The Nightingale Alternative

Gillian Dymond

It is a year now since I last took a train: a short return trip, from Leamington Spa to Oxford. On the journey out, I was lucky enough to find a seat in which, for some forty minutes, I shared the air with my fellow travellers.

At Oxford station I rubbed shoulders with a multiplicity of strangers as I joined the throng surging towards the exit and proceeding slowly through the congested barriers, then made my way along busy streets, brushing against other human beings on the narrow pavements.

At the Ashmolean I met a friend, and together we mingled freely with the rest of the visitors at the well-frequented Rembrandt exhibition, then chatted at length over a late lunch in the museum café, where the tables – disdaining any hint of anti-social distancing – were full to capacity.

Later, after a walk through Christchurch Meadow and along the river, exchanging smiles and occasionally the odd word with those I passed along the way, I spent some time browsing the shelves of Blackwell’s in daring proximity with other booklovers before deciding on a purchase and braving the jostle of the station platform to board a packed train back to Leamington.

It was a very ordinary day – a day passed without fear as I came into contact with numerous unknown people, some of whom, no doubt, were suffering from the common cold or harbouring incipient or suppressed symptoms of influenza or even of Covid-19 (which, as we now know, had already been on the loose for several, possibly many, months at that time). Not for a moment did this disturb me.

Like all those in good health and unafflicted by obsessive-compulsive disorder, I judged the hasard of stepping out boldly into the microbial soup which surrounds and permeates our existence to be a risk worth taking in exchange for the spontaneous social interaction without which human beings cannot thrive.

I never guessed that this could be the last time I would be free to enjoy a day of such unexceptionable pleasures.

True, rumblings of the pandemic had been growing over the previous weeks, but memories of previous damp squibs – SARS, bird flu, swine flu – which the worst-case speculations of computer-modellers had repeatedly failed to ignite encouraged me to hope that present reports from China and Italy, too, would soon fade into a penumbra of failed sensationalism.

And even if, this time, an approaching wolf really had provoked the gathering crescendo of cries, we British, I assumed, would not panic. Bracing their stiff upper lips, our elected representatives would eschew hysteria, and urge the population to face up to the novel virus with traditional sang-froid.

Instead, common-sense and trust in the survival instincts of rational human beings were abandoned, and plans carefully prepared in 2011 to see us through any future pandemic were jettisoned, on 23 March, 2020.

After all, this was “the greatest test since World War II,” according to the UN Secretary-General Guterres, and “the greatest public health crisis to hit this nation in a century”, in the equally alarmist opinion of Dr Robert Redfield, of America’s CDC.

Our own government’s advisers nodded their heads in agreement, the spotlight falling on Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, as he led the chorus of doom.

“The world is facing the most serious public health crisis in generations,” he proclaimed, predicting a possible five hundred thousand fatalities in the UK alone, if stringent measures were not taken.

And the lockdowns, distancing and masking began.

For close on a year now official statistics and figures spun out by a team of approved government experts into webs of cautionary speculation have justified rule by decree, depriving us all of autonomy and of the comforting, real-world support of friends and family, and robbing the less fortunate among us of health, of livelihoods, and, in the worst cases, of life itself.

To anyone with the most rudimentary understanding of economic interdependence, the consequences of this decision to quarantine the whole nation were obvious from the start, and were uncannily favourable to the objectives of Agendas 21 and 2030, as handed down from the UN, via national administrations, to local governments throughout the world: but the people of the UK, it seemed, were convinced by the official “narrative”, thousands of them assembling on their doorsteps each Thursday evening to shake their fists at The Virus, and demonstrate solidarity with the NHS.

In the face of such unprecedented madness – after all, in the expert opinion of respected epidemiologist John Ioannidis, the outbreak on the cruise ship Diamond Princess had already indicated an infection fatality rate no worse than that of a severe flu – I defended my own embattled sanity by switching off the endless brainwashing of mainstream news broadcasts and shouting down the government-funded actors on the radio who urged me in homely accents and slick slogans to be good and do as I was told.

Bids to summon up the war-time spirit left me unmoved. No bombs were falling, and the only bodies accumulating in numbers sufficient to give serious concern were in the care homes, where government policy had shamefully accelerated impending death, and in private dwellings, where such trivialities as heart attacks, strokes and burst appendices took their untreated toll.

Each day I would haunt alternative websites, searching for consolation in less apocalyptic interpretations of the figures and statistics; for questions posed and solutions proposed by reputable, peer-reviewed scientists who dared to challenge “The Science”.

It soon became clear that the death count and infection rates attributed to Covid were being vastly inflated by a PCR test as unreliable as the computer models which had hurtled us into this new abnormal.

Yet no matter how often this was pointed out by the likes of Mike Yeadon, former head of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, and however many charts showed the over-all mortality rate to be nowhere near what would be expected in a pandemic (below), these facts had no effect on either government policy or the overwhelming acquiescence of a population made docile by an unending barrage of propaganda.

Over the months I have grown weary of figures and speculation.

All the figures can be forced into service of the approved Covid narrative, bar those which, when adjusted for age and population growth, intransigently record an overall mortality rate comparable to that of a severe flu season.

Nowadays I skip through or past articles that toss death counts and infection-rates about competitively in attempts to demonstrate the success or otherwise of lockdowns and masks; to decide the number of waves to be anticipated, the percentage of vaccinations necessary to achieve zero Covid, or the comparative spread and severity of all the new Variants of Concern which will no doubt be announced as the months go by; to assess the degree of speed and safety with which an ever-mutating stream of vaccines can be developed and unleashed upon a traumatised population to outwit the evolving menace…or, as Bill Gates has threatened, to counter even more terrifying pandemics.

While Piers Morgan whips up the mob on breakfast television and Twitter, smacking his lips as he contemplates the social isolation of anyone selfish enough to refuse the Covid jab, and my hope of ever again taking a train to Oxford, or to anywhere else for that matter, recedes further and further into improbability, the talking heads on all sides appear to me as irrelevant as a convocation of mediaeval monks wrangling over the number of angels that might comfortably occupy the head of a pin.

If we wish ever again to enjoy anything approaching the freedom we have lost over the past year, this constant chewing over of figures and statistics can only lead us astray. The answer to Covid, and to any future pandemic, lies not in mathematical juggling or in speculative scenarios based on imponderable parameters.

As the past year’s worship of absolute safety leads us into ever deeper denial of our humanity, sanity requires us to shift the focus away from evaluating just how fearful we need to be, and return to the principles, once considered inviolable, which we have been religiously trampling under foot for the past eleven months.

We used to learn in Sunday School that perfect love casteth out fear. It is equally true that perfect fear casteth out love: and since the advent of The Virus, it has been doing just that – remorselessly, callously, self-righteously.

Think twice, says fear, before you offer spontaneous gestures of affection or concern, and remember that you yourself, and everyone you meet, are walking germ depositories, dispensing unseen particles of disease with every breath, and leaving a trail of unwholesome microbes on every surface you touch.

Your aged parent is losing their grip on life, for lack of contact with loved ones? Sad, but it can’t be helped. It’s for their own good that you abandon them to their loneliness. Your wife is dying of cancer in hospital, and you may not visit her to say goodbye? A shame, but stopping the possible transmission of Covid must be your priority. Your mother sits isolated at your father’s sparsely attended funeral (the bulk of the mourners are grieving responsibly in their cars, outside), and you move close to comfort her? No, no, no! This is dangerous, go back to your socially-distanced seat at once!

No bare-faced smiling at your neighbour in the street, or at that little child staring suspiciously at your masked face. Throw yourself under that (empty) bus, if necessary, to avoid cross-contamination when the pavement is too narrow to permit distancing. As for family visits, just make do with nice, aseptic Zoom. Stop the Spread! Be unselfish! Save Lives!

For yes, all these inhumanities are being promoted under the guise of selflessness.

While Covid rages, only selfish, uncaring people would dream of allowing their children to play freely with their friends, or to hug their grandparents; only selfish, uncaring people would want to share a meal or celebrate special occasions with other households; only selfish, uncaring people would expose each other to death-by-human-contact in order to give warm, physically-present support or solace, or to satisfy an unreasonable craving for companionship.

Remember that it’s all for The Common Good, as you stamp your obedient foot on another human face. Put on your mask, hide your feelings, and above all, for the sake of others, offer up your tainted body for purification, by grace of an experimental vaccine.

Most people, it’s true, are obeying rules which defy the age-old, instinctive wisdom of lovingkindness in the belief that they are not only saving themselves from a death revealed by ghoulish media reports to be more horrible than any other, but acting for the greater good: the means justify the end, and this is the only way back, they are convinced, to freedoms that were taken for granted a short twelve months ago.

But make no mistake, neither masking nor lockdowns nor vaccination will arrest the ongoing pageant of dehumanisation which is being rolled out globally in line with the well-published agendas of supranational corporations and NGOs interacting, via revolving-door networks, with governments – national, local and permanent.

Quite the opposite: the masks, the lockdowns, the vaccinations are useful tools, speeding the new abnormal on its way, and now that they have proved so effective they are set to continue indefinitely – perhaps with an occasional easing of restrictions in between fresh “surges”, to keep a figment of hope alive.

Already we are told that the miracle vaccines “tweaked” into being at the drop of a hat will not prevent the spread of infection.

Even if they did, they may soon be deemed ineffective against some new Variant of Concern or against yet more novel and even more lethal viruses. More lockdowns will be required, more vaccinations, more state surveillance, whilst the mirage of a return to the old normality drifts hazily away towards an undefined horizon.

What good can ever come from submitting, even in the belief that it is temporary, to a regime in which ostracism masquerades as solicitude, cruelty as kindness?

Now that governments in pursuit of greater control (and what government is not?) have discovered, in the words of Neil Ferguson, that they can “get away with it”, there will always be new, convenient infections to grant them licence; there will always be computer modellers who, assuming god-like omniscience as they set their faulty parameters, conjure up worst-case scenarios that justify what we know in our hearts to be evil.

Ultimately, the choice is not between different interpretations of statistics, but between a fixation on one single perceived threat to health, and respect for the moral imperatives which, until now, have guided our behaviour during pandemics.

