Facebook Unfriends Australia: The Triumph of Epistemic Chaos

Binoy Kampmark

Creepy and ruthless Facebook has again impressed with its steely indifference to civic responsibility, as if a company established by a sociopath could ever be a model of human improvement. On February 18, Mark Zuckerberg’s antisocial company took aim at Australia by blocking those in that country from sharing local and international content.

As the company notice to those trying to share material went:

In response to Australian government legislation, Facebook generally restricts the posting of news links and all post from news Pages in Australia. Globally, the posting and sharing of news links from Australian publications is restricted.”

As with previous thugs of mercenary trade (the Dutch East India Company and its British equivalent come to mind), Facebook is keen to make the rules it likes, and ignore those of the commonweal.

It is a plundering pioneer in the world of surveillance capitalism, which has led to what Shoshana Zuboff calls an “epistemic coup” with “unprecedented computational concentrations of knowledge and power” gathered by extracting data elitists. These elitists, in turn, trash such concepts as the rule of law and democracy in the name of profits.

As she explained in her keynote speech at last year’s EU Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment panel:

These corporations are not publishers, they are not distributors, they are not merely adtech providers; they are indiscriminate, radically indifferent all-you-can-eat extractors of everything forever, all for the sake of prediction that become more lucrative as they approach certainty.”

Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code is one such proposed imposition on these extractive qualities, though it does little to actually redress the central principles Facebook and Google operate under.

The Code, as it stands, is a compendium of defects sold as politics rather than sound structural change. In it, the Australian government hopes not to restrict surveillance capitalism so much as redirect it.

According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the Code would:

address the fundamental bargaining power imbalance between Australian news media businesses and major digital platforms.”

It’s all a problem of revenue: the fourth estate is dying, having lost its classified advertising base; the Australian government, unenthused by ideas of creating funding schemes or taxing Big Tech, has come to the conclusion that these giants will subsidize and ultimately regenerate old media outlets. To do so, it proposes making companies reach, through goodwill negotiations, bargains by which revenue can be distributed.

While making wild presumptions of what platforms such as Facebook do with the news (referrals, shares and so forth), the government will also require these Silicon Valley hulks to notify media organisations of any change in their search algorithms and abide by an arbitration mechanism. Disputes on the amount of revenue will then go to an arbitration body. Such scenes promise to be messy: media moguls hunkering down to discussions with such amoral practitioners as Facebook.

The blocking of news content on the Facebook platform precipitated a range of consequences, some of them possibly surprising to Zuckerberg and his crew. The Facebook pages of news organisations were immediately emptied of content. Australia’s ABC put it like this:

If you search for the Facebook pages of (for example) ABC News, the Sydney Morning Herald, the New York Times, and the BBC, you’ll see a blank feed saying ‘No posts yet.’”

This was not all. The draft Code has a definition of news content of some breadth, which purports to be any material that “reports, investigates, or explains issues that are relevant in engaging Australians in public debate”. When approached for comment on the issue, Facebook confirmed it has pushed its own reading to the limits, citing a lack of clarity.

As the law does not provide clear guidance on the definition of news content, we have taken a broad definition in order to respect the law as drafted.”

Not that the law has been implemented, but Facebook has been quick on the draw. Snottily, the company promises to “reverse any Pages that are inadvertently impacted.”

Government pages were also caught up in the dramatic scrub, including the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland Health and an assortment of commercial and retail outlets.

The blocking of content on the bureau’s site was considered particularly galling, given cases of flooding in Queensland and fire danger in Western Australia. “Warnings need to get to as wide an audience as possible as a matter of safety,” tweeted ABC weather presenter Nate Byrne. “Shocking.”

Smaller community news outlets, trade unions, homeless charities, and various local controlled health services were also enveloped in the information clean. Indigenous communities have been particularly bruised.

According to the National Indigenous Times:

Indigenous health and media groups fear Facebook’s pushback will have a dangerous impact on regional and remote communities during [the] wet season and the COVID-19 epidemic, with concerns communities will not have access to vital updates on flood warnings or the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations.”

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services saw the issue of blocking content on its site as a matter of rights, restricting an invaluable means of connecting with the community.

This is a human rights issue, silencing the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, our representative peak bodies.”

In going for the Australian throat, Facebook has resorted to a different approach from that other giant of amoral propensities, Google. Google has repeatedly threatened to withdraw its search engine from Australia for similar grievances against the draft Code. But the company has been aggressively negotiating and buttering up Australian media outlets for its News Showcase.

The Australian government sees this as a triumph, a strange interpretation given the positively pyrrhic nature of any such outcomes. Google can well argue to have come out better in the deal, its business model left intact.

The time has come to reconsider the very operating rationale of such companies in an effort to address their singular monopoly position. Solutions are not merely to be found in government regulation and antitrust approaches. The very allegiance shown to such platforms by their captive users will have to change. The time has come to save the human project from surveillance capitalism.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


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Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 23, 2021 6:33 PM

I noticed that Australia has softened it’s stance in the news. I wish I had a link.

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 9:30 AM

It is ironic that the PM posted his messages on —- Facebook as well as all those that got deplatformed crying about their having been voided – basically begging to be allowed to continue on that very platform. With such well trained bubble brains whose skull’s contents are vacuumed out of their heads no wonder they can’t live without Facebook.

Feb 23, 2021 8:10 AM

Make Australia Facebook free and I might emigrate there.
Include Twitter too for good measure.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 23, 2021 7:05 AM

Rowan Dean of Sky News Australia has been discussing the Davos Reset for some time now; and this is a recent update. — Globalists using Great Reset to ‘make you’ finance their ‘climate fantasies’ Sky News Australia Feb 13, 2021 Sky News host Rowan Dean says globalists promoting the Great Reset – a pro-climate, pro-Marxist economic agenda – predict the US will be in decline by 2030 and other superpowers such as China and big tech will “control every aspect of our lives”. “In expensive and lavish advertisements these globalist organisations boast that after the Great Reset, which they liken to the pushing of a button, you will own nothing, but you will be happy,” Mr Dean said. “They call it ‘servitisation’, which sounds a little too close to ‘servitude’ for my liking, but as I said, they’re not shy about what they are proposing. In fact, they boast about it,” Mr Dean said. He asked people to stop accusing him of peddling “crazy conspiracy theories” when the Great Reset was being openly advertised by the World Economic Forum and other well-regarded institutions. “Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum and mastermind of the Great Reset, has insisted COVID-19 must be seized as the moment to introduce his Great Reset”. “Prince Charles urges that we apply the same authoritarian approach we use to crush the virus to reduce our carbon emissions, you know, handcuffing pregnant women in their pajamas and all of that, leading us to the fourth industrial revolution.” Mr Dean warned people to watch out for the new social catchphrases which focus on ‘resetting the economy,’ ‘building back better,’ ‘servitisation’ or ‘stronger cities’ categorising them as part of the Great Reset vocabulary. “These are not accidental phrases, they are embedded within bureaucracies, political parties of the… Read more »

Feb 23, 2021 6:09 AM

So we established a long, long, time ago that so called news is not really news at all. It’s propaganda, lies and controlled opposition.

Perhaps I’m missing the point and someone can fill in the gaps. Why should we be upset that FB is now blocking links to competing channels that missed the online bus. They all deceive and lie anyway, so why should we care? Besides, this doesn’t sound like capitalism to me. Large Corporations looking for special privileges in the public domain. Should they not be doing this behind closed doors or on the Golf Course. What happened to tradition.

Why should we care? FB’s time has pasted too. It’s useful for hobbies and their groups. However, I believe people are long over the millions of “try hards” who post selfies of themselves in front of the Eiffel Tower or with some B Grade Tv Personality for “likes” to boost their low self esteem.

One thing FB has been useful for is exposing the people who you once thought were friends as the idiots they are. For that we should be thankful. Same goes for the Covid Scam.

