The Antibody Deception

Rosemary Frei, MSc via her website

The world has been fixated for months on novel-coronavirus PCR testing, contact tracing and vaccination.

Meanwhile, another major part of the Covid biomedical complex has received far less attention: the use of antibodies for detecting, diagnosing and treating infection with the novel coronavirus.

Hundreds of antibodies have been approved for these purposes since January 2020. And hundreds more are poised to start being marketed soon.

This is part of the biomedical gold rush: by last summer already, antibodies were on track to become the most lucrative medical product, with global revenue projected to reach nearly half a trillion dollars by 2024. Profit margins in the range of 67% aren’t uncommon.

Pharma giants such as AstraZeneca, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Eli Lilly are among the companies grabbing the largest chunks of the novel-coronavirus-antibody market. And some of the most muscular government agencies, including Anthony Fauci’s US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the US’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, are part of the action (see, for example, the second-last section of this article, on antibodies used to treat Covid).

Virtually every study and piece of marketing material related to Covid is premised on scientists having positively and correctly identified the presence of the novel coronavirus (also known as SARS-CoV-2) in the material they’re working with.

The job of that identification is usually given to antibodies that are said to bind to the novel coronavirus. The assumption is these antibodies are able to pick out the virus and only the virus from among every other organism and substance surrounding it.

Unfortunately it turns out that the antibodies rarely (if ever) do that. This is because of, among other things, inadequate verification of the antibodies’ accuracy in targeting the virus by the companies that manufacture and sell them. And there’s even less verification by government regulators.

Let’s take a 30,000-foot tour of a couple of the main features of the antibody-industry landscape, which is awash in complexity and cash.

Can Antibodies be Created That Only Bind to One Type of Virus or Another?

Antibodies are tiny, finely-tuned, parts of our immune system. One of their main functions is to seek out viruses and bacteria that may have the potential to cause disease. Antibodies bind to and neutralize these microbes so they can’t multiply and spread.

Humans and our ancestors have been making antibodies in our bodies to fend off infections for millions of years. Then a few decades ago companies got involved in the discovery and manipulation of antibodies, partnering with university labs.

There are two main categories of antibodies. One is ‘polyclonal’ antibodies. These are garden-variety antibodies that bind to a variety of different substances and/or organisms.

The other is monoclonal antibodies. As the name implies, cloning is involved in their creation. First an antibody that is specific to a particular amino-acid sequence (amino acids are the building blocks of proteins) of interest – for example, one from a protein on the surface of a virus or bacterium — is identified. Then the immune-system cell which produced that antibody is ‘cloned’ in the lab. As a result, each set of monoclonal antibodies binds to that particular amino-acid sequence.

I emailed one of the English-speaking world’s leading authorities on monoclonal antibodies, Harvard Medical School professor Clifford Saper, to get clarity on this. I asked him if it’s true that, as most in the antibody-commercializing arena claim, a monoclonal antibody can be created that’s specific for (that is, binds to) just one type of virus or just one other type of organism.

Saper replied [bolding and italics added by me for emphasis]:

No, there is no such thing as a monoclonal antibody that, because it is monoclonal, recognizes only one protein or only one virus. It will bind to any protein having the same (or a very similar) sequence.

The implication of Saper’s statement is that any attempt to use a monoclonal antibody to verify the presence of the novel coronavirus will yield a large rate of false-positive results. That is, they will indicate that the novel coronavirus is detected when in fact it hasn’t been. That’s because there’s a high probability that the monoclonal antibody is binding to something else besides the virus (this is known as ‘cross-reacting’).

(I recommend this review paper by Saper, and this one and this one co-authored by Yale pathology professor David Rimm, to anyone wishing to learn about antibody validation.)

And in fact, the vast majority of antibodies and monoclonal antibodies marketed as being specific for the novel coronavirus were developed years ago for detecting SARS-CoV-1. They were then simply repurposed for identifying SARS-CoV-2 — with very few if any checks for whether they also cross-react to other organisms or substances.

I sought confirmation of this repurposing from Zhen Lu. She’s the North American marketing manager for Sino Biological, a Beijing-headquartered company that develops and sells, among other things, hundreds of antibodies. Lu replied to me via email, “Yes, antibodies are repuposed [sic].”

I also checked and received confirmation from Pratiek Matkar, a senior staffer from BenchSci, an antibody-database company. And to see for myself, I logged into the BenchSci database (Matkar granted me a guest account), selected all antibodies for the novel coronavirus, and looked to see which organisms had been used in cross-reactivity tests for them. SARS-CoV-1 was the only one that came up in this check.

This all explains something I observed last week: Sino Biological had just changed the content of its home page for the section of their website on antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. The page now announces that they’ve introduced new “matched antibody pairs” that work better at finding the virus. The pair consists of a “capture antibody” and a “detection antibody.”

And they claim these pairs are more accurate at finding the novel coronavirus: that they…

have high specificity without cross-reactivity with MERS-CoV, [or with the common human coronaviruses] 229E, NL63, HKU1, [and] OC43.

The only way I can interpret that is: they know the antibodies they’ve been marketing for months as being specific for the novel coronavirus bind to other things, such as common human coronaviruses.

How Are Antibodies Harnessed in Tests for the Novel Coronavirus?

One of the main types of tests for the virus contains antibodies that are ostensibly specific for the novel coronavirus. The way they’re designed to work is that if the virus is present in a blood sample the antibodies bind to it and, as a result, the test gives a positive signal.

The other type of test contains sequences of protein from the novel coronavirus; if antibodies to the virus are present in a blood sample, they bind to the protein sequences and produce a positive result.

The manufacturers are supposed to conduct accuracy checks of their test kits before they put them on the market. These checks largely consist of estimation of the rates of false positives and false negatives (the latter is a negative result when the antibody or protein of interest is contained in the sample being tested by the kit).

However, companies do this cursory accuracy check with only very few samples of a small number of viruses — and rarely on bacteria or any other of the millions of biological substances that can be present in the blood.

Despite this very inadequate validation and the strong incentive for the companies to make their products look good, as documented last May by David Crowe, the manufacturers often record a significant rate of false positives. The false positives are to everything from West Nile virus to various types of human coronaviruses.

Usually the companies and governments wave that off as insignificant. Occasionally though, the test kits are so bad that they’re taken off the market.

For example, an antibody-testing kit sold by a company called Chembio Diagnostics was launched on March 31, 2020. It was almost immediately granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). An EUA allows companies to rush products onto the market with very minimal oversight. Brazil and the European Union also gave the nod for the Chembio test to be sold in their jurisdictions in April and May 2020, respectively.

Then in June 2020 the FDA pulled it off the market. The agency said:

this test generates a higher than expected rate of false results.

(Note that the top table on page 13 of the product insert for that “revoked” Chembio test indicates it cross-reacts to the human coronavirus 229E.)

But in November 2020 the Chembio antibody test again was approved for use in Brazil. And on January 14, 2021, the test got the nod in the European Union, the UK and Ireland.

Is it identical to the rest that was so inaccurate it was pulled off the market last June? It’s hard to tell.There is no product insert for it that I could find. In fact there’s very little information about it on the webpage for the test; you have to request the information. I submitted a request on Jan. 23 and haven’t received it yet.

Two of the heads of the FDA branch that approves testing devices penned a February 18, 2021, New England Journal of Medicine article. In it, the pair admitted that the FDA’s EUAs allowed too-loose approvals for serology tests.

They indicated the FDA has tightened its criteria for approval of these tests. They also point to efforts by other government agencies to evaluate serology tests. But the pair don’t say a word about the need to move toward objective, thorough test validation. They also are mute on the fact that EUAs are still being issued.

(Also note that the FDA and Health Canada listings of the 65 serology tests approved to date in the US and 19 approved to date in Canada continue to give the sensitivity [correct identification of positive samples] of the tests by ‘positive percent agreement’ and specificity [correct identification of negative samples] by ‘negative percent agreement.’ These are relative measures of accuracy – that is, compared to other tests – rather than objective/absolute accuracy, and therefore are poor facsimiles of accuracy.)

One of the many major figures in the Covid-biomedical complex who are priming the pump of the antibody pipeline is Ian Lipkin. He’s director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University in New York. Lipkin is involved at high levels in many global organizations including the World Health Organization and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well in pharmaceutical companies. (And he is quoted in a ‘fact-check’ of a July 2020 article I co-authored with Patrick Corbett titled, “No one has died from the coronavirus.” Lipkin states, among other things, in the fact-check piece that “Conspiracy theorists are not persuaded by data.”)

Lipkin co-authored a Feb. 12, 2021, paper in which he and his team claimed to have identified, using a new ‘peptide-microarray’ technology they invented, 29 amino-acid sequences unique to the novel coronavirus. They assert that antibodies specific to the sequences could be created – and that these in turn could be harnessed “to facilitate diagnostics, epidemiology, and vaccinology” for Covid. (The only conflict Lipkin and some of his co-authors disclose in the ‘competing interests’ paragraph at the end of article is that they invented the peptide-microarray technology described in the article.)

Do Antibodies Used to Treat Covid Fare Any Better?

Antibodies are also being marketed to treat Covid. Some are sold singly (known as ‘monotherapy’) and others in pairs. They are deemed to confer ‘passive immunity.’

Among the most-reported-on set of antibodies for treating Covid is the Regeneron monoclonal antibodies casirivimab and imdevimab. This pair reportedly was used in October 2020 to treat then-U.S. President Donald Trump. The combo subsequently was granted an EUA by the FDA on November 21, 2020. It also is being considered for approval by Health Canada.

I’d like to focus on a somewhat lesser-known monoclonal antibody called bamlanivimab. It’s being used both singly and as one half of a pair for treatment of symptomatic Covid patients early in the course of their infection. The antibody was discovered, and clinical study of it started, by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (which is headed by Anthony Fauci) and a Vancouver, British Columbia-based company called AbCellera Diagnostics. The antibody is being manufactured and sold by Eli Lilly. It costs more than $1,200 a vial.

AbCellera is developing a significant pipeline of other antibodies. Its capabilities for this were developed over the past two-plus years as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Pandemic Prevention Platform program.

(AbCellera also has received hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government, including for building an antibody-manufacturing plant. And Peter Thiel, who co-founded both PayPal and Palantir, is a board member. So is John Montalbano, who’s also on the board of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and until 2015 was CEO of RBC [Royal Bank of Canada] Global Asset Management. This and significant positive media coverage helped propel the company to the biggest Canadian-biotech-company Initial Public Offering to date, on Dec. 11, 2020.)

Bamlanivimab was given an EUA by the FDA on November 9, 2020, for treatment of mild to moderate Covid. And Health Canada gave the monotherapy an interim authorization on November 17. It’s not getting much traction in clinical practice so far in Canada, though, perhaps because of the less-than-stellar results from clinical trials (see below).

But this hasn’t deterred the Canadian and US federal governments, which combined have purchased close to half a million of these tests. For example, most recently, on February 26, the US government bought 100,000 vials.

The only study on bamlanivimab made public prior to the November 9 FDA approval was one posted October 1, 2020, on the website of the online-only journal bioRχiv. [My Feb. 3, 2021, and Feb. 11, 2021, articles — on the new variants and the associated modelling papers, respectively – noted that the journal and its sister publication medRχiv contain only non-peer-reviewed articles and were created by an organization headed by Mark Zuckerberg and his wife.]

The study used rhesus monkeys and provided very extensive details about how the antibody was discovered and checked for specificity to the novel coronavirus. The researchers concluded that the antibody – at that time known as LY-CovV555 — has “potent neutralizing activity” against SARS-CoV-2.

On January 14 I emailed the lead author of that paper, Bryan Jones. He’s a researcher in Lilly’s Biotechnology Research Program. I asked Jones where in their paper is the proof the antibody is specific to SARS-CoV-2 (and therefore isn’t binding to something else instead of, or in addition to, the novel coronavirus).

He responded promptly, as follows [bolding added by me for emphasis]:

While we did determine that LY-CoV555 is specific to SARS-CoV-2 (and doesn’t bind to the spike protein of SARS-CoV), that is not specified or detailed in any of the figures or tables [in the paper].

Jones pointed me to several parts of the paper and supplemental material published with it that he said show, via indirect extrapolation, that the antibody is specific for the novel coronavirus.

That’s not exactly convincing.

Then on December 22 a study in the New England Journal of Medicine gave a thumbs-down to the usefulness of bamlanivimab in people hospitalized after receiving a Covid diagnosis. The paper noted that in late October the study was stopped because the antibody didn’t help the patients any more than did placebo.

But this didn’t deter Lilly. On January 21, 2021, the company issued a news release about a study of bamlanivimab in residents and staff of nursing homes. They claimed their research showed that the antibody “significantly reduced the risk of contracting symptomatic COVID-19.”

However, they didn’t back this up with much information. The study hasn’t been published in a journal or presented at a scientific/medical meeting. And there’s no word on when it will be.

Despite that, on the same morning the release was sent out by Lilly, glowing articles appeared in major media outlets stating that the study showed bamlanivimab appears to significantly reduce Covid symptoms in the frail elderly.