Had we followed the plan laid down by cooler heads in 2011, we would not have transgressed the bounds of tried-and-trusted morality, and we would not now be facing the consequences of that transgression: in this country, millions of lives and livelihoods destroyed; in the wider world, hundreds of millions.

The makeshift hospitals put up in the UK to cater for the expected rush of Covid sufferers were named after Florence Nightingale, icon of compassionate nursing. So perhaps it is worth revisiting what she had to say about infections:

Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes, like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another. Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases as we do now, as separate entities, which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our control; or rather as the reactions of kindly nature, against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves?

I was brought up to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of descent, just as there was a first dog, (or a first pair of dogs) and that smallpox would not begin itself, any more than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog.

Since then I have seen with my own eyes and smelled with my own nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in closed rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’, but must have begun.

Nay more, I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass into cats. I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and with a little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut. Would it not be far better, truer, and more practical, if we looked upon disease in this light ? For diseases, as all experience shows, are adjectives, not noun-substantives.”

According to Miss Nightingale:

True nursing ignores infection, except to prevent it. Cleanliness and fresh air from open windows, with unremitting attention to the patient, are the only defence a true nurse either asks or needs. Wise and humane management of the patient is the best safeguard against infection.”

Tell that to those who decided that old people already suffering from life-threatening complaints should be shut away for months on end, deprived of free movement in the open air and of the contact they crave with those they love!

And what would a woman who remarked, “How very little can be done under the spirit of fear!” have thought of the deliberate incitement of terror which has been the hallmark of public policy in the UK for the past eleven months?

What would her opinion have been of a government that splashes out apparently unlimited sums of public money on fear-inducing propaganda, with the aim of increasing “the perceived level of personal threat…using hard-hitting emotional messaging”?

A Nightingale approach to Covid, and to all infections, would allow us to cast out fear in favour of love, resolving the present conflict between concern for public health and the moral imperatives which should always take precedence over panicked speculation.

It would, however, be exceedingly inconvenient for those currently seizing the chance to impose their anti-human agendas on humanity, under cover of a pandemic.

Gillian Dymond, Whitley Bay.


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Categories: coronavirus, featured, latest, UK
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Mar 12, 2021 1:36 AM

There is no solution with 8 Billion people.
Converse: There is a solution without 8 Billion people.

Steve Jack
Steve Jack
Mar 11, 2021 5:00 PM

Brilliant article. Thank you, Gillian.

Mar 11, 2021 6:48 AM

Capitalism: I have a fantastic idea. Let’s base our entire civilisation and the existence of 7 Billion people on finite resources. When it all implodes as it surely must we can blame a virus! Awesome! (Sidenote: we label anyone who thinks the idea is retarded a pinko commie or a tree hugger)

Does anyone really think this “civilisation” has a happy ending.

Richard III
Richard III
Mar 10, 2021 11:15 PM

One part of me says it’s not possible that every Government in the world is so incredibly stupid. (i.e. to shut down the world economy because of the sniffles) It must be some sort of depopulation agenda linked to oil and rock phosphate depletion rates. That makes sense. And then I watch the news (only once a week!) after of course taking my anti nausea medication. And then I think maybe they are all that dumb! Maybe it is global idiocracy. Which is terrifying in it’s own way because there is a very serious oil and rock phosphate problem looming. Anyway, just as confused as ever.

Susan Hagan
Susan Hagan
Apr 22, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Richard III

Satan knows how to distract people and he is and always will be a liar. People need to do their own research. The answer are out there. This thing is a plandemic!! For years it’s been planned. Turn off the news!! People are believing the talking heads. This is not political. It’s simply between good and evil

John the First
John the First
Mar 9, 2021 3:11 PM

On the subject of the moral obligation to protect others from…

Morality has been invented in order to control people. Hence, the priests of the churches, secular or religious, historical or contemporary can tell you how to think, what to do, and how to behave. Morality being compulsory prevents you from using and developing empathy, it prevents you from using something which you own yourself, which you can develop yourself, something which prevents you from being inclined to murder or steal, something which makes you do good by means of your own judgements and self-developed inclinations.
The moral man is always an imposter, either out to control, or being controlled. Hence, people being misguided by imposters become inhumane.

“I never came across anyone in whom the moral sense was dominant who was not heartless, cruel, vindictive, log-stupid, and entirely lacking in the smallest sense of humanity. Moral people, as they are termed, are simple beasts.”
― Oscar Wilde

John the First
John the First
Mar 9, 2021 2:12 PM

“then made my way along busy streets, brushing against other human beings on the narrow pavements”

“at the well-frequented Rembrandt exhibition”

“I spent some time browsing the shelves of Blackwell’s in daring proximity with other booklovers”

Awesome, the writer appears to be euphemistically inspired by a pleasant if not sensual-erotic Baudelarian like society-romanticism which is far removed from the real capitalist mass-man consumerist-tourist car- and smartphone obsessed hyper-regulated work-slave technological society, which perhaps has not reached the last bastion of culture to its full extent?

John the First
John the First
Mar 9, 2021 1:48 PM

Oxford huh… I’m not that privileged unfortunately, being destined to live in the more crude overcrowded suburbs and cities of Western Europe I have been social distancing, that is, avoiding the public, since mass man took control some over a century ago, that is, all my life. Since the noisy sweaty, ever consuming and belly stuffing public became ever more ubiquitous, social distancing had become my second nature already. In fact, there are many like me.
I dare say there is something curiously sadomasochistic in the Corona situation, establishments putting an end to the century long ever more unbridled orgy of mass man. Something of a society hating itself.
Anyway, the free reign of mass man has come to an end, it seems to me inevitable, either by fair or foul means.

Mar 9, 2021 12:29 PM

So in April they are closing down the Nightingale hospitals. They appear not to have seen much use anyway.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 8, 2021 10:28 PM

Sorry to see most of the SHERMAN aka REXTON posts scrubbed: a very obvious case of identity between two operational aliases, and worthy of scrutinization (did anyone save the lot?).

Kerry Evans
Kerry Evans
Mar 8, 2021 5:48 PM

Absolutely AMAZING, Gillian! I could not agree more with you on everything you raise here. So insightful and so, SO very crucial for everyone to contemplate and understand, lest our humanity disappear forever! My problem with this from day one was…..”What is happening to humanity?! What will happen if we let them do this? This is so wrong on so many levels!! Why can no one else see this?!” My thoughts raced to…..In a crisis what must you do? You must cling to your loved ones, you must comfort the scared, you must reassure children, you must retain normalcy as best you can, you must, you must, YOU MUST!! And what have we done?! We have forbidden these things! Well….THEY have! Some in my own family went along with it and still do to this day. It is the deepest pain that I have endured…seeing loved ones turn away from what they have known about humanity, for decades of their lives, at the urgings of fear inducing bureaucrats, as they turn away from me and my urgings to remain fully human. Devastating indeed. Thank you again!!

Mar 8, 2021 5:08 PM

“Positive vaccine sentiment has increased to 94% in the latest period (24 to 28 February), from 78% when the data were first collected (10 to 13 December 2020).” This is from a UK government (i.e., globalist propaganda) report! Well, if 94% of people are dying to be injected with the gene-altering ‘vaccines’, how come that even this criminal government’s own propaganda apparatus is saying that 25% of NHS health workers are refusing the ‘vaccines’?! It reminds me of how just about every dictatorship ludicrously pretending to be a democracy claims that they won about 94% of the votes in the latest election! It also reminds me of how in the Soviet Union, and in every other totalitarian dictatorship in modern history, the government of crooks in question would always pump out propaganda telling their subjects that if they oppose the regime, they are in a hopeless minority, and are doomed to be wiped out! Historians in the future (in the unlikely event that any are allowed to exist) will scratch their heads in bewilderment that the people of the countries which were once democratic, and which are now actually totalitarian one-party regimes which still retain the empty theatre of being democracies – like the UK – that almost all of their population do not even realize that they no longer live in a democracy! They see all of the governments doing exactly the same things from Day 1 of the long-planned ‘Corona crisis’ – and telling the exactly the same lies, and pushing exactly the same agendas at exactly the same time…. and yet somehow manage to believe that their governments are independent – instead of being just the local puppet rulers of the shadow world government that is running the Corona and vaccine scams, the coming Great Reset, the… Read more »

Mar 8, 2021 4:03 PM
Mar 8, 2021 3:18 PM

Injecting every person in the world with these supposed ‘vaccines’ is the objective.

Covid 19 and the manufactured ‘Corona crisis’ is merely the means to achieve that objective.

They have to call them ‘vaccines’, of course – even though they are not vaccines in any sense at all…

  • otherwise, how the hell could they get the sheeple to queue up to have their genes altered – for a virus from which there is a 99.9% recovery rate?
Mar 8, 2021 1:37 PM

“We need to convert 2 in every three of the undecided…. “. Here’s how the NHS plans to do it through behavoural manipulation:


Essential reading.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 8, 2021 3:00 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I assume you’ve taken the time to read some of this official stuff (so that I don’t have to). Do they anywhere state that people who take this “vaccine” are participating in a medical trial? Because if they don’t, I’m sure that would breach all sorts of conventions and regulations.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 8, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Is there anything other than a bullet thru the head that would make these people stop?

Mar 8, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Not even bullets in the head would stop the governments forcing their entire populations, one way or another, to be injected with their sinister ‘vaccines’.

The fact that these ‘vaccines’ are scarcely tested at all, and that even the manufacturers don’t claim that they prevent transmission of the virus, nor that they prevent you getting sick with it, doesn’t bother the globalist criminals running Western governments under Bill Gates’ orders – because the ‘vaccines”s main intended functions are nothing to do with Covid 19, which is merely the pretext for injecting everyone.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 8, 2021 5:32 PM
Reply to  Bezuhov

You could be right. A lot of them might have already been shot and the incidents covered up. The censorship might work against them to keep the rank and file doctors from realising the danger they are in. The anti vaxxers certainly wouldn’t report anything even if it somehow got out? They would just say it was err an inside job; agent provocateurs and how peace loving health advocates are. The MSM wouldn’t want any doctors getting worried would they? If it was happening it would be hush hush in the corridor with a trusted collegue and none of them actually trust each other.

