Coronavirus Fact-Check #10: Why “new cases” are plummeting.
The number of “new cases” reported is tumbling in many countries around the world, and has been for over a month. So what’s causing it?

The scary red numbers are all going down. Check any newspaper or covid tracking website you want. Cases. Deaths. Hospitalisations. They’re all going down, sharply, and have been for weeks, especially in the US and UK.
So, why would that be?
Pundits across the media world have made suggestions – from vaccines to lockdowns – but there’s only one that makes any real sense.
It’s not vaccines
The assumption most people would make, and would be encouraged to make by the talking heads and media experts, is that the various “vaccines” have taken effect and stopped the spread of the “virus”.
Is this the case? No, no it’s not.
The decline started in mid-January, far too early for any vaccination program to have any effect. Many experts said as much:
Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr, professor of epidemiology and medicine at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, said the falling case numbers can’t be attributed to the COVID-19 vaccine, because not even a tenth of the population has been vaccinated, according to the CDC.
Further, the drop is happening simultaneously in different countries all around the world, and not every country is vaccinating at the same rate or even using the same vaccine. So no, the “vaccines” are not causing the drop.
It’s not lockdown either
Another suspect is the lockdown, with blaring propaganda stating that all the various government-imposed house arrests and “distancing” measures have finally had an impact.
That’s not it either.
Sweden, famously, never locked down at all. Yet their “cases” and “Covid related deaths” have been dropping exactly in parallel with the UK:

Clearly, if countries that never locked down are also seeing declines in case numbers, the lockdown cannot be causing them.
So what is?
The WHO PCR Test Guidelines
Maybe for our answer, we should look at the date the decline started.
Observe this graph:

As you can see, the global decline in “Covid deaths” starts in mid-to-late January.
What else happened around that time?
Well, on January 13th the WHO published a memo regarding the problem of asymptomatic cases being discovered by PCR tests, and suggesting any asymptomatic positive tests be repeated.
This followed up their previous memo, instructing labs around the world to use lower cycle thresholds (CT values) for PCR tests, as values over 35 could produce false positives.
Essentially, in two memos the WHO ensured future testing would be less likely to produce false positives and made it much harder to be labelled an “asymptomatic case”.
In short, logic would suggest we’re not in fact seeing a “decline in Covid cases” or a “decrease in Covid deaths” at all.
What we’re seeing is a decline in perfectly healthy people being labelled “covid cases” based on a false positive from an unreliable testing process. And we’re seeing fewer people dying of pneumonia, cancer or other disease have “Covid19” added to their death certificate based on testing criteria designed to inflate the pandemic.
Just as we at OffG predicted would happen the moment the memo was published.
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So why are they on the rise again?
Also why do you want my email for me to post a comment? Highly suspicious…
Cases are just positive PCR tests, which are as meaningful as a coin flip most of the time. A papaya (but NOT a mango) has ‘tested positive’ for Covid.
As to your second question – is this your first time using the internet? I ask because literally EVERY online comment platform out there requires an email address, so if it’s surprising to you I can only assume you have never been on the web or tried to comment on anything anywhere 🤔. However, unlike many sites, we don’t require a genuine email and will never try to verify it. So rest assured your anonymity is guaranteed with us.
Makes total sense to me. Good article. Brief and to the point.
Thank you. This site below gives me hope. Compassionate and independent thinkers. Thank goodness. May we gather more of them in this terrible time.
Brilliant article guys. Lots of information here not being given to the public through corporate funded news.
But you left out an important reason why cases are going down at this point in time: Natural immunity.
Many many people have been exposed to the virus and recovered, thus now having natural immunity. They can still test positive because of fraudulent test methods, and it’s true they have altered the method since about January 2021 after WHO notices, but there are less people getting sick because of natural immunity acquired in the population over a year now.
In some Nordic and Baltic countries, the number of “cases” is actually on the rise.
Maybe a stupid question, but if the new mRNA vaccines are said to make human cells produce coronavirus spike proteins – which then would be recognised by our immune system to mount an immune response – wouldn’t those spike proteins be recognised by the PCR test as well? Aren’t those spike proteins one of the targets for PCR tests to determine positive test result?
Perhaps this might, at least partially, explain the rise in the number of “cases” after vaccinations have begun?
Conveniently, it is very difficult to find information about how many of the positive “cases” have actually been vaccinated…
The PCR test is erroneously being used as a diagnostic vehicle, which it isn’t. The more cycles it is run, the more false positive results.
Yes, using PCR tests following WHO’s guidance of up to 45 cycles is totally meaningless because almost all positive results will be false positives.
But as more countries are slowly gearing towards the recent WHO’s updated guidelines to use more sensible Ct values, in the future there are likely to be less false positives (and “cases”) due to too many cycles used in PCR tests – probably a calculated move to make it appear that vaccines actually work.
If the PCR tests would be run with more sensible Ct values (and actually finding target sequences that it is supposed to find), wouldn’t a PCR test still find also those spike protein sequences – not from “corona virus – but generated by our cells due to vaccine? (“working” as intended)
There has been “baffling” reports from elderly care homes, where recipients of the vaccine have been found positive in a post-vaccination PCR test. One possible explanation – favoured by media – is that maybe this particular vaccine does not prevent infection, we might need more and better vaccines.
But if the post-vaccine PCR tests pick up just the spike proteins due to vaccination, then a perpetual machine for never ending vaccination has been invented.
Do you or anyone else happen to have the original source from the WHO stating the guidelines of such high CT values that was i’m guessing was published by them in March last year?
The Y axis on both of these graphs run from zero to 1.8. What is the multiplier for these figures, we can’t be talking 1.8 deaths per 100K.
It’s really intriguing…Why would all this happen? What’s the interests behing it and of whom?
Hi, the answer to your question is at:
I’ve had both Pfizer Covid-19 shots. The effectiveness of Pfizer Covid-19 shots is 95+%. The overall mortality rate of Covid-19 in the United States is 1.8%. Thus, my risk of death due to Covid-19 is, statistically, 0.09%. Why am I still forced to wear a mask, social distance and avoid groups of people?
Your a mutant now. Nobody knows what they have done to you. Keep away from real humans.
Why you got the Pfizer shot with 0,09%risk of mortality???
Fear from repetitive propaganda.
Your RNA’s now compromised. Nobody know what the long term effects of this will be. Could be benign, could turn you into a zombie or superhero. What of the yet unconcieved, what effect will this have on their RNA? And you’re worried about a mask?
I find is corollary, that the drops coincided with Joe Biden being sworn in. I also realize that correlation does not prove causation. Just curious.
And when was Inauguration Day? Jan. 20th !!!
Now Biden will be seen as the Medical Messiah !!
Interesting that the CDC warned us about the imminent zombie apocalypse.
Those stats are no different pre vax. CDC confirms that the CV hasn’t been isolated! How do you catch much less die from a virus that hasn’t been isolated?
George Mc
Mar 1, 2021 9:01 AM
Sorry my answer to you has been censored, because as they say ‘Truth is sacred’
This one?
I didn’t unspam this. It was there. Refresh your browser. A2
No another one after his remark of 1st March 9:01 AM in answer to his post saying about the banality of death of elderly people.
Here it is
“That this banality became the springboard for a world wide hysteria is certainly one of the most incredible phenomena of our time.”
This sentence distils the essence of the essentially selfish individualism of the covid deniers. Of course the ‘banality’ here is that elderly people are dying before their time but in any case they are disposable, so what if a few thousand of them die? Ah but wait, what about all those others who also suffer serious illnesses and put major stress on hospitals? No, none of this exist because I read on conspiracy websites, that the PCR is useless and that the WHO is cahoots with world government under lizards to control our thoughts.
The truth of the covid denial cult is that they live in a self congratulatory bubble with a reinforcing echo chamber. This absolves them of any responsibility for the safety and well being of fellow human beings and turns everybody else’s tragedy into a ‘banality’. Witness the carnival like atmosphere amongst the commenters here.
There is much that is wrong with this world, but far from exposing the real inequalities, covid deniers accentuate these wrongs. No wonder they are dominated by the extreme right.
not sure if they are lizards. most likely a bunch of pedophiles who get off on abusing children. cold blooded creatures in anycase.
Orage, you must have had multiple people close to you die from this “virus”. You must know of multiple people that are deathly sick and dying this very moment, and continuously. If not, then you are a repeater of the narrative. It seems to me you are a truth denier. You probably wear your mask in your car by yourself. I feel sorry for you. Hopefully someday you can use your brain to look up information and make your own decisions, rather than repeat what the mainstream media is telling you.
Yes as matter of fact I knew two people very well who have died of covid-19 and several close family members who have had the disease two of whom were admitted to hospital but thankfully did not have to be ventilated. I am also aware through other routes of many people who have either died or have had serious illness. Making little of people’s suffering and personal experience shows a total lack of empathy, coupled with the smug taunts borne out of ignorance, Good luck to you, I hope neither you nor anyone close to you get the virus.
Your personal experiences do not alter the statistics about this poorly defined ‘disease’. I thought you weren’t posting anymore? Isn’t this your opinion? Kindly practice what you preach and deal in facts, data, published papers and well-cited articles with easily verifiable sources. I will be removing your facebook-level spammy fear mongering from here on in. This is old. Very old. Thank you. A2
The comment appears to have now reappeared. Thanks.
