REVIEW: Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies by Edward Curtin

Ray McGinnis

Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies is a selection of essays. They reveal what stirs author Ed Curtin’s heart, his mind, and his path toward clarity. With each chapter he passionately reflects on the state of his country and what matters most to him. It is a compelling read.

The epigraph at the beginning of Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies, “In a dark time, the eye begins to see,” comes from Theodore Roethke’s poem “In A Dark Time”. Here the poet describes a state of disorientation and dislocation of identity. Roethke asserts this is essential to achieve clarity, insight and wisdom. In a dark time, one discovers the fragmented and broken state of things. With this fitting epigraph, Ed Curtin proceeds to alert his readers to the fragmented and broken state of things in America, and the task of its citizenry to begin to see more clearly.

The topics Curtin, a former professor at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, takes up are not original to him. But they are marked with his own articulate original stamp. One aspect of his novel contribution is that Curtin steps beyond standard frameworks of political analyses.

Three themes have permeated his attention from a young age: truth, death and freedom. He cites an excerpt from an interview with the poet Kenneth Rexroth who told journalist Lawrence Lipton in 1959:

Since all society is organized in the interest of exploiting classes and since if men knew this they would cease to work and society would fall apart, it has always been necessary, at least since the urban revolutions, for societies to be governed ideologically by a system of fraud.

Rexroth referred to this system of fraud as the “social lie.” And in Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies, Curtin takes on the task of describing the roots of the fraud, and its more recent manifestations. He also takes time to point out, despite the burdens society grapples with in an age of deceit, that beauty, art, love, and whimsy are among the qualities that persist as signs of grace.

In his essay “Inside America’s Doll House: A Vast Tapestry Of Lies” Curtin cites Jim Garrison, the District Attorney of New Orleans who in 1969 brought to trial a case naming persons connected to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Garrison attempted to show that the assassination of JFK was the work of the CIA and Allen Dulles.

However, Garrison was routinely described as a lunatic by CIA-connected media spokespersons. It was Garrison’s conclusion that American citizens passively consumed television news that was laced with propaganda. Such propaganda was manufactured to preclude Americans from “understanding…what is really happening….”

Garrison warned that Americans were living “in a doll’s house.” Building on the hard lessons Jim Garrison learned from the trial in 1969, Ed Curtin observes:

In the doll’s house into which America gradually has been converted, a great many of our basic assumptions are totally illusory.

His book was also released in winter 2020, some 57 years after JFK’s assassination.

Curtin notes that in 2009:

[President] Obama backed the 2009 coup d’état in Honduras that has resulted in so many deaths at the hands of U.S. trained killers, and now [followers of Trump complain about] all these ‘non-white’ people fleeing to the U.S. to escape a hell created by the U.S…

After 2009. it was learned that U.S. officers at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies trained members of the Honduran military to oust democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. In 2009 and the years following Honduras has had one of the highest rates of murder in the world. These have been driven by death squads connected to the Honduran military. But this coup mattered little to both President’s Obama and Trump, while Hondurans have paid the price in murder, increased debt and poverty.

Examples of what Curtin raises continue since his book was published in late 2020. For Venezuelans it matters little whether a Republican or a Democrat is president in the USA. Under Donald Trump there was a failed attempt in May 2020 to kidnap Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. And on the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden signed an executive order declaring the United States recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the nations’ President. This despite Maduro winning over 67% of the popular vote in 2018; That the second candidate in the election results was Henri Falcón who won 21%; And Juan Guaidó wasn’t even a candidate in 2018. Imagine if Venezuela protested the result of the 2020 United States election, and recognized Mitt Romney as president (who ran in 2012 but didn’t run in 2020).

With Biden there is a change of tone from Trump, but many American foreign policies remain the same. Former President Jimmy Carter said of Venezuela’s 2012 elections when Hugo Chavez was re-elected:

…of the 92 elections that we’ve [Carter Centre Foundation in Atlanta] monitored, I would say the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world.

But that story that doesn’t conform with the media’s narrative. So, it goes down the memory hole.

Curtin notes that while average Americans have not constructed the doll’s house they live in, they are complicit. It is average Americans who have accepted “decades of fabricated reality for so-called peace of mind.” A consequence of accepting illusory narratives is that people are not really free.

In order to cope with a plausible lie, consumers of the news play dumb. And Curtin notes most Americans…

want to be nice (Latin, nescire, not to know, to be ignorant) and to be liked.

As they become a people of the lie, repeating the lies they are fed, a memetic desire arises in society. And the repetition of these lies fuels violence and scapegoating. The doll’s house that Americans (and many citizens of other countries who consume the news uncritically) live in, are reinforced by contracts they have made with the world. This is in order to enhance their social standing, financial status, professional advancement and maintain familial harmony. That kind of peace of mind and contentment require individuals not to venture out far from the doll house, in case they encounter truths they find hard to handle.

Curtin notes that the Central Intelligence Agency began to use the term “conspiracy theory” in a memo on April 1, 1967. This was to discredit assassination theories about other plausible actors in the death of the slain president on November 22, 1963. And he notes that it just so happens that the term “9/11” was first used on September 12, 2001, by future New York Times editor Bill Keller to designate the language for how to refer to the day of the attacks. By using a term synonymous with dialing an emergency number in the United States, the term became fused with feelings of “anxiety, depression, panic and confusion.”

It is useful to note that at the time of the attacks on September 11, 2001, the emergency number in Saudi Arabia was 999. In Afghanistan the emergency numbers were 102, 112 and 119. The numbers in Yemen were 191 and 194. The emergency numbers in the United Arab Emirates were 112, 998 and 999. The emergency number in Libya was 1515. The number in Kuwait was 112. The numbers in Iraq were 104, 115 and 122. In Syria emergency numbers were 110, 112 and 113. In Lebanon the numbers variously were 112, 140, 175 and 999. The emergency numbers in Egypt were 122, 123 and 180. Across continental Europe the emergency number to call on September 11, 2001, was 112. The emergency numbers in Iran were 110, 112, 115 and 125.

Curiously, 911 was a number to dial an emergency uniquely in the United States, Canada, Mexico (as well as 065, 066 and 068), and South America. 911 was not an emergency number in the states where Arabs were alleged to have plotted to attack the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.

In some future scenario – were it to ever happen – might rogue American terrorists fly planes into skyscrapers in Tehran, Iran? And in such a scenario, might such terrorists plot an attack on a January 10th, 12th or 15th of a given year, fusing the day of the atrocity with the abbreviation for a date synonymous with one of the numbers Iranians dialed in case of an emergency?

In his essay “Why I Don’t Speak of 9/11 Anymore,” Curtin notices that by “referring to September 11 as 9/11,” Keller ensured…

an endless national emergency became wedded to an endless war on terror aimed at preventing Hitler-like terrorists from obliterating us with nuclear weapons that could create another ground zero or holocaust. It is a term that pushes all the right buttons evoking unending social fear and anxiety. It is language as sorcery; it is propaganda at its best.

Because Curtin suspects that the repetition of the term “9/11” is embedded in an advanced form of mind-control, he refuses to use the term in relation to the attacks. Instead, he uses the phrase “the attacks of September 11, 2001.” Whatever vocabulary we use to refer to the attacks, Curtin advises that we find one that can unbind us from the mesmerizing impact of its official shorthand repeated endlessly, subliminally evoking confusion, depression and panic in its hearers.

As our post-modern society has evolved, the task of creating propaganda is more complex. And so, the complexity of society drives a majority to want ready-made frameworks for understanding their reality coherently. Curtin shows that…

people want to be provided with myths to direct them to the ‘truth,’ but that so-called truth has been preconceived within the overarching myth provided by propaganda.

Nonetheless, the propaganda is efficient enough to allow most people to deduce that they’ve reached their conclusions of their own free will. Most people will assume that they’ve been provided with a suitable range of information about the key points of a given topic in order to decide what is trustworthy. However, the same consumers of the news will regard as inconceivable that the narrative they’ve been led to accept contains cherry-picked news that omits perspectives that are off-message. Surely, wouldn’t any dissenting voices that are worth knowing about would be given a hearing on the six o’clock news?

Curtin concurs with author Lisa Pease who wrote in her book A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy:

The way the CIA took over America in the 1960s is the story of our time, and too few recognize this. We can’t fix a problem we can’t even acknowledge exists.

To support his assessment, Curtin points to numerous examples in different chapters across his book. This includes a chapter on “The Message From Dallas, JFK and The Unspeakable,” where he summarizes JFK author James W. Douglass’ layer-by-layer excavation of a CIA-backed assassination of a president who had turned from war-making toward peace-making.

In another chapter titled “What Are We Working For ‘At Eternity’s Gate’,” Curtin writes about the rat-race. He recalls a summer job as a clerk in a General Motors office in Manhattan. The “bait” was the salary, and so his youth was spent that summer confined to a boring job.

As I read Curtin’s description, I thought about some of the jobs I had: working a night shift as a hotel security guard, a cleaner at a private golf club, and working at a vehicle repair shop for the Ministry of Forests for the Province of British Columbia. The latter I spent a summer affixing forestry vehicle identification serial numbers on the side of government trucks.

The author mentions a film about the life of Vincent Van Gogh, titled At Eternity’s Gate, which offers a vision of new possibilities for what it means to work, to be alive. For Van Gogh it was the “act of painting” that was “the stroke of genius.” And so, for the impoverished painter it was not the completion of paintings that was important, but immersing himself in painting. This was the key to life.

In this essay, Curtin invites the reader to contemplate what it means to live and to ask ourselves why we work. He tells us:

For Vincent the answer was simple: reality. But reality is not given to us and is far from simple; we must create it in acts that penetrate the screens and clichés that wall us off from it.

One of the screens that Curtin had to penetrate was a slogan he was taught as a United States Marine:

My rifle is my life.

Curtin saw through the slogan, recognizing that being human meant to be a lover of life and being committed to waging peace.

In yet another essay, “The Sexual Passion of Winston Smith”, Curtin details the commodification of society, where everything can be bought and sold. As he speaks about the body’s commodification, Curtin reminds us that part of the body – “the tongue is a bell, tolling out its [language’s] meaning.” It is finally the tongue that helps us in speech to “tell the truth that propagandists try to deny.”

In his book, the author offers suggestions for pointing a way forward that can help us search for truth in a landscape of falsehoods. One of these is poetry. He points out that citizens in Chile, Ireland and Russia know their national poets and can quote their works “by heart.” But in America poets and poetry are ignored. A new generation is too busy checking Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. But Curtin argues:

Poetry is the search for truth. It marries outer to inner.

The best of what poetry can offer helps a society…

address questions of value and ultimate concern…of truth and lies.

He contrasts these with…

screen and selfie culture [where] these matters are irrelevant.

In addition to truth and lies, Curtin points to myriad oddities that dot the landscape of America’s cultural past. Many of the rock n’ roll bands in the mid-sixties were viewed as part of a countercultural/anti-war protest movement against the establishment. There are books like one by Alex Constantine, The Covert War Against Rock, that document operations by the CIA and FBI to discredit and disrupt the lives of pop-rock stars identified as subversive. Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon and others had extensive intelligence files on them. Constantine cites a leaked intelligence memorandum discussed in testimony before the Church Committee on April 26, 1976.

Regarding certain recording artists, the FBI wrote to its agents:

Show them as scurrilous and depraved. Call attention to their habits and living conditions, explore every possible embarrassment. Send in women and sex, break up marriages. Have members arrested on marijuana charges….Send articles to newspapers showing their depravity. Use narcotics and free sex to entrap. Use misinformation to confuse and disrupt….Provoke target groups into rivalries that may result in death.

But was another arm of the intelligence community simultaneously grooming anti-establishment recording artists? In Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies Curtin notes that Buffalo Springfield performed in concert, along with the Beach Boys, at the United States Military Academy at West Point, in Orange County, New York, on November 25, 1967.

Curtin points out that this is “a very odd venue for a ‘dissident’ rock group.” Their Top Ten hit in the spring of ’67 – “For What It’s Worth” – invited radio listeners to consider, though it wasn’t “exactly clear” what was “happening,” to “stop,” and “look” at what was “going down.”

How did members of Buffalo Springfield feel about performing at the military academy when there were “battle lines being drawn?” And what an odd thing for cadets at West Point to be listening to lyrics that warn:

step out of line, the man come and take you away.

Citing David McGowan’s Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, Curtin notes that “Papa” John Philips of the Mamas and the Papas attended the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, and that his dad was a Marine Corps Captain:

John’s wife had worked at the Pentagon and her father was involved in covert intelligence in Vietnam.

The Doors Jim Morrison, a neighbor and friend of Philips, was the son of U.S. Navy Admiral George Morrison who was the commander of American Naval ships during the Gulf of Tonkin incident that accelerated the Vietnam War.

Frank Zappa’s father happened to be a chemical warfare specialist.

Curtin notes others like David Crosby and Stephen Stills were also from military family backgrounds. And many of these young musicians all converged at Laurel Canyon:

Although they were draft age, none of them [were] drafted as they played music, dropped acid, and created the folk-rock movement…

Were these musicians’ part of intelligence community operations, as much as the agents who were harassing them? Or as David McGowan asks, was…

the entire youth culture of the 1960s…created not as a grass-roots challenge to the status quo, but as a cynical exercise in discrediting and marginalizing the budding anti-war movement and creating a fake opposition that could be easily controlled and led astray…?

With each chapter, Ed Curtin takes us into different rooms in the doll’s house, and helps us connect the dots. His stories and reflections, in an age of “fake news”, are essential reading.


In the quest for truth, readers of Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies will be advised to take the road less travelled. This road requires we quiet our minds, and welcome silence. It is a road less travelled where each must ask: what can I do to help transform our terrible, corrupt, beautiful world longing to be more human, just and peaceful?

Curtin does not intend for us as readers to simply finish his book unfazed. He hopes his chapters might rouse us to find ways to resist in this age of permanent war and oligarchy, in a world still longing for peace and justice.

Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies is available in digital and paperback versions at Amazon and other retailers. For more info and praise for the book, visit Ed Curtin’s website: www.edwardcurtin.com

Ray McGinnis is author of Writing the Sacred. His forthcoming book is Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9//11 Commission Ignored.


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Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Feb 11, 2021 9:40 AM
Feb 10, 2021 11:34 PM

the Central Intelligence Agency began to use the term “conspiracy theory” in a memo on April 1. 1967


Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 11:37 AM

Look, everyone.

Some of the easier ways to verify and confirm that the bullshit you’ve been told about contagion and disease spread is exactly that, bullshit, is to simply look at the reality.

In toxic or deficient environments, people get sick. Often people share toxic environments. If, beyond that, you also personally do toxic shit, don’t be too surprised if you get sick.

It is the most patently obvious thing in the history of the universe.

If their suggestions were correct, any time anyone goes near a hospital or a clinic, or practically anywhere (because of the ubiquitous presence of the supposed causative agents) hundreds if not thousands of diseases would be “caught”.

If you need specific examples, there are countless.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 9, 2021 1:47 AM

This looks like an interesting book although its purpose may be stating the obvious — the use and misuse of culture and media to promote political aims. Its something we all have to be aware of, no outlet is immune, but at the same time we can’t get paranoid about it, its defeating the entire purpose.

There are innumerable examples of misinformation campaigns out there but I think the one that’s currently the most interesting for me concerns a handful of building site employees who were arrested, tried and convicted of conspiracy charges as a result of labor actions in the early 70s. The reason for this isn’t that its a partiucarly important case, its actually the opposite because a combination of factors make both the popular version and the official version (government archives) avilable so we can see the entire picture rather than having to piece it together through inference. If you’re curious its:-


(If you are interested in the machinactions of UK government of that era then look up “Yes, Minister” on youTube — its ostensibly a comedy show but many regard it as more of a live action documentary.)

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 12:26 AM

You have locked threads? Oh the irony.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 9, 2021 12:33 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Yes fear raises its head again and the use of power prevails.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 12:43 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

I can understand WHY they do that (even if not agenda).

But, it might be better to issue a warning regarding that sort of thing.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 1:07 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

It does not take very long to sight the site. The peculiarities are glaring, unfortunately.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 9, 2021 6:39 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

I have two eyes which can turn away, I have hands that can scroll away. I have a brain that makes judgments .

I dont believe in any censorship however I do understand that there are nasty people but laws and regulations have never stopped them and never will. Ignoring them has a greater effect but allow them a forum to keep them “off the streets” please.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

I cannot take part in a carnival of betrayal.

So have this sentiment, courtesy of Ashe O’Hara/Voices from the fuselage

“We’re running out of time
And we’re wasting our days
This hand could last forever
But I will not commence with my play
It causes such pain
Just follow the blood trail
We’re monsters on the inside
The proof is in the good deeds we’ve failed”

Feb 8, 2021 9:44 PM

“In order to cope with a plausible lie, consumers of the news play dumb. And Curtin notes most Americans…

   want to be nice (Latin, nescire, not to know, to be ignorant) and to be liked.

Kurt Vonnegut addresses this phenomenon in his 1963 novel, Cat’s Cradle: on a flight to a tiny Caribbean island, the narrator meets US Ambassador Horlick Minton and his wife Claire. Minton is a career diplomat.

However, we learn that he’s been posted to this tiny, obscure island because his career has been derailed by vindictive State Department higher-ups.

Minton fell out of favor after the New York Times published a letter written by his wife; the letter implied that the United States bore some responsibility for the negative reaction it produces in some foreign countries.

As Claire Minton explains with resigned, gentle cynicism, this opinion proved to be an unpardonable violation of a taboo: Amerikans simply can’t stand even the suggestion that they aren’t unconditionally loved, always and everywhere.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 8, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  Ort

Hello Ort: Kurt Vonnegut’s “Cats Cradle” was a masterpiece. As always, his pokes at the human condition are absolutely brilliant… Very much like Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

Of course Amerikans want to be “unconditionally” loved. That’s why we keep “liberating” (bombing) civilians and overthrowing the leaders of sovereign Nations. It’s all done out of deep respect and love…

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 1:16 AM


Well, I can I say that what they find with those practices is that aside from not being worthy of unconditional love (an impossible paradox?), they will find they are not even going to be condtionally loved.

Feb 8, 2021 7:58 PM

Ambulance arrivals at UK hospitals over 10% lower than the same time (pre-pandemic) last year:


George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 7:36 PM

One thing this virus pish has thrown up is the absurdity of the old pre-COVID notion of that ever receding Marxist revolution. All genuine militancy that had any chance of making a difference was well and truly dealt a death blow in the 80s with the brutal crushing of the miners in the UK and the air traffic controllers in the States.

Since then it’s been neoliberalism all the way with the unions sinking further into impotence and the rise of generations who have no concept of industrial dissidence.

So what were the Left doing all this time? Carving out careers as supercillious commenters writing increasingly impenetrable gobbledegook on soap operas and pop songs whilst the more “strident” classical lines made noises about “learning the lessons” of this development and that etc. And yes I’m thinking of that David North jug band. I wonder when he was thinking of putting all these lessons to good use?

Of course now it’s clear that all those decades were spent keeping the Leftist punters occupied with something called “the culture wars” and generally giving them the impression SOMETHING was happening when what was REALLY happening was that the spook office was readying the big “Leftist” makeover that is COVID.

Feb 8, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The Marxist/communist model does work well. Upon attaining power by whatever means, one of the first orders of business is to disband the unions and form government workers’ committees, run by Party apparat reporting to nomenklatura reporting directly to the Politburo.
You could be quite sure the teachers would go back to work quickly, without a peep.
Wreckers are not appreciated.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 6:20 PM

It’s just twigged. If you tested positive on a PCR test but have no symptoms and even feel OK, then it means you’ve achieved immunity but it’s “herd immunity” which is a murderous thing. And the worst thing about that is that you may then pass the virus on to someone else who may feel OK and have no symptoms but they will also be murderously herd immune.

Everyone needs vaccine immunity which is the only legitimate kind. And it is the only thing guaranteed to protect our most vulnerable who ought to live to the age of 150. And to ensure they do, we must sacrifice the lives of all future generations.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 8, 2021 7:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read today.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Really? It’s all I’ve been hearing for the last 10 months.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 8, 2021 9:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Maybe I didn’t understand whether your post is sarcasm. I can’t detect sarcasm, any longer, as I’m an American and the entire country is dumber than a fence post.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 11:41 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I only wish I was being sarcastic. I was following the logic of this covid soap opera. I would have thought that having a virus and feeling OK with no symptoms was the definition of being immune. But apparently no – it means you are sicker than ever! After all – the immunity our overlords want is through the vaccine.

And as for the old folks – well it seems to be unnatural for them to die at all. Unless it’s from the vaccine – in which case, it’s totally natural.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 8, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 2:01 AM
Reply to  George Mc

You clearly were being ironic George. At least I hope so.

For the individual concerned, I’d prefer to call it natural immunity. It only becomes herd immunity in the collective.

According to the present-day official narrative, natural immunity does not exist, despite it being in the textbooks. It it can be supported and boosted by safe, natural means which I and others have highlighted time and time again. If it is strong enough, vaccines (at least for viral diseases) are completely irrelevant and unnecessary. It will bat away viruses without your noticing. It may or may not produce antibodies.

If they test you and can find the relevant antibodies, but you have no symptoms at present it may mean that you were infected in the past, but are not infected any more.

If you have no symptoms and no antibodies, my interpretation would be that your immune system was so strong that any attempt to infect your cells failed before it could get a hold. It could also mean that you’ve never been exposed to this particular virus; however, in the case of “Covid-19” which has supposedly been around for at least a year, it’s probably fairly unlikely that you’ve never been exposed to it, so you probably just have a good strong natural immune system.

If the PTB had encouraged everyone to support and boost their natural immune systems from the word go by safe, natural, non-toxic, tried-and-tested methods, we could have gone back to normal in a matter of a few months, and “Covid–19” would just be a bad dream.

As it is, it’s become an ongoing nightmare.

