The shaky science behind the “deadly new strains” of Sars-Cov-2
Rosemary Frei, via her website

According to what we hear from officials and the mainstream media, the new variants are the most dangerous and unpredictable beings since Osama bin Laden.
Everyone needs to stay safe from these invisible but murderously mighty microbes by shunning contact with the unwashed, unmasked and unvaccinated.
But is that drastic approach — which is accompanied by severe curtailment of civil liberties and constitutional rights — warranted?
It turns out that the case for the variants’ contagiousness and dangerousness centres largely on the theoretical effects of just one change said to stem from a mutation in the virus’s genes. And, as I’ll show in this article, that case is very shaky.
I also have an accompanying nine-minute ‘explainer’ video, below:
That one change is known as N501Y — scientific shorthand for the substitution of one protein building block (amino acid) for another at position 501 in the part of the virus called the spike protein.
Specifically, position 501 lies in the portion of the spike protein that’s responsible for the intimate coupling between the virus and cells that lets the virus slip inside and multiply.
[Note that any such amino-acid switcheroo is correctly called a change, not a mutation. Mutations occur only in genes. For some reason many scientists and scribes who ought to know better are mistakenly calling N501Y and other amino-acid changes ‘mutations.’ ]
A very preliminary study published Dec. 22, 2020, suggested that N501Y also is present in the South African variant named 501Y.V2. And another very preliminary study, published January 12, 2021, asserted it was also present in the new strain emerging from the Brazilian jungle, dubbed P.1.
On top of that, the South African variant is being reported as evading immunity and B.1.1.7 sharing this escape route. And scientists are depicting new variants with N501Y on board as spreading very fast. Some say they make herd immunity impossible, so every single person on earth has to be vaccinated. The models also suggest B.1.1.7 is up to 91% deadlier than the regular novel coronavirus.
(Yet so far it seems the main basis for officials saying it’s more deadly is shown in the minutes of the Jan. 21, 2021 meeting of an influential UK committee called New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group [NERVTAG ]. There, they cite modeling papers which haven’t yet been published – which means that until they’re published there’s no way to check their work.)
Three Non-Peer-Reviewed Theoretical-Modeling Papers Which Catapulted Variants into the Spotlight
Public-health officials, politicians and the mainstream media around the world turned their collective headlights on the variants right after the publication of three theoretical-modeling papers on B.1.1.7, a variant originating in the U.K. The first was a Technical Briefing by Public Health England published Dec. 21 (it’s the first of an ongoing series of reports on the variant authored by people working at the agency and at other institutions), the second a paper published Dec. 23 by a mathematical-modeling group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the third a theoretical-modeling manuscript posted Dec. 31 by a large group of UK scientists.
None of the three papers was checked over for accuracy by objective observers – a process called ‘peer review.’ Nonetheless, all three were portrayed as solid science by many scientists, politicians, public-health officials and the press.
(I reached out for comment to Public Health England, as well as to the first author of the second paper Nicholas Davies, and to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The only reply I received was from a media-relations person at Public Health England; she told me no one was available for an interview.)
(Neil Ferguson was a co-author of the first and third papers. The UK government has relied on Ferguson’s mathematical modeling for many years. This is despite his work turning out to be highly inaccurate time after time. He also supposedly stepped down from his government-advisory role last May after being caught secretly meeting with his married lover during a time when it was illegal to make contact with anyone outside of one’s household, thanks in large part to his modelling. But he was quickly restored to positions of influence. In an article and accompanying video coming out next week, I describe the connections and conflicts of interest surrounding Ferguson and the modeling papers’ other authors.)
What Effect Is N501Y Said to Have?
In N501Y, the amino acid that’s swapped out at position 501 in the spike protein is asparagine; by scientific convention it’s represented by the letter ‘N.’ The amino acid that’s swapped in in its place is tyrosine, and it’s represented by the letter ‘Y.’ Hence ‘N501Y.’
Position 501 in the amino-acid sequence sits in the part of the spike protein that protrudes from the surface of the virus. Specifically, it’s said to lie in the region of the spike protein that latches or ‘binds’ to the mechanism that is the gatekeeper for whether the virus can enter the cell. That gate-keeping mechanism is known as the ‘ACE2 receptor.’
This region of the spike protein – known as the ‘receptor binding domain’ (RBD) — binds to the gate keeping mechanism, the ACE2 receptor. When the RBD and the ACE2 receptor bind, the cell membrane, which is the circular barrier between the area outside the cell and the cell contents, opens up and allows the virus to enter.
N501Y is posited to make the spike protein bind tighter to the ACE2 receptor. Influential theoreticians have performed mathematical modeling based on this hypothesis. This modeling suggests that this tighter binding allows the virus to enter more easily, and that therefore this makes the virus more transmissible.
Yet as far as I’ve been able to find, there is still no concrete, direct proof of this. And note that epidemiological data cannot be used to definitively detect the effect of an amino-acid in a virus. Only experiments involving direct observation of the virus’s interaction with the body can determine that.
The main evidence that the top three theoretical-models cite as proof of stronger bonding between the N501Y form of the novel coronavirus and the RBD is from just three scientific manuscripts, and these describe experiments with the virus in mice or petri dishes, not observation of whether in fact the variants are truly more contagious or more deadly.
Details of the Three Papers That Underpin the Assertion that N501Y Bolsters Contagiousness
One of those three papers was published Sept. 25, 2020, in Science. It describe experiments involving involving six rounds of division of the virus in mice.
The researchers found a large amount of the virus in the mice lungs right from the first round of division. Based on this, they pronounced the virus to have “enhanced infectivity.” However, they didn’t actually test whether the virus is more transmissible/contagious – that is, whether it moves from mouse to mouse more easily.
They performed ‘deep sequencing’ and reported that they found the N501Y change in the ‘mouse-adapted’ virus. Next they did ‘structural remodeling’ on it and wrote that this analysis…
suggested that the N501Y substitution in the RBD of SARS-CoV[-2] S protein increased the binding affinity of the protein to mouse ACE2.
All of this is very different than direct observations of the variant virus’s behaviour in mice or humans.
The second paper was posted on bioRχiv on Dec. 21, 2020. It describes an “engineered decoy receptor for SARS-CoV-2.” The complicated series of molecular-biological manoeuvers in vitro were performed that is hard to follow and understand – there is no ‘Methods’ section laying out the details and sequence of what they did; rather, the researchers’ approach to their experiments is scattered across all sections of the paper including in the accompanying Supplementary Material. This is many steps removed from real-life situations. The authors conclude from their manoeuvers that laboratory-mutated novel coronavirus with the N501Y mutation seems to bind more tightly to their ‘engineered decoy’ form of the RBD receptor than the RBD receptor that normally occurs in nature. (The idea, it seems, is that this ‘engineered decoy’ could be injected into people with the goal of getting the new variant to bind to it rather than to cells, thereby stopping it from gaining entry into cells and reproducing.)
bioRχiv is an online-only journal. (It’s pronounced ‘bioarchive’; that’s because the Greek letter χ is pronounced ‘kai.’ I presume the letter χ is used in the journal’s title because the χ2 [‘chi-square’] test is a widely used form of statistical analysis in scientific papers.) The journal has the tagline ‘The Preprint Server for Biology.’ ‘Preprint’ means non-peer-reviewed. bioRχiv focuses entirely on Covid-19-papers and is sponsored by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. It has a sister publication medRχiv that also focuses on Covid-19,
The Initiative is the creation of Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan. Facebook has been among the very active censors of information including scientific papers that diverge from the official narrative about Covid.
The third paper was posted on the website of the online journal bioRχiv on June 17, 2020, and then in Cell on Sept. 3, 2020.
Like the other two papers, it is extremely removed from direct observation of the virus’s behaviour in live animals or humans. In fact, the third paper doesn’t even use human or animal cells. It involves a ‘yeast-surface-display platform’ as a basis for performing ‘deep mutational scanning’ of the novel coronavirus’s RBD. That ‘platform’ is an artificial structure the paper’s authors constructed for measuring binding between antibodies and various RBD regions containing an array of mutations.
According to this paper, the N501Y amino-acid change results in stronger binding of the virus to the RBD.
However, the papers’ authors state in the last section of their paper that:
It is important to remember that our maps define biochemical phenotypes of the RBD, not how these phenotypes relate to viral fitness. There are many complexities in the relationship between biochemical phenotypes of yeast-displayed RBD and viral fitness.
Translation: “Just because our biochemistry experiments showed that the presence of N501Y or other changes in the RBD seems to make the RBD bind tighter to the ACE2 receptor, we don’t know whether any of these changes make the virus more ‘fit’/transmissible.”
And note also that one of the authors of the third paper, Allison Greaney, is quoted as saying in an August 2020 article from the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center where she and several of the other authors work, that:
The virus already has a ‘good enough’ ability to bind to ACE2. There’s no reason to believe that going beyond that level will make it more pathogenic or transmissible…[b]ut the RBD may be able to tolerate a number of mutations.
As another note, the third paper was first published in bioRχiv and then published three months later in the peer-reviewed journal Cell. In Cell the paper is labelled ‘Elsevier-Sponsored Documents’ (see image below) (Elsevier is the publishing empire that owns Cell, among hundreds of other journals). I couldn’t find anything online about what ‘Sponsored’ means, nor about what or who sponsored this particular paper; and I couldn’t find any other papers with this designation. So I emailed Cell’s PR manager John Caputo on the evening of Jan. 18 and followed up by leaving him a voicemail message on Jan. 19. I haven’t heard back from him.

‘Deep Mutational Scanning of SARS-CoV-2 Receptor Binding Domain Reveals Constraints on Folding and ACE2 Binding’ (Tyler N. Starr et al.)
A Brief Word About Another Amino-Acid Change in B.1.1.7
I’ll quickly turn to another of the key changes said to be present in B.1.1.7. This change, the deletion of three amino acids was described in a paper published on the website of medRχiv on November 13, 2020. (Earlier in this article I mention that medRχiv is a creation of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.)
The mutation purportedly makes B.1.1.7 invisible to one of the three key functions of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. That function is detection of the gene that has the genetic code for one of the two main spike proteins on the outer surface of the novel coronavirus.
However, that conclusion is based on only sequencing of the virus in a mere six people who tested positive for the novel coronavirus. On top of that, the paper was not subjected to scrutiny by other scientists (a process known as ‘peer review’) before it was published.
