The Invincible Green Stick of Happiness
Edward Curtin
After a night of haunting dreams that flowed as if they were written like running water, written on air, as the Roman poet Catullus once said, in the depth of a dark winter morning, I decided that I would take a walk in the afternoon, hoping that the sun would then appear, and it did, so I went walking toward the woods through deep white new-fallen snow all around me and entered a path into the woods across from my house that led toward a deep ravine below which were deep dark caves that once sheltered runaway slaves searching for the happiness of freedom, and I thought of them as I poked under the snow on the odd chance that I might find the green stick of happiness that Leo Tolstoy’s beloved brother, ten-year-old Nikolai, had once told the five-year-old Leo was buried by a ravine on the edge of the forest, a stick upon which were written the secret words that would bring love, peace, and happiness to everyone, and would do away with death, for their mother had died three years earlier and their father would die four years later, but I saw nothing and continued deeper into the forest to try to shed a sad feeling from a lock-down that had brought my spirits low as I tried to understand why so many people I knew were so enslaved, their minds forged in manacles, and how sad and dispirited it made me knowing that they were locked away from me in some conventional reality sold to them by liars, but perhaps you like the word depressed and you can use it if you want, but all I know is that the spirit of happiness had escaped me as I trudged deeper into the forest between the high pine trees until the trail I walked was intersected by another and a man met me there, as if he knew I was coming, a man with a long white beard and piercing eyes and we nodded and then he continued beside me and asked me what I was looking for, which startled me, and I was speechless and he said he’s been through here many times, especially by the ravine, and Leo told me he never could find the green stick of happiness his brother once told him was buried there but he was not giving up, he never would do that since he loved his brother who would never lie, he knew the stick existed and that’s why he himself was buried there, and he told me to continue seeking, because the stick was real and yes, those slaves knew it and were in that ravine for a reason, so we walked on as a man approached us who said his name was Albert, and I said Camus, and he said yes, let’s walk together guys, for these woods are dark and deep I know, but look up at the sky, the clouds have parted and the sparkling sky is speaking to us, right Leo, who said yes, I remember when Andrei in my book War and Peace lay wounded on the battlefield and looked at the sky, I wrote that he realized then that that lofty sky was infinite and that happiness was possible, that especially in the midst of battle you have to look up and realize that, that there are deeper reasons for things and petty concerns shield the spirit of truth and that even in the midst of war you can glimpse that reality, and it sounded good, I had heard their spiels before, or had read them to be accurate, they were great writers but this was my life and I couldn’t live in their books, but I wasn’t reading, I was walking, or was I dreaming, and then we came to the end of the path leading out of the woods and the sky opened out from the vast tree cover and they were gone and I was all alone again as usual, dispirited and heading back home on the road by the lake when I looked up at the sparkling blue sky and light that radiated off the snowy frozen lake and rose back to the sky in columns of undulating glory and felt the sun that had warmed the day and heard birds in the trees and was overwhelmed with a rush of happiness I can’t describe but it was not a dream and I walked in joy for a few minutes, knowing I had found the stick and that in the depth of winter, as Albert said, I had finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer, but that it came and went like running water, like flowing air, but it was enough for now.

Albert Camus with his best friend Michel Gallimard, both of whom died from a car crash on 4 January 1960. On the right is Jeannine, Michel’s wife, who survived the crash.
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This is beautiful. Thank you for the reminder.
Wow! This part:
“my spirits low as I tried to understand why so many people I knew were so enslaved, their minds forged in manacles, and how sad and dispirited it made me knowing that they were locked a⁷way from me in some conventional reality sold to them by liars,”
Oddly these words comfort me. But my tears just won’t stop.
I just read a “news” blurb on AOL before checking my email. It said hospitalizations have “plummeted” after vaccine distribution (in the US). Now, the last I saw, 44.7 million Americans had received the vaccine.
Well over 300 million people in the US. Does it make sense that one seventh of the people vaccinated would cause hospitalizations to “plummet?”
You can’t make this stuff up – oh, wait a minute: yes you can!
Well if they’re automatically discharging people just because they’ve received the vax then it would work.
Even the disgustingly dishonest BBC Panorama programme the other night about the ‘anti-vaxers’, showed an old person actually dying after being given the vaccine, but said he was too ill to be saved. So is his death being recorded as death WITH vaccine.
It is amazing that the schools in the UK are so late in being opened up, when they have been open in France for many months. I would be interested to know how Google Education or other US Corporations are taking over UK education during the lockdown.
heads up children are at school there OPENED I*T is only a few schools closed so this is great bit of manipulated PR (U.K )
One of the longest sentences, if not the longest, I have seen published. Fascinating content, though.
I told a woman at the mall that face mask don’t work for viruses, that they are called surgical masks for a reason. Her response: “So you’re saying the surgeon shouldn’t use a mask either?”
I sincerely hope she’s not representative of common men and women but I’m afraid she is …
Interesting response. And it only goes to show that those media ghouls know exactly what they’re doing. Wind up the punters and let them go. They soon internalise the bullshit manufacture method and you can trust them to carry on.
I’ve never read War and Peace.
It’s a bit long.
Ars longs, vita brevis. This does not mean that if you have a big ass, your life will be curtailed. Yes, it’s a big book, so better start reading it whilst you have time. I almost envy you the joy of immersion in Tolstoy. After reading Anna Karenina when aged 18, I had to read the whole Tolstoy oeuvre. All happy families are the same, but each unhappy family is unique. I may return whilst interned for refusing the vaccine. Always look on the bright side…
I tried it. The characters are way too healthy. I prefer Dostoevsky who always writes about nuts.
same, though nuts?
Well certainly a bit cracked.
I would also recommend Gogol’s “Dead Souls.” But then, my taste runs to the absurd.
I read W&P up to the bit where there was a battle described as lots of high falutin’ fun. And I longed to get back to Dostoevsky contemplating suicide in a garret.
i prefer Dostoevsky.
what does it has to do with it? precisely for that. Almost everyone prefer Dostoevsky…
read it, it’s worth it.
“… I am seriously convinced that the world: both states, and estates, and houses – is ruled by completely crazy. The non-crazy abstain or cannot participate. The crazy are always better than the healthy, achieve their goals. This happens because they do not have no moral barriers, no shame, no justice, not even fear .. The cruel rules the world. ”
(Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy from the diary, 1900)
This is the reality of “focused protection”.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich – videos of forced covid vaccines in nursing homes
“we’re dealing with homicide”
Feb 21, 2020
Mirrored From:–quot-We–x27-re-Dealing-with-Homicide,-Maybe-Even-Murder-quot-:4
The WHO issued instruction to change PCR and diagnosis on Jan 13th. There is a sharp drop in excess mortality directly correlating with this particularly clear in the 15 to 44 age group.
Exactly, this seems to be the elephant in the room that the media avoids mentioning. Lowering of PCR test cycles obviously leads to fewer positive test results.
The dishonesty is staggering , and if it gets mentioned some sociopathic “fact checker” will lurch into view spraying the info into oblivion on the back of exaggeration, bad faith argumentation and gish galloping, all presented with a relaxed digital smirk.
This might have been posted already, so apologies if I missed it…
It went viral from Friday night onwards.
The UK mainstream media were an absolute laugh today (Sunday) with their response.
Beam me up, Scotty…
Thanks for this!
Adam Curtis Documentary
”Can’t Get You Out of My Head (2021) – Part 1: Bloodshed on Wolf Mountain”
I’m suspicious of, but interested in his films.
I’ve been mesmerized by Curtis’s films for years even before the Trap and the Century of the Self and before I even knew who he was or that he was making them. He seems to have been a constant in my life that I was not ever really aware of until around 2008 when I began to take note of these documenteries that I kept being drawn to. Who is he? Where did he come from? How did he get access to all of this material? How is it out there in the ether seeping into my brain like a soothing yet terrifying elixer of truth?
He is, no doubt, extremely intelligent and weaves such a convincing narrative that you could believe anything he says by the end of one his creations. They are beautiful and captivating, like the story of how I met my old girlfriend.
I once answered a friend’s question, as to why I loved her. I told her of the long story, that spanned years of my life, of how we met years earlier and how I was married at the time and how we spent a lot of time together but we ignored our feelings, then we were eventually seperated and I let her go for the sake of my marriage. Yet I never forgot about her and I vowed to never again let her go if I ever found her again. Of how I eventually did find her and make her mine and how I felt our love was justified and true.
“That’s a nice story but it’s your story not mine”. She replied.
