Joe Biden Unlawful Aggression in Syria Signals the Endgame in the Region

Vanessa Beeley

The “build back better” government with Joe Biden at the helm waited 40 days after inauguration to violate international law in Syria. On the 25 February, Biden launched missiles at the border between Syria and Iraq close to Al Bukamal under the pretext of retaliation for prior attacks on a US military occupation base well inside Iraq that allegedly killed one US contractor and injured five others.

According to John Kirby, Pentagon spokesperson,…

two F-15E Strike Eagles dropped seven, precision-guided munitions, which totally destroyed nine facilities and partially destroyed two others, functionally destroying them.

The flimsy pretext for unlawful aggression against a sovereign nation disintegrates, however, when one understands that the attack on the US base in Iraq is around 500km from the area targeted by Biden, inside Syria.

Peter Ford, former UK Ambassador to Syria (2003-2006) told me that the attack demonstrated Biden’s caving in to pressure from the Washington neoconservatives. Ford told me:

Any truly strong leader would have ignored the Irbil incident and prevented recurrence by giving Iran an incentive not to take more chances by getting back to the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) negotiating table without delay. He would also have pressed on with the draw-down of US forces in Iraq, which are not actually assets but vulnerable liabilities – as shown by the Irbil attacks.

Ford went on to explain that…

Iranian hardliners will draw the conclusion that Biden cannot be trusted not to crumble before domestic pressure and it is therefore not worth abandoning Iran’s nuclear cards.

In other words, the attack on Syria has made it more difficult for Biden to renew the Obama deal he has claimed to support. An early failure by Biden to stick to his declared policies only plays into the hands of the Washington war hawks whose eye is on the removal of Iran and Iranian influence from the region which only serves Israeli interests in the long run.

According to Syrian journalist, Kevork Almassian, Biden deliberately bombed the border crossing at Al Bukamal because it is a primary trade route for Iraq and Syria, largely under the protection of the Syrian Arab Army and the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Unit/Forces (PMU), renowned for defeating ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The message being sent to Damascus is that the US will double-down on multi-spectrum pressure to achieve the compromises that will satisfy their need for victory against President Assad, effectively the surrender of the Syrian government as already described by Peter Ford “Joe Biden’s new policy on Syria is a poisoned chalice”

It is worth noting also that the US gave Russia a five minute warning before the attack which was a provocation in itself. Russian military is present in the north-east of Syria and is in control of the air-space unofficially but was given no time to react by the US.

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, said:

Our military was warned 4 or 5 minutes in advance. Of course, even if we talk about de-conflict, as is customary in relations between Russian and American servicemen, this does not give anything.

Lavrov responded with a forceful condemnation of the attacks and of the illegal presence of US Coalition forces on Syrian territory both in the oil-rich north-east and the military base at Al Tanf close to the border with Jordan.

Al Tanf has a 55km exclusion zone surrounding it where the US regularly conduct military exercises with illegal armed groups (including ISIS), proxies that are deployed to target Syrian and Russian military positions and convoys.

Lavrov called out the US for the occupation of Syrian territory, the plundering of Syrian oil and support for extremist militias, in…

flagrant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

Pentagon claims of 17 victims of the aggression are denied by local sources. According to Seyed Mohammed Marandi, Iranian academic and regional analyst, only one PMU fighter, Seyed Rahi al-Sharifi, was killed in the attack, while fighting ISIS on the border with Syria, hundreds of kilometers from the US occupation base.

The irony should be pointed out that the US claims to be in Syria to fight ISIS.

The Pentagon are claiming the PMU are an Iranian proxy and therefore a legitimate target for US aggression or “self-defence” as it will be described. However a media interview of the former leader of the PMU, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, that I attended in Iraq, November 2017 presents a very different image of this military group that has almost single-handedly defeated ISIS in Iraq.

Abu Mahdi Muhandis in Iraq 2017. Photo: Vanessa Beeley

The PMU works closely with the Iraqi government to both defeat ISIS and to rebuild the country’s infrastructure after decades of violence orchestrated by the US neocolonialist occupation. Muhandis, himself, was an engineer not a soldier by trade. The PMU is an inclusive organisation, comprising Yazidi, Sunni and Shia Turkmen, Arab Sunni, Christians and Kurds. More than one third of their forces are Sunni Muslim.In 2020, former President Trump assassinated Muhandis alongside Qassem Soleimani, the iconic leader of the Iranian Quds forces also instrumental in the defeat of ISIS in the region.

Rather than de-escalating violence in the region, successive American administrations have ensured that Iraqi youth will join the very “Iranian” militia that the US is trying to eradicate from the Middle East. The expansionism of anti-imperialist sympathy is a direct result of US tyranny, lawlessness and belligerent foreign policy in the resistance-bloc nations.

US Coalition expansionism in north-east Syria

While Trump made noises about the withdrawal of US forces from Syria, the military footprint has remained firmly in place. The US occupation forces have taken control of the oil-region in north-east Syria which provides substantial revenue for their proxies, including the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) who have hugely benefited from the trade of Syrian resources since they were power multiplied by the US and supported by Israel to ethnically cleanse and take control of areas of the Syrian north-east, now ubiquitously recognised by NATO-aligned media as the “autonomous region”.

The Kurdish contras perceived that Trump had sold them out causing them to flip back towards negotiations with Damascus. In Biden, the Kurdish separatists see renewed hope of their partitioning plans coming to fruition which, in turn, brings us full circle back to the Obama administration’s “Plan B- partitioning of Syria” policy in revenge for their military and political failure to topple the Syrian government.

The US is reported to be establishing a new military base in Iraq. This, despite demands from the Iraqi Parliament and people for the removal of the US military from the country, demands that became more forceful after Trump’s criminal assassination of Soleimani and Muhandis on Iraqi soil. On the 22nd February, local media reported “swarms of helicopter gunships and drones flying over Al Anbar” as the US was establishing its second military base in western Iraq close to where Syrian, Iraqi and Jordanian borders meet.

A new US occupation base was also established in the triangle of Syrian territory between Iraq, Turkey and Syria – the Ain Dewar region close to Hasaka in the north-east oil-rich territory. Since Biden’s inauguration local media has reported the influx of at least eleven substantial US military convoys bringing armoured vehicles, artillery, weapons, military and logistical equipment into Syria. This is not an army on the point of withdrawal, this is an army diggin in for the long haul.

ISIS expansion and re-emergence under Biden

On 2 March 2021, local sources reported that 25 ISIS terrorists had entered Syria from Iraq on the 28th February, shortly after Biden’s attack on Al Bukamal. The ISIS fighters headed to Al Sahl town in the southern countryside of Hasakah “under the protection of the US military”. The fighters were then transferred by US armoured vehicles to the US Al Bulgar base to the east of Al Shaddadi city, Hasaka countryside. From there, two US helicopters flew the ISIS militia to the US base in Al Shaddadi and then to the countryside of Deir Ezzor.

This US Coalition percolation of ISIS terrorists into Iraq from the holding camps in north-east Syria and back into Syria is not new and has been going on for some time, discussed in this article dated November 2019. The aim appears to be to create a “super ISIS” that can be injected into strategic areas of Syrian territory, in this case the Badia desert between Deir Ezzor and Homs (another oil-rich region) to carry out “swarming”, isolated attacks on Syrian Arab Army positions and installations. The purpose, to maintain military instability and insecurity and to jeopardise the meagre oil supply that is allowed to trickle through to the Syrian people, ensuring they remain in a state of misery and deprivation on all levels.

The coincidental increase in ISIS attacks in the region and their re-emergence as a regional threat just prior to, and after Biden’s inauguration provides some indication of Washington’s neoconservative game-plan. Reignite the ISIS activity in order to justify increased US Coalition military presence.

Not to be outdone, the UK, a powerful partner of the US against Syria, is apparently funding the expansion of ISIS holding camps in Hasakah, doubling their size to hold an estimated 10,000 ISIS fighters of all nationalities, including British and European. A considerable threat to the security of north-east Syria and Iraq and under the control of the US Coalition and SDF contras who are also not averse to exploiting the ISIS camps for their own corrupt gains. Strategic prison break-outs cannot be ruled out akin to “Operation breaking the walls”. This camp will give the US Coalition serious leverage and a means to blackmail the Russians and Damascus and to maintain pressure on Iraq and Iran. Meanwhile, foreign and regional ISIS fighters can be re-grouped, trained and equipped, effectively in secret.

If the UK and US were serious in their “war on terror”, the sensible thing would be to hand the policing of the ISIS fighters over to the Syrian state and their allies. However, that would inevitably result in the return of their own national terrorists to the mothership. Clearly that is not a desirable option when one remembers that the Supreme Court upheld the UK Foreign Office revocation of UK citizenship for ISIS bride, Shamima Begum, a few days ago.

UK government pushing for “aid” to Al Qaeda in Idlib

The decisions taken by members of the US-led Coalition of interventionism in Syria since Joe Biden came to power must not be analysed in isolation. The UK is working with the US to ensure an increased ISIS presence in north-east Syria.

At the same time, UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN Security Council briefing on Syria, 25th February 2021, claimed that “aid running through Bab al-Hawa has never been more important.” Idlib, north-west Syria is controlled by Al Qaeda and various affiliated rebranded extremist militias. Bab Al Hawa is well known locally as a trading hub for Al Qaeda. Effectively, Woodward is advocating the provision of “aid” to sustain revenue streams for a terrorist group that runs Idlib like a military mafia trading operation, imprisoning, starving and persecuting Syrian civilians that do not comply with their tyranny and bleeding them dry to fund their Caliphatist ambitions backed by NATO-member-state, Turkey.