Mar 12, 2021 1:20 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

bullets and the like are already in their domain

Mar 8, 2021 12:35 PM

In France the health sector, nursing aids, nurses, doctors, are falling victim to their own propaganda or lack of courage to speak out: large numbers are refusing to be vaccinated, so the government is threatening to make it compulsory for them.

Richard III
Richard III
Mar 10, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  Annette

The fact that for most people it isn’t compulsory is a clue.

Mar 8, 2021 12:23 PM

Many doctors, nurses and scientists have expressed deep suspicion about what the true function of the ‘Covid tests’ are – and why they insert something deep up the nose – right next to the brain, when there is no possible justification for doing that.

Obviously, the ‘Covid tests’ are a key part of the Corona scam – providing vast numbers of totally fraudulent ‘cases’ to keep the long-planned ‘Corona crisis’ going, and to make unimaginable fortunes for those manufacturing these totally fraudulent ‘Covid tests’, using technology patented by Bill Gates and the Rothschild Bank (!) years before the long-planned ‘Corona crisis’ was put into action.

But a number of scientists have expressed deep suspicions that these ‘Covid tests’ are doing something else beyond providing the fake ‘cases’ numbers to perpetuate the globalists and oligarchs’ ‘Covid crisis’, and to make them hundreds of billions in profits – and beyond Bill Gates’ operation to harvest the DNA of the world’s population.

Are these BS ‘tests’ actually depositing some material right next to the human brain? That is a very worrying question.

Mar 8, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  Bezuhov

All parts of the hoax are transparent. “there is no possible justification for doing that” Indeed. They want us to stay 6 feet apart just in case. In that case, you would think a quick dab of a cotton swab on your tongue would be sufficient.

There’s the rumour out there that they are putting stuff up your nose. Nothing would surprise me, but I’ve not seen more than a lot of conjecture in that department. You’re right to be suspicious. On the other hand, I note that they dream up stuff to simply abuse us for their twisted pleasure. Anal swabs in China? That’s pure abuse and, I think, It also serves a purpose. It’s meant to wear us down. To break us. To destroy our will to resist. Either that or else it is indeed simply perverse pleasure.

Mar 8, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  Arby

There are plenty of unused nasal swabs around – Amazon were delivering them at one point. Surely some sceptic would have taken a look by now?

Mar 8, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  Paul

Yep. I saw one very lengthy article, with lots of images, but no sources. It was all conjecture. I noted it but it wasn’t something I accepted.

Mar 8, 2021 8:31 PM
Reply to  Arby

One of the unreported side-effects of the Chinese anal swab is that all recipients who had “innie” navels prior to the swabbing now have “outies”!

Mar 10, 2021 4:51 PM
Reply to  Bezuhov

I think something you mention in passing is actually rather important, as well as being openly admitted. The PCR swabs do, inevitably, harvest DNA, and the importance of this cannot be over-stated. This is the key to your identity: its storage by the government equals control. In bygone days, only the police (in the UK) openly held a national DNA database, and only then if the donor was a suspect in a criminal case. That was the official story, I should add.
In the wake of a mass cataloguing (sorry, testing) campaign, most of the nation’s population is now logged, in the most pinpoint way yet devised.
This is chilling, because DNA evidence, like fingerprints before it, is hard to dispute. If yours found its way mysteriously to where it shouldn’t be, what sort of odds would you give yourself?

Mar 10, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  Talkwrench

Exactly – and this is one of the reasons why all of the puppet governments of Bill Gates and the globalist and oligarchs that make up almost all Western governments have all be madly pushing the ‘Covid tests’.

That is to say nothing about the fact that the ‘Covid tests’ are totally fraudulent, and have been deliberately run at amplification levels so high as to provide them with vast numbers of fraudulent ‘cases’, which are the most important weapon and tool to keep their ‘Corona crisis’ going.

And surprise, surprise… this UK government of Bill Gates puppets has just published their intention to create a ‘digital identity database’.

The mind simply boggles how the vast majority of people simply refuse to see what is in plain sight in front of their eyes – that a regime of totalitarian control is being very rapidly installed across the Western world – and far beyond – using the ‘Corona crisis’ as the tool and weapon to achieve that objective.

People actually think that they still live in democracies across the West – whereas in reality, all that they think is ‘democracy’ is a bunch of political parties pretending to be opposing each other, all of whom work for the same globalists and oligarchs centered in the UN, and around Bill Gates.

Mar 8, 2021 11:59 AM

English schools gone back today…

The start of a relaxation of restricitions… or the beginning of a sustained assault of vaccination propaganda against a captive audience of the most vaccine-resistant?

Mar 8, 2021 11:40 AM

Dreams are weird. If you are old, you can be any age your subconscious chooses. Could be good, could be bad. Then I woke up. Made myself a cup of coffee, like the Beatles song, then very briefly read the “news” today, oh boy. It has not improved. It is now over 90% royalty bollocks. The rest covid bollocks.

“Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head”

Mar 8, 2021 11:49 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Yes, it is weird about this plastering of the ‘Royal’ gold-digger Meghan or whatever her name is, and her pet wimp Harry across the Telegraph globalist Daily BS.

Obviously, her PR agents have paid a lot of money to the globalist puppets running the Telegraph for this rubbish – using a tiny fraction of the ludicrous $120 million of whatever it was that Netflix paid this couple of gold diggers for some idiotic series of programs.

Presumably the money that the Gates Foundation paid the owners of the Telegraph to give all-out support for the Corona scam compensates for what must have been a massive loss of paying readers.

I mean – who on earth would actually PAY to read the DT’s daily diet of globalist lies and propaganda – let alone read about the ‘royal’ gold diggers’ latest lies?!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 8, 2021 10:39 AM

Hey! Can anyone provide a link to a compilation of Covid-Vaccine Deaths/ Injuries? I can no longer access Isaac Daniel’s Feb 24th compilation on PREZI (and I couldn’t back that one up, in any case; a compilation that I can back-up and share would be ideal)!


Mar 8, 2021 11:05 AM

This might be of help to you – it is regularly updated. This latest summary, at least for the UK data, is up to 21 February. The website also links to US summary reports and others.


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 8, 2021 11:37 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thanks, Judy (looks like a really good site)! Excellent! Know of any sites that also compile personal testimonials about injuries&deaths… as in Facebook/ Instagram posts etc?

Mar 8, 2021 1:51 PM

Hi Steven,


This is quite a good site for personal testimonies – the reports are presented in chronological order starting with the most recent if you scroll down past the map on the opening page. Normally it was being updated every day but the person who compiles it has placed a note at the start explaining that he/she has been unable to do so over the past week or so because of illness within the family. I am sure it will catch up soon.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 8, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thank you very much!

Mar 8, 2021 11:52 AM

Don’t forget that most of the people dying as a result of being injected with the gene-editing ‘vaccines’ will not be reported – anywhere at all.

The last thing on earth that the governments running the Corona and vaccine scams is to scare the sheeple with reports of death from vaccine – those are supposed to happen a lot later, after the entire planet has been injected, and locked into the ‘inject until you die’ Gates program.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 5:00 PM
Reply to  Bezuhov

Or else they will be reported as “Covid deaths”.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Mar 9, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Bezuhov

Indeed, but it goes without saying that I’m looking for info on a a site that’s mildly or extremely “verboten”. I certainly don’t expect to find it in my top ten “Google” results. Things are entering Orwell Overdrive these days.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 8, 2021 9:20 AM

The Importance of a Fever with Patty Lager MS, ND
Roughly summarised:

Diseases are just collections of symptoms that allopaths have given a name too. They own diseases. I don’t deal with diseaes. There is a game you don’t want to play. Allopaths say fever is always bad. They don’t want people to have fevers. Fevers are so important. If you have health you can mount a fever. It is a powerful way to burn off toxic accumulations. Sweat pulls heat out of the body and toxins. The skin is the 3rd kidney. Fever is a wonderful way to heal. It should not be suppressed. Children get so called childhood illness because their bodies are strong enough to respond so effectively. What happens with a chronic lifestyle your body becomes so warn down you don’t have the vital force strength to mount a healing response. A lot of what we need is to get back to that vital force youth energy where we have the ability to do that.

Mar 8, 2021 1:07 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Andrew Kaufman talks about that, and other things, in a recent (second) discussion he had with Ryan Cristian (The Last American Vagabond). Doctors will relieve your fever and stymie your healing and in that way welcome back the trouble that never got properly dealth with when the medical intervention did its work.

Mar 8, 2021 8:49 AM
Mar 8, 2021 8:22 AM

Besides the PCR test that the article mentions, other efforts to falsify the death rate included reclassifying deaths, withholding medical treatment and vaccination itself. For the last, we hear (unofficially) of an impressive spike in deaths early this year in UK, Portugal and Israel. Unfortunately for our overlords, the spikes in most places coincide with lock-downs and nothing else.

Mar 9, 2021 7:45 PM
Reply to  mgeo

It is important to re-iterate that the PCR process is not a test:

it is a DNA amplification and manufacturing technique.

Mar 8, 2021 6:12 AM

I was only following orders. I’ve got bills to pay just like everybody else.”

Ventilator bonanza payments turn hospitals into meat grinders, hospital staff into willing executioners.

Oświęcim-Brzezinka 1941 -- 2021 New York, London, Paris, Munich

Medical Kidnapping, Amandha Vollmer:

The General
The General
Mar 8, 2021 12:46 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I would be careful referring that clip. The women looks fishy, she may be a provocateur and after gaining some “popularity” she may be debunked and proven an imposter.

Mar 8, 2021 1:57 PM
Reply to  The General

Debunked impostor… u’r for real mate???
Do you know her? Did you seen her work?
Do you even know what she’s about?
The hell’s wrong with you?
Fishy my ass…
You sound more fishy than the msm cult.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 8, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  The General

The covid cult have killed well over 500,000 people in europe alone and you obviously don’t want that to be known so the cult can continue with their holocaust. It is clear to see on the excess mortality data. https://www.euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps/#excess-mortality

This was already exposed by Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski in the spring last year.


