Walmart, Amazon and the Colonial Deindustrialisation of India

Colin Todhunter

In June 2018, the Joint Action Committee against Foreign Retail and E-commerce (JACAFRE) issued a statement on Walmart’s acquisition of Flipkart. It argued that it undermines India’s economic and digital sovereignty and the livelihood of millions in India.

The deal would lead to Walmart and Amazon dominating India’s e-retail sector. These two US companies would also own India’s key consumer and other economic data, making them the country’s digital overlords, joining the ranks of Google and Facebook.

JACAFRE was formed to resist the entry of foreign corporations like Walmart and Amazon into India’s e-commerce market. Its members represent more than 100 national groups, including major trade, workers and farmers organisations.

On 8 January 2021, JACAFRE published an open letter saying that the three new farm laws, passed by parliament in September 2020, centre on enabling and facilitating the unregulated corporatisation of agriculture value chains. This will effectively make farmers and small traders of agricultural produce become subservient to the interests of a few agrifood and e-commerce giants or will eradicate them completely.

The government is facilitating the dominance of giant corporations, not least through digital or e-commerce platforms, to control the entire value chain. The letter states that if the new farm laws are closely examined, it will be evident that unregulated digitalisation is an important aspect of them.

And this is not lost on Parminder Jeet Singh from IT for Change (a member of JACAFRE). Referring to Walmart’s takeover of online retailer Flipkart, Singh notes that there was strong resistance to Walmart entering India with its physical stores; however, online and offline worlds are now merged.

That is because, today, e-commerce companies not only control data about consumption but also control data on production, logistics, who needs what, when they need it, who should produce it, who should move it and when it should be moved.

Through the control of data (knowledge), e-commerce platforms can shape the entire physical economy. What is concerning is that Amazon and Walmart have sufficient global clout to ensure they become a duopoly, more or less controlling much of India’s economy.

Singh says that whereas you can regulate an Indian company, this cannot be done with foreign players who have global data, global power and will be near-impossible to regulate.

While China succeeded in digital industrialisation by building up its own firms, Singh observes that the EU is now a digital colony of the US. The danger is clear for India. He states that India has its own skills and digital forms, so why is the government letting in US companies to dominate and buy India’s digital platforms?

And ‘platform’ is a key word here. We are seeing the eradication of the marketplace. Platforms will control everything from production to logistics to even primary activities like agriculture and farming. Data gives power to platforms to dictate what needs to be manufactured and in what quantities.

Singh argues that the digital platform is the brain of the whole system. The farmer will be told how much production is expected, how much rain is expected, what type of soil quality there is, what type of (genetically engineered) seeds and are inputs are required and when the produce needs to be ready.

This is not idle speculation. The recent article ‘Digital control: how big tech moves into food and farming (and what it means)’ (on the grain.org website), describes how Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others are moving in on the global agrifood sector.

Those traders, manufacturers and primary producers who survive will become slaves to platforms and lose their independence. Moreover, e-commerce platforms will become permanently embedded once artificial intelligence begins to plan and determine all of the above.

It is a clear concern that India will cede control of its economy, politics and culture to these all-powerful, modern-day East India companies.

Of course, things have been moving in this direction for a long time, especially since India began capitulating to the tenets of neoliberalism in the early 1990s and all that entails, not least an increasing dependence on borrowing and foreign capital inflows and subservience to destructive World Bank-IMF economic directives.

But what we are currently witnessing with the three farm bills and the growing role of (foreign) e-commerce will bring about the ultimate knock-out blow to the peasantry and many small independent enterprises. This has been the objective of powerful players who have regarded India as the potential jewel in the crown of their corporate empires for a long time.

The process resembles the structural adjustment programmes that were imposed on African countries some decades ago. Economics Professor Michel Chossudovsky notes in his 1997 book The Globalization of Poverty that economies are:

opened up through the concurrent displacement of a pre-existing productive system. Small and medium-sized enterprises are pushed into bankruptcy or obliged to produce for a global distributor, state enterprises are privatised or closed down, independent agricultural producers are impoverished.”

The game plan is clear and JACAFRE says the government should urgently consult all stakeholders – traders, farmers and other small and medium size players – towards a holistic new economic model where all economic actors are assured their due and appropriately valued role. Small and medium size economic actors cannot be allowed to be reduced to being helpless agents of a few digitally enabled mega-corporations.

JACAFRE concludes:

We appeal to the government that it should urgently address the issues raised by those farmers asking for the three laws to be repealed. Specifically, from a traders’ point of view, the role of small and medium traders all along the agri produce value chain has to be strengthened and protected against its unmitigated corporatisation.”

The struggle for democracy

It is clear that the ongoing farmers’ protest in India is not just about farming. It represents a struggle for the heart and soul of the country. As the organisation GRAIN says on its website, there is an intensifying fight for space between local and territorial markets and global markets.

The former are the domain of small-scale independent producers and enterprises; the latter are dominated by large-scale international retailers, traders and the rapidly growing influential e-commerce companies.

It is therefore essential to protect and strengthen local markets and indigenous, independent small-scale enterprises, whether farmers, hawkers, food processers or mom and pop corner stores. This will ensure that India has more control over its food supply, the ability to determine its own policies and economic independence: in other words, the protection of food and national sovereignty and a greater ability to pursue genuine democratic development.

