A Vision
JR Leach
I had this vision back last spring,
When the land was ruled by corrupted kings,
And greed was fuelled by hoarding things,
But things that one could touch.
The vision spoke of melted gold,
The value of the world resold,
“The price for life” is what we’re told,
By men who own too much.
As fear spread through a world; forlorn,
With threats of plague that ne’er were born,
Fresh chains were forged and willing-worn,
By those who feared the lie.
And though once joy had been assured,
Through weighing risk, and griefs endured,
Death could no longer be ignored,
For all souls fear to die.
This fear was stoked by those town criers,
Who peal the bells but start the fires,
And sing the songs their lord requires,
To whom they humbly thank.
Fresh tides of evil rise with haste,
As hands of Midas are replaced,
By hands whose touch turns all to waste,
And paper sharp and blank.
“But rules are rules” the fearful sigh,
Content to see their forebears die,
No hand to hold, no last goodbye,
Just pixels, bright but cold.
“But rules are rules”, the state replies,
While deaf to all those muffled cries,
That sound from those with honest eyes,
And doubt the fear they’re sold.
And even children are not spared,
For misery is widely shared,
And dished by those who swore they cared,
But cared for guidelines more.
So mired and masked, the schools return,
Devoid of joy but forced to churn
Out abstract facts, for all must learn
That learning’s just a chore.
The vision ends when all is grey,
While shapeless, mouthless words relay,
The promise of a brighter day,
But no such day arrives.
A year drifts by, and so does youth,
The vision now a dismal truth,
But ‘truth’ is passé and uncouth,
While fiction blooms and thrives.
But even in this twilight hour,
imprisoned in our lonesome bower,
The words we speak retain their power,
And words can never die.
So speak your thoughts, and rise above
The barbs and briars of those who shove
The truth away, just think and love,
And you’ll escape the lie.
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The part of this beautiful poetry that made things most cost to me was this: ““The price for life” is what we’re told,
By men who own too much.”
Moving stuff.
Now we must let them take their vaccine. The ones eager for it will simply have to perish. At least it will clean the world of much mental illness.
F that man… These Malthusians are full of it – dramatically shrinking the population, or making huge swaths of them chronically ill, is not a good thing. At all. Even if you think most of them are idiots. There’s tons of tons of people who aren’t true covid cult believers at all, but will take the injections just because they can’t wrap their heads around the idea that it could be THAT dangerous. People change, and we need each other healthy if we’re going to find a way to thrive underneath the grand plans of these psychopaths that rule us. There’s a reason these fascist eugenicist technocrats are so obsessed with “overpopulation” – large growing populations are difficult to have total domination over. At a certain point those populations develop parallel systems, networks, communities and markets that exist outside their control; it’s inevitable. Particularly when the dominant system becomes increasingly evil, as it is doing right now. The diverse ecosystems of markets and communities that grow out of populations too large to be centrally managed end up proving that their one-size-fits-all dystopia is both unnecessary and a far worse way of life than what can be developed from the ground up, without coercion, politics and violence. I pretty much believe that as an article of faith at this point, but I would say the programs and policies of our overlords suggest they also know it’s true. Which is why they put so much effort into suppressing them. But when we’re talking about such an exceedingly small number of rulers with the level of control they crave over millions and billions – too many people presents real problems for them. It doesn’t matter how sophisticated their tech or their propaganda is – at some point their elaborate system of total control… Read more »
Good poem. One point: shouldn’t verse 6, line 3 read
“By hands whose touch turns all TO waste”?
Sounds better to me…
Powerful and sincere. Thank you.
Norway: Dead from blood clots after AZ vaccine, 54 years old:
what a tragedy, entirely preventable
“Move along now, nothing more to see here. Just ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics culling, I mean euthanizing, the untermenschen and useless eaters.”
Up To Us
The illusions we choose
Are up to us
The dreams we lose
We never did trust
by Mark R. Elsis
November 25, 1982
Resonate Love
144 Poems
by Mark R. Elsis
Beautiful poem. Thank you.
Wanna share this gem- I think many of you will find this expose of corporate profiteering very, very, interesting-
Vaccine Capitalism: A run-down of the huge profits being made from COVID-19 vaccines and Bernay’s Style Mass Marketing
hattip to Corporate Watch and of course we talk mass marketing ala Bernay’s and Black Rock led by Larry Fink is everywhere is all over this racket- Same as the global warming rubbish. Indepth, but, enlightening!
Interesting analysis Penny.
It shows the economic ‘wisdom’ that supply creates demand and not vice versa.
“It shows the economic ‘wisdom’ that supply creates demand and not vice versa”
Exactly! Consider the vaccine was created months prior to the ‘pandemic’ fear campaign, Bernay’s style, where the demand is created for the supply being readied to fill the need.