Mar 8, 2021 5:13 AM

I find it very interesting that people with the qualifications and vast experience like Mike Yeadon are not really listened but someone like Prof Fergusson who has no qualifications in any biological sciences (he is a theoretical physicist , even his under graduate degree is in physics) and has a terrible track record of advice given during his career, is held up as the top expert and has to be listened to.

Mar 8, 2021 11:11 AM
Reply to  Ross

The serial fraudster Ferguson and Imperial College were given US$50 million last year by the Bill Gates Foundation – when in previous years, he had given them only tiny amounts by comparison.

That was done because Ferguson and Imperial College were chosen to work as key propagandists to support the lockdowns etc., and to hype up the ‘Corona crisis’.

Ferguson’s totally fraudulent predictions of ‘Corona deaths’ numbers were shown to Trump by Fauci, and were used as the key ‘evidence’ that caused Trump and many other Western governments to lock down their populations and economies – which was an essential part of the globalists’ long-planned Corona operation.

Gates set up his ‘Foundation’ to corrupt all of the scientists advising governments to support the Corona scam – and of course to buy all of the politicians and media bosses that he needed to to create the ‘Corona crisis’, without which the installation of the New World Order via the Great Reset would not be possible.

Mar 8, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Ross

They’re gangsters with a veneer of professionalism that makes them appear authoritative. That applies to politicians, military officers, tv reporter and so many others within the gangster Corporatocracy.

Mar 8, 2021 4:08 AM

The sun didn’t shine that much in Oldham, and I got all these childhood diseases, but usually recovered from them fairly quickly, though scarlet fever took a little bit longer, but my Mum had a lot of experience. I was the youngest of 5, and she hadn’t lost any of us..and we had all been through the wars (my older brothers and sisters quite literally)

It tasted horrible – what are you doing to me Mum…who was extremely well educated, with lots of real world experience. I knew what she was giving me was good for me…helping to build up my immune system…My wife is much the same..cos I have not been too well recently she bought us vitamin d and vitamin c tablets

My Mum used to give me a spoonful of cod liver oil every day. I have not tasted it for well over 60 years, but I am still here, and still got my own hair and my own wife and now Grandkids…

To my amazement it is still available. According to my Mum, most powerful source of Vitamin D, and when I eventually brought my girlfriend home…her eyes lit up. I already had the same reaction, the moment I saw her. I just wanted her to be my girlfriend…more than anything. She is. We’ve got Grandkids now.

comment image


Mar 8, 2021 5:14 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Ahora hace buen tiempo. Vamos a por ello.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 8, 2021 9:42 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

It doesn’t actually need to be sunny to get vitamin D. It can be cloudy but you need to have some skin exposed.

Mar 8, 2021 2:08 AM

I am not going to go round again and knock on their doors.

Bang Bang Bang – Anyone here..are You Still Alive???

who the hell is this??can you please go away. we are not allowed to talk yet, and certainly not breathe and hug each other. Its even worse than Tony Blair again

We have now got these completely useless idiots in control.

comment image

It is not good.


Mar 8, 2021 3:19 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

they were almost all stage actors at school, and they had their little crosses to stand in their places on stage, but didn’t any of them realise, that when you grow up, you are supposed to become adults, and not just stand on the crosses for the photoshoot, where you are told to stand.

You are supposed to have freedom of expression, and movement.

So who exactly made the decision to paint these crosses outside this “Nightingale” “Hospital”, and stopped us going to see musicians, artists, and people of any intelligence who wanted to speak…Cos you closed everything down.

Look at the state of you morons? Aren’t you completely embarrassed at the state of you in this photograph..or do you think you are doing well?

None of you got the flu yet?

You will.


Mar 8, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

The picture reminds me of the suited cronies in the matrix. Complete control.

Mar 10, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  Kathryn


Mar 9, 2021 4:38 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Unacceptable vibe on that photo

Mar 8, 2021 1:07 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

If only these totally evil people running the governments of the West under Bill Gates’ orders were merely ‘idiots’ – but they are not.

The maniac Schwaub, in charge of the WEF which is running the coming Orwellian global Police State regime called the Great Reset, and many of the other oligarch criminals running the Corona scam and the gene-editing ‘vaccines’, are fanatical supporters of ‘transhumanism’ – which involves making humans no longer human, but instead a mixture of humans and technology inserted into them.

This is one of the functions of the fake ‘vaccines’ – which will be followed up by an endless succession of other DNA-altering ‘vaccines’ which people will not be able to avoid, once they have been injected with the first generation, now being injected into humans as fast as these globalist criminal governments can manage.

If you don’t believe me, look up Schwaub’ for yourself: he openly states that the future that all governments have already signed up to in the UN – the ‘Great Reset’ will change what it means to be human. This is not some ‘conspiracy theory’. And look up how many of the oligarchs running this operation support ‘transhumanism’: their plan is to literally end humanity.

Mar 9, 2021 4:42 AM
Reply to  Bezuhov

We’re close to a threshold…folks are real slow to catch on and it’s biblical like Sidney Powell said, although she was referring to the stolen election.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 8, 2021 1:01 AM

In keeping with Dymond’s take on our moral imperatives, I post here a capsule summary of “The 10th Step of Fascism” by Naomi Klein (DISCLAIMER: I know, I know: I have problems with Klein’s “profile” too, and have posted those doubts here in past discussuons; but this broadcast is very relevant for her “past as prologue” warnings dating back many years in her essays about using medical crises to ‘close down democracies”; her contextualization of that and contrast with our current dilemma is very relevant for such comparisons). Below is a capsule summary 1-2:30 Naomi Wolf “Tenth Step to Fascism” Naomi Wolf: We’ve Reached ‘Step Ten’ of the 10 Steps to Fascism In 2008, I wrote a book, “The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot.” In it I warned, based on my study of closing democracies in 20th century history, that America needed to beware of an all-too-possible slide into totalitarianism. I warned that would-be tyrants, whether they are on the left or the right, always use a map to close down democracies, and that they always take the same ten steps. Whether they “Invoke an External and Internal Threat” or “Develop a Paramilitary Force” or “Restrict the Press” or the final step, “Subvert the Rule of Law, these steps are always recognizable — and they always work to crush democracies and establish tyrannies. At the time that I wrote the book, the “global threat” of terrorism was the specter that powers invoked in order to attack our freedoms. The book was widely read and discussed, both at the time of its publication and over the last 12 years. Periodically over the last decade, people would ask me when and if we had reached “Step Ten.” We — my brave publisher, Chelsea Green, and I —… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 8, 2021 1:31 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Klein’s talk will be broadcast on KPFK.org on Thursday morning 1 to 2:30 AM Pacific Standard Time. (That should be 8 or 9am in the UK?). The other segments, from midnight to six, are mostly about the Magic Virus psyop-19. What is most interesting of all is the gradual shift in the land of USA Inc. of many public intellectuals away from masks to more skepticism and growing. That in itself is a very interesting development.

Many of Roy’s regulars are longtime vaxx skeptics. In fact, the big ones, like Gary Null, a pillar of Roy’s show, have been warning about all these issues as a vanguard of criticism, for many years. His segment is where I got my own “heads up” about vaccines over 10 years ago. He’s talking about it Wednesday AM, all night, the night before Dave Emory, and his part 21 of “Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse”, whom Klein follows.

All at KPFK.org on the “Roy of Hollywood” show: “Something’s Happening” with more info on his show at the “schedules” link at KPFK.org

Mar 8, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Thank you for all this info, John.

Mar 8, 2021 2:21 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

We have not closed down democracy because that never existed. But at least we had pretend democracy which was a lot better than the naked unabashed totalitarianism we now have.

Mar 8, 2021 2:26 AM
Reply to  Peter

Of course, we do indeed now have totalitarian rule, starting to show its true nature and teeth.

But they still maintain the empty theatre of ‘democracy’, with the rubber stamp MPs across the West going under different party names – as if they didn’t all work for the same people.

The illusion of democracy is still being maintained – and incredibly, most people still believe in that illusion.

Mar 8, 2021 4:54 AM
Reply to  Peter

Indeed. The oligarchy has used Covid to greatly accelerate the transition from pseudo democracy to totalitarianism. I do wonder whether or not they will dispense with the democratic trappings completely at some point, because like Bezuhov states, the illusion of ‘democracy’ still remains.

Mar 8, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  kevin

That’s pretty much happened, I’d say. The problem is that people adjust. They view the current abnormal as the new normal. This is not normal, but I can say that because I am, in fact, normal.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 6:32 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Aren’t you confusing two different Naomis?

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 8, 2021 10:45 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Good catch!

Mar 8, 2021 12:59 AM

I can’t speak for the rest of the human race, but I honestly do not think anything that much has changed over the last 10,000 years, or will over the next 10,000 years here on Planet Earth.

I think the vast majority of boys across the world, have always felt much the same as I do, and did since going to school eg when I was 4.

I had to change my shoes for PE – Physical Education.

I didn’t know how to tie my shoe laces up..but Hannah same age as me, showed me how to do it. She helped me. I had only been in school a few days, and Hannah was my new girlfriend. It didn’t last, but these things rarely do. It is however, completely wonderful to have a best friend, especially if she is your wife and you have been together for most of your life.

We are not dead yet, and we really do need to fight this Evil

There is Nothing Wrong with us.

We are normal human beings, like the tadpoles in the pond, or the birds in the trees.

You can’t control Nature

It just is.

Its our Planet, and we currently have morons in control of it, trying their best to kill us off.

We should Resist. and continue Defending Our Countries and Cultures

Defending Our Human Race


Mar 8, 2021 1:14 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

The system of control has been around since before Sumer. Same old shit. Different century.

