WATCH: Really Simple Syndication – #SolutionsWatch
James Corbett’s latest episode of Solutions Watch is a tip for taking control of how you access the news.
#SolutionsWatch isn’t just about the Big Ideas. It’s also about the simple tricks, tips and techniques that we can use to regain power over our lives and help create the world we want. Today, James explores one very simple and tragically under-appreciated tool: Really Simple Syndication.
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The corona coverage has sunk to the level of utterly apathetic automation now. Still grinding out the news of doom now averted by those wondrous vaccines which nevertheless will not necessarily mean we can have the gall to think we can go back to normal and actually start to approach each other. I wonder if this tediously reiterated fake news is being read by robots or readers drugged out of their minds so they can no longer comprehend what they‘re saying – as we all wearily screech along the most unconvincing ghost train ride of all time.
The only way we get back to normal is if most of us blatantly ignore this pure insanity and get back to normal.
What is “back to normal”?
You mean, the way it was before 2020?
I figured the hindsight associated with that, should’ve been a wake up call that it wasn’t normal. It was dysfunctional degenerate garbage. What people considered normal, led to that.
Never go back or “reset” to that sort of shit, because it avoids the fundamental issues that perpetuate the same machinations for the problems.
And the covidiocy shit they’re trying to promote isn’t acceptable, either.
You’re right to question that, but I think the point is what we can all do as individuals to get back to normal.
This is just an example, but for me, ‘normal’ is working at my piano preparing for concerts which have certainly been put on hold for now, but there is going to come a time when people will want to hear live Beethoven and Rachmaninoff again.
If I stop practising, I won’t be in good enough shape when that time comes.
I don’t care whether that will be the same scenario for the whole of society as before 2020; the main thing is that for me and the audience it will be the same.
I suppose for many people in more group-oriented professions, some creative thinking will have to go on so as to find their feet again in the wider world, but what really was normal in 2019 can still be normal again. It just looks as if we will have to work to reinstate it.
For a start, I would suggest keeping a much closer eye on the kind of people we tolerate as our ‘scientific experts and spokesmen’…
Naming and shaming could also become fashionable again. I’ve really had more than enough of policial correctness.
Funny how the WEF with all its wealth can’t produce population-adjusted Covid death stats:
Making the USA and Brazil look by far the worse wouldn’t have anything to do with their populist leaderships, would it?
Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines Movie
October 6, 2013
Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines Movie dire – YouTube
Has anything changed?
The technological Deep State staged events of 2020 and January 6, 2021 were designed to a purpose. That purpose is to confuse and conflict the public at a soul level. The anticipated proclamations of martial law should startle and offend, yet the public has been so manipulated they will conform to whatever nonsense their televisions and media whores have presented.
The linked video below is only an introduction to the depth of media and “educational” manipulations that the populace refuses to correct.
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Media Manipulation
August 13, 2016
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Media Manipulation ▶️️ – YouTube
What is happening with the COVID situation actually contradicts Marx’s entire theory through which capitalism developes the means of production to a point where the workers then seize those means through revolution to impose a new system. What is happening here is that the rulers (and most definitely the rulers despite Left delusions that it was really the workers) have imposed restrictions and lockdowns which are bound to have the effect of destroying current productive means with the intention of introducing sweeping technological updates.
And this act of “creative destruction” is entirely typical of capitalism. On a much smaller scale it’s what happened with the update in print technology at Wapping whereby workers at the old print depot were simply bypassed and thrown aside to make way for the new. The law had no problem upholding that act of economic violence. And they have no problem implementing the COVID measures.
Or is it a transition from capitalism to another stage of exploitative class society, like the one from slavery to feudalism and then from feudalism to capitalism?
No. It’s capitalist-slavery backtracking to feudalist-slavery before the introduction of the commons, private land ownership and common law. It’s just got a modern technofascist spin, genetic modification and command central control using global governance.
Remember how everything fails?
It’s also the ‘soft power’ touch of Imperialism which is still the ongoing concern, but this time of a totally global nature to conquer All nations and their resources by the prevailing cosmocracy. Aka global elite, illuminists or whatever names you desire to attribute to them!
Yes. Since at least Roman times, it’s been global imperialism, as an extension of monarchism and empire that’s militarized, corporatized and so hides the levers of power.
However, countries, borders and blocs were intentionally created to provide cover for economic imperialism, military imperialism and colonialism so it would appear that the origins were either political, religious, cultural or geographical.
It’s quite clever the way they (whatever names they use or are attributed to them such as you mentioned) have covered their tracks using warring nation states (and before that religious wars) as a pretext for depopulating and transitioning from one currency debt base to another. Each time a currency cycle ends, they deflate the Ponzi scheme through a war and democide.
Now the war is on the entirety of humanity, bar the 0.01%.
What has now become the 0.01p.c. have never been removed from power throughout history or without being replaced.
That’s the huge problem humanity has to face. Viruses, vaccines and Covid scamdemic
all pale into insignificance by way of comparison.
The head has to be somehow cut off the snake otherwise it’s goodnight Vienna for us all and the errors of our history will always be repeated!
Workers are gonna seize big shit. The reasons are too many. One of them being that the Marxist evolutionary theory has been discredited through the demonisation of the Second World, which was mightily aided by the fucked up bolsheviks themselves, the fact that people the world over have been convinced, especially over the past three decades, that they’re all individual micro-capitalists, that “history has ended” as per Fukuyama, all sorts of stuff. On top of that, people’s heads have been thoroughly fucked up by all sorts of other bullshit that nobody really knows what the fuck is going on.
Hard to say whether the notion that workers will seize means of production would be viable and conducive to a new system under different circumstances, but it ain’t what’s happening now.
The hoarders (not sure what to call the narrow group of insecure motherfuckers who suffer from the urge to hoard resources) are trying to impose neo-feudalism, neo-slavery. Looking at what’s happening through the prism of Marx’s musings is anachronistically naive.
Linking two of your statements together:
“people’s heads have been thoroughly fucked up by all sorts of other bullshit that nobody really knows what the fuck is going on”
“Looking at what’s happening through the prism of Marx’s musings is anachronistically naive.”
You may have a point. I have been struggling through various tomes featuring the metamorphosis of capital with reference to new monetary forms and I haven’t a clue what they are on about.
One thing that is certain is that the interpretation of the covid narrative (taken at face value) as some kind of Left opportunity is beyond naive. So much so that I am convinced it was “put in the mix” deliberately as a kind of intellectual coup by intelligence agencies. To translate what is happening into Marxist terms (and thereby show how it sure as hell isn’t the Left revolution), the revolution has been declared by the rulers whilst the masses are ordered to stay at home and wait till they are called upon – which may be never.
So George, we’re back to the same same old recurring problem questions What Is To Be Done, What’s Not Being Done and Why??? Time is running out.
Well it’s sobering to think that the Left groups – the ones which I always thought you could rely on to at least tell you what’s going on – can no longer …well, can no longer be anything at all. They’ve left the building.
As for what you can do, all there is, as far as I can see, is the internet. Actually, that’s all there’s been for some time. Otherwise, it’s TV – and, thanks to the net whereby members of the public really can blab on as much as they want, it’s easy to see now that TV offered precisely no democratic potential at all. I mean – what was there? A few pathetic soundbites carefully selected from punters passing by in the street?
The trouble is that there is so much on the net and the bastards above have been doing their best to fuck it all up with saturation. And yet – here we are. What else can we do? Nobody will ever be allowed to even raise questions on TV.
But then again, the case of 9/11 is instructive. It’s not at all true to say that the official account won through. I reckon that a very sizable chunk of the public doesn’t swallow this account at all. And that puts a limit on what the overlords can get away with. Ditto the case of JFK. (A survey said that the vast majority of Americans think that was, and continues to be, a cover up.)
And I think that the case of covid is much more acute. There must be a vast number of people who aren’t buying any of this. And the more they try and shove it down your throat the more glaringly false it is. And they know it too. I know it may be little comfort – but there’s always a limit to their power. And they are aware of that.
In the meantime, spread the sneers.
I still think re-establishing the Common Law and Court System run by the people if they got off their asses and joined the CLC would be a valuable step in the right direction. Some say it wouldn’t work. I say it bloody well would if enough joined the movement to help enforce the law of the land and make the traitors and collaborators in parliament and their so-called scientific advisors pay for the fraud, deception, suffering and murders perpetrated on We the people. Join the CLC -Join it NOW help save your family, your friends and your self from what is yet to come.
There are those who argue that regimes like the Soviet Union were simply masquerading as socialist in Marxist terms, and socialism remains an ideal that has yet to be realized. I am sympathetic to this line of reasoning, especially as I spent a year as a student in Warsaw in 1983-1984 and saw first hand how, even post Jaruzelski and martial law, the Polish working class was struggling to overthrow the hated totalitarian and essentially imperialistic regime it lived under.
I grew up in the country south of the border from there, but I never really experienced “socialism” as an adult. As far as I can see, there was a genuine effort on the part of some people, and at certain times, to bring about socialism, and socialist concepts were implemented – healthcare, education, housing.
