When it comes to vaccines, suddenly “from vs with” matters again
The media’s attitude to possible vaccine-related injuries highlights how INSANE the “Covid deaths” count always was
Kit Knightly

In the last few weeks the media has demonstrated one of the clearest, most concise displays of true-life doublethink I’ve ever seen. It truly is the perfect exemplar.
The dichotomy is in “covid deaths” vs “vaccine related injuries”.
As we all know by now, countries all around the world define “Covid deaths” as “people who die, of any cause, within 30 days of a positive test result” (the number of days changes by country, it’s usually between 28 and 60). This trend was started in Italy last spring, and spread all around the world.
Globally, with a few notable exceptions, a “covid death” is a death “from any cause” following a positive test.
And when they say “any cause”, they mean it. Up to, and including, shooting yourself in the head.
In one blackly hilarious case, a man “died of coronavirus” after being shot by the police, with his 7 gunshot wounds being listed as “complications”.
That’s how loosely defined “covid death” has become, it is more or less meaningless. However, Covid “vaccines”, and possible related injuries or deaths, are a very different matter.
The establishment is going out of its way to make sure everyone understands that anybody who gets ill, or dies, after being vaccinated, is absolutely NOT a “vaccine death”.
What’s hilarious is those same journalists and “experts” preaching against “Covid denial”, are now literally employing our own arguments against us in the name of defending the vaccines.
Check out this article from ABC a few weeks ago, quoting one doctor:
We have to be very careful about causality. There are going to be spurious relationships, especially as the vaccine is targeting elderly or those with chronic conditions. Just because these events happen in proximity to the vaccine does not mean the vaccine caused these events. Nursing home centers and hospices are of particular concern, because they are homes to incredibly frail populations, and you have to look at the background rate of these events within those populations.”
You see, it’s important not take deaths out of context. After all, many of the people who die after being vaccinated are old and frail and already seriously ill. We need to be “careful about causation”, just because event B happened after event A, does not mean A caused B to happen.
In other words: There is a difference between with and from.
Hmmm. Does that argument sound familiar to anyone else?
The article continues:
In fact, an average of 8,000 people die each day in the United States. Some of them may have just received a coronavirus vaccine.
Fascinating. Apparently 8000 people die each and every day in the United States – translating to roughly 3 million people per year – and falsely attributing natural human mortality to a potentially totally unconnected event might cause panic.
I really feel like I might have read a similar sentiment somewhere else, too. Don’t you?
The Reuters “fact check” on vaccine injury says exactly the same thing:
Reports of death following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death,”
The sheer desperation of the PR in the press is apparent in all the headlines. Such as:
Pfizer Covid vaccine probably didn’t kill woman, 78, who died shortly after having it
Woman dies from brain haemorrhage in Japan days after vaccine, but link uncertain
Macomb County man, 90, dies after COVID-19 vaccine — but doctors say shots are safe
Essentially, if you die within two months of testing positive for Sars-Cov-2, you’re a “Covid death”, and if you die within two minutes of getting the vaccine, you’re a coincidence.
Now, that’s not to say the vaccine definitely did kill those unfortunate people, I don’t know the details of the cases. The point is the equivocation. The soft use of language which is totally at odds with the apocalyptic prose discussing “Covid deaths”.
No where is this contradiction more apparent than in the UK right now, following the AstraZeneca situation.
A quick recap, for those who haven’t heard: Recently, the Norwegian government suspended use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, following it being linked to increased risk of blood clots. Several other countries soon followed suit.
This has prompted a UK-wide defence of the AstraZeneca jab. Including this piece from David Spiegelhalter, in the Guardian just today, in which he uses the same exact argument as the ABC article, almost word for word:
It’s human nature to spot patterns in data. But we should be careful about finding causal links where none may exist
After 12 months of ignoring the conversation on “with” vs “from”, suddenly all the vaccine pushers have rediscovered the difference. None of them seem in any way aware of their self-contradiction.
But this ludicrous double standard doesn’t just apply to death, but also the concept of acceptable risk.
Appearing on Good Morning Britain today, UK Dr Nighat Arif encouraged the continued use of the AstraZeneca shot, by explaining that technically there’s always small chance you’ll get a blood clot, but you can’t let that stop you doing what needs to be done:
“We don’t stop people getting on flights because of the risk of clots”
The Netherlands has suspended the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine after a small number of people in Norway reported blood clotting
Dr Nighat Arif explains the risks ⤵️https://t.co/mUJ9DVuXgE pic.twitter.com/MQItP1u2Mx
— BBC Breakfast (@BBCBreakfast) March 15, 2021
As a GP I see clots a lot, unfortunately our background risk of getting a clot is about 1/1000 people. If you’re on a flight, your risk of clot increases. If women are on the contraceptive pill, their risk of clot increases. People going to hospital for surgery. However, we don’t stop doing any of those things.
The doctor is actually arguing that refusing to live your life based on a 0.1% risk of death is foolish, and that nobody should be expected to do that.
It is, literally, word for word a “Covid sceptic” argument, reproduced in the mainstream, without even the tiniest hint of irony or self-awareness. The very attitude they are taking towards “vaccine injury” is the same one they have condemned in “covid deniers” for over a year. By their hypocrisy they prove their own mendacity.
If they want to define a “Covid death” as dying within 60 days of a positive test, fine. But then anyone who dies within two months of getting vaccinated is a “vaccine death”. And they should have those two big red numbers counting up, right next to each other, on the front page of every news website in the world.
And if they don’t do that – which they obviously won’t – then you have a deliberately employed double standard, and that is a tacit admission of intentional deception.
It really is just that simple.
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I haven’t seen this in MSM, but I may have missed it…
More bad news…probably 6 month extension to government lockdown powers.
Well done, Mr. Knightly! Beautiful piece. Thanks for writing it and for all that Off-Guardian has done to combat the lie.
One of the best articles that I’ve seen on this scamdemic. It is absolutely correct in its analysis, and it covers all crucial points which really highlight the duplicity and mendacity of this Operation COVAIDS. It could have been strengthened just a little if it pointed out the specific exponential rate of fraud involved in ramping up tales of “cases”, which are created spuriously by mere supposition as soon as someone is identified as “infected” by the tests which are notorious for their false positives (and perhaps ONLY false positives). Then they branch out on assumptions based on contact. They also outright blame symptoms on COVAIDS which could have been from anything else. And then they build the death rate inflation into those inflated numbers (this the writer does describe), so the effective inflation of death rates is even far greater than described in the article. Then multiply the deaths by a Chemical Injection which, along with all the other worsening factors in the “response” cause deaths that are blamed on COVAIDS… they are even talking about infections being detected after the Chemical Injections, but not talking about the cause BEING the Chemical Injections, ON TOP OF having no valid testing procedure for a not-isolated virus that is not shown to cause any disease in the first place. Imagine how 4 and 5G fit into all this on top of it!
lol yes please tell us how 5G fits into all this I can’t wait to hear this
Challenge accepted.
5g is needed for the massive amounts of data transfers when the cashless society is introduced. Along with the multiple monitoring devices constantly checking where you are, who you’ve been with and what your body temperature is.
Ya geddit yet?
You seem to be very confused about how the deaths are counted in this country.
The government briefings use deaths within 28 days of a positive test as their metric. You are rightly pointing out that this doesn’t describe whether these people are actually dying because of COVID, or for some other reason but they coincidentally had tested positive e.g. car accident or whatever. Presumably the government use this statistic because is it is available quickly (every day).
HOWEVER, the metric that you should look at and that does take in to account whether someone has died because of COVID (rather than just with COVID) are the statistics from the ONS (office for national statistics). This data uses the MCCD (medical certificate for cause of death). When a patient dies, the doctors who have been looking after the patient whilst they were alive (be that in hospital or in the community) will write up the cause of death. This is based on seeing the patient, the clinical history, their blood tests, other investigations and imaging etc which ultimately culminates in doctors making a decision based on their own best clinical judgement of what actually caused the death. In cases where doctors are unsure what was the cause or the patient died suddenly or they hadnt seen a doctor in their last 4 weeks of life will be referred to the coroner. This process takes time and is presumably why the government use the ’28 days measure’ instead.
It is very rare that just one thing will be written on the cause of death e.g. example someone could die of a heart attack, but that heart attack was most likely a result of several underlying risk factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity etc. So on the death certificate they would write cause of death: 1a heart attack, 1b secondary to high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc etc. COVID19 could be written on someones MCCD for several reasons either as the MAIN cause of death or as one of the SECONDARY causes e.g. someone could be admitted to hospital with COVID but then suffer a pulmonary embolus and die as a result of that or they were deteriorating from another condition and they then contracted COVID. Clearly in these cases COVID might not be the main cause of death but it would certainly be considered contributory. Looking at the ONS statistics – you can see the total number is actually HIGHER for the death certificate number vs for those within 28 days. [1] This maybe due to the fact that during the early stages of the first wave, testing wasn’t as readily available, but based on clinical history, examination, blood tests and imaging results doctors can make reasonable assumptions whether somoeone had COVID even if they weren’t able to do the nose and throat swab on them. This is why we have doctors and why medicine isn’t just a simple series of binary outcomes.
