Pro-Independence parties win Catalan elections

Jordi Oriola Folch

For the third time in a row, the Catalan pro-independence movement wins with an absolute majority in the Catalan elections. It has won resoundingly with 74 seats, more than the 68 that establishes the majority (in the previous elections it had won with 70). This time also with 51.22% of the votes, making it the majority among the voters.

The elections were due next year, but they were brought forward because the Spanish courts overthrew Catalan President Joaquim Torra for having disobeyed an electoral board that ordered him to take down a banner criticising the imprisonment of Catalan politicians. The President refused, citing freedom of expression, and the Spanish judiciary considered that the contempt was sufficient to force the removal of the President of the Parliament of Catalonia and cause the elections to be brought forward.

Furthermore, after consulting experts on the pandemic, the provisional Catalan executive decided to postpone the elections for five months until the third wave of Covid-19 had subsided. However, yet again, the Spanish judiciary interfered forcing the elections to be held on 14th February.

This is the same Spanish Justice that keeps 9 Catalan politicians and activists in prison, that has issued search and arrest warrants against 7 exiled Catalan politicians (which the German and Belgian courts rejected because they did not see the accusations as justified or because they understood that there were no guarantees of a fair trial in Spain), it is the same Spanish Justice that maintains the search and arrest warrant against a Majorcan musician –exiled in Belgium– for singing against the King of Spain and that is imminently going to imprison another Catalan musician, Pablo Hasel, for also having sung against the King.

In this context, and despite having the entire state apparatus and the Spanish press against them, independence has won again, and has done so obtaining a larger absolute majority than ever and with over 51% of the votes. In front of the pro-independence movement, we have the former Spanish socialist health minister during the pandemic, who has had the full support of the state, the press and unionism in general, and also the Spanish extreme-right of VOX, which has burst onto the Catalan Parliament with 11 seats.

Given this scenario, the Spanish state and the European Union cannot deny the right of self-determination of Catalan society, which must be expressed in a referendum with democratic guarantees, transparency and without foul play.

All in all, democracy is about allowing citizens to decide at the ballot box, not about violating their will with the application of laws that should in fact serve to guarantee there is a framework that respects what societies want for themselves.

Jordi Oriola i Folch is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and founder of Transforma Films. His work has been broadcast on television stations around the world and touches on issues of human rights, sustainability, democratic participation and community work, historical memory and the economic crisis. He has also taught audiovisual classes in the Basque Country, Catalonia, South America and Africa. He can be reached through his website or twitter.


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Feb 19, 2021 2:49 PM

Yeah, I just awaited some days to see what came crawling out of the wood work regarding the Catalans, and lo and behold, it didnt take long before the usual pack of uh…. “we know its Sore-Ass & Co” crowd, why dont you crawl back, scums to shitholes where you belong like Faker and Foreman Mao of Alabama to the despecable SouthFront, huh, whom even managed to prove the Armenian PMs colution with Sore-Ass with faked images, etc, to the infamous Open Soc, witch you scums dont even have any links to, I have read this links before and they have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the Catalans rightful fight for their own self-rule and control, but stil you scums howl, huh, I have nothing but pure contempt regarding scums lke you, and others whom is crawling in here and if you think it was bad regarding the Crimean referendum etc to CONvid, this case is an classical ex. on well pissers invading an forum, refs are good to thee, but not for me.
&%#¤#& holes.

So, to the problem, Calileus is correct, its called the Stockholm syndrome, and this time I dont want to link to history because I know this well pissers dont bother to educate your self but yap the standard giberish to have some sort of point, but isnt even close, but the problem, Catalans isnt the elections, like the last time where some of this well pissers whined about the 42% rate of voutes, regardeless of the same said with 95% of them suporting the ref. but they whined about just 42% witch was due to the actions coming from the Spanian Gov and Police whom blocked and confiscated etc, etc the vouting and stole the ballots, and now the same people are here again, but never do they admit the facts of the actions taken by the scums in Madrid.

Socialistic, witch means what, nothing, I belived we where over that debated, Norway is so called social democratic but is been in wars for over 20 years, bombing nations, slaughtering civlians, incl making an killing in Yemen, thru Kongsberg and Raufoss, any one whom uses an 12.5 cal, multipurpouse amo, knows about Raufoss, etc to drones and yet, despite that, we are uh….. humanistic, hallelujah and have the Nobels piss price on top of it.
Hypocrits is just an mild describtion of the uh….”vikings”.
The truth is, Catalans, your self apointed ones are rotten to their core, not that I would engage in this hysterical reactions to the CONvid scam, but the fact that despite that I fully suport your fight, dont mean I suport your attacks on others, no way, but instead make it certain your own culture survives, and traditions, etc is solidly placed where it belongs in Catalonia and revive it to what it sould have been.

Again, I dont want to link, I skipped a lot of history about Catalans and the Basque to make this short, I may do that another time, but to the Catalans, you have to go back to your roots, and work your self back again to the present, and this second rate citizen is because of been subjugated by the Gov in Madrid for centurys, and treated like shit, and the worst thing you can do then is doing the same against others.

You have to get the independence, to move away from the MADrid Gov whom is going to destroy sPain, and their blatant hypocrasy, like in the western MSM, whines about Kiev while the sPain Gov uses rubber bulets against Catalans, yeah, but never ever apologise, never ever fall down to their level, be loud and proud, never give in nor give up.


Feb 17, 2021 10:36 PM

If self-determination just delivers “Woke” gorvernment by NWO stooges this is the sort of thing that happens:


Feb 17, 2021 4:33 PM

Catalonian freedom is kind of moot point if you are all going to get vaxxed .

Sed gratis mortuus est

Feb 17, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  Marcello

Same as Scotland, sadly.

Feb 17, 2021 4:09 PM

As a Catalan “independentista” myself I’d like to share some thoughts.

Back in summer the Catalan government (formed by pro-independence parties) enforced the mandatory use of face masks in all public spaces, regardless of circumstances. Truly pioneering both on a European and a Spanish level.
So pioneering that the very same people who had been singing songs of “freedom” for 10 years, celebrated the measure. “Some people only learn the hard way” they said.
Centuries of isolation from Europe under Spanish rule have made us extremely compliant. We’ve been programmed by our local elites (Spanish state collaborationists) to “fight” for “democracy” and “freedom” only if “Spain” is involved in the abuse.
I’ve literally had someone say to me (I mean literally): “I’d rather put myself in the hands of Bill Gates than to be ruled by these Spanish fascists.” To which I replied: “I would think twice before saying that mate”
The Catalan people are stuck in a victim loop: all we want is a shoulder to cry on. The end goal is not independence, but validation. Moral superiority, self-righteousness, that kind of stuff.

The pro-independence politicians never wanted independence, they went along with public cries not to lose any votes. But they went so far with their bluff that we people believed them… and so did the Spanish government and deep-state.

The several forms and degrees of repression we see today (people now can be sent to jail for just minding their business at a demonstration) are the consequences of that.

Maybe we do get independence one day, but it’s highly likely that it will come from the natural explosion of backwater and ever-bankrupted Spain. 

Hope this useful.

Feb 17, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  Galileus

I am Scottish, Galileus, and we are in the same position. The depth of the deception/betrayal is what hurts the most.

Feb 18, 2021 8:28 AM
Reply to  Karry

Yes, indeed so sad and disappointing. But we can be happy we see through the con now.

Feb 17, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  Galileus

Your comment explains a lot. I have been following the Catalan independence movement since around early 2017 and I was quite impressed by how they organized the referendum and stood up to the authorities in the months before the referendum. I was also watching Catalan TV3 early morning on 1 Oct 2017 and watched the shock of the woman who was reporting live from one of the schools when the police arrived shortly after 9 and started smashing the door instead of asking for a key. Parents and children had camped inside schools all weekend for activities such as “stargazing” in order to keep them open for the Sunday morning. The violence was trending on social media the whole day and the corporate media did not even report on it until late morning. Then BBC and Guardian changed the headlines throughout the day. In the morning they said the police were violent but by the afternoon they were blaming the peaceful people at the polling booths.

Despite the split between JxC and ERC the movement somehow kept going. 

However in March 2020 I was really shocked when the Catalan government jumped more enthusiastically on the pandemic bandwagon than Madrid even. I thought this was very odd and disappointing. I had expected Catalonia to say, look we have a great healthcare system and we are not going to destroy the economy for a variant of flu. I had expected Catalonia to follow Sweden’s example. I stopped reading vilaweb and ara.cat. I really don’t understand what happened.

Feb 18, 2021 8:27 AM
Reply to  rraa

Like I said, it was an illusion. Catalan people are not as libertarian as they’d wish to think. Good that you stopped reading those papers, especially vilaweb, which although itpositions itself as an independent leftist paper, it’s really turned into a propaganda outlet.

Feb 17, 2021 1:59 PM

I was all for Catalonian independence until someone in Spain told me that the movement is made up primarily of rich, reactionary types who seek to create a tax haven. Whether it’s true or not, I don’t know

I would like independence from pharma, banking and tech tyranny myself. I will not become one of Bill Gates’ human pincushions

Feb 17, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Ben

Open Society Foundations, the organization of billionaire George Soros to finance “philanthropic movements” of an international nature, has been supporting the activities of organizations that promote Catalan independence for years, according to data provided in a report that the Popular Party senator Pedro Agramunt will present this Tuesday in Paris to defend itself against

The American financier, of Hungarian origin, George Soros, the nerve center of the Open Arms foundations and a human rights “philanthropist”, and his partners, are the ones who have been – and are – pulling the strings in the dark, promoting the Catalan separatist movement and helping to create, internationally, a new black legend of Spain, as a dictatorial country.

This is what Juan Antonio de Castro de Arespacochaga and Aurora Ferrer affirm in their book, “Soros, breaking Spain”, which has just come to light and is already among the best sellers

Feb 17, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Ben

It is not a totally homogenous movement. There is quite an ideological split between JxC and ERC and CUP. The people you speak of may be with JxC. I find ERC to be the most authentic. CUP is a bit irrational sometimes.