For example a Bloomberg article was posted at 8 a.m. on Jan. 21 with the headline, “Eli Lilly Antibody Cuts Covid-19 Risk Up to 80% in Nursing Home Study.” The article was carried in many other media outlets such as the Globe & Mail.

The article quoted Lilly’s Chief Scientific Officer Daniel Skovronsky as saying:

This is an urgent situation. Where there’s an outbreak in nursing homes and people haven’t yet received the vaccine, this could be a potential way to protect them before they get it.

And January 21 New York Times piece by senior science journalist Gina Kolata quotes a vaccine expert at Boston Children’s Hospital, Ofer Levy, who wasn’t one of the scientists involved in the study, as saying:

I see only positives here. This is a win.

Kolata also reported that Lilly plans to ask the FDA for an EUA for bamlanivimab for prevention of Covid in the frail elderly, focusing on those in nursing homes and long-term-care homes.

In parallel, Lilly is pivoting to using bamlanivimab in combination with another monoclonal antibody called etesevimab. A study on this combination in people with mild or moderate Covid was published on January 21, 2021. The results indicate it doesn’t reduce symptoms, but only lowers the viral load of people.

This didn’t deter Lilly either; it’s spinning this in the media as a very positive result. And so is the FDA: on February 9 the agency issued an EUA for the combination of the two antibodies for treating mild or moderate COVID.

Then the next twist in the plot happened, on February 16: a paper published that day in bioRχiv indicated that bamlanivimab doesn’t neutralize the South African and Brazilian variants of the novel coronavirus.

I’ll Leave the Last Words to Scott Adams

Dilbert-cartoon creator Scott Adams makes this observation on page 13 of his book Loserthink:

One thing I can say with complete certainty is that it is a bad idea to trust the majority of experts in any domain in which both complexity and large amounts of money are involved.

This perfectly describes the situation with antibodies for the novel coronavirus.

Buyer beware, follow the money and stay tuned.

Reblogged from Rosemary Frei’s Website

March 5, 2021 update

On Feb. 22, 2021, the US FDA issued a new guidance stating that vaccines won’t need additional testing before being approved for use against the new variants – instead, the government will rely on antibody testing to determine who needs one of these ‘booster shots.’ On March 4, 2021, the goverments of Canada, the U.K., Australia, Singapore and Switzerland followed suit. This shows why the antibody deception is a key part of the Covid tale. I’ll post a follow-up video and article on this as soon as possible.

Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years and now is an independent investigative journalist. You can watch her June 15 interview on The Corbett Report, read her otherOff-Guardian articles follow her on Twitter and read her website here.


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Richard III
Richard III
Mar 11, 2021 12:11 AM

I figured out a way to identify the dumbest people on the planet. Look for those voluntarily wearing surgical masks and who are not busy holding up a liquor store.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 9, 2021 1:30 AM

This interview with Dr. Andy Wakefield might clear up a few “misconceptions” regarding vaccine induced virual agents, and the potential for cross transmission in civil populations.

Dissecting the Vaccine, UI Media Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefiled on Covid 19

UI Media Network

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 9, 2021 7:51 AM

Thanks for that link. I strongly recommend the interview.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 9, 2021 2:06 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Thanks Tim. I hope people find it informative. These “experiments” are extremely dangerous. These are not vaccines. The ghouls know damn well they’re permanently altering human genetics. They need to be arrested and hung.

Mar 8, 2021 4:58 PM

“Positive vaccine sentiment has increased to 94% in the latest period (24 to 28 February), from 78% when the data were first collected (10 to 13 December 2020).”

This is from a UK government (i.e., globalist propaganda) report!

Well, if 94% of people are dying to be injected with the gene-altering ‘vaccines’, how come that even this criminal government’s own propaganda apparatus is saying that 25% of NHS health workers are refusing the ‘vaccines’?!

It reminds me of how just about every dictatorship ludicrously pretending to be a democracy claims that they won about 94% of the votes in the latest election!

It also reminds me of how in the Soviet Union, and in every other totalitarian dictatorship in modern history, the government of crooks in question would always pump out propaganda telling their subjects that if they oppose the regime, they are in a hopeless minority, and are doomed to be wiped out!

Historians in the future (in the unlikely event that any are allowed to exist) will scratch their heads in bewilderment that the people of the countries which were once democratic, and which are now actually totalitarian one-party regimes which still retain the empty theatre of being democracies – like the UK – that almost all of their population do not even realize that they no longer live in a democracy!

They see all of the governments doing exactly the same things from Day 1 of the long-planned ‘Corona crisis’ – and telling the exactly the same lies, and pushing exactly the same agendas at exactly the same time…. and yet somehow manage to believe that their governments are independent – instead of being just the local puppet rulers of the shadow world government that is running the Corona and vaccine scams, the coming Great Reset, the ‘Climate Crisis’ Big Lie operations, and so on!

What – do they think that all of these governments just happen to be pursuing identical agendas, and telling exactly the same lies, and pushing out exactly the same fraudulent ‘Corona deaths’ and ‘cases’ numbers – just by coincidence?!

Mar 8, 2021 11:51 AM

Have I missed something?

“And they claim these pairs are more accurate at finding the novel coronavirus: that they…

have high specificity without cross-reactivity with MERS-CoV, [or with the common human coronaviruses] 229E, NL63, HKU1, [and] OC43.

The only way I can interpret that is: they know the antibodies they’ve been marketing for months as being specific for the novel coronavirus bind to other things, such as common human coronaviruses.”

While I don’t have a problem with the thrust of the article, nor with a spotlight on this whole criminal scam and the fetid corruption and spinelessness which facilitates it, I can’t see how the author interprets “…have high specificity without cross-reactivity …” to mean “bind to other things…”

Other than that, keep up the good work, and readers try all you can to get good basic info to the public before it’s too late. Thanks.

Mar 8, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  StartHere

So they’re saying, the antibodies they try market, is directly associated with the spike protein they synthesized, as in, results from it due to toxic results (excess non-essentials, deficient essentials), and is entirely synthetic horseshit to try and demonize your body.

Again, if you interchangeably conflate supposed covid with influenza, you’re talking shit either way MERELY by even suggesting that, meaning neither is causative but manipulatively quantified results.

Roses are red, Roses are blue, fuck you. The roses are roses. One is covid, the other flu. Smell the difference.

Mar 8, 2021 11:11 AM

This travesty of science is to be expected. It is capitalist science, corrupting practically every branch. Similar to Islamic science that others were boasting of earlier.

Richard III
Richard III
Mar 11, 2021 12:13 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The new Popes of Science. Just as bad as the old ones of Christianity. Possibly worse.

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Mar 8, 2021 12:53 AM

Good article, very informative about why COVID-1984 testing is such a scam. Scott Adam’s ‘loserthink’ is an ingenious observation on how propaganda works. Loserthink is likely less an accident of thinking than a deliberate choice.

The problem is not, at its core, inability to think critically and understand across disciplines, including real science, but people’s overabundance of ability to think politically. The politicized than act fanatically to win, choosing sides and formulating convincing fact-deficient rationalizations.

All those smart people on-side with COVID-1984, are first making a politically correct decision on which side to be on. All else, including real science, is pretext and technobabble, smoke and mirrors. Loserthink defines a high skill of rationalization.

Unfortunately the same could be said for COVID-19 deniers, who while recognizing the authoritarian scam of COVID-1984, fail to appreciate that COVID-19 is a real illness. Its just that the response was deliberately designed to fail on honest terms, then profiteer, and perpetuate crisis, in textbook political progressive, disaster capitalist fashion.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 8, 2021 1:58 AM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

Many many many writers here have shown that “Covid-19” is just as likely a Trojan Horse figment. Check them out.


Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Mar 8, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

COVID-19 denier arguments have been less than convincing; very fragmented logic and cherry-picked or simply incomplete understanding of the basic science. Following COVID denier advice just gets the vulnerable killed, lulled into ignoring reasonable precautions.

Allowing COVID-19 denialism and its technobabble explanations go unchallenged abets COVID-1984-ism by tarring all COVID-1984 resistors with that aura of fanatical blindness to basic facts.

COVID-19 is easily beatable; President Trump was cured over a weekend with proper antiviral treatment, no ventilation needed. The elites of the elite would never endanger themselves with a real pandemic. Trump probably knew that as he upended the pre-vaccine narrative of doom.

The vast majority of us don’t need masks or lockdowns, but almost certainly better nutritional support during cold and flu season. People, especially the elderly are getting sick, and dying.

So, what’s killing people? Neglect, incompetence, withholding of effective treatment, still need something to get people very sick in the first place. Likely something more than just seasonal cold or flu.

Cutbacks in healthcare in the years preceeding COVID-19 guaranteed that even without COVID-19, there would be a seasonal cold/flu crisis. Things were worsening every year, but like the mythical frog slowly boiling alive, incremental health care sabotage had been ignorable. COVID-19 was a spike that pushed everything over the edge. COVID-1984, the moral panic was born.

What are all the real scientists working with real biological samples, not mathematical models, studying? Very likely a real cold virus, from a Chinese bat, very likely jumped up from global ‘gain of function’ research performed beyond just China.

Gain of function research is openly done in the name of ‘protecting’ people from future pandemics, never mind the logic fail of research doing for nature what nature could not do on her own.



Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

On the other hand, I look at the way Covid deaths are being artificially inflated. I mean, the official definition of a Covid death just now in the UK is a death for any reason following testing positive in a not-fit-for-purpose PCR test within the previous 28 days, which is obvious nonsense, as is giving hospitals in the USA a $39,000 payment if they diagnose a patient as having Covid and automatically counting any of those who die as Covid deaths. Perhaps there is a core number of genuine Covid deaths, although such clearly fraudulent practices make me doubt whether Covid really exists at all.

Brocklnd A.T.
Brocklnd A.T.
Mar 9, 2021 12:24 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

That numbers are being inflated still needs some pretext to inflate from. Our society is still a science-based, reasoned culture; there are a lot of mid-level scientists and doctors still honestly doing their job.

The more telling deception is the positive attention being given to germ theory deniers. Germ theory denial obviously gets germ warfare (gain of function research) advocates off the hook.

Influenza was always mathematically inflated, but conservatively within reason of extrapolation from a core number of confirmed lab tests from hospitalized victims. COVID-19 takes that to a crazy level of desperation, but politicized numbers inflation itself is nothing new.

That a new cold virus has been introduced into the human population is very likely, and that this was deliberate, also likely. Geopolitically, culling an aging human herd, on paper looks like good geopolitical strategy (it isn’t).

Particularly, the West and Asia (globalist North), is old versus the global south’s (particuarly Africa’s) youthful population. Anything to ratchet up Deep Statism at home and abroad, is as always, always in the background as well.

SARS Cov-2 and germ theory denialism is being given credence perhaps because talking heads like American Bill Gates and the normally silent hand of the American Rockerfellers, are really feeling some heat over the open secret of gain-of-function virus research. Its unavoidably dual-purposed with germ warfare research.

Who knows, maybe some powerful names never before popularized in association with this crisis, like the globalist European supremacist Rothchilds Gates and the Rockerfellers must surely answer to, are getting nervous about exposure. This is in addition to the agenda itself being somewhat successfully resisted.

Regardless, germ theory deniers very much appear to be confusing, dividing, and delegitimizing opposition against popular realization that a kind of germ warfare has been unleashed against the public via gain of function infectious disease research.

Mar 9, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

Instead of the propagandarist term: covid ‘denier’ it is my assertion that one should use the term:


It deflates their congruence with another form of denial and increases the grammatically eloquent power of alliteration.

We are NOT covid ‘deniers’

We ARE Covid Questioners.

Jolly good.

Carry on.

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Mar 15, 2021 9:41 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Relentlessly asking the same question as though it has not been answered, even though it has already been satisfactorily answered, is not honest questioning.

Merely another form of denial.

SARS Cov-2 has been isolated.


Germ theory denialism appears based on a flawed interpretation of Koch’s postulates, which are not applicable in virology and molecular biology.


Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 12:51 PM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

While I don’t exclude the possibility that this disease may be real – and I myself had a nasty “bug” in February last year before Covid had officially come to Europe – I am swayed by the arguments of people like Dr Kaufman that the scientific case for its existence has yet to be made. The more time that passes without the basic science – i.e. isolating the virus and then satisfying Koch’s postulates or doing something similar – the more I think it must be a scam.

Brocklnd A.T.
Brocklnd A.T.
Mar 9, 2021 1:17 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

People gets colds; its not a rare event. I applied good nutrition and washed hands a little more often after a bad one, and haven’t had a real, down-for-the-count cold or flu experience for over a decade now.

Even if you believe its all a scam, consider the other possibility; perhaps something more than one bug like SARS Cov-2 is in circulation.

Many diseases were tamed by middle class wealth enabling broad access to clean food and water, safe shelter, and honest medical care, as well as normal herd interactions. That ‘bourgeois’ way of living is in decline now.

Not taking practical steps to protect yourself from some kind of nasty cold is more likely to be injurious and fatal than the past. The American Aboriginal genocides, were enabled in large part by those people never having been exposed to Old World diseases nor advanced understanding of germ theory.

Aboriginal lack of immune conditioning and scientific inexperience is being replicated into postmodern society by COVID-1984 propagandists. Masking, lockdowns and social distancing, won’t help against viral spread while increasing vulnerability to a wider spectrum of pathogens some now say also don’t exist

Germ denialism, seems another propaganda tool for the herd to self-cull itself.

