Lockdown One Year On – It doesn’t work, it never worked & it wasn’t supposed to work
Light up the lone candle on the saddest birthday cake in the world! The most destructive public policy of the century is growing up and doesn’t look like slowing down.
Kit Knightly

And so we come to March 23rd, and lockdown’s first birthday. Or, as we call it here, the longest two weeks in history.
1 year. 12 calendar months. 365 increasingly gruelling days.
It’s a long time since “2 weeks to flatten the curve”, became an obvious lie. Sometime in July it turned into a sick joke. The curve was flattened, the NHS protected and the clapping was hearty and meaningful.
…and none of it made any difference.
This was not a sacrifice for the “greater good”. It was not a hard decision with arguments on both sides. It was not a risk-benefit scenario. The “risks” were in fact certainties, and the “benefits” entirely fictional.
Because Lockdowns don’t work. It’s really important to remember that.
Even if you subscribe to the belief that “Sars-Cov-2” is a unique discrete entity (which is far from proven), or that it is incredibly dangerous (which is demonstrably untrue), the lockdown has not worked to, in any way, limit this supposed threat.
Lockdowns. Don’t. Work.
They don’t make any difference, the curves don’t flatten and the R0 number doesn’t drop and the lives aren’t saved (quite the opposite, as we’ve all seen).
Just look at the graphs.
This one, comparing “Covid deaths” in the UK (lockdown) and Sweden (no lockdown):

Or this one, comparing “Covid deaths” in California (lockdown) and Florida (no lockdown):

From Belarus to Sweden to Florida to Nicaragua to Tanzania, the evidence is clear. “Covid”, whatever that means in real terms, is not impacted by lockdowns.
Putting the entire population under house arrest doesn’t benefit public health. In fact, it’s (rather predictably) incredibly counter-productive.
The damage done by shuttering businesses, limiting access to healthcare, postponing treatments and diagnoses, postponed surgeries, increasing depression, soaring unemployment and mass poverty has been discussed to death. The scale of the impact cannot be overstated.
Dr David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for Covid-19, said this of lockdowns back in October:
We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of the virus[…]just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry…look what’s happening to small-holding farmers[…]it seems we may have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition […] This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe.”
A terrible, global catastrophe. A doubling of childhood malnutrition.
The “pandemic” didn’t do that, lockdowns did that. They were never going to achieve their stated aims. And what’s more, they were never intended to achieve those aims.
Too often soft language in the media talks about “misjudgments” or “mistakes” or “incompetence”. Supposed critics claim the government “panicked” or “over-reacted”. That is nonsense. The easiest, cheesiest excuse that has ever existed.
“Whoops”, they say, with an emphatic shrug and shit-eating grin “I guess we done messed up!”. Unflattering, but better than the truth.
Because the truth is that the government isn’t mistaken or scared or stupid…they are malign. And dishonest. And cruel.
All the suffering of lockdown was entirely predictable and deliberately imposed. For reasons that have nothing to do with helping people and everything to do controlling them.
It’s been more than apparent for most of the last fifty-two weeks that the agenda of lockdown was not public health, but laying the groundwork for the “new normal” and “the great reset”.
A series of programmes designed to completely undercut civil liberties all across the world, reversing decades (if not centuries) of social progress. A re-feudalisation of society, with the 99% cheerfully taking up their peasant smocks “to protect the vulnerable”, whilst the elite proselytise about the worth of rules they happily admit do not apply to them.
And we’ve all had lives ruined and a year of precious time wasted. For nothing. You’ve been locked up for two weeks that lasted 365 days. For nothing.
…or rather, for everything. Because that’s what they are trying to take from us. Everything. And the only way to stop them is not to let them. To simply refuse consent.
Let’s not let lockdown get a second birthday.
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This whole article pivots on two graphs. The article’s interpretation is based the idea that “lockdown” is imposed on the people by the government. In fact, it’s the other way round – governments generally act late and in response to general demand. So the difference between the UK’s “lockdown” and Sweden’s “no-lockdown” isn’t spelled out or analysed, similarly California and Florida – what’s the real difference, on the ground? It’s tabloid shallowness, based on the face-value acceptance of the “lockdown” label meaning that virus-inhibiting practices are different in the states compared – when actually, there’s no evidence presented to suggest that they are.
Govts act in response to public demand???? Really? I don’t recall the public asking for economic Armageddon for no good reason. I must have missed that from the msm.
True. The best way to hide anything is by not hiding at all. Where does one hide anything. Where it will not be noticed. And that is how this experiment to see how much ppl will tolerate when compressed, contained, restrained and isolated, The easy bit, Since most suburbanites are already in voluntary lockdown in their electronic caves. Watching the idiot box generation after generation. Now social media, which is not social at all has snared the remaining synaptic twitches of their defunct lame brains. Or so the media would have you think. Unrest across European cities proves otherwise. Certainly there will always be those who lie down voluntarily because to say yes is easier than to think and say no. [E.Fromm Fear of Freedom]. Or as Russel said people would rather die than think. Here they will follow orders. In Germany a snitch informed the police three! people had gathered — playing cards. The police swooped on the plague vermin virus spreading epidemic deniers and arrested them. Same with getting jabbed. The lethality of the vax is nearly as lethal as the virus. The idea is to remove a few thousand at a time. Gates has incurred the wrath of certain African states who accuse his experiments to vax the locals ended killing them by the numbers that are unacceptable. Yet those brave enough to resist end up dead. Those who replace them appear wearing masks! The virus is 100 nano-meters. What is a mask going to do! Notice those parts of the globe not under lockdown is doing fine. As are those where I live. Not dead yet.
Well said, thanks.
Anyone else listen to Richie Allen….?
Yeah, Faucteeth LIED and people DIED. Bull shit about 2-weeks to flatten the curve. This clearly shows the boy had another agenda in mind and went on to become the RICHEST paid government employee.
Everyone BACK to work and ignore the lying decieving DEMON uckfers up there. May they be hanged by the neck until dead.
Then peace and safety can come upon the land.
From July 2020, when Klaus Schwab published his book, COVID-19 The Great Reset, it became obvious it was never about the virus. The global warming horse was exhausted and likely to collapse before the finishing line so they switched to the COVID horse. The same objective repackaged with a fancy new name planned by the same people – Agenda 21 / 30 otherwise known as a scientific dictatorship
Strangely, perhaps, 2020 with all its lockdowns, scare stories etc was a happier year for me than 2019. I know many were not so fortunate but it goes to show that governments are only governments not God.
how were you more happier?
Thank you Kit. Right to the point. Ideal to print and put through a few letterboxes. Who knows, some people’s brain cells might bounce back from hibernation mode when they’ve finished reading it.
“Lockdowns. Don’t. Work.
They don’t make any difference, the curves don’t flatten and the R0 number doesn’t drop and the lives aren’t saved (quite the opposite, as we’ve all seen).”
The sky isn’t blue and it isn’t up. It really isn’t. Lots of experts have looked at the sky and bear witness that it may be orange, it may be green, it may be black, but it sure is never blue. Besides, it wasn’t up.
Why don’t you ask an actual health professional about their job, instead of reading articles like this? It isn’t as if the author wants to engage with reality, let alone science, at all.
Would you care to share the evidence that lockdowns do work then? Or happy to just leave a blithe quote?
Is it a troll?
Use of keywords “health professional” “reality” “science”. Use of the technique of “appeal to authority”. Also has a low energy slapdash feel to it.
However Doly if you are not a troll, it is an excellent sign you are here. It will be exceedingly difficult (I know from personal experience) to evaluate the information from the article fairly. But you have to try. Your biggest impediment will be your mind continually examining the implications instead of staying focused on the actual information. Your mind will say “well if this were true, then this other thing would also be true (eg our leaders en masse are lying to us), Which cannot be true. Since it cannot be true, then the article must be false” – and this ‘loop’ will short-circuit your ability to objectively consider the information presented.
