Liberation by Unplugging?

David Perez

Art by Caitlin Roark

Two dangerous things are happening simultaneously.

First, the official COVID narratives are mutating in ways that threaten to make it a forever phenomenon—unsurprisingly to anyone who’s been paying attention. Second, the titans of Hi-Tech, in league with the Deep State and its political lapdogs—are hell-bent on eliminating voices of dissent on various Internet platforms.

It seems to me that we have to fight extreme with extreme. But our extreme might be simple. Hard, yes, but a very direct action. Might we, for instance, begin our resistance by ditching our smartphones? In the ones and twos? Or in rallies where we dump them en masse? Might this make the agenda of the corporate and political elite harder to implement, particularly all the surveillance apps supposedly for our health?

While we’re at it, can we consider that the digital world in general has now reached the point (perhaps long past the point) where it serves the oppressors far more than it serves us? Has our habit of evaluating the benefits of technology in strictly personal terms been trumped by its use by empire for economic, political, social and militarized rule?

Can we overcome the feeling that high tech is a runaway juggernaut we’re helpless to control? Re-imagine an old normal independent of behemoths like Facebook, Google, Amazon and Twitter, free from the tyranny of algorithms, our self-worth measured in digital likes and shares?

When does acceptance become surrender?

I realize, of course, that because of COVID, millions of people are now more dependent on the Internet and apps like Zoom for their bread-and-butter, and only for the grace does my income situation enable me to opt-out. Nevertheless, it’s a real question: Is our being forced to spend more time online potentially another health hazard? To quote that 1985 Aretha Franklin song: “Who’s Zoomin’ Who?”

It could very well be that the Luddite Might-Wannabe inside me has fed over the years by my job at Op Cit Bookshop in Taos, New Mexico. Formerly known as Moby Dickens, the store has been operating in the same location for over 30 years as a time machine to the past, some might say an ancient past.

Our Point of Sales (POS) system still runs on MS-Dos, the precursor to Windows built in 1977 and too old to be linked to the Internet. The computer monitor is a CRT with green lettering and the keyboard functions with F keys. We also use an Okidata Dot Matrix Printer. The only thing missing is Pong.

Alas, we do have a laptop with a Wi-Fi connection, which allows us to order inventory from distributors like Ingram, as well as checking emails and doing research on bookstore-related news. But, by and large, Op Cit operates very old school. We even use index cards and scrap paper to take special orders and leave each other notes.

When customers, a steady mix of locals and tourists, discover how low-tech we are, they invariably respond with something like, “Oh my God, that’s so awesome!” Many of them, youth in particular, wonder how such an old operating system could have lasted this long. We wonder the same thing.

Personally, the Op Cit experience has caused me to examine just what it is that I truly need. As science author Nicholas Carr wrote in The Glass Cage: Automation and Us (W.W. Norton 1994):

We assume that anyone who rejects a new tool in favor of an older one is guilty of nostalgia, of making choices sentimentally rather than rationally. But the real sentimental fallacy is the assumption that the new thing is always better. What makes a one tool superior to another has nothing to do with how new it is. What matters is how it enlarges or diminishes us, how it shapes our experiences with nature and culture and one another.”

Writer and reporter David Sax makes a similar point in The Revenge of Analog (Public Affairs 2016), a detailed book that shows how youth are at the forefront of getting unplugged from a relentlessly digitized world. Sax writes:

There’s an argument that the world has fundamentally changed and we should just get used to it. That the amount of time spent on computers, smartphones and so forth is because the young love it, it’s their way of communication. To deny that is to deny reality. Moreover, the technology is good; it is liberating and has opened vast new frontiers.”

The book shows how it’s the exact opposite. It is the younger generation that has become less enamored with digital technology, and warier of its effects. Sax explains:

These were the teenagers and twentysomethings out buying turntables, film cameras, and novels in paperback. They were the students who told me how they would rather be constrained by the borders of a page than the limits of word processors.”

Good to know, right?

Hey, I totally get the challenges. The Internet is a vast resource with enormous benefits. This very article for this very website demonstrates its use and value, and I’ve been clicking and scrolling for decades.

Still, I can’t shake the feeling that perhaps we’ve reached a crossroad, maybe gone past it. That digital addiction has become the real lockdown, hiding in plain sight, weaponized on behalf of the ruling class. And as I stated in the beginning, their agenda relies heavily on pumping up the drug.

So, might our ultimate liberation depend on getting unplugged, or at least moving in that direction? Extreme measures that lead us back to community and to love?

David Perez is a writer, journalist, activist, and actor living in Taos, New Mexico


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Categories: Covid Positive, latest
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Mar 3, 2021 10:35 AM

o yes…ditch the bloody lot.
crazy to think that 20 years ago, the little box arriving a la desktop, was called a Word Processor and performed a mistake free task of typing and printing, floppy storage discuss and all….yippeeee.
now, it’s morphasions (??) are extreme and we are handling G.O.D. global-obligation-device….everyday…..except now GOD is corruptus-maximus.
so yep…unplug, don’t use the bloody thing…..and post a letter instead.

Mar 1, 2021 12:26 PM

Mr. Perez has been misinformed. It is perfectly possible to access the internet using an MS-DOS based platform. For a long time, I did so myself, using the Arachne browser (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arachne_(web_browser)).

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 28, 2021 5:57 AM

What happened to Bartleby.com? As an indication of what’s been lost, something of the old site is still there: https://www.bartleby.com/verse — https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLiteraryStudies/comments/c01oxc/what_happened_to_bartlebycom_and_what Posted by thedivtagguy 1 year ago What happened to Bartleby.com? And what alternatives do I have for a classical texts repository such as that? I’ve been a huge fan of Bartleby.com, especially because of their text search. I would enter a keyword and out came poems and prose with that keyword from Yeats, Wordsworth, Frost and even Freud if I had stumbled upon something like that. The search hasn’t been working for over 2 years now. I’ve emailed them every month asking for it to be fixed but I’ve received the same reply every time, “We will fix it when we have time.”. I know there is a lot available on the internet but this used to be my one-stop shop for most of my reading and references. Searching on Gutenberg.org just spits out titles with no highlights as to where the keyword featured (which used to be a thing on Bartleby). What are my alternatives? — TremulousHand 1 year ago It was acquired and monetized by Barnes and Noble as a textbook hub and its core mission was significantly changed as a result. This happened in August 2017 . . . It seems pretty clear that Barnes and Noble wanted to acquire an established name for their platform in the hopes that it would drive traffic to it. The old Bartleby material is there, but it’s quite literally crammed at the very, very bottom of the front page of the website in tiny font without any graphics. It looks like the specific pages for Verse and Reference have google site search options, but the pages for Fiction and Nonfiction don’t. I wouldn’t hold my breath that they’re… Read more »

Feb 26, 2021 11:33 PM

There two types of internet addiction;
The Facebook obsessed, lol under every pic, “you ok hun?” Under every attention seeking post then spends 2 minutes on porn hub types
And the researcher!
That’s it

Jeff Johns
Jeff Johns
Feb 26, 2021 4:20 PM

The totalitarian tendencies of digital tech are bad enough. In terms of lived experience, “always on” hyperconnectivity is a runaway train. It’s why I didn’t have home internet until more than a decade into this century, and why to this day I still don’t carry a smartphone. It’s the “drinking from a fire hose” phenomenon that crowds out the three-dimensional world, and it is suffocating our humanity.

I think back to my first-ever solo travel adventure in 1995, planned with a basic travel guide (sans photos) and a landline phone. Everything I encountered felt new and exhilarating. The couple of misadventures I had, which could have been avoided with today’s all-seeing technology, ultimately made the trip more memorable. I don’t necessarily want to go all the way back to that, but a meaningful rebalancing is way overdue.