A perfect sales campaign from inception (the beginning or start point) to production and distribution
Funded twice over by taxpayers
UK Column News – 22nd March 2021 PART ONE LONDON LOCKDOWN PROTESTS, CHEERFUL, DEFIANT 33 ARRESTS – BBC Protest target was lockdown and masks. Slogan: “No more NHS and government lies.” David Scott: March was too big for usual repressive measures, all kinds of people. Sky insisted it was only hundreds when even BBC had to admit it was thousands, though BBC still focused on arrests. POLICE HIDE OFFICER WHILE HE KICKS LONDON PROTESTOR Steve Laws Report https://stevelawsreport.co.uk/ BRISTOL PROTESTS VIOLENT, ILL TEMPERED 7 ARRESTS Protest target was Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill. Slogan: “Defund the police.” Mike Robinson: this kind of protesting does not obstruct the new Policing Bill; it provides justification for further restrictions on popular protests. FALSE FLAG EVIDENCE – OLD POLICE CAR, NO M.O.T, SET ON FIRE Photo apparently shows an old police car, WX17 FHR, sitting by the side of the road, has appeared in previous news reports from Bristol in 2017 and 2018. Its roadworthy certificate expired in Jan 2021. PFIZER CEO HAS NOT HAD HIS JAB — “WAITING HIS TURN” 30 Y/O PFIZER STAFF ALREADY JABBED, SICK FOR DAYS – EMAIL Email from spouse of Pfizer employee said “I mentioned it was weird the CEO won’t have it and that he was awaiting his so-called “turn”. They aren’t supposed to tell anyone really and the company doesn’t speak about it either.” PFIZER ADVERSE REACTION: BLEEDING FROM THE BUM – EMAIL PATIENT HAD FIRST JAB ON FEB 3 “Three days later I started bleeding from the bowel quite heavily. This condition lasted six days. I managed to get… seen by a medic as opposed to a doctor…fecal tests, blood tests, a colonoscopy, a gastroscopy all showed a negative result. When I suggested the vaccine may have been the cause I came up against a… Read more »
UK Column News – 22nd March 2021 PART TWO BRITISH ARMY NOW HOSTILE TO OWN PEOPLE UK MILITARY THINKS THE ENEMY IS “AT HOME” BBC: Latest MoD video suggests cut of 10k troops to 70k Royal Marines to be ended, rebranded as Commando Force taking special forces roles Ranger Regiment will train foreign allies. GBP 200 million to counter “sub-threshold” threats Could be disinformation Ben Wallace MP, Defence Sec, talks of integrated operating concept, with all allies Gen Sir Nick Carter, CoDS, has said the army goes abroad and knows who the enemy is; increasingly they’re coming home and they don’t know who’s the enemy at home. Focus is increasingly on people having a viewpoint. David Scott: “it’s almost an acceptance that the people running the army and the gov don’t believe in anything. There is just information, And the only thing to do with it is to manipulate in a narcissistic abuse fashion the whole of the country. Because you can’t trust them to have their independent viewpoints because we trained that out of them in state-funded education. And once we trained them to obey, we have to make sure they don’t obey someone else. I don’t think that’s going to be a problem in Russia but the British are going to try to fix it in our very obtuse way. It doesn’t have any substance to it. Any army is assessed on its ability to fight effectively. Having the most effective PR campaign will not hack it.” Mike Robinson: unless we are bringing national militaries together in some single command and control mechanism. Brian Gerrish: that’s what’s happening. The public are shut out of what’s happeing. This language is designed to deceive. The SAS has always operated overseas on missions undeclared to the public. We’re now going to… Read more »
I rather like the idea of calling this “deliberately muddled thinking”, but in any case I don’t think the lady in question intended “muddled thinking” to be an excuse.
Some of the people who indulge in muddled thinking are our ‘representatives’, who ought to know better than to think in a muddled fashion, and I think it would actually be entirely appropriate for us to accuse them of muddled thinking in the strong context of them being incompetent at their jobs and deserving of being sacked.
Our tolerance for incompetence has been nurtured for a long time now, so the backlash is now due.
Tell me something- is the repetition of the number 33 in so many news stories because the masonic/ trilateral commission/ Davos crowd need a little heads-up on which stories are faked or is it there like an in-joke to remind them how dastardly clever they are? Either way it’s not fooling anybody and is actually not only falling pathetically flat but also becoming mind-numbingly, yawningly boring. Please stop it.
u.k shillum who very naive fanbase are being used in psyop and ritual
so the number works to boost the ritual notice the 7 under the 33 and today date and what today is like i said before you gotta be totally mind controlled or Multiple Personality Disorder to be watching shills like that.
Hello Magie… I’ve only watched maybe 4 episodes of UK Coloumn News myself in the last year, but what are some sites you would suggest then? I’m having a few days off work, so have the time to check them out… Cheers
a few come to mind
happy equinox and new moon
hear ya go……..happy learning watching
Chiron Last
pierre sabak
Zach hubbard
KT arch degree
steve judd
Pam gregory
Michelle knight
Innerstanding – early stuff
Zen Atman early stuff
santos bonacci early stuff
Bill Donahue
Dr Rev phll Valentine early stuff
Dr Delbert Blair
Alternartve history mudflood / Ancient
Jon levi
Michelle Gibson
Paul cook
New earth
mix bag
gordon white
Veritas TV
James Bartley cosmic switchboard
Thanks Magie, the only one I’ve heard of on your list is Veritas TV, tho Paul Cook and Pam Gregory ring a bell somewhere in my pea soup brain (bad cold) Will check them out, cheers👍
It really depends on what is relevant and resonant to where you are currently at in your themes of life exploration and development or growth.