Maybe also have a listen to Mike Yeadon ex VP of Pfizer in a video he dropped a few months back discussing the tests and their misuse. Follow that up with a boo at the actual mortality tables published by the CDC. Learn the difference between IFR and CFR. Obtain the WHO direction on how to code a death as ‘covid’ and put that alongside the way health authorites tend to say deaths ‘with’ covid when discussing the latest death toll for the press.
There is also a lot of non factual or unfactual information out there as well. Everytime you run into such material you will have a little flush of endorphins and your mind will say “ha got you you moron anti vaxx conspiracy nutcases’. However baby and bathwater, baby and bathwater.
Persistence is key. And curiosity.
while i agree with you, a fact all of us most consider is, 50% of the people on earth, has an IQ below 100. Keep that in mind. Propaganda works best with them.
Biden administration plunks down 1.5 BILLION for vaccine propaganda.
The Smith-Mundt modernization act of 2012 changed the law to allow the US govt to use propaganda against its own people.
So now Americans will pay for their own manipulation.
and that’s called Covid relief.
I’m sure Krispy Kreme will be first in line to grab the covid handout and pocket all the profits.
Government, Military, & Business Use Humans as Guinea Pigs
“Below is a list depicting the rampant use of humans as guinea pigs in government, military, and medical experiments over the last century. Links to reliable sources are provided to confirm the information on each item presented. There are still today officials in the government, military, and even business leaders who sadly feel no need to inform us when we are used in potentially hazardous experiments.”
Complete page: Human Guinea Pigs (wanttoknow.info)
How many birthdays before civilians stop “volunteering” to be an experimented?
When I start to scroll down a link and soon come across a donation request, I leave pronto.
You missed the donation link on this page, then? Not that I mind, just pointing it out.
Why should cattle have the gifts of freedom?
Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash.
—Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Whoever enters into opposition against a dictatorship must accept civil war as a means. Whoever shies away from civil war must abandon opposition and accept the dictatorship.
—Arthur Koestler
Speak for yourself Kit, my life has NOT been ruined by lockdown, quite the opposite. My life has taken on new horizons and I’m almost 70.
It is so much about perception and not allowing the constant noise in our heads to rule our lives.
“Speak for yourself Kit, my life has NOT been ruined by lockdown, quite the opposite. My life has taken on new horizons and I’m almost 70.”
Good for you but it doesn’t null out other peoples misery.
Did you have any horizons before the lock down?
The older one gets, each new day is a new horizon. At 77, I’m happy to still be able to take the dog for a long walk. My most pressing problem is the lack of hours in the day to get everything done I want to do that day (time flies – not because you’re having fun so much as because you’re getting older).
But, OMG, if I were 50 years younger; and the only thing I had to look forward to down the line was The Great Reset and it’s unavoidable Great Corollary – whether remaining alive another day was even worth it – I don’t know how the New Horizon would look.
How do you add photos so the can be seen in the comment? like this one: https://ibb.co/FD57zRW
1) Put the image on a image host like https://imgbb.com
2) Copy and paste the URL (the content in the browser address field) of the image into the comment.
The image URL from https://ibb.co/FD57zRW is “https ://i.ibb.co/Ny9YKc3/thumbnail-IMG-2804.jpg” (space added after https to show the URL, not the image).
Using the URL above without space after https:
This appears to be false.
A blanket statement that there are no viruses and therefore no vaccines is false, and is intended to blackwash any COVID-19 denial and resistance.
A statement that there is a unique virus called COVID-19, etc., may be false, and it would follow that a vaccine for that virus would also be false.
Fact: There is no definitive diagnostic test to specifically detect something called COVID-19.
How do they create a specific vaccine for something that they cannot create a test for? They have a jab, they don’t have a vaccine.
Fact: The CDC lists the same information for COVID-19, as it lists for generic seasonal flu.
Goverments lie. They even have a specific word for the lies, and have departments to disseminate the lies, it’s called “Propaganda”.
“Let’s not let lockdown get a second birthday” is soft language itself of course. Let’s promise instead to put the guilty men on trial. Send them into protective custody before any such trail can begin however. Call them an ‘automatic flight risk’ like Julian Assange was. And then let’s promise to forget about ever giving them their ‘day in court’. Not at first of course! At first there must a a ‘thoroughgoing investigation’. Papers must be ‘gathered’. The whole ‘temporary protective custody’ for our dear emergency planners modellers and leaders will be quietly prolonged. ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ must be our mantra. …only they will die before all the ‘preliminaries’ are worked through.
(I can wish!)
God bless Kit — a rare voice of sanity in these dark times!
How long are we gonna keep observing the situation and pontificating? Here’s another video exposing the horror, the shame! Round and round in circles constant explaining and researching ENOUGH ALREADY! Stand the fuck up and band together and drag these bastards to prison. I’m in, who’s coming too? http://www.wecanlivebetter.org
There will be a new virus or variant in 2021, possibly as early as right now. This variant will kill a lot more people than has been the case. And a different demographic, much younger.
The lack of adherence to social controls and vaccine hesitancy will be blamed. As events are due to be genuinely horrific this will effectively silence everyone. It will also be claimed that all prior argument was proven in favor of the authorities.
While there will be some leakage of anecdotal stories regarding the vaccinated being more likely to contract the variant, and suffer more severe effects, the data to test this will not be available. Censorship will increase, sites will be blacklisted, and with the backdrop of an obviously dangerous pandemic resistance will be weak.
The economy will effectively collapse and pandemic survivors will be dependent on government aid (channeled through Amazon Costco etc etc in large part). At around this time the concentration of wealth will accelerate, even at the same time as fiat monies are exchanged by the wealthy for ownership of tangible assets. Fiat monies will become hyperinflated or otherwise broken, and ‘savings’ will be wiped out.
Whether this scenario plays out is more or less entirely dependent on belief in the narrative offered by the authorities and seconded by the mainstream media. So far the belief level is quite high, however protests are gathering steam. If too many of the common class stop believing the authorities narrative, the result is unpredictable. So an enhanced timeline is desirable and therefore probable, to cement the gains made in 2020 and silence opposition more effectively.
This scenario is very hard to defeat. Start thinking people. How are you going to talk to folks about the science of this or that, or some stuff you can prove! from the old days of 2020… when demonstrable and real stacks of bodies are accumulating in the background? You will wish you never used the word ‘plandemic’ is more like it. Not because you were wrong, but because the new reality overtakes the old.
That’s why real courage is required now.
I’m not against new realities overtaking old ones, but I most definitely AM against not getting any say in whose reality is going to do the overtaking – especially when it looks like a choice between the reality of Basket Case #1, Basket Case #2, or Basket Case #3.
I can see it’s going to cost anyone dear who refuses to let the evil overtake the good, but that’s an accurate description of what we’re down to right now.
This is not between different versions of reality, but between the truth and the lie.
The Lie, like the devil, has all the best tunes and all the ammo, but we can’t just sit there, wringing our hands in despair and getting crabby with our loved ones, as if that was an appropriate response.
Our society has a lethal parasitic infestation – nothing to do with any virus – and it has to be fixed.
Fucking A. I’ve just been ranting over lunch with my sister, telling her to listen to Vera Sharav and Dr Yeadon on Reiner Fuellmich’s 4 hour livestream. There are only two outcomes to this. We either roll over for these monsters which means they will never stop, will continue their unending insane decrees until we are all gonzo, or we say no fucking way. I say no fucking way. No tests, no Jabs, no masks, no nothing. Shove it up your weedy, spineless craven psychopathic arses. Have you ever noticed how likely it is that these bastards are physical cowards. : Gates, Kissinger, Blair, Hanock, Sunak, Gove, Boris, Macron, etc. They couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag. And yet they happily set trained thugs and lethal hardware loose on people for protesting their right to go about their daily business, their right to be left alone.
I am entirely with you. To clarify: the ‘new’ reality overtaking the old could be restated as the ‘new lie’ overtaking the ‘old 2020 lie”. My point is to consider how all the ‘old’ debates will be null and void with anyone on the fence. Let alone the true believers in the authorities edicts, they will be hysterical in their condemnation of conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers “Look where their insanity and fake news have led us! The new virus their fault! Is too! Is too! ” etc.