In truth, you are misrepresenting the case that this article is trying to make and resorting to using propaganda inspired labels to attack people rather than making a legitimate counter argument based upon facts and in good faith. You have added nothing of value to this dialogue whatsoever whether it be for or against the premise of the article.
You begin with essentially labeling anyone who dares to express thoughts, opinions or observations similar to what was raised in the article as a “covid denier”. This is meant to be a disparaging label which was created and popularized by the mainstream news media to suggest that such people who entertain even the idea of independent thought outright deny the very existence of the COVID19 virus.
Such a blanket statement is a vast over generalization that is obviously false, serving no purpose besides attacking, insulting and bullying people in order to punish them for having thoughts and ideas that you disapprove of.
It’simportant to point out the fact that at no point did the aricle make the argument that the virus didn’t exist, although I personally wouldn’t rule that out as a possibility. The article was plainly written on the assumption that it does exist but rather that the testing methods that were employed prior to the recent decline of cases and deaths were not reliable and likely resulted in a large number of false positives (a problem that it says lessened after two announcements were made by the WHO that finally admitted the flawed testing methodology and suggested improvements).
This is the cause, according to the article, to the rapid decline of case numbers and deaths (which it says started to decline after the aforementioned WHO announcements), not the vaccine or lockdowns. If you have information or thoughts related to the article, regardless of whether it happens to support or contradict the premise of the author, please do share it with us.
That being said, to claim that people do not care that elderly people are dying before “their time” (whatever that means… WHO exactly gets to decide what “your time” of death is supposed to be, anyway?) when clearly the suggestion being made is that many of those dying were being mislabeled due to unreliable testing methods who likely would have died anyway but that the testing methods have been improved resulting in the decline of cases and deaths is a shameless attempt to emotionally manipulate, attack and misrepresent facts which ultimately gets us nowhere.
Pointing out that a clinical diagnosis,based solely on a pcr run at at cycle threshold of 40-45 and no other methodology involved,should never elicit a response of covid denier. Not when a current reduction in ct seems to be reducing cases and deaths. When the response is granny killer,you don’t care about the elderly etc,this proves how sore a point this simple fact is.
Yes, Gezzah, but it’s always best to look at this pandemic through the lens of the psyop MO and have a sense of what – a priori – will happen.
We know that there will be multiple strands of propaganda designed to confuse and distract. That is an absolute given and there will be a spectrum of controlled opposition propaganda going from complete nonsense (Judy Mikovits and her Wuhan lab drivel) to almost the whole truth. We could expect that the greatest weight of controlled opposition propaganda will be that there are numerous problems with the pandemic narrative BUT underneath all these problems there is actually a virus and a virus illness … when, of course, there is nothing, nada, niente, the alleged pandemic being a psyop after all and in psyops they only do what they want for real for real (if anything) while faking the rest. They don’t want a real virus and it wouldn’t work for their narrative anyway. Psyops are all about the psych part, not about simulating reality as closely as possible. To my mind the psyop MO is very similar to how magicians work – it’s all smoke’n’mirrors, distraction and focusing away from the fundamental truth.
With their controlled opposition propaganda they’re very good at knowing the kinds of things people will naturally tend to think and they curate and amplify that thinking. They KNEW that people would suspect that the virus was made in a Chinese laboratory and so they made a feature of it – at the start even before any propaganda was pushing it out, a friend of mine said to me with a sense of triumph that not only did she think the virus was made in a Chinese lab but another friend thought exactly the same thing. She’s disabused of that notion now.
I saw Dolores in a video telling us with the biggest smile on her face that she never wears a mask and “one of the times she was detained for four hours in an airport” was in Dublin. What, of course, she’s really telling us is that unless you want to be detained for four hours in an airport (adding all that time to an already tedious trip and being in the very uncomfortable situation of being “detained”) best to wear a mask.
Dolores is allied with or part of Frontline Doctors, no? FRONTline doctors, geddit? What a chortle they have over their giveaways.
They might not want a real virus but even if they did there is no such thing so they couldn’t use one. Hence the story about the lab virus helps to prop up the beleif in viruses. The herd immunity theory props up the belief in viruses hence Sweden and Bozo pontificated about it. There is neither asymptomatic nor symptomatic transmission. The virus simply does not exist. Hydroxychloroquine is not needed since there is no virus. This narrative was to give the impression there is a virus and that there is some good medical doctors out there when really HCQ is poison like the rest of their drugs. The highwire with Del Bigtree was promoting all of these controlled opposition narratives. Not only do viruses not exist but fraud is widespread in the entire medical industry. It could be shut down tomorrow and all cause mortality would go down. The last thing that needs saving is the NHS in it’s current incarnation.
Yes, the underlying implication is always the existence of the virus. I don’t know enough about the subject to have an opinion on the existence of viruses at all, only with regard to the alleged virus in this situation – there isn’t one.
Petra, are you by any chance contradicting yourself? You say you don’t know enough, commendable admission of ignorance, but then you reach a conclusion that there is no virus.
Ah! So it is all in the mind. All faked. All those gasping people are really pretending to be short of breath, Yes and I forgot, all those doctors in ITUs are pretending to be ventilating patients because they have been told to do so. All those laboratories churning out fake results with no sense of propriety or shame, knowing that they are fake results. Large number of scientists working in many different and politically rival regimes in different companies all of course partake of this grand deception. Putin and Johnson lay aside their Skripal differences and conspire against all the rest of us. And I forgot, the Chinese, who first described and characterised the genetic makeup of this virus and published it in the Lancet and later isolated the virus, all this was make believe. But amongst all this grand deception I wonder who is deceiving whom? Is it a great Russian plot as it seems everything else is? Or is it the new world order based in Washington? Why are the Cubans playing this game also? What is their interest in partaking of this deception? Come to think of it why does the Senegalese government also participate? A lot of unanswered questions here, but I am sure Petra has a simple answer to all these.
Why don’t you just show some evidence there is a virus instead of loading on the fallacious arguments? No the Chinese did not isolate any virus. They took some saliva and mixed it with toxic chemicals ascribing the effect of the toxic chemicals to the fantasy virus. More or less the same as was done for the fantasy measles virus.
Are you answering on behalf of Petra? And what is Is it more dependable than the Lancet? Anyway, you can do your own searches to verify since you are so adept at finding such obscure websites. Cheers.
Other than the fact we physically can see it!! This article is all completely bullshit except one fact… the numbers did sharply decline. I run hundreds of covid a day…. we did not “tweak” anything. I would like to have little chatty chat chat with the asshole once again spreading fake news. On one end we have the fear mongering and in the other we have there is no virus. It makes it difficult for me to do my job and still function daily listening to all this bullshit.
They are all Members of the WHO
and are bound by the treaties/contracts they signed with that organisation.
So is Sweden, much touted here as an example, so is Belarus and so on.
From Day One, Orage, I suspected psyop so the very first thing I did was go to Wikipedia which is generous with its clues and there was nonsense saying that Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits were found to be “reservoirs” of the virus with biosecurity specialist, based at Sydney University, Edward Holmes, saying of this research that it was “complete garbage”. Right then and there, in the absence of any evidence appearing to the contrary (which it never did), I knew this alleged pandemic was a psyop. (This nonsense has completely vanished from the history of the Wikipedia page but you can find traces of it on the internet.)
The next thing I did was search for coronavirus patients on YouTube because I know the psyop MO is to not make the “injured” look convincing in shootings and bombings so I assumed it would be the same for “illness sufferers”. Sure enough. You obviously have been hiding out as I’ve gone on ad nauseam about patient Tara Jane Langston. Here’s a video and a story about her in The Guardian. Come back to me and let me know if you think her selfie video and story about her is convincing.
Here’s a video about her analysing her acting history:
I make my case for this event being a psyop from numerous angles on a blog post including analysis of another alleged patient, Rebecca Frasure, nonsense “miracle survivor” stories and a nonsense “loved one” story.
I also have a blog post, Debunking the Debunkers, which analyses the lamentable “debunking” by PolitiFact of the OffG article, PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, and another webpage showing the parallels between the alleged pandemic and 9/11.–covid-19-the-parallels.html
I replied to you, Orage, re the “gasping people” and showed, in fact, they really are pretending. They really are! Or they’re not pretending at all and look as if not the slightest thing is wrong with them.
What do you have to say in reply or will you in the fashion of most people confronted with evidence that contradicts their belief merrily wave away the glaring anomaly of the obviously fake sick people in the pandemic story as most people do?
The thing is, Orage, and I say it ad nauseam:
1. The perps always give us the clues above and beyond any naturally occurring anomalies in their story
2. They never fake anything so well that someone who believes their story can brandish it in defence of it
You’re screwed in trying to come up with anything at all to defend the pandemic story. There ain’t nuthin’ you can brandish to defend it.
When testing stops so does COVID ‘cos the only way to tell anyone has it is a positive test result. If you went to your doctor with COVID symptoms they wouldn’t be able to tell you if you had COVID because the symptoms match other illnesses and there wouldn’t be anything to say you had COVID. Headache? Could be any number of things. Headache and fever? Could be something else. Headache, fever and loss of sense of smell? Could be something else.
When testing stops so does COVID. And if something stops simply when testing stops then it ain’t nuthin’ to start with.
My condolences but you can’t die from something that hasn’t been isolated confirmed by the CDC. A UCLA/Stanford study concluded that the chances of dying from this virus is only 1 out of 19 million. I mean who has that kind of bad luck? Only someone that is on the brink of death to begin with!
Now there is a new “Brazillian strain” Ha ha ha ha ha !! You can’t make this shit up it’s so nonsensical.