Instead of this, we could for instance see India eradicating its buffer food stocks at the behest of global traders and agrifood players. India would then bid for them with borrowed funds on the open market. Instead of continuing to physically hold and control its own buffer stocks, thereby ensuring a degree of food security, India would hold foreign exchange reserves. It would need to attract foreign reserves and maintain ‘market confidence’ to ensure this inflow.

This is one intention of the recent farm legislation and constitutes a recipe for further dependency on foreign finance, unpredictable global events and unaccountable corporations. But mainstream economic thinking passes this subjugation off as ‘liberalisation’.

How is an inability to determine your own economic policies and surrendering food security to outside forces in any way liberating?

It is interesting to note that the BBC recently reported that, in its annual report on global political rights and liberties, the US-based non-profit Freedom House has downgraded India from a free democracy to a “partially free democracy”.

It also reported that Sweden-based V-Dem Institute says India is now an “electoral autocracy”. India did not fare any better in a report by The Economist Intelligent Unit’s Democracy Index.

The BBC’s neglect of Britain’s own slide towards COVID-related authoritarianism aside, the report on India was not without substance. It focused on the increase in anti-Muslim feeling, diminishing of freedom of expression, the role of the media and the restrictions on civil society since PM Narendra Modi took power.

The undermining of liberties in all these areas is cause for concern in its own right. But this trend towards divisiveness and authoritarianism serves another purpose: it helps smooth the path for the corporate takeover of the country.

Whether it involves a ‘divide and rule’ strategy along religious lines to divert attention, the suppression of free speech or pushing unpopular farm bills through parliament without proper debate while using the police and the media to undermine the farmers’ protest, a major undemocratic heist is under way that will fundamentally adversely impact people’s livelihoods and the cultural and social fabric of India.

On one side, there are the interests of a handful of multi-billionaires who own the corporations and platforms that seek to control India.

On the other, there are the interests of hundreds of millions of cultivators, vendors and various small-scale enterprises who are regarded by these rich individuals as mere collateral damage to be displaced in their quest for ever greater profit.

Indian farmers are currently on the frontline against global capitalism and the colonial-style deindustrialisation of the economy. This is where ultimately the struggle for democracy and the future of India is taking place.

Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism. Join him on Twitter.


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Categories: agriculture, India, latest
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Mar 24, 2021 4:11 PM

As an American, I’d like to clarify that this continuing dynamic doesn’t make India a “colony of the United States”- it makes them a colony of US-based megacorporations, who are just as happy to ignore the sovereignty and social impact of their practices here as they are abroad.

The US is just as much a colony of Google and Amazon as is Asia- they box out any alternative to their infrastructure, use their monopolistic control of the information marketplace to silence dissent to their practices, and lean directly on government to enforce their desires as much as any 19th century banana republic.

Think about how successful the unparalleled attack on constitutional freedoms would have been in the US during COVID if Amazon and Friends didn’t stand to profit enormously from global lockdowns and workplace closures.

Mar 23, 2021 1:24 PM

Thank you for this article Mr. Todhunter. As someone living in India and doing small scale farming I find what you say very helpful. I used to order online from Flipkart thinking they were an Indian company so less devilish than perhaps amazon, but now that it belongs to Walmart I do not know how to order online anymore… perhaps I shall just take a walk to the local store and be happy with what is available there. Just like I shall be happy to walk around vaccine free in my little valley too…

R Anand
R Anand
Mar 23, 2021 4:08 PM
Reply to  Sasha

There are several options to order online in India other than Amazon and Flipkart/Walmart such as Grofers, Big Basket, Jio Mart, Sasta Sundar, Spencers, DMart, Myntra, 24 Mantra and ISayOrganic, Some of these are national and some regional.

I also want to stress that whether in India or elsewhere the people have to get up and put physical efforts in finding alternatives to Amazon & Walmart type companies. It is possible. The cost of being lazy is way too high, what with Amazon and Walmart collaborating with global oligarchs and WHO in perpetrating the global covid scam and vaccines-led eugenics program.

We all need to get up and get physical in our search for products and services that we want. Being online all the time is not helpful. It also ends up unncessarily aiding Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook (which also owns Whatsapp) and Twitter, who like Amazon are also among the colloborators,

Mar 23, 2021 8:40 AM

New interview with Claus Kohnlein, co-author of “Virus Mania”, on RT (german). It’s the third interview they’ve done with him. He calls this a test pandemic, among other things. I’m (mildly) surprised they don’t bother to show it on their main site.

One year with Corona

Mar 23, 2021 8:10 AM

The long road to slavery:
:- urbanisation
:- reducing the area of urban residences to prevent wells and gardening
:- destroying small farms through (a) debt (b) unwanted regulation on varieties, standards, fake tests, etc. (c) failure to assist in crises, compared to welfare for big farmers (d) GMO pollution (e) land grabs
:- hindering direct sales
:- normalising fake foods.

Mar 23, 2021 2:45 AM

My wife joined The Ramblers Association about 10 years ago, and she is going walking with them tomorrow, and the leader IS called Keith, and looks almost exactly like a bloke I used to work with 30 years ago. His name is Neil. I will read CJ later. The BBC used to be really good. It was funny.