Feb 10, 2021 11:40 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

indeed, i have seen Americans spectacularly fail to get sarcasm since the early days of internet forums… the temptation to mock has been at times impossible to resist since they tend to repsond with passive aggressive remarks or outright gung-ho personal attacks.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 10, 2021 11:46 PM
Reply to  Grong

Awww… Poor thing.

Sarcasm has been DEAD here since the ’90s. In case you’re slow, life and politics became so absurd here that sarcasm as humor no longer worked because NO amount of exaggeration was enough to make anything funny.

Shortly before he committed suicide, Robin Williams told a friend “Nothing is funny, anymore”.

Get it now?

Feb 8, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes. But see above.

Feb 8, 2021 7:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And what is starting to rile me about this whole scam….the only people that a fortune can be spent on getting them to 150 are people who might die of fictions covid….the rest of us who may be fated to die of heart disease, stroke, cancer etc…well it is fine if we die well before that….no doubt in poverty and uncared for because the economy has been collapsed to keep these covid folk alive…

has anything more stupid been perpetrated upon the planet for some time?

Feb 8, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  Edith

The WMD, Bin Laden, Obama’s Nobel peace price, the Cold War, the Good War, the World War, the election cycle, witch hunts, crusades, Or my personal favorite: The Flying Dutchman

Feb 8, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  Willem

Yep you are right a whole long line of them…and all done for our good…to save us from the latest something…seems innate.

Feb 10, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  Willem

I think Kissinger got a Nobel too 🙂

Feb 8, 2021 9:30 PM
Reply to  Edith

I just heard that the Irish health minister has said yep …you can die of cancer because we are only interested in saving covid people…so where are all the anti discrimination mob…surely they should be onto this? Or does life only matter on being racist?

Feb 12, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  Edith

the Irish health minister has said yep …you can die of cancer because we are only interested in saving covid people

wow they arent even hiding there words

if and when you get a minute pls link the above quote and article needs to be kept in the archive

Feb 8, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Vaccine ‘herd immunity’ immunity wasn’t a thing until the definition of herd immunity was suddenly ‘modified’ a while back by the WHO and accordingly adopted by health bureaucrats worldwide. Thankfully the Wayback Machine exists, just to verify we aren’t going mad in a world where scientific definitions and historic experiential knowledge suddenly change meaning.
Herd Immunity is natural immunity, a large part of which is inherited and known about thanks to generational Lamarkian theory, which in matters like this makes far more sense than Darwinian theory which would take forever. Babies are born with a solid repertoire of immunities, but not of course, those which are not passed through the parents; in most cases adaptive immunity takes over those threats.
Usually the best epidemic/pandemic survival experience is for as many people as possible to be infected as quickly as possible, and for their immunity to new threats established without hinderance by prolonging the infection rate in populations.
And isolate the sick, not the healthy.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 2:04 AM
Reply to  Roberto

And isolate the sick, not the healthy.

Bravo. Here here.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 11:31 AM

Depending on the context of which sick you are referring to, I think that IS sick.

If you mean to say, isolate “those” types, rather than those who are physically ill, I absolutely agree.

Otherwise you are wrong.

Feb 8, 2021 6:14 PM

UK Column News – 8th February 2021

AstraZeneca confirms 100% protection against disease & death in Phase 3 trials.
“The primary analysis for efficacy was based on 17k participants accruing 332 symptomatic cases from Pase III UK (COV002), Brazil (COV003) and South Africa (COV005) trials led by Oxford U. and AZ, a further 201 cases than previously reported.”
UK Gov Public Health Matters web site: Variants from UK, South Africa and Brazil.
Yes, it’s the same three countries.

Mike Robinson: Here again we have another coincidence and I would like someone to show the variants are not in any way linked to this trial.
David Scott: This is remarkable. It’s a one-in-a-million chance that it would be the same, three countries picked at random.

Until the start of Jan excess deaths were overwhelmingly in hospitals and private residences. From third week of Jan, excess deaths have jumped in care homes.
In many cases outbreaks of infection in care homes double after start of vaccinations

David Scott: Correlation does not equal causation but there is a point where you have to respond to what you see. If you are seeing the same pattern in different countries… why is the government letting the vaccine rollout continue examining this evidence of risk?

Bristol Post: Inside the care home in Bristol where residents were vaccinated ‘well before’ Covid-19 outbreak

“In the week up to January 26, the Government reported that the number of new cases in Brislington had jumped from 26 to 74 in the space of a week… On Monday, Bristol Live revealed that this suddenly gave the Brislington area the third highest case rate in the country on the first day of February, last Monday, and sparked concern across the community.”

Care home was free of Covid until two weeks ago. Newspaper could not establish when residents were vaccinated but clearly the Covid outbreak came after the jab. Councillors attempt to push blame for outbreak onto one care home…
Pfizer and AZ say their jabs take a few weeks to build up immunity. However observed evidence is that jabs suppress immunity for a time.

Care homes are obeying, even rather zealously, gov demands to jab residents.
Health workers feel they cannot speak out in the face of management’s strong pro-vaccine, pro-narrative agenda.
Jabs are accompanied by outbreaks according to several colleagues of the whistleblower… even in homes that have been free of outbreaks for the past year.
Online forums for Registered Managers of care homes are seeing posts about a sudden increase in outbreaks.
The most commonly used vaccine is Moderna-Pfizer, though whistleblower has no data to link particular jabs to deaths. Full conversation with whistleblower is 15 minutes long and available to UKC subscribers.

BBC continues propaganda push for vaccine: “All the vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective in trials and highly effective at prventing serious illness and death.”
Brian Gerrish: how can the BBC say that when the trials are not complete?

Evidence suggests an excessive immune response makes people much more vulnerable to a wild disease than if they had not been vaccinated at all.

Telegraph: Employers could insist all staff get vaccinated under health and safety law.
Argues that obligations to protect staff from harm could be used to circumvent established rights of employees to resist compulsion.
Previously HR experts have suggested companies could face discrimination/constructive dismissal claims if they tried to force vaccination.

Mike Robinson: if the vaccine works, how can the unvaccinated pose any risk?
David Scott: Health & Safety law is an area in which you are guilty until proven innocent. It is a grey area.

BBC asks NI Health Minister: “So you say a Covid patient won’t be turned away but the result is that a cancer patient may die?”
NI Health Minister, Robin Swann: “Yes. That’s as black and white as it is.”

David Scott: A rare example of someone in authority telling it as it is. Why is this not news? Does the Corporatist Media doubt the bona fides of a Pakistani minister?

Twitterati ask Nicola Sturgeon why she is celebrating care home jabs.
Scottish death rate from Covid has doubled since “vaccine” roll out.
BBC: Ten people dead after Covid outbreak at Fife care home
Scottish official data

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

That’s interesting, as I suggested that (about the “variants”, along with an explanation of how that occurs) in the “phantom virus” article…though I had only suspected that.

Feb 10, 2021 11:57 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

if the vaccine works, how can the unvaccinated pose any risk?

Indeed. The brainwashing is quite deep. I have spoken to otherwise very intelligent people who had trouble with this question.

I am interested to find out how many children (as a proportion) do not want and physically resist vaccination. Why can’t they handle a bit of “tough love” for their own good?

Feb 8, 2021 6:13 PM

UK Column News – 8th February 2021

Devi Sridhar helps decide Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s policy. The article deconstructs her Tweet:

   “I feel like I make myself unpopular by looking ahead 6-12 months & sketching out how things could evolve (best to worst case) so we work towards best case. This is public health. We try to avert future crises by anticipating & preventing them. Not the most fun at parties I know.”

   — Prof. Devi Sridhar (@devisridhar) January 23, 2021

Sinead Murphy pulls this apart in an article for Lockdown Sceptics: Preliminary Materials for a Theory of Devi Sridhar

Feelings replace thought; promises offered and….

“On and on it goes, this pushing of life ahead of us, a carrot that is always about to be eaten, subjecting the supposedly educated populations of supposedly advanced societies to just that tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow deferral with which we often placate the unreasonable demands of spoilt children. You can have it next week. Next month. Next year. Anything, to keep them happy…

When once we allow to pass unchallenged, this throwaway dismissal of everything that is now expected to surrender to Public Health as “fun at parties”, we lose this fight. When all that has been taken from us – the friendships, the family, the festivals, the education, the care, the touch of human hands – when all of this may be summarised as “fun at parties”, we lose this fight. When all that has been imposed on us – the anxiety, the depression, the abuse, the penury, the hunger, the sickness and, yes, the death – is whitewashed as “fun at parties”, we lose this fight…

We must keep thinking, and not bow to feeling. We must reclaim the present and not be put off until Easter. And we must remember that some things are always and absolutely off the table.”

Brian Gerrish: This is brilliant writing from the New Media — let’s call it the New Media — which is now producing better analysis of these times than the traditional media.

Officials in “The Clearing House” pulling rank on the Information Commissioner’s Office. This small unit coordinates response of multiple departments. It shares a daily update containing names of journalists and campaigners, the requests they have submitted, and how departments should respond.

This involves military intelligence and cyber security units. The structure operates roughly along two pillars:
National Security Council < GCHQ < Mi5 < Mi6 < Joint Biosecurity Centre
Cabinet Office < Rapid Response Unit < Nat Sec Comms Team < 77th Brigade < 13th Signals < DCMS Fake News Unit
Simon Case, Cabinet Secretary, is in charge and Cabinet Office, and theoretically answers to the Minister for the Cabinet Office, Michael Gove. The Office employs tens of thousands of censors and propagandists.
I-News: Freedom of Information Act — Michael Gove’s office cover-up claims shows transparency more important than ever
Open Democracy: Art of Darkness: How the gov is undermining Freedom of Information, by Lucas Amin
Brian Gerrish: The British military is integrated with central government via the Cabinet Office. It is not spying on enemies overseas but on the British public. This is a dictatorship.

Police claim owner was hostile. Video suggests otherwise. One customer arrested, a second issued a fixed penalty for defending the owner.
Neanie Scott’s shop at 131 Canongate on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, +44 131 558 3528, remains open and taking orders by phone. Volunteers are helping her set up an e-commerce site.

UK Column News – 8th February 2021

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I like “New Media”. The old one has disappeared up it’s own arsehole. And what an arsehole! Vast and reeking and seemingly set to continue a couple of centuries spouting out the eternally repeated loop of absolute nothing with the hushed sanctimonious masturbation of those zombie talking heads. IS ANYONE LISTENING TO THIS ANYMORE? Can there actually be families hanging on every word of those little muppet faces atop Corona pulpits?

And what is the readership of the Graud and the WSWS these days? I bailed out of the latter. I’d like to think I am one of thousands. Would that be why the Graud is getting more shrill with its “fake news” screams?

Surely behind the smug plastic bobbing show of the statistical farce front there is SOME disquiet. Surely they must sense ACTUAL INTELLIGENCE out there stirring and, more to the point, SWITCHING OFF!

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 8, 2021 8:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Perhaps these ‘journalists’ are embroiled in a child abuse ring and are being black mailed to participate in the covid atrocity? In this video Pheonix says Bill Gates is a pedophile and hung out with Epstein. He says when he was abused they were wearing very similar types of masks.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 4:57 PM

And my search continues to find any glimmer at all of actual news on TV. It’s been almost a year now and it’s still all sage talking heads grimly regarding whether cases are going up or down. Headcases? Briefcases? Who knows? And strange footage of more heads stuck in little private rooms with a blurred image. No point in asking if this is real news or fake news. It’s just AS BORING AS FUCK!

But maybe that’s the point – to bore everyone into a vegetative state?

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They repeat the lie incessantly because that saturation has been proven to be effective propaganda.

So yes, you are mostly correct with your seemingly rhetorical question.

Mrs. Watcher
Mrs. Watcher
Feb 8, 2021 10:28 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

You’re close, but not quite there.

It’s not that saturation is effective propaganda. Saturation softens the mind so that when the constant messaging stops, people get antsy for more saturation content and go back to it. It’s like the din of battle. While it’s happening people think there is nothing worse. But then it stops. And all they feel is anxiety, because till the bombs are reliably falling again, they can’t be sure when the bombs will start falling. The quiet unsettles and then terrifies them. Every twig, every sparrow peep, makes them jump. They want nothing so much as a return to the overwhelming din.

This is precisely what the MSM have delivered for nearly 100 years now.

I am both happy and sad to say that most of you have no concept whatever of what a demonic presence the media are, and the news genre in particular (for it poses as Truth while totally counterfeiting it). There is no way to retain innocence, knowing this. But till you get into that hell, and see it for what it is, you are mastered by it. And you need another place to stand, one firm and eternal, to not be devoured by it.

CNN is a good example. It’s product was never “news,” despite people maundering on about the nostalgic misty days “when CNN was a real news station.”

IT WAS NEVER A NEWS STATION. Its product was always ubiquity, not facts/content. Its entire goal was to deliver 24/7 advertising surfaces, via cable TV, to every corner of your life. YOU were the product, delivered to advertisers and politicians’ lobbyists’ marketing research firms.

And when they figured out how not to need you at all for votes, by simply making up your votes, they discarded you. And they can let CNN linger and die. No longer needed.

I had many friends who worked at CNN from the beginning, through the move into downtown Atlanta, and into the ’90s, myself having turned down many job offers there (and other networks). I was trained in the highest degree to f with your mind, your perceptions, your emotions, your hopes, dreams, aspirations, history, and consciousness. The deviousness and evil of it was right out in the open–first year grad students were taught all the mechanisms of psychological operation in wartime and peacetime, which we call “propaganda” (propagation–the term itself comes from the Catholic church’s counterreformation propaganda arm, the Jezzies).

I’ll say only this: the sooner you can break your addiction to the media, the sooner you will be free. This will not happen for most people–maybe even the vast majority. Until the locus of Knowing is moved entirely within, you are a slave.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 11:04 PM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

Hey, I agree with you (I mean in addition to considering it basic propagandist method). Though I certainly didn’t elaborate to that extent.

Tell me about the “good” values in movies and series…

When I walk past a TV I most often feel twitching in my right shoulder and a near uncontrollable urge to punch through the monitor into the hollow shells that project that crap.

But then, I know my arm would be lost in a near endless void of vapidity and potentially appear as a new commercialized, iconic mascot against the absurdist ideals of weaponized anti-semitic terrorist skepticism.

Especially because I’m a heterosexual white man who has NEVER voted!

That people don’t notice how all that crap is essentially “news” propaganda too is somewhat bewildering.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 8, 2021 11:50 PM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

Thank you… I haven’t read a newspaper in a good 16 years and I stopped watching the TV ‘news’ well before the scamdemic began. I was in a Barber shop a few weeks ago, and they had the TV on Al Jazeera News.
It was just wall to wall covid: people were dying in droves, cases were skyrocketing, the vaccines were being rolled out, on and on. 5 stories in a row. I actually felt nauseated, and could barely believe what I was hearing.
I stood up, said to the Barber, I had to go, and went to a hairdresser down the road (with no TV!)
I had a customer yesterday who revealed she was a former journalist for a small regional newspaper after I told her to turn off her TV, and stop reading the newspaper because the media were liars and the equivalent of war criminals and had the blood of many people on their hands.
She wasn’t very impressed with what I said. Her problem.

Feb 10, 2021 9:13 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

you’re not very nice.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 10, 2021 10:15 AM
Reply to  jont

You’re a fan of the mainstream media then? Remember Operation Mockingbird? Ever hear of Udo Ulfkotte or Gary Webb? Remember the Iraq invasion? Shock and Awe. Remember the fawning over the terrorist organisation, the White Helmets? Remember the whitewashing of Israel’s many crimes against the Palestinians? Remember the fully fledged support for the overthrow of Gaddafi? And then the silence after Libya had been totally destroyed.
I could go on and on. The media are morally and ethically bankrupt with the blood of vast numbers of people on their hands. And I haven’t even mentioned the scamdemic yet.
They are akin to war criminals, therefore I couldn’t give a flying fig whether you think I’m nice or not.
Have a nice day.

Feb 11, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

Get over yourself and stop preaching to the converted 🙂

Mrs. Watcher
Mrs. Watcher
Feb 8, 2021 10:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Throw your TV out the window, you loon. Why are you so addicted to having others fill your head with propaganda?

Yeah, I know why–as someone professionally trained to fill people’s heads with propaganda–you can’t cut the cord. You’re an addict, created by people like I was trained to be (but chose not to be).

Here’s a little secret that isn’t a secret:

There is no such thing as “actual news.” It was always a scam. Always propaganda. Always biased. Always put out there with rhetorical intent, often malevolent and against your best instincts. It’s a genre, and if for the past 80 years kids were still taught rhetoric, you’d know why.

Instead, all these plaints for “where’s my good old TV?”

It never was. It’s a myth. And you can’t free yourself from it yet, or you wouldn’t be looking for “actual news on TV.” It’s ALWAYS been BS, talking heads, nonsense, and psy op. Always.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

I totally agree. I go out of my way to avoid it. It’s just so difficult to do. A couple of seconds is all it takes and you are already assaulted by stuff that would give bullshit a bad name.

Feb 8, 2021 4:51 PM

The beginning of the end is when people who tell the truth are deemed lunatics.
Lies challenging authority never need be suppressed, only the truth.

Feb 8, 2021 4:38 PM

well well well.

Fact-check: No link between COVID-19 vaccines and those who die after receiving

The CDC hasn’t identified any cases in which a vaccine caused a person’s death


Feb 8, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  image

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) kind of tells another story


Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 8, 2021 8:45 PM
Reply to  image

Most ALL deaths attributed to “diseases” are vaccine deaths either directly or indirectly as a consequence of indoctrination with the germ theory, vaccine damage and trauma.

During my 40 years practice as a classical homeopath i discovered that most diseases were caused by vaccines. I see children but also elderly people who were suffering a long time not realizing it was vaccine damage, i tell them, they believe me, i cure them. Diagnosis VACCINOSIS


Mrs. Watcher
Mrs. Watcher
Feb 8, 2021 10:30 PM
Reply to  image

It’s almost as though coding doesn’t exist, huh?

Feb 11, 2021 12:11 AM
Reply to  image

it’a good to remove the “&fbclid=” and all that follows it from links before posting. That bit is ZuckerBorg tracking.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 8, 2021 3:33 PM

Another video on election fraud to spread around. The horse is still alive and kicking and will continue to do so as long as Dominion machines are in place….. It needs to be stopped. The video more of the same more organized with new information on who actually owns Dominion. According to this, China is strongly involved.


Feb 8, 2021 3:12 PM

MSM lies should have been more evident since US election up till now.

Are you watching a movie play out?

The end of MSM.

Feb 8, 2021 2:29 PM

Fans of Orwellian doublespeak might enjoy Timothy Garton Ash at The Fraudian.

Democracy is censorship!

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

TG Ash:

“To survive, democracy needs a minimum of shared truth. With the storming of the Capitol in Washington on 6 January, the US showed us just how dangerous it is when millions of citizens are led to deny an important, carefully verified fact – namely, who won the election.”

This is the kind of self serving rhetoric that prompts you to consider what is meant by “democracy”. I think it’s clear that Ash means the covert guidance of a self appointed elite who would never dream of permitting the great unwashed any actual input to the governance of their lives.

And in this phoney democracy, the most important prop is the question as to who determines “the facts”. For whoever determines the facts determines the opinions.

Feb 8, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, of course what Ash means by “carefully verified” is establishment verified.

“To survive, elite rule needs a minimum of shared lies.” There, fixed it for him.

Feb 8, 2021 1:22 PM

enclosures land clearances
murder theft
1666 fires where started in london a burnt offering
clearances free land claim
mass murder
city of london 666

on the same day you all died and became a person
a legal fiction owned property
cestui que vie act

like all acts written ready and waiting for events to happen

america went bankrupt in 1933
deed done 1913 on jekyl island
eustace mullins wrote a book

if you have a birth certificate if you understand
you are corporate property

you dead lost at sea

wake up fools

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 12:58 PM

When the 9/11 con started to work its requisite effects, the Left could join in with their “blowback” theory. Thus, they said the Arabs did it but we “deserved it”. Which was just the official account with a “rebel veneer”. And then the Left – if it felt really daring – could even go so far as to say that the US government was involved but only in the sense of “standing down” the defense. This sounds radical but note – we are still left with the notion that Arabs did it but with a little bit of “inside allowance”. And such allowance can even be excused by the idea that our defenders were only alerting us to the true danger and of how much more dosh they needed to protect us.

Now covid. And here’s the problem: Any “alternative” position which starts from the idea that this virus really is the deadly big one hasn’t a hope of providing any true alternative at all. You could – if you felt really rebellious – say that the powers that be have used the virus to grab more dosh for themselves. It matters not. You’re still left with the deadly big one. And for as long as you’ve got that then the ceaseless imprisonment and robbery will continue.

And you can bet your genitalia that the media and even its groovy alternative motherfucker branch will continue to propagate the deadly big one notion from now till the end of time.

Feb 8, 2021 10:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They are still doing aids 40 yrs on

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 2:17 AM
Reply to  Edith

Just been reading Peter Duesberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”. Fascinating read. Well, some of the politics can get boring, but the science-y bits are very good.

Only seen it for sale now at silly prices, but can be found online if you look for it.

Feb 9, 2021 7:50 PM

Just to give the curious a tip: a search for the free PDF version– just enter [Peter Duesberg’s “Inventing the AIDS Virus”]– yields multiple results.

Here’s one: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261948355_Inventing_the_AIDS_Virus

Feb 11, 2021 12:13 AM
Reply to  Edith


Feb 8, 2021 12:34 PM

What have they done to you, poor humanity, by making you convinced that the worst torture, that one can read of in the Amnesty International 1973 report, that a crime against humanity is suffering for the good of humanity! I overheard what my otherwise very generous host (I elsewhere wrote about having no option but to accept her kindness to stay with her, even though I would much preferred not to) was teaching online to her students: accepting torture as a being part of our common humanity! Evidently not quite, rather what she called the “suffering of lockdowns and measures as part of our common humanity for the good of everyone”. And I overheard the students parroting this as dogma.

