WATCH: Flash Mobs for Freedom
In his latest episode of Solutions Watch, James Corbett discusses flash mobs, and how organized groups can peacefully make a difference
We’ve all heard of flash mobs, but can they be used for more than just organizing pillow fights in Times Square? Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch as he explores how freedom fighters are using flash mobs to carve out a space for normal human interaction in these increasingly insane times.
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We’ve seen plenty of flash mobs before. Maidan, Libya, Syria, Russia, Hong Kong, Iran, and we all know whos behind them. Uncle Shmuel and the little black hats.
I don’t understand this (very recent in human history) obsession with ‘peaceful’.
I’d like to remind you all that our brave and clever ancestors managed to get us all the rights we have lost last year because they didn’t mind to hit the assholes in power and their servile police/army monkeys with anyhting they could find to hit them hard.
Bombs, guns, sticks, stones, screws, petrol bombs, fists….
If they had done ‘peaceful’ protests like the emasculated protesters of today, we would have never gone out of serfdom in the West.
The smae serfdom they are imposing on us, because people don’t dare to do what needs to be done: kill people like bill gates and his family, kill boris johnson, burn police stations, presidential palaces, testing and jabbing centers, set the eu commission building on fire and hang as many commissioners as possible, fight nazi cops with extreme violence so that fear suddenly change side, punish the snitches, the collaborators of the fascist covid cult….
Destroy all coivd porpaganda, set the offices of bbc, guardian and other media whores on fire…
Shoot, hang, lynch, harass every globalist and every institution harboring them…
Or keep being brave little peaceful lamb, ready to be jabbed and slaughtered.
Here’s a great example of flashmob in Paris.
A lot of people gather in a grocery, not wearing their mask.
Simple, but just BRILLANT.
i recall the ice bucket challenge the biggest dumbest ritual going and the dummies participated why.?
It was a conspiracy by the Catholic church to baptise everyone.
For the dummies, just the usual narcissistic pricks. No takers for my boiling oil bucket challenge.
From the Council of Europe:
with respect to ensuring high vaccine uptake:
7.3.1. ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;
Which I think makes passports also being discussed by the EU contradictory.
as posted earlier by 77 Brigade – Retired
In lawyers’ logic, it won’t be contradictory. You will be free in the open-air prison, just as in Palestine.
Another case for the ICC?
Saint Bono has been busy:
Take a look at this roll call of the damned:
Nice to see Bono’s self-awareness – and indeed awareness of anything at all – hasn’t changed one iota from his lobotomised Labour speech to Tony’s minions:
Isn’t is excruciating when a “subversive” has to tell you he’s subversive?
Bill’s cheque is in the post, Bono.
The old – and correct – complaint about poor countries being shat on by rich ones now made utterly contemptibly fraudulent by a manufactured “vaccine inequality scandal”!
well, at least somebody will survive the COVID-1984 vaccine genocide.
Most celebrities are piles of garbage but this particularly putrid group are committing nothing less than an act of war against their own species. I wish each one of them and their pimps an eternity in hell.
The CIA and far-right are terrified of individuals like Bono and Bill Gates trying to do good in the world,
Is there really some sadsack being paid to cast a downvote on every single comment on OG? I’m not taking it personally but ffs….you sad sad sack.
Hey it’s worth having “the Downvote Bandit” on the loose just for this comment alone. Got a nice chuckle out of it.
What I find so disheartening is the sheer number of ‘officials’ who would need to be indicted and sentenced for their willing participation in this fraud.
In Iceland alone, where I now live, we have:
a) the country’s Chief of Infectious Diseases, hitherto treading a moderate line regarding lockdowns and other such nonsense – but now spouting the same crap as the rest.
b) the Surgeon General (literally, ‘national doctor’) who has learned Bill’s script perfectly.
c) the Minister for Health, a political position requiring no professional expertise in the field of public health at all. Next week she could just as well be Justice Minister, or Minister of Fish – probably according to what she fancies most.
d) the programme planners at the State Broadcasting Organization, who never interview anybody who opposes the ignorant science behind everything which is currently wrecking our society
e) the police chief. We don’t have an army here, so he’ll have to do. He knows nothing except how to obey orders, and those orders come from a) b) c) and d) above.
f) the Prime Minister, a bright girl who looks as if she graduated from a university basketball course about five years ago, and who simply wouldn’t have the necessary political backbone to speak her mind, if indeed her mind were to differ from that of the Groupthink I have just mentioned.
She wouldn’t even contradict Joe Biden, and he, of course, controls the whole world with the tattered remnants of an ‘intellect’..
As I said, the sheer numbers – all hiding behind each other’s lies…
Where do we even start?
I assume that Iceland’s “length of rope per capita” must be one of the highest in the world.
start at the top and work your way down….
of course it will be difficult, this is the reason all western militaries have been liberalized, diversified etc etc (and reorientated inward onto the populace)..
there was a government white paper (UK), long since room 101’d, from the nineties, where the government had war gamed a future scenario with the MOD, much like the one we find ourselves in currently. in it they predicted social collapse and ‘flash mobs’ of the new terrorist class, which was in fact a disenfranchised middle class….
the elites decided the white middle class enemy number one decades ago, even the indoctrinated and ‘woke’ will find themselves on a sticky wicket eventually.. when they have served their purpose..
and the ‘plan’ though sticking to bullet points has a certain flexibilty as new ideas and vaporware creates new possibilities.
funny little ronnie is pushing that one..
This brings to mind a 2017 article, about military exercises with actors playing zombies. Good fun? Hardly. Very prescient- just add Covid and bingo.An excerpt. Link to full article below. ‘Given that the majority of what Americans watch on television is provided through channels controlled by six mega corporations, what we watch is now controlled by a corporate elite and, if that elite needs to foster a particular viewpoint or pacify its viewers, it can do so on a large scale. We are being controlled by forces beyond our control. This is how the police state takes charge. As the Atlantic notes, “The villains of [Fear the Walking Dead] aren’t the zombies, who rarely appear, but the U.S. military, who sweep into an L.A. suburb to quarantine the survivors. Zombies are, after all, a recognizable threat—but Fear plumbs drama and horror from the betrayal by institutions designed to keep people safe.” What we are experiencing is a betrayal of the very core values—a love of freedom, an adherence to the rule of law, a spirit of democracy, a commitment to accountability and transparency, and a recognition that civilian rule must always trump military methods—that have guided this nation from its inception. The challenge is not whether we can hold onto our freedoms in times of peace and prosperity, but whether we can do so when all hell breaks loose. Fear the Walking Dead drives this point home by setting viewers down in the midst of societal unrest not unlike our own current events (“a bunch of weird incidents, police protests, riots, and … rapid social entropy”). Then, as Forbes reports, “the military showed up and we fast-forwarded into an ad hoc police state with no glimpse at what was happening in the world around our main cast of hapless survivors.” Anyone who has been paying attention knows that it will not take much… Read more »
The writer also updated the article based on recent events.
Well that’s obviously not going to happen any more than you will have a public confession re: 9/11 or JFK. Covid is a much easier game for them since, being much bigger and spread out everywhere, there’s too much vagueness to exploit. Who planned it and who was following orders. Also bear in mind that almost the entire population of the planet have been taking an active role re: masks, distancing etc. Three headlines you are more likely to see first:
“Of Course JFK Was a Conspiracy!”
“A Trip Round The Sandpit They Used For The Moon Landings!”
“Special Report From The Team That Lined WTC towers with Explosives!”
But, what about “The Rules Based International Order”? Applied to Intranational Order??
Excellent news from the Council of Europe (CoE), the world’s leading human rights organization. It is the governing body of the European Court of Human Rights. As you probably know 47 countries, including all EU Member States, are contracting parties to the CoE and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This is excellent news for people concerned about compulsory or coercive vaccination or discrimination in vaccination.
A resolution of the Council of Europe has been voted that prohibits States from making vaccination against the coronavirus mandatory or that it can be used to discriminate against workers or anyone who does not get vaccinated. Here is the text extracted at specific points and the full resolution in original version and links.
7.3 on ensuring high vaccine acceptance:
7.3.1. Ensure that citizens are informed that vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is pressured politically, socially or otherwise to get vaccinated if they do not want to do it themselves.
That is very good news, if true, given the safety scares it is also logical. It also perhaps explains why Farage complained about the CHR this afternoon.
Nigel Fromage complained? Another wimpwad.
