Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Todd Hayen, PhD

“Because I’m your mother (or father)!” All of us have heard that exclamation at some point in our childhood, and more likely more than once.

Or, “Do as I say, not as I do”—that one is a bit more toxic and typically should be avoided by enlightened parents.

We should all learn by example, not necessarily by firm, rigid, and seemingly irrational demands. We all were children at one time after all—in many ways truly incapable of knowing what is best for us and not fully aware of the “why” our behavior could be dangerous or not beneficial. But that was then, this is now, we are not a child anymore, so why are we treated like one by societal authority?—politicians, police, world leaders, etc.? Good question.

One answer could be because often we do, as a whole, and as adults, act as if we cannot think for ourselves. We’ve heard this recently when we are admonished for not “thinking critically” or only listening to the mainstream media or narrative without investigating deeper into a situation. We behave like sheep, just following the furry backside in front of us. Right off the cliff.

Why is that? The answer to that question is beyond the scope of this article, yet it is relevant. I would say it is partially due to deficiencies in education, parenting, and also through the conscious, and unconscious, agenda of the culture. If we are treated like children, typically, from a psychological perspective, we will tend to act like children. Children are lower in the power spectrum, and in a class of their own, and the parents are higher, in a class of their own.

This reflects the infantilization of society. In the context of this article, the parents are represented by government authority, the children are the rest of us. We wait for the word from the parent before we make decisions, we wait for the reassurance from the parent before we take action, and anything that opposes the parent is interpreted as the enemy, the danger, and we lash out against it. Not all of us are like this, of course—and you know who I am talking about.

But just like real children, we do not expect our parents to do themselves the very thing that we are told not to do (there are exceptions with real children, but remember, we aren’t supposed to be like children anymore). The people in our communities that seem to be acting more like children and idolizing their parents (the government) will have a difficult time at first realizing that their parents are not doing as they tell us to do, but once they do realize it, things won’t go well.

Psychologically speaking this is all a power play — absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

It is human nature to exploit power, that is why in recent years (the past 200 or so?) people have made an effort to declare a “no no” to establishing totalitarian regimes. The world has sort of learned (the hard way) that totalitarianism is a bad thing. But some people keep on trying—as we are seeing now, and many people keep letting it happen.

Those in power have a tendency to do what they can to claim their position of power, and often as a result, they behave in odd ways—like publicly claiming “look at me, I’m in a special class, the rules I just made don’t apply to me, only to you.”

We see this clearly from the results of the famous Stanford Prison Experiment where hungry (for cash) University students played either prisoners or prison guards at a simulated prison ward tucked away in a Stanford University basement.

The “guards” transcended above the prisoners and, needless to say, became quite corrupt and followed a different set of “rules” or standards.

We also see, through the study of the Stockholm Syndrome, that the perceived sheep, or children, or prisoners, create a rather odd protective bond with their captors. We see a similar behavior in cults between the members and the leader of the cult where he or she can do no wrong and is always perceived as the one who will save the rest—will take care of them and never hurt them.

In these situations, there is very little critical thinking and the fear the subject feels can be temporarily assuaged by the power of the leader, i.e., the parent. If history is any example, humans seem to be exceptionally prone to falling into these traps. That’s why there has been such success in these totalitarian cultures established in Nazi Germany, Lenin and Stalin’s Russia, and Mao’s China.

As I said previously, one of the tell-tale signs of this dynamic forming in our community is when these leaders begin to separate themselves from their followers.

First noticed, of course, is wielding power through demands, unconstitutional laws and draconian, pointless, rules — these are demands they personally do not have to yield to. Obviously, we are clearly seeing this with our own local, and global, politicians. Just do a Google Search: “politicians who don’t follow the rules” and you’ll get quite a few hits — leaders who have run off to remote islands with their girlfriends during lockdowns — some who have gathered with families over the recent holidays — one in particular (in Canada) who publicly, and unashamedly, announced that government officials were exempt from the rules that the general population had to succumb to.

There are dozens of hits, not only in Canada but in the US and elsewhere in the world. There have also been numerous videos and still photos of politicians and “people of import” smiling for the camera as they allegedly received their Covid-19 vaccine — where it is clearly seen the vaccination was faked — syringes with caps still on, already “fired” with plungers down, or no plunger even pressed, some with no needles attached — what a blatant expression of “we don’t have to play with the rest of you, we are special.”

It certainly seems like an unconscious (conscious?) expression of superiority seeing it was so obvious the injection of the actual vaccine was faked. Why not just inject saline if you are trying to keep a secret? It seems a clear thumbing of the nose.

When Marie Antoinette arrogantly exclaimed “let them eat cake” when confronted with the suffering of her oppressed subjects she lost her head for it.

We, on this side of the fence, can hope that eventually this ruse will be exposed and the previously loyal children under the oppression of the tyrannical parents of government will turn on them in defiance and demand their heads—hopefully only metaphorically and through due process of the law.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.


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Liz Brynin
Liz Brynin
Mar 5, 2021 11:08 AM

You’re a bit harsh on Marie Antoinette. ‘Let them eat cake’ is always rolled out as an example of how superior she was. But actually, it was a perfectly reasonable suggestion:
‘Cake’ in France at the time was ‘brioche’ – like panetton – and this goes stale very quickly. When fresh bread runs out, all that is left is stale brioche which is sold off very cheaply.
So poor old Marie Antoinette was genuinely unable to understand why people didn’t buy the stale brioche which would have been on offer, as she believed..

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 5, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Liz Brynin


Most civilians buy into the myth that Marie Antoinette was being intentionally malicious, when the truth reflects that she was so isolated from issues of starvation, she had no idea why people didn’t opt for a different dietary choice.

“Let them eat cake!” (“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche!”).

She was guillotined for her continuing support of the Hapsburg empire, (to which she was related) and her insistence on the supremacy of the royal classes.

The public continues to act out the roles of victim hood, and continues to pledge allegiance to queens, kings, corporate operatives, and silly fluttering flags…

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 5, 2021 8:59 PM
Reply to  Liz Brynin

Hey folks…its apocryphal…a joke…don’t take it so seriously.

Mar 5, 2021 11:51 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Would that be an example of: Do as you say… and not as you do?

Mar 4, 2021 10:59 PM

Is it human nature to exploit power? Seems rather the nature of power to exploit humans, among other resources. Especially recently (500 years or so?), the scientific management of society has proceeded to infantilize people in mechanical terms of obedience to authority where by now Adam Smith’s pin factory appears almost idyllic compared to what transhumanists have in store for the masses of us. If there is to be revolt against the parental state lording disciplinary techniques of rule over docile wards, it will in large part emerge from those ‘primitives’ among us who still won’t settle for the abuses of ‘civilization’ as worth its reputed glories.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 5, 2021 9:00 PM
Reply to  niko

Yes, I admitted this error…see below…

Mar 4, 2021 10:11 PM
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 4, 2021 11:20 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Listen to Daddy!

Mar 5, 2021 12:47 AM

Lord Sumption speaks very clearly on the despotic dangers of ceding your autonomy to a state of fear driven propaganda.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 6, 2021 12:53 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

And then he goes and says he’s reluctantly in favour of it. Great, what a sellout.

Mar 6, 2021 2:15 AM

And then you make up fake quotes. What a propagandist.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 5, 2021 10:33 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

“A compulsory vaccine is better than compulsory house arrest” says Lord Sumption. In other words, it is OK to dispense with the Nuremberg Convention.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 6, 2021 12:54 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Sumption, like Hitchens, is yesterday’s man.

Mar 6, 2021 2:16 AM

Sitchin like Hitchens is misleading the reading.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 5, 2021 10:39 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

According to Lord Sumption, those who refuse to take the “vaccine” have taken a decision that makes them more dangerous to be with, so it is right for their free movement to be curtailed. Well, either this so-called vaccine works, and thus makes those who take it immune to infection, or it doesn’t. If it works, those who take it are safe whoever they come into contact with, so they have nothing to worry about. If it doesn’t work, then what is the point of taking it?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 6, 2021 12:57 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

The vaccines are about depopulation and I suspect has been got at. In any case he is finished.

Mar 6, 2021 2:18 AM

The fake-ccines purpose is as yet unknown… unlike yours which is to propagate strawman propaganda.

Lord Sumption is all about quiet and intelligent civil disobedience. A brilliant legal analyst by any thoughtful account.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 5, 2021 10:53 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Listening to the interview, a thought occurs to me. Just as there used to be separate places for smokers and non-smokers on public transport and in theatres and cinemas, etc., how about having separate sections in such places for the vaccinated and non-vaccinated, to placate the brainwashed sheeple who have had the “vaccination” to give them immunity from the dreaded “plague” (which more than 99% of those who have it survive) but fear coming into contact with the non-vaccinated out of the dread of being infected even though the “vaccine” supposedly prevents them from being infected, and are too thick to see the contradiction?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 6, 2021 12:52 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Lord Sumption loses his bottle.

Mar 6, 2021 2:19 AM

Lord Sumption keeps his bottle.

Mar 4, 2021 10:04 PM

History is driven by irresistible forces. Life appeared we are told 3.5 billion years ago. Evolution drives life. It was inevitable that evolution would result in a creature that could defeat any predator and alter the biosphere for what he considered his own benefit. This has happened. Every species attempts to project itself into the future by reproduction. There is thus an unstoppable juggernaut that would use up it’s resources and render it’s infrastructure very fragile. We have either the choice of a disastrous coronal mass ejection or a fictitious but equally deadly corona virus. Lord R and his high priests have chosen the latter. Abandon hope all ye who have had the misfortune of being alive at this point of time.

Mar 6, 2021 2:20 AM
Reply to  Peter

Hope springs eternal.

Certainty is the victor of hope.

Mar 4, 2021 9:01 PM

I received the following e-mail from an alternative “care” provider (all identification removed by me): “As I’m sure you know, I closed .. in May of 2020. Of course, with the pandemic, I knew I couldn’t sustain keeping the studio without in-person classes. ..

I’m so excited to tell you that I’ve received my first dose of the Moderna vaccine (thanks to being a k-12 piano teacher on the side!). I will be fully vaccinated by April 1st. With the efficacy of the first vaccine, I am comfortable seeing clients now… 
The studio is quite covid safe with a door to the street (no hallways or elevators). There are never more than 2 people in the studio at a time (1 trainer and 1 client) and all the equipment is cleaned with Lysol after the sessions. Of course, we will continue to wear masks in the studio until Fauci says it’s safe to take them off… 

P.S. I’m looking for 3-4 people who … would be willing to be interviewed for a promotion video. .. There will be 4-5 masked people in the room, so I’d prefer people who have covid antibodies, either through vaccination or by an antibody or post-positive negative test. ..”

This is very infantlized. (For example, Fauci has to say it’s safe!). Clearly this person has not done much research or they would understand there is, statistically speaking, no asymptomatic spread of C19, making these mitigation measures irrelevant. The person clearly doesn’t understand T Cells or understand the available, actually safe and effective, prevention/treatment options.

Then there is the notably vicious aspect in the person’s thinking. They want people with antibodies! That inaccurate test better show the right results!

This is the strange mixture I have been seeing consistently: no/low information, utter obedience to authorities, especially authorities who consistently change what they say, and a resulting vicious way of interacting with others. I believe all these qualities are being encouraged by govt./other entities around the world. it is the way to encourage people to commit atrocities. Don’t think and believe absurdities. .

Mar 4, 2021 10:09 PM
Reply to  Jill

The overwhelming evidence that Convid is a massive scam has been at everyone’s fingertips this entire time. If this “provider” still can’t figure it out by now, then that doesn’t make you or me a “conspiracy theorist”—it makes them a dumbass of the highest order.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 6, 2021 1:04 AM
Reply to  Jill

The teacher clearly hasn’t sussed out that the Covid-19 vaccines are meant to kill the recipient.