Oh God, what is to happen to us, when the tortured person believes he is simply undergoing suffering for the collectivity, for the survival of humankind… It cannot get more wicked and an entire generation of youngsters now being inculcated this, readying them to undergo more torture, any torture that will be presented as good for humanity’s sake.

We must strongly fight back: take your children out of schools and educate them yourselves or find someone sane to take their education over. When Im back home in my own country, Id say send them to me. I used to be a professor and resigned to write freely, and without wishing to beat my own drum, considered a pretty good one by my students. Ill teach anyone, adult, children, or rather try to make flourish in others what is lying hidden in them, teach them to think for themselves, not to think like me, or be like me, think them to question. Education should also be free, so I wont charge more than for my upkeep. I have refused to teach online and to attend conferences online, telling the organizers and former university colleagues exactly why.

Anyhow, I guess staying with the dystopia involved people (against my will, but I have no option right now as they were the only ones to proposed having me with my broken leg and leaving within reasonable distance from where I was: there certainly is someone some 250 miles away with whom I think alike who is ready to have me, but I know no one with a car willing to drive that far… I cant take the train. This is not my home country… I just happened to break my leg there, and now am unable to return to my own!) I am learning what precise arguments we have to counter.

Poor, poor humanity, where people are no longer able to distinguish between true suffering which you must accept (like me with my broken leg in a foreign land, and only those people to have made such a kind offer) and torture.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 1:09 PM
Reply to  Annette

It’s disgusting, and I even blame the bible for perpetuating that notion. Particularly with the ironic scapegoating and deferral of Jesus, the most clear parallel.

Anyone who says there is virtue in suffering is horribly misguided, it is an absolutely sick notion which these cultists have propagated.

Torture is of course, even worse and that advocation you referenced is the attempt to justify the propagation of CONTROLLED, projected suffering.


Feb 8, 2021 1:26 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

I’d blame the Bible for more than just that. Another thing is the notion that people are superior to nature and should have dominion over it. What kind of stupidity is that? It implies that humans are somehow above nature and explicitly encourages them to fuck it up, through technologies, of which we’re seeing the fruits right now, as people’s ability to wreak havoc on a global scale has reached unprecedented levels. Viz Gates’s psychopathic plan to spread particles in the atmosphere to slow the alleged “global warming”.

I can imagine how anyone can actually believe in God. God, supposedly infinitely wise, would have had to know better and not instruct the dimwits to behave in a way eventually leading to their own demise.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 1:59 PM
Reply to  Jacques

“I’d blame the Bible for more than just that. Another thing is the notion that people are superior to nature and should have dominion over it. What kind of stupidity is that?”

Oh certainly, but I was addressing the main context of Annette’s post.

If you ask me, God only gave man supposed dominion over Earth to see how deep a hole they could dig. And they’re just about knocking on my ceiling.

https://www.youtube Dot com/watch?v=APRzwdZYIBE

You dig?

I’ll paste an interpretation of Genesis I wrote the other day, in a reply to someone who referenced the Bible on Rappoport’s site…I thought it was rather direct.


I’d appreciate your “review” of that.

Feb 8, 2021 2:18 PM
Reply to  Frank G L


“I didn’t read much of the rest of the story, sorry.”

I hear ya …

Feb 8, 2021 9:57 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Never having understood why people believed in the ‘written (by men who were heavily influenced/controlled by TPTB) word’, I think your 2nd comment on Rappoport’s blog says it all. (re; King James…etc)

Feb 8, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Jacques

You blame the bible or those who don’t understand its writings? The bible is the greatest book ever written.

Understand etymology and metaphors before you think you can just pick up the bible and understand it.

Where do you get the stupid idea that God instructs man to f_ _ _ the earth up? How ironic, God makes the earth and then tells make to f it up? Tell me how do you have life without life?

Yes I have my troubles with God and what life puts you through but I am in no way his equal yet my anger with him shows me how little faith I really have.

When you come to understand the bible you will see that everyone goes to heaven and there is no hell torture.

And when God said let us make man in our image and likeness he was talking about Jesus not Adam. Adam was corruptible, Jesus was not so how could Adam be in God’s likeness and image.

When God says something it is as good as done even if it didn’t happen right then. Think when he told Abraham I have made you father of many nations even though he was old and only had one child at the time.God spoke of the future when he said I have made you. He didn’t say I will make you but I have made you.

Bible is not easy to understand. Don’t dismiss it because you don’t understand it.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  Hank

God made the mountains
God made the sky
God made the people
God knows why
He fixed up the planet
As best as he could
Then in came the people
And fucked it up good.
– Lee Marvin (Paint Your Wagon)
– With a slight alteration in the last line!

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Hank

“The bible is the greatest book ever written.”

I consider it mostly garbage doctrine, overarching political motivation.

“Bible is not easy to understand. Don’t dismiss it because you don’t understand it.”

Did you enjoy my interpretation of Genesis?

I far prefer the Emerald Tablets, thanks.

Feb 9, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

“Did you enjoy my interpretation of Genesis?”

Can’t wait for Revelation .

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  Hank

That was 7 years ago.

Feb 8, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  Hank

The schizophrenic nature of the Bible begins almost at the beginning – with Adam and Eve. If God were omniscient, He had to know what would transpire in the Garden of Eden. Yet He let it happen – and pretended to be scandalized that it did.

Today, we would call the Garden of Eden a “sting operation.” And the Courts would boot evidence obtained from it. There’s no getting around it: God set Adam and Eve up to fail. Not to mention: why did He allow the serpent in to begin with?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 8, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Howard

Was the Fall a MIHOP or a LIHOP?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 2:23 AM
Reply to  Howard

Much of the Old Testament revels in murderous ethnic cleansing.

Now, I went to Catholic primary and secondary schools, went to mass every week, sometimes more than once a week, and was a practising Catholic, probably until my mid-30s. But never once do I remember any priest, nun or Catholic teacher highlighting these bloody murders or suggesting that they might be wrong.

And saying that Christianity is all about the New Testament and not the Old does not cut it. Even now, the Catholic mass includes readings from the Old Testament, and we were always encouraged to read the whole bible, Old and New Testaments.

Feb 9, 2021 9:04 AM

God has ordered the destruction of groups that were sacrificing children and doing many disgusting things in the past that lead people astray What did you expect him to just let it carry on? Didn’t have cops in those days.

Feb 9, 2021 8:55 AM
Reply to  Howard

Of course God knew Adam n Eve would “fail”.

If it wasn’t them it would have been one of us 50 or so billion?

God didn’t pretend anything? He simply asked questions. God never said or acted like gee I didn’t see that coming?

Think about it, how could we all fit in this planet if nobody died in the garden of Eden and we could have 1000 children each. You think the planet has too many people now? Bill Gates would be pulling his hair out for all kinds of ideas for depopulation.

What did you expect God to say, yeah I knew you would eat from the tree? Or that the devil got one over God so he had to go to plan B or C. If the devil can get one over God and force Gods hand to come up with another plan how do we know the devil can’t do it again and again so God is up to plan Z then what.

Don’t be so literal in your interpretation of one passage from the bible but learn to connect various passages to come to a conclusion. It would be silly to think God doesn’t see everything.

If it wasn’t a good plan why didn’t he just start again till someone listened to him and didn’t eat from the tree?

Why was the fall in the second account of creation and not the first?

Why is dominion given in the first account and not the second? Jesus is given dominion as the perfect finished man. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

Being fruitful in the first account (not in the second) means the followers of Jesus’s Kingdom and the regeneration of man when Jesus has risen. Isaiah 54 1-3. “Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.”

Like I said when God said let us make man in our image he was talking about Jesus. We are only made in his image when we die and take on the spiritual body of incorruptibility.

The first account of creation is PROPHETICAL, the second is the historical process. Read 1 Corinthians 15 42-50 in better understanding creation.

Feb 8, 2021 9:03 PM
Reply to  Hank

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

Whatever fucking right does some alleged God have to instruct man to have dominion over the fish of the sea? Leave the fucking fish alone. And the cattle the too.

Man is a dimwit, as evidenced by thousands of years of screwing up whatever he puts his hands on, and instructing man to have dominion over the world essentially amounts to fucking it up.

If God didn’t know that, God a) doesn’t exist, b) is far from having infinite omniscient wisdom, c) was just fucking around, d) a combination of the foregoing, or e) and then some.

Also, talking snakes and immaculate conception don’t make a whole lot of sense to me.

Anyway, it’s your prerogative to live in delusion, my prerogative is to use critical thinking.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 12:06 AM
Reply to  Jacques

“If God didn’t know that, God a) doesn’t exist, b) is far from having infinite omniscient wisdom, c) was just fucking around, d) a combination of the foregoing, or e) and then some.”

That sort of reasoning, vaguely speaking is how I found first, the numbers 47 and the concept of V.

The religious types at this point might want to refer to Handel’s Messiah, regarding the relevance of what I just said, with respect to a particular movement. Aside from their bibles.

So, is it any surprise I identify as an agnostic pagan azathothian?


Can’t help it, I mean, I listen to black metal…though that isn’t black metal.

Feb 9, 2021 9:13 AM
Reply to  Jacques

If you are using critical thinking why would God create something then tell man to F it up?

Dominion is given to man in the first account of creation not the second.

The dominion God speaks about is for Jesus as the perfect finish incorruptible man.

In the first account of creation when God said let us man in our image and likeness he was talking about Jesus not Adam. Adam is in the second account.

It is metaphorical and literal. Do you think Jesus would ruin creation?

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 3:18 PM
Reply to  Hank

“Do you think Jesus would ruin creation?”

Not particularly. But the way religion, the bible, institution, adherents have used the concept of Jesus, does ruin creation.

I once joked, saying to the harlot “When you’re in drought, I might not give a dam”

Which is related to another (though true) joke I have about growing up in the Adam’s calendar area.

Feb 10, 2021 2:43 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Notice in the first account of creation the serpent was not present but in the second he was with Adam n Eve. In this second account man falls.

When Jesus became man he was tempted in the desert by satan and did not fall. Like I said sometimes you need to look to the new for answers to the old testament and vise versa instead of reading just one paragraph.

This is what God meant when he said let us make man in our image and likeness. Never said I will make man in MY image hence the plural and not the singular.

Feb 11, 2021 12:28 AM
Reply to  Hank

https://jesusneverexisted.com will answer your questions and perhaps ignite some long lost spark of thought and feeling… any nausea is typical of sudden disillusionment and will soon pass. There is another world out there beyond your slavery and you have the option to become a sovereign human being.

Feb 11, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Grong

I felt nauseous just reading the title of that link.

dr death
dr death
Feb 9, 2021 10:09 PM
Reply to  Jacques

the bible is a ‘how to’ manual for a dysfunctional culture… idiots conflate scribble written by nomadic con men with the uknowable light that infuses the creation..

essentially that’s why you’re in this shit.

you’ve allowed grasping mendicant con men to intermediate between you and existence.

Feb 11, 2021 12:23 AM
Reply to  Jacques

There’s plenty more in the Old Testament part especially, the Talmud, etc…

Some people use the word God to refer to something other than Yahweh and his christian/ islamic facades, but it is a loaded word for sure.

There is an actual divine intelligence to be experienced in this life but it’s got nothing to do with “belief” which always contains “lie”.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Feb 11, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Somebody described the bible as the original communist manifesto.
Corporate religion is primarily designed to keep the populace in line and to improve productivity. It has little to do with the creator that set in motion the sequence of events that resulted in the Strombolian volcano, the giant waterfall and the spectacular grey crowned crane.

Feb 8, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Yes, agreed. Suffering cannot be avoided in life, its part and parcel of life, and we accept that and when suffering try to turn the experience into bettering oneself as a person, but certainly not glorify and focus on suffering.
I wish Christianity had not taken the suffering of Jesus on the cross as its symbol.
Always focusing on it. Its interesting, as I wrote in another comment, how according to Erich Fromm, the most dangerous form of inhumanity stems from a love of death.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  Annette

“I wish Christianity had not taken the suffering of Jesus on the cross as its symbol.”

It was clearly designed to instill pacifist, weakling subjugation and suggest personal worthlessness and irresponsibility. It is simple propaganda.

It is baselessly projected guilt and shame, there is no worth and I dare say no truth in the concept.

Imo, the idea that Jesus had to suffer for my sins, as if it’s a good thing, and that I should embrace and propagate that is pathetic.

Mrs. Watcher
Mrs. Watcher
Feb 8, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  Annette

Christianity did NOT take the suffering of Jesus on the cross. It took the suffering of God on the cross, as a human. It was intended to end such “sacrifice” and the ritual use of it to get political/worldly power. It was intended to get people to realize how their fear of death and pain was farmed by those who wanted power over them.

Unfortunately, churches have forgotten this–if they ever knew it–and those who DO know it, as receiving of the Logos, were marked and burned as heretics by popes from the beginning.

The whole point was that that was to be the sacrifice that ended all that nonsense forever. One and done.

Those who obsess on the sacrifice part of it are creating idols, and you should steer clear of them while aiming to restore the clarity of the original intent.

Feb 8, 2021 11:04 PM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

But life makes no sense if suddenly someone or God makes everybody “good” (though what does good mean?! It has varied meaning according to points of view. There is no evil on one side and good on the other). Human life makes sense precisely because at every instant you have the freedom to choose the way you react to events, even though you cant change the events in themselves. Life makes sense at all because one has the choice of values, to decide to do this, or that, to kill or not kill, etc. A famous Indian thinker said if heaven was a place where all was perfect, he’d prefer to be in hell, because there there would always be the hope, the hope you get better yourself, better circumstances.

Without hope, nothing is worth it, with the hope of transcending the worst situations, that is what we admire in the greatest teachers humanity has produced. That is what it means to be human.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 11:40 PM
Reply to  Annette

“Without hope, nothing is worth it”

Guess where I’m at…

Feb 9, 2021 9:24 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

I meant hope to better oneself as a person (spiritually, but in the largest sense of the word, I dont think English has an appropriate term what I mean), not to change the circumstances or other people. This we can all do even when faced with death, at the last minute.
And there Frank, Im sure you are fine.

Feb 11, 2021 8:22 AM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

Modern day christian apologists often refer to “The original intent” but on closer examination I have found this to be a projection of what they wished and imagined of how things should be or could be. It’s an act to avoid dealing with the cognitive dissonance that comes up when actually really looking at abrahamic religions and their original doctrines and stories without expectation or bias. From the point of view of most people who did not get expsed to them as children I think a common assessment would be that these teachins and stories are insane and inhumane.

Modern day christian apologists are aslo unaware of the subtle psy-op of being instructed ( or even commanded) to love, and to turn the other cheek. The original virtue signallers…
In fact turning the other cheek is giving license to the abuser- enabling the “victim-perpetrator” pattern and perpetuating abuse… It rarely works against an attacker as any martial arts / self- defence teacher will tell you. And it never works with a psychopath.

The story of the magic J-w is a distortion and twisting of pagan stories such as the birth of Adonis, and of history. It is far more likely that a multitude of spiritual teachers and healers with similar characteristics existed at the time all around the globe. In Palestine there would have been several (Hebrew/Judaic) revolutionary leaders trying to revolt against the Roman occupation. Combine all these and you get the magic J, an imaginary teacher that the priests could really use as a weapon to gain power, money, land, and faithful servants.

Mrs. Watcher
Mrs. Watcher
Feb 8, 2021 10:39 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

I used to talk like you.

Here’s the thing. The whole point of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice was that it was supposed to put an end to such sacrifices for good. It was intended to disempower those who are in the Sacrifice Generation Business for their own money and power.

This is what was meant by “It is finished.”

I used to have kneejerk fedora atheist opinions like you. Fortunately I got to interact intensively over a period of several years with politically incorrect Christians of robust intellect who could help me strip away the bs from what was said about Christianity and get it back to the original core of freedom and empowerment. The astonishing Being Hack that cuts through the garbage of civilization and its whoremongers.

Christ didn’t suffer to be virtuous. He suffered as God, to partake of the extremes of horrible human experience…and put an end to the calculus of pain, and suffering, and power, and politics. If you’d like, read Roland Bainton’s life of Martin Luther–Here I Stand. It lays this all out very well. God isn’t a sadist and Christ wasn’t a masochist. The whole point was to put an end to the political use of torture…and the exploitation of human stupidity and masochism and power-mongering.

When the likes of Amnesty International say the above, they are literally creating idols for worship. It is the work of demons.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 11:21 PM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

You entirely misread my character, unfortunately.

If you scroll down to the bottom, you will see I consider atheism as about the worst religion.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 11:30 PM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

Here is the thing, I read the bible, I interpret it. I found it to be false.

If you have to try and spin and project your interpretation of the bible, it means the bible is ineffectual.

Feb 9, 2021 10:15 AM
Reply to  Mrs. Watcher

“Here’s the thing. The whole point of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice was that it was supposed to put an end to such sacrifices for good. It was intended to disempower those who are in the Sacrifice Generation Business for their own money and power.”

If by sacrifice you mean his death then it wasn’t to stop the business as you say.

Jesus death was not his physical death on the cross but his incarnation when he lived on this earth in a fallen state like all of us.

We are not reconciled to God because of a physical death on a cross by a man but by every word that comes out of his mouth. That’s why it says the word was made flesh. When you know the son you know the father. A death on a cross itself doesn’t let you know the father.

“This is what was meant by “It is finished.”

It is finished means the work God started in Genesis 1 when God said let us make man in our image and likeness and Jesus carrying out that plan from birth to death. Now man is finished and made complete and incorruptible.

Feb 10, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Balls. The Bible doesn’t say that. Only that suffering comes from sin. And the core message is open to interpretation. I do not see loving one’s enemies as letting them get away with it, or not to put up a fight.

Feb 11, 2021 12:16 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

“if Jesus came back do you think he’d want to see a fucking cross again?”
Bill Hicks, RIP

Not that the biblical JC ever existed…

Feb 11, 2021 2:00 PM
Reply to  Grong

“if Jesus came back do you think he’d want to see a fucking cross again?”

He’d see a lot worse going on than someone wearing a cross.

Feb 8, 2021 1:28 PM
Reply to  Annette

Careful, you might get more than you bargain for … ha ha … I’ll send my daughter over for lessons …

Feb 8, 2021 1:39 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Sure Jacques. Once Im ok and back home, sure! And I also agree with your above email: man is part of nature and its dangerous to think he isnt, the extreme version is considering yourself as little gods as those in charge of the dystopia, those doctors and others, are doing.

Feb 8, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  Annette


Great thoughts. I’m damn sure you are a great professor. A brilliant, thought provoking post.

Feb 8, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Thanks Loverat. Its awfully kind of you.

Feb 8, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Annette

All of us were once children, each of us given varying degrees of strictness to cope with.

I mention this to suggest that, as having been children, none of us should ever forget how little of our teachers’ pontificating actually “sunk in.” We always parroted what our teachers told us; but behind their backs, when as children we actually got to be children, more often than not we “bad mouthed” our teachers and their petty authoritarian dictates – even if a few teachers really were nice to us.

Of course, I attended parochial school for eight years; so the authoritarian tendency was ubiquitous. There were never more than one or two “nice” nuns; some were downright sadistic.

Bottom line: don’t write children off just yet, despite the horrors we’re currently inflicting on them. They see more, and I’m tempted to say understand more, than adults give them credit for.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 6:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Bottom line: don’t write children off just yet, despite the horrors we’re currently inflicting on them. They see more, and I’m tempted to say understand more, than adults give them credit for.”

Adults are negligent morons.

They have only degenerated from birth and they are in denial. And what’s worse, they impose their cynical degenerate garbage on children at the earliest opportunity.

That is what I believe society is. The “hierarchy” is so that they are malicious about their inability to improve or advance, transcend, if you will. So they take it out on the children, to try and degenerate them to their level.

Why in the hell does ANYONE think it is reasonable to stab and poison infants, REPEATEDLY, unnecessarily, based on THEIR OWN arrogant degenerating failures?

Feb 8, 2021 10:11 PM
Reply to  Howard

Possibly you are right. But in the country I live in they are killing them: children have to wear a mask all day long and school usually begins at 8am and does not finish before 5 or 6pm. Just think what it is doing to their health, and in particular the formation of their brain…

Parents shouldnt let their children to be tortured like that and their future health destroyed. They should have taken them out from schools and protested.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  Annette


You should expect nothing less from a MacGregor.

Feb 8, 2021 12:29 PM

Mask Of The Beast

Mask of the beast
Biblical bollocks
Predictable programming
Planet of Numpty
Hidden state child abuse
Anxiety through non-compliance
Mask of the beast
No life
Jumping at your shadow
Breathing is living
Where is your ode to joy
Your song your smile
A world of sick-notes
Anonymous porno characters
Wandering around
As brain-damaged zombies
In Brownian motion
Presstitutes words are piss
So I am a duck
But not sitting in denial
I laugh and sing
Flying in rebellion
Not in fear
Fear is the heart killer
But in love
Your choice
Your life

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 12:59 PM

To cut through the confusion, I would like to agree with your sentiments… but I can only somewhat relate.

Particularly when you say…

But not sitting in denial
I laugh and sing
Flying in rebellion
Not in fear
Fear is the heart killer
But in love
Your choice
Your life

I would have to willfully ignore and sit in denial about what I’m ignoring, regarding those who do not laugh and sing. I fear many things, because I know much about myself. And it is terrible, so I fear for others.

Feb 8, 2021 12:23 PM

I guess all this chicanery and bald faced lying are as old as the hills. The average Joe doesn’t live long enough to appreciate the kind of front row seat he has right now, smack bang in the present, as witness to the way the big system rolls. It’s all a great education. But several consecutive lifespans might be needed for Johnny Punchclock to get it. And even then he still might not. Good, bad or ugly…everyone’s hurtling to their own great reward. Do unto others as you would have them done unto you.

Feb 8, 2021 12:09 PM

.comment image

Feb 8, 2021 12:02 PM

Mainstream science shows that the house is not on fire or even smouldering:


How dare you!