CENTOM integrates Israel

Another development under Biden’s administration is the reported integration of Israel into CENTCOM, reported in the Israeli media towards the end of February. According to Israel Hayom:

The move formalizes regular military exercises among the US, Israel and Arab states, which is “crucial for developing effective theater missile defenses, as well as boosting readiness and interoperability in cyber, counterterrorism, special operations, and maritime security.

Effectively this move by Washington is further evidence of the ramping up of “pre-emptive defensive” aggression ostensibly against Iran but with Syria as the main arena for this military hostility. It signals the official normalisation of relations between Israel and pragmatic” Sunni Islam nations like the United Arab Emirates, recently described by journalist, Sharmine Narwani, as the “global hub for conflict gold” used to fund terrorists and thugs – “pragmatic” is a euphemism for mercenary Arab petro-dollar states who are largely responsible for the terrorists that are being used globally as proxies by the neocolonialist US alliance.

This anti-Iran alliance is being established in preparation to “defend” Israel against the threat of “Iranian or Iranian proxy” belligerence. This cartel of criminal states will also be deployed against Syria on the basis that Iranian proxies are operating on Syrian territory. The fact that those “proxies” are fighting the terrorist forces that the US Coalition has used to invade and decimate Syria is omitted from the narrative by Coalition-member-states and their aligned media.

Biden’s hypocrisy and war-hungry actions

Many on social media pointed out the hypocrisy of the Biden administration who had previously been sharply critical of Trump’s unlawful aggression against Syria. Some analysts highlighted the irony of the Pentagon’s claim that bombing Syria would miraculously “de-escalate the overall situation in both eastern Syria and Iraq” and others sowed doubt on the veracity of Biden’s intentions to return to negotiations with Iran over the nuclear deal.

Biden also came under fire at home over his reneging on the $ 15 minimum wage deal while “picking a fight in Syria”. US progressives were left feeling betrayed that Biden’s priorities were to obey his neoconservative handlers over fulfilling his domestic promises. Some tried to save face by pointing out that, at least Biden violated international law “quietly” without the Twitter bellicosity associated with Trump.

The end result – provocation and setting the scene for war

Russia’s reaction to the Biden attacks was one of frustration and impatience. The Russian message has been changing lately to one of general irritability at the US continued mission creep in Syria which is impinging further on joint Syrian and Russian military authority in the north-east. During a press conference in early February, after a meeting with the Jordanian Foreign Minister, Lavrov said:

I understand those who think that Russia could be more aggressive in reacting to the openly high-handed, unseemly rhetoric from Western leaders. In our diplomatic and political culture, we are not used to resorting to thuggish rhetoric. We are polite people and are used to achieving our goals in a civil and civilised manner. As we say: “God is not in power but in truth.” We also have a good proverb that should be remembered: “Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.” Those who take our polite manners for a sign of weakness are making a big mistake. [Emphasis added]

Peter Ford’s interpretation of recent events in Syria is that it reveals weakness not strength from the US/UK-led globalist coalition. That may well be true but a desperate cornered animal is always the most dangerous and the most unpredictable. We may well be seeing the death throes of US supremacy in the region but we still have a long and painful road to travel before the world can be transformed into a multi-polar one with more pragmatic, constructive-rather-than-destructive global powers at the helm.

Syria will no doubt continue to be the cockpit in which regional rivalries play out

…Ford told us in his latest update on the situation in Syria.

On the day of Biden’s attacks, historian and journalist, Marcus Papadopoulos, said:

It did not take long at all for Biden to commit his first international crime as president, given that America militarily attacked Syria a few hours ago. Perhaps he can explain to the world why he did not order the American military to, instead, strike Al-Qaeda in Idlib.

Nothing the US Coalition does in Syria makes sense to a rational, justice-oriented mind regardless of whether it is a Democrat or Republican in power because as journalist Finian Cunningham says:

Ultimately, however, American power in the Middle East is unstable and unsustainable. It is predicated on provoking tensions and conflict. Biden of all people should know that. He spent nearly 50 years as a politician involved in promoting the deadly interests of US empire in the Middle East.

Under Biden we have arrived at the endgame and for Syria this will mean an increase in US aggression, land grab and terrorist-proxy attacks, a doubling down on economic pressure and legal attacks against President Assad with Syrian elections looming in April/May 2021.

The US is a sore loser and Syria and her allies are bracing for a new war on multiple fronts while the rest of the world is distracted by the Covid-19 “pandemic”.

Originally published by UK Column.


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Categories: latest, Syria
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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 19, 2021 2:41 PM


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 19, 2021 3:34 PM

“Those who fervently seek the annihilation of others are really driven by the longing for self-annihilation.”

– Émile Durkheim –
(April 15, 1858 – November 15, 1917)

Top Planner
Top Planner
Mar 18, 2021 10:07 PM

It seems more than clear to me that Biden is a global criminal of the highest order. He and his election-stealing party are nothing more than thugs and an organized crime gang as demonstrated by all of the evidence any honest prosecutor would ever dream of. The fact that the US military is protecting Biden, gang Obama/ Clinton, and the rest of the DC globalists is a disgrace to all those who fought in earnest to protect the US from fascism. America is in essence a lost soul whose level of ignorance, permissiveness, and complacency has metastasized to fatal proportions.

Mar 21, 2021 9:55 AM
Reply to  Top Planner

The US election is a binary “pay to play” game it’s always rigged. Whichever “Dear Leader” front man occupies the office in the Whitehouse the foreign polices remain the same. SEE 2006 Biden collaboration with the CFR to cook up policy on Iraq.Sleepy Joe nor Roy Cohn’s protege Trump run the show.

Leslie Gelb, former president of the Council on Foreign Relations who advised Biden on Iraq. As Biden recalled in a statement on Sunday, three years earlier, Gelb had co-authored his 2006 plan to pave the way for the United States to withdraw its troops from Iraq by segregating the country’s three major ethno-religious groups — Arab Shias, Arab Sunnis, and Kurds — into self-governing regions.

Mar 18, 2021 8:11 PM

comment image&f=1&nofb=1

Mar 18, 2021 12:25 PM

America really has become the equivalent of Jack the Ripper regarding their violent global behaviour since WW2. The body count rises annually and we sit passively accepting the evolving carnage. It’s all good business for Jack’s accomplices though, who continually supply him with never ending supplies of bigger and sharper knives. The UK and other European “assistants” are of course complicit in covering up the crime scene and in fabricating the evidence. At present no solution is apparent and Jack continues to view the world as his oyster.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 18, 2021 10:57 AM

I am afraid that the time has come when wearing a US military uniform is no longer a defence for being ‘legitimate targets for summary execution’.

The US is now so ingrained in its flagrant contempt for international law that any US service personnel who continue to wear US military attire must be deemed to be fully signed up to the principles of genocide, global bombing campaigns, regime change, political assassinations and the use of sanctions to impose economic meltdown.

Holding such views is absolutely akin to being a global terrorist and no US global terrorist should be granted the right to any form of legal due process.

It really is time for every US military person overseas to be a legitimate target for assassination.

I have zero tolerance for any US personnel claiming that they have moral values, because they don’t have the morality to refuse to serve a plutocratic, unelected regime that is as bad as that found in Germany in the 1930s.

The time has come for US service folk to resign in their hundreds of thousands, citing ‘incompatibility of US elite goals with the Principles of the US Constitution’.

If they don’t, they can formerly be labelled as nazi orderlies, and legal precedent from Nuremberg says that ‘just following orders’ is no valid legal defence for participating in genocides.

There is also a case for all US citizens residing outside the US being required to sign a declaration unequivocally condemning the behaviour of the US regime and every US corporation wishing to operate outside the USA must be certified free of CIA/NSA infiltration, every serving officer must unequivocally condemn the 9/11 cover-up, the Iraq war, the subsequent actions in Libya and Syria and state that no US citizen is required to align themselves with the State of Israel, any more than they should be required to align with the nations of Russia, Iran or China.

Basically start imposing the restrictions on US citizens abroad that basically makes them want to go home.

The sooner the world deports every single American back to the USA, the better.

The time has passed to behave with any reasonableness, courtesy or patience with US officials, citizens and corporations.

It says everything about their total vacuity and vanities that they have to be threatened with death to be made to declare their unequivocal contempt and horror for actions carried out in their name.

That is the reason that no respect should be shown.

Respect should only be shown to those US citizens who hold their own government in contempt. And those who have zero respect for zionist control of their nation’s affairs….

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 18, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

comment image

not ‘our troops’

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 18, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Two messages for the cannon fodder out there: ‘A Mutiny a day keeps the war crimes away’ and ‘Mutiny early and mutiny often.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 18, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Hello Rhys Jaggar: The problem of soldier/moron thuggery is not limited to United States alone. Civilians all over the world continue to support the existence their military minions. Where do soldiers come from? Why do woman coddle them like they’re cute little teddy bears?

Cull them before they cull us should be an understood necessity…

Jun 27, 2021 8:22 AM

Soldiers come from areas deprived of work since the mid eighties, its a choice between signing up or signing on, the problem isn’t the soldiers its the govts criminals ordering them where and what they do while the same deprived areas fail to educate the kids properly making for good cannon fodder.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 27, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  Hazzo

Hello Hazzo: True. And this “recruitment” method has been used over and over for hundreds of years. Families, companions, and especially women, need to grow up and put an end to ALL forms of military exploitation.