These are mainly old people now, and they are very fit.

Should I be worried? I don’t think any of them have been vaccinated, and they dont wear masks.


Mar 23, 2021 1:41 AM

Doesn’t surprise me. I admit, I always prefered John Lennon, but Paul McCartney told the truth too. I hope he is well. Linda was Special. She wouldn’t chew him up and spit him out.

“Heather Mills, Paul McCartney’s ex, receives ‘substantial’ payout in libel settlement”
I have never had that problem. I am still good friends with my Ex. and she is much more Beautiful too. My wife and her get on. I think they are both saints. They both put up with me.

We hope to meet up again, at a Festival soon.

comment image?w=2048

do you know what it feels like, when your wife and your ex, go running off to the toilets together..with the tickets to get in, as if they are still both teenagers, and I am the old man with a walking stick at The Royal Albert Hall about to see Hawkwind.

We want to do it again.

Not Dead Yet.

Our humanity is being destroyed by the most powerful evil forces, and hardly anyone even complains

“George Harrison “My Sweet Lord”


Mar 22, 2021 11:10 PM

Modi is a slave, made in the corporate monkey mould, just like NZ Ardern, US Biden and many more. They don’t think about or even care what happens to the people in their countries as long as they help the bosses get what they want. The same is true of every CEO that has ever existed: after all, they are recruited by the same people to do the same job.

Corporations have always been a cover for illegal activity, such as bribing politicians and government officials, all with the benefit of it being the company’s fault, not the fault of the individuals who made the decisions. Banks are a great example, they pay their annual fines for breaking the law, all the time nobody gets prosecuted despite there being a CEO who technically makes all those decisions to behave criminally. Basically it is like the tax haven scheme, it allows the rich to avoid the law.

Now the corporations have achieved the upper hand over governments and are running countries. In the west we are basically all screwed because the 90% of sheep are happy to be managed as slaves, it is only the 10% of free souls who will reject this arrangement and want to live free. All we can hope is that the people of India do not succumb to Modi’s sabotaging of their economy in exchange for shiny trinkets.

Mar 22, 2021 10:27 PM

US-based non-profit Freedom House has downgraded India from a free democracy to a “partially free democracy”.

What does democracy even signify if voting is meaningless? We don’t have democracy anywhere. Voting does nothing except concede responsibility and power from the individual to the state, as soon as the vote is cast. It legitimizes a totally illegitimate and corrupt system. It is just another scam in the long list of scams we are subject to by the controllers. 

These scams include forced taxation, globalization, monopolies, governments, courts, police, military, transnational corporations, stock exchanges, banks and cartels.  They’re unlawful and criminal enterprises since they all function in direct opposition of the will and welfare of the people and use deception, fraud, indoctrination, intimidation and coercion. 

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2021 12:26 AM
Reply to  Researcher

All true. But where do the employees come from?

Mar 23, 2021 9:36 AM

Explicit support.

I’m explicitly going to fucking gamma knife this world hey.

dr death
dr death
Mar 23, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  Researcher

all of it impossible without herd complicity, apathy, selfishness and cowardice….
I am sure even the governors are surprised by how easily a drone can be drafted into the happy clappy rainbow stasi…. the drones do all the heavy lifting.

informing the ‘authorities’ uncle albert has lapsed vaccination and wrong-think, hungrily virtue signaling for ‘likes’ on face-borg-twit with her wine and sock-puppets ….

scolding the mask-less….

‘gleefully sanctimonious when waving off the cattle carts’….

dr death
dr death
Mar 23, 2021 2:22 PM
Reply to  dr death

I feel that most of the worthwhile resistance to this nonsense will be mounted by the so called third world… the imbeciles in the west are too far gone..

Mar 23, 2021 3:20 PM
Reply to  dr death

How do people know if they are being kept in the dark? That’s the problem. They are being lied to 24-7. Yes, there is a large percentage of selfish and willfully ignorant people. I don’t know how many but I don’t believe they are the majority.

Do you really think “the herd” want manufactured wars, fake terrorism, fake pandemics, crappy educations, indoctrination, endless propaganda, pollution and environmental degradation, poverty and famine, human trafficking, child porn, illegal gambling, drug trafficking and worker exploitation?

Nobody wants that except those who are at the helm of the corporations, banks, governments and NGOs who profit from all the criminal activity. The systems of control are set up so people can’t see the truth only lies. Do we blame a member of a cult or a hypnotized individual for their false beliefs? Or do we blame the cult leaders who hypnotized and indoctrinated them for personal gain?