Somebody suggested a little while ago that Second World communism/socialism was a plot by the PTBs. Presumably staged with the intention of achieving precisely what is happening now, following the prepping during the past 30 years.
The PTBs assumed, or gambled, that the crazy Russians would fuck up the socialist concept and that socialism, or more broadly collectivist ideologies, would be discredited, and the course of history, which, as per Marx, was developing toward democracy, freedom and prosperity for all, could be thwarted and turned into technocratic neo-slavery, neo-feudalism.
I don’t know whether they intended that 100 years ago, but they sure cleverly steered the word that way. They very cleverly fucked up people’s head, hijacked education, stuffed peoples cakeholes with abundance of horseshit to shut them up, etc.
It’s so tiresome listening to the ignorant bleat on about marx, as if he was anything more than a tool of international and somewhat jewish finance and battering ram against the old orders of europe culminating in the failed revolutions of the now conveniently overlooked episodes of 1848, many a schmata man criminal network mopped up soon after by the bavarians and prussians…
read his poetry, a real window into the man, not his failed and purloined bakunin like musings tinted with hegel both of whom were men of depth and intelligence with much to offer the enquiring mind..
he was as fake as your now somewhat tainted contemporary social ‘left’
a chomsky on whisky, absynth and old stogies. drunk on his own bloviating halitosis tinged mental cancer..
and busy seeing off what was left of his family..
Who needs alternatives to the MSM when their ‘papers of record’ can come up with things like this:
The creepy implied equivalence between Nazis and RFK shows how nasty this is getting. Anyway, all anyone needs to do is use Google to look up the Wikipedia page and if it says the source is a conspiracy theorist then don’t even read it.
The author just happens to work for Stanford whose inglorious role in decades of social engineering should be well known by everyone by now.
The only vaguely worthwhile point out of it is how much should a writer’s other views effect what one takes from their arguments on a subject. For example, I’ve been working my way through Eustace Mullins’ ‘Murder by Injection’. Wikipedia says Mullins is an anti-semite. I’ve seen enough from Mullins to agree that’s probably justified. Does that mean I’m supposed to throw out everything else he discovered – or just ignore that when he says “Rockefellers” he means “Jews”? I’ve certainly been soured on Jim Marrs by the realistion of how much he pushed the alien/UFO agenda.
When Mullins writes Rockefeller it doesn’t mean the J word. The Rockefeller cartel (with the aid of the military and the cryptocracy) controlled the entirety of modern medicine and research.
Anyway, the concept of race and religion has been conflated by its followers, descendants and detractors. And within that larger group of J__s, there are some evil and fraudulent types who use it (and anti-Semitism sentiment) as a front to promote agendas that are monetary and power based. If I was Mullins and I was only seeing J–ish names associated with the development of these unbelievably harmful and toxic vaccines, I would be suspicious too. It’s been quite a clever tactic to use secular J–ish intellectuals, scientists and academics to provide cover for the promotion of ideas that originated in monarchal circles in Europe such as blood lines, god status and genetic superiority.
A common misconception, they are different castes of the same system the same root tribe one could say… and mullins was most certainly naming jews.
you sound like bill cooper.. at least he could say the word jew…
a word which seems to scare you and so many shitless.. whilst lecturing us..
The Jim Marrs point is a moot one. I feel the same way about Daniel Sheehan. He’s provided, by far IMO, the most cogent explanation for the assassination of President Kennedy (his lectures are online) yet he also pushes the alien/UFO psyop and has stated that aliens are here on earth by none other than ex USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev, who apparently told him to his face! Go figure.
I wonder if he follows his own advice when somebody called Bill Gates appears on the screen, touted as being a public health expert. Does he immediately stop and run to check what actual credentials or qualifications this person has to be called a health expert?
It’s all down to smear by association, the prime example being one David Shayler ex (?) intelligence man who made an excellent film attacking a BBC hit piece on 9/11 scepticism …and then declared himself to be the son of God. Nice one.
I’ve often wondered about David Icke. A lot of what he does is on the ball. And then he drags in the lizards. If he’s not a spook or unwitting stooge then his more colourful ideas are, to say the least, unhelpful.
shayler is now a tranny…
Transvestite? Transgender? Transsexual? Oh who the fuck cares?
We poor need a rich tapestry of life. The rich, ironically do not. They require only the trappings of richness, as a means to display and exert power. Think stately home… an expensive drain of resources that serves only as an expression of status as an adjunct of control. Their be all and end all is power.
Thus they present us with drabness on the scale of lockdown and The Great Reset… An existence so banal that only a money bags could bring it forth.
The Internet should recede into the background. It should be a facilitator not an obsession. It is merely the latest iteration of data over wires. Society has gone quite mad.
There is a huge cult making preposterous claims for reshaping society… Read the drivel from Schwab and the convergence- interdependence cult if you can. I’m reviewing one of the books now and it would be laughable if there weren’t so many strange angels hijacking it for nefarious interests. The giveaway is that they had these plans before the Internet… now they’re claiming the Internet makes those plans inevitable.
kind of yer double edged sword
before people did not have TV in each room then they had landline then it was 2 landlines then 4 channel on TV when to 5 then satellite dish made it 300 channels.
then it was mobile for important people who needed to be contacted the car phone also then that changed to everyone having one and being stalked TV screens everywhere screens in every room.everywhere you go .screens screens screens
overload of images nonsense information.
they had plans alright, long plans,. they are sequential
Exactly. They had all these plans a century ago but the people rejected them so they entrapped everyone into the data driven spying and social media snare then took their (mind numbingly boring and unfulfilling) jobs away so they’d have no financial independence. The way society has been shaped is because a group of psychopaths control it not because it is inevitable. They are driving it through their control of all institutions. Institutions they and their genealogy club members and ancestors created.
The cryptocracy stole the world from the people and conned everyone into believing things that literally are nonsense such as incorporated governments and courts, faux democracy, voting, wars as a profiteering and depopulation device, germ theory, contagion, viruses, genetics, terrorism, aliens, space travel, fake education, bullshit jobs, careerism and associations, the Ponzi monetary and economic system, birth certificate fraud, stock markets, fake financial products, fossil fuels which aren’t fossils but abiotic, climate change which is just weather the military is manipulating with geoengineering and not an emergency. If it wasn’t for the constant hype of these issues in the press and complete ownership of the press and the corporations that profit from outright scams, they couldn’t get away with any of this crap.
the panopticon…
long the dream of tyrants.
now no longer a glass room but an entire existence created from ‘data’ and bits an electronic prison, an entertainment plex of ghastly ‘choice’ and ‘freedom’…
perfect for the thoroughly ‘modern’ carbon unit.. the hollow husk ‘awaiting’ fulfillment…
From Sky News:
“COVID-19: Studies under way into whether third dose of coronavirus vaccine would help immunity”
One way to grasp this ridiculous Sisyphean never ending game of vaccine roll out is to assume that vaccine companies have commandeered the media and are using it as a multichannel opportunity to simply flog their extremely dodgy wares. There’s more to it than that but the vax advertising angle is certainly part of it. Although “advertising” is hardly the term for what is clearly meant as a “no option” situation.
95 % effective was the first dose claim! remember
in less than 3 months it now needing 3 doses
daily dose wont be long
weaponized media. used by military, medical, prison, nuke, agricultural, political, petrochemical,…and on and on, exploiters
It would be a very cunning move to gradually demonise “conspiracy theory” and relegate the reporting of tales of totalitarian takeover to the Right and then carry out the most bare faced fascist manoeuvres knowing that they will only be reported as such by the Right. So these reports will be denounced as Right paranoia by the Left who ironically emerge as the naive defenders of an old capitalist middle road no longer “affordable” in a time of crisis.
I see the Queen has said everybody must take the injection, which “didn’t hurt at all”.
You would think any grown-up nation would have shown those grotesque waxworks the door by now!
But I do wonder what effect it could have on people’s attitudes.
Hmm, do you believe that the Parasites would allow themselves to be injected with a experimental gene therapy drug, which has never been used before as a vaccine, developed in less than 9 months ( normal ones 5-10 years), with no medium or long term trials and an estimated completion date of it trials February 15th, 2023???
I don’t. But that is not the question, LOL.
Well, alas many look upon her in a similar way many of the Soviets looked upon Stalin. Indeed, I know personally of one household which has a full sized image of her in a window. If critical thinking cannot be applied by them to these parasites, it should not be expected to be applied to the experimental gene therapy drugs!!
Here in far nth qld aust we have the Murdock press finding people who are prepared to be front pages bleating about how selfish anti vax are and liken us to people who caused others to die of polio…yep I know what is the connection…do these idiots need a connection! Well it seems this characters life was saved by a polio vax…so he sees the connection…they are both needles I guess…
When I worked for a French car manufacturer, there was a day and night shift. Whenever the Bosses wanted to introduce a new cost cutting technique such as fitting catalytic converters onto exhaust pipes ( I worked on the track fitting exhaust pipes) which were much heavier than ordinary ones and required in my view 2 people instead of 1 person to fit them, their stock divide and rule answer was “ well, they manage with 1 person on the other shift”.