In addition, the Covid diagnoses of those six people were themselves determined by PCR. And PCR has been shown to have a very high rate of false positives — that is, to very frequently give a positive result in people who in fact do not harbour the novel coronavirus at all.
The authors of that paper themselves conclude that:
this result should be interpreted with caution. As a limited number of samples with the S-negative profile [i.e., tests that were positive for two of the three portions of the PCR test but not for the third, S-gene, portion] were sequenced, we could not exclude the presence of other S mutations associated with this profile…. Moreover we could not determine whether the deletion affected the primer or other probe-binding region as their coordinates were not available.
It’s a good bet that similar sleights of hand are behind the new wave of papers and headlines focusing on the amino-acid change dubbed E484K.
What’s the lesson from all this?
That the pronouncements about the dire danger posed by the new variants aren’t based on solid science.
They appear to be aimed more at scaring the public into submitting to harsher and longer restrictions than helping to create truly evidence-based policies.
So follow the golden rules. Read the primary scientific-paper sources. Analyze them and think for yourself. Don’t let your reasoning be swept away by the 24-7, fear-filled news cycle.
Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years and now is an independent investigative journalist. You can watch her June 15 interview on The Corbett Report, read her otherOff-Guardian articles follow her on Twitter and read her website here.
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What about Phill Jupitus? I think the sun was there.
This kind of information is very useful, but I liked this article very much, if you also want some new information related to Covid 19, then you can visit here. COVID-19 Testing Kit at Home.
Also, very glad you picked up on the fact that Neil Ferguson, who had to resign from SAGE, managed to get a spot on the supposedly newly-formed (more likely, newl-named) NERVTAG. I think that the original virus didn’t live up to the death rates expected by the modelling, and thus they had to come up with this rubbish science in order to justify the likely increased number of deaths that will almost certainly occur due to the vaccine. Yes, there will be those who may perish quite soon afterwards, especially if elderly and currently or recently infected with Covid, but there will likely be MANY more when those vaccinated people next catch a wild Coronavirus – bearing in mind that Coronavirus is one of thousands of viruses that can cause the common cold! When your newly genetically-engineered body (via vaccine) comes into contact next with a wild virus, then, I’m afraid we are likely to see more illness and fatality. This is why we need this rubbish to cover-up for what’s coming due to the vaccine, which shouldn’t even be referred to as a vaccine; it is irreversible genetic therapy and should be labelled as such. Also, my understanding is that apart from massive conflicts of interest mentioned, these become more serious when you realise that Big Tech (via other structures) effectively now own most of the companies producing the vaccine; handy given that they can then censor any information that tells people their ‘product’ is not to be trusted. Then, additionally, go back and see what Rudolf Steiner (inventor of biodynamic farming and more) said about vaccines – and he died in the 1920s!
Thank you for this article – very well done, and I have now bookmarked this author’s site.
Up to it
‘What are the stars?’ said O’Brien indifferently. ‘They are bits of fire a few kilometres away. We could reach them if we wanted to. Or we could blot them out… For certain purposes, of course, that is not true. When we navigate the ocean, or when we predict an eclipse, we often find it convenient to assume that the earth goes round the sun and that the stars are millions upon millions of kilometres away. But what of it? Do you suppose it is beyond us to produce a dual system of astronomy? The stars can be near or distant, according as we need them. Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that? Have you forgotten doublethink?’
Dedicated to OCdt ConstantWarning:
Covid or common sense? The ‘new variants’ show up just in time to be blamed for the huge increase in Care Home deaths exactly coincidng with the Covid jab rollout, around the world. ‘First they came for the Care Home residents, …’
If you have a relative in a Care Home, do all you can to stop them getting this Franken-vaxx, and if they’ve survived one jab already, stop them getting the second.
Our government, and others, should be tried in a Nuremberg type trial. They don’t even have the fig-leaf of ‘fog of war’, they are going about this culling in cold blood, and the MSM are intentionally looking the other way. Even the moronic ‘Opposition’ (apart from those like Herr Starmer, already totally on board) cannot see what is being perpetrated under their noses. This is a few days old but you may be getting what you want
Take Off Your Mask And Get Off Your Knees ! COVID-19 IS FAKE !
Unquestioning Gullibility And Obedient Compliance
Are Unbecoming Of A Patriot !
FACT : Thousands of highly credible and qualified doctors and scientists from around the world are adamantly insisting that Covid-19 is either completely fake or practically harmless and are being deliberately and systematically censored by the Mainstream media and governments. ( Numbers Correspond To Links In CVHOAX.COM ) 2,3,7,8,9,11,14,17,33,34,35,36,40,44,55,59,60,61,62,63,69,76,80,82.83,86,90,104,147,157.
FACT : Covid-19 has never been scientifically proven to exist as it has not met any of the four criteria of Koch’s Postulate which is known as the Gold Standard of proof of a virus’s existence. The scientific study of germs is known as Germ Theory because it’s a THEORY ! Germs have never been proven to exist yet have been used to sell vaccines for over a hundred years. Exosome Theory is far more plausible. If you don’t know what Koch’s Postulate and Exosomes are then you’re not as smart or as well informed as you thought you were. This is an opportune time to drop your know it all attitude and open your ears.
FACT : The creator of the PCR Test used to detect Covid-19 said it was never intended to detect any virus. Every Covid-19 death was caused by something else and falsely attributed to Covid-19. Do you believe hospitals would be tempted to claim that a patient who died of the Flu had instead died of Covid-19 if the Government gave them $50,000.00 to say so ? Dr. Genevieve Briand, Assistant Director for MS in Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, has proven the alleged Covid 19 has resulted in no excess deaths. ( 157 ! ) 12,23,24,29,40,94,103,120,122,130,135. 9,10,16,17,27,56,88,89,96,117,118,129,143. 21,25,30,67,68,72,84,150,151. 37. FACT : Wearing a mask is utterly ineffective at blocking a virus. A virus can pass through a mask as easily as swimming under the Golden Gate Bridge. Prolonged mask wearing causes brain damage and respiratory illnesses. The first step to overcoming your mask fetish is to admit you have one. Do you wear your mask in your vehicle or outdoors when no one is near you ? Until recently it was common knowledge that hand sanitizing inhibits one’s immune system while exposure to dirt and filth strengthens one’s immune system. “ Mask Mouth ”. If the Mainstream Media and Government could convince you to do the Hokey Pokey they most certainly would. 40,57,59,70,71,78,79,87,95,101,102,132,139.140.
FACT : The Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ was planned years in advance and has been surreptitiously introduced into the public consciousness through popular culture. Many news articles reporting on Covid-19 are bizarrely coded with strange numbers. 19,20,38,42,46,47,48,52,53,54,56,77,121. 22,39,47,48,52,156.
FACT : Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are destroying your freedom and your economic livelihood and your future. Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are causing the starvation deaths of millions of people in poor countries and soon in formerly wealthy countries. Is it wise to inject yourself with a drug falsely labeled as a vaccine, designed to alter your DNA and sterilize you, to prevent a virus that has never been scientifically proven to exist ? Is it wise for the U.S. Military personnel to be injected with this ‘vaccine’ ? A perfect analogy to comprehend the social dynamic surrounding the public’s enthusiastic willingness to embrace the Covid-19 narrative
without question can be seen in the video Titled “Key & Peele, Pegasus Sighting”. Simply change the word “Pegasus” to “Covid-19”. Orson Welles’ War Of The Worlds broadcast also comes to mind. Throughout history rulers have used human being’s deep desire to feel like they’re contributing to the greater good to manipulate the public to act against their own best interests. “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte. The Emperor wears no clothes. Educate yourself or perish. 105,126,127,146,149,154,155. 18,50,51,65,74,75,85,92,100,106,107,108,113,114,119,128,134,149,152,153,158,159,160,161.
FACT : Lawsuits are currently being pursued against governments and other players that deceived the public to accept unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws based on a fraudulent test to detect the nonexistent Covid-19. 58,59,64,91,124,131,141.
FACT : Four out of five Stanley Milgrams surveyed recommend critical thinking for their patients who want to live in reality and not blindly follow orders from whomever they consider to be an authority. 157,162.
FACT : Decades of thorough documentation of placebos and nocebos conclusively and irrefutably prove that human beings can both heal and sicken themselves with their thoughts and feelings alone. Ray Charles. Thalidomide. Catherine Austin Fitts:
Planet Lockdown, the missing 21 Trillion Dollars and FASAB 56. (163).
You can lead a horse to water. You cannot cast pearls before swine.
A bit late to the OffG party but…..welcome !!
Germ Theory ? It’s just a theory, never been proven to exist !!
Exosome Theory ? Ah, ho hum, very plausible !!
WTF? The article IS talking about a ‘germ’ (SARS Cov-2). How could clear recognition of a germ be taken as evidence that germs don’t exist?
Specifically, that this strain of coronavirus has variants not proven to be any more infectious or cause more deadly COVID-19 than the original, which itself was not much more dangerous than a bad flu. Nor have changes found implying new variants been proven to be the result of a (genetic) mutation.
However, changes in amino acid expression sometimes ARE the result of small genetic mutations. Influenza changed every season. Noticeably more deadly mutations were rare, but estimated numbers of infections and deaths did fluctuate.
At the end of the day we are plagued far less by SARS Cov-2 and the associated biological illness of COVID-19, which is easily treated, but the deadly and decadent moral panic of COVID-1984 which half of society seems hell-bent on never getting over. One way or another.
Covidnineteen contains thirteen letters. There is no perfect anagram but closest is NONEVIDENCE at eleven letters. Joint second closest are coinvented and convenient at ten letters each.
Covidnineteen is not in evidence. Wow.
Here’s another one! Incentive Done
Seriously?? The world does not work according to anagrams that someone can work out in one language.
Yellow Card Reporting
Page 11 – Bell’s Palsy : as this was already mentioned on the list of possible adverse reactions, this is entirely predictable and could happen to anyone, anytime, anyway. So that’s alright then
Page 13 : deaths attributable to the vaccine are not proven as the old coffin dodgers probably had loads of underlying conditions so that’s clearly what despatched them. So that’s OK too.
Total whitewash 😤
How many times do we have to listen to Neil Ferguson before we can call him a ignominious??
Ferguson is completely discredited.
He’s a criminal not a scientist.