Refuse a person companionship, sex, or any quarter to eat or rest, and they’ll correct their ways pretty damn quick…

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 19, 2021 10:33 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 18, 2021 10:55 AM

I have approvingly quoted that ASH site a few times now. But unfortunately, I’ve noticed certain limitations. As in:


Much of this is excellent and clearly demonstrates a planned operation. Such as here:

“In an interview conducted on 1-2 April, Dr. Wittkowski, like dozens of other eminent epidemiologists, virologists, microbiologists and pulmonologists not working for their governments, expressed the opinion that everything our governments are doing in response to coronavirus is wrong. Not slightly wrong, not questionable, not debatable, but the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

Above all, closing schools and keeping children at home is the very worst thing we can do, as it stops the development of herd immunity, which short of a vaccine in 18 months’ time is the only way we will ever build immunity to SARs-CoV-2.

This is the hallmark of a protection racket whereby a bunch of disguised gangsters hold a society to ransom by promising them protection against a scourge which the gangsters themselves surreptitiously create and of course, for this to work, the scourge must be constantly maintained.

And note that dreaded “herd immunity” ceaselessly pilloried as “murderous” by the WSWS who are clearly one of the major shock troop branches of the covid mafia.

And there’s an irony in the case of China where, on asking how they dealt with it so effectively: 

“…it’s because the Chinese people had an advantage — though not the one we might think. The Chinese government didn’t know what they were dealing with, so by the time they implemented the lockdown strategies that we are copying across Europe, the extent of the infection with SARs-CoV-2 had already reached a peak and tailed off soon after that — just as seasonal viral epidemics do every year.”

In other words, human intervention in covid was, at best, irrelevant and, at worst, intentionally counterproductive.

But I don’t agree with this bit at all:

“Unfortunately, because of the internet, by the time a few people in their 80s with several pre-existing health conditions died in Italy over a month later and subsequently tested positive for SARs-CoV-2, a panicking public started demanding that their governments ‘DO SOMETHING!’ So, they did, and in doing so they have extended the viral infection.”

First, the public who panicked (and it sure as hell wasn’t all of them) did so because of the outrageously hysterical coverage. And second, since when did the government permit genuine public opinion to direct them in a matter as extreme as locking down the entire economy?

And the limitation in this analysis becomes increasingly obvious e.g. that bit about the “result of all this bad advice — or rather, of governments listening to advice that best serves their agendas…” seems to fudge the issue and generate a picture of governments lackadaisically vacillating over what was obviously a hugely severe issue affecting entire economies. The media were precisely the ones who whipped up this ludicrously inappropriate fear in the first place. There was clearly an agenda there from the start.

Analytical limitations are further demonstrated by an anxiety over the term “conspiracy theory” which apparently must be avoided at all costs. When are the Left going to stop shooting themselves in the foot this way?

And see here:

“Confronted with a supposedly exponentially-growing threat that has no basis either in our scientific knowledge about epidemics or in the empirical data it is producing, the collective fear of our biological selves has turned what is a new strain of respiratory virus with a relatively low mortality rate into a global disaster. The disaster is real, and many tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of people across the world will die because of how we — meaning both us and our governments — have reacted to this virus, but the virus itself is unexceptional.”

The culprit is “the collective fear of our biological selves” (?!) I hear shades of that old blaming of the Nazi phenomenon on “the dark beast within us all”. It is precisely such vagueness that permits manipulation of a virus meme to merge insidiously into a concept of an actually real virus.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 18, 2021 9:39 AM

I suppose it’s off topic a bit, but I had a look in on Philip Roddis’s site and he has provided a link to Russell Brand’s video on the topic of the recent Harry and Meghan interview. After a couple of minutes on the symbolic role the Royals play in the British psyche – or something – I found myself nodding off. I have never understood the interest in the Royals. It’s not even a question of hating them – because I see that as a trap i.e. the Royalists don’t care if you’re anti-Royalist as long as you keep talking about the Royals. Just as religious people would rather have a determined atheist who will keep the topic alive rather than someone who actually doesn’t give a shit. So why did I watch it in the first place? I suppose I was wanting to hear Brand say what I just said.

But the biggest problem was at the beginning. As I am sure the entire world must be aware, there was a possibly racist remark made by somebody in the Royal family. And the world falls to its knees in a horror second only to the horror of the deadly pandemic!

BUT – instead of treating that with the utter indifference it deserves, our Russell has to play the desperate woke appeasement card. “Every charge of racism must be treated with the utmost seriousness” he said – or something like that. Oh, it made me long for the days when Prince Philip could make some utterly up-front off-colour remark (pun intended) and everyone would just roll their eyes before moving on – because none of this matters a fuck! It’s those who are constantly droning on about racism who are fuelling it.

But there go the Left again. Fussing over the state of the deck chairs as the Titanic sinks.

Mar 18, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  George Mc

There go the Right again. Fussily stating that the Titanic is unsinkable.

Mar 18, 2021 6:56 AM

“Munitions have a sell-by / use-by date”. Thet have to be used and resupplied to keep the MIC happy, and keep the money flowing to Washington politicians.

But on a happier note, this all smacks of imminent decline and fall of the new ‘Rome’.
Division at home, the Capitol fenced-off (rather like 10 Downing st.!)
Homelessness, vast influx of immigrants, huge unpayable debt,…
Has any Yank read Gibbons(?), ‘Decline and Fall”?
Now Biden p***ses off Russia. Putin may be a killer, but what about Yankee assassinations and ‘precision’ bombing of wedding parties, shepherds,….?

Mar 18, 2021 8:15 AM
Reply to  davemass

There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West!

There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immense, interwoven, interacting, multi-variate, multi-national dominion of dollars.

Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, Reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today.

That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today!

-Ned Beatty’s monologue in the movie Network (1976)

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 18, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

In a word: globalism.

Mar 18, 2021 10:09 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Globalism: definition: persons who believe the world is a spheroid

(when it is patently obvious it is only slightly curved)

Mar 18, 2021 10:44 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

But as one very insistent voice (under different guises) keeps telling us here, there is no globalism! Anyone who mentions the idea is a CIA shill. Never mind that they keep telling us they are (e.g. “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal, working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists,’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it” – David Rockefeller), this is just part of their cunning disinfo.

Denial of globalism is like when Hoover denied the Mafia existed. There may be crime, deceit, racketeering and violence at a local level – but anything more than that is a ridiculous conspiracy theory!

Hoover, it’s now clear, was being blackmailed – and he in turn was blackmailing many others.

P.S. The Tanzania VP and presumably now President just happens to be in the WEF.

Mar 21, 2021 10:16 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Global control is via finance
“All the big six countries have made it clear, however, that they do not want the IMF’s and The World Bank’s voting system, which is their lever of control, to be significantly altered. page 4


susan mullen
susan mullen
Mar 18, 2021 4:57 AM

The only way to stop this is for US to be broken up into 3 parts, reducing access to US taxpayers. The main object of US aggressions is to keep the US populace subdued. That was accomplished this year via lockdowns, something they’ve wanted to try since at least 2006. The majority of 50 US states still operate as dictatorships, rule by decree, based on “health” emergency. Justin Raimondo said Bush family Middle East invasions marked the end of Americans as free people. Not so much about foreign tyrants, permanent foreign wars are really about enslaving the American people and the end of the Republic. “Shine, Perishing Republic,” 3/19/2003. How to breakup the US? Start Nuremberg type trials against US officials who used a virus to overthrow the country.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 18, 2021 9:41 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

An American breakup (or breakdown) may well be coming soon. But beware: the globalist élite may simply try and replace US imperialism with UN imperialism, falsely representing this as a ‘victory for global democracy,’ or some such.

In other words, if you’re not careful, the downfall of the American Empire (Globalism 2.0) may not help you anymore than the downfall of the British Empire (Globalism 1.0) did.

Mar 21, 2021 10:18 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Balkanization didn’t work out too well for the inhabitants of Yugoslavia.

Mar 18, 2021 3:43 AM

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Mar 18, 2021 3:59 AM
Reply to  Antinfo

Excellent idea. My friend just allowed himself to be injected. ‘Went for the Biontech one’, he says. Shop around, mate, shop around.

Mar 18, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  Ooink

What a clot !

captain spam
captain spam
Mar 18, 2021 2:33 AM

The Washington Ziocons and their Westminster poodles are subhuman filth hell bent on war. This can no longer be avoided. Johnsons regime has just jacked up its nuclear arsenal by 40% and is now targeting President Assads wife, who has just recovered from cancer.

Mar 18, 2021 2:28 AM

That’s all very well, but we are overlooking “American exceptionalism” again here.
For American politicians, breaking International Law is such a common occurrence that they don’t even know when they are doing it.
Other countries could remind them, of course, but they seem to find American exceptionalism so normal and tolerable that they just don’t bother.

“Unlawful Aggression in Syria Signals the Endgame in the Region” sounds like wishful thinking to me, since for as long as Washington is almost 6,000 miles away from Damascus, Americans will feel untouched by any problems to do with Syria, and happily gibber on and on about “prevailing”, “surging”, and doing a whole bunch of other retarded things which have exciting military names, while making life on Earth a living hell for the people who live in that part of the world.