UKC offers some background but within the same essential worldview as the ‘parasite’ feeds on and manipulates.
Bottom line question: Are you looking to reinforce your sense of self and world or are you willing to question even this in opening to truth?
There are different levels that people look from that filter results.
Do you want to be right or (truly) happy?
If we set being right as our salvation we must seek and find and keep the wrong, the enemy, the threat, the hate – all masked up in seeming righteousness that seeks identity reinforcement bubbles.
Much of what is going on as disease in our social and economic realm is a mindf*k. Self-reinforcing negative loops of conflicted ideas that have been masked over, normalised and run invisibly.
If you truly desire anything, you will attract it and align in its path of unfolding. One step leads to others, and tuning in to where the resonance is, allows a deeper freedom to be given that habits of problem driven reaction.
Appreciate the feedback Binra… I hear you. If I’m right… then obviously ‘they’ must be wrong, therefore ‘they’ are the enemy… I hear what you say about ‘seeming righteousness’ as well. Something I am prone to quite easily.
I understand what you’re getting at my friend. My initial query to Magie was more out of curiosity as I noticed her remark about UKC.
Have a really bad cold so taking a few days off work. Hope your week is going good…
Well I meant that conviction in the evils or worthlessness of others can be used to mask a sense of self-reinforcement. The need to be right is the need for a target
I join with you and your friend in spirit of uncovering truth. I am not liking or down-voting her current choices. We all find different things that become part of our currents sense of what is going on and how to be with it.
I have respect for UKC team regardless their filters and blind spots, they are willing to address many socio-political shenanigans openly and for better or worse, appeal to the minds of the ordinary people, in terms that they think can be understood. So they will not as yet question the framework on which the narrative deceit hangs and covid is but one example.
In the masking substitution for reality we take to be the world judgements cut both ways. If someone needs to cast down another as a way to seem right, they are protecting their own ‘narratives’.
If deceit is the ‘enemy’ then it cannot operate without our own participation at some level, The belief we have woke can be another set of narrative investments, with its own groupthink and filters and blindspots.
A Good Cold?
If you have the conditions calling for rest, reflection, realignment and renewal, be that! Why fill ‘being time’ with internet?
UKC is presenting a news programme that tries to be for everyone. Their style of news programme doesn’t completely reflect their personal views or what they individually have achieved. Ian M Crane, for example, who was instrumental in the anti-fracking movement, knew exactly what was going on in terms of the esoteric and occult malarkey of the would-be controlling parasites. But in public he focused on the practical, and changed lives.
Brian Gerrish has given talks on the ‘killing regime’ that he saw purposefully unfolding in the UK, and he is now seeing it come to fruition.
And Alex Thompson has a profound understanding of what is behind this narrative, and how it’s being maintained.
They all KNOW and are aware of what’s going on, on a multitude of levels. But they are also old-fashioned investigative journalists, presenting the news, and trying to include everyone. They grew out of a small local paper designed to expose local council corruption, in 2009.
I’m seeing many accusations about UKC flying around, too many, such as that from a previous poster who referred to them as ‘shills’. This is dangerous stuff – they are the only independent UK news channel, they actually investigate, as journalists used to, and I’m suspicious of anyone calling them ‘shills’ or ‘controlled opposition’ – damaging reputations and turning people off is an excellent and ancient tactic, very basic psy-ops, better than censorship.
I’d say, if you’re curious about UKC, check out the Alternative View channel (link below – UKC are involved with long-standing Alternative View conference) and put the UKC journalists in context.
I can also recommend Thomas Sheridan – some of his lectures are on the Alternative View channel as well as on his own YT and Odysee channels:
I agree with you about UKC, though to be honest, I’ve only watched 4 entire shows myself and maybe portions of another couple of shows.
I see the accusations here, especially when Moneycircus posts a summary of their latest program. I’m really baffled by the accusations of ‘neo nazi’ and ‘far right’ and ‘shills’. Given what I’ve seen of them, I wouldn’t have a clue about their political affiliations.
I have a number of other sites I look at more often, but will check them out again in the near future.
It’s more a case of: lots of info, not a lot of spare time. Thanks for the link to Alternative View. Will have a look at them tonight when I get home…
Militarising the police, providing it with military weapons and letting the army run loose inside the country: This disease comes from the Mad Empire.
One of my nephews asked me to share this with the rest of the family. He fears persecution for being a Christian and rightfully so. Persecution is predicted and expected. I don’t know if this is real or not. Some think that this vaccine effort extends much farther than simply giving up our freedoms. If so, Amazon is complicit. You be the judge. Or be judged…….. Either way. One should be aware.