Feb 22, 2021 4:31 PM

Leave FB. I deleted my account and life is so much better. Now my son has followed suit. Proud father

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 9:34 AM
Reply to  Nomoremasks

I left half a decade ago. The other week using Swisscows search engine I found I still existed on Facebook even though I requested to be deleted. In fact they sent me an email saying I had tried to get back in to my account and if I needed help they would only be too glad to do that! The only thing for it was to write a letter to the US and I am still waiting. Early days. Though ex president Trump had no trouble getting his freedom. So I would check your actually status on global search results from various non US countries as well.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Feb 22, 2021 2:33 PM

Will this make Australians quit their Facebook account? No, Facebook is so useful and nice and …

What a world!

Feb 22, 2021 4:40 AM

gee whiz binoy y didnt u even mention ‘rupert’? u no mistah FOX NEWS CORP! trouble with u binoy boy u just a matrix cambridge rulin capitalist uncle tommeee go get another pharmacom stab

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 21, 2021 11:56 PM

I cancelled my Facebook account about ten years ago.

I haven’t missed it.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Feb 22, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  John Pretty


Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Better check that is actually true. I have recently written them a letter as I am still there half a decade later.

dr death
dr death
Feb 21, 2021 10:12 PM

people really need to learn how to use the internet, and stop using social media..

freeze them out.

I worked in the industry in the noughties and the main thrust behind the roll out of so called web 2 was data collection, most of it floated on darpa source code, using purloined cash from the dotcom burst, alphabet men were everywhere..

needless to say my colleagues and I never used it.. the joke was ‘if people new what this was they would never have it in their homes’.

imbeciles treat it like tv, content consuming, grazing on nonsense, all bundled tagged and irreversibly handed over..

to be used in the future as evidence against you, you may delete your dik piks, but zuckerborg and his ilk wont.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Feb 22, 2021 2:35 PM
Reply to  dr death

“people really need to learn how to use the internet, and stop using social media..”

What about comment fields?

dr death
dr death
Feb 22, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

I’m talking about infrastructure, engage what little is left of your mind imbecile.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Feb 23, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  dr death

Comment fields are what you call “social media”, moron!

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

delete your browsing history. Don’t use google search engine. This includes a good independent one that behaves itself, Duckduckgo but they use Google search results without spying on you. And Google filters, sanitizes or really restricts your search parameters which non Google search engines do not. Then the anti virus protection matters. I wont say who is best but it is a non US one I am using that blocks everything – which upsets some spyware loaded reputable website. One problem is with software writing-coding as dr death mentioned. MS is now written in Israel which in a way is hopefully beyond the reach to a degree of the NSA but can we be sure. However if the latter then they have so much junk to go through one may be safely ignored. And one last plus, use VPN, I am currently in Holland.

Feb 21, 2021 7:08 PM

Trying for indignation over scrubbing the BOM sites from FB us just a complete fail. Anyone with a device capable of accessing FB can upload for free the BOM app. It just doesn’t work as a “shame on FB” effort.

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Feb 21, 2021 5:49 PM

Nothing to stop any of the affected groups setting up their own website to provide information. I have a niche interest and do just that. I left FB almost 3 years ago and don’t miss it.

Feb 21, 2021 5:22 PM

Don’t use social media. Don’t act like none of you this wasn’t coming. It’s been known for years social media companies are monopolizing the space they occupy and because it’s the public marketplace they are monopolizing it comes under a touchy area of law that as of yet has not yet been clearly defined and marked out. This is new territory but by no means are the tactics social media giants new. Tech giants are taking over peoples realities to the point where they effectively define those realities and everybody is simply a data point endlessly feeding them their continued power and fortune. It’s a raw deal and one that only benefits the tech giants. All that is now visible is the real position these tech giants have taken. They don’t stand for you. They stand ON you while offering you services that keep you trapped in a perpetual state of submission to their ever changing ever expanding empires and control over the way people interact with one another. The power remains with the people who mindlessly use these platforms firmly believing they actually benefit them. The original idea of social media MIGHT benefit them but the tech giants behind those ideas DO NOT. Facebook in and of itself is a GOOD thing. Facebook the company IS NOT. And this has ALWAYS been the case. The people who rule over these giants are predatory calculated sociopathic power hungry incompetent people whose only positive points are how to dominate a particular market at the expense of wiping everybody out, including the fabric of social reality along with it. We don’t need CEOs of tech giants telling the world how to think, what to think, what they can talk about, when, where and how. But alas this is the state of the… Read more »

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 9:51 AM
Reply to  bobbruce

The greatest con is these tech corporations actually do not provide any social media at all. There is nothing social about them. It is digital and sits in a server which may cover a hectare or a thousand. In another country. Or in a cloud which is digital space. Then there are there rules if one offends the community. What community. Where.Cloud cuckoo land maybe.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Feb 21, 2021 5:03 PM

Well I’ve gone from having about 40% of my comments go to moderation… to not being able to post a comment (a particular comment) at all. It doesn’t contain links or the Z-word (it’s about the Klaus Schwab/ Hermann Abs connection)… so…. I don’t get it? Oh well.

Feb 21, 2021 3:58 PM

I don’t think any of this is about a squabble between FedsBook and news publishers. I think it’s something else entirely. Fedsbook and other social media sites are devising ways to censor all news and external links except that which are specifically paid for by content providers, or those who have negotiated contracts with social media government data mining corps.

As for what is happening in Australia, that’s because the media market in Australia is captured and has only misinformation and bias.

Feb 21, 2021 2:41 PM

Don’t use it.
And if you want info from oz gov, go direct to the websites. Or news websites direct.
Use Duckduckgo, not Gurgle for browsing.
And on pc, use linux!

Feb 21, 2021 12:07 PM

Why doesn’t Facebook ban countries with no human rights and freedoms guaranteed by law?

Feb 21, 2021 5:25 PM

like u,.k usa you mean what freedoms
the freedum of rights like the CVact patriot act which is aimed at simpleton voter types means nothing BS19 showed this

how is it you still blind

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Feb 21, 2021 5:50 PM

That would be most of the Western World at this stage.

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 9:53 AM
Reply to  Ewan Duffy

But not on any other continent yes?

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 9:52 AM

There would be none left given what humans do to each other everywhere.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 21, 2021 11:05 AM

This is probably for the best. I mean, there’s always VK, right?

Feb 21, 2021 10:27 AM

Cut Facebook off from its supply of News, which it uses to propagandise the Australian population, in America’s interests, not Australian interest, and you can render both Facebook and google ineffective. Next youtube and its political manipulation of our countries populations.

Feb 21, 2021 12:35 PM
Reply to  Germourt

Facebook is famous for its ‘progressive’ political agenda, and for censoring, silencing and discriminating against the conservative or anti-leftist politicians, thinkers and opinions which a majority of US citizens support. But Facebook’s political agenda in no way matches what you call ‘America’s interests’, because ‘America’ is a name, not an actual being with its own desires you or I can know and name. By the same token, America can never be the ‘Great Satan’ either; what the CIA or Biden wants isn’t what rednecks and deplorables want. The only way ‘America’s interests’ can be known or decided is via fair democratic election, which reveals the true interests of American voters.

Feb 21, 2021 10:25 AM

The media busy advertising Facebook again – odd that a website seems to take on such importance, isn’t it? I’ve never used Facebook but presumably users in search of news are perfectly capable of just.. you know… clicking on another site. Maybe that’s the real fear here – that the US propaganda and surveillance network is meeting opposition so they’re resorting to the ‘no publicity is bad publicity’ strategy of fake rows.

Feb 21, 2021 9:18 AM

An old friend I worked with in Darwin called me up on the land line from country Victoria (house phone). It was great to catch up after so many years, would it have been better to have been FB friends? (Neither of us are on FB) Or does FB make nobodies of your friends? I’m not sure.

I told him I was determined to resist the injection, and was very happy to hear on no account was he having it, and his 83 yr old dad felt the same way. I said I felt all on my own in this regard and he said he knew lots of people who were determined not to have it. We are talking about working people, farming, oil and gas.

The Guardian today cited an Australian national university study ‘The study found more than one in five Australians indicated they would “probably” or “definitely” not be vaccinated against coronavirus.’

Feb 21, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  martin

They will now ramp up the fear in response to the refuseniks. hold fast.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  Germourt

The egregious Brett Sutton has already labelled people enemies of the state,

Feb 21, 2021 7:48 PM
Reply to  martin

The biggest threat to those Australians who do not wish to be vaccinated are the brainshwashed people who are convinced they do need to be.