Feb 8, 2021 11:32 AM

Check out this Satanic inversion from the British Medical Journal, calling for leaders who do not instigate lockdowns or follow the mantra of the Satanists to be tried for Crimes Against Humanity:

After two million deaths, we must have redress for mishandling the pandemic

“But David Scheffer, a former US ambassador for war crimes, suggests that we could broaden the application of public health malpractice “to account for the administration of public health during pandemics.” In that case, public health malpractice might become a crime against humanity, for leaders who intentionally unleash an infectious disease on their citizens or foreigners. Others have argued similarly for environmental crimes.”

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Absolutely unreal.

David Scheffer, if I have the power of divine judgment you would be banished to reflect on, by experiencing, the combined torment you suggest to inflict with that malicious garbage.

And the BMJ is similarly meaningless.

https://youtu DOT be/RN7HMG4tVI0

Oh dear.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 12:42 PM
Reply to  Mucho

From the BMJ:

When politicians and experts say that they are willing to allow tens of thousands of premature deaths for the sake of population immunity or in the hope of propping up the economy, is that not premeditated and reckless indifference to human life?

Thus spake the new theology. Did “politicians and experts” ever say any such thing? Was this “population immunity” not merely the common course that all previous flu strains were allowed to take? What exactly did these “tens of thousands of premature deaths” signify? Were indeed these tens and thousands of deaths all “premature”?

No matter! The gospel has been proclaimed and none dare speak against holy writ. Noam Chomsky – back in the days when he had something to say – noted that every argument could be won in advance if the terms of its stating could be controlled. That has never been more true than in the case of covid. And every media channel and every highlighted case of “expert opinion” is phrased with the same bogus presuppositions.

Feb 8, 2021 12:57 PM
Reply to  Mucho

‘ In that case, public health malpractice might become a crime against humanity, for leaders who intentionally unleash an infectious disease on their citizens or foreigners.’

The burden of proof is with them. Show us the evidence that not imposing lockdowns etc increases the risk of infectious disease. Take, for instance, Sweden.

Talking about burden of proof. Let’s talk about masks and vaccines shall we? – that could be a great case of public health malpractice leading to crimes against humanity, for which leaders, experts and Medical journals should be held responsible as they have unleashed all sorts of diseases on their citizens through vaccines and masks (amongst others).

Anyway. Both scenarios are very unlikely to ever happen, although I think the latter scenario is a bit more likely to happen than the former. Hence, the blaming the other that BMJ is doing might be some sort of strategy of hiding (in audacity). It is as if they see the writing on the wall.

Might just be.

Feb 8, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  Mucho

See the point on this graph at which it begins turning downwards, and tell me you believe in coincidences.
Cases & Deaths -Daily -Global

Feb 9, 2021 10:27 AM
Reply to  Mucho

He is just projecting because he knows the full force will come down on him and his cohorts for crimes against humanity.

These people always project what they accusing others of the very crimes they do.

Feb 8, 2021 11:07 AM

Some curious goings-on re a UK Vaccine Passport over the weekend…

On the one hand minister Nadhim Zahawi says they won’t be introducing one and that it would be discriminatory. On the other hand Ed Miliband appears on the Marr Show, doesn’t dismiss the idea and I see the first comments that he might come back as Labour leader.

What to make of it all? Normally I’d dismiss Zahawi’s comments as an attempt to appear reluctant about restrictions so they can be ‘forced’ into them later. However the way Zahawi did so appears to make that very difficult (given how precious non-discrimination – or the illusion thereof – is to the unfolding agenda). I’m also surprised there isn’t more media chatter about mandatory vaccincation.

I’m not suggesting these aren’t still part of the agenda – so what’s going on? Perhaps it’s just that the lesson from mask-wearing is that if they create a climate of fear they can reverse their previous statements with no worries? Perhaps they plan to blame the unvaccinated when “the virus” comes back to counter “your vaccine didn’t work” arguments?

Feb 8, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Edwige

We have to call this what it is – fascism. Groups of innocents being turned into ‘undesirables’ by a Goebbelsian media to fit a dystopian plan that benefits only a handful of pharma/banking/tech oligarchs is not something the Conservative Party usually stands for. The majority will lose out in this scenario, including the wealthy, because the environment they will inherit will be too hostile to enjoy

Feb 8, 2021 1:02 PM
Reply to  Edwige

‘ What to make of it all’

Fear and loathing in Great Britain

I don’t think it will ever come that far, as the vaccination program is a mess. They don’t know who they vaccinated. They don’t care either. It is big business and as long as countries buy vaccines and let the population pay for it (in terms of money and health) all is fine.

In the meantime, divide and conquer by means of fear. Strategy which is as old as the world..

Feb 8, 2021 1:24 PM
Reply to  Willem

I get that impression, too. Big pharma and its political poodles would be perfectly happy if those who say ‘no’ are offset by guinea pigs who volunteer for a new jab every 28 days until they fall down and die. At least they won’t catch the Covid!

Bill Gates was only looking for a 15% population reduction from this first round (he claimed it would be from people having fewer children but a reduction is a reduction)..

For the guinea pigs the British gov has already launched a plan to mix the jabs… regardless of the different types and methodologies…. the latest “ad hoc quackery”.”

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  Willem

They don’t know who they vaccinated. They don’t care either.

That’s what I reckon too. Because of my line of work I have been handed a Lateral Flow Test. You stick a plug up your nose, dunk it in a test tube of something or other etc. then you are supposed to record the results on the net. I have no idea if anyone pays any attention to this. Similarly I’m supposed to stick one of those little toy guns to my head and record my temperature. I have no idea if anyone even bothers to check any of the figures. And the masks we are required to wear are masks everyone wraps round their chin when they’re sure no-one is looking. But often others do see and they don’t care either. In short it’s all a pantomime to get everyone involved and thus act our their compliance. The actual medical significance of all this is something which I don’t think anyone actually believes in.

Feb 8, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Willem

It may be a minor outrage in the overall COVID Big Lie/scandal, but their depraved indifference to public health was highlighted by the UK authorities’ approval of “mixing and matching” the dubious COVID vaccines. 

The casual, almost offhand, way it was announced that in cases of unavailability for the required second dose of Vaccine A, Vaccine B could be substituted for the second dose was appalling. It seemed so obviously dubious that I thought it really gave away the game– that even compliant, submissive vaccine-seekers would realize that this expediency was proof that something was seriously amiss with the whole vaccination program.

I was, of course, entirely mistaken to think that this criminal malfeasance would inspire mass skepticism and criticism, and fatally undermine the blind trust vouchsafed to the politicians and health authorities.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 2:55 AM
Reply to  Ort

Seems highly unscientific to say the least, but why should that be a surprise. Hardly anything about the official responses to “Covid-19” has been scientific.

Feb 8, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Edwige

For me, the wider picture surrounding “vaccine passports” and the reported freedoms conferred on the holders is, what happens to those who can’t have the vaccine for medical, religious, ethical reasons ? Do they become 2nd class citizens not able to get on a plane, enter a pub, go to the cinema/theatre/show ?
I already have my reasons set out for why I will resist any attempt to jab me (or at the very least with an mRNA type)

Feb 8, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It’s called cognitive dissonance.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 2:51 AM
Reply to  Edwige

On the other hand Ed Miliband appears on the Marr Show, doesn’t dismiss the idea and I see the first comments that he might come back as Labour leader.

I noticed (on BBC Radio news) Ed Funny Vowels Miliband jumping in to defend “Charlie” Falconer for his “gaffe”, which wasn’t a gaffe at all. He just committed the cardinal sin of a politician for once telling the unvarnished truth.

I heard one report that the government had said it wouldn’t be bringing in Vaccine Passports, but immediately followed this with a statement that GPs would hold records of who had been vaccinated, which could be consulted by unspecified agencies for official purposes. Why would they do that unless they were going to try to forbid you from doing something if you didn’t have the “vaccine”?

In any case, the way it will happen is that the government will lean on one of the airlines, probably BA, to insist on a vaccine to get on any of its planes, then all the other airlines will follow suit, and there’s your compulsory vaccine, if you want to fly abroad.Other countries will also follow suit, if they haven’t done it anyway.

Very depressing.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 10:43 AM

In anticipation of some possibly justified criticism, I admit that I am linking to an article which is SHIT! However, I think it’s interesting in that it gives us yet again an indication of the Left’s odd little strained dance between supporting the pandemic narrative and complaining about increasing censorship on social media.


This is an article which is written, as usual, from the inside of the “deadly pandemic” narrative. As such, as I’ve said, it’s shit. But it’s nice to see an admission of the true origins of the “fake news” obsession:

“Ever since big tech was blamed for spreading misinformation that led to the victories of Brexit and Trump and the rise of right-wing extremists, the conviction that information could be politically fatal has become the new consensus among liberal journalists and politicians. Now that the metaphorically viral spread of information has merged with the dangers of a real virus, the logic of this argument has become even more intuitive.”

Note the question begging “misinformation” and “real virus” there. But there is a discussion of the use of alarming occurrences to censor free speech. We hear about such previous attempts to control information by use of “shocking but statistically unusual events” e.g. the 2019 Christchurch massacre but “as long as the argument for more aggressive censorship depended on media coverage of rare but spectacular acts of violence, it was on shakier ground once the news cycle moved on”.

By comparison:

“Even the deadliest acts of terrorism have resulted a tiny fraction of the deaths caused by the pandemic.”

Of course, we are again on question begging ground here. Nevertheless, the article sums up the potency of the censorship drive based on the covid paradigm:

“As a result, if not wearing a mask or seeing friends and family outside one’s home is tantamount to “literally murdering people,” skepticism about these measures may be treated as incitement.”

The one shaft of light is the “Streisand effect”:

“….it is plausible that limiting the public’s exposure to conspiratorial and pseudoscientific claims might render us more receptive to them, not less.”

This however is, as it were, phrased from the wrong side. It is not a question of becoming “more receptive” to “conspiratorial and pseudoscientific claims” (and note the easy conflation of “conspiratorial” and “pseudoscientific”) but of resisting all attempts by the mainstream media to assert a new theology. Although admittedly this viral theology has been unprecedented in its relentless monolithic application.

This Bellows article is as far as the mainstream Left are willing to go in critiquing the virus narrative. And not only is it not far enough but it may only go to affirm the virus story even more securely.

All of which boils down to the increasingly unavoidable fact that it is apparent friends who turn out to be the most dangerous enemies.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 11:09 AM
Reply to  George Mc

They (all covidiots) have been fooled by their identification with state and institutional authority, deluded themselves into believing they are fighting some “scary virus” having been coopted as militarized agents as well as the “territorial” proxy used (and claimed) by the “good guys” based on the imaginary, engineered “bad guys” (the virus) to install degenerating trojans and more subjugation on those very same militarized agents (and others).

As such, they have been militarized and subjugated by their own confirmation and selection biases, being newly claimed “territory” of the war, to promulgate the machinations of their superiors in a class war against themselves and are in incredibly deep denial.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

https://www.youtube DOT com/watch?v=XT8OZ-MA00w

So that it doesn’t pollute the comments too much….


When the idiots figure out where I’m from they will very much regret their attempts to summon.

Feb 8, 2021 10:19 AM

This is Unamerican. The article, the sentiments, the book and the reviewer are all unamerican. For Super-Proud Americans, training death squads in South America is a great export for the Freedom education sector.

Also for editorial imagery, a real patriot should use a photo of fighter jets doing a flyover as a warm-up for foorball, and/or, use a photo of a tough dog, of the vicious varieties, wrapped with the national flag.

Feb 8, 2021 9:20 AM

I am calling out Edward Curtin.
I have read dozens of his articles, and looked through dozens more on his blog. I cannot find any serious exploration of a certain topic, and this despite it having massive and obvious impact on just about all he writes about in the political sphere.
That topic is Israel– more specifically the relationships between Israel, Israel’s supporters and the power establishment in the United States.
If you cannot even reference to this aspect in accounts of the ‘deep state’, ‘geopolitics’, ‘American empire’ or ‘the CIA’, then your overall legacy is one of distraction rather than elucidation.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  crank

I am almost entirely unfamiliar with his “work”, but that is indeed quite peculiar.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  crank

On a vaguely related topic, I see a current article on Prospect Magazine: “Is antisemitism a progressive blindspot?”

Last October, the Guardian’s Hadley Freeman tweeted: “Question: would addressing bigotry against any other minority be seen as an unfortunate distraction from the bigger picture, or is it just antisemitism?”

The irony is that the ceaselessly repeated objection to “anti-Semitism” is not only a pure distraction but is one of the most ferocious devices of mind control ever devised. And what a surprise to see that dreary hack David Baddiel getting trotted out again.

Of course, this soul-destroyingly boring repeated mantra about “anti-Semitism” is a resurge of the attack against Labour. But since Corbyn was destroyed by this vicious smear campaign, the Zio-Blairites clearly have nothing to fear from Starmer who looks constantly terrified because he is constantly terrified. But – just to make sure, the Zio-trolls must ensure the maintenance of the constant terror.

Feb 8, 2021 3:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I kind of disagree.
Antisemitism is serious, it is not a distracting argument. Obviously it can lead to some very bad situations.
What troubles me is that both the Baddiels of the world and the Left cannot engage in any discussion of the issue by starting from a consideration of the simple facts. It has reached quite absurd proportions.
We grow up hearing the tropes and hearing the dismissal of those tropes as being self evidently untrue.
Simply put, are they true though ?
Is there a disproportionate group within finance elites ? (Hedge fund managers, vulture capital fund managers, pay day loan companies, bank executives ?)
Is there a disproportionate group within the open borders movement ?
Ditto the promotion of identity politics ?
Ditto the media giants ?
Ditto Hollywood, TV, publishing ?
Ditto Biden’s staff picks?
Ditto internet censorship ?
…Basically, is there truth within the tropes ?
It is not too hard to find out in the age of the internet.
If there is, then consideration of that should be the starting point for understanding antisemitism and addressing its dangers. It seems clear as day that anyone who actually asks the questions about the empirical truth or falsity of the tropes is a priori excluded from the conversation, which just revolves around various forms of virtue posturing and censorship.
Hadley Freeman, David Badiel, Ash Sarkar, Jeremy Corbyn, right up to Asa Winstanley all react in exactly the same way on this simple point.
I am repeating myself, but citing Atzmon, this a/s question epitomises the Left’s commitment to ideals to the exclusion of discussing facts.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 8, 2021 8:10 PM
Reply to  crank

I assume from your constantly repeated allusion to some truth that dare not come out, that you are saying that Jews really do run everything?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 8, 2021 3:00 PM
Reply to  crank

Hello crank: Regarding Israel: People have been propagandized into brain trauma by the vague implications of “antisemitism”. It’s not even an accurate term…
A person is considered woefully “antisemitic” if their critique exposes ANY known examples of Zionist strategies or intelligence operations. Accidental? Probably not…
The antisemitic accusation has been in place for well over a hundred years. What was the the Balfour Declaration about? Simple answer: Government sanctioned land theft… The deep state isn’t very deep at all…

Feb 8, 2021 8:50 PM

Do you think that Edward Curtin’s relative omission of this subject (Israel, zionism, the DC lobbies, intel links, ADL censorship etc.) is due to a fear of being labelled antisemitic and thereby being associated with political elements that he opposes ?
Are you saying he is unprincipled, brainwashed, cowardly, pragmatic, or none of those things ?

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 8, 2021 8:16 AM

In the inverted experience we find ourselves in in 2020 and 2021 it is important to remember the old ways that served us for thousands of years. We can and should work in harmony with the natural world, after all we are part of it. You can naturally and easily take responsibility for your health, and the natural world provides all you need to be well.

Feb 8, 2021 4:45 AM

One aspect of his novel contribution is that Curtin steps beyond standard frameworks of political analyses. Three themes have permeated his attention from a young age: truth, death and freedom. 

I suppose that’s due to his specialist area being in the arts. I’d suggest he would be well advised to look at the death of truth being responsible for the murder of freedom.

I’d like to address the same problems perceived by Edward Curtin does, but using a broader view. I’m not objecting to his views and feelings as expressed, I’m merely hoping to add layer or two more by way of trying to expose some of the more subtle tricks of the social sorcerers.

The world, and it’s dominant species, were hijacked a long time ago by a death cult. I’m using that expression as a sort of umbrella label. Many identify particular groups, or an amalgam of many, that make up either a major faith or cult-like group referred to as a NWO, Freemasons, Sabbateans, UN and so forth. I think it’s more important to recognise their goals than their name. After all, it’s the methods of achieving their goals that each generation has had to endure and try to survive.

A relatively microscopic body of people have managed to maintain a vice-like grip on all other peoples, all economies and all individual societal norms. They also have complete control of Science and weaponry . They are the ‘cattle prods’ used to keep the rest of us walking in the direction they order us to follow.

One of the more pernicious methods of this little cult in their hijacking of the collective psyche, was to create a media that could reach everyone. This media would have the appearance of being entertaining, informative, helpful, amusing and become a necessary part of daily life for all who didn’t want to fall behind everyone else in collecting what was ‘in’ and what was ‘out‘. The hive mind is a perfect way to create ignorance. Then, as we now know, the cult know how to weaponize that ignorance against the ignorant. Like lambs to the slaughter they chunter to each other as they shuffle to their feeders for a daily dose of nothing of any substance ; but enough to keep them anaesthetised.

This isn’t a uniquely American phenomenon. Edward Curtin, , like many, allows himself to get bogged down in the notion that all things of worth begin and end in America , and that how anything important effects America is all that natters. He’s either missing the bigger picture or doesn’t rate the importance of it. America’s the new kid on the block. It’s big, arrogant and violent. That doesn’t mean it’s running the world on merit or with the blessing of all other countries that have their own unique cultures and histories.

Hitler’s Propaganda expert, Goebbels, made sure every household in Germany were given a radio. There would be a format we can all relate to. Plays, music of different genres, comedy , celebrity and sport. All stations in which no critical thinking was necessary. It was time to relax and passively absorb. Then would come the propaganda as the desire to analyse or question was sleeping. Then the entertainment would resume. This was the beginning of mass mind control.

This was quietly shaping a national psyche. It was persuading tens of thousands then millions to take to the street when their master was on the podium waiting to inject every citizen with an addictive jingoism they thought they’d never feel again after WW 1.

It’s no coincidence that, just after WW2 was called off , the American ‘philanthropists’ that had been financing Germany’s quest, installed their most brilliant rocket scientists, propagandists, military weapons developers, ”pharmacists”, poisoners and psychologists into their ‘new home’ after washing their slates clean and handing out the odd name change. Soon they would provide a new Intel agency -the CIA- to replace the OSS. Then they’d have NASA designed by Germany. The only new propaganda trick was to stay out of sight and remain silent as the ‘heroes’ that took turns to inhabit The White House delivered the lies in an accent and manner we had learned were associated with trust and liberty.

“for history is written by the victors and framed according to the prejudices and bias existing on their side” – Sen. George Graham Vest 1891

With the combined power of the disingenuous recording of History, and the concerted effort to erode the truth of current and recent affairs through filling the media with lies, actors, scripts and character assassinations, the passing of time has managed to place only a severely blinkered view of our world.

The removal of any truths that contradict any preferred narratives and it’s replacement with totally anaesthetising fictions assures that the result can only be one of two things ; those who recognise the smell of manure tear off the state- imposed blinkers and begin to dig and find where the bodies are buried.; or the anaesthetic would feel nice and ensure we remain insulated against pain and feel comfortable in our protective blinkers. Uninterrupted mental slumber.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society…We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays 

Unfortunately, the masters of mental manipulation like Edward Bernays, shared the techniques of group control and mass hypnosis with the rest of the inner circle.

This is a battle in which the truth and it’s advocates will always feel as though they’re trying to push treacle up a hill as the grazing, half dazed sheep are happy to just look at each other and see their own reflection and repeat each other to reinforce their pride and solidarity in the ignorance they wallow in.

The end result is that the individual minds of the majority begin to regress and restrict as they are used less. The more passive each man becomes when he chooses to remain mentally static and be entertained by, or seek to live vicariously through, TV and other devices, the mind, ergo thinking, will journey backwards in this bizarre regression. This will become a herd norm – a narrower band to think within. This is how the actual mechanics of the ‘dumbing down’ process work .It’s evident in the language used by the herd; a page has become a paragraph. A line has becomes an initial, or an acronym. The time spent concentrating has gone from an hour to a minute. It’s not ADHD. It’s that regression and erosion. Symptoms a psychic contagion.

Mr Curtin might wish to consider that these are pertinent reasons explaining why the demographic he is attacking and criticising, have disappointed. They didn’t ask to be hijacked though. They trusted who we should all be able to trust and they trusted that nobody had reasons to create fictions disguised as news and history, or to hide truths.

They have all had their world view systematically reduced to the area of a small square. They feel safe safe on it. No demands -other than obedience and ignorance – are demanded of them. In exchange, they will receive rewards of bells, whistles and fripperies to play with in their pens. While the children play, the ‘grown ups’ are ‘upstairs’ planning the demise of the useless eaters.

In between is where you are right now. Hoping you can find a magical method of clicking your fingers at the amassed sleepers and get them to snap out of it while there’s still time.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 8:56 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I need to point out something (which is interesting to me) regarding language and dialectics and the psyche of humankind, regarding mental manipulation and interpretations.

The usage of the term “nobody”.

I mean, if I look seriously (who does?) at the phrases used regarding that, almost anywhere…then I start getting a picture of the “hidden hands”, whatever people want to call it or identify it as.

Reexamine this sentence of yours, as an example:

“They didn’t ask to be hijacked though. They trusted who we should all be able to trust and they trusted that nobody had reasons to create fictions disguised as news and history, or to hide truths.”

Consider what “greater” concepts could be associated with such a term, mentally, psychologically, sub- or unconsciously. God? Deep state? Shadow govt? Demons? Aliens?

Regardless, a sort of semi-conscious reference of faith.


Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 9:11 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Aside from that, I have to question this assumption that you SHOULD BE able to trust the machinations. Have you ever seen any indications of it being trustworthy?

The history and evidence shows very clearly that there is absolutely ZERO basis for that assumption of trust.