This is less about religion than enticing people into a situation where they are providing their biodata to facilitate the loss of cash. Notice how you need a credit card to sign up.
Once cash goes and the global digital currency is pushed through, everybody will be a slave to the system which will demand more and more compliance from the slaves to buy food or move independently. It is the creation of the biosecurity global police state.
Use cash. Boycott Amazon and other major online retailers.
Obviously you need credit. Putting your palm up used to mean stop. Not any more. And I have made that effort to avoid Amazon. Thought Walmart was more safe. Wrong on that one. Now trying figure out how to fill that void since we are still in lockdown…………….. I could just go for a walk in the woods. Frogs just began calling this week and the migrant birds are moving in. It won’t be long before it is announced that migrant birds are carrying the variant…….. A free doughnut to go for vaccinated bird watchers……
Did you never see the ceremony/entertainment at the opening of the Gotthard Tunnel? Big Shots like Angela Merkel, etc attended this thing, then rode in the first train thru the tunnel. Must see: glorifies enslavement, explicitly shows devil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW5gklIKcDg
I just watched it. Apparently the tunnel ran under budget and rather than give the money back they did this. Did not understand all of the symbolism but wasn’t that the Devil skulking away dejectedly at the end. Maybe this was symbolic for freeing themselves of the Devil through the construction of the tunnel.
Anyone aligning in the truth of their being is disinvesting of a personal and social masking. This will include the reaction of some of the social group who experience someone NOT sharing the ‘cultural norms’ and beliefs as a threat or undermining or attack. The WAY in which we live from a new place is the key, as initially we may not be established and react from our own ongoing conflicts – and bring social reinforcement (persecutions or exclusion). So we often pass through periods of unsettling or temptation to conflicted relationships. In Christian terms, persecution is the opportunity to deepen (purify) faith. Are you really seeking to align in love and truth or are you seeking vengeance for grievances nurtured? In other words your love of truth is tested by your invested illusions. But in terms of getting a special identity by outwardly associating with the forms of religion or social movements or mores considered ‘virtuous’, then if the heat in the kitchen dissolves the mask, it is the grace of a humbling but initially humiliating and disturbing revelations. The ‘invested identity’ will want to double down in the mask by demonising the messengers of change. It will also seek exclusive dominance or monopoly of truth. This is so backwards and insane as to be meaningless to a simple appreciation of truth shared. Shared being is not a ‘fix’ for a broken mind and world, but stepping out of the ‘habit’. The fascination with guilt and evil is a secret worship, for what we give energy and attention to we feed and attract into our lives. Regardless we mask it in ‘warning’ everyone ‘else’ as if to be a ‘truther’. No blame in this but the invite to bring our habits of thought into awareness rather than overriding awareness… Read more »
That’s too deep for me. Maybe my sarcasm was uncalled for. I will take your comment as that. I was just showing people what other people are doing and thinking while doing my nephew a favor at the same time. He is a nice kid and means well. He was born when I was in college about 45 yeas ago….. Still a kid to me. I need to add sarcasm and humor to stay sane. A defense mechanism. Sorry if I mislead anyone. I do appreciate the comment, though.
Thanks – I didn’t pick up sarcasm! Maybe you should use a tag.
IE: /sarc
Anything other than state religion operating under corporate financial capture is targeted for resetting to a provided and managed ‘identity’ within permitted incentives.
There are all kinds of provocation and baiting within the fear agenda, andI don’t dispute all kinds of malign intent to manipulate minds that can be induced to take the bait and switch.
So I didn’t look at the video – there’s enough environmental toxicity without clicking for delivery into my own mind! But I addressed the idea of persecuting Christians from the Christian Experience or living a true witness within a world of lies.
I did not fault your posting.
I now watched the video.
Yes, control agenda given primacy or priority is anti-life.
There is an offer to become a carbon utility-asset in exchange for your Soul.
Another meaning for 666 is no Sabbath, no Rest, No reflection, or shared appreciation of worth. This is not just about a day of rest but the dimension of awareness at rest in a deeper quality of life than do do do, or get get get.
It hollows out and destroys itself… to set an inverted ‘economy’ as profiting from self-destruction.
No I still don’t see the sarcasm.
IE: /sarc “Be the judge, or be judged”.
I think I see what you intended – to draw on one of Jesus sayings.
But it did not run on me in the way it does for you because I take it literally that our own judgements set the measure of our own receipts; ie judgement is always a two edged sword.
The intent to set a private definition upon the lives of others is the setting of our own subjection. But the idea of a split mind is that you can dump your shit on others and get away with it. I appreciate you pointed out for me and if I go ‘deep’ on you it is more a matter of different perspectives rather than any kind of difference as ‘argument’.
The recommendation was to not invest in our own judgement, but to be willing to listen deeper for a discernment of truth that extends though us as an appreciation rather than a self-reinforcing loop.
So give to Bezos what is due unto Bezos, and give to all that is truly alive all that is its due.