This new strain is an invention of left-wing Brazilian politicians to justify the fact that vaccines that are forcibly in the population are nothing but dirty water.These crap don’t work, so to take this globalist farther farther out of the hat for the emotional fools to believe.
The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
There’s more to propaganda than that, certainly wartime propaganda. Goebbels could tell Germans to his heart’s content that the Germans were winning – Allied bombers overhead told a different story. If propaganda fails to convince, it fails.
Yes it would fail if it didn’t convince. Let’s agree that in some cases its purpose may only be to convince but in others the purpose is to humiliate while at the same convincing people. Without convincing people it cannot humiliate.
I’m not sure I follow the reasoning here. The most important aspect of this pandemic has not been the number of “infections” found, but rather the number of COVID-related morbidity and mortality. You state : “And we’re seeing fewer people dying of pneumonia, cancer or other disease have “Covid19” added to their death certificate based on testing criteria designed to inflate the pandemic.”
The WHO appears to be concerned with labeling someone as being positive for COVID, when the expected COVID clinical symptoms are actually lacking. This is clearly not a concern when clinicians have patients presenting with COVID symptoms.
The article inappropriately suggests (without adequate literature support) that there was a PCR-related two-month surge (both for April/May and Dec/Jan) in cancer deaths. This does not make any sense. The decline in May/June period was not related to any change in diagnostic testing criteria (i.e. PCR)…and cancer death rates do not follow these specific patterns (even though there is some seasonal variation for some cancers).
Influenza has been notably lower in the USA and other countries , so this is not likely a contributor to the pattern of COVID peaks that you suggest are caused by PCR excessive reports
The lockdown may be over but not for the likes of Piers Morgan. He will never be able to go out in public after what he has done. Recent polls are showing unanimous rejection of the ‘vaccine’.
I love your graph, where can I find more like it? …Is it by the Anti-Neil?!!!
It is from
A clear Pie Chart Peter. May I suggest a fifth response: I’d rather get a lift home from Tiger Woods.
Ha ha excellent
“The PCR test has become the tool of choice when you need to dial in, crank up and wind down a global “pandemic”; used nefariously, the RT-PCR is a pandemic machine.”
Yes, indeed.
Can you tell me who wrote this?
No. I guess not everyone wants to be a star!
So if someone is anonymous, it is difficult to check their credentials or their motives. Difficult therefore to judge what they say don’t you think? Or does one only believe what one wants to believe?
There are things called facts, hyperlinks and references. But if you like cults of personality, have at it.
You are anonymous.
In regards to Dept I was trying to take the ‘p’ but failed !
Perhaps tptb have decided that enough economic damage has been done – the desired amount of middle-class destroyed etc. Shares in big pharma on the up. Dept for the rest of us for the next 40 years soon to be ‘rolled out by a smiling Rishi Sunak.
Or maybe they are getting ‘twitchy’ as the world largest tort case (class action) headed by Reiner Fuellmich is about to start and criminal proceedings may be about to reveal some of the culprits behind the scam? Lets hope he’s immune to any ‘new variants’ they discover!!
I wonder if a brief period of euphoria – reinforced by the message that most people taking the wonderful “vaccine” made it all possible – is scheduled before the next phase starts.
VanDissel (the dutch fauci) accused of childmurder and pedophilia:
Utterly horrific. As stated in the film, it’s been going on for millennia all over the world. Dutch ex-high finance operative, Ronald Bernard, also exposes this behaviour as do quite a number of other people people.
It’s much easier to understand how these massive conspiracies happen when you know we’re ruled by a bunch of satanic paedophiles.
A class action suit has been brought against the Covid measures in Cyprus.
This approach to the virus could have taken place at any time from March, 2020 onward. I propose that WHO waited until Trump was out of office to make policy that would correctly rearrange the statistics. The malice to enable a policy that helps bring down one man regardless of its adverse impact on entire populaces. (P.S. I didn’t vote for Trump).
Nothing substantially changed with Trump or without him. Bidens almost exactly the same with less personality. Trump is establishment entertainment. Still is., This year will be fuill;ed with trump stories as much as last. Celebs are celebs.
Can anyone advise?
Children in uk to return to school to have two pcr tests a week and two pcr tests at home. Why would they bother testing all those children? Is it possible the tests could be contaminated?
Frankly it wouldn’t surprise me if those tests were rigged to give positives to justify another lockdown. It makes sense from a theatrical point of view. The overlords have realised they have now got to the end of the credibilty line with the mere reporting. So they may have rigged up devices whereby parents at home do the test and make the “horrific discovery”. I’m sure vast numbers of parents have been sifficiently whipped up into hysteria to supply the desired reaction. Comic scenario:
Appalled parent: “Oh my God! You’ve got the bubonic!”
Little Dave: “But I’m fine mum, honest!”
Parent: “No” (scream scream) “You’re not going back till at least summer 2025!”
With covid ‘case/death’ numbers by contrivance reported as falling a month or so ago, I thought then about the benefits of that to the PTB, and how they would reverse the trend to up the ante again. Clearly the benefits are that they can sustain the narrative that we have miracle vaccines.
How would they reverse the ostensibly positive news? As you say, George, make sure there are plenty of positive tests when testing children. And more than likely these will be found to have a deadly and vaccine resistant variant (Brazilian variant?). Not only will these lead to more lockdowns but there is an added benefit: the major phase of second jabs starts in the next few days so when the number of vulnerable people dying suddenly increases the new variant can be blamed. Win/win for the PTB.
Yes i’d say they are from a very untrustworthy source like accepting a drink from a known date rapist. Don’t let that thing anywhere near the body. Put it in the trash outside and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
The pandemic has been 110% fake from day one. Let’s backtrack the Pcr testing since last March using the lower cycle threshold. Then go back to the method the CDC used for the previous 17 years (before Covid) for coding a death certificate. Using the old, established method, deaths from Covid drop some 80-90%. Thus…no pandemic and nothing more than a slightly vigorous flu strain where many of the early deaths were the result of extremely faulty treatment methods by hospitals and doctors.
The real pandemic has been the outrageous mountains of lies told to us by the media, medical experts, pharma and government.
What Pandemic?
There’s a lot I’m unsure about but
1) I didn’t take the Scam-09 vaccine,
2) I have never taken a flue vaccine
3) I’m not coming anywhere near the the Scam-1984 vaccine.
If this means being unable to enter misc venues or not flying etc than so be it, I’m ready to pay a price for what I believe in.
Your behind the news. Now they are talking about vaccination certificates for shopping.
Mr Y is behind the news?
Now we know who is orchestrating the propaganda!
It is Mr Y!
Well to be fair, the news is fast outrunning even the power to parody it. God knows what I’ll wake up to tomorrow.
“The colour blue can transmit covid!”
“Covid corpses coming back to life!”
“You can catch covid from yourself through masturbation!”
I thought you were joking:
Don’t you just love the way they phrase it?
The tests and vaccines themselves are “helping” the sectors reopen! Not the fact that the authorities are demanding those tests and vaccines!
2) and 3) … ‘snap’. Don’t remember any government fear campaign in 2009 – but did a lot of research later into that evil scam – which left hundreds of especially young people with incurable narcolepsy from being injected with Pandemrix. Found evidence of a WHO plot – fortunately discovered and aborted – to kill millions by putting live bird flu virus into the H1N1 vaccine. And no, it’s not a conspiracy theory!
Only ever had one vaccine in my life – a compulsory combined Hep A and Typhoid jab to allow me to work in East Africa.
Just caught the news there and it’s hard to report without parodying it. Something about a deadly new strain from Ipswich which has caused four people to sneeze and therefore necessitates another lockdown. Meanwhile outrage over how school janitors are being overlooked for the vax. Parody? You decide! (It’s not easy!)
Oh My God!😲 There’s an Ipswich strain as well? Is the Brighton strain still going? (or was that Portsmouth?) Just on the grapevine George, I hear there could be a Falkirk strain, so better keep an eye out!
Yes the media strain about strains is becoming very strained! ARF!
When Melbourne apparently had the deadly UK strain here a couple of weeks ago (that a 5 day lockdown fixed😜🤷♂️) and the UK apparently had the South African variant in the UK, I pointed that out to customers how odd that all seemed. They didn’t even click. They couldn’t see how farcical it was – or if they did, they didn’t show it.
Yes, a big portion of my sociology attention has turned to how many have trained themselves not to show it.
Where are the horrendous Norwegian strains (viking style)?
I am still waiting for the South Korean Cheju Island strain.
I am not waiting for the ankle strain!
Thanks for the laughs!!! You Brits are exquisitely humorous.
Mocking humour is another indication of covid!
Ha ha welcome to the idiocracy. I used to think there was a massive conspiracy of sorts. All the fluff of a pandemic but zero substance. I assumed it was not possible for Governments and people around the world to be so dumb. Yes, well it seems I may have been on the wrong tack. Jucinta just shut down Auckland for a week because one person tested postive for coronavirus aka the common cold. I surrender. Beam me up Scotty Jokes over.
To be fair she was acting under the instructions of Ashley Bloomfield as per the legislation…
He must know by now that: lock-downs, PCR used as a ‘test’, et al are totally ineffective and fake…
The only reason I can see Bloomfield still kowtowing the out-dated WHO line is that (like many) he has become addicted to oppressing people.
Or he is abusing his office whilst being egged on by the corporate monster media and languishing in all the attention.