It’s more productive to show people that the system itself is the problem, instead of creating more division and animosity by blaming the people who are unaware.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 22, 2021 10:19 PM

A few months back the Australian government legislated for the extension of it’s ‘income management sheme to cover all receiving unemployment benefits…To date it has been ‘trialled’ in four areas…It’s ‘success’ is judged according to any reduction in gambling, drinking etc..the spin it uses to sell the idea (and impute that the dole must be too high if people can gamble etc while on it)…….A few years back a senior government minister claimed the need to reduce Australias dozen welfare support schemes (age, disability, etc) to four merely for the sake of efficiency…….Pensioers receive much more than than those on the dole…….Successive governments have resisted considerable pressure to raise the dole for decades…….It’s most likely pensions will be reduced, the dole wont be increased……. Pensioners are guaranteed regular increases as they are tied to rises in the cost of living rises / average male weekly earnings…….The goverments 2014 budget sought tobreak this nexus to allow pensions to drift downwards (without the nexus they will return to the pre-1972 system when a few dollars were thrown the pensioners way whenever the government could afford it). Income management allows for 80% to be spent on groceries etc, they remaining 20% paid in cash. The cards will record every purchase…many small businesses will fail if they cant afford / install the tracking devices…The government has been hoovering up peoples medical records, so it’s easy to believe the cards will be used to decide what foods you can /cant eat – for your health……. The goverment brings down a budget in May…it’s a certainty the income management scheme will be put into effect from it……as it’s certain a co-payment for subsidised medicines – also attempted in the 2014 budget – will also be introduced (and maybe even denying the dole to anyone under 25… Read more »

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 23, 2021 3:34 AM
Reply to  karen elliot

Also expect an increas in the GST (goods & Services Tax) (phased in ?)…….Given the shrinkage of the personal tax base due to some many jobs destroyed by government
policies any tax increases / attacks on social security with be framed as Needed to pay down The Debt incurred on our behalf / we cant leave our debt for Future Generations to pay off (if they can get jobs, that is)

Mar 23, 2021 5:06 AM
Reply to  karen elliot

…and a Capital Gains Tax on one’s primary residence?..that’s exempt right now..but may be not for long..

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 23, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  karen elliot

Unfortunately, Karen, I suspect you are right.

Mar 23, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

The government is attempting to transition everyone into this very low income UBI system where nobody will have the money to pay rates and stay in their homes. The UBI will eventually be paid by the IMF and central banks. We are facing a global depopulation event where a land grab and a rentier economy with a heavily reduced population is the crux of Agenda 21. The vaccines and updates are not just for profit but to cause mass injury and death.

Mar 24, 2021 8:07 AM
Reply to  Researcher

As a permanent universal facility, I doubt any external party can finance UBI. Conversely, existing resources and technology are enough to provide everyone with essential needs; those who pointed this out include Bertrand Russell (who pointed out what had happened in UK during World War 1) and Buckminster Fuller.

Mar 29, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

Australian unemployment welfare benefits are the envy of the UK.

Mar 22, 2021 10:13 PM

the british used sticks to beat them
the tradition stuck
even today the army police and even train and bus worker
beats them with sticks

the stick is old as the hills
very effective

slaves come to expect the beatings
some feel left out if not corrected

many of the lessons learned in china and india technocratic satanick

end up here
it will be a shock to the system at first but you eill learn to love your beatings

harry harlow real name harry israel did much work here using beatings and even electric shocks on baby monkeys

it is this vital tavistock inspired work that moves us forward a new babylon

harry harlow israel called his experiments monkey love
the beatings should be seen as a form of love
the beatings must continue for love is all we need

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 22, 2021 9:57 PM

For a deeper analysis of what is happening now in India, I recommend the blog in the ‘Times of India”, by Sanjeev Sabhlok – an Indian man living in Australia. He has also written a very good book on the covid scam in Victoria. Sanjeev resigned from his senior position in the Victorian state government as he objected strongly to their covid impositions. He also sees covid as a scam.



Mar 23, 2021 1:50 PM
Reply to  May Hem

You are misguided if you believe Sabhlok offers good – let alone ‘deeper’ – insight into what is happening in India. He may well be correct about COVID – and I certainly commend him for his stance in Australia. But that should not excuse him for being wrong as far as other issues are concerned.

For instance, as far as development issues and agriculture in India are concerned, he is a lobbyist for GM farming and the global conglomerates who are pushing for that. He has supported cheap (illegal) publicity stunts and has spouted industry-inspired rhetoric in recent years to try to sway opinion on that issue.

Moreover, he even states in the link you supply that he is in broad agreement with the thrust of the farm bills – and therefore by implication, the type of ‘development’ being pushed by Modi as outlined in the article above.

If you read the recent series of articles by the author (Colin Todhunter) on the farm bills and the crisis in Indian agriculture, you will gain proper insight into the implications of the farm bills. I suggest you read Devinder Sharma and P Sainath who offer much deeper insight into Indian agriculture (its problems and the solutions) than Sabhlok ever could – or, given his ties and ideoligical position, ever would.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 22, 2021 9:48 PM

Meanwhile, back in the UK:

“As more people are vaccinated, resistant variants may well gain the upper hand over the more susceptible Kent variant and spread more easily in Britain. Containing these vaccine-resistant strains, however they arrive, is now of paramount importance. Losing control of them would risk undermining all the protection the vaccine programme has achieved so far.

According to Cori, controlling importations of resistant variants will be crucial to prevent “a dramatic surge in infections”. New vaccines or boosters against the new variants are expected to be available as soon as the autumn. Until then, scientists stress the need to keep new variants out, and keep cases down, as fewer infections mean fewer opportunities for the virus to mutate and become more resistant to vaccines.”

and from the same article, this bit of ‘logic’:

“Hospitalisations and deaths are expected to rise too, though not as sharply: even though vaccine coverage has been high in vulnerable groups and older people, not everyone has the vaccine and it will not protect all those who do.”