Curtis documentaries are like that, he makes lovely stories but they are just that, stories woven together after the fact to suit who knows what’s agenda?
In my opinion his work is designed to placete the curious mind, confuse and at the same time sooth it. “There, there, it’s all ok, everything is beyond you and it’s not your fault. The world is just too complex and chaotic for you to ever make any real sense out of while it is happening.” he seems to say.
Is it really? He seems to set up different factions all vying for control but never directs us to an all encompassing story that it is being controlled by the few that make us all want to believe it is all more complicated than it really is.
Who knows? Is he an British MI5 intelligence agent sewing confusion at opportune moments in time? Just throwing us off the scent every time our rulers are beginning to look like they will be exposed? Or is he just a dedicated film maker trying to make sense of a chaotic world?
I’ll ask my ex-girlfriend what she thinks of him if I ever run in to her again.
Don’t know who he is, but do know how he lies.
First, he makes the truth standing on its head, that is: he claims that the population is the problem of it all and that then all sorts of ‘responsible men’ in the century of the self) or ‘irresponsible men’ (in the power of nightmares) take care/advantage of the situation
Second, he lies by omission. He shows some truths, like that Edward Bernays was asked by the United Fruit Company how to invade Guatemala, but he does not show the hundreds of thousands men that were killed after the coup, by permission of the USA.
Third, there is no third. This is the complete trick: blame the population (1), lie by omission (2).
The reason why it is mesmerizing (as also mentioned in your comment) is the idea that 1) there are good people, there are bad people, and there are innocent people. 2) it is okay to be innocent (dear reader/viewer), let’s just hope that the good people will win the fight and put the population in its right place. Maybe (just maybe) if you dear reader/viewer will become a ‘responsible man‘ yourself you can join forces of how to make this world a better place (where everything is in it’s right place).
But the point is: The population is not the issue. The issue are the ’responsible men’. If you fall for Curtis’ lies, you have passed the test of becoming a responsible man yourself, which must feel awesome if you do the dirty work in ‘containing the population.’
The David’s (while they were still readable) have written about Adam Curtis’ mesmerizing tricks and why he is allowed to be aired on BBC, see
Curiously, the David’s are now using the same tricks as Curtis does, ie, the population is the problem (of ‘global warming’) and the situation must be solved by ‘responsible men’ (like Thunberg phenomenon). About Covid19 they lie by omitting the whole issue. The David’s have become ‘responsible men’ themselves. I hope they like the admission to the club (not Carlin’s big club, but one of the associate clubs that Sinclair Lewis writes about in Babbitt), although of course I do not know if they were admitted (I am not a member myself). Surely, they worked hard for it!
When Media Lens joined the lengthening list of pandemic believers, I dumped them like I dumped WSWS, The Grayzone, Moon of Alabama, Caitlin Johnstone and others.
All epic fails on one of the greatest frauds (and crimes) perpetrated on humanity. However, I was a bit suspicious of Media Lens before the scamdemic started. Their solutions seemed to revolve around writing stern letters to your local MP. Hmmm.
Indeed and people leave the films clueless, but feel like they have been informed.Very clever, manipulative stuff.
Never heard of Sinclair Lewis before and your link re. the unspoken rule of media reporting by the David’s (as you call them, Edwards and Cromwell) is very interesting too. Thanks. I feel like I am surrounded by ‘the club’ (almost) at all times. Observed and at times interacted with but never acknowledged by. Some people have said I’m paranoid by nature too, so there is that.
Excellent analysis, i think you summed it/him up very well. I agree I think he is perhaps the British wing of the US disinformation program, for the more cerebral who don’t fall for the lizards or the Rothschild versions of reality. They have a version of reality for every social group. ‘Posh’ BS.
Cheers, yeah keep them at arms length and only give them enough rope to hang themselves with. 😉
This is a war on love. In the world they are forcing to manifest there will be nothing left to love. No one who knows how.
Start with yourself and you’ll always find something else to love.
The British are now running trials on young adults, who will never suffer any ill effect from Covid.
And children (
There is no covid. Governments swapped flu and pneumonia stats over as instructed by the WHO and created a fake virus out of thin air, just like their money.
But don’t let facts get in the way.
What country are you from anyway? You are not a native English speaker.
I think the second wave was exactly that, They simply renamed flu as Covid,
But I’m still not sure about the first wave, I think there was something released. I was struck down like most in February with a very bad flu, something I normally never get.
There was nothing released from anywhere because contagion isn’t real.
DNR orders and the lockdowns created the first wave in nursing homes and hospitals. Those orders came from the WHO and were disseminated globally.
5g was turned on late 2019 coupled with flu shots creates hypoxia. Flus are detoxification symptoms not a contagion.
I know the extent of 5G where I live and it is very limited. Only a few streets and hotspots, not blanket at all. I think you are going flat-earth on virology and that is not helpful.
The 5g antennas are inside the top of the new street lights. You believe in things that aren’t real like viruses and contagion and don’t know what’s real like EMF which was studied extensively by the 60’s and the dangers are known by governments and confirmed by thousands of studies.
But then someone is paying you to lie. And you’re barely literate on most subjects. So there’s that.
I have The Plague written by Albert Camus sitting at home in a drawer. It sat there all through the harsh lockdowns last year here in Melbourne. For some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to read it.
Every day when I’m out, all I see are masked faces, and people using hand sanitiser all the time, and an almost terrified look in many people’s eyes.
Its deeply sad.
Except for a small minority, all I see is mass compliance everywhere. I’ve even met people who know Covid 1984 is a massive fraud and a scam, yet they go along with the directives of mass murderers like Brett Sutton, the so called ‘Buddhist’.
As James Corbett said, “if you advocate for lockdowns, you are consigning a portion of the population to death”….” You are complicit in murder”.
‘ I have The Plague written by Albert Camus sitting at home in a drawer.’
Sorry if I give away the clue, but the plague is not about our time
The plague is about how a group of people fight human folly by showing their humanity, responsibility, and perseverance (hided in allegory called the plague). If you can apply that to yourself: fine, but that is not how it received the attention on the bookseller list when it went out of stock in NL early 2020.
This time is better explained by Hannah Arendt’s Banality of evil.
Yes, I’m aware of Hannah Arendt’s work as well. We are in surreal times Willem and so many just go along with everything.
Have you seen this?
Yep, I saw it an hour ago, someone in the UK sent it to me, but thanks anyway. There’s some very angry people here in Melbourne October…
by the way, this is interesting: ”People volunteered to deportation from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz and denounced those who tried to tell them the truth as being not sane” Hannah Arendt
Have you seen this Gezzah,
Australian Open Crowd Jeers and Boos COVID-19 Vaccines and the Victorian Government
What a pleasant surprise. Never knew boos and catcalls could sound so good.
Full video here:
Twitter version here:
Thanks Maxwell, October posted it here a short time ago, and someone in the UK sent it as well.
Gezzah are you enjoying the Murdock mob roll out of the anti vaxx campaign…it hit my local newspaper today….so now I will need to cease buying that too to remain sane…well I was only doing the crossword puzzles anyway….it rarely has anything in it not known elsewhere..,
apparently one of the tv mob are going to expose the anti vaxx campaign tomorrow night or something…so the blitz of aust has begun…this is going to be our path back to normal apparently….funny normal hasn’t really changed here..
I can only imagine how demented it will be: “insane neo nazi anti vaxxers want to murder your grandparents” or something along those lines.
I haven’t read a newspaper for over 16 years and I don’t watch any TV news or ‘shows’ like The Project. Nothing. Zero. Nix. The absolute criminality and moral bankruptcy of the ‘media’ here is off the charts.
Was in a cafe earlier getting a coffee, and the barista had no mask on, the staff had the masks under their chin, a customer was waiting on a coffee maskless, I was standing there waiting on my coffee without a facemask on, and this Bull (portly male in his 50s) comes up to the counter in a tightly fitting mask, and is literally hyperventilating he says to the Barista: “why haven’t you got your mask on, where’s your mask?.
When I got my coffee, I said in a fairly loud voice to the Barista: ‘it’s lovely to see your smiling face, keep smiling’! Then looked straight at the guy who complained about no masks, gave him a big grin and the thumbs up, then walked out!
The Invincible Green Stick of Happiness hey!
Dreams are hard to remember unless you write them down straight away. Reality can be worse than the surrealism of dreams. The dream we are living in at the moment is chimerical in nature. They can’t even share my blog in Australia. There is nothing inaccurate in it. It simply compares the UK to Stalin’s Russia.