For the British government to be employing him and the media to be asking his advice also concludes they are completely discredited.
The first study says “abundant viral proteins were seen in the lung from PBS-immunized mice” ie. the same thing they say the virus caused.Following the links to a 1990 document the “isolate” contains all sorts of things. The virus is the vaccine.
It is not a new South African or Kent “variant” but from January 2020 in China.
This “isolate” is more or less the same as how vaccine is made.
It is a bit confusing as the “PBS-immunized mice” were the control. It however also says “By contrast, a significant reduction in viral RNA loads (approximately 0.1%) were seen in the lung of RBD-Fc immunized mice compared with the control animals”. 0.1% doesn’t sound significant to me at all so even though I got mixed up I was still right. It is still ““abundant viral proteins were seen in the lung”. In anycase it is total bs. Probably depends how much toxins are in each preperation. What is MASCp6? Oh it’s the “isolate”.
the rats are awaiting the human trails of the vaccine before they take them
The volunteers for the injection are drying up. Time is up.
Interesting. I don’t know if it’s significant, but in a shopping precinct in my town today, one of the doctor’s (G.P.’s) surgeries was advertising a Covid-19 vaccination session, with large noticeboards half-way round the block, leading to a special room reserved for the session. This was for pre-booked appointments. I went past the area several times over the course of an hour or so, but saw no one queuing up.
Although it was for pre-booked appointments, I half expected to see them try to pull people in off the street.
Ah yes, the dreaded “spike protein” is their favourite bogey man.
Is there any real proof that ANY virus “slips inside” cells and “multiplies”???
It’s the opposite of what they say. It is the PRS cycle, and the supposed “solution” is the problem, their “vaccine solution” is intended to do what they claim there by fucking up your body and causing what they say there. Their “vaccine” is just “slipped” into the cells, and then it produces broken shit perpetually!
That sort of backwards.
Actually, all these are up in the air: whether any virus (a) exists (b) enters cells (b) multiples there (d) causes harm.
Can you handle that there are “theories” and that the one with the greatest validity and explanatory power is the one that is being used?
Yup, the uh…. methodists are out this days in numbers, crawling all over to make sure to obscure everything, by focusing on the method, while we ask, what the bloody hell is an virus, and then suddenly we get muddy waters flowing, is it alive, metabolism, direction, etc, or is it just an sack of debrise, floating around with spikes attached.
I think people and we are so acustumed to the visual image of this uh…. virus and thats where I think the entire issue is becomed falisfyed, because of Dha Spike and now, since they want this to endure seasons after seasons and is already pimping that this can, since its already uh…. mutation go on for years, new stains, etc ad infinitum, and then we need more vaccines, ah…. it nothing smells like the ass(sumption) of an perptum mobile, an never ending circle jerk in more comon language witch is why I again, dont belive an single word of it, and we know about their methode, but stil not convinced about what, what are viruses, what is it, and the longer this scam continues the more fundamental my questions become like is this real at all, because of what I see, they deliberatly skips the sole fundamentals of science, it not proven, its not even controlled, its not become able to falsifye and is it above all, reproducable.
This stinks high heaven, and the squence, what sequence, the one they denied in the begining of this scamdemic witch was even postulated by the CDC them selfs, even snipped out of their own papers, and so they claim one of this have changed and somehow suddenly they can hon into what that change do, when the sequcne initialy is what we can safly define as crap, because never forget the BLAST paradigme about DNA/RNA sequences, and how did they find it, by comparing sequences, from what, we dont know, because they only talk about sequence change, and thats it.
I have to come back later byt for now I dont bother to dive into it because its more like jumping down into an seqage tank to find an golden ring.
Its not impossible but hey, it reaks of shit.
The SARS2 ‘virus’ has been around for at lease 2 years, enough time to carry out the Koch’s postulate experiment on animals. No one did it, because it can’t be done.
Why do the CDC/WHO/FDA all assume the virus sequence provided by the Pasteur institute (Shanghai) is the correct one?
I’m pretty sure they don’t assume that, it was specifically chosen to aid and fit their narratives. As they are entirely complicit.
The CDC itself is for profit. They have been doing GoF sort of shit for a very long time, the amount of corruption is staggering.
The French are saying the SARS2 is a harmless product (since SARS, SARS1) from the Pasteur institute since the 90s.
Someone called me a conspiracy theorist the other day. That I couldn’t prove what I was saying (even though they have no proof for their beliefs).
I replied, no doubt there were ‘conspiracy theorists’ in the USSR who knew that people were being disappeared. And no doubt there was an incredulous majority who refused to believe that such evil could be happening, refused either through sheer gullibility or fear of confronting the truth (REALITY). Well the conspiracy theorists were right. Just as they are now, for the most part.
If you are smart, your gut, intuition, deep down feelings, are rarely wrong. The stupid ignore their intuition and place blind faith in ‘authorities’.
Cowardly and immoral.
To be fair, it could be that the stupid simply have no intuition.
A genetic flaw, perhaps.
“Yeah I know, it’s so much easier to be a Coincidence Theorist”
IF you are smart? Conspiracy theories are the biggest ego booster ever, that’s one of the main reasons they’re so popular!
No original virus. How would you have a “variant”?
in a nutshell!! but few seem to know this 🙁
A negative vote!
So, either a troll, or someone of such a low intellect that it is questionable he/she can type!
Dilemma . . .
Every single person still wilfully muzzled up is dangerous
You know, early last year (in January), when there were like 10 cases in china I already called it bullshit. It was simply entirely apparent.
So I figured, naturally, other people would quickly notice (especially when I started implicating the sort of misattributions, deficiencies, toxicities related to “covid”).
People around me (personally) very quickly agreed that it was bullshit, because I kept on showing them irrefutable stuff, aside from the conflicts of interests, etc.
By february/march practically everyone I personally associated with knew it was bullshit. Shit, I spoke with random africans and they’d “get it” within minutes.
So then imagine my surprise, when at a sort of family gathering here, my sister (who I had not spoken with for a fair time) and her boyfriend came to visit. My sister being a geneticist, of course, was completely indoctrinated, wearing her mask while noone else here did.
Naturally, I imagined that she would’ve quickly noticed it’s garbage, too. Alas.
“the old-fashioned method” of isolation . . .
“isolating and purifying the virus” “would have been difficult and unnecessary”
“Gene sequencing confirms RNA”
“If you wanted to purify the virus, you would just make it.”
Excellent points, just those admissions alone invalidates all of their crap, states it is synthesized, unscientific and fraudulent.
(The present nanos have a very limited task, with no need of adaptation to unforeseen circumstances, or “evolution”.)
Expanding on the main topic above:
The “virologists” make fantastic assertions with respect to the “functions” that a “virus” or its RNA/DNA is capable of. Unfounded, unproven, impossible without intelligence and objective!
So much for the “mechanisms” that they can pull out of thin air for the preposterous “virus”.
But there is another aspect that belies all their “science”.
And that is the lack of energy-source in the said “virus”!
I critiqued that aspect as early as the hoax gathered steam under the rubric “pandemic”. There was no reaction from the “scientists” I contacted. Of course!
Maybe others – and I am aware of two, from my excursions in the alternate media – who saw the flaw commented as well somewhere.
Fact is that six months later, sometime in Summer 2020, some biologists published the notion that the “virus” obtains energy by hacking the output of mitochondria!
So, they had to try addressing our take-down!
But the Achille’s heel for all the evil is the stupidity, and we thank Goodness for that:
Their made-up occurrence – unproven! – doesn’t solve the problems raised by the lack of energy in the previous time that the “virus” operated: floating about, sensing a live cell, sneaking in with jiggly protein spikes (ha-ha), etc., etc.
All that was done without any energy.
Above all, the planning, the dissimulation, the very existence of an objective on the part of the “virus” commands the existence of consciousness, intelligence in the bugger!
If these shameless liars were to come with a statement such as: “There is an evil spirit that’s out to get us! We need an exorcist!”, then it would be more believable.
“There is an evil spirit that’s out to get us! We need an exorcist!”, then it would be more believable.
The thing is, they are possessed by that evil spirit, they do need an exorcist.
“Fact is that six months later, sometime in Summer 2020, some biologists published the notion that the “virus” obtains energy by hacking the output of mitochondria!”
Any supposed “viral” disease they talk of, again, they’re approaching it backwards.
It is not that the supposed “virus” obtains energy by hacking the output, it’s that it’s related (as an OUTPUT PRODUCT from damage), intrinsically from mitochondrial dysfunction.
The mitochondrial dysfunction first occurs (from deficiencies, toxicities), ATP metabolism suffers, energy is used to try and “deal” with the toxic and broken material because of being fundamentally associated.
I seriously struggle to believe that basic, obvious mechanisms are somehow unknown.
In fact, what they describe there is ONLY a possibility because of the bullshit associated with the “vaccines”.
Well, it might have been an interesting theory, but only of any possible value if backed up by experiment. Could they have done such an experiment, I wonder?
“There is an evil spirit that’s out to get us! We need an exorcist!”,
The evil spirit is the spirit of Dystopia and of genocide and it dwells within the collective mindset and credo of a cartel of psychopaths. The only good an exorcist could do is if he turns up with a a few tons of explosives, machine guns and a few dozen IED’s for us.
Dialogue goes nowhere and the sheeple have already committed psychological suicide anyway.
From experience, the “evil spirit” is a parasite. This thing mimicks the signals on the nerves, pretending to be our minds. It can produce mental and physical sensations, like the so-called “unexplained illnesses” which are nothing more than sensations of pain, of being ill, of being weak, etc. Take herbs like garlic to remove it, or try doctors. Tell them about “mind control parasites” that can be found online. I should be able to tell much more but not in the mood now. Maybe I should write all down and copy paste one day. Basically, ignore all the words in the mind until it’s eliminated. This thing sees our minds and create narratives pretending to be our minds.
Maybe I shouldn’t eat that much. Didn’t eat the whole day and just now I had it double. Lol.
There is non-programmed learning. But in a critical case such a medicine, how do we validate the solution an AI produces? In any case, the frenetic increase in surveillance goes towards building up the databases you mentioned.
I place no value in their biased “machine learning”, AI or in-silico shit. That shit is so unbelievably easy to misuse and the potential for error is enormous, thanks to fundamentally flawed methodology (aside from agenda and such).