Its the same old drivel – from today’s ‘Guardian’ rag.

Mar 22, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  May Hem

So the boosters were really the aim after all. Which is basically, injection until death. This is the direction they were always headed. Deception from the outset.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 23, 2021 1:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I prefer the term viral deviant to variant. More colorful and personalized. “I was attacked by a deviant and it put me in the hospital.” Easy to make a deviant if there was no existence to the purported original.

Albert Einstein — ‘Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.’

Mar 23, 2021 10:43 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I prefer the term ‘scariant’ heard on lockdown sceptics – explains its main purpose perfectly.

Mar 23, 2021 5:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

One protester in London had a placard that read:

New Strain of Bullshit:3rd wave of Propaganda.

Mar 23, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  Researcher

As they appeared to just make the initial one in a few days…just putting that rna sting in some junk one wonders why it would take so long to do exactly the same for another one…

dr death
dr death
Mar 23, 2021 2:49 PM
Reply to  Edith

the only junk receiving the rna is the populace… there is no ‘virus’.

people haven’t yet realized ‘they’ are the mad scientists petri dish, the labcoat’s lab rats…
some who received the toxcine have experienced a change in eye colour, the first of many ahem.. genetic enhancements…

all perfectly normal and acceptable…

the redoubtable purveyor of all that is newsworthy ‘the daily fail’ has the juice. (try not to laugh, though it must be said they use this sort of drivel to run cover).

Mar 24, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  Edith

There are no variants. They had the vaccines ready years ago. They all come from from the same technology patents out of the NIH. The original parent patents go all the way back to technology from Ralph Baric, pre SARS. I’ve seen the original Moderna Agreement with the NIH and it was first signed in 2015. There is no virus. This is genetic modification of humanity.

Mar 22, 2021 8:48 PM

“But mainstream economic thinking passes this subjugation off as ‘liberalisation’. How is an inability to determine your own economic policies and surrendering food security to outside forces in any way liberating?” I would hope that, by now, people know what neoliberalism means. It’s a social economic system in which the rich and powerful, investors and CEOs, and transnational capital are ‘liberated’ – at the people’s expense.

Mar 22, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  Arby

Digital finance can be transported easily – but people are facing all sorts of restrictions.

Mar 22, 2021 9:50 PM
Reply to  Kika

It wouldn’t be exploitation if labor was as free as capital and capitalists. And capitalism, such as we know it, is all about exploitation.

Mar 23, 2021 12:37 PM
Reply to  Arby

And industrialism is about excessive unnecessary exploitation.

Whether supposed “capitalism” is involved or not.

Even if you had an entirely egalitarian society, if you have excess industry, it’s not a society worth supporting and the results will simply be toxic.

dr death
dr death
Mar 23, 2021 2:56 PM

when some people look at the ocean frank… all they see is water.

Mar 22, 2021 8:30 PM

I disagree with most of his political views. I have been banned several times from his website over the last 10 years . I have never actually met him, but came close several times. I do not doubt his integrity. Craig Murray is a Good Man, and has committed no Crime, that I am aware of.

Craig Murray, thinks he is probably going to jail, for telling the truth. He is not a man to lie. You may completely disagree with some of his political views, he may exagerrate a few details in his travels as a British Ambassador “Murder in Samarkand” is one of the best books I have read…

But the man is not a Liar. He is an honest man.

He tells the truth, so he qualifies, to be sent to jail.

Nothing surprises me now.



Mar 23, 2021 12:47 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I agree Craig Murry is a victim of telling the truth.. for years his peers have tried to find a way to corrupt him so they could shut him up. The governed people dn understand <=attacking or protesting to or against a nation state government is a waste of time.. that's what the PTB want <=those who disagree to do.. Why? Because the political system serves the Oligarch who does its mischief from behind the duck blind in which the oligarch waits to order order the politicians they own to shoot the unsuspecting governed ducks attracted to the nation state hosted political pond . At the pond one finds the governed victim thinking the politicians (decoy ducks) can and will do something about the "appeal of the governed to the politicians that have been placed in care taker positions in the government to serve the oligarch".

Energy should be spent on identifying, isolating and correcting the private parties who use the force and massive fire power of the nation state to control the governed humanity of the world.
Private oligarch appoint "politicians to serve as decoys in the government duck pond" in hope that governed seeking redress of their grievances will be attracted so the Oligarch in hiding can shoot at the deceived governed . Oligarch do not make laws, they make the politicians who make for the oligarch, laws that control the governed. Craig in jail will be just one more advocate of the truth and independent freedom much like Julian Assange.. ..

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Mar 22, 2021 7:34 PM

Be careful what you wish for………….

Government no longer trusts itself and has lost the ability to manage efficiently. So now they want to hand control over to the “private sector”, whom, it is presumed, can do a much better job of it. Given a  corporation’s track record of success through profits and growth, why couldn’t they do a better job at running government? It is often a common constituent theme. Save money through privatization under the assumption that privateers can maximize profit while lowering costs and taxes. 