The resistance will be pushed onto to their backfoot by the corpse stacks, how do we counter? Thats the question.
Your argument doesn’t make any sense. Where are these stacks of young bodies going to come from? There was no virus to begin with, Covid doesn’t exist, so where are you getting the idea that there will be a new variant? A new variant of what? A non existent plague?
I realize that fake experts are already claiming the existence of new variants, but that’s just juggling numbers and faking statistics. There can be no actual new variant since there was no original pandemic to begin with. It’s the fake PCR test that created the illusion that there was a pandemic, but outside of that there never was one.
I never said the pandemic was real, I thought I said the opposite actually?
Doesnt matter if there was actually ever such a thing as the virus as claimed. Those who follow the narrative and get their info from MSM certainly believe there was one.
My point is that because the 2020 pandemic was feeble and easily exposed, the powers that cooked up that farce may want to drop vials of actually deadly ‘something’ here and there to goose things along and restore the narrative, which at present requires a lot of help to look ‘dangerous’ and deadly.
Doesnt matter what they drop. There have been plagues throughout history and some or most of them seemed to have a ‘novel agent’ of some kind driving them along. One of those.
I mention ‘young’ because the authorities are in high gear babbling about ‘variants’ killing younger people. Maybe they mean it this time.
Pretend as a scenario the folks pulling the strings on the current BS did such a thing. And blamed you, and me, for being anti vaxx conspiracy theorists whose inability to be nice people and follow the lockdown rules and get our nice jab, well we caused it. Its a clever way for the bosses to short circuit discussions that matter. And the discussions that matter are not the ones on this forum, they are the ones with people who get all of their ‘news’ from the MSM and the ‘authorities’. It doesn’t matter if you and I talk, we (generally) are aligned. Its the sheeple, they have NO clue and any hope of giving them one will be gone forever if they see ‘variants’ causing (actual) widespread death, and hear repeatedly that it is us who caused it. You see the problem?
If the sheeple stay sheeple then the bosses get their way and the great reset it is. I’ll be on my little lifeboat with some others, however the pressure will be from every direction maybe even outright confiscation of my lifeboat. So the sheeple need to be woke from their MSM trance for my future freedom to be a live human being, free on the earth.
There is no actual effective biological warfare agent that can do what you describe. the talk of biological weapons and man-made lethal viruses that can be released en masse is just talk from people who use fear mongering as their primary power tool to promote survival fear, which is their best kind of weapon.
I hope there’s another way, because I’ve never seen a single proud member of the herd, a sheep by true temperment, genetics, ever be even slightly persuaded to doubt the received wisdom of official narratives. I would, instead of futilely attempting to climb that vertical rock face repeatedly, seek to build community as fast as possible with all those one meets that have a light in their eyes. Very easy to spot, and a completely different breed. A lot of OffG readers and commenters have well lit eyes.
Ever since I watched that video with Dr. Vanden Bossche, this has been exactly what I’ve feared. I hope you are wrong, of course; but I am haunted by the thought that you’re not.
he is a vaxx pusher featured on controlled opposition programmes like the high wire with del bigtree. There is no virus. just lockdowns, masks, injections, treatments, fear, propaganda etc. all causing harm to health. deaths and illness are exactly what anyone would expect these to cause.
It’s just another addition to project fear
But maybe a smart plan for the globalists is to unleash a truly dangerous something…. haha you laughed at the ‘plandemic’ are you still laughing? (backdrop of genuine corpse stacks….)
I dunno. The general plan is how I state it IMO. I am suggesting that instead of rotating more or less non lethal ‘waves’ they may up the ante and drop a real bomb, Sped up because too much awareness and too many obvious holes in the current ‘plandemic’. And while a separate virus it will be stated as an extension of ol’ 19, to ensure all prior debate is ‘killed’.
My context here is how difficult it is to penetrate the belief systems and get actual information to the ‘true believers’, in my direct family. They already think I am insane, if the authorities trot out an ‘extension’ to covid 19 which is actually lethal they will never speak to me again. Because my fault.
How to counter?
That’s exactly what I’m thinking, too.
OTOH, Mike Yeadon has come out against the Vanden Bossche thesis, so I find that somewhat reassuring. We’ll see …
if they refuse to trust your reasoning and then blame you for something they know nothing about, they are not the family you want.
You’re not going to persuade them, never were, alas. The counter is to turn towards an open road, and affiliate with like minds.
Plus, what can be more haunting than having Billy Boy’s Monkey juice shot into your arm. Anything is better than that. Come what may, I’m ready. I’m just not going to be scared. I can be angry, oh yes, but I’m not going to be scared of anything these fucks send our way.
I may be replying to too many folks. However my fear that such a thing is underway drives my persistence. I too fear this, it may kill me.
Viruses and other agents with high lethality tend to burn out. Which is fine when it is god setting the fire. However agents of the devil can set as many as they like, drop a vial everywhere folks are non compliant. Florida, Brazil, North Dakota. When it burns out drop another.
I still have trouble believing such evil in human form could exist. But facts are facts and it is clear the 2020 was a ‘plandemic’, Once you understand that as a provable thing, well you wonder what a soul is. And how it could be completely missing from so many/,,,,
Death stalks the land my friends, he rides a pale horse and he has come to collect his due. And I am an atheist, I still believe this. How odd, for me.
And the passport is so like the mark of the beast now that the likeness can’t be ignored, even for atheists and agnostics (I am latter). Only remains now the physical insertion to bodies, and then there will be no difference.
A very plausible scenario, one I suspect many have expected since Gates smirked and promised that the next one (some future ‘wave’) would finally get their (the unbelievers) attention. Withdrawal from existing and formation of new physical communities is very likely going to be necessary if those who see and are tempermentally suited to accepting what they are seeing are to find haven and survive.
these last couple of weeks have felt like a year
Kit, there was speculation during latter months of 2019 about the possibility of a 2020 world wide recession…On 8 January 2020, in a post, GNS Economics declared There Will Be A World-wide Recession…Around the same time we were being informed of a looming
world-wide pandemic (Framed, by comparing it to the 1918 ‘flu epidemic, before Little Covey got of a plane from China in New York)…….
For over two months the Australian government didnt take ‘the pandemic’ seriously (Our Glorious Leader was not going to miss watching his favourite footy team play)…
Then Our Government implemented policies that destroyed businesses , and livelihoods…Then took on a massive debt on our behalf…
So how are we gonna pay off The Debt…I favour debt cancellation , like the
ancient Hebrews did with their Jubilees… The goverment may raise indirect taxes on goods and service, as well as a major assault on Social Security…While such will be part of Paying Off The Debt, i believe we can expect a massive sell-off of ALL government
I imagine the NSW government will lease the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and the Opera House for 100 years and use the funds to pay down The Debt…Then there’s Sydney Water – they’ll get a pretty penny for flogging thast off the corporation…Public trains, busses, and ferries, will be privatised..and many main roads can be given to road-toll companies…”We Cant Leave The Debt To Future Generation” said Our Glorious Leader…
The National government can privatise it’s share of our telecom company…And then there’s The Post Office, a very profitable enterprise thanks to the huge volume of Amazon-packages…No Doubt Amazon will snap it up and vertically integrate it (hiving off
the letters section to a subsidiary)…….
There’s Trillionss of dollars sloshing around in the world economy looking for investments (much of it held in negative interest deposits)…There’s so few opportunities
for investing in productive activity…They’ll greedily help the government pay off The Debt.
By March the government would have had data that showed the economy was sliding into recession, so eagerly embraced ‘the pandemic’, which was intended as mis-direction…
the sell-off will leave us with the lean, slimmed-down, small goverment dreamed of by
the owners of capital, the sole function of The State will be to police-truncheon the heads of anyone who dares protest…….Massive Debt Trap, indeed……
I am listening to Planet Rock, on my Big TV. in Stereo on my Sennheiser Headphones – The Sound Quality is Really Good ..and This Advert Flashes Up on My Telly
“JOIN The Metropolitan Police..”