Mar 4, 2021 8:11 PM

Very interesting and well written article. I have noticed for years how the media etc. has been infantalising its audience both openly and subliminally. Maybe everyone was being groomed for a situation like this. Sadly it seems to have succeeded with vast numbers

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 4, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  Maxcat

I noticed it at 16, and feeling offended and insulted, stopped watching television at that point. Alas, it’s not easy to say this to people who still watch TV without them feeling offended and insulted by you.

Mar 4, 2021 7:45 PM

He said he would and he has:


One of the very few in the UK entertainment industry to take a stand. here’s hoping he doesn’t turn out to be more controlled opposition like Hitchens and Sumption.

Mar 5, 2021 8:06 AM
Reply to  Edwige

He’s been very active speaking out against all covid-1984 measures since last March, and recently publicly stated (in the past week) that he will never perform to audiences that require any form of proof of vaccination to attend.

It now looks like he’s actively cancelling shows that are trying to introduce vaccination as a condition to attend.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 5, 2021 8:48 AM
Reply to  Edwige

But can he withstand the combined barrage from Piers Morgan and Jedward?

Mar 4, 2021
Ian has been vocal of his scepticism over the novel coronavirus crisis and vaccinations, saying people didn’t need a vaccine passport and suggested wearing a mask was akin to wearing a tin foil hat.
His rhetoric has even led Jedward to call him out, as they said his tweets were ‘a nightmare’ and he had ‘discredited [himself]’ because of his remarks.
In since deleted tweets, Ian had said: ‘So I’m a conspiracy theorist HA! A term invented by the lame stream media to discredit those who can smell and see through the government/media lies.’

Mar 4, 2021 7:27 PM

So today at the office, I had to follow up a patient who lives in a nursing home who had the Pfizer jab 3 weeks ago. But he couldn’t come since he ‘developed’ covid a few days ago. After which the secretary at the office told me that the whole ward in that nursing home was tested positive after they were jabbed.

Now this is a story you hear a lot about on the internet, and sure you don’t have to believe me, but I sure as heck believe what I have been seeing at the office today.

Quite a coincidence eh, given that in the Pfizer trial of 23000 jabbed patients only 8 were PCR positive over 2 months time, while I find that in one ward of elderly people, all turn positive to covid in a few weeks after the jab!

I do not know what is in that vaccine, but do know that the 95% efficacy is a lot crap.

My fellow doctors were only mildly impressed by this finding, playing along with the coincidence game. So I told them why even in the trial the 95% efficacy could be nullified (differential lost to follow-up, and hardly ‘efficacy’ for prevention of airway diseases). Which made them sad as there are high hopes on this ‘vaccine’ among my colleagues. So I got the question how this could end ‘if not by vaccination.’ – Thought the answer to that question is so simple that I decided not to answer it. Let them do some thinking for themselves. Which is, if it works, answering Malcolm Ripley’s comment below, the FRICKING SOLUTION

Mar 4, 2021 8:39 PM
Reply to  Willem

Willem, thanks for this firsthand info. Firsthand truth coming out as I expected from just the relatively small number of regular commenters here. I expect more of us to begin to report firsthand of personal friends or family we know who getting covid symptoms after the “vax” and dying. I have a second hand report from a close friend whose aunt is dying after getting the deadly treatment. The aunt was in a nursing home and not in perfect health.

We need to make clear to others these are not just coincidental occurrences but that the same thing is happening everywhere. We need to share all our firsthand info with everyone including those who “no longer talk” to us. Repeat over and over become the media. Have you shared with your colleagues these “coincidences”? Plenty of credible links on these pages.

The “vaccine” trials test for efficacy in the reduction covid19 symptoms. Adverse events from the vaccines in these trials were excluded data. Many adverse events and covid 19 symptoms are the same. Thus the experiments are gamed as the presence of covid 19 symptoms after vaxxxination can be categorized as adverse events and excluded in the data. The 95% is a gamed statistic. Your colleagues should be aware of this. Dr. David Martin explains in this interview starting at 50:00. The whole video is worth watching.

Mar 4, 2021 9:08 PM
Reply to  fame

should say “excluded in from the data”

Mar 4, 2021 9:35 PM
Reply to  Willem

Yes, thank you. I always appreciate your first hand experiences. One thing which has always puzzled me (from UK) is what ever happened to the Dutch? They were previously level headed, intelligent, kind, tolerant people. Over Syria, Covid at least as far as government is concerned they’ve turned into monsters. Why are the Dutch people so lethargic when they suffered more than most under Nazism? Genuine question.

Mar 5, 2021 6:58 AM
Reply to  Loverat

what ever happened to the Dutch?’

for me, it is nicely explained in that Radiohead video ‘paranoid android’. This is from the 90s where you see the typical Dutch diplomat at the time waving the flag at UN headquarters, explaining everything that is wrong in the world, and is not listened to.

we are a small country and were never part of the big game, as if we were totally forgotten. So the diplomats played the niche of standing on moral higher ground. That is what I see in that radiohead video

all of that was solved with Srebrenica, where the Dutch were allowed to join the game, which we happily did. Not the soldiers were happy, but the diplomats
were. Our ministers became high ups in Defense and Banking, one of them de Hoop Scheffer, became chief of NATO, others like Rudding and Zalm became CEO for big banks including CHASE and ABN-AMRO.

our greatness, was only an apparent greatness. The moment Dutch diplomats could join the game, we happily joined the cabal. We are not different from many other countries..

Mar 4, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  Willem

If I understand correctly and if they’re not lying, the vaccine is supposed to make the body produce the signature part of the genetic makeup of the alleged virus. That same part of the genetic sequence that the tests are for. It would only seem logical that a vaccinated person will be positive. For his or her body will be producing whatever they consider the virus.


Mar 5, 2021 2:18 AM
Reply to  Jacques

The ‘vaccine’ is the ‘virus’

Mar 5, 2021 12:31 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

The vaccine manufacturer is ‘the virus’ …

Mar 6, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  Jacques

That seems a perfectly logical conclusion, clearly explained.

(Unfortunately, basic logic seems to have deserted our realm almost wholly in March 2020, and has not returned. Asking a basic logical question is now either a) too hard for people’s brains to process, b) bordering on a criminal offence, and certainly a moral one, or c) tends to counteract obedience, and therefore should be avoided by all good people.)

Another logical conclusion based on their own statements about the nature of the injection is that it lowers the immune system for up to two weeks, to ensure the body does not produce an immune response to the technology, causing it to be rejected. People become more susceptible to respiratory ailments with a weak immune system (esp. when already weak from lack of sun, lack of human contact, fear, stress, etc), such as the common cold, and the PCR test can give a positive in response to the common cold, or other coronaviruses.

Mar 5, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  Willem

The PCR “test” supposedly looks for the “spike protein”. The vaccine supposedly introduces the spike protein” into the body. Why would vaccine subjects not test positive?.

Mar 4, 2021 5:12 PM

An adult society will be a collective society where everyone participates equally. We will be the policy & budget bosses and government staff obedient employees. Oversight will be done by the People who meet regularly in block by block town halls to define Policy & Budget directives. The bad parent 1% will no longer have an empire. Their outsized wealth and power over. There will be no one without a safety net or base level employment with a living wage. Limits to poverty, limits to wealth. Cooperative peace between nations because there is no point to imperialism, colonialism, or empire on a maxed out planet. It’s cooperative consensus sustainability or it’s the exhaustive self destruction of the Gollum 1%. It’s our choice, not theirs.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 4, 2021 3:31 PM

It is human nature to exploit power, ” maybe but not a “settled science.” The Stanford students were a very select demographic group with intense, life long social conditioning. Would the same have been true for an Australian aborigine of 300 years ago or a Kalahari bushman?

Mar 4, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

It seems clear to me that it is not every human’s nature to exploit power.
Some have other interests than power, because we are not all confined to our own egos..

As I mentioned below, Buddha is reputed to have said, “Don’t believe anything just because somebody said it.”

I’d say it is animal nature to exploit survival instincts – a kind of ‘power’ urge, but, for human beings, far more is at stake than mere survival.
We all want our lives to mean something, which really has nothing to do with exploitation.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 4, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  wardropper

In Marxist terms, exploitation does not really become possible until a society is capable of producing surplus product.

Mar 4, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

In Capitalist terms, exploitation does not really become possible until you develop a class system of land owners constantly indenturing society with long term interest bearing debt.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 4, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

To produce a surplus/profit, animals and humans were used as slaves. When there’s a surplus, it needs to be stored and guarded as theft becomes an new problem.

Mar 6, 2021 10:28 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I’ve thought about this recently. My conclusion is that exploitation only becomes possible when good and services are not exchanged for something of equal value. Exploitation is, eg, when I get two of item A from you but give you in exchange only the value of one. Whether I consume both items or exchange them for the value of two, the exploitation occurred in the moment of unbalanced exchange.

Labour worth £100 is only exchanged for £50, with the other £50 as profit.

Stealing, likewise, is on that same continuum and is therefore also exploitation. Exploitation of the worker is the ‘stealing’ of labour energy.

So I disagree with the ‘surplus’ hypothesis. There can be exploitation without surplus – and in many cases ‘surplus’ is simply the result of exploitation.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 9:46 AM
Reply to  AMR

Yes, as per Marx, if labour worth £100 is exchanged for £50 then £50-worth of surplus value is created. In Marxist theory – and I am not necessarily saying it is correct – surplus product in class society (which takes the specific form of surplus value in capitalism) derives from the ability of labour to produce more value than is returned to those who rendered that labour, in its simplest form under slavery the cost of feeding and housing a slave is less than the product of that slave’s labour, and this is where the surplus comes from, what is retained by the exploiter. For Marx, the surplus arises in the realm of production not the realm of exchange.

Mar 4, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It is not my nature to exploit power. In fact, I detest any position of authority. I’m a lone wolf and everybody can kiss my ass. Leave me alone, and I’ll leave you alone too. Once in a while, I might emerge from the woods and if you’re around, we can share a chicken we steal together from some motherfucker in the nearby village, but that’s about it.

Only a person with a severe inferiority complex needs to exploit power.

The self-confident creature doesn’t give a shit.

Mar 4, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I should have qualified this statement…I left it too broad…all of these comments I agree with…

Mar 4, 2021 6:04 PM
Reply to  Todd

Cool, this is an interesting topic, your article is a good vehicle for discussion, reflection. In fact, this is precisely the kind of things people need to be discussing. Issues of substance that examine the core of why people behave the way they do.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 4, 2021 5:07 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I prefer the following quote to Buddha’s. Don’t believe anything you hear or read and only half of what you see.

Mar 4, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I’m sure that Buddha was an interesting fella and it would be delight to chat with him, but for whatever reason somebody would have his or her life guided by somebody else’s wisdoms, however interesting, I understand not.

I prefer discovering the world on my own.

Mar 4, 2021 7:15 PM
Reply to  Jacques


When did you invent the wheel?

What year did you discover fire?

Can you explain how you first generated electricity?

Mar 4, 2021 7:27 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Yeah, when I was about seven years old, I connected a dynamo to a motor, mechanically and electrically, and thought I invented the perpetuum mobile. The fucking thing didn’t work. At about the same time, I also discovered the pi (3.141592636….), I figured that there must be a fixed correlation between the radius and the circumference since all circles are the same, so I measured the distances and divided. Voila.

Fire I don’t remember. Somebody else invented that. Ditto the fucking wheel.

You might want to check the fallacy of false analogy. The comment above was about discovering the world in the sense of searching one’s path through life, which doesn’t mean that one doesn’t learn from others. It was about not subscribing to some single set of wisdoms, but, rather, formulating one’s own wisdoms.