It is clear that government no longer has a clue. The Democrats’ longstanding formula of berating white males just to develop political power is failing and we are now on the brink of a civil war and they are more lost than ever.  The continuous flow of freshly printed unbacked cash is only making things worse. I don’t picture that practice happening with Amazon and Walmart running the country. What will we do then?
Telling us we are going to die from Covid if we don’t get vaccinated while declaring that carbon emissions will cause irreparable harm to the Earth if we don’t turn the World over to the “private sector” seems to be the message. 

Meanwhile, Congress continues to cash in. I can’t imagine how that will work after the corporate takeover given how bad the graft is already.


S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 22, 2021 7:11 PM

“Meanwhile back in Miami Beach Florida (Jackboot and Brownshirt center of South Florida) Republicrat Party Member NAZI BOY GELBER has called in the Gestapo to terrorize the tourists.”
comment image

“Come to Miami Beach for the Third Reich Experience Firsthand.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 23, 2021 1:39 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Now NAZI BOY GELBER has declared that the Miami Beach gestapo has every right to terrorize outside agitators (i.e.tourists) because they do not attend college.”



“Come to Miami Beach Florida, Where Every Day is Triumph of The Will Day”

Mar 22, 2021 7:09 PM

True story, I don’t care to know you, and you’ll never know me. I wont ever join you in either life or death, nor anywhere inbetween, you made your choices. I make mine.

Mar 22, 2021 6:29 PM

I can’t remember the source but I’m sure I heard that when Walmart launched outside its home state who was on the platform but George Bush. Bush certainly awarded its founder the medal of honour in 1992 and a former Walmart CEO was on Jeb Bush’s Presidential campaign (he obviously didn’t do much good as it tanked spectacularly). Hillary Clinton has been on the Walmart board.

Also, I’m no fan of Modi and I don’t want anyone attacked – but sending large numbers of Moslem migrants into India would be exactly the sort of weaponised migration tactics the so-called elite have used to destabilise other countries.

Mar 22, 2021 9:03 PM
Reply to  Edwige

India’s government, like pretty much all governments within the American-dominated Corporatocracy, is a police State government. Democrats do not preside over police State governments. Neoliberals are fascists.“‘Worst of All Worlds’ as Neoliberal BJP Wins India Elections in Landslide” by Jon Queally (Common Dreams)“Writing in the Guardian on Friday, Indian author and writer Pankaj Mishra argues that with Modi at the helm, India is facing “its most sinister period since independence.” Providing context for both Modi’s rise within the BJP and the rightwing fanaticism of the party now set to control India, Mishra writes:=== =Modi is a lifelong member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a paramilitary Hindu nationalist organisation inspired by the fascist movements of Europe, whose founder’s belief that Nazi Germany had manifested “race pride at its highest” by purging the Jews is by no means unexceptional among the votaries of Hindutva, or “Hinduness”. In 1948, a former member of the RSS murdered Gandhi for being too soft on Muslims. The outfit, traditionally dominated by upper-caste Hindus, has led many vicious assaults on minorities. A notorious executioner of dozens of Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 crowed that he had slashed open with his sword the womb of a heavily pregnant woman and extracted her foetus. Modi himself described the relief camps housing tens of thousands of displaced Muslims as “child-breeding centres”.“Modi is never less convincing than when he presents himself as a humble tea-vendor, the son-of-the-soil challenger to the Congress’s haughty dynasts. His record as chief minister is predominantly distinguished by the transfer – through privatisation or outright gifts – of national resources to the country’s biggest corporations. His closest allies – India’s biggest businessmen – have accordingly enlisted their mainstream media outlets into the cult of Modi as decisive administrator; dissenting journalists have been removed or silenced.”.Such rhetoric has helped Modi sweep… Read more »

Mar 22, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  Edwige

OG’s commenting software is now scewing up posts with formatting that the commenting did NOT apply!

Mar 22, 2021 5:47 PM

Eradication of the marketplace … been there, seen it …

When I visited the city of my birth in the 1990s, I fell in love with it. Not only is Prague beautiful, but the place was bustling with activity. Following a half of a century of totalitarian rule during which private entrepreneurship was prohibited, the held up demand caused a surge of activity. Everybody was trying to set up a business, there were a myriad of companies trying this and that. What a contrast to Montreal where storefronts were being boarded up, as businesses were shutting down in a recession brought by yet another referendum.

After some time, I decided to stay, and over the years, I’ve witnessed in fast-forward fashion what has transpired in other Western countries over decades.

First small and then medium businesses have been crowded out by big multinationals. The government has got bigger, then even bigger, and after the country joined the EU bigger still, disbursing subsidies, fucking up the market. Passionate discussions about the sort of democracy people wanted have deteriorated into disgust with politics as the motherfuckers who get their asses elected got progressively more disgusting with every election.

Now, the country has pretty much caught up with its Western counterparts, having aligned itself with the global socio-political slime. Hard to say whether people are fucked up the same way as elsewhere, but fucked up they are.

It’s been quite fascinating to observe the crap that has gone down in the last circa 30 years …

BTW, the way they do it is that they inundate people with cheap luxury and convenience and destroy local business, local activity. Once competition is eradicated, they start jacking up the prices and tightening the screws. I guess globally only North Korea is still resisting this shit.