Furthermore, looking at the numbers of mentions of COVID as a main cause vs a secondary cause you can see that the majority have COVID as a MAIN cause of death. [2]
Hope that helps
Yours sincerely,
Frustrated Doctor
[1] https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths
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That makes sense, however, and correct me if i’m wrong, the official covid death numbers (for example the ones that appear in Google search) are precisely the covid deaths in a timeframe of 28 days.
https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths – 126k
https://www.google.com/search?q=covid+uk – 126k
Yes it looks like it. Like I said this is most likely due to the fact that these can be calculated on a daily basis without the timelag of deaths needing to be registered etc. Please also note that this ‘official’ death number is lower than those reported by the ONS (using death certification) if you look at the first link you sent.
Hi Stevie, many thanks for your response.
I found this document wherein it states;
if before death the patient had symptoms typical of COVID19 infection, but the test result has not been received, it would be satisfactory to give ‘COVID-19’ as the cause of death, tick Box B and then share the test result when it becomes available. In the circumstances of there being no swab, it is satisfactory to apply clinical judgement.
Given that a large number (over a third?) of covid deaths have occurred in care homes, not hospitals, would you agree that this is the time for 100% accurate data, not basing it on assumptions just because someone displayed symptoms of covid?
Can you tell me why there are no, or very few, recorded deaths from flu this winter, as reported by Bel Mooney (relaying the comments of a Registrar) in the article I linked to in an earlier post?
We know that a lot of people have had covid and had no problems at all. You missed out the phrase at the beginning of your response ‘death for any reason’ – to me this is crucial as this phrase is also omitted by the newsreader on the BBC News at 6p every night when they relay the latest ‘toll’, despite the word being clearly displayed at the bottom of the screen. Why is it omitted?
I broke my leg in December 2020 and the attending nurse was telling me how quiet it had been at the hospital, particularly last Spring, 2020, when the lockdown began.
The images of hospitals at breaking point reminded me of the winter of 2017/18, when the NHS was at breaking point. I can recall stories about hospital ‘about to run out of oxygen’ during this recent winter. In 2018, there were stories that some hospitals actually had run out of oxygen.
There was a pandemic in 2009. Why was there no lockdown or even a mention of closing airports? In 1968/70 we had the so-called Hong Kong flu, when between 1 million and 4 million died worldwide but there was no shutdown of the economy or society.
For me, this has been media-hyped. People have been scared to death and claims of the lethal nature of the virus simply don’t stack up when you read about the stats for people below the age of 60.
We have destroyed our economy, lost our freedoms, caused unknown numbers of suicides and associated cancer, stroke and heart deaths for a virus we could have dealt with by shielding the frail and elderly. I received my first bowel cancer testing kit when I was 60. I’m supposed to receive the next one every two years. I’m 63 in 2 months, so I’ve missed a year. I was told the NHS doesn’t have the time and resources to test them. How will this effect cancer death stats in years to come?
As usual, the real figures will emerge after an enquiry. Neil Ferguson will be given a knighthood for services to crap computer modelling (and maybe he will actually spend some time studying for a GCSE in Biology) and this 2 year period will be known as the time when scientists were allowed to govern the country due to the weakness of the PM and the government.
We have severe flu seasons – I was never once asked to wear a mask when flu was ripping through care homes and we visited my 90 year old mother (who survived double pneumonia during the 2017/18 winter). She’s still with us, thankfully.
A year ago, I, like everyone else, was disinfecting my post as it came through the door, ditto the shopping, washing my hands and singing happy bloody birthday twice each time. Now – nope. I shan’t be having the vaccine. I shall rely on my immune system – and so to should the younger generation. But that’s up to them and their parents.
Hi Dave
Firstly, clinical judgement is applied all the time in medicine. There are no absolute tests in medicine (as with most things in science) which is one of the reasons we have doctors in the first place. You question whether this is enough to write a death certificate and should we not try to be ‘100% accurate’. There is no such thing as 100% accuracy even if you perform an autopsy you would still be making assumptions based on the clinical history, examination, blood tests, imaging etc along with post mortem findings. Death certs are always and have always been based on some degree of assumptions. Feeling generally unwell, febrile, dry cough, silent hypoxia, lymphopenic, thrombocytopenic, with similarly unwell contacts, low procalcitonin, then gets clinically worse around day 7-10 in the adaptive immunity phase with minimal/ no improvement on antibiotics and subsequently elevated inflammatory markers screams COVID even before PCR test (remembering that the sensitivity for the PCR is around 75% i.e. it will MISS 1/4 cases of COVID depending on when in the illness it was taken). Doctors writing death certs by law have to have seen the patient in their last 28 days of life hence have an idea of the history, likely have examined them and even in the care home have access to bloods, bacterial cultures and other investigations etc. If you think that making healthcare decisions based on the above pieces of information is insufficient you might be frightened to know that this is how we conduct 99% of medicine, with most of it actually based on the history. I would be interested to know what level of investigation you feel would be adequate.
Do I think SOME of the COVID carehome deaths have been misdiagnosed? Sure. But is it on such a grand, conspiratorial scale and would it have ultimately impacted wider public decision making? No. With the sheer numbers of patients who demonstrably had COVID in the hospitals, along with the excess deaths makes it obvious that the same situation was occuring in the carehomes as well.
Like I alluded to in my original post – I think the PHE ‘death within 28 days of a +ve swab for any reason’ is a poor metric and you should look at the ONS statistics for the most reliable indicator of COVID deaths, which incidentally shows the PHE numbers under represents the number of COVID deaths. I can only assume the govt use this metric as it is available more readily without having to wait for deaths to be registered etc but the communication about why this is used overall has been more and creates a question of legitimacy in an already skeptical public.
With regards to hospitals being ‘quiet’ this is very variable, depending on the hospital and the member of staff. As the lockdown took effect in the first wave there were very few people coming to hospital. A lot of the reasons I personally heard, particularly from the elderly who had sat on their problems were ‘I didn’t want to bother anyone at this busy time’ or ‘I was scared of getting COVID’ or even ‘I thought the hospital was closed’. NHS trusts were tweeting people to remind them to come hospital if they were unwell! In addition to all of that, there were none of the usual drunks coming in on saturday nights to A+E, less traffic accidents and elective surgeries had been cancelled. So for short period it was very quiet and COVID was really only in London. But as time went on the numbers starting increasing massively and I have never seen anything like it in my years of being a doctor. Areas that were previously for outpatients were converted into entire wards and they were FULL of COVID patients, many were relatively young and without significant comorbidity. There were certainly times were oxygen pressures were running low. Doctors were being ‘redeployed’ from other areas e.g. clinical geneticists or plastic surgeons who had relatively little work began working in ITU. The conversion of HDU and theatre recovery into functioning ITU spaces. The NHS just about keeps it together on a good day due to chronic underfunding but throw a pandemic in there and you begin to really stretch it. It was this massive effort from ALL hospitals that ultimately managed to accomodate for this huge influx of patients. Had we had this on top of regular scheduled service we would have been unable to cope without a doubt. In many ways, if you work outside of ITU COVID is actually quite a simple disease. You can give oxygen and steroids and if that doesn’t work there’s not really much else you can do other than call ITU. So it made the job relatively simple for those who worked outside of ITU, not having to deal with a whole ward of patients all of which had different, more complex issues. So you can see how SOME people might say it was ‘quiet’ but others have a different view. Ultimately you can’t draw meaningful conclusions based on ‘My mate Barry works in the hospital and he said XYZ’ etc it really depends on the cirumstances.
There isn’t ‘no influenza’ deaths. You can see the influenza death stats on the ONS website, lower this year likely due to masks, social distancing and the fact that more people died earlier in the year.
I’m not really here to debate the pros and cons of lockdown, there are certainly good points on either side. I’m not a policy maker or politician. My main concern was with the misinformation in the article. But I don’t think simply shielding the elderly would have been succesful given the virulence of this disease and I think the NHS would have very much struggled to cope with the sheer numbers had there been no enforced measure to attempt to reduce transmission.
Thanks for your reply, Stevie,
As I said, I’m not a medical person. I’m reasonably well-educated (degree etc) but I just have an overwhelming feeling that ‘something ‘aint right’. A gut feeling, you’d call it. So many possibilities have raced through my mind over the last 12 months – that the virus is man made and ‘they’ know it (I do actually believe that). Then I am convinced that, like David below, the reaction has been totally disproportionate. I know that there are over 1 billion cases of the flu every year and the WHO reported that in 2019 there were around 650,000 deaths from influenza. Yet this isn’t considered a pandemic? Why not? Why wasn’t the flu vaccine ever made compulsory? I wasn’t made to wear a mask when I visited my mother-in-law in a care home when there was a sign on the door stating that flu was in the property. She ended up in hospital with double pneumonia but she pulled through. Surely you must take the point that millions have died from influenza (possibly nearly 2 million in the three years prior to 2020, let’s say?). No compulsory vaccine, no social distancing, no masks. No lockdowns.
As far back as March 2020, the UK Government no longer considered Covid-19 to be a ‘high consequence infectious disease’.