Feb 25, 2021 7:19 AM

Technology isn’t the problem. Humans are generally irresponsible and lazy, and would rather be entertained and taken care of than working and being accountable for their actions. This behavior allows the population to be ruled and eventually oppressed. There are a few mature people who contribute and are responsible, but we are being taken down with the rest of humanity. Until that changes, until the human race undergoes a psychic change, we will always be dominated by the greedy psychopathic few.

Feb 25, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  jfleer

Seeds grow into trees, the trees die and the moss, bugs, worms etc turn the tree back into mush to feed the next tree. The cycle repeats forever and so it is with human societies. It is the same now, we will see a massive depression, lots of stupid decisions, lots of poverty, lots of hardship, out of which new shoots will appear. The billionaires think they can make it work differently this time, it won’t.

John Roberts
John Roberts
Feb 24, 2021 10:50 PM

Your website wishes everyone a “Happy Vaccinated 2021.”

What a fool,…….COVID is a lie to take away your liberty, it is NOT about an effing virus which is no more deadly than a seasonal flu.

COVID is being used by the psychopaths: Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates for the Great Reset.

The vaccine is part of the plan of massive population reduction.

People are such stupid sheep, they cannot realize where they are being led.

charles kint
charles kint
Feb 25, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  John Roberts

we could call it evacuation

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 28, 2021 7:42 AM
Reply to  John Roberts


Wishing everyone a wonderful and vaccinated 2021!

Per the governor’s order, as of 12/2/20:
op.cit Santa Fe is open to the public and will still offer curbside and local delivery from 8AM to 7PM daily. call us at 505.428.0321.
op.cit. Taos is open to the public, and will offer curbside pickup from 10AM – 5PM daily. call 575.751.1999.
we are happy to order, wrap and ship books or gift certificates for you.
email either store at opcitbooks @ gmail.com.
Masks are required for entry to either location, and please remember to practice social distancing.
Trading books is closed until January 16.
New Releases and Suggestions
‘Promised Land’ by Barack Obama: call us to hold your copy.

And who do I call if I want you to stick it up your . . . ?

Feb 24, 2021 12:50 AM

I may be missing something, but isn’t the solution to all this very simple? Everyone go back to work like 2 years ago, ignore everything the gov says? What are they gonna do, put 8 billion people in prisons? Fine everybody? And if no one pays, put everyone in prison? Please tell me it’s not THAT simple! Apart from that, as for myself, I have unplugged myself along time ago, apart from the internet itself so I can share ideas. These are the things I have done and which I urge everyone to at least CONSIDER: – stop watching the brainwashing-machine planted in every home in the world (AKA a tel-aviv-sion set, which you register and pay a LICENSE FOR [how stupid is that??]) – cover ALL cameras on ALL of your devices with tape (webcams can record and stream even when the phone is in sleep mode) – stop using bank cards and use cash everywhere that cannot be tracked and tied to your name – remain anonymous – stop buying from supermarkets, especially the ones with “loyalty” cards – start buying organic products locally from farms and farm shops – stop using subscriptions and contracts that support large profit-hungry companies and corporations – stop buying pharmaceutical products – start practising yoga exercises and the Wim Hof Method which gives voluntary control of the immune system so you NEVER GET SICK AGAIN – stop drinking tap water with chlorine and fluoride and bottled water with microplastics and pesticides that seep into ground water – start drinking distilled water that is as pure as rain water with no fluoride or chlorine (which is essentially water distilled from the ocean through the sun’s heat) – start growing your own, building your own, making your own (toothpaste without fluoride) and baking your… Read more »

Feb 24, 2021 5:33 AM
Reply to  Steve

“– start practising yoga exercises and the Wim Hof Method which gives voluntary control of the immune system so you NEVER GET SICK AGAIN”

If you have a deficiency or ingest plutonium, get injected with aluminum, yoga doesn’t mean shit.

The “immune system” is not some sort of magical separate aspect of your body, what seems to be “immunity” results from your overall status, as in, you are actually just healthy, and you need essential elements and such, good mitochondrial function for that, minimized toxic inputs.

I’m not saying yoga or wim hof’s method is useless, far from it, I’m just saying, it’s adjunctive, not exactly fundamentally overriding of basic physics.

Anyway, good post. Not much I’d argue with.

Crucially though, do add:

  • Absolutely minimize interaction or association with particularly pharma, medical institution and various other known corrupt institutions such as academia or other similar religious cults.
Feb 24, 2021 6:23 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Oh, right…

“– and for heaven’s sake, start using VPNs (Windscribe is free and great, please support) and ad-block (Kaspersky Total Security works a treat with anti-banner and private browsing)”

Absolutely not.

Feb 24, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  Steve

Using a VPN is basically outsourcing your privacy/security to some corporate/obscure company, take charge of your own privacy, using DNS over HTTPS (DoH) on a privacy hardend open source browser is effectively a better solution (Try PaleMoon browser) even better if you can switch to a privacy hardend operating system too, try duel booting with an Open source Privacy focused Lynux distro, and plan to switch fully. Also use an open source OS on your smartphone, or use a dumb phone. And De-google your internet activity.

Feb 24, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  Steve

Understand that for every redpilled bloke like yourself there are at least 5,000 sheeple who will do whatever the government tells them to do. By the way those sheeple will call the government on you when you do not conform.

Feb 25, 2021 10:15 AM
Reply to  Steve

Get off Microsoft and Apple and move to Linux.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 23, 2021 11:24 PM

MODERN MORON SLAVES do not want that… They are waiting for this!
comment image

Feb 23, 2021 6:53 PM

So yeah, all of those projecting shit like “unplugging, give up your rights, do with less, accept our imposition and censorship”

You go do that. Until then, whatever you suggest is meaningless and ineffectual.

That is your “future”, as a result of your projection, from your basis of possessive imposition and greed.

So do remember, everywhere you go, the desert will follow.

Feb 23, 2021 4:38 PM

Phone calls are continually collected by ALL departments of ALL governments as well as ALL big and medium businesses.

They say, calls are recorded to “improve services”. But services have never improved. Most services, specially government ones, have deteriorated very badly.

So why is the EXTREME dedication to record everyone’s voice???!!

Simply, collecting voice samples enables Big Brother to create a system that can dentify you the moment you utter a word (or two). This identification works well even if you change your number, name or address.

Add video to voice data, and it seems they are keen to figure out your character and political affiliation. Note that, a lot of people who didn’t want to post photos of themselves online found themselves trapped as a lot of businesses and education functions have to run online, courtesy of Covid-19!

John Goss
John Goss
Feb 23, 2021 11:26 AM

“Might we, for instance, begin our resistance by ditching our smartphones?”

A much better idea would be to swap them regularly, continue paying your own bill, keep a list of your contacts, and cause them total chaos.

Feb 23, 2021 11:56 AM
Reply to  John Goss

That is actually ingenious. But it would mess things up so bad, you’d have to be pretty careful with something like that.

John Goss
John Goss
Feb 23, 2021 11:26 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Messing things up is what I had in mind. It would take trust. And some are going to end up with inferior phones. Especially the unlucky sod who gets mine.

Feb 24, 2021 8:35 AM
Reply to  John Goss

Unfortunately I’ve only had a smartphone for a total of about 1 week in my ~4 decades of “life” in this world, otherwise I would probably join you with that.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 23, 2021 2:02 PM
Reply to  John Goss

I bet someone is working on a way to disguise phones through some kind of coop right now. I am in. Shared phone coops that combine and normalize the histories of every day’s activity every day. Randomized ID numbers that change every day or hour to hour. Manually or automatically. A whole new cell service provider. Non 5G of course. Good idea. Fuck you NSA. No need to ditch the phones.