Thx 77 Brigade Retired. Fantastic news. Now lets push back like never before.
Could it really be true?
Icelandic news today stated that the halt to the Astra-Zeneca substance would be lifted, since the people with complications were all under 60 or something (a lie) and that its efficacy in hindering the spread of ‘the disease’ was 75%, as opposed to Pfizer’s 85% – in other words, hey, what the hell, good enough…
I can’t see the ‘authorities’ here lifting a finger to allay the concerns of people who do not wish to be poisoned or permanently genetically modified…
Nice to have a few extra pellets of ammo though. Thank you.
I think they know their time is limited and so are going for broke, hence the hysterical headlines about low supplies and weeks of delays if you don’t grab your monkey juice now!
there’s a cheering thought.
Legally speaking, they have been on thin ice from the start, especially since there is no doubt that these products are in the experimental stage.
Which is probably why they keep banging on about ‘certificates’ and ‘passports’, hoping people will comply on their own in the belief that it will allow them to get their lives back.
But it looks like things are not quite going to plan, since I see here ( another example of the fact that the take-up is ‘disappointing’.
Hence, presumably, the ridiculous effort to bring back lockdowns using a variety of equally ridiculous pretexts, at a time when the seasons are changing in the northern hemisphere and mortality figures are desperately flat or even going down.
What happened in Germany is interesting – the outcry that followed the idea of an Easter lockdown made it impossible to bring in.
Assembly debate on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 15212, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2021
ie it passed into law 2 months ago
this became law 2 months ago, i guess people generally didn’t know until today. i think it’s important that this becomes more widely known, worth a share on social media perhaps if anyone does that. worth an article of itself here at off-g imo.
Yes indeed
The problem is that they are going to make the “vaccine” compulsory through the back door with vaccine passports that will gradually make more and more activities impossible for the non-vaccinated until life becomes intolerable or even impossible without one.
That will only work if a large enough percentage of people accept it. Can pubs, bars and restaurants operate (if ever they do come back) if 50% of their customers are not ‘qualified’ to patronise them and refuse to be so qualified?
Sure, but to turn your argument round, can 50% of the population continue with their lives if they can’t even shop for food?
I’m not so sure it can come to that. They have no legal basis for making participation in the experiment mandatory, so they cannot possibly starve you for not obeying their made-up ‘rules’ (oh wait, they’re doing that to Syria, so maybe you’re right).
I’m shopping without an obedience muzzle right now. the security guards follow me around the store, ordering me to comply, and I tell them that I won’t. they’ve got nothing, if you just refuse. it’s almost comical.
model script:
security at entrance: do you have a mask?
me: no.
security: I can give you one.
me: what do you do, if somebody refuses to wear it?
security: I’m supposed to call the manager, but it’s never happened yet.
me: and then what do they do?
security: I don’t know.
me: let’s try an experiment, shall we?
[later, inside store: manager arrives, as promised]
manager: do you need a mask? I can give you one.
me: no thanks.
manager: it’s required, to keep everybody safe.
me: come on, everybody knows this is a hoax.
manager: well anyway, it’s required.
me: don’t worry, I’ll be gone in a few minutes. just watch me.
manager, other staff, spectators: open-mouthed astonishment.
I haven’t used a mask once and haven’t been challenged in a supermarket. The security guards don’t follow me around, I give them a friendly “hi” on entry and usually get a friendly response back.
With some very clever manipulations – The Groan had an article today that pubs complying with vax passport could drop social distancing rules
I don’t want to pour cold water on what otherwise looks like good news but apparently, Council of Europe resolutions are not legally binding on EU member states whereas EU Commission directives are legally binding
I’m always suspicious of people who demand unity. It’s a “you’re either with us, or against us” sort of thing.
Fighting for Our Lives – We Must Unite
Dr Vernon Coleman
G W Bush changed my view of that idea with his “You’re with us, or you’re with the terrorists”…
The intellectual equivalent of “You either believe the Earth is flat, or you believe it’s square – you can’t have it both ways”… (ever heard of the word, “neither” ???)
“What Happens When A Stupid Man Becomes President Of The United States Of America
– Course 101″…
The fallacy of the False Dichotomy
Excellent piece by Coleman. Note his stern reprimand of the nit-picking, back-biting, and inability to think strategically among those of us who share essential positions in this battle but differ on the non-essential ones; the discounting of those scientists sticking their necks out because of their less than impeccable backgrounds or points of view that don’t coincide precisely with our own – behaving as if this is all an “academic exercise” and not a “war.” It is a war.
I hope Frei just lets it all fade away; since the Bossche thing is probably now dead in the water.
I just watched Highwire with Del Bigtree kvetching because Frei didnt contact him before writing the article concerning his interview last week with Bossche. (I wholeheartedly agreed with her)
Of course Del’s very good friend Robert Kennedy Jr. actually published Frei’s article in his Children’s Health Defense “Defender” online magazine apparently without inquiring of Rosemary whether she’d spoken to his very good friend Del first. (you’d have to watch the interview between Del and Bobby to understand what I mean)
Del kvetches about Frei, then invites Robert Kennedy Jr on to discuss the matter.
It was like watching two grade school boys throwing spit balls at the smart girl in class.
I have sung Kennedy and Bigtree’s praises for the past year. They do great work – but they sure got it wrong with this interview.
I hope she has help crawling out from under the bus
I might give it a look sometime, but I stopped watching The Highwire after Bigtree pushed the pro-vax, pro-screening, pro-granny-incarceration, Koch Declaration. Along with a number of others, it was also pushed by Brian Gerrish of UK Column. I suspect that Operation Bossche is a “Plan B”. With regard to the declaration, I’m in agreement with Allison McDowell (Wrench In The Gears): Technocrats, Great Barrington, and Bermuda Grass – Why Settle For Reform When A Radical Solution Is Needed? Oct 13, 2020 If you haven’t read the declaration yet, I encourage you to stop and do that now. It’s just a bit over 500 words. I realize Kulldorff, Bhattacharya, and Gupta have been giving interviews for months. For the purposes of this piece, however, I’m asking folks to humor me and set aside things they have heard or read from the primary signers on issues relating to lockdowns, testing, masks, etc. Please concentrate on what is actually laid out in these 518 words. They were carefully chosen, and that’s what they’ve asked people to sign on to. If you were to sign, these items are among the things you’d be agreeing to: 1. We did in fact experience a legitimate global health emergency. 2. Using PCR as a diagnostic test for Covid is valid. 3. We should seek to constrain targeted groups of healthy people – focused protection. 4. It is acceptable to socially isolate elders, including from family members. 5. Advancing the current childhood vaccination program is a priority. These are crucial topics I think should have been discussed, but were left out. 1. Tech-based contract tracing undermines civil liberties. 2. Biometric health passports used to control population mobility and access to work and education are repressive. 3. Vaccine mandates should be opposed. 4. Population level bioengineering using mRNA… Read more »
Yep, used in Thailand to make it difficult to stop protests against the parasite monarchy and the junta government.
Police run in circles…
Every Nation/state has a dedicated group of thugs (operatives) refereed to as the “defense” department or Department of Defense. Why do armies, navies, marines, baton-wielding riot police and tactical swat teams choose to marginalize themselves with a prissy term such as defense? What are they defending? Perhaps they are un-flash mobs…
Yes there have been a flash mob in a supermarket in France. You see the guard keeping on saying as a robot: “its orders. You have to put on the mask”, and no one listens.
On the downside: my orthopedic surgeon has been coopted in ICU for “covid” and the orthopedic department is no longer receiving an patients. This means anyone who has the bad luck to have a broken or malfunctioning limb is now left without attendance (except through video which is nonsense when it comes to limbs: someone has to touch you to get a feel about the tendons and nerves, and after that you need XRays).
My orthopedic surgeon was a very excellent specialist and I expect he has spent his entire professional life until now saving his fellow human beings in need.
By accepting to comply with orders, he has now forsaken his soul, unless he is too stupid and believes in corona (which I dont think he does as neither he nor I ever wore masks during past consultations).
This is what doctors must realise, that they are becoming more than criminals, they are forsaking their humanity. Is anything worth this? To keep their jobs? But as doctors, dont they realise that they will always find a job? If not in their country, there are plenty of places round the world that would welcome them. So they will never go hungry and will always be able to live and work respected by the community, unlike many others.
Perhaps a lot of the arm twisting of medical professionals is to set them up to be the scapegoats if enough people realize they have been conned (which, unfortunately, is highly unlikely).