I gather that you understand that but you couldn’t resist being a bit of a prick, could ya …

Mar 4, 2021 8:25 PM
Reply to  Jacques

We all stand on the shoulders of giants, which by natural extension means we all stand on something far more massive than just a bit of a prick (though I must admit I’ve never seen a naked giant and could be making a fallacious anatomical analogy)

Mar 4, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

So? Just because there have been zillions of people around before me, I can’t go my own way?

I never said that I won’t check out what others say or have done. I simply said something along the lines that I won’t go apeshit about every single statement Buddha, or anybody else for that matter, has made.

Mar 4, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  Jacques

You may be surprised to find that your idea of rampant individualism is quite common. And the decisions you make will be in no way historically unique.

Bless you.

Mar 5, 2021 4:59 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Rampant individualism? Are you out of your fucking mind? Who gives you the right to be in any way judgmental about how I live my life? Stick your nosy nose into what I do?

How about if you mind your own fucking business and leave others alone? I don’t mind it if you’re some collectivist creature that prefers living its life in symbiosis with others. Your prerogative.

Just don’t fucking force it on me!

And I’m sure that my decisions and actions are not unique. I’m sure that there are, and have been, other people like me. So what?

Mar 4, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  Jacques

There are trolls here with multiple identities who insist on contradicting themselves.

“Learned helplessness” in one comment to Edith, and criticizing you in another for not displaying “learned helplessness”.

It’s just gaslighting. Their favorite modus operandi. They also criticize people or the site for “no solutions“ and then claim any solution offered is the wrong solution. They are blatant in their gaslighting tactics.

Mar 4, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Jacques

If you recognise something in another – you are seeing through the same in yourself. It takes one to know one. The conscious integration of what you recognise in another is a matter of active willingness. Because you only make something your own by giving it.

Where did you pick up the idea that you were on your own?
Perhaps from the society of a split mind that says one thing while doing another.
Once inner conflicts are masked over and hidden as a sense of social survival, the masking starts to take over from a directly felt sense of life and the adaptation and learning of the ‘world’ picks up all kinds of strategies and characteristics from those around them and then from stories, films and books.
The re-discovery we are NOT the self and world we made, may or may not arise in later life. Those who suffer deeply open to awareness that those who maintain comforts, instinctively avoid.

For we have a surface ‘level’ to what we take as consciousness, that lids over what runs beneath. Our current predicament is in part the result of deliberately invoking deeper terror as social leverage. What else will be dredged up as a result? Hatred masking as virtue that can so easily set upon hate targets in the most inhuman and blind cruelty. But also the awakening responsibility to the need for a true foundation in place of a masking over denied fears.

Mar 4, 2021 9:00 PM
Reply to  Binra

Frankly, that’s too sophisticated for me. As I said, I’m just a simple lone wolf.

Don’t fuck with me, and I won’t fuck with you.

Be it as it may, my comment above was about the alleged human nature to exploit power, in respect of which I was saying that it’s not my nature. That’s all.

dr death
dr death
Mar 4, 2021 10:15 PM
Reply to  Jacques

pay no heed to binra he’s the resident swami.. quite harmless though a tad sanctimonious.

he’s just working through his past lives.

Mar 5, 2021 5:01 AM
Reply to  dr death

He can sure write some convoluted sentences! I have no fucking idea what he’s talking about.

Mar 5, 2021 6:04 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Love you Jacques!

Mar 5, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  Glenda

Love you too, Glenda!

You know, I am a lone wolf, but somehow since this crap has started, I feel tons of affection toward true, real, genuine human beings. I feel like hugging all of them and thanking them for being human, as opposed to becoming plasticky zombies …

Here is one of my favorite love songs, vocal and instrumental versions … 😉 …

Take care

Mar 8, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Here’s one:

I picked “For we have a surface ‘level’ to what we take as consciousness, that lids over what runs beneath.” as one sentence to offer to illuminate.

We each present a mask as a surface or social level of face that can belie the reality of what we each are or do. We each also have personal masking over what we feel or experience and think.

Narrative identity is then a masking defence set against both against fears or hates within, and fears or hates without. This isolates and alienates, and seeks out reinforcement from others to ally with – or to attack.

Mar 5, 2021 1:58 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I did not pick up that you see Gautama Buddha as being an example of human corruption in pursuit of power.
So now is the first time I looked at him that way – if just for the moment with you.

All that is true will become subverted to such an agenda in a world of lies or evasions, because a lie will always seek to associate with and mask in virtue as if to be made ‘real’. Then it mutates!

The post I responded to was your short indication of him as an interesting chat.

I align in freedom of the will. Not sacrifice to groupthink.
Your right to live the experience of your choices is to me incontrovertible. I make attempt to invite questioning of what I see as invisible groupthink or presumed reality.

I appreciate that you say ‘alleged’ human nature.
When ‘disconnected’ from our nature, the mind operates under a sense of lack, fear and territorial defence that ‘drives’ what used to be called a fallen nature.

Most of what is called ‘power’ is control set over fear as survival and hedged defences against potential threat.

If you find anything in what I say to be a put down or attack on you, I will openly address it. I don’t focus in ‘persons’ but the ideas that shape our personal experience. This can seem very dense and abstract. But I live the freedom to look at and give expression to what finds a sense of value in or find questionable and so I follow the question as the uncovering of life in my own way.

Mar 4, 2021 9:40 PM
Reply to  Binra

”If you recognise something in another – you are seeing through the same in yourself. It takes one to know one.”

Actually, that’s fallacious. It’s one of those clichés that came from bad self help books in the 80’s.

It’s possible to recognize patterns of behavior in others that have nothing to do with oneself.

Understanding or analyzing the motives of psychopaths, narcissists, criminals, pathological liars, murderers etc is not masking a hatred or fear of oneself or a hidden desire to conduct criminal or harmful behavior to others.

We do not need to have first hand experience of behavior, thoughts, habits or traits to recognize those patterns in others once we have initially observed the phenomena.

Mar 4, 2021 11:25 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I disagree.
But invoking ‘new age self help books’ as if to authorise your point is to weaken it.

How can you recognise something that is not also part of you?
Whether you knew it or not the moment before?

That denial operates a mind of masking dissociation is part of what is being served on the world stage.

The FORM of the pattern of behaviour can vary greatly and extreme examples can serve to illuminate what otherwise lies ‘unconscious’ or masked out.

The pattern I see is of the externalisation of feared evil within.
Note that fear can be used as IF fact.

You carry a wealth of experience that goes far beyond your current personal sense. The uncovering of the more of who and what you are is often presaged by disturbance or unsettling.

The issue of responsibility as freedom and NOT blame is key here.
If you invest in the externalisation of sins you MUST see them in others as the means to NOT address and release them in yourself.
The complexity of our entanglements is such as to make grievance and hate seem TOTALLY justified. That is how we ‘came in’ – or Forgot Who and What we are for a displacement in substitution.
This relates to the ability to focus in the human ‘world’ rather than the model of the world that essentially filters and frames our experience of existence.

When light shines from another to you, it shines to your light – and the darkness is no longer operating as your presumption of conflict, lack and loss, disconnection and attempt to resolve it externally.
It takes a love to know a love. Hate cannot see it, no matter how ingeniously masked in complex instruments of virtue.
But when hate is revealed as the pain of hurt, the issue is within the range of communication, rather than posited as a power unto itself or ‘out there’ seeking your destruction.

Any insight can be degraded by marketising and weaponising – just as can any scientific discovery be subverted to ‘possession and control’ agenda. Context is everything here. Merely addressing the forms does not recognise reality, but is easily phished to a false or mis-taken identity.

Resonance is the fundamental power of the Universe.
Dissociation is the mind’s capacity to temporarily block awareness of connection. We have an object lesson in play.

You are also the Casting Director for your life and everyone you interact with. But only for your own narratives and themes, which of course shift and change with experience such as to re-evaluate who you judged – and perhaps release them from judgement.

The gift of freedom is the only way to have it. The attempt to wrest it from another – or force another to take your version, is the realm of manipulative deceits. And in that choice do we also become a target. If you are honest, you will receive an education from a trickster. Such as to address the susceptibility in yourself. There are innumerable ways of running the same trick in different guises, because the lack of responsibility does not look to the deeper pattern or principle of manipulative intent – perhaps because it believes it is the Good Guys.

You can test the saying by choosing to change your disposition and meeting a different world. It isn’t that you are meeting a reflection in image and form, but that you are receiving valid feedback if you are willing to see it. Again if you read this as ‘blame’ you are currently and earnestly lost and lost again. Guilt and blame operate the lockdown of awareness under fear of penalty.

I recognise your posts as consistently worthy of reading. That extends or shares worth. A tangible quality of life given value. I recognise and align in what I value. I am aware of the negative and choose not to feed, nurture, host of invite it into manifestation by demonising denial. We contain the choice for both until we become consistent enough for the conditioned habit to fade by non use, while a new pattern grows an an integrated expression of felt and recognised worth.

Mar 4, 2021 11:34 PM
Reply to  Binra

“How can you recognise something that is not also part of you?“

Because if I see a butterfly it is not “a part of me”. The recognition is only the recollection of a previous event.

Mar 5, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You are an intelligent being playing evasive manoeuvres!

If you limit your definition of ‘you’ to your physical body then NOTHING else is part of you. So by your act of definition you can indeed assert an exclusive ‘self’ or ‘reality’. But you cannot make it true even if you ‘normalise; your response of acting on the belief or wish or fear that it be true – and have that experience.

There are many accounts of primitive people’s meeting objects outside their experience which they either did no see or saw something representing in terms of their existing experience.

You can only recollect or recognise a match to a past that is within you. You include everything that is in your past. This includes denied or masked over experience such as the article points to – which includes fears, beliefs and wishes that are ‘transmitted’ or induced subliminally to the surface thinking level.

Because you are identifying your body as your locked down and distanced bubble of narrative control, I cant reach you directly for your filters and rules block or distort communication. But even within our model or self-definition of a physical Universe is the recognition of Life as Biome of which you and I and butterflies are an expression.

Nothing you experience is actually outside you – ever – even for a moment. No exceptions. But in terms of the model of self-imaged – Everything is outside ‘you’ – even the body that withers and recycles.

A critical key to the current situation is a destructive identification with and within the self-image and reality model, given precedence over relational communication, which is the living current or currency of unfolding experience of Reality – as the ‘Only Thing Going On’ yet as the unfolding of infinite perspectives that are all part of each other as they are part of the whole.

As long as you want the bubbled sense of self-exclusion as your salvation from fear and pain of loss of face and control, you will not question your reality-experience.

If you were willing to engage innocent perception of a butterfly, you would release the layers of associations ABOUT it that are all about you and your world, to meet the moment in transparency to wonder. Intimacy is being.
To ‘clothed’ being, is set in symbol, and so we might say ‘naked being’ – but true nakedness is not defenceless or susceptible to threat – but unselfconscious relational exchange. There is no ‘object’ self – apart from the object model – which is part of our current experience and not to be denied its service.

To a locked-down control narrative – love’s awareness is perceived as threat of contagion no less than hate, anger and blind rage, and each is confused with the other, such that the witness or messengers for truth and healing are demonised and attacked for the protection of systemic rules that lock down and replace a living will.

If everything and everyone you see is socially distanced, how shall you ever recognise your Self and break the spell?
I invite the consciousness of current definitions to the revealing of their origins and true referents. This expands and embraces or reintegrates a fragmented ‘mind’ and world.
It is never just a physical, and the physical is never the true cause of conditioning. Our core definitions and beliefs set the meanings that then condition our results.
Garbage in; garbage out.

None of what I write calls for your sacrifice, but calls to your freedom to recognise the measure of your giving – of the word or definition that runs as your current acceptance of both giving and receiving.