Brian Abbott
Brian Abbott
Mar 15, 2021 5:16 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I find so many of these, well meaning, videos and reports very hard to take now. Clearly no virus has ever been proven to exist in the way we are told let alone proven to cause any illness. She mentions HIV which has never been proven to exist let alone cause AIDS and is just another con along the same lines as the current covid con.
No virus has ever been proven to exist let alone cause disease. Once you realise that then all of this becomes completely irrelevant. Clearly they can’t have found the genetic code for the supposed virus so they can’t know about mutations or the code for the supposed spike protein. So the vaccines cannot possibly work as they suggest and they cannot identify antibodies for anything.

Is the immune system anything remotely as we are led to believe?

Virology itself is the con.

Quantum State
Quantum State
Sep 24, 2021 1:34 PM
Reply to  Brian Abbott

Basically you are right. None of the posters up to now seem to have read the seminal article pub 2.20 in Nature by Fan Wu et al. They did metagenomic testing on a lung wash full of billions of RNA fragments, never purified and never tested to be the pathogen, meaning they got primers to some short rna sequences from the mix and asked a computer data base to fill in the 99.93% rest of the “virus”. There is no need for a theory, conspiracy or otherwise, just read what THEY SAY THEMSELVES: they found a computer generated theoretical genome and put it in a gene bank. This gene was the basis for the PCR test and the vax’s mRna. So fake to fake to fake means all 3 are fakes. Virus is just a genome in a gene bank and hyped on the news as relabeled covid, the PCR just leads to the fake gene in the bank (and cross-reacts with lots of stuff), and the vax makes the said spike protein and has other toxins along for the ride. The arsonist, investigator, and fireman are all in kahootz. Its not so complex if you are awake. There could still be other planted viruses or toxins out there, but they are not Sars-C2 and they have never been found, characterized, or purified so we have no way to say.

Mar 8, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

Referring to something – in this case COVID-19 – as a “real illness” accomplishes almost nothing scientifically or medically; but it does tend to cast doubt on anyone who questions whether it is a “real illness.”

To better illustrate this point, there have been clusters of symptoms associated with the mRNA “Vaccine.” Yet no one has come forth (at least not to my knowledge) and characterized any of these clusters as a “real illness.”

To which must be added the paradoxical classifying of any given cluster of symptoms as an “illness.” I offer myself in evidence. I’ve had, simultaneously, 1) a “cold sore”: 2) white finger and toe tips in cold, damp weather; 3) indigestion; 4) diarrhea; 5) an ear ache; 6) a stiff neck. All these “symptoms” together – yet no particular “illness.”

Bottom line: is there a medical maxim out there that says it is impossible to have a cluster of symptoms without there being a causal factor linking them all together?

Mar 8, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

Toxicity and deficiency pretty obviously dictates. Essentials and balance.

Brocklnd A.T.
Brocklnd A.T.
Mar 9, 2021 2:05 AM
Reply to  Howard

No medical or scientific effect means… what?

Hmmm, SARS Cov-2 seems like really nasty bug…

… I’d better use this handy clean wipe after handling that public door handle, just to be safe….

… I did eat all the carefully cleaned fruit in the fruit bowl instead of tossing them out, spoiled and uneaten, just for a little extra nutrition…

… I’ll pass on the junk food and have a lemon tea made from real tea and a real squeezed lemon, just ’cause there’s some bug loose and I want a buff…

… One less soda and one more tall one of apple cider…

… Better not wear a mask obsessively; who knows what’s being trapped in there…

… Better get out and take a walk in fresh air, ’cause stuffy indoor air is maybe a little more unhealthy than usual…

Understanding how colds spread and infect and the immune system fights them enables clear lifestyle choices to be made in self defense.

Bottom line, you describe a cluster of symptoms that left you unwell; maybe there’s a connecting factor by pathogen, lifestyle choice or whatever; who knows?

Germ theory only says maybe. A real diagnosis would require something closer to a live in-person medical doctor than some indifferent stranger over the internet.

Mar 8, 2021 6:03 PM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

Sorry guy, you’ll have to try with a different identity. You a slaver parrot.

Brocklnd A.T.
Brocklnd A.T.
Mar 9, 2021 2:07 AM

Guess I scored given your quick default to ad hominem over substance.

Mar 7, 2021 6:42 PM

I get the feeling some are setting up shit trying to peddle some new drugs as “the better choice” vs some other vaccines and shit…keep your eyes open regarding that sort of thing, caution and avoidance is a good policy when it concerns any supposed pharma “cures”, pretty much any synthetics should always be heavily scrutinized.

Fertility warning: 34 cases of spontaneous miscarriage and stillbirth reported after experimental mRNA vaccines

“In the rush to vaccinate every man, woman and child against a year-old coronavirus strain, sacrifices are being made. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is now reporting thirty-four cases of miscarriage and stillbirth associated with the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations. The initial guidelines warn pregnant women not to partake in these real-world vaccine trials, but the experiment is taking place regardless, as healthcare workers are pressured to take the shots, pregnant or not.

VAERS is a passive vaccine injury surveillance system run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many vaccine injuries are not recorded because healthcare officials do not want to be held accountable for administering something that did harm to a healthy patient. Because vaccine injury reporting is often discouraged, VAERS only captures less than one percent of all adverse events observed after vaccination. This means that there could already be 3,400 or more cases of miscarriage or stillbirth. A silent epidemic of infertility could be upon us.”

REPORT: Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine killed 40 times more old people than the virus itself would have

“The experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines from Pfizer that were rushed into production and distribution via Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program are killing far more elderly people than the so-called “virus” itself would have.
A re-analysis of data provided by the Israeli Health Ministry concluded that Pfizer and BioNTech’s messenger RNA (mRNA) gene therapy injections have already killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period.”

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Mar 8, 2021 1:02 AM

Agreed. Supplementation of a healthy diet with vitamins D, K, and C with zinc and copper for most people will suffice. At the very least, traditional micronutrients generally won’t kill and disable unless an extreme effort to overdose is made.

Mar 8, 2021 12:10 PM

Agreed, but the effects of the mRNA injections, although bad enough to date and with unknown future damage, are just one part of it.

The injections come with the threats of “immunity passports”, massive social control and surveillance, and various levels of coercion – up to and including physical assault with needles.

I was born with my natural functioning body, I refuse to become a GMO!

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 7, 2021 6:41 PM

Even the real alternative media complain that these “vaccines” have only undergone a few months of testing. “Au contraire mon cher,” these vaccines have been undergoing intensive clandestine testing for well over a decade. However, the results of this testing have nothing to do with the general wellbeing of the human population.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 7, 2021 6:34 PM

Superlative article. I have just two questions. If there really were a SARS-CoV-2 virus, and say 80% of the us sheep had been exposed to it, and the antibodies produced to this exposure remained in the test samples, presumably blood, for at least one year in concentrations large enough to trigger a positive on these tests, then wouldn’t at least 80%, the vast majority of whom were always symptomless, show false positives?

Wouldn’t these anybody tests read positive to anyone who received any of the “vaccines,” if a triggering protein sequence included the purported spike protein?

Of course the whole thing is a total BS hoax in every aspect, so the above questions are simply hypothetical.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 7, 2021 6:24 PM

Why the United States has become dead meat, and American citizens the appetizer. >

Foreign ownership of U.S. corporations – SourceWatch

Mar 7, 2021 5:00 PM
Mar 7, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  Magie

I wanted to believe that this was a parody, but it turns out that this is an actual product marketed as a “fashionable, eco-friendly” item to reduce the adverse effects of air pollution.

I knew it couldn’t be marketed as protection against the Megadeath Virus of Doom, aka the Phantom Menace, because it doesn’t cover the mouth. But I’m sure that scamdemic-mongers like Anthony “Dr. Doom” Fauci would approve of it being used under multiple masks, on the “more is better” principle.

Then, to use a term in vogue in Washington DC, I circled back and realized that it’s not really an either/or: it’s an actual product and a parody.

Mar 7, 2021 4:26 PM

I’ve only come across Rosemay Frei relatively reecently but, wow, she’s good. Excellent work.


Mar 7, 2021 11:23 AM

Yeah, so, intresting article, and since we debate education of the uh…. deplorables/us and to those that have the balls to go out and protest, instead of sitting inside and whine about defentions, remeber, they, the fake left is as genuine as the equally fake right, far left means as much as far right, when we are all nazis, and somehow, the well pissers are more into the whining contest than producing something of any value what so ever.

The truth is, why I never dive into political debates about -isms, when their true meanings, from liberal to facism is deprived of what indeed they are, makes any debate, specialy with Wankees totaly meaningless, and to an certain extent in the west in this days when everybody read Yankike sites and they are by far the wurst shitholes of them all, belive me I have waded thru them for decades and have no reached an point where I am simply fed up, they are unable to learn anything of value and keeps hammering the same bullshit they have learned for decades, from socialism to communism, witch means anyone whom isnt an republiCON is per-def an commie/socialist and to the try to tell them that this is an gross over simplification is like pissing against the wind, and they are flooding this site as well, lord have mercy upon us all, this idiots will be our doom.

I enjoyed the article about Irland, reminds me about Norway, the home of mountain monkeys and sheep f…., with an Gov so corrupt that they have become an shining example on how to decline from an good nation to an banana republic, an idiots copy of the UssA and have done their best to destory what once was, to where we are run by, like Irland, scums and corruption is rampant, all over the board and there isnt any way of form to differentiate whats done by the fake left or the fake right, they are all corrupted to their core and do whatever it takes to gling to the power, and is guarded by an MSM witch is, even wurse, exactly like Irland.

So, what can we do, I am going to link to something witch is probably one of the best articles I have read, I have awaited that, and now it was found.
From UK collumn, Covid 19 hoax.
This is something I recomend to simply be printed out, make it easy to read and give that to anyone you encounter, and the next time you go out to protest, make sure you have them with you, education is highly vitale, I cant underline that enough.
This article is taken from an site called, In this together.

I have another one witch I have bookmarked but somehow I cant enter or get that one thru.
Its written by Tomas Dishaw, and was about this same companys whom is leading this uh…. fight against the CONvid 19, and what they have done before, like aspestos n baby milk etc witch they knew about for decades and the coverup, by all parts incl the regulatorys and Gov.
Exactly as it is to day.
I tried to find it, but I guess Goolag etc is the problem along with Firefox seach engine witch have become an part of the problem.

Otherwise, this one is good, we need them, and I think they know we know they are scums, thats why the insane propaganda against anyone of us incl the Irish people, is gone rough, because they know we know, the next phase, is to spread this wide.


Mar 7, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  mikael

“I have another one witch I have bookmarked but somehow I cant enter or get that one thru.”

Name, description please. Papers.

“The will of Christ compels.”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 7, 2021 5:44 PM
Reply to  mikael

Hello mikael: I’ve read your various posts, and appreciated your perspectives regarding the covid scandemic. The simplest definition of all political and social organisations:

“The scum always rises to the top”.

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Mar 8, 2021 11:43 AM
Reply to  mikael

Germ theory denial is a perfect example of the false dichotomy, or false dilemma fallacy. COVID-19 is not a pure hoax, but a real threat greatly exaggerated and deliberately mishandled by governments.


Germ theory is a reliable explanation for many diseases. That germ theory cannot account for all diseases does not invalidate the theory.

Things like auto-immune disorders, inorganic poisons, and genetic defects can cause illness without being germs or even originating from a germ.

To get sick from a germ like SARS Cov-2 requires sufficient presence of the germ to infect plus insufficient immune response to the infection. The illness of COVID-19 will result.

Mar 8, 2021 5:55 PM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

Sorry, that’s a disconnect from you.

The covid “germ” is itself a result, very heavily misidentified, with misattribution, manipulation (such as synthesizing it and making shit up in software), and chemical influence and conflation too and you seem to have no concern for causation, essentials. Such as say, sunlight.

Germ theory as it is, is entirely bullshit.

These supposed viruses simply DO NOT HAVE THE PHYSICAL CAPACITY to do what is claimed, and they are ASSOCIATED, being (bastardized) results themselves, from underlying fundamentals and that allows for misattribution and conflation.

Try read this…

Brocklnd A.T.
Brocklnd A.T.
Mar 9, 2021 3:21 AM

Well, I tried reading that link, and it was painful prose. The writer either does not have a clear understanding of what he or she is talking about, or is trying to obfuscate critical errors in the argument.

In that instance of germ theory denial, viruses are admitted to exist sort of, but not recognized to cause the harm attributed to them… because somehow they can’t and something else like a vitamin deficiency is the cause…

Its a very difficult meander to summarize, save that it makes the case against germ theory poorly.

You seem to be saying germ theory is a ‘correlation does not imply causation’ fallacy.

Suffice it to say, germ theory does not say every illness is caused by a germ, accepts that illnesses can be caused by factors other than germs, and that a dangerous germ may be present but the subject unaffected by its presence.

To explain using a non-viral example, ulcers are caused by heliobacter pylori (a germ) but also by non-germs like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).