Feb 22, 2021 4:47 AM


Feb 22, 2021 4:47 AM
Reply to  martin

Strength and Honour!! Just say NO to PHARMACOM POISON!!!

The pandemic didn’t use erroneous data to model an inflated estimate of mortality.
The pandemic didn’t write hyperbolic headlines.
The pandemic didn’t create overly-inclusive reporting requirements.
The pandemic didn’t design a PCR test unfit for this purpose.
The pandemic didn’t isolate the elderly.
The pandemic didn’t increase child abuse.
The pandemic didn’t increase teen suicides.
The pandemic didn’t quarantine the healthy.
The pandemic didn’t initiate lockdowns.
The pandemic didn’t decimate small businesses.
The pandemic didn’t close schools, some going on a full year.
The pandemic didn’t reduce the healthcare workforce.
The pandemic didn’t ignore basic tenets of public health.
The pandemic didn’t exploit itself for political leverage and financial gain.
The pandemic didn’t create a lucrative products/industries dependent upon its continuation.
The pandemic didn’t siphon resources from other deadly threats.
The pandemic didn’t use fear to control people’s behavior.
The pandemic didn’t threaten people with social, financial, and professional extortion for pointing out the harms caused by all of the above.
People did those things. Politicians and public health officials did all of this and more.
” To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. ”
— Theodore Dalrymple

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2021 8:42 AM

Oh dear it looks like Bill needs a bit more to support his lifestyle choice:

“Third shot may be needed to combat new coronavirus variants, Bill Gates says”

(CBS News)

Coming up:

“Just to be on the safe side, there will be a vaccine shot for every finger.”

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 21, 2021 9:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

This is nothing to do with medicine, it is Gates telling those standing up to him: ‘Back down or I will inflict more misery!’

The question I always ask is: since when was Bill Gates the de facto Global President?

There is zero reason for any MSM outlet to interview an unqualified ICT geek about matters of human health. He has zero medical qualifications, zero medical work experience and plenty of experience in ‘adverse events in vaccination programmes’ in bits of Africa he ensured didn’t get too much front page copy…..

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 21, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

There is plenty of reason. These publications are simply advertising platforms. the dramas, news, gardening shows, nature programmes, documentaries, history, childrens shows everything is just product placements and advertising. i really don’t see how it could not be any more obvious that it is all just adverts.

“Rupert Murdoch owns the biggest vaccine company in Australia. His family has been deeply immersed in that industry for generations, and he has partnerships with Glaxo and with all the big vaccine makers. He is one of the present enforcers worldwide, but in our country Roger Ailes told me, “During non-election years, during certain times of the year, 70% of my advertising revenues from my news station, my evening news broadcast comes from pharma.” He said, “typically there’s about 22 ads on the evening news and 17 of those are pharmaceutical ads.”

Anderson Cooper is sponsored by Pfizer. Erin Burnet is sponsored by Pfizer. NBC Nightly News is sponsored by Merck. That’s why you see them constantly pushing flu shots, measles shots, alarming people about diseases, and about the horrendous threat of infectious diseases, and never allowing any discussion about vaccine side effects on any of those networks. It is completely forbidden. Now that gestalt has infiltrated the entire media industry in our country.”

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 21, 2021 10:32 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

i suppose they don’t see it because they live in the advertsied housing, they drive the advertsied cars, they eat the advertised food, they go to the advertised hospitals and they sleep with the advertised sales force. they live in the advert and so think some delusional nonsense like their free tv programmes and 50p papers are charity or something put together to enlighten them to the truth.

Feb 21, 2021 2:18 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

I used to joke about people imagining they lived in coke commercials… back in 1980. Took them awhile but looks like they’re going to get their wish. Who needs to play in the surf when you can watch actors do it on tv. Amazing.
But as a way to dominate a population I suppose it’s a step up from gulags and less messy than genocide.
Things go better with corporate rule.

Feb 21, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Can we expect MSM outlets, many of which are funded by Gates, to be critical about Gates or anything politically incorrect? They exist to protect the power of globalists like Gates, Schwab and Soros, hence the war on Trump, their greatest threat and therefore our greatest defender. If leftists truly want to fight corporate control and an oppressive system’, they should support Trump.

dr death
dr death
Feb 21, 2021 10:38 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

gates is just a rockefeller front man, and they invented the modern allopathic system of medicine…

so he’s probably a good fit..

Feb 21, 2021 8:32 AM

The corporation [fascist] state coming to a town near you!

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 10:00 AM
Reply to  Jesper

Actually they are communists. Consider they use one command economic model for themselves like Moscow once did. They insist of government intervention into whether you have a sniffle and its off the health farm in isolation for you. The bolshie commissars are making sure in cafes that you sign in – and on my local bus these silly squares for mobile phones to register which I don’t. And nothing has happened, yet. These companies all want world domination another of Lenin’s favourite protocol. and so on and so forth. Gorby wanted to reduce drinking another health fad the communists swooned over. And lefties hated the drug culture because well – that one is easy why they had to root that out too.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2021 8:31 AM

Headline from The Graud:

“Talking can spread Covid as much as coughing, says research”

So the entire medical establishment is now working on a way of removing everyone’s mouth. However, masks will still have to worn!

Feb 21, 2021 8:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc
Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 10:01 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Read her.

Feb 21, 2021 8:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And in the Torygraph today: ‘Glasses wearers are ‘up to three times less likely to catch virus’
Maybe we need goggles not masks!

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 21, 2021 12:47 PM
Reply to  Thom

Tony Fauci’s one step ahead of you. He was already recommending goggles last summer: https://abcnews.go.com/US/dr-fauci-wear-goggles-eye-shields-prevent-spread/story?id=72059055

Feb 21, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  Thom

‘Torygraph’? Get an update! The Telegraph is full of snowflakes and has been Guardian lite for years now, just like the Tories have morphed into big government control freak socialists. So much so, that Starman’s idea of leading the opposition to dictator Doris is to say more lockdowns but faster.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 22, 2021 9:27 AM
Reply to  Thom

Glasses wearers with masks are ten times more likely to cause fatality through colliding with people when their specs steam up.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2021 8:23 AM

Latest (no need to say from where. It’s everywhere):

“Brain-swelling Nipah virus 75 times more deadly than coronavirus may be next pandemic, scientists warn of ‘The Big One’”

What to say? It’s pointless to say this is stretching credulity. Covid already stretched credulity. This new shite is no longer funny and it’s beyond boring. It looks like a sadistic taunt: “We can get away with anything we want now! We have the entire phoney opposition to back us up!”

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2021 8:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And the worst thing is that the “Left” really will back it up with anyone who dares to point to the screaming idiotic repetitious vacuity of it denounced as a class traitor funded by evil neoliberals.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Feb 21, 2021 12:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Worse than that, today’s ‘left’ will actually complain that the system isn’t going far enough!

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 21, 2021 9:04 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Gates talked about this snootily about 12 months ago.

He knows the plan, he knows plan B and he knows plan C.

It’s all about global tyranny with Gates as a Chief Architect and beneficiary of it.

Feb 21, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Architect, no. Spokesmodel, yes. And mediocre at that.
But Steve Jobs wouldn’t take the gig.

Feb 21, 2021 4:22 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Trump opposes Gates and the globalists, but leftists hate Trump.

Feb 21, 2021 7:56 AM

I like to talk about Assange and taboo.

It entered the spam filter twice!