And I say that as a guy who programmed physics and shit for a decade.
“There is non-programmed learning.”
Sorry, I missed this…
But, that makes absolutely no sense (in this context). Software is programmed and used for “learning”, how do you escape the idea of programmed software, software derived data, influenced data etc?
Keep in mind it is all fundamentally broken due to (fundamentally entropic, flawed, and that is excluding brain failures) methodologies, tools used and the amount of entropy “accumulating” is often enormous.
The very reason I stopped bothering with “in-silico” physics was precisely because it became more and more apparent to me that it’s simply fundamentally flawed. Especially because I tended to have exceedingly high hopes. All of that gone.
“Unsupervised learning” in neural networks can result in parsing speech, images and video, developing a model of the world, and solving problems. -Joscha Bach 2016.
The AlphaGo Zero system mastered the complex game of Go through autonomous practice – without expert data or guidance beyond the basic rules or goals. It defeated the reigning world champion. -Google AlphaGo team 2017
Unsupervised, not non-programmed!
Amazing you are!
Go read what the makers of it were saying!
You have problems:
To clarify – so that you might not confuse others with the same problems, and put them on the wrong side of “plandemic” – both you, as human, and the machines cannot learn without an instilled/installed framework.
Another problem you have is going out of the context presented:
Beran did nowhere speak of AI solutions. He stated that an AI the size of a “virus” wouldn’t be able to function the way the “scientists” say the “virus” functions!
Something you have never encountered learns how to do things?!
Who/what is the agent of this learning, and how is that achieved?!
Again, as Beran states: If it’s evil spirit -that you can’t see but whose actions you feel – call the exorcist!
To someone who worked at the virology research bench for 10 years, your comments are rather anodyne:
‘How do you sequence RNA in the absence of ‘purifying virus’?
Rather easily, actually. The method by which you isolate RNA is totally different to how you isolate a virus. To isolate intact virus, you must ensure that the viral particles remain intact, which means it’s rather a good idea not to expose it to any detergent. On the other hand, strong detergents are the first thing you throw at bio-samples from which you wish to isolate intact RNA, as they immediately inactivate the ribonucleases which would otherwise break down the RNA into tiny pieces. So the first act in isolating RNA is one which immediately destroys all virus particles.
You are confirming that the RNA sequence is identical to that already published in China, or at least extremely close (since mutant strains emerge in every virus in the wild).
‘How do you isolate a virus?’
Again, rather simple. OK, you need necessary biohazard containment facilities to be allowed to do the work, but the CDC has such facilities and isolated SARS-CoV2 virus particles and put them through 4 rounds of cell infection, virus harvesting and RNA sequencing. The sequence after each of the four rounds of infection was identical, showing that the virus did not rapidly mutate under laboratory conditions.
How CDC did it was to take bio-samples from a patient showing symptoms of Covid19 in the US (you know, diagnosis using traditional medical parameters, not using a PCR test), and performing serial dilution infection assays in cells in culture. When they found the right dilution to see obvious signs of cell death under the microscope (a trivial exercise for trained virologists), they then isolated samples being shed from such cells and performed larger-scale infection/harvesting rounds to generate enough sample to sequence.
The technical requirements could be carried out by a young graduate student under supervision, however the key issue is the granting of a license to perform such work under containment conditions.
That reads an awful lot like they synthesized it (to demonize the body, considering how conveniently it demonizes the body for the “vaccine”), then conveniently found what they wanted to find to match the narrative by the complicit chinese.
I mean I would have to ignore enormous amounts of things to be able consider any of it valid.
I’ll try point out some sticking points, so firstly.
“How CDC did it was to take bio-samples from a patient showing symptoms of Covid19 in the US (you know, diagnosis using traditional medical parameters, not using a PCR test), and performing serial dilution infection assays in cells in culture.”
They’re identifying a “mysterious virus” with absolutely no unique symptoms and practically any symptoms associated with it, AND conveniently it matches the narrative while being pretty much exactly the made up synthesized crap suggested by the chinese. Conveniently, influenza, coronaviruses and some other viruses magically disappear. OK then.
And then, later, they make a test, and….they got fuckall and turn to “characterized” and the synthesized shit. Unless I got the timeline wrong here.
And no, I don’t consider the CDC or FDA to have credibility, by their (SS)hi(t)story. Even less the other implicated institutions.
Though your post was worthy of an upvote, coz it elucidates the bullshit even more.
What “wild” are you talking about?
They have yet to figure out that when something is damaged (toxicity, deficiency) in a somewhat different way, the result (the “viral” association) is somewhat different.
I would hazard a guess and say in their biome
I’d be interested to learn which symptoms the CDC used that are unique to C19.
Were the bio-samples mucus or spit or something else?
What methodology is involved in “serial dilution infection assays”? And how is the cell culture prepared / of what is it constituted? I’ve read articles from folk on the terrain-theory side of things who explain that antibiotics and fixatives are used that are harmful to the cells such that when control experiments are carried out (Stefan Lanka commissioned such as virologists – he claims – don’t perform this step), in which no assumed pathogens are added, the cells die in exactly the same way. In the absence of control experiments, how can we be sure the assumed pathogens are doing the killing?
“they then isolated samples being shed from such cells” – How? Serial dilution infection assays?
I’d be happy with a link to the paper you reference (I’m assuming you weren’t present).
I’ve argued elsewhere that unless we have film of viruses entering cells, replicating in cells, and then exiting cells, we don’t have clear evidence of ‘direction of travel’. Do we have such a recording? If not, how do we know cells in cultures don’t produce these particles as an artefact of the experiments? And when seen in bio-samples taken from sick people, how do we know these particles are not endogenous products of the way in which the body naturally handles processing some toxin or other injury?
(It strikes me as I type that the consistency of the viral particles across various experiments / from multiple sick people might only be explainable in germ-theory terms. I can sketchily imagine terrain-theory explanations for this but sense intuitively that such explanations wouldn’t bear close scrutiny.)
I freely confess to being a layman who currently sees the danger in virology of a foundational assumption about pathogenic germs guiding how experiments are conducted and interpreted. If I and others are wrong on this, I surely would love to know and learn how!
In other words, they are assuming what it is that they had to prove.
Rhys Jaggar,
You didn’t comprehend Beran’s questions!
You say:
“The method by which you isolate RNA is totally different to how you isolate a virus.”
He says:
“Whose RNA?”
You say:
‘How do you isolate a virus?’
“Again, rather simple. […] isolated SARS-CoV2 virus particles and put them through 4 rounds of cell infection […]”
He says:
How do you perform a process by taking the results (isolated particles) of said process (isolation) – which wasn’t performed! – to show that they belong to the said unperformed process, the confirmation of which comes from some Chinese who didn’t perform the process either?!
Were you working as a janitor in that “lab”?
Compiled some words from discarded papers and plonked them down here?
No coherence in your sentences, no logic serving the supposed outcome you think you pursue!
You are pathetic, but it is a great pleasure to observe several commenters taking you to task – unimpressed by the misplaced jargon!
Hang you head!
Should read: “your head” – as in shame – expression which you probably don’t comprehend either!
Amazingly, 5 favorable votes!
You have brothers/sisters, Rhys!
Low IQ doesn’t stop proliferation. It’s not a requirement!
Or did you come under different names and voted?
Thanks Beran and others who have responded. I posted the eminent Professor’s response to collate some ideas and arguments from well-informed posters (I know nothing about genetics) to go back to him with and will do so once my new laptop arrives. I will report back in due course.
Good thinking!
You should have made that clear at the outset, so readers don’t take you for a troll!
Let’s see what Frankenstein has to say in reply!
I suggest you post the reply not only here, but on the most recent articles as well – or old ones like the “Phantom”.
Though I don’t know how many scour the OffGuardian for old postings.
An autoimmune disease:
Doctors Link Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines to Life-Threatening Blood Disorder • Children’s Health Defense
Everything that the devils make up is dutifully gobbled up by the imbecilic humanity.
It’s so easy to detect the fraud!
Imaginary mechanisms in an imaginary, energy-lacking, entity!
The devils just trained Taro Kono of Japan to hype up the vaccines while cutting the health funds and social services.
They push him to take Suga’s place – who refused to lockdown his country!
The mass media is bought, the people are scared because they don’t think, and they welcome the shite Taro!
Watch all over the world how this maneuvering is replicated!
This sort of operation is afoot in all countries because evil is ubiquitous, and it has no problem acquiring minions!
Goddamn, and I really figured Japan was and would remain at least slightly more reasonable than some other places regarding this shit.
A friend forwarded one of the recent Off-Guardian articles disputing the existence of the virus to a friend of his, a Professor of Genetics at a prominent UK university, who responded thus:
“No, this is wrong. Isolating a viral particle may not tell you anything much about it, even if you could get a test-tube full. Viruses are protein capsules with some proteins hanging off and DNA/RNA inside. Classes of viruses, and indeed species, can “look” very similar but actually be very different. The DNA (or RNA for some viruses) encodes the instructions and has become the reference for phylogeny. If you wanted to purify the virus, you would just make it. Search for metagenomics to see how species identification is done. The new viral strain was determined by comparing its RNA sequence to the known RNA sequences, because the patient phenotypes were different.
With RNA sequencing, you can just sequence some tissue containing the virus and map all the sequences to known references. The bit that doesn’t map to the human genome is the virus. That bit will map closer to known corona virus family members. Much harder before sequencing. I guess you could try and purify the viral particle fraction, but what for? If you wanted a lot of virus, you would just infect human cells in vitro.”
So, in summary, the journos were barking up the wrong tree. They were technically correct that nobody had succeeded in isolating and purifying the virus using the old-fashioned method, but they grossly over-estimated the significance of that fact. It was essentially just because it would have been difficult and unnecessary. Gene sequencing confirms RNA is common to multiple patients, but isn’t matching with anything else on record – therefore it must be a new virus.
Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t issues with PCR testing, vaccines, lockdowns, etc. But saying the virus doesn’t exist is tin-foil hat territory.”
Just say that this anonymous professor is correct in what he says above, it still does not prove that this “virus” particle was the cause of the disease, or any disease.
I don’t trust anonymous professors who won’t allow their work to be peer reviewed.
The original PCR designed by Drosten without any virus and approved by the WHO in over 70% of the world proved that one of the genes being tested for ; the E gene is also present in all Asian cold viruses.
