WATCH: UK – 2 Years in Prison for Selling Food

Many of you likely are already aware of the Ice Age Farmer podcast, but for those of you who aren’t we highly recommend his work. He puts out great material focusing on how the oligarchy undermines our food supply in an effort to control what and how we eat. This short video is a great example.

To quote his episode summary:

The UK is ready to throw you in jail for selling food, and issuing warnings about food being dirty and dangerous! This complements the news yesterday about potentially requiring proof of COVID vaccination just to enter a grocery stores. Access to food is rapidly being restricted, and you must start to grow and save your own food immediately.

This is a follow up to his video on the idea for “vaccine passports” being necessary to enter supermarkets, which you can watch here.

For links and sources – or to download an audio-only version – click here.


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Mar 7, 2021 9:21 AM

silly dilly dalie lama cia mi6 mossad saddo

Mar 7, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  Alan

The current Dalai Lama, Tibetan’s spiritual leader, has visited Israel on several occasions.

Mar 7, 2021 11:47 PM
Reply to  Alan

All opposition is controlled. China is now a pillar of the NWO. The Dalai Lama is a less powerful part of the same world government.

Mar 7, 2021 9:02 AM

The ice age farmer is a retard and a shill for your worst nightmares….more FEAR porn. ..FEAR not this toad and his associates in nonsense

Mar 7, 2021 1:02 PM
Reply to  Alan

He mostly means well…

Saying he’s a retard is a bit much, he has flaws, he’s incorrect about some things, sure.

He’s not trying to sell much hey (at least, from what I can tell). He’s mostly saying the establishment is broken. And that it’s incredibly important, coz it involves agriculture, food supply and things they try to distract from (like the influence of the sun).

Mar 7, 2021 5:02 PM
Reply to  Alan

One wonders about your intentions when you resort to grade 2 name calling. There are other words in the lexicon you can use to describe your point of view. As it sits you are an angry critic with no positive suggestions, and a suspicion surrounding your motives. Nice job

Mar 12, 2021 7:20 AM
Reply to  DAvid

If you only saw instead of looked

Mar 7, 2021 5:42 PM
Reply to  Alan

Actually, maybe someone should just ask him if he supports vaccines. Or if he thinks viruses function or exist as claimed.

That’s usually a good indicator.

Mar 10, 2021 10:15 PM

cv19 has never been isolated

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 12:05 PM
Reply to  Alan

OK, how do you explain Bill Gates buying up vast quantities of US farmland?

Mar 10, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

How would Alan explain Bill Gates’ acquisition of sizeable quantities of US farmlands (but still far behind the aquisitions of any one of several non-US interests)? Hopefully with considerably more nuance than that that likely put forth by the general run of carboard flatheads posting around here, though given the preponderance of the latter, probably not without a fair bit of justified grade 9 name-calling in any ensuing discussion.

Mar 7, 2021 5:31 AM

Dalai Lama takes AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine:
“It’s very, very helpful!!!”

Mar 7, 2021 7:23 AM
Reply to  Antinfo

So much for meditating and being conscious!! I have always had my suspicions about this man but wow really!!

Mar 7, 2021 8:57 AM

he has always worked for the terra wrists and the insecurity services.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 7, 2021 8:59 AM

Next up they’ll be wheeling out Bono and Elton John to get their jabs in a full blaze of publicity. Yeah, so much for “consciousness”. You know about the Dalai Lama’s links to the CIA, don’t you?

Mar 7, 2021 11:30 AM

Anyone who hasn’t done two research on Tibet and the lamas and how evil they are should stay quiet on all matters to do with China. Look for Michael Parenti video on YouTube about the Dalai Lama being a CIA asset

Mar 7, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  Koba

Any institutional “head” is a scripted puppet, agent, asset.

It’s gonna be REALLY heartbreaking announcing to the abrahamics that God doesn’t believe in them.

Mar 7, 2021 11:31 AM

Michael Parenti small section on the Dalai Lama

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 8, 2021 2:26 AM
Reply to  Koba

Thanks for this clip Koba. Only reinforced my view on what a fraud the Dalai Lama is. And I think of all the soy latte sipping, Guardian reading, Greenpeace T shirt wearing, comfortably off middle class who swoon at his feet and buy all his books. Sigh. So much bullshit and smoke and mirrors and charades everywhere in this World…

Mar 7, 2021 8:56 AM
Reply to  Antinfo

He is a Terrorist that works for the british MI6, cia goons….just like the pope a terrorist and a scum bag ….thata twat he is and all other celebrity filth .

Mar 7, 2021 8:57 AM
Reply to  Antinfo

He is a terra wrist and a cia, mi6 goon and a criminal fake

Mar 9, 2021 10:31 PM
Reply to  Alan

I am unfamiliar with the term “terra wrist”. I used my search engine (duck duck go) and only found a bunch of advertisements for wrist watches. Would you be kind enough to explain what this term means?

Mar 7, 2021 1:04 PM
Reply to  Antinfo

He’s very very much a piece of shit.

Just another “freemason” puppet, institutionalist. Absolutely relies/relied on hierarchy to derive his inflated sense of worth for projection and religious sentiment.

He souled out.

When you try peddle malicious industrial pharmaceutical horseshit, and you try to speak about being a monk…oh shit, it’s as if they don’t even know how quickly a true monk breaks that shit down.

Every single one of the assholes that have suggested they would take a very toxic vaccine, promoting it for industrial profit WILL get more than one dose of that vaccine, as is specified. I mean, shit like aluminum, nagalase, GMO animal cells, etc.

You’re NOT going to escape that.

Sure, sure, he thinks if he takes a placebo, while marketing it…other people will die in the mean time and make his “life” better. But he’s a moron by virtue of having sold his soul, so what happens is that he gets placebo on TV, coz he markets that shit. And then, he’s going to covertly get the same sort of vaccine that happened to kill 100% of the animals in trials.

Best of luck with that.

Mar 7, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  Antinfo

Check out the plastic covered person injecting him. Propaganda for a 99.9% harmless virus.

Mar 7, 2021 4:53 AM

A greek thinks it’s egyptian, A jew believes it’s greek. A brit thinks it’s hebrew. And an Ethiopian and Armenian argue about the Syrian claiming to be from Persia, both knowing it’s bullshit.

“Believe me, leave me here I’m dying. Isis knows how to bring back to life”

Apparently I misspelled.

Mar 7, 2021 9:03 AM

isis is mmi6 and mossad and cia

Mar 7, 2021 9:47 AM
Reply to  Alan

No no no. I don’t care about that.That’s just attempted demonization by association, like, why would they even use that name? Very bad idea.

Here’s the Isis I refer to:

Maybe this?

Or this?

Mar 7, 2021 3:12 AM

Hey btw, adults are shit and dumb.

Really, no empathy. Sort of consideration of context or frame.

Think about it, light switches, for instance…are too high for young children to reach.

If you lowered those light switches, the adults would waste less energy (since it’d be hip level) AND (most) children would be able to reach that.

Simple shit.

There’s an enormous amount of things adults are ignorant of, due to decades of indoctrination, degeneration, inherited bullshit leading to ignorance. Coz adults, are generally inferior with less potential. It’s not very difficult do understand, so you gotta be thinking about the fundamentals here…

Did YOU want to be injected with toxic degenerate shit at birth for industrial profit?

Mar 7, 2021 1:26 AM


So, my dad was shot in the head, he’s blind. He also lost his sense of smell because of that. Though his mental function is mostly really impressive compared to most people (imo).

So the sort of thing I’d think, and unfortunately, it’s only the sort of thing I think of because it personally affects me…is why aren’t there say, simple cellphone apps with image recognition, vocalization of that image recognition. Or for instance, depth sensors relaying an audio signal?

For instance, imagine a blind dog (coz azathoth). So you have a few simple sensors for that dog that covers the main omnidirectional sensoring. As the dog then approaches something, there’s physical warning with say, a very subtle vibration indicating distance to obstacle.