Viva Espana
Viva Espana
Feb 17, 2021 12:01 PM

Best of all authors detail to facts are oblivious and somewhat biased: only 47% turned up to vote – so what kind of majority are you talking about. Best of all those illiterate lefties that are rioting and voting in illegal made up elections are the grand children of immigrants coming from Extremadura and Andalucía regions – Xarnegos they are called, they sell there heritage to the best postor as always the left

Feb 17, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  Viva Espana

If people choose not to vote that’s their right , but they can’t complain about the outcome like we have to except only 26% of the people voted for Brexit

Feb 17, 2021 6:07 PM
Reply to  Geoff

People should simply use that as basis for showing factually that the politicians are talking shit and that they are not actually supported, meaning their “govt” or claims of “righteous authority” is outright illegitimate.

Viva Espana
Viva Espana
Feb 17, 2021 11:54 AM

Obviously the author is a separatist eating the scraps from the lefties

Viva Espana
Viva Espana
Feb 17, 2021 11:53 AM

What nonsense babble

Helmut Jutzi
Helmut Jutzi
Feb 17, 2021 8:49 AM

One thing is correct: The Spanish government is as “democratic” as the British, torturing Julian Assange in prison. Both governments are member of the NATO and the majority of the separatists (except CUP) do not criticize these facts. Actually, there is no difference in politics between the Spanish governments, whether PP or PSOE, and the separatists. Except independence, meaning money distribution and the wish of an imperial catalan extension upon Valencia, the Balearic Islands and Southern part of France. That is what they call “paises catalanes”.

The separatists are even worse imposing their language onto the people, though Spanish is the language of the majority of the people in Catalunya, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. Children in school have to learn their subjects in Catalan, ignoring the laws of the Spanish state. Authorities address you in Catalan only. If you are a small bar owner in Barcelona and your menu card is only in Catalan it is OK. If your menu card is only in Spanish, you are fined heavily.

If you speak only Spanish you might be harassed in the “good” old Nazi Blockwart manner, just like the witnesses of Corona do, commanding you to wear a mask. Quim Torra, former president of Catalunya, asked always for more restrictions. Do not forget, that he is a racist, just like his Catalan opponent Oriol Junqueras, leader of the ERC.

The separatist movement serves eventually the global elite, splitting the people and make them forget, what is really important. Last but not least, there is an initiative in the area of the 2 big cities, Barcelona and Tarragona (Tabarnia), to declare themselves independent from Catalunya, if Catalunya would be independent from Spain. The separatist have already made clear, that only they should execute independence from Spain and that the Tabarnians would have no right to decide in ballot boxes about their independence from Catalunya.

Feb 17, 2021 6:14 AM

And the EU criticses Russia for Nav’s detention, but not the Catalonians or Assange!
Hypocrisy unmatched…

Feb 17, 2021 10:30 AM
Reply to  davemass
Feb 17, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  davemass

We’re a sovereign state aren’t we , so why would the EU interfere with our laws?

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Feb 17, 2021 3:16 AM

Will the pro independence party do away with muzzles and gene therapy ?

Feb 17, 2021 12:48 AM

So, it’s that time of year…POLL TIME!

Would you like me to stop posting here?

And I ask not only for myself. There’s something neat I’d like to evidence.

Just click the up or downvote button, comments aren’t required.

Feb 17, 2021 1:05 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Oh wow, I didn’t even know that election article was posted. I’ll go ask there instead. It’s more appropriate with a hint of extra annoyance.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Feb 17, 2021 12:09 AM

I remember when “socialists” marched for the independence for East Timor from semi colonial Indonesia. The main beneficiary from this bit of dismemberment was Woodside petroleum which gained free access to the impoverished country’s oilfields. Something similar happened in Sudan.

Feb 17, 2021 12:46 AM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

“socialists” apparently often post on offguardian

Which reminds me…I SHOULD HAVE A POLL!!

Feb 17, 2021 2:31 AM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

I knew a woman who worked for the resistance (I didn’t know at the time) and she told me ‘ we didn’t care if Indonesia ruled the country but the Indonesian army were killing our families’.

‘Shakedown – Australia’s grab for Timor Oil’ by Paul Cleary is a good book to read. I worked on drilling rigs in the ZOCA (zone of cooperation), it was a 2 hour chopper ride. I once addressed a safety meeting in in very bad bahasa Indonesia. It was good working there. An activist asked me “why do you do it?”

Indonesia has the same problem America does, keeping the empire together, and being part of the bigger empire. It’s not the people. I remember the terror of an Indonesian Chinese guy I worked with for his family when the upset in the 1990s threatened to be a rerun the PKI massacres.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Feb 17, 2021 12:04 AM

Independence from the world government would be wonderful but is not feasible. Except perhaps for the 400 or so hunter gatherers on the North Sentinel island in the Bay of Bengal. They violently resist integration with the domesticated herd and rightly so. They have been left alone, perhaps as an experiment.

Feb 16, 2021 9:30 PM

Democracy and the rule of law is also about when NOT to vote and on what NOT to vote. Otherwise voting by itself is mob rule. Pity you don’t seem to get that.

Feb 16, 2021 8:56 PM

‘’UK government launches plan to fight ‘unacceptable silencing’ in UK universities ‘’

”A meticulous retired High Court judge produced a 300-page report into the “free speech crisis” in Australian Universities.”



Feb 17, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  RaptorJo

There’s a crisis of australian universities being associated with genocide in africa, australia and other places around the world.

Feb 16, 2021 8:22 PM

Qué el resto del mundo sepa qué Cataluña es una comunidad autónoma, que lo tenía todo, absolutamente todo, industria, empresas, turismo, clima, paisaje, cultura, arquitectura, gastronomia, clima, etc. Con unos ciudadanos muy trabajadores y emprendedores. Y que los que se la han cargado han sido sus políticas y politicos, no el resto del país. Una pena

Feb 16, 2021 8:40 PM
Reply to  Curra

Let the rest of the world know that Catalonia is an autonomous community that had everything, absolutely everything, industry, companies, tourism, climate, landscape, culture, architecture, gastronomy, climate, etc. With very hardworking and enterprising citizens. And that those who have taken it have been its policies and politicians, not the rest of the country. A shame

Feb 16, 2021 8:59 PM
Reply to  Curra

That’s what happens when >80% of the Catalonian citizens DID NOT VOTE AND SUPPORT THE GARBAGE PEDDLED IN THIS ARTICLE.

Yet, the article makes it seem is if there was some kind of “outright” support for it with very misleading bullshit.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Feb 16, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

I await your full critique.

Feb 16, 2021 11:22 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I don’t have issues with you (that I know of).

How many guns are there in america? How much violence?

But like…have you seen the guys peddling shit? wtf is that.

You’re telling me, there are women and children being killed here by some of those more famous guys and corporations like GSK…and noone has any testicles?


Feb 16, 2021 7:53 PM

First the controllers created religions to divide and control people. Then they created nation states to further divide and control. Then, within those nation states they created political parties to divide people even more. Then within those political parties and political discourse they created more division, using race, gender, sexuality and class, education etc. That’s identity politics.

Now the controllers are further dividing people within the sphere of a manufactured crisis creating maskers vs non maskers, vaccinated versus non vaccinated, lockdowners versus freedom advocates, virus believers versus non believers, and germ theorists versus terrain theorists.

Divide and conquer achieved.

While all this is is ongoing, everyone is distracted and bombarded by so much information and disinformation they cannot process the fact that governments are basically criminal enterprises and the new world order is the old world order using the mechanism of the monetary system and NGOs to hide the most basic truths.

In order to enact global governance the artificial idea of nationalism, nationalistic sentiments and identity must now be abolished by the controllers so they can take legal control of the global populace. Governments have agreed to this and many other measures in Agenda 21 and 2030.

The cryptocracy really don’t care whether we realize it or not. They have informed us of their plans to depopulate and sterilize. They have told us of their plans to take our land, property and assets. And yet they deny it is actually happening in the media. Good cop – bad cop with plenty of gaslighting. All of this, while inflicting various trauma based mind control and asymmetric warfare methods.

When people realize that their governments want a vast number of them dead including the most vulnerable of society, and are entirely responsible for more deaths than they can possibly imagine then maybe they will wake up to how this iniquitous system has been constructed around them, intentionally and thoughtfully as a mind control prison, to trap men and women into a system of debt slavery, debasement and subjugation.

Whatever mantle people take on whether it’s the nationalism cloak, the religious cloak or the career cloak, it is not their own. People have been given an identity or a set of beliefs and they have chosen to adopt these as part of their own personal identity but it does not define them and is a poor substitute for an authentic belief in oneself. All those identities which have been crafted and manufactured, were given to people in order to manipulate them. They are externalizations and projections. They are empty and leave the majority unhappy and searching for meaning and purpose.

Shills like Jordan Peterson will lie and tell millions of men that it is liberals, women, political correctness or academia or some other mechanism that has left men feeling powerless and subjugated. But he is not telling the truth. The system itself has been very cleverly orchestrated by multiple psychologists such as himself to harm men and deceive them from birth.

I feel simultaneous pity and disgust for all the men and women walking around in masks and getting jabbed with the synthetic DNA altering pathogen. They have lost all ability to reclaim their true sense of self in any way that matters. They will not stand up for their basic rights. All men and women are born free and it is our subjugation to this inhumane and illegitimate system and all it entails that creates despair, misery, abuse, self loathing, powerlessness, scarcity, crime and poverty.

Feb 16, 2021 8:10 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I vaguely referred to some of that in the mechanisms of the invisible empire article.

Ego mob subjugated by its “higher self” mob ego.

Also, unrelated, if you happened to check https://www.lmsal.com/solarsoft/latest_events/ since yesterday, you’d notice some disturbances (though apparently small), pretty much right after I said I’ll put the ultrasonics to work.

Those effects are not as small as suggested, and luckily it’s a cascade effect. They have significant fundamental observational issues (some energies are simply not even monitored, as well as some other more fundamental interpretation errors from what is essentially broken “science”), aside from rescaling shit at times.

Feb 16, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Researcher

controllers created the nation states…. and now they want to destroy the nations??

Feb 16, 2021 9:02 PM
Reply to  richard

consolidation + desperation + overly ambitious socio/psychopathy

You know what they say about god and plans.

Feb 16, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  richard

Obviously. Because nation states are now in the way of people accepting the new model of open global governance, net zero carbon emissions, forced UBI, forced medical intervention, global digital currency and a rentier economy.