Psycho-pathy means sickness or dysfunction of thought or mind. But for popular use it masks the meaning ‘evil’ in scientific masking. The issue of evil in our thought, word and relational outcomes or experiences goes way back and is yet reiterated knowingly and unknowingly upon our present, as ‘the devil we know’ set against fear of the Unknown – onto which are projected ‘Separation trauma’ that the mind is invoked to deny, hide and mask over. ‘Our Room 101’ is like the monsters that guard the treasure in mythic fable. terror symbols serve as defences against Disclosure.

Incidentally, in visualising Orwell’s proxy persona in a head cage full of hungry rats, I felt the perspective of ‘elitists’ trapped in a cage of limitation with their projected denials (the othered or not self). The refusal to recognise the life of another is the psycho-pathy of its denial in our self. And so a proxy operates as a ‘lead role in a cage’.

Do we project OUR motives and intentions into ‘others’ and then react as if it is so? Does that in some sense attract or draw out behaviours from others that reinforce the interpretation as ‘real’?

Where does the willingness to own and look at ‘denied experience’ as the desire to heal or release it begin?
Is it when the addictive pattern of self-reinforcing denial bottoms out, to reveal a lack of substance at its foundation?

I could say more on butterflies. Everything Teaches a willingness to learn of Life. We stuff our database and think we ‘know’. I trust this seeming death is pupation. Are you not participating in new growth from a different expression of the same DNA? I see that service in your research and recognise gladness at heart. But critical awareness of the ‘problem’ is not in and of itself releasing the problem not can it be while the ‘problem’ defines us.

Mar 5, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  Binra

Not everything we think, believe or experience is a projection or transference. Just as not everything we experience individually is imprinted on the collective or universal psyche. We are individuals with individual egos due to differing experiences, not universal oneness or sameness.

People often conflate or confuse observational processes with internalization and transposition. We can choose to ascribe emotions or importance to our observations or refrain.

Certain psychological disorders are physically measurable due to absent brain activity in certain regions where empathy is processed. If it’s repeatable, it’s empirical evidence of a pattern or phenomenon that explains behavioral impulses or habits.

I do not process information the same way you use abstractions to create understanding and meaning but use pattern recognition and probability analysis.

For instance, the probability that we will agree on this subject is low due to the pattern I have observed previously. 🙂

Mar 6, 2021 12:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

(I had a go at a worthy communication. If you are not interested, then you are of course free to follow what you are interested in. Free Will is the source and nature of the life I recognise beneath masking distortion. I regard the expansion of perspective as the needed shift – but as lived – not as intellectual theory).

Of course! Not everything we experience is the result of a personal projection! (That would be paranoid delusion such as fear re-packaged as defence against ‘mutant viruses’ or revolting peasants).
So I suggest responsibility for the persona or masking overlay of acquired or conditioned meaning-patterns? Otherwise they ‘run you’.

Someone said ‘you are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are. Or as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Or as ye give so shall ye receive. There is nothing new in what I sketch out but that it uses cultural expression of our time towards a more integrated foundation from which to live than the dead-end of our current ‘groupthink’ as locked down separate individual defences against externalised terror

Whatever Mind or Awareness Is, Is always already being. Our personal and persona level of experience expresses a version of it based on probabilities and pattern recognition, but always predicated on the current or active self-definitions, meanings and parameters.

Hence transparency to the true movement of our being is to let love of truth give and receive definition truly, as discernment, recognition and acceptance by extension. You must know that when there is persona-bias, there is also filtering distortion of judgements that can deny truth as the protection of a current identification, wished, feared or believed true.

This asserted protection of a limited or locked down sense of self or reality, teaches and learns ℗ojects and perceives), through the belief that thoughts or experience have projected outside the mind.
Not least to ‘get rid of’ hated fears and conflicts onto ‘othered’ reality.

This is ‘separation’ in concept, supported by fear and guilt as a dissociated experience of lidded and masked trauma, and rendered ‘solid’ as conditioned patterns of pattern recognition and probability serving a recoil for life as the fear of dispossession and loss of face or control (mask and lid).

That everything is experienced in or even as the Field of Awareness is not to say you personally made it up, but if all meaning is set and filtered by narrative identity dictates, then what actually Is, will not be directly appreciated, but seen through a lens of filtering and distortion or indeed not seen at all. Concurrent with all the above is the seeking of external reinforcements for the maintaining of the masking narratives. We are never truly alone in anything.

The above offers a practical basis for questioning a dissociated and self-alienating ‘thinking’ that runs as if a discrete or autonomous entity, set apart from the whole in its relationships, and in struggle for possession and control in those relationships.

But I do not arrive at such sketch of understandings by thinking, for thinking cannot transcend its own predicates. One has to be still to receive – or else the mind is used ‘for getting’. I observe the process of thinking in action from a different point of perspective, than that of a recoil or collapse into thinking that results from fear conditioned or fear triggered dissociation. It is referred to be ‘ask and ye shall receive’. But how many of our ‘questions’ are not restatements of the problem in the form of questions. Learning to think in the heart is undoing the reversal of a mind set in its own spin.

The unique qualities of our individuality are the signature of our Creator, I said nothing to suggest homogenous ‘oneness’ and any such notion is absurd and in denial of Life here and now!

The One is ‘extending or projecting’ as the Many – not the Many being degraded or forced into any notion of ‘unity’ or oneness. Jesus’ two commandments witness to this as the already Fact. I called it ‘Intimacy’ of being and ‘Synchronicity’.

You can of course choose to bias or ‘roll your own reality’. But first ‘Humpty has to Fall and be shattered for private ‘meanings’ to be coerced or computer modelled in the attempt to substitute a replicate of ‘oneness’ – such as the global monopolism exemplifies. I am suggesting that Humpty is a false flag and that there is a basis to look at the experience of ‘Separation’

Self-differentiations of egoic self-image are a masking overlay of personality, which runs in a similar manner to the current covid ‘masking’ identity derived from manipulations of existing patterns of undercurrent (lidded and socially masked) fear and guilt.

Pattern recognition has fractal and holographic qualities that allow perspective shifts within simple presence that embraces time and space. But engagement in drama doesn’t lend to free attention and awareness. Plato’s Cave remains a metaphor for the principle of fixation on shadow play, as does Narcissus to our addiction to our own ‘thinking-reflection’. Yet the quality of awareness is never really absent – even from the form and image of its denial.

I sought to link what seems abstract to some of our current ‘Big Screen Projection’ (World).
Mind is a Projector, but there IS nothing outside for it is Non-local, and nothing before or after as it is non-temporal. In human terms, we ‘Self-differentiate’ through desire for experience and this sets up polarities of tension that never really independently exist as separate us or them, me or you for always there is a higher or more inclusive reality of which we are expressions of. Yet that belief runs as our ‘mind’, every time we are phished or triggered to identify exclusively in conditionings carried from our past.

We are already perfectly identified in the active extension of love and life, but WHO told us we were ‘naked’ to shame and penalty of pain and loss? The mind of the wish to persist in the personal investment in ‘self-assertive’ denial, by hiding or masking the cost of loss of wholeness, and redefining darkness as the new standard!

Mar 6, 2021 2:39 PM
Reply to  Binra

if you change the way you look at things the things you look at change

Mar 8, 2021 6:08 PM
Reply to  mak

Yes, because the ‘thing’ is not exclusive to the awareness and interpretive definition of mind-meanings.

Mar 4, 2021 9:16 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Certainly it is a good thing to have a fierce independence in how we perceive the world. Also worth mentioning is that the refusal to just sponge up received wisdom can actually make life more difficult. The exercise of personal judgement in a holistic framework takes time, this can effect formal schooling, even exam results may be affected. But that is a small price to pay, given the benefits.

And yet, this noble life trajectory is still earth bound. If one is fortunate, a gift from above will present itself and a whole new world will open up. Yes, the supernatural – God, if you will.

Mar 4, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, agreed…see above…my mistake.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 4, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Early human tribes survived and thrived through cooperation. Competition also played a part but the main means of survival was acting cooperatively and sharing.

In these present times, the arts of cooperating and sharing are not encouraged, and certainly not taught in schools where sport and academic work is all about ‘winning’ – just like neoliberal economics.

Mar 4, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

You are right, I stand corrected…it seems it is a human propensity if raised in a certain environment, which, since coming out of the forests, we have been in. I do think it is human nature to look for power if power is needed…such as when a person is chased by a bear, but I do not believe it is human nature, although our history supports this idea, to EXPLOIT power…thank you for a comment.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 4, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  Todd

Glad to be of service 🙂

Mar 4, 2021 8:51 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I agree with your analysis at the top. I always hate when people same “its human nature”. I think to myself, I am human, but I am not “this way”.

Mar 5, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

To varying degrees yes. But it’s besides the point, it’s evil that is the issue. Most humans cannot be evil. They can’t even comprehend it, that’s why they believe there couldn’t be anything sinister behind Covid 1984.
Evil has varying definitions but certainly the actions of one group are consistently evil. Under the guise of ‘repairing the world’ – Tikkun Olam.

Mar 4, 2021 3:02 PM

England and Wales death rates for the last three decades from the ONS:


Age-standardised mortality was worse every year 1990-2008 than it was in this pandemic year.

“Yes, but imagine how bad it would have been without…. “.

Mar 4, 2021 2:41 PM

Indeed, many of us were brought up to believe that the people in charge of us automatically know what they’re doing, and that they are more intelligent than we are.
Now in my latter years, I can state categorically, with all due modesty, yet with all that experience behind me, that most of the people who currently ‘govern’ me are definitely NOT as intelligent as I am.

Somebody here pointed to an excellent phrase which many of us could well use when we know ourselves not to be professional scientists, yet wish to claim the right of higher-than-average IQs to have some significance in the rational discussion of what has now befallen us.
That phrase is, “scientifically literate”.
In context, “I am not a scientist, but I am scientifically literate.”

Here’s a small detour by way of example:

I am a professional musician myself, but my mother could not read a note of music, nor would she have understood a word of a reference book on harmony, melody, counterpoint, rhythm, sonata-form, or fugue.
Yet she sang for her own pleasure, and when she did so, she sang in tune by any professional standards with which I am familiar, and she could shape melody with a natural flow and flexibility which are the very devil to teach to a music student who doesn’t have a feeling for those attributes in his soul from the outset.
She was ‘musically literate’, but without formal training, and would undoubtedly have made a fine music student if she had had the time for academic pursuit in that field.
But my point is that she was musical. Music made sense to her, and the logic of musical creativity spoke at least as clearly to her as it does to many expert musicians.

In today’s politics, the jumped-up pseuds who say they know what is best for us (without even caring whether or not it is true) are leading us into mindless slavery, because that is the world they actually inhabit themselves and know most about.
They are the equivalent of alcoholics – in this case addicted to horsecrap – and nobody with an alcoholic in their close family circle could underestimate the tragedy and pandemonium which such an addiction entails.
So what is the difference between an alcoholic or a drug addict and a politician addicted to lies or fake narratives?

The answer is, the media. The corrupt, the bought and the ruthlessly money-oriented media.

The media have no interest in the family tragedies involved in alcoholism, unless they are connected to celebrity and money.
Nor would they have any interest in fake narratives unless they could smell the money involved there too.

So, to address indirectly Malcolm Ripley’s comment below (“I have yet to read FRICKING SOLUTIONS”), we have to put a stop to the media’s automatic ‘middle-man’ role between what is happening in the world and how we get to know about it.
My way of doing that is to ignore all media except those I discover on my personal search for information, and to follow what Buddha is reputed to have said: “Do not believe anything just because somebody said it.”
Do your own digging, just as a responsible farmer would know exactly what was going into the soil he was preparing for the next planting season and harvest.