Imagine for instance, a blind person has a couple of these sensors around them, maybe they vibrate, maybe just a changing pitch for a measure of distance, that sort thing.

Very simple, massive boon for visually impaired. Yet, none of that sort of thing exists.

What the fuck?

Shit, an elaborate thing would be say, using the touchscreen on the phone to “describe” the environment for you. Like field of view, you point on the middle of the phone’s screen, point the phone somewhere…it gives you a “distance” indication, you point right or left, up or down and it gives an indication of the depth of that relatively interpreted. A blind person VERY quickly adapts to that sort of thing.

Mar 7, 2021 3:05 AM

These sort of optics:

Mar 7, 2021 12:20 AM

People can take control out of the governments’ hands by getting their common law ID and learning common law procedures. In the UK people can learn about common law by going to John Smith’s site – commonlawcourt.com.. In Canada Christopher James’s site is awarriorcalls.com. The governments are only service corporations and we can take their control over us by becoming sovereign people.


Mar 7, 2021 1:34 AM
Reply to  Linda

“People can take control out of the governments’ hands by getting their common law ID…”

So you mean trading an institutional identification for a more centralized institutional identification? Sounds very anarchic.

Mar 7, 2021 9:00 AM

its NOT anarchic ..??? do you have a functioning brain cell….its the LAW

Mar 7, 2021 9:55 AM
Reply to  Alan

Having “a functioning brain cell” is the law? Shit. what if you have two brain cells? Is that illegal, can I still qualify for being emperor without “a functioning brain cell”?

Mar 7, 2021 10:55 PM

To reiterate, common law is inferior. Which is why they’d say, want you to use that.

How do you think corporations function, or somehow get certain things to not apply to them? Especially private corporations.

Mar 7, 2021 11:03 PM


See, you can establish things for yourself.

You -> Person -> Private corporation -> Your own society

Something like that? You might notice you gain a bunch of extra “rights” and shielding through that.

Mar 7, 2021 8:59 AM
Reply to  Linda

correct….I do NOT stand under these corporate criminals from zion

Mar 7, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  Linda

Arguing for common law seems to be stupid, though I’m not entirely sure. As it is, I would HIGHLY advise you avoid it unless you know why it is always inferior…and then, understand, it’s inferior so it’s not a good idea.

Do not just be going around getting signed up with/for new shit, be very careful regarding those sort of contracts.

Common law always loses to commerce and equity from my very very shallow understanding.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 6, 2021 11:36 PM

Slightly off topic, but one of my favourite customers at the Markets I’m selling at, tried to explain about the possibility of a cyber attack (as Klaus Schwab has strongly hinted at) and power outages, and possible food shortages, and she should get prepared as best as possible.
Her response was to go: “is this another one of these conspiracy theories… I don’t want to hear it, don’t say it please”.
Seriously, they don’t even want to hear words that contradict the MSM. Sigh.

Mar 6, 2021 10:24 PM

And we’re putting up with this WHY?

Mar 6, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  Jos

Well, I’m not, are you? Are you even British?

Mar 7, 2021 7:26 AM


Mar 7, 2021 7:28 AM


Mar 6, 2021 10:04 PM

Would you mind if I try point out a little problem with deflection, ignorance, and conflation?

So I ranted about aluminum, fluoride, cAMP, ATP on Jon Rappoport’s site…
*(You might wanna check it out, since it’s fucking super important.)

I got a reply from a guy regarding fluoride…

Here’s what I said:

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 6, 2021 9:41 PM

It’s not even as if they’re trying to hide it. They’re even gloating.


And can you get more obvious than the glutinous logic of this?:

“The arrival of Covid-19 vaccines promises a return to more normal life – and has created a global market worth tens of billions of dollars in annual sales for some pharmaceutical companies.”

Mar 6, 2021 10:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Oh, joy! This is what The Guardian considers a win-win outcome.

Mar 6, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Gluttonous love, practically obese, separating the wheat from the chaff. With a flare from this very particular Adversary.

There’s no difference between state capitalism (china) and capitalist state (america), other than cosmetics, while both promote excessive industrial exploitation and slavery.

Mar 6, 2021 11:43 PM

And speaking of obese (and I mean no disprespect, seriously) – isn’t it amazing that the govt and the msm are extolling the miracle of these million dollar vaccines that are going to (haha) restore us back to normal life –

but not ONE MENTION of good health!!!

Yes – back to normal shite eating and no exerise. As if the virus was the only thinkg killing people.

Funny how nobody is talking about COMORBIDITIES.

All we’ve heard is comorbidities. But no one is explaining how to avoid them, and no one is asking!

Just shoot me full of GMOgoo and send me on my way.

It’s just bloody amazing.

And we’re the crazy people.

Mar 7, 2021 12:33 AM
Reply to  Judith

“And we’re the crazy people.”

You know, I’ve been attacked by my family, accused of things they’re guilty of.


If you notice, there’s blood running down my face there. That’s from physical abuse from what used to be my best friend.

I’m really tired. Blood is apparently worthless.


There used to be a 2017 full dour festival video of Igorrr, but I can’t find it, it was excellent, so this I guess will have to do…

Mar 6, 2021 8:56 PM

I now realise, I am completely ignorant of stuff, I thought I knew about. I never particularly rated them on record..I thought well they are O.K…so we went to see them at Wembley Stadium in 1979 (with my ex). We got in, £8 a ticket and ran as fast as we could on the grass, just pass the centre circle, but quite near the stage.

We didn’t really go to see The Who, but even without Keith Moon who died the year before, they were completely Brilliant…Then we split up. These things happen. My new girfriend really liked Peter Gabriel, and soon so did I. I never realised The Who did this song until today. I have known the song for years, but had no idea The Who did it. The evidence is extremely strong that they did in 1982.

I did not mention The World Health Organisation, who I intensely dislike cos they are trying to kill us, backed by The UK & US Gov Mafia Deep State. It’s so corrupt its unreal…but there is no point in worrying about it. These psychopaths are best ignored smile and agree, and walk away. Just don’t do what they say. They won’t know. What traffic warden pursues you down the street? He has already had his power hit, and will go away and annoy someone else.

But The Who are still O.K. (incidentally Roger Daltrey’s book is nearly as good as Ozzy’s)

“THE WHO Eminence Front (Toronto 17th dec 1982)”


Mar 7, 2021 3:46 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc


Here’s what giving up means. https://ibb.co/W2KN6q3

There are these slave cults of idolators…

I dunno, I can’t relate.

Don’t give up. Rather quit…

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 6, 2021 8:37 PM

A work colleague just mentioned that the Welsh border is to remain closed at the moment and I started to ponder on these incredible repressive measures that have now become commonplace. And I also started to think about how the virus containment procedures have been astonishingly slack I.e. the lateral flow tests we have been issued for home testing are never checked up on. And I get the feeling that the govt has never much cared about COVID. Why? Because COVID was never the real issue. And the biggest irony here is that the Left interpret this lack of concern as incompetence. It us nothing of the sort. The govt realty doesn’t care. It was never about a virus. It is about repression.

james bate
james bate
Mar 6, 2021 7:05 PM

Sorry if this made sense in the end but it was so poor for 4 mins nothing could redeem it, what the fook is it doing here ?

Mar 6, 2021 6:48 PM

True real rests in our actions and our soul, but our senses can use sustenance too. Here we must be cautious. The popular culture industry exists to catch and manipulate us, to provide a musical crutch and a visual kerchief that doubles as a blindfold.

Choose carefully and listen with even greater attention. Music is never the soundtrack to our lives. Good music is far more precious than that.

Saturday musical treats:If you like soul with RnB: Etta James – I’d Rather Go Blind (Live at Montreux 1975)

Mar 6, 2021 6:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

If you like soul with opera, I was privileged to see Joan Sutherland’s farewell performance at Covent Garden. Her voice was still magnificent. Stunningly this was recorded only five years before, in 1986:
Joan Sutherland. In Donizetti’s “Lucia di Lammermoor”, The Mad Scene

If you want to see her at her peak, the video quality is poor but Sutherland’s performance is absolutely beyond compare.

