The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche
His Open Letter, Video Interview and High-Profile Supporters
Rosemary Frei, via her website

On March 6, an open letter by Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, and a video interview of him by Phillip McMillan, MD, from a company called Vejon Health, were posted online.
On the surface, Vanden Bossche appears to perhaps be addressing credible concerns about Covid.
He’s saying that the current crop of Covid vaccines will cause the novel coronavirus to mutate into a “super-infectious virus.” And therefore he’s calling for an immediate halt of the use of the current vaccines.
If humans are “committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants” via “large vaccination campaigns,” Vanden Bossche claims at the conclusion of his open letter. But in contrast to the currently used Covid vaccines, these new vaccines must focus on stimulation of mass production of the component of the immune system known as natural killer cells, he asserts.
However, Vanden Bossche bases his views on unproven hypotheses. This is similar to, and builds on, high-profile modeling-paper authors who use theoretical frameworks to inflame fears about the supposed dangerousness of the new variants.
Despite this, Vanden Bossche’s views were very quickly and positively received by high-profile vaccine sceptics such as Del Bigtree in his March 11 episode (starting at 57:25) and Vernon Coleman in his March 13 video and article.
Bigtree and Coleman virtually unquestioningly accept and amplify Vanden Bossche’s views. They strongly insinuate to their overwhelmingly credulous subscribers that there’s virtually no fact-checking or pause for sober second thought required.
But from my experience as a former long-time medical writer and journalist (1988-2016) — particularly a four-month stint with media-relations giant FleishmanHillard in 1994 (yes, I’ve worked for the dark side) — this has all the hallmarks of a drug-company astroturf campaign.
It’s another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and don’t need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry.
There’s abundant evidence that Vanden Bossche has a not-so-hidden agenda. For example, just before the three-minute mark in the video interview of Vanden Bossche by McMillan, Vanden Bossche indicates he’s a long-time vaccine developer. He adds he’s now is focusing on vaccines that “educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines.”
Clearly he’s got significant conflicts of interest. Therefore he has zero credibility when it comes to advising the public about how to avoid negative effects of mass vaccination.
However, Bigtree, Coleman and others don’t point out these and other red flags. In fact these high-profile alternative-media figures don’t even do basic due diligence such as looking into McMillan, who’s the man who interviewed Vanden Bossche, or the company McMillan’s apparently affiliated with, Vejon Health. Bigtree, for example, relies heavily on the McMillan interview for the content of his March 11 segment.
As far as I know, McMillan and Vanden Bosch aren’t among the thousands of MDs, PhDs, and other people with graduate degrees or equivalent qualifications who have thoroughly debunked the official Covid narrative over the last 12 months. Rather, the pair suddenly popped out of the woodwork.
Also, McMillan isn’t anything close to an expert on vaccines. He describes himself as a “dementia authority.” The most recently published paper of his that I can find is from 2016 and is on Alzheimer’s in the journal Medical Hypotheses. (In that paper he and his co-author propose nutritional supplementation to lower the body’s burden of aluminum, a high level of which is linked to Alzheimer’s.)
In addition, when one clicks on one gets a message indicating the website isn’t in use. Indeed, Vejon appears to be a dormant company.
So I ignored McMillan’s interview and Vanden Bossche’s open letter when I first learned about them last week. But then on March 12 I was contacted by the producer of something called the Gary Null show on the ‘Progressive Radio Network.’ The producer, Richard Gale, asked me to be a guest. I agreed to do the interview on March 15.
About 1.5 hours before the interview was to start, I contacted Gale and asked what the interview would focus on. Gale told me Null wanted to discuss Bigtree’s segment on the Vanden Bossche letter and he sent me a link to the segment. So I quickly read the open letter and watched the full interview and Bigtree segment on it. A field of red flags popped up in my mind.
At the appointed interview start time of 12:30 pm on March 15, Null proceeded to read live to air, for about 12 minutes, some key points from the open letter. He told the audience to take them seriously. Then Null put me on the air.
But he wouldn’t let me talk about the letter.
Instead, he repeatedly interrupted my efforts to do so and insisted I only discuss the new variants. So I hung up. And I’ve been edited out of the archived broadcast of Null’s show.
I’m going to be interviewed live starting at 4:30 pm Eastern Standard Time today (March 16) by Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond about the Vanden Bossche letter and McMillan interview. Apparently Ryan’s on the same page as me.
Meanwhile, my tweets about the open letter and the Null interview have gotten a lot of reaction. And, as it happens, since Sunday people have been emailing to encourage me to read Vanden Bossche’s letter and watch his interview. Many are swayed by his calling for an immediate half of the current crop of Covid vaccines and by the fact that people like Bigtree are propagating his messages.
So I decided to write this article to expose a few of the dozens of clues that this curious case is a continuation of the overall Covid deception.
Here are some more of those clues:
1. In his March 11 segment, Bigtree shows a slide with Vanden Bossche’s background. It indicates he’s affiliated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and other vaccine proponents. Del dubs Vanden Bossche a “world-renowned vaccine creator.” Coleman calls him “a very eminent vaccine specialist.”
But, when combined with the contents of his open letter, it’s impossible to believe that he’s in fact an insider who’s now going against his very high-powered comrades. (More on this below.) It’s more likely that he’s their accomplice.
Another indication that the letter is designed to propagandize rather than to let objective evidence speak for itself is the wording Vanden Bossche uses. He writes, for example, that he was “racing against the clock” to write “this agonizing letter” in which he “put[s] all of my reputation and credibility at stake” to help “turn the tide” against this “irrepressible monster” that the virus could soon become unless we heed Vanden Bossche.

2. In his open letter Vanden Bossche also writes, “I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists.” However, he doesn’t say a word about the massive adverse-event rate and very scant efficacy profile of the vaccines that were created by these “brilliant scientists.”
3. Vanden Bossche also asserts that there’s an “ever[-]increasing threat from rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants.” But, as I detailed in my February 3 article and accompanying video on the new variants, there is no proof that they are highly infectious or will be any time soon.
4. There is the possibility of viral resistance, as for example I note in my March 9, 2021, article and accompanying video. But it’s not the major threat Vanden Bossche attempts to scare us about by saying the virus is likely to mutate so much and so quickly because of the current mass vaccination campaigns that soon it could escape all current attempts to stop its spread.
Remember, for example, that yearly flu mass vaccination hasn’t caused influenza to spiral out of control and decimate the global population.
5. Vanden Bossche also writes that some antibodies are made by the innate immune system, but that these ‘natural’ antibodies are non-specific, have “suboptimal” “maturity, and are “rather limited and only short-lived.” He claims they are a very weak link in our immune reactions to pathogens such as the novel coronavirus — and that “the combination of viral infection on a background of suboptimal Ab [antibody] maturity and concentration enables the [novel corona]virus to select mutations allowing it to escape the immune pressure.”
However, this is on very shaky ground. Because, among other things:
- Neither in the original March 6 piece nor his March 13 follow-up does Vanden Bossche back this up with any direct, non-theoretical evidence that this is happening;
- The ‘natural’ antibodies that are produced after encountering a pathogen are only a small part of a quick, effective and broad-based first-line immune-system defense – known as ‘innate’ or ‘passive’ immunity – which in fact largely comprises other components;
- Vanden Bossche downplays the effectiveness of the antibodies our bodies naturally produce as part of the second- line (‘adaptive’) part of the immune system that also has served us extremely well for millennia.
A March 11 commentary by Michael Yeadon and Marc Girardot has similar information to my points 3, 4 and 5. However the pair present it in a way that’s very pro-mRNA-vaccine and pro- much of the official-Covid-narrative — neither of which I endorse.
6. Vanden Bossche also has no references in that original document. He does include some in his follow-up, March 13, document posted on his website. But that March 13 document, like the March 6 one, hasn’t been posted on the website of a journal, never mind a peer-reviewed one, nor reviewed in any more serious manner.
And in an unusual approach, he doesn’t attach each reference to a particular statement in his document; rather, he lists the references at the end of the article under categories such as ‘Natural antibodies.’
7. Vanden Bossche drives at the need for “large vaccination campaigns.” These, he writes, should be for “NK [natural-killer]-cell–based vaccines” that “will primarily enable our natural immunity to be better prepared … and to induce herd immunity.”
But it’s not very logical to believe that the only solution to the theoretical possibility of immune escape, as espoused by someone who’s got a long and strong focus on vaccination as opposed to other ways to improve health, is yet more mass vaccination.
Not to mention that the concept of herd immunity is contrived – after all, if your immune system is protecting you against a pathogen it doesn’t matter whether someone else’s is or not.
I do agree we should stop the use of the current vaccines – plus we need to stop production and use of antivirals and antibodies and other parts of the Covid-industrial complex.
But we should also not add more treatments. Covid has an extremely high survival rate. So why develop yet another expensive, invasive and experimental solution to a problem that barely exists, if it does at all?
It’s all very curious.
Don’t miss Rosemary’s interview on The Last American Vagabond, live at 16.30 EST/21.30 GMT.
Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years and now is an independent investigative journalist. You can watch her June 15 interview on The Corbett Report, read her otherOff-Guardian articles follow her on Twitter and read her website here.
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Its funny how, if skeptics seemingly have conflicts of interest, they are quickly used to discredit them.
Meanwhile virtually every big driver of the current covid strategy, and most likely how we got here, how then discussion on the virus origin, and even the investigation… Is RIDDLED with conflicts of interest in every single corner. Yet the only ones who point those conflicts of interest out, are considered conspiracy theorist😬
That VDB downplays innate immune system is incorrect. On the opposite, he says that the herd immunity WAS already there before the vax. See this interview
First, I’m not in the medical field so elementary answers will be appreciated.
Being that the vaccine has a certain amount of active virus in it, is’ it possible to shed the virus to others just after getting the vaccine?
The vaccines don’t have any active virus in them at all? That’s my understanding.
Dr Vanden Bossche did a lengthy interview with Dr Rob Verkerk that needs to be listened to and addressed. From that interview, I did not get the feeling his intent was to create a different vaccine. There was one statement in it about a vaccine option, but it certainly did not sound like his approach had a conflict of interest in it. He addressed immune escape/antigenic sin response and admitted time will tell. We have indeed seen new variants popping up. Even our corrupt, criminal Dr Fauci indicated we still need masks and social distancing because of new variants being highly infectious. So Fauci is admitting the current vaccines in circulation are already obsolete as they do not create antibodies for the new variants. Rosemary did not even mention this. We also have reports of a 3rd booster being created to address variants, and Vanden Bossche asks the appropriate question of, which variant do you vaccinate for? In the Verkerk interview, the main thing I questioned from VB was his indication that asymptomatic people are spreaders of the virus. That is not true. It is presymptomatic people. We have learned this past year that asymptomatic people never had covid at all. They corrupt cR tests were fraudulently run at too high cycle thresholds creating false positives, forcing people to quarantine who never had covid. But, articles have come out indicating covid is infectious 3-5 days prior to symptoms appearing. This is where SARS-CoV-2 is more detrimental and infectious because people shed the virus prior to displaying symptoms. But if they truly have covid, they will get symptoms, even if mild. So VB’s claim of 80% asymptomatic people being the problem is not true. VB is correct in that never before in the history of mankind have we ever done a mass vaccination campaign in the midst of the actual pandemic. This is new to all of us so everyone spouting any opinion is really speculative, including me and everyone else here. So, IMO, it is absolutely possible that VB could be correct that the vaccines are generating the immune escape path for the virus, and that is pushing out these mutation variants. As for Rosemary’s alleged conflict of interest with a different proposed vaccine later, where is this vaccine? If it existed, then it would be a conflict of interest, but he is just proposing an option for the future to look into. So it cannot be considered a conflict if it doesn’t even exist. So I could take his warning as a valid statement of his particular belief in what is happening right now. Rosemary seemed to just want to take exception to anything he might say rather than pointing out information that is documented science that he does share, at least in the Verkerk interview. He gives common sense approach for governments to take, including 1. Stop vaccinations, 2. Allow healthy people with healthy innate immune systems to live their lives, 3. Governments should take this opportunity to encourage healthy living options such as vitamin D, etc, for people to work toward improving their health, 4. Protect those who have comorbidities and the elderly, 5. Use early treatment options like ivermectin and the protocol from the FLCCCA, 6. Monitor those who have had the vaccine and who he suggests will have their innate immunity impaired and not be able to effectively fend off an attack from a variant because their antibodies don’t match. How any of his suggestions are conflicts of interest is beyond me. Maybe Rosemary needs to update her article after listening to the Verkerk interview.
Your long comment is only too long because it assumes many facts not in evidence about what is demonstrably a psyop in the form of a global hoax and global scam.
I should not have assumed that your argument “assumes”, since the facts argue your comment “presumes”. One would have to conclude that it is made in bad faith as another red herring from the dark side.
Dark enough, to make that accusation, when we (the species) are a year in with this Guinness -record fiasco, and you snarkily bother the thread and Frei (or as you put it, “Rosemary”) while ignoring simple facts that are TOO obviously and clealy results-driven propaganda, such as death counts: California is roughly the same population as Venezuela (40:30 mill) yet we in the Golden State count 58,000 “C19 deaths” to their 1600…
Or Japan, 40% the pop. of US, But only under 10,000 deaths and a much lighter lockdown, if that.
Or, if that’s not enough to make this point, the USA in toto has well over half a million supposed deaths compared to India with 200,000, in a country with sanitation-plagued slums? And 4 TIMES the population.
So, about 10% the USA death count.
What, the virus has a virally anti-American bias? That would st least make some sense in these troubled times as an opinion, or even as a political plan by our enemies, but not a science-based fact.
But those undeniable, unhideable facts are barely reported, let alone addressed, by MSM, if ever. (Or you)
And then, just as disingenuously as can be.
Pretty sick.
Some of the stats I gave were rounded off, from memory, so adjusted:
INDIA, land of the poor and unprotected:
163K “Covid19 deaths”
So, 7% of USA fatalities from these days of deadly sniffles.