Its possible to have h. pylori present and take NSAIDS without having ulcers. Our gut is full of microfauna that evolved with us, which for the most part are ‘friendly’ microfauna (for lack of a better description) or at least ‘neutral’.

Once ulcers develop though, h. pylori is no longer neutral, having found a more advantageous environment in the body – an ulcer, that it can perpetuate. Eliminating h. pylori with antibiotics cures ulcers permanently.

Some physicians even now deny that h. pylori ’cause’ ulcers, but that’s semantics. Once given the opportunity to infect, h. pylori will perpetuate ulcers. H. pylori may not be the only cause for chronic ulcers, but eliminating it removes a major vector for ulcers.


Mar 7, 2021 10:20 AM

Here are a couple of links courtesy of a poster named Grant.

He also says the swabs are specifically for EMF related purposes (tracking and such). Unfortunately that I can’t verify, but it seems quite plausible, considering.

Here’s some strange details about anti-spike IgG relating to the covid vaccine:

“Anti-spike IgG antibody causes severe acute lung injury by skewing macrophage responses during acute SARS-CoV infection.”


And here, we got some more vaxxed vs unvaxxed details:


Mar 7, 2021 2:22 PM

Do you want some pharma shit shoved with a stick and some catalytic elements shoved up your nose until it breaks your brains, with some EMF absorption (and other effects) related little smear job associated to that?

You figure THAT test out.

It’s the same thing I told this other guy. Sorry, but toothpaste is not allowed near children. He can’t listen anymore. Because he didn’t listen.

Mar 7, 2021 7:13 PM

They are collecting DNA with their little stick…latest American vagabomd has details…I knew they wouldn’t be able to resist that…probably planned all along….part of the process to design more health care (?) products via bulk DNA…

Mar 8, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  Edith

They are not only collecting DNA with that little stick, it is invasive and the procedure is excessive even for DNA collection…other than being dehumanizing, has anyone analyzed that shit? Coz I read some really peculiar shit regarding using swabs for gene therapy related stuff…

Bobby C
Bobby C
Mar 7, 2021 9:33 AM

Even ‘putting aside’ the questions relating to the validity of ‘covid’ and the ‘vaccine technology,’ do these people not understand that there is a tipping point in any propaganda regime and that point is fast-approaching?

I understand that they had a ramshackle ‘plan’ to ‘shock’ the world for a year, with the idea of ending the ‘pandemic’ with the introduction of the ‘vaccine technology.’

But the very moment this technology became available it also became unavailable to most of the world. Only the US seems to have any kind of supply.

Which is fine. But now we are being offered little or no vaccine technology, rapidly decreasing numbers of ‘covid’ deaths, less cases, less adherence to year-long lockups.

Just what the hell is their endgame? I don’t mean ‘they plan to rule the world’ or push us all into submission in some wildly, ill-formed stupid plot.

Humans may act like sheep for a while but, sooner or later, chaos will always ensue.

Mar 7, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  Bobby C

Millions of years and counting. I would say humans may act like sheep for a very long time indeed.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 7, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Bobby C

Hello Bobby C: Repeat after me: “Vaccine technology” is an experiment in mass extermination. The reaction > IS < the experiment."

Chaos was the name of an undercover organisation in the former "Get Smart" television series…

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  Bobby C

Er, somebody using a different name just posted that four minutes earlier.

My mother the car
My mother the car
Mar 7, 2021 9:29 AM

Even ‘putting aside’ the questions relating to the validity of ‘covid’ and the ‘vaccine technology,’ do these people not understand that there is a tipping point in any propaganda regime and that point is fast-approaching?
I understand that they had a ramshackle ‘plan’ to ‘shock’ the world for a year, with the idea of ending the ‘pandemic’ with the introduction of the ‘vaccine technology.’ 
But the very moment this technology became available it also became unavailable to most of the world. Only the US seems to have any kind of supply. 
Which is fine. But now we are being offered little or no vaccine technology, rapidly decreasing numbers of ‘covid’ deaths, less cases, less adherence to year-long lockups.
Just what the hell is their endgame? I don’t mean ‘they plan to rule the world’ or push us all into submission in some wildly, ill-formed stupid plot. 
Humans may act like sheep for a while but, sooner or later, chaos will always ensue.

Mar 7, 2021 6:26 AM

The core of this is very simple: the wealthy, hiding behind corporations, push bad education and bad medicine.

MSN: Bill Gates funnels $1 MILLION to push ‘math is racist’ narrative — It’s the same people behind both efforts: the rich robbing the people of their wealth, health and culture.

Controlling petro-pharmaceuticals and keeping people sick for profit was the primary initiative of J.D. Rockefeller. His second objective was to dumb down education. Gates is focused on the identical dual, century-long campaigns. I’d wager that Gates is a front for the same interests.

This is a simple concept and every person has the evidence before him. The only problem is it requires each person to concede that he is not the most intelligent, perfected being that has walked this planet. Aye, there’s the rub.

Mar 7, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

you are talking about class struggle, but you dress it up with druids and pretend ‘they’ are some super race or cult or conspiracy when the concentration of power & wealth is as old as humanity itself; the antidote is socialism; you should know that.

Mar 7, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  SHERMAN

Nothing super about them… the founder of the Rockefeller fortune sold fake snake oil, which is how he got into the oil business.

His second interest was education, information being power: a would-be medicine man.

The techniques are indeed as old as the druid but they are the tools of governance, as you can see from the behavioural insight teams and nudge units today.

Mar 7, 2021 4:16 AM

There’s an awful lot of billionaires ~ Gates, Thiel, Montalbano, Zuckerberg are mentioned in this article alone ~ with their fingers in the biomedical pie, despite having no medical background, and whose fortunes were made in IT, finance, etc.
I don’t think it’s because they want to come across as ‘philanthropical’.

Mar 7, 2021 6:59 AM
Reply to  antitermite

Many of these billionaires are bag holders for one of the Rs.

Deception is how they made their money:

  • funding both sides in a war
  • keeping the war going as long as possible
  • offering a loan against a business then calling it in
  • buying up the railroads, ports and shippers
  • squeezing a rival, then hiding behind the ‘white knight’
  • helping a nation in dire straits then seizing its assets
  • buying the politicians and changing the rules
  • buying up patents and killing inventors
  • breaking up trusts but hiding the owners
  • and demanding concessions for doing so

From the start Rockefeller hid behind others, just as those other R’s do: Rockefeller and Rex/Regina.

We already have an unprecedented era of monopoly — and that’s taking ownership at face value, a big assumption (that Zuckerberg really controls Facebook; Gates, Microsoft etc).

Analysis of cross shareholdings already proves this: Forbes, 2011 — The Four Companies That Control the 147 Companies That Own Everything. The publisher knows this very well, since nobody believes the Forbes Rich List. The beneficial owners of many investment vehicles are hidden behind shell companies in tax havens. This means the true ownership is even tighter!

Remember The Panama Papers of 2016? There were almost no American owners on the list (which shows you a) who was behind the leak and b) not to trust The Guardian).

What does this mean? A very small handful of people are squeezing the world’s population.

Mar 7, 2021 7:30 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I was never really a fan of Russell Brand but he (and presumably his researcher) are producing a listenable series of podcasts.

The comments of Dutch historian Rutger Bregman are especially worthwhile. The Davos billionaires thought Bregman was coming to talk about his book, Utopia. Instead he berated them for not paying taxes.

Great Reset: Philanthro-Capitalism – The Davos Con

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 7, 2021 6:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hello Moneycircus: You nailed it again. Your list follows the functional planks of the agenda to a tee. Nearly all these tax havens are held in Commonwealth States…

Mar 7, 2021 9:41 AM
Reply to  antitermite

You’d think American empire with its 800 bases around the world never existed.

Mar 7, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  SHERMAN

C’mon it’s the same network. The budgets of the tax-exempt foundations are bigger than the State Department. They call the shots, decide the policy and dominate appointments to cabinet in some cases.

There is no uncorruptible, strictly professional army reporting through the prefects, legates and tribunes. All the upper ranks rotate through the doors of corporations and their think tanks that are financed by the corporate interests that benefit from the resource wars. The same goes for many other pillars of the bureaucracy.

Do the oligarchs operate through the formal structure of U.S. government — of course. Do they operate outside it? That, too. Would those oligarchs see themselves as an empire? I would say, more like a tribe but that could be taken the wrong way.

So let’s just say a tightly-networked group of closely-aligned interests with considerable experience of manipulating government, and the resources to direct much of government work and public policy, to their own benefit.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 7, 2021 3:30 AM

God they can milk this Emperor’s New Clothes affair with endless nonsense.

Antibodies like masks, lockdowns, sanitiser, masks, social distancing etc are completely irrelevant because – wait for it – there is no “novel” virus.

It’s all smoke’n’mirrors covering the phantom virus.

Let’s hypothesize the existence of COVID-19, testing stopped tomorrow and you go to the doctor with:

— symptoms of a cold – the doctor will not be able to tell you if you have just a cold, just COVID-19 or both.

— symptoms of the flu – the doctor will not be able to tell you if you have just the flu, just COVID-19 or both.

— symptoms of pneumonia – the doctor will not be able to tell you if you have just pneumonia, just COVID-19 or both.

— any single symptom or any combination of symptoms of COVID-19 – the doctor will not be able to tell you if you have just COVID-19, something else or COVID-19 and something else

SARS-CoV-2, the chameleon of the virus world. What a truly awe-inspiring virus it is.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 7, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I had two charming zombies (I can’t tell you whether they were just human “zombies”, just zombies, or both, but they were at least so charming) tell me they had the “C” word-19, and I asked them about it. Well, their symptoms weren’t really all that identical (Petra, you should know me well enough to know where I’m going with this: Funland) although the brief presentation they gave (achy bones, some temporary loss of smell; sniffles, of course) all sounded like they could fit under the generous umbrella of the many symptoms we have been offered atop the global smorgasbörd of covidian calamities. They also sounded a lot like the nasty flu I had 2 or 3 years ago, in that bad flu year, the one that totally floored me for a week.

OR, alternatively, just a very watered down version of a “foreign” flu I got when I first moved to Paris almost 50 years ago. That one really DID almost kill me, I was delirious for a couple days, then I couldn’t bend my waist or neck for a week. Never had anything like it, before or since.That seems now like maybe it was Covid-19, just simply retrofitted as Covid “-“(minus)31. That one brought me to the brink a half century before this lethally lightweight bug was even a gleam in its grandaddy’s eye.

Most of those not so many that I’ve met who have told me a family member died or was hit hard by a bug, were honest enough to readily admit they had no way of knowing if it was really “covid”, when quizzed. In fact, the majority of the maybe 10 or so, were quickly inclined to be skeptics. More than resentful. A plus, in my mind.

On Friday, Brandy told me she convinced her fire-fighting groom that it’s man-made. I offered my word “virtually pre-fabricated”. She was unclear on the concept. I had talked to him, too, they moor their houseboat in Balboa Bay here, and we were on the same page then on most things about it.

I asked him, then, whence it came, to his mind. He thought China made it.

I suggested that it occurred after the “breaches of containment” at Fort Detrick and was hand-delivered by Army athletes to Wuhan. (The Psyop Virtual Version, I mean LOL!) He was curious but understandably hesitant to agree, summoning my memories of the favored Upton Sinclair adage, “It’s difficult to get a man to understand…

I ran all that past Brandy two weeks later, just now, and we both nodded knowingly, in synchronized mumbling, “He has to be careful what he thinks at the Fire Station.”

So how to call, or call out, to the Bogeyman Bug that is all at once both lethal and yet lightweight? The Chronic Chameleon?

To make a philological connection to the same “school” (Agency) of psyops, I suggest

The Magic Virus.

That links it to its past kissing cousin

The Magic Bullet. The one that caused logistical nightmares for the Wsrren Commission. Not to mention JFK.

With either of those magic killers,Bug and Bullet, both, there are far more forensics than we can ever fit.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 7, 2021 6:12 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Rewrite of last paragraphs (SAVE timed out):

So how to call, or call out, to the Bogeyman Bug that is all at once both lethal and yet lightweight? The Chronic Chameleon?

To make a philological connection to the same “school” (Agency) of psyops, I suggest

The Magic Virus.

That links it to its past kissing cousin

The Magic Bullet. (The one that caused such logistical nightmares for the Warren Crime-Commission. Not to mention JFK.)

With either of those magic killers, or Bug and Bullet both, there are far far more forensics than we can ever find the time to fit.

Must be all those freebie red herrings, added year by year to the research recipe.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 7, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Interesting and amusing, John.

I know you’re being humorous but just to make my point ad nauseam, no logistical nightmares for the Warren Commission. They would have had the “magic bullet” moniker all planned as part of the controlled opposition strategy and they knew they could push out any old BS as they are doing now and have done so many times before and get away with it … with bells on!

This is the irony: the perps are utterly scrupulous in over-egging the omelette with their gratuitous anomalies on top of the glaring naturally-occurring ones and never putting forward any fakery in such a manner that a person who believes their story can brandish it in defence of it.

It is WE who lack the wit and moral fibre to point it out.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 8, 2021 2:09 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

That is WHY it’s Magic! (BOTH)

Such IS the essence of “Stage Magic”…

And Staged Magic.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 8, 2021 2:42 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Right, of course.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 8, 2021 2:29 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

That is WHY it’s Magic! (BOTH)

Such IS the essence of Stage Magic.