Talking about taboo

Feb 21, 2021 7:55 AM

Kampmark is a limited hangout. He tells some truths, but they are never truths of which I thought ‘gee, I never thought of that. That changes my whole perspective of how I should see the world’. Kampmark’s truths never go beyond questioning the total narrative. This becomes most clear when he talks about Assange. Now there is a taboo. Let’s talk about it, shall we? Kampmark is very much into the ‘see how Assange is maltreated in prison. Locked up in solitary confinement and only allowed to leave his cell for half an hour each day. Even in the Ecuadorian embassy he only had a room as large as a coffin, and no daylight. He is very ill (for years now, but still alive). He doesn’t see sunlight. And his only friend who visited for him years, is Craig Murray (talking about torture). And for what? – FOR TELLING THE TRUTH’ This is the narrative that we on alt media are allowed to swallow. Assange is either an unperson (MSM) or a saint (alt media). And anyone who can challenge that I am making a straw man here, tell me where I made a straw man, before you down vote me. I believe he is neither, yet do not know what he actually is (except for being a snitch, which is, whether you like it or not, true, and for being a hacker who talked Manning into something that he never should have talked into, which is also, whether you like it or not, true). I keep asking myself: how likely is it that a man who has gone through so much torture for so many years, would still be alive? I also keep asking myself how much truth he actually told us. IMO not much. I mean, nothing about… Read more »

Feb 21, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  Willem

If Julian Assange of Wikileaks had not existed, the CIA and Mossad would have invented him. Due to his views on “9/11,” he seems to be a godsend for them. – Anthony Lawson 2010

Wikileaks is an operation run by an intelligence agency. It releases piles of “chickenfeed” mixed with provocative, fabricated material. It shows a strong bias and a clear agenda. Assange’s flowery praise of Israeli PM Netanyahu and admiration of all things Israeli has been forgotten. He is also very close to Murdoch News Corp. – Zbigniew Brzezinski 2010

Thus far, the trashing of Israel that Julian Assange promised – to make amends for his bias and censorship – has not materialised. The cables covering Operation Cast Lead (the 2009 attack on Gaza) are little more than rehashes of biased news reports. – Gordon Duff 2011

Julian Assange dismissed “9/11” and ISIS as “distractions.” He remained silent when Gaza was carpet-bombed. He did not object to the plan to bomb Iran. He approves of Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia waging war on Syria and Iraq, and of blocking humanitarian aid to Yemen. His vavous, daily assessments are featured around the world. Any revelations were merely what NYT missed in its reviews, such as germ warfare and US State Dept. cables tying Gaddafi to Mossad. – Gordon Duff 2015

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  mgeo

What a load of total bullshit.

Feb 21, 2021 5:53 AM

Facebook reminds me of when mobile phones arrived.

Some people had always talked to themselves: eccentrics more than nutters. They would just keep going with an audible checklist and chatter away about what they had yet to do — with the odd complaint thrown in. Now you’d hear dozens all over the place. And they were talking to themselves.

Often a conversation would go like so (of course, I’m only hearing one half of it):

“Yeah, I’m on the train. ON THE TRAIN! Yeah, I left work. Coming home. Dunno. Usual time… … I’m drinking a coffee. A COFFEE!… … … What kind?”

There may have been a person on the other end. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t a conversation. It was a monologue.

It reminds me of — was it Only Fools and Horses? — where he keeps checking his phone but no-one’s ever rung him. Suddenly the phone beeps and he leaps for it: low battery warning.

Without mobile phones we would not bother recounting such inanities. There is no reason for such monologues except to fill the ether.

For many years my dad’s village could not receive mobile phone signals. He was quite proud of this, telling each visitor to leave their phone in their coat as “that won’t work round here.”

Then one day the phone company put up a mast. Within a couple of years Dad was binge-buying those cheap mobiles you’d get in a tin from the supermarket.

There is only one thing to say about Facebook: stop it. Just fricking get over it and stop it.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 21, 2021 7:52 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

As one who’s never had any truck at all with ‘social’ media (nor with mobile phones), I can assure you that life without such dreck is just as good as ever. Better, I suspect, than for those addicted to it. Kick the toxic habit, and live perfectly well without it.

If you’re young, and expect to live a normal span, you may as well start getting accustomed to life without these rubbish appurtenances, as towards the latter part of your life they will be disappearing, patchily but irreversibly, as the medium-term future trends steadily towards an inexorably-reducing industrialism in the world. Aka, the Long Descent, brought on by the Peak Everything era in which we’re already embroiled – inextricably. This is the non-negotiable reality behind all the transient hyper-techie-techie delusions that are currently so idiot-fashionable.

Feb 21, 2021 8:35 AM

I was saying something along these lines on the other day.

This, however, goes much deeper than the random useless piece of “state-of-the-art” technology. Humankind live through a period of insane technological development, where people have succumbed to the notion that they can invent a doodad, process, whatever – an external solution – to take care anything they encounter in their lives, including such intrinsically personal things as their body and soul. I mean, every other motherfucker is now on some kind of medication, including antidepressants, to make it through life.

None of this crap makes people any happier, nothing. On the contrary, people are forever caught in a rat race to invent yet another useless piece of shit without ever paying attention to their own selves, to discovering what truly would bring them happiness in life. Most people waste their lives tragically.

Progress is axiomatically associated with technological advancement, while introspection, self-control, anything that has to do with the mind, or the body, are regarded as lateral issues. Nobody questions why there should be progress in the first place.

If shortage of resources is to bring an end to this insane era in history, so much the better. It can be expected that greedy motherfuckers will try to hoard whatever resources are left for themselves and keep them from the rest – it’s in fact happening as we speak – but ultimately, they’ll go down the drain too.

People will either learn to live in peace with their natural habitat or disappear. Which might be a good thing, come to think about it. Animals don’t have shit like Facebook or Twatter, and they look reasonably content.

Bella Donna
Bella Donna
Feb 21, 2021 11:27 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Excellent comment. So true! It’s sad how many people cannot do anything without their mobile. The constant checking wherever they are is like a mental illness. Life was so much better pre mobile phones.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 4:47 AM

WEll all our media are censoring and silencing anyone who doesn’t buy the whole covid con job and sadly so are academics like Binoy.

But what Binoy doesn’t get is the dangerous dirty deal our media and science groups have made with Google https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/09/google-partners-with-industry-lapdog-to-promote-vaccines.aspx

And our media gloat that BIONtech have mastered gene therapy, they ignore the fact that a mere .1% of Australia even had a positive fake PCR test and now are foisting deadly toxins on the population. Facebook own the platform though, media should pay them for the right to peddle the bullshit they are, not the other way around.

Feb 21, 2021 6:51 AM

In view of that dr gold utube discussion, can any of the clever people here tell what have they done differently with this experimental immune enhancing chemical that is different to the earlier one that killed all the ferrets when a native virus came along?

At times I wonder if this one is nothing more than a money making scheme with really little in it….for we keep hearing no one actually has the virus so how do you make a chemical to set off an immune reaction to an imaginary virus…

this may explain why the authorities don’t seem to care…though why they would want to be drug pushers is also beyond my comprehension.

Feb 21, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  Edith

Edith they do not ‘want’ to be drug pushers they are and will always be ‘drug pushers’ for obvious reasons!!

Feb 21, 2021 4:29 AM

Governments are making an overt and covert effort to push the vaccine on black people. Dr Simone Gold explores the race agenda behind the Covid eugenic experiment. The CDC is telling the population that getting the mRNA “vaccine” is a good thing. But it is additionally telling black and brown people that it is “racial justice” and an advantage. “Either something works scientifically or it doesn’t. How is it “racial justice” or an advantage to sign up first to a biological agent that we don’t fully understand?” — Dr Simone Gold. The following U.S. Government document from the Center for Health Security is chock full of references to justice, yet it admits there may be risks associated with race. Interim Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution in the United States https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/pubs_archive/pubs-pdfs/2020/200819-vaccine-allocation.pdf “the ultimate safety of an approved vaccine is not knowable until it has been administered to millions…. It is possible certain adverse effects may occur more frequently in certain population subgroups which may not be apparent until millions have been vaccinated…. Track and trace systems will provide critical information.” That is literally in the same document that says, let’s give it to black folks first. “We know exactly who is vulnerable to coronavirus. if you believe the vaccine is effective, the people who should get it first is the elderly, 80 year old people with bad heart, bad lungs, diabetes…. not a black 45-year-old health care worker or police officer.” — Dr Simone Gold The data does not show race to be an independent risk factor from coronavirus. The risks are diabetes, obesity and pre-existing illnesses and living and in cramped quarters. That is not about black people — it is about those conditions. The one continent that has an extraordinarily low rate of Covid infection is Africa.… Read more »

Feb 21, 2021 6:32 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is where the progressive/left agenda actually becomes bedfellows with Nazi eugenics.