Feb 16, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I have to tell them about this planet…

Come on, this is funny (it’s not a song)…


The part where he says “I might just change the spelling a bit…”

I have one of those Punisher pendants. I think I’ll wear it, I haven’t worn it in a while.

Pun is her.

Not even joking.

They wish to be “serve hive whores”.

I’m more of a …

That “erf” part in the name there, where the X is, means “inherit” or “plot” or “yard” in Afrikaans. Also, it sounds exactly the same as some Afrikaners (with broken accent) would pronounce Earth.

Go figure.

What’s even cooler, I kicked the ass of one of the “higher levels” earlier today in some quick aikido (a physics game that’s like 4d chess but a bit more advanced), he happened to be from israel.

Feb 16, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Well said!

Feb 16, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  Hsuan

Are you our new chinese commenter?

Feb 16, 2021 10:33 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Right apart from the government bit. The government doesn’t ‘want’ anything, it’s not a sovereign entity that decides anything on its own. ‘Government’, ‘parties’ are a fake concept. Their actions and ‘decisions’ are made by people above them, and all politicians from the top down simply do as they’re told.
Are you another Jordan Peterson? You give 95% true information but are missing crucial elements.

Feb 17, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

For the sake of brevity I don’t go into details in every comment. I make generalizations or statements to illustrate points.

Governments are corporations and legal constructs imbued with goals, policies and rules to sustain themselves and their power over populations.

Like all corporations they’re designed to grow and increase their profitability for shareholders. Governments are a tool of unscrupulous men and women.

Because governments were created to hide the levers of power and deflect anger away from monarchies to avoid bloody revolutions, they exist to trick the populace into believing that they play some part in their system of governance through voting.

When policies are determined, they obviously come from people but the goals within corporate structures are set up to sustain the business itself and to undermine and exploit the populations being managed through the policies of government.

The politicians are interchangeable and are the visible face of the institution. They – as you point out – take their orders from elsewhere.

Those employed by the bureaucracy are pen pushers with no power. Government directives and policies are carried out by corporate lawyers for the private interests that own the corporations that make up the governments, such as the transitional financiers; central bank ownership cartel.

Feb 17, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Even the cartel will have trouble managing the implosion of industrial civ in any meaningful way i.e. profitable, sustainable, functional etc.

When the system goes it will go for everyone. Look at the almighty state of Texas currently. They can’t manage energy supply for one state because of a bit of snow. All states throughout the world will suffer similar blackouts as the populace in general begins to lose purchasing power and power companies go bankrupt and supply chains go bust.

A tree grows as high as nature allows and then no matter how much manure you throw at it it won’t grow anymore. It starts to wither and die. That is also its nature, its destiny. And some day the whole forest will be gone as the entire ecosystem propping up its existence also collapses.

And as industrial civ collapses, thousands of spent nuclear fuel ponds will erupt and spew their poison over the world for hundreds of years.

The end.

Feb 18, 2021 12:22 PM
Reply to  Tsubion

These are all planned crises, even the weather “anomalies“ unfortunately. The Rockefeller crime cartel manage the energy industry. The military and NASA manage the weather.

There’s nothing actually wrong except when power lines come down. And that could be fixed with underground cables. They won’t install them because the Rockefeller crime cartel want to be able to use the weather as a weapon to push climate change measures in order to modify the behavior and attitudes of the populace and impoverish them.

The ecosystem collapsing is Club of Rome spin from the 1960’s.

Feb 16, 2021 7:34 PM

‘’UK government launches plan to fight ‘unacceptable silencing’ in UK universities ‘’

I can see it now, the ‘heroes’ of free speech represented by the far-right Neo-nazis being protected by the police as they speak at University campuses, Like they are civil rights leaders of 60’s America. It is like the CIA’s wet dream come true.

Feb 17, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  RaptorJo

What you hatefully refer to as “the far right” is the proponent of the natural interests of the English people, which interests it is impossible to even hear about in the Establishment-dictated ideological Weltanschauung which owns you.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 16, 2021 7:26 PM

And? Do you really think “independence” means anything? Do you think any state is something more than a transmission belt from the organs of international capital to the working classes, organizing the latter by regional sectors so as to divide them and legitimate the rule of capital?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 16, 2021 6:35 PM

You would have thought that inside the envelope of the EU there would be a lot of scope for regional independence. Spain seems unduly fearful, the idea of the center locking people up for advocating regional independence seems backward and I was surprised that the EU didn’t take quite a strong line on the subject.

Russian bot from Norway
Russian bot from Norway
Feb 16, 2021 6:31 PM

all the class traitors from the 77th and other hasbarras are making the comment section glow😂
OffG you should start banning the brightest glowers oryour comment section will be pure garbage,, it is so full of mockingbirds that us normies seldom bother to read it.

Feb 16, 2021 6:48 PM

Hey, I’ve been called a russian bot before too. I remember on this nuclear site, ENEnews, you know before they had to shut down.

Feb 16, 2021 6:54 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

The commenters there migrated to this site: http://caferadlab.com/

Quite a few of them are agents, if not all of them. I’m sure they’ll lament and instantly ban you if you go there and say “Hello guys, it’s Frank, I’m back”. I know from experience.

I guess I forgot to mention that I know things about things beyond things?

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Feb 16, 2021 9:49 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

You know everything!

Ya left another load on the floor.

Feb 16, 2021 10:07 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I don’t know everything, luckily.

But I know things about things beyond things.

Feb 16, 2021 7:26 PM

That is the bots aim, censorship and disruption.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Feb 16, 2021 9:48 PM

No censorship. Allow commenters to deconstruct all BS that gets posted,
in fact, EGG THEM ON, to elaborate on comments that seem less than a defecation event. Force them to crap their own drawers.

Feb 16, 2021 10:09 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Hey, nick is a big fan of china. If he visits there, he could get one of those covid anal exams. Shit…maybe that’s why he likes china.

I shower maybe twice a month. 3 times absolute max.

Feb 16, 2021 5:56 PM

Democracy is far more than ”allowing citizens to decide at the ballot box“.

Voting becomes meaningless if one lives within a monetary system that is run by criminals, psychopaths and eugenicists, using incorporated courts, incorporated governments and incorporated agencies based on trickery and legalese by enacting Capitis Diminutio Maxima on birth certificates and government issued identification documents.

Voting becomes harmful when the act of voting confers legitimacy to an illegitimate system based on criminality, racketeering and deception.

Feb 16, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I was just going to post “Whatever” in a standalone comment, but instead I’ll agree with you.

Penny Fulton
Penny Fulton
Feb 16, 2021 7:37 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes. Not democracy at all then. I’ll define Democracy for you: Democracy IS Public Expectation :
Ergo : The Public need to EXPECT to elect POLICY not persons /’parties’ ( sic ) ;
To EXPECT to ( nominate and ) APPOINT SACKABLE facilitators of The Policy Elected ;
On the terms and conditions SET, by The Public, their EMPLOYER .

Since we EXPECT the vice versa ….the vice versa is precisely what we get !

Penny Fulton
Penny Fulton
Feb 16, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Not sure where my comment went. Apologies if this is a repeat.

Democracy = Public Expectation :

Ergo : The Public need to EXPECT to elect POLICY , not persons / parties ( sic ) ;
To EXPECT to nominate and APPOINT, SACKABLE facilitators of The Policy Elected ;
On the terms and conditions SET b the PUBLIC, their EMPLOYER.

Since we EXPECT to Elect The Vice Versa : The Vice Versa is precisely what we get !

Feb 16, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  Penny Fulton

The public is not the employer though if governments are corporate entities. This is where the deception begins.

See the links in my comments particularly Capitis Diminutio Maxima.

Penny Fulton
Penny Fulton
Feb 20, 2021 1:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Do you not understand what PUBLIC EXPECTATION is ?
Corporations only have the power WE the public, their EMPLOYER gave them !
They ACTIVATE power through OUR EXPECTATION to be ruled by PERSONS ( ie arbitrarily ) NOT our own POLICY:
Where we EXPECT to elect POLICY , WE also APPOINT ALL who facilitate that policy .


Feb 20, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  Penny Fulton

You’re missing the most crucial factor. The entire process of government and democracy was set up to be illusory from the beginning. It’s a con game. If you believe the con that’s on you. The point is that the government (a corporate entity) is tricking the public into thinking they have agency or an expectation. It’s fraud. It’s criminal. Governments are not legitimate or lawful. They rule through generating false perceptions to the public and through a number of legal deceptions.

Penny Fulton
Penny Fulton
Feb 22, 2021 10:49 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Doesn’t matter what it was set up to be !
Everything is what we create, not what we inherit .

This is the Policy of all ‘parties’ and the model of Gov. ( ie : POLICY ) you are speaking of, which WE the EMPLOYER EXPECT as the only ‘option ‘ :

The Policy is the creation of Artificial Public ‘Need’ as a job creation scheme for tax payer funded corporate welfare.

You understand that ? we, the public ARE both the market fodder and the financiers of corporate administration of our own petty income and private life regulation.

Clearly, if we as individuals EXPECT TO BE the Policy makers and individual financiers of our own welfare, then WE decide what goods and services WE need and indeed want and furthermore WE provide them for ourselves as individuals and as collective enterprizes at COMMUNITY level .
IE : Community Driven Enterprize.

VIS : We generate real wealth in our own LOCAL well-being of actual BASIC need as the fundamental infrastructure ( which actually ‘costs ‘ nothing,when we are providing our own labour and using the materials of abundance provided by nature ).

Thus leaving creativity in eg. arts, practical and technical invention etc. as (optional) extras and bonuses to the ( real ) economy.

Feb 16, 2021 8:44 PM
Reply to  Penny Fulton

The problem is, you are handed policies, rules, regulations, “solutions”…within the totalitarian kleptocratic corporatist “democratic” framework. And, while you support them, THEY dictate those often to rather terrible effect, despite using citizenry as fodder. Often, they also happen to not do what they said they would. So what they say or promise is meaningless. And if they really want or push it, you must know it’s against you. At the very best, it’s used to temporarily placate.

They (mob ego) drive the expectation of the supporters (ego mob) of that framework.

Since when did the public decide policy? As long as people support their shit, they’re going to remain enslaved.

Again, I’d like people to try and fault this:

“Children have no social duties besides playing, and leisure is very important to San of all ages. Large amounts of time are spent in conversation, joking, music, and sacred dances. Women have a high status in San society, are greatly respected, and may be leaders of their own family groups.”