Americans just don’t know what ‘being under threat’ actually is, so they won’t ever stop threatening other nations. It just seems so manly, so assertive, so ‘right’, and so bleedin’ bonkers… Makes you proud…

Mar 18, 2021 8:37 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Is it ‘Americans’ pulling the strings here? Cmon man, see the wood for the trees.

Mar 18, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Well I didn’t say they were pulling the strings; only that their attiitude has infected the rest of western society to the extent that abominations like Iraq and Syria can happen so easily – not to mention the ease with which the covid nonsense has spread all over the world.
The CIA is not British, French, or German.
It is American.
Who controls the CIA is, of course another matter, but American isolation from the rest of the world is a crucial factor in what the USA allows itself to get away with.

Mar 18, 2021 2:10 AM
Mar 18, 2021 2:15 AM
Reply to  RobG

These dickheads aren’t even intelligent enough to say what is and what isn’t a virus.

Mar 18, 2021 7:34 AM
Reply to  RobG

Pre-programming for the coming alien invasion shitshow directed by spielberg/boyle.paz.

Mar 18, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  RobG

saw some dodgy post on bitshite, coupla weeks back, some woman definatively claiming we will have simulated/reported asteroid strikes lol that will be the gear change out of covidland… (I imagine financial ruin, famine and war more realistic). Frankly i thought it was random guff…?? who knows, maybe the shards of pluto are allegedly en route?

Mar 18, 2021 12:34 AM

The article and the issue is so adult. But if anything, recent months have crystalized the fact that everything…all of it, is nothing but children posing as adults in order to con other children pretending to be adults all presided over and commentated by children in the media pretending to be adults. The entire system is a farcical tragedy.

Mar 18, 2021 8:07 AM
Reply to  Ooink

That’s dissing children. I’d replace it with “imbeciles”.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 17, 2021 11:09 PM

Its not really Blden but our new Secretary of State, Blinken. There seems to be a sea change in US policy not just in Syria but elsewhere in the world where we’ve gone from Bolton’s practice of promoting amateurish ‘regime change’ in various countries to out and out aggression. These moves have been paired with a rather obvious propaganda campaign in the media, planted articles that just look and sound weird for the times we live in.

I really wish we could just stop it but I fear we can’t because there are just too many people up and down the chain of command in the military, intelligence and foreign serivce who’ve devoted their entire carreer to promoting a “USA #1” mindset. Its particularly galling to see us going on about being the one true authority on democracy, for example, when we’ve not only had the trauma of the 2020 election season but the avalanche of bills in state assemblies designed — desitgned openly — to restrict voting in order to adjust the electorate to the preferred sets of policies. The only glimmer of hope is that this is unlikely to work long term, people are on to us and even with a malestrom of incresingly bizarre conspiracy theories muddying the water its quite obvious that we’ve got nothing to offer these societies except chaos.

Mar 17, 2021 11:05 PM

Well, Lavrov and Putin should mask up (rubber masks well sealed) and go self-isolate somehwere, as far as I’m concerned.

Mar 18, 2021 2:30 AM
Reply to  Arby

They are the least of our worries.

Mar 18, 2021 2:36 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Not to normal Russians, who are fellow human beings.

Mar 18, 2021 11:38 AM
Reply to  Arby

Normal Russians realize that it is no longer 1954.
Putin is still popular, despite dubious ‘telephone polls’ alleging that his popularity is declining – and there are good reasons for that popularity.

Perhaps the hardest reason for hypnotized westerners to understand, is that he puts the interests of his own country above and beyond those of the USA – just as any half-decent leader would do.
Which shows just how few half-decent leaders are left in the world.

Mar 18, 2021 11:42 AM
Reply to  wardropper

That’s what I thought until just recently. James Corbett revealed some interesting things about the ‘nationalist’ Putin in one of his videos about the new world order that’s always coming. And then when I saw him in a full hazmat suit because of covid… Others can believe what they want.

Mar 18, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Arby

Well I would expect him to follow at least some of the international conventions on health safety.
Just imagine if he were to fart at the idea of covid, just as Tanzania’s president recently did…
Most of the world would probably dismiss him instantly as a lunatic, however much we at OffG might rejoice, and he does need to maintain some kind of relevance to the rest of us.

After all, he does not have the same contempt for international peace as Washington has.
Nobody has the same contempt for international peace as Washington has.

I see that incident as just a bit of play-acting, to fit in with the world’s prejudices, but it’s not what Putin is essentially all about.
Too many people think that ‘Putin being a good leader’ would be Putin kneeling before a numskull like Biden.

Mar 17, 2021 11:02 PM

“US progressives” like the traitorous Amy Goodman (or anyone else you want to name from this group that self-idenfies as ‘progressive’)?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 17, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  Arby

Jackbooted crocodile teared corporate fascist fabian eugenicist charlatan fraudsters can call themselves whatever they want, it does not that they are not jackbooted crocodile teared corporate fascist fabian eugenicist charlatan fraudsters.

Mar 17, 2021 11:00 PM

“Many on social media pointed out the hypocrisy of the Biden administration who had previously been sharply critical of Trump’s unlawful aggression against Syria.”

Fair enough. But why would we expect gangster politicians to not be hypocritical? It’s unavoidable. When you lie naturally and don’t have a democratic bone in your body and lie and manipulate in order to get your way in the course of serving powerful special interests (like the component of the transnational capitalist class investing in war and war preparation). And it’s of no concern to those lying.

Mar 17, 2021 10:48 PM

“The UK is working with the US to ensure an increased ISIS presence in north-east Syria.”

Yes, But I’m sure that the covid 19 pandemic isn’t a terrorist operation.

Mar 18, 2021 4:53 PM
Reply to  Arby

And I’m sure it is: same terrorists as did Con-911.

Mar 17, 2021 10:18 PM

From many accounts, this airstrike killed much more people than is intimated in Vanessa’s article.

The other big question is what exactly was contained in the bombs and missiles?

Fallujah, anyone?

These people, who are now telling you to take the jab, are complete and utter psychopaths.

On Paddy’s Day I’ll chuck in this one, from before Bozo completely sold out.

Enjoy your pint of the black stuff; and one day we will all meet in freedom…

Mar 17, 2021 10:03 PM

I going to ask the audience (comment section) something
if i got something published on a known M15 website which pretends to be alternative media
has a history of bullshitting and misleading its fan base.
Do i as wannabe illiterate writer make my self credible ???
am i stil able to be truthful..? if what i am apart of is lies evil? = A M15 website which pretends to be alternative media


love to hear your thoughts/faults on the above

Mar 17, 2021 9:50 PM

OT.  Tanzanian President John Magufuli — who vanished from the public eye for 18 days — has died from a heart condition, his vice president said in an address on state television.


Mar 17, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  JoeC

Also being reported in UK media.


If this is indeed true, it HAS to be seen as extremely disturbing and highly suspicious.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Mar 17, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

The OffG predicted a few days ago that something like this would happen.

Mar 17, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

It’s so brazen but that shouldn’t be a surprise to us anymore.

Mar 18, 2021 2:36 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Anglo-American tradition dictates that nothing is extremely disturbing or highly suspicious any more – unless it shows up at a large public protest meeting, of course.

Mar 17, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  JoeC

Nothing to do with the fact that Tanzania has completely ignored all the covid stuff.


Mar 18, 2021 1:53 AM
Reply to  JoeC

I think the big question now is will they get away with it? Probably, and watch for Tanzania change of policy re Covid.

Mar 18, 2021 2:37 AM
Reply to  JoeC

Terrible news. Unfortunately only evil triumphs. Cecil Rhodes openly stated he wanted the Africans exterminated. Bill and Melvin Gates visibly salivate at the prospect of depopulating Africa. They wouldn’t tolerate anyone standing in their way.

Mar 18, 2021 5:00 PM
Reply to  Peter

@Peter: “Bill and Melvin Gates visibly salivate at the prospect of depopulating Africa.”

You know that B&M actually tried it by injecting Kenyan girls with a vaccine that made their immune system attack their ovaries. This eugenics style medical Nazism was uncovered and brought to a halt by Roman Catholic doctors.

Mar 18, 2021 8:10 AM
Reply to  JoeC

That’s sad news.

Mar 18, 2021 12:11 PM
Reply to  JoeC

Lukashenko is still hanging in there.

Mar 17, 2021 8:47 PM

Thank god Amerika got rid of that fascist Trump! Now we can get back down to bizzness as usual.

John Goss
John Goss
Mar 17, 2021 8:44 PM

I quite like Lavrov, a diplomat of the old school, a bit like Ivan Maisky, or Georgy Chicherin, intelligent, quick thinking, careful in his choice of words and bright. I wish, for his own sake, he would stop smoking.

It looks like the lull in war is only a temporary thing, and now the powermongers have their man in place, following the most corrupt election in the most corrupt country in the world. As Biden stole an election keeping hold of Syria’s oil is still a top priority for the world’s biggest thiefdom. At least Trump had the common decency to say how much he loved oil and that was why they were there.

Matrix Pat
Matrix Pat
Mar 17, 2021 8:07 PM

After ALL those in ‘danger’ of having a bad reaction to Covid, having been vaccinated with a vaccine that has a claimed 80% effectiveness against Covid.

There is absolutely NO reason, NO REASON AT ALL why the UK should be locked down. So what has the entire forces of the establishment done to end the house arrest?

In response to the pointlessness, idiocy and cruelty of their actions, the poodle MP’s have voted through the worst attack on democracy and our right to protest in decades.