My answer was always get them to work on this shift fitting them because I ain’t doing it. I had looked at the healthy safety regulations regarding safe working conditions when lifting weights above a certain distance over your head so I knew they couldn’t force me to do it.
Nevertheless, they would try and bully people to do operations which were not within safe working practices just like this scam about “ safe approved “ experimental gene therapy “vaccines “ !
“with no medium or long term trials and an estimated completion date of it trials February 15th, 2023???”
The “tech” was trialed earlier on animals (with horrible results), the effects are known, the processes are known, the genetic material targeted/demonized and/or used, along with toxic factors known.
It is no coincidence that they are trying to get people to use multiple doses, have excess dosage issues, that many of the weaker who have been vaccinated have already died rather quickly. They are desperate to kill you.
If you cannot understand that it is a fundamental attack on your body (as with other vaccines) from a fraudulent basis or have doubts about their intentions, believe their misdirections regarding supposed “ignorance” with respect to “experimentalism or “trialing”, you have lost the plot.
When 25-50% of those vaccinated have adverse reactions, with 15% of those serious, even just in the short term trials (around 75k ONLY HEALTHY, no young or old people in the BIASED, FRAUDULENT trials for the moderna and pfizer vaccines)…and you somehow think they are in any capacity supposed to be benevolent (list the supposed benefits) you are simply WRONG AND TOO SLOW.
The reason why they don’t want that information available until then is because THEY KNOW it causes massive amounts of damage, with the bulk of the intended damage in that period, they will have shifted the blame for trying other fraudulent “problems” and “solutions” they peddle.
I don’t disagree with you, in fact I have refused it on multiple occasions. However, the point is that the estimated final trial dates for all these “ vaccines “ is 2 years down the road and many many people are unaware of this. Yesterday, a woman with a young family asked my advice about having this dodgy drug since she received a letter from the NHS inviting her to have it.
Naturally, I told her not to and explained the simple point about the end of trial date plus the contents of the “ vaccine “ in this case Astrazeneca.
Here is an example of some of the contents “ genetically modified human embryonic kidney, replication chimpanzee adenovirus plus genetically modified organisms etc. I think this gives an insight into what people are having injected into themselves and so far I have not met one single person who knows either the end point date for the trial of it or the contents of it.
However, today I going to produce proof to this woman plus her family which hopefully will dissuade them from having this witches brew!
Good luck with that. There are none so blind as those that will not see. I hope you have success where I failed.
Well, I produced printouts of the documents proving the points I made yesterday. Her young precocious son was listening whilst I showed them to her underlining the estimated final trial date and explaining to her about the genetically modified embryonic kidney. As quick as a flash the young lad said where did they get it from. Straight out of the mouths of young children who have more critical thinking nouse than many many adults !!!
That’s good, though I’ve had a REALLY difficult time with some teenagers/young adults.
Maybe 1/50 would even consider anything I try to tell them about.
Best wishes to you Brianborou – sounds like you’ve got your head screwed on. I hope the young woman listens to you.
She was absolutely shocked when today I showed her what the contents of the AstraZeneca “ vaccine “ are !!!
More evidence that divide and rule is the most basic media impulse: an announcement on morning news, “Back to school and face to face with the bullies!” I.e. Don’t permit the kids any respite from social antagonism. No-one other than the rulers are allowed solidarity.
I thought this thread was supposed to be about RSS? Has certainly gone far off of that track!, February 25, 2021
„The Fake Covid “Pandemic” Is the Excuse for Concentration Camps for Dissenters from the Establishment’s Narratives
Introduction by Paul Craig Roberts,
The official narrative of 9/11 is unbelievable as it is contrary to all known science. The official narrative of Covid relies on running the PCR test at high cycles known to produce false positives in order to produce headlines of a scary high rate of infection. Covid deaths are magnified by ignoring co-morbidities and by counting even motorcycle deaths as Covid deaths. I
-European Soren Korsgaard reports that the orchestrated “Covid pandemic” is being used throughout the Western world as an excuse for concentration camps.
Concentration Camps for Dissenters
One of the most concerning aspects of the Covid orchestration, apart from mandatory vaccines, lockdowns, and destruction of civil liberties, is the construction of camps for those who dispute and disobey the Covid mandates.
The mainstream media is reporting on the camps in a positive light and ensures us that they are not really concentration camps [1]. For example, it has been widely reported in Europe that camps are being set up in several German states. Officially, they will be used to forcibly accommodate “repeated quarantine dodgers” and house “Covid dissidents” [2, 3]. Facilities exist or are underway in Baden-Württemberg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Brandenburg. In the state of Saxony “a shelter” is being built for housing Covid rule breakers; however, they will also have the opportunity to use “a locked hospital or other suitable accommodation
In Berlin and Hamburg similar plans for facilities are underway. According to mainstream-friendly legal scholars, these camps are “legal” due to emergency powers granted to German authorities during a pandemic Information pertaining to the camps is limited for obvious reasons, but we do know that on January 18, 2021, it was reported that around 30 people had been forcibly sent to a detention camp in Eisenhüttenstadt, which is located in the state of Brandenburg [5] (figure 1). It is unsure if and when the detainees left the camp – and in what physical and psychological condition they were in upon their alleged release.
Fig 1. Eisenhüttenstadt´s COVID-19 detention camp.
Germany is, of course, not the only country that is systematically establishing Covid detention camps. In fact, it appears to be taking place in the entirety of the Western world—Canada, New Zealand, and there are the notorious American FEMA camps which are found all over the US.
Australian Covid-camp.
Bill Gates, who has been called, “a worse danger to health and freedom than Covid,” [20] has founded several “fact checking groups” which discredit all information not in line with the official narrative. It is also important to briefly mention that Gates and the Establishment regard science as a tool for social control [6]. Dissenters are demonized. For example, it was widely reported that a “study” had found that “anti-maskers” are likely suffering from a serious personality disorder –
The second step could be a Stalinist purge, which would be preceded by a heavy campaign of propaganda, turning the people against each other, thus minimizing resistance to the end-goal. During Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror, secret police arrested and transported political prisoners, intellectuals, government critics, and many others into camps where they would be tortured, murdered, or worked to death. Like governments today, Stalin’s agenda was not inhibited by facts and truth. „
Wow. Just before covid saga started, pcr was very afraid that Muslims would take over German ‘culture’. What ever happened to that story, did PCR ever retract that nonsense? (No, see:
And now it’s the eugenists who will take over German culture. Why? – because Pcr is saying it: that is why!
Be afraid. Be very afraid.. Or as they say in Dutch: oude wijn in nieuwe zakken
Yes I had wondered where the muslims had gone…they are obviously too busy social distancing etc to be out rampaging on the streets any more…see these lockdowns are useful
What better way to delegitimize the truth than have PCR declare the truth after the controllers have revealed themselves to the world in this global takeover using the pretext of a non existent virus.
The shocking report about the Lager is by Soren Korsgaard, you may have missed that, with a foreword by good ol´Paul Craig Roberts with whom I don’t agree on everything,
The saying about old wine in new bottles is very wise, but you are barking up the wrong tree.The old smeerlap hiding under the guise of the new transhuman eugenics is Klaus Schwab and his backers and not quirky old men like PCR,
and yes we should be very afraid, the eugenicists will take over human civilization and
we will be the Untermenschen if we let it happen.
I do not agree with all people on all points all the time
with Paul Craig Roberts regarding his views about AGW in particular..
What can you do if the German nation decides to swallow a concentration-camp culture whole once again – and one not even kept under wraps?
Don’t the bright people of Germany see the screaming irony?
Don’t the Jewish people who once said, “Never again” see that it’s a question of “Yes, again, only this time it isn’t only the Jews”…?
Mamma Merkel might look harmless enough, but she is only a suitable figurehead.
One might be forgiven for imagining that something had been put in the water – or milk supply, which leads to people buying whatever dollop of refined horse shit the TV news decides to dish out.
The fact that the news changes with the wind direction only serves to confuse them further, so that they are even more willing to say yes to the next dollop dished out by the MSM, which, if they are nothing else, are at least totally assertive.
Why can’t the many genuine scientific experts and respected politicians who have seen through this monstrous fraud just get together and INSIST that it stop at midnight tonight?
The longer it drags on, the harder it is going to be to convince people that it is entirely abnormal.
John Hopkins University says “There have now been more than 2.5 million deaths linked to the pandemic”
Notice the wording – “linked to” – means nothing.
It’s like the premise of “6 Degrees of Separation”. Everyone is linked to everyone. And?
Everything is everything. Nothing is nothing.
They have a monopoly on all of the real insults to everyone’s inteligence. Too. Nasty.
(BTW: I caught myself doing it many times, but am now retrained, though it still remains probably more used than the real name: “John Hopkins” gets a pass from most edits, but it was shocking to find it is in fact “JOHNS Hopkins U”. Being a John myself, it was painful to find it’s plural.)
I used to believe the founders were a Mr Johns and a Mr Hopkins, but I see it is one individual named Johns Hopkins, after an ancestor who bore his mother’s maiden name.
This brings to mind a restaurant in Philadelphia (PA, USA) with the annoying name of “Ruth’s Chris Steak House”.