Mar 6, 2021 11:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus




Because preference, uhm, familiarity…like my dad would absolutely love Joan Sutherland. But I can’t stand that, it hurts my ears.

Mar 6, 2021 11:50 PM

Oh and if you REALLY want to be mindfucked…

You have NEVER heard anything like this:


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 6, 2021 6:37 PM

I just saw this headline from the Financial Times:

“EU turns to US in scramble for Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine”

And I was struck again about the oceanic amounts of cash being burned over this shit. But it makes sense if you see it as a problem/ reaction/ solution manoeuvre.

Problem: Well there’s two problems. The real problem is that the rich aren’t nearly rich enough while the poor, though getting poorer, are still not nearly poor enough. Furthermore, they have the audacity to have public services: for health, for education etc. Imagine money being thrown away on that!

Then there’s the fake problem: THE DEADLY BUG which redefines death as COVID. There is no more cancer or heart attacks or tumours etc. No deaths permitted but COVID.


The solution: VAST amounts of dosh poured away on masks, gloves, directives, reams of advice, and a vax which, if you’re lucky, will do SWEET FUCK ALL! All funds diverted from the public purse over to the vax companies. Nothing left over for anything so trivial as a health service, education system etc.

Mar 7, 2021 9:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

the ELF service is only a service corporation…feck the scum

Richard Jessop
Richard Jessop
Mar 6, 2021 6:21 PM

At the moment, the bought & paid for globalist puppets of Bill Gates running the UK government have to reduce the number of their BS ‘cases’ – so as to (they hope) make people think that the ‘vaccines’ are doing their job.

But it’s a difficult job for them – because they also have to keep the Corona scam going, and the lockdowns and deliberate economic destruction of the UK going.

Before the long-planned ‘Corona crisis’ was launched, the WEF listed the objectives of the Great Reset – which included the permanent end to international travel and tourism, for most people.

Now, they have already achieved that objective. Yet incredibly, people don’t realize that the ‘Corona crisis’ was – and will remain, for years – the tool to achieve all of the oligarchs’ objectives – including that end to international travel for most people, and the installment of the Great Reset world Police State.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 6, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Richard Jessop

They will keep the corona scam going by inventing lots of new ‘variants’ (scariants), mutating even faster and more infectious than ever! More jabs, lockdowns, destruction of the middle class and more profits for the billionaire boys’ club.

Mar 7, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  May Hem

You dont have to join the club of sheeple…just ignore all rules and fake orders….I dont know what the fuss is about …i dont care …i dont have a smart phone or a TV or a fakebook account etc…its all in YER headz…FOOLS

Mar 6, 2021 10:27 PM
Reply to  Richard Jessop

Why? No, really, why?

Mar 7, 2021 2:33 AM
Reply to  Richard Jessop

I believe the WHO have finally stated that the number of cycles at which the PCR test is run be reduced, obviously reducing the number of positive cases.

Mar 7, 2021 11:25 AM
Reply to  Frances

Funny thing about the PCR test. When you run that at more than 0 cycles, it deviates from the source specimen. The more cycles, the more deviation. Makes shit up based on sort of, non-representative basis and keeps on extrapolating from that. With that, very specific uh…chemical interference to kinda massage the result.

It’s rad hey?

This is a bit obscure but it’s even radder.

When you say, have a “scientific study” to try convey the usefulness of a drug. So I take say, some toxin, right, then I toxify a humanized mouse with say, specific deficiencies with that to induce say, soul cancer. THEN, I use a medication that is still toxic, but addresses a fraction of those induced problems.

Then I can say things like “Promising new magical drug restores soulular function, makes trust possible again”

Mar 7, 2021 9:06 AM
Reply to  Richard Jessop

Good ….I hate people they are smelly and stupid…they all need locking up and throw away the key….

Mar 7, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  Alan

You hate people for being smelly and stupid?

You could certainly say I’m smelly, and probably even more stupid.

I hate people for being malicious, abusive, ignorant.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 6, 2021 6:17 PM

I’ve just remembered that in the 1960’s UK people used to put up signs on their garden fence advertising the sale of fresh vegetables they had grown. Not any more.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Mar 6, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Sorry, too dirty. Those things like potatoes and carrots were grown in the ground where it’s dirty.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

In fact, I clearly remember at the age of around 8 I was cycling around our town (this was the 60’s UK when kids of that age could just go out on their own!) and in a posh area on the outskirts where there were big houses with big gardens I saw a sign advertising peas for x pence per pound and on a whim, having a bit of cash in my pocket, decided to buy a pound from the friendly old gent in the garden. He had a set of scales ready to weigh the produce. My mum was pleasantly surprised when I brought them home and said she would cook them with the evening meal that day. I will never forget how good those peas tasted – I can’t remember clearly, but that old man may actually have picked them fresh when he sold them. The UK in the 1960’s was a good place relative to now, in my opinion.