I’m 67 years old you stupid fuckers
That’s AI for you…
Nice to be asked, but No.
I had a conversation with ‘Himself’ tonight.
A friend had sent us an e-mail about a possible (less experimental) vaccine option: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/03/no_author/if-you-absolutely-must-vaccinate-against-covid-19-out-of-fear-or-coercion-hold-out-for-this-already-proven-vaccine/
‘Himself’ was half contemplating it in order that we may continue to be members of society and enjoy such privileges as holidays and the like.
I apologised to him, “I really can’t do this, it’s blackmail and it’s wrong. If I am the last man standing, then so be it”.
He replied: “then I will stand with you”.
Oh my lord, I’m farklempt.
I mean that seriously.
Is that German? Ironic if so as ‘Himself’ is probably half German 😉
It’s both German and Yiddish? It’s also spelled Verklempt.
I know it from all my Jewish friends. Although I’m Irish.
We just always say it jokingly. “Oi, I’m verklempt” (choked up, emotional)
Of course you can only imagine what it sounds like coming from Boston Irish.
Oy vey, I’m verklempt and farklempt! Ort, you’re a mensche!
Talk amongst yourselves – if you can hear through those masks.
The record on clinicaltrials.gov for that BCG vaccine trial was updated a couple of days ago. Trial completion date was pushed to December and “actual enrollment” was posted as 122, nowhere near enough for a meaningful study. Looks like it’s effectively been cancelled.
O.K. All of this is obvious, and has been since a week past Day One. The question is: What is to be done about it? Isn’t figuring that out what Ford Motor Company used to call “Job One”?
Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
The only conclusion that it is possible to come to is that this has been deliberately engineered to deprive us of liberty and security. The original specific and direct focus was to make sure that Trump was not reelected. The secondary focus was to hoover up all of the lovely collateral damage made available by pursuit of the main objective. The other available benefits were/are the erosion or total destruction of civil liberties, democratic rights, comprehensive health care, the right to work and so on.
Mission accomplished.
When I was young I believed in revolutionary change while being squeamish about the actual revolutionary bit, the blood and bodies. Plus I believed (naively) that the state was somehow an agglomeration of “We the people”.
Now they have changed me. Fuck it. Now they have upped the ante, and I can see that the only way to defend ourselves is to actually defend ourselves against the state.
Drumpf has always advocated the deadly vaccines, the most lethal aspect of the psyop. He was an integral part of the plot. As much as Creepy Joe and the whore.
I am not sure he was in on the plot. Most people are quite accepting of vaccines. There would be no reason for Trump to discourage their use. He was looking f9r solutions and his health advisors said vaccines offer a solution.
Drumpf was instrumental in polarising society and that weakened opposition to the psyop and the cull. The energy spent in contesting the “election” could have been spent in mass anti vaccine and anti lockdown protests. He wore a muzzle and did nothing to oppose the excesses of Cuomo and Newscum and the other governors.
Trump did advocate for HCQ even when Fauci was desperately trying to rule it out because it is “dangerous” (despite that it is one of the safest drugs known to mankind, safe enough to give to pregnant women), based on one bogus study which Dr Zac Cox says “could not have been set up to fail better if the authors of it had tried” in which the participants were given what is widely accepted as excessive doses – at least double the recommended dosage. If it wasn’t Trump, you’d have had Hillary, and as Del Bigtree has said, if Hillary had got in, then, in the estimations of many, things in the USA would have got a hell of a lot darker a lot faster
Indeed, Mr Warpspeed himself. Did it ever occur to us that he was there to guarantee take up of Darpa Skunkworks secret ingredients on both sides of the political fissure.
There were many genuine revolutions in various countries. GloboCap has subverted or destroyed most of them.
excellent article…
Doctors fight to set up own coronavirus vaccine hubs as others call out for more vials – ABC News Yet in Australia where nothing happened at all this is the bullshit we are fed day in and day out.
They are being paid well for each shot and the one thing many drs in aust have in common is the love of easy money.
I’m in the UK, and have read, and seen, online, that Sky News Australia does actually tell its viewers the truth re. what’s ACTUALLY going on.
There is indeed gold over in the Helen of destroy site. So, for a little digging through the following from an article dated October last year (with my own titles):
Rise of the hive society
(and note the highlighted wonderfully apt image)
“An individual cut off from other human beings and the outside world loses touch with reality, becoming reliant on a media that has proven itself to lie as often as it tells the truth. Only by enforced isolation could the ruling power structure begin to rebuild the trust it has steadily lost over the past several decades, immersing the individual in a sort of epistemological sensory deprivation chamber and offering only the establishment narrative as an alternative to darkness.”
Most inspired! And quite terrifying. This is divide-and-rule taken to an extreme. It is indeed like the world of The Matrix which is the ideal construct for the overlords i.e. the perfect hive society in which ruthless exploitation can carry on regardless with no opposition whatsoever.
A salutary stroll down memory lane
“…statistics released by Italy’s national health authority in mid-March revealed that 99 percent of the country’s coronavirus deaths were in patients with serious comorbidities, usually more than one, a pattern that resurfaced again and again as “confirmed” infection numbers continued to soar.”
This was the pattern every step of the way. For anyone actually paying attention that is. Those who weren’t, i.e. the vast majority, merely did what they always do i.e. absorb the general mood of the media and take that as some kind of divinely bestowed absolute knowledge – while sneering at those actually doing the ground work (“Truth seekers? What morons!”)
I also recall the name MIT coming up in ludicrously early pronouncements as to the “world changing” nature of the virus. Well here they are again (and notice the hive imagery):
“An MIT team developed a technology for storing vaccination history in a patient’s skin using a specially-designed dye, creating a pattern that can be read with a souped-up smartphone. Once the psychological barrier of bodily integrity has been breached, the sky’s the limit regarding how the bodies of worker-bees might be put to use by their social betters.”
Astonishingly audacious foreknowledge
““The coronavirus crisis shows it’s time to abolish the family” appeared on OpenDemocracy.net in late March” – Note this is March of last year i.e. when “the covid terror” first appeared. So just dwell on that for a second. The abolishing of the family – an astonishingly radical proposal supposedly made on the basis of a virus which had only just appeared!
(And Open Democracy was the site that featured a sceptic blasting article by devout Marxist author John Smith who so impressed Philip Roddis. How fascinating that the Left case against scepticism was voiced on this source.)
Woops nearly giving the game away!
Also, apparently, CNN’s Chris Cuomo called covid “our 9/11”and – although Helen goes on to wryly remark ‘apparently the original 9/11 no longer belongs to “us”’ – Cuomo’s comment is another of these “hidden in plain sight” moves. Covid is indeed a re-enactment of 9/11 i.e. another slice of manufactured terror. Cuomo sealed his covid credentials later by conveniently catching the dreaded lurgae in yet another media morality tale.
Orwell’s Child Spies
“Several countries took advantage of the void left in citizens’ identities by newfound unemployment to draft them into service as junior members of the coronavirus Stasi. New Zealand’s website for ratting out quarantine violators was so overwhelmed with “Covid-19 L4 breach reports” on its first day that it crashed…”
The volunteering ratters are never slow to get going! And as Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti remarked, “in this case snitches get rewards”.
This is the advantage the overlord mind has over the masses i.e. it knows how to exploit the worst in humanity – and there’s plenty of it.
Return to the good old days!
“A column from the Telegraph’s assistant editor, Jeremy Warner, confirmed that Social Darwinism had returned triumphantly to mainstream thought, reasoning that “from an entirely disinterested economic perspective, the COVID-19 might even prove mildly beneficial in the long term by disproportionately culling elderly dependents.””
Mafioso moves
“Bill Gates even hinted that those countries that refuse to comply with his vaccine regime would forever see their citizens quarantined by ‘enlightened’ countries.”
Further emphasised:
“a rallying cry for coronavirus do-gooders: “nobody will be safe until everybody is safe.””
(“Safe” is a euphemism – just in case you didn’t get that!)
The Big Conspiracy (which cannot exist!)