I once gratified my exasperated curiosity by finding an explanation for the name posted somewhere. But I can’t remember the explanation, and I refuse to look it up again on principle.
Apropos of nothing, I notice that they advertise as “vegetarian-friendly”. I’m decidedly a meat-and-potatoes omnivore myself, but I can’t believe that any self-professed vegetarian would submit to being dragged there to eat. Even if they could be persuaded that their vegetarian meal is strictly kosher, so to speak, surely they would recoil at the general ambience– not least the sight of diners happily feasting on smoking maroon chunks of dismembered cow.
Damn. That makes far too much sense, unfortunately.
I have never understood what right people have to sport plural first names.
There is a singer – he was well-known in my younger days – called Rogers Covey-Crump.
Apart from the fact that the surname is totally ludicrous and ought to have been banned generations ago, I consider it a supreme impertinence to be a Rogers.
It’s like trying to make a points about somethings…
“We Rogerses are superior to you Rogers”, sort of thing…
On a related note, people might be interested to know that Icelandic names are patronymic, so you are always Wardropper-son or Wardropper-dottir.
However, you can apply for exemptions, so, for a son to despise his divorced father, yet adore his equally divorced mother, can lead to the son choosing to take his mother’s maiden name as his surname.
The result would therefore be Jeans-son, or Marys-son.
That too, is clearly making a somewhat attention-craving point.
Ban these freakish names, I say. Discourage narcissistic attention-lust.
If your weird parents lumber you with a highly embarrassing name which is going to cause you untold grief during your school years, insist upon the right to change it when you’re five years old.
Covey-Crump was a damn good singer, by the way, even if that style of music doesn’t suit every listener.
“Linked to” could mean, “We just linked them ourselves!”
It definitely does mean that.
Why do celebrity ‘double maskers’ always wear contrasting colours?
lol. They need to declare to the world that they’re fashionably safe and moral. Then, and only then, may they look down on you with righteous indignation.
Well, spotted my first double masker today! A young hipster guy with a man bun and gold highlights through his hair.
Wearing a black mask on top of a blue mask. Sigh. I called out – ‘you forgot your full face visor’, and there was no reaction. He just stared straight ahead. In fact, he didn’t even blink…
Sounds like one of them new age “hipster dufus” wankers.
There’s tens and tens of thousands of them here in Melbourne, but especially in suburbs that have been gentrified😏
A song for you: Mobius Loop – “Political Hot Potato” 🙂
Maybe it wasn’t his eyes you were seeing. Maybe they were painted on to another mask!
Probably George! His eyes did seem pretty lifeless😪 By the way, have you checked out Winter Oak and their online zine The Acorn. Some powerful writing there.
Re: Acorn reporting on the riots in the Netherlands, there is a BBC piece complaining about destruction and violence and saying that the riots were fuelled by memories of the last curfew implemented by the Nazis- which was a daring thing to admit although comparisons of Nazism to COVID measures was rejected with menacing mutterings of dark forces manufacturing misinformation.
The WSWS lays its angle out unambiguously:
“Dutch neo-fascists incite riots against anti-pandemic curfew”
It’s fascinating that just as the effects of the lockdown are transformed into effects of the pandemic, so too is protest against the lockdown transformed into fascist action.
And the more I see of the WSWS take on COVID, the more loathing I feel towards them. They are now effectively to the Right of the BBC.
As are the equally loathsome Socialist Alternative here in Australia who are conducting their annual ‘Marxism 2021’ conference here in Melbourne at Easter. Which I just checked out the program 30 minutes ago.
Sure enough, the pseudo left virtue signalling luvvies can listen to a couple of seminars on the “pandemic” which has apparently killed over 1.5 million worldwide (according to them) and they link to a some articles claiming lockdowns work, and more are needed.
Disgusting middle class bourgie brats who probably went to private schools playing at being ‘revolutionaries’.
They fucken revolt me. Like the WSWS does. Traitors to humanity. Modern day Kapo’s. Quislings. I was going to quote some paragraphs from the Marxism 2021 thing coz I can’t do links on my phone, but it’s my bedtime, and suggest you can check it out yourself.
I’m too flippin angry to look at it again.
If you hadn’t been so dazzled by those gold highlights, Gezzah, you might have noticed that the hipster was wearing two-tone earplugs to match the mask. 😉
You never know. He just might have given your comment some thought once he got home.
Bets as to when triple masking starts?
At least some Israelis can see the similarities with Nazi Germany:
Protesters demonstrate against vaccine coercion, green passports in Tel Aviv
It’s fantastic that Israelis are waking up in a country where propaganda reigns supreme. It just shows that gaslighting doesn’t always work against a well-informed public.
One slight hope and doubt I have that the vaccine is not a deliberate attempt to kill off populations is the Israelis are promoting it. Not generally considered a nation who would knowingly kill off their own or for being utterly stupid. But who knows?
Occurs to me, too. Israelis should not assume their owners have their best interests at heart. Haaretz’s recent article demonizing Haredim was frightening to anyone who views the present with an eye to the past.
We know that Zionists made use of ordinary people to achieve their project. Who is making use of Zionists? Layers of a cake.
As Mel K argues, the owners do not share the religion. It’s not a big land mass. It doesn’t need all those people. Think of it as a military outpost.
Whitney Webb has written extensively about how Israel is being set up as a centre for international cyber control. If my hunch is correct, it will be the effective “global control room” for the banker-psychopaths, or at the very least a war room capable of taking down other countries.
What about this? More background on that operation here, with its UN and Vatican connection.
Then they terrorized their own populace with suicide bombings they got the Saudis and others to sponsor, in order to run social and political experiments to see how much they could divide people into groups who would dehumanize each other. Those bombings also created a much needed precedent for the state sponsored false flags the West used to carry out Al Qaida (Saudi-CIA) operations and the “war on terra”. Then they created a fake iron dome with a bad fireworks display.
The Khazars who run that stolen piece of land are no different from those who run any country. They are corrupt and wicked fraudsters in the service of the transnational financiers. And they do not care at all about their general population.
It is not “similarities” to Nazi Germany. It is the “glorified” reboot:
Since the ’45 fall of Berlin and the 3rd Reich, there was a seamless transition to the 4th.
The former had come mostly out of Wall Street in NYC and their banking affiliates in Europe, anyway, so essentially International Nazism, or Global Reich, was given a makeover and really then massively anchored in the last truest bastions of predatory fascist capitalism: NYC and D.C.
My doleful lament since short pants has been that all we really see in all of this is the hereditary perpetrators of World Wide Web Nazism. Otto Skorzeny, “Hitler’s Bodyguard”, spent years in Argentina after the 3rd Reich building back bad a support group for global chronic Nazi supporters called, evocatively, “Die Spinne”.
The Spider.
Now showing on a worldwideWeb near you!
WWW — 333
Seriously can most of you not see through this shill Corbett?
I want to tear my ears off after about 2 minutes of him talking.
Bought and paid for. Selling you down the river. Giving no information you can’t find yourself, while steering you away from the real truth.
as any, are only a menace if reliantly raised – otherwise, watch/listen with care.
Yeah I’ve been ostracized for not fawning over Corbett. With 9/11, the videos that put him on the map were just cleverly regurgitated facts from others who lost sweat, blood and tears.
For me, the only things of importance are the facts, and I don’t care whether they are ‘cleverly regurgitated’ or not – just so long as they are true.
Corbett is a secondary issue, but a very useful summarizer of information nonetheless.
No ‘fawning’ is necessary to see that.
His content is really dull. I haven’t learned a thing from him other than a few rather uninteresting facts. And when he discusses questions he’s received from complete normies and deconstructs them it is…. painful.
Controlled opposition, however, has massive control over the information, unfortunately but then only to be very much expected, of course. Global Research has just published an article, “The Covid Outbreak: “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.” Report by 1500 Health Professionals” where the argument is that the response to the virus illness is over the top, comparing it to previous outbreaks where the response was over the top too.
1. There is no evidence of a “novel” virus at all so the argument against the response is inappropriate. The correct argument is that there is no evidence of a “novel” virus and there is no evidence of an infectious agent, the alleged novel virus or any other, causing the alleged virus illness which, as clearly indicated on the CDC website, does not have a distinctive set of symptoms. Thus this alleged pandemic is clearly an orchestrated Psychological Operation – it needs to be called what it is. (Apart from the scientific evidence, many hallmarks support the psyop hypothesis such as people falling flat on their faces and laid out on hospital floors, unconvincing patients, unbelievable “miracle survivor” stories, unconvincing “loved one” stories, nonsense stories that smokers are four times less likely than non-smokers to contract the illness and so on.)
2. This is not their first BBQ (how could it be?) so previous over-the-top responses to reported outbreaks are not the key truth in those instances either. There is reason to believe that many outbreaks in the past were psyops just like this one, that is, there was no virus causing the alleged illness, it was all a fabrication.
This is a 15-minute video by NZ MD, Sam Bailey, on SARS-1. What a scam that was – just like this one!
There are very, very few experts speaking the clear truth on this pandemic, very, very few, and because controlled opposition information can vary from complete nonsense which is simply designed to undermine genuine argument (eg, Judy Mikovits with her Wuhan lab nonsense) to an eye-watering amount of truth that may be mixed with lies or in some way focuses us away from more important truth, it can be very difficult as a layperson to figure out what’s what.