If the teaching side of my profession was not currently infiltrated by politically-correct and corrupt influences which would happily remove me from my job if I actually did so, I would want to encourage all my music students to stop watching TV and read more pre-20th Century literature – particularly philosophy – remembering that the very word, “philosophy” entails ‘the love of wisdom’.

The love of wisdom is not a joke for elderly eccentrics.
It is something you know when you feel it, and an eighteen-year-old can recognize it as well as an octagenarian.

Love wisdom, and ignore the rest.
Who knows, maybe ‘the rest’ will just shrivel up and die.

Mar 4, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I also take heart from what Maxwell says below. I do hope he’s right:

“We should never forget that those who peddle these dystopian fantasies have zero concept of anything we could call the real world – they are also incredibly stupid (literally) and arrogant – and that it takes very little to stop them in their tracks.”

Mar 4, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Thank you for this wonderful comment. Parenthetically, an aunt of mine could play the piano with absolutely no musical training. Unfortunately, she got Multiple Sclerosis – back when there was no treatment.

I would caution, though, against citing the Buddha. He also said “If on the road a man comes along and cuts off my head, he is a teacher.” I prefer gentler teachers – although I had a very mean Nun for a sixth grade teacher.

Mar 4, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  Howard

Perhaps Buddha meant (as per your Nun example) that the default personality type of teachers (primary, secondary, tertiary) tends towards decapitational predilections…

Mar 6, 2021 1:01 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

I think, however, it is more likely that he was addressing a spiritual world, the existence of which few even acknowledge today.

In that scenario, cutting Buddha’s head off would not harm his spiritual development, so perhaps that is the learning experience to which he is referring…?

For the typical ’emancipated’ modern man, having your head cut off is, of course, the end of everything.

Mar 4, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  Howard

You have to recognise the teaching is not ‘in the world’ but To the Awakening.
So like Jesus saying pluck out thine eye if it offends thee, you have to intuit the meaning behind the symbols.

There is a similar Zen saying – “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!”.
Jesus said, ‘Who has seen me has seen the Father!”

If you ‘make special’ you are denying the recognition by distancing, in locked down ‘meanings’ by which to get from the ‘other’ by association – without having to risk the ‘contagion’ of love.

Because the mask of virtue hides a multitude of sins, the ‘nice and safe’ way delivers unto evil, by avoiding the conflicts that are actively running beneath what we ‘say’.

The positive outcome I attend to and look for in the current time is not IN the world but the recognition of the ‘world’ as a teaching device for Awakening.

Starting with awakening responsibility for thought – such as to align thought words and deed. There is no way for a ‘mask’ to awaken, or truly know anything. A dissociation is an active displacement that – as Jesus said – knows not what it does.

Mar 6, 2021 12:50 AM
Reply to  Howard

Thank you too Howard.
Don’t worry – I’m selective in my use of Buddha quotes…

I had lots of mean teachers when I was in secondary school – actually in primary school too – yet in my ‘Autumn years’, I keep finding myself being unexpectedly grateful for what they taught me…!

Being a snowflake which is constantly concerned about its right to be a lion is surely no way for a mature human being to be.
I reckon there is something much more important going on when it comes to human evolution.

Mar 4, 2021 4:57 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I understand that your comment is of more general nature, but what I’ve found to be the biggest problem as a music student, professional, and teacher is a lack of individuality. Lack of balls to be oneself, to go one’s own way. Just about all jazz musicians adore some of the usual suspects in jazz history, forever trying to imitate them, which is not only impossible but also anachronistically naive. They tragically fail to understand that instead of dissecting, say, every Coltrane solo and absorbing his approach, they should use his novel approach as an inspiration for stepping in a different direction. I encourage the few students I now have – private since I wouldn’t be caught dead working in an institution, not in this day and age – to be themselves, first and foremost. Not to be afraid of their personality, of letting it project through their music.

Mar 4, 2021 9:35 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Yes – the sense I have is of being an ‘instrument of thy joy’ – or whatever the qualities of the music are that are uncovered in myself.
This ‘channelling’ is at its best fully present and unselfconsciously unfolding as a flow of experience.
Our image and form based mentality tends toward technical productions.
Can you imagine a technical system imposed on life humankind in which the ‘conflicts’ are removed such as to ‘perfect’ a new world order?
Nor can I, but I see that ‘control’ thinks conflicts must be suppressed.
The joy and pain of my life is in the presence with which I sing and play.
Music offers an alchemical transmutation of pain to yearning to connected joy.
All life is a dance but we don’t hear it if we are trained to what Parents and Society Says – rather than what is actively communicating.

Transparency to what truly moves us requires conscious focus. Make straight the way for a wholeness of being to be and know itself, by neither pushing or holding back. I see the reintegration of being as the opportunity for the undoing of the disintegrity that fragments and sets a self in conflict, fear and ‘control’ masking of denials.

When this is the conscious and active desire, disintegrity will not find a host.
In the mean while All the king’s horses and all the king’s men are engaged in some version of imposing order upon feared chaos rather than discerning the underlying order that chaos can reveal, because it is no longer being used as a pretext for masking in narrative dictate.

Mar 6, 2021 1:09 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Wholehearted agreement here, Jacques.

And then there are the opposite non-individuality types… Whole groups of people who think that by being awkward and doing everything upside down, they automatically achieve ‘immortal genius’ status because they are like Schoenberg or Stravinsky…

For those who feel called to it, this is a long journey to discover what a real human being is, and after decades of making many mistakes, there will hopefully come a time when one is in touch with the creative forces at work in every natural thing around us.

This is, of course, made very difficult by the staggering number of unnatural things around us in March 2021, and in any case, as you know, there are no short cuts to artistic achievement.

Mar 6, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Great comment! And in return I want to pass on two links, one for a really interesting YT channel called Academy of Ideas, focusing on philosophy (I’ve not linked to the channel but to one of their videos I particularly like):

… and the other for an interesting article about the creation of a pseudo-reality, with its ‘para-logic’ and ‘para-morality’, which I’ve found extremely useful:


Maybe you’ll find some interesting things here. Particularly hope you enjoy Academy of Ideas, if you don’t know it already.

The ghost of Roger
The ghost of Roger
Mar 4, 2021 2:03 PM

When Marie Antoinette arrogantly exclaimed “let them eat cake” when confronted with the suffering of her oppressed subjects she lost her head for it……..You do ot know your history dear boy. Only the ignorant use this as an example of arrogance, far from being what it proports the quote refers to a french law which gave those unable to buy bread the right to purchase cake at a price equivalence to bread to prevent hunger and thus unrest……read more

Mar 4, 2021 2:35 PM

Excuse me, it is an apocryphal comment, used to create a bit of humour and irony, I am not a history professor writing about the French Revolution therefore am not responsible academically to present history accurately.

Mar 4, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  Todd

Yet your studies are based on academic history…

Abdicating responsibility through fallacious corollary is of course a weakening of the strength of intellectual character vis a vis saying:

You are not an ethicist therefore you are not responsible academically when committing mass murder for personal profit.

Mar 4, 2021 10:58 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

It was not presented as academic history, it was a joke…sorry you didn’t get it!

Mar 4, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  Todd

The apologetics of ‘it was a joke’… when in fact you used it as supporting evidence of the arrogance of the ruling class of royalty.

I enjoyed your article on the whole and you make some very salient observations.

Though using fake history as evidence somewhat detracts from the efficacy of your argument.

Keep rocking on my friend

… and remember a PhD means you know more and more about less and less…

(Now that might be a joke… Or is it?)

malcolm ripley
malcolm ripley
Mar 4, 2021 1:12 PM

OK And…….

I have read numerous essays and articles about the position we are in and the psychology behind it. I have yet to read FRICKING SOLUTIONS.

Given we know the psychology surely there is a solution to waking up the brainwashed sheep?

Mar 4, 2021 2:37 PM
Reply to  malcolm ripley

Oh I wish I did have a solution, how I wish I knew. The only one I see is to forge on with the truth. They say eventually it sinks in…but look what the world had to go through before the truth sunk in in 1945, look what Russia went though…on and on.

Mar 4, 2021 5:20 PM
Reply to  Todd

But the truth didn’t sink in at all in 1945 because that’s when the UN was formed, and the WHO is a UN agency. Moreover WWII was staged just as much as WWI.

Mar 4, 2021 5:50 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Agreed again…but I think you know what I mean…I know the truth has never fully sunk in…

Mar 4, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Todd

Yeah. I see it here everyday. Among the supposedly enlightened. Also, nobody here has much of a sense of humor, as you’ve just learned. Subtlety seems to miss the mark.

Mar 5, 2021 2:02 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You’re funny.

Mar 4, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  Todd

To release the self-serious drive for solving your problem as they define you (and your world) is to let truth in and abide with you.
This inherently realigns and grows a consciousness that embodies life rather than recoils from fear of life as pain and loss. You live the moment, the day as steps of willingness toward healing – in whatever terms that is represented in you.
There is a point where the goal-driven sense of ‘getting’ subsides to the conscious appreciation of the qualities of Life here and now. Without a set of conditions that must be met or set in place, first.
To truly address the ‘problem’ – is to stop false flagging or displacing it to a diversionary frame of reference.

Researcher has already picked up on the ‘history’.
You cannot make another see what they are currently unwilling to see.
But you can serve the conditions in which the freedom of our being finds acceptance rather than judgement, such that the natural movement of being can register as an extension of curiosity, desire or unselfconscious love.

Feeding the ‘problem’ may seem necessary virtue, but does IT feed on all the energy and attention we give it? Hence the need to recognise what runs beneath the presentations or masking of PR.
Be forged in love of truth!
This is NOT sacrificial or self-denying but the willingness to allow our invested self-illusions to come to light rather than persist unmindfully. The masking of a split off sense of self-evasion is self-denial and sacrifice of love and life to ‘Solutions’ by which to hide inner conflict (from ourself and others who share the same invested illusion).

Mar 4, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  malcolm ripley

There is one solution – the only possible solution; the solution that’s always been the solution to everything that has ever happened since time began.

That solution is simply that the thing must play itself out. Not an easy solution, nor a happy, feel good solution; just the only real solution.

Stand outside on a windy day. Try to stop the wind. Or just let it blow until it stops on its own. Yes, if it’s strong, you may lose everything, even your life. But it can’t be stopped. All you can do is keep as far out of its way as possible.

Mar 4, 2021 10:21 PM
Reply to  Howard

What is the wind that moves all things
yet never itself is seen?
Some say its all just moving air,
but that’s all their words have ever been,
and the wind that blows has ever been.

To know you must leap as a bird to the wing,
as one with the wind moving all things.

That’s about 30 years old or more, but the underlying gist is of an Intimacy beneath the mind that makes the meanings of it world.

The idea of changing life from a point outside and apart is a dissociative temptation to identify the mind as power over life in expression, that sets up the experience of self inflation and self-limitation or indeed self rejection and denial.

To the subject to a limited sense of powerlessness to external circumstance there is no path to shifting the total experience but the possession and control of the minds of others and leverage over external forces.

But the nature of love as the resonant alignment of all things to serve the whole, is truly whole in all its parts. Rather than all the king’s horses and all the king’s men trying to restore wholeness again.
There is a principle in the storm that is also in the Galaxy and the cell.
But the dissociation from the whole in all its parts, is to be masked off from synchronicity.

There is indeed a playing out or process that cannot be evaded.As I see it. But there is nothing passive in my sense of becoming one with this at it true core.
The compression associated with drawing toward death is the refining of the seed essence from which a new expansion shall unfold. Aligning in highest purpose is coming into sync with what Is. Not trying to force it into compliance with our narratives.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 4, 2021 5:25 PM
Reply to  malcolm ripley

There is no “solution” as to waking up the blue pilled other than setting an example and speaking truth to the purported power of the “authorities.” (Or to put it in Nag Hammadi Gnostic terms, to the archons.) Making your solution dependent on the decisions of others is giving away one’s innate power.