Ps. Notice I posted that at 9:11

And yes, I smirked when I watched the facade on CNN.

Feb 8, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

I take your point. 

Had i made the suggestion in a published essay or book it would have been corrected after a checking of the first draft. The meaning would remain, as would the point being made. I just would have added / expanded it to say :

”They trusted who we should all be able to trust, and they trusted that nobody within the establishments that deliver us the news and our education had any reasons to create fictions disguised as that news and history, or to hide truths.”

But, I suppose I was less fastidious given that it’s a blog post with a word count limit. I’d have examined it a little more forensically in a different context.

I’m aware of the almost subliminal power of strategically placed words or strategically constructed phrases whether using them verbally or vocally. But I Have no reason to employ anything like that when only contributing to forums or blogs. As I say, I’m constrained by the site’s limits and try to condense without sacrificing too much detail.

”Aside from that, I have to question this assumption that you SHOULD BE able to trust the machinations. Have you ever seen any indications of it being trustworthy?”

Yes. But I was very young and I didn’t think that books in schools, news readers on TV, or politicians had reason to lie to me. Once the bulb came on, my eyes opened. Once that happens to somebody ( or someone or a person) they don’t close again.

The point your raising is the point I was actually making above. That is, that propaganda was designed to do this job and why and how it’s always been so effective. The result is that the lit bulbs are like scattered points of light in a broadening black sky.

As you say 9 /11 was a farce. Had it not been for the death toll it would have bordered on satire. As it is, it stands as a monument to the victory of global Tyranny and has ended all debate as to the mentality / gullibility of the mainstream sheep who live mainstream lives in front of mainstream screens.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 1:21 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I am absolutely not suggesting you INTENDED to use that term, as I’ve been kinda “studying” its context and know its prevalence, how easily it is passively adopted, I merely tried to kinda elucidate about peculiar language “sorcery”, as you referenced shamateurs like Bernays.


Like in your rephrasing of that…

”They trusted who we should all be able to trust, and they trusted that nobody within the establishments that deliver us the news and our education had any reasons to create fictions disguised as that news and history, or to hide truths.”

The “hidden hands” of “nobody” is still prevalent. Functionally, very little difference to the earlier phrasing. ‘Nobody’ is still the referenced authority, even in a more quantified context.

Feb 8, 2021 9:15 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

When we were children one of my siblings would preface a question with the phrase: ‘why, because?’ He was, of course, anticipating a parent’s answer, starting with that word. As adults the ‘because’ is implied.

‘Nobody would, because.’ Which is another way of saying, ‘They wouldn’t do that, would they?’ It is an implicit appeal to higher authority, fuehrer or parent.

What should be stated as an observation or knowledge is phrased as a question. The speech pattern has even adapted so that upward inflection has become endemic: sentences end with a rising intonation as if the sentence is a question.

These are not rhetorical questions. It is a subconscious plea for hand-holding, for a leader to show the way. Somebody sharper than me can go deeper and explain why that is.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 9:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

That is essentially what I was suggesting by examining that phrase. That intrinsic need for a leader. And it is perhaps because as part of the collective human condition of being “existentially lost”, an inherent acknowledgement of being a “lesser” aspect.

But then, some might simply argue language, scripture was carefully “crafted” to instill these ideals.

Is it merely a coincidental artefact of the double error of naming and grammar? I cannot believe that.

Blessed PickAxe
Blessed PickAxe
Feb 13, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Here’s a couple of reasons:

  • Human beings are closely related to apes and like many apes they are usually pack animals that instinctively form hierarchies.
  • Since nuclear weapons were invented and used, modern people have subconsciously known that the game is nearly over for this civilisation and have lived in a state of fear and panic, while desperately worshipping at the altar of materialism for increasingly less satisfying quick fixes. They know their time is nearly up but they cannot take responsibilty for their life. They need to be told what to do.
Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 8, 2021 9:34 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling


Wonderful to see the level of discussion being raised to a more questioning and thinking level.

I think your analysis is fine and partially credible which basically confirmed the view of the indoctrination of the species. For what purpose is a little more debatable.

I understand and fully believe that “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

My knowledge search is towards the question …Why? Why this unfettered desire for power?

Farnk GL questions the “nobody” and I agree with his comments .

I believe inherent in the “masses” that “ignorance is bliss” is their modus operandi.

Its difficult to blame them for this however I do believe that every human has choices…..now that engenders real dialectics and can branch out perhaps to far into the realms of philosophy.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

“My knowledge search is towards the question …Why? Why this unfettered desire for power?”

My belief regarding that, goes back decades and is summed up in only one word.


Feb 8, 2021 10:24 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Indeed, insecurity is a more practical answer than evil as it is not only apparent but clearly is induced by the wealthy in one other and their children for defensive reasons.

Is this the corner of the ward where we find a burning Bush or a scheming Blair practicing his lines? Is it their insecurity that makes them putty in the hands of a richer but equally insecure Rockefeller… or a Rothschild manically surrounding himself with the latest trendy art — the rich forever in search of ‘taste’.

The sad result is that the insecure inflict their insecurity upon the stable, diverting the content from their work, and turning society into a quivering wreck. What a waste of time, effort and potential — but look at any company and you’ll witness insecurity’s destructive effect. Oh, you have to watch out for guilders, they say, but the ones likely to run off with the money pouch are the same breed of insecure kleptomaniacs.

Perhaps the only defence is for everyone to go about their life with a degree of unwanted but necessary paranoia.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 10:53 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Perhaps the only defence is for everyone to go about their life with a degree of unwanted but necessary paranoia.”

I am of the dissociating to the point of non-existence mentality.

Feb 8, 2021 12:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You’re saying in other words what I wrote below.

I don’t think it’s “insecurity” per se, even though there might be elements of that too; it’s a way of survival, way of securing resources. Some people do that through hard work, others through coercion, yet others by brainwashing. Where the last mentioned is obviously the most effective. And just about everybody is doing it, ranging from your local advertising firm to the people behind the COVID scam.

The main problem is that the ‘pens’ where people are allowed to play are, or have been, sufficiently comfortable. Most peopl have little reason to ask questions and/or resist the dumbing down.

Feb 8, 2021 11:34 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers


Maybe people’s propensity to maximize benefits. The process described above is essentially one where individuals who are more intelligent take advantage of people who are less so. Not all people who are superior in one way or another use their superiority to their own benefit, and detriment of others, but many people do. Understandably, because if they unselfishly used their abilities to the benefit of everyone, their gains would be much smaller, if any, and uncertain. Likewise, if they didn’t use their individual superiority to control the less able masses, the masses would roll over them because of their collective strength.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 11:58 AM
Reply to  Jacques

“Understandably, because if they unselfishly used their abilities to the benefit of everyone, their gains would be much smaller, if any, and uncertain. Likewise, if they didn’t use their individual superiority to control the less able masses, the masses would roll over them because of their collective strength.”

That is insecurity, either way. Their mistake is that they don’t consider the environment is degraded by the actions resulting from that insecurity. The environment then reinforces their insecurity, because they are not complying to the environment.

That is where “twilight zone” behaviour resulting from denial, the buffoonery becomes obviously apparent. Every layer they try to add to obfuscate, conflate, convolute enhancing their insecurity.

It is glorious to witness.

And when I say glorious, I mean, rather pathetic.

Feb 8, 2021 12:10 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Not surprising that a narrow group of people would be insecure, or afraid, being faced with the collective power of the remaining 99%.

Are their action detrimental to themselves? Obviously, to some or large extent. They’re part of a culture and if they eliminate it, they’ll essentially cut the branch they’re sitting on.

Makes one wonder if they’re aware of this.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 12:43 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Hey, sorry if I’m posting a few too many music videos…I feel somewhat compelled.

https://youtu DOT be/mPb2_glC8kA

Very fitting video, imo.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 8, 2021 11:12 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Thanks Jacques I need to think on this more before responding. I guess you are highlighting suppression through heirarchical structures be they manufactured or innate. Further suggesting if this isnt used the masses will consume them.

This is certainly confirmed many times throughout history e.g. Zola and the Dreyfus case in 19th century France.

Feb 8, 2021 1:34 PM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

Hello Harry and thanks.

It’s an interesting area and we could talk all day given the room…

”Why this unfettered desire for power?”

Power allows you influence. And ultimate power gives you control. The world you live in was constructed for you, not by you. The elite assume ownership of the planet and we’re merely tenants. We have rights( for appearance) but we can be crushed by our landlords at will.( ”you will own nothing”) .

Consider the current Covid story. We have as much freedom as slaves, and the threat of punishment if we try to rebel. At the top is Rockerfeller and Gates. Neither family have a doctor in any of their houses. But they’re the richest families in the world. And we are living according to their orders today like dogs doing tricks for a biscuit. That’s what power brings. The most powerful force in the west is the human ego .I know you’ll connect those dots now.

”I believe inherent in the “masses” that “ignorance is bliss” is their modus operandi.”

Was it Marx who said ‘Religion is the Opiate of the masses ? Fair point. Now all we need to do is realise the literal meaning of Religion.

1 -the service and worship of God or the supernatural

2 – commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

3 -a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

There’s three. I see fewer people attending their local church these days. I see little evidence of people expressing their faith either. That’s 1 and 2 out. But as for attitudes, beliefs and practices. It’s a different story.

Scientism and Humanism are combining as we speak. Climate Change will become it’s major thrust. AI will be it’s power and glory. It’s still a religion and people still have choice. And it will still keep the ignorant in a state of bliss. That propaganda machine is still being well oiled by it’s sorcerers, and it knows exactly where you are; where we all are. It’s not just about surveillance for ‘security’ or advertisers. It’s about knowing exactly how and where to push the propaganda and how to catch the fish. The so called internet of things that excites Schwab so much is the net they are using.

Feb 8, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“unfettered desire for power”

Deep down the unfettered desire for power stems from fight for resources, given their insufficient supply, whether that insufficiency is actual or perceived. Driven by the instinct of self-preservation, people compete with one another, hoard resources. Well-adjusted individuals understand that people are collective beings and that inequality can only exist to an extent before it becomes detrimental. For in a scenario where one hoards up too much and leaves others impoverished is ultimately detrimental to the hoarder.

People who crave power, influence, all this shit are in fact maladjusted insecure – as per the above – beings, afraid of others and of their own potential weakness.

Using colloquial language, you could say that people who have “unfettered desire for power” are fucked up in the head. People with a sound mind live and let live.

Feb 8, 2021 8:07 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Gates is the perfect example. If he’d have had a lie down on the famous sofa Freud kept in his practice, Freud would have beat the cr*p out of him. Well that’s how it pans out in my fantasy anyway..

Feb 9, 2021 4:45 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Gates comes across as a man suffering from a severe inferiority complex. By his own admission, he is a nerd. Nerd par excellence. I could imagine him being bullied as a kid, maybe whacked around here and there. Girls wouldn’t go out with him.

He’s taking revenge. I look at him and I see a man who hates humanity. There is even a quote where he says something like “be nice to nerds, you might end up having one for a boss”. The guy has a psychopathic streak.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 7:48 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Crackpot post here…

Someone once suggested to me that b&m are sort of, trans, with mel holding the leash if you know what I mean.

There are some physiological oddities relating to that, too…but I guess I shouldn’t speculate too much (even if I really love to).

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 8, 2021 11:25 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Thanks Jura,

I think your observations are correct however I believe the saving grace for all humanity is that we die. Without this finality there would be real trouble.

All the elite names today or in the past give me personally no concern as I am blatantly aware, as they seem not to be, that we ALL die. Their arms legs and torsoes disintegrate to dust and future generations build freeways on top of them …so much for wealth.

You may say that whilst they are here they do irreparable damage and the “Greenies” also say that about the Earth to which I comfortably smile knowing that the Earth regards these people as insignificant as the centre of a Black Hole.

Strangely the names that are often mentioned of the elite engender in me a total lack of respect and ennui. I definitely dont consider them intelligent.

Watching old film of Dresden after the bombings and the absolute destruction incurred yet there on the third floor of an open bombed out building is an old woman making her bed in full view of the stret below.!!

Feb 9, 2021 1:07 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

Hello Harry.

I’m not sure about our dying as being a ‘saving grace’, It’s inevitable for sure, But on our own terms surely. Not because a cartel of psychotic nihilists have perverted the laws of nature and science and weaponized those like they weaponize everything else.

Regardless of anyone’s religious or spiritual beliefs, be they in God or merely in nature, it doesn’t give any man the right to remove us like weeds from a planet he’s decided is a garden exclusively for the wealthy. They haven’t merely targeted ‘the greenies’. They’ve targeted everybody below the poverty line. And they’ve raised that poverty line much higher so it is in reality a line between the super rich billionaires and everyone else.

Intelligence isn’t a high priority to these people. Bill Gates can talk about population and IT. That’s it. Even then he’s only an expert in one and a fanatical follower of the other. George Bush Jr can’t be called an expert in anything- he’s a simpleton. But he’ll escape the cull too. They had to abandon the term ‘eugenics’ because of this. It was too embarrassing. Note that the only people to talk birth control, abortion, sterilisation and vaccinations are the only ones you will never hear mention the term ‘eugenics’. They daren’t admit it and cause a global debate because that would light the fuse for real.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 9, 2021 6:47 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Hey Jura,

Dying on “our own terms” ?? Hows that ??

Feb 9, 2021 7:09 PM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

Hello Harry

By ‘on our own terms‘ I mean in one of the ways nature provides, or accidents or misfortunes. Not at the hands of a cartel of psychotic little poisoners who just want my ‘space’ vacated.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 9, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Got it.

PS. They aint got me yet!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 8, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Hello JuraCalling: It’s interesting to note the morbid dissection of your beautifully written piece. It seems most readers have digressed into the study of individual word definitions, rather than allowing their minds to interpret or be impressed by the general theme.

This over-analysis of every written message has digressed into an art form that I refer to as “mental masturbation”. I’ve been using that term for well over 40 years…

Or as you handsomely stated: It’s evident in the language used by the herd; a page has become a paragraph. A line has becomes an initial, or an acronym. The time spent concentrating has gone from an hour to a minute. It’s not ADHD. It’s that regression and erosion. Symptoms a psychic contagion.

Feb 8, 2021 8:03 PM

”This over-analysis of every written message has digressed into an art form that I refer to as “mental masturbation”. I’ve been using that term for well over 40 years…”

I like it. Just make sure you don’t go blind 😉

Feb 8, 2021 3:51 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The inability of USans to see beyond their own interests was a major contributor to the present global mess. As for dumbing down, progress and convenience, including ICT, contributed; ICT has of course been the major conduit for propaganda.

Feb 8, 2021 8:05 PM
Reply to  mgeo

It’s also a mental labour – saving device which is more than useful in the push to make AI the new God. The lazy, sleepy minds can become lazier and sleepier..they’ll give their rights and freedom to the state and their mind to AI..

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 8, 2021 10:00 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I would argue that neither you nor Curtin mention what I would consider the elephant-in-the-room: capitalism.

The quote below is about the nature of capitalism in general. But it seems perfectly logical to extent it to capitalist media.

Big capital has no commitment to anything but capital accumulation, no loyalty to any nation, culture or people. It moves inexorably according to its inner imperative to accumulate at the highest possible rate without concern for human and environmental costs. The first law of the market is to make the largest possible profit from other people’s labor. Private profitability rather than human need is the determining condition of private investment. There prevails a rational systematization of human endeavor in pursuit of a socially irrational end: “accumulate, accumulate, accumulate.”
-Michael Parenti (1997)

In my mind, the real question is why we’d ever think that capitalist media would ever tell us the truth?

Feb 9, 2021 12:54 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I was talking about the machinations of leaders who harnessed the media to broadcast it’s endless propaganda from. Capitalism isn’t an Elephant in that room..

Propaganda is created to simultaneously lie to the people and about the state. Thus misleading the former in a way that would protect the latter.

It’s all about the shaping of every mind to achieve the ends any given state desires. It’s about re-writing history and representing the current state of affairs to prejudice and fool the people.

It doesn’t matter which ‘ism’ you care to mention.

If it’s capitalism you want to name as an elephant in a room that we are failing to identify as the motive for keeping control, how come propaganda is as prevalent and working in the same way throughout Communist or Marxist states ? They employ measures of control through propaganda in exactly the same way as any capitalist country. According to the western ( capitalist) countries, they do it even more.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 9, 2021 2:36 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Are there any “communist or Marxist states” around anymore? Cuba maybe, Nicaragua maybe? Are these states driving the Covid agenda? No. Then why are we talking about communist propaganda? It is not equal. Unlike capitalist countries, any “actually existing” socialist countries (like the former USSR) were constantly under existential threat (like the US never was in actuality). The socialism that actually existed should be called siege socialism as all of them were under constant threat of overthrow. Socialism never got a chance to develop outside of that threat. The Russians are coming, the Red Menace, were scare tactics to bully the US population to support massive military spending in the West – for profit, not “defense”. Part of the reason why the USSR collapsed was that they tried to compete with the US in military spending. Look at any number of Latin American countries who tried to chart their own future (and labeled “communist” by US propaganda): they were undermined overtly by US military invasion or covertly by the CIA’s bag of dirty tricks.

Feb 9, 2021 4:42 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

You’re missing the point.

I was pointing to propaganda being a tool, not an ideology or political system. It’s a tool available to a political system that helps achieve an end. It shapes the collective mindset and, by extension, it’s core values and belief system. It’s function is to convince people that it’s the truth when it isn’t, it’s a weapon of control.

Capitalism is one of a few political systems and is primarily about encouraging it’s people the freedom to make financial profit. It is far more money-centric then people oriented. It encourages competition in that area and uses the carrot of upward social mobility. It appears to favour individualism over state.

The oligarchy that owns the state make the real profits and there’s no real social cohesion other than the uniformed chaos of the poverty class and what they have to endure.

Capitalism owes it’s appeal to the application of propaganda. As do all ‘isms‘ that enjoy any degree of success.

Neither rely on transparency, truth or equality. These are truths that aren’t bound by periods in history or by culture. They’re independent of both but available to all at all times .

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 1:34 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Just to clarify (because sometimes these things are unclear), would you call China state capitalism?

Is there any sort of industrialism that isn’t capitalist?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 9, 2021 2:20 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Capitalism is about property relations. The property relations in China are capitalist. You can call it “state capitalism” if you want, to me it is a distinction without a difference.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 9, 2021 3:02 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

RE:Is there any sort of industrialism that isn’t capitalist?

What’s that supposed to mean? If we want a higher form of technological development we have to support capitalism? How does technological development occur under capitalism? The capitalist that pays for it (or controls it) gets to choose what technology gets developed and whose interests it serves. Can you imagine if technological development was developed democratically? Don’t you think that regular people would prioritize technology that benefited the greatest number of people and made their communities and regions more sustainable? How many technologies were not pursued as they did not concentrate power and profit among the few? Would a democratically-controlled technological development create nuclear weapons, napalm or daisy cutters, or a banking system controlled by speculators that periodically (but regularly) crash entire world economies that harm billions of people (for example)?

Feb 9, 2021 5:42 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

The claims for capitalism/”free market” as compared to command economies are contrived.

Capitalism is the enemy of competitive markets. -David Korten c. 2012

In a free market, monopolies or oligopolies dominate most industries. -US Open Markets Institute 2018

Though plutocrats tend to lambaste “big government”, the latter provides 40-50% of all sales and income. -Avner Offer 2006

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

I was suggesting that I’ve not seen concepts or examples of industrialism (invariably excessive) separated from what, in principle, I would consider the sort of capitalism you refer to.

There’s a fair amount I can say about this stuff…

“Don’t you think that regular people would prioritize technology that benefited the greatest number of people and made their communities and regions more sustainable?”

The problem with that is, these “regular people”, are they even capable of identifying or prioritizing the appropriate technology? Not that I’m suggesting appropriate technology is prioritized, as you say, it clearly isn’t.

The question, while I certainly understand what you’re suggesting, almost seems antithetical to the idea of technological progress.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 9, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

RE: I was suggesting that I’ve not seen concepts or examples of industrialism (invariably excessive) separated from what, in principle, I would consider the sort of capitalism you refer to.

In just 10 years the USSR (1929-1939) went through a technological development that took capitalist countries 100 years to accomplish. It went from a third-world, backward, peasant/agrarian society to a military power able to defeat the most advanced military in the world at that time – Nazi Germany. Soviet leaders knew that war was coming, so they located their armaments factories deep in the interior of Russia, too far for warplanes to reach. This meant that they also had to develop a transport system, railways linking all parts of the country concurrently. This rapid development came, of course, at a high cost, as well as a technological development that was distorted by threat of war and capitalist encirclement. (They weren’t making consumer goods that would make life better for their citizens.) Until its fall, the USSR did not have capitalist property relations. (It did have a bureaucracy that did act as a ruling class, but the income disparity between the factory commissar and the factory worker was like 5 to 1 as opposed to 10,000 to 1 in the US.)

RE The problem with that is, these “regular people”, are they even capable of identifying or prioritizing the appropriate technology?

Well, I am a regular person and I don’t think it’s that difficult.

Feb 8, 2021 4:22 AM

I knew Van Gogh, whats in a name – it was he, his self-portrait sat across from me, a living thing. I could tell you more, but he wouldn’t care, he was never really here, this reality, just passing through.

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 8, 2021 2:36 AM

Alays happy to see Mr Curtin exposing the reality of the world societies.

 Mr Curtin concentrates on the US. He quotes a litany of areas where the US has acted in totalitarian ways .

This should come as no surprise to those who understand humanity in history. Much of his analysis forgets the likes of

Emile Zola, Albert Camus, Henri Barbusse, James Joyce,Nadezhda Mandelstam, Dostoevsky ,Milan Kudera, Ira Levin, Enest Henmingway, Mikhail Bulgakov, Solzhenityn ad infinitum.during the past centuries who outed the lies and hypocrisy of European governments.

Prior to that there is a whole list of authors back to the late 1400’s who have argued the same things.

Yet, the quiescent crowds in humanity continue on their glorious way as slaves to whoever calls the tune.