People whom I believe either completely genuinely speak the truth or are very much at the “truth” end of the controlled opposition spectrum (in addition to Sam Bailey above) are:
Dr Saeed Qureshi, a chemist and recipient of Health Canada’s Deputy Minister Award for Excellence in Science (2007), and Life-time Achievement Award (2015, Indus Foundation, India) – not that awards, of course, necessarily mean anything but they’re certainly interesting where we see someone speak against both the mainstream mainstream and the “opposition mainstream” so to speak (that is, “response inappropriate” not “there is no virus”). Then, Dr Qureshi may possibly be one of those in controlled opposition at the very truthy end of the spectrum – after all, in their psyops they are supposed to tell us the truth. I believe he’s genuine but controlled opposition can talk the talk so well and reveal so very much truth nothing would ever surprise me.
Torsten Engelbrecht, Konstantin Demeter, Dr Stefano Scoglio
Rosemary Frei, Amory Devereux
MD, Claus Koehnlein in interview with MD, Sam Bailey
Bought and paid for by whom? What corporate entities or government shills are benefitting by his posts? The way his website survives, as a truly independent perspective on what is happening, is people paying as much as $1 a month to support his efforts. With 50,000 subscribers, that enables him to use his considerable intellect to dive into the details of what is actually happening. Watch his explanation of WWI, for example, and how it just extended itself into WWII, and those who benefitted from this. It is a sordid tale, and almost unbelievable that so much darkness does exist, but the media is supposed to shine the light on it all, exposing any falsehoods or lies, but the media is bought and paid for by those who don’t want their misdeeds and malfeasance exposed, so we never get that perspective (we don’t have time to research it all ourselves, for one thing).
The most exemplary aspect of Corbett’s actual reporting is that he always leaves the evidence, the articles he has read, the sources he has uncovered, in his show notes of every episode, so if someone wants to corroborate how he came his conclusions, they can.
If I tried to even produce one of his posts, it would take me months to it. He does a new post nearly every day. It is a full time job for him, living in the sunny climes of Japan, as he does (where I live as well, but in a less sunny place than he does, I think).
James Corbett is my and many other’s HERO.
Well said S. Fully agree with everything you said, especially your first paragraph. I notice from time to time accusations against James Corbett of being a establishment shill, with almost no evidence to back up those claims.
You need discernment to see the truth. ‘Evidence’ means nothing without discernment, as the Covid scam shows.
‘If I tried to even produce one of his posts, it would take me months to it.’
true. So you think he is doing it all by himself?
I think it is healthy to be suspicious about any political analysis, as politics is based on lies and deceit and best played by those who know the rules.
corbett’s reports can be great fi about 911, Syria, Smedley Butler, the Rockefellers. But they can be cringeworthy too, fi about eugenics and how Bill Gates is going to take over the world. Some here do think that the latter is actually also very good reporting because it’s from Corbett they tell me (and Corbett is never wrong, because he is such a swell guy, just like [type your other favorite political analyst here].) That is just silly.
You are truly ignorant about the history of Eugenics. That’s probably because of where you live and the general denial about Nazi Germany’s adherence to Eugenics being a controlled operation from outside its borders, but Eugenics is real and it’s inextricably entwined in your bullshit career. It survives in the form of genetics, germ theory, abortion, bio-ethics, psychiatry and vaccines.
What do you think the genetic modification of the entirety of humanity with the synthetic injectable pathogen is? It’s Eugenics. Period.
‘it would take me months…….He does a new post nearly every day. It is a full time job for him,’.
Sorry but how do you know Savy!? He may well be ‘controlled opposition’ with all the A.I. computing power required to create this ever so clever, entertaining, informative and interesting ‘show’. Or he may not!
I am not convinced either way tbh.
“Let us not be distracted from what we should be doing; Educating, Organizing, Mobilizing, not only online but in person, face diaperless, our families, friends and neighbors what we have learned and discussed here.”
That’s all meaningless. Any half wit can see that doing all that won’t change a damn thing. He will never tell you the truth about who’s behind it all. NEVER.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard/watched anything from him.
Judging by what you’re saying, it seems I might have decent discernment.
I hate his ‘Kermit, the Frog’ delivery, but he does very good summaries of the information, which, as you rightly say, we can also find ourselves, but he is prepared to do the work, and his version of ‘the real truth’ is as convincing as anything I have found myself.
What did you have in mind?
I can’t think of anything off-hand which he might actually be trying to steer me away from, although of course he would doubtless be good at it, if that was his intention. The content of his Report is certainly persuasive, but only a fool would put all his eggs in the Corbett basket in any case.
People like him do meticulous research. But they never mention the one group behind everything. Tells you instantly he’s controlled.
ABC discovers America again. Anybody reading medical book from 1930s would read that people who are ill of respiratory disease and recovered acquire antibodies and immunity to particular strain for years if not decades. Just in scientists detected antibodies in patients diagnosed with SARS in 2003.
From ABC:
There’s new evidence that connects testing positive for COVID-19 antibodies from a prior infection with a significantly lower risk of becoming infected again in the future.
A study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Wednesday, found that people who tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies were at a decreased risk of coronavirus infection compared with those who tested negative for antibodies.
The results from the study are basically a 10-fold reduction,..said Dr. Douglas Lowy, principal deputy director of the National Cancer Institute, who was an author of the study.
So why vaccinate those who already have antibodies with pseudo vaccines with potentially deadly short, mid to long term consequences? Profit over massive criminal life endangerment.
”But, contrary to Rosenthal’s expectations, price gouging for the vaccines hasn’t occurred. The most expensive of the vaccines has been Pfizer’s, and that two-dose regimen is priced at $39. To put that into perspective the price for the quadrivalent flu shot in 2020 ranged from $35 – $41 at places like Walmart, Walgreen’s, and CVS, with “senior doses” (for those over 65) running close to $70. Given the destructive effects that Covid-19 has had on the economy, the new vaccines are a bargain. More importantly, they save lives.”
Pfizer Should Be Wary About Covid-19 Vaccine Price Hikes (Feb 25, 2021)
Covid Vaxes are sold to governments, flu vaxes to people who may or may not buy it. Only some healthcare insurance plans cover or subsidize them but they themselves buy whole sale.
Moderna first ever vaccine developed, use on humans, COVID mRNA vaccine in merely six months (one ten of development cost because of mRNA design and skipping prolonged expensive testing for toxicity while immune to lawsuits that add to costs) , will bring 15 billions of revenue in 2021, (likely at least 50-60% of profit) according to Wall Street estimate, guaranteed, as this is amount of contracts they already signed worldwide with governments.
as this point any bad news about Adverse Reactions could cost them a lot of money of canceling some contracts.
So no-one can tell how many were infected, and how many were immune. So that no-one can prove this has all been a waste of time and lives. The first thing the government and the medical establishment did was to bugger up the statistics.
Quite frankly, I’m sick of hearing about “studies”. There’s no way the average punter can make head nor tail of anything unless he’s had his own eyeball pressed up to the microscope. And even then he has to factor in that the average Joe buggers up an Ikea assembly guide at least 5 or 6 times before he puts his bookshelf together.
But Covid is totally different from anything that ever came before.
Hence the need to quarantine the healthy population and treat everyone as a “superspreader”.
Of course, a vaccine for Covid would also have to be completely unlike any vaccine that had come before.
In the summer the Swiss will be voting to make it illegal to impose lockdowns on their population. We need to do the same and render illegal all the things they used to terrorise us during this horror. An article listing what needs to be made illegal and rolled back would be nice.
The spring is come early…..but the UK can claim the vaccine has reduced the numbers of cases, not the weather, but the rest of Europe have a problem, because they have not vaccinated and the numbers of flu, they named as Covid are soon going to plummet as they always do at the start of march.
Oh dear, me thinks the emperor is going to be naked soon. No patients, no vaccine. You fucked up Macron.
And you are also proving Johnson to be a liar if he claims the vaccine has reduced cases. Oh dear …..they will now be looking for alternative catastrophes now as a distract. Will they create a terror attack burn, down some forest or release a scandal.
Corbetts signing you all up.paz y amor.
The USA is now poised with trillions of dollars in printed confetti cash to buy up the UK’s & Europe’s ‘distressed assets’, after the wrecking ball of it’s agents policies have done their damage. Johnson & Macron have done their worst, and like all victim heads of state, they will be rewarded and not murdered in return for their service.
Just one extra day of lockdown is worth billions to the USA and the vultures hanging over the UK economy. Every day is another bankrupt company, to be snapped up by cash bloated US corporations and more market share for amazon.
You think its a coincidence that Tesla and Apple have such massive over inflated values. Valuation = buying power. Tesla is so overvalued now it could probably buy half the worlds car industry, with its soon to be worthless dollars, whilst producing only a few percent of the worlds cars. Its the biggest coordinated heist in history. There have engineered a world asset fire-sale, just before the dollar is rendered worthless by inflation and over printing.