“Traditionally, the San were an egalitarian society.[40] Although they had hereditary chiefs, their authority was limited. The San made decisions among themselves by consensus,[41] with women treated as relative equals.[42] San economy was a gift economy, based on giving each other gifts regularly rather than on trading or purchasing goods and services.[43]”

I’ll preemptively place a bet, and say that every single argument against those principles would come from the basis of socio/psychopathic greed, possession, arrogance and the related industry.

Penny Fulton
Penny Fulton
Feb 22, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Do you understand English ? Right then :
This is the proposal !
We WRITE our own POLICY to ELECT ……got it ? NO ‘persons’ , NO ‘parties ‘ ( sic ) …..got it ?
WE (nominate and) APPOINT ( our own ) SACKABLE facilitators
( by facilitators, I mean EVERY PERSON who is carrying out The Policy Elected, whether they be police, courts, builders or public toilet cleaners ! comprendez ? )

WE have no ‘ leaders ‘ but POLICY . All ‘leaders’ are idolatry .
Just as we as individuals can ONLY be honest people by having only HIGHEST PRINCIPLES as our GOD :
(Not ‘other person’s’ and winning their approval as our God : IE The Ego as our God ).

We SET the terms and conditions of EMPLOYMENT for ALL ‘facilitators’
as a matter of The Policy Elected.

Those terms and conditions will be simple,eg : ‘ only public facilitators will be subject to a ‘ crime and punishment ‘ public facility .

(All criminals are in Gov. : None are among the public .
As soon as we treat people BY POLICY, with respect instead of coercively as ‘ criminals ‘ ! and the next generation with respect instead of
as aspiring ‘rulers of other people ‘. THEN we will not need to use ANY ‘ LAWS’ over others .)

Feb 16, 2021 5:23 PM

I thought when we had the meeting at Davos that we assured that the Catalan “thing” and the Gilets Jaunes thing were going to be :taken care of by the ” Pandemic “.
Note” will have to phone Klaus and Bill, possibly get a refund.
Guess its back to gassing, water canon , arrests and beating those pesky protesters.
Christine Lagarde

Feb 16, 2021 4:46 PM

Being someone who considers the right to self determination as a basic principle and a spaniard who knows first hand what this article is talking about, please proceed with caution, this information is so biased I couldn´t keep quiet and let it pass.

Feb 16, 2021 5:39 PM
Reply to  Milula

Tell us more.

Feb 16, 2021 11:50 PM
Reply to  Milula

So despite <20% of the Catalonian citizens voting for that “majority” referenced in the article for the wonderful news regarding that totally bullshit selling out of the politicians with the full support of media, unions and shit…the fact that you said it’s bullshit got you downvoted more than upvoted (I was one of them as I agree with you).

Would you call that borgshevism?

Feb 16, 2021 11:51 PM
Reply to  Milula

My favourite Spanish band and a picture of my wife in labour:

Feb 16, 2021 2:44 PM

In Spain, singers go to jail for displeasing the King, the West doesn’t dispatch Ambassadorial staff to lend them support, no sanctions against Spain are under consideration.

In Russia, an embezzler faces the judge, staff from 18 Western Embassies dutifully attend the court hearing to encourage a thief, every and each wassail of America considers sanction ….

Could the Western democracies sink any lower?

Mr Y
Mr Y
Feb 16, 2021 4:26 PM
Reply to  Baron

“Could the Western democracies sink any lower?”

The have and they will …

Russian bot from Norway
Russian bot from Norway
Feb 16, 2021 6:22 PM
Reply to  Baron

give them a few days..

Feb 16, 2021 7:19 PM

Yes. At the rate that they are rocketing downward, the perverted and cruel West (and the rest of the world) will be quite lower quite soon. Not that they need to be. The world that is soon to be destroyed by God has done enough already. You’ve heard of ‘dead man walking’. This is ‘spinning world gone’. The way the Christian Bible puts it, “while still alive” the wild beast was caught and destroyed. While the wild beast is busy doing bloody business as usual it is ended. It doesn’t reform. Voters don’t slow things down. Anti-covid 1984 protesters don’t win (on their own). God steps in and the ax falls. Either that or we have all been sent to hell forever.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 16, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  Baron

Those democracies were surprisingly quiet and even somewhat uncooperative when an elected government was challenged by a fascist coup. Our support of ‘the opposition’ in Russia seems more reflexive than realistic, its more of the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ regardless of who that person is or what they represent. As it is failing to support the Spanish government because it might have been ‘socialist’ merely encouraged the dictators (but they were anti-communist, maintained order in their countries and made them safe for investment…..) which eventually turned out to be rather poor judgment.

Feb 16, 2021 10:21 PM
Reply to  Baron

In U>k singers go to jail for displeasing the King also
if fact singing could get you a 50k… fine

Feb 16, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  Baron

Because the Jooz have control of western democracies and hate Russia because they do not control it.

Feb 16, 2021 2:34 PM


When is the rest of europe going to see this as a crime against humanity yet?

Do you have to have The Hague in your country to be even seen that there is violations against human rights are happening?

What is the bloody story with the spam checking??! Very off putting sharing or commenting on here. Why that sudden change?

Feb 16, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

My current belief is that they will all end up in prison after the far-right coups, which will be made explosive during the coming depression, and which the US is building in Europe and around the world. The CIA are very skilled at overturning elected governments and at discrediting ‘the left’. This is what is being played out now. Remember we are in the discredit ‘the left’ phase. However phoney those left wing parties are in reality. The left are being advised by the CIA so of course they are being set-up and covid will be blamed on them, despite far-right governments implementing the measures.

Feb 17, 2021 5:25 PM
Reply to  RaptorJo

no far right gov in spain implementing extreme measures unless you want to call the popular party in galicia far right.

this use of (soft) left and FAR right and vice versa needs to stop. all sides are being controlled / manipulated by globalist interests. Big pharma, agra, tech, military, banking conglomerates have far more power then govs and their petty left right divisions.

Unless you live in a cabin in the woods… we are all beholden to the current globalised all encompasing system. every little product, service, platform that you use is part of it and you are supporting it all by using it.

Unless many of us break away from the core nothing will change until collapse naturally rearanges the chairs on the titanic.

Inevitable is my new favorite word .I keep seeing it everywhere now.

Feb 16, 2021 2:00 PM

I’ve got to point out a few misconceptions people have.

Many people seem to think if they have more money, things will get better.
Which is incorrect in many fundamental ways.

First, money itself can only represent an abstract value of something. AT BEST. And to do that, it needs to be represented itself, meaning, something is wasted to represent that money. Making it fundamentally entropic, meaning it devalues what’s real as it is itself a derivative.

Second, money is used as a “delegatory” means. It separates people from the reality of what’s involved in the supposed “goods” they mean to acquire. Like idiots who buy cellphones every 3 months without knowing it involves slave labour.

Third, huge amounts of means are implemented to inflate the already fundamentally entropic “nature” of money. More money, less worth. Those means are near arbitrary, absolutely meaningless. Leveraging and derivatives, as an example. Which is how the whole planet happens to be indebted like 50 years into the future, you go figure that out.

Fourth, it is obviously used for manipulative, possessive and greedy purposes. Not always, only most of the time. Meaning it enables huge inequality and subjugation as well as degenerate shit.

Fifth, perhaps most importantly as this goes beyond money, it is a product of industrialist mentality. So, even if you get rid of all the money or people have “standard basic income” or whatever BULLSHIT they try to get you to suck at the cock of mammon…you still need to address the more fundamental problem of excessive industry.

So until people understand some of that, they will just continue to degrade into the abyss.

Remember, worth is most easily established by taking something away. If you lose all the money in the world, there isn’t anything tangible that’s lost.

When people talk about “the economy” and “growth” shit, they are fundamentally being deceptive. Any notion regarding “the economy” is the exact opposite of what it suggests. As I’ve said before, all it is is the abstraction of fraud and exploitation.

Notions with respect to industrial “growth” fail to account for the implicit losses, entropy of habitat, resources. And it is almost always ignorant of the “growth” it adds in terms of damage and toxicity from its fundamentally excessive “ideals”.

But what can I do? Society’s idea of progress is in exactly the wrong direction, which doesn’t really bother me as I just drift further away, because I’d much rather not associate in this world of shit.

A couple of other things about your stay on this planet, it’s not yours, you visit. Everything you’ve had is stolen. There aren’t any resources that you’ve “rightfully earned” or own. It is not yours. You are a product of the planet.

Feb 16, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

” And to do that, it needs to be represented itself, meaning, something is wasted to represent that money.”

”Second, money is used as a “delegatory” means”

”Making it fundamentally entropic, meaning it devalues what’s real as it is itself a derivative.”

”it is a product of industrialist mentality.”

You haven’t got a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Feb 16, 2021 7:53 PM
Reply to  RaptorJo

Tell me again about how you can’t understand why a “money man” talking about nitrogen and phosphor as being interchangeable is the dumbest thing ever.

Feb 16, 2021 8:10 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Many of the articles presented here share your love of incoherent and pointless gibberish but not all of them.

Feb 16, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  RaptorJo

So you don’t know why phosphorus and nitrogen isn’t interchangeable yet?

Feb 17, 2021 5:38 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

And Bitcoin miners burn energy… to make a number.

Feb 17, 2021 6:11 PM
Reply to  Tsubion

Yes, I have bitched about that extensively (not so much here at offguardian).

Cryptocurrency is absolutely useless waste of energy and resources.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 16, 2021 1:53 PM

It is taking longer than they thought to get the Dominion machines in place. Democrats are having a hard time smuggling them out of the country.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 16, 2021 6:49 PM

Those machines are ballot printers, they don’t tabulate ballots. They’re essentially an overpriced, top-heavy low power laptop with a large touch screen that’s connected to an HP laser printer through a USB cable.

Where they are useful is that in a complex election they manage choices so that you can’t unwittingly over or under vote so lose your ballot. They also manage the numerous ballot types, a single county may have a hundred or more as local and state races are on the same ballot form.

Feb 16, 2021 1:11 PM

”China is exploring limiting the export of rare earth minerals that are crucial for the manufacture of American F-35 fighter jets and other sophisticated weaponry, according to people involved in a government consultation.”

”The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last month proposed draft controls on the production and export of 17 rare earth minerals in China, which controls about 80 per cent of global supply.”