Mar 4, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  malcolm ripley

No. Save yourself.

Mar 6, 2021 11:03 AM
Reply to  malcolm ripley

Solutions you will find none but to accept your fate and love your neighbour. Debts owed must be paid. Tyrants are but karmic tools, bound themselves for suffering. Fear not, seek truth, repent and share hope. You will not solve the present suffering as it is consequent and purgative of sin.

Mar 4, 2021 11:28 AM

Merkel&Soeder had a presser yesterday where they in all seriousness, without grasping the severity, absurdity and insolence of their attitude and statement, said that they, the politicians, would now see it fit to ‘give some trust back to the people’.

Mar 4, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  JGerhard

Staggering hubris, but cloaked in polite language so that we won’t notice…

Mar 4, 2021 3:40 PM
Reply to  JGerhard

Yes, it sounds arrogant. But be honest: would you trust people who so willingly bought into this COVID nonsense?

Mar 4, 2021 9:40 AM

Useful summary of where individual US states stand re masks:


It isn’t just Texas and one of the Dakotas that have no mask mandate as people wrongly keep claiming.

Mar 4, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I heard yesterday that Alabama is “open”.

Mar 4, 2021 8:29 PM
Reply to  Paul

To shamelessly steal an apocryphal Yogi Berra comment:

Yeah, Alabama’s open. But nobody goes there any more– it’s too crowded.

a man called james
a man called james
Mar 4, 2021 9:12 AM

Any links to the false vaccinations please?

Ferd III
Ferd III
Mar 4, 2021 7:54 AM

Antoinette never said let them eat cake FFS. This was uttered 200 yrs earlier by a Spanish princess and no she did not lose her head.

Antoinette actually gave food and welfare to the poor. She was murdered by Atheists – the same group today supporting Lockdowns and CV Fascism.

Mar 4, 2021 2:38 PM
Reply to  Ferd III

Sorry. It was a joke.

Mar 4, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  Ferd III

So many downvotes, yet what Ferd says is well-supported by the historical facts…

Mar 4, 2021 5:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, but it was a joke…an apocryphal statement that sounds good to make a point…I was not writing an historical article…

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Mar 6, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  Ferd III

Speak for yourself – this atheist has been opposed to lockdowns and CV bullshit from Day 1.

Mar 4, 2021 4:35 AM

Lion, eagle and dragon…..fierce fiery all seeing beasts, powers that feast upon the woolybacks, no thing to them If lamb hogget or mutton, all are taken young. Their remains, but an outline.

Mar 4, 2021 3:28 AM

But then I sometimes get a sneaking suspicion that it’s the other way around: not that our “rulers” are using and abusing us, but that we’re using them in order that they can abuse us.

We in the “First World” nations grew up too fast (& too furious). What with Little League and all the other inanities foisted upon us “for our own good,” we had very little time to be children. Now, when the economy’s becoming hollowed out, we have free time; only we have no idea how to use it. We need someone to tell us what to do.

Enter the Bureaucrat. (And the rest is history.)

Mar 4, 2021 2:42 AM

I have received my invitation today to make an appointment for my 1st Covid vaccine. Included with the letter was an NHS information booklet. The booklet is much written in the style of a well-meaning parent to a young child. The parent knows that the child wants some information but also that the information should not give too much away otherwise the child may start to ask uncomfortable and difficult-to-answer-questions. One section in the booklet gives (non)information about the types of vaccines. It states „In the UK there are two types of vaccines currently approved. Other types of vaccines are expected to be approved during 2021.“ That‘s all. Nothing else about the actual types of vaccines. Another section talks about what the coronavirus is and goes on to say that „Overall fewer than 1 in 100 people who are infected will die from Covid-19 …“ That‘s the kind of maths that is meant to scare the child into submission and make it run to the front of the queue to be vaccinated. The child sees and hears „1 in 100 will die“ and it forgets the „fewer than“. The parent could have said 1 in 1000, 1 in 10000, 1 in 100000, 1 in 1000000 and so on which of course are all fewer than 1 in 100. Or „almost 0 in 100“. But then it doesn‘t sound scary enough.

Mar 4, 2021 2:49 AM
Reply to  whatever

I think this kind of deliberately covert misleading wording in the booklet needs to be reported to the advertising standards agency.

Mar 4, 2021 3:42 AM
Reply to  whatever

Any GP providing this vaccine, coercing their patients without the necessary informed consent, are opening themselves to all sorts of future problems. Not least being sued or even charges of criminal stupidity and recklessness. It’s happened before, this time it’s so obvious informed consent is lacking in virtually all cases where it’s being administered.

Mar 4, 2021 4:17 AM
Reply to  Loverat

You forget the ‘immunity’ the purveyors and pushers of this injection of dirty water get.

In fact the only immunity provided: immunity from prosecution.

Mar 4, 2021 5:31 AM
Reply to  whatever

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be the master - that’s all.”

Mar 4, 2021 9:00 AM
Reply to  DM:

The Freemason and child pornographer Lewis Carroll knew a thing or two….

malcolm ripley
malcolm ripley
Mar 4, 2021 1:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It is only the opinion of some biographers that Lewis Carroll was a paedophile. The only (at the time) facts are that he painted nude children. As far as I am aware.

Mar 4, 2021 5:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

DM seems to quote and promote Freemasons.

Mar 4, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  whatever

As if they care. The U.K. government legally sanctioned the murder, rape and torture of UK citizens and foreign nationals by undercover agents and contractors.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 4, 2021 4:11 AM
Reply to  whatever

I was under the impression that none of these injections had been officially approved, but had been issued with a licence (or some such term) issued under emergency legislation.

Is their repeated use of the word ‘approved’ misleading or just wrong?

Mar 4, 2021 11:31 AM
Reply to  May Hem

They are “approved” for Emergency Use. which gives carte blanche to pharma and no liability to pharma, doctors, etc if something goes wrong.

Under the emergency use provision in the USA one cannot be mandated to take the vaccine. It is still considered experimental.

Once it is “licensed” and formally approved by the FDA as a vaccine it can be mandated.

Mar 4, 2021 4:14 AM
Reply to  whatever

So they stated quite clearly that over 99% of people will live.

Ipso facto the mutated RNA injection is unnecessary…

Mar 4, 2021 4:27 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

As I said elsewhere none of this matters…our various govts have gotten us into being legally required to obey WHO rules…the WHO says everyone has to be vaccinated…there is no such thing as natural herd immunity according to WHO law.. end of story…

how we can ever bring any of these idiots to trial for getting legally entangled with WHO is going to be the interesting question…

I intend ignoring all vaccine requests as sooner rather than later the financial situation will over run all this covid nonsense and enforcing vaccines will become irrelevant…

Mar 4, 2021 4:46 AM
Reply to  Edith

Learned Helplessness.

If you’re going to die anyway (which you and all those you know will) would it make rational sense to be autonomous?

Did Ghandi say “Well the British Empire rules us so let’s just capitulate.” ?


There is nothing to lose but your life so what does it matter? Die for something worth living for.

Live for something worth dying for.

Fear is the mind killer.

“Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists…” A Course in Miracles

R Anand
R Anand
Mar 4, 2021 5:14 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Fear is indeed the mind killer.

There are several ways (small and big) for us to defy the ugly dictates of the WHO, WEF, oligarchy dictates.

(You quoted a nice one from the ‘A Course in Miracles’. My favorite go-to online mentor, late Paxton Robey (whose e-book “No Time for Karma” helped me immensely), used to quote from it often.)

Mar 4, 2021 7:15 AM
Reply to  Edith

And immunity can only be achieved through a needle.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mar 4, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  paul

 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a hypodermic needle than for a rich man Bill Gates to enter heaven.

Mar 4, 2021 10:02 AM
Reply to  Edith

If you’re waiting for the financial situation to blow up, you might be waiting for some time. Its horrible I know but I’m hoping the major side effects from the gene therapy treatment become so clear that this illegal experimenting on humans has to stop.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mar 4, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  Edith

I intend ignoring all vaccine requests as sooner rather than later the financial situation will over run all this covid nonsense and enforcing vaccines will become irrelevant…

Well, I applaud ignoring vaccine requests which is also what I am doing, but I think reports of the $ollar’s or the £ound’s demise (if that is what you are referring to) are exaggerated.

I do worry about the financial situation in one respect in that the attempts to claw back government outgoings (e.g. Sunak’s UK Budget) are economic illiteracy which will only serve to exacerbate the lockdown-induced recession and are absolutely the wrong thing to do. Sunak isn’t actually economically illiterate, but rehearses the neoliberal playbook in order to cut away at the public sector as much as possible. i.e. he pretends that the finances of a currency-issuing government like the UK are the same as those of an ordinary household and that the government has a “credit card” that can be “maxed out”.

Starmer & Co go along with all this nonsense in the name of “fiscal credibility”.

Mar 4, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Edith

Edith, have you seen this video with Astrid Heckenberger and Reiner Fuellmich. Absolutely fascinating. The WHO and Bill Gates and GAVI. If people only knew.


Mar 4, 2021 7:12 AM
Reply to  whatever

I have to keep reminding myself – I had my letter – that this is an “emergency use” vaccine. I’ll be skipping it for a (long) while.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Mar 4, 2021 1:25 AM

The metaphor – government as parent, the people as children – obscures and misrepresents rather than reveals.

Mar 4, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Explain. Also, it is only one lens to view it through.

Mar 4, 2021 6:28 AM
Reply to  Todd

“government as parent, the people as children”

To my ears, this analogy is childish in itself. It doesn’t really address any real issue; what is it supposed to mean “to be a parent”? That would have to be defined, elaborated on. Why? Why not address the underlying issue directly, as opposed to using this “parent” reference?

Also, I’ve recently listened to a broadcast on Radio France about people treated by their parents as kids long after they reached adult age. One after another contributor was whining about mom who would do this or that and the other thing, meddling in their affairs. Geez, people need to get a life! And some balls! If your parent, or whatever entitu, doesn’t want to be a free, independent person, it’s time to tell them to buzz off, to hit the road. It would seem that the problem is that people are so afraid to assert their individuality out of misguided considerateness that they self-destruct.

Mar 5, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  Todd

In a book from the 1980s or so called “I’m OK You’re OK”, Thomas A Harris wrote on “transactional analysis”. He said we address others as a parent (authority), fellow adult or child. He recommended addressing others as equals (adults) to resolve many problems. It made sense. However, applying this analogy to the relationship between the citizen and the fascist plutocracy is a stretch.

R Anand
R Anand
Mar 4, 2021 5:05 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I agree.

It makes no sense to compare parental concerns (which would include some compassionate and genuine ones as well) about their children with the clearly fake concerns of government about the people they rule over.

Moreover, a child can still disobey a bad parental order and not have to face extreme consequences or a complete denial of freedom, whereas for a citizen not to follow a bad government directive can lead to that.

Mar 4, 2021 7:58 AM
Reply to  R Anand

Right, even though I think the author was trying to draw a slightly different parallel, that of submission to parental control/care projected into submission to governmental control/care.

The underlying issue really is to what extent people should respect ancestors, to what extent they should break free from the past. What we consider progress and whether our perception of it is desirable.

Stuff like that.

This analogy government is kinda like parents is shallow, childish in itself.

Mar 4, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The point here is respect for authority – which usually does begin with the parent-child relationship. I happen to believe respect for authority is the mother of all evil; unfortunately, most people remain stuck in their childhood paradigm, on a subconscious level.