No lockdowns during the so-called Hong Kong flu of 1968-70 when ‘between 1 and 4 million died globally’ (wiki). Ditto the so-called swine flu ‘pandemic’ of 2009/10? I’ve no doubt that, nuclear war aside, one day a tiny little microbe will come along to wipe us all out, but this isn’t the one, is it. People are not dropping dead in the streets and it effects old and frail people. I don’t mean to appear callous, I’m merely stating facts.
Which brings me on to vaccines. Are you a parent? A grand parent? There is news of the government bringing in compulsory vaccinations for children. Would you allow your children or grandchildren to be vaccinated with experimental vaccines. I wouldn’t. Why would you vaccinate a small child with a perfectly good immune system, who statistically has a tiny chance of becoming ill from the disease, with an experimental vaccine? I believe that the vaccine is killing people now, right this minute, in care homes and elsewhere. Where is the informed consent when people have this ‘jab’. Do they know the risks? It’s an experiment and there are some very large pharmas making big bucks out of this and they have a vested interest in prolonging the hysteria. I will not be having the vaccine.
Would you accept that the lockdowns will cause even more pain, suffering and deaths than the virus did? In other words, was it worth it? I don’t think so. I believe that the average age of death has been in excess of 80 (see link below). We all die eventually. It’s a fact of life. Most of those who died had severe illnesses and were old. If I was ill and old, living in a care home, would I never want to see my children again before I die, would I want to know that they were locked down in their homes living miserable existences just so that I could also be locked down and die for the sake of a couple of months. No. When did the human race become so scared of death? Medical people seem to spend all of their time trying to find ways of cheating the inevitable by prolonging the agony, in most cases.
Finally, you don’t seem to have any suspicions whatsoever about the ‘controlled opposition’. I gave up trying to put ‘the other side’ on social media, online newspaper forums etc as all of my posts were deleted – even posts in response to other posters on youtube videos. Where a post mentions the opposite argument, one is immediately lumped in with conspiracy theories, 5G and aliens. Tell me, why do you think this is? Why are YOU here, responding to my questions? On a website where we have had to congregate because real journalism in the MSM is non-existent. Nobody is asking the right questions. You don’t agree that the nightly briefings are stage managed? I heard (not sure if it’s true) that an MP asked Hancock for the figures for deaths in care homes within 3 weeks of having a vaccine. I can’t help but think that that MP will go missing, shortly, like the former President of Tanzania.
You might find these links interesting:
Sorry, I forgot to mention this, too….2018 – the front pages look very familiar, don’t you think? Same old, same old. More media mass hysteria. I suppose they have to write about something. Don’t they?
and scroll down this lot…all from 2018
Hi Stevie, here’s an excellent article I found in The Lancet regarding the way the media treated previous pandemics in 1957 and 1968 (if you really want to call this current ‘pandemic’ a pandemic!). Note the population of the UK in 1957 was 51.5 million. “However, critics of the UK Government’s response are perhaps right to point to the role of epidemiology and statistical modelling in propagating fear”.
This issue around causes of death has been covered extensively here and debunked. Educate yourself doctor. Your comment reads like propaganda.
Educate me David – I’d gladly learn
Hi Stevie. I am a poor choice to educate anyone on this. I can express my position on this but there are many folks on this site that would complete disagree.
You have that backwards. Early panic and public decision making dictated reporting methodology. You comply or get fired and “black balled”. There were many complaints about this within the medical community.
I was familiar with the determination process you describe. The main complaint early in the spread of this virus relates directly to your post. It’s a judgement call and historically the results could take over a year to be processed. Suddenly we had bureaucrats and govt officials telling medical professionals to in effect falsify death certificates in an extremely biased manner.
Where this intersects with my own work is that ALL of this data, complex as it is, should be submitted and compiled. I think this article covers this issue well but not in retrospect.
Was this some “grand conspiracy”? Well it did involve more than 2 people, thousands in fact. Never let a crisis go to waste seemed to be guiding rule there. To be fair, we didn’t have the data in early 2020 and this might have turned out to be very lethal. It simply isn’t. And I say that living among folks at greater risk than most.
The word ‘pandemic’ is supposed to mean something. It no longer does. It appears to mean whatever Gates and friends tells the WHO it means. Had it turned out to be killing 10% of the population I would gladly consider it a pandemic. This is fear mongering.
Once every 6 weeks I would update my family with “here’s what we know now but there are many studies we will have to wait for. Let’s look again in 1-2 months.”
With regards to Covid, don’t take my word on any of this. I place(d) little weight on the anecdotal reports from patients, nurses and doctors. From the beginning I was looking at what virologists were saying.
What did they say? That PCR tests were absurdly unreliable; and that according to the inventor. That viruses like this tend to become less lethal over time. That this was not a highly lethal virus from all appearances. That the entire treatment and reporting processes had become highly politicized by authoritarian leaning governments in the west.
I can tell you that in New York and Quebec the sick were be sent into nursing homes guaranteeing a higher death toll. By fall there were large discrepancies in the statistics that where highly suspicious and appeared rooted in a highly biased reporting methodology.
Concurrent to (and before) all of this there was a pending economic crisis that would have been a much bigger issue were we not in the grip of widely promoted hysteria.
Now, I had been wondering for a few decades at what point we were going to take all of this seriously, or lacking that, at what point a pandemic was going to wipe out a large portion of humanity. I am still wondering about that but it seems the world is certainly paying attention these days.
What has changed is that western governments have become openly fascist. To doubt that conspirators are holding secret meetings at a large scale is disingenuous at best. There is no need for secrecy. It’s an “in your face” thing these days anyways. It’s all classified in either case. Anything and everything. All for your protection naturally.
We carry thousands of viruses in the gut alone. I don’t doubt this is a part of nature but I do question why the issue of isolation and sequencing has never been addressed in a conclusive manner. Particularly when some universities are not finding the virus present in samples. All of this is highly contradictory given that China claimed to have sequenced it early last year.
I find even the wildest theories usually are rooted in a combination concerning and suppressed research where the public is being constantly gas-lighted or propagandized.
Examples? Leaded gas & paint? oops, wrong century. smoking cigarettes is bad but smoking pot and vaping is not? I smoke both. Frankly it isn’t much of a pain killer but helps keep the boredom under control. However I never have deluded myself that pot is healthy and nothing to worry about. It’s just a better alternative to getting hooked on opioids.
So do entire industries and their chums in govt engage in group-think and manufactured consensus? Do they have goals and objectives that are driven by profit motive and conformity? Yes. Absolutely. History demonstrates this quite clearly without needing the past year as an example.
We all do this. It’s denial and bias on varying levels and in many situations. I do, u do, we all do. It’s how we are wired, facts be damned. I am not approaching this from a position of being “above it all” or “woke” but from a attempt to grasp how this works given our pending extinction.
A poor metric? That is what I call blatantly fraudulent. It wasn’t accidental or misguided. These are not stupid people bumbling along making innocent mistakes. It’s largely been a top down process and certainly not a case of medical experts driving policy. So that is what set me off with complaint about propaganda. Excuse my rudeness. Not only were experts completely ignored from the beginning but very quickly censored and even ridiculed.
Welcome to fascism.
Like I said I’m not really here to debate how the government have responded to COVID. My main issue here is that a lot of the arguments against lockdown seem to stem from this erroneous idea that COVID deaths are being in someway over inflated. We know the deaths are legitimate – the consequences of what should happen on a policy level are another discussion and not one that I would claim to be an expert on.
I was expecting an ‘extensive debunking’ of the death statistics but your argument seems to center around vague notions of doctors being coerced into falsifying death certificates. As a doctor who has written countless MCCDs you are going to have to do better than that. Even if we play along with your fantasy that doctors are all being strong armed into writing falsified death certs without evidence thus far there has been 5,214 COVID deaths recorded by way of MCCDs which were not associated with a positive PCR swab. This is a tiny fraction of the number of COVID MCCD in the UK and these will be based on on balance of probability diagnosis where PCR was not available but there were clinical, biochemical and/or radiological signs of COVID19.
With regards to reliability of PCR, yes there is a degree of unreliability. The false positive rate is thought to be between 0·8% and 4·0%. The false negative rate is between 9-29% for the nose and throat swab, this is much lower for more invasive methods of testing like bronchial lavage and seems to be user dependent and based on when in the disease course you are testing. But test results are test results and disease is disease. Test results in isolation mean very little when compared to the overall clinical context. The true ‘gold standard’ way to diagnose COVID is with clinical judgement based on the history, examination, observations, exposure risks, blood tests, chest xray/CT along with repeated PCR swabs. You can see how PCR forms only a fraction of the decision making process. This approach is the same for nearly everything in medicine – there are very few ‘gold standard’ faultless investigations and we often treat ’empirically’ i.e. in the absence of knowing all the information, and how the patient responds is also key in the diagnostic workup. It is the best we can do, there’s no gold standard test to diagnose most things in medicine and there aren’t unlimited amounts of resources either. These deaths are being judged on a case by case basis and a positive or negative swab result is just one component. If you have another suggestion of how it should be done I would love to hear it.