But what about that clash between rival capitals that the Left goes on about? Well it’s there. But our boys up there know the value of banding together when the need arises:
“With the right actions, the COVID-19 pandemic can mark the beginning of a new type of global and societal cooperation,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres declared…”
The basic tactic
“By now, it should be clear that the planet pimps are merely taking the Shock Doctrine approach, throwing everything at the wall and see what sticks during a period of chaos…”
And finally, the brontosaurus in the room
“Climate change is the pandemic’s spiritual forebear in that it is held up as a reason for humanity to unite under a global government. “This is too big for any one country to solve” has been the recurring refrain. The same billionaires fronting the “cause” of saving the planet—the descendants of the robber barons whose fossil fuel empires trashed the planet in the first place—claim to be intent on saving humanity, even though their own words betray their loathing for the species.”
An example of fake news from your number one trusted news resource.
I get the feeling that getting rid of fossil fuels will also get rid of the excess population that these eugenicists think we are. Populations will quickly fall to medieval levels with only medieval fuel in the winter.
Merkel and Germany’s Ministerpresidents concluded a 7+-hour conference around 3am Tuesday morning with the Merkel-led announcement that there was to be a 5-day mega-hard lockdown with even supermarkets closed over the Easter weekend, from Green Thursday (I don’t know what the is) to end of Easter Monday. She announced also that a “new pandemic” had begun. She informed Germany that there was a new, deadlier and more infection mutation. She regretted that all lockdown suffering of the last year had been “aufgefressen” (eaten up, was for nought). Absolutely breathtaking claims.
Then, today, she called off the mega-hard lockdown and said the error was entirely hers. She begged the German people for forgiveness. A first in her political career. There’s simply not enough time to plan it. However, the assertions about the new pandemic and mutation stay. And yet the WHO so far have confirmed nothing as far as I know.
Here’s a text that’s going around several German Telegram channels urging that her bizarre statements not be simply forgotten (quick translation by me):
Much of the press is in something approaching shock. Even the CDU appears to be rumbling with dissatisfaction. The churches even made critical noises. But after the amazing protest in Kassel and elsewhere across the planet, might it be that she’s profoundly miscalculated? The resistance movement in Germany seems very fired up and excited by this bizarre turn of events. And I’m currently unaware of this being reported in the UK…
What Merkel probably means is – you will have to be vaxxed all over again and the lockdowns carry on – indefinitely – natch.
Btw, great piece from Kit.
Is it just me or does Merkel really look like she has aged by about 10 years in recent months?
I do hope this will give the resistance a shot in the arm 😉
“She [Angela Merkel] informed Germany that there was a new, deadlier and more infection mutation.”
The mutation > https://www.bing.com/th?id=Abc9b73a9ff63b93f10b7bd20868b4776&w=108&h=60&c=12&rs=1&qlt=90&o=6&pid=SANGAM
Do you think they were panicking about the resistance to vax and felt they had to do something, their deaths and case figures are on the floor, same goes for Belgium and lesser extent France, East Eu on the other hand is copping it, presumably by missing it first time around, also the Baltics.
There was a roadmap leaked late last year, in Germany and Canada. I put up a post about it at my blog. They appear to be behind the timetable it details, and this may well be due to vaccine hesitancy. Or the roadmap was a fake.
My sense of all this is that Merkel and Germany are pivotal to The Great Reset. They are kind of the success story of Western Europe and hence must be broken beyond repair. Resistance there is very organised and getting stronger, especially now that spring is back. It’s possible this move by Merkel was designed to get control back, or it’s a fatally flawed move, or both. But you can’t just announce, solo, the start of a ‘new pandemic’ and not explain why, with evidence, and expect it to be be welcomed by a population already desperate for things to return to the old normal. And to say all previous measures of the last 12 months were for nothing on top of that… How can that work? Any lockdowns harder than what we’ve had will kill businesses and people alike. It’s already insane. We’re at the ‘kill everything to protect us all from the virus that might kill some old sick people’ stage. How can a majority of people want that strategy?
We’ll see how things progress over the next few weeks. Not long now, I believe, to discover whether Germany throws off the tyranny or succumbs to it. If they succumb, perhaps the rest of the West will too…
note: I have updated a previously-posted infographic, WEF Fucking Humanity Reset, in light of this recent statement by Angela Merkel. There were, unexpectedly, many downvotes when I posted the original version of the image, no doubt due to the fact that it shows a copulation-ready drawing of the male sex organ (from a sex education source). Given the apparently more permissive attitude now in evidence here, I feel somewhat freer in posting this updated version. Apologies to those who are offended by educational materials displaying natural functions of human anatomy.
Improved version: https://postimg.cc/sGf0Qwkq
Do we really need another version? The previous one was hard enough to take
Harder for Longer! 😀
Well you made me laugh out loud which I thank you for Reset
That looks just like mine
In today’s Icelandic news, side-by-side, came the following two items – no smiles, no irony, no embarrassed expressions, no kidding:
a) ” 17 ‘cases’ (nobody actually ill) were ‘diagnosed’ (supposed to exist) by ‘testing’ (which isn’t a test) during the last few days. We will therefore have to impose strict social conditions on the public once again. “
b) ” The Governor of the Icelandic Central Bank says that the improvement we have been working towards in the country’s economy has now begun. “
So, the catastrophic unemployment and severely curtailed social contact due to a lethal plague has in no way affected the economy’s miraculous ability to flourish as if nothing at all had happened…
PLEASE, can we make the public face-slapping of idiotic ‘officials’ legal…?
History, is overflowing with the blood and sweat of our ancestors, they who built for today under the calculating eye of this cabal of whip cracking thieves. And now, we’ve reached a point where all that work is being turned against us by the same perverted few who profited from our suffering.
It easier than ever to run the books, cleanly, without their fiscal and mental manipulations – so very simple, We Dont Need Them – they can not be allowed to decide our fate – it will only go one way. It is our future to decide, Not theirs. We march on that together, reclaim our legacy, the people will rise, and they will be finished..
Now to the specifics of ‘reclaiming our legacy’ and ‘the people rising’…
Any ideas?
The media are maintaining a vicious blackout of any steps in that direction.
I dont see it as complicated, what do they (PTB) do ,have done, have planned, that we couldn’t do better or…do without ?…not forgetting, we bake the cake, they steal it, fool with it, destroy it even.
this is an edgy time for them, setting the foundaition for the reset needs greater management than ever, controlling the conditions etc…but on so large a field, they trip, it moslty excused by the mass, but over time, the people do take notice, become increasingly exasperated, sick of the incompetence, that the chink in the armour where opposing words can gain an ear, where courage is found, and where ideas convert into actions.
I know Doc, and I think you’re right.
But when I mention ‘specifics’, I am thinking of the fate of those people wielding hammers and pitchforks against the AK47s possessed by an organized military/police force.
Tianmen Square gives us some idea of what would happen, however I’d like a solution that comes out better than that for humanity’s future evolution, as well as for my immediate society…
We know what’s wrong – we even know some of the enemy’s weaknesses – but we still don’t know what to do about it.
“… I am thinking of the fate of those people wielding hammers and pitchforks against the AK47s possessed by an organized military/police force.”
Maybe those interpreting USA’s second amendment as power to the people to match the government aren’t just gun crazy after all?
An observation which can be socially dangerous in my experience, Mr.Y.
I think their protection force/sturmabteilung has always been their key to maintaining Power – though id hope that only a small minority of them are morally depraved enough to open fire on an unarmed civilians, intimidation and the promotion of falsity being sufficient to satisfy the insecurity of the many of them, they can be turned. Arrest…an excellent strategem to overpower/overwhelm the system, a tidal wave of People, likely their greatest fear – Our Unification – the time is ripe.
Their entire construct is based on lies. Maybe all of us living, speaking, acting in truth is a good start.
The problem is identifying the bastards. The fascists will blame the socialists and the socialists will blame the fascists. The guilty will watch from the high ground as we do their culling for them, if the vociferous partisans who regularly swoop through these comments are anything to go by. Let’s hope they are just paid provocateurs and deluded youths, like what I was.