If you want to really see visually what humans are then watch the Leni Riefenstahl propaganda film made in 1931 for the Nuremberg rallies of The National Socialist party.

Five hundred thousand people (children highlighted) cheering fanatically “Heil Hitler”. Its called Triumph of The Will (Triumph de Willens). Sure these are Germans but primarily humans.

Is this so different than rock concerts, motorcades of politicians, sports arenas with gloating crowds, people crushing each other to see the Queen of England, Putin and Xi Jingping prancing like donkeys in their military parades as thousands cheer.??

Solutions welcome.

Feb 8, 2021 4:45 AM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

“Solutions welcome”

it always there – .but thus far, outnumbered.

comment image

Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers
Feb 8, 2021 5:14 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

Well done “Doctrinate”.

Also have a read of “Diary of A Man In Despair” by Friedrich Reck …maybe him in your pasted photo??

Unfortunately his end was as we come to expect.

Feb 8, 2021 8:49 PM
Reply to  Harry Rogers

Harry & Ben.

as am sure has been aforesaid.
Imagine a game – a repeating process – the master-plan to remain unknown to the board, moves and stratagem are blocked only by non-compliance of the pieces, ergo, the greatest importance is to convince, build trust in their guidance regardless of any amount of elimination created, to complete the required levels efficiently.
Finality reached, the table is cleared for the next turn – unless – considerable revelation makes the truth of it known, them and their game, obsolete.

Feb 8, 2021 12:47 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

I read about this man’s story. Very sad

Humanity disgusts me for its stupidity. People who love their granny sitting her next to an open window in the middle of winter because the government told them to

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 8, 2021 12:34 AM

Curtin notes that the Central Intelligence Agency began to use the term “conspiracy theory” in a memo on April 1, 1967.”

It wasn’t so much a memo as a directive to all their payroll Project Mockingbird celebrity pressitutes. I have the jpg’s of this on my hard drive. It was released under a FOIA request in the 1990’s. Was it an accidental oversight or just the CIA giving us the finger again? I suspect the latter. I don’t know about Britannia, but April 1 in the USSA is April Fools Day. Just the CIA having fun with us pissants? And the mileage they got out of “conspiracy theory” has been truly amazing. It was to discredit the JFK researchers but it still plays a huge role in the American swamp psyche. The gift that just keeps on giving right up to this morning. Such genius I have to credit to Lucifer himself. When someone starts out with “I am not a conspiracy theorist” I close the article as what could I learn from this dingbat (unless he ends it with a semicolon and “I am a conspiracy analyst.”

Being in my mid-70’s, I came of age with the late 60’s rock scene and the blending of rock with folk. A semi-hippie as it were. I was even at the Newport Folk Festival when Dylan went on stage with electrical instruments to the boos of the crowd (which didn’t last very long). For people tied into it, the late Dave McGowan’s Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon is an amazing read. He basically proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the 60’s “rock revolution” was an invention of the Office of Naval Intelligence with a serious assist by the CIA. They basically invented the hippie movement in order to split the anti-Vietnam war movement off from middle America and it worked like a charm for many years until it didn’t.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 8, 2021 5:37 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The hippie movement in fact is how the anti war movement infiltrated into Middle America. Many of the service members in Vietnam got turned on to the counterculture while there, radicalized by GI coffee houses operating outside US military bases, came home, often joined anti war organizing or went to work in factories and created phenomena like the long haired rebellious workers at the Lordstown, Ohio GM plant or the Kentucky coal mines and truckers’ ranks. I was there too. There was no big split between the anti-war movement and the hippies. Many anti war activists turned on during off hours, many hippies came to anti war events, People’s Park in Berkeley drew both groups.

McGowan doesn’t prove crap. He makes totally baseless accusations. He claims David Crosby’s father was in naval intelligence during WWII, in fact he was a Hollywood movie set producer who made training films for the Army Air Force (before it became the US Air Force). McGowan failed to acknowledge how Crosby rapped during Byrds shows about how the CIA killed JFK, for which he got fired from the band. He claims Stephen Stills was in the Special Forces and in ‘Nam in ’66, when the dude was in a band playing gigs in New York several times a week, this on the basis of rants Stills would get into about fighting in the jungle, while high off his rocker. He makes a big deal of Jim Morrison’s father being an admiral, when his father prohibited the playing of Doors music on his ships, i’m sure he loved the line in “The End” about what the narrator was gonna do to his father and mother. And the Doors in 1967 did a tune about ecocide, way before anyone talked about it, When the Music’s Over, while McGowan contends none of these bands ever talked about anything relevant. McGowan also managed to leave out a very important LA band, Love, whose music and lyrics could not remotely be described as escapist. Above all, McGowan makes it seem as if LA rock and late ’60s rock were one and the same. BS!! San Francisco bands regarded the LA scene as commercial and generally scorned it, and the Bay Area is where the hippie movement started, not LA. And there were lots of bands in New York, Chicago, Detroit. He’s not even accurate about LA, let alone about the entirety of the counterculture.

Feb 8, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I’ve got doubts about McGowan but your counter-evidence is extremely mis-leading:

1) “He claims David Crosby’s father was in naval intelligence during WWII, in fact he was a Hollywood movie set producer who made training films for the Army Air Force”.

McGowan says Crosby’s father was ” a military intelligence officer” (p18). If you think being in military intelligence and being a Hollywood movie producer are mutually exclusive you haven’t got a clue.

2) “McGowan failed to acknowledge how Crosby rapped during Byrds shows about how the CIA killed JFK, for which he got fired from the band”.

The CIA and other agencies/societies have been leading “the CIA killed JFK movement for years. Getting fired from the band hardly killed Crosby’s career or removed him from the public spotlight.

McGowan’s main point against Crosby is that he’s from the Van Cortland bloodline which you’ve just ignored.

3) “He claims Stephen Stills was in the Special Forces and in ‘Nam in ’66”.

Very deliberate phrasing there! Are you saying Stills was never in any military body at any time? You then dismiss his own statements that he’d been in Vietnam as drug-addled rants – doesn’t this seem an odd thing for a peacenik to say even on drugs? Do you deny that Stills attended the Admiral Farragut Military Academy, was nicknamed “Sarge”, moved around a lot in his early life in a way that isn’t typical of most people but would fit in with military intelligence and seems connected to others in Laurel Canyon by stories that are manifest bs (like how he supposedly met Neil Young)?

4) “He makes a big deal of Jim Morrison’s father being an admiral, when his father prohibited the playing of Doors music on his ships”.

What on earth is that supposed to prove? The Doors’ music was hardly designed to influence naval ratings!

5) “And the Doors in 1967 did a tune about ecocide”.

A green agenda is hardly proof somebody wasn’t an elite asset. The elite are rather keen on pushing that particular line.

6) “McGowan also managed to leave out a very important LA band, Love whose music and lyrics could not remotely be described as escapist.”.

Love are mentioned over half a dozen times in the book. If they aren’t the book’s main focus that simply reflects the band’s cult status. You’ve ignored the damning evidence McGowan found about more popular bands like The Mamas and the Papas. As for escapist lyrics you don’t cite all the great anti-Vietnam songs the counterculture bands produced because they don’t exist. McGowan is obviously right that is very strange.

7) “Above all, McGowan makes it seem as if LA rock and late ’60s rock were one and the same. BS!!”

You want to tell us how organic and pure SF bands were – like the Grateful Dead!!

There’s plenty of additional evidence that’s been found since McGowan wrote his book. For example, Ray Manzarek was in military intelligence as well and Melissa Etheridge just happened to want to conceive a child with David Crosby’s sperm.

Overall, I’m not saying not to question McGowan and his case – there are some dubious things about him and some parts of his argument remain suggestive rather than proven – but you’ve got to do better than this.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Feb 8, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Wow. Superb response. (Full disclosure: I have not read Weird Scenes yet, but it’s in my “short term” stack, with just two books on top of it.)

I was only going to post, “Making Army training films? That sure sounds to me like something a Navy intelligence officer would do!”

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 8, 2021 5:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige
  1. Red herring argument. Crosby’s father was not in “intelligence,” but in making training films, that’s the point. Bloodlines? Wow, what an argument.
  2. The CIA at the time was pushing the “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theories” idea for the first time, and it was people from the political margins who were speaking about the assassination. Obviously you can’t give Croz any credit.Claiming that his rap actually proves he was working for the CIA is beyond absurd, given how the company was trying to kill such talk.
  3. Stills was just raving BS. People who heard it at the time challenged him on the basis of timing (he was saying he was doing stuff in the jungle during time periods when he was known to be in the US), and he was suffering from guilt about how others were dying over there. Somehow you have him being in 2 different places at the same time.
  4. Doors songs were censored, that’s what this proves.
  5. The song was about ecocide at a time no one was talking about it, you’re talking from a 2021 perspective about the elite’s green agenda, as if they were the ones who originated the notion that there was ecocide, and the tune also tags the American lifestyle. Or are you contending that there is no ecocide going on?
  6. Mamas and Papas? Wow, cutting edge music there. 🙂 No one thought even back then that they were cultural heavies, just elevator music. And as i said, it’s telling that Love was left out. Including its very strong anti-war lyrics which you are denying, A House is not a Motel, the Daily Planet and the Red Telephone. 3 tunes by just one band. How about Sky Pilot? Corporal Clegg? The Shape of Things?
  7. Tell us about the Dead. Give us the Lyndon LaRouche line about how they were a CIA project, won’t you. Tell us about Cryptical Envelopment, The Other One, Dark Star, and Cream Puff War.

Melissa Etheridge? Wow, that’s so…..’60s? 🙂

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 8, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Add to the anti war rock songs: The Unknown Soldier by…. the Doors, right, so apathetic. And to item #7, add Morning Dew, Ship of Fools, US Blues.

Feb 8, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

In the current climate, I deem the moniker “Conspiracy Theorist” to be a badge of honour to be worn with pride.
In many respects it signifies a free-thinking individual who, no matter the swirling mass of BS and BSers all around, will rise to the top, breathe in the air, soak up the sun and continue to research and question.

Feb 7, 2021 10:11 PM

Thread about the Welt am Sonntag revelations of the day:


Feb 8, 2021 1:11 AM
Reply to  October

Good stuff. English language version of article:
Horst Seehofer Minister of the Interior in Mar 2020 instigated a call to researchers to draw up a scare document which presented the danger posed by the virus as dramatically as possible, and which quickly spread through the media.

Feb 8, 2021 2:50 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

So was all this need to be dramatic based on the side show China put on? What other evidence did they actually have that anyone might die of corona but the usual suspect who die each year?…..why did they all seem to instant assume more people would die of this one? And all countries seem to assume this on basically the same day.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 7:38 AM
Reply to  Edith

Borg/Qlippoth is real.

Feb 8, 2021 6:36 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus
Feb 7, 2021 10:03 PM

Curtin is so right. Many of my American friends are terrified to confront reality. They hide from discussion or analysis of topics that expose their government to criticism. Some have even made clear that topics such as a critical analysis of American foreign policy or the fallacy of the USA’s promotion of democracy are off limits. They are so desperate to hold onto their denial that the consequence for disobeying their censorship of these tender subjects is the termination of our friendship.

Feb 7, 2021 11:05 PM
Reply to  Brahanseer

It reminds me response of Weimar Republic liberals to fascism and NSDAP from 1930 supported by corporate and big land owners elite against KPD gaining people’s support in midst of Great Depression, those same petty bourgeoise, artisans, artists, intellectuals, professionals, academics, political pundits were on payroll of.

When push came to shove they, and that included small group of Jews who otherwise mostly leaned toward Marxist left, did what they’ve been told. abandoned liberal cause of social justice, value of diversity, artistic and political freedoms and self determination of communities for fascist call of defending unified nation’s, under anointed savior, health and well-being from degenerated western culture according of NSDAP epitomized by Jewish culture.

As in 1930s as today liberals always were for all the rights that money or privilege can buy for themselves. With Hitler liberals made fatal mistake. They are making the same mistake, possibly fatal mistake to support Covid fascism today.

Feb 8, 2021 1:39 AM
Reply to  Kalen

That’s a tidy description of the liberal as socio-political animal: honestly in favour of shifting ethical and political goalposts — for themselves and others — but only within the boundaries of their own financial interest.

“liberals always were for all the rights that money or privilege can buy for themselves.”

Feb 8, 2021 3:23 AM
Reply to  Brahanseer

And yet, most people have no trouble railing against the government if it’s something that affects them negatively – like taxes. Then, it’s “They’re all a bunch of crooks!”

But just try and use that same argument when the government invades yet another country for its resources; and it’s “Hold on there! They know what they’re doing!”

Denial-schmiel! It’s all about Self-Serving. Period. “If it’s good for me, I got no beef with ’em! If it’s bad for me, let’s string the bastards up!”

Feb 8, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  Brahanseer

I truly suspect that the yanks are not alone and maybe like aust this has something to do with it being a recently event that the country was taken over by the white tribe…with no real history of our own making sitting around us do we resort to tales of glory like the Hollywood movies to gain the sense of importance….and,/or cover up what was happened with the recent past and our projection of evil onto others for our own gain….

the narrative of early days is the Hollywood version…so the illusion was way back then,….always with us….the slave issue bedevils….Australia always seems to do it just a little milder but we are always there….we were so happy with all the way with LBJ and other nonsense they have dreamt up…with the consequences of a stuffed up collection of Vietnam vets who seemed to end up wearing the blame for our collective stupidity…

it all has the feeling of belligerent teenagers…no sense of ethics, no sense of responsibility developed…though to be fair so many European countries were more than happy to strip Africa, India etc…so is it just an innate nasty trait of being human?

Feb 7, 2021 9:23 PM

Nothing but acquiescence from trades unions and the Left and indifference from liberals. This is fascism. Scotland cannot call itself ‘independent’ whilst Scots are oppressed
comment image

Feb 7, 2021 10:00 PM
Reply to  Ben

Sturgeon could have been brave and truly ‘independent’ by going the way of Sweden, Belarus, Tanzania, Japan, South Dakota, Florida and given her beloved Scots freedom

Instead she chose to join with the globalists and to compete with them to be even more repressive, more draconian. A competition of cruelty that has pushed some to suicide and destroyed the economy. Is this what nationalists want?

Feb 8, 2021 7:54 AM
Reply to  Ben

She belongs to the anti-democratic trilateral commission.

Feb 8, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  Ben

brave ben
poor medicated fool

how can a man in a skirt be brave
when such deceit hangs such fear of disclosure
hangs over it

an internationalists tool like thatcher may
and that moose running new zealand
all men
satans own

Feb 8, 2021 7:52 AM
Reply to  Ben

The hand gesture he’s making shows which cult he belongs to.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 7, 2021 9:15 PM

reviews of books… even more boring than the books themselves!

Joanie Trussel
Joanie Trussel
Feb 7, 2021 8:45 PM

I love your writings and just ordered your book at my local bookstore.

Feb 7, 2021 8:23 PM

Friday night the “conservative”#SupremeCourt ruled that Christians in Calif. cannot sing or chant during their church services! The highest court in the land has nullified the #FirstAmendment. These micro-managers have taken another tyrannical step toward a #SovietAmerica.

source Michael A. Hoffman II

Feb 7, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  image

Hey ALTmedia can you explain to us why Trump keeps hiring Epstein lawyers and why he hired the prosecutor who protected both Epstein and his famous friends? Obviously we know why but we’d like to hear you say it. #shills #hypocrites

Trump’s new impeachment defense team includes trial lawyer David Schoen, who met with Jeffrey Epstein about representing him before his death


Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 7:43 AM
Reply to  image

They can’t accept that they were fooled yet again, by exactly the same garbage they supposedly rallied against. You can show them all the proof in the world, decades of Trump defrauding Americans (and others).

They’ll have none of it. There is Trump, then there is America, then there is God and Jesus (as the scapegoats).

Feb 7, 2021 8:47 PM
Reply to  image

So what do Christians in California who actually know their Constitution think about that?
Have they never disagreed with anything in their whole lives?
Did their school teachers never tell them that the healthy human body has a spine?

Is the nullification of the First Amendment nothing to them?
Is the tyrannical step taken toward a Soviet America okay with them?

Please – somebody who lives near California – just ask them what in Heaven’s name they think they are doing…

Feb 7, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  wardropper

See Jon Rappoport’s lament re religious leaders in covid 1984 at this link. You might find my comments there interesting.

Feb 7, 2021 11:48 PM
Reply to  Arby

Indeed your comments were interesting.

I have to admit that my condemnatory comment above ignores a rather large elephant in the room – a rather crucial omission on my part, given that the word, “Christian” comes up here: Namely, the difference between the Old and New Testaments.

The Old Testament has plenty of rising up against the enemy and smiting him real good on the arse, with a lot of direct help from Jehovah, but of course the whole point of the New Testament is the harm we do to our own individual soul when we stoop to our enemy’s level and start smiting all over the place.

Being truly Christian is not a matter of going to church and swallowing everything the priest says. It is a matter of following Christ, as a template for possible human perfection, to the best of our ability and to the limits of our courage.

That’s where the enemy has us squarely over a barrel.
We are supposed to love our enemy and turn the other cheek, and that is something which our enemy takes as a sign of ludicrous weakness and as a guarantee that he will win by default.

Probably many of us have a gut instinct to go rather with the Old Testament and get some good ol’-fashioned revenge, but the New Testament (by very definition not obsolete) adds this new commandment: To love one another… And that is a game changer…

So, in all fairness to the Californian Christians I castigated above, I feel I must allow for the possibility – however remote – that they are taking Jesus’s teachings sincerely to heart, and abstaining from revolt because the well-being of their souls is more important to them than showing their outrage in unmistakable earthly terms.

I fear, however, that it will all boil down to the famous, “First they came for the Californian Christians…”

Feb 8, 2021 12:11 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I appreciate your views. Once Armageddon is official, from God’s standpoint, the Issue of Universal Sovereignty will also be over/settled, and God will be free to act. That issue was raised by the rebels in Eden. It would take time for it to be settled. As with any court case, which the Issue also is, the judge can’t say, “I think you’re guilty and here’s what I’m going to do about it and then call the officers to take the subject away ‘before’ the case has been argued and examined. That would nullify the trial.

The self-identified, but false, Christians will learn, the hard way as is their wish, that independence from the Source of life (like a faithless wife shows to a husband who she cheats on) gets you death. It certainly doesn’t get you God’s blessing. Jehovah God is going to let Babylon The Great, which is global false religion that includes all denominations, be destroyed completely. The sign that we are told to look for will be when the scarlet colored beast (the UN, an image of the political wild beast; a second wild beast with 7 heads that gets its authority from Satan) receives authority (like a sovereign nation State) for “one hour,” during which time the harlot of false religion is completely destroyed by the secular authorities acting at the direction of that beast (probably WHO and in connection with covid 19). The mistake that the blood-crazed killers make is in not distinguishing between those who uphold God’s standards (truth, justice, compassion, mercy) and those who don’t. When God’s people (who are not merely those who ‘claim’ to be God’s people) are attacked, at the conclusion of the Issue of Universal Sovereignty, there will be nothing preventing Jehovah God from acting and he doesn’t just protect his people at this late date. He will completely destroy this perverted, cruel system of things.

Critics point to the bloodthirstyness of Jehovah in the Old Testament. I can’t argue with them. I can’t really explain it. I can only speculate about it. (If God is cruel, then I reject him.) Factor in bias, for sure. If critics already reject a true God, who isn’t humankind, then expect them to go after anything they can in relation to the Christian Bible. I see God in the Bible, which I’ve studied and read (in its entirety). But I also see error in the Bible. The apsostle Paul said that all scripture is inspired by God, but if Paul himself was a fraud, which I think is possible…

Feb 8, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Arby

A lot of food for serious contemplation there (and I do contemplate it) 🙂

A brief summary of my views on Old Testament Jehovah would point to His principal relevance to the people of a long-bygone time, and that the New Testament is the crucial challenge for today’s people because they no longer think as they did in the time of Moses.
Apart from any propaganda to which it may successfully have been subjected, the consciousness of modern mankind is simply different – it has evolved since then, and will always continue to evolve, despite being subjected to all kinds of influences, both good and bad.
The matter is complicated by the fact that people are all at different stages in their spiritual development, with some arriving as children with an apparent grasp of everything, and others who spend their whole lives clearly learning nothing.
My view by no means indicates that I reject the wisdom of the Old Testament, which is often truly awesome and inspiring. It’s just that I consider an appropriate relationship to the Divine to be different for modern man, especially in the light of what Christ added to that old wisdom.

Feb 8, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Acknowledged. There’s no doubt that the old and new testaments (clunky terms; ‘covenants’ would be better) are different flavors. But they are still volume 1 & 2 of the same book. One leads to the other.

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 8, 2021 2:08 AM
Reply to  wardropper

When they say “love your enemy”, I take it to understand that your enemy is misinformed, ignorant or stupid through no fault of their own, then move on.

No need for a revolt, just business as usual.

It’s their (the enemy’s) humanity and soul incarnate that you would care for without the controlling ego that would hurt you.

That what Christianity hopes to achieve apparently…not easy to get.

It doesn’t mean mushy spineless and weak willed adoration and kowtowing to an assailant.

It’s just a way of staying sane and standing firm when you’re around those who would cheerfully harm or slander or libel you.

The Californians seem to have lost the plot.

Try reading The Buddhist Boddhisattvas for a lesson in loving your enemy!

Feb 8, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  Post Hoc

Well said.
Buddhist wisdom is indeed very close to real Christian values.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 7:46 AM
Reply to  Arby

I consider all of Abrahamic religion to be political propaganda (and worse). All of it intimately tied to “freemasonry”. All of it hypocritical.

Feb 8, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

You’re welcome to your opinion of course, but I would point to the fact that Abrahamic religion, along with its Christian offshoot, has itself always condemned hypocrisy, as well as lamenting the fact that the words of men – written or spoken – often conceal thoughts which are very different in content from those words.