COVID has been isolated numerous times , did you even bother to check for yourself or do you just listen to what the last person told you? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/organism/694009/latest/
If you consider 10% mortality a pandemic I’d consider it pandemonium. In the UK that’s 6.5 million dead including mortality of essential staff + millions more that would require hospitalisation you are looking at easily 10x the NHS capacity.
The PHE statistics is a poor metric but it isn’t fraudulent. It actually underestimates the total COVID deaths reported by the ONS by 20,000 – a fact that you can’t seem to dispute without resorting to baseless claims that medics are being strong armed. I’ve studied medicine for almost 10 years, maybe its time that you educated yourself. Bandying words around like ‘propaganda’ doesn’t make your case any stronger.
This video will answer all of the questions and riddles, that are either unknown or undisclosed by the official lie…
And for a huge repository of high-quality articles by real scientists about real science, including many Off-Guardian pieces, see this site: https://trustthescience.net/
This article is so fundamentally flawed it can only be dishonest. As a GP I understand how different the two issues are and there is no hypocrisy. It rather tarnishes the credibility of authors. For me, belief in this sort of nonsense is akin to mind damage.
I really want to understand both points of view. Are you saying that 126,000 people have died in the UK because of covid? Is that a provable fact? I’ve read in various places that GPs can even write covid on death certificates if the deceased showed symptoms, such as COPD etc etc. For me, this reporting of figures is central to the whole thing, as far as convincing the public is concerned. At this point in time, I don’t believe the figures.
Here’s an article written by a journalist about the recent death of her 99 year old father.
It contains these words;
“For when I registered Dad’s death by telephone (as you have to these days), the registrar told me there had been very many other cases like ours where ‘the deceased’ had not tested positive for Covid, yet it was recorded as the cause of death.
They agreed that, yes, it must distort the national figures — ‘and yet the strangest thing is that every winter we record countless deaths from flu, and this winter there have been none. Not one!’
So, I asked, did the registrar wonder if deaths from flu were being misdiagnosed and lumped together with Covid deaths? The answer was a puzzled ‘Yes‘.
The funeral director said the same thing, saying they had lost count of the number of families upset by the same issue”.
Now can you throw any light on this? Is it true that Covid can be assumed to be the cause of death?
im a doctor, read my post at the top
and ask any questions
Apologies – here’s the article.
Wow — you are a GP?????
If that is true, I wouldn’t let you put a bandaid on a scratch.
An average 8 year old would comprehend the basic logic and arguments in this article.
Thumbs up!
Evidence of Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger to the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee. ((Pfizer Biontech)
‘ONS data are based on what doctors responsible for a patient in their final illness write on the death certificate to the “best of [their] knowledge and belief,” and they do not take into account how recently the deceased had had a positive covid-19 test result.5 I would advise anyone therefore to trust ONS data above the government’s reporting tool. In 90% of certificates where covid-19 is recorded, it does so in part 1 as the cause contributing directly to death.6 The Nuffield Trust has issued a similar note of caution about covid-19 death statistics.7’
what do you think the author of that article meant by this?
I saw this on Save Our Rights website. It is about the current CENSUS. One of the questions in the current CENSUS is about religious of philosophical beleif. If hundreds of thousands (or more) of us commoners put FREEDOM in that box it will eventually have to be recognised as a belief system and to ask us to do something that goes against it (e.g. compulsory gene therapy) could qualify as crime under the Equalities Act 2010. Share with friends and family it you can.
The gradual return of good sense : https://www.aier.org/article/the-gradual-return-of-good-sense/?fbclid=IwAR093dPvctJkz2CotmExlZlK8mCJHt8pMTLNvro_isAiNWgXmjRnD2IoNew
It’s all nonsense. Ipso facto the vaccine is nonsense and anything to do with this Covid bullshit is nonsense. I want to know why they doing it.
Depopulation. Plain and simple
It’s about deceiving people into lining up for the kill shot. Voluntarily committing suicide.
“As we all know by now, countries all around the world define “Covid deaths” as “people who die, of any cause, within 30 days of a positive test result” (the number of days changes by country, it’s usually between 28 and 60). This trend was started in Italy last spring, and spread all around the world.”
Would the editors be able to show/cite the 30 day definition.Thanks!I am posting Off-on my facebook page and am getting pummelled by those poking holes in articles.
Public Health England has changed its definition of deaths. The new definition is now death in a person with a laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test and died within (equal to or less than) 28 days of the first positive specimen date will now be reported
So they have dropped ‘death for any reason’? They still use that sentence on the BBC News every night, at 6pm. But the newsreader never reads out that bit. That’s the sentence that makes a compete mockery of it.
We see exactly the same hypocrisy with regard to therapeutics vs vaccines. Treatments such as HCQ and Ivermectin are studied in RCTs and the fact that they fail to completely stop people from getting infected with Covid is used to dismiss any efficacy despite the fact that a therapeutic 20-30% reduction in the severity of a disease can mean a 90% reduction in hospitalization. Vaccines similarly fail to stop people from contracting Covid and spreading it yet instead of dismissing them as they did with HCQ and Ivermectin the vaccines are hailed as an incredible success in that they reduce the severity of the disease in much the same way as HCQ and Ivermectin did but at a much lower cost and 40-70 years of safety data.
What COVID? It’s made up. Alleged virus not isolated and no evidence of any infectious agent, alleged virus or any other agent, causing the alleged COVID which, as indicated on the CDC website, does not have a distinctive set of symptoms.
HCQ, Ivermectin, etc are all just distraction propaganda.
If you believe there’s evidence of the virus or virus illness please let me know what it is.
This is the paper where the Koreans isolated and cultured it:
They isolate, culture and confirm via pathology and electron microscopy.
Obviously the Chinese had already done it and it has been done many other times by other labs in other countries.
Look this is a giant over reaction to something that is not much more harmless than flu. Lockdowns don’t work, neither do masks and there is plenty of science showing that. PCR tests have been misused and it seems likely that many of the cases (and by extension deaths) were not actually measuring illness, even setting aside the problems with classifying deaths, mentioned by Kit above. There has been an over reliance on shoddy inaccurate modelling which can only be described as pseudoscientific at best. The media has made lead people to hysteria and weak politicians who do not understand science have blindly followed this fear narrative.
But the idea that covid 19 does not exist, that viruses don’t exist, that the whole thing is made up is nonsense. With statements like yours you unfortunately give the media all the ammunition it needs to lump legitimate criticism of policies enacted to combat the pandemic, as conspiracy theory. It is not helpful.
They claim they’ve isolated it.
This article shows their claim is false.
And this article critiques an Australian team’s claims of isolation.
Then, of course, there’s the lack of evidence for any agent causing the alleged COVID which does not have a distinctive set of symptoms.
Sorry missed second article link.
We gotta understand that this cvid narrative is not about rational arguments at all. Everything is showed on tv and media is so rodocolous that even a 3 yewr old child will notice that most of it is wrong. But the thing is that this is all about brainwash, fear and beliefs. A big egregor or group mind mentality of emotionality and stupidity, based on blind obediencie to the GOd of TV. Nothing more nothing less. It has never been about science or ratiional arguments. EEvenif tomorrow the tv says that you can ccur cvid by walking naked in the streets, i am sure people will do it, no matter how ridicolous is that.
Yes, the sheeple. And we know what happens to sheep…
All the msm have to offer is propaganda and censure ship.
They do not even try to be unbiased and truthful.
On top of that there is no open scientific debate.
FDA issues alert for false positive PCR test by Roche, 3/12/21. Widely used Roche PCR cobas rapid test for Covid and flu can yield false positives AP, “The Latest: US health officials warn of false positives.”…More details, “FDA warns of potential false positive results with Roche Cobas rapid coronavirus, flu test,” Genomeweb, Modern Healthcare. The term “PCR test” doesn’t appear anywhere in AP article. A Roche website says its cobas test is a PCR test: “To develop our test, we leveraged years of experience in creating high quality molecular tests. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technology, which we use in our cobas SARS-CoV-2 test, is considered the gold standard for detecting the presence of the virus.” diagnostics.roche.com, blog
PCR is the gold standard? That’s laughable, considering the inventor of PCR says otherwise.
Great article but I think the irony is conscious and deliberate.
“The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
The Dalrympole quote is good but I’d add that there is a weary kind of apathetic compliance involved on the part of the vast majority – who I reckon are not stupid despite what self serving intellectuals make out. It’s just that this vast majority are well aware that these very intellectuals are self deceiving bullshitters who may “talk the talk” but will not stand up for the ones they suposedly represent – and indeed that even their talking of the talk is based on faulty presuppositions.
So this bit about going along with the lies is accompanied by a kind of hopeless resignation and a shrug of the shoulders.
What I am trying to get at is that this virus shit is something which I suspect the vast majority reject but they all think, “Well what are you going to do?”
I would love to agree with you; but I can’t. I think the virus paradigm with its corresponding vaccine paradigm is so much a part of what most people take for granted that it never occurs to them to question it.
“The sky is up…the ground is down…the virus is deadly…the vaccine will save us…” Don’t even try to convince them otherwise.