No, no, you’re quite wrong, G. Tesla is clearly worth more than Toyota, Volkswagen, Mercedes, and the next 6 vehicle makers combined.
The Vaccine (Dis)Information War
All War is Evil
Would a ‘War against Evil’ be evil?
Jesus said ‘resist ye not evil’.
There is a saying, ‘you become what you hate’.
War against war would be what exactly?
What do deceivers say when they want to use an evil to fund their habit?
They declare war on it, and then protect the goose that lays their golden eggs while presenting a crusade…
Another way to grasp this is that what you resist (in yourself or life) persists, and what you choose not to use fades from non use.
There is the phrase resist temptation, but this is really to pause from the reaction so as to recognise you do not WANT IT.
Otherwise you can have a battle of wills with yourself forever and a day.
So what is exactly meant by our word is everything here.
If you just want to feel better about yourself, then fighting an evil as a sense of morally justified self can give you a hit.
But the honest way to feel better is to feel, better – whatever is happening – for this is self-honesty rather than masking over conflicts and seeking to dump them out on your world.
Loving truth is not a ‘war’ on lies. Truth will identify everything truly, but war will make truth is first casualty so as to set the deceit by which war is possible.
Deceit is the ‘enemy’ I recognise.
The lie and the father of it, operate a mind of attack on truth that elicits sympathy and support to protect the fear in your name.
“WHO told you were naked?” God asked Adam in the Garden. (Clearly not to be conflated with the WHO, at its Swiss location, though its reach at the moment seems almost that long.)
As you were speaking of the Father of Lies, it all calls to mind one of the most ancient legends of all, and always held by sacred tradition, that “time out of mind” the True Father assembled His angels and told them that His Son would be born of Woman, and that the angels would serve them.
The brightest angel of them all bridled and bit, “I will not serve. I will ascend to the Throne of the Most High and be like unto God!”
A truly amazing wrinkle in the narrative takes place “when” a lesser angel, not then much famed, “steps forward” and in an act of the deepest obeisance (of all) asks the 3 words, which in the original Hebrew, are in essence the same as in english, and became the great name, his:
And setting the two in contrapuntal contrast, the drama has unfolded ever since, of which we retain the song.
Some might say “Opera”.
Since it’s -clearly- a dramatic “works”.
The lie and the father of it tells you you are lacking, disconnected and in need of masking, distancing and boosting – so the WHO is not an unintended pun!
But beneath this is the fear of pain of loss inherent to the belief you are the body as the symbol of locked down separated and distanced ‘private’ or masked off mind.
Born of Mater or Matter is the basis for a reversal of Effect and Cause.
Not in truth, but as the experience resulting from identity in the continuity of image and form – as object reality or the unfolding of its themes in time and space.
The seeming separation of matter and mind as a projection or ‘casting out’ from Spirit is the focus operating within the ‘movie’ on the wall of Plato’s Cave.
The wish that Reality be different than it is, fathers the illusion.
The capacity of imagination is Creative – but when assigned to protect illusion against Reality, it operates a miscreative or limiting division of polarising conflict.
The Heart of Discernment recognises order within apparent chaos.
But an attempt to stabilise conflict sets the narrative or mythic representation as order OVER chaos.
That we can mis-take identity is an error, but to persist in error at cost of attack on truth is the sin that gives death, as a return of giving life to a ‘dead’ illusion. Under which the sin fears light, and seeks conflict as ‘cover’.
The arrogance of a ‘spirit elitism’ or indeed ideal of perfection against which all life in expression fails and so is considered unworthy of existence, is the ‘Lucifer’ of usurpation and denial set in guilt and hate’s projection as the light of a self-specialness that dispossesses even as grasped for.
The willing expansion of a true embrace is the alignment to Creation, which is always new now. Where perception stops at image and form it mistakes its own mind for living relational being, and becomes entangled in its own reflections unrecognised as such, and unable or unwilling to heed or hear the call to joy, within the spin of its own making.
On the positive side, I took a long jog along the river this afternoon. Nice, sunny weather. Lots of people outside, the vast majority without a mask, despite the fact that the dickheads imposed a requirement to wear two surgical masks or a respirator as of today. People smiling at each other. The occasional covidiot with a mask on stood out like a sore thumb and looked – thankfully – embarrassed. Saw a few cops drive by, they all had masks on their chins.
Where is that?
If you can’t sniff that out, you deserve to be assigned to toilet cleaning duty on the double, Agent Germount!
Good to hear. This only ends when enough people say NO.
To be on the safe side, I think we should all wear goldfish bowls on our heads.
Positive for me too, in a way. Went to town to a large hardware store today. Saw about twenty employees throughout the store. Four without any masks, three with masks, and the majority, mostly younger people, had their masks below their chins. Besides the obsessive, germophobe, sanatizer-dousing group, people are sick of this shit.
During the 50’s the commi’s are coming era
A majority of general public knew the biggest employers where the government.
In the 70’s 80’s some of the biggest jobs was civil service (working for the government )
“2019 According to Simon Stevens the NHS employees roughly a million …
HOW many do you think the Military Mi5 Special branch etc employees?
I doubt in the 50s the government were the biggest employer. They were wrong. It has increased in the US since, in the UK it dipped during the 80s & 90’s. Probably due to the transfer of wealth to the private sector via privatisations.
”some of the biggest jobs” ?
The answer is: 3
But with the use of smoke and mirrors it looks like thousands.
It is a sad and pathetic state of affairs when intelligent people, and given the course of the last 500 years of history, which is at their fingertips, question the value of democratic parliament.
You yourselves are a testament to its success, because you are not shackled in a labour camp which is where the wealthy elites want you, unable to read and right.
The democratic struggle is what got you all your wealth, that the deep state are slowly stealing from you.
They understand the importance of the democratise process, they understand the danger of socialist ideas to their paymasters position, that is why they discredit the ideas and are at war with democratic socialism at home and overseas.
It is the difficult route, the most fragile of thing, and it takes work that none of you are interested in doing. You have been lied to so much about your own democracy that you are ready to trash it totally.
So tell me you pumped up, pompous buffoons, who visit this site…. what is the alternative to reasserting a working democracy! A fascist dictator who claims he will love you and care about you, before he slits your throat? Because that is the route this bastard Corbett is taking you down.
Am I working for that conspiracy of democracy lovers. Those evil parliamentarians. you Prat!
1933 usa
1666 uk
bankrupt world
the world is a bonded prison shit kicker
and you are chattell
everything is an illusion
fake false shite
but benjamin you already understand that do you not?
That means you still accept the rule of the few over the many.
Interview 1619 – Whitney Webb on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links
Is excellent the links between Google Ventures, HM Government and Oxford-AstraZeneca are very interesting.
Filthy old Bill Gates gets a good mentioning too
Excellent, perceptive, in-depth well researched article, which if the MSM was not full of pressitutes, the scandal over the Oxford -Astrazeneca “ vaccine” would be exposed to the population!!!
The old dear has just watched it… The penny drops!
they’re using CV19 testing to fluff the positive case numbers.
The primers and probes used in the test already exist in the human genome.
That article is misleading. The cycle threshold (CT) has been used as a decoy and a distraction.
Testing is potentially dangerous. The tests are probably covert dosing due to how they are administered. Testing must be halted and banned. Tests and the fake numbers generated are driving the entire fraud.
I have always seen the testing as a hoax way to collect as much population DNA as possible…a good few of us had willingly given it in the ancestry, 23 and me game…but they wanted more for their wider game of this play with genes the openly speak about…using gene therapy in medicine…
the covid hoax gave them a great excuse to collect…and I am sure they have not missed the opportunity…
They probably already have access to most people’s DNA (in the West) through health records and blood tests. Covert dosing is highly likely. And the tests themselves generate the stats that keep the unnecessary emergency laws and measures in place, and create a market for coerced “vaccination“ and medical surveillance. The reality is we don’t know exactly what they are doing unless people start blowing the whistle because governments lie.
Just because something can happen it does not always means it is. It would require a lot of coordination to collate everyones DNA, and be very expensive. They can be doing it under covid the test looks like A DNA test.
Just because you act like a Mossad asset with a sub par education, doesn’t mean you are one, but I’m putting my money on the former, anyway.
Why are you answering for Edi? Is that another one of your “identities“?
They do have a very strange love of testing. I just assumed it was because they wanted to look busy.
The CIA are in the business of keeping the American population from lobbying their senators and representatives. That is what Corbett is.
He is there to point you in all directions except in the one direction, which has been proven over the past 300 years to improve your lot. Corbett wants you barking at the moon, and he does not want effective political opposition to grow because he is controlled opposition.
Your democracy is all that is standing between you and tyranny, the CIA know that that is why they attack and undermine it all the time at home and overseas. It is far from perfect but it is your only hope of change, like it or not, you need to make it work for you,
We will believe you with your excellent reasoning and evidence.
But a counter argument eludes you.
A counter argument to what? Your rambling, one paragraph claims? What’s to counter?
I looked for your great works on the above subject or anything, I found nothing, which I suppose is the worth of your contributions. sad.
Just show us that ‘democracy’, Germ.