Mar 4, 2021 5:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

Well, from my experience, the allusion that the relationship between a child and parents is that of authority is nonsense. To the unobserving superficial eye, it might appear that parents have authority over the child, but a closer look shows that it’s far from the truth. Parents are usually helpless pushovers vis-a-vis their kids, harbor unconditional love toward them, etcetera. Not all, but most. This is completely different from the kind of authority people face from official institutions that don’t fuck around and don’t let them get away with nothing.

It sure is an interesting topic to look into where people’s pathological respect for authority, obedience, fear of individuality, non-conformity, stuff like that come from, but this simplistic reference to parents doesn’t cut it.

Mar 4, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Conditioning to accept authority emanates from school, academia, governments, courts, media, associations, corporations, employers etc: Mini dictatorships.

Culturally and historically it originates from monarchies, dynasties, emperors, Caesar’s, Popes, Pharoahs etc: Hierarchical systems. The transferral of ancient rituals and worship of god and gods to authority figures claiming to represent those deities.

Mar 4, 2021 8:09 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’d have to think about that. This would clearly be very dependent on historical and cultural experience. I mean, the place where I grew up has been fucked over so many times in the past that people have a rather strong aversion to monarchs, dynasties, emperors (perhaps with the exception of Charles IV who had a bridge built here that still stands … 😀 …). Very atheist too, having the Catholic religion forced on them.

Mar 4, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Czechoslovakia is a very interesting country and I’d like to visit Prague if this travel restriction crap ends.

The first paragraph of my comment expressed what we (collectively in the West) experience/d firsthand in the 20thC and 21stC.

The second paragraph lists the forerunners and origins of those hierarchal structures in the first paragraph.

R Anand
R Anand
Mar 7, 2021 11:07 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I agree.

Parental authority can sometimes become noxious like other authority figures and institutions, but parental love can never be found in those other authority figures and institutions.

A parent-child relationship is not just about authority, but a lot more. On the other hand, a government acts pre-dominantly like an authority.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mar 4, 2021 8:16 PM
Reply to  Jacques

We should always remember the correct relationship between us as citizens and our government, whom we (supposedly) elect, and can theoretically kick out of office, not whenever we like, but at intervals determined by, er, that government, theoretically with some democratic say so, i.e. a vote in the legislature, but also remembering that not everything the government decides is voted on, even in our so-called democracies.

The late left-wing Labour politician Tony Benn had 5 questions that he always asked, or said should be asked of those who are in power:

“What power have you got?”
“Where did you get it from?”
“In whose interests do you use it?”
“To whom are you accountable?”
“How do we get rid of you?”

However, in the Covidian Age, supposedly democratic governments have assumed dictatorial powers, with their elected “oppositions” egging them on, none more so than the Starmeresque New New Labour Party.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 4, 2021 12:41 AM

From Mitteleuropa – 1932

“Sentimentality is the superstructure erected upon brutality”
– Carl Jung –
(July 26, 1875 – June 6, 1961)

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Mar 4, 2021 12:21 AM

You are not the boss of me…….

Mar 3, 2021 11:25 PM

Step One- Understand who the “They” is.

Step Two- Understand their motives.

There is not now nor has there ever been an epidemiological or viral emergency event of any sort anywhere in the world in the year 2020. 

The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities. 

What we are in the midst of is a planned total economic collapse. This economic collapse was inevitable, Western governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the inevitable social disorder which will result from this collapse. To be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, which destroys both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.

The collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this corrupt economic system only delayed the inevitable. In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again.

There was a dramatic decrease in industrial production which showed up in the banking crisis of August of 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral of overnight loans forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and basically print money to cover this massive shortage.

A quote from Farmer Andy:

The Repo market is where banks borrow money each day so that they have 10% liquid assets at the end of each day. If they do not have 10% liquid assets they are not allowed to open the next day. Around the middle of September the Fed started pumping $20 billion per day into the Repo market to keep interest rates down so banks could borrow the money to stay in business. By the end of December the Fed was pumping over $100 billion per day into the Repo market and it was not enough.

Simply everyone on Wall Street was loaded with enormous debt and was holding on to US cash to be able to service it refusing to finance purchases of foreign currencies and then US currency as Repo Market froze at 10% interest on overnight Repo loans as US treasury bonds and even US bills were rejected as collateral for Repos.

A quote from brother Kalen:

In fact what happen in March 2020 was just the spread of the liquidity crisis from primary dealers markets (TBTF banks and Hedge funds were actually bailed out in September) toward all other stock, commodities, bonds CLOs, MBS etc, as well to Ponzi schemes called today ETF funds, not to mention structured derivative products traded on proprietary platforms nominally representing up to several thousands of $$$ trillions.
When US treasury bonds and even USTB became illiquid due to exponential growth of public (but most of all private) dollar debt while the FED was sucking up cash from financial markets by tempering QE (called QT ) between 2017 and 2019 reduced FED balance sheet from over $5 T to $3.9T by selling assets, all hell broke loose. Something drastic had to be done.

And hence the FED started to “buy all worthless shit for double the price”, Gates’s and Silicon Valley oligarchic gang took over the media, and Orwellian shrinks and doctor Fauci-Mengeles came to the “rescue” unleashing operation COVID.

COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. The COVID fraud timing became necessary as the world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis that popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo markets, money markets and FX markets. 

The entire House of Cards was falling for six months and could not be stopped so COVID hysteria was manufactured to cover up what amounts today to $11 trillion of FED bailout in cash, stock boost via POMO and guarantees of value of collateral used in structured derivatives.

The end game is that the central banks (Fed) will buy all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. Then print money to infinity to service the fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.

That’s the coup.There will be global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states. As soon as the ruling class mops up the last properties. What this means is the ruling class have limitless claims on everything in the world.

This is not going to stop until people make it stop. These governments know full well that “Covid” is being used as cover for crashing the economies in the Western world. There is not now and never has been a “pandemic”- that is all Kabuki theater to disguise the reality of the rapid economic decline brought on by the Ponzi Schemes of financial institutions over the past few decades.

Listen to this 9 minute phone call from a woman in Belfast on the Richie Allen Show:


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 4, 2021 12:30 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Brilliant, albeit sobering comment Maxwell, thank you. For those with only a few thousand (or less) stashed away, the future looks pretty grim.
I’m out selling the mag, will listen to this call when I get home. What do you make of The Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution post collapse of the economic system? This is what they intend, including a global digital currency?

Mar 4, 2021 1:08 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes it is what they intend and have set in motion.

What that looks like and how it proceeds will vary from one location to the next.

If you are in Russia e.g. you will be okay- if you are in the UK (given that at present there is little to no resistance) you are not going to be in good shape- there will be quite a bit of turmoil and more draconian social control barring serious resistance.

I think where you live in Australia there will also be serious efforts at continued social control and outright repression. Unfortunately both the UK/Australia are attached to the Death Star of the US economic system and are heavily import dependent. I don’t see any graceful way out of that.

It does seem to me that at the moment outside of a few areas the “European public” is easily appeased. They are largely bought off and have been too comfortable. They are going to find out a version of what it was like in Guatemala post-Arbenz and they seem to have forgotten much of their own history of that time.

I don’t see how hyperinflation is to be avoided in any of these places within the next decade or sooner.

Here in the US it is going to be, and already is, wildly different based on regional responses. It is going to be very difficult to convert to an all digital currency in places like Texas, Montana, Idaho, Florida, Tennessee, etc and the overall zeitgeist of the vast majority of people who live in these places (I know this intimately) is one where they will fight back if pushed too far. Let’s just say for the likes of those in the WEF and assorted “think tanks” these places are like different life systems that they can’t possibly ever comprehend.

I’m hopeful there will also be tremendous push back in S America and enough of a push back in E Europe to allow for the actual impacts of the 4th IR and Slavish Reset to be seen before they can be implemented more profoundly.

We should never forget that those who peddle these dystopian fantasies have zero concept of anything we could call the real world, they are also incredibly stupid (literally) and arrogant and that it takes very little to stop them in their tracks.

We should also never forget that the Vietnamese won the Viet Nam war due to one reason- the Vietnamese.

The problem of course is as these megalomaniacs stumble around with their technocratic “plans” they cause terrible damage every step of the way.

Life finds a way.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 4, 2021 1:34 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Just to say, much appreciate your detailed analysis… its going to be very tough, especially, as you say, in places like the UK and Australia. The Daniel Andrews Govt here in Victoria has shown no hesitation unleashing the jackbooted thugs onto anyone dissenting from the covid groupthink.
Both your comments give much food for thought, cheers.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 4, 2021 7:41 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And when you read the comments by the hysterically stupid Victorian sheeple they love Dan and his dictatorship.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 4, 2021 8:01 AM

Gawdd…. Just arrived home, can close the door, shut out the ‘World’, put on some blissful music, and not see another masked zombie until 6.50 am tomorrow morning! Oh joy!
The infantilised conformity here!🤪🙃 And I swear, the men are the worst. I’ve met bloody pet lambs with more fire in their bellies! And they haven’t even got the guts to say anything.
All the times I’ve been on buses and trains unmasked, and not one person has said a word. A few glares, yes, but when I look them straight in the eyes, they look away within seconds.
Hope your week is going well Marilyn. At least South Australia is somewhat more sane than the pathological madness here…

Mar 4, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I hope this won’t sound racist; but you must not have any blacks in Melbourne (I’m assuming the indigenous peoples are rare in the cities).

Blacks, at least in America, will diss you in a heartbeat if you don’t have your mask on.

One day going into the Post Office to mail a letter, I didn’t have my mask on (I live in Maryland – blue beyond words). A black lady on her way out – she was the ONLY person in the Post Office – said to me “Ass hole! Put on your mask!” Of course, being a gentleman, all I could do was say “Shut the fuck up!”

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 4, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

I used to see a lot more indigenous people in Adelaide when I lived there Howard, but Melbourne is a lot more multi cultural – people from Greece, Italy, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, India, Serbia, Croatia, Lebanon, etc.
My observation is that people from an Asian background are very compliant, even outside where facemasks are not mandatory. That’s just my own observation.
But, end of the day, the vast majority in Melbourne fully comply, regardless of their background. The Hipsters especially stand out. Even on hot days they’ll be walking around in a mask.

Mar 4, 2021 1:53 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

We should never forget that those who peddle these dystopian fantasies have zero concept of anything we could call the real world, they are also incredibly stupid (literally) and arrogant and that it takes very little to stop them in their tracks.

We should also never forget that the Vietnamese won the Viet Nam war due to one reason- the Vietnamese.

This is spot on and we should keep it in mind.
Resistance is not futile.

Mar 4, 2021 3:38 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Speaking of Texas, there’s considerable evidence that the recent deep freeze was climate engineered. There are as many ways to bring recalcitrant folks to accept the “new normal” as there are to “skin a….” (I omit mean references to wonderful creatures – may I substitute “bureaucrat?”)

Mar 4, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  Howard

More than one way to skin a ‘crat. I like it.

I wondered about that Texas freeze myself.

Mar 4, 2021 4:28 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Yes the only remaining question is how much time have we left …how much further do they need to delay the inevitable…

Mar 4, 2021 4:49 AM
Reply to  Edith

Time is relative

The mechanistic idea of time is an illusion.

Clock in

Clock out

The clock is a construct of manufacturing.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 4, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  Edith

That’s what I’ve been wondering today Edith. Researcher thinks it will almost certainly be this year, and she is pretty on the ball.
I’ve also seen Facebook friends I trust make posts in last few days to get in as much non perishable food as possible, enough candles to last for at least a month, batteries, a portable gas stove, and have a supply of cash at home… tho when the crash happens, I don’t know what use money will be.
But guaranteed, the ATMs will be down, and you won’t be able to withdraw anything anyway. Remember Klaus Schwab has been literally boasting there will be a “cyber pandemic”.

Mar 4, 2021 11:43 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I”m sincerely curious, Maxwell – why will one be OK in Russia?