“When the people clamour to be shielded from reality, when they praise their government
for keeping things from them, when they choose to conduct their lives within the limits of
whatever fantasy the government supplies, then they are no longer consenting to be
governed, they are begging to be ruled.” — Michael Ventura
And they have willingly got on their knees and placed the chains around their own necks. In exchange for feeling ‘safe’.
On the train to Croydon today, was nice to see another person in my carriage without a facemask on. When the train stopped at Croydon Station, as I got off, was a bit startled to see this guy had put on a facemask to go through the station!
I can’t do links with my phone, but there’s a video going around of a virologist who found that all 1500 samples of the supposed virus were instead found to be Influenza A and Influenza B. All of them.
He sent those samples to 7 Universities, including Stanford, and they found the same results.
The masks are dwindling in number. I think that’s a measure of the tolerance of the people at last. More people like nurses / health workers, and military are refusing the shots. Even the daily updates of fake numbers are having less effect now.
Visually, it paints a picture of ”we’re hearing all your bullshit now..and we can smell it too”. This will be picked up by the background mind warpers and they will be beavering away to create a new direction in which to take this.
We’ve had the melodramatic staged news footage from dark and empty schools that once rang with the laughter of happy children( cringe) who now have to sit locked to a screen to do their ABC’s and not play any more. We’ve had the conveniently timed heart warming story of the old war-horse Colonel Tom who had survived a war and was still fighting at 100 years of age.. He would brave the elements to walk 40 million laps of his garden to raise three hundred and sixty million thousand and four hundred and twelve pounds for a charity . Which one ? Then he would make all you ‘conspiracy crazies’ feel guilty and expose that to the sheep and roll up his sleeve ‘for the greater good’. Then he’d die. Just before the whole PR exercise would.
So what’s next ? Now that we’re getting wise to the bullshit ?
If they suddenly set us free it’s like a confession of their crime. If they keep us locked up- it’s asking for a rebellion. Somewhere in between is their compromise. It will be the one that comes with strings.
There’ll be some kind of shitty unimaginative catchy mantra to describe it too. They have decided we’re only bright enough to memorise and understand mantras of 3 to 7 words. Plus, their rhythm helps to oil the engine of mind control.
Maybe we’ll get two or three hours freedom a day and social distancing will be reduced to one metre from two. Perhaps bars and eateries will get to open with reduced hours.
The success of this exercise will be measured according to a new set of numbers. You will see that the more people taking the poison, the more successful the new regime will be. By extension, we’ll be told to ‘hurry now while stocks last and we’ll be free completely’.
There it is. The Orwell doublethink punchline.
Free ?
I’m glad people in Liverpool are seeing thru the bullshit, and facemasks are dwindling there. Here in Melbourne, on the other hand… Nope.
Had a run in with a covid cultist today. She approached me to buy the mag, masked up and wearing plastic gloves.
She asked how much, then she said, ‘where’s your facemask, you need to be wearing one’.
I said “I’m outside madam, you don’t have to wear one outside”. She said ‘it’s the law, you have to have a facemask on’. I told her there was no law, it was a directive, and directives weren’t law.
She got very huffy, and said, ‘I’m not putting myself at risk, and I won’t buy your magazine’ then walked off. I said out loud “at least I’m not a brainwashed zombie”.
However, in saying that, I have a gut feeling more people are waking up here, however there’s such an unwillingness to disobey and ignore Daniel Andrews and the Victorian Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, whose sister in law, Jane Halton was at Event 201, and she is one of the most powerful bureaucrats in Australia.
Have a good day Jura…
Stand your ground Gez. I have from day one and won’t stop. The ignorance of others is their problem- I won’t make it mine. All these morons can do is as little as possible; it;s the mission statement in life. So they use the idiot box in the corner or Chitter and Friendface. failing that they’ll ask ‘Cortana’ or ‘Siri’ what to think.
I told my last annoyer my mask was invisible, like the virus. I said he will see it when we can see a virus. Dick.
I wouldn’t worry too much about your Premiere. He’s a dickhead for sure. And he’s going the Bono route- he wants to be an elite dickhead among dickheads. He’s in competition with the other dickhead in Canada, Trudeau. Both of them are lap dancing the US and Gates.
All this crap is phase one of two. This phase will teach us a few things ( they hope).
We are ‘one’; we are ‘together’; we can achieve so much when we do as we are ordered- even defeat a plague. Your ‘normal’ can be inverted at very short notice and so can the world’s. Just because a threat to existence can’t be ‘seen’ doesn’t mean it isn’t real and all around us. This is why we’ve needed a year . It’s a long programme. There are layers to this conditioning process.
Phase two comes when they’re happy that enough ( majority) of us tick all the above boxes. Then the behavioural brain washers can have a break and spend their bonuses while the Climate Evangelists take the spotlight. The Jolly Green Juggernaut.
We’ll be primed enough to accept the realism of the unseen that destroys. We’ll be primed enough to accept our handlers are rescuers. And we’ll be ready to accept more ‘oneness’.
The atmosphere, biosphere etc is a mess; it’s our fault. We’re too stupid to care and too dumb to do anything but breed and eat. So we’re in need of culling. Nothing to do with the severity of the assault on Mother Earth and her air committed by those who dropped the poisonous bombs on japan or on the Khmer Rouge of course. Nothing to do with years of spraying the oxygen and crops ; nothing to do with the invisible web of EMF generated by their ‘smart traps’ ; nothing to do with the strap of 60,000 tonnes of junk locked around Earth’s orbit.( a month before the pandemic a record number of satellites went up there ; then Trump’s ‘space cowboys’. Last week more went up- the planet is surrounded by spying satellites while the number one priority is a pandemic ?). Phase two is dovetailing Phase one right now.
The vast expanses of Canada, Australia and Africa look like three fine bases for a collective NWO to operate from. Once the culls over; once the ‘bio medicine’ introduced, the three new ‘bases’ are up for grabs. Forget Agenda this or that. They’re still in place. But the real deadline for cataclysm is 2060 ( give or take 5 years either side)
What’s next you ask? They’re so fecken predictable. Sigh. In the CBD and just spotted a poster “It’s time to Rebel. A week of action March 22-28”.
Rebel? Against the blatantly obvious scamdemic and the new normal fascism? Why no, Jura! Small print on the poster said something like “the climate change emergency is unprecedented, and immediate action must be taken”… blah blah.
At the bottom of the poster it had Extinction Rebellion. Yes, them! No shit! And you can bet your last pound they’ll all be fully masked up and being ‘covid safe’. But none of them will do anything about people being crushed into the ground by the psychopaths behind the scamdemic.
Extinction Rebellion. Probably the most annoying of the snowflake army. None of them have the brains they were born with ( if they had any at all).It’s like some horrible little tribe has sprung from a remote village of scientifically – bred vegans, and transgender trustafarians and been let loose to cause havoc in between yoga sessions and licking trees.
My bit for the climate will be to find when those fkrs get there parade. All I’ll need is three barrels of petrol a hose pipe and a few lighters. You’re welcome.
The ultimate scary movie will be the climate change. The end of the world is an old standard. And the covid rehearsal has shown them that there’s a sufficient amount of the population prepared to do any shit if they promise to let them live or to save the world.
Pandemics and the world scorching into extinction is coming to a cinema in your street soon. Check all the TV commercials pushing it with the same subtlety as the vaccines..
It will all be based on numbers and data of course .And, as Bill gates has no qualifications to get involved but is a good brand name an d front man for the Nazi CIA, he’ll get to run it.
Your first couple of paragraphs made me chuckle and smile😁
The gestapo thug cops here in Melbourne will probably bend the knee to them just like they bent the knee at the Black Lives Matter protest here last year (which had the blessings of Daniel Andrews) Have a good weekend J✌️
Why so slow to end lock down Prime Minister? ……..Every day means more bankrupt small businesses, or as the PM’s friends at home and in the US call it, another fire sale. It is like taking candy for a child.
Tomorrow- Monday ( 22nd feb)
There’ll be a thinly veiled bribe.
”accept our poisons by ( insert deadline date) and we can start the opening up”
With this will come new data we can’t be allowed to see. It will suggest people are still dying but that the vaccines are helping. Again without evidence.
( it’s always all in the timing )
At no point will the data that expresses the horrific damage and deaths caused to hundreds of victims of the vaccines be mentioned.
Agreed. And waiting in the wings, all ready to go, is a massive propaganda campaign blaming non-vaxers for more (rigged) “cases” and hence more lockdowns. All the fault of those naughty non-vaxers, who will be punished.