Mar 9, 2021 4:51 AM
Reply to  Ooink

However, interspread among all that were some good eras. The history books don’t talk of it….Atlantis and Lemuria were real. But only lasted a few thousand years before being overidden by the usual suspects. They achieved 5d fully by advancing collectively and became a unified creation. If it could happen like that 10,000-20,000 years ago, why not today?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 7, 2021 11:03 PM

This is an excellent article…thank you Gillian Dymond…your focus on the humanity (or lack thereof) all of this Covid response has affected is where I believe the focus really should be as it is quite easy to dismiss…i.e., “its only a mask, wear it and shut up”…no, it isn’t ONLY a mask, and it isn’t ONLY not being allowed to touch, gather, etc. Also, we are now engaged in this battle against nature, against the inevitability of death and illness, also being stripped of the very thing that will help ourselves and loved ones maintain their sense of self and their humanity during tragic times such as illness, hospitalization and even death and the grieving of death.

Covid has exacerbated a situation that has been present in various forms for quite a long time…the slow movement away from a natural relationship with life and nature. The medical system has been ignorant, largely, of these more spiritual considerations for quite some time. Recently, with the advancements of technological diagnoses and treatment, it has only gotten worse—as we have become more and more facile at keeping the body alive as the soul dies.

Thank you again for this very insightful piece.

Mar 7, 2021 11:51 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I very much agree.

But for the genuinely totally evil people using their Covid operation to install an Orwellian nightmare New World Order across the globe, dehumanizing humans is very important.

After all, Schwaub and the main oligarchs organizing the fake ‘vaccines’ etc. are fanatical about ‘transhumanism’ – the integration of technology inside humans, which is what the DNA-changing ‘vaccines’ will achieve in due course.

Mar 7, 2021 10:25 PM

Memories like Dymond’s which are (excuse the expression) ‘pre-covid’ are bittersweet at best for me these days (making me think of a poem like Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale” more than Florence). Nostalgia over a “very ordinary day” from that distant past invariably conclude by reminding me of my present powerlessness, like that of a prisoner looking at a slit of sky from his solitary cell. Maybe that has to do with the past as well as present. The old abnormal already had its all too ordinary experiences of alienation, reducing memory then to confined terms, even if by comparison with today’s conditions of ‘lockdown’ these can come off unimaginably liberating. Yesterday’s experiences and memories were well advanced in terms of isolation and ‘social distancing’. Capitalism’s atomization and destruction of social bonds other than “naked self-interest” and “callous cash payment” (Marx) – there’s no society, only individuals and families, as Thatcher proclaimed for the neoliberal era – make the new abnormal a reaping of what has been sown. Erosion of the kind of experience and memory rooted in communal and cooperative associations beyond the market uber alles has contributed significantly to undermining our ability to act as historical agents, especially in these revolutionary times.* Love, or rather compassion (suffering and struggling with others), is not simply a sentiment but a social practice, like any virtue. If people are to avert the harsher dystopian terms of austerity now decreed for us cogs in the machinery of production, we’ll have to rebuild, among other virtues, the habits of mutual care and aid to be found in autonomous zones of a better humanity, far from the madness of socially engineered dehumanization. *”The most indubitable feature of a revolution is the direct interference of the masses in historical events. In ordinary times the state,… Read more »

Mar 8, 2021 2:27 AM
Reply to  niko

“Trotsky” (Bronstein) was a functionary of International Finance.

Mar 7, 2021 10:07 PM

People who think that their national government actually rules their country are deluding themselves.

What we have already is an undeclared World Government – and it is they who are running the Corona scam, the ‘vaccines’, the fake ‘Climate Crisis’ and the Great Reset.

How people cannot see this, when all governments have done, and said, exactly the same things from the launch of the ‘Corona crisis’ just defies belief.

The people who run the governments of the West decided they wanted to inject everyone with a substance – the effects of which only they know.

So, they created Covid 19 and the ‘Corona crisis’ – which not only gives them the pretext to inject everyone with their gene-altering substances, but which also provided the pretext for locking down the economies to trash small businesses and jobs in preparation for the Great Reset, and to ‘justify’ robbing every country’s citizens of their most basic freedoms.

So, anyone who thinks that these evil people are going to let their ‘Corona crisis’ end is deluding themselves. It is the indispensable weapon and tool to install their coming Orwellian global Police State.

Mar 8, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  Bezuhov

Corporatocracy has been with us for a while. It’s US-dominated and in turn directed by the transnational capitalist class. Enough of us see that. Remember that in these discussion forums, your going to get lots of fakers whose goal is to bend your thinking. They are trying to bend the thinking of those who are clued in and those who might be influenced by those who are clued in. Just stick to your guns. Have the courage of your convictions. And for gosh sake, ignore up and down votes.

The new world order doesn’t mean that world order is new. It just means that it’s character is new. Everything is always being tweaked – by those who own, rule and ruin the world. James Corbett’s discussion of the new world order is a humorous and spot on examination of the subject. Check it out.

Mar 8, 2021 2:30 AM
Reply to  Bezuhov

It’s worse than that. The aim is at least partial depopulation.

Richard Jessop
Richard Jessop
Mar 7, 2021 8:47 PM

The agenda is to inject everyone in the world with an endless series of pretend ‘vaccines’ – which will achieve the ‘transhumanist’ objectives of the WEF and Davos oligarchs to massively reduce world population – and to make the survivors of their ‘vaccines’ their biological DNA-altered slaves.

Mar 7, 2021 8:19 PM

You have no idea re the ferocity with which I feel, with what is going on now. It’s extremely rare, for me to express my anger. I haven’t actually hit anyone since the age of 14, but I have come close a few times. I have tried. Some people really annoy me. The last time was about 10 years ago, and I knew he was younger than me, and extremely fit. He had been extremely annoyed with me for over a year, about a friend of mine, who he really fancied, and I (knowing what he was like), introduced her to another much nicer friend of mine, and they did get off. It did his head in. I was just the go-between, but he would not forgive me… She is just a very good friend..she is like our sister, so we try and protect her A year later, he thought I was sat in his seat, and I didn’t even know he was in the pub. He politely asked me to move, and I just carried on buying the drinks, and completely ignored him, as if he wasn’t there..though I knew he was. He might have got a look but nothing more from me, which made him incredibly annoyed. He just wouldn’t stop, and I continued to ignore him. I paid for the drinks, left them on the bar, and went outside for a smoke. I exercised and tensed my muscles, and felt really fit 5 minutes later, I went back in the pub Determined to Hit him…but my mate had chucked a stool in the way, which I nearly tripped over, and in instant I thought that hitting him was probably not such a good idea… I did have a history of standing up to bullies from the age… Read more »

Mar 8, 2021 1:39 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

One popular tactic of trolls is to hijack conversations, often while pretending to be opposed to the scam, with trivia, any topic will do to use up column inches.

Mar 9, 2021 5:00 AM
Reply to  StartHere

That would be an astute fact

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 7, 2021 7:57 PM

Excellent piece. This kind of stuff keeps me coming back to this site.

Mar 7, 2021 7:16 PM

We have now got an “Official” scientific? advisor to HMG, stating that almost no one over this winter has died of the normal respiratory diseases like pneumonia, associated with a normal flu season, and that with luck most of us in The UK will be able to have a summer holiday. Is she taking the p1ss or what? “However, come next winter, we will probably all get flu again”.

I can’t stand any of these people. Where the hell do they find them?

We are being controlled by complete and utter morons. I wish the lot of them would just F’ck Off and D1e, and leave the rest of us to get on with our normal lives. We will do fine without you.

They are contributing absolutely Nothing of any value.

I have absolutely no problem with the vast majority of Nurses. They are doing their best, under the most atrocious management.

If I was them, I would happily inject some of these B@stards too..see if they like their own medicine.


Mar 8, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I’d be much happier if the nurses and doctors sort of unanimously counter some of the definite wrongs and pharma crap internally.

“Normal lives” means what? An ignorant nostalgia? The covid situation is supposed to be that wake up call, that thing where you’re supposed to recognize …”Hey wait a minute, if “normal” led to this…maybe it was fucked up”. Because it was. This shit currently is PART of that “normal”.

You have to kinda fix the underlying societal issues, “scientific” bullshit. Like if “colds/flus” are interchangeable with “covid”…it also means THAT situation was, and is bullshit. Since if they are THE SAME, and either is KNOWN to be bullshit, with both having the SAME principles…BOTH are bullshit.

Mar 7, 2021 6:29 PM

Gillian Dymond is a great writer. I have read her here before, maybe about 6 months ago, but I feel I have been kind of going round in circles for the last 12 months and not getting anywhere.Sure, people die, that is actually completely normal. It has always happened and it always will. If you get lucky, you might live for a long time, and most of the time be reasonably happy, even when you have very solid reasons to be depressed re all the things that happen in life. I won’t bore you with examples. Neither my wife nor I have have had any interest in joining the military, beyond the girl guides, or in my case the St Vincent De Paul Society – which was pretty much like the Catholic version of The boys scouts, except they allowed girls to come camping with us too. So why the hell did we do some incredibly dangerous things…I never had to use mine. My wife did. The danger was not just for fun. It actually kept us fit. You can’t just suddenly decide to do these kinds of things, when you are in your 60’s with no previous experience, unless you are totally mad, like my Mum. I got bored with 9/11 years ago. I am now bored with COVID. But today, I have been watching videos of people doing extremely dangerous things, for no other reason that they wanted to. I saw the original of this in NYC in 2014. This is the short version, without the build up of fear. To be honest the video of my wife doing similar around the Year 2000, is even better, but she does not want it to be published. I never even took a camera. I had more important things on… Read more »

Mar 8, 2021 12:04 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

My wife did it from 10.000 feet in Cuba from an old wwii Russian plane, which was struggling to get off the beach.For 10 days over two weeks we kept turning up at the airfield…and it kept getting cancelled..with our son going zoom splat, and our daughter completely exhilarated by the courage of her Mum also her best friend. Eventually, after nearly two weeks, when we turned up again, and they kept cancelling it..we turned up again. They said Ahora hace buen tiempo. Vamos a por ello. Unsaid: Your wife is very brave, and she will be O.K…and she is. Even I wouldn’t do that, and I thought I was mad. Sure, she jumped out of an old wwii russian plane in Cuba from 10,000 feet. My wife is still here. I never really noticed (well I did a bit) Must not snore in her ear tonight.. but she is just so lovely to cuddle up to as she has over the last nearly 40 years. I might flirt, but I could never ever betray her. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her, and instantly realised, I had to play it cool, just try and get another date with her. None of us are Communists, and none of us speak Spanish (except our friend, but we didn’t know her then) However, if you are young, and want to really discover South America, the peoples the culture and everything, take a friend who can also speak Spanish..You can just about get away with it in English and sign language. Its much easier in Africa and India. Us English had been there before. Not so much in South America, though both my wife and I have been invited up to the mountains in Peru. We haven’t gone yet.… Read more »

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 7, 2021 6:22 PM

The backburner approach of there is infectious viruses but we just have to live with them has only one purpose. That is to keep the infectious viruses game alive ready to strike with the full blown horror of Nazi style covidian attack like a fuse burning away unknown to the public or even most researchers. There is no such thing as a real pandemic. These were all events that were concocted by satanists in much the same way we have seen with covid. Once the atrocity came to an end the bomb was then set ready to explode the next time for another generation beginning to recover from previous atrocities once the history had been erased and nobody knew what was coming. The important thing to do now is make sure it can never be done again and that is why the pathogenic virus concept needs to be deconstructed and outlawed as a malicious terrorist ideology. The way that these things can be a threat is by injecting people with them. It may be necessary to put the people who have had the covid jab in quarantine and even ban them from having sex. Not for 3 weeks to flatten the curve but permanently for the rest of their lives.