A person may not remember their politician because there is almost no physical contact with them. But guaranteed they will remember the man or woman who treated them and, as part of that treatment, had physical contact with them.
So, if things go awry, it will be much easier and more immediate for people to blame their doctors. And this might satisfy their natural urge to extract vengeance – letting the Bill Gates’s and the bureaucrats off the hook.
Watch this :
All entirely fabricated b0ll0cks!
Exactly, everyone can see Icke is MI5 disinformation operative.
Can’t believe Icke was allowed to hijack the really important Trafalgar Square demonstration last year, and as I predicted he washed us all in silly paint for the MSM to lampoon and sidelined all the important speakers.
But how many people are listening?
”New wave of coronavirus hits Gaza”
Israel has their own little genocide underway, under cover of covid.
So Covid is a killer disease ?
Something doesn’t like the Palestinians,but I’m not sure it’s covid.
“Gaza and Palestine have a virus problem alright. It is called the ZIONAZI DEATH KKKULT VIRUS (a variant of the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH VIRUS). Time for corrupt capo quisling master spreader Benny Nutjob to be put into quarantine forever!”
The covid cult look like they are on their death bed. Boris Johnson looks like he has aged 30 years since taking the ‘vaccine’. Time is not on their side.
I doubt he really took it to be quite honest. He may be suffering bouts of conscience.
Agreed, it’s doubtful he took it. Bouts of conscience? Nah. It’s the stress of doing the devil’s handiwork and knowing that he’s for the chop (or heart attack gun) if he doesn’t succeed in pulling off his role in the grand plan.
Blinken told the NATO summit that Russia is spreading “disinformation” to erode trust in vaccines.
what makes you think it has any
“Conscience? What gives one the silly notion that Boris the Clown had or has a conscience? With Boris it seems to be a matter of “now and more” than anything involved with ethical considerations. The creep is one big instant gratification mechanism.”
I think it comes with the realisation that you are toast, sooner than later.
It’s exhausting lying 24 hours a day, especially if you’re trying to make that sack of 6 month old spuds aka your arse look pert doing workouts for the first time in your life with Leela the Amazon’s son doing his utmost.
he is ‘transitioning’…….. hehehe
You know, after a year like this one, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Texas scraps its mask mandate and “Covid cases” fall by nearly a third in just two weeks. Awesome collection of what Branch Covidians said when the mandate was lifted here:
Seeing that goon Michael Moore among them is particularly satisfying.
This sort of thing doesn’t just ‘happen’ – it’s the product of half a century’s social engineering that all Texans, all southern Americans, are redneck morons and virtually sub-human. The CIA’s Dennis Hopper kicked it off with EASY RIDER.
people celebrating their allowed to breath, welcome to madness
“Is that Michael Moore, Jabba the Hutt’s halfwit step-brother?”
Excellent example flash mob in a food court, Nov. 2010. This one was for the Hallelujah Chorus around Christmas. I loved the way the flash persons were just sitting at tables eating their lunch like everyone else, then they stood up and started singing. A good, friendly model for any cause.
A UK Police Officers resignation letter posted on RT
‘’I’m done with the far left and far right, two sides of the same violent, socially corrosive and destructive coin,’’
“I’m done with the public, their violence, their lying, their abuse, their spitting, their constant screaming for instant gratification ……….I’m done with their demand for every right, real or imagined, and their utter lack of personal or social responsibility to each other.’’
Beware of the solders of the right-wing deep state sharing their ‘truth’, this is just an attack on the left and the forces of political opposition, dressed up as wisdom.
(OffG editors: your website performs fingerprinting. Possibly because of various javascript crap you load on your site. We love your content but this is what surveillance sites do. Please look into minimizing tracking crap on your site.)
RT the other day had a nominally critical look at a trans story — the father who went to jail — but the phrasing used was precisely the garbage we are being forced to accept. The daughter of the man in question was, per RT, “assigned the female gender at birth”. “Assigned”.
RT, and frankly Russia in general, is highly suspect as distinct from the gang that runs the West. It’s all theatre. Apprach RT with the same critical distance you approach MSM.
Also note RT has a small stable of UK “journalists” who were all part of UK MSM. Treat these the same way you would treat the proverbial “ex-CIA agent” alt pundits .
No it doesn’t! We have absolutely no interest in tracking and no ability to do so. And who are you anyway? This is your first comment here. Don’t use transparent tricks to try to discredit us please.
another good one gone
another bad one gone?
He’s too late. The undermining of our society of which he speaks is not ‘starting’. It is all-but finished. As for the anonymity of such a letter – which of course I understand – the question is inevitably begged as to whether it was Greta Thunberg who wrote it, or her father. Whatever our hunch on that matter, it is still only an anonymous letter – an emotional outpouring which is unfortunately evidence of nothing, except inasfar as it resonates with decent human feeling everywhere. I do indeed agree that the content of the letter is true and sincere, but it is not until Joe Biden, Boris Johnson or Angela Merkel writes such a letter that it can serve any purpose. We have several commenters here who have written ‘letters’ just as heartfelt, but they share with me an overriding urge to find an answer, not to give up. Uppermost in my mind right now is the feeling of helplessness in the face of being lied to by the people one should least expect to lie to the public. They are not used-car con-men, but they act as if they were. Just look at how they have us over a barrel: If covid flares up into a hitherto-unknown Martian strain, it is all the fault of the people who refused to be ‘vaccinated’. If covid dies down and looks set to disappear from human memory altogether, it is all thanks to the glorious success of the ‘vaccine’… Most parents just know when their children are lying to them, and the feeling they experience is a mixture of disappointment and anger which gives their insight a rather distinctive flavour. Well, that flavour is all over the crap we are forced to swallow every hour of every day in late March, 2021.… Read more »
“gifted Oxford graduates“ “I’m done with the public, their violence, their lying, their abuse, their spitting, their constant screaming for instant gratification and destruction of anything and everyone around them if they don’t get their own way, like a bunch of petulant adolescents. I’m done with their demand for every right, real or imagined, and their utter lack of personal or social responsibility to each other.” Attacks the public for believing they have rights. Doesn’t take any responsibility for his part in enforcing unlawful mandates, statutes, regulations that are in place to revenue raise, intimidate and brainwash people. To keep them in fear of armed thugs. Another Freemason scum who has no moral or lawful right to be doing what he does, serving the liars and thieves who run the country and the world through fraud and deception. Police are criminals, carrying out crimes against humanity every day. Their psychological profiles are the same as criminals and psychopaths. RT sucks for publishing this absolute tripe. “gifted Oxford graduates“ “I’m done with the public, their violence, their lying, their abuse, their spitting, their constant screaming for instant gratification and destruction of anything and everyone around them if they don’t get their own way, like a bunch of petulant adolescents. I’m done with their demand for every right, real or imagined, and their utter lack of personal or social responsibility to each other.” Attacks the public for believing they have rights. Doesn’t take any responsibility for his part in enforcing unlawful mandates, statutes, regulations that are in place to revenue raise, intimidate and brainwash people. To keep them in fear of armed thugs. Another Freemason scum who has no moral or lawful right to be doing what he does, serving the liars and thieves who run the country and the world through… Read more »
I suspect the Russians are in love with the west’s deep state, they share so many goals and a hatred of the populous.
The Russians are the foil to the West. But only as an illusion. Behind the scenes they are peachy. Same central bank owners. In the Hegelian Dialectic model there are always two oppositional binary choices both of which lead us into the abyss or off a cliff.
The question I always put to people: If China is the dreaded Nemesis of The West, where did they get the Western Tech to pose a threat? China didn’t even get its own “Industrial Revolution” until the ’90s… how can they compete? Why were Chinese nationals allowed to study in the US? Most have never heard that Mao himself studied in the US and got himself an American handler named Sidney Rittenberg. The game is OBVIOUS if you look with clear eyes… and it explains China’s complicity in the FAUXVID-19…
The point: We’ve been living under a Global Government for well over a century already. Now TFIC want to streamline it.
Steven, people need their illusions. I don’t know why they hold on to them so tight. Better to know the truth than to live in a fantasy. Google gave Deep Mind to China. The bankers moved capital out of the US in the 80’s and into China. Even before NAFTA. I think we have probably been living under global governance for centuries, just through the monetary system and usury alone. And religions were used to create wars before fictional borders were even created. Probably goes back all the way to materialism. It’s more than a coincidence that those who end up president (bar one) were all related to John King of England. There is something very sketchy happening in these Masonic and genealogy societies.