Mar 6, 2021 6:03 PM

I tried to write a post about the methodology, principles… provable, physical, evidenced situation, to be as applicable as possible (but focused due to circumstantial context) concerning covid, viruses, vaccines, germ theory, pasteur/rockefeller establishment, etc…)
Best I can do at the moment. It applies somewhat generally to other issues too.
In the PRS cycle, the “solution” is the goal. The product to sell, the “final solution”, engineered, then with synthesized and engineered supposed problems and reactions to match that.
Comments in this article January last year, for an overview of how the PRS cycle “works”. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-01-global-coronavirus.html
I’ll start with the vaccines, since that is the only real pathogen, the goal and commercial product of the PRS (problem, reaction, solution…) cycle and what they’re trying to get people to “buy”, so this post is kinda working from projected present, to the underlying processes.
The ONLY specifications in covid vaccine trials were reduction of mild symptoms, such as lessening cough (easily conflated, by placebos such as meningitis vaccines, aluminum injections, as well as suppressant medications which they used in the trials, which only involved healthy people).
In the mean time, the damage and results have been clear. Many people have died at nursing homes (with no hospitalizations, and then they try suggest vaccines have reduced hospitalizations by some percentage…), many “covid” outbreaks, directly after vaccinations. VAERS inundated, and only a tiny fraction of reports get through, or adverse reactions reported.
Women who have had the mRNA vaccines have shown symptomatic inflammations markers comparable to breast cancers and tumours, because the vaccines are weapons against you…which I’ll get to.
Also consider that in the trials (with ONLY healthy people, and biased, false placebos, medications), 25-50% adverse reactions in the moderna/pfizer trials, with 15% of those serious.
In animal trials with similar prototype vaccines from Novavax (2015) and Moderna (2017), there were absolutely horrible results. And when I say similar, I mean 50% and 75% identical.
The supposed covid spike protein includes homology with Nagalase (which was only present in the MMR vaccine, and is rather toxic and linked to many problems, particularly autism, with the MMR vaccine having been banned in Japan due to results and toxicity), as well as numerous other protein related function in your body. Also meaning it is purely synthetic, other than super toxic and VERY similar to your body’s material, meaning, it targets your body and it’s unnecessary.
The problem with the referenced homology is that it gives rise to a number of problems, autoimmune problems, prions from misfolded proteins, etc. Essentially, cellular cannibalism due to self-similarity. Mad Cow Disease, for instance, is a result from feeding cattle other cattle brains, and similar things happen with other cannibalism. Vaccines with homology have similar results.
That, btw, for a non-existent, fundamentally misattributed “problem”, which was engineered and synthesized to demonize your body, including entirely synthetic toxins as part of the supposed virus and related to the “cure or solution” and uses a FALSE “testing” protocol with a tool unfit for diagnostics, but suitable for extrapolation.
The only problem with “covid” is policy, medications and vaccinations. Masks are degenerate, distancing is degenerate, medications are toxic, treatment protocol such as with ventilators having terrible results, etc. Then there are the psychological, financial problems too, which cause additional physical problems.
Also, there cannot be singular treatment protocols for supposed problems which are actually
conflated symptomatic results.
There are huge differences between health status. Address that. You can’t have “fixed” treatment protocols. You can’t say zinc, HCQ and ivermectin is necessarily going to help you. Physics doesn’t care about that. Neither HCQ or ivermectin is essential, necessary. Both add toxicity. You can’t fix a personal vitamin D or melatonin/serotonin or selenium and vitamin E issue with that, and those statuses are unique, despite general problems (such as vitamin D and iodine deficiency, potassium, magnesium vs chlorine and sodium excess, or fluorine excess, perhaps a lack of antioxidation or chelation factors).
A young man on a motorcycle was stabbed, but had previously been “tested” to be covid positive in the past two months…thus, that’s classified as a covid death, though he had no obvious health problems, good lung function, clever guy. Should we have given him very toxic azithromycin and HCQ (HCQ for instance, worsening an already very common and bad potassium and sodium imbalance problem, among other negative effects), or ivermectin (all of which are unnecessary and toxic)? In the mean time, an old man sitting in nursing home was never outside and had severe vitamin D deficiency. Let’s give him antibiotics, a vaccine and a ventilator.
While say, facebook deleted/censored the NVIC, which had basic stats from the CDC, the actual vaccine manufacturers, etc.
Vitamin D, being a regulator of your genetic material, rather essential. While vaccines only add toxicity.
Just a slight elaboration of the Vitamin D (more importantly sunlight, as Vitamin D is only one component of the benefits) related function. People cannot have immunity to Vitamin D deficiency, implicitly there cannot be herd immunity.
People even keep getting the same supposed “cold/flu viral” infections repeatedly, with huge amounts of supposed exposure, like clockwork in winter or low light conditions, and the symptomatic results from vitamin D deficiency is consistent regardless of the supposed implicated “cold/flu virus” (more generally RTIs).
In fact, with the flu vaccine, the toxicity from that vaccine causes systemic damage that RESULTS IN what manifests as something like “covid”. Because all it does is break genetic material. And every single one of the viruses peddled, are results of toxicity and deficiency, with absolutely NO contagion for any of them. A flu vaccine for instance unnecessary, illicits an enormous chemokine and cytokine response and inflammation, cellular damage…only adding damage through that toxicity, without taking away toxicity or addressing essential deficiency.
Absolutely no virus ever isolated properly or shown to be causative, pathogenic.
Absolutely no virus ever having the functionality that could allow for reproduction, motile function or any inherent energy mechanism (meaning it is dead and really can’t do sh*t, as it is effectively detritus being ejected by the body). MISATTRIBUTED, MISIDENTIFIED,
Another example related to the mythical virus problem is measles, from 1900-1962, per the CDC, supposed measles mortality was reduced by 98%, before vaccines. The amount of side effects and physical damage from say, the MMR vaccine being quite significant though.

Mar 6, 2021 6:55 PM

And the rest of that post…

Along with that, there is a huge implication of vitamin A deficiency with measles. So much so, that even the WHO acknowledges it, and it evidenced elsewhere too. Such as in the treatment of already severe cases of supposed measles, with merely 2 doses of vitamin A…reducing measles mortality by 80%+. In this study for instance (though notice they are loathe to admit vitamin A being the significant factor)…
Another way to provably show the “origin of viruses” (such as with the flu vaccine actually breaking your genetic material which RESULTS in what is then classified as adenovirus, coronavirus, rhinovirus, influenza, etc) due to toxicity…
Organophosphates are a simple way to show the “origin of viruses”. The main hypotheses for the “origin of viruses”, btw, being REGRESSION AND ESCAPISM. Regression such as which can happen with vitamin D deficiency, or toxicity, breakage. DNA to RNA breaks, truncations, transcription errors, misfolded proteins, broken/mutated and EJECTED proteins.
Notice how that very elegantly exactly matches those two main viral origin hypotheses. And, any supposed mutations (which is importantly, the third viral origin hypothesis) being a result from varying toxicity or deficiency, or combined damage profiles.
That is, the Escapism and Regression hypotheses are the combined causation processes, and the supposed Evolution hypothesis is the variability of those.
Like when you break a cell in a certain way (say, with organophosphates), but then, you also add vitamin D deficiency, now that damage, is different (“mutated”), and you get a different supposed, “evolved”, “viral” result.

Link to the whole post, yeah I know there are some errors:

And a music video signature…

Mar 7, 2021 9:08 AM

dont you ever shut up you idiot

Mar 7, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Alan

I didn’t know you appreciate what I say that much. Thanks.

Coz I can keep talking for fucking days about pretty much anything. Mention it and I’ll deconstruct it.

Mar 6, 2021 8:29 PM

Do you have a reference for the alleged homology of the spike protein with α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase?

Mar 6, 2021 9:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’ve linked it before, apparently it’s easily searched for. Though of course, that is not MY knowledge or expertise. I’m not a geneticist. You might have to ask my sister.

“The COVID-19 Spike protein (YP_009724390.1), PRESENT IN the nano-particles laced Moderna, NOVAvax synthetic vaccines, is an entry door for the ‘dangerous virus’ to invade and kill.. So we are told. When you compare
covid-19 Spike protein amino acid sequence to PATENTED proteins, you will find that ~50% of it was ALREADY present in the 2017 patented Moderna vaccine AAYI60028.1 (patent US 10064934 ) and ~75% of it was ALREADY present in the 2015 NOVAVAX patented vaccine! The part of the vaccine NVX-CoV2373 content from 2015 had all 4 amino acids (out of 5 necessary and sufficient) to bind to ACE2 receptor… That’s just the begin. What else do we have in Covid-spike produced RIGHT NOW in millions of doses for the clueless poeple? Your other article had somewehre the GcMAF picture(!!) so I did a customized search for similarities between covid spike and N-acelylgalactosidase (nagalse, which was shown by the LATE Dr. Bradstreet that its presence correlates with autism spectrum in boys, the only source of it was the MMR vaccine!) shows 20% identity over 60% sequence coverage. What does it mean? Here is small piece of the result, Query is covid-spike, Sbcjt is nagalase:
Similarities like for example:
Query 226 PTHGVG 231
Sbjct 499 PTNGVG 504
Query 311 FKVQGTEGL 319
Sbjct 318 FRVQPTESI 326
Query 380 DNTFVE 385
Sbjct 1118 DNTFVS 1123
Query 90 KNIDAVF 96
Sbjct 195 KNIDGYF 201
and many, many more similar chunks between the toxic nagalase from MMR vaccines and covid spike, NOW in MODERNA, Novavax, and who knows what else vaccines…
One can find similarities of that sort in MANY comparisons between COVID-19 spike and proteins, you name it: hemoglobin, VMAT-2, reproductive hormone receptors, other viruses like pox, herpes, cholera, ebola, etc.,etc. ALL THESE PIECES within that one covid spike, JUST NOW PRODUCED FOR ALL THE VACCINES, and that all while one knows, that:
If a protein has ONLY ONE ‘DRY’ 3-amino acids long chain (Asp-Arg-Tyr) motif, it is known to belongs to the s.c. class of GPCR proteins, extremely important proteins for which Stanford researchers received Nobel Prize in 2012… So do viruses really exist? Here you got 3 amino acids sequence so important, and there you have SIX overlapping amino acids and no significance???
The point is, if covid spike is similar to SO MANY totally different proteins, then where it actually comes from?
Sure, I took it from the SYNTHETIC NIH library, which has every other virus out there.”

-Shaun Thomas Villafana

Mar 6, 2021 9:20 PM

If there are ANY significant errors in what’s stated, or is not verifiable, simply point them out.

I mean, do you think a Fauci would for instance like to have a discussion about that? Maybe Robert Langer? Coz I got some choice words.