It seems to be eluding us all…
What would be the mechanism with which people, who have a proven track record of believing everything their government tells them, might accomplish the daunting task of making democracy work for them? Only an informed public – i.e., one that wishes to be informed – has any chance of effecting any kind of change.
I believe you are stretching James Corbett well beyond the breaking point in seeking to present him as controlled opposition. I have concerns with his approach to issues in that I think sometimes he over analyzes the issue. Case in point: death statistics.
He was asked what the 2020 death statistic in the USA was, as a lump sum which could be compared against previous years. I won’t detail his response because it would take a whole article; suffice it to say he beat that horse to death and then some, eventually noting that raw lump sum data cannot be used. Yet that’s exactly what the media use – so how else would you counter the media’s argument?
So what business are you in exactly? Who do you represent? What is your real name? If you are questioning Corbett’s credentials, then I think we have a right to question yours.
You seem to be a relatively new name around here. Were you posting under a different name before, or just lurking? Or have you only just discovered Off-G?
That’s a laugh. It is our democratically elected governments who are imposing the tyranny, and our representatives are doing nothing to stop them. In fact (speaking from the UK), most of them (M.P.s) are urging the government to be even more tyrannical.
Not that I don’t think we should lobby them. I’m always on at my MP and certain other MPs but it’s like banging your head against a brick wall.
Irrespective of what prick hides behind the Germourt nick and disregarding his various attempts to steer people in a certain direction, reflecting on the concept of democracy is not a bad idea. Real people (as opposed plasticky covidians) need to have a vision for the future. We need to have a concept to advocate. Is representative democracy dead, corrupted, exploited beyond repair? Do we need representatives anymore since technologies make it possible for people to pronounce themselves on issues instantaneously? If we don’t have representatives, who will be the ‘leaders’, the people who set the agenda? One thing is obvious, namely the fact that there needs to be strong push toward decentralization to oppose the globalization efforts (things work best if there is opposition).
Germourt : ”steer people in a certain direction”
Towards democracy you sad little man.
”Do we need representatives anymore since technologies make it possible for people to pronounce themselves on issues instantaneously?”
Do you have any idea why direct democracy is a problem? No, of course you don’t, you know nothing about the history or political history. Look up dictatorship of the majority.
”decentralization to oppose the globalization efforts”
An what a surprise you like Nationalism. What a surprise, driven no doubt by your own corrosive xenophobia.
They probably recruit you spooks from the ranks of people with fucked up personality. You must have been bullied as a kid. Either you were a budding version of the full-blossomed asshole you have become, or others for some reason didn’t like you. Made fun of you. Whacked you here and there. Later, no girl would touch you with a six-foot pole. You’ve developed hatred toward others. You want revenge. Just like your idol, Bill Gates. Now you’ve got the perfect job. It matters little that you’re the lowest of the low of Bill’s underlings. You’re on the side that will let all those who have humiliated you have it.
I mean, I have no other explanation why you’d still be trying to engage with me after being told to go fuck yourself so many times.
Has it ever crossed your mind that being less of an asshole, as opposed to more, might resolve your predicament, Agent Germourt?
Iain Davies writes here and in UKC and his own site
and his recent reflections on the British Consitution are worthy of a read but in looking I found this
Do you really think any power structure would allow a system to exist that could up end the apple cart every 4 years? Democracy makes no sense as being able to function, especially in the age of instant propaganda manufactured consent big media.
Corbett definitely is this front man for rule by tech interests. No one should buy anything he’s selling.
Yes I do, that is what happened. Why do you think you have health care?
Healthcare? You mean my mandated insurance? Give me a break.
You people with your class struggle. You think you’ve fought and earned something The rulers gave it to you and can easily take away.
‘‘Corbett definitely is this front man for rule by tech interests.”
When he said tech should not be regulated by the government, and left to the oligarchs, I knew he was a spook.
No sense in its current format, correct. However we have the tech to set up a direct democracy which is near incorruptible.
The trouble is we have to wrest enough power from the worldwide mafia to do so.
What are you talking about?
Democracy through the internet?
Even if that worked and was magically accountable and unable to be manipulated, how are you going to keep the public from being manipulated? Who picks what gets voted on? Crazy utopian talk.
Parties regularly put forward core proposals and the people vote on them. The people can eject the current party overnight with a majority vote. That way the party can’t fuck the people over because they’ll be ejected quickly.
The core problem is how to administer and protect the voting system from interference, but it can be done.
It isn’t crazy utopian talk just because you’re lacking in imagination.
You are all so lost, it’s funny.
“Sounds vaguely reminiscent of crispy curly fries and the jackbooted crocodile teared CORPORATE FASCIST FABIAN EUGENICIST brownshirt charlatan fraudsters down back at Counterpuff.”
Build your own Cass Sunstein echo chamber.
Downvotes from the “informed” koolaid drinkers.
Aren’t you guys rich yet from all of the libertarian ponzi scemes these guys push?
There’s a story in the Fraudian that a Cancer Research survey has shown that half the people who’ve developed a cancer symptom in the last year have not seen a GP.
They make no acknowledgement that anyone with any sense has known this has been happening, the survey is just support for what common sense has been saying for the last year. Of course they give no acknowledgement of the role their own incessant fear porn has played in bringing this situation about.
Why have they published this story now? Perhaps because Big Pharma has noticed that their nice little (or large) cancer earner is drying up? At least one can enjoy the grim irony that in turning on one revenue stream they’ve damaged another. I’d suspect they also know that going to the GP now is a recipe for exposure to brow-beating about taking “the vaccine”.
That any of this is a bad thing depends on accepting the current cancer paradigm. Lack of access to their ‘cut and burn’ cancer “solutions” may be no bad thing. Doesn’t it seem strange that cancer treatments have changed little in seventy years? Or that cancer deaths in 1900 were about 2% of total deaths? Finding the total figure today isn’t easy because they sub-divide all the different types to obfuscate the scale of the overall disaster. Leaders like Nixon and Biden can announce “wars on cancer” that fail (except as money-making scams) with no consequences and with no media putting death tally clocks ticking away on their screens. It’s up to people to do their own research and draw their own conclusions about cancer – but if they’re lying about Covid is it probable that they’ve been telling the truth about this?
Don’t worry, there’s cancer “vaccines” on the horizon. Quelle surprise.
Well every vaccine is a cancer vaccine.
Before any vaccination, you have less misfolded proteins, transcription error, toxic protein production and genetic dysfunction.
By the physical results, it promotes cancer. All vaccines are cancer vaccines. What’s the mystery or novelty?
I mean, with the polio vaccine for instance, using say, genetic material from cancer tumour stem cells as supposed “help” for your body, is pretty direct indication.
In what world do people think injecting themselves with tumorous stem cells can be beneficial?
Oh…right. In the degenerate idiot society and medical establishment world.
Yes. But I was referring to the medical industrial crime cartel’s attempt to con people into gene modification as a prevention for cancer. Which is ironic as you point out since all their vaccines create cancer.
Well, good luck with your attempts here, your reply about willful ignorance to someone else is…well, kinda funny.
Fuck off.
Today’s headlines in the Independent newspaper.
”New Campaign will warn the public not to drop their guard in the fight against Covid as data suggested greater numbers are heading outside.” Wow ‘heading outside’ – A crime against humanity or what?
It gets even better.
”Government fears warmer weather could encourage most people to mix outdoors as PM rejects calls to speed up easing of lockdown..”
Right that does it: ban warmer weather. Only those who have taken the jab can leave their houses and mix with other jabbers.
This is:
Aldous Huxley
George Orwell
Yevgeny Zamyatin
Jack London
Arthur Koestler
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
All mixed up as one. We would do well to recognize their warnings. The new totalitarianism is upon us.
It has indeed been remarkable how ordinary activities even of the most trivial sort have become cause for gaping shock, not only in the media but, depressingly, amongst much of the public too.
“I saw someone out walking yesterday!”
“Two people were standing close to each other! They were actually talking without masks!”
“Don’t you know we all want to go out in the sun? But it’s not safe!”
So the CGI horror shows with clouds of evil COVID hovering above supermarket shelves actually paid off.
Your get the types who have reported them to social services, the shop managers or head office even the councils etc
They are shock when you mention they may be exempt!
the response is maybe ill people should not be out i have heard that one.
It is even better when you tell them to there face about exempts and the actually law not what the tele told them
OW is the answer.
The emotional trigger followed by ritual acts of compliance conditions the mind as reaction. This ‘speaks’ directly to the subconscious, bypassing what we think we think. The answer is clearly to be conscious rather than thinking we think.
Total b****cks again.
Fresh air, and UV radiation!
Just what you need.
I’m in Thailand, out every day for some sun.
83 dead here…
Greece has only had a significant death toll since November when it was over 100 deaths a day for a time, and it has dipped to c.25 a day and will probably dip further in March.
April to October – Greece tends to be hot, sunny and dry.
I think we are looking at a seasonal flu outbreak not Covid.
