killing and free autopsy on a house.
Auschwitz Inc., was most profitable corporation in the history of degenerated civilization.
Will Kroger at least throw in coffin on a house?
Golden Thoughts: 1. live and health is cheap to waste, expensive or impossible to regain ; 2. there is no religion on this planet that prohibits pocketing $100.
“The company announced that its associates would get a one-time $100 payment if they show proof that they’ve received the full manufacturer-recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Workers that can’t get the vaccine for health or religious reasons can get the payment if they take an educational health and safety course, the company said in a news release.”
That’s so typical. Pay the ones off who are ignorant or already indoctrinated to get vaxxed. And those who don’t, send them to “re-education” to strengthen and reaffirm the indoctrination.
Why only $100? Isn’t this just a cheap way of getting into the news, where some high-up thinks it’s great PR for the company?
Having that said: Jeremy Clarkson once jokingly said on Top Gear that he couldn’t smoke a sigaret before the camera as the UK is not a free country.
And it is true: we do live in Victorian times
I would not be surprised if a large number of people who impose or are supportive of these draconian rules, were the ‘rebels’ of the school yard, wearing safety clips in their jackets, listening to punk and grunge, with their Dr Marten shoes, and all that, and which was also just a pose and fashionable at that time.
Sorry, that latter statement may be offensive, but I am just thinking about these ‘rebels’ that were on my school yard, an that I haven’t seen ever since. Where are they?
Why is it so difficult to say: act normal?
Grandma would say: anything that is not in excess is normal. But nobody is listening to grandma anymore as she is isolated somewhere ‘for her safety’
“Why only $100? Isn’t this just a cheap way of getting into the news, where some high-up thinks it’s great PR for the company?”
Not only, there are cheap people and they are often desperate AND indoctrinated. Many/most of them are already vaccine supporters, so the token gesture aids that. A sort of reaffirming sentiment. “You did good Bobby, have a lollipop”. It likely also accelerates uptake and sway potential undecideds.
For an example of how easy that institutional affirmation regarding bribing works, take a look at Opioid incentivization.
“Primary care physicians were 3.5 times as likely to be in the highest quartile of opioid prescribing if they were paid $100 or more in gifts. Psychiatrists and neurologists who were paid $100 or more were 13 times as likely to be in the highest quartile of opioid prescribing compared to their counterparts who received less.”
Notice how the most corrupt fields (in ascending order of corruption) is psychology, then psychiatry and then neurosurgery. That’s their sort of credibility, they get bribed for as little as $1 “gifts”.
And, importantly, if you look at what’s going on behind that, the money and effects associated with the vaccine (for its numerous degenerative purposes) massively exceeds that $100.
En ek sien jy se sigaret, Willie? Britte se nie sigaret nie.
Spellingscheck (Dutch) says sigaret.
Language is a confusing game…
Oh okay, was wondering because Willem is a very common Dutch and Afrikaans name.
These baby boomers are the ones roaming the supermarkets complaining about the unmasked. They are exactly the ones people are listening too. A generation of narcassistic abusers who decided younger generations must be locked down whilst they themselves are barely effected in their large houses they would have been in anyway. As usual the cult try to invert the narrative when really it is the older generation who could very easily call off the lockdown they instigated for their “protection”. The few exceptions in no way changes the fact it is they who are cueing at the pharmacy paying out billions to pharma and huddled behind their masks demanding everyone be locked down. It is they who are skapegoating young people for their decades of tv dinners and drug subscriptions. It should be obvious that the boomers are the ones who actually could get away with breaking the lockdown since they are ones being “protected” and if they are not observing it then the younger generations can’t be blamed. They would be following the leadership of the wise elders.
I’m a babyboomer and I haven’t instigated anything.
Ditto. Lockdowns are child abuse on a massive scale and those advocating them should be treated as child abusers.
THis whole define and divide and rule “the generations” is part of the matrix. Babies are born all the time, day in and day out, except not so much now.
WTF? I’m a “baby boomer”, and I’ve been against every fascist aspect of this “Covid-19” madness from the very beginning.
I happen to wear a mask to buy food and in one or two other places I have to go that insist on them, but I put it on at the last minute and take it off at the first opportunity.
I never have, and never would encourage anyone else to wear one, still less insist that they do.
Please refrain from these crass, unsupported generalisations in future.
It does no good for your credibility.
There is often truth in generalization though, even if not personally applicable.
So… just don’t consider yourself as a general “baby boomer”. Why identify with the classification?
And don’t forget the lampshades!! all 1000% verified and fact checked!
Just came across this, disgusting show by the Australian police. They should be tried for kidnapping and assault of a child.My heart goes out to this woman and child and all those in Australia and other parts of the world that are dealing with these oppressive lockdowns. in case you haven’t seen the video, its in this post.
Just one heart wrenching example of the many similar examples last year in allegedly ‘civilised’ Australia.
The first time I saw that video I cried. The callousness and sheer inhumanity of these jackbooted thugs. These heartless creatures… just following orders.
Many more were arrested since Renee’s arrest. And despite everything that has happened since then, you know what’s disgusted me even more?
That so many in this country have jettisoned all sense of personal dignity and their conscience, and now grovel on their knees meekly obeying everything that filth like Daniel Andrews tell them to do in return for feeling ‘safe’.
And don’t even start me on all the snitches here in the supposed land of ‘mateship’ that police call lines were actually overwhelmed by people snitching on their neighbours and acquaintances.
Or that so many in this supposed land of the ‘fair go’ cheered on the cops while they laid into peaceful protesters like Renee Altakrity and many others.
Gutless chinless wonders the lot of them. The same people who will be gagging for the vaccine.