If the focus is firmly toward that high-ground, then any on the low who attempt to turn the target, will be easily identified….but once the root is cut, they see its end, can feed from its branches no more, then – they look elsewhere for nourishment…it only a poisoned habit.
What is being described as vaccines are actually experimental Gene-Therapy shots. And, in spite of the mainstream media’s assurances of being safe, they are not safe and many will die and many will compromise their immune systems by taking these shots. Another destructive plate dished out by the ever-destructive Globalist elite.
They are in no way ‘therapy’.
They are in every way Genetically Engineered strands of RNA that are alien (not found in Nature),
This genetically engineered RNA produces enzymes (Frankenzymes) that may (without too much of a quantum leap in sequentials) interact with electromagnetic radiation in the 2.4GHZ-60GHz spectrum.
Anyone for WiFi sponge cake? How about a dash of cellular radio phone tower with lashings of pulsed EMR butter?
“They are in every way Genetically Engineered strands of RNA that are alien (not found in Nature),”
Not all of them as far as I recall (can’t remember which) …
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace in a continual state of alarm (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing them with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
– H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)
I think the alarm call has been heard, heeded and unfortunately what’s next wasn’t held in this quote.
I mean, just look at them…
Now they are talking about vaccine development as leading towards a situation where we will all live much longer and, moreover, live good long lives…
This is the blatant exploitation of man’s ancient fear of death, and now with the promise that they have some kind of ‘answer’ to it.
These ignorant facsimiles of human beings were never really educated, and so the idea of actually contemplating what is really happening here on Earth has never occurred to them, still less the notion that the whole point of being human is that people are born, and they die.
Yes, there is some urgency to the concept of trying to do something worthwhile during our stay here.
We do not take our Jaguar sports car and our yacht with us when we leave, but, at the other end of the human experience, neither do we take the threadbare blanket which is our only worldly possession with us. Rich, poor, famous, or living in oblivion, we are alone with our soul – or without it, if you prefer to follow the current fashion.
We share our mortality with everything else that lives – dogs, cats, bacteria, trees, flowers, cancer cells and, yes, even politicians. so it’s not even as if we need to take this situation personally.
So what are we down to here?
We are basically talking about human impudence, arrogance, swaggering and horseshit.
The actual refusal to face death, and the ornamentation of that denial with all sorts of fancy, happiness-engendering, superficial, infantile, dementia-spawned and greed-inspiring devices to keep us so occupied that we won’t ever have to worry about the fact that it is all going to end.
Frankly, I think this is a better definition of insanity than the popular recipe of “doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting a different result”.
Running away from the only certainty in all our lives…
Why not try to make sense of it instead?
There is no sense to be made of insanity.
You need not comply with insane legislation.
Peaceful non-compliance and vigorous communication wins the Human race.
That’d be nice
Well of course my last question was a rhetorical one, pointing the way to what should be considered.
I have no high expectations that it will be.
The biggest psychological success of today’s global propaganda is changing idealists’ paradigm that backtracking and flip-flopping among advanced professionals is an acceptable part of policy professionalism. MSM has incorporated the “understanding that a human leader is not perfect” aspect into a false reality. Factually and historically, backtracking and flip-flopping on announced policies by top leaders demonstrate raw signs of corruption in leadership signifying actions such as bribes, threats, deceptions, greed, or coverups. In the past professionals who announced policy and then changed it explaining “hey, give me a break, I’m learning as I go, this is new territory” were FIRED for incompetence because transparent quality professionals do not create policy or make sweeping announcements if the facts surrounding that policy are vague enough to be frequently changeable. To do so is incompetent and foolish. But here we are, capitalistic idealists of all generations have been convinced to accept unprofessionalism and incompetency on the false premise and correlation of “doing no harm.” The exact opposite has been true, much economic, emotional, educational, journalistic, and medical harm has occurred and has become invisible to them.
Merkel’s change of mind is clearly ordained from higher powers. I’ve got a feeling lots more to follow.
You’ve been locked up for two weeks that lasted 365 days. For nothing.
Ahhhhhh we have.
As for ” THEM” Los Elitos – El Culto Satanicos De Los Muertos
It has been an absolute orgy of pillage, rob and a swing into Retro Fascism
Billy and Faux Xi couldn’t be happier
A wet dream of damage, social carnage and chaos, whats not to like
The beauty of it all are that the muggles believe the lie.
They are so beautifully brainwashed that they not only mindlessly regurgitate the Covidian Cult Classical religious slogans, they even get the nuanced psychology of the guilt that is painted on those ” non compliant” being the danger and vector for this great invisible death
The level of Stupid is epic. Not a single original thought or emotion, not a dram of personal thoughts or feelings . The brainwashing is so good that they utter their Faith with the same collective ideas of a MacDonalds burger advert
If they had a Q code, it would read contains 100% pure MSM, guaranteed CNC free( Conspiracy Nutter Case) approved by ” Experts”
The “New Normal” will have three main components:
First: The Church of Scientism
Often the most basic root of a system is its least visible aspect. In this case, it the word “science” used in a most unscientific way. Whereas genuine science always questions and never takes anything for granted, scientism asserts dogmatically – and (this is a giveaway) often in advance. With covid, it was clear that the “scientific community” i.e. the scientistic community, somehow knew in advance that this new virus was not only deadly but was going to change everything forever. (This scientistic community is not necessarily always the same group i.e. as if to suggest that there is a core of fully bought scientists – although there may well be many such. This “community” may consist of scientists who genuinely believe what the rulers demand but will, if they have any real integrity, come to realise they have been used. Which doesn’t stop the rulers from using them of course.)
What this Church of Scientism has done is to hijack the great modern “sacred cow” of “science” and use it to the advantage of the rulers they serve. Thus, this scientism takes on the role of a religion – whilst its practitioners shamelessly demonise all opposition to them as “religious fanatics”.
This Church may well be the most fanatical there has ever been. At least previous churches stressed the role of faith i.e. of applying belief in something. According to the Church of Scientism, no belief is necessary at all since this church is issuing “facts” which are inviolable and unquestionable – thus proving their unscientific provenance and even though these “eternal facts” may indeed be quietly ditched when no longer needed.
The other two components need this church. Without it, they couldn’t exist.
Second: The Biosecurity State
This is frankly just a police state where an authority has total control over the population which are then told where they can go, what they can do, when they can do it, what they must wear and all the precautions they must take. All collectives must be ratified through this biosecurity state. It is clearly totalitarian and would never have gained a hope in hell of coming into being without the Church of Scientism to back it up and provide “health based” reasons for all the restrictions which must be observed otherwise we are assured that disaster will ensue. This impending scientistic disaster is of such magnitude that any amount of violence, intimidation and punishment is justified to avert it.
Third: Pharma-capitalism
By this I mean the new booming, and very much captured, market of “selling” vaccines to the population who are now assumed (under the scientistic paradigm) to no longer have effective natural immunity against anything – especially whatever is delivered by the next Church of Scientism sermon . Thus, capital now enters in to fill in that “much needed gap” which, under scientism, has been magically conjured into existence.
How long this “New Normal” will last depends on how long they can get away with it. But I daresay the lords of capital will even now be planning for the next “New Normal”.
“Invalidates my life-insurance policy”?
Can you provide a source for that?
Yes! You are unaware!
I find it hard to believe that you think the Insurance Organized Crime Industry wouldn’t do that!
Not at all. The insurance angle is not something I had read about. I’d like more information. Asking for a source for information should not get one down votes. I don’t believe anybody; it is not about what I am capable of believing. Can you link to a source?
read yesterday irish times they turn down fat women for a mortgage due to covid
never the les i cant source the usa i can u.k and the new insurance
polices have changed call your health insurance and ask them if your insurance against that, even check your house hold insurances if you added health or accident whilst out, to see if the polices covers vaccine damage side effects and wording is a must so what ever words the medical lot use for side effects etc
“… for a disease I don’t have?”
You might catch the virus and get ill though … ok, just a little if your’re not old and frail.
How can you completely fail to mention Stakeholder Capitalism (foundational to the WEF Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution)???