With the 2nd gene the RDRP gene the primer was so poorly designed it cross reacted with other coronaviruses.
The concentration levels and the annealing temperatures were so high the Drosten PCR would lead to unspecific binding resulting in the test being useless.
You can test for a sequence of anything but if your PCR is poorly designed and not conducted properly the process is useless.
We’ve had water samples, Coca Cola, Pepsi, papaya, goats and oil all test positive.
Are the gene sequences of this ‘virus’ found in these products too?
Maybe the dear Professor would enlighten us.
All the testing labs in the UK are funded by the British government.
But they won’t release the SOP of these assays to anyone so none of them have been peer reviewed.
In a “global” sense, if these guys sat and thought about this, looked at the physical processes, they would see broken/toxic proteins and shit get ejected/rejected by cells in the body. There was recently a pretty important discovery about that btw, an 8 year study (stanford, uc davis?, I don’t quite remember).
So they are literally misidentifying something AND understanding the process in reverse. On purpose, no doubt.
Somehow, it doesn’t occur to them, that AFTER you have say, vitamin A deficiency, things start breaking, supposed “measles viral load” increases commensurately. Certainly coincidental. And bizarrely, as if by magic, if that deficiency is then addressed, the “viral load” goes away. Divine intervention is a wonderful thing.
If this is indeed from some jerk, you wouldn’t have posted it if you hadn’t believed it!
Peddlers like you make it more difficult for weak people to stand up.
You will be in the same row of devils when Justice really RESETS things, and you will suffer!
Sometimes lazarus doesn’t get resurrected.
And I’m a very old necromancer.
Beran, above, gave a reply.
“just infect human cells in vitro”
So why has The Science not done that, except using poisoned and infected animal cells?
They first had to bastardize, synthesize and engineer their idea of “the virus”, conveniently pieced together to demonize your body and use it as “justification” for attacking you…to protect you from the mythical virus, by making your body produce that toxic “virus” they pieced together.
That’s what they have done with the mRNA “vaccines”, that’s how they are infecting human cells, experimentally.
Geniuses with PhDs have to believe this bullshit- or admit to a career based on fakery and fraud. This is all based on removal of the teaching of logic from school curriculums. Ignorance breeds fear- the essential foundations for slavery.
Congratulations, You have outperformed Biden’s inauguration video ratio.
From Dr Mercola
Experimental Gene Therapy Is a Bad IdeaCircling back to where we began, COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines. They are experimental gene therapies that are falsely marketed as vaccines, likely to circumvent liability. World governments and global and national health organizations are all complicit in this illegal deception and must be held accountable.
Ask yourself the question Martin asked in his video: Would you agree to take an experimental chemotherapy gene therapy for a cancer you do not have? If the answer is no, then why would you even consider lining up for an experimental gene therapy for COVID-19 — a set of clinical symptoms that haven’t even been causally linked to SARS-CoV-2?
These injections are not vaccines. They do not prevent infection, they do not render you immune, and they do not prevent transmission of the disease. Instead, they alter your genetic coding, turning you into a viral protein factory that has no off-switch. What’s happening here is a medical fraud of unprecedented magnitude, and it really needs to be stopped before it’s too late for a majority of people.
“Instead, they alter your genetic coding, turning you into a viral protein factory that has no off-switch.”
And when you say “viral protein factory”, that is unnecessarily, serves no beneficial physiological function and is purely damaging and degenerating.
it really needs to be stopped before it’s too late
How do we stop it?
Serious question. I’ve been tracking covid resistance activity for some time and I’m not sure what to make of it. My bullshit meter goes off more than I would expect, especially after a year of build up.
We have the street protests which are fine but also serve the agenda by tagging opposition as crazies, deniers, conspiracy theorists etc. you know the usual.
So the masses look away. It reinforces their belief in the official narrative.
Then we have the leaders of these resistance groups – a rag tag bunch of medical professionals that lean towards “hippy”. No problem with that myself. I’m a proponent of natural medicine and the emerging evidence based german model. The problem is that normies view these people as kooks and to be fair, some of them come across as exactly that even to me.
We have the celebrity lawyers who promised this would all be dragged through the international courts. It’s been a while. And knowing how corrupt the system is from top to bottom, it’s probably wishful thinking to believe that anything will come of it.
I get the feeling that we’re being led up the garden path… again!
Just like Qanon gave many americans false hope, these anti-lockdown groups appear to be doing the same. I hope I’m wrong but it certainly is looking that way. Something is off about these groups and their activities. They could even be leading people into a trap to be rounded up as things move forward.
It appears to me that the only real way out of this situation is to walk away, lie low, and wait for things to move on. If you think that’s cowardly, I would remind you that every single other time tyranny comes knocking, the people resisting are locked up in camps or worse. What makes you think it would be different this time?
For those who believe in miracles it would go something like this…
Military coups in most leading nations, take control of the airwaves, send 24 hr positive propaganda declaring the end of the greatest scam in history, perps have been arrested, life restored more or less to normal, great festivities planned, new banking, new medicine, new education, new government for all.
We can all dream.
More medical “science”: > “Unfortunately, while four out of five doctors already regularly prescribe PEGylated drugs, only one out of five are aware of the potential for anti-PEG antibody responses and only a third even know that PEG is in the drugs that they are prescribing.” [Duh…]
Components of mRNA Technology “Could Lead to Significant Adverse Events in One or More of Our Clinical Trials,” says Moderna
Components of mRNA Technology “Could Lead to Significant Adverse Events in One or More of Our Clinical Trials,” says Moderna • Children’s Health Defense
“UCSF Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Peter Chin-Hong said 25-50% of 75,000 patients involved in the Pfizer and Moderna trials experienced some side effects. Fifteen percent of them were more serious and needed more than a day to recover.
“It’s your body’s immune system trying to get activated because it’s seeing this new thing and the way that it gets activated is the way you’re feeling which is inflammation,” Chin-Hong said. “The virus is not in the vaccine, this vaccine is completely infection-free.””
Check the bullshit attempt to spin there. “this vaccine is completely infection free”, yet its very purpose is to cause the body to produce the “infectious agents” unnecessarily, damaging and diverting proper function, which is far worse.
And of course, when he says “this new thing and the way it gets activated” it means your body recognizes it is SUPER TOXIC SHIT AND FREAKS THE FUCK OUT, with the most obvious signs of toxicity, inflammation.
I just loved the way she threw the non-science over her shoulder and used my favourite quote ‘The Emperor has no clothes’
Great artical thanks
They have an appetite for instruction. Usually a very limited set of instructions. Robots are not very flexible.
I said something similar, but more generally applicable, btw.
Here it is:
While I applaud Ms. Frei’s research, I have developed a far more efficient gatekeeper (pun intentional) methodology for tossing purported research papers dealing with either the “virus” or the lethal gene therapy in the circular file. One advantage is that it requires absolutely no knowledge of molecular biology. It dates back to the USSA Watergate fiasco when the fake whistle blower (who turned out upon his death to be the second highest official of the FBI) instructed “journalist” Bob Woodward to “follow the money.” So the trick is not to waste one’s time looking into a paper, whether peer reviewed or not, but rather to check the organization from which the paper originated and whether it has any funding, direct or indirect, from Dr. Billy Boy, MD, D.BS. Imperial College from which infamous psychopath Neil Furgeson collects his paycheck, has received over $200 million from Dr. Gates. We are then on to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine as well which displayed the misjudgment to allow Billy Boy to put out a press release announcing a grant to them of a measly $40 million. Scratch that turkey.
The third paper, unnamed and linked with “Dec.31” once again was published by Imperial College, and I would assume that this large group of scientists were each getting their fair cut of Gates’ 200 million for their signatures, as well they should.
As to the UK gov paper, any scientific paper issued by any government agency should be assumed to be fraudulent by definition and should only be studied for amusement. A case in point would be the CDC, which buried two wonderful nuggets in large manure laced releases. One was that they (the CDC) did not possess any purified sample of “THE VIRUS,” and the other was that 94% of their officially registered cv-1984 deaths had at least one comorbidity which could have had primary responsible for each “certified” death. Well, there is another one which is that deaths from influenza in the 2020-21 season has virtually disappeared in a miraculous fashion.
I feel that I deserve this coming year’s igNobel prize in medicine for this valuable discovery with which to ascertain which scientific papers are ipso facto fraudulent with little effort.
Hi el, yes, I’m on it – my next article, which I’ll post in a day or two, is on the web of conflicts of interest and influence among the cliquey group that rules the modeling world.
Good article , thanks.
Look at who paid for the building for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Always the same fingerprints wherever one looks.
Interesting development in Iceland today:
The ‘authorities’ (I didn’t authorize them) had a meeting with Pfizer representatives regarding the 500,000 doses of ‘vaccine’ which were supposed to come and save everybody (there are only 360,000 inhabitants in the country), but the authorities had to admit that there were not enough ‘cases’ to make it feasible for Pfizer to fulfill the order…
They said they were ‘disappointed’…
I was thrilled.
This is good stuff, although I will not be exactly optimistic until nobody can remember what covid was.
Could it honestly, actually, really, seriously be that they are backing down, without wanting to lose face by openly admitting it?
Out of fear of criminal-court repercussions?
“Feasible” or necessary? (Feasible suggests that Pfizer may have difficulty fulfilling the order, either at all, or on time, but this just sounds like the country doesn’t want or need all those doses.) Have the doses already been paid for (I assume they have not)?
Oh, the country wants the doses all right, although you and I both know that it doesn’t need them.
Just as in the UK, the general population have been manipulated into believing that they are really desperate to receive the vaccine, but today’s news has put a big hole in that idea.
The relevant wording in Icelandic was that “…vaccination research in the country did not lead to the intended result because of the small number of cases identified during recent weeks.
“It would not be justifiable to send 500,000 doses of vaccine as things stand today.”
So, rather than ‘feasible’, or ‘necessary’, it looks like the correct word is “justifiable”.
Of course we’re talking “money-justifiable” here…
The question of whether Pfizer may have had difficulty fulfilling the order, either at all, or on time, is still lost in foggy territory, which is where the idea struck me that Pfizer is conceivably getting cold feet about the implications of the whole scam.
I am certain that none of this is to be taken at face value.
Ever on the look-out for DoubleSpeak, I noticed that what were really intended to be vaccination experiments on the Icelandic people have been euphemized into the phrase, “vaccine research”, because that sounds more neutral.