I am a subscriber to The Daily Wire. 20 bucks a month. A growing American conservative outlet, if you are not familiar. They are now producing movies. The first one is called Run Hide Fight. A non Hollywood made with the conservative in mind. The main character, a high school student, ditches her phone. Later, smartphones become and integral part of the movie. I highly recommend the movie. Very intense.

Feb 23, 2021 3:06 PM

“I am a subscriber to The Daily Wire. 20 bucks a month. A growing American conservative outlet, if you are not familiar. They are now producing movies. The first one is called Run Hide Fight. A non Hollywood made with the conservative in mind. The main character, a high school student, ditches her phone. Later, smartphones become and integral part of the movie. I highly recommend the movie. Very intense.”

It sounds like hollywood migrated and you fell for it. Kinda like MSM did with “alternative” news.

I mean, that reads an awful lot like marketing.

Keep in mind I am supremely cynical though.

“Animals, are something invented by plants, to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a particular problem which they faced…”

Feb 23, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  CatCollector


*peculiar problem

“Now I must take their medicine.”

Which is why I use marijuana, kratom, beer, etc.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 23, 2021 6:30 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

I am not marketing. But I believe in what they want to do which is combat the leftist brainwashing that drips from every movie being made. Ben Shapiro has his faults no doubt. I have sent him notes many times to do more research before spouting Covid stats that his wife, the MD, feeds him. I have sent him and others with DW several links to articles posted to off-guardian. I incessantly state the obvious facts about Covid in comments after their stories daily. Things like, “99.9% of the population is safe without a vaccine and PCR testing produces false positives 97% of the time.” EVERY DAY.

It’s all relative. No one is perfect. Making assumptions about me and who I am is not what this about. I have done the same at times. However, for the most part DW has good intentions that are mostly consistent with the people that use this site. Bottom line is that they can and will help the cause.

At least, I think there is a cause. Or is this just more babbling by pissed off people who can’t make up their minds…….?

Tell them. Voice your opinion. Tell you reps you are pissed. Lift the lockdowns. Fight the leftist bullshit being hammered down everyone’s throats.

I work at it regularly. Every day.

I come here to read this stuff for renewal.

I am truly trying to help. That includes you, whomever that may be, and everyone else being negatively effected by the administrative idiots who clearly don’t know any better.

Watch the movie. Don’t critique it in advance.


Feb 24, 2021 10:01 AM

Hey, fair enough, if you sincerely believe it’s helpful.

But as I’ve stated, I’m supremely cynical, also rather disillusioned. Just pointing out my opinion of what I read there looked kinda like marketing.

Like, I absolutely cannot stand hollywood movies/series etc, they are loaded with propaganda, degenerate, subversive crap. I just don’t watch them and I’m not interested in movies in general.

And since that movie (despite apparently not being hollywood) seems to have a sort of political angle, quite potentially propagandist in the partisan sense, involves things like smartphones and is about america I guess…no thanks.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 23, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Gotta watch it to see. Subtle differences that are easy to pick up on. It’s about not being a helpless sheep.

Feb 24, 2021 10:04 AM

Well, thanks for the offer, but I’ll skip that.

I’m a bit more concerned about say, correlations with my heart and things like earthquakes.

Feb 23, 2021 5:30 PM

Gina trannie Carano is such a “patriot’ that she joins Mossad state operative Ben Shapiro in putting Israel first confusing the already confused  conservative , gotta love it.
no thanks

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 23, 2021 6:04 PM
Reply to  Magie

Do what you want. They drank the Koolaid in Jonestown and look what it got them.

Feb 24, 2021 3:27 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Here is a list of open source Android OS alternatives that have no Google software, and do not need a Google account.

John Goss
John Goss
Feb 27, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  Justin

Thanks for that tip and link Justin.

Feb 23, 2021 11:12 AM

This is kind of important, regarding compound effects and understanding intent from typical aspects in society…

Adenylyl Cyclase an overview:

Aluminum: a requirement for activation of the regulatory component of adenylate cyclase by fluoride.

Why do you think there’s so much aluminum pushed in society? They refuse to address the aluminum toxicity from vaccines, which they lied about with bullshit and conflation.

Psychopharmacology of fluoride: a review

“Several surveys of persons chronically exposed to industrial fluoride pollution reported symptoms related to impaired central nervous system functioning with impaired cognition and memory…

Possible mechanisms whereby fluoride could affect brain function include influencing calcium currents, altering enzyme configuration by forming strong hydrogen bonds with amide groups, inhibiting cortical adenylyl cyclase activity and increasing phosphoinositide hydrolysis.”

Adenylyl cyclase activity described with those previous references. Nervous system damage is common with some medications that feature fluoride. Antibiotics, such as this, for example:

Feb 23, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Notice in particular…

“The requirement for Al3+ is highly specific; of 28 other metals tested, only Be2+ promoted activation of G/F by F-.”

The fluoride and aluminum prevalence is intentional due to that sort of effect.

So yeah, the combination of aluminum and fluoride really fucks up your brain (among other things), don’t let them vaccinate you or your children. Avoid fluoride and fluorine.

This is the sort of thing why the internet is useful. Because that shit continually, generationally, degenerates you, as individuals, the species, other animals.

If someone tries to impose with something for “your good or health”, they are almost always lying. If it is industrial, societally general…you know…

They are qlippothic, anti-life. Get it?

Feb 23, 2021 11:47 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Now, you start adding say, another factor.

EMF, known to cause oxidative stress…and then shit like aluminum…with fluoride, aside from some of their already noted effects compound that?

Oxidant Stress Enhances Adenylyl Cyclase Activation

What’s the microwave absorption relating to aluminum, fluoride, hydrogen?

Feb 23, 2021 12:05 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

What happens with aluminum in microwaves (3g frequency), for instance? Now imagine that sort of effect, involving volatile fluoride…except, in your body.

You might be thinking oh but it’s so low energy, the problem is, it still happens…A LOT and the “effective” energy volatility is significantly more than might seem apparent, due to the compounding effects. It’s like, constantly causing microexplosions and breakages.

The effects are also significantly more pronounced in the more vulnerable, particularly children and the elderly, and particularly the concern regarding children is huge because of the levels of aluminum inputs from vaccines and such (which have horrific effects on their own) relative to their bodies.

Feb 23, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  CatCollector


The sort of shit I mentioned with these posts is exactly the thing that people need to stop being ignorant about.

The covid “vaccine” is one problem, but that’s one aspect from a fundamentally broken “healthcare” system, “government”, excessive industry, propagandist political “science” and “education”.

The underlying bullshit of vaccines, medical establishment’s bullshit methodologies, and some of the crap imposed like EMF, water fluoridation, etc has to stop.

Not using the internet won’t solve that.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 23, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Hello CatCollector: I’ve been reading your posts. Many of your statements indicate excellent research and high intellect, yet your use of conflicted and foul language often runs counter-intuitive to the above. I don’t know why you do this…

I believe the general public is choosing to disregard the fact that these environmental toxins are affecting THE RULING CLASS. You know, the classes that affect every aspect of economic wealth and distribution of goods and services…

This behavior alone, should be considered mass suicide by constructive emoji…

Feb 23, 2021 2:58 PM

“yet your use of conflicted and foul language often runs counter-intuitive to the above.”

And…that’s a problem, in what way? Because you were taught to believe language is only acceptable as per institutional standards?

Obviously conflicted language results from incredible amounts of annoyance, stress, trauma, anger, that sort of thing.

So I get really pissed off AND I can recognize bullshit, and sometimes I just refuse to be “polite” about it, as the sort of projected idea of polite behaviour is imo a form of suppression. A sort of sentiment censorship, attempt at downplaying serious problems. It’s dishonest.

Feb 23, 2021 9:46 AM

Don’t ever do something for what someone calls science, just saying.