Surely you are, by now, aware of all that Alison McDowell (wrenchinthegears.com) has unearthed re: social impact bonds, human capital markets, pay for success financing, etc.?
First: Digital Settler Colonialism
This is succinct – and very persuasive. Have you floated it to MSM? Anyway, I agree on science. It is a questioning field – and that has disappeared from MSM recently. Why do they not print such questions anymore? Every scientist and academic knows you can prove nothing 100 % and that you may be able to prove something isn’t true in a given paradigm.
The stars are lining up on the side of the healthers. There is a very strong energy field and the covid cult are doomed. They will be gone forever within a month.
Sounds good to me, except that I’m not superstitious.
I can’t help thinking that if Beethoven had worried about the Tarot portents, we might only have a small percentage of his wonderful works to listen to.
Whatever one’s experience with this device, do let’s keep busy doing what we all do best.
Like the PCR ‘test’, the Tarot can find anything in anybody if it isn’t used properly.
Allegorically and symbolically satisfying not with standing your valid critique.
Well, I did say it sounds good.
I agree with you; it’s just that I am wary of wishful thinking.
I can feel it. Today I feel angry, but it is the right kind of anger, an energy as John Lydon said. If you refuse to be scared, if you trust your instincts, if you say no to all their decrees, you can never lose.
Letter after letter from NHS England offering us to get the improperly trialled ‘vaccine’ (gene therapy). This is such a tremendous crime it blows my mind. The picture here made me laugh – and not much else has lately:
“The public gets what the public can’t be bothered to investigate.”
Sums the situation up very well.
Calum Semple of SAGE:
“Within Britain there is a likelihood of a third wave in potentially July and August time when we do unlock society.”
His reasoning seems to be that people will go abroad on holiday and meet those icky unvaccinated foreigners – although he throws new variants into the mix to hedge his bets.
This isn’t going away until next autumn (especially when one remembers that Sunak extended furlough until September).
Reminds me of the old days when one flu followed another, year after year. Sometimes one came down with it, sometimes not. If you were scared, a “traditional” vaccine (watch out for the additives) was available. Every flu season had its victims, sometimes in alarming numbers.
Now what we get are “variants” (until a newer, more terrifying strain is, ahh, released) frightening enough to make the majority accept the absurdity of lockdowns. And since the counting systems have much improved, what we get are daily, world-wide tallies of “cases” and deaths. Daily.
I’ve been left surprised that adult diapers have not been depleted and hoarded what with so many folks shitting themselves.
The more things change …
This isn’t going away till 2023. Not sure how it will pan out though.
That’s a bit optimistic. ” It’s with us forever”- I read by some official, professional expert or other. Yes, colds and influenza have been with us forever and probably always will be; and will continue to mutate into new variants. But you see this is the Great Reset, the New Dawn of Everything. Diseases never before known. New pop music fashions. Hem lines never previously hemmed. Dances never dreamed of and naturally a new fraudulent economic system. In fact the same old same old, but different and lasting forever…ish.
According to the different producers, what are their vaccines supposed to do?
Make you immune or ease the illness? Will you still be able to carry the virus and infect others?
Will you still be able to carry the virus and infect others?
Yes, which is why masking and lockdowns will still be the order of the day even after you get the Clown Vaccine.
I agree with most of that, esp the bits about these people being absolutely malicious with all this stuff, and they really need to be prosecuted and jailed after all this is over. Of course, a whole lot of people before that need the same thing – the liars about 911, Saddam, Libya, Syria, etc etc etc etc) but I doubt they’ll ever face true justice.
But ‘just say no’ isn’t going to stop them – we of the 1% or so who are already saying ‘no’ (or ‘no fucking way jack’ etc) are not going to stop this madness, we somehow have to convince some of our ‘peers’ – hmm, nah, people wearing masks and yapping about social distancing for the terrible virus can’t really be considered ‘peers’ – we have to somehow get the people who have willingly, passively turned over control of their brains to the BBC, CBC, ABC, CNN, and etc etc to take their brains back – which would mean convincing them they have been brainwashed – which would mean – dreaming, I’m afraid. I fear this game is over. Watch V for Vendetta. Battle is over – war remains to be seen …
I’m quite sure we’re more than 1%.
If it matters, a billionaire is about .000001%.
Indeed the 1% meme is an availability heuristic.
Not that we need this confirmation, but look at this approximately 1-minute clip of a Dr. Arif “performing” on the BBC. Pathetic, unhinged. How many like her? Can traditions and habits of a lifetime change in one year? I fear I know the answer. But we must continue fighting it.
This is at about the 17:50 mark:
Ypu mean:
An attempt to put the perpetrators in the dock.
By Ypu I mean You, and I should add it’s happening now. Worth keeping abreast of.
Surely it is time to follow the line taken by Israelis and take the British government to the ICC for “crimes against humanity”. They are flat out lying every day via their proaganda networks, deceiving people, it’s all fraudulent and provably so. They have killed people and they are destroying life itself. This tool of the ICC is not being used, and it should be. We need help from outside, these demons are out of control.
The ICC is run by the rulers to persecute (sic) anyone who dares stand up to them. No ‘justice’ to be found there. Lockdown sceptics are more likely to find themselves up against this court than those perpetrating the lockdowns.
Hello Mucho: The International Criminal Court was designed as a paper tiger by approved corporate estates. If you read through the ICC statements of purpose, the court possesses no legal jurisdictions nor methods of enforcement. It is a formalized legal fraud…
I love the term paper tiger. It absolutely works here.
Hello Ravensara: Common Law in the United States was hijacked as a result of the fraudulent substitution of the Original 13th Amendment. This happened in (approximately) 1855. Abraham Lincoln was aware of this, and was thus a traitor to his country…
See my comment below.
A bit like the legal system, eh? Except for common law which they are doing their damnedest to get rid of.
Hello NixonScraypes: Damn straight!
The original (Confederate) Constitution was designed as a common law instrument, and is actually still in force. The Constitution of the American Republic was later “amended” by the re-written 13th amendment.
The Original 13th Amendment clearly prohibited persons of “title” from holding public office. >
“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”
What the hell is an Esquire? (attorney)
The missing Thirteenth Amendment – TONA Research Committee – The Thirteenth Article of Amendment
Thanks for posting.
From what I’ve gathered from unpopular history the confederates were not the villains they’re cooked up to be and the unionists not the paragons of virtue we are informed. For some odd reason I’m reminded of Alexander Del Mar, whose History of Monetary Crimes I found very informative, although I skipped the chapters on America. It seems patently obvious that whoever dishes out the dosh runs the show- piper and tune eh. Politics is irrelevant when Dad hands out the pocket money.
‘It seems patently obvious that whoever dishes out the dosh runs the show’
Truer words were never spoken… Right on.
Micro-victory: Frau Merkel has announced that it was her mistake and they are now UNdeclaring the Easter Lockdown in Germany. That disobedience stuff is WORKING. TFIC have been reading and gauging the nearly-unanimous anti-Bullshit commentary on social media, and in the streets, and have decided to back off a bit.
Boris said, “The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed, my friends.”
Well, my friend, you are, of course correct, but they are in fact proof of the failure of the system, not its success.
using tax payers money to create it then re charging the government for it and then etc etc etc etc
Yes, it’s like the Public Private scam in which public is the cash cow of the government which is a private corporation run by the Crown of the City to which the monarch belongs.
Did BoZo actually say that? Sounds like he’s been watching a lot of Netflix on lockdown! His statement reminds me of an old Oliver Stone movie:
I was looking at Vernon Coleman’s blog where he talks about how Bill and Melinda Gates implied that we might not take the first pandemic seriously – but that we would treat the next pandemic far more seriously.
This is sadly confirmed by my own experience according to which there is the most peculiar logical reversal whereby the longer a con lasts the more gullible many appear to become. You would surely expect the opposite to happen and that people would wise up. But they really don’t. The more the morass of sewage stinks, the deeper the majority sink into it.
it’s not so much that they become more gullible, they become more reluctant to admit how deeply they were sucked in by a gang of grifters, how stupid they have been.