California has about 40x the Venezuela death rate.
If Japan, a vibrant wealthy economy like the USA, a capitalist country, were US population, they would count about 22,000 “COVID19” deaths, as they choose to name them.
4% of USA deaths.
If you’re done giving eminently wonderful advice here, maybe you could make some equal efforts to explain the wide variance between (just) those 3 countries’ stats, and ours (USA, Inc).
“So, 7% of USA fatalities from these days of deadly sniffles.”
I meant, of course, 7% of the USA IFR, our fatality rate.
Ridiculous, doesn’t say much for our health care system, does it?
Or, alternatively, just the most colossal hoax ever!
Beyond disgraceful.
Indians tend not to be obese and have higher levels of vitamin D. That could be the main reasons.
Thank you for this long comment and the author is indeed out to pick fault where it is not necessary at all. We all tend to pick fault where it does not coincide with our own interests or emphases. Vanden Bossche is worried and rightly so: it is, after all, a mass experiment on humans and longer term outcomes are hardly ever discussed.
As one medical specialist commented: if they were to start vaccinating the critical group on my ICU, i.e. overweight, older men, it would bring down the ICU COVID count down drastically. Just focus on the vulnerable instead of this ridiculous experiment, even if it is only to help suppress the symptoms of the serious groups. We know most of the stats are manipulated to suit local politics and we do not need another mass manipulation by “vaccination” and certainly not if VB might have a serious, realistic point of reflection.
More red herrings strewn upon this (pre)fabricated path so widely “recorded’ (advertised) by mass media: it has never been at all demonstrated that there is a thing, a “discrete entity”, that is “Covid19, yet that glaring truth is relentlessly ignored, or leap-frogged.
So obvious and absurd.
Worth watching – excellent video
Frei writes, “It’s all very curious.”
As her closing thought.
But beyond curious, most curious of all, is the timing of GVB’s warning.
As some others have noted here, there was enough coverage of what kinds of shots they were developing for mass deployment, months ago.
So all of the warning signs and red flags were unfurled long ago, even if certain details were then unavailable.
So none of us needs to be a biologist or coroner or macro-economist or what have you, to be struck by the very “late whistle” by “the very eminent vaccinologist” as Vernon Coleman has called him.
That, and Coleman endorsing both him and his own review of his caveats as the most important thing to be reported since the original Eve bit an apple and infected us all with the universal contagion of death via the virus of sin, was a lot to jab into my grey matter in one dose. Eyebrow twitching, archinh.
It makes me see and smell nothing but snake oil, one and all, at least until I get a much more studied opinion!
It also has made me feel that Coleman is quite capable of fashioning a tissue of many facts in evidence conjoined with many that are…not so much.
I have seen other writers here where that slip, or seam, is showing, but the jury is still out on most, as far as I am able to see.
Which is actually a benefit, to me, for 1 at least, analytically if not critically, since it mandates a deeper read in all ways and the kind of alertness these issues and tissues require.
After all, it has all been globalized and interconnected.
What have we got ourselves into!
Coleman writes that we “have allowed this” kind of takeover and its subterfuge and subversions.
Let’s be clear, that kind of comment is more victim lament than real fact.
It holds about as much logical water as a hostage aboard a train robbery telling the others that.
What is also evident is that Geert, and especially Coleman, traffic heavily enough in fear porn.
What else?
I recall nearly a year ago, Coleman said at his site that weaponized steel-plated locusts had already begun eviscerating crops in near seconds, soon spiking food prices globally by orders of magnitude. (Well, maybe not steel-plated, but what he wrote deserves my cautionary cartoon. If past is prologue, we are all warned!)
I have yet to see the spikes here in LA, but now I have to worry about all my 20 pound bags of beans being blighted.
‘John Ervin’ has confirmed that he is an enemy of the Resistance. An out-and out evil troll who tried to equate Dr Coleman’s support for LBGTQ with a long-dead leader of the FBI. His trollery is absurd beyond belief!!!
Ha. That is strapping self-satire, jolly good. I encourage it.
My fondness for this thread has everything to do with some of the strange endorsements vanden Bossche has received, and appreciation for those links being exposed by the author.
Can they all smile and say “ASTROTURF” for our “camera”!
Next up is their posse here, SO transparent. Maybe just say “CHEESE!” (They already know who they are.)
Furthermore! Thanks for the input about Gary Null. He’s done a lot of good work, but I have long had questions about him all the same. He figured in some OEN journalism of mine 5 years ago, and carried elsewhere, and I have more clues from this piece. Thanks.
(Many of those clues peculiar, as well as “curious”. Of course a look into cui bono possibly makes it less so!)
If the above post isn’t a troll alert, I don’t know what is!
Would you consider an offer of employment?
You already have one. And, anyway, working with me requires honesty and integrity – two traits that you lack.
Scintilating, snap.
Even if I deeply appreciate the debunking and really informative work of Del Bigtree and Vernon Coleman (or the UK Column) and will keep following them with gratitude, I think Rosemary Frei has a strong point here.
It’s time to stop spreading paralyzing fear, confusion and sensationalism.
As much as all this ‘vaccine’ (mostly experimental gene therapy injected into non-informed people, and so consequently totally against their informed consent) ‘roll-out’, without taking into account Geert Vande Bossche’s interview, is already a huge criminal enterprise falling under the definition of a crime against humanity.
Whatever new reason for fear may be, legitimately or less so, presented to us, it is always time to keep one’s cool and keep on acting and waking up as much people as possible to the harsh reality.
For only a multiple of dozens of thousands of people taking to the streets of our cities to say, without any violence ‘No! Now it’s enough!’ will stop the implementation of the ‘techno-medical’ police state that’s being created for us, by our ‘democratically-elected’ politicians themselves (acting as easily manipulated/corrupted puppets of so many huge criminal interests).
When such huge mass non-violent protests take place, even the police, which is already much divided and overwhelmed [in The Netherlands, former policemen and military have begun forming lines between the peaceful demonstrators and the police, in order to protect them from the infiltration police-linked violent agitators, they call ‘the Romeos’, who try to create violence so the police can have ‘a reason’ to come and disband the then-so-called ‘violent’ peaceful demonstrators], like the medical profession, after a year of ‘covid’, will take the side of the crowds who, non-violently again, reclaim their basic rights to return to a life in a functioning society without ‘covid sanitary measures’ and ‘lockdowns’, social distancing etc. for a ‘bug’ that kills less than 0.2% of the people who are supposedly really ill with it. Only then will reason prevail again.
Vande Bossche only adds more fuel to the fear machine. And even if his predictions were right, the only rational thing to do is to keep on acting to wake up and give real, true information to the people, to reveal the total madness of the ‘covid crisis’ fear machine which started from day one, somewhere in March 2020 when lockdowns were imposed … for a bug the WHO themselves declares is not more of a threat than seasonal flu.
It was Professor John Ioannidis’ thesis from the start; even if of course the ever confusing WHO, who has now accepted it, pretends somewhere else that ‘the malady’ is not seasonal, so the ‘body count’ (most of it proven as false and exaggerated as the PCR testing, while the so-caled ‘covid’ dead are more often than not due in fact to the lockdowns and other catastrophic ‘sanitary measures’) can go on, and on and on. Until people say them: “No! Enough now! Stop it! Let’s get on with our lives in a sane and rational functioning society again!”
PS: What Moderna CEO, Albert Bourla called “the world’s lab”, Israel, is a good enough horrendous example of what awaits us, as a society, if we don’t stop the covid madness now!
Here’s an article from Israel about the new medical apartheid of what they call ‘the green pass’; an interview of Israeli citizen Ilana Rachel Daniel describing the situation there to Dutch website BLCKBX; and the Ilana Rachel Daniel in a talk with Reiner Fuellmich’s Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee Foundation) session 43 of March12, 2021; along with another talk of Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Committee with Naomi Wolf:
Israel Faces Hague for Vaccine ‘Holocaust’:
(let’s see if the GooTube link will last long…;)
The same on Odysee:
Ilana Rachel Daniel with Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Investigative Committee in Germany:
Noami Wolf with the same Corona Committee on March 12:–43-Naomi-Wolf:0
seems like Vanden Bossch might know what he’s talking about after all.
Take whatever Forbes has to say on such a subject with some barrels of salt, since the conflict is apparent, for such journals for the well-heeled.
Here’s a reassessment from Dr Yeadon…
I think you, Ms. Frei, are missing the target. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is calling for an open, world-wide conversation about stronger and more resistant viral strains shedding from those vaccinated. If that doesn’t register as the overarching message, god help our thought processes.
How the sovereign individual, or the collective herd, proceeds after the investigation — and armed with the new understanding, is not the issue. Accordingly, I think your piece is a red herring.
FYI, I am not a proponent of any vaccine, but I understand the scientific concern being presented. And I think the cautionary principle must be our guidance in all medical pursuits.
Here’s Rosemary Frei’s statement to Del Bigtree today. The emphasis on the last sentence was added by me, regarding Vanden Bossche’s call for mass vaccination. It’s such a significant point, not even mentioned by either Del Bigtree or Vernon Coleman. Why the glaring omission from two supposed vaccine skeptics?
(see link above for introductory notes)
Hi Patrick and Del,
Del, you and I talked on the phone yesterday afternoon and I said I’m not comfortable coming on your show, particularly since as Patrick explained when I spoke to him the day before that it’ll be a debate. I said I’d send you an email. and you said you’d present whatever statements I make.
In your show on March 17 [sic – it was March 11] you said such things as, “Let us walk through what I believe may prove to be the most important interview in the history of mankind.” “We are talking about carnage like we’ve never seen [before].” “What he [VdB] is telling us is that we’re just moments away from creating a coronavirus that is just purely vaccine-resistant.” “If this man is not heard our species may be in grave dangers.” And, “If we do not share this video then we … will be complicit in what could lead to one of the most catastrophic mistakes ever made with this planet and with our species.”
Such extreme language that can cause panic in the population is not warranted in any forum — particularly journalism — without proof/evidence, validated by objective third parties, that the scenarios Vanden Bossche described and you amplified are valid. And neither of you have provided this.
For example:
– Vanden Bossche repeatedly claims the new variants are highly infectious. You amplified that message. However, as I pointed out, is simply not true that the new variants are highly infectious.
– Vanden Bossche claims viral resistance is akin to antibiotic resistance, and that vaccine pressure is causing rapid escalation of viral resistance. And you strongly endorsed and amplified that message. As I pointed out in my article, and as many others such as Drs. Mike Yeadon and Knut Wittkowski have shown, this is simply not true;
– Vanden Bossche claims — and you strongly amplified — that natural antibodies are a very weak link in our immune response to pathogens such as the novel coronavirus, and that this leads to immune escape. In my article I pointed out that this hypothesis is on very shaky ground;
– Vanden Bossche said that case counts would spike and that this would be due to immune escape. You supported this. You also posted a March 19 tweet about a news report of case spikes saying, “Geert Vanden Bossche predicted this.” However, neither you nor Vanden Bossche have provided objective proof that increased counts are due to viral escape. You also ignore the fact that a positive test (i.e., a ‘case’) does not equal an infection – because of, among other things, the very high rate of false positives in case counts. This has been thoroughly documented by, among others, the websites Mercola and Children’s Health Defense.
Also, Vanden Bossche is calling for mass vaccination. You didn’t mention this, never mind raise any questions/cautions about this.
If we drill down to the boilerplate, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a model designed from a corona spike protein. It has never been isolated and, accordingly, cannot be tested for its existence nor virulence. Further talk about this strain mutating and being more virulent is prima facie moot.
But on the assumption this mRNA vaccine is causing amplified mutations of a corona virus, which you say is not true, the discussion doesn’t end with your pronouncement. The discussion is very much alive, as Dr Geert Vanden Bossche’s theory has not been proven either way.
And as this theory goes, this technology may cause catastrophic consequences for humanity. It is pedantic for anyone to argue ‘alarmist language is not warranted without 3rd party proof’, when the entire ‘vaccination field’ stands on shaky ground; or when grave consequences are not seen as so by the collective mind.
Bossche calling for mass vaccination should make one more receptive to the need for further investigation, not less so.
Frei whingeing about misrepresentation, after her lies about Dr Coleman and Dr Yeadon (who she now uses to support her case after claiming in the op above that we shouldn’t use such tactics). She’s as dodgy as hell. And when is she going to clarify her Green Party candidacy and support for Agenda 21/2030?
Someone writes, just before me, “She’s dodgy as hell.”
Here is a series of reviews for Dr. Vernon Coleman’s book on cross-dressers, an in depth survey, that should score well even on the 77th Dodge-O-Meter: “Men in Bras, Panties, and Dresses”. (There is a sort of companion volume by Dr. Coleman, “Briefs Encounter” with a quite convincing transvetite, I assume, on the cover):
‘Full of common sense and good humour. If you read only one book about transvestism read this one.’ -SKIN TWO.
‘Valuable insights.’ – CROSS-TALK
‘It gave me personal insight…fun reading.’
– Renaissance News
‘Open and readable’ GEMS news
‘Not only a good read but also an easy read. This skilled communicator wears his learning lightly’ – Repartee
‘Revealing and often touching.’ – Reflections
‘The results of a major survey’ – Birmingham Post
‘Wonderful – to raise the spirits of the closeted and guilt ridden transvestite.’
‘Whether for titillation or serious study this volume will provide a good read.’ Evening Telegraph’
For anyone who wants to know all the facts and figures the statistics and the secret thoughts of other cross dressers, this book is pure gold.’ -Transformation
‘Cross dressing is cool’, says Vernon Coleman.’ – Evening Post
The results of the major survey of crossdressers/transvestites. Providing answers to the many questions men and women most often ask and banishing long-standing myths about men who crossdress.The author of the book, Dr Vernon Coleman, is a qualified doctor and general practitioner. He has written over 100 books which have sold more than two million hardback and paperback copies in the UK and been translated into 24 languages.
“Revealing and often touching” says Rennaissance News. (ED: I’ll bet!)