I’m sure everybody knows fluoride is bad, but here, just a reminder, coz people still seem to use it massively excessively all the time…

Fluoride toxicity and status of serum thyroid hormones, brain histopathology, and learning memory in rats: a multigenerational assessment

“High-fluoride (100 and 200 ppm) water was administered to rats orally to study the fluoride-induced changes on the thyroid hormone status, the histopathology of discrete brain regions, the acetylcholine esterase activity, and the learning and memory abilities in multigeneration rats. Significant decrease in the serum-free thyroxine (FT4) and free triiodothyronine (FT3) levels and decrease in acetylcholine esterase activity in fluoride-treated group were observed. Presence of eosinophilic Purkinje cells, degenerating neurons, decreased granular cells, and vacuolations were noted in discrete brain regions of the fluoride-treated group. In the T-maze experiments, the fluoride-treated group showed poor acquisition and retention and higher latency when compared with the control. The alterations were more profound in the third generation when compared with the first- and second-generation fluoride-treated group. Changes in the thyroid hormone levels in the present study might have imbalanced the oxidant/antioxidant system, which further led to a reduction in learning memory ability. Hence, presence of generational or cumulative effects of fluoride on the development of the offspring when it is ingested continuously through multiple generations is evident from the present study.”

It also messes with endocrine and other function. Minimize your fluoride intake. As in there is no need for any of it. Other than water, some foods are high in fluoride, obviously toothpastes (I would not let a child near fluoride toothpaste), and a significant amount from medications, which does some terrible damage.

Feb 23, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

There was an EPA/FDA guy in the 70s (iirc) that said fluoride is rather implicated in cancer…

So, have you considered what a PET “scan” does?

Let’s inject your body and populate it with some radioactive fluorine, how’s that sound? It’s nice and volatile, toxic, destructive by itself. So now let’s shoot it with radiation and watch it explode inside your body! It’s a pretty picture, isn’t it? That way, we can make sure to know if you have leukemia.

Oh apparently, fluoride can contribute to zinc deficiencies…well, that seems to be kinda common.

Turd Ferguson
Turd Ferguson
Feb 23, 2021 5:04 AM

Almost forgot.
I am 65 and grew up in the 1970’s at Nimbin the hippy capital.
No computers, just a few well chosen records and cassettes.
Locally printed “radical” news paper the”High Times”.
A few drugs, the odd mushroom, a few joints.
Most of us had jobs and those dirt farmers used to grow lots of veges.
Some of us drank beer.
All very laid back and peaceful.
The Freemason’s Hotel at Nimbin.
Today almost no one would say the word “freemason”.
Now I am a tin foil hat wearer.
Actually, it’s BIG like a tin foil sombrero.
I hate TV, never read a newspaper and so far as radio goes, I get to contact people on my ham radio.Real people.. .

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 10:17 AM
Reply to  Turd Ferguson

My TV blew up around 07 and after the shock got over it within half an hour and felt so free after. Gave up tripple j cause they played the same one hundred songs for their one hundred friends and still buy cds but download punk women for music. Stopped listening to RN when the great P Adams was as meek as a cooked noodle when some US admiral went on about the PRC being a global threat and the great man said nothing. Their book section promoted a certain elite self exceptional set of writers and no one else if they could help it and so that ended in the garbage as well. I read books it’s great. Lived in Belligen for a while, but up there it gets a bit warm.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 23, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  Lutz Barz

Greetings from Melbourne Lutz… I stopped listening to Triple J years ago when it became literally like a commercial station, but without the ads. Just generic and boring.
I don’t watch any TV and think the last time I listened to RN was around 2006.
All my information now comes from sites like Offguardian or The Corbett Report. There’s an online blog based in Queensland called Tott News which is good, and has done an excellent job covering the scamdemic from an Australian perspective.
Australia, but especially Melbourne has been a guinea pig for the 0.001% who are behind the scamdemic.

Turd Ferguson
Turd Ferguson
Feb 23, 2021 4:53 AM

Well said.

Peter Cartwright
Peter Cartwright
Feb 23, 2021 2:26 AM

I am in my mid 60’s, brought up in my youth in the 70’s and 80’s before the advent of the internet. Myself and my friends of a similar age often agree that those years were the best years to be young and alive. I don’t own a smartphone, but my wife and friends do, and I have no desire to own one. I do own a tablet, which I am writing on now and a PC, which I use for official communications.

There is nothing more I would like to do than get “unplugged”, and return to the good old days of the 70’s, but the reality is, like many people, I really need access to the internet for my everyday needs. I have been concious of how and why I use the internet, where trusted sources of information are and understanding how the big Tech companies try to steer me towards supporting their narratives.

Just don’t allow them to. Understand this and there is no need to “unplug”, just unplug your mind from the providers of the internet and enjoy.

Feb 23, 2021 4:21 AM

Well said,,,, you captured the essence of it.

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 10:20 AM

I go online three times a week max. For research. Love history and the weird humans on this planet whom I can’t relate to and stopped bothering mostly. My mobile doesn’t do the internet and that makes it cheap as well. By the way a phone can’t be smart. It is bits and pieces that transmit emw.

Feb 23, 2021 12:46 AM

Tolkien was prescient in respect to an idolising and subjection to technos – which at its root is where the mind becomes trapped or fixated in it own externalised tools, systems, structures and concepts. Structure CAN of course serve the expression, unfolding and sharing of life, or the revealing of a living will as our life and world. But the reversal that we are seeing or living through is where life and living is sacrificed to structure, to system, to model, to self imaged reality. Everything is backwards! Jesus contrasted Caesar or worldly power, with all that is of God as all that is worthy of a truly living will, as the recognition of our freedom to choose, along with the consequences of our active choice. What you give to one, you take from the other. But as you give, so is the measure of your receiving and perceiving. The disinvestment from a meaninglessness, or insanity, that actively attacks all meaning and sanity as the lie and deceit given power, is the key to true freedom – which is not IN the frame of the world but in its true revealing presence. Our image and model of our self and world is NOT its reality and can be completely conflicted and divorced from Reality. Because we are for the most part already trained to perceive in terms of denial of fear, locked into distancing or dissociation, under a masking narrative of cover story against exposure to conflict and fear of pain and loss, we are only able to perceive as our filters allow and often distort or even block out. Many are seeing this dissociation in others they have lived with and know in relation to the fear that has been invoked to leverage hate and guilt to reset the… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 23, 2021 12:02 AM

The association of smart mobile phone usage with cognitive function impairment in Saudi adult population
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.36.7.2826

Conclusions: Excessive use of mobile phones can cause cognitive function impairment. Strict policies must be implemented to control the use of smartphones in order to minimize the effects on mobile phone radiation on cognition. The media has to be on the forefront in educating the public about the proper usage of mobile phones.

Complete text: The association of smart mobile phone usage with cognitive function impairment in Saudi adult population | Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences (pjms.org.pk)

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 23, 2021 12:07 AM

Not to worry.

136 Studies Showing Health Effects from WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation

Complete text: http://wifiinschools.com/uploads/3/4/3/4/34340185/wifi_and_device_studies-final-1.docx

There are now more than 7000 peer reviewed studies describing the health benefits of suicide by cell phone and wi-fi.

Feb 23, 2021 12:33 AM

Do you know what else causes cognitive impairment?

Fluoride. Iodine deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency. Excess sodium vs potassium. Aluminum in vaccines. Going to school.

If you shower with fluoridated water, you might want to consider changing that. The chlorine is nice, though, you know? That calming chloroform resulting from it.

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 10:24 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

that is due to the negative ions in the water.

Feb 23, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  Lutz Barz

The chloroform, you mean?

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 10:23 AM

How about that those with impaired brain functions flock to these instruments which speak to them and that is what makes them so magical. Wait when G5 starts frying all our brains. We wont know the difference because we will all be the same morons. Unless we put our heads in the sand literally.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 23, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Lutz Barz

Hello Lutz Barz: People keep ignoring that these devices are affecting the cognitive functions of the ruling class. My belief is that mankind is committing mass suicide, via technology.