So all we can really take from your comment is that you condemn hypocrisy, just as the religion you condemn also condemned hypocrisy, and just as those thus condemned also condemned hypocrisy… and so on…
Which leads nowhere.
Everybody condemns hypocrisy.

I suppose such hypocrisy as may indeed be found in all religions is largely the arrogance of individual men and groups of men, but, I repeat, the actual teachings of the Abrahamic religion repeatedly condemn hypocrisy, as well as urging people to consider that the Divine can see through it.

In any case it’s not as if the huge volume of teaching in that religion was nothing but a strict rule book for naughty children who didn’t like being told what to do.
If that’s all it was, it would have disappeared along with the Roman Empire.

The language, in translation, is, of course, stuffy to our modern ears, but there are many truly beautiful passages which can be appreciated for their insight and their artistic worth.

To me, at least, that makes The Bible no more difficult to read than Shakespeare, whose achievements explored purely artistic considerations as their principle aim.

I am not a fanatical Bible reader myself, but I am grateful for the basic introduction to it which I picked up at school. Some of its messages have stuck with me -with my full consent, and not because of brainwashing.
Nowadays, I think of the Bible as a useful library in itself – a resource for those times when one feels the need for a perspective which is not tied to the pronouncements of our modern ‘authorities’, whose hypocrisy is so appalling that the word, “hypocrisy” itself hardly describes what they are doing to the world right now.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“So all we can really take from your comment is that you condemn hypocrisy,”

Well if that is your interpretation. My main suggestion was that it is political propaganda and inherently hypocritical.

Feb 8, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

I get your point.
I would only say that it is much, much more than political propaganda, and at the time when it was written down – after probably being handed down verbally for a long time before that – people had far more respect for the reality of spiritual matters than they do today.

That includes the high priests and teachers of the time, who were far too concerned with the fate of their own soul even to dream of taking the risk of deliberately misleading their listeners.

We have to remember that the Abrahamic teachings came before Christ’s new message, so that the people of Moses’s time had not learned anything about ‘turning the other cheek’ and loving their enemies.

Their conception of Heaven and Hell was therefore correspondingly different.
Where the Abrahamic and Christian teachings give us hope that death is not the end of everything good, the people of ancient Greece and Rome considered death to be a terrible thing – not because everything came to an end, but because they went to an underworld of eternal darkness.

Even the most enlightened mystics of the time believed and taught that, which of course very much influenced the people’s outlook on the very meaning of life.
“If we’re all going to end up in perpetual darkness anyway, then what’s the point of being a good, compassionate, God-fearing person?” … sort of thing.

Yet the need to serve the Good still existed, as well as a fear of punishment for willingly taking part in Evil, and the Good was valued by the great teachers of that time. Greece and Rome could never have achieved their glorious artistic achievements without this content in their background..
Their greatest teachers were highly enlightened and they became leaders on account of that enlightenment, but the general population was not. The people needed teachers back then.

Today, it seems to me clear that neither our leaders nor our general population are enlightened at all, but that the answer lies not so much in great teachers – although I believe they still exist – as in individual efforts to find enlightenment.
Even then, it is pretty hard even to get started on such a path without at least a small push from an experienced teacher who knows what he is doing.

But that’s all up to you and me.
Many, of course, just can’t be bothered.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 8, 2021 12:02 PM
Reply to  wardropper

In fairness, there is a recall effort underway against Gavin Newsom, the governor who issued that decree. Will it succeed? Tune in again!

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 1:40 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Tune in again!

No. Their distracting garbage is meaningless.

Feb 8, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Whose distracting garbage?

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 3:58 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Whatever is peddled in their media.

Feb 8, 2021 3:47 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Thanks for that news Seamus.

Feb 7, 2021 9:07 PM
Reply to  image

Where are the liberals and the Left defending freedom? Quislings all of them

County Girl
County Girl
Feb 7, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  image

A woman in the UK was arrested recently for singing in her own garden. I don’t know where in the UK, or on what date. A commenter in the Daily Mail mentioned it so I did a search online. I came up with 2 results. I have just done another search now and there are at least 6 links. The film is 2 mins 20 seconds long. The police pushed their way into her house and arrested her. Children screaming and crying. Snitching neighbour call to police. I don’t recognise accents or which police uniform.

Sorry, not sure how to put link on here.

Feb 7, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  County Girl

saw the fake video

the video is lies pure bullshit fear porn

County Girl
County Girl
Feb 8, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  image

Genuine question – why do you say the video is fake? Which side faked it?

Feb 8, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  County Girl

I don’t think either side faked it .. appears legit footage .. South Yorks / Nottinghamshire maybe ? https://youtu.be/eHCMx29pHqo

Feb 8, 2021 9:51 PM
Reply to  image

Doesn’t seem fake to me …. https://youtu.be/eHCMx29pHqo

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 3:32 AM
Reply to  County Girl

I wonder what she was singing. Maybe it was:

“I know a song and it’s not very long:
All coppers are b—–ds”.

Well, if she wasn’t singing that before, she’ll be singing it now.

Feb 7, 2021 8:03 PM

I’m sure this book has been reviewed in Off-Guardian once before. Could be wrong

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 7, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  Ben

Correct. John Steppling already did a review last last year.

Feb 7, 2021 8:03 PM

Just a pointer to a very closely related phenomenon: Groupthink.
I’m quoting directly from Wikipedia on the symptoms:

To make groupthink testable, Irving Janis devised eight symptoms indicative of groupthink:[21]
Type I: Overestimations of the group — its power and morality

  • Illusions of invulnerability creating excessive optimism and encouraging risk taking.
  • Unquestioned belief in the morality of the group, causing members to ignore the consequences of their actions.

Type II: Closed-mindedness

  • Rationalizing warnings that might challenge the group’s assumptions.
  • Stereotyping those who are opposed to the group as weak, evil, biased, spiteful, impotent, or stupid.

Type III: Pressures toward uniformity

  • Self-censorship of ideas that deviate from the apparent group consensus.
  • Illusions of unanimity among group members, silence is viewed as agreement.
  • Direct pressure to conform placed on any member who questions the group, couched in terms of “disloyalty”
  • Mindguards— self-appointed members who shield the group from dissenting information.
Feb 7, 2021 7:57 PM

Intrigued by the name of the author. Edward Curtin and in Curtain Wizard of Oz… names like Arlen Specter( Warren Commission )…as in James Bond ( a few anecdotes)

The key is of course the CIA has its hands in all of this. So then who and what is the CIA?
Maybe even the name Central Intelligence has a different meaning than the public has assumed.
Certainly when we look at its inception by the Dulles Bros , both from Wall street, one of which was the actual author of the Treaty of Versailles. Later deeply involved in financing Hitler. Its seems that the emergence of the Federal Reserve = WW1 Treaty of Versailles = WW2 all seems to fall into place like bricks an mortar
So if Kennedy fires Allen Dulles, well that was a catastrophic miscalculation that lead to his death. All roads lead to Rome( CIA)
To repeat, the CIA is the key to much of the puzzle, the trick is to find out who these people actually are, much of Langley Va is a front for a Criminal Cabal that now operates openly and brazenly in full view …so just who are these people?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 7, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  Marcello

Cocaine Importers of America (CIA), thoroughly evil crime syndicate. It is also involved in a host of other criminal activities extending beyond the narcotics trade: such as money laundering, bank and securities fraud, the sex trade, the arms trade, blackmail, extortion, murder/mass murder and so on. Besides this they are also involved in a panoply of other malevolent activities: such as propaganda and disinformation,torture,terror,psychological mind control experimentation and eugenics. They and the NAZI SURVEILLANCE AGENCY (NSA) are two enemies of both WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) and democracy. The World would be well rid of them.”
comment image

“To Hell with War!”

Feb 7, 2021 10:49 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

yes very familiar with Gary Webb’s book and watched all his interviews he was ” Arkansawed”

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

What about pharma (aided by MIC) monopolizing opium cultivation, for instance?

Before that, attacks on marijuana cultivating countries. Mexico, Afghanistan hell, EVEN SWAZILAND (yes, America along with the aid of south african police helicopters toxified large swathes of very good land causing significant damage not only to the environment, but also economically)

There exists practically no “guerilla” growing of opium.

The hypocritical industry, disallows the plant (based on “health reasons”), but claim to have the authority to not only cultivate, distribute products from that, but deriving significantly worse toxins from it.

ALL the opium, heroin, opioid supply is from pharma.

What do you think the attacks on Yemen are about?

I will tell you. Qhat. It is a natural, somewhat less dangerous (with some useful properties, but potentially problematic) competitive element to pharmaceutical meth.

Feb 8, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Some of it is sent into enemy countries. Earlier, they sent it into Black neighbourhoods in their own country.

Feb 8, 2021 12:48 AM
Reply to  Marcello

… and perhaps Langley VA is actually controlled from … Tel Aviv? It certainly appears that way …
I mean for Pete’s sake, how else can 200+ Zog agents be ‘deported’ from the US after being implicated in the deaths of almost 3000 thousand innocent people?
I just wonder what would have happened if a few Islamics, Russians or Chinese males had said to authorities, “oh, we were just here to film the events of 9/11” … and then add “we’re not really your enemies, the Ugyurs are your enemies.” Go figure …
And, this was all done in the land with the most powerful military on earth. What a laughing stock the US must be in Tel Aviv.

Feb 8, 2021 11:47 AM
Reply to  Marcello

Cocaine Importation Agency

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 7, 2021 7:57 PM

Sorry, but the entire notion that “the entire youth culture of the 1960s…created not as a grass-roots challenge to the status quo, but as a cynical exercise in discrediting and marginalizing the budding anti-war movement and creating a fake opposition that could be easily controlled and led astray…?” is CRAP!! Dave McGowan pushed the idea that David Crosby’s father was in military intelligence, when in fact he spent his time in the service doing training films. He also pushed the idea that Stephen Stills was in the Special Forces and serving in Vietnam in 1966, when Stills was in a group (pre Buffalo Springfield) playing several gigs a week. This was based on Stills’ lunatic ravings while very stoned about “memories from the jungle.” Jim Morrison’s father a top Navy admiral? Yep, he also prohibited the playing of Doors’ music on ships he was on, i’m sure he particularly didn’t appreciate “The End.” 🙂 (If you don’t know why, read the lyrics). And while McGowan attacks all the groups mentioned in this article for not writing relevant songs (like praises to Chairman Mao?), he fails to mention When the Music’s Over, which describes ecocide, in 1967, long before anyone talked about it. He also fails to even mention Love, a standout LA group, whose tunes could not remotely be called escapist. Also left out completely: The much more exploratory San Francisco music scene, which regarded the LA scene as pretty commercial. This belongs in Lyndon LaRouche tabloid junk, not in serious social analysis.

Feb 8, 2021 4:15 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Agreed-it goes too far and the argument becomes mental.

Feb 8, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Maybe you should write a book about it as you have not convinced me that David McGowan was not at least on to something profoundly relevant.
It also sounds like you have not even read his book, if you had I do not think your comments would seem so relevant.

Feb 7, 2021 7:45 PM

I like the idea of framing things differently.

“If you want to change a society, then you have to tell an alternative story.”

From now on I will only refer to the Rothschild-Rockefeller criminal cartel’s attack on America in 2001 as another of their planned crimes against humanity along with fake pandemics, fake terror, fake wars, fake crises, fake governments, fake laws, fake media, fake history, fake education and fake money. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

“Carry a candle in the dark, be a candle in the dark, know that you’re a flame in the dark.” Ivan Illich

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 7, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks for the Ivan Illich quote. Read it on the train 20 minutes ago just before 2 ticket inspectors got on my carriage, and then stood about 12 feet away, directly in front of me.
They have the power to issue $200 fines for not wearing a facemask as its mandatory on public transport. Neither of them said anything, or even came up to enquire why I didn’t have a mask on.
I got off the train, and there’s 3 Public Transport Officers (transport police) standing right there in front of the door I exited from. I held my head high, no fear, and walked straight between them as I exited the platform. None of them said a word to me. I just kept that quote in my head. Thank you.

May Hem
May Hem
Feb 7, 2021 9:51 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Good on’ya Gez. Keep up the good work – you’re inspiring!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 7, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Thanks May. We gotta push back in whatever way we can because what’s coming down the pipeline is so horrific.
I’m being guided by my conscience now. Enough.

Feb 7, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I wish there were more like you

Feb 8, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You’re welcome. Glad you didn’t get hassled. Stay away from the crims and thugs in the checkerboard hats, Gezzah. Melbourne cops are all on the take. I don’t miss Melbourne at all, now that I see how it’s deteriorated so fast.

Feb 8, 2021 8:00 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I don’t take the train so often anymore now, but on the other day I did and while passing by a couple of cops on my way out of the station, maskless or maskfree I should say, they turned their heads the other way. I guess, some of them are humans too.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 7:54 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I have an alternative interpretation of genesis which is more “frank”. It was not well received by a christian.

Feb 8, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

What? I am curious…

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 12:35 AM
Reply to  Researcher

It’s in a reply to Jacques further up in the comments section, but I guess since I’m posting a reply here, I may as well link to it.


Feb 9, 2021 1:37 AM
Reply to  Frank G L


Feb 7, 2021 7:44 PM

Ed Curtin is one of the few writers here that I still read (almost always in full) above the line. Come to think of it, how much of his essays do I remember? Well, I remember one where he wrote about Camus’ book The Plague. I also remember a story he wrote where he was a basketball player (in his youth), did well and failed spectacularly (according to the trainer). Can’t remember much of the other essays, perhaps that is because they don’t really resonate with my life. You know, JFK, 911 and all those other American conspiracies are, in the end, foreign to me (I am from the Netherlands). Still, when I read those essays, I don’t have the feeling (as I have with many other writers above the line) that he is faking.

It’s getting more and more difficult here to see who is a genuine writer and who is a gaslighter. That is fine, reading comprehension is something one should continue to practice. And when the faking comes to a level that it becomes boring (as if I am reading counterpunch or Unz review), I will leave.

Others may disagree, but I do consider Ed Curtin a genuine writer and I am happy that he publishes here.

Feb 7, 2021 7:39 PM

Many times, over the last year, I have given up posting on here – from the position, I would post something and over 90% of the time, my post would immediately appear, and I could actually have a conversation almost in real time, within a few minutes or so. Someone had read what I wrote, thought about it a bit, and would immediately reply.

I still come here now to read Ed Curtin and CJ Hopkins, but sometimes its like I have joined Alternet in 2005, and got an education – mainly by reading books recommended..by what was then “our community” although everyone knew I lived in England. I was accepted.

It’s not like that here now, so I have been accused of almost everything including occasionally posting music videos from my youth…

Well I admit, I did go and see The RESIDENTS twice with my wife.

Of course I knew they were American – guess California, and They were so completely Off The Wall…I would buy their albums, and if they, which they did occasionally produce a video…I would watch it. It’s probably been banned now. I have no idea if any or all of the musicians are still alive, and I have never had a clue to their real identity.

Some people may find this somewhat offensive – made late 60’s, 70’s or early 80’s when it was all a bit of a joke. None of us were afraid of anything much, except maybe being told no, by a girl you have completely fallen in love with (and I personally think that is normal behaviour), and you can’t even ask her for a date, cos you know, she will just say no, as you stutter and try not to shake, and try and make some sense…and she never knows…Cheer up. Its freezing here, but pancake day soon and then Easter and spring bunnies and Easter eggs and hot cross buns….and the snow melts..

You are not ready for this. Remind you of anything – like Now?

“The Residents – Third Reich”


Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Feb 7, 2021 7:28 PM

A Violent Insane Asylum (53 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 7, 2021 7:04 PM

My prophecy about protest groups being demonised with the QAnon label has turned out to be too optimistic. To be demonised, they would have to be acknowledged and it is looking more and more the case that such acknowledgment is totally off the table. The media – which now makes our old image of Soviet totalitarianism seem like the essence of freedom – will not be allowing the slightest chink of an alternative through, not now, not ever. And I hear murmurings already about new vaccines to deal with new variants – which I’m sure will be arriving with regularity from now on. So it’s the new banking 2008 theft – this time filtered through the pharma-parasites on a never ending basis. 

Feb 7, 2021 7:01 PM

Video that can change the world if we can make it go viral. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/02/07/hydroxychloroquine-for-covid.aspx?u

Dr. Zelenko was one of the very first to publish the info on HCQ. Outspoken and charismatic. Deeply philosophical and LOGICAL. All by itself can persuade those who don’t understand the political world. Good medical detail too.

Don’t miss it. A treat.

Feb 7, 2021 8:15 PM
Reply to  Penelope

comment image

Feb 7, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Researcher

All those who are pushing the lies that people should take HCQ or any other toxic and harmful drug for something that does not even exist, has never existed and cannot exist except in a syringe, are here to gaslight and exploit.

Don’t fall for their lies.

Feb 7, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

HCQ is used to treat symptoms which may have been caused by a virus.

Sometimes I feel unwell, not sure why, just another virus of the unknown.

Feb 8, 2021 3:09 AM
Reply to  Richard

Because everyone should start their day with a course of toxic medication causing torsades de pointes. Be sure to add another drug that also blocks the hERG channel, such as azithromycin and you’ll double your chance of a heart attack.

Imagine recommending those two medications to the elderly and infirm, many of whom already suffer with arrhythmia and cardiovascular disease on the impossible chance they might contract a non-existent virus. What a “treat”.

Feb 8, 2021 4:22 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Amanda Vollmer slays the doctors and media recommending HCQ.

Starts at 6.00 minutes in.


Feb 8, 2021 10:40 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I just listened to an interview with her on Crrow777 today, and also on other programs a while back. I’ve also purchased her products. Such a genuine, passionate, no BS being, highly recommend people listen to and support her.

Feb 8, 2021 11:36 PM
Reply to  dtoc
Feb 9, 2021 2:10 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Outstanding, their unwavering logic resonates throughout the entire interview. Unlike the main stream allopathic/antithetical narrative being fed to the masses for close to a year now.

About half way through she (Dr. Vollmer) asks the question ‘why are they not testing/using blood?’ w/ regard to corona. I’ve asked that question many times and have never been given a straight answer. This is one of the reasons why I think Theranos was created and shut down and the PCR was used in its place, because the blood test is/was too accurate, and false positives were a ‘necessity’.

Thanks for the link, I plan to watch a lot more of her videos. Her honesty, boldness and no nonsense yet intelligent approach to this insanity is greatly appreciated, especially at this point.

Feb 9, 2021 4:20 AM
Reply to  dtoc

Since they can’t test for the virus because it doesn’t exist they have to use PCR. All the sequences in the primers and probes used in the RT-PCR test already exist in the human genome. The test is designed as a scam to make money and generate statistics.

Weird you should mention Theranos. It was a front Corporation for the cryptocracy. They had nothing. No special technology, no way to scan blood and perform multiple tests at once from a pin-prick. Elizabeth Holmes father was a VP at Enron and USAID (CIA). Remember Enron? Another failed Corp. connected to 9-11, money laundering, accounting fraud and skullduggery.

Nothing is what it seems. Smoke and Mirrors everywhere you turn. Governments are not legitimate. They are criminal enterprises colluding and partnering with criminal corporate enterprises.

Feb 8, 2021 6:52 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Be healthier not to muddle taking HCQ for a few days with prolonged use and treatment with prophylaxis…….. back in April 2020 HCQ was the preferable narrative to tubes and hasty vaccines and still is……….

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 7:56 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Thank you for pointing this out, I have been trying to warn people about how it is just peddling more unnecessary, toxic pharma crap (just as Trump repeated that peddling with Remdesivir).

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 7:58 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

I’m copy/pasting this from a reply I wrote to someone else in the “phantom virus” article.

“A big potential issue NOONE mentions regarding HCQ. Potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, balance.

Now, the thing is, the balance of those bodily electrical function factors is typically already hugely skewed towards sodium and chloride, relatively. Quite the opposite of what it should be. Potassium vs sodium typically sits at a 1:30 ratio. Only humans are stupid enough to do that. Chlorine worsens that. Magnesium deficiencies, too. It relates to many typical problems, nervous system, heart, brain, lungs, kidneys. Hypertension for instance.

So anyway, what HCQ does (remember, HCQ is derived from chloroquine, which was developed by Bayer/BASF, even in wartime, THEY considered it too toxic for human use) is worsen that balance, by causing excessive additional sodium retention.

Imo, even if someone potentially does use HCQ (personally there’s no way I would), they need to understand that and keep that in consideration.

And to be clear, I’d also avoid everything else they peddle, azithromycin, remdesivir, monoclonals, other antibodies and vaccines.”

To get an idea:

“Low potassium levels in COVID-19 disease
There’s a nice image there, with a typical example screaming about the related factors/problems. The sodium and the chloride excess.

Potassium deficiency (hypokalemia): Symptoms and treatment
“Potassium plays an important role in relaying messages from the brain to the muscles and regulating muscle contractions…”


Things like HCQ (as well as many other toxins such as MSG, medications, typical diets), make that potassium and sodium related metabolism worse, as more sodium is retained and potassium blocked.

The effect of 5-day course of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin combination on QT interval in non-ICU COVID19(+) patients

“We could not find a similar outcome in the previous studies. Tett et al. reported similar results with chloroquine [16]. 3) Serum potassium level was lower who had QT prolongation >50 ms in comparison to whom QT prolongation <50 ms. 4) HCQ lowered serum potassium level and this may exacerbate hypokalemia. Hypokalemia per se with other QT-prolonging drugs can worsen myocardial repolarization.”

Overall, that low potassium level along with a bunch of related factors is linked to a large amount of systemic issues (brain, nerve and heart issues, as has been noted with some covid patients).”

Feb 8, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Excellent. Alkaline salts would benefit those with chronic inflammation.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Well, I was going to say iodine since it is a common deficiency too (and as I suggested there, avoiding things with chlorine, fluorine as it’s typically hugely excessive and toxic as well as addressing, potassium magnesium, sodium levels).

I cannot see the prevalence of chlorine and fluorine in pharma and society being any kind of coincidence.