It is a shame to say, but it’s not me: they’re the ones saying it.

Talking of experimental gene therapy as racial justice is not fascist (eugenics and genocide are not exclusive to fascism) but it is pure, unadulterated racial superiority.

There is no proof that black or brown people are more vulnerable to the flu/coronavirus. Their statistical prominence in New York can be explained by poverty and housing conditions as Dr Simone Gold says in the post above.

Instead of addressing poverty, the self-proclaimed champions of minorities are leading them like Judas goats into the shed to be jabbed with an experimental bio-agent.

Put the following together and draw your conclusions:

  • the disabled are receiving Do Not Resuscitate orders;
  • black people are increasingly the priority for receiving the mRNA jab;
  • sick old people were sent from hospitals into care homes (when Javits and a floating hospital (NY) and Nightingales (UK) were empty so it was not to free up space: the result was to spread infection in care homes and kill off the old.)

Yet again the champions of social justice are, ignorantly or intentionally, pushing eugenics designed to cull the disabled, the poor, the disadvantaged and the useless eaters including the “old”. Just like the did through most of the C20th.

As the anti-fascists promote intolerance and the anti-racists push segregation, the progressives push the whole kit and caboodle, plus State Corporatism in alliance with the military-pharma-tech complex, resulting in the diminution of civil and individual rights and culminating in bare-faced eugenics.

Partisans may object that that’s disloyal but it’s objectively true. Has the agenda been hijacked or is eugenics integral to it… I’ll leave that to you.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2021 12:08 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It was a case of supreme cynicism. The elderly were the first focus of this mysterious plague for the glaringly obvious, but now unmentionable, fact that old people naturally have a death rate much higher than any other group. Indeed, it’s not even a “tendency” but an inevitable fact of nature. To put it bluntly (and it’s ridiculous that this even needs saying), old people die. That’s what all old people do sooner or later. And if they have multiple conditions, it’s a case of sooner.

Oh but no! This plague was attacking the old who were referred to as “our most vulnerable”. And the restrictions, and eventually the vaccine, have proved to be far more threatening to the lives of the elderly than any alleged virus.

So we have a particularly sinister Orwellian reversal: the focus on this “most vulnerable” targets them as the easiest victims.

And the roll out of the vax towards other “particularly vulnerable” and “overlooked” groups once again targets the ones given a focus usually most notably by the Left. In this, the Left have, as usual, proved gullible pasties.

Feb 21, 2021 6:36 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The interesting issue she also raises …it this experiment goes awol it is to be remembered this experiment is being heavily pushed on soldiers, police and health care workers….I may be paranoid but there is something sinister about that…have our western govts taken leave of their senses or are they working with the countries who may be happy to see the back end of western society…while at times I cannot blame them for this I do like my lifestyle..is this part of guaranteeing new normals for the world economic forum mob…or what is known as creative destruction….

even govt pollies all lining up is ridiculous in view of unknowns…our aust PM lined up today apparently….best of luck to him….as Johnston has supposedly had the virus he shouldn’t need to bother…

Feb 21, 2021 8:11 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Apart from invectermin, HCQ, etc., it is also the sunshine. Africa is an enormous continent deliberately shown smaller on maps. Before more Africans wake up, the manipulators want to make some progress with their plunder.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 21, 2021 8:59 AM
Reply to  mgeo

HCQ is poison. It might be less deadly than some other treatments but still helps prop up the covid fantasy with the notion there is a novel virus to treat. africa has less deaths for the simple reason the covid cult are not focused there at the moment. the excess deaths are caused entirely by the “covid” treatments and terror campaign as is clear from the drop following changes in WHO advice on Jan 13th.

Feb 21, 2021 4:38 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

HCQ is poison? Not even Gates or Gilead or anyone else in big pharma dare say that, much as it so profits them to do so. Like them, you should explain how nations like Taiwan (pop 23m, on a very small island), where HCQ has been used routinely and correctly throughout the pandemic, has had 9 or so fatalities. Compare to the UK AKA ‘Plague Island’, where Gates-funded science advisors keep the world’s top covid treatments banned (HCQ and Ivermectin). Incidentally, HCQ also failed to poison me and my wife during our encounter with covid here in Brazil, which lasted about 10 days, with little suffering.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Yet it’s been safe for over 60 years

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Feb 21, 2021 2:33 AM

Could citizen band and ham radio be used to bypass these bankster controlled monopolies ? Also physical newsletters and so on ?

Feb 21, 2021 8:53 AM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

There is a piece of software, Drupal, that is used to set up websites. It was originally conceived as a way of setting up small online communities – the name derived from dorp, meaning village. It never caught on for this purpose, I assume people quite like Faceache.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 21, 2021 6:03 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Can’t imagine why. I’ve always found the interface abysmal.

Feb 21, 2021 2:28 AM

I firmly belive that Mark Zuckerberg is a fucking android, but I’ve read that he set up Facebook because he was intimidated to talk to girls (no wonder with a face and personality like his) and a virtual platform has kinda made it possible for him.

Why the whole fucking world is going apeshit about a platform created by a nobody who has achieved nothing of real importance, to whom the self-confident man who truly appreciates life wouldn’t spend a nanosecond talking, I understand not.

Don’t people have their own lives, or what? Ts ts …

Who gives a shit if some useless Facebook blocked some useless news? They’re all lies anyway. Good riddance. The sooner people stop whining about this stuff that’s completely inconsequential for achieving anything of substance, the better.

You people understand that you’re foisting misery on yourselves, right …?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 21, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Nothing wrong with him talking online and you talking offline, you know.

Him talking online didn’t stop you talking offline until Covid19 lockdowns came along.

It’s only if he tries to stop people doing their own thing, forcing them to do his thing, that things become toxic.

Feb 21, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Facebook famously limits, censors and seeks to control public debate for political reasons. If you like free speech rather than tyranny, then this matters hugely.

Feb 22, 2021 6:29 AM

You’ve got things seriously upside down. If Fuckbook famously limits, censors, and seeks to control public debate, then it will be the last place the non-idiotic man will use for debate.

Fuckbook is only “tyranny” because idiots allow themselves to be hooked up to this nonsense.

I’m afraid that if somebody is stupid to the extent of living their lives through a platform fronted by such a zombie as android Zuckerberg, free speech or the lack thereof is the least of their problem. I can’t see how anything they have to say would be of any consequence.

Feb 21, 2021 12:43 AM

People signing up for experimental gene therapy believing it’ll protect them from a make-believe pandemic, a low point in human history.

Brought to you by Pharma ghouls, media presstitutes, twittler, fakebook, instagrub and the ever deadening brainwashing of today’s schooling aka indoctrination system.

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Feb 21, 2021 1:37 AM
Reply to  Maxwell


thank you…..as always, the best!!!! Peace.

I am completely mistified as to why others cannot see this covid 19 as a complete scam. I have friends and others who are very intelligent and good people who have swallowed this whole nonsense. Thanks for being a voice of reason.

Feb 21, 2021 2:03 AM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

Maybe you could try asking them one question/statement. I realize even that is often a fool’s errand.

The one I use if I know I only get a quick moment is:

“Did you know that the average age of a “Covid death” in every single country in the world exceeds the normal lifespans of those citizens in those countries. How is that a pandemic?”

I usually give them a look that if they don’t understand this they are dumb as a rock. Then I leave silent space for them to comment or walk away if they wish no to challenge what I said. If they comment then it’s situational.

If I can get past the opener then I’ll get into the deeper issues of the massive fraud that is “Covid19.”

Let us keep speaking the truth Denny, even if it doesn’t change a single mind or soul at least we won’t lose ours.

Peace brother.