Blaming an obviously insane “elite” for mass suicidal prowess, is a handy diversion leading to no where…

Feb 22, 2021 11:57 PM

I’ve given you enough incentive to unplug. So.

Feb 23, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  CatCollector


Did you know that Angola has historically “supplied” something close to 10% of “America’s” (not sure how much these days) oil?

Apparently, there are a lot of internet sort of attacks involving Angola. Kinda strange

Anyway, here’s a nice site for financial advice:

Feb 23, 2021 12:41 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

“Did you know that Angola has historically “supplied” something close to 10% of “America’s” (not sure how much these days) oil?”

That’s really cool, btw. Coz, like a lot of other south africans, they fought for american oil interests against soviets in angola, my dad was one of those guys, he’s very proud to recognize that it was bullshit.

Feb 22, 2021 11:47 PM

Have you tried constant chronic pain, btw?

Feb 22, 2021 11:57 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Yep I do it every day tHanks for reminding me.

Feb 23, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  Edith

It’s the best, isn’t it?

Constantly being annoyed, in pain, depressed, stressed, tired. I wonder what pharmaceuticals will help me real good. I should probably get those.

Feb 23, 2021 12:04 AM
Reply to  Edith

What sort of pain?

I’ve tried a lot of drugs, they’re useless.

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Feb 23, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

sad being so non street. otherwise you’d know. I do. Been there. Got over it thirty years later.

Feb 23, 2021 10:52 AM
Reply to  Lutz Barz

“sad being so non street. otherwise you’d know.”

Not sure what you mean

Feb 22, 2021 11:40 PM

Hey, here’s one of the better ideas I had.

Basically, you have like gyms, right? But what you do is you use mechanisms to generate electricity.

Just in principle, you know.

But I found, that if I told people about it and that I was using that to power my gym, they didn’t like that idea. They expected like discount or something. Lol.

So I didn’t tell them.

Feb 23, 2021 6:08 AM
Reply to  CatCollector

Funny, I thought of generators as gym tools. But I did think of giving discounts. Just an idea came when exercising. Another is to plant fruit trees and vegetables by the sides of the roads. So much space is wasted. If there’s only half a meter wide on one side, there’s one square meter for one meter of the road. How many millions of kilometers worldwide? So much is wasted.

Feb 23, 2021 8:18 AM
Reply to  jkb

Yeah there’s a lot wrong in terms of food supply/agriculture//plant and land use.

Some residential areas with high amounts of pesticide, herbicide use, lawns, a bunch of homogenized decorative plants are only damaging the (local) environment.

May Hem
May Hem
Feb 22, 2021 11:30 PM

Some good news from Portugal:
The PCR test “is unable to determine, beyond reasonable doubt, that a positive result corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus”, said the Lisbon Court of Appeal.
While the court has deemed the test to be unreliable, medical experts have hit back against these claims, stating the judges have acted “irresponsibly” in their ruling.”


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 23, 2021 6:40 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Yes! Even the WHO has recently posted its opinion that doctors should consider more than just a returned positive test result – i.e. the presence of good old symptoms, for instance – before declaring a new Covid case.
The number of test cycles in the lab are also supposed to be taken into account – too many cycles may mean nary any “viral” fragments are present, i.e. the person is not infected, not sick.

Feb 22, 2021 11:24 PM

Digital technollogy has definately become our enemy as well as the ordinary person’s fear of angering their government.

Feb 23, 2021 12:02 AM

I think people are stupid to not recognize that what they should be fearing is earth.

I’ve been here hey, it’s kinda hostile. And…well, people have done some really stupid things.

May Hem
May Hem
Feb 22, 2021 11:21 PM

Good comment on how the PCR test is configured on John Rapport’s site from Jt …..

“Intelligence also indicates a certain percentage of labs cannot access CtV (cycle threshold value) data which is camouflaged by a “black box” test which merely registers positive or negative. In this way, an algorithm that determines CtV can be triggered remotely in order to create targeted “pscho-viral” outbreaks. Conversely, remote manipulation of the CtV algorithm downward can prove vaccine and/or lockdown successes.

Although the RT-PCR’s CtV is the weakest link in the Covid psyop, it does not mean the Scientific SS will not zealously defend its position. Time is of the essence. Irreversible genetic beachheads are being established in as many people as possible, before the extent of injury and loss of autonomy becomes knowable.

Nevertheless, we now possess the hard fought intelligence that CtV is central to Covid fraud. With it, we must force CtV disclosure by every legal means possible, in order to defend our genome against synbio assault.”

This is how they rig the PCR test.

Feb 23, 2021 12:25 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Does that mean, the lab testing for the new virus must be connected to the internet in order to give the test result?

This must be made CLEAR!
This is probably the last straw in the test credibility.

Feb 22, 2021 11:21 PM

LADIES and Gentlemen: I think it is time to honor Ted Kaczynski of whom it is said his IQ score was an unbelievable 167.

Feb 23, 2021 8:19 AM

Another guy the other day asked me how I have a 11400 iq, I took a screenshot because I didn’t know that.

Feb 23, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

I wasn’t kidding…


Where it says I have a 10th dan, that’s wrong. I have the experience of multiple one belts.

I’m sure it makes sense.

Feb 22, 2021 10:53 PM

I’ll ask very simply, should I abandon you, is there any purpose in bothering?

I’m finding it very difficult to justify consideration.

Feb 22, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Legitimately, how many of you are not peddling?

I’ll kinda leave it at that.

Feb 22, 2021 10:31 PM

I’ve deleted Facebook and Twitter. Still have the “smart” phone, but also bought an old school Nokia to help navigate the insane covid tracking rules, sign in manually when required. Never watch mainstream media, except to find out the latest Simpsons prediction for the future. It’s been a few years in the making but gradually disconnection. It isn’t all bad, like you say, it would be hard to read this content without access to the net.

Nothing wrong with that, many parts of it are very useful, which is what it began as, but the triviality and surveillance are aspects to be avoided. I now access using different accounts and VPN depending what it is I’m trying to do. My “security” levels depend on the content I’m after. It’s been a year and I’m enjoying the extra time it’s given me. I certainly don’t miss the propagandised social media platforms at all There’s only so many cat videos and fancy dinners you can admire.

Feb 22, 2021 10:13 PM
John Thurloe
John Thurloe
Feb 22, 2021 10:10 PM

I have reduced my powerful smartphone to a simple telephone. What a relief to now be free of the always intrusive, ever-spying device. I have a very good VPN covering my computers and email. All my peripheries are now hard wired. I am off Facebook, Twitter and on no other social media.Using auto translators I widely read foreign media. I am long past reading any garbage like the Globe & Mail, NYT, the BBC. I have turned off the obnoxious cable TV. This is a much more satifying arrangement.

Feb 22, 2021 9:46 PM

“the ruling class” would like nothing more than getting rid of the internet (as we know it). Now, their misdeeds go round the world and are examined and dissected in an instant. They don’t like that.
I suspect the author is well aware of this…

Feb 22, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  richard

They forgot that their walls have silica too.

Feb 22, 2021 9:41 PM

So did you know, the “metrosexual” problem is obviously caused by industrial, agricultural factors, from a solid background in chemical warfare, physically, and a dose of religious indoctrination classified as mental health support or social welfare?

Now instead of acknowledging that, recognizing the toxic factors. The results stemming from that are encouraged, people are told “it’s normal”, but what’s actually happening is just more toxic shit.

And then, to “fix” or “help” that, again, they ignore fundamentals and suggest various forms of involvement with institutional degeneracy, such as additional synthetic toxins most often along with a nice dose of projective psychological reeducation.