Mar 7, 2021 2:11 AM
Mar 7, 2021 9:09 AM

low life

Mar 7, 2021 2:38 AM

Ok. Thanks! I’ll run it through the protein data bank.

Mar 7, 2021 3:33 AM
Reply to  Researcher


See, I got a sister, and a sister, and a different sister. And then there’s a “sister”.

So I kinda know what I’m communicating with. Coz if it’s wrong it’s wrong.

Mar 7, 2021 9:10 AM

its all BS

Mar 7, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  Alan

What, like when I mention sunlight?

Mar 7, 2021 9:09 AM

Misinformation and nonsense from this pillock

Mar 7, 2021 9:58 AM
Reply to  Alan

Alan, can you point out the particular errors?

Mar 6, 2021 4:54 PM

Woke lightning?

Some “noticed back in 2001 that James Cameron’s epic movie Titanic is based on the German mountain films that Riefenstahl starred in.”

“One also wonders if Cameron’s Avatar was made with Riefenstahl’s never completed Nuba documentary film in mind?”

Cultural programming? Woke bolt, sturm und drang. Say it ain’t sooooooooo !

Mark Musser: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2011/04/the_green_nazis.html

“Certainly James Cameron loathes the mythical Hitler of the modern leftist imagination that trumpets the Nazis as an extreme right wing movement thanks to 80 years of Marxist and Socialist propaganda.  On the other hand, do we really believe Cameron does not know Hitler was called “Avatar” by Savitri Devi in her 1958 Neo-Nazi manifesto called “The Lightning and the Sun?” 

Say it and say it ain’t so. I want it both, in a Harry Potter fascist world of woke and unwoke. It’s a projection game: iI you do it, you’re fascist. if i do it, I’m progressif.

Dang! Sturm und Drang

Wolf, howl these people down with your Smokestack Lightning!

Mar 6, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

good links and interesting post lightening thundeerbolt the symbol means many thing like a reference to Thor – Jupiter
i.e Bowie had it on his face also relates to spirit coming into matter
lightening thundeerbolt  which is the Greco-Roman chief god Zeus/Jupiter who is a mere analog of an original archetype which is the Ancient Sumerian Enlil sky god and storm/weather god.
the lignitening and the sun is a reference mercury archetypal and astro-theology and so much more just in that 4 words

ow yer and Cameron holds the world record for longest ever submarine dive he went to the deepest point in the ocean. i feel its a little more than the left right Dialectic.


Mar 6, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  Magie

RE : nazi oaks and the whole green movement
this dude has definitely done his homework

Mar 6, 2021 5:58 PM
Reply to  Magie

I just watched Konchalovsky’s Odyssey. The massive waves took me back to my youth, and the lightning… conducted me by audiotimelessness to another space I lived:
Big Youth: Ride Like Lightning (1972)

Mar 7, 2021 6:18 AM
Reply to  Magie

I have been smeared twice this year as ‘right wing’ by two different ‘compromised’ friends with this lightening symbol because I went to the first and other lockdown protests in London. A photo was taken of a few male’s with tiny brains who had unfurled a british fascist party flag over the balustrade in trafalger square. Was the picture even taken at the first demo like it is claimed to be. And even if it was I have the feeling it took them no-more than 30 seconds to do this psyop photoshoot.

Mar 6, 2021 4:47 PM

Good video, but I sussed out what the agenda was a year ago, when it was obvious to me there was no pandemic, just looking at the Government’s own statistics. Even now, you can phone up any funeral parlour, and ask them are you any busier than normal? So the agenda was something else. No one took me seriously, when I wrote and said what I thought, which was basically this is an attempted depopulation event, using all methods available, potentially including starving us to death.

So I thought sod this. Our garden is not that big, but if I dug the entire lot up, it could just about maybe provide us with enough food to keep us alive. So I bought a rotavator, seed potatoes, and different varieties of vegetable seeds from independent people, both in the UK, and Europe who had been doing this for years, and saving their own seeds. I realised many years ago, just by growing sunflowers, that the seeds that large commercial companies sell, at least under my experience, were genetically modified terminator seeds.

They might produce beautiful sunflowers, but if you save the seeds, for the following year, none of them will germinate. But if you are on the edge of the country, and you see this garden of enormous sunflowers, if you stop and look, and talk to the person who is growing them, and ask him nicely, he will give you a massive sunflower head, complete with as many seeds as you could possibly want. His seeds germinate without any problem whatsover.

Growing potatoes, isn’t even that hard work.

In WWII our Government gave the distinct impression, that they were actually trying to inspire us to keep us alive. It’s not like that now….but if you have got any reasonable outside space at all, you can still grow your own food. Just do it and don’t tell anyone. The vast majority of people who do this in England, either give any surplus food away, or if eg they have more eggs than they know what to do with, leave them outside their garden in the shade, with a box to put some money in. The vast majority of people are completely honest. They do not steal stuff.


“From the Archive: Dig For Victory”

Mar 6, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc


Though you don’t need to go to all the effort and expense of rotavating, double digging and the such like.

In fact: You Don’t Need to Dig at all!

Nor do you need expensive ‘fertilisers’ and the rest of the petro-chemical cadre of sprays etc.

Compost and worm farms and seaweed/comfrey solutions will provide you with a healthy garden and healthy produce.

Charles Dowding is a master at this. And a charming gentleman.

Please have a look here:

Mar 7, 2021 9:11 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

There is nothing cool about this crap and he is a retard like u

Mar 7, 2021 12:31 PM
Reply to  Alan

Fuckoff, they’re more fundamentally important than any of the human constructs, hey.

Growing plants is a great idea, or rather, letting plants grow. In fact, it’s one of the biggest problems in the world, homogenized agriculture, toxic practices. Total ignorance, even demonization of plants.

A huge aspect, potentially the most important aspect, in terms of resources, natural dynamics…people practically know nothing about, marginalize it, attack it, try control it, inbreeding, GMO shit, homogenization, toxins, etc. All of that shit is essentially antithetical to creation, since it’s.manipulation and industrial stagnation.

Mar 6, 2021 4:33 PM

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that it has come down to this .Shades of the book “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo .Insanity rules the day.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 6, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Guy

Well… You haven’t being paying attention to the utter degeneration of the uman animal!

I do know two of us that are not surprised at all. Me and one brasileiro! We’re having good laughs…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 6, 2021 4:31 PM

New Rule: Arrest and imprison (for life) any citizen with an income that exceeds $1,000,000 per year.
If they’re so plainly stupid that they require over $2,700 a day to make ends meet, they belong behind bars or in a rubber room…

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 6, 2021 9:29 PM

And close down all the tax havens where they keep most of their loot.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 6, 2021 3:38 PM

I thought I was dreaming but I’m sure I heard a TV advert say, “Defeats 90% of all known germs and even the coronavirus!”. Do all adverts now have a “covid disclaimer” clause?

Mar 6, 2021 8:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yep it is one of those surface sprays…promoted for use in every household….especially to guard against grubby children and dogs….the same people are encouraged to wipe out the gut biome…..then eliminate any contact with soil by covering everything with cement and bitumen….eat sterile food etc…

and then pay millions to the health industry to keep themselves alive.

Mar 6, 2021 8:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve never subscribed to pay-TV services, so I make do with what is now called “over-the-air” (OTA), aka “free”, TV.

In capitalist Amerika, they say “you get what you pay for”. If so, it’s no surprise that almost all “free TV” is bargain-basement programming recycled from network vaults, plus cheesy low-rent advertisements targeting the low-income demographic.

All that to say that, predictably, there is a growing number of ads for products and services (i.e., “deep cleaning” services for residences and businesses) that promise to effectively eliminate “the COVID virus”.

In the previous century, when Ralph Nader was still a vigorous “consumer” watchdog, reformist laws and regulations were enacted to supposedly require “truth in advertising”, with penalties to deter unscrupulous advertisers from peddling false claims.

Yet, somehow, I’m sure that ads that promise protection from the Megadeath Virus of Doom Phantom Menace will flourish without legal challenges.