Mar 4, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Death Star of the US economic system

LOL love that one..

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 4, 2021 12:36 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Hello Maxwell: Your analysis of the “situation” is quite correct. All the covid hype in the world is doing nothing to awaken the public. The inherent flaws of unlimited financial growth were based on the creation of unlimited international debt. Civilian populations have now become a liability rather than a fully collateralized debt > thus they have waxed worthless and expendable.

The present consortium of monetary pirates needs to be hung out to dry. > Permanently <
Independent local currencies need to be established, and all forms of usury banking outlawed. All else is only more pitiful blather.

dr death
dr death
Mar 4, 2021 1:42 PM

As i have pontificated endlessly on this CS, men of good will need to start organizing and networking…
rural communities will fare much better, if you can.. get out of the cities…
this will all unravel very quickly and presumably this unraveling is not too far away… needless to say avoid all ‘little pricks’ , and not just the dwarfish meatsack
playing the role of chancellor of the ex cheka..

Mar 4, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  dr death

“men and women of good will”. Please stop using sexist language. This whole plandemic is a masculine construct. I know – some women are involved but these are women who have let their internal patriarch take charge. They are not feminists, but pretend men, and even more ruthless in some cases – sadly.

Mar 4, 2021 12:45 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

‘Economics’ and their continual ‘collapses’ are about as real as the covid-19 super virus.

dr death
dr death
Mar 4, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

true… conceptually speaking, but believe me when I say the repercusions of such ‘unreal’ nonsense is deadly..
there are pits full of cadavers all over the globe in testimony to this…

and of course it all gets ‘real’ very quickly.. let’s hope ‘you get what you fuckin’ deserve kiwi ‘joker’..

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 4, 2021 4:34 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Many thanks, Maxwell – an excellent description of what is happening and what is to come. Claire from Belfast – wonderful. Would like to hear more from her.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 4, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Claire from Belfast… Jesus fecken christ. My jaws hit the ground and am about to go and have a smoke.

Mar 4, 2021 12:42 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I’d have one with ye and I don’t smoke.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 4, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Judith

Me too!

Mar 4, 2021 12:41 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

OK, this phone call was amazing. I have been hearing the same thing all year from Catherine Austin Fitts, James Corbett, John Titus and others. But I bury my head in the sand and get all upset about masks.

So I am wondering what to do. Take my savings out of the bank before it collapses? At least I will have a tenner that is worth a fiver. From the sounds of it, the bank insurance companies will not be able to actually insure us our money.

Also, after the hyper-inflation and collapse which then introduces the UBI, I guess they will do away with our social security. Which of course is not an entitlement but our own money. I have been putting off collecting soc sec until 70 because I will receive about $400 more per month than I would if I were to collect now.

But why wait if soc sec gets wiped out.

I know some will say that this economic crisis is another non-existent situation to keep us in fear, but it seems to make sense to me.

Is anyone else pondering? This Richie Allen interview is short. Would love to hear others take on it. (I think)

Mar 5, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  Judith

This (growing govt. obligations and plundered funds) is one of the reasons they kept raising the retirement age and have now launched the cull.

Mar 4, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Nothing can beat an Irish person with common sense.
She’s done her research, and she calmly tells us what it reveals.
Naive, innocent, child-like, no fuss, and utterly devastating.

Mar 4, 2021 3:23 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

BTW so was 911
Follow the money as they say

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Mar 4, 2021 8:47 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

This is disconcerting, at the least. I like to send this kind of thing to a select group of family members. Rational intelligent people who are least likely to shoot themselves. I can’t bring myself to send this, however. Not today, anyway. I did get wad of cash at the bank this afternoon……….A good friend told me a story about a Russian guy who prospered during a Russian economic melt down. He bought and stashed a truckload of vodka to use for trade….. I am tempted.

Mar 4, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

This is all false in terms of the events and the reasons. It’s an extremely harmful and misleading comment. The economic measures are put in place specifically to bring about a myriad of planned initiatives, operations and other long term agendas. They are all planned. Every crash is fake. It is created by design. I can’t even be bothered to list all the areas where this is wrong except to say it’s Maribel Tuff trollery 2.0.

If this comment was anywhere near true the 77th that live here would have marked it down at least twice.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 3, 2021 10:49 PM

This article ends reflecting the usual tamed modern moron slave mindset…

We, on this side of the fence, can hope that eventually this ruse will be exposed and the previously loyal children under the oppression of the tyrannical parents of government will turn on them in defiance and demand their heads—hopefully only metaphorically and through due process of the law.

There is NO DUE process of the law!

How many are in jail for killing uman animals during OPERATION COVIDIUS and more recently during the deployment of the miracle JAB?!

Mar 4, 2021 1:29 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

I probably would tend to agree with you, but that is pure shadow.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 4, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  Todd

No worries!

Modern moron slaves are conditioned to “think” that the “justice” sub-system is there to help them and to “deliver justice”.

Mar 3, 2021 10:18 PM

The Puer Aeternus( Eternal Child) character is a highly revered person in the West but especially strong in Anglo Saxon cultures and most acutely in the USA
James Dean, Elvis Presley , Michael Jackson, Jim Morrison, JFK, etc
The ” Infantile sentimentality” as embodied by the saccharine style of Disney movies , especially the animated ones, to the point of making your teeth hurt.
Prisons, police state male brutality also the characteristic ” shadow” side of an infantile society.
Its not like this ” constellation” of relationships is anything new.

As in the story of the puer, is that they living a ” provisional life”, 2 weeks to flatten the curve, when the vaccines come out, when everyone gets the ” green card” etc, always the next day, the next week, around the corner , maybe next time.
The tragedy is that living is postponed.
The striking feature of this Scamdemic is the shear level of ” Stupid” mindlessness and compliance, that’s really the issue here.
Villains and evil psychos will always be around, putting them all on on an island an vaporizing them with the latest WMD will solve nothing.
People need to grow up, learn courage and understand that at this point in the story if that doesn’t happen, there is no reset, but the Terminus, the end, extinction…. the howl of wind in an empty urban landscape

Mar 4, 2021 1:28 AM
Reply to  Marcello

Well put.

Mar 4, 2021 2:50 AM
Reply to  Marcello

Reminds me of what Felix de Azua wrote in 1989: “The infantilisation projects put in place by very powerful nations, like the US, have already yielded a fair BIOLOGICAL result, and the current age of western populations fluctuates with regard to intellectual capacities around eight, nine years. The ailment called ‘children’s happiness’ has strongly promoted the entertainment industry and has changed it in a sort of governmental business that can only be compared to the manufacture of nuclear weapons; the moral demands of the non-existing adults are lowered to the level of kindergarten. No wonder that the educated population is practically analphabetic nowadays in the same way that children are, that is to say: their heads filled to the brim with a huge amount of useless facts which take up all the available space in their brains.”

Mar 4, 2021 3:42 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

Sort of to follow up on that. The so called ” Psychedelic’s period” 1955/1969 was in fact a CIA project to dull, damage, and destroy the ” youth movement” at the time. So we get into Allen Ginsberg and the so called Mind Control projects, MKUltra etc.
The level of unthinking mindlessness today is probably also the fruit of some CIA/ media /TV mind control project, wouldn’t be surprised.
A bit off topic but still relevant .

Mar 4, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  Marcello

I do find myself wondering, however, how did some of us escape the mind control to the point where we are discussing this horrible farce so rationally and with so much insight?
Is it just a question of intelligence, or has 95% of the population already been poisoned by ‘something in the water’…?

Mar 4, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  wardropper

If you don’t mind me adding yet two more cents’ worth of “insight.” I would say it has to start early, and it has to self-initiated.

In the 4th grade, perusing the World Almanac, I noticed that nearly every nation had conscription. Though an “Army brat” I decided then and there that conscription was wrong. I’ve spent the last 67 years building on what I discovered at age 10.

Mar 4, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Throwing out your TV helps a lot…

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Mar 3, 2021 10:13 PM

Consider this Covid Conditioning gem (Ryan Cristian’s phrase)

Mar 4, 2021 2:09 AM
Reply to  Tim Glass

Is that a hair catcher?

Mar 4, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  Tim Glass

What’s he doing? Taking temps?

Mar 4, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Judith

Yeah, for me this is like looking at one of those superciliously cryptic “New Yorker” cartoons that are really intended to make people feel stupid or uncool for “not getting it”.

I remain blissfully unfamiliar with state-of-the-art body-scanning equipment, but in the two MVD temperature checks I’ve endured in recent months (hair salon and blood test lab) they used the “gun” type thermometers. This looks more like a typical metal-detector technique; maybe body temperature can be accurately read from sweeping clothed limbs (arms), but it seems unlikely.

Maybe it’s a digital deodorant scanner, to ensure that the vaccinators only come close to victims with a satisfactory level of personal freshness.

OTOH, if the authorities announced that jab-seekers had to walk on their hands when entering a vaccination facility, we would see videos of growing lines of out-of-shape and infirm visitors pathetically struggling to assume the position. 😉

Mar 4, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Ort

I was also thinking that maybe this guy is just zooin’ on everyone. It’s so bizarre.

Mar 3, 2021 10:06 PM

Kary Mullis

On the subject of administrative ‘Authority

Mar 4, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Maybe Kary got an mrna injection that caused his upper respiratory infection leading to his (un)timely death.

I didn’t even know the guy and I miss him.

Mar 3, 2021 10:01 PM

Totalitarianism has won. Orwell predicted it but the new totalitarianism is far more lethal than Oceania or Eurasia. This one comes with a cull. We may as well say goodbye.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mar 3, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  Peter

Don’t go all Peter Hitchens.

dr death
dr death
Mar 4, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  Peter

don’t go all maudlin there old fella, the ‘old world’ (heh heh) the world of withered governors, lickspittle bureaucrats and their fellow goat worshipers was just a global abscess, a putrid abomination, sometimes mother nature has to put the vermin back in their place…

best to see it as a time that ‘you really realized you were alive’… a time that made you contemplate how truly evil and repugnant the ‘system’ you all worshiped really was… a time you had to REALLY take responsibility for yourself and loved ones… a time you made a REAL stand for once …
evil cannot stand… but for that to happen YOU have to make one.

it is fair to say though.. we wont all be coming back from the party.

Mar 3, 2021 9:58 PM

The Marie Antoinette quote is probably fake. The French revolution was driven by the same forces that drove the Bolshevik revolution. The real rulers never lose their heads in literal or figurative sense.

Mar 4, 2021 3:45 AM
Reply to  Peter

I believe Marie Antoinette had just performed fellatio on the King and was simply misquoted.

Mar 4, 2021 8:10 AM
Reply to  Peter

There is plenty of evidence that most of the revolutions in Europe and the US around this time were inspired from the world of Freemasony.

dr death
dr death
Mar 4, 2021 3:37 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

the illuminatti documents, discovered by an act of god (lightning strike killed the courier), washington himself a freemason, jeffersons involvement with the frenchies, occult architecture etc etc..

it is an old plan millennia in the making, we are to see it’s crown (corona) in the new age.. the luciferian ‘enlightenment’… the modern babylon run from lucis trust united nations and old family evil money schmata men, decended from old boat men traders and island colonists… they believe they created so called ‘civilization’.

perpetually at war with the supreme creator, ahrimanic goat men.. hollow, withered, unhappy.. a bad seed.
seek to replace the real creation of light with their facsimile created from silicon and electron.

dr death
dr death
Mar 4, 2021 4:43 PM
Reply to  dr death

NB…a line of research might be to look into the origins of kem and greece, and as an aside the scythians a noble free roaming people, who like the so called phoenicians history only gives a cursory nod, these scythians and cymerians (scotti and cymru ?) killed these merchant slavers and immolaters of the young on sight..
much mythic history being predicated on this gog/magog conflict..