The jabbed will be urged to actively provoke/harm the non-jabbed, creating more division and aggression in our local areas. The non-jabbed may be forced to wear some identifying mark (a yellow star?) and not permitted to use public services, pensions, transport, food, etc. etc. Their property will be taken and they may be sent to ‘quarantine’ concentration camps for further ‘processing’.
What happens when we reach ‘herd immunity’ – thanks to the vaccines of course?
These plans for shifting the blame and getting rid of rebels have been in place for years. Rebels do not make good slaves and are not profitable.
I agree with every word. It’s the digital 9 /11 ; the data-driven holocaust. This time it’s one faction targeted but it has a lot more people within it.
The real truth about the aforementioned will never be admitted. But the same organisation that planned them, planned this. They have the one goal and they play the long game.
Until they publish the real data, and have the real number crunchers and data analysists come out of the shadows to publicly answer questions, and to debate with genuine doctors and virologists rather than having them gagged, this can only be seen objectively as biological warfare. They declared war and we’re the enemy.. The real ‘work’ was, is, and will be done by the background army of behavioural psychologists.
As long as they hold the collective mind of the public prisoner we’re powerless.
“The greatest prison anyone can escape from is ignorance.”
― Matshona Dhliwayo
Jura, if you look at yahoo news there is a headline that covid has killed more people than world wars 1 and 2 and the Viet nam war. Maybe they mean Americans only – I couldn’t bear actually reading the full story.
This is iNSANE.
I spoke to a Spanish friend today. That country is in complete lockdown AGAIN. and so is Norther Ireland.
I mean, it’s crazy here in New England with the masks and protocols and closings and such, but we have not been locked down.
I have watched 3 health summits this past week, sometimes twice, with regard to covid and vaccines. All the people I have been watching and listening to for the past year.
Then I go out into the real world I am sucker punched with what’s going on.
Everyone in my age group has either had the first shot or is anxiously waiting.
It’s become a mix of surreal sci-fi and dark comedy. It doesn’t help that it was born in the USA.
The whole BS about trying to paint this as yet another ‘threat to national security’ narrative makes me cringe. It’s a cynical, unimaginative excuse to be able to talk in the good old trustworthy fear- inducer- ‘warspeak’.
Watch and gaze as the cracked actors become ‘heroes on the front line’ ( nurses under the director’s orders). Gaze in awe as the military walk in their combats with needles and test kits. The combats is in case the streets of New York, London, Paris, Toronto etc suddenly transform in a jungle. It can happen in this movie. What couldn’t ?
I think the hope is that we’re suddenly overcome by a cocktail of misguided jingoism, pride, fear, and guilt. And it’s working.
American propagandists have no right to talk numbers and figures connected to war. They’ve been involved in, or sponsored, more wars and conflicts than anyone in the last 75 years. Yet they’re the only country involved who have never had so much as a firework land on the home soil. That’s not a war. The streets of Berlin, London, Nuremberg, Liverpool, and just about every other city in Germany and Britain during WW2 – that’s what a war looks like. That’s where real numbers are generated. But the US love two things; propaganda and movies. It’s reality they can’t handle.
In their short life, they’ve built a threat to world peace and humanity on the foundations of a million native American graves. It’s become a death cult.
They lured the people there with promises of dreams that can be bought with the gold that was scattered in the hills. They had their cities built and their armies too. Now they have turned on those people who built it all like they too are in their way.
Uncle Sam is running around the planet like a demented child king with his faithful patriotic ‘amerkins‘ with guns and needles cocked and ready to shoot.
Just remember Judith. Vaccines and lies are both poison. As such, they can only harm you if you ingest them.
Jura. Profound as always, but with a knock-out last line. The Parthian shot. Bravo
Thanks, Hugh. Keep the faith ✊👍
And more suicides, and more people dying from untreated illness and more children dehumanised and more people driven to madness by this grotesque crime. All because these gutless, chinless politicians are doing the bidding of their masters.
Just at one of the major train stations in Melbourne, and the second I step onto the platform, this booming voice over the PA goes: ‘Victoria, keep wearing a fitted facemask, and keep getting tested if you have any symptoms. Sigh.
We will all be suffering Post-traumatic stress disorder after this.
I’m already suffering from pre-post-traumatic stress disorder!
( you can get a vaccine for that ) 😉
I know we’ve commiserated about this before, but the broadcast scamdemic propaganda grates on me like nails down a blackboard.
In these dismal days, I only go out to the local shopping center food markets around the corner. Their PA systems gurgle and coo with that canned professional-but-motherly voice “reminding” us to mask up, practice social distancing, and wash our hands.
And there are public service ads on the radio and over the air TV with the exact same message and tone. The TV ads add imagery of happy masked people showing us how it’s done in the New Abnormal. I seethe.
Hang in there.
In all this, the one thing that most grates on my nerves is the abject obviousness of it. The only way “they” could make it any more obvious is if they had a disclaimer which ran at the bottom of each “news” report saying:: “Warning! Every single word we say is a lie!”
Even then, I fear most would simply ignore the warning and take what was said to heart.
“Oh,” the people would say, “I bet those damn anti-vaxxers made them put that disclaimer!”
India has discovered 240 new strains (
More grist to the mill.
Did they ban the vaccine or not, I see contradictory information.
They have not authorised the Pfizer. But they are making their own under AZ licence, which they have already administered with alarming results.
This could be a marketing effort to address low uptake.
This is just a scam on the Indian people. The AZ vaccine is no safer than the Pfizer vaccine. Some of these vaccines really go back to 2011 and earlier. They all arise from the same NIH licensed technology. They’re all based on gene modification.
Astra Zeneca is probably more lethal. It was developed by eugenicists. Designed to depopulate the semi colonial world.
From Today’s Guardian/Observer.
”Scientists are developing a range of second-generation Covid vaccines aimed at expanding protection against the disease.
Candidates include one version that could provide immune defence against many different virus variants, while other researchers are investigating vaccines that would generate responses aimed specifically at blocking transmission of the disease.”
They are not going to let it go are they. A never ending procession of ‘new strains’ must be dealt with, and if they can’t find one then they will invent one, if they haven’t done this already of course. Second generation, third generation, fourth generation … on and on and on ad infinitum.
The war has only just begun. Get ready for a long haul.
It’s the latest racket. Think of it as compulsive cigarette selling. Shovelling out shite which we all pay for – and in more ways than one i.e. with our taxes, with our health, with our livelihoods, with our sanity, and with our public services.
Yes. They have an entire stable full of vaccines ready. The aim is to pathogenic prime until the population has declined to the level that governments have been instructed. Nothing is ever going back to normal as long as people cooperate and act as if their governments are legitimate.
I remember the story of the green stick but cannot recall the author of the Tolstoy biography. Imagination and invention are basic aids to development in young children, and for writers essential tools of the trade. Tolstoy’s wife, Sofia, bore him twelve children. As a countess, who seemed not to quite share Lev’s egalitarianism was slightly less than pleased when he invited the peasants to share their meals.
As children we were up to our necks in mud and grime living in a pit town straight after the war. We pissed on the soil and mixed it to make mortar. There were plenty of bricks lying around with all the holes in the walls and we decided to brick up the entrance to the Schofields’ outdoor lavatory which, like the houses, was terraced, our own being attached to theirs. The terraced houses were two to a lav.
When Mrs Simpson, who shared with the Schofields, came out bursting to use the toilet, the wall was already up to our chests and too high for her to get over it. Stephen Schofield and I had all the tell-tale signs of building-site workers about our persons while older brother, Charles, the architect, had managed to keep himself clean. Anyway Mrs Simpson had to use ours.
I sometimes wish we had made up fantasies, like the green stick!
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
-Albert Camus
super words…that laugh in the face of enslavement, fracture it’s arrogant fantasy with elementary ease.
Re-reading Samuel Shem’s House of God, which is, if you don’t know it, a great book on what Medicine is like for those who are inside Medicine. It is great on satire and truth. I was delighted to find that I folded a page with the following quote, told by the great internist named ‘The Fat Man’ and where he explains what Medicine is to his fellow tern Roy Basch. Quote:
‘I am telling you that the cure is the disease. The main source of illness in this world is the doctor’s own illness: his compulsion to try to cure and his fraudulent belief that he can.’
It is true. Medicine is about primum non nocere. I am amazed that so many doctors do not know such a simple truth and go along with every measure, every vaccination scheme and everything all the experts say on how disease should be prevented and treated.