Either way he, rather than exhibiting the intellect of a wise and learned medical man, appears to personify the egocentric idiocracy.
Let’s hope this changes and he remembers his oath.
Hi Kiwi, just did a few minutes digging then and found that Ashley Bloomfield was at the World Health Organisation in Geneva in 2010 – 2011, and has ties with a business school based at Oxford University. I’m sure there’s other connections that lead back to Bill Gates.
A person called T Bensemann put in a Freedom of Information request about Bloomfield’s connections with Gates in August last year, but I haven’t found the response to it.
Here in Australia, it seems Jane Halton is the person co-ordinating the scamdemic here. She attended Event 201, and is the Chairperson of CEPI, and has her fingers in other pies related to “covid”. Bloomfield’s past seems a bit less transparent.
@Greg: “I assumed it was not possible for Governments and people around the world to be so dumb.”
They are not dumb, merely joining a global conspiracy. A natural tendency to group-think, which is itself a protective mechanism for herd animals. It works like protective camouflage; the less distinguishable the individual (from the rest of the group) the less likely to be singled out as prey or for punishment.
Hermann Melville gives a good description of this protective mechanism in White Jacket; an unfortunate young sailor who was not around when the rest of the crew’s jackets were coated with regulation tar: “We need a volunteer, men. Hey you, White Jacket!”
Can’t tell what’s news and parody any more either. Even straight Parody sounds less crazy than the news. Case in point
“Sweden, famously, never locked down at all.”
Sweden, famously, has been increasing restrictions throughout the winter, because cases kept climbing. By now the are practically in lockdown, and it shows in the number of cases going down.
And in the UK, US and Israel, the number of vaccinations has been high enough to have an impact in number of cases.
The theory that it has something to do with changes in testing boundaries ignores the fact that the number of deaths has been following the number of cases. We know that cases have really increased or decreased because deaths follow the same pattern.
They have been increasing restrictions because “cases kept climbing”. If the restrictions reduced cases why would they go up “throughout the winter”? Why not in the summer when there were no restrictions? Why would you argue the restrictions eventually led to the “number of cases going down” when really they haven’t gone down and no evidence exists to support restrictions. Everywhere there have been restrictions there has been abnormal numbers of deaths. If we want to draw a conclusion based on a correlation then the restrictions cause increased deaths. It’s not just a correlation tho because there is lots of scientific evidence that made it obvious that such restrictions would cause increased deaths. Scientific evidence the perpetrators knew about and used to design their attack, intentionally tortureing and killing people. Telling people not to sit on a bench for example is obviously going to reduce vitamin D levels. Masks are obviously going to block sunlight from the face and interfere with breathing. Fear and terror is obviously going to raise cortisol levels. Social exclusion is obviously going to cause depression and isolate people from support. Every detail of this plot is obviously designed by terrorists.
Death of the Germ Theory – Sacha Stone with Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Palevsky etc..
It would only make sense to say that deaths and cases follow the same pattern if they were separate indicators. But the deaths are dependent on the cases i.e. a covid death is anyone who dies within 28 days of a positive test.
But what about the verrua deaths?
I want to know how many people are dying within 28 days of being tested positive for verruca?
We could have been suffering a lethal verruca pandemic for years but no one knew becuase no one bothered to check.
I wear masks on my feet to stay safe, as should you, don’t be a verruca pandemic denier.
You seem to be very selective about facts. You seem to be oblivious to the fact that many people have died and have some who have survived also have had serious health problems because of a new virus. Your empathy for those sufferers are non existent because you relentlessly want to twist facts to suit your conspiracy theory. Fight the real enemy and not a phantom one. There is a real virus that needs all of us to combat, but there also those in the system who exploit any disasters to make themselves richer.what you and those making these nonsensical comments here do is bark up the wrong tree with these false beliefs. Read Naomi Klein The shock doctrine and see how disaster capitalism works. She has also written recently about the pandemic, worth reading.
It’s not a question of being selective about facts but about querying the interpretation of facts e.g. the “horrifying” and no doubt true fact that very old people with multiple illnesses were dying. That this banality became the springboard for a world wide hysteria is certainly one of the most incredible phenomena of our time.
Or how about the “horrifying” – and possibly false – “fact” that these PCR tests are showing up vast numbers who have this “devastating” illness …and yet show no symptoms whatsoever?
If ever there was a “phantom enemy” it’s covid!
The graph for deaths and patients admitted match but they dont match with the graphs for positive results and virus tests conducted. the proportion of positives turning into admitted patients has obviously gone down alot since last may.
“That this banality became the springboard for a world wide hysteria is certainly one of the most incredible phenomena of our time.”
This sentence distils the essence of the essentially selfish individualism of the covid deniers. Of course the ‘banality’ here is that elderly people are dying before their time but in any case they are disposable, so what if a few thousand of them die? Ah but wait, what about all those others who also suffer serious illnesses and put major stress on hospitals? No, none of this exist because I read on conspiracy websites, that the PCR is useless and that the WHO is cahoots with world government under lizards to control our thoughts.
The truth of the covid denial cult is that they live in a self congratulatory bubble with a reinforcing echo chamber. This absolves them of any responsibility for the safety and well being of fellow human beings and turns everybody else’s tragedy into a ‘banality’. Witness the carnival like atmosphere amongst the commenters here.
There is much that is wrong with this world, but far from exposing the real inequalities, covid deniers accentuate these wrongs. No wonder they are dominated by the extreme right.
If you’re based in the UK you’re simply not paying attention to what’s actually happening. You also make assertions and assurances which the data does not permit anyone to make.
The official figures reveal over half UK care home excess death were not from ‘covid’, and most probably due to gross mismanagement of vulnerable people amounting to mass murder. Decanting them from hospital into poorly staffed and equipped care homes, as well as giving them DNRs (whilst every hypocrite postured about how much they cared for the elderly).
Excess deaths in UK, once adjusted for age and population, are only the 6th highest since the millennium, not conducive with a bonkers assertion that we’re witnessing a plague.
Any assertion that the above is evidence that lockdowns work is circular reasoning – an unfalsifiable hypothesis that viruses and disease are now somehow fundamentally different and more scary, despite the data showing nothing of the sort, and despite mortality around the world remaining the same as usual.
There has been no runaway plague in Belarus, Sweden, Florida, Nepal, Tokyo, Cairo, Nicaragua, Serbia and other locations around the world which had little or no social distancing and lockdowns.
Due to unprecedented changes in the way this umbrella diagnosis is given, based on a deeply flawed test, we have no way to confirm if anyone has actually had this disease, or how many have actually had it.
There is literally nothing to see here. If we woke up tomorrow and all agreed to stop locking our vulnerable people in their rooms with nothing to do but watch fear porn there is every reason to think things would be just like in 2019 and previous.
Serbia demonstrated this when they rebelled and ended their lockdowns in the Summer.
These things only bear repeating a certain number of times. Yet you refuse to engage in any sort of intelligent way.
Please reply in the thread. Thanks, A2
There was an excess of deaths in 2020 in care homes of is published by ONS and this is their conclusion:
“The provisional number of deaths in care home residents occurring in England and Wales from 28 December 2019 to 1 May 2020 (registered up to 9 May 2020) was 73,180; this represents 23,136 more than the same period last year. Of these deaths, 12,526 mentioned “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)”, which is 17.1% of all deaths in care home residents in the year-to-date. We are looking into excess of non-COVID-19 deaths and will be publishing more on this soon.”
So your assertion may be partly right. Initially there was a very major disorganised response to the pandemic by the British government for which they have been rightly criticised. Elderly patients were discharged from hospitals in a panic, to prepare for the influx of Covid-19 patients. Some of these patients were not even tested before discharge to the care homes and there was truly a crisis of care. But the mortality in the care homes due to covid-19 was well documented as above.
It may be the case that the age adjusted is the is only the 6th highest since the millennium, but what has to be factored in is that the mortality figures have been improving constantly in the last few years and that this is the first time there has been a reverse. The significance of this is explained in the following analysis:
“This doesn’t quite sound so bad does it? Fewer people dying per 1,000 than in 2003, and pretty much any year before. But there’s a clue here as to why this isn’t an especially meaningful comparison.
Crude mortality rates, which is what we’re talking about here, have been falling for most of the 20th and 21st century as medical science has advanced, and people have lived longer. So casting this number as telling us “it’s only as bad as 2003” isn’t quite right.”
“To put that in perspective, that’s the biggest leap in any year since 1940. Bigger than during the 1951 flu epidemic. Bigger than during the Asian flu in the 1950s or the Hong Kong flu in the 1960s. In fact the only other years that come close – save for 1940 – are 1929, in which there was a global flu pandemic on top of an economic crash; 1918, year of the Spanish flu; and 1915, during the First World War.
It’s worth underlining that these are not projections and these are not numbers dependent on diagnoses – they are cold hard numbers of those who have died of all causes. And they underline that even though this pandemic is still not over, it has already exerted an extraordinary cost in terms of lives lost.”
This is an opinion statement not based on facts. There has been an increased mortality rate in the population of over 12% in UK. Moreover what you have ignored is that the burden of disease and death is borne unequally by the poor and by ethnic minorities.