“Cross-dressing is cool.” –Vernon Coleman
An unanticipated insight, for me, as new to his writings, since May. Vernon and J. Edgar Hoover (founder chief of FBI for near a half century, and putative –or perhaps storied– cross-dresser). Someone here just said R. Frei is dodgy, but they will always seem more than exemplary.
Of that. But what do I know, I may have slowly grown more square than “well-rounded”. Enough. Coleman has a lot of interesting and well-said things to say. Elsewhere.
BOTH Coleman and Hoover had, have, a lot to say. But for me their bona fides are not nearly in order, enough. For different reasons, I think. Enough.
Ah! Someone who pushes Agenda21/2030, to the point of standing for election on, it is “exemplary”. But someone who thinks that cross-dressing is cool is not. Got it!
I guess that some of our contributors bought their moral compass from a fake goods market.
Then there are the more ‘high-borne’ compasses that read out as blatantly and baldly as a monkey’s backside when it’s climbing a tree. The higher the reach, the more we see.
Must have all “paid” too much for those kinds, at the 77th store. Or parent “company” in Virginny.
Nah, you’re not 77th or fbi, you’re just whacked out (though your support for the fraud Frei is disturbing). Btw, I heard Frei likes a nice cup of coffee. And, funnily enough, so did Edgar Hoover, allegedly. A bit too much of a coincidence, using your whacked out logic.
Oh just quit while you’re a head. Your faux fulminations only draw even more attention to all the splitting seams in their fabric, and what you are trying to disguise!
And that is more just too embarrassing than decisive. So more distraction than what it’s worth, either way.
By way of “triangulation” maybe that has value! Now it’s made me really curious about Coleman et al. (the whole “wilderness of mirrors” is becomig less bewildering! Imagine.)
Oh, just stop your trolling of this hugely important forum, you fourth-rate bridge dweller. There are more important things for me to do that deal with distractions from the likes of you, but I will always stay on your case because our Resistance will not be undermined by scum like you and Agenda 21/2030 proponent Rosemary Frei, and your like.
Awesome, like a flare.
Note that Rosemary Frei wanted a prepared statement read out on Del Bigtree’s show, and refused to take part in a live debate. What is she hiding?
He is calling for mass vaccinations to stop globally.
I’m pleased that Dr Vernon Coleman has called out Frei’s ill-advised garbage for what it is.
But it shouldn’t have been necessary. When I commented on the article a week ago, most of the comments were supportive of the article, which I found hard to believe.
I mean why would anyone not use and indeed actively undermine such an enormous opportunity that Bossche’s intervention represented? And why were so many credulous dupes lining up to agree with Frei – do they not have any common sense or ability to think for themselves?
It’s all very curious..
Yes, the downvotes for my exposure of Rosemary Frei as a proponent of Agenda 21/2030 are very curious. The post contains only facts, with links to empirical evidence confirming those facts. What’s not to like about it, unless they are shills sticking up for one of their own?
Common sense is not even required, just a pair of serviceable eyes, to follow what Frei is drawing to our attention. Thanks due to her.
It’s short work, and simple, to tie the posts together of the several who jumped on late, as the thread started to cool down, to diss her. Too obvious. Too typical. Too troll !
Yes, I couldn’t help noticing that you popped up to troll the btl a good day-or-two after the previous last post was made.
It’s dirty work but someone has to be-on-call to spank post-facto-trolls.
Besides, the more we exchange, the more we can hearken back to last Spring and someone here who had the exact same syntax and tone as you regale us with. Keep on keepin’ on.
I have been posting under the same name, Tony (which is my real name) since I first started posting here. I also pay a voluntary monthly sub to OffG, which is also done under my real name. I leave the multiple nicks to the forum trolls, such as yourself.
Yes, that’s why I keep coming back to this thread – to keep your trollery on the straight and narrow.
Outrageous comic, “who writes your material?”
Only if one enjoys being lied to by a fraud.
But there’s a full time position that remains open (sadly): “Troll comedian-despite-his-best-efforts”. The pay is not good but it holds out promise as being more of an emotional reward than what you’ve been doing here all year, and anything would be more edifying to us. A change of pace could be considered.
“John Ervin” has delusions of grandeur. He now speaks for the whole btl. You just couldn’t make someone like him up.
I agree with Tony… Dr. Coleman’s rebuttal. Not all are what they appear.
At a March 18, 2021 press conference, a group of medical and scientific experts convened by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) called for action to put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic by immediately adopting policies that allow for the use of ivermectin
Watch and listen to Dr Coleman’s rebuttal of your lying put down of him 20 mins into his latest upload, Rosemary Frei. You are a fucking disgrace to our cause. The least you can do is hang your head in shame and apologise to our leading lights that you have dishonestly maligned. Otherwise, you have exposed yourself as controlled opposition.
Btw, Rosemary Frei has stood for election in Canada as the Green Party candidate.
The core policy of Canada’s Green Party is the promotion of the UN’s agenda 21/2030.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought that Agenda 21/2030 is what’s driving The Great Reset and the dystopian nightmare that the world has become over the last year.
Bill gates shares his concerns about overpopulation with our current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.
…and this from a man who can’t tell us how many children he has fathered!
Simpsons – Life Imitates Art – House Cat Flu
This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous
The deadliest strains of viruses often take care of themselves — they flare up and then die out. This is because they are so good at destroying cells and causing illness that they ultimately kill their host before they have time to spread. But a chicken virus that represents one of the deadliest germs in history breaks from this conventional wisdom, thanks to an inadvertent effect from a vaccine.
Bossche warns that deploying the above vaccine technology when a virus is raging… will result in catastrophe.
So there you have it – Covid is the virus — the vaccine will supercharge it — and we will soon be extinct.
The PR team behind this is hinting at what’s coming (amusingly the vaccine is what creates Devil Covid hahaha)
Of course this is all part of the Compassionate Extinction Plan — it’s the only thing you can do when the Limits to Growth are reached.
To let this shit show collapse without such a plan would result in epic starvation and violence.
It seems inevitable that the pro-vaxxers would, at some point, adopt methods of information dissemination that appeared to support the anti-vaxxer “community” in a way that could serve to diminish anti-vaxxers’ arguments, and so try to convince more anti-vaxxers to take the experimental injection. Am I reading this correctly; i.e., is that what he’s trying to do?
I agree with the overall premise regarding infiltration and controlled opposition, and it probably applies to some of the promoters of Bossche. However, I’m not sure what to make of Bossche himself. The whole thing seems a bit inept!
I wonder why he took so long to make his comments public if they are in fact legitimate? One would think he would have done so before the vaccines were authorized for use.
Well, do you wonder or is it obvious?
Maybe he was waiting for his patent application to be approved.
Richie Allen pushes the Koch Declaration
Stanford Doctor: “Lockdowns Worst Public Health Mistake Ever”
Richie Allen
March 10, 2021
A professor at Stanford University Medical School has described lockdowns as the “worst public health mistake ever made” and said that the harm to people is “catastrophic.” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya was speaking during an interview with the Daily Clout. He co-authored The Great Barrington Declaration, the petition that calls for an end to lockdowns. Tens of thousands of scientists and medical doctors have signed the declaration.
As soon as it was promoted by Del Bigtree (The HighWire), I called out the Koch Declaration as being a massive expansion of the medical-fascist state. The following was published a week or so later by Allison McDowell (Wrench In The Gears), who does a much more comprehensive analysis than I could.
Technocrats, Great Barrington, and Bermuda Grass – Why Settle For Reform When A Radical Solution Is Needed?
Oct 13, 2020
If you haven’t read the declaration yet, I encourage you to stop and do that now. It’s just a bit over 500 words. I realize Kulldorff, Bhattacharya, and Gupta have been giving interviews for months. For the purposes of this piece, however, I’m asking folks to humor me and set aside things they have heard or read from the primary signers on issues relating to lockdowns, testing, masks, etc. Please concentrate on what is actually laid out in these 518 words. They were carefully chosen, and that’s what they’ve asked people to sign on to.
If you were to sign, these items are among the things you’d be agreeing to:
1. We did in fact experience a legitimate global health emergency.
2. Using PCR as a diagnostic test for Covid is valid.
3. We should seek to constrain targeted groups of healthy people – focused protection.
4. It is acceptable to socially isolate elders, including from family members.
5. Advancing the current childhood vaccination program is a priority.
These are crucial topics I think should have been discussed, but were left out.
1. Tech-based contract tracing undermines civil liberties.
2. Biometric health passports used to control population mobility and access to work and education are repressive.
3. Vaccine mandates should be opposed.
4. Population level bioengineering using mRNA vaccine platforms and biosensors should be opposed.
5. Investigations should be made into corrupt public health contracts.
6. Mask wearing by healthy individuals damages health and mental health.
7. Asymptomatic transmission is rare.
8. The Covid Reset shift to telemedicine has been harmful.
I also have reservations about the term “focused protection,” which feels strangely vague and specific. When I looked into the use of that term in a medical context, several references came up around childhood pneumonia vaccines. Focused protection could mean anyone, and it feels likely a future health event will target children. What would isolation from family members, which was advanced by Gupta for elders for up to three months, look like if “focused protection” targets were children?
The Perfect is often the enemy (and eliminator) of the Good (and in service of the Evil).
Well, we can say this much, this is gradually being crafted into the Perfect Virus, in the same sense as Newport News’ “Perfect Storm” of bygone storms.
We already knew that it was a Magic Virus in very much the same sense as JFK’s Magic Bullet.
It can be told to do what is wanted of it, much like us, in these respects anyway!
As long as there is no shortage of Astroturf for Big Pharma.
More of that than global TP.
The really bad ‘lockdown’ in varying areas of Calif. is not the house arrest mask-arading as health protection, but the lockdown of propaganda by the money-grabbing media, and its effect on public perception management.
I have traveled out of Orange County south of LA for the 1st time in a year and a week, headed back to do some work with public in San Diego, south and bordering OC.
I got a lecture at my gym by a pompous “vaxxhole” about as old as me, 70, but right proud of his jabs. Bragging about them as a PSA, then:
“If you don’t care about yourself that’s one thing, but please show some consideration and wear a mask.”
He interrupted our conversation to chide me. I suddenly noticed I was the only maskless in the lockerroom. Hard to bear. In other counties the masks only are required at entry in many gyms. The lockers are called muzzle-free zones by many. This oldster was spreading the Gospel of Lockdowns and vaxx.
When I gave him a few conflicting facts, he said “well, everyone has their own belief system.”
I pointed out as he turned out and left that his was all faith-based in bad info. Not much good religion to it.
Hard to take, how some of these aren’t even agents. Just foolish.
But MSM has built a Berlin Wall of that here, in SD. Still standing.
There is a huge perception management campaign all over trying to switch left with right, day with night, all about “investments”.
Almost all of it mismanagement.
Re: vaccinologist’s Open Letter to WHO member states (Re: Update From Anita Vandenbeld)
Vaccinologist? What? Is that code for worthless piece of shit?
What do think about this paper? Are they targeting the exosome complex with the mRNA injectables?
Before reading that, typically they target repair mechanisms (while adding toxicity to try and justify interfering with repair mechanisms).
Yeah I’ll probably only read that later. Certainly not tonight.
Kinda like how the sort of variable DNA/RNA complices (including misidentified “viruses”) from degeneration then have repair mechanisms in your body, right?
And then they call those intermediates “problems” and “they have to attack” something more fundamental than that, the things actually promoting repair.
Put it this way, when you have DSBs, an immense amount of possible results can manifest. BUT, those manifestations are typically repaired by the body, assuming essentials are met and toxicity minimized, so they try sell the idea that the broken result being repaired, is the problem…and that they “have to attack” the maintenance mechanisms, factors, processes to “stop that”. Of course, always being ignorant and deflective of what causes DSBs and such.
That’s about as simple as I can say it.
Basic misdirection and sabotage sort of logic or tactic. They’re not as clever as you might think.
Oh look, a nice 47 in the link:
Actually, that reminds me of something that’s fucking NEVER mentioned in physical or chemical terms.
Like when I say those intermediatees are from say, DSBs or related. Something causes that. Right…anyway, while something causes that, those DSBs increase, so you get an accumulation of results (such as “viral load”)….
Real simple.
Anyway, so have you ever heard of anyone address, physically, elementally, what happens with say, someone who has a serious RTI (likely from vitamin D deficiency) and then is given large amounts of vitamin D to correct that…what happens with those supposed “viruses”. I mean, they have to turn into something else, right? Like, typical component breakdown, utilization, excretion. Basic shit…literally.
In the same way, you can’t just “add viruses” to someone, it’s a transformative measure from damage, your body is constantly breaking and repairing. Wtf do people think happens with the broken genetic material, constantly, in their bodies? It doesn’t just fucking disappear, it just turns into something else (like “viruses”), and your body can deal with that (given good cellular, mitochondrial, lymphatic, etc function).
I mean, I can tell you about how “the terrain” magically spawns aphids on plants when it’s dark and cool with high nitrogen, low phosphorus. You figure that out.
Well, I skimmed over the paper, like, 30 seconds…i do physics hey, i didn’t see much of that there, other than a graph or two.
And when I say I do physics, it’s obviously the lunacy sort of physics.
I’m definitely not educated.
Ok. Since it’s a repair mechanism, that would be likely. Thanks.
Re: So, to get this behemoth of militarized gov’t and media to shift at all is a tall order. But Vanden Bossche has taken it on from the inside. I feel that in doing so, he has provided a ‘bridge’ between the two extremes.
I see this site as a bridge to those who, through ignorance, believe in vaccinating in children. However, there is no bridge which can be built to those who are knowingly vax-pushers. In the latter case, the appropriate construction is a scaffold.
Part 2
GVB charges even more adding credibility to his theory by his rational criticism even assigning responsibility for almost continuing lockdowns, fear mongering clouding schools, and social distancing policies to flatten the curve that in his opinion, created conditions for immune escape by slowing down pandemic long enough for meaningful mutations to occur while rushed to develop vaccinations when in fact it was already too late to catch up with alleged original pandemic wave making these vaccines not only ineffective but outright detrimental to efforts to contain the pandemic.