Shem has a name for such experts. He calls them: ‘double O privates’, ie the expert doctors who work in the House of God and are licensed to kill.
Shem also tells what the problem is with the expectation of patients who believe the ‘American Medical Dream’. It is on the same page that I folded. It is this (I quote the Fat Man): ‘People expect perfect health. it’s a brand spanking new Madison Avenue expectation. It’s our job to tell them that imperfect health is and always has been perfect health, and that most of the things that go wrong with their bodies we can’t do much about.’
So what is Medicine about according to Shem. One page further he explains that patients ‘don’t give a damn about their diseases or ‘cures’: what they wanted was what anyone wanted: the hand in their hand, the sense that their doctor could care.’
And so what do today’s doctors do? – Anything but care. They close outpatient clinics, they admit people with flu and isolate them as if they have the plague, they don’t talk with patients, unless you call a videocall ‘talk’, they hardly allow visitors to come and see their loved ones, they basically don’t show any sign of compassion and empathy that Shem talks about as being the most important factor for a doctor who wants to treat his patient. Of course there are millions of exceptions, but it is today’s rule of how Medicine should be done. And is done.
The House of God has been and still is read by millions of medical students or early career doctors, and the books has been there since 1978. And doctors agree and laugh with Shem and tell each other what great book it is. And then they forget all the lessons that are in that book and become the assholes, or double O privates that Shem warns about, and who for instance would ask for a post mortem to dissect a friend who just passed away because of an obvious disease, as that is what you as a doctor should do if you follow the books of Medicine instead of your heart.
Just figuring out the global impact of the ‘Corona virus’ Apparently one million souls have allegedly died of this malady, I’m a bit sceptical but let it ride for a moment. Checking the ‘deaths’ which apparently had reached 1 million, against the world population it comes out like this.
1 million deaths, 2 World Population 7,847,447,204,204 then do the maths and a figure of 0.013% have died. Not exactly the Black Death or even the Spanish Flu 50 to 100 million, is it. And even this is taken their estimates at face value.
Got any evidence 50 to 100 million died of a flu virus in 1918? Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. wrote in a chapter of her 1977 Swine Flu Expose titled THE SPANISH INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC OF 1918 WAS CAUSED BY VACCINATIONS:
“The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are) in business for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must have all the shots on the market.
The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They didn’t know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as the army doctors don’t tell them things like that. Many of the returned soldiers were disabled for life by these drug-induced diseases. Many were insane from postvaccinal encephalitis, but the doctors called it shell shock, even though many had never left American soil.
The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled the doctors, as they never had a vaccination spree before which used so many different vaccines. The new disease they had created had symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into the man. There was the high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid. The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death, after which the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages. In early days they called it Black Death. The other vaccines cause their own reactions — paralysis, brain damage, lockjaw, etc.
When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t have a name for. What should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the people what it really was — their own Frankenstein monster which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines. They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so they called it Spanish Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin, and the Spanish people resented the implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the name stuck and American medical doctors and vaccine makers were not suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation — the 1918 Flu Epidemic. It is only in recent years that researchers have been digging up the facts and laying the blame where it belongs.”
A friend of mine said to me not long ago, “Terry you are married to sorrow.” I looked at him and said, “No, I am not married to sorrow, I just choose not to look away.” To not avert our eyes to suffering is to trust the power of presence. Joy emerges through suffering. Suffering is a component of joy.
Do you want to know a secret?
It’s your own. Whatever your calling, long suffering spouse, trucker bound to the road, or office slave stuck in one of a dozen professions that didn’t turn out like you’d planned: you changed job, changed company, changed relationship but always with the same result.
Things were fine for a while until one day you couldn’t stay silent. Probably someone blamed you for a snafu that you didn’t cause. Or someone dumped a can of worms in your lap because they’d screwed up and you stupidly offered to help.
Why do I beat about the bush? Because, my friend, I don’t want you to feel bad for not being stupid.
There should be a buzzing sound, like an electricity pylon, in an office. A tension like a live wire between the drones and the pilots, between those called to follow and those cursed with initiative, between the stupid and the bright.
It’s not there. The entire culture of corporatism acts to suppress intelligence, repress the bright and celebrate what used to be called nice but dim but is, more likely, smarmy and psychopathic.
To cut this short cause I’m tired, we are in this mess because we’ve given the stupid the reins.
There is nothing about Event Covid that an intelligent mind could tolerate — even if you were on the inside, coordinating it and even if you were profiting from it.
I believe the scamdemic is planned, the rules are deliberately contradictory and changed on purpose, to confuse and mislead — I do not blame incompetence. However, this is the low-grade of cleverness of the con man.
They are dangerous because they were too stupid to leave themselves an escape route: they have no way out and must pursue their demented strategy exactly as the criminal Rockefeller syndicate presented it to them
Even the Rockefellers have stolen their ideas, just as Brzezinski lifted Technocracy when he was at Columbia U. They don’t have an original idea in their heads. They are hijackers, as Patrick Wood says.
Intelligent people have a low threshold for banality, for process, for looking over one’s shoulder to copy the other guy — it soon gets old. Everything that the governments and bureaucrats and corporate drones are doing today would drive a competent person insane. Yes, intelligent people also have a low threshold for taking orders, especially from stupid people. Pol Pot knew that. He decided he should kill people who wore glasses because that likely meant they were readers and thus intelligent. You see how these people think?
We are in the midst of a stupid fest. Whether the luxury of an Ayn Rand-like retreat exists, a strike of the bright, I doubt. Withdraw labour, refuse to cooperate but I doubt there will be any safe haven. As I’ve written before, the most likely opportunity is to throw one’s body upon the gears, and use ones bones to jam the teeth.
Call the stupid for what they are, when and while you can. Let them be angry – be satisfied if you see even that much spark in their eyes. Don’t accept them however and certainly don’t obey. It is by accommodating their stupidity that we got into this mess.
Great post. Careerism is the culprit. The idea of “success” has been distilled into one immutable centerpiece: Do You Have a Good Job? Anything else is subservient to that standard: family, happiness, honesty, integrity. The nouveau riche who are considered “successful” may have lied to friends, stepped on colleagues, or even committed crimes in order to gain this status. What does success mean? Having money. That’s it. Bill Gates is not a scientists or a politician or an economist, but why do scientists, politicians and economists listen to him? Because he has money.
Former NIST employee Peter Michael Ketcham was asked how other government employees didn’t speak out on 9/11. His answer: because when you get a job at places like NIST it’s like “winning the lottery…you’ve got top health care for your entire family, a six-figure income and the freedom to research basically anything you want. Getting someone to speak out and risk all of that is career suicide and places immense stress on your family.”
Former NIST employee Peter Michael Ketcham was asked how other government employees didn’t speak out on 9/11. His answer: because when you get a job at places like NIST it’s like “winning the lottery…you’ve got top health care for your entire family, a six-figure income and the freedom to research basically anything you want. Getting someone to speak out and risk all of that is career suicide and places immense stress on your family.”
Absolutely correct and I speak from personal experience – not as a former NIST employee but as a retired former staffer at a very small agency with about as much prestige.
I live in a place (in)famous for its (superficial) politeness. Yesterday I was standing by the side of a seaside path with passing bikes and pedestrians, and a friend (who obviously has not yet fully adapted to the local ways) with whom I was talking would occasionally call out to the masked cyclists as they passed, deriding them for the idiocy of their wearing a mask while riding a bicycle. I don’t know if any of them realized the abuse was directed at them – or if it had any constructive impact, if they did – but my friend was certainly relieved (well, to some extent…) of a psychological burden that had grown difficult to contain.
wow moneycircus. subtle to the point. yep. umm yep.
I like birds, they’re generally a good thing. However it doesn’t exactly require Hercule Poirot to work out what the WEF are up to here:
More biodiversity will be used to justify lower incomes. Again if it’s such a good idea, let’s start with the oligarchs. Take a 50% pay cut Mr Bezos and you have a blue tit for your garden….
I see there is no mention of modern farming, pesticides and the like.
Dickybirds, rainbows, the WEF are so sweet and fluffy, LOL.
Some of their articles don’t sound too sweet and fluffy to me…sadly…I was somewhat horrified by some of the surrounding articles there and how these people plan to inflict more suffering on humanity by taking advantage of the plandemic…they appear to love to set up straw problems only technology will solve in their world…
They’re anything but sweet and fluffy.
And they don’t give a damn about birds either.
You had to work to make it one sentence but I’m not sure it flows as well without appropriate pauses.