Mar 8, 2021 4:58 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

You were Sarah Jones in an earlier incarnation.

Mar 8, 2021 8:24 PM
Reply to  Peter

For regular commenters disposed to frequently change them, the screen names change but the idiosyncratic commenting style remains the same.

Typically, although not always, even the changing screen names are a “tell”; e.g., the inclination to use multi-syllabic, exotic sobriquets, or simple personal names, etc.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 8, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  Ort

It should be obvious by now that anyone newly appearing here in the comments posting more than a few brief comments a day is very, very likely to be engaging in operational activities.

Richard Jessop
Richard Jessop
Mar 7, 2021 5:10 PM

It’s a complicated business, injecting entire populations of countries with something you’re claiming are ‘vaccines’ – while at the same time telling everyone that after they’ve been injected, they’ll still be subject to the same Police State controls as they were before they were injected. And that is why the Bill Gates – appointed SAGE members responsible for running the Corona scam in the UK have such a large number of far Left psychiatrists, sociologists and Deep State brainwashing experts, of course. It’s even more complicated when you’ve got to lower the totally fake number of ‘cases’ and ‘Corona deaths’ that these criminals make up every day – in order to claim that the fake ‘vaccines’ are working! The problem, of course, is that if you make up lower ‘cases’ and ‘Corona deaths’ numbers to try to induce the sheep to line up to be injected with gene-altering pretend-vaccines, the danger is that other sheep might think that the problem is going away – so why bother to be injected? All very tricky. Gates & Co. will be getting sorely tempted to release a new and much more deadly virus to get the peasants cowering in terror in their homes again, so that new pretend ‘vaccines’ can be injected into the then more terrorized, and more highly -motivated media-brainwashed sheep. But there’s a problem there, as well: if you release a new ‘variant’ or a new virus to terrorize the sheep more than they are already, how are you going to explain how you miraculously suddenly developed a new ‘vaccine’ for this new horror? But if you allow the number of totally fictional ‘cases’ to continue to drop, people are going to be less and less likely to line up to be injected with the gene-altering pretend-‘vaccines’. It’s all very… Read more »

Mar 7, 2021 4:53 PM

With a focused effort, surely the legal loopholes which allow them to “get away with it” can be closed?
The idea is that they will no longer be able to get away with it.
Let’s work on it, folks.
Heaven knows there is enough rational, scientific and moral justification for some really serious loophole closing here…

Mar 7, 2021 6:45 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The only way to close the loopholes is for the masses to join the Common Law Court and set up a new CLC system to eventually replace the present corrupt one.
The problem is nobody is doing that for all kinds of different excuses, and probably the stupid idea that it wouldn’t work! Well, without NUMBERS in place it wouldn’t. The CLC is now international but without YOU it cannot bring the fraudsters and deceivers to anything resembling JUSTICE. So if you want freedom and justice join the CLC NOW.

Mar 7, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  -CO


It will make you more liable, with less legal avenue. As it is, I can only entirely avoid it.

As it is, I consider you subversive now, -CO

Peter Sky posted this:

ADV Interviews Dean Clifford – Free Yourself From Government Coercion – YouTube

Mar 8, 2021 9:07 AM

What is subversive about re-establishing a system based on the Law of The LAND which is the true Law? I agree entirely that you have to know the ins and outs of the Common Law before you put your foot in it and come unstuck. But I see it as one of the few viable peaceful alternatives that We the people have to resolve the quiet war being waged against us. Having said that can you suggest anything better?????

Mar 8, 2021 9:48 AM
Reply to  -CO

Listen, did you watch the ADV interview with Dean Clifford video? If you use common law you LOSE leverage, shielding, venture capacity. That’s why it’s COMMON law, it has LESS for you. Me – > Person -> Private corporation – > A Society Essentially, you get an avenue for more “desirable” society. With that, say, we as different societies, could choose to associate as we please. My society does not allow say, interaction with pedophiles. That is, currently there actually IS underlying “global” sort of interaction, with commercial law and equity. Get it? With common law you are simply going to get fucked over. How do you think private corporation get certain things to not apply to them? Name the supposed functionality, the PRACTICAL benefits from common law, if you were to let that apply to you. Just try and think about it. You have FAR less to work with in that way. Just tell me, how is it going to help you or make things better? Do you think all the courts, corporations (shit, even like countries) and shit will just bend and use or let common law apply to them? You’re parroting it, but you cannot tell me how it is USEFUL. You have only sort of “feel good sentiment” with no practicality associated with it. So as it is, commercial law and equity seems the better option. It’s probably not ideal, but, I cannot see *AS IT IS* gain from common law in this state of the world. Subject yourself to that at your own peril. I mean, if you appreciate say something like soviet russia, you’d go support that common law crap. Personally, I believe these corporations and shit CURRENTLY with shitloads of FAKE value, simply need to be boycotted into the ground, first. WHILE we… Read more »

Mar 8, 2021 11:19 AM

Yes, some of it, but Clifford is talking mainly about using their corrupt legal system as opposed to one that operates under the Law of the Land or CL run by flesh and blood people and not run by corrupt corporations which literally get away with murder. As they are doing so now in this scamdemic.

Our own functional systems can only be peacefully established through and by means of the Common Law and not by means of the present corrupt legal system of statute laws run by criminals and fraudsters.Without ORGANIZED numbers of people anything that you or I suggest to get us out of the current scamdemic and all that it entails is likely to FAIL. And, that probably applies to both statute law and C L actions.

The Common Law only has less for individuals at the moment because it has been SUBVERTED by the statute law! That’s one of the reasons why we need to re-establish OUR lawful system which can run side by side of theirs until sufficient numbers join the CLC and appoint peace officers to enforce it.
CL does not adversely affect Contracts it just demands honesty in your contracts, business dealings and commerce and not to create any harm, loss, injury or murder.

Boycotting won’t work either without effective ORGANIZATION and NUMBERS, at the present juncture this is not happening.

Mar 8, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  -CO

“Yes, some of it, but Clifford is talking mainly about using their corrupt legal system as opposed to one that operates under the Law of the Land or CL run by flesh and blood people and not run by corrupt corporations which literally get away with murder. As they are doing so now in this scamdemic.

Our own functional systems can only be peacefully established through and by means of the Common Law and not by means of the present corrupt legal system of statute laws run by criminals and fraudsters.”

Explain how please, functionally. How about YOU go try that, and if you manage some success, I’ll consider it. I ain’t joining bolshevik shit.

What Clifford says is that you currently can ONLY implement your own functional systems without using common law. Otherwise you are kinda FUCKED in legal terms.

Boycotting works PERFECTLY WELL. Those corporations ONLY have power through your support (invariably being financial).

And considering the people, and kind of people he associates with, what they actually DO and ACHIEVE, I find his suggestions and reasoning FAR more credible than the “communist” doctrine sort of GARBAGE. I would do fine with people like him, because I know for instance a fair amount about plants, systems, health interactions, practical environmental stuff.

Similarly, I can tell you about a guy named Peter Tagtgren, in Sweden, who essentially bought a village, and now has a little society there, they function pretty much on their own.

I am not joining a sentimental mob with no fucking clue who run on goddamned hyperinflationary rhetoric and “we love everything as long as it’s statist” bullshit.

It’s really about circumstantial pragmatism.

Absolutely what statism wants is HOMOGENIZATION. Which is say, how common law will functionally result in your worsened enslavement.

Mar 8, 2021 2:24 PM

What you are saying does not make any sense and you appear to have completely mis- comprehended what I put to you.

Your question paragraph 2. I’ve already explained that.

Clifford is an apologia for the legal status quo in your 4th para. And will get us all nowhere lawfully.

Boycotting does not work without organisation and numbers if it did we wouldn’t be in the mess we currently have to endure.
6th paragraph – if you think he has the right answer to all our current problems then go with it.

But, what has communism got to do with re-establishing the common law which is the true Law of the Land?
7th paragraph good luck to Tagtegren but they are still dominated by the system of statutory laws many of which are profit-making and taking concerns.
Your 8th paragraph is just a hysterical attack on the people who you claim to be a “mob with no f’ing clue” when they are nothing of the sort. You are assuming a ridiculous situation where there is no training in Cl principles and the blind will be leading the blind.
As for “circumstantial pragmatism” we have that situation now and nothing of any great significance is being done to solve the current problems we are now facing in this quiet war.

We are not talking about homogenization here but responsible ORGANIZATION you seem to be doing your best to try and associate re-establishing a system based on God’s Law or the true Law of the Land with communism. The mind boggles!

Mar 8, 2021 2:27 PM
Reply to  -CO

“As for “circumstantial pragmatism” we have that situation now and nothing of any great significance is being done to solve the current problems we are now facing in this quiet war.”