Matrix Pat
Matrix Pat
Mar 22, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  Jacques

It seems you picked up your countrymen’s economic knowledge as well. if you don’t regulate against monopolies and predatory pricing, then small business will be forced to closed down by the big boys. You need government regulation, and yes even EU regulation, to control corporations. If you let the market loose then you get more monopolies & cartels and price gouging, as we see in the USA.

Not only do they have the most expensive health care in the world, their internet is also a cartel, so they pay 3 times what europeans pay for their terrible internet service. I find it amazing that people think that small government will reduce monopolies, the opposite is true. What is killing your Prague is the neoliberal roll-out not EU subsidies.

Mar 22, 2021 6:36 PM
Reply to  Matrix Pat

Agent Matrix, the subject of regulation is interesting.

Regulation is a double-edged sword. In theory, it kinda makes sense, but in practice it kinda gives the government a lot of power and the motherfuckers who should be regulated often infiltrate the government and instead of regulation being used to keep them in check, they use it to their benefit. We’re witnessing something like that right now with COVID-1984.

Matrix Pat
Matrix Pat
Mar 22, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  Jacques

So how are you going to regulate without government ?

dr death
dr death
Mar 23, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Matrix Pat

you have to regulate government…. I suggest brain scans and making election a social concern, reduce all national entities to a local level so you personally know who is involved and introduce councils of diplomacy to enact policy beneficial to the nation… all higher indoctrination centres will be razed to the ground.

oh and outlaw monopolies and lobbying (bribes) by reintroducing the death penalty, either wood chipper or garroted in a bog.. your choice.. that would also apply to anyone who has worked for the bbc.

people are going to have to start doing ‘real work’ again and exist with less chinese landfill.

Mar 29, 2021 7:16 PM
Reply to  Matrix Pat

The government becomes the representative of the nasty corporations such as Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft etc.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2021 12:20 AM
Reply to  Matrix Pat

Hello Matrix Palyt: I hear what you’re saying, but government “regulation” has got us where we are today…

Banning all forms of corporate syndication and a total suspension of all corporate charters on a world wide basis is the only way out of the mess…
It will never happen, because people think their investments and pensions are more important than a personal savings account they control themselves.

They’re abject idiots for believing in corporate “benefits” in general. All common assets will soon be seized by the “Great Reset”…

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 22, 2021 7:04 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Actually, the UK is resisting this sort of thing in a bottom-up way. Oh, it’s still relatively small, but highly skilled artesanal production is making a comeback and the more affluent are flocking to their products in significant numbers.

They don’t sell to supermarkets,so they can’t have their margins squeezed.

The key to resistance is not to try and sell through supermarkets or platforms, rather to sell direct to your customers. Ensure that your supply chains are totally independent of the platforms and provide high quality inputs.

It doesn’t matter how big Amazon and Walmart are, if your customers like your products and are willing to pay for them, they’ll buy them.

It does matter that the ownership structures of the parallel supply chain is resistant to foreign purchase. It does matter that parallel finance does not depend on masters of the universe in financial centres.

If you have a customer base that buy solely on price, of course you can’t compete. But if they buy on quality, locality, healthiness etc etc, you most certainly can compete.

Mar 22, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

That exists all over the place, I guess.

For instance, we had a guy from a farm come to the neighborhood to sell dairy stuff from the back of the truck. A bunch of small shops have popped up too (before this madness).

Not sure if that’s enough to prevent to supermarkets and e-commerce operators from rolling over the market.

Mar 29, 2021 7:12 PM
Reply to  Jacques

“the way they do it is that they inundate people with cheap luxury and convenience and destroy local business, local activity. Once competition is eradicated, they start jacking up the prices ” Thank you.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Mar 22, 2021 5:36 PM

Yawn. It’s not like we haven’t heard this before. This guy’s right on. On a subject that’s always relegated to the back pages, if publiisjed at all. Problem is, we all know this and do nothing about it. My simple answer is to stop buying shit.

Mar 22, 2021 5:43 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

The percentage of the population which is ‘unsuspecting’, or just downright ignorant, is very high.
So we few can certainly devote our greatest enthusiasm to the cause of not buying shit, but we are not even noticed beside the millions and millions who can’t wait to buy buckets and buckets of it.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m very much in favour of not complying, even if it makes only 0.01% of a difference, but I don’t see it as an “answer”…
It is, after all, the latest fashion to ignore wisdom, intelligence, common sense and experience.

Mar 22, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  wardropper

As said same old story and the people who happilyminhabit the junk shops buying the rubbish are the same ones who are queuing for the injection…

it will be interesting if the injection rubs out the buyers….which keeps me thinking that the injection is about the same quality as the goods they are so anxious to buy…surely profits from one need the punters to stay alive?

Steve Church
Steve Church
Mar 22, 2021 8:22 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Agree. Wisdom, intelligence, common sense, experience (if it’s taken aboard), are all good things. Reacting to the general trend is a good thing. It’s like having a soul.

There is no answer. It’s up to us to define whatever future there will be. I really don’t like all this all this “definition” mentality. There doesn’t seem to be a means “to be”, in the sense that each and every one of us has a vision of what can be transmitted without some kind of ulterior motive. Hard to describe.