Guess I fell for it hook line and sinker. My bad.
There is a bug in the comment software plugin. If you hit the save button twice fast, it reposts the entire comment. Twice.
Very good analysis of the new UK legislation:
There’s a link to all 96 pages of the primary document if anyone wants to read it.
It’s basically the roadmap put into law but a couple of interesting points:
1) The last stage of the roadmap, June 21st, isn’t included but all the others are. Does this mean they know it ain’t happening?
2) The legislation comes into force on 29/3. 2+9 = 11 then 11 x 3 = 33.
Twiiter and all this other “social media” horseshit is part of the problem not the solution
How’s all that talk of the Beatles contributing to this site?
Stop talking about something I don’t like = self-censorship. Well done.
Still got further to go. It hasn’t touched on the double bluffumentary, Let Him Be (2009) reviewed here by Miles Mattis.
OK, I’m done.
MM is SO off on that one (and his genealogical investigations are often bizarre, too) it’s comical. The guy looks very little like Lennon, speaks like a guy imitating Lennon, plays guitar like someone who never played 12-hour shows in Hamburg and sings like a so-so Lennon imitator. When Miles matched the moles on the guy (who is, after all, a professional Lennon imitator and wouldn’t be above using make-up), to Lennon’s moles… I laughed out loud.
I only bother to talk about all this Beatles stuff because the whole “BEATLES/ TAVISTOCK” thing is a major Parapolitical rabbit hole. And it’s a misdirection. The Beatles, like all Cold War Pop (and all that came after) were hijacked, via Media, toward the purposes of Social Engineering.
All the “Faul” stuff and “John is Alive” stuff belongs in the Bigfoot file.
Why mix up the John / Paul angle? Serious researchers have looked in to the Faul episode and came out with completely different perspective. Its certainly not something on a par with BF but it is a rabbit hole.
How is you having a dozen names here contributing to anything, Jack-Jill troll?
John Lewis shutting 8 stores as Amazon expands its market share. The transfer of UK wealth to US Corporations continues. Thank you operation Covid.
If the vaccine is the key to ending lockdowns, the scare over the vaccines safety came just in time to screw the EU after the UK had vaccinated the majority of their vulnerable. The UK has also clearly been blocking vaccine sales to the EU. The UK is using the vaccine as a weapon. The fact it does’t work and vaccinations have not allowed the UK to be return to normal is irrelevant at this point.
there is no vaccine because there is no virus. all there is is a terrorist group trying to blame children for the murders they have been conducting.
What is the argument used to justify not using the whole strand of nucleic acid from a virus? There will be a reason.
Ha ha a weapon against what? What virus? What pandemic? Geezuz H Kreist wtfu sheeple
The Daily Mail right now…
Over 50? Book a jab while still you can: England’s top doctor urges patients entitled to Covid vaccine to make an appointment by MONDAY or risk delay as ‘pause’ in supply will see many centres close for WEEKS
Could they be any more desperate?
They lock us out of surgeries and leave lonely and frightened people to fend for themselves all year ( my local surgery looked like Stalag 17), and now they are falling over themselves to get us in for Billy Boy’s monkey juice inserted straight into our bloodstreams. Fuck these bastards.
Like a closing down sale……but I do worry it contains the antidote to the virus bomb the US is going to drop on China.
I’ll take my chances mate
Me to.
I’m 61. I’ve now had 2 letters and 3 text messages. I haven’t responded to any of them as I don’t want my “file” to be marked. Unlike some, I haven’t yet had the phone call.
It’ll come……………….
Fuck the file. Stand up and be counted man.
I do, I was in London last weekend. You ?
I got my letter yesterday. It was handy as I had just run out of toilet paper. I then recycled it.
We’re being told here in Mex that those under 60 might not get the elusive prick for 6 months (Thank Feck).
Does this seem like a plan? Unlock the world for a few months to put velocity back into $$ causing massive inflation? Get rid of those draining the social security empty teet when vaccine reactions kick in, as described by Doc Tenpenny? Then call it third wave zombie variant and jab the youngers with the chip? Job done.
The reason Americans don’t have healthcare, free universities, pensions, paid vacations etc.., is because a few people do this kind of stuff, or 10 of them walk in a circle with banners screaming ‘’don’t shoot us’’.
The reason the French have the best healthcare in the world, free universities, maternity leave, and so much more is because they go to war with the state when they want something. Corbett is a stooge.
The French have the best healthcare in the world and free universities!
Hahahaha. Nice one.
How can the French health system be better? …. everything is available instantly and free to use & Universities are free.
You are not trolling in the USA, people can read here.
Is their high per capita ‘Covid’ death rate a sign of excellence, then?
Trolling? Can’t help thinking of Putin’s response to Biden’s silly descriptions of him.
You have no idea what you are talking about, you are an idiot, go away.
Hope you appreciate the upvote, LOL.
You’ll need to change your name now, everyone knows you’re a troll.
That’s you. But changing your name daily doesn’t stop us from knowing you are the same lying ADL scum who lives here penning drivel twenty four seven.
what is the ADL ……. do they pay well?
Hampton Victor aka Jack-Jill aka Gortling Hue – we are on to you.
Hmmm. What you have written may be. But I have some observations about France having been there for two weeks on business a few years ago. 1 – You can’t eat at a restaurant whenever you want, especially in the afternoon, because all of the eateries are closed for their afternoon nap or whatever. It’s the same after what Americans think of as after dinner time. 2 – The main speaker at the convention barely made it for his speech because some of the French transportation workers were on strike and he was stuck at the airport in Paris. 3 – People couldn’t return home from the convention as planned because French railway workers went on strike during the convention. 4 – We couldn’t visit the Eiffel Tower because some of the French “security” services were on strike. 5 – Writing of Paris, the food there was the worst we had in all of France. Beside Paris, the food and drink were excellent, I’ll give you that. 6 – Three speeding tickets were mailed to me in the United States two months after being there. The tickets were issued automatically by cameras for going 5km (3mph) over the speed limit. Since I generally was always “going with the flow”, one can only imagine the money raised by France from its drivers. Maybe that’s why some things in France are “free”. 7 – Some of the French gas station attendants were the rudest people I have ever met. 8 – Parking a car in France is always a pay situation. That assumes you can even find a place to part which was always a challenge. 9 – Lastly, the food was stellar, except as noted above in Paris. But it was also very expensive. Aside from healthcare and University being free,… Read more »
My only visit to France was to Paris, and yes, Parisian food was incomparably disgusting.
Gotta stay out of those tourist restaurants. Having spent a bunch of time driving all over France looking for a house, seeing as its about the only place to buy one without needing a
mortgagebank extortion contract – I (fortunately as it has turned out) didn’t go ahead – the French state is very intrusive and more info is required to purchase a fixerupper than is palatable to an anarchist. (kinda like BTC)Said fixerupper would have been in ruins before renovations were completed as French workers are the laziest in the world. I waited two months for a simple report on the sewage (mandatory by law for purchase) – there was none.
You can only employ ‘artisan’ workers on a reno – at inflated prices and endless lunch hours
I almost missed my flight, waiting for airport shuttle that would never come due to striking drivers who didnt want to get out and load luggage but refused to let passengers load their own effing bag.
I missed my visit to Versailles due to strike – and never received a refund for expensive entrance ticket.
The emigres there are the most hostile Ive ever encountered and seem to be looking for the chance to shout racist with zero provocation.
I could go on…
France is charming.( Polite ), love from the UK.
Irish barrister calls for urgent action against vaccine passports.
Legal text for EU Vaccine Passports has been drafted and MEPs will be asked to push through fast-track regulation, based on the following six main points.
Fast-track review procedure
Uses regulation (effective immediately) rather than directive
Legislation claims to restore the freedom to travel
Digital Green Certificate will “restore” this freedom
Will be suspended when pandemic is over but will resume if WHO declares another
Regulation has not undergone any impact assessment due to its urgency
Certificate will include three levels, covering those who have not yet been jabbed
Barrister Tracey O’Mahony says: “This legislation fails to recognize that fundamental human rights do not derive from politicians. It therefore sets a dangerous precedent for the future.”
Link to draft legislation:
Link to Google Drive with draft letter and Irish MEPs contact list:
YouTube channel of Tracey O’ Mahony, Barrister at Law
We are about to be told that this jab doesn’t work……. wait for it. Then there will be a new jab that does work. Welcome to the world of unending jabs. Or as the Americans like to call it, your tax to the American empire.