Such GVB position resonates with early position in late March 2020 of COVID skeptical epidemiologists arguing for temporary mobilizing public health institutions to handle peak load, and then letting near zero lethality SC2 virus spread fast among those inherently immune to it (100,000 people COVID rallies with kissing and hugging ) while protecting vulnerable only. Such scientifically grounded policy, according to GVB theory perhaps would have prevented immune escape and immediately quickly end pandemic with no need for any vaccinations whatsoever.
These are devastating charges and strong indictment of official policies that according to GVB could potentially result in human extinction-like event conditions (as there would be no drug to slow it down if it happens affecting youth and children so far, near 100% immune to coronaviruses initially, largely defended by basic memory T-cell CD4,8 and or innate NK cells general low affinity immune response while later some may have protection from acquired, monoclonal antibodies based immunity even if they were just exposed but not actually infected.
News flash: The Horse is out! He’s already in the pasture breeding!
GVB: “Hurry! Close the Barn Door!”
Sorry, but that’s basically what GVB’s argument amounts to (in layman’s terms).
Kalen tried to kinda pander hey, oh well. A read is a read.
Before I continue with addressing GVB-Frei debate I start with following Disclaimer: the existence of live SC2 virus has not been adequately established so far , Koch postulates not fulfilled, COVID causal agent and clinical phenology not adequately established. Commercial Methods of determination of actually SC2 virus infected cells using either PCR, antigen(lateral flow) or serology in case of betacoronaviruses are meaningless or deeply flawed and since March 1 2020 never checked by CDC and hence GVB understanding of COVID pandemic may be seriously tainted by such huge bias.
However, genetically engineered synthesized S1spike proteins commercially mass-produced for or by COVID vaccines may as well exist (if we believe FDA) . And only in such general context my comments should be read as I do not endorse official any COVID assertions but study and analyze them meritoriously for what it’s worth.
So considering the above, why even engage in such seemingly academic debate at all as it may have little to do with reality of, as GVB warns, allegedly coming up real deadly pandemic disaster where what happened to date was just small prelude?
I think it is worth to engage in a debate at least because: First, in general phenomenon of Immune escape may occur (although GVB provides no definite proof of his conjecture in context of COVID and apparently operates within realm of officials narratives, including infection numbers) as immune escape-like phenomenon have already occurred including among mass vaccinated animals.
And second because even if active “live” SC2 virus did not exist at all (a so far default thesis) unprecedented mass vaccinations themselves may produce similarly dangerous effects called pathogen priming, regarding any viruses with close enough affinity to theoretical SC2 betacoronavirus S1 spike protein in a well documented by common alphacoronaviruses vaccine animal research studies in the past.
In other words the unprecedented number of human species’ mass and rapid vaccination campaigns worldwide regardless of particular vaccine and respiratory disease one way (immune escape) or another (pathogen priming) opens up another level of virtually unstudied in COVID context, possibilities of dangerous epidemiological threats to entire world population.
In such view, mass “vaccinations” unequivocally amount to scientifically unfounded, counterproductive, at minimum reckless, and even criminal global medical experiment on humanity.
In my previous comment on CHD I addressed issues related to Rosemary Frei’s response to GVB interview and open letter especially being puzzled by her downplaying GVB call for immediate halting to COVID vaccinations worldwide.
What would be a problem with such call? Is it because GVB motivations to issue such call seem unscientific, unconvincing to Frei who described viral Immune escape, GVB is warning about, as mere theory, not adequately proven?
Here is what GVB means by his COVID immune escape theory, I.e. escape of mutated viral strains from neutralization by specific monoclonal antibodies acquired by natural and artificial viral inoculation: this stage, it would only take very few additional targeted mutations within the viral receptor-binding domain to fully resist S-specifc ant-Covid-19 Abs, regardless whether the later are elicited by the vaccine or by natural infection. At that stage, the virus will, indeed, have managed to gain access to a huge reservoir of subjects who have now become highly susceptible to disease as their S-specific Abs have now become useless in terms of protection but still manage to provide for long-lived suppression of their innate immunity (i.e., natural infection, and especially vaccination, elicit relatively long-lived specific Ab tters). The susceptible reservoir comprises both, vaccinated people and those who’re left with sufficient S-specifc Abs due to previous Covid-19 disease). So, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED for Covid-19 but a DISASTROUS SITUATION for all vaccinated subjects and Covid-19 seropositive people as they’ve now lost both, their acquired and innate immune defense against Covid-19 (while highly infectious strains are circulating!). That’s ‘one small step for the virus, one giant catastrophe for mankind’, which is to say that we’ll have whipped up the virus in the younger population up to a level that it now takes little effort for Covid-19 to transform into a highly infectious virus that completely ignores both the innate arm of our immune system as well as the adaptive/acquired one (regardless of whether the acquired Abs resulted from vaccination or natural infection).
What he describes here as I see it, is general process of immune escape known from seasonal flu and other epidemics in the past where vaccines failed to sufficiently neutralize virus in context of mass natural and artificial inoculation that promote and can result in mutations that prevent either full receptor bonding to spike protein or neutralization of virus itself by specific monoclonal antibodies generated by vaccines.
The immune escape (IE) is similar to pathogen priming phenomenon known in prophylactic coronavirus and influenza vaccination research and deployment for decades, with difference that IE applies to therapeutic “vaccines” deployed in the midst of epidemic. All COVID vaccines investigational therapeutic “vaccines” or more precisely genetically engineered bioagents deployed in the midst of “pandemic”.
Simply virus mutated strain “escapes” antibody neutralization by “vaccine” induced antibodies while suppressing innate immune cells due to lack of their specific binding affinity as well as much smaller amounts of innate immune cells produced by human organism ( a phenomenon of relative suppression of innate immunity but acquired immunity response). It is worth to note that degree of innate immune suppression depends of multitude of factors, most unrelated to COVID infection scenarios.
GVB does not argue as some like Frei read him. that new strains developed under mass vaccination pressure are any deadlier but that they are more infectious, not mysteriously but simply by default as it is they, that escaped defense of antibodies based immune response and continue to infect and replicate in human cells.
Part 2 above.
Part of my developing hypothesis is that:
a) most people are being given a flu shot as a placebo
b) certain groups which form a controllable test environment (teachers, medical, care, etc) are getting the real one.
Dozens of schools close as teachers get sick from the vaccine
The Red Elephants – Vincent James
March 19th, 2021
Well, internal pfizer documents suggest ~55% of their vaccines don’t have RNA intact (for whatever reason)…that probably explains some of the “placebo”-like effects.
The thinking behind the hypothesis is that they will want to run large-scale, real-world testing; but they’ll also want to minimise the devastation until after they’ve got the lockstep control grid in place. In order to run the test, they’d need to make sure that certain groups get the two doses. Hence, they could pick teachers and medical staff. The hypothesis is supported by the reports of clusters of severe adverse reactions; e.g. the above re US schools. Also:
France May Stop COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout After Hospital Staff Unable To Work With Numerous Side-Effects
February 25, 2021
Hospitals in different parts of the country are facing shortage of staff too because half of the workers are on sick leave after getting vaccinated. The AstraZeneca experimental COVID-19 vaccine is being given to many health workers.
Dozens of Italian School Teachers Become Sick After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine
Mar 1, 2021
Via Twitter:
Treviso, Italy
Dozens of teachers are at home sick after being given the AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine. At the Duca degli Abruzzi high school, 15 Teachers were off sick, with Fevers and Bone Pain. There is talk that some of the Schools will be forced to close.
Via Breitbart:
The Italian daily Oggi Treviso reported on Sunday that 3,000 teachers had been inoculated on Saturday and another 2,500 were scheduled to receive the vaccine before the end of the weekend. All the teachers inoculated against the coronavirus were under 55 years of age and all received the AstraZeneca vaccine. The vaccination campaign in Treviso is part of a nationwide program offering free coronavirus shots for Italy’s teachers between the ages of 18 and 55.
Late last week, the Duchess Elisabeth Hospital in Braunschweig, Germany, suspended its AstraZeneca vaccination program until further notice after 37 of its 88 vaccinated employees wound up confined to bed and unable to work because of side effects similar to those complained of in Treviso.
A Swedish region temporarily suspended vaccinations with the AstraZeneca vaccine in mid-February because more people than expected reported suffering from a fever after receiving the shot. Vaccinations with the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine were also halted at two locations in Lower Saxony after complaints from clinic employees about side effects.
Via Life Site News:
Earlier this month, the U.K.’s Independent reported that the Italian teachers’ union objected to the plan to inoculate all teachers aged between 18 and 55 with AstraZeneca’s vaccine. . . . Meanwhile, France’s vaccination task force has recommended that medical workers from the same departments no longer be given the AstraZeneca vaccine at the same time because of the high incidence of side effects.
I honestly don’t care about their “thinking”.
We’re at the “god and plans” sort of stage.
It’s a combination of Biblical metaphors.
The phrase derives from the interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, by the prophet Daniel as recounted in the Book of Daniel:
Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue – an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.
Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.
Wikipedia: Tower_of_Babel
When all men were of one language, some of them built a high tower, as if they would thereby ascend up to heaven; but the gods sent storms of wind and overthrew the tower, and gave everyone a peculiar language; and for this reason it was that the city was called Babylon.
TRIPS AND LIES: White House Blames “Wind” for Joe Biden’s 3 Falls Boarding Air Force One — But Weather Channel Shows It Was Only a “Light Breeze” Today
March 19, 2021
Here’s Christian (Ice Age Farmer) with a very insightful take on Bossche — specifically regarding livestock, and how Bossche’s position fits with the NWO agendas. Christian mentioned that Bossche is refusing interview invitations, including one from Richie Allen. That’s interesting because Vernon Coleman fully embraced Bossche’s message AND is a regular guest on Richie Allen’s show. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes, if anywhere. I don’t trust Coleman now, sadly. He’s either lacking discernment, or…. yeah, you know.
Ice Age Farmer, 3-19-21
Good points from Ice Age farmer!
Yes, sadly Dr. Vernon Coleman and others are compromised.
Geert Vanden Bossche pushes the same fear porn bill corona agenda. The only solution is more vaccination to keep mankind from becoming „bio weapons of mass destruction“. Only more vaccinations will save us. We will probably have to slaughter all livestock because the monster virus will escape into all living beings. Last year Denmark was shaken be the cull of millions of mink slaughtered at the alter of king corona.
Soon brainwashed people will turn in their asymtomatic i. e. healthy pets to have them killed by lethal injection before its their kids´turn.
I don´t know if G.V. Bossche is a trojan horse.
Probably he is only looking for investors money or new business for his I think two companies Univa and VaReCo respectively. Maybe he is also looking for a new job.
His angst-ridden gloom and doom monster virus fear-mongering for sure is not kosher
Tho cops here (OC Calif.) scoff at the virus, I am getting HUGE pushback from doctors and nurses, which is understandable though disappointing.
Heresy is simply not tolerated, I have changed doctors 3 times this past 3 wks. turned into 12 month covidapalooza. Probably will switch again, since I got a weird and testy vibe from a nurse when I “empathized” with her fears on my 1st visit “…hey, this virus is so dangerous it may just inhale the whole galaxy before we mortals can contain it.”
Well, I had hoped hyperbole might put it in a somewhat more realistic light.
Well, not good. They didn’t quite bounce me out the door, but it went over about as well as Hitler’s Bar Mitzvah.
Some may not appreciate the likes of Mr Paul, but he does a wonderful job of tearing Anthony Fauci a new ass in this video. Watch Fauci squirm and fidget. >
Rand Paul challenges Dr. Fauci (again). Watch his response
March 18, 2021
Rand Paul challenges Dr. Fauci (again). Watch his response – YouTube
Is it not more important that one of the top immunologist and respected persons in the vaccine industry is actually speaking out about the danger of this vaccine?surely we can’t expect a man who’s spent years developing vaccines to not still be an advocate of them…but to come out and actively speak out about the potential dangers that he’s expecting to see is massive. To undermine that is frivolous. We’re not talking about the clear dangers of all vaccines,we’re focusing on the agenda at hand-mass vaccinations,vaccine passports…and this guys has poured pure scorn on the roll out of these. That’s a good thing,stop searching for something
“surely we can’t expect a man who’s spent years developing vaccines to not still be an advocate of them…”
But that’s exactly what he did. He chose to only be an advocate AGAINST this particular vaccine (since many people are not buying that bullshit)…but tries to peddle more covids and more vaccines. Yeah, stop searching, like he is. Searching by pandering, for more of that fundamentally fraudulent complete BULLSHIT. Everything about him has been about producing degenerate garbage. You really don’t have to search any further.
I’m definitely not gonna give him even the slightest bit of respect.
“We’re not talking about the clear dangers of all vaccines”
And that’s the problem, these sort of videos and people focusing on just the covid are attempts to avoid addressing that fundamental “virus and vaccine” PRS cycle fraud. Mostly, willful ignorance.
It’s the ENTIRE rockefeller/pasteur establishment, ALL viruses, ALL vaccines.
Otherwise you’re just gonna be going with the same establishment, principles, degeneration, massive damage and FRAUD that allows shit like the “covid scenario”.
You’d also notice there’s been an IMMENSE amount of attempts to push these establishment peddlers as “benevolent” or “worth listening to”, while distracting from the obvious and fundamentals. Remember, their starting positions are false, any derivations from them are inherently FALSE.
I’d like to see any of those assholes try and respond to this:
Credit to Lost in the dark woods…While some other assholes with HORRIFIC history say shit like this, DUE to their particular plan not going quite as planned.
“So, there is not one second left for gears to be switched and to replace the current killer vaccines by life-saving vaccines.I am appealing to the WHO and all stakeholders involved, no mater their conviction, to immediately declare such action as THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN.”
How about refuse ALL their vaccines? Thanks, end of story.