I’m not sure if agree with vast majority but certainly significant minority. I got thrown out of a charity shop the other day because of the badge on my bag saying CONVID IS A FAKE. The manager told me she found it offensive because she had three friends who’d suffered from it. I said I found the lies we’re told offensive. She then picked up the phone and said she was calling the police. When we walked in, my friend, who frequented the shop, advised me the manager was a bitch … I wasn’t expecting that though.
Is the use of logic permissible under the rules of “The New Normal” or is it banned as a vestige of Eurocentric bias? As an avid fan of the Socratic method, I would very much like to know.
They haven’t banned logic – they’ve just Reset it to fit the current thinking.
If A is true; and B is the same as A; then B must also be true – is SOO yesterday. Today it’s: If A serves our purpose; and B contradicts A; then B must be false.
Angela Merkel refused the Astra vaccine before it was ‘paused’ in Germany – says she’s too old.
She has also refused any of the other covid injections as she claims others deserve it first. Noble Angela – she knows a thing or two, but I suspect she is a bit ‘vaccine-hesitant’.
It is ok for others to dy and suffer
Various people are calling for her to be vaccinated live via stream or on TV. Obviously the vaccine itself will need to be inspected and verified live as well.
Even better would be to get about 20 or 30 of these people vaccinated live as a group to observe any side effects as they happen.
A good example here: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/14023372/236-brits-died-covid-jabs-vaccines-didnt-play-role/
OK, folks, it’s happened.
A bright new poster in out apartment lobby!
A big circle around a syringe “I’ve been vaccinated!” with a big check mark.
Under that:
“What to do now? Stay 6 feet apart (check mark!) and wear a mask (check mark!)”
Then some gobblygook about why we have to continue the subjugation.
Wasn’t there an old cartoon, or tv show years ago where someone always yelled
Surely that is SATIRE >?
I’m horribly afraid not.
Unless I’m mistaken (and if I am, forgive me for the insult), you’re a US citizen. Perhaps others are unaware that the US is incapable of satire. That’s because the entirety of US history is satire – satire of everything a nation should be.
The Simpsons
American Dad
The Office
South Park
They are all satires produced in the USA my friend.
The Office was Rick Gervais, UK show, first. Just saying…You know, Ricky, who was recently photographed having the jab.
Yes. USofA.
No that’s the UK. Sheeple HQ
Apart from the mandatory mask dictum, this is one reason why I only take local public transit when it’s absolutely necessary– which, thankfully, these days is rare.
The vehicles are wall-to-wall scamdemic diktats and propaganda, from the automated “hardline” signage and announcements to the “happy horseshit” hortative material you describe.
I can’t resist tacking on, and repeating, my observation about the horror I felt when I last passed through the major public transit center in this area, the 69th Street Terminal.
The Terminal– inexplicably bureaucratically changed to “Transportation Center” some years back– has been in decline for decades. When I first visited there as a kid in the 1960s, it was a bustling place with shops: a drugstore, a bakery, even a small Post Office branch.
General economic decline and bad management gradually eliminated the retail merchants long before the Megadeath Virus of Doom struck. But during my last visit, I discovered that all of the interior and exterior seating, the schedule-displaying bulletin boards and directories, and even the freaking schedule racks had been removed.
The place had been stripped of all amenities. I’m surprised the restrooms are still open (when they’re not closed for frequent cleaning).
The “message” was obvious: this space no longer “welcomes” the public; anything that might possibly cause visitors to congregate or linger is gone, so take your MVD-shedding ass out of here just as fast as you brought it in. And keep wearing that mask and practice social-distancing, because we’re all in this together.
Creepy as hell. Oh, and since you asked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h97kbv4mbsc
First, as regards your Popeye link – I was too lazy to search “I can’t stand it no more” but I figured someone – Ort – would know the answer. How could I have forgotten Popeye??? He came on right after 3 Stooges and Our Gang.
As to the Transportation Center – oh god. I can only imagine. I don’t take public transport because from where I live a car is just easier. Also, I would probably end up in a fight over the face hammock.
But along those lines, and as evidence of how crass and tacky civic life has become – I was in downtown Boston sometime before the MVD and walked through South Station, which is the main AMTRAK station and a sort-of Grand Central of Boston.
It is a huge old building, just gorgeous originally – like the real Grand Central – and could be such a beautiful gathering and welcoming space. It could emulate a back-in-the-day European station. They have done it with Grand Central Station in New York.
Instead it could not be more un-welcoming and crass. So much of the intricate structure is covered in billboards. There is a circular bar (of course) in the middle of the concourse with all the requisite big screen tv’s. And a bunch of fast food places. Really sad. Really typical of the worst of the dumbing down.
Very very sad that public transportation and rail travel in the US is the poor orphan.
I hear you brother. I was at the Post Office picking up a parcel. About 20 posters on the wall about being covid safe and signing in with your app (yeah right F Off!) etc. etc. I wanted to puke.
Ah, as we are about to discover, Saint George Floyd was the only man in 2020 who, despite the positive test, died of other causes.
The death of offguardian was right now.
The credibility of Sociopathicpsychotron was diminished long ago.
To the entity calling itself “SocioPsychopatriotism”: you and your kind winning this war is an impossiblity, no matter how many of you have sleazed your way in here, and you know it. Crawl back to the pit you crawled out of.
I guess this article hurt your feelings
I was thinking a bit about the Caitlin Johnstone matter and thinking about how much freedom journalists really have. Stewart Lee once made a catty if accurate comment about Jeremy Clarkson writing his “sincere” and “spontaneous” pieces “for money” every week for the Daily Mail. The irony being that Lee himself is in exactly the same position with The Guardian – indeed I would say that Clarkson’s “low brow” pieces would probably be more bearable than Lee’s phoney “radicalism”.
But Johnstone is apparently “reader funded” which I presume means that she operates in the same way as OffG where the money comes voluntarily from her readers. That would seem to offer more independence. But nevertheless, there is still the same pressure in terms of “designated credibility” with reference to the mainstream Left. As always, 9/11 is a prefect precursor to this issue.
And there are two levels to the manipulation. There is a “regular folks” level in which the matter of “Left” and “Right” are not applicable because most of the public don’t care. They may have vague prejudices re: “Tory bastards” or “Commie pricks” or whatever. But they have imbibed the whole “conspiracy nut” lingo and don’t want to be tainted with that brush.
But then there is a level reserved for the mainstream Left, by which I mean that segment who ally themselves with the visible Left as depicted in the media. And for those more aware of the deviousness of that media, there is a “more extreme” area lying at the furthest edges (e.g. WSWS). For these Lefts, the “conspiracy nut” manoeuvre is emphasised by being especially linked with the Right. (Admittedly the WSWS could actually see through this and were indeed asking questions about 9/11. But in light of future matters, i.e. covid, this must be seen as a matter of making permissible allowances before covid.)
This “Rightward” projection is magnified re: COVID. The “regular folk” level screams about how sceptics are putting us all in danger without any remarks about political orientation, but the mainstream Left angle promotes a further dimension of “Right Wing” or “libertarian” “selfishness”.
I am guessing that Johnstone feels this pressure along with all others in the mainstream Left. She may be able to survive perfectly well financially should she decide to start asking awkward questions about covid. But she would lose her credibility with regard to that mainstream Left whose position has been clearly demarcated although not explicitly, just as the whole sceptical position has been jealously kept “off the table” all through the media.
Left face.
Right Face.
About Face.
In an email in a nasty manner Caitlin told me she would do everything to get me off her website. I kept commenting until one day my post didn’t register. I didn’t try again so it may have been a glitch but I think she banned me. Banning people whose comments obey normal guidelines means she loses all credibility.
Really not, why don’t you tell us why she banned you
We-ell, I have to admit she’s not the only person hostile to certain of my views and certainly on OffG there is also a reaction against some of them too, notably on 9/11, so rather than state them I’ll just give a link to my website.
Get a VPN and just keep changing your IP
How anyone can believe the official narrative on 9/11 still blows my mind. Sheeple not people!!
My ideal world would be one where there was total free speech. The only thing I would object to is the paid up trolls who deliberately sabotage free speech by putting up material which they don’t believe in. Obvioulsy you’d have to be on the lookout for that. But the rest I welcome. Let’s hear your rants!
Dear Mr Raab,
In the interests of being even handed I would appreciate it if you would shortly visit a covid vaccination centre. I would like you to select a person waiting to be vaccinated aged between 50 and 60 who is not obese.
I would like you to look this person in the eyes and say “there is a small chance that having the Oxford vaccine will cause you to have blood clots. These may occur in your brain and they may kill you. It is your duty to have this jab for the greater good”.
The following conversation might ensue:
“But Mr Raab I don’t want to die. I am enjoying life, I love my family and my work is rewarding.”
“Your monarch has asked you to do this. You have seen our esteemed Prime Minister repeatedly urge you to get vaccinated while speaking in front of several large Union Jacks. It is your patriotic duty. You will be saving lives.”
“Correction: Only the Almighty, should there be one, can save lives – or more accurately save souls. At best the vaccination will extend lives. The salient questions are whose life is being extended, for how long and what is the cost you are making the non vulnerable pay. I am a healthy 50 year old. My BMI is 22, I exercise daily and I eat a diet that the sainted Joe Wicks would approve of. With a bit of luck I will enjoy another 35 years of active life.