With respect you are selective in this quote. This is a mixture of countries and cities and states and therefore there is no possible comparison. You also completely ignore certain countries like China, South Korea, New Zealand and Australia from your analysis, countries that at some stage took the lockdown seriously, introduced efficient track and trace and are now managing the pandemic. Moreover, Sweden has not got away exactly scot free. The mortality rate from Covid 19 in Sweden according to this website is 1,290, the 24th ranking in the world, and far worse than Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany , not to mention Finland and Norway with figures of just above 100 per million of population. Belarus, Serbia, Nepal and Nicaragua are not exactly at the world’s crossroads, with much population movements to the outside world. Cairo, or Egypt seems to have a low rate but there are other factors that may be at play. The average age of the population is much lower than in the Northern hemisphere and the ambient temperature is much higher. There may be other confounding factors as well. As far as I know, Tokyo and Japan have taken stringent social distancing measures and widespread use of masks, even before the pandemic. So I am afraid your selective examples are not representative of the large world population centres such as India, Brazil US and so on.
Your assertion that the data is based on a ‘deeply flawed test’ is unfortunately ill founded and not based on any hard data, but on opinion and theoretical deductions. Jut to give you an example reflecting the reliability of the PCR, other than the obvious one, that in all countries, the PCR rates go up and down, also reflecting hospitalisation rates and death rates. I think this is undeniable. But the example of how this test is highly accurate is shown by this example from China:
“The Chinese city of Wuhan said it has tested its entire population of 11 million people for COVID-19, part of an ambitious national plan to restore public confidence and get the country’s economy restarted.
The mass testing campaign ended up reporting 206 cases of active COVID-19 infections, all of which were classified as asymptomatic.”
So that even if all of these 206 cases were false positives then the false positive rate for this test is infinitesimally small. This is hard data not stipulation.
Again, this use of emotive language is purely a matter of opinion, not a factual representation of the real world. The mortality rate from Covid-19 is considerably higher than that of flu. The exact figure cannot be determined in an ongoing pandemic. It is true that the figures are improving, but initially, the medical profession was faced with a novel virus causing severe respiratory distress in patients suffering from this disease with an initial high mortality, lack of knowledge of pathology and treatment and no previous background immunity. The declaration of a pandemic by the WHO was based on information at the time of a novel virus with a high contagion rate and with a considerable mortality. There are standard procedures for dealing with pandemics but our government in UK and many others chose not to follow these procedures which would have limited the virus, as happened with the SARS virus of 2003 and MERS in 2012. rest follows
Please reply in thread, thanks. A2
following from previous .
The result has been too little too late with poor consequences in terms of both control of the virus and in economic hardship. This is what responsible journalism should focus on, not question the science quoting dubious pseudo-scientific sources.
The case of Serbia is not so clear cut as there have been doubts as to the accuracy of the official figures.
I hope that you will consider that I have now engaged in an intelligent way and look forward to a factual non-patronising answer.
And here the analysis falls into that circular reasoning I was talking about (which riddles this narrative through and through), by making an a priori assumption that it is a disease called ‘covid’ which is responsible for these ‘cold hard numbers’, despite the fact (as you concede) that a significant number of them very possibly weren’t due to this.
This analysis sidesteps any need to investigate other very likely contributory causes for excess deaths, due to locking down societies, curtailing healthcare, imprisoning the elderly and generally cheapening the lives of the vulnerable.
Lockdowns are unprecedented. You will not be able to share any studies supporting their efficacy, or any risk analyses for their national rollout. Likewise you won’t be able to share any new science to contradict the statements made by the WHO and CDC back in March, telling us mask mandates weren’t going to help.
You mention India, where has covid vanished to over there? Amidst all those gathering to protest as well…
Sweden’s excess deaths are no worse than in 2019.
You can employ kettle logic to explain away all the various inconsistencies here, whereas this further contradicts the pandemic narrative. There should be one unifying, over-arching factor which ties this all together: Lots of people dying of a disease.
This is not the case.
If this pseudo-scientific pantomime of lockdowns and social control had any merit, it would show a clear correlation between countries which took it seriously and those which did not. We do not see this.
Playing devil’s advocate: if Australia chooses to become a fascist state pursuing ‘zero covid’ (despite the fact countries which did nothing are statistically normal), haven’t they in fact created a societal tinder box – a naive population utterly unaccustomed to a rampaging novel virus?
How is this a success?
In fact you are engaging in cognitively dissonant, tabloid-level, space invaders-style epidemiology.
You are denying the existence of a disease called covid 19 on the basis of the say so of some who do not even look after patients. When the bar is set very low it is impossible to have a sensible conversation. What you are in fact saying is that all the ITU doctors in the UK know so much less than you and your panel of experts.
I think that you still cherry pick, you cherry picked India which had a very high level of infection which is controlled. But also what I said about Egypt applies to India.
So my challenge to you is this: why do you never mention China? was that all made up? Why did the Chinese raise the alarm, isolated the virus and saw it spread rapidly and then locked down. What PCR data can you produce to prove that the PCR is useless other than say so by those who at the same time deny other things like AIDS and man made climate change and have no expertise in management or diagnosis of Covid19.
You have set yourselves up in a corner and have attracted all the Trump supporters, Q anon followers and even David Icke followers. Instead of aligning yourselves with the left and fight for disadvantaged people, and expose the real scam of government cronyism and graft and incompetence, you are attacking the science. Good on you, but you will be in the wrong side of history. Shame.
Excuse me, Orage, but your attempt at guilt by association is not going to cut it.
No sir, that’s a dirty tactic. And you’re also including Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, in that bracket, who won a Nobel prize for his work and later questioned its diagnostic use with HIV. Be careful what you chuck around, because you can’t have it both ways.
PCR has its limits, according to the inventor. I have also linked to a good article published here, which you’ve previously patly dismissed as ‘just an opinion’ while ignoring its many citations linking to data, scientific papers and expert testimonies.
China isn’t mass testing it’s population using the PCR test anymore, and while correlation doesn’t mean causation, coincidentally their pandemic appears to have gone away, and they appear not to be too afraid of getting it back.
Why? Because they have such airtight track and trace systems across all 13 thousand miles of its borders (the longest in the world)?
Or because the pandemic is not a risk now, if it ever was?
China – the originator of this apparently novel virus (although it appears in sewerage samples from March 2019 in Spain) is one of the world’s lowest hit countries, with only 3 deaths per million.
Pretty startling that, when you compare it to the UK who are still floundering around supposedly wrestling this mighty covid serpent.
Or is the UK just waving its arms around, and is the serpent made of rubber?
BTW I didn’t say the virus wasn’t real. I do however say that, since the PCR test isn’t testing for a specific coronavirus (since they didn’t have anything resembling an isolate when the test was made) we can’t say who has caught an exotic covid-causing coronavirus, and who has had a cold.
The stats are basically meaningless junk data.
80% of people are asymptomatic when they test positive, and 95% percent of people have no more than mild to moderate cold/flu symptoms.
Average covid death is 82.5, above average life expectancy, with multiple serious co-morbidities.
Covid has above a 99.7% recovery rate.
In the small chance you contract the ‘disease’ (whatever that actually is since the symptoms are so generic), your chances of living are very, very good.
So, let’s STFU about it and stop being utter muppets. That’s what I say. XD
I am afraid that your circular arguments are unconvincing. Science cannot be interpreted by a journalist writing about PCR. Show me a proper peer reviewed scientific publication that actually says that the SARS cov2 PCR is meaningless. Opinion pieces even if well argued do not count. You wouldn’t like to fly on an aeroplane designed by a journalist would you?
You also dismiss cursorily what is happening in China and how China overcame the pandemic and then make a rather vague statement about their mass testing, based on no facts at all.
I tell you what, this is your website and you are entitled to publish anything you want, and often you do. I have made my point. I shall now not make any more comments, but that will not mean that you are anywhere near the truth.
Dr Sebastian Rushworth is an A and E doctor in Stockholm, he has been blogging about the covid debalce from the start.
Apparently the Swedish government passed legislation allowing them to impose lockdown style restrictions but have implemented none of them as they know they will be stopped by the Swedish constitutional guarantees the moment they try.
So the Swedish politicans have just put on a bit of a show so that people like yourself (and all the lockdown pushing governments) can claim that lockdowns work.
I agree that restrictions have been slowly increasing, but “lockdown”? That is false. Two days ago it was warm and sunny in southern Sweden, many families were out in the parks with children, and people were in cafes and restaurants. Few wear masks (10ish%). Businesses are open (even if with restrictions on the numbers inside to 1 person/10 sq. m). What lockdown?
I got one set of stats for you, all that it takes:
USA: close to 25% of the world prison population.
USA: close to 25%of the world covid corpse count.
(Don’t spend it all in one place, agent Q.)
Doly what amazes me is that people like you do not realise how many people die on average daily around the world. 7,500 people die every day in the US alone from normal causes. As usual with this kind of propaganda you have left out all the key numbers.
The next time some idiot stands up and says 100 people died from coronavirus last month in the US (all in their 80s) keep in mind in the last month 225,000 people died of natural causes. Are you seeing the frigging problem yet!!!
Alex Berenson now notes that Israel is talking about going back into perma lockdown because the vaccime doesn’t actually work on older people.
I really think these protests are a form of abuse. People know there is a lawless covid regime so why would they “protest” and put a girl in harms way? This is called hoovering. People are not waking up thinking London has something to offer when it is expensive filled with blood money and is no place for musicians. You don’t go to the abuser “protesting”. You go to safe place where you can protect your people.