“We’ve Got A Nice Operational Rhythm Going” — Pfizer CFO
(More shortly, from the MC review of UKC.)
Frank D’Amelio, CFO of Pfizer:
Transcript, Mar 11, 2021: Pfizer Inc At Barclays Global Healthcare Conference (PDF)
Ooh…see that girl
She does something to my chemistry
And when I’m close, I’m sure…
She raise my temperature by three degrees
So, we’ve got a good thing goin’
A real good thing goin’, yes, that girl and me
And I don’t have to ask
I know that it’s gon’ last, eternally
Sugar Minott – Good Thing Going (TOTP 1981)
Thanks MC – appreciate your constant digging into all and the money trail.
I was called Don Sal Ontondo before – nothing sinister I hope.
IDGAF about your vision, no offense.
So here, uh…EMF makes you stupid. Fluorine makes you stupid. Chlorine makes you stupid. Lack of iodine makes you stupid. Lack of Vitamin D makes you stupid. Toxic shit in vaccines make you stupid. You would notice in “medical” and societal establishment, all of that is promoted. In pharma medications for instance, chlorine and fluorine features VERY heavily. It’s never essential. It’s from repurposing chemical warfare agents. Funny hey? Their establishment is based on warfare.
Those are some basic factors.
Now, another thing very very few people understand is the effect of excessive taurine and vitamin b12 input. It makes you unsympathetic. Your empathy is bleak, your metabolism and such also degenerates, but I’m more addressing psyche here.
So, I don’t mean to offend you, but stupid societal shit makes you a stupid societal shit.
Try understand this…there’s quite a bit of uh, wordplay. It’s got that foobar 2k effect.
Excessive taurine is code for being a carnivore like Sv3rige.
All these people like Bill Gates are just like Sv3rige really. Much worse. They probably even eat babies blood and semen. Total delinquents.
I like his tshirt- go vegan and die
he says corona virus is an anagram for carnivorous.
If you’re in need of an emetic, try reading the Fraudian’s love letter to Whitty (‘A Class Act’).
Happy spring equinox.
20: Ostara, the spring equinox.
20: Mabon (Southern Hemisphere), the autumn equinox.
*3/21 eve to 3/26 eve: City Dionysia–Old Greek festival honoring God Dionysos as patron of drama, poetry, music, and inspiration. Actors performed sacred drama, poets recited hymns, musicians played instruments, singers sang songs, and dancers danced.
The Peoples Strategy – a viable strategy at last? Whatever you may think this is a must read. It can be found at H.A.R.E. Hardwick Alliance for Real Economy. HATE was formed in Feb 2020 in Whitchruch-on-Thames with the task of creating a united and purposeful front to expose,challenge and reverse the present deeply oppressive,corrupted and degraded political and economic systems. A fresh socio-economic model has been developed to combat this situation based on holistic,humanitarian and just practices for the betterment of all humanity.
Apologies for typo HATE should read HARE my device has a mind of its own!
Constructive, critical HATE is the best form of hate.
You must understand, if you are not capable of hate, you are not capable of consideration.
Reveal the truth where you find it.
I never knew Jonas Salk was such a monster!
“Full talk and analysis of Salk’s book The Survival of the Wisest, 1972, is available at JaysAnalysis.com by subscription at the PayPal links. The father of mass inoculations suspiciously also wants to engineer death and mass changes through various means, including cancer and RNA manipulation. Salk describes his Darwinism as a death cult.”
“Carry a candle in the dark, be a candle in the dark, know that you’re a flame in the dark”… Ivan Illich.
“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him it is right”.
Martin Luther King.
These two quotes help inspire me. It’s about living by your conscience and principles without fear.
Really great poem RJ, and the photo fits so well with it. It sums up the last year perfectly. So much irrational fear abounds based on lies and fraud. So many have been willing to place the chains around their own necks, without even questioning the official narrative.
The ‘Town Criers’ need to be tarred and feathered for the tidal wave of fear mongering they have unleashed on the World. I refuse to listen to them. I won’t watch any of their ‘news’. I won’t read their ‘bulletins’. I refuse to cower in fear over this fake pandemic.
How very lovely and uplifting!
Recessional, Kipling.
So mired and masked, the schools return,
Devoid of joy but forced to churn
Out abstract facts, for all must learn
That learning’s just a chore.