Mar 7, 2021 9:13 AM
Reply to  Ort

You are a failure for watching any kind of TV programming …the FREE version is the worst kind of paid for propaganda…duh

Mar 7, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  Alan

Hey I agree, shit on TV is only propagandist marketing garbage. You fucking watch some TV and tell me how often you notice “purple” bullshit advertising worthless industrial toxic irrelevance.

Mar 6, 2021 3:38 PM
Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 6, 2021 2:23 PM

Slightly off-topic but the present daily death rate in the UK is still falling and due to an unspecified and unspecifiable pathogen; such was reported in the Gruan as being 236 souls. This is about par for any year where a flu like outbreak takes hold in about October reaches a peak around December/January and then peters out. This is the quite normal path progression of these types of epidemics. Some years it is higher, in other years lower. But no, the talking heads of dumbass media insist that the vaccine is working! Moreover, deaths which have been attributed to the various other causes have been redefined as being caused by the Covid virus.

Being the case-hardened cynic I am, I’m beginning to think that the PTB actually don’t want the figures to go down. It will ruin their narrative about the existence of a deadly and permanent epidemic, there are signs of this already with vague reference to different and more deadly strains of the pathogen and we must therefore not let our guard down and carry on with the programme, lockdowns and all.

P.S. Deaths in the UK in 2018 and 2019 were in excess of six hundred thousand – quite normal.

Mar 6, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

If I was a betting person I would lay money on the narrative ramping up as soon as the test results from children start to filter through. Goodbye to the ‘roadmap’ that all the believers are expecting to be the answer to their prayers.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Mar 6, 2021 8:41 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Indeed I think they are desperately scrambling to get the case numbers up to blame return to schools. That’s partly why there was no staged return. Worzel Johnson was keen to get them all back on the same day – wonder why?

Mar 7, 2021 9:15 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Only if you follow the narrative …why not live freely without the news…get a grip..its all propaganda for you sheep

Mar 7, 2021 10:15 AM
Reply to  Alan

But unfortunately, as we have seen over this past year, the narrative ultimately has a detrimental effect on everyone whether or not they believe it to be true. The problem is that ‘the sheep’ vastly outnumber free-thinkers and are complicit in driving the narrative.

Mar 7, 2021 11:51 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

it May local selection and this is important so they wil keep it mellow in the back ground the usual Christian beheaded or terrorist attack or immigration video will keep the headlines away
until after June 21 solstice and then we have the hospitality industry start opening they will start in-cooperating the new entry system way of life.
this is a 2 – 5 year plan and mainly aimed at the newer generation.(hence killing of the older generation the remembers wisdom keepers )
but going with the rituals they like to use 2023 and 2022 will be big dates as USA has a Pluto return This means Pluto will be returning to the exact same position of the zodiac where it was on July 4, 1776.(The USA’s First Pluto Return )

Localized lock down and home testing or new bullshit variant is a card they can play at any time.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Mar 6, 2021 8:36 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

No you’re not off topic -all part of the same problem. And you are right that this government are desperate to keep this plandemic going. I reckon this summer is going to be their biggest problem and are desperate to get everyone “vaccinated” so we can “legally” be given our liberties back. So I think there is considerable effort going into to producing a “dangerous new variant” to scare the hell out of the dumb sheep and keep everyone locked up for another couple of months to try to bridge the summer gap until the next flu….I mean covid season. Let’s hope enough people wake up in time and refuse to comply with this global deception.

Mar 6, 2021 9:22 PM
Reply to  David Meredith

My theory is that, being that the programme of second jabs will be beginning in earnest about now, a fictional new deadlier variant which is ‘immune’ to the vaccine has been ‘banked’ by the PTB and that will be blamed should there be a sudden rise in deaths actually caused by the vaccine. For the PTB to really up the ante, we might even be told that it was identified from the tests on children.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Mar 7, 2021 12:44 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

I reckon you are close to the truth on that – let’s see.

Mar 7, 2021 9:16 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

oh well your going to die anyway..haha

Mar 7, 2021 9:14 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Who are the PTB….they have NO power….you give them too much concern….there is NO authority but the self…get a grip you saddo

Mar 6, 2021 1:15 PM

This video dovetails beautifully with James Corbett’s latest video on Bioethics and Eugenics, in that the bioethicists have presumed the “right” to decide not only how people should live their lives but if and when they should be allowed to live in the first place.

A common thread linking beginning of life and ending of life is the concept of “citizenship.” People, including newborns, are to be evaluated according to their suitability as “citizens.” In other words, according to their usefulness to the State.

Bioethics should be outlawed outright; and its practitioners locked away in a cell (or rubber room) where the only entity they will ever be able to hurt is themselves.

Mar 6, 2021 7:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

Bioethics is eugenics, renamed.
It’s the opposite of ethics or ethical.

Mar 7, 2021 9:16 AM
Reply to  Researcher

its all words and nonsense….

Mar 7, 2021 12:25 PM
Reply to  Alan

Listen, infants being injected with toxic shit is not just “words”.

It’s war.

Mar 6, 2021 1:01 PM

Great reporting here and ties into what I said in a previous post on kit’s article, that the rich are screwing us ‘cos they have an agenda for their own preservation. The old class war remerges…
The obvious stuff is Auntie Beeb is now being morphed into her prescribed role of national bottom inspector for the proles. All of this is patent nonsense [not the report] as anyone who knows about mass food production will tell you, local is better, wasn’t this agenda the green thing only a year or two ago? What happened to that?

One guess PROFIT the angle has been RESET. Small is now pox and Big beautiful..again, Why might this be?

The answer may lay in the shift away from mass production for the masses to the survival of the richest – the global aristocracy.

Remember Prince Charlie attends the WEF among other old/odd as well as newly ordained aristocrats and plutocrats. China plays a significant role here, both hated and admired. Hated for its successes in production and being communist in intent. Admired for its social surveillance and control of its proles. What they have always desired…

So the people against the ageing aristocracy, it’s still a class war, but not as you “thought it”, Jim! A new paradigm is needed based on libertarianism, independence and self sufficiency.     

Mar 6, 2021 2:11 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

“local is better, wasn’t this the green thing only a year ago?”

Nah, mate! That was before Amazon delivery by drone. Chilled beans all the way from Thailand with Moroccan desert tomatoes that come ready-salinated from the sodium nanosoil.

GMO pre-salted spuds is next! Probably from Nigeria because we’ve got to set aside our farmland for sustainability.

Bezos is building the world’s biggest air cargo fleet coz the City of London says high streets don’t green. The planes fly on ethanol… that’s sugar cane where the forest was.

To your doorstep five times a day. But think of the energy you saved!

Mar 7, 2021 9:17 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

whatever …i dont know why any of you bother….burn it all down

Jerry Minns
Jerry Minns
Mar 6, 2021 12:54 PM

What is the correct response when the government in effect kidnaps and/or falsely imprisons people? This is a crime, is it not? Does the fact that the government is doing it, make it not a crime? If someone attacks me, I can use force. Why can I not use force against the government?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 6, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  Jerry Minns

Hello Jerry Minns: I highly recommend the use of force against anyone who attempts to enforce a legal farce, which states they can use force against anyone. Government employees are not exempt…

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 6, 2021 7:34 PM
Reply to  Jerry Minns

You can always use force… But be smart when using it! Or else you can only use it one time.

Mar 7, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  Jerry Minns

Simple ….burn down all institutions and throw the representatives to the dogs

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 6, 2021 12:28 PM

Why is it that millions (if not billions) of modern moron slaves obey so easily to these orders and laws… Oh wait!!! “moron” and “slaves”!

comment image


Mar 6, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Because they dont think the state will harm them!

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 6, 2021 7:35 PM
Reply to  Derf

You should had stop writing at “think”!

Mar 6, 2021 11:58 AM

If you want an eye-opener on how the State leads ALL the opposition, I heartily recommend two videos on the Jan 6th Capitol incursion.