The dictatorship have proven to us and themselves that they can now do what they like, however stupid random or harmful. The precedent is established.

Mar 17, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  Matrix Pat

The precedence established is peaceful NON-COMPLIANCE with unjust legalisms.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Mar 17, 2021 7:57 PM

Simply bombing Syria for Israel.
All the other words are just flim flam

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 17, 2021 7:48 PM

I was reading through that magnificent piece on the Architects for Social Housing where Simon Elmer muses on a night out with a friend in the new desiccated landscape where the cycle home “was the equal of any scene from Bladerunner. It’s a strange, alien world out there, populated by automatons emerging from Schwab’s dream of the fusion of humans and digital technology, biology and artificial intelligence: faceless, expressionless, incapable of independent thought, apparently without memory of anything they knew about the world before this crisis”.

I had a similar feeling today when I went into town and saw the signs up on the lamp posts that warned me to observe social distancing and down an alleyway the elongated figures of an artist’s message: “Hope = Society / Covid 19”. The echoes of dystopian sci-fi movies were deafening.

Elmer also speaks about “the so-called Left, whose long stupefaction, not only in this country but in all Western liberal democracies, has prepared the way for this moment of total obedience to the authority of the UK biosecurity state. Taking comfort from dismissing this already present future as a ‘conspiracy theory’ is the Left’s way of closing its eyes to what is happening in front of our faces, and to our faces. Its crowning ignominy is that, confronted with the most decisive and long-prepared revolution in modern history to an authoritarian and right-wing state whose presence is now all around us, it denies that it is even happening”.

This Left preparation for total obedience to the authority of the UK biosecurity state has been going on for some time now. The numbing self-castration of conspiracy phobia has joined with the invitation to sneer at those dumb politicians who, we are reassured, just haven’t a clue what they’re doing (“Ha ha, they’re so stupid and we’re so smart!”) Just today I caught a clip of an old interview on the Stephen Colbert Show with Hugh Laurie in which Laurie has a predictable swipe at Trump whilst failing to understand the hostility against Hilary (“I feel I must have missed the first part of this movie where she burned down an orphanage!” to gales of laughter. Good one, Hugh! You know what pleases your designated Left/liberal audience!)

And so I visit Left sites who continue with this inane sub-Spitting Image type “humour” and simply blather on as if nothing odd is happening and we are still living in that comfortable world of consumer culture where we can muse on the “changing face of the Royal Family”, the antics of “Bojo The Clown”, the “curious habits we have now picked up whilst facing a pandemic” (now normalised as a “Fact of Nature”) and, above all, there is this talk of the “tasks facing us” because after all, “we are all in this together” meanwhile anyone who actually sees the glaringly obvious fact that we are effectively being shut down as meaningfully active individuals is denounced as “a danger to public health”, “a libertarian”, even a “religious fanatic” (of all the ironies!).  

As Jonathan Sumption put it: “We will not recognise the end of democracy if it comes. Advanced democracies are not overthrown. There are no tanks on the streets, no sudden catastrophes, no brash dictators or braying mobs…The rhetoric of democracy will be unchanged, but it will be meaningless.”

And in the meantime, the news just gravely announced that the Astra Zeneca might be running out before it can “save everybody” (even while making it clear that a vaccinated population will still have to observe the prison rules). And this vax deficit is the big tragedy! Admittedly that mainstream announcement is unconvincing. But here is the grimmest irony: it will be up to the Left to lend credibility to this vaccination shortfall as an outrage perpetrated by dumb politicians who just haven’t a clue what they’re doing.

Mar 17, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Left face.

Right face.

About face.

Mar 17, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

Same head! …. I prefer the Indian version …. Left wing …. right wing ….. same bird!!

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 17, 2021 11:25 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

How about the Bowie version?:

“Fashion, turn to the left
Fashion, turn to the right
Ooh fashion
We are the goon squad and we’re coming to town
Beep-beep, beep-beep”

Mar 17, 2021 8:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

MSM chatter about a ‘third wave’ in Europe is getting louder. I’ve not seen much coverage about what’s going on in Italy. Poland has just crunched down again.

The next big stages in the UK’s roadmap are on March 29th and April 12th (the latter being the particularly crucial re-opening of so-called non-essential shops).

lynette cracknell chaplin
lynette cracknell chaplin
Mar 17, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It is bad here in Italy with more lockdowns until after Easter.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 17, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Saw you reference the Architects for Social Housing yesterday I think. Will check out that piece you mention.
As far as the modern day Kapo’s and treacherous dogs, who have the gall to refer to themselves as “Left”, yeah, it’s all happening right in front of their eyes while they’re fully masked up, social distancing, and virtue signalling fascism.

Mar 17, 2021 11:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Wow, sorry a bit starry eyed, but OG, where the comments rival the articles. Rich.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 18, 2021 9:23 AM
Reply to  Nmism

On most sites the comments outshine the articles.

Mar 17, 2021 7:31 PM

All wars are Eugenics

All wars are Racist


Mar 17, 2021 7:15 PM

The end game is nigh: “God is not in power but in truth. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. Those who take our polite manners for a sign of weakness are making a big mistake.”

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Mar 17, 2021 10:02 PM
Reply to  NickM

Nice quote.. from whom?

Mar 17, 2021 10:19 PM
Reply to  Daniel Spaniel

From whom? Lavrov, reported in today’s Saker Vineyard on the same subject as the splendid piece by Vanessa. Kudos to both OffG and Saker, two bright candles casting their light afar in the darkness of this naughty world.

Mar 17, 2021 6:43 PM

“This is not an army on the point of withdrawal, this is an army diggin in for the long haul.”

The is the (all nation) military/intelligence industrial complex component of the US-dominated gangster Corporatocracy digging in with investments. It’s bloody business as usual and will be right up until the moment is halted – not by humans.

Mar 17, 2021 6:35 PM

UK Column News – 17th March 2021

Named after Jozef Marek, a Hungarian vet. First vaccine 1970.
Leaky vaccine matches Covid jabs:

  • Only symptoms treated
  • Infection not prevented
  • Transmission not prevented

Vaccine immunity escape meant that infectious strains increased to the point where unvaccinated chicken would die.

BBC mentioned viral immune escape, downplayed it, dropped it from coverage.
GVB argues that VARIANTS OF CONCERN™ are viral escape and said we should worry.
The three main variants come from Brazil, UK and SA, which is where AstraZeneca is conducting trials.
Brian Gerrish: People should not brand others. We are encouraging people who are the other side of the fence to come forward.

When PM Bozo says “we are on a one way road to freedom” he means slavery.
Alex Thomson: I have seen pharmaceutical capture of the intelligence agencies. This would be the ultimate shakedown.

Bossy presenter snorts:

“The vaccines have been tested rigorously and they’ve been found to be safe.

Your friends colleagues, family and classmates could be in danger if you turn down the vaccine. It’s not just a decision that affect you.

“It’s okay to talk to community leaders… or family you trust who’ve already had the vaccine. If you choose to get the vaccine you are choosing to take care of yourself and all those whom you come into contact with.

“If it turns out the vaccine does not stop you from transmitting the virus, it is even more important to get the vaccine.”

Brian Gerrish: this is the BBC targeting children’s minds and talking to adults as children.
Alex Thomson: Alinskyite. One of the sequences was: “it’s good to talk to community leaders”. The image is a young woman with a bullhorn and an outstretched arm like 1920s propaganda, implying, “don’t think, just act”. Community leaders are the people who give us our orders now.

Document says: Restricting face-to-face education has had adverse impact on children’s learning, amounting to the loss of half a year by half-term Feb 2021 and three-quarters of a year’s schooling if reopening delayed til after Easter.
Restrictions on socializing have had adverse impact on mental health, 49% of adults reporting boredom, loneliness, anxiety or stress.

Daily Mail, Mar 4, 2021 – Grandmother, 66, who was terrified of infecting her family with Covid killed herself by stepping in front of a train
Brian Gerrish: this woman has fallen victim to the SAGE SPI-B team who have deliberately spread fear among the population.

NHS website pages for people seeking help for mental health just drag you deeper into the mind game: You go seeking help and they offer you Covid tests; and links lead to 999, recorded messages and overworked charities.

“The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent using hard-hitting, emotional messaging.”
“Social disapproval from one’s community can play an important role in preventing anti-social behaviour.”

Daily Telegraph: Role of Sage to be reviewed over fears scientists hold too much power — Panel that set the course for some of the pandemic’s most controversial policies may hold ‘too much sway’ over ministers

Alex Thomson: ministers are stupid: all bluster and bravado. The traditional class from which our ministers are drawn prides itself on not being ‘details men’. That includes the diversity appointments who come from the same privileged educational background.
The ministers delegate all decision making to scientific bodies. It is constitutionally questionable in Britain. The Queen is supposed to govern us according to our laws and customs. Ministerial advice comes a distant second. Advice to ministers doesn’t even come into the equation.

Mike Hill MP said people have right to choose
UK Gov says it will consider Covid Status Certificates
Has also announced Covid-status certification review, call for evidence, ending Mar 29, 2021

Attributes (pieces of personal information) held in wallet, will be linked to your Covid “status” including residence, driving licence and ‘legal name’.
Alex Thomson: there is no such thing as a legal name. In Common Law countries you don’t have to change name by deed poll. You just start using a new one.

These are forums in Spain and islands that may be used for imprisoning people for non compliance.