Feb 22, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

You throw some of the common toxic shit in the water and the tadpoles turn gay. What are you expecting?

You’re not special, you’re retarded.

So instead of people acknowledging that sort of thing, I mean it’s not necessarily an individual’s fault…it’s environmental too, but if you can’t recognize that, you are just going to get worse as a species and can consider yourself extinct.

That denial is going to get you back into your cave from the megahurts of terrabites turning you into troglodytic trilobites.

Coz, you’re ignoring the environment, too.

Feb 22, 2021 9:33 PM

Ditched my smartphone last year. It’s only one tiny piece of the puzzle, but I’m never going back!

Feb 22, 2021 9:06 PM

symbiotic relationship between doc meficines
degraded infected foods

and 5g add the vax in the mix add 2nd or 3rd vaccine shot
goyim you got a problem

for many alas you are worth more dead than alive
bonds traded in your name
but thats another story

Feb 23, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  gordan

Luckily I have no worth. But I see many rich people.

Oh, and there are no other stories. Diss is it.

Neither man, nor woman or any combination of them is allowed perpetuation. Oh well.

Society collectively chose society’s collective banishment, based on consensus, from policy by the superiors wholeheartedly supported and enabled by only inferiors.

Humans are extincted. Human constructs are extincted. They have chosen incorrectly.

It is unfortunate that I have to tell people that I do not function at their near meaningless timescales.

Feb 22, 2021 9:06 PM

It wasn’t supposed to get very cold in Texas, but it did.

comment image

Feb 23, 2021 1:05 PM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

Looks like a modern art masterpiece.

Feb 22, 2021 9:00 PM

Why would anyone get the jab after this?’: AP criticized for saying Covid vaccination WON’T bring life back to normal


Feb 22, 2021 9:26 PM
Reply to  Magie

My question is, what do people think they gain from vaccines?

Is it like, the new meth?

Check, Hopsin used to have a really good friend, then that guy used pharma shit. He was vaccinated too:

Feb 22, 2021 9:56 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Why not link to a Highwire video ? Neurologist Chris Shaw points out the potential dangers of the mRNA poison.

Feb 22, 2021 10:01 PM
Reply to  Peter

As it is, I actually care far less about the covid vaccine than ALL THE OTHER SHIT PEOPLE ARE IGNORING.

If measles mortality dropped by 98% from 1900-1962 (before vaccines), and was entirely negligible after that, known to be directly related to deficiency and toxicity…why in the FUCK would you give a child this?


And that, again, is just one of the many unnecessary toxic vaccines that cannot even potentially have any benefit whatsoever.

Feb 23, 2021 4:03 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Not a single upvote for pointing out that abusing children based on bullshit is obviously wrong and you will be banished forever, because of that?

My “respect” for OffG is rapidly vanishing. As is my potential to sustain this worthless world or any aspects of its collectively degenerate though meaningless psyche.

Whatever species society, industrial “civilization” represents is to be annihilated ultimately and absolutely. It’s not a discussion.

Feb 22, 2021 8:56 PM

There are some advantages to the internet. The most significant for me is (was) travel. The ability to book flights, cars, hotels with ease and tailor make road trips. Many other purchases, such as clothing, shoes, even food shopping, has been, in my experience, improved by the internet. Moreover, the ease at which information can be accessed. Social Media, in my experience, has never been positive, although it can become mildly addictive. I had deleted all of my Social Media by 8th January this year. I found it remarkably refreshing. I have not missed any of my Facebook ‘friends’ or Twitter ‘followers’. Even Linkedin seemed to provide only a daily digest of lecturing opinions. (I concluded there was no benefit to keeping in touch with ‘friends’ and ex-colleagues I hadn’t seen in years, and who clearly didn’t share my values.) Avoiding News media is also refreshing, reading a weekend Newspaper provides just as much valuable information as all the literal bombardment of lecturing, usually about ‘mental health’, ‘climate change crisis/emergency’, etc. of hourly news broadcasts, which are not helpful to calm, clear thinking. Some Youtube broadcasters (such as Mallen Baker) provide far better, calm and balanced broadcasting than much of the media (and ‘opinion formers’, Politicians, etc.) who always start sentences with ‘we’.
There are advantages and disadvantages to the internet. The important thing is to use what is available to you for your own advantage, with careful consideration and caution.

Feb 22, 2021 9:10 PM
Reply to  Michael_S


Like I often get porno shit directed at me. And I mean, I’m just a guy. But I don’t care for porno. Naked women, sure, that’s great. I’ll search for that myself.

Now, here’s the ACTUAL sort of problem with the internet (many people will despise me for this).

90% of the japanese military research budget goes towards sexual subversion.

I would kinda uhm, abolish a lot of stuff.

On the world’s most popular game platform, steam, you can for instance find games that essentially depict children (the mental dishonesty you have to try to suggest otherwise disqualifies your opinion automatically).

And…I don’t actually have a problem with that. Except, the age restriction seems to be 18+. See, that’s wrong. It should have a MAXIMUM age restriction, not minimum, for that sort of thing.

See, and people tell me I’m a dick. Say what?

Feb 22, 2021 8:56 PM
Feb 22, 2021 8:29 PM

Yes. Don’t be a hypocrite. Yes we have to live in the modern world, but one can minimise one’s complicity in the system.
I don’t use social media and got rid of all Google, Microsoft etc accounts.
I have optimised my phone to hardly give me any notifications.
I like tech, but I despise the system and the way it ties you into everything. So I try to be as off-grid as possible. Samsung smartphones use Google Play for app downloads.. which means a Google account. I found a way to download APK files and install directly.
Ignore sheep, idiots and morons. They cannot be saved. Go your own way.
I am definitely liberated now I am unplugged.
PS do not take the test if possible, who knows what those swabs contain.

Feb 22, 2021 8:21 PM

I thought the article here by David Perez was quite interesting, but I really liked the artwork by Caitlin Roark.
How does she paint in blur?

Here is another by her.

comment image


dr death
dr death
Feb 22, 2021 8:09 PM

the real question is, ‘can the majority of the herd be separated from the consequences of their own poor choices’… I think not.

perusing the vapid plastic personas that populate so called ‘social medias’ and associated drek, I fear the prognosis is terminal for most influencers and their drooling minions.

Feb 22, 2021 7:56 PM

Refuse CV test at the airport

Feb 22, 2021 9:08 PM
Reply to  Magie

cv test is a dose discreet

Feb 22, 2021 10:41 PM
Reply to  Magie

Top man, top man. I’ve refused to wear a mask on public transport and on internal flights here in NZ. No real drama so far. Had a hospital appointment and 2 flights with minimal fuss. Local medical centre made me wait outside when I said I was exempt from wearing a mask, I’m currently composing an email to explain that the staff member’s action is discriminatory, illegal and basically a form of apartheid. I’ll advise of the response when I get it.

Feb 23, 2021 2:14 AM
Reply to  Magie

Do you know these top 10 corona facts? (english subtitles)

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 22, 2021 7:55 PM

As James Corbett points out in some detail, national laws to regulated the tech giants are a Trojan Horse designed to entrench them as monopolies. The only way to put a stake through the organ where their hearts should be is to use competing decentralized social media. I for one am quite happy with email except for downloading videos where I mainly use Bitchute.

Feb 22, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Indeed, I’m using Bitchute, Brand New Tube, Proton Mail, Brave Browser, using VPN. Deleted FB, Twitter, slowly getting away from Google. Fuck Zuckerberg and his ilk. Masters of the Universe they are not.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Feb 22, 2021 7:47 PM

Very interesting comments from prominent well connected US medic
Professor Marty Makary talking about natural herd immunity and plummeting “covid rates” .worth reading before it disappears.
good version here but you have to scroll past sporadic ads.


Feb 22, 2021 7:54 PM

Hopkins Medical School professor?
prominent well connected US medic?