Calamus (acorus calamus) is a plant ready for syndication (it syndicates itself exponentially). Introduced to the UK around 1595 and native to Eastern Asia, India, North American bogs, ditches, and the edges of ponds, just a small 1-2” root cutting can get this plant established in the most marginal lands (though it does need to have ready access to water). Calamus is a highly valued medicinal plant for its ability to “act prominently on the trachea (which it strongly resembles) and is used in American Indian culture for singers. In China…it is used to reestablish the bright yang of consciousness…removing fine phlegmatous material from the cerebrum, increasing thinking ability and comprehension. The voice in Greek and East Indian philosophy, is associated with intelligence and consciousness” (Matthew Wood, Thd Earthwise Herbal 58). Also useful for digestion, ADD, and Ayurvedic doctors prescribe it for addiction to weed and cigarettes. A bionic and dynamic plant, calamus transpired and naturalizes in wet ‘problem areas’ (eg compacted and low nutrient soil, partial inundation of h2o etc) that are otherwise unusable in a landscape while regenerating surrounding soils/water tables. These are the big ancient ‘pharma’ solutions out there for us to find.
James Corbett’ is the first person you would call or hook up with when the shit hits the fan
He’ll be in the CIA’s bunker in Langley Virginia with Alex Jones. .
“Don’t worry about that. Somebody needs to get out and EDUCATE, ORGANIZE, MOBILIZE among the family, friends and neighbors what the have learned here.”
You forgot the Rockerghoul picture…
A classic example of compartmentalization in the news. No connection between the two stories, of course:
BBC, Feb 11 — Covid: Disabled people account for six in 10 deaths in England last year
Guardian, Feb 13 — Fury at ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ notices given to Covid patients with learning disabilities
That’s a new wave of DNR notices, by the way, being issued at the moment. It is the latest euthanasia drive, coming after the one that contributed last year to 60% of Covid deaths comprising disabled people.
It seems there is a government policy, a T4 programme, that is flying under the radar. In The mercy killing of the handicapped in 1930s Germany was a precursor to broader euthanasia.
The BBC story does not even mention DNRs. Elsewhere on the BBC site you can find this filed under Ethics/Euthanasia but no mention of what happens in the case of Covid:
The usual circumstances in which it is appropriate not to resuscitate are:
There are indeed some worrying parallels with Nazi Germany. This needs to be shouted as loud as possible. Care homes, DNR and lack of informed consent for vaccines are just three clear examples indicating that something deliberate, reckless and maybe sinister is afoot. Combine that with everything else which has gone on, only a complete halfwit would trust the health service with an elderly or vulnerable relative.
BBC, Feb 11 — Covid: Disabled people account for six in 10 deaths in England last year
Coronavirus: Autistic support group ‘told it needed DNR orders’
not no more, MC
Who knew?
The next time I start chest compressions, I’ll definitely remember not to do it to the tempo of “Unchained Melody”!
I don’t know that one.
Can I use Beethoven’s Fifth?
Here is a simple overview of RSS built on something I wrote ages ago.
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a system for SUBSCRIBING to changing information from a publisher of that information (syndicator). RSS readers themselves are called “aggregator’s” and ARE a HUGE time saver for following the ever changing information on the web.
I monitor around 50 individual feeds daily ranging from news sources like the NYT (which itself probably has about 50 subject specific news feeds) to ‘deal’ sites (Slickdeals) to political blogs, science blogs, technology blogs, etc. And of course, off-guardian.
Probably 30 or so are inactive and only pump out new items infrequently. But the point is, that I don’t have to constantly check these low activity websites looking to see if anything is new, so I keep these around.
Some syndicator choose to put full articles in the RSS feed, many others provide little more than a couple of sentences from the beginning of the article to get you to go the website (page views, ads, etc.).
In the last few years, some websites have used RSS feeds to allow subscribing to blog comment feeds where updated/new comments are sent to a feed. Also podcasts are available in feeds.
In a typical day, I will see maybe 500 new items appear on my screen from my RSS feeds. Monitoring for new item news this way eliminates having to go to many web pages and checking regularly for what’s new or checking for email updates (and no need to share an email address}. You get to easily see when something you’re interested in has been updated and you then make the choice to read the whole article or not.
So how do you find RSS feeds and what do you do when you find them? Generally, any site that offers RSS feeds will have an orange block somewhere on the page that says RSS or XML inside of it. Sometimes you can click on these blocks and your browser/client will add the feed for you automatically (depending on how everything is setup). Sometimes clicking on these blocks might also lead to a list of RS feeds available, that you can select from. Firefox & perhaps others have extensions that will show an RSS icon in the address bar if a feed exists that you can click on to easily subscribe to the feed.
My favorite RSS reader app these days is Inoreader, which is available on Windows, Android & iPhone. Unsure about availability on the other platforms. The app is free for very good functionality or you can pay to get more robust functions.
Thanks for that. I have a problem with general feeds that fill up inoreader with guff — It doesn’t help if I have to scroll through 25 stories to find one. It’s the old internet concept of ‘push’ services which don’t know what I need.
I find myself excluding sites that I want to follow, because of the guff quotient or relying more on the search function to filter stories.
When you subscribe to a feed, you take what they give you. The free version of Inoreader has been good enough for me but I think the paid version has more functionality to tune content.
I liked this message from last evening:
Don’t listen to anyone
Stop listening to experts
Stop listening to newscasters ….
Stop listening to me
Stop listening to the voices in your head
Start listening to your real self…
Excellent. That’s what it’s all about. People need to discover their real selves, live their own lives.
People often talk about the left, the right, the conservatives, liberals, bullshit illusory concepts or dichotomies like that.
The only dichotomy that matters is having one’s real self versus having one’s self molded by the likes of Klaus “Cockroach” Schwab. Or James Corbett, for that matter.
Agree, i’m very fond of being an individual. I’m very comfortable living within my own accountability.
You are like a CIA shill leading people up a dead-end. They need to ring their MP not bark at the moon, as idiots like you and this CIA shill, Corbett are doing.
Soudruhu Germourte, beats me wherefrom you’ve extrapolated that I’m in any way preventing anybody from doing anything or forcing to do something.
I’m simply voicing my opinion, soudruhu Germourte, no need to shite yourself about it, get hot under the collar, or excite your spook self in any other way.
Everybody’s free to do whatever they wish.
Treba se z toho poser, debile.
Have you seen what happens to phone calls to MPs…?
Tell us your success stories.
I’m listening…
Tap into infinite intelligence. If your instinct’s telling you it’s bullshit, it usually is…
This is a version attributed to Buddha – about 2,500 years ago:
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations…”
Fuck this shit.
“Feed” sounds dreadful. I might visit Corbett’s website, occasionally listen to what he has to say. Ditto others. Ditto this website. But being “fed” their wisdoms? Fuck, no.
People need to learn their OWN lives, as opposed to being “fed” shit by their whisperers, regardless of whether said whisperers might occasionally have a point or not.
My hunch is that people the world over need to take it easy on consuming “information”, regardless of its source. People need to go out, get closer to nature, congregate with others, listen to live music, see live performances, stuff like that.
The word “podcast” makes me wanna puke – I hear it left and right. It’s almost like COVID. That’s probably the most disgusting word ever invented.
Anyway, “feed” yourself a 15-kilometer jog everybody. It sure will make you feel better than some RSS feed.
My two cents …
People need to demand their democracy back, and demand that their MPs act in their interests again, as they have done most for the past two hundred years. Our democratic institutions are all we have between us and tyranny, and quislings like Corbett are trying to debase their worth. There is no other route to sanity than through our parliament, it is as simple as that.
Tovarish Roll, either you’ve lost your marbles, you’re infinitely naive, or you are another incarnation of the spooks frequenting this page or some other motherfucking spook.
I don’t ever remember any MP acting in my interest or in anybody else’s interests. They all act in their own interest or in the interest of those whose dicks they suck/have jammed up their favorite bodily orifice (select the applicable).
Corbett is an interesting fella, knowledgeable, but no prophet. He, nor anyone else, should be regarded as one. Everybody has to find their own way.
Democracy, they way it’s been operating over the last centuries, is dead. Utterly corrupt beyond repair. Time to invent something else.
So Democracy, is dead….replaced by what ?
You want a hero to take you in his arms and love you, and take care of you, Perhaps you want the the military to hang all the politicians?
Weak people like you are waiting for a great leader because you are spineless cowards. …. and deserve all that is coming to you.
It is democratic struggles that taught half-wits like you to write. which was a tragic waste of resources.
Soudruhu Germourte,
What I want is not something I will discuss with you. Not only are you a spook, you’re also a fucking asshole.
Incidentally, you’re flattering me by designating me as half-wit. I’m barely a quarter-wit, most likely much smaller a fraction.
Don’t lose any time with me soudruhu Germounte and fuck yourself off, as instructed.
”What I want is not something I will discuss with you”
If you have nothing to offer then shut up
C’est toi qui s’est colle sur moi, Soudruhu Germourte. La solution est simple. Decalisse, tabarnak.
Incidentally, how is it today in the workplace? Your shift has just started? How did you come by this kind of work? There was an ad in the paper saying Motherfucking Assholes Wanted? Guess so!
That’s the thing about this excellent site:
Nobody gets to shut somebody else up.
We can all decide for ourselves who has something to offer.
Your ‘leadership’ is not required.