Despite the short attention span of rolling cable news this is still steaming hot and current.

John Sullivan, the Antifa-BLM-State operative who was on site to “document” the Capitol incursion gives a revealing interview to Jason Goodman. Though he did not “dance” like the famous documentarians on 9/11, he is supposedly an Olympic-level skater which must be useful cover for his travels!

It makes a fine appetizer to ‘Psyop The Steal’ by Millie Weaver which contains evidence that John Sullivan (Antifa-BLM) and his brother James (Proud Boys) are both State operatives, adopted sons in a military intelligence family connected to the Antifa “Rojava” independent state in Kurdish Syria.

The butter on the crumpet is Ali Alexander’s unmasking as a third State operative who hijacked the online presence of a Conservative women’s movement channeling its funds into StopTheSteal.

State operatives thus led the supposed “left wing” Antifa, the supposed “far right” Proud Boys and the middle of the road Trump supporters. Also inside the Capitol on Jan 6: activists from the Ukrainian coup of 2014 trained in the tactics of Color Revolution.

I’m not talking partisan — see what you’re up against. Be alert to how far the State is going to play the population and control all sides of the narrative.

Psyop: The Steal — https://www.bitchute.com/video/8nuq0xnPVJyH/

John Earle Sullivan in His Own Words

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 6, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yes. I watched this earlier today. It well describes the actual state of the Union… >

PSYOP The Steal – Millie Weaver
March 4, 2021
PSYOP The Steal – Millie Weaver – The Falling Darkness

Mar 7, 2021 9:19 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Burn america down and all in it and isra hell and vatican and shitty of londistan…destroy the axis of Evil

Jerry Minns
Jerry Minns
Mar 6, 2021 11:40 AM

I can’t really believe that they have now imprisoned us on this island. And the headlines are still about Meghan bloody Markle. Why is there not rioting across the entire country? How can we accept this? Why are there not people rushing up to government ministers and sticking knives into them? How can we accept this? When do we stop accepting this?

Mar 6, 2021 12:27 PM
Reply to  Jerry Minns

Meghan has been right up there with covid — no European paper or tabloid must go more than 30 seconds without reporting ‘news’ about her. I literally have to look away from those internet links; that’s how annoying they have become. It doesn’t help that the woman has a total of one (vapid) facial expression in every photo.

Jerry Minns
Jerry Minns
Mar 6, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  Dayne

I personally think she’s smoking hot. But that’s just me.

Mar 6, 2021 2:52 PM
Reply to  Jerry Minns


Mar 6, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  Jerry Minns

What’s that got to do with anything?

Mar 6, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  Jerry Minns

Jerry no offence mate – each to their own and all that – but go for a long walk and then have a cold shower.

Mar 6, 2021 1:30 PM
Reply to  Dayne

Early cyborg

Mar 6, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  Jerry Minns

One word….furlough.

Mar 6, 2021 11:30 AM

From err news:

An Estonian woman resident in Finland was arrested at the weekend after refusing to take a coronavirus test. The woman, who is being detained in a hospital under supervision and who posted a video online of her arrest, owns a yoga studio in central Finland, which had seen a coronavirus-positive person attend last week.
The woman, Merike Sirelpuu, wrote on her social media account that: “They forced me on to the living room couch; two full men used brute force on a small woman in front of my 11-year-old daughter,” before, the woman wrote, the police personnel confiscated her phone – the phone footage (see link) was filmed by the daughter on another device – and conveyed her to a patrol car to take a test, which she referred to as a “rape operation”, having already earlier referred to the events leading up to the incidence as a “kidnapping.”

Here is video in a Finnish blog of the arrest filmed by the woman’s daughter.

Peter Sky posted a video about incident by the world freedom alliance in comments to the previous article.

Overnight, It has become full Nazi and Soviet times again. My sister-in-law’s friend’s mother was forcefully vaccinated in the hospital against her will and ended up in a coma but is now out of the coma.

Mar 6, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  fame

The Estonian woman was forcefully given pcr “test” by Finnish police.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 6, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  fame

comment image

“The WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS are the very antithesis and enemies of peace, freedom, democracy and equality.”
comment image
comment image

The GREAT RIPOFF shall never be.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 6, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”

~ Frederick Douglas, 1857.

Mar 6, 2021 11:14 AM

I wonder if the armed groups forcing their way into shops and food distribution centres to take the food they need for their families and communities will be required to show certificates of vaccination? Will they be required for riot participation?

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Mar 6, 2021 10:47 AM

The gov’t stooges in Blighty have a lot more chaos in the planning stage. They are to extend the lockdown until September apparently.
This gov’t is playing for time and they whilst doing their dirty work behind closed doors. Some of their secret agendas are not quite ready to unleash onto the public.

Western gov’ts are trying to genocide their own people. It’s the agenda of the UN and their managers in the NWO that drive them to do this. They think there isn’t room on this planet for billions more people. They obviously haven’t taken a good look at global images from satellites.

This regime also wants to control everything, from the moment one is born to the moment one is euthanised by useful idiots in the medical profession. Food is also to be controlled and denied to those deemed unworthy. Same too with travel, energy, even the right to life itself.

The misinfo over the Man Made Global Warming is going to kill plenty if this gov’t doesn’t manage to get its poison into you first. Closing down fossil fuel powered energy will leave the public at the mercy of the elements. With more cold weather, snow and ice expected in the near future, people are going to freeze to death in sight of their wind farms and solar panels, rendered inoperable due to bad weather. Recent events in the US has made that abundantly clear. There is more of that to come.

There is a tyranny approaching for all western societies. We are under attack. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Mar 6, 2021 11:34 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

One has to resist and fight. The time for “hope” is over.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Mar 6, 2021 7:27 PM
Reply to  Grafter

I guess two things will likely occur. One is, as Lord Sumption has suggested, that the public will get on with their lives, ignoring the stupid new ‘laws’ and ignoring the stupid nonsense being pushed by gov’t liars.
Or, all hell will break loose.

Over the summer is when it’s likely to get lively IMO.
The public shouldn’t worry over the fines they are given because they mean very little when it comes to court. In fact the police leave themselves open to a counterclaim for false arrest. How stupid is that?

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
Mar 6, 2021 10:27 AM

Start locally. Help those that are weaker than you. Forget the old normal. This is the new normal. Same as the old one except this time it is a spiritual awakening. Stand up. ❤️

Mar 6, 2021 1:02 PM
Reply to  Dr. Sok

Quite right.
My agenda is to live according to ‘MY normal’, which is strikingly similar to the old normal, except that I choose which bits I want and which bits I throw away.
Needless to say, the entire MSM is in the bin.

The people who find themselves unable to reject what the MSM tell them need more than ‘a spiritual awakening’.
They need 240v up their arse.

Mar 6, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Normal is a nebulous statistic derived from everything that is not normal.

Mar 6, 2021 7:18 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Yes it is, I agree.
But people still know what I mean.

Mar 6, 2021 9:47 AM

First thing that caught my eye was BBC (British Bullshitters Corporation),
the UK gov propaganda outlet.

Mar 6, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  ICthrough

Buggering British Children

Williams Hill
Williams Hill
Mar 6, 2021 9:40 AM

 I Love the way the US have so little respect for the British people that they don’t even bother to get British agents any more. You just get a corporate Alt-right shill working for corporate interests to claim he is for your interests and you just take him seriously.

This a-hole shares Trumps de-regulation program because the enemy is not oligarchs and corporate abuse? It is regulation and restraints on corporations, which they misrepresent as restrictions on us and our freedoms. They’ve deregulated drugs, now they want to deregulate food safety, dressing it up as an attack on our freedom to make our own food. All part of the Brexit program to Americanise and deregulate the UK. I’m surprised you print this crap.

Mar 6, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  Williams Hill

Fuck off, Germourt.

How many times do you need to be told?