Portugese Algarve Expatriates Association questions whether people’s property is at risk after the state passed a law saying it needs right to expropriate property. Acting outside parliament, the council of ministers decreed 15/2021 on Feb 23, 2021, they may seize property:
Code of Expropriation creates special regime of expropriation related to projects in the Economic and Social Stablization Program:

  • Mineral mining such as lithium
  • 5G and 6G infrastructure
  • Fracking
  • Mass agricultural projects
  • Solar parks and power grids
  • Airports and infrastructure


The Office of Constable: “Every constable is an independent legal entity: the public’s guarantee of impartiality Officers of the crown operate independent of undue influence, interference and with a personal responsibility…

“Every sworn police officer in England and Wales is a constable irrespective of rank. It is from the office of constable that each officer derives their powers… they are not agents of the police force, police authority or government. Those who hold the office of constable are servants of the Crown.”

Alex Thomson: This is a unique heritage in the Common Law countries. They really are individual constables. The flip side is if they break the law they can be sued as individual men and women.
This is a trend in Scotland and across the English-speaking world the police federations are saying they cannot be pushed beyond a certain point: police cannot be made to police regulations or where there is no popular agreement that breaking up assemlies are necessary.

Neale vs DPP, on Bindmands legal website, is an important reminder of our rights.
Police have no right to demand your identity or to conclude from your non-cooperation that you are a suspect.

UKC asks you to contact them if you have more information about the threat of fines.

Then left her to sit in A&E for six hours wearing mask

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 18, 2021 1:05 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus


Yes. That seems to be the point that many are not addressing or choose not to become aware of…

Like many others, I studied the Geert Vanden Bossche interview closely. I concluded the opposite of what others held up as critique. Forget the “industry” credentials. Mr Bossche obviously knows where he’s coming from, and his list of disclosures were not guess work.

People keep blathering on and on with notions that “there is no virus”. Ya, right. >

Hundreds of trained military personnel – working for decades in the biological sciences, have never isolated viral specimens in vitro, nor observed affects in vivo, nor have they tinkered with gain of function experiments in either case… < Great conspiracy theory…

Mar 18, 2021 10:54 AM

Does this mean that the ‘jabbed’ will have to wear masks, social distance, and be restricted in their movements, eg not allowed to enter shops or public places? Meanwhile, we ‘unjabbed’ will be free as long as we avoid the infectious ‘jabbed’?

Confused? Me too.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 18, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  Kika

Hello Kika: It is hard to say what the agenda will entail. The only conclusion I can come to is that gain of function “experiments” are ongoing and dangerous.

Excerpted from: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
Published: 09 November 2015
Biosafety and biosecurity.
Reported studies were initiated after the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee approved the experimental protocol (Project Title: Generating infectious clones of bat SARS-like CoVs; Lab Safety Plan ID: 20145741; Schedule G ID: 12279). These studies were initiated before the US Government Deliberative Process Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS and SARS Viruses (http://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/gain-of-function.pdf). This paper has been reviewed by the funding agency, the NIH. Continuation of these studies was requested, and this has been approved by the NIH.

Excerpted from: CRISPR the new wonder tool for genetic modification
Article first published 12/01/2016
To conclude
“There are numerous reasons to proceed with caution with CRISPR/Cas9 applications. It is a powerful, efficient, and cheap gene-editing tool beset with risks for health and the environment. Particularly worrying is its use in gene-drive, a currently irreversible and uncontrollable process once released into the environment.”
Complete article: CRISPR Too Fast for Comfort (i-sis.org.uk)

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 18, 2021 9:14 PM

Interesting that these ‘new viruses’ never seem to be linked to cute creatures like butterflies or baby elephants.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 19, 2021 12:34 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Heh, heh… Don’t forget the unicorns..

Mar 17, 2021 6:30 PM

UK Column News – 17th March 2021

Last year NATO published ‘NATO 2030’ in a bid to “make us even stronger”. Now a group of influential French officers at Cercle de Réflexion Interarmées (CRI), have called on the Sec-Gen to restore the armed services “to the heart of the nation from which they are drawn”.
Capital, Mar 11, 2021 — OTAN 2030 : “Il faut stopper ce train fou avant qu’il ne soit trop tard!”
In a letter they express concern that NATO is no longer a consensus-based organisation but one answering to the U.S. Supreme Allied Commander.

“NATO is gearing itself to a two-threat paradigm: a Russian menace which is said to be already present, and a Chinese menace, presented as potential and yet to come. Two vectors emerge: the marshalling of Europeans against Chinese designs on planetary domination, the quid pro quo for which is U.S. protection of Europe against the Russian threat.
In reading through NATO 2030, what clearly emerges is a monument of bad faith, surreptitious disinformation and exploiting the Russian threat… a threat blatantly created and subsequently maintained to make European allies toe the U.S. line in preparation for the looming struggle with China for global hegemony.”

UKC: The letter also argues that NATO pushed its way onto the borders of Russia, leading Russia to leave the Russia-NATO forum, which NATO then used as the basis to argue that Russia was becoming aggressive.

CRI continues: “Not only do you [secretary general] plan to transform defensive NATO into an offensive alliance against an enemy that is not Europe’s enemy (though we are not fooled about China’s ambitions); this report goes further, squarely heading for an organization with a world political ambition holding sway over all other international organizations.
Not content with having wrecked Europe’s chance of a real lasting peace desired by all, NATO — motivated only by self-preservation and overreach — has triggered massive rearmament. And now, through this NATO 2030 document, you seek to justify the military purpose of this alliance by transforming it into a political instrument that can even override UN resolutions and national sovereignty.
This defies even elementary logic, which dictates that the mission should justify the tool and not vice versa. Didn’t even the Romans say Cedant arma togae (soldiery must yield to statesmanship)?”
So no, Mr Sec-Gen! We must stop this mad train before it is too late. France could never go along with this adventure of accepting American tutelage of Europe without betraying General de Gaulle’s principles.”
— signed by Grégoire Diamantidis, ancien général de brigade aérienne

Alex Thomson: the letter gives a history from the Yeltsin era onwards about the repeated poking of Russia using its satellite countries that became NATO allies. There was also a breach in the usual regular Mi5-Mi6 consultations with Russia in 2006 and it was Britain that broke that off.

NATO is coordinating bodies like G7 and G20 and bodies like the “national cyber force” from countries whose membership overlaps. They are really warning about the military industrial complex. If you have other means to resolve conflicts, short of war, do so, rather than building a massive mallet to bash our enemies. Stoltenberg just the other day told the European Parliament that if you are worried about China you “must have more NATO” and a politically-united, supra-national NATO.

The MIC has decided it will need the bulk of continental Europe’s manpower (and many countries are increasing the conscription of women) for the standoff against China. They want to ramp up animus against Russia to “stiffen the spine” so that Europe can with stand Russia until the time comes to fight China.

Mike Pompeo, Sec State under Trump, in November said: “opening the door to U.S. participation in EU defence initiatives will strengthen NATO EU cooperation… and interoperability. We look forward to completing an administrative arrangement with the European Defence Agency to ensure broad U.S. participation inside of PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation).”

Mike Robinson: we were saying at the time this was a deep state plan to enter the EU Defence Union and it probably continues under the new administration. One aspect of PESCO has gone ahead. The European Council will vote on May 6 to invite the U.S. to join. Canada and Norway are also getting involved.
Defence News, Mar 2, 2021: Pentagon pushes to partake in EU military mobility planning.

Brian Gerrish: all this goes on under the smokescreen of Covid, with no debate in Westminster and while most people are worried whether they can get out of their home.

Stronger powers to tackle non-violent protests and unauthorized encampments.
Protests could be shut down if corporations think they hurt their individual rights
Mike Robinson: This would make resistance against a second round of fracking very hard.
Alex Thomson: it is the Napoleonization of civil law. Corporations will claim all the rights of the individual. The language is shoddy and vague. Where are the Parliamentary clerks?
Brian Gerrish: Civil servants have been politicized, starting with Common Purpose.

UK Column News – 17th March 2021

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 17, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“It would appear the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Oligarch Mobster Psychopaths want to cull off a lot of the untermenschen useless eaters. Where the ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT jab approach does not do the trick, the old reliable CANNON FODDER approach should.”

Mar 17, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Yes and seems gates found the perfect vehicle…the common flu virus…only hope left is maybe there isn’t a virus after all…but as a large % of the population of Europe was culled last time Uranus and Algol met up in early 1940’s I am going with the injection….with hope it will solve the aggressive US problem as well…

Mar 18, 2021 4:07 AM
Reply to  Edith

Yep, and they got away with pancake theory on 911. If they got away with that, they’ll get away with this bullshit, not even trying.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Mar 18, 2021 1:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The MIC has decided it will need the bulk of continental Europe’s manpower (and many countries are increasing the conscription of women) for the standoff against China.”

Not a chance. Pure theater. Low-level kayfabe.

Any “war” with China will be a scripted and stage-managed affair where the Joint Chiefs of Staff sip tea with their Chinese counterparts and decide how many trench-rats should be liquidated on any given day in wave after wave of Sisyphean “advances” against a brick-wall of ordnance, in some strategically-worthless no-man’s land. (Just like WWI.)

Mar 18, 2021 3:19 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Talking to adults as if they were children, and to children as if they were cute kittens, all started with “Blue Peter” way back when I was very young.

About five years later, the BBC started to talk to everybody as if they were cretinous goldfish with their mouths permanently open, and they have continued to do so ever since.