Repeated vaccinations are not so much a health system, as an international revenue collection system with menace.
Thanks Moneycircus. I was also able to extrapolate for the UK government’s call for evidence regarding the Covid Status Certification, adding the Nuremberg Code for good measure. As Vera Sharav said in her interview with Reiner Fuellmich, it is unbreakable, it is forever. We must use it.
“Will be suspended when pandemic is over but will resume if WHO declares another
Regulation has not undergone any impact assessment due to its urgency.
This is World Health Organization crap. The United Nations needs to be dismantled, period. WHO operatives are lowly pawns on the chessboards of persons such as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and others. They are all pathetic losers.
Flash Mobs though offering some brief amusement, methinks they come way too late and offer little as we hit the critical weeks for end game resistance. Johnson said “He believed Covid certification had the backing of the British people who understood the need for protective measures…” and suggested he backed a more wide-ranging use for vaccine passports, which a committee led by Michael Gove is currently investigating. Investigating? No… foot shuffling till the inevitable rubber stamping. If you don’t opt for the bio-gene jab, you’ll need constant daily/weekly testing (at your cost) to enter venues… as you will lack the green QR NHS code. See what they did there? So how can Boris be so sure of his Gates/Blair backed security health strategy? Let’s go to the BBC website comment section for clues. “Not having a vaccination is a choice. If you make that choice accept the consequences and don’t whinge about your human rights.” “Not quite. By refusing the vaccine you are actively deliberately choosing to restrict your own freedom of movement. Your free choice, you live with it.” “This is absolutely disgraceful. Vaccines aren’t something only provided for the privileged. They are available, FOR FREE, to every citizen. You have to actively choose not to have it or refuse it. By doing so you actively endanger others. If you refuse it, you should have your rights restricted more than those who don’t.” “What about the rights of the rest of society who have to come into contact with the unvaccinated? Do they count?” It simple folks, spend millions on Govt. propaganda fearmongering, and what you get in return is fully compliant and non-thinking individuals. See how quickly your liberties are stamped on, by the above comments? The Nazi’s grabbed power during the 1930s as there was no… Read more »
It is hard to see how this is going to stick. People will not goo to places it is required.
I am so sick of this evil fucking face
I share his contempt for the human race.
Randall Flagg?
Very much so :)) A fugly version of Dorian Gray is another suggestion. I wonder in which dark place the portrait is hanging, although I think in Bliar’s case the portrait is leaking out onto his real world version.
when will he go awayyyyyyyy
Why do media listen to this war criminal
He is the deep state’s mr. fix-it.
Bring back “Jim’ll Fix It” As “Tony’ll Fix It!” Every Iraqi should have a badge: “Tony Fixed It For Me!”
If it really is a vaccine, it makes you immune so you should not have to worry whether those you come into contact with have had it or not.
My Guardian posts today: of course I survived only a few minutes.
‘’Who knew, all you needed to do was:
1) Flatter a few unsuccessful scientists,
2) Rig opinion polls à la every election.
3) supply tests which always show a given number of false positives.
4) to provide cover for a handful of captured politicians,
and you can destroy an entire country. So easy even the CIA could do it.
Let the fire-sale of the a broken UK begin…….trillions & trillion of, shortly to be worthless, dollars accepted.’’
‘’Where is the flu this year? Oh its been ‘rebranded.‘’
‘’We’re being told there will be a ‘third wave’ to gain Amazon more market share, is that true minister? ‘’
Trouble with flash mobs is they could easily end up looking like those nurses. I would steer clear of anything involving music and synchronized dance. It’s an easy vector for mind control. (In synchronized dance the “lead” directs the movements of the followers by means of non-verbal directions conveyed through a physical connection between the dancers — I think we’ve got enough manipulation coming from the governments right now). Consider Jon Rappoport’s article on Covid-as-cult: “This is not ordinary life any longer. This is different. Fear, interest, excitement, anticipation are all available. Which are exactly what occult initiations are supposed to provoke: the magnified sense of possibility. The Ordinary is gone.”. The virus appeals to Joe Nobody — he finds meaning in the whole — inspired by the same language as the first lines of Riefenstahl’s Triumph of The Will: “Twenty years after the outbreak… Sixteen years after the start of the suffering… Nineteen months after the start of the rebirth…” Cue an orchestral version of Horst–Wessel–Lied. Nowadays it could be pulsing bass, vibrating through your body. People say they like heavy bass because it wipes the mind and relaxes them. Frankly, I can’t help thinking of the beat military music which is also functional music. And then those “epic” chord progressions… close my eyes and I can see thousands, lined up into the distance, one hand in the air, their eyes all focused on one spot. And the eternal DJ riles the crowd, with talk of a new beginning, sweeping all before it: One World, One Love, One People, One Aim… to 6uild 6ack 6etter! Nuremberg-style roar of approval (we can do better nowadays with digital FX), searchlights and strobes, illuminating — high above the crowd — a monumental symbol … is it an all-seeing eye, some predatory beast or… Read more »
“I would steer clear of anything involving music. It’s an easy vector for mind control.”
It’s the only form of communication that by-passes the limbic system. Does it make any sense to imagine the controllers don’t know this or have sought to weaponise it? Yet one has more chance convincing most Baby Boomers about lizard-people than that their beloved music was engineered….
Meanwhile, Johnson’s statement about pubs brings the future into sharper focus. Pubs can either police vaccination or go under. Maintaining “social distancing” is clearly unviable for most pubs, especially smaller ones.
St Jacinda’s new charges for quarantine have also exposed her true nature more clearly. The Fraudian reports on them as if she had nothing to do with it, as if the NZ government acts without its leader having any say in the matter. They’ll run any cover, no matter how desperate or ridiculous, for the heroines of the compatible left.
I’ve always believed the attack on pubs, going back 100 years, was designed to prevent the people assembling and speaking freely. The main changes were:
WW1 – cut opening hours to keep munitions workers sober but just as likely to stop people giving voice to their real thoughts.
1989 Blair Gov – split brewers and landlords and broke up a complex monopoly but also broke the economics of the pub business.
2006/7 Blair Gov – indoor smoking ban with no choice of smoking & non-smoking rooms/pubs.
2010-20s – Series of financial crises led to money printing & bailouts, pumping up asset prices and rents.
2020 – Lockdown bankrupts main street. Bankers poised to buy up assets.
The drinks business has always known that alcohol is next in the firing line after tobacco, at least in a social setting. Oh, the elite are fine with addictions like opioids, so long as you overdose quietly, while social distancing in your own home.
George Orwell’s ideal pub was already fictional by 1943: The Moon Under Water
Horrific TV screens in commercial pubs that appeared in weatherspoons yates etc with the line of urgent breaking news, on every screens
and no music in the pubs just screens with the latest news
also free house allowed to sell any alcohol usually better quality including the food.,
They cant with a lease hold you only sell the usual crap brand totally GM and toxic which effects the high so they actually regulate = control what you can and cant drink controlling the high.
the last decade 100’s of live music venues closed the licenses board in area where they build houses and flats they moved near and pub and club venues and the fuckign newbies flat house owners would complain to the council / licencing & it cost so much money to get lawyers to fight this.
On purpose fuckd to stop people meeting actually goes back longer than blair.
hilaire beloc wrote wistfully of the loss of the pubs over a century ago…
historically the taverns were used for organising against various tyrannies and are probably one of the strongest cultural institutions in the british isles…
obviously the demented degenerates behind the current cultural suicide have deemed them racist white supremacist and anathema to our multiculti dystopia ( all recreation will be carefully ‘regulated’), though I suspect they are really afraid of men gathering and discussing without the electronic eye firmly beaded on them..
and of course what ‘conclusions’ they may collectively draw and thus may act upon…
Hearing you loud and clear. Never works though, does it?
Prohibition is a recipe for fun. In my view it is the real driver of societal revolution. We will see.
expect enforcement officers, policing your new bio-digital ‘economy’… this is how you slip into the draconian surveillance state blair and his cohorts are salivating over…
it will be a hard sell, there will be trouble.
by the way most comments on msm are curated and staffed with sock puppets..
nudge nudge…
The one good thing to say about those militaristic vids is that they would provide a welcome break from the “concerned bleeding heart” epics with little Greta giving us her broken English whilst the camera pans past deprived – but oddly photogenic – children, all to the accompaniment of soulful piano doodles.