Writing about Tolstoy and the green stick you might have referenced the cryptocracy’s desire to break our bonds with nature and each other, exacerbating our misery while impoverishing us.
Leo Tolstoy
Love this quote. Thanks for sharing it.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).
~ Mark Twain
New Zealand has no cases of COVID-19, and they have large events with no restrictions.
How is this possible if we are supposedly going into a ‘new normal’?
…not forgetting the snap-lockdown of three days called by Princess Cindy last week! With a total of just twenty-five bogusly-attributed Covid deaths, and none since September 2020 – New Zealand is a moron ready to roll up its sleeve!
We refuse to see our Reality. We’re SLAVES. And while we persist in refusing to accepted it we’ll never be truly capable of CHANGING it.
We just keep changing the Color!

This is the reality of modern “arts and entertainment” and it’s not mystics wondering about in woods, it’s buying private jets while lecturing everyone else to stay at home to flatten the curb and eat Bill Gates’ plastic meat to save the planet:
After seeing what they got away with through the Covid ‘measures’, they are going to go real hard-ball with the global warming scam.
The cowards and the idiots in our society who bought the Covid scam have given these assholes licence to do whatever they want to us now. We are so vulnerable now thanks to those braindead, weak-willed fuckers and cowards.
Strong wording is more than needed to wake people up. But not this audience. This needs to go to your political leaders directly. The other day John Kerry said it again, “Irreversible effects of climate change”, or something like that. Biden himself has been stating the same crap for a while. It’s bad enough that they say it but there are no references. Where are they getting this crap. They need to prove it. Convince me. Otherwise, it’s just bullshit. Name the document and it’s authors, who funded it and who else supports it and why. It certainly can’t be Dr. Fauci. Simple things like that. Is Greta Thunberg their source? Or is it AOC? The U.N. and the oligarchs are handing out cash hand over fist to prove climate change is caused by people and in so many years it will permanently change Earth’s climate for the bad. Irreversible. Irreversible. Irreversible. The 3X rule. It must be true. “Here’s the thing”, President Biden. It’s bullshit. They are starting with the conclusion they want and working backward toward the cause and making it up as they go along. Garbage in. Garbage out. ; Garbage in. Garbage out. ; Garbage in. Garbage out. This is what out our politicians need.
I’m probably being optimistic here, but if people see through the ‘pandemic’, they will find it easier to doubt the other impending catastrophe.
So the narrative-setters could go hard-ball, but public support could also potentially evaporate. However, the left/green ‘educated’ class will certainly not let go till the end, whatever that is.
Good point, I hope you are right. It has confirmed everything I thought was wrong about global warming
“arts and entertainment”
“In the old days it was called bread and circuses. Keep the victims well fed, ignorant, amused and diverted while one was robbing them blind. Throw in promises of untold riches to be had for some, for good measure. Failing that, give them a convenient ‘domestic’ enemy to attack or get them to go at each others throats. If all else failed, GO TO WAR! What is new to the mix is EUTHANIZE THEM.”

Yep. The hypocrisy from the US and EU ultra rich is stunning and it goes far beyond the fake pandemic. They are mostly bad people. Break out the g-oddamn guillotines.
“Bill Gates is accused of hypocrisy after joining bidding war to buy the world’s largest private jet operator – one month before he releases his book preaching about climate change” – headline, Daily Mail
People are starting to say the virus is not real: OK, lets say it is man-made.
People are starting to say we never went to the moon: So lets say we are going back.
People are starting to say global warming is fake, OK lets set a few million acres of Australian/Californian forest on fire.
“People are starting to say the virus is not real: OK, lets say it is man-made.”

“The CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC BIG LIE PROPOGANDA CAMPAIGN is a fear campaign to force WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) to get ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT toxic viral cull juice jab.”
“Time to pull the plug on the Great Ripoff.”
Gates is just a tool of empire. He is America’s Cecil Rhodes, they may not name a country after him, but they will erect statues to him.
“You are right. Poster child Billy boy and the whole damn rotten corporate fascist criminal racket have to go… the sooner the better.”

If I were in a re-education camp with barbed wire it would be one thing. If I had someplace where I could flee to escape that would something as well. But the entire world has been turned into a prison and I will not smile and feel warm fuzzies with Camus or whoever until the chains come off.
The US empire is so extensive, that is why it is everywhere.
Sorry to be stuck in this groove, but somebody has to say this stuff, because it is in your face, but nobody acknowledges it.
What’s your planet, G? Mine’s the Earth, where we have places called Russia and China that – somehow – don’t seem to be within the Anglo-zionist empire. They certainly don’t do is it tells them, obediently. Comes to quite a bit of the land surface, and quite a few people; with more and more flocking to them from the provinces of the dying Az empire…
US imperialism is run like a McDonnell’s franchise. Except this time the franchise was branded as Covid. Local billionaires & local politicises buy into the franchise, and pay their duties to empire, as they use ‘Operation Covid’ to oppress their population and destroy their local independent competition.
The franchise fee paid to empire, is the take over of our entire retail sector, communications and culture. The sheep pay the price as the local wealthy walk away with some of the booty, that the empire allows them to have. Just like Venezuela, local power destroys their own country, for eventual financial rewards. We are suffering partially self-inflicted sanctions from our traitor politicians.
“from our traitor politicians.”
“What leads one to think the politicians are yours or ours? They belong to him and corporate fascist psychopath criminals like him.”
“Time to pull the plug on the Great Ripoff.”
“Now for some Wake up time with George and Gene.”
McDonald’s franchise*
India’s expert panel has rejected the Pfizer / Gates application for Covid-19 vaccine.
They’ve had more than enough of Gates Inoculations and terrible results.
And some European states have also banned it for the old, yet the UK steams ahead jabbing old people. I am looking forward to the crimes against humanity hearing.
Breath-taking recklessness by the UK. I wonder why that is.
Either the UK is a global testing ground (strange that the EU suddenly claimed they had supply problems) or Johnson is so desperate to come across as decisive that he’s willing to throw all caution to the wind in order to come across as some kind of a winner (hurrah we got the most doses per capita in the entire world, wheres my trophy??).
What a disastrous nation.
Just saw the Duran’s Mercouris assuring everybody that the UK govt has “actually been extremely successful in rolling out its medication programme” (my italics), and being smug about the superiority of the British legal system over all others when it comes to obstructing measures like passports (he puts that down to a “muddle”).
Like you, I’m not sure the ‘supply problems’ should be taken at face value.
I have constantly wondered about what appears the British constant and total enthusiasm for this game…at least in aust not every state participated with great enthusiasm….
is it the amount of money borrowed from the yankee enterprise? Cover up for failed brexit? Surely not all those politicians are as stupid as they appear to be simply going along with the scam…where is your public service mandarins? Are they too incompetent idiots? Where is your home grown business people? Weird
all along it has been this feeling that their balls are tired to the floor for some reason…did Epstein do a really good job with the secrets or what….very strange behaviour…or is this what stupid people do in a manufactured crisis….
I left working in aust public service 40 yrs ago as I really couldn’t take dealing with the stupidity, incompetence, whatever….but as I walked I thought heavens help us one day because one day we may actually need a public service that works…has intelligent people in it etc…suspect the day has come when many countries needed just that…
clever public servants run countries not idiot politicians…no thinking country should leave the game to them…they are the fronts….the pretty ones for entertainment….the real runners are the public servants and the home grown business class….and our countries have not watched that ball…and the price will now be paid..
Clever public servants run countries
Lol. No. International oligarchs run countries. Governments and their employees enact their orders, top down.
Well said, Edith. Reminds me of the superb british series “Yes Minister”.
That is certainly a large part of it. “World-beating” is one of his stock, trite, meaningless phrases.
Pray the like of Gates, Fauci, Ferguson, Whitty do not find the “green stick of happiness” first. Or else they will whittle it down to a pointed prod with which to herd humanity toward the abyss.
THEY already found it!
Good image- in the water below that the sheep are jumping into superimpose the word VACCINE$- add some needles and masks floating in the water.
And put a syringe in one of GoH’s hands! 😀
So that’s what they mean by ‘herd immunity’.
Just had my weekly foray into the mainstream media and there seems to be rather a paucity of news. Maybe there is some kind D-Notice on non-covid bad news?
Anyway, no news is a good news, I guess, and now I’d better wash my hands (of the journalism not covid).
No. No news is no longer good news. Too much bad news preceding. No “whoopsies” could ever be tolerated at this point. We’re all in.