It is the language of cynical advertising (“Yes, our audience is dumb enough to believe this washing powder washes whiter and doesn’t give them auto-immune disease…”) and it is the language of bored, over-indulged and privileged people who find it to be an irrefutable fact that everyone will obey them, because they speak with the assertiveness of a brilliant scientist (yet without any actual knowledge at all) and have money to bribe the more reluctant listeners…

This is today’s BBC. It wasn’t always like that. Children who went to grammar school did not feel their intelligence was being insulted, but currently absolutely everybody has every reason to feel that way.

Mar 17, 2021 6:13 PM

“Peter Ford, former UK Ambassador to Syria (2003-2006) told me that the attack demonstrated Biden’s caving in to pressure from the Washington neoconservatives.”

You can count the number of ‘politicians’ in the US political class who are ‘not’ neocons on half a hand. And I’m not sure they are that numerous.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 17, 2021 6:01 PM

Back in 1988 when I now abashedly admit that I was a progressive and a strict Democrat party voter, and when I was checking out the field for the presidential nomination, I was appalled that a candidate of Biden’s intrinsic stupidity could be among the front runners. I came to the conclusion that the constant application of minoxidil to his pate had literally backfired, and caused a resurgence of hair growth inward, filling his cranial cavity. I find that after 33 years, the onset of senile dementia has only increased his intelligence moderately. To refer to Biden as anything more than a straw stuffed scarecrow indicates a certain lack of understanding among the analysts.

The Kamel was the choice of the Overlords but her charisma was like EU interest rates, negative. She fetched 1% in the primaries, and the only candidate who had a scintilla of integrity, Tulsi Gabbard, dismembered her track record in the early debates as CA AG where she did massive harm to the black population. So like an EU vote on a new treaty, they put the Kamel into office through the backdoor, so to speak. Dementia Joe campaigned ferociously from his basement. I am no Trumptard, but I have no doubt that Trump won the electoral college decisively after the massive fraud was eliminated. The positive news is that any pretense of pseudo democracy from the USSA oligarchy has been eliminated for the future. So far, the Kamel has done all the schmoozing with foreign heads of state. It is up for grabs whether Joe will resign for fraudulent medical reasons, be eliminated via the 25 amendment, have a convenient death real or just off to fantasy island, or just continue the current charade..

Yes, Biden will bow to the neoconservatives while Trump was a bastion against them despite his appointments of the maniacal mustache and Pompous, the terror of the 5 star buffet. Trump owes what passes for his soul to the Rothschilds for bailing him out of bankruptcy, and the only reason he didn’t start a major war was because the agenda of our Overlords had not reached that point yet. First the American sheeple had to be so cowed by an invisible, sub-microscopic enemy that there would be little resistance.

I fault this article for emphasizing the bogus differences in the foreign policy, however I commend it for being a wealth of information regarding the realities on the ground in Syria.

Mar 17, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Brilliant.What will happen now he threatened Putin ?

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 18, 2021 2:24 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

The publisher Gerald Celente of the the Trends Journal has two famous quotations:
“When people lose everything, they lose it.”
“When all else fails, they take you to war.”

I think Oceania is headed for a major war against Eurasia and Eastasia within a few years. The head of the USA Scottish Rites Free Masons and former Confederate general Albert Pike, stated that three world wars were a necessary part of the plan in an intercepted letter dated August 15, 1871.


As to Biden’s recent slanderous remarks regarding Putin, he actually didn’t mouth them himself. The Neocons hired an anonymous ventriloquist to stick his arm up the ass of that antiquated muppet. Tough way to earn a living.

Mar 18, 2021 10:09 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

It’s a pretty good habit that for any fascinating claim one believes in, you ‘google’ it while adding a word like “myth” or “hoax”: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Albert+Pike+hoax

Mar 18, 2021 8:09 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

comment image&f=1&nofb=1

We are primarily peaceful people

Mar 18, 2021 2:14 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Yes. Trump won by a significant margin. Patrick Byrne’s book called Deep Rig explains how the election was stolen. It is appalling that they got away with it. Now democracy us dead and who knows who is actually running the country.
Given Biden’s senility, he won’t last long. But will Kamala be the one to replace him — or will Nancy Pelosi suddenly discover that Kamala is not a natural born citizen, and thus is ineligible. Nancy is next in line.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 18, 2021 5:19 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

I am quite sure that they want that harpy to stay in the House. The Overlords wanted the Kamel as POTUS from the getgo. They figured that she was part black and a woman, so a natural shoe in after Obama. But it was not to be as she was a total flop in the “debates” with the charisma of a groundhog in hibernation, fetching less the 1% of the primary voters. So they rigged the election for Dementia Joe, who campaigned furiously from his basement, and appointed her as VP. They will probably dispose of Dementia Joe before his term expires as they can only keep him closeted from other “world leaders” for so long. If Trump was abrasive, DJ will probably call Macron and Johnson “Dog faced pony soldiers.”

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 17, 2021 5:43 PM

Does Mr Biden know anything about “his” aggression in Syria?

Mar 17, 2021 6:32 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Unlikely, only what his handlers tell him and it’s doubtful he would remember….

David Meredith
David Meredith
Mar 17, 2021 10:52 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

I doubt he even knows where Syria is on a map. He’s only a puppet president and other players inside the US government and military are pulling the strings. Trump wasn’t playing along so he had to be removed.

Mar 17, 2021 5:33 PM

I don’t really believe that any of the power-play is real anymore.

Mar 17, 2021 5:07 PM

Orion sirius O ran Syria Oryon eran Iran e ram
pre 1910 the whole region was called Syria the Ottoman Empire then a reset happened.

Mar 17, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  Magie

And for a couple of thousand years pre-Ottomen the whole region was called Syria. In Roman times Judea was a province in Syria. Therefore the Syrian Orthodox Church is the oldest Christian Church.


“in this Christian enclave in the mountains of Socialist Syria, the ancient language that He spoke can still be heard. Malula is the largest of three villages near Mount Qalamun where Aramaic is still the spoken language. NATZO’s Al Nusra terrorists, in September 2013, profaned and plundered churches and ancient sanctuaries, and set fire to houses. The dogs of NATZO attacked a symbol of Christianity, a place whose inhabitants still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus.

Aramaic mingled with Arabic is also heard in masses at the Syrian Orthodox Church in the old part of Damascus.”

Mar 17, 2021 9:28 PM
Reply to  NickM

ny time article as proof wow

Mar 17, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Magie

If (like me) you mistrust the New York Slimes, just google “rebuilding church in maaloula 2018” and you will get 31,000 sources for the devastation caused to ancient Christian churches by NATZO’S heavily armed ISIS headchoppers.

But if you google “new york times rebuilding church in maaloula 2018” the first page will show that the Slimes reserves its “pity and horror” for poor Mr.Obomba and his ISIS terrorists: “the worst possible time for Mr. Obama and the opponents of Mr. Assad.”


Mar 17, 2021 4:05 PM

Drain the swamp for Muppets

Speaking to Fox News last night, former US President Donald Trump urged his supporters to have a covid vaccine. Trump said the jabs are “safe” and “something that works.”
He went on to say that he would recommend vaccination to “a lot of people that don’t want to get it,” acknowledging that “a lot of those people voted for me.” He assured his followers that the vaccines are “great” and “safe.”

their your anti establishment that fooled you for 4 year

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 17, 2021 4:53 PM
Reply to  Magie

“Someone seems to have the mistaken belief that the readers here do/did not know who or what ORANGE HAIR BOZO was.”

Mar 17, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Naaaaaa he’s just making the point yet again….

Mar 17, 2021 9:30 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

they dont no who he is as the editor of this blog still very much supports him

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 18, 2021 1:58 AM
Reply to  Magie


It is probably safe to say most here view ORANGE HAIR BOZO and GROPER JOE PALPATINE as perverse corrupt brain dead malevolent sock puppets forced upon humanity than as intelligent sentient beings.


Mar 17, 2021 5:08 PM
Reply to  Magie

It gives me a lot of hope to see these pieces of garbage going into maximum PR overdrive. The rhetoric is just mind boggling. Every midlevel able-bodied elite is flogging themselves like a crack addicted organ grinders monkey. TV, the papers, online, celebrities, news anchors, community leaders, scientists, NGOs, politicians, presidents, athletes, music artists, aging country stars singing their hits acapella with vaccine instruction lyrics and insults to decliners!!
Just Wild!

Mar 17, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Yeah it DOES seem like an all or nothing extravaganza!! Kull the herds or else they might just wake up and and storm the castle.

Mar 17, 2021 6:26 PM
Reply to  Magie

Trump was of course on the Epstein flight logs (just not as much as Bill Clinton). Here’s the 1970s’ version of ‘Epstein island’, North Fox Island in Michigan:


One such island might be a one-off, two starts to look like the pattern of a system of governance….

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 19, 2021 1:16 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“This begs the question, if Jeffrey Epstein was not the pimp of choice and Lolita Airways was not the airline of choice for GROPER JOE PALPATINE who and what were? Only Ghislaine knows for sure.”

Mar 18, 2021 2:20 AM
Reply to  Magie

Maybe Trump has also been duped. He probably does not follow all of the problems around the vaccines.

Mar 18, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

It’s more likely that he and his family were threatened by the bankers. Remember the President sits at the table with the cartels but not above them. His wishes can easily be vetoed.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 17, 2021 3:14 PM

The problem with Trump for US policy makers was not his Tweets but that he was not aggressive enough! Had he started a war he’d likely still be in power.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 17, 2021 2:45 PM

I seldom post my poetry on any public page… Here’s my 2003 take on the entire Mid-eastern “crisis”.