I, too, assume the doses have not been paid for, but I haven’t found confirmation of this yet.
Anything is possible these days, and financial risk taking is a big part of it.
The Prime Minister said that “it would have been wonderful if we could have done this”…
Wonderful for whom?
Thanks for the clarification.
Yes, that makes better sense!
The moon careth not for the cloud,” he said, “and the saheb-log careth not for me—or thee—unless it be to use us for personal benefit.”
For what it’s worth, the arrangement for the USA is an advance-purchase agreement, meaning that the company won’t get paid until they deliver the vaccines.
But it could be that different deals are done with different countries, some doubtless more gullible than others.
I’d say no.
The “narrative” will morph seamlessly in another direction.
Could be.
Or they’ll wait another generation and try the same narrative yet again…
There is a meeting in Number 10 tomorrow to decide how many are going to die and how many are going to catch the dreaded killer tomorrow. Must decide before the 6 O’clock news tomorrow.
And people will be queueing up, shouting, “I want to die first!”…
Basic considerations?
“Let me explain to the readers here. Here are the facts:
DNA is merely made up of 4 proteins remember.
RNA is one side of a double helix strand.
mRNA is merely a snippet of the one-sided RNA.
The cell naturally sends out mRNA from Polymerase to create chemical reactions in the body from Replisomes attaching other proteins to the mRNA.
ALL chemical reactions in the body that occur naturally occur from this process.
Now tell me, if we are looking at a small snippet of sequencing between 4 proteins – only 4 proteins – then how many times can you uniquely sequence mRNA without being able to find it naturally in the body when – if you were to unravel the length of all the DNA in your body it would stretch out to twice the circumstance of the solar system?
I’ve already typed more data than is in the mRNA which is claimed to be “the virus”. What most people don’t even understand, is that all viruses are berely DNA or RNA strands. It’s retarded to claim the shell has anything to do with the “virus” since the shell would naturally occur from exocytosis to any mRNA leaving by the cell membrane.
Now think of this:
1. DNA is piezoelectric.
2. 5G wifi was not funded at all for health risk studies prior roll out []
3. The 5G spectrum is anywhere from 30GHz to 300GHz.
4. The crowd control military ADS device (remember, the one we’ve seen on science channels that beams “harmless” radiation which burns the skin and makes people run away) sends out a frequency of 94GHz – well within the 5G range.
5. The frequency of 60GHz has been measured to have a resonance factor upon the Oxygen molecule causing it to detach it’s chemical bond with anything it may be attached to. We can see that clearly that is within the 5G wifi spectrum.
6. Hemoglobin requires the chemical bond of Oxygen molecules in order to carry Oxygen throughout our body.
• What is the #1 symptom doctors world wide are claiming they’re seeing? What was it? People turning blue? People unable to breathe? Yeah. That’s right.
• Isn’t it interesting the WHO came out with a “debunk” page where the first “debunk” they put up at the beginning of 2020’s pandemic was “No the virus is not spread by 5G, viruses do not travel on WiFi.” →which is entirely red herring and narcissistically gas-lighting. Nobody had even ever claimed that the viruse “traveled” on WiFi. The proof is in the pudding by their narcissistic narrative.”
Shaun Thomas Villafana
I do not know the guy, but in case someone finds some value in that…
And a link to Saeed Qureshi’s site.
”now think of this” can be translated as ”this is my opinion and guesswork”.
Fair enough. It’s becoming more prevalent now anyway. Maybe it’s the boredom of lockdown doing strange things to minds. Other than that it’s a vey long copy and paste. Copied and pasted articles and examples are fine but they normally come with an explanation, or questioning of it. This could have just been a link being posted with a brief guide to what it’s about should anyone feel inclined to look.
Constant when I have me science head on I will explain all……..but please remember all life is written in a four letter code…we call them nucleic acids A T C G
A only ever pairs with T
C only ever pairs with G (there is one base with a different letter code in RNA)
So, if I give you the line TAACGTTGAGCGT you can match it up . not hard.
Actually both sides of the double helix are DNA.
James Watson a brash American and Francis Crick an English physicist got the attribution of working out the double helical structure of DNA, because one Maurice Wilkinson pinched the work of Rosalind Franklin and showed it to Watson. Watson & Crick got a Nobel Prize Wilkinson even got a mention. Rosalind Franklin, well she was dead…all that X-ray crystalography I expect, died of leukaemia. The truth found it’s way out as truth is inclined to do, however they don’t give Nobel Prizes posthumusly.
She had to eat in a seperate dining room because she was a woman and Watson called here Rosie because he found it funny.
To understand science properly you must learn all of it…..history.why, when, where and who. You must experience science in all of it’s glory. You must see how form fits function and understand why eg a red blood cell is the only cell in the body that does not have a nucleus. It’s shape is that of a biconclave disc.
Form fits function a biconcave disc with no nucleus can carry more oxygen to where it is needed most. This is science …….not throwing big words around because they sound good
A pseudo intellectual exercise then. I’d rather read material from someone trying to spread useful knowledge and opinions rather than try to impress people with their pretentious vocabulary. And whichever it is, an overlong pasted article is wasteful on a board made for discussion and general conversation. A link and comment would have been plenty.
Well Constant, you are right….I tend to believe that because covid-19 is a non virus….some have jumped on the bandwagon and said there are no viruses…..utter hogwash ! The first virus ever isolated was in a plant. It caused tobacco leaf mosaic virus. No-one has even thought about viruses in plants during this charade of make it up as you go along. Copy and paste as you go along and throw in a few words you think sound impressive.
Neurotic is this year’s impressive then. Figures.
I omitted the fact that a biconcave disc gives a wider surface and that along with no nucleus gives the greatest amount of space to carry oxygen
I had one of those in Green
Those comments are in themselves, questioning, regarding the narrative. That much is clear. Simple factors likely mentioned due the association and relevance.
Could you address one of the points with a refutation?
the great news about 4g and 5g is it is banned in isreal
a real close call i can tell you
tel aviv are pioneers of 5g but for sum reason they prefer 3g and fibre optics
the coroni vaccine they are getting is vit c d and zinc
for the heffer and the temple to rise and the oded yinon planned growth nuttyahoo needs
all hands on decks
whilst the u.k now adds more chemicals to it already chemical laced solution called water
irseal now bans the chemicals which u.k puts in it solution called water
Concept of “social distancing” is in the Talmud, the Tricknology. In tractate Bava Metzia 59b it states “the distance that one must maintain from an ostracized individual” is “four cubits.” A cubit is 18 in., 4 cubits is 72 in., exactly 6 feet.
In the mean time, a terrible image of suffering in israel is painted in the media.
Well found!
But many parts of Asia- such as Korea, are already playing with 6g
Intuition says Yes.
Flu or virus season always hits a peak of transmissibility in December, January and February or winter as it is commonly known. All I.L.I become more transmissible at this time of year. The reason we saw cases get out of control can be attributed to a number of factors. Firstly the W.H.O stated that the virus was NOT seasonal. This meant that over the summer months we assumed that we had defeated it and became complacent. This complacency was compounded when following the November lockdown the government put the great majority of England straight into tier 2 restrictions. With 3 weeks to go until Christmas, celebrating their release from lockdown, this left people going to pubs and making a lot of shopping trips just as we were heading into the most dangerous winter months as it was shown that the virus was completely seasonal as many had expected.
If in any doubt look at the 7 day averages for both the UK and Netherlands for the period. They follow very similar paths yet the Netherlands didn’t have the UK variant.
I think even the British government are surprised by the very limited pushback to the lockdown restrictions from the public.
Undoubtedly furlough and grants for businesses that have been forced to close have helped.
But how much longer can this continue I don’t know.
It’s been obvious for some time there is no exit plan because there’s not meant to be an exit plan from the cycles of lockdowns.
But the government have been fooling the public and businesses with the notion this vaccine was going to be a game changer.
None of the vaccine trials were ever conducted with the expectation of eliminating the virus (for those who believe it exists).
It was merely a gene therapy treatment to suppress symptoms.
Again the government have lied.
The government have never stated or defined what an acceptable level of death is, an acceptable level of ‘pressure’ on hospitals and what’s an acceptable level of positive tests.
What exactly are they looking to achieve.
No one knows.
I hope businesses wake up to the fact that the government is not trying to protect them but rather destroy the majority of these businesses.
If they do wake up there might be some hope.
what the hell you talking about
true example
My colleagues and there business are losing more money than what the government is offering you no not that dont you
also furlough is 80% of wages just about covers some people basic’s Paul
#this is the shill crap talk radio and bullshit Brian and his lot pushed in the the gullible small minds not forgetting operative king of the shills daily mail Hitchens on a nice big 6 figure salary and allowed to work and is exempt but he ridicules thoses who will be fined and told to close and not work mind you he has always pushed the narrative nicely for them
infact some i no are so scared of this crap they dare not open until; big brother says so
like many others out there.
Its ok for bullshit Brian UKC and daily mail Hitchens talk shill radio this wont effect them what so ever – they are funded nicely by you no who.
how else does a radio station get it station back on you tube after getting deleted psyop
establishment owned pushing the Establishment agenda and talking points which the gullible repeat
For the majority of people furlough is a paid holiday.
Furlough was introduced to buy compliance.
But many of these people don’t realise their jobs aren’t coming back.
I agree that all businesses are losing money despite the government grants. They still have to pay their overheads and are paying the tax and national insurance for all employees.
The government have psychologically manipulated a lot of these businesses to believe they are closed due to a virus and they are helping them out but the truth is they are closed due to government policy.
I know many businesses who are afraid to speak out in case their government funding is stopped or the media portray them as covid deniers.
The point I’m making is the government has been selling the idea that a vaccine was going to be the route out whereas they knew all along this was a lie.
I agree that Hitchens and Hartley-Brewer are controlled opposition.
Hitchens is babbling that this is all due to government incompetence whereas he knows full well they know exactly what they’re doing.
JHB will argue against lockdowns but has never once challenged the vaccine narrative.
People have a right to know that they aren’t actually vaccines, have only received emergency approval and any long term side effects are unknown.
This is deeply irresponsible journalism.
I disagree about UK Column. They’ve challenged the narrative since the start and have dismantled the flimsy evidence put forward by the government.