The typical covid death occurs in someone aged over 80 with three co morbidities. The life expectancy of such a person is probably less than one year. Their quality of life during this year is likely to be comparatively poor. Hopefully they made the most of life’s opportunities in years gone by.
To give this imaginary person a few months more of low quality life you are asking me to risk death. Do you really think this is a reasonable thing to ask me to do?”
“Put like that I can understand why you hesitate but you must accept that Boris Johnson, a man of impeccable integrity, would not ask you to have the Oxford jab if he did not think it was in the best interests of the country as a whole.”
“Is this the same Boris Johnson who did not turn up for five COBRA meetings to discuss preparations for dealing with Covid 19? What was he doing instead of attending these meetings? He loves making PR visits that appear on TV. At the time we are talking about he was filmed going round a hospital ward shaking hands with all the patients – and championing this type of behaviour”.
“We all make mistakes. This was one of the few times Boris has behaved in an unwise way. It was announced today that the UK is going to increase the number of nuclear warheads on its Trident submarines from 180 to 260. We will all be able to sleep more soundly knowing we will soon have the potential to kill an extra 500 million innocent people should we need to. That is an example of the sort of decisive person our Prime minister is.”
“Thank you for explaining this to me Mr Raab. It think I will opt out for the time being. Have you had the Oxford Jab by the way? ………I thought not.”
All the psychological manipulation is working. I had tried my best to stop an 81 year-old lady with cancer to accept chemio because in France they force vaccination before such hospital treatments. I had sent her literature, and she’s a retired physicist and against the dystopia and earlier refused to be tested for covid. But she’s totally illogical: she accepted her cancer specialist’s decision even though she spent the last years telling how inhuman and stupid this doctor is, she accepted her stupid sister’s advice that getting vaccinated+chemio is equal to being medically treated and therefore with possibilities of cure. Mind you her stupid doctor had told her that her cancer was very slow evolving…
Anyhow Im feeling deflated. What can you do?! And she had an appointment in April for a second opinion with a specialist considered to be very good and humane.
But no she decided not to wait for the 2nd opinion because if she waits until the end of April and then does the vaccine+chemio, then the chemio would last until the end of Aug.
And summer holidays: July, Aug. are sacrosanct. Must go away then, must go on holidays.
I hope she does have summer holidays to take.
Sorry to hear that. I’m worried about my brother. He’s 59 and suddenly (sort of) ill with cancer (a 4 centimeter mass deep in his nasal passage close to his brain). I can’t tell him to do nothing but I fear for him because I have no faith in Rockefeller medicine and I really hope that he doesn’t go for chemo. But, again, I can’t tell him to do nothing. All I can do is hope that they don’t kill him. In the meantime, at least someone ‘expert’ is doing something for him, even if I have no use for that expert. I just can’t say too much to my brother about that. He’s already devastated. He was quite physical until this happened just weeks ago. He literally looks like a different person now. The fear in his eyes makes me cry.
I tell people all the time: Consequences. I urged my brother, all of my life, to quit smoking. He always smoked, sometimes more than one thing. And I think he did cocaine. That’s good for the nasal passages. I told others that my brother will retire (he couldn’t wait for it and talked about it every time we got together), feel ill one day and then see his doctor who will tell him he has cancer. And here we are.
It’s all about foundation. Build a solid foundation. You can’t get kids to do that. They can eat total garbage and still look great, while they’re young. And so, you don’t reach them. They don’t see what you’re trying to tell them – until they hit 30 and look 60.
They appear to be illegally forcing cancer treatment patients to have the injection in aust too….the ultimate use of threat….hope they are made to line up for the trails when they come.
Astounding! I thought they were advising cancer patients, i.e. compromised immune systems, NOT to get the injection.
“If you are immuno-compromised, talk to your doctor”. What does that mean? Immuno-compromised is another of the many labels that mean they don’t know what is wrong. Talk to your doctor means he will tell you in private to take the jab, with no one taking responsibility or offering to compensate for damage.
The official guidelines of the government here says clearly that people with severe pathologies are those that should be vaccinated.
I leave it to you to conclude why they may be saying that…
Is it cheaper?
Indeed. They need only fear one Judge. He can’t be bought or intimidated and he’s not saddled with limitation or imperfection. And all, the innocent and the guilty, will stand before him. There’s no escape.
Undeniable grim truth. We will reap what we have sown.
Humans are obsessed with this life. It’s our greatest weakness. It’s why all the carrots work on us. Because we are effectively Donkeys even though we are God/s
“Yet another puff piece from the jackbooted crocodile teared corporate fascist fabian eugenicist brownshirt charlatan fraudsters at Counter Puff, pushing the SCAMDEMIC ‘Big Lie’ Propaganda.”
“Apparently the problem is not ‘The Big Lie’ but bad PR. ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT toxic viral cull juice jab is the victim of poor advertising. The jab that culled poor Marvelous Marvin is misunderstood and unappreciated. The untermenschen useless eaters are reluctant to take their jabs. Time to change agencies.”
Yeah, what has happened to CounterPunch the past few years?!
“Centralized authorities do not become corrupt; Corruption creates central authorities”
All current events are based on the mistaken belief that centralized authority will somehow create the benefit of individual choice… This presentation well defines the falsehoods that link and chain our collective histories. >
Jerry Day – The Myth Of Benevolent Central Authority – YouTube
Published on Mar 11, 2015
Evile olde sole (not really).
The problem with this argument is that its founding premise is that covid is a hoax and news footage from intensive care wards is a lie etc etc. Which is false (and mad). The reality is, whether you agree with the way covid deaths are counted or not, that excess death (in the uk) is around 100k more than average over the last year, and that’s after a year of lock down, so let’s assume mortality at least 10 times higher if no lockdown. Everything we do in life involves a calculated risk vs other risks. Based on all evidence the risk from covid 19 vastly outweighs any risk from vaccines.
Wrong! The founding premise of the argument is that official covid death counts pushed by the MSM are misleading because causality is ignored to help inflate the numbers. Yet now with vaccine deaths the same pundits are warning about the importance of causality. This double standard is clear to see for anyone who chooses to think objectively.
ah, mate you need to prove these so called excesses, sorry….when the office of national statistics shows no more than a normal flu season….makes one wonder..??
and remember, the death machine works everyday, all year round…1600 average die each and every day in the UK….world figures show 2.5 million…out of 7 billion…0.000000035%
the sheer vista of death has blinded people. i see why you and i and everyone else has gotten caught…..but we are not the enemy and need to talk face to face again, not over the net…we need to work, we need to play…not over the net…does that not grab you..??
one year on, means that if you still think and believe, without even having actual proof that a bug exists or existed, then you will have zero chance of convincing me.
kary mullis’s insistence that his pcr test was highjacked i believe…you, i do not believe…nope…sorry….
where are all these bodies…i’ve seen none, i’ve smelt none….death stinks…seriously..!!
if there were tens of thousands dying or died, you would not be able to hide them…do you think there’s an orderly que of stiffs waiting to fall over in the hospitals, all in beautiful formal fashion.? ooo no, chaos man, they’d be all over the place like flies.
and if there ever was a real “killer” bug, it didn’t come pre-packed from mother nature…it more than likely came out of a lab where it was dressed to kill….and powered by an agenda like nothing we’ve seen before…popstar it was and a one hit wonder it is.
no one’s even talking about that as an origin.
anyhow, enough talk…..get out and do something this saturday 20th at a local protest against this nonsense, cause it’s never going away unless heads come out of bottoms…you can only circle around this subject so long, before it starts to smell….and frankly, it’s dead, dead, dead.
the real truth is, as is becoming well establish, that this world is run by gangster corporations who have snuck up behind everyone and stolen everything….and they are going for it as we speak….they have the agenda.
this bug is just a match to light that fire and has actually done it’s job…
vaxies are pumping now, next comes what…W.E.F and carbon tax…??? more bollox.
we need to face the truth that we, the people are being played like fish.
we don’t need to go to war with these bastards, but you or i or anyone with intent, can no longer just turn off as if this is a film…this is insane.
the answers are in our hands, right now.
the cause of the world’s history is right infront of us all…it ain’t gonna go voluntarily.
they see us, we need to make sure they know we see them.
the power of “no” is all we have….it is a very beautiful thing.
guns they have and they are desperate to use them…be afraid, yes. but that’s all they possess…violence is a singular dimension.
let’s get out on the streets and LIVE, play and work and take this entire shit show as a sign, a way of not fighting amongst ourselves….we are not the enemy.
I love your last line– beautiful!!
Well said Sir!!
“world figures show 2.5 million…out of 7 billion…0.000000035%”
Correction : that calculation should be more like .035%
Big picture : about 55 million people die per year. 2.5 million died with Covid in one year. So less than 1 in 20 people died with Covid over the last year.
If you’re 60 years old, your chance of death this year is very roughly 1 in 150. Your chance of dying with Covid this year is less than 1 in 3000.