Out of this world, man. Seeing that people not only won’t allow themselves to see through what’s going on and stand by idly while courageous individuals – who are fighting for their freedom too! – get fucked over, but will also actively take part in their persecution is disheartening.
I hate going into the city these days, such a depressing sight
Yep… A lot of people here in Australia were behaving almost like a pack of hyena’s abusing and demonising brave conscientious people like Renee.
Gutless and cowardly and groupthink on steroids. It says it all about how sick Australian ‘society’ really is. After decades of Neoliberalism and rampant consumerism and a pervasive ‘I’ve got mine, I’m all good, screw you’ type mindset. About to finally watch V for Vendetta… Have a good week Jacques.
“About to finally watch V for Vendetta…”
That’s conveniently (along with a LOT of other propaganda sort of stuff) been on public television here (South Africa) recently (last week).
The maniacs have us living through the looking glass in Gilead
Random question, why do you think Australian universities are so enormously invested in genociding Africans?
Mate. That is just about the most disgusting thing I have seen in all my years in Australia. The Aussie cops have always fancied themselves as Robocop but that has gone beyond any fucking boundary I recognise.
Not one of those pricks was wearing a mask or social distancing; not that I invest any credibility in the whole con but in my day, the coppers would at least try to lead by example.
When the bikies in QLD kick off, there’s not one of these brave cunts to be seen within 10km.
Yet just feed them a young mother and her child and they’re beating their chests like fucking Tarzan.
Thin blue line, my fucking arse. They are a disgrace to civilised human beings.
“Not one of those pricks was wearing a mask or social distancing”
Missed the window to edit, sorry.
I meant to add that their level of demonstrable hypocrisy is obviously well above that of the IQ required for them to recognise their level of demonstrable hypocrisy.
Primates would show more humanity.
They disgust me.
“Missed the window to edit, sorry.”
Wait what? I’ve missed it every time, apparently.
Oh good. I’ll make less spelling and grammar mistakes from now on.
They actually still cheer the cops, still pretend that Dan the man saved them, even though 41,100 Victorians still managed to die and were denied funerals and visits from loved ones.
The very same who will be queuing and paying for the neural implants.
Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen.
From 1984
Wow! It will be used in my next blog post titled “Suffocating, Strangling And Raping Us For Our Health.”
I did not know the meaning of “white trash” until I visited Australia.
ADMIN: This comments section has been thoroughly infiltrated/co-opted by information combatants. Please do something!?
Put on a full face mask. You will be OK. Believe me, I have modelled this scenario to death.
Not sure why the comments aren’t loading- let’s try this one.
It’s all ’round Covid Fraud from top to bottom and all Pharma Ghouls, Tech Sector Frankenfreaks and Nazified Doctors and Scientists trying to cash in.
Let’s tackle the oft-cited 400,000 “covid death toll” in the US. There are several problems with this number that illustrate it’s gross inaccuracy. I will cover but a few.
Keeping in mind: The average age of a death by or with covid-19 is higher than life expectancy.
If the CDC numbers are accurate here is the how and why there were so many “Covid deaths” conjured- this then means explaining the following for example:
1) The first thing that must be addressed is “who were these people?” The average age of a “Covid death” is 80 in the US and 82 globally w/3 comorbidities. The vast majority of these people were from nursing homes, assisted living, hospice etc. The vast majority of “covid deaths” here in the US and everywhere in the West- Milan, Madrid, London, Brussels, Montreal, Toronto, etc. occurred in nursing homes et al. What we had here in the US was a radical and mandatory shift in policies relating to care homes and covid. These were mandated through various state policies which resulted in a concentrated death rate for a six week period in March/April. Take that out of the equation and there is no death rate to talk about. Put (or keep) these policies in place and we will have this happen every year.
There was also gross negligence (beyond the usual) in these nursing homes that led to abandonment and medication alterations that turned these slow motion abattoirs into death houses. One of the remarkable things of note is that here in the US the “pandemic” was not widespread (which is supposed to be one of the defining features of a pandemic) but was in fact limited to very specific locations;
2) The faulty diagnosis of what is a “covid death” did they die “with” or “from” Covid which is problematic for several reasons. In many cases an actual test was never done, only a “presumed to be Covid” assessment was put forth. Add to this that when the tests were done PCR tests done with faulty specs (gene sequencing, cycle thresholds, annealing problems, faulty primers and so forth) were often used. PCR can’t diagnose anything in the first place and compounded with these additional problems they are useless and misleading;
3) No autopsies. Why were no autopsies done in the US? In the US (and elsewhere) they passed new mandates that halted all autopsies for “covid deaths” which reversed decades old protocols. They also changed decades old protocol on how death certificates should be filed. This is well documented. Why was this done?
4) Another way they inflated death counts was through hospital admissions combined with the faulty PCR testing. So for example if one came in with a coronary condition you would be given a “Covid test” upon admittance no matter what- all admissions required this- and then if you died from complications from this coronary condition while in the hospital you could have been listed as a “Covid death.” This happened frequently throughout the year.
5) Home deaths is yet another way that figures were cooked. This was admitted point blank by Stephanie Buehle among others (NY Health spokesperson) who stated that home deaths, with no testing at all, would be presumed “Covid deaths.” This was mandated through the NY Health Dept.
6) Covid death counts were forged. CDC instructed officials to certify any death as “caused by” COVID if the decedent tested positive prior to passing or was suspected of having C19, even if it wasn’t the actual cause of death. Thus we have major misattribution. E.g., we have over 14,000 injury deaths in the current CDC C19 death tabulation. Absurd or criminal?
We are also seeing unexplained declines in other common death categories because so many have been attributed to C19. The unprecedented broad definition of C19 death has created huge fraud in “Covid death” counts.
7) Huge spike in iatrogenic deaths ca