Downvote all you like but the fact remains it could be predicted that people would be injured and nothing was done to ensure the safety of the participants. That is hoovering. Protesting lockdown as if some psychopaths are suddenly going to see the light. Sucking people into harms way rather than recognising there is real serious work that needs doing and your not going to get anywhere protesting nothing. What is needed is independence from these psychos. If masked terrorists can set foot in the park without nothing being done to protect anyone then it is not a good place to tell people to go and telling people to go there to “protest” amounts to hoovering. The abuser wants attention like they are relevant. Your houses of parliament will soon be nothing more than a museum about vaccine criminals, slave traders and blairites. Your not relevant. We don’t protest. We create.
Do you think we wouldn’t fill it up with bones of covid criminals to make it a world level tourist attraction? They would shit themselves, they really would if they knew what sort of trouble they were in. A bone church on the river thames? The Americans would be flocking to see that.
Going by the “revolutionary” Bylinetimes angle, it seems that the Boris against the Left pantomime is doing well. Big issues:
A plethora of directives from the Left covid gospel. So, get ready for acts 2, 3, 4 etc. with Bojo the clown doing his “uncaring” dance whilst the Left congregation pelt him with their holiness.
The beloved NHS has more than enough PPE, it’s just unusable!
How long before the pantomime turns to Shakespearean tragedy for Boris Johnson, I wonder?
Covid is a Capitalist Construct
Limits aren’t pleasant to anyone, especially not the super capitalists …
Who do you think orchestrates the limits?
Although still obsessed with Covid BS, the WSW seems to be moving onto another obsession – “Security and the Fourth International”. It has a fixation about just about everyone around Trotsky in Mexico in 1940 being a Stalinist agent. Doesn’t say much for Trotsky’s personnel selection, if true.
Their website’s front page only has one article on Corona on March 3 (a denunciation of Texas and Mississippi for “opening up”). I suspect the WSW leadership have decided they have got as much mileage from Covid as they are going to. Their obsession with the topic seems to have faded.
Or Herd immunity is kicking in.
Herd immunity from WHAT? its ONLY the number of stupid sheeple getting FALSE POSITIVE TESTS that keeps this FARCE alive.. no fake TESTS no pandemic, this is a Psyop for the EUGENIC Satainists loike Gates rockefellers rothschilds soros who want us GONE and have done for centuries now !
“Herd immunity from WHAT? its ONLY the number of stupid sheeple getting FALSE POSITIVE TESTS that keeps this FARCE alive.. no fake TESTS no pandemic, this is a Psyop for the EUGENIC Satainists loike Gates rockefellers rothschilds soros who want us GONE and have done for centuries now !”
It is incredible that someone can write such a post with not one single fact and with so much venom, insults and abuse against fellow humans. Who are those satanists? Do you go around KuKluxKlan like on witch hunts burning these satanists? Is the majority of the population ‘sheeple’ just because you think you have seen the light? Just reflect on the nonsense you write.
What makes you think that the numbers of positive cases the government announces has anything to do with actual people being tested?
10 people could actually be tested next week and Boris can tell use that 78 000 people tested positive that same week.
Orage is also Bob or Doly or whatever silly names the 77th use on this site.
They look for a reaction and stir division.
That’s why they’re here.
They offer nothing but to regurgitate government propaganda.
And what propaganda may this be? Oh I have been rumbled.
It is generally accepted that attacking the man and not the ball is a sign of a lost argument. In a properly moderated discussion this should generate a warning of foul play. However it is amusing to see that this is the norm here.
You were rumbled a long time ago.
The science that the government keeps referring too has been pulled part, dissected and debunked many times over.
It’s rather amusing to see it being regurgitated by a very small minority of accounts on this site who then cry wolf when no one believes them or wants to engage with them.
You attack the man and not the ball with your talk of conspiracy theories and deniers. If you are not from the 77th you are still doing their work.
Herd immunity?! As in frail people will now live to be 120?
Comedy gold….
That is one of the most ridiculous things I have EVER read!
They are using every trick in the book to get the plebs jabbed! Next they will claim it gives immortality!
“Gene Editing” is practically in the subtitle; as long as they’re free to redefine what a vaccine is they are equally free to make any ridiculous claim about it they want or feel they need to in order to rope in the gullible. It’s not sophisticated trickery, rather snake-oil sales 101; sell them whatever and call it ‘science’.
Ridiculous & to highlight just how ridiculous I quote immunologist Profeesor Sheena Cuickshank;
“But ALL the Covid-19 vaccines work, not by injecting viral particles, but the genetic instructions that our immune cells need to create a small part of it.”
Well Prof. Cruik…. The A-Z Vac. mentioned in the article is a weakened version of the virus, it injects viral particles of attenuated chimpanzee adionvirus. FFS!
The number of deaths in the UK recorded in the two years 2018/2019 was in excess of 600,000. Quite normal people do tend to die, especially in the older age groups, and/or those suffering from health problems. But run-of-the-mill death-rates are now used to identify a new pathogen and cause of death – COVID-19. In fact the death rate in the UK has been 9,4 per thousand ever year including 2020. The highest death rates have been in Eastern Europe with Bulgaria 15.5, Ukraine 15.2 and then come the lovely Baltics. 15.1. It seems to me that COVID-19 whether imagined or real has very little impact of death rates.
All the hysteria has been politically engineered for political purposes – i.e., The Great Reset. And of course it should be borne in mind that it is neither possible nor desirable to invent a ‘jab’ – Yuck! – which cures death.
And why are countries like China, Russia, Venezuela and Cuba and Iran also playing this game of the ‘Great Reset’, can you explain to me what is in it for them?
They are all members of the World ‘Health’ Organisation.
An indication of the fanatical dreariness of the COVID cult:
Someone is snubbing the vaccine shock horror! Ah but there is a severe limit to such rebellion:
“After battling with AstraZeneca over shipment delays, and even casting doubt over its Covid-19 jab’s efficacy, EU countries are seeing stocks of the company’s shots pile up — unused.”
You see it’s not a rejection of the COVID narrative that is at stake here but a casting of doubt over the vaccine’s “efficacy”, the deadliness of the virus taken as sacred presupposition. (And note that “EVEN casting doubts”. Oh to EVEN go so far!)
Can there be anyone on this planet who still believes that covid will act as some kind of leveller?:
“Millions of people have seen their finances hit hard by Covid, particularly those already on lower incomes. Pressures of bigger energy and food bills, as well as other costs owing to children remaining at home, and a 20% cut in income while on furlough, have contributed to the squeeze. More than nine million people had to borrow more than they usually would by December, owing to the coronavirus crisis, figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed.
However, the LCP report suggests that another six million people have seen their bank balances benefit from fewer outgoings during the restrictions on movement. Many of them could have saved thousands of pounds. Employees who have been able to work from home – often not those in the youngest age groups – have seen commuting and travel costs fall. Those aged over 55 had been most likely to save as a result of holidays being cancelled or not booked, and older people were also most likely to have cut back on eating out, the report said.”
So – concentrations of wealth even at the lower levels.
Printing money – as is the current hysteria from central banks – in the hope that consumers will rush out and spend it, courtesy of the central bank – will work only if those with money consumers, banks and businesses do not hoard new money. In an economic downturn hoarding money is exactly what businesses and consumers will do. So money doesn’t circulate and there will be less consumption and investment. It is called the velocity of money circulation where MV = PT. M is for money, V is for velocity, P is for price level, and T is for transaction, the key variable is V velocity of circulation. I money velocity comes to a grinding halt, as it is doing, consumption and investment will fall. You can print as much money as you like but if V = zero, then growth, consumption and investment will fall.
Try telling that to the ‘experts’ and MMT crackpots.
It is also interesting that the death rate and hospitalisation rate is falling in direct relation to falling number of positive PCR tests in UK and US, some of the largest number of cases. What this article does is a device of selectively choosing what data to analyse in a complex multivariate situation.
The death rate and hospitalisation rate is determined BY the number of positive PCR tests. The falling rates are determined by the falling rates! Tautology!
You are so right, Black is white and white is black.
There are less people in hospital “with” covid. That doesn’t mean there’s less people in hospital, it just means that less people have come back with a positive pcr test. A lot of the people included in the scary looking numbers of people of people in hospital “with” covid were actually in there because of something else and came back with a positive pcr test whilst in hospital. A friend of mine’s Dad was in hospital last year with pneumonia after battling cancer for a couple of years. He returned no less than 4 negative pcr tests before he returned a positive one the day before he died. Naturally, his death was counted as a covid death, even though the family protested and told the doctors that they were wrong. Never the less, in the grip of the official panic, they couldn’t see him in his last day and there was barely a funeral. In other words, toal and utter horse shit, an inhumane disgrace, a dishonest travesty and a small piece of a much wider policy desigend to fuck up the lives of ordinary people. And since the parameters of the test have definitely changed in a way that will result in less positive results, that decline in numbers is entirely consistent with what we would expect to see.
That is along with the fact that in any year, at around this time of year, you would expect to see a decline in the number of people hospitalised by viral respiratory infections, almost as certainly as you would expect the sun to rise in the morning and set in the evening.
Time correlation is not equal to causation any first form statistician will tell you. So go back to the drawing board.
Causation depends on time. Not even the COVID hacks would go so far as to have no delay operating – although they have been arrogantly shoving out shit for so long now they could probably get away with anything.
No, so by that logic, it is wrong to say that the declines in numbers are caused by vaccines as well.