Feb 21, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

Levels of fear and media fear-mongering about covid19 are huge, but that doesn’t mean there is no new virus. Also, thousands of ‘very intelligent’ or rather highly educated intellectuals were easily duped into supporting totalitarian dictators like Hitler, Mao and Stalin. Some, like Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm, even went to their graves refusing to condemn Stalin for the 30m victims of Soviet communism.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 4:50 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

WEll said, in Australia our media carry on as if we were at deaths door with the night trucks going out night after night with their bells calling ”bring out the dead”, over .1% of the population in a whole year having a fake PCR positive. The Victorian CHO is one of the worst people I have ever seen or heard, he’s more fitting as a prison guard than a so called health officer and wearing face nappies has fried his brain.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 21, 2021 5:17 AM

Brett Sutton has so much blood on his hands, the prick needs to be tried for crimes against humanity. And the laughable thing is the presstitutes in Melbourne gush about his “dreamy eyes” and how Sutton is a Buddhist.
I’ve actually daydreamed about what I’d say, or do, if either he or Daniel Andrews approached me to buy a mag, tho given they are both psychopaths, that is unlikely (having empathy for another human).
I did meet another 3 covid sceptics today which gave me a good mental boost. Made up for poor sales.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I would not hold back if I ran into them.

Feb 21, 2021 6:37 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Thanks, mate. The mRNA shite is not a vaccine, but I could not properly name it for what it is.
“Experimental Gene Therapy” is the best nominative term I have seen yet.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 21, 2021 9:20 AM
Reply to  Gordonsson

a therapy suggests there is something wrong with peoples genes. it is gene sabotage not therapy.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 21, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

“Experimental Gene Manipulation” perhaps.

Feb 21, 2021 6:54 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

If we presume that the virus is just make believe, then why presume the reality of vaccines and vaccinations?

James Robertson
James Robertson
Feb 21, 2021 12:33 AM

It is not the internet, it is a single website for fucks sake. All the whining about not having access to information merely underlines how mentally dead the Australian people, including the author truly are.

Feb 21, 2021 1:33 AM

That’s a bit like saying Trump was just a single human being, for ffs…

People with their cute cats and dogs have accustomed themselves to finding cosiness and cuddliness in their shallow lives, thanks to that single website.
Of course I deplore that fact, but it’s not going to do anybody any favours to go into denial about the effect on the world which that wretched site has had.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 4:51 AM

Binoy brought into the whole fake pandemic, very disappointing because he is usually smarter.

Feb 21, 2021 7:37 AM

He also is very much into the ‘see how Assange is maltreated in prison. Locked up in solitary confinement and only allowed to leave his cell half an hour each day. Even in the Ecuadorian embassy he only had a room as large as a coffin, and no daylight. He is very ill (for years now, but still alive). He doesn’t see sunlight. And his only friend who visited him years is Craig Murray (talking about torture). And for what? – FOR TELLING THE TRUTH’

I keep asking myself: how likely is it that a man who has gone through so much torture for so many years, would still be alive.

I also keep asking myself how much truth he actually told us. IMO not much. I mean, nothing about real conspiracies that I could dream up myself (although the HRC thing was amusing, but also with a story within a story ie pizzagate, which made no sense)

I keep asking myself if the judiciary system in GB is so unfair to innocent people that all work in the judiciary system are happily or silently complying. Are all judges and policemen in GB so inhuman as they are in the Assange case?

I keep asking myself how he (unwillingly maybe) has giving the example that THIS will happen if you tell the truth (so be silent and obey)

Binoy Kampmark never asks these questions to himself or to his audience. I wonder why. I wonder why we are not allowed to be skeptical on a story of which, if you look at it, is highly unlikely to be true.

It is like if you ask these questions, you are talking about a taboo. I wonder why…

Feb 21, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  Willem

“I also keep asking myself how much truth he actually told us. IMO not much.”

Wikileaks is a publisher not a newspaper . It receives leaked documents which it authenticates and publishes in an archive format if it considers the material to be genuine.

It’s up to you to put in the hours and sift through the documents.

Why do people expect Julian Assange to tell them ‘stuff’.

If Wikileaks haven’t provided you with a blockbuster release on your favourite conspiracy theory it will be because they have received no documentation or no authenticated documentation on that particular subject.

Feb 21, 2021 7:39 AM

I replied to that. But my answer raises a taboo, and now it is in the spam filter).

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 21, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  Willem

I know what you mean, but I actually think it’s more random than anything.

It’s bloody annoying though.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 5:20 AM

https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/2021/02/03/twiggy-forest-covid-tests/ and look at this, I have told Victorians over and over that they were conned by Sutton and Andrews by using these fake out of date tests, but we taxpayers gave Twigs $212 million for pointless tests.

Feb 21, 2021 8:27 AM

But I see the Americans are buying the rapid at home test kit we Queensland’s have devised….and they have given the company $265m us for it…still using that bit of mRNA as the pcr test from what I can make out…a coy called Ellume…this has been fast tracked and they are claiming high % rate results…though the web site doesn’t say against what…want to bet these are also meaningless too.

Feb 21, 2021 9:01 AM

A quick look would suggest that it it you and not the author who is confused about this.

Feb 20, 2021 11:51 PM

Sorry for the off topic, but, there was an article featured in the Wall Street Journal talking about just how widespread social immunity really is.
Cases have been dropping globally and the media is pushing fear so they can continue to push vaccines- Enjoy the read

We’ll Have Herd (Social) Immunity from Covid-19 By April of This Year (77% Drop In Six Weeks) John Hopkins Professor
Last I’d seen Canada’s cases had dropped 64 percent- Despite all the variant hype. Which by the way, most would have some immunity against anyway

Feb 21, 2021 1:22 AM
Reply to  Penny

Hi Penny,

I responded at your excellent blog.

Much of what you cite in your piece depends on a certain level of acceptance of the “Covid narrative” including what comprises a “case” and a “Covid death.” That narrative, from top to bottom, is patently false and therefore your figures are based on unwarranted assumptions.

Even putting aside that it has yet to be proven that there has been a single “Covid19 death” as SARSCoV2 has yet to be identified (Rhys’ bleating notwithstanding), the mortality figures you cite in your piece are overstated by several factors.

Go here for an in-depth analysis:


A Critical Review of CDC USA Data on Covid-19:PCR/Antigen Tests & Cases Reveal Herd Immunity Only,& Do Not Warrant Public Hysteria or Lockdowns
James DeMeo, PhD

February 9, 2021

(Scroll down the link for the paper.)

Also at:


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 4:56 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Not to mention the CDC ”official” deaths for last year show no excess deaths at all. If there were half a milliond deaths from so called covid the death toll would have been 3.4 millon last year instead of the bog normal old age increase of a few thousand but .9% of population is totally consistent with the last 4 years and before that it was .8% for 6 years. I note their site now states the average co morbidities has risen from 2.6 to 3.8, probably from the old people now being murdered by fake vaxxes.

In Italy it’s always been an average of 3.5 co morbidities which proves none died of so called covid. I just don’t get why people continue to believe the lies.

Feb 21, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

I responded to you at my blog- but I’ll leave it here as well. Figuring your Unknown?


“Go here to get a better perspective on the actual mortality rates”

I AGREE that the Covid death rates have been grossly


I AGREE that the vast majority of claimed covid deaths are actually deaths WITH covid, and NOT FROM covid. These deaths would have been attributed to, under normal circumstances, any one or all of the multiple comorbidites of the deceased. Heart disease. Cancer. Diabetes. These are the top killers globally, for decades.

When I look at the entirety of what was stated starting at “Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. would also suggest much broader immunity than recognized….

What is being stated is that the numbers of those who died WITH covid speak to the prevalence of the virus in society at large.

The deaths with covid suggest the virus is pervasive and will/has inevitably resulted in social immunity aka herd immunity.

That’s how I understood what I read in the article.

I’ll have a look at the links you left and thank you for leaving them. 🙂

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 21, 2021 6:12 PM
Reply to  Penny

Small(?) point perhaps, but I keep hearing that the 3rd biggest cause of deaths these days is iatrogenic, i.e. killed by medical mistakes. Probably as true in the “covid” era as it was before.