The only aspect they’ve not challenged is the existence of the virus.
I think it’s fairly obvious they think it’s a load of bollocks.
They’ve made it abundantly clear that covid has replaced the flu and left the viewer to work the rest out.
If they make a claim it doesn’t exist they will most likely lose their channel.
But credit to Off Guardian for challenging the existence of the virus itself.
They’ve very carefully and diligently provided its readers with evidence to the fact the existence of a Sars Cov 2 virus has yet to be proven.
Now that’s brave journalism because I can imagine this site has come under huge attacks from 77th.
Its also appalling that Twitter is flagging Off Guardian as a site where the content may be unsafe. I imagine this may put off a lot of people which is a big shame for them and real investigative journalism.
Valid points all well known
my self i am little bit simple. if someone who is good at there job says they can do a job and doesn’t do the job
it not easy for me to go back to them
this is what so called alt media is
sells tempts seduce and radicalize actually manipulate you then switches it
exactly what alt media and u.k shillum have done
THEY sold you bojo trump all the talking points which the government offers
you cant see it as you in it
you have vested interest in theses so called pop alt news channel s
i sound crazy to a lot of people only on this site for calling them what they are
Question? how do you feel after watching them?? was you aware they have more outrageous news articles talking points on certain period of the month to app up the response
why do they do that. ?
respectfully you think average joe in u.k needs a team of psychologist working for the government to work them into doing something when they have alt media main stream media and all; the gadgets chemicals used day in day out on them
ow dear you have fallen in the trap and who gave you that intel U>K shillum of course
Who are they again ?Military personnel
Same psyop ukc sold to the sleepy head people sage psyosp now working in other country’s…………………….
Germany Hired Scientists To Develop Fake Coronavirus Model To Justify Strict Lockdown
i appreciate your time and thank you
We all have freedom to think, examine evidence and make our own conclusions.
You have your beliefs. I have mine.
Best of luck.
never the less we are in the same boat thanks Paul
That’s true.
I never point out anything like spelling mistakes and typos. It’s small minded. Having said that, there is an actual line in my opinion. The occasional full stop or comma would be nice.
Your post has steam coming out of it’s ears. It’s as though you’ve sat down, wound up and gone mad at a keypad.
I could be wrong of course. In which case I apologise. But the lack of cohesion and random ranting makes it all look like your taking a defiant stand against the English language and it’s rules.
Then why don’t you apologise?
Because I’m right. Is there something wrong with you ?
What they were looking to achieve is worldwide communism, which for us means slavery. They have already achieved it. We are now fucked. The new normal is here to stay and it means whatever they decide it means. How we live from now on will massively be controlled. Essential liberty has gone and we are reduced to cattle. With no hope of this nightmare ending until the average person realises who is doing this to us and why – the answer to which can be found by looking into history and entertaining some ‘controversial thoughts’.
Dude, I’m from orion. If this planet has to be terraformed and their constructs and subspecies (trust me, most are not what you can consider human) obliterated, that could be implemented.
An explanation of real “viral” activity in this domain.
why are you posting irrelevant youtube links? (this one is heavy metal music)
great intro and there decent something new to listen to
Its your band..?
They are looking to freeze the economy in a desperate attempt to save the dollar as a global currency. Also, to get people used to the idea of dictatorship, because “emergency”.
WHO investigative team delivers cover up verdict as expected. Dr Peter Daszak is a manipulator and organizer and he had already decided early last year that it didn’t come from a lab and staged an apparent unity of scientific opinion backing up that view. The Daily Mail reports his conflicts of interests and previous manipulative role in condemning any suggestion that it may have accidentally escaped from a lab as conspiracy theory. The Daily Mail reported these issues as follows:
‘Peter Daszak has conflicts of interest that unequivocally disqualify him from being part of an investigation of the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic,’ said Richard Ebright, bio-security expert and professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
‘He was the contractor responsible for funding of high-risk [GoF] research on Sars-related bat coronaviruses at Wuhan Institute of Virology and a collaborator on this research.’….The pugnacious scientist, originally from Manchester, spent much of the past year trying to counter claims of a possible laboratory leak while defending his friend Shi Zhengli, the Wuhan scientist known as Batwoman for her virus-hunting trips in caves….Emails released through freedom of information requests have shown Daszak recruited some of the world’s top scientists to counter claims of a possible lab leak with publication of a landmark collective letter to The Lancet early last year. He drafted their statement attacking ‘conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin’ and then persuaded 26 other prominent scientists to back it. He suggested the letter should not be identifiable as ‘coming from any one organisation or person’.
All the techniques for creating this virus in a lab have been previously used and developed over a long time around the world: from combining two different virus to create a new chimera to the insertion of RXXR, RXRR or RRXR furin cleavage sites designed to make a virus more transmissible, more virulent or well….more SarsCov2 like. The net result precisely coincides with what scientists wanted to achieve and all the techniques for creating such a virus are well established even if one uses an experimental combinative hacking approach over many iterations and does not proceed with a highly specific design from the start.
The lab remains the most likely source of SarsCov2 and this is important because we need a worldwide ban on such gain of function research as the extreme risks by far outweigh the lame scientific justifications. The failure to identify the lab as the source could lead to much more GoF research in the future putting everyone in even more severe jeopardy making new and even more dangerous pandemics virtually guaranteed. With great hubris, scientists try and play God in such things, but they do so without the requisite knowledge or power of a God as their ability to fully contain and control their creations and their side-effects is always uncertain and subject to accidents.
What we have here are two opposing narratives both false. The simpler and far more logical explanation given the data available is that governments swapped flu, pneumonia and respiratory distress for covid1984 through a fake test.
This is of course, the tried and true method of the Rockefeller-Rothschild cartel; a refined version of the Hegelian Dialectic.
The creation of two opposing narratives, both false.
We see it demonstrated in left vs right, communism vs capitalism, regulated vs free markets, and more recently the psy-op of RussiaGate where Trump was either colluding with Russia or was set up by his opponents. Neither scenario is ever true.
The false opposing narratives or systems, create a distraction from the truth so that the simpler explanation can never be addressed, and divide and conquer is always achieved, so too the pre-determined outcome.
Historically, this binary narrative has also been used for Protestants vs Catholics, Christians vs J_ws vs Muslims and many other examples of conflict and manipulation. The aim is always the same. To brainwash the masses into taking on a belief system and then identifying with that set of beliefs so that the masses never see the manipulation by the controllers creating the two opposing, but false narratives. In these scenarios, the two or more institutions at seeming odds are almost always working behind the scenes together against the masses.
This serves the controllers as they can carry out heinous crimes, genocides and thefts without being personally identified or eliminated.
One day I’d like to sit you down and explain the difference between facts and opinions and then how to demonstrate it with things like evidence or the lack of. Ironically, the key is in researching.
Supercilious arrogant nonsense as usual. I only deal in facts which is why I don’t believe in fictional opposing narratives which are obvious pablum or fictional invisible zombie pathogens with no mechanism of action, no motile capabilities or cells.
They’re opinions. Wake up.
I second that emotion
Exactly. The strategy worked best in the US when all convid scepticism was converted into the useless pro Drumpf movement.
convid ? Drumpf ? have you had memes on toast for dinner ?
I always like reading your comments Researcher. Thanks 🙂
echo echo echo
ahh the person who assumes conflation of virues and bacteria for there own agenda and has failed to answer the x magnification of ‘normal’ microscope in order to see bacteria
The everything’s an illusion and nothing exists poster. Maybe she’s about to share her existential wisdom . I hope not.
And this from someone who decided those who hold the power over the masses have genes in common…………
Tell her denims don’t count in this talk
Misdirection and bullshit. The origin of the virus is irrelevant. The important message is:
P A N D E M I C.
That’s actually the second most important message. What it actually is and why it’s being disguised as a pandemic is far more important
Since no virus has ever been isolated and purified and shown to be the cause of any illness or disease they are once again, blinding people with lies, using faulty, unscientific methods to analyze and genetically characterize patient samples.
There’s no “mutations“ or “changes“ to something that never existed in the first place, so don’t place trust in those trying to convince the population that the virus construct is valid.
Read this book for the real cause of illness. Undisputed by the scientific community since it’s so well referenced and researched.
The mutation narrative is used as a tactic of distraction from the larger issue of fraud and criminality by governments, NGOs and scientists involved in the covid1984 scam.
Government officials with top secret clearance already know that contagion is a myth and is still unproven by any experiment or study. That’s why governments use models where they can invent an arbitrary number to justify policies that were pre-determined before Event 201 ever took place in 2019.
The mutation narrative covers for increasing deaths of those from the ill-effects of the synthetic pathogen, in the coming months and years.
The Invisible Rainbow is another must read.
Thanks. I have mentioned and linked to The Invisible Rainbow in previous comments on other threads here at O-G. But at the risk of boring myself and others and avoiding the spam-filter I try to stick to one or two links per comment.
Have you ever read ‘unweaving the rainbow’ Richard Dawkins, As a self proclaimed a doyen of biology I am sure you have
Biology is a myth apparently
No. Virology is a scam.
covid-19 virology is a scam
9 / 11 was an inside job. So all other terrorist attacks worldwide is part of ‘an inside job’ pandemic. That kind of thing you mean. That’s a relief.
( let me have the link to that ‘virology is a scam’ paper when you can Digger thanks)
well it would be
“The mutation narrative covers for increasing deaths of those from the ill-effects of the synthetic pathogen”
Assuming you are referencing the vaccine.
Though there are other ill-effects they are trying to cover too. Their policies, medications, EMF, food issues, etc.
In a physiological sense, things that are realistically (as in not virological standards) “mutating” is very common however.
And some people should try to understand some of that. Misfolded proteins, DNA to RNA breakages, sequence truncations, toxic rejected proteins, etc. All of those caused by underlying problems from the various toxicity (such as vaccines) and deficiency factors, which can interfere with their “viral” classifications.
Yes. The mutating narrative covers for more than one ill effect. Listing everything such as EMF-EMR, flu “vaccines“, antibiotics, iatrogenic murder etc, in every comment becomes a chore.
However, the mutating virus narrative occurred within a week of the injectable synthetic pathogen rollout.
I am not going to call it a “vaccine” since it fails that definition as it’s technically gene therapy.