We should be cautious about official figures. Remember how such lockdown opponents in the UK as Toby Young and Peter Hitchens based their arguments on official figures showing a steep drop in cases/deaths last summer only to be confounded as the official figures spoke of a “second wave”. There will be as many “waves” as those orchestrating the affair tell the experts and media under their control to report and they will produce figures to support whatever narrative is required.
“such lockdown opponents in the UK as Toby Young and Peter Hitchens”.
Hitchens finally confirmed overnight that he’s controlled opposition by getting vaccinated (so-called). Personally I was shocked that Malta-born, RN-fathered, famous-brothered, Oxford-living, MSM-employed Hitchens turned out to be another stooge.
Genuine dissidents do not ‘slip through’ into the MSM any more than they become President.
Hitchens was always controlled opposition.
He always maintained lockdowns were due to incompetence and failed to point out the agenda.
Oh yes, let us put all our trust on Toby Young and Peter Hitchens, they are experts in public health, epidemiology and statistics.
Well I’d trust them before I trust Saint Bill.
Bill Gates is NOT, repeat NOT a real life equivalent to Ernst Stavro Blofeld- he’s not out to dominate the world, control the population or track everybody’s movements. All he is, is a very rich computer tycoon. He’s not a eugenicist or anything like that- to suggest so is tinfoil hat lunacy of the most ridiculous kind.
So, why the fuck are we listening to a computer tycoon about matters of public health? How does he know better than any other unqualified individual?
All the experts are involved. The WHO, CDC, oxford and cambridge, imperial college. The is Phds with a zillion qualifications all lined up behind covid so I hardly think you are going to get far with an appeal to authority. It is common sense that is needed. People to say their hair dressing knowledge is qualification enough to decide lockdown is abuse and injections are poison. These academics don’t know what they are talking about and are simply brainwashed to sell vaccines. They are for the most part the last people who are going to realise they are wrong. Deferring to experts is a recipe for disaster. Someone has to make a judgement who is the experts that are most credible. Maybe when they were cutting hair they had a client who was cured by a homeopath and that tells them they should get a second opinion. Maybe they know a hair dye seller lied about the safety of a hair dye and that tells them not to take the word of some corporation as gospel.
Oh, I know that, the appeal to authority is part of the logically fallacious horseshit pedalled as truth, but it is a main plank of the argument of the branch covidians, so I don’t mind turning their own half baked arguments and circular reasoning back on them.
Because his foundation subsidises the media outlets that portray him as a “public health expert”.
I think you need to see the ends to which he puts that vast wealth and ask some searching questions.
Dolores Cahill is a world renowned virologist. Should we listen to her as well Orage? Or, to you, is she just some conspiracy nut?
Ah yes Dolores:
“Dolores Cahill is a professor at University College Dublin and has made controversial statements about the coronavirus pandemic that have led to her being disowned by a number of scientific institutions.
In an interview in May, she promised to “debunk the narrative” of the pandemic which is being used by politicians and the media “as a fear-mongering propaganda tool to try and take away rights from people and to make them more sick and to force vaccinations on us”.
Cahill has also claimed that extra vitamins could fight the disease, that lockdowns and masks were not necessary, and that those that recover from Covid-19 are “immune for life” despite no scientific evidence to show this is the case.
In June she was asked to resign from a leading EU scientific committee over her remarks.”
Other experts quoted elsewhere:
“Dr Andrew Kaufman
Kaufman is a “natural healing consultant” who rose to prominence recently in a viral video in which he claimed a vaccine against coronavirus would “genetically modify” humans.
In the video, he talks about how a future vaccine would provide a vessel to “inject genes” into humans, first by a procedure known as “electroporation”, in which an electric current “create[s] little holes in our cells that allow the DNA to go into our own cells” and then through the insertion of “foreign proteins that supposedly generate immunity”.
Kaufman concludes that the vaccine, like the results of biotechnology in agriculture, will make humans “genetically modified organisms”.
There is no scientific evidence for any of his claims.”
I think you have misunderstood my point. I’m not saying we should put our trust in them. I am saying we should avoid their mistake and not premise our arguments too much on official figures.
Don’t matter how many cycles it’s always going to be a “false-positive” because the evidence shows the virus hasn’t been isolated and without an isolated virus there is no way to determine that it exists in the first place, unless it causes an illness with distinctive symptoms – which it doesn’t.
So much written about something that doesn’t exist, that is pure figment – so many spins on the thing that does not exist. It’s this, it’s that, it’s not this, it’s not that.
It is nothing, there is no “novel” virus, there is nada, niente nothing … except what we’ve always suffered from until COVID-19 magically appeared. When PCR stops for good, then it will be gone for gone.
Snap of fingers – magically appears with PCR.
Snap of fingers – magically disappears when PCR disappears.
It’s a psyop, it’s the Emperor’s New Clothes, it’s what they’ve done to us for millennia and we still don’t catch on.
I admire your perseverance in repeating that the virus does not exist. But hey, denying that something exists does not make it vanish. Take care.
Claiming something exists does not make it exist. It’s like claiming there is a teapot floating in space out near Jupiter making people sick and you simply sit there calling people deniers if they don’t accept your bs story. If you had evidence you would present it. We don’t need to launch a mission to explore space to prove your teapot isn’t there. It is for you to prove it is.
Except that in the case of Covid 19 and SARScov2 there is a plethora of evidence published work and many experts who have confirmed it against a handful of marginal figures who keep repeating it does not exist. Name me one top scientist who says that the virus does not exist.
Perhaps you should provide the name of nine ‘top’ scientists with the irrefutable peer reviewed evidence that the mRNA ‘virus’ does exist…?
All they do is disparrage and abuse people without ever coming up with any evidence. There is articles and pseudoscientific studies but they don’t even want to show those because they know these are pseudoscience and they don’t want them to be analysed. A discussion would lead to lots of analysis and articles explaining the flaws and pseudoscience involved which would then arm people to spot the problems with other pseudoscientific studies. .
These are “top” scientists?
Dr Andrew Kaufman, or more precisely, he argues that it must be isolated to prove that it exists.
+ Tom Cowan MD + Stefan Lanka PhD (a former virologist who prefers not to use that title now, as he says it’s all a sham).
Cowan says he’s looked at all the papers that claim that a virus has been isolated and found them to be incorrect in that respect. Virologists who so claim have redefined “isolate” to mean what they want it to mean, i.e. what they can do. But what they can’t do is to actually isolate it in the sense that most people would imagine.
“Ah well, see, you don’t understand virology, that’s why you don’t get it…”. Maybe not, but we can recognise fakers when we see them.
Where have you been hiding out, Orage? Self-isolating in extremis or have I just not noticed your comments on the v-i-r-u-s before? You seem to have missed most of the OffG articles and are just joining in now.
In relation to claims of isolation of the virus there are the claims and there are the counter claims and it’s a matter of applying critical thinking in evaluating both the claims and counter claims, not simply grabbing at either one and putting it forward as argument as you’ve done below with your links to the “scientific papers”. Yes, we’re all familiar with the “scientific papers,” Orage, but the fact that something gets published in a scientific journal doesn’t mean a whole lot when we – so very thankfully – have those brave and well-versed people prepared to speak against the mainstream nonsense and point out where the scientific papers have got it so very, very wrong.
So we have:
1. Claims isolation has been achieved are made in various scientific papers.
2. Response to claims of isolation showing that they are not based on good science:
A. — Protocol for virus purification has not been followed with admissions provided by the authors of the scientific papers that their electron micrographs do not show purified virus particles.
— Critique of the use of the PCR technique to test for infection by the alleged virus.
Investigative journalists, Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter
B. Rebuttal of alleged debunking by PolitiFact of above article to which no response made by PolitiFact or any other fact-checker or expert.
Investigative journalists, Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter
C. Critique of scientific paper published in the MJA, “Isolation and rapid sharing of the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) from the first patient diagnosed with COVID-19 in Australia”, by chemist, Dr Saeed Qureshi, recipient of a Canadian Excellence in Science Award 2007 with 30 years experience working for regulatory body, Health Canada. (See resume
Dr Qureshi has published a number of articles on the fraudulence of the science pushed out to support the alleged pandemic. I highly recommend them.
D. Expansion of argument against virus’ existence by authors of articles linked to in A. and B. (plus co-author, scientist, Dr Stefano Scoglio).
In response to a request for comment on this article from six fact-checkers and Dr Ian Mackay of no response has been made. This fact, of itself, is highly significant no? If what is stated in the article is unscientific surely experts and fact-checkers would be pointing out where. It’s their self-appointed role to expose unscientific conspiracy theory that might lead the uneducated and gullible dangerously astray. Why aren’t they? Please tell me, why they aren’t doing that, Orage. Only one lamentable attempt at debunking and that’s it? Yes, they’ll debunk Judy Mikovits and her ilk but they’re just just straw men set up by the opposition. Once they’re dealing with the real deal they’re all completely mum. They’re speechless, they ain’t got nuthin.
E. Article exposing lack of causality shown between alleged virus and alleged illness.
Rosemary Frei and Amory Devereux
3. Lack of reasoned response by the claimants that the virus has been isolated.
The ball was served in the form of “virus isolation” and it was thwacked back with “no it hasn’t”. On the “virus isolation” side of the net the ball has thub-thub-thubbed to a stand still. There is nothing to lob the ball back with. The energy on that side of the net has died a sudden death. The evidence against virus isolation having been achieved is overwhelming … similarly, the PCR technique which was not designed for diagnostic purposes and cannot determine infection by a virus – even if there were one to test for – is exposed as a fraudulent method of diagnosis. The PCR technique can detect DNA strands (or in the modified form of RT-PCR, RNA strands), so assuming a virus has been isolated the technique can detect its presence but presence of an RNA strand of a virus is not sufficient to show infection in any case, the strand could belong to a dead virus and viral load also needs to be determined to show infection and the PCR technique cannot determine viral load. As the inventor of the technique, Kary Mullis, himself said, the technique cannot tell you if you’re sick.