Thanks, but no thanks..

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Feb 22, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  Willem

I didn’t mean to imply support , only that such a person has made this admission and that the story is quickly buried as it contradicts the “narrative”

ie try as they might, the evidence for their agendas doesn’t exist.

Feb 22, 2021 10:45 PM
Reply to  Willem

Address the message, not the source. It shouldn’t matter who says something or what organisation they belong to. The message is all that matters, otherwise we fall into a trap of strawman arguments and ad hominems.

Feb 22, 2021 8:25 PM

There is no herd immunity, vaccines or otherwise.

Idiots mistake shared results from similar habits, diets, environments.

Feb 22, 2021 9:02 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Listen, if herd immunity was a thing everybody would be immune to all colds and flus.

They are not, because they happen to often be vitamin D deficient, especially every year in winter, and as a fucking essential genetic regulation factor, among other effects…you might want to consider that as being kind of overriding.

No matter what you say about mythical herd immunity, vaccine “protection”, if you are vitamin D deficient, your shit breaks, you get RTIs and other issues. If you are vaccinated it’s simply worse because of extra toxicity which does not address that deficiency.

Feb 22, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Like herpes and cold sores, viruses sometimes can’t be cured. But we do develop the ability to combat them by exposure. So no, “immunity” isn’t always possible, but developing the body’s ability to defend itself after exposure is a fact. Yes, lifestyle is a massive part of preparing your body to fight disease and infection, but we do have an immune system which is seriously compromised by poor lifestyle choices and insane measures around covid.
Next year will be interesting after 18 months of hand sanitizer and minimal social interaction. Weakened immune systems will have their revenge.

Feb 22, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  kaya3

Especially when weakened further by the injection.

Feb 23, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  kaya3

“So no, “immunity” isn’t always possible, but developing the body’s ability to defend itself after exposure is a fact.” You see, some people don’t get those problems, at all. After you’ve developed those resulting problems from various deficiencies and toxicities (such as herpes from the measles vaccine’s toxicity), arguing from a basis that when it is alleviated (due to bodily repair function, involving essential elements and natural support factors), you are suggesting it is “immunity” you are talking shit because immunity was already compromised and shown to be the case symptomatically. If the same toxicities and deficiencies return, you will get the same sort of problems, but potentially and most likely worse, or affecting something else significantly, due to the accumulated damage. That is how people continually get colds/flus (regardless of what they call it), with similar symptoms, in winter, every year because it is impossible to counter deficiency with anything other than the elements necessary. You cannot get around that, it is physically impossible. There is no immunity. *Tolerance* to certain toxins can be developed, to some degree, yes, but even for that, it is never a preferential thing if it is unnecessary (as in, didn’t happen naturally) because it affects the adaptive capacity, there are tradeoffs, diverting energy and influencing metabolism, as well as introducing unnecessary damage. And to deal with those toxins, the body STILL needs inputs to deal with the excessive toxicity factors, things like antioxidants and chelators. The other thing is the apparent results from toxicity can get “shifted”, while you think symptoms are gone suppressed, but get worse. For a crude example in terms of mechanisms, the tonsils are inflamed at the exposure to casein, it means the tonsils consider the casein as toxic. So let’s say you have no tonsils, or due to… Read more »

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 22, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

I know you don’t believe in the immune system and you aren’t the only one.

I’m kind of in 2 minds because I’ve been brainwashed to believe in it like most people, and when I suggest vitamins & minerals, I sometimes come out with the “strengthen the immune system” line. But if viruses don’t cause disease (which I more believe than don’t believe), then the immune system can’t be working as advertised.

So, I’m thinking it could be thought of as a simplified model, and what is really going on is that the various vitamins and minerals (which are needed for many functions in the body, most of which have nothing to do with what are usually called viral diseases) help the body to heal itself, which evolution has had a long time to teach it how to do.

Feb 23, 2021 1:31 PM

That’s pretty much what I’m suggesting. Apparent “immunity” is simply related to systemic function, overall health status. That “immune system” or “immunity” is simply a result of that status, it’s not some kind of isolated thing or concept you can separate.

Which is how for instance, that vitamin D hammer clears up RTIs within a day or two. Because “immunity” and repair was restored by addressing that deficiency.

It is also how you can get, say, rapid and complete resolution of would would be fatal measles with a similar Vitamin A treatment.

Exposure to some “contagious” agent has nothing to do with it.

As you age, accumulated deficiency/toxicity and related damage, no matter what sort of exposure to whatever, if your status is shit, your mitochondrial and ATP function weakens, you have various dysfunctions, you get sick. It’s not difficult to understand.

Feb 23, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

Regarding that Vitamin A, just like the Vitamin D there, I wanted to add…

Because it was again, addressing a systemic deficiency for something essential, NOT the pasteur methodology of attacking a pathogen.

And those are the actual “cures”, with automatic “immunity” if they are addressed (various dietary elements, environmental toxicity).

Because it wasn’t about being “immune” to something, get it?

The resulting damage of what people often THINK they needed “immunity” against, which is mythical, is from that deficiency.

The “immunity vs…” thing is a conflated, incorrect concept.

While you are say, vitamin D deficient, your system degenerates. As it degenerates, proteins break, get ejected, mutate, etc. DNA, RNA fragments and breakages…

So while that accumulates, most people seem to think they need immunity against something that infected them and causes them to be sick…well, yeah, you do need immunity against vitamin D deficiency, in that case, as that’s what caused it. So address that.

As another example, I can invent a new virus of contagious stupidity for you, not kidding. It’s very simple and is the same thing done with other viruses. It takes about 2 minutes.

Feb 22, 2021 7:30 PM

The world we’re living in is completely dominated by technology. That technology fed the wants of the people . That’s how business, progress and advancement works. The old adage ” ‘‘necessity is the mother of invention’‘ wasn’t really uttered at any point with this age in mind. After all, there’s a big difference between want and need. Do we need it ? Some- not much. Do we want it ? Desperately and most of it please. That’s the crux. The grid is the church of the hi tech addict.  The article’s suggestion of unplugging seems a tad glib given the dominance that technology has now. There’s more layers to the whole online experience than it first appears. Addiction isn’t what you yearn for it’s the yearning. It’s a transferable curse. The former heroin addict is now a gambling addict; the former alcoholic is now a heroin addict; the former gambling addict is now an alcoholic. The internet and mobile phone make up the new addiction- Cybersmack. Most addicts arrived at their own private nightmare after running away from one. Life became too dull, too hopeless; too meaningless, or too painful. That suffocating sense of apathy requires more strength than ever before to overcome, or an anaesthetic to postpone the inevitable. An escape to a place where you can hide from reality in one you imagine. But then you realise you’ve become hooked on that too. The digital industrial revolution is multi layered. It serves many purposes for those who crafted it over the decades. By replacing humans with machines it was able to make the need for High Street shops and staff obsolete. It replaced thousands of men on production lines. It created a workforce that never slept, never took breaks, never asked for holidays and didn’t require a salary.… Read more »

Feb 22, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Dude, I shit you not, I scrolled up after replying to something else, saw that one paragraph of yours (without reading) and I knew YOU were trying to peddle.

Here’s me peddling:

So hey, Frank Can Sense.

Frankincense is apparently 147mhz

There are some 47s in that link.

The amount of subscribers there is 741.

I ain’t playing.

Feb 22, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Does RFK know that things like mercury and other toxicity from vaccines cause problems like speech impediments?

While anyone is being pro-vax, despite their appeals about “safe vaccines” (and there are none), children are being toxified.

Debt accumulates.

Feb 22, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  CatCollector

My post was about the article. About internet addiction. Why are you asking me about what Robert Kennedy knows or believes. I don’t know the man well enough to speak to him. You ask him.