What our lives are worth: (to them)
The Guatemalan coup of 1957 was such an instructive piece of imperial history, it shows us the price paid by foreigners and the rewards gained by the USA, for a simple CIA coup, carried out on behalf of Corporate interests. It shows how much interference the US was prepared to exert & for how much return. It is a benchmark.
The coup of 1957 against a democratically elected left-wing government was overturned in order to secure the future of just one US Corporation, the United fruit company, who had lobbied for the coup to stop the Guatemalan government nationalising the banana industry.
What followed was decades of systematic torture & murder of the Guatemalan people under a far-right dictatorship. So we have established the price, in others lives, that the US is prepared to pay for relatively small economic gain. The US is oblivious to the suffering of others at home and overseas on a grand scale. Covid is the modern greater version of the Guatemalan coup, Amazon has a 600 million dollar data storage contract with the CIA.
I’ve said this before (and it went over like a lead balloon); but I find it as interesting as it is apropos that it’s primarily all the colonial powers whose people are lodged in the grip of panic over this covid thing. Simply put, they – especially the English speaking peoples – are suffering pangs of inescapable guilt. They have taken so very much from so very many; and now that “God” they pray to is smiting them mightily for the sins of their fathers.
Perhaps colonialism wasn’t perfect but it did bring running water, flush toilets, and electricity to those savages who are now incapable of maintaining it. So now they are all invading the countries of their former benefactors bringing those countries into ruin as well. I cannot be held guilty and I refuse to feel guilty for the sins of my father.
” So now they are all invading the countries of their former benefactors bringing those countries into ruin as well”
Thats right, the powerless immigrant is to blame not the murdering rich powerful, greedy, asshole. That’s racist bullshit.
If only it ended with the flush toilets and running water. and only if it ended in history past. It continues unabated in the present day
I am in south africa and this Kovid horseshit is a perfect example how the colonialism continues. We shut down our paltry economy at the behest of certain western billionaires. Tax collection plummeted and we had to go running to the IMF for loans, no doubt with neo-liberal conditionalities attached.
I give you another example, our former president Zuma was bribed by a french arms company to buy french submarines!? (WTF do we need those for at the bottom end of Africa??) Yes Zuma is corrupt and is facing charges in court now but i hear nothing of the french government pressing charges against their corrupt arms company….
Fair enough if you don’t feel guilt for the sins of your father, but be embarrassed as hell with regards to the current actions of your government and your corporations in the west.
The concept of “the sins of the father” is built into Christian theology. It’s as much a part of “our” legacy as, say, the papal Doctrine of Discovery.
As such, it isn’t a particular individual but rather an entire nation that bears responsibility for what that nation has done – especially when that nation continues doing it and the people continue profiting from it.
You are right, of course, when you say “colonialism wasn’t perfect.” Once you bring “running water, flush toilets and electricity” to people who never asked for it and were perfectly content with their way of life – once you utterly destroy their way of life, they can never go back to the way it was. Although given our current trajectory, we may all be without these blessings of colonialism soon enough.
Kill the past, you hopelessly corrupt the present, and destroy the future.
No. The ‘nation’ doesn’t bear responsibility for atrocities committed by the people controlling said nation. You can’t lump in the ordinary, decent citizen with the atrocious actions of sociopathic gangsters manipulating events and countries for their gain. The responsibility lies with those who conspired to plunder other nations.
Spam Check
This is the kind of toxic shit that gets through the spam check. This cunt doesn’t have the guts or the brains to point his finger at the banksters.
I think the rotten ideology of American capitalism is causing its own destruction.
They say every empire contains the seeds of its own destruction. The British was democracy, which caused, its empire to break up, through independence struggles. The American’s is greed, which is cannibalising its own people, its allies and its own economy.
But who controls America?
There is nothing wrong with capitalism, when compared to the alternative which is Communism.
They both have a common root.
the british ideology was ”democracy” while the American is “greed.”?
Why did it go down like a lead balloon do you think ?
”Simply put, they – especially the English speaking peoples – are suffering pangs of inescapable guilt. They have taken so very much from so very many;”
Are you talking about the UK colonising the world and building an empire a long time before any of us were born ? We didn’t do it. We have no reason to repent and feel guilt.
”and now that “God” they pray to is smiting them mightily for the sins of their fathers.”
That assumes everyone in the UK are religious. A small percentage are, and an even smaller one practice a faith. Either way, hardly anyone who thinks rationally assumes that this 12 month pantomime is in any way down to God. Its believed that it’s down to a minority of billionaire psychopaths who want to control the world and everyone in it.
If you believe this is a religious penalty you need to stop and think. Not think for others.
I’m using God the only way it can be used: as a metaphor. Whether people today believe in God or not, the expression “For God and Country” (or the British variant “For Queen and Country”) encapsulates the essence of the credo made up to get the public on board the imperial gravy train.
And I’m sorry to say but we, here, now, are still reaping the rewards of the colonial ravaging of the rest of the world. Indeed, the resources of Third World nations are still being plundered (Elon Musk: “We’ll coup whoever we like!”)
on the contrary, when you exchange god (however compromised that belief maybe) for baubles and gay discos…
you are easy pickings…
you see if you have a godless culture and debased demoralised simpletons inhabiting it with no moral framework, an immoral framework will be erected to imprison you.
this is what is happening now… christians such as they are, will face the worst of this persecution.
what was once christendom will have to be totally destroyed and most of its inhabitants will cheer this on.
They are now the object of the ministrations of the enlightening British Empire.
Who founded the United Fruit Company and who were their bankers? (It doesn’t take much effort to find out).
It is irrelevant who owned it. It was probably originally a small business that grew and became big and got involved with the CIA active on the ground. The CIA doesn’t need much of an excuse to destroy socialist governments or politicians, they have their own agenda.
It is EVERYTHING who owned it. A corporation or organization is only created for the benefit of the owners. This includes the CIA who you seem obsessed with but it’s existence and your promotion of it is only a cheap trick to divert attention away from the bankers and monarchies of Europe who commit crimes through ownership of central banks, NGOs and incorporated governments.
Stop diverting from the truth, Jack-Jill.
The truth is getting out, people are beginning to understand this is what empire is and that they are behind all of this.
You can’t stop it being understood, with your stupid stories about lizards, Freemasons and demons. Only a fucking idiot would think the jesuits are behind all this. Who was it this time, Rasputin, the Rothschilds or the terminator ? You fraud,
Fuck off Jack-Jill. Whoever pays you to troll should ask for their money back.
you watched Michelle Gibsonn video on this
The coup in Guatemala you’re talking about happened in 1954.
You don’t have to go back to Guatemala in the 50s. Honduras in 2009 followed the same book.
What a paradoxical world we live in that
– The completely discredited Neil Ferguson is the MSM go to expert on all things covid
– Mass murderer Tony Blair is promoting global health
– The head of the WHO is a former Marxist terrorist
– A computer software geek with no medical qualifications and a self proclaimed interest in Eugenics and heavily invested in vaccines is advising governments on vaccine rollouts
– The ‘test’ for Sars Cov 2 is not a diagnostic
– To die from COVID-19 you can actually die from any disease
– Hugs and kisses are now weapons and vectors for spreading disease
– Being healthy now means your ill
– Face masks with pores bigger than viral particles now prevent against viruses
– To prove you love and care for someone you should stay away from them
– Big pharma wants to cure disease for no profit except they do make a profit
– A vaccine is not a vaccine. It’s gene therapy treatment
– Taking the above is not really about health. It’s to get your freedom back but you don’t actually get it back even if you get jabbed.
– Decades worth of epidemiology, virology and evidence based medicine is just a conspiracy theory
And finally if you question any of the above your a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Very sad and troubling times.
“– A vaccine is not a vaccine. It’s gene therapy treatment”
And then the Vatican:
”The head of the WHO is a former Marxist terrorist”
The Covid roll out was lead by the two most far-right leaders we have had in decades. Johnson & Trump, Lets stop pretending it was a left-wing operation, shall we.
The right-left scale doesn’t appear to apply anymore, if ever.
If all governments & political parties are far-right it does not mean that left wing ideas have vanished, it means they are no longer presented.
Hello Paul: Your most salient quote: “Decades worth of epidemiology, virology and evidence based medicine is just a conspiracy theory.”
There are no such diseases as typhus, malaria, tuberculosis, small pox, anthrax, Lyme disease, Ebola, nor any other groups of biological taxa which cause human and animal disease. The above are all conspiracy driven hallucinations, which have regularly occurred in millions of laboratory experiments…
Yes. Very troubling times…
May I provide a little correction!