You are GUARANTEED to get fucked up, degenerated, toxified unnecessarily with ZERO potential benefit from vaccines. Just saying. No vaccine is essential to your body, none of it. And, it’s based on misidentification, conflation and outright fraud of a supposed problem, by avoiding fundamental causative factors (essential elements and excess toxicity).
That’s why it’s made by pharmaceutical corporations, based on fundamental fraud regarding things like viruses, because they need sick customers who believe that they need to buy industrial synthetic horseshit as “medicine”. Their establishments are anti-life, anti-nature and quite pathetic.
Without sick customers, they have no customers. Your health is their death. So there is fundamentally, from an industrial view, ZERO chance that they are trying to improve your health. Please understand that, ZERO chance.
Simply, fairly and squarely put.
One thing immediately comes to mind regarding Vanden Bossche’s critique of the mRNA vaccine. Namely, that particular cat is, at minimum, a paw and a leg out of the bag already. When even health professionals are refusing the jab, it’s hard even for the mainstream media to completely hide the growing vaccine hesitancy.
So what on earth can be done to salvage the vaccine narrative? Oh, wait: let’s have someone come out and flat out condemn the mRNA vaccine; so that when the next line of vaccines become available, everyone will recall that their promoter was himself a vaccine skeptic.
Sounds like a winner.
Especially when van den bossche tried to sell that very mRNA vaccine previously, and since uptake isn’t so great…yeah, very legit.
Ask him about the animal trials, or rather, I’ll let him experience it.
He tried to play poker right? Yeah, sorry no, I have my shit straight. You know, with that 365 flop, turn A, river K…konfident kings, aces flying high. So wear a frown clowns, Sets going down, and QQ some more, coz I got my shit straight. The nuts. And I’ll flush you too. 47.
Just imagine, you intentionally abused say, billions of animals and people. Because you figured “i’m a smart corporate man”. Yeah no. Forced gender and species reassignment, bitch. Luckily for her, I’m an old necrophiliac neckromancer.
„Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening
Matthew 7:15
In the causa G. Vanden Bossche (Vaccine Industry and Global Health (GH) -)
Kora Klapp a German META-Health Master Practitioner has written to a specialist in microbiology. Prof.Sucharit Bhakdi was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and he is one of the most cited researchers in German history.
She published his reply on the tkp blog on March 17:
„I had also asked Prof Bhakdi to comment on Vanden Bossche’s fears. He replied as follows:
“I do not share his opinion and am concerned that it may distract from the real danger of vaccination to which we have drawn attention. The danger is that spike-producing cells-especially those lining the vessel walls-are attacked by the immune system. This leads to vascular wall damage, blood clotting and oxygen deficiency in the affected organs. Another dangerous aspect is the fact that the “trained” immune system will overreact to infections and vaccinations in the future.
Vanden Bossche equates infectiousness with dangerousness. But precisely this is incorrect – the reverse is true (very infectious = less dangerous).”
Translated with (free version)
@Katze Schmitt: “Vanden Bossche equates infectiousness with dangerousness. But precisely this is incorrect – the reverse is true (very infectious = less dangerous).’
Glad to see an expert confirming an evolutionary coexistence principle that I have repeatedly: the fiercer the predator the rarer. We coexist with our (very infectious) flu viruses through mutual benefit: we spread them by sneezing and they do not kill us because that would reduce their progeny”.
The Covid-19 flu was neither particularly infectious nor particularly dangerous. But the Con-19 Plandemic is particularly dangerous; even more dangerous than the Con-911 War of Terror.
Sorry, bunk. Flu and covid is interchangeable. Both resulting from (as one of the big factors) genetic breakage from vitamin d deficiency (essential genetic regulator). Again, which is why people get colds/flus and more generally RTIs in winter, with similar sort of symptoms, regardless of the implicated “viral disease”. Variations, such as “mutations” or “evolution” (of the resulting, not causative virus implication) depending on bodily status, toxicity and deficiency factors.
Anyone still peddling “viruses” has lost the plot and not been paying attention. OR, worse. Considering, there are a lot of people I’m chucking into the worse bin.
Go find me some good examples of how something that has no motile function, cannot reproduce and has no energy mechanism, which they somehow struggle to actually find or show to be pathogenic…gets to be “very infectious” or “contagious”. All the while, it is magically commensurate with deficiency and toxicity (efficacy of vitamin A, C, D, etc treatments), and interchangeable with various other “pathogenic viruses” that…are also commensurate with deficiency and toxicity.
Arguments pl0x.
There is no such thing as a flu virus. Seasonal flu is caused by the mycotoxins that black mold produce, especially in the 25% of the population who lack the gene to produce the antitoxin. That is why flu correlates with humidity. On humid days black mold will release spores that are like microscopic versions of dandelion seed heads.
This really is becoming more bizarre by the day.
Governments are telling people to get the jab because the odds of a bad reaction are so low.
Or about the same as the odds of getting the ‘virus’ that the jab is meant to treat.
So 0.5% for most people under 70.
As I said elsewhere, there really is panic in the air. I love the smell of governmental panic in the morning.
“I love the smell of governmental panic in the morning.”
It smells like … victory.
they fail – repeatedly….rivalry nothing if not entered, they nothing, unless considered…yet again and again we fight, but if not them, against who … those who look to be led ?…as it through them the lie finds power.
I wonder if any of those promoting and giving vaccines are beginning to worry, given news like this:
Italian prosecutor seizes batch of AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs ‘as a precaution,’ launches manslaughter investigation after death
Excellent.. as the voice says at the end of 21 wire.. “for those of you who had such a hard time getting home.. sorry about that….”
If humans are “committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants” via “large vaccination campaigns,” Vanden Bossche claims at the conclusion of his open letter.
Where is Vanden Bossche saying that? I have read the whole open letter but I have not find it.
It’s at the end of the 5 page pdf. There final 3 paragraphs state:
Paradoxically, the only intervention that could offer a perspective to end this pandemic (other than to let it run its disastrous course) is …VACCINATION. Of course, the type of vaccines to be used would be completely different from conventional vaccines in that they’re not inducing the usual suspects, i.e., B and T cells, but NK cells. There is, indeed, compelling scientific evidence that these cells play a key role in facilitating complete elimination of Covid-19 at an early stage of infection in asymptomatically infected subjects. NK cells are part of the cellular arm of our innate immune system and, alike natural Abs, they are capable of recognizing and attacking a broad and diversified spectrum of pathogenic agents. There is a sound scientific rationale to assume that it is possible to ‘prime’ NK cells in ways for them to recognize and kill Coronaviruses at large (include all their variants) at an early stage of infection. NK cells have increasingly been described to be endowed with the capacity to acquire immunological memory. By educating these cells in ways that enable them to durably recognize and target Coronavirus-infected cells, our immune system could be perfectly armed for a targeted attack to the universe of Coronaviruses prior to exposure. As NK cell-based immune defense provides sterilizing immunity and allows for broad-spectrum and fast protection, it is reasonable to assume that harnessing our innate immune cells is going to be the only type of human intervention left to halt the dangerous spread of highly infectious Covid-19 variants.
If we, human beings, are committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice left but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants. This will, indeed, require large vaccination campaigns. However, NK cell-based vaccines will primarily enable our natural immunity to be better prepared (memory!) and to induce herd immunity (which is exactly the opposite of what current Covid-19 vaccines do as those increasingly turn vaccine recipients into asymptomatic carriers who are shedding virus). So, there is not one second left for gears to be switched and to replace the current killer vaccines by life-saving vaccines.
I am appealing to the WHO and all stakeholders involved, no mater their conviction, to immediately declare such action as THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN.
“So, there is not one second left for gears to be switched and to replace the current killer vaccines by life-saving vaccines.
I am appealing to the WHO and all stakeholders involved, no mater their conviction, to immediately declare such action
Instead of there possibly being an issue with vaccines, as you would notice those damaging results are from vaccines, for fundamental fraudulence of conflated issues to sell shit…if you remove vaccines, you cannot possibly have killer vaccines.
Not ANY vaccine EVER has been safe. Not ANY of them. Something that is “safe”, provides health improvement. Vaccines CANNOT do that.
Unless, they include ZERO toxic elements and only address individual health status. Which they don’t, btw. You cannot approach the health status of a child the same as an adult. Just like you cannot expect to not get WHATEVER cold/flu in winter, because you ignored vitamin D.
Like you know, when people get a vitamin b12 shot? That’s only useful sometimes, VERY VERY marginal usage efficacy. and that’s a purely essential element. Something is NOT essential, with TOXIC ingredients and DAMAGING, DEGENERATE effects, PATHOLOGICAL, is not even anywhere NEAR as useful as a vitamin b12, potentially. And, even those vitamin b12 shots, are about 99%+ unnecessary.
Thanks for that. It is maddeningly annoying that this keeps happening and I fell for it.
Can we just stop talking about vaccines and let everybody know that ivermectin is available with a prescription from CVS pharmacy. Keep some in the medicine cabinet, just in case. It kills Covid. No question. That at least we know to be true.
The critical issue is not ignorance of the many medicines that cure or thwart “covid”. It is to thwart the imposition of the vaccines that are clearly dangerous due to (a) the many cases of death and injury so far, being obfuscated (b) incomplete trials – voodoo science (c) no compensation.
“Can we just stop talking about vaccines and let everybody know that ivermectin is available with a prescription from CVS pharmacy. ”
If a cold or a flu becomes annoying I’m fine with standard painkillers.
What’s a “standard” painkiller, what manufactures that, do you know the side effects, toxicology, pharmacokinetics? And why do you think that would address a deficiency or excess toxicity?
Of the “standard” painkillers (what I figure you’re referring to) I’ve tried, there’s aspirin, paracetamol/acetominophen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, codeine, another even worse thing called XEFO and some others.
Since I’m quite sensitive to the effects, I noticed absolutely none of them are good for me. Completely stopped using any of them. Most of them obviously worsening problems within a day or so, as well as supposed efficacy/tolerance being quite shit and worsening very rapidly.
So yeah, I haven’t used a “standard” painkiller in a very long time. I’ll stick to the plants, thanks. Marijuana, kratom, alcohols, maybe wild lettuce, shit I should probably try poppies too. Of course there are many other things, akuamma, and many many thousands of anti-inflammatory plants with FAR more benefits than any of those “standard” painkillers.
A tea made from bottlebrush leaves and flowers for instance has antinoceciptive properties. Which I’ve tried btw (because I communicate with the bees). It’s quite nice.
It’s also cool if you want a nice blue, purple or red drink, as the anthocyanins in it are quite prominent. So if you change the alkalinity/acidity (say with some bicarb, calcium or lemon juice), you get varying colour changes. That’s also how you can make PH tests or dyes, btw. But yeah, it’s pretty neat, smells nice too.
Why is the UK press reporting that one man has died and several others may have developed blood clots after AZ jab. By reporting this they have killed the vaccine stone dead. Why would the government do this. After weeks of denying there was a problem why do this now. It will not only undermine confidence in AZ but also the other vaccines. Are we seeing a change of plan. I didn’t expect this.
Well, their “yellow card” or whatever stats says a bit more than 1 person died.
Iirc, ~500 deaths, 250k adverse reactions (only those reported and acknowledged, which is likely a smaller number than in practice).
You’d have to combine the numbers from there, but yeah, that’s what it is.
Total reactions for the COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer- BioNTech vaccine: 212 deaths and 85,179 injuries
Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine Oxford University/AstraZenec vaccine: 244 deaths and 157,637 injuries
Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine brand unspecified vaccines: 4 deaths and 796 injuries
And those are merely short term effects actually reported, known. Also with very few, comparatively having received a 2nd shot.”
I’d recommend you take one look at that site and say “fuck off”. That’s what passes as “alt-media” or “fringe”. And it’s not. Though I’ve observed it for a while, so I kinda know how that goes (there’s similar sort of shit here on OG).
HEAVY degenerate “bolshevik” industrialist corporatist bias, controlled opposition, alts, etc. Pretty much hegelian dialectic sort of qlippothic fraud wherever.
LOP is a spinoff from GLP, same people I imagine.
Well, I once told a story about a game and the rules of the game on GLP.
Oh boy, I got some VERY interesting immediately hateful responses. I even got a bunch of sycophantic sort of pandering from the supposed owner of that site too. I wonder why?
GLP, like LOP is pretty much entirely worthless.
“HEAVY degenerate “bolshevik” industrialist corporatist bias, controlled opposition, alts, etc. Pretty much hegelian dialectic sort of qlippothic fraud wherever.”
You a member of the Plain English Society, by any chance?
No, Alpha Galates
The number reported will be far less than the number of incidents. There is a concerted effort to minimise the havoc being wreaked by these experimental biological agents, which are not vaccines. An investigation into vaccine adverse events, which reported in 2010, said that only around 1% of adverse events were ever properly reported.
If they are saying several have developed blood clots, then they really mean hundreds if not more. Don’t worry though, the dodgy vaccines will be given a free pass, after a token investigation. You actually come across as one who believes in Covid-19 vaccines, surely not?
What it means, is EVERY person that has had one of the vaccines (that have not degenerated or been made as placebo) have been degenerated/toxified regarding coagulation, autoimmune, etc issues. EXCEPT, it’s more immediately obvious in some, as their bodily statuses are different.
But euroland have now given the all clear for AZ again. The manoeuvrings will continue in unpredictable ways, we can’t assume the plan is faltering yet but any uncertainty gives an opportunity to the anti covid vax side to spread real info as widely as possible.
This is where GVB article is useful to at least open a few closed minds to the possibility that we are all being scammed.
It’s no good telling the average person that virus theory is bs as a starting point. This is a battle that will be won an inch at a time not by a single revelatory mental awakening moment.
They need every dose of every “vaccine” for the big plan. The WHO has done its duty by making a pronouncement on the safety of AZ, thus relieving the governments.
“It’s no good telling the average person that virus theory is bs as a starting point.”
Actually, it works excellent if you know how. I’ve tried it in person on about a dozen people, and they get it within minutes.