When I was a little kid, I dreamed of being an itinerant, padding along traditional paths, following the seasons, north to south. It was a comforting vision. Too bad it was crushed by our imperialstic dreams.

dr death
dr death
Mar 23, 2021 3:47 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I disagree, on my mask-less adventures in wonderland it would be fair to say a great many of the masked and officious are quite attuned to the fake nature of the current nonsense….
they are quite happy to collaborate because to concede to the ‘truth’ of the matter would cause them to re-evaluate their very existence and belief system something they are both unwilling and unable to put into practice because their imbecilic mind would collapse in on the vacuum at its core.

Mar 22, 2021 5:34 PM

COVID – Totally Pre-Planned by The Real Evil.



Mar 22, 2021 5:12 PM

The hunted does the hunting now…as that other dead guy said.

You believe in Amazon but you don’t believe in the Amazon, which is necessary for Amazon, and actually your very being. But, what do you choose? Death, fuckoff.

You like facebook? I’m a phasecook. It’s just how it goes.

I’m kinda brutal hey…I mean in every square meter, you’re given like 1kw of thermal energy (and more), but you bitch? Fuckoff. I make coal from you.

Mar 22, 2021 5:58 PM

Sorry, I don’t believe in you. If you want to reach me, you’ll have to like try get through this orbital shred station thing.

R Anand
R Anand
Mar 22, 2021 5:01 PM

This article is okay in general, but it does not describe the situation here in India accurately. Till early 2020, Amazon attracted consumers through big discounts and better service standards. But in last one year, all those discounts have evaporated, and service quality has deteriorated a little. The local store option is always available to the Indian consumer. In every neighbourhood there are at least 5-8 local grocery stores. in every second neighbourhood we have a big supermarket store and in every city/town we have 2-20 hypermarket stores (much larger in size than supermarket stores). Even in e-commerce, we have other options such as Grofers, BigBasket (although now controlled by one of India’s oligarch firm, Tata Group), Jio Mart (run by another oligarch from the Reliance Industries Group) and 10 others spanning the entire country. These represent good number of options for the Indian consumer. Tell-tale signs that Amazon is not indispensable are already there, if one looks closely in India. Amazon India has financial ties with domestic technocrats like Narayana Murthy (former founder of Infosys). These will likely falter going forward. Flipkart, recently acquired by Walmart, is currently not a threat to anyone in India. From what I can sense, the tide is begging to turn against Amazon and the first signs of this will be clearly visible any time in the next couple of years. As for Modi government and civil liberties, I would say there are major faults in this regime but the only reason why BBC is highlighting these issues (as quoted in this article) is to pressure the Modi government to bend further to the global oligarchy’s current vaccine-led eugenics program and covid-led power grab. The BBC kept quiet when Modi committed atrocities against minority Muslims in Gujarat in Feb-Mar 2002. The BBC kept quiet… Read more »

Mar 22, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  R Anand

Good to know that Amazon is not going to become indispensable. More power to local grocery and general goods stores, which often show unbeatable resourcefulness and provide excellent service.

I fully agree about the sudden concern for civil liberties and human rights, which are again being used as a stick to beat someone who is not obeying orders well enough.

R Anand
R Anand
Mar 23, 2021 4:46 AM
Reply to  October


Mar 29, 2021 7:04 PM
Reply to  R Anand

Great comment. I buy a lot of stuff through Amazon UK but despise the company because it is a very parasitical, dangerous and unethical company. I get extremely upset when a nasty Western company usurps the sovereignty of non-Western nation. Think of the British East Indian company and the Dutch East Indian company.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 22, 2021 4:58 PM

“One answer for the people of India is turn the Indian political-economic compradors of the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHO criminals into Piñatas.”
comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 22, 2021 6:16 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Nothing gets the goods faster than PEOPLE POWER.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 22, 2021 4:46 PM

There is no doubt that the development is going in the direction of a single World trust which will swallow up all enterprises and all states without exception. But the development in this direction is proceeding under such stress, with such a tempo, with such contradictions, conflicts and convulsions not only economical, but political national, etc. etc — that before a single world trust will be reached, before the respective financial national capitals will have formed a “World Union” of ultra imperialism, imperialism will explode and capitalism will turn into its opposite.

Introduction to Imperialism and World Economy
by Nikolai Bukharin
(Printed in the US, Russian Edition, November 1917)

Mar 22, 2021 5:49 PM

Which raises the tantalizing question, What IS the opposite of capitalism?

Mar 22, 2021 9:31 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It seems that there is a battle going on in many places – centralisation versus decentralisation; large corporations versus small groups and individuals.

This is reflected in our galaxy – centralisation in the sun, decentralisation with the orbiting planets.

As always, Nature will find a balance.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2021 12:02 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Hello wardropper: Heh, heh… Good question. It would seem that all centralized economy contains some form of private capitalization. Capitalistic/Communism, Capitalized/Socialism, Capitalized/Corporate fascism…

All the same modus operandi. As in: “the immediate manner in which property may be acquired (as by occupation or prescription) or the particular tenure by which it is held.”

Matrix Pat
Matrix Pat
Mar 22, 2021 4:45 PM

Great, you’re getting to explore the US corporate neoliberal roll-out and how it drives so much of what we are suffering in Europe today. Just make the link to the militarisation of the police and the spy state to enforce the US corporate looting, and we get closer to the full picture.