The most important news this month, perhaps this year.

Feb 16, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  RaptorJo

Oh hey, while we’re talking about China…


“The 2013 Multi-country Study on Men and Domestic Violence asked men in China if they had ever coerced a female partner into having sex (including alcohol facilitated rape). 22.2% said yes. 9.3% had done so in the past year. 19.4% raped their partner. 55% of the men who had raped had done so more than once and 9% had have so on four or more partners. 86% cited sexual entitlement as their motive (the highest percentage in the study) and 57% answered that they raped out of boredom. 72.4% experienced no legal consequences. 1.7% had raped another man. 25.1% who had raped reported first doing so as a teenager. 2.2% admitted to having committed gang rape.[8] A report conducted by the All-China Women’s federation estimated that close to forty percent of Chinese women who are involved in a relationship or are married experience physical or sexual violence.[9]
There are numerous cases of sexual assault are unrecorded. The survey of previous paragraph has updated some new information, it turns out that 22.7 percent of males acknowledged that they had raped a woman before. Further, only 24.9 percent of Chinese sexual culprits were in custody while other countries surveyed had average 32.5 percent. In addition, only 15.6 percent of Chinese criminals were sent to jail while other countries had average 22.9 percent. The data shows Chinese reports for sexual assault is lower than other countries in Asia Pacific region, but in fact it is not the truth.[10]
Recent research has found that there is no existing psychometric measure assessing attitudes toward rape in China. For example, researchers found that men endorse the view that revealing clothing conveys consent for sex.[11]”

“The laws against rape in China have been criticized by some, including Guo Jianmei, who noted that weaknesses in the legal system make it possible for certain rapists to escape justice;[13] furthermore, legal loopholes previously allowed child rapists to escape with light sentences.[14]
In 2011, a man who raped another man was convicted of “intentional injury” rather than rape, as non-consensual same-sex sexual conduct was not defined as a sexual offense.[15][16]
In November 2015 ChinaDaily reported another same-sex case which happened in Luzhou city, Sichuan province. In this case, a man robbed and raped another man, but did not face sanction for the crime of sexual assault.[17]
In November 2015 Xinhua reported that the criminal code was amended to include the sexual assault and rape of men, citing the above case. In addition, sex with underaged (defined as under 14 years of age) prostitutes was reclassified as rape.[18][19]”

China is a shithole and they are destroying the earth.

Feb 16, 2021 2:43 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Now, I’ve seen a huge variety of behaviour in chinese peaople. So the thing is, what’s going on there? There are clear cultural conflicts internally, but their state is clearly totalitarian and are trying to homogenize their people to the extreme. That is from industrialism.

Where are the chinese commenters?

Feb 16, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Maybe they will learn to be more ‘democratic’ and caring like the Americans and imprison their poor & blacks too? and deny the majority of their population healthcare like the US ? Maybe they will invade a few countries and commit genocide like the Americans do?

Feb 16, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

What a bizarre comment.

Feb 16, 2021 8:40 PM
Reply to  Arby

What, the sort of thing people conveniently ignore? Never talk about? No media? No politics?

I know why, too. It’s because the world is worthless.

Feb 16, 2021 5:29 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Thank you….. the CIA….for your ‘ballance’. I wasn’t aware trade and economics had anything to do with rape, but ha ho, that’s how you guys swing isn’t it.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 16, 2021 7:32 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Please don’t sully the pages of Off-G with sewage from Wikideceivia. It’s bad enough having the hasbarollocksers from 77, the LackofIntegrityInitiative – the Lackies – and other such paid liars – the likes of the ‘Bob’ entity, for example – spewing their anti-truth toxins into the discussions here, without bringing JWales’ lie-machine in too, as if it could possibly be a source of anything trustworthy at all.

Feb 16, 2021 9:16 PM

When’s the last time you heard about the freedom from china? Have you seen what they’ve been doing to the oceans, or in africa, south america, etc? Maybe you’ve heard about issues from some of the products from there? Have you seen some of the things that happen there? Have you got better info from China, can you even access any?

Feb 16, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Oh but we in aust are currently unhappy that they won’t buy from them….we need them so we can buy all the shit goods to pretend we are happy…and so the real world goes..

Feb 17, 2021 12:31 AM
Reply to  Edith

Sometimes it feels like I’m the only guy in the world that doesn’t need “smart” gadgets and shit. I mean I seriously have never had a “smartphone” for more than a week. And I used to be a fucking programmer.

Also, I’m pretty sure sanctions, tariffs and restrictions will be imposed against countries like Australia. Unfortunately, some Australian universities are a bit too involved in genocide here so they will not be excused.

captain spam
captain spam
Feb 17, 2021 8:25 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

You missed out the bit about 500 million Weegers in concentration camps being turned into soap and lamp shades.

Must do better if you want to keep your supervisors happy. More venom required. More venom. Must try harder. This just won’t do.

captain spam
captain spam
Feb 22, 2021 1:09 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Who needs any better info when we’ve got Adrian Zenz and the Atlantic Council to spew out non stop poison?

captain spam
captain spam
Feb 17, 2021 8:15 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

There is more real freedom in China now than in any western shithole.

If your preferred hobby horse is rape, you should be right at home in the land of Harvey Weinstein and Creepy Joe Biden.

captain spam
captain spam
Feb 22, 2021 1:03 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

More venom required, C., more venom. Must earn those shekels. Remember not to leave out all the cannibalism and devil worship in China as well. And the 500 million weegers being turned into soap and lamp shades.

Feb 16, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  RaptorJo

”The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last month proposed draft controls on the production and export of 17 rare earth minerals in China, which controls about 80 per cent of global supply.””

About that specifically, have you looked at how much of that is merely proxy? ESPcrow. *kekaa* *kekaa*

I think Africa should impose some sanctions.

Luckily, Morocco, Tunisia and the like have obliged.

Good luck finding fertilizer.


Feb 16, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

I had to laugh at the moron who wrote that norgemining article.

It’s hilarious.

“Replacing nitrogen with phosphates, therefore, could contribute to the more sustainable future the European Union is trying to create with its ‘Green Deal’.”

Is that how “clever” people think? I mean. I can’t…

It’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. Whatever it is they do. Don’t.

Feb 16, 2021 5:38 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Maybe in your next life you’ll be able to explain why it is ‘Dumb shit’, because all you have sone so far is write the ‘dumbest shit’.

Feb 16, 2021 5:51 PM
Reply to  RaptorJo

I’ll let you figure out why nitrogen and phosphor isn’t interchangeable. Good luck with that.

Maybe you want some water without hydrogen? Just change the hydrogen to lead, no problems.

Feb 16, 2021 8:39 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Oh and excuse me, I’ve referred to phosphorus as phosphor numerous times, somewhat incorrectly as I’m used to the afrikaans term for it, which is fosfor.

Feb 17, 2021 12:40 AM
Reply to  RaptorJo

There is no next life, btw.

Russian bot from Norway
Russian bot from Norway
Feb 16, 2021 6:26 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

you are glowing so bright that i can hardly see the screen mr 77th bullshitter.

Feb 16, 2021 7:24 PM

I think he is NSA, He thinks he is on the Guardian web site.

Feb 16, 2021 5:44 PM
Reply to  CatCollector


In case you missed that, life is kinda phosphor-based. All of your internal energy being adenosine triphosphate might be a clue. Phosphor is the “light” of life, so to say. With plants, for instance, flowers and seeds accumulate loads of phosphor, as it’s like…I dunno, in the second most vague sense imaginable, elemental sunlight.

Might also have something to do with Lucifer.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 16, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Are you speaking about phosphorus?

Feb 16, 2021 7:55 PM

No I’m speaking about technetium.


Sorry, I’m not english so I kinda forgot.

Ek is eintlik Afrikaans, ek het groot geword naby “Adam’s Calendar”.

It’s kinda like StoneHenge, but older.


Feb 16, 2021 5:35 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

What are you talking about? You are just writing nonsense.

Feb 16, 2021 5:51 PM
Reply to  RaptorJo

China’s “rare earth metals” are not so much from china.

And with the notion of it being the biggest problem in the world, it isn’t.

Can you figure out why?

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 16, 2021 11:50 AM

Has anyone noticed just how rare true nationalism is in the world nowadays? Ever since WW2, globalism has just been on a rampage, stamping out nationalism wherever it finds it. Ironically, the only countries left that are truly nationalistic may well be those that self-define as communist, such as North Korea and Cuba.


Feb 16, 2021 12:10 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

The death of the nation state is a good thing, when it comes as a result of more international understanding & trade.

Fear of others & nationalism is why we have war. Nationalism is only loved by the NSA and the war mongers who you work for.

Feb 16, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Queskimpox

“Fear of others & nationalism is why we have war.”

No, it is far more fundamental than that. Tribalism, socio and psychopathy.

And that is in any sort of group mentality, patriotism, zealotry, communism, republicans, democrats, christians, muslims.

It doesn’t matter.

You can for instance put “vaxxers” in a group (coz if anti-vaxxers…), and there are very many of them. They’re not nationalist, but they cause massive amounts of damage and they ARE dangerous, what they espouse is dangerous.

Feb 16, 2021 1:36 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

” “Fear of others & nationalism is why we have war.”
No, it is far more fundamental than that. Tribalism, socio and psychopathy.”

Again, no.
It is even more fundamental than that:
It is good old-fashioned salivating greed for money and power among the sub-human few.
The money to be made from war for those specimens is just too fabulous to ignore.

Feb 16, 2021 2:32 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“It is good old-fashioned salivating greed for money and power among the sub-human few.”

The greed for money and power are products of socio and psychopathy. Possessive “spirit”.

Money is not fundamental.

Feb 16, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

I like how you people seem to think money and greed is somehow more fundamental than psyche itself and tribalism. Even though money and greed are products of that.

Those who downvoted, please try explain.

You really are mammon worshipers, aren’t you? That soulless itch getting to you as your egregore goes off the rails?

Feb 17, 2021 5:42 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

all biology has a system of exchange. it’s built in at the fundamental level. money is just an extension of basic mechanisms found in all life.

Feb 17, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Tsubion

It is a bastardized derivation which is an abstraction requiring actual representation, fundamental entropy. Suggesting money is just a system of exchange isn’t correct.