“Yes. The mutating narrative covers for more than one ill effect. Listing everything such as EMF-EMR, flu “vaccines“, antibiotics, iatrogenic murder etc, in every comment becomes a chore.”
Agreed, I just figured it was worth noting due to the scope of the post.
I consider all “vaccines” gene therapy in a sense, btw. Very misguided, degenerate gene therapy.
Thanks for doing it for me.
“I consider all “vaccines” gene therapy in a sense, btw. Very misguided, degenerate gene therapy.“
Yes, it’s all gene therapy since viruses don’t exist as claimed therefore attenuated, weakened, dead or partial viruses in “vaccines” are genetically manipulated animal and human cells lines, recombinant proteins, with the addition of toxic adjuvants.
Following CRISPR, the eugenicists behind the vaccine industry are more brazen in their push towards permanent and continuous DNA modification.
The utter stupidity regarding CRISPR is something I cannot fathom. I mean seriously, literally some of the dumbest shit in the history of mankind.
”Though there are other ill-effects they are trying to cover too.”
Nobody mentioned a ‘they’. Who are ‘they’ and what are they covering up. How are ‘food issues’ and ”policies” ill effects that are being covered up by a ‘they’ ?
You’re wasting your time here with your lame attempts to expose “tinfoil hats”.
No one has tinfoil on their hats at this rate it could undergo an exothermic reaction which wouldn’t be a pretty sight
Tin foil hats are a scam.
I doubt that. You’re assuming visitors to this site are all as naive or ill informed as the lunatics saying there’s no such thing as germs, viruses, virology and so on. That the world will achieve eternal life if they eat enough tomatoes. I have faith that the majority don’t buy that kind of bullshit without researching it. As for what they wear on their heads, they should remove them. They’re not working in a positive manner.
a week after the U>K vaccine rollout
Solar eclipse 14 December they announce, at 1610 during the eclipse period happening
Matt hancock on this particular day at a particular time whilst Solar eclipse is happening in Ophiuchus “serpent-bearer” also known as the celestial medicine man told the world about a ‘new variant ‘
absolutely impossible this was coincidence
That’s quite interesting.
I mean, this gonna sound random, but almost sounds like influence of SGR *A
Maybe it’s not so random after all if they practice syncretism and/or believe that the center of the galaxy represents Lucifer. I don’t know enough, and can only speculate.
”And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” Nietzsche
maybe if who practices syncretism ? Niteschze was only sane 3 months of the year.
After seeing GWBush spelling ‘plane, hit, must ,steel as the fist plane hit the building, nothing surprises me. Occult skull/ bones/ UN- all Luciferian freaks.
If it’s ”absolutely impossible” can you explain why ?
Because it sounded suspiciously like little more than a suspicion you have that’s led to an opinion that was probably influenced by a link you found whilst bored out of your mind on twitter.
And yet another simple question goes unanswered by the opinion peddlers trying to shill their way through a subject they don’t really understand.
There’s been many similar “coincidences” noted over the last 18 months.
The UN is heavily influenced by luciferians.
Brandon Smith has a good article on this with particular reference to Robert Muller
Re: Contagion: I’d really like to see some modern experiments on contagion.
Does anyone know any detail about the work of the Common Cold Research Lab that existed in the UK for quite a long time? (Genuine question, BTW). Presumably some of their experiments must have been along these lines.
Supposedly deliberately infecting a human being is nowadays considered to be unethical, although apparently injecting millions of them with a genetic-engineering “vaccine” is perfectly ok.
I was just thinking of some simple experiments where people showing cold and flu symptoms were allowed to mix and mingle with people showing no symptoms, whose health was thought to be good and whose immune systems were thought to be in good condition. So, no social distancing, and no masks (of course), and no excessive hand-washing. And wait to see how long it took for any of the healthy ones to start showing symptoms. Obviously things like diet would have to be carefully monitored.
“Supposedly deliberately infecting a human being is nowadays considered to be unethical, although apparently injecting millions of them with a genetic-engineering “vaccine” is perfectly ok. ”
And the irony is that the “vaccine” does nothing other than toxifying, infecting them and causing the body to produce the “infectious” agents unnecessarily, interfering with proper bodily function.
Of course they aren’t doing those harmless experiments because it would prove contagion theory and germ theory are unfounded. Much better to make nonsense models at Imperial College and call that science. Or manufacture a fake test courtesy of Drosten et al where all the primers and probe sequences already exist in the human genome.
Mucho posted a study from Antarctica conducted in the 1950’s or 1960’s where the participants were isolated for 17 weeks before the onset of common cold symptoms. In 8 of the 12 inhabitants, common cold symptoms occurred, while 2 displayed hay fever symptoms and 2 had no symptoms whatsoever.
The isolation from the outside world indicates contagion to be impossible.
Four days before the first onset of symptoms there was a sudden 15 degree temperature drop.
Traditionally – pre 1900 – colds were not considered to be a contagion but rather an exposure to adverse cold weather, hence the name “cold”. The observation of temperature fluctuation in relation to the onset of cold symptoms in the Antarctic Group validates the theory of German New Medicine where a shock to the body or psyche, precipitates an illness. Low levels of D in winter are a co-contributor to seasonal colds and flu symptoms as Vitamin D supplementation has demonstrated a proven decrease in upper respiratory infections.
“…where a shock to the body or psyche, precipitates an illness.”
Pressure differentials.
And this is why, if you feel uncomfortable, if you are stressed, it should be minimized.
Also interesting in this context is Thorwald Detlefson – “Illness as Path”. Turns out that any illness is related to the psyche. Hence the term ‘psychosomatic’ – when constant mental conflict/distress creates the basis for the body’s weakest link reaction. People can get sick from fearing to get sick.
Which I’m betting can explain much of the sickness during the so-called pandemic, since, as we all know, people were deliberately scared witless.
Older people would be more susceptible to this fear which probably explains a lot of care home deaths.
I know of at least 3 persons aged 80+ who have barely been out of their homes for the last year, specifically out of fear. There must be thousands like them.
This is what I totally do not get. When are people at the point in their Life, where they start to risk it, because they are already past the average life expectancy? When I was much younger, I promised myself that I would do everything under the sun I was afraid of as a youngster – when I get to be 80.
My parents are actually 87 and soon 89. They do their “essential shopping” on a daily base. When I tell them, that they just told me yesterday that they had bought everything they needed for at least a week, my Mom responds: “Yes. But your Dad forgot to buy the beer.” Practically, they are going shopping every day for hours. Which leaves me nervous for various reason, but getting Da Kine (‘the flu’) is not one of them.
Maybe I will have forgotten to be as daring as I wanted to by the time I turn 80?
Without a spiritual life and lived experience of the immortality of life, the fear of death is inevitable.
“If they do not receive the resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing”
Yes ! After being told by Boris the brave masks did not protect (they don’t)
He then frightened people that much they were scared to go out, use public transport or go back to work.
So, Boris gave them a comfort blanket, yes a mask… see it….you feel it… protects me
What baffles me the most is the simple fact that it looks like Homo Sapiens was born yesterday. What happened to all those memories of having had to deal with rulers throughout human development? The tricks people are played with are as old as the species. Why are humans all over sudden so disconnected from Life? Because focusing on Death relegates Life into waiting to die. Or is the delusion really so deep now, that those complying with superfluous rules and regulations are hoping to cheat their own Death? Or maybe it is just like I have found out for myself: The less value is given to immaterial aspects of Life – the more fear is cranked up by the potential loss of material possessions. Like it’s always the poor who are the most hospitable folks.
Homo sapiens has been largely murdered and can only be found in uncontacted “primitive” tribes living outside the “global village”.
what we’re looking at is a devolved sub-species, Homo pseudo-sapiens, that is on its deathbed of extinction, and knows it.
you just made a species up
A lot of people have swallowed the covid-19 nonsense. They showed fear of fear in many ways and still do. I would say many who comply with stupid rules are trying to avoid their own mortality. Some flout the rules and say’ sod you’ Most just think okay I don’t need the hassle ….so I’ll play along.
Oh and yes you are someone after my own heart attachment to the material things in life…who is worthy of pity the banker or the pauper I know what you will say and why you say it,
After six decades among humans, I realized that the focus and pursuit of material wealth – as pleasant as it might appear – serves foremostly to fill a big void, a big emptiness. A distraction from the meaninglessness of possessions that will ultimately also turn to dust. Whenever I visited major cities in Europe, I would visit the oldest cemetaries. There was never a grave stone that listed the possessions of the buried person during their lifetime. The way material possessions are worshiped, it strikes me as odd that they are not listed. The obituaries in Hawai’i were similar – the first thing mentioned is whether the person was in the military, the second is what the person worked.
I have my doubts that this boiling down of a life into military, job and church affiliation does justice to those who are judged this way.
Exactly..we are finely tuned creatures of nature that resonate with all energies, therefore we should try to protect ourselves from harmful vibrations Firstenberg’s The Invisible Rainbow.
“People can get sick from fearing to get sick.”
Yeah, coz that stress is physiological.
a miasma theory for you then ?
Can we have a ‘truther’ interpretation of what a virus actually is please. Then one of what we call a ‘contagion’- can you tell us what that really is too please. I’m not interested in what governmental officials think or repeat, or any politician’s adviser. I’d like to know who invented the ‘virus’ phenomenon, why and who paid them for it. Facts rather than opinions would be nice.
Please note, I’m not talking about Covid 19. I’m more than aware of the fakery of that one. I mean the headline acts of the past 100 years. Previous epidemics and pandemics.
How about controls. Where are the controls?
Also, it’s not up to anyone to disprove an unproven theory. It’s up to the fraudsters and liars to prove their unfounded theories using the scientific method in an experiment that is repeatable by an independent group.
If a theory or hypothesis has been reached through research and experimentation, it’s there to be either disproved or developed by other researchers and experimentation. It’s called Science.
To say ”it’s all wrong, it’s all a myth” isn’t either. It’s just a suspicious mind too lazy to do the work or too childish to check the facts. So the claim that it’s ”not up o anyone to disprove an unproven theory.’ isn’t within a mile of making sense or being considered a rebuttal.
You’re replying to someone who is here in a vein attempt to convince people that this site is for paranoid lunatics.
I’ve never been in any vein. I’ve tried things in vain though. Like waking paranoid lunatics up. Nothing personal.
disprove an unproven is a positive two -ve make +ve
I just heard their heads explode
No one has a clue