And Staged Magic.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
Mar 9, 2021 12:31 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Brilliant distillation!

Mar 7, 2021 3:17 AM

never understimate the spirit – the soul or whatever you want to call it inside yourself, when the pain is so great and you are so weak, such that you simply have to combat the pain to get to the toilet to have a wee (sometimes it was very cold)…and the pleasure when you think you might survive, when you get back in bed and cuddle your wife, and snore in her ear..and she tells you to turn over and stop snoring.

thats what love is


Mar 7, 2021 2:40 AM

*Again, thanks for your articles Rosemary…I don’t have the congenial sort of elaborate elucidation ability you do, I get far too frustrated.

You get antibodies as a result, of resulting damage…

It’s only contextually suitable as a derivative product.

It can’t fucking help you prevent a problem.

You can get antibodies from practically any damage. None of it can make you immune, because it cannot stop the causative damage from either the toxicity or deficiency. It’s like a diffusive result. You get your body’s genetic material breaking, and then you get forms of detritus or contextual, temporary intermediates RESULTING from that. Antibodies are such intermediates.

If you want a magic bullet, you have to address the things BEFORE what causes antibodies to result, as the antibodies are essentially markers of damage. They are not a fundamental immune measure that can stop damage from the underlying induction of damage..

If you are peddling those intermediates as fundamentals, you’re simply wrong and you’re trying to perpetuate the need for the damage that resulted in those intermediates.

Well, since I’m cynical I say that. It’s possible you’re just really stupid to buy that shit.

Mar 7, 2021 2:25 AM

In the third week of January 2021, after my emergency treatment in my day in hospital – – they knew what it was they put me on a drip which lasted for hours..to first soften me up, and when I said I was not allegeric…shot me through with antibiotics, and told me, your wife can take you home now….

You have no idea what the pain was like, and how really ill I was. I decided no alcohol no no tobacco, no coffee. No stimulants. No coffee for over 4 weeks. The pain was so bad, I just wanted to sleep.

My wife used to bring me a pint of milk at 10:00 am every day, and I hobbled to the toilet to have a wee, and then went back to sleep.

I thought I may have maybe a 50% chance of survival and that was even with my lovely wife nursing me, and cleaning up all the mess (she is total angel)

I’m OK now, and up for it. I admit my mancave is still a mess with toys everywhere..but I have found my Sony A57 SLR, and loads of lenses and other gear, but most importantly the battery charger…

It’s going to be Bluebell time soon, and Bluebells are the hardest thing to photograph in the wood…unless there is a point of focus..You know what I mean…So I think I should be O.K. hiking up the hills into the pretty woods..

Do you know how good it feels, when you think you are probably going to die, but have got very much better, and found all your own best photograhic kit, and every day get a little bit stronger, such that you don’t even need a walking stick most of the time. I really need to practice falling down in my garden, and getting up again by myself, without any help from any person, or any thing.

Then I will be up for Sailing again.

My son seems convinced I am coming.

“You will be fine Dad..”

So where are we going?

It’s nice having a kid like that.

Its a family thing.

Everyone takes the p1ss out of Grandad, and laughs at me, when I can’t do it by myself. It just makes me more determined to get really fit like before I got ill. I am not that old.

I love my family.

Just try and do a little bit more every day, and always try and maintain a smile on your face, and say thank you, and be polite


Mar 7, 2021 8:25 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Spirulina(organic is best) tony_O is very good for recovery of illness, alcoholism or drug dependency and if you want to get better quicker and have more energy you can’t go wrong with a glug of cold pressed hemp seed oil and 3 or 4 grams of spirulina to end or start your day or both even.

Mar 7, 2021 1:25 AM

Off-topic yet not unrelated.

Old hat: mass shootings
New hat: masked shootings
The reporting of there being several masked assailants
that evolves into a manhunt for a ronely and masked wolf.
News at 8 (I live in the Netherlands).

Mar 6, 2021 11:59 PM

I am completely bored shitless reading the same shit as I did a year ago. Nothing has changed, except I am feeling a hell of a lot of better…I have regained most of my self confidence, and am seriously looking at my camera kit…especially my sony a57 with the Sony wide angle lens. Talk about Definition

Got to get it out again.

Soon it will be Spring again….

and my little 3 year old Grandchild is the most beautiful little boy, I have ever seen, since me the same age 64 years ago..

We didn’t have a lot of money, but my Mum took me to the Professional Photo Studio in Oldham Lancashire. I have no idea if she earned any money…but I was published on The Front Page of The National Magazine Nursing Times, probably sponsored by Heinz Baked Beans…

We didn’t bother with this shit with our kids..I mean who wants to be a model, even if you are completely Beautiful

But our youngest Grandchild (3) is a Natural Star…point a mobile phone or a camera at him, and he is not shy at all. He laughs and poses. He knows he is beautiful and is not ashamed of it. His older brother nearly 5 teaches him nearly everything, and when he starts school he will probably have no need to introduce him to his girlfriends

He has already met them after school, playing in the park.

My son has got a dispensation, He got himself classified as a Key Worker, and I am not knocking that…so his kids can go to school, like he did, and like I did, and like all the kids did, even after being bombed to hell during WWII

Don’t Panic and Carry on As Normal


Mar 7, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Indeed, and try to force normality on those around us. We need to push at the system to get normality back, if we don’t demand it, they won’t give it to us.

Mar 7, 2021 12:47 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Yes, it’s important to keep going to school. Don’t miss out on any State sanctioned indoctrination. Fun fact – the old normal was created by the same people creating the new normal. Except for actual real time with family, doing family things like you describe, the old normal sucked too. Wasn’t that the 9-5? The 40% tax? The compulsory insurance? The aimless job, the lifetime debt, the need for both parents to work 2 jobs, the explosion of divorce, the attack on the male, the promotion of women…because they are women as God’s gift to all things moral, atheism, narcissism, the theft of pensions, privatisation, ever increasing expense, perpetual infantilization, a banal and creepy media, cheap drugs, booze, exponential corruption, the ‘diversity is our strength’ con, the promotion of degeneracy, homosexuality, men who identify as teenage girls and want free access to their public toilets, gender re-assignment, the rise of the chemist and pharmacy and pill forms for everything, rampant junk food promotion, genetically modified food, fluoride in the water, sustainability, cell-like unit living, burning people off the land…

All that was the old normal wasn’t it…unless I’m way off.

And people want to ‘get back’ to that?

None of it has been any good. It’s been bad for you…forever.

Mar 7, 2021 2:26 AM
Reply to  Ooink

The Build Back Better is starting to show it’s face and it is not pretty.
Austerity 2.0
Sick and tired of the whole disgusting austerity nonsense narrative.
Ball Demasque.


Mar 7, 2021 5:18 AM
Reply to  Mishko

Imagine those of us in Eastern Europe who were born into austerity and grew up with closed borders / churches / etc. After working our butts off for 30 years (at 27% of German wages — there’s that EU ‘single market’), well whaddayaknow; we’ve landed right back in the nightmare. Yipee. 🙂

Mar 7, 2021 2:29 AM
Reply to  Ooink

Thanks dude, I’ve been bitching about the same things.

If for instance, we know covid is bullshit…and covid is interchangeable with flu (old normal)…we got ourselves a case of bullshit. Flu is also bullshit. Just as bullshit as covid. And I ain’t going back to that. School was worthless, btw. I mean, around 5% of it was useful.

If you want to get “schooled”, go read:

They’re so fucking clever, that they don’t impose on the children or try project homogenizing legacy garbage.

And yet, you have these things:
“Round about, round about now…sorry to say the others didn’t make it..”
So who did?

Mar 7, 2021 5:13 AM
Reply to  Ooink

the Anti Body…doesn’t sense the parasite, when trajected to dependence on it, yielding not an option if already won – the accepted reality, a life of pretence.

Mar 7, 2021 1:51 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

I am shirtless because I refuse to wear the same shirt I wore last year.
I am a 1 shirt a year guy.

Don’t Panic and Carry on As Normal
-Do not stop bombing Yemen
Top it up with acts of agression, threaten food security,
destroy stocked foods, supplies and supply lines.
-Economic sanctions are part and parcel of the beast system,
just like the criminalisation of citizens.

So we had: – no such thing as society

  • – no such thing as public money
  • – There Is No Alternative

We get: – no such thing as health or healthy people

  • – no such thing as immunity
  • – We Are In This Together
  • – Mengele science is THE way forward

Greetings from Amsterdam, Mishko_

paranoid goy
paranoid goy
Mar 9, 2021 8:11 PM
Reply to  Mishko

The same people now bullshitting you about covid, are also the people who created the myths about all the horrible things the Nazi’s did. Hitler signed off on a eugenics programme, cancelled it four months later. America’s ran well into the fifties, but we yammer on about Mengele. Monsanto poisoned millions with their nerve gasses and defoliators, but we whimper about Nazi gas chambers no-one can find any proof for. England admits they killed 90% of the Boers in concentration camps, but we still insists Treblinka was a death camp instead of a railway yard….
Grow up and stop repeating your enemy’s lies.

Mar 7, 2021 2:18 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

On the bombed to hell part:
If like me you are an awful person you eventually
come to accept that the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam
is a monument to lies and deception.
(that motto, we all know it by now,
waging war by deception then as now)

Bombed to hell as in Hellstorm?
The documentury named Hellstorm from 2015?

Your son has got a dispensation… lovely.
Essential workers, frontline workers, key workers.

Nursing times?
Come on man, I am not classy like Joe Biden, so I WILL ask:
are you on or off prescription meds, alcohol, drugs?

Mar 6, 2021 11:57 PM

Covid is just the starter, the far-right coup that follows is the real meat. The CIA are igniting rage & anger around the world by starving the population of freedom and destroying their lives. They blame the left for the covid measures even when the far-right are in control in the UK and the USA. Far-right ideas are propagated everywhere as they try to portray them as champions of freedom and are being latched on to the anti-Covid measures fight.

The CIA need this coming chaos to burn down what remains of our democracy, the same way they have destroyed democracies in hundreds of countries around the world. The CIA & America’s wealthy want far-right quasi-military governments in its sphere of influence, because it is easier to control and it embeds their looting and extortion of wealth.

At home 70% of Americans, both Democrats and Republicans, now want universal healthcare, and are pushing for free education and other left-wing programs. A social consciousness is growing in the US, even without a political party or leaders to represent it, and we know their elites would rather destroy the country than give any of their wealth away, so they have gone to declare war on the left and their own people at home and overseas.

Mar 7, 2021 2:56 AM
Reply to  REXTON

The far this and the far that.
I am a part time racist, is that a problem?
The far and extreme parts are mainly media fabricated nonsense.
Fluff. Filler. Distraction.

American History X: black lives don’t matter, white lives don’t matter,
there are no heroes, working class people are awful, the end.
Over 40 years of neoliberalism and counting.

I am okay and you are okay is inclusive and equal enough IMO.
Then again too much is never enough and letting people
get on with their lives was never actually on the agenda.
So I sort of get it. Not what I need, but what I get.
No thanks, I respectfully decline the offer.

Had a vacation in Slovenia 3 years ago and came to the conclusion
that being among other white people can actually be quite pleasant.
As opposed to immigrant and fugee (hahaha yeah right)
lala land Amsterdam where I live.

Being racist I have noticed that christians and especially
christian fugitives are an unwanted minority.
This minority does not fit in that well with the Strategy Of Tension perhaps?

Mar 7, 2021 8:05 AM
Reply to  Mishko

The far-right are a political movement. you can read about its history and agenda on line. I hope that helps.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 6, 2021 11:57 PM

AV naturopathic Doctor talks about serious malpractice in Canada. 13min video.

Mar 7, 2021 9:29 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Ventilators=murder. Thanks for the video.

Mar 7, 2021 11:48 AM
Reply to  fame

During the past month in the UK there have been stories in the press about ‘healthy’ people in their 40s/50s who have “died from covid”. The media aim was obviously to reinforce the idea that we are all susceptible to the worst that covid19 can do.

In both of the two articles that I read, the respective families recounted how their hospitalised relative contacted them one evening, by phone in one instance and by text in the other, to say that a doctor had discussed (sic) with them the intention to place them on a ventilator the next day and had explained the inherent risks involved. WTF?

Mar 7, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

They needed to have younger people allegedly dying from covid in order to persuade people under 60 to take the vaccine.

There has been a constant message from the politicians and their medical advisers since Christmas that covid patients are now much younger and sicker.

They fail to point out that influenza can strike anyone of any age and it’s not uncommon for the 30 to 60 age groups to require hospitalisation for influenza and a small minority will die.

It seems incredible that in spring of 2020 that covid was almost exclusively killing people at end of life expectancy then started killing people of all ages this year.

Mar 8, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  Paul

“They fail to point out that influenza can strike anyone of any age and it’s not…”

Which is a failure to point out that influenza is ALSO fraudulent, and that anyone can be say, vitamin D deficient (particularly in winter) or excessively toxified (say, with medications or vaccinations).

Of course, it is also convenient that younger people tend to be less likely to be vitamin D deficient as well as typically having less accumulated toxicity.