Speaking of fact and fiction… there is another chapter to the Sherman murders that slipped my radar. The killing of the pharma billionaires in Toronto in 2017, gained huge publicity yet police inquiries quickly lost traction, leading their relatives to engage private detectives. Even the family’s efforts had run into the mud so that by the time Covid arrived, one fact largely escaped notice. Barry and Honey Sherman were found murdered in their basement swimming pool room on Friday, Dec. 15, 2017. Their company, Apotex, was Canada’s largest pharma company and its only manufacturer of… … Hydroxychloroquine. Kevin Donovan, author of The Billionaire Murders, who wrote an article for Forbes in Nov 2019, notes the murder was symbolic, though he misses the point that staging the bodies serves little purpose except as a threat to others who may yet be killed. “The reason they were still in a sitting position and had not slumped over or tipped back into the pool was that each of the Shermans had a man’s leather belt around their neck that was tied above their head to the three-foot-high stainless steel railing around the end of the lap pool. Both were fully dressed, their coats over top of clothes they had worn that day. Barry’s face was untouched; Honey’s was damaged, but by what was unclear. Barry was seventy-five when he died; Honey was seventy… “I have never believed this was a case of international intrigue, spies, or a business deal gone bad. Big Pharma and some government regulators did not like Barry Sherman, that is true. But they sue; they do not kill. This story has always seemed to follow the same pattern as most murders: a pattern that suggests it involved someone they knew.” Even after the Shermans’ demise, the company came under… Read more »
Some people balk at the idea that Event Covid was premeditated in any way and insist that if anyone prepared for such an occurrence, they lacked any particular foresight. To these I say, what’s the point in the choreography of Event 201 if you are not going to do anything about it? Do you spend millions to simulate catastrophe and then sit on your hands? They didn’t even prepare hospital beds or personal protective equipment, or advise anyone to do so. For all the talk of much-needed ventilators, when coronavirus “arrived” two months later, it was presented as a big hoo-ha of a surprise by the very same people. A genuine detective would have a field day: “So you gamed out the robbery, you even knew the location and the name of the gem that would be stolen, but you say you had nothing to do with it?” The press has portrayed Barry Sherman (Ph.D. in astrophysics, M.I.T.) as ruthless, though given what we know of the pharmaceutical industry he seems hardly unusual. Nor did his company, Apotex, make headlines next to other generic manufactures like Ranbaxy or industry leaders like Johnson or GSK. It’s fairer to say Barry was something of a wild canon, an individualist who picked his own allies, who didn’t do small talk and probably wasn’t “clubbable”. Furthermore, Apotex was privately held. The insurers, endowments, foundations and pension funds that control big pharma had little sway. It is said Barry was not religious, though Honey was an active fund-raiser. Their social contacts were eclectic, across politics and ethnicities, from Trudeaus and Italians to hasidic jews. It would not take a genius to forecast that hasidic jews would be a hold out, a cell of resistance and a PR disaster for the Covid campaign — and that… Read more »
Except that the treatment is for an non existence disease. As for Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, he joined another slippery fellow, Del Bigtree, to announce the arrival of dangerous mutations (that Rosemary Frei, in an article on OG, explained would not be mutations) of the (non existent) Sars Cov 2 virus, in that way helping to promote the hoax. Del went right along with it, appearing as anti-covid 1984 by pooh poohing the idea that the new variants were dangerous. (So there would have been a bit of disagreement between Del and his guest on that point, although I’d have to rewatch the show again to be absolutely certain.)
Otherwise, yes, HCQ, whether there’s covid 19 or not, was an impediment to the plans of big pharma and the investors behind big pharma, who would be investors also for other members of the TCC with their own agendas (Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Augustin Carstens, Bill Gates).
Don’t lump Kary Mullis in with those other dirtbags. The Shermans were probably killed by their own relatives or one of their numerous enemies. There was a family schism and a lot of litigation before the murders. As for Plummer he was probably just your typical Freemason Blood sacrifice and a warning to others in those “labs” not to blow the whistle on the scam. HCQ and Zinc are not cures to anything. Certainly not a non existent, non isolated virus. Zelenko is an outright fraud. Ivermectin. What’s its mechanism of action on this never-found or isolated virion?
This might be a good complement to your article: “Pfizer Executive: Shift from Pandemic to Endemic. “Hiking Vaccine Price after Pandemic Wanes” by Kim Iverson and Audrey McNamara. I find Kim to have a head full of propaganda, but her central points, about the scheming, are good.
I left about 5 or six short comments here just minutes ago, went off and then returned when I came across the above linked-to article and they were ALL gone. What’s happening OG?
Good catch, Moneycircus!
Just two more spectacular murders buried in the debris of history.
Dr Kaufman was saying the HCQ was not doing anything for covid but that it was killing parasites and that happened to help the supposed covid patients. So these seriously ill people do have a bunch of organisms in them that can be seen with a standard micrscope but these are denied and the made up corona virus is blamed so as to scapegoat other people for the illness. You can see for example this video on gum disease what sort of stuff can be moving around. It’s enough to make you want to go raw vegan.
In 2020-03, Prof. Didier Rauolt publicised the fact that the entire French govt. stock of chloroquine had disappeared.
Thank you, MC. Thanks for the links too. You have just stunned me about the Sherman murders.
Good one. A brilliant Hollywood science fiction movie script writer could never come anywhere close producing something that resembled what the world has witnessed after 1 January 2020.
I’ve heard various “truthers” claiming this is the first major so-called-elite operation to be based on absolutely nothing, to be completely virtual. This would fit in with the elite’s Gnostic/Luciferian ideology and how they hate the world of materiality because flesh decays and it can’t be completely controlled and moneytised. It’s a step to preparing the world for a VR existence where “nothing is real and nothing to get hung about” (funny how his lyrics keep anticipating where we are).