In the biological sense, those mechanisms are actually necessary and happen to not be imaginary. Biology has no relevance to money, except in the psychopathic industrialist possessive mind.

“Economics” is about the most worthless, convoluted, fraudulent shit in the world. If you fail at physics you might consider economics, though I’d recommend considering becoming a used car salesman as it’s more legitimate and respectable.

Feb 16, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Queskimpox

If turning the entire world into a feudal fiefdom for the exclusive benefit of a global ruling class is the only alternative to war – then we may as well admit defeat as a species and lay down and go extinct before we do any further damage.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 16, 2021 2:23 PM
Reply to  Queskimpox

Queskimpox? Ya, right. Explain how countries like Yemen, Somalia, Palestine, and Zimbabwe, benefit from “understanding and trade”…

Feb 16, 2021 9:26 PM

One of the main reasons Yemen is attacked is because of “free trade”, btw.

See, the pharmaceutical complex really doesn’t like competition in their “free trade” system, which is why there’s so much demonization involving plants (while they ironically claim to have cultivation rights and monopolies, and producing far worse toxic derivatives than those plants, and from those plants).

Yemen’s economy (and much of its society) happens to kinda revolve around a plant named Qhat (for many reasons), Qhat is a big (somewhat safer and undoubtedly more useful) version of pharmaceutical meth. Go figure.

I should’ve named myself QhatQollector.

Feb 16, 2021 11:55 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Sorry I completely messed that up. I meant to say Qhat is a big alternative to pharmaceutical math.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 17, 2021 12:40 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Hello CatCollector: I don’t think you quite follow my drift. The reason I mentioned the above countries, is that indigenous populations continue to be starved, poisoned, denied medical services, and slaughtered by the tens of thousands every single year.

Intellectual scabs like yourself, avoid explicit discussions of mass genocide, and instead, hide behind clever masks made of dried blood…

Feb 17, 2021 9:59 AM

I’m saying the pharmacuetical industry (conveniently always involving military and mercenaries, with the support of America, Britain, Israel, NATO sort of countries) is involved and drivers of that genocide, dumbass.

But absolute shillfucks like you, can only project incorrectly. I’ve talked about genocide an awful lot over the years. I’ve even mentioned it here a few times.

Even “vaccines” are clearly used for related purposes, too, along with “help” from say, GMO agricultural corporations and poison manufacturers.

Feb 16, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  Queskimpox

Utter bull stuff. The myth of zero tariffs is a lever to overthrow nation states. Tariffs are not an obstacle to trade. On the contrary, intelligently negotiated, on a bilateral basis, they can enhance mutual wealth. Their disappearance has hollowed out the industrial heartland.

Don’t suck the Rockefeller candy.

Feb 16, 2021 9:27 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Africa should impose absolutely monstrous tariffs and significant trade and export restrictions. And I will try channel some of that sentiment.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 16, 2021 5:50 PM
Reply to  Queskimpox

The death of the nation state is a good thing, when it leads to a further decentralization of power to the local level. FIFY

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 17, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  Queskimpox

The greed and power-mongering of the ruling-class is historically why we have so often had wars. It is certainly possible for nations to be sovereign and free, while peacefully trading with and learning from one another. That, in fact, would be true inter-nationalism: friendship between the different nations of the earth. This is not to be confused with trans-nationalism, which is actually what the Globalist élite is after. Transnationalism simply means having the ruling classes of all nations co-operate together to better screw the rest of us. Some ‘peace’!

Aug senault
Aug senault
Feb 16, 2021 12:17 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

The death of the nation state is a good thing, when it comes as a result of more international understanding & trade.
Fear of others & nationalism is why we have war. Nationalism is only loved by the NSA and the war mongers.

Nationalism is used by the far-right to gain power they appeal to fear and hatred of others.

North Korea is fascist state. Cuba as a community state, so are internationalist, not nationalist. They believe in the struggle of all workers against the capital owning class across the world.

Feb 16, 2021 1:24 PM
Reply to  Aug senault

Absolute borg garbage.

“They believe in the struggle of all workers against the capital owning class across the world.”

That is exactly why I’ll NEVER ascribe to that mentality. EVER.

Just read that (death) sentence.

“They believe in…”

Okay first off, faith.

“…the struggle of all workers…”

Oh good, the perpetuation of industrialist slavery. You go enjoy struggling as a worker. Your time runs out. Work to pay to work. Sounds good.

“…capital owning class across the world…”

Aaaaand, most often, by working you happen to be cogs for them.

Personally, I’ll never “work” ever again. The previous “job” I had was more than 10 years ago and it was professional poker. 47 obviously being my favourite hand.

Fuck, when I was 12 years old I already knew I would never have children or get married in this world.

Feb 16, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  Aug senault

What would you call china?

Coz I want to take a big shit over their worthless state.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 16, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Hello Seamus Padraig: Your observation is spot on. The establishment of the United Nations runs hand in hand with disposal of all independent forms of National identity.

Nation States such as Palestine, Libya, Iraq, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and former Republics such as Serbia and Romania, have all faced crippling economic sanctions. Regime change wars and subversive “intelligence” operations, basically prohibit any Nation or State that attempts to establish or retain independent currency or culture. Excommunication is usually step #1.

The New World Order rather suggests that “some” countries with established nuclear weapons are good countries, whereas countries seeking nuclear weapons are international enemies. But let’s all “trade” our fortunes and resources anyway… All United Nations and BIS power-ploys…

Feb 16, 2021 7:33 PM

Then there’s the “virtual” senate of powerful investors. The world’s owners, who actually rule, have no doubt benefited from the illusion of independent sovereign States that implies democracy, but, as Catherine Austin Fitts has suggested, they are tired of pretending and, in any case, are trying to take us out of all of that and into a technocratic society in which we have no say (voting for politicians and parties) but are only serfs on the land, living or dying at the master’s leisure.

My guess is that some politicians have not yet fully grasped that. I have no doubt that the majority of the planet doesn’t grasp that fully. The technocrats are winning. The gangster politicians are aiding and abetting them and their plans, thanks to citizenry everywhere imagining that the more they obey illegimitate authority, the sooner they can have back what they’ve lost. Neither voting nor dancing with the stars, nor more smartphone viewing and playing, will halt the hoaxsters, the terrorists who view us as cattle and rats who must not get control. But we the people are not the hoaxsters’ biggest problem.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 17, 2021 12:55 AM
Reply to  Arby

Hello Arby: I think one of the main problems facing “we the people” is that “alternative” press is fortifying the Reset concept, rather than offering a completely different vision.
Civilians need to put these technocratic assholes behind bars or in padded rooms. I’d prefer to see them all executed in front of a firing squad…
I guess the snowflake generation(s) would rather stare at their cell phones and bleat like lost sheep…

Feb 17, 2021 12:54 PM

I don’t how many regular people even have a thought about the Great Reset ‘if’ they’ve heard about it. People don’t care and therefore don’t know. But there’s lots of false pride going around. I’ve had people try to counter my arguments with tv talking points. “See! I’m informed!” My doctor, a smart guy no doubt, In his (disgraceful) argument with me about covid 19, winced when I shot at him the statement that at least I don’t get my knowledge of the world and God from tv. He didn’t respond at all. Guess why?

All we can do, I suppose, is simplify things for people if we even get the chance to talk to them. The Great Reset means our enslavement. Obeying the fascist authorities, in regard to covid 19, only encourages them and brings that enslavement closer to full realization. Then you ask: “Is that something that’s okay with you?”

Feb 17, 2021 5:55 PM
Reply to  Arby

it’s gonna collapse anyway. doesn’t matter what you do.

on the doctor thing, i have only disdain for that so called profession especially after last year. Not only have they not spoken up about covid or rallied to debunk the whole sham, but they cowered in their offices hiding from patients and essentially toeing the party line.

I now have zero respect for most gov workers including doctors, police, politicians, teachers, etc. They are indoctrinated biological robots that unthinkingly follow the orders of their masters in power instead of serving the people that put them there.

At some point, we have to reclaim all of that power. These parasites have been taking the piss for far too long.

Feb 16, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

“North Korea and Cuba”.

And Syria and Yemen and Iran and Russia and Belarus and China (they even execute globalist crooks) and Venezuela — and possibly Iceland (at least they put globalist crooks in jail).

And Catalan?

Feb 16, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  NickM

You are the biggest chinese borg shill around. Your attempt at painting china as being some kind of utopia is pathetic. Personally, I refuse any sort of association or adoption of chinese state garbage.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 16, 2021 11:47 AM

Being a nationalist myself, I have no philosophical argument against Catalan secession. If they want their own army and postage stamp, far be it from me to stand in their way.

But it has come to my attention that the leadership of the Catalan ‘independence’ movement are all a bunch of woker-than-thou, pro-EU Branch Covidians, which means they’re just as much under the thumb of the globalists as the Spanish government itself. If, hypothetically, Catalunya were to reclaim its sovereignty from Madrid only then to turn around and hand it right over to Brussels, how would they (or anyone, for that matter) be better off in the long run?

By the way, I have the exact same issue with the Scottish ‘independence movement. Again, nothing against the Scottish people per se, but I find the SNP under Nicola Sturgeon to pure cringe.

Feb 16, 2021 12:40 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

“woker-than-thou …pure cringe”

Kinda Sophie’s choice I guess: sovereignty or wokeism.

Weird that the Catalan independence movement is pro-EU. Not only the EU turned their backs on them, but it makes no sense to exit one organization and enter another one where they’ll have even less say.

Every movement gets piggybacked or hijacked by opportunists.

I still think that communities, cities, regions the world over should go for self-determination right now. It would toss a wrench into the globalist plans. They’d have something to worry about other than COVID-1984.

Feb 17, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Walking away from the King.

Not sure it’s really possible in the real world. We face further centralisation of all aspects of life while hordes continue to move out of major cities. The control remains in place through digital means but it’s really just palliative care as things wind down.

Palliative care = UBI, entertainment, online shopping, and other bread and circuses.

We’re witnessing the beginning of global systemic collapse. Forces pulling in different directions until the center can hold no longer and even the kings will be left scratching their heads as their subjects drop out of the system.

Energy companies will go broke and then… well, do I really have to explain the rest?

The digital economy won’t save us because the digital economy is a parasite on foundational industrial civilisation. Same goes for renewable energy.