If covid is interchangeable with flu, and covid is fraud, flu is fraud. It is not that difficult.

Mar 8, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

The common factors in the extensive roll-out of mRNA vaccine in at least 3 countries:
:- more “cases”
:- severe reaction to 2nd. dose among younger adults
:- deaths among younger adults, no longer rare.
:- abortions
:- newborns “infected”.

Mar 9, 2021 12:55 AM
Reply to  mgeo

My take on worries about the vcx is the same. In a dream recently I was at a chemist (pharmacist) and they rolled out a bunch of chess pieces in glee. I think we all need to understand there are many elements to the strategies in play – and just as in chess, think well and many moves into the future. Quickly.

Mar 6, 2021 11:40 PM

This is the report that shows Johnson knew he was committing a genocide in July, 2020. and why he is in too deep.

‘’Official government estimates indicate more than 200,000 people could die as a result of lockdown and Covid’s impact on the NHS, it has been reported.’


Mar 6, 2021 10:58 PM

If you after one year of this plandemic still didn’t get that this is not about health but about control, great reset and un agenda 2030 you will only learn when you are chipped, locked up in your shared pod without any property and privacy forever.

Mar 7, 2021 3:02 AM
Reply to  dude

What, no promising career as a super soldier?
I thought the Mengele science was supposed to kick ass
Captain America style! I has a disappoint. =)

Mar 7, 2021 3:05 AM
Reply to  Mishko

… ah so that was what that was about.
Injection/intravenous good, listen scientists follow science.

Mar 8, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  Mishko

This was Neil Degrasse Tyson’s “experiment to see if people will follow science.”

Mar 6, 2021 10:28 PM

Don’t kid yourself you life is worth anything to the empire:

The Guatemalan coup of 1957 was such an instructive piece of imperial history, it shows us the price paid by foreigners and the rewards gained by the USA, for a simple CIA coup, carried out on behalf of Corporate interests. It shows how much interference the US was prepared to exert & for how much return. It is a benchmark.

The coup of 1957 against a democratically elected left-wing government was overturned in order to secure the future of just one US Corporation, the United fruit company, who had lobbied for the coup to stop the Guatemalan government nationalising the banana industry.

What followed was decades of systematic torture & murder of the Guatemalan people under a far-right dictatorship. So we have established the price, in others lives, that the US is prepared to pay for relatively small economic gain. The US is oblivious to the suffering of others at home and overseas on a grand scale. Covid is the modern greater version of the Guatemalan coup, Amazon has a 600 million dollar data storage contract with the CIA.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 6, 2021 10:18 PM

Here’s part of an interesting piece from the Unz Review:

Israel has become the world vax leader immunisation and is paying the price.

In its fight against Covid-19, Israel has repeated every mistake it made throughout its short history. Instead of seeking coexistence, it aims at annihilation. Israel doesn’t just protect its elders and the vulnerable while investing in natural herd immunity, it plans to vaccinate the entire population including children and pregnant women up to four times a year. And like in their war against countless enemies, Israel fights the little Corona monster ‘by way of deception’ a.k.a mRNA inoculation. They insist on tricking the little viral menace but so far, they have only managed to trick themselves on a colossal scale. In the last 8 weeks of Pfizer mass vaccination, Israel doubled the number of Covid-19 deaths it had accumulated throughout the previous 10 months of the pandemic. It is hard to imagine a bigger blunder. Although the Israeli experiment is presented to the world as a ‘success’ by the compromised media, in Israel mainstream outlets are not convinced by the success of the Pfizer experiment, especially considering that the ‘R number’ is back at 1 and likely to rise further.

Mar 6, 2021 10:24 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Blunder, blunder???? By design.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 6, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

“Would it not be ironic that the racist Zionazi Death KKKult Kapo quislings and ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics are able to complete the final solution that those sick fucks Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS were not able to finish. Sick, really sick.”
comment image

If one knows what is good for one, better keep away from the EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT viral toxic cull juice jab.”

Mar 6, 2021 11:20 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I thought they hoped to time the vaccine shots in Europe with the end of the flu season, so it looked like the vaccine worked. But In Israel, do they even have a seasonal flu outbreak this time of year? I suspect the vaccine does very little a but like a flu vaccine, which mostly don’t work.

Mar 7, 2021 8:20 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

The Nation of Zion is the template for what the global elites want the rest of us to be.

Half the population is brutalised & marginalised, and all are heavily surveilled & experimented on.

It does not even function like a normal country; to paraphrase Caitlin “it is a country-sized military expedition with a few civilians sprinkled on top”.

When our global rulers are done with the experiments they will bring what works back to us.
Chickens coming home to roost.
I wonder which side of the wall we will each end up on, and what cost?

Carol Jones
Carol Jones
Mar 7, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Are you sure they didn’t want to double the deaths? How do you know they blundered? Do you know their intention?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 9:42 PM

When it appears there’s lots of money to be made on something, men can and will do anything – lie, cheat, steal, and murder – and create all kinds of incredible bullshit to sell to peasants worldwide. Such are the diseases of the “free market”.

Mar 6, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

That is why you need strong democratic government to control the excesses of the market. Regulation is the only way to protect the population for exploitation we see in the USA. Europeans have been practicing it for nearly 80 years.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  REXTON

Well, yeah, but things really aren’t any better now for most Europeans. The quality of life in most European countries has deteriorated during the last 20 years, or so. There are a number of reasons for that, including big money corporate control of the EU, immigration, and other problems. Also, EU protections and the financial security of Europeans are definitely being eroded.

Mar 6, 2021 10:41 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

All europeans have healthcare they have minimum 4 weeks holiday each year, normally 6-8 weeks, and most have an unemployment safety net. Not to mention the safety of their food and access to the basic of safe water,
something American do not have.

In addition to this there are thousands of benefits in each European country, like subsidised child care and maternity leave and cheap public transport that do not exist in the USA.

And of course the EU exists to protect the jobs of Europeans from the undercutting of their standard of living from foreign exporters, unlike Nafta which was intended to drive down wages in the USA to the lowest levels in Mexico.

You clearly don’t understand the benefits that exist in Europe. The UK is very extreme in its impoverishment of its population because it is following the US model, one of the reasons it left the EU.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 10:45 PM
Reply to  REXTON

You clearly don’t understand the benefits that exist in Europe.

Please don’t assume things. My wife taught school in France for 20 years. EU citizens have benefits but that hasn’t kept other aspects of life from getting harder. Next time, don’t assume your audience is ignorant. Ok?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Jesus. First there was the guy questioning me about Japanese defense policy during the 1980s. Now this. How many times will I have to do this at this site?

Mar 6, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

You’re telling Europeans how Europe is….not a good idea, if you don’t have the facts to hand.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  REXTON

No. No, I’m not. See below for French views on the failing EU and French “leadership”.

Mar 6, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

The EU is not failing. It is doing very well.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  REXTON

Oh bullshit. See below. People in the EU are NOT happy. Get your propaganda the f-ck outta here. Is that why French cities were burned before the fake ass “pandemic”?

Mar 7, 2021 12:05 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

You people tell your lies and never get challenged so you rather foolishly start to believe your own BS.

You are shocked that someone is telling you that the largest richest economic block in history is successful?

You are the propagandist my deceitful friend.

The French have protested violently for many decades, its called political protest and it is how you extract rights from their political elite.

Something Americans never learnt, which is why they are treated like powerless slaves, no healthcare, expensive education, and no rights.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 7, 2021 12:29 AM
Reply to  REXTON

Your hate is palpable, ass hole. Save it. I’m not an EU oligarch.

Mar 7, 2021 8:09 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I have contempt for lying fools: You people are dangerous:

Mar 7, 2021 8:48 AM
Reply to  REXTON

Stop snoring and go back to your coma.

Mar 6, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

‘citizens have benefits”………..

They have benefits, advantages that Americans can only dream of. I have not included the longer life expectancy, the social mobility and the social equality and access to education that almost every European benefits from.

You can underplay it, belittle it all you like, but European life is pretty much as good as it can get, for any population.

I am always struck by the looming tragedy that seems to haunt every American I have met. They are always 2 minute away from tears, as they release the tension, the fear they live under, of bad luck, which could drive them, in only weeks, to a financial or health disaster ruining their own lives and the lives of their whole family. That fear of a medical illness that they can not pay for, is something that does not haunt any Europeans and is a cruelty deliberately engineered by successive American governments on its people

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 11:12 PM
Reply to  REXTON


  • Zero Homelessness: URGENT.
  • More progression in income tax, that is, more differentiation.
  • Minimum wage of 1,300 euros net.
  • Promotion of small shops in the villages and city centers.
  • Cessation of the construction of large shopping centers around the big cities, which stall the retail trade, and more free parking in the city centers.
  • Isolation of apartments on a large scale, to advance the ecology with savings in the households.
  • Taxes: the BIG (McDonald’s, Google, Amazon, Carrefour …) should pay BIG and the small ones (artisans, small and medium enterprises) pay SMALL.
  • A uniform system of social security for all (craftsmen and small self-employed included). Abolition of self-employment social insurance (RSI).
  • The pension system must remain in solidarity and therefore be socialized. No pension on points.
  • Stop the increase in fuel tax.
  • No pension under 1,200 euros.
  • Every elected member of parliament has the right to receive the median wage. His travel expenses are monitored and, if justified, reimbursed. Right to restaurant and holiday vouchers.
  • The wages of all French people and pensions and benefits are indexed according to inflation.
  • Protection of French industry: ban on relocations. Protecting our industry means protecting our know-how and our jobs.
  • Stop the posting of workers. It is not normal for someone working on French territory not to receive the same pay and rights. Any person authorized to work on French territory must be treated as a French citizen and their employer must pay them the same as a French employer.
  • To safeguard employment: Limiting fixed-term employment contracts in large companies. We want more permanent contracts.
  • Abolition of the „Tax Credit for the Promotion of Competition and Employment“, CICE (1). Use of this money to promote a French hydrogen car industry (really ecological, unlike electric cars).
  • End of the austerity policy. Termination of interest payments on illegitimate debt and the beginning of debt repayment – without resorting to the money of the poor and less poor, but by tracking down the 80 billion in tax evasion.
  • Abolish the causes of forced migration.
  • Correct treatment of asylum seekers. We owe them housing, security, nutrition and education for the minors. Collaboration with the UN to set up reception centers in many countries around the world pending the outcome of the asylum procedure.
  • Repatriation of rejected asylum seekers to their country of origin.
  • Implementation of an actual integration policy. To live in France means to become a Frenchman – French courses, courses in French history and civic education with a diploma at the end of the courses.
  • Determination of a maximum wage of 15,000 euros.
  • Job creation for the unemployed.
  • Increase in benefits for persons with disabilities.
  • Limitation of rents. More apartments with moderate rents – especially for students and precarious workers.
  • Ban on the sale of land and facilities owned by France – dams, airports and so on.
  • Consistent provision of funds for justice, police, gendarmerie and army. Payment or recreation of overtime of law enforcement.
  • Use of all tolls for the maintenance of the highways and country roads of France and for road safety.
  • As gas and electricity prices have risen since privatization, we want both back in the public purse and prices lowered accordingly. (Socialization).
  • Immediate stop to stop small railways, eliminate post offices and close schools and maternity wards.
  • Well-being for the elderly. Prohibition of profit at the expense of older people. Instead of „gray gold“ „gray well-being“.
  • Maximum of 25 students per class from pre-school to graduation level.
  • Provision of necessary funds for psychiatry.
  • Referendums are to be included in the constitution. Creation of a legible and efficient website, monitored by an independent regulatory body, where people can propose legislation. If such a proposal receives 700,000 signatures, it must be discussed, supplemented and, where appropriate, proposed by the National Assembly. The National Assembly shall be obliged to submit it to the whole of the French for voting – one year after the date on which the 700,000 signatures have been obtained.
  • Return to a 7-year mandate for the President of the Republic. The election of MEPs two years after the election of the President will send a positive or negative signal to the President of the Republic regarding his policy. This will help to make the voice of the people heard.
  • Retirement at 60 years . Right to a pension at the age of 55 for all persons who work hard physically – for example bricklayer or slaughterhouse worker.
  • Extension of the system of childcare allowances (Pajemploi) beyond the age of 6 up to the child’s 10th birthday.
  • Promotion of rail freight transport.
  • No withholding tax deduction.
  • End the lifelong pensions for past presidents.
  • Prohibition of charging merchants for payment by credit card by their customers.
  • Taxation of marine diesel and kerosene

Manifesto: The Demands of the Yellow Vests – friedemannwo (wordpress.com)

Mar 6, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

If the Any US citizen had what the french people had, they would think they were in utopia. Pensions, child care, unions, healthcare, free university the list is endless.

They reason they have all this is because they demand more all the time.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 11:49 PM
Reply to  REXTON

Oh yes. Just a few polite demands for their benevolent, kind masters.

Man, you are some piece of shitty work. I guess that’s why they politely burned cities before the fake Holy Virus was introduced.

Mar 7, 2021 12:10 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

No, they are serious demands. The problem is you don’t understand what they have already. They have the best Heath care in the world and access to free universities as just a starter, they didn’t get that by being nice.