However I think what they mean is this is the first elite operation that they’ve realised as it’s happening is completely fake. There’s as much reality to Covid as there was to the moon landings or “the war on terror” or “the climate crisis”. The entire Cold War, too. Covid isn’t any bigger or more fake than any of these, it’s what the elite do and have been doing for ages. The sense of disorientation comes from realising it as it’s happening rather than afterwards.
Fake moon landings? Or a clever insertion into our discussions in order to have us accept that idea and make fools of ourselves and discredit us?
As for fakery, those who will see it will begin to see it even more clearly and those who won’t will go completely bonkers, as we see. Vaccines are a medical intervention applied to the healthy. In other words, vaccines are, from the get go, about fakery. They’ve been getting away with that crap for so long, they are convinced (with justification) that they can continue to and even take it further. They explain the rationale for vaccines but ‘they’ are gangsters. Check out the rap sheets of the drug companies. Ergo… They’re murdering those who oppose the roll-out of the global biosecurity police State for gosh sake, so their explantions for vaccines don’t interest me. They are in it for the money and the control and the power, period.
“Everything is a rich man’s trick” is work that featured the late Anthony Sutton at some point
Talking of fact and fiction… there is another chapter to the Barry and Honey Sherman story that slipped under my radar.
You just gonna leave us hanging?
We must not forgat that this Covid19 ideology and this “Zero-Carbon” ideology and this massive censorship we experience today (with opposing scientists and health workers and others being fired from their job) has one aim: “The Great Reset”.
I was shocked to learn today that big finance (e. g. “Black Roch” and others) are the main vehicle to push us into this new dictatorship.
Please, read: ““THE GREAT RESET” IS HERE: FOLLOW THE MONEY. “INSANE LOCKDOWN” OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY, “THE GREEN AGENDA”” . https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2021/03/21/the-great-reset-is-here-follow-the-money-insane-lockdown-of-the-global-economy-the-green-agenda/
Here a citation from that article:
In 2010 the head of Working Group 3 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Otmar Edenhofer, told an interviewer, “…one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…” The WEF Great Reset is not simply a big idea of Klaus Schwab reflecting on the economic devastation of the coronavirus. It has been long planned by the money masters.
Interesting. I like F. William Engdahl’s writing. I’m not a big fan of Global Research however. There’s the odd gem there now and then, but GR hoovers up a lot of establishment propaganda, a weakness, I’m afraid, of websites that are focussed solely on biggness and the donations that come with that. Common Dreams falls into that category. It’s just a big trash bin, even though before I realized that, I did find it useful.
You can go directly to F. William Engdahl’s site: http://www.williamengdahl.com/
I don’t know much about “Global Research”. I got the link to Engdahl’s article on that site by clicking through several sites. GR does not belong to my bookmarks . By the way – belonging to my bookmarks – this is a good site: https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/
I bookmarked the Counterinformation site. Let’s see whether I ever get around to examining it. I just never have the time and energy these days.
Humans have never had more freedom to be unfree.
Thank you, JR.
Beautifully said, JR.
People now only trust Data.
And who has the scoop on that.
Not us.
One cannot claim to be fighting for freedoms and take this ‘vaccine’.
The two are inextricably linked.
You take the ‘vaccine’ and you are complying with the removal of our personal liberties and freedoms that we were born with.
They want everyone to take this jab so they can introduce digital IDS and health passports where you are required to have whatever injections they dictate in order to be able to live a normal life.
Mega profit for pharma and the introduction of a bio surveillance state from governments. Complete control of all citizens.
It’s vomit inducing to hear alleged lockdown sceptics such as the likes of Hitchens and Julia Hartley Brewer claim they’re fighting for freedoms when they’ve taken the jab.
They surrendered. They complied. They hoisted the white flag. They got on their knees and humiliated themselves at the hands of their abusers.
Ah but I wanted to go on holiday. Bullshit. Where’s your backbone? Where’s your fight? Where’s your resolve?
They didn’t even try.
People are defined by actions not words.
The whole point of lockdowns was to force people to take the vaccine.
Yet even if you take the vaccine they will not end. Fucking losers!
It emanates on many waves, to necessitate the rogue Reset.
The whole point of the virus scam is to force people to have the jab. The masks, PCR tests, social distancing, etc., are just window-dressing.
And is it a coincidence that in continental Europe where vaccine hesitancy is high they are now building up this supposed 3rd wave.
The ultimate goal is the 4. industrial revolution/Great Reset agenda, imo. With 5g, robotics, self-driving vehicles, drones, surveillance, InternetofThings etc. Vaccines may be the medical part of it, or just a geschäft within the larger agenda.
The predicted and/or ongoing oil crisis also fits into this (alleged) need for a transition.
you are correct, in ‘their’ addled deluded minds the end game is a bio-metric prison.. tagged and traced, altered, compromised genetically, locked in a hutch in a warren, watching cgi prole feed, unsocial networks and half dressed imbeciles and assorted oddities ‘influencing’..
to eventually be whittled away and ‘put to sleep’..
physically that is, as most are are already mentally somnambulant.