This sort of reasoning (though this is kinda more elaborate than what’s usually sufficient to convey that message):
Available story line….after contamination of the target age group (22 mil / 50+) – are content (albeit temporarily) to Test the majority of the remainder, manipulate the results (a cakewalk) – fashion antibodies from an earlier infection, thus allowing them enough protection to qualify for the leisure permit.
Later – mutations – advance vaccine
Boris Johnson is bidding for his US millionairedom, isn’t he? So is Matthew Hancock. They are just spaffing billions on new US-manufactured nuclear warheads, which is nothing more than paying tributes to a mafia Godfather.
The US idea of the ‘special relationship’ is to trash any UK product and force the UK to use the Pfizer vaccine instead.
I addressed this theory yesterday with a friend who suggested and offered that we might just give this guy some slack – but in my very humble opinion ,I suspect the wheels are coming off this current Vaccine Roll out as outlined by RT News yesterday where an EU Health minister said Vaccine uptake was “disappointing*
Couple that with the latest “Leaked Report” in the MSM about a forthcoming “Shortfall in availability”
The previously Run story about “those Pesky Europeans nicking all our Vaccines” all leave the very fertile ground for a panic stricken uptake by those stupid enough to be Duped by this propaganda -(Exactly the same reaction we saw with the great Loo Roll Panic)
This is no coincidence and bears all the Cardinal Features of a Behavioural Science Controlled Agenda .
To add another string to their Bow and hedge their bets both ways – why not Roll some WHO Expert out to warn us all of Armageddon, so all those who are NOT Duped by this shortage Ploy – will sit back and think seriously about the possibility that they may end up picking up a super strain of this mutated virus from someone who HAS been Vaccinated.
Both roads lead to the same place – people accepting one type of Vaccine or another.
If the unvaccinated were in Danger of being swept off the Planet by this Biblical deadly mutation – why should that sneering Bill Gates care ? isnt that his overall ultimate plan -to de populate the planet.
After all there is more than one way to Kill a Pig, as the old saying goes.
I rest my case and time will tell if I am talking through what I should be sitting on.
Well, he peddles a…
“I’m anti-covid vax, don’t trust it, but you can get millions of more GOOD vax for bad viruses…from me, definitely not with conflicts of interests or anything to sell while representing major pharmaceutical corporation, eugenicists and such.
Sure, I say this a bit late and after millions of other people have said that but have been censored and people are REALLY not very trusting of this covid vax I tried to sell, and I’m not trying to save face or anything. The important thing is me, you and more vax and viruses for a better, healthiest future!
Hey btw, my video and a “debunker’s” video which espouses even worse garbage like the covid vax being super awesome, and entirely “necessary” are allowed on youtube. We happen to develop vaccines and such, so again, you can trust us, just us. That’s why those sociopsychopath patriot kinda antisocial antivaxxer WHITE MALE terrorists of the apocalypse have even their COMMENTS, nevermind videos, regarding anything censored…but we’re not. Coz we’re here for our wealth. Sorry, I mean…your health. That is, destroying your health, with vaccines, based on fraudulence regarding viruses. To sell more vaccines…and other toxic pharma shit.”
…sort of narrative…
Which is exactly the PRS cycle, trying to ignore the fundamentals, that I’ve mentioned a few times.
I was thinking about this today, and while I’m not expecting to see mention of Bossche in any mainstream source, I did think that somewhere, some media outlet would pick up such a potentially explosive story. So I just searched 4 news search engines, and literally the entire global media is silent upon this. It’s up to sites like this and Natural News to cover it, all of which of course are banned by the likes of farcebook and youtube. I thought I was cynical enough, but I was actually shocked today to see the absolute control over the world’s media.
Relating to what he’s actually saying, given that there is a precedent for it with Marek’s disease in chickens, I wonder if it is only fear-mongering. We have no way to know until a few more months have passed, I think, but it does suggest to those of us actually capable of thought to get hold of a bunch of ivermectin while we still can, because I guess it will be as remarkably effective against whatever strains might develop due to “leaky vaccines” as it is against the current strain. Hedging bets goes both ways, ikke sant.
“given that there is a precedent for it with Marek’s disease in chickens,”
Sorry, no. Fundamentally fraudulent to try and push the narrative. Viruses don’t exist, or function as claimed. Understand? No movement. No reproduction. No energy mechanisms. Misidentified, conflated result, NOT cause. Just like colds/flus, ebola, measles, polio, etc. Every single one of those explained with toxicity and deficiency. Provably.
Marek’s disease, as with other bird flu, mad cow disease is related to toxic environments, practices, feeds, methodology.
The major causes of Marek disease are vaccines, unhygienic conditions, influence of other pathogens that cause immunosuppressive effects (antibiotics, medications, congealants, steroids, hormone therapies), shit environments (stress being a big factor), otherwise toxic environments, homogenized as well as toxic feeds, etc.
The thing to notice being, that shit is DEGENERATE. So you get DEGENERATE results.
Any attempts to use Marek’s disease as “precedent” for comparison or reference is fundamentally bunk.
You should also have mentioned the unique UK innovations: mixing vaccines (for the 2nd. dose) and waiting beyond the authorised period. How scientific is that?
Here is confirmation of Rosemary Frei’s dishonesty in trying to discredit Dr Mike Yeadon as
“very pro-mRNA-vaccine and pro- much of the official-Covid-narrative”
It’s from Robin Monotti’s Telegram feed, for those who want to go read it there:
“Hello everyone! Alive & kicking. I don’t have my own channel but o am still doing what I can to keep science honest.
Here’s my take on vaccination. I don’t think there’s a more important time to think, be still, anticipate where your near term…
2/ …decisions will lead us.
Here’s my take on vaccination:
1. Healthy people under 60 are at a very low risk from the virus. If you didn’t seek a flu vaccine then you definitely don’t need this vaccine because flu risk is greater than covid risk…
3/ … for the under-70s.
2. I do not believe for one minute that vaccination will result in our freedoms being returned. The whole coercive act around forcing people who won’t benefit to get vaccinated is to get digital ID on everyone.
4/ The way to oppose evil is to exert your rights & say “No, thanks”. Not to go along with it. That way lies permanent purgatory because what’s next? A top up against variants? You’ll be made to take every vaccine the authorities dictate.
3. Some tourist dependent countries want tourists so badly they will admit them without vaccination. Help them by going there. This pressure succeeds or it fails. It won’t take years. We have to win or it’ll be forced into our children.
6/ 4. Consider younger people. They’re not at a measurable risk. Taking a vaccine helps them not at all, but it adds risk for adverse effects in the mid to long term. No one can tell us what that risk is because the technology is new & the data simply doesn’t exist. ..
7/ …Because they’re different from anything we’ve done before, it’s irresponsible to be rolling out vaccines except to those at clearly elevated risk if infected.
5. Why are medical professionals silent? Why are all institutions supine? I don’t know, but it’s frightening.
8/ Please do not give up your freedom to decide whether or not to consent to an experimental medical intervention in exchange for SOME of your freedoms back.
It’s unethical to pressure you to accept vaccination for NON MEDICAL reasons.
9/ Accept restrictions that they threaten you with. If enough of us cross our arms, look then in the eye & say “No, thanks”, they lose.
Vaccine passports are a blind tunnel from which nether we nor our children will ever emerge. It’s a one way trap.
10/ They need to impose them en masse or it won’t work. Don’t do their work for them. Don’t be bribed , frightened or lied into accepting what your gut advises you not to.
11/ The Council of Europe, of which we remain a member, is explicit: member states are reminded that it is illegal to mandate or coerce populations into accepting medical interventions & they must not discriminate against those choosing to decline.
12/ In U.K. our all causes mortality has sunk back to normal. Now, I don’t believe for a moment that lockdowns have been the cause. It’s massed population immunity. I know I called it prematurely last autumn but I’m not ready to completely concede that we were not…
13/ near herd immunity. And I think we’re there now. My estimate of % of population who’ve been infected is now mainstream with CDC in the US stating around 25%. Evidence continues to emerge that 20-50% of us had some prior immunity.
14/ The youngest are effectively resistant to infection & transmission. Simple arithmetic doesn’t leave enough susceptible people to again have an epidemic at scale in already heavily hit regions.
We also know masks are just lies.
So the event is over.
15/ We’ve been deliberately whipped into a MASS PANIC & relentlessly administered fear for a year.
Well, I’m not frightened & I’m not going away.
16/ But here’s the kicker: older people, unfortunately the very age group we know have very much greater risk of severe outcomes including death if infected by SARS-CoV-2, do not respond anything like as well to vaccination (this is the Pfizer one) as those in whom vaccination…
17/ …isn’t really needed.
The process of diminishing immune responses with age, especially in those >80y, has long been recognised. It is thought to be one of if not the most important reason why we see such profound age-related risks. Immunosenescence is a fact of life.
18/ Everything-senescence is associated with ageing & while we should do what we can to extend heathy lifespan, I personally don’t want to live longer than my health. Aging can be cruel. But it is also an entirely natural process & it seems as a society, we refuse to recognise ..
19/..what our ancestors accepted as an inevitable part of ‘the circle of life’.
The bottom line is that there are limits, really severe ones too, in terms of what vaccination can do to protect the very old from the consequences of viral infection.
20/ Ask yourself this: if the most vulnerable are often far less likely to gain effective protection from vaccination, and those who do benefit are usually able to resist infection without vaccination, what the hell are we doing, vaccinating the world?
21/ It’s almost -not quite -pointless. I’m sure there’s a sizeable cohort between 60 & 80 who are greatly helped by vaccination. But the median age of death with covid19 is over 80. And very few people younger than 60 & without prior serious illnesses, succumb to this virus.
Bye tony.
Sorry for the garbling of the order of posts at the start. Copy ‘n paste did something odd.
You peddling shit is kinda the bigger problem.
Take your own advice and fuck off you pretentious gobshyte.
Would you care to try and argue with any of my comments, though? Instead of pandering on behalf of/as a pharma shill?
I mean, when yeadon tries to peddle OTHER degenerate pharma shit (coz he’s not at pfizer anymore), though spent his life developing degenerate shit for what we know is a dodgy company, with rather bullshit history and he never mentioned those problems before…I dunno hey.
That’s a no.
Kinda like van den tosser, trying to peddle more pharma shit, while STILL clinging to the fundamental fraud.
Strangely, none of your comments have been OTHER than in defense of establishment fuckheads. Quite ironic, considering what you’ve suggested.
Here, the most important thing Jeff Goldblum’s ever said?
From about 2 minutes:
You didn’t make any comments in your ‘replies’ to me.
The people who run the world have moved things onto a whole new level of evil in the last twelve months, to the point that nearly all of our civil liberties are gone, and they can depose/assassinate heads of state almost at will. And things are going to keep on getting worse. If we (who are in a small minority right now) are to make a stand against this, we have to work together, accept all the help we can get. I’ll even take Tommy fucking Robinson’s support for now.
SocioPsychopatriotism (great user name, “Pretentious? Moi?”) would prefer us all to be discussing germ theory and suchlike until we all disappear up our own backsides, whilst we call out high-profile supporters/spokespeople (who are in positions to make a difference) as heretics!!! Way to go. You just couldn’t make someone like Socio up! Well, maybe someone in secret services actually did.
Like I said before, I’ll be on the Manchester march on Saturday. Hope there’s a big turnout for all the marches. Dissent has to be visible and loud.
If I was being pretentious I’d use JeSuis G. Kristofferson (and I’ve used that before).
Or, sir isO.
21/ Mass vaccination also seems to cause a spike in national excess deaths. This affects everyone including those in the 15-65 age range. See the links for Portugal and UK. I do not have similar graphic info. for severe injuries.
More from Dr Yeadon on Telegram today which further exposes Rosemary Frei’s lie that he is “pro- much of the official-Covid-narrative”:
“Agreed, Matt. Among the many frustrations are not so much those who broadly accept what they’ve been told, but those who darn well know it’s not as described but just say / do nothing to oppose & educate others.
People won’t accept there’s a conspiracy & I understand that. It’s not my crime & I don’t know how we’ve got here.
But I do insist that people who don’t have our best interests at heart have seized the initiative in the chaos & are taking things in a very bad direction.
Now is the time to say loudly in words & deeds that WE DO NOT CONSENT.”
Instead of their pyramids…
I am afraid I did indeed made an misstake, when I skipped thru this video, beliving I would be given info on an subject witch I belive is what is becoming/becomed an real problem/issue, RI, Retroviral infection, and I apologise simply for been to hastily with recomending this one, with this G.V. Bossche, an I go with your explanation, He is nothing but an turncoat/well pisser.
I was once one whom said that, Ok some vaccines do good, to day, I dont belive that at all.
Reasons, well, when you think about modern citys and also rural life, the problem that arises is the shere massive amount of toxics, eveywhere, in everything, and since humans have an defence system, hooned thru milleniums, I cant belive that,its not good enough, if its not good enough it must bee because of something that alters our bodys defences, nothing else, and even food is packed with shit, I dont eat much fishfarm fish, I buy fish but gets it from fishers whom sels wilde fish, incl salmon, the difference is that its slightly more expencive, but if you buy lets say, 2kg, of wilde salmon you have an lot of it, to vegies whoms life span is more or less in an watery/cotton evirioment and feed nutrients in pellets, like the way the farmers use fertilizers/nitrats and to make shure this water plants survive they are also sprayed with chemicals, the most dangerous issue if you smoke weed, not the drug, but the use of pesticides.
I am therefor glad some of you are awaken enough to kick our asses, dont think I am sorry, just glad to be corrected.
Then I have read something witch should be an problem, again I am not shure, since its from whats defined as leaked docs, hacked and taken and then spread.
The consern is, if I am correct, is about the so called mRNA vaccine, the m in it is messenger RNA, witch is what our DNA/Cell sends out to make proteins, the builiding blocks of everything, then we have whats defined as rtRNA, witch is reverse transcript RNA, and that is when the strain/squence of RNA is inbedded into our DNA.