Really, so go tell people like ADV, Curtis Stone, Clifford etc about the “nothing of any significance” they’re doing.

Have you considered that nothing of any significance is being done because of a lack of knowledge, actual involvement? Coz people just keep on chasing propagandist carrots, setting themselves up with protests, or declaring “sovereignty”, etc.

While you get strung along for yet more statist subversion.

GL with that.

You have not explained ANYTHING about how your suggestions will currently help. The functional realities. BUT, you were VERY quick to suggest people should go sign up. Without any real information or functional approach.

In the mean time, there are PRACTICAL results from those like ADV, Clifford. Guys like Tagtgren, etc. While you’re at it, remind them how they are not responsibly organized.

Practically you just parroted vapid garbage. And when I point at pragmatic results…you bitch. You suggest my observation of “the masses” is “hysterical”? The irony.

Again, gl with your shit, I ain’t joining you. You’ve made it clear that we shouldn’t be associating.

Mar 8, 2021 2:55 PM

OK explain to me in detail as to how they have all made a significant difference to the current statutory system of law that they all still function within that is the very same system in which they are enslaved along with everybody else????

Mar 8, 2021 3:32 PM
Reply to  -CO

Well they’ve gained more freedoms and learn to be somewhat productive, sufficient.

Figure it out. If you don’t need systemic reliance, in ACTUAL effect, you’re doing pretty good.

As it is, my main concerns would be not giving a shit about that (common law), and worrying about surviving, the environment, growing plants, making sure interaction with OTHER corporations I don’t like is minimized, avoiding politics, drinking beer, smoking weed. Behaviour, you know? Life.

The way I figure, if support for the worst crap (such as those corporations and dodgy people) is minimized, you will naturally tend to addressing those sort of issues.

As it is, it is simply not a primary concern. You can concern yourself with that, good luck.

Of course we need some serious changes…but to me, the fundamentals are things like minimizing ongoing medical fraud, destruction of habitat, etc currently.

So I’m saying, Be your own boss.

Imagine for instance those corporations just turn statist institutions… and then they have THEIR version of common law. It’s gonna fuck you over.

Mar 8, 2021 4:18 PM

Now you are beginning to make a bit more sense, but the state will only let you go so far FUNCTIONING in relative isolation from the rest of society. AND in that situation surely you would be living partly under common law principles and not in under total jurisdiction of statute law. Is that what is being proposed? I don’t think that anybody in the current situation would argue against self-described sufficiency.

Mar 8, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  -CO

Right…so it kinda makes sense to you now…

There are very large obvious pyramids. What you need is a community of opposing non-obvious pyramids.

Their very monolithic pyramids point up (symbolic of their projection, visibility, suggested direction), in that sense, that is, they are more distanced from nature, they need SHITLOADS of advertising, support to sustain them.

I’m saying V

Are you tending to the ceiling of hell, or the floor of heaven?

Mar 9, 2021 1:21 PM

Yes, the larger pyramids represent stratified social hierarchies with those holding power at the top – with the “all seeing eye” at the top of the pyramid symbolizing what has now become almost total electronic surveillance of the population.

The pyramid, come hierarchy, also functions on a “need to know” basis as a means to control the bulk of the population as we descend to the Base of the pyramid’s structure where the poorest stratum of the population reside – and poorest in more ways than one.

This type of social structure that is currently existing in larger hierarchical forms can be gradually replaced by an organized series of smaller inverted pyramid type structures that would operate in relative independence of the state apparatus by the people themselves. Have I got that correct?

Mar 8, 2021 1:17 PM
Reply to  -CO

Additionally, you talk about “the masses”, the sort of morons that you would want to be attracted to say common law, for those large numbers, who are they?

Have you looked at their behaviour lately? Their “ideals” and shit?

Mar 8, 2021 2:30 PM

You obviously have little to no respect toward your fellow human beings. Without them one way or another despite “their ideals and shit” as you put it, we will be going nowhere apart from the hell to come.

Mar 8, 2021 3:51 PM
Reply to  -CO

Well, I mention these things to try and help. You can go judge, as you clearly did, by any/all of my posts regarding what sort of respect I have.

The behaviour of an enormous amount of people is homogenized delusional “communist” sort of crap, though heavily dictated by corporations. Because of that, they’re morons. Cattle. Mob mentality.

They happily support whatever state tells them. Common law is AMAZING for state.

So…I find an awful lot of that unacceptable. Some of it is simple ignorance. Other things come from LACK of individuality, as well as homogenization, BIG GROUPS of people doing the same stupid shit.

Like how they supported hitler, or trump, or biden. Yeah…the masses. Or how about the covidians? Or how about the abrahamics? Or various other large groups of homogenized…slaves. They need to get clued up, rather than just joining shit.

And these dodgy individuals, corporations…they didn’t quite read their contracts properly, either…so I wouldn’t worry about that.

Main thing, improve the environment, yourself, local community. Don’t be an asshole. Though, you should be able to say what the fuck ever, if it actually bothers you.

Mar 8, 2021 5:20 PM

You know what’s really fucking funny? By even saying this shit I’m losing some of *my* potential ability to dictate.

And it’s because very few people have gone past being a “serve hive whore”.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 8, 2021 12:04 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Hello wardropper: This interview is about closing the illegal loopholes that “governments” have created for themselves:

From the cited article: “In this interview, Spiro’s guest Dr. Pamela Popper discusses two new lawsuits that she believes could end Covid-1984. The two lawsuits, one in Ohio and one in New Mexico, challenge the root of the problem: the emergency itself.”

The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper
Spiro Skouras
December 27, 2020
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper – Activist Post.

Mar 7, 2021 4:21 PM

You’ve just prompted me to email my local council to enquire as to whether they are intending to set up some kind of emergency task force – maybe with an hot line number – where we can report discarded infectious biological waste. We may as well have fun with all this bullshit bingo. said tybouk

Mar 7, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Magie

I now notice that no matter where I go I see increasing numbers of discarded face masks littering the streets and areas of recreation.
No mention of the proper hygienic method of disposal is ever mentioned by this government considering their firm but misguided belief in archaic ‘germ theory ‘ and infection from these deadly viruses and bacteria etc.
Adding insult to injury this government who is so keen to keep us all safe from this deadly mutating virus has the audacity to force us to purchase and wear these ridiculous masks that science informs us that they will not protect us from diddly squat!

Mar 7, 2021 8:58 PM
Reply to  -CO

Where is our mask allowance Health Secretary? If you are forcing us all to wear them so we can buy our food etc then YOU PAY for them! Or is this mask wearing fiasco just a practice run for the mark of the beast in the Great Reset?
Revelation 13:16-18: And he causeth all,both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand ✋, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man ;and his number is Six hundred three score and six.

Mike Nagel
Mike Nagel
Mar 7, 2021 9:36 PM
Reply to  -CO

I am a trucker, and have been for decades. I have the opportunity to talk to over a thousand people on a regular basis. They know me. Not once has anyone said they know of a single case of Covid19, other than “my cousin’s co-worker’s sister’s friend” or some other similar untraceable chain of connections.
There are people employed at the companies I go into that have availed themselves of the opportunity to become the little Napoleons they always wanted to be. Everyone reading this has encountered them, they are most insisting that you “follow the Rules and pull up your mask!!”
Then there are others, who whisper to me when there is no one else listening.
They see no sign of the disease and feel the whole pandemic is a complete load of road apples. However, they have seen others at their workplaces dismissed, laid off or otherwise sanctioned for expressing similar sentiments, so they must be circumspect. There are many doubters, but how to make it known of their existence, when the great engine of propaganda is running constantly at full speed, drowning out any dissent?

-CO’s message has given me an Idea.

get an old boot and stomp on those annoying blue masks, such that the
bootheel mark is unmistakable. Discard them in a place that many will see it.
(then dispose of the old boots just in case. )

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

Mar 8, 2021 1:18 PM
Reply to  Mike Nagel

But you see Covid 19 everywhere! It’s called being human. If you sniffle, you’re human. If you cough, you’re human. If you sometimes feel a little under the weather, not to be confused with dealthly ill, then you’re human.

Mar 9, 2021 11:32 AM
Reply to  Mike Nagel

Perhaps somebody will take up your idea and start printing the boots on the Masks! They are doing that already with all sorts of designs and have appeared to have made an industry of it.

Mar 9, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  -CO

Despite the fact that masks cannot work as proved by their own science!!!

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Mar 7, 2021 4:18 PM

I haven’t read something as eloquently poised as this for ages that encapsulates the essence of our predicament on such an emotional and meaningful level. THANK YOU,

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 7, 2021 3:35 PM

The last person who was capable of “perfect love” got nailed to a cross.

Mar 7, 2021 4:22 PM

yer but he actually died of Ovid ! ;0) cant resist

Mar 7, 2021 5:05 PM

The first couple of minutes here are a very funny satire on that subject…

Mar 8, 2021 1:25 PM

Actually, he was impaled.

Mar 7, 2021 3:34 PM

Born To Subjugate

comment image

Mar 7, 2021 2:40 PM

The quote from Florescent Nightingale in the above article comes from her excellent book “Notes on Nursing”. This book should be compulsive reading in medical schools today by doctors and nurses alike. They may learn a thing or two from it despite the fact that it was published in 1860.

In her “Subsidiary Notes” (1858) this is what she says regarding ‘contagion’ and epidemics :

“Suffice to say that in the ordinary sense of the term there is no such thing as” contagion.” There are two or three diseases in which there is a specific virus which can be seen, tasted, smelt, and analysed, and which, in certain constitutions, propagates the original disease by inoculation, such as small-pox, cow- pox, and syphilis, but these are not “contagions ” in the sense supposed.”

Here “virus” simply meant poison as virology did not exist to make its deceptive claims when Florence Nightingale conducted her important work.

Mar 7, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  -CO

Apologies for typo re Ms Nightingale should read Florence not Florescent!

Mar 7, 2021 4:19 PM
Reply to  -CO

All doctors and nurses in the past were dumb. They didn’t have Rockefeller degrees and had weird primitive beliefs like there are only two sexes.