Eventually, when the conman is questioned or challenged, it means the victim’s investment, and thus his intelligence is questioned. No one can accept that. Even to themselves.
Bot thats the beauty of the word craft narrative
The PCR tells you you have Covid, but most likely you don’t
, ie false positive
The vaccines are the rolled out and when people die, there is no scientific basis, its all one big continuous coincidence
So roll the dice, you loose
They roll the dice, they not only win the word dble speak, they win all the time.
These emotionally toned slogans and rebuttals have been very carefully and designed in Langley, Va
Look at the mileage they got of the word ‘conspiracy theory” , thats pure genius, albeit evil genius.
Hardly anyone I know thinks it’s a con. Sometimes even I’m not sure. Just looking at the data I was able to work out it was all untrue – because I’ve been an academic. People are supporting all measures though. Nearly everyone. It’s like the school playground. Whomever the cool person hates is to be hated. Our job is to behave with integrity while time strips their cool.
Sadly, academics are generally the worst. You have a tough row to hoe!
The bigger the trick, the easier it is to pull.
…or rather, for everything. Because that’s what they are trying to take from us. Everything. And the only way to stop them is not to let them. To simply refuse consent.
And by everything I think we can now be sure that for most of us, “everything” means our very existence. They have been killing us slowly since last March and the pace will quicken as they push their genocidal vaccines onto the still sleeping masses.
With sadness I say.. Let them perish. We tried.
As of March 29th any average Brits trying to leave the UK (i.e. the 99%) will be fined up to £5000.
And yet the UK govt has just invested £7.8m into Newquay airport so that the oligarchy elite can private jet hop into Cornwall for the looming G7 pow-wow?
[Rules for thee – none for them]
Never, in the field of human deception has so much outrageous and nauseating bullshit been fed to so many by so few for so long. If you think it’s nearly over you’ve not been paying attention to the words and plans of our criminal WEF backed overlords.
Finally, yet again more data proving the efficacy of a cheap, out of patent and safe to use drug: IVERMECTIN
There is no virus so whatever treatments are not for covid. Invermectin is an antiparasitic drug used for head lice, scabies, river blindness, strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis. If it works it is because it is killing parasites not sarscov2.
So maybe you have discovered something, Your comment suggests, The viral infection is somehow enabled, enhanced even accelerated when either the virus interacts with a parasite or when the cell the virus targets for infection is prepared by the parasite for viral infection. <=w/o the parasite some property of the cell to be infected or the virus itself is not enabled (cell or virus not made susceptible) for viral entry or for viral survival inside of the infected cell.
Suggesting the parasite is required for sustainable covid 19 infections to occur?
Well said. That is exactly how genuine scientific discovery works:
Somebody puts a number of objects on a table.
Somebody else counts them, adds them together, and makes sense of them.
Heaven knows people have enough parasites living on, and in, their bodies.
Perhaps Peter has, indeed, discovered something.
Of course the CIA will visit him if he tries to patent his discovery, since they do not wish this to be discovered.
After all, human health might be positively affected, and we can’t have that…
what viral infection? covid?
I certainly don’t believe that there’s a Sars CoV 2 virus and they certainly haven’t proven that there is one. According to Rockefeller health care science, diseases and pathogens come in pairs. They’ve paired Sars CoV 2 with covid 19, which means that if there is in fact no Sars CoV 2 virus….
It’s wild that the things that can make people better are unavailable. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but they are going to try to keep the lockdowns going. Eventually they will break the supply chain.
I could tell you I’m some ex CIA ex Green Beret but I won’t. I’m just a normal person who has studied their ass off for the past 25 years plus. Recently I made a purchase in the amount of $250.00 of survival food from a well known and established vendor. Get my newsletter.
My underground newsletter is sent by email twice a week at the subscriber cost of only one dollar per month. In it I cover survival, preparedness, product reviews, current events and much more. It’s entirely interactive in that I try to answer all my emails. To sign up send an email to [email protected] to get instructions on how to subscribe.
Prepare and stay well,
Break the supply chain…you mean like a huge boat accident and resulting massive traffic jam in the Suez Canal?? I thought that looked mighty suspicious given current circumstances.
“Never, in the field of human deception has so much outrageous and nauseating bullshit been fed to so many by so few for so long.”
Oh, it has – the Cold War, the Space Race etc.
I believe the ancient followers of Baal also told a lie or two…
Not an essentially different scenario from the current interest in following Bill…
And then listen to Eric and Van telling it like it is. See below, I had to delete the Youtube link as they have some hideous algorithm diverting relevant videos to useless garbage I guess to make posters seem like trolls or idiots..
On th subject of making posters seem like trolls or idiots, that recent EastEnders episode where we have an “anti-vaxxer”, depicted her as a moronic twat. The old straw man manoeuvre. It’s an indication of intellectual bankruptcy when you cannot permit your opponents free expression but must misrepresent them.
Indeed mate. It is the most appalling example of vile propaganda – how can these bastards at the BBC sleep at night, what the hell is going on in their minds, their souls? I am reminded of something, just after the NYC attacks, the BBC intercut footage of the burning towers, with footage of Palestinians laughing and looking generally delighted. It turns out that the Palestinians were laughing and cheering about something else entirely, unrelated to the attacks, and yet, somebody, at BBC control had decided to create some loathsome propaganda, and intercut two completely unrelated pieces of footage to smear the people of Palestine as ghouls. It was disgusting. They were caught out as somebody noticed that the footage belonged to another report and questioned it. That was just over twenty years ago. How terribly the world has been altered since then.
They can sleep at night because they are true believers, branch covidians who completely buy into the charade and are happy to proselytise their illogical bullshit to everybody and anybody and to get paid handsomely for it. They think they are the good guys and that they are doing the World a favour. Twisted cunts is what they are.
Beneath Bloody Contempt.
—March 20, 2003 – U.S.-led forces invade Iraq from Kuwait to oust Saddam Hussein. May 1, 2003 – President George W. Bush declares hostilities over.
—June 15, 2003 – U.S. military completes its troop build-up, or “surge,” to around 170,000 soldiers.
— December 2011 the United States completes its withdrawal of troops, concluding the Iraq War.
— December 2019, Iraq and the United States begin discussing the partial withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq.
Oh, you mean, like…
“2 Weeks to Flatten the Curve”
George W. Bush on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003.
Bush: “Mission Accomplished” — REAL Speech – YouTube
Notice the military idiots cheering and clapping. We’re still flattening civilian populations in Iraq. I guess the learning curve is quite flat…
notice the dates
Dear Off Guardian, I suggest you contact Vera Sharav and ask her to repeat her presentation to Reiner Fuellmich for you. Or even ask Reiner if you can show the clip. You won’t find a better lens to focus peoples attention in my humble opinion.
I suggest everybody watches #30 from one hour and 55 minutes in, presentations by Mike Yeadon and Vera Sharav – it will take roughly two hours but time can’t be better spent.
The important Sharaf/Fuellmich video is here https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wigo_videos/
Super. It is definitely worth listening to Dr Michael Yeadon’s presentation that precedes it also ( although the sound quality is terrible, and you have to fill in some gaps) – the two presentations together make a the most convincing and frightening case on video for everybody who is asleep to wake the hell up.
No, number 30 has no Yeadon!
Yes it does, it begins around one hour and 55 minutes in.
No matter how much information we have – and Sharaf adds to that storehouse – this video is essential. Besides the stern warnings about the German past as precursor to the global present, she exhorts us not to splinter. All of us here, as individuals, differ on some things. We must not allow those relatively small (when you consider the threat) differences to derail us. We have to keep our eye on the ball as group.
The commenters here daily affirming those differences and re-igniting discord with increasingly-inflammatory language here are paid to do so, and will never stop. That they stand against Reiner Fuellmich and team, Dolores Cahill, Michael Yeadon, Wolfgang Wodarg, Sucharit Bhakdi, James Lyons-Weiler, and others who are all making real efforts in our collective best interests, is far from accidental.
Caveat Lector!