If all ya got, Orage, is links to scientific papers then there is absolutely no point wasting your breath here. We KNOW about the scientific papers and we’ve seen them exposed.
I note all your references come from investigative journalists and that famous scientific website OG. None of them peer reviewed and frankly expressing merely opinions. Sorry you have to try harder to convince. It seems that you have been hoaxed. What do these people you quote know about RNA viruses. Their sequencing or isolation? I ask for evidence from reputable scientists who know what they are talking about. After all you wouldn’t ride in a car designed by an investigative journalist would you?
It is remarkable to me how those who defend and propagate themselves the propaganda fed to us 24/7 are so reluctant to actually engage their brains at the level of actual argument.
What critical thinking is not:
It is not judging by source
It is not judging by credentials
It is not judging by peer review
What critical thinking is:
It is looking at argument and evaluating it using logic and reason
What you give zero indication of is actually reading the articles I posted links to. If you don’t read them how can you evaluate them?
What do they know? Read what they say and find out for goodness sake and when you’ve read what they say – if you bother to do so – come back and tell me what they know and don’t know. If you aren’t bothered to read them then I cannot see what you have further to say of interest or that remotely has any credibility.
The investigative journalists may not have written peer-reviewed papers published in scientific journals but what they have achieved – unlike those who have – is uncontested argument. That to me is far more compelling than a peer-reviewed scientific paper.
You missed Dr Saeed Qureshi in your sweeping rejection of what I say, Orage. Please take more care. Dr Qureshi is eminently credentialled although this is not what I put forward in his favour but rather his compelling argument. I note that Dr Qureshi is retired … no big surprises there although this is not a criticism of him or those who stay quiet because they are not retired – I understand that people need to feed themselves and that it is not always easy to speak the truth.
“It is very difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Upton Sinclair
Sadly Dr Saeed Qureshi is neither a top scientist nor has ever published anything on RNA viruses. Sorry, any more cherry picking?
Sadly, you cannot comprehend what critical thinking is, Orage. You keep speaking in terms of credentials.
It’s not WHO he is but WHAT he says.
You have to be trained to understand and he clearly doesn’t. Nor for that matter does anyone who thinks that what he says are words of wisdom.
Well, we’re supposed to get jabbed by an experimental mrna injection designed (funded) by a computer geek.
“Orage” is probably just one of his many names, so he’s probably been spamming us for ages.
What a world full of bots and spammers you inhabit. Just like those western countries who see Russian bots everywhere.
Vaccines have started rolling out in Oz: I would be interested to know what “Informed Consent” means. Do they tell people they are part of the human trial of an experimental technique? Anyone know? If people are not told this, does this mean if anyone is vaccine injured they are able to sue the Public Health Dept? So much misinformation being peddled – this morning on ABC RN in an interview with Professor Shine the Professor stated that the live virus had been isolated and its gene sequence recorded, and that this was such a brilliant feat of gene technology enabling the facilitation of PCR tests. To my knowledge NO live virus was isolated, and the gene sequence supplied by Wuhan was incomplete.
From a couple of discussions with people most have totally no clue what they are lining up for…well other than a pass to travel…that won’t be much good if they are dead…
I am told that one cannot be forced to have any vaccine in aust…there were laws past long ago about forced treatment.,,but of course they can make it a condition of employment or travel on a plane etc…I am told I cannot be denied hospital treatment unvaccinated…by a hospital dr…
amazing really …they cannot discriminate these days on basis of a lot of odd things but can attempt to force a vaccine on us for an illness that basically doesn’t cause any damage….I keep asking why are they so obsessed about doing this when it is obviously not a real problem and come back to those dying ferrets…still have not found if they solved the problem of the dying ferrets..
Yep, complete bollocks. Without isolation there’s no gene sequence. It’s all smoke’n’mirrors and as this alleged pandemic contains all the hallmarks of a psyop we know, a priori, there simply will not be a virus because in psyops they only do things for real when they want them for real (if anything), otherwise they’re faked: they don’t want a virus and it wouldn’t work for their narrative anyway.
This is a letter to John Shine re conflict of interest and vaccination policy written by Elizabeth Hart of the Informed Medical Options Party.
The amount of misinformation coming from mainstream science, media and politics is shocking.
Here in the UK they are spinning that the vaccines are fully licensed, rigorously tested for safety and have barely any side effects.
All of the above is bollocks and the majority of people have no idea they are taking part in the biggest medical trial in history.
Many scientists have claimed to have isolated the live virus. But when asked to explain how they did it time and again it’s shown they have done no such thing.
If that reporter was to have asked the Professor how he isolated the virus he would have shit himself.
The NY Slimes on Strains
New York Times Blasted for Citing ‘Unpublished Research’ Inciting Fear About New COVID Variant • Children’s Health Defense
More of MoA delusions and now hard selling BigPharma experimental jabs.
Luckily..we now have vaccines that work well at preventing serious illness and death. Studies from Israel (1, 2) and Scotland (1) show high vaccine effectiveness in the population. THIS STUFF WORKS.
After scaring off readers with his COVID brain seizures and psychotic delusions Bernhardt found new lucrative job as drug pusher watch out for him on your neighborhood street corner.
departing readers seem to concur:
..What can I say Bernard? It sux to be you. You are one clueless sonofa.
Posted by: Phil Gayham | Feb 28 2021 3:10 utc | 31
The World Health Organisation is a political organisation. Its (changing) position on the coronavirus has been subject to political pressure. For example, as even the BBC reported, the WHO reversed its long standing position on mask wearing not on the basis of any change of evidence, but due to political lobbying. Unfortunately, the BBC did not reveal the identity of the lobbyist. Does anyone know who it is?
I see WHO as the marketing agent for the big drug companies who are its main funders, along with the gates foundation of course.
And you think that the Gates foundation is funded by Pharma, or is it the other way round?
Bill Gates is a multi billionaire, he funds his foundation, and his foundation funds organisations who’s pies he then has fingers in, media, big pharma etc. I don’t know if you’d noticed but the only soltion we’ve been presented with to the current “crisis”, one which is largely a media driven invention, is the one that also happens to make the most money for big pharma and for other billionaires. Of course, there are lots of other viable solutions, should you care to look for them, cheap and effective ones, but neoliberal capitalists don’t want cheap and effective solutions, not when it’s public money paying them for the expensive solution. Why would they do that? Their whole raison d’etre is to make money for themselves, however they can. They are incredibly successful at it as well. That’s why they are where they are. It’s not because they are nice people with the best intersest of the general public at heart.
I think it may have escaped your attention that a lot of cheap and effective medications have already become standard therapy and that many patients admitted to ITU now survive unlike at the beginning of the pandemic. But actually there are vaccines that do not earn Pharma money. For example the Astra Zeneca Vaccine, the Russian and Chinese vaccines and that produced under license in India, so big pharma does not have a monopoly. But you wouldn’t know this by reading only this website and other antivaxxer websites.
Are you a shareholder in one of the big pHARMa corporations?
Did you read what I say before asking your irrelyquestion?
Yes, they do not appear to be murdering people by intubating them as they did during the first “wave”.
Is Astra Zeneca non-profit?
The vaccine is.
Astra Zeneca is enjoying huge profits.
“AstraZeneca gets WHO and profit boost as virus vaccinations ramp up”
Thank you.
And from your above link:
“The results did not include the impact of its coronavirus vaccine. The firm said it would report those figures separately.”
In at least 14 European countries the new cases are not plummeting at all but rising in the last 2 weeks.®ion=World&casesMetric=true&interval=biweeklyChange&perCapita=true&smoothing=0&pickerMetric=new_cases_per_million&pickerSort=desc
PCR test positives increase with increase of CT limit used. At ct=60 100% samples are test positive. While decrease of test positives goes with decreasing overall numbers of tests administered.
it is all casedemic, an artifact of over-testing and over-diagnosis of vaguely defined catch all disease labeled Covid, a phantom disease with no specific phenology.
Well done, excellent argument. So people are dying of a phantom illness? Or are they all ‘stress actors’. How far does this conspiracy extend? Doctors, nurses, politicians, rulers of communist and capitalist regimes, dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, Lizards? Where does it stop? World government? Ghosts?
Did you start reading OFFG yesterday. There is 50 published articles here answering your questions.
What peole are dying of? Simple. People are dying every year of many reasons, not big deal, right, what proponents of vaccinations will tell you to make you look away from thousands of deaths already caused by experimental Covid vaccines while the same people count nearly every death as COVID death test or no test and autopsies were mostly denied.
In this season 2020/2021 as usually People are dying of flu or other respiratory diseases that officially “disappeared” with Alzheimer’s and Dementia to name few since March 2020 (flu killed officially 35 thousands before that date) as well because they were denied health care and hospitalization for non COVID while hospitals were nearly empty.
The people diagnosed by meaningless PCR test as COVID cases were subjected to deadly experimental clinical protocols, mechanical ventilation that killed 92% of patients who were put under, massive incompetence and malpractice of untrained medical staff pushed to do procedures they were ignorant of as well as pushing to us