Actually, Covid is a complete fabrication and you would be “mad” to think otherwise. No isolated virus anywhere or by anyone on planet Earth. Papers claiming “isolation” are committing scientific fraud by purposely being misleading. The samples that were taken from those in Wuhan were never purified and extracted a viral particle in its whole form and sequenced in its entirety. What instead happened were that these un-purified samples were sequenced, they found 37 base pairs (out of a possible 40,000 base pairs) that was similar to the original sars “virus”. What they did next was use a computer to SIMULATE the rest of the 30,000 odd base pairs which compared it to databases of other genetic sequences and then by “scientific” consensus they came to a mutual decision that this was a “new” virus. So what they cultured in monkey cells is a synthetic sequence i.e. Manmade. Not only that, they did not do any control studies to prove that this “virus” caused disease. In this article written by Dr Tom Cowan he explains in plain english that a study conducted by the CDC proved they could not even infect human cells with the “virus” https://drtomcowan.com/only-poisoned-monkey-kidney-cells-grew-the-virus/
“Based on all evidence the risk from covid 19 vastly outweighs any risk from vaccines.” – You are extremely brainwashed. You might want to take a look at what ingredients are in vaccines and also by legal definition mRNA technology does not meet the criteria to be called a vaccine. It is a gene therapy.
“Everything we do in life involves a calculated risk vs other risks” – Even if you think the “virus” exists do you realise the average age of dying of Covid is 82 with multiple comorbidities? Coincidently do you realise that the average age of death is 82? If you think that’s a coincidence you must one of those ‘coincidence theorists’. The rest of society has a 99.7% survivability rate. Have you taken a look at the VAERS website and gone through and had a look at all the adverse reactions to these new “vaccines”? I suggest you do.
You are suffering from a classic case of cognitive dissonance.
You’re a babbling idiot, whether you’re AI or real.
Re “footage from intensive care wards”, what exactly are you seeing that you wouldn’t regard as normal for an intensive care ward as a matter of course? By definition, intensive care wards hold patients who are very ill with all sorts of ailments. I suspect that many observers are manipulated by medical staff dressed to the nines in PPE, emotive background music and sombre commentaries to think that what they are viewing is somehow different from the norm, which we rarely see.
With regard to mortality statistics, the following thread presents a reality check.
A large number of excess deaths in the UK can be attributed to members of society not seeking medical help out of fear of attending hospital, and caused by delays in treatment, those with ailments such as heart disease, cancer, strokes, pneumonia, suicide, etc. Excess death statistics to measure CV-19 impact are a useful indicator but should not be used in isolation of other facts. Statistics need to be interpreted carefully as they can easily mislead. Particularly, as has been reported, the way death is now being recorded has been significantly altered, such that the normal checks, balances and methods by coroners and doctors do not take place. If this is true, then comparisons to previous years might become difficult, and drawing useful conclusions impossible.
From an empirical standpoint; we ask everyone we chat to… who do you know that has been ill with Covid 19? In the last twelve months, having asked this question to scores of people, we know of a few positive PCR test cases with no symptoms, a handful of people that have taken to their beds (myself included), absolutely no hospitalizations and no deaths. Clearly this amateurish gathering of data is not going to produce a totally accurate picture, but it produces a picture nonetheless; and I know many others that have observed similar. Of course, this data gathering is skewed by our social circle, geography and age profile and this is not intended as a callous downplaying of trauma for those that will undoubtedly know or have been seriously ill and/or died with Covid, which is obviously heart breaking. However, it does produce a stark and sobering comparison to the government narrative, media fear machine and the dialogue of un-elected technocrats with huge conflicts of interest.
Irrespective of statistical semantics or personal experiences, the big picture surely is that this is not a pandemic and never has been; even at the height of the media pantomime when we were told, “Prepare… everyone is going to lose loved ones!”
Covid-19 is a real disease with real effects but was it worthy of the destructive reaction that enriches a few and has and will continue to destroy many? That is a matter of differing personal opinions. But worryingly what Covid has really done is highlight a staggering level of incompetence in the human pyramidal system of authority (at best) and at worse possibly revealed a nefarious conjuring trick used to deceive the globe and usher in a ‘new age’ of digital control by a few powerful technocrats.
Based on all the evidence from reading a dialectic of professional opinion… the rushed to market, without liability, for huge profit ‘experimental jab’ that does not lay claim to fully prevent or stop the spread, does not vastly outweigh the risk of Covid-19 at all. It is not that simple. It depends on age group, comorbidity, general health, etc., multiple considerations and factors dictate the risk/reward decision.
Of course, these topics will always cause differences of opinion, but one thing that should be sacrasanct to everyone is the freedom to keep having these discussions, and, based on well informed consent, a personal choice whether to have or not have a medical treatment or prophylactic; it should never be mandated or coerced.
Same old, same old….have a look at the headlines for 2018. I recall hearing on the radio last December, hospital official saying they are close to having no oxygen at all. In some of the reports in 2018, they’d actually run out!
Yeah BUT there is a defense. When the Media and their Experts use ” with and or from”, well it holds weight and gravitas
When a concerned citizen says it or a non ” embedded” doctor says it, its a ” conspiracy theory and anti vaxxer..simple really.
Of course its Orwellian double speak, but like all the gapping holes in the logic, science and narrative, your supposed to be to dumb to figure that out
Being wrapped up in the fear and anxiety is all that matters, now ignore those pesky details, save grandma and get the vax
difference.. typo.. too bad cannot correct it
maybe a Freudian slip?
You mean fraudian tip?
Both my grandmothers are already dead. One of them died because of mostly, aspartame.
che cazzo vai al diavolo bugiardo
“By their hypocrisy they prove their own mendacity.”
So what if this is intentional to further divide the population? It is just a thought but think about it.
The doublethink coming from the “authorities” is an atrocity, yes. But what of all the masses that don’t even notice the contradiction? Amazing times we live in. Thank you Kit for a great article…
What’s wrong with this article?
Kit doesn’t point out that young people are dying right after getting the jab…
Which drives a coach and horses through their argument.
Well then bust out the evidence old son! I think it was documented in the ole isreali press?
Do you have some links? I don’t doubt this to be the case.
Anyone paying attention knows about it. There’s constant reportage about it on Children’s Health Defense and Vaccine Impact and I’m sure on dozens of other websites. I’ve done so many blog posts already looking at the deaths that have occurred because of the jabs. It may be hard to connect, in a scientific way, the injections to the deaths that follow their use, as Robert Kennedy explains, but you can’t dismiss the evidence even if it’s circumstantial. As Dr Simone Gold pointed out, by now it would be ridiculous to not see that the jabs are killing people. I’m not a mathematician, but I’m sure that an honest mathematician would say that the jabs are killing people. Don’t expect pharma-funded tv or corporate media generally to tell you the truth about that. I guess I could point people to my latest blog post, which covers some this: “Covid 19 – Censorship Plus Stupidity Means Success For The Predator/Parasite Class.”
Evidence is gold, mate …
Gold attracts neutrons and electrons. That causes damage.
Do the math.
Profound … not!
This is great…
Coronavirus: Hong Kong grants quarantine exemption allowing children of infected US consulate staff to join them in hospital
Couple’s children are not required to enter quarantine under a special dispensation made on compassionate grounds, Carrie Lam says
This is great… Coronavirus: Hong Kong grants quarantine exemption allowing children of infected US consulate staff to join them in hospital
Cheers Kit for a timely piece!
I’m wondering, how do these double thinkers do it without their brains shutting down?
Like the Italian advisor to the Italian Health Minister said at the start of the hoax. “The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus,” They have simply expanded the code to suite the agenda..called moving the goalposts?
“people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus”
That’s a point I’ve been trying to get across. Considering the PCR “test” is total bullshit extrapolating, making shit up from a specimen (thus deviating from it) with chemical alterations to try and get that particular result, exponentially…
Covid, like flu, not being causative (no transmission, whatsoever), interchangeable with flu…uhm, synthesized, never isolated properly, nor shown to be causative and very peculiarly associated with mostly the elderly who have mitochondrial dysfunction along with various deficiencies and toxicities…and of course, colds/flus being so massively prominent in winter, with people never getting immunity to those RTIs (symptomatic results worsened by vaccines, btw).
Like if you have serious lung problems, and someone says you have “flu”, so you get a flu vaccine, and now you have even worse lung AND other problems (say mental, heart), and they say “but now you have covid”…that’s really not so difficult to understand. And then you get a covid vaccine, and die.
Dying OF something is very different to dying WITH something. And even then, since covid is total bullshit, you can’t even die with it.
If you think injecting yourself with sayaluminum, mercury, cancerous stem cells, engineered RNA, a variety of other toxins and things you likely already have excessive amounts of (such as chlorine)…when you have a fundamental, essential deficiency, resulting from a lack of sunlight…is going to help you, you will die OF and WITH those toxic overloads as well as ignorance of essentials.