Feb 21, 2021 8:45 PM

I suspect that there are far more cases (for lack of a less corrupted term) of death by medical “mistake” or misadventure than any statistical analysis will show. You may be familiar with a folk fable or parable called “The Lost Key” that I’ve seen in many forms; I know it as a Sufi “Nasrudin” teaching story: _______________________________________________ One evening at dusk, Mullah Nasrudin’s neighbor noticed the Mullah down the lane from his house, searching for something under a lamppost. When the neighbor asked Nasrudin what he was searching for, he replied that he was looking for his house key. Wanting to help him, his neighbor joined him, asking “Do you have any idea where you might have dropped it?” Nasrudin pointed down the dark street to his house and replied, “Of course I do– just by my front gate.” “Then why are you looking here?” asked his neighbour, confused. Mullah Nasrudin replied: “Because there is much more light under this lamppost than by my front gate.” _______________________________________________ Presumably official statistical studies compile and analyze data that is formally gathered and maintained by medical institutions and doctors. Although persons bereft of rational skepticism and appropriate cynicism are horrified by the thought, it’s a given that “medical mistakes” and malpractice will only be grudgingly reported in cases where it’s not possible to fudge this conclusion.  Put slightly differently, if it’s possible to plausibly pin the cause of death on “other than iatrogenic” factors, it will be recorded as non-iatrogenic. And apart from this general undercounting scenario, there is a vast realm of “dark” scenarios that remain outside the official radar. I’ve been ruminating over this lately because of personal experience: During my annual physical about two years ago, Dr. L. was concerned by my platelet count, which was just below the acceptable range. He… Read more »

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 9:23 PM
Reply to  Penny

No one is or has died of anything called covid, what on earth does coronavirus virus infection disease fucking mean. Nothing much.

Feb 21, 2021 2:46 AM
Reply to  Penny

i think you will find this is because they have dropped the cycles on the pcr test or not using it at all,,,which of course coincided with the start of injection campaign etc etc…just more of the nonsense…or perhaps they have just run out of old people to kill…

Feb 21, 2021 8:24 AM
Reply to  Edith

Does this mean flu – that WHO says disappeared everywhere by May – will reappear?

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 21, 2021 9:31 AM
Reply to  mgeo

flu virus is just another version of the scam. one of the main reasons people believe in covid. people get these symptoms due to detox following eating crap and toxic exposure. nothing to do with an alleged virus.

Feb 21, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

People ‘believe in covid’ because they hear friends, media and government talking about its threatening nature 24/7. I can’t see posts like this ever changing that.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 21, 2021 6:16 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I more or less agree with Sarah Jones below on this point, but I also agree with you that it is probably what most people call flu. (Or a bad cold).

I certainly don’t agree with the story put about by the Orthoquacks that the “disappearance” of flu is likely due to the OCD handwashing, masks and distancing.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 9:25 PM

Well I know in Australia doctors were told not to test for flu. We went fronm 320,000 actual cases to almost nothing last winter because it was called covid

Feb 21, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  Edith

Hi Edith:
It’s possible the cycles have been dropped. I wrote about this at my place and I wouldn’t rule that out- Though I’ve seen nothing to really support that idea.

However it cannot be ruled out that social immunity has been achieved. Nor should it be unless one is challenging the very idea that we as a species are incapable of mounting our own immune response?
I do hope that is not the case because that feeds right into the vaccine narrative.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 21, 2021 6:13 PM
Reply to  Edith

Dropping cycles, and only testing symptomatic people, I would suggest. If they had done this from day 1, I don’t think they could ever have justified the word “pandemic”.

Feb 21, 2021 8:22 AM
Reply to  Penny

This also contributes to the desperation of governments to roll out the vaccines – before herd immunity strikes.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 21, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  mgeo

herd immunity is vaccine marketing propaganda. there is no sars or flu virus and no herd immunity, just vaccine propaganda.

Feb 21, 2021 1:57 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes. I suspect the idea that we’ve achieved the necessary herd aka social immunity is being ridiculed and downplayed to justify the vaccine continuation.

This is why the massive number drops ( In cases, globally) have barely been covered in the media. It’s mentioned, but, it’s not given the appropriate coverage (repeated often) that such good news would and should deserve.

Social immunity does not sell vaccines. Does not justify their existence.

Feb 20, 2021 11:35 PM

The Australian Government have already done a deal with Microsoft ~ Bing ~ for the Aussie search engine of choice. It’s a defensive move in reaction to Google’s threat of withdrawal. Bing is a disaster. The less Australians are informed the better. The threat of serious decentralisation from the urban centres impacts the ability to control the population effectively.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 4:57 AM
Reply to  Cochese18

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/09/google-partners-with-industry-lapdog-to-promote-vaccines.aspx I bet you didn’t know about this dirty deal with Google, I checked it out, the most atrocious endless shite is there, all the media have signed up so no facts can ever get out.

Feb 21, 2021 7:13 PM

Which is why we come here and/or use non-corporate free speech news and chat programs like Gab and Telegram.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 9:28 PM

Dan is now bailing out companies to the tune of $134 million after his last lunatic lock down, that is 17 positive fake tests out of 139,000 and $7.9 million per test and 8,176 ”tests” per ”case” -one has to wonder how they can afford this insanity

Feb 21, 2021 7:42 PM
Reply to  Cochese18

I would say it’s a case of “out of the frying pan, into the fire”.

But it’s more like “out of the spiderweb, into the glue trap”.

Feb 20, 2021 10:41 PM

Facebook is a US surveillance and propaganda machine, it hold all your private CIA files. Cut off their source of new, so they cannot use it against the countries it occupiers.

Feb 21, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Germourt

That surveillance and propaganda firstly targets the majority of American citizens who reject the neo-communist agenda of Fakebook, Twatter and Gulag. They certainly feel occupied by the corporate communists, especially since the election was stolen and the US president himself denied a social media platform. Interestingly, Big tech never once censored Biden the politician or his party. Perhaps that is linked to their massive funding and support for the US Democrats, and to their obsequious relationship with the CCP.

Feb 20, 2021 10:37 PM

I accept we all pretty much the same, when we are born

I was my parent’s last mistake and my older brother sisters..came to look at me.

They never even thought that our Mum and Dad who had survived WWII were still capable of making Babies, and still hadn’t quite worked it out about the birds and bees and stuff

So I probably got spoilt rotten, not left crying all day…I knew I was in a happy home..So my mum gave up her job, and breast fed me..and became a full time child minder. Well of course I fell in love with my first girlfriend Susan, She was 2 and I was 3, I did get in a bit of trouble, when a bigger boy was trying to steal my girlfiend. His mother tried to take us to the local council..and my real sister still alive usually reminds me what a horrible little boy I was

She is 75 now. Hope to see her soon,,cos she makes me laugh on the phone.

I just want to see her again for real. I can’t do this online crap I just want a hug, kiss and a dance – with my sister.

She is O.K. She has not had the vaccination..and just wants to go home.

It seems she has given up the librium, and got her brain back.

Her art when drug free – is some of the best I have ever seen.

She knows how to use colours, a canvas and a paint brush.

Her IQ is off the scale, and got a lot better cos she hardly ever watched TV


George Mc
George Mc
Feb 20, 2021 10:37 PM

I tend to agree with Edith below. I only started an FB account when the first lockdown started and for the purpose of joining a closed group to keep in touch with our work community. Since I’d never had such an account before, it was fun filling in the background info in a shamelessly misleading way to give the impression I was a really groovy guy. Then I started putting in almost daily entries featuring cute pets, pop quizzes etc. It was all thoroughly trivial stuff. And when the acquaintance of an acquaintance started to make comments as to what a load of phoney shit covid was (and got thoroughly blasted for it), I didn’t make any comment since I figured that FB wasn’t the place for anything serious.

And when I surf around FB, I find the most wearisome guff:

  • “Here’s me climbing the stairs. Now here’s me at the top!”
  • ludicrously artificial glamour shots where no-one looks the way they really look.
  • social justice warrior crud – “Give money to save the Spanish gerbils!”
  • virtue signalling – “Ooh look at me – I’ve been vaxxed!”
  • emotional blackmailing chain letters – “Post this to as many as you can. I already know who will and who won’t!”
  • and perhaps most irritating – those little pep talk “look on the bright side” posts.

It’s an orgy of banality.

Feb 21, 2021 1:11 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hilarious stuff. “Orgy of banality”.

Can I have your permission to use that somewhere?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2021 7:34 AM
Reply to  Loverat

None of it is copyrighted so steal away!