Not only do you not understand what the French already have, but you don’t understand the process by which they got it.

Your ignorance is stunning, why are you here?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 7, 2021 1:07 AM
Reply to  REXTON

I gave you facts. Ignorance? Where? The only stunning thing is your inexplicable defense of an EU that is slowly but surely falling apart. People who are satisfied don’t riot and burn cities. Did your mother drop you on your head?

Mar 7, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

You live in an echo camber of lies:

Mar 7, 2021 4:29 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Can you not just respectfully disagree with each other? For fuck’s sake, we’re all more or less on the same side here, aren’t we? Save the venom for the motherfuckers who deserve it.

If we can’t get on, we’re finished.

Mar 7, 2021 8:13 AM
Reply to  Will

‘Saint Jimmy’ was insulting because he lost the argument and had nowhere to go:

Mar 7, 2021 8:52 AM
Reply to  SHERMAN

Half of you are AI trolls designed to bait, distract and waste energy.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 7, 2021 1:10 PM

Thank you.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 7, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  SHERMAN

LOST the argument? I PRESENTED ALL OF THE FACTS. Goddamn EU/brigade 77 TROLL.

Mar 8, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

:- Public banks owned by govt. – see Ellen Brown.
:- No multiple pension.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  REXTON

Two words for you… yellow jacket.

Mar 7, 2021 12:13 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Do you not understand what political protest is?

Do you not understand that there needs to be protest to get what you want, if you democracy is failing you ?

why do you not understand that?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 7, 2021 12:17 AM
Reply to  REXTON

But I DO understand it and quite clearly they are NOT satisfied. What the fuck do YOU not understand?

Mar 7, 2021 8:19 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

They have a lot more than the Americans and the British do and they are demanding more: Are you so stupid to assume that those who ask for more have least?

So the Americans have the best life because they never demand more? Americans don’t even have the basics of decent health care……that is tragic.

The French have the most because they always ask for more? why don’t you get that?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 7, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  SHERMAN

They don’t have that much. They are very unhappy. THAT is clear.

Mar 7, 2021 8:46 AM
Reply to  REXTON

In germany you have to pay to see the doctor since years, if you do not have medical insurance, unlike the UK. They are all Doctor Death of an established Death Cult imho anyway. I trust nature and herbs over any Pig Pharma cult practice.

Mar 8, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  REXTON

The benefits in EU countries include equal rights to get 5G, GMOs, glyphosate, polluted air, and immigration, constitution and economy manipulated from Brussels.

Mar 6, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  REXTON

With a lot of help from the EU, European rulers are currently doing everything they can to hand their citizens over to big money.

Mar 6, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  October

I don’t agree. The EU reison d’etre is to protect european jobs & standards of living,, something they are doing in a very harsh economic world. They are giving ground, I agree, but it is a war, and the political mood needs to change, mostly in the minds of the voters, who keep voting for neoliberal bastards, against their own self interests. If people do not voter in their interests how can you help them?

Mar 7, 2021 7:41 AM
Reply to  REXTON

Oh, you’re still taken in by that talk. All the best 🙂

I firmly believe that the EU was, from the start, the civilian arm of NATO, designed to bring Europe under the domination of US corporations. The less charitably inclined even see it a ‘soft’ extension of the third Reich. Look into its history, the men who ‘built’ it and where they came from. Unsurprisingly, the whole ‘project’ was conducted incrementally and on the sly, without telling the citizens what they were being signed up for.

PS: Before you object that US domination is antithetical with the third Reich, I’d suggest you look up the historical facts. Proper history, not the revisionist nonsense invented by the European Parliament.

Mar 7, 2021 8:21 AM
Reply to  October

What crap….go read a history book you fool:

Mar 7, 2021 8:43 AM
Reply to  SHERMAN

Do you have some good ones to recommend? 🙂

Mar 7, 2021 11:20 AM
Reply to  SHERMAN

Well, might I recommend one to you then. It’s a short book, but in French:


Makes a change from the pap they feed you in school.

Mar 6, 2021 10:30 PM
Reply to  REXTON

strong democratic government to control the excesses

What are you talking about, since when has that ever existed?
Lincolns time?

I am afraid what you are referring to never existed except in ” Theory” books
What may help is that people wake up, know that the evil is very real.
To stop being so stupid , gullible and childish.
Most of all turn off that mind control box called TV and cancel your cable immediately
That might steer the ship a few minutes in a better course.

Mar 6, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  Marcello

In the US you do have regulations that protect your health and safety.

They are weak and being undermined in a way the rest of the world is not doing.

Your planes crash, your tesla’s are not safe to drive, chemical factories and oil companies pollute your drinking water, and your food is destroying your health, because people are persuaded by others like you, to vote for small government and vote for people who oppose strong government regulation like trump.

The US has many protections that were put there through good intension, the problem is people keep voting for ass-hole’s like trump who remove those protections.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  REXTON

I ain’t argiun’ that, at all. Americans are treated like shit and constantly duped. Are policies better in all of Europe? Yes… but don’t tell me they’re perfect or some shit like that.

Mar 7, 2021 12:14 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Who said they were perfect. As I said, if Americans had half of what the French have already they would never complain again.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 7, 2021 12:30 AM
Reply to  REXTON

Ah yes, all roses in the shitty Parisian ghettos.

Mar 7, 2021 8:22 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

So are you saying Europe must be perfect to be better?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 6, 2021 9:30 PM

Coronavirus Australia: The moment Norman Swan’s world stopped (afr.com) Here’s old Norman Swan peddling the notion of no freedom till a vaccine way back in April last year At the time there were 6,000 PCR positives and we know now that all those tests had a ct value of 45 so were totally meaningless. And only about 65 old sick people had ”died of” the so called virus. This hysterical old fool thinks it’s 1918 and has been peddling that crap since January last year. Despite a swift quarantine response in October 1918, cases of Spanish flu began to appear in Australia in early 1919. About 40 per cent of the population fell ill and around 15,000 died as the virus spread through – now how does this translate today, .1% of the population with a positive PCR and 909 average age 87 people dying of neglect in locked down care homes.

Mar 7, 2021 12:59 AM

Yep. Australians will goose step higher and harder than any 1930’s German ever could. And if you don’t goose step high enough watch the spiteful malice and mouth frothing rage that comes your way. Oh, you better believe it. Aussies will attack you with untold hate.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 7, 2021 6:35 AM
Reply to  Ooink

I don’t give a stuff what they say, I worked for an Australian Democrat senator during the ATSIC stuff in the 1980’s, the CFC war the liberal party tried to claim was fake, then starting 2001 started working to get refugees out of Woomera, fielded the most awful hate, 400 phone calls in one day in Parliament House over ATSIC

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 6, 2021 9:29 PM

Dr. AV (COVID WORLD ORDERS + Reflections on the (false) ANTIBODY THEORY) https://www.bitchute.com/video/uZSUGOKJ6lSm/

Mar 6, 2021 9:18 PM

Well-written, full of important material. But (and this is a question for the comments section), how do people reconcile excellent, factual and well-researched articles with the discussion of ‘Covid-19’ infection and treatment?

For me, I find it very circular when PCR and antibody tests are critiqued in an article that discusses treatments, but PCR and anti-body tests are the things that ‘prove’ people have a virus called ‘SARS CoV-2’, which is said to cause the collection of symptoms called ‘Covid-19’.

In fact, when looking at the ‘discovery’ of SARS CoV-2 through narrative and published research papers, it becomes clear that a lung sample from an individual diagnosed with SARS CoV-2/Covid-19 FROM SYMPTOMS was used to create the base of a computer generated sequence, which was then used to create the PCR test, a kind of test not supposed to be used for diagnosis, which was then used to diagnose… well, supposedly SARS CoV-2.

Of course, this is called a ‘case’ of ‘Covid-19’, in a bizarre and scare-worthy re-appropriation and perversion of the historical, medical and common-sensical use of the word ‘case’. Please check out the recent WHO ‘alert’ which clearly states that a person receiving a positive PCR result without other clinical indications, such as symptoms, should be RETESTED and clinical and contact history analysed. It’s being totally ignored world-wide:


I experience profound doubt about what people are actually sick from, considering the concealment, hysteria, dramatic claims, computer modelling, theory based only on PCR test data, dodgy ‘science’, junk science, science fiction, blatant warnings on the packet that PCR tests can produce a positive for the common cold (etc), and total failure to question the absolute basic premises of this whole shebang.

On a side-note, many people I know get one or two really bad colds/viruses/’lurgies’ every single year, but this year every one of those people has ONLY had ‘Covid-19’ – either testing positive, or testing negative but “the doctor is convinced I have it and the test is wrong”.

So – does anyone else struggle to reconcile an excellent critique of PCR/antibody testing with a discussion of treatment for the very disease the test is supposed to indicate?

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 6, 2021 10:23 PM
Reply to  AMR

There is the fingernail test. If you have white marks on your fingernails then it means you have covid but if you make a tea from the powdered fingernail clippings it will treat the covid. Researchers have found that if you have the tea before you get white blotches on your finger nails then it stops you getting covid in the first place and have a special fingernail grinding machine available for just $500 and teabags to put the powder in for just $20 per months supply. Sadly it doesn’t come with any guarantees and side effects haven’t been reseached adequately. Articles in the media however say early results are very promising with 95% efficacy found by the manufacturers of the grinder and tea bag combo. Replacement grinding pads are only $250 and should last atleast 3 months.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 6, 2021 11:13 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

The company JupiterTorpedo have gained special emergency approval to launch the product. Unfortunately the white blotches can not be checked with the naked eye but are nano marks and can only be tested with a $200 scan performed using ultrasound technology. This means that the grinder works out cheaper than getting checked within 13 hours of going to the bookies, nightclub or church. People who don’t buy the grinder are to blame for keeping everyone in lockdown since new research shows it only works when everyone drinks the tea. Inorder to verify tea has been drunk a passport is available showing receipts for pad purchases. The health secretary said some people were not actually drinking the tea and that was why it wasn’t working. He says GPs will begin administering the tea via a long tube stuck down the throat to confirm the fingernail tea passports from June 3rd. He said anti fingernail teaers are crazed consiracy theorists undoing all the hard work put in by the frontline heroes in the national tea service and the sacrifices of paw abiding citizens.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 7, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Where can i buy some tea bags and a grinder? Do the teabags and ground fingernails have to be stored at minus90 degrees C.?

Thanks Peter – good satire and gave me a good laff.

Mar 6, 2021 9:10 PM

Bamlanivibab is the new Remdesivir (where do they get these names from?) 🙂

Mar 6, 2021 10:23 PM
Reply to  October

I think they use a Tower of Babel Nomenclature Generator.

My guess is that they are trying to develop a “brand” for international marketing, so they resort to grotesque, ugly letter-strings that look and sound like Esperanto in Hell.

This multi-syllabic gibberish is unusual, insofar as in the US, most of the Big Pharma toxins flogged in those abominable TV ads are usually peppered with three or four “X”s and “Y”s, with maybe a “Z” thrown in ensure that they’re unpronounceable– this, despite the pitch that viewers are urged to “ask your doctor” about them.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 6, 2021 10:32 PM
Reply to  Ort

Tower of Babel Nomenclature Generator


Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 6, 2021 11:05 PM
Reply to  October

The mystery will be solved if you reverse the letter order:



All clear now?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 7, 2021 5:27 AM

It’s not to me but I’d love it explained.

What I can work out but I don’t think it applies is for rivisedmer you can get
“revise shit” by “rivise” + “mer+de”

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 7, 2021 6:11 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I was just kidding around (finding mystical significance in random-yet-always-potentially-“meaningfully”-arranged-by-the-human-mind syllables), but, you know, I think you just may have identified the “real” meaning of remdesivir, so I’m sure glad I made that joke!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 7, 2021 6:24 AM

That’s hilarious!

Mar 7, 2021 8:56 AM
Reply to  October

They sound demonic to me.

Mar 6, 2021 8:49 PM

The Great Deception = deceptive virus = deceptive mutations = deceptive vaccines = deceptive antibodies = deceptive disease caused deceptively, by deceptive people for a deceptive purpose.

Mar 6, 2021 8:36 PM

COVID-19 Deniers and antivaxxers are gonna look pretty silly in 4 months when everything is back to normal and everyone who took a COVID-19 vaccine is doing fine.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 6, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  Bob

Really, o analytical genius? Tell that to the millions and millions of business owners, students, elders, and billions of others throughout the world whose livelihoods, careers, or very lives were either ended or catastrophically downgraded in the last year.

That should make you less comfy. If you only could get one clue out of all this wreckage.

Here’s one, though I’m unsettled in advance with what you might do with it: Elon Musk, pre-heist (February 2020) had spent his 50 years acquiring a tidy 26 billion bucks.

By January he had “peaked” at $210 BILLION.

In less than a year he had acquired almost an order of magnitude more money than he had got in his entire life.

Though not quite that many times, Bezos, Gates, Zuck all saw inconceivable jumps in their net worth. Easy to verify.

That spike is not really credible absent supercrimes. And unprecedented in human history.

I hope they have some clue how to spend at least some of it, since they can’t take it with them, wherever they’re heading with all this, and might find wherever that is, that the only next standard of measure may be net worthlessness.