How else to explain that nobody seemed to notice autism before the 1940s?

Mar 7, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Unfortunately, today doctors rely too much on technology and have largely become technocratic with some obvious exceptions. Sadly, they tend to reduce human beings to ‘cases’ based on biochemical and haematology profiles, and pathology results. Certainly, those factors have their value but they are souless and somewhat alienating and reductionist.

On the other hand, the central dogma in biology which still prevails today is that we are simply “machines” and function like clock work via a series of biochemical pathways and “mechanisms” but we derive from fertilized eggs NOT machines. Have you ever seen a machine grow out of an egg????
Like I have stated on previous threads part of the current agenda is to get rid of all notions of the human soul and spirit, and Medicine will play it’s part in that process by developing a vaccine to help do that according to Dr Rudoph Steiner.

Mar 7, 2021 6:26 PM
Reply to  -CO

Note that Autism has been known since 1908 and the symptoms were probably known earlier under a different name.

Kathryn Stone
Kathryn Stone
Mar 7, 2021 8:58 PM
Reply to  -CO

It was known as ‘cold parenting’ and thought to be a type of mental illness caused by having distant, emotionally-removed parents who provided no warmth or love.

Mar 7, 2021 11:10 PM
Reply to  -CO

Someone obviously disagrees!

Mar 8, 2021 1:34 AM
Reply to  -CO

But probably the cause of autism in 1908 was still a vaccine leading to brain and gut inflammation. Maybe the typhus vaccine.

Mar 8, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Hey, I remember mentioning something like that a few weeks ago…Nightingale makes it clear that the vaccines are what caused diseases.

Mar 8, 2021 12:13 PM

Yes. She refused to support vaccination against smallpox and disputed Pasteur’s germ theory of disease.

Mar 8, 2021 11:43 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes I agree probably along with other vaccines at that time

Mar 8, 2021 12:31 PM
Reply to  -CO

Hi Co. I have been trying to find links for what vaccines were in use in the early 1900’s. Do you know of any sources?

Mar 8, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Smallpox and rabies from memory and I think Whooping Cough came later in 1914. After that Diphtheria in 1926.

Mar 9, 2021 7:49 AM
Reply to  Researcher

19th century

Keep in mind there would have been trialing, experimentation and usage, so even unlisted things with and before that (imagine sickly people willing to subject themselves, covert or rather simply unacknowledged usage). The BCG vaccine for instance was developed over a period of a decade from what I can tell.

Mar 9, 2021 11:08 AM

Good summary of the vax timeline

Mar 9, 2021 7:50 PM

What about the United States of America Flu… from a vaccine concocted and delivered in Fort Riley Kansas? (Which was branded for marketing as the Spanish flu)

Mar 10, 2021 1:57 AM

Thanks but I found a better timeline than Wiki-pedo. In the history of vaccines. This is for you, in case you haven’t seen it already.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 7, 2021 7:14 PM
Reply to  -CO

Florence was a shining example to us all.

Mar 7, 2021 7:46 PM

I agree but it’s a great pity that modern medicine has never really practiced all that she taught. Florence tried her best to minimise the toxins that patients were exposed to in many different ways.

Unfortunately, today medicine has largely sold its soul to the pharmaceutical industry which makes its money from the sale of many unnecessary toxic prescription drugs that Florence Nightingale would have objected to as she was trying her best to promote health and not iatrogenic illnesses caused by the administration of too many unnecessary toxic drugs and vaccines.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 7, 2021 9:18 PM
Reply to  -CO

Exactly so, we think along the same lines.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 7, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  -CO

Fluorescent Nightingale would be a great name for a drag queen performing artist, though!

Mar 8, 2021 12:16 AM

Fluorine T. Nightlyfail??

Since fluorine has endocrine disrupting properties…

Mar 9, 2021 11:15 AM

Many so-called antipsychotic drugs are also fluorine based with horrendous short and long term adverse reactions aka ‘side-effects’.

Mar 9, 2021 7:52 PM
Reply to  -CO


Mar 8, 2021 11:49 AM

Love it.

Mar 8, 2021 12:14 AM
Reply to  -CO

She literally says there that vaccines are what they used to spread disease. But, that is not contagious (except if you believe you need vaccines which you don’t need).

Richard Jessop
Richard Jessop
Mar 7, 2021 2:09 PM

The pretend ‘vaccines’ and the coming Orwellian global Police State regime called the ‘Great Reset’ are the elites’ Final Solution to their plague of rats problem – which is how the oligarchs and elites regard most of the world’s population. The vast majority of the people of the planet, are the Jews in their Final Solution – who need a massive culling, with those allowed to survive to be a passive, obedient DNA-altered slave population serving the needs of the elites. But in this coming Final Solution, unlike that of Hitler’s Germany, there will be no country to escape to. Stage 1 of this long-planned operation is to inject everyone with the gene-editing first Phase of the pretend ‘vaccines’ – and to make being injected inescapable. First international travel will be restricted to those who have been injected, holding this as a carrot to entice the first low-resistance portion of the population to submit to be injected. But actually, as stated by the WEF last year in their list of the objectives of the Great Reset, international travel is to be permanently ended, except for the privileged few. New ‘variants’ of Covid – fake or deliberately released – will be endlessly announced for months and years to come, to keep most of the populations locked permanently in their respective countries. Once the soft targets for injection – the media-brainwashed obedient, unquestioning sheep portion of the populations, and those helpless in nursing homes and so so who can’t escape, etc. – have been injected, then the vice will start to be closed, where soon, you won’t be able to access public transport or public services, or to have or get a job, or to enter a supermarket, unless you are wearing your Jewish star badge – the Covid passport. When the… Read more »

Mar 7, 2021 2:04 PM

When I was a kid – 6 or 8 years old – we lived for a time on my grandmother’s farm. When I felt like I was getting a raw deal at home, I’d walk down to grandma’s house and turn on the tears (I was really good at turning on the tears).

Imagine if that was now.

“Oh you mustn’t visit your grandma – you might kill her!”
“What? I’d never hurt her – I wouldn’t even hit her!”
“Oh you can kill her just by talking to her!”
“What? Then I won’t say anything. I’ll be quiet as a mouse.”
“Oh, you can kill her just by being in the same room!”

As a kid, I wouldn’t have understood how I could kill my grandmother just by being in the same room. Now I do understand. I know at last how easy it is to kill your grandmother just by being in the same room. How, you ask?


Mar 7, 2021 2:01 PM

The author is making the mistake of believing the mainstream media. Certainly here in the UK, the reality on the ground is that the lockdowns have had progressively less traction until the recent one has been almost ignored by the public. The coronavirus scam has been a disastrous failure for the elites and their right-wing media that they will probably never recover from. I suspect the winds of change will be blowing soon.

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Mar 7, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  Thom

Wishful thinking, re: mask-wearing is in excess of 90%+ and people are curing up for the jab.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Mar 7, 2021 9:40 PM
Reply to  Lone Wolf

Where I live the people usually only wear masks where they think they have to. Most of them are too timid to ever challenge these rules, which aren’t really rules. I have as yet to wear a mask and have never been challenged in any shops, garages or takeaway food outlets. People who permit their children to wear masks in schools or elsewhere are guilty of child abuse and should be dealt with accordingly.

Mar 7, 2021 4:31 PM
Reply to  Thom

Well, mainstream has had a huge success here in the USofA. Lockdowns have by no means been ignored by the public. Nor mask mandates. Nor distancing. And most I know are lining up for and relieved by the injections.

A failure? I don’t know by what means you are measuring the past year as a failure, but it sure seems and feels like a big fat tyrannical success to me.

Mar 7, 2021 5:18 PM
Reply to  Judith

Agreed, here in South Carolina face diaper mandate has been lifted but sadly, 99.9% of the people still love the face nappies.
Mass delusional psychosis.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Mar 8, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  Mark

We must be lucky here in Cyprus, I suppose, where there is a €300 fine if you don’t wear a mask outdoors, yet I would say between 1/3 and 1/4 of the people on the streets are either not wearing them or have them round their chins.

Mar 7, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Thom

“right-wing media”? Are you kidding?

Mar 7, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  Ken

Exactly, could someone tell me where I can buy a mainstream right wing non globalist newspaper that hasn’t totally bought into the Covid woke agenda?

Mar 7, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  markrl

Of course, there is no right-wing, or non-globalist quality newspaper anywhere in the world, any more.

Very sad.

Mar 7, 2021 1:41 PM

Here’s a thought: do your very best to try and determine what is in the public interest, to honestly asses what is good for society — and then do the exact opposite!

You’ll be on much safer, much more rational ground that where you are now, living your life as if the only thing on earth that mattered to you was the well-being of others.

Mar 8, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Howard

Shit I can’t tell if it’s that sarcasm…

But apparently, that means I need to press nuke buttons?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 7, 2021 1:34 PM


Peasants vow to endeavor to persevere.

We’re all in this together.


Mar 8, 2021 12:22 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I didn’t vow to that shit, and I’m not “together” with a bunch of obvious delusional bullshit.

I mean, they can parrot that sort of shit to themselves, not my problem. I’m not with them.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 8, 2021 12:38 AM
Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 7, 2021 1:00 PM

U.S.—Experts have issued a dire warning to the nation that the lifting of mask mandates, business closures, and capacity limits in Texas and Mississippi could contribute to the spread of liberty across the nation.

As states like Texas begin to lift their mandates, we could be seeing a deadly outbreak of freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility all across the nation, said Dr. Andy Patton of MIT. “We’re really not encouraged by the numbers here.

I’m worried other states will see this. People will start thinking they are supposed to take responsibility for their own health and their own decisions. And that’s just not what America is about.


Even funnier is that that’s just reality nowadays!

Mar 7, 2021 5:00 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

And the little Ice Age recently foisted on Texas by the climate engineers was just a reminder that Mother Nature – err, Kamala – doesn’t appreciate going against the official narrative.

Mar 8, 2021 5:11 AM
Reply to  Howard

That adulteress has no offspring.