If RFK is calling for more stringent testing of vaccines because of the damage they’ve caused in the past( to children especially), how is that ‘pro-vax’ vax ?

If he’s ‘pro-vax’ why does he produce so many numbers to support his position and invite all pro-vaxxers to debate him with the prize being his own resignation ?

Whatever you think or think you know, RFK has no say on whether or not children get needled. That decision is processed through different avenues. He’s trying to build a roadblock.

Obviously, if there’s actual evidence rather than doctored excerpts of videos or opinions trying to be facts then RFk is exposed. And he’ll have to resign and humiliate himself. Why do you think he’s so confident that this isn’t how it will pan out.

dr death
dr death
Feb 22, 2021 8:33 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

first they created all of you, then they created the ‘virtual world’ to warehouse you all.. they’ll hook you all up, with a vaccine modem..
regular little gods they are, regular little dark lords.

masters of the electronic void..

Feb 23, 2021 4:44 AM
Reply to  dr death

Luciferian dirt. Freemasonic demons. Elitist filth.

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Feb 22, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

You should patent Shangri-La and become the new deity. How do you enter? Through the Heavenly Gates. But wait! I smell brimstone…..shome mishtake surely?

Feb 23, 2021 4:32 AM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

Now we know where he got his inspiration all those years ago..;)

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 23, 2021 12:34 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Another page reflecting hundreds of such letters and studies: >

Electronic Weapons, Radio Frequency Radiation, Remote Manipulation of the Human Nervous System


Feb 23, 2021 4:33 AM

Weapons for the insane. Yet, in a world filled with good old fashioned conventional weapons, they’re still out there walking around.

captain spam
captain spam
Feb 22, 2021 7:12 PM

I remember a world where there were no computers, mobile phones, ATM machines, VCRs or DVDs, with 2 TV channels, cars without 1500 microchips anyone could repair, CCTV cameras, quickie divorces, rabid feminazis, child trannies, and much else besides. How did we ever manage???

Feb 23, 2021 6:04 AM
Reply to  captain spam

Mate’s just started a job in a warehouse. They make him wear a heart monitor. How did they ever manage before strap on heart monitors?

Feb 22, 2021 7:12 PM

To see how State Corporatist media tells the diametric opposite of power relations…. Myanmar is an example in real time.

The Last American Vagabond, with Ryan Cristián

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Feb 22, 2021 6:55 PM

Off topic but connected , this is a vid from the grand opening of the new Swiss rail tunnel 2018. All the euro big-nobs are present.
They aren’t a bunch of satanists ….riiight .

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 22, 2021 7:24 PM

Wow. That’s just weird as sh-t. Really weird and so ridiculously bad that it’s funny in a Springtime for Hitler in Germany way.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Feb 22, 2021 7:42 PM

This isn’t the video I linked !

this should be :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbOldRsITpQ

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 22, 2021 8:01 PM

Again, it’s so bad it’s mesmerizing. Just incredibly, almost unbelievably bad. I can’t stop watching and laughing at it. It’s as bad as public sculpture.

Feb 22, 2021 8:52 PM

Then you need to duck duck George Bush on the morning of 9/11 satanic ritual – plane hit steel must- spell ing with the kids! Boom ! Plane or high tech illusion hits twins

Feb 22, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  AngryAngry

Crude CGI Insert passes ghostlike through tower.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 22, 2021 6:46 PM

The longer the absolute banning of all COVID scepticism from the media goes on, the greater the gap between this media and the population, although this in itself will never be admitted in the media and I can therefore only assume it’s true because…well I can’t believe people are as stupid as the media makes them out to be. Even the ones just going along with it because they feel they have no option are starting to feel greater and greater cognitive dissonance as time goes on especially considering the increasing belligerence of the media story- and the increasing absurdity of it.

Of course the media themselves are perfectly aware of the dissenters and prepared various pseudo controversies for a high profile airing to divert anger e.g. mishandling of the crisis, disputes over the efficacy of the various vaccines – as long as these disputes always took place within the COVID narrative. No allowance is ever given to legitimate virus scepticism being aired and all of that just hovers on the periphery as heresy from sociopaths.

But surely there must be a huge number of the population who have “switched themselves off” from this insufferable and indeed degrading bullshit. At which point it seems that the media now serves the same function as the psychological torture inflicted by playing constantly repeated children’s TV themes during the Waco siege.

Thus TV news no longer serves even its putative purpose and is now just pure mind bending noise.

Feb 22, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In the Netherlands people seem to care less and less about the ‘social measures’. and with the weather warming up, masks are nowhere to be seen, except in places like supermarkets and hospitals. Gatherings larger than 2 persons are, although forbidden, pretty common to be seen in street life. There are even dance parades now in public parks where easily 1000 people come and see each other. The police is pretty relaxed. Actually, they have been caught here once with a banner inside their office which said ‘NOS [our state television] is Fake news’. I can relate, as they don’t have the nicest job ie trying to kill small business, making youth life terribly boring and making elderly life a total hell. There is a curfew, but the police doesn’t really watch. Today there was a Twitter handle that said ‘klaar met Rutte’ (done with prime minister Rutte), which went viral and then was ‘disappeared’. The vaccine thing is still a riddle to me (my friends, who I consider a representative group of academics still consider it the best invention since Coca Cola, and in hospital too many people are (I think) under the impression that saying that you will not take the vaccine is socially unacceptable). But the government still doesn’t seem to give an inch in opening the shops. And with that it becomes clearer each day what the true pandemic is actually about: the economy. And the reason why NL is pretty lax about the measures (I think) is because they don’t want to enrage the public too much about that what becomes more and more clear (if you walk through malls and city centers) that is that small business must disappear. For what it’s worth: That is what I have been seeing here during the last… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 22, 2021 8:03 PM
Reply to  Willem

Yes it’s the economy. That would go a long way towards explaining the half arsed nature of the COVID implementations e.g. constantly updated directives on when/ how to wear masks and no-one other than those pathetic jacked up little budding fascist members of the public really giving a shit.

It would also explain the shoddy data collection method of those DIY test homekits.

I have even wondered if the vaccines even contained anything at all. Yes there may have been microchips in there but it didn’t really matter. The vax companies get to clean up, everyone feels something is happening and meanwhile the news gets to report something and the economy continues to get shafted. As do we.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 22, 2021 11:23 PM
Reply to  Willem

Here in UK there is also definitely a feeling that there is favouritism towards the big corporations, but small businesses of all kinds can go to hell.

I see on Twitter dozens of complaints from small business ppl, most of them confessed Conservatives who are now vowing never to vote Conservative again. (My own feeling is that they and we will never get the chance to vote anything again, but that’s another chapter in the story).

And of course I see what is going on in the shopping streets and areas in my own town.

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Feb 23, 2021 9:58 AM

Until a couple of weeks ago when they permitted all shops to open again here in Cyprus, supermarkets were strictly forbidden to sell anything but food and other “essentials” otherwise there would have been unfair competition if they sold things like pots and pans when other businesses that sold these things were forced to stay shut. Fair enough, but you could still buy this stuff on Amazon and make Bezos even richer.

Feb 23, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

My general impression of London. A lot of people have switched themselves off. Ads calling on everyone to act like they have Covid seem to be heeded by nobody that I can see. Of course the terrified will not come out to play in any case…

Feb 22, 2021 6:43 PM


If you are sitting around passively accepting the murder of the elderly, with their deaths commensurate and associated with the vaccinations and policies without even flinching or considering that…you REALLY shouldn’t be surprised if you get passively murdered too.

And with that, I’ll add, none of hollywood is acceptable.

There have been no useful values that I’ve learned from society, ever. Every single attempt at teaching, projection has been degenerate derivation from my intrinsic being trying to corrupt that, trying to shape me to be as pathetic as indoctrinated people are. Fuckoff.