Mar 6, 2021 7:54 PM
Reply to  Jacques

This ADL troll never learns. It was ShellfishLux yesterday.

Mar 6, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  Researcher

learns what?

Mar 6, 2021 9:35 AM

It is extremely difficult to run a restaurant business already. The regulations are fucking ridiculous, essentially preventing new entrants from entering the market.

It’s probably gonna get worse. They’re trying to tighten the screws wherever they can.

The establishment has essentially lost all legitimacy and become openly oppressive.

The three questions are:

a) Will sheeple realize this?
b) Will sheeple find some wolf in them and do something about it?
c) What will happen next, what will the born-again-wolves or maybe even lions replace the current shite with? Is there something ready to be put in place that will keep the motherfuckers out of business, at least for a while?

Williams Hill
Williams Hill
Mar 6, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Food safety regulation is not out of hand in the UK. There are costs to food safety and so there should be. There are too many unsafe restaurants around that need closing: The US has a much higher incidence of food poisoning then the UK because of badly enforced regulation.

Mar 6, 2021 11:03 AM
Reply to  Williams Hill

To me, it seems that there are too many Williams Hill’s running at the mouth about what should be and what shouldn’t be.

Is somebody preventing Williams Hill’s from eating shit, literal or figurative, at home, at their favorite shit dispensary, wherever? Fuck, no! Eat whatever shit wherever you like. What is to Williams Hill’s where and what other people eat? Nothing. Then fuck off all you Williams Hill’s and leave others alone.

People have survived without Williams Hill’s bullshit for millennia and will continue to do so.

Restaurant owners and food merchant know better than the fucking government and better than fucking Williams Hill’s what’s good for their customers. They want their customers thrive on their products and come back for more, you idiot.

Mar 6, 2021 5:37 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Some restaurant owners care only for their profit not quality.

Underpaid (or in some instances unpaid) staff, unhygeinic kitchens and decomposing foods stored without concern for customers. There are plenty of examples of this in the food for profit industries.

Food hygiene standards of the highest order and well remunerated staff are my minimum expectation when paying someone to prepare me a meal from which they profit.

Food and restaurant inspectors are completely necessary in such circumstances.

Williams Hill
Williams Hill
Mar 6, 2021 9:25 AM

I suspect the number of cases of the common cold & flu they are testing for with the PCR tests are going to collapse in Europe in the coming weeks, as this early spring starts to kick in, and they will decline without the vaccine.

The decline in ‘cases’ will match exactly the decline in cases the UK, which they are claiming is due to the vaccination programme.

This is the same as with the ‘lockdowns’ where there is no difference between cases in locked down states or free states,

Me thinks the emperor vaccine is going to look very naked, like the lockdown should look ridiculous to those with any sense at all.

Mar 6, 2021 9:18 AM

another creep selling fear porn

recap: last full moon ritual it was them going door to door killing chickens in u.k!!

forgotten that one already?

it was absolute bullshit

Mar 6, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  Magie

Yes. He is just another government asset out of Silicon Valley tied to the Gates funded Rice University. His wife is a psychotherapist (with Illuminati symbolism and new age bullshit on her FedsBook page) so they have what I consider, a communications scam.

Mar 7, 2021 5:34 PM
Reply to  Magie

Supposedly in wisconsin, 216 (6*6*6) wolves killed in 60 hours (of 60 minutes of 60 seconds) a while ago.

Williams Hill
Williams Hill
Mar 6, 2021 9:18 AM

‘Vaccine passes’ are not being asked to entre food shops. That is a lie:

Jonathan Palmer
Jonathan Palmer
Mar 6, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  Williams Hill

vaccine passes don’t exist yet but they are coming.First for international travel then for concerts,sporting events etc.Finally they will be required to enter shops to bring the refuseniks to heel.If you do not understand that then you haven’t been paying attention.

Mar 6, 2021 5:44 PM

Which is your seeding of propaganda

and attempts influencing ‘opinion making’

through constant repetition

of the current orchestration of the scamdemical fake-ccinaters wet dream.

Very much paying attention

Mar 6, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Williams Hill

It’s pretty obvious that the idea is being conspicuously floated.
Right now we are being tested to see whether we are showing any resistance to the idea, before it becomes more than just an idea.
It is also very obvious that some countries are already salivating at the chance to implement ‘vaccine passes’, and once one of them has swallowed that package whole, it will be much easier for the next country to follow.

Mar 6, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Correction on my previous post that is Patrick Woods and not Patrick Watson .

Mar 6, 2021 5:25 PM
Reply to  Williams Hill

For the time being William.It is like a leak that slow drips .All in good time for the perps to adjust as time flows by.Remember when it started it was about flattening the curve .Well here we all today , over a year later ,same $hit ,only much worse .It has been lie after lie after lie ,etc. To keep the agenda going forward .I think technocracy might be part of the agenda. Put the following into your favorite browser “What Is Technocracy? | Curtis Bowers”and see what Patrick Watson has to say about the group .He is the world’s first and foremost
expert on the subject.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 6, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Williams Hill

Not now, but they may be in the future.

Williams Hill
Williams Hill
Mar 6, 2021 9:07 AM

‘We’ really………………….. another CIA agent telling us what we must be afraid of, in this case food safety?

An Anti-regulation, neoliberal, alt-right operative, telling me what to worry about. Food regulation is what normal countries do. idiot!

Mar 6, 2021 9:02 AM

I asked Christian some simple questions: ‘Do you believe in a Sars CoV 2?’ etc. Either he didn’t get the communication or he is afraid to answer my simple questions.

I also find him to be ignorant in certain areas and frighteningly blasé about things like fascism in Brazil (among the ruling class and elite). I note that he’s a young fellow. He probably just doesn’t know history, although Jair’s rise in Brazil is not ancient history.
His reportage, though, about the stuff he does know (call it the weaponization of food), for the most part, is very good and important. I’ve used his material in my own blog.

Mar 6, 2021 8:22 AM

I always buy a can of beans or bag of pasta or rice or can of plum tomatoes etc that I do not presently need. My cupboards have never been so full. But I do think it may be pointless the way things are going especially if I have to vacate swiftly and leave my hoard behind.
There is no where to grow food in the centre of this city and even if you had by some miracle waited 30 years for an allotment space and was growing your own food it will soon be stolen when this all goes pear-shaped.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 6, 2021 10:25 AM

Yep… much the same as you D. I live in a pretty poor suburb in Melbourne with a drug den (with squatters in it) 2 doors down from me. When the shit inevitably hits the fan, I’ll be getting out of Melbourne as soon as possible.
Have absolutely no idea where, but the worst place to be in will be large cities. The last thing I’ll be worrying about is all the food in my cupboards as well…

Mar 6, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I agree Gee I am in central babylon Grosse Britannia as the germans say. Squatters I do not mind, having squatted myself for 13 years domestically and another 5 or 6 years doing big tekno parties every weekend occupying all the empty cinemas etc in turn that abounded in the 90’s. As for drug den, this is a symptom of prohibition imho. You will find that most ‘drug addicts’ for want of a better label are damaged from childhood and are simply self-medicating and should not be criminalised for their behaviour. Drug Wars are another cabal construct earning huge amounts in many ways and a very good way of controlling the population. They have been ruining peoples lives for decades over flowers FFS(beneficial herbs, good medicine imho). Anyone who has any sort of hard habit and I include alcohol (class AA) should seriously think about cleaning up ASAP while you still have the chance.

Mar 6, 2021 5:18 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I would get out ASAP Gezzah.

I am lucky – I’ve got a 70ft rear garden, but twenty years ago I was living in a poky flat in inner London. Those people there now are fucked unless they get out. Good luck.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 6, 2021 7:49 PM
Reply to  Hector

Thanks Hector… Australia is a huge place, and a lot of open spaces, and I agree, it will be literally suicidal staying in Melbourne or London or Paris when the economic collapse happens; because that’s what the bastards are intentionally doing to bring in their Great Reset and global digital currency… Good luck to you too Hector👍