In that, there problems can escalate into an sea of problems, loosen RNA strains, to strains/sequences witch are incomplet, and what can that do/mean to the human DNA and the processes it generates in our human cells.
Just like the pimping of one type of antibodys can be fatal if something else comes, the reason for this vaccines to have shown to wipe out the entire population of test subjects regarding the early stages of this manufacturings of this so called vaccine, I am just taking this out of my head right now as I type.
I am again going to give you an link to the data leaks.
But, the real deal, in this uh….. conspiracy times, hehe, if I may use such an term, is this video. They will create a virus, pretend and sell the antidotes” – Colonel Muammar Gaddafi 2009I have watched before, so I know its genuine.
Yeah, one of the few, and I mean few standing statemen huanity have encountered, an genuine hero and an man of the people, and He was sodomized to death by Obamalama and Hitlary the beast.
May the lord have mercy upon this mans soul, and bless the family with peace and prosperity, the entire war was an genuine act of atrocitys witch the west denies with vigor.
“are also sprayed with chemicals, the most dangerous issue if you smoke weed, not the drug, but the use of pesticides.”
Uhm, no it isn’t, pesticide use is pretty much unheard of with weed growers. I guess though, if you are talking about industrial weed, that might be different.
Even then, go find me some examples.
MANY indoor growers do use synthetic and excessive inputs causing degeneracy, which they think is “good”, while say, having and promoting stagnant recessive inbred genes and the plants dying within 3 months from stress (like autoflowers).
What they don’t understand is weed is smarter than them.
In saturnian reality, ganja burns you.
I shit you not, other people who don’t smoke weed have complained about me being paranoid when smoking weed, while I simply sit in my room chilling out not saying anything…
I see the WHO has confirmed today that it doesn’t believe that the ‘virus’ escaped from a lab in Wuhan.
Has anyone else seen this article (I found it last year, when this all started) – I wondered if the whole thing was a plant – a false flag. Even the photo of the blighter looks kind of familiar, doesn’t it? Anyway, food for thought. Given what allegedly happened with the Skripals in Salisbury, anything is possible.
Note that the article s from 2011. Apologies for linking to the Daily Mail! 😉
A more ‘highbrow’ read here;
Boris Johnson on overpopulation…
Actually, shitheads like him is the real issue.
So it’s a very specific group of people that represent that overpopulation, eugenicists, pharmacuetical industry, agricultural industry, corporates, politicians, thinktanks…in general establishment “authority” and zealot supporters of those.
Which means we really don’t have to get rid of a lot of people, in absolute terms.
Yep, I simply linked to the Boris Johnson article because I’m sure that he doesn’t actually give a shit, anyway.
Bird flu is caused by environmental toxicity and agricultural practice, feeds.
Simple methodological failures.
Just like Mad Cow Disease, it does not “spread” and is found inside of specific locations and circumstance. Just like colds and flus. Or ebola. Or any other “viral disease”.
Like when they fed cattle other cattle brains in the UK as “good protein”, that protein homology as well as lots of toxicity, results in protein misfolding, which would be things like prions.
The same protein homology is also what makes vaccines so very degenerate.
Some of the implicated toxins for say, bird flu would be dioxins, chlorine excess, obviously steroids, hormonal therapies, vaccines, medications, congealing agents, homogenized, toxic feeds, toxic conditions.
Yes, I’m trying to follow all of this but my scientific knowledge is very thin, I’m afraid. The question I’m asking, I suppose, is, given that Daily Mail article above, is it actually possible to create something like that?
Not without explicity imposing toxins (like EMF, fluoride, toxic “food”, vaccines”, medications”, etc).
So, no, you being vaccinated is not going to affect me. Just like you having any supposed “virus” cannot affect me. Which is why not all doctors and nurses or people ever having been near hospitals are dead.
Sure, toxic conditions and medications in hospitals are associated with higher disease, but that requires explicit toxic inputs, components, environment.
They are trying to peddle their fundamental “viral contagion” fraud. That can be faked, however, with fraudulent imposition (like say, poisoning water with fluoride, using EMF, etc) and ignorance of toxicity or essentials. Which is exactly what’s happening.
The biggest contagious, mental virus, is belief. The belief in their methodology being religious. You know how that goes…
It was organophosphate pesticides that the government mandated be used on cattle to combat warble fly that were the primary cause of mad cow disease:
Apparently, manganese toxicity is also a factor:
…btw you know someone is onto something when, first, their house is burnt down, then they are killed in a mysterious car accident (after multiple associates had died similarly)…
Well organophosphates contributes. But it is WELL established that (the cattle brains thing).
Those articles are trying to deflect from them having used cattle brains as feed for other cattle. Probably damage control.
I mean, what would people think if they found out the farmers gave cattle other cattle?
Coz I’ve seen the admissions. I’ll go try find some links.
Here’s something close, recent:
“For the first time, these data bring an experimentally underpinned explanation to the appearance” of mad cow disease in the UK in the 1980s.
The disease then spread in cattle across “Europe, North America and numerous other countries,” the process aided by their consumption of foodstuffs including cereals and giblets from carcasses and animals hit by the ailment.”
Notice how they are LOATHE to admit the cannibalism being the degenerate causative factor, rather than “the ailment”.
The ending paragraphs kinda gives it away…
“From the 1990s, Europe introduced a slew of measures to counter the spread of the illness including banning animal cereals, tougher surveillance of cross-contaminations and destruction of the highest risk tissues, thereby eventually bringing the spread under control.
“These measures are still in place—but they are very expensive, leading in some quarters to calls for their elimination and “to resume recycling of good quality proteins” rather than throwing them away in what might be an alternative to soya imports, Andreoletti observed.
He added, however, that any recourse to “non-virtous practices” risked seeing the disease reemerge.”
So yeah, some people still try push for that cannibalism and such. I guess the sort of people that are loathe to admit that the toxic, degenerate methodology causes those problems. That methodology CAUSES that “ailment”.
Have you seen what happens to say, some other cannibals (like humans) and the prion diseases they get? Kinda exactly like mad cow disease. Or have you noticed perhaps the prevalence of prion disease in humans from eating say, pigs? Toxoplasma Gondii prevalence is mostly caused by that sort of thing. Coz it’s fucking degenerate.
The reason you get problems, as I’ve explained, is due to that self-similarity, homology, causing protein misfolding and such (resulting in prions).
So I kinda explained what happened. Including processes, while showing you very clear analogous situations.
Related to this, somewhat tangentially, I can speculate a bit about HIV/AIDS and the prevalence of severe toxoplasma gondii in those who are really sick.
Oh, but wait, the same processes and methodology still applies. So if you have homologous materials (I guess they used some with HIV/AIDS treatments? Can anyone confirm that? Antibodies? Antiretrovirals?)…tied to say, shit like AZT and other SUPER degenerate systemic toxins called “medications”…yeah, you’re gonna have a broken system and lots of protein misfolding, resulting in prions…being toxoplasma gondii.
So yeah, I did solve that toxoplasma gondii thing quite some time ago.
What’s really bad regarding antiretrovirals, which relates to these posts:
HIV antiretrovirals actually IMPAIR the body’s innate repair function at DSBs, so while HIV is a misattributed result (again, of toxicity and deficiency), it is attacked with antiretrovirals suppressing repair mechanisms. Invariably, leading to other, worse problems (particularly cancers…and since they are so related due to protein misfolding, and so prominent in those with AIDS…say, toxoplasma gondii).
HUGE clue about that here:
Sorry, I said toxoplasma gondii is prion, it’s protozoan. But it’s somewhat related. If you go look at protein misfolding, cancers, immunosuppression, etc you often find significant (resulting) protozoan issues…
Why, because it’s a mechanism that deals with degenerate/broken garbage?
“Less is currently known about the antitumor effects of acute inflammation induced by unicellular eukaryotic protozoans. Decades ago, protein extracts from the protozoan T. gondii (hereafter, Toxoplasma) were reported to elicit partial antitumor effects (reviewed in reference [13]). In addition, Toxoplasma infection elicited detectable antitumor responses against B16F10 melanoma development by suppressing angiogenesis [14]. While it was known that Toxoplasma infection strongly induces a TH1-biased immune response [15], safe, nonreverting, and nonpathogenic strains of Toxoplasma were not previously available.”
Bizarrely people just don’t notice these things.
A stunning video:
Banned from YouTube: Dr. Simone Gold shares the truth about the COVID-19 vaccines
Dr. Gold has been arrested!!
One week ago, Dr. Gold and her Communications Director were arrested by the FBI in an extremely aggressive manner. They need your support. This fight is not just for them, but for you.
On the fundme page: “$318,799 raised” so far, a sign we are not ‘alone’…
There isn’t a date on the link you provided but I think it actually dates back to January.
Thanks for the link!
Really? REALLY?
I’m not even going to bother.
I don’t like AFD, btw. They are peddlers for rockefeller establishment. I just don’t respect them, sorry.
Also, I live on about $150 a month. I really need some cash.
If you don’t solve that problem for me, I’m going to impose HEAVY retroactive sunlight taxation…
Dr Kaufman was saying the HCQ works on parasites not viruses. Pharma were not best pleased because they are pushing for a vaccine for a virus and fixing parasite problems would decimate their business. I don’t think it would make people better as killing parasites would make them feel more sick atleast temporarily. I’d say placebo effect and it not being as dangerous as the other treatments makes it look like it helps. Once the dead parasites are cleared they would then feel better. Loss of taste and smell is a sign of depleted Zinc so that probably is what helps as well as the parasites no longer depleting the zinc.
Papaya seeds are one way to kill parasites.
Uhm, a loss of smell and taste is also associated with cAMP, adenylyl cyclase interference with specifically aluminum and fluoride combination (worsened by EMF)…
I mentioned quite a lot about it on Jon Rappoport’s site.
And of course, those effects compound (along with deficient zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium, etc).
HCQ is one of the things worsening potassium deficiency (relative imbalance), btw. Not only HCQ, anything with chlorine (and sodium, but chlorine is the worse offender).
As a warning to ANYONE considering using HCQ, ESPECIALLY asswits like AFD, you should be VERY careful and also make sure potassium and magnesium levels are more desireable relative to sodium and chlorine levels.
Meaning, you should likely decrease sodium and chlorine and increase potassium and magnesium, ESPECIALLY if you use something like HCQ.
It (HCQ) affects electrical imbalance rather negatively and it’s also related to some of those early reports of covid patients (after “treatments”) having mental and heart problems.
Parasites can proliferate when there is various toxicities so a parasite cleanse can help with many things. Dr Morse doesn’t reccommend the turpentine protocol of Dr Jennifer Daniels.
He says it is dodgy and uses the herbs. One quite good one along the lines of turpentine but probably safer is Juniper berries. These are what Gin tastes of and sometimes can be found in bars where they add them to drinks like gin and tonic. This site suggests starting with 3 berries a day.
Yoghurt and papaya seeds for candida.
What depletes zinc is needing to replace red blood cells at an increased rate due to them having been destroyed by millimetre microwave radiation…
As zinc is important for globin production, the bodies zinc gets diverted to bone marrow for this purpose leaving little for the organs that need it, like the olfactory bulb (hence the loss of taste/smell), the hippocampus (hence the brain fog) and the retinae (hence the light sensitivity).
The treatment that works for those with such symptoms and the “happy hypoxia” that results from having highly oxidative cell-free haem in the blood stream (the body deliberately reduces oxygen saturation to reduce the damage) is ascorbic acid & zinc supplementation. The ascorbic acid (vitamin C) assists iron absorption.
Good levels of things like (iirc) selenium and vitamin E, manganese, magnesium also helps shield against EMF damage. Though not entirely sure, that’s from what I remember, could be mistaken.
Associated with zinc is copper, btw.
There was some research into the juice from papaya leaves to cure dengue. Predictably, the research has sunk without trace.
Yesterday the Greek Ministry of Health made an official announcement urging people vaccinate with the Astra-Zeneca vaccine.Greek officials and doctors assure us that the vaccine is absolutely safe.
I wonder if he was introduced to swamp grease recently.
“And to mention quickly, I have info for anti-vaxxers and anti-coviders,” he stated in Polish.
“If you want to contact Bill Gates, you can do this through me. I can also provide for you from my organism the 5G network. I am sorry I hadn’t spoke for a bit but I was just getting autism.”
The ex comedian and current twat Ricky Gervais was mining from the same vein after his recent “jab”.
Well, those who’ve espoused that shit are absolutely, unequivocally dead to me.
You can draw your own conclusions.
The risk is having kids with those who have been injected I would say. Even without there being anything passed on by the injection directly such a person would almost certainly take the kid to medical doctors. This would likely begin with ultra sound even before they were born and the ultrasound could damage the baby and if female the eggs. Then the baby would be traumastised in hospital birth and vaccinated in childhood etc. Such a person would be a huge risk to have children with. It would be setting yourself and the children up for disaster.
Freedom Action – Birth, Life and Parenting – Strategies with Jeanice Barcelo:
The presence of multiple RNases at sites of DNA damage suggests that ribonucleolysis is a common phenomenon at double strand breaks and predicts the existence of different types of RNA intermediates that result from the cleavage of damage‐induced transcripts.
Now imagine, vitamin D (just one example of a factor) is involved in regulating that…
What do you think that suggests? And there are a number of ways breakage can manifest.
“Although RNA and RNA-binding proteins have been linked to double-strand breaks (DSBs), little is known regarding their roles in the cellular response to DSBs and, if any, in the repair process. Here, we provide direct evidence for the presence of RNA-DNA hybrids at DSBs and suggest that binding of RNA to DNA at DSBs may impact repair efficiency. Our data indicate that the RNA-unwinding protein DEAD box 1 (DDX1) is required for efficient DSB repair and cell survival after ionizing radiation (IR), with depletion of DDX1 resulting in reduced DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR).
Our findings point to a previously uncharacterized requirement for clearing RNA at DSBs for efficient repair by HR.”