John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 6, 2021 9:01 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Senator Everrett Dirksen (1960s quote, so adjust $) on “defense” spending:

“A Billion here, and a Billion there, and pretty soon you’re talkin’ real money.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 6, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Bob

“They will not be telling that to Hank Aaron, will they.”


Mar 6, 2021 10:07 PM
Reply to  Bob

You will be paying for the lies of your government for the rest of your life, and you will be completely oblivious to how and why it all happened. Ignorance is a very disturbed bliss.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 7, 2021 5:30 AM
Reply to  REXTON

Ignorance is very disturbed bliss.

Great line. Gonna use it.

Mar 6, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  Bob

Things will be better in a few months. Covid, under its real name, a touch of the sniffles, always clears up in the summer.

Mar 7, 2021 9:16 AM
Reply to  Orthus

130,000 people have died from the sniffles this year!

Mar 9, 2021 11:03 AM
Reply to  Bob

Who counts? Tobacco-scientists?

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 6, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  Bob

” … when everything is back to normal.” Give me a break! Apparently there are none so blind. From a purely economic standpoint we have entered the 3rd crash of the early 21st century, the dot.com bubble 2002, the house-price crash in 2008, and now the daddy of them all the 2020-21 blow out. Of course there will be no going back to normal. The forced vaccinations and lockdowns will continue. Every time the death rates start to fall a new variant is found. The Brazilian variant; the Indonesian variant; the Chliean variant and so on ad infinitum. The rules have changed regardless of what you think, but perhaps you’ll be consoled by Klaus Schwab soothing words: ‘you will own nothing and be happy.’ How perfectly lovely, cant wait. Perhaps you are looking forward to this, most of us are not.

In any event this was never about a virus epidemic, virus epidemics come and go and always have. No, this is not a medical issue it is a political/economic issue The whole global system has come to a stop, whether by its own cyclical nature or by direct manipulation. The PTB are quite openly in the process of constructing a global slave state.

Mar 6, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  Bob

Doing fine lying in their graves, no worries. Fuck-off you vax death denier. They wouldn’t have to force vaccinate if vaccination was safe. Berlin whistleblower nursing home forced vaccination and deaths.

Mar 6, 2021 10:42 PM
Reply to  Bob

Except for the many thousands who have already been killed by the mRNA injections.

Mar 6, 2021 11:05 PM
Reply to  Bob

Bob, in 4 months time a new normality will have been ushered in which will never be the same as the one you would like everyone to go back to, if they could travel backwards in time !!
In fact, the new “normal” will be radically different from the old one in more ‘abnormal’ ways than one – most notably when the powers that be have decided what the next plank of this quiet war is to be, and what silent weapons are to be deployed to further their global agenda. Meantime keep taking the tablets!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 6, 2021 11:07 PM
Reply to  Bob

COVID-19 Deniers and antivaxxers

comment image

Mar 6, 2021 11:15 PM

You forgot “VIRUS DENIER”!

Mar 7, 2021 12:20 AM
Reply to  Bob

Yes, Bob, Tell that to all the families who have not seen loved ones for over a year. The families that have lost loved ones who died alone.

Tell it to the kids who had no prom, no graduation, no summer jobs, no school, no sports, no church, no concerts, no life.

Tell it to everyone who cancelled weddings, events, reunions, conventions, seminars, and medical treatment.

Tell it to friends and families split apart by this agenda.

And many people are not doing fine. Many elderly who received the gene altering injection – without conformed consent – died.

No one is going to “come out” of this because there is no going back.

We went over this before, Bob, but thank you for that ridiculous comment. It helps me gather my thoughts.

Mar 7, 2021 12:57 AM
Reply to  Bob

I don’t know bob, life has been back to basically normal here for 6 months without a vaccine..well other than the destruction from a couple of months of business being destroyed…how do you account for that? Guess we didn’t have all that much with taking!

Mar 7, 2021 5:16 AM
Reply to  Bob

Except the thousands who died, and tens/hundreds of thousands who never recovered from the short term side effects. And who knows how many medium/long term side effects are still to come.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 7, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  wessi

What about the long term effects of the electric light bulb? Huh?!

Mar 8, 2021 3:17 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Especially the dimmer ones. Like yours for example: it’s filament is barely dim red.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Mar 8, 2021 5:00 AM
Reply to  Bob

By fine I guess you mean dead suffering serious long term side effects and neurological condition. Israeli deathe rate very high.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  Bob

Maybe, but the evidence that the “vaccine” is killing people is already out there, although the MSM doesn’t tell you about it.

Mar 6, 2021 8:26 PM

It looks like we are going to end up with our dumb government trying to push medical passports, I will fight it, as I’m sure will all of you, it’s not good, but its also not the end of the world and was not the main aim of the Covid operation.

The main aim of Covid as it is with Brexit, and it is with the ‘war on Carbon’, is the economic destruction of our economies, making them ripe for US corporate giants to asset strip or steal market share, as well as impose their internet tech on every aspect of our lives.

The gains in control and market share that the US has extend over its dependent states is huge, and justifies the costs at home in its own markets, where they have also engaged in reengineering, via the continued theft of resources from their own working classes.
Covid was an acceleration of one or even two decades of the neoliberal roll out, accompanied by the CIA tech or spies that are always required when governments are transformed into the enemies of their own people, and become administrators for a foreign empire.

This will only worsen the longer you people deny who is the real culprit here. There are many shills and trolls on here funded by the US to help you NOT understand what is really going on economically and geopolitically. They push their fake stories, libertarian BS, and anti democracy, anti regulation crap, just like the CIA want them to. Don’t be a gullible fool and fall for their lies, there are no ‘globalists’, there is just American empire, and we are now their victims, we and our wealth is in their sights.

Mar 6, 2021 8:38 PM
Reply to  REXTON

Good points but there truly is an organized global Kabal. The “American empire” is just one big branch of that tree. If we hack at the roots of the tree, it falls down eventually.

Mar 6, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  Thom1111

No there is not. There is a greedy common interest, but without the structure and power of empire there is nothing.

The local millionaires and billionaire in Venezuela are helping the CIA put their man in power, to rob their own country of their oil, hoping in turn they will get some power as the agents of empire and in the hope of getting of the American crumbs. That is how it works, the globalist were an Nazi creation and are now a CIA distraction from Empire.

Mar 6, 2021 8:25 PM

I don’t buy the idea that viruses exist and I don’t buy the story of biological evolution. And that’s where I stopped reading.

Everyone’s comment is in bold! Is it a glitch?

Mar 6, 2021 8:10 PM

Thanks Rosemary! You’re the Bee’s Knees.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 6, 2021 8:02 PM

It is basic. CORPORATE FASCISM is the cause of the SCAMDEMIC. The speaders are these nasty viscous things.”
comment image


“Kill them and one kills the disease and ends the SCAMDEMIC.
comment image

The cure is Socialism in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs.”
comment image


Mar 6, 2021 8:43 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

it’s basic, corporate Marxism is the cause of the scamdemic. No political system lies as pervasively as Bolshevik communism.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 6, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  Thom1111

“corporate Marxism”

“Was that in the Langley-Land Book of Fun Historical Facts? That JD Rockefeller was not only a Corporate Marxist he was a dyed in the wool Red Bolshevik Commie Pinko as well.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 6, 2021 9:52 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Corporate Anarchists, really.

I wrote at opednews.com that designation in ’07 and they reposted it as an article, fwiw.

But that’s what we have in growing force, riding roughshod atop. And it will take something truly remarkable to cuange course.

I read some famous actor was asked if he believed in miracles, and his reply was memorable, “I don’t believe in them. I depend on them.”

Hear, hear. I for one would not be here without many.

And you?

Mar 7, 2021 12:26 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Same here, John. I have to remember that something got me this far in spite of myself so I’m going to align with that.

Furthermore, I am going to apply what Peggy Hall suggests “There’s always another way”.

At some point you have to say “Bring it on!” and then beat them at their own game.

You have to become your own mafia.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 7, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  Judith

Well, yes, crimephobic mafia. The whole sick societal “game” of the mafias, if they wear that jacket, is to terrorise the survivors into playing their “game”. And then the whole surrounding landscape goes down that slippery slope. Mafias want it that way. Scorsese dramstises that sgain and again. If you allow them to get you to fight outside God’s territory, then they control that turf. But something (Someone) got us this far in spite of ourselves.

One of my favorite lines by Graham Greene, in observing USA support of Batista against Castro in his MI6 years there (“Our Man in Havana”): “Apparently in Washington terrorism is only terrorism when it comes from the left.”

I feel you, though, in your words, “…something got me here in spite of myself…”

That is exactly how I feel. St. Augustine wrote a scintillating insight “God is deeper in us than we are in ourselves.”

Wow. Actual cause for Hope.

I mentioned that as a sort of a one liner closing confiteor at the end of confession, and Fr. added, “It’s in the DNA.”

From my favorite anonymous prayer:

“…I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered…”

Mar 7, 2021 7:39 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Lovely prayer, John.

When I wrote “mafia” I should have been more clear. I was thinking of mafia as in “underworld” – dealing financially under the radar.

I wouldn’t have the stomach to actually do the rest of it.

Mar 6, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  Thom1111

corporate Marxism? …………is that the same as neoliberal-socialism? go back to school, me thinks.

The CIA have been blaming socialism for everything for 60 years now, even corporate fascism, like you are doing.

The only thing this ‘communism’ is not delivering is Union representation, social justice, and state ownership of the economy, which kinda means it is not socialism doesn’t it? ………you would be funny if you weren’t so dumb.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 7, 2021 2:07 AM
Reply to  Thom1111

Do you even know what the definition of ‘communism’ is? And what the blinkin heck is… “Corporate Marxism”?
Do you mean that these rich capitalist dogs, like Klaus Schwab for example, are actually closeted Marxists!?

Mar 7, 2021 3:34 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

As i’ve said before, it sounds like an oxymoron…anyway no, those guys are not “closeted Marxists”. What they do is they use the bolshevik playbook to subvert the playing field to their advantage. but it’s more of a commu-nazi political scheme to facilitate things.Both those groups are on the far left. I’m more of a natural law party type.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 7, 2021 3:49 AM
Reply to  Thom1111

Thanks for the clarification Thom… Have a good week mate✌️

Mar 6, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I’m sick to death of seeing this post every fucking day, what is the spam filter for if it can’t stop CIA propaganda.

Mar 7, 2021 9:09 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

You know me I’m acting dumb, uh
You know the scene very humdrum.
Boredom boredom
B’dum B’dum


Mar 6, 2021 7:50 PM

Covid-1984: Not the first, but the greatest iatrogenic pandemic of propaganda in history. Propaganda can only take hold in a shallow, uncritical, compliant mind, immersed in a puddle of shallow, uncritical, compliant minds.

The think tanks and social engineers were on the nose this time. They knew acquiescence, combined with hypochondria were both at their climax levels to launch their destruction plan- without a single bullet.

All of this brought about by the CDC, the WHO, the NHS, Imperial College, Charite’ Berlin the FDA etc. etc., some of the most corrupt agencies on this planet.

Their new means of rule is a health dictatorship based on infection regimes that can be invented and activated at any time. Today Covid-19, tomorrow rhinoviruses, the day after tomorrow perhaps malaria or a “biological warfare” attack.

It seems we could wake up tomorrow with manufactured news of the new “deadlier than ever” Saturn strain that fell to earth from a meteor shower and legions of brainless gophers would be locking themselves up deeper in their slipper closets whilst demanding “Saturn variant” specialty helmets.

The never-ending “war on terror” has been replaced by the “war on infection” since March 2020. This is directed against humanity as a whole.

They learned a lot from their mistakes in 2009 with the swine flu vaccine rollout fiasco. They refined their strategy by keeping a tighter control of the narrative through the media and exerting more psychological and physical manipulation with signs, distancing, restrictions, masks. They paid for the compromised politicians and scientific advisers. And delivered in record time. The model was upgraded and perfected in 2020 and will continue to be enhanced in the coming years unless and until we stop it.

Mar 6, 2021 8:36 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

It is as always a geopolitical, economic operation not a medical one. The tyranny follows the money.

If a government becomes the enemy of its own people because it has become the agent of a foreign power, it uses terror to protect itself, It needs a justification, an excuse or cover to hide the fact it is arming itself against its own people.

The UK is a province of Empire and Johnson is the local overlord, magistrate or viceroy following orders and collecting taxes from the poor.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 6, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

comment image

Mar 7, 2021 1:47 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I would put the timeline even further back as in they learned how to implement their dystopian social engineering fantasy that failed 1933-1945
No need for expensive armies, no giant stadium shouting matches, jack boots gone etc
Lots of the unnecessary baggage gone and with a much better result.

The idea with the radio and TV was correct but much more refinement was needed.
The best refinement is to distilled from the last 100 years of oppressive regimes is the ” control of the narrative and the marketing of fear
Now the Hegelian Dialect has worked almost flawlessly .
Rolling along with almost no need for supervision to the point of almost 100% self censorship and obedient compliance.
Whats not to like?

Mar 6, 2021 7:26 PM

Anti body 
nope it means what it means
this lot are anti YOU

their wizards with words and potions galore