Beautifully said. Bravo!
Thanks for the Rapp link.
Maybe a real Flash mob, as in totally nude, and (horror of horrors) no masks either, we can call it ‘Flashdance 2 – In The Nuddey’. That should supply the DM with some new and relevant covidiot footage.
Who knew all you needed to do was:
1) Flatter & bribe a few unsuccessful scientists.
2) Rig opinion polls à la every election.
3) supply tests which always supply a given number of false positives.
4) to provide cover for a handful of captured politicians.
and you can destroy an entire country.
It took them twenty years of tests: false flags, dilution of decent education – removal of the humanities from the curriculum to make only vocational courses available, springs of various hues, ( compare the Ukraine viking in their parliament to the Maga version in the US Congress) applied behavioural psychology at airports etc, and infinite amounts of cash to create the conditions to bring this about. Now ask yourself, when the Bank of England has no comment regarding the total destruction or our economy, and when Harold Wilson is quoted as saying that the very same bank made it very clear to him he could not enact any of more important policies he had offered to the electorate, what this is all about.
It is about the US using ‘disaster capitalism’ against the UK & Europe, with the help of the British elites, to strip it bare of its wealth and assets. Something they have been doing in Africa and South America for decades.
Harold Wilson did enact many of his policies but he was also spied on by MI5 and perhaps even the CIA. The British elites were on the verge of staging a coup against him, under the control of Lord Mountbatten of Burma with a few generals. (not a banker).
Always ask yourself: what is really happening? when the airports are occupied by the military as they were only recently.
Yes the war proved very simple and easy….not one shot fired….we didn’t need all those big planes, ships, tanks etc…useless against a few lies and plenty of bullshit.
A tweet can encompass the whole world before the devil has even looked at his boots, let alone get ’em on.
Corbett again turning real rage into harmless dance, the deep state love this guy.
MASS demonstration works better.
The court jester:always the smartest one in the room:and the most fearful for their life.
Jimmy Dore and even Tim Dillon are the current ‘court jesters’ in the USA.
Maybe I should have done a solo flash mob in the shop I was just in…
Paid for what I wanted, maskless of course, and the young lady asked how my day was going. I responded “really good, I’m having the day off, coz I can”.
A couple of questions later, and I let slip: “oh, I’ve actually just had the last 4 days off coz I got a bad cold at the weekend”. Oh dear. Oops.
The young lady looked like she had just seen a ghost! She backed away from the counter quick smart, then she goes ‘have a good day’ with a look of fear on her face.
This is what the media filth has done, along with the psychopaths behind the scamdemic.
lol @ ‘oh dear, Ooops’ was what I meant to say.
no different than being moslem on a train with a rucksack and getting a phone call
on your mobile i seen a whole carriage empty when this happen the poor moslem guy looked at me i just couldn’t stop laughing
gota love the shills on alt media
Maybe she just did not want your cold. Been the standard reaction forever. I went something like this, “Your are fucking sick and came to work anyway?!!!!! Get the fuck out of here!!!!!” But we had a good work relationship…………
I said it here about 6 months ago, flash mobs of people not wearing masks is a subversive act of rebellion against TPTB and is a damn good thing. We need lot’s of them. Would imagine there are lot’s of other creative ideas to do concurrently with that to start shifting the conversation back to the sanity side of things. And so it is…
the covidian cult are so disconnected from reality they think they will survive after what they have done and even flourish. they should be begging for the protection of the courts and handing themselves in for trial before they are blown away by the approaching storm.
I think the best thing you can do, when you have lived in a family home since birth, and your Dad drops dead, and your Mum moves away, to live near your older brother and family many miles away
24 and there is so much more..
Is to get your own place, put Neil Young Heart of Gold, on several times, and Roadtest the Best for 5 years…and ask…her
Fuck it Lets Get married and have kids
He is 33 years old now, and still here now with his kids
You can’t beat Family
“Family “Burlesque””
My Wife’s an Angel
Good god, really? This is the same crap they did in Egypt.
My idea of a flash mob. There’s rebellion there, just unfortunately made for a mainstream audience.
Corbett’s next upload after this one, his interview on ‘Life and Life Only’ is concerning to me. Is Corbett really so unaware about The Beatles? Their mutual love-in about John Lennon was bad enough. That he went out of his way big-up the genius of Paul McCartney was extraordinary. Doesn’t McCartney’s pimping of the vaccine beg a few questions? What particularly concerns me about Corbett on The Beatles is that he uses a lot of the same sophistry techniques he accuses others of when it suits him. Certain arguments are just never mentioned although it’s hard to believe Corbett is ignorant of them. In the past Corbett has said critics have a “check list” of “truther” claims one must believe in not to be a shill – but isn’t this exactly what he did with Chomsky? It isn’t what Corbett believes that concerns me but that he seems evasive and disingenuous on a crucial topic. It stretched coincidence theory that Corbett went out of his way to wish he’d been there when The Beatles were writing their songs just when there’s a growing body of evidence that they could not have written much of the music attributed to them. Corbett also engaged in some classic “strawman” tactics by mentioning that Adorno didn’t write all their songs (the claim put forward by John Coleman) as if that’s the only alternative to the official legend. Mike Williams’ (Sage of Quay) in-depth investigation on whether The Beatles wrote their own music is the place to look for anyone interested in this. It also seems unlikely that The Beatles played much of the music on their albums (this is now scarcely denied about other 60s’ acts like The Byrds or The Mamas and the Papas; Ringo’s limitations as a drummer and John’s as a… Read more »
I think one can “big up the genius of Paul McCartney” as a song writer and musician without necessarily agreeing with his views on the vaccines or anything else for that matter. James Corbett is clearly a Beatles fan and loves their music. As for his not mentioning the “obvious signs of occultism and Freemasonry that surround the Beatles’ he considers himself an evidence based researcher. Not a theorist. He has mentioned many times why he doesn’t cover freemasonry and occult secret societies. It’s because he’s an evidence based researcher.
Also, personally speaking as a songwriter and musician myself, I don’t buy the theory that the Beatles didn’t write and play their songs. I think they have a unique harmonic and melodic style that is constant throughout their career even as their music evolved. Whatever influence the Tavistock Institute had on their image, messaging and cultural impact I’m sure that whoever wrote their songs wrote all of them. I’m not a huge fan of them like Corbett. I prefer The Kinks but I recognise the collective genius of The Beatles and don’t find it impossible that they wrote all their songs at all.
Quincy Jones Calls The Beatles “The WORST Musicians in the World”
Well considering the crap they wrote early in the piece their only allure really was being a white bread boys band. The real boy bands came out of Detroit Mowtown and were black, but they endured to write fabulous music for decades. Lennon was my hero from the very beginning and I always thought McCartney had no genius or kill or talent at all. Colmpare their early stuff to the early Bee Gees and they pale into nothing.
“their only allure really was being a white bread boys band” Nah, that’s an unbalanced and uninformed view. And Lennon’s version of “Twist and Shout” blows the Isley’s version (and the other early one, too) out of the water. McCartney was massively talented but couldn’t tell his gems from his trinkets (a common problem). Lennon was the coolest, with a visionary edge, and I think the Elephant in the Room… the fact that “Imagine” is pretty much the Great Reset Anthem… is down to Ono’s dire influence. Lots of post-Hippies were espousing such pre-New Age ice cream (see, eg: Jessie Colin Young) and Lennon was too open to influence from Ono, who was from one of the wealthiest banking families in Japan and may well have been his witting handler. I’m friends with a guy who not only managed Stevie Wonder (and owns some co-writes in the Motown back catalogue) but who cut his teeth in management teams handling the young Beatles and early Bowie, too, and he and I often chatted about the respective styles. It’s all about Apples (no pun intended) and Oranges: sure, nobody in or around The Beatles could ever come close to singing like (the master) David Ruffin, or play bass like the great James Jamerson, but not even Marvin’s “What’s Going On” has the literary depth of “A Day in the Life,” as amazing as Marvin’s track is musically. Marvin states the nobly obvious in simple couplets… “A Day in the Life” opens up your head. I write all this as a Black musician (I earned a decent living for quite awhile co-writing shitty pop) whose father was a jazz DJ at a radio station in LA in the late ’50s. He didn’t get The Beatles, either. But I’m quite sure he would have… Read more »
(please forgive all rapidly-typed typos)
I am 68 so have a very broad knowledge of most genres of music, my grandpa taught me to appreciate Billie, Bessie, Burl Ives, Lena Horne, Peggy Lee, Johnny Cash, Waylon and co., Marty Robbins, Motown, he was a music nut and so am I. The Bee Gees were writing anti racism songs in their teens when the Beatles were warbling “I wanna hold your hand” and Love, love me do. No contest – or if you like compare one of my all time favourites Papa was a Rolling stone and Help.