“health passports”.
It’s interesting to take stock of where we are with those. Firstly, I’m not doubting these are very much part of the agenda – see Bill Gates’ immediate and enthusiastic backing of them (he called them “certificates” – they don’t like using the word “passport”). However the following are worth noting:
1) The government continues to deny they are policy (although not in such a way as to rule them out totally).
2) In the recent parliamentary debate, not one MP supported their introduction.
3) There isn’t the kind of hectoring media campaign for their introduction one might have expected by now.
4) No airline has followed Qantas in saying that they will require them.
What’s going on here?
Perhaps the plan, as with the vaccine, is to get people to beg for vaccine passports so they can rest assured everyone they come in contact with is “safe.”
The world won’t end with a whimper or a bang. It’ll end with a non-stop, all inclusive Safety Zone. And people will think they died and went to heaven.
When they wake up with the many delayed injuries and ailments, they will know they are in hell.
“Health passports, which the CORPORATE FASCIST STATE will tax you every year for having one (not unlike an auto registration/insurance card). Later to become a CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP by ones CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH slave master. Even if one owns nothing but is not happy, ones oligarch mobster slave master will be happy for one.”
“The name for that racket could be Sicknesscare passports. Almost seems the CORPORATE FASCIST PSYCHOS want the prole slaves (the untermenschen useless eaters that have not been culled) to be continually sick/ill so they can rob and exploit them even more. A constant regimen of ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT toxic viral cull juice jabs makes that possible.”
The government are lying.
I signed the petition to stop rolling these out.
The government are actively considering (which means they are planning) a way to reopen the economy using covid status certificates.
That means to attend theatres, football matches, sporting events, go on holiday you will need to prove you’ve had a vaccine.
I’d imagine they will probably insist the unvaccinated will have to provide proof of a negative test to be able to partake in the above events to avoid any perception of discrimination.
So if you don’t want to get tested either you will be frozen out of social gatherings.
I think you’ll find that owners of theatres, airlines and any sector that relies on large numbers of people in attendance will be lobbying the government for these vaccine passports as they perceive this as the only solution to restart their respective industries.
To implement digital IDS governments need everyone to take the vaccine.
Thats the purpose of lockdowns.
To break you down psychologically.
What they’re aiming for is the Chinese model.
well the ‘holiday’ freedoms when vaccinated is a non sequitur, because the last time I checked these are just ‘proposals’, so either droopy brewer and sh!tstain hitchens know something you don’t or they are both pied pipers leading the lemmings of a cliff…
‘to mix my metaphors’
they could always do a ‘morgan’ and just f*ck off to antigua…
People action requires the ‘Six P Principle’ – proper planning prevents piss poor performance – not to mention intelligence solidarity and effective Organisation.
Where is it apart from the H.A.R.E. Proposed Charter?
Pushed into the ring, I cower.
This might be my final hour.
Begging: “Please, what can I offer?”
“Nothing,” said the man. “Just suffer.”
Did they really take the jab? We only know they are working hard to normalise it.
Same goes for the mask wearers, which includes a number of commenters on this site. Mask wearing is complying with the lie. Without the mask wearers none of it is possible.
This is excellent…
Might I add my own? With apologies to the late, great ‘Professor’..
This is ‘A Farewell to…(fill in the blank)’
When they turn the pages of history,
When these days are “past…long ago”
Will they read of us with sadness,
For the seeds that we let grow?
We turned our gaze to the tyrants in the distance
Eyes on fire and hearts ablaze with resistance…
Cities full of hatred, fear and lies,
Withered hearts and cruel, tormented eyes,
Scheming demons dressed in benevolent guise,
Locking down the multitude and,
Silencing the wise.
The hypocirites in politics
Have wrecked the halls of truth,
Mainstream ‘expert’ chatterheads
All know what’s best for you.
Why can’t we find the minds to make us strong?
Why can’t we learn to do what’s right…not wrong?
Cities full of hatred, fear and LIES!
Shattered lives
And a rise in suicide
Scheming DEMONS dressed in philanthropist guise,
Want to vaccinate the multitude and,
Track you from the sky
It’s time to open our eyes and make thestart
Time to take it back and bring it
Closer to the heart…
State of non-return.
As a reminder, whenever you think you can “own” something from earth (or even the sun), you damn yourself. That is debt you have to repay with your being. Unfortunately, I don’t have the heart that others tried to claim, so they’re out of luck.
Love this poem and love the photo.
True words do not sound beautiful;
beautiful sounding words are not true.
Wise men don’t need to debate;
men who need to debate are not wise.
Wise men are not scholars,
and scholars are not wise.
The Master desires no possessions.
Since the things she does are for the people,
she has more than she needs.
The more she gives to others,
the more she has for herself.
The Tao of Heaven nourishes by not forcing.
The Tao of the Wise person acts by not competing.
And thankyou too Kiwijoker.
From the Tao Te Ching (81)