Excerpts 1:06

And the Earth was torn asunder
And smoke and ash came forth
And the sky did sound with laughter
And the ring of chains now breaking

And the elder legions rode
Upon the wind of steeds
And their names were all well known
In the place called Abaddon

And the prayer of fools came answered
Across the echoed histories
Of righteousness grown dim
Beneath the greater mystery

And all the scattered Aethers
Communed beyond the shadows
Gathered up their forces
In the place called Abaddon

And those whose eyes were opened
Did see the greater coming
Did cleanse their place of waiting
And called upon the Old One

Forsaken by their idols
The fools did reach their weapons
And slew themselves in fear
At the gates of Abaddon

Written 03/06/2003 PV

Mar 17, 2021 2:41 PM

Sorry for hijacking Vanessa’s page. For those who haven’t seen it:

Chinese company BGI Genomics collects DNA of Americans and collaborates extensively with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

  • In 2016, BGI opened its U.S. HQ in the Gates’ home state of Washington.
  • Washington State is where the first U.S. outbreak of Covid-19 occurred.
  • BGI proposed to contribute state-of-the-art COVID testing labs though proposal was ultimately overruled by U.S. intelligence.
  • Sep 2020 U.S. Gov bolstered legislation that allows companies to collect DNA with Covid-19 swabs and sell the data to DNA mining companies.
  • Investigations increasingly point to SARS-CoV-2 escaping/originating from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a joint U.S.-Chinese project.
  • DNA collection is international. For example, the UK Gov pays schools per test to encourage Covid testing thus facilitating DNA collection.

“The company has recently come under fire following a 60 Minutes exposé on the company’s use of COVID-19 tests to “collect, store and exploit biometric information” on American citizens, according to former U.S. intelligence officials. What’s more, a recent Reuters article linked the firm to the Chinese Communist Party’s military.”


Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Mar 18, 2021 1:12 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yep. What this is is a MANIFEST of HUMAN INVENTORY.

The Chinese overlords are being delivered a “full-spectrum” census of the entire population of chattel bio-slaves being chained up for their use, as payment to settle the long-moribund national debt of USA, Inc., with interest.

As Catherine Austin Fitts puts it, the biosecurity state has finally allowed the meta-slavers to “perfect their collateral.” Every bio-slave will be tagged, branded, traced and hobbled by injections, and then rendered up to their new owners.

Mar 18, 2021 7:04 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Yes. I think you just nailed it. We should be aware that this fate awaits only a percentage of the population. The truth is that the human life is in reality valued in dollars, and this unsettling fact will not immediately be understood and stomached by the masses, thus leaving them without the means to combat their invisible assailants.

This is all being very cleverly engineered in order to polarise humanity. A split is occurring dividing us into two population fields, the negative and the positive. Those of the predominantly negative polarity will represent the social capital of a small group of elites. In order to maintain the currency flow to the elites the population field must be reduced. A die off.

Mar 18, 2021 7:07 AM
Reply to  Chris

Those trapped in the sinkhole of indifference are there of their own free will. They are actively taking part in their own enslavement.
That’s the really clever bit.

Mar 18, 2021 7:16 AM
Reply to  Chris

This is why our conversations with friends and family are so frustrating and fruitless, because we’re literally trying to switch another individuals polarity.
You can’t achieve this with a reasoned discussion.

Mar 18, 2021 7:31 AM
Reply to  Chris

What we are watching now on the social level is but the delayed consequence of the astronomical event of 21:12:2012.

Mar 17, 2021 2:22 PM

See what happens when you eliminate a Saddam Hussein from the regional balance of power? Whatever all of these foreigners think they’re doing in this Syrian pantomine, an endgame is hardly among their options..

The main thing is that President al-Assad continues to maintain a 67% popularity rating among the true Syrians, after all of these years, and is going nowhere..

Mar 17, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Gin

I see that the UK is reigniting the smear campaign against Asma Al-Assad which suggests that the ongoing anti-Assad narrative by the UK is being publicly revived, coinciding (coincidentally??) with the US military aggression. The charges levelled against the Syrian First Lady really smack of desperation.


She is, among other things, pathetically accused in the article of turning her attention to materialistic matters whilst the ‘civil war’ was going on around her. This is rich condemnation when you think what has been going on (and probably still is) at 10 Downing Street whilst the UK Government destroys this country and the lives and well-being of millions of people.


Mar 17, 2021 2:20 PM

My humble suggestion is; if you want to attack the US activity in the ME the best way is to point out that the justification for US invasion of the ME was the 911 false flag attack.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Mar 17, 2021 2:07 PM

Biden is simply a ventriloquist’s dummy this much seems self-evident. Moreover, this fact can be generalised to include a long line of dummies with the possible exception of Kennedy. After assassination of Kennedy, it was back to business as usual. Also self evident is role of the Deep-State, permanent institutions, such as The Atlantic Council, Council for Foreign Relations, the neo-con gang, the military, together with the Zionist cabal in Washington, represented by AIPAC, ADL, JINSA and various think-tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute.

The object of this blob is to undermine and topple any government or state that doesn’t obey American orders; the choice for these states is surrender or be destroyed. This is what is playing out in the middle east. And to further this campaign of terror and mass murder, the AZ empire has used the most local reactionary elements in the form of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the rest of the Jihadi alphabet soup. According to the BBC these are the ‘rebels’ fighting against the Assad state. And I almost forgot – The White Helmets.

It should come as no surprise that the Jihadist murderers, the so-called ‘rebels’, are being, funded, equipped and trained by the US and its allies.

It’s rather a sobering thought to think that these are the West’s allies. But that is power politics I suppose.

Mar 17, 2021 6:55 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Being a ventriliquist dummy, that explains it!
No wonder he loves masks so much.

Mar 17, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

JFK was totally establishment. And he was every bit the war criminal all US presidents are and were.

Mar 18, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  Arby

Like all of us, he couldn’t escape the environment into which he was born.
In his case, it was an exceptionally corrupt environment, so there would have been little point in his pretending to be a reincarnation of St. Francis of Assisi.

dr death
dr death
Mar 17, 2021 2:07 PM

I think the perfect analogy of what has become of the ‘west’ and it’s simulacrum of civilization, would be oscar wildes ‘the picture of dorian gray’……

I suggest anyone who can concentrate beyond a few simple paragraphs ( a common affliction nowadays) to read it..

there they will discover the story of a eternally youthful and handsome debauchee of evil intent, saved from the consequences of his actions by a magical painting that absorbs all his evil, the painting becoming more and more unsightly and decayed… only can justice be served upon dorian when the painting is destroyed, thus he keeps it hidden away.

the golden ones, the herd…. and their dirty little secrets…..

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 17, 2021 1:54 PM

Sadly, if the people of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan etal want the WAR RACKETEERS illegally occupying their lands out of them they are really going to have to battle them… REALLY BATTLE THEM… ALL OUT WAR…TAKE NO PRISONERS type of war.

Remember him Syria.
comment image


[Admin removed a large string of data which seemed to be a corrupted link. A2]

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 17, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Remember him Syria.”


“Long overdue for the WAR RACKETEER war criminals to get off the Planet.”

Glenda Slag
Glenda Slag
Mar 17, 2021 12:50 PM

Joe Biden is a senile, neocon has-been, whose embalmed body is being hoist up a flag poll at regular intervals to give the illusion of a functioning democracy in the USA.
The US military industrial Complex are at having a controlled proxy war with Russia and perhaps even Chinas in Syria, and given their military superiority, at least in spending and numbers, it seems the US are losing badly.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Mar 18, 2021 12:31 AM
Reply to  Glenda Slag

Every member of congress, with maybe five exceptions, and the president and his entire cabinet are crude, ignorant neocon has-beens. Every single goddamn one of them. Every.Single.One.

Mar 17, 2021 11:46 AM

I absolutely do not accept the premise that Biden caved to the neo con element. When one reads the quoted words from the Ambassador- there is nothing to actually suggest that is the case. I’m unsure why Ms Beeley presented this information in such a manner?

The US does not want to restore the JCPOA deal with Iran. They in fact have always wanted and worked towards the annexation of Syria by the PKK Kurds (not the Kurdish Contra’s) which I find to be obfuscating language. This was plan A,B & C

By occupying and destablizing with an eye to annexation of the Syrian territory they can create and continuous zone of free passage to further destabilize Iran as well as Turkey

The new US base does indeed signal a further digging in. With an eye to keeping Syria and Turkey out of the occupied territory. Turkey doesn’t want a zone of occupation filled with it’s enemies at it’s border.

Israel 2.0 and a non arab ally for Israel are the goal. And has always been the goal. It’s been out in the open for a good long while now

PS: For myself, personally, I put no stock in much of anything Kevork Almassian, states. He’s been quite a friendly to the PKK Kurds. Which is not a shocker for the Armenian crowd- In Syria ( I do not consider him an Assad loyalist) Or in Armenia as the PKK has long infiltrated Nagarno Karabakh as well.

Mar 17, 2021 12:48 PM
Reply to  Penny

He didn’t “cave” to the neocons nor is he handled by them. He is one. He’s proud of writing the Patriot Act long before 9/11 and its enactment.

Mar 17, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  mojo

Most folks don’ t know that he is the author of The Patriot Act, and that was done way before 911. Absolutely a deep state actor!