Whilst perusing the terrifying new biosecurity world as laid out by that Architect group, one thing that becomes clear is that the justification for these vicious curtailments will become increasingly obvious in their fraudulence. Take this:
“Under these Regulations, UK travellers returning from or through so-called ‘red-list’ countries from which travel to England and Wales is banned will now face fixed-penalty notices of £1,000 for not taking an RT-PCR test upon 2 days of returning, £2,000 for not taking a second test 6 days later, £5,000 for not quarantining in a hotel room for 10 days upon return or following a positive test during quarantine, rising to £8,000 for a second offence and £10,000 for a third and all subsequent offences; pay for the above tests plus fees of £175 per person for every day quarantined in an airport hotel, effectively banning travel for all but the wealthy and Government officials granted immunity; and, finally, a prison term of up to 10 years for those who incorrectly identify the country from which they’re returning.”
Anyone with the merest residue of intelligence will utterly reject the viral apocalyptic rationale behind all this, although I have no doubt the puppet Left sites will be continuing to skyrocket the plague scenario. But the truth is that it won’t matter at all what people think. We will have entered a totalitarian prison now functioning as the naturalised habitat of the new society and the new insect creature that humanity will have become.
All I can say is WOW. To all those who said “It caint happen here” (Zappa song…) Well I guess it can.
It seems apparent now that this was the objective from the start. We aquiessed in a three week lockdown on the stated pretext of flattening the curve to avoid overwelming ICU capacity. We apathetically allowed the Government abrogate powers to itself out of all proportion to the original objective. Everything this Government has inflicted on us since has been carefully designrd to lead us to this point. The implementation of mass vaccination. The vaccination passport is the sting in the tail that is designed to achieve a very specific aim. It has nothing to do with health. It is purely the Climate Change control mechanism. To inflict the Carbon Zero Future on us Governments will slowly remove our personal freedom to travel, work , associate with others, speak in public….you name it the VACCINE PASSPORT WILL DESTROY IT
“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.”
― Albert Camus (1913-1960)
From the Architects for Social Housing site (they really ought to get a snapper name):
“By the time we emerge, tier by tier, from our prisons, there will be such mass unemployment, redundancies, poverty, destitution, ill health and despair that the population of the UK will effectively be on a war-footing, ready to be redeployed under the equivalent of martial law (we have been under a de facto State of Emergency for some time). And it’s under these conditions that further regulations, programmes and technologies will be imposed upon us as a condition of our release, and the always obedient population of the UK will do whatever it takes to survive short of rebelling.”
And that was the aim of the phantom virus all along. More than, say, dubious substances contained within the vaccines. (Although there may well be such.)
The Left role will be to complain loudly about the rich “exploiting” the crisis and no doubt also keeping up a wave of wrath about the poverty foisted on the vast majority but, since they support the deadly pandemic scenario, they will be as much use as they were with 9/11.
Indeed I foresee the Left taking a more active role in pushing up the poverty level to a slightly less awful level and trumpeting this as a triumph while the “improved” level will be what was intended all along.
“From the Architects for Social Housing site (they really ought to get a snapper name)”
It’s a fine example of what Caitlin Johnstone calls the prevalence of narrative over facts. People hear of a story that, to their satisfaction, explains their experience. Such as “The Covid-19 virus is a terrible global pandemic that will kill millions”. After that, any facts that clash with the narrative are smoothly deflected like water flowing around the bows of a ship.
As far as I can make out, the reason for the double standard is that people have firmly lodged in their minds that Covid-19 is a deadly plague that kills many people – and would kill us all if it got the chance. Whereas they have also bought the official narrative that vaccines never do harm, only good.
When people are in such states of mind, arguing with them and presenting facts and figures is completely useless. It only annoys them, as it threatens to force them to confront their own inconsistency and dishonesty.
Caitlin writes good articles when it comes to media and politics, pity she didn’t put those skills to use questioning the Covid narrative or the climate narrative, when OffG pointed her to facts re Covid she decided to ignore them.
She ignored them because, by her own admission, she found the whole thing “boring”.
That’s why she is a fool and a liberal tool. She is easily distracted and easily bored.Some of her peers call her an unofficial Socialist. I agree. Cannot write without the “F” word. She thinks it’s cool.
I think the “boring” remark was more likely made in anger. It frequently happens when “dissident” writers are prodded out of their “comfort zone” I.e. that niche that has been set for them in which they have a reputation to maintain, they turn vicious.
Shades of Chomsky’s: “So what is it was a conspiracy? Who cares!?”
????? mind reader?
Yeah I think it’s a generational thing….not alot of hope for the future.
A concerted globalist attack on the general public for the purposes of obtaining control and massive depopulation, yet she finds it boring. No wonder we are in desperate trouble.
It is boring.
BUT, there’s a far greater problem that “covid” is exposing and if you are on the right path, could help dismantling.
Which is much of the pasteur/rockefeller pharma shit.
As EVERY “virus” and pharma treatment now, is far more easily deconstructed.
Covid and flu being interchangeable is pretty big hint.
She constantly drones on about the “narrative” of this or that. Yet the most outrageous false narrative in history is boring to her! Her true colors have been exposed.
Exactly. I used to follow Caity religiously, but I lost all interest in her after the Covid-psyop hit. After having ably exposed media lying and propaganda all these years, how can she just ignore this and pretend it all makes sense? And all of this while her own native Oz is transformed into the world’s largest floating prison no less! I just can’t comprehend that.
When people are in such states of mind, arguing with them and presenting facts and figures is completely useless. It only annoys them, as it threatens to force them to confront their own inconsistency and dishonesty.
Agreed, but it’s still worth doing if the opportunity arises, we have to take our pleasures where we can.
I admit to experiencing grim pleasure at this, but my days as a unpaid agitator are drawing to a close….
In my youth and at times in my middle age I suffered from hypochondria to quite a nasty extent where I would have panic attacks , it was no fun . In my old age this fear of death and being ill has left me . I now live in a world where the condition is rampant at all levels of society brought on by a constant bombardment from ALL the MSM . Sadly there is no cure for this form of madness and it certainly doesn`t come from a syringe full of unknown ingredients .
The cure will come from a syringe, but it’s not the cure they are hoping for.
a better question would be to start with where does health and healing come from?
For instance if we look at the word ” healing” from heil, or holly or holy or whole it immediately gives an inflection in the language of a very old concept that is taken for granted in the present day, but in earlier times was :” loaded” with associations, symbols, metaphors and stories
It also implies that by the very word origin that our ancestors knew something that we have lost touch with, especially our context in the whole wheel of things in Nature.
There is no covid so with or from are both distractions from the real causes. The injection on the other hand really exists and has real effects on the body. They are not employing our arguments. The difference is night and day. One argument is like saying a ghost killed someone and the other is like saying a machine gun killed someone. One has no mechanism and no evidence. The other has mechanisms and evidence.
The Ghost in the Machine Gun?
Unfortunately Covid exists. I was a strong sceptic, too. I have a close friend in hospital at the moment, 48 years of age, healthy and strong as a bull, rarely even had a cold, was taken there with oxygen saturation of 78 (healthy is >95), gasping for breath, after 7 days of temperature of 40°C. Lost 8kg in a week. CT scan shows double sided pneumonia. His wife and 3 daughters are also sick, with symptoms weakening with the reduction of age. No other respiratory disease (especially not a bad flu, as some call Covid) causes an immediate aggressive pneumonia and respiratory failure in otherwise healthy people.
All other arguments are true. The virus exists, probably by design, and they are using it to achieve their nefarious goals.
The way it selectively and aggressively attacks some (even healthy) people, whereas others are completely immune to it, is extremely suspicious and points to, perhaps, some genetic marker.
What you have described your friend having is flu, which has then turned to pneumonia.
I once had an illness – when I was aged 30 – that moved from me being healthy during the afternoon whilst at work, arriving home at tea-time with a running nose and feeling off-colour, to taking to my bed by 8.00 p.m. because I felt much worse. During the night I had a fever and lost 6 lb overnight – from 8 st 6 lb. My nose ran like a tap for 3 weeks, and my lungs were in a bad way for months. Never fully recovered as I could not get signed off work for more than 3 months so did not get the rest I needed.
As it was 30 odd years ago, could not be covid. So stop listening to the govt. and medical profession – there are other illnesses that have been around for years that can make a healthy person ill within a few hours and leave them weak and with lung conditions for years.
Thanks Kit. Great article. It is certainly amazing to watch this doublespeak. What we can do to reach out to those who haven’t noticed, those who can’t (or won’t) rationalise it, is difficult to imagine. I t
“People going to hospital for surgery. However, we don’t stop doing any of those things.”
Ummmm, well yes we do actually. We stopped doing cancer treatments too for fear of covid. Save the NHS!!!!
They certainly stopped doing things in the US of A….Many hospitals were deserted.
I enjoyed this.
I think you are right. More than once over the past year I have hoisted a pint, feeling confident that the stupid narrative was finally unraveling, but I actually do believe it is getting closer.
Many friends and family accidentally guffawed when a dozen governments, within days of ‘easing of lockkups,’ pronounced drastic ‘surges’ in ‘cases.
And here they were, months from any hope of any Synthetic Technology Jabs!
An increasing number of ‘ordinary’ people seem to be saying screw it, to the lockups, the STJ and the manufacturing of excuses meant to ensure another Easter without friends, family or Christ.
The Boy who cried wolf only works so many times….
Right. What we need now are people like Mr. Knightly who point out the emperor’s lack of clothing.