The miracle is not yet in view and I like to base prediction on evidence. Breaking apart and hoping that things will somehow hold together is a contradiction that doesn’t end well. The numbers don’t work. Economies of scale fall apart and millions of people will suddenly realise that food and other stuff depend on very fragile supply chains.

That’s why we see the dichotomy of rising national and international dictatorship alongside the desire of specific states to drop out. If they try to become independent they will quickly realise that it doesn’t make any difference because the economy is entirely globalised and cannot be localised at this stage. It either grows a bit more (artificially) or collapses.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 16, 2021 12:54 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

And don’t forget our lovely Nicola has foisted the more extreme variants of COVID restrictions. Sieg Heil Och Aye the Noo!

Feb 16, 2021 2:18 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

The SNP exists as a mechanism for the (in)equalities lobby to obtain and hold power. They have no interest in independence, hence the political prosecution of Salmond, which was primarily, though not exclusively, to send out a message to the face painter element of their support. Now power has been established, the assassinations at national, local and community associations are in full flow. This is freely permitted by Westminster who still call the shots behind the curtain. Independence (of which I am neutral) has been has been traded to the shot callers in London in exchange for carte blanche being given to the pro-EU, Woke lobby to instigate all sorts of social suicide at ‘national level- see the Hate Crime Bill. The payoff at local level is the right to plunder, which ‘Scottish Labour’ prior to the SNP made into an artform through dodgy brown envelope dealings.
‘Scotland’ is no more than a one-party, fascist collection of local authorities in North Britain. And those local authorities are some of the most corrupt in the UK.

Feb 16, 2021 7:38 PM
Reply to  Borncynic

I’m not an expert on Scotland, but since discovering the UK Column News, which features David Scott (who reports on all things Scotland), I can’t say that Scotland isn’t a scary-looking place where the fascist authorities do things like institutionalize grooming and, of course, terrorize the population with pandemic hoaxes.

Feb 16, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Seamus, I also wonder if they’re on board with the Rockefeller Resilient Cities project, which aims to break down nation states and replace them with cities as the plaything of Corporatist barons.

Emotionally who is not with Catalunya? Events, however, have moved on and cast the Catalan project in a different light from some years ago. There are technocrats on both sides. Former PM Rajoy was happy to trade on the remembrances of Franco however it is too easy to cast Franco as a fascist when he was closer to a Catholic nationalist — which, according to a modern liberal mindset, is much worse.

Then there is the islamist migration that openly uses Catalunya as a beachhead – half a million residents out of a total 7.5 million inhabitants, but up to 40% of the locals in some towns.

Again, think resilient cities and breaking down nation states.

It’s also been drawing the attention of Western embassies: https://elpais.com/internacional/2010/12/11/actualidad/1292022007_850215.html

Feb 16, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Franco was textbook fascist

Feb 16, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Finally, someone besides me posts about resilient cities network. Strong cities network is another one of their inventions.

Feb 16, 2021 8:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

All I know about cities is that they are negative sort of energy sinks. Pretty much all of them.

Feb 16, 2021 10:11 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

It’s another Rockefeller scam to control populations of cities and take over local governments, councils, towns and municipalities using committees instead of politicians. ICLEI is another Rockefeller scam org in the world takeover, so are Strong Cities and Strong Towns. This is global governance and tyranny by stealth.

Feb 17, 2021 12:00 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes I have kept note that most of our issues in aust have come from that city that joined the cities project…also signed up to the belt and road China project….obviously they don’t see themselves as part of Australia …well the political class there…the people have been streaming put in droves…and all wonder why we put up borders to them…do we want that mind set here?

Feb 17, 2021 11:13 AM
Reply to  Edith

You’ll find that the other orgs I linked to are also involved and the Belt and Road initiative as you say. The transnational financiers who run the world are using China and its social credit system, tyranny and censorship as a model to force on the West.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Feb 16, 2021 6:25 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I’m Scottish. Sturgeon is a right wing grovelling globalist of the very worst kind. Would be happy to give us a new vaccine every week while maintaining lockdown. An abomination. She has no genuine interest in independence.

It is extremely likely to me that the British deep state is behind the persecution of Salmond with Sturgeon as their puppet.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 17, 2021 11:46 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

That’s the theory I’ve heard too, Eric. I think Salmond was a somewhat different animal. Didn’t he oppose the Iraq War? That said, I don’t remember him evincing much EU-skepticism either.

Feb 17, 2021 7:10 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Seamus Padraig: “If, hypothetically, Catalunya were to reclaim its sovereignty from Madrid only then to turn around and hand it right over to Brussels,…”

…. then hypothetically Catalunya would be doing what Ireland and Scotland are doing practically. Which is why I did not include 21st century Celtic nations in my list of genuine nationalist movements; the Celts were famous nationalists in the 19th & 20th centuries — until they got what the nationalist leadership they wanted and, as you say, handed that leadership over to Brussels.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 17, 2021 11:48 AM
Reply to  NickM

Oh, Ireland is a really heart-breaking case! The rebels of 1916 would be turning in their graves if they could see what has become of the Republic they died for. Then again, so would the founders of the US. 🙁

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 10:43 AM

All in all, democracy is about allowing citizens to decide at the ballot box, not about violating their will with the application of laws that should in fact serve to guarantee there is a framework that respects what societies want for themselves.

Clearly Jordi STILL lives in Moronland…

comment image

A modern moron slave vote only counts for 2 things:

Give money/power to the scoundrels and fraudsters and terrorists that the moron just voted for. (smart move no?!)

Release the voter from the RESPONSIBILITY of actually being in charge of his/her Life!

But hey… We do love to slave on like this.

Feb 16, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Voting is part of nature! You can find it in any good jungle, savana, forest, desert, valley, waterway, river or ocean all over the world.

Feb 16, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  Ooink

Who cares about nature?

Come on, join the sort of bets we place in supernature!

Derivatives, leveraging, covid! Pretty much anything that is only imaginary, invisible and not physically plausible that you can speculate about, becomes totally real and fact-checked when you’ve transcended mere nature.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Seems majority wants it!
comment image

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 12:08 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Don’t make that usual mistake of mixing NATURE and degenerate uman behavior, specially when it comes to RESPONSIBILITY and ACTION.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Feb 16, 2021 10:37 AM

It’s funny how the less democratic we become, the more politicians we get.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 11:00 AM
Reply to  Freeborn John

That is just the signal that we’re reaching Full Fascist status, which requires great numbers of operatives to be effective.

The bigger the number of scoundrels in office (working for the SRF & Billionaires) the lesser the democracy delusion.

Feb 16, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db


They have no clue

“If the Church had a neck I would wring it, if the State had a vein I would sever it” 

  • A.A.Neamthanga
Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

That Neamthanga is oblivious of the FACT that both the “church” and the “state” DO HAVE necks and veins…

Clearly he wasn’t reality into that!

Feb 16, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

If you get rid of a few adherents it makes no difference to institutions.

You can vanish all of congress and it wouldn’t change the institutional machinations.

The only way you reach the necks and veins of the church and state is through non-support. And it only happens with exodus.

Let us say the pope is murdered, or biden, what do you think realistically happens? People don’t just stop supporting the vatican or being democrats then. They probably get angry, target and generalize. And most often, those sort of things (often planned) result in even worse institutional chains, as they use it for “justifications”.

As with all state and religious institutional based misdirections.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 1:17 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

“institutions” are just a large group of degenerate uman animals (DUA) that work for an apparent same goal.

If the number of DUA is big enough, indeed a small cleaning won’t matter. But if the cleaning is persistent then the DUA will start to feel FEAR of LOSING… And nothing works better to shift a DUA than FEAR!

Just look at the spectacular results that FEAR achieved in the still ongoing OPERATION COVIDIUS!

Just look at the examples of France and Portróikal when a few decided to get rid of monarchy! Of course that recycling just one moron like the pope or a jester, that’s just for FUN.

Feb 16, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

“Just look at the spectacular results that FEAR achieved in the still ongoing OPERATION COVIDIUS!”

So basically, you’re saying I should manifest some kind of plague that only affects “freemason” cultists? Man that is a good idea. Thanks dude.

Feb 17, 2021 2:41 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

After JFK was murdered, U.S. policies changed fundamentally. Coup in Brazil in 1964, in Indonesia in 1965. Escalation in Vietnam.

Feb 17, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  Lysias

Meaning that was used by the state for shitty purposes, as I kinda suggested with the last sentence there.

Feb 16, 2021 1:00 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Here, some Luciferian Satire.


Feb 16, 2021 10:23 AM

Most commenters have already seen through the pro-independence movement. I’d only add: who are their bankers?

What’s going on? My guess would be that righteous anger against globalism and the globalists is being mis-directed to precipitate the break-up of nation-states and the balkanised remnants can then be hoovered up into regional blocsand eventually the forthcoming global state (or to be more accurate, when the existing global state reveals itself that they’ll accept it).

Also, I wonder if there’s something esoteric going on with flags that show one star?

Feb 16, 2021 11:33 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Why are you fixated on purported nation-states?

Is the UK a nation-state? No. Is Canada a nation-state? No. If you look closely, most countries are miniature versions of such organizations as the EU or globalist efforts. In many, ethnic diversity has already been annihilated through assimilation.

Fuck the nation-state. The state is already too big for any viable societal system to work.

Focus must concentrate on the individual.

Feb 16, 2021 11:41 AM
Reply to  Edwige

“Also, I wonder if there’s something esoteric going on with flags that show one star?”

You are somewhat pagan, spiritual, yes?


They have lost their star and they are in denial.

Feb 16, 2021 7:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

If Catalans can effectively push back against covid 1984 with their votes, then I’m with them. Or are they all masked and shouting (in a muffled sort of way) and waving their fists at the Spanish president?

Feb 16, 2021 9:58 AM

The sad thing is none of the people who are so fixated with the politics, horseshit fraudulent “science”, tech shit recognize what’s happening. There’s no turning back, their ideas of a reset is illusory. Every single moment that they are supported you tread further into a part of the abyss this world cannot recover from.