– To die from cold or flu or pneumonia (now labelled “COVID-19”) you can actually die from any disease
More like disturbing times.
And saddest of all the normie reads all that and believes in it anyway. They are begging for their own extermination.
Here’s your Vaccine puzzler for the day:
What do Dr. Barton Williams, Hank Aaron, and 46 elderly residents in a Spanish nursing home all have in common?
Answer— They all died shortly after getting the Covid-19 vaccine.
But let’s not jump to conclusions, after all, in every case, the media has assured us that the vaccine had nothing to do with their deaths. Do you believe that?
See more in Unz Review
Look into the article you linked to. It links to the original news article which says that the 46 residents died of COVID-19. They took the vaccine less than 2 weeks before the outbreak occurred, which is not enough time to develop any kind of protection from COVID-19.
There is no evidence that the vaccine is causing deaths.
I find that antivaxxers really do get mixed up with what the side effects of the vaccine will be. Some say it will kill you soon after taking it. Others say it will be years before the effects start to show. Others say it will be the 2nd dose. There is no evidence for any of these claims.
“Mein Herr. Josef Here. You are correct. Doc Billy Eugenics and his EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT toxic viral cull juice jabs are are so misunderstood. They are misnamed. They are meant only to help the untermenschen and useless eaters. Doc Billy is a great humanitarian. Humanity should thank him.”
“Also, I was no where near Auschwitz. In fact before now I never heard of the place. Those ‘anti-vax’ troublemakers should all be gassed and cooked in ovens.”
You 77 scum!
Don’t get distracted by the vaccine or the oppressive nature of the Covid operation, sure the CIA got their surveillance of every government meeting around the world, and we lost all our rights, but It was primely a financial operation, where the USA’s relentless corporate neoliberal roll out, with the cooperation of our local billionaires, was advanced to light speed.
It was a part of Making America Great Again operation, (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon) and it has increased their parasite Corporations share of our markets massively, ten years ‘growth’ or predatory capitalism compressed into months. By destroying small business, targeting independent restaurants, Cinema’s, theatres, and small shops to be replaced by large chains and US media companies. That is the bounty that will make our lying traitor politicians rich. Its not hybrid machine humans or globalist conspiracy as the CIA are telling you. It is a greedy, murderous empire looting our wealth.
It’s the last stand of American global power. And will fail.
Given the obvious decline in infection and death rates of COVID-19 the hunt will be on for a new variant to keep the ersatz show on the road. The PTB will move mountains in their search for new infection variants. How about a Scottish variant, or Uruguayan variant or Icelandic variant, or all three at once!? This is going to be a very hard sell for the PTB and the weight of popular opinion seems to be moving against the whole PTB’s propaganda campaign.
The propaganda that is continually propagated by the campaign can be resisted by keeping the mind strong by not allowing the self fulfilling prophesy to manifest by listening to what is said.
It has to be recognised that there never was a Covid and the lie that continually plays around in and out of all the narratives simply gives the lie oxygen.
Ignore the propaganda of contagion, vaccination and other fear threats.
This “Great Reset” plot is not only working with this Covid-hoax. This “Great Reset” is also a “Greta-Reset” (Greta in Davos) and it is even more working with that CO2-HOAX.
But OffG is shy to ever touch this topic.
If the world isdoing a ‘Great Reset’, then how come countries which adequately eliminated COVID-19 infections are back to normal, for example New Zealand?
Aukland is in lockdown because 3 cases have been reported.
3 cases? My God! Nuke them!
Three people got the sniffles, as designated by a fraudulent test? Shut it down!
back to normal, for example New Zealand
try entering New Zealand, and see how that goes.
I can see that the end of this terror is in sight, as spring lifts our spirits and ends the regular flu season, which they have criminally & knowingly renamed as Covid.
I want those who have caused this pain, misery & genocide of the innocent to pay, I want ministers in prison and I want the Guardian, Sky & the BBC closed down for good. All MP’s who passed the Covid bill to be deselected and Christopher Hitchens & Julia heartily Brewer knighted for services to the rational & sane.
The leaders of all the institutions, legal, medical, financial, that did NOT defend our liberties, rights, our health and our sanity need to be sacked, disgraced & ridiculed for falling for a such a massive lie. Along with all senior ministers who have so much blood on their hands, I want to see, shaven tarred and feathering all those medical workers who conspired in the lies and ‘kept their heads down’. Only then will I feel justice has been done. Following orders is was no excuses.
‘’French Women Accused of Collaborating with Germans Punished | War Archives’’
Peter Hitchens. His late brother Christopher was a warmongering neocon arsehole.
I know, but he helped save my sanity during this period and I thank him for that.
How does that opinion help us judge Peter’s work?
And Peter is even worse.
I heartily agree. I am done with this from tomorrow whatever Bojo the clown says. Fuck the reset. I don’t contract
In case anyone would like to know the truth as to how and where the virus COVID-19 originated, please enjoy this video. Cheers
I case anyone would like to know the truth as to how and where the virus COVID-19 originated, please enjoy this video. Cheers
Covid is simply more fake propaganda as dreamt up by the shysters who write propaganda daily in news media, tv, film. Manipulation is their forte. They are truly sick.
The vaccine is a miracle cure…..OR seasonal flu cases are dropping as normal?
2020/21 is the grey line on the bottom. Influenza was eradicated last year. A vaccine wasn’t even needed. Government bean counters were enough….
All hail the mighty covid god!
That’s the expected result of replacing the label “cold”/”flu”/”pneumonia” with the new needed label (for purpose of Cattle Scaring!) “COVID-19″…
It is still working like a charm.
They timed the vaccine release perfectly for the arrival of spring and the normal drop in flu cases. They are such crooks.
Exactly so. There seems to be a view, particularly among those who believe in the efficacy of the vaccine, that the vaccine programme has resulted in the fall of the Corona-19 infections and deaths. But, however, this does not necessarily follow. The pattern of this and similar infections is typical. As with flu seasons the epidemic initially takes hold kills a number of people, usually the more vulnerable, and then simply fizzles out. Which has always been the case. The cause for the usual path-determined epidemic is not definitively known.
‘flu’ season soon to begin in southern hemisphere. what is their marketing plan? guess – more’cases’, more lockdowns, more injections, more variants, and more persecuting of non-jabbers.
It looks like all hell is breaking loose over Johnson’s coming Monday announcement, If he doesn’t announce a serious ending of lockdown, there will be serious trouble in the UK.
I sense this is the end now, People really have had enough and their consent is no longer being given. Amazon will have to be happy with the market share Johnson has given them, although they want more.
‘We heard the vaccine cavalry, but the sound of the goalposts moving is less heartening’ | 19-Feb-21
Well it’s about time. We’re now coming up on the one-year anniversary of ‘just two weeks to flatten the curve’!
The problem, of course, is the vaccine. What if they make opening back up conditional on universal vaxing? That’s what scares me.
That is their parting gift, perhaps, a little genocide of the sick and old, which has been government policy for years.
I was always suspicious but I am now wondering if the regular flu shots were not intended to kill the old early. It would not surprise me, Covid was perhaps an extension of what they were doing anyway.
Good point.
Indeed. Yesterday, Merkel said that lockdown can only end when the entire world population has been vaccinated. Nigh on impossible considering the millions born every day.
Don’t be scared. But get organised. If vaccines become mandatory, even by defualt, ask yourself if you wish for all the grief that may entail. I won’t be taking any vaccine but I am planning for grief. You won’t be alone – we can support others.
Agreed, me too, Like many I will never take it.
THEY will never “open back up”…
Moi aussi.
Dont worry the 22 2 2 021 ritual is perfectly aligned scrptied planned well ahead
like all the other country’s.
50£ it wil be waffle contraindication usual spill we are opening not opening in stages in areas tier system level r stay safe we protecting you. take the vaccine its a miracle cases gone down but up. premiership type league of who opens first aint you a good borough, city for getting tested and taking the vaccine you allowed out until 9.30 weekends cant drink though jobcneter are open BuT your not allowed to go to work
nor listen to music or sing whilst out. not allowed out
the bullshit will last 22 or 42.22 minutes and remember get tested and take the vaccine again, maybe 3 times with 3 masks on.
save the NHS
Come on. We all know the government will continue the lockdowns. About time Julia, wakes up to reality. How can she still be stuck in the space where she recognises the absurdity, but not the reality of the absurdity.
The politician in this clip knows this is all about implanting communism in the UK. It’s obvious he is lying. They are playing for time.