Some of the uhm, more astute readers would notice what I’m suggesting with these mechanisms.
Considering I got a few downvotes for something so highly specific, but broadly implicating…thanks!
DEAD box1 is kinda fitting. Have I told you I’m not like you? “By magic, time and space will bend”
Can you help a less astute reader understand? I’m intrigued by your comments but afraid I’m struggling to follow this one. I’m not terribly scientifically inclined, though I do try. Thanks!
Essentially, it says genetic material breaks…you get various forms of RNA/DNA truncations, fragments, “mutations”, etc.
Does it occur to anyone those would the sort of processes involved in how “viruses” are spawned in your body? As in, the origin of viruses being in your body, due to various damaging factors, as your body is constantly degenerating/regenerating. Which is also why there’s no contagion, for any of them, btw.
Thanks for the help, that does make sense. I had never heard that viruses were created by our bodies, I’m just learning about all of this. I appreciate your insights and thought provoking comments.
The Fraudian has spent the last couple of days running an obviously carefully prepared and co-ordinated campaign for a UK public inquiry into “the Covid response”. Have UK public inquiries – like Democrat Presidents – ever achieved anything useful in the past? Never mind, that doesn’t stop the Fraudian supporting them (and then getting their columnists to write about their “surprise” when they disappoint).
Why? One reason might be what they’re leading with this morning:
27,000 died because of the slow imposition of lockdown? 27 is of course a highly occulted number (9+9+9) and it couldn’t be 26,000 or 28,000. One might think they want this public inquiry to entrench the idea that immediate and draconian lockdowns are the only proper response to the merest hint of a “new wave”. More broadly, it’ll be another show trial for populism in its fake Bojo guise.
Last I checked his videos were still on Youtube. That in itself is very suspect.
So, the situation this morning is that the elixir from AstaZeneca is so damaging that the health authorities in some EU countries are reporting their alarm in spite of political pressure to carry on “jabbing”. Yet newspapers assure us that countries are fighting over said elixir.
This just get crazier by the day.
If you want to be knocked out, possibly with brain damage or death, go get jabbed.
I’ll count back from 10.
I watched 17/3/2021
I always watch but don’t always agree with uk column
At the star of the episode they were covering what they called leaky vaccines.
They claimed the current vaccines are leaky vaccines that are designed to treat or suppress the symptoms but mostly do not stop infection and spread. They claims that new born chickens (possibly preborn) were given leaky vaccines resulting in the vaccine that escapes mutating into a stronger version and as a result all new born chickens have to be vaccinated to survive. Suggesting that this is what will happen as result of the current vaccines. Creating a situation of great power to those who could with hold the life saving vaccine. They said they were not try to spread fear but face upto the reality of the situation.
I do not agree with any part of the information or analysis of this segment of the program.
The idea is again predicated on the idea of asymptomatic people spreading the virus.
This is a vital lie surrounding the Covid scam. It has always been believed in the past that those with flu symptoms could spread the virus by coughing and sneezing. Although attempts to prove this have not been very successful. But the idea that those with out symptoms could spread the virus to any significant disease is a newly invented lie.
So the leaky vaccine idea does not work. It is also accepts the idea that there is a new virus or indeed any virus that has not been proven.
That’s right Brian, pretty much exactly.
It’s not just about “covid”, since covid is interchangeable with flu (and practically all RTIs are, btw). It’s the fundamental fraud regarding viruses and their supposed function.
They’re misidentified, dead, can’t move, can’t can’t be contagious…meaning they are PRODUCTS of something else (such as say, your genetic material breaking from excessive toxicity or low sunlight in winter).
RELIGIOUS BELIEF though, is VERY contagious apparently.
Have you ever watched John E Hoover on YT? John Cullen. He does a lot of great vids, and I follow him elsewhere also. His research is serious stuff.
I have not (at least, not that I remember, but I’m never sober, so), thanks for the mention, I’ll check it out.
The ‘Vaccine’ is The Virus
Right, it’s a real pathogen which people religiously believe in thanks to mental contagion.
Except ‘people’ don’t believe in it.
The fait accompli being touted as the reality is the lie that is designed to entrench learnt helplessness.
A clever trick.
But a limited one using the same old emotive engine of fear as the virus scam.
All plays from the same textbook on ‘spook them’ theatre.
Well, how many vaccines (all types) were administered to people, say, yesterday?
Then, include animal vaccinations too.
So yeah…people religiously believe that bullshit.
You have absolutely no solid statistics as to what that number would be.
You are fear mongering.
Okay, let’s do some crude estimates, do infants get vaccinated? Do you know people who have been vaccinated? How many vaccines are produced?
You don’t know.
Go find me some stats or studies of say vaccinated vs unvaccinated, and compare the huge absence/discrepancy of unvaccinated.
Hey, maybe you’ve had pets, or known someone who’ve had pets and had them vaccinated?
You might even notice that’s a majority. Though I guess, that depends on the area, people.
I mean, you can probably draw your own conclusions.
When I speak with random people, in person, they seem to mostly be provax. They’ve had numerous vaccines, I remember at school, for instance, vaccine administrations. That sort of thing.
All those large-scale farmers use vaccines. People even inherit allergies from that shit.
From what I recall, the average infant has around 10 vaccines administered in the first year of life.
Here’s one of the first vaccines, kinda common.
“As of 2004, the vaccine is given to about 100 million children per year globally.”
As well as a nice list of some countries administering those vaccines.
But hey, I guess those huge amounts of pharma sales relating to vaccines isn’t an indicator, either.
Scroll down and check out the vaccinated/unvaccinated comparison chart. Especially ADHD
Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children • Children’s Health Defense
I’ve looked at that, there’s another recent study regarding that too. I’ll link it if I can find it.
I’m fear mongering based on saying that vaccinations have been used an awful lot, that they’re damaging and that people religiously believe in them?
Are you suddenly provax/pharma or what?
The sweeping generalisation of ‘people’ makes you inaccurate along with straw-man arguments. Most of what you post is otherwise useful.
What is your knowledge on 2.4 – 60 GHz and it’s effect on humans?
Probably better than yours.
What is your understanding of the current quintillion times higher than natural ~1ghz radiation, and say, magnetite in your brain having a nice range of (order of magnitude either way) exceptional 0.1 to 10ghz radiation absorption?
3g (2.4ghz) interferes with hydrogen, hydrides. How do you think aluminum aids that?
5g (let’s say 60ghz) interferes with oxygen, oxides.
In that range (2.4ghz – 60ghz), there are also other essential elements being messed with, such as iodine.
What effect does it have on human cells and psychology?
And then, I could remind you how say, the commonality of fluoride and the prevalence of aluminum (like especially in typical vaccines) make a nice combination messing with cAMP and ATP function. You know, fundamental cellular function.
With the aluminum (you know, like in a microwave) scattered in your brain causing high levels of “amplification” and the fluoride “exploding” like little bombs, and that it’s stimulated with say, 2.4ghz radiation.
Also, since your DNA has piezoelectric sort of function, all of that unnatural EM shit is potentially quite damaging on its own.
With at least 2000+ US navy medical studies seem to mention a lot about.
So you don’t really know what effect 2.4-60GHz has on human cells and psychology? What are your thoughts about the pervasiveness of wifi (2,4 GHz) in school classrooms, cafes, working environments ?
“So you don’t really know what effect 2.4-60GHz has on human cells and psychology?”
How do you get to that, btw? Psychology? Not physiology? In terms of psychology, resulting from physiology and say, religious belief, it makes people fucking dumb.
I mean, if I mention it interferes with DNA in a piezolectric sense, oxygen, hydrogen (much of your body, btw), affects say, brain function through say, iron and related endogenous compounds and magnetite being particularlly good absorbers in the typical EMF range, can cause nitrosative, oxidative stress, inflammation, contribute to genetic regression, DNA breaks, etc. How fluoride and specifically aluminum is used to interfere with cAMP and ATP function, fundamental cellular energy, and that it is worsened with typical EMF…
I guess I don’t know shit. I mean, let’s compare it to what you’ve stated in this comment section…big difference, no doubt.
“What are your thoughts about the pervasiveness of wifi (2,4 GHz) in school classrooms, cafes, working environments ?”
Well I think it is weaponry, physiologically degenerating and should be minimized.
PS. A specialist in constraint minimization working for a company named Denel back in the day (Israeli and South African armaments) once asked me about constraint minimization improvement. Apparently he was surprised to hear me say he should ask better questions.
The arguments (or propaganda) cover 2 sources of danger:
:- the vaccinated will succumb to ADE at an inpredictable time.
:- their bodies will leak “variants” that others succumb to.
For my Aussie mates…I was informed today that our health authorities have been aware of the real possibility of vaccine leaking causing mutants since get go…they have decided to not really make it a discussion point with the general public because as the dr telling me said….we couldn’t have the nut jobs on the net creating trouble with it…at that point I reminded him I was one of the said nut jobs and I wasn’t impressed….
and then he started doing a rave about a discussion i had sent him re my bother with those dead ferrets …he could only bring himself to rant about one of the people talking being a nazi and the other a white supremest ….nothing about the ferrets, so I guess he doesn’t know the answer to that question and just did as most of the apparent going along with the shit do….start yelling about something else,…
again I was less than impressed…and never hope to need medical services from the hospital where he is a dr…he is currently concerned he will be asked the same questions by the public attending the hospital and to give him some credit thinks anyone who doesn’t want the injection should be just left alone…
oh and the general response about the AZ deaths by blood clot…it is no higher than seen in the general public….why would anyone worry..
after all that I suggested they may all have a nice time at the Nuremberg trials in a few years…
Norman Swan on Health Report interviewed a doctor who said there was a lot of pressure re what doctors could tell their patients. I think many docs are afraid if they put a foot wrong they will be disciplined/deregistered.
Yea – and haven’t Australia recently issued guidance to practitioners on this very point – ie if they are found to be negatively influencing the national vax policy they will be disciplined and may be struck off.
“For my Aussie mates…I was informed today that our health authorities have been aware of the real possibility of vaccine leaking causing mutants since get go”
Yes, you go believe those authorities, who used mythical constructs to convince people there’s “covid” which is “contagious”, based on fraudulent fundamentals…when they peddle further “covids”.
Very rational. What you have to understand is that there are no contagious “viral outbreaks”, none whatsoever. Every “viral outbreak” ever has been lied about…that same reasoning is now used there by those “authorities”, pharma to peddle the idea of more “viruses”. You give them far too much credence with that and buy into their fundamental fraud.
So I would just say, avoid pharma, vaccines and try to minimize your EMF exposure, use clean(er) water, get good sunlight, good nutrition (particularly varied plant foods). That sort of thing, and you simply won’t have problems.
Yep sorry I keep forgetting that point…where is the proof of any of it…whole thing a lie…. so easy to keep getting entangled….though I still don’t like the idea of being injected with some weird concoction because these idiots want to play games. So I will be keeping out of that section of the game.
and yes I think there is an effort to silence any drs wanting to talk in aust as friends ran into this at a cancer clinic..
What they’re trying to do is still push the fundamental fraud, which is why only the covid vaccine is focused on, the others ignored (and they’re all garbage), but they still pander regarding “more viruses”.
Anyone still pushing any of that shit is not going to “make it”.
Yep, it seems any idea or thought you may have will be cancelled and reviled if anyone from the so called right wing happens to utter something similar.
Knee jerk thinking courtesy of the naive and the stupid. Hello Antifa!? (You fucking beer addled morons).
I drink beer every day. I didn’t know “the right” had such an issue with beer.
But I guess, that’s why I’m neither a democrat or republican supporter. Oh, and I think antifa is meaningless.
“Oh, and I think antifa is meaningless.”
That depends on where you live.
Tim wrote: “We must oppose vaccine passports or there will come a point when none of us can refuse any longer and it will be too late. What if they say you can’t leave your home unless you have had the injection?”
Well, Tim, I do consider all of that possible … err … plausible … err … pretty fucking likely. All signs are pointing in that direction.
We must oppose … yeah … but this is not about opposing vaccine passports. They’re just one piece in the puzzle.
I always try to see the bigger picture. What we’re witnessing is a collapse of the world as we’ve known it for the last century or few centuries. The built-in contradictions are causing the world to implode. Such as the fact that much of what we have has been bought on credit, wealth has been created out of thin air. Or on the backs of slaves in various parts of the world who are refusing to slave away for our luxury. Resources are drying up, too. The fucking robots are coming. So on, so forth. So-called democracy, never really all that functional, is completely corrupt.
There is no way to “oppose” it. A new model, a new ideology, a new set of values is what we need. Something positive, constructive. And we have shit. We have big shit because we’ve allowed ourselves to be dumbed down, totally intellectually and spiritually fucked up by all that decadent luxury of the past decades.
The question is not what to oppose, the question is what sort of world we want to promote (the old one ain’t coming back).
Well said. I agree with every single word.
There never was an old world and there never will be a new world.
There will only ever be your world.
You remind me of an idiot teacher I once encountered at Humber College in Toronto.
During a lecture, he asked the ol’ question whether a tree that falls in a forest makes a sound if there is nobody around to hear it. I said yes, whereupon he started to ridicule me, as to what an idiot I was since the ol’ sound is a person’s perception of the acoustic waves, not the waves. Fair enough. I asked the motherfucker if I took a baseball bat and smashed his car in the parking lot, which he could neither hear nor see because he was running at the mouth in the classroom, whether it would happen or not. That he might be in for a fucking surprise when he’d want to drive back home. He didn’t say nothing and I left the classroom before I could be expelled. That was the first and last time I attended that course. Needless to say, I didn’t pass. I didn’t graduate anyways. I left when the teachers went on strike because a) it was depressing to see guys like Ron Collier on the picket line and b) since the teachers tossed us under the bus like that, I was no longer interested in receiving tuition from them.
Yeah, there is both subjective and objective reality … Try coming up with something less inane the next time.
Obviously the statement ‘a tree falls in the forest’ means a tree fell in the forest… everything else after that is just word warrior waffle.
I fucking love this site!!