War on our hands, war on our minds
Beat on the drums, beaten our hopes
Nothing is left, nothing is gained
Angry at one, angry at all

World in Agony, World in pain
World in Anger, World of shame

The error of man, the error of faith
Shaping tomorrow, destroying today
Nothing ahead, nothing to be
Anger is one, anger is all

World in Agony, World in pain
World in Anger, Word insane

Cursing ourselves, causing our death
Abusing the earth, it’s coming apart
Can we undo, what we have done
Before we undo, what we become

The earth is bitter
The earth is black
What have we done
There’s no going back

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 10:50 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

After an off-topic… An on-topic… Talk about VOTE, right!

Democracy, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing

Democracy, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again, y’all

Democracy, huh, good God
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

Ohhh, democracy, I despise
Because it means delusion

Now the FUN reason for that adaptation is…

Feb 16, 2021 11:00 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

You tell me this isn’t exactly true, even though it is >20 years old

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 12:17 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Keep Calm and Slave on.
The BEST function of DEMOCRACY is to give SLAVES the FREEDOM to CONSUME.

“democracy” one of the BEST tools the SRF & Billionaires have at Their disposal to CONTROL the herd of modern moron slaves.

Feb 16, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Noise like that makes no point at all.
It just makes people want to run away.

Is THAT supposed to be a better alternative to the crapfest we are currently living with?
Nope. It’s just two crapfests side-by-side.

Feb 16, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  wardropper

All you have to do is fuckoff.

Feb 16, 2021 11:10 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

And Voz, regarding the American “elections”, I’d guess maybe as much as 50 million fraudulent “votes”.

That’s the one thing the narrative has NEVER mentioned. And I’m saying, the amount of votes for either Trump or Biden was inflated (for reasons of making it seem more legitimate).

I like to say that, while also reminding Americans, that around 16% of their population voted for Trump in 2016.

Go do the math.

In the Catalan, that political representation of supposed democracy is supported by probably less than 20% of the population.

Again, what the fuck does that sound like?

Only the dumbest incapable of learning idiots (or worse) think the political shit is in any way legitimate, representative or worthy.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Yes… This last one they had to deploy the FRAUD “VOTES” schemes pretty hard or else mutTrump would win again.

In 2016 they were so convinced and certain that Killary Clinton would win that they dind’t even bothered to deploy “vote” fraud schemes (in a huge manner). In all USofT elections there is “voter” fraud. 2020 broke the record.

Feb 16, 2021 12:49 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Trump being president wasn’t accidental. And there was fraud there too (though less).

That people consider any of that shit to be some sort of fluke just reminds me of how dumb people are.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 3:18 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Accidental in terms that the scum won’t allow that to happen anytime soon, as we already saw in 2020!

Feb 16, 2021 1:46 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

I can just hear them at a private meeting after that election …
“Well, we aren’t going to make that mistake again, are we?”…

That’s why the ‘vote’ fraud was right in our faces this time.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  wardropper

And indeed THEY worked pretty hard to achieve it…

“Even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream- a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

Lest you think that this was a subversion of democracy, Ball informs us that “they were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.”

source: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

Feb 16, 2021 9:41 AM

Congratulations Jordi, you can be very proud of having played a minor part inforcing the 20-30 Agenda. If you ever wanted the right of selfdetermination you have been fouled. Or are you fouling us?

Feb 16, 2021 10:09 AM
Reply to  Theodore

It’s borg, you cannot reason with borg. They can only be annihilated.

Feb 16, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Thanks for the reply, but annihilating them seems not right to me. As Phaeton pointed out there are good and honest people supporting independentism, but they definitely need to get out of the political game to become true. If it were a cultural movement and not a political tool of leverage they would have my support too.

Feb 16, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  Theodore

You don’t understand. They are not people. You’ve been lied to. It’s the underworld this, guy.

The “freemasons” plainly say so.

And whether they are being annihilated isn’t a discussion.

Gallows Hymn

What the “freemasons” have done is manifest the “underworld” in what you could’ve once called eden, by corrupting aspects of nature. Through possession being possessed.

If the behaviour of “people”, their insane inability to reason hasn’t made that clear recently…well, you better catch up. They are not your friends and increasingly they are individually assimilated into that collective evil borg panopticon shit. Qlippoth.

Feb 16, 2021 2:33 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Just to make it clear: I was not talking about propagandists, politicians or electoral democracy believers, it was about people who believe in their right to self determinate their cultural identity. I believe everybody who does not base its claims of independence on lies or political propaganda has that right (without undermining fhe rights of others). Enough said, I think!

Feb 16, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  Theodore

Sure, with that I agree.

All of the pushed political crap is of course antithetical to that.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 16, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  Theodore

The day a cross on a piece of paper (or nowadays a touch on a screen!) is capable of causing a CHANGE of that magnitude on a sub-system… Do tell me!

If anyone can point to a single example were “voting” caused an event like that, it would be lovely!

Feb 16, 2021 9:12 AM

To make it clear what a piece of propagandist drivel this is…

Firstly, consider the exerpt I copy/pasted, it is clearly typical mobster statist shit. Their policies were worthless and “the full support of the press” pretty much GUARANTEES that it’s untrue meaningless statist garbage.

That particular fact, emphasized by Phaeton, who points out that 47% of Catalans didn’t vote. With a 51% “majority” of 53% votes leaving you with the support of 27% of the Catalans.

When you peddle that kind of GARBAGE as “independent” or “democratic” you are A SOLD OUT PIECE OF SHIT.

Feb 16, 2021 9:13 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

They should petition to change the name to “The Cattleland”

Coz they are being led to slaughter.

“That particular fact, emphasized by Phaeton, who points out that 47% of Catalans didn’t vote. With a 51% “majority” of 53% votes leaving you with the support of 27% of the Catalans.”

Oh and remember, those are only eligible voters, it doesn’t account for children. So if you’re being honest, it’s significantly less than even 27%.

Feb 16, 2021 8:57 AM

“In front of the pro-independence movement, we have the former Spanish socialist health minister during the pandemic, who has had the full support of the state, the press and unionism in general, and also the Spanish extreme-right of VOX, which has burst onto the Catalan Parliament with 11 seats.”

I’m so sorry to hear that the catalan is an absolute shithole. At least I know now that I’ll never visit there.

Feb 16, 2021 5:32 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

It’s not “the catalan”, it’s Catalunya, you philistine. And its mostly run by the tribe.

Feb 16, 2021 6:23 PM
Reply to  Higherophane

Literally the worst mistake I’ve made in all of my posts on this site.

I’m so sorry. It was referenced as Catalan and it even says “Catalan Parliament” right there.

You should inform them.

Kinda ironic, since I have a Catalonian/Portuguese sheepdog living here with me.

It’s Hierophant, btw.

Feb 16, 2021 7:59 AM

For those who live out of Spain this might seem a good article. It’s not. It’s the same Catalan propaganda that has been running for many years. The same nationalist propaganda that Spanish Government do, but the inverse. Because this is what they are: a different side of the same coin. Behind the Catalan movement there are the same people as always (like Soros’s organizations, but since I don’t have the references now take it for what is worth it).

What this unbelievable piece of propaganda forgets to tell you is that almost half of catalans have abstained from voting (47%). People don’t want independence: they want politicians out.

What Jordi forgets to tell you is that Catalans have been imposing exactly the same restrictions than everywhere else in Spain with the plandemic. There’s no real opposition, just a political circus. They have destroyed Catalonia, as the Spanish Government has destroyed Spain. Take into account, that during the first State of Alarm, the central Government of Spain made the rules, but during the second State of Alarm (that was set to last for 6 months, which is anticonstitutional), were the regions called “Comunidades Autónomas” (like Catalonia) who decided what to do. The “mask everywhere” rule was imposed by these regions, for example. And Catalonia was one of the first that made that rule.

What he also forgets to tell you is that PSC, the party that won (non pro-independence), was headed by Salvador Illa, the Spanish Health Minister during the coronahoax, and thus responsible for the measures and the murder of thousands of elder people in nursing homes. This is the level of Catalan voters (the same that Spanish, because they are the same sheep).

PS: I’m Catalan.

Feb 16, 2021 8:18 AM
Reply to  Phaeton

“People don’t want independence: they want politicians out.”

What do you mean by that?

In Quebec, separatists sentiments are also fueled by politicians and forces who couldn’t care less about sovereignty per se, but who benefit from having people emotionally harnessed. Likewise, the sovereignty threat gives SINO (separatists in name only) leverage on the Canadian federal level, but there is a genuine desire for a separate nation among Quebecois. A place with its own culture, language.

Doesn’t any of that exist in Catalunya as well?

Feb 16, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Let me explain this quote in a better way.

Around 47% of Catalans didn’t go to vote. There could be many reasons for people not going to vote, but taking into account that we live in a dictatorship (which is a fact, because there’s no real opposition, most of the media are being paid millions of euros to lie, Constitution is not being respected, there’s no real separation of powers, and so on), I think that the reason is clear. Some say that it’s because of the fear of the virus, which I think is simply not true because there are other options for voting.

About your last question, yes, there’s a genuine desire for independence amongst catalans, although I have to say that it’s not only because we have our language or culture, but due to economical reasons. Catalonia produces a lot and some Catalans think that we are being stolen by the rest of Spain. I know many people who don’t even talk catalan in their daily lives who want the indepedence of this territory. This independence desire has being fuelled A LOT in the last years, probably by external forces. There has “always” been a catalanist movement, but this is not the same as being “pro-indepence”.

This is a very extense topic and therefore is much more complex than what I’m writing here, but I hope that I have answered your questions.

Let me be clear on something: I’m not anti- or pro- independant. I don’t care about these types of identities.

Feb 16, 2021 11:48 AM
Reply to  Phaeton

What you’re describing sounds an awful lot like Quebec. Perhaps with the exception of the language issue, which might be the biggest thing for les quebecois given the omnipresence of English around them. There are economic reasons, Quebeckers think that they’re getting the shaft from ROC (Rest of Canada) and vice versa. Lots of other issues involved.

Be it as it may, given where the world is going, given how centralization progresses and how it’s exploited, COVID-1984 etant l’exemple par excellence, it would appear that any independence movement that might break the globalist grip on the world and bring decision-making power closer to people is good.

Feb 16, 2021 8:48 AM
Reply to  Phaeton

Interesting perspective. As always one for interested outsiders to consider carefully before being tempted to board the next independence bandwagon.

Feb 16, 2021 9:01 AM
Reply to  Phaeton

I can clearly see this article is some kind of borg bolshevik socialist (which automatically makes it worthless, btw) propaganda piece, and I’m south african.