The thing about “Imagine” is that John was going through his politically fluid phase when he wrote it. Many go through that fluid phase in college, and it quite often entails a dabbling in communism. John went through it at a somewhat later stage because his political awakening was retarded by the insanely congested professional grind that dominated his twenties.
“Imagine” doesn’t represent “John’s Philosophy” any more than something you or I might have penned in our journal at age 19 or 20 represents ours.
At the time he wrote it, he was surrounded by intensively communistic hangers-on, who were stroking his ego and trying to co-opt his charismatic talents into the engineered, controlled opposition that all communistic movements have always been. They were all whispering in his ear that he was going to be the “Working-Class Hero” who would spark the transformation of man and society. Ultimately, he rejected that whole scene because he had a core conscience, and principled toughness, unlike anyone else.
Once They knew They couldn’t draft him into either the Polite Right or the Revolutionary Left, They killed him with a wind-up goon as is Their habit. He was too much of a liability. Too charismatic; too influential; and too independent. (Paul, on the other hand…)
The Goon was just a patsy, though, Comrade! The shooter was the doorman.
What always interested me was A) Yoko insisting on a schedule change that made the hit possible and B) her hurrying ahead of John after they exited the limo. The book that was badmouthed the most, all these years…Goldman’s “The Lives of John Lennon”… will get you closer to the truth.
José Sanjenís Perdomo , a man of many aliases (including Joaquín Sanjenís, Sam Jenis, Sanjenis Perdomo , José Joaquín[1] and probably Luis Sanjenís), was a Chief of Police during Cuban President Carlos Prio‘s regime. Perdomo went into exile after Fidel Castro took power and was recruited by the CIA. Working from CIA/Miami station in the early 1960s, he recruited most of the members of Operation 40 (a CIA hit squad). He was working as night doorman at the Dakota on Dec. 8, 1980,[2] when John Lennon was killed, and told the police that Mark Chapman was the assassin – a fact unmentioned by commercially-controlled media until March 1987.[3][4]
I don’t get the Beatles and never will. Their music leaves me cold. Reminds me of nursery rhymes.
Give me Coltrane, Hendrix, Gaye, Marley or Al Green over the Beatles.
Amazing. Not unlistenable.
Who can dislike any of these artists? Whereas, I don’t see the Beatles as artists but an obviously manufactured, managed and highly promoted product. A product like cereal; with artificial colors, hidden additives and sugar. As someone pointed out further down the thread, they used Crawley on one of their covers. They went to India and did the Swami new age scam. They are obviously assets of the cryptocracy.
Plus McCartney blew 800k on chemtrailing to ensure a sunny day for his wedding to the narcissist Heather.
“Quincy Jones Calls The Beatles “The WORST Musicians in the World”
Quincy Jones was/is a typical jazz-head who undoubtedly considered Dylan worthless, too. He’s from another showbiz and Vegas-y corner of the world and considered Tevin Campbell’s output superior to “A Day in the Life,” “I Am The Walrus,” “Strawberry Fields,” et al. That’s just his corny pre-set. I’ll take the Revolver album over (Michael Jackson’s) Bad any time, but that’s a matter of Art vs Craft.I love great jazz and love great ’60s Pop, too. Too many musos get lost in technique (in fact I know quite a few who do); you can’t take their pronouncements seriously.
Maybe, but Quincy Jones was a motherfucker of a musician. He studied with Nadia Boulanger too, which in itself gives him a lot of street credit.
I mean he knew shit about music per se. There is nothing wrong with pop art, but the fact of the matter is that music as an art form is a bit more involved that primitive stuff written by the likes of Dylan – by which I don’t mean to detract from its overall artistic value, just stating that the music component is primitive.
Yes, BUT, you’re missing the Literary Component of the New Mutation on the form of the Traditional Folk Song Lennon spearheaded. And which reached its zenith in Joni Mitchell (and to a lesser extent with Fagen’s lyrics for Steely Dan), later maintained as a noble tradition by Fiona Apple. Again: Apples and Oranges. Dylan’s “Tangled Up In Blue” is a masterpiece as is Archie Shepp’s “Sous le ciel de Paris” as is Ultravox’s “My Sex” as is Beethoven’s Grosse Fugue! Luckily, I don’t have to choose… I get to keep all of them.
Speaking of which:
I’m not missing it. As the whole package, pop music is just as valuable as any other art form.
I’m speaking strictly of the music component, which is simplistic if not downright primitive. However, people equal pop music to music per se, which is wrong.
BTW, this has it all … music, lyrics, timbre … masterpiece …
“As the whole package, pop music is just as valuable as any other art form.”
Technically, the form I’m describing moved beyond “Pop”… Joni Mitchell’s “Coyote” isn’t Pop and it’s as sophisticated (though perhaps not as intensely performed) as anything by Nina Simone.
“I’m speaking strictly of the music component, which is simplistic if not downright primitive”
“Primitive” can be quite a blurry conceptual term: what’s richer: something “primitive” by Howlin Wolf, or something more complex by Kenny G.? Are the cave paintings of Lascaux less impressive/ moving/ rich than anything by Jeff Koons…?
You mean this Kenny G …. ? …. 😀 ….
Kenny G is not complex at all, he’s kitsch par excellence.
Anyway, we’d have to define what “richer” means, establish some yardstick for measuring artistic value. Not sure whether that’s possible or beneficial in any way.
Yeah, I’m holding poor Kenny up as a simpering figure of fun but the arrangements are LOTS more complex than Howlin Wolf’s.
Exactly. As the Latin saying goes… “De Gustibus…”
“BTW, this has it all … music, lyrics, timbre … masterpiece”
Absolutely. I have all those discs (though as CDs, not vinyl). Two Against Nature and Morph the Cat are wonders, too. You should read Fagen’s book Eminent Hipsters if you haven’t.
Stupid people trying to sound clever….love it.
Quincy Jones ? sure grandad, he was a ‘motherfucker of a musician’ if you were a 14 year old girl.
Zkus si zarazit hlavu sam sobe do prdele. To be te melo uklidnit.
Did you spill your cabbage soup on your keyboard?
A relative is a jazz musician. Anyhow, an old and goldie – what is the difference between a rock musician and a jazz musician? A rock musician knows 3 chords and plays to an audience of 3000, a jazz musician knows 3000 chords and plays to an audience of 3.
I know that one! Here’s another: What do you call a guy who hangs out with musicians…?
PS I’m not saying I agree with that joke, btw.
I don’t know, spill it. What do you call him?
And what’s the difference between a professional drummer and a large pizza?
A drummer
Ha that’s really the punch line?!
It occurred to me, which is why I thought of my drummer joke, but didn’t think it was funny enough.
(Still don’t. -_^ )
Ha ha. I know that joke-template but the target of the vicious defamation always changes…!
Three? Believe it or not, but on some nights no-fucking-body shows up.
But people do come out to see jazz. As an art form, jazz is as close as it comes to real FREEDOM. There are people who appreciate that …
Listen to this solo … can one be freer that that …?
Well, maybe Indian classical music …
THOSE guys! Love it!
Have you heard of Pseuds Corner in Private eye?
Exactly. It’s a silly theory based on an ignorance of the kind of music The Beatles did, which wasn’t super-human. Ray Davies was writing equally great material to considerably less fanfare… as were others. The “The Beatles didn’t writre/ perform their music” theory is up there with “Paul is Dead (and/or John is alive)” theory. On the other hand, lots of the stuff that came out of California in the ’60s had session musicians all over it because mostly they were a Look and a Vibe and lots of them couldn’t play (a la The Monkees).
Too many Theories (generated by Shill Sites) and not enough Evidence Based Research out there.
They probably came up with the melodies and got copious help with harmonization, arrangements.
That’s fairly well-documented on a song-by-song basis. Lots of the pre-Pepper stuff they wrote, together, intact (chords and all).
Maybe they did, what do I know, I’m not a Beatles researcher.
When I hear a song like Michelle, the descending cliche line over the minor chord (7, b7, 6), I’d venture to say that somebody other than the Beatles themselves suggested that, considering their knowledge of harmony.