Feb 8, 2021 6:22 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

It’s purposeful. Funny how they (and big ag) promote everything that is known to be harmful, including processed food and sugar, GMOs, pesticides, chemical additives, endocrine disrupters, carcinogens and yet nothing which is beneficial.

So too, with vaccine adjuvants causing protein misfolding, DNA mutations, metal nano particles increasing ROS, exacerbated by EMF-EMR, elevating cytokines and chemokines. Must be a total coincidence. How convenient all these coincidences cause untold profits for pharma and are simultaneous population reduction strategies.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 6:31 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Certainly not some kind of industrial profit motive in spite of benevolence, that much is sure.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 3:45 AM
Reply to  Researcher

And if vaccines (normal ones, not the Frankenstein one doing the rounds today) worked as advertised, they wouldn’t need those “adjuvants”.

Feb 8, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Yes, too much Iodine brings thyroidtoxicosis and too little myxomedimia. The more inland a person lives the less Iodine they have in their diet hence goitre or ‘Derbyshire neck’, as I was taught in school. As for cholrine and flourine I would be very careful halides belonging to halogen family, as you know. K.be extremiy careful with.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 3:54 AM
Reply to  tish

Be careful: When I looked it up “thyroidtoxicosis” was defined as too much thyroid hormone circulating.

Whether that could be caused by too much iodine, I’m not sure, but it would need verifying.

I have studied how to take iodine – and it does need some study – and there are various co-factors that are always recommended with it. Selenium is one, but there are others.

The usual warning is that it can cause detox reactions, and there are various ways of handing it.

Orthodox medicine declared war on iodine supplementation years ago, but then they would: they don’t like anything that works that you can get without a prescription because then they lose control.

Probably why they are lukewarm at best about vitamins.

See “The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know about Iodine Can Wreck Your Life” Lynne Farrow

Also check out David Brownstein and Jorge Flechas.

Feb 9, 2021 7:31 AM

Even applying an iodine-based disinfectant to a (large?) wound for an extended period may cause a toxic excess of iodine.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 8:23 AM

The biggest reasons I know of for iodine being maligned is of course because of its efficacy, safety, necessity and general benefits (such as developmental improvement, immunity…these are things the controllers despise).

Thus it had to be marginalized, and with the VERY convenient (compounding toxic) effects of chlorine and fluorine interfering with it, as well as antibiotics.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 9, 2021 3:43 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

I’m an iodine fan too, but hesitate to recommend it, because it does need handling with care (literally, and in the way that you take it).

But the usual way is via Lugol’s solution, which is a mixture of elemental iodine and potassium iodide.

Iodine gurus (e.g. David Brownstein, Jorge Flechas) preach that some parts of the body need the elemental iodine and other parts need the iodide.

(Contrary to what a lot of people think, it’s not just the thyroid that needs iodine, although of course the thyroid gland is vitally important (and I wouldn’t mind betting that under-active thyroid is yet another factor in getting what is called “Covid-19”).

Anyway, if one takes Lugols, one is getting both iodine and potassium, both of which people tend to be short of.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 8:26 AM

In terms of practical iodine I would mainly just suggest kelp, seafood. I also doubt there would be significant issues with some of the more typical supplements though they are likely not ideal.

Iodine rich air is also pretty good.

Shit, spending time on a nice sunny, clean beach is quite good for health. Electrical balance, sunlight, micronutrients etc.

Feb 8, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  Researcher

One of the best ways to benefit to chronic inflammation is a cup of boiling water with a slice of lemon it makes a wonderful alkaline drink

Feb 8, 2021 6:55 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Sorry to interrupt the disinfomercial. It was Fauci peddling Remdesivr. Trump was peddling HCQ. Hence Fauci criticizing him ( but having a 360 turn about later once Trump’s recommendation was supported by real doctors)

Feb 8, 2021 10:40 PM

Yes, it was said by Trump…..but a chemist in France had been using it with good results

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 9, 2021 9:57 AM

It must be terrible being wrong again. I reiterate also, I know you are fraudulent.

Trump peddled both, as I stated. It was also part of his super toxic “miracle treatment”, which he of course did not take.


Well, thank you very much. And welcome to Dan O’Day, CEO of Gilead. You know what that is because it’s been in the news and the company has been in the news, and it’s a great American company that’s done incredible work on HIV and hepatitis C. And I hear that — that’s what’s happening with hepatitis is the great — a great medical story. Really, a great medical story. I’ve been hearing about that. It’s fantastic, Dan.

I’m pleased to announce that Gilead now has an EUA from the FDA for remdesivir. And you know what that is because that’s been the hot thing also in the papers and in the media for the last little while. An important treatment for hospitalized coronavirus patients. And it’s something — I spoke with Dr. Hahn and Dr. Fauci; I spoke with Deborah about it. And it’s — it’s really a very promising situation.

We’ve been doing work with the teams at the FDA, NIH, and Gilead for spearheading this public-private partnership to make this happen very quickly.

So, today, we’re going to be — and I’m going to let Dan do it — but we’re going to let Dan make a statement as to what the company is doing, making a contribution to, really, people that are not doing well, people that are sick, people that have this horrible plague that’s set into our country and that we’re getting rid of. And we’re going to be — we’re going to be having some really incredible results.

We have very promising studies coming out on the vaccines. We have promising studies coming out on therapeutics. And the first one is from Dan and Gilead. And I’d like to maybe have you say a few words, if you would, Dan, as to, number one, about remdesivir, to start off with, and also the contribution being made by your company. And we very much appreciate it.”

Trump supporters, take note.

Feb 14, 2021 3:39 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

I don’t really care what Trump said or says. Or Biden or any of the fools. They’re thieves and politicians so not to be taken seriously.

But the teams of doctors with no agenda i took and take seriously. Their only agenda was to cure sufferers and end the pandemic fast to expose it as counterfeit

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 8:21 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I’ll summarize their “play” from their (rockefeller, etc establishment) scripts as concisely as I can.

Ignore, demonize, marginalize, deflect from the essentials, natural function. Advocate toxic synthetic industrial non-essentials.

Problem (purposely incorrectly identified) – Reaction (purposely incorrectly interpreted) – Solution (purposely incorrectly implemented).

Cycle repeats from obscured, new and additional problems and the fact that the underlying causative problems are not addressed..

Feb 8, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

I concur with all your points and comments, Frank.

Feb 8, 2021 10:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

looks like I am walking backwards here……..well I never did have a good sense of direction

Feb 8, 2021 3:18 AM
Reply to  Richard

HCQ is an effective drug in the treatment of malaria and has been for years.Maybe part of the virus was taken from malaria. Whatever it is, the doctors who used it went public as they said they were saving patients that would die if given ventilator treatment

Feb 8, 2021 10:24 PM

Yes, Constant….I have written a bit about HCQ scroll down. HCQ is an antimalarial treatment, It is the quinine in HCQthat treats malaria using a technique called ‘torsades des pointes’ it just means wringing out of a malarial cell to get rid of the plasodium (the parasite introduced when Anophlese mosquito bites) when the probiscus of the malarial mosquito punctures the skin it gorges itself with blood and plasmodium moves down probiscus into host

Feb 8, 2021 10:32 PM
Reply to  tish

Oh yes, quinine is in tonic water…..so when you are having a G and T it is purely for medicinal purposes …okay….hi cup…hicupp

Feb 14, 2021 3:32 AM
Reply to  tish

I’ll have a grape in it to make it good for my immune system

Feb 14, 2021 3:31 AM
Reply to  tish

I think the hippies are against as it has no vitamins in it. Vitamins will save the world. All those billions and all that time spent by pharma and they didn’t consider the dangers that vitamins poses to their billions. Haven’t they heard of the internet

Feb 8, 2021 10:38 PM

Sadly, people did die because of ventilators and pressurised oxygen methods……it tore lungs apart. At that point people needed oxygenated blood transfusions

Feb 14, 2021 3:48 AM
Reply to  tish

and an apple

Feb 10, 2021 1:29 AM

ConstantWarning, Zinc prevents viral replication. HCQ is an excellent ionophore to get the zinc through the cell membrane where it does its work. HCQ has more than one action; this one is relevant to fighting viruses. If you want to know more about fighting viruses see the link in my post above.

Feb 14, 2021 3:47 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Don’t worry Penelope and thanks. I’m more than aware of how HCQ and ZInc combine to work and that viruses are very real. Just like the world I live in. It’s the weirdoes on here who think a vitamin tablet will cure everything from a broken leg to pneumonia and baldness as long as you avoid a 5 g tower you need to educate.

Feb 8, 2021 11:02 PM
Reply to  Richard

Yes Richard, HCQ was used to treat ‘covid-19’ symptoms. The quinine in it is used to treat malaria. In a very small minority of people it can cause the heart to beat very quickly. The risk of this was greatly blown up out of all proportion……obviously a different agenda wanted to be served

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 8, 2021 12:05 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Not to mention that prevention is key. Going down the drug route has never produced populations that are healthier or more self-aware; they all wind up in nursing homes later in life.

Feb 8, 2021 10:11 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Prevention has always proven better than cure…….Have you heard of Dr. Duncan ? He was the first medical officer of health in mid 1800’s. His role was the very first one that put a medical man in office for prevention rather that cure of illness.

Let’s move forward in time 1948 National Health System introduced ……allowed treatment for all at point of contact and was free to all. This wonderful health system would prevent and treat illness from ‘cradle to grave’

People thought all illness would vanish with this wonderful health system, but it didn’t…….the more illness prevented and treatment obtained……the NHS became a victim of it’s own success……you see TB was the number 1 cause of death in 1948……it was treated and cured and then something else became the number 1 cause of death and so it will always be, because people have to die of something.

If you are not from UK you won’t understand.

Looking back the National Health Service should have been called the National Disease Service

Feb 14, 2021 3:33 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

When a biological attack occurs and the virus isn’t natural how can you prevent the symptoms

Feb 8, 2021 3:16 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You have just accused medical doctors of gaslighting when they were telling the world how to cure whatever was choking them to death or killing them through the mistakenly chosen ventilation treatment. None of these doctors were struck off for negligence and pharmacists supported what they were saying. You could include some actual scientific papers to support your bs. Why don’t you. Or is ‘researcher; an ironic moniker.

Covid 19 is fake. yes. But the deaths of people are happening. You don’t believe it, many don’t. But you’re using your expertise as someone who posts on blogs to advise people what to do with illness or the illness of loved ones.

Those who are posing as ‘fact checkers’ who Bill Gates is paying, and Facebook and Twitter who are also being rewarded by him and the others involved in the corruption, all made sure these doctors were ”debunked”.In other words, taken offline for threatening their scam.

Gates and the rest who had profits to make from poisonous untested vaccines, and other pharmaceutical manufacturers who have profits at stake, didn’t want cures, they want to control the world and make money as they do. They also employ trolls and shills to promote the idea that the HCQ and ZInc and other additions to HCQ isn’t working. Only their expensive poison does.

You are doing exactly what Gates, Facebook, Twitter and the shills would like. Yet nobody who c posts on this site comes even close to you when it comes to levelling unfounded allegations at other users here of being shills, trolls, made up names, 77ths operatives and all manner of paranoid bs.

Feb 8, 2021 9:49 PM

Sadly, not all can know the marvels of physiology in all it’s guises Constant

Feb 14, 2021 3:34 AM
Reply to  tish

Because they’re crackheads in lockdown

Feb 10, 2021 1:36 AM

Much of the info ABOUT Covid is fraudulent, for the political purpose of bringing down our economies to enforce a new system to come. However covid does exist and does produce illness, just not in the numbers we’re told.

To insist that it doesn’t even exist is a CIA op to cause truth-tellers to impune their own credibility.

Feb 14, 2021 3:35 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I agree covid 19 exists. It’s the codename of the operation. It just doesn’t exist in the form of a virus.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  Researcher


Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  Researcher

The agents will NEVER address the actual issues. Their “program” means they are not allowed to even acknowledge it.

You can tell them about how old people typically have many mineral, vitamin, nutritional deficiencies, years of accumulated toxicity. It matters not that older people have obviously resulting mitochondrial dysfunction, stemming from that.

You can tell them that they need to MINIMIZE toxicity and address those deficiencies, that those people need antioxidants, cofactors, chelators. Especially some mitochondrial support factors like PQQ/CoQ10. But they are deaf and blind, willfully.

It matters not to their scripts, they are immune to reason because that is their agenda. They need to promote the industrial establishment. That’s how their “contracts” (which includes their now otherwise possessed souls) work.

Feb 8, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

mitrochondrial dysfunction mmh ! has it’s own DNA you know and it’s wholly maternal…..mmh a mitochondrial Eve even!

Feb 14, 2021 3:35 AM
Reply to  tish

I think you’ll find on the here that haliborange will save the world

mara m
mara m
Feb 8, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I do believe Zelenko is a better doctor than most trained in the allopathic U.S. medical model. Although he himself has only a single lung following surgery for a rare cancer, he continued to see and treat the most vulnerable of patients in order to prevent them ending up in hospital at the height of the covid crisis. Of the hundreds of elderly patients he cared for, only 3 died, and most avoided hospitalisation. Unlike other doctors, he continued to treat the symptoms his sick patients manifested regardless of cause.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 9:39 AM
Reply to  mara m

“Unlike other doctors, he continued to treat the symptoms his sick patients manifested regardless of cause.”

That is the very, most fundamental problem. Other doctors generally do that too, but with even more incorrect methodology.

They are always only addressing results as causes.

Personally, and I am not suggesting you adopt my mentality, there is ZERO CHANCE I would allow someone like Zelenko to be my doctor, or anyone I care for. Even if he is seemingly better than many, or even most.

Feb 8, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

I always enjoy a little of Oliver Sacks….Do not look at the illness a person has rather look at the person the illness has

Feb 8, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  mara m

He speaks from experience and has no hidden agenda or desire to make cash on the side too. We need more like him.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 8, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

HCQ is harmful? First I’ve heard of it. It’s been in use since the 50s as an anti-malaria drug.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Uhm, it’s derived from chloroquine (which was derived from a natural, somewhat safer source, which was actually originally used against malaria and some other issues).

Chloroquine, developed by Bayer/BASF was by Bayer standards not safe for human use…even in wartime. Hydroxychloroquine is considered safer (by them). It has some peculiar action and interference properties.

It is classic pharma from the rockefeller playbook, identify singular natural compound, ignore it (preferably demonize it), try to synthetically mimic it (not quite, and with toxic effects added) and sell that.

When they talk “safety”, that is in their industrial context. I explained some of why it is dangerous in a reply above.

Feb 8, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

it is a cause of ventricular tachycardia in a minor amount of people. It was blown up out of all proportion because Gates wanted his vaccines.

In Madagascar a drink made from sweet wormwoood and other herbs was a roaring success….it was also an anti malarial. The President of Madagascar offered it to any Country free of charge. However, the WHO and we all know who the main player is there, paid for Madagascar to poison the drink !

Feb 8, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  tish

HCQ is a cause of…………….

Feb 8, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Yes, it is indeed harmful. Drugs that are considered safe by the pharmaceutical and medical community are not safe, do not treat illness or disease but only suppress symptoms. In fact many OTC medicines and drugs are harmful. In the US, approximately 200,000 people die a year taking medicine as prescribed. A further 800,000 die as the result of medical mistakes or errors. Adding those two statistics makes the leading cause of death in the US, iatrogenic murder, higher than cancer and heart disease.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“In fact many OTC medicines and drugs are harmful.”

If it is industrial pharma, it is practically harmful by definition.

Feb 8, 2021 9:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’ll agree on that one

Feb 8, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Don’t feed these disinfo puppies Seamus. They’ll never stop barking.

Feb 8, 2021 11:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Please tell me what gaslight means ?

Feb 7, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Researcher


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 7, 2021 11:55 PM
Reply to  Researcher
Feb 8, 2021 7:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

He’s identifying starved cells that are dying. He’s identifying a cause of their death that runs counter to popular thinking. What he isn’t doing, is denying that viruses exist.

Feb 8, 2021 8:47 PM

False. He is explaining the false methodology of virology. Virologists are starving and poisoning monkey kidney cells and cancerous humans cell lines and claiming that is a virus! It’s all fraud. That’s the Rockefeller founding principle of eugenics and chemical poisons marketed as drugs and vaccines.

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 7, 2021 9:08 PM
Reply to  Penelope

No Penny, that is old news which we are here to refute

Feb 8, 2021 3:20 AM
Reply to  Post Hoc

who are you presuming to speak for when you refer to a ‘we’ ?

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 8, 2021 9:54 AM

I accept that I cannot speak for others..it’s just that the contra narrative has been very active for an entire year…there has been a strong acceptance of the argument against the spurious notion of a contagious virus and to me it seems futile to backtrack against that solid reasoning, which is evident throughout this and many other sites,..hence the term WE.

I apologise to myself for using WE, because now I understand that there is no WE when a huge sector of the populace has been so blindsided by propaganda.

Propaganda that has infiltrated a sterling site such as OffG with continuous references to a non extant virus.

It appears to me that the perceived view is so varied, even when we are oppressed by the draconian measures by governments.

Surely everyone who visits this site is aware of the damage that is being perpetrated by seemingly single minded individuals in parliamentary roles, in spite of the glaringly obvious opposition that has been learnt about the behaviour of exosomes, the futility of the PCR test, our knowledge about flawed data on deaths, and the unnecessary treatments given to unaware sufferers of goodness knows what !

Most people are aware of the agendas driving the propaganda.

To bleat on about drugs that contain the effects of a virus now is sacrilege and perhaps some real critical thought on the entire issue might bring some sense to the never-ending debate.

There is a very real need to see minds awakening to the rort and a sense of comradship.

I wonder.

Feb 8, 2021 7:01 PM
Reply to  Post Hoc

I’m in favour of exposing any false narrative once those behind it have refused to answer questions. I’m all about the ‘comradeship’ you rfer to as well. What I’m NOT about is the ‘contra’ arguments you seem to think you’re part of claiming to ‘refute’ the validity of what a doctor is claiming cures whatever covid is. If he, like many other doctors, claim 100% success in short time using HCQ and Zinc, you need to ‘refute’ that using evidence, not opinion.

Telling somebody who has taken the time to pass on a vid here( Penelope) that it’s ‘old news’ and it’s ‘we’ who will ‘refute’ it as ‘comrades ‘is no different to what Fauci or Gates and the pro vaxxers are up to.
Disinformation to promote a harmful agenda and the pushing of untrialled, untested cocktails of chemicals that are already wiping some out.

If you’re one of the growing herd of ‘ comrades’ pushing the idea that ”there’s no such thing as germs, viruses, colds, contagion or basically anything” you need to bring along some pretty persuasive scientific papers and some weight lent to it by scientists.

The video posted is useful no matter how old it is. It’s also open and honest. It exposes the efforts to discredit a trustworthy treatment ( HCQ / Zinc) that could have ended this farce 6 months ago. It exposes that it was out to discredit it to keep the lockdown going and to help sell billions of pounds and dollars worth of untested vaxx. Even Fauci had to back down and change his mind about HCQ and said it was fine to prescribe it, after his initial panic saying to back away from it.

The cocktail of HCQ and Zinc has shown a far higher success rate in curing patients presenting with Covid 19. It doesn’t matter what the actual makeup of Covid 19 is, the point is people are suffering and dying somewhere in those figures. Most of it is due to poorly oxygenated blood- NOT symptoms of pneumonia( which is why ventilators killed so many early).

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 8, 2021 10:37 PM

You believe the science fiction so strongly that it’s not worthy of an argument.

Especially with someone who speaks on behalf of another person .

Did you ask Penelope for her permission or are you a monitor for the medical establishment that has underwritten the Covid lie.

You have not considered that symptoms of anoxia could be EMR sensitivity or some other toxin.

You show ME evidence that there is a contagious virus and then we can talk, but that may not be possible because you are all talk and no action!

Feb 10, 2021 1:57 AM
Reply to  Post Hoc

Post Hoc, Even those doctors who repeatedly expose the lies about the prevalence of covid say that covid exists and that certain agents are successful against it if started early in the course of the illness. It isn’t likely that the 100s of docs agitating for & using HCQ are mistaken and YOU are correct

It is unlikely that Professor Wodarg who tried to stop the dangerous “vaccines” (gene therapy) is being fooled into believing a nonexistent virus exists.

The sole argument which I have seen for nonexistence: “One is able to IMAGINE perfect purification/isolation of viruses. Therefore the field of virology must achieve it or virology and all the scientists working in it are engaging in a hoax.” But typically science advances precisely from imperfect demonstrations to more advanced knowledge.

As to whether measles, etc are viruses, they are demonstrably physically passed from one person to another by SOME infectous agent. Those who study this call these agents viruses.

As to whether covid exists, we need to measure the evidence for it against the evidence that measles, the common cold & other viruses exist. If there is comparable evidence then. . . .

Feb 14, 2021 3:28 AM
Reply to  Post Hoc

So you don’t think I’ll talk as I’m all talk and no action. Are you completely stupid or a good impressionist.

I said there’s no virus as in covid 19. I said i think it doesn’t exist several times.

HCQ has a lot of scientific support of it’s efficacy and the dangers of it that have been reported have been from misinfo shills working for the cause and gullible idiots who use forums, No offence stupid.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 8, 2021 5:45 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I just want to mention something I used to mention extensively at some other places, early last year.

Please check out PQQ (+ CoQ10) in this context (especially potential caretakers/doctors). That is of course in addition to addressing other essential factors regarding deficiency, as well as chelation and antioxidation regarding toxicity, in general.

Older people have particularly low levels in the lungs and hearts.

PQQ is an unheralded factor with absolutely huge implications in terms of mitochondrial function, which all these older or sicker people have problems with.

Feb 8, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Good find Penelope. It’s upset the misinformed disnfo brigade, but keep spreading that.

Feb 8, 2021 11:10 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Charismatic ?

Feb 9, 2021 12:13 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Very much worth 75 minutes of my time … very impressive man. Thanks for posting.

(Be patient if you click Penelope’s link. Video takes 5 or 10 seconds to load. No need to login or subscribe .. video will load onto the page you land on )