Feb 21, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There’s absolutely nothing banal about the fact that, although the US president and 1000s of his more vocal supporters are now banned from all corporate social media, extremist groups like Antifa, BLM and various pro-Islamist organisations, who preach hate and incite violence every day, are not. Twitter and others even fund BLM and other leftist or woke political campaigns.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 20, 2021 10:31 PM

Seems they are just following jesters legislation… or is it the other way around?!

Oh well…
comment image

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 20, 2021 10:09 PM

Are you seriously suggesting that an organization like Murdoch’s News Corp (or whatever its called in Australa) is hurting for money? Surely this legislation is nothing more than an attempt to shake down companies like Facebook and Google for a bite at their profits?

I get it. I’m not a fan of Facebook, I’m not even a user, and I do understand the plight of genuine news media (I pay subscriptions to papers and magazines for that purpose). But I don’t think that a company like Facebook as any public duty at all, its a private, commercial, platform that has been widely adopted because it saves the effort and expense of having to develop a proper Internet ecosystem for information. But like just about everything else on the Internet, you get what you pay for — Facebook is free to use (as is Google) because its primary product is you, the user, something that can be served up to advertisers, politiicans and whoever wants to pony up the cash. “If the product is free then you are the product”.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 21, 2021 4:59 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Ah yes but point to the brains in Australia’s parliament and you will find very few working brain cells.

Feb 21, 2021 7:36 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Fakebook and others are accused of deciding or at least strongly shaping what you can say in public or not. That’s tyrannical. There are also persistant rumours that Zuck and his platform are products and surveillance tools of the CIA.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 20, 2021 9:55 PM

[BREAKING NEWS] Measle Outbreak In Western Samoa Possible China Involvement | Edwin Tamasese•Dec 6, 2019

Feb 20, 2021 9:45 PM

My Friends on Facebook don’t know about this. I used to post there with photos of all of us including our real names proudly. I met most of them down the pub, before Facebook or Youtube had ever been invented.

I have been almost completely Free of Facebook for most of the last 9 months, and only occasionaly have withdrawal symptoms.

Sure I want to see my friends again, but not brainwashed zombies queing up to get “vaccinated”

but if they have, and many of them have, I am not going to warn them of the reality of the dangers in them.

I tried before but I banned myself from Facebook. No one really believed me about 9/11 and stuff before then.

So the deletion of Facebook from planet earth would not be a disaster, but if you have some really good photos of you and your friends in the Facebook or Amazon Clouds – I suggest you save them localy to a hard disk in your home or send them off to be printed on high quality photo paper.

Some of us will survive.


Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Feb 20, 2021 8:55 PM

Any organization that relies heavily on the Facebag to reach its audience, rather than finding alternative means to do so, which are ample and just as easy to use, is asking for trouble (and they are getting it). Sadly, it also is disheartening to see just how many people rely on a social media platform for their news. No wonder the Facebag has so much power over public discourse and public opinion. These truly are dangerous times.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 20, 2021 10:51 PM

Maybe there is huge post covid era parties kicking off in Australia and they are trying to hide it from the rest of the world? In Naples last night it was packed.

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Feb 21, 2021 8:30 AM

The biggest traitors are the govt. agencies, that already have fat budgets.

Feb 21, 2021 7:50 PM

Knowing a news source you can trust is very difficult today, as the MSM are so obviously partisan and under corporate control. It’s little wonder so many of us trust and prefer what friends and colleagues tell us on social media, censors allowing. So who do you trust and why? OG is heavily leftist, don’t forget. ‘Nazism’ and ‘communism’ are not popularly understood as synonymous with ‘truth’; is ‘leftist’ any different ?

Feb 20, 2021 8:52 PM

‘‘ Creepy and ruthless Facebook has again impressed with its steely indifference to civic responsibility, as if a company established by a sociopath could ever be a model of human improvement” Creepy and ruthless belong more in the descriptions of corny bad guys in 1970s comedy horror movies. Facebook is an oppressive, dictatorial, corrupt organisation. It has the power to censor, edit and shape opinions. It has the power to block bots it disagrees with , or sell other bots time and space to promote certain political parties. It’s Big Brother. It’s the unseen eyes watching you ; it’s the unseen ears listening to you. It’s the unseen pusher on every corner. It’s US intel. That’s far more than ‘creepy and ruthless’. ”Established by a sociopath’‘ ? You’re giving the charismatically -challenged, poorly educated liar far too much credit. He established nothing. This surveillance platform had been a military operation in progress when the gormless Kermit soundalike was still a disturbed seed. Only a well organised, well funded, well protected and expansive criminal organisation could establish this kind of vast operation. They just needed a user-friendly, non-threatening Brand on the label. That’s the sum total of Zuckerberg’s ‘work’ in creating this online people -pen. You’re talking about the CIA’s pride and joy- Facebook; and their asset, Zuckerberg. He’ll front it; he’ll sell the snake oil; he’ll take the flak. But will he- and is he able to- debate anyone on anything ? No chance. For his trouble he has a vast fortune and limitless protection. Feb 4th 2004 : CIA abandon Lifelog, an ambitious attempt to surveil the world in minute detail. Fen 4th 2004 : Facebook begins. The most valuable tool in the box of any up and coming dictator is his media. Goebbels showed the world this and all… Read more »

Feb 21, 2021 8:38 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

A recent article, maybe at unz.com, said that the Karl Rove quote was inccorrect or deflection. USA had imperial ambition from its inception.

Feb 21, 2021 9:19 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The quote is correct, the attribution is doubt. Rove has denied saying it. Reporter Ron Suskind wrote that it was an official in the Dubya administration.

Like all good quotes it reads more than one way. Many people latched onto “reality based” as opposed to “faith based,” which made the quote popular.

That makes me chuckle because the quote is about “creating reality”. No wonder we’re in a mess.

Feb 21, 2021 7:45 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

A Facebook that has been molded by the New World Order has become a criminal company that has prevented the international community from finding the information they’re actually hunting for.

Feb 21, 2021 8:12 PM

DARPA and the CIA have the game tied up tight. 

Take a few ‘nerds’ to make the platforms look ‘geeky’. Then dazzle the sheep and monkey-see-monkey-do generation with all the little benefits of joining in the surveillance pens. They can build shrines to themselves and constantly be validated by strangers with a simple ‘like’. There’s the addiction. Ego food. Add dating apps, ‘private’ speech boxes and mind-numbing games to play and you have them in your grip.

In the background the real owners and architects are working. They have their own little bots and they create the same algorithms as they do om Google. Key words set the alarms off like they would in a prison. Which is pretty appropriate today.

Feb 20, 2021 8:45 PM

The threat should have been to cut off Facebook news sources. Let them cut them off, people will now need to go direct.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 20, 2021 8:33 PM

Australia is a huge problem for the vaxx cult. A country with a large white population and lots of sunshine is not condusive to low vitamin D levels needed to generate “flu season”. Thus Australia has been under massive vaxxer attack for many years going to extremes of propaganda and social engineering. The media are extremely agressive in their vaccine pushing. Presumably international comments and news stories getting thru to Australians was deemed a threat to this house of cards. Flesh consumption is heavily pushed there to try and generate sick people for the pharma criminals.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 21, 2021 6:41 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

They also push sunscreen creams there heavily.

(I don’t agree with your final sentence, of course, at least not the last clause of it).

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 20, 2021 8:33 PM

Diplomacy and imperialism by facebook “friending” and “unfriending”. Policy statements in “tweets”. Political polling by “upvote” and “downvote”. Dollar “unfriending” is still a thing. The middle and working classes are “unfriended”. Doubleplus “unfriending”.

Can’t be long now.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 20, 2021 8:27 PM



YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY. EUTHANIZE the Universe! Corporate Fascism, Langley-Land and Eugenics forever.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 20, 2021 10:33 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Feb 20, 2021 8:16 PM

Good!……. remove news from their site.

Facebook manipulated all the news it sends to their brain-dead users, so if they have no access to news sites, they can’t manipulate and send endless pictures of immigrants entering the UK, as they did during Brexit.

It will be the same in Australia, Facebook will manipulate the Australian population for US interests. In their support for right win politicians who will supply their rare earths to the US Corporations. Facebook is an arm of the CIA.