The harmonies, including vocals, sound just a tad too polished and smooth to be put together by people without relatively extensive knowledge of music theory.
But it’s mostly my impression … could be wrong
Nope, that tune was one of McCartney’s oldest. The Beatles were relatively sophisticated with chords, as they were covering standards (a la material from The Music Man) in Hamburg… and that PLUS the lack of formal training led them to be experimental and develop their ears rather than stick to standard progressions. If you play guitar yourself you’ll know that descending chromatic movements are especially tempting to the seasoned novice when exploring chords/ composition/ harmonies.
(He DID get help with the French lyrics)
Actually, their harmonies are VERY standard and very smooth and polished. As far as I can remember, their earliest stuff was simple, nice melodies, nice songs. Then it became more polished, better arranged. I don’t know whether they became better musicians or got help. I’d say the latter. Their experimental material only came later.
Frankly, I don’t know how novices approach harmony. I started when I was six, played/studied music my whole life.
BTW, whatever I say is NOT in any way meant to detract from whatever the Beatles did. It’s great stuff, to some extent I grew up on it. I don’t care if they got help from somebody or not.
You’ve already mentioned George Martin in this thread: long term Beatles’ producer. They auditioned for him in June 1962.
Martin was a composer and arranger who also wrote film scores (Live and Let Die). There was input from the Beatles and Martin, but it is clear where the compositional expertise lay and, on some occasions, he had the final say. Wiki:
“Most of the Beatles’ orchestral arrangements and instrumentation were written or performed by Martin, as well as frequent keyboard parts on the early records, in collaboration with the less musically experienced band.
It was Martin’s idea to score a string quartet accompaniment for “Yesterday” against McCartney’s initial reluctance. Martin played the song in the style of Bach to show McCartney the voicings that were available. Another example is the song “Penny Lane“, which featured a piccolo trumpet solo that was requested by McCartney after hearing the instrument on a BBC broadcast. McCartney hummed the melody that he wanted, and Martin notated it for David Mason, the classically trained trumpeter.”
That makes sense. One of my university professors once talked about that, I remember that he mentioned some insider knowledge.
Some of the stuff simply couldn’t be scored without extensive knowledge of harmony, counterpoint, etc. People might be inspired, which the Beatles clearly were, but they need the craft. They can’t pull it out of thin air.
This is why I qualified my statement with “That’s fairly well-documented on a song-by-song basis. Lots of the pre-Pepper stuff they wrote, together, intact (chords and all).”
But what you guys are discussing now is arrangement, not composition, as you know. George Martin, as great a producer as he was, had no talent in the area of the original composition of songs. Martin’s governing input on arrangements is common knowledge but even, eg, Prince enjoyed the benefit of Clare Fischer’s arrangements (strings). But within the fancy clothing of the production/ arrangement,… and taking into account the key contribution of the engineers… the songs (with their often unusual/ creative progressions) remain pure.
Steve, I don’t hear much of “unusual/creative progressions” in Beatles music. If you study tonal harmony, roughly Bach to Wagner, you’ll find all of the harmonic, counterpunctal, and melodic devices the Beatles used in there and the some …
To be able to put harmonies, such as vocals, together to sound as smoothly as the Beatles, you simply have to have knowledge of legit harmony.
Anyway, I’m splitting hair … it doesn’t matter …
I remember that they used to say that the Beatles were nice boys while the Rolling Stones were the real deal. There is probably some truth to that.
Jacques! Within the standard canon of the popular song, The Beatles may not have favored Wagner’s exalted dissonances, but they did tend to throw chords together in sequences (and order) in which they were not commonly used. But if we keep arguing this point, the OffPiste Patrol is going to put the torch to both of us, so… “I remember that they used to say that the Beatles were nice boys while the Rolling Stones were the real deal. There is probably some truth to that.” Quite the reverse. The Beatles were working class (essentially, minus John’s Auntie) scousers, The Stones were middle class Art students. To quote Motorhead’s Lemmy: (Here’s an excerpt from his autobio, White Line Fever) And the Beatles were hard men too. Brian Epstein cleaned them up for mass consumption, but they were anything but sissies. They were from Liverpool, which is like Hamburg or Norfolk, Virginia–a hard, sea-farin’ town, all these dockers and sailors around all the time who would beat the piss out of you if you so much as winked at them. Ringo’s from the Dingle, which is like the f***ing Bronx. The Rolling Stones were the mummy’s boys–they were all college students from the outskirts of London. They went to starve in London, but it was by choice, to give themselves some sort of aura of disrespectability. I did like the Stones, but they were never anywhere near the Beatles–not for humour, not for originality, not for songs, not for presentation. All they had was Mick Jagger dancing about. Fair enough, the Stones made great records, but they were always s**t on stage, whereas the Beatles were the gear. I remember one gig the Beatles had at the Cavern, It was just after they got Brian Epstein as their manager. Everyone in Liverpool… Read more »
Alright then. Not my generation anyway; I’m younger than that. I only remember Beatles songs from my childhood. I don’t think I’ve ever played one in my life, surely not on a gig. I’m a jazz, R&B, Latin, Caribbean music kinda guy. Truth be told, there are tons of other pop artists I find much more inspiring, both as far as poetry (for instance the aforementioned Bob Dylan) and the music itself. Peace …!
Peace, Comrade! (and nice guitars, too)
“It’s a silly theory based on an ignorance of the kind of music The Beatles did”
And it betrays the philistine’s mentality of someone who has never written a song before, and let alone has ever had an inspired streak where one writes three songs in a single day of varied mood, to one’s own amazement. Creativity actually exists. (The line about technology being indistinguishable from magic also applies to music, when it comes to the un-gifted.)
The theory is particularly retarded with respect to the Beatles because their creative process is so fully documented in copious recordings where you can trace the writing and evolution of every song. The Escher demos are only the tip of the iceberg. The guys who lived through that period and hunted down bootlegs had lots and lots of proof that the Beatles wrote their own songs. The writing itself is, in every sense, “On Record.”
My Daughter approached Wife the other day, going: “You have GOT to hear this!”
The “song”? REVOLUTION #9
(my work is done)
Mike Nesbitt and Peter Tork were both accomplished musicians.
So based on that incorrect assertion its perhaps best not to hold too much validity in the rest of your ‘silly theories?’
FYI, it’s Mike Nesmith.
Fun Fact: Mike’s mother, Bette Nesmith Graham, invented the correction fluid “Liquid Paper”.
But they weren’t… they were merely so-so. On the positive side: have you seen the movie HEAD? Worth it.
Yes watched it years ago. Looked for it again a little while ago. Worth a watch.
this seem particularly germane to your comment..
memory is constructive <=false narratives can be externally implanted and used to deny reality <=this is something everyone on this list needs to engage.
Its fascinating science and IMO explains the object of the MSM misinformation campaigns.
Once a warm foundational memory is implanted, any later experience that references that earlier memory will be accepted.
I got into a bad marriage that way, thinking it suited me when in reality the circumstances of the relationship just matched an earlier childhood experience of which I had fond memories.
For people who have a narrow life experience, pop music fills this role very well. The radio and papers tell you it’s the “soundtrack of your life”… Then at some convenient time in the future a manufactured sound/product /idea/politician is sold to us as, “the one we’ve all been waiting for.”
Referential imagery and symbols are very important to pop music as well as aural symbolism. See how the 1960s fashions were so close to the 1920s. Those circles and polka dots… the youngsters of the Sixties thought they were their own new invention. But they were just another familiarity trick. Another spoon full of sugar and nanny’s reassuring tones.
The Beatles producer adding orchestral strings and then colliery brass including traditional tunes and phrases… referential, slipped in, maintaining the continuity under the guise of the new.
Hence the Monty Python continuity announcer joke: “And now for something completely different.”
Any political or material “need” can be inserted smoothly with the appropriate music and imagery. Advertising does this but the best example from politics in our own age was Blair’s Cool Britannia.
The masters, bar none, were L, L, L, Leni and the Reich.
Popular Culture
Most popular culture icons have backed the scam, which is the worst attack on mankind in history. I am disappointed that Corbett is wasting time on this sort of stuff. The Beatles could not have achieved the kind of “success” they had if they did not have the backing of the dark forces that have ruled over us for centuries and which have now turned on us. They were meant to transform society. The banksters have long promoted androgyny and pop